Bulletin 43 of 2023

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Archdiocese of Harare

Bulletin No. 43 Sunday, 22 October 2023

Twenty-ninth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Mission Sunday

Christian has the same rights
as anybody else and does not
claim exemption or privilege.
October is
Like everybody, we must also Mission Month &
pay taxes. The first reading throws light Rosary Month
on the relationship between faith and
politics. God guides history so that
everything may lead to the happiness of
his people. The second reading is
connected to this theme: it shows how
in a concrete way the Christians of
Thessalonica lived out their religion.

Baptised and sent, I am a missionary disciple

in my Small Christian Community promoting a synodal church
Reading 1: Is 45:1, 4-6 Reading 2: 1 Thes 1:1-5b
Thus says the LORD to his anointed, Cyrus, Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of
whose right hand I grasp, subduing nations the Thessalonians in God the Father and the
Today’s Readings

before him, and making kings run in his Lord Jesus Christ: grace to you and peace.
service, opening doors before him and We give thanks to God always for all of you,
leaving the gates unbarred: remembering you in our prayers,
For the sake of Jacob, my servant, of Israel, unceasingly calling to mind your work of
my chosen one, I have called you by your faith and labour of love and endurance in
name, giving you a title, though you knew hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, before our
me not. I am the LORD and there is no God and Father, knowing, brothers and
other, there is no God besides me. sisters loved by God, how you were chosen.
It is I who arm you, though you know me For our gospel did not come to you in word
not, so that toward the rising and the setting alone, but also in power and in the Holy
of the sun people may know that there is Spirit and with much conviction.
none besides me. I am the LORD, there is no
Alleluia: Phil 2:15d, 16a
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Responsorial Psalm
Shine like lights in the world
Ps 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 as you hold on to the word of life.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
R. (7b) Give the Lord glory and honour.
Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all you lands.
Gospel: Mt 22:15-21
Tell his glory among the nations;
among all peoples, his wondrous deeds. The Pharisees went off and plotted how
R. Give the Lord glory and honour. they might entrap Jesus in speech. They sent
For great is the LORD and highly to be their disciples to him, with the Herodians,
praised; saying,
awesome is he, beyond all gods. "Teacher, we know that you are a truthful
For all the gods of the nations are things of man and that you teach the way of God in
nought, but the LORD made the heavens. accordance with the truth. And you are not
R. Give the Lord glory and honour. concerned with anyone's opinion, for you do
Give to the LORD, you families of nations, not regard a person's status. Tell us, then,
give to the LORD glory and praise; what is your opinion: Is it lawful to pay the
give to the LORD the glory due his name! census tax to Caesar or not?"
Bring gifts, and enter his courts. Knowing their malice, Jesus said,
R. Give the Lord glory and honour. "Why are you testing me, you hypocrites?
Worship the LORD, in holy attire; Show me the coin that pays the census tax."
tremble before him, all the earth; Then they handed him the Roman coin.
say among the nations: The LORD is king, He said to them, "Whose image is this and
he governs the peoples with equity. whose inscription?"
R. Give the Lord glory and honour. They replied, "Caesar's."
At that he said to them, "Then repay to
Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God
what belongs to God."
The Christian and the State.
This is the third Sunday we have been taking sixth century as its background. This is the time
our first reading from the book of the prophet when the Israelites were in Babylonian
Isaiah. The book of Isaiah shows Israel in captivity. The background of the third part of
history, confronted by history. History is at the the book (chapters 56 to 66) is the events of
heart of the book of Isaiah, i.e., the book was the fifth century BC. This was the time when
written in immediate contact with history. the Israelites had been returned to their land.
There are references to events in the life of
Fr’s Notes

