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World War 1

Khadija, Hadia, Zainab

Causes of World War 1
1 Imperialism 2 Nationalism 3 Alliance System
The competition for The intense loyalty and The complex web of
colonies and resources belief in the superiority of military alliances that
among European powers. one's own nation. created a delicate balance
of power.
Major Countries Involved
Germany France
Seeking to expand its influence and power in Seeking to regain territories lost in previous
Europe. conflicts.

Great Britain Russia

Protecting its empire and maintaining its naval Fighting to defend Slavic populations and gain
superiority. access to warm-water ports.
Key Events and Turning Points
1 Assassination of Archduke
The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary sparked the war in

2 Battle of the Somme

A bloody and devastating battle on the Western Front in 1916.

3 Treaty of Versailles
The peace treaty that officially ended the war in 1919.
Trench Warfare and Life on the Front

Trench Network Conditions Role of Soldiers

The extensive system of Mud, rats, lice, and constant Soldiers faced enemy attacks,
trenches where soldiers lived and danger created unimaginable disease, and the psychological
fought. hardships for soldiers. toll of war.
Weapons and Technology Used
Machine Guns Artillery
Devastatingly efficient and capable of firing Heavy artillery bombardments caused
hundreds of rounds per minute. widespread destruction and loss of life.

Poison Gas Tanks

Lethal chemical weapons introduced to break Armored vehicles that could cross trenches
the stalemate of trench warfare. and provide mobile firepower.
Consequences and Aftermath
1 Loss of Life 2 Political Changes
An estimated 16 million military and Dissolution of empires and the rise of
civilian deaths. new nations.
3 Treaty of Versailles
The peace settlement imposed harsh conditions on Germany.
Legacy and Lessons Learned
1 League of Nations
Established in an effort to prevent future
Impact on Art and Literature 2
Artistic representations of the horrors of
war and disillusionment with society.
3 Seeds of World War 2
The unresolved issues and resentments
that fueled the next global conflict.
World War 1 was a devastating conflict that reshaped the world and left
lasting scars. It serves as a reminder of the consequences of militarism,
nationalism, and unchecked aggression. Let us learn from history and strive
for a more peaceful future.

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