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IN · T W 0 A L P H A B E 'r S,
Tr:King the ETYMOLOGY of thofe ENGLISH WoRos, that arc derived

I: From the G R E E K, and L A T I N Languages;

II. FrQm the S A X 0 N, and other Northera Tong~es.
V 0 S S I U S, S K I N N E R,
t<1 E R I C C A S A U B 0 N, V E R S T E G .'\, N•
S P E L M A N, R A Y,
M· I N S H E ,V, U P T 0 N,


By the Reverend GE 0 R GE W IL LI AM ~E M 0 N·,

Redor of Ge;ytontborpe, and Vicar of Eaft Wa/;~11,: NoR.~\lt.
Multa renafcentur, qua; jam cecidere; cadentque,
~a: nunc font in ho·norc vorabula; Ii volet ufus l
~em p<'nes arbitrium ell:, ct jus, cc norma loquendi. ART. POET. 7.0 .
E1J•ol1gia continct autem in fe multam cruditioncm; five ilia ex Gr.eds orta trat.'temus, qu.e:Junf'
plurima, przcipucque JEolirti ratione ( cui eft ftrmo • of/tr limillimus) five ex hiftoriasum vecerunl
notitia nomina Hominum, (Rerum) i..ocorum, Gcntium, Urbium requiramus. · •
Q!,r1NTILJAN. Cap. I. Sec. 6,

Printed for G. R 0 BINS 0 N, in PATEl\•NOSTER Row.
M.oce.LXXXlll •
.. .
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L I s T
0 p

s u B s c R I B E R s.

N. B.-A fmall dis placed after the Names of thofc who have died fince.
the Subfcription was opened.

His Gmce FREDERIC, late Lord Archbifhop of CANTERBURY. d.

T he Revd. Mr. J ames Backhoufe. Feliow of

<J'rittilJ Cotkgt, CAmbritigt •
A. Sir Edmund Bacon, Baronet, Rav11dngham,
. . Norfalk
HE Right R everend Jonathan Sl~plcy,

I D.D. Lord Bilhop of St. AS,,.PH

Jo Addcy, Efq; Alderman of NoroAJicb
J ohn Alcock, E.fq; lfetheri11gforti
Edward Bacon, Efq; M.P. Eor11'a1t1, near ,V,r~
John Bacon, Efq; Fitjl PrMi1J Of/it~
Reva. Charles Baggt, D.D. 'M inifter of LJ•r.rr,
Ma.xey Allen, Efq; Mayor of Lynn, Norfollt, Nt>rfollt:
1780 R evd. T homas Barker, D. t>. Principal of
Ro~r Altham, L .L .D. Doflors Com1110/fJ
Brazen Nef1 Colltge, Of_fofti
R evd. Mr. Jmmes Anfdcll, Vicar of Sbo1tifoa111, Henry Barlow, Efq; Micfde6oroufb
near Nortui<b Mr. John Barnard, Norwitb ' .
Captain Archer, Pall M•ll Revd. lienry Batburft, L.L.D. C~on of Chrijl,
Revd. Mr. Afkew, Fellow of En11na11utl College, Church, O>forcl
Combrit!g1. for the Library . M r. Richard Beatnilfc: Bookfeller, N orwich
Thomas Attic, Efq; F.R.S. Batttrjta Rift Revd. Mr. Thoin:i.s Beckwith, Norwich
Sir Edward Allley, Baronet, M . P . Melian Philip B edingfield, Senior~ Efq; Norwich
Conjlablt, Norfollc Mr. James Becvor, N~rwub .
Revd. Mr. John Alllcy, 'J'hornage, 1Y_orfolk Sir John Berney, Baronet, Kfr/Jy, near Nortvich •
Mr. Williorn Athill, Surgeon, Norwub Revd. Mr. Richard Berney, Norwieb
R oben Audley, Efq; South11mpton Me!frs. Berry, Bookfellers in N orwich. ~Copies
Sir Jofcph Ayloffe, Baronet, F.R.S. V.P.A.S. d. Mr. Nathaniel Bifi1op, P11ll-M11/t
Sir L ambert Blackwell, Baronet, Spro11jlo11, near
B. Norwich
Mr. T homas Blake, Atturney, ll'~l'~Qich
Right R (vtrcnd· the late Lord Bifi1op of Robert lllakeney, Ef9; Sbropton
81.US.TOL,aod Dcan ·o f SI. P11ul's, 1780. d. Etlward Blanchet, Elq; S:'.f!t.r
A 2 P.1r.

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L I S T 0 F S U B S C ll I B E R S.
-1\.lr. Thomas Bland, Nor-:uicb Mr. John Cook, Nor-..ofrb
E.J.,•ard Blumfield, Efq; Stipl•n R evd. S:unud Cooper, D.D. M illilkr of Gr~u
M r. Boodle, Atturney, f!nnov rr-Sqttnrt rarmc111b
llevd. l\·1r. George Borlafe, Fellow of Ptttr· Revd . Mc. \ Villian1 Cooper, Fellow of Clare
hc'fft Cc!le• t, Cambridge Hall, Cumbridgt
Wilhatn Bofanquec, Efq; Blo1111fo11ry-Square l\i r. Charles Cooper, Atturney, NoTTDicll
H enry Bofanquct, Efq; Hn-tford C•!ltgt, Oxford E dw:ird Cuthred, Efq; Ha1r11
Mr. R icbard Bo~yec, "Ftatherftcr.e Revd. Mr~ Vvilliam Clifton, K1ift11
J a111es Branfby, Efq; Norwich. d.
M atthew Brcni ngham, Efq; K11ightforit!ge D.
Mr. William Brettingham, Merchant, Norwich
R evd. Mr. I faac Bridges, M.A. · R ight R everend Edward Smallwell, D.D. Lord
John Bringloe, E fquire, Sheriff, Nort1Jfrh Bi.Oiop of St. DAVIDS
Frederic Browning, IVf.A. Fellow of King's R obe rt Dack, M .D. Norwirh
College; C4111britlgt • • - Mr. Thomas Thtvy, Nonvicb •'
C harles Buckle, Efq; N-icb \ Starling D ay, E fq; Alderman of NWflliiJr
R evd. l\1r. Srcphen Buckle, N orwich Ruben Deave, E fq; Norwich
R evel. !Vfr. William Buckle, Re.d or of Frit1011, Ch.a rks Deaves, Efq1 Secretary to the Mafl:er of
in s.,jfolk the Rolls
R evd. Mr. t:harlrs Buckle, L L .B. · Reller of Mr. Elilha de Hague, T o•n Clerk of N Wtoit'i
Worlingworrb, Suffe/!t: The Rcverend ,Sa!J1llel Dennis, D.D. Prelidcnt
Thomas Ballnnd, E fq; Bromi11gton of St. Jobn'rColl1g•, and Vice Chancellor of
Charks Burney, Mus. D. Ltiujlcr Fidds the Univerlicy of O.efortl
Henry D igby, Efq; ljle of Ely
c. B. Gurdon D illingham, Efq; '!'be Clefe, Nwwir/J
R evd. · Mr. ' Philip Cand ler, Lammas, near Rc.v d . George D ixon, D .D. P rincipaJ. of Et!1n11•d
Hall, Oxford
·Revd. M r. Caflres Donne, Vicar of Lot/do•
~vcl. Mr. Samuel Carttr
\ Villiam S. D onne, E fq; .~1tu11's C11/~~,
M r. :\Villiam Carter, Norwich Oxford
L ynford Caty!, D.D. M :ifter cf Jtjt1J Colltg1,
Revd. M r. W illiam Dowfon, M .•o\. F ellow of
.Cambridge. d. ~tun's College, Oxford; and RcCtor of Bixlt}, '
P hilip c~f<. Efq1 Ly11n
, in Norfolk
Mr. ·r~omas. Cafv, D111111H1, Norfolk Revd. M r . William D'Oyly
R~".,J. !'1r•. Robert Caylcy, Rcll:or of Buto11,
·Andrew ColceC. du CareU, L L.D. Commill"ary
· S11.Jfolk •
of t he Diocefe of c~11rtrbur1
George .Chad, Fjq;. -'fhurJ/ord, Recorder of
Stephen Dumarty, Efq; E :ultr
L1r.• Thom1s D urrant, Efq; ScottllW, Norf~li.
J ohn Chamber., Efq; Coun(dlor at Law, and
Revd. Mr. Matthew Dutty, M.A. ·'
R ecorder of the Cjcy of N orwich
M r . .1"1artip Chan9dicT · ... •
R evd. J ofeph Cliapman, D.D. Prdident of E. •
'trinity CtJltgt, Oxford
M r. Willia1n Chapman, Stationer, King'sStrul, \Villi am Edwa.r ds, Efq; D1111bat11ford -.-
Guildhall . . · Mr. Thomas Emer(on, Norwich •
Y.ialtcr Tlibmas Chittick, M.)). Great Marl- Jlevd. E mily, D .D.
6or1ujh Strut "• ' · . Revd. Mr. En1pfon, Vicar of uggefby, Liir,. ..
J amrs Coldham, E fq; "Ai:m<r, near Lynn to/11jbirt
R evd. \Vill l~ m Colman, D.D. Mafler of Btnntl Robert Erlkin, Efq; NDrthamp1111
Collt~e, Cambridge Revd. Mr. William Everard, L71m. cl.
Franci~ Colornbine, Efq; A \Jennan of ]{orwich Revd . Mr. John Everard, Vicar of Bcdmglu1m;
P eter Colombin ..., Efq; Nortuicb near Norwich
R evd. Pa11l Colombinc, D.D. Nor<cich
D avid Co!o1nbine, Efq; Non.uicb F.
RcvJ. \'V illi:n11 Cooke, D.D. Provo!l: of King's
Ccllegt, Cambridge Robert F ellowes, Efq; Sbcttjham, near Nortoich

Dig t no .>y Ge <.. I

L· I S T O F S U B 'S C R I B E R S, ·
Revd . Mr. Edmund F errcrs, Refror of Clu riton,
Ha11ts • H.

Revd. Mr. I. B. Ferrers; Vicar of Rawtlon
Jobn Filher, Efq; fltrt/ortl Colft[t, Oxford • Robert Han1ilton, M.D. Lynn, Norfolk
Revd. Mr. Pct~r Forfter, Rcfror of Httftnham, Revd. H or.lee H a1nn1ond, D .D. Prebendary of
near B""laJ No,Wich
R evd. M r. 'fboma.s,Rctlorof HakjworJh Parrat1 H anger, Efq; Htigham, near Norwitb
M r. William Folter, Auurncy, Norwich Sir fol:irbord Harbord, M.P . Norwich
Revd. Tho111a.s F ochcrgil}, D .D. P rovoft of Mr. Henry H;trdwicke, .Cotfdalt
!t11tm's Colltgt, Oxferd ,M r. J ames H ardy, Atturncy, N •ro:iich . .
Brigg Fountaine, Efq; Narford R evd. Mr. Henr)' H arington, Subnuniftct ofQ
M rs. D i2113 Ffuwle, Bnt-, near Norwic• I St. Paer's ,._fancroft, Norwich
J ohn Ffowle~ Efq; BrHlct, near Norwith Jlenry Harvey, Gent. FulltrtoJC
Revd. Henry Fox, EIJ. d. I. I. H .arvcy, Efq; Mayor of NoNJJicb
R evd. M r. J ohn Franci$, Woodto11, ne:tr Buga} fl'homas Harvey, Efq; Alderman of Norwich
Mr. R olxrt Fcancis, J unior, Norwich /oho H atfcll, Efq; Clerk of the Houfe of
H ugh, Frankworth, Elq; ~·111i111s Commons
R evd. M r. John Fremlan, Norwicb .Charles H eathcote, Efq; Ntt11ingto11
Edward Dcanf: Freeman, Efq;. Orifi Cbarch , f'cll H eigharn, Efq; late of Bury St. Ei1111111tls,
Colitgt, Oxford : S11jfolk. d.
Revd. Mr. Anthony Frcfton, ' Catr1~ridgt. l 20 iRevd. Mr. Jofeph H epworth, Nortbw111jb11m,
Copies, · Norfolk . ·
Charle~ Fr-ewcn1 Efq1 Li11col11's 1'111 Revd. l\fr. John Herries, A.M. Lllncajltr Court,
Revd. Mr. Daniel Fromanteel, Norwicb ' Cbariny:.Crojs. d ..
M r'l,Thomas f\llchei, Surg~on, Sbottifham, near fevd . Mr. Thomas H ewitt, Fellow of Br11111t
Nor,"Pirb • .• . • Colltg~, Ca111bridgt
Mr. J ohn Furman, Inner 'J'1111plt 'Peter Hilderfdown, Efq; Pyfitld
Mr. Williaui Ji'yfton: :Revd. Jof. Hoare, D.D. Principal of Jtj#I'
• College, Oxford, for the Library. •
G.· Anthony H odgfon, Efq; .dr#,,,/el Slrttl
'Geo. Hunt Holley,. Efq1 Aylfl>a111, N1rfollc·
l'vlr. D1nicl Ganning, Atturncy, Norwich ' :John.Hooper, Ef~;, M._•rcb
Ch:Lrles Garneys, Efq1 Htd()1ha111, near Bunga) R evd. Mr. Hopkins
J ohn Gay, Efq; Aldernum of Norwitb R evd .. Geo. H orne., D .D. Vice Chancello r of\
D. Giles, A.B. Heriford. Colltgt, O:<ford • Oxford, and Dean of Ca11ttrb11ry ·
Mr. Willian1 Gimingha1n, Junior, Norwich Mr. H enry Hughs, lktif1rd R1w, u 11do11
Rober~ G!rnn, M .D. KiHg'J C1/ug1, Camoridgt Revd. Mr. : Rich2rd H umfrey, 'Iborpt, ne:i.r ,
R evd. Pet. Step. Goddard, D.Ii. late Malter of N..;ch
<(!art H11U, C11,,,/iriJg1. d. · ,Revd. T homas H unt,.Rc&r of Baftf,
R.evd. M r. Goodrickc, Rcl\or of C01tljdo11,
Surry •
& o. Goftling, E fq.i Do!Jors Cot11f!011J
Richard Gough, Efq; F.R.S. Dirtl\or of the RCYd. Cyril JadrJou, D .D. Dean of Cbrift .
Society of Antiquaries Cb11rch, Oiifwtl •
W i1liam Grant, Gent. . Mr. lfaac J ackfoo, NWTOi£11
Revd. M r. J ohn Greene, of 'Tbt Cleft, ]'{orwfrb {>oamc Ji:nyns, Ef'.q; B~Jijb""' Hall, neatCcltmitt
Mr. Robert Grimcr, Sttthi11g, near NortJJith Si r William Jc-roingham, B:tr0net, CotftJ, near
Mr. Richard Gurney} . 1 Norwirb
Mr. John Gurney BankerJ, in Norwich . Edward Jemiogham, E fq; Grof'11t11or Sq11•r1
Mr. Barlett Gurney Mr. T ho1nas l nrwith, Bucks
William M an Godfchal, Efq; F.R.S. Revd. I. Jower r, LL, D. Fellow of 'IrinilJ Hell,
R evd. I-Icnry Goodall, D.D. late Arch<i!cacon and Regius Pro(elfor of Civil L aw, Camb1-idg1
•f S11ffollt. d. Revd. George Jubb, D. D . Canon of Cbrifl
Church, and Rci;ius Profdfor of l-Jcbrew,
• • • • Ox/9ni
• ••
·j Jercmiah

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LI S 'l' 0 F S U B S C R ·1 B E R S.
Jeremiah Ives, Efq; St. Cltm11111, Alderman of
Norwi'cb , M.
Jeremiah I ves, Junior, Efq; Sheriff of N•T"'JJich
Revd. M r. J. Ives, Right H onorable Lord Vifcounr MIDLETON
Captain' Ivory, Norwich Right Ho,norable Lady Vifcounccfa MI-
Revd. Mr. Willian1 Ivory, Vicar of flilt'tiol.,tft~11, l)LETON
ntar JVilrtu-ich Mr. frnnci• Machin, Atn1rnry, Swajfham
M. Macqueen, M.D. Great rat'llff11lb
John MMning, M.D. Norwich • .
K. Revd. Owen Manning, B.D . Redor of Got!tl-
mi11g, S11rry
' ohn Ktrtich; Efq; Harltjlo11, No1folk Thomas Manning, Efq; B1111g•y, Sriffelt
R oger Kerrifon, Efq; Alderman of JVorwicb Peter Manw,aring, Efq; Fraltfl1ftrl 1n
Mr. Thomu Keet, Norwich Mr. Thomas M arks, ·Nor'Wich
Edward King, Efq; F.R.S. and V.P.A.S. J ohn'1 Mr. Edward M, Norwltb
Strut, Bedford Row . Thon'as Matthews, Efq ; Willtrt111
John Kipling, Efq; Rolls Chapel John Micklcrhwaire, Ef<j1 Beejlon, near J."o' rwi<h
lfaac W illiams Kirby, Efq; Lamijtfo~o11 . William Middleton, Efq 1 H•rlotu
. Rtvd. Mr, C harles MiHard , of <f'IH . Cleft,
N orwith •
L. Mr. Thoma$ ·M"ulcr, B11n:471 S11ffollc
R ight Revd. Richard Watfon, D .D. Lord Bilhop Revd. Jeremiah M illes, D.D. F. R.S. Dcail of
of LANDAFF · &tltr, and P rcfidenc o( t he 'Society of An-
Right Revd. Thomas Thurlow, D.D. Lcird tiquarie's, Lo11"411 •
Bilbop of LINCObN · 'fhomas M ilner, Efq; ~111!1'1 C.tuge, O'x/orl
Right Revd. Richard Lord Biihop bf.LITCH- Revd. Charles Morcim~r, D.D. R'CC\ot • f
FIELD Linro/11 Collegt, O'l<f1t·il ' · •
Rt'vd. Stephm Langton, .J/.r1~'11111flo1r · Mr. R ichard Mofs, of '1 be Cl~, N o""1iih
"\Villiam Lawfon, Efq1 Miipktoft J ohn Murray, ~ .D. N orwitb. ~Copies
Revd. Mr.-'William ~cb, R~or of lntw oot! Revd. George Murthwaite, B.D . fzy.trn's Col-
and Prcbtn daty of N4rwi<b ' ltgt, Oxf1rti- · ·

Revd. M r. R obert Lc:m.n, R«lor. of Ell•«gb, \
S11ffilk N.
Sir William Lemon, Baronet, Grtal Georgt
Strut, Wtjlminfl·t r R ighc Reverend Phi Up Y onge, D.D. ·tare l ord
Mr. Robert Lembh, !f'fw1r Bithop of NOR \VlCli. d.
Geotge Lethe~land, Etq; Braeltley. cl . 'Right R~verend · r!ewis B~gor, D.D, loril..
"Fevd. Mr. Hocha1n L inclfcy, Ejfax · Bithop 6f NOltW ICI-l · ·;
Gilts Litchford, Efq; Berrhi111ha111 Revd. P hilip Lloyd, b.D. Dean of N1>~w1c~ .
\.Villiam Logarth, M.D. R11forti Revd. G'torgt Stndb)', · D.D. Chancellor bf
l'Ylrs. Long, D11njl11r, near Nor fuitb No1tw1cH
Edward Lovell, Efq; Ptttrsfitlti Revd. Mr. \Villia1n Yonge, Vic:1r of Swaffbam, '
Mrs. Sufanna Loyall, Shipptrl11r and .l\.rchdeacon of N o1t w1c1t ·,
Rcvch Mr. Valentine Lu1nley, B1111ga.J Mr. l 'hom1s Nafmith, 'I'ombla1tl, Ncrwicb. d.
R evd. Mr. James Williams Newton, Nqrwitb
L 1 B R A R I E S. R evel. Mr. Thomas N ichols, Ellingham, Norfollc ·

nthony Norris,_ Efq1 Bar/011. near Norwitb · ·
'-.mmt11111tl College, Cambri.Jge ames Norri•,, Efq; N orwIth ., ., . • ·:
Ki11g' t C?liege, Citmbritigt evd. Mr. \Villiain Norrj,,, H/ooti Norton, .'
~(lte1t'1 Ccllege, Cambridgt Norfolk '
Tri1tity Co!i~ge, Cambridge \.Villiam N orris, Efq; S1." A11dr1ws, Norwirb
'l'rinilJ Hal!, CombriJft Revd. Robert North, M .A.
Cbrij1'J Caller;t, Cambritit,t R evd. Thomas Nowell, D.D. P rincipal o~
Jtfus Colltge, Oxford St. Mary's Holl, Oxford
Charles N ugent, Efq; SwalfjltaJ

.3 0. The

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L I S T Q ~ S tJ . B S C R: 1 B E. 1l S.
Mr. Edward· R.\gby., Surgeon, in }/QfVJub
o. Revd. Mr. R.qbe,rtfoe11 A .M. Vieu of J1qrntaflk,,
• L h1tol11foif,. • ·
'fk Right ~O!J,Oablc Geo~ Earl of ·Mr. J ohn Robi{lfon, J unior, S.•t!wt1/J, S11.ffei!
ORFOaD Mr. ' 1."homas Rqgers, C111J1•, neu N1rwitb
Revd. Mr. Willi:un Oldb~ Vicar cl /J11,11g"' George Rofc, Efq; Wtfl111iltjler
'Irinil] . ·Robert Ru!bbrookc, Efq~ Norfo/lt Strttl, Stra11tl
Cb.a.rlcl Qfborn, E(q; Dun1bpif f
Revd. Mr. Martin Overton
Srcphen Owen, :Efq; S,
~r. John Oxlcy, Norwic~ Sir George Saville;,, M.P. Ltic4tG
Fitltl1. · . .
P. Revd. ' Mr. John Saunders, Vicar of lhlmtfitatl
Mr. J ohn Scott, <'Nllr'.J1icb •
John Pacey, EJq.; Excbeq11<r Qjjiu. d:· ,' .. -Robert Sharrock', Efq1 Go~tly, Norfollt
lit.cvd. Thomas .Pailr.infon, Fellow of Chfift's •Mr:. H «'rman Sheeping, Wtllf6rtl. d. ·
Call~t, Cowi6ritlt t ' · :Rm. William Sheffield, D .D . frovol\ of Wor-
Revd. Samuel Parr, LL.D. N orwitb ujler Colltgt. <)xfortl , •
J ohn Pufons, M.D. Clinic~! Profd l'or, O:<forJ Revd. M r. Stephen Shipton, R~Cl:or o( Micbtl
Ro~t P\lrtridgc., ·Efq; Aldern~n. of N•rwldt , l1tt,wootl .
J\.fn. Mary Paf~hl!I, J)orii11z1or _Revd. JohA Smith) D :D. Ma.fter of Ct#ur-Cql- •
Revd. Mr. Ge<>rge f.a{bam, R~<>rQfH41rtk.1° d. I ltgt, Co111WU/g1 • · · .· · ·
l\l!r. Thomas Pa11l, Nllf'wicb George Smyth, Efq; Ht1rltjlo11, Nwfallc
Revd. Mr. Peach, Reaor of CbtlllJf, S11rry H ugh Souchwell, Efq1 FiiJclnHU Holl
Revd. Mr. George Peckrr, Vicar of Sulji1/tl Mr. Nathaniel Springall, Nllt'Tl>i&b
Revd. Mr. John Pede,, Minifier of St, Ptttr's I faac Scaffutd, Efq;. M111tbkt
: Ma11crlfl, Norw~b Revd. Mr. Thomas Stillingffcct, A.M.
Revd. iilr. John Penn, R4'Vnii11gbo1t1, Nor/ollt George Stone, Efq; B1Ji11gb11111, near B1111gay
Mus 1'eterfon, Grt al ror1110111b Revd. Mr. Samuel Stoey, 1Vllt'f1Jitb
Rcvd:. Mr. Charles P hclpcs, L;11n, Nwfollt. d. Revd. John Suachcy, LL.D. ArchdC1coo o(
•'vd. R•n PlumptrC', D.D. Prefident of SMffollc, and Chaelain to H is Majcfiy
!zyt111'1 Colltgt , Co,,,britlgt, for che Library R.cvd. Mr. Jeremiah Stru1nplhaw, Reltor of
1\ir. Willia1n Pinchen, C11m/Jriigt OlltUJ·
Revd. Mr. John Powis, ReCl:or of Bt1111ingto11
Powlen Powlett, Efq; Sombournt Ho".ft, H1111ts- 'F.
1faac Prefion, Efq; Li11toln's i•11 ' ~

11.evd. Mr. George Pretym3n, Fello'W of Ptt11wllt. The H onorablt and Reverend John T RACY,
C.Jk~, C11tnhiift D.D. Warden of All, Oxford
Revd . Mr. John Price, Jtfus Colltgt, Oxjllt'J Revd. Mr. Richard T apps, Norwitb
Mr. Robert Pricft, N1rwith Revd. Mr. lienry 'fherond, Fellow of'l'riniJy
Sir Thom ai Beauchamp ProCl:or, Baronet, Colltgt, Ca,,,/Jridge. d. for the Library
U111gl17, Norfoilt . . Revd. Mr. J ames Thom, Rc:fror of So• lbarrt,
Slinglby Provolte, E fq; Littbmg/#11 Norfollt
Mr. Samuel Pye, Atrurncy, Norwich John Thurlow, Efq; Aldcrma~ of Norwfrb. d.
John 'f illy, Efq; the 1';1anfio11 HoNjt
R. John Topham, Efq; GrOJ's Inn ·
'fhom as 'frcvor, Efq; Spoolty
Righ.t Reverend John Lord Bifbop of RO- Afbburcon Truller, Efq; Hartington
CHESTER, and Dearo of Wt}hlinfltr Mr. William T unney, Norwich
The Right Honorable Niel Primrofc Earl of Revd. Mr. Francis T urner, Grtol r11ra11ttb
ROSEBERY. z Copies Richard Twifs, Efq;
The Right Honorable Countefs of ROSEBERY
Revd. Frincis Randolph, D.D. Principal of u . v..
• A/6111' Hall, Oxford
• Revd. Mr. Thomas Recv<", M3ftcr of the Free- Thomas U ndcrhill, Efq1 SM.ffex
~hoQI, Jtri11g~ ·1 • John Uxforili, Efq; IYtMt11 Hall

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L ·1 .!; t .. 6 F .-'S ·u : B \:5 :~ 1( l > B 'E iR. ls . ..l
~If. John Vancouv~r; ·LJ""• <Norfolk. · tylr: Robert '\l<Jhincop> Li nn, Norfollr.
R-Obcrt Vanfittart, • Efq; L;L.D. -Rcgius Pro-" llCYoi. Mr. Edwnrd W!\itmell, Wood Norton,
felTor,I.,I,,. All Souls College, Oxford . " ., Jfo~{!J'5r -~~:-> ,.f4(.:w,.iolJ ·.!· 1$f "i!'f
Geor<>e Verney,' Efq;' Stouton Hall · :·; !~1iafli~h1crnort;_ E1q1 _r~1Jo11. d.<. .;i< '•':JY./')
Revd~ Mr. Henry Viftye, Rettor of Wtlil011 • ·· • 1*~J.i(Oi:.~ ~$!lfrut Efa.-!, .llilijtrv1..,.,1, , .,
' ·) · MtJ-WfDia'rrr\V. \~ilk~Na~}}v · · ·: · .. ,n.

·w: r R evd. Mr. Jnoo~ '\·V ' l~P.irlf&:wit"p · -
R evd. Mr. Edwi01\ V '.y;ip~~"'·· of":hriJ!~s_~
The Honorable and Reverend Barton VI AL- Cclf4go, Cambridgo . i!'d .. .- . • ""
LOP, M.A. late Mafter of Magdalen College, Gile~ Wim_bletoo, Elq; ,,a4:.,~i' :.~ .... : '.
· ea~riJge, ll~ , · . :. W Lllia.m \V rndham, Ef4,7IJ;r]bam, n~ar B1111ga1
lenjamin \'Vakeling, M.D. Portfmoutb ¥r. John Wink, fled1Jnba111 , uear JJ""l"J
Revd. Mr. Jofcph \Yakeman, A.B. Morley i J ohn \Violhlolcy, E fq; Et..,, Ca'f!e11tlifh Strett
Revd . Mr. Thomas Warburton, Archdca~on of Sir John \'Vodehoufc, Barone~, ~j,m,~erlJ .
NorfolIt . · • · t Mr, R<>"-'rt''W..right } Ar__,. b · . .·
Mr. William Ward, Eeton, near Norwieb ~ . r.lilti1°h~f<fWrighr '"'""'".. '' .. · t . . • :~
The ·Jipnorable Thom~ WENMAN, · J?.t;:.L.;1 ·f , . ;• I 1
All Souls Colkge, Oxford . . ·y I ,.
Revd. · Nathan W ethcrdl, D.D. · .Mafter of·1 ." • •
. .
. Unh)erfity Collegt, Oxford · cvd. Lowther'Yarcs, D.D. Maller of KAtlHi-
Revd. J,\,enjamii:i W_heelcr, D .D, R~iu$ Pro- ·i ri11t Hall, Vice Chancellor of Ctlflfbritlgt,
felfor of Divinity, Ox/or1/. d. · '1779> "and· P~bcndary of /{orwfrll- ·
.' . ' . . • , .
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Ufe of E T Y M ·o ·L 0 ''G Y .
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W .
ORD S are the clemcnt;i.ry and contl:ituent parts of every language, made
ufe of by every nation on the £.ice of the globe, both b3rbarous and
polite, to cxprcfs their various ideas to each other, and g_ive names
and appellations to the different objelts around them. ·
N ay, even in the Y egetable race, tho' not indued ivith the powers of utterance;
and articulation, yet even in them are to be found the wonderful po,vers of
comm unicating their different alfettions and inft uences to each other ; for we often
find in 'plants and Bowers a fyinp:\thy an d an tipathy, ,vorking. by intcr~al in-
Buence ; as may be obfervcd in that moll: amazing plant called the Se'!fit1'Ve, to
whatever caufe it may be owing; which has ·been placed as it were by ~rovidence
in a middle fcale of exi1lence, betweei1 plants and ani mals; fuperior indeed to the
former, but inferior to the latter : fo1nc Trees and Shr ubs likewifc feem to de..'
clare a m utual love aud altection for each other; elfe, \vhy docs the vine fo
cordially embrace her elm; and \vhy do the ivy and the eglan tine Co eagerly
cnclafp their oak? others again, exp.refs a horror and deteflat ion in their gro\vth~.
\Vhen planted in the neighbourhood of obnoxious fociety ; clfe, \vhy does th::
olive- tree detcll: the ye'v; and \vhy the pear, rh:: pine ?- is it not becaufe
the fo rmer enj oy the kind and friendly furport, \\',oilc th" hitter avoid and
lhun the baleful influence l
If now thcfe reciprocal fenfa tions are cor111n u.nicated and in1pl rtcd by th e ve-
getable race, and trees of 1latelier grow th , to each other ; how n1uch 111ort: vilibly
are t~ ey perceived in the act ions and paflions of Jrfeas, and ./1111i11al1 ; frorn ~he
rrov1den~ an~, up t o the half-reafoning clcph:tnt ? who hav~ not o nly the powers
of fenfauon imparted to them in an en1inen t degree by their beneficen t C reator,
but the powers of rcafon likt,vife, in a li111itcd degree ; clfe, w hy .do \ VC fee the
~~ t fo bufily.cmploycd ; or why do wc find the bee fo wifdy indufirious in her
)h vc ?- are t11efe no tnarks of reafon ?-yes, and they are great ones too ; they
, a · · thc' Yo

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1hcw that coo;·wJio at fifll difplayed bis goodnefs in the creation, did not eon~
fine tlie operations of reafon, and the powers of co1nmunicating it, to any one
particular tribe of creatures; but has given them all a variety of utterance, and
expreffion, accordmg to their' various exigences ;-to all, except tht numero111 In-
habitrmt1 ef tkt i ceJt Dttp :-and yet, even there, no doubt, they have Come me-
thod of con1municating their ideas to each other, fufficicnt to fupply their own.
wants; to propagate thei~ <?'!"\\ f~es; pllOvi~ for their O\Vn fafety and
defence: for ·we cannot but fuppofe, that even tht mute inhabitant in his jhel!, .
• tho' having neither eyes to ice, nor cars to hear, nor tongue to give him ut-
~erance •; is aevett h'elefs · .i ndual with powerful' operttioris to communicate bis.
wants, hi·s ·fears, ·his apprehenfions, and his joys; to others of his own forma-
tion :-fo \\'Onderful arc the \vays of Providence, ruling in tllofc dark. and gloom}':
manfions of filcnce and obfcurity·! ,· ,; ·
From thefc dum6 and deaf· creatures, to whom
NOii· datur•ac IUtras au:di.rc, tt rcddere 'l!ocef,

·l et us turn our thoughts. to the Feathered tribe; arnong whom \ye tliall lind: a moil:
exquifite and amazing modulation of voice, 'vhich. certainly by far exceeds all:
inil:rumen tal found; and by far f.urjllllres.alL humaft-h:umony I and yet, even here
we find no articularion- of fpeech ; for amidfi all this variety of found, there is
a fa1nencfs of expreffion, given to every individui!l of the fan1c fpccies.
But to Man is given·, no& only a variety of i;.x.prefiion, but likewife a. vall
variety of thoug'ni :· how wonderful is that 11arie1y ~no two authors wbatc11cr, tho'
\vriting on the fan1e fubjeet~ and.. i11 the fame language,. ·can poOibfy n1ake ufe of
the fame identical manoc r of expreffidll, throughout a whole worlt ;: there may
be ~ndccd a fi1nilarity of thought in fome few infiances, fiut there will Jcarcc be
a !imilarity of expreffion even in thofe fc\v ;. no, there win be a variety in that.
famenefs; (if it does not found too much like contradiction to fay fo) acco.rding
as tho(e diifcrent authors are polTelfed of a greater copioufnefs of 'vords, and a,
greater variety of phrafes : this variety will be fiill farther iucreafed, if w·e only
fuppofe one two au~h·ors 'vriting on the fao1e {ubjea in different languag.cs;
then indeed the variety is truly a1naz ing !.
· The ditfcrent tongues and languages that are fpoken in ditferent parls of the ·
habitable globe, and like\vife the mutual connexion we find between the antJent.
and modern, bet\veen. the living and dead languages, ·are fubjects that. will always
deferve the admiration and attention of a contemplative mind.
Who fhall be able to account for the origin of langua~; or who tball fay.
\Vhich was the original of all? fuch an attempt would be a taik. too-difficult for, ·
·· mortal man to accon1pli{h, and far beyond the abilities. of any 'h uman creature to·
perform : as well might he pretend to write a hiftory of his O\vn ~rigin, and
atte1npt to give an account of thofe ideas and fenfations he felt operating in
his own 1nind, during his fiatc of infancy, and before he was able to utter- a word
in his own mother tongue :-who then !hall be hardy enough to affirm•. that any
language, no\v at prefent made ufe of in any nation, is the very fame, unaltered,
nnd unvaried language, that has been fpoken 011 that very fpot, ever lince the
creation ?-who lhall be vain enough to fay, that his languigc bas continued pure
and uncorrupt, unmixt, and uncontaminated, fro1n the earljeft ages do.wn to·thc
,prefent ? ·

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Qn the ·contrary, who w.ilJ. nqt be c.andid enough to acknowledge, that his
:nati\•e tongue has undergone a number of changes ; and ·has proceeded daily . in
improvement, till it ha~ arrived at its prefent degree of perfctl:ion ?-at leaft,
·this muft be acknowledged with regard to all 01odcrn European languages, and
particularly our own.
Let any one but read. the hiftory of our own nation, writ~en onlY. a century or
two paft, and he win prefenfly be ftruck with the uncouth appearance, both in·
ftile and ort.hogfapby, n1ade ufe· of by his 'good uld.anceftors.
. Mankind, as tney have advanced in the kno\vledge of things, and as they havF
!Jlade a greater progrefs in the arts ?-lid fciences, have bee;,n obliged to invent, ·C?t
to adqpt, new naines, anq give new tenns to new ideas 1 and thus in time have
.acquir~d new knowleoge, and a new language.. . . . .
This gradual· advancement in fcience, and this acquired in1provement in Ian•
·guage, bas in a great meafure arifen from that 1nutual connexion and communi• .
cation, wh ich commerce has introduced into the world, by opening nc\v channel•
of knoVl'ledge to mankind 1 and thus, by importing and adopting the improved
accompliil1mcnts of other nations, tqey h~ve enlarged tlii:f r own former ftock J
.and have increafcd in knowledge, as they l;iave :increa(ed !n · trade.
By travelling into foreign parts, and there obferving the cuftoms, manners,
and learning of other nations, they have been able to bring. away a certain por-
tion of thQr wifdom, 11s well as a certain portion of the produce of their
<:limat.<i ! : whereas, had they never travelled, nor re1uoved from their native
habitations, both they, and \Ve ourfelv~s, might have continued as ignora.nt, and
.as barba-rous., as the firft iuhabitaots of our iOa.nd, or of any other plac;e, mull:
naturally be fuppofed to have been; Or at lcaft, if either .they, or \\'e, had llf-
.rived at any degree of knowledge, or made any tolerable irnprovements in the art.s
~d fciences, without travel, it 111uft have been, lik~ that of the inhabitants of
-Otah.eite, by the n1ere dint of application~ thro' neceffity, and the acquired ex-
perience of unnuu1bered ages.
· Such mull: naturally be tbe fiate of every nation and language that pretends
to originality : it mull: be corifeffed indeed that original languages, or thofe
which are properly fo called, fee.m to have one advantage over their defcen-
-dents, or derivatives; viz. that they can f.'ly, they are the fource froan whence
the moderns have fprung: . but this is only a fmall and trivial advantage, to what
a modern language, and tht Englijh in particular, is cndo\ved \vith 1 notwith-
ftanding both that, and all other ·111odern languages, labollr under many incon-
veniences', which the originals \Vere intirely free fron1; I n1ean the fupcrabundant
ufe of particles, and the alinoft total want of dcclenfions in their nouns, and of
·conj ugations in their verbs: thele, and Jome others, are the in conveniences and
difadvantages which all n1odcrn languages labour under, and in which the origi-
nals have Jo juil: a title to c lan1e the fuperiority ; but then, thefe ought ·not to be
magoiJied too high, nor modern languagc.s , our O\VO efpecially, be decried too

• .Ex ninxatur4 ctiam non ICl'is {2pe.Jinguarum. mu\atio oritur : mr1·1o1sr11 ftquidem non n1inus verba,
.et loquendi modos, quam ali:a.s o.1crcts ab un~ regiont in aliam ex~'ortare et imp.o rtarc fole11t :
Sbering. Prcf.-Lct me only obfcrve1 that no1w ithll•nding ti¥ 6milarity of thought in bo1h' pafi'a~••
this Preface was written, loo·g before I was favo11red with all th.c au1hori1ics, which will bcte•fter be
11uo1cd from this author. .

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}ow, and held· i·n that mrgh't y contempt which fome foreigners, nay, 'whi"ch evcro
. -
'fo1nc·.~inong Ot!rfelvcs, h ave lh~wn for it. · · ··
T ire E11gfijl, /a11g 1111ge ! fay fomc foreigners (as .r~markable for their vivaci ty, as
their impertinence; and \vho are more fit to lead the \vay in the mode of a
ru~~.. or triP.. of a minuet, ~hao to reafon on the firerig!h, the geni us, and the
cpn1pofition of the Engti)h lt1ngruige; whic.<h, fay they) is ooly a botc'/J -patcb,'com-
pofed of all o'tli_ers lit . ' - • ,
_ T~efe are .nothing niore than the trifling aud infignificant object.ions of pert-
• _nefs and vanity, and ouglit to be p aired over \Vith that (corn aod aoutem,,pt they
fo.Jufily deferve: others ho\\'ever muft not be intirely paffed over in fi lence, fincc
t hey 'are not the falfo opinio1.s of foreigners; but the prejudices of even fi>mc
of O\l!- own countrymen, ;ind hav.e ftood againlt our language ever fince the time of
'good old Vertlegan, who \vrote about two centuries ago, i. e. early in the reign
of J ames I. ; and being an author of forne credi~ in antiqui ty and etymology,. J
·iliall defire leave to quote his OW11 words, in his s~ttUVtntb Chapter of the ancient
'Englilh To\•ng; (which he wo11ld have to be pu rely Saxon) where he fays;
·p . 204, " Since the tynie of Chancer, 1nore-Latin and French bath bin mingled
~ith our toung , then left out <!f it; but of late wee haue fal ne to fuch borow-
·i ng of \VOordes from Latiri, French, and other toungs, that it h ad bin beyond
:all /lay and limit; 'vhich albeit forne of vs do lyke wel, and thi-nk our toung
. thereby much bettred, yet- do firangers therefore carry the farr.: . JeJfe opinion
,thereof; fome faying,, that ·it 'is of itfolf no langu age at all , but tbe fcurn· (-it
may' now furely with grea ter propriety· be called the crearn- ) of . in.any lan-
guages t: others, that it is moft barren'; and that wee are dayly faine to bor•
·ro\V \voords for it, as· though -it yet lacked 1naking, out of other languages to
. patche it vp \\•irh al ; and that yf \!'Ce were put to repay onr borrowed fpceche
back again to t_h e languages- that n1ay lay claime voto it, wee lhould be left litle
' better than d111nb, or fcarlly- able [{) fpeak any thing that aiould be fencible."
So much then for the objeCl:jons of foreigners; let us now h ear his own :
"For nryne C'ion parte, (quoth he) I hold them deceaued that think our fpeecb
!Jettert•d by the abq,111dance of onr dayly borrov:cd "<ooords-; far tbey beeing if an otber
· nttt ure, and not originally belonging to our language, do not, neither can they, 1i1 our
. foullg beare th7i r natural and true · dcryuatio111 :. 1111d· th~reforc. as we/ may· we fat ch.
·woords fro t he Ethi?pit1flr, or E tifl or Wefl Indi,1ns, and tbrt!fl them into our Ian-
. 'ruage, and baptize them · all by the nan1e q1· Englijh, as tbofa which ·we dayly t ake
:}rorn tht LaJi11, or other la11g_uages thereon depending: and heer-he11ce it cometh, ·as
· • Clau_diUs D~rttus (3n tan1 linguie Ai11.,lifar.~ v~ilitat.en1 i11cffe cont~ndit~ ut· :t.b omn~bus ~liis j;entibus
contCmnt, fpcri11que fo)eat ; (fa)•S Sbc.r1ngham 1r1 his Preface} fcr1 pfit 1Ue 11bru1n l1ng.t1aGal l1ca, cui
· tituilltn fccit. 'rrlj·f f de fhijloi,.t. tlt.s la11gurs 1/1 tel univers ; quo in linguam 11cjlrnti: acerhC. ct cont umcliosC .,
~ invehitur: ''Ct/It l:A NGUH ANGLOJSE, inquit, yJ /i. ptu ';}limtt dts tj11·angtr1, 9t1i v~nl 111 Anglt terrt..,
f U' ii y·111 a ptu f"i 'Vtu!t'ht ft ptutr de /'apprtndr1, 11 di la par/er, Ji fa 111 fant Its far"'llltr.1r1, &N j "o!J111r·1
f;!Jur t•tif'!gt Jr.s ~IJ-cf<.1 ut!fts t t 111teffeit·1~-·a la vft. l1fu1l(1s dep11:llrn1 tl~1 1i.~nlL"p~upl1,. 9ui tu ftait p11r/1r outrt
!t1r.g-1u :''- N ob1s d1ffi.c11e non cJl par1a conv1c:1a, par1aquc ntcndac1a 1n alias ge1ites cxcot:;"tt;trc :-the
}13ndf<>mc a nd poJ it~ corpplimc11t, paid like,vife to our nation by J~1nus C:.:eci li us Fre y, mcdic:u~ Pa-
:'r ific.nlis, (as mentioned by the fame author, p. 16) <>ught- not to. be forgott·c n; Nulli ·runt in. Anglia..
tuoi.'-' ct t ::i_m eri ipft: i:naximC lu'f)inis fun_t 111erib111.
"·t U na curn Gram1natic:\ di{ccptatioJ1em.quoque cmittcrc fla tui de antiquitate, progrcJI'1J, et pr-zfl::ilntia
. !i11gua· ".1hglir-nne , ( f.1ys. Shcri~gh.a1r,, in1 his . t'rcface ) u-t ectru.m- co~\·icia,. qui J1obis /inguo.'fl
11?.J!r tit.'lf tcnpr~pc.rant, eamquc llng_ u.ar_um omi11urnjpu'n_om vc1can~, qul~ ex a l11s l1og-?1s dcccrpta q~~d-~l.
Y.Oc!lbula. llObJs m ufu_ funt ;. ec q~ua hn&ua n•/Jra. mu/tum ab ontu1.u6. dsalt!I• d1Jt«trit,.

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p· R E F A. C E.
.by often experience it is found, that fame Englijhmm difcoutjing together, otherJ
heeing pre.font, and ef onr awn nation, and that naturally jpeak the Englifh toung,
are not able lo 'IJnderfland what the others Jay, notwitijlanding they call it Englijh that
they JPeak." ·
He then proceeds to give two ex.amples of the fantafiicalnefs of \Vriting and
fpeakiog in technical terms, or terms of aff'etl:ed qua\n tneCs -and innovation; but
. as the fame.abfurdity has been more elegantly expoCed by Addifon, I 111all de-
cline tranfcribing them; ancj only obforvc, that notwithftancling this good old
Anglo-Saxon ·has thus nobly ftood up in defence of what he judged to be his
mother tongue, (the Saxon) yet all thofe words in the foregoing quotation, which
have been here purpofely prJnted in Italics, are neither Englilh, nor Saxon, bu.c
undoubtedly derived' frorn the Greek.
It would therefore almoft make one fmile, to heaF him abuCe the Engliih lan-
guage, for having lent hitn words to abufe it with ; and which are no\v become
fo numerous, and confequently fo powerful , that it is not the \vriting of a
Verft-egan will ever perCua\le the prefent race of Engli{hmen to revert back again
"to· the.antient Anglo-Saxon tongue, any more than an antient Anglo-Saxon lady
could prevail on·ooy of her modern Englilh fair country-women at this day to
adopt the manner of her garb ; or, if any one, merely thro' frolic, fl1ould be
J:iardy enough to attempt it, I believe {he would not venture in that habit to
walk openly in our public ftreets : fuch a dreCs might perhaps be ad1nitted at a
inaCquerade. .
Our language therefore, everr in the time of Verllegan, and undoubtedly long
before hi1n, had affuredly been bettered /;y the abouf]dance ef our dayly borrowed
waordes, and had received great ll:rengt.h and vigor from "fuch finn ingraftings;
·as they may be called, of Greek and Latin, into the main ftock, and ftrong
"branches of our antient Celt-Engli01 tongue : whenever, therefore, \Ye n1ay in·
future hear any· one cornplain of the weaknefs and poverty of the Englijh lan-
guage, it m;1y.well raife a fcruplc, wh.cther that con1plaint ought not rather to be·
attributed to a deficiency in the cornplai.nant, than to any deficiency in the·
Janguage itfolf *.
T he E11glijh language, in the hands of good authors, like keenell: w.eapons. iw
the hands of lkilful anill:s, is much 1norc povverful than what thoCe coinplainants.
are aware- of; \vitncfs the imrnortal \vritings of our bell: authors :- your· !>eft
authors; which are they ?-we have many noble and fublime writers; in. whofe·
works, altho' there 1nay be fome little imperfetl:ions, and inaccuracies. of ex.
preffion, yet certainly there- are no defeCts of Cuch 1nighty prevalence; as either
'to depreciaie thofe writings in point of fiile, whatever there may be- in point of
thought; or give Cuch doughty. peda.n ts · any jull occafion to . calumni~te our·
ov.rn tongue.
It is true indeed the Englijh language is not an original ene ;-hut \vha t
then ?-an original language ought not furely to he admired', merely on- aacount
·of its originality; for the firft inventors of narnes, a11d. letters., muft onavil idably .

• ~Od autcm fc_n\llirerati qui.dam nobi-s ab a.liis linguis d!:fu mpta• V!>cahura, vari'a fq ttc l1og•1<1!
rio!lrre J11utationes exprobrcnt, fuam in.fcitia1n P.tod'unt; P.O£fum11fquc nos viciffim aliarunl g':ntium fe r·....
n;.on1.:s earj f.ltionc H ybridas, Protcofque voe.arc i cUm. vix. ulla fit totius E urOJ)<I: Ii ng.u ":' i:)fignis, c.1U-1:~
w:i1i. m:.g_is q~ial 11oftra. aliis ling_t.Us e.crn1ixca,. et nor,.•"eq:te etiam. mutat& fit~ S.berJ1)g. Pr~(.~
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Vl P R E F A C B.
have labored under many djfficulties; u may be obferved fron1 the paucity of
their primitive roots • : and therefore to admire them only on account of their
antiquity, (if there were .n o other excellence in them) would be as pn:poCterous
and ab(urd, as to prefer the appearance of a nalud Pifl, or Indian cbi!f. with .only
h is leathern, or his feathered c1ntlure round him, or one ef our antie.n t Brit i<h
chieftains, (before the arrival of the R o1nans) with his fkin puneturcd in a variety
of grotefque figures, and then ftained w ith woad to make him appear the more
horrible in ~var, to a modern prince, or potentate, drefi"ed in all the enfigas of
royalty :- the native nakcdncfs of the former might infpire an idea of terror;
~ut the comely dignity, and majeCtic appearance .of the latter, will alw:ays fuike
Us beholders w ith veneration and rcfpett. .
Others then may admire the fiimfincfs of tht Frt11ch, the ncatnefs of the lt<1lian,
the gravity of tbt Spanifh, nay, even the nat·ivc boarfenefs and roughncfs of tht
S11:><on, High Dutch, B·elgic, or <ft'Utonic tongue~ l but ·the p urity and dignity, and
al! the graceful mnjcll:y, \vhich appears at p refen t in ou r modern /!,11glijh language,
w ill certainly rccomtncnd it to our moll: diligent refearchcs 1 and it \viii be found
on a clofe eraminatioo, that our lanzJUgt is con!trucred chiefly on the balii of t~
GretA tongue ; but not on that alone, for it has been enriched and adorned by the
adoption of tht Latin, and many o ther foreign words likewife 1 anll thus in a
m anner have \Ve been taught at length to fpeak 11 illnguage trt;t 1ur -n.
T his noble con1pofition therefore ought fo far from being looked on aG a dif.
grace to our mother tongue, that thofc adoptions lllould rather be clleemed as
the Decus et tutamtn, the Ornament and drfance, of the E 11glijh lt1ngu11gt; and are
like fo many graceful decorations to a nob.le building, they add both ll:rength
and beauty to the edi fice.
In nations, cultivated and inlproved by letters, the works of thofc eminent
men, the Greek writers, \Viii always be read, and ~egarded with plcnfure ; foe
even now, a t tl1is dillaot period, ,.,hen the authors the1ufelves have long ago
ccafcd to inllruct 1nankind, their \vritings conCtitutc the bails, and are become
the foundation of all that knowledge and learning, \vhjcb can cultivate and adorn
the human ,n1ind; for, what is all the k nowledge and learning, which at prefent
(ubiifls among us I \vhat js it all, b ut a kno\vlcdge of the works, and the labors,
\vhich t~ofe truly S!cat 111.en have trunfn1itted to poJleri.ry; a~d which have been
(o happily, and fo 1uccefsfully adopted by our bell E11glijh ~onters: for the Greeks
and Rornans have been thole happy men, I 1nean in the more virtuous and re-
• fined periods uf their con1n1011wealths, who fpcnt their li ves and theii; talents in
the ll:udy of nature, anc! the \·arious operations of the human heart ; they de-
voted their hour~ to the fweet enjoyments o f fiudy, and employed tJ1e.r \vbole
lcifure, not in folly and ditlipation, but in the perluit and contemplation of \vh:a

' • Thus, for inO=inc·t , our S:a~on ::!nce_fiors had not n:.mcs i11 their own tongue for fevt ral things;
th2t is, they had t}1c thitlgs, but 1.l,ey bad no appcllati01l$ fc)1 them.,. ;ir1d therefore \Ve rt forc~d to r.x-
prc:fs their mcil11i11g by a circun1locu tion, \vhic:h, tho' fv1nc may adn)irc OJ\ account o f the figc1ificanc y
<>f the con1po6tion> yet c:c.:rt:ai'nly (oc b r.uodcs o( cxprc01on betray at the fan1c t ime &rcat poverty of
li ngu)ge : as for cx:an1p1e, our Saxon anceflors had GRAPES ; but, ha\•i ng ''o n:i1ne for t he1n , th('r
were obliged to call 1he111 Jf/int·htrrin : they likewi(c had G LOVES; but, having no name for tbem,
w ere obliged to c all them H•nd-j!"" ; as the H igh Dutch do lo this day : and, to mention only one
more, they had the article o( BU 'r T£R among their dcl ic>cies; but having no name for it, the)' Po-
litely called it Kuofmur, i. e. C•w-fmur, or t11.11 unguent, which the r.,., of!'orded, and which they
/murtd on their bi<ad.
7 W~ S


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'Ms good', wb11t was juft, what was bone1l; and thefe delightful fubjeds they ·
delivered in language fo exalted, and in fentiments Co truly fublime, that the
ftudy of their· \vorks is become.. as it ought to be, the darling delight of our
yonoger years, and the more Cerious employment of .our maturer hours; arid the
man,. who engages himfelf in the riper periods of his life in the contemplation·
of tlleir.· wofks-, wilt always enrich his mind, and improve his ideas, i,n propor-
tion to the progrefs he makes in their writings ; they being the ftandard of true
eloquence, and· the criterion of refined tafte : the fchools which the· Romans un·
doubtedly planted· an1ong us, and th.e l'eminarics which they founded, tho' riow
utterly unknown,. were,. as. I mar call tlicm, the cr·a~les and nurferies of our·
tl'Wfl tongue. · ·
WhoeveG tticn do<ts but confider our language, as l>eing thus compiled· from· all:.
die elegances of the Greek and Latin poets, orators, and hi1lorians,., cannot·
llut adm ire and efteem it the n1ore, for being thus beautified and embelli01ed
with every ornament of antiquity, and modern polite literature; and as ·England
is the. La11d of liberty, Co is her language the Yoice of freedom ; and lhe need not.
doubt but it w.ill make a confpicuous ngure in- the province of letters-, and thine·
11Vith all. the fplendor and perfpicuity of writing, and be read;, and ftudied; fo•
fong as· there are me11 of lear.ning,. and men of reading in the' world *.
The many noble and bold coinpounds; the ftro11g and impetuous· flow o~·
epithets; the fublime ufe of metaphors r and the confiant· fl ight of poetical
figures, \vhich our /11nguage Co r,eadily admit'S of.. and feen1s to be fo peculiarly
adapted for. ; and above all, the infinite nuniber of \vords, that have been fo glo-
r.ioufly borrowed &om the peliteft nations of> the \vorld, both· antient and modern,.
in all the atts and fciences ;. have given i.t fuch a fluency and rapidi ty of ex~
prcf!ion, as may be very juftly con1p:tred to a noble and 1naj,eftic river, enlarged
and augmented by all the nurnereus ftrea1ns tliat flo,v into it, and render it capa-
ble ~f conveying and diffuling fertility and plenty,. oxeP thofe extenfive refiluns.
thro' which it may direct its courfe. .
· So far. then from complaining of our Englijh language; fOr being , tlius com-
pounded of fo m:iny other.s, vve acknowledge it the peculiar happincfs of au,...
mother tongue, that it · has been thus adorned and enriched with fuch an infinity.
of words, adopted and tranfplanted inte her. native foil; where they have florithcd:
fo long, and profpered fo moch, wliere they fia¥e e1ken fuch ftrong hold, and
caught (uch deep root, that they. arc in a mannell become her adopted fons,.
and ought not any longer to be looked on as foreigners, and a~aliens.
Na)'., it ·would nor be any oftentation to affirm, t~at oilr modern Englijh lan-
guage by far exci;lls the nlodcrn Greek, as it is at prefent fpoken,., and written, if·
indeed written at all,, in its own native country;. \vhich is now inhabited. by '-"
race of men, \vho, tho' defcended fron1 their. great progenitors. and tho' living in
the very fame climate, yet are no\v reduced to fuch a wretched· ftare of ig,norance:
and flavery, being in fubjell:ion to thofe more than· favage b:ubarians to ·all ' litera- ·
tu re, the Turks, that theY, are not able now to fpeak their. own mo.thcr· tongue:
clafiically, having intirely loft· all conceptions of grammnr.

• Ego inter~• loci, (Cay• Maildunenlis, in Shcring. 39lt. ) flrtrrue· cau<am m~ P.•tri~ defcndam, et
famam •i,ufdcm modis quibus ~ftia1 orn1ubus promovcbo, •ugetio, ornabo..

