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AIU'III11Al.n ('ONSTAIII.E H ('(I I. •••


••It ill in and through FlYlllhoJ~ t.llllt mBII, eon .•ci""~ly or

uneonl!Cioualy, lives, works, and 1111." IIi. heing: t.hoAe ageA,
moreover, are accounted I.he n"I>I.,.,t ",hid, can the best
recognise aymholiclll worth, and prizc it highcRt."

.WITHOUT symbolism there can be no

literature; indeed, not even language.
What are words themsdves but symbols,
almost as arbitrary as the letters which
compose them, mere somuis of t.he voice to
which we have agreed to give certain sig-
nifications, as we have agreed to translate
these sounds by those comhinat.iolls of
letters? Symbolism began with the first
words uttered by the first man, as he named
every living thing; or before them, in
heaven, when God named the world into
being. And we see, in these heginnings,
precisely what Symbolism in literature really
is: a form of expression, at the best but
approximate, essentially hut arbitrary, until
it has obtained the force of a convention, for value: "In the Symbol proper, what we can
an unseen reality apprehended by the con- call a Symbol, there is ever, more or less
sciousness. It is sometimes permitted to us distinctly and directly, some embodiment
to hope that our convention is ~ndeed the and revelation of the Infinite; the Infinite is
reflection rather than merely the sign of that made to blend itself with the Finite, to stand
unseen reality. 'Ve have done much if we visible, and as it were, attainable there."
have found a recognisable sign. It is in such a sense as this that the word
" A symbol," says Comte Goblet d'Alviella,
Symbolism has been used to rlescribe a move-
in his book on The Migration of Symbols, ment which, during Ow last generation, has
"might he defined as a representation which profoundly influenced the course of French
docs not aim at being a reproduction." literature. All such words, used of any-
Ori~inally, as he points out, used by the thing so living, variable, and irresponsihle as
Greeks to denote "the two halves of the literature, are, as symbols themselves 1II11st
tablet they divided between themselves as a so often be, mere compromises, mere indi-
pledge of hospitality," it came to be used of cations. Symbolism, as seen in the writers
every sign, formula, or rite by which those of our day, would have no value if it were
initiated in any mystery made themselves not seen also, under one disguise or another,
secretly known to one another. Gradually in every great imaginative writer. What
the word extended its meaning, until it came distinguishes the Symbolism of om day from
to denote every conventional representation
the Symbolism of the past is that it has now
of idea by form, of the unseen by the visible. become conscious of itself, in a sense in
" In a Symbol," says Carlyle, "there is con-
which it was unconscious even in Gerard de
c~ahnent and yet revelation: hence therefore,
Nerval, to whom I trace the particular oriKin
hy Silence and by Speech acting together, of the literature which I call Symbolist,
comes a double significance." And, in that The forces which mould the thought of men
fine chapter of Sartor Resortus, he goes change, or men's resistance to them slackens;
further, vindicating for the word its full with the change of men's thought comes
a change of literature, alike in its inmost and disturbs them with a too deliberate
essence and in its outward form: after the rhetoric of the flesh. Flaubert, the one im-
world has starved its soul long enough in peccable novelist who has ever lived, was
the contemplation and the re-arrangement resolute to be the novelist of a world in
of material things, comes the turn of the which art, formal art, was the only escape
soul; and with it comes the literature of from the burden of reality, and in which the
which I write in this volume, a literature in soul was of use mainly as the agent of fine
which the visible world is no longer a reality, literature. The Goncourts caught at Impres-
and the unseen world no longer a dream. sionism to render tho fll~itive aspects of a
The great epoch in French literature which world which existed only as a thing of flat
preceded this epoch was that of the offshoot spaces, and angles, and coloured movement,
of Romanticism which produced Baudelaire, in which sun and shadow were the artists;
Flaubert, the Goncourts, Taine, Zola, Leconte as moods, no less Hitting, were the artists
de Lisle. Taine was the philosopher both of the merely receptive consciotlsllesses of
of what had gone before him and of .what men and women. Zola has tried to build
came immediately after; so that he seems in brick and mortar inside the COvers of' a
to explain at once Flaubert and Zola. It book; he is quite sure that the soul is a
was the age of Science, the age of material nervous fluid, which he is quite sure some
things; and words, with that facile elasticity man of science is about to catch for us, as
which there is in them, did miracles in a man of science has bottled the air, a pretty,
the exact representation of everything that blue liquid. Leconte de Lisle turned the
visibly existed, exactly as it existed. Even world to stone, but saw, beyond the world,
Baudelaire, in whom the spirit is always only a pause from misery in a Nirvana
an uneasy guest at the orgie of life, had never subtilised to the Eastern ecstasy. And,
a certain theory of Realism which tortures with all these writers, form aimed above all
many of his poems into strange, metallic
things at being precise, at saying rather than
shapes, and fills them with imitative odours, suggesting, at saying what they had to say
so completely that nothing remained over, ment was carried far, not only in the direction
which it might be the business of the reader of style. But a movement which in this
to divine. And so they have expressed, sense might be called Decadent could but
