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 Sex Education shall be taught at schools because based on the Philippine Statistics Authority, 1 in
10 young Filipino women who are age 15-19 are already getting pregnant, moreso, are already
mothers. Among young adult women aged 20 to 24, 43 percent are already mothers and 4 percent
are pregnant with their first child.
 It was also stated in the survey that one in five (19 percent) young adult Filipino women
age 18 to 24 years had initiated their sexual activity before age 18. Some of them would
have had their first intimate sexual act before marriage. The survey reveals that 15
percent of young adult women aged 20 to 24 had their first marriage or began living with
their first spouse or partner by age 18. This proportion is lower than the proportion (19
percent) earlier cited regarding initiation by young women of an intimate sexual activity.
Age at first marriage hardly changed over the years. A slightly higher proportion (17
percent) of older cohort of women (age group 40-49) had their first marriage at age 18
- On a similar study by Ruth Abbey Gita-Carlos in The Philippine News Agency entitled “Addressing
teenage pregnancies declared as ‘national priority’”, The Philippines has recorded a total of 180,916 live
births among adolescents aged 10 to 19 in 2019, according to the data from the Civil Registration and
Vital Statistics System of the Philippine Statistics Authority. The figure is equivalent to 495 live births
per day in the 10 to 19 age group.
- In accordance to the article by The University of British Columbia, teenage pregnancy may be linked to
things such as lack of education and information about reproduction, peer pressure and early engagement
of sexual activity. The media has a large effect on teen pregnancy, especially shows such as "Teen Mom"
and "16 and Pregnant". These shows often glamorize pregnancy and hide the true hardships associated
with pregnancy which encourages these teens to become pregnant. Some teenage females become
pregnant just so they are able to drop out of high school or to force their partners into a deeper

 Due to the latter, this house firmly believes that SexEd SHOULD be taught at schools since in
school those people who are curious or do not have any knowledge about how dangerous it is can
be taught. It can aswell serve as the stepping stone for the teens to protect themselves from
predators and from harm.
 thats why sex ed is very helpful, the more u guide the child from its exploration, its more safe
because the child is in schools supervision and they have knowledge about what could the
consequences be
 ** Teaching what to do during, before, and after sex can prevent teenage pregnancy as well as
other infections
 Sex education has many branches, being able to talk about it gives knowledge to children on how
to protect their sexes as well as their own body.
 'By practicing abstinence, you protect the good reputation of your friends and those you date" as
mentioned in Sex Education
 "Sex education, including its spiritual aspects, should be part of a broad health and moral
education from kindergarten through grade twelve, ideally carried out harmoniously by parents
and teachers" By Benjamin Spock,, as it was stated by Spock, sex education has many aspects
and as it was mentioned in Sex Education, having good knowlege about sex and things beyond it,
we are protecting not only ourselves but also the people around us.
 Sex education is far beyond the dont do sex, adolscent, puberty, intercourse, etc. its also about
knowing the good and the bad in terms of relationship, and about our body.
 Sex education gives us knowledge about our bodies, about different diversities, colors, and it
teaches us to accept ourselves
 if most people are aware of the things that go about with sexual intercourse and other pertinent
activities, then we would not just go around masquerading the streets and having sex just like
that. mababawasan risk on spreading stds, population growth can be observed at a more
controlled rate, which consequently gives our economy breathing room. people would be less
likely to go around the streets in poverty

ANTI ! SexEd
 It is stated in the survey of the Philippine Statistics Authority that one in five (19 percent) young
adult Filipino women age 18 to 24 years had initiated their sexual activity before age 18. Some of
them would have had their first intimate sexual act before marriage.
 “My sex ed was atrocious — we saw a pregnancy video and then they told us not to have sex!” or
“A speaker came to our class and told us we’d be like ‘chewed up gum’ if we ever had sex…”
and even worse still, “I never had sex ed. Everything I learned, I learned from the internet.”
 Imagine sex education being taught in schools. If us, highschool students were to start to
learn about sex education at school by next year if it was implemented then wouldn’t it be
 If the schools taught us “DO NOT HAVE SEX” will the children or teens follow?
 Well to be frank, they would not. If very simple school rules like for the dresscodes, basic
necessities, or basic rules like do not liter, do not write on the walls, do not bully, can not
be followed, do you think a “do not have sex” thing would be followed by the students?
- As mentioned by KQED, Some people, particularly parents and religious groups, take issue with
comprehensive sex ed because they believe it goes against their cultural or religious values, and think that
it can have a corrupting influence on kids. They say that by providing teens with this kind of information
you are endorsing and encouraging sex and risk taking.
- This talks about how sex education on children is like taining a pure white clothe with stain.
- It was also stated that parents should be the ones teaching them, not the teachers.
- A study by Science Direct entitled “Children are more exploratory and learn more than adults in
an approach-avoid task” stated that children explore more than adults even though they, like adults,
predict that exploration will be costly, and it shows that exploration and learning are correlated. Studies
support the idea that children may be more exploratory than adults, and this increased exploration
influences learning. Due to this, the curiosity of children in testing whatever is taught is higher than when
it is disregarded. Hence, teaching sex ed can encourage young children to experiment in sexual activities
- If sex education should be taught its best to teach it in a manner that it actually can understand the right
and the consequences of their actions not just by telling them dont do sex because that won't do anything
when children cant even follow simple school rules. Sex education shall be respected and served in a
respectable manner wherein people actually learn and school is not the right place for that
- like they have said on KQED, “"They focus on bodies when the real concern is souls."”, teaching
children about sex education will do nothing if the teaching is not effective and does not touch their soul
- And what are the main focuses of sex education, by the way? If its about human anatomy, about their
private areas then isn't it taught in science? Biology to be exact, and don't we have ESP to talk about what
should and shouldn't be done ?
- Sex education has many branches, it is not just about the don’t do sex but also about the whole body in
general, as well as how a person feels, but if it is taught or talked about in school, feelings of others may
be disregarded. It was stated that body dysmorphic disorder affects about 1 in 50 people. In the United
States, an estimated 5 million to 10 million people have this condition. It may be even more common than
these numbers represent. People with body dysmorphic disorder may be reluctant to discuss their
symptoms and may not receive a diagnosis. Not everyone is open to discussing the said topic. One more
thing is that the experiences of everyone regarding this varies and if not taught or discussed wisely, its
like bringing their trauma back which could lead to further issues
- and in our age, curiosity and rebellion is really common,
 Sex education is far beyond the dont do sex, adolscent, puberty, intercourse, etc. its also about
knowing the good and the bad in terms of relationship, and about our body. A matter like this is
not one that teachers should engineer or teach as it depends on a person on how their life should
be, common knowledge is already taught at schools, and it’s all dont do sex that teachers teach us
not the real meaning of sex when in reality sex is far beyond intercourse.
 To be frank, majority of the people blame the victim diba? I as a petson who have been a victim
of 1st and 2nd hand sexual harrasment, what do u think will I feel if sinabi ng tchers eh people
should dress up decently lang kasi lets be honest, kelan pa nila hindi binlame ung predator??
Wont I feel invalidated if ganon? Sexual education shall be taught without invalidating others and
school isn't the right place for that since we know that every person has its own thoughts and even
just one insensitive thing na masabi can shatter a person

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