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S!lch is the mighty change \vhich that noble lang1,1age, the Greek, has under•
gol}e in its .own climate;
Tantum revi longinqua valet mutare vetullas !
~nd fo trne i,s the obfervation, that it has fared wit-h languages, as it has fared,
with al~ the .other arts and fcienccs ; they have had their infancy and minority, as
v1eU 2s t!b.eir n1aturity and mgnhood ; and then, after having endured for a cer-
tain ·period in their moll: florilhing and profperous llate, they have declined and
fallen q.\vay, till at !all they are beco1ne in a manner exO:inct, and may no1,,. with
tr.ue pn~prie ty be called the dead languages; for even thofe two 1noO: noble
tongues, that ever yet graced the dignity of human elocution, the Greek and.
Latia, h ave been in all tbefe different fiates; as may be eafi ly feen in the writings
pf th.e ir antient l:nv.s and records ; in thofe of a maturer date; and i n their prc-
fent ,ftate of b:irbarifm : and yet, what is fiill more extraordinary, both tbofc
'ian guages are continued down to u s, even to this prefcnt time, \Vith the utmoll
purity a11d perfeC\ion, .I mean in the writings of their poets, orators, and hifio-
·rians, they have fo long outlived their primitive pronunciation :.
f,or the '''orks of thofe etninent Greeks and Romans are totally different from tbofe
.two langu ages, as now fpoken by the p refent inhabitants of tbo(e countries. .
Such furpriling revolutions have thofe two tall pi llars, thofe firn1 and graceful
:f~ pporters of the Englijh languag~. undergone; not indeed as to their internal and
o riginal firuch1re, but as to their prefent pronunciation in the n1odei:n dialect
of their own clin1ates : for, whoever were now to vifit the lhauered remains of
·1hofc cities, where once they florilhed in fo much pe1fefrion; \Vboever were
now to go "ro Sparta, where Lycurgus wrote; or to Athens, \vhere Demojlhenes
pronounced his th1indering orations; whoever were now to vifit imperial Rom~,
\vherc '{ully, and where Virgil, and where Horace lived ;-would be afiopilhed at
1he mighty change, which bas happened in thofe places, and to thofe languages, -
\vithin that ihort fpacc of time. ·
But, without going fo far frorp ho1nc, let any one but confider what a migl)ty
alccration h as been wrough ~, and \Vhat a wonderful change has been produced,
in the original language even of this our own iOand: with th is ooly dif-
ference, that i n th e l-ora1er infiances, the change bas happened for the \vor(e; but
•n 1he latter jt has happened for the beuer; and 01e,vs the impioven1ent which
has been 1nade in the original la11guage q1· Britain :-the original language did I
fay? \v hich '-'' as that ?-we h ave bad fo many invaders, and been opprelTed by fo
1na.ny intruders, that it w~uld be difticult to fay, which was the firfi and origi-
'!)a l ~ang uage fp(lk en on th·is iJland.
. L et th e ·nrO: bowcyer have been whatever it 1nigbt, ·i t is certain ther~: is but
y.o;ry little, if any,_ of it rctnaining at this day; and what at prcfcnt pretends to
t,haJ originality, is found to be fo harl11, Jo diffon~ nt, fo rough, and fo dif-
cordant, as Ccarce to be underO:ood ; ap :I that the very little of it \Vhich i~.
~ntell.igible; j.s Co .far altered and transformed, that was an antient Briton to rife
up among us at this pi;r.iod, he wou ld JlOt be able to undedland bis own n101ber
tongue; and \vith refpeC\: to ou r 111otlern· E11glijh, be would be at a fiill greater
lofs , and unable to aJk for any of the coinruoa and ordinary conveniences of
fue; nay, he \VOU)d be .as utter a fir,'. nger to OUf pref< nt language, as \Ve OurfeJvcs
.. - J • • •

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lhoµJd be to .any,.of .the ·l qlli<1n. di.alects, were.WI). o.n a f~dden conveyCd to one of
:.the reinoi;'t~itatjons on.~~her contin~l)t qf America. . · .. . .
. Not only, th~ ) .ang,y;ige is chl!Jlged, bu~ the. drefs,. the food, the agriculture,
:the arts, the ar'm.$, the architecture, of t.his li~tle fpot of ~th; have undergone
• :}.s g.i;< ;iltcratiQn.;. O:ay, the very face an4 appe~rance of the iiland itfclf has
been changed as much ; and our great fr~gcni~or abo!e a_nenti~ned \vould be. as
1nuch perple.xec! to find n~w ·the fpot o h1s ow.n hab1tat1on, as the five .Indian
chiefs, . who r:\t~ly'. ma,de us~ vifitfroin the Cherq/ues, would have been to ·!!ave
:round the way ·tb their own lodgings without the lielp of their guide.
Since then our language has moft ~ertainly undergone this mighty alteration for
:the better; and,thi:s' inipro\'.ement has been intirely'owh1g to the numberlefs
\vords that ha;ve . be~n ·adopted· intq it fr9r:n the Greek and Ron1an languages,
(other adoptions are b.u t ·trivial iri comparifon with them) as Englilbmen, and as
:fi:holars,' let us cultivate the ftudy of thofe t\vo' languages, and we lhall prefently
• find, that by having acquifed a greater degree of knowledge in them, we thall
ha;.re acquired at the. fame time a greater degree of knowledge i·n our. ow" ; by
ob(erving the wonderful co.nnexion, and. the clofe conformity there is betwc:en
all three . . · . ' ..
· Having faid thus much on the general texture of the Englijh tongue, 'it may
no"' be proper to give.. an hiftorical account of thofe feveral languages, \vhich
chiefly conftitute the bafis of the Engli'lh in particular; an inveftigation that
may prove the more entertaining, as it will in fome 1neafure enable us to account
for that great 1•ariety of cxpreffion, which is to be found in modern Englijh writing,
..both ·poetry, and h~ftory, beyond that of any other modern tongue; becanfe it is
:con1pounded 0£ more. · · . . .
The bafis then of the Englijh' language having been founded chiefly on the fix
following; viz. .
I. The Hebrew, or Phirni,:ian ;
II. The Greek ; "
.• III. The Latin, or ltalittn•;
. ' IV. The Celtic, or French;
V. The Saxqn, '.{eut.on~~ ·or G;rn'ian; and,
• VI. ' The l<"tla11dic, and other N!Jrthern dialt•tl1;
permit me to fay fomething on the antiquity of thefe fcvenl languages, and ihew
the connexion, which the different nations and pe9pie who fpokc them, have
had \Vith this our iiland : And,

I. Of the HEBll E\V'; or PK OEN 1·c1AN Tongue.

The very few 11•ords in our ,language, that are immediately defcended to us
from the l-lebrew or Phrenician tongues, wou ld fcarcc have ju!lified me in rank-
ing thofe languages among the lix . that principally conftitute the bafis of our
own ; but, fin ce the Pha:nicians trafficked very early in this illand, no doubt
there have be~n a great number of their words adopted into our language, thro'
rhe channel of other nati9ns_; but npt be~ng mylelf conver(ant enough in thofe
or the oriental tongues, to difcover all of them, le~ me hope, that whenever the
, rea<Jer may happen to 1neet 1vith any, he will be fatisfied with my having traced
the etymology of then1 up to the Greek ~anguage, without taking any notice of
b ~o

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the .°Hebrew ~r PhO!n'ician, apy ..m~~e tha~.1 do ? :EgJ'ptfan, Copt1'c, .Arqbic,
$JTlflC1 Qr Chalef<Z_~n ~ni~g;s.1 .r:o.m.every or,1e •.of 'V!1!c.h , ho dou.~t, the . Greeks
tqok aup'ly words. anCI \rartl'planted them into their awl\ ~ongue • : &hatevc.<r
c onqexions therefore we. may h:1ve had \Vith the J!ebtt".J); PhtP'nician, or 'Yith any
other of the Eajlern na,t1ons, they ' have been der1ved to I.l's tliro' tire channel of
tlio(e traders, and the Greek and Roman writrr1. . . .
I,.et ,IJ}e then only add a few rede~ib.ns · oa· the antiqu'ity of th~ Hebre\v' tongue.
Whenever we fpeak of the 1-Iebrew; we cnean the; lang1!age, unconnl!etl!d lVith
writing; for undoubtedly the ~angllage itfolf, like th;>.t of all othets, mull have
. bct;n ma.n y ·centuries prior .to the invention and ufe of tbofe .letters, or n1arks,.
. that cha!iaeterife the wr!tings o_f.their aut~ors. ; bccaufe \Ve 1uull n~tur~lly fup-
, pof!!~ tha_t ~he firfr ages of mi1nk1n~ could q~~~ 1 .be~ore they could ~n te t.
. Now it 1s generally fuppofcd , that the Hlbr~w 1s . t\l~ 1110(1 antien t language;
bu~ how it can clame a priority over fhe Ch alde.aii, Syr'ian, and Egyptiah, \vould
per.hap~ be no very ea(y talk to lhcw :j:. The earliell; 1nehtion 1nade in fcripturc-
of the Hehrews is in 'Gen. x. ·~ 1, '"!(ere Sl.iem is ca11cd the' father of tile chi:Jdre11<
of Eber; i. e. the lfebrew1 \vcre de[cendcd in tbe third generation fron1 Shlm,.
who ~·as the great-grandfather of Ebfr , who 1nuft confequently have been
de{cended from Noah in the faurth g<''!eratio11; viz. i'. Shem, being, the fon of th:ir-
pa~ri?rch; z. Arpbaxad, the foll of Shem; 3. Se/(Jb, rhe fon of Arphaxad';

• 1vlcric Cafaubqn. de Q!iatuor linguis, P· 19, quot<s hi• father lfaac in thc.fe word's ; " N-0s aut<.m·
obfervamus, ic._ antiquifiimis quibufque Gr.:ecorurn fcriptofl bus, 1nulta \•ocab tJ a Ht hrn:l:"c:.a, qure pOllca1
vcl <leficrl.Ilt[ efre in ufu, vcl adn1odum fu11t mur~tt:i : obfCr\1am1.1s eti!i.1:1 AilatJco'S' Grier°' ma" is t'.E8(#i'er.r,,
9uam ;''-2nd Sherinsham1 in his. Pr~f~.c~,. f:iy~, ~c initio '-]Uic~tom ip-(a ~rcec.a ti.'lgua rudit,
11-.opfquc fu.1t, fed dcc-u r(u teinpor1s, ab Hcbr~s, al1&,qt1e ge:11t1bus m'ltuat1s vot~bul 1s e xcult-t c-f i.',.
t '"fhus, for examp)e, we know that lhc: kingdon1 of Egypt was founded hy ,l1izr,1im, fo r:ar)\r as the
year 1188 before Cbrifr; but we do not find th;it the Egyptians had ~ny. l<tr<rs among rhtnt, titl they
\VCrc faid to ha\•c bc('n invented by·Mtnmon io t822, i. c. 466 yt?"ars after che fo u11ding of lheir 1no-
11arc by : but c:i.11 we {uppofe, that they were al l t~Olt. t \me>t.Jt a 12Jt.guagc ? t crt ai11ly oor: - lhus
Jike"vi fe \\IC fiod that Greece was c-o lonizcd. fro1n .}:gvpt, under £gi-afe-us) in th: yt."ar 2079 ; but let..
t·e rs wcr-c n? t bro ught lnto G reece. by Catlmus , froni P~cenid a, 1~JL rl.1e yc:ar _1450 , i. c. 629 yeurs afre r
their elhhlolhme nt : an.d lafrly, woth refp<& to the Htbrttvt , we !ind that l:b,,· was born 228 1 years
before Chr ifr; but we do not find that they Jud. any letters till the t ime of Meja , who was born in
1571, a11d \vas So years old at t~\t: E xodus, 1fcer wlticlo, ht.: rt:-ccivcci the tv.'o "t·~tblcs of rhc la \•1 on ,
~lt>_U nl Sin~li; i. c. fro'!' the birth of l!.:bn", 790 y~-2 rs.-Bu~ ~arnmr:~, P· 418, fnys, ' ' J ·a111 fure,
·Scal igei", Vofillls, Grotius., and the com_n1on confc11t of · che.cr1.~cs, mah tbt prt{t-nt }{1.brr.w-ch~roDtr
nf rio h·igl:ir,r Ual t than the days of Efdra : 1 '-now Eftf,.a. is knQ\\ltl ro have 11\•c-J i11 the tio1e 0£
~.f1~1ax11·.'(ts ; i . c:. +s7, or, accordiilg tQ ~o!lin, 467 yc~r! befo re (.~ f,rifi- ;_ \~hich is no le~s th:v'I
11 00 years afccr tnc birth of Mifts ;-tben 1n wh.a.t ch;iraebtr :111<i !~nguage did ~fo(cs Y.~t1 te h is
)len ? particu)~trly afttr he himfel( had bee11 bro11ght up i11 a ll the lei,fliiri g of the Egvpti:1ns ;
>cnong whom t he !fra_elit~O· had fOjoumed for 4~0-years ocf~Je b~ <Ond ul\cd. t hem OU! of the lanJ o f

E ,.!I;)'J)t Ilk; . n~ y, \Vh_ac 1s fi1l.l mo~c .r emarkable, Sammes te lls us, 1n P:. ' 4?, that'' ~'1rt1n., t he thlrd klng
~t t,he Br1ta1-11~ a11d Cc:l11 1n thtS Ul?nd, icduced the :1n<L. con!t1tu11or1s of h1s (at ller and gf"-n_ nd-
fat her 11•t'O orie volume;. and .is faid to h;ivc creeled publ ic pf.ace, for fl ude11ts :' '-this Sar~11 h:;- tells us
• died 1936 years lJcforc CHrift, which is 114 ycirs before lttters' "re. fa id• 10 have been i~JYc111t-J by
111't nm>n; 365 before Ivlofcs; and 1~9 b.?fore che taliies of Efdras; of rberc be any truth 111 Si11nah:s'
auth\lr, wilo fs q11oteJ like\vlfc. by Selden .
1 _C:"tcrum, fays Cafaubon, p. 413, d~ pri'!'"'v~ il'.a lingua, u.t pauca qu:i:d~m cr,i•_m_ h ie dicam:
rn in;rnt corum proba m1l11 v1dctur (cntent 1a,. q U1 Hr'bra1la1n h3nC fo1lle flacut1nt ;- a qaa 1 ~11, non modo
on1:1es: a1i<ts per tdtu m tc.rraru1n orbem ling.uas, ftd noftran1 quoque Germ~u;, i. c. Ce.llica:m,
dt'ri v:1<am arbicrantur.
• J.q (9t:r( rl1i-J p0il'lii Clf.a~bo!\, p. 163, (~y·•, •• •lebr~i ttt'te i" B -ij:yp-to r ' ,,,,_,.,,, f!"t .,;"''' • ~1t1J, prim~ h-ofp.l1c1, CeittJ.: fetv-i
~ropf!,ul\ .liti~V~m, ~Utl(l1 1 i.Jlib:ila;._lj'J'I: (~~(I i4rt•Jfc1 a~! all(.~0 • tfbo1 9 00 )Ulg~·~m ru.J'U lotUpl~t~"'11l:, C.SCt fll.(I) CGnfet'Hit't;1;i.( :"~lid
di.en, wh1cl1 1$ •'t11 rt 1t1}1k41bJ,, h e lti) ~J i,i1 et! ~ :fals, ,. u4l t m •n B•:.:ylo1u• ..,,. tt1.11 er••.: 1nt• h c:.p1'1vi, ~i!co ;io.u:;.am hr.1\1~ dcd1c:oerua!1
1.11 itit(l'p-t(t ibl)s, qu·;id ci: {lcia di(ot'.im1.1• l1iP.uria, op u1 ha1:cn.t;, c:UD\ J'Ji.:~~• lc1c1cA1-·~


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A• c Xl

• "
and, +· Eber,
the (on of Selah :-but Mi~rai,,,, the founder of the Egyptian
111onarchy, \\'as deCcendcd lifiwifer frof\ the r~e. patriarch in only IOd fi·co11d ie-
nrration; viz. 1. Ham, being another' fon ' of Noah; and, z. }.fiz1·ai111, the ton
of Ham :-nay, even Nimrod, the of the Babylonian kingdon1 in
Chaldca,.tW'lls pi·lor to E6tt-; :rer•he mis defcendecl- lillle~fc from the fiunc pa-
triarch, ,in ·<?nly, the t/Jird genq.a,(jpn;._viz. x. ·Hap, bejn~ the Con of Noah;
2. Cujh, ihe Con of Ham; and, 3. Nimrod, . the.ion of Culli: C o that their ge~e­
rations and ellablilhmerite frik'j be" more viftbly dedm:cd from the four following
T ables, taken from the chronplog~~ md'erro ~e H.J>ly Bible. I
.. ~· . . ..
. -·
' ':!' '"''
1 A. B .....1:- E r • .. ...
, J • •
•. .. .
130. I DS· ,o. 70. 65 . ' rlt';
's· ••1· • ... 60&. I• Setb. • . E.oot. l• Cain.. • •:. Mahafaled. '"s· Jtrtd. 6. !nC.:b. 7. Metli"ul.llitt. I. L:amc-,lt. , • .Nolll..
. ·'eto.
Before Cbrijl 1348. - N.ab \ in who(e time the Flood happ<ncd.
' - - J .. •

His lirll (on W2S - 1. J!;lxtb - from w'liom were dcl'cended

·1 • r I - ·1 I '
- l· M •1•1 ; - ' 3•. Jrin ; - +· Tu611I; - S· Mtftth ; - 6. 'rir<tt~ ·
~ who is li'kcwi(c \..-.,= '
' ;j;,,.;%,'
1 - 1 TH&::iPANIAaDs.
J. -{cu~d in I· £/ijha, called '/'iraK,
~. Riphath, Great :i.. 'Fa,rjbijh, Sam•thn or
and 'rnrtnry; · 3· Ki1tillf, and THRAX,
3. TOGAR~1AH, Gnie, and Dit l whofcttlcd
who fettled· in Mnjfr•.(tl6, +· DODANIM: •nd is (aid tl. iR
Hi~her .tlfu, St]lh11, by tbe(e were rhe ' have planted TH&ACZ.
to the Ea!l of the tt jncs of the" c,,,_ Brtt•in,.
Caffimt; SU UM, h!.s divided in . 2.09+ '
m G:1h1, their lands; enry Before CHaUT.
}f1r<tmia, Stlx111r, one after his ..
Batlria11a, S.-ondintr'Ji11. 1ongut,aft~r their
SoonrA""· families, in their
ge-neration1 :
Gen. x . 5.
• • .' from thefc lilce-
wife came tho
• •
. Jao11$s, or / 11:11,
• who fettled in
• 1o I
L'.ff" A/14, \ '
• Att1rer, PIHdr, • • ••
Gruce, l tafJ, •
and the •
. . .... '
JI,..; • ' I
• '. ..

T AB L ~

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' ' •
T .
A B' ',I,"' . E .. II:

H is Cccond fan was -

. *· ,
- 2.
N••h ...,. ill wbofe time the Flood happened.
Sbm~ ' - . who two years after the Flood begat
I in the year 2J+? - who at 3S· ~gat.
' I
in - 2311 - Srkh ; - 30 b<gat•
l = •
wbo at 34 ~V.l
\ wee J

in - 2247 -
p;,,,; - J
who II> 30 begat

in -
in -

2185 -
\ --
R1"u; = -
• -
who at 32 begat

who at 30 begat
' J
in - 21 SS Noh•r; - who at 29 begat
l - I

in - 2126 - =-r,;oh-:;" - who'at 13obegat

......._.,__.,, . E
in - _1996 - ABRAHAM; who •t 76 · goes into gypt, about .1 910 years
before Cbrill; or 368 after Mi:r.roim h.d- founded that monarchy•.

T A B L E · III.
Before Cbrill 2348 -
N1oh - in whofe ;timc 1be Flood )uppen.O •
Hii third fon "'as . - J· Ham; - from whom were dcfccnde<l

1. Culh. - 2.. Mizraim. - 3. Phut. - and +· Can•an.
'=-v---1 1-v=-J
Slit6Dh, HavJoh, L11dim, SiJ,,,, H,1h,
A.1111mab, and Sabtttoh; Anamim, JtSflji11, limorit1,,
and Cujb likcw ifc 1.thabim, Girgafn,, ArAitt,
·Napbthuhim, Sinit1, .4rwdi11,
,bcgat Pathrujim, Z1morit1, and
Nimr.J, w,ho Cophthorim, Ham111hitt ;
built the cities af and from SiJ011 to Grt·tir,
B11P,l1~, Eruh, Au11d, Ctijlubim, and Go:o, to S,J.,,.
and Ca/111b in Shi1111r ; out of wbo111
, and Gomttrrob, and
(rom whence came came .lldmoh and Z1bt i1n ;
Afo11r, who built Philijlim : even unto Lajhab:
.N inlfJlb, Rthoh11h, G1u. x. 13• Gt11. x. Is:
·C./ah, and Rtjna:
Gm. x. 10.

• lttiikius, the com.menwvr on CluTt.r 1 404-t lays,'' J11;~1ta•, ~hi Ilium, qui pc-imot gu.1jum Orac:uum roaditot, ap•d
~orl'.l i<e •, aut %Jtti#1, ip6s Gr~is lonocuit, nriato ~uJUm nom.i:nc i..:llw1 a\l.t muiaro 1" - b\K 1ttpbitb it ~Jlowcd by ail
hltl:ori !l ~S to hatt peoplC'd E•ropt, noc .J/r;~,., in whi<b £1)1" ia &mate 1 ir fd.ttis lbett{ore mOtY probable, Wt M.i;1;r11i111, 1bc
~un.gcr Con of Ho., WA• the founder of %fft, and not J•tJKl.b; few'"""' ud bit p0fteri1y. peopled Afri<a, of wh.ich
"£t.»t1 or tbc land oI &•1 is a principal~; iu'd Jk#l:tf/11 aa4 hU poftcri17, peopled Eanfl; notwithaaadiac the 6a:W1.1i17


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The countries now, which· thefe ·different dcfcendents,. natlons, and ·people, are
faid' to have inhabi~ed, and firft of all colonized, may be fecn in the t-Ollowing

T A B L .E IV.~
• . 600. .
Before Cbrift 23+8 -
Noah; whofe tlii'ee fons were
J, Japheth. - :t. Slxm.. - 3 Ham •.
1 ~ ~
p<>ffeffcd . poffeffcd pofieffcd'
the North and 1Ptj1; the Eaji; the So•th ;· •
or or or·
EVP.Ol'E. AsJA. Bc:r. C'hl'. AEa1cA·. . .•
1 . G1mtr; 'J.. Mazo:; 3. Ja1Jan; A~-pharad - I 346. J. Cujh. - a: Mi:uaim,
l>i thefe wtrc the ifies of the S1ltzb - 2311.
. Canaan,
· and·
Gentiles divided in their I' ' •

lands: Gen. x. 5• "- ... ;J. . who •••Its . . £oJtf,.

El:l£ R born. - 2:>81. hitqfd f in 2288.1
.ljbfrnaz, Riphoth, 'logarmah.
.. ... ,, iit 2i81 r ~-
from whom and: ~ Gr11u,,
G en. x. 3.
'--- ......--·----> were defc~nded.
t.he H1brffiJs ;
liuilds 2079 ; · ·
T11t11t11, i"h•11t, 'f"bqt,. B6':Jbm • = = •
D111b, Dutch, 'l'•1tib, who i11babttecf 1Jl - /t~IJ, - .
P akjHnt,
:i.~7 •
1470 r
- = •
. ... l ••
'-- ...>
Gom1r, Gc-rinan)·,
2.09+ before Chrift,.
ls 17;
undtr S11m~tl>ts : - 1064 ; ..
or BcforcCuiuST.
111 7 before Ch rill',
· Fra.n ks,
uuder Br"''"' ' .po
After CHR.1S1".

Thus f1av.e we leeri thi t Eber, from \vhom the He6rews are dcfccnd'cd, is al'molt
equal in time, tho' fomethiog inferior in defcenr, to Nimrod, ·the founder of the
Chaldean· rai;e; and much inferior . to Mizraim, the. founder of the Egyptian
monarchy : which makes i-t the more remarkable, that fo~c editions ef the
Bible fhould tell us in the chronological . dates, placed in their margins, that
Nimrod hcgan to exalt liimfelf, circiter, about 2218 ; which is only ·one year be-
fore the _birth of ~e11, in· 2.217; but this is molt proba~ly:· a tranfpofition of the
prefs; viz. 22 t8 1nft.:ad of 2281 , the very year 10 which Eber,. th1:. grandfather
of Reu, was born;, for it is fcarce poffible to fuppofc, that a perfon of fo haughty
and afpiring a difpofi1ion as . Nimro4 (the third .in dcfce.nt) h alway.s r.cprefentc'd,
thould not have given fome ·earlier proofs of his ambition, than to; have deferred
the time of his begin ning to exal t himJC:lf, tiH E'/Jer (the fourth in· dcfcef!t)
Jhould have been 63 years of age. · · ·
But the misfortune is, there is but lit-tie dependence to be had in the chronology
io of

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P. R R F A 0 , 1l
¢ : ~)\CJ>t~ Io. .v.erJJ~~e • ~ ~ to c~vince us lµll far1her of .tb~ ; t rt,1.dl_ fhis. -<if
:~e.~ tlO.%!~ W~l fi~. ~~ Etfe~ was ~O~f\ 1Jl tnp f~ 'Z28 I before ClJ.rl~ ! , ~llf itfl-2~ .
authors tell us, that the k1ngdo1n of Egypt was founded by Mizra1m 111 ~ 4j~,
which is no Jefs than 9 3 years after the birth of Eber: that date therefore for the.
foundation of Egypt is very probably wrong ; though it is the fame with the
date given by Monf. Rollin.:. for vve c~nnoi f1tppo~, that Mizraim, the feconJ
in defcent, !hould not have been able to have eftablilhcd a kingdom in thofc
early ages of the worl~, when. he had nobody to !'Ppofe. 'him, tilt E6er, the
fourth in defcent (or as the index atrcrts. th!!. fifth in 'defccnt) lhould have beert
9~ years of age~ nay; \vbat ' is ftitl mere icrnark:abte is, that the Oxford quarto
Bible of 1712, and the Cam~iage quarto Bible of 1762, i~ the chronological in-
dex, thotild c;i.11 Mizraim the grandfan ef .H'tlm; whereas H ·O\lgM' to have bee11
·printed either Mizraim! the fon of Ha11!; or Mizraim, the g-raiulfw·ef' .N(){1h.
The time then for his fettling a colony in Egypt, could not potlibly have been
.fo late as the ye;ir 2188; for that '\irottl'd· be on ly three years befo re the bi rth of
Serug in 2185, wh~ \V'aS the great..~i~!,'gi;e,?:~ -grandfoo of Arphaxad; · th~ g rnnd-
ion of N'oah; which Arphaxad 1s.-.111 ·,.tfi~e r.~me .cl,egree .of 4.efcent f;p1n that
patria11th ·"With Mizrai111 bimfelf; A rph=alH>efiog the Con· 0£ Shem, .a nd Mizroiin
-the fon 'of Ham; that date thercfor~_6u!i'hJ... J:!.e,r hap§,- tO' h<Jve- beeo · prffi1;ed 2288,
:not 2188.i and.then the Egyptian mouancli!y. wou!Cl·tiave been founded by Mizrain:
about 7' years before Nimrod began to eXl!'l't hin1fclf, or 4 1 before he built
llabylolt ; ·a nd not s~ ye~rs after it, according to their account; particul:irly \Vhen
we con~der d1at Mizr.1ZJ111, the found~r,· of Egypt, \Vas uncle to N unrod, the
' founder. .ef .Babylon; and therefore the 111!pheiv can fcnrce be fuppofed to have
.ellablithcd·a kingdom 30 years 1'efore his ·uncle, though he· n1ight about' 4 1 years
after him.
From the He6rew, let us now turn our thoughts on the antiquity of the Greel
;language. ·
- .. . . II. Of the G R E E K.
We find by the chronological Tables to the Univerfal Antient J!fflory, that the
Egyptians, about the time of Abraham, colonized Greece, under /F,gialt!1J1, \vho
founded the kingdom of Sicyon (o early as the year 2079 before Chritl, which is
, ·about .83 before the birth of Ab~aham in 1996; or 159 before his dcfccnt in to
: Egypt in 1920 t :-and ~at th.ey fent another colony inro Grec;ce, under Inachur,
: • As the ftudies of G,.grapl'J and AJlr••""1 ought to be conjoined ; fo ought ihofc- of Hijlcry :Ind
• .Ohr,.t1l•ty to walk hand in !land ; for [4tls without ""'" are at beO: but uQcdifying in!ruclion; thus,
-. !Or i\Ubnc•, to tell us that fuch a tranfa~lion w:u; perform<d, or that fuch au event<!ntd, without
telling µsat the fame tinie th• period whrn it wa• performed, and th• d•I• whrn it happened, is really
· &ivi11g us bU.t very {lender information : it is th ro• the wa11t·of attending to this ufeful p3tt of w:itfng
: 1fl OllT earlieft hillori• ns, that we lind fo great a difference in the account of fobfrquent write'rs; ttiu1
'. ;(Omc.havedirmed, that an em.IDtnt pe<fon performed fuch an exploit, or invented fuch •Jll •rt.; with•
out telling us the time when, or the place where : pthetS tel! us that fuch an event happened, or fuch
a battle was fought l witholtl ev<r mcntioni~g the d21e of eiLher; and if the ·da1cs arc mcnfioned, they
·fometimes differ fo widely, as to render tho· truth of thofe events very much· fufpellcd, or tbe vetaciry
of tbc authon themfelrts ••ty much doubkd : but by fixing the,chronolngy .of any a4\ion., and h>lling
. ·~· ~c precif c t~e, 'l'h•n fucb ·~ ••en~ happen,<d, they give as it were 'a.<!n to their narrat:ion, .aad
ftamp it with tlie authority of time. . .
t Urbem ip.fam SiJJ•ntm .Abrahami t•mporibus conditam narrat hifto•ia·:'-l'lo!lrtmo ; quum variis
· ante affeai cladibus effe'1t s;,,_~;;, ipfam u1bem terrz motus. ad foli tuJincm ct valliiacem redegi1.-
.B#n1n in Cluver, +io. Thi$ city anciently llood 10 the \V~fi of Cqripth.

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tli> 4"Zo~, :i,bo1,1t ~Q! year 1856.-Tp at Ogyg,es lrkci.yife foµn4ed .ftheks in B~tiai
i,n;tbe y~ -foHowjn_g~ Jtiz. 1 8·.s-s;~nd ~hat a. third colony fro1n B.gypt, . undet
Cecrops, etlabli.lhed the kingdom of Athens in 1582, fon1e: fay I;.)71; or ratherj ,
a«or.ding to.others, . 1J56 years before Chrift. ·
.: It :would be impoffible to fay what the Oreck language was at thefe early;
period1; . bu t, whethet" it \vas fpoken (it certainly could not be written) \Vit&·
tha.t ~egance,,. purity, ~fl perfection,, which .is fouqd fa) the writing3 of·th.eir·
~~tc;rfa,. _pqets, . a!1d .h.iil:oi;.ians, atter th~ taking of Troy, may be very eaJily con•·
je~urei;t,r an~oft pr(!bab~y it lv,as not; but th!s \ve n1ay _without a'ny controverf1·
be ;Ufured of, rhat at t he.times of H~~er, .which ~vas about i ooo, or 900 years·
l>!)fOFC Chrift., or 277 !1-f ter the fiege of 1'roy, it ~as then undoubtedly fpoken, .
and we find it .1,1~dou:b~edly \vritteo, or left ,t-0 b<; w.ritten, .by thl\t · .great 1'9!1't i.
wit;h fuch .fublimi,~y a~d, el,cgance, as rendeied his works !o j ufily; adn1ited'
~ven to this -V~);' day.. . : · .. . · . . · ·
T o convince m trn:·n of the great antiquity -o f the Greek language, lcti us· j uft:
tak<: a review of.this ar,gume11t.:-Homer · is to have lived. about IOO<l>, or·
900 years befo.e Chri!l: ; ther.efore it ·can hardly be fuppofed,. .from what has been•
pere .adv11nced~ that t~ !Jr~ek .language was then ii~ its in.fancy; ilnce his· ,v.ritings
'!J'C allowed t·o be. ~he. ftand~rd of Greek cpk poetry : that language the11 mull'
ltave fi1 blifled £or .many centuries,, could have arrived. at that pe rfcltion af.
frile, that. harrnon}~ of num.-!)ers, and that loftinefs of cxprefiion, \vhich ai:c to
be fo.und in the wiiti"ngs· o.f H omer: two or three ·centuries only before · his own. •
tinie.s \vould e;ir_ry us op n'o higher• thnn the period of thofe tranfad:ions, which.
a;re the great fubjcc~s .of Iliad and Odyjjey ; the ft1k1iig ef 71·'?)' .. and tve .adVen-
·tures ef' ·U~r!Jes, ;'!fter t/:111(. ca.t'!)1rophe; which- happened about 277 years before his-<
own birth : but the ki11gd0m of ,S1i:yon· had been founded in · 2079 before Chrift,
whii;h is 895· yea~s be:fo.rc !he ,taki11g .of Troy,. or ·t J7:z:. before Homer:; JO that
~ arrangement of thcfe uu1nbers will ~PPC?ar thas ~
Bef. Cbrift'.
From the.'founding tht kiil'gcfo1~1 · of ,Sicyon,. to<the· liege· of T roy - 895
• • t •
From the liege of Troy to the times of Homer
Frotn Hon1er to the binh of Ale·xandcr _ _._
-· -- 277 }
55 1
From the birth of Aleli:andcr to t!iat of Chrifl

- _356 .
. . . '~ : . . Thi; year \q.wh!oh T roy was·taken• -
• 1 .
From tlie fol111di"ng· the kingdo111 of .Sic}.a11 to thi: bi1\h. of, Chri!l - 2079;
.,. J I;rom . .th .of .'Chrift
.,,. .the bir ... to
. the
. . prefe.nt
. age
\, •; "'-: ..: - 1783
·Total number of years·from· Sicyon to the prefent ti mes· - · 3862
. I • •
~Nr1 • .

.· , .... ,,. . .··. · . . . . ., .. :.

So.Jong a period has elapfed, fiuce o · 'af all cofonized :-now~ ·l et
any one -0f ou-r antiquaries, 01:-etyn1ologifts, point ·out t-0 us a peri·otl earlier than
lhe taking of 1'roy, ot th:irr e\'cn the tin1es. of 'flo1ner; in' ·w·hjch the Celtic,
q aulijh,. We(/h1 Sa;c~1., .T.~14ffllJUo.- or L:elan~1c ({s.; :}'.'!C~lf· fl<Qk~At ,or ·written ~v~t)1
greater elegance, purity, and ·perfection, than the Gr eek was, at either of ·1bofe
-early periods : nay, even tho' a 1nanufcript pligh t at any ti1ne hereafter be'fo~nd,
5 \Vntten

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xvl P R E F A C E.
written in . any ene or thole polite languages, and dated five hundred· years before
Homer·; ftill would the kingdom of Sicyon have fubfifleq above fix huni:lred years,
befure the date of fuch a manufcript •
. Perhap~ here it may be a1ked, by what channel, and at what period, cao we
fuppofe the Greek language 1hould have made its way into Britain ?-to this·it
' may be anfwored, by n1eans of the Druidi, Celt1, and Gauls; concerning whom,
tho' we have no authentic hiftory before Ctrfar •; yet, that · there were a people
who· inhabited this ifiand ·for ages prior to the coming of Ctefar, is a fact that is
feun'ded on truth ; for the Romani at their landing faw it \Vas not 'only inhabited,
but inhabited by a people of a very warlike race ; as we iliall find prefently in
the Fourth article :-but let us firft endeavour to trace out thofe inhabitants, and
fee, ,whetber they were the tirft men, \vho ever peopled this iiland.
· That thofe inhabitants of Bf'itain, whotn the Romans found here, were a ·race
of Ce/lie Gauls, is a fuppofition very probable; but it is very far from being pro-
bable to fuppofe, that thofe Celti were the tirft fet of men who inhabited this
· oountry, nonvith£l:anding their proximity to it : and Cerfar hin1felf acknowledges
thus much f, becaufe \Ve do not find, nor indeed do \Ve know enough of thefe
antient Brito"'• or even of thofc Celtic Gauli, ·to alrcrt, that in thofe early ages of
-ihe world, they had any kind of lhipping, or made ufc of any fort of vefiels, to
.carry on the leall kind of trade or traffic, by navigation, with other diilant parts
•of the world ; for we do not read that the Briton~, Celts, or Gauli, for any long
period before C~far's time, \Vere mariners; they might have ha<! barges, and
•fmall craft enough to crofs over to each other: but the Pbtl!nit·ion1, Greelu, and
·flther Eaflern nations, known to have been early navigators, and to have made
;.Jong voyages : therefore, \vhat M ilton fays in the beginning of ·his Hillary of
England, before the arrival of the Romani, is undoubtedly jull; that " relations,
~often accounted fabulous, have been afterwards found to contain in then1 many
footll:eps and relicks of fomething true ·: "-this fo1uething therefore is the only
"fad required : -permit me then to proceed with his narration. · ·
•• This ifiand," fays he, p. 8, " might have been inhabited before the Flood;
at leaft this we are .aifured of from fcripture, that Gomer and ':ftroan, two fons of
'.Japheth, the eldell: foo of Noah, journeyed Jeafurely fro1n the Eafl, and peopled
the Weftern and cli1nes :"- for by their defcendents wtl'e the ifies
of tbe Gentiles divided; as \V~ have juft no\v fcen in Tables I. and IV.
, ·The moft early· part ·-0f our fabulous hillOf'y, though it does not look up fo
h.igh; as to auy .period before the Flood, yet, according to. Sa1n»i::s, 148, \Ve find
th is illand peopled, very foon after the F lood, by Mejech, the 5th fon of J apheth,
\\·ho is fiirnatned Sainitbei and Dii: he is faid to h~ve begun his reign in this
itlaod, wl1.ich from ·him was called Samothea, about 2038 years before Chrill:, or
31 o years after the Flood. ·

, • f:!• primi~ Britan,ni"'. inco)is, nihil cert.~m :" rays Shcringham, p. 7. -With regard to the name
:of Brt10111, fee the work ufclf, un·dc,.1he:>>11c1c·BRITAIN : Gr.
t Brita11ni:.: pa-ts i;tt·er;or- al:r ii~ 'incolit~r, -quos natos in infulA mtm.ori.Q proditurn a_ffirmant :
maritim:t pars ab •tis, \Ui pr<"Cd%, ac bclli infe1end·1 C'auf~\, ex Relgio ( G 3llicc>} traniic1ar1t. And
' Sh~ringhatt1 Jikewife obfcrves, rub tcinporibus Ca:faris, co1oni:e aiiquot C Belgio {Gall.i co) migraverant,
et ~d loca <1u~d'am ri'iaritima habita'b~t; -iJ\.meJitetnnels, :1nriqui Britanni; qui fe indiginam sentem
putabaµt, p . 7• ,

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P R $ .F .A . ,C :E, •• 'D'll

., . •
Milgui tii~ fon ·
• •

Samot/;eJ IS (uppo(ed to ha1•e reigned

- .' - - ..-.,....- •
• "
. p ..
Y~ >
Sarq11 his fon
Druis his fon
Bardus his fon
-· .~" '·
-- 7.S' •
• • J

•• •
in all
. . .
In the days of this Bardus, we are tol.d, tlia:t the itland 1vas ·fuUrli1ed by 'Aloi1>;1,
'\vho ca.lied it 'A!!Jiqn after his own nan1e ; about 674 years Hefo(C the cpming of
· Brutus, ~he -Trojan; 'vh.o is fuppofed to' have arrived here in th~1 ):.ear · 11 17, :k*·
··fore Cl_infl:; a~. \ve '?a!I fee r.refently *· . . ., .. ,
" H1·therto, . continues M ilton, pages 10, 11 , "the t111ngs themfclvcs hav~ ~1ve11
'I.IS a warrantabl e difpatch to run them foon over; but 110\V of Brutus ~nd his
· ·l ine, ' with the whole progeny of kings from him dcfcendcd, to the entrance of
'Julius Ct:efar, \ve cannot be fo eafily difcl~arged t: defc1;:nts of anceftry~ long
-c.o ntinued la\\<s, and exploits, not plainly feeming to be · borro1ved or 'de".ited,
· (:ire fa'.as) \vhich on the con1mon belief have \vrought no fmall irnpr~fljoli ; bc'<h
di:fcnded by many, and utterly denied by few :t: :"-"nay, though Brutus, and the
, whole Trojan ·pretence were yeelded up, yet thofe old and inborn narnes of f\)cccffi:ve
· kings, never any to have bin real per~ons, or don in their lives .at leafi f?.rll part of
·what fo .Jong hath bin re1nembcred, cannot be thought, without .too ftriCl: an
.incredulity: Brutus then• at -.l ength paffed the ftrarts 9f·the !Vlediterrancari, and
-landed in A9,uitain, or South Gau/ 5 which, after 01any adveqt~res, h~· di:p.arts
.. Lt t me Dete only obfcrv~, thofe four l.i{l names ~above-mentioned, vi.z. "1J(ag111, Sa;on," Druit:,
·and Bardus, fccm all .to be the name., not of perfons, but of office,; they b<:ing all of .the· fame imp6r~
and fignifying .<ht D ruids; particularly the three lirfl, which arc all Grul: for Sammu bimfelf,
:P· 1;1-9, aclrnowledg•• , " that the Sar.11ides (Co called from SoronJ were but anothc1 nam<; for tbl
Dr1titf1, 2s appc?rcrh by the deriv~tion of their name fro•n r"f.a,l 'l"; being . the fame with A(''f, .'J•·ert#J;
.cv. !nk; a.s likc\\•ife .by the .delCrip.tiot1 D ifdorus gi.v~s of them; v.i2 • .tht.t without th1 Sar~nit/rJ, no _fa..
e n tice, c1thcr public or private, c9uld be rightly performed: which •• <he •ery Came 1that C.:fQr Wrttc$
of !Et Druid, ."'-w hich by the way lhews how early the opinion of tht Druids was cllablifi1cd in· thi•
i!land .-Sammcs, 149, imagines" the Druids took their origin from the Oaks that.g1cw :n, the, pl.ain o(
Manire i?1 Phccnici;l, under which thofc rc(igiOus men, to whom the office of prietlhood \Vas com•
mitte<l, lived moll dc,•outfy; a11d it was a hoJy. place, we in Gen. xiv, .tJ.t and x.v~ji~ 1, 4;
\ha~ Abraham dwel[ in. the plain of Mamr1, wberc thjec angels appeared unto him, and be fcalled them
under. a.In~ : from the(e Qaks of Ma;,ure fpr~ng the original feel of the Druids.:" -about '936 years
bc forc.C~fill : after which, we may .>o.fc, the Gre(:lc philofophcrs came and fettled here ; and in
time, J.>y mi11gling among the Druills, became one 2nd the fame with them. .
t Brutus was t he fon of Sii<Jius; he of Afaa11i11s; whofe fati\er was . IE1uas, a 1'.rojan prince :
1""iltoq; p. ,12.-:coufeq µently a Gru;,
:f "Sigebcrtus G emblafenfis, Gollus, circiter anno• centum an(!: Galfridum (M:onemutbenfem)
cl aruit; is de adwc11tu Bruti, et Trojanorun: in .B t·i1·ann1'.an1; J~que. wrum etiam tr-anfiru per Ga.Jlias;
~e ur~c a Br1'I? cond~t~ ; de cJu.fd.en1 v·iciffim aGallii .difccflU 1 ~c introit-\1 fclici in !nf~lan' d~iti~ata~
prout :ib oraculo fat:ti1co vat1c1n1um acceperat, ment1onecn fac1t; atq·ue haec omrua. in ant1qua Br1-
tanni3' h illoriA cxtitiffc teflatur : " Shcring. 9 : -Geoffry lived about thc ·year 0$0• after Chrifl, in ·
the rcii;11'of ki11g Sttphtn; a11d confcqucnt]y Sigcbert mu~ have writte.n in the ''me of ~dwa!d the.
S:onfeu or, abciut 20 years before the Norman Conquell, 111 1066 :-with reg~rd 'lo the 1nhab1tants,
w hic h B rutus may be Cuppofcd to have found on this ,ifiand, at the t ime .of his landing, Sbering. p. 19J
imaglnCs they were fomc oi tf1c dc[ccndents of Cham ; '' pauci c-x ·pofterit.ate Chtml, juxta. Britannicam
h.iftoriam, qui~us glgantes impcravcrint, ,cUm Brutus prtmtlm app\Jllt, ·Ht(µlam incolcbant..; quQs illc
Omncs opprellit, ct ab lnfu.l_a fugavLt: id fi ,vcrutn f1t, .v ix .cJub,cari poiJit:, qµin Pha:nitc$ fuerint ;' 1- : -
-~~'?mcs, 1~~• ••s w~ have fc~n above, fuppofu thc.y the defcC<1dC,.11.ts (Jf Mif"b.
· · c · from,

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.ffOttl; .and ftecring ftill more Northward (towards .Al/Jian} \vith an ea.Cy eourle,
;arrives· ·a t .a «place, fince called Totnefs, in Devonlhire, p. 19 :"-about 1117
yeart before Chrift; and 67 after the taking of ~Troy •. . ·
" After this," fays Milton,, " Brutus, i.11 a chofen place, builds Nt'W 'lro)'• or
"Iroja Nova (contracted in after times to 'l'rinO'Uant; by Tacitus cal.led Londrnum,
00\V London:-) about the time of Saul and Jonathan, or 1060 years before
Chrift; 1. e. ab<?ut J 24 years after the taking of Troy 1··"
" T.he lynage i;if Brutu1," fays Stowe, p. 24, " continued to gouern thi5
Tealme by .the fpace of 616 years :J:."
· There is however, another fact 1nentioned by Stowe, p. 21, that dcf~rvcs fome·
attention, becaufe ii belongs fo immediately to our prefent fubject ;. and that .is
the· fatt he · relates, concerning " Bladud (founder of Bath, and fon of Rudhudi-
hrafs) who about the 980 before Chrift, buildcd the temple of .Apa/lo in.
.Bath §."

• "lpli Cambro:Jlritanni fc Trojani• Tatos, idque ab antiquis BuJis tnditum, referunt: 1Jrutt1111·
. nitnirurn A!n11r pronepotem, in Grzci;i c:xul21fc1 atquc cusn rcllq1.iis 'l'rojanorum profugis, oraculi
monitU, indc in Britanniam veniffe tradunt: 1' Sbering. 8 ; -Snn1mes affirn1s, p. 74, ''that the Greeks.
9crc lattr than the Phcrniciaus on tht'fe coafls. where,•, he fay,, '" th~y arrived not above 160$,
or tht-reabou.ts, before Ca:far's time, under PhikMs 7'011r4llU11i111; as ~1r. CAmden, out of Atbencus.,' fttms
. to intimate'; ' '-that the Ph<rnicians were very early to this country mu fl be allowc:d; and that the·
Greeks, particularly un<ler this. leader, might have fuccecJed them, as merchant., may perhaps be al-
;Jowcd likewife: but that the(e were the 6rll Gre<k.s who ever • rrived on this iaan~ will fcarce be·
'od111itt.ed ·1 Jince it is e~ident that thtte mu(l have bttn fome of that nation fettled here, ... mhabitant•·
'1nJ as<>fophcr1, the Druids, long before the period here mentioned; for, what am 16o!years
onl.r before c.. ra,•s timer they amount to only 212 yc:lrs bcforC Chrift : but WC lhall re.., at the clofc·
of the Sixth article, that we had the names of Greek deities given to feve ral tempi.cs, built her<! by th<"
.cJefetiiden·ts of .t he Trojan~, i. c. our a11rient Br-itifh 11Jceflors, 900 or 1ooo years before Chttilt-, or about
.200 after the taking of ''t":roy : 11a1, what is more extraordinary i$1 that Sammcs fhouJd. begin his hifior)r
with thcfe very \Yords l '' .Britain, the mo(\: renowned iltand of the whole v.•orltl, was calS:.6 by the ancient
Greeks AA.11-flN :'' - now, how a.otient mull this n;&me have bee11, when he ackoowlcdgr-s,. as "'c have jufl
11ow fecn, that· ;t w:is called .AlbifJn, in rhe day11 of Bordu1, in whofc time. it had bcen,couqucrcd by 011c
,//bi•n, who colled the iOand after his own name 1 tlli• event i• fuppofed to have h"'ppcoed about the •
ycar.17<f> before Chrifl, or 6;9 before this arrival of BrNllll : -if A>.f!,., then be a Gttek llllmc, as all o~r
•tymologifls do allow, the Greeks mull have been acquainted with this iOand {I do not fay by what
_means, rtorat v.»h~t time ) for ages j1:nmemoriaJ before the 'l"roja11 war; which w ill· carry us tip ro at
lcaft 1796, i.e. very near ·• 800 years before Chrill, inflcad of only 16o : -rho A'lmc of 41bi1n w ill
receive a ·d~ACrent d~rivat1on in t.h~ work itfeJt~ w it~out havang rccourfe to giant,., p_rodigics, ot mon-
,t len, or any of the aods of fopcdhuon, or fabulo ..s ho!lory: fee ALBION, ALBIFY, or ALPS : Gr.
t R apin, p<rh>ps with gre•ter probability, follows Geoffrey of Monmouth, who fay•, "Brutus
landed here •bout fix t y }"<ars·afcer the taking of Troy, or 1118 before Chritt :"-therefore 1c60 fccms
to be rat her tOO )ate a date ; for that· would make 'l'rin,,.JtJht to have bees\ built above 70 years afcci' the
landing of .B,..utut ~ wh;ch · is rat}1er too much. L<'t me.add from Sbcring. p. 12-, "1l2rratio ni autcm
hu;c non modo vcterum tcllimoni:l, fed ipf.'\ cti:in1 ratio fa".et; non lcvc cnim hujus rei indiciu~ cft,
ti~OJ urbs Brita111\i::C C3pitaliS oli1n Trjltfl'f.i(IT:/rs, c~rari 'Tri"6ht11tltl, aJiis Troipn~vcntum, i. e. 'Trtijo
nl'Ull voearetur:''~attd in p. q7, he add.s , '' nequtUnt porrO ulJam idonc::i1n ca.ufam cxcogitarc nupcri, c up
('apitalit orbs Br.J tanniz 'l'rirtf'tift,,tNm, i. c. Nofl(;-7'roj'1, nifi in f'et~ris Trojte mt"n1oria1n, appcllaretur:
at1t· cur :l tcmporil;u; Czf;1ris, f",.i,.,-vonti nomi11c d~p-ofito, Ludt.1in:1n1, live Lundin11m ( L~ndinu111)
vocarctur, ft llifloria: Br-ita:nniCz 'fidtm minuant: ilam qu'oJ aiunt nome.n i Sax.onibu$ muta.twn, lnfcitu.m
" A I •
c.ommcnt1Jrn Ctt·· '· ·
. t ,But if'.rhc lineage of Brutus., accordiJ1g to Sammes, continued to the coming of Czfar. thty mull
b>ve•i;overned ·this .realm for the (pace of 1088, or rother 116+ years ; which is almoft d!'ub)e the time
!acre. mei>tionro by Stowe. . .
· ·~ Th.i s temple is rendered remarkable for the .death of it• founder; for Sammes, 164, •nd Milton,
, 2'J, cell us,. ~hat .JJl11Jud w•• a man of great invention, and·taught (or rather perhaps fludicd ) necro-
' aiancy; till, having nllldc bimulf wing• tCI lty, he fell down on tbe te~plc of Ap>/Jq i11 Trlnwont :-
• •

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" -This JJldud." continues. Sto,~e. " is'affinned to ha\'e ion"g ftiiditd ar .)JihiitJ I
(by whatever means connexions \Vi th that eminen't feat of learning' 4t )
and to have bro.ughi: with him from thence four philofophers to keep fchool 'h i
Britain; for the which (in the 17th year of his rei~n) he builded Sta11!fotd, ·and
made it a univcrfity; (a~out -s63 years before Chrifi) wl'lerelq he had gteat nun1-
bers of fcbolars, . ftudying in all- the feven liberal fcience~ ; which uiiiverfity'dureJ
to the coming of ·sr: Ai1fiin :"-in the year 600 after Chrifi :-nay, it muft have-
dured much longer; fin·ce, according to other hillorians, on a ·fecefllon at Oxford;
in the 29th of the reign of Edward Ill. 13 56, many of the fcholars i'etired fton1
thence to .Staeford:_-lef. ~his article 1ik:ewife be confidered by others, and fl'.ellted as
a fa~, not altogether fabulous, and without foundation, but only w.antlng fufficient
teftimony, and conJirniation of reeords, which it is abfol_utel.f ' impoffible ever.
now to obtain ; ·fiilce·the records of thefe events; if ever they were co1nmittCd t<>:-
writing, have been all · loft and deftroyed in the gcneral -devaftations of war and
bloodlhed, which have followed thofe more happy times t :· neverthelefs there is
an undeniable, and as _it may _be juftly called, a living ~dBimony o_f the truth of
thefe facts ;-a_proof, more ftrong and p:c:evalent,- than the. authonty. of tfionks.
or the memoi'rs of any legendary writers whateyer J and··d1at is1 the language of
the people proves i~ ; that language which rhe Greeks •!peke; and that very lan-
guage which we· ourfelves now 1peak, even to this .Jay; curtailed, t-ran'sformed.
transfigured, and transpofed, :in fo wonderful a manner, By the·harlh, difcordant.
and unpolilhed dialects of Celts, · Gau!r, -We/fa, PiOs. Scots, ~a1r0111, Danes, lior-
man1, <;em1ons; and Dutch, as have aln1oft intirely effaced the primitive purity of
the'ek t0ngue, which was undoubtedly fpoken very' caitly on 't his illand.
The people then, \vho very early v.ifited this country, having been Phtmicians an'd
Greeks 1 and thofe. philofophers who were ell:ablilhed here·by.Bladud having been
Greek.1 like\vife, it is no wonder that the Druids (whofe very name is Greek. tho•
not derived as . is commonly imagined) lhou1d have underftood; and fpoke. and
wrote that language +· . .
· When it was faid that the Druids wrote 'Greek, it is·to be underftood in a limited
· .
fenfc ; for~ as Miltpn ·from Crefar obferves, they did ·not commit the facred
myfteries of their religion to writing; (for they w.ere the . priefls,
. as. well
. as the
. . . ~

now 1Yeflmi'lfltr·'1hitJ:"-but hore thefe great hi.llorians f<cm. to ' ba"e been milled by Geoffrey of Mon•
mo~th. ; for it is fcarce probable to fuppofe, that BilJd•d w9ulJ hav~ 'tra_vdlcd from Bath to Trinovanr,
or L•11d••• merely to lhew, )jts dcxttrity in the art of flying ; tho' Pl'rhap~ ~i.s n10jelly might have had
vanity ennugb .t o have croffcd the whole illand in order to difj>lay his ,.;·hin1'ficat '""" of activity: and
:yet no doubt he could have made, and no doubt he did make, the fatal exj>eriment from the t<>p of hit
:.iwn ttmplt of Apollo in Bath :-:-and t.h cfefore good old ~1aller. Scowe, in p. 2~. is rather in this point
to be attended to, who faith, " that BloJ,,d decked hi,,.fclfc in feathcrt·, and 1>rrfdmcd to llie, but hr
falling on his own temple {of Ap,o\lo in ll1the) he bre~e his !;l~fko when . 1!_e had raigncd twentic
'' '
yea;~·; Commer~la certe o.ulJa Britannis cum Grrecis interverleriJ1t, nee c·u~ i·pfi's Romanir,
q ui 1nulto Grzci ,vicinlorcs erant : funt tan,en, qui alijrmil1t Blad11dM1!f; ;Jritanniz rcgcm,
.dtl1cn111 perlullraJTe, acque ibi Gr~cis difciplinis i11flilUCU Dl : quod, fi ita (;!Clun1 fit. hifiori~ urcum..
ql!e. Brita11nic2 ~Jes- indc confirmatur: l'~oj~nor~m cnim a~i_tuS . in Bri..t.ahrliam; ~t. R'gu~ ~rite.~
om_n ium .rc.s gcftz a BruJIJ ufquc Ca:farcrn, maJor1, quain Bladud1 1rer 1•t Gr::ec1am 1 author1tat.e •t1tunt11r:
Sheria<'r., 97, 8 : -true ; but itillevcn t:bofC a\tthorlcies Jo 11cic invalidate tl1cia&oun.ts of Bladud. · ·
t ''~oft t.a'!t~· pra:ferl.i1t~. anitof&{in ct.i"~fu.' an1~jtufqu.e, quf~~s . ·q:1tiq1J~orll1rt' fcripta bCl lo; inccn.d io,
., tempp.rJ(g_ue tOJJlJ".ti, 1l•~·X11na .cX: P."~re J>C·!1eru~~:: Shpfing· :.•'2~· . . .. . . • • •

t: '' Gr~cas aute111 11tcras 1IJ1c (in Br1t:ann1a) ;l.J\tc O;r:(ar1s adv-cntu1n..1~l. fU'1 ffe, 1pfc: Czfar tclli.•

ell :'"Shering. 99 :-••we !ball fee prcfem\y. · "· ·•

. . preceptor&;

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preceptors o f the nation) b11t all their public and p rL\'ate tr:infaaions wtre
written in Greelt, as Ca!far birofdf acknO\Ylcdges; \\'ho. round thefe Druids fub-
6,lling both in Gaul and Britain,.evcn do\vn «> thofe verx times,, \Vhen he with his.
forces landed firft on this iOand. •.
The{e fads then mofr undoubtedly prove, that the Greek Ianguagc was at
that time, and conJl:quent ly long before, kno\vn, \vritten-, and Rerhaps fpoken.,
among the Helvetii'., to the Eaft of Gaul; at Motftf/~e1, to the South ; in Spa1ir.
1nore South ilill; and in Britain, arnong the Druid.I and Celts, to the North- weft..
of Europe f.
M any a:rgutnents might have been here produced. to · ptovc, that the le Druidi·
~etc not at fidl natives of J;lrirain, but really, and- truly Pha:nicians and Greeks;.
iu ch «s the 011.tic(es- ef tb~ir rt/igio111 jiflnn, their ,;;anners, co/Jcms., Jiji:iplii1e; all
of which do plain~y £hew, that they \vere not th.e gro\vth of. this iiland; but
brtiugh~ and tn1nfplanted hither frofll. time in1memorial .:j:: and if at Ca::far's ar-
~ivnl they enter tained any religious notions and cetemonies, different from theil'
great ani:ellora of Ph<rnicia and Greece, it n1ull undoubtedly ha\tC been owing to the
)cngth of time, which. had el:ip{ed fro1n their fidl: coming hither, to that of Ca:far"s
invafion ; or t()f the various m i,xturcs of other l?ations, who might in after-times
h ave incorporated- -.y.ith tbe.m , during Co long a period~ 'vhicb 1nig.h.t not have
1>ccn lefs than 1 900 y1;ais ; or, if not altoge ther fo n1uch, tl1ey, 1night have been
,b rough t hither by Bladud, 980 years before Chri.ft.; or pcrhaBs th ey rnight have
migca\cd hith er from Morfti//~s, which w9. k11o:v \Vas, bui)t by the J>!Joceanr,. a .
. .
. .
! . ' •
• C• Jh omni Oaltia., Corum· horninum,, . qulnliquo runt numcr~.- atq.uc. honorc;, genera· funt' duoi
Jltcrom crl Dr'llidu111, alterum ec.1uitum :-difcipli11a Jn Rrit-Jn11ii rcpcrt:i., a\quc indc i11 G':.lliam . elite c~ifl!matur:-~cq~e ~as clre ca l i,ttris m:indare.; quum
j,, rcliquis fer~ rcb~r, publicis ~
'1 "va11rqu< rar1on1bus, Gr.,t1rli1tr11 "'""'"' : Bell. G•ll. lib. VI . rec. 13, " I· : - tho Shtrrng. p. 141\
(t'tms co M rather of opinion, that the Gauls c2mc o\"Cr to 8r-it1in ,. or at. lea.fl- fcnt their youth ovrr
.hithrr, in order to-~ inC\1uB:cd J and givt1 thlsrc-afoo to {upport: hiS> conlellurc; •• atque hlnc fatlum
2rbirror, quOd G~Jli pcfica in Brit~nnli.m :..d d'(cip!in1m qurrtndam fe contulcrunt; qt1i:a Trojlnorum
pptirnotcs et pr2cipuos .d'!ces, p:a-cipuos ttia!'"' .~iccndi n1agiflr?s, ~.t d~f~iplin3rum, artiumque prv
~eptnr... , f<Xum .Brutus 1n Alb1oncm :ul~c>t•t : -•nd Ca-r.r, m hrs Ftrft:Book, fco. 21), h:u there
4-tmark• ble wends, "in nflris Hclvctiorum ( • p«>plc ui Switzerland) "bul~ r<Jl"rtXI funt Cr,.-,u .
Jit1ri1 con[t!I.&, ct ad Cxf:irc.m pcrlat:t: :'1-Vcrficg3u, 125, alfcrti, '"~ t.hal lhc(c: H tlflrtii the
Yfltl, Or Jutft, tha1 \\'COt 3?1d ii\fi:ibited' :among the 1not11ltal1:c-s that dcaydc Gel'ma1-.K! frant I tal y; (and
at la(\ c3nle over with the Saxons i11to Bril:iin. and i11 ti1nc fettled i1l the illc of ll/igh1, Ytn;s, or
/(i111 ;) ;1lld the Gcrma.n name?£ S'ui1f!r1, or. Swi1:1r s, dotl1 .:ilfo hccrut,tto C'~n.~urrc i for t he f bttjng
/ct l>efc•rcit he -o,.o r u.·, 1s·oftct1 1n t he 1...cuton1c v'ft:d for abrt"u1at1on-of t he :irnclc 1ht; as f1u11tl1r, for
th1·wiJJttr.; f 1 &c.- but Sa1-n1nes, 41S, with grc<Jtcr prc,\,-31Jilicy, deritts t.he Suitfi'1·1 from the Sui~.
t ,, PQttP <ltJ!f U'l Jibc.ntcr nuperis c.1u:cfjvrrirn., \!Ode G r.-.eca: Jitertt: in Britanni:1'n\; undt
Cr.t:ca itc1n c um itntiqui Brit:tnnici it:\ pcrn1ixt::i tit, n i fi antiqui Britanni ex Gr!eci:i, u bi
.Brulut c:u rn fuis coloniis' <l iu'"1iabit:1ffc diciLur •nut a '"trojar,i~; quorum, u tet iam totius A(i,e Ulinoris,
Jinnu:i vcrn:icula curo G r:eC'i i:!.lurirt,u1n 111ix:t:L ct confuCa fuic, cafdc1n in i1\(u l1.rn fccum ndduxilfent :Y
Sh~rin~. 1)7,. ~,. · . . . · , . . . . . • . .
:t 4' N upcr1/s 1nfuper difficlle er1t cxpl,c:.rc qtlomodo Gr~corum d1N.:1pl1n:a, confuetud11lCs, c:t 1p(a
):taam rctiQiO ;n p r,ita.nni:&m advt'ail fit, c:1ulb'u ptr omni a fere cum Gra:cis <:011vtnit : on1'1n11s ab aliis
;u a!ios .m1z rqr,. ve tus erat G"r.ccorum opinio; apud Brir:innos c01m Di-uirlls ca&m 01>lnionc il'1ltlruti ,
ar'-lur; imbuti fu.nt: h.ibuerunt Grxci fuos p$1fa1, ra1:tor11, et r1,ita:~r1s, qui car mlnibus excquio.s, ciun-
j ugioi, i\lu!lriu1n "1i:o;utn re·s gcltas, ct di:orun1 l:tudt""s, publicC d3ti "occafiont', coram populo ttlcbra-
b:i.ot, et d~c-:ar1tabant, quO'S "-•Ao-;, ;a4-•1'tc, t:t "X"'~" foi lingu3 vocabant t habutrunt triam BritanDi •
(\.l•>s cd:t:1r11, ct r1ci1.1ar1s, quos fu:l Ji11gua BarJ,, voc:tbant; quibus mos crat codcm modo c:.rmina.
.1d P'Jpv\u111 ~fer re:•' Sbcring. 10-' :-and in p. 127, he ulds., '"' multa D,.,atlrr, ut author c-fi Czfar,
de fidtr1~u s, :ttc;uc eorum motl1, de mundi, :a1quc terrarJm magnirudinc, · dc:: rerum natuti, d-t Dcorum
im11>ort>lrt11te, vi, ct potefiate, dirputabanc, Cl juvrntuti lr:id•b>nt; n•m ut lltetas, ita di(ciplinas ill~•
aG:zris compi.ra-ifc vl dcr.tu_r,''
s -Oreck.

