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Peace takes more

time than violence
STEPHEN ARMSTRONG berichtet, wie in verschiedenen Ländern
– mit begrenzten Mitteln, aber viel Herzblut – versucht wird, junge
Leute von Kriminalität und Gewalt abzubringen.

Violence as a disease “I’d been working in the Midlands chief constable UK

Karyn McCluskey is slim and cheerful, and we did three or four murders in a [(kVnstEb&l]
with bright eyes and a big smile. You’d couple of years. I came to Strathclyde , Polizeichef(in)
never expect that this woman, with and it was three or four on an average council house UK
, Sozialwohnung
very little help, cut the murder rate in weekend,” she says, still amazed. “Glas-
Europe’s most violent city in half. And gow had the highest murder rate of any homicide squad
[(hQmIsaId )skwQd]
she did it with not much funding but a Western European city. We were solv- , Mordkommission
couple of very big ideas. ing 98 per cent of the investigations,
Fotos: RobinOlimb/; privat

Midlands UK
McCluskey grew up in a council but people were still dying.” , das mittelenglische
house near Glasgow. She became a She looked at some numbers and Tiefland rund um
nurse, then trained as a psychologist told her then boss, Strathclyde’s Chief Birmingham
before joining the police and work- Constable Willie Rae, that in 30 years
ing with homicide squads across the of policing, they’d made no differ-
country. In 2003, she moved back home ence to the number of violent crimes.
and joined the Strathclyde Police. She Her recommendation? Do something
was shocked by what she found there. different.


In January 2005, she established the In the early days, the plan nearly col-
Strathclyde Violence Reduction Unit lapsed. Local businesses contacted
(SVRU): “We had some funding but by SVRU agreed to help ex-offenders
not a huge amount. They would let us find work, but the financial crash put
innovate, but if we failed, it wouldn’t an end to that. SVRU’s Inspector Iain
cause angry headlines.” Murray went to LA to study Homeboy
Through her training as a nurse, Mc- Industries, a catering company that
Cluskey followed new ideas from the provides former gang members with
World Health Organization. These in- employment for a year, mentoring,
dicated that violence should be seen as psychotherapy and other support (see
a public health problem. US epidemiol- Spotlight 6/20).
ogist Gary Slutkin, who had worked in Strathclyde Police set up Braveheart
Somalia trying to control tuberculosis Industries, the first-ever police-run
in refugee camps, found that messen- employment programme. Murray took
gers people could believe in were es- six of the toughest repeat offenders he
sential for lasting change. “The most could find and opened an upmarket
effective people in changing behav- food shop in an Airstream trailer in
iours around HIV/AIDS have been sex Glasgow’s wealthy West End. They
workers,” he explains. “Teaching moth- were given help to find a home and
ers about breastfeeding is best done by adapt to normal life, but had to be clean
other mothers.” of drugs and alcohol and ready to work.
By the end of 2018, five such social en-
Looking for a cure — terprises were paying for themselves
Scotland and the US and not costing the public a penny.
In the late 1990s, Slutkin returned to And yet the heart of the problem (from the top) Karyn
Chicago, one of America’s most violent was only just coming into focus. To un- McCluskey (Scotland), Gary
cities, and realized that violence fits the derstand the spread of violence, it was Slutkin (United States),
definition of a contagious disease — one important to know that kids suffering Bridget Hannah (South Africa)
and Lauri McCusker (Northern
violent act often leads to another — and attachment issues or early years of trau-
that people copy each other’s behaviour ma are, in effect, patient zero. They’ve
until violence becomes normal. It grows always known violence as a way of life
like a virus unless you can stop it early. or used it as a key element in relation-
He created Cure Violence in 2000, ships.
an organization that uses epidemiolo- “When I look at a class of five-year-
gy mapping to find violent areas, hires olds, none of them wants to grow up to abuse [E(bju:z] exposure
people in the community who have be a drug addict or a sex worker or an , Missbrauch , Ausgesetztsein

