7-Design of Sewage System-Lec 7 - Wk6-GeH

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Institute of Environmental Engineering & Research (IEER)
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

Last lecture review
• Introduction to wastewater collection system
• Basic terms (sewer, sewage, sewerage)
• Types of sewer
• Sources of wastewater
• Types of wastewater collection system
• Infiltration and inflow
• Variation in sewage flow
• Design periods
• Numericals

16-02-2021 Lecture # 01 CE-341 – Environmental Engineering-1 Engr.Gul-e-Hina IEER UET Lahore 2

Procedure/steps of designing sewerage system,
design of sewage collection systems

Week - 6
Procedure/steps of designing sewerage system

Preliminary Design Criteria

Actual Design
Investigations Considerations

Preparation of
Drawing and

16-02-2021 Lecture # 01 CE-341 – Environmental Engineering-1 Engr.Gul-e-Hina IEER UET Lahore 4

1.Preliminary Investigation
1. Obtain maps and drawings that furnish following
information about the area
Population Density ,Water consumption, Soil characteristics, Natural
slope, Disposal points, Groundwater table, Rocks, underground
structure, Rainfall data, Location of Water & Gas pipes, Electric

2. Maps should also highlight the location of streets,

parks , buildings etc.

Note: Sewerage systems are operated under gravity whereas water supply
systems are operated under pressure

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1.Preliminary Investigation
3. If a map or needed information is not available
conduct a detailed survey of the area to do the needful
• Establish Benchmarks throughout the area and make
contours profiles and cross sections
• Mark surface elevations at street intersections.
• Make profile of the street through which sewer has to run.
• Use a different scales e.g ( 1:1000 to 1:3000 for making

16-02-2021 Lecture # 01 CE-341 – Environmental Engineering-1 Engr.Gul-e-Hina IEER UET Lahore 6

1.Preliminary Investigation

4. Soil conditions should be investigated for the type of


• Location of water table

• Presence of any underground rock

5. Collection of rainfall and runoff data.

6. Study of natural slopes of the area and selection of a

suitable disposal point.

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2.Design Criteria Consideration
(1) Design Flow –
Calculation of avg. sewage flow on the basis of water consumption and the
population at the end of design period
(a) Sanitary Sewer
Q design= Peak sewage flow + Infiltration
(b) Partially Combined Sewer
Q design= Peak sewage flow +Storm flow+ Infiltration
WASA Criteria (Peak sewage flow = Storm flow=100% of peak sewage flow)
Q design= 2 x Peak sewage flow + Infiltration
PHED Criteria
Storm water= 50% of Peak sewage flow
Q design= 1.5 x Peak sewage flow + Infiltration

Storm water =33% of Peak sewage flow

Q design= 1.33x Peak sewage flow + Infiltration
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2.Design Criteria Consideration
(2) Design Equation- Manning’s formula is used for sewer
flowing under gravity
𝟏 𝟐 𝟏
𝑽 = 𝑹𝟑 𝑺𝟐

V = velocity of flow m/sec

R = Hydraulics mean depth = Area/Perimeter=(π/4)xD2/πD
= D/4 (Circular Sewer)
S= Slope of sewer
n= coefficient of roughness for pipe (0.013-0.015)

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2.Design Criteria Consideration
(3)Minimum Self cleansing velocity
•Sewage should flow at all times with sufficient
velocity to prevent settlement of solid matter in the
•Self cleansing velocity is minimum velocity that
ensures non-settlement of suspended matter in the

➢Sanitary sewer = 0.6m/s

➢Storm sewer= 1m/s
➢Partially combined = 0.7m/s
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2.Design Criteria Consideration
(4)Maximum Velocity
Should not be greater than 2.4m/s
-To avoid excessive sewer abrasion
-To avoid steep slopes

(5)Minimum Sewer Size

-225mm for lateral WASA
-To avoid chocking of sewer with bigger size objects
which enters through manholes(bricks ,shrubs etc.)