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~ ~ w ··
~.,: •
G~eek•pe0ple, • about:6oo y~ars bc;fbre' Chritl:; or1fri:itn-fopiCi_of· the ctcfcendents ot:
Heri:.r//ei-; who; as we-:frian. fee ·preferitly:; conquered ·spaini a few years before the
taking • <* Troy-; ·arrd · ill- fubfeq!1enr generation·s, their · poHe~ity might have
llome into Britain ; even before the· Celts 'and·Gatilst nail an'y' connexions with this·. '
• illaod ; and miglit p.e!ltap~· hav~.._ _been, di~~ yei;y. -P.~9.R~e; . 'v!io.- ~ftcr a long and
violent firuggle, had, l]"~en. lJt _lajl- . fubdu~q...PY. ,t4ofc, Ce!~ ; an$! G auls, v1hofc
pofierity remaine4: in. p,qtrealo.I!;,~ ~s .·k!ng~!lJ• ~' t\i~ 5901ing of the Romans;
for, d_lat .dtere .aad been a continued .fe:ries. of \Vllf,S, carried ·on between the.
Briton~ and Gauls, , lor:ig before the ·Roinans arrived her~, is evident. from hijlory;
. for !Vlilton. tells 1is, p; 31,. " that ' all G allia, or< Gaul;' or· ·F rance, was overrun
b~ #~enntu, ~ Briti~ ~in.g~·.?~.;:· t,utb1ilent,;r.O:unger }>r~t~~~ of B1linus, \v~~ bnpt:..,
Bil11ie s-g.ate, . nO\V Bi1Jb.1g s;gl[ft' !n' L ondpir.. about th-e; JC':ir 4do.before Clinft; ,.- t
and _then,· after n1cntiorting a thv ·tnore tliort· teigns; he 'concl\1dcs his :firft boo~ ·
in' llis'noble!: manner of· "'riting,'· p-; ·.37,' \vith th:ef!: wo;d~ ; " ·'by: thi's tiqie, Hke:
enc who had fet out on his \vay by nigh r, ahd tr:tVailed "diro" 'a region 'of fmooth"
and idle dreames~. our hifiiliiJI now. arri'lttS on ~e...confuiu,....where daylight and
truth meet us with a pleer d<1w-n :;; ·reprefetiting Jto><:Q!l.I' view:;..: though at·. a farr.
diftani:e, ttue aofouts and. lhapes : '.".-pilrmii mo:h<iwe.v,ef ,onl)> add, that where
t~tre is.Co. much vapor, thc;re mull be..(on~c. i.~lJ~~n~l warpith ; ' apd where . th~re
is fo 'much' fun1e, there niujl' be'. fqrpe l;\ti:Qt : and· to' .convince . us ·i~at tliefe
names and tianfall ion's are not altogetli~r .. fabulous and "1ill:~tiinis, ' ve' lhall :firid'
~\iis · v~ry, B_ren!lfs, tlie~f~m~r ·of t~f~t: i t~~~ ' ~g_.s, m~k/?& ·area~ful. ravages .
J..'l the. :neyt aruc\c- b~t on~.·, • 1 • • • • • • • •
· Lc;tp_; ,P.r.oce~~.iio~i i!> t~e.po!ifi~~fP:t,iRil'.df tliefdtij·Jiui?~~~~:· ,

. . .. . . ~

111: ..• a ( ttie -~ A.T I:N', or j(alian tongue; .

.. ·

r • .": I( what 1li~y · f:it_ b~"'.tru~~- (fays_ D lonylilis ·o.f Ha~icar-na.ffiis, iii ~is Firll:;;
Book of the Roman 'A'.nttqutttes:.'. fec: ·'Xi.) the n1'll: in habitants of .Acbara, who·
left the_ir cQun.try ~?n.y generations before _the Trojan .w¥ (a.bout 28_6 years) \.Vere:
Greeks; arid. coul'd ·Ile: :a colony &f rio.-ofher" people, but of thofe who 'vere then
. called Arcadian1 r fcir 'thefe are the firft-.of a-ll·the Greeks, \Yho crolfed the Ionian '
gulph, un~e•".the c.on.du<¥ ~f O~n(ifl·us, the· fon of Lycaon, and fettled"in Italy:"
... .
-about_1470. years . before·
.., Chr-ifi'.-This
. .. ~olf}'lly is: mentioned liKc\v-ife· by·Virgili ·

.. ; E iif!Pt,;ia71 '.G"raii cogn.omiQe dicunt,.

.. . : .Terra:aii,tiquat· potens arm i.s, atque ul:icre gleba:;
. -. . 9'.l!.ll9frii C9,f~.ei;e.,viri .;. nunc fiuna mipotes
ltaiia111-·dlxille ;' ~u~js den~~~~ g~p\em. $ ;J· .r. .534. ..
- ' 2·. A'nd ih -fei;. · ~vu;:. Dionyli!JS ·fays, ... after-wards fome of the P<lajgi, w·ho

i~habite.d tJ.:heflfi!j, fettled . aihong the • Aberi~ioes·;- (or natives of Italy) this '
co.lo!lY was condulled by' Pdq/gu1; ·and· iand~· at one of the n1ouths of th~ Po,
calit:d Spines.; and \YCr~ 'alfo a Gr.eek <11ation, antiently'of Ptloporrnefas, fettled .lirft.
in 'Ibtjjafy, and fron1 thence t·emoved into Italy• •

~ It wo~ld too mucli i"nte~rupt tlie 'connexion ~f thife articles, were I in ' tnts pl•ce to take into
eonftaeratian Ciel.and~ ~rgul)lenr; io,4hcw 1~11.1 ~!i~' EUll);P1/a)li is i :Cchi~ dcnoroinationfor i11h•~itm:11
•{ 9 piJ/•f•/l!f[l: 'l O<ab: 192, · ,.
3. Then

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·. 3. Th.en ·again, ii) fee. X}frci, lie ~entJqns '' ~qother . c.~qny ·of. Qred1,,:U1.40 1
./qfliki/ in Italy, frQm rall!l_ntium, a towq of 4 •·,aJia;; aboq~ threefcore years.
before the Trojan war.; (i.e.. about 1244- before Chr:il\) this. co\ony wa.a. lcd by
B.vautkr :"-an\! is mentioned likewife b.)t Virgil; . · .
.Arcalks bis oris, genus a PaDante· profet\umt
QQi regem E'l7aniJn11n comttes, · ciui figna fecuti, . • •• . ..
Dcleg~relocum .. et pofuere in inontib~ urben>, "
. • Pallantu proavi de nomlne PaUafjtnm. ./En. VIII. $1_:
·+ An4 i!1 fee. xxxiv. he fays, " a few years after tl1e Aroidiltns, anotheJr &o!o11j
if Gneks· camt into It~J• the command of H (rcult1, who was jutl: returned
f(Q.Pi th~ ·~ov.q~c;ft Of Sp~n1. and of dtofe riiis tb:it extend ·to the W cftern
oc.ean :"-even to the .tl:raits. of Gibraltar, fro.m that event call~d Hercules'
pillars; about 1216 years before 9hrift; or 32 before the tak.ins of Troy: this
cplony likewife is mentioned by Virgil : · ·
.. ------paftquam Laurentia vietor
Geryane extin6lo, 'tiryntbi11s:attigit arva, ··
:-· 2jrr.bmoque boves in flumine ·la.vit //;"'"" ·1En. VII. h6t .
.. 5. And at the ciofe of the forty-fo~rth feetion, D.ionyfius 1iiys, ·,.. the fecond
generat\on, and about the fifty-fifth (or rather perhaps the forty-fifth) year after
tii~ 'depa;tuie ·of Hercules, L ati11u1, the fon of H ercules, and reputed fon of
Fatirius, ·was king of th e Aborigines, :ind in the thirty-fifth_ of his reign, · \Yben
the 'Iro/an1 (who were Greeks, and \Yith /En_etU. had fled froin T r?Y• after 'i t was
taken) landed at Lilurentu1n, on the coalt of the Aborigines, lying on ihe:ffrrhene
fea, not f.1r from the mouth of the Tiber :"-;-about 118 1 years before Ch.rill:.;
and 3 after the taking of Troy: the arrival of /Enea1 in Italy is a fact fo · \vell
etlahJilh¢d in a l;}i!fcrtation by the late learned Mr•. Spel1nan,' th!'t it will t>e fuifl-
Cient only to rcfe_r to · it, at the cn_q of the Fi,rft Book of .his Tranfiation of
Dionyfius. , . . ·
Tjiis now being the fifth colony ef Greel1, who migrated intp I taly; and not·
only fettled there, but bec:une k ing.6 and fovereign princes of that country; i t is .
no w.onder that there lhouJd be .fuch a prodigious number of Greek \Vords
adopt~ ioto the Latin _language :: and yet it is very remarkable, that when in
fuccceding ages the Romans corfquered Greece, they kne\v no more of the na-
tive inhabitants, and their language, than our own Saxon an'ceftors (\vho probably,
fay fon1e hifiorians, \Vere defcendents of a colony from Britain, and fettled in
Gern1any) knew of England", when they were invited over by prince Yortigern,
after the departure of the Ron1ans from this ifland;.
· But, befoce we; (peak of. the d.epaiture, of t~e Rqmans, let us firjl ,inquire into
the caufe of their coming_ 11ither; and this ':"iP, naturally lead us to inquire
ioto the fituati.01) of affairs, th;it, bi;:o.11gl:it: µs firft of all · ~cquainted with the
Roman power; aJ) d . whq thofe inhabit;tnt$ were, that had the polleflion of this .
illand, when Cref:ir firft landetf hers:. . :·_ : .. . . ..

. IV.. Of tile CE L ~IC,. or French tongue,

That thofe people, who inhabi.ted"this ifland, at the t irne· .of. <C:efar's invafion,
\vere a 111ixture of native, and the Celtic Gauls, is an article beyond difpute ~
· 9 but

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. P It E' FA' CE'. ' XXUI

but:wbo tho(e C elts w4re,. or what was the perfe~ion of their l~guage,. at or
rather l:iefore that time, . WC ·have no authentic account'*• ..
• l.Vloft •.of the: inteHigiilnce ·WO·have received conc'c:rning' th'e Celt!, Gauls, 'Britons,
Druids, and Get1miz11J, is 'Colleded either frorri· C~ftir· h imfelf, about· 52 ye~rs be- ·
fore .Ch ri~ or from Tacitus,,' about 1~0 years a(ter Chtill.; and ·fince w.hat th<:Y
fay of them, and Caifar, may;be reduced to a very frnall co1npafs, It
may not be aJni(s: to.tran(<lribi: foin~ part of it :-Crefar•then . begins his hi1:~ry
of the · Gallic · ~r8'· (9uorum pars ipft magiiafuit) with'~'" Gt1flia ell: omnis d1v1f~
in partes tres; quarum umrli incoldnt Belga: ;' aliam .Aquitani; ' tertirun-, q1u
ipforum ·Jingul\ Ce/ta, noftri Galli appellanttir ." · ·
The. Celts .and Gauls then were one ai:id the fame people; and that thefe pea•
ple were mixt by conquclts and inter1narriages w ith t he inhabitants of t.liis illand,
when the Romans firfl: landed herei under C~far, '. is the 'tnore probable, ·b~cau{e
he farther tells us llf ·his· Bell. Gall. rv~ 2 t; that '. tllero \Vas at . fhiit tiine' great
-intcrcourfo and traffic between· •the·Britons and Gauls; info1nuch· that the 'Caulic·
merchants the Britons thci'r firft intimation or' Crefar's defign to invade-
them : " ·interim, confilio · ejus .. cognito, ~t pet" 'thtrcatores· perlato ad Bti-
. tanilos, &c,'' .. · .· · • .
1'1\e defign of ·hfs iovafiori · W:is notj lls folnc authors imagine, mefely 'thrcl'
ambition, and a thirft of glof.y.·; .it' \vlls not a:'tkjire ef tnlargi1ig the /J-ound1 if
tmpire injpired hir11"with a Jefign of extending hi1 ·'°nque)h, ,and /,ringing tht Briton1
under the dominion ij' the Roim111s·i as Rapin: has obferved ; , 'neither was it altogether·
for the ic:ifon given by• Cleland, on~ of th~ greatcll: etymologi.fts :On our language+
and a gentleman .ver-y weJ~ known )n tbe luerary \vorld for :}us, Ifocabulary ori th~
Celtic tongue_; w.h_o h a& .di1cevered in »diat -work a g reat -depth oP li:i;owledge .. i4
Britilh antiquity I and of w.h ich work he ·has .been,pJeafed· ro 'grant me full · per~
miffion, which I have accordingly roode great u fe of'. in the foUowi ng' undertaking,.
and there is .no dou~t hut 'the reader· will often wifu · I had.made ufe of it 'ntore
frequently·: it \vould .therefore have g.ivcn. rne the •greateft fatisfa~\on1 ' if ou t
9pinions· had 1:oincidt:d. in this firft article before us: ' bu~ this gentlema.n i;n his
Celtic Vocabulary, p ..r77,.. fays, · - ..: : ' ·· : . . ·
" By the beft lights I could obtain, it was precife!y a violation of the right of
f.tnfr·uary that paved the way for ·the invafion by Julius_ Crefar: lman'ucntius, a
chance}lor of ' one of the London alburys, had. /Jeen murdertd for his : atte1npt tO'
defend the jurifdidion of .his cellege·againft. Caif/a//air ( Cafo(/aanus} :a military
officer, or general, for fo the.nam.e i~p<?rts, 'Yho h?<d invaded _h is difirid: upon ti ·
'JUarr~/ tt,/;out the cogniz.a.nct of a mur4er .: · his .fpl) tvi,~n~ub~tius ·fled upon th is to
Crefar; and the L ondoners, cxafpcrated again!l the general, di~ 1'0t fail to recom..
9 mend the prbted:ion of' the injured party to Cefar, ~ho ~as ready enough .to fci zc

JiJ.fair a pretext if inlermedd/ing "witb tht tzjjairJ of thiJ ijland.f." . .

: ·.. , · : . . . ·: · · · Granting
•• • • ••• ' • • J ,, • ..
• Sa.;,!"..'. 145, s1ves ii$ a lifl of ~i' Celiic kipg~ ·ho'!' Sq11pth~1 (wh~ ac firll oat!tcd this iO~nd
/Jan1<1h10; •bout lC<J4 }"•rs before Cht1!l) to 1'hranuur, 111 w~ofe days king· Bn,1us 10 Cupj>ofoJ t·o
h~ve cn.rcrt!<l this iftand in 1216, (or r:ather J 117) b~fore Chtifi ~. ij e. a fp~ce c:ompre hcnd1ng 8;8.
o r r:i.thcr 978, ye.irs : after which, he g ives us :another longer liA: of 74 k.ings, from Brutus to 1ulifit
l "tefa.,. i i.. c. acco~dit1g to.the:<Ji&Cr,11t .pc:rlod.s of -their r.e.jps in .h is accoui~; 1q8~yur1 a but,. ut1for-
t11'nately ~or 'B,'!ft_nt.jif~J1 \'he'. hillorian whom b.e .followh this 7p y~ !OJ> lh?1' L for thi• mak<•
Ca!far «r.n~e m Britain 128 'yeao::J bc(or~ Ch1Hl;. whue~.all ,cluon.olqgo~ allo<f. that ~"Caf lirft J.ndcd
here in' thc yeaf.s:tonlf 'blifore'C?riff. '· .... • . . ' ; ;·: ·) .v : . ; :. ..
j "fho llory is thus related, with fomc {mall v:inauons, by Sammn, 180, from count P alatine,

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-, vr<1t1ting JlO\V .to. this gcntlem~n tb~. w11ole •fo.cce <Of :ht~ at-gu!jlcbt ;._th.:it OCf'~
ha.d been a murder c01ll1nitte,Q in ~a .ljJJ!Jr.reJ q/Jq11f the i:og11i:pt111~ ff '11 ·murder ; fiill
.t his· fe4'm.S to;·have ·been· but-,;i. ,v.flrlj weak pretex:t indecd ~to ba.\\e jultificd.iari :in-
.v afio1i ; and: \lljlS fcarce a fu(Jicieut • r~fqn ·. to ·h ave induced a Ron1an gc11tt'al . til
h ave i!1!cr1Jzeddled \vi th the Britilh affitirs, ·tho' . twent,y chancellors bad. bee:n rnur-
~ercd: there fcems to ,have been fome :weig) caufe, ·wbi¢h ·neither Rapin n!Jr'
·this g.entlen1an have f0 .1n uch as -h int¢ .:it,, but i s<e.Yi<lent·,en.ougb from the very.
fi!11ation of affaj~s bet\veen ·C:efa1: an4 .the ·Bt<il;ons, l\>n~.. .b.e~c ·t1'tje· '-two murner~
had ~een CQ1np11tt~d; .and .qppears rathe,: ,to.,hav.e .be.el); tbl1t1:11 ... : . · '"
'T he inhabitants of this ifland h;td long'111cddfct/i ,,e,,rtd petha'p.s tfrom tlieir
.c,lofe .conneidon and .natural amity, th.c . G~U:ls,.at· t,his,.prefeo t ·j4.1otftute, ·could.
not have avoided intermeddling .. wuh th.i:; :R.QQ1a~ afti\irs :in•.tJ.i.e Gal:lic ~wara, \Vhic"h
:had be~n, but fo lately and ,J.o ,~ully co;ic\'\!&e'4 Izy::Qre1ac. -· ; : ::; .:· : : . : .
· It is not thro'· a ,defire .of'. ju!lifyiag Jb~ ,¢P.n!h!d: ·of ·the R1»uans in1any oI
~heir political lneafure~, 1nore partic.u latly ·i~thi.s1heir-·iov.tfi<iil ·of :m.y O\vn coU'n -
.t:ry,.. ~at : I, have. thu s far entered on ,tlm 'Ju.bje& ; ·but truth · and ·irnpartiality
oug,ht•to h~ve. their .due infiuence in,evs:'y detate,; and every· ought to · writ'e
accordi~g to .uribiaffed _principles; for the public alone will dctcrn1illc·on .which
Ud~ ·t}\e greater ~l'.Ut,fa; or a~;,le~£t ...t.)\e'• gn;at~F tprel;ia,bility, l\~~(S : ;ititean be~ ~~t a
:matter of vevy little µiqm_ent 111:>,the pr~fent,a~, ,w._hat .\\'J:re·thc,caufes that movc.d
C.efar to lhcw. fucb a readinefs in thl$ expc1jjtion; bµt :let ·me \,v.ith·.all impar•
ti;i}ity ol;i(erYe, .that ·both ,Briton.t and Gauity un!l~· Bt~JZdw I. a Britilh · king;
.n1igh t, if-they pleafed. h'\"'~ a.voj<;led "1IP'111,et/J/ling, .and>Jr~o4ful'7 ·inter.m~dliling.
twice 'll'i~b. tbe 'flffair:s oj' hci(r.,·:about .th.ri;q ~iwdr.ed . yt~l!S ',befene. ,Coefar's time·=
..Jhe"form!lr· of thet~,.irroptious \, wheo 'he .Gallh; • itbe J.84, or 378
befori< , .Cbtift, .w idwiit any ·c,aufe, ..)v.ithi>~:.tbe ,\}ea'ft· provocation, ier. the leaft
rccoll).mcnded .invitation, Ta.vaged all k aJy,,;. and ll~ifbou t anf, other pretext, thanr
.that .of pi11n4er and /poi/,., (a~· bad,;.if ·not ·a· wqrfe, caufe for' the invanon of any:
.coqntry1 th;i.n cith~r lllllfl~tio,n .PIJ glvey) i-tb.ey ~fiege<J,· f.1c kedi 'burnt, and. pillaged
R.9.~e 1Jfel£:.. an ;rtj.ully :fq l}eii~O!iSl {9 · .unpfp'l(pked1 and . fd unpreccdenied; \Ve
.may be fure would call for vengeance on any future.-:eonvenient occafion; fo.r
\ve · lint! .it· m ?-de fo fuong· :ind. fo la(hng .ail · imptsiBion -on ,the minds of the
.R$, that even .to the ,.tim~s of. ! ugullius, about 3 50 · years after this greedy
and m.ercilefs treatmei:it, it .cQritinued to ,ral\.kle.fQ deep, ' that Y.irg il has in1prelfed
.the fi~ge of the ~apitol :\Jy t.f/.e.Paµu, !,Q.9. t)le.ihield Qf,JEneas,;..
. .. .. . :Atqlle qlt !·u~flt' vol-i~a.ns iltrgenteus . anfer . ':. .
•· :; ~Porticious;· •dallo~ 'ih fimine adeffi:. ca'n'eb:it ; ': '
· • • · ·Gdlii per dumos ~d~tit~t, arceu)que te:ncbant', ' ' '
' ' Defenfi tetiebfis., et ddnt>
.. ' ··;. . . ... acre.' ·• · .iEn. VIII. 6 55.
. noctis. op·
This fittr,ce, cruel, and urijull: uri1ptiun"'h appened ·in the tirne of Camillus; and
.. . . ... .
Caius Ma11/ius, ab~~t 3 ~0 }'.:ears .~~(ore .~hr,~~·) .fpe; fecond irrt}p.tior hap-
r.ened abdut ·6 3 ·.year$ after .tha't / 'viz . ..aQq?ut. 3.f5, .or, 20 befpr~ Chrill ; . vvhcrr
.Bre11111u II. .a Gpu/ijh kzifg., , j.oined his.forcei;,
. . ·of .Lkichoriu.r, a. Pannonian
to 1h0ie
• • j ••

who tells us; that "£;,4 was ·ll<named 'lmmi>.J1u111i~1; ana ·w11s ·na<u '. b'r. 'liis -brorher Ca.Jlib1/ari •t
f1·&y·lld'll/J~t: ; aJd that ~is ·~tdtft fon. Aifdrogtui"\'v'3S fir}1~t1\~d1.~a}r(.ubrai1tt! ;·~:and~l~·~·s :the. [an1e pri11ce.
of the 'l'n1101htr11r, who~ we ·fiful ·m' C""far'r contmcnt~hh t o'hal'e lle.d..~>.\~ 'G.fU11~, an~ to have put
(iumfclf ur.der the prot~lbon of C;cfar/' , . . , · ·1 . .
• : . · • ,... · ·' . .1 , •"I··· r. • • • · ·•••
: ,. .·:
1 i···
•• •• • • • .... Chief.;

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chief; :and. with ·:in army of ·, ,so,ooo men, and 1 horfc; ravaged· not ·only
all Italy, but Grcece, Jikewife' ; and \vould have rinfa.cked and plundered th e
ten1ple at l}elpbi·; which was actually rifled and burnt down in the year 277
before Crui(l; about 40 years after this ir.ruption by Bren11u1 .II. \yhj ch defol~­
tion happened in the time of .Antigonus Gona.tas, and Antipatitr; ·as m.entioned 111
the Supple1.nent of· Livy, ·Jib. xxxviii. fee: 16, or rather under Srojlhenes; as
mentioned by Rollin, vol. vii. p. 227. to 234 ·~
\Vho now invited thefe Britijh, Gaulijh, and Pannonian chi!fi, to make all this
cniel i:levafiation r:·and \Vhat ratiobal caufo can be afiigned for the Britons and
Gau/s,thus dreat!Jitlly i11termeddling wtth the aftairs of Italy? · .
Ca:/ar therefore baving no\¥ by his Gallic wars. at !aft fubdue.d th.e. dc.fceodcnt~
of .~hofe '.fierc.e and .tavagc; barbarians, and .fully avenged the unprovoked i·njurie-s
of his bleeding country, was determined · likewifc to chaftize the inhabitants of
Bdtaill', 'who had not only joined the Gauls in their fonner ravagiugs and. plnt\-
derings of Italy, but had now recently joined them, and affill:ed the111 with their
forces, in thefe late Gallic wars againO: Ca:far hirnfelf; and therefore it Ytas but
natural for him, after having fubdued the Gauls, to turn his eyes againft the
Brito11i, their · aifociates : accordingly, .in book iv. fee. 20, he fays, '' ex.igui
parte a:jlatis.reliqua, Cafar, etfi in iis,locis, quod omnis Gallia ad leptentrionem, ·
vergit, maturre funt hiemes, tan1cn. in Br.itannia1n proficifci cont~ndit; quod,
omnibus fer.e Gallicis Bellis, holl:ibus no.firis inde firl?minifl:rata auxilia intcllige~
bat :"-becalffa he found, that in aln1ofl: all the Gallic \vars (par~icularly as he
advanced the more No[thward) the enen1y dre'v their chiefefl: aids from t hence:-
and indeed it is but natural to fuppofe, that the Britons aflifi.ed .the Gau!~ againtl:
Crefar; not only from their proximity of fituation, but fro1n their mutual co11-
nexions, and reafonable apprehenfions, that if they did not, the Gauls 1night at
Jail be fubducd by the Roman power; they therefore affified the1n; but, not-
\vithfranding all t heir affiftance, the Gauls. \Vere vanquifl1ed : Caifar therefore,
n O\V being a.t Jcifucc from his.Gallic wars, feems to have refolved on his ex.pedition
againfl: Britain.
Since this was.the real fituation of things, in order to facilitate his approach,
he fent a vefiel beforehand to reconnoitre the coaft; and the 'firll Roman on re-
cord, who ever faw Britain, was Yo/If/mus, " vj r et confilii magni, et " irtutis :''.
lib. iii.. 5· .
Every thing no\v being in readinefs, (lib. iv. 2.1 ) " ipfe ·cnm omnjbus copiis
in Mori11os proficifcitur, .qnod indc erat breviffimus in Britanniam transjettust :"
-there he lhortly after en1barked his 'forces, and tbc whole fleet 'veighing
anchor (fron1 Portus Ict:ius, late //iffent in Picardy, between Calais and .Amblete'!fe,
in France) he prefently arrived on the Britilb thore , near Deal in Kent, abou t
.ten at ni$ht,. on the 26th of Augull:; \Vhcre, notwi!bll:anding the recom111e1Jdatio11s
• '' aCio·,hris tota fcrt: Gallia, ut C~f.:ir narrat, fubaC\a eft.; qiii inde in !1a!iam, Brcnno duce,
txeurrc11t~, Rom-am diripuere; et. nifi Cimbri bellum cauponari \'Olui{fcnt, jarn indc de Romano
irnpcrio al\um fuiffct :-inde vero in Gra:cicni; ct potlremO in Ajinm dc11uo tcndcrlttS, magni
Phrygir. pa.rte potiti .funr, quz ab ipfis Galfo .. Grzcia, fi\•e Ga/atin, diCla eft ;.," Shcring. 45 1, 2 : -
a fav·age nation n1ay conquer, aod a brutal race of men may forcibly take i1o(f'effion of,, and give n amc5
to a.Dy couritry what~er; but it ii Juft:ice alone c-an fanttify conqudl.
t F'or a derivation of the name of thde people, fee the Work itfelf, under tbc article MARINER:
Gr.: tbc· JVJcrini being a people "ho lived on , the fta·t~•/1 of Gaul ; lately ~•lkd f'jffimt ; and now
lJoJ,,gnt U1 Fr0\4Jcc.

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·~e mig~t lmv-e rectivedfrom t!e Lo11do11ers, his ~P.tion was very far being &01n
an amicable 'OllC' ; for- he b1mfelf tells us, ( hb. tv. 2 3) that as foon ~ •• cum
J>rimis navibus ~ri!anniam at.tigit, in omnibus collibos ex:pofitas..hoftium copiu
armaras 'Confpent : '-he faw ,o u .all the hills troops of ennn1e1, drra-.on .up in
reaaiaefs 'to receive him ; and his reception was a war.m one in the military fenfe;
fur ·he h~mfelf ~cknow~edges it \Vas " ·Jlug~atmn ab utrifque acritcr .;"jJ0111/,y fought
on /J,orb .fides: his land~ng however. after 1eme d1fficuJty. wu made good; though
not for any ·long continuance •.
Ca:far was obliged to pay. Britain a .kcCi>nd vi6t, the year follow,jng; and ·then
indeed he penetrated fometbing far.ther into their territories ; but even yet he
cou.Jd not .acb<ance 'to any great difi:ancc froin ·the coaft; Ve:rulam, or St. :d/IJ11n1,
feems to been the fartheft .of his pr.ogrefs W eftward t: nay, ·the .Romans
knew very little lllOl'c than 'the Olltikirts of this itL'tnd,, for fewcial years after
C2far had been_ .a aiiffinated; ~rul did ~ot fo tn~ch as adu~y .a nd .expellimcntally
know t.1Jat &1tam was an .dland, ·ull the tune of .Agr1coia, who was the firft
R oman t.bat .ever <fa:i'led mtirely round it ; \Vmch was pcrf01'lned by him in •the
8' year -Chrill:: ii. C·. ll!bo111e l tJO after Czfat:'• firll: landing.
Having thus far etbtbli1!1ed .the Ro.mans on this iJlaud, it is fuiticient for our
prefent purpofe, thus to have lheiwn, how we came a.t nnl: acquainted ·w ith th~
Roman power in Britain : - i t would not be ·coniifrent widi t.b e bounds of a
Preface, -to fpe2k more fully of ·their affairs, during their connexions with this
.l41and, whic h were carried on with a great variety of f.uccefs, for the fpace of
about five hundred Jt?ars after :Ca?far's .firil invafion; viz. to .t he time of the em-
peror Yaientinian; when. the .a~irs of the Roman co1pire became fo entangled,
.and were redm:ed t<1 fo ·rniferable a fiate, by the irruption nc:i-w of .Atri/a, king of
the Huns, Goths, and Vandals, that the Senate were obliged to recall Gallio,
and all the ·Roman forces from Britain; "'hich event happened .about 447 y:ear6
after Cbrift; .a period. long enough to have> efrabliJhcd the Roman langl!Oge, though
not ·the Roman. difcipline, the inhabitants of dlis.iiland •

. • Sh!:r ingham, p. 14, ohC.rves from. Tacitus, that " aJ1tiquo• Brit•nnos io bcllo Gall is feroc.iores
£uiffc; qu~ ct c,.r.~ expcrtus c~, ~b ii fdcm in pr imo con;rcil'~ fuo vilt~•: q.uam cladem, ipfc licet
C~far Tile1it10 pr~tcr1t, atqu·e aJ11 manuant, Lucanus cl.arc 1nnu1t his verb1ss
Tcrrita qu3'fitis .offend it terga Britannis:
And to th' jnvadcd Britons turn'd his back:''
he expelled to have found a few undifcipUned favages ; he met with foldicrs b9th brave and nume rous :
;_bv rhc very, particuh r manner in which c.,r., (l>b. iv. 24, and-:13) defcribes the method, in which
the 'Brit.ons actack:.e.d .him. witf1 thei r lffttl.a, or chttri,11 ormtd with ftithes., ai1y OM migh.t fttppofc, as the
coOOmcn tators in. t he Variorum ed ition have fuppofl.od, that theft <bari~IJ were •Cltber o f Britiili or G :iulifh
.:nventiOJl : '' li. Scrvio crcdimus cr~ys D . .voo-.) in .Btlgio invenla fu.nt '.ffeda :'' -if by i11'Vtnt11 ht meant
Only '!.litre found in' uft, it mig ht pafs ; but jf he meant foMnd 111tl or -intJ1,t t1J, they were fo far front it
that: Rollin, ;n bis Antie1lt fli ~ory, vol . i~ . ~+, in fp~akirlg of Ni1~111, (wh? Jived 2;•~0 ye~rs befor;
Cliroll,J fays, " he had frmlb.ed the bl<ildmg of N ineveh , he r<lumcd h1S expedition againfl the
.B.~Ct.rians; bjs army, accordir•g to t h.c rcla tjon .of Ctefia.s, c.onfi A-cd of a million (even htJndrc<I thoufaa d
f oot., and t wO,hwndrcd 1lloufand horfe t a nd about fixtce.n thoufj\r.d chariats ar1n1.d tvitbJtysh.11:''- if fu_c b
...a l*rod-iaious a.rnly is r;\Ot rather too lar.gc for tbofe \'ery e:arly ages of the .world .
t ''. ~rrabo,, ct Eunathius ad Dioo yiltam," fa.ys Sheri11g. p. 14'., '' Ca=farC"m bis in Brito11miam t fa•
j,ttilfe, ·ct- brcvl in fcc.l:·o nc'goti<) rcccffiJTc, nequc longi.las in iufulam r.tlfc, .n.arrotnt : la;- : ,, '-""',

' .
,J:4~-.; 'lll'ft t.trcS~. I.a '1'UX•·•·r., .i'-'+'''>'9' iti"'i7i'={{l:f.'Ct:-;, 111&. ?."~.f1'.9°¥1 4WI 'T~ -n]v.; T?ls ,.,,..,..,.

. .. So

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PltEFA0F:. :XXV\l
.. •
So.that now we mull come to fpeak of thofe times, and of thofe people; \vho
1ucceedeq the Romans in the.govern.m ent of Britain;. and th~y were the SaxonJ • ..

V. Of the SAXON, TEUTONIC, or Gern1an tongue.

No fooner had the Romans quitted this ifland, than the 8-ritons, who had t'o
long been difufed to arms, and indeed had no occafion for them, whi.le they
·contlriued· under the proteCl:ion of the Romans, who \Vere, as we obferved,. no
·fooner withdrawn, than the Britons were overwhelmed \Vith an inundation of
Pi& and Scots, who came pouring ,down upon then\. from the Northern parts
of the:: kingdom, and brought defolation .and dell:ruB:ion with them wherever
they roved : in this deplorable fituaiion, cxhaufiod of their beft forces, \vhich
had been drawn off by the Ron1ans in their difiant colonies, actuated by their
own fears, fenJible of their O\Vn inability to . defend thenifelves againfl: fuch a
·t orrent of calamity, and induced by the counfels of Vortigern, their princ~, who
it teems was bot!) wicked and un\varlikc, they fent a deputation to the Sax1J111, It
hation of Gern1any, (not cla1ning any relationiliip \Vith thofe people; \vhiC'h \ VI!
might natur.illy fuppo'fe they would have done, had there ever fublill:ed any fuch
alliance between Saxony and Britain; but it feems they only defired the1n) to
.come over to their affill:ance f .·
· • From this time·we mufl bid adie11 to all the refined lang11age of Gruu and ·&.,,; we mull !\OW
no long•< be delighted with the powers of eloquence; but inllcad of the nobl•, ope.n , and fonorous lan-
guage of thofe people, we mufl now bcar of nothing but the hufh, difcordant, guttunl utterance of
the different crtutflnit JiaftEls ; inll~d o( t.h e fn1ooth and cafy vowels of the Soutb_ern olimates, Ollr ears
<hufl oow be tortured a n.d tormented with the rude\ rough, rugged confonants of all the Nor1hc.rJ1
.regions j ai1d in 't h-is- u11eafy ftatc did our language conti11uc 1 ·t ill the ti,nes of the Reformatio.n !· whcR
our princes and nobiliiy began once more to lludy Greek, under t bofe two able mailers, ~tr Joh"
Chel<e, .. nd Roger Afoh•lll, who Borilhed under Edward VI. Q Elizabeth, •nd the Lady Jane Grey.;
which is generally known by the period of tbt RL"Uival of lear-nint t1nd lttltrl; for abou.t tlme Wt'i
the noble ai-t of Printing invented, in !440; i. c. -f rom the departure of tbe Romans about a ipou-
fand years.
t V crftcgan, ti 8, fays, " beer by 1hc wny it may be notcJ, that it was but fomcwhat more thao
twentie y~arcs,. the coming of the Saxo11.s into B-t itain, t-hat tbe Frankts, ~ceing a peop.l c alfo of
Gcrmanie, borderin'g neighbours vnto the Sa·xons,. and (peaking in fame language with th~..m_,
di·d, vndC"r Far:.imund, -t heir l1:adcl'-and eleaed king, enter into the countrcy of •the GaMl1s; w-he:rc lhey
f\"ated tht::mfelucs, and b.t-came in fy-r1e t he occalion that the whole couJ1ttty, after their n_a me of Fro11i..1r.,
was called Fr(l1', (JiYJC, that is to ray, the kinj)dome or po4feffion of the }'ro11ke1, and fince by -abbreuia-
tion, Frd11c1:''-now her·e it ii very ~markable, and what pcrh-aps would.have greatly furprifed this
good o)d Anglo·~axon very nlu~h, to have heard it alfi.r med, that the namn of Frantt, and Fr."ks;
and Fr111th, aJ'e G reek: for, in the fame manner as the 11a~11c o f S•xttr.s was given to thofc people. o.n
account of the wea 1>011s they wore; fo l ik-ewifc the Frtll-(1J fccm to have 2cquircd tl1cir name fron1.a
l'fj1nifar circumfi-211ce i as ma.y be fet:n under the article J:o"'RANKS, in the \Vork itfC:Jf to tJ>·is .a.r"
, rival o( the Sax•••• it mull be obfervcd here, th•t notwithllanding the lilen<e of ·all modern hifloriaps,
this was very far from being the firll time, that any of that natios1 had lande"! on tbis i.fiandt;.. for our
c3:r))• writers tell us, th'lt there ltad lH~en great i11terc.ourfc bctwed\ the Pitts, Stots, :ind Sa.To1J1, ii1 their
·fever"l" i ncur!ions and depredations, fo high as in the time of D iQt/tfi11.n; about the ve"ar :iS 5 afret C~1ri~ ;
at1d of Yaltntinian 1. jn 366 after Chr1ft, or abour 80 years before the reign of Vortigern; a11J ..aga11'
in the time of Jloncri111, when Srilico gave them.many d•ftarg: i. c.' 395 after Ct1rift; or in aJI,, 'bout
165 before the prefent period of their being invited over :-as to the people thenil<lves, it is ollo wed
that the 811.-<ans were nativH of Styth'ia, a11d migrated from thcnc;e, about ?vlou11t T aur11$, t 'Q t he
Cimbric:i Cbcrfoncfus : the period o f their migr,.tion is faid to be ·•boµt the time of \Voden, i. o.
2910 yean; before C hrift: un~cr what appellation they were known, from that pe riod <o the time cf
Ptolemy, is u11certait•.;, but C:.f.1ubon tells us, that'' .Ptolemreus, qu.i prlmus, aur lnte.r primos, illos
mcn1or:1t ; in Cinlbric3. Cherfonefo (qu~ nunc Dania) et Balthici maris oris con.Altuit ;''-but
Ptolema::us lived about 1+0 after ChriJl I which makes a period of ab<we 3000 years· from \Vodefi to

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'X:XVlll p R E F A
C E.
· Accordingly, about the year 450 after Chrift, and in the fo~rtfi of king Vort i-
gern, the Saxans to ·the nuniber of fixteen hundred·mcn, according 10' Ullne·wr1tcr11,
can1c o ver to Britain : but Verlleg:in and others tell us, that their forces
amounted to th e nurnber of nynt thoefand rnen-, \vho, u rrdcr the command of two
·brethren, Hengijl and IIorfa, landed at Ippedsjieet, no\v Ebbesjket, or WnJ/Jesji1•et, in
the ille of Thanct, in i<.ent ....
Let us no\V attend to thefe ne\v adven turers, if they may really be termed
ne\v, \vho it feems \Vere called Saxons, only from the S eaxet, or weapons they
"Wore t; wh ich \Vi!I Jike\vife be found to be another Greek appellation in the

• There are two or three tl,ings i11 tl1is article., that dtferve a more ful l confide:ration; vi'£. lfk1J' h1r
of tr~ops nnd /hips; tb1 1111111r1 ej' thci-r lt'atl..·rs; and the p l'1tf ef 1l11ir / : -with rtfpcCt tQ their
numbers, fome a utltors mention on ly Jixt1~rr b1l11drt d, whic h , cur.fidering t hat they were calf~d O\,.e r ro
rcpe ll the fury of a n ene:nly, \Yho attack~d th·c: Rritons for rhe fa ke of plunder; a nd confcq.u:ct1tl y could
ex pea no more, than :Wbat they could w in by t heir fwords ; t11e nun1ber ofJixte1n !iu:uirtd f~ms to b~ .by
much too final I (q r {~eh a pucpo(e ; V crfic_g;an, B;,tkcr, i nd others, therefo re, have \Yl t h g-r~:iiter prob:ibi.!1ty
rnadc tl•eir r'ltJ111bers amount ro n;•nt thcwjp11d ; but then, hoth they, and f\1ilco n, 131 , make ufc of only
thrtt long g:lll icfi, ()'tllte_, or Ayult 1 (i. c. l ttls) to t ranfport nint 1b,ufand 1nen ; -grt at and long incltt"d mu ft
th('y have been to contain rhr11 th~ufanti mtn tach :-hut if q,coo men came over in three kttlc~, thi:n
1 20,000 more mull have come over with O((Q aJ1d Eb.i/{a-, who thortly :after ar rived with fa rty pintI(/('-S :
- fuch credi t is due co rhefe exaggerated ;,ccounts !-'Flow as to tbc r1aa1cs of their leaders, Htngifl and
H.r/a: (who arc fuppofed to be dcfccD<lcd from ll'cdm, in the thinl degree :-bur to !he,. the • bfurd·iry
Of fuch 3 fu ppofit ion, it wil l be (uflicitnt to obli:rvc, that Jf7cdtr. is faid CO have floriCbed about 'lQI O yeari;
before Chrift ;. to which 1nuA. be added, 450 for tbc t i'n\e of thc(c two hcr-<>cs-;. co11fequentJv ttle}'" ·11rc-
difiar>t from their fu ppofc:d progenitor 3360 ye:~r!I ; and t herefo re their thrf'e inlcrrnedi.&tc a nccfiors mui
have each of them bec.11 1120 years old: )-ic appe!lrs fom<:thi ng r~111arkabJc, thiat 1hc Saxons fl1ould ha ve
had tiA•o nan1c:s fo r the f;trne ani111:1.l, wt1r:n fon:actimcs "'' e fiod, t hat they had not even one na1ne for many
ot he r things t bu1 )1erc we arc to!d, ch2t ll111gijl., or rat l1cr Hengj!, is Sax~n for o h3,.fa; a:nd that H•r/1
frJ?nifics the fam1 thing ; this might lead us to f_uppofc, that Htngji, ar1d H ri,.fa, were 01"1)y fynf>ny,nous
t erms for 011e and the (a1ne pert'i.'.111; bu t t.h e ties't l nnals of the Saxons put th is out of doubt ; for
tbey write thus, '' H tngijl artd flcrfa, in the Vear +ss, fought a~'iin!'t Ji'1,1i1trn {Yflrtimlt" rathe r, ac-
.('Ordiog co Spttd) at .Ege.Jflhrip, now Aylesfo;d, in K .e 11r, where..,.Hor/a \V.t$ Oain, le.aving his n ame to
H orjlrtf,, ·t he place of his burial:'' Saitln.1e..~, 472. :- howe.ver, wht't·ber thefc t,,.o n~mt~ belong to one·
a nd the fame ptrfon) <)r whether t hey arc di fferCJlt appcllatio,1s fo r r-hefc two diffe rent chieftains, though.
lig nifying t he f;1n1e th ing, js a point not mate rial enough to det:1ii1 us; hut o ur Briti{b ;\Oce:l o rs have
given us anotticr convincing proof o ( t heir kn">wltdge i11 the G·r~ek t<Htgoe-, 111 a t ran Oatio 11 of their
,Owu, rtfped ing t he name or 11arncs of tbclC two S.a.xoi' leaders; -and tha t is i:ii the a.pp-ellation they
gn\<C t o 1i1r .place whtr1 1JJry ·la11.d1d, r 17, t c-IJs us, th.a.• '' th<~ firfi ance ter$ of Englilh men
came out o f Germa11ie into llrit:i.ine, and aryucd :.t lpp1dsft11;1, 1low called E /J1jl1111 in the ifle of
·1··nnet, ir1 K ent :'', i11 his Chronicle , p. 3~ writes it f'f/ippt..1';/ft<I i which is Jlo n1orc than
1>re-fixin~ the digarnola before: :l ;iowel; "!l\tl}' i11fi;i~ces of wbic!1 1nay be found in our language~
thus , .\\'hat ~flt:: Greeks \o\'rore ·tiior, or Fv,lor, ,...e \Yr1te wtt ~ what 'he Greeks wrote A.,1.,,, or Fa..;),, ,
t bt: .l...ari,1s wr-o·to v 1ntt1s, at1d we write wind, & c . &c . : t ltus likewilc the pla.c~ where Flt11gjl or H1ngiJ1
la11ded , was fTon1 t hut circumflante denomin;ttc:d lpfWds/lt rl, or IYtpp<dsjlftl, Cl)ntrafl:cJ to- .EbJfa11; to
accou Ot ·fo r "'·hich, the auth ors on .whom M ilton, aud Sammes, 472, rely for ir1tellig.ence in this
point, have bee11 f,; obligin g <ls to k ill us auother Saxo1l chief, in orJer t o fi x his 11an1c to t his pl:Jce,
' ' noai to wh.ich i11 a. battle o.n£.• JYipptd, a Saxon earl, loft his lift" : 1 • -now it Wolild have bcc:11 \vo rth
wbjle, if e i1hcr (h<::)', or "V c rfl<:"gan, or Baker, or an y (>f our Sa)(Ot) ety1nologiCls, h'!U into
tiic reafon_, 9-:hy it rt::<:~i ..•cd that appcJ lation; inftead of fo conveniently kil ling that g_cntle,man: t he rea..
fun t hen K..-eo1s rather t o h~tve h-t c11 t h iii ; our aot·c,lors ua1dcr {tandi 11g Greek, gave the 11:imc of fppt d1jitrt
to tl\is plac<, where Htng/I their dcliver<.r lauded, becaufe ·1..,,... was Grc~k for a Horfa; by a h•ppy
a llu fion to t1is UQme. ·
t Ac~ording to the good old j ingle of the lcarn•d Engclhu'fius, os quoted by Blount, in bis Gloffory ;
QlliiJp-e brcvis glad ius apttd i.l los Sa~a vocatu'r t
Undc fibi Saxo t.toincn trax.ille putitur.
F (lr, a fuor t f\vord by tl1cm Stax wr1s n amed ;
.. . \ <\'hence for t.l.'e 11arnt! of SutnJ t he.r'v·c been far;icd. . .
~ Ayent1 Jl(1S fub Ne.ro111S tc n1porc Sa xO!lli'e gentes 2ppellat; iSax.onum CcJ1m ct Saxon1a: Homt o in
5,·pt~:ntrio11aliuc11 g et1tiu1n at:nai ibus lo11gC -a'ntc i lia ce n1pora occurrit; intti Gra:cos et Latinos fcrip·
t ores l icet nemo ;inte }>colcm:cum eorum n1c1nin it ; StJ.).'Onts cnim fub Czfaris ;tvo Ci111hr~rum · nocni11e
·.potiflimlun noti funt :" .S bcring. p. 30.

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Work itfelf; tho' Camden, and Milton, 129, tell us, that the "Saxons are thought
by good ~ritcrs to. be dcfcended of t~e SactE, a ki'nd of Scytbian i11 the North
of Afia ; thence called -Sacqfan~, cori\raCled to Saxons, or Jons ef SactE, who with
a flood of other Northern (Aliatic) nations, came ioto Europe, and uling pir-,1cy
frorn Denlnark all. along tlrofe feas, polfelfed all that coafi of Gern1an y, and the
Netherlands, \Vbich took thence the naJne of Old Saxony."
· Probable as this opinion n1ay at ·firft 1ight apptl':lr, it does not fcen1 to be the true
one; .foi., "to exan.1ine the lykclyhood of· this," fays Verftegan, 18, "wee are to
note, that the Saxons did neuer. wryte, or call ,thc1nfelues Saxons, but anciently
Seax111; and the fyllable en, at the end of ivoords, dotf1 fcrue inft.ead of .r, to
figni!y the plural number; as in 6rerbren, children, oxen :"-and then in p . 21
and 2, he endeavours to fhcl\v, tli~t they \vere th'e A·borigines, or natives of
Germany; -.vhich is only conftlling his ig_no~ance of their origin; but however .
he :tdn1irs1 that : they' received a different appellation. t:Com their neighbours in.
the Cimbrica Cherfonefus, and, for the fake of diftinCtion, were C·alled Saxonr
ftom the we:lpons they wore : only here again; as '"e obferved above, the appella-
tion is .Greek; as will be found in the \Vork itfelf. •
To· pr91•e now the lhort-lived tranquillity of human affairs, when they rely for
protetHon on · foreign arms, and call over" foreigners to defend the1n, the. Saxons
fron1 being. protectors, very foon bacame invaders, and prefcntly fcnt over for
five thoufand mor~ of their country1nen ; and then entering into an alliance
with tire P.iC'ts·and Scots, thofe very people \v hom they came over on purpofe to
drive out, · turned their (words againfi the Britons, thofc very people whon1 they
had been invited over to defend !-To folve this intricacy, Verftegan' feems to.
bint, that" the Britons were ·gro"-'tl• into great auerfion frotn their kyng, and 110
li:fs hatred v.nto the Saxons; . feeing that kyng Vortiger, ·a Britilh kyng, had
married Rowena, a Saxon lady,. and 11eice to one of their generals, and had left
liis lawful '"Yf.*''.. .
This· indecd·,vould have been provocation enough to have. ju(lified a revolt in
the Britons, and for them to have joined the Piets and Scots againft the Saxons;
or at lcaft a·n indu·cemen t fufficiently ftrong to .have prompted the Saxons to have
adhered to the intereft of their holt, united to them now the more firmly by the
bonds.of wedlock; and confequentJy ·to have fuppoited his caufe againft that of
bis 'rebellious fubjeets : on the contrary, the good old ~entleman hi1nfclf .tells us,.
p. 1 30, that " on May dny, both . Vortiger and .J'feng1ft n1et on ~alilburie plalne,
either of then1 acco111pagned \vitlr his thiefefi lgrdes anii followers; and there
kyng Hingijltu prepared for them a fcaft ; ar\d after. the Britans .were wcl whitled,
\Yith wyne, he fell to taµn ting and girding at thcrn ; w.hcrevpon lilowes infued;
and the Britifl1 nobilliric there prefen t, becing in all three hundreth, were all of
thc1n Oaine; as VVilliam -0f Malmefburie reporteth; tho' other~ 1nake the num-
ber more. "
\>Yhatever tr'u! h there may be 'i n this narration, the condu"Ct of the Saxons ap-
pears rather perfidiou ~, an~ fee1n~ lO \Vear the face of treachery : rerhaps the'
Sa.xons at this entertainm~nt n1ight have defpifed the we~k nefs both o prince and
nobles ; and confcquently tnight have looked on this as. a proper opportunity
) . - .
• Nc11nius,. Willia1n of !\flaln1cibUr)"': Hcnr>' of Hunti•tgdoO, Gcoffty of ~{oumouth, SpC'cd, a11d:
Sa1nolt s, \vlch 11iuch greater piob:lbLllt)', c..:all Row11111 cbt dtt11zht1r of 1-lcngifi: Ind Sbcri1,g. 14., adds ·
ycc: ;u1uthcr rca.foi1 for tJ1is revolt ; \•iz. t' quOd dcl>itutn in1J1t1bu.$ ftipcndiu1n 11on pertOlvcraot.' 1 •


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P.· R E F A C.. E .._
for're·.atfJ:rti~ . thetr.nadve r.iiht, 4-nd for reviving ~ir . antient hereditary ·cJame
to this i!latid J if tlley WCfC fenfible of ·a,ny fuch title ;,..-but let their clame Of"
their tide have b'cen ever fo juft, th is certainty inuft have ·b eta a v~ry·unjuftifiable .
!11et~oli of vi11dicating it ; and .let the reafon for this n1alracii:: ~lie been \'l'ba~ever
1t m1glu, the confequences of It lVC:re very ·dreadfuJ to the nation; for-- this u an
undoubted fact, that for near two hupdred years following, this kingdom was a
rontinued fc::cne of defolation )!nd confufion; the Saxons however pre•ail.ed in the
end;. and the few Britons, who furvived thofe traubl~. betook themfelves for
refuge to the wild. ~d cr11ggy mo.untains of Corn,val and of Wales.
But, notwithfiandlng the Suons had thus gained firm footing and fure ella-
blUhment on this iiland, fuch an cv-c11t ought not certainly to have been deemed a
fufficieilt .foundation · for Vcrftegan . to aficrt, as he does in p. 188, that " the
Saxon or Teutpnic remains tlle ground of our language, and that it bas had for
its original rio other fource :"-in which alfertlon he is moft probably miftaken •
for. if conquefi &lone be ~ fufficient argument for the eftablilhing of any lan-
guage, it might be worth while to afk him, and all our other Saxon a<ivocates,
\vhat language they can fuppofc, and allo\v, that the inhabitants of this illand
. [poke, after they had been converfi1ilt with the Romans for five hundred years be-
fore the Saxons wete invited over to Britain ?-what could it have been, but the
Brltiflt, impi:oYed by the Roman ? for, as Milton ackno\vledges, p. ·60, " the
Romans beate us into fom civilitie :" and, to bring the argument .nearer to his own
times 1 if the Saxon or Teutonic was the ground of our language, bccaufc they
drove out the Br-i,tons, •then in his own times the N onnan mufl: have· been the
.ground of our:\an·guage, becaufe the Normans drove out the Saxons: in lhort;
the lang\lage of tliis iiland is a mixture of all thefe; being compounded of theft"o
and many others : but the ground-work of our modern Englilh tongue is Greek;
and fo it was even in the days of Verftegan.
If then there are any words in our language, at this day to he found likewife
m the Saxori tongue, they feein probably to be fuch, as they found 11ere, cfla-
\llllhed and manumifed long before their arrival, and perhaps were adopted by
.themlelves afterwards; and what makes this fuppofitiou the more probable is,
that moft of thofe words, which other et:ymologifts have imagined to be Saxon,
and many of the Saxon words themfelves, are really in the courfe of this \V'ork
found to be Greek •; and therefore, that thofe ety1nologifts, who would derive
thofe words only from the Saxon tongue, do really flop lhort of their true de-
rivation by at lea!l two thoufu.nd years : for what Cafaubon fays in p. 378, is moll
juftly true : " ut dicam libere, quod fentio : pauca puto verc et genuine Anglica
five Saxonica, i.e. vet.era, reperiri ; qure (iis exccp.tis qure Latinre funt originis)
fi rite, et diligenter expendantur, non poflint ad Grrecos fontes revocari." .
Whoever is acquainted with.that intricate and unaffeCl:ing part of our E nglilh
• As to the llruClurc of t he Saxon tongue, C afaubon, P• ·13<), poGtiYely alTtrt., "eun vel G111:cz,
.f~d , b ultim:i originc, propaginem fuitTe; vel certc: ab c3dcm, qui ct Grz:ca, origi nc, ut a G f'a!Ci fola
dilfcrt diaJeao, l">loRuxilfe :'' and 'Spelman, in his Glofi'ary, under the article: VV it1 acknowledges the
fan\e; "Saxonlcz dillioncs freqv:cntius Grz:cis refPondeant, qua"'! Romanis :''-and not the Saxon only,
but the German ljlccwifc; for Caf~ul!on, :u8. (ays, " ultim11m nunc fu p<rcll argumentum; quod ab
b rflorii, ct gcfi-arum nlcmori3 ! CJO Jic cc11(eo: fi funditus periilfet lingua Gcrmanica, ut 11ullum
ex verbis ar:gum~ntum duci poffit ; ~ 1pfarum rerum gellarum, qua: m~moriz mandat:e funt,
ci rcumflantiis probabiJiter inftrri fOfTe, litiguam Grrmanitam U GrtecU multMJn t raxijfi, 11 tx illti partitit
' ''iflitijfi. ,, :
3 hifiory,

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J;Uftory,,· ~l\ich treats ·of, the Sa:iron l:l~tarcJir,

wiiJ prefeptly a:iljjw., .tbat.thci_nan•
ners of the men rude as their language; and that the wlwle.rute of ki.ogsi
•s they arc calleq, from t!lengij} -to' Egbert, .a· LPa~ .of· (;QIJ)pEChcnding' j45
9.r 3 50 y~rs, were a' r.ace of tbe moft ·favl(ge and ·brutal kind of mi:n , and :w.erc
really a.s uncivilized ;is d1~ iWijd Indians ifi·· America: and .tha.t e,ven after the
Hep~archy w,a.s diir&.lv~d, ;vid. ~l · the fev11n er.owns :wer~ united on the head of
Eg~ertt in 890 .af~e.r Chrill; yet.•even f;roin him . to Haro/J 11. j. ~. a60 YCV•
·1}1orc, t~y w~~ .v.e~y. )ittle ~cues l u11l~fs tbe buiiding of monafteries, · mak.i ng
pitg~images to Rome, .and king&> a,nd qµ_ een$ turning tllQfl!f,S and .a!JbefTes, coufd
l.ton,e for the.fPedding of hu.!Jlan b).ood by affa;ffinati0n : for their wh ole hiftory, u-
~ept,~hat of .A/(t;cd,, ;arid ~WO 01' three.other.a:, is taken : up 'with ver:y llttle, .tpc .narl".t~ions of. ba11tl!!s,, and i;nurder.s, and ·rna1faores, with poifon- •
~ngs, '. :i:njl ·•<\P~S',,. !l'n!i ineeft:s, -.a.od adµlJer.i!is ; ·" ,alt;irs"·defiled. with perjuries;
8oiJ\e~ ·~il!ll<ned ;\Yith .fornications; the l~nd polautecl W'tth· the :f>leod of. tbei-r
pri1ices,; . civi ~,dilfe0 tions <alnong the ipeople; · and finally, .aH th.e fame.,vices, whieh
the• mour1~ft1l ..Qildas alleged .of..old <tO :h!l've ,ruined the .Btitons. :" '!¥lllton, iz,21 ~.,..:..
~nd .y~t. i..t ,\~ J.fPIJl thetc :v.e.ry people tb~f we ·ha:v.c. i:eceivcd . a fet · of tile wJfei:
!ai."s, .and ~ '!Ol1fii~ution. Qf ,thi:: ,belt igoverninent, thit. ·is to be found at; this day
fubliil"1g .~Hf.the.face p~ >h.e <i<'\rJt·h •-pe.rhaps their v11ry Yices wer.c c.on d iicive·to
tlic.eiµl:Hifl1i,ng.of tpofe Ill.M'S; w·h jeh,hav.c.con'tirnied , widi'.t ome fmallivaYiation, and
a VC!Y ,giqa,t :addition, fi'Oql /iengifl 1d1e tirft 'king of I\,ent, in the year 4SJ after
Chrifl,., ~o the .pre(ent tin1Qs; i. e, ;thove, 1 3·0 0 yeJtrs.
:' ~~.itper. d~d E;g\ie11t·a!l;d his {uc~ll\:>.~s ·enj!fy a.quiet· polieffion ; for.:the Danes made
feveral defpera.te ~!~fo~us. on ~~:s )·1lal},rj,,f0 early as •thc y~ ·y8.7,. and:cootinued itlieir
infiunian ~nd. .~lqodr. ,q1ole{fut-ion& for ,a,bov~ two ·-hundrcd . y.cirs~ 'vhen .'Canutl, a
~a11e, feized the whole k,ing.dQin .ii). ·19,1·7 ·; lio.vt,ev.ei their domination of 25 yi:ais
ended in ·l 0 ,4 2., . when .the '$'11'011 lini: w~s. agilin refloted; but ·continued 10oly 24
y.eal'S lq1)_ger; · w,h.eQ Jri!/ip111, tbe .Nor111P'/I, qon1monly i:alled.WJ1fiam the ConquerJJT, (ole mqt}a~"b af th is.>k.i1tgd9m .in 1·0A6. · · · 1 • . , ,.; • . •
·$0 th~t no)IV w,e wi\l Joo!!: ,l.Oc\fards. Ic.e/and. . . · .. :, · 1
,... ... •

VJ. Of the. ICELAN.: PIC,. and qt}lcr. Nortber.n .dial.efu.
.. . .

