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Hello Nice to meet you.

I am Engineer Malvin Brown from Germany but presently i am in Egypt due to my job.

Well i must say i am so happy to be your friend, i am new here on QQ and you're my
first Chinese friend.

When i was looking for a friend to add in qq, i was attracted by your profile.Sorry
for barging into your privacy friend, i hope you don't mind? Can we be friends??

Do you mind telling me your name my friend ? What's your name ?

I'm using the translator software to chat with you now, hope that does not bother
you my friend ?

Thank you my friend, i will be so glad if i can learn the Chinese language from

So what's up ?Which country are you presently ?

Wow.China is a very nice country my dear. Very big and peaceful.

I have been to China once for a conference meeting some years ago in Beijing.

So which city are you in China my friend ?

That's good. i only know beijing.

I must tell you interpretation of me needing a friend, is one who you can pour out
all the contents of your heart to as a good friend, chat and to know more about
each other. What do you think?

How old are you my friend ?

That's good.

I'm 54 years old

Well let me tell you a bit about myself.

I am a petroleum engineer and an independent marketer of a special kind of crude

oil. I am Currently working on the sea, with a contract company tech nip as
dispatcher of drilling oil, at the Mediterranean sea of Egypt, and i have been here
for four years now.

send photos of work place and work uniform.

It's really hard here my dear friend, but i will leave here soon before november
this year.

I just can't wait to leave here soon my friend.

I have been an Engineer from day one. it's my profession.

Can i see a picture of you my friend ?

Wow. goddess! You are like the best rose's i have ever see and so charming photo
you have in there, i must say your eyes are like sunrise and sun set my dear.
You must have been the second woman GOD created after eve. Apparently GOD must have
lavish abundant time to make such an enchanting, You look so enchanting, highly
like goddess. kisses

My dear you look so younger than you age.

So my friend what do you do for a living ?

Good.How long have you been using QQ my dear?

Okay Do you have other foreigners as friend ?

I am honored.
Tell me more about yourself? Are you married, divorced, single?. Do you have kids??

I'm an orphan, i grew up in the orphanage home,I am single with my lovely son Mark,
I have been single for 5 years now.

I divorce my wife 5 years ago before i embark on my contract work here in Egypt.

My ex wife cheated on me while i was away for a week trip in northern Malaysia , i
could not bear the shame and disgrace anymore so i ask for a quick divorce and she
left peaceful.

I am alone and single with my son , but now i want to move on with my life and
focus on the future.

My dear i would love to know why you are single?

Do you have other men in your life, like boy friend or other secret lover ?

What are your hobbies my dear ?

You are lovely my dear!

I love to be outdoors and in countryside, favorite animals are dogs and horses. My
passion is national hunt horse racing. i also love music and reading.

Tell me, have you been to the outside world before ?

Well i have been to so many countries lately for my job.

......let me tell you a bit about my personality.

I gained a master degree from oxford university Britian, i have traveled many
countries lately because of my kind of job as a petroleum Engineer, and i have
gained many award , I did not bring my personality to everything around me, because
I want people to look at me as a person and as a simple man.
I like China because it's a very peaceful and Calm place to stay and China is my
dream country where i want to come and settle down after my contract expire and i

It's a small world you know, i want to move on with life and forget everything
about my past life, i want to buy a house and also invest when i come over to China
soon after my work here.

My dear i hope to see you when i arrive China , i would love to be a sincere friend
because i want to quickly learn the Chinese language so i can also communicate with

What time is it in China ?

Have you had dinner yet ?

It's still very early here at noon.

What time do you go to bed ?

Yeah we have big time difference.

Can i ask you a question ?

Does your husband still take care of your living expenses after divorce?

You are such a lovely mother dear.

Ex wife...

I want to show you a picture of my ex wife Blessing.

Sorry i saw only this one.

Well i have a lot of my photos inside my phone earlier when i started this
contract, but my cell phone fell inside the water while i was working 2 years ago,
so i lost all pictures and other important contact. now i am left with a computer.
i am using a computer now.

I saw this picture luckily.

You see the woman on my right hand side, her name is Blessing and she's my ex wife.

I use to love and cherish her so much, i even trust her with all i have , but she
sound as a disappointment to me. i hate her so much for that.

Well i never wanted to talk about personal life with you but you seems so nice and
sincere to me. I believe this is fate.

How educated are you my dear ?

You don't need to be ashamed my dear, your speech are so full of wisdom and
sensible talk.

My dear i want you to feel free with me okay.

I know we just met today but i believe fate brought us.

Yeah, feel free.

If there is anything you want to know about me, ask me i will gladly tell you okay

you are so sincere and i like it.

Do you have idea how expensive are houses in China ?

I like Beijing but the area is too cold you know.

Have you been to Beijing once ?

That's good.

Do you have a personal house which you stay with your daughter ?

That's very good.

I just need to know about this because i will leave here soon. my contract will
soon expire.

I just can't wait to leave here my dear, it's really hard and stressful here.

I will be coming over to China from here after my contract expire. i will be coming
over with my son Mark.

So i need to know how much houses cost and some other things.

I like Beijing because that's the only city i know in China.

Well i don't have much time for internet stuff but i am so glad i found you here on

We are good friends now, you can make Choice for other beautiful cities for me.

