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00816-0100-3218 English

Understanding Fieldbus

User Benefits

Device Interoperability Advanced functions

added to field instruments
Data Highway Bridge H2 - H1

H1 H1

Reduced wiring and

installation costs

Reduced I/O equipment

Junction Box

Fieldbus I/O

Improves Maintenance

H1 H1 H1

Increased process and

non-process information

Quick on-line diagnostics Predictive maintenance

and audit trail Key Dates

Point-to-Point Bus with spurs



December 1995:
Chocolate Bayou Field Trial

March 1996: Fieldbus

Foundation releases lowspeed fieldbus (H1)

October 1996: Fieldbus

Foundation releases highspeed fieldbus (H2)

Understanding Fieldbus

One of the most anticipated changes in the process control industry has been the introduction of fieldbus. Ten years in development, fieldbus has been long awaited by many process control industry users. In March 1996, the Fieldbus Foundation will release the low-speed (H1) fieldbus technology. With this release, a fully functional fieldbus will be defined. The Fieldbus Foundation was formed from the merger of ISPF and WorldFIP North America in October, 1994, and has since grown to over 100 companies. Rosemount Inc. was one of the founding members of ISPF, and is now a sponsoring member of the Fieldbus Foundation. FOUNDATION fieldbus is a digital, two-way communication link among intelligent field-level and control devices that will replace the 420 mA standard. Fieldbus is both open and interoperable, and it is an enabling technology that allows migration of control functions to field devices. FOUNDATION fieldbus has also tackled the tougher issuesintrinsic safety, hazardous areas, volatile process, and tough regulatory environments. FOUNDATION fieldbus was developed using ISA and IEC standards, and has been specifically designed to provide solutions to meet requirements of the toughest automation environments. No other digital protocol has met these stringent needs. Once FOUNDATION fieldbus is introduced, process engineers will not only have a new way to communicate, but will have a whole new way to control the process. Using fieldbus, end users will reduce installation and maintenance costs, and will develop new ways to improve plant performance, plant safety, and plant availability.


Around 50 years ago, most plants used the 315 psi pneumatic signal to control their process. Eventually, that standard was replaced by the 420 mA analog signal. Both of these standards were entirely analog, and information only flowed in one direction. The last change in signal standards was the open protocol HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) digital communications format. The HART protocol provides simultaneous digital communications with the 420 mA output, and has gained widespread acceptance with the process control industry. The next protocol change will be fieldbus. But fieldbus is more than changing a signal standard. Fieldbus is entirely digitalthere is no analog signal. Fieldbus also allows migration of control functions to field devices, and vastly expands the amount of process and non-process information flowing both from and to field devices.

FIELDBUS BENEFITS Interoperability

Interoperability is defined as the ability to operate multiple devices, independent of manufacturer, in the same system, without loss of minimum functionality. Interoperability allows plant engineers to mix devices from different manufacturers on the same fieldbus, and also allows plant engineers to replace a fieldbus device with a device from a different vendor.

Process Control Timeline The Evolution of Signal Standards

Signal standards have evolved over the years, starting with the 315 psi standard, which changed to the analog 420 mA standard, and which recently moved to digital HART with 420 mA. There are also other communication methods (for example, proprietary protocols), but they have not gained widespread acceptance to be considered a defacto standard. With any new standard, there is typically a slow transition period as plant engineers and managers test out the new protocol, and only after this test period does a standard gain widespread acceptance. Because of this transition period, we expect the current defacto technology (HART with 420 mA) to be used for many more years. However, once the benefits of fieldbus become tested and proven, more plants will install fieldbus because of its economic and process benefits.
Digital: Fieldbus Digital plus Analog: HART with 420 mA Analog: 420 mA Pneumatic: 315 psi









Rosemount Inc., 1996.

Rosemount Inc. Leading the way to fieldbus.

Fieldbus Architecture
Fieldbus is more than just a new signal communications protocol, but a whole new way to control the process. With the release of the low-speed fieldbus (H1), the entire fieldbus structure will be defined. Most of the recent published literature has focused on the intricate details of the fieldbus architecture, especially those layers that have not been released. However, except for the physical layer and user layer, these layers are essentially transparent to plant engineers and managers. A good analogy is to compare binary code to Microsoft Windows a computer operator does not need to understand machine code language to use computer software. It will be the same for fieldbusinstrument manufacturers and host manufacturers need to understand these layers, but end users will not need to know they exist.
Multivariable Transmitter Workstation Maintenance Information System