' IJavin;g mentioned the ~e'rmttnf>' $qxq11,s, <111d !)an~,. it inny,· b.e prOf!Ct .now to

fay fon1~t4ing. on the Ice~ndic ~I.¥=; :fiQqe .fome etymologU\s ·ha\!C
~9 deduce many of our wqr;ds ft:otn th,a~. apd ~e ·other ·N~rJhcrn t<iqgtJes, wl,lic~ only Co many.di1Terent.dialeds.of thc Germanic na~ions . . ·
• Some have: in1agined, 1bat ~hen. Chrifiia.nity- ~gan_ to pre.vail)p t!iis iflan~. ilie
every ~'l'h<;te .pe;(!d ,Dr;uM,t .l'<:tre'ltcd, .as ·~9· ·diet~ (u.r~ft pl;uic of, refug~. ~o
1,:ela11d : -this opit1ion is 1either r}v.rong, .or this perfe<;!-!t]qn could not l!ayi: l?~.n
t·arried on aga infi them by the Chrifiians ; for Chri.fiianity' was not known , or if
.kno~vn, ~Jot bear an;y g,c 01t prevalence..i·n..tbis nation, ,siM the times of At(/li11
the n1onk; about the year 600· after Chrift : • it is true in~eed we ·'.find ment~on
~nade in .. ~he ·early part' ?ur .h ifiory .. t~~t .'Jo.ftph of ~T,lfl/~tkea ~a Pie o ver iJ)'t~ ~~s
llland, fo e~rly ~s. the yea~ .. 3 1_ .aft~r ,Chnfi; and ,tl)at Lt{CtJ!s .was ~be fi.rft Cl;intlian
.J'ing, ~bput tbe year, 2.0p.;', a~d that Co1iflanti1ie pnblickly.. d~laied .:fiimfclf a, oon-
v.ert to the ~~riffi~!\fa!:t,ht~~o~~; t~i: _r:~a~. 4·~o: ~·ul: ~h.c·e~r~e~.~1~!on ,oftqe Druid.ass
' I o - , \\r .
: •• ' • • 'a-

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.XX.Xll· P· .R. E- F· N e E·•
was commenccd.long•befote that Vct}" '·petii~d. by Fau/inus ..Suetonitu, ~ il)e year
6r- after Chrift •. : · · · ·. .•:·' ' • .. " . · . · ·• .
: On ·the other, :hand·: i'f the Dr11id1, , thofe adepts in •aJ.I the ·learning, ·both civil
and religious1•. which was kno''' n in thofe early times, had aetuaUy retired to
lctland1··when they· were forced to·r.ett'eat frdm Brit!l'i n, it 'is fometh'ing remark-
'able, tliat the:foiences. in keland lhould <have betn .f:ni't in a ftate of infancy fo late
as .t~e year .Jo56,. \vhich is. only ten years before the Norman conqueft.; while
Britain! had erijoycd. the benefit ·of Jetters above 1100 years., and· the benefit df
tlie<'Gofpel above 450, or, according to others, 736.yea rs before that period: for
Dr. Finnteus, the ' learned bill1op of Skal holt-, in ·his Eccleliafiiclll Hi!lory of
-li:ela11d, publilhe~ in 1772, .con1pares the ·fiate f>f _the felences in ·Iceland tO" the
Fou r ages of- humari life i "' theif·i'nfaniif,'' fay~ he,· ' "cx·tended to the year 10·5 6;
:when i:he. inU:odull:i?n of.thc .Chriffi:in religion produced ' th~ 'firft daw~ of light :
-they \Vere in theu1:youth" t141 .fl r.o; w·hen <fchools were firff effabhthed, and
the education and iriffruction of. you th bi:gan to be 1nore attended to than be.:
fore :-the 111anly age• lafi1:d till. about ·the middAe· ef the I century; whe11
lcela11d produced the greateft number of. learned n1en :.-old age · appeared to\vards
the end of the.. fame centnry.; ·(iliort duration !) ·when the. fciences gmdually de-
creafed,. and were .ajmoft intirely extinct; no works ·of any 1nerit a~pearing ;
hifiory•now drooped her· head·; poetry had no relilh ; and -all the .other fciences
were enveloped in darknefs; the fchools began to decay ; and in 1nany places they
had none at all; it \vas ·very uncon1n1on for any to underlland Latin ; and ·few
priefts .could read their breviar.y and rin,als. /luen.tly :"- fuch is the account 1vhich
this learned bilhop has gi:ven us of the ftate of.. learning in Iceland t . .
· Whether or no t here bas been a refi.tfcitation of learning in Icela11d, with in
th~fe two or three centuries lafl: palt, as we ver-y happily. find there has been in
our, ow·n nation, I have not as yet been able to learn ; but this is a truth that
may be very fafcly admitted, that if there are any number of words •in our lan-
guage, in common with the inhabitants .of Iceland, DenmarR, Norway, Sueden,
Germany, or any of the other Northtrn dialel:7s, it will .be evidently found, in the
'courfe of conful ting the following Work, that they are either all, or moll: of
them, derived, ..both to them, and . to ourfelves, thro' the medium of.. the Greek
• and Latin languages; thofe· two being 'the origin ·or chief compofirion of n°ioft
European tongues, except in foll'\e fe,v particulars; and . it. is from thofe two
languages chiefly, that \Ve are polI'etfed of all that copiouinef.; of expreffion, and
all tliat fluency of ' wor~s, which are to be found in the writings of our bell
poets, and the fpeech~s of our beft orators : ~nd indeed it is no \von dei-_ that thefe
two lhould be the main ·fourccs of t~e Englijh language, fince, as \VC have fecn,
t he Romans had been fuch po\verful act9rs in· the·Britilh aff:'lirs, for 'five hundred.
years before the arrival of the' Saxons; and that very probably the y reeks had
,been here at leall a thoufand ·)'.ears before'the Romans. . ·.. ·
·• .And yet Stowe, .p. 38', mentions the convcrtion of.many of t~c D ruydes to the Chrillian faith
in tlae time of Luc&us about 17(), .or rather 2 ¢'0 after Ct; rift• · .
.t lt is n1uch ~o be fea.rc~, this n>cla11choly i;eprefcntatio.11 of thc ,tbte o(thc (cier1ce!: l1l ]ccland may b,e
applied nluCh nearer home; for they ~o a1ot feern to hive .been i11 :a 'more lioriihing fituJtion1 even 200
JC3-r~ after th01t very period, in our own illand; for th'n:t Would fall an ver.y nc2rly \Yi th the tin1cs of
Hertry ..VJlf. wticn an o1d mon k., who h:i<l c:::onft~ntly ia liis brirviar.y read A1u1npji11111s1 D ,n1inr1 for
Sumpjimus, w:a.s .adrnouilhcd co.corre.Ct his abfurd exp,reffio11; '' No,''.•(a;.ys Jte, '-' "~'' ; '1• ~aye rc;id it fo
for above tbefe fiftr, year& pall i and lball u'ot now cb.angc my good old Mumpjimus, for your new·
fangled Sump/Uf!u1, ' ·
W henever

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P R E F A C .!!'. XXXJJ1
Whenever therefore we find any words at prefent iubfifting in ou r language,
fin1ilar in found, but. undoubtedly the f.'Ulle in Jigni6cation, or very nearly fo, with
others in · the Greek tongue, why lhould we at all hefitate to deduce the!r origin
from thence; or be alhamed as· it were at finding our modern Englijh derived from
lilfJ antient and fo honourable a nation ?-why · then do our etymologifis ftop
~ort of ·.this· great fountain, and endeavour to deduce their derivations from the
muddy dialects, and impure branches of all th,e harlh, grating, Northern tongue•.
infiea·g of tracing, following'; and perfuing their etymologies thro'" the n1ain
courfe of that moll: noble language, the Greek, \vhich would infallibly lead them
to the true origin of -their own ?
The ·fiudy and cultiva~ion therefore of the Greek and Roman la~guages
would be a far more rauonal, and a far 1nore advantageous e1nploymeot . for
Englilhmen-, as Englilhmen, than the addrdling themfclves fo n1uch to. the
French tongue; which has arlfen of late to·fo great a degree, that they have in
a manner almofi totally negledcd the cultivation of their own mother tongue, to
adopt that of foreigners:- this fondnefs for the French, even fo high up as the
times of Edward the Conft;iJr, in ·1051, \Vas carried to fo great a height, that it .
ilCtually pavei:I the way for the Norman contjt«ft, as Milton obferves in p. 330;
" then began the Englifh to lay afide their own antient cufiomes, and in many
things to imitate ·Fr~ncb manners; the··g reat peers to fpeak Frmch in their houJes;
in Frmc./J to write their bills, and letters, as a great piece of gentility, a!h an1ed
of their own ; a prefage of their fubjeeticin ihortly to that people,' whofe falbions
and language they affeaed fo fiavilhly :"-how fatally applicable may this. pre-
dietion be to. ourfelves, even at this· prefe,.iit period !-'' if thefe were the caufes,"
continues ·he, p. 357, "of fuch mifery and thraldo1n to thofe of our_anceil:ors, at
the Norman conquefi, w·i th what better cloCe can be concluded, -than here in fit
feafon to remember this age, in the of her fecurity, to fear from li!Cc vice.,
\vithout due amendment, the revolution of like calacnities !" ·
To furn up this argument ; let us jufi take a fuort retrofpeCtive view of the
foregoi ng events, and their dates ; which will moil: evidently prove the great
antiquity of the Greek tongue ; and at the fame time lhcw us the periods very
nearly when the other European languages co1nmenced in this iiland:

I. The EGYPTIANS colonized GREECE, under the following leaders :

Ber. Cb1t1.
.IE,gialeus, who founded the kingdom of Sicyo11
J• 2079
Jnacbus, who founded the kingdon1 of Argos
2. 1856
3. Ogyges, who founded the kingdom of Thebes in B.zotia 1855
,. and, i· Cecrop1, who founded the kingdon1 of Athens 1556

lf. The GRE E KS colonized IT ALY, under the following leaders:

""· Cluit.
Oenotrw, from Arcadia
1. 1470
2. Pelafgus, from 'Thefaly . 1385
3. E'Vander, from Pal/antium in .Arcadia - 1244
+· 1-lercules, firft landed in Spain; then next in Italy 12.26
5. /F,nflU, from Tr~. landed at Laurent11111 -
and, 6. The P!Maans; who built Maifrilles in France
- 118•

e Ill.. GREEKS

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.XJ(XlV p •. R E· J:i' . A · C : E ..
• ··~ .. . .,..;.
. '
~·; ..:.,.;...:• ·,: O'• ·'! I • •l \ ' ...•, . t'
.,.,.,.,:••~· ~"':-
!';""if • '' •
::..~?..,:·:~4 ,"}'..' J,! . .,

"'·'• <:" ·," IJJ; GR.E·E.:K,S .fetitled . in• BR·IT:A.J N.1:., . . •·. ,., 7:,'. .';'
:.:•;t-"' ·. . 1 '. .• , 1 I :-.,!!"1 I u~ ;; . /,';.."ft'•'.:: ff',, .:>JJ~ ... >: r:":<!~~l) .~~f·f~~ ';J·t"r-·
~he J?r~11s,,,1 ~o~g ~et~re ..Hru.tus . . ._. ~~- :-~· ·'~!...{l"";"\"'7 "}--.~?~? :it•:"
J:.; /i·. .J· • .
'''·•''. ,, 2. ,Bru~tls,, 'fr:,orq Tr~. to 5pa111; .from ~pain. to Brlf(l!!I ••t 1., .. J,l l,?.... ·
.'-. 3._ Bla!uri ~ringp ~'?~r G,reek .Pliilo~op~er_? froif:i ./f..thau . , . ·, · ,r=, 1§8? .· ..·
., , ·, and' afte~wards builds h1~ .uu Lv~rfily of1 Sta1i!fard_- ~J· ,963 1 .•
;; · 4. T~mple.s;. ~~ili ,in E~iiaip t,?-,P,ree~ -~~\1je~~,:~ .. ·. ·: : ,'. ,.,"i96f :'.-1.: :
• J• •• \ •. I . . .
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IV • . R.OMANSfcttled . inB'.l(·I 'f-AI N ... . ,,- -..· . • :
• •·. ~. Bcf;Cb1rlt. I
' ' · n ·. r, ·, I . 'fi' ..
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"t ,,.1 2 • .,<;lau.diuLJ:!t;ef.!fs,Co,r;i{ts i!}tP,1l}ritf1{1! : , rt~!'tni. :I<> r1.:;~:..,, ; ...1 \~ ~. 55 ··;· ·l
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'.i;· Adrian. \>~ilds,.it_ w.~ 11 .i!1 Bt;it17/!1.,;., / .-,f.,'; >:. .; ·-..•

~~+ -.·-·' ~
.. : 5, ,Sl!".urus ~ke\~1ff!? .a.n~ 3ft~r,wa~ds. cl ~cs a~,T';rk,_ \'!-• ... .,. . . , ., 21,z ... ,
, ~' .P· C,01{/lnnt111s. too ·Pfy~; a~J.Oflk..,'i.1'" ''\\~·,<1). :·i.i l•l1 """" . ! .. · 3<?6:: ,' '·
,. 'f: (:01if/f 1l·S ·, ; l:,, , u 11V.."•.; 'i;::>tlJ ;Abl:S vs.! t1J 1.f;:f!. •.:i ')! .f · · 1351t- ;, ·
. , . _ 8.. Tl1e Ro11<ans Je,~yi;. jPri.trpi~,,.1 ;,.~1~ :.1!1 <,,;:ln: su1 u ,~,., ,·'. ;, ·' " :. 11-:1-l . .. ! 1
.. . , v-. The s:~~o~~. Jte~h 1.<>?16leh'/f3R'iri\.iN:·.:1;, .. .'" • 2s~·." .; 1
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!rl~1te~_ 1over ••~Y• f:'orf1ge1
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1.'! . , . :V.II, T lie NORMANS jn_vade. ENGL~f:o(p,. .,;L• · ,, • .. - k~6,4·! ·.. ::

,.;., ·'A'ii~, Vlii."l.:carnlng 'fioflaiea .iri !CEL!\~p· i ::; .... : ., . :.;~~ :) ~~;o _;: _
-:-.:.N~t-vith 1lariiili1.g ~hen alf 1tlie p'artialiiy, .t h2t iiny 'of·otJr!et}"mo1<lgiffs · m·ay 1Have
deiired co lhe(v, for their .'di'(fei'ent favbi1't'ice fyffims; as; Ole!n~irl :ffir lhe ·cettic;
P~rfi'ega11, 'Ju11it.u , and RdJ', for"che Saxorr ~ Bki111it·r ·for tjle ' Befgic arid· T+ii?q,1/t :
an<l Lyt for tlie [cela!ldic; ·ahii'diher N~r.tholi1 icng11<'r;-'it is · 'not po8ible 'to fup-'
p oft, bec?. ulc ~t is not poffible to conceive, t har the Greeks. and R.on1~ 9s, (Ili c
G r.Xks 111ore (~{pccr;11l y) \vhofe ·origin ·has been traced ·n'p to t he ·eatlielt' ad :ou1~t of
t hings,. lhould _not have had ; 1 ~anguage ·'till they . borrow~d i.t ._fronl ti1e Celts,
or Gauls;· nor a religion, till tlier b'ori-ow~<l It Troui the l)1:11id1."lri 'BrftaJ,z ':' as 1~el I
-might :'vq
fuppofe, rhat la1rning lliolild h ave 'been tbe offspri·1i~' of :gnoronce'; nnd
po!ih·1!efs qf bt1rb'ai·fj~1: on
the con trary, it fe'eins .to have . been far n1or~ likely,
that thcfe' lat ter people the.n1lelves, barbarous in' the'ii·' 1nanne'rs, and r·ude ii'\'tl'ieir
dialelf, '?er~ tnught both to refi ne the oric, and poli fl1 t he othe r, by che con -
nexiohs, w-hic'h they f(irme'd in 'n1any tlibfequcnt ?,eneraiidns, by \v:fo, by
co1nn;,ei·ce, · by in termarriages, or by fon)e other me2ns of con1n1un ication, \vj th
t hoie:-t'':° inore fi61ite nations : and per'baps it n1ay not be altogether ·1,.hreafonable
to fu ppol~, th at tli ey '"ere bro\igh t to fO'me degree of rcfhiert1cnt 'by"the' D1·11ids
1he1nfcl ves ; wl'10, as we have already hinted ,' 1i1il!lit ·have '·been •:it fiHt fo1ne Greek
.Philo~1c~}'lfers, of' :it 'leall: 'fome Greek crn rgrants , i~v!}O fehldJ.! h'ere ve.f·y. early in
t his ~!!'~on: fo r ' thi s is· cerra in , that 'ion'g •'bcfot~ th e 'ir'rin l'\\f·ithe ';'axo ns_, che
Druill( 'boch ffffdedlood artd 'wrote ·tlie 6reek -'l'ctters.: : and· not tbe":Druidron')y. I

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for ·

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.P. R: ...E . F ..• A,
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c. iE....
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fur.·.s:inunC6,· ~o~~·,., t~Ns:; u~; '

the ·tfmes :p£ ':.<'lalifiula·;~lnct<·?lmid~,

" .dami11i111,' the •fclo-on'd ·f-on~ 0u110i>elifne;} fce.~dt tb!lttv,f! -.:-fkerrt :ri k'ing ~boia
the year 44 a'£tcr Chr.J;ff; ·111y..,a;\iiii1cient·to)lrlif1~ith 'this· in[cripdon, i·lll Greek 1>·'1
~ .: ... ~. , ,,:,rvii11!rbgqi\l,~.-:.E'tifylINA~o;:r '~/.ir~rJ.;~~ ::· .: ;.: , : _-·:(:
I : ,., •• r j... ."fftropa(is, E~1lnit1ii . Regi1i.r f ., . ...; , . ·:
• : • '· ;~ l, : ; • -

this 'coin then m~fl:· have betri·'firutlC.1abcint · ~bo years· b'lfore ·the' ·coming 9vct of
the Sa.x ons; · aiiil· ~(iaf(e'r thi:y''had•becn' acqulin t,ed vvith che ·Rciinans: · · · .. ,
'rhis' opinion,. th•t o.ui' Br°itilh ·a1i~cfioi's · i1ilder!~ood •Creek' long 'before 'ttic
arrival of either Ron1aas or :Saxons, \vi'!! receive a yet f:ul!C1' 'to11firination f~om
the nan1es of'
1ttc· fe\.ctal ·temj:iles. th:it '"~re bui·lt by tile . Britilll 'Rings; \ong
b e.fore Cafi1r ;:'as m'e;ftiotrcti. by ou-r -antient' hillorians, par.ficularlY".Srowe', P· ie,
:where he 'tells· us, · " Ebi·a'nke O.i.iyll!ca a , temp Id to ·Dia1~a . in rorke, aqout
962 years before Ch rill; ·th:it Bladud, p. 22,: 1n~d.c"a temple ·to . Apollo in Bathe,
853, befvre Cbrilt, i, e. 800 years before .thC: ' R on1itns :ever 'faw· 'Britain ; 11od
that 'Lear~. hi s fon, made a . t~mple 'to J o.nus · in L c1cifler·,' ~44 pefore Chri!l:;
arid tliat Coneilagus, granqfon ·of', made' a · t<!ni ple to . 'Ma1:s 'at Pe1:che ( no\v
Perth) ;. niiotfier to MineF<Ja)n "B!211gor!; a'nd .a· third to 1'1ercur)' in Cornwa7,

• about 806 yeais before {.1uift;" dr s2· bd'ore even the of 'Jlome. '
Fro1n· wh ence tioiv can lt be {oppofeil, that they ·acquired. ih9fe names
froni rhi R ilrnahs ceriaf.ri!'y :,-if 'i·t ibould be faid; th~t. the,fc \\•ire Celtic na1nes,
an4 that the Greeks adopted 'them froq1 the Celts and Druids; let · ine 'only offer
in ' teply, fhat It maybe· vt:ry eafily Qlewrr fro1n the writing!." of the Qre~R ·poets;
and' h iftorians, .that tlie fe very narh'es . were' in co1nmon• ufc. ainong' the Greek~,
long before the times o.f the Trojan \Var; which ii' many cen turies before it c'aq
be pi-o'\·ed, tha.t ·the Celts. had any· cof!nexion witn rhe Greeks, or the (>reeks
~1 ith tlieri:i ; ' nay, if it' muft be gtan'ted that they had ariy', ~hen it is far . n:io.rC.
likely, that the· Celts' borrov;ed"th.efo names f~o1n 'the Gre.e ks, than the ' Gree!{$
fro1n. 1he Celts ; . not1'fitl~llandins, thi\t. !'.attier ' Pezr~n , ·a~d <?lehni1, \\'.O~l~. ·ha~e
both the Greek mid Latin languages con1e from 'the Celtic ; 111 ivl.11ch op1n1on, l
believe•,. the

. ..
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ftrea1n of clallic' fcholars \viii unite to a man ag:i.inll: thern •. '
On the Ufe T of L
'• .
E .Y M o. p· G
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.. . \':
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, .t:E T _rne. noV.:. (ay.fo1nethiog on the Ufa .ef Ety~11ology '. iu.ge1{eral. .
· 1'hcrc are· two branches of knowledge in the attaining of e very Iangu~ge, bot&'"
antient and· n1oder11; the .firft, becm11e·the moll: eafy' and ob(rious, .is the ii_1npl~.'
jig11ification, 01' meaning of the .co1nm·on and ordinary \Vords, which conftituie that "
language 1 and is attainable by the 1110.fl: ignorant and i:lliterate; for ' th'ere" anf
thoofa11ds of our own, who can n<lither read, nor ivrrte, . much left
fpel.I; who yet are able to maintain a decent C'onveri:~t.ion · on many ·intric~te fub~
jefrs: but then,~ what 'is the koowledge •of li1ch ,ill-iterate pee.fons, · co1nparea ·t1'
the kno\vlcdge <1f ~hofe, who have acquired ;i ·fiia . f.-wther infigJ1t into. the ·powci'I :
.. .. . . . . • . ti .
• ,- She~i'11· l.ili:cwife·is o:f the fatnc opinion, that the lcorni ng o( the Gr~s in· • great me...fu~.
wa..~. derived. fro1n the Getz, ~r Goths; for thefe are his O\Vn rvords in P· 162, where he fay~ ,, tot
ccrte ~eroeS., artium ~et fcicntiOJrurq i11\•entores, f:imfl Celebrc's , ct rerum cxj>crienti3 dotli, inter G e tas
exftitcrlnt, "Ut ab illis Grtcci magna ex paJte literis ac difciplic1is infiruel-i fu:it.' '
e 2. of

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· • • 'P R' E F .
A .. C E.
of.oitr lailgt111g~. by having mid our bell authors; boch of aotient and modern
ti'!les ? it is hardly ·poffible to {uppo{e, that a yet greater fund cm be opened to
the minds of fuch readers, 'who fttm to be already fraught, with all the kno\v-
lcdgc that the Englijh langw.~ is capable of beftowing; and yet there is another
branch of fcience in the fiudy of 01tr _,, trmgue, that may alford even them, if not
a farther infight in to it, at lcaft may afford them fomc a1nufernent in the perfuit
of it; and partic.ularly if novelty has any ell'ed:: and it is etymology will furnilh
ua with this new difcovery; for there are nurnberlefs words, that arc fan1iliar to
our eyes, familiar to our ears, familiar to our tongues; but, notwithilanding all
this eafy fa1niliarity, we may not perhaps know from whence they arc deri'l.led;
and why th,ey carry that particular meaning, preferably to any other; or why
perhaps they fornetimes, tho' but feldom, carry a dilfetent meaning, and \Vear a
different appearance from the original language; we all know that things arc
called fo and fo; but do we know why they are called fo ?-it is etyfflohgy will
inform us, by giving us the original. .
This knowledge will furcly afford us the greater pleafure, beca.ufe it will alford
us ai it were a double infight into the' powers _of each word 1 viz. the common
acctptatio11, and tbt tkrivathu flnfe 1 that is, the fenfc it borrows from the original
language ; and from this comparifon will fo1neti~cs arife a new idea of that
word; which, if we had not acquired before, mull give a new pleafure to the-
imagination : many inftances of which n1ight be · here. produced, were it not fot
fear of lengt~ening this Introdudion too far: one ho\vever lball jull be men-
tioned; viz. the word Coroner, or, ·a.s 'it is commonly called crow11er, which has
'been fuppofcd by fomc to 6gnify an ·officer belonging to·the cro'll111, or appointed by.
the crown; and undoubtedly derived from the'Latin word corona; a crow11,, or corontt :.
but (to thew the powers of etymology) let me obfcrve, that the words crowltrlf·
• and coroner, have no more connexion with a crown, or d . coronet, tban with a
11ighti11gnle, or a blackbird; as will be moll evidently lhewn in the dcrivati.o o 0£
die word Coroner in the Work itfelf. · ·
.As !o 1he former of thcfe t\VO branches, which concerns the definiti(Jn efW(Jrd;,,,
our bell Engli!J1 di8:ionary-writers are ceTtainly the heft guides: but when they,
·attempt any thing beyond the mn1ning of a \Vord, and pretend to give the Jeri-
'llntion of it, they attempt ~ province they 'have but too often failed in; they ca11>
ieadlly inforn1 .us whtlt it is, but they feldoot inform us truly whence it is 1 for
their deriv11tions are generally eit11er very erroneous, or very defective; they cithet
give us a falfe deri'l.lation, or de~ive it from a language, which was it(elf but a
· derivative; they feem to have 'aimed at on ly pointing out the nearefr language,.
from which they fuppofed we took it; not confidering that that very language itJelf
took it from Jo me other, whjch took it from a third; and confequently. was not
rhc original, but' only the dtrivative of a derivative: and therefore certainly they.
ought not to have ftopt, in (o .indolent a manner, at the fi'rll lane;uage they could
couvenientJy catch .hold on ; but to have traced it fome~hing Jar.tber• and. have
given us, if poffible, the original.
• L~t the channel or channels then (for there undoubtedly are many) thro"
which the. words of our 1R1Jtkrn Englijh have been deJ:ived to .ns,_ be. whatevec
they 01ay, RtJman, Gothic, Celtlc, Sdxo11, Teutonic, or Icelandic, ftill it is the Greek
11hne tba~ is the true bafiS' of the Englijh t11ngtu'; for it matters not, as we ob-
fc:rvcd above, from whot,n we bor;ow any word; if thofc, from whom we·

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p R · E. p.,. A..:. C. ·. E.·.
borro~ it, borrowed it from thofe. who borrowed.from the., who bor.,
rowed it from the Greeks ; then confcqucntly the Greek is the only radix of
that word ; notwitt_ifranding the various dialeds it may have pafi"ed tbro', before it
came to be adopted by our(elvea •. . . · .
Every Englifhman undoubtedly thinks he under.Rands the :Eng)ilh language,
becau(c he lpeaks it, and is able to rnake ufe of it for all the purpofes of cc;>m-
mon life J and this may, and dQCs anfwer all his exigences; and t.hat is' enough
for hin1 : be it {o. Many then may content themfelvcs \vith .the bare·
of a woTd, and think it a fufficient acquifition. if they know tht gm"al ~tan1ng .
of it ; and indeed fuch a knowledge is fu lly fllfficient for their contratled fpher.e :
-but an. etymologift is not fatislictl with the bare, {triiplejignification of a word,
he would wi<h to know the radical formation of it; he will not content himfelf
with the mere knowledge, that any word jignijies fuch or Cuch a thing; he woul~
be glad to know fomething farther; he would willingly be informed, whether it.
bears any connexion with the original idea : nay, it 1nay be confidently alrerted.,
~at no petfon can thoroughly underl\and the power and energy of tbt En$1ifh.·
tongra, who does not trace it up to the Grtt.1:-thus, for inl\ance, every one knows..
tht mtan1ilg of t.he following words, being part of a lady's drefs, viz, her cap,
handktrchilf, apro11, ruj/lts, lace, gtn11n, and fac9iu; or the following, being part:
of the furniture of her work-ba.lkct, ra~r,.fi/R., threlld, .fti//4rs., nted/es,. pinJ : -
thus evc;ry one knows the ~aning of thefe cxpreffions, the .duct tok~ itt; fuch a
thing is JPi'cl.. anti /Ptz1I (11'111 :~very one 'knows tlN meanzirg of tbc{c WDrds~ 6ri4/t;
fadJle,, .fiirrops, wbip, /Joot1, ffi11r1, and journey; but docs every one know tht derna-:..
11~n of thole words; and that all, ~d each of them are.Greek;' as will be found .
on confulting cv,er-y one of the1n under their proper articles,. ao1ong. many, hun.,.
dreds more in the compilati,o n of the following work •.
But there arc many words in our language thatcontinue to.wear fo,ffi'ange-, and:
~ncoutb &11 appearance, as would require more than . an. Oedipus to deve!Qpe.·
and difcntanglc them from their prefent intricate and cnigmatical difguifes :-thu>,·
the expreffioos bot-(ock/11, .ftr.atch-(t'aJle, Jinl-H],. 6oggk-6oe, baut-goflt ,. 6on·m~t,,
'ick-Jhavu, 'cf!utc/NJ-frkrs, and innumerab~e others,'. be explained. by thei(.
etymology :-every one of whic.h is Greek. , .
Another great ufa ef 1tymolog)' is, that· it will fci;ve tO>ttX< the.. orthogr.aphJt or ·true
method of writing each wor:d; by keeping as near as· poffibl~ to the original,_
"without deviating too far from the general method that has prevailed thro' cuftom.
Whoever is engaged in a work of this na.t oie, \vill pr.efentlr find, that there.are
111any word$. the orthography of whi~ is ftill vcr:y fan. from. being eft:!lbli<hed :,.
this is a fubjel!l, which haS defcrvedly employed the thoqghts and' pens .of feveral
. .
· • I ndeed n<> wonder that our langvage fhould be conllnillt4 (o much on the balis o( the Gr1tk.
tongue# fot;·, notwithftanding we fecm to hayc h~d a. clokr connexion" and a. more intimate a.c~
CjUaintance with the North<rn, than with eit~cr the .S outhern or the Eall<rn nations ; yet this diiliculcy
..,;11 prelCntly be removed, when we confider thai tho'= very Northern ria•ions thtm(elves, I mean the ·
Gt1thJ. JlanJ'1!1, SoxfJ"'• and C''"'""'' bad a much more early connexion with tbeGraks, than is ge-
n« ally im~gincd: for Shering. p. 270, fays, " m"l!n• ~·11 Gnhit amkitia, « ~1udo .. cum
·rrojaoi s i11tcrvenerit, qui et ¥yfiam, Phrygiz partem Tro3dl contcrmi1•am, in (I.Wit potcil:~tem •
temporc belli Trojani r.degiltcnt: Tclephus enim, Go~orum irt. MyC.i rex, Aflyocbatn, fjjami
fororem, uxorem duxit 1 Eurvpylufquo lili111 ejus, in hello illo .cccidit :"-and again; in · 1>. 288) he ·
obftrves, "artt's ft fuperAitiones iffu 1nagicas,, Wodenus, ut Ycriim_ilc ctl, ,i G,r1Kis, iliifq!:'~ in ·
A!ia, Ai'tici,.ct Europa circumi•cco1il>us ~pulis, C01Dpat•u1."

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of,;d)~:ibell· ~~i.t~t.S, . pattio~l~J~.,.,~te..~dQiftu1, and." &;?-lft, 'l'lhs>! hi'llll'..Qn~ea;t
. ~on~ .to ,·give a: penuanen);y.·~ltp '. P\!i'.·\gc, ; ~•)! cndi:a.vo4ting \O ·fix th.
6trhograpl,1yH:>f . it:; :}11d, y.e";-i11\\• l)actuating. '.) ·jb~e, '. d,oes ;it . ~e.Q}ai rl ev.en Ji'>
thj~ day J and how 1nuch roo:n is there ll:ill left. ior reforinat~on 1-.for while
w~ have !fo:m'any' v<oids l u· .o\ir la:ijg11~ge· .cierived t,o us fxo1u the aO•tietjt Fcauc9 ~
Oa"1icJ 11od the 01ocronl'.:Fr~ t1cih ;' and Co long ;i~ ',fe v.;.iJ l ;(l!r.vj l~ly c.0 11t,il)J11' copy
thilirroan nct Of \VI.iti11g thofo \fQl'd$ , ; \'ve· njllfi bt; l)' f (f{lg ; , fo,. , th~re,Ur\: p o..pcop.IJ;
ii), ·Europtl \vhbJ1mre deviated.r;nore ·the Gre.e k : :u1d Rpn1;in 1,v.ruerg i.n t)leic
tnanirer of orth.ography, thai1·1hc Gallic na1ioqs : in1~unjerablc e.'(atnp.le,s.of wh.icq
wi~l be' 1nct wit h, in. 'confultif!.g the foll,owi ng. Work .;-J.lQi t!,iat I \vo'4k1 bc:thoug ht
'"' . mca~ ; ~hat F r.111c'e lia;i never prqd uceii. an y .rJ1!l!l of genius, 'V.bofe; \vritingij
• have .not¥Ccl both :great .J~rn1!'\g,, -a.11~ . !dept!> of reafo» io,g ~.; but th at t heir
]'a1lg uag.e ' and'. o r.thog raµhy is ·Jn~fr f 1u) ty aod, l'!rrOuftJOpSJ' i)ecau('e it ,c.-00.tradi&e
et.yni.61.ogy, in ing the fartheClfrotl) ;t.he gre;1t C!/r!gi.n a:ls i \V[1icb. piak~s t;heir
w ritings appear in many !nftance.s as dill:orted, fjs an .oratiot) of.TullY."'V!)uld .bQ;
if .t1ariilati;d intq French by aoy ,ilfiterate pcr(qn, .and diC:hjted tQ bin)· .hy..a11other.
equally. as learned, \Vi th his oofe full g.( 1fpuff,: ~~. propedy. t q11c:d ~'l ·t~c. . t~ue
Gflllio t\vang·: .in fach di!lortion.s tbefefore..lef l\S!J.o,y tb~1n ~' but j t i&·;m~
•,. pofijble io:fix on anr .certain n~erh.od. q( w~itii:ig1 ,th~~ · maY: Jie:.\l~ifted diy" otll,
~ill . .fqme . ~ociety of gcntle1neo,, .(/( f~Jfii:ifJ)t ., .au t,hpritt ;ind,. abilj~ies,, :wl:11:if•
' ex~p1c might be .p.rc~aleJ1~ ,.eoo~gb to. re~pn1rn1<nd th~i.r ..µ1eclJod. to . pr.acriJ:~.
~1>11ld, undertake. th is ardu.ou.s talk ; for. it !S pot . iht: labors ,o{ .one pen alone
.can ' io fo grea& an un.<h:J!t$ing. · .. ,. .. , . . ,-. ". ... . . . ~
'. While', th:erc frill tben.,continue. ,ev,en ..U1 our b<1ft ,di&loo.arjes, ,,f0; n1a11y ,\v.ords
wbicl1».are either falfcly derived, ,' b.adly.. exJ.ila.'inl;d,,,Qr., whof.f?. o~thog~pby, .con.trOL,..
dill:~ derivation, the furefi, method ~f.reform.i1Jg .the•n, and .~gain(t .w hich.ev.en p1'e-
judlce jtfelf could 11ot.raife an obj ell: ion, wp)!IP b e, ·t0> c.01tvince .9Hr OWJ1:CO'Jlltl')Unen,.
that ety1miloD ..rlone. wou.ld be the· fafclLguide, l!y a~ten,Ji.i qg diligently to. tbe ..ori,, ,
ginal "'ord; a.lid in \vb:it 'fhape. .tlli1t .a p.p~1\r&._ t9 let c!'i~ deriv.ative .wqar .the
faJ!le :tpp7arance, . and · bi: dothcd .as · ne11r. as " pol!J ble. jn the .. f.'ll:nc . lctters .:-.- this
wou Id Itani p a .fa.r1ction on our ortliography. ; . wot~J d bei;ome ~be:' ll:andard .mc\.bqri
of writing; an~ be a.ppcalcd to '. as. the dernier r.efort .in all C.l)fcs ·of: dql!lbt ·and
difficulty .:-thps, for cxampl•~. 1nany ..foetn, tQ dou b 1· ~!\<:tl1"r they ought to: wi:i.te
al/rim with two lh; 'or' w~th o ne.; ~vhetl~er tb ey ough t .. t,o 'vrite.ftnncn ...,vjt~ three
nntu,,·or . with. two·; :u1~ \V.h.e tber tbey.,? ugh_t to write. eP.~~)'1 or ekn!; j!tratagem,
orjlratege11~;"trren ·'fty1n¢'/qgf would "eahly. bxd th e propn cty ::-again ; 1ve often
fee the" word Cllther:ine .in the works of J11m ; of l<;aJ ning ; !;>w t th is .Q1ethod is
doubly wrong 1',ftit it i ~ a G reek .\vo,rd), aud. t he .Gre~ks h ad no C; neither did
rhey: \vrite the {e.cond fyllablc ._yitb an e ; as tbe c,tymq!ogy of it plainly thews.
If any of; our ·ety:1n0logiJls .do ·but .1nee.t w ith. a i•'Ord. chat \VC<l.llS ~he leaf!: en-
co111u1on appearahee, they p"1~'<'.: •itnrn cdiate rel,'ourfe to t he Saxon, or fon1e other
b'arbarot\S Northern dialect,' fo r · ~be origirr<,~; .fhu.s the w:o rd /Jrelumes has· by foine
of the1H been miftaken for . a Suxo;l · e.xpreffiosi.. tho' they ha1:c explained i't by
fuppellex gravior, quM difficile 1novc t.u.ll ; · or, omne ut~nlil e robuftius, quod ab
red1bus , IJOn J'.at i!e rev~itLir; coq•1e· ad H etr(t/nn tran fi r tanq L(nrn 111emb1·111~
Har,er/i'(aris.;,, anq ,con.teqiieutly.ougl}.t i t6; hay~; ...h;~.c l\ \vritten heir-loom1, · or rather
• ~ : J ,· f ~ • .. . \ . • • • • • • • • . , ;,

:• '' Ego non adimo fcri;>toribus Gailis t loque,;oti.a-01, 11on adiroo fdrmoi1is nitorcm, 11on adimo acumen •
i•1gcr1ii; fed habe111us nos quoque ftriptore~ Anglos, qltOS cu1n Gailis,- aut c.11Jivis a!ia gentC confcrri
poile jurc, et fine fallu t.xi.{tin1en1 :'' Shering. !'ref.
S bei'r-

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<heir-li111fu; aDd then tl1ey migh~ have· feen that . it. ~as . evidc;ntlx\ gr~#!. iu;tfl_.}19t
Saxon ; as lWffi be found in.·the :Work j,~felf;, · . : . . :,. ·.. ,;1 .•.- , ,. :j )::; . • ·, ~· ; •.
. . Only 01,1e' inftanoe m_ore ·f11alt .ht.h P.tO:due\l'tl from ~. L i.(t ·Qf.• ~n.i}ifl,i. i;vgr~~· .~e.;;
nved. frortl"thc G reek ·tongue-, and p'UQlflhed ::b.)! Dr. N ugent at t~end of 1}1s fQrt
R:oyal. ·Greek P.rimiti'vcs·;- in>.whieh he ibaS''give!), us .this vrord:.Eufrqjia, '."'ith ?n fi
and · then immediately. after has prC-lduced . the G rc!!k ~vo1'.(\. Eu'qJ:p"-lftt't :whicl~
he(teUs qs origi nates from thq, prin)"itive ·~0t <f>p,;v, ·men~ ; tbe, t11i'la)!oi? :l~t;. WS:
obforve, that fi nce the o.rigi11al !s w~it,cQ.: \vith !\\. 4',.: ~1e ~e!~J1•1.t.iv~ Q':1ghf "~Q-.l~fv~
atrumed a ph.: ·bu.t ·what ·inakl!s. 1t ·fiill ·more 11;bfur<l..1s, iii at ~ n. ~~e 1 w;ty~pc:.xt,:tage
the D n. tells ·us, .t hat " .Euphr.tyla (oQw ' he writ-es i t ;';i a ph} is. the .ipme .of
an bcrb, \.\•hjcb · is faid: "to be 1go0d fe r purifying ~l)_e b.rai11 , and . c/fgring. tlie
jight :''-'-then i t .were to be Willied, fotne !Jkilful han.d ,\lad but..aduiitii.l~~~ a.
dofe<'of. .tbis.J:1m·e jigl.Jt-rle.ari11g- hcr'.Q · to ti)le..D.r. a~ an;,r;ty ~pl9gi(t, ~;;t·.~~ . ~u.igbt
hnv.e ~een tJ:ie ab.iurdi1y o~ ~ritipg · the ,felf-~aJ?l'Y .w.~i;~ .i..n ;'-the~ (e~"il~'t'C: .a_~tiJ;l~,
two -d·1ffurent ·wayi;, aod.g1vuJg at the fltcµe t11n~ tbe .. 9r~gt!(llil.~lv9rq, ;:ic.~\tt~ dc."l:r
"ative, :bot'h which · bear·'fuoh p~lpab~e ev. ideq~e. ~gl!i ~!l -hi!~: ,:\l.i.Q ~~~ i~ ~~.Jl-Oftp\l.l.e.
!fifat his 'fiufi ortbogfjapliy n:iay 'be ·rtghtl. tho . n~ ·:\'<C~~~l~.g: \~ )~~. .-R~in.9r<:1;f
primi.~ve ~.{~c -~-bi's ''"'.qr<l ~ 11.~o W9rk i·t folf : ~it J}..~r.11e ~n~q.1)1p ;iQr,;ek~i:AHf
th'~ Uiti:n pb,··.<lo.b:otb,·C!)fi· ~f'1 fotrl\d ,w:it-11 .fi5.J~e,.a1\>.Ai'~bu.t i uri;l);,,')i.t ':'yo.~qJ~F
p-irinica(,.tpb@l!i1.t, al1'd 1ph11nttiflic, :~v'.Fj te· th~ )PfRP#' f!¥l'pe .'F1:1iP, ->~t\l . a'i,.,.f;,.; .~
then· imrnediatel.y: teU1us, :it '\\-ias!deGiVJed from ~~h1i'iJ11¥t~ .iq 4ti n,. wi,~b a.;p.h ;·..iyi
<har:aga:in 'is· deri~ed a-n:H·n .ll/-1x1?in~ · in.Jd1-eek, 'ivlth..a tl> ·:; put~ .q 1e .in •wi~W
of a;c:.n-cu:1nfutR.cc1hat bap;pen:ed;t-e; a.a hbneft .fllar.fqlk-,1,l~eF.ACr~. ·w.h.q OjlCCJ'Ol!-11~
'a1firtiy. .fu~pt in. diis' :flock\· -a nd: 'cm;.,o ll(e't~i11g , tll;i.t ;it :wa~ l,l\Uf~~c\ ·•1..'l~th. ·'W.. Ji' f1>
bega n to re·co.l!Ieo1: ·the ,naineswf' 1nl l, ~he fi~r.rnd.r11 <fo.uo~t.~111~;. ~ttt,.C<?old n~t Jl!)\i
~•n)f"'to11e·; ll;hofe. ba11a.e • began. Mi ith •tnoJi:.....,M'fl -l)!r111r~1 1 -Hfllef~ 1it ·.-oolof].gcil' to
·Fil. 'P~r.lnt:; iccordiug ly :he, wen't ·to l\llr.; but ·n.ev~r .was 11ll'?re #topifhi;\l
:in nll thi8 .Ji.fc; than 't<r fin.d,. ·that ·he· wou ld not .acknowledge .the !tray. thp'. he f.'I~
·i1 ·~"8s !111nrkert·1'vi1h .his ow n n·a111e 1.....,;l tell yoµ n.o.; fit}:S , f'~1r-./1ft" ·F ,p .does nqt
fland for my 1121ne Philip Parlett, for then it it wouJa have bcen'.·t,narl;;ed ·f . f .i"."""·
·.lfo.w rciin'•th'a.t rbe} fa,ys <I'orn :; ·is not ·your .nan1e Flt ?--.well· a·~n.,,. "f<,1ys ...Prar:.(ett,
:iror:to .pu'zzle yot.1 rfe lf any longer, carry-you r ·ftr.1y ~o Mr. Frairci~ 1Biggc, , af\d "}je ·
.w i ll f2t.nll.10· i:igh t; ag;ai n :-,To.m wcnt,, a-nd :\va& Mitisfieq. , . · . ,.: : .· _ ·
. l\tloth~r uji: rcfalti ng from tile fiudy, of·etymology, ;1nd... 41!f~T'i~~d:\\·,1e~(t ·
to be 1nentioned, tho' an article of no very g reat mon1ent, lii1t ·1n~~i~~. 1 (~1t1,9,, '!'1..­
ltc1ni"o11 ; ·:and• thdt is the 'jJ'l:cper '<livj/i'.111 ef1wrdI, b0t~ in, p.rin tu)g a1~d, \l!';~iJi/i.g ';'/the ·
•rfegle\ft tlf. !\v hich rays· either· great <:areleffi1~fs,. :or· grE>fs , i Qll~qn vio.n :: ..~l'l\f1; ;f~·
:inftance, ·can tndure to fee the w.ords dip, , or diph-thong, an4:.P,>:t(g-fl~~• a"l\t
in preites. and hacked in. ·fo cruel· and ·:u11workni anli ke a 111a11n·er}-:'.'l~}t1 r/.>iwg ,is
dou·bJy1fjj·J fe: ; falfe:in •orthography ,•<ind •fll'lfe in divifio.ii ; ·fer it G<lrf~in\y, if'.Alei tj)er
;ifip, : nor ;iJipiJ-·tboiirP there · . no. fuch \vot<ls ; . but di:pbthmitli.: ni;jt,Qt!I' .e~ght
!the om::ir \\lard :to •h:t\<<t ,bee11 .1iicidcd .tli'u.s , pfY)g·nfflic ; 'blft rhu~,.,pr-o, ,l!J!'leflit.« ; .a.s
lt:lrcir.etyitioldgie:s, mdfh evidently ,{hew ;....,Jet. ot:bers ·the n dfp .an d ,pt!og :!u 1.qe. ~ il)t
rn"s ·n1'\1eb :i,s they ·plt;ife ; they. oug ht oiily to be :fe.nt, for. a f11ller ·.C01\vid iop , , W •
an equally learned inrcription to be nlet with on a co untry grave-fione, which
-cttt101ifl ¥ i11fotn1s:.1.1s ·i.hat .j t·w·a·s ereetcd In 1rne1no'oy.-of"Jehn· Jt>11n.i-ui::h..a-'011e,
·a111i \1ffo ~1vo ·df 'ihci r rhi · •ldre11. - " · • ·. ·. • ·· · • · · : ·. •
' ··=.Bty·1nolqgy;is.~e~·talri'l.y, .qiie 'of. tl}e :fu~I2h.. fo~nfain~ ·of, pdJitc'1iter:itur~,; It qq't

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only leads us to the meani'ng of every word, but gives us at the fame time the of tra.cing that wonl, thro' feveral other ·Janguages, which had adopted
it before' us, till we arrive at the great original, from which llll took it; and
thus by exploring and fearching the Jerruatirm of each word, we are brought at
lall .to the true fountain head; and in this fcarch, it is etymology will lead us
furc, bf !hewing us the connexion, and (if it may be fo called) the confanguinity,
that fubfifts between the original, and its derr.;ative; between the mother, and her
riaugh'ttr; between the parent, and her qffipring.
· 'Then let not this be looked on as a vain and trifling ll:udy, or only a harmlefs
and innocent amufement; it is more•: it is a l\udy, in which the wifell: 1nen,
'in all ages, and nations, have taken a pleafure to inveft.lgate; Cuch as Ar!Jlotle,
Plato, Juliur Pollux, SuiJas, Hdjchius, Philoxtnus, E1tjlathiu1, and many others in
·Greek: Marcur Terentius Yarro, Sext111 Pompeius F~flus, Cato, Cicero, ~intilian,
Jo.f. and ·y. Ct.e.f. Scaliger, !ftdor111, Joba~nes F_uugtt·us, Ger. 'and If. Vo)ft_~s, F'_a!Ji~,
'Gefner, Hmry and RQ6ert Stephenr, Mertc Cajau6on, the learned Francijcus .Junius,
·and among ow: own ·countrymen, Sir Hen. Spelman, Ray, Somner, Sheringham,
·Hickt1, ·Skinnrr., -41.'hwazits, and Lye, in Latin: Cqfou/Jon and Junius indeed were
Ioreigners, and th_ercfore excufable fi>r writing on the Englijh language in Latin ;
'but for Spelman, R.~· Somner, S"1eringbam, Hickes, Skinn~r. Thwaites, and Lyt,
who·werc all Englijbmen, to write on 'tht Englijh language Latin, is really fome-
·thing "unaccountable, and unnatural ; for they have by that means in a great
meafurc defeated 'the ·very intention -Of their works, by confining them in a man-
·ncr to ·the .reaaing and inll:ruttion of only a few learned men, who fcarce ftood
:in nec8. ·of"their affillance, inll:ead of dilfufing their .w ritings into the hands of'
oevery Englilhman; and thereby rendering their labors of public utility.
Now, tho' it be impoffible in a work of this nature, to avoid giving the wo.rds
-Cf ~-Cevera! authors, who have been, and muft be confulted in fuch an under-
·taking, in ~he different languages they then1felves wrote; yet care has been taken
>throughout this work, to give the meaning and interpretation of almoll every
·article in Englijh. .
-F rom "hence \vill naturally nrife another utili-ty in c6nCulting the following
·w ork 1 and that is, the great variety of Jjnonymous txprej/£ons that have been made
. ufe of, in order to explain any article under contideration : but let it always be
·remembered, that Jjnonymous terms and definitions are very far from amounting
~o Jerivationr.
Works of tllis nature are certainly never intended for pcrufal; for no man \vould
'willingly {et himfelf down to read, much JeCs to \vrite, a dicuonary: but only to
·confult it, whenever a word n1ay occur in reading, writing, or in conver(ation .: it
is the duty therefore of every dittionary compiler, and particularly of an Etymologi-
,cal Dictionary, to give the reader all the information and fatisfattion in bis power.
The office of a tnere dictionary writer is often but a very irkfome talk ; and it
m:t¥ .,veil .be wondered, how Cuch men of genius, as Come of thofe gentlemen, and
1cholars.. who have been already mentioned above, could poffibly employ themfelvcs
- ·and their •talents in fuch undertakin~ un)efs the defire of i1nproving their own
•"Nee nova>bac. qurll:io ell," fays Cafaub. 146, "{ed jam multis retro (zculis, non inter grammati-
cos tantum, fed ct pbilofophos, agitata i an •crbor_!lm lit etymologia vert fcilicct et in rebus ipfis ; an
Yero res fit ''"'.-011•~· et ·imagi11aria., quz: fo)o conftat nominc :-nullam puto elfe u.m certam arcem.
.Ycl fcicntiam .; eujus .ycJ .vani~ .v d .incertitudo. fi quis id agat, multis n911 pojit verbis exagitarl."

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(and. of knowledge, by tt:acing· the true o tigin of' \vords, ·a:nd tne pleafure of
leaving "the' fruit of their labors to pofierity, in fo1ne 1ncafure compenfated all the
trouble an~ pains they might have bclfowed in fuch very in tricate fefe:irches.
Permit 1ne to clofe·tny obfervations, with men tioning only one thing more; in
~ \Vhich tbe reader will in tirely agree wi~h me; viz. in cenfupng \Vithout refe~ve
that total want of decency and decorum, \vhich the con1pil~rs of tnany diCl:iona-
ties, and etymologies, have 01ewn, in firft of all colle&i11g, and then aftenvards
cxplainill.g, tho' in Latin, :ind fometimes in plain Englilh ; n1any V1•ords which
they n1uO: unavoidably have met with, and \Yhich are to be ~ound in every language
under the fun, but which convey . fuch ideas of indelicacv,
, as would have been 1nuch
more prudent, and comu1endable in thofe Vl•riters i1>tirely to have o n1itted, inllead
of endeavouring to trace their etymology, and explain their meaning, \\•luch
wanted ho explanation; for, frorn objects, and from words, of obfcenity and tur-
pitude, not only the eyes and ears,, but even the thoughts and i1naginarions too,
ought ro be kept pure and untainted : ·
In1modeO: \vords admit of no defence ' ; .
f'or \\•ant of decency is \Vant of fenfe *·
Reader~ of {uch a caft ought to l?e
fent to writers of ~ fimilar difpoutio11; and'
Indeed tt efe are but too 1nanj of that ftan1p in every language ; exam1>les of
which might have .been here produced, were it not for the ddire of avoiding
that very error, into whicl1 they have already but too grofsly fallen : let me ther~
here allure thofe Ladies, who have don.c me the honor of their names to this Work;.
and others who may be plcafed at any time to confuh it, that there is not an
articl'e in. it v.. hich can give the lcaO: offence; but that cvi:ry one has been carefully
attended to, and rendered fuch, as might entertain a :nodeft eye, and plcafc the
<:~afteO: ear; fuch, in· tl16rt, as 1night gain aoo·preferve their Hberat approbation· :-
l19piog ljke\~ije, in many, if UOt ill moll:, 'of the following aJ!ticles, e \\Cll·
the learned may receive fqine futisfaCl:ion; leaving all 'to the lu perioc judg-
rpen t of thofo, who rriay be more happy in finding out the .real derivation of any
word in quefiion ; and in the mean lin1e wifl1ing that probability rnay plcafe, or.
any failure on 111y fide be pardoned l:>y the: 1nore learned part of my readers, both in:
hiflory, language, and etymology. ,
Let me th en, with all humility, recon1mend the fuccefs of this undCJ!taking
to the candor and impartiality of the Public : or, as hone·ft Holyoake fuy.s-, " n<~
n1ole.fius, leltor, tibi liu1, finem Jani facia1n, fi prius exoravcro, ut 1neF1das typo-
graphicas plurimas, qure in hoc irrc;pferu1tt, humaniter iodu.lgeas , ct hes 1ncos'.
ety1nologicos labores,. n1ihi fatis molettos, (n1il1i auten1 jucw1do1} a:qui boniq,ue
confulerc digncris :"-or rather, as Cafaubon. p. 406, has more elegantly. ex-
prefit:d hin1fdf, thus ; " gaudebo ce1:re, ii alii noll:ro eX>cmplo ini;:itati. qllodi
uos iuchoavimus, melio ribus ipfi auipici is~ ct ncceilar.iis ad. tantu·1n opus pr.eiidiis
;nfiruCl:iores, perfccerint."
\ .Yith regard to the .plan, which has been obferved in compiling thi.s \Vork,. it
has been divided into 'fwo Alphabets: in the former (which is by iuuch the larger)'
art cootaiued :ill thofe \YOrds. moll: evidently. deri11ed either fron1 tile G1·,•ek., or

. • A 1i1iiila.r. tbo\1ght occurs; C U.m;\. prztcrcuntc puell::\ Pericles cx-:limal1Cr, 0 fa,.11:.r.m .f!:•f..
chra1n l dlxi.t ci .S"11bocle5, Etcnim nfln f~lum m11nu11 fe,f 1tit;.111 .?ftt/qs,. h<.ib.trc abft.inentes de<:.ct.

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Latin /1111guagf t; t;hefe from the L,atin purely, are indeed but 'very few in num.ber;
bcca ufe mofl: of tpofe, V>'hich feem- to have been adopted fro1n the Latins·, the
L atin s adqpt~d froin the Greeks: and in the latter Alphabet are
contai r1ed a\l thsfe wer<ls, moft probably derived .fro1n the S=n; and other
Northcr11; tho' even many of thofe are doubtful: b)I this divifion we
aJe ~hie to f«, how mucl:i we are. indebted ·to each particular language;. a fatis'lo
.faCtion which other etymolog.i11:s., who ha\.'C blended all derivatiol!S together.
l,ia_ve 11ot bu.n able to afford us ; but now, by their having been thus kept-
(eparate, \Ve are able to fee the whel.e force and power of t\\e Englijh langt1age ~
and know how n1uch the greater part of it has been con!l:rulled 01.1 the Sc.utbern•
rban on the Northern tongues; as inrleed th.e very grea.t' difiCrence af bulk betwcew
th e t\\'O Alphabets will fufl:iciently prove. ·
·ro thefe t\vO Alphab,ets is added an Intkx of tbofc -.vords which, being but du-
plicates, or collaterals to fome radix, for brevity's fake are otnittcd in the Work
itfclf, in order to avoid repetition; and there are many other words derived from.
lources fo \videly different from w!Jai· th~y appear to be, that the reader would not
eafily kno\v what article t1l find them under: thus, for inftance, the word ANT
• cannot be found in either of the Alphabets; but, if it is fought for in the Index,..
i.t ~ill be eatily found~ and refers to the article E·i\>lMET in the Sax. Alph. :-thui'
like\~Ce the words ·
e1ifuing SEQYENT
commeroe MEilCHANT
' col/y-ftO'Wer are referred to CAULI-FLOWER
obleflation DELICACY
q/J/igatio11, &c. lLIGATURE, &c.
and moll· of thofe words, which being compounded of others, and omitted in
' the Work itfelf, will be found in the Index, either under the fimple form; or
tome of its collateral branches, and referred each to its proper radix.
, I


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• •
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-~-· · --
-.. . .. .
. '
A B B R E v 'I A T . . I 0 N ' s.
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-- - -

Addend& - J(. '10«. -- - lfaacus Volirus - •
bl. - JEolico1n lfid. - Jftdorus
-- -
J uo.
L at. -
- J unius
- ..... . - fl.ntiqli"um -
. - · ..nrr110ttC -
1.ib. ¥ct·t.
Litt. · -
- Libris veteribus
- Littleton·

-- ' -
- Artide
Mct111:h. -
Minlh. -
Belg. -· - • Bclgicwn" N ." - - Note
c. It. C11t1bro Britmnicam · Neg. - - N~vc
Ca!aub. - - Mcric Cafa11bQnus Nug. - - Nugent
Ciel. -- - - Celtic
I .
D111. - Danicum · Orchogr. ..._ · - Orthography
Dcriv. -. - :Dcri.\.atioii~- Pcrmut. Jit. d~ Permutationc litcrarum
Epcnth. -
- -
- Dorice
Ptll!terit." med.
q.d. -
Pra:tcrirum medium
- qu ali dittum
-- -
- Ecy1aology
EtymologiJt.. •
·- ~intilian
- Root
-- -
- Euftathius
re. -
- Saxon
F r. Gall. :Eran·c o-Gallicum Skinn. - - Skinner
Gall. - Gallicum Spclm. - Sir Henry Spelman
Ger. Volf. Gcrardus Voffius - Sueeicc .•
-- - Gcrmanicum
- Hcnlhavr

- Sucdicum
-- -
- Hd"ychius
Voe. - ·
- Vcrft.Cg.l.D.
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A SPE c I M E N of the different A L PH A B ETS.

. .
H ebrew. Greek . L ati n. Saxon. Englilh.
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Thofe Words printed with an Afterifc, are of doubtful Origin.

.. .' ..
• ..

From GREEK, and LAT i N.