My dear i have to continue work now, my time is limited.

Thank you for much of your time with me, i really appreciate it dear. I have never
been so happy for long now but you made my day sweet. Thanks for your company.

You have a splendid and wonderful night rest, i will talk to you tomorrow.

Good night and sweet dreams to you dear.

(Ends day one.......).


Not everything is meant to be, but everything is worth a try. Thanks for knowing
you, let our good friendship grow, know more about ourselves. It's hard to trust a
stranger, but my heart tells me you are a good woman. Lay out yourself without
pretension we never know our destiny in life. Who knows keep believing that one day
someone out there is meant for you, just be happy. I am amazed believing that life
is full of surprise. I am happy if I can make someone smiles.

Good morning my dear!

Hope you had a splendid night rest dear ?

Good.Have you had breakfast yet?

What did you eat for breakfast ?

Wow that sounds Delicious.

I guess you must be at work now my dear ?

Good.Tell me what did you dream at night ?

Yeah, it's late here at night my dear. midnight already.

It's 1:46 AM here.

What time is it over there ?

I don't want to sleep, i want to accompany you to

I so much enjoy chat with you yesterday.

It's been a while dear.Or will you be busy this morning?

You are amazing!Your chinese is Awesome!

I really want to learn the Chinese language as soon as possible.

my dear, i have no idea about the Chinese language.

I just can't wait to learn soon my dear.

I want to communicate with you in English when i arrive China after my contract

But i want you to learn English as soon as possible, you can start learning from
now. With your English you can go anywhere in the world you know.

I am a quick learner, i will learn the Chinese language very quick and i know you
must be a quick learner as well.

Tell me about your extended family dear ?

How many children are you from you from your parents?

Are you the first Child ?

Me finding you online chatting with you I feel glad, I don't believe in luck, I
believe in grace. This is God doing I believe and I'm so convince to know you more
better. I haven't met or chat with a woman on the web before. I was totally
convinced when I saw you my dear.

Well i thank God for my life today, i am very proud of myself, i am successful by
God's grace.

Were you born and brought up in China ?

I was born in Berlin Germany

It is hard to describe oneself but if I were to say a little about me then I would
say comprehensively I'm very romantic and I plan on enjoying life to it's fullest.
I'm very simple and I take life simple. I believe you are the same as me dear.

When I give you my time, I�m giving you a portion of my life that I will never get
back. Please don�t make me regret it.from today hence forth I pronounce you my
blood sister and I will love, respect, protect and fight for your interest at all,
I wish to see you happy every day of my life and give you all support in all aspect
of life, this i swear by the law of karma, so help me God.


My dear you don't need to be lonely, because loneliness breaks the heart, you need
someone who will love you, care about you, appreciate you, desire you, cherish you,
understand and listen to you when you call

you don't need a man that will hurt you or make you sad, or a man that will never
be there for you, you need someone who will love you from his heart passionately
and ready to satisfy you

i will like you to know that love is not about distance, religion, langauge, Age or
country, but love is about the heart that's connected with each other

you might think your kids will always be there with you but no, someday they will
leave you and have their own family

you don't need not be lonely which will make you feel sad, but you need someone
that you will share with, kiss you, romance you and give you the best

i wanna let you know that to me, my family and wife is my top most priority and i
for them i will give all
i don't seek for perfection, because nobody is perfect, all i desire is the right
woman who will always be beside me and ready to move on with me

my dear i wanna know do you seek for perfect man????

building a family is not about two perfect persons, but it's when two imperfect
persons come together to make perfection

i'm not perfect my dear so i don't think you're either???

but i know that we can both come together to make perfection if you desire

i have been hurt and you have been hurt too, i know how it feels to be hurt so i
promised myself, i will never hurt the woman i love, but with all protect her cuz
my woman needs to be protected and appreciated

i will do anything just to put a smile on her beautiful face and to keep her happy

i will promise you this that if you give me your heart i will never hurt your
feelings, but i will take good care of your heart same way i will take care of my

i will kiss you with great passion always let you sleep on my arms, kiss your
forehead and show to the world how deep my love and affection for you is

Everynight we will have sweet romance as romance is the food of the soul

i want you to cast off your past and look forward to brighter future with me, my
dear i feel good with you

i wanna take you places, kiss you and hug you everywhere and show to the world how
much my love is for you

i wanna buy you a diamond ring, because you my diamond and you're priceless.

my dear i want you to be the only one that i'm with, i want you always on my mind
before i sleep at night and when i wake up in the morning, i wanna let you know
that i will love you with my life

i will love your kids also i wanna love them support them and care about them same
my son

i need us to build a happy family together, i need you and you need me, i know i
can't make a family alone and you can't make a family alone too

so i want us to come together and build a lovely, caring, passionate family which
the world will sure be jealous of.

send kiss and luv sign


In side all this dear, will need trust.

Do you believe in trust??

Can i trust you ??

Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness. No matter how much you
love someone if you don't have these ingredients you will never succeed.Do you know
that dear?

To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her first.
You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing
that will never fade until you die, your heart. Do you believe that dear?

Dear do you know that Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is
as if you're trusting them with your heart. Trust is what you put in someone's
hands, Faith is what you hold on to.