System Management

User Layer

Application Layer

Network Management

Data Link Layer

Physical Layer


Level Transmitter


Lower Installation Costs

Fieldbus will greatly reduce initial plant costs, including simplified wiring, fewer screw terminations, and simplified instrument selection. Additional lower initial costs include: Fewer, simplified drawings Easier control system engineering Lower costs for wiring, marshalling, and junction boxes By migrating control to the field, control system costs decrease: reduced space required in the DCS, reduced control system I/O interfaces, reduced equipment cabinet space, fewer I/O termination panels, and fewer IS barriers. Fieldbus will also provide on-line remote digital communications, which will allow for quicker commissioning, faster diagnostics, and reduced labor to install and commission devices.

This expanded view will aid in maintenance because the status of the instruments will be available, and will speed troubleshooting and debugging since operators will have better information. Fieldbus will also enable on-line diagnostics, easier calibration, and predictive maintenance. This expanded view will also lead to audit trail benefits. As regulatory agencies require more detailed management and documentation of critical processes, fieldbus will provide an easier way to access the required data.

Improved Performance
With the migration of control away from the DCS and out to the individual control loops, system integrity and reliability increase because of faster and more accurate local control. Fieldbus also takes advantage of new devices that combine several sensors into one device, since several pieces of information can flow over one set of wires. As fieldbus expands the ease of information collected from the field, plant operators and managers will be able to have tighter control and improved performance over their process. This will lead to improvements in plant performance, and will increase process availability and improve process consistency.

Lower Maintenance Costs

Fieldbus will expand the operators view of the entire process, thereby making maintenance and process management easier and more effective. Traditional operator view stops at the I/O point, and only provides one-way information; fieldbus views all the way to the device equipment, and provides two-way communication.


Understanding Fieldbus

KEY DATES Field Trial (December 1995)

December 1995 marked the start of the Chocolate Bayou field trial. This field trial will include tests for scheduling, alarming, and on-line function block configuration.

High-Speed (H2) Release (October, 1996)

The H2 Release will add the high-speed bus capability (1 MB/s and 2.5 MB/s) to the Foundation fieldbus. This release will also include open redundancy capabilities and bridging options. It is important to know that the fieldbus communications protocol remains the same. H2 is an addition to the fieldbus technology, and it will not change devices or control systems that were defined and developed using the H1 release tools.

Low-Speed (H1) Release (March 1996)

In March 1996, the Fieldbus Foundation (FF) will announce the completion of the low-speed (H1) bus technology. At that time, FF will have completely verified the H1 protocol specification. As a result, fieldbus components will be available from FF or fieldbus technology suppliers, including Basic Field Device Stack, Link Master Stack, Protocol Monitor, Dialog Tools, DD (Device Description) Profiles, DD Software, DD Tools, Specifications, Conformance and Interoperability Tools, and Evaluation Kits. However, plant managers do not need to purchase or use any of these FF products. Instead, equipment manufacturers and DCS designers will use these tools to develop fieldbus compliant devices and control systems. Plant managers only need to verify that a device has passed FF testing (look for the FF Mark) to know that a device has passed interoperability tests, and that it will work in any fieldbus installation.

TABLE 1. Fieldbus Compatibility Questions.

Does Fieldbus Accommodate
Existing wiring? All types of instrumentation, including valves and transmitters? PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers)? DCS (Distributed Control Systems)? Single-Loop Controllers? Loop-Powered Design? Bus-Powered Devices? Intrinsically Safe Options? Bus Wiring Architecture? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Data Highway

Bridge H2 - H1

H1 H1

Fieldbus I/O
Junction Box

H1 H1 H1

NOTE Terminators and power supplies not shown.

Bus with spurs



FIGURE 1. Fieldbus Topology.


Rosemount Inc. Leading the way to fieldbus.

Fieldbus has been designed to take advantage of current industry standard wiring practices. This allows end users to use existing plant wiring for fieldbus upgrades, thereby maximizing funds already spent. This also allows plant engineers to design plant upgrades, segment by segment and device-by-device, to fieldbus technology. In fact, fieldbus technology accommodates current system components and devices (see Table 1), and will also accommodate future product innovations.

Traditional 420 mA Wiring

The advantages of traditional 420 mA wiring include well-established procedures and standards, standard control system interfaces, and standard support equipment. The major disadvantage of 420 mA wiring is that for most applications it is restricted to point-to-point installations.
Fisher Fisher

Fieldbus Wiring
Table 2 identifies fieldbus wiring capacity as identified in the ISA S50.021992 Physical Layer Subcommittee standard. Table 3 identifies cable types, cable sizes, and maximum cable run lengths. Fieldbus greatly expands the topology options for wiring devices. Where traditional wiring is limited, fieldbus includes point-to-point, bus with spurs, daisy-chain, and tree (see Figures 1 and 2).

