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Personal Development LESSON 3: Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence

Prepared by: Sir Paul Pascual

Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the Developmental Tasks Theory THE PASSAGE TO ADULTHOOD: ONE’S DEVELOPMENT
in the most systematic and extensive manner. These tasks are those
Physical Development
that are typically encountered by most people in the culture where
• Most girls have completed the physical changes related to puberty by
the individual belongs. age 15.
• Boys are still maturing and gaining strength, muscle mass, and height
and are completing the development of sexual traits.
Emotional Development
• May stress over school and test scores.
• Is self-involved (may have high expectations and low self-concept).
• Seeks privacy and time alone.
• Is concerned about physical and sexual attractiveness.
• May complain that parents prevent him or her from doing things
• Starts to want both physical and emotional intimacy in relationships.
• The experience of intimate partnerships
Social Development
• Shifts in relationship with parents from dependency and
subordination to one that reflects the adolescent’s increasing maturity
and responsibilities in the family and the community,
• Is more and more aware of social behaviors of friends.
• Seeks friends that share the same beliefs, values, and interests.
• Friends become more important.
• Starts to have more intellectual interests.
• Explores romantic and sexual behaviors with others.
• May be influenced by peers to try risky behaviors (alcohol, tobacco,
Mental Development
• Becomes better able to set goals and think in terms of the future.
• Has a better understanding of complex problems and issues.
• Starts to develop moral ideals and to select role models
Personal Development LESSON 3: Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence
Prepared by: Sir Paul Pascual

Filipino authors Corpus et al. (2010) in their book, Child and Adolescent Adolescents find it difficult to assert their individuality or uniqueness
Development, identified similar developmental tasks a Filipino because they are afraid others will not approve or like them, or will not
adolescent need to learn. Which are: allow them to become a member of a group. Conformity often occurs
during this stage of development.
1. Developing occupational skills-skills that can help the adolescent 4. Learning how media and advertising are trying to influence your
develop responsibility as a preparation for gainful employment ahead. thinking and feelings. Understand that news is reported for a reason,
2. Self-reliance- the ability to identify their own skills and knowledge, usually to serve that news is reported for a reason, usually to serve the
capabilities, and resources to engage in meaningful activities and not purpose of someone or some organization. Understand that advertising
rely too much on others. employed to sell consumer products work on either fear or desires.
3. Ability to manage their finances-be able to discern the difference 5. Becoming aware, critical, and being involved with social issues. Ask
between “wants” and “needs,” and be able to learn self-control when questions and speak up whenever possible to address social issues;
handling their finances. such as poverty and corruption.
4. Social Responsibility-adolescents should be able to see beyond 6. Embracing a healthy lifestyle. Becoming aware of your health and
themselves, take into consideration the greater community around the food you eat, and engaging in sports and other physical activities
them, and see their role in improving and developing these beneficial to your well-being. Learn to relax.
communities, serving as change agents. 7. Developing your spirituality. Finding what gives meaning to your life
5. Mature work orientation- develop pride in what they do and raise and to all the experiences you are going through
standards of excellence in the quality of their work.
6. Personal responsibility- to be fully responsible for their own
decisions and actions by owning them, become aware of the
repercussions or results of the decisions they make and be mature
enough to “own” these results, and refrain from putting blame on
others for the results of their decisions and actions.
7. Positive attitude toward work – developing a healthy and positive
attitude toward work means that we see work as an expression of our
love for people who are important to us, including ourselves.
Additional list of developmental tasks and skills a Filipino adolescent
should acquire:
1. Being courageous in standing up and being different from your
The adolescent needs to feel he/she belongs to a group.
2. Developing self-esteem. Learn to understand, accept, and appreciate
as a unique person.
3. Being true to yourself and avoiding the tendency to please others.

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