Dear, Love and Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for
them. Faith is what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them
in case they need some help.

Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is special, think that
you are always there for her, to be with her, to make her realize how much you
really love her

Dear do you know that Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love
gets unstable. Love is a wonderful gift, trust in it, believe in it, give it, and
it will be returned to you to give again and again. Do you believe that dear?

You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes
from your heart,it never lies, trust it. There may be many people that are
trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting with your heart, choose wisely. To
be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.

For you can love many dear, but without trust you have nothing. The heart already
knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart. Distance cannot, they are
on the inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest
person in the world. Love is patient

Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud........ It is
not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of
wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.

Love always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres. Love takes many things: trust,
hope, wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going
be enough. Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple
understanding and trust between two people.

I trust you� is a better compliment than �I love you� because you may not always
trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust dear.

My dear i want to ask you a question. Do you trust me ?


A Moment without You is Like a Day without Sunshine

I have tried so hard, to keep my body and soul together, tell my heart to stop
telling me I miss you, but all not working.

A Day Without You is a Day Without a Smile

I See Us Making a Love that Lasts a Lifetime

We Are a Match Perfected from Heaven Above

Take the Whole of Me as an Proof of My Love to You

This is an Express of Love Divine

I'm Loving You Always and Forever More

I'm Glad I Finally found You

Having You as Mine is a Dream Come True

The Thoughts of Your Love is Beyond a Wonderful Feeling

I Love You as Much as You Do Love Me

I Care for You as Much as You Do Care for Me

My Life Has Never Remained the Same Since I Met You

Since I met you, my life has anchored around limitless bliss that's inherent in
love. I've been made better, since you became mine. I love you.

I Give Every Beat of My Heart to Loving You

I See Me Falling in Love with You on a Daily Basis

Our Love Deserves a Daily Celebration

I am Enjoying the Dictates of True Love for the First Time in My Whole Life

Within and Without, I Love Every Part of You

From your head to your toe, you've got such an amazing look.
Looking within you, I see virtues beyond words. I love you.

It Still Beats Me How I Have Found a Jewel Like You

Deep within me, I wouldn't stop asking how a guy like me was so lucky to have found
a jewel of inestimable values like you.

It's Unimaginable How I've Found a Prince Like You

I Love You in Countless Ways

It's so Sweet to Be Loved by Someone Like You

I've Tried but Can't Just Get Enough of Your Love

Of your love, your hugs, your care

And your endless devotion...
I've gotten so much of them,
Yet I can't get enough of you.

I Keep Falling in Love with You and I Can't Help It

I Care About You Beyond What Can Be Verbalized

I Will Always Cherish and Adore You, Yes You.

I Am Longing for Your Touch

Can I Have Your Attention?

Meeting You Was the Proof of Deep Love

It was hard for me to believe that someone could live this deeply until I met you
and you gave me the best. Thanks for it all. I love you.

What Would I Do Without You in My Life?

I see how wonderfully my life has been going since I met you. I've had a first
class experience of love undefined and the more I get, the more you proof to give.
So I thought, what will I do without you in my life. Thank you. I love you.

With You, No One Else Matters in My Life

You are my essence, you're my ecstasy. You've been my stay in time of loneliness
and in my weary moments, you gave a hand to help carry on. And today I came to a
conclusion that I wouldn't need anyone else in my life since I have you. I love

I Choose to not Have a Moment Without You

Your Presence Gives the Peak of My Merriment

I Can't Fancy A Life Without You

I Am Giving All of My Heart to You

I Will Always Love You Like I've Always Been Doing

Your Love Has Brought Me to a Spotlight

I've Never Seen Love This Way Before

I Wish to Be Close to You

I Am Longing for Your Touch

I am Longing to Be Close to You Again

I Cherish the Way You Hold Me

It's Wonderful How You Look at Me

I Love the Way You Always Make Me Feel

I Love You in Countless Ways

I Give My Heart and Soul to Loving You

I Miss You Every Second You're Away from Me

This is the Moment I Need You Most

Would You Come Back to Me

I Wish I Have You in My Arms

This Moment Would Have Been Better Shared with You

Without You Here, I'm Like a Stray with No Home

I Don't Ever Want to Stop Loving You

I Wish You'll Love Me Forever Too

Would You Always Be Mine?


I Promise to Love You Until Death Do Us Part

I Promise a Lifetime Devotion to this Relationship

I Promise to Love You Come What May

I Promise to Always Cherish You

I Promise to Be There for You at all Times

I Promise to Be Your One and Only Lover

I Promise to Never Break Your Heart

I Promise to Be Your Best Friend Forever

I Promise Unwavering Commitment to this Relationship

I Promise to Never Break Your Heart

I Promise to be Your Confidant

I Promise to Defend Your Interests

I Promise to Keep Your Heart Unbroken

I Promise to Build a Future with You

I Promise to Always Make You Happy

I Promise to be Your Lifetime Companion

I Promise to Always Trust You

I Promise to Always Stand By You

I Promise to Always Care for You

I Promise to Never Take You for Granted

I Promise to Help Make this Relationship Last


I Don't Mind Going to the End of the Word for You

I Desire to Always Wake Up Next to You

I Wish to Always Be Wherever You Are

You're My Knight in Shining Armour

Isn't it Thrilling How I'm a Part of Your Life?

