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L. L3. ( 05 Year S Par t ― ■ 1 inouxo. :

Islamic Jurisprudence I Hrs.

Paper: Time: 3 Marks: I00

. Note: Attempt any FIW Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe and explain the position of euran as primary source of lslamic Law.
2' Sunnah has a twoford rore in rsramic Legisiation; it exprains the brief injunctions
of Hory Quran
and it frames law when and where euran remains
silent. Do you agree?
3 What is rjtehad dnd what are the basic quarifications
of a competent Mujtahid? can we -'
the incumbent parliament with the delicate assignment " entrust
of tjtef,raf frpfrin ,.riiorr;;.
4 Exprain briefry the rore and contribution
of earry Musrmiciurists in."rr, .u".lrl
of lslamic Law.
5' rsram has categorized the crime in reference
to punishments, in three major areas; Hadd,
and Qisas & Diyat. Explain breifly
6' "Their matters are decided & discharged with
mutuar consurtation,, Exprain this principre
particular reference to the concept of Shura with
and its binding nature.
7' Air cases are based on the strength ofevidence produced
Lfore Judiciar authority. rsram
emphasizes on the quality of.witnesses in different
cases. Explain breifly
9 rsram has ordained specific guiding principres
during the course *rru;;;;,. prease exprain
and compare the same with modern time wars. "t
10. Write short notes on the following:

A) Qiyas
B) tima
話1正 I i I I I i 11 ││● ● ● ● ││

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Sut t eCt : lslamic Jurisprudence Paper: I Ti me: 3 Hr . Mar kS: 100

Nor er ハ ρ r a"y Fr yE Q"est ′ 。 ″ 9“ esf ′ 0"S Ca″ y e9“ a′ mar ■ s.

"b″ "s. Д
Ql . What i s t he i mpor t ance and si gni f i cance of Qur an i n l s: ami c Law and Legi sl at i on?
Q2 A number of Qur ani c i t t unCt i Ons coul d onl y be under st ood wl h r ef er ence t o t he Sunnah
of Hol y Pr ophet ( 響 ) , do yOu agr ee?Ki nd: y suppot t your answer wi t h exampl es

Q3. りt ehad i S t he most i mpor t ant sour ce t o r esol ve t he moder n‐ t i r ne i ssues, expl ai n and
di scuss
Q4. Musl i m Ummah r emai ns hi ghl y i ndebt ed t o t he cont “ buJ on of ea‖ y Mus‖ m」 unst s in
comp‖ at i on and codr i cat i On Of : sl anl i c Fi qh Exp! ai n
Q5 Expl ai n t he di f Fer ence of Hadd, Tazi r and Qi sas&Di yat cr i mes Pl ease suppor t your br i ef
wi t h exampl es.
Q6 What ar e t he r nai n p‖ l ar s of a Mus‖ m St at e?Whet her t hey cor r espond wi t h t he concept
of a r noder n St at e?
Q7 i si am has gr ant ed women an ext r emel y r espect ab! e st at us What i s t he post i on of
. f ema! e as a compet ent vvi t ness i n t he: s: anni c Law?

Q8 : sl am has i nt r oduced t he concept of Hal aa: and Har aam whi l e l ayi ng down t he
i ngr edi ent s of a∞ nt r act of sa! e and pur chase El abor at e.
Q9 How t he Pr i soner s of VVa〔 PoWS} t r eat ed under t he gol den: si ami c Pr i nci pl es of war and
Q10 Wr i t e shor t not es on t he f o‖ owi ng:
a) Pub‖ C Ri ght s b) P“ vat e Ri ght s

SutteCt lslamic Jurisprud€nce Paper: I
! Rottruo................. :
Time:3 Hr. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any FIVE euesfions. Ail questions carry equal marks.

Q.l . Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (HD are integral part of each other in as far as
lslamic Legislation is concerned. please explain briefly.
Q.2. ljma plays a vital role in lslamic Legislation. Kindly define and explain its importance.
Q'3. Muslim Jurists of early era have simplified the lslamic Law to practice, while codifying
their respective Fiqhs. Highlight it briefly by giving examples.
Q.4. ljtehad will continue till the day of Judgment to correspond to the needs of the Muslims in
respective time and space. Please explain the different basic qualifications of a
competent Mujtahid.
Q.5' lslamic Law has classified the punishments mainly in Hadd, Ta'azir, Qisas & Diyat, kindly
explain each.
Q.6. What are the traditional sources of revenue of an lslamic State?
Q 7. What are the different qualifications for the competency of witnesses in different cases
, under the lslamic Law of Evidence?
Q.8. What are the different ingredients of a contract under lslamic Law?
Q.9. How the Prisoners of war are treated in an lslamic State?
Q.10. Write short notes on the following:
a) Darul lslam
b) Shura
*a- uNrvERsrrY oF rHE PUNJAB :';:;;;; -:-: _ - I
ffi L.L.B. (05 Years) Part
Subject: lstamic Jurisprudence
- lll Annual Examination 2021 !..
Paper: I
- ... .
! ....... ... ....
Time: 3 Hr. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any FIVE Quesfions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Quran Majeed is consuhed primarily while drafting laws. What are the basic principles
which Quran observed during its course of legislation?
2. The denial to the role of Sunnah in lslamic legislation would lead to chaos and
misunderstanding of inJunctions laid down in Quran. lllurtrate
3. ljtehad always responds to the needs of modern times wlthin the framework of Shariah.
4. Muslim Jurists, 14 centuries back, have expounded certain new principles to carye out
lslamic Law, coinciding urith modern theories of law. *plain and illustrate
5. What are the classifications of Punishments under lslamic Shariah. Whether Hadd is a
compoundable crime?
6. Kindly explain briefly the Sovereignty and the Shura as the two fundamental pillars of
Muslim State.
7. lslam has its unique system of evidence and witnesses in different cases, discuss.
8. Shariah tns introdrmed.aMarre*concept of ownership, dlfferent from Capitattsrntfid
Communism. Explain in contrast.
9. Jehad is primarily a law of war often misunderstood by modern thinkers. Kindly explain
it elucidatingthe treatment $ven to Prisoners of War,
10. Write short notes on the following:
Al Public Rights
B) Private Rights

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