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Commercial available diameters of sewer in mm

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2.Design Criteria Consideration
(6) Minimum cover
- Minimum 1 m earth cover on sewer crown to avoid damage from live loads
-Purpose: (1)Cleaning
(2) Inspection
(3)House connection
-Provision at: (1) Change in sewer
(3) Diameter
(4) Slope
-One manhole for 2-4 plots
-Spacing not more than -100m(225-380mm)

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2.Design Criteria Consideration
(8) Direction of Sewer lines
-Sewers should follow as far as possible the natural slope

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2.Design Criteria Consideration
(9) Q d/Q f Ratio
• Q d= Design Flow
• Q f = Flow when sewer is flowing full

•In order to provide air space in the upper portion of

sewers for ventilation purposes WASA recommends
to maintain the following ratios for sanitary sewer

Sewer Size
225-375 mm Ratio 0.7
450-1200mm Ratio 0.75
1350mm or larger Ratio 0.8
16-02-2021 Lecture # 01 CE-341 – Environmental Engineering-1 Engr.Gul-e-Hina IEER UET Lahore 15
3. Actual Design of Sewer
•Size of sewer : Using Q=AV for the calculation
of diameter

•Slope of sewer: Using manning formula

V = 1/n R2/3 S1/2
used for either calculation of slope or checking

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4. Preparation of drawings and BOQs
•Typical drawing includes
-Sewer joints (Type of joints used and
-Manholes (Dimensions and depth
of manholes)
-Disposal stations (Locations)
-Sewer profile
• BOQ’s include all costs regarding
all the components of sewer system

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Numericals (Design of sewer)
1. Design a sanitary sewer to serve a population of 7000 persons. The per capita water
consumption is 400 lpcd. Adopt suitable design criteria.
Population =7000 persons
Per capita WC = 400 lpcd
Design a sanitary sewer=?
1. Average sewage flow (ASF)
ASF=0.80*population* Lpcd
2. Assume infiltration=10% of ASF
Infiltration = 0.10*2240=224 m3/d
3. Peak factor=M=1+14/4+(P)0.5=3.10
4. Peak sewage flow=3.10*2240=6944m3/d
5. Design flow=Qd= PSF+ infiltration
6. For sanitary sewer V=0.6 m/s
Dia=0.419m=419mm=460mm(commercially available)
7. Slope by using mannings equation (assume n-0.013)

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Numericals for homework
2. Calculate the size and flow of a separate trunk sewer serving a population of
0.2 million and having a per person water consumption rate of 400 liter per
capita per day.
• Value of n =0.013 may be used
• Take infiltration as 10 % of average sewage flow.
3. Design a sewer for a maximum discharge of 650 L/sec. Consider manning’s
roughness coefficient of 0.013, the gradient of sewer is equal to 0.0001.
4. Design a sewer for a maximum discharge of 650 L/sec. Consider manning’s
roughness coefficient of 0.013, the gradient of sewer is equal to 0.0001.
5. Calculate the size and slope of an partially combined sewer serving a
population of 15000 persons. How many extra persons can serve if the slope
is doubled. The per capita water consumption is 400 Lpcd.

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Sewers Flowing Partially Full
Sewers Flowing Partially Full
• It is necessary to determine velocity and depth of sewage in a pipe when it is flowing
only partially full.
• For this , use of graph will allow quick computation of the hydraulic elements of
partially flow circular sewer.

• For using this graph , it is

necessary to calculate
the hydraulics elements
or design parameters
when a sewer is flowing
• Then by calculating the
ratio of any two known
hydraulic elements
partially flow sewers
elements can be

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Significance of partial flow study

Conditions during partial flow, must frequently determined in

combined/ partially combined sewers due to following reasons:

1. To investigate velocities during dry weather flow to eliminate

possibilities of deposits occurring in pipes.

2. Knowledge of depth of flow is of value in designing sewer

intersections. Large sewers should be brought together at elevations

so that water may not back up into the other.

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6. A 600mm circular combined sewer is laid on a slope of 0.0021 and it is flow
full with n=0.013.What will be the velocity and depth of flow when sewer is
carrying 0.054m3/sec discharge.
1. Find the velocity of flow in a sewer , when flowing full, using mannings
2. Flow in sewer when flowing full (Qfull)(0.281m3/s)
3. Find q/Qfull ratio(0.192)
4. Find d/D from graph against q/Qfull (0.26, d=0.156m)
5. Find velocity at q (Va), from graph against d/D(Va=0.54m/s)

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Design of Storm Sewer
Storm Sewer
• To design a storm sewer system, it is necessary to determine
the flow which each segment must carry.

