Keywords Chapter 3

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Personality and Values

Personality Enduring characteristics that Two individuals with different
describe an individual’s personality traits are A & B.
behavior  Person A is known for
their outgoing and sociable
nature. They are energetic,
talkative, and highly
expressive in their
 Person B is more
introverted and reserved.
They are often described
as calm, independent, and
Heredity Factors determined at Take a family with a genetic
conception; one’s biological, predisposition for height as an
physiological, and inherent example. If both parents are tall,
psychological makeup it is more likely that their children
will inherit genes for increased
Myers-Briggs A personality test that taps 4
Type Indicator characteristics and classifies
(MBTI) people into 1 of 16
personality types
Big Five Model A personality assessment
model that taps 5 basic
Power distance The extent to which a society Vietnam scores relatively high on
accepts that power in the power distance dimension,
institutions and organizations indicating a hierarchical society
is distributed unequally where people accept and expect
- High power distance power inequalities
cultures accept
hierarchical structures
and respect authority
- low power distance
cultures promote
equality and minimize
social disparities
Individualism Individualistic societies Vietnam tends to have a lower
Collectivism prioritize personal goals and score on individualism, reflecting
achievements, emphasizing a collectivist society where
independence and self- individuals prioritize the needs of
reliance. the group over personal interests
Collectivism Conversely, collectivist
cultures emphasize group
harmony and loyalty, valuing
the collective over individual
Masculinity Masculinity explores the Vietnam has a slightly higher
degree to which a society masculinity score, suggesting a
values traditionally greater emphasis on
masculine traits. Masculine assertiveness, competition, and
cultures value achievement.
assertiveness, and material
Femininity Femininity explores the
degree to which a society
values traditionally feminine
traits. Feminine cultures
prioritize nurturing, quality
of life, and caring for others.
Uncertainty Uncertainty avoidance Vietnam ranks moderately high
avoidance reflects a society's tolerance on uncertainty avoidance,
for ambiguity and indicating a desire for stability,
uncertainty. structure, and rules
- High uncertainty
avoidance cultures
prefer clear rules,
structure, and rigid
systems to minimize
unknown factors.
- Low uncertainty
avoidance cultures
embrace ambiguity,
adaptability, and
flexible approaches.
Time orientation Time orientation, assesses a Vietnam typically displays a
society's focus on future- long-term orientation,
oriented thinking and emphasizing persistence,
planning. thriftiness, and perseverance in
- Long-term oriented achieving long-term goals
cultures emphasize
thriftiness and delayed
- Short-term oriented
cultures prioritize
immediate results,
respect for traditions,
and fulfilling social

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