Understanding Care Bundles.9

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A care bundle is a set of interventions that, The crux of the term bundle is that the whole
when used together, significantly improve is more than the sum of its parts. You may
have heard this buzzword and wondered:
patient outcomes. Multidisciplinary teams work What exactly is a care bundle?
to deliver the best possible care supported by Conceived by a group of intensive care
evidence-based research and practices, with practitioners in a quest to improve outcomes
in care for ventilated patients, the concept of
the ultimate outcome of improving patient care. care bundles was developed. Simply put, a
We help you understand how bundles apply to care bundle is a set of three to five evidence-
your practice. based practices—interventions supported by
research—that when used together cause sig-
By Kim McCarron, MS, CRNP nificant improvement in patient outcomes.
Clinical Associate Professor • Towson University • Towson, Md. The interventions or components that make
Editorial Advisory Board Member • Nursing made Incredibly Easy! up the bundle must be grounded in solid
research and, most importantly, all of the ele-
ments of the bundle must be performed in a
series of steps by one healthcare team within
the same time frame to ensure that clinical
improvement occurs. A step in the process
must not be eliminated or else the intended
effect will be altered.

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The care bundle is an ongoing process that’s mechanical ventilation, specifically ventilator-
repeated daily until the patient no longer associated pneumonia (VAP). This hospital-
requires an invasive device or his or her status acquired pulmonary infection develops more
has improved. The steps of the care bundle are than 48 hours following intubation and may
carefully selected, well-established practices be prevented or delayed using specific inter-
that are packaged together and scientifically ventions. The ventilator bundle comprises
supported. The focus of the bundle is on how four core components:
to deliver the best care using a clear-cut meth- • administering deep vein prophylaxis
od to provide the best possible outcome for • administering medications to prevent gastric
your patient. ulceration
Now that you have the operational defini- • elevating the head of the bed between 30
tion of a care bundle, let’s discuss it in practical and 45 degrees
terms and explore how the care bundle applies • providing a daily sedation vacation or hold-
to your clinical practice. ing a sedative for the purpose of assessing
whether the patient can breathe indepen-
Types of bundles dently of the ventilator.
The ventilator bundle was the first set of in- These combined steps have been effective in
terventions to be developed as an outcome of reducing the incidence of VAP and decreasing
the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s the length of stay in a critical care unit. After
100,000 Lives Campaign. The bundle was cre- improvements were seen using the ventilator
ated to prevent complications associated with bundle, researchers directed their attention to

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decreasing catheter-related bloodstream infec- • measuring serum lactate levels or arterial

With bundles, tions. Annually, 80,000 bloodstream infections blood gases with correction of metabolic
occur from central catheter use, resulting in acidosis
the whole is
28,000 deaths among ICU patients. • inserting a urinary catheter to monitor fluid
greater than Using evidence-based procedures recom- balance
the sum of its mended by the CDC, the central line bundle • treating hypotension with fluid challenges
parts. comprises the following components: and vasopressors if needed.
• practicing meticulous hand hygiene The sepsis management bundle consists
• using full barrier precautions during central of interventions that must be performed
line insertion within 24 hours of the diagnosis of severe
• applying chlorhexidine to the patient’s skin sepsis or septic shock. These interventions
as a cleansing agent include:
• avoiding central line insertion into the fem- • administering low-dose steroids for septic
oral vein shock, in accordance with a standardized ICU
• removing unnecessary I.V. catheters. policy
Adopting these straightforward measures • administering recombinant human activated
resulted in a significant reduction in illness, protein C, in accordance with a standardized
with a median infection rate that plummet- ICU policy
ed to 0 after 3 months of implementing • maintaining a glucose control lower limit of
bundle practices. The success of this initia- normal, but below 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L)
tive spurred the development of bundles • maintaining a median inspiratory plateau
worldwide. pressure of less than 30 cm H2O for mechani-
The severe sepsis bundles were developed cally ventilated patients.
by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, an interna-
tional forum convened to examine the effect of Using bundles to improve
sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. The two practice
bundles are the sepsis resuscitation bundle and Providing nursing care to critically ill pa-
the sepsis management bundle. tients is a challenge that requires you to
The resuscitation bundle is a set of be astute, competent, and compassionate.
evidence-based interventions delivered Nursing skills that were introduced in a
within 6 hours of recognition of severe fundamentals course provide the founda-
sepsis, a window of opportunity in which tion for practice, but elements of some
aggressive treatment is warranted. These skills change as research discloses new in-
interventions include: formation. So you may notice that your
• obtaining blood cultures practice is evolving in an evidence-based
• administering a broad-spectrum antibiotic manner as you adopt new ways to care
for your patients.
For instance, you’re now paying careful
Selected care cheat attention to serum glucose level trends and