B-ACTION, Ayw, ago.; abaflus; 1bt this gentleman has produced grc~t authorities for
A tlri'IJiHg-off ca/Ile by bertls or flocks.
AB-ALIENATION, AM", alius : a tenn
· this etym. (and that of . Cafaub. might have
been added) ; but neither Jun. nor Skin. give
in t he old Roman Jaw, fignifying a jimple /ale of us any 'fui:h deriv, Junius, indeed, under the art,
Jbt goods of 011e citizen to ano/ber. abajlied, quotes Suidas for explaining A{3,.?oc by
A-B"ANDON, fome of our etymol.' fuppofc, fl;,.ux,or, 11y•)I 1r-1e·.,.,J'-E•or TH '.Pci?iiw, Gtr~ "''Y''~' jikns,
that this ·word comes from the Sax. or Celt. word cui erepiu1 &J1 u[us loquendi ; · this~ it is true, is ·
f!a11; 'todenounce imprecafions : but !?, with die fenfe U pt. has . here FOntended for; b ut un-
much greater judgment tells us, that Bandum, der the 'arc. bajbful, he quores Hcfych. for
.Bmukrium, ti Bannerium, is jignu11• duds, quod der.ivi.11g that word from s ......, ;, A•~x•••• pud•r;
media acie fpectadmmus quis fereba~: vexillum; verecu11dia 1 foamefactd1uft :-this certainly ap-
il ba1111er: and hence to abar.don any thing, is lo proaches nearer to the idea of our words a'bajbed,
tfeftrt it ; or as we might fay in a military fenfe, and bajhful. . . . •
to run . away from bis <olors, ·i. c. to abandon his ABAl 'E, n..Tiw, Ban•>, batuo; to beat dcwx
BANNERS. Gr. · the ualue of any article to be fold ; to make a dimi-
A-BASE, B"..''' f1111damen; the fo1111da1io11, or nulio.• i' to leffen : vcl il Ba6.,, Ba~''• pr•f•md~u;
loweft part of a 'buj/Jing ; figuratively fignifyfog to
fignifying depreft, demean; degrade. .
{•bring dt,-w1i,.or debafe the pride, or baughly fpirit ABBOT, A{3f3:a, pater; father; 11101111chorum prd!-
of man. . jeJ; the head or cpief.gov1rnor of a 111imaflery: pro:
" A-BASH, "A,,.·,.,, vcl A'aE, ".;,,. mu/us ; ex perly "ll Syrian word. ·
A, 11on; et Bo;?•» loq11or :· Sappho, apud ety,ntol. AB-BY; fro1n common appearance, any
A~";..; .,:, ~e·~ 'X"· l{om. Od ylf. ·a. 249. • o: pe rfon · inight fuppofe it was derived from the
f' ~!lax•~'" ""'"T"' ·!Iii au/em onmes tac11er1111/.; tbty foregoing word .dbbqt; !iecaufe it was the
11!! .flood ab.afo.ed, .er fiknl ; Silt11s, -cui treptus tfl man!ion .o f ·1he head ruler, or governor of rhe
ufus- loqu(ndi. Upt." It mull: be acknowledg~d, monks ;· but Ciel. Voe. 5~ . writes it " flabby,
... . . .. .B or

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A B From GR£'£ ·K, and LATIN. .A B
or . .f:lnb,.-~o4t.} . •!'hjc!1, difmiffing \ts .afpirjl_tc . b, dtle_o '. quia autem ~11g1~11#0 aliquid l.wig_at11r_, in~e
means tb.e appropriate rtfiiience of a. proftffor faffum, ut leo, lw1, l11tt, !'••·•>-•..1•""< fign1ficar1t
of learning." .All this might have paired tor a lino, u11go: quamvis autem hac norionc leo in pra:-
pure Cch. dcriv. if we had not been informed fenti amplius in ufu non fir, re1nanlit tamen pr:e-
in p. 141, that "Hab, Ela/, or Hoff, and in p. 156, teritum kvi, quod lino ab obfoleco Ito mutuatur ~
that Coif (or rather K.tph) lignified fbe head:" then, ii Ito eft ab-olto, quae il Nonio cxponunrur, mncu!o ;.
if fo, they all origi.n ate a Kr~-.•>-•, cap-ut, the to flain, or blot out.
huid : the latter part of this compound, Ciel. AB-OMINATE, Oil>, OJ ; _oftio, i. ~· oftito ;
tells us, ligmfies bode; confequently, will take llnde oft111u11; undc •mm ; hmc ominor, c t ab.
the fame deriv, as BIDE, i. e. .;!bode. Gr. ominor; unde ab-ominofus, pro omi11of11J ; ominou1,
AB-DICATION, l>ux'"I''• L:s.ux'""'• dularo ; If bad, intJufpidous; to bt dtprecated, detefttd.
reauntiation. . AB-ORTION, ex A, 11011; ct Of"""'' ~rior, ,.,,_
~D-OMEN, A.,,,,,; .,l'i-ul'"" abdo-0111c11tufll, citor; to rift, appt•r; lo it born : the p repoli tioB
un<'lt#"'-m, et abdo; to bide; the fat of the lower ab here is negative.
part of the IJfll] ; becaufe tbt fat bides, or co-JtrJ AB-OVE, '' Sax. buran; Belg. B01Jt11; f11pra:
Jbt fltjh. utrumque a Sax. UFan. Skin."-then they 'both
AB-l)UCTED, « ll.11""1''• ls.u•w, Ayr.i, duco; arc the fame with Up; i. e. arc derived ab "Tr-•e•
Volf." Jo lead away. _ fuper; above; quali T,. .,,,
" A· BETT,. Sax. Be-can; Belg. bettrtn;. Teut. . AB-OUND, "Tier, vel 'Tl'!f, qua~ 'y,1., 1, undai
lujferen: all which arc evidently the fa111c with our h1nc ab·1mdo; t~ ov erjlow; ligurauvely 10 pojfif§
word belltr; and confequently denved , not as much, to be in great ajf/utffct.
Skin. fuppofcs, from any one of thofe tongues; A-BRIDGE," B~<>x,ur. ~rrois;jhort: according-
but from B1>-necr, me/ior; bt fltr : this word abett, to Fefius the Gramm. Brrvis is formed by diang-
therefore, 1nu~ be tither of Greek origin, or elre ing ~he Greek x into the Latin v ; thus Be<>~vr$
we 1nuft refer 1t to the Sax. Alph. brrois; as Mw.«x•• ,,.aJv11; 111al/ows. Nug."
AB· JECT, "A.. o T;; "" «x,•r, abjicfo; to ca.fl A-BROAD. " Bael.., ,.; '01.,, """" C#MT"•r;
'tUttt!n: veJ. limplicius d~d\IXfris ab r,.., live i.14., Hefych. Ju11.." -After which, under rhe art. br8 ad,.
feu a prrefenti I""• feu aori!lo, E«•"'• vel lax.,, he fays, " ubi tamen viri dolli pro .,; 'Olo1 feli-
1,.~,.,, Jnuo; to cafl. VolT.".. . ciffime refiitu_unt.A..101" (or rathtroinl.. ,cantores:}
ABILITY, ,\fk, habto, hab1/1ta1; ablt11tft, power. "barJus Gailis cmrlator appellatur ;u and indeed •he:
AB· JURE, Zrvr, jw ; juro; jurtjurando ali~11id 1nillake is evident enough; for B,p/01 can certain-
11Jfirmo; to vo11cb any 1bi11g 011 oatb: hence to ab- ly. hav~ no con.nexion with .,; ·01.. , though it ma.y·
;.ure, to renounce. with " n.t.. ; and the commentators on H efychius
AB-LATJVE, 11.>iew,fero, latus ; arifero; tibia- plainly lhew, that he meant tbc poets, nor the roais :-
iivus ; to .ta,ltt? or carry away. . · . with ~eg:.ird now to the ~ord nbroad,. Skin. fup-
. A_B· LEGA fI?N, A•'Y"'• d"o ; a banljbing, or P.ofes it mtlr~ly Sax. but 1f ~flab, or bpabe, ligni-
Jendmg 0111 of a aty. nes lat1u; wzde, broad; ftJrtnftc11s, /•Fi!, in /11tfqrf
A-BLEl'SY, Al3>-n).100, ex A; non; et IL\1"'"'• vi- extra tkmum /patio, fi1b dio, i1r aperlo aere; beyontl
lko; a blindneft of mind, want of forefigbt. tbe li~ts •f the houft, in open air.; then witlt
AB-NORMOUS, r••·e·~f'-"• norma; a fq11are, Cafaub. both bpa'o, and abroad, n1ay origi1iate a,
11ftd by builders; alfo a 1.r.w or prefcript. Il7-«T·•r: for then, and the Bare co.,.natre literre;
A-BOGEN; Verlt. fuppQfcs, " a bow t.a ket.h the>- often converts into p, or r; a;;'<J the,.; and
its name heerof, bcC3ufe it is made abogen, or the b, or d, are related likewi fe ; fo ·that the Sax•
. }iowtd ; a bough of a tree is alfo fo called for bee- bpab, and Englilh broad, or abroad, 1nay have
ing apt lo bet abogen., or bcwed; and iowes at the been forined very ealily fron1 Il>.,.,.-v; 111.,...•.,,..
v~ry 6rft inucotion of them, were made of bl)Wghs latm, plaua; broad, fpacious flruts. •
of tree! :'" but we lhall fee hereafter, that a bo<v, A B-RUPT, 'p•'l''"I''• rump1; abruptio; a break-
wheJbtr tbe in.ftrume111, or the branth, or bough of ing-off, ending blunt. Jun. in the arr. 'l'r111npt1, has
a tree, is Gr. derive~ r11111pa ~ 'p,,,.,. impetus rtrum projetlarum, et
. A'B-OLISI!, 0>.Aufl-'• A7ro>.>.u,u.•, perdo, VfJjlo; to ·allifnrufl!; mferco m .' and then he proceeds to .
Jejlroy, lay wafle: though, if we follow the com- give many mftances.
politi<>n of this word, it might be berter to de- ABSCESS, X~w, x,.,.;-;;;, ructlo 1 to retire into a
rive ir i\ 4-w•, leo, quod tft, fays VolI: /eve, ct recefs, or furet place ; alfo an imjojlumc, brtd in-
glabrum reddo; pro Aow, et Au..,, autcm Af,.,,,., ttrnally.
dici~ur; ucrumque a Auor, l.evis: et Hefych. ex- AB·S~IND, Ix.•ew, vx•li4, f<indo; to cut off.
pon1t .Am1a>1T"'• .l.ll••••,
·~•lluftr•"• ct Au"""•
.. ABS-CON-D ; Aor.1, lr.i, L:s.1lwf''• a treble com--

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A 'll .From Gil a EK, and ·LAT 1 N. A' C
J)Onpd of abs, <on, and,do; to h.iJe, or ltup c/ofe: , he has not ·afforded us t hat fatisfaCl.ion which
~hough' with lf. Volt we n1ight rathe r decive Voffius ·has given '1S, 'under the art. ttk'ff!iu, and
€Ondo, pro ab/condo, a K ..,,...,•• i. e. K&Talu,11;, '!finus 1 wherein he ollferves, that lo.nes pro Uu9,,
unde Kd.lu1""• fultire ; to go under covn- i to b.e con- dixerunt !!"~'"' unde Af3urr" : ne1npe 9 liepc con -
€ealed. vertitur in r: !lu9o; vero fund11s; itaque A,6v<9,,,
A'.B-SENT, E'I''• fum, abfi1111 ; at a diJla1ue; vel Af3urrrror, idem fonat ac quod profmtd11.1n
'f'mff'tltd far from. fit, ut quali /undo careat; whenever any tbing is fa
AB-SOLVE, Auw, Jalvo; to remit :-this word dup, as really or apparently to have 110 boll~m.
carries with it niany different fenfes ; thus the ACADEMY, " · A•«l•I''"'• a public p!ace at
terms of a propoJition are faid to be ta/ten abfalute- .Athens, planted witb trees; and fo called fron<
Jy, i.e. fw granted, or without relatio11 lo any tbiflg Academus, who m.ade a prefcnt of it to that city.
· tlft: a prince or king is faid to bt abfolute, when Nug."-to which, give me leave to add from
he makes his own will a law : and fometimes it Volt Proprie ita dicebatur ncmorofus extra
js underftood co11ditio11ally ; as when we fay, God Athenas locus, in quo philofophiam prinlus docuic
does ·110/ forgive men their fins abfolutely; but oncer- ·
t 11in condilions;fucb as rtpentance, &c.: and fome- A-CAKIA, " the naQ1e of a fall\ily at Paris,
t imes po.fitively; as wh·en we fay, an i11'idt11t is ab- fo denominated from Acakia, phy!ician to Fran-
faluttly true. . cis J. who changed his French name fans malict,
AB-SO RB, 'P•~'"• farbeo ; lo /up up ; to carry viz. without malice, according to M. Menage, in
aw'!Jf 'Violently and /wallow down; as in the flream his origins, into that of .Acaltia, which bears
of a whirlpool; or eddy. the fame fignitication in Greek : R. ex A, 11on;
ABS-T AIN, T ..... , Ttt;;, Ion. T"'"'• Unto; undc ancl xa.H.o,, malus ; x~·~ malice ;•«, " 111ind
abs-tinto ; to luf1 fr1m, lo refrain from. free from malice.· Nug."-but without all this dif-
ABS- TEMIOUS : from the fame root: not play of learning, it niuft b\! granted, that this
given to exceft. Fr~nch fa1nily-name, hellenized. ought not to
ABS- TERGENT, " T•e""'• .lEol. pro Tuew, have been introduced by the Dr. into a colleCl.ion
quod lignificat E•e"'''"'•fiao, f~ne ~t flautus duo of Englilh words, derived from the Greek : -
ha:c lavantttr, ef 1ergu,,tur con1ung1t. 'Volf." tergo, be/ides, according to the Greek, it ought to have
vcl tergeo ; ab}Jergto; to wipe (/ean. been A -kakia wit h a k, not .dcakia, with a e.
ABS-TRAC.1', Ae,.,,...,, tl.e..,,<;, trabo; to draw A-CATA-LEPSY, AK."T.V.•.j;,.., i11compreben.ft-
afuie; to be loft in tbought ; alfo to ded11fl 011e man- bility i ClC A, 11Qll; K....., com i and >."14(3"'"• eapio i
lier fro111 anotl?er, &c. non comprehe11do; that ttJJlllol be comprehended, or
ABS-TRUSE, Teuw, trudo ; to 1br11.ft awtry ; contti'U(d.
alfo figurat ively, hidden, concealed, myfttrious. AC-CEDE, x~"" ..Jw, cedo, accedo ; to ap~
AB-SURD, " X•el• ..f'•<, fardus, pro ft1rdus; proacb, d1·aw near.
tnuti enim et furdi fmiper conf1mdu.1Jlur. Vofi:" and AC-CENSION, Xaw, Xa1>T"1 candenti11, acundo,
flrfychiu.s lik.ewi(e eicplains :i:oel,..,..,, by T.l I'• ap antiq. act.; lo burn.
)(;¥~«(111:1~ '•«'·''Y;o-4.:u, ,,TG' ·~AA~t'~''" : proprie itaque, AC-CENT, Ka"'"• can11ts; unde caw ; acce11tus,
,(continues Voff. undet the arc. abfurdus) abfur- ab accitlo ; e.>t ad, et carro ; legitima pronimciatio,
dam dicitur, quod furdis auribus audiendurn ; ID bt quii fy//nba vel allollitur, vd deprimitur: acctntmn ;
deaf, or dijfouit of bearing : we, ufe this word, a tone of 'f.•oice ; alfo, tbofa marks, which art ufad
however, in a d ifferent fenfe, viz. ridict1lous, t o jig11ify tbe tlevntion or dtpre§ion of that tone;
foolijh. · and nut, as fome grammarians have fupjlofed; t<>
J\B- USE ; Elw, f dlto; ..,9,., uw9., unde oifor, eicprefs the length or fhorrnefs of thofe fyllablcs,
et oifus; nunc utor, ct ufus; ufa, c11jlom; and con- over which they appear; becaufe they are placed
fequendy, to abufa any 1bi11g, is to put it paft its over long and lhort lyllables equally : the true
ufe, or •ife·if contrary to cuftom. ancient ufe of them.• therefore, haying been long
A-BU1', B"""e""' Hefrch. 13,.;.;..,., trodere, ago loft, the nioderns begin to print Greek with-
. arutare l atque adeo con.fines ten·a: ndverjis veluti out them; except in fome few inftanccs, ju ft for
fronlilnu videntur concurrire ; hinc etiam Belg. diftinltion's fake. .
aenftoott11de lt11tden appellantur terra: contigu.e; or AC-CEI?T, K ....1,,, ...,;,x,.&,.., Hefych. capio,
lands which border · on each othtr, and as ii Wert auepto ; to take, or receive.
to111t11d with butting horw.s. AC-CESS, x~.,, cedo, aatdo,; unde acujJi;r,
A~BYSS, " Ap"..""• .ab.:effus; a boJtomleft pit : oris; be who comes to, or maltes one amo11g olbers:
R. Jl,&.,, a fo(tom .' Nug."-the Dr. is undoubt- to approach u1110, or draw nigh : a)fo lo fuuud to
.e<Uy rigln the etym. 9f this word; but then tbe tbronc. ·

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A C From GR E E K, and LA T r 11. A C
AC-CIDENCE 1K"""'• dtorJum ; uncle caJo, ACE," £11, u1111s; one ; the old Latins ufed a.lfis in
AC-CIDENT 5accido ; R. K<>Tw, tkurJum ; the fame fenfe; which the)' borrowed fron1 t he
quod cadtrt nihil aliud lit, quam JeorJum Jerri; Sicilian Ao;, vel Ar. Upt-"
to flip, o r Jail dow11 ; lo happen by cban&e. ACELDAMA. Ciel. Way, 1 9, obferves, that
At-CLIVITY; K7'•T"• du!ivilas; a Jlanling, " this word, which in Alts i. 19. is faid, in the
or fapi11g dow1i ward. proper tongue .o.f Jerufal_em, to iignify a field of
AC- COM-PLICE, fl>.1•w, plico, 'complica111s; blood, has prectlely the ·larne lign~ficauon in the
.~ comp/ice, a11 accomplitt ; co1tjura111s; qui in tiidttn Celtic : a very learned 1na11 denies the word
conjuratione f 1>1dc'1't1/us; in todtm f«dtre, ac ptriculo actldama to be Hebrew, and forces it from the
complicat1ts :· a co11federa.Je, or companion, embarked, Syriac : without pretending to decide that point,
engqged, rota11gled i11 the Jame fcbune, hazard, acelddam, literally tranflated, is, the fid d of
dang.:r. m'urtber :"-but, if this word is to be pronounced
AC-COl\.1-PLISf!MENT, Il>.1or, plema; pleo, hard, as if written ake!dama, rhen it may pro·
, inufit: compleo ; to completc, bring to ptrftElion ; bably be dcfcended from the fame root with lt:i//,
endued with 1hegraces. or quell ; as if it was written akildama; confe-
AC· CORD 'l. Kt«(• cor ; the heart; the quently Gr. though even rhen, ic might be dif-
AC-CORDINGLY S mind; to be•/ oue •nind; ficult to lhew how the termination Jama fhould
· Jo atl in co-11cert. fignify a field.
AC-COST, :;;~''"'I''• co11.fto ; unde co.fta; parum ACERBITY, Ax1r, acies, acer J four, }harp,
deflexo fenfu latus fig11at; q. d. latus /a.teri jun- barjb.
gere; to npproacb, draw near ; walk fide by fide : ACER VAT ED ; Ax•<• aurtius; an btap ; uc
~l fo 10 fa lute any one. proprie lie dicatur rerum minularum tongeries fafii-
.'\ .C-COUN 'f, Ciel. Voe. i 14. n. obfcrv~s, giala, five in acumen dtfintns: "Vel 3b Ar•f/'"'
that " the analogy of nuinbcring by l~t htad, is quod Hcfych. A9e••«• interpretatur ; nernpe .,...;
very !triking; ctn feo, and unfus, include the tell- TO "'Y"f'"• quod ell: colligere ; to colltll, and heap
ing by the head :"-and in p. 141. n. he farther t•fttber: Voff."
obferves, that "K" is one of the old Cele. words ACHE, " Ax•<• dolor ; pain: II. B. 694. •11T'
for bead :"-then they may all originate a r ..,_ "X!"'» jac1bat 111mre11s ; ab Ax•w, doleo; t• grieve,
'Y."'• ·,mde r.,.,..,,, unde Ko : unde gign-o, gen- '!Jex, tor11Je111. U pt.''
. 1ro; lo be, to btget, to be 1he btad, or fountain · ACHE-RON, ab ,\x•<, dolor; cc 'P••<,f/uvius;
caufc of origin , and ge11eratio11; and here made Jbe river of farrow ; one of the poetic rivers in
ufe of to ilgnify ·unity, or the reckoning by in- hell; and ofcen pu t for ,1be grave, or ma1!ficns if
tiiv;idunls. the dea'd. ·.
AC-CUMBENT, x.. ,,.7.,, Kvf'.,, cu111bo, c11bo ; to ACID, 'Axo<, acies; vel ab O!v<, acutus, aci-
lie doum. dsu; jbarp; both as to form, a11d I afle.
AC·CUl'viULATJ.O"N, Kv,u .., j/utlus, quali ACME, A•I'•• aties; figuratively ufcd to iig-
arervus aqu.e, c11m11/11.< ; a heap, or pi!t; tbat which nify jfos .etatis, firma .etas, juventus; maturity, or
is over and tJbove meafure. Voflius derives it ra- the pe1fttlion of time, or fubfta11ct.
ther from Xvf'o., l1111111ltus ejfiifio; and then adds, ACOLY1'E, " Axo>-•9•<, a companion, or fol-
N o n video unde melius dtducas, q uiun fi dicas lower; a11 inferior church offerer: others derive ic
cffe ur•x•e•n•" ab obfoleto c11mus ; hoc autem ef.fe from Ax~AvTGl, formed fro111 A, non ; and xw>i.vw,
a pra::poGtione (11111 qure Coilgei·icm notat: but If. arceo, ill•ptdio ; the acolytt being the bigheft of the
Voff. thinks it may be derived from ®"'I'"• cumu- minor, or lelfer orders, and who has thence a
/uJ ; a heap ; which IC!efych. explains by l:we•r righc· 10 approach, or wait at the altar. N uo."...:.
~"X.""'• a fl eck of cor11,. which is always raiftd by Does this l~trer interpretation agree w.irh th~ Jac-
au11mu!atio11, or heaping up. ter derivation, viz. arceo, and impedio?
AC-CURACY, K'''f'""e• c11ra; quafi tor ura; 4~CON l'l"E, ,,.\xGttTG1r, ex i\xt.1t11, 0111'or. ja(ttlum,
q u<)d cur rsral; er 11ru, a :;;ve, ig11is; primo quod fuit telum; fou potius berba vt1una111, qu:e " T.,;-,
llflro ; pofiea uro; wht11e<Jfl' is done with care, ~4.xov.:t,r, in cauti!Jus naftitur; ex Axo~&, cos; a ra,k,
caution, diligt1rre. or flo11e.
• AC- CU5A'f.lVE 1 t\•T•a, A1T1Me,.,, caufa; unde ACOR~, Axe•lf"".• fruE!llS arborei, ct proprie
AC-CUS£ Sttauji1re; to accuf•, blame, qu1de1n q111 puran:en /1gnofi1m habent ; the fruit of
reprimand;; l1ir1c arr1tfa1iwts cnfus, ql1l et ca11foei-v11s, ll'ets ; pllrlic:tlarly thoje that ha.v;e t1 hard }bell ; as
tr la11da1iin1s dici1u1· ; ut per qt1em, vel accuft11nu1, acorns, nuts, datts, &c. R . .~•e•r, fu111m11s, p1·.e-
vel laudamus ; tht au:fative taft 11mang gram- flan1ijji111u1>. perfeflNJ ; et ·.Gfur, 'i.''ficu.s ; vel
arbor q11"1lss ; an oak, or any otber tree.-,.r'\.ccord-

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. A •. D From Ga E .e· K, and L A.t r 11. • A D

ing to the etym: we ought to wrire it acron, not patcicle an being abbrevi2ted, and joined to the
11corn; burcuftom has eftablifhed rh.e traofpofition. fubftantivc, thus, a ttaddtr, unde naidtr, or naidr.:
ACOUSTICS, Ax•w, audfo; medicine1, or in- confequently Gr. us above.
ftrum enls made ufa of lo help tht hearing.. ADDLE, A6.x..,, miftr; A9,\rw, laboro; cor-
AC-QYA.INT · l r.,.,,...,, agnoJco; q. d. rumpo ;· qu afi •'ll""' .egrum, feu corruptwn; a
AC-QYA!NTANCES ad-cognitu1, notuJ; a decayed cg,{: Vcrftegan fuppofes it Sax.
wcl!-known,fa111iliar friend. · AD-DR b.SS, ''fX."'• rego, _ding• ; q. d. addi-
AC-QYESTS, Rf'I"' "• Efw1""'"'• Ef"'• qu.ero, ac- retlare; to direfi, lo apply to: or elfe lrorn 0 .1 8.,,
quirtJ; lo purchafa, or obtain ; p11rcbafa1 made, or reEliis ; 1·igbt 011, jfraitforward.
things bought. .ADEP'I': fee APT; Gr. uti:d ro fignify ex-
AC-QYIT, Air'""'' abfti11to ; to ab/fain from, P"'I; ndeptu1, qui aut natura, auc inftitutionc
lo rtkafe: R. «rw et <)l•» babeo, /tnto: Sk in. has cam ingcnii rnorumque etl 1emperacione1n coofe-
perhaps rnor_e judiciouOy derived our word acquit · cut us, tit fui alic rurnque rei, loci,' temporis, mo-
from quietem dare; qua(i adquietare.; but then ini di, et calleat, et habeat rationen1 : qui co11tra fa
this, as w'cll as in many other etym. and with• battt, it1ept,UJ appe!latur; to gain, 10 acquire "
many other etymologifts; be has ftopt 1hort, and• coinpettnl know!td:t;e of any fubjt &J; 11 ptrft fl fcbolar.
left this word as if 4erivcd ulci1nately from the. AD- I-I ERE, A'f"" b-ereo; to flick, fix, or faflen.
Lat. whereas the Lat. words thcmfolves are both. AD.· JACEN1.' ;" ab E'"'""'• vel 1.. ..,.,-fic faxw :
of Greek extraa : and evidently derived either ab 1.,.,.,, 1.,..,.,, j aao ; Voll:" 10 lie along; to be
from K"I"'"'• quiefto, quits; or elfc from K'"" ji1ua1·ed near.
quieo; to lit dtJWn, to be al reft. AD-J ECTIVE, "«.-o T;; fro axo<,jacio; VoU:"
ACR,E , Are•r. ager; a field, or land, or nua-· adjicio; to place, join, or couple.
Jure of land: Verftegan fuppofes it to be Sax. . A-DIEU, Z wr, Deus; ad Deum, vel Deo, It ·
ACRID . l A"''• A••· acies, acrimonia; co111mendo, ; I comme11d or commit you tu God: a.
ACRIMONY SJharp11tjs, vehemence, enrnefl11ifs. farewel falutation. ·
AC.RO-STIC, A•f"• fum11111s, ex1remu1 ; et AD-JOURN, A«•<• dies; ad diurn11m tempus; to
rix•<, verf11s, ordo; a word, or name, rt•d accord- poftpo1re lo a future day; t hanks to the F rench for
ing Jo the initial, or final lt11ers of 'the verfas. this fine word : fee JOURNAL. Gr.
ACT, A'>'"• ago r to do; properly transferred 'AD-JUTANT, !"''"'' f,.J?.,, la•l""''jwoo, j 11t11m;
lo the mind . lo btlp, ft1eco11r, or nf!tft.
i\CUTE, AK•<, aeus; a needle, a poinJ; }harp- AD!lt11RAL, " Ar-•e"-< • Nug." which he fays
entd: or elfc fron1 Ax"''"• acuo : R. · Axn, acies; has been forn1ed from tbc Arabian a111ir, or emir;
tbe edge, or point of a· weapon. fignify'ing lord, , according to Mon( Menage, in
A-CYRRED, or KY RED .. V.erftcg. fays, "wee his French origins : to this the Dr. adds ; or fro~1
vfe for this the French woord lurntd :''-then moll 'A>,i'-""fX"• ruler, or chief of the faa : -perhaps
probably it is der·ived ii rvec.,, gyr-us; a cir-cuit, he meant ruler, or cbiif at fea; " R . "'AJ.,, .;,.,r,
or cir-clc, i. e. any· thing turned round. the fen, or fall; from whence comes 'A.>.y.•~''• falt-
AD-ACTED, A')'"! ago; to do; duco; lo lead, td, or whot re/nus to fall; and "fX"• /way, or
or drive gently. eom111a11d :"-this feems to be the better deriv.
ADAGE, Au/,..,.,, ab AuJ.,, vcl Avl"?"'• ada- fince it is highly probable there is no fuch word
gium; a pi-D'IJerb. · · in Greek as A,""f"'; : . at kaft my lexicons afford
ADAGIO, A')"o', ago; lo lead gently: a tem1 in me no fuoh word.
mufic. ' · AD-MIRE, M•f'" ocu/i; nempe quia 9ui mi-
A -DAMAN'fINE, AJ,,_14,.r, ...,.,, adamas, ran111r, rem 1111e111t afpiciunt ; fereque non jint"" vo-
1111tis; lapis durifftmus; a diamond ; not e11jj to be l11pt111e, ac /fupore; hinc mirac11l11m, ct mirztS ; llllJ
cut : R. A, non; et A"'I"""• domo, are ; to fubdue. thing wonderful, tbat is apt lo caufe affonijh111e111,
ADD, A.,, Aolw;<•, do, addo; lo givt, or add a11dftaring in the beholders.
~ any 11110111 whatwer. AD-OLESCE NCY; "A>./.,, extrito 3', eft alo,
A.D -bE.NDA, from the farne root; being ar- 11ugeo: fanc hoc fi verum, proprie alo, undc ado-
tides Jo be added, or joim:Ji lo Jome o/ber1, 1111d which lef<o, erit incrementum do ; "vu,.xtl'o"'x" ' autem de
bad bun omilltd. nutrimento a11i111alortt111 diatur: Volf."'-flowever,
ADDER: AT'f'" no,,ius; ab A<•, 11oxa; AT«w, with r(gard to ~tym. the, purpofc is anfw~red
11ou1J; hurtful, dca'd!.y, poifonous. Verftcgan tup- either way ; provided it does but fignify lo /n-
pofos it to be Sax.Cid. Voe. 139, fu ppofcs" naid- crtafa: Voffius has given us likcwile rwo other
tir, or naidr, to be Celtic for a frwke."-Nnidr derivations of alo; viz. an ab Al""• hoc eft ctdor,
feea1s to be only a contratlion of an adder; th.e quo opus, ut pla11t4, atqrit afia, ala111ur. : an ab •

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A "E F ro1n G R n E x:, and L ,.. T 1 N. A p
:AAr1•e, 1. e. farina fru111e;1ti ; quod ab A1i.1t.1, Vofiius derives " .edts from fades ;" if fo, then
mow. we n1ull: look for the origi11 of both thofe wonls
AD-OFT iON " among the Roman.s was pcr- in tbe verb Eeo,....., fadeq i to ftt d•w1i, to fix our
fonned by p11~cbaft," fays Ciel. Voe. 210, n ; /labitation ; to / cu lt our a/Jqde in any p!aa : ,etl{s
." archaically .written, adoptare would be adcop- fignifies likewife a ttniplt, or any:large building;
Jare :"-confequently will take the fame deriv. and an t11dilc was tht fuptrinunJ,,1t ·of brildings, or
with CO PE, 1>r bliJ : i.e. Gr. or elfe fee OP- public works.
TION. Gr. lEGYPT, A•'J'u"'1o;, ./Egypt11.1 ; regio .djrfr.e
AD-OR E , ·r,.,, hoc cft Ee••» Jico ; uncle 'p"'"'e• ptrctltbris•
.()rator, adorntio, to pray to, entreat, or worjhip. AEL<::, or AELK: " W ee have lince made it
AD·5CITl'f!OUS, r... .,, 1.-."r" fdo, nf<ititius; EACH : Vcrft."-but each is evidently Gr.
.added, admitted, aj[ociatcd; alfo far~fttched, 11/urptd. AELSWA: " Wee now write, and pronounce
AD-VERSARY }T~'"'" quali n,e7,., verto; it 11!Jo: Vcrft."-but we !hall fee prcfcntly that
AD-VERSE advtrjitas; to turn againfl ; ALSO is Gr.
AD-VERSITY be oppofitc, contrary to. lENIGMJl, A'.,'YI-'•• quod ab A1"r, Ji811111
AD-VER'flSE; from the fame root; fig- f.ab11lofu111 ; a p4rplextd, or obfaire fpttcb ; a ridd~;
.~ifying fam etbing lo be turned to, or •llended a Jarlc fentenc-<: R. A•,.~~'14"" 1Jbft11re lor1u1r ; to
to, in tither .a p11blic, or privat.e man11tr; an ad- talk obfturely•
•monition• ./EOLIC, A""•<• A!olw, Jns '/Jt/llorum : vari11S
.t:\ D· VICE, E.lw, 'tJidfo; quali 11dvifare, vel eciam, ct multiplex 1 the u;illlis, o r •II] tbing rt-
<idviftre; i•.e. vel vi/um, vel '"*los pr#Xime ad- lating to them.
mq.ve1·1 ; to to1.11ifcl, to injJ1-uB. lEOLO-PYLE, Ai•>-•, A!oli i et vvi....,, port.e;
ADlJLAT!ON, 'Hl u>.1e.,, 'Hlu,, dukiJ, (uaviJ; 1111 i11jlr11111tnl in form of a lta·lctttle ; to jbtW ·
.et >.•r•e'I-'"'' loquor; 10 footh with bta"Jijbments; the Jorct of rarfjitd waler and air•
,10 j/a1ter with fair fpuchts. lERA, A1w>, -e~um; a11 ,agt; or (o111e remar.ltab/1
AD-lJL'f , A>.I.., alo, 4doleftq; /o grow, i1ufeafa, pet·iod, from which <hronologtrs rtckon :-There is
iaugment. a remarkable account of the origin of the word
ADULTf:RATEJ" H;tu).l.1T•< : n~m HJ'uJ...•· .n-a, produced by Voff. "~zritur unde '4r"1
,ADULTERER ....,, .,..,.,..,~..,: idem quod illa appcllatio habeat: Johannes.Sepulveda, Cor-
.adulator; aut falte1n ejus originis, ac 'H.tur, dulcis : dubenris, libello, quem lcripfit de correaionc
Voll".'' we ufe it in a <"ontrary fenfe, for Jtbaucbed, anni, menliu1nque, cenfet, primiws fie brevitatis
defiled; alfo counttrfdt, faljt, aiul b11Jt. causfL fcribi folicun1 A . ER. A. id autem notalfe
•.l\.D- U l\1BRATE, ""'"'' •w Ol-'f3~·· 11mbra, im- ,fn.n us ERat .dugufti : pro ca facic, quod .era in-
.ber ; quod imbrts obft11rant fo/U tuctm; a jbad0".1J, cipit ab eo anno, qtio calendarium Romanu1n re-
"' cloud : Voll:" allo a.foetcb, or draught. ceperunt."
AD-U NCOUS, o'Y"°'• '"""'; crooked, hooked. A E RI AL, A•e• ai r ; tht air; lofty; ai're1ts; airy.
AD-VOCATE ; " Omni no eft vo.• a vo<o; et lESOP, A, ...,,..,, ex A18 .., ... «;;, f11lgeq; to jbi714;
~DCIJ, a Bot4, jnfe rto )t i quafi Box(IO, 'UOCO ; quomodo et "'"'1 "'':i:-,r, 0( 1thts, r;;11JtUJ; tbt ~1111Je11once; a f-a·
:a :i;,...,r elt/pcc1u: Volf."-unlefs Y!e chute to. mciu writer of fables 1 b)· birth a Pbrygi.111. Sec
admit of 'Hr.'"'• Hxw, voco ; ad'Voco ; to call, to E.SOP. Gr.
fittillflOJi •. lETHER, A.&.~, A1&.., ardt c, fpkll<ko ; tl'.e fly,
AD- VOWSON: frotn the fame root; fignify- or fin1u11;:ent : vel a b A" e,,.,. ~rifl:orlc.
iog now ad-uotatio ; il co11fuJ1ation, a co;1·vrt1tio11, a A-FED; "fed, or, afce r the French, nfJ1J'l/rijh-
cqmpafl. ed: Verft."-how u.n fortunate this good o ld
AD-USTiON, Uve, undc burg, ttTo, u.flum; lo Saxon is in this an. for both f ed, and nout:ij h
~urn, to parch. are Gr.
ADZ, AE"•• ajcia, quaft atffda; t11t r.,,., or AF·FA'BI LITY; <fl~.,, f ;;, «>""'" for, faris,
hatckt,-.that.cul.s b!)rizo111al!J, and to the perpendi- fatur ; ajfabilitas ; courtuus fptaki11g, milJ ut-
c ular. ltra11rt.
AECER, or AEKER, " a rornfmd, or cor11e- AF- FAIR; obu.,, fio, affido; qu ali adfacere
la11J: wee now vfe the woord aker for a unnine illud (c. ad qf!od f acie11d11m obligatus, feu atijlriDus
fpn u , or meafure of grownd: Verft. "-but wc fi1m; vel qU1rd fade~dmn mihi incumbit ; famtthi11g
have. feen already that 'ACRE is Gr. that I mn obliged to do ; fametbinl of co11ftq11tna.
1'EDILE, Ooxolo,, .edifito : or rather from AF-FECT, 11.>o"',fio, aj/tflatia; affeOtdneft ; IJVtr·
A1n<, .t:des ; quod ide1n notat: Eultathius enim muth l ar!, a11d dilige11te ; 1111 t1t:ler-dai1ig, o'Vtr-
exponit 1;.1,.,.,.,...... , babitotio, domicili11m: but afJing.

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A G From GR.! 1 K, and LA'!' rN. · .A H
AF-FI.l\'.NCE, 11,.9.,, fido,fides; co11fidc1u1, faith, AGENE, or EAGEN; "ovvn, proper: Vern.,.
•Jf11ra11c~. . .-thefe words feem to be only a different dialect
Af'-FlDAVIT ; from the fame root; fignify- . for the word OfVll; and therefore we need not
ingfities data, teflificatio, vd tefli111D11it1m cum jure- fcruplc to derive them all· from the fame root. Gr.
jMra11do dat um; an ajfir111atio11 on oath. AGENT, A'Y6', ago, agtns; doing, atiing for.
. AF-FINITY; ~vw,.fio, ajfinis; 11tigb/Jom11t, 6or- any one.
d'1'i"l ttpon ; of lcin by ttlarriagt, alliana, or . AG-GRANDIZE, Kf"""'• utJ.•><••·: I-Jefycli~ ·
bkod. · gr1J1tdis ; great,, or p(Jft)erf1d; n1eaning 10·
AF-FIRl'rt, ll.•el"''• firmru, fir11111111 /ado ; a Jo- augment, or increafa tht poffeflions, or p•wtr of 1&
lem11 tt}limqny to a11y faEI. per/011, alr•'IJdy too pr.J)erf:tl; and. is generally un-
AF-FLIC1', ~J1<{3w pro 0>.1{3w, Jligo ; to beat, derfrood in a bad fenfe.
1r JajJ t1gai11ft tbt ground.; to vex, leNne111 ; tetize. AG-GREGATE, "Ay"e"• Ar•e~«, g~ex, prre-
.1\:F-FORD, ll•e•?.,, fuppedito, copiam fado; to cifa principe lirera ; ut ab •\'-'•~'!'"'• mulgeo : Volt""
lnid •.J!ifla11ct. , . a fioclc, or company gathered together.
AF-FRONT, c.,~.,, fero, frons, tis ; the fore- J'\:G-GRESS.O R, "I••"t"'• I•«•t"1", r. ..e?w,falio,,
l>tatl, aftrnrtio; quOd indida animi pr,e fa feral ; and gradior, quia_gradus fuperior4111 in inferiorem gtrant,.
a perfon is faid to give an affro111, when he 1ffirms vel infcriorem in fuptrina: Yo!t"-unlefs we chufe-
any fcandal or falfchood againfr his adverfary to rather to follow the opinion of Scrvim, as quorecb
}is ftUr, and. meets him front Jo front: Shake- by Voffius himfelf under the art. Gradior; " Sedi
fpcar, in his l:Ja111/et, act iii. fc. 1. has made ufc addit et alterum erym. a Ke"'''"""': ejus verba ;.
of t his word in the plain fimple fenfe of only Gradi'OllS Miir s appellarus cit a gradiendo. ;,. bellCl
11ue1ing a ptr/011 auidmtally 1 ultro citrogut :-this would certainly be by mucl'll
the bcft d•riv. if the word KeJ,..,n, bore fuch-
King. Sweet Gertrude, leave us too; a fignification; which I have not as yet been able-
For we have clofely fc:nc for H amlet hither,
to find : H.•, 111acbi1U1 thtotralis.
That he, as 'twere by accident, may here
.dffr0111 Ophelia ;
AGILITY, Ay•" ago, agi/is; qui' facile agit;.
aBivir, nimble, lively.
that is, "'"' 1111e1 with htr, as by actiJ.ent. See AGlT.ATJON, Atw, •go, •gito> 14 Jri'Ve,jbal:t,,
CON-FRONT. Gr. or tofs. . ,
AF-GOD l" a" idol, and idolatrie: Verft." A-GNATION, p,.,,..,, r"'I""" vel r''Y","'"''"
AF-GODNES S -but theft: are evidently de- gigno, nafcor, nalflS, vcl gnalus; to bt born of, dt-
rived .from GOD ; and confequcntly Gr. fct11ded fr-, of the Jame lt.indretl,_
AFTER," A""~t, poflea; afterwards." Upt. .A-GNITION, 1'1_,,.., nofto, agnil11J; 1t110W11 ;;,
AFTER-MATH~; "tbt pfljlure aft tr the graft knowltdge. .
h.atb beeu mowed; JO many places called ro11ghi11gs: AGONIZE, Ayo.... ?.,; t~epido; to tre,,,J,/e; R~.
Ray."-.This is only explanation; this is not tell- · Ay..., ctrlamt11; any co11j/iEI, eo11tefl, or jtruggle.
ing us from whence 1be word after-math is de- A-GOTEN, •• Povvred out; gottrs, otbcrwife·
rivc.d ; which feems to con)c from the two Greek gull"s are accordingly fo ca,lled : Vcrlt."-but
words A•.,«e·"I"''"'' po;1·melo, qua.Ii po.ft-mt./!11111 ; GUT TERS arc Gr.
'.fter·»>owi}lg; a fuond-crop. AGREE, Xot•t, gratia,gr11tta; pltafanl,fuitab/1.
A· G.'\INST, "Sax. On-zean; co11tra: Jun. and AGRICUL1 'URE, A'J'f°'• ager; a field ;.rural;;
Skinn."-but uean is no- more than ""• wi th tbi cott11tr:y; nftic : and cult11ra, a col#, cllltus 1 ill'
the Sai<. initial lie p1t6xed co it ; and therefore till, plew, impro-;e.
"" is vilibly derived ab A•·~., t111tra; agai,,Jl, AGRIMONY, agrimonia; s-bt htrb Jo ta/ltd.
oppo}ite. AGUE, A.,r, acits; aculrtJ; acutt; jbarp; "nihill
A.GAR·IC, " Ay•e•••r, a rool tbot tomn /rem nempe ufitatius en quam acut•s dittre ftbres: acu-
'dgaria, a provinte of Sar111atia .. N ug.'" tus, quodawit11QtU lfto~b&J· tj, tf. acutis doloribust
AGATE, AX."'T~" acbatts ; agatt;, a.Jpedes of ·exercet :;''-It is very obfervable, that thcfe are-
gems. the wards both of J un .. and Skin. and yet both.
A· GATE; Ray fuppo{es it lignifies jll}J going; : thole gentlemen have gone no farther in the etym*
as, I am a ·gait : Kate, in the nerchern dialect, of this word' 1 and have taken no notice at all.
figni(ying a way; fo t hat a-gate is, " I 11111 al, or ·of anste in ics proper place; as if. there had been
upon tbt way :"-th~n it may originate from the no filch word in our language at their tirnes l for
farne fource with our word GAIT .. fee GO-. Gr. · th~y borh left it out.
".\GE, A11, ft111ptr, .w1111J, a'IRJ ; OllJ long du- · AH ! A ! a word, or rather. found:of jrup:ize;.
ra/1011. gritf, or t1dmiratio11..

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A I Fro1n · GR t l; "" .ant! ~l:r AT 1 " · A I •
.A l-JAH: froa1 the faine root; expre.ffiog a 1by other writers to lignify ft,,1il.c, would perplex
J111-priZ£'t1t meeting with a hollow, or /1mk trench, ,the motl: li1btil etymol. le wou ld be as difficult•
gruu·de1t with pallifades, not 'difco'1Jerable tiil you a1·e' ias·'to1~1ceive· how 'a1tijla11d jho111tijig11ify a jlrefght,
jujl upqn. it, w hich ad11tits on t ><tenfi'IJe projpefl. of or a fritb :-our word a.i /e.r at prefcnt fr.ems to
the to1mt1y, btrt obflr11E/.s all farther progreji. be a contraction of alley, or allies; and in that
A-HILD, "bidd$n; wee alfo dcriue for this ifcnJe tliey would exaCtly anfwer the definition the French woord couet·ed: V.e rtl:."-thus ·giveo by Ainf\v. of being lt mpli femi1,,, inter fedilia
this g9od old gentleman fuppofrs it to be Sax.; fatld! ; pajj':zge.r, or paths, made between tbe pe-.JJs
but it is Gr. foe HEIL:,Gr. ·in a cb11ri'h :_-accorfling to that idea, we n1ight
AID, law, !txlir.>, j11.~·o, adjwvo; lo af)ift, help, tr3ce t he etym. of that word under the arc.
{ilpport . ALLEY. Gr. .
J\!GLET, "A1y»•, Ay'A«•?w,fplendto; to jhint : AIM, "corruptedly. fro•n eying: Ciel. Way.,
n fpmigle. Upt.'' 31, to take nn eyeing, or aim :"-but EYE is Gr:
Al L, "Tl .u:y,.,, what ai!e:h thee? ~uid doles_? AIR, "to breathe ; A•f• ,";-,.; 1he fay, or atmo-•
or_froni A>.u"'~ ma:rore confici; to be njfe[Jed with fpbere: .Nug." ..,... ·.,.;;,A" ; .... . Ciel. W ar. 7 9.
gnef. Cafaub. and Upt.'' Ciel. Voe. 5, fays, 1s of opinion, that 1ur takes its name from the
chat "'l"ay is a Gaulith word, wh ich lignifics circumnaocc of its being what we breath~ nroimd
ClJUaUy 11 beam, or an 11il111t1>! of the C)'t ; Ullt taye 111,; and i:>bfervcs io p. 76, that "in rhe Celtic fyl-
f.!' l'a:il :"-but if the <?auli!h word t'ay be ~he lable ar,.er., ir, or,_ aod ur, you will find an1ong its ·
fame with the n1odern French ay, an 10tc~1eCl1on other feafes the idea of ro:mdnefi :"-and the11 :
of p.ain, it is undoubtedly derived from A1, heu, proceeds to give 1nany iaftance.s; amona which
1bet1; a/tu, oh me! o r if it be the farnc with the £lands ll•e•• tit'Ca ; around. · . !"
111odern French word. taye,_ or taie, the ctyrn. AIR, or .dry at : Skinner has very pro-
mu!t be traced fometh1ng farther. No Greek or perly CXP.larned this word by " oon aeri fou-
I:atin word ever .came from the hands of the plicii fed i,tni cxpopere; nee tamen ab-
} rench without bcmg fo transfonncd, as to rcn- furde, fed 1ngcn1osa, ut 11111)1 v1detur, metaphorll i
der it almoft impolliblc to trace its origin : taye t:<)iccandi fa11fu; ;; Lat. aridiu, et arifaurt :" bu~
then, or tait, ·ftgnifies. a_pearl, beom, or iveb In the there the ':Or. ftops; and we might have tl:opped
eye, this web might lead us to fufpeCl that taye too, if areo had been the origiflal word : bur
is only ·a ditl:ortion · of :E1i-y.,, tego, texo; ut ~ area, aridus, and arefncio, are undoubtedly derived
'Vtbo, 'JtXO ~ a ICXO, ICX/ura, 1tg11fa, le/a tai/a, laie, ab A~•>, jicco, .arej11cio; to dry, OT gt11t/y warm 1111}
Jignifying properly a web; and frcondarily, a thing at thejire. ·
Jim, ibat gr&ws over the eye, .whi,h in . a manner . AI R, or _man11tr; by_ the help .of our very good
to'Vers the light. friends the French, tins word 1s fo changed in.
. · AJLES •fa chui-<h, commonly written and pro- appearance, that no wonder our di&ionary wri-
nouoccd ijlc4: . Lye in his Addenda writes it ijl of ters, and etymol. lhould be fo perplexed in ex-
a church; but what t hat lhould mean, would be pbining, and tracing its deriv. it fignifies, ac-
difficult to fay; p:irticularly after i\infworth has cording to Skinn. "j)'mmetria quredam lineamen-
told us, that the of a church are templi /emit.£ torum vult~s; itl!m g1·a1i11, dec1r11s, b/andus, et
inter Jtditia fafl,e : Lye calls them in Latin al.e ; il!ex afpef1us ; a Fr. Gall. air, idem fignante: hoc
nam al.: appellantur columoarum ordines ad la- non, ut · prima fronte videri polfcti ab altero air,
tera redis. Ciel. Voe. 70, is of opi nion, that aer; fed fumpta ab accipitrariis metaphor:1"-
" ·bal, cal, 11!, ar, beil, in the fcnfe of fcbool, is in which opinion, as I do not agree with him, J
the true etymon of our word ijles, or ailes, for the lhaU not proceed: neither can any farther fatisfac-
txedrd!, or 0111-places of the great .c•urt, or .kirk; tion be gained from the other ctymof, Let me
in tlu:fe were probably the cdls, or pl<ues of ;,,. therefore defire leave to offer anc>thcr conjecture ;
ftru&ti® of )'Ottlb :"-and to this day we tiod li~tle that air, when it figoifies man11er, grace, and di[;-
jchools efl:ablilbed in many country towns round a 11ity, or 'even any of their contraries, may be de-
chancel, over a church-porch, and fometimcs rived ab Ae•-1~, '1Jirtu;, g1'alia, modus; a grace,
over the doiftcrs of a cathed!"Al: and in p. 139, mamttr, or mode of attion.
he likewife obferves, that " rhefc ijles, ail<s, htib, AIRY, high, and lofty; ab A•e• atr, aereus;
or halls, were fomecimes tran!latcd 117"'; becaufc aerial.
t hey fignified the our. buildings of any place; AIRY for haw .ts, is an in!l:ance of the ftrange de-
the wings -as it were of any edifice :"-but then it generacy of words, when they pafs throug h 1nany
\voukl be ·G r. as under the art . ISLES of 11. languages, and.fuch languages as the Northern, or
church :-but, how the word ifle can be tortured any modern tongues: the orthogr. of this word is

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A L From GR E .! K, and LA T 1 N. A L
far from being fixt : Sk inn. writes i~ ayry ; derive it ab AJ.~or, ·a/bus; white ; and VoAius}
t;•try; Jun. airie; and Spelman airet•, lyerit; the as we Jhall fee prefently under the art. ALI'S,
Theotifcans ti, et ty; the Anglo-Nornians, t)t; will tell us, that albus lignilies no.n colortm tan-
the Teutones ey; pl. cyr; the Sax. €6he; and the tum, fed et altitudinem.
Fr. Gall. worU of all, and n1olt degenerate of AL-.BURY, fays Ciel. Voe. 71, " n1eans a bo-
aU, aire; an(\ we to. be fure muft imitate them, rotlgh, bury, or prtcinll of a college, or ftbool ; for
and write it airy, when both t.his, and all the reft al, cal, ha!, lignify a college, or fchool :"-and
are der~ved ab n~., pl. Tli. n .., ova; eggs; it be- confequently derived ab Au>-·•, mda ; a hall.
ing tbt ntfl, or breeding-place, for eaglus, ha.wks, ALCAIC, A>.""";,; alcalcum carmen;
&c. a m~afure in poetry ; fo called from .lllcmus, the
AKENNED, or " tttet111t d; for that k, and c, inventor; conlill iog of two datlyls, and two
faith Verft. · in our antieot language pro- crocha:i; as, p11r.purei mt1J1un1 tyram:i : r.:ior.-this
nounced alyke, . Jignifieth brought f•ortb, or borne: Greek poet lived in the 44th olympiad; poems
wee yet fay of certaine beafts that they have were ftrong, con.cife, and well laboured.
lcenkJ. (he tneans kenneled) whe111hey bttve brougbt- AL-CHEMY; x'·"''"' vel X•I"'"" written. .J::y
fo,,,.lh their yong <tnes."-'froc:; but ke111ul is Gr. Nug . ./lkhymy, aod deri ved " from al, an Arabic
AL; Ciel. Voe. 70, tells us, that "al, call, arcide ; and Xvi"''"• and an atchymift from .Xvp.•r>r;,
ha!, in Cehic lignifies college, o r fcbool :''.-confe- fl- founder, J X<w, and Xuw, fu11do ; to po11r . Ot'!, Io
quently arc nil derived ab Av>.-• , aula; a ha!!, or cajl, to mtlt:"-this appears a very plaulible d< -
&ollege : it • Jikewife bears another fenft ; for .in ri v .. ; but \tnforrunacel.Y, 1leitl1er Xv14~ei, nor Xv,u.1r11 ..:t •
p. 69, he juft now cold us, t hat "al fignifies the are . co be found in our lexicons: neit her is
deep faa :"-and in that fcnfe it fcems to originate themift, or chymijl, derived from x,.,, or Xuw,
ab A>.·1, mare; the faa, or ocean. fimdo; but is a word intircly Arabic, or Copt ic;.
ALABASTER, ~· 11u.{3a:re•" a ve.ffel for keep- and is written by- our bell authors, particularly
ing perf1111iu , or the jlrme whereof ii iJ made. Milton, not A.lcbymy, but .I\ LCHeMY 1 an::l is
N11g.'' derived by Boerhaave, the g reateft profc!for in
A LACRITY, ' ""'"f"'• 11011 triflis, qttali A>."•~•<, that fcience. " fro1n the Arabic word, written in
a/a,ris ; merry, br·ifa, gladfqme. Gree~ X".'""'• which figoifics famcthillg bidden,
AL.:AN; Camden in bis Reina.ins, p. s·•, fays,. ocru!i, myjhrious ;" though this Greek word is not.
" I would feck i·t ratber out of the Britiil1, than to be found in our lexicons likewife : and he ob-
Sclavo nian tongue ; and will believe with an an- ler ves in the 6rll: volume of his Chemiftry, p. 5,
t1ent Briran, that it is corrupted fro1n .dilianu.<, " that Egypt, from the exceed ing black, colour
i. e. Srtn11e-brigh1 :"-then it. would. have been of its foil , is even to this day called in Coptic,
mo re rearonable t o have believed with a n1ore the laJtd of Cemi : "-and therefore what we read
antient Greek, that it was corrupted ab 'H>.1•<, in the cvth pfalm, that J acob was a ilranger in the
fol ; · the fim. !tmd cf Ham (n1eaning Egyp!) lhould have been
ALARM, o , 1,.,.,, Ae1«» arnltl; armti propric the land of Cham, o r Cb~mi :- fo that the words
ol im acceptmn ~ueri c de q uiritatu vocantiu1n cives alchemy, and clr~mijlry, are not of Greek, but
ac populares foos ad fuccurrendum libcrcati la- Arabic, or Coptic extratlion ; and fignify a mffte-
boranti ; the call 10 arms on any im111i11cnt da11ger. rious fcieiue. Cleland derives it fron1 the Celcic.
ALAS, E>.t.l·.ty, intetjellio la111e11Ja11tis ; ab E;.'"" AL-CORA N; another Arabic word; as ap-
mifi·r ari, cc1n111iferar-i ; ah tne . ab, ~oe is tJJ I! ! pears from the article AL; Aicoraman, and ,-Jko-
AL$4NY l Ciel. Voe. 184, tells us, " the !e'l.Jel, ra11us ; lex 1i111ba111medis ; et koran, ld1io; cu111 ar-
. ALBION S or comparatively level, country ciculo AL. i. e. the book of J.-f11bo1;:e1's ltiw.
of this iOand, and ~fpecially South Britain, was A L -COVE; either from Ko•;, .IEol. Kvo;, cav111 ;
called Alb"in, or Alb<.cea11 ; whence o ur word .Al- hollow ; n1eani11g a bo/low, retired place, in which
Mo11, which ·being a diminution of alb, bigb; Gg- a bed, col!ch., or chair is fometimes placed : or
ni lies comparatively 1111-bigb, i. e. IGw-land :" - elfe wit h Ciel. Voe. 142, we n1uft fuppofe that.
and confeqttent!y all feen1 to be derived ab A;..J- ho.ff. co.ff, or cove, fig nifies ./ he head; and al, bigb ;
l"..i, a!o, nugto, do i11cre1ne11J:ttn i to i1;crt nfa, gro\v to i. e. high, ove" head :-now boch arc Gr. for at
a heigh t; unde aft -us, high: or elfe they may comes from Al.-t~, undc al-tus; al-titrufe; and
all be derived as in the following arc. coif, or kepb, c~'mts fron1 I«q>- a:J.r., capul ; the:
ALBTD l Ciel. V oe. 20S , fuppC)fes "a/bus to head .
ALBIFY f be derive<( 3 K"h«, prtl&htr ; fair, A·L -C UI N; Ciel. Voe. 68 , f; vs, that nl r,:,.,..
while, beautif11l : "-buc it feems more natural to nifies c~lkge; nod qttin, or cui11, ·figoifies hc'ad :
C " 'when

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A L Fr<>1n GAEEK, and LAT 1 i.. A L
., when Charlemagne (adds he in bis note) f~nt to AL-GEATS, " tutry vvay, or how-tuer-it-
England for a head of a college to fuo·niih a model bee; &c. Vcr!1:."-this word feems to be derived
for· ihc u niverlity- of Paris, the appell~tion o f the fro;n the fa1n e root with our word GAIT ; and if
perfon, who wcnc over in this fcrvice, was the fo, then Gr.
a!-cttin, in qualicy of a bead of a college : this ALG EBRA, Algebra, aritb11utfra JPuiofa ; tlu
..:ices not abfolurdy i1nply Alcai1ls na1ne not be- art of literal t1ri1bmetic.
ing a proper nan\e; bu c it fecnn very ""afonable A LGlD, AA')''"" doleo ; undc gclidtu ; o r ra ther
10 d1ink it was rather- his nan1e of oilicc :"- but from r,)..., ff/'"' ..f"• .}vx,; .., gelu, gelid1u; to be
whacever the word may lignify, it is undoubtedly cool, Ot cpill.
G r. ; for al, as we hav·e feen, is Gr. and qt1in, .'\.L-IBI, A>.1'<91, a!icubi, alibi ; famewbere elft '
tui11, eo11i,.g, and KING, are the fame. a term in Jaw, by which a pcrfon endca\'ours co
ALDER: Vc rO:. acknowledges tbat this word, clear hi1nfclf of a cri1ne, by proving that he was in
when ufed in compofition, fignilies " of all ; and a»other place, at cbe very time, when the offence
.feemeth as- abridged of t he woords of all tbtU was affirmed to have been by hi1n ·eoinmitted~
,,,.e; and is ufed ;n the fuperlativc degree 1 as i\LICANl" wine; vilfflm r1gibNis lli<ia114'. •
for example, alder-be.ft, for beft of all ; alder-er.fl, ALlEN,, AA~•<, alius, alit1<us ; aNolh<r 1 Q fo·-
firfl of all; alder-left, la.fl of all; a(dcr-liife;1, bej1 rtig11er, a flranger ; °".' wbo com,es from another"
6e{oved of all; a/der-111et1jl, tno}t of all ; alder- country.
fairt}I, fairtjJ of all; alder-eldefl, oldeft of all:"'- ALIMENT i Ai.,.., calor; quo opus, ut plant.e,.
but then this good old Saxon could not fee that ALIMONY S atque a'/ia alanltir: vel ab•
all, and every of thcfe words, are Greek ; as AAH"f• i. e. fa rina frumenti, quod ab A>.1.., mo/10 :
may be found under their feveral arr. vet porius ab AJ;I.,, alo, extrico i' ; afttndo·; -nam
AI .DER-MAN, 'R.,>.«, '&.~•1tt•;, old, older; qu,e a!Ulrlar in altit1'dinem aj/urg11111; n"1rio, augeo::
eld, tlder; the ftniorJ, or fe11ators of a city : it is 10 nourifh, feed, i11cr1aft : with regard t-0 the lattel'"
a wonder that neit her J.un. nor Skinn. lhould tee part of this com.poU1Jd, 111011y, (for we have many•
the affinity of this dcriv . particul arly the latter, <>ther words .end 1n~ with it, as matri-mtmy, t,t1rci-
who acknowledges that the Englilh word alder- mo11y, Jantli-mony J Ciel. V.oc. f?., verr.. JUIHy
man is derived fro1n the Sax. €albo)l-man ; but obferves, that they " all refpeeti vet y denote per•
€ alb, and €albop, are evidently derived from · manenty,. and habit:" - confequcntl¥, Gr.. See-
Olb ; and Olb, he acknowlfdges afterwards from . MANSION, o.r REMAI N. Gr.
Cafaub. is derived fro1n EIM•~. v~tus, antiqusu ; _ALL, " 'O>.o<, totus integer. U:pt."-perliap9o
but confelfes, that if he was to derive it from the this word 'O>.or may have given origin ro our:
Gr. it lhoukl- be from A>.J·,.,, A>.l.,, augeo: here, word all, through. the Sax. bal:; whole ;: but it.
however, it feems he chofo neither:-" an ealdbr- bas more vi(ibly given origin to our word wbok 1
man, which wee now call· an alderman," fays and yet neicher U pt. nor Nug. faw that ev,ident
Yl·rll:. 316, " was fuch in effetl: an1ong our an- deriv.; or, if. the.y faw it,. neglcfrcd· it;. for they.
cetel'S, as was · tribu11uJ plebiJ wicl1 the: Romans; ha\'~ b0th left it out. ·
i. e. one tha.t had chief jurifdietion among the A L- LAY, !'"Y''" cubo, cubar.e f acio·; to ldy.
comons, as beeing a maintainer of t heir liberties dawn ~ or elfe from A•r.«, cortex, lt'".Jir, 1J!le:vt11:e ;,
and beneiirs , .._ conf(<iuently Gr .. as above. to ligbteit, ajfuage, a/le-Jiau :
ALDER-t ree; ,.fnuJ . .A:L-LECT A T I ON, A ....,, t"""'"" lacio,.alletlo ;.
AL-DRED 1 Verft. 245, allows tha t thefe to allure,
AL-DRIDGEJ proper na1nes fignify dreaded · AL-LEGE; this word is- commonly written.
8f all :-but then he never imag im.'CI that beth : with ad; but it would. be d ifficult to fay,. how:
thofc word~ ALL, and DREAD, were Gr. the letter d fhould gain admiffion into a word'd(:.
ALE, " AA<•.• H efych. a C)•prian word. Upt." r.ived eithet" from A17w, duo ; to JPeali,. affirm ; or
AL-EMBIC, ex AA-Al"f3•5, plt'mbieu.r, vel autn- from /ego, legar.e, all•gatio ; to i111pute· a crillle, oh
bicu111 ; a ftill. · calumniau.
ALERT, Al<>•e•<• quafi A>.o:•e•:, ala.criJ, vcl ALL-EGORY, "A>-><>i?'•f!"• a fig ure offpeecli,,
4lare; ; mt1ry, brijk, gladJome. · by which one thi11g is foid, and anqtber mtant :·
AL~Jf-ANDER; " 1\.\,Zw, lo drive away, t o R. ~i.i.•c, ali11~ > and. A')''("• I be bar, 01<. barang11e.,
repulfei er A>"f• "''f•<, a 111a11 of cour1;ge ; i.e.. fortiJ . o.r j~cecb : un?,e A')''f""" to harangue, or /µair. itJ
•u:1ilia1or; a hrave or bold defmder. Nug." P«blrc. N ug.
ALEX I-Pl:-lAR!vllCS, A>.1£,.,, d<ptlio; et ~a.e­ A L -LEGIANCE ;, ei ther from At,,.., !ego ;.
l'""'' vcn11wm ; on a11Jida.te /'II e~-pel poi/on. uode !ex, legalis; q11r; lawful dul!J to our jO'llertig11:

