Sovereignty in Missions Rom 10-19-21

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2. God's election of Israel 9:6-133. God's freedom to elect 9:14-184.

God's mercy toward Israel 9:19-295. God's mercy toward the Gentiles
Israel's present rejection ch. 10
1. The reason God has set Israel aside 10:1-7 2. The remedy for rejection
10:8-153. The continuing unbelief of Israel 10:16-21
v. 13 When the elect "call on" God, they are responding to His calling
of them (8:28-30). The only prayer of an unbeliever that God has
promised to answer is this prayer for salvation, though He sometimes
graciously answers other prayers that they pray.

If I have beautiful feet, how can I keep them

that way?
Unbelief in missions, how to avoid unbelief
and how should we respond.
1. Not everyone will believe, (Israel’s
unbelief) v. 16 Paul is making it clear that not
all or most are still not believers.
a. Paul is building up to talk about the
importance of sharing God’s word and how
receiving the facts is important, so he
shares v. 17
1, the facts are important, this brings
me back to 14-16 the good news that Isaiah
and Paul shared that we should
share. The Gospel Rom 1:16 the power
2. How should we avoid unbelief? Both
sides of the coin show unbelief the goer and the
receiver. v. 17 -18 sometimes we want to
change people and we forget it is not our duty so
we work in unbelief and in our strength.
a, I forget the power of the spirit and
forget that some of these people are positional
saved and I start acting in unbelief
and forgetting that they may possibly be
living in progressive sanctification that I can not
see and I translate it to no fruit
now salvation.
b. v.19 Jealousy, sometimes we
respond in being zealous or even jealous in an
unhealthy way. The Jews here rejected
God because the they were Jealous of
the gentiles not being the chosen yet bien
blessed heirs.
1.But Not all of us came with the motive to
love God. Some might have come to make more
business of make to fix your
life, it good but not loving God.
3,. How should we respond? v. 19 God
provoked, God’s plan although sometimes
unpleasant, He still shows His love for His
a. God’s arms are always open for His
elect. Even though some take their time, it
maybe God’s way to show much
patience. Romans 3:25

14 ¿Cómo, pues, invocarán a aquel en el cual no

han creído? ¿Y cómo creerán en aquel de quien
no han oído? ¿Y cómo oirán sin haber quien les
15 ¿Y cómo predicarán si no son enviados? Tal
como está escrito: ¡Cuan hermosos son los pies
de los que anuncian el evangelio del bien!
Israel rechaza el evangelio

16 Sin embargo, no todos hicieron caso al

evangelio (good news PDT KJV), porque Isaías
dice: Señor, ¿quien ha creido a nuestro anuncio?
Is. 53:10 He was pleased (greek hhafaits)
v. 16 Paul is making it clear that not all or
most are still not believers.
a. Paul is building up to talk about the
importance of sharing God’s word and how
receiving the facts is important, so he
shares v. 17
17 Así que la fe viene del oír, y el oír, por la
palabra de Cristo.
This verse summarizes the thought of verses 14-
16. The word "of" Christ could mean the word
from Him, namely, the message that He has sent
us to proclaim (v. 15).590 It could also refer to
the message concerning ("about") Christ (v. 9).
Both meanings could have been in Paul's mind.
In either case, the gospel is in view.
How should we avoid unbelief?.
Believe in the power of the Gospel
1. Some times we are so focused on being
the Spirit and the power of faith that we want to
change people.
a. Romans 1:16 power for salvation.
God’s word has power! God is God over our
lives and He is Savior.
b. Paul would not have made this whole
process in 14 - 16 known this clear if it wasn’t
The Gospel must be the one that
changes people!

18 Pero yo digo, ¿acaso nunca han oído?

Ciertamente que sí:
Por toda la tierra ha salido su voz,
y hasta los confines del mundo sus palabras.

19 Y añado: ¿Acaso Israel no sabía? En primer

lugar, Moisés dice:
Yo os provocare a celos con un pueblo que no
es pueblo;
con un pueblo sin entendimiento os provocare a

Quizas algunas personas están celosas de vos

por ser bendecidos.
Los Judios estaban celosos y irados porque eyes
son el pueblo escogido de Dios, pero Dios
estaba bendiciendo a los que Dios debería
amar menos.
Sometime we feel like the elect.…. And we look
at others that are not showing the fruit of the
elect so we treat them like less then us. Perhaps
we need to check our desires, motives and
words on why we are doing things that are not
nice to some people that don’t look like we
think they should. My prejudices don’t elect and
my preferences don’t elect. We see that God
saves. Not us!

V. 18 back up what Paul says about all

the Jews hearing the Gospel. God is fulfilling
his plan and Paul waits for God’s will patiently.
1 Corinthians 4:7 Romans 14:1 accept the
weak in faith but not to pass judgement on
Not all of us came with the motive to love
God. Some might have come to make more
business of make to fix your life, it good
but not loving God.

Sovereignty of God over all: The election of

God is in Missions.
1. I will make you Jealous v.19

20 E Isaías es muy osado, y dice:

Fui hallado por los que no me buscaban;
me manifeste a los que no preguntaban por mi.
Although the Jews reject Him at the time there
are more Jews coming to know Jesus. But God
has his elect and that makes Him God and not

21 Pero en cuanto a Israel, dice: Todo el dia he

extendido mis manos a un pueblo desobediente
y rebelde.

V. 18 back up what Paul says about all the

Jews hearing the Gospel.
Isaiah 48::8-11
8 Sí, nunca lo habías oído, ni nunca lo habías
conocido; ciertamente no se abrió antes tu oído;
porque sabía que siendo desleal habías de
desobedecer, por tanto te llamé rebelde desde el
9 Por amor de mi nombre diferiré mi ira, y para
alabanza mía la reprimiré para no destruirte.
10 He aquí te he purificado, y no como a plata;
te he escogido en horno de aflicción.
11 Por mí, por amor de mí mismo lo haré, para
que no sea amancillado mi nombre, y mi honra
no la daré a otro.

“You have not heard, you have not known.

Even from long ago your ear has not been open,
Because I knew that you would deal very
And you have been called a [d]rebel from
“For the sake of My name I delay My wrath,
And for My praise I restrain it for you,
In order not to cut you off.
“Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver;
I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
“For My own sake, for My own sake, I will act;
For how can My name be profaned?
And My glory I will not give to another.

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