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Hope Enterprise University College Hope Enterprise University College

Office of the Registrar Department: Architecture

Grade Submission Mark List Program: Regular/Degree
Department: Architecture Contact hr __3__ Section: 1
Section: 1 Credit hr ___ 3_________ Course Code: Arch
Course Title: History of Architecture II Ac.Year: 2022/2023
Ac.Year: 2023/2024 Semester: I
Course Code: Arch Semester:Semester:
I I Course Title: History of Architecture II
Program: Regular/Degree Class Year:
2 Year: 2 Ac.Year: 2023/2024
Class Year: 2
Continous Assessment Mid
Final Total Letter
No ID NO Exam
Remark ID NO Grade
10% 10% 10% 15% 35% 100%

1 RAR/501/22 7.5 6 9.5 10.5 13.5 23 70 B RAR/501/22 B

2 RAR/507/22 6.5 7.5 9.5 11 8 17.5 60 C+ RAR/507/22 C+
3 RAR/509/22 9 9 10 12.5 16.5 35 92 A+ RAR/509/22 A+
4 RAR/512/22 7.5 7 9.5 12.5 17.5 26 80 A- RAR/512/22 A-
5 RAR/514/22 6.5 6 8 8 10.5 14.5 53.5 C RAR/514/22 C
6 RAR/515/22 9 7.5 10 13 15.5 29.5 84.5 A RAR/515/22 A
7 RAR/516/22 8 7 9 11 10.5 21 66.5 B- RAR/516/22 B-
8 RAR/518/22 7 6 7.5 10.5 14.5 28.5 74 B RAR/518/22 B
9 RAR/519/22 0 NG RAR/519/22 NG
10 RAR/520/22 7.5 9 8.5 10 9 25 69 B RAR/520/22 B
11 RAR/521/22 8.5 9 9.5 12.5 17 31 87.5 A RAR/521/22 A
12 RAR/522/22 9 7.5 9.5 11.5 14.5 25.5 77.5 B+ RAR/522/22 B+
13 RAR/523/22 6 6 7 10.5 9 26 64.5 C+ RAR/523/22 C+
14 RAR/524/22 6 6 NG RAR/524/22 NG
15 RAR/525/22 6 6 10.5 3 18 43.5 D RAR/525/22 D
16 RAR/526/22 9 7.5 8.5 13 17 30 85 A RAR/526/22 A
17 RAR/528/22 7.5 8 9.5 12 9.5 16 62.5 C+ RAR/528/22 C+
18 RAR/529/22 8 8.5 9 11 16.5 30.5 83.5 A RAR/529/22 A
19 RAR/530/22 7 6.5 8 8 3 6 38.5 F RAR/530/22 F
20 RAR/535/22 9.5 7.5 10 13.5 16.5 27.5 84.5 A RAR/535/22 A
21 RAR/536/22 8.5 6 10 13 8 24 69.5 B RAR/536/22 B
22 RAR/537/22 7.5 8 9 11 15 30.5 81 A- RAR/537/22 A-
23 RAR/539/22 6 8 10 11.5 11.5 29 76 B+ RAR/539/22 B+
24 RAR/540/22 8 7.5 8.5 9 7 28.5 68.5 B RAR/540/22 B
25 RAR/541/22 9.5 9 7.5 15 19 28 88 A RAR/541/22 A
26 RAR/543/22 9 8 10 13 14.5 33.5 88 A RAR/543/22 A
27 RAR/544/22 9 8.5 10 12 19 33 91.5 A+ RAR/544/22 A+
28 RAR/547/22 6 7 7.5 8 13.5 31.5 73.5 B RAR/547/22 B
29 RAR/549/22 9 9 9 12 15.5 35 89.5 A RAR/549/22 A
30 RAR/550/22 0 NG RAR/550/22 NG
31 RAR/1312/22 9 7 10 11 14.5 27 78.5 B+ RAR/1312/22 B+
32 RAR/1302/22 7.5 9 9 10 13.5 29 78 B+ RAR/1302/22 B+
33 RAR/1303/22 8 7 10 12.5 13.5 29 80 A- RAR/1303/22 A-
34 Neima 8 8.5 9.5 12 16.5 33.5 88 A
35 RAR/571/22 7 7.5 9.5 12.5 13.5 33.5 83.5 A RAR/571/22 A
36 RAR/585/22 8 7 10 11 9.5 30 75.5 B+ RAR/585/22 B+
37 RAR/592/22 8.5 6.5 10 11.5 14.5 30 81 A- RAR/592/22 A-
38 RAR/1400/22 7.5 8 9.5 10.5 12 27.5 75 B+ RAR/1400/22 B+
39 RAR/1402/23 7 7.5 7.5 11.5 14.5 32.5 80.5 A- RAR/1402/23 A-
40 RAR/1403/23 8.5 7 10 11.5 16 34 87 A RAR/1403/23 A
41 RAR/1406/23 6 7.5 7.5 8.5 13 24 66.5 B- RAR/1406/23 B-
42 RAR/1418/23 7.5 8 9.5 12.5 15.5 35 88 A RAR/1418/23 A
43 RAR/1422/23 8 7.5 9 8.5 12 21.5 66.5 B- RAR/1422/23 B-
Grading policy: A+&A=Excellent, A-&B+=Very Good ,B&B-=Good, C+=Satisfactory, C&C-=Unsatisfactory, D&F=Failure, I=Incomplete,
NG=No Grade,W=Withdrawn, DO= Drop Out, IP=In Progress(only for Senior Projects/Thesis).
Grading Scale: 90 and above= A+, 83 to 89 =A, From 80 to 82=A-,From 75 to 79=B+,From 68 to 74 =B,From 65 to 67=B-,From 60 to 64=C+
From 50 to 59= C, From 45 to 49= C-, From 40 to 44= D and Below 40 =F
Summary: No of A+'s = _____A's ____, A-'s = _____, B+'s ____, B's ____, B-'s _____,C+'s=_____,C's_____, C-'s_____,D's=____,F's=_____
I's=_______NG's=_______, W's ______, DO's ______, IP's ______.
Total No of Grading Students Marked ________.

N.B. * Refer HEUC Senate Legislation for Non Grade Administrative Marking and
* In the case of continuous assessment a minimum of three tests should be administered.

The above Grade Report is complete and Correct.

Instructor's Name _____________________________sig._________________________ Date.__________________
Department Head's Name ______________________sig._______________________ Date.__________________
Dean's Name _________________________________sig._______________________ Date.__________________

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