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Assessing and motivating learning

The following links and resources explore the areas discussed in this module in more detail:

Brumen, M., Cagran, B., and Rixon, S. (2009) Comparative assessment of young learners’ foreign
language competence in three Eastern European countries, Journal of Educational Studies. 35, 3,

Papp, Sz and Rixon, S (2018.) Examining Young Language Learners: The Cambridge English
approach, Cambridge University Press.

Prošić-Santovac, D and Rixon, S (editors). Integrating assessment into early language learning and
teaching. In J. Enever (Ed) Early language learning in school contexts, Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Rixon, S. (2016). Do developments in assessment represent the ‘coming of age’ of young learners
English language teaching initiatives? The international picture. In M. Nikolov (Ed.) Assessing young
learners of English: Global and local perspectives, New York: Springer, 19-41.

Stanley, G. (2013) Language Learning with Technology, Cambridge University Press.

Thompson, I. and Rubin, J. (1996). Can strategy instruction improve listening comprehension?
Foreign Language Annals, 29, 3, 331-42.

Wallace, S. (Ed.) (2009). A Dictionary of Education, Oxford University Press

A toolkit for teacher development: assessment for learning

Article exploring assessing learners online with criteria

Article exploring assessment for learning classroom activities

Article exploring digital portfolios

Article exploring graphic organisers
Article exploring how to keep learners’ attention

Article exploring learner motivation and reading

Article exploring learner motivation in remote teaching

Article exploring the use of digital tools for giving feedback to learners

Article exploring ways of getting teens to speak

Assessing learners online: Noticing, self-checking and online quiz tools

Blog post: A test about testing

Blog post: Do you assess or just test?

Blog post: To test, or not to test

British Council Assessment for Learning key principles

British Council ELTRA research award presentation of what teachers want to know about

Council of Europe (2020) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning,
teaching, assessment (Companion volume)

Facebook live teacher community discussion on ways teachers can engage, motivate and promote
learner autonomy in remote learning

IATEFL MaWSIG and YLTSIG 2019 blog post and webinar on assessment issues

NUT research: The impact of accountability measures on children and young people

Online assessment criteria

Research papers on classroom assessment 2
Useful tools

Multiple choice, true/false activities

Animation and comic makers
• Mentimeter
• Blabberize
• Animation Kit • Opinionstage

• Toontastic • Quizlet

• Animoto Video Maker • SurveyMonkey

• Storybird Video conferencing

Audio recording • Microsoft Teams

• Vocaroo • Skype
• Telegram
Checking text
• WhatsApp
• Readable
• Zoom
• Textinspector
• Grammarly
• Wordtune

Digital portfolios
• ClassDojo
• Edmodo
• Padlet

Graphic organisers
• Canva
• Mindmup
• Snappa

Learning management systems

• Canvas
• Google classroom

• Schoology

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