The first reading of this Sunday is taken from

Israel and of the great empires surrounding it,
the second part of the book which is called the
between the eighth and sixth centuries B.C. At
Book of Consolation (Is 40 - 55). It is so called
a more superficial level, the problem of the
because it begins with the words “’Console my
nation of Israel is to survive the assaults of
people, console them’, says the Lord” (Is 40:1).
rapacious neighbours who move boundaries
The prophet preaches that God wants to
and populations according to their whims.
console the people, whose term has been
However, the book is not just the recitation of a
served. The exile of Israel is soon to come to an
long history of struggles, disappointments and
end. Israel has been engaged in a travail that is
hopes. Beyond the restless and chaotic surface
now coming to an end. God has been engaged
of events Isaiah uncovers the presence of
in work; through Cyrus, the idolatrous foreign
another history in which reside the real stakes
king (a pagan), God will redeem his people.
that determine the history we see. More
Although Cyrus does not know God, he is
fundamentally history is of the relationship of
chosen as the anointed and given a mission to
humankind with God.
liberate Israel. It was said above that one of the
Perhaps better than any other book in the Old obstacles that Isaiah identifies as standing
Testament the book of the prophet Isaiah between humanity and God is that God’s
highlights the obstacles standing between thoughts and ways are beyond human thoughts
humanity and God. The obstacles are, mainly: and ways. God was making sure that world
(1) sinful humans have a clouded vision and history converged upon his designs for a tiny
impaired hearing: they see and hear what God captured group of people, Israel.
does but do not understand, at least as long as
Against every expectation, when it seemed that
they have not owned their blindness and
the exile would continue, unexpectedly a
deafness which only God can cure; (2) the
prophet rises in their midst he begins uttering
second obstacle is that God’s thoughts and
words of consolation and expressions of hope.
ways are way beyond human thoughts (cf. Is
The prophet is attentive to all that is going on in
40:13; 55:8-9) and that there are of necessity
the political arena, and enlightened by God, he
delays – both in listening and remembering –
discovers that beneath what others look on as
before humans can begin to understand who
mere political events, is a plan of God for their
God is and what he does. Therefore, one of the
salvation. For many Israelites in captivity, Cyrus
effects of the book of Isaiah is to test the
might have been just another rising subjugator
images of God that humanity harbours in itself.
who would replace King Nabonidus of Babylon.
One of the remarkable things about the Book of None of them might have guessed that Cyrus
Isaiah is that it covers a very long period of would promulgate an edict that would declare
time. It contains a long and complex history all peoples enslaved by the Babylonian empire
extending from the eighth to the fifth centuries free to return to their lands and take their gods
BC. The book is divided into three parts. The with them. Perhaps to the exiled Jews Cyrus
first part of the book (chapters 1 to 39) has the was just an enemy and nothing more, and
kingdom of Judah in the eighth century BC hence his rising to power was another threat to
during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, and their existence.
especially Ahaz (735-726) and Hezekiah (716-
There are people who get disturbed by the rise,
700) as its background. The second part of the
success or prosperity of the people they deem
book (chapters 40 to 55) has the events of the
enemies. They can’t conceive that God can
work in or through them. As a result, they After being reproached for their lack of faith,
resent them even more. What they may fail to this Sunday, we see them hitting back. They
realise is that such people may actually have intend to make Jesus discredit himself.
the keys to the passage of their success. We Interestingly, Pharisees and Herodians who
may, in different ways, do this. God may choose were bitterly opposed to each other united to
people we least expect to liberate us. If all I see attack Jesus. Perhaps their differences were
in some people is their past unpleasant actions nothing compared to the threat posed by Jesus.
then I can reduce them to just a thief, an The Pharisees were rabid nationalists and
oppressor, an idolater, an adulterer, an enemy, totally anti-Roman; the Herodians were willing
Fr’s Notes