FIGURE 2. Traditional 420 mA Plant Wiring.

Figure 3 illustrates fieldbus device capacity, and Figure 4 illustrates an H1 bus with spurs wiring diagram on a fieldbus segment. Just because one fieldbus segment can hold 32 devices does not mean the plant designer would actually connect 32 devices on a single segment. Because of security considerations, it would be unusual for a segment to exceed twelve devices.

TABLE 2. Fieldbus Wiring Capacity per ISA S50.021992 Physical Layer Subcommittee and IEC 1158-2:1993.
H1 (Low-Speed Bus) 31.25 kilobits per second (k/bs)
Devices (not bus-powered) Bus-Powered Devices Bus-Powered Intrinsically Save Devices Response Time Range (Typical Response Time) (3) 232 213 (practical limit = 13) 26 (1) 32 msec 2.2 msec (1 msec)

H2 (High-Speed Bus) 1 megabit per second (Mb/s)

232 none none 1 msec 70 msec (32 msec)

H2 (High-Speed Bus) 2.5 megabits per second (Mb/s)

232 none none To be determined

(1) Practical limit determined by security considerations and device power requirements. (2) Power requirements for H2 devices normally limit bus-powered connections at H2 speeds. (3) Actual response time depends on wire length, topology implementation, and message size.

TABLE 3. Fieldbus Cable Types per ISA S50.021992 Physical Layer Subcommittee and IEC 1158-2:1993.
Cable Types Type A, Shielded, Twisted-Pair Type B, Multi-twisted-pair, (a) with shield Type C, Multi-twisted-pair, (a) without shield Type D, Multi-conductor (a)

18 AWG 22 AWG 26 AWG 16 AWG

H1 31.25 kb/s Maximum Length

6234 ft (1900 m) 3937 ft (1200 m) 1312 ft (400 m) 656 ft (200 m)

22 AWG

H2 1 Mb/s Maximum Length

2461 ft (750 m)

22 AWG

H2 2.5 Mb/s Maximum Length

1640 ft (500 m)

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

(a) Types B, C, and D cables are typical guidelines, based on installed cable.


Understanding Fieldbus

Data Highway

Total of approximately 35,000 devices (due to address limits) .

H2 H2 Bridge H2 - H1 H1 32 Devices H1
NOTE Terminators and power supplies not shown. fieldbus-0003

32 Devices

H1 H1 H1 H1

32 Devices
FIGURE 3. Fieldbus Device Capacity.

6,234 ft (1900 m) Max.

100 1 F 100 1 F



Signal Isolation Circuit Fieldbus Power Supply

Device may be on a Spur

Field Devices Host Device

NOTE Field devices require 935 V dc at terminal points. fieldbus-0004

FIGURE 4. Fieldbus Wiring Diagram (H1 Bus with Spurs Implementation).

Rosemount Inc. Leading the way to fieldbus.


Chocolate Bayou, Texas will be the site of the second fieldbus field trial. Conducted at a plant owned by Monsanto, this field trial connects a DCS to a condensate pumping system (see Figure 5). The first fieldbus field trial was also conducted at this plant in December, 1993. Results from this field trial include the following benefits when compared to a traditional 420 mA installation: 82% savings in wire costs, and 63% savings in screw termination costs 46% reduction in interface cards and equipment cabinet space Estimated savings for 14 field devices: $5,000 ($2,000 in labor, and $3,000 in materials). Although the savings at Chocolate Bayou were impressive, it is important to note that plant savings will vary from installation to installation. In addition to the cost savings, commissioning problems were digitally detected in the control room and quickly resolved. The second field trial will test multiple fieldbus capabilities, including schedules, alarm status, on-line function block configuration, control transfers (moving the control function from one field device to another), and a redundant host test.

One of the improvements with fieldbus is device interoperability. Interoperability allows mixing devices from different manufacturers on the same fieldbus, and allows replacing a defective device with a device from a different vendor. Interoperability is provided by two major components: Function Blocks and Device Descriptions.

