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 Teacher X makes sure to deliver quality, To which documents shall she qualify as
relevant, and effective instruction to his a “Teacher”? REPUBLIC ACT NO.783
students even without the supervision of  Which documents/s do/es not include
his head teacher. He strongly believes Principal W of Pangasinan State
that reliability is a quality of a great University laboratory High School as a
teacher. REALIBILITY “teacher” BATAS PAMBANSA NO.232

 The Hawthorne Effect- tells us that as  Is the Education Program Supervisor in

someone who is being observed gives a the English subject required to obtain a
better performance. license? YES / R.A 7836

 No man is an island. Which quality of a  Dr. Q is a marine biologist at University

great teacher is being referred to? of the Philippines Marine Science
COOPERATIVENESS Institute. She is a professor of marine
science courses, but in the 1st semester
 You could not give what you do not of academic year 2023-2024, she was
have. Thus, if you would like to develop assigned to conduct research studies
in your students the attainment of the depriving her of any classroom teaching
various levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy of load. Can she still qualify for the
Cognitive Domain, you should likewise definition of a “teacher” according to the
possess which quality of the great legal documents? YES / BATAS

 Your referent power as a teacher is  How many years of college education is

manifested by exemplifying which the minimum requirement for a
quality of the great teacher? professional? 4 YEARS SA TEACHER
 What Republic Act created the
 Domain No.3 in the PPST is diversity of government institution which is
Learners. Which quality is most effective responsible for monitoring and
in championing respect to the accreditation of tertiary education in the
differences in a well diversified class? Philippines? REPUBLIC ACT 7722
 Batas na gumawa sa TESDA – RA 7796
 Creativity is one of the key skills in the
21st century. Which quality of a teacher  Trace the historical development of laws
is pertained to? INNOVATIVENESS which govern the licensure examination
for teachers in the country. (1) PD 1006
 Teacher S, an LPT, is a part time (2) RA 7836 (3) RA 9293
classroom teacher in Dagupan City
National High School. He handles  Can Manny Pacquiao be given a permit
subjects under the Accountancy and to teach even without a license? YES,
Business Management strand. Which by virtue of RA 9293
document will he qualify as a “teacher”?
RA 7836  Once a teacher, forever a student.
Which element of the profession is most
 Teacher Z, a recent graduate of AB related with the adage? CPD
History, is a teacher of Life and Works of (CONTINUING PERSONAL
Rizal at Xavier University, Ateneo de DEVELOPMENT) RA 10912
Cagayan. To which document shall he
qualify as a “teacher” BATAS  In the Republic Act 10612, is attendance
PAMBANSA BILANG 232 to seminars/training/workshops the only
channel of accumulating CPD units?
 Teacher O is a Grade 6 Mathematics i. Professional Track –
teacher at Bolosan Elementary School. Seminars/Training/ Workshops
(aattend ka talaga na may CPD i. K-12 Curriculum (RA 105333)
accreditation) ii. ASEAN Integration
iii. Globalization
ii. SELF DIRECTED TRACK – aattend ka iv. Changing characteristics of 21st
sa mga seminars pero hindi siya CPD century learning
ACCREDITED v. One-size-fits all
iii. ACADEMIC TRACK – if you finish
your continuing cpd (Masterals,  What are the three levels of integration?
Doctoral) i. INTRA DISCIPLINARY – Within the
subject matter
 A teacher who successfully passed the ii. INTER DISCIPLINARY -Connect
licensure examination will be granted a subjects to other subject areas
professional identification card, iii. TRANS DISCIPLINARY- Connect the
otherwise known as the professional subject in real world
license. The validity of which shall be
within how many years? 3 YEARS  What does developmentally appropriate
teaching mean? Age appropriate
 What is the national organization of (Spiral curriculum)
teacher in the country? PAFTE -
TEACHERS AND EDUCATOR  What are the three intertwined
knowledge that a teacher should
 Even before the passage of CPD Act of possess in order to assure a well-
2016, are teachers encouraged to managed instructional delivery?
attend seminars/training/workshops? CONTENT K., PEDAGOGICAL K.,
Which law tell us about this? CODE OF TECHNOLOGICAL K.
TEACHER (ARTICLE IV Sec. 3)  How can our lesson be considered as
 How many level are there in the TO THE STUDENTS’ PERSONAL
Philippine Qualifications Framework? 8 LIVES
 One standard under Domain 1 is the
 In the context of PQF which is higher, an proficient use of Mother Tongue. What
NCIV holder of TESDA or a Grade 12 specific levels (grade or educational
graduate from DepEd? NC IV Holder of level) is the use of Mother Tongue
TESDA required as a medium of instruction?
 Enumerate the key entities who can
make use of the PPST.  Providing a safe, secure, fair and
i. Teachers supportive learning environment is
ii. TEIS – curriculum governed by which laws in the
iii. PRC – LET Philippines? (1) RA 7877- ANTI
iv. DepEd – hiring – promotion SEXUAL HARRASSMENT LAW
v. Organization – (2) RA 10627 – ANTI BULLYING ACT
training/workshop/seminars (3) ARTICLE 218- FAMILY CODE IN
 Trace the historical development of the
framework of teacher quality in the
Philippines.  The doctrine of in loco parentis means
i. National Competency- Based Teacher that? SURROGATE PARENTS (of the
Standards (NCBTS) students)