etc. and nothing more. Yet it may be that those to collaborate with the Romans hoping to
actions I can’t stomach may be ordained by benefit from it. In the language of today, they
God. If all I see in some people is that they are would be called “appeasers”. These two groups
foreigners – they are different from me – it is (Pharisees and Herodians) hated each other but
very difficult to see any good in them, let alone they hated Jesus even more and both had
treat them as equals. scores to settle.
After his conversion, St. Paul – who once Their opening statement is clever and very
laboured to destroy the Church of God because flattering. They praise the utter honesty and
he thought that what its members stood for integrity of Jesus. All of which was perfectly
was pollution to his esteemed Jewish religion – true. Jesus, in fact, is being praised as endowed
could appreciate that God may choose even with God's own sense of truth and justice,
‘heathens’. We hear Paul, in the second reading totally impartial, with perhaps a bias for the
of this Sunday, acknowledging and thanking poor, the weak and the powerless. And it is
God for the work of faith, love and steadfast precisely in this strength of Jesus -- telling it like
hope of the Christians in Thessalonica who it is without fear or favour – that they hope to
were mainly non-Jewish. He appreciates that entrap him. Not all praises and smiles we get
God chose them. Prior to his conversion, to him from other people are genuine. Behind them
followers of Christ, and perhaps even their might be a deadly trap.
master, Jesus, were blasphemers. He could not
After praising Jesus, and as he was still enjoying
see any good in Christians, ‘their ways are
the flattery, they threw their cunning question
different, they are different and hence nothing
“Is it against our Law to pay taxes to Caesar or
good can come out of them’. He never cared to
not?” On the surface, it seems a simple, honest
listen attentively and with an open mind to
and sincere question yet it is actually a hot
their message.
potato. Palestine was a colony of Rome, a very
Our encounter with Jesus should, as it did to unwilling and troublesome colony. The Jews
Paul, lead us to recognise and acknowledge the hated the Romans, their brutality, their moral
other, especially the different other, and see in corruption, and above all their godlessness. So,
him/her not only a mere image of God but a the nationalistic Pharisees felt that the taxes
brother or a sister I can learn from. should not be paid to the oppressor. On the
contrary, for the Herodians, collaboration with
It should be appreciated that although Cyrus is
the Romans was seen as beneficial.
the first foreigner (non-Jew) to be called
‘anointed’ he is just an instrument used by God If Jesus said taxes should not be paid, he would
to liberate his people. He is just an agent doing have pleased the Pharisees but they could
God’s work. report him for sedition and have him arrested.
If he said taxes should be paid he might please
We have seen, in the past Sundays, Jesus
the Herodians but almost certainly he would
attacking the religious leaders of his people for
lose all credibility with his own people.
their failure to recognise and acknowledge him
as the promised Messiah. They could not see in The Jews believed that they had only one Lord
Jesus the Word of God made incarnate, the and Ruler and that was their God. Taxes, or any
power of God, and the compassionate love of form of submission, should only be made to
God. All they could see was a man who broke him, by offerings made in God's Temple. So this
their laws. Sunday’s first reading makes it clear that Cyrus,
one of the great kings of antiquity with can give our support to raising the quality of life
enormous power and who had made vassals of in the community. All of this can be seen as
the Jews, was seen as never more than an “giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar”. One,
agent doing God’s work. unfortunately, does meet people whose only
interest is in seeing what they can get out of
Jesus, aware of their hypocrisy in setting this
the community for themselves and their
trap, asks them to show him a coin. He asks
immediate family with no intention of ever
them “whose likeness and inscription is this?”.
giving anything back.
The head was that of Tiberius Caesar, the
Fr’s Notes