I Can't Stop Being Head Over Heels for You

I Am Forever Happy in Your Arms

In Your Arms, I find Warmth and Safety

My Love for You Grows with the Least of the Things You Do

I Can't Stop Having a Great Time with You

Life Has Worth the Living Since You Came into My Life

Your Love is the Rhythms My Heart Dances To

To Love You is My Heritage

To Always Be Yours is My Culture

To Stay with You Forever is My Tradition

I Find Loving You an Easy Thing to Do

With You, I See Myself Becoming the Happiest Person Alive

My Heart Can't Stop Leaping for You

You're in Every of My Thoughts and Decisions

I Knew My Lonely Days Were Over When I Met You

It's Evident that Our Love Can't Grow Old

Our Love Bond Will Grow Ever Stronger

This is a Celebration of a Special Kind of Love

Your Love Has Set the Stage for Endless Romantic Streaks

I Am So Glad I Found this Wonderful You

I Am Forever Grateful to Have You in My Life

Our Love Rocks, Makes Sense Forever

You're the Best Gift that Life Ever Gave to Me

I've Come to Say Thank thank you for Everything You've Done for Me

The Sky is the Starting Point for Our Love

Words Are Never Enough to Express How I Feel About You

There's Nothing Possible that I Wouldn't Do To Make You Smile

There's Nothing Within My Power that I Wouldn't Do to Make You Happy

Our Love Story is Legendary

This is more than a Glimpse of Heaven

I've heard they say to love is to receive a glimpse of heaven but falling in love
with you has defied the saying! Your love is more than words can say, falling in
love with you is more than a glimpse of heaven.

Your Love is a Rare Gift of Nature

We Were Two Separate Hearts that became one

Wherever Love Leads, I'm Walking There with You

It's Obvious, We're Made for Each Other

We Are on a Journey of Blissfulness Together

I Can See that We're Perfect Together

Our Love is Being Built to Last

We Make an Enviable Union

I See Us Celebrating a Boundless Love Forever

The Intimacy We Share is Rare

We're Inseparable through Life's Tick and Thin

This is Nothing But Friendship Redefined

Where in the World Would I Ever Be Without You?

I Love You with Every Heartbeat of Mine

Your Beauty is Never-fading

You Are so Elegant Inside and Out

Your Love is More than Enough for Me

You're My Lifetime Partner in Love

You're My Friend in Need and Indeed

Your Love Has Brought a Never-ending Smile to My Face

You've Always Brought Out the Best in Me

Your Love Has Finally Complemented Me

Your Love Has Forever Completed Me

You're All I Ever Wanted and Needed

Your Love Ignites an Ember of Passion within Me

You've Filled My Life with a Great Joy

I'll Ever Delight Myself in You

Your Love is Blossoming

You're in the Habit of Taking My Breath Away

You've Become My Favourite

Your Love Lights Up My Life

You've Always Had the Key to My Heart

You Were too Good to Be True and now too Essential to Be Without


No matter how the best of professional dictionaries advance in their definitions of

love, I just know that none of their words would be qualitative enough to describe
my love for you and even yours for me. We are the best.

You are my heart when it comes to love. You are my merriment when it comes to fun.
You are sure my fulfilment when it comes to talking about the future. I love you.
I welcome you into my heart today. I choose you to be my heart desires. I wish you
a great ride in there - but mind your steps. You are welcome.

I know what love really is when you started showing me. I could have lived all my
life celebrating lust and call it love! Thank God I found you.

Heartbeats reaches its maxima when love becomes a strange phenomenon. If you ask me
how I feel now, I will say that's exactly the way. Your love is magical.

I am not giving you a part of me. I choose to give you all and all. No one else
deserves it but you. I love you!

Love is a game when it ends with a lower and a winner. Ours is not like that. Ours
is an endless tango, which will ever takes two to make. I love you.

Like a flame which lights up my path, so is your love. Like a galaxy of stars in
the midst of my gross darkness, so is your care. I love you.

Like a tree without leaves is no good for shed, my life without you is far away
from reality. You are all I need. I love you.

This height of ecstasy your love has brought me, is where I choose to stay all my
life. Every other places might be better, but a bird in the hand is more than
thousands out there in the bush.

Even if by privilege lions do rule in the bush, I give you the privilege to reign
and rule in my heart like a king. You deserve more my love.

No matter how far in life I go, I see me coming back into your arms. We are the two
that are joined together by God - we are the inseparable two!

I once thought about travelling throughout the whole world and I begin to see its
reality when I know you to be my whole world. Your love rocks.

14. I want to make memories with you, such that can be cherished forever. Being
mine forever is the key. A deal? I love you.

If there is any value I've seen my whole life developing of recent, it's courtesy
of nothing else but your love. Thank God I met you. I love you.

No matter how the world puts us apart, you will always be in my heart, deep down in
my every right thoughts. I love you.

I just want to be where your love would lead me, until the end of time. It is a
choice that is worth making. I love you.

Love is beautiful, love is cute, love is wonderful and love is glorious. I know all
these through your care. You are indeed an heaven-sent.

If love do have a measure, it must be such that will be so limitless: I tried to

measure your love and care and I've been sapped each time.