finally, a certain aspect of the world; and have been a straying aside from the main
some of them have carried style to a point road of literature. Nothing, not even con-
beyond which the style that says, rather ventional virtue, is so provincial as conven-
than suggests, cannot go. The whole of tional vice; and the desire to " bewilder the
that movement comes to a splendid funeral middle-classes" is itself middle-class. The
in Heredia's sonnets, in which the literature interlude, half a mock-interlude, of Deca-
of form says its last word, and dies. dence, diverted the attention of the critics
Meanwhile, something which is vaguely while something mom sr-riou« was ill pre-
called Decadence had come into being. That paration. That something more serious has
uume, rarely used with any precise meaning, crystallised, for the time, under the form of
was usually either hurled as a reproach or Symbolism, in which art returns to the one
hurled back as a defiance. It pleased some pathway, leading through beautiful things to
YOllUg men in various countries to call the eternal beauty.
themselves Decadents, with all the thrill of In most of the writers whom [ have dealt
unsatisfied virtue masquerading as uncom- with as summing up in themselves all that is
prchended vice. As a matter of fact, the best in Symbolism, it will be noticed that the
term is in its place only when applied to form is very carefully elaborated, and seems
'style; to that ingenious deformation of the to count for at least as much as ill those
language, in Mallarme, for instance, which writers of whose over-possession by form 1
can be compared with what we are accus- have complained. Here, however, all this
tomed to call the Greek and Latin of the elaboration comes from a very different motive,
Decadence. No doubt perversity of form and and leads to other ends. There is such a
perversity of matter are often found together, thing as perfecting form that form may be
and, among the lesser men especially, experi- annihilated. All the art of Verlaine is in
bringing verse to a bird's song, the art of
tradition; in this endeavour to (lisengag(~ the
Mallarme in bringing verse to the song of an
ultimate essence, the soul, of whatever e-xists
orchestra. In Villiers de l'Isle-Adam drama
and can be realised by the eonsciousness ; in
becomes an embodiment of spiritual forces,
this dutiful waiting upon every symbol hy
in Maeterlinck not even their embodiment,
which the soul of things can he mad!' visible ;
but the remote sound of their voices. It
literature, bowed down by so many burdens,
is all an attempt to spiritualise literature,
may at last attain liberty, and its authcutic
to evade the old bondage of rhetoric, the
speech. In attaining this liberty, it accept.s
old bondage of exteriority. Description is
a heavier burden ; for in spl'aking to lis so
banished that beautiful things may be evoked,
intimately, so solemnly, as only religion had
magically; the regular beat of verse is broken
hitherto spoken to us, it becomos itself a
in order that words may fly, upon subtler
kind of religion, with all the duties aud
wings. Mystery is no longer feared, as the
responsibilities of the sacred ritual.
grf'at mystery in whose midst we are islanded
was feared by those to whom that unknown
sea was only a great void. We are coming
closer to nature, as we seem to shrink from
it with something of horror, disdaining to
catalogue the trees of the forest. And as
we brush aside the accidents of daily life,
, in which men and women imagine that they
are alone touching reality, we come closer
to humanity, to everything in humanity
that may have begun before the world and
may outlast it.
Here, then, in this revolt against exteri-
ori t y, against rhetoric, against a materialistic
through a single day with that overpowerir~g
consciousness of our real position, wh ich, m
the moments in wh ich alone it. rm-rci rlllly
comes, is like blinding light. or the thrust
of a tlaming sword, would drive nllY man
Ouu only chance, in this world, of a complete out of his senses. It is our hesitations, the
happiness, lies in the measure of our success excuses of our hearts, the comprom iso s of
ill shutting the eyes of the mind, and dead- our intelligence, which save us. \VI' can
ening its sense of hearing, and dulling the forget so much, we can hear suspens« with
kepnness of its apprehension of the unknown. so fortunate an evasion of its rea I issues;
Knowing so much less than nothing, for we we are so admirably fiu ite.
aro ('ntrapped in smiling and many-coloured And so there is a great., silent conspiracy
apponrnnces, our life may seem to be but a between us to forget death; nil our livps uro
Iitt II· spnce of leisure, in which it will he the spent in busily forgetting death. 'I'hnt is
lJ(,("f'ssary business of each of us to speculate why we are acti VI' about RO mun y t11 iIIgs
011 what is so rapidly becoming the past and which we know to be unimportant.; why we
so rapidly hecoming the future, that scarcely are so afraid of solitude, alii I so tJlallkrld for
existing present which is after all our only the company of our f(·\Jow-cn'aluH·s. :\ lIow-
possession. Yet, as the present passes from ing ourselves, for the most part, to hI' hut
us, hardly to he enjoyed except as memory vaguely conscious of that great sllsp('ns(~ in
or as hope, and only with an at best partial which we live, we find our escape from its
'recognition of the uncertainty or inutility of sterile, annihilating reality ill many dreams,
both, it is with a kind of terror that we wake in religion, passion, art; each a forgetfiliness,
up, every now and then, to the whole know- each a symbol of creation; religion I'('illg the
ledge of our ignorance, and to some per- creation of a new heaven, passion the creation
ception of where it is leading us. To live of a new earth, and art, in its mingling of
heaven and earth, the creation of heaven out

