Glossary - Planning and Adapting Materials

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Planning and adapting materials

Term Definition

Asynchronous Learners work on activities on their own, remotely, as

homework. This can be as a pre-session activity, to prepare for
the online session, or as homework after a session to practice

At risk Exposed to the possibility of danger or harm.

Barrier An obstacle or obstruction that makes something more difficult.

Breakout rooms A teacher can break a remote class into smaller groups so that
learners can interact with each other. Learners need to
understand what a breakout room is and how they work.

Collaborate To work together with another person or people.

Exclusion / being
Being kept out of a situation either on purpose or by mistake.

Face-to-face When teachers and learners are physically in the classroom


Inclusion Able and welcome to take part in a situation.

Interactive learners communicate with each other or with materials.

Lag In video conferencing, the delay between a learner speaking

and others hearing them, caused by a learner’s connection with
the internet.

Microphones or Devices used to convert sound waves into an electrical signal.

mics Normally they are connected to amplifiers and either recorded
or broadcast. Mike is the informal term.

Monitor Watch, listen and observe what students are doing.
Nominate Choose a specific learner to answer (often by using their name).

Online Using technology that accesses the internet or works via mobile
data connections.

Peer A person at the same level or status.

Productive skills Speaking and writing.

Receptive skills Listening and reading.

Remote teaching Teaching and learning when the teacher and learner are not in
the same place at the same time.

Safeguarding Keeping learners safe on and offline. This is an essential part of

onboarding, or learner training, as leaners need to understand
the behaviours expected of them. Safeguarding should inform
the code of conduct. All schools should have a safeguarding
policy and you must abide by yours.

Screen reader A software application that can read the text of a computer
screen for someone who is blind or has sight problems.

Screen-sharing Sharing the screen of your computer so that other people

online can see it.

Shared document A document that can be accessed and edited by many people at
(also known as a the same time.

Socialisation time Time that students have together without a learning task so that
they can chat and exchange gossip.

Structuring Organising something into a clear form.

Synchronous Learners and teachers working together at the same time. In

remote teaching this is often with a videoconferencing,
messaging or social media app.

Template A document or form that is used by multiple teachers to make

all lessons similar in structure.

Visualiser A tool that helps teachers show paper-based materials in an

online classroom.

Vulnerable people Those in need of special care or additional help and support. 2
Warmer An activity usually used at the beginning of the lesson to help
students prepare for the lesson or to help them focus on

Webcam A camera attached to a computer to enable communication. 3

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