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1. How does the system work and what's the process for becoming a buddy?

Can you tell us how many people are part of the program?
That is different per semester, it depends on the number of exchange students coming.

2. What makes each student different when they get their buddies?
Not sure I understand the question.

3. Are there any specific criteria for selecting buddies?

They need to be available on certain dates and need to have a good motivation letter.

4. When it comes to finding the right buddy match, what's the most important factor, and
how do you go about finding the right match?
We try and match students with a buddy who does the same programme but that is not
always possible. Also, we ask selected buddies if they are interested in connecting with
students from certain universities or countries. We try to have males and females within each
buddy team. Furthermore, if possible, we try to have two (if there are two coming) students
from the same university allocated to the same buddy team.

5. After the semester-end evaluations, do the results impact what the buddies receive in
terms of benefits and opportunities (e.g., cv boosts, AV-points, priority for exchange
programs, etc.)?
Yes, if an evaluation of a exchange student of their buddy is not good, we first check with the
buddy to see what they say about this. Our experience is that a bad evaluation mostly is due
to miscommunication. If the students wants a meeting with us and the buddy together, we
will set this up but that almost never happens. If it is clear that a buddy really did not fulfill
the requirements, they do not receive the benefits.

6. How do you keep in track if buddies are doing their roles or not?
We ask them to submit a summary after three weeks and do spot checks. Also, during
introduction we ask students to come to us during the semester if they have a problem with
their buddy. Unfortunately, that is hardly ever done and we usually become aware of
problems when students return the evaluation.

7. We'd love to know more about the perks and advantages as buddies.
Buddies used to have an advantage with selection for their own study abroad but since the
selection process has changed now, they don’t get this anymore. The only thing they receive
is a certificate and/or AV-points. And of couse as wel always say: the most important thing is
you can gain from this programme is the experience!

8. Schedule and structure of Buddy program meetings

We schedule two buddy team meetings after buddy selection is done.

9. The frequency of Buddy program meetings and their structure. How often do they meet,
and how do they stay in touch?
Mostly this question is answered via the link I gave to the buddy programme page on the
portal. Besides that, we ask buddies to meet their students in the first week to explain certain
things and check up on them regularly. Sometimes the connection is so good that buddies and
students become friends and see each other often, sometimes a student made friends within
the exchange programme or simply is not really interested in more contact with the buddy.
10. We'd be truly grateful if we could get our hands on the semester-end evaluation survey,
since we are aiming to turn them to the solid number form in a structured format.
I assume you mean the evaluation we send to students to evaluate their buddy? If so, I can
forward that e-mail to you. I am not sure I understand the aim you speak of.

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