Midterm Examinatio1

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December 19, 2020

Midterm Examination- Organization and Management

1.Describe your ideal management theories, principles, and integrated

approaches, and how these contribute to managerial efficiency and effectiveness
of your organization.
My ideal management theories, principles and integrated approach are the combination
of Theory X and Theory Y by Douglas McGregor.
We all know that in an organization, employees have different characteristics in terms of
working or doing their jobs. There are employees who love the nature of their work but
there are some who doesn’t, employees who wants responsibilities and some who
avoid it and employees who satisfied with their works and some who works only for
For those employee who are beginners, dislike their works, and unwilling to take
responsibility I will apply the Theory X or authoritarian management style in which I as a
manager need to supervised them, give them more directions and control and most
especially review their requirements regularly and provide feedback. By providing
feedback, they will know what are the things they need to do or not to do, and the things
they need to improved. For those who are experienced enough, love the nature of work,
and willing to take responsibility, I will apply the Theory Y or participative management
style in which I will provide less supervision and direction and I can give my trust to
them in doing their works as well as involve them in decision- making.
Through reviewing my employees regular task, I can decide what management styles I
will used in order to reach our goal which is to create a surplus and to be productive by
achieving a favorable output-input ratio within a specific time period with due
consideration for quality.
2.Construct an organizational Chart of a known private institution familiar to you.
How does the chart help the management of the institution in attaining the
excellent performance of the organization?

Organizational Chart of Marbel Evangelical Learning Center

The chart helps the management of the institution in attaining the excellent performance
of the organization by demonstrating clear reporting structures for all the employees in
the organization. It creates a road-map for how the work is to be done and the process
required to ensure this information is shared throughout the company, to the right
individuals. And the way to ensure this takes place efficiently is, to have one supervisor
or manager and few employees directly reporting to one.
In larger organizations particularly, employees need to know who is their reporting
head. So that whenever there are issues or they require guidance pertaining to complex
problems, their superiors can provide help as and when needed. It is best to seek help
at the earliest instead of waiting for the right time or in standard meetups. Clearly
defined chain of communication helps efficiently spread the message & minimizes
losses in translation.

3.Is VMGO and Organizational Structure closely related to each other to attain
successful management? Why? Support your answers.
The VMGO and Organizational Structure are closely related with the organizational
structure because every organization uses a structure that should promote that
organization's vision, mission, goals and Objectives.
An organization first needs a clear mission before leadership can determine the goals
of the organization. Everything the organization does, from the lowest levels to the top,
should revolve around the organization's mission. This means any goals set by
management need to line up with the organization's mission. These goals need to be
measurable; otherwise, management does not have the ability to determine the
organization's progress toward completing the goals. Each individual fills a certain role
within the organization, performing tasks that help achieve the goals set by
management. Each person in the organization needs to have a specific role defined,
including a certain amount of personal responsibility to complete tasks that further the
organization's accomplishment of its goals.

4.What are the elements/ factors in crafting 5year Development plan of an

organization? What is the significance of SWOT? Cite samples/ references for
your answers.

In crafting 5year development plan of an organization, we must do four things in order to

be successful in our development plan. First, determine our strategic plan in which we
must select a strategy framework. Second, hone in on our company’s vision statement.
Our vision statement should describe the future state of our organization. The goal of
our organization is to get our employees excited about the strategic plan and the
progress we’ll be making in the future. Third, craft our company’s mission statement.
Our mission statement describes what our company does and how we differ other in our
company. Lastly, define the company’s objectives which tells about the goals we’re
trying to achieve for the next five years.

SWOT is an important acronym for individuals and organizations alike in the business
world and it stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT is an
important tool to understand the health of an organization. It allows decision makers to
identify not only where an organization stands, but also where they need to improve.
This gives them the ability to be a proactive player in the market while helping them
remain competitive. For example, if you have a company like a flower shop that moves
into an area where they were already two flower shops, they have to know strategically
what their strengths are so they can make money. Understand that if they can work
alongside two existing flower shops, they might have to look at their strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. They want to make sure that they can work in
those areas and make money, too. That’s why it’s very important to do SWOT analysis
before you move into an area.
Dr. Olum, Y.,(July 12,2004). Modern Management Theories and Practices. Retrieved
from: file:///C:/Users/Acer/Downloads/theories.pdf
Pawar,Y., (MARCH 8,2018). Importance of Organizational Chart in the Workplace.
Retrieved from: : https://upraise.io/blog/importance-organizational-charts/
Symes, S., Organizational Structure and Goals. Retrieved from:
Lucco, J., Four Thing You Must Do for a Five-year Strategic Plan. Retrieved from:

PRESTLE Analysis Contributor, (August 13, 2015). The Importance of SWOT Analysis.
Retrieved from: https://pestleanalysis.com/importance-of-swot-analysis/

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