ii. PPST (DepEd Order 42 s. 2017)
 What events led to the revision of  Effectively managing the behavior of
NCBTS to PPST? learners under the Domain 2 of PPST
entails the use of the following. Tell DepEd curriculum guide? YES/ BP 232
something about them. CHAPTER 3 SEC. 16
a) Signal Interference- nonverbal cues
b) Proximity Control- going near to the  Can the students’ classmates take a
misbehavior student. look at their peer’s academic records?
c) Antiseptic bouncing- errands NO / BP. 232
d) Momentum- ability as a teacher to
continue teaching even if there are  This is paragraph 4 of Chapter 3 Section
disturbances. 16 in BP Blg. 232. Assume the
e) 5S in classroom management- Stare, responsibility to maintain and sustain his
Silence, Separate, see him/her professional growth and advancement
personally, Seek Professional help. and maintain professionalism in his
 Is providing challenging activities behavior at all times. Which elements of
beneficial to the learning of our the profession and domain in the PPST
students? YES, TO PROMOTE are related? CPD (Element of
LEARNING (Lev Vygotsky Profession) /DOMAIN 7 (PPST)
 Can the teacher deduct points from the
 Characterize a constructive classroom students’ quiz score because they are
environment? Jean Piaget Theory noisy? NO / BP BLG 232 CHAPTER 3
(Schema, Assimilation, SECTION 16
 How many articles are there in the COE
 Is diversity favored or frowned upon in for PT? 13 ARTCILE
the classroom? FAVORED (To balance
the class)  According to Article XI of the COE for
PT, what is the highest obligation of the
 What are various assessment tools used professional teacher? LIVE WITH
inside the classroom? QUIZ, EXAM, DIGNITY AT ALL TIMES
NARRATIVE REPORT  Referring to our personal behavior,
which principle should we always
 Is the school mutually exclusive from the follow? SELF-DISCIPLINE
community? NO
 Being a role model of values is expected
 Which element of the profession is most from a professional teacher as our
relevant to Domain 7 of the PPST? behaviors and actuations might be
CPD/CONTINUING PERSONAL adapted by our learners. Which learning
DEVELOPMENT theory is supportive of this idea?
 What does it tell about your perception BANDURA
of the teaching profession when you
responded “Educ LANG ang course ko”,  Is a projecting a well-mannered behavior
when asked about your enrolled expected from a teacher only inside the
program in college? NOT PROUD IN school premises? NO
 The guide of our destiny as teachers
 What is lifelong learning? ANG and the destinies of men and nations
PAGKATUTO AY HINDI NATATAPOS according to Article XI of COE for PT is?
A TEACHER FOREVER WE ARE A  Can the principial interfere in the
STUDENT computation of the academic marks of
the students? NO, BUT SOME
 Is the teacher required to achieve the INSTANCE YES
learning objectives mentioned in the
 What is the first and foremost concern of 3. Religious Authorities will only teach.
the professional teacher? INTEREST 4. No additional payments from the
LEARNERS  Who shall exercise supervision and
regulation of all educational institutions?
 Under Article VIII of the COE for PT STATE
Section 3. Under no circumstances shall
a teacher be prejudiced or discriminate  If in a corporation or association the
against a learner. Which quality of a constitutional requirement for
great teacher is pertained to? establishment of a school is that the 60
FAIRNESS per centum capital is owned by a
 Can the teacher tutor his own students
and require a fee? NO IF IT INSIDE  Are revenues and assets of non-stock,
THE CLASSROOM non-profit educational institutions used
directly and exclusively for educational
 Can the teacher throw an eraser to an purposes exempted from tax and
erring student to call his attention? NO, duties? YES
Section 8 Article 8 of Code of Ethics
for PT  What level of education is academic
freedom explicitly granted in the 1987
 Can the teacher add points in the Constitution? COLLEGE LEVELS
examination of students who joined the
school educational trip? NO, POINTS  What are the three entities that enjoy
MUST BE BASED ON MERITS ONLY academic freedom in the 1987
Constitution? TEACHER FREEDOM,
 What level/s of education is quality STUDENT FREEDOM, SCHOOL
desired in terms of the teaching and FREEDOM
learning? ALL LEVELS
(ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY,  Is the guidance counselor included in
COLLEGE) 1987 CONSTITUTION the definition of the teacher according
to PD 1006? YES
 In terms of Article XIV of the 1987
Constitution differentiate the following:  If in RA 7836 the Board for Professional
Teachers handles the teaching
QUALITY- Seminars, trainings, Licensure
profession under the PRC, who governs
Exam (the effectiveness in the delivery of the
the teaching profession in PD 1006
which is under CSC? NATIONAL
ACCESS- making the schools free, more BOARD OF TEACHER
schools, accessible (making more students
enrolled in schools)  What is the minimum percentage
requirement to pass the PBET? 70%
 Which level/s of education is free and SUBJECT
compulsory according to the 1987
 According to PD 1006, starting in the
Constitution? ELEMENTARY
year 1980 a teacher shall be prohibited
from practicing the profession unless
 All educational institutions shall include he/she is a holder of a valid certificate of
the study of CONSTITUTION as part of registration.
the curricula.

 What are the 4 requisites to allow

religion classes inside the school?
1. Written permission from parents
2. Within class hours

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