A plant without source of water would wither in no time. This is tantamount to a

heart having no true love. Glad you are the best for me. I love you.

The road to a successful relationship might be rocky. But as long as it's with you,
it will be more than a fantastic ride. I am loving my whole life with you.
When I'm down, I may be motivated by encouragement. But none of such saves a heart
that is broken. Your coming was an all-in-one fix my heart ever longed for. Thanks
for being mine. I love you.

I thought I would have to go back to grade one just to learn the basics of love,
but you prove to have more than I would ever need in a relationship teacher. At
your service, my love.

I saw all about me changing for the better and for the best. I saw my heart beating
to the rhythms of bliss. I looked around, and within, for the cause, and I was so
glad it's you. I love you.

I want to go with you in this journey of love. I want to remember my past hurts and
pains no more. I choose to be wherever your love would go. Would you take my hand?

To love you effortlessly, I choose for you a pedestal. And I declare eternity to be
the end of our relationship. Isn't it worth it? I love you.

The worst lie I can ever tell you is that I wrote your name in the sky. I do not
have that wherewithal and yet I have all it takes to inscribe you in the centre of
my heart. You deserve to be there.

My love is such that can wait. It sure can wait for the right time. But it's not
such that can give up the one it dearly loves. I love you.

You are my choicest out of available millions. The best I can ever find and rely on
is you. None deserves my heart but you. I love you.

My heart has waited for this all my life. It has waited for the one who understands
what it is to have a perfect heart, and not the one who would break it at will.
Glad you are that person.

I have seen shame. I have seen hurts. You have no idea what pains my heart has gone
through. But an end came to it when I met you. I love you.

Every day is just like pay day to me. I wake up and sleep with boundless joy
filling my heart. What a fulfilment your love has brought. I love you.

I didn't see this coming. If I knew I could get a love so true like this, I would
have smiled and really laughed out my moments of heartbreaks and hurts. Glad this
moment came.

Love is not just rapturous tickling and loads of glamorous sensations. Love is
purely giving. I know this when you came into my life.

I want to go down the aisle with you. I want this so fast and I am feeling like I
can't wait. I take a pause and I can clearly see that it's worth the waiting.
Smiles, I love you.

If I am given a lifetime to express how lucky I am to have met the lovely you, it
just won't be enough. I love you.

I want to love you until you don't have any idea of how much I do love you. Until
then, all I will be doing would only be trial and error. Be expectant.

You are kind, cheerful, and yet sociable. You are more than I ever want in a lover.
You deserve me. I love you.
No matter how hard you try, you won't get to know how long I want to love you. If
you can tell how Kong eternity is, then you will get a clue. I love you dearly.

My search for true love that is believed to be scarce ended when I found you. You
have always been my prime source of joy since then. I wish this tends to eternity.
I love you.

This relationship is so eventful. How I wish this has started long time ago: it
would have featured more than heaven on earth by now.

I don't want to appreciate what I have after I have lost it, so I am keeping you
forever. You are my best and none else fit.

I got the key to the world of fulfilment the very day I met you. I would only be
out of my mind to call it quit with you.

As long as my heart beats, I can't call it quit with you. As long as I live, I
won't have no other lover but you. None else deserve me.

I have waited for a love like this all my life. It's such a relief finding the
perfect one for me. You will understand this someday.

I don't care how love will be spelt or how it will be defined in the future. I only
care about you being my love forever.

Your love is more than I can write in text messages. It's more than I can express
in sweet words. Your love is sure matchless.

As fitness is the key to a healthy lifestyle, a perfect heartbeat is key to a

healthy relationship. I am glad I have that. Courtesy of you.

If 60 seconds do make one minute, 72 heartbeats makes one minute too. My heart
beats for you that much in a minute. I love you.

Far away into the unknown land, wherein endless peace and serenity dwells, is where
with you I want to be. It's worth the ride! I love you.

You are an example of love which is classical. A rare gem to my heart you will
forever be. I love you eternally.

You are not just a touch of kindness. You are love in its purest form. You are
lovely and it's obvious. I love you.

I will stick with you. Under any kind of weather will I stand by you! If you ask
why, I'll say it's because you deserve it.

Adorable is the word that describes you at present. And I can see that words will
begin to fail me to describe in the nearest future.

I wouldn't be here today if not for God that gave a caring hand to me from you.
Thank God I met you. I love you.

With your love, I see everything turning around for my favour. My worst moments I
see turning to merriments. Your love rocks!

Your love is more than thrilling to my soul. If it were a food, I sure can't ever
take it all. You are more than sweet. I love you.
To talk of dreams, you are the kind that comes true for me. To talk about joy, you
are a daily dose for me too. I love you

Your love is more than mere tickling. Your love is what light up my whole world. I
love you sweetheart.

I miss that cure smile and your fun-filled laughter. I can't wait to set my eyes on
you my love. I am miss you lke badly.

When it's here, it's like heaven on earth, but when it's away it's more than
killing. This is nothing else but your presence. I have really missed you.

I love you very dearly and that is seen very clearly but missing a moment without
you is what I detest so madly. I have really missed you.

I will miss those lovely moments we share until I am bound in your arms and we live
to part no more. I love you, but I miss you more.

The more I see the sun shines and then the stars appear later in the night, the
more my heart is torn, knowing that another day is gone without you.

