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Department of Education

Region I
Schools Division of Laoag City
Brgy. 34-B, Gabu Norte, Laoag City
School ID: 300372




We, the parents of the students, teachers and community of GABU NATIONAL HIGH
SCHOOL, imploring the aid of the Divine will, having voluntary organized ourselves into a non-
political and non-sectarian organization, in order to promote and foster closer and harmonious
relationship among ourselves, established the finest link between the home, school and community,
work together for the improvement of the school and its population, do ordain and promulgate this
Constitution and by-Laws.


Section 1 The organization shall be known as Gabu National High School Parents-Teachers
Association (GNHSPTA).


Section 1 General Objective

The Association shall help in the attainment of the school’s mission and vision training the
students to become responsible citizens of the society.
Section 2 Specific Objectives
The parents and teachers shall:
a. promote and give-and-take relationship between and the school administration;
b. uphold the posterity and the good name of the school;
c. act as a liaison in relevant matters of concern between the parents, guardians and
benefactors on one hand the school administration on the other.


Section 1 Membership in the GNHS Parents-Teachers Association is limited to parents or legal

guardians of students enrolled during the school year, and all classroom teachers of GNHS, Laoag
a. A guardian is hereby defined as any of the following: 1) an individual duly authorized by the
biological parent/s; 2) a relative of the students within the fourth degree of consanguinity
who has the care and custody of the child; 3) an individual/s appointed by a competent
court; 4) in case an orphan, the individual/institution who has care and custody of the child.
b. A teacher member refers to all members of the regular teaching staff of GNHS.


Section 1 The newly elected homeroom presidents of the different sections during the current
school year shall convene to elect from among themselves the officers of the Gabu National High
School Parents-Teachers Association.
Section 2 Elections of Gabu NHS-Parents-Teachers Association officers shall be done by secret
ballot voting.
Section 1 The Board of Directors shall manage all the affairs and supervise the activities of the
Section 2 Membership in the Board of Directors shall be limited to the following:
a. Parent-members shall comprise two thirds (2/3) or ten (10) and teacher-members one third
(1/3) or five (5) members of the Board of Directors;
b. A school principal or school adviser cannot hold any position in the GPTA except as an
c. A teacher-member cannot hold any position in the PTA except as a member of the Board of
Directors, or as Secretary of the Board.
d. The term of office of the Board of Directors and Executive officers shall be one (1) year
from the date of election to the election of a new set of officers for the succeeding school
year. In no case shall a member of the Board of Directors serve for more than two (2)
consecutive terms or years;
e. In case of vacancy in the Board of Directors as a result of expulsion, resignation or death,
the vacancy shall be filled, for the unexpired term of the office, by a majority vote of the
Board of Directors from among the presidents of Homeroom PTA in a special meeting
called for such purpose.
f. The board shall form committees to handle specific activities of the GNHS PTA such as 1)
Finance, 2) Audit, 3) Election, 4) Grievance, 5) Ways and Means, 6) External and
Community Affairs
g. The heads of the committees shall come from the Board of Directors, Homeroom
Presidents and Homeroom Advisers; and
h. The Adviser/ Consultant must at all times recognize the legitimacy of the association to
carry its aims and objectives through various projects and activities, as long as said
projects and activities are not contrary to rules and regulations set by the Department of
Education and other government authorities that have supervision over the association.
i. The GNHS PTA shall not be registered with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
but, the Association shall always undertake activities of the Parent Teachers Association in
consultation with the General Adviser.

Section 3 The newly elected officers of the GNHS PTA shall discharge their duties and
responsibilities immediately after their induction.
Section 4 The President shall:
a. Preside over all meetings of the Association
b. Sign all minutes and notes passed by the Association
c. Call regular meetings or special meetings when necessary
d. Appoint Chairman of Committees in consultation with the members of the Board
e. Sign meetings and countersign all receipts of authorized expenses of the Association
f. Approve and authorize all disbursements of funds of the Association
g. Act on all matters, in consonance with the dignity of his office and for the honor of the

Section 5 The Vice President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the president in case
of the latters’ absence or incapacity, and attends to all concerns assigned to him/her by the president
of the Association.

Section 6 The Secretary shall:

a. Prepare all minutes and records of regular and special meetings of the association which
must be given to all Presidents of the different Homeroom PTA associations and members
of the Board of Directors.
b. Remind the GNHS PTA Officers and members of the Board of all meetings and activities of
the Association at least three (3) days before the scheduled meeting through a formal
c. Prepares all communications, correspondence and resolutions as directed by the President
of the Association
Section 7 The Treasurer shall:
a. Collect authorized contribution and fees of all members of the association, through the
School Treasurers and Advisers, all moneys collected for and in behalf of the Association,
including all donations and solicitations from civic spirited citizens and open a Savings
account in a reputable bank of Laoag City in case of Ph 30,000 and above as amount of
collection to deposit the money with him/her as official signatory together with the president
and noted by the Adviser.
b. Acknowledge all fees and dues collected including all donations and solicitations with the
use of an Acknowledgment receipt.
c. Release payments for all duly authorized expenses with the approval of the President
d. Prepare quarterly and annual financial reports
e. Keep a book of accounts to record collections, fees and dues from members including
donations and solicitations in cash or in kind from civic-spirited citizens.
f. Sign all clearances of students at the end of the school year to show that they have settled
PTA –based contributions.
Section 8 The Auditor shall:
a. Audit and countersign all receipts and disbursement for authorized expenses made by the
Treasurer and others with financial custody.
b. Make periodic examination of the accounts of the Association in the custody of the
Treasurer and others who are in custody of funds of the Association.
c. Render and audited annual statement showing the financial status of the Association as a
whole at the last calendar of May of each year.


Section 1 Every year, the General Adviser will issue a certificate of Recognition to the Association
upon presentation of a duly audited Financial Report with supporting documents of money and
solicitations in cash or in kind from members and civic spirited citizens and such issuance is subject
to the policies of the Department of Education and/or existing ordinances of the local government
pertaining to GNHSPTA.
Section 2 In addition, a duly recognized GNHSPTA shall have the following privileges:
a. Upon issuance of Certificate of Recognition by the general Adviser, the Association may
use an available space within the school premise as its office, provided, that expenses for
electricity, water and other utilities used shall be charge to the account of the association;
provided further, that there is a notification by the general adviser. The maintenance and
improvement of the office shall be in accordance with the DepEd supervision and in
consultation with the General Adviser.
b. The Association may construct a building or structure on school premises for its office with
the approval of the DepEd Division of Laoag City, provided however, the GNHSPTA shall
donate such building or structure and other permanent fixtures to the schools. Any
improvement made on such building, structure or fixture that cannot be removed from such
building or structure shall be deemed the property of the schools. A written agreement shall
be executed before undertaking any improvement or construction within any of the school
compound. A Deed of Donation properly acknowledged shall also be executed by and
between the GNHSPTA and the school immediately after the completion of the
improvement or construction.
c. Representation in the School Governing Council/Board.
d. Authorization to undertake fund-raising activities to support the school’s academic and co-
curricular programs, projects and activities subject to pertinent DepEd guidelines and Local
Government policies and procedures;
e. Participation in the school’s inspection and acceptance committee and as an observer in
the schools procurement activities subject to the provisions of RA No. 9184; and
f. Collaboration in relevant school activities.

The GNHSPTA Board of Directors and Executive Officers will determine a reasonable amount
to be collected from or to be contributed by the parents, and contains some policies and procedures
on safe keeping, transparency and accountability.

Section 1 Policy on Collection of Contribution

Cognizant of the need of an organization for adequate funds to sustain its operation, the
duly recognized GNHSPTA may collect voluntary financial contributions from members and outside
sources to enable it to undertake projects and sustain its operation for the benefit of the students and
schools in accordance with the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and policies of the DepEd.
Such collection shall be made by the GNHSPTA subject to the following conditions.
a. The contribution should be a reasonable amount as may be determined by the GNHSPTA
Board of Directors and the Homeroom PTA Presidents.
b. Non-payment of the contributions by the parent member shall not be a basis for non-
admission or non-issuance of clearance(s) to the students. (DepEd Order No. 54. 2009)
c. The contribution shall be collected by the GNHSPTA treasurer on a per parent- member
basis regardless of the number of their children in the school.
d. No collection of GNHSPTA contributions shall be done during the enrolment period.
e. No teacher or any school personnel shall be involved in collection activities.

Section 2 Authorization to collect

Dep Ed Order No. 54 s. 2009 prohibits teacher or any school personnel to be involved in the
collection of funds. However, the Board of Directors may adopt local practices and procedures in
order to facilitate a smooth and systematic way of collecting contributions.
The collection of contribution is subjected to the following practices and procedures.
a. The Homerrom PTA Treasurer supervised by the Teacher adviser shall assist the
General PTA Treasurer in the collection of funds for the association;
b. The Homeroom PTA Treasurer who shall be involved in such collection activities, however,
will remit immediately to the General PTA Treasurer..
c. The authorized contribution determined by GNHSPTA Board of Directors are as follows:
Annual Fee Php 50.00/paying parent
Learners’ Development Fund Php 50.00/student
And Assistance
School Publication Php 90.00/student
PNRC Php 35.00/ student
Anti-TB Php 5.00/student
d. Such contributions may increase or decrease depending upon the approval of the Board of
Directors and Homeroom PTA Presidents. Changes on approved contribution should be presented
during the General Assembly meeting of the parents and teachers of the school.
e. All contributions and assessments should be paid by the parents or guardians of students
starting the end of August of the current year.
Section 3 Rationale for the Contributions
a. PTA Annual Fee (D.O No. 54 S. 2009) - An annual fee of P50.00 shall be collected to each
paying parent to fund and sustain its operation, official function and the implementation of
its programs and projects exclusively for the benefit of the students in line with the School
Improvement Plan (SIP).
b. Learners’ Development Fee and Assistance shall be collected per student wherein 50%
from the total collection shall go to sports activities to fund the athletes in any sports
competition; 30% for academic and 20% will be allotted to death aid or hospitalization
assistance of the students presently enrolled, their immediate relatives(parents/guardian
and siblings) for the duration of the school year and also summer.
c. School Publication (D.O No 19 S. 2008) fee will be paid by each learner amounting to Php
90.00 for the development and promotion of campus journalism and other purposes,
(Republic Act No.7079 or Campus Journalism Act of 1991).
d. PNRC and Anti TB shall be collected from students amounting to php 35.00 and php 5.00
per learner (Dep ed Order No.41 S 2012).

Section 4 Safekeeping of Funds

a. All collections of contributions or proceeds of fund raising activities shall be remitted to the
GNHSPTA Treasurer for him/her to deposit in the bank in case of 30,000 and above.
b. The GNHSPTA Treasurer or a duly authorized representative shall undertake the

c. In no case shall any school official or personnel shall be entrusted with the safekeeping of
d. All disbursements shall be accompanied by a resolution indicating thereof the purpose for
which such disbursements are made, and a liquidation report must be prepared to be
submitted as soon as possible with official receipts to the Treasurer of Board of Directors;
e. No cash advances shall be allowed without liquidation.

Section 5 Transparency and Accountability

For purposes of transparency and accountability, all documents pertaining to the operations of
the GNHSPTA and other organizations shall be open for public examination.
a. An annual statement report shall be prepared by the GNHSPTA, signed jointly by the
President, Treasurer and Auditor and presented to the General Assembly of members, a
copy thereof to be furnished the General Adviser. Without such financial statement report,
the General Adviser shall not authorize the collection of GNHSPTA fees for the incoming
school year.


Section 1 General Assembly

a. The General Assembly shall be composed of parents of enrolled students of the school,
Board of Directors and Officers of the GNHSPTA, General Adviser, School Principal,
Section Advisers, Subject Teachers, and Non-teaching personnel.
b. General Assembly shall be convened by the newly elected members of the Board of
Directors immediately after the election and oath taking of the new Executive officers of the
c. General Assembly may be convened more than once a year when necessary and during
Cards Day per grading. Two hours is allotted for homeroom concerns and another two (2)
hours for the General Assembly The Board shall coordinate with the General Adviser as to
the time, venue and other details of the General Assembly.
d. The General Assembly shall be a venue for presentation and discussion of the GNHSPTA
programs, projects, financial statements, reports and other matters
e. The outgoing president of the GNHSPTA shall render his annual report to the Association
regarding the accomplishments, on-going and future activities of the association including a
duly audited Financial Statements by the GPTA Auditor who is a certified duly
accomplished report of expenditures or procurements and other pertinent documents (CBL
resolutions, official letters, etc.) that are deem necessary for the newly elected GNHSPTA
Board of Directors and Executive Officers to undertake their full operation and function.
f. The General Assembly may invite or consult other members of the community such as
local government officials and civic organization to solicit their support or active
participation in school activities
Section 2 Regular Business Meeting
a. Regular meeting must be set for the conduct of business in the GNHSPTA. The date and
time must be decided by members of the Board of Directors upon assumption of
responsibility by the duly elected Executive Board Officers. The First regular business
meeting must be held immediately within two weeks after the election and oath taking of
the newly elected Executive Officers of the GNHSPTA Board of Directors;
b. Regular business meeting shall be held every last Friday of the month at 3:00-5:00 p.m. as
stated in the GPTA Action Plan S.Y. 2018-2019.
Section 3 Special Meeting:
a. Special meetings of the Board shall be called as the need arises. The President of the
Association is in full capacity to call for this meeting or upon the petition by a 2/3 members
of the Board of Directors.

Section 4 Notices
a. Written notices of the time and place of regular meetings and or special meetings of the
Association shall be given to the members of the GNHSPTA Board three (3) days
before the set date for such meeting. The notice of every meeting shall state briefly the
agenda of the meeting.
Section 5 Quorum
a. A quorum for regular meeting of the GNHSPTA Board shall consist of the majority of the
members of GNHSPTA Board (1/2+1) and 2/3 for special meetings. Majority of such quorum may
decide any question at the meeting or any decision which is final when voted upon by the majority if
unanimous vote is not casted upon.
Section 6 Penalty
a. Members of the Executive Board has the full capacity and blanket authority to impose
penalty or sanction to any officer or member of the GNHSPTA Board of Directors who does
not appear or attend meetings after being notified through letter;
b. An excuse letter must be sent explaining briefly the reasons for not attending the meeting
and that reason or reasons must be valid and convincing. Oral explanation and other
excuses are not valid. Any member of the BOD who shall not attend or absent during the
GNHSPTA General Assembly or meeting/s shall be fined Php 200.00. All fines shall accrue
to the GNHSPTA funds for projects.


All GNHSPTA activities within the school premises or which involve the school, its personnel or
students shall be with prior consultation and approval from the General Adviser.


Section 1 GNHSPTA members are prohibited from:

a. Interfering in the academic and administrative management and operation of the school in
b. Engaging in partisan political activity within the school premises;
c. Operating a canteen/school supplies store, or being a concessionaire thereof inside the
school or nearby premises, or offering these services to the school as client either directly
or indirectly.
d. Selling insurance, pre need plans or similar schemes or programs to students and/or their
parents; and
e. Any person who of the members of the Association or the School shall be declared as
persona non-grata.


Section 1 All members of the different committee of the association shall be appointed by the
President in consultation with the General Adviser and the members of the Board of Directors.

Section 1 The Constitution and By-Laws of the association may be amended at any regular or
special meetings by majority vote of the members of the Board consisting of a quorum
Section 2 Any amendment to this Constitution and By-Laws by the Board of Directors shall take
effect on the date of its approval and shall be presented immediately during the General Assembly
meeting of the GNHSPTA
Section 3 Any provision of the old Constitution and By-Laws that is inconsistent with this shall be
deemed, repealed and superseded accordingly.

This Constitution and By-Laws of GNHS Parents Teachers Association consisting of Articles I
to XII was prepared in compliance with DepEd Order No. 54 s. 2009 and unanimously approved by
the members of the Board of Directors of school year 2015-2016 on a special meeting called for this
purpose, held at GNHS, July 3,, 2015.

As manifestation that we agree to the content of this Constitution and By-Laws of

GNHSParents Teachers Association, we affix our signatures this 22nd day of August 2018.


President Vice-president Secretary


Treasurer Auditor P.I.O.




BOD Member BOD Member BOD Member


BOD Member BOD Member BOD Member


Assistant Principal II


General Adviser/Principal IV

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