Environmental Biotechnology - BRONE

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brone.ub.ac.id Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future

brone.ub.ac.id Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future
Environmental Biotechnology
(TPB61002 / 3-0)

brone.ub.ac.id Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future

01 Introduction

Current Areas of
02 Research

03 Homework


brone.ub.ac.id Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future

• Environmental
biotechnology is the
solving of
problems through the
application of

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id

Why environmental biotechnology?

• It is needed to:
• eliminate the
hazardous wastes
produced by our other
• distinguish between
similar species and
ensure species are not
at risk of extinction.
• create alternative
energy sources (i.e.

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id

Current Areas of

brone.ub.ac.id Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future

1) Molecular Ecology
• Using biological techniques (i.e. DNA fingerprinting) to better
understand aspects of nature.
• This is done to look at the biodiversity of different populations to
ensure they are not at risk of going extinct (cheetahs and polar
bears currently).
• It can be used to determine if a new species has emerged and
also better map the evolutionary development of different
families of animals (horses and whales currently).

brone.ub.ac.id Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future

1) Molecular Ecology

Reading a DNA fingerprint Biofuel exaggeration

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id
2) Bioremediation
 Bioremediation is the use
of bacteria (or fungi) to
clean up hazardous
environmental wastes.
 The bacteria essentially
turn the dangerous waste
products into less
hazardous, easy to
dispose of, waste.
 Plants are also being
tested in some areas to
do this job (Sunflowers at
Chernobyl removed
Cesium and Strontium).

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id

2) Bioremediation
 In North America,
bioremediation has been
used to clean up
Canada’s DEW line sties
in the arctic and has
been used to clean up
after oil spills off of
 Currently, this science
can “engineer” bacteria
to break down hazardous
waste right at the
workplace to avoid
transport and storage.

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id

3) Biosensors
• A biosensor uses a
biological entity (i.e.
bacteria) to monitor
levels of certain
chemicals OR uses
chemicals to monitor
levels of certain
biological entities (i.e.

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id

3) Biosensors
• Current uses of
biosensors include:
• Detecting levels of
toxins in an ecosystem
• Detecting airborne
pathogens (i.e.
• Monitoring blood
glucose levels

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id

4) Biofuels
 A biofuel is a plant derived
fuel that is deemed more
environmentally friendly
that current fuel sources
as they all release less
carbon dioxide into the
 Ethanol from corn is
placed in many gasoline
varieties in North America.
 Biodiesel is fuel made
from used cooking oil.
 Biogas is made from
gases released by
compost or a landfill.

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id

4) Biofuels
• The current project of many
biofuel scientists is aptly
nicknamed “A Journey to
Forever”, creating a self-
sustaining biofuel cell that gives
off no greenhouse gas emissions.
• Many different bacterial strains
can produce lots of hydrogen
under anaerobic conditions.
• This hydrogen can be used as a
fuel source with the only waste
product being oxidized
hydrogen… water.
• This technology has not been
perfected yet.

Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future brone.ub.ac.id

1) Define the following terms: environmental biotechnology,
biofuel, biofuel cell, bioremediation, biosensor
2) What positive impacts do you feel environmental
biotechnology will have on the Canadian environment?

brone.ub.ac.id Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future

Tim Dosen

Agustin Krisna, M. Nurcholis, Endrika

1 2 3
W. Ph.D Ph.D Widyastuti, Ph.D
agustinwardani@ub.ac.id cholis_federer@ub.ac.id endrika_w@ub.ac.id

brone.ub.ac.id Universitas Brawijaya - Building Up Noble Future

Thank You


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