I just have to cut off the basics and tell you how I really feel when you are not
here. Always feel like I'm lost. I am missing you so much.

I might have deserved this, but I plead for forgiveness. Your absence would do more
harm than your scolding me would. Please come back my love.

The magical ways of endearing me to you is so enchanting! But not when I am missing
you this much. Please understand how I feel.

I know you have not fully understood how really I am missing you. If you do, you
will be here by now. Tears in my eyes.

The breeze might choose to cease, and the sun to cease to shine. All I care is for
your eyes to meet mine. Longing to see you.

When the going gets tough, I choose to stand by you. Pledging my undying love, I
promise to ever stay with you.

We won't be worst of enemies never but I will forever remain the best friend of
you. I love you.

When your love gives little and even when it gives nothing, I will ever pledge my
allegiance to you. I wouldn't do less because I do love you.

I am ever with you with my passion unwavering. Clinging more in love to you and my
devotion unswerving. I love you.

I didn't just allow my tongue and lips to blab. When I say I love you, I mean it
from the bottom of my heart.

The day you have the idea of how much I love you is the very day my love would mean
nothing to you anymore. Don't want this to happen!

You might not mean everything to me. But you mean a dream come true and destiny
fulfilment to me. I love you.

Under any kind of weather, come what may, I will stand by you. I love you.
Your love is worth being kept forever and it sure a promise I will keep. I love

I wouldn't let this joy end. I wouldn't let this moments of bliss bid its goodbye.
I stay forever with you, for I don't want to lose you.

I choose to stay and stand with you forever, because it's worth it all the way! I
love you.

Even if all relationships don't last, I see ours going till eternity. I love you.

This love will be until the end of time, because true and undying love is what do
bind us. I love you.

You have always been my prime source of joy since then. I wish this tends to
eternity. I love you.

I have talked enough. It's time for action. Prepared to love you and stop once it's
a day after eternity. See how long that will take? Love you.


One million might be put there but all I want is you. You are the only one I trust
my future with. Thanks for being the help my destiny needs.

No other person can ever fit into my agenda of fulfilment but you. I choose to
stand by you all my life.

Be with me on my journey to destiny fulfilment. Stand by me for you are all I need.
Would you?

Thanks for being on this path with me. Thank you so much for taking a lifetime
decision to be mine. Thanks and thanks for it all. I love you sweet.

Thanks for your choice of being called my own. Thanks for the offer to help build
my Rome. Thanks for choosing to help my being alone. I love you.

The helping hand when I am down is you. The strength when I am weak is none else
but you. More than all you've done, I still need you forever my love.

My glorious future awaits celebrating you because it's been you all the while. You
are more than a darling. Mwah.

Not just your beauty and the elegance than comes with it. I prime your heart above
them all: for with it, our future can be built to last. I Love you.

I can see myself scaling high. I can see the future so bright. But when I checked,
it's because you are with me. I wouldn't let you go, never!

I was done chasing shadows when I knew you were the real picture of a helping hand
that I need for a life of significance. Thanks for being you.

Waking up with a thought of your love is more than winning a battle. Why wouldn't
I, when I can see a glorious future with you in it? I love you.

The day draws near. My boundless joy calls. I bask in endless peace, when I look
into my future and I can see you in there. I can't wait to be with you forever
This journey is worth it. The road is worth plying. All risks worth taking, as long
as the future is great with you. I love you.

When there is a will there is also a way. Thanks for your choice of going this path
with me. I promise to make it worth it.

My lifetime heart, my endless desire, my dearly loved, and my all is none else but
you. This is who you will ever be, because no one fits but you.

My devotion to you is unwavering. My clinging to you, that unswerving. My love, my

life, my pride that is you! Welcome into my future with you.

Everything is taking form, the worse is taking shape. The moments of limitations
are bidding farewell and it's because I see you in my future.

As long as you are on this page with me, I can dance and merry to celebrate a
future so great. Why wouldn't I, when you are mine?


Do you know why my world is so perfect? Because my world is you, my cute wife! I
love you.

I asked God to send me the best wife in the world, but He sent me a wonderful
woman, who has become my true friend, a passionate lover, a caring partner and the
one, without whom I cannot live! Thank you for being in my life.

My sweet, what can be better than looking into your eyes and seeing there the
reflection of your soul and a boundless love for me? You made me the happiest man
on Earth.

Darling, I hope that this cute message will make you smile: I want you to know that
things are changing in the world, but the only thing that will last forever is my
love for you.

Do you know, when I realized that I love you? When I saw you as a future mother of
my children and a woman, with whom I will spend the entire earthly life and

Let me be today even more romantic and charming than usual and tell you that a
starry sky is empty without you, the sun does not warm, and nothing pleases me,
only you fill my life with sense.

Beloved, my love for you is unconditional, it grows from the depths of my heart,
and without your affection and warmth my heart stops beating, all I ask for is you
by my side forever.

Do you know what the best wife in the world deserves? She needs a caring,
intelligent and affectionate man. My congratulations, you got me!
Your cute smile can melt even the icy heart, which I have had before I met you.
Thanks for all the happiness that you gave me, I love you.

