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新 GMAT 作文黄金 80 题范文

一. An al ys is of Is su e Qu es ti on s

2. “It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to
conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect
to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with
reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. To conserve the energy is a world-wide project. No individual country is able to do it independently.
2. It is unfair to let individual nations to make sacrifices while the others do not.
3. The best and the most efficient way is the whole wolrd conserve the energy simultaneously and

1, 首先,虽然不愿意,但仍然要承认,自私几乎是天性。self consideration 优先。在没有广泛的行

function as the leader of the group.
2, 而且,保护资源是全球的问题,指望单个国家作出牺牲是不够的。因为在全球化经济发展下,资
的经济政策。nuclear weapons proliferation
by the same token(同样道理)
the problem of energy conservation transcends the national borders in that either all
nations must cooperate, or all will suffer.(sample 上的句子)
3, 当然,这样是不够的,必须由各个国家充分地发挥主动的作用 take positive action。因为资源
才是最 effective 的方法。

Optional words:
Sacrifice/ expense/ offering/ cost
Conserve/ protect/ guard/ keep/ maintain
Thesis sentence:
To conserve the energy resources is a worldwide project, however, individual nations have
been take the responsibilities of energy conservation initiatively without international
International leadership and worldwide cooperation play important roles in the protection of energy resources.
Evidence: OPEC is one of the best examples. OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is
an international organization of eleven developing countries that are heavily reliant on oil revenues as
their main source of income. Since oil revenues are so vital for the economic development of these
nations, they aim to bring stability and harmony to the oil market by adjusting their oil output to help
ensure a balance between supply and demand. In the long run, the stabilized out-put help to cease the
problem of over-refining and over utilization of oil energy.

It is not idealistic to expect the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy independently. Factors other than
international leadership and world wide cooperation have driven individual nations to conserve energy. These
countries conserve energy purely for their own benefit in the future.
Most nations in Europe have developed and used automobiles that are highly energy efficient.
Japan is a country naturally with nearly no energy resources, so it make great effort to conserve energy for future
generations. An famous case is that Japan once brought crude oil from other countries and buried it under the sea .

The speaker asserts that an international effort is needed to preserve the world’s energy resources for future
generations. While individual nations, like people, are at times willing to make voluntary sacrifices for the benefit
of others, my view is that international coordination is nevertheless necessary in light of the strong propensity of
nations to act selfishly, and because the problem is international in scope.

The main reason why an international effort is necessary is that, left to their own devices, individual nations, like
people, will act according to their short-term motives and self-interest. The mere existence of military weapons
indicates that self-interest and national survival are every nation’s prime drivers. And excessive consumption by
industrialized nations of natural resources they know to be finite, when alternatives are at hand demonstrates
that self-interest and short-sightedness extend to the use of energy resources as well. Furthermore, nations, like
people, tend to rationalize their own self-serving policies and actions. Emerging nations might argue, for example,
that they should be exempt from energy conservation because it is the industrialized nations who can better
afford to make sacrifices and who use more resources in the first place.

Another reason why an international effort is required is that other problems of an international nature have also
required global cooperation. For example, has each nation independently recognized the folly of nuclear weapons
proliferation and voluntarily disarmed? No: only by way of an international effort, based largely on coercion of
strong leaders against detractors, along with an appeal to self-interest, have we made some progress. By the same
token, efforts of individual nations to thwart international drug trafficking have proven largely futile, because
efforts have not been internationally based. Similarly, the problem of energy conservation transcends national
borders in that either all nations must cooperate, or all will ultimately suffer.

In conclusion, nations are made up of individuals who, when left unconstrained, tend to act in their own self-
interest and with short-term motives. In light of how we have dealt, or not dealt, with other global problems, it
appears that an international effort is needed to ensure the preservation of natural resources for future

5. “All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and
shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a
project or task is not an effective way to get work done.”

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Support your views
with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from your own work or school experiences, your
observations, or your reading.


1. For groups and organizations that are stable, it is reasonable to have a flat organizational structure.
2. For groups and organizations that are always confronted with emergencies, it is always better to give
one certain person central authority and responsibility.
3. It is hard to say that one structure is necessarily better than the other. They all have advantages and
disadvantages. And it is a case-by-case discussion.

1, Admittedly, 在团队中,每个人都应该起到积极的作用 take positive action 。责任和义务的

share 可以激发每个人更加主动 motivate the members’ creativity and initiative. 比方说,
many companies let the employees to buy shares and stocks.
2, 但是,这样不是说,everyone should be given the power to make the final decision. 首
先,天性是自私的。In many circumstances, the personal goal may be different from or
even contrary to the goal of the group. 如果任由每个人作出决定,很可能作出相反的,产
生很多矛盾。incompatible conflict. 比如企业中,每个员工都想争取最多的工资,但也许与企
业 cost-cutting policy 想矛盾。
3, 这时候,就需要 one person with the authority and responsibility for a project 来协调
assort with the different interests 。 synthesize the various voices of all the group
members and make the final decision.这样才能有效地领导一个团队,不会偏离最初的目标
stray from the initial goal of the task.

Thesis sentence: it is true that team work is the most familiar functional way that adopted by many groups and
organizations. It is also true that every team member should share responsibilities and duties within the team.
However, it is hardly true that the absence of central authority that enable everybody to make decisions is an
effective way to get work done.

View1:compared with giving the responsibility for a task to one authoritative person, the sharing of
responsibilities and duties among team members is a more effective way to get things done.
Evidence: the allocated responsibility and duties give workers the feeling of being important and necessary that
motivated them to fulfill their work.
The fact that anyone who dose not accomplish his or her assigned work thus affect the whole progress of the
project could be easily detected, gives the necessary pressure to workers that guarantee the efficiency thus the
completion of the progect.

View2: the claim that the everybody decision making structure rather than central authority is a more effective
way to get things down is unwarranted.
Everybody makes decisions totally no decisions.

Not everyone has acquired the essential abilities such as thorough analysis and foresighted
prediction to make decisions.

Which is a more productive method of performing a group task: allowing all group members to share in the
decision making, duties and responsibilities, or appointing one member to make decisions, delegate duties and take
responsibility? The speaker’s opinion is that the first method is always the best one. In my view, however, each of
these alternatives is viable in certain circumstances, as illustrated by two very different examples.

A jury in a criminal trial is good example of a group in which shared decision-making, duties, and responsibility is
the most appropriate and effective way to get the job done. Each member of the jury is on equal footing with the
others. While one person is appointed to head the jury, his or her function is to act as facilitator, not as leader.
To place ultimate authority and responsibility on the facilitator would essentially be to appoint a judge, and to
thereby defeat the very purpose of the jury system.

By way of contrast, a trauma unit in a hospital is a case in which one individual should assume responsibility,
delegate duties and make decisions. In trauma units, split-second decisions are inherently part of the daily
routine, and it is generally easier for one person to make a quick decision than for a team to agree on how to
proceed. One could argue that since decisions in trauma units are typically life-and-death ones, leaving these
decisions to one person is too risky. However, this argument ignores the crucial point that only the most
experienced individuals should be trusted with such a burden and with such power; leaving decisions to
inexperienced group members can jeopardize a patient’s very life.

In conclusion, I agree that in some situations the best way to accomplish a task is through teamwork-sharing
responsibility, duties and decision making. However, in other situations, especially those where quick decisions
are necessary or where individual experience is critical, the most effective means is for one individual to serve as
leader and assume ultimate responsibility for completing the job.

8. “For hundreds of years, the monetary system of most countries has been based on the exchange
of metal coins and printed pieces of paper. However, because of recent developments in
technology, the international community should consider replacing the entire system of coins
and paper with a system of electronic accounts of credits and debits.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your
views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1. Intangible currencies are more convenient than its predecessor.

2. Tangible currencies are safer than its counterparts.
3. It is too extreme to let the electronic system replace the tangible system entirely. We can let they two coexist.
Optional words:
Thesis sentence: while electronic currencies enjoy their own merits, it still can not replace the
entire system of tangible currencies.
View1: convenient, efficient and easy to carry are the exclusive advantages of electronic currencies.
View2:tangible currencies such as coin and paper has its own merits and special functions that
could not be replaced by electronic currencies.
Evidence: merits: more reliable, more efficient in small sum transaction, more systematically safe;
function: collection

The prospect of converting the world’s monetary system of metal coins and printed paper into a computerized
system of credits and debits is intriguing. Opponents of the idea regard a digital economy as a dangerous step
toward a totalitarian society in which an elite class dominates an information-starved lower class. My view,
however, is that conversion to a digital economy has far-reaching economic and social virtues that outweigh the
potential risk of misuse by a political elite.

Supporters of the idea of “digital cash” view the move to a digital economy as the next logical step toward a global
system of free trade and competition. Herein lies the main virtue of a digital economy. In facilitating trade among
nations, consumers worldwide would enjoy a broader range of goods at more competitive prices.

In addition, a digital economy would afford customers added convenience, while at the same time saving money for
businesses. Making purchases with electronic currency would be simple, fast, and secure. There would be no need
to carry cash and no need for cashiers to collect it. A good example of the convenience and savings afforded by
such a system is the “pay and go” gasoline pump used at many service stations today. Using these pumps saves time
for the customer and saves money for the business.

A third benefit of such a system is its potential to eliminate illegal monetary transactions. Traffickers of illegal
arms and drugs, dealers in black-market contraband, and counterfeiters all rely on tangible currency to conduct
their activities. By eliminating hard currency, illegal transactions such as these would be much easier to track and
record. As a result, illegal monetary transactions could be virtually eliminated. A related benefit would be the
ability to thwart tax evasion by collecting tax revenues on transactions that otherwise would not be recorded.

To sum up, I think it would be a good idea to convert current monetary systems into a system of electronic
accounts. The economic benefits, convenience and savings afforded by such a system, along with the potential to
reduce crime, far outweigh the remote loss of a significant social or political shift toward totalitarianism.

9. “Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from
the workplace.”

1, Personal activities should not be brought to one's workplace since they can reduce one's efficiency.
Thinking about one's private life can distract one from his or her work.
2, Talking about private life and doing personal activities can disturb other fellow workers.
3, It is inevitable for a person to think about his or her private life and to do some personal activities
at the workplace. But an employee should do his or her best to focus on the work when at

1, it is true that employees can hardly only work like a machine, that is to say,
inevitably, they may carry some personal emotions while working. Sharing the
personal interests and activities moderately may help build the positive relationship
among colleagues.
2, However, it is not a wise choice to let the employees to bring all their private life
and personal activities to the workplace. 仍 然 举 上 面 的 例 子 来 说 , a mother worried
about her child cannot efficiently focus on her task even if the deadline is coming. a
girl who breaks up with her boyfriend during the work time will probably talk to
other fellows about the bad emotion, which may have a potentially negative
influence on the productivity of the staff. so on…
allow personal life to impinge upon their job performance or intrude on

Optional words:
Separate/ isolate/ exclude
Thesis sentence: I agree with the author’s point of view towards the relationship between private life and work
because bring private life to workplaces has many bad effects on both the one who does so and people around
View1: personal activities should not be brought to the workplace since they can reduce one’s efficiency.
View2: dealing with one’s personal affairs at the workplace will inevitably produce negative effects on other co-
Evidence: Inspirer imitations thus affect the morale and productivity. Working atmosphere, morale, corporate
View3: since sometimes problems of private life will catch people all the time, the supervisors should be more
sensitive to their subordinator’s difficulties, and help them to handle them properly.

Should employees leave their personal lives entirely behind them when they enter the workplace, as the speaker
suggests here? While I agree that employees should not allow their personal lives to interfere with their jobs, the
speaker fails to consider that integrating personal life with work can foster a workplace ambiance that helps
everyone do a better job, thereby promoting success for the organization.

Engaging coworkers in occasional conversation about personal interests and activities can help build collegiality
among coworkers that adds to their sense of common purpose on the job. Managers would be well advised to
participate in and perhaps even plan the sharing of personal information—as a leadership tool as well as a morale
booster. An employee feels valued when the boss takes time to ask about the employee’s family or recent vacation.
The employee, in turn, is likely to be more loyal to and cooperative with the boss. Company-sponsored social events
—picnics, parties, excursions, and so forth—also help to produce greater cohesiveness in an organization, by
providing opportunities for employees to bond with one another in ways that translate into better working
Admittedly, employees should guard against allowing their personal life to impinge upon their job performance or
intrude on coworkers. Excessive chatting about non-business topics, frequent personal telephone calls, and the
like, are always distracting. And romances between coworkers are best kept confidential, at least to the extent
they disrupt work or demoralize or offend other employees. By the same token, however, employees who are too
aloof—sharing nothing personal with others—may be resented by coworkers who perceive them as arrogant,
unfriendly, or uncooperative. The ill-will and lack of communication that is likely to result may ultimately harm the

In the final analysis, employees should strike a careful balance when they mix their personal lives with their jobs.
Although there are some circumstances in which bringing one’s personal life to the job may be counterproductive,
for many reasons it is a good idea to inject small doses of personal life into the workplace.

11. “When someone achieves greatness in any field — such as the arts, science, politics, or business
— that person’s achievements are more important than any of his or her personal faults.”


1, Every one has faults. We can not ignore one's achievement only because he or she has made some
faults. Likewise, we can not neglect one's error when he or she achieves greatness in the field.
2, When it comes to which one is more important, the greatness or the faults, the final judgement
should be based on the situation of the certain person. In fact, as far as I am concerned, it makes no
sense to make such a judgement.
3, We should give a person fair and reasonable evalluation. It is imprudent 轻 率 的 to say that the
greatness one achieves in one field is necessarily more important than the faults he or she makes.
衡量人们的成就与错误的重要性,本身一直是一个 controversial topic。

1, The proponents of this view may argue that 人们不能因为过错而忽视成就。在很多情况下,

compared with the huge achievements, those great people’s faults appear so
unimportant as to be forget. 比如, Yet even a cursory review of the private lives of past Presidents
reveals substantial evidence that Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy
had extramarital affairs. Thomas Jefferson, many believe, fathered children by one of his slaves. And Grover
Cleveland confessed to having an illegitimate child. 但与他们的政治成就相比,比如 Roosevelt boosted the
American economy and cease the recession…人们往往选择 neglect such faults.
2,以上的观点,不代表说,我们可以因为一个人的成就,而忽视他的重大过错。比如 Mao, who released
Chinese from the aggression of other nations, and also, who started the “Great culture revolution” in China
which brought huge disaster to hundreds and thousands of innocent people. Poet named “Haizi” who is highly
achieved in arts and literature, murdered his wife and then committed suicide. It is unfair to take it for granted
that any achievement in any field is more important than life.
3,所以,在很多情况下,成就与过错的重要性随情况变化而变化,没有一个 perpetual right answer to this
question. 我 认 为 就 这 个 问 题 本 身 的 讨 论 并 没 有 意 义 , 评 价 一 个 人 的 时 候 , 应 该 collectively and
objectively evaluate a person by considering both the faults and the achievements rather than by claiming one
of the two is more important than the other.
Optional words:
Greatness/extraordinary/ outstanding/ supreme
Success/ achievement/ accomplishment/ attainment
Thesis sentence: in most cases, a great achievement that one gains in certain field is more notable
than the faults he has ever made. However, that does necessarily mean that the former is more
important than the later. Moreover, it is severely biased to praise people’s achievements without
even a glance on their faults.
View1: Is almost undoubted that we can not eliminate people’s achievements just because they have
made some faults. Likewise, we can not neglect people’s faults when they achieve greatness in
certain fields.
View2: An appropriate judgment towards a person should be based on thorough analysis covering
both his achievements and faults. It is arbitrary to say whether great achievements are more
important than faults unless the all-round situation of a certain person is presented.

Perhaps in some instances the personal failings of great achievers are unimportant relative to the achievements.
In many cases, however, the relative significance of personal failings can be very great, depending on two factors:
(1) the extent to which the failing is part of the achievement process itself, and (2) the societal impact of the
achiever’s failing apart from his or her own success.

Personal failings and achievement are often symbiotically related. The former test the would-be achiever’s
mettle; they pose challenges—necessary resistance that drives one to achieve despite the shortcoming. Personal
failings may also compel one to focus on one’s strengths, thereby spawning achievement. For example, poor
academic or job performance may propel a gifted entrepreneur to start his or her own business. In the arts, a
personal failing may be a necessary ingredient or integral part of the process of achieving. Artists and musicians
often produce their most creative works during periods of depression, addiction, or other distress. In business,
insensitivity to the “human” costs of success has bred grand achievements, as with the questionable labor
practices of the great philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.

A second type of personal failing is one that is unrelated to the achievement. Modern politics is replete with
examples: the marital indiscretions of the great leader John F. Kennedy and the paranoia of the great statesman
Richard Nixon, to name just two. Were the personal failings of these two presidents less “important” than their
achievements? In the former example, probably so. In the latter example, probably not since it resulted in the
Watergate scandal—a watershed event in American politics. In cases such as these, therefore, the societal
impact of shortcoming and achievement must be weighed on a case-by-case basis.

In sum, history informs us that personal failings are often part-and-parcel of great achievements; even where
they are not, personal shortcomings of great achievers often make an important societal impact of their own.

12. “Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as
property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that
most ensures success in life.”
1, 教育 是提高一 个素质的 最好途径 。机遇只 偏爱有准 备的头脑 ,教育使 人有能力 抓住转瞬 即
释的机 会
2, 成功 的定义应 该是全力 投入于自 己所喜爱 的事业对 社会有所 贡献从而 得到物质 和精神上 的
满足。教育是最 主要的为 一个个体 提供掌握 一种技能 熟悉一门 学科知识 的 provider,从而才
可以有 所贡献而 得到满足 。
On one hand, there is nothing that can be better than education in providing us with all kinds of knowledge
and skills for solving different problems in our respective domains. How can we achieve success without
those expertise and techniques? Some one may argue that experience and common sense are enough for
this kind of concern. However, in my opinion, nothing can really substitute education, while it may be true
that the above-mentioned elements are also important in gaining the knowledge to achieve success.

What is more, education can make a person improve morally and purify his or her spirit. In my point of
view, morality is also an important element for one’s success, although it is always neglected or overlooked.
Dictators, for instance, they are likely to be very intelligent and hard-working people, but they are inferior
in ethic. It is obvious that those people can not be considered successful. The best way to make a person
moral and respectable is education. It teaches people to tell good from bad; it helps people to distinguish
justice form evil.
privilege n&vt property determine access obtain excellent opportunity candidate

1, Education may be always play an indispensable role in getting successful in life. 因

为,教育不仅教授 specialized and professional knowledge for future occupation, but
also many essential principles and skills in the life, such as insight, virtue and
analysis. 这些在高速发展的当今社会尤其重要。
2, 在 过 去 , 教 育 的 也 起 到 key role 的 作 用 , 但 是 , 那 时 候 只 有 property and money can
provide the opportunity of receiving education. 所以 privilege and property were the
keys to education, and thus to success in life. 现 在 不 同 , people have equal
opportunity to obtain education. 财 富 不 再 能 Property can no longer possess
exclusively the resource of education. 教育成为了决定因素。
3, 现在的工作岗位 employers are more concerned with the real ability of the employees
rather than their family fortune and social connection. 更加 adequate competition 使
people with higher education background 更容易成功。

Optional words:
Ensure/assure/ guarantee
Thesis sentence:
Money and property has been replaced by education as the main provider of individual opportunity to success.
View1: In the past, the wealth people are more likely to be successful because the education is only accessible by
them. When becomes available to almost everyone, education plays an more and more important role in providing
opportunities to success.
View2:In today’s business world, employer are more likely hire people on the basis of capacity
rather than the kinds of traditionally personal connections that are common among the wealthy.
ctor offers more opportunities for success in our society: education or money and property? In my view, education
has replaced money and property as the main provider of such opportunities today. I base my view on two reasons.
First, education—particularly higher education—used to be available only to the wealthy but now is accessible to
almost anyone. Second, because of the civil-rights movement and resulting laws, businesses are now required to
hire on the basis of merit rather than the kinds of personal connections traditionally common among the wealthy.

Education probably always played a key role in determining one’s opportunities for success. But in the past, good
post-secondary education was available mainly to the privileged classes. Because money and property largely
determined one’s access to higher education, money and property really were the critical factors in opening doors
to success. However, higher education is more egalitarian today. Given our vast numbers of state universities and
financial-aid programs, virtually anyone who meets entrance requirements for college can obtain an excellent
college education and open up windows of opportunity in life.

Another reason those opportunities will be open to educated young people from middle-class and poorer
backgrounds is that hiring is more meritocratic today than ever before. In principle, at least, we have always been
a society where all people are equal; yet in the past, children of the wealthy and the well connected could expect
to obtain higher-status jobs and to receive better pay. But the laws and programs resulting from our civil-rights
struggles have produced a modern business climate in which jobs are available on an equal-opportunity basis, and in
which candidates have a legal right to be judged on the merit of their educational background and experience.

In conclusion, education is probably the main factor in opening doors to success for young people in our society.
The fact that education has supplanted money and property in this role is owing to a more egalitarian system of
higher education, as well as to more merit-based hiring practices that generally value individual education over
family fortune or connections.

13. “Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual
person, not to government.”

“保护 自然 环境 的责 任完 全属 于每 个个 人, 而非 政府 。”
1, 个人 往往是按 照自己的 利益办事 即使有环 保意愿但 和个人利 益冲突或 要损失个 人利益时 候
往往就 会选择牺 牲环境 moreover 个人往 往是短视 的,只关 注眼前不 注意长远 。政府则 相反
2, 环保常 常规模很 大,个人 无力完成 。
3, 诚然每 个保护环 境的措施 都是要个 人的参与 的。但是这种 参与是在 政府的统 筹下的。象作 者
那样的 论断是草 率的
a tug of war 拔 河 , 两 派 间 的 激 烈 竞 争 a political tug of war between those in favor of the new
legislation and those against it.
large in scale participation participate ensure preservation individual
on behalf of 为了 at large 逍遥自 在不受限 制的;全 体地普遍 地
Experience tells us that individuals tend to act on behalf of their own short-term economic and political
interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large.
complete elimination emission automobile nevertheless 不 过 manufacturer manufacture because
voluntarily volunteer voluntary volunteer voluntary voluntarily sacrifice accomplish
regulatory 调 整 的 enforcement impose necessary standard ensure achieve aside from inherently inherent
pandemic 全 国 流 行 的 epidemic 流 行 的 traverse border environment environmental hazard enemy
analysis authority authoritative possess attainment agreed-upon 意见一致的

1, The proponents of this assertion may argue that the natural environment ultimately
belongs to each individual person, therefore, it is reasonable to attribute to each
person the responsibility for preserving it. a, 必须要承认的是,我们共同使用环境资源,
the condition of the environment may have directly effect on each person 。所以,人
人都 has the obligation to protect the environment from being polluted. b, 只有人人都
2, However, to leave all the responsibility to individuals is hardly a wise decision.
Despite of the argument above, we should still not lose the sight of the fact that
individuals have strong propensity of self-interest and short-term consideration. 没有
政府的监督,很少有人自愿作出牺牲以保护环境( voluntarily make sacrifice to protect the
environment.)比如如果政府不 forbidden smoking in public ,smokers may enjoy their
cigarettes whenever they want. Deforestation kill excessively
很多情况下,重大 fatal 的保护环境举措,没有政府的支持做不到。比如工厂 dumping noxious water
into the river/ deforestation/ kill excessively…以上那些行动,个人的力量根本不能阻止 prohibit.

Optional words:
Preserve/ conserve/ maintain
Thesis sentence: While individual person can do a lot to protect our natural environment, the responsibility of
preservation the overall environment lies in the hands of government with help form each individual in the
View1: Experience tells us that individuals tend to act on behalf of their own short-term economic and political
interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large.

View2:the government has certain advantages in preserving the environment.

the government can place certain regulations on the wastes and pollutants towards environment emitted by
Fines deprived from corporations and individual ones that disobey the environmental regulations can be used on
many ways such as preserve the forests, planting trees, create conserved areas that will improve our current

While nearly everyone would agree in principle that certain efforts to preserve the natural environment are in
humankind’s best interest, environmental issues always involve a tug of war among conflicting political and
economic interests. For this reason, and because serious environmental problems are generally large in scale,
government participation is needed to ensure environmental preservation.

Experience tells us that individuals (and private corporations owned by individuals) tend to act on behalf of their
own short-term economic and political interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large. For
example, current technology makes possible the complete elimination of polluting emissions from automobiles.
Nevertheless, neither automobile manufacturers nor consumers are willing or able to voluntarily make the short-
term sacrifices necessary to accomplish this goal. Only the government holds the regulatory and enforcement
power to impose the necessary standards and to ensure that we achieve such goals.
Aside from the problems of self-interest and enforcement, environmental issues inherently involve public health
and are far too pandemic in nature for individuals to solve on their own. Many of the most egregious environmental
violations traverse state and sometimes national borders. Environmental hazards are akin to those involving food
and drug safety and to protecting borders against enemies; individuals have neither the power nor the resources
to address these widespread hazards.

In the final analysis, only the authority and scope of power that a government possesses can ensure the
attainment of agreed-upon environmental goals. Because individuals are incapable of assuming this responsibility,
government must do so.

15. “Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children’s access to adult material
on the Internet.” *

*The Internet is a worldwide computer network.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your
views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


The issue here is whether an international effort to regulate children's access to adult material on the
Internet is worthwhile. In my view, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative
regulatory effort. I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children
from harm, and on the inherently global nature of the problem.
Adults everywhere have a serious interest in limiting children's access to pornographic material.
Pornographic material tends to confuse children----distorting their notion of sex, of themselves as sexual
beings, and of how people ought to treat one another. Particularly in the case of domination and child
pornography, the messages children receive from pornographic material cannot contribute in a healthy way
to their emerging sexuality. Given this important interest that knows no cultural bounds, we should
regulate children's access to sexually explicit material on the internet.
国 际 合 作 在 这 中 间 十 分 必 要 .因 为 这 种 犯 罪 的 遏 止 如 同 当 年 控 制 臭 氧 空 洞 (ozone depletion) 的 元 凶
PRIME CRIMINAL(CFC)时候一 样单独靠 一个国家 的力量这 种污染是 无法遏止 的 .
诚然 ,会遇到很大 的政治制 约 (POLITICAL HURDLE)
regulate access material worthwhile cooperative regulatory
universality 普 遍 性广 泛 性 I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting
children from harm, and on the inherently global nature of this problem.

pornographic 色情的 sexual 性的性别的 emerging 浮现出来的 sexuality 性特征

bound contained within national border be akin to emission release phenomenon
regulation contamination 污染物 contaminate admittedly formidable hurdle compliance

服从顺从 consequence 结果 cooperate

1, pornographic material has seriously negative effect on children-misleading their
sense of sex, of the normal relationships between people, and of themselves as
sexual beings. 儿童的好奇心以及缺乏正确的认识,are vulnerable to the bad influence of
such adults materials , 从 而 distract their concentration from study to those
distorted notions. 人 们 有 责 任 和 义 务 帮 助 孩 子 , protect them from being hurt and
influenced by such materials.
2, However, 国家范围内的 regulations lose their previous effectiveness because of the
development of internet. Just as the companies which contaminate the natural
environment move to other countries after being punished, so the company offering
pornographic materials on line can move to other parts of the world to avoid
punishment. 所 以 , 国 家 联 合 起 来 , 非 常 有 必 要 。

3, Admittedly, 有困难,与甚至敌对的国家 hostile 但是不能放弃努力。

Optional words:
Regulation/ law/ restriction
Limit/confine/.control/ hamper/ inhibit/
Thesis sentence:
View1: adult material on the internet may have terrible affect on children with immature point of view and
Evidence: pornographic material. tends to confuse children----distorting their notion of sex, and of how people
ought to treat one another.
View2:since Internet has no national boundaries, nations should attempt to regulate such access by
cooperative regulatory effort.

The issue here is whether an international effort to regulate children’s access to adult material on the Internet is
worthwhile. In my view, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory effort. I base
this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the
inherently pandemic nature of the problem.

Adults everywhere have a serious interest in limiting access by children to pornographic material. Pornographic
material tends to confuse children—distorting their notion of sex, of themselves as sexual beings, and of how
people ought to treat one another. Particularly in the case of domination and child pornography, the messages
children receive from pornographic material cannot contribute in a healthy way to their emerging sexuality. Given
this important interest that knows no cultural bounds, we should regulate children’s access to sexually explicit
material on the Internet.

However, information on the Internet is not easily contained within national borders. Limiting access to such
information is akin to preventing certain kinds of global environmental destruction. Consider the problem of ozone
depletion thought to be a result of chloroflourocarbon (CFC) emissions. When the government regulated CFC
production in the U.S., corporations responsible for releasing CFC’s into the atmosphere simply moved abroad, and
the global threat continued. Similarly, the Internet is a global phenomenon; regulations in one country will not stop
“contamination” overall. Thus, successful regulation of Internet pornography requires international cooperation,
just as successful CFC regulation finally required the joint efforts of many nations.

Admittedly, any global regulatory effort faces formidable political hurdles, since cooperation and compliance on
the part of all nations—even warring ones—is inherently required. Nevertheless, as in the case of nuclear
disarmament or global warming, the possible consequences of failing to cooperate demand that the effort be
made. And dissenters can always be coerced into compliance politically or economically by an alliance of influential

In sum, people everywhere have a serious interest in the healthy sexual development of children and, therefore, in
limiting children’s access to Internet pornography. Because Internet material is not easily confined within national
borders, we can successfully regulate children’s access to adult materials on the Internet only by way of
international cooperation.

21. “Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service.
Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining
consistently high levels of productivity.”

1. 一方 面绩效工 资会促进 工人的劳 动生产率 ,使偷懒 的工人得 到惩罚 ;使专 心工作投 入较大的
工人得 到补偿增 大他们的 激励 .
2. 另一方面 ,单纯的使 用绩效工 资也可能 会打击一 部分工人 的劳动积 极性 .因为 有一些为 公司服
务 很 久的 工 人 可能 仅 可 能是 由 于 年龄 的 原 因劳 动 生 产率 下 降 .而 且 社会 物 价 的总 体 水 平也 是
应该考虑 的因素之 一 ,当存 在通货膨 胀时候如 果仅依照 绩效评价 ,那么工人 整体的生 活水平会
下降也 不利于劳 动生产率 .
productivity productive counterproductive security secure salary solely sole performance length incentive
motivation enticement stimulus impetus incitement tenured professor associate professor achievement
reward average worthwhile amply ample schedule salary condemn 判刑 ,谴责
loyal royal loyalty refuse adjust counterproductive attract retain reserve withhold uphold criterion criteria
security ignore ignorance

1, 首先,完全根据年限来看,是不利于生产力进步的。——这样员工只要在企业里待着,表现平庸
provide third-class performance 就 可 以 得 到 更 多 的 奖 励 , 这 显 然 是 不 利 于 整 个 团 队 的
morale 的。一方面,老的不能激发;另一方面,有才干的年轻人也不会愿意加入这个企业。
2, 但也不能完全只看表现,还要在此同时考虑到年限。因为老员工又同时非常优秀的表现,为企业
付出了更多的力量 devote their entire life to the development of one corporation 。如果
完全一视同仁,也不一定更公平。反而很可能使老员工感到不公平 treated unfairly,丧失对企
业的 loyalty。
3, 应该综合来看,考虑到表现相同的员工,根据服务年限不同得到不同的待遇。
View1. Performance plays an important role in the assessment procedural of employees.
View2. It is true that reward employees solely according to their seniority will affect the overall productivity,
however, the year of services do contain some indication on specialty and experience. More over, when
conducting work assessment of certain positions such as consultant, in which performance become hard to
evaluate, seniority acts as useful supplement

According to the statement, in order to ensure high productivity, companies should base their employees’ salaries
and job security solely on job performance, and not on length of service to the company. I agree that salary
increases and job security are powerful incentives to high achievement and should generally go to those who do
the best work. However, to ensure employee productivity, companies must also reward tenured employees with
cost-of-living raises—though not with job security.

On the one hand, rewarding average job performance with large pay increases or promises of job security is a
waste of resources—for two reasons. First, complacent employees will see no reason to become more productive.
Secondly, those normally inclined to high achievement may decide the effort isn’t worthwhile when mediocre
efforts are amply compensated. Companies should, therefore, adjust their pay schedules so that the largest
salaries go to the most productive employees.

On the other hand, employees who perform their jobs satisfactorily should be given regular, though small,
service-based pay increases—also for two reasons. First, the cost of living is steadily rising, so on the principle of
fair compensation alone, it is unjust to condemn loyal employees to de facto salary reductions by refusing them
cost-of-living raises. Secondly, failure to adjust salaries to reflect the cost of living may be counterproductive
for the firm, which will have difficulty attracting and retaining good employees without such a policy.

In the final analysis, the statement correctly identifies job performance as the single best criterion for salary
and job security. However, the statement goes too far; it ignores the fact that a cost-of-living salary increase for
tenured employees not only enhances loyalty and, in the end, productivity, but also is required by fairness.

22. “Clearly, government has a responsibility to support the arts. However, if that support is going
to produce anything of value, government must place no restrictions on the art that is

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Develop your
position by giving specific reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations,
or reading.


1. 政府对 艺术富有 责任这一 论断是毫 无根据的 。事实上政府 应该把更 多的精力 投入到公 共产

品以及 具有外部 性的产品 的生产与 建设上。 因为 由经济学 的理论我 们知道这 些产品是 非竞
争非排 他的,因 此无法由 私人部门 提供。 这也正 是需要政 府存在的 理由。 而艺术 显然是可
以在私 人部门解 决的。 私人收 藏和私人 装饰都为 艺术品提 供了广阔 的市场, 艺术品显 然不
是公共 产品。 但是由 于艺术品 可能具有 的外部性 ,如个人 收藏可以 让拥有者 以外的人 赏心
悦目, 所以政府 对艺术进 行适当的 扶植是应 当的。 但说政 府对艺术 负有责任 ,这显然 是言
过其实 。
2. 对于需 要政府加 以扶植的 艺术例如 公益性质 的艺术展 览等,政 府是需要 对其加以 限制的。
政府的 只能就是 使社会的 总收益最 大。如果加以 限制可以 使其扶持 的艺术行 为为社会 带来
更大的 收益限制 就是必要 的。有人可能 会反驳说 这会对艺 术的自由 创作带来 负面的影 响,
但事实 上绝对的 自由是不 存在的, 适当的限 制是对自 由的保障 。例如有些裸 体行为艺 术,
就应由 政府出面 限制观看 的人群年 龄,实际 上这并不 会影响艺 术创作。
unwarranted baseless groudless bottomless foundationless gratuitous groundless 私 人 产 品 private goods
公 共 产 品 public goods 外 部 性 externality 非 竞 争 non-rivalry 非 排 他 non-excludability 竞 争 rivalry 排
他 excludability 理论 私人 部门 private sector 公共部门 public sector 收藏 collection
扶 植 prop up 扶 持 support uphold 言 过 其 实 paint the devil blacker than he is 为 公 益 的 commonweal-
oriented 限制 constrain confine 负面影响 negative impact 正面影响 positive impact 绝对的 absolute
保障 guarantee safeguard 裸体 naked

1, 艺术的巨大作用毋庸置疑:强调 the perpetua 永久的 l virtue, such as bravery, affection,

responsibility, honesty and so forth. The Lord of the rings; 同时 , remind people of
the intrinsic demerits stemmed from the dark side of humanity, such as aggression
and greed. Shakespeare’s Macbeth instruct people that the insatiable 贪 得 无 厌
ambition is pernicious. 艺术应该受到支持,以便蓬勃发展。
2, 但是不能说政府应该扮演这个角色。首先,艺术需要自由的表达,而政府的资助一定在某种程度
上限制这种自由。比如 The government of Soviet Union, forced all the arts it subsidized
to follow the “party line” and squashed those artists who resisted such control. 即使
在 democratic countries, such control is hidden and indirect, but still exist.
3, 其次,政府有更多的职责,需要有限的资源去处理。比如很多社会问题非常严重,environment,
criminality, education, starvation… it is not a wise decision for the government to
allocate the limited resources on arts while ignoring the more urgent demand cited
4, 鉴于以上两点,应该把艺术的扶持工作交给大众。事实上,现在的很多公益机构 charitarian are
doing an excellent job in supporting the prosperity of arts.

Optional words:
Government/ the authorities
Support/finance/ patronize/ loan/ sustain/ pledge
Thesis sentence:
The inevitable representation of human civilization, art must be count in the responsibilities that government
carries. But support without restrictions will probably lead to fruitless.
View1: government should support art
Evidence: because arts have very important functions in our civilization. for example:
Paintings arouse imagination
Music heal broken heart and purify dirty minds

View2: unselected supporting of arts will probably lead to fruitless

Evidence: Some radical forms of arts go beyond the acceptance of the masses and contradict our social moral. for
example: posters features blood and violence

The speaker here argues that government must support the arts but at the same time impose no control over
what art is produced. The implicit rationale for government intervention in the arts is that, without it, cultural
decline and erosion of our social fabric will result. However, I find no empirical evidence to support this argument,
which in any event is unconvincing in light of more persuasive arguments that government should play no part in
either supporting or restricting the arts.

First, subsidizing the arts is neither a proper nor a necessary job for government. Although public health is
generally viewed as critical to a society’s very survival and therefore an appropriate concern of government, this
concern should not extend tenuously to our cultural “health” or well being. A lack of private funding might justify
an exception; in my observation, however, philanthropy is alive and well today, especially among the new technology
and media moguls.

