PCHM 104 PL Exercise #1

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Mike Angelo Solleza

Jerld Colandong Navarosa


Write a set of minimum skills for sending corporate email. Use the format: ‘ The
user will be able to’:

- This user will be capable of writing a polite salutation.

- The user's writing will have direct and understandable subjects.
- When writing, this user will be able to take the audience into account.

Devise a set of rules for the use of email with the business-The user will have the
capacity for positivity.

-You have to send business emails. Additionally, you must utilize a formal greeting,
maintain your write in a formal tone and with distinct subject lines. finish by signing and
proofreading your emails prior to dispatch.

Write a set of minimum skills for using a mobile telephone. Use the format: The
user will be able to':

-The user will be able to develop their empathy, active listening abilities, telephone
skills, and develop professionalism, patience, and a positive attitude.
-The user will have the capacity for active listening.
-The user will have the capacity for positivity.

Explain why software presents different issues to other items

-Since it is more likely to have problems when compared to other

things,Hardware Dependency: In order for software to function, hardware
-Due to the fact that each item is unique, it will have a distinct style.
issue, which is why software offers a variety of issues with varying potential solutions.

Are there any additional procedures that can be applied when considering

-Yes, in the sense of testing, integration, design analysis, and implementation.

lastly, regarding upkeep.
What issues do you for see if access to the Wiki is completely uncontrolled?

- Misinformation is the main problem I run into on Wikipedia. Wiki is no longer a very
trustworthy source. and given that they still haven't found a solution, I believe that this
problem is out of control. spreads false information.

Devise a set of rules for Internet access within the business

-Create a documented internet usage policy for staff members that outlines allowed
usage, motives, websites, and time frame. Share this policy with your company and via
email. conferences and written announcements.

Are there any other sites that pose a risk to the business other than Facebook?

-Cybercriminals, rival companies, and foreign governments, Actors search for

information on social networking sites. or individuals to target for abuse

What are the rules about mobile telephone use in class and in the school?

-Cell phones may be used on school grounds before school, during lunch, and after
-Cell phone use is prohibited in classrooms, restrooms, and school offices unless
otherwise stated by a teacher.
-During the instructional day, cell phones must remain out of sight and in silent mode.
-Unless explicitly allowed by a staff member, headphones and other listening devices
may only be used before and after school hours.
-Cell phones must be placed in lockers, backpacks, or other locations away from
students and their desks during tests and assessments.


1.Explain the short and long term differences in hiring versus buying a tool.

-In compared to buying a tool, which will last for its entire lifespan, renting tools can only be
used for a set period of time or in according to the terms of the agreement between the
tenant and the owner. If we have to use the tool for a project that takes an hour or less, it
would be better to buy one.

2.What details would be required to ensure a smooth order process to stock up

on toner for a copier?

-Always be aware of how it operates and verify that the device is included by a manage
print service. Make sure the printer and toner are compatible as we

3.Where should these details be stored?

-It is important for keeping sensitive data and other private information safely. This includes
legal and government knowledge, education, private business information, and religion

4.Considering a digital camera, what skills would require a minimum level of


-ability to adjust focus and shutter speed. You should also be familiar with the basics of
color correcting. and getting good with contrast and brightness

5.What details would be required about a supplier to be able to place an order?

-A supplier must haveComplete information about the product, including its name, is
necessary for the supplier to have since the customer may identify the type of product it is.

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