You know, I�m ready to kiss the whole world, for what it gave you to me. I couldn�t
dream of a more romantic, sensual, caring and sweet second half.

You are the queen of my heart and the mistress of my fate, the best thing that
happened to me is a meeting with you, my sweet girl!

I would have given you the most beautiful flowers as a sign of my deep love for
you, but they pale in comparison to your beauty, I would call in honor of you a
star, but brilliant stars are nothing compared to your dazzling eyes, so I�ll just
tell you that your love is the most precious thing in my life.

I have always thought that a person can experience happiness once in a lifetime,
but with you I realized that happiness for me is every minute, every second, every
romantic day that I spend with you and moments when I hold you in my arms.

You know, the world can be saved only by love, but my love for you is so strong
that it can heal millions of broken hearts. You are my everything, I love you.

What could be better than a favorite wife, who decorates your life and makes you
better? Only the moment, when a precious girlfriend becomes a beloved wife, I dream
about it, my sweet!

You are my dream, which came true, I haven�t met a more cute, intelligent,
romantic, sweet, understanding and kind girl than you, I still cannot understand
why I deserve such happiness, but I thank God every day for you.

There are two of us and it is wonderful, but unlimited bliss will come when our
love blossoms in our children, I love you madly, I live for you!

Your image is imprinted in my mind, my heart whispers your name and when I close my
eyes, I see your face, you are the best part of me, I love you more than it is

You know, with you, I realized what it means to live life to the fullest and to
enjoy every breath. You helped me to see the world with happy eyes, my love, my
sweet girl, I am crazy about you.

There is nothing more cute and romantic in this world than to see your sleepy eyes
every morning and to hug you.
If you promise me that I will meet every morning with you for another 60 years,
then I need nothing more in this world.

Only fools believe that love makes a person vulnerable, only love makes a person
strong and courageous.

Your love made me a better person, because of you I became the man, whom I always
wanted to be.

Stars, seas, oceans, all the wonders of the world � I�ll throw at your feet for the
sake of your beautiful smile.

When I met you for the first time, I thought that you would be my girlfriend, but I
could not even imagine that you would change my life so radically, you have become
the most important person in my life, I cannot live without you.

If I was rich, I would give anything for the sake of your single glance, I would
have exchanged all gold in the world for your smile, but I do not have such wealth,
so I give you the most valuable thing in my life � my heart.

You are my first, last and the only love, everything that I dream of is to meet
with you as many sunrises and sunsets as possible.

You lift my spirits when I feel down, you shares the joy with me when I�m over the
moon, you are with me in good and bad times and you are a reminder of how wonderful
our life is.

Only one single phrase makes my heart beat faster � it is your name and the word

In the next life, I will go through the storms and inclemency to find you faster
and to spend every second of my life with you, my beloved.

My cute, moments with you are pure magic, I dip into the abyss of happiness, love
and passion, for me, it is better not to live at all than to live without you.

My sweet, you are a rare combination of a sharp mind, a kind heart, and a sexy
body. You are the best wife!
Only with you, I learned to breathe! Love you.

I�m smitten with you! You�re my number one!

Your touches warm me better than the sun! I�m crazy in love with you!

You�re the queen of my heart, with you, forever won�t be too long!

I can�t bear to be apart from you, you�re a vital part of me.

Each time I fall asleep, my heart calls out for you! I�m totally into you,

Only one thing in the world can make me happy � it is to see your eyes every
morning for at least 50 years! You are my life.

Wherever I am and whatever I do, I always yearn for you. My life is empty without

When I look at you, I realize that beauty truly will save the world! At least your
outer and inner beauty saved my heart!

I am so happy to have you in my life! I am ready to spend each my breath to tell

you how much I love you.

You are the love of my life.When we�re together and you hold my hand, I�m so happy
that I cannot tell where I end and you begin.

If I was asked where I want to spend eternity, the answer would be simple � in your

You are the answer to my prayers, the most beautiful gift, given by the Lord!

I love you from the bottom of my heart!

Only with you, I can be sincere and frank. I think you�re the one.

Do you know why the moon doesn�t shine today? Because the brilliance of your
beautiful eyes illuminates all around! You are incredible!
When I�m with you, the only thing I want to do is to hold you tight, keep you warm
and never let you go!

Give your heart to me and I�ll give you all the joys of the world! There is no
other for me.

I know that our love is strong enough to last forever! I love you more than life.

Darling, without you everything is meaningless, only you stir my soul.

If you were a flower, I would never let you wither, because I am afraid of losing
you! You take my breath away!

I used to think that the Northern Lights are the most beautiful thing in the world,
but then I�ve seen your smile and my opinion changed. I am under your spell.

I would choose a moment on Earth with you than an eternity in paradise without you.
I love you.

The most enjoyable captivity in the world is the captivity of your eyes and lips.
You are awesome!

I am proud to call you mine. There is no more beautiful, understanding and

astonishing girl in the world! You are my everything.

I can�t even conceive of life without you. You are my heart, my moon, my sun, my
stars, I am drunk with love for you, my beloved!

Even if I were an artist, I could not pick up the paint to portray your beautiful
features, if I were a writer, I could not find the words to describe my love for
you. You are my perfect match!

At that time, when I met you, I lost my peace, sleep, and my heart. Meeting with
you is the most beautiful thing that happened to me in life.