• Main Source = Rainfall

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Rational Method
• Simplest method used for estimating the quantity of
• This procedure relates:
❑Storm flow to the rainfall intensity

❑Storm flow to the tributary (flowing area)

❑A co-efficient C which presents the combined effects

of surface storage, infiltration, and evaporation

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Rational Method

Q=Actual amount of rainfall that appears as runoff (m3/hr)
A=Area drained (m2)
I=Intensity of rainfall (m3/m2/hr)
C=Co-efficient of runoff

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Run-off coefficient “C”
• C for an area is variant i.e. tends to increase as the rainfall continues.

• Determine by using following formula

Impervious surface

Pervious surface

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Runoff coefficient for Various surfaces

Type of surfaces C
Watertight roofs 0.70-0.85

Asphaltic cement streets 0.85-0.90

Portland cement streets 0.80-0.95

Paved driveways and walks 0.75-0.85

Gravel driveways and walks 0.15-0.30

Lawns, sandy soil

2%slope 0.05-0.10
2-7% slope 0.10-0.15
>7 % slope 0.15-0.20
Lawns, heavy soil
2%slope 0.13-0.17
2-7% slope 0.18-0.32
>7 % slope 0.25-0.35

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Rainfall intensity(I)
• Defined as the precipitation rate expressed in mm/hr or in/hr

• Depends upon two factors

1 .Frequency of storm occurrence

❑5 years for residential areas

❑10-15 years for commercial areas

2.Duration of storm

❑Up to 2 hours

❑Average intensity of storm decreases as the duration increases.

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Relationship between I, t and frequency
A,B=Constants and vary for different area and cities.
For Lahore A=7190 , B=103 (for once in 5 year frequency
based on 27 yrs rainfall record) now these values varies with

1 in 20 yrs
‘I’ Intensity )mm/hr)

1 in 15 yrs

1 in 10 yrs

1 in 5 yrs

16-02-2021 Lecture # 01 ‘t’ ,Duration

CE-341 (min)
– Environmental Engineering-1 Engr.Gul-e-Hina IEER UET Lahore 35
Inlet time

“Time required for the rain water to flow from

the farthest point over the surface of the
ground to the sewer inlet.”



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Inlet Time

Case 1



-Sewer should be designed based on duration of rainfall

-Which should be equal or greater than the time of travel
of storm water from the farthest point to the sewer inlet
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Inlet Time
•Maximum runoff at M1 will be A
developed when rainfall duration is equal
or greater then the inlet time.

•So sewer line between M1 and M2

should be designed for that run off. M1

•Maximum runoff at M2 will be

developed when rainfall duration is equal
or greater then inlet time ( up to M1) plus
time of runoff travel in sewer from M1 to
Inlet time of area B to M2
•So sewer line between M2 and M3
should be designed for that runoff.
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Time of Concentration
• Defined as the time required for the maximum runoff rate to
develop or it is the time required for storm water to run from the
farthest point of the area to reach the point for which the
maximum runoff is to be estimated.

Time of flow


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Time of Concentration

So storm water sewers must be designed taking

into consideration the time of concentration at
various manholes

Critical duration of rainfall

It is the duration of rainfall which will

produce maximum runoff and so it is equal
to the time of concentration

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Steps for the design of storm sewer

2.Take this as a critical

1.Estimate the time of duration of rain fall to
concentration produce maximum
rain fall

3.Find out intensity of

4.Use this I in CIA to
rainfall for that
find out the Q
duration of rainfall

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Hydraulic Computations for Storm water Flow

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Problem 1
• A sewer line is to serve 7.2 hectors, the
imperviousness of area is 35%.Time of concentration
is 30 minutes .The rainfall intensity
• formula adopted is I=3330/(t+19).
• Calculate the capacity of storm sewer.
=67.95 mm/hr=0.06795m/hr

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Problem 2
• Calculate the maximum storm water runoff at point A
and B of the area which is divided into two equal parts
of 4 hectors each .The intensity of rainfall is given by
I=7190/(t+103),C=0.4 and inlet time for each part of
area is 10 minutes. Velocity of flow is equal to 1 m/s.


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Name of Area(m2) C AC ∑AC T(min) I Q

A 40000 0.4 16000 16000 10 0.0636 1018

B 40000 0.4 16000 32000 13.3 0.068 2176

For area A inlet time=10 min

For area B inlet time = 10 min
Time of concentration=time of flow + inlet time
= 200/60+10=13.3 min
Inlet time < time of con

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Problem 3 (Design of Storm Sewer)


4 Ha 3 Ha 2 Ha

C=0.8 C=0.7 C=0.8

a 300m b 200m c d

Inlet time for each area=8 min

Velocity of sewer =1m/sec
Compute maximum rate of flow in storm sewer, diameter
of sewer and sewer slope.
I= 2670/t+15

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Calculation of invert levels
Invert Level

• The lowest inside level at any cross-section of a sewer is

known as the INVERT LEVEL at that cross section.