Function Blocks
A key interoperability component is standardized function blocks. Function Blocks provides common structure for defining inputs, outputs, control algorithms, events, alarms, and block control diagrams. Since function blocks are common for similar class devices, they allow one manufacturers device to be replaced with a different manufacturers device. The common function block definition ensures system integrity. Function blocks also allow timing and synchronization of control strategies so that system schedules can be built. The use of standardized function blocks permits information to be accessed by the control system in a consistent manner, regardless of device manufacturer.

Condensate from Header

Vendor E Honeywell
LT-101 PT

Vendor A Foxboro

Flash Tank
TT Rosemount TT-102


Rosemount LT-103 LT


Cond Pump


Vendor Valtek C

Vendor B FT Yokogawa

To Condensate Stack





Vendor D Smar
TT-208 TT


FIGURE 5. Chocolate Bayou Field Trial Test, December 1995.


Vendor D Smar

Fisher FT-106 CV-105

Micro Motion FT-207

To D1 To D1 andD2 & D2

Understanding Fieldbus
TABLE 4. Available Process Automation Function Blocks (partial list).
Initial Function Blocks
Analog Input Digital Input Manual Loader Bias/Gain Selector PD Control PID Control Ratio Analog Output Discrete Output

Alarm Subsystem

Future Function Blocks

Complex DO Complex AO Device Splitter Selector Setpoint Generator Characterizer Integrator Calc_D Calc_A Lead/Lag Dead Time Discrete Alarm Analog Alarm Discrete HMI Analog HMI Pulse Input Step Controller


Vendor Algorithms


Event Subsystem

Mode Structure (for example, Manual, Auto)

Device Description (DD)

Device Description (DD) technology is the second method the Fieldbus Foundation uses to achieve interoperability among field devices. A device description is essentially a driver for the device. A good analogy is drivers for laser printers, which cannot operate properly unless the correct print driver is specified. To install a device, simply connect the device to the fieldbus, then provide the DCS with the device description for the device. The DD includes the operating procedures, variable descriptions, and other information required by the host. DDs are written using a Device Description Language (DDL), which was developed by Rosemount Inc. DDL is also used for devices that use the HART protocol. Rosemount Inc. transferred the DDL technology to both the HART Communications Foundation and the Fieldbus Foundation.

FIGURE 6. Function Block Structure.

Even with standardized function blocks, vendors can design their own vendor algorithms (Figure 6). Thus, the vendor can develop advanced functionality, without sacrificing fieldbus interoperability. Function blocks also allow migration of functionality, especially the migration of control strategies to field devices. Figure 7 shows a flow transmitter, valve, PID control, and the fieldbus connections between devices. In this example, the control strategies have migrated to the field, allowing the DCS to perform other tasks. Table 4 identifies process automation function blocks that will be available when H1 technology is released, and also identifies some of the function blocks that will be available in the near future. Additional manufacturing automation function blocks will also be released shortly thereafter.



PID 110

A1 110


AO 110

FIGURE 7. Function Block Implementation ExampleDistributed PID Control.

Rosemount Inc. Leading the way to fieldbus.


The Fieldbus Foundation has developed a process to ensure that a device is fieldbus conformant. Once the H1 technology is released, all the tools and specifications will be available for device manufacturers to create fieldbus devices. Figure 8 illustrates some of the steps for this process. Briefly, a Stack Supplier creates and tests their stack, then has a third party test agent verify that the stack is fieldbus conformant. A device manufacture will use this stack (or build their own), then add function blocks and other features. The device will then be tested for fieldbus interoperability, and it will be issued an FF Mark (FF Device) if it passes. There are additional steps not illustrated in Figure 8. However, this procedure is transparent to end users. To determine if a device has passed fieldbus interoperability testing, simply check for the FF Mark on the device. The Fieldbus Foundation will periodically distribute a product catalog identifying FF Devices and FF Stacks, and will also periodically distribute device descriptions and DD Services Interpreter to subscribers.


Stack Supplier (SS) develops and tests stack Pass ? Third Party Test Agent (TT) tests stack for FF conformance Yes


Pass ? Yes

FF issues FF Mark (FF Device)


End User Purchases FF Registered Device


Device Supplier (DS) 1. Purchases Conformance Stack rights 2. Adds Function Blocks and other features 3. Installs stack, function blocks, and other features into device output board

Device Supplier (DS) 1. Creates DD (Device Description) 2. Tests device for Interoperability 3. Registers device with FF (optional) 4. Registers DD with FF (optional) 5. Submits interoperability test to FF

Fieldbus Foundation will periodically: - Distribute DDs (Device Descriptions) - Distribute DD Services Interpreter (allows host to interpret DDs) - Publish catalog identifying FF Stacks and FF Devices

NOTE This procedure is still in development.