Roman emperor of the day. The inscription But we are also citizens of God’s Kingdom. For
would have read, “Tiberius Caesar son of the much of the time, there is no conflict between
divine Augustus, great high priest”. Caesar ‘Caesar’ and God but not always. We do
claimed not only political sovereignty but also sometimes, from the standpoint of the Gospel,
divine attributes. Worship of the emperor was have to criticise our government’s actions or
seen as a test of loyalty to the not very religious non-actions. Sometimes we have to refuse to
central government and would soon become a obey our government. During the liberation
major issue for the early Christians as it was struggle many people (black and white) violated
already for the Jews. For both groups, worship racist and discriminatory laws. Some white
given to the Roman emperor could be nothing Rhodesians, like bishop Lamond, were deported
but idolatry. Even though, for some, it was seen to Ireland for that. In South Africa’s apartheid
as only a matter of formality, Christians and system, many Christians were forced to violate
Jews took it very seriously and many were the immoral laws of their government. In the
martyred for their refusal to bow to the United States, both black and white people
emperor. violated the segregation laws operated in many
states. In the name of truth, justice and human
Jesus then gives his famous answer, “Render
dignity they had no option.
therefore to Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s”. And we need to realise that when we really
We all are, in some way, the citizens of two love our country and its people, then we may
kingdoms: citizens of the political territory have to stand in strong opposition to the
where we belong and citizens in God’s authorities on certain issues. Of course, the
Kingdom. From Jesus’ reply, we learn that both authorities will try to present such people as
require certain loyalties from us. traitors and a threat to the country's stability.
But such people, who show they care, often
We all depend to a large extent on our civil
have a far greater love for their country than
government. In modern times very few people
the so-called “silent majority”.
can supply their own water, electricity, and
telephone system. There are many other Today’s Gospel makes it very clear that we have
services which only a civil authority can two responsibilities: to the government of our
provide, such as education, hospitals, roads, country or territory and to God. Where both
welfare services for the handicapped, the are in harmony there will be no conflict.
elderly and orphans, etc. Wherever there is immoral or unjust behaviour
against people’s dignity and rights, then there
It is obvious that if these services are to
has to be conflict. Such conflict is not always
continue and even be improved they require
bad. On the contrary, it is because of creative
the cooperation and support of the community
conflict that our society makes progress.
at large. We do this for the most part through
Provided we always act in a positive and
paying taxes. Taxes are not just a necessary evil.
creative way, “speaking the truth in love” (Eph
In a just administration, they are our
4:15), then the flawed kingdoms that men build
contribution to making the services we take for
can, in time, become the Kingdom of God. As a
granted available. In a just tax system, too, we
famous dissident -- and martyr, St Thomas
help to spread more evenly the wealth of the
More, said: “The King’s good servant, but God’s
community so that each one has access to what
they need for a life of human dignity.
There are many other ways, too, in which we
Knowledge Corner : World Mission Sunday 2023
“Hearts on fire, feet on the move” few revealing images; their hearts burned within
Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Day them as they heard the Scriptures explained by
2023, the theme this year is ‘Hearts on fire, feet Jesus, their eyes were opened as they recognised
on the move‘ (cf. Lk 24: 13 – 35). him and, ultimately, their feet set out on the way.
By meditating on these three images, which
Dear brothers and sisters! reflect the journey of all missionary disciples, we
For this year’s World Mission Sunday, I have can renew our zeal for evangelisation in today’s
chosen a theme inspired by the story of the world.
disciples on the way to Emmaus, in the Gospel of Read Pope Francis’ Message for 2023 in
Luke (cf. 24:13-35): “Hearts on fire, feet on the full, here.
move”. Those two disciples were confused and
dismayed, but their encounter with Christ in the Bidding Prayer
word and in the breaking of the bread sparked in We pray for our parish as part of the local church
them the enthusiastic desire to set out again that we never lose sight of our calling to be
towards Jerusalem and proclaim that the Lord missionary disciples and always look for ways to
had truly risen. In the Gospel account, we share with others the joy which comes from the
perceive this change in the disciples through a Gospel we hold in our hearts, Lord hear us.