Second, government cannot possibly play an evenhanded role as arts patron. Inadequate resources call for
restrictions, priorities, and choices. It is unconscionable to relegate normative decisions as to which art has
“value” to a few legislators and jurists, who may be unenlightened in their notions about art. Also, legislators are
all too likely to make choices in favor of the cultural agendas of those lobbyists with the most money and

Third, restricting artistic expression may in some cases encroach upon the constitutional right of free expression.
In any case, governmental restriction may chill creativity, thereby defeating the very purpose of subsidizing the

In the final analysis, government cannot philosophically or economically justify its involvement in the arts, either
by subsidy or sanction. Responsibility lies with individuals to determine what art has value and to support that art.

24. “A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or
a nation than does any government official.”

1. 每一个 政府官员 都很难自 己做出决 策。每一 个政令的 颁布表面 上仿佛是 由一个人 宣布的, 其实
背 后 的 程 序 过 程 都 是 十 分 繁 杂 的 。 seperation of the three powers(the legislative, executive and
judicial powers) In this work he argued that the three powers a state has are the Legislative, the
Executive and the Judicial and that for a state to remain democratic, these powers must be separated
and there must be checks and balances to prevent a single group from acquiring control over two or
more of them.
任 何 一个 政 府 官员 做 出 决定 都 可 能受 到 上 司甚 至 是 同事 的 限 制, 即 使 是总 统 , 其实 也 仅 仅是
他 的 领导 班 子 共同 商 议 做出 结 论 ,更 何 况 三权 分 立 在保 护 了 民主 的 同 时本 身 也 限制 了 每 个个
人甚至 是每个 group 的决策 权利以及 对国家和 社区的影 响。
2. 而企业 领导往往 会有更大 的决策权 ,而他们 的决策也 更容易被 贯彻。在一个经济 为中心的 国家
相应的 他们的对 社区和国 家的影响 力也就更 大。
3. 诚 然 在一 个 以 政治 为 中 心的 国 家 里, 企 业 领导 对 社 区和 国 家 产生 影 响 的机 会 会 较少 , 但 经济
是政治 的基础, 离开经济 政治是毫 无影响力 可言的。此外由于 上面所说 过的原因 政府官员 对社
区和国 家的影响 同样不会 很大。
goverment order procedure process complex complicated intricate higher-up subordinate superior
restict restriction confine constrain curb administration collective the seperation of the three powers: the
legislative the executive and the judicial decision-making carry out implement perform politics-centered
economy-centered influence effect impact historical influential abound
on balance=with all things considered admittedly opportunity commerce commercial check-and-balance
system 制 约 平 衡 制 度 scandal illuminate illumination luminous lumination technic technical technology
technician technological entity equity seems to pale next to...
Yet the impact seems to pale next to those of our modern captains of industry.
by virture of for the sake of on the account of

1. Admittedly, 领导人的作用有时不象企业家一样 apparent. 因为国家的发展,人们的生活,与企业

closely related. 比如 GATES ,领导了信息产业革命;Rockefeller,控制国家的石油命脉 took
control of American oil supply。企业家通过影响企业的行为,从而直观上影响人 course of a community.
2. 但是,企业的一切影响 is based on its existence, which is permitted by the government. 政
府制定各种 policy 来允许企业的存在,企业家的一切行为需要被政府允许才能产生作用。
3. Moreover, 影响一个国家,需要强大的 power, which can be only generated from absolutely
authority. 这样的绝对权力是企业不具备的。 Yet even a cursory review of the history reveals
substantial evidence that it is the government leader rather than the business leader
that can make the pivotal decision when the nation is in crisis. 比如,在经济 recession ,
企业的力量无法使经济好转,revive the economy of the whole nation, 只有政府运用行政措施,
制 定 positive policy to stimulate the companies and thus the economy of the whole
nation. 比 如 Roosevelt. Bill Clinton. financial policy

View 1: Unlike business leader, government power is likely to subject to many more restraints. Our check-and-
balance system, the legislation influence and the voting power are all factors that temper the power of government
official to the course of a community or a nation. Moreover, powerful business leaders all too often seem to hold
the actual legislative and judicial power by their financial supporting of official activities such as governmental
View2: While take more thorough consideration, the government official is likely to have more direct and broad
influence on a community and a nation.
Evidence: various approach to influence other than financial approach
In addition the governmental official have the abilities to regulate commerce,

Historical examples of both influential public officials and influential business leaders abound. However, the power
of the modern-era business leader is quite different from that of the government official. On balance, the CEO
seems to be better positioned to influence the course of community and of nations.

Admittedly the opportunities for the legislator to regulate commerce or of the jurist to dictate rules of equity
are official and immediate. No private individual can hold that brand of influence. Yet official power is tempered
by our check-and-balance system of government and, in the case of legislators, by the voting power of the
electorate. Our business leaders are not so constrained, so, their opportunities far exceed those of any public
official. Moreover, powerful business leaders all too often seem to hold de facto legislative and judicial power by
way of their direct influence over public officials, as the Clinton Administration’s fund-raising scandal of 1997
illuminated all too well.

The industrial and technological eras have bred such moguls of capitalism as Pullman, Rockefeller, Carnegie, and
Gates, who by the nature of their industries and their business savvy, not by force of law, have transformed our
economy, the nature of work, and our very day-to-day existence. Of course, many modern-day public servants have
made the most of their opportunities—for example, the crime-busting mayor Rudolph Giuliani and the new-dealing
President Franklin Roosevelt. Yet their impact seems to pale next to those of our modern captains of industry.

In sum, modem business leaders by virtue of the far-reaching impact of their industries and of their freedom
from external constraints, have supplanted lawmakers as the great opportunists of the world and prime movers of

26. “Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants of a business’s success.
The importance of location is not likely to change, no matter how advanced the development
of computer communications and others kinds of technology becomes.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your
views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1. 事 实 上现 在 的 趋势 是 : 由于 网 络 电话 电 子 通讯 交 通 越来 越 便 利, 地 点 对与 一 个 企业 来 说 正在
变得越 来越不重 要。无形 的商品可 以通过网 络、电话 进行购买 ,和使用 的地点不 是很重要 了。例
如 :保险、电子期刊 等。有形 商品由于 售货方式 的改变, 地址的重 要性也在 淡化。很多厂 家通过
2. 当然有 很多的需 要体验和 身体力行 的产品供 应商的地 址还是很 重要的, 象是餐饮 业健身房 等。
trend tendency net telecommunication transportation location position site important significant
determinant factor reason tangible intangible palpable tactile touchable insurance electronic periodic
periodical production goods commodity manufacturer producer essentiality significance importance
strengthen reinforce weaken demonstrate show exhibit display conveient

1. location 的 重 要 性 体 现 在 : 首 先 , 在 交 通 便 利 的 地 方 , 比 如 沿 海 地 区 , near the sea or the

river,有利于运输 transportation of the cargo…,这也是为什么沿海地区经济通常发达的原因。
第二,经济发达的地区,人们的购买能力比较强 purchasing power 。 the demand of various
goods may be relatively greater. 有利于 the sale.
2. Admittedly, the burgeoning technologies have changed the way of purchasing and
selling. However, the extent, to which such technologies will threaten the pivotal role
played by location in business, depends on the types of such business. 首先,对于很多
retail business, 需要面对面地 persuade the consumers to buy,比如化妆品 cosmetics. 再比
如,try on the clothes and compare the different types and textures… 地点仍然是十分重要
的。dinner out…

3. Things may be different when it comes to other kinds of companies, for

example, those who used to produce large-scale goods make sale depends
on the contract signed with other companies. 现在的网络,以及先进的运输,都


View1. To many traditional businesses location still plan an fatal role on its success.
Evidence: restaurants transportation services
View2. as commuter technology and electronic communication become more and more convenient, the intangible
locations on the internet have replaced the location in the real world in some business areas.
Evidence: Electronic publications, on line banks, internet retail stores, DELL

In retail, or “storefront,” business, location is still a key ingredient of business success. The extent to which this
will continue to be true, given the inexorable growth of Internet commerce, will vary among industries.

In more traditional retail sectors, such as clothing, cosmetics, and home improvement, an in-person visit to a retail
store is often necessary—to try on clothes for fit, compare fragrances, or browse among a full selection of
textures, colors, and styles. Also, activities such as shopping and dining out are for many consumers enjoyable
experiences in themselves, as well as excuses to get out of the house and mingle with others in their community.
Finally, shipping costs for large items such as appliances and home-improvement items render home shopping
impracticable. Thus, burgeoning technologies pose no serious threat to Main Street, and location will continue to
play a pivotal role in the fate of many retail businesses.

Nevertheless, technology-related industries are sure to move away from physical storefronts to virtual ones.
Products that can be reduced to digital “bits and bites,” such as books and magazines, recordings, and software
applications, are more efficiently distributed electronically. Computer hardware will not disappear from Main
Street quite so quickly, though, since its physical look and feel enters into the buying decision. Computer
superstores should continue to thrive alongside companies such as Dell, which does not distribute through retail

In conclusion, consumer demand for convenient location will continue with respect to certain tangible products,
while for other products alternative distribution systems will gradually replace the storefront, rendering location
an obsolete issue.

27. “A company’s long-term success is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job
security felt by the company’s employees.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support
your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or


1. 一个公 司最重要 的 asset 就是它 的员工。只有 有高素质 而且尽心 尽力为公 司服务的 员工,才 会有
高效率 的生产。高质量的 产品、好的服务让 顾客满意 从而为企 业赚得利 润。如果 没有好的 员工这
一切 都是不存 在的,而 如何才能 吸引有高 素质的员 工并且让 他们尽心 尽力的为 公司服务 呢 ?只
有通过 改善工作 环境、提 高回报水 平使工人 对公司满 意才能作 到这一点 .
2. 但是安 全感就不 是那么的 重要了。虽然对有 些员工来 讲安全感 可能会提 高他们的 效率,但 是反
过来有 些员工会 有恃无恐 迟到早退 ,无故旷 工或者是 没有全心 全意。
long-term success primarily dependent job satisfication job security high productivity hign quality high
quantity product skillful proficient masterful professional with all one's heart serve efficient efficiency
satisfied contented profit entice enticement security secure in the knowledge that one has strog backing
factor determine determinant successful factor typical typically vital pivotal ultimate eventual final
eventually decidedly substandard subconsciousness subconscious workplace potential excessive
nevertheless competitor competition morale
This list hardly exhausts all the factors that can contribute to ..., and none of them is pivotal in any case.
complacency complacent self-satisfied
While ... clearly boosts ...., the same cannot be said for ...

View1: employees are one of the most important assets of a company. Job satisfaction of the workers influences a
lot on their performance thus overall productivity which play a fatal role in the success of the company.
View2: unlike job satisfaction, job security may not necessarily lead to success.
Evidence: job security induce laziness, lack of motivation

I agree that job satisfaction is an important factor in determining whether a company will be successful in the
long term. However, other factors typically play just as vital a role in the ultimate success or failure of a business.
At the same time, job security is becoming decidedly unimportant for many employees and, in any event, often
leads to substandard job performance.

I agree that business success is more likely when employees feel satisfied with their jobs. Employees who dislike
the workplace or their jobs are not likely to reach their potential performance levels; they may tend to arrive late
for work, perform their tasks in an unimaginative and sluggish manner, or take excessive sick leaves.
Nevertheless, a firm’s long-term success may equally result from other factors such as finding a market niche for
products, securing a reputation for quality products and services, or forming a synergistic alliance with a
competitor. This list hardly exhausts all the factors that can contribute to a firm’s ultimate success, and no one
of them—including job satisfaction—is pivotal in every case.

While job satisfaction clearly boosts employee morale and contributes to the overall success of a company, the
same cannot be said for job security. Admittedly an employee worried about how secure his or her job is might be
less creative or productive as a result. By the same token, however, too much confidence in the security of one’s
job can foster complacency, which, in turn, may diminish employees’ creativity and productivity. Moreover, many
employees actually place job security relatively low on the list of what they want in a job. In fact, more and more
workers today are positively uninterested in long-term job security; instead, they are joining firms for the sole
purpose of accomplishing near-term professional goals, then leaving to face the next challenge.

To sum up, the claim at issue overrates the importance of job satisfaction and security by identifying them as the
key factors in a company’s long-term success. Job satisfaction among employees is very important, but it is not
clearly more important than many other factors. At the same time, job security is clearly less important, and even
unimportant in some cases.

29. “Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on
the specific task at hand and not to worry about results.”

“ 太 多 的 人 只 想 到 得 到 结 果 。 成 功 的 关 键 是 注 意 手 边 的 特 定 事 情 而 不 担 心 结 果 。 ”
你怎么看这句建议的意思,总的来说,你认为它值得遵守吗?从你自身的经验,观察和阅读给出相关的原因 and/or 例子
1. 只想到结果的人而不注意手边的事情的人往往因为太迫切的期待结果而不屑于把手边看似琐碎的小事
2. 同样的只注意手边的事情也是不可取的 .因为一直这样就缺少了高屋建瓴的技能往往会过分注意细节
而忽略了从整体上的把握 .每一件事情就都变成是在孤立的完成而不是在为一个核心 pivotal 的目标而
at hand anxious anxiety specific specialized certain result outcome eventuality consequence sequence think it
scorn to trivial petty accomplish accomplishment attainment keystone advisable 可 取 的 inadvisable to operate
from a strategically advantageous position strategical strategy advantageous advantage disadvantage focus on the
details solely ignore efficiency keystone endproduct proceed process precedent preceding merit admittedly
daunting overwhleming
Admittedly, this advice has some merit, by focusing on the details at hand one is less likely to become discouraged
by the daunting and overwhleming tasks ahead in an ambitous project.
without reference to virtually The central problem with this advice is that focusing attention completely on the
task at hand without reference to how that task is related to the end product would be virtually impossible to do.
random diligent likelihood minimal

View1: without achievements of specific tasks there will be no base for final results.
View2: however, without a specific ideal destination, efforts will find no way to go.

This advice means fundamentally that if we focus our attention on the details of a project rather than on the end
product, the result will be better than if we proceed the other way around. Admittedly, this advice has some
merit; by focusing on the details at hand one is less likely to become discouraged by the daunting or overwhelming
tasks ahead in an ambitious project. Otherwise, however, I think this advice is poor,

The central problem with this advice is that focusing attention completely on the task at hand without reference
to how that task is related to the end product would be virtually impossible to do. The reason for this is simple.
Without some reference to a goal or a result we would have no idea of what task to perform in the first place. As
a result, the various tasks we engage in would be somewhat random and, in turn, no matter how diligent and careful
we were in performing them the likelihood of producing worthwhile or successful end products would be minimal.

To ensure good results, one should instead take a balanced approach to the task at hand. By a balanced approach I
mean paying attention to both the desired result and the specific tasks that are required to achieve it. House
building provides a good example of this approach. The house plan not only contains a rendering of the finished
product but also contains detailed drawings and descriptions of each of the specific components required to
ensure a successful result. Moreover, the order of the tasks is determined with reference to this result. In my
estimation, virtually all successful projects proceed in the fashion illustrated in this example.

In sum, I don’t think that the advice offered in the statement is worth following. In my view, following this advice
is more likely to produce unsuccessful results than successful ones.

31. “Financial gain should be the most important factor in choosing a career.”

1. 把收入 作为选择 职业的首 要考虑因 素会使人 忽视了生 命中更应 该追求的 其他东西 。事实上 有许
多人为 了追求更 为重要的 目标而放 弃了使自 己获得最 大收入的 职业。象是特蕾莎 修女,她 以助
人为快 乐。 尽管 在物质上 是清贫的 但是却在 别人快乐 的同时自 己也得到 了幸福的 回报。 mother
Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize,dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the
poor in India. Although she was not rich all through her life, she was happier than most of her
contemporaries because she gained happiness when she helped the poor.bliss blessedness 还 有 一 些 人
为了做 全职家长 更好的照 顾孩子更 是完全牺 牲了得到 钱的职业 。在他们 看来和家 人在一起 生活
照顾他 们的起居 饮食是自 己最开心 的事情。
2. 诚 然 经济 基 础 是一 切 其 他活 动 的 前提 , 但 追求 钱 以 外更 重 要 的目 标 并 不一 定 意 味着 就 会 得不
到物质 回报或者 是一定会 过得潦倒 。事实上两者 是可以相 互促进的 。一个追求智 力上或者 是创
造 力 上的 成 就 的人 象 是 作家 艺 术 家或 者 是 音乐 家 当 他们 的 作 品问 世 时 候他 们 同 时也 得 到 了物
质的回 报。othes choose to pursue intellectual or creative fulfillment-as wirters, artists, or musicians. 而
这些钱 反过来又 会为他们 的创作提 供更好的 条件和环 境 .
ignore overlook neglect pursue go in for in pursuit of aspire after be down and out mutually come out be
published priority primarily appreciate notion profession lucrative 有利的 stem from subordinate ... to ...
recreation physical health psychological making money is not an end in the end of itself. acknowledge strike
a balance overriding 高于一切的 factor

1. Admittedly, 人们都不是生活在童话里 fairy tale,人们需要面对日常生活中的各种花费,而金钱是

保 障 这 一 切 , 从 而 保 障 人 们 生 命 的 基 础 。 financial gain does be an important factor in
choosing a career.
2. 但是,这不代表说,所有人都应该把它 regard it as the most important… 因为 after all, 金钱只
择很多工作,造福社会,但它们 pay less than others ,比如 social work, nursing. 人们认为精
神世界更重要,帮助别人。。。;另外,良好的工作环境,同事关系,使人们精神好 。
3. 因为首先:不同人有不同的需要,又比如说,有的妈妈为了照顾孩子,选择地点离家比较近的工作,
even though this job can provide her less money than those far from her home.。。再比 如
说,有的人为了事业上更大的成就,会选择能提供更多机会 promotion,或者培训之类的。如果全部

View1: Financial gain is an important factor in choosing a career.

View2: However, there are more factors play important roles in making job decisions. chance for promotion,
training, work environment, corporate culture and reputation, welfare other than financial form
Evidence: Vincent Van Gogh .If he transfer to other career for monetary consideration, there will be no such
beautiful scenes as starry night and sunflowers shining forever in our art history.
View3: In my opinion, the best career is the combination of special interests and financial benefits.

Financial gain is certainly one factor to consider when selecting a career. But many people do not, and should not,
focus on this factor as the main one. The role that money plays in career choice should depend on the priorities,
goals and values of the particular person making the choice.

The main problem with selecting a career primarily on the basis of money is that for many people to do so would
be to ignore one’s personal values, needs, and larger life goals. Indeed, many people appreciate this notion when
they choose their career. For example, some people join one of the helping professions, such as nursing, teaching
or social work, well aware that their career will not be financially lucrative. Their choice properly stems from an
overriding altruistic desire, not from an interest in financial gain. Others choose to pursue intellectual or creative
fulfillment—as writers, artists, or musicians—knowing that they are trading off dollars for non-tangible rewards.
Still others forego economic gain to work as full-time parents; for these people, family and children are of
paramount importance in life. Finally, many people subordinate economic prospects to their desire to live in a
particular location; these people may place a high value on recreation, their physical health, or being near a circle
of friends.

Another problem with focusing primarily on money when selecting a career is that it ignores the notion that
making money is not an end in the end of itself, but rather a means of obtaining material goods and services and of
attaining important goals—such as providing security for oneself and one’s family, lifelong learning, or freedom to
travel or to pursue hobbies. Acknowledging the distinction, one may nevertheless select a career on the basis of
money—since more money can buy more goods and services as well as the security, freedom, and time to enjoy
them. Even so, one must strike a balance, for if these things that money is supposed to provide are sacrificed in
the pursuit of money itself, the point of having money—and of one’s career selection—has been lost.

In conclusion, economic gain should not be the overriding factor in selecting a career. While for a few people the
single-minded pursuit of wealth may be fulfillment enough, most people should, and indeed do, temper the pursuit
of wealth against other values, goals, and priorities. Moreover, they recognize that money is merely a means to
more important objectives, and that the pursuit itself may undermine the achievement of these objectives.

32. “You can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements.”

1. 广 告 有 没 有 反 映 idea ? 首 先 我 们 来 看 一 下 idea 的 定 义 a formulated thought or opinion 但 是 广 告
所 展 现 给 我 们 的 通 常 是 一 个 产 品 一 项 服 务 或 者 是 公 益 广 告 中 的 一 项 倡 议 都 不 能 称 为 是 idea a
mere picture of a product, service, outlook, or fashion is not an "idea".
2. 由上面 的论述可 以得出广 告并不能 传递 idea,事实上更 谈不到传 递一个国 家的 idea。因为 大部
分的广 告都是商 业广告, 都是某个 企业为了 推销一种 商品或者 服务而产 生的。它只能代表 一个
企业的 营销理念 而和一个 国家的 idea 没有任 何一点关 系。
3. 诚然 ,有一些 公益广告 是可以反 映社会某 个部分的 成员的 idea 的。 例如 :环保 组织 .然而这些 广
告只在 所有的广 告中占据 了可以忽 略的一个 部分,而 且它也不 能代表一 个国家的 idea
definition reflect reflection mirror exhibit public-interest advertisement appeal petition judging from the
preceeding analysis advertisements can not convey an idea, not to mention 更 不 要 提 showing the idea of a
nation.commercial advertisement promotion strategy admittedly environmental conservation negligible

1. 广告确实可以反映一个国家的偏好 preference ,比如,在东亚 eastern Asia 的很多国家,电视上

proliferation of cosmetic which can impede suntan and make skin appear white ,表现了
这些国家对白色皮肤的偏好。而同时,另一些 western 国家中,很多运动用品的广告,体现了对户外
运动的喜好。但是这些,并不是一个国家的思想,只是一些时尚流行。。 。
2. 广告只能反映 superficial 的现象,而不是一个国家真正的思想,文化等深层次的东西。因为广告,毕
竟只是商家为了推销产品而使用的手段,它的主要只能是 persuade the consumers to buy。而不
能承担展示精神的作用。有人会说,public-interest advertisements can reflect the concern of
specific groups. for example, the environmental… 但 这 些 广 告 少 之 又 少 。 despite a few
variance, many advertisements in different countries appear to be very much similar.

View1: the most important factor of the evaluation of a AD is its persuasive power. To become more convincing,
the designers of the AD always turn to emotional touch by evoking respondence on mass opinions.
View2:ADs, whose nature is business promotions, are often dominate by beneficial concerns not national ideas.

In order to determine whether advertisements reflect a nation’s ideas, it is necessary to determine whether
advertisements present real ideas at all, and, if so, whose ideas they actually reflect. On both counts, it appears
that advertisements fail to accurately mirror a nation’s ideas.

Indisputably, advertisements inform us as to a nation’s values, attitudes, and priorities—what activities are
worthwhile, what the future holds, and what is fashionable and attractive. For instance, a proliferation of ads for
sport-utility vehicles reflects a societal concern more for safety and machismo than for energy conservation and
frugality, while a plethora of ads for inexpensive on-line brokerage services reflects an optimistic and perhaps
irrationally exuberant economic outlook. However, a mere picture of a social more, outlook, or fashion is not an
“idea”—it does not answer questions such as “why” and “how”?

Admittedly, public-interest advertisements do present ideas held by particular segments of society—for example,
those of environmental and other public-health interest groups. However, these ads constitute a negligible
percentage of all advertisements, and they do not necessarily reflect the majority’s view. Consequently, to assert
that advertisements reflect a nation’s ideas distorts reality. In truth, they mirror only the business and product
ideas of companies whose goods and services are advertised and the creative ideas of advertising firms.
Moreover, advertisements look very much the same in all countries. Western and Eastern alike. Does this suggest
that all nations have essentially identical ideas? Certainly not.
In sum, the few true ideas we might see in advertisements are those of only a few business concerns and interest
groups; they tell us little about the ideas of a nation as a whole.

33. “People are likely to accept as a leader only someone who has demonstrated an ability to
perform the same tasks that he or she expects others to perform.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your
views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1. 人们不 会尊重一 个不能完 成他要求 别人完成 的任务自 己却不能 完成的领 导。这是 人之常情 ,人
们 通 常都 只 会 欣赏 和 尊 敬比 自 己 优秀 的 人 ,而 不 喜 欢被 一 个 不能 完 成 任务 却 命 令自 己 去 做的
人心存敬 意。例如 克林顿总 统当 commander-in-chief 的时候, 由于众所 周知他曾 经逃避兵 役,
很自然 的下级军 官和士兵 都不是很 尊重他。
2. 人们不 信任一个 自己完不 成任务却 要求别人 去完成的 人。仍然举克 林顿总统 的例子。 由于 他逃
兵 役 被视 为 没 有能 力 , 下级 都 对 他的 决 策 心存 怀 疑 ,这 也 就 潜在 的 导 致了 执 行 上的 不 尽 心不
3. 诚然是 否能完成 自己交给 别人的任 务并不是 衡量一个 leader 重要指标。 可能领导 能力、 ,组织能
力、运筹能力更 为重要, 但是我们 不能忽视 人们心理 上的看法 ,尽管它 可能并不 合理但它 确实
是存在 的。
normal human feelings admire adore respect superior to evade escape military service subordinate soldier
be doubtful of be suspicious of execution implement admittedly true potentially evaluate index leadership
psychological psychology psychologic psychologist exist subsist ... serves as a fitting and public example

1. 诚然,如果在其领导的领域内几乎一窍不通,一个领导很难得到下属的信任和支持,会被看作
layperson. 比如,人们无法想象一个不具备任何电脑知识的人,该如何领导一个庞大的 IT 企业,比
如 MICROSOFT 在激烈的市场中竞争。
2. 但是,这是否意味着作为领导,必须要有能力完成每一项他要求下属做的事呢?这个问题,与领导和
行,adhere to their strategic plans 不被偏离。组织员工共同合作完成任务。on the other hand, 员工的
作用是各司其职,更加具体的 specific task.
3. 从以上两种职责不难看出,领导与员工起到 significantly different functions ,让领导完成每一个
subordinate 要做的工作,unfair 的。比如,不能 blame a CEO for lacking the skills of typing。
omnipotent worker with all kinds of skills.

View1: It is human nature to admire then follow someone who is more competent than themselves.
View2: But a feature of a good leader is to organize people with different specialities together and let them
perform as a whole. It is too ideal to expect the leaders to have all the specialities of his subordinates.
People are more likely to accept the leadership of those who have shown they can perform the same tasks they
require of others. My reasons for this view involve the notions of respect and trust.

It is difficult for people to fully respect a leader who cannot, or will not, do what he or she asks of others.
President Clinton’s difficulty in his role as Commander-in-Chief serves as a fitting and very public example. When
Clinton assumed this leadership position, it was well known that he had evaded military service during the Vietnam
conflict. Military leaders and lower-level personnel alike made it clear that they did not respect his leadership as
a result. Contrast the Clinton case with that of a business leader such as John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems,
who by way of his training and experience as a computer engineer earned the respect of his employees.

It is likewise difficult to trust leaders who do not have experience in the areas under their leadership. The
Clinton example illustrates this point as well. Because President Clinton lacked military experience, people in the
armed forces found it difficult to trust that his policies would reflect any understanding of their interests or
needs. And when put to the test, he undermined their trust to an even greater extent with his naive and largely
bungled attempt to solve the problem of gays in the military. In stark contrast, President Dwight Eisenhower
inspired nearly devotional trust as well as respect because of his role as a military hero in World War II.

In conclusion, it will always be difficult for people to accept leaders who lack demonstrated ability in the areas
under their leadership. Initially, such leaders will be regarded as outsiders, and treated accordingly. Moreover,
some may never achieve the insider status that inspires respect and trust from those they hope to lead.

34. “All citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. Such service
would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants.”

1. 比起专 业的公共 服务组织 ,所有的 公民都完 成一定的 公共服务 显得比较 低效率。因为我们 是在
一 个 高度 专 业 化分 工 十 分明 晰 的 社会 , 放 弃专 业 的 公共 服 务 组织 而 采 取强 制 性 的公 民 义 务形
式的 服务会使 得效率十 分低下, 而且也会 让大多数 人不满,毕 竟每个人 都有自己 的职业和 爱
2. 管理成 本的高昂 也是该计 划难以贯 彻的一个 原因。这项决定潜 在上要求 了要有人 监督每个 公民
是否履 行了自己 的义务, 也要有人 给每个公 民分配任 务 .
3. 诚 然 就象 作 者 所说 的 那 样确 实 会 从整 体 上 给国 家 带 来一 定 的 好处 , 同 时给 每 个 参与 的 人 提供
和 更 多人 交 流 等机 会 , 但是 在 权 衡利 弊 之 后尤 其 是 在和 专 业 化组 织 对 比之 后 还 是得 不 偿 失的
be not worth the candle mandatory compulsory weighed against ...
individual compliance enforcement nullify stifle incompetence competent tantamount to 等价 insofar as...

1. 对于国家和社会的好处:首先,强制性 mandatory social work 可以增加人力资源——因为 social

work 的 wage 比较低,所以在非强制的情况下,只有少数人愿意参加,这样导致了人员的不足;广
泛的参与 extensive participation 可以引起大家的重视——激发人们更加爱护公共设施 ,从而降低
整个 expense on the maintaining. 因为公共设施 becomes a aggregation of the hard work
of all the citizens. 人们不付出努力,就不会珍惜

2. 对 参 与 者 的 好 处 : The principal thing in this world is to keep one’s soul aloft.

Flaubert(the great novelist)公共服务可以使人们更加意识到自己的社会责任感 duty, 也同时有
益于平时的工作; 可以增加人与人的交流, 在完全没有压力的环境下, 心灵得到放松.

3. 当然, 完全强制有可能引起 stimulate 抵触 emotion of repellence, 也要注意方法,同时不要影响正


View1: public service, a main approach to show social responsibilities, benefits both the county and the
View2: When becomes a burden and stress to the participants, public service harm not only individual performers
but also entire society. Cost of enforcement, reduction of efficiency , increase of abhorrence.

The potential benefits of mandatory public service must be weighed against administrative problems and concerns
about individual liberty. On balance, the costs to a nation and to the participants would probably exceed the

Admittedly, a colorable argument can be made for mandatory public service. It would help alleviate “free-rider”
problems, where those who do not contribute benefit from the efforts of those who do. It would mitigate
pressing social problems—with education, public health and safety, and the environment. It might instill in
participants a sense of civic duty, community, and individual responsibility. Finally, it has worked on a smaller scale,
particularly in urban areas, where renewal projects succeed in making communities safer, healthier, and more

Far more compelling, however, are the arguments against mandatory public service. First, who would make
assignments and decide what projects are worthwhile, and how would compliance be assured? Resolving
enforcement issues would require government control, in turn requiring increased taxes and/or cuts in other social
programs, thereby nullifying the benefits of mandatory public service. Second, a mandatory system would open
the floodgates to incompetence and inexperience. Finally, the whole notion seems tantamount to Communism
insofar as each citizen must contribute, according to his or her ability, to a strong state. Modern history informs
us that such systems do not work. One could argue that mandatory public service is simply a tax in the form of
labor rather than dollars. However, compulsory labor smacks of involuntary servitude, whereas financial taxes do

In conclusion, logistical and philosophical barriers to mandating public service outweigh its potential benefits for
the nation as well as for participants.

36. “Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team.
Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment
and energy, who gets things done.”

The author's assert brings in the controversail and complex question that is being discussed a lot now :
teamwork or individual energy and commitment, which one is more important to a company or other types
of organizaitons? The author claims that teamwork has been overemphasized. To the contrary, I believe
that is the author who makes an overemphasis by saying "It is the strong individual, the person with the
most commitment and engergy, who gets things done.
1. 每个个 人都是组 织的一个 组成成员 。每个人都各 司其职。 尤其 是在科学 技术如此 进步的今 天很
少有人 能象作者 所说的那 样独立完 成一项任 务。事实 上每个人 都是完成 了工作的 一个部分 一个
方面, 而合在一 起才有了 团队的成 功。
2. 一个 公司一个 组织并不 是所有成 员的简单 加总 .如果 是这样的 话 ,那么也就 没有必要 形成一个 团
队了 每个人独 立完成就 好了 .事实上一 个团队可 以把个体 有机的组 织在一起 ,使整 体的运做 更有
效率更 有成效 ,这才识 组织存在 的原因 .
3. 诚然 集体的每 个任务都 是许多个 别员工的 努力组成 的 .但是 这其中的 每个人都 不是完全 独立的 .
没有设 计人员 ,生产人 员无法生 产 ,而没有生产 人员 ,销售人员亦 无法销售 .
regimentation 团队精 神 each does his or her own duty technology organic organically

View1: efficiency comes from work divisions. In today’s business world, it is unpractical for one person to
accomplish an entire program. Actually, only every competent person finishes one part of the mission, entirely
whole program get done.
View2: An organization is not simply put competent people together but combine them to form a organic integrity,
thus induce higher efficiency an productivity.

The relationship between teamwork and individual strength, energy, and commitment is complex; whether they
operate in a complementary or antagonistic manner depends on: (1) the goals toward which the traits are directed,
(2) the degree of emphasis on teamwork, and (3) the job of the individual within an organization.

A person’s ability to work effectively in a team is not in consistent per se with personal strength, energy, and
commitment. If exercised in a self-serving manner—for example, through pilfering or back stabbing—these traits
can operate against the organization. Conversely, if directed toward the firm’s goals, these traits can motivate
other team members, thereby advancing common goals. World War II generals Patton and Rommel understood this
point and knew how to bring out the best individual qualities in their troops, while at the same time instilling a
strong sense of team and common purpose.

Nevertheless, over-emphasizing teamwork can be counterproductive for an organization. A successful team

requires both natural leaders and natural followers; otherwise, a team will accomplish little. Undue emphasis on
teamwork may quell initiative among natural leaders, thereby thwarting team goals. Also, teamwork can be
overemphasized with a commissioned sales force of highly competitive and autonomic individuals. Overemphasis on
teamwork here might stifle healthy competition, thereby defeating a firm’s objectives. In other organizational
areas, however, teamwork is critical. For example, a product-development team must progress in lock-step fashion
toward common goals, such as meeting a rollout deadline.

In sum, individual strength, commitment, and energy can complement a strong team approach; as long as individual
autonomy is not undermined, all can operate in a synergistic manner to achieve an organization’s goals.

37. “Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society,
schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the
arts and humanities.”

1. 艺术 可以使人 更好地投 入到科学 技术的研 究中 .起到一定 的促进作 用 .For example, recent studies
of cognitive development show that studying music at an early age can strengthen a child's later grasp
of mathematics. And understanding philosophical concepts has helped scients recognize their own
presuppositions, and frame their central questions more accurately.
2. 从前人 前辈的成 就和伟大 人格中我 们可以得 到促进和 激励更好 的投入到 工作和学 习生活中 .
3. 单独只有 科学技术 我们只能 找到解决 问题的办 法。即我 只是知道 how to do 而不知道 should we
.... . This is not to say, however, that ... . To the contrary mathematicians cognitive strengthen grasp
philosophical philosophy presupposition presumption premise assumption intellectual inspire dominate
predominate autonomous autonomy liberal arts 文科 contemporary

1. 科技十分重要,没有科学技能的人,很难快速容入工作。难以想象一个缺乏基本电脑知识的人,如何
在一个 corporation in which most of the daily affairs are dealt with the aid of computer
里很好地完成工作!所以,学校有责任培养学生的 IT 技能。
2. 但是,不代表学校应该忽视艺术人文的教育。众所周知,艺术人文起到启迪思想 provide people
with gracious spirit. 引导人们意识到人性中的固有美德:。 。。举例:科学技术是人们生存发展的 工
具,但同时,如果没有美德,则可能变成危险的武器。比如 nuclear weapons; heroin is made by
people with standard chemistry knowledge… ( with the guide of virtue, science can be
the best servant of human; however, on the other hand, without such guide, it can
become the most dangerous weapon.
3. false dilemma. The speaker falsely put the school in a dilemma by suggesting the
teaching of science and that of arts are mutually exclusive. 完全可以把两者结合起来。

Because scient View1: primarily and secondary school, whose main function is to teach general knowledge and
more important, to shape healthy personality, should place at least as much attention on the arts and humanities as
they do on science and technology
View2: Contrarily, university and college should devoted more time on teaching science and technology as they
are becoming more and more essential to our modern society. However, it dose not mean the Arts and humanities
is not important and the time devoted to it should be decreased. Universities can increase the teaching hour on
science and technology by ways such as employ more professors and open more available classroom to provide
more courses at the same time.
View3: science and technology are becoming more and more important, yet, we still can not underestimate the
importance of the arts and humanities.
Learning form predecessors’ experience and great personalities can lead to great efforts devoted to work and thus
better performance. Science and technology tell us who to do, but humanities tell us what should to .

ific knowledge is increasingly important in our technological world and in the practical world of jobs and careers,
schools should devote sufficient time to teaching mathematics and science. This is not to say, however, that
schools should devote less time to the arts or humanities. To the contrary, in a technological age the study of arts
and humanities is probably more important than ever—for three reasons.

First of all, studying the arts and humanities can help students become better mathematicians and scientists. For
example, recent studies of cognitive development show that studying music at an early age can strengthen a child’s
later grasp of mathematics. And understanding philosophical concepts has helped scientists recognize their own
presuppositions, and frame their central questions more accurately.

Secondly, studying the creative and intellectual achievement of others helps inspire our own creativity and
intellectual questioning. This is particularly important in an era dominated by technology, where we run a serious
risk of becoming automatons who fit neatly into the efficient functioning of some system.

Finally, technology is valuable as an efficient means to our important goals. But neither technology, nor the science
on which it is founded, decides which goals are best, or judges the moral value of the means we choose for their
attainment. We need the liberal arts to help us select worthwhile ends and ethical means.