• Sewers must be laid at a particular slope to attain self
cleansing velocities. The required slope (while laying the
sewers) is achieved through calculations of invert levels.

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Calculation of Upper Invert Level & Lower Invert Level


Earth cover=1m

Thickness of pipe Dia of pipe

Invert level of pipe

U𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝑰. = 𝑵𝑮𝑳 − 𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 − 𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒊𝒑𝒆 − 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒊𝒑

𝐋𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐈. 𝐋 = 𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝑰. 𝑳 − (𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝑿 𝑳𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒊𝒑𝒆)
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Calculation of Upper Invert Level & Lower Invert Level
𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 = 𝑵𝑮𝑳 − 𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 − 𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒊𝒑𝒆 − 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒊𝒑𝒆
Lower = 𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐼/𝐿 − (𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 ∗ 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑖𝑝𝑒)

Thickness of pipe
Dia of pipe
Invert level

Earth cover=1m

Thickness of pipe Dia of pipe

Invert level of pipe

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Gradients in Pipes

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Gradients in Pipes

A gradient may be defined as fall divided by distance.


For example, is a 24-meter section of drainage pipe has a fall of 0.30 meters, calculate the

Gradient = 0.30 / 24
Gradient = 0.0125
This can be converted into a gradient written as a ratio or 1: some number.

Gradient = 1 / 0.0125 = 80
Gradient = 1 in 80

The above formula may be rearranged for Fall if the gradient is known:


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Gradients in Pipes

For example, calculate the fall in a 50 meters section of water pipework if

the gradient is to be 1 in 80.

A gradient of 1 in 80 is converted to a number instead of a ratio.

1 / 80 = 0.0125

Fall = Gradient x Distance

Fall = 0.0125 x 50

Fall = 0.625 meters or 625mm.

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Calculation of Invert Level
✓U/S Invert Level = NGSL/RL – Depth of Sewer – Thickness of Sewer
– Dia of Sewer
✓ D/S Invert Level = U/S Invert Level – Drop (Length x slope)
When equal dia sewers discharge in a manhole and the same dia sewers
receives the total discharge, LOWEST D/S I.L. among the discharging
sewers will be carried as U/S I.L. for the receiving sewer.
When receiving sewer dia is greater than the discharging sewer;
✓Keep the crowns at the same level
✓Drop the U/S I.L. of the receiving sewer by the difference in the dia
of the two sewers.

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Calculation of Invert Level-Case 1 (Equal dia pipes)


L/I =199m L/I =198m

M2 M3
U/I =?m



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Calculation of Invert Level-Case 2 (Different dia pipes)


L/I =199m L/I =198m

M2 M3
U/I =?m



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Numerical 1
• Calculate upper and lower invert levels at M2 , M3 and M4 if upper invert
level of M1 is 100m

M1 M3 M4

225 mm dia 225 mm dia

225 mm dia
L=200m,@0.0082 L=100m,@0.0079

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Numerical 2
Calculate upper and lower invert levels at M2 , M3 and M4 if upper invert level
of M1 is 200m

M1 M3 M4

225 mm dia 310 mm dia

380mm dia
L=106 m,@0.0082 L=35m,@0.0080

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Numerical 3
• Calculate upper and lower invert levels at M2 , M3 ,M4 and M5 if upper invert
level of M1 is 135m

M3 M4
M1 M2

225 mm dia 225 mm dia 225mm dia

L=100 m,@0.0080 L=75m,@0.0079 L=36m,@0.007

310mm dia


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Numerical 4
• Calculate upper and lower invert levels at M2 , M3 ,M4 ,M5 and M6 if upper
invert level of M1 is 110m

M1 M2 M3 M4

225 mm dia 225 mm dia 375mm dia

L=200 m,@0.0085 L=150m,@0.0075 L=490m,@0.004

375mm dia

450mm dia


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Numerical 5
• Calculate Invert levels for partially combined sewer system. Average
water consumption of 400lpcd take NGL=100 m , Earth Cover=1m
and Pipe thickness = 50mm

M1 M2
P=800 persons
P=600 persons

M4 M3 M5
P=400 persons P=500 persons
L=300m L=700m

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Hydraulic Statement

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