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Sample invitation/ letter of intent

from the inviting programmer

Name, address
Inviting programmer

Name, address
Applicant (= invited company/ artist)

City, date

re: Invitation/ letter of intent for guest performance ___

Dear Ms./ Mr.

We hereby confirm our invitation/ intent to present the guest performance of your
production ___ (title of the production) at ___ (theater/ venue/ programmer)
on ___ (expected date).

On the condition that total financing for the guest performance is secured, we
guarantee you a total guest performance fee ( for all performances) as follows:
EUR ___ (The fee does not lie below 50% of the NPN minimal wage scale ; see
“Application information”.)

In addition to the fee, we will pay per diems that are in accordance with the rates of
the "Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift über die Neufestsetzung der Auslandstage-
und Übernachtungsgelder (ARVVwV)" from November 3 rd , 2015 (assuming they are
not subsidized by the NPN International Guest Performance Fund for Dance or
another institution), as well as the relevant costs for travel, transport, lodging and
the technical realization.

We agree to send you the documents required for the source and distribution
statement and for attaining the subsidy, in particular the receipts for the travel and
lodging costs that were incurred by the guest performance.

In addition, we agree that the credit statement, with the logo, must be placed at a
visible location and sized so as to be easily legible in all publications (print and

Signature of the inviting programmer and stamp (if available)

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