- · or

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.A L From GREEK, and LATIN. A L
O!' tlfe from Auy1o11 ligo, viircio; 10 bind; the duty, faeiendum aliquid dare ; to • let, to hir~; to grant
wbiJ:h binds the fi.1bjeEJ lo thefovereign: both Junius leave. ·
and S.kinn. would carry this etym. no higher than AL-LOY, .l\<r.•r, cortex; levis; to lighten, to de·
the Latin Jang. fee LIEGE. Gr. bafe the value of the coin. . ,
ALL-BN l Ver!t. 246, fays, " by vulgar pro- AL-LUDE, Av!•ew, l11do, a!l11do ; to play, or
ALL-IN 5 nuntiation, the nanie of Al!e11, or fPorJ with one ; to JPeak 13 another jubjest. ·
'Allin, is come from Alwine, or beloved of alt:"- AL-LUVION, A•w, lavo, a!fuvies; 10 ~011/h;
it fccms rather to be derived from all, . and win ; alfo a la11d-flood.
o r obe who wins all 1nen's affections ; 'who co11- AL-M.i\NAC, " fro1n al, an Arabic ank le;
~utrs all m.e n's prejudices: however, in both cafes and ,."'~""• a l1111ary drde, in Vitruviu s : R.
it is•Gr. llh••· rhe moo11 :-unleJS we chufe to derive ic fro1n
AL-LI;.VIATION, 1\1..•r, cortex, q11i t}l levis, the Hebrew manacb, according to Covarruvias ;
priori correpta ; eoque fortafie Horat. refpexit, Nug.''- perhaps it might 1nore properly be de-
lib. iii. Od. 9. rived from M"'• me1!fts ; a •11011/b ; which how-
§luamquam jidere pulcbrior
ever originates a M•••· Ver!tegan, who looks
on as inti,rely Sax.on, fays, p. $8, " The
Ille eft ; 111 levior cortice : Germans vfcd to engrauc vpon cen:u ue fquared
but when lrois is ufed by 'the Latin poets with fticks, about a foot in length, the courfes of the
the fir!t fyllable long, it lignifies brighi, polijhed; mo1m.s of the whole yeare ; and fuch a carved
and then originates ii l\uor; JEol. AuFor, lrois, or ftick they called an al-mon-aght, i.e. al-mcon-bted ;
rather 1-eliis : in our prefent fenfe i£ originates a co wit, the regard; or obferv11tio11 of alt the moo;:s ;
A1,,.1<, curie.•, levis, ttnde levo, a/le'Vo ; to lighten, and beer-hence is derytied the name of alma-
ajf11age. 11ac : "-but all of the1n are e vidently de rived a
ALLE Y; a contracrion of ambulare ; to wa/!t; M1111, mt'!fis; a t1101Jtb ; vel ii A1ris.11 1 it1J1.fl ; the n1cr,1J.
an alley being only.a lfarrow path to walk in : am- ALMOND, " A,.u'YJ";.."• and Ap.oy3a<>.•v : R.
bulo is derived from A•"iro>.r.,, cfrcumire, redfre; Ap.vy/ "')..'°'• an almond-tree. Nug."
to walk bac!twards, and forwards : pro A'""'o>.Oi ALMONER l" E>...,.,,,."'"' mifericordia; flips
dicicur A,.rro>.w, anfbulo; to walk. fee ISLES of a ALMS 5 erogata pauperibus; omnc /te11efi-
clrurch, Gr. tium, quo calamitofos proftq11i.mttr : Upc."- a giver
AL-LIANCE; Au'l'"• ligo, vincio ; to bind: of money to t he poor; alfo a dole.
ftates u11iled tcgetber by cl'Ue11a111, Teague, or friend- A- LODIAL; alawcerm, bearing feveral fenfes:
fo~. ' "a/odium vero," fays Spelman, "quod per omnc1n
AL-LIGATION: from the fame root. Gr~ hreredum fer.ie1n difcurreret, et cuivis e popuio
AL-L IGHT, "'"'o-A1>.>.o,..a1, falio, dejilio ; fo (eciat'n rcclanunce domino) dari polfet, aut ve·
leap down from a horfa,. to difmount: pr dfe it 1nay nundari : propterca ctiam a/odium d1ci ii. Sax. 'J!i,
be only a aontraaion of al/igh1e11; i. e. to ligh1ei1 et leob ; quau popularc; 7f. enim ad, vel 1~(7tte
the weight of a borfe's burden, by getti11g off bis figmficat ; et leo'o, pop11lu111 :"-confequencly Gr.
back: and then it will cake the fame root with a A"'~r, popultt!: '' dicatt1r etiarn,'' continues he,
AL-LEV IATE. -Gr. " a!odium, ab A, privativo ; ~t leo'o ; Gall. leud ;
A·L-LITER-ATION, Ao«, A""""'• lino, A>...... pro vajfalo; quafi fine v ajfailag;o ; vcl fi1u onere ;
1'e'" 'l'f"·~''°' : H cfych. : a pen, or any i11ftr11mei11 quorl Angli hodie load ap pdla1nus.''-but even
lo make fellers with; littra·; a letter; here uf~d to ltill it tnay be G r. fee LOAD. Gr,
Jignify many fucceflive words beg inning wich the ALOES ; " Vcrifimile ell: ab A>.~, mare; qu ia
fame letter; as in thefe re1narkable lines appl ied in loti! maritimis "'ifcat : fed fine <lubio etr :ib
to cardinal \Volfcy; Hehra:os, · qui bus dicitu r aha/otb: babes ea1n vo-
ce m, Cafic. iv. 14 ; ubi interpretes vertunt A:1.-.,
Begot by bucchers, but by bilhops bred, et in quibufda1n A>.t.>9, quod contrachun ex aba.
How haughtily bis bighncfs bolds bis head ! . lo1h : ab integ ro ahal•th vid~rur clfe Ay">.)..o;.:.« ,
agril/orh1JJ, <Jure ell: aloe aromatica; the fruit of a
ALLONS, A>.>-•,.a•, f olio ; to jl:ip, or jump v ery· biller /hrub. Votr."
away : perhaps this g ave orig in co the F rench A - L00.17, '' A~·r.,,, cqrlex, /&'"'.;is, elevo; emintts, de
\<crb alter; to go ; fro1n whence our word is !01igJ: J on." ac proprie forcafi'e q uod cwri11us, at-
derived. qne ex alto, confpiciendmn fe prrebet; ut fit cj uf-
AL- LOW, A•X"• locus, allocare ; uc j u rif- dem origi.nis cmn aloft, or lofly :-this is a
periti nollti el<ponunt· adforare; i. e. 11lelld11m cl much better deriv. than wich Skinn. to tell us 1r
c '3 i;

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A L From GRE?K, and LATIN: A L
is derived from all·and off; without acquainting (more[110) had derived fa from nr, fie, inverfum1 •
~s from whence off is derived; for he has left and yet he would have ("1:ore Juo) his Sax. Belg-.
n our. and T eu c. give origin to our word fo ;-and /1
ALPHA -BET, A1.9"' - En·,., alpha -beta;· the let it be.
two firft letters of the Greeks. AL1' -AR: At.Jw, alo, altru, a/tare; certe ab
ALPS; Ciel. will not permit the It.alinns, or a/1it:1dine ; na1\1 a/Jore diis fuperis; ara terref-
Romans, to remain in quiet polfellion of chis tribus ; et focus, five ftrobicriltts inferis, dicacur :
word; for in his Voe. 2.1 1, he fays, that " the 1111 altar, roifid of any materials, on wbich thq fa~
Gauls, Ce/JJ, Alps, and We!jh, are but dialeB:ical crificed to /be gods above.-Clel. Way, 78, and.
variations of a word, at bottom, conveying the Yoe. 133, fays, " the jambs, or jambagcs of the
fame princip al idea, bnt more or Ids excenfive, anticnt cromlcch~, were the upright, or fupport•
accord ing as it is pregnant with acce lfaries :" and ing ftoncs, on which the parties, taking an oath,,
in p: 2.06, 7 , he contends, ch at " all rhofe words or daming fanccuary, laid their hands ; ·and. were
in their primitive idea lignify bills, . 11101111tains, called i11 Lat in ara: ,; as the bigh-flo11e, or i•p-Jlont,
eminences :"-now, this is the very idea that Voflius was called cite alt-are, which was too high to be:
has given us from Bucananus, that a nt iquis a/bus, reached ; but it was the ar<tt, or jambs thez-
five a/pus, non colorem tantum, fed er altitudi- touchcd : . · ·
nem noca!Te ; indeque rum 11lpib1u no1nen impo-
Arnf<1ue teoentem. 1"En. iv. :i.1 9 .
. firum , tu1n Albio11i, ob 1nontium a/1i1:1di11ein: de
a-lpibus favec, quod gloJrre alpcs interpre tantur
Tango aras. lEn. xii . 196."
•e, •'1-n>-a, quodque llidorus ait Gallorum li ngua Jc is very remarkable, that Vi rg il, in h is fir(J;
olpes n1ontes alti v oca111111· : " interim, fays VoJT. lEn. 1 13, lhould have 1n3de ufe of the word
album ab A>-9ov venire cerru1n ·eft :"-nay, even ar,e in the fenfe of r•cks; for, in defcribing the:·
accord ing to Cleland's own cxphnacion, t hat al, ftorm raifed by 1£olus, at the requefl: of Juno,.
el, ii, o!, and ul, are of the fame po wer, the he fays, that rhrcc lhivs of .lEneas' fleet were-
vowel being indifferent ; and that 11! figni fies d riven in Jaxa la1c11tia,
<al, cell, he!, or hill; frill alps wou·l d even then Sa.ra.,"nt ltali 1nediiS qure fluctibus aras;,
be Gr. for cal, all, and coll, are no 1nore than
contractions of col!-i1, which is derived a Ko>-·"'"• _:If now t he alt-ar lignified the high.-ffo1u,. thofc:
' o/lis; a hill. •VoFds li:em to be G.r. for alt. is undoubtedly the:
AL- READY. If the word ,1/ready be con1- fan1e with the Latin a/t;-:u, high ; a nd we lha:ll.
pou ndcd of all, and ready, as Skinn. himfolf allows; tee prefently, that ALTJT.UDE is Gr.; and ar,.
and if ready be deri ved a ·p ••J..,, facilis, ea[J, as car., or char, fcem co be no 1nore than. a trnnfpo~
Jun. himfelf allows, and Skinn. likewife would Gtion. of 'p.,, i. c. ·e"x-•«; r-upes. ; a· roclt; or o f
h ave allowed , if he had not his favourite Sax. 'J?ax,-•~, dorfim; ltrrd!, et tnonris ;. any large e111i~
Iiepa:'oian in view, and which, together wrth 11e11ce, or 1J1oantai11, which is, of ftone,.
the Dan. reder ; the Belg . ghereed; and the on a ftony fubilance, the d iggiog · o( which is,
Cimbr. bradu, or bradar; qu:c oi.nnia (fays he) called the ,,.,, charry~ or quarl)'•.
Fr. J un. more fuo deducit a 'p.,J'.,.,, vel ii ·p.,9,.., ALTER l A>-?»"f'h JEol' A>,/\•'f"'•
vel ii 'p,·;;,., :-if this be truly t he caf~, the Dr. A.LTER.A1:10N-} 1.-.?•i, AXA•;, ali11s, ofter,.
ough t to have g iven his objection ; and Jun. a/tero ; to v ary, or change.
o ug ht not to have omitted ch is word . .. ALTITUDE , A;.lw, •~·trito J, alo, altilf1do ;.
AL-SATIA, " a p.l ace in London," fays Ciel.
Voe. 55, and 17 9, " formerly fo called, is derived .
nam q;1,e· alu111;1r in. oltit11di11em J11rg11111 ; height,,
or MP""
' .
ab aifw.yth, to fignify al, a ball, or college ; nnd ALVEARY ;. A•;/\o~, alvu~, alveare·; a bee,..
fwyth, a fe.1t :" -b ur a!, ha/, cal, or col, originates hive.
ab 1\v>.· "' mda ; n hall, com·t, or college ; and fav)·lh .i \.t,.t::l-M, ..\>.r, .x>'.Gn aliln11.n ; fa!jttgo terr.dJ ; a·
fecms to be but a barbari fm of· f edes; a .f.YJt, a f oJlit [alt : quibus a!umen, A~·"l"I"'"' pro f alfugint
fwy th; and confequcntly derived ab l!.;.ol'""" fideo ; terrd! celebracur ; , illi non inepte ab Tn• A>,r-.v,
lo fit; whence feat; or the faat cf a head college. a!t1me11; quod falfriginem, murit1111, f11 /jifagi11em notar,
A L-Ss;>: the fame m_erho_d of arguin~ might deri vant.
here aga10 be n1ade, w; th regard to th is word , AL-WAYS, A,., AIH, femper; cq11ti11ually, perpe-
:is was uied in the foregoing arc.; for Verft. and lually, f or roei· :-this is a better deriv. than wit!~
Sk inn . both allow, th at alfo is compoundfd of all, Jun. and Skinn . to foppofe that it is com pounded
and /o ; and the Dr. k new very welJ, ttMt Jun. of af!, and w ays.; for that would fignify by 11/J
.· 111et:ns,

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AM :From G ll Et i:, and L ;, Tr ~·. · A M
#IMns, by t'lltry ,,,;/bod; but always r~laces rather · AMA'fOR Y, "A,"1-'"' vi11cu!11m: vel ab 'I'p.•e•r,.
lo kng1b of time, or to conj/ancy of duration; for amor; ubi !, in A abic ; ut a · 617w, tango : nifi
one and the fame thing may be done for a per- magis pl acet amo, elfe ab 'Al'-"• fimul; quod 0111or
petuity of time, without any aheration of me· efl: appcti111s 1111io11is : Volf."-to love ; alfo a char-mc
thod; i. e. be always the Jame : nay, were we l o proinott lov.e.
even to allow thefe gentlemen their own deriva- A-1\olAZONS, " the name of a nation of'
tion, ftill we might affirm, that always would brave women, who ufed to burn- their lift brtafls,.
even then be of Gr. extrall:ion ; for the word way in order to render chenifelves fitter to lhoot their
is Gr. as we fuall fee hereafter. arrows' from Avrv M..?•, without a breaft.: R •.
AM," E'I-'' • fum; I am : Upt." "11m plerique ii. A·b?•<, mammilla: Nug. "'-now,. though the Dr..
Gr. E'I'-' deAefuint;" fays Skinn. always exprelling is right with refpect to the deriv. of this word
an unwillingnefs to admit of a Gr. deriv. in pre· .111111zo1~ ; yet he certainly is wrong wirh re-
judice to his favourite Saxon" €ool, Ji1m :"-hut fpelt to the breaft, which thefe women are fup-
from whence does his Saic. €om originate ?-un - pofed co have burnt, or cue off ~ he fays it was,
doubtedly from t he Gr. E1,u- 1 : unkf~ the Greeks the left breajJ ;. but Jultin, defcribing the Ama-
borrowed from the Sa:<ons. ZQJJS (lib. ii. fee. 4.) fays, Virgints in eunden1 ipjis
A-MAIN, M«•<f, ma1111s; manibus, pedibufque; >norem; 11on otio, t1-eque /anificio> fed ar111is, equisv
witb might a11d 111ai11 : or clfc we may derive it venationibiu txercebant, imtflis i11fa111i11111 dexteriori-
from J\1•r«<. magnus; gKeat", pQwerf"l: or,, laftly, bus n1am1nis, (their righi breafts) .ne Jagit/i1r11t11J
with Son1ner, as quoted by Skinn. (who both avoid jatl11.J impidirerur-. ·
Greek deriv. ) we inay derive it a parcicula otios•i AM]3-AGlOUS, A,v.<t-., drru111 ; et Ar,,, duco ;;
a, and Sax. CP~en, potentia :-if CPre3en icfelf full of lurni11gs and windings ; /Jmg tedious flories,.
is not derived. a ~1 ..., .., , t11<lg11us, potens. a11d preambles. •
A -MANDATION, M'"""'• mando, manu -do; AMBER l ambra, amber, ambar11m ;.
to c6mmit to o.11e's charge ; /IJ gi:Vt ord(Ts ; aHo to AMBER·GRJSE S amber. .
difmifs, to difcbarge. AMBl-DEX1' ER; ''f'-~•·••E•°' : ex .11,..,.,,
. A -MANU.£NSJS, M'"""" i11dico ~ hinc maniis both; and J'iE•"• de.<tra; the right ba11d; 01u who
farvus; a /ecretary, notary, feriv'ener. etf_Ually makts.v.fa of eitb~r or both ha11ds : Nug."
A-MARANTH, ex A. 11011, et M"'f"'".1-'"''» AMB·IEN'f, A,u~•, circum; around· ; and
tnarctfco .; a flower i11corr11ptibl<.-Ck1. Voe. 170, E.,, F:'I-''• eo, vado ; 10 go; to toke a comp'!fs ; to
does not ad1nic chis word to be of Gr. e xt raction, gr'!fp al all things. Cid. W ay. 81, fays, ' ' a11•
but Celti~ ; and yet the fignificatioii in both is anot her Celtic radic:li for Jurrou11diirg r it i&
languages is the fame ; for he fays, " Amaranth in the Gr. Ap.·tp•, in the Lat. am.-bire."-and fi:ems
is a name given to· the fiower-gentk fro1n its m- moll: probably dcri11ed.fro1n them.
ver-~uitht1·ing : it is curr.ently derived from A, AM B-IGUITY, Al'IP•, circrm,, ;. around; and.
·privative ; and fL<¥e"•~wi lo /111/e, or witter ; a Arw, d11co·;.to lead·round about: lo Jptak ttnartai11ly,.
.deriv. fo agreeable to fenfe, kems to relt it chcre ; doubtfully : or elte it may be derived from A/A-f''Y"'" t
but there occurs co me ftill a more plaufible one; quod duas habet 111an11S ; a kind of ambidtxltr i·
the cerminativ.c a111h is fo obvioufiy the G r. ,.,9.,, one •who am treat an argument two tVays.
flower; that I. rather. fufpeCl: the ety1n. to ftarid Al'.VlBLE, " A....f3>.v<, languidus, rt1nij/i1S ;. to re-:
thus, t·ard, or. break one'.r. pace :: unlefa we chufc co
a:, privat,lve" derive i&from ambulare : Nug."-bu t ambuiare is'
1-'"'e• the Celtic word for tkatE; whence 1-'" f"""'• no Gr. word ; though indeed it draws it.s origin·
a f ading, or tending ro death. fronl thence;. as we have fccn under the art. AL-
""~''• flower. 1111-dying-flower. LEY : and therefore tl)e Dr. ought to have traced
a - 1nnr - a11tbo'' that word to its true fource.
- chat the one was taken from the otlicr, there· AM-BROSE,, " ''l'i3e•.... <, immol'laliJ ; ex A,.
can be no .doubt. non ; et (3e..,.•(, mo-rtalis ; from wh~nce alfo co1nes
A- MARITU.ElE;, A~fo'«e•;, A>.fo've«·, 111nar11s; AMBROSIA, the drink,, or liquor of the gods:.
bitter. ; froin the .hlebrew word, '"l:l marah; Nug."'-mnbrojia was not properly che drink, or
biller. liquor, but the poetic food of che gods; as 11eElar
A-MASS, "Afo'<«9a1, colligere, accumulare; aut was their fuppo!ed drink : tm:brojja, cibus eft deo-·
metaphoric{: ,\1-'if" 11ttltre ; to bi11d together, heap rum; 11e!lar vero po111s; fays V.ofi: Gra:ci camcm
up: Upt.''-or eerhaP.s from 'M«·~a" ma.f!a ; a !11mp, interdun1 id difcrimen negligunc; narn ct A.~f3f•·
or heap. .,,.. , pro 11tflflre, ct Nrn1«e P,TO am/;rojjii, poount.

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AM Fro1n G a t .B i::, and L 11 T 1 ,.; · A M
AM-BULA TE, A/"~•-T•1'<w, ambulo1 ambio; A -MONG, Mi')"""" m-i/'Ceo; . to mipgle, or 111.i:t
Jo gc, 10w alk abol(I: "fioi-u > eft idem ac l•e•t••» ac together: bo~h J uo. and Skinn. derive among fron1
interd um abfolure fon1itur pro "''"rt•t•~"'' • ; Ilt1'ow, the Sax. "A:1nan3, and riemaD;), flf/tr; Ct hoc a
o ,,.,, AH><f'1'•f'"•! : dicirurque etiam de homini- verbo Iiemcn0an; Belg, et T eut. mengen, 111ijcere;
h us hue illu c icant ibus, uri pafccntes folenr, du1n to mingle; and yet, when they come to fpeak .of the
pee us crrans fequu ntur: ell igirur Il•f• ..•1'"•• obfrt , word mi1Jgle, they acknowledge that it orig.i nates
five rirctonire : A1'"'·1l"cAttt1, ire, ac redi1·t, rt,ipro- a M1y•uw, vel M•')i•V/">, mifceo ; lo mi.~, or mingJt.
care gref!im1 ; pro A..,,,.•A.; autem iEol. dicitur A-MOR'f, M•cor, vel M••f"• mori; deoth:
A1,,,.,..,, u ncle m»bulo: Romani enim folent fequi " ./flt t1111orl, ut d ici·m.u :1 de viro prre niinis pro·
lEolcs, .ac Dq res. Vol!." fund is cogiracionibus quafiobfiupefcenre, e t exftafi
Al'Vf ·B USCADE l" Bo~""" pajco ; unde Ital. abrepro: mcr-tt exflingtu,.,, vel, ut nunc loquimur,
AM-BUS~I S brfco; H ifp.·befque ;j)'/•.;a, 1/Wrti}.care ; fays Skinn." - and yet he would not
F-r. Gall . .embtifcher; Ital. imbef,art ; Hifp. tmbef- take one fl:ep farther•
.rai:fe ,; infiditis 1t11dert ; fed propriil, et pri1nario, AMOUR, Al'-,""'' vi11culu111 ; vcl ab 'rl"'f°'•
• .fait1<, 11tmore, li.:u du111tto ft abjco11dtrt ; ut i1!fidi- qu afi A,v..e•;, amur, amatorius ; to lfl'vt; or be ad-
a11tes jole111 : Sk inn." li.e Loia a111ong bujbu, trus, ditled t o l1>ve.
&c. in order lo Ji1r:prifa llJI e>1tmy. A MPI-J.1-!UOUS ; A/<'Q•f3,.<, ex Al'-fi•, qirnfi
AMEN, Ai""'• amen ;Jo be it: properly of He- Af41"'' "'1160- , et Bi~.~·. v ilt' ; in lerrti, t i in aquti
brew extraction. vivens ; a creature 'IJ,lho livu both on land, ontl in
A-l\1ENABLE: terme de·palais, qui vcut dire, . w aler; wbo has as it were a twofold ljfe, terrtj-
.traitable, jo11pl1J; decile, en parlant d'une femme . trial, and aquatic•
tnari l:e: uone of our ·ery1nologift~ have taken the AMPHI-BO-LOGY, "A/l-9•f3•><•'Y•", a triple
Jeafr ·no tice of this word; and I ha-ve been Gb- compound, of "1'9•-f3:V.1'w, ct >,•y•<, circu0 ambigtrt
liged ioj adopt this explanation from Boyer ; j eimone1n ; a word fiifctpt.ible of two diflerent
'1S for . .the deriv. I have not as yet been able to 111ea11i1Jg s, or a dJ)J,b/e entendre : Nug."-or rather
rrace it . a circ1t1nicc11tion.
1\-MERCED } M"""'f•r,. ho(: ell: llf""f''' A MPHIS-BlEN.'\c, -~/"9•<, 11tri11'iue ; et o,.,,.,,
A-MERCJ.AL\<1ENT m!jer; mf/ericordia; mer- gradior; quOd ex utrtique parte progrediatur ; quia
·"Y; jiR~d ; a pecuniary punifhment, impofc:d on utrijque extrcmitatibus afuminolis gignitur ; a
fucb ofit nders as ar-c J·eft to the mercy. of the j erptnt wbfrb jeems to have a bead at each end,
$01'rl : ./ilfts are punijh111cn1s certain; a1MrC'iam111ts, and to be able to go tither way.
qr/Jitrmy. A l\1PHl-SKIANS, wrictcn by Nug. arid others,
A- METHYST, ' ' A1.u9llr•< :, <rx A, "on ; et ampbifcians, as if it caine fro1n Jcio : but derived
'1vh9v, 'Vin11m Jeme/11111 ; a pruiou~ .fto1Je Iha/ prroents a.b Af'~'~xo1, ex Af4-~'' circu_;n ; et IK'"1o 1t111bra:
. . - N t1g . "
j/fJOXlLntllJn·. inl1abitants between the tropics, who have their
AM'l-ABLENESS, Al'fL"• vi11culum; vd ab fhndaw thrown fometimes to tl1e north and fome.-
'ry.'~"' amor, amabilis ; to love; to be worthy of times to the jauth, according as the fun happens
.tftean. to be either co the fouth or to the north of them;
AMMES-ACE; ...... ~-"'' ambas-ajfes; both th: and confequently in the compa(s of a year their
.1ue1, at plfJ)" foadfJWs crave) quite round them. .
AMNION I AC, "A,"'/""''""•': as,;>., A,u.,"""'..'"'• AM~>I-fI-'rE-IEA 1'RE, " A/"9•9,,,7,.,: ex A,...9,;
jaJ A111moniotJ1S; J al Ammoniac; becaufo of irs be- ci1·t 11111; Ct 010:1Jp.:xc, f petlo ; 10 L9ok al; a pince Jet
ing found in the fands of Afric, near 711piter round 1ui1b Jcajfoldt, i11 a1·der ta look al public
.lfmmon's ternple : N ug."- the l ) r. howeve r has gamet. N ug."
not g i'1cn us any conjecture, why ir lhou!d be AMPHl-TR- ITE, Cid. Voe. 128, dofs nor
found rnore t here, than in any other p nrt of the ad111it th is word to be Gr. thoug h, even accord-
;globe ; b ur .the general o pinion is, that it is form- ing ro his own derivation, ic carries all the marks
t d fron1 che fl:alc of rb~ ca1nds, belonging co t he of a Gr. ctym. " As to Ampbilrite," fays he,
riumcrous caravans rhat rofort to t hat r·emple. " .whom the fa~le has niarrjcd ro Ncptun~, no-
AM- MUN!TION, .11,u.ww, tuer;r, tkf e11tk ab ' tlu ng rs fo pl:11n as rhe denv. of it: not 1no£1:
i11j r1rin _; u11de r;1~11ia, 1111,11io; t u f (Jrtify , ftrt 11gtlJt11. cert3inly from 1~1·0, 1rillfJ ; quod terram mare
J\ -l'viNE ST Y; " .11,,. , . ,.,.. : fron1 //, mm; et M,.,., _ · undique ttrat ; but fron1 iu aelual encompaffing
/~Q;l 1 11JffltflYOF, 'rCCOt'dlJr ; aJJ tJ{;"/ of grace, Or ob/i.11io1J the earth :
of f'tJr112er off~11ces, among £/J( .1lihe11im1s, by which Amphi ; r01'J1d.} . . .
ti icy oblit u s tht r.emem.brmrce of all p gfl injm•ies, .,... . earth.
J.. :r , . 1"'-t1r-1te.
amp . ,.
mllf,crim«s c1Jmmit1e.d ag,.ii?fl rhcjlate, Nug." l te; going. <1r(um-1erra.m -a111bu11;.
' -bur

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AN From 'GRl !K, and L .o\TIN. A N
- but all thefe words are pure Gr. atnpbi plainly · ~ A,,..,,., d1ttl11s, addJt!lio; ab A?"•'> dttc1; una/Jlt
dert".es from 1l14f•~ _ci~cum; t ir, ab Ef"• terra; lo be /r,JCed, infcrttt'abl.e, "nfaarchnble. 1
and 1te, ab £.,, eo, ·r m, 1111m; 10 go. AN.'\.-GRAM~ A•«'ff"l41'-"•· ex A'"l J!!t· rf~fw,
AMPLE, Jlo>wr, pl1ts, amplus; more, large, fcribo 1 to write, to engrll'IJt; the finding out of
.ftately, JPllcious: Vollius h:as given us a much a new word,. only by a tranjpojitio11 of /titers.
better deriv. ; viz. amp/us, ex ol'..'•f, or rather AN •.\-GRAPH, A'""'lf"~' far;ptio, comme11ta-
o,.,,,,,,, or Of"OftO<,'dhu s, magnus, R. Oy. ..•~, fruc- riu.s ; a rc_v;ijlering, a commenlary on a-ny jubj eft;
Ills area/es :-and yet there is another deriv. der.ived from tbe fame root.
which. fecms to be more natural than either of i\.NA-LE.CTS; A•""i¥7o:, A'"'"''I"'• colli!/o, col•
tbefe ; viz. amp/us ex A'""'"'•f, quod A nice let'lanea; colleflions of writi11g, like materials for
A'"'"'J""(• Juper-plemu, reftrtru; G'IJer-f111/, juper- hiftory, &c.
ailundant. ·ANA.. LOGY," A .......,,,.,, A•'f•(,jermo, dc.finitio;
. AM-PUTATION, K~7w, f'indo, quafi upto, a relati4n, refemblan(t,fimilaritj, conformity. Nug.''
1nd1:, ampu10, i . ' c. P""'"' rtdda, p•rgo; fie AN A-LYSIS } A..v.uO'.;., Au.,, falvo; dijfolutiv
f lli pu111t arb1res, tas paras facit; 11 cufti11g off, A:N A- L YTIC alicujTu compefiti; rtjolving a
lopping, or pruning. difcourje into its ctF1~1/irue11t parts.
AMULEl ', A;w..,, defendo ab injuriil; amule- ANA-P H O RA," A•~'e"• r.eftro; to bringba,k ;
htm, quod corpori noxat11 omnem 1111111irur.; a ctarm, a figure in writing,.wben in rhe beginning of ev~ry·
~ dijpel witchcraft, &c. verfe the fame word is t~eated. Nug."
. A- MUSE, M....., m1!fa; M • .-•.,, m1!fa111 mtdi- AN-APO-LOGETICAL, A.- ...-c-lwy,1o;, ex:
tari ; to mllfl, to mtditatt ; alf6 Jo divert Jhe i111a- A ..., A111v, ct a.'t'oAo'J'l!J/"«'' : R. ~,,.!), Ct >..oy-o'>, fen11..o;
ginalion, relax. intenfa11efs of tkougpt, and give a re- dejcJtdo Jermone ; txc1!fo; without t.Ymjt, i11txt11• ·
lief I~ the mind. Jab/e, ·
. ANA. "only, or alone: Verft. ~ who fuppofes AN-ARCl·IY, A•"'fli:-'"' ex Auv, alijquc; ct
it to be Sax. ; bur. it feerns to be no more than· a Af;t.,, pri11(ipa11u,. imperimn; fiatus eoru1n qui
f!ifferent dialea for ONE; confequently Gr. do1,~i11atore carent; ubi nullus ejl 111agiflrat11s.; want
ANA-BAPTIST, Ava{3:n·71F•<, ex Av<>, r111:fu1; of government, dijorder, w•ifrule. .
t:gain; et B...-7,.,.,, baptizo; to baplize; a r~hap- ANA'.-STASIUS, "A."''"'~"' •~<: ex A'va, rttr-
tizer; who hold~ a rtpetitian of baptifm. jtu; et IP•,"'> fto; to jlami; to rife agµht.;. a r-e- .
• ANA-CHOREl', " by contraction anchoret; jttrretlion. Nug."
ex A>:<,ftorjim; et Xwe"'• recedo; Nug."--a reclr!fe; AN A-THEl\1.A:, " A,.,e.,....-,. or "·""": ex A ·.,.,,
~ne who to a jolilary place: and yer Ciel, Juifuto; i;,e,14,, pono; do1rari11m, et ptifona deo co11~
affirins it to be of Celtic origin ; as will be feen ft'1'a-tll, ac dicatn ; an offe~illg,. or gift, hlfng 11p in
in tl~e Sax. alph. . tbt te111ples: it figni6es likcwife an e.ucrab/c ptr•
ANlt-CHRONISM, A... , et Xe"•r, tnnptu ; '/"11, one devoud : alfo the f enfe11ce prcnom1c~d again,?
time; an error in chronology, either with refpelJ to ,f:rcb per/011: N ug.'·- but thtre is a diffon:nce in
Jates of faffs, or e'IJents. rhe deriv. and meafure of this word a111lfhema,
ANACREONTIC, A•"x""'"' Anacreon; a moft . accordina to tbefe two different fenfos: "Av«9"1f""·· ••
ddighrful Greek poet ; alfo verfes ~~·in~11 llfte1· prio~i pirrefia aliud fuerit quam A•a.~'I'"• priori
Eis 111a1111er. correpc;i-: A."9.•p.o: fignificat dv11ari111n 111111tini di --
AN1\.-Dl-PLOSI'S, A,../,,,J,.,,.(, 1·eduplicatio ; catum, i11q11e. templo jtifptnfum; nempe . ell ao
A'"' rurj1u; et <l,..;..,.,, duplico; a figure in rhe- A>~e.,,..,, quod fignificat d;dicare, c.11/e trare: a&
toric; when the !alt word, or " 'ords, of the fornicr A•"6'1{-"' eft ab 4 , ..9,.,.9,.,; figmficante remrroere, fe•
v.erlc, is repeated im111ediareJy in the nei<c; as ·parare; quomodo dicimus A",_9,,,.,. o:r.AT;; Xe•r•i·.
· 'dfr. r. - lE I fcparati11n ii Clfriflo. Voff.~" Cle!. \'Vay,. 1 L2, and.
_lE_l_ rm'.. 1d1qt1e 1"P tr'UheH~1 g ~; . • Voe. 4 , fays," chat t hisfeems to be an old dru·idical
. g e, naut um pu1t crr1ma. .a:.c: 1 v1; 20.. G ..d · ·
term rec11c : a:n, j)tJvatt\•e ; anu,. t• r
,, a"h f.a'tb 1 ;
ANA-GNOSTIC,_ Av"''I'"""'" AN<-'f"""""'' ."l~ fomethi~g liable to be cttrftd; o'. being c0!1/r11ry to
11oj~o, /ego, let'lor., CUJUS mun11s elt h1gere ahcut tbe 1:e!tg10Jl. of t bt cJJumry :"-this-will point our ."
fcriptura quodhbet :. one who r.ead hillory, or , new deriv. viz. aithr and f aith frenl co be very
ether books, to divert or inftruEi: rhe guefts at · nearly related; and rherefore we need.not hcJicate
table, which n:iight g~v:e occafion to fon1e uleful ro derive the1n both from rhe Gr . .fee FALl' H,
11r learned diicourfe, or any amu(cn1ent :· better and MAR -A N- ATHA . Gr.
than d rinking of healths, or giving of toafts. AN A--TOC IS!V1, A,a:1cxi(w, Avu.1c"'i""'• tyiw&
AN-AGOGICAL, A•"'Y..."Y.'" ex
Attv, abjque; rrll0'<1t1tio amii-uerj~ria; ex A..., rmjiu; ct T•x0< ,
1tj;i ,.tl,

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A N From G R E z K, a.nd L AT 1 N' h N
ufura, f~1rus ; the annual i11trtnfa, or ir.Jtrt}l of AND-IRONS, "quafi t1td-iroJ1s; A•v1av, perfi-
111011ey, whether.fimplt, or cqmpoMnd. (ere, fir.ire1 fini1 1 an e1uJ; ct I•l11eoi:,. ftrrum ; iron t

AN.1\-TOLIA, "or NA1'0LL.\, TtM.,, A>0<- Fr. Gall . landier ;·fitbe:< foeariu1, fulcrum focarium;
or1J\>..,, oriri focio ; 11t Joi, u/ 1111111 : the couutry t a/led ferreun1 nempe ir.;1rl{me11111m fere11di1 lignorum
Ajia the Lifs, 011d now the Lroa111, fron1 A...1.1••, extremitatibus ido1seum : Jun ." lron-dog1 (fo called
lht riji11g "1/ tbe/1111, or the Eaft. Nug." ' perhaps fron1 having Jggs' heads, or being made
ANJ\-TOMY, " A ...1.,,,..., A ...1.p.. ·Tip.•" : in tbe jhape of dog1) to fupport t he ends of 1bofa
perfeCtun1 medium T•1•p.", jeto; a11a/0111e: to cut, bilias, laid"" tbe bear th lo burn.
divide; ind/ion, dif!etlio11. Nug." · ANDREW, " A•leu•~, A••f • •e•r, le» • vir; a
AN-AUNTRINS, "ifJo "1c : I know not whac man ; i1nplying a jlo11t, brave, tour11geou1 man;
the original of this lhould be," fays Ray; " un- Nug." Cid. Voe. 62. 11; 102, and 177, cells us,
Jefs it be from 011, if; and au11tri11s, contrael'.ed that an-drew fignifies a bead, or chief druid, or.
fron1 peradventure: - quafi ad·ve11turi11g1 ; and diviJ1e ; thence it was that the Chriftians, by way
then, according to the barbarous cut1:01n of ab- pf exploding the Druid1, turned them into ridi-
breviations, funk co ountri111 :" confequeotly Gr. cule in their featl:, or holiday of fools, when
See VEN'fU RE. Gr. one of the buffoon pcrfonages was a merry
AN-CAST ER ; Ciel. Voe. 67, derives" .//11- an-drew :"-but in p. 133, he tells us, an fignifies from lvlm1cbefter, Minkifter; all which words the bead, or tbitf; and in p. 17 1, 0111h, and
tl:rongly indicate thole places to have been the A•9o;, lignify the fame : confoquently Gr. aod the
!eats of antienc Britifu fanetuaries :"-lee 1ne only word DRUID we fuall find hereafter to be Gr.
obferve, that the word C1\.STER 1nay however likewife.
ta~e a diff'erent dcriv. but tl:ill Gr. A NDRO-GYNE, A>lf•')'V>o;, A>tf-7"""• vir pa-
AN-CESTORS: x ..?;;;, x,«Jw, cado, . a11tttif- ritcr ac fe111i11a, ftinivi1· ; a;i htr11,-a:pbrodite.
j or ; a11ceftor1 ; be tbat goetb before, or prtcedetb -A N-EK-DOl"E; commonly written aitecdott,
another • though derived from An•Jo?o;, 11qn edit1<s, nan v ut-
.ANCHOR}lftheword anchor, or'rather ankor, gatus; a private occurre11ce, on incidi:1J1 that bas
ANCOR be dcrived,-as it undoubtedly is, nevrr been. publ~lhrd: R. A'"' 11011 ; and E• .t.?o;,
1tNKOR fron1 A'Y'"f"• which gives origi n edit111 ; which is again derived fro1n Ex, cc
t-0 ancora ; then ccrcainl y the b in rhe word anchor, t:uJwp.•, do ; given out, publiford ab1·oad. .
. ought to be difcardcd; otherwiie it looks as if ic AN- EA LED 1 Lye writes it according_ to die
can1e from X"e• mama; but there is no ;.:, or eh, AN -ELED 1 · fecond article mi-eled, and
in A')'X"~"'• con!Cquently tholC letters ought not ro AN-EILED derives ic frorn the Sax.
appear in our orthography; find: they are not r
AN- NEALED Anel an, i. e. ab An, pro on,
in either the Greek or Latin words: Voffius bow-
ever fays, " Mihi fit magis verifiinile ab Or••·
AN-NEYLED in; ec t ie ; okum: but t hen
AN-O ILED he ought to have added, et
quod unc:em, li ve h11111111n Jig11at, venirc tu1n AN-OYLED j ole1m1 ab E~ ...,.:- according
Ayx.uAo~, tUln A1xvf"' tu 1n Oy1C1vcf, tu•n .ct ianl co this deriv. we 01ould read that ever men1oca-.
L ati nus 111uus :"-a I and every one of which are ble palfagc in Sh:1kelpear's Hamlet, thus:
wriuen with a x, or c; not 'X• or' cb. Unhoufeld, unappointed, unaneled;
AN D: Skinn. fuppofes chis word to he derived otherwii<", if we were to read it, as it appears in
"a Lat. ·addere; q. d. adde; et cun1 inccrjecbl per fevcral editions,
epcnth. 11; ur in render, a reddo :"-but if this
~e t he true etyn1. ~hen his Sax. dcriv. falls to
Unhoufeld, u11a11oi11ud, unaoeled,
the ground ; for both nddo, and reddo, are of it would be mere tautology, fince 1ma11e/ed•fig-
Gr. _cxtraetion, with the Latin prepolitions od;and nifies una11oi11ted: if however we are to follow
re, Joined to do, which is evidently derived a this latter reading, then it ought co be printed
t>.1Jwp.1, A.,, do ; oddo, reddo. Cafaubon deri1•es thus :
and ab Eila, pojlea ;_ inferco • : but Jun. feems to Unhoufeld, unanointe<l, 111111uu1/ed;
have advanced nearer the truth, and led us up to . and then unancaled would take quite a diff'erent·
the Gr. by a differen t route; for he has acknow- meaning, and originace f~m quite a tliffer~nt
ledged, that the Germ. tmd; the Belg. e11de ; the roor, viz. NEAL, or purify by fire;
Sax. An'o.; and the Almann. h1di,job, tJlti, inli,int, perhaps to the fire of purgatory : ftill Gr.
11ndt, :ire ail derived ab ;ti,, interjeB:o •; E1•; . AN.E.MON E,, Alo'tlu.r.;vr., A~i.u.o~, v e11t111, 1111in:a j

quafi EYf,, 11db11c, p1·.eterea, etiat;i, q:1inetiom, i11- breatb, wind, oir; a jiawer of but jhort duration.
jll'per; beftdeJ,",;lfa,)ikewife, moreo:uer. ANENT; "E'"'1 •, t•x•?"" oppefi1um, regione, e
0 1 · · vel

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A. 'N A N
vd jtJxfa; vox longe magis Scot is, qtfam no bis ANGUINEOUS ; "E.x," : n1ihi, ut et Seal.
ufita£a : fed quo commet'cio GrreCi Scoris, rotius 1naxime placet, angui! elfo ab Ax.•( , l)or. pro
Europa! longitudine di'01ris, vocabula impcrtire EIG"• inferto •, q uafi E•x.·~, (vel pot1us cun1 j,
pqtue;unt ? mallem igitur deducere a Sax. Nrean Erx.•» r.nguis) quomodo ab Hehr. Jadin c!l:findo11;
(it fbould have been N>'eap, as he himfelf writes a J(l)({)~c~, cincin11r15 ; a >.f'lx,:.:i, li11gv ; et ii i:rxi~~,
ir afterwards) prope, addita particula initiali. oti- fcind• : VotT." a. f11ake.
osa A ." -thu' has Ski on. reafoned on this word ; ANGUJSF-1, A')'X"• a11go, dolore adficio ; to caufe
and lhould fuch reafoning hold valid, it would p ain, or grief.
be as ftrong againct his own dcrivarioll' from rhe AN GUST; Arx.~. a11go, angl{/iu;; narrow, co11-
Sax. as it fecms to be againft t he Scots : for what fratled, cboalud. ·
commerce had the Saxons and Greeks' toge- AN- FJ:ELi!..TION ; x.,;,.,, halo, a11be!a11J ; a -
ther ?-the commerce of nations, and t he cocn - p11jfi11g, blcwing, panting, wbeajing. .
mun ication of language, is abfolutely unac- ANILl'fY, E>1i>>?o;, quod ,, l"uJ;>, "ill fa retiu1t;
countable; and i1npoffible ro fix, either as ro rime, uncle a11111d ; i , e. · amtlllf ; quod in fa redeat: full
mode, 61' circumctancc ; and therefore, to reject of y ears ; aged ; doa1i11g.
any deriv. mercly·becaufe we arc unable to folve ANIM-AD-VER1", A>r1••r, a11fm:u; et Te'""
t he difficulty of aO-ercing, how the knowledge of quafi TJ.ip1!41, 'Vtt'to, ndve-rto; a1t obf ervi·;1g, allt!?Jdi;ig
that word came into ufe ·among any people, is to, giving heed to, .
the effect of preju"dice and partiality, not of found AN I l\1A L l A"JI-''• animus ; tbe 111i11d, !ht
j udgment, and reafoning. ANIMOSl'fY'S vilt?f, r1uitm al part cf a""'"'
_i\NGEL } " A'J'1'.li'"» a11gelus, 11u11ci11s; " the life, j11·e11g1h, vigour of tmy c-reat11ro. ·
· ANGELICA mef!e11ger: R. Ay,;.;,.,, fays ANISE, A.. ~... anifim1; an herb, and fled· Jo
N ug.''-but chat mult be an error of the prcfs ; called ; of <11bitb they nutke 11 very agruable liq.uor.
for ii: oug ht to have been printed Ar1 ,;.>.w, mm- ANKLE, .Ay,,;..,, a11gui11s, incuroatio; a joil1t,
<io; to publijh, or divulge any llt-ws, to carry a mif- bending, l11rni11g .
Jage, to do tht behe.fts of "fuperior. "AN-LYCNE.S. Verll:." " like11ejs. Gr. ,
,'\.NGE-R, Ofy>i, ira; wrntb: or elfe fro:11 "AN-LYFEN. Yerfl:." a living, alively-bood.Gr.
Arre•?"• frrito, dolore adficio: A'Y'Yf•;, dol•r; to A'NN.l\ LS, E'l•«V1";, q1,16ti t'I iav1o/., i1t Jc ;·edent,;
provoke, to make angry. amms ; a year; beca1ife tbe )"""rolls ,.01111d i1110 it-
ANGINA, Ayx,w,flrangtt7a, fiffoco; a diftafe of /elf: a writer of t?;u1ttls, or the political occ111"rences
tbe throa.f, called the Jqtii/lfmty, or 'luil({y ; a11 in- of tbe·y~ar ; chro11iclt•s.
JlammatU/11 of 1bt jaws, cauji11g ftiffocatio11. - ANNATES, E>1ow1o; : fro:n the fame root;
ANGLE, or torncr; Ar!<v~cr, :\1lxv1.,,,, a11gttlr11, now ufed to lignify primifi<f! ; the firft-frttiiS, ptti¢
i11curvatio c-ubili, cr1rv11s, tortuofits; t he bt ndi11g of 0111 of Jpiritual be-llefitts; or a compojitio11 f or the
1be elbow; a c01'11er, or tur11i11g of a jlreel : alfo produce of tbe titbu of the fir.ft-year.
the mathemaJicaJ point in wbicb tw o li11<'s meet. AN-NEX, Niw, 11eflo, adr.tOo; to lie, /wit,
ANGLE to catch fifh; Ay«rec» h11m11s; a hook; ) ~It. .
or from Oyx,o;, m1nu; crooked ; becaufe al/ hooks ANNI-''ERSARY, E'"''"1•r, aimus; et Te'"'"'
are fqrm td bent. qu3(i Iltp1.,, verto ; an a11nual rttllrn.
AN-GLE-SEA; fro1n the Comn1on ortho- ·AN- NOUNCE, Ntc;, novus, nuncio ; lo deli-
graphy, no one, but fuch an etymol. as Ciel. Voe. v er a mejfnge, i11trod:!Ce .a ft1·a;tger. .
55, "nd 179, could tmriddlc th is word, which he AN-NOY, " K<>.•"'• 11oceo, per metath. et~ 1n
has very facisfactorily explained by" bm1-cal-Juidtb, 11 abeunce, ut fa:pc fit ; qua!i N<KM:.:, 11oceo :
or an-cal-Jee ; a bead co!fege, or u11iverji1y ; it hav- Voff."-chough we may rather take h is former
ing bern undoubtedly fuch in the ti1·ne of the deriv. ii nue ; ut proprie lit necare, vd quefi nc-
Druids :"-confrqucntly all Gr. ; fo r an, ha11, kan, cn;·e; and then ha\,.C: deri\•ed 11e.'<, 11ecis, i1ncle ntc(),
ken, koning, 1nay all originate from the fame root a Ntxv~, ql1od iden1 ac N<xfa; , 111ort.'.tt11; cad4vf r i
with KING: Cal, a{, bnf, from A•>.. n; and {uidtb, a de"d biidj : injure, hurt, d~llurb. .
fwytb,faa, or fee, is only a d ifferen t dial~ll: for A:'\NU1'\L, £ ... ~ ...1or, 1ZJ1111ts; a _)1ta1·, t f/e a111111a / '
fades; a foat : confequently Gr. •rbit, or cit·cle of the year ; a 1·ing tbnt rolh ro1md
ANG· NA IL ; A')'X"'• 1111go; r111g11ijb; and o.u£, i;i/O ilfa/f.
t1t!g11is; the nail ; a piece of fain, which feparale{ at . _l\N-NULL; E•;, I'"'• ' E" 1m111, uli11s, mdl1a ;-
the b•ttom of the 11ails, and caufas great pafo : both
Jon . and Skinn. give this interprcrnt ion, and yet
neither of chem have gone any farther than the
to mtJ./u v~id, abrogate, 1·e11tf1•r of no ejfett .
AN -ODYNE "Ol~ ... A,wt, ..r, abJ91u do/ore ,
a remedy for t1jfi1agi11g, o r 1·emovi11g any grtal pa11: :
Sax.1ang. for. a-deriv. of this word, fl/1;., 1>ci;, labour-pains. Nttg." '
D - A N-OM.i.\LOUS,

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A N From GR r. EK, and LAT 1 N. N
AN-OMALOUS, "A'"l'""J'°'' a110111r.!11s ; irre- . mrfwer 011 /he oppgfile fide : R. <!>.:••, vo.<; voice.. or
gu!ar: R. ·o,u...i.•>, plamu; plai11,fmoo1b, regfflar. fomtd: Nug."-furdy the Dr. could never in1end
Nug." this for the ecym. of our word anthtm; 1f he
A · NON, Nvt, nu11c; now ; f~rthwitb, quickly . did, tbere never was a wider deriv. than to fup-
AN· ONYl\10US, 1hwvu1'•<, AHv, abfque; cc pofe that anthem could poffibly corne fro1n ~"""•
o,·111u.:x,, notnen ; 1vil'l-;01it a na111e ; a work 111tflfbftribed vo.v: Junius however has given us the fame ex·
by the author. . planarion, and conrequen!ly no derivation; for
AN-OPSY, A".).'"• A""• abfq11c ; er ol),<,, op- der-ivation, and explanation, are rwo different
Jo11iu111, cihts ; toitbout food, f1!/ling ; famifhed. things; as in t his example before us; an anthem
ANS-WER, Sax. :A'.n'orpap1an, an'orpape; re- n1ay be very properly expl ai ned by ,\v1•t "'""• anti·
fpo11dere, refpo11fam; lo make a 1·eply, a refponfe: pho11ia; but it cau never be derived fron1 thence;
even che Sax. feeu1s to be a derivative, or at lea ft and t herefore with Skinn. we n1ay rather fupp,efe,
a contratcion · of the Teut. a11tworten; or the that a111hem was derived " ab A.9v100;, quia reci-
Belg. antwoorun; and rhey feem to be com- procis, alttr1ia11tibus tnodulis canlatur :" a hymn, or
pounded of a11/; contra; and woort, a word in pie&e of pfalmady, Jung by alternate voices: R. A,;j,,
return, i. ~· a reply,; and if fo, they are of Gr. reciproce; et '1",""h bymmu; in compofition A•9-
cirig. for A•1-• is co111ra; and E•e"'• Et''" dico, feems up.~~), at1 a11then1.
the original of word, qua(i Frei''" dico; lo [peak ANTHO·LOGY, A•~•-}·•'>''"'• Av9o,, jlos; et
a word. . >.1yo,, dico; vel >-•y•» /ego, cotligo; a lreatifa writltn
AN-SYNA , or AN-SYNE: " On-fun, or a11y on the c11ltivatioll of flowers ; alfo a col/et/ion of
thing looked 011; wee vfe for cfiis the French woord flowers.
fate . Ver!t"-it happens rather unfortunately for ANTl:!ROPO-MORPl-IITES, u A•Be-··f"•r-
this good old Saxon, that both SEEN, and FACE, ,,;r«J, A•9e~r.or, bo1110; a- wail; et 1vfoe~, for1na :
are Gr. h<t!rttici, Deo huma11am formnm tribuentts: Nug."
. ANT-1\GONIST, A>1-"''l'""'rn<, A•71, adverf11s; Herelia who afcribed corporeal form lo the Deity.
et Ar"••{•f'"'' c0Hte11do; an oppont111, literally, or ANTHROPO-PHAGI, "A•Qe..,..•» homo ; et
metopborically. ~~')'o), vorax ; homi1iutJ1 'Vora/qr: Nug. a devourer

ANT-ARCTIC, Av1-a.ex11x.r, A,1., ad.verjus; et of 1nen ; a ca11ihal. ·

.Aex7o,, urfa; " bear; in afrrono1ny it lignifies a AN1"I-CHAMBER, A•i"-'"'.""f"• avte-comera i
.poi111 oppojiu 10 tbn.1 co11.fld!atio11. a cba_mber before .another aparl111tnt; on aJJ/trior,
ANTE-CEDEN"f, A,1.., ante ; et Xx~"'' X"li:,, or introdtttlory room.
cado, 1111/tudo; to go before, precede. ANTI-CHRIST, "A•1• -Xeir•~, A•7•, co111ia ;, e~
. AN'fE-DA1·£, A,?.. -tJ.,Jwy.1, t,.,,do, dt1/1111>; Xe•r"• untius: R. Xf"'• ungo : Nug." againfl the
.Jo date before tbe real time of w riting. Lord, a11d agai11ft bis anoiHted .
'ANTERIOR, A'1", coram, anle; before, for- i\NTI-CIPATION, A,7..,.,,.,,.7w : fane K..,,.7...,
. 1cr, p1·;o·r . """'J''"-'~g.,,, a11ticipali0,; ante, et capio; 10 t ake be·
J\N'fE-Dl·LUVIAN, A,),., a11ft; et A•"'• la·vo, forehand, to fortjlal, prroe11J.
di!uvies ; deluge; 11 patriarch, living before the ANTI CKS, A,7,.•.,,wv, ante-d!'IJ1tm, .a11ti.q1111111 ;
deluge. inepte falt11re, anriquo modo duccre choreas ; ta
ANTE~LOPE, " Ava,,.•i'«·, , vcl Av),.,,.J,or : (per- dance, or flip about in the ancient method, in a
haps Av"i.,,,..;.,r) quam camen voccm in nullo lex. fa111ajlicsl
"nvenio ;" fays Skinn. " fit fides p~nes autore1n J\N1"1-DOTE, " A•1s-Jdlc• : A•1•, contra; et
Gefoerum : propter carnen viri n1agni gravica- t:uJw/'•, do, datum ; a111ido1ttS ; tt <Ottnler-poifa.n, ad-
t em, eoque meritam apud 01nnes ~uthoricarem, min&1ei·ed again.ft the dreadful •ifel!s ofpojfon. N ug."
facile crediderim has voces Grrecis recentioribus ANTI-ENT, A•1"'"""'"'" a11te-<t!v11m, anti9u11m;
in ufu e!fe :. fi in tencbris pa.lpare vcllcm, pofTem con11nonly written n.t1cient, afrer che affeCtcd French.
• 'defletcere ab A>1•, adverf:u ; et Ao~o,, ctr'Jis; quafi orchogr. : bur if chc French are fuc h barbarous
caper, q11i in'Vtrfbs cuniuum apices babe; :-credo innovators, as to. cranfmuce l•ncrs, w.ithou t either.
tamen vocem revera .i\rabic:e e!fe orig. quia ani- fenfc or rcafon, let us not be fo perverfe as to
mal ip!i.n n io folis iis regionil'>us, qure Arab. follow the1n in ·their writings, w:hat.e\'Cr we n1a~
li·ng . \1tuntl1r, i-n\'tnitllr : ... a11 Arablan a11in1al, do in their fa!hioos.
f matler thaJJ a dee-r, b111.. largn· than a go11t. · AN'fl-G1\LLICAN ;. witl1 regard to the for·
ANTE-MERI-DIAN, A,1,..~1·~~1'.(3·""' onti- mer part of chis con1po11n.d , it is evidently Gr.
rneridies ;, 111eridi'es. i. e. tJ!tdiil.S dies; li;id-da)', b(f(Jre cbc latte r is fo likcwif(;: only o bfcrving that
fJJ!· ; ntJcn ; • /lefore .. ;1ou11. /l11ti-Gallican is properly mi enemy to Fra11ce ; as
.r\NTrIEI:.1, " .l111tiphoi1a; from A•1•~•mw, to Frt111te is alwa7s th.e.11al11ral enemy lo Englar•.

