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Student name:karam faroun Student name:

Student name: Student name:

1. You must write your name on the report otherwise, not accepted
2. Work with only one group, otherwise your report will be not accepted.
3. Any missing value in the graph, it will consider not correct
4. Any value without unit will be considered not correct.
5. Each lab report must belong to the same section (same time), otherwise you report will be not
6. Using Chat GPT or similar, the report will be not accepted.
7. Using old reports/data or even data from other sections will result in the report being rejected
8. Lab report must be uploaded on time (no additional time).
9. Reports sent via email will not be accepted
10. Checking your grade (for each single report) is your responsibility.
For instructor use ONLY

[SO1] Knowledge – K1 __________________/2 points

• Student demonstrates relevant knowledge of the topic
• Student demonstrated the use of logic, math, and physical concepts to solve problems

[SO 3] Interpersonal Skills _________________/ 7 points

• Student demonstrated skills in acquisition of data
• Student demonstrated analytical reasoning to interpret experimental data

[SO 4] Communication and IT Skills ________________/ 1

• The Aim of the experiment was communicated effectively.

[SO 6] Values _________/ 2

• Student was able to meet the set deadline.

TOTAL _____________________ /12 points

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Before you start filling this report, read all documents (lab sheet
and presentation). Also, use video recording for more details.
Part A: Communication [1 point]

Question 1: What is the main purpose of "Voltage Divider" experiment?

to verify the voltage and current division properties as applicable to series and parallel

Part B: Data collection: [3 points]

Question 2:
Fill out the following table. Use data from the excel.
Resistance (𝛀) Voltage (volt) Current (A)
𝑅1 =5 𝑉1 = ∑ 1𝑅 𝑉𝑠 =6v 𝐼1 =1.219
𝑅2 =17 𝑉2 = ∑ 2𝑅 𝑉𝑠 = 20.73 𝐼2 =1.219

𝑅3 =28 𝑉3 =34.14 𝐼3 =1.219

𝑅4 =32 𝑉4 =39 𝐼4 =1.219

𝑹𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 =82 𝑽𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 =100 𝑰𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 =4.876

Part C: Data analysis: [3.5 point]

Question 3: [0.25 point]
What do you notice about the values of Currents through each Resistor?

Is the same no change

Question 4: [ 0.75 point]

Do a search and write 3 applications of using Voltage Divider.
1. __adjusting the level of a signal___

2. _for bias of active devices in amplifiers___

3. ___and for measurement of voltages__

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Question 5: [1 point]
Often with circuits, not only do you want to be able to figure out what a circuit that is
already built is doing, you may want to design a circuit for a specific task. You have a 12-
V supply, and you need a 4-V output. To divide the voltage, we can put the power supply
in series with two resistors and then use the voltage across one of the resistors to be our
4-V output as shown in the diagram below:

After you read the above information, what ratio of resistors do

you need to divide the supply voltage by one third? In other
words, how many times bigger (or smaller) should resistor A
be than resistor B to get an output of 4 V? Try it.

2 times

Question 6: [1.5 point]

From question 2 table, plot a graph between Resistance (Ω) (on x-axis) and Voltage (volt)
(on y-axis). Find the slope from the graph using a linear fit trendline. What do you notice
about the value of the slope of this graph? (Write your observation).

Resistance vs voltage
40 y = 1.2222x - 0.0878

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

As we can see that resistance increase also voltage increase and current is constant due to

ohms law

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Part D: Simulation: [2.5 points]
Question 7: [2 points]
Now open this link and read through the text to answer the following questions:

• Starting with the voltage divider animation [1 point]

a) [0.25 point] When the resistance of RA is equal to 100 Ω (the value of the top
resistor), the voltage is equally divided across the two resistors. As you increase
RA, what happens to the voltage?
The voltage increase as directly propotional

b) [ 0.25 point] What happens to the voltage as you decrease RA?

The voltage decreases

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c) [0.5 point] How does the current change as you increased and decreased RA?

When we increase Ra the current decrease and when we decrease Ra the current
increase so inversely propotional

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• Now try the current divider animation: [1.5 point]
a) [ 0.25 point] As you increase RA, what happens to the current and voltage?
When we increase Ra the current decrease but voltage stay the same

b) [ 0.25 point] What happens to the current and voltage as you decrease RA?

When we decrease Ra current increase and voltage stay the same

c) [0.5 point] If you added a third resistor of 80Ω in parallel with the other two for
the question above, how much current is now being supplied by the battery?

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d) [0.5 point] What will be the value of the voltage across this third resistor?

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