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Facts about Amarajeevi Potti Sriramulus fast

The SamaiyAndhra camp is fooling us & the entire world by openly claiming that Late Sri Potti Sriramulu sacrified his life for the creation of Andhra Pradesh. It is absolutely False, incorrect & PURE LIE. Bringing his name in the movement for getting sympathy Some of the facts about Andhra state & Sri Potti Sriramulus role are : Facts about Amarajeevi Potti Sriramulus fast 1. Agitation for Andhra State: May 1913 2. Dhar Commission, 1948: After Independence the Constituent Assembly appointed Dhar Commission in June, 1948 to examine the issue of formation of linguistic states. 3. The J.V.P. Committee: The J.V.P. Committee recommended for the creation of Andhra Province with undisputed Telugu areas. It also advised the Andhras to give up their CLAIM on MADRAS city. 4. The Partition Committee Report: a) Madras should not be capital of Andhra Province even temporarily. b) Before 26th January Andhras should go to their own capital. c) Madras Government should give one crore rupees to Andhra for renunciation of all offices kept in Madras. This report was accepted by the Madras Government and it decided to extend the date of formation of Andhra Province on 1st April, 1950

5. Why Amarajeevi Potti Sriramulu fasted ??? In the light of the above facts and events we may now examine the OBJECT of the FAST undertaken by Amarajeevi Potti Sreeramulu. It is well known that Sri. Sreeramulu commenced his Fast-Unto-Death in Madras in the last week of October, 1952. The reasons for this Fast given in his own words in several documents which were identified as his letters and Manifestoes issued before commencing his Fast. Some of his statements in these documents are cited below to appreciate his object and feelings in the matter. (a) In his reply to Swamy Sitaram letter dated: 2-10-1952, he clarified about the object of his FAST. The relevant para is extracted below:

My Fast begins only for determining the future of Madras City, he declared. During my fast, people themselves will come to a decision.. My fast is intended to make the people and at least some Tamils in the City to agree to Madras becoming a separate State. Therefore if I leave the question of the City in doubt and undertake the fast, I shall be failing in my purpose and duty. (b) He also issued Two Manifestoes before commencing the fast on the following dates: (i) First Manifesto- 30-09-1952 (ii) Final Manifesto- 19-10-1952 (c) In his Manifestoes he stated that he wanted Madras City as the capital of Andhra State and he wanted to focus this issue by his Fast. In his Final Manifesto issued on 19-10-1952 he stated as under: A very serious attempt has to be made to bring about an agreed settlement over the FUTURE of Madras City. All reasonable Andhras and Tamils should be brought together and made to come to an Agreement over the Madras City COMMON to Andhras and Tamils. (d) In another letter dated: 13-9-1952 addressed to Sri. Bh. Laxminarayan, Advocate, Madras, he had described his intense attachment to Madras City in the following words: I am doing this in the belief that all parts of the country can progress on peaceful lines. I was born and educated in Madras City. It is not my intention to coerce anybody. I have no hope that I shall survive unless this object is achieved. I am undertaking this fast in the belief that all those who are connected with this question will look at it in no narrow manner. Formation of A.P 1st Nov 1956. *** We are gratetful to Sri M.Narayan Reddy [Ex-M.P NZB] garu for bringing these important facts about Andhra state & Late sri Potti Sriramulu garu to our notice at this critical time. We must EXPOSE these Andhra leaders like Lagadapati, JC, TG, Chiranjeevi & others in media, other places who are coercing facts for their own benifits . ***

More Dates & Facts 1952 Oct 19 : Sri Potti Sriramulu starts fast until death in Chennai, for a separate Andhra state & not SamaikhyAndra / Andhra Pradesh 1952 Dec 15 : Sri Potti Sriramulu dies fasting 1953 Oct 01 : Andhra State forms (not SamaikhyAndra / Andhra Pradesh) with Kurnool as the capital & Tanguturi Prakasham as the first CM 1953 Oct 01 1956 Nov 01 (3yr, 1 month): Andhra State (not AP) is dysfunctional with Kurnool as the capital 1953 Oct 01 1956 Nov 01: Andhra State (not AP) realises lack of infrastructure & is fascinated by Hyderabads jubilant stature 1956 Nov 01 : Andhra Pradesh forms / Neelam SanjeevaReddy first CM of A.P, breaks the Gentlemans Agreement right after he is sworn in by removing deputy CM post to be filled in by a Telangana minister 2009 Dec 15 : Present CM K.Rosaiah pays respects to Sri Potti Sriramulu & praises him for giving his life for AP (HELLO ! it was Andhra State & not AP) historical mistake keeps repeating AndhraPradesh was formed on 01 November 1956- i.e, 54 years, 1 month, 17 days, (as of 28th October 2011) which is not equal to 3000 years Mr.Lagadapati (once ladapati said)?

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