In conclusion, schools should not devote less time to the arts and humanities. These areas of study augment and
enhance learning in mathematics and science, as well as helping to preserve the richness of our entire human
legacy while inspiring us to further it. Moreover, disciplines within the humanities provide methods and contexts
for evaluating the morality of our technology and for determining its proper direction.

39. “It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of
a fulfilling personal life.”

1. 两者并 不矛盾而 是相互促 进相辅相 成
2. 科学技 术的进步 使人更高 效率的工 作也能让 人更好的 协调两者 的关系
3. 诚然一 定的牺牲 是必然要 做出的但 是绝对不 是生活中 的重要方 面
1. cost of living, growing population, increasingly scarce resource… all contribute to a
radical competitive society. 是客观条件 force people to work longer hours, 自然, 无法避免
地剥夺了人们的 personal life. 这一点在很多发展中国家尤其明显 : 缺乏社会福利 lack of social
welfare, 人口膨胀 population explosion, 人们面临更大的失业压力.
2. 而反对这种观点的人说, 先进的科技已经帮助人们沟通更加便利 ,提高效率, 甚至在家中办公, 已经大
大地减少了对个人生活的压榨 . 但是 close scrutiny will reveal that 事实上 , 这种进步 , 更加剧了
exacerbate 人们工作的强度 intensity. 提高的效率, 更要求人们一天干更多事, 在家中办公的可能,
也被充分地利用成了加班 overtime.

View1: a fulfilling personal life guarantees a healthy mind and energetic body which enhance professional
View2: Having a joyful career to devote to also in turn help to ensure a fulfilling personal life.
View3: if to achieve professional success must have something to sacrifice, the things may not necessarily the
important aspects of personal lives.

Are professional success and a fulfilling personal life mutually exclusive? Probably not, although it is more
difficult today to achieve both.
Undeniably, today’s professionals must work long hours to keep their heads above water, let alone to get ahead in
life financially. This is especially true in Japan, where cost of living, coupled with corporate culture, compel
professional males to all but abandon their families and literally to work themselves to death. While the situation
here in the states (United States) may not be as critical, the two-income family is now the norm, not by choice
but by necessity.

However, our society’s professionals are taking steps to remedy the problem. First, they are inventing ways—such
as job sharing and telecommuting—to ensure that personal life does not take a backseat to career. Second, they
are setting priorities and living those hours outside the workplace to the fullest. In fact, professional success
usually requires the same time-management skills that are useful to find time for family, hobbies, and recreation.
One need only look at the recent American presidents—Clinton, Bush, Reagan, and Carter—to see that it is
possible to lead a balanced life which includes time for family, hobbies, and recreation, while immersed in a busy
and successful career. Third, more professionals are changing careers to ones which allow for some degree of
personal fulfillment and self-actualization. Besides, many professionals truly love their work and would do it
without compensation, as a hobby. For them, professional fulfillment and personal fulfillment are one and the same.

In conclusion, given the growing demands of career on today’s professionals, a fulfilling personal life remains
possible by working smarter, by setting priorities, and by making suitable career choices.

40. “With the increasing emphasis on a global economy and international cooperation, people need
to understand that their role as citizens of the world is more important than their role as
citizens of a particular country.”


1. 两者并 不是完全 对立的环 保
2. 事 实 上两 者 可 以相 互 促 进一 个 人 在一 个 国 家做 慈 善 工作 很 可 能也 会 有 一天 为 别 的国 家 的 人服

3. 当两者 冲突的时 候哪个更 重要取决 与不同的 情况。
代 替 取 代 supersede compatible be compatible with... citizenship domain This one person would be acting
consistently as a citizen of community, state, nation and world.admittedly conflicting obligation arise dual
Admittedly, conflicting/clashing/discordant obligations sometimes arise as a result of our new dual
citizenship.obligatory In sum, although our "dual" citizenship may at times lead to conflict, one role need
not automatically take precedence over the other. more often than not The relationship between the two
roles is, more often than not, a complementary one, and can even be synergistic. synergistic coactive
complement complementary supplement
1. 有时, 很多问题是全球性的,需要世界公民的角度考虑,而非只站在一国角度. 比如,环境问题, 能源问题,
等等. 人们应该为整个地球负责任,而不仅仅是为了一个民族或国家. 因为, 如果是后者, 则很有可能
只解决自己的问题, 而把危害转移到别的国家. shift the burden and threats from one nation to
another…比如: 出口垃圾,比如大量进口发展中国家的木材.虽然自己的国家暂时解决了问题,但长远
看, 没有国家孤立地存在, 不能 short-sight and narrow mind, 因为 interdependent.
2. 但这不意味着人们就要 discard or weaken their role as citizens of one nation. 其实两者并不
是 incompatible, 更多时候, 可以作为 complementary one—and can even be synergistic. 比
如 the preservation of traditional culture, 人们作为一国公民 ,保护自己独特文化的同时 , 实际上
也为全球的 diversity of culture 作出了 positive effort. 比如, 为一个国家的 public service 付出
努力的同时 , 很可能激发起公民的社会责任感和 compassion and responsibility, 参与到国际
public service 中 , 比如很多 charitarian 就开始从对本国的慈善事业 subsidize the school in
one nation 也激发起对 attention to the education in the international scope.

View1: people’s role as citizens of the world is become more and more important in the modern society.
View2: Without the awareness of being citizens of a particular country, people will find no roots to behave on the
stage of the world.
View3: these two roles, national and international, are not mutually exclusive alternatives. They can be properly

With the growth of the global economy and the need for international cooperation, every human being has
assumed a role as citizen of the world. Does this mean that our roles as citizens of our respective nations are
thereby superseded by our role as world citizens, as the speaker suggests? Not at all. Good citizenship at one
level is often compatible with good citizenship at another. In fact, being a good citizen in one social domain can
help one be a better citizen in another.

Good global citizenship is not incompatible with good citizenship at other levels. Consider, for example, one’s
efforts as a citizen to preserve the natural environment. One particular person might, for example: (1) lobby
legislators to enact laws preserving an endangered redwood forest, (2) campaign for nationally-elected officials
who support clean air laws, and (3) contribute to international rainforest preservation organizations. This one
person would be acting consistently as a citizen of community, state, nation and world.

Admittedly, conflicting obligations sometimes arise as a result of our new “dual” citizenship. For example, a U.S.
military official with an advisory role in a United Nations peace-keeping force might face conflicting courses of
action—one that would secure U.S. military interests, and another that would better serve international interests.
However, the fact that such a conflict exists does not mean that either action is automatically more obligatory—
that is, that one’s role as either U.S. citizen or world citizen must invariably supersede the other. Instead, this
situation should be resolved by carefully considering and weighing the consequences of each course of action.

Moreover, being a good citizen in one social context can often help one be a better citizen in another. For
example, volunteering to help underprivileged children in one’s community might inspire one to work for an
international child-welfare organization. And inculcating civic values—such as charity and civic pride—may give rise
to personal traits of character that transfer to all social domains and contexts.

In sum, although our “dual” citizenship may at times lead to conflicts, one role need not automatically take
precedence over the other. Moreover, the relationship between the two roles is, more often than not, a
complementary one—and can even be synergistic.

42. “Scientists are continually redefining the standards for what is beneficial or harmful to the
environment. Since these standards keep shifting, companies should resist changing their
products and processes in response to each new recommendation until those recommendations
become government regulations.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your
views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1. 科学家的建议也并不一定都是正确的。很有可能他的结论适用面很窄。或者他所得到的数据有错误等
2. 对企业来说频繁的变更产品和生产流程会造成很大的经济损失
3. 诚然等待国家制定标准很可能存在滞后等问题但是比较起来以上的问题还是应该等待国家制定标准。
split the difference lag evaluate

View1: The recommendations given by scientists are usually controversial or have inconsistent perspectives on
same questions, thus can not provide clear directions on actions that companies should adopt,
View 2: changing products and processes too often will inevitably increase cost and lower productivity. Therefore
do harm to the companies .
View3: while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of solving the problems, it is
relatively a better strategy for companies to follow. We can count on the authorities to speed up the process of
conversion between scientific discoveries and official regulations.

The speaker argues that because scientists continually shift viewpoints about how our actions affect the natural
environment, companies should not change their products and processes according to scientific recommendations
until the government requires them to do so. This argument raises complex issues about the duties of business and
about regulatory fairness and effectiveness. Although a wait-and-see policy may help companies avoid costly and
unnecessary changes, three countervailing considerations compel me to disagree overall with the argument.

First, a regulatory system of environmental protection might not operate equitably. At first glance, a wait-and-see
response might seem fair in that all companies would be subject to the same standards and same enforcement
measures. However, enforcement requires detection, and while some violators may be caught, others might not.
Moreover, a broad regulatory system imposes general standards that may not apply equitably to every company.
Suppose, for example, that pollution from a company in a valley does more damage to the environment than similar
pollution from a company on the coast. It would seem unfair to require the coastal company to invest as heavily in
abatement or, in the extreme, to shut down the operation if the company cannot afford abatement measures.

Secondly, the argument assumes that the government regulations will properly reflect scientific recommendations.
However, this claim is somewhat dubious. Companies with the most money and political influence, not the
scientists, might in some cases dictate regulatory standards. In other words, legislators may be more influenced
by political expediency and campaign pork than by societal concerns.

Thirdly, waiting until government regulations are in place can have disastrous effects on the environment. A great
deal of environmental damage can occur before regulations are implemented. This problem is compounded
whenever government reaction to scientific evidence is slow. Moreover, the EPA might be overburdened with its
detection and enforcement duties, thereby allowing continued environmental damage by companies who have not
yet been caught or who appeal penalties.

In conclusion, despite uncertainty within the scientific community about what environmental standards are best,
companies should not wait for government regulation before reacting to warnings about environmental problems.
The speaker’s recommended approach would in many cases operate inequitably among companies: moreover, it
ignores the political-corruption factor as well as the potential environmental damage resulting from bureaucratic

45. “The most effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long period of time is
to follow the highest standards of ethics.”

1. 道德不明确,每个人的标准不一样
2. 法律立法时符合大多数人的要求明确具体
3. 时滞可以用提高立法效率来解决
和 AI034 基本一 样。

1. 支持者会认为, 高道德会赢得 reputation and trust; 第一, 高道德生产高质量的产品以及 service,

顾客稳定 stable share of the market; 第二 , 高道德会让员工满意度提高 ( 公平,平等 ). 从而
attract those applicants with high ability and keep the employees loyal to the
company---最终导致高的 productivity.
例子:Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutic companies in the world, announced that the company would
cease production of one of its major products, because of the hazardous ingredients it contained. By
doing so, the company suffers great loss on profitability, but gains strong public support and
understanding, which can contribute to the long-term success of the company.
2. 但在更多的情况下 , 高道德也许不 equal to maximal profit. 比如,a, 如果把道德放在第一位的话 ,
企 业的 executive 很可 能无 法执 行裁 员活 动 complete the normal administration, such as
raising the price, reducing the superabundant staff… b, 高道德的话,很可能采用最高标准
的 环保 生产 —— 这样 很不 是 cost-effective. 总之 , Following such undue concern about
ethics, the company may find it impossible to survive in the radical competitive
market, let alone to gain large profit.

View1: the definition of highest standards of ethics vary from person to person and time to time. Therefore, it is
impractical to find and then stick to the highest standards of ethics.
View2: the regulations and laws of authorities are more feasible and suitable standards to follow.
View3: while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of eliminating the ill actions, we
can count on the authorities to speed up the process of refining the laws and regulations.
The speaker claims that following high ethical standards is the best way to maximize profits in the long run.
However, this claim seems to be more of a normative statement than an empirical observation. The issue is more
complex than the speaker suggests. In my observation, the two objectives at times coincide but at other times

In many ways behaving ethically can benefit a business. Ethical conduct will gain a company good reputation that
earns repeated business. Treating suppliers, customers and others fairly is likely to result in their reciprocating.
Finally, a company that treats its employees fairly and with respect will gain their loyalty which, in turn, usually
translates into higher productivity.

On the other hand, taking the most ethical course of action may in many cases reduce profits, in the short run and
beyond. Consider the details of a merger in which both firms hope to profit from a synergy gained thereby. If the
details of the merger hinge on the ethical conviction that as few employees as possible should lose their jobs, the
key executives may lose sight of the fact that a leaner, less labor-intensive organization might be necessary for
long-term survival. Thus, undue concern with ethics in this case would results in lower profits and perhaps ultimate
business failure.

This merger scenario points out a larger argument that the speaker misses entirely-that profit maximization is
per se the highest ethical objective in private business. Why? By maximizing profits, businesses bestow a variety
of important benefits on their community and on society: they employ more people, stimulate the economy, and
enhance healthy competition. In short, the profit motive is the key to ensuring that the members of a free
market society survive and thrive. While this argument might ignore implications for the natural environment and
for socioeconomic justice, it is a compelling argument nonetheless.

Thus the choice to follow high ethical standards should not be made by thinking that ethical conduct is profitable.
While in some cases a commitment to high ethical standards might benefit a company financially, in many cases it
will not. In the final analysis, businesses might best be advised to view their attempts to maximize profits as
highly ethical behavior.

48. In matching job candidates with job openings, managers must consider not only such
variables as previous work experience and educational background but also personality
traits and work habits, which are more difficult to judge.

What do you consider essential in an employee or colleague? Explain, using reasons and/or
examples from your work or worklike experiences, or from your observations of others.

你考量一个雇员或者同事的基本点是什么?从你自身的工作经验,或你对别人的观察给出原因 and/or 例子来解释你

1. 是否诚信是否对公司忠诚是决定一个员工是否可以为公司作出贡献的基本要素。一个有很好教育背景
2. 一个人的对生活的态度对他是否胜任一项工作同样重要。这直接决定了他是积极地还是消极地对待自
3. 评价一个员工的是否胜任某一项工作仅仅从他是否有完成某个特定任务的能力来判断是不够的。因为
honest honesty dishonest dishonesty loyal loyalty instead An employee with excellent expertise and a lot of
previous work experience but dishonest and not loyal to the company will sometimes do no good to the company
while do harm instead, because they may use their expertise and experience to do something that can benefit
themselves while damage the company. optimistic pessimistic optimism pessimism negative positive index
quantify recessive likewise compatible interdependent dependent independent quantifiable

Thesis sentence: in spite of work experience and education background, there are many other factors, which are
difficult to judge, essential in job candidates selection.
View1: Loyalty is an important factor in determine whether a candidate will make contribution to the company.
View2: people’s attitudes towards life is also affect much on work performance. Positive ,passive, initiative,
View3: Communication and cooperation abilities become more and more important in today’s business world.
Team work, harmonious personnel environment

In the hiring process, it is more difficult to assess personality and work habits than to determine work experience
and educational background. Even so, it is important to try and judge the less quantifiable characteristics of a
prospective colleague or employee—such as honesty, reliability, creativity, self-motivation, and the capacity to get
along and work well with others. If it doesn’t seem obvious that these are important qualities in a coworker, then
consider the alternatives.

First of all, dishonest or unreliable workers harm an organization in many ways. Dishonest employees impose costs
on a company whether they steal on the grand or small scale; just taking a few days of unwarranted sick leave
here and there can add up to significant lost productivity. And lying about progress on a project can result in
missed deadlines and even lost contracts. Unreliability works the same way; if an employee cannot meet deadlines
or fails to appear at important meetings, the organization will suffer accordingly.

In addition, coworkers who lack motivation or creativity take some of the life out of an organization. To the
extent that employees simply plug along, the company will be less productive In contrast, employees who have
imagination and the motivation to implement ideas are productive and can spark those around them to greater

Finally, employees who cannot get along with or work well with others can as well be detrimental to the
organization. The mere presence of a troublemaker is disruptive; moreover, the time such people spend on petty
disagreements is time away from getting the job done successfully. In addition, those who cannot smoothly
coordinate their efforts with others will end up making things more difficult for everyone else.
In conclusion, it may not be easy to judge the personality traits and work habits of prospective employees, but it
certainly is worth the effort to try. Having coworkers who are honest, reliable, creative, self-motivated,
compatible with one another and good team players will greatly enhance everyone’s work life, and benefit an
organization in the most significant way—with greater productivity.

57. “Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more
respectful of one another’s differences.”


1. 一方面我们的立法越来越完善不断向着消除歧视和偏见的方向发展。这从强制的方面要求人们尊重和
2. 另一方面,随着技术的不断进步交流的不断深入人们对别的文化也有了更深的了解。而了解就会使得
3. 诚然现在还有很多的种族的性别的等各个方面的歧视。但是我们很高兴地看到事情在向好的方面发展。

1. The increased globalization has provided more opportunities than ever before to
contact and acknowledge cultures of other nations. 对于不同的宗教信仰和文化习俗,人们
采取了更加宽容 more tolerant attitude toward dissimilar culture, including religion and
custom from other nations. 比方说: China had long closed itself to the outside of the
world for many centuries before it opened the door in 1980’s. 在那段时间里,西方文明被
简单地理解为怪异和粗鲁的 considered to be strange or rude. 而现在,接触了更多后,中国也
认识到了不同,并且充分地接受和借鉴 even learn from 他们。
2. 然 而 , 在 很 多 领 域 , 尽 管 通 过 legislation , 已 经 改 变 了 一 些 to some extent , 但 严 重 的
discrimination and prejudice still remain severe despite of the legislation… 比 方 说 ,
racial, gender 虽 然 立 法 规 定 了 男 女 在 工 作 一 样 的 情 况 下 得 到 一 样 工 资 , 但 是 社 会 人 为 地
perceived inequity still exist since 男和女被分为不同种类的工作。
3. 有成绩,但仍然需要努力。对不同的高度容忍体现文明的发展程度。sign of… 之类。所以要一起努力。

Hearst Corporation
__celebrate differences among people and make active use of the varied perspectives
that workers from different backgrounds bring to the job.

View1: our legislation and moral tend to eliminate bias and prejudice based on difference.
View2: better communication and broader cooperation teach people to respect deference

In determining whether we are becoming more respectful of one another’s differences, one must examine both
overt actions and underlying motives, as well as examining whether our differences are increasing or decreasing.
The issue, therefore, is quite complex, and the answer is unclear.

Disrespect for one another’s differences manifests itself in various forms of prejudice and discrimination. Since
the civil rights and feminist movements of the 60s and 70s, it would seem that we have made significant progress
toward eliminating racial and sexual discrimination. Anti-discriminatory laws in the areas of employment, housing,
and education, now protect all significant minority groups racial minorities and women, the physically challenged
and, more recently, homosexuals. Movies and television shows, which for better or worse have become the
cynosure of our cultural attention, now tout the rights of minorities, encouraging acceptance of and respect for

However, much of this progress is forced upon us legislative. Without Title 10 and its progenies, would we
voluntarily refrain from the discriminatory behavior that the laws prevent? Perhaps not. Moreover, signs of
disrespect are all around us today. Extreme factions still rally around bigoted demagogues; the number of “hate
crimes” is increasing alarmingly; and school-age children seem to flaunt a disrespect toward adults as never
before. Finally, what appears to be respect for one another’s differences may in fact be an increasing global
homogeneity—that is, we are becoming more and more alike.

In sum, on a societal level it is difficult to distinguish between genuine respect for one another’s differences on
the one hand and legislated morality and increasing homogeneity on the other. Accordingly, the claim that we are
becoming more respectful of one another’s differences is somewhat dubious.

60. “Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other
aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”

1, 员工的私人生活状况,很可能影响工作效率。productivity and turnover,所以雇主有理由关
expect to get certain productivity. 而员工隐瞒健康状况,造成的低效率高成本,会使公司
2, 同时,员工的私人状况,如果会危害到其他员工,那么应该有权得这知。比如,健康状况,犯罪
的历史等等重大事件。健康,会 infect other employee/ 暴力 history of crimes violence
3, 但有一些其他的私人生活,与工作效率无关,而且不是 threat to others。employer 没有权
力获取。比如,婚姻状况 marital status, religion, race…这些都应该是员工自愿提供的 with
permission , 而 不 能 强 制 获 得 force 。

View1: as human resources is one of the most important fortunes to a company, companies should know the
health conditions of their employees. Decide whether a worker is competent for a job, decide cost on medical
cares, ensure productivity
View2: other aspects of employees’ personal life, if not directly related to work performance, are not need to
expose to employers.

Determining whether employers should have access to personal information about employees requires that the
interests of businesses in ensuring productivity and stability be weighed against concerns about equity and privacy
interests. On balance, my view is that employers should not have the right to obtain personal information about
current employees without their consent.
A business’ interest in maintaining a stable, productive workforce clearly justifies right of access to certain
personal information about prospective employees. Job applicants can easily conceal personal information that
might adversely affect job performance, thereby damaging the employer in terms of low productivity and high
turnover. During employment, however, the employee’s interests are far more compelling than those of the
employer, for three reasons.

First, the employer has every opportunity to monitor ongoing job performance and to replace workers who fail to
meet standards, regardless of the reason for that failure. Second, allowing free access to personal information
about employees might open the floodgates to discriminatory promotions and salary adjustments. Current federal
laws—which protect employees from unfair treatment based on gender, race, and marital status, may not
adequately guard against an employer’s searching for an excuse to treat certain employees unfairly. Third, access
to personal information without consent raises serious privacy concerns, especially where multiple individuals have
access to the information. Heightening this concern is the ease of access to information which our burgeoning
electronic Intranets make possible.

In sum, ready access to certain personal information about prospective employees is necessary to protect
businesses; however, once hired, an employee’s interest in equitable treatment and privacy far outweighs the
employer’s interest in ensuring a productive and stable workforce.

62. “What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one. Rather than focus on
the unique differences that separate one nation from another, education should focus on the
similarities among all people and places on Earth.”

1. It is important for the education to teach us the unity. It is important for us to identify with others since no
one can live without others.
2. While it is also important for the education to teach us the diverstity for us to better understand and respect
3. Which is more important is hard to say. Both the unity and the diversity should be taught.

View1: It is very important for education to teach us unity. Since all nations interact with each other more and
more thoroughly, no one is an island in the world.
Evidence: unify citizens from diverse backgrounds, reduced ethnic, religious or political factions and wars.
Improve cooperation, mutual altruism and finally harmonious humanity
View2: While it is also important for education to teach us diversity in order to improve understanding and
respect between nations.
Evidence: democratic ideal of tolerance, educating people about diversity might even produce a unifying effect—
by promoting understanding and appreciation among people from all backgrounds.

This view of education seems to recommend that schools stress the unity of all people instead of their diversity.
While I agree that education should include teaching students about characteristics that we all share, doing so
need not necessarily entail shifting focus away from our differences. Education can and should include both.

On the one hand, we are in the midst of an evolving global community where it is increasingly important for people
to recognize our common humanity, as well as specific hopes and goals we all share. People universally prefer
health to disease, being nourished to starving, safe communities to crime-riddled ones, and peace to war. Focusing
on our unity will help us realize these hopes and goals. Moreover, in our pluralistic democracy it is crucial to find
ways to unify citizens from diverse backgrounds. Otherwise, we risk being reduced to ethnic, religious or political
factions at war with one another, as witnessed recently in the former Yugoslavia. Our own diverse society can
forestall such horrors only if citizens are educated about the democratic ideals, heritage, rights and obligations
we all have in common.

On the other hand, our schools should not attempt to erase, ignore, or even play down religious, ethnic or cultural
diversity. First of all, schools have the obligation to teach the democratic ideal of tolerance, and the best way to
teach tolerance is to educate people about different religions, cultures and so on. Moreover, educating people
about diversity might even produce a unifying effect—by promoting understanding and appreciation among people
from all backgrounds.

In conclusion, while it may appear paradoxical to recommend that education stress both unity and diversity, it is
not. Understanding our common humanity will help us achieve a better, more peaceful world. Toward the same end,
we need to understand our differences in order to better tolerate them, and perhaps even appreciate them. Our
schools can and should promote both kinds of understanding by way of a balanced approach.

65. “The rise of multinational corporations is leading to global homogeneity*. Because people everywhere are
beginning to want the same products and services, regional differences are rapidly disappearing.”
* homogeneity: sameness, similarity
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view
with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. The so-called cultural innovation does exists. Let's take KFC as an example. Its standard design, decoration
and food supplied in every chain all around the world influence people consume its product and service.
2. However, to say the multinational corporations do no good to promote and improve the unique culture of the
nations where their branches are located is very imprudent.
3. Ideally, the multinational corporations should incorporate the culture of the target country's cultrue with the
corporate culture and the culture it belongs to.

1, 首先,前提是错误的。因为各地差异不同,所以全球化的大公司,想在所有地方都提供一样的产
品服务是不现实的。empirical evidence: 很多成功的大企业,往往是那些充分认识到不同,从
而采用不同的策略的。不能保持完全一致的策略,let alone 更不用说完全一样的产品和服务。比
如:KFC 等 fast food,在中国都针对口味偏好开发了很多新产品。
2, Moreover, 地区差异不会消失,有更深层次的原因 on much deeper level。第一,文化的差异,
信仰的不同,很难靠产品和服务改变。比如,即使使用最先进的日本 Panasonic 产的电视,美国
人用来传播 transmit democratic principles, while 中国人可能用来 publicize the thoughts
of Mao, or Confucius… 第二,习俗的差异, custom 。比如,尽管很多年轻人在中国开始
celebrate the Valentine’s Day, 但 是 在 所 有 中 国 人 心 中 , 最 重 要 的 节 日 仍 然 是 Spring

Optional words:
Homogeneity/ homogeneous/ homogenize/
Difference/ divergence/ deviation/ variance/ disagreement/ conflict
Thesis sentence:
View1: the development of multinational corporations does enhance global unity by bringing the
same methods of business administration as well as products and services throughout the world.
Evidence: western fast food bring by global chain express such us McDonald’sand KFC have
change our diet habits a lot
View2: however, the effect of multinational corporations is far from eliminating regional deference.
The corporations itself is blend in the regional features.
Evidence: Lay’s, one of the most successful multinational food manufacturers, add some flavor of
traditional Asian dishes to its potato chips in order to attract foreign customers.

Although global homogeneity in a broader sense may not be as inexorable as the speaker here suggests, I agree
that multinational corporations are indeed creating global sameness in consumer preferences. This homogeneity is
manifested in two concurrent megatrends: (1) the embracing of American popular culture throughout the world,
and (2) a synthesis of cultures, as reflected in consumer preferences.

The first trend is toward Americanization of popular culture throughout the world. In food and fashion, once a
nation’s denizens “fall into the Gap” or get a taste of a Coke or Big Mac, their preferences are forever
Westernized. The ubiquitous Nike “swoosh,” which nearly every soccer player in the world will soon don,
epitomizes this phenomenon. In media, the cultural agendas of giants such as Time-Warner now drive the world’s
entertainment preferences. The Rolling Stones and the stars of America’s prime-time television shows are
revered among young people worldwide, while Mozart’s music, Shakespeare’s prose, and Ghandi’s ideology are
largely ignored.

A second megatrend is toward a synthesis of cultures into a homogenous stew. The popularity of “world music” and
of the “New Age” health care and leisure-time activities aptly illustrate this blending of Eastern, Western and
third-world cultures. Perhaps nowhere is the cultural-stew paradigm more striking, and more bland (blander), than
at the international “food courts” now featured in malls throughout the developed world.

These trends appear inexorable. Counter-attacks, such as Ebonies, rap music, and bilingual education, promote the
distinct culture of minority groups, but not of nations. Further homogenization of consumer preferences is all but
ensured by failing trade barriers, coupled with the global billboard that satellite communications and the Internet

In sum, American multinationals have indeed instigated a homogeneous global, yet American-style, consumerism—
one which in all likelihood will grow in extent along with free-market capitalism and global connectivity.

66. “Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe. If a product
injures someone, for whatever reason, the manufacturer should be held legally and
financially accountable for the injury.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support
your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or


1. Manufactures are resposible for providing the consumers with safe and reliable products and they are also
responsible for supplying clear and detailed instrctions. That is the basic requirement for a qualified
2. To satisfy the need of the consumers for convenient and user-friendly product will benefit the manufacture at
the same time. Because during the process in pursue of the consumers' satisfaction the manufactures have to
make innovations and a lot of P&D, which will enhance the manufactures and make them competetive in the
rival with others.
3. However, if the manufacture has already done well to provide excellent and safe product plus clear and
detailed instructions and it is the consumers' misconduct that should be blamed for the incidence, then the
manufacture is not responsible for the injury.

View1: safe is one of the most important features of products

View2: the extremely strict standard of safe liability is costly and unfair to the manufacturers.
Evidence: this standard force manufactures to do excessive safety testing, and defending liability law suits,
Consumers are then damaged by ultimately bearing these costs in the form of higher prices.
nothing can be absolutely safe if used inappropriately. while manufacturers have given clear guide on how to keep
and use their product, it is still impossible for manufactures to ensure their products being under proper use. More
over, a large number of victims are not direct customers but second-hand users, who can not receive all
instructions and guidance.

In determining whether manufacturers should be accountable for all injuries resulting from the use of their
products, one must weigh the interests of consumers against those of manufacturers. On balance, holding
manufacturers strictly liable for such injuries is unjustifiable.

Admittedly, protecting consumers from defective and dangerous products is an important and worthwhile goal. No
doubt nearly all of us would agree that health and safety should rank highly as an objective of public policy. Also,
compelling a high level of safety forces manufacturers to become more innovative in design, use of materials, and
so forth. Consumers and manufacturers alike benefit, of course, from innovation.

However, the arguments against a strict-liability standard are more compelling. First, the standard is costly. It
forces manufacturers to incur undue expenses for overbuilding, excessive safety testing, and defending liability
law suits. Consumers are then damaged by ultimately bearing these costs in the form of higher prices. Second, the
standard can be unfair. It can assign fault to the wrong party; where a product is distributed through a
wholesaler and/or retailer, one of these parties may have actually caused, or at least contributed to, the injury.
The standard can also misplace fault where the injured party is not the original consumer. Manufacturers cannot
ensure that second-hand users receive safe products or adequate instructions and warnings. Finally, where the
injured consumer uses the product for a purpose or in a manner other than the intended one, or where there were
patent dangers that the user should have been aware of, it seems the user, not the manufacturer, should assume
the risk of injury.

In sum, despite compelling interests in consumer safety and product innovation, holding manufacturers
accountable for all injuries caused by their products is unjustifiably costly to society and unfair to manufacturers.

68. “Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the
employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.”

1. brings creativity and coziness
2. makes colleagues more closely and companionate
3. Admittedly, some companies such as consulting/consultant? company must avoid too much decoration.
However, no matter the employee or the employer, as for the environment is considered, compromise should
be made from time to time.

View1:work character have great influence on the design of workplace.

Evidence: consulting company must avoid too much decoration in order to appear professionally and dependably.
To some creative work such as AD agency and fashion design, the decorating of workplace is important not only
for simulating inspirations but also for showing creative abilities.
View2: also, the designment of workplace should be compromise to company culture.
Evidence: Consider the influence it has done to co-workers and the harmony in work place.

I agree that physical workspace can affect morale and productivity and that, as a result, employees should have a
significant voice in how their work areas are designed. However, the speaker suggests that each employee should
have full autonomy over his or her immediate workspace, I think this view is too extreme, for it ignores two
important problems that allowing too much freedom over workspace can create.

On the one hand, I agree that some aspects of workspace design are best left to the individual preferences of
each worker. Location of personal tools and materials, style and size of desk chair, and even desk lighting and
decorative desk items, can each play an important role in a worker’s comfort, psychological wellbeing,
concentration, and efficiency. Moreover, these features involve highly subjective preferences, so it would be
inappropriate for anyone but the worker to make such choices.

On the other hand, control over one’s immediate workspace should not go unchecked, for two reasons. First, one
employee’s workspace design may inconvenience, annoy, or even offend nearby coworkers. For example,
pornographic pinups may distract some coworkers and offend others, thereby impeding productivity, fostering ill-
will and resentment, and increasing attrition—all to the detriment of the company. Admittedly, the consequences
of most workspace choices would not be so far-reaching. Still, in my observation many people adhere, consciously
or not, to the adage that one person’s rights extend only so far as the next person’s nose. A second problem with
affording too much workspace autonomy occurs when workspaces are not clearly delineated—by walls and doors—
or when workers share an immediate workspace. In such cases, giving all workers concurrent authority would
perpetuate conflict and undermine productivity.

In conclusion, although employees should have the freedom to arrange their work areas, this freedom is not
absolute. Managers would be well-advised to arbitrate workspace disputes and, if needed, assume authority to
make final decisions about workspace design.

75. “There are essentially two forces that motivate people: self-interest and fear.”

Self-interest an fear are two important forces that motivate people. But I can not totally agree with the author's
assertion that the above-mentioned two forces are the only forces that motivate people.
1. Fear and other survival instinctions can motivate people to do some basic and essential activities such as
eating, drinking, living with others, and so on so forth.
2. Self interest is the initiative for people to do some further explortions. That is the motivation for us to study,
to hold a certain type of expertise or technology, etc.
3. However, the author ignore the other aspect of mankind other than the selfish nature--altruism.

1. 不能否认的是,人们做很多行为都出自这两种天性。 a, 人们努力工作,为了赚足够的钱养活自己,
support the family , 人 们 接 受 education and training to make sure that he or she can
grasp the up to date knowledge and skills for the purpose to avoid being supplanted by
others. 因为恐惧。b, 人们遵守社会规范,有时也是为了赢得 reputation。
2. 但是,如果说人的一切行为都 root in these only two factors, 这就过于 one-sided 的说法。忽略
了 other aspects of the natural humanity 。 比 如 人 性 中 的 很 多 美 德 , 都 表 现 了 人 们 克 服 了
selfishness and fear 取得的成就。a, 科学家为了 address the problem of starvation, 花一生的
精 力 去 研 究 the better rice breed. b, anonymous charitarian donate huge amount of
money to the school and hospital…people can hardly be persuaded to believe that the
anonymous charitarian doing so are only motivated by the intention of gaining
3. 过 于 片 面 。

Optional words:
Motivate/ provoke/ stimulate/ excite/ prompt/ arouse/ encourage/ incite/ inspire
Fear/dread/ alarm/ terror/ scare
Thesis sentence: While self-interest and fear are two important forces that motivate people, they are not the
only forces that motivate people. the speaker oversimplifies human nature, ignoring the important motivating
force of altruism.
View1: On the one hand, I agree that most of our actions result in large part from self-
interest and from our survival instincts, such as fear.
Evidence: educational and vocational lives are motivated by interest in ensuring our livelihood, safety, health
and so on.
View2: On the other hand, the assertion that all of our actions are essentially motivated by self-interest and fear
is based on the belief that human beings are essentially selfish, or egoistic. Thus, overemphasize one aspect of
human nature. Humans are also altruistic—that is, we act to benefit others, even though doing so may not in be in
our own interest.

The speaker claims that people are motivated only by fear and self-interest. This claim relies on the belief that
human beings are essentially selfish, or egoistic. In my view, the speaker oversimplifies human nature, ignoring the
important motivating force of altruism.

On the one hand, I agree that most of our actions result in large part from self-interest and from our survival
instincts, such as fear. For example, our educational and vocational lives are to a great extent motivated by our
interest in ensuring our own livelihood, safety, health, and so on. We might perpetuate bad personal relationships
because we are insecure—or afraid—of what will happen to us if we change course. Even providing for our own
children may to some extent be motivated by selfishness—satisfying a need for fulfillment or easing our fear that
we will be alone in our old age.

On the other hand, to assert that all of our actions are essentially motivated by self-interest and fear is to
overemphasize one aspect of human nature. Humans are also altruistic—that is, we act to benefit others, even
though doing so may not be in our own interest. The speaker might claim that altruistic acts are just egoistic ones
in disguise—done to avoid unpleasant feelings of guilt, to give oneself pleasure, or to obligate another person.
However, this counter argument suffers from three critical problems. First, some examples of altruism are
difficult to describe in terms of self-interest alone. Consider the soldier who falls on a grenade to save his
companions. It would be nonsensical to assert that this soldier is acting selfishly when he knows his action will
certainly result in his own immediate death. Second, the argument offends our intuition that human motivation is
far more complex. Third, it relies on a poor assumption; just because we feel good about helping others, it does
not follow that the only reason we help is in order to feel good.

In sum, the speaker oversimplifies human nature. All human motivation cannot be reduced to fear and self-
interest. We can also be motivated by altruism, and the pleasure we might take in helping others is not necessarily
an indication that our actions are selfish.

81. “No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or ‘get rich’ in business by
conforming to conventional practices or ways of thinking.”

“没有人能在遵循传统的实践和思维方式的情况下达到任何真正的持久的成功或在做生意中‘变富’(get rich)。”
1. A conformist can achieve any real success especially lasting success. Real and lasting success needs
innovation and hard work. Just to conform does not make any sense. Through imitating others, one can only
become an artisan-painter rather than an artist; without any innovation, a scientific worker can never be
acknowledged as a scientist.
2. Likewise, no one can "get rich" in business merely conform to the existing practices.
3. However, what I mentioned above does not mean that conventions have no value at all. We should not only
know the conventions but also have a deep insight of it, thus getting the information of the domain that
indicates what kind of innovation can be made and how make.

