Medium Boost Cheatsheet

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Medium Boost Cheatsheet

The following cheatsheet will provide you with everything you need to increase the
likelihood of your stories getting Boosted on Medium.

What is a Boost?
When you post a story to Medium, a group of Boost Nominators (made up of Medium
staff, writers, and editors) can select it to be broadcasted to a larger audience.

👉 More information on Boost Nominators

What happens when your story is Boosted?
Once your story is selected for a Boost, Medium will notify you by email. There’s no
action required.

Medium Boost Cheatsheet 1

Here’s a breakdown of how many views you can expect to get. Each number
reflects the percentage of stories on Medium and correlating views after a Boost.

Medium’s algorithm will match your story to readers based on their interests and past
reading behaviour.

How much do Boosted stories earn?

How much stories earn after they’re Boosted, comes down to 3 main factors:

Engagement (claps, highlights, comments, and follows)

Read Ratio (the percentage of viewers who read your story for 30+ seconds)

Member Reading Time (the length in which paying Medium members read your

Although it’s not an exact science, in my experience, stories reaching the

following stats (within the first 3 days) are generally pushed out to what’s known

Medium Boost Cheatsheet 2

as ‘general distribution’, greatly increasing their chances of being seen by a
Boost Nominator:

500 claps


5 new followers

A Read Ratio of 70% or higher

Member Reading Time (TBA, as Medium is yet to add it to the stats page)

With that said, these metrics aren’t required for Boosting but merely something to
aim for. And, for reference, Boosted stories can earn anywhere from $100-$1,000+
depending on how many people read and engage with them.

👉 Medium’s distribution guidelines

👉 Examples of Boosted story earnings (video)
👉 General tips for earning more from your stories (video)
Boosted stories MUST include these: ✅
There are specific criteria Boost Nominators take into account when selecting stories for
a Boost:

Is the story well-crafted?

Does the story have impact?

Is it original, human-created content?

Is the reader’s life enriched by reading the story?

Does the author speak from relevant knowledge and experience?

To qualify for a Boost, the answer must be ‘yes’ to all of the above.

Medium Boost Cheatsheet 3

👉 Updated Boost guidelines

Boosted stories CANNOT include these: ❌

In addition to meeting specific criteria, any stories containing any of the following
information will automatically become ineligible for a Boost:

1. Articles written entirely using A.I.

2. Clickbait (including visual clickbait)

3. Un-constructive negativity (and hit pieces)

4. Meta Medium stories (stories about Medium itself)

👉A full list of Boost disqualifiers

How to get your stories Boosted:

Although the Boost selection process is subjective, there are tangible actions you can
take to increase the likelihood of your stories getting Boosted:

1. Meet the qualifying criteria

2. Avoid the dequalifying criteria

3. Submit to Boostable publications*

4. Focus on telling personal stories (as this is Medium’s new direction)

5. Garner enough engagement to get your stories seen by as many Boost

Nominators as possible

👉 List of Boostable publications*

Medium Boost Cheatsheet 4
👉 Complete Boosting tutorial (video)
👉 My current Boosting strategy (video)
That’s it! I’m manifesting your first (or next) Boost, as we speak. 🙂🙌

Hey, I’m Hudson!

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👉 Here’s everything else I’ve got going on

Medium Boost Cheatsheet 5

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