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Publication: The Sunday Tim-, Date: 22 April 2007 Headlines: Mighty mouse


f ~dicki an dnline ads t

Some !ilng;blpmans have f ~ an~ dMY earn eary a cash: Spn up a sawiee that pays them


, P d & m c m ~

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Perrnlt No.


wan from the ~ a n y a n g Business School at the Nanyang Technological E Q W w ~ r ~enry, h e e ~ , university said: .yes, ,ere may found an eagy way of m a h g m e ex- false clicks, but on the ~ositlw side, this method is very targeted because '""h"'h"ae. you have some basic demographic inH~ is ~3 &her swim e-nutil and viewing online advertise- formtion. you lolow that those YFw me- for half a minute each over the receiving these e-mails are mo& probpast nine manths. The 3&year-Old,who a &- Bbly literate, technologically sawy and You know the a&e noup and genof b u t a,00f,, earns the cash by signing up with Emailcash- der. That's much better than just mPro, a locd advert6sing service which 'Om advem." MI Koh said most of his clients are members to view Onhe &' home busine=m M small ma&+-&a 'It" a side income and it doesn't budgets. But the service has take much extra effort," he said. familiar names like DVD rental firm More than -mansHoUyw~licIcs NWC Club. are and taking the same mone&g route NTUC Club's senior manager of as Soh by S~BW UP Emu- CWOmar~s EV* boa C * . said the sexvice is effectivefor certwin managing director, Mr Kenneth target groups it wants to reach Koh, the service last Jubr to For example, NTUC provide a chwer * d i n g altema- club used -cashL tiveWcom. Pro to reach out to I mab?d W one of the most ex- young people and peasPvethingstodohSingaporeist0 food lovers for a adverike a pr&uct," the Wyear-old Downtown East event said. "Even if you set up a web&?, it"s called Food Chase, a difficult to get tramc." foddeabingcomLinks to ads are sent via e-mail to petition. EmailCashPro members, who earn HobWoodmoney by clicking on each link and clicks said it keeping each ad on their screen for has brought more than 3 seconds. 0 in about It is possible that members simply leavetheadsontheirscreen~t looking at them, Mr Koh admitted, but he added that members are sent .dy messas- on products ' l f ' ~a side iflcome and it

b Melisrra Sim




w ~ h ~ h a d e x p r e = = d ~ * i n . doesn'ttakemuchextra BImineespnanARQ Hun, 35, for exdf0I.t.' ample, receives about two e-mail messages a w e k about home businesses, - MR H W mynsac. hHe , n Y SOH E ) computers and travel. aquipmcnt urrwd He claimed ta look at the ads for U03twmvicwi'Wlda!3!!!! more than 30 seconds. the subject head is attmctive, I'll usually be curtoua to h d out more after actvertising with bWlC&~hPio. and go to the said Mr Hun, who But companies should n t rely on o has e;uned about $60 since b July. just one method of advertising, said t con#ucts workshops on Inter- Singapore Management University a d a w of marketing lecturer John Davis. net marketing and about $5,000 a month. 'Each of us receives, processes But clicking on ad ljnks alone will and responds to a company's marketnot earn you very much. More money ing efforts differently," Associate Procan be made by roping in new mem- fessor Davis said. befs. The academics are divided ahout M Hun and M Soh have intro- wheWr E b m i l C a s ~ o r r would catch duced others to sign up as members. on. Under the company's r e f e d W , m Prof Sunanda said: "It may not the Per- catch on as in Singapore, we live in when such members visit son who brought them m m1 also closepro-@ 1 of shops, a d retailearn extra points. ers may not need such mechanism of Mr Soh has recruited more t h hertising." 200 n~er~~kters fi Hun has about and Prof Davis said it might work if in fo- such companies ' a e a clear and ap160 -both inen have placed hv rums and cbssmed Pages, r a l b g pealing value proposition, prove this join the service under value to customers, develop trust and &angers them. credibility, state the rewards and But would advertisers post their clearly". on such a website if they He added: 'Ultimately, people that the cmnsmmw reading the email , w e m y doing it," may be doing it only for the money? Associate Professor Sinanda Sang- -it




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Bource: The Straits T i m a Q Singapore Preas Holdings Limited, ksmisslon required for repsodudow,

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