1,Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for
every new social situation. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president)
2, Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday's answers are inadequate for
today's problems ----just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of
tomorrow. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president) 
以上是两个很有用的名言!都是 Franklin Roosevelt:As President Franklin Roosevelt said, “…”
1, 的确在很多情况下,merely!!遵循旧的方法,很难保持 long-lasting success。在很多 consumer-driven
industries, 顾 客 们 追 求 innovative and different products 。 比 如 , 一 个 it is ridiculous for a abacus
manufactory cannot compete with the calculator factory by producing better abaci. 必须创新,才能 keep up
with the development of the market.
2, 但是在有一些为了 financial achievement 的一些 business principles. 比方说,a, 追求 efficiency, 降低 cost
是永恒的需要——所以要追求新技术,创造不同的产品; b, 比如保持企业的 reputation,吸引充足的
consumer. ——制造质量好的产品。 c, 企业作为社会的一分子,不能单纯地追求利益最大化,也应该
carry some responsibility for the whole community。

Thesis sentence: Whether a conformist can achieve lasting success or "get rich" in business depends primarily on
the type of business involved. Iconoclasts rise to the top in newer industries and in those where consumer demand
is in constant flux. Conformists ultimately prevail, however, in traditional service industries ensconced in systems
and regulations.
View1: In consumer-driven industries, innovation, product differentiation, and creativity are crucial to lasting
Evidence: retail and media sectors. And in technology, companies that fail to break away from last year's
paradigm are soon left behind by the competition.

View2: However, in traditional service industries—such as finance, accounting, insurance, legal services, and
health care—lasting success and riches come not to nonconformists but rather to those who can deliver services
most effectively within the confines of established practices, policies, and regulations.
Evidence: CitiBank gain high reputation for its insistence in comprehensively considerate services

Whether a conformist can achieve lasting success or “get rich” in business depends primarily on the type of
business involved. Iconoclasts rise to the top in newer industries and in those where consumer demand is in
constant flux. Conformists ultimately prevail, however, in traditional service industries ensconced in systems and

In consumer-driven industries, innovation, product differentiation, and creativity are crucial to lasting success, in
the retail and media sectors, for example, unconventional products and advertising are necessary to catch the
attention of consumers and to keep up with the vagaries of consumer tastes. Those who take an iconoclastic
approach tend to recognize emerging trends and to rise above their peers. For example, Ted Turner’s departure
from the traditional format of the other television networks, and the responsiveness of to
burgeoning Internet commerce, propelled these two giants to leadership positions in their industries. And in
technology, where there are no conventional practices or ways of thinking to begin with, companies that fail to
break away from last year’s paradigm are soon left behind by the competition.
However, in traditional service industries—such as finance, accounting, insurance, legal services, and health care—
lasting success and riches come not to nonconformists but rather to those who can deliver services most
effectively within the confines of established practices, policies, and regulations. Of course, a clever idea for
structuring a deal, or a creative legal maneuver, may play a role in winning smaller battles along the way. But such
tactics are those of conformists who are playing by the same ground rules as their peers; winners are just better
at the game.

In conclusion, while non-conformists tend to be the wildly successful players in technology-driven and consumer-
driven industries, traditionalists are the winners in system-driven industries pervaded by policy, regulation, and

87. “As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs.
The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual
worker, not to government or to business.”


1, The government should be responsible for the adjustment of the workers. If all the citizens should be
responsible for themselves, there is no use for the government to exist.
2, The government should also force the business to involve in the project. Because the government itself is
incapable of doing so without concrete knowledge of each certain industry. In the long run, doing so will also
benefit the business.
3, Admittedly, the workers should not rely on others to help them to adjust to varying situations. They
themselves should adapt their skills and knowledge to the change of the industry and of the society.

job obsolescence assume some of the responsibility

1, 个人确实应该首先 take the chief responsibility of their job obsolescence. 因为对自己的生活负责的人,首
先是自己。现在的社会也提供了机会:很多学校提供短期的培训,人们可以参加保持自己 keep up with
the changes of the technologies and new direction of businesses。第二,只有个人采取主动,才能从根本上
解决问题。否则 merely rely on the help coming from government or business ,人们会变得消极 become
passive and lose enterprise. 长期以来,对整个社会都有 negative impact on the further development of one
2, 但是,这不是说企业不应该负责。after all, 是企业作出了创新和改变,并且造成了这些改变——并且造
成 了 job obsolescence 。 应 该 为 这 些 负 责 任 。 比 如 , 为 员 工 提 供 opportunity of training for the new
technique…,这样也可以节约重新培训 totally new employee 的 cost。
3, Moreover, 政府也应该采取一些行动。政府作为一个社会的管理者 supervisor ,有责任保证全社会的
well being. 应该帮助个人完成适应 adjustment. 可以通过提供一些 insurance for unemployment, advice for
the occupational choice, necessary information of the new trend of business…

Thesis sentence: While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both
industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so
View1: l agree that individuals must assume primary responsibility for adjusting to job obsolescence, especially
since our educational system has been preparing us for it
View2: However, industry should bear some of the responsibility as well. It is industry, after all, that determines
the particular directions technological progress and subsequent social change will take. Moreover in the long run,
doing so will also benefit the business.
View3: Government should also assume some of the responsibility, since it is partly government money that
fuels technological progress in industry. Moreover, government should help because it can help—for example, by
ensuring that grants and federally insured student loans are available to those who must retool in order to find new
work. Government can also help by observing and recording trends in worker displacement and in job
opportunities, and by providing this information to individuals so that they can make prudent decisions about their
own further education and job searches.

As technology and changing social needs render more and more jobs obsolete, who is responsible for helping
displaced workers adjust? While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work,
both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so.

l agree that individuals must assume primary responsibility for adjusting to job obsolescence, especially since our
educational system has been preparing us for it. For decades, our schools have been counseling young people to
expect and prepare for numerous major career changes during their lives. And concerned educators have
recognized and responded to this eventuality with a broader base of practical and theoretical coursework that
affords students the flexibility to move from one career to another.

However, industry should bear some of the responsibility as well. It is industry, after all, that determines the
particular directions technological progress and subsequent social change will take. And since industry is mainly
responsible for worker displacement, it has a duty to help displaced workers adjust—through such means as on-
site training programs and stipends for further education.

Government should also assume some of the responsibility, since it is partly government money that fuels
technological progress in industry. Moreover, government should help because it can help—for example, by
ensuring that grants and federally insured student loans are available to those who must retool in order to find
new work. Government can also help by observing and recording trends in worker displacement and in job
opportunities, and by providing this information to individuals so that they can make prudent decisions about their
own further education and job searches.

In conclusion, while individuals should be prepared for future job changes, both government and industry shoulder
obligations to provide training programs, funding and information that will help displaced workers successfully
retool and find new employment.

100. “If a nation is to ensure its own economic success, it must maintain a highly competitive
educational system in which students compete among themselves and against students
from other countries.”


1, advantage: make students better prepared for the future competition, etc.
2, disadvantages:very pressure and stressful
3, a refined educational system is preferred

View1: education play a very important part in determine a nation’s economic success.
Employees, government regulation strategies, corporate management level, technology—competitive power of
View2: as the development of open market and global economy, education is also required to face international
Although sometimes competition might produce desired results such as efficiency and productivity, I still believe
that our national economic success will be better promoted by an educational system that encourages cooperative
learning among students, and with students from other countries.

being competitive fixes our focus externally, on marking and beating the progress of others with whom we
compete. Such external motivation can direct our attention away from creative solutions to our problems, and
away from important human values like cooperation and fair play. Indeed, a highly competitive environment can
foster cheating and ruthless back-stabbing within an organization, and ill-will and mistrust among nations. In the
extreme case, competition between nations becomes war.

I don’t think it is a good idea to design an educational system that focuses mainly on competition. For although a
little competition might produce desired results, in the long run too much competition will be destructive. Instead,
I believe that our national economic success will be better promoted by an educational system that encourages
cooperative learning among students, and with students from other countries.

Granted, competitiveness is an important aspect of human nature. And, properly directed, it can motivate us to
reach higher and produce more, not to mention meet deadlines. But being competitive fixes our focus externally,
on marking and beating the progress of others with whom we compete. Such external motivation can direct our
attention away from creative solutions to our problems, and away from important human values like cooperation
and fair play. Indeed, a highly competitive environment can foster cheating and ruthless back-stabbing within an
organization, and ill-will and mistrust among nations. In the extreme case, competition between nations becomes

On the other hand, an environment of cooperation encourages us to discover our common goals and the best ways
to achieve them. At the national and international levels, our main interests are in economic wellbeing and peace.
In fact, economic success means little without the security of peace. Thus, global peace becomes a powerful
incentive for developing educational models of cooperative learning, and implementing exchange programs and
shared research projects among universities from different countries.

Moreover, research suggests that cooperative settings foster greater creativity and productivity than
competitive ones. This has been shown to be the case both in institutions of higher learning and in business
organizations. If true, it seems reasonable to argue that national economic success would be similarly tied to
cooperative rather than competitive effort.
In conclusion, competition can provide an effective stimulus to achievement and reward. Even so, I believe it would
be unwise to make competition the centerpiece of our educational system. We stand to reap greater benefits,
including economic ones, by encouraging cooperative learning.

106. “All archeological treasures should remain in the country in which they were originally discovered.
These works should not be exported, even if museums in other parts of the world are better able to
preserve and display them.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views
with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1, 对该国的尊重也可以让人更好的理解这些文物因为有相应的文化背景
2, 如果没有能力保护的时候应该另想办法
3, 要有完善的体系支撑上述思想,最终目的是更好的保护文物让全人类受益

View1: generally speaking, original countries is best place to preserve and display their antique treasures.
Evidence: cultural recognition, historical integrity , show respect to the original counties. Examples: It’s a great
shame and pity for all Chinese to see our antique treasures, which originally belonged to the palace of Qing
dynasty and be robbed during the First World War, displaying in the Great British museum.
View2: However, under some circumstance, it could be better to transport the antiques to other places for better
Evidence: war, the authority ignore the value of certain antiques or lack the ability to properly preserve it: skills,
But when condition permitting, the treasures should be returned to their mother country.

Whether archaeological treasures should remain in the countries where they are found is a complex and
controversial issue. I sympathize with the view that antiquities should remain in the country of their discovery.
But given real-word considerations, it is sometimes best to place archaeological treasures wherever they will be
safe and well-preserved.

Recent antiquities laws throughout the world reflect my point of view that the ancient treasures of a place should
remain there. It seems outrageous that Greeks or Egyptians must visit the British Museum to see the best
remnants of their distant past; and this link is grounds for a vague but justified claim to ownership.

However, cultural ownership is only one consideration. Historically, ancient treasures have been most interesting
to two groups: scholars and robbers. Admittedly, the two are sometimes indistinguishable, as when Schliemann
stole out of Turkey with an immense trove of what he mistakenly thought was King Priam’s treasure. Schliemann
eventually placed his collection in the relatively safe hands of national museums, where it took the vicissitudes of
war to destroy part of it. But none of Schliemann’s find would be available to the Turkish people or the world if
plunderers had got there first.
Often, the plunderers do get there first. When Carter found the tomb of Tutankhamen, tomb-robbers, largely
Egyptian, had carried off the treasures from bombs of other pharaohs. The fact that the world, including the
Egyptians, have the exhaustively cataloged and well-preserved wonders of the Tutanhkamen find is owing to
Carter and his associates. This, then, becomes the only argument for exporting ancient treasures to safer
locations: it is a lesser evil than not having the treasures at all.

In sum, it is usually best to leave archaeological treasures within the country of their discovery. Even so, it is
sometimes necessary to relocate them. This, however, leaves open two important and related issues: which
specific situations justify relocation; and, whether there is ever an obligation to restore collections to the
country where they were found.

107. “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their
simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but
contributes to the whole.”

1, 每个员工都目标明确因此更有效率
2, 缺乏全局观念也可能出现协调上的困难
3, 好的 leader 好的分配是前提和保证

case by case.
1,有些庞大的工程 big and complex project ,需要人们把工作细分, a, 单独的人没有力量完成,会
take much more time,团队之间合作更有利于完成整个任务。b, 每个人可以做自己最擅长的工作。
each member can choose the part that she or he are good at. 这样就整体上 eliminate the
total amount of time to complete the whole task.
2, 但很多工作不适合仅仅 literally divide 拆分。在要求连贯的 coherent reasoning. 各个部分之间
close related. 所以,第一,需要整个小组的人进行有效的 communication,第二,需要对团队整
个 collective goal 的 adequate comprehension,第三,保证这两条的必要条件 prerequisite to
meet the two needs is 团 队 合 理 的 人 数 , 不 能 过 多 , 也 不 能 过 少 。 第 四 , 要 有 一 个 team
leader ,负责指挥和协调工作 provide effective guide and lead the team to adhere to the
collective goal (common purpose).
phrases: fragment work into small units; Distinct divisions of labor; stifle creativity; undermine self-motivation
and pride in one’s work; collaboration=cooperation;

Of course, unproductive employees can be replaced. But replacement is costly; and high employee turnover is bad
for organizational morale.-----用在对员工缺乏效率时的补充,很有用!!

View1: work division and assignment is an efficient way to get things done. However, merely dividing work
among workers can not assure the final accomplishment of the task.
Evidence: fragmenting work into small units leads to employee alienation, Those responsible for only a detailed
component of a project can easily lose sight of larger organizational goals and their own importance in achieving
them. then become less committed to their work, and less productive. In addition, the lack of overall conception
may lead to adjusting difficulties. Moreover, Compartmentalizing tasks can stifle cooperation.
View2: However, team work is not to simply add one component to another, but to organically conform all
components together.

The stated opinion is that the most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into
their simpler component parts. This strategy is probably cost-effective in many situations. However, I think that
it works against important organizational values over time.

Distinct divisions of labor are efficient for a number of reasons. First of all, workers with few highly specific
skills are usually cheaper to hire than those with broader education and experience. Secondly, it is less expensive
to train employees in narrow areas. Finally, strict compartmentalization of tasks makes it easier for managers to
control employees, and, therefore, to control and increase productivity. But however profitable this strategy
might be in the short run, it can ultimately work against the organization.

To begin with, fragmenting work into small units leads to employee alienation. Those responsible for only a
detailed component of a project can easily lose sight of larger organizational goals and their own importance in
achieving them. Research indicates that they then become less committed to their work, and less productive. Of
course, unproductive employees can be replaced. But replacement is costly; and high employee turnover is bad for
organizational morale.

In addition, compartmentalizing tasks can stifle creativity, as well as undermine self-motivation and pride in one’s
work. With little collaboration or even communication between discrete work units, larger creative insights are
lost. And, cooperative efforts usually foster a series of common purpose and pride in accomplishment.

Of course, diversifying jobs and increasing worker participation in larger projects could lead to lower productivity.
But the experience of large manufacturing corporations like General Motors shows just the opposite. When GM
facilities implemented these and other strategies to improve work-place quality, they reported that productivity

In conclusion, I believe that organizing work into discrete tasks will compromise important organizational values
like creativity, self-motivation, commitment and pride in accomplishment. So, although there are times when small
divisions of labor will be necessary, generally work should be diversified, and workers should have greater
involvement in projects overall.

110. “All personnel evaluations at a company should be multi-directional — that is, people at every level of the
organization should review not only those working ‘under’ them but also those working ‘over’ them.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your
views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1, 只有上对下容易产生腐败和上层的官僚主义 bureaucratism
2, 过程会耗时和繁杂
3, 设计一种好的高效的评价体系

The speaker asserts that employees at all levels in an organization should review one another, including those
working “over” them as well as “under” them. I agree in part. Often companies will conduct two different kinds of
periodic review, one to justify decisions regarding promotion and pay, and another to increase overall efficiency
by assessing employee performance. Multi-directional evaluation should never be part of the first kind of review;
however, it can be valuable in the second kind and, therefore, should be used there.

On the one hand, lower-level employees have too much organizational power if their evaluations are used in
decisions about the pay or promotions of their superiors. Employees can intimidate superiors with the threat of
bad review. Also employees can use the review process to retaliate against those at higher levels. In either case,
the authority of a manager or an executive can be seriously compromised, and productivity is lost in the process.

On the other hand, the most revealing criticisms of a superior’s style often come from those subject to it. In a
process of review that isn’t connected to promotion or pay, employees at all levels can be more comfortable and
forthright about sharing concerns. In turn, every employee is more likely to get accurate feedback, including
constructive criticism, that will help each nurture strengths and improve areas of weakness. In this way (adv. 这
样), multi-directional evaluation can greatly enhance organizational efficiency.

Furthermore, multi-directional evaluation in this context helps prevent worker alienation and subsequent lowered
productivity. Widening the performance review process will very likely foster a greater sense of personal
involvement in one’s work, especially among lower-level employees. Recent studies have shown that people who feel
more invested in their jobs tend to work more cooperatively and productively.

In conclusion, there is an important role for multi-directional personnel evaluation in the workplace. While it should be clearly
separate from issues of promotion and pay, as part of the performance review process it can encourage better employee relations and
higher productivity.

111. “The most effective business leaders are those who maintain the highest ethical standards.”

1,支持者会认为, 高道德会赢得 reputation and trust; 第一, 高道德生产高质量的产品以及 service,
顾客稳定 stable share of the market; 第二 , 高道德会让员工满意度提高 ( 公平,平等 ). 从而
attract those applicants with high ability and keep the employees loyal to the
company---最终导致高的 productivity.
例子:Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutic companies in the world, announced that the company would
cease production of one of its major products, because of the hazardous ingredients it contained. By
doing so, the company suffers great loss on profitability, but gains strong public support and
understanding, which can contribute to the long-term success of the company.
2, 但在更多的情况下, 高道德也许不 equal to maximal profit. 比如,a, 如果把道德放在第一位的话,企
业 的 executive 很 可 能 无 法 执 行 裁 员 活 动 complete the normal administration, such as
raising the price, reducing the superabundant staff… b, 高道德的话,很可能采用最高标准
的 环 保 生 产 — — 这 样 很 不 是 cost-effective. 总 之 , Following such undue concern about
ethics, the company may find it impossible to survive in the radical competitive market,
let alone to gain large profit.

View1: the definition of highest standards of ethics vary from person to person and time to time. Therefore, it is
impractical to find and then stick to the highest standards of ethics. At some circumstance, violation of ethics may
generate immediate efficiency and productivity. Examples: ??
View2: the regulations and laws of authorities are more feasible and suitable standards to follow.
View3: while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of eliminating the ill actions, we
can count on the authorities to speed up the process of refining the laws and regulations.

The assertion at issue is that business people who uphold the highest ethical standards are the most effective
leader. I strongly agree with this statement. For a while, unethical behavior might seem effective. But a few
examples from the investment banking industry keenly illustrate how dishonesty and corruption in leadership can
bring a business to its knees, shattering the trust of its employees and ruining its reputation with clients.

Consider the cases of Michael Milken, former head of junk bond trading at Drexel Burnham Lambert, and Paul
Mozer, formerly in charge of Salomon Brothers’ government bonds trading. Each of these men engaged in double-
dealing and other illegal acts, reaping tremendous profits for their companies, and winning the admiration of
subordinates and superiors alike. However, their successes were relatively short-lived. Securities Exchange
Commission (SEC) investigations in each case revealed massive wrongdoing. As a result, Drexel went out of
business. And Salomon Brothers barely recovered, after suffering the forced resignations of its top executives, a
financially devastating loss of reputation, and the exodus of many valued employees.

Moreover, Salomon’s survival is probably owing entirely to its subsequent leadership under Warren Buffett.
Buffett, who was on the Salomon Brother board of directors at the time of the scandal, was brought in to save
the beleaguered company. His success in keeping it afloat at all can be directly tied to his sterling ethical
reputation in the international business community at the time. Buffett’s reputation restored at least some lost
confidence among clients and investors, and probably prompted some employees to reconsider their decisions to
leave the company.

While not every case of unethical leadership is quite so public or devastating as these, they do illustrate an
important point. In any business, once corruption at the top becomes known, the predictable outcome will be
damaged reputation, lower worker morale, and, along with them, lost productivity.

In conclusion, unethical conduct at the leadership level in a company might go unnoticed and serve one’s interests
in the short-term. However, in the long run it will work against one’s effectiveness and may even prove ruinous.

112. “The overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time
because of recent advancements in such areas as business and technology.”

1, 物质生活更丰富,生活更便利,不受天灾威胁
2, 节奏太快,远离自然
3, 进步是双刃剑要好好利用 double-edged sword

1. progress in technology and business 确实给人们的生活带来了 considerable improvement.

a, in the material life , 提 供 了 unprecedented diversity of service and
products 。 supermarket : hundreds and thousands of products for people to choose ;
——三月份就可以吃到新鲜的草莓 fresh strawberry b, 方便。高效率 in the convenience of our own
homes :得到信息在网上,订餐 order a dinner via internet ; c, 人们的健康状况更好了,很多
2. 但是,也不是说全都是好处,同时也有消极的影响。比如 a, 人们 spend more time on television and
internet, 忽略了 overlook the necessary communication in the family。造成了 alienation between the family
members. b, 再比如,fast communication on-line 剥夺了人们深入思考的可能。deprive people of deep and
comprehensive thinking.
3. 使人们更加忙碌,疲劳。a, 人们的效率提高了,却被要求做更多的事了,实际上,人们更加忙碌了。
比如 the invention of laptops provide the possibility for people to continue their work after they leave the
company. even on holiday. b, 新 技 术 发 展 很 快 , demand changes every day. 这 样 accelerate the job
obsolescence。造成人们 suffer more pressure and anxiety.

The stated opinion is that recent advancements in business and technology have made overall quality of life better
than ever. I disagree somewhat with the speaker’s viewpoint. For although such advancements have improved our
lives in many respects, they have also diminished our quality of life in other ways.

Clearly, progress in business and technology has produced many benefits. For example, we can research problems
and their solutions in minutes on the Internet; productivity is at an all-time high. And we can get more done in less
time, leaving more time for hobbies, entertainment or other leisure activities. We can even mix a little work into
our leisure time, by taking our laptops and cell phones on vacation. This way, we can stay one step ahead on
projects at work, anticipating deadlines and staying in touch with co-workers and important clients.

In addition, leisure time has itself been enhanced by business and technology. Never before have we had so many
spectacular diversions available, or so many leisure- and entertainment-related businesses vying for our attention.
Moreover, we can obtain everything form airline tickets to a language course and holiday wardrobe via the
Internet, in the convenience of our own homes.

Nevertheless, advances in business and technology have compromised our quality of life as well. For all the
wonders of computers, they have spawned their own special illnesses and ailments, like severe eyestrain, back and
neck problems, and carpal tunnel syndrome. And though we now have a world of information available in a
keystroke, some of this information—like pornography, hate group diatribes and bomb-building instructions—are
harming our society, especially our children. Even apparently harmless material, like direct mail advertising and
telephone soliciting, is endlessly annoying. Finally, family life is sometimes a casualty of all this progress, with
parents and children spending more time transfixed before their computer monitors and less time together.

In conclusion, advances in business and technology are a mixed blessing. For while we enjoy many benefits of this
so-called progress, in many ways it has changed our lives for the worse.
115. “Technology ultimately separates and alienates people more than it serves to bring them together.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position
with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1. 不能交流的可以交流了,不容易交流的变得容易拉
2. 增进交流也就加强了理解使得交流有更深的层次
3. 当然有些工具的产生确实也使得交流变得肤浅但是综合来看不支持作者的观点

I believe there is some truth to the speaker’s claim that technology separates and alienates people. However,
there is certainly at least as much evidence that technology serves best to bring people together.

The most obvious way that technology separates and alienates people from one another is symbolized by the
computer nerd sitting glazed-eyed before his computer screen in a basement, attic, bedroom, or office cubicle.
While this scene is a caricature, of course, it’s true that practically everybody who uses email or surfs the
Internet does so alone, with only his or her computer for company. And, to the extent that computer use
increases the amount of time we collectively spend in solitary activities, it increases the amount of time we spend
separated from our fellow humans.

On the other hand, technology has been a wonderful aid in bringing people together, or, in many cases, back
together. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have become connected with quite a number of people via email
with whom I might never have spoken otherwise. These include old friends with whom I had fallen out of the habit
of writing regular letters but with whom I now correspond regularly because of the ease with which email can be
sent and delivered.

A second way in which the new technology has brought people together is by allowing individuals who have common
interests to make contact with one another. It is possible to find people who share one’s interest in nearly
anything, from aardvarks to zippers. Such contacts may be ephemeral, but they can be a great source of
information and amusement as well. I would hazard a guess that for each person who sits neurotically at home,
eschewing personal contacts with others in favor of an exclusive relationship with his computer, there are
hundreds of others who have parleyed their email capacity and their access to the Web into a continuous
succession of new acquaintances.

In sum, it seems clear to me that technology has done more to bring people together than to isolate them.

缺 117,129, 130, 131, 132,A12

117. “A government should provide funding for the arts, but only for those artistic works that reflect the
values and attitudes of the majority of the population.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views
with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. If let the market operates solely can let the efficiency be achieved, it is meaningless for the
government to exist. The reason that the government should be established is that there are
externalities, either positive or negative. For those phenomena that can cause negative externalities
such as the pollution from the chemical factories, the government should do something to eliminate
or at least reduce them. For the positive counterparts such as art, the government should do its best
to support them, no matter provide funding or something else.
2. However, I can not agree with the second half of the author's idea. As far as I am concerned, the
government should support all kinds of art. The function of the government is to best serve the
public's interest. Each kind of art has its own appreciators who will get pleasure from it.
3. Moreover, the diversity of culture is also a reason that the government should consider that will be in
favor of the support of all kinds of art rather than the support of the ones represent the values and
attitudes of the majority population.

129. “Instead of relying on the advice of outside experts, organizations should place greater value on the advice
that can come only from their own highly experienced employees.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with
reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1, 公司内部员工的意见非常重要:首先,公司内部员工更有动力关心公司的情况,从而更加主动积
可能有很多原因,比如技术、比如员工 morale,比如组织的管理。这些由外部的专家来研究可能
2, 但是,外部的专家也有不能忽视的优势。首先,更加专业,可以提供 professional advice。第二,
外 部 的 人 可 以 更 加 客 观 地 衡 量 一 个 企 业 的 经 营 情 况 operating condition 。 from a more
objective sight. 第 三 , 外 部 的 人 可 以 看 到 全 面 的 公 司 , 从 而 给 出 综 合 的 意 见 integrated
opinion about the whole company.
3, 需 要 结 合 在 一 起 。 比 如 外 部 的 人 员 充 分 地 听 取 内 部 的 意 见 , 作 为 判 断 的 根 据 base their
judgment on information from the experienced employees.

1. Admittedly, the insiders are more familiar with the detailed routine of the of the company. They are experts
of their own field and they are in charge of the daily activities of the company. All the above-mentioned
factors contribute to their competence to make decisions for the company.
2. However, the outsiders also have their advantages. They can judge the performance of a company from an
objective angle.
3. Moreover, they can overlook a company, thus providing a perspective to analyze the overall situation.

View1: advices from inner highly experienced employees are good resources to improve the performance of the
Evidence: they are familiar with the circumstance therefore can develop exact perception of the problems.
View2: However outside experts have their own advantages in dealing with organizational problems.
But outside experts add a wide spectrum of judgment, outlook, and state-of-the-art experience to problems
confronting organizations.
Conclusion: they are not mutually exclusive alternatives, which one to adopt depend on the specific situations.
130. “When judging the qualifications of potential employees, business employers should rely primarily on
objective information, such as a candidate’s résumé and education. Personal interviews are much too
subjective and are therefore not a valid basis on which to judge a person’s qualifications for a job.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with
reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. objective information such as candidate's resume and education is really very important for judging the
potential employees. This kind of information can serve as the solid evidence to testify a potential employee's
2. Personal interview is too short a period of time to comprehensively reflect a potential employee's overall
qualities. Therefore, personal interview can not be a valid basis on which to judge a person's qualification.
What is more, just as the author points out, the personal interviews to which the interviewees' favor can be
added are much too subjective.
3. However, it is also too imprudent to eliminate the personal interview. In my opinion, personal interview can
supplement the objecive information in judging a potential employee.

1. 客观信息很有用:首先,有很多候选人的情况,客观信息可以很大地帮助企业作出最初的筛选。 the
initial filtration of candidates. 第二,有时客观信息比 interview 更加可信 solid resource of
2. 但是客观信息也不能完全取代 interview 的作用。首先 , 面试时面对面可以看出一个人的性格
character ,公司可以挑选中适合企业要求的 character 。比如广告 advertising 公司,要求创新
creative and originality 能力,大胆,又有些 auditing company,需要严谨 preciseness。这些
特点显然在简历中看不出来。第二,面试时可以通过具体的 task 来让面试中 perform——这样可以
直观地看出他们是否有能力胜任 have enough skill to handle the specific job and then to
take over the job.
3. 应 该 结 合 使 用 , 比 如 用 基 本 资 料 先 choose candidates to attend the interview , 之 后 用
interview 中反映出的信息来决定是否录用.

View1: there are much more information comes from personal interviews other than form objective judgments.
Resume and education background can not demonstrate the capability and character of the candidates thoroughly.
Social ability: cooperate with others
Attitude toward life and work: optimistic or passive, passionate or lazy
Characters: loyalty, honest
View2: employment is a two way choice, interviews give candidates the opportunity to get more information
about the employer and the job requirements.

131. “We can learn more about a society by observing how its people spend their leisure time than by observing
them at work.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with
reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. 1What people do at work indicates the level of the society's civilizition including the how developed the
productivity is, how efficient a society it is, and so on so forth.
2. 2What people do to spend their leisure time reflect the society's civilzition from anthoer perspective. From
the literacy of that society we can interpret the citizens' spirit wolrd; from the sports they do we can tell the
conditions of their bodies, even from the pure entertainment activities of a society, we can also get some
information such as what are the in-things of the society.
3. 3The author's assertion which allege that we can know better of a society from what people do to spend
leisure time than from what people do at work is imprudent and groundless. It is obvious that the author
overestimate the importance of the understanding of what do people do at work in the comprehensive
interpretation of a society.

1. 人们业余生活的方式,可以很大程度地反映一个社会: a, 可以反映人们的生活态度。 一种更加积极

乐 观的 心态 ,会 使人 们更 加活 跃地 energetically participate in various kinds of activities
after work。反之,则不同。b, 具体业余生活的种类,可以帮助人们了解社会的偏好 preference,
比如健身,体现了对健康的关注;比如文学,可以了解社会的精神丰富程度。c, 最后,与谁一起度过
业余生活,更可以反映整个社会人与人之间的亲密程度。to which degree are people correlated
with each other.
2. 但是,也不能忽视工作对社会的反映作用。首先,工作占用最大 the time that people spend on
work amounts to the greatest fraction of total life. 在工作中表现出来的特点,是人们生活的
类可以反映社会对于不同 product and service 的 demand。从另一个角度反映社会的价值取向。
reflect the values of the community from a different sight.
3. 这两个不能分开,要合理地结合在一起,才能 understand one community more accurately
and comprehensively.

View1: leisure time represent the society culture changes, vacation and holiday for different nations.
Evidence: In china, popular songs that express the emotions of lovers as well as pubs and clubs were strictly
forbidden until 1980s, the time that china began its reformation and opening.
View2: leisure time is tied to the economic root of the society.
Evidence: once viewed as noble exercise, golf has become more and more commonplace and available for more
Chinese people.
International tour/ travel abroad
View3: work does not vary too much, but how to spend the leisure time change greatly from country to country.

132. “Governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. Instead, society
would benefit if the organizations themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own
standards and regulations.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with
reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. Admittedly, the goveronment should not regulate the business or other organizations too much. Too much
supervision will harm the development of the business or an organization.
2. Let the business alone to regulate itself will also cause problems. The ultimate goal of the business is to gain
benefit, therefore all the activities will serve this pivotal goal even at the expense of the social benefit.
3. The ideal combination can be the midst.

1. too much interference from the government would undoubtedly impede the
development of businesses and organizations. 1, 政府干涉过多可能或扼杀企业的积极性
positivity. 显然如果没有自主决定 the power of independently making decisions, 那么
eventually, lead to the less active economy. 2, 政府过度的 exorbitant 干涉可能会打乱市
场发展的自然规律 disturb the natural order of the market. 比如 regulation on the type
of product 可能市场上的 excessive demand or supply.
2. 但是也不是说政府 should assume no necessary supervision over the business. 首先, 毕
竟,企业的一切行为都是为了利益最大化 . 缺乏管理,很可能产生很多 negative results.政府有义
务确保 keep the national market in healthy condition. 如果缺乏 suitable regulation, 有
可 能 会 出 现 恶 性 的 竞 争 inordinate competition. 又 比 如 Enron cheat on the financial
condition. 第 二 , 政 府 有 时 要 帮 助 企 业 度 过 recession. 依 靠 企 业 自 身 的 力 量 , 可 能 不 能
overcome the huge destroy of the recession.
3. 要有适当的 regulation, 同时 adequate freedom. 才能健康地发展.

View1: if organizations are allowed to establish their own regulations, the enforcement of regulations will be
enhanced and the governmental burden of organizations will be released.
View2: however, the lack of authoritative and uniform regulations will ultimately do harm to both organizations
and entire society.
Evidence: disturb of market order, monopoly, unfair competition.
To society: Unqualified products, high prices, environmental pollution, waste of resources
Do harm to international trade because the lack of uniform standards and the assurance of credit.

A12. “Because technology has increased the speed of communication, people are less able to communicate,
except on the most superficial level.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views
with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. 技术的进步,各种各样通讯工具使得原本不能交流的人可以交流。不同种族的不同国家的人利用
2. 同时技术进步使得人们交流可以更有效率并且随时随地。过去是否可以交流还有交流的时间都受
3. 诚然,由于 msn,OICQ 等聊天工具的出现人们的交流往往比较带有随意性停留在表层。但是这并

二. Ana lys is of Arg ume nt Que sti ons

1. The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stockholders by Olympic Foods, a
processor of frozen foods.

“Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things
better, they become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-
inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1970 to 20 cents for one-day service in
1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon
celebrate its twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to
minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”
事情的方法进而提高了效率,处理的成本会降低。比如在彩色胶卷处理方面, 3/5 英寸照片的成本从 1970 年的 5 天
50cent 降至 1984 年的 1 天 20cent。同样的规律适用于食品处理方面。由于奥林匹克食品即将庆祝它的 25 岁生日,

1. false analogy: The food industry is not analogous to the color film industry.
2. causal oversimplification: Other factors that may contribute t to the cost decline of the
printing cost should be considered and ruled out.
3. gratuitous assumption: The conclusion of the argument is based on a gratuitous
assumption that the company can minimize cost and maximize profit because the
company has been conducted for 25 years.

1. 错 误 类 比 : color film processing 和 processing of food 不 相 同 。 problems of spoilage,

contamination, and timely transportation 都只影响 food 不影响 film.
2. 同时,忽略他因。是否是因为组织更有效率才使 COST 下降的?很可能是 material necessary
for the process 下降了价钱。所以,两者更不同。

3. gratuitous assumption:二十五年不代表学到了很多。很可能什么都没学到,或者技术

已 经 out of date.

Citing facts drawn from the color-film processing industry that indicate a downward

trend in the costs of film processing over a 24-year period, the author argues that

Olympic Foods will likewise be able to minimize costs and thus maximize profits in the

future. In support of this conclusion the author cites the general principle that “as

organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient.” This

principle, coupled with the fact that Olympic Foods has had 25 years of experience in

the food processing industry leads to the author’s rosy prediction. This argument is

unconvincing because it suffers from two critical flaws.

First, the author’s forecast of minimal costs and maximum profits rests on the

gratuitous assumption that Olympic Foods’ “long experience” has taught it how to do

things better. There is, however, no guarantee that this is the case. Nor does the
author cite any evidence to support this assumption. Just as likely, Olympic Foods has

learned nothing from its 25 years in the food-processing business. Lacking this

assumption, the expectation of increased efficiency is entirely unfounded.

Second, it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn from the color-film processing

industry are applicable to the food processing industry. Differences between the two

industries clearly outweigh the similarities, thus making the analogy highly less than

valid. For example, problems of spoilage, contamination, and timely transportation all

affect the food industry but are virtually absent in the film-processing industry.

Problems such as these might present insurmountable 不 可 抗 拒 的 obstacles that

prevent lowering food-processing costs in the future.

As it stands the author’s argument is not compelling. To strengthen the conclusion

that Olympic Foods will enjoy minimal costs and maximum profits in the future, the

author would have to provide evidence that the company has learned how to do things

better as a result of its 25 years of experience. Supporting examples drawn from

industries more similar to the food-processing industry would further substantiate 证

实 the author’s view.

2. The following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the Apogee

“When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than
it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all
its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting
costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.”

下 面 摘 自 APogee 公 司 的 商 务 部 门 的 备 忘 录 :
当 Apogee 将它所有的业务部门集中在一处时,它将有比现在更多的利润。因此, Apogee 应该关闭它的驻外办公室并从

1. causal oversimplification: It is imprudent to conclude that the establishment of the

field offices is the only reason explaining the decline of the profit.
2. all things are equal: The success of the centralization of the past does not guarantee
the applicability in the future.
3. either-or-or choice: The author assumes that the centralization and the establishment
of field offices are mutually exclusive alternatives, there is no middle ground between
they two. In fact, we can have the field offices under centralized control.

In this argument the author concludes that the Apogee Company should close down

field offices and conduct all its operations from a single, centralized location because

the company had been more profitable in the past when all its operations were in one

location. For a couple of reasons, this argument is not very convincing.

First, the author assumes that centralization would improve profitability by cutting

costs and streamlining supervision of employees. This assumption is never supported

with any data or projections. Moreover, the assumption fails to take into account cost

increases and inefficiency that could result from centralization. For instance,

company representatives would have to travel to do business in areas formerly served

by a field office, creating travel costs and loss of critical time. In short, this

assumption must be supported with a thorough cost-benefit analysis of centralization

versus other possible cost-cutting and/or profit-enhancing strategies.

