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There are four basic types of chemical reaction - combination, decomposition, single
replacement reaction, and double replacement reaction. In a combination reaction, two or more
reactants combine to form a single product (a compound). In a decomposition reaction, a single
reactant (compound) breaks down into two or more simpler substances (elements or
compounds). In a single replacement reaction, a more active element replaces a less active
element in a compound. In a double replacement reaction, two compounds react and exchange

1. To observe different types of chemical reactions.
2. To identify reactant and product in order to determine reaction type.
3. To write balanced chemical equations for each reaction.


1 cm Mg ribbon 1 M CuSO4 solution Na2CO3 crystals
6 M HCI CuSO4-5H20 (crystals) mossy Zinc
K2Cr2O7, solution HgO Ba(NO3)2 solution

Crucible tongs alcohol lamp matches/lighter
Safety goggles evaporating dish test tubes
Test tube holder test tube brush 2 wooden splinters
Untarnished iron nail test tube rack pipet
stirring rod aspirator graduated cylinder
Spatula tissue paper glass jar

1. Examine the magnesium ribbon. Note its color, luster and flexibility. Using crucible sandpaper
tongs, hold the Mg ribbon near the flame of the alcohol lamp until it starts to burn.
Caution: Do not look directly at the flame. Hold the burning Mg ribbon away from you.
2. Remove the burning Mg ribbon from the flame and hold it directly over the evaporating dish.
When the ribbon stops burning, put the remains in the evaporating dish. Note the color and
texture of the residue. Record all observations.

B. 1. Obtain enough crystals of Na2CO3 to make a layer about 1 cm deep in the bottom of a
clean, dry test tube. Note the appearance of the sample.
2. Using a test tube holder, hold the test tube horizontally and heat the Na2CO3, for about 3
minutes in the alcohol lamp.
3. Remove the test tube from the flame. Insert the burning splinter into the test tube. If CO2 gas
is present, it will put out the flame. Note the appearance of the residue in the test tube. Record
all observations.
C. 1. Put 5 mL of CuSO4, solution in a test tube. Note the color of the solution.
2. Note the appearance of the untarnished iron nail. Place the CuSO4, solution. Make sure that
the nail is thoroughly immersed in the solution. Observe the reaction after a few minutes. Note
the change in the color of the solution and in the appearance of the nail. Record all observations
in the data table.
D. 1. Put enough crystals of CuSO2,-5H20 in a clean, dry test tube to a depth of about 1 cm.
Note the appearance of the crystals.
2. Using the test tube holder, gently heat the crystals for about 1 minute. Observe what
happens. Record your observations.
E. 1. Put 2.0 mL of 6 M HCI into a test tube.
Caution: Be careful in handling HCI; it can cause burns. Do not inhale the vapor or fumes.
2. Carefully drop the mossy Zn into the HCI in the test tube. Observe what happens.
When bubbles are formed in the solution, test the identity of the gas being formed by holding a
burning wooden splinter into the mixture. A popping sound indicates the presence of H2. Record
all your observations.
F. 1. Put 5 ml of barium nitrate in a clean test tube or vial.
2. Add 2 ml of potassium dichromate solution. Observe what happens.
G. 1. Put a small amount of mercuric oxide in a pyrex test tube and heat it strongly.
2. With a glowing splinter, test the gas evolved.
3. Examine the residue and compare it with the original substance.
NAME:Talanquines, Grace S. SCORE:
Tandeg, Judelyn
Valledor, Frank Louie R.
GROUP NO: 5 DATE SUBMITTED:February 5,2024





A.Mg Ribbon Grayish-silver The color turns white COMBINATION

like a fine powder REACTION

B.Na2CO3 White sand The CO2 Gas is DECOMPOSITION

present. REACTION
The powder
compacted together

C.CuSO4 Baby-blue color The CuSO4 reacts SINGLE-REPLACEM

The nail is grayish-silver with the nail. ENT REACTION
The nail becomes
rusty-red in color.
The baby-blue color
turns into pale blue at
the end.

