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In the future, the main reason for going to the shopping mall will be for

entertainment, not to shop. Do you agree or disagree?

Shortly, entertainment will be the prevailing reason for people to go shopping
malls while comparing to do shopping. From my perspective, I partly agree with
this statement for a multitude of reasons.
Firstly, shopping in physical stores guarantees the product’s quality. In some
situations, online shopping is not a good choice as it cannot give the customer an
extensive view about the items. For example, people have to ponder on which type
of perfume they prefer most based on the review from the previous users.
Additionally, doing shopping socialize with new people. By going out, they can
approach people having a similar habit, which can originate an intimate friendship
later. Besides, parents also can do this activity with their offspring to enrich
affection and mitigate misunderstanding between members.
It is believed that entertainment will become the main priority reason for people
to go to shopping malls. Abundant leisure activity forms have been established,
such as escape room, movie theatres, tec… Which allows people to have a precious
time with their relatives. Moreover, these forms also provide a substantial profit for
the owners. A combination of selling products and offering a wide range of
entertainment will capture the participant’s imagination. As a result, visitors will
have an ideal place to visit on some occasions, and managers will gain more
income to maintain and accelerate their service quality.
To sum up, although people will go shopping malls for leisure activities in the
future, it is hard to replace the aim of doing shopping for citizens.
Shortly, entertainment will be the prevailing reason for people to go shopping
malls while comparing to shopping, from my perspective, I partly agree with this
statement for a multitude of reasons.
Firstly, shopping in a shopping mall guarantees the product’s quality. In some
situations, online shopping is not a good choice as it cannot give the customer an
extensive view of the items. For example, people have to ponder on which type of
perfume they prefer most based on the review from the previous users. Moreover,
shopping at the malls allows people to socialize. By engaging in a broader
community, they can approach people having a similar habit, which allows them
to develop relationships and broaden their networks.
Meanwhile, it is believed that entertainment will become the primary season for
people to go shopping malls. In fact, a wide array of game centers and facilities
have been established within shopping malls, in order to achieve people’s need for
entertainment, which allows people to have precious time with their relatives. In
addition, these forms also provide a substantial profit for the owners. A
combination of selling products and offering a wide range of entertainment will
capture the participant’s imagination. As a result, visitors will have an ideal
place to visit on some occasions, and managers will gain more income to maintain
and accelerate their service quality.
To sum up, shopping malls will potentially continue to hold the public’s
recreational interest, and the idea that its appeal is going to be entirely
supplanted by other forms of shopping is, from my perspective, highly unlikely.


CÂU GHÉP 2 mệnh đề độc lập, nối bằng các liên từ
( for, and, but, or, so, however, meanwhile, - We drove home and went to bed
moreover, otherwise, nevertheless, at least, - You can take a train or a bus
either...or, both...and, neither...nor )
CÂU PHỨC 1 mệnh đề độc lập và >=1 mệnh đề phụ
(although, because, even though, unless, if - Because Jack had toothache, he went to see
whenever, wherever, before, after, since, the dentist.
until, so that, relative clauses,...)
CÂU GHÉP PHỨC HỢP ( phức + ghép ) >=2 mệnh đề độc lập và >=1 mệnh đề phụ
- Although snowing, we have to do running
and pushing up
VỊ TRÍ GIỚI TỪ ( prep )
- V / adj + prep
 I live in a small village
- Prep + N / N phrase / Ving
 I always do yoga on Monday

Array (n) A group of collection of things or people

Regardless (adv) Not being affted by something
Recreational (adj) Connect with activities that people do for pleasure
Supplant (n) ~ replace
Fulfill (v) To do or achieve what was hoped for or expected
Incorporate (v) To include something
Amusement(n) A game, activities, etc.. that provide entertaiment and pleasure
Optimal (n) The best / the most effective possible in a particular situation
Online shopping ~ ecommercial websites
Sprout (v) Appear or develop in a large quantities
Modifications (n) The act of changing sth in order to improve it
Solely (adv) ~ only
Captivating (adj) Very attractive and interesting
Vanish (v) To suddenly disappear
Harsh (adj) Cruel and serve
Sustenance (n) Foods and drinks that people/animals need to stay health
Integral (adj) Being an essential part of sth
Scramble for Tranh giành
Thrive (v) To become strong, health, and successful
Earn more money ~ pursue additional income ~ improve sb financial situation ~
enhance sb earning potential

What do you usually do in the weekend ?

My weekend is usually dedicated to recreational activities, such as engaging in a
competitive football match. After that, I will proceed to have dinner with my peers
and then go for an informal conversation in the ambiance of the local coffee shop.
These days, having fun in the shopping mall is becoming exceedingly popular.
Many people believe that the primary purpose of heading to mega malls will be for
recration rather than shopping in the foreseeable future. However, in my view,
shopping reasons will never be supplanted by any forms of entertainment. In this
essay, I will discuss both sides and provide some reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, shopping malls will not be an important place for buying things. This is
because these days, online shopping is becoming increasingly popular. For many
people the internet is becoming a one stop stop, where they can buy whatever they
want. In addition, some other people have a genuine liking for shopping with their
family or friends in that this is a boon for them to be together in a restaurant or in a
cinema. Thus, for these people, shopping malls are only for entertainment and
Turning to the other side of the arguement, I still believe that there will always be a
place for purchasing goals whenever people come to visit these shopping arcades.
Indeed, despite online shopping, I cannot imagine a mall without any indoor
stores. Although an ample of visitors are taking those areas into accounts as
entertainment places, there is still a high proportion of shoppers and purchasers in
millions of centers. For these people, coffee shops, gym and other amusing options
are just additional elements to make the shopping experiences more fascinating and
enjoyable. Furthermore, modern humans already have thousands of amusement
parks which act perfectly as recreational spots. For instance, a theme park can offer
various entertainment choices such as climbing walls, roller coaster that can hardly
be found at a purchasing center
All things considered, it seems to me that no matter how entertaining future
malls will be. There will always be a room for shopping purposes as we consider
factors of other entertaining parks and a large percentage shopper in such places

Foreseeable (adj) That you can predict will happen

Shopping arcades ~ shopping malls
Indeed (adv) Quả thực là
Take sth into account Để ý đến, cân nhắc, lưu tâm
1. How + adj/adv + S+V

2. Whatever được sử dụng như là 1 giới từ hoặc đại từ

- Giới từ: whatever +N
- Đại từ: whatever + S + V

3. Despite + N/N pharse/ Ving :

4. Although / even though / thought + S + V

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