Knowledge Corner : Missionary Childhood Association

The Missionary Childhood Association is a Pontifical Understand How the Church Serves
Mission Society, which means it is missionary work Missionaries serve the Church all over the world.
under the direction of the Pope and his bishops. MCA members will learn more about the work of
serves to raise Catholic children’s awareness of the missionaries sharing the love of God. They also will
plight of children all over the world. It is specifically learn how they too, as baptized members of the
designed to suit children of between 6 and 13 years Church, can serve as missionaries! No matter where
of age. The children are called to PRAY for, LEARN we live, we can find many ways to spread the Good
about and SHARE from their abundance or from the News of Jesus Christ!
little they possess with other children. MCA
members will be encouraged to pray daily and Make Sacrifices for Other Children
develop a strong relationship with God. They will MCA members are given the opportunity year-
learn the importance of praying for our brothers round to offer sacrifices for other MCA members.
and sisters in countries all over the world. We are Schools and parishes may offer their children
one family in mission! collection boxes to be used during special times of
Learn About Children the year. Institutions and individuals can hold
creative fundraisers to collect money. Students
The work of the MCA supports MISSION churches in might decide to give up a certain luxury so that the
dioceses located in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, money can be shared. MCA members are
Oceania and the Americas. Each year MCA encouraged to be creative with the way they
members will have a chance to learn about the lives support children in mission dioceses.
of children just like them in a different part of the
world in many fun ways. How do children in Kenya Our MCA are leading the 11:30AM Mass today;
celebrate Christmas? What kind of prayers do please support them. To join MCA, please contact
Haitian children say? What are the struggles of Ms. Madharani on 0772 34 7430
children in India?
Knowledge Corner: World Mission Sunday 2023
“Hearts on fire, feet on the move” ples through a few revealing images; their
hearts burned within them as they heard the
Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Day
Scriptures explained by Jesus, their eyes were
2023, the theme this year is ‘Hearts on fire,
opened as they recognised him and, ultimate-
feet on the move‘ (cf. Lk 24: 13 – 35).
ly, their feet set out on the way. By meditating
Dear brothers and sisters! on these three images, which reflect the jour-
ney of all missionary disciples, we can renew
For this year’s World Mission Sunday, I have our zeal for evangelisation in today’s world.
chosen a theme inspired by the story of the
disciples on the way to Emmaus, in the Gospel Read Pope Francis’ Message for 2023 in
of Luke (cf. 24:13-35): “Hearts on fire, feet on full, here.
the move”. Those two disciples were confused
Bidding Prayer
and dismayed, but their encounter with Christ
We pray for our parish as part of the local
in the word and in the breaking of the bread
church that we never lose sight of our calling
sparked in them the enthusiastic desire to set
to be missionary disciples and always look for
out again towards Jerusalem and proclaim
ways to share with others the joy which comes
that the Lord had truly risen. In the Gospel
from the Gospel we hold in our hearts, Lord
account, we perceive this change in the disci-
hear us.

Knowledge Corner: Missionary Childhood Association

The Missionary Childhood Association is a Understand How the Church Serves
Pontifical Mission Society, which means it is Missionaries serve the Church all over the
missionary work under the direction of the world. MCA members will learn more about
Pope and his bishops. It serves to raise the work of missionaries sharing the love of
Catholic children’s awareness of the plight of God. They also will learn how they too, as
children all over the world. It is specifically baptized members of the Church, can serve as
designed to suit children of between 6 and 13 missionaries! No matter where we live, we can
years of age. The children are called to PRAY find many ways to spread the Good News of
for, LEARN about and SHARE from their Jesus Christ!
abundance or from the little they possess with
Make Sacrifices for Other Children
other children. MCA members will be
MCA members are given the opportunity year-
encouraged to pray daily and develop a strong
round to offer sacrifices for other MCA
relationship with God. They will learn the
members. Schools and parishes may offer
importance of praying for our brothers and
their children collection boxes to be used
sisters in countries all over the world. We are
during special times of the year. Institutions
one family in mission!
and individuals can hold creative fundraisers
Learn About Children to collect money. Students might decide to
The work of the MCA supports MISSION give up a certain luxury so that the money can
churches in dioceses located in Africa, Asia, be shared. MCA members are encouraged to
Eastern Europe, Oceania and the Americas. be creative with the way they support children
Each year MCA members will have a chance to in mission dioceses.
learn about the lives of children just like them
Today, our parish MCA is leading the 11.30AM
in a different part of the world in many fun
Mass and it will be beautiful see them in
ways. How do children in Kenya celebrate
action and support them. Please get in touch
Christmas? What kind of prayers do Haitian
with Ms. Madharani on +263 77 234 7430 for
children say? What are the struggles of
your children to join MCA
children in India?
Should we obey the government?
The Pharisees in today's Gospel reading were
trying to trick Jesus and make Him say
something wrong. They asked Him whether they
should pay taxes to the pagan emperor. If He
said no then He would be speaking against the
emperor, but if He said yes then it would seem
like He was saying that it was good for the Jews
to be ruled by the pagan Romans.

But Jesus knew what the Pharisees were trying to do. He told them to
show Him a coin, and asked them whose picture was on it. They said it
was Caesar's (the Roman emperor's,) so Jesus told them, "Then repay
to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." He was telling
them that they should obey the rulers of the land, but also that they
should obey God.