D.CuSO4.5H2O Blue The part that was DECOMPOSITION

Has an iodized salt texture directly exposed in REACTION
the flame turns into
white color.
The powder
compacted together

E.5HCl & Zn Crystal clear The H2 is present. SINGLE-REPLACEM

The mossy zinc ENT REACTION
darkens as it reacts
with the 5HCl.
The bubbles are

F.Ba(NO3)2 & Crystal white clear The Ba(NO3)2 is DOUBLE-REPLACE

K2Cr2O7 Red- orange denser compared to MENT REACTION
the K2Cr2O7.
Formation of the
yellow ring occurs.
The K2Cr2O7 sinks
overtime and results
in the cloudy color of
the mixture.

G.HgO Red orange The glowing splint DECOMPOSITION

Powdery texture glows in red color. REACTION
The residue of the
HgO turns red


Formula of Reactants Formula of Balanced Chemical Equation Involved


A Mg + O2 MgO 2Mg + O2 ⟶ 2MgO

B Na2CO3 Na2O + CO2 Na2CO3 ⟶ Na2O + CO2

C CuSO4 + Fe Cu + FeSO4 CuSO4 + Fe ⟶ Cu + FeSO4

D CuSO4⋅5H2O CuSO4 + H2O CuSO4⋅5H2O ⟶ CuSO4 + 5H2O

E HCl + Zn ZnCl2 + H2 2HCl + Zn ⟶ ZnCl2 + H2

F Ba(NO3)2 + K2Cr2O7 BaCr2O7 + KNO3 Ba(NO3)2 + K2Cr2O7 ⟶ BaCr2O7 + 2KNO3

G HgO Hg + O2 2HgO ⟶ 2Hg + O2


Magnesium (Mg) ribbon is a thin sheet that can be easily shaped and is a relatively lustrous and
soft metal with a silvery white color that transforms into a white color similar to fine ash when
subjected to heat using the alcohol lamp. This is a combination reaction, which combines two
components to generate a single compound. The presence of oxygen(O2)in the air combined
with heated Magnesium ribbon produced a Magnesium Oxide(MgO).

Sodium carbonate(Na2CO3), a white sand-colored chemical, is heated for approximately 3

minutes. After some time, the burning splinter is placed in a test tube to see if carbon dioxide is
present. When a burning splinter is introduced, the flame goes out, indicating that carbon
dioxide is present. This is a breakdown reaction that produces sodium oxide and carbon
dioxide(Na2O + CO2). The carbon dioxide departs, which is why the flame was put out, while the
sodium oxide stays.
In this experiment, copper sulfate(CuSO4 ) and an untarnished nail are prepared. Untarnished
nails contain iron(Fe) and have a bright grayish-silver tint, whereas copper sulfate solutions are
blue. After immersing the untarnished nail in the copper sulfate solution, we waited nearly 5
minutes to see what happened. After a while, we noted that the untarnished nail was changing
color and becoming rusty-red, while the solution turned pale blue. This is a single-replacement
process in which copper sulfate reacts with iron in the nail. Iron from copper sulfate displaces
copper in the solution, forming the new compound ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 + Cu).

Hydrated crystal copper sulfate(CuSO4⋅5H2O) is a blue substance with a texture similar to

iodized salt. When heated, it turns white, and the exposed chemical powder compacts together.
The presence of five water molecules causes the copper sulfate to appear blue.This is a
decomposition reaction, as the precipitate seen in the test tube after heating indicates that it has
lost its water. This chemical contains hydrated water, which when heated produces water vapor,
leaving plain copper sulfate.

Hydrochloric acid(HCl) and mossy zinc(Zn) are prepared, and when a solution of mossy zinc is
poured into the test tube containing hydrochloric acid, it reacts and produces rapid bubbles,
indicating the production of hydrogen gas. To determine whether hydrogen gas is present, the
burning wooden splinter inserted inside the test tube makes a popping sound, indicating that it is
in the solution. This is a single-replacement reaction in which zinc interacts with hydrochloric
acid leading to zinc chloride and hydrogen gas.