Do you know what can make me the happiest man in the world? The awareness that you
are healthy and happy. My life is empty without you. I LOVE YOU !!

My love, i am very sorry that i did not contact you last night before you sleep

My love, what i am about to tell you must remain a secret because of the importance
of it to our future and the future of our children

My love, you must promise me that you have to keep this a secret and you must not
let anyone know because of the importance of it to our family, because i do not
want anyone to know about this

I want you to listen to me carefully

My love, i have been very busy with something very serious and important and i have
been trying to solve the situation but i have no other option but to tell you
everything first

My love, i am worried about a mail i received night before i woke up yesterday

morning, and i have been trying to solve the problem

My love, i will explain everything to you in details

I am safe and nothing is wrong with me but the matter is more very serious too

My love, am having a problem with a security company were I deposited my package

some years back before came to sea to work. just as i told you

I got a mail from the security company warehouse manager and i have been in contact
with him to solve the issue and now i need you to listen to me and understand me

My love,i received a mail from the Warehouse Manager informing me to come and clear
my package because there is a internal conflict in the warehouse and the company is
going to face liquidation

They gave me a warning saying that my package needs to be cleared out as soon as
possible or i will lose my package and also lose all the documents which affirms me
as the owner of the package

My love, first i wrote back informing them on my present position here in Caspian
sea, and that i cannot leave the sea until i finish my contract and retire

But the warehouse manger said that it cannot wait because any delay and i will lose
my package and i will not have any means to claim my package within a week because
of the current situation in the security company
My love, this is why i have been so worried because i do not want to lose my
package no matter what because it is all that i want to use to take care of you,
our children and our future after my retirement

My love, the security company is an international security company but they have
agents all over the world, but they do not disclose their location because of the
safety of peoples packages and properties

My love, i was given an option of introducing a beneficiary who can stand to

Receive the package in my name and directive

And i gave them our son's name and details because he is the original next of kin
in the package deposit certificate

Honey, after i gave the manager, Mark's details and information they rejected him
and said that he is a minor and an underage

And cannot go through the process and arrangements of securing my package and it
needs to be handled by an adult, Because it is against the law to deliver such a
huge money to a kid in a school area and beside it cannot be safe with him right
there in his school till i finish my job here on sea

After i gave the manager Eric's name and details and they rejected him, i told them
about you and if you can stand as my beneficiary and secure my package for me

My love, i know that you are afraid that they might need a marriage certificate but
do not worry about it because it is not needed, I know that our marriage
certificate is necessary and that is what we will process once i get home

My love, the manager approved it and said that because of the urgent and importance
of the situation you can stand on my behalf and secure my package in my name and

Yes, and i told the manager about you and that you are currently in China, and they
gave me a limited time to introduce my beneficiary or i will lose my package and
this is why i am telling you all this now, my love

My love, after i told the manager about you, i was introduced to a diplomat agent
who has the legal rights to deliver our package to you right there in China

Now my love, i want to give you the diplomat QQ number so that you will add him and
introduce yourself to him as my family and beneficiary

3522758514, my love, this is the diplomat QQ number, i want you to add him right
My love, i also want you to give me your full name so that i will compose a message
letter which you will use to introduce yourself to the diplomat my love

Do you understand ?

Good day sir, i am ,Engineer, Malvin, Brown's Wife. i am Wang Qi and i am writing
to inform you that i am ready to receive my husband's package which he deposited in
your company as his beneficiary and wife.

My love, you see the message letter ? i want you to modify it if i am wrong,
because i rushed it and i think i made a few mistakes

Yes, have the diplomat accepted you already ? if yes send the message letter to him
immediately, and if no, we have to wait for him maybe he is very busy right now

My love, i was also told that before the delivery is made the diplomat agent will
needs three things from us, I will explain the details to you

My love, first is your detailed information, a copy of your id card and the local
delivery fee, before the delivery can be made, My love, i will explain all this to

Honey, your detailed information is for the diplomat agent to know the delivery
location and to know your full address and the delivery address to ascertain,
register and to confirm the delivery of my package to you using that very location
you gave

The second is a copy of your id card which is to confirm that you are who you say
you and that the name on the detailed information is the same on your id card so
that there will not be a mistake during the delivery in other not to deliver my
package to a wrong person in the same delivery location

The name on your id card must be the same with the name that you will give the
diplomatic agent, so that there will not be any mistake during the delivery

And the last is the local delivery fee, which is for the safety and secured
transportation of our package to you right there in China

These are the three details which was given to me by the manager, your detailed
information, a copy of your id card and the local delivery fee

My love, i do not know because only the diplomat agent is the one responsible to
tell us after we give him the delivery location,

I love you so much, you must also remember to tell me all that the diplomat told

Now my wife, i know that you are hard alone and have no money with you now but i
want us to chose the first option and raise the money so that we will pay for the
delivery because that is the most important thing right now

My wife, i do not mind if we will go to borrow the money, i will pay back with any
interest, but i want us to chose from the list of options my wife

My wife, all i want is for you to be in custody of what i have toiled and suffered
for in so many years, i do not care about the cost, all i want is to secure our
future and the future of our children, This is my priority, i will pay back any
interest, but all i want is for our package to be with as soon as possible, my wife



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