using targeted treatment to achieve specific

• Ventilator bundle goals. Or you’ve changed the skin prep agent
• Central line bundle used for central line placement because
• Severe sepsis bundles (sepsis resusci- research points to its favorable effect on
tation bundle and sepsis management
microbe removal. A decade ago it wasn’t
common practice to lighten up on sedation
• Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
to determine if patients could breathe on their
• Stroke and transient ischemic attack bundles own, but now it’s a recommended daily proce-
dure for intubated patients.

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You’re now using research-supported ele- each occasion of care

ments of care to guide patient management is challenging but Elements of a cheat

with the goal of improving quality of care. essential. Each and
every one of the • Interdisciplinary
Developing a bundle interventions must be • Small set of practices
Since the inception of the care bundle, the performed in the • Scientific
concept has expanded beyond the ICU to sequence recom- • Level 1 evidence
• All-or-nothing measurement
involve many facets of healthcare delivery. mended; elimination
• Improves patient outcomes
Bundling has been applied to skin care, car- of a step negates the
diovascular risk reduction, stroke manage- positive outcome
ment, palliative care, antibiotic usage, and intended by using the
geriatric care coordination. In your organiza- bundle.
tion, care bundles may be part of the stan- Work with quality improvement experts to
dard of practice or you may be considering develop a system to measure compliance, then Each
developing a bundle. modify the delivery system to make it easy to patient, each
After you’ve chosen an issue of concern, deliver the bundle. Set realistic goals—initially component,
peruse the scientific literature, glean research an 80% success rate while striving for a consis- each time is
from random control trials, review clinical tency of 95%. Expect the care bundle to evolve the name of the
practice guidelines, and consult experts on the over time. Establishing a care bundle isn’t a game.
topic to establish the core elements needed to static process, but one that changes as new
construct a set of three to five evidence-based evidence is revealed or organizational needs
interventions. change.
The literature search is a time-consuming
yet rewarding process. It’s important to use Each step, every time
peer-reviewed journals and databases that will In summary, a care bundle is an explicit tool
yield information on the topic being investi- with clear parameters. As a package of inter-
gated. The Cumulative Index to Nursing and ventions, each component is vital; the bundle
Allied Health Literature and the U.S. National should be delivered on each occasion to every
Library of Medicine (PubMed) will direct you patient meeting the bundle criteria. Multidis-
to peer-reviewed journals. The Cochrane ciplinary teams work in unison to deliver the
Library provides systematic reviews using a best possible care supported by solid underly-
statistical method called meta-analysis, which ing evidence, with the ultimate outcome of
combines research evidence that can be improving patient care. ■
applied to larger populations. And the
National Guideline Clearinghouse is a U.S. Learn more about it
government resource to obtain current evi- Haraden C. What is a bundle? http://www.ihi.org/IHI/
dence-based clinical practice guidelines. WhatIsaBundle.htm.
After you’ve examined a variety of resourc- Krein SL, Kowalski CP, Damschroder L, Forman J, Kaufman
es, the next step is to identify a cohort, or SR, Saint S. Preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia in
the United States: a multicenter mixed-methods study. Infect
group of patients. For example, if you’re estab- Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2008;29(10):933-940.
lishing a care bundle focused on diabetes man- Pronovost P, Needham D, Berenholtz S, et al. An interven-
agement, patients with diabetes who have tion to decrease catheter-related bloodstream infections in
the ICU. N Engl J Med. 2006;355(26):2725-2732.
peripheral neuropathy and will benefit from Dontje, Katherine J. Evidence-based practice: understanding
the interventions would be a cohort. After the process: implementing evidence-based practice: The Iowa
Model. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/567786_4.
choosing a patient cohort, the next step is to
Surviving Sepsis Campaign. Severe sepsis bundles. http://
build consensus for use of a bundle among www.survivingsepsis.org/Bundles/Pages/default.aspx.
care providers. Motivating care providers to
unfailingly deliver the set of interventions on DOI-10.1097/01.NME.0000394024.85792.42

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