Barium nitrate(Ba(NO3)2) is crystal-white and clear, while potassium dichromate(K2Cr2O7) is

red-orange. When the two solutions are combined, they form a yellow-orange cloudy solution.
This is because barium nitrate is not soluble in water, therefore it settles in the solution.
Precipitation occurs when the two liquids are mixed.This is a double-replacement reaction, with
barium nitrate and potassium dichromate resulting in barium dichromate and potassium
nitrate(BaCr2O7 + KNO3).

The last test is a type of decomposition reaction involving mercuric acid, resulting in the
formation of mercury and oxygen gas(Hg + O2). Mercuric oxide(HgO), a red crystalline material,
reacts when heated and produces oxygen. To test the presence of oxygen gas, a glowing splint
is placed just enough distance from the heated mercuric oxide. As we performed this
experiment, we observed that the glowing splint glows more, which means that oxygen gas is
present, making the splinter glow more.

Overall, these experiments provide valuable insights into various chemical reactions and
properties, showcasing the diverse behaviors of different substances under specific conditions.

By the end of the experiment, we had concluded so many things. We got a chance to
experience doing experiments about determining types of reactions with the given materials and
chemicals that were prepared for us. In preparing the things we need for experiments, each one
of us split the task so that we could start the work. Doing the task, we alternate doing each
reaction so that we can observe what happens, and also the purpose is to get along together.
There we have the photographer, the doer, and the one who writes in the prepared paper the
things we observe so that we can't forget and we will not waste too much time when we do the
laboratory report.

Based on the analyzed data from observation the following conclusions are taken:
In experiment A, the transformation of the Mg ribbon from silvery-white to a white fine powder
suggests a chemical change occurred, possibly involving oxygen that suggests a combination
reaction. Moving on to experiment B the Na2CO3 experiment, the extinguishing of the flame and
the compacted powder formation indicate the release of CO2 gas during the reaction. The
untarnished iron-nail turning rusty-red in the CuSO4 solution in experiment C signifies a classic
example of a metal displacement reaction. The untarnished nail containing iron displaced the
copper from the copper sulfate forming (Cu + FeSO4).Experiment D the CuSO4.5H2O, the
white-colored compacted powder formed after heating suggests a decomposition reaction,
possibly involving the release of water molecules. Experiment E the 5HCl & Zn demonstrates
evolution of H2 gas through observable bubbles and a distinctive odor, hinting at a chemical
reaction between hydrochloric acid and zinc.In experiment F Ba(NO3)2 & K2Cr2O7 , the observed
density difference and the slow mixing of barium nitrate with potassium dichromate point
towards their different solubilities or concentrations. Lastly, in experiment G involving HgO, the
red glow in the splint and the red residue indicate the presence of a gas formed during the
heating process, likely oxygen.

Having a thorough understanding of these types of reactions will be useful for predicting the
products of an unknown reaction. Doing the experiment helps us a lot to understand how it
happens and what the result of the reaction is. There are so many things that happen when
reactions take place that we cannot predict; there may be adding or subtracting elements or
compounds. It is important to know the importance of knowing chemical reactions because they
happen not just in acids, bases, or any solution; they also happen to plants and to humans. A
simple reaction has an impact on us. According to what I've read, chemical reactions are the
reason why we exist on earth because everything in the world takes a reaction.

As for our experience we really enjoyed doing the experiment and we got to take many take
aways from performing it and how we should take an actions if something happen to the task.
1. Preparing materials.

2. Preparing Magnesium ribbon.

3. Preparing Sodium carbonate.

4. Preparing Copper sulfate solution.

5.Preparing Copper sulfate pentahydrate.

5. Preparing Hydrochloric acid.

6. Preparing Ba(NO3)2 + K2Cr2O7.

7. Preparing mercuric oxide

8. Group picture

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