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A N Erom G1tEE'K, and LAT111. A N
ANTI-MON-~RCHICAL,A•1•·1vfov·"rX'""M.. T19"1''• po110; a rbeNrical )lourifh; when eontra;.ies
t~;> folus; ec .r\f)!_!l, z'nsp~riu.111 ; 1noiJarcbia; 11J1ti111011~ are oppofad to each other. Nug.'' ·
archia; a governmftlf erefled in oppoji1ion, or againjJ ANl'I-TRlNITARIAN, A•1•, contra; ctTeor,
1>101tarchical g011er11me111, or the r.11/e of a Jingle po- Ires, <J'ri;1ita1; A1ititri11itari111·; -011e tvho e11ter111in1
/en/ate. a dijbe!iif of the 'fri11it11rian dollrine.
.AN'fl-1.YIONY, A•11-1.1o•"'x•~, m1ti-mo11achus; ANTI-TYPE, A.1,-.0,,.,., A•1•, pro; et rnroc:
1:ontraB:ed to antimonium, flibi11m ; ufus ejus eft Jonna; exemplum ex alio e.vprejjitm; that which
mulieribus in fucanda facie; quod quia dedecct 011/wers lo, or isprejigured by a IJ'f!t; as the P1iftht1l
homines religiofos, ell ltalis antimonio videtur lamb was the type, to wbich Jtfiu wa.r the a11titypc.
nuncupari, ab A•1•, contra; ct Ital. moine, mona- ANT-OIKI, A,,7,. oixi~, A1o1i, adverfiti; et os1<rcv,
• cbltS: anlimony, a fort of pig1nent, whicb may habito; commonly written Anlilflci ; and fomc-
not iinproperly be tranllated into our language tin1es ./f111oicbi; but the true orthogr. is A111oiki ;
Monk;-bane. namely fuch inhabitants of the earth who live on
ANTI-NOMJAL; A>r•-"1"'"• A>7•, adverfus; et co11.trary }ides of the equiltor, but at equal dijla11ces
N•f'"• lex : legis ; adverf1ts l~~tm· repugnantia; ltgum f1:om.i1, u11tkr the fame 111eridia11.
conlrarittas; the dafoing ef two laws. St. ANTONY's fire ; " ig11is San.'li Anto11il;
ANTI· Pl\ Tl!.R, "A•1•·ir"1f°'• Av11, pro; et fia1•.e• Eryjiptlas ; fie diB:us, tt11n quia tumor val de
pater; on< who fupplies the place of a fa/her. Nug." igneus ell, impendio fc. calidus ; turn quc)d Sanc-
1'\.NTI-P ATHY, "A,1,.,,."&""• A,1., co11tra ; et tun1 A11to11i11111, credo Pacavinurn, peculiari qua•
""'"X"'• patior; ....~;<, pajfio; a fcC1·et repugnance ; da1n vittule· hunc morhum fanare vulgo credi-
an oppojition be1wee11 two lbings. Nug."-a natural tur :-notum a11te1n efl:, fuperltitiofu1n vulg1.>s
av erjion. certis 1norbis fanandis certos, et appropriates
.l\..."l1'1-PERI-STASIS, "A•1•·.,..•f•-ra~•r, a triple; SanCtos dcliioare; ut Sanltan1 Luciam, opbthal-
compound ex A•1'-"'f"?'"I''• circum-ob:fijlttilia; mi.e, et lippit11di11i; San{tam dpollauiam, odg11/-
dicitur in humano corpore, quum c loco fuperiore algi.e ; Sanetos Matariwiz, et Roccum, pefli ;
fPiri11,s coe·rcetu·r i1tfra; ctJ111ra :-when Peat, SanB:uin Huber/um, rabiti : Jun."-it is a pity
or cold, being' afi11ated by its contrary quality, be- they did noc invent one faint more, to cure air
comes· the more in1e11fc. Nug." empty purfe. ·
ANTl -PI~RASJS, 1\vr•-f!e•~•r, A,7,, co11tra ; et AN- VIL:" Sax. A:nr=ilt:, Skinn. Anr:1lt:, J un.''
f'e"e"'' dico; oppojitio, figura gra1nmatica, qua ab aed; ad, fliper; et Beelben ; 1'eut. /tiiden;
contrarium dicil11r :--when a word has a meaning, formarc :-conlrno.dius d efieB:i polfunc ab an,
co111rary 10 its etymology ; if there be any fuch, pro fltper ; on, or up•n ; et J eallan; cadere ; lo
fays A infw.-there arc many fuch; tbe verb re- fall; quia malleus crebro i11 incudem ctZdit; the
cludo in Latin fignilies lo open, unbar, 1111/ock; in on-fall; becaufe freq11mif;• ftntck by 1he fal!i11g
Englilh it fignifies lo lock up, feclttde, retire; and on of the h1m1mer :-but FA LL is Gr.
even in L atin he himletf has faid vit a a 1·eb11s AN-\VYRED, "or A11word: Verft."-per-
111unda11iJ fec/11fi1, for a reclufa. life: ·o ur word fairies haps a11wyrdcd; but. anword, and anfwered, feem
is another exanlple of the fame nature. , to be of the fame orig. with WORD ; if fo, it
ANTI-PODES, "A,7,_,,.,J1;, A•1•, contra; et,,..;, is Gr.
.,,.;.~, pes, . pedis ; people dwelling in the o ther ANY : both Jun. and Skinn. have endeavoured
hemifphere, or on the other fide of the earth, to deduce this word fronl the Sax. !1:1113, Am;;;;
oppofite to us, witb their feet direCtly againfl: us: and both bave acknowledged that the Sai;. is de-
Nug."-if che Dr. had underllood Geogr:1phy, rived fronl an; 1111u5 ; and both of the1n likewife
he would have known that England has no Anti- have rej ected E,,.,, t houg h it figni fies aliq11i,
podeJ: he lhould therefore have faid, oppo)ite 10 q11idam, 1101111ul/i; but it feems " Abr. !\1ylius
each o/hei·. deducit anj , .ab i;,,,,, ingenio lius fone, quanl
AN'fIQ..UlTY, A,7,. . .,,.,,, ante·atv11m; antiqt111~, verius :"-lince then this gentlenian has not had
a11ti911arius; .ft11dio11s of antiquity; ·a c(lpier of ·old the good fortune to pleafe them, let me endea-
bookJ a11d wri1i11g1; it fearcbei· after a11tie1t1 and vour to do it, by giving them another Gr. word_
remolt periods, & c. for w111s, which th~y acknowledge as tbe root of
ANTl-ST1{0Pl-:IE, A;11-re•~•, A11•, ad"{erfus; their Sax. an : umu icfclf then, according to Voll:
et,,,~.,, vei·to; conver.fio, fchema drmnatis, cc odre is derived ab O'"'or1 t1;, •i.a~, one : -howc\•cr, if tt1e
Pin~laric:c pars ; a /11r11ing of the chorus the con- word ti/I)' derives frorn 111111s, there can be no di ffi-
trnry way. culty in deriving 1t1111s -iminediatdy fron1 E«, I''"•
ANTI-1.l·lESIS, "A,j,. Q,~,., A•7•, co11trn; et ·'Ey, 1(11; ()JICJ ats·y..

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f{Qll) GREEK, and LAT. IN. A p
~-O~IST, A~flf'O;,, A, non; cc •e•?"·
definio ; ,,...... vel '>"'• terr4 ; the earth '; that poiiit 1'.n tbe
aori;1us; a tenfe among c~e Greek grnmtn. of K11- orbit of tbe 1110611, er awy -of the planetJ, ·which is
(er:tai11, or . i11deter.mj111;1e d11ratio11; being fon1e- far thefl from tlu •artE. .
~imes made ·ufe of to lignify every time exce pt ;\PO-GRAPH£ , A"'''l'f"t'I • cenfiu; an inven-
t he prefont; but 1111jelli$d wbether it be a long tory; et 1\•-.Ye"4''» exe111plu111 libri, vel tabul,c ; .
DI" a Jhort time. a cop)' of a record: R: re"~"· fcribo ; to write• .
A-P.'\CE: again Jun. and Skinn. are perfuing APO-KEP!i'l.~LIZE, A.-ox•1>"->·•?w, duo/lo, de-
t heir former rnethod : they can both of them capito ; to cut off the bead, lo behead.
fee the propriety of deriving pace fro1n pajfus; APOLLO : ic is rather liard, that Cid. Voc. 10;
but they fce1n co have had no fufpicion chat and 9.1, will not permit the Greeks and Romans
paffu.t could be d erived from 41,.,,.,, thus; <!>"'""" to ren1ain in quiet polfeffion of this word; bu t
,z...,z, q1:1afi 41..,,r.., pa11do, poJ!11111, pojfau; qui a fie would extort it out of their hands, and force it
pedibus pa./}is ; bccaufe a flep, or pace is made with into the Celtic tongue; as if H omer, and no doubt
expm1ded, or diflend(d feet ; and\ therefore when tbe Greek' writers long e\•en before his t ime, had
any thing comes on apace, ic approaches haftily, been acquain ted with the Ce ltic language, and
with large Jh·ides; pedibus pnjjis. borrowed their A,,.iv..,, from 1\lphu1l, fignifying
A- l' AT HY, A,,.0:9,,,., A, 11011 ; et ,.,.s,~. ad- the Jupreme t)'e, or /11n : hue V'olf. under t he arc.
fetlus 1111imi : R. U".-X'" ·patior; u1uo11ur11ed11efs, Sot, tells us, chat " Apollo received his oarne, ac-
i111Jijfere11ce, i11fc1!fibili1y, jloirifi"· cordi11g co Servlus, «'.!r-Q .,.a A1r'1Aii", hinc ctiam
A-PERIE.NT l'1''f"• parie, aperio ; to aptu, ec Homerus Apotlmern cam pejh!er.ti« dicic, quarn
.'\-P ER T URES l o bring f orth : al fo any- wide Jaimis, 2ultore1n :"-th is m ig ht lead us co trace
orifice : there is another deriv. in Voffius ; viz. it up co A.,,o>.>."I"',. perda, va.fio. 'fhough indeed,.
ap~rio, ob A"f"• "'""i"" i. e. proprie ji1rfu114 vel according to Cleland 's own o rchogr. ic feerm ra-
;,, co1ifpellum tfJ!io ; as when anr thing is di/play•d rher co be only a different dialetl of np-he!io.s;
lo view, laid open, raifed on high. from t he Celt. ttp, hab, haf, ho.ff, ca.ff, o r rather
APH-JERESlS, A~'"'r'~'" A,,.•, 11, abs ; et keph, ii K•qi-.,;.n, cap«t ; the bead, or fitpretnt ; and.
A1~"" capio, toilo : a tigure in gran1nlar, by m .... Joi; the jun.
which a letter, or lyllab!e is taken tlWay , or ez1t Al'O-LOGUE, "11,,.,,_.,r•r, A ..o,et >-oy«,fermo;
o.ff; fi·om the bngi1111i11g of a word. narratio lo11ga, ct verbofa ; ice1n fabula, narrtttio
AP-JiELlON, Af";,,., ,, A.,,•, ab ; from; et fit/a ; a fable, or fitlio11. Ciel. Voe. 2, fays, that
·~),,~,~ faL ; the Ju1l: a tern1 in aftro110111)', to ex.- " t he F rench word for a fable (apologue) d oes .
pre (s the earth's, 01· any othe1· pl1111cl's gruuefl not, wich, all ics air of a GF. found, derive from
dijlance f rGm 1he fi111. A,,.•><•y•i», but fro1n the Celt. habul-lfligb ; a
AP-HOR ISMS, " il.~•e«p.oi, A~'f'?"• de/ego, Jab!;: in VC1:fa :"-but under the arc. FABLE,
de1e1·111i11q : R. 'Oeo~, Jc;·n1i1111J; a bou11.d ary; .fe>1.- and LAY, we lhall fee that both thofe words .
1e11ces wbitb c1tmprize i11 f ew wor ds the properties are G r.
oj· each thi'iil,-· Nug." APO-LOGY., " A...01>.oy1« , A... , et ;.,y,,,farmo,.
A~IARY, Ai3••r, '.%."' : I-ief~ch .•4(311;, pro o~"': defc-;rfi(J, ~.\·t1!fatil; ; a. defe11ce, a11 f.."<Ct!,ft, an a1!.f..vr1•
vcltttilia quoque appellt11:t ur O~"': f-lefych. in to a charge, or tbot which iJ alleged ill 011r de-
O""' : apes ; a bee ; 11pin1·ium; a bee-flat/, or f ence: R. A•r~. luq11M". Nug."
flatic11, where 1beir bives are kept clean, dry, and APO-PH·r I·lEGM, " Ar.•~•'YI'"'• ditl11mje11ten-
jtct1red from winds. tiq/11m, ct brt 'llt ; a jho1·t, but remarkable fa11te11ce :
AP O-CAL YPSE, " Ar.•<<>>.0.),1(, 1\s•, de ; et R. A"'· et q>9•r'Y•I'"'• loquol'. Nug."
""'Xvr.1<.>, ccc:ilto, tego ; t o hide ; negativ.d y u11hid- APO-I'LEXY, '' i~.,,.c--?r>.-r.E100:, A110, et 7 A11-cr0'0,
ile>z) i. e. re'Vealed ; 1"e"'vela1io11. N ug .', percittio; to wound, or ftrike : R. ""•r•• plaga ; a ·
J-\PO-COPE ; A"•"'""• nbfciifio ; A,,.., e>: ; ct jlroke ; a fitdden jt11;rize ; or ffu;:;:ing of the body', .
~••1w, fri11do ; to cul off: a g rammatical Jigure, or mind, ca1tji11g inj/nnt death. Nug."
1vhicb t akes away, or cuts off, the laj1 JYllab!e, or A ... PO RIA, A'"'of•t;{.• A, 11.( )n ; er 7r"ft1r, 'Via ;
feller ef a ·word. A"•f'"• i11opir: tf;J!fi/ii, 1·es dubia:, et ptrp/e,-,e ;
APO-CRYPFfAL, '" A•-.<.• •<i>•t, Ar.o, abs ; et dr111bti11g, /Jejita#o11 ; a figure it• •·heJoric, when tt .
•,f ""1", co11do ; 10 hide ; it .Ggn'ifies t hofe books in pttjo11 is at a ffand, i11 a perplexity, dilemma.
t he church, whofe o rigin and authors were APO--ST.t'\:1...E, '' J\7ro)a~i«) A1ro 1 et •f"l'Jf''' Jlo;
unk;1ow11 to tbe fa thers ; aod confequently read a~ff"'1fA'' «;ir-os-C£u1\, difeflib, diftef/io ,; a · 1't •J.10/t, de-
q11ly i11 private, no: ptJblid)'. Nug.'' :ferting of a party. Nug."
APO-GJEU~1, A.-•')'~"» A;i-o, 4/;; .f rom; ec · Al:'O-S'fEME, A?rtr•t-'"• abfce.Jf11s; a jwt!lin;;,.

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- --
A p From G n: E e K, and L A T r N. A p
cmmmonly called an impeflume : R. A~•r-r~•, abf- ciali ablato; ut ab A-}'•7'.'Y"» mulgeo : Vl'> fli us :"
1edo, jtudo; to rt lirt, depart •. A..-o;>.><"" ,.,.,,.;..,.,,.: H efych. "I'h s latter w"ukl
APO-STLE, "A.,,-or•>-«, apojlolus ; qui h11t ii· be a very good rleriv. but it is deri ved rat her
lucvt mitti Joler; an e111baffador, 1ntjfc11ger, efl'llO.J: frorn Ar.opa:7'.>"'' as above, appe!lo, abjicio ; the re-
R. l.1v.>-w, milto; lo fend. Nug." 1illY'Jing a ca:!)t from a11 i!ft rior to a Juperiof"
APO-STROPHE, " A7rore•'P•• averjio; tbe ((lltr/. .
mark or jign of a vowel that has been c11t off at /be APPEASE, H.-.., , plocid11s,. mitis; gentle,
end of a word: R. l:1f'~"'· verto; to turn. Nug." mild.
APO-THE.CARY, " A.-o9"'"• apothua ; A,,.,, AP-PENDAGElappc11dens ; ad, ct pendeo,
et 6v.x~, tonditoriu111, loculus ; a boor, or chef/ of AP-PENDIX S pendo : R. pondus ; 011y·
efra1vers: R. T19"1''• po110; to lay. up. Nug." or weigh!, bod)• that ha11gs· down.
APO-THEOS1S, A,..,9,.,~,,, rdatio i11ur deas; AP-PERTAIN 1T r»w,
TH;.;, Ion. Tt·
An-.0 1 et 010"\ d t 1l-J. ; &r49sM,u.~s, di rts fio ; 1111 c1rroJJ.. AP-PER ·TENENC.ES! '""· teneo; quoniam·
ing grtal mm among the gods ; a ca11011izatio11. qtt,e ar!le tenemu.s q11odm1imodo tendim1Js l pertineo i ·
APO-ZEM, " A...•?•1'"• decot1um ; a decor.7ifln ; to pertai11 ; to belong to
Ar.o, er {..,, ferveo, lo bojl ; to <aufe an efferve- AP-P~TEN~Yl n,9,,.,, ,,.,9.;;; peto: _vcl po:ius·
ji'ence. Nug." · AP-PhTJTE S ab E,,."iJ,.,, Er.a~.,, peto; to ·
AP-PALL, Skinn. admits thntthis word is de- Jeek, drjJre, requefl.
rived frotn pallejcere, qt1,e pallorem contrahunl ; APPLE to eat ; " A"'"'A•o, te11er: G'riecu!us qui vis
nnd yet would not trace it co the Gr. Jang. fi>r audax lie deflefcerer, et rnmen finis fcirn efl: al-
palleo, palltjco, and patfidtts, are all tnanifdt ly !ufio : Skinn." -fo hard is ir ro gain a Gr deriv.
derived either fron1 Ha>.v>«>, albifacio ; t~ wbi1t11, from this honefl: Saxon; though Virgil has called
to mak~ white with / ea•·: or elfo fron1 !11.>.·•~. li- t hen1 mitin poma ; ripe apples ; faft, 11Jild, apd
'Vidus, luridus. ; wan, livid. - There is, however, pulpy.
another deriv. given by Ainfw. \liz. ii flai,.>.w. Al'PLE of the eye ; accord ing to our 1nethod
trepido ; pal!idus ejl enim color ti11umti11m ; uode of writing rhis word, any pei-fon would fuppofc:,
na.;.;.,,. '1'41\', dixit Sophocles ; pale with f ear. that by the apple of the eye we 1ne11nr Jbe /;all of
AP-PARAT US, nu~~.., paro, apparatus; pre- the eye : bur, nocwlthfl:anding the apparent con -
'fare, p>·eparation; a?'!f tbi11g t1Mde, or got ready. nexion between thofc two ideas, the apple of the
AP-PAREL: Bod1Jun.andSki nn . have traced eye means quite another thing; at leaA: the dtri'' ·
this wo.rd no higher than the Lavin ; viz. "apparel, points our a diflcrenc 1neaning ; for the Gr. and
ab apparatus ; Fr. Gall appa1'iliar_t, appararc ; L'1t. words, fro1n which we have taken·our ex-
h::ec a Lac ad; et parilis; q. d. appariliare, i. e. prcllion, do really 6g nify quire a different t hing
ica aeca1m11cdart ; Jlt tm->nin opti1ne i1l7Jiccm quarlrt11t, fron1 the bnll of the eye; the Gr. words are n~e- .
M '""ctnnt rtjpottdetmr : Sk inn." -buc then, lee 1ne e,,,~. K'f"' and Il«if, and the Lat. word is pu-
here o bfcrve, chat the D r. has comn1itccd a fal- pil/a ; a I which fignify what is commonly call -
lacy, though rerhaps unde!igned ly ; for in the ed the bird of tbe e)•D : · let us confider only t he
tirfl: place, he tells us that apparel is · derived word n~i", fron1 whence pupil/a is thltS derived
fro1n apparatus; whi ch ·is compounded of ad, and
paro ; Yillich originates fron1 fl!•euw, ,,,.1.;~;;, tun~r,
fl"''~· n••~· fl••AA• f' n.F
IAAG<, pupil/a ; the pupil
~J the eye; which fig nifies that little opening, or
/entor: vel a nee•» fl•e•ew pr,ebeo,juppedilo: but, round hole, chat admits the rays of lig ht ; and
in the next placr, he has explained t1pparot11s, ap- through which is refletl:e<l from the bottom of
pa,.eiLler, and appartirt, by " hrec a Lat_. ad, er pa- the eye thttt littk image, chat little' boy 01· girl;
rilis :"-chis is the.fallacy; for parilis is derived rhat puppet (pupi/Ja ) which is difcerned by every
from quite a d ifferent root; viz. a Tlaf"'• juxta ; perfon, who looks accentivdy into t he eye ; and
par, paris ;"parilis. is nothing more than rhe reBection of his ow1t
AP- l'AR F..N'f, II"'f"f<" adjum; to be prifcnt, image : the apple of tbe eye t herefore is only :t
to appear; hence pareo ; quali par-eo; from the din1inutivc ot papple, o r p11pil, or p:tppilla, l'>r n , .
old v erb E.,, jum, adj11111. "•>-i.o;, or puppet in the eye :-this e~planation
AP-PARlT ION (from the fame root; figni - has been the more cloli:ly auended to, becaufe
AP-PAR!TOR I tying on appearance, or one it was defigned as an explanation of th at paffage
who J crves the proctjs for appearance in the Jpir.i- in Xenophon, which is quoted by Longinus, and
l!iol court . · cenfured by t hat great critic : rhe palfage is in
AP-P EAL l" A1r•{3al-.>-w, appetlo ; lo the fourth fc&ion of Longinus, he fays,
AP-PELLATION S Jrive, or rem•·ve ; which Tj lfl 11'!fl Tip.·~J# At')"!11' ; ch'H "/f xi:c1 Di ~f(O:tf t;.c!;'~~j
Ainiworth derives frqn1 A1nMw, exclud1 i A· ini- (Z1vo1~~1"' Af7w, XC.CJ ID.~1~)'p:::) xcc:1101 r·
fl( 711-1 I~«fO!"'

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From GR E t "• and LAT 111. A R
,'U, ~,,1~~ r.~A.i::tl~e~;, }ft~ ' '"' T~ 1;!1{;,)f f"IK~OX«f19, i:1.u1w~ loci : fo that an aprq11 1s veftis prretcnta, qua:·
wo1t t7T•Ao::vSdvo,.1«•' 0 '('& f~ T, A.ti<.xtl"1,v.o~i·:.i'1 "Yea.- reliquas 11.nte1·i1ts teg it ; a covering \Vorn btft1re
fii l 1:'CJ~.11 E11l , Exi1:rw;; 'Yl:l" ti'T1av p.11t «v 1'W>'1.I< "XHG'«1( ~ all the rcft, ro keep them clean.
T~v A,9;v..:iv, Y.'r1a1r /'~v o,u.p.«1a. >e,'-J.a'~ '! -rft>' xa>,x~1<' A··PRO!'OS, comm6nly pronou nced app1·opo~
iz1rh1f.1-~·v!S-l.f J,I' J"ec y etv1l!, ;.y'lir-a :o l<!4• av1Wv TW~ &1 Toj~( and· fuppofed to be intirel y French, but happen•
·~&"'"-."•" 11 .. f~";;;,. "fhe whole palfagc foems to to be intirdy Greek : for, if propos be the fa1ne
fay, that the Lacedremonian you ch behaved th~m­ as propoj al, or p11rpofe ; and if apropos figni fies
ldv«s n1ore modeftly than even the very puppets, wilbo111 p11rpofi:, <oitbo111 difrg11, without i11te11tia11 ;
or liJt/( imnges in their eyes ; or in tht tyt : - co e.xprcfs any thiog con1ing. co pafs merely by
there is indeed a pretcinel~ in t he exprellion, but accide11t : then the exprell.ion is intirely Gr.
certainly no error in the text, as many of the fee PRO-POSE.
con1mentators would have us fuppofe. · .APSIS, A"1'"""• uo/o,"~'' tango; vel A,,7.,, 1uflo;
i\P-POINT, n""'"I''• pungo, p11nfl111 ; point- vel 1\.-1w, ncce11da: apjis, idis ; the apfidts are
ed ; marked down, f ettled, d,termir.ed. ~bofe two points in the orbit of a plciNet, the one of
AP-POSITE, Ut a .c..., do110; .ita a e .., po110, which i1 the farthejl from, and the otbtr the nearefl
poji11u; app11j itus; p11t, placed; cowue11ie11t. to tbefim.
AP-PREHEND 1._ x'"'"'"" ht11do; inufit: fed APT, A ,,-1w, apto, j1111go ; to ;om ; that t ajily
AP-PREN1'ICES uncle prthr11do; to 111kt, m1i1u; alto, a ru1dinefs, or q11ick11efs of appreben-
ftizt, lt1y hold 011 : a)fo to bi11d lo a11y tradr. jion : A,.,.,1;:.. co11ve11irt : C afaub. ,
j\P-PRE'flATE, n"'f'""""" "f""'" n~ ..1•.,, :A- PTOTE, A_,,.7.,1•., i11decli11abilis: A, non;
fcu Ile"1"" vr11drnd1.1J11 ; uncle pretium, quod '"t11- ct nJ.,...,, cafi!s ; an a-ptott, or i11dtcli11able noun;
de11ti, vel 1Jt111litrrri, dattf.r ; the 'l.iai11e, or W6rtb of or a noun without cafas.
any thi11g, to /et a high t;1eem 011 mry thing. AQ!.J.t'l.-fortis ( A)G,..,; Xo"• a x,.,,fundo: vel
A.P-PRO;\CH, rre•. pr:e, prope, approximnrc ; AQ_UE-DUCT 5ab A,., .-"' 'I'"' uliloc: rJefych.
to come 11rar, be near at ha11d, adv ance. ex A.. , Ax,., unde aqua; waler; a liquid eltment that
Al'-PROPINQ!JATION ( Ilf• ..,;;;;., a11te may be poured out, or co11dufled frffm plaa lo place.
AP-PROPRIATJON S· pedes, propt ; quad AQ_UI- LINE, A«<->• A£w, Atvc-w, AY.v>.f'l), ac11-
propejit, 911od quis poj/idtt ; unde proprius, pro· tu1 vifus; unde et a ieo ductus aq uiln :- addacn et
priet t11 ; property , right of poffij/io11. aliam etym. fays Voffius, quan1 vcriffimam cen-
Al'· PULSE, A'f'"''~"'" A'f'""'" ab ant. A,,.,M..,, fco : plane enin1 adfencio dooiffimo AnoeJo
pello, appu!fiu ; a coming to, app1·oacbing, ndva11c- Caninio, qui 11q11ila etre putat ab Ayof, vel A';,.,.,
iJ1g, drawing 1uar. quomodo avis ea Cypnormn dialecro vocaru~,
A-PRICA'flON 4''f"• pario, nperio, apric11s, rcfte Hcfych. :- camque fententiam ainplexus
ope" to tbr jun ; wtwmed by hi; rnj'J. et Petrus Nunncfius; f converfo in I; quomodo
A -PRICOCK, " Gall. abricot, B•e'"'"""• fo a K~v9i:>.,~r, e ft t anthtrittJ ; a_ rAl')'')'I), jirigi/is; ii
Suidas inter1Jrctsx1;x;c.v"-nAo:. ~ Diafcorides, llt10:,xox1:.c:,
1 ' '""""""• fletru fcum, gangbero ; et fimilia : tbt
i.e. prd!cocia po1na: Calphurn ius, Eel. it J;ifita eagle ; lo called from its jbarpnefs of fight :-alfo
pr,rcocib11s fubrepert perjica prrmis : pr<Ccox, ex pr"'; the expreffion, 1111 aquiline nofe, is taken fro1n
ct coquo; joon, or early-ripe fru it : lJpt."-buc /be beak of that bird.
coquo is derived fro1n th e Gr. fee COOK. Gr. ARABLE, Af•"• nro, arabili;; ta plow; l and
A -PRIL, •!>•~"'· pnrio, Aprilis; quod omn1t1 fit to bt plowed.
11perint : A R AC.FIN£ , Af''.%'"• arantus ; n fpider.
- - - Aperi t cum <lirnib11s m11111m ARAIN: " i'. Lat. nraitet1 :-it is ufcd for the
T aurus. - Geo. i . 21 7. larger kind of jpiders: Ray."-buc it (eems to
be dcr.ivcd froin the .fame robe with the forego-
APRON : J un. Skinn. and r>1infhew acknow- ing arc. ; for Voffius fa)'S, t1ra11e111l ec arn 1te11>
ledge, thar npr1111 takes its naihc from . being ab Af"X'"'• 01nitro X • quafi Ap~•.. ·
worn b.fcre 01ic ; and the Dr. rells us, thar the ARAY, A,.,,, <1pto, ncflo ; to fit, to arrange, to
Sax. Fr. 1'cut. B~lg. D an. and modern Teut. ndj11//:. ,
words lignifying be/we, " forte omnia a Lar. AR-BIT ER }" .>\••? imprecatio, preces
pb,.ro ;"-but farther t han th is Jie was reCol ved AR-Bl'I'R ARY ,,,:~ ; et B,,...,, lh11w: ·
not to go; alrhough he muft haYe known that t he AR-BITRATJON to; n,.bitrarius, arbiter;
Lat. origi nated (rc)m tl1e Gr. J'.Ir,Jf'.->. lt fCc111s nam arbitri, quaCi a11/e aram arbitrio jrto /iltt!l
however more n~cur.11 ro fuppole rhar t he word Jinire dcbentt; 1111. um:pire ; a judge ; who ougbt al-
'!p1·01i \\'as .(le.ri ved a rrf~, ante, cor,1111, p1-.·e ; notans W fl)'S to gnJt bis jenten.-e aJ falem11ly <IS befo~·e
Hl compofi tione prio ritaten1 1empo1·is, dig11it.1te, tbe 11!111r :"- t his is chc deri v. of Ainl\1•. but

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A ·R From· GR ~EK, and LA T 1 tf. A R
we may very much doubt the deriving t he former abfunt," lays Ainfw. " qui ab A•f" ~~· •eZv, faf
part of t his word from ara, an altu f; ic is much tigium, pre,montoriun1; u11de ct A-xer.-w-1?.>..1~. Axeox4-
more p robabie chat Juo. che father-in-l aw ofVo(f. .. ~«. &c. dcdu<'lu tn putant ;" ReCl:ius forre,.
has given th.e truer deriv. :- " veri Ctn1ilius multo lays Li ttleton, arx abE:xcr,ftptum locus munitus ;
focer meus Franc. Jun. (fays VoO: ) putab•t ar- a fortrefs built en an en1111ence ; as all cafrles were
biJ.-r venire ab al"!ciquo ar, pro ad ; undc ,,rftria, a ntiencly; in o rder to co1nn1and a greater extent
nrt ejfa; fin1iliaque) ct antiq. B"'"'~> Bu1iw, bilo, of profpeCl:, and co render all approach of an
pro to; uncle perbitere, pro perire : pro eo dl: e11cn1y the 1nore difficult: an entlofed, p!ace of dt-
(continues Voff.) propria et vecus fignificatio nr- f t 11ce. Ciel. Voe. 167, has very ju!Hy 1hewn that
bitri, qua infpttforem, ac tef/em jig11ifica1; unde arbi- " the termination 1111/, or rather ina~ed·'the whole·
Jrari, pro injpittre ; arbi/.rium, pro i11fpet7io11e :" 011e word arcet11il, is" but a concraaion of the arx na-
wbo examines, aJtd minuttly injpetls into a11y b1ji1ufs. vaiis off/e11ice, quafi arce-na'Valt :"-but then chat
· ARBOUR : " A'f"• allolw, e'Vebo; et B•~•;, learned gentle1n an ought to have confidcred
ribus ; fane cum reliqtius e terril, vel in terra, that bot h arx, and 1111valis were Gr.
nafcens cibus manibufque proximus fir, folus ilk AR~H-a11gtl larch•. when u(ed in compofitionr
arborum, plurimum Jongc e t~rra, atque oculis ARCH-blj?.iop J plnmly deri ves ab Aex•• vel
noftris 11110!/i/ur :-quod Ii etymon hoc fubti- A~%"'" ab A~.%'" by tranfpo!ition P"'X"'• regc, im-
lius q uan1 veri us videatur, 11on difpliceac origo a penum obti;; fo, pri11ceps ; the bead, cbiif, fi1prtmt -:
Chalda·ico abor, inferto r, arbor ; ut herba ii Chal- whenever thtrefore this word' is prefil(t to any
di ica heba, itiden1 r inferco; ell: vcro hcba, 'Vir•t", cicle, it adds to its former power; as angel,
primum planJ-e g,,-men: VoO:"-as either of th efe arcb-a11gel ; written by Nugel\t AfX'"'i'''"'• but
etym. fnay, according co his own confellion, be even his own lexicon could not have alforded
more fubtil than true, we n1ay rather acquiefce him any fuch word: it ought to ha-ve--b~~n writ-
in his nexc conjeaure, which is,-" forcaffe ex ten Aex~y71>.o; : ·
K"f~'" vcl K"f'"'• arbor, fr11/;J11J ;"-becaufc chat ARCH of a circle ; K1pxcr, arcus ; a 'VllHfleJ.
feems to bavc been the very definition of a tree, roof.
gi,•en by Mofes h imfelf in Gen. i. f f, where ARCf·JAISM ; AfX";·.-1-'"• 'Veler11111, feu prif
fpcaking of rhe creation of trees a.ud pl:ims, he corum imitalio ; a f ond11tfs fo r antienc cu!loms, a11-
has thefc remarkable words : " And God faid, tiquated phrafes, obfolete words, &c. &c. &c.
Lee the earth bring forth gralS, che herb yield- R. -''ex'i, pri11eipi11m.
1ng feed; and tbe fruit-Ira yieMi11g fruit afur bis ARCl-JE -LAUS, " AfX''"'" '• qua!i Af:I(," ;.'"'"
kind, wbofa faed is in itftlf, 11pa11 th( earth : and it pri11ceps populi ; a ruler of the purple : ll. A:x••
- was Jo :"-now, fincc Mofcs has not faid tha t the pri11cipi11m; and Ao:c" pop11'11s. Nug."
grafS, and the herb yield fruit ; but tha t the A RCHl-PELAGUS, " AfX'"';."''i'''' /[rcbipt-
free )'itldeth fruit, and is therefore fomctimcs !ag11s ; the great fta , which falls from ConO:an-
called the fr11il·l ree, it would be n1o!t naturll to tinople into the Medicerrnnean;. k nown to 1110-
fuppofe that arbor is derived fron1 K"t ..''• not dero naviga tors by the Jlame of the t1rcbes : R-
pnly from the fimilaricy of found, but fro1n che ;\oxn. pritit ipi:1111 ; e t fltAxyo;-. ,)Jfl:re. N .'''
identity of fignific3rion,, wh~n compounded ; 'ARCI-~I -"fECT 1• " Afx.•7t•1"" arcbit~&l~r., ar-
for ai·bcr fign ities a. tree ; and 1'af'"' lig nifies cbitefl1ts ; a majltr-worknum, a chief ' builder, or·
fr1til. · proftffiir of building : R. A;x••prindpi11m; cc Tr.?w..,
ARCANUM : A§''"" aruo, nrca; ID dri'Ve off; Jaber, f abricator. Nug."
t o bide up, Jq keep doft ; a n:m1e given to feveral · }\.RCf-H-TRA.VE 1. "Afx•1f" ""E• arcbi:rabs, in
c hen1ical preparat ions, at firft kept farrw b)' their architt:Ctllre fi<,rlifies tl)e 111011/dint ne.'<i abcr..;e the·
Q "
au1bors, or inventors. Vo!lius has added another capi1aJ of"' column ; alfo tbe principal /Jeam i11 a
ti_eriv. area ab l~,~yr1v, E'f'>''"' ec l\f><os > '' arrefl, 'ex- bui'!ding : ex AfX'• principium : cc Tear.,E_, Jrabs~
t/Jtdo ; fept11111, rtlia ;"-a1ry thing thnt enclofas, i<afla.
tmtjines, or co11tai11J a1101ber ; as a cbefJ to lode 11p A.R CI-Il-TYPE, -"~x.nitr..,, 11rchttyp11m; "pri~
a>!Y 1biJ1g, and >.up it f etret from the f.J'CJ and Jwow- 1;1ili'Ve copy a( ali eriginal wri1ing, or of tht original
ltdg~ of all me11. ~uri!ing i1ftif : ll. AfX11i pri11ci11un1 ; et 1'u1!"o), t.-.:~·
ARCEN AL, commonly, and vulgarl y writte_n emplar ; a· c•f'Y·
arftna/ ~ but is derived from Ar"''" arao ; to ARCH!Vl:.S, "1ieX''"·• arcllh;um, tabulari11111;
dri1,1e off, p1·otttl from harr,1; 'ind ller1ce n>·x, ards ; pl!Plic11m ; 11 i·epefttvry of p1tblic afls: alfo t~e re-
a lt<.vtr, tiladtl, or fortified place ; but more par· cords 1l1em,,felvts: f{. 1\~x~, pri~1cipttlt11. N11g."
ficular!y a rcpefitor)' for ar>l's 0111/ the regalia of a ARCTIC, l•e<1<r, mjus, 11rfa ; jignum c.ti4/e ;
jta1e ; as being a place of jlren.;th : " propius vero lbt great bear.
.l · ARCTO-

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A R Fron1 GR E ! i::, a nd LA T 1 i-r. A R
_l\R CTO-P!cI YLAX', Aex.1·~,,>-~, artlopb)'fo x ; Thefe li nes, fays Dr. Davi s, in h is annotat ion on
cujlos 11rf a1 ; jidus q11od et Bootes ; the bear-ward, this paffag e, E n nii funt verfus, ex E uripidis M edcii,
or keeper of the bears ; alfo the waggoRer: R. Ae•1« , Aet i. v. 4, t ranflati,
tlrfa ; Ct ~u>.~t, ctiflos; et $ u>.«<r1w, cuflodip ; t o - ,---_
-,"f~· 1r1i p.wa'a-1 :;.err~{
, I
kup, lo guard. A vo_ew" a.e, r~.. , o' 1'o 'le'<V)'XfU tro ~ 'f '-";
AR C'f -U RUS, ·"'f•1•e•;, ex Aex?0<, urfa ; e r fl t>.1r- p.1,.'!A&o)'. - - -
Ov;o;, c11/lvs, i11fpcf,for ; a fixt flar of the fir.ft mag- where however it is obfervab le, that what Euri-
11i111de, i11 the jkirr of Biotes. pides has exprefied by 1\>J'pw• «p•;;;. , Ennius h as
ARDEN'!' ?. i\ ( c.1, ardeo, aridus ; dry, bot, very properly tranflatcd by ddcf/i v iri ; but then
ARDOR ~ b11rning. what becomes of d rgi<:1i ? there is no authority ·
1~R PUOUS, Ef1•r. ·e~f'"; : H cl'ych . vel ab A1ew, from Euripid es for luch an cxpre ffion, unlefs he
.l\•9,.;, fi1 b/o/1a, ev etlus ; bigh, t/e'Voled; difficult.
';\ RF~;\, A>.~~ . orea; qtu ndo ~ in r, fa!pe had faid A•;pw• Ap')'"'"" inftead of A•lpO,• "' " ;;;, :
yet even then, chc like d ifficulcy would have oc-
.co m1nuca tur ; et ob fi mili3, loca in urbe pura,
c urred, viz. to accounc for ddefli v iri.
are.e funt ; any void /pate in a city, free from build-
ARGO-N A UTIC, Af')'••<tUlo;, Argoffal{ltt 1 ii
ing.s ; a cott1't ·yard ; or barn·flocr, &c .
qui cu rn J afone p rofecci funt i11 /irgo r.avl :-
.l\REO-P AG l1'E, Ae'"""'')''f• /ireopagita ; one whethe r it was from the u dilmfneft of the voyage,
of the .! fthe11ian j 11dgn ; fo called from Ae•;,
o r through tht uufkilfu/11efs of t b< nav~~alors, who
J.1.ars ; e t n "'fo;, coliis; Mars's-hill, u p lace in
perfo rmed it, wo uld be difficu lt co fay ; but it
A thens, where t hey fate by n ig hr, not refpe{t ing
feen1s as if the deriv. of the word Af')'"' pointed
t he pcrfon, but t l1e cau fe ; they wrote down
ou t forne fuch fignification ; viz. ex Ae')'•;, il~rs, fontencc, without declaring cheir fufffages ;
-w he nce t his court was fan1cd for its irnpartial icy, p;;;er 1. • and t here is . an . eiJig rarn. in .M arcial, ,
ar.d (ecrecy.
Lrb. 111. 67, de pi!;fts nau/1s, rn which he e ither
A RGE N1' , " Ae'l'·v~•;, et Ar'>'"f'" • nrgentum ;
aHudes to fuch a
fignificatioo, ~ or p u ns on the
\\'Ord Argo t
fi!vcr. N ug." ,
.'\ R GILLOUS, Aey•l<.A<;, et A~')'•A•;, argilla ; At vos l am piacidas vagi p!r undas
Jcrra alba, tt purn ; w hite cla)', or pouer's enrtb. 'I111a fuditis otium cari11t1 ;
ARGO, At'l'"' • //rgo ; navis J afanis; t i jidtts iVon Nautas puto v •s, f ed ,'\.rgonautas.
9u•ddam ; the /hip i11 whitb ']11fa11 failed to Co/chis, ARG U E, Ar•e'"'" concionor, /()qu~r ; to ha-·
t o f etch 1be !(•Iden fi<ea : about 1 2 , or 1 , 3 0 0 ye.:irs rangue, difao111fa.. Littleto n and A inlivonh de-
b efore Cu<il t : there is fo curious an interprecacion rive arg110, ab Aero), clnrus, 111anifeftu1 ; bur our
g iven by Suid as, quoced by Boe rhaave in his lexico.ns gi,•e us no fuch word in thac fenfe ;
che rnifl:ry, concerning t his exped ition of lht Argo, they have indeed E"'f'>'''· and E·•«e'l''"'" in t he
that I lliall d ejirc leave to q uote it ; the Dr. fenfe of darus, tvidtns, and e·vidm1ia ; which fig-
the n, in p. 6, obferves, th ac " Suid as, who lived nify dtar11efs, brightnefi, perfpicuity ; howeve r, fi ncc
i n the tenth ce ncury, cells us (under the wo rd all argumtnts, and methods of arguing, d o not
x.1....,) t hat Diocleuan, who reig ned t he twenty dcferve that tide, we m ig ht rlcher p refer t he
]aft years of the third ce ntury, gave o rders t hat former d eri.v. ab Ar•e'""·
all che books relat ing to the arc of clternifl:ry, ARGU 'r E ; from the fame root : Gr.-now
lhould be inquired afcer, and burnt; becau fe L itcleton and A infworth have gi vco us anot her
't he E gyp tians were plott ing againfl: the Roman fenfe of the word Apr•<· nempe celer, argutus ;
s overnnl ent ; but under the word A•~~,, Suidas quia argctnienJr,1n titr1 i11v enil ~ quick, witty, fharp :
carries t he ~ffai r ll:ill a great deal higher, ex- - b ut Ae'>''' p roperly fig nifies fag11is, piger ·; dull,
p refsly a!ferti ng, that the g~lde11 jleea , wh ich ;111pid, bta'U)'· ,
J afon and t he Argonauts broug h t away, whe n ARID, A~w, areo, aridus ; la bt dry , parcbtd.
Lhey fai led through t he Pontic fea to Colchis, ARIES, Ae·~· o:e•x•;, unde A'e•/o"• "'PP" "e•f3x7ov:
was o nl y a book written on p archme nt (or jheep's I-Iefych. ab Ae:~, igirur abjecro x, fie aris, five
jki11) teaching Jbe melbcd ef making gold, t.~ art 1, li ve aries; n am in plcrifque, e c t i pro111if-
X•f'"'"S' by the chemical art ." - there is another cue ufurpabant veceres; a ram; a lfo a con/le/lotion
palfage in C icero's T11fc. Qi!efl. Lib. i. frc. 2 0 , in 1he heavens (a/led /lries, or Jbe ram.
t:onccrning the name of chis Jhip, the ,1rgo, fo c u- A RIST -·ARCI:IU S, " A~•r"'ex•;, /iri/larcbtt1 ;
rious zhac i.c deferves q uotation: Q,!!:e no1ninata ex Ar'"', optimtts ; 1be bejl ; as 1n uch as co fay, ,,
cft Argo, fays he, qu ia mo;? excel!e11t f>rince : R. Af";' Nlars •. et Aex,•;,
~- - Arg ivi in efi delrtli viri pri11ccps : N ug .". - we m>1y rather prefer t he
Y efti pttebanl ptllt 111 illa11ralam orietis : latter.

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A R Fron1 GR!EK, 'l!nd LAT JN.
.ARISTO-BULUS, " Ae•r,~•>-•r, /}rijhbulus' ; is deri\•ed frot1l llt·Yct)·- i;J ; \vhicf1 co1nes
' ' ar1·aig11
op1im1u conjiliarius ; a mojl txttlltnl counftl/cr: R. from the ray, which was the cirdt, drawn round
Af«•<• optimus; ct B•1'•, <011/ilium ; btjl counftl. pcr~ons 11'rej/ed, or arroig11ed in th~ nan1e of
Nug.'' JUf1:1ce; oui of whrch ray, or circle 1r was the
ARIST O -CRACY, " Ae•roxe«1u•, ArijJocratia ; highefl: of all crimes to efcape, or trnnfgre.fs t he
Ae•«» optimus ; er Ke(L11w, imptro ; 1(, command, bounds of ir :"- this might lead us to cwo dcri•"
or bear rule : R. Ke"'1'" rob.ur ; jlrengtb, or power : both Gr. either from ·p~J'.,, ra.tlius ; the wand
N ug."- a rrpubli& g01Jcrned by tbe nobility, or lead· wi th which this cirtle was drawn: or frorn A•-'Y°'•
tng men. dico,jus dictre; thence ey, ay, i'ey, l'ay, or law :" this
ARISTO-'fLE, "Ae1ro71:>."', Arifloteles; Ae•r•<• ty, tbe /au:," fays he, Voe. 84, "recei ves t he prof-
cptinms ; et T1>-o<, finis ; tbe beft end, or aim, thefis of various letters ; of B ; whence bty, or
which a ptrfon propofas. Nug." btgh: of D ; whence dey : of R; whence re_r,
ARITHMETIC, " Ae•9t·'-1•K•• aritbmttica ; r~. rtx ; ay, and ray :"-and confequentl y Gr.
Ae•91'''• numerus; the tfrt of counting, or coj/ini tij> as above.
n11m/;ers: Nug."- tbe performing any numerical ope· ARRANT rogue; " ut ubi dicin1us, an ar-
rations by figures. , rant tbitf 1 Sax. Ape, or Belg. u r; honor, gl6ria;
ARK, AfK'"'• arteo; area ; quod arccat ; i. e. q. d. maximt honoratus inter 11eb11/ones ; nebula exi-
contineat rts ei crcditas ; a box, chef/, or .drawer; 111ius 1 nebulonum princeps ; a thief rcg11e : Skinn. "-
any large, or fmall vrjfol tbat contains another. According to rhi$ interpretation, we need not
ARLES ; " from the Lar. arrha ; an arles hefitare to derive our word arrant frotn Ap'n "
pm"), an earr.tjl penny : Ray."- but arrba orjgi- optimus ; the bejl ; but, as that would be rather
nares ab Appc.f3~• : Aef'" er Ae~"'· App,.Pw., Hefych. an abufc, and mifapplication of words, bdides
pignus fpondert ; to lay down a pledge ; to give fame- the falfe orthography ; for both Ap•r•>. and Ape
thiHg in furely of a bargain or engagement. have but one r in them ; it is more natural ro
ARM, or limb, Afl''" .compages, articulus ; a fuppofe, that our expreffions arrant rogtu, and.
joint ; R. Af'» aplo; lo fit, join, unite ; as rbt arm arrat:J Jhicf, were derived from A?ft<v~ «}Pry~,,
is u11iled 10 rbe jh~u/der. for/is, 'lliri/is, robujlus ; a bold, 4Uda<iou1, hardy
ARM •f the ft4 ; oe~l'"r• ramulus ; a braiuh, robbcr.
dh•ifio11. ARRAS, " a metropoli Atrchatum Arras, La-
A R M for war · Of14...,, impetu feror ;' vel ab tine Arrtba/a diCla, nunc Artois, in q ua optimi
1\.RMADA Aff4''• articulus; as in the taptlts olim acu pingebantur : Atrtb11tic.e eriam vtf/u
ARMAMENT former art. R. Af"• apto ; to 'tempore Roma11oru111 l mpera/orum claruerunl .. Skinn."
ARl\11-GER. fit 011 a fuit of armour : Ifi- -tht city of Artois in the Netberli1nds, in whitb.
ARMI-STICE dorus (fays Voff.) addic, the /Jtjl laptf/ry hangings wtre formerly made.
poll'e et arma lie dill:a videri ..,,.. ,; Ae"» hoc AR-RAY in baule; either from the fa1ne root
efi Ma, le ; quod longe poj/babtnd11111 ctefto pri- with arrange; or clfe from App>,x1", infratlus ; un-
ori :-among all thefe words t here is only one broken ranks, embodied ill cloft order. R. 'P•<.-w,
that deferv,es a little farther attention, viz. f ra#go ; to break.
ARMI-STICE, con1poundcd ofOff4""• vel Ael"•r, AR-RAY, clothing ; ab A~"'· aplo; 1oji1,fui1,
et I:•aw, vel Im!'•• fl•, jijlo 1 arn1a-fijlo ; I• flop agrtt.
or111s, or the opera/ions of war ; to agree lo a truce ; AR-REARS, "Fr. Gall. arrierage, vel a11·iert;
to conc!udt a cef!ation of bojlilities. rttro, pojl; q. d. 11drelro; Skinn."-an account
AROMATIC, " Af"'l'-"'1 '"''• aromaticus; odo- which looks back Jo tbe time paj/: bu t re, rtlro, and
riftro11J ; R. Aeore, o.e~, aro; Jo t u!tivalt odorifero1'1 retrcifum, are all Lat in words; and confequcntly
p/a.nls, a11d lrces : 1-\ fWt.A.{t' "'1or, T~, aroma ; a fi11.e our word arrears is nor derived fro1n the Fr.
/(en/, Or Gdour. N ug.,. Gall. ultimately; but fro1n the Latin.
ARR, only a concraCtion of efthar, or fear ; as AR -REP TITIOUS, ·-~fr. '""', ',1~.-:.(w, rttpfo ;
Ray feems to hint; and confequently is Gr. fee dr.ogged, or hurrie"I"awa)' : alfo one wh• is 1101 in his
SCAR. Gr. ptrfefl mind; out of his ftnfu: R. 'Af""'"~" rapnx ;
AR-RAIGN, " reum a.'(trt, ad tribunal agtrt; one who greedily tears, a11d fi:au bes at.e'IJO)' 1li11g.
fays J un ." and Skinn. ad1nits the fan1e interpreta- AR-RES'f, ~' Af"'" p!acit11111; duru, orat'r ;
tion ; but Voff. deduces reus, ii Xetar, vcl Xe'~' : according co Budreus, and Hen. Stephen, ' "
unde Xf"'"' ,,.,.~'l'lDOt, (fi/p,e obnoxius : vel a YtJ, t. e. Ae•ra, plncit11, curid! pla<ild: R. 1\~1.-x"' to plt11ft :-
a ·p.e.,; 'p,t.,, 'p,~J.,, . Dor. Ct ·r,Eo:•, lo be culpable ; from this ''f"°' comes arreflare, as we meet
and confequently lic:ble 10 be tolled 10 1111 account, with in Come of the authors intimre Latioitar is :
or /;rougbt lo t rial.- Clcl. 'vVay. 7, cells us, that . Voffius de vitiis fermonis, lib. Ill. c. 1, is of
E the.

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A R From G 1t E i; K, and L A T 1 N. i\ R
the fame opinion : father Labbe chufes to derive compound, as it feems to be; viz. ex AP,:.-, vd
it froin the French word rejle; reliquum; info- AfG"'""' et v1>!~r, vel ~•>tll, 1Jit1brio : R. N1xa"W, 'i.linco ;
1nuch that do1111er un orrejl is nl rien loijfer de rel1:e lo conquer, or fubtl11e, all animal life ; a ftrong o'er-
dons une affi1ire ; i. e. lo lea'IJe nothing undecided, 'or powtrcr; a 'IJiolenl fl1bd11er ; a mo;1 ptr11icio11s poifan,
to lta'/Je no f11r1ber room for a tlifpute in an affair. ART, Af11-,,, tJfJ, ar1i1; art, v irlu.e; t11nni11g,
Nug.".....:" Hen. Spelman putac cum fimplici r and atldrefs: or perhaps fro1n Ae"' utililas; ufe/111-
fcribendurn, areft; ut fit ii Sax. A, ad, vel ufqtu; nejr ; fame ufejuf ilw e11tio11.
er peft:, morn, q11ies; quum vocabulum arrejJ, vel ARTERIO-TOMY, A~1•e"7'1-''"' ar1eri.c dif-
are;1, nihil aliud Jignificet quam moram a!ittti fallio; ex Ae1"r'"• ct T,,..,.,, faco ; 10 t1tl a11 artery .
injetlnm, ufque dum legi falisfecerit :-in this fcnfe • ARTERY, " Afi•e•'"> arteria, fpirilus Junita,
it may be derived ;\ rele; quafi orrc1iare ; il T""" fell t•nttplar:t1l11111'; ab A•e"'' et T•e"» becaufe it
teneo, reli11eo ; i\ reti11e~dis pif<ibus. Voll:"- but fouls ttp,. or kups endofed t he fpirits: Nug."-vel
Ciel. Voe. 81, gives us quite a dilfercnt idea, ab A•e1•, 'lltna ; a v tin of the fmalltjl jize.
and confcquendy a different deriv. : he fays, "the AR'rHR IT IC, Ae~en•••r, et Ae9e••«, articula-
ridiculous notion of a mnge being a magid aii, or ·ris. articulis laboranJ ; podagrus; tbe jointJ, pains
fararer, proc<'tded principally fro1n ·that wand, in tbej oints ; joint-racking rbe11m. ·
or bough, which was one of the infignia of his A·RTl-CHOKE , " ·Ae1v11ioo, frttllus cina,r-e :
office, as judge; and by which any pc:rfon, in R. 1~1vw, tondio; to feafon: Nug."-this deriv.
the name of juftice, being put under the cir- was given by Skinn. who has likewife added ano-
cumfcription of a line drawll round bim, was oblig~d ther fro1n Salmaf. viz. Ae1•<"•1«, K,.,7,, auce1n
ro ftand fi.xt to the fpot, under the li:vcrcft pe- Atheoreo eft card11i fptcits ; a fpecies of tbi/lle ;
nalties, both fpiritual and te1nporal ; a mode of which accounts better for the lat ter part o( our
arref/, at leaft convenient in tlrofe primitive ri1nes, word. arti-CHOKE,. than any hitherco given :·
when there were no jails, no fafe places of du- but neither does this, nor any other deriv. ac-
rance, efpecially in Britain, to confine a debtor, count for tlJe former pan of this compound •
or malcfatlor: tbe religion of the circle, or ray, chefo gentlemen can expl ain one half of a com-
produced our word at-r.•y-t}I, - or arr'ft :"-had pofition, and then leave the other to explain it-
tfiis gende1nan told us, chat the ray was the wand, felf; and indeed if it wants no explanation, it is.
and ' not the rirde made by that wand, the deriv. very well; but that is not the cafe at prefen.t :
would have been natural, and eafy, frorn ·p,.-{3/o;, Nuge.ot has told us, that Ae7v7ix«, comes from
fl1.diz1s; a wa11tl. Ae1vw, tondio'.;. and leaves us to help ourfelves to an
AR-RIVE, 'p,,., quod Hefych. exponit ~~ u; explanation of the word CHOKE.: Salmafius
&~>.i:ta-O"«l' 1yi!t1f1-t)'.:a : vel 3. 'p,,,.,,, quod :l <Pi1t1f,i), pr.-e- cells us, that Ae1•-x.,x7or. is compounded of A.•71,
dpito; unde ripa, qure proprie uotat pr-etipitem ad and K..•7•r, eardui fpuies ; but takes no notice• of
mare /ocum: vcl ell: ripa ii 'p'"""• impetus; " qui a Ae1•: which perhaps is no more than the adverb-
i.f.i:c i111pet11s aqu,~ fijlit.ur ; q. d. adripare, rip,c ft Ael•, modo, nunc; and which in tompojitione notat
ttpplicare ;" as Sktnn. hunfelf acknowledges; and perfttlionem, orroitaltm, vel 11wilatem ; and in this
yet would riot trace that Lat. word up to its Gr. !alt fenfe ic may be ufcd to exprefs, the new im-
orrg, . proved tbij/le, now, or lately cultivated in gardens.
AR-ROGANCE, Of''I'"'• 'r''l'"• rogo, a"ogan- ART.ICLE, ",1eee•» artus, membr111n i a 1;u111~
tia ; to cballe11gt, claim; or ollrihute lo one's falf a11y /Jtr, part ; or portim; a fatlion . Nug.''-alfo 10-
tbing ; co mmonly underfiood in an unj ul~ fenfe. utcer difiintl:ly, article lry articlt:
ARROW ; A~•» r.pto, adapto ; as we fay 110/tbl, ARTILLERY; ifwbatSkinn. obfervcs be true,.
or ft11ed t~ tbt jlri11g: or elfe fron1 Ael•r, ar1111do; vel that artillery is derived from the Fr. Gall . arti/ler;
11rma, quib:ts comimJJ, vel tminus pugn.iba.111: "Minfh. or from the !cal. allillare ; or11are; j11jlo ordb11:·
ded ucit a Lat . aru11do; perpcram," fays Skinn. but dijponere; and if, as he li kewife acknowledges,
gives no reafon why : only " (\1allem,'' fays he, the !cal. attillart may be derived a diminutivis.
" a Sax. J:ieapo, pa1·a111s, pr.cparare, apparare; Lat. verbi optare 1-it 1nay be wondered 111uch.
q. d. apparatu; bellicus :"-but fuch a deriv. is full that he would not go one fiep fart her, and ac-
:is applicable to any other warlike weapon 1 an knowledge that apto, is derived fro.m A.,,7.,, jungo;.
ax fo r i afbnce, as an arrtr'1J. to fit, or put in order•
..o\RSE-Nl(\ cc AfO"t:v1xtt•>. or rat.Iler A o11t111x1cr, ARU-SPICES,. Af"• precu, ara; et ;r.,...,,
arjeni~11111 ; acco rding to Euftathius : R. Afi•» or jp:do ; to bebald; 4fl extis i1ifpidu1dis in arli ; a
.Ae..-r.>, •1•r, mar, mafc11l1ts : Nug.''-this is all the foolbfay er, a div foer.
t) r. has foid on this art. but this does not account : ARYNDR..>\GA ; "an errand bearer : V.erll:.''-
[Qr the 1.att.e r ·par( of the co1npofitioo, if it be a
but E:RR.o\ND . is Gr•

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.:A S From G ll ll l! K, and L AT 1 N. A S
AS, o,, Jic; like di: but .when ii fignifies as o( Homer may underlland his ·expreffion Ar•t;> ••
f()qlf as,· ic may be derived a K ..1, by cranfpoficion >.,.,.,;;;,., as Ramus has tran:Oated it, limofo ill pralo 1
aic, i. e. -oc ; utjimul ac, "''i"e izc; &c. yec it .is evident that Virgil did no( underfrand it
. A- SBESTOS·; A<!31V•v, afbefton ; a . fpecies of . in that fenfe, Ii nee he has tranOated it, ,1fia
ftone, of t~e -fibres of which t-hey make a cloth, -prala; which mu11: be a proper name; for every
that is. cleanfed by burning in tbefire: R. A, 11011; one will allow, that ajius in L atin does noc lig-
ec 'E/3"'"1'-'• ex.fting110 ; inexjli11guibilis ; -u11e.'<fling11ijh- nify muddy ; at leall: we never" meet wi ch it in that
able, 1111qutncbable: i.e. 1111b11rt by fire, -unb11rnab!e . · fenfc; and coofequenlly it ought in both poets
A-SCEND, :i:"''"f"'• f cando; afcendo; lo climb, to be underll:ood as a proper name; nocwich!tand-
"'ounl upwards: bencc defte11d, quafi dejca11do; lo ing the authority of fcholialls, com1nentators 1
climb duumwords. · and ecyrnologi!ts.
ASCETIC, A..;.,1,,.of, ad exe_rcitationem compa. ASK,•T.-xw, f tio, afaifco; lo call for, to i11q11irt
ral11s ; fapienti.e jludiofi11 ; a praflilio11er; a 1111dio111 af1tr, in order to gain lwbWltdge : ·Jun. and Skinh.
mona.f/ic perfon: R . A.,-.,.,, exer" o ; to exercife the have derived it from A....,,, exerceo; vd ad hue
mi11d, be cun'IJtrfa11t in any )ludious employme11t. melius ab A~'"'"• pr10; po;lulo; lo require: and ·this
ASCLEPIAD, A.-M.,..,.,, /Jfa!tpias, ct £fau- la!t deriv, ought rather to be preferred to ·t!\e
lilpius; carmen Ajclepiadeum ; an /Jfdepiad, or Chor-· cwo former.
iambic verfa, co1!ft)li11g of a. pe111bemimer, and two A -SKI ANS, A•I<'•••, Aftii ; commonl)' written
daflyls; as Afci11111, as if ic wa.~ derived il f<io; inftead of ch ar,
D!Jr11m, fed /e-vius fit pa:itntil1. Hor. ic is derived ex A, non; ec :i;,,,., 11mbra ; i. e.
A · SCITITIOUS, commonly writ ten adftiti- 11111brii ~11re11s; w itbo111 jbadow ; people )iving be-
tious; I.rxw, f rio, afcifto ; lo call, or fetch ;,; aid; tween che tropics, ove r whofc heads chc fun cul-
far-fet cbt; artifirial, 1101 nalttraf. 1ninates vertically cwice every year; at which time
ASH-lr<t; "Av•'> Avr•>, crematile 1 ejl tllim pr.e their bodies ca!t '11ofbadow. · ,
. rtliquis lignis accfnfit f acillim.11111, toque focis valdt ASP, "A<r•~, ofpis ; ftrpentis genus: it is alfo
aaammodum: a w ood, the mojl ready 10 be kindled:" taken for ajJ.;ield: Nug."- forte, fays Ainfworth,
-this deriv-. has been introduc~d by Skinn. fome- ex A, non ; ct .,;,.,~.,, extendo ; quod 11011 ·./il ob-
thing farcallically ; miror Helleniflas no!trof, langn, fad rotunda, fc. i.• arbes fuas convoluta : fed
fays he; nondum deflexifTe ii Gra:co Av», .. v~0>,. nihil certi de etymo ltatuendun1. Vo ffius adds
acundo; Jo kindle; and i~ is as 1nuch to be won - another deriv: "Cl!. A, non; ct .,;,~,.,, fibi!o; qoia
dercd that the Dr. lhou ld rejeCl: chac deriv. after 11011 fibilrt; beaaufc it cannot hiji :"-rhoul d this
he had acknowledged, that ; he r.jh was 11 wood, circumftance be true, ic bids the faireft for- being
accenfu fa tillimttm ; Jo 'V"J inflammable, Jo- 'Very eafy the righc 9eriv.
bt fr.indled. A-SP ARAGUS, " ,\.,.,,."'f"'Y'' : Nug." i\ :i;,,..., ,~.,,
ASH-Wednifday,'derived as in the following art. :i:1"e"'Y•<, 'L-;"e"'Y•?w: 0/ptr; quod ex ajperis vir-
. ASHES, ." A~"' fuligo ; fardu t.~ fiammd gul1is ./egitur; veJ. quOd crefcit in lecis afperis;
adb,ertnles eomino; properly fact : A~'" i. e. Ko,.,, becaufe it grows chiefly in ro11gb plaas ; or per-
. pu/r.;is, Ju.JI: 1-:l efych. Schol. Theocr. ldyl. v. iog; haps b<:caufe, when fir!t it ll1oots ouc of the
. or f'roin )\,,,,; i. ·e. K'"'' fimtu, fordes, Clt'nt1m : fee ground, it has the appearance of a rough plant:
Hefyclt. Hom. 11. B. 4 6·1. A~''I',. ><ul'w": ubi Junius, \mder the article fperage, fays, de voca-
Schol.,. ,.,. '"'"";' T•"'I: A~•<, i.e. K..,,, feu I>-v~: buli originc, !tree habet Jf. Cafaub. Varro virgula
· Upt."-this latter interpretation, however, inay d i-vinil jparagos pro ajparagis dixit ; oleun1 in lu-
be very niuch doubted ; fo 1· l-Ioine r is fpeakino- cubra tionem fervavimus, quod in fporogos totuin
of che m arch of the Greeks, and comparing the~ legiti1ne ~-erran1us: fie enim in Nonii codicibus
numbers co tliofe . of gee.ft, or cranes, or f wmis, fc ribitur locus ille; recte : · ncque allcntiendun1
that feed the meadows · of Ajus, or the ,1Jian aliter pronuntiantibus: Ll<"f"Y•~ icaque, pro
mead, arttmd Cr.]jler's jlrrams :-and to convince . A..,,."'e"'Y''' di~ic vir undecunque doetiflimus.; tit
us, thal A~1~ ~:. >.i111-W.,l is atroper _1ta111e ; and not l:'laxui, pro ·Ara;.c.ur : et a verbo l:'l'Ta4; clcpl1d-a
the fimple, plain epithet o t1 muddy f en, or morjhy :i;,.._><"9o;, A"""><'-'9•; ; :i;.,.,.;,"J;, A~"'O<A"'E: ind e ec
meadow, Virgil has literally adopted ch is pa.lfage, :i:.."f~y•; fecundum quofdarn, quia lrr.brndi 'IJim
in the feofe of a pr~per 11amc: .babe~/, ventrem mo/iie11s, a1q11e urinani ciens. See
'J am '1Ja1·ia1 ptlogi volu:res, rt q11"'·A fia cirt11m .. A-SPEOT, 0.}1;, v 11/1us, fpecfrs oris, facies ; the
D11lcib11s in ftagnis rimpnJur.prata Cn)'jh:i. cou>1ttnona :---7tl\o' we· moy rathl'r ~crive ofpt tlus,
Geo. ·!. 383. ,;. . . an d r.pu 10,
n;p:ao, ~ •
. tirom ,«.-1•f'"- ~
'• or 1ron1 .,
- ••• •"•
Now, in whatever fenfe the d ifferen t >111erp~etcrs fp ec-iu, <:tidto; to Ju; bebc!d.

