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Comprehension through cloze (Book 6)

Published by R.I.C. Publications® 2021

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ISBN 978-1-922426-75-8
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Comprehension through cloze Book 1 (Year 1)
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Comprehension through cloze Book 2 (Year 2)
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Comprehension through cloze Book 3 (Year 3)
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Comprehension through cloze Book 4 (Year 4)
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Comprehension through cloze Book 5 (Year 5)
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Comprehension through cloze Book 6 (Year 6)
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Detailed drawings and interesting text make up this collection of comprehension activities. The book provides two
distinct sections relating to each drawing and text:
1. Cloze activity pages:
Each picture-story provides the reader with two exercises.
First exercise: The reader is provided with a complete text and shows comprehension by completing the
accompanying picture.
Second exercise: The reader shows comprehension by completing a cloze task based on the accompanying picture.
There is opportunity in some activities for slightly varied answers or drawings. If the answer or drawing provided
can be justified by the instruction then it should be seen as acceptable.
Cloze comprehension provides an ideal indication of comprehension levels.
2. Comprehension strategy pages:
Each text has two additional comprehension pages that focus on a specific comprehension strategy. These pages
can be used to teach these comprehension strategies.


The texts and activities enable teachers to provide variety to any English language program.

Teacher notes...................................... iv–ix The magician Tsunami
cloze.............................................. 46–47 cloze............................................... 90–91
Robo Skipper
making connections................ 48–49 clarifying/declunking............... 92–93
predicting.......................................... 4–5 Volcano The street juggler
cloze............................................... 50–51 cloze............................................... 94–95
questioning.................................. 52–53 summarising................................ 96–97
visualising.......................................... 8–9 At last, the lamp! The skate park
cloze...............................................54–55 cloze...............................................98–99
Rescue of H & G
clarifying/declunking...............56–57 determining importance.... 100–101
making connections....................12–13 da Vinci diving suit Feeding time
cloze...............................................58–59 cloze.......................................... 102–103
Spacecraft: Ladybird class
summarising................................ 60–61 inferring...................................104–105
cloze................................................. 14–15
questioning.................................... 16–17 Nikola Tesla Not what it seems
cloze...............................................62–63 cloze.......................................... 106–107
Sand sculptures photos
determining importance.........64–65 synthesising............................108–109
cloze................................................. 18–19
clarifying/declunking............... 20–21 Whoops! Robbery, maybe
cloze...............................................66–67 cloze...............................................110–111
Whitewood Forest
inferring........................................68–69 predicting.................................... 112–113
cloze............................................... 22–23
summarising................................ 24–25 Pond life Atlantis found
cloze................................................70–71 cloze.............................................. 114–115
synthesising..................................72–73 visualising.................................... 116–117
cloze............................................... 26–27
determining importance.........28–29 Zombie Island Witch's cottage
cloze................................................74–75 cloze..............................................118–119
The shipwreck
predicting..................................... 76–77 making connections.............. 120–121
cloze............................................... 30–31
inferring........................................ 32–33 Mae Jemison Tide times photos
cloze............................................... 78–79 cloze............................................ 122–123
Lizard Land
visualising.....................................80–81 questioning............................... 124–125
synthesising.................................36–37 Aqua antics Adventure park photos
cloze...............................................82–83 cloze............................................ 126–127
Legionnaires’ advance
making connections.................84–85 clarifying/declunking............128–129
predicting.....................................40–41 Storm Answers.........................................130–140
Egyptian alien
visualising.................................... 44–45

R.I.C. Publications® 978-1-922426-75-8 COMPREHENSION THROUGH CLOZE Book 6 iii

Pictorial Micro-sized

The wicked villain had put Kate, Sean and Liam in the miniaturisation machine in his secret laboratory. There, he had shrunk them smaller than

mice. But, being so small, they had scampered under the laboratory’s door and escaped outside. The livid villain had thundered out after them
as they had run frantically to hide in an overgrown garden which bordered the secret facility. To the micro-sized escapees, the quiet garden
seemed a dense, dark jungle. Kate stood behind a leafy weed whose broad leaves seemed like an umbrella above her. Farther into the garden,
Sean lay flat on his back under a spotted toadstool, to him as big as a shed. Still farther along, Liam knelt behind a garden gnome statuette. He
did not notice a lumpy-skinned toad which squatted on a plastic pipe behind him. It was a danger, but for the moment the movement of a pair of
big butterflies that were fluttering above the toadstool held its interest. The immediate worry for the fugitives was the villain, who was chuckling
disturbingly to himself at the garden’s edge. Then, Kate saw why! Four clawed paws were descending from the sky. The villain, who was no fool,
was releasing his cat! Kate scanned desperately around the cluttered garden. ‘The pipe!’ yelled Kate, pointing. ‘In there—run!’

R.I.C. Publications®

Cloze Micro-sized

R.I.C. Publications®

The wicked villain had put Kate, Sean and Liam in the miniaturisation machine in his laboratory. There, he had them
smaller than . But, being so small, they had under the laboratory’s door and escaped outside. The livid villain had
thundered out after as they had run frantically to hide in an garden which bordered the secret facility. To the micro-sized
, the quiet garden seemed a dense, dark . Kate stood a leafy weed whose broad leaves like an
umbrella above her. Farther into the garden, Sean lay on his back under a toadstool, to him as big as a .
Still farther along, Liam behind a garden gnome statuette. He did not a lumpy-skinned toad squatted on a
plastic pipe behind . It was a danger, but for the moment the movement of a of big butterflies were fluttering
above the toadstool held its interest. The worry for the was the villain who was chuckling to himself at the
garden’s . Then, Kate saw why! Four clawed paws were from the sky. The villain, who was no fool, was releasing his cat!
Kate scanned around the garden. ‘The pipe!’ Kate, pointing. ‘In there—run!’


Visualising Micro-sized – 1

Visualising involves making mental images of events or descriptions in the text as we read. The words,
phrases and sentences written by the author help us visualise. Visualising is like creating images on a blank
movie screen.
1. In the space below, list the three main events in the text. The first one has been done for you.
• The villain shrunk Kate, Sean and Liam until they were smaller than mice.


2. These events have not been drawn in the illustration that supports the text.
Draw each of these events in one of the blank movie screens below, then label each image with the
event it is depicting.

8 COMPREHENSION THROUGH CLOZE Book 6 978-1-922426-75-8 R.I.C. Publications®
Visualising Micro-sized – 2

3. Read each sentence and note the words in bold. After reading, complete illustrations to show the
emotions and facial expressions suggested by the words in bold.

(a) The immediate worry for the fugitives was (b) Kate scanned desperately around the
the villain who was chuckling disturbingly to cluttered garden.
himself at the garden’s edge.


(c) The livid villain had thundered out after them as they ran frantically to hide in an overgrown
garden which bordered the secret facility.

4. Write a short description of the cat to add more details to the scarce details we are told about it.

5. What does the writer mean by ‘Four clawed paws were descending from the sky’? What mental image
does this present? Draw an illustration.

R.I.C. Publications® 978-1-922426-75-8 COMPREHENSION THROUGH CLOZE Book 6 9

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