Second, the only reason offered by the author is the claim that Apogee was more

profitable when it had operated from a single, centralized location. But is

centralization the only difference relevant to greater past profitability? It is

entirely possible that management has become lax regarding any number of factors

that can affect the bottom line such as inferior products, careless product pricing,

inefficient production, poor employee expense account monitoring, ineffective

advertising, sloppy 肥 大 的 buying policies and other wasteful spending. Unless the

author can rule out other factors relevant to diminishing profits, this argument

commits the fallacy of assuming that just because one event (decreasing profits)

follows another (decentralization), the second event has been caused by the first.

In conclusion, this is a weak argument. To strengthen the conclusion that Apogee

should close field offices and centralize, this author must provide a thorough cost-

benefit analysis of available alternatives and rule out factors other than

decentralization that might be affecting current profits negatively.

6. The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life.

“Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a
new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the
regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more
than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its
economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative

一 份 面 向 地 方 生 活 的 杂 志 上 的 一 篇 文 章 :
企业在寻找新的商机或位置时应该去 Helios 城。甚至在最近的衰退中,Helios 的失业率也比地区平均水平低,它是
地区的工业中心,历史上它提供的比它在地区制造业工作中分享的份额中更多。而且,Helios 正试图通过吸引研究和

1. 作者认为应该到该地区建厂理由是这里的失业率很高。但是却没有给出因果关
2. 作者认为该地区会鼓励研发,所以应该到该地区投资。但事实上就象作者说的

1, 因为 H 地区 industrial and manufacturing 比较 attractive,所以那里的工人很可能只适

合 做 这 类 的 , 如 果 缺 乏 能 够 做 innovative technologies and research 的 工 人 labor
2, H 的低失业率更可能成为坏处。因为比如有 less available work force。企业必须提高 wage
才能吸引他们。提高了 COST。
3, 错误的假设过去的成功能够代表未来。比方说已经饱和的资源、过分的竞争、以及可能出现的
错误政策,都可能导致 H 地区的经济不再发达。

In this argument corporations are urged to consider the city of Helios when seeking a new location or new
business opportunities. To support this recommendation, the author points out that Helios is the industrial center
of the region, providing most of the region’s manufacturing jobs and enjoying a lower-than-average unemployment
rate. Moreover, it is argued, efforts are currently underway to expand the economic base of the city by
attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies. This argument is
problematic for two reasons.

To begin with, it is questionable whether the available labor pool in Helios could support all types of corporations.
Given that Helios has attracted mainly industrial and manufacturing companies in the past, it is unlikely that the
local pool of prospective employees would be suitable for corporations of other types. For example, the needs of
research and development companies would not be met by a labor force trained in manufacturing skills. For this
reason, it’s unlikely that Helios will be successful in its attempt to attract companies that focus or research and
development of innovative technologies.

Another problem with the available work force is its size. Due to the lower than average unemployment rate in
Helios, corporations that require large numbers of workers would not find Helios attractive. The fact that few
persons are out of work suggests that new corporations will have to either attract new workers to Helios or pay
the existing workers higher wages in order to lure them away from their current jobs. Neither of these
alternatives seems enticing to companies seeking to relocate.

In conclusion, the author has not succeeded in providing compelling reasons for selecting Helios as the site for a
company wishing to relocate. In fact, the reasons offered function better as reasons for not relocating to Helios.
Nor has the author provided compelling reasons for companies seeking new business opportunities to choose

8. The following appeared in the editorial section of a corporate newsletter.

“The common notion that workers are generally apathetic about management issues is false, or
at least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200
workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics
of corporate restructuring and redesign of benefits programs.”
一 份 社 团 实 事 通 讯 的 编 者 按 :
一般认为工人对管理事务缺乏兴趣的观点是错的,或至少是过时的。最近公布的调查显示回答了问卷的近 1200 工人
中的 79%表达了对公司重组,利润目标新设计的高度兴趣。

1. survey is doubtful: Detailed information should be given such as the absolute number
of workers of that corporation.
2. insufficient sample: The corporation is not representative of all the other corporations.
3. gratuitous assumption: It is natural that workers are interested in the topics such as
corporate structuring and design of benefits programs. This trend can not be cited to
support the author’s allege.

Based upon a survey among workers that indicates a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring
and redesign of benefits programs, the author concludes that workers are not apathetic about management
issues. Specifically, it is argued that since 79 percent of the 1200 workers who responded to survey expressed
interest in these topics, the notion that workers are apathetic about management issues is incorrect. The
reasoning in this argument is problematic in several respects.

First, the statistics cited in the editorial may be misleading because the total number of workers employed by the
corporation is not specified. For example, if the corporation employs 2000 workers, the fact that 79 percent of
the nearly 1200 respondents showed interest in these topics provides strong support for the conclusion. On the
other hand, if the corporation employs 200,000 workers, the conclusion is much weaker.

Another problem with the argument is that the respondents’ views are not necessarily representative of the views
of the work force in general. For example, because the survey has to do with apathy, it makes sense that only less
apathetic workers would respond to it, thereby distorting the overall picture of apathy among the work force.
Without knowing how the survey was conducted, it is impossible to assess whether or not this is the case.

A third problem with the argument is that it makes a hasty generalization about the types of issues workers are
interested in. It accords with common sense that workers would be interested in corporate restructuring and
redesign of benefits programs, since these issues affect workers very directly. However, it is unfair to assume
that workers would be similarly interested in other management issues—ones that do not affect them or affect
them less directly.

In conclusion, this argument is not convincing as it stands. To strengthen it, the author would have to show that
the respondents account for a significant and representative portion of all workers. Additionally, the author must
provide evidence of workers’ interest other management topics—not just those that affect workers directly.

9. The following appeared in the opinion column of a financial magazine.

“On average, middle-aged consumers devote 39 percent of their retail expenditure to

department store products and services, while for younger consumers the average is only 25
percent. Since the number of middle-aged people will increase dramatically within the next
decade, department stores can expect retail sales to increase significantly during that period.
Furthermore, to take advantage of the trend, these stores should begin to replace some of those
products intended to attract the younger consumer with products intended to attract the middle-
aged consumer.”

财 经 杂 志 的 意 见 栏 :
一般而言,中年消费者的零售消费额的 39%用于专卖店的商品何服务。而在年轻一些的消费者中这一比例仅有 25%。
由于中年消费者的数量在下一 10 年中将大幅增长,专卖店可以预期他们的销售额会有大幅增长。进一步,为利用这一

1. The absolute value of consumption should be given by the author.

2. all things are equal
3. Whether the increase of profit gained by attracting more middle-aged consumers will
be offset
4. by the reduction of profit because of the loss of young consumers.

Sample essay 1:

The argument that department retail sales will increase in the next 10 years and thus department stores should
begin to replace products to attract middle-aged consumers is not entirely logically convincing, since it omits
certain crucial assumptions

First of all, the argument ignores the absolute amount of retail expenditure of middle-aged and younger
consumers devoted to department store products and services. Although younger consumers spend a smaller
percentage of their retail expenditure to department store products than do the middle-aged consumers, they
might actually spend more in terms of the absolute amount.

Even if middle-aged consumers are spending more than younger ones in department stores, the argument ignores
the possibility that the trend may change within the next decade. Younger consumers might prefer to shop in
department stores than in other types of stores, and middle-aged consumers might turn to other types of stores,
too. This will lead to a higher expenditure of younger consumers in department stores than that of middle-aged

Besides, the argument never addresses the population difference between middle-aged consumers and younger
ones. Suppose there are more younger consumers than the middle-aged ones now, the total population base of
younger consumers will be bigger than that of the middle-aged ones if both of them grow at the same rate in the
next decade. Thus there will be a bigger younger consumer base.

Based on the reasons I listed above, the argument is not completely sound. The evidence in support of the
conclusion does little to prove the conclusion since it does not address the assumptions I have already raised.
Ultimately, the argument might have been more convincing by making it clear that the absolute population of
middle-aged consumers are higher than that of the younger consumers and the number will continue to grow in the
next decade, and that the middle-aged consumers will continue to spend more money in department stores than
younger consumers do in the next decade.
Sample essay 2:

The argument that retailers should replace some of the products intended to attract the younger consumers with
products intended to attract the middle-aged consumers is not entirely logically convincing, since it ignores
certain crucial assumptions.

First, the argument omits the assumption that the business volumes of both the middle-aged consumers and the
younger consumers are the same. If the business volume of the middle-aged consumers’ 39% is smaller than that
of the younger consumers’ 25%, the retail sales will not increase during the next decade.

Second, even if the business volumes of both the middle-aged consumers and the younger consumers were the
same in the last decade, the increase of the middle-aged people in the next decade is not the same as the
increase of the retail expenditure, for the retail trade depends more on such factors as the economic
circumstances, people’s consuming desire.

Finally, the argument never assumes the increase of the younger consumers within the next decade. If the
younger consumers increase at the same rate and spend the same amount of money on the goods and services of
department stores, the retailers should never ignore them.

Thus the argument is not completely sound. The evidence in support of the conclusion that the growing number of
middle-aged people within the next decade does little to prove the conclusion—that department stores should
begin to replace some of their products to attract the middle-aged consumers since it does not address the
assumptions I have already raised. Ultimately, the argument might have been strengthened by making it clear that
the business volumes of both types of consumers are the same and comparable, that the increase of a certain
type of consumers are correlated with the increase of the retail sales, and that the growth rate of the younger
consumers are the same as that of the middle-aged consumers.

Sample essay 3:

Based on an expected increase in the number of middle-aged people during the next decade, the author predicts
that retail sales at department stores will increase significantly over the next ten years. To bolster this
prediction, the author cites statistics showing that middle-aged people devote a much higher percentage of their
retail expenditure to department-store services and products than younger consumers do. Since the number of
middle-aged consumers is on the rise and since they spend more than younger people on department-store goods
and services, the author further recommends that department stores begin to adjust their inventories to
capitalize on this trend. Specifically, it is recommended that department stores increase their inventory of
products aimed at middle-aged consumers and decrease their inventory of products aimed at younger consumers.
This argument is problematic for two reasons.

First, an increase in the number of middle-aged people does not necessarily portend an overall increase in
department-store sales. It does so only on the assumption that other population groups will remain relatively
constant. For example, if the expected increase in the number of middle-aged people is offset by an equally
significant decrease in the number of younger people, there will be little or no net gain in sales.

Second, in recommending that department stores replace products intended to attract younger consumers with
products more suitable to middle-aged consumers, the author assumes that the number of younger consumers will
not also increase. Since a sizable increase in the population of younger consumers could conceivably offset the
difference in the retail expenditure patterns of younger and middle-aged consumers, it would be unwise to make
the recommended inventory adjustment lacking evidence to support this assumption.

In conclusion, this argument is unacceptable. To strengthen the argument the author would have to provide
evidence that the population of younger consumers will remain relatively constant over the next decade.

10. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.

“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol
building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The
other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they
either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more
numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters.
Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”

地 方 性 报 纸 的 编 者 按 :
过去的冬天里, 200 名学生从 Waymarsh 州立大学前往州府大楼抗议对各项州立大学项目基金进行削减的计划。另
外 12000 名 Waymarsh 学生显然对他们的教育不太关心:他们或是留在学校里,或离开过寒假。由于不抗议的人群

1. 代表学生的形成方式不知道。如果是随机产生的,那么去反对的学生完全可以
2. 没去的学生不一定不关心。 他们可能有更重要的事情要忙。 例如要赶回家过圣诞
3. 此外,没去的学生之所以没有去很可能是因为他们觉得那些代表足可以代表他

1,没有投诉不代表没有不满。很可能学生以其他的方式发泄不满意,比如 absent the class,

leave the school earlier, 等等。One obvious rejoinder to this line of reasoning is that。
。。很可能 他
们已经知道了学生去 protest 了,所以才没有去。

2,200 名学生不具有代表性的说法不对。很可能是被推选出来的 elected to represent the

entire students。缺乏根据的论证,错。

The conclusion in this argument is that the state legislature need not consider the views of protesting students.
To support this conclusion, the author points out that only 200 of the 12,000 students traveled to the state
capitol to voice their concerns about proposed cuts in college programs. Since the remaining students did not take
part in this protest, the author concludes they are not interested in this issue. The reasoning in this argument is
flawed for two reasons.

First, the author assumes that because only one-tenth of the students took part in the protest, these students’
views are unrepresentative of the entire student body. This assumption is unwarranted. If it turns out, for
example, that the protesting students were randomly selected from the entire student body, their views would
reflect the views of the entire college. Without information regarding the way in which the protesting students
were selected, it is presumptuous to conclude that their opinions fail to reflect the opinions of their colleagues.

Second, the author cites the fact that the remaining 12,000 students stayed on campus or left for winter break
as evidence that they are not concerned about their education. One obvious rejoinder to this line of reasoning is
that the students who did not participate did so with the knowledge that their concerns would be expressed by
the protesting students. In any case, the author has failed to demonstrate a logical connection between the
students’ alleged lack of concern and the fact that they either stayed on campus or left for winter break.
Without this connection, the conclusion reached by the author that the remaining 12,000 students are not
concerned about their education is unacceptable.

As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the author would have to
demonstrate that the protesting students had some characteristic in common that biases their views, thereby
nullifying their protest as representative of the entire college.

11. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.

“In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the
population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have
closed for each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years
before Montoya, the unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the
residents of San Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected

地 方 性 报 纸 的 编 者 按 :
在 Montoya 当 San Perdito 市长的头 4 年里,人口下降而失业率上升。每当一个新企业开业,就有两个旧的关门。而
在 Montoya 之前 Uarro 当市长的 4 年里,失业率下降人口增长。很明显, San Perdito 的居民重新选举 Varro 而非
Montoya 会得到更好的服务。

1. It is fallacious reasoning unless other possible casual explanations have been

considered and ruled out. recession depression downturn 低 迷 时 期 is part of a
picture of ... mayor
2. set the stage for Yet another possibility is that Varro enjoyed a period of economic
stability and Varro's own administration set the stage for the unemployment and the
decline in population .
3. availability emotionally intentionally specific specifically anger angry citizen thereby
4. cast one's vote for sb. eliminate abolish casual emotional appeal
1, 缺乏 standard ratio of the closed business to new business in the whole country, 不能
说两个倒闭一个开就是坏事,很可能淘汰 eliminate through selection or contest 了 out of
date 的企业,建立了更多具有 competitive advantages 的企业。也是好事。
2, 未排除他因造成了不同。很可能是因为在 P 在任期间,全国的经济不景气,造成了事业更增加。而
不是两个市长的不同。假定过去和现在一样,也是个错误!recession depression downturn 低迷时期

The recommendation endorsed in this argument is that residents of San Perdito vote current mayor Montoya out
of office, and re-elect former mayor Varro. The reasons cited are that during Montoya’s four years in office the
population has decreased while unemployment has increased, whereas during Varro’s term unemployment declined
while the population grew. This argument involves the sort of gross oversimplification and emotional appeal typical
of political rhetoric; for this reason it is unconvincing.

First of all, the author assumes that the Montoya administration caused the unemployment in San Perdito as well
as its population loss. The line of reasoning is that because Montoya was elected before the rise in unemployment
and the decline in population, the former event caused the latter. But this is fallacious reasoning unless other
possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps a statewide or nationwide
recession is the cause of these events. Or perhaps the current economic downturn is part of a larger picture of
economic cycles and trends, and has nothing to do with who happens to be mayor. Yet another possibility is that
Varro enjoyed a period of economic stability and Varro’s own administration set the stage for the unemployment
and the decline in population the city is now experiencing under Montoya.

Secondly, job availability and the economic health of one’s community are issues that affect people emotionally.
The argument at hand might have been intentionally oversimplified for the specific purpose of angering citizens of
San Perdito, and thereby turning them against the incumbent mayor. Arguments that bypass relevant, complex
reasoning in favor of stirring up emotions do nothing to establish their conclusions; they are also unfair to the
parties involved.

In conclusion, I would not cast my vote for Varro on the basis of this weak argument. The author must provide
support for the assumption that Mayor Montoya has caused San Perdito’s poor economy. Moreover, such support
would have to involve examining and eliminating other possible causal factors. Only with more convincing evidence
could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.

12. The following appeared as part of a promotional campaign to sell advertising space in the Daily
Gazette to grocery stores in the Marston area.

“Advertising the reduced price of selected grocery items in the Daily Gazette will help you
increase your sales. Consider the results of a study conducted last month. Thirty sale items from
a store in downtown Marston were advertised in the Gazette for four days. Each time one or
more of the 30 items was purchased, clerks asked whether the shopper had read the ad. Two-
thirds of the 200 shoppers asked answered in the affirmative. Furthermore, more than half the
customers who answered in the affirmative spent over $100 at the store.”
Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

在 把 Gazette 日 报 的 广 告 版 向 Marston 地 区 的 蔬 菜 商 销 售 的 计 划 :
在 Gazette 日报宣传特价菜会帮助你提高销售额。考虑上月的一个研究的结果。Marston 中心区的一个商店的 30 种特价菜
在 Gazette 做了 4 天广告。每当有特价菜被卖出,职员就问顾客是否读过广告。200 顾客中的 2/3 回答是肯定的。而且,持
肯定回答的顾客中有超过一半的人在店里的消费超过 100 美元。
1, 没有对比没做广告和做广告后 sale 的对比,只说了消费的人看了广告,并且一半支付了 100 以
2, 没有建立起因果联系,虽然买东西的人看了广告,但是不代表是因为广告而买的。很可能不存在
3, 没有排除他因。如过 sale 上升了,那也有可能是别的原因导致的,而不是因为广告。比如 thanks
giving , 比 如 商 品 质 量 提 高 , 花 样 更 多 , 比 如 最 近 的 经 济 很 好 等 等 。

The conclusion of this argument is that advertising the reduced price of selected items in the Daily Gazette will
result in increased sales overall. To support it, the author cites an informal poll conducted by sales clerks when
customers purchased advertised items. Each time one or more of the advertised items was sold, the clerks asked
whether the customer had read the ad. It turned out that two-thirds of 200 shoppers questioned said that they
had read the ad. In addition, of those who reported reading the ad, more than half spent over $100 in the store.
This argument is unconvincing for two reasons.

To begin with, the author’s line of reasoning is that the advertisement was the cause of the purchase of the sale
items. However, while the poll establishes a correlation between reading the ad and purchasing sale items, and also
indicates a correlation, though less significantly, between reading the ad and buying non-sale items, it does not
establish a general causal relationship between these events. To establish this relationship, other factors that
could bring about this result must be considered and eliminated. For example, if the four days during which the
poll was conducted preceded Thanksgiving and the advertised items were traditionally associated with this
holiday, then the results of the poll would be extremely biased and unreliable.

Moreover, the author assumes that the poll indicates that advertising certain sale will cause a general increase in
sales. But the poll does not even address the issue of increased overall sales; it informs us mainly that, of the
people who purchased sales items, more had read the ad than not. A much clearer indicator of the ad’s
effectiveness would be a comparison of overall sales on days the ad ran with overall sales on otherwise similar
days when the ad did not run.

In sum, this argument is defective mainly because the poll does not support the conclusion that sales in general
will increase when reduced-price products are advertised in the Daily Gazette. To strengthen the argument, the
author must, at the very least, provide comparisons of overall sales reports as described above.

13. The following appeared as part of a campaign to sell advertising time on a local radio station to
local businesses.
“The Cumquat Cafe began advertising on our local radio station this year and was delighted to
see its business increase by 10 percent over last year’s totals. Their success shows you how you
can use radio advertising to make your business more profitable.”

将 本 地 电 台 的 广 告 时 间 卖 给 本 地 企 业 的 计 划 :
Cumquat 咖啡店今年开始在我们电台做广告,并很高兴的看到它的业务比去年全年增长 10%。他们的成功向您展示

1, 没 有 排 除 他 因 For example, the Cumquat might have changed owners or chefs; it might have
launched a coupon ad campaign in the local print media; or it might have changed or updated the
2, 同时出现不代表有因果关系
3, 错误类比。We must also assume that what is true of the Cumquat will likewise be true of most other

In an attempt to sell radio advertising time, this ad claims that radio advertising will make businesses more
profitable. The evidence cited is a ten percent increase in business that the Cumquat Cafe has experienced in the
year during which it advertised on the local radio station. This argument is unconvincing because two questionable
assumptions must be made for the stated evidence to support the author’s conclusion.

The first assumption is that radio advertising alone has caused the increase in business at the Cumquat Cafe. This
assumption is questionable because it overlooks a number of other factors that might have contributed to the
Cumquat’s success. For example, the Cumquat might have changed owners or chefs; it might have launched a
coupon ad campaign in the local print media; or it might have changed or updated the menu. Yet another possibility
is that a local competitor went out of business. These are just a few of the factors that could help explain the
Cumquat’s growth. Because the author fails to eliminate these possibilities, the assumption in question need not be

Even if it is granted that radio advertising is responsible for the Cumquat’s success, another assumption must be
made before we can conclude that radio advertising will result in increased profits for businesses in general. We
must also assume that what is true of the Cumquat will likewise be true of most other businesses. But there are
all kinds of important differences between cafes and other businesses that could affect how radio audiences
react to their advertising. We cannot safely assume that because a small restaurant has benefited from radio
advertising, any and all local businesses will similarly benefit.

In conclusion, it would be imprudent for a business to invest in radio advertising solely on the basis of the
evidence presented. To strengthen the conclusion, it must be established that radio advertising was the principal
cause of increased business at the Cumquat. Once this is shown, it must be determined that the business in
question is sufficiently like the Cumquat, and so can expect similar returns from investment in radio ad time.

14. The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.

“Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three
academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates
have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board
should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in
the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”

两年前 Nova 高中开始在 3 个科学科目中使用互动计算机指导。学校的退学率立刻下降,而且去年的毕业生在大学取


interactive interact instruction logical logically covincing ignore decline atttibute

dropout 中途退学(学生) usage sufficient fund budget compromise comprise impressive portion proportional
ultimately ultimate strengthen graduate graduation applicable apply applicant application affordable afford district

1, 没有排除他因。很可能是学校出台的 policy 要求老师上课认真,学生更加勤奋导致的。同时发生不能说明因果。

stricter discipline applied last year.

还有其他的比如加入新课引起学生的兴趣等等。counseling and training programs

2, 错误类比,其他的学校情况跟这个不一定相同。比如很可能是艺术类等文科院校,而这个是科学
3, 过去推将来,不对。很可能短暂的 interest 之后学生会失去兴趣。或者别的什么情况发生了变化。

Sample essay 1:

The argument that the school board should buy more computers and adopt interactive computer instruction is not
entirely logically convincing, since it ignores certain crucial assumptions.

First, the argument assumes that the decline of school dropout and the achievements of last year’s graduates’
results from the adoption of interactive computer instruction. However, there are several reasons why this might
not be true. For example, achievements could have been made in other subjects than the ones with interactive
computer instruction. Or last years’ graduates might not have been given the interactive computer instruction. Or
the decline of the rate of dropout could be attributed to stricter discipline applied last year.

Second, even supposing the Nova High School’s decline of the dropout and last year’s graduates’ achievements
benefit directly from the usage of interactive computer instruction, the success of the instruction in one school
may not ensure the success in other schools. If it does not suit other schools, the instruction will not work.

Finally, even if the decline of the rate of dropout and the achievements of the last year’s graduates’ are the
direct results of the interactive computer instruction, we still do not know whether the school can afford to apply
the instruction on all the subjects or to all the students. If the school does not have sufficient fund and has to
cut budgets on other projects such as the library, the quality of the school’s education will also compromise.

Thus, the argument is not completely sound. The evidence in support of the conclusion that the dropout rate
declined and last year’s graduates made impressive achievements does little to prove the conclusion that other
schools should use a greater portion of their funds to apply the instruction since it does not address the
assumptions I have already raised. Ultimately, the argument might have been strengthened by making it clear that
the decline of the dropout rate and the achievements of the graduates are the direct results of interactive
computer instruction, that the instruction is also applicable to other schools in the district, and that the
instruction is affordable to all the schools in the district.

Sample essay 2:

The editorial recommends that the school board of Nova High spend a greater portion of available funds on the
purchase of additional computers and adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum. Two
reasons are offered in support of this recommendation. First, the introduction of interactive computer
instruction in three academic subjects was immediately followed by a decline in the school dropout rate. Second,
last year’s graduates experienced impressive achievements in college. This argument is unconvincing for two

To begin with, this argument is a classic instance of “after this, therefore because of this” reasoning. The mere
fact that the introduction of interactive computer instruction preceded the impressive performance of recent
graduates and the decline in the dropout rate is insufficient to conclude that it was the cause of these events.
Many other factors could bring about these same results. For example, the school may have implemented
counseling and training programs that better meet the needs of students who might otherwise leave school to
take jobs. In addition, the school may have introduced programs to better prepare students for college.

Secondly, the author assumes that the impressive achievements of last year’s graduates bear some relation to the
introduction of interactive computer instruction at Nova High. However, no evidence is offered to support this
assumption. Lacking evidence that links the achievements of the recent graduates to the interactive instruction, it
is presumptuous to suggest that the computer instruction was in some way responsible for the students’
impressive performance.

In conclusion, the recommendation that Nova High spend a greater portion of available funds on the purchase of
additional computers and adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum is ill-founded. To
strengthen this recommendation the author would have to demonstrate that the decline in the dropout rate and
the impressive performance of recent graduates came about as a result of the use of computer-interactive
instruction. All that has been shown so far is a correlation between these events.

15. The following appeared as a part of an advertisement for Adams, who is seeking reelection
as governor.

“Re-elect Adams, and you will be voting for proven leadership in improving the state’s
economy. Over the past year alone, seventy percent of the state’s workers have had
increases in their wages, five thousand new jobs have been created, and six corporations
have located their headquarters here. Most of the respondents in a recent poll said they
believed that the economy is likely to continue to improve if Adams is reelected. Adams’s
opponent, Zebulon, would lead our state in the wrong direction, because Zebulon
disagrees with many of Adams’s economic policies.”
Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

正在寻求重新选举为地方长官的 Adams 的广告宣传:

再次选举 Adams,你将为在提升本州经济的过程中已被证实了的领导能力投票。仅在过去的一年中,全州有 70%的
工人的工资增加了,5000 个新就业机会被创造,6 个公司将他们的总部设在这里。最近的调查中多数回答者说他们相
信如果 Adams 当选经济将会继续增长。Adams 的竞争者 Zebulon 将把我们州引向错误的方向,因为 Zebulon 不同
意 Adams 的多数经济政策。

1. 数 据 vague,物价水平和工资哪个长的更快? 5000 个就业机会和总体失业水 平

2. 就算经济确实增长了也不一定是 ADAMS 的功劳

3. 以上两 点没 有说 明, 也就 无法 因为 ZEBULON 的经 济观 点与 之相 左而 判定 他上

This political advertisement recommends re-electing Governor Adams because he has a proven leadership role in
improving the state’s economy. In support of this reason the author cites these statistics: in the past year, most
state workers’ wages have gone up; 5,000 new jobs have been created; and six corporations have located in the
state. Another reason offered for re-electing Adams is a recent poll, which indicates that most respondents
believe the state economy would continue to improve if he were re-elected. Finally, the author claims that rival
Zebulon would harm the state’s economy because he disagrees with Adams’ fiscal policies. This argument is
fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted claims.

To begin with, the statistics are intended to support the main claim that the state is economically better off with
Adams as governor. But these statistics are vague and oversimplified, and thus may distort the state’s overall
economic picture. For example, state workers’ pay raises may have been minuscule and may not have kept up with
cost of living or with pay for state workers in other states. Moreover, the 5,000 new jobs may have been too few
to bring state unemployment rates down significantly; at the same time, many jobs may have been lost. Finally, the
poll indicates that six new corporations located in the state, but fails to indicate if any left.

Next, the poll cited by the author is described in the vaguest possible terms. The ad does not indicate who
conducted the poll, who responded, or how the poll was conducted. Until these questions are answered, the survey
results are worthless as evidence for public opinion about Adams or his economic policies.

Finally, while we have only vague and possibly distorted evidence that the state is better off with Adams, we have
absolutely no evidence that it would be worse off with Zebulon. Given that the state economy is good at the
moment, none of the author’s reasons establishes that Adams is the cause of this. And neither do they establish
that the state wouldn’t be even better off with someone else in office.

In conclusion, this argument is weak. To strengthen the argument, the author must provide additional information
about the adequacy of state workers’ pay raises, the effect of the 5,000 jobs on the state’s employment picture, the
overall growth of corporations in the state, and other features of the state economy. Also, the author must support
the claims that Adams’ actions have caused any economic improvement and that in the future Adams will impart
more economic benefit than would Zebulon.

16. The following appeared as part of an article in the education section of a Waymarsh City

“Throughout the last two decades, those who earned graduate degrees found it very difficult to
get jobs teaching their academic specialties at the college level. Those with graduate degrees
from Waymarsh University had an especially hard time finding such jobs. But better times are
coming in the next decade for all academic job seekers, including those from Waymarsh.
Demographic trends indicate that an increasing number of people will be reaching college age
over the next ten years; consequently, we can expect that the job market will improve
dramatically for people seeking college-level teaching positions in their fields.”

Waymarsh 城 日 报 教 育 版 的 一 篇 文 章 :
过去的 20 年内,研究生毕业生发现找到在大学教授他们的学术专长的工作是很困难的。那些从 Waymarsh 获得研究
生学位的要找到这类工作尤其困难。但在下个 10 年,寻找学术工作的人(包括那些 Waymarsh 大学的)的好日子要
来了。人口统计趋势显示达到上大学年龄的人将在未来 10 年增加。我们可预期对那些在他们的领域寻找大学教学工作

1. 适龄人口增加不一定上大学人数就一定增加

2. 就算上大学人数增加需要的大学老师也不一定增加

3. 就算需要的老师增加 ,waymarsh 的就业也不见得会水涨船高 .

1, 人口增加也不一定都上大学。很可能都选择了就业。
2, even if we grant the preceding assumption 上大学的人多了不一定需要更多老师,很可能大学通
3, 就算需要 GRADUATED DEGREE 的人,也不代表 W 也会 benefit from this trend ,缺少
信息,它可能是一个质量不好的大学,学校不会从这里的人中挑选。 foretold regarding the

Demographic trends that indicate an increase in the number of college-aged people over the next ten years lead
the author to predict an improved job market for all people seeking college-level teaching positions in their
academic disciplines. Moreover, the author argues that since Waymarsh University students with advanced
degrees had an especially difficult time finding teaching jobs in the past, these trends portend better times
ahead for Waymarsh graduates. This argument is problematic in three important respects.

First, the author assumes that an increase in the number of college-aged people over the next decade will
necessarily result in an increase in the number of people who attend college during this period. While this is a
reasonable assumption, it is by no means a certainty. For example, a world war or economic depression in the next
decade would certainly nullify this expectation.

Second, even if we grant the preceding assumption, we must also consider the additional assumption that
increased university enrollments will lead to an increase in teaching positions in all fields. However, it might turn
out that some teaching specialties are in greater demand than others in the future, resulting in a disproportionate
number of teaching positions available in various fields. Consequently, persons trained in some fields might find it
more difficult, if not impossible, to find teaching jobs in the future.

Finally, little can be foretold regarding the employability of Waymarsh graduates in the future based on the
information provided in the argument. Lacking information about the reasons why Waymarsh graduates had an
especially difficult time finding teaching jobs, it is difficult to assess their prospects for the future. It is
probable, however, that since Waymarsh has had an especially hard time placing graduates in the past, the mere
fact that more jobs are available will not, by itself, ensure that Waymarsh graduates will have an easier time
finding teaching jobs during the next decade.

In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument, the author must provide evidence that
the only major trend in the next decade will be an increase in the number of people reaching college age.
Regarding the future prospects for Waymarsh graduates, the author must provide evidence that there were no
idiosyncratic reasons that prevented them from finding jobs in the past.

20. The following appeared in an article in a health and fitness magazine.

“Laboratory studies show that Saluda Natural Spring Water contains several of the
minerals necessary for good health and that it is completely free of bacteria. Residents of
Saluda, the small town where the water is bottled, are hospitalized less frequently than the
national average. Even though Saluda Natural Spring Water may seem expensive,
drinking it instead of tap water is a wise investment in good health.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

实验室的研究显示 Saluda 自然泉水包含有益健康的几种矿物质且完全无菌。灌装此水的小镇 Saluda 的居民比平均水
平的就医率要低,虽然 saluda 自然泉水可能看起来很贵,喝它而非自来水是一项对健康的明智投资。

1. 小 镇 居 民 就 医率 低可 能还 有很 多其 他的 因素 如: 健康 的生 活方 式, 自然 环境 优 越 ,

2. 该 矿泉 水所 含的矿物质是否有别与普通的自来水作者并没有给出支撑的论据 .而 且

单纯这几种矿物质不一定能满足人体需要 .

3. 完全无 菌并 不一 定对 人体 十分 有好 处 ,水体里 的一 些细 菌是 有益 的 .此外喝 这种 矿泉

水显然不是摄取无菌水 的唯一途径 ,相比起来一种比较廉价的方式就是把水烧开 .

Sample essay 1:

The argument that drinking Saluda Natural Spring Water instead of tap water is a wise investment in good health
is not entirely logically convincing, since it lacks certain supporting factors.

Firstly, the argument assumes that Saluda Natural Spring Water is the major reason why residents of Saluda are
less frequently hospitalized than the national average. However, there is little evidence that this water is the only
difference between this place and the rest of the country. And the reason why people in other places are more
hospitalized are numerous and varied. There are so many other factors that would bring people in other places to
hospitals, such as accidents, food contamination, illnesses, etc.

Secondly, the argument also assumes that the minerals in Saluda National Spring Water are the key minerals for
the good health of the residents of Saluda. However, this may not be true. We need not only minerals to keep
good heath but also various vitamins. Besides, our body needs more minerals than those contained in Saluda
Natural Spring Water.

Finally, even if the Saluda water is the major reason why the residents of Saluda are less hospitalized, the
argument still omits the fact that there is more than one way to keep drinking water free from bacteria. For
instance, the most common practice is to boil water up to 100 degree Celsius and keep it at that degree for more
than 5 minutes. Therefore drinking Saluda water to keep good health is not the only alternative.

Thus, the argument is not completely sound. The evidence in support of the conclusion that the Saluda residents
are less hospitalized does little to prove the conclusion that drinking Saluda Natural Spring Water is a wise
investment in good health since it omits the assumptions I have just raised. The argument might have been
strengthened by making it plain that Saluda Natural Spring Water is the major reason why the residents of
Saluda are less hospitalized, that the water contains all the major minerals essential for the human body, and that
there is no other way to keep water from bacteria.

Sample essay 2:

In this argument the author concludes that drinking Saluda Natural Spring Water (SNSW) is preferable to
drinking tap water. Three reasons are offered in support of this conclusion: SNSW contains several of the
minerals necessary for good health, it is completely tree of bacteria, and residents of Saluda—the town where it
is bottled—are hospitalized less frequently than the national average. This argument is unconvincing because it
relies on a variety of dubious assumptions.

The first questionable assumption underlying this argument that tap water does not contain the minerals in
question and is not completely free of bacteria. This assumption is not supported in the argument. If tap water is
found to contain the same minerals and to be free of bacteria, the author’s conclusion is substantially undermined.

A second assumption of the argument is that the water residents of Saluda drink is the same as SNSW. Lacking
evidence to the contrary, it is possible that Saluda is not the source of the bottled water but is merely the place
where SNSW is bottled. No evidence is offered in the argument to dispute this possibility.

Finally, it is assumed without argument that the reason residents are hospitalized less frequently than the
national average is that they drink SNSW. Again, no evidence is offered to support this assumption. Perhaps the
residents are hospitalized less frequently because they are younger than the national average, because they are
all vegetarians, or because they exercise daily. That is, there might be other reasons than the one cited to
account for this disparity.

In conclusion, this is an unconvincing argument. To strengthen the conclusion that SNSW is more healthful than
tap water, the author must provide evidence that tap water contains harmful bacteria not found in SNSW.
Moreover, the author must demonstrate that the residents of Saluda regularly drink the same water as SNSW and
that this is why they are hospitalized less frequently than the national average.

28. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.

“Commuter use of the new subway train is exceeding the transit company’s projections.
However, commuter use of the shuttle buses that transport people to the subway stations is
below the projected volume. If the transit company expects commuters to ride the shuttle buses
to the subway rather than drive there, it must either reduce the shuttle bus fares or increase the
price of parking at the subway stations.”

地 方 报 纸 的 社 论 :

1. 对原因估 计的可能 不对 .由作 者给出的 他认为必 须执行的 解决方案 来看 ,作者一定 认为人们

不 坐 往返 巴 士 而是 开 车 去地 铁 站 的原 因 是 巴士 车 费 相对 于 地 铁站 的 停 车费 来 说 比较 贵 .To
begin with, by concluding that the transit company must either reduce shuttle fares or increase
parking fees, the author assumes that these are the only available solutions to the problem of
limited shuttle use. 但 事 实 原 因 可 能 还 有 很 多 . 例 如 :巴 士 的 环 境 不 好 速 度 比 较 慢 中 间 间 隔 时
间太长 车站位置 不好等等 .
2. 相 应 的作 者 所 提出 的 两 个必 须 要 执行 的 解 决方 案 也 就不 一 定 实用 .应 对 于上 述 提 到的 问 题
可能 一个比较 好的解决 方案是 :对巴士进 行装修把 车站设置 在更为便 利的地方 提高巴士 的
车速缩 短时间间 隔 .

inconvenient shuttle routing and/or scheduling adjust adopt mutually exclusive combination
The author assumes that reducing shuttle fees and increasing parking fees are mutually exclusive
alternatives. impose However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either/or choice.
1, 没有排除他因,这两个是否是唯一的原因
2, 解决方案不是 false dilemma。

The author concludes that the local transit company must either reduce fares for the shuttle buses that
transport people to their subway stations or increase parking fees at the stations. The reasons offered to
support this conclusion are that commuter use of the subway train is exceeding the transit company’s
expectations, while commuter use of the shuffle buses is below projected volume. This argument is unconvincing
because the author oversimplifies the problem and its solutions in a number of ways.