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A .S From GR£!!&, and LATIN. A S
ASPEN- !taf 1 M"'"'f"• palpi10, lremo; lo /rtm- line ullo fui periculi fenfu, quemvis, fell regem,
ble, jhalce: why Skinn. lhould rejeCt rhis deriv. fcu alium potentem, interimere folebant :"-per-
in order to make room for his favorite Sax. Belg. haps the Dr. meant the abominable alfociates of
: n:I 'fcut. ctym . when t hey lignify the fame the famous Old Man of 1bt Mo11nlai11 ; and if the
1hing, could have been only the e.fkft of preju- Gr. and Lat. languages were· of no anticnter date
dic~, and partiality. ' tlian the times of the holy wars, we 1night 1nolt
. .ASPJ! R : wheneve r gramm. make ufe of the readily have allowed his deriv. as likewite that of
l<rms .afp_tr, and a/pirated, they fcen1 to under- Mr. Lye, and thofe authors, whom he has quoted
fiand tt m the fenfe of l:""''f"• fpiro; to brealbt; in his addenda : but, when we find that the Sax.
, quamvis hoc potius d icitur, fays Vofi: de ani - words StJX, et Seax ; the Fr. Gall. o.JTaflintr 1 the
malibus moribundis, cum palpi1ar.1, et lrtm11nl, !cal, affa./Jinare ; and the Lat. firarius, and ./iclf.,
txlrt11111>n tdit11ra fpiri111m : however fuch nice di f- may all or them be Co ealily and fo naturally de-
cinchons are not always artended to by etymol. rived ab A~'"'• aftia ; an ax, [word, or any flub·
and gra1111n . edged-weapon (which looks as if AEww itfclf was
AS PERITY, '''""f''·· 0/per; ro11gb :- vera au- derived ab A••• acitS; a11 tdgt; et hinc jiraritts,

tem afptri etym. cft, fays Volf. quam in vulga- fays Voff.} there can no longer be any d oubt
t is lexicogr. legas; aiunt enim effe ab Ant<p•1 : which is the original of all the words we have·
caufa1n appellationis, q uam reticent, afferc Jul. here conlidered.
Seal. afptrum vocem cite prifcorum agricolaru1n AS-SEMBLY, vel ab 'or-,.~•r, ,eq11aJis ; vel ab-
fumtam a terra.. quz cultui eft inepta, r."'"' .... ~Op.o;, ftmilis ; undc '0,u.'t:, 1tna, fin1ttl; fimilo, a.Jfi-
M• ..,,...,,..&,., : quia hrec ob faxa, et fqualore1n milo ; lo he ;~uni, a111! alike, in dignity, efli111a1io11,
par/ts habtl in,,,qua/eJ ; qu~ proprie eft afperitas ; &c. : like a muting, where a!/ "'' equal. Skinoer
a rtugh, ttncoutb fgi/. quotes Minlhew for deriving alfamble " ab 1\u.?-"J<-
A-SPERS t.QN, I.·ir'apa-"""'• r. ..,.,,,z, fpargo, s- Ati.:011, in n1anipulos colligarf ; -#'\1u.~M«., JJJa11ipu!1tJ·;
Jpergo; lo fprink/e, h<fpalter; lo <aft unjujJ rif!tliions. Ced mor~ fuo n imis violencer :.,- then let us hope-
ASPHALTUS, A~f..><1•<, Afphalti1ts; uitumm; thc former deriv. would have been more ac-
•a kind of ;arihy·pit<b; it was ufed forinerly in- ceptable to the Dr. and will be more fo to h;s
ftead ·of lune, or mortar; and likewife inftead of readers.
oil in lamps. AS-SENT, 1,.,q-O*;."t-4~'' fe11tio, affen:io; lo agree
ASPliODEL, A•,·~•>·•<• a[phodelru; the daffo- to ; to be of ane 111ind.
dd. See DAFFODEL. Gr. AS-SERT, Ep,,,, fare, dico ; undc adftrert; lo
A- SPl RATE, r.""'P"'• vel potius 'p,.,,~.,, fPiro; ajferl ; hinc ftrmo, as Voffius obferves under that
10 brcatbe : among gramm. it (ign ifies " 'IJowtl, art. puto faro antiquil lingua notaffe dico; ab Ep.,,
and Jometimu a confor.anl fpoke11 with a breathing. live Ef'"" quod id ein fignat; s ·pra"rniffum ut in
A-SPIRE: from the fame root ; and now. ufed Belg. ejufde1n nocionis verbo, quod eft Jprtkn1,
in the fenfe of to reach 11/ter, lo a/lain u1110; lo a pr.t'dico: lo fpenk , claim, cballtnge, or avcucb;
pr.111 after glory and fame. . AS-SESSi\-1ENT ;. at firll: it feen1s as if t his
· :ASS; A, rtp•1'"'f• et 2:;,.,, poJta; ut dicatur word derived ·a b as, affis ; a R oman uin: bot
A.ji111u, quali A-n,.,, qua voce 1-Iomerus, er 1Ef- perhaps it is rather compounded; and derive~
chylus, uli pro J4noct10: ita ingeniose Heinfius from cef!ment; Gr. by changing c into J in the
in erud ita, et feftiva laude Afi11i :-fuit, cum fu- con1pofition. . .
fpicarer cfre ab antiquo nfmu, intcrjetto ii hoc ab AS-SEVERA TION; either from t•f3•Y."''• ve-
o,.,. f inferto, ex 1uore veterom ; quomodo neror ; -u n.dc fev1ru! ; a/ftVero ; i. e. od faverum :
d ixere caf110, pro cano ; d11fm11s, pro dutmts ; ptzfi111, or elfo fron1 '!'"""• unde Et"» dirert ~ unde vtrtu,
.P ro pa11a; Cttfi»illa, pro Camilla; nee fententiam ajfi"vero ; lo ajJir111 any rhing with /rtttb, <vith c~efi­
hanc d a1uno. Vofi.-this word in Latin carries dence ; for Voff. rel ls us, that venu is derived ab
t hree different fenfes ; it figni.fies a beafl of bur- Ep1w, dico ; q uia quod iiici1ur, ejl; q uodque eft,
d111; a; and the upper mil/.jlq11e• . hoc dicilur; tH hrec duo lint u>arp1~0>10., nempe
1\S-S.'\. IL ( A>->-•r-«•, faliD, inful/o ; q uali af- in fennone tali, qualen1 efre con.veni t: imo apud
AS-SAU L'f S fultus, invq/io; an a/lark, or IiOJJl. Er.•• pro re ipfa accipitur : c t putat Scal ig.
f11dden i1l'vafic11. . res effe a refts, vet rejiJ ; et J1oc a•py;~-~, diflun1 ;
ASSASSIN ; Skinn. affirms, vox proculdubio llllJ thing prono11>Hed, or affirmed ioitb 1rr11b.
Arabicre originis; h is reafon is this: " lie autem· AS-SIDUITY, E?'i-<"'• E?w., ti~, Ion. U'!w, fadeo,
icmporc bcll i facri appellabantur tribus, fcu na- ajjid11us; ro11ti1111al c11jlom, conjJaJtt applira.tion, fre-
tio <juredan_1 Syrire, inter Dan1afcun1 et Antio- q11enl allendanct ; ptrptllla/ /illi11g : o r elf.: a./Jid1tb1Jt
c hian1 incol;e, qui ad "imperium p'rincipis fui, 1nay be derived from A?"x•~, poet ice pro AJuxi••
.'· e..
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i. c. AJ,,.;.,,,,.7.,;, jiHe in1e1'111i/fio11t 1 witbeul a.1.fi11g, trijli1 ; H om. II. 0, .159, B'""' r•••"1"' trijlia tefa/
Dr rt>niffibn. vcl ab Ah?w, objlupefacio, allono; !l'PP°'1"1•~, tom-
AS-SIGN, "~''Y•"'• jig111Jm, abjeeto1: vel fue- lru affe~lus; 1hui:derflruck : vel a r1.,., JaP.1'.l11s,
ric ab 'fx,••; '"efligium fa:pe eoin1 fi'irrcus in 1 abit: .,,..;.,g.,9.,7«, eo1iverted intu j1011e; fie Vrrgrhus,
1,;·",." ab E;,,.,,..,, undc 1Mv117% apud Hefych. et JEn. Vf. 4 70;
jigillmn ab E'"">." : Voff."-it would h.avc given 1Vec lizrJgis iizccplo •:.J11/l11111 ftrtMnt moveltir,
n1e great fatisfa~ion, if any of thefe words could fi!J1amjidura Silex, 0111 flu Marpefia C:1Utex.Upt."
have. been found in Hefych. b<:aring the fenfe but without all this difplay of learning, there is
here incended ; but in the firft place, I cannot ·a much more natural, and confequ~ntly a much
find either E;·.,.,, or E>.-.-.. : in the next place, more eafy dcriv. of 11jlo11ifh,•d; viz. 1i. T•>a;, vel
1-Iefycbius indeed gives us the word {x,,.7.,,, but ·r1a.. ~, i11/(l1do, ('t ri1ec~atim 7.10lt 111, vcl fantttn ill·
then it is in the fon!C of Enr;.•1"''• Noa·,., K«9,_,,.7,7,..,; unde Teno ; et 1i. to11ando quoqtre ejl at1011it111;
A.,7,.,, r.~'1'"">. none of which can poffibly have any to be th1mder.flruck ; ehher lirera!ly, or figura.
conqex1op ~~~1 our prefent fubjetl:: and laftly, tiv.dy. Volf.
there is no fuch wor3 as E,.,;.., :· rlefychius has ASTRAGAL, " Arp<>y«A•r, ta!ta, taxiUtts ; a cir-
explained E1xU.•>, by 'Of'-••••, and perhaps chat is cle round a pillar; a term of archicetlure. Nug."
w~at we ought to reac,I in Voffius; particularly ASTRO- LABE, "Arp•1'.af3"» ttflrolabium; an
fince a foal is nothing more than an impreffion injlrunm11 for taki.•g dijla11tts: R. Arf''> et >.u,"'(:J"""'•
Jae fimilor to the engraving: to a.flign any thing a. z . 11'.af3•» 10 take. Nug." ,
O\•er co another perfon, is to deliver him a writing ASTRO-LOGY, " Arp•>-•r•«, from the fame i
tJndtr •1tr hand and fa1zl, invefting him with full and from :>.''Y"'> to f ay, to fptak . Nug." to 1,11, or
power, &c. pronounce 1bt /alt of any per/011 by 1he ;1an, or the
AS-SIGNATION; from the fame root; .now comfe •f the plantts : -the abufe ofafironomy.
fignifying the dijlribution of any thing ; alfo an ap- 'ASTRO-NO!V1ER, ' '. Arf"'I'";, from t he farnc;
JWin1m1nt, or dtputatio11. , and from >•i-<•;, diflribu1io : R . N'I'-''> trib110, attri-
AS- Sltvt l l.,A:.'TION 1·0,..,.,, vel potius 'o"',._ buo. N ug." to dijlributt 1b1 fl11r1 into conjlellati-
A S-SlMULATION ;.,,, .fimi/is ; like; a 0111 :-this de riv. the Dr. fecm~ to have taken ·
liluJ1eft, refemb.lance, fimilarily. fro1n f-Jetieric ; but perhaps it 1nay be 1nore pro-
1\S-SISTENCE., Ilap•r>tp.•, adjlo, adue1110; ta perly (!crivcd eitl1cr 1·ro111 Arpo~, aflt:1111; and Noy.or, .
(amt to ; ·al fo to 01d, http: lex: tbe lawJ of the .Jlllr!, . or the plan1/1, (0111pr1-
AS-SIZES, E?•f'-"''• fe.deo, fef/iD; n fa.flion, or hending their fituario11, mation, &c.; or el fe from .
meeting cf judges a11dj11jlices al tbtir quarterly offilll· 1\ rpc1 , · r.j1r1!.r11 ; ct Ovc1"".x• n()tntn ; oi1e who telleth .
blitJ bdd J~r the co1111ty. rhe nun1ber of the jfar1, •ind called\ them all by
AS-SOCIATION, F."''•""'• ,,,. in q ,·erlo, quaO clleir 1111,11e1.
equomai, f1q11or; unde fodu!; lo falhw ; a frirnd, A-SYLU~1, A~•>-•» afylum, locll! ii viola1io11e
t •mpanion, or follower. /11/11s; i11fpoiia111J ; a place of fuurily; frtt froi11 ·
AS-SU ME l A•~'I''"'• per aph::erefin,/umo, mol•flathm, or dijlurbance; ex A, non; et Iu>.•,
AS-SUMPTION J ajfumo ; to 1ak1; alfo to ar- fpolimn; /poi/, or booly.
rogpu to himfelf. A 'f, Ka1.., ad; aduerfu1 ; to, or againfl; as ·
ASTERISC, "Anp•~••t, a diminutive of .4rp•>, when we foy htre'J al you.
R. A>•p,' ,,,,, ·a ·jlar. Nug."-a little n1ark in AT-Cl-II EVE, Kr~°"'"• tapu1, ad"ap11t dtdu-
writing, formed like a flar, [*] lhewiog fome- cere; to bri11g an_y thing lo a head; to aaomplijh:
thing to be noced. " Fr. Gall. t bef, vd pocius kif, or rather ktpb ;
ASTHMA, '' Aif~EA"> -r~, flatus tJ11belatitJ; a capt;/ jig11ijfra1, fays Skio;i." who would not fee
jhorlntfs of breadt h : Nug."-a vifible n1iftake for that caput ; and chef, lcef, or lupb, ought to be
jhorlntf< of brealh; a di.ffi,ulty of breathing. d~duced from K!?-«A• : -this word is generally
ASTIEGE: " fro1n a.fliege we deriue many writcen achieve, according to the moll: erroneous
woords of mounting vpwards; as fliege-ropes, which method of writing, the French; but, if it fig-
we now pronouncefli·rops, (or as it is com111only nifies ad cap11t, t here can be no reafon why t he• I
written jlirrup1) beeing firll: deui!Cd wich (6rds, or lhould be lefc out; and the beautiful ch introduced • .
ropes, before they \)'ere made with Ital ber, and A TE, the perfetl cenfe of EAT. Gr.
iron fall:ened co it: Verll:.''-but we Jball fee under A-TliANJ\.SJUS, "AQ,..-;...,.,, A1hanafi1u; i111-
the articles STILE, and STl-ROPS, that this 111ortaN1; ex A, non; et 9,.,.a1o;, mor.s; dtalh ; R.
whole arcic.le is Gr. ' · "" . .
violld'Xw·, morror:. lo d'1t. N·ug."·
A-STONISHMENT, " z.1.,.,.,, gemtbu11d1n, 1).-'fHEIST, " A9to{,. dtbtus ~ quifine-D<~ efl 1
s ~"'

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A' T A U
one who at knM.oltdges no God: Nug."-one who is fpidt.r, Ray."- under the arr. CoiFturb, 'Sk'inner
an icnpious, irreligious fool. fuppofes " u1p to be de rived ii Sax. toppe ; nptx,
A THENS, " A&.,,.., Alhen,e; 11 faa port town faf/igillli1, tufmell ; quia fc. , in culmioibus d'dium
of Grtuo; from J\9•••, Minerva, to •whom it was pler11mque fabricatur, t.t texit :"-we n1ighr rather
dtdiu1ted :-it was forn1erly called A•l•, which imagine it was derived from rhe· foregoing art.
lignifies /illus; lteoauft of the exte11t of its /e11gtb a.~ to t he fonner part of this compound; and that
· 11/ong the jbore : e tyrn. 1\y.,, frango; becaufe of the lancr was detived,. u the Dr. fays, fro1n the
the breakir.g of the waves againjl thejhore. Nug." Sax. coppe; but rrhen that word is evidently
.Al "H LETIC, " A9>.'1"', atbletn: R. lv.9o;, ;, decived from Ki~., tapul; coppe : and tha t
ctr111mt 11. Nug. "-it fuould have been printed the fpider was in Sax. called atter·.c•p, from 'lti
.~8l.o(, ccrtamt1:; a coTJtejl ; a cb11mpion. fhape, being round like a · bend; · a11d its be-
ATMO-SPHERE, A11'"• vapor ; et l:!>""P"> ing fuppofed to be. filled with a -noxious, poifane·us
fpb,cra; thnt enve!op"nenl Qj air,, doKds, 111ul va· mo!ler. .
pors, which fKrrc111uu rhc earth. ATTICISM, A-.1 ..,..,.,.,r. fermo ..(flltl:fiJ ·;• 111/ Aitic
A-TOM, A1•14•;, i11/etlilis, i11divifibilis ; nny eJtp•tfli1m.
thi11g Jo final/ as not to be divifib/e; ex A, non ; A TT-ONE, ·E., unttlTf, 011t; ad 11n111H, adrmare;
et TifA.-w, ftto ; lo ''''' ftparate. 10 reco11cilf, to be al one ; , lo 111ake fatiifotlion .
A -TROCIOUS; vei a Tp>;Gu(,. trux, alrox; AT -TRACT }Ap,......,, l f«'Y"• traho;
rough, cruel, Jin1age ; vel quid Ii de ri vemus i\ A T-TRECT A'f:.ION liJ draw, drag, bandit.
Tpux,"~, qnocl fignificat t t 1·q, attv·o i fc:d 1t1aximc A"r .. TftlT.E:, 'I'rfp~, .-,·•etw, ·"f'(f;, .,,,13{.;J, tero, al·
0111nil10l [>lncct a 'l'·p·:.Jw, i. e . faucio, vui11trtJ ; ltro., a1tril11n1 _; rt1bbed, too1~n away. din1inifted,
A1;w1w:, """"1"''' Hcfi•ch . i1t'Vu/J1er11ble, invintiblt; dttayed.
u11fi1bdued: in our language it· ligoifies flagirious, A"f-TURNEY: etymology fixes ~he ortho-
wicktd, 11bbmi11able. graphy of chis word; for both Jun. and Skinn.
A-TROPHY, Kip•~•:t., atropbia; an indigtj1ion, acknowledge it is derived from t11r'! ; ut et nos
. or fpedes of to11/11111prio11, when tht food tuwuerlJ not d iciinus, e-Jery mall in his turn; 1he firft, Juond, or
10 nourifb111e11t, but to phlegm; from A, 1to11 ; and third turn ; a,.,,.,..,, quali n,,1.,, '/Jtrto ; patronus.
'fp~·~'r., aiimn1l11111 ; nourijbmtnJ. ndvatot111 ; qt.1i fc. ad tur1111111, i.e. ·ad fJiCtm a/Jt..
AT-TACH, G»'Y"• 01yytw~, fttJJ[o, taflum; lo ri11s, 111 loquuntur ipjiforenfes, conjlirurus, do111i11ifoi
. /ouch, to adhere lo ; Jo jer-;;e with fide/it)" caufas i11 foro promo<Jel, tjufqKe nomint refpondet;
:AT-TAl.N, T"""" Tt••» loo. Tr" "'• renrq, altinto; a perfa11t1frployed10 plead a t1111fl, •wbtn ii comes on
, to hold back ; rttai11 ; obtaih, ncquire. ;,, ilJ 1un1.- l f therefore it is written allornty, 'it
. <AT-TEMPER, T'I"'"• temp11s, al/cmptro ; to would originate from quite a different root, viz.
makejit, to mix, or 111i11gle togethel'. ii Topvo(, and T•p••••; which fignifies the polijh-
A·r-TE!\1P·r, T""" JEol. T,,,.,, 1t11Jo, atte1110 ; ing·wheel :-and if it is written at1our11ey, it
to tjf'ay, 10 prO'IJe, afjail, e11deavour. would originate frorn no root at all .
.:A'[-TEND, from , the fan1c root ; and here A-TUGON, or "'togon ; draw11 : Verll:.-it
ufod co lignify rhe bending of tbe mind to any fiudy, ought rather to have been explained by our lvord
· to rtgard, ftrfb tW ar. earnejl diHgen&e. tug; and derived fron1 the fame root; which we
AT.-TEN ED, exundtd : Verfi . Sax.-fcc the fball hereafter find to be Gr.
·following art. Gr. A-VAIL, Ov>.w, 'Va/to ; to ltt in bcaltb, power-
,<\T -T ENU A'f ION, ,.,.,.,, T""" Ion. n"'" ful, ftro11g.
ttneo; qLila q11,:r ten-itia, facile 1e11ear.tur; t tn110, al- AV-1\Nl", A~1~, ab-A~1:t., /Jlllt, coram; ab-ante;
tenuo; to ma/a thin, or lo ltf!e11, maltt flender. uncle Gall ict1m avmrt; 'begone, 'go before, fJanijh.
·A TTE R; " l"eut. aut Bdg. eyter; vel abejus AVARICE , a'Vto, nvnrus, avaritia ; tO'Ve/011f-
parenre Sax. 'i'\"cep; pu;, -fanies, virus. Skinn."- 1uft, greeditu/s : a<rJeo is defcendcd fro1n the
perhaps our good old ancdl:ors ineant no more Hebrew.
1ha11 co tranflace materiu, or materia ; which by AUC.flON, Au~''• A•t'""'' augeD; to 1111g111e11t,
the way docs not ftrillly lignify pus, or fanies; incrt afe, tnlnrg•.
at leaft we feem nor to have underll:ood rhem AUClJPATION , o,.,,,;, avis, aucupor; aut11-
in. that fonfe, .lince we underftand at/er to be pntion ; tht art of birdi11g, fouJlitrg ; alfo to ·watcb,
pus, or fiwies. ·ro fpy, I• li/ltn. · .
·A TTE:R-COB (." Sax. A t:'t:epcop,a, anim<1l · AUDACLOUS,-A:i<vxon by·tranfrolirion, audnx;
J\TTER-COPS fummc ventJ/0/11111, 01'(111811; ti A...,xo; , . 9pMv;, Hefych.-Juxta Nunncr : ell:
:poifa11.011s .ani'!!al, or rather inft fl, particularly tkt ab AliO.J,,, .audax, fuper.bus ; d1tring; bar,gbty.

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A V P.rom G R E .11 K, and LA~I~ ~ U
AUD-FARAND; " aud, old; and farand; making Hudibras declare his dcteftation of
i11ge11iut/I ; the bu.nor, or genius of any perfan : bear-baiti11g, he fays,
Ray;" who likew.ife obfer.ves, that" chil'dren are , I wilh 1nyfelf a pfeudo-prophet;
faid co be aud farand, whe11 they are grave, or But fure, fo1ne mi.fchief will come of it ;
witty, beyo11d wb<1t iJ ufual i11 fltCh: as are of that Unlers by providential wit,
age."-here now we may begin to doubt whether. Or force, we av•n:uncatc it.
this gentlen1an is right in fllppofing aud farand A-VERSION; -r,,...,, quafi ITrp1", verto ; a'!ler-
to be Saxon·; for, according to this very defi- Jatio; a difiiking, or !oathiug; rbe tu,-ning away
nruon, ·it feems to be no more than a provincial ft·om any dift1greeable ob)ef!.
diak& for old-b~fore-ha11d, i. e. aud-farand; wife AUGER; Skinn. who is always more attached
~for old and wife ought to be looked on. as fynony- to rhe Saxon, and the oche)'' ~ort.hcrn tongues,
mo\ls) btffJl't the ptoper terth of years; but old, than to either Greek, or Latin; .fays, " audax
l>tfore, and hand, are all Gr. etrem; fi Belg. ave.ger d efle$:erem ab adigere; et
AUDIENCE t A1w, aiufio, Avl•, vox, fa11us, ora- tamen iftiufn1odi violcnta: originationes a mukis
AUDITOR S tio ; to hoar; the faculty of etiam magnis criticis pamm afferuntur :"-how-
hearing; alfo an.officer appointed to hear, 1111d e.~a­ ever, lince rherecertainly cannot be ""Y fuch mighty:
lllille a&count-s. violence in chat deriv. it has been adopted; with
A-VENUE; B"""' venio, adve11io; an approach; this addition, that if adigere be compounded o f
11 vifta, a rlJtJ? of./rtes pla11ied regularly to Jerve as ad, and ago, it is derived fror)l t he Greek verb
1111 introdut1ion, or entrance lo ·a noble ina11fion : Ar"• and now bears the fenfe of pe11ctrati11g, bor-
Skinner admits the Latin, but takes no notice of ing, piercing, or going deep into any fl1bfta11ce.
the Gr. etym. of, this word. Al JGflT: if the ecymol. are able to trace any
AVERAGE. " '!'be brtalcing up of corn fields; of our word-s to the ncxl: i'mmediate language,
tddifh, roughings : average in law lignifics either tbt from which they fuppofe we borrowed it ; v iz.
/Jtajls winch te11an1s, mid vaffals ware to provide either to che Sax. Belg. T eut. Fr. Gall." Irnlic,
their lord with for certain farvictS ; or that 111011cy French, or Lati n tongues, they feldom go any
that was /aid ·OUI · by merchants to· repair the /of!es farther; an inftance of which we ·have now be-
jiiffered iiy jhipwreck ; and fo it is deduced from fore us: " AUGHT, AWHl'f, aliqttid, font
the old word aver ( a'IJeri11m) lignifying a labo1tr- pura puta ii. Sax. Atth"C, Apht:, Ap1h<, Lye :"-
i11g beajl: or avaria, fignifying goods-.,.. or thalllts t and we might readily grant all he lias advanced ;
from the French verb avom ; lo have,, or pojfefa: hue then we ought not to !lop here; for it is evi-
Ray."-but the Frenc.h verb avoir is as undoubt- dent thac Ap1h-c is but a contraaion of aliqttid;
edly derived from. the Greek verb A(J.,, inulic. aliquid ab aliquis, contraEted to a/is, fro1n whence
and that is as undoubtedly derived from the came alius, which is plainly derived ab A>.>-.or,.
Hebrew, as ·We !hall fee under che art. HA VE: ali11s; another, any tbi11g, or fome thing, aught elfa.
and yet the word a'Verage may be derived from 1\UGMEN1' , AvE•~•» A•Ea•~, 1mgeo, augme11-
11ver; fignifying an equal lhnre, or dividend, t11m ; a11 i11crettfe, additifiJt, t1cc111111tla1ion.
made, and delivered on avouch. fee AS-SEVE- AUGUR, 01wvo~, Op:-~r, aviJ, attg1Jr, a1t.,ft1ri1rm,
R,\ TION . Gr. q ua(i avigerium, i. e. quod aves gerunt, proprie
A -VERNUS, A'f"'~ avibus cartns; ji11vi11s, oritur ex avium ca11t11, gt}lu,vel pajlu, t quJbus futura
/till '/acus.Aver11i ; divbtant11r, item quovis modo cor.jrtla ;-"--to prejage,
~lfam fuper haud ullre potera11t imp1111t volantes or prog11ofticate from the aflio11s of birds.
'l'indere iler pe1111is ; ta/is fafa balitus alris AUGUST, the ma11tb; A•rur,., ;, -r,f3"ror, .tf11-
Faucibus effu11dens ftiptra ad convexa ferebilt; g19'i'; Stxtilis, t/;e fix th mo11tb, ,according Io 1be 1<01111111
Unde kcum Graii dixerunl 11omi11e Aornon. computation; and called by the na1ne Se.:lilis, till
. JEn. VI. 239. it was changed t o A11gujl, in ho11aur of .l111gujlus
fo called, becaufe no bird could fly over it, on Cd'far; as the preceding month fi!.!1i1uilis, o r the
:iccounc of its fulphureous exhalations. fifth month, had done btfore, ·in honour of his ad~ted'
A-VERRUNCAT E ; Opw, Op•~, ruo, i. e. eruo : father Julius C,efar: fo chat rhough it- is undoub t-
vel eft,, ait Vo!T. ab A"'F""'"'' quod Suida terte, ell: edly a R oman name,, it is however of Greek
""'""'"""" prohibeo, veto: vel, quod tnagis placet cxtraetion.
ab Efivx.,, prremif. Digam . . uode r11iio, rm;co, AUGUST, princely; A uE""w , augeo ; untie au-
aveior1111<0; lo cur up, we1:dy or bough the land : gujlus ; imperial, majefiic. Ovid likewi(e has given
Butler in his F-ludibras, Part 1. Canto. I. v. 755, us the fame deriv. only he has go ne 110..· i arther
has humoroufiy introduced d1is word; wh~rc .than his own language for·the etyrn : ;
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A U• From G R r. it K, and L A T 1 N. A ·U
SanB:a vocant LfugujJa patres; Augujfa vocantur avunculra; thus, avrmc, converted into avunt,
·rempla, facerdotu1n rite dicaca m ilnu ; and then conrracred into aunt ; and confequcotly
Hujus ct augurium dcpcndet o rigine verbi, wiil originate A:ill from the fame root, with the
Et quodcunqoc fua Jupiter nugtt opt>. word UNCL E. Gr.
Fall:i. lib. I. 609. AUNTERS; " I guefs it to be contrafted
but we have feen that augeo originates ob A "r"'"'· froo) 11dvt11/11re, or pe,-advcnt11re; whic h were firft
AUGUSTINE ; Ca1nden fuppofcs it t o be mollified into a11·ven111re; and then ea lily con-
" Larine ;· and to Jigriify cncrenfi11g, or maje,1ica{; tracted into aunler : Ray."-then conf~quently
fro;n A11g1ljl11s:"- con(cquently Gr. as in t he fore- fronl the Gr. if '1Jt11i q be derived from a.,..,,.
going art. AVON, according to Ciel. Voe. 168, and
. AVIARY, Ai3•1. Ot•;, nctnpc O"'""• Opro;, avis ; t 90, "gives origin ro Favo11iu1; and fignifics tht
a bird ~r fowl. 1.1vc1:i11;,~ :''-~vi1ether Avon gives orig;n to FaV<>11iuJ.
AVIDl'rY, aveo ; to cov e/, drjire, wijh fer ; or F'ai11J1tie 1 to Avo11, anriquaries may decide; but
nvid111; greedy. fince they boch fignify 1be wt.fl, or tb• evening,
AUK-'\-VARD; " Sax. 7i.pep'o,perveifiu, aver- ic fee1ns but reafonable to fuppofe chat they both
fiis : Skinn."- this very interpretation n1akes 1ne defccnd frorn the fame root with EVE, or EVEN-
doub t tbat the Sax. is noc the original word, but ING, i. ~. Gr. particularly fince Clcl. himfelf ac-
derived from verji1S, i. e. fron1 vei·to, pep'o: and knowledges t hat the fun wefling, or ferting in
if this Oiould be chc cafe, then we mighc, by an that poi nt, g ives the name of weft; becaufe in
eefy gradation, deduce verto, fro1n Tpt r..,, to turn the ancient language we.ft lignifies dedint : -but
from, be averfe, auk.ward, and pervn/e : and what we OlaH hereafter fee that Vi'ES'f is G r.
might confirrn this opinion is, that SkiDn. adn)its AUR ; _commonly written in books ofberald ry
tliat " huic autcm aukward, et Sax. :i\pepb, OR, to fignify gold; but if thofe who firft g ave
otnnino tu1n fen!U, tum etymo apponitur toward, th at fignacu re, had but duly confidcred the crym.
t urned tow ard."-pennit me now to add only a of th at word, they would not have written it OR,
conjetlurc ; vi-i. chat aukw ard m ay be derived but AUR ; and then it would have been a proper
fro1n the former half of the word Kox··xuE, and contraction either of .llurUJll, gold; o r of Auf !"f,
the termination wtird, which lignifying tunud, fplend•1-, brigbt 11cfs, glittering; the jbi11i11g metal.
will make the whole word to lignify 111nred fool, AURANGE, d erived from the fame root; and·
or drivtlfcr; buome quilt aukward, and 1111goi11, confoquently ought not to be written orange, but
merely through jfupidil)', or Joo/ijhnefs. 1111range; for the reafon given in the foregoing arr.
AULIC, Av:>.•, Le. ar•a; a hall, court, or pa!act. ,\U RICU LAR, AuJ,, v ox, af!dio, auditw, au-
• AUJVlB R Y l" Skinn. and Ray fuppofe t hefc ris; the ear, or bearing: R. Avr, Our, ab Au••
•A U MERY ! words are derived a Fr. Gall. audio; undc a11de1, vd aufas prius didz; inde
aumtJirt, arn1.airt, a1·moirt; Iral. ar111aro; quod aures; tbe et1rs, the organs of bearing.
Lacina armori1tm; rnenfa, in qua armo, i. c. i11.ftru· A U RIGATION; from the fame root; meaning
t11tn:a 01J111ia, va/11, et't ad con'Vivitt tele- now the headjfa/L of a bridlt, which goes D'IJtr tbe
branda adbibentu,.;"-but we have already fren, tars • llence ouriga > a carter, a charioteer.
under the art. ARMS, that arma, arinarium, &c. AURl-GRA P!:'l Y, Aul"'l'f"''''"• .a tr<atift 011
are defcended from the Gr. : it n1ull: however be I be art of drivi11g chariots.
acknowledged, t hac chis word fcems to be racher AUR-ORA, Aue~< flf"'' ab.~.., vel J\ uw fp le11deor
of Norcltcrn cxc raC\ion, as will be obferved in a11r~, Jive fple11Jot·is teinpus; Aue"'• fplendor, ut in
the Sax. Alph . JEn. VI. 204. auri per ramos aura refutfit; the
A UN[) : " forfan per cantraCl:ionem, I am br£.p;btnefa, or /pl•ndor of the morning light.
e1mr/ I • tbis flt1l e ; i. e. ordained: R ay."-but we AUR-PllME NT; commonly written orpiment;
J11all hctenftcr foe that ORDA IN is Gr. ' but clerivrd ab ""f"'" fple11dor; unde auri1111 ; et
A UNT, " fo1ueti rnes called, and expre!Ted '~'1''Y"'' pingo; l o p11int; auri-pigmentmn, auri co-
;1a11Jit, ·N~~in:, i.e. ,v.~1eo·; et.lih,~, tJ1a1ri1 fa1·cr ; a Jorem, pitlorib1u ucile1n; 1111 ochre, of the colour.
tt101ber'1.ft.J1n· : Upt."-there is kowevcr another of gold.
clcriv. of the wo rd nun!, which bas been fug· AUSCU LTATION, Avl., auris; the ear; 10
::\eA:ed to me by this genrleman, under his arc. 1ifte11; 10 harken.
</11r1 ; viz . " ch at uncle is taken from the middle AlJ-SPIC!OUS, o,..,.,, Oe"'• avis, aufpicium,
of a·~l1nCl1ltts : ' -l)O\\' fince tll is is \1r·1tl<>t1bte<lly avi(pici11m ; a bil"d; the arl of divining, o r foo1h,

cruc (for we have many other words fonned in Jttyii'~ UJ' birds.
the fa1ne manner) it is oot improbable iliac aim! A UST ER; Avrr.e, aujler: whether th is word
n1ay have bee n taken fro1n the beginning o f be of G r. or Lat. cxtratl:. would be. diJF.culc to
alfcrt :

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• From G Ii!'? 1>. ·and r. A·T l',N.
1'.iffer.i:.: but : Ciel. Voe. :169, .is; :ib.follnely of opi- l ·.11wr. "a.Ueno j111pu!:fu ; ffe!fl(llf~t(J 1>u{fro1"tl~t;f "'1' (!J-
n ion • it is· ~ithcr Gr. ·nor Lat. :but ·imirely Ct:lt.i gi11e, or piece of mecb1mifm, rbpt .goes wilh a fprin~
•od ,i5.!forn1e' follows: . · o~ '"7 cloc!t work; a11.dje.,;ins to ,11TO'VI' of ii/elf, 10 /Jc:
" aw.; water. } n. ,, a'felf-m1n1er.· · , • ..
· i.ft; point
. o f conp~en. 011 7 ,,-tf'; 1oe wa 1ery "' · . ,i"
.111 · AUTU[l.1N, Av£•<• AvE"'"• augeo, auflus, autum•
ir; air, or wind. . W, • 1ft1S ; quafi !'t1tlu11mus, a b izµge11dis f r;ullibus ;. one of
thtn the.· wholc' corbpound feems to be. but. a bar- the fo11r grand divijio1v11/"1Jf year ;,the lilne of ba,.,.
-barifm ofT1-l.,e; 1r.""fi.•, and ""f: all fignifyihg tbe v"e.ft, ·n.nd .'Vi11tag~.; wbe11 4/i fruiis are come lo t/;eir
quarter of the watery. wind. · full growth, i11creafa, 1md mri111rit,y., •
A US'rERE, " ,\vr•p•<, aufierus; rigid, Jevert,' A· V-.U LS,ION., E>..,, .l'i~i.>.w, A~•.\>..,, vel/q, avul-
harjh . .Nug."-ot .perhaps aufifre .m ay originate ft1s r to pl11c!t, pull;. or'drt1g away.
·ab A~...,,.quafi:Artw, .cxerceo, medilor; lo exercifa, A UXILIARY,. Auf", AvE"''"'i ar1geo; auxilium,
o r '/cup jfri{l dijcipline. • : a11~·i/iaris; 10 Juccour, 'come- in aid of; lo Juppor( ,
· AUTHENTIC, · " .Au9o1•••;, a11tbentic111; ejJa- to join fflrcts. •
#lijhed or proved h)' favcra.I authoritie1: R. Au&,,;.;, . AWL; '" B">."\"°r, Gatta; B in G, abit, quod
•nt's OWIJ mafter, indepe11dtnl . Nug :" - and Ao&..1.. et fit 'ing!i11i1 :-nam id co ntrattuni dl:ex B..>.avcr :
·i s del'ived ex Au1a;, ct Ev11«, anna; five lt•·9:u, gal/a q uoque, tun1 ft1ni11;a111 gallam, t um iHj/r11men-
miltere: Volf." '. . rum Jutorittm, quod aliter fu b11la, a fuendo voca-
A lJT~i ? R • ::} ~· rl1~n fr!'1n t~e . f~e . :r~ot {!tr;, ji~11'ijitat: V 6U:'.'. a jhoema!ter.'s by1n1111ro1 t/J
AUT:HORI fY . YJ1th ,the prcci; ot faw .w1.1b.. ... , .
clfc. fro1n Avf1<, .AvE"""';' 'a11geo, aftllor; Ainfw. li.c . A WN.ING, O.•f""•K•, velum, callJtabinum, quod
cnirn rtClc fcri_!>i, tam .ve.ieres g1·am1na~ici, qi1am cwli,: vel" umbell.e injhir., -in ca!idis rtgio11i/:11s forir
manu ex araci libri ·teftancur; non aJJtflT, nc~um navis ad. arce11dum .J0Je111 pretemijt11r; a largt ft;i!,
outbqr; immo et Dio CaJiius, lib. 5s.-.cum libi ipfi httng wer. b.ead, in the fortp of a can~y, or 1ti!lbrella;
facisfacere nequi rct ei<primcndo Gra:r.:c au&l,or.ita- /o,fenee, off the beat of lht· fuJI in hot dimates ; . and.
tt111 Jena/us, 'vocabulurn ipfucri ; Romarnim Gra:cis con(eqoently it appe.ars like , the fay, or heavens;
clen1eh1 is Au.ii,.,,,7"'; non Av1"f'1"', d cpinxit: pro- wer bead. · • • .
pri~ .qui augel; quo · fenfu. tiuBrix dari fcribit · AX;' AEn•; 11fcia; .a batc/uJ.;.ot l}•w,faco ; ab A•••
Servius; fed et d ari pocuit quocunque· de1num acies; quali ags, unde .Seg, Stag, Seax, Sa.Yo1is.
fenfu dicecetur: eerie 1111{lare111 dici u triufque . AXEL-loolli; R·ay fuppofes this word to be
fexus hominem a_pud aotiq11os hac etinm fignifi- derived " ab Hla.n d. jaxe/; dens nrolaris; a dou~
cacione liquet: dei.n$1~• .q uja n11gert fie · cru11ulo, ble tooth :"-but we 111ay r;uhe.r fuppofe it is only>
ejjitiendo; 'vel ·i11}ii1uendo aliq!lid, patris, ejfelJoriJ', . an abbreviation of maxi/la i the jaw-bont .; andt
et ift/lituro.ris '11otio11r1i1 ivdl!1.t : c_umquc ~alcin.cau,-. i ~onfequently is derived from the Gr. as will be·
fam m ulcum policre oportc:a1, frepe d enotat, cu - feen under the art. MAXILL/\I{Y . .Gr.
jus virtu1e, concilio, fuafu, vel teltimonio, aliq11id ' .. AXlCLE, A~.,., axis, axictdus; the pin that a,
fiat : properly an inet·eafer, an enlarger; a fou11dtr, pulley moves ou.
writer, and ccm_p.oftr.:-•11 tbis •nay be. V<r)I right1 , , :A.Xl(..LARY. "D.•v 1 I in /I abcunte.; ut.
but (till it fee1ns more applicable cp the words· a 0,,,.,, 1a11go; ly.<f•;, amor: I.\.v Grreci dix~re
11utlio1t, and 011tlio11ttr, than to atllhor, and : 4tllbo·· . (lg111tn, et pcculiariter agmtn tqui/11111; eo quO<L
rJty; we may therefore raeher attend 10 Adolphus circu1n legiopes dextra, ·fini (lraque, tanquam al~ ·.
t.tekcrchus, as quo ted by Voffi us, qui vult auflflT in aviun1 corporibus, locab.antur t vel ut H ebrieum: :
dfe ab Au91Vl•< : et fanc in vett. gloffis legere en ·fit ab a/ab, i. e' ·afcendei·e: Heh r .. elJ'e rnagis
11118critas, Av9t>1• .. , and confequently wi li be de- placet :-quod ft ell:, ab .ala fit ,j.,,.,.,t•r••or· a.>·ilfa i·
rived from the fame root with tbe precedi ng art. ab Hebr. tbcr, abt r, i. e. ferris: vc.rum -aliter
as we obferved in tbe beginning of this; o.r per- ve teres ; quippe cenfent ala ,...7,. ~•y••~"' fathnn
haps better with L i1tlo1on, to derive author ab elfe ab axil/a: Volf."-with regard to. c_cym. it is.
Av7~rr•r. qui ipft aliquid ,,peratur: and now ufed no 'great n1atter, whether ala be de.rived from , ·
to fJgnify a ptrfo11 wbo emits, ftitds fqrth , or pub- axil/a, or axiila from ala ; the only object of an
lijht s any Jbingfrcm bisrxv11ba11d, power,orinve111io11 •. ety1nologift is to fettle the deriv. of either; a:nd.
AU1'0-LOGY, Av1•~•y•a, e)c Av1•<, iffft; et wben that is once fixt, the other becomes an ar• .
>..-1.,, Jcn110; fpeuh; the Jpealti11g often of 011c'1 fa.If, t ide of indiffcrenc~: it )nuft however be ob· .. ·
tgotifm: an inlt-ance of wtaich will be-given .under ferved , that .Voll: d e Pcrinut. ' Lit. fays, vocabu-· •
the art . EG01' ISM. Gr. . ' lun1 ctia1n hoc .axil/a, non falt.un1 .dl~·pec dimi.
· AU'fO ·MATON; A1'1•,""''" ex Av1or, ipfa ;.et nutionem .ex ala docc t Seal. de Cau!is: .in Eng-
,.a.14,.., prqmpllu 'fum, tx ft ipfo. aliq11id fa,ie1u ; lilti tlie . words ala_, axiUa, and ,a0ilfaris, are gen~ .
. _ · · · F ra.11 .

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·.B ii\
-nli".· mi11\1tated_1hf .,..., "'"' arni-:pi11 ·• wing,
~mn101t1 ·and •'fl1gbt, \. ·
4 .przllo (~a~a/.ef.. prrl'ult: ~[a in l'.atrira. lltera~
iJll'I'alanMs czp1t .nuncupan Luretiz, .qui pubhoc
. :AXIOM, "•A£i.:.,....,~••'i,A~•«,«ug,,11S,'merltmn,I de arte quapiam difputaffct, Clel. Way.:.µ 1 ·and
rm11uiat11111 1 an tfla/Jujbed, rtceived maX'im. Nug." . Voe. 49, derives it from "bas-a{e-taller·; •a ftb11-o
:AXlS 1-A£~., :A!•~ '4x}11 lhi 4xletr': 1/ a car-I lar under age. :»-~on~eqt1eni1y ftill -Gr: . . .
1.XLE S riage; l)fo tll ldtronomy 'the:polero/ BACKSTER; no more than a contracbon of
tbe 1v11'1/d; ·o r rather l•'*11'Df 1/ie e111<th. a balr.~i>OIJfa-kttper, -i. e.· o-BA:K,ER. -Gr.
AY ·:i'for AGE, " ab 'A'.1<, fa•per; 'll/1'14ys, f7ir l\A<;:ON, Bax,.>.Of, ~aftratll:l.,-fp<tJo-, lit prop.t ie
AYES ever. Upt." I intelligantur'carnei majiaks~ 11 b11rrow'hog,·or f11ttd
'/\.'Y, ;ir res; · g,.,, 1tiam'; yes, •alfa, even fa• : fwi11e.; \,,tiich· arc gcnci;ally ·rlll;'or jpayea.
AZIMUTFl; vox·Arabica; great-cirtleJ mut-· BAD·: "Belg..~attt;'malus:"Cjufdcm· fc:Gmn.
ing in rhe ¥,mi1h; a11ii pajfoig :thr<oug'b all tbeid:grees, originis credo -Gr. barb. · B.1..., · quod exponitur
-4/ t pt 'J,orizi11. , ~ ,..~•• Eu1'>."'·' Skinn."-but Jun. i s ·of·opiniOJti,
AZURE, A«?v.~"" lapis /a.z uli ; 'fl gr-ly jfo11t, that " ·fortalfe 'Cj ufdem ·ell: ' originis coin bdwd •
~r marble, of'11grey: 'jlty iolour 1 wilb'fpo1s oft;r'J· kno : "-if fo, then it is :norGr. ·barb. -bat ;inire Gr.
BAFFLE, " videt\Jr ·aliquam h:ibere ·affinit a•
·B. tcm <:um Tcut. baff-en, vel hlaffe11; latrore; f.e11•
vd111i latrotu alios perterrtfacere, v'el •ludibrio "'1-
e.,, 11,.P...?w, inarticulate loquor 1 btre: Jun'."" vd a parriculilini tiali Teut. be; and
ABB LE, "11..
to /peak iMrtic11/a1ely : or from il"'3ror, a. Fr. Gall. fol; quod effel1tur fou ; ftult1u; · ut ·nos
'yrian· word, which fignifin ·a ebild ;'Trom whence dicimus to befool, ·or l/IJKe ··a fo'o/ of 0111 : vt l ab
comes the Italian bambo; and it$ dimin\ltive 'Dam- C<Xlem ./,. 1 et -verbo faukr; ·pr,;: iontmrptu umcu/.
'1i110 ; m1 i11fa11t ; as likcwifc ·bambolo ; whereof cart, ti pedibus pr"•?rt: hoc ;aute1n fouler ort-
they have afterwards formed bambole ; ro lignify gincm debc:"t Lat. Julio ; ~uia f11ll~11is e;1 pllnno's
babiu ; from whtnce tl\e Fr. feetn to have taken ea./care: Skinn." who generally admits of every
their word babioleJ; as alfo that of ·b£mb1~titr1; etym. but the ·Gr. · for we may imagine ·he would
for /~oft that make babia, or · doll-drejfers: fee not admit, that thefe Fr. Gall. 1' eut. and even
M·o'nf. Menage: ochers derive it- from Bnbtl, con- Lat. words; are all manifcltly derived a '<Zl>-•'J"l•'>
fujio11: Nug." quafi 4>•>-r..., fulgto; unde fullo, fullonis; ·qfli pan-
- B'A-BE;l N:otwlthftanding die feeming proba- nos fulg11·e facit ; in order to wbi?h, tbt a-Pion of
'BABY'S bility which Nugent has lhewn in the treading, prejfing, fq tittzing, lire 1111doub1tdly tltcejfory.
(orcgoin·g ·arc. in deriving chc word baby from the BAG: both Jun. and Skinn. allow rhat the
Syrian 'word Boci3•••• it may perhaps have taken Sax. Bel0e, B~h& ·and Bel 0 , unde verifimile ell:
Its origin from the 'Greek incer3eftion B"(3'"• Ang!. b11g, are all derived from the Lac. 'bu!ga:-
pap.e ! i11terjetlio admirantis ! h•y day I what bltvt but then neither of thdn would allow that 'bt1~a
ibe 'bert ! an exprcffion ac ·feeing any diminutive was. derived ·a Bo>.ror. pro M•71r••>quod Hefych.
figure, ~s a..doll, a baby1 a child. exp. B•.,•r·attxor, /acNts coriaceus, butga: "./Eoles M,
BA'.CCf-IANALIAN(." 11:.,<xor, B..xxiul'-"1", in B · cont>ertunt: fimiliter igitur pro Aio>-y•r,
BACCHUS · S Baabus, Bauha11aua, B•1'')'•r, uncle /)11fga; fed quid repugnat, quo minus·
trjia ulebr~; days of mirrb and jollity: R: B"•xor : Gailos hanc vocem.clicam\fs accc'pi ll'e aMaffilienfi-
Nug:" fumetimes h~ is calle<l loix'<! froin Iax•· bus, qlii Gr21ce loquebantur ? Vofr.". a pQut/r,;
Cid. ·way. 4, has given us a molt ingenious fo. or Jacbel.
lucion ' of the birth of Baubus : " St111ele," he ob- BAGGAGE, o r rather BAGAGE, /Juffi: Jun.
ftrves, ' "fignifies ripenejs"; and cox• in· the -Ce-Irie and Skinn. -fuppofc, that this word is derived from
is ·a t opce /1 thigh, and a ·wine •aft; the n1ycho- the fame ~ourcc with. a (olditr's l;ag, or ·loMPjadt ••
logy of me birth of Bacthus tlands as follows : - " quoniam vero 1ft1uflnod1 fatcin:e a·tt:iue •impe-
. lO preferv·e d>e g rape from perifhing by the cqt1i- dimenta plnrima nego tii facelfunt icineran tibus~
po/:tial ftonn s, abode the vintage time in autumn, uliirpari qnoque caepit · vox l111t:i aJ;e de foomini
It is l jn its ript11ifs. (Stnule) cut from the pfant, odiofe inolcfti, cltiufqoe confoniu, rin·c ullo noftro
and lodged i1''a cajk (Jupirer's thigh) rhere to go in·c ornmodo, poilimus carere: Jun." ·after which
out its ti1ne, till fit for its new birth, i. e. drinking." he adds, nili 1nalis •ambubll'jam, i. e. m11/ieru11
·BACl-lEt.OR, bacltz/ailreus; a bacbtlor of arls vagam, ct t;arN1l/lt11; baggage diftall1 ab illo Bar'"'••
i11 " ·Mniv1rfi1y; alfo a jingle . or f'1l1!'arritd man: quo<l Hefych. ·ex Ly!lcratc affen, pro t.ta1ou«,
fomecimes we fee rhi' word written with a T ; vana,_ inept~, f111ilis ~ talis fremina, Gall. ba[ajfa 1·
thus, 'Ba'fthtlbr; and l ben It fecms to be derived Ital. .,,agaftia; H oll. bagaf!a nuncupatur: '"' iin-
from }Ja'I'i/4nr1, -Gall~s :miles, qui .
ja1n femel p:rdnu, i11fjn'li11r11t,. bold.huffy. .

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~- ,\ From G"1t £ l K, and I'..:Ao'ltit<; · B. ll.
fo/Jitr's h,ipfaclc • from the: ·dai11e : V:erft.''-b11t BOLD is, of o.~eek cithal~1

fl\~ to<lt • dth BAG. . Gr. . . a:s we"11\aJf fee under chat ar(. .
MGNlO, iw-«ir, ha/i11111m, Rro l!aln111m; BALDER-DASf-J , " Su: Balb, . a'trJ-t}t,
' /J~11t. . . . Bal~eji, tlid'11Ui.T, asiJ1zc;;,,; ~t barh. m·i ftll'e;q. d.
Bal~ or./Jf!dJ.; "Ba>J...., wppone • c .~. "X"tl'• po1us tttMre #li,Ytu,s: Skinn."-fo fa:r tile D~,
to pul as ii w.tre i"lo a perfO'n's han'4.: from thought proper to go;_bft no fartheF b·e ~ lrow-
wb¢nc.o aUQ. rorms a.Pail: unlcfs we chufc to de- ever we fh.all fee pidelit!y' th:it both BOLI;>, atr J
rive it from tho .hlebrew 6atzl, which fi~ifu:s to DASH, arc Gr.
p4.ffeft, ~- h .-.aAr< of. Nug." · BALD"WJN~ ·" afmuch to fay as ci1lf-ti1ue111 1
B;l).lL.lF;F, ''··Bl(A•..-coirfilium i cowtftl; mice; 11 qua[!, bolt!-wi1111er-, f••11-va11'luifhi11g, q,ufri-d'vercorn-
)-N4!1JEJ..: Nug." -it is very wonderful that } un. ing: Verff. and Caind." who fup pofc chem bodt
ano Skinn. lfi.Qvld take (!otice of both thefe wdrds, to be Sax. but boch:: BOLD, and ~VIN, are 6r. .
'Ind yet take no .no.t;ico. o( t~eit Gr. ctym. Whll'- BALE of goods; both Junius and Skinn. could !;hey are deri1tM frQm the fame, or from dif- derive word from only tjle Gall. Bd g. Fr.
(e.rl)nt fou.rces, as the i;>r, has here inforipcd ·us. Gall. or ·revt. tongues; and yet t,hey b>otli ac..;
IlAJ'(, .to tllt,bjjfe i B}o1-c, 'l!i&l#S! tfca, dbus I knowledge that, t)te farcin.~, JaJci.s · 11rer,i'11111 k1u
food, 110.11.rijhlfJOtt ; fuch as we receive when we convoluta, took its.rife froni a bait i · in Lat. pila,
fail qt. a1t. 'inn: : that J unius and Skinn. lhould fcu "'aifa rot1mdA; and Jet .take no notice of the
l;iunt cl>is ~ord through all the rqugh and. barba- word pi'lt1, which Hcfych, will help us to derive
rous o rthographies of t.h e Sax. Teut. and Fr. frqril .rtaAA«, . ..,«lea 1>e. .,..,,.,>.Wt ttt,ua1;. 7rf'lrot1'JU"•:
.Call. t qng!J.('s, · an.d< )olCt· pay no- attention to the and he l)ad faid a little before n ..>..~•v°t'et•· ( o'
Gr. et)!m. 1nul\ ha:v.e been the· clfelt, not of. ig- ..
II~·~••'"') ,~'f•{B» ~ hall, fpbtte, or a11y ro'1411d.
~QJ;lnce; but partiality. . thing to play w1tb; and here made ufe of to fi~­
• Jl,AIZE, or fi11t freeze; i( derived nify any buitdlt · of goods, ./.1rmti: and titd· "P: <kfa
tpfer, would be of Gr. extra&, a 11a;,., vd &i, , 14getber in. ·a r.ound ffJTm, or matk like • /a<ktt~
ptl(f1Jltl ramUJ palm'( ; a fmotl branch of tbt palm tr11fs, &c.
trte: but if de1ived from the place wheFe it BALE out waitr; "vox nautica;" fays Skinn.
V{as. fir.ft. of all qiade, it, muft be referred to the " fignificat aucem aquam per. ruinas navis irturn;:
Sax.. Alph. . tern fitulis, h ydriis, .cantharis, et hujufmodi vafit
BAKE, B1~••r,; I'hrygmn lingua; feu exo11tr1Jre: credo paru1n deflexo fcnfu ·A. fr. G alf,
&.i..,or, for-nax, rami1111J • an oven: ]linius derives balayer, bail/tr ; 'Vtrrtrt, werrere i hoc autein 1N•
Q.a,ke a B.,.or, cibus; quod eduliis igne excoctis l~y fere aulim deducere a Lat. £ale.e; qui voce,
plcrumque utamur in cibu,,.,: 1-Iefycb. ad hrec fub lapfum Impcrii, pro jr8Jlli11t'utebantur, ut
Bf'o/•f exp91Jit •""'1'4 "f1•, ~ l'"'S"'• frujtum pa11is, aP,parct in vocc ~:r. Gall. paille; lta.1. P."flio 1 }Jr11-
aut maz.~: idem quoque gramm. tradit Be">'".{ " mf1u1 autem colhgata fcop..- ufum facile prlllbere
baconibus dici T~ X.~'"f•» ttpidum; ""l
food drejjcd , potuerunt :"-and from this aetion of fwuping, or
'" 1111, o:utn. f'oopin~, the term /Jale out water feems to have
B-A-L!\.NCE, commonly pronounced bal!anct; taken 1ts origin; &11d if this be the true etynii
Arx"""• /1111gMla, /anx; a Jcak, or lht baJon of a we ·IJla~ trace .i t to • much hi~her fource 1 for
l.11lt11ru; generally undcrftood as 1be beafll' to Volf. tells us, that pa/111, accord10g to Crel'. Seal.
vbi'h they are Ju/pen.Jed; but when undcrftood in is derived ""e" T~ n..M.,•, qua ratione eciam
that fenfe, it acquires a different root