credibility and trains them to cool peo- armed robber — we lose them along the Airstream trailer headline
ple down. Such “interrupters” are often way,” says McCluskey. “They’re your , silbrig-glänzender , Schlagzeile
ex-gang members or former offenders. prison population in 15 years’ time.” impoverished
Slutkin launched the model in West , verarmt
attachment issue
Garfield, Chicago’s most violent com- Looking for a cure — , Bindungsstörung
munity at the time. Shootings there fell South Africa , Kartierung, Zuordnung
by 67 per cent in its first year. In South Africa’s Western Cape prov- , Stillen
NGO (non-governmen-
McCluskey and Slutkin both be- ince, township areas are plagued by tal organization)
come down hard on sb. , nichtstaatliche Orga-
lieve it takes a generation to treat this high unemployment and extreme pov- , bei jmdm. hart durch- nisation
disease. The SVRU launched in 2008 erty. Black youth from impoverished ar- greifen
informed Glasgow’s gangs that the eas fear for their safety outside school, contagious , Straftäter(in)
unit was going to provide them with a making it hard for them to concentrate [kEnt(teIdZEs]
ansteckend plague [pleIg]
way out but would come down hard on on their studies. Over time, exposure ,
, heimsuchen, plagen
anyone who rejected it. “One of the key to violence leads to drug and alcohol credibility
, Glaubwürdigkeit
township area S.Afr.
reasons violence survives and spreads abuse, mental health problems, risky , von Farbigen bewohn-
is poverty and hopelessness,” she ex- sexual behaviour and criminality. In drug addict te Siedlung
plains. “If we didn’t treat that, change 2016, the local government and a num- , Drogensüchtige(r)
upmarket UK
wouldn’t happen.” ber of NGOs launched a project called , gehoben


After School Game Changer (now re-
named the After School Programme)
to tackle one part of this problem.
Bridget Hannah, from the Depart-
ment of Cultural Affairs and Sport,
manages the After School Programme
Office, which works to coordinate,
consolidate and expand the provision
of quality After School Programmes for
under-resourced learners. After School
Programmes (ASPs) are designed to
keep kids in a safe space and protect
them from violence. “It’s a controver- for years. “It starts young,” he explains.
sial term, but we’re building positive “In Northern Ireland, 95 per cent of kids
gangs — recreating the security and go to either a Catholic or a Protestant
camaraderie that gangs might offer a school and the schools work in parallel
young person, but in a positive space,” universes.”
she explains. McCusker grew up Catholic in Fer-
ASPs have four strands: sports, managh, a rural county with small
arts, academic ability and life skills, farming villages, each with two small,
although, as Hannah says, every pro- underfinanced primary schools — one
gramme has life skills at the core: “No for each community. Using money
one wants to come to a life skills pro- from a US charity, he employed spe-
gramme — they want to bash around a cialist teachers of French, music, maths
Different countries, similar
ball,” she says. Her job is to set bench- and science, and offered their services
challenges: (clockwise from
marks for all the after-school providers for free on one condition: the Catholic top left) kids at an ASP in
and coordinate schedules so organiza- and Protestant schools would have to South Africa; on the streets
tions can track a kid who may have mar- share the teachers, with kids from both of Chicago; a young man in
tial arts on Monday, choir on Tuesday communities present in every class. Glasgow
and soccer on Wednesday. “We support Lessons were held at the start or end of
timetabling for a sense of routine and the day so that parents from both sides
stability,” explains Hannah. dropped off or picked up their kids to-
Since the Programme Office was gether.
launched, they have been able to track Since the shared education pro-
170,000 learners from no and low-fee gramme was launched in 2009, the academic skills instant
schools that have registered for After effect on tensions has been dramatic. , schulische Fertigkeiten, , sofortig, unmittelbar

School Programmes, and 40 per cent In the village of Newtownbutler, for Leistungen
life skills
have attended regularly and consist- example, where republicanists and bash , Lebensbewältigung,
, schlagen Alltagskompetenz
ently — giving more than 84,000 kids loyalists would stand up to each other
Fotos: After School Programme; Ed Kshi; Photofusion/Getty Images
a safe environment where their emo- every year, protests have dwindled. “It camaraderie martial arts
[)kÄmE(rA:dEri] [)mA:S&l (A:ts]
tional, social, physical and academic was a challenge,” McCusker explains, , Kameradschaft , Kampfsport
skills have been strengthened. It’s ear- “but over recent years, you’ve seen the
choir [(kwaIE] primary school UK
ly days, but Hannah has seen a decline kids from both communities coming , Chor , Grundschule
in destructive, risk-taking behaviours together and parents sharing the same
consistently register
among young people. school playground. It’s very hard to , durchwegs, beständig , sich anmelden
stand on the opposite side of the street
core rural [(rUErEl]
Looking for a cure — screaming at each other if you’ll be pick- , Mittelpunkt, Kern , ländlich
Northern Ireland ing your kids up from the same school
drop sb. off strand
In Northern Ireland, education is at the gate next week. Reducing violence is , jmdn. absetzen, , hier: Schwerpunkt
heart of an ambitious programme to usually simple when you think about aussteigen lassen
tackle sth.
bring peace to the Catholic and Protes- what motivates people. The problem is dwindle , etw. angehen
tant communities, who — in the words sticking with the plan. In a world that , zurückgehen
of the programme’s founder, Lauri Mc- wants instant results, peace takes more for free , Spannungen
Cusker — have been killing each other time than violence.” , kostenfrei


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