To begin with, by concluding that the transit company must either reduce shuttle fares or increase parking fees,
the author assumes that these are the only available solutions to the problem of limited shuttle use. However, it is
possible that other factors—such as inconvenient shuttle routing and/or scheduling, safety concerns, or an
increase in carpools—contribute to the problem. If so, adjusting fares or parking fees would might not solve the

In addition, the author assumes that reducing shuttle fees and increasing parking fees are mutually exclusive
alternatives. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either/or choice. Adjusting both shuttle
fares and parking fees might produce better results. Moreover, if the author is wrong in the assumption that
parking fees and shuttle fees are the only possible causes of the problem, then the most effective solution might
include a complex of policy changes—for example, in shuttle fares, parking fees, rerouting, and rescheduling.

In conclusion, this argument is weak because the author oversimplifies both the problem and its possible solutions.
To strengthen the argument the author must examine all factors that might account for the shuttle’s
unpopularity. Additionally, the author should consider all possible solutions to determine which combination would
bring about the greatest increase in shuttle use.

31. The following appeared as part of the business plan of an investment and financial consulting

“Studies suggest that an average coffee drinker’s consumption of coffee increases with age,
from age 10 through age 60. Even after age 60, coffee consumption remains high. The average
cola drinker’s consumption of cola, however, declines with increasing age. Both of these trends
have remained stable for the past 40 years. Given that the number of older adults will
significantly increase as the population ages over the next 20 years, it follows that the demand
for coffee will increase and the demand for cola will decrease during this period. We should,
therefore, consider transferring our investments from Cola Loca to Early Bird Coffee.”

一 家 投 资 财 经 咨 询 公 司 的 商 务 计 划 :
研究显示一个普通咖啡消费者的咖啡消耗从 10 到 60 岁随年龄增长,甚至在 60 岁以后,咖啡消费仍然保持很高。而
一般的可乐消费者的可乐消费随年龄增加递减。在过去 40 年中这两个趋势都很稳定。由于在未来的 20 年内老年人口

1.all the things are equal 作者 在得出这 个推荐之 前做了一 个假设就 是在未来 的二十年 中咖啡豆 以及
可 乐 的原 料 的 相对 价 格 不变 .但这 在 这 么长 的 一 段时 期 是 不可 能 的 .很可 能 它 们其 中 一 种的 原 料 相
对于另 外一种大 幅度上升 .由于相对成 本的变化 从而改变 了相对价 格也就改 变了消费 者的消费 倾向 .
那么作 者的建议 就是完全 靠不住的 .
2.除了年龄 因素很多 其他的因 素也会影 响两种饮 料的消费 量例如某 一代人可 能在每个 年龄段都 比
另一代 人消费更 多的可乐 .除非作 者排除这 些其他因 素 ,否则说理是 gratuitous 的
3. 没 有 足 够 有 力 的 证 据 表 明 该 项 研 究 结 果 就 是 可 信 的 Finally, the firm unjustifiably relies on the
studies that correlate coffee and cola consumption with age. The firm does not provide evidence to confirm
the reliability of the studies.Moreover, while the phrase "studies suggest" may appear to lend credibility to
these claims, the phrase is vague enough to actually render the claims worthless, in the absence of any
information about them.
the author can not justify his recommendation ill-founded 无正当理由 的

1, 老人数增加不能导致年轻人数减少。是错误的推测。同时,即使老人增加,那么增加的老人很可能
不是 coffee drinker。
2, 过去和未来不一样,未来可能两种成本变化,价格发生很大变化。
3, 该研究结果不一定可信!

In this argument a consulting firm recommends the transfer of investments from Cola Loca to Early Bird Coffee
because, during the next 20 years, coffee demand will increase while cola demand will decrease. This prediction is
based on the expectation that the number of older adults will significantly increase over the next 20 years,
together with statistics, reportedly stable for the past 40 years, indicating that coffee consumption increases
with age while cola consumption declines with increasing age. For three reasons, this financial advice may not be

First, the argument assumes that relative supply conditions will remain unchanged over the next twenty years.
However, the supply and cost of cola and coffee beans, as well as other costs of doing business as a producer of
coffee or cola, may fluctuate greatly over a long time period. These factors may affect comparative prices of
coffee and cola, which in turn may affect comparative demand and the value of investments in coffee and cola
companies. Without considering other factors that contribute to the value of a coffee or cola company, the firm
cannot justify its recommendation.

Secondly, the argument fails to account for the timing of the increase in coffee consumption. Perhaps the
population will age dramatically during the next five years, then remain relatively flat over the following 15 years.
Or perhaps most of the increase in average age will occur toward the end of the 20-year period. An investor has
more opportunity to profit over the short and long term in the first scenario than in the second, assuming the
investor can switch investments along the way. If the second scenario reflects the facts, the firm’s
recommendation would be ill-founded.

Finally, the firm unjustifiably relies on the studies that correlate coffee and cola consumption with age. The firm
does not provide evidence to confirm the reliability of the studies. Moreover, while the phrase “studies suggest”
may appear to lend credibility to these claims, the phrase is vague enough to actually render the claims worthless,
in the absence of any information about them.

In conclusion, the firm should not transfer investments from Cola Loca to Early Bird Coffee on the basis of this
argument. To better evaluate the recommendation, we would need more information about the study upon which it
relies. We would also need more detailed projections of population trends during the next 20 years.
32. The following appeared in the editorial section of a West Cambria newspaper.

“A recent review of the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average
response time to accidents than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East
Cambria. In order to provide better patient care for accident victims and to raise revenue for our
town by collecting service fees for ambulance use, we should disband our volunteer service and
hire a commercial ambulance service.”

一 份 西 Cambria 报 纸 的 社 论 片 断 :
最近的对西 Cambria 的志愿救护服务的回顾显示出其对事故的平均应对时间比设在东 Cambria 的一个商业救护班

1. 对事 故的反映 时间诚然 是评价服 务质量的 一个因素 但并不是 唯一的因 素 .所以仅仅 因为东区 的

商业救 护班的反 映时间短 就认定商 业救护办 的服务更 好是 gratuitous 的 .
2. 就算 东区的商 业班的服 务质量更 好也并不 意味着 ,西区 用商业班 就会有一 样的成效 .因为东西 区
的情况 是不同的 .很可能 西区的志 愿者更有 服务 ,献身意识 .
3. 此外 除非商业 班收十分 昂贵的服 务费用或 者有十分 多的事故 事实这些 都是不可 能的 , 改成 商业
是不见 得就可以 给该镇增 加很多税 收的 .所以把这一 点作为理 由是不正 确的 .
considerable revenue significant significance consequently consequence ... is insufficient evidence for the
claim that this will be the case for ... ambulance-crew proficiency training emergency

1, 错误类比 两个城市不一样,很可能因为西和东的不一样,比如,路的情况 traffic condition。

可 能 东 的 车 辆 更 好 。 服 务 的 态 度 更 好 。
2, 草率的判断:就算是商业的更快,也不一定更好。反映时间不是唯一的因素,有其他——比如服

3, 另外,除非商业可以 charge considerable fees 或者 accident rate 非常高,

否 则 未 必 带 来 可 观 的 revenue 。

In this argument the author concludes that West Cambria can increase revenues and provide better care to
accident victims by disbanding the volunteer ambulance service and hiring a commercial one. The author reasons
that this change would yield additional revenues because service fees could be imposed for ambulance use. The
author also reasons that the city would provide better service to accident victims because a commercial service
would respond more quickly to accidents than a volunteer service would. The author’s argument is flawed in two

To begin with, the author’s plan for raising revenue for West Cambria is questionable. Unless the service fees are
considerable or the accident rate is extremely high, it is unlikely that significant revenues will be raised by
charging a fee for ambulance use. Consequently, revenue generation is not a good reason to disband the volunteer
service and hire a commercial service.
Next, the author’s belief that better patient care would be provided by a commercial ambulance service than by a
volunteer service is based on insufficient evidence. The fact that the commercial service in East Cambria has a
lower average response time than the volunteer service in West Cambria is insufficient evidence for the claim
that this will be the case for all commercial services. Moreover, the author’s recommendation depends upon the
assumption that response time to an accident is the only factor that influences patient care. Other pertinent
factors—such as ambulance-crew proficiency and training, and emergency equipment—are not considered.

In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to show that
substantial revenue for the town could be raised by charging service fees for ambulance use. Additionally, the
author would have to provide more evidence to support the claim that commercial ambulance services provide
better patient care than volunteer services.

34. The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company
to the president.

“The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing credit card services if we
were to donate a portion of the proceeds from the use of our cards to a well-known
environmental organization in exchange for the use of its symbol or logo on our card. Since a
recent poll shows that a large percentage of the public is concerned about environmental issues,
this policy would attract new customers, increase use among existing customers, and enable us
to charge interest rates that are higher than the lowest ones available.”

Easy 信 贷 公 司 的 一 个 经 营 主 管 向 董 事 长 提 交 的 一 份 计 划 :
Easy 信贷公司将在信用卡服务的竞争中得到很大好处。由于最近的民调显示,很多人都关心环境问题,这一计划将吸

1 环保组织所 提供的标 识所关心 的方面和 民众所关 心的方面 可能不一 致

2 关心 环保问题 不意味着 他们就一 定会采取 一些具体 的措施象 是在这个 例子里面 购买这个 公司的
The author assumes that the public's concern about environmental issues will result in its taking steps to do
something about the problem-in this case, to use the Easy Credit Company credit card.
3 权衡了额外 付出的成 本和收益 之后并不 一定值得 这么做 .

1, 首先,关心环境的人,不一定是使用信用卡的。第二,关心环境问题的人,关心的 issues 不一定

2, 因果关系不明确:不一定人们关心环保就一定用使用信用卡的方式来表达。因为 More often,人
们可能采取更加直接的方式,比如直接 donate money to the environmental organization.
3, 另外,利润率关系到收入和支出,很可能两个比较收入小于支出。

In this argument the author concludes that the Easy Credit Company would gain several advantages over its
competitors by donating a portion of its profits to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the
use of the organization’s logo on their credit card. The author reaches this conclusion on the basis of a recent poll
that shows widespread public concern about environmental issues. Among the advantages of this policy, the author
foresees an increase in credit card use by existing customers, the ability to charge higher interest rates, and the
ability to attract new customers. While the author’s argument has some merit, it suffers from two critical

To begin with, the author assumes that the environmental organization whose logo is sought is concerned with the
same environmental issues about which the poll shows widespread concern. However, the author provides no
evidence that this is the case. It is possible that very few credit-card users are concerned about the issues that
are the organization’s areas of concern; if so, then it is unlikely that the organization’s logo would attract much
business for the Easy Credit Company.

Next, the author assumes that the public’s concern about environmental issues will result in its taking steps to do
something about the problem—in this case, to use the Easy Credit Company credit card. This assumption is
unsupported and runs contrary to experience. Also, it is more reasonable to assume that people who are concerned
about a particular cause will choose a more direct means of expressing their concern.

In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen the argument, the author must
show a positive link between the environmental issues about which the public has expressed concern and the issues
with which this particular environmental organization is concerned. In addition, the author must provide evidence
to support the assumption that concern about a problem will cause people to do something about the problem.

35. The following appeared as part of a recommendation from the financial planning office to
the administration of Fern Valley University.

“In the past few years, Fern Valley University has suffered from a decline in both
enrollments and admissions applications. The reason can be discovered from our students,
who most often cite poor teaching and inadequate library resources as their chief sources
of dissatisfaction with Fern Valley. Therefore, in order to increase the number of students
attending our university, and hence to regain our position as the most prestigious
university in the greater Fern Valley metropolitan area, it is necessary to initiate a fund-
raising campaign among the alumni that will enable us to expand the range of subjects we
teach and to increase the size of our library facilities.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

财政计划办公室给 Fem Valley 大学的建议书:

在过去的几年里,Fem Valley 大学经受了入学人数和入学申请的双重下降。原因可以从我们的学生那里找到,他们经
从而重新获得我们在大 Fem Valley 地区的最有声望的大学的地位,在校友中发动一个基金募集计划使我们能扩展教

1, 增加 教学科目 和图书馆 的型号并 不一定就 能使学生 变得满意 因为他们 可能并不 是对教

学和图 书馆的这 两个方面 感到不满
2, 入学人 数和入学 申请的下 降可能是 因为整个 外部环境 导致的而 不是学校 自己的问 题
3, 没有提 供学生对 教学质量 和图书馆 不满意的 具体证据 .
4, 调查的 本身就值 得怀疑 .
ability attract customer merit alleviate inadequate unfavorable economical conditions hearsay rumour
scant anecdotal evidence

The financial-planning office at Fern Valley University concludes that it is necessary to initiate a fund-raising
campaign among alumni that will enable the university to expand the range of subjects it offers and increase the
size of its library facilities. Its argument is based on a five-year decline in enrollments and admission applications
together with the claim that students cite poor teaching and inadequate library resources as their chief sources
of dissatisfaction with Fern Valley. The conclusion of the financial-planning office is not strongly supported by the
reasons given.

To begin with, this argument depends on the assumption that providing a greater range of subjects and a larger
library will alleviate the students’ chief sources of dissatisfaction. However, the students have not complained
about inadequate course offerings or about the size of the library; their complaint is that the existing courses
are poorly taught and that library resources are inadequate. Offering more kinds of classes does not improve
teaching quality, and increasing a library’s size does nothing to enhance its holdings, or resources. Accordingly, the
recommendation does not bear directly on the problem as stated.

Secondly, the proposal unfairly assumes that the recent enrollment and application decline was caused by poor
teaching and inadequate library resources. It is equally possible that all colleges, regardless of teaching quality
and library resources, have experienced similar declines. These declines may have been due to unrelated factors,
such as unfavorable economic conditions, or an increase in high-paying computer jobs not requiring a college

Thirdly, the author provides no support for the claim that students are dissatisfied with the teaching and library
resources at Fern Valley. It is possible that the claim is based on hearsay or on scant anecdotal evidence. Without
more information about the basis of the claim, we cannot be sure that the financial-planning office is addressing
the real problems.

In conclusion, the advice of the financial planning office is not well supported. To strengthen the argument, the
planning office must provide evidence that students are dissatisfied with the range of subjects and with the
library’s size, and that this dissatisfaction is the cause of the recent decline in enrollment and the number of
admission applications. To better assess the argument as it stands, we would need to know whether the students’
attitudes were measured in a reliable, scientific manner.

38. The following appeared in the editorial section of a campus newspaper.

“Because occupancy rates for campus housing fell during the last academic year, so did
housing revenues. To solve the problem, campus housing officials should reduce the number of
available housing units, thereby increasing the occupancy rates. Also, to keep students from
choosing to live off-campus, housing officials should lower the rents, thereby increasing

校 园 报 纸 的 社 论 :

1, 入住率 低可能是 因为学生 人数减少 等原因造 成的

2, 同时减 少供给和 降低房费 可能会抵 消入住率 提高而带 来的收入 提高效应 而有余
3, 就算不 会完全抵 消仍然有 其他原因 影响收入 例如说学 生进入后 的维修等 等。
boosting rental maintenance oppressive seriousness trivailize

1, 忽略他因:单纯地说问题所在是 rent. 但实际上可能有很多其他的因素:房子的 condition,

security, cleaning service,noisy surroundings 等等。
2, 过去不能推广到未来:很可能变化了——比如 enrollments of students have sharply
increased。所以,很可能减少 available 的数量可能不是合适的做法。
3, 减少提供的房子,降低房租,很可能导致收入下降。

The author of this article argues that, to reverse declining revenues from campus housing rentals, campus housing
officials should decrease the number of available housing units and reduce rent prices on the units. The author’s
line of reasoning is that fewer available units will limit supply while lower rents will increase demand, thereby
improving overall occupancy rates, and that the resulting increase in occupancy rates will, in turn, boost revenues
for the campus. This reasoning is unconvincing for several reasons.

To begin with, the author assumes that boosting occupancy rates will improve revenues. All other factors
remaining unchanged, this would be the case. However, the author proposes reducing both the supply of units and
their rental prices. Both of these actions would tend to reduce revenues. The author provides no evidence that
the revenue-enhancing effect of a higher occupancy rate will exceed the revenue-decreasing effect of reduced
supply and price. Without such evidence, the argument is unconvincing.

Secondly, the author assumes that lowering rents will lead to higher revenues by increasing demand. However, it is
possible that demand would decrease, depending on the extent of the rent reduction as well as other factors—
such as overall enrollment and the supply and relative cost of off-campus housing. Moreover, even if demand
increases by lowering rents, revenues will not necessarily increase as a result. Other factors, such as maintenance
and other costs of providing campus housing units and the reduced supply of rental units might contribute to a net
decrease in revenue.

Thirdly, in asserting that lowering rental rates will increase demand, the author assumes that current rental rates
are causing low demand. However, low demand for student housing could be a function of other factors. For
instance, the student housing units may be old and poorly maintained. Perhaps students find the campus housing
rules oppressive, and therefore prefer to live off-campus; or perhaps enrollments are down generally, affecting
campus housing occupancy.

In conclusion, the author of this editorial has not argued effectively for a decrease in the number of available
campus housing units and a reduction in rental rates for those units. To strengthen the argument, the author must
show that a rent reduction will actually increase demand, and that the revenue-enhancing effect of greater
demand will outweigh the revenue-reducing effect of a smaller supply and of lower rental rates.

39. The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum.

“On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a
complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of
our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite
satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our
goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers.”

Avia 航 空 的 部 门 备 忘 录 :
平均地,去年乘坐 Avia 的 1000 个乘客中有 9 个针对我们的行李处理流程写了投诉信。这说明虽然有大约 1%的乘客
对这一流程表示不满,乘客的主体对它还是满意的。所以对流程的重新审查对我们要保持和提高 Avia 的乘客数这一目

1 去年是这样 今年呢以 后呢?

2 很有可能是 乘客对服 务不满意 却没时间 正式申诉
3 和别的航空 公司比较 如何 seriousness trivailize

1, 没有 complaint 不代表没有不满。
2, 没有跟其他公司对比,同时并不知道总数。

The conclusion in this Avia Airlines memorandum is that a review of the airline’s baggage-handling procedures will
not further its goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia passengers. The author’s line of reasoning is
that the great majority of Avia passengers are happy with baggage handling at the airline because only one
percent of passengers who traveled on Avia last year filed a complaint about Avia’s procedures. This argument is
problematic in two important respects.

First, the argument turns on the assumption that the 99 percent of Avia passengers who did not complain were
happy with the airline’s baggage-handling procedures. However, the author provides no evidence to support this
assumption. The fact that, on the average, 9 out of 1000 passengers took the time and effort to formally complain
indicates nothing about the experiences or attitudes of the remaining 991. It is possible that many passengers
were displeased but too busy to formally complain, while others had no opinion at all. Lacking more complete
information about passengers’ attitudes, we cannot assume that the great majority of passengers who did not
complain were happy.

Secondly, in the absence of information about the number of passengers per flight and about the complaint
records of competing airlines, the statistics presented in the memorandum might distort the seriousness of the
problem. Given that most modern aircraft carry as many as 300 to 500 passengers, it is possible that Avia
received as many as 4 or 5 complaints per flight. The author unfairly trivializes this record. Moreover, the author
fails to compare Avia’s record with those of its competitors. It is possible that a particular competitor received
virtually no baggage-handling complaints last year. If so, Avia’s one percent complaint rate might be significant
enough to motivate customers to switch to another airline.
In conclusion, the author has failed to demonstrate that a review of the baggage-handling procedures at Avia
Airlines is not needed to maintain or increase the number of Avia’s passengers. To strengthen the argument, the
author must at the very least provide affirmative evidence that most Avia passengers last year were indeed happy
with baggage-handling procedures. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about the
numbers of Avia passengers per flight last year and about the baggage-handling records of Avia’s competitors.

40. The following appeared as part of an article in a weekly newsmagazine.

“The country of Sacchar can best solve its current trade deficit problem by lowering the price
of sugar, its primary export. Such an action would make Sacchar better able to compete for
markets with other sugar-exporting countries. The sale of Sacchar’s sugar abroad would
increase, and this increase would substantially reduce Sacchar’s trade deficit.”

一 份 周 刊 上 的 文 章 :
Sacchar 国解决其赤字的最好方法是降低其主要出口物糖的价格。这一举动将使 Sacchar 与其他糖出口国更好的竞争
Sacchar 出口的糖将会增加,这一增长将实在地降低 Sacchar 的贸易赤字。

1 比 起 价 格 下 降 而 带 来 的 损 失 产 量 提 高 的 影 响 是 不 是 更 大 不 是 定 数 Increasing sales by lowering the

price of sugar will not yeild an increase in income unless the increase in sales is sufficient to overcome the
loss in income due to the lower price. in the absence of ...
2 可能性价比 本来就很 有竞争力 了不需要 降价,也 可能价格 已经很低 了没有降 低的空间 了
3 降低 进口可能 是一个更 好的办法 A trade-deficit occurs when a country spends more on imports than it
earns from exports. However, the author provides no evidence that substantiates this assumption. It is
possible that revenues from imports will increase dramatically in the near future; if so, the course of action
proposed by the author might be unnecessary to solve Sacchar's trade deficit proplem. To the extent that
this is the case...

The author of this article argues that the country of Sacchar can best solve its current trade deficit problem by
lowering the price of its main export, sugar. The line of reasoning is that this action would make Sacchar more
competitive with other sugar-exporting countries, thereby increasing sales of Sacchar’s sugar abroad and, in turn,
substantially reducing the trade-deficit. This line of reasoning is unconvincing for a couple of reasons.

In the first place, this argument is based on an oversimplified analysis of the trade deficit problem Sacchar
currently faces. A trade-deficit occurs when a country spends more on imports than it earns from exports. The
author’s argument relies on the assumption that earnings from imports will remain constant. However, the author
provides no evidence that substantiates this assumption. It is possible that revenues from imports will increase
dramatically in the near future; if so, the course of action proposed by the author might be unnecessary to solve
Sacchar’s trade deficit problem. Conversely, it is possible that revenues from imports are likely to decrease
dramatically in the near future. To the extent that this is the case, lowering sugar prices may have a negligible
countervailing effect, depending on the demand for Sacchar’s sugar.

In the second place, increasing sales by lowering the price of sugar will not yield an increase in income unless the
increase in sales is sufficient to overcome the loss in income due to the lower price. This raises three questions
the author fails to address. First, will a price decrease in fact stimulate demand? Second, is demand sufficient to
meet the increase in supply? Third, can Sacchar increase the sugar production sufficiently to overcome the
deficit? In the absence of answers to these questions, we cannot assess the author’s proposal.

In conclusion, the author provides an incomplete analysis of the problem and, as a result, provides a questionable
solution. To better evaluate the proposal, we would need to know how revenues from imports are likely to change
in the future. To strengthen the argument, the author must provide evidence that demand is sufficient to meet
the proposed increase in supply, and that Sacchar has sufficient resources to accommodate the increase.

42. The following appeared in the opinion section of a national newsmagazine.

“To reverse the deterioration of the postal service, the government should raise the price
of postage stamps. This solution will no doubt prove effective, since the price increase will
generate larger revenues and will also reduce the volume of mail, thereby eliminating the
strain on the existing system and contributing to improved morale.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.


1 价格提高带 来的增加 和数量减 少带来的 减少哪个 大不是定 数

2 收益增加并 不一定就 会提高士 气,因为 他们的工 资很可能 是固定工 资而不是 绩效工资 。
3 其他方法可 能更有效 果。例如 减低成本 ,把固定 工资改成 绩效工资 。

1, 收入是否会增加?因为 volume 会减少。

2, 士气与 volume 的减少是否有关系?很可能工资是 fixed salary,不会被其他改变。
3, 是否有其他的办法?比如引进技术,减少成本等等。

The author concludes that a postage-stamp price increase is needed to reduce the deterioration of the postal
service. The author reasons that raising the price of stamps will accomplish this goal because it will generate more
revenue, thereby eliminating the strain on the system. The author further reasons that a price increase will also
reduce the volume of mail, thereby improving the morale of postal workers. The reasoning in this argument is
problematic in three respects.

The main problem with the argument is the author’s mistaken assumption that eliminating strain on the system and
improving employee morale are mutually achievable by way of an increase in stamp prices. A price increase will
generate more revenue only if the volume of mail remains constant or increases. But, if the volume of mail
increases or remains constant, worker morale will not be improved. On the other hand, if the price increase
reduces the volume of mail, revenues may decrease, and the strain on the system will not be eliminated.
Consequently, eliminating the strain on the system and improving the morale of the workers cannot both be
achieved by simply raising the price of postage stamps.
Secondly, the author’s conclusion that the proposed price increase is necessary to reduce deterioration of the
postal service relies on the assumption that no other action would achieve the same result. However, the author
provides no evidence to substantiate this assumption. It is possible, for example, that careful cost-cutting
measures that do not decrease worker morale might achieve the same goal. It is also possible that other revenue-
enhancing measures that do not undermine employee morale are available.

Thirdly, the author unfairly assumes that reducing mail volume and increasing revenues will improve employee
morale. This is not necessarily the case. It is possible that employee morale is materially improved only by other
means, and that additional revenues will not be used in ways that improve morale. It is also possible that a
decrease in mail volume will result in a reduction of the size of the labor force, regardless of revenues, which in
turn might undermine morale.

In conclusion, the author’s proposed solution to the problem of the deterioration of the postal service will not
work. Raising postage-stamp prices cannot bring about both of the outcomes the author identifies as being
necessary to solve the problem. Before we can accept the argument, the author must modify the proposal
accordingly and must provide more information about the relationship between employee morale and mail

43. The following appeared in an article in the health section of a newspaper.

“There is a common misconception that university hospitals are better than community or
private hospitals. This notion is unfounded, however: the university hospitals in our region
employ 15 percent fewer doctors, have a 20 percent lower success rate in treating patients,
make far less overall profit, and pay their medical staff considerably less than do private
hospitals. Furthermore, many doctors at university hospitals typically divide their time among
teaching, conducting research, and treating patients. From this it seems clear that the quality of
care at university hospitals is lower than that at other kinds of hospitals.”

报 纸 的 健 康 板 块 上 的 文 章 :
院,少雇 15%的医生,对患者的治愈率要低 20%,总体利润要小得多,给一户员工的待遇比私人医院低很多。而且,

1, 从一个 医院的情 况就推广 到整个太 草率

2, 治愈率 低可能是 因为接受 的患者得 的病都比 较罕见等 原因造成 的
3, 工资低, 总体利润 低,时间 分配给教 学都不能 一定说明 质量差。 可能其他 福利好, 接受
的病人 少,教学 研究有助 于进步

1. 首先,医生的人数与质量之间没有必然的因果原因。 profit 跟质量也无关系。很可能 treating

price is significantly lower。
2. 成功率不能说明问题。缺乏其他的证据,忽略了他因:比如因为质量高,所以很多 serious
illness 的,而送往其他医院的一般都是 common cases.
3. 时间不能代表问题。因为那些医生所做的研究很可能帮助他们进行治疗。
In this argument the author concludes that university hospitals provide no better care than private or community
hospitals. The author bases this conclusion on the following claims about university hospitals: the ones in this
region employ 15 percent fewer doctors; they have a 20 percent lower success rate in treating patients; they pay
their staffs less money; they make less profit than community hospitals; and they utilize doctors who divide their
time between teaching, research and treating patients. This argument is unconvincing for several reasons.

The most egregious reasoning error in the argument is the author’s use of evidence pertaining to university
hospitals in this region as the basis for a generalization about all university hospitals. The underlying assumption
operative in this inference is that university hospitals in this region are representative of all university hospitals.
No evidence is offered to support this gratuitous assumption.

Secondly, the only relevant reason offered in support of the claim that the quality of care is lower in university
hospitals than it is at other hospitals is the fact that university hospitals have a lower success rate in treating
patients. But this reason is not sufficient to reach the conclusion in question unless it can be shown that the
patients treated in both types of hospitals suffered from similar types of maladies. For example, if university
hospitals routinely treat patients suffering from rare diseases whereas other hospitals treat only those who
suffer from known diseases and illnesses, the difference in success rates would not be indicative of the quality of
care received.

Finally, the author assumes that the number of doctors a hospital employs, its success rate in treating patients,
the amount it pays its staff, and the profits it earns are all reliable indicators of the quality of care it delivers.
No evidence is offered to support this assumption nor is it obvious that any of these factors is linked to the
quality of care delivered to patients. Moreover, the fact that doctors in university hospitals divide their time
among many tasks fails to demonstrate that they do a poorer job of treating patients than doctors at other kinds
of hospitals. In fact, it is highly likely that they do a better job because they are more knowledgeable than other
doctors due to their teaching and research.

In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to
demonstrate that university hospitals in this region are representative of all university hospitals, as well as
establishing a causal link between the various factors cited and the quality of care delivered to patients.

44. The following is part of a business plan created by the management of the Megamart grocery

“Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to
our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-
stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is
to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also
plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop,
in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will
give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.”
Megamart 杂 货 店 的 管 理 层 的 商 务 计 划 :
由于我们在杂货店内加了药剂部分,今年我们的总体销售额增加了 20%。显然,顾客主要关注的是一次性购物的便利

1. 总体销 售额增加 20%利润不一定 也会相应 增加

2. 销售额 的增加不 一定是由 于增加了 这个部门 造成的
3. 以后是 否还会有 如此效果 不一定。 因为 可能已经 有企业提 供更专业 更优质的 商品和服 务。

1. 没有建立因果。sequence 不能证明因果。不知道收入来自哪个 section. 很可能是有其他的原因:

很可能是 pharmacy 没有利润。利润来自其他的部分。比如食品等,质量提高,或者经济情况好,
人们有更多的 demand。
2. 销售额增加不一定是 profit 增加。
3. 错误类比:就算加入了 pharmacy 引起了收入提高,也不能说增加的 clothing 和其他也会引起
收入。很可能人们不是因为 convenience,而是对 medicine 的需要。很可能其他的,人们更愿
意到 special shops。

The management of the Megamart grocery store concludes that adding new departments and services is the
surest way to increase profits over the next couple of years. They are led to this conclusion because of a 20
percent increase in total sates, realized after the addition of a pharmacy section to the grocery store. On the
basis of this experience, they concluded that the convenience of one-stop shopping was the main concern of their
customers. The management’s argument is faulty in several respects.

In the first place, the management assumes that the increase in total sales was due to the addition of the
pharmacy section. However, the only evidence offered to support this conclusion is the fact that the addition of
the pharmacy preceded the increase in sales. But the mere fact that the pharmacy section was added before the
increase occurred is insufficient grounds to conclude that it was responsible for the increase. Many other factors
could bring about this same result. Lacking a detailed analysis of the source of the sales increase, it would be
sheer folly to attribute the increase to the addition of the pharmacy section.

In the second place, even if it were the case that the increase in total sales was due to the addition of the
pharmacy section, this fact alone is insufficient to support the claim that adding additional departments will
increase sales even further. It is quite possible that the addition of the pharmacy section increased sales simply
because there was no other pharmacy in the vicinity. The additional proposed departments and services, on the
other hand, might be well represented in the area and their addition might have no impact whatsoever on the
profits of the store. In other words, there may be relevant differences between the pharmacy section and the
additional proposed sections that preclude them from having a similar effect on the sales of the store.

In conclusion, the management’s argument is not well-reasoned. To strengthen the conclusion, the management
must provide additional evidence linking the addition of the pharmacy section to the increase in total sales. It
must also show that there are no exceptional reasons for the sales increase due to the pharmacy section that
would not apply to the other proposed additions.
46. The following appeared in a memorandum from the directors of a security and safety
consulting service.

“Our research indicates that over the past six years no incidents of employee theft have
been reported within ten of the companies that have been our clients. In analyzing the
security practices of these ten companies, we have further learned that each of them
requires its employees to wear photo identification badges while at work. In the future,
therefore, we should recommend the use of such identification badges to all of our

安 全 保 险 服 务 经 理 的 备 忘 录 :
我们的研究指出,过去的 6 年中作为我们客户的 10 家公司没有被报道出有任何事故或员工盗窃行为。分析这 10 家公

1. 没 有 报 道 出 来 不 一 定 代 表 没 有 , 可 能 是 为 了 公 司 声 誉 reputation fame prestige 没 有 说 也 可

能是因 为没有发 现
2. 一定是 佩带了有 照片的身 份证起了 作用吗? 这个很难 说。两者只是 碰巧同时 发生,没 有必
然的因 果联系。
3. 不是所 有公司的 员工偷盗 问题都是 很严重的 。例如服 务产品提 供的公司 。

1. 不一定没有 reported 就是没发生。可能是公司出于 reputation 的考虑,隐瞒 conceal 了偷窃。

2. 没有因果关系,胸牌不一定是原因。可能是管理的比较好,员工更加 cautious 等等。
3. 不一定其他的公司也适用一样的政策。很可能其他的公司不适合使用胸牌——比如服务业
company who provide service rather than product,顾客比较多,并不好管理。

In this argument the directors of a security-and safety-consulting service conclude that the use of photo
identification badges should be recommended to all of their clients as a means to prevent employee theft. Their
conclusion is based on a study revealing that ten of their previous clients who use photo identification badges have
had no incidents of employee theft over the past six-year period. The directors’ recommendation is problematic in
several respects.

In the first place, the directors’ argument is based on the assumption that the reason for the lack of employee
theft in the ten companies was the fact that their employees wear photo identification badges. However, the
evidence revealed in their research establishes only a positive correlation between the lack of theft and the
requirement to wear badges; it does not establish a causal connection between them. Other factors, such as the
use of surveillance cameras or spot checks of employees’ briefcases and purses could be responsible for lack of
employee theft within the ten companies analyzed.

In the second place, the directors assume that employee theft is a problem that is common among their clients
and about which their clients are equally concerned. However, for some of their clients this might not be a
problem at all. For example, companies that sell services are much less likely to be concerned about employee
theft than those who sell products. Moreover, those that sell small products would be more concerned about
theft than those that sell large products. Consequently, even if wearing badges reduces employee theft, it might
not be necessary for all of the firm’s clients to follow this practice.

In conclusion, the director’s recommendation is not well supported. To strengthen the conclusion they must
establish a causal relation between the wearing of identification badges and the absence of employee theft. They
also must establish that the firm’s clients are sufficiently similar to all profit from this practice.

47. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper.

“The owners of the Cumquat Cafe evidently made a good business decision in moving to a new
location, as can be seen from the fact that the Cafe will soon celebrate its second anniversary
there. Moreover, it appears that businesses are not likely to succeed at the old location: since
the Cafe’s move, three different businesses—a tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet–
grooming shop—have occupied its former spot.”

地 方 报 纸 的 商 业 版 :
Cumquat 咖啡店的拥有者最近做出了一个出色的商业决定:搬迁到新地址。从事实可见,咖啡店会很快在那里庆祝
它的两周年店庆。而且这项业务看来在原址上不能获得成功。因为咖啡店搬迁后,3 家不同的商家:一个日光浴沙龙,

1. 在新地址庆祝第二个周年纪念日只能说明,搬到新地址之后咖啡店继续存活了下来但是
不是比 原来好了 作者并没 有给出足 够的证据 证明。
2. 导致另 外三家店 无法在那 个地点经 营下去的 原因可能 并表示不 是地址而 是其他因 素
3. 那个地 址就算不 适合开那 三种店打 算内并没 有证据证 明也不适 合开咖啡 店

In this argument the author concludes that Cumquat Cafe was correct in its decision to move to a new location. In
support of this assessment the author points out that while the Cafe has been in business for two years at its new
location, three businesses have failed at its previous location. The author’s line of reasoning is that the cause of
the failure of the three businesses is the fact that they all occupied the same location. This argument is
problematic in two important respects.

In the first place, no evidence has been offered to support the assumption that the reason the three businesses
failed was their location. While location is an important contributing factor to a business’ success or failure, it is
not the only such factor. Many other reasons—poor business practices, lack of advertising, or poor customer
service—could just as likely account for their lack of success. Lacking a detailed analysis of the reasons these
businesses failed, it would be foolish to attribute their failure to their location.

In the second place, while location may have been a factor which contributed to the failure of these businesses,
the reason may not have been the location itself but rather the suitability of the business to the location. For
example, a pet-grooming shop or a tanning salon located in a downtown metropolitan business district is unlikely to
succeed simply because this type of business is obviously unsuitable to the location. On the other hand, a bank in
the same location might be extremely successful simply because of its suitability to the location.
In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the conclusion, the author would have to
evaluate other possible causes of the failure of the three businesses, then in each case eliminate all possible
causes except location.