of Pluth. Each is a kind of sublime sel- and the heighten iIlg or lr-sscn iIIg (If the
[ish ness, the saint, the lover, and the artist general felicity of tho world mcrrns so little
hav iug each an incommunicable ecstasy which to any individual. 'I'hcrr- is something almost
he esteems as his ultimate attainment, how- vulgar in happiness which docs TlO\.hccorno
joy, and joy is an ecstasy which ('an rarely
('~er, . in h!s lower moments, he may serve
God III action, or do the will of his mistress be maintained in the SOli I for mort- t hun the
or minister to men by showing them a little moment during which we r('cogllis(' that it
benllty. But it is, before all things, an escape; is not sorrow. Only v('ry yOllng ppol'le want
and the prophets who have redeemed the to be happy. What. we all want is to be
world, and the artists who have made the quite sure that there is Ronwthing which
world beautiful, and the lovers who have makes it worth while to go 011 living, ill
quickened the pulses of the world , have really , what seems to us our best way, at. 0111' [iucst
whether they knew it or not, been flee- intensity; something b('yond rurrc fad
ing from the certainty of one thought: that that we are satisfying a sort of inur-r I()gi(~
we have, all of us, only our one day; and (which may he quite fault.y) and tltat. W(~ gd,
from the dread of that other thought: that 'our best makeshift for hal'pill('sR Oil that so
the day, however used, must after all be hazardous assumption.
wasted. Well, the doctrine of Myst.icism , wit h
The fear of death is not cowardice; it is, which all this symbolical literature has RO
rathr-r, an intellectual diRsatisfaction with an much to do, of which it is all so 11I1I('h t ho
enigma which has been presented to us, and expression, presents us, not. w it.h a gllide for
which can be solved only when its solution conduct, not with a plan for our ImppilH'ss,
is of no further use. All we have to ask not with an explanation of any mystery, bult
of death is the meaning of life, and we are with a theory of life which makes us fa.milia~
~aililJ~ all through life to ask that question. with mystery, and which seems to hnrmoniao
Ihat life should be happy or unhappy, as those instincts wh ich make for rei iuion
b ,

those words are used, means so very little; passion, and art, freeing IlS at once of a great

bondage. The final uncertainty remains, but offering. And becHllsP it might slay as wen
we seem to knock less helplessly at closed as save, because the freedom of its sweet
doors, coming so much closer to the once captivity might so easily become deadly to
terrifying eternity of things about us, as we the fool, because that is the hardest path to
come to look upon these things as shadows, walk in where YOll are told only, walk well ;
through which we have our shadowy passage. it is perhaps the only counsel of perfection
"For in the particular acts of human life," which can ever really mean milch to the
Plotinns tells us, "it is not the interior soul artist.
awl the true mall, but the exterior shadow
of the man alone. which laments and weeps,
performing his part on the earth as in a
more ample and extended scene, in which
many shadows of souls and phantom scenes
appear." And as we realise the identity of
a poem, a prayer. or a kiss, in that spiritual
universe which we arc weaving for ourselves,
eaeh out of a thread of the great fabric; as
we realise the infinite insignificance of action,
its immense distance from the current of life;
as we realise the delight of feeling ourselves
carried onward by forces which it is our
wisdom to obey; it is at least with a certain
relief that we turn to an ancient doctrine,
so much the more likely to be true because
it has so much the air of a dream. On this
theory alone does all life become worth living,
all art worth making, all worship worth

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