FIGURE 8. Fieldbus Compatible Device Verification.

Understanding Fieldbus

Fieldbus will provide an explosion of data not previously available. Working with this data will provide solutions for problems faced by plant engineers and managers. In fact, this level of data will soon be required for many critical processes, and some agencies already require non-control information. For example, regulatory compliance agencies (OSHA, EPA, the Clean Air Act) mandate time-intensive maintenance documentation. ISO compliance, predictive maintenance, and process validation are other areas that will require extensive documentation and information.

Proprietary DCS Highway Controller Field Management Applications

Control Data

Field Data

Field Management Data


Field Management Solutions (FMS)

Fisher-Rosemount is uniquely positioned to be a supplier-partner in moving toward a new systems approach. FMS is made up of Advanced Digital Field Devices, Value Added Application Software, and Enabling Communications Technology. Advanced Digital Field Devices Rosemount Inc. did not wait for fieldbus to introduce high functionality field devices. Weve recently introduced two devices that represent the leading measurement technology in the world todaythe Model 3095MV Multivariable Mass Flowmeter and the Model 3095FT Flow Transmitter. These devices use our Multivariable technology to provide four process measurements with one device. With built-in correction coefficients, both devices can correct for process variations to improve process consistency. These devices also allow easier regulatory compliance because of reduced pipe intrusions and access to materials of construction information. Fast commissioning, reduced spare parts, and increased reliability all lead to a reduction in maintenance costs.
FIGURE 9. FMS/HART Architecture.

Value Added Application Software ValveLink, Cornerstone, and ProLink are three Fisher-Rosemount software application packages. These packages provide calibration and maintenance tools, advanced diagnostics, predictive maintenance applications, and regulatory compliance tools. With these packages, plant engineers can get a head start on the coming fieldbus information explosion, and can obtain improvements in regulatory compliance, process availability, and process consistency. Enabling Communications Technology Cost effective communications allow information to flow to and from the field devices. Currently, the HART protocol is the defacto standard for process industries, and our FMS solution is available now using HART. Both the FMS/HART architecture and fieldbus are designed to collect control and non-control information from field devices. And the FMS/HART solution can easily migrate to fieldbus when the technology is released without loss of the initial investment in HART equipment (see Figure 10).

Fisher-Rosemount Commitment to Fieldbus

Fisher-Rosemount has held a leadership position in fieldbus development for over ten years. Weve been an active participant in the SP50 Physical Layer Committee since 1985, and we chaired the committee from 1986-1995. We also demonstrated the worlds first working fieldbus at Interkama 1989. Rosemount Inc. also has field experience with fieldbus. Our Hydrostatic Tank Gaging (HTG) system introduced in 1991 uses the fieldbus physical layer, and has systems installed throughout the world. Rosemount Inc. invented the HART protocol, and then dedicated the HART patents to the public. Similarly, Rosemount Inc. also invented DDL (device descriptive language), which was used first for the HART protocol and is now used for fieldbus. Weve dedicated these technologies to the public. Rosemount Inc. was a founding member of ISPF, and were currently a sponsoring member of the Fieldbus Foundation. Fisher-Rosemount has been leading the fieldbus effort for over ten years, and we have spent more development dollars on fieldbus than anyone else. We plan to continue our leadership role in this effort. FisherRosemount is the largest field device manufacturer in the world, and we know that everyone wins with an open, interoperable fieldbus.


Rosemount Inc. Leading the way to fieldbus.

Upgrading Transmitters The Model 1151 and Model 3051 Examples

The industry leading Model 3051 and Model 1151 Pressure Transmitters are terrific examples of the Rosemount Inc. commitment to forwards and backwards compatibility. Introduced in 1969, all Model 1151 transmitters that have ever been shipped are field upgradeable to current revision hardware (HART using the Smart retrofit kit). Similarly, the Model 3051C can be switched to a low-power device by simply changing the output board. Once FOUNDATION fieldbus is released, it is our commitment to provide the same level of upgrades to our existing devices. Our transmitters will be able to convert to fieldbus by simply changing an output board. In fact, Rosemount transmitters are already designed to enable an easy transition to fieldbus: Modular electronic architecture separates the output board from the sensor module Communications rate is 20 times per second RFI filter compliant Transient protection meeting IEC 801-4/801-5 and IEEE 472/587. Low power consumption
3051-3031A29D, 1151-1151C04B fieldbus-0009

Because Rosemount Inc. designs forward and backwards compatibility into all our transmitters, your instrumentation investment is protected. The transmitters you buy today can be upgraded to future technology. And with our long leadership position in fieldbus development, we will introduce fieldbus upgrades the most secure and risk free.

Transition to Fieldbus
Most plant engineers are not likely to upgrade an entire plant to fieldbus, but are more likely to install fieldbus on one segment, test the application out, and make some process improvements. All this while the traditional 420 mA sections operate normally. After the initial test is over, plant engineers are then likely to design new sections of an existing plant with fieldbus devices, or design new plants entirely using fieldbus. In fact, the true benefits of fieldbus will be maximized with new installations. It is not likely that existing plants will be retrofitted to fieldbus, especially early on. It is more likely that existing plants will continue to use HART devices for MRO (Maintenance and Repair Orders) business, in order to maximize the start-up, engineering, and installation funds already invested. When a major plant expansion or upgrade is required, the FMS applications will be able to support both HART and fieldbus devices in the same environment, ensuring that the investments you make today are secure long into the future.

Proprietary DCS Highway Controller Field Management Applications Controller

H2 High Speed Fieldbus

Control Data

Field Data

Field Management Data

H1 Lower Speed Fieldbus

4-20 mA with HART

FIGURE 10. Seamless Fieldbus Migration.


What is the Fieldbus Foundation?

The Fieldbus Foundation is a neutral, not for profit organization with the objective of promoting FOUNDATION fieldbus Technology. Formed from the merger of ISPF and WorldFIP North America in October, 1994, the Fieldbus Foundation has since grown to over 100 companies, including all major international automation companies. The foundations goal is to create a single, open, interoperable, international fieldbus. founding members of ISPF, and is now a sponsoring member of the Fieldbus Foundation. FisherRosemount continues to play a lead role in Fieldbus Foundation operations and technical development. You can depend on Fisher-Rosemount to continue our involvement in FOUNDATION fieldbus development, and we will use that experience to introduce reliable fieldbus devices once the fieldbus technology is introduced.

Rosemount Inc. was one of the

Fieldbus Foundation Member Companies

ABB Ltd. Allen-Bradley Allen-Bradley Japan Alpret Analog Devices Apparatebau Hundsbach Bailey Controls Bailey Japan Beamex Belden Wire & Cable Bently Navada Borst Automation Bray International Bronkhorst High-Tech Brooks Instrument Caltex Services Chevron Danfoss digi table thielen DKK Druck Dupont Engineering Eckardt EMCO Endress + Hauser Enraf Exxon FINT Fischer & Porter Fisher Controls Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. Foxboro Fraunhofer Institute Fuji Electric Furon Company, Dekoron Glaxo Great Lakes Instruments GSC Precision Controls Hartmann & Braun Hitachi Honeywell ifak Instituto de Invest Elec Johnson Controls Johnson Yokogawa K.K. Codix K-Patents Keystone Controls Kimray Knick Koso Service KROHNE Leeds & Northrup Limitorque Magnetrol Masoneilan-Dresser MTL Mettler - Toledo Micro Motion Inc. Mitsubishi Electric Modicon Monsanto Motoyama Nagano Keiki Seisakusho National Instruments NEC Neles - Jamesbury NEMA Niigata Masoneilan Norsk Hydro Ohkura ElectricOval Pacific Avionics Pepperl + Fuchs POHTO Politecnico di Torino-Dai Presys Instr E Sistemas Procter & Gamble R. Stahl Schaltgeraete Ramsey Technology Rosemount Analytical Inc. Rosemount Inc. Saab Tank Control SattControl Servomex Shimadzu SHIP STAR Siebe ECD Sieger TPA Siemens IA Simrad Albatross SMAR Softing SOR Square D StoneL TMG i-tec Tokyo Keiso Toshiba Uticor Technology Valmet Automation VALTEK International VEGA Grieshaber Vinson Supply Westlock Controls Yamatake-Honeywell Yokogawa Electric

Rosemount Inc. Measurement Division

8200 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 USA Tel 1-800-999-9307 Telex 4310012 Fax (612) 949-7001

Rosemount and the Rosemount logotype are registered trademarks of Rosemount Inc. Multivariable and MV are trademarks of Rosemount Inc. ValveLink, Cornerstone, and ProLink are trademarks of Fisher-Rosemount Systems Inc. FOUNDATION and the FOUNDATION logo are trademarks of the Fieldbus Foundation. HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communications Foundation. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Cover graphic: fieldbus-0001.



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