52. The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper.

“The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the
mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from
an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak
City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the
application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”(新题)

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

“The construction of last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City has done little for the
residents of the community. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have
closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage. In addition, because the
mall’s owner lives in nearby Elm City, the profits derived from sales at the mall are not being
returned to the community. These problems, coupled with the increase in trash and litter in
nearby Oak City park, demonstrate that Oak City did not use good judgment in allowing the
construction of the mall in the first place.”(老题)

Elm 城 的 报 纸 上 的 社 论 :

1. 作者所给出的所有问题和商场的建设都是时间上的前后关系而没有给出证据显示他们的
因果关 系
2. 作者只给出了不好的结果而没有给出好的影响很可能权衡利弊之后被选择的是要开这个
3. 这个商 场的建立 不应该也 不能由此 就否定以 后所有的 商场的建 立

1, To begin with, the author fails to establish the causal relationship between the shopping mall's opening
and the closing of local businesses.
2, Moreover, the author's conclusion is also based on the assumption that the shopping mall has caused the
increase in crime and vagrancy.
3, Finally, even if the shopping mall did cause the closing of local business and the increasing crime and
vagrancy in Oak City, the author's prediction that Elm City will suffer from the same fate as Oak City is
still open to doubt.
(此文根据老题写作)In this editorial the author rebukes Oak City for allowing the construction of a new downtown
shopping mall. Citing a number of problems that have occurred since the building of the mail, the author concludes
that the residents of Oak City have not benefited from the mail and that Oak City exercised poor judgment in
allowing the mail to be built. Among the problems cited by the author are the closure of local businesses, lack of
parking in the downtown area, and increased trash and litter in a city park near the mall. Moreover, the author
argues that profits derived from sales are not benefiting Oak City because the owner of the mall lives in another
city. The author’s argument is problematic in several respects.

In the first place, the author assumes that addition of the new mall is the cause of the various problems cited.
The only evidence offered to support this claim is that the construction of the mall occurred before these
problems manifested themselves. However, this evidence is insufficient to establish the claim in question. A
chronological relationship is only one of the indicators of a causal relationship between two events.

In the second place, the author has focused only on negative effects the mall has had on the city. A more detailed
analysis of the situation might reveal that the positive benefits for the city far outweigh the problems on which
the author focuses. For example, new jobs might have been created for the residents of Oak City, and tax
revenues might have been increased for the city. Lacking a more comprehensive analysis of the impact of the mail
on Oak City, it is presumptuous on the part of the author to conclude that Oak City’s decision to allow the mall to
be built was incorrect.

In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to
demonstrate that the construction of the mall caused the various problems mentioned. The author would also have
to show that the negative effects of the project outweighed the positive effects.

?54. The following appeared in an Excelsior Company memorandum.

“The Excelsior Company plans to introduce its own brand of coffee. Since coffee is an
expensive food item, and since there are already many established brands of coffee, the
best way to gain customers for the Excelsior brand is to do what Superior, the leading
coffee company, did when it introduced the newest brand in its line of coffees: conduct a
temporary sales promotion that offers free samples, price reductions, and discount
coupons for the new brand.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.


1. 别的公 司的经验 是否可以 被套用在 该公司身 上尚待考 证

2. 该公司 是否承担 的起诸如 发送免费 样品降价 等促销策 略
3. 那个公 司采取上 述措施的 时候是否 获得了成 功并没有 证据论证
1, 没有证据证明 SUPERIOR 的策略成功了。
2, 就算成功了,也不一定会适合 EC。因为那个公司可能有很强的实力,创造出 high quality
coffee,所以经过促销后很可能会 win large amount of customers。但是 EC 不一定能创
3, 就算是创造出了好咖啡,也不一定有实力实行这样的策略。很可能销售的增加不能 off set 那
些 cost.

This company memorandum recommends that Excelsior conduct a temporary sales promotion for its new brand of
coffee that includes offering free samples, price reductions, and discount coupons. This recommendation is based
on the fact that Superior, the leading coffee company, used just such a promotion to introduce the newest brand
in its line of coffees. This argument is unconvincing because it relies on three questionable assumptions.

First of all, the argument rests on the assumption that a promotional strategy that works for one company will
work for another. However, Excelsior and Superior may not be sufficiently similar to warrant this assumption.
Promotional techniques that work for a leader with established name recognition for its brand of coffees may be
ineffective for a company with no similar name recognition new to the brand coffee market. Accordingly, Excelsior
might be better advised to employ some other strategy, such as a media advertising plan, to first attain broad
name recognition.

The argument also depends on the assumption that Excelsior can afford a promotional plan similar to Superior’s.
However, free samples, price reductions, and discounts all reduce profits and may actually result in temporary
losses. While a leading company with other profitable products in the same line can absorb a temporary loss, for a
fledgling competitor this strategy might be very risky and may even result in business failure.

Finally, the argument relies on the assumption that Superior’s promotional campaign for its newest coffee was
successful. However, the memo provides no evidence that this was the case. It is possible that the promotion was
entirely ineffective, and that Superior remains the leader in its field despite this small failure. If so, Excelsior
may be ill-advised to follow Superior’s promotional strategy.

In conclusion, the two companies are too dissimilar to justify the recommendation that Excelsior model its
promotional strategy on Superior’s. To strengthen the argument, the author of the memo must establish that
Excelsior has sufficient operating capital to launch the recommended sales campaign, and that this strategy would
be more effective than another strategy, such as using extensive media advertising.

55. The following appeared in an Excelsior Company memorandum.

“The Excelsior Company plans to introduce its own brand of coffee. Since coffee is an
expensive food item, and since there are already many established brands of coffee, the best
way to gain customers for the Excelsior brand is to do what Superior, the leading coffee
company, did when it introduced the newest brand in its line of coffees: conduct a temporary
sales promotion that offers free samples, price reductions, and discount coupons for the new
This company memorandum recommends that Excelsior conduct a temporary sales promotion for its new brand of
coffee that includes offering free samples, price reductions, and discount coupons. This recommendation is based
on the fact that Superior, the leading coffee company, used just such a promotion to introduce the newest brand
in its line of coffees. This argument is unconvincing because it relies on three questionable assumptions.

First of all, the argument rests on the assumption that a promotional strategy that works for one company will
work for another. However, Excelsior and Superior may not be sufficiently similar to warrant this assumption.
Promotional techniques that work for a leader with established name recognition for its brand of coffees may be
ineffective for a company with no similar name recognition new to the brand coffee market. Accordingly, Excelsior
might be better advised to employ some other strategy, such as a media advertising plan, to first attain broad
name recognition.

The argument also depends on the assumption that Excelsior can afford a promotional plan similar to Superior’s.
However, free samples, price reductions, and discounts all reduce profits and may actually result in temporary
losses. While a leading company with other profitable products in the same line can absorb a temporary loss, for a
fledgling competitor this strategy might be very risky and may even result in business failure.

Finally, the argument relies on the assumption that Superior’s promotional campaign for its newest coffee was
successful. However, the memo provides no evidence that this was the case. It is possible that the promotion was
entirely ineffective, and that Superior remains the leader in its field despite this small failure. If so, Excelsior
may be ill-advised to follow Superior’s promotional strategy.

In conclusion, the two companies are too dissimilar to justify the recommendation that Excelsior model its
promotional strategy on Superior’s. To strengthen the argument, the author of the memo must establish that
Excelsior has sufficient operating capital to launch the recommended sales campaign, and that this strategy would
be more effective than another strategy, such as using extensive media advertising.

61. The following appeared as part of a recommendation by one of the directors of the Beta

“The Alpha Company has just reduced its workforce by laying off fifteen percent of its
employees in all divisions and at all levels, and it is encouraging early retirement for other
employees. As you know, the Beta Company manufactures some products similar to Alpha’s,
but our profits have fallen over the last few years. To improve Beta’s competitive position, we
should try to hire a significant number of Alpha’s former workers, since these experienced
workers can provide valuable information about Alpha’s successful methods, will require little
training, and will be particularly motivated to compete against Alpha.”

β 公 司 的 一 个 经 理 人 的 一 份 建 议 书 :
α 公司通过在所有部门和所有层次裁减了 15%的员工减少了工作人员,它还鼓励其他员工提前退休。如你所知,β 公
司生产部分和 α 公司类似的产品,但我们的利润在过去几年内下降了。为了提高 β 的竞争力,我们应该试着雇用大量
的 α 的前雇员,因为这些有经验的工人将提供关于 α 成功方法的有用信息,而且基本不需要培训,并将更有动力与 α

1. According to the common sense the workers who are laid off are always the least effective and
2. Whether the Alpha Company is successful or not is still open to doubt.
3. The recruitment will bring benefit to the company and cost at the same time. No conclusion can be
given until the benefit-cost analysis has been made.
4. The products the two companies manufacture are just similar. The skills the Alpha company's
workers own will not be applicable to the Beta company.

1. A 公司的雇员是否能提供有用信息还不知道。因为被说服退休的,很可能是效率低下的,从事非
2. 没有证据证明 A 公司是否利润上升,有可能也是下降,甚至下降的更快。所以 A 的雇员即使提供
3. A 与 B 是否有足够相似,很可能差很远。只有一些相似产品,不代表所有,而且很可能并不是这
4. 很可能得到的利润不能补偿多雇佣的人员的 cost。

A director of Beta Company suggests that Beta can improve its competitive position by hiring a significant number
of former Alpha Company employees who have recently retired or been laid off. The director’s reasoning is that
because Alpha manufactures some products similar to Beta’s, former Alpha employees would be experienced and
need little training, could provide valuable information about Alpha’s successful methods, and would be particularly
motivated to compete against Alpha. The director’s argument is problematic in several respects.

First of all, the argument presupposes that Alpha’s methods are successful. This is not necessarily the case. To
the contrary, the fact that Alpha has laid off 15 percent of its employees in every division and at every level
suggests that Alpha’s methods may have been unsuccessful and that downsizing was necessary for the company to
minimize financial losses.

Secondly, the director assumes that the former Alpha employees hired by Beta will be well-trained and valuable.
During a typical lay-off, however, the best and most experienced employees are typically the last to be laid off.
By following the director’s advice, Beta would probably be hiring Alpha’s least efficient and least experienced
employees—that is, those who would be least valuable to Beta.

Thirdly, the author assumes that Alpha and Beta are sufficiently similar so that former Alpha employees could
provide special value for Beta. However, we are informed only that Beta manufactures “some products similar to
Alpha’s.” It is possible that former Alpha employees have experience with only a small segment of Beta’s product
line, and thus have little inside information of any value to Beta.

Finally, the claim that former Alpha employees would be motivated to compete against Alpha is partially
unwarranted. While many of those who were laid off may be so motivated, those who retired early from Alpha
probably departed on good terms with Alpha, and would in any event be unmotivated to reenter the work force.

In conclusion, the argument fails to provide key facts needed to assess it. To better evaluate the director’s
suggestion, we would need more information about why Alpha reduced its work force, what type of workers left
Alpha and under what circumstances, and how similar Alpha’s range of products is to Beta’s.

62. The following appeared in the letters-to-the-editor section of a local newspaper.

“Muscle Monthly, a fitness magazine that regularly features pictures of bodybuilders using
state-of-the-art exercise machines, frequently sells out, according to the owner of Skyview
Newsstand. To help maximize fitness levels in our town’s residents, we should, therefore, equip
our new community fitness center with such machines.”

本 地 报 纸 上 给 编 者 的 信 板 块 :
一份叫 Muscle Monthly 的健康杂志规律性地刊登使用最好的训练器械的健美运动员的照片。据 skyview 报摊的摊主

1. The bodybuilders may just pretend to be using the state-of-the-art exercise machines while, in fact,
their excellent body conditions are due to the use of other types of equipment. And, they just do so
for the advertisement purpose.
2. The circulation is just one of the indicators of the popularity of the magazine. What is more, I can
find no direct relationship between the popularity of the magazine and the author's suggestion that
we should equip the community with the state-of-the-art excercise machine.
3. The machines for body building will not necessarily have the same effect on fitness.

1, 如果杂志卖光得快不一定是因为这个器材好,很可能是价钱便宜,和其他的内容。
2, 那些人很可能并不真正用这些机器,而只是摆出造型。
3, 如果是为了 body-building 的机器很可能不能 fitness。比如,cardiovascular fitness。

In this argument the author concludes that the new community fitness center should be equipped with the state-
of-the-art exercise machines featured in Muscle Monthly magazine. In support of this recommendation two
reasons are offered: (1) Muscle Monthly contains pictures of bodybuilders using such machines, and (2) Muscle
Monthly is a popular magazine, as evidenced by the fact that it frequently sells out at the local newsstand. This
argument is questionable on two counts.

First, a major implication of the argument is that the bodybuilders pictured using the machines in Muscle Monthly
magazine reached their state of fitness as a result of using these machines. The only evidence offered to support
this contention, however, is the pictures in the magazine. It is possible that the bodybuilders pictured use
different equipment for their workouts and are merely posing with the machines for advertising purposes.

Second, the author assumes that machines that are suitable for bodybuilding will also be suitable to help maximize
the fitness levels of the town’s residents. This assumption is highly questionable. Machines designed to increase
muscle development are significantly different from those designed to increase cardiovascular fitness.
Consequently, it is unlikely that the machines pictured in the magazine will be of much use to help maximize the
fitness levels of the town’s residents.
In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to show that the
bodybuilders pictured using the exercise machines actually used the machines to reach their level of muscle
development. Additionally, the author would have to show that the machines were suitable for increasing the
fitness levels of the persons using them.

63. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper.

“The Cumquat Café made a mistake in moving to a new location. After one year at the
new spot, it is doing about the same volume of business as before, but the owners of the
RoboWrench plumbing supply wholesale outlet that took over its old location are
apparently doing better: RoboWrench is planning to open a store in a neighboring city.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

Cumquat 咖啡店搬到新地址是个错误。到新址的一年以后,它的营业额和以前基本一样。但在它的原址开业的提供铅
管批发出口的 Robo Wrench 的店主显然做的更好。Robo Wrench 正计划在临近城市开一家店。

1. False analogy
2. Other factors other than location that may contribute to the faliure of the Cumquat Cafe should be
considered and ruled out.
3. Likewise, there may be some other factors that will explain the success of the success of the
RoboWrench plumbing.
4. One year's poor performance is too wake an evidence to conclude that the Cafe has made a
mistake to relocate.

According to this newspaper article, the Cumquat Cafe made a mistake by relocating one year ago. The author
supports this claim by pointing out that Cumquat is doing about the same volume of business as before it moved,
while RoboWrench plumbing supply outlet, which took over Cumquat’s old location, is apparently “doing better”
because its owners plan to open a new outlet in a nearby city. This argument suffers from several critical flaws.

To begin with, the two businesses are too dissimilar for meaningful comparison. Cumquat’s old location may simply
have been better suited to hardware, plumbing, and home improvement businesses than to cafes and restaurants.
The article’s claim that Cumquat made a mistake in moving fails to take this possibility into account.

Secondly, the article’s claim that RoboWrench is “doing better” since it took over Cumquat’s old location is too
vague to be meaningful. The author fails to provide a second term of this comparison. We are not informed
whether RoboWrench is doing better than before it moved, better than other plumbing stores, or better than
Cumquat. This uninformative comparison is worthless as evidence from which to judge the wisdom of Cumquat’s
decision to relocate.

Thirdly, the claim that RoboWrench is doing better is unwarranted by the evidence. The mere fact that
RoboWrench plans to open a new store in a nearby city does not by itself establish that business is good. It is
possible that the purpose of this plan is to compensate for lackluster business at the current location. Or perhaps
the RoboWrench owners are simply exercising poor business judgment.

Finally, the claim that Cumquat made a mistake in moving may be too hasty, since the conclusion is based on only
one year’s business at the new location. Moreover, given the time it ordinarily takes for a business to develop a
new customer base in a new location, the fact that Cumquat’s volume of business is about the same as before it
moved tends to show that the move was a good decision, not a mistake.

In conclusion, the claim that Cumquat’s move was a mistake is ill-founded, since it is based on both poor and
incomplete comparisons as well as on a premature conclusion. To better assess the argument, we need to know
what the author is comparing RoboWrench’s performance to; we also need more information about the extent of
RoboWrench’s success at this location and why its owners are opening a new store.

64. The following appeared in a memorandum from the Director of Human Resources to the
executive officers of Company X.

“Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them
rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved
communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of
highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since
instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the
employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therefore, it is likely that most employees at
Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”

人 力 资 源 经 理 给 X 公 司 的 经 营 主 管 的 备 忘 录 :
去年,我们向员工调查他们认为 X 公司应该进行的改进,让他们把改进按重要性排列。结果列印为一张可能的改进的
立了由高层管理人员组织,雇员可以自愿参加的常规交流会。因此,看来 X 的多数员工认为最应该进行的改进已经完



1. The result of a last year's survey does not necessarily represent the improvement most needed of
this year.
2. How was the survey held has not been illustrated by the author, thus making the conclusion
3. Whether the implement of the mentioned resolution is right or wrong is still unkonwn, it is still too
early to say the improvement has been made.

1, 调查的可信性:是否 anonymous,如果要 named,很可能并不是他们最想要的改进。

2, 改进方法是否充分?是否交流会有很好交流,并且采纳 accept 意见
The Director of Human Resources concludes that most employees at Company X feel that the improvement most
needed at the company has been satisfactorily addressed. Two reasons are offered in support of this conclusion.
First, a survey of employees showed that the issue respondents were most concerned about was employee-
management communication. Second, the company has since instituted regular voluntary sessions for employees
and management designed to improve communication. The director’s argument is questionable for two reasons.

To begin with, the validity of the survey is doubtful. Lacking information about the number of employees surveyed
and the number of respondents, it is impossible to assess the validity of the results. For example, if 200
employees were surveyed but only two responded, the conclusion that most of the employees ranked employee-
management communication as the most pressing issue would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no
evidence that would rule out interpretations such as this, the survey results are insufficient to support the
author’s conclusion.

Furthermore, even if the survey accurately ranks certain issues according to level of employee concern, the
highest-ranked issue in the survey might not be the issue about which employees are most concerned. Why? The
improvement most needed from the point of view of the employees might not have appeared as one of the choices
on the survey. For example, if the list of improvements presented on the survey was created by management
rather than by the employees, then the issues of greatest concern to the employees might not be included on the
list. Lacking information about how the survey was prepared, it is impossible to assess its reliability. Consequently,
any conclusion based on it is highly questionable.

In conclusion, the director’s conclusion is not well-founded. To strengthen the argument, additional information
regarding the way in which the employee survey was prepared and conducted is required.

67. The following appeared in an article in a travel magazine.

“After the airline industry began requiring airlines to report their on-time rates, Speedee Airlines
achieved the number one on-time rate, with over 89 percent of its flights arriving on time each
month. And now Speedee is offering more flights to more destinations than ever before.
Clearly, Speedee is the best choice for today’s business traveler.”

航空工业开始要求航空公司报告他们的准时率以后,Speedee 航空公司达到准时率最高,每月他的航次有超过 89%
都准时到达。现在,Speedee 提供了更多的航次到更多的地方。显然,Speedee 是今天的商务旅行者最好的选择。

1. 提供了更多航次,准时率可能下降。
2. 准时不是最好选择的唯一标准。服务,价格也很重要。
3. 没有说到底几个月。如果报告只有两个月,不足以说明问题。其他公司的准时率说不定正在稳步上

4. 由于是航空公司自己报告,数据可能被扭曲 : We can image that the main purpose of airline industry
to require on-times rates report is to identify and award the best companies, it is easy to suppose that the
Speedee Airlines, which can benefit from its report, give unfair and inaccurate date.
A travel magazine article claims that Speedee Airlines is the best choice for today’s business traveler. To support
this claim, the author points out that Speedee has ranked first in terms of on-time arrival rate since the airline
industry began requiring airlines to report their on-time rates. The claim is also based on the assertion that
“Speedee new offers more flights to more destination than ever before.” This argument suffers from several
critical flaws.

First of all, the claim relies on a couple of unwarranted assumptions. One assumption is that on-time rates, number
of flights, and destination choices are the only features of airlines service that determine how a particular airline
would rank overall for a business traveler. However, the author of this article ignores other factors such as fare
prices and discounts, safety record, baggage-handing, and in-flight amenities. Another assumption is that
Speedee’s overall on-time record affects business and no-business travelers equally. However, this is not
necessarily the case. Speedee may have a poorer record for commuter flights, which are popular among business
travelers, than for other flights. If so, the conclusion that Speedee is the best choice for the business traveler
would be seriously undermined.

Secondly, the author’s claim that “Speedee now offers more flights to more destinations than ever before” is too
vague to be meaningful. We are not informed how many flights or how many destinations were previously offered
or how many are offered now. Moreover, the article makes no comparison with other airlines regarding these
features. Without these comparisons, the claim is worthless as a reason for choosing Speedee over another

Thirdly, the article fails to indicate how long ago the industry began requiring airlines to report on-time rates. If
the requirement was imposed recently, then the brief reporting period may be insufficient to show that the
airlines’ relative on-time performance will continue in the future. Moreover, the article fails to provide evidence
that all airlines, regardless of on-time record, actually reported, or that the reports are accurate.

In conclusion, the article’s claim that Speedee is the best choice for the business traveler is unsubstantiated and
may be too hasty. To better evaluate the article’s claim, we need more information about Speedee;s other features
that contribute to its overall appeal, about its on-time record for commuter flights specifically, and about the
integrity and length of the reporting upon which the ranking was based.

68. The following appeared in a memorandum to the planning department of an investment firm.

“Costs have begun dropping for several types of equipment currently used to convert solar
energy into electricity. Moreover, some exciting new technologies for converting solar energy
are now being researched and developed. Hence we can expect that solar energy will soon
become more cost efficient and attractive than coal or oil as a source of electrical power. We
should, therefore, encourage investment in Solario, a new manufacturer of solar-powered
products. After all, Solario’s chief executive was once on the financial planning team for
Ready-to-Ware, a software engineering firm that has shown remarkable growth since its recent

投 资 公 司 计 划 部 的 备 忘 录 :
商 Solario 投资。毕竟 Solario 的 CEO 曾是 Ready-to-Ware(一家在其新近成立后表现出众的软件工程公司)的

1. The decrease of the cost of several types of equipment does not necessarily guarantee the reduction
of the overall cost of the convertion of solar energy into electicity.
2. It is still too early to say that the technologies for converting the solar energy that are being
researched and developed will certainly make the solar energy cost efficient and attractive.
3. Even if the cost reduction of the solar energy is immediately accessible, it is still imprudent to say
the solar energy is more attractive compared with the coal and oil as a source of electrical power.
4. The former performance of the CEO does not guarantee the future success of the Solario. From
the autor's assertion, the CEO's ability to manage this solar energy company is, in fact, somewhat
dubious, because he or she once was on the financial planning team for Ready-to-ware, which is in
the industry completely different from the Solario.

1, 除了价钱之外很可能有别的因素让人更喜欢石油。
2, 不知道 cost 下降后是否仍然比石油等的价钱高。而且研究也未必能成功.

3, 财 务 顾 问 不 一 定 能 做 好 CEO 。

In this argument the planning department of investment firm reaches the conclusion that the firm should
encourage investment in Solario—a new manufacturer of solar-powered products. The basis for this
recommendation is the expectation that solar energy will soon become more cost efficient and attractive than
other forms of energy. This expectation is based on recent declines in the cost of equipment used to convert
solar energy into electricity and on new technologies that are being developed for this purpose. An additional
reason give in support of this recommendation is that Solario’s chief executive was a member of the financial
planning team for a company that has shown remarkable growth since its recent incorporation. While this
argument has some merit, there are a few assumptions that deserve attention.

In the first place, the author assumes that the previous business experience of Solario’s chief executive will be
an asset in the development of the new company. While this may be the case, the fact that the two companies
deal in vastly different products is cause for some concern. The executive’s expertise in the software-engineering
business will not necessarily be applicable to the solar-powered products business.

In the second place, the author assumes that the major impediment to the use of solar-powered products is the
cost of solar energy and that, given a choice, consumers would prefer products powered by solar energy over
those powered by energy derived from coal or oil. On the face of it, this assumption seems acceptable; but it may
be that there are other factors besides cost that make solar energy less desirable than other forms of energy.

In conclusion, this argument is convincing. To strengthen the argument additional evidence indicating consumer
preference for solar-powered products over products powered by conventional forms of energy would be

70. The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of a company that makes shampoo.
“A widely publicized study claims that HR2, a chemical compound in our shampoo, can contribute to hair
loss after prolonged use. This study, however, involved only 500 subjects. Furthermore, we have received no
complaints from our customers during the past year, and some of our competitors actually use more HR2 per
bottle of shampoo than we do. Therefore, we do not need to consider replacing the HR2 in our shampoo with
a more expensive alternative.”

一份广泛出版的研究声称 HR2,我们的香波里的一种化合物,长期使用后可能导致脱发。但是,这项研究只包括 500
个样本。此外,过去的一年里我们并未从我们的顾客那里接到投诉,而且一些我们的竞争者在一瓶香波里使用的 HR2
比我们的还要多。因此,我们不必考虑用更贵的替代物替代我们的香波里的 HR2。

The president of the company that produces Glabrous Shampoo argues against removing the ingredient HR2 from
the shampoo even though a scientific study claims that prolonged use of HR2 can contribute to hair loss. Three
reasons are cited as the basis for this decision. First, it is argued that since the scientific study involved only 500
subjects, it can be disregarded. Second, none of Glabrous’ customers have complained of problems during the past
year. And, finally, Glabrous’ competitors use more HR2 per bottle than Glabrous. The president’s decision is
problematic in several respects.

To begin with, the fact that the scientific study on HR2 involved only 500 subjects is insufficient grounds to
dismiss the results of that study. If the subjects for the study were randomly chosen and represent a diverse
cross section of the population of shampoo users, the results will be reliable regardless of the number of

Next, the scientific study determined that prolonged use could contribute to hair loss. While “prolonged use” was
not defined in the memorandum, the fact that none of Glabrous’ customers have complained of problems during
the past year is not a reliable reason to believe that problems will not arise in the future.

Finally, the fact that Glabrous’ competitors use more HR2 in their products than Glabrous uses is irrelevant to the
question of whether Glabrous should remove HR2 from its product. Moreover, rather than providing a reason for
not removing the compound, this fact serves better as a reason for doing so. By removing HR2 from its product
Glabrous could gain an edge over its competitors.

72. The following appeared as part of a recommendation from the business manager of a
department store.

“Local clothing stores reported that their profits decreased, on average, for the three-month
period between August 1 and October 31. Stores that sell products for the home reported that,
on average, their profits increased during this same period. Clearly, consumers are choosing to
buy products for their homes instead of clothing. To take advantage of this trend, we should
reduce the size of our clothing departments and enlarge our home furnishings and household
products departments.”
专 卖 店 的 商 务 经 理 的 备 忘 录 :
本地服装店报告说从 8 月 1 号到 10 月 31 号的 3 个月里他们的平均利润下降。销售家庭用品的商店却报告同期的平均

1. A period of three month is too short to draw a general conclusion of the overall trend.
2. The past three months' trend does not guarantee the same in the future.
3. Whether the reports from the local clothing stores and stores that sell products for the home are
reliable or not are still open to doubt, thus making the author's suggestion groundless.

1, 降低和上升,是否存在必然的关系。忽略他因。
2, 三个月的时间是否能说明一种趋势?

Based upon sales reports over a three-month period that indicate an increase in profits for stores that sell
products for the home and a decrease in profits for clothing stores, the business manager of a department store
concludes that consumers are choosing to purchase home furnishings rather than clothing. On the basis of this
conclusion, the manager recommends a reduction in the size of the clothing department and an increase in the size
of the home-furnishings department. This recommendation is problematic in two critical respects.

In the first place, the author’s conclusion that consumers are choosing to buy products for their homes instead of
clothing is based upon too small a sample. Data gathered from a three-month period is insufficient to establish
the conclusion drawn from it. It is quite possible that the three-month period chosen is idiosyncratic and not
representative of entire year’s sales. If so, reducing the size of the clothing departments and enlarging the home-
furnishings departments may be a costly mistake.

In the second place, the data collected during the three month period may be biased. The fact that the data
reflects sales in local stores is cause for concern. It is possible that the sales trend in a particular location is not
representative of sales in other regions. For example, sales of clothing in Florida during the winter months are
likely to be quite different from sales of clothing in Alaska during the same period.

In conclusion, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. A more convincing argument must provide additional
sales data, collected at different periods of the year and at different locations, that substantiates the trend in

86. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a daily newspaper.

“Company A has a large share of the international market in video-game hardware and
software. Company B, the pioneer in these products, was once a $12 billion-a-year giant but
collapsed when children became bored with its line of products. Thus Company A can also be
expected to fail, especially given the fact that its games are now in so many American homes
that the demand for them is nearly exhausted.”
日 报 的 商 业 版 :
公司 a 在视频游戏的硬件软件方面有很大的国际市场份额。公司 b 是这些产品的先锋,而且曾经一度是年收入 120 亿
元的巨人,但在孩子们厌倦了它的系列产品后崩溃了。因此公司 a 也将失败,考虑到它的产品已经占据了那么多的美

1, 类比错误。是否由 share 导致的。

2, A 很可能生产出新的产品。

In this argument the author reasons that the failure of Company B portends a similar fate for Company A. The
grounds for this prediction are similarities that exist between the two companies. The line of reasoning is that
since both companies produce video-game hardware and software and both enjoy a large share of the market for
these products, the failure of one is a reliable predictor of the failure of the other. This argument is

The major problem with the argument is that the stated similarities between Company A and B are insufficient to
support the conclusion that Company A will suffer a fate similar to Company B’s. In fact, the similarities stated
are irrelevant to that conclusion. Company B did not fail because of its market share or because of the general
type of product it produced; it failed because children became bored with its particular line of products.
Consequently, the mere fact that Company A holds a large share of the video-game hardware and software market
does not support the claim that Company A will also fail.

An additional problem with the argument is that there might be relevant differences between Company A and
Company B, which further undermine the conclusion. For example, Company A’s line of products may differ from
Company B’s in that children do not become bored with them. Another possible difference is that Company B’s
share of the market may have been entirely domestic whereas Company A has a large share of the international

In conclusion this is a weak argument. To strengthen the conclusion the author would have to show that there are
sufficient relevant similarities between Company A and Company B as well as no relevant differences between

92. The following is taken from an editorial in a local newspaper.

“Over the past decade, the price per pound of citrus fruit has increased substantially.
Eleven years ago, Megamart charged 5 cents apiece for lemons, but today it commonly
charges over 30 cents apiece. In only one of these last eleven years was the weather
unfavorable for growing citrus crops. Evidently, then, citrus growers have been
responsible for the excessive increase in the price of citrus fruit, and strict pricing
regulations are needed to prevent them from continuing to inflate prices.”

过去的 10 年里,桔类水果的价格实际上上升了。11 年前,Megamart 每个柠檬要价 5 分,现在一般要价为 30 分一
个。过去 11 年只有一年不适合桔类水果生长。显然,柑桔种植者应该对桔类水果价格过度上涨负责。为防止他们继续哄

1, 小范围推大范围。
2, 忽略他因,是否只有一种因素导致价格上升——不适合生长。。还有,比如环境保护,加工价格上升,人力成本上升 ,
或者单纯的物价上涨。 。 。monetary inflation, increased distribution and labor costs, or alterations in supply and
demand conditions

1, 柠檬缺乏代表性,或者说,柠檬有其特殊性,譬如柠檬都是进口的,比较贵;
2, 天气好不一定代表物价要低,因为种植柑橘的农民已经动用了可用的资源了,产量无法再多了;
3, 是否物价高就是农民肆意抬高的缘故,可能是 dealers 在其中的作用;
4, 政府是否要介入,虽然价格变贵了,但是 targeted customers 没有变化,对整个国民经济影响不大

In this editorial the author argues for the imposition of strict pricing regulations in order to prevent citrus
growers from continued inflation of prices of citrus fruit. The need for such regulation is supported by the
author’s contention that citrus growers have been unnecessarily raising prices of citrus fruit in the past. The
evidence for this allegation is the fact that the price of lemons at Megamart has increased from 15 cents per
pound to over a dollar a pound during the preceding 11-year period. The author maintains that this increase is
unjustifiable because weather conditions have been favorable to citrus production in all but one of those years.
This argument is flawed for several reasons.

First and foremost, the author assumes that the only factor that influences the price of citrus fruit is the
weather. Other factors such as monetary inflation, increased distribution and labor costs, or alterations in supply
and demand conditions are completely ignored as possible sources for the increase. The charge that citrus
growers have unnecessarily raised prices can be sustained only if these and other possible factors can be
completely ruled out as contributing to the price increases. Since the author fails to address these factors, the
recommendation calling for strict pricing regulations can be dismissed out of hand as frivolous.

Second, the author assumes that the only way to combat increased prices is through government intervention. In a
free enterprise system many other means of affecting the pricing of goods are available. For example, boycotting
a product and thereby influencing supply and demand conditions of the commodity is an effective means of
influencing the price of the product. In a free market economy the call for price regulation by the government
should occur only when all other means to rectify the problem have been exhausted.

In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument it would be necessary to show
that the only factor influencing the price increases is the growers’ desire for increased profits.

95. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper.

“Hippocrene Plumbing Supply recently opened a wholesale outlet in the location once
occupied by the Cumquat Cafe. Hippocrene has apparently been quite successful there
because it is planning to open a large outlet in a nearby city. But the Cumquat Cafe, one
year after moving to its new location, has seen its volume of business drop somewhat from
the previous year’s. Clearly, the former site is a better business location, and the Cumquat
Cafe has made a mistake in moving to its new address.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

Hippocrene 铅管供应商在一度为 Cumquat 咖啡店的地方开了一家直销店。Hippocrene 现在相当的成功,因为他们正计

划在临近城市开一家大的直销店。但是 Cumquat 咖啡店在搬到新地址一年后发现它的业务量比前一年有所下降。很明显,
它的前一个地址是一个更好的商务地址,Cumquat 咖啡店作出搬迁决定是错误的。

1, gratuitous assumption: It is absurd to say the Hippocrene has been quite successful in the original location of
Cumquat Café Restaurant only because the former is planning to open a large outlet in a nearby city.
2, false analogy
3, causal oversimplification: Other factors other than the location that may contribute to the success of the H and
the failure of the C should be considered and ruled out.

(原稿空缺)Business is obviously unsuitable to the location. On the other hand, a bank in the same location might be
extremely successful simply because of its suitability to the location.

In the third place, the author’s claim that Hippocrene has been successful at Cumquat’s previous location is
unwarranted. The fact that Hippocrene intends to open a new outlet is insufficient to establish this claim. It is
possible that the plan to open a new outlet was prompted by a lack of business at the Cumquat location.

Finally, the author unfairly assumes that one year’s time at the new location is adequate to conclude whether
Cumquat made a mistake in moving to that location. Its is entirely possible that given more time, perhaps another
year or so, Cumquat will become profitable at the location. Common sense informs me that this is a distinct
possibility, since it often takes more than one year for a restaurant to establish a customer base at a given

In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the conclusion the author would have to
evaluate other possible causes of the performance of the businesses and eliminate all except location as the cause
in each case. Additionally, it would be necessary to show that location rather than suitability to a location was the
cause of the success of Hippocrene and the failure of Cumquat.

97. The following appeared as part of an article in a computer magazine.

“A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes and paid for
telephone connections so that the managers could access Apex computers and data files
from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity at Apex has
increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success at Apex: given
home computers and access to company resources, employees will work additional hours
at home and thereby increase company profits.”

一年前 Apex 制造公司给它的经理们在家买了电脑,并支付电话费,这样他们就可以在工作时间以外从家里连接到
Apex 的电脑和数据文件。从去年开始,Apex 的生产能力增长了 15%。其他公司可以借鉴 Apex 的成功,提供家用电

In this article the author attributes Apex Manufacturing’s 15 percent increase in productivity over the past year
to its decision to equip its manager with computers and paid telephone connections for their homes so that they
would access company computers and files from home after normal business hours. On the basis of Apex’s
experience the author recommends that other companies follow Apex’s example and provide computers and access
to company resources to their employees. The author believes that such a policy would increase productivity and
profits for other companies, just as it did for Apex. The author’s line of reasoning is questionable for several

First, the author assumes that Apex’s increase in productivity is due to its equipping its managers with home
computers and access to company resources. However, the only evidence offered in support of this claim is the
fact that Apex’s increase in productivity occurred after the home computers and after-hours access was
provided. Unfortunately, this evidence is insufficient to establish the causal claim in question. While temporal
precedence is one of the conditions required to establish a causal relationship between two events, by itself it is
not a sufficient condition. Consequently, it is possible that Apex’s increase in productivity is not related to its
decision to equip its managers with computers and after-hours access in the fashion required by the author’s

Second, the author assumes that Apex and other companies are sufficiently similar to warrant a conclusion based
on an analogy between them. Even if we accept the view that Apex’s increase in productivity was brought about by
its policy of enabling its managers to work from home, differences between Apex and other companies could
nullify this result. Lacking detailed information about Apex and the other companies in question it is difficult to
assess the author’s conclusion.

In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to provide
additional evidence for the claim that Apex’s decision to provide its managers with home computers and access to
company resources was responsible for its increase in productivity. Furthermore, it would be necessary to show
that Apex and other companies are sufficiently similar to justify the analogy between them.

102. The following appeared in a memorandum sent by a vice-president of the Nadir Company to
the company’s human resources department.

“Nadir does not need to adopt the costly ‘family-friendly’ programs that have been proposed,
such as part-time work, work at home, and job-sharing. When these programs were made
available at the Summit Company, the leader in its industry, only a small percentage of
employees participated in them. Rather than adversely affecting our profitability by offering
these programs, we should concentrate on offering extensive training that will enable
employees to increase their productivity.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

Nadir 公司的副总给公司人力资源部的备忘录:
Nadir 不需要采用推荐的昂贵的家庭友好项目,诸如半日工作,在家中工作,工作共享等等。当在其行业占据龙头位置的
Summit 公司采用了这些项目时,它的员工只有一小部分加入了。我们与其采用这些项目来影响我们的利润,不如集中提

1, false analogy
2, It is imprudent 轻率的 to say the “family-friendly” programs are costly and not profitable.
3, Likewise, it is also imprudent to say the “family-friendly” programs are counterproductive.
4, either-or-choice

In this memorandum the vice president of Nadir Company recommends against the adoption of “family-friendly”
program. The author’s line of reasoning is that family-friendly programs such as part-time work, work-at-home
and job-sharing need not be adopted because Nadir’s employees will not widely participate in them. The vice
president’s recommendation is unconvincing for several reasons.

In the first place, the fact that only a small percentage of Summit Company’s employees participated in these
programs when they were offered is scant evidence that Nadir’s employees will do likewise. To warrant this
inference the author must assume that Summit is representative of other companies such as Nadir.
Unfortunately, the author has failed to provide evidence for this crucial assumption. For example, if Summit is an
emerging high-tech company whose employees are young and unmarried whereas Nadir is an established low-tech
company whose employees are middle-aged and married we can expect that the percentage of employees who
desire to participate in family-friendly programs would be considerably different. Lacking specific information
about the companies in question it is difficult to give much credence to the vice president’s position.

In the second place, the vice president has failed to make a case for the contention that the adoption of family-
friendly programs will adversely affect Nadir’s profitability. On the face of it none of the programs mentioned
require capital outlay for new equipment or additional office space. Unless the vice president assumes that
employees who participate in such programs are less productive than their full-time counterparts it is difficult to
comprehend the line of reasoning that leads to this view.

Finally, the vice president assumes that “family-friendly” programs will not increase Nadir’s productivity. Lacking
evidence to the contrary, there is little motivation to accept this assumption as true. In fact, common sense
suggests that part-time workers and job-sharers would be as productive as, or perhaps more productive than, full-
time workers.

In conclusion, the vice president’s recommendation against adopting family-friendly programs is not convincing. To
strengthen the conclusion it must be shown that Summit is representative of other companies such as Nadir.
Additionally, evidence would have to be provided for the assumption that employees who participate in family-
friendly programs are less productive than other employees.

105. The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda.
“The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its
students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of
only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors
on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there
and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and
also save many tax dollars.”

Saluda 镇 的 报 纸 的 编 者 按 :
Saluda 统一高中提过超过 200 中不同的课程供它的学生选择。路那头一所小的多的私立学校提供 80 种基本的课程,

1. 是否上大学更多就意味着更好呢?概念不对 equate——可能去的学校不好。
2. 忽略他因。

3. 错误类比。情况不同,人数多可能必须提供多种课,同时也可能兴趣多。。 。

1. causal oversimplification
2. false analogy
3. It is likely that the smaller private school is incapable of offering more courses, or else its students can
have better performance.

In this editorial the author recommends that Saluda’s Consolidated High School eliminate half of its 200 courses
and focus primarily on basic curriculum in order to improve student performance and save tax revenues. The
author’s recommendation is problematic for several reasons.

To begin with, the author assumes that the only relevant difference between Consolidated and the private school
is the number of courses offered by each. However, other relevant differences between the schools might
account for the difference in the proportion of their graduates who go on to college. For example, the private
school’s students might be selected from a pool of gifted or exceptional students, or might have to meet rigorous
admission standards whereas Consolidated’s students might be drawn from the community at large with little or no
qualification for admission.

Next, the author assumes that the proportion of students who go on to college is an overall measure of student
performance. While this is a tempting assumption, its truth is by no means obvious. If student excellence is
narrowly defined in terms of the student’s ability to gain access to college, this assumption is somewhat
reasonable. However, given a broader conception of student excellence that takes into account student’s ability to
learn and apply their knowledge to new situations, its is not obvious that college admission is reliable indicator of
performance. For example, students in non-academic disciplines could conceivably perform at high levels within
these disciplines but nevertheless be unable to meet college admission standards.
Finally, the author assumes that savings in tax revenues will result from the reduced costs of funding the paired-
down curriculum. This is not necessarily true. For example, it could turn out that both programs serve the same
number of students and require the same number of classrooms and teacher.

In conclusion, the author has not made a convincing case for the recommendation to eliminate courses at
Consolidated and focus on a basic curriculum. To strengthen the conclusion the author would have to provide
evidence that Consolidated and the private school were sufficiently similar to warrant the analogy between them.
Moreover, the relationship between student performance and college admission and the mechanism whereby
savings in tax revenues would be accomplished would have to be clarified.

106. The following appeared as part of a business plan by the Capital Idea Investment firm.
“Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form — either free of charge on
the Internet or for a very low price per book on CD-ROM.* People who would not pay bookstore prices
will now have access to whatever book they want from their home or work computers. Consequently,
literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever before: 72 percent of those responding to a
recent online survey said they would read books in electronic form, and 81 percent said they believed
that reading classic works was important. Given this newly developing market, we should invest in E-
Classics, a new company that sells electronic versions of literary classics.”
*A CD-ROM is a small portable disc capable of storing relatively large amounts of data that can be
read by a computer.


1. More accesses to cheaper books do not necessarily guarantee the desire to read classics.
2. the survey is doubtful
3. It is hard to make profit when there are so many E-books available on the net.

In this article the author concludes that literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever before. The
author’s line of reasoning is that the availability of books in electronic form and access of books via the Internet
has removed the two major impediments that prevented people from reading literary classics, namely price and
convenient access. Since books can be accessed from home or work via computers at little or no cost, the author
believes that significant changes in the society will occur. Specifically, the author maintains that access to
literary classics will affect the public’s taste in reading and will result in a more learned and cultured reading
audience. The author’s argument is unconvincing for several reasons.

First, the author assumes that price and convenient access are the primary reasons people fail to read literary
classics. While this is a tempting assumption, it is not obviously true. For example, other reasons, such as lack of
interest in these books or awareness of them on the part of the reading public could equally account for the
failure to read them. Consequently, it may turn out that, contrary to the author’s expectation, the number of
people who read literary classics is unaffected by their increased availability and lower cost.
Second, while it may be the case that access to books at affordable prices has increased as a result of new
technology, the author provides no evidence for the assumption that access to literary classics at affordable
prices has increased as well. On the face of it, this assumption seems innocuous; however there may be reasons
that prevent literary classics from being marketed in the fashion described by the author. For example, the
inability to secure the requisite permissions to reproduce these books in electronic form, or the lack of
commercial interest in marketing them via the Internet could undermine the author’s assumption.

In conclusion, this argument is not convincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to provide
evidence for the assumption that price and accessibility are the main reasons people fail to read literary classics.
Additionally, evidence would be required for the assumption that access to literary classics will be increased.

108. The following appeared as part of a business plan created by the management of the Take
Heart Fitness Center.

“After opening the new swimming pool early last summer, Take Heart saw a 12 percent
increase in the use of the center by members. Therefore, in order to increase the number of our
members and thus our revenues, which depend on membership fees, we should continue to add
new recreational facilities in subsequent years: for example, a multipurpose game room, a
tennis court, and a miniature golf course. Being the only center in the area offering this range of
activities would give us a competitive advantage in the health and recreation market.”

Take Heart 健 身 中 心 的 管 理 者 起 草 的 商 业 计 划 :
去年夏天开了新的游泳池以后, TH 发现会员对中心的使用率增加了 12%。因此,为了增加我们的会员数量和决定于

1. 忽略他因。
2. 错误类比。
3. 收入和支出

1. causal oversimplification
2. a benefit-cost analysis should be given
3. Whether the proposed recreational facilities are popular among the people of this area is unknown.

Because Take Heart Fitness Center experienced a 12 percent increase in member usage as a result of opening a
new swimming pool last summer, the author recommends the addition of new recreational facilities in subsequent
years as a means of increasing membership in Take Heart. The author’s recommendation is problematic for several

First, and foremost, the author assumes that an increase in member usage portends an increase in membership.
This assumption may hold true in some cases. However, it is unlikely to hold true in the case at hand, because it is
reasonable to expect that members would visit the fitness center to inspect and try out the new swimming pool.
This would account for the increase in usage. However, since the author provides no evidence that this new rate
of usage was sustained, the abrupt increase in usage provides little evidence that the addition of facilities such as
the pool will attract new members.

Second, the author assumes that the addition of the swimming pool was responsible for the increase in member
usage. However, the only evidence for this claim is insufficient to establish the causal claim in question. While
temporal precedence is one of the conditions required to establish a causal relationship between two events, by
itself it is not a sufficient condition. Consequently, it is possible that the addition of the pool was unrelated to the
increase in usage in the manner required by the author’s argument.

Finally, the author has provided no evidence to support the contention that Take Heart will be the only center in
the area to offer a wide range of activities to its members and thus have a competitive advantage in the fitness

In conclusion, the author’s belief that adding additional recreational facilities will increase Take Heart’s
membership is ill-founded. To strengthen the argument the author would have to provide evidence that member
usage is reliable indicator of new membership. Additionally, it would be necessary to show that the cause of the
increase in usage was the opening of the new pool.

110. The following appeared as part of a memorandum from the loan department of the Frostbite
National Bank.

“We should not approve the business loan application of the local group that wants to open a
franchise outlet for the Kool Kone chain of ice cream parlors. Frostbite is known for its cold
winters, and cold weather can mean slow ice cream sales. For example, even though Frostbite
is a town of 10,000 people, it has only one ice cream spot — the Frigid Cow. Despite the lack
of competition, the Frigid Cow’s net revenues fell by 10 percent last winter.”

Frostbite 国 家 银 行 的 借 贷 部 门 的 备 忘 录 :
我们不应该批准那个希望开一家 KK 冰激凌连锁店的特许店的本地团体的借贷请求。Frostbite 以其寒冷的冬天而闻名,
而冷天气意味着冰激凌的销售不利。比如,虽然 Frostbite 是个有 10000 人的镇子,它却只有一家冰激凌店 Frigid
Cow。尽管缺乏竞争,Frigid Cow 的净收入去年冬天下降了 10%。

1. Other factors in deciding whether to give loan to a company such as the credit of the company should be
2. Admittedly, the former and prospective performance of the company is also important when the bank
have to make decision of whether or not should it give loan to a company. However, the author of the
memorandum show no sufficient evidence to support his or her proposal that the bank should not give
loan to Kool Kone chain of ice cream parlors.
3. The statistics last year does not necessarily denote the future trend.

1, 排除他因,净收入下降的原因是什么?可能是经营不好,草率定价,甚至正因为缺乏竞争导致了这些。
2, 寒冷冬天不等于没有夏天,也不等于夏天短暂。不能说明原因。
In this memorandum the loan department of Frostbite National Bank recommends against approval of a business
loan to a local group that wants to open an ice cream parlor. In support of this decision the loan department points
out that Frostbite has a reputation for cold winters and sales of ice cream decrease in cold weather. This latter
point is buttressed by the fact that Frostbite’s only ice cream parlor suffered a 10 percent decline in net
revenues the previous winter. The loan department’s decision is questionable for the following reasons.

To begin with, since it is reasonable to expect a decline in ice cream sales during winter months, it is difficult to
assess the relevance of the fact that Frostbite has cold winters to the potential success of the Kool Kone
franchise. Common sense suggests that this fact would be significant only if it turned out that Frostbite’s winter
season lasted 9 or 10 months as it does in arctic regions. In that case slow sales could be expected for most of
the year and the loan department’s opposition to the loan would be readily understandable. If, on the other hand,
Frostbite’s winter season lasts only a few months and the remainder of the year is warm or hot, it is difficult to
comprehend the loan department’s reasoning.

Next, the loan department assumes that the Frigid Cow’s decline in net revenue last winter was a result of slow
sales occasioned by cold weather. While this is a possible reason for the decline, it is not the only factor that
could account for it. For example, other factors such as poor business practices or lack of inventory could be
responsible for the Frigid Cow’s loss of revenue. The loan department’s failure to investigate or even consider
these and other possible explanations for the Frigid Cow’s decline in revenue renders their decision highly

In conclusion, the loan department’s decision is ill-founded. To better evaluate the decision, we would need to
know more about the length and severity of Frostbite’s winter season. Moreover, evidence would have to be
provided to support the assumption that the Frigid Cow’s loss of revenue last winter was a direct result of the
cold weather.

112. The following appeared in a memo to the Saluda town council from the town’s business

“Research indicates that those who exercise regularly are hospitalized less than half as often as
those who don’t exercise. By providing a well-equipped gym for Saluda’s municipal
employees, we should be able to reduce the cost of our group health insurance coverage by
approximately 50% and thereby achieve a balanced town budget.”

Saluda 镇 的 商 业 管 理 者 给 镇 议 会 的 备 忘 录 :
研究显示有规律地锻炼的人生病的概率比不运动的人要小一半。通过给 Saluda 的市政雇员提供一个设备良好的体育
馆,我们应该可以大约减少 50%的健康保险支出并得到平衡的镇预算。

1. There is no causal relationship between the development of the employees' health and the provision of a
well-equipped gym.
2. Therefore, the reduction of the cost of group health insurance coverage expected by the author is not
3. Even if the provision of the gym can cause a reduction of the cost, no one can rely on it to achieve a
balanced town budget since the health incidents occur very randomly.

In this memo Saluda’s business manager recommends that the town provide a gym for its employees as a means of
balancing the town’s budget. The manager reasons that since studies show that people who exercise regularly are
hospitalized less than half as often than those who don’t exercise, Saluda could save approximately 50% on the
cost of its group health insurance coverage by providing its employees with a well-equipped gym. The savings on
insurance would balance the town’s budget. The manager’s argument is unconvincing because it rests on several
unsupported and dubious assumptions.

First, the manager assumes that Saluda’s employees will exercise regularly if a well-equipped facility is provided
for them. This assumption is questionable since the mere fact that a gym is made available for employee use is no
guarantee that they will avail themselves of it at all, let alone on a regular basis.

Second, the manager assumes that Saluda’s employees do not exercise regularly. Once again, the manager offers
no support for this crucial assumption. Obviously, if all of Sauda’s employees already engage in daily exercise, the
hospitalization rate will be unaffected by equipping an exercise facility and no savings will be realized on the group
health insurance.

Third, the manager assumes that there is a direct relation between the hospitalization rate for employees and the
cost of their group health insurance such that a reduction in the hospitalization rate will result in a corresponding
reduction in the cost of insurance. While this may turn out to be true, the manager has failed to offer any
evidence for this claim.

Finally, the manager assumes that the cost of building a well-equipped exercise facility will not negate the savings
realized on the group health insurance. Until evidence has been provided to show that this is not the case, the
manager’s plan is unacceptable.

In conclusion, the business manager’s proposal to provide an exercise facility as a means of balancing Saluda’s
budget is not convincing. To strengthen the argument, evidence would have to be provided for each of the
assumptions listed in the previous analysis.

114. The following appeared in a memorandum from the director of research and development at Ready-to-
Ware, a software engineering firm.
“The package of benefits and incentives that Ready-to-Ware offers to professional staff is too costly.
Our quarterly profits have declined since the package was introduced two years ago, at the time of our
incorporation. Moreover, the package had little positive effect, as we have had only marginal success in
recruiting and training high-quality professional staff. To become more profitable again, Ready-to-
Ware should, therefore, offer the reduced benefits package that was in place two years ago and use the
savings to fund our current research and development initiatives.”
一 家 软 件 工 程 公 司 , Ready-to-Ware 的 研 发 经 理 的 备 忘 录 :
RW 给专业人员的利益和激励机制太昂贵了。自从两年前我们组成公司时机制引入,我们的利润下降了 1/4,而且,这
个机制基本上没有效果,因为我们在招募和训练高水平专业人员方面只获得边际( marginal?)成功。为了再次得到
更多的利润,RW 应该提供两年前使用的较低的激励机制,并把节余用于研发的开展。
1, The causal relationship between the benefit package given to the professional staff and the decline of the
profit is not guaranteed by the coincidence that the latter occured just after the latter. Other factors that may
contribute to the decline in the profit should also be considered and ruled out.
2, Research and development is a time-consuming process. Two years is not a long enough period to see the
result and positive effects.
3, Even if the package is really too high and caused the declne of profit, it is still imprudent to say that the
reduced benefits package that was in place two years ago will definitely work.

1. 同时发生并不代表因果,忽略他因
2. 没有提供信息,不知道如果不提供这些会不会得到成功培训
3. 即 使 是 省 下 钱 , 也 不 知 是 否 科 研 , 因 为 可 能 因 为 其 他 原 因 导 致 的 利 润 下 降 。

In this memorandum the director of research and development of Ready-to-Ware recommends reducing the
benefits package offered to employees as a means of increasing profits and funding current research and
development initiatives. The director’s line of reasoning is that quarterly profits have declined because of the
current benefits package and can be increased by reducing it. Moreover, the director argues that the benefits
package had little effect in recruiting and training high-quality employees. The director’s argument is questionable
for several reasons.

To begin with, the director’s reasoning is a classic instance of “after this, therefore because of this” reasoning.
The only evidence put forward to support the claim that the introduction of the benefits package is responsible
for the decline in quarterly profits is that the profits declined after the package was introduced. However, this
evidence is insufficient to establish the causal claim in question. Many other factors could bring about the same
result. For example, the company may have failed to keep pace with competitors in introducing new products or
may have failed to satisfy its customers by providing adequate support services. Until these and other possible
factors are ruled out, it is premature to conclude that the introduction of the benefits package was the cause of
the decline in profits.

Next, the director assumes that the benefits package currently offered is responsible for the marginal success
Ready-to-Ware has experienced in recruiting and training new high-quality professionals. However, no evidence is
offered to support this allegation. Other reasons for Ready-to-Ware’s failure to attract high-quality
professionals are not considered. For example, perhaps Ready-to-Ware is not a cutting edge company or is not
regarded as a leader in its field. Until these and other possible explanations of the company’s marginal success at
recruiting and training employees are examined and eliminated it is folly to conclude that the benefits package
provided to the professional staff is responsible.

In conclusion, the director has failed to provide convincing reasons for reducing the benefits package Ready-to-
Ware currently offers its professional staff. To further support the recommendation the director would have to
examine and eliminate other possible reasons for the decline in Ready-to-Ware’s quarterly profits and for its lack
of success in attracting high-quality professionals.
缺 119,120,123,124,125,A3,A1

119. The following is from an editorial that appeared in a River City newspaper.
“The Clio Development Group wants to build a multilevel parking garage on Dock Street in River City, but
the plan should not be approved. Most of the buildings on the block would then have to be demolished.
Because these buildings were erected decades ago, they have historic significance and must therefore be
preserved as economic assets in the effort to revitalize a restored riverfront area. Recall how Lakesburg has
benefited from business increases in its historic downtown center. Moreover, there is plenty of vacant land for
a parking lot elsewhere in River City.”
给 River 城 的 报 纸 的 编 辑 的 一 封 信 :
Clio 发展商不应该被允许在 Dock 街修建多层停车场,因为这个街区的大多数建筑将被摧毁。因为这些建筑是几十年前
史的中心街区的商业增长得到了多少好处。而且,River 城的其他地方有足够多空地可以修停车场。
所以你应该说那些建筑没有什么历史意义,不一定会带来商业增长。RIVER 城其它地方并没有空地,就只有 DOCK 街需要
停车场其它地方远水解不了近渴,我们还可以通过其它方法避免摧毁建筑而又可以在 DOCK 街修建多层停车场

120. The following appeared in a corporate planning memorandum for a company that develops amusement parks.
“Because travel from our country to foreign countries has increased dramatically in recent years, our next
project should be a World Tour theme park with replicas of famous foreign buildings, rides that have
international themes, and refreshment stands serving only foods from the country represented by the nearest
ride. The best location would be near our capital city, which has large percentages of international residents
and of children under the age of 16. Given the advantages of this site and the growing interest in foreign
countries, the World Tour theme park should be as successful as our Space Travel theme park, where
attendance has increased tenfold over the past decade.”
修 建 休 闲 公 园 的 公 司 的 董 事 会 计 划 备 忘 录 :
靠近首都附近,那里有大量的国际居民和 16 岁以下的小孩。有了这个便利的地点和对国外兴趣的增长,世界交通主题
公园将会和我们的参观者增长 10 倍的太空旅行主题公园一样成功。
1. Increasing travel from the country the mentioned comany belongs to to foreign countries does not
necessarily mean there is also a increasing interest in the amusment parks with a world tour theme.
2. Therefore, the proposal that the amusement park should be bulit in the capital city is also groundless.
3. Even if there is an increasing interest in the parks with a theme of world tour, it is not necessary to go to
the extreme such us making the refreshment stands serve only foods from the country represented by the
nearest ride.
4. What is more, the company's plan is based on a false analogy that the World tour theme park should be
as successful as the Space travel theme park.

1. Increase in travelling abroad doesn't guarantee an increase in the interest to go the World Tour theme
2. Gratuitous assumption: No reliable evidence can support the idea that the capital city is the best location
for an amusement park.
3. False analogy.
123. The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a River City newspaper.
“The Clio Development Group’s plan for a multilevel parking garage on Dock Street should be
approved in order to strengthen the economy of the surrounding area. Although most of the buildings
on the block would have to be demolished, they are among the oldest in the city and thus of little
current economic value. Those who oppose the project should realize that historic preservation cannot
be the only consideration: even Athens or Jerusalem will knock down old buildings to put up new ones
that improve the local economy.”
给 River 城 的 报 纸 编 辑 的 一 封 信 :
Clio 发展商在 Dock 街修建多层停车场的计划应该被批准以便加强附近地区的经济。虽然这个街区的大多数建筑将被摧
1. No evidence is given to support the direct causal relationship between the buliding of mutilevel parking
garage on Dock Streets with the development of the economy of the surrounding area.
2. Admittedly, the historic preservation can not be the only consideration when decide whether to demolish
the historic buildings or not. It is also reckless to ignore the historic preservation. A decision should be
made after balancing all the factors.
3. The fact cited by the writter of the letter that even Athens or Jerusalem will knock down old buildings to
put up news one can not serve as a evidence to approve the demolishment of the old buildings on the
Dock street.

124. The following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of Carlo’s Clothing to the staff.
“Since Disc Depot, the music store on the next block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its
business has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the large increase in foot traffic into the store. While the
Disc Depot’s owners have apparently become wealthy enough to retire, profits at Carlo’s Clothing have
remained stagnant for the past three years. In order to boost our sales and profits, we should therefore switch
from newspaper advertising to frequent radio advertisements like those for Disc Depot.”
Carlo's 服 饰 老 板 给 员 工 的 备 忘 录 :
由于 Disc Depot,相邻街区的音像店从去年开始新的电台广告,它的业务显著增长,从商店人流量的大量增加就可
以看出。当 Disc Depot 的老板显然已经足够富有可以退休时,Carlo's 服饰的利润 3 年来一直停滞不变。为了促进我们
的销售和利润,我们应该像 DiscDepot 一样从报纸广告转向经常的电台广告.
1, 人流 量是 否代 表利 润?
2, CARLO 的停 滞是 否有 其他 原因
3, 错误 类比 。— —服 装与 音像 。

1, The foot trafic into the store and the increase of owners' personal wealth can not indicate the business
growth of the Disc Depot.
2, The author commits a fallacy of all things are equal.
3, The author commits a fallacy of false analogy.
4, Other factors other than the radio advertisement that may contribute to the business growth of Disc depot
should be considered and ruled out. Likewise, it is possible that there are some other reasons can explain
the stagnant profit of carlo's clothing.

125. The following appeared as part of the business plan of the Capital Idea investment firm.
“Across town in the Park Hill district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have all
had business increases within the past two years. Capital Idea should therefore invest in the Roxy Playhouse,
the Slice-o’-Pizza, and the Divot Golf Club, three new businesses in the Irongate district. As a condition, we
should require them to participate in a special program: Any customer who patronizes two of the businesses
will receive a substantial discount at the third. By motivating customers to patronize all three, we will thus
contribute to the profitability of each and maximize our return.”
Capital Idea 投 资 公 司 的 商 业 计 划 :
在 ParkHill 区的 Thespian 剧院,Pizzazz 比萨,Niblick 高尔夫俱乐部在过去 2 年都有业务增长。因此 Capital Idea
应该投资 Poxy 剧场,Slic-o 比萨和 Divot 高尔夫俱乐部这 3 家新的 Irongate 区的企业。为使他们达到条件,我们应
该要求他们参加特殊的项目:任何顾客在其中两家消费将在第三家得到折扣。通过刺激顾客在所有 3 家店消费,我们将
1, The author commits a fallcy of false analogy.
2, Therefore the proposal of investment in the Irongate district is groundless. No investment should
be made until other factors have been considered and the benefit-cost analysis has been made.
3, The programme suggested by the author is reckless or even ridiculous. The possible result can be
the opposite of the author's imagination because the consumers have interest of only one or two of
the three stores.

1, The business increases occured in the past two years. No one can guarantee the future profit.
2, The three new companies are not necessarily analogous to those profitable ones.
3, The condition that is required is absurd. There is no causal relatioship between the condition and the
collective profit.

A1. The following editorial appeared in the South Fork Gazette.

“Last year, the city contracted with Flower Power to plant a variety of flowers in big decorative pots on
Main Street and to water them each week. By midsummer many of the plants were wilted. This year the
city should either contract for two waterings a week or save money by planting artificial flowers in the
pots. According to Flower Power, the initial cost for artificial flowers would be twice as much as for real
plants, but after two years, we would save money. Public reaction certainly supports this position: in a
recent survey, over 1,200 Gazette readers said that the city wastes money and should find ways to
reduce spending.”
1, 花枯萎了不只和浇水次数有关
2, 不能只从成本考虑要用假花还是真花还要从收益角度
3, 最后的那个调查不可靠
4, 那个公司提供的成本数据是否可靠
In this argument, the author indicates that it is cost-effective to replace real flowers by artificial flowers. To
support his conclusion, the author points out that those real flowers need more water to survive in mid-summer. In
addition, he reasons that even though the use of artificial flowers spends twice the amount of money of the
maintenance of real flowers initially, people will be beneficial to this alternative in a long run. Moreover, a recent
survey quoted is cited citizens’ dissatisfaction with the fiscal performance and their hope of reduction of public
spending. As I analyze this argument in close concert, the author’s view is not very convincing for three major

In the first place, the evidence the author provides is insufficient to support that the use of artificial flowers
can reduce public spending, even in a long run. The author may emphasize the merit of artificial flowers that they
never need water to survive or grow. But he fails to notice that over time, the outside artificial flowers inevitably
become messy and dirty, weakening their decorative function. Then people also have to wash them with
considerable amount of water. Furthermore, the sun fades the color of artificial flowers. Hence, the city need
spend a supplementary cost to replace old ones.

In the second place, the author distorts the readers’ ideas about ways to reduce public spending. Readers never
specify that an end to the use of real flowers should be one way to reduce public expense. Readers may call for
changes in other public work and services other than the replacement of real flowers. As far as I know, lots of
people have inherent preferences for real flowers, due to their peculiar features. When real flowers are
blossoming, fragrant smell spreads over a large area. Compared with artificial flowers, real flowers can change
their appearance at all seasons.

In the third place, the survey quoted by the author is worthless because some of its details have not been
provided. Without additional information, such as the total number of people in the city or the framework of who
were conducted, the result of the survey may lack representative. We can picture that the city has a population
of more than 5 million, but this survey conducted only 1200 people, especially readers who are easily affected by
the gazette's editorial.

Since the author commits logical mistakes mentioned above and fails to consider the whole situation
comprehensively, his ideas should not be adopted. The conclusion would be strengthened if he can obviate these
three major logical msitakes.

In this argument, the author makes a conclusion that the city should plant artificial flowers instead of real flowers
in big decorative pot on Main Street. The author's line of reasoning is established on his assumption that by
planting plastic flowers, the city can save money. To support such an assumption, the author cites three supportive
examples: last year, the city contracted with Flower Power to plant a variety of flowers and to water them each,
yet by midsummer many of the plants were wilted; although the initial cost for plastic flowers is twice as much as
real plants, the city can save money after two years; finally, public reaction will definitely support the proposal. At
the first glance, the argument seems to be somewhat convincing. However, a close and deep reflection reveals
how groundless and problematic it is. In the following paragraphs, I should elaborate the main flaws in the

In the first place, the author fails to explore the real underlying reasons for the death of the plants and flowers.
Instead, he makes a gratuitous assumption that more frequent watering is needed. However, the author fails to
substantiate his point. In no case can the mere fact that the flowers are wilted help to build up such an assumption
flawlessly. It is possible that many of the plants were wilted because they required drier soils for survival and
thriving. Unless the author can build up a causal correlation between the survival of the plants and more needed
watering, the assumption remains questionable and open to discussion.

In the second place, the author mentions that planting plastic flowers means the saving of money in the long run.
However, the credibility of such an assertion has yet to be established, especially since the author ignores to point
out that most of the plastic plants will last for more than two years. One obvious rebuttal to the author's reasoning
is that investigations show that a majority of plastic plants, if planted on the Main Street, can only last for at most
two years without the protection from direct sunshine. In such a case, the author's assertion that planting plastic
plants will save money is of dubious validity.

In the third place, the author believes that the public will certainly support his position, as over 1200 Gazette
readers said that the city wastes money and should find ways to reduce spending. Yet, such a survey result is
neither representative nor reliable. Actually, it is rather misleading, since the author lacks direct evidence to buoy
his assumption that the viewpoint of the 1200 Gazette can largely reflects the opinion of the majority of the
residents. Besides, even if most of the residents do favor for a reduced spending, they may not necessarily
consider the author's suggestion a proper way of reduction in expenditure. Therefore, the author makes a hasty
conclusion that the public will support his position for sure.

To sum up, because it is plagued with the above-stated fallacies, the argument is flawed. To buttress his argument,
the author should provide more direct evidence indicating that planting plastic plants will be more money-saving
than planting real flowers. Moreover, the feasibility of planting and maintaining the plastic plants should also be
taken into consideration. Additionally, a more related and reliable survey showing the real support for the author's
recommendation will also cement the author's position.

A3. The following appeared in a memorandum from the development director of the Largo Piano
“The Largo Piano Company has long been known for producing carefully handcrafted, expensive
pianos used by leading concert pianists. During the past few years, however, our revenues have
declined; meanwhile, the Allegro Musical Instrument Company introduced a line of inexpensive digital
pianos and then saw its revenues increase. In order to increase Largo’s sales and in fact outsell Allegro,
we should introduce a line of digital pianos in a variety of price ranges. Our digital pianos would be
likely to find instant acceptance with customers, since they would be associated with the prestigious
Largo name.”
1, The increase of revenue may just coincided with the sale of inexpensive digital pianos, while the two
actually had no causal realationship.
2, The strategy used in other companys may not be suit for the Largo Piano.
3, The expected instant acceptance with customers may not be the case. As the fact the author cited, the
revenue of the Largo Piano have declined during the past five years, it may no longer own the prestige.

1, 销售降低的原因?——排除他因。
2, 错误类比
3, 是否会得到持续接受?销售连续下降也许已经说明 show 声誉的下降。
1, A 公司销售额上升的真实原因是否由于数字钢琴生产线的引入
2, 适用于 A 公司的不一定适用于 L 公司
3, 价格的变化将带来产品市场定位的变化,可能会损坏品牌形象


1. The primary responsibility of citizens is to obey their nation's civil and criminal laws.
2. Although most people wish to live long lives, attempting to significantly extend the
average human life span would be a mistake. If achieved, this would place an enormous
burden on resources, lowering the quality of life for everyone.

3. Lying should be avoided primarily because it harms people's ability to live togther in

4.Each generation's culture achievements--such as those in music, art ,or literature--

represent improvements on the cultural achievements of previous generations.

5. Public figures should avoid expressing opinions about things that they have not
personally experienced or been directly affected by.

6. The increasing popularity of video games and Internet suggests that consumers now
want a more interactive entertainment experience than books, movies, and television can

7. Only by traveling outside the country of one's birth can one understand the world and
its people.

8. Because it is in the best interest of a society to promote integrity and moral behavior,
governments should censor television and radio programs for offensive language and

9. Despite the violence and stereotypes present in many popular forms of entertainment
created for children (such as books, movies, and video games), we should still allow
children to experience this kind of entertainment.

10. Portrayals of violence have proven commericially successful in television programs,

movies, songs, and other forms of popular entertainment. Therefore, those who create
popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their product

1.The following appeared in a memorandum from the head of a human resources

department at a major automobile manufacturing company to the company's managers:

“Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often

more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work

when their performance is not being monitored or evaluated. Interviews with employees of

not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason for their greater motivation is the belief

that their work helps to improve society. Because they believe in the importance of their

work, they have personal reasons to perform well, even when no financial reward is
present. Thus, if our corporation began donating a significant portion of its profits to

humanitarian causes, our employees’ motivation and productivity would increase

substantially and our overall profits would increase as well.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

2. The following appeared in an editorial from a magazine produced by an organization

dedicated to environmental protection:

“In order to effectively reduce the amount of environmental damage that industrial

manufacturing plants cause, those who manage the plants must be aware of the specific

amount and types of damage caused by each of their various manufacturing processes.

However, few corporations have enough financial incentive to monitor this information. In

order to guarantee that corporations reduce the damage caused by their plants, the

federal government should require every corporation to produce detailed annual reports

on the environmental impact of their manufacturing process, and the government should

impose stiff financial penalties for failure to produce these reports.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

3. The following appeared in a memorandum from the information technology department

of a major advertising firm:

“The more efficient a firm’s employees are, the more profitable that firm will be.

Improvements in a firm’s information technology hardware and software are a proven way

to increase the efficiency of employees who do the majority of their work on computers.

Therefore, if our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology

available, employee productivity will be maximized. This strategy ensures that every dollar

spent on enhanced information technology will help to increase our firm’s profit margins.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

4. The following appeared in a memorandum from the CEO of a consumer electronics

manufacturing firm to the head of the company's human resources department, who is

responsible for hiring new employees:

“Eight years ago, our firm’s profits were increasing with each new employee we added. We

discovered that each employee had the skills and motivation to generate more revenue for

the firm than his or her salary cost us.

However, for the past two years, our profit margin has been falling, even though we have

continued to add employees. Thus, our newer employees are not generating enough

revenue to justify their salaries. We must not be hiring new employees with the same level

of skills and motivation as those we used to attract. Clearly, then, failures in the human

resources department account for our falling profits.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

5. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:

“The tragic crash of a medical helicopter last week points up a situation that needs to be

addressed. The medical helicopter industry supposedly has more stringent guidelines for

training pilots and maintaining equipment than do most other airline industries, but these

guidelines do not appear to be working: statistics reveal that the rate of medical-helicopter

accidents is much higher than the rate of accidents for non-medical helicopters or

commercial airliners.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

6. The following appeared in a letter from a part-owner of a small retail clothing chain to

her business partner:

“Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandida Heights

neighborhood for several years, while the prices in the adjacent neighborhood of Palm

Grove have remained the same. It seems obvious, then, that a retail space in Sandida

Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was

not the case several years ago. So, it appears that retail spaces in Sandida Heights are
now overpriced relative to those in Palm Grove. Therefore, it would be in our financial

interest to purchase a retail space in Palm Grove rather than in Sandida Heights.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

7. The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:

“The computerized onboard warning system that will be installed in commercial airliners

will virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions. One plane’s warning system can

receive signals from another’s transponder—a radio set that signals a plane’s course—in

order to determine the likelihood of a collision and recommend evasive action.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

8. The following appeared in a presentation by the chief production manager of a machine

parts manufacturing company at a management meeting:

“Our factory in Cookville is our most advanced and efficient. It is capable of producing ten

drill bits for each dollar of production costs, whereas none of our other factories can

produce more than seven drill bits per dollar of production costs. Therefore, we can reduce

our overall drill bit production costs by devoting the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit

production. Since reducing the production costs of individual machine parts is the only way

to achieve our larger goal of reducing our overall production costs, dedicating the

Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production and shifting all other machine part

production to our other factories will help us to attain that larger goal.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

9.The following appeared in a memorandum to a team developing accounting software for

SmartPro Software, Inc.:

“Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro accounting software than any

other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-

professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are
outselling us. In surveys, our professional customers repeatedly say that they have chosen

SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more

advanced special features than competing brands. Therefore, the most effective way for

us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be

to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently


Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

10. The following appeared in a memorandum from the marketing department of a

children’s clothing manufacturer:

“Our HuggyBunny brand is the bestselling brand of children’s clothing. Parents everywhere

recognize the HuggyBunny logo as a mark of quality, and most of our customers show

great brand loyalty. Sales reports have shown that parents are more likely to buy children’s

clothes with the familiar HuggyBunny brand and logo than otherwise identical clothes

without it. Therefore, if we use the HuggyBunny brand name and logo for the new line of

clothing for teenagers that our company will soon be introducing, that clothing will sell

better than it would if we labeled it with a new brand name and logo.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

11.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a local newspaper:

“Our city council’s neglect of the impoverished Railroad Flats neighborhood has left

businesses with little incentive to locate there. Building a new professional football

stadium in the neighborhood would solve this problem. Thousands

of football fans would travel to the area to see games, and they would buy from local

merchants, encouraging new businesses to open. So our city council should move quickly

to fund the construction of a professional football stadium in Railroad Flats in order to help

the neighborhood develop a thriving economy.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

12.The following appeared in a research paper written for an introductory economics


“For the past century, an increase in the number of residential building permits issued per

month in a particular region has been a reliable indicator of coming improvements to that

region’s economy. If the monthly number of residential building permits issued rises

consistently for a few months, the local unemployment rate almost always falls and

economic production increases. This well-established connection reveals an effective

method by which a regional government can end a local economic downturn: relax

regulations governing all construction so that many more building permits can be issued.”

Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.

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