We have two kinds of laws:

God's laws and the laws of
our governments. Both are
for our own good, but
God's laws are more
important. We should
obey the government's
laws as long as they agree
with God's laws, but we
must always obey God's
laws. Can you think of
some laws that the
government makes that
are for our good?
Answers to math puzzle Page adapted from www.thekidsbulletin.com
Sunday 22 October 2023 Upcoming Section Masses
Section Date
Sat. 5:30PM Mass in English Mhuri Sande 25 October
7:00AM Mass in English St. Michael / St. Peter 27 October
St. Monica / St. Paul 01 November
8:00AM Mass in Shona St. Theresa Ruvaduku 08 November
9:30AM Youth Mass St. Veronica / St. Clare 10 November
All Saints 11 November
10:00AM Mass in English Divine Mercy / St. Faustina 15 November
11:30AM Mass in Shona St. Teresa of Calcutta 18 November
St. Anthony/St. Francis Xavier 22 November
1:00PM Mass in French Mhuri Sande / St. Monica 24 November
St. Bernadette / St. Bakhita 29 November
5:30PM Mass in English
St. Michael / St. Paul 06 December
St. Peter / St. Raphael 08 December
Mid-week Mass Schedule St. Theresa Ruva Duku 13 December
St. Veronica 15 December
9:00AM (English) Monday - Saturday
1:00PM (English) Monday - Friday CHURCH CLEANING ROSTER DATES
St. Peter & St. Veronica 23-28 Oct
5:30PM (Shona) Monday - Friday
St. Paul & St. Faustina 30-04 Nov
Please note that the Saturday 5:30PM Mass is St. Francis Xavier & Mhuri Sande 06-11 Nov
celebrated as a Sunday Mass. 13-18 Nov
Public Holidays: One Mass at 9:00AM

Date 8:00am 11:30am 5.30PM (Midweek)
22 Oct Parish Choir Missionary Childhood St. Peter
29 Oct Thanksgiving Sunday- Parish & Guitar Choirs All Saints
05 Nov Parish Choir All Saints St. Anthony
12 Nov Men’s Choir Parish Choir St. Bakhita & St. Raphael

Day/Date Readings
Rom. 4:20-25 Lk. 1:69-70.71-72.73-75 Lk. 12:13-21
Mon 23 Oct
St. John of Capistrano, Priest (m*)
Rom. 5:12.15b.17-19.20b-21 Ps 40:6-8.9.16 Lk. 12:35-38
Tue 24 Oct
St. Antony Mary Claret, Bishop (m*)
Wed 25 Oct Rom. 6:12-18 Ps 124:1b-3.4-6.7-8 Lk. 12:39-48
Thu 26 Oct Rom. 6:19-23 Ps 1:1-2.3.4+6 Lk. 12:49-53
Fri 27 Oct Rom. 7:18-25a Ps 119: Lk. 12:54-59
Sat 28 Oct SS. SIMON ANG JUDE, Apostles (F) GL Eph. 2:19-22 Ps 19:1-2.3-4 Lk. 6:12-16
Sun 29 Oct
Exod. 22:21-27 Ps 18:1-3.46+50 1Thess. 1:5c-10 Mt. 22:34-40
F - Feast | m - Obligatory Memorial | m* - Optional Memorial | BVM - Optional Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Let us Pray for and Call our Sick…
A member of the immediate family or Section Leadership may request sick parishioners to be
added to this list by contacting the parish executive secretary on +263 712324814. The names
will remain on the list until informed by the same to remove them.

Pray for the Recently Deceased

May their souls and souls of all the faithful departed through the
mercy of God rest in eternal peace.

Our Mission Statement:

We, the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, want to build a
community in which all receive a caring
Archdiocese of Harare
welcome, and in which all members feel needed Simon V. Muzenda Street
and loved, in which, too, laity, religious and Cnr. Herbert Chitepo Avenue
priests co-operate in providing the spiritual and Harare
human encouragement necessary for the
development of each individual’s potential. Phone: +263 - 8683 000153
We are a diverse Catholic community of faith
E: reception@sacredheartcathedral.co.zw
that embraces everyone, without exception. We
see ourselves as uniquely able to engage in +263 719186232
dialogue with people of all faiths and act as
peacemakers in our country. W: sacredheartcathedral.org.zw
Challenged by the Gospel, nourished by the Facebook: Sacred Heart Cathedral - Harare
Eucharist, and inspired by the Sacred Heart of
Jesus, we are called to be witnesses of Christ’s
Love for the salvation of all people.
1. Today we have a Special Collection for October 2023 after 9AM Mass. Districts 1,
Mission Sunday. Proceeds from this 2 and The Youths will clear after
collection support the formation of Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday 29 October
priests, religious sisters, and lay 2023.
missionaries who teach the faith, care for
5. Together with other parishes in the Inner
the sick, and provide for the needs of
City Deanery we will have an Inner City
orphans, the homeless, and the poor.
Deanery Renewal Day on 28 October
Kindly give generously.
2023. The main purpose of the Day of
2. Today the Missionary Childhood Renewal is to pray together as one family
Association will receive new members and encourage one another to stay
during the 1130AM Mass therefore grounded in faith regardless of difficulties
Sunday School Mass will be in the or challenges that we encounter in our
Cathedral at 1130AM. life. This event will take place at St
Canisius parish from 9AM – 4PM.The
3. Next Sunday, 29 October 2023, is
theme for the day is:
Thanksgiving Day. That is the day we
express our appreciation of God's
providence, and thus, we come before
God with hearts full of gratitude and
praise for all of His blessings and for who
All parishioners are encouraged to attend
He is, a loving Father.
the renewal regardless of guild,
Our Masses will be as follows: association or group.
7AM Mass in English
9AM Mass in Shona 6. Thursday 2 November 2023 is All Souls
There will be no 10AM &11:30AM Masses. Day, a day of prayer and remembrance for
the faithfully departed. Thus we are all
Those who would want to swipe their encouraged to write down names of our
Thanksgiving can do so starting today and departed family members and place them
then bring the slip on the 29th of October in a box that will be placed by the
as we celebrate the day as a parish. Sanctuary were they will be remembered
Parishioners can also transfer funds in prayer in all Masses of the day. The
directly into the parish accounts, the main Mass will be celebrated at 5:30PM
account details are available in the on this day and Parish Choir will lead in
Bulletin. singing.
4. In preparation of Thanksgiving Mass, 7. This week St. Peter and St. Veronica will
Districts 3, 4,5 as well as All Saints section be responsible for cleaning the church
will arrange the venue on Saturday 28 starting tomorrow.


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For diaspora remittances, please get in
touch with the treasurer on +263772102047
Ecocash USD
Upcoming Deanery Day of Renewal: Saturday 28 October
Upcoming Parish Events: Fundraising Dinner Dance , 28 October
Parish Events: St. Paul & St. Francis Xavier Fundraising
15 October 2023
Synod on Synodality: The Synodal Prayer
Tinomira pamberi penyu mweya mutsvene, We stand before you, holy spirit,
Takaungana pamwechete muzita renyu, As we gather together in your name.
imi moga muchititungamirira.
Garai mumoyo yedu; With you alone to guide us,
Tidzidzisei nzira yatingafamba nayo Make yourself at home in our hearts;
uye kuti tingaitevere sei. Teach us the way we must go
And how we are to pursue it
Tine utera uye tiri vatadzi,
Musatirege tichikurudzira We are weak and sinful;
zvinotiparadzanisa. Do not let us promote disorder.
Musarega kusaziva kwedu Do not let ignorance lead us down the
kuchititungamirira kunzira isiri iyo wrong path
Kana kuti kusiyana kwedu Nor partiality influence our actions.
kukanganise muitiro wedu.
Let us find in you our unity
Itaiwo kuti tiwane mamuri kubatana kwedu So that we may journey together to eternal
Kuitira kuti tifambidzane pamwechete life
kusvika kuupenyu husingapare And not stray from the way of truth
uye kuti tisatsauke muzhira yechokwadi And what is right.
uye mune zvakanaka.
All this we ask of you,
Izvi zvose tinozvikumbira nomamuri Who are at work in every place and time,
Imi munoshanda munzvimbo dzose In the communion of the father and the
nguva dzose son,
Makabatana na baba no mwanakomana Forever and ever.
kwemisi isingapere.

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