Calamity Jane

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Calamity Jane
Dieses Mal ist unsere große Exzentrikerin auch eine große Schwindlerin:
Wir beleuchten das Leben einer Heldin des Wilden Westens.

ross-dressin’, gun-totin’, but stories she told in her autobiography
and all-singing, there’s of fighting “Indians” and working for the
never been a “cowgirl” military are almost certainly lies. She may,
quite like Calamity however, have been friendly, generous,
Jane — or so the much- and caring — and someone who went out
loved portrayal in the of her way to help the sick. She did meet
loud and colorful 1953 (but probably didn’t marry or have a re-
film Calamity Jane, star- lationship with) the legendary Wild Bill
ring Doris Day, would Hickok, another so-called frontier person-
have us believe. But like most stories asso- ality who didn’t mind telling tall stories to
ciated with her, it’s mainly fantasy, packed improve his reputation.
with myth and legend. Her appearance in many dime novels
It’s easy to see the attraction of a Ca- from 1875 on earned her national fame.
lamity Jane figure, whose life has inspired Born: The sensational stories in these cheap
films, cartoons, poems, books, documen- May 1, 1852 or 1856, but highly readable novels were nowhere
Princeton, Missouri
taries, and theater plays. She was also a near reality. In fact, the truth was a lot
central character in the 2019 Hollywood Died: less attractive than the legend. Martha
film Deadwood, a spin-off from the popular August 1, 1903, Jane Canary was an alcoholic, she had no
Terry, near Deadwood,
HBO TV series of the same name. South Dakota regular work and it’s possible she some-
Few people could have known better times worked as a prostitute. She had two
how true to life the story of this exciting American children and married twice. Despite her
cowgirl was than the real Calamity Jane: celebrity as an adventurous frontiers-
Martha Jane Canary. woman, she had a tough life right up until
Thought to have been born in Prince- her death in Deadwood in 1903.
ton, Missouri, in 1852 or 1856, she was Nevertheless, Canary’s fame as Calam-
likely the oldest of five or six children. By ity Jane allowed her to appear with the
calamity [kE(lÄmEti] gun-toting [(gVn )toUtIN]
the time she was in her mid-teens, both popular Buffalo Bill stage show in 1891
, Katastrophe , bewaffnet
her parents had died and she was head of and go on tour from the early 1890s. An
caring [(kerIN] portrayal [pɔːrˈtreɪəl]
the family. She traveled to “frontier coun- , fürsorglich , Darstellung
advertisement for her act perfectly played
try” — Wyoming — where she made a up to her reputation. The drawing shows
cross-dress [)krO:s (dres] reputation
name for herself by working and playing , sich als Transvestit [)repju(teIS&n] her dressed in men’s clothes, a gun in her
Foto: mauritius images/Science Source

hard in a world dominated by men. kleiden; hier: Männer­ , Ruf hand and a knife in her mouth, next to the
There are so many stories about Calam- kleider tragen words: “Pioneer New Woman Calamity
slayer [(sleI&r]
ity Jane that separating truth from fiction dime novel , Killer(in), Mörder(in) Jane … Scout, Trapper, and Indian Slayer.”
has been giving biographers headaches [(daIm )nA:v&l] N. Am. Like Doris Day’s romanticized cross-
spin-off [(spIn O:f]
, Groschenroman
for more than a century. It’s true that she , Ableger dressin’, gun-totin’, and all-singing por-
occasionally dressed as a man and that generous [(dZen&rEs] trayal of her, this, too, was pure make-
swear [swe&r]
, großzügig
she swore and drank alcohol “like a man,” , fluchen believe.

76 Spotlight 6/2020 ECCENTRIC LIFE

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