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English Part-time Class

The Final Examination for CP1

Name:____________ Total score:__/60

Level: CP1
Sex: M/F
I. Vocabulary(10points)
1. Match the correct answer(5points)

A. pen

B. crayon

C. ruler

D. eraser

E. pencil

2. Circle the correct answer(5points)

1. black white 2. blue red 3. blue green

3. purple green 4. green yellow 5. brown pink

II. Grammar(10points)

1. Write “A or An”.(5points)

1.___cat 2.___owl 3.____opossum 4.___eagle 5.___deer

2. Write “This is or These are” (5points)

a. ____ _____ a yo-yo. d. ____ ____teddy bears. c. ____ ____a kite.

d. _____ _____dolls. e. _____ _____a truck.

III. Writing(10points)

1. Unscramble words(5points)
1. goD=___________________

2. Baer=___________________

3. Hseor=__________________

4. lliAgotr=________________

5. knaeS=_________________

2. Write the numbers in words.(5points)

a. 1= ____One______ b. 2 =_____________

c. 3 =_____________ d. 4 =_____________

e. 5 =_____________ f. 6 =_____________

g. 7 =_____________ h. 8 =_____________

i. 9 =______________ j.10 =_____________

IV. Reading(10points)

1. Read these words aloud (6points).

1. Dad 2. Mom

3. Brother 4. Sister

5. Grandma 6. Grandpa
2. Read these sentences aloud. (4points)

1. This is my dad.

2. This is my mom.

3. I have two brothers and one sister.

4. This is my grandma and grandpa.

V. Listening(10points)

1. Listen and then unscramble the sentences.(4points)

1. What/your/name/?/is

______ ______ ______ _____ _

2. are/you/old/How/?

_____ _____ _____ ______ _

3. What/is/it/?

____ _____ ______ __

4. many/How/rabbits/?

____ _____ ______ _

Note: The audio will be played for the students 3 times for each word.

2. Listen to the audio carefully and then circle the correct answer. (6points)

Hello! My name is(Leo/Mia)

I am a (boy/girl)

I am (7/10) years old.

I like playing (yo-yo/ball).

My favorite color is (purple/yellow).

(Goodbye!/ Bye bye!)

Note: The audio will be played for the students 3 times for each sentence.
VI. Speaking(10points)

Have a conversation with the teacher

1. Hi! What’s your name? 2. How are you? 3. How old are you?

4. What is it? 5. What is it? 6. How many foxes?

7. Is it a bear? 8. What color is it? 9. Is it white?

10. Please count from 1 to 10.

Note: With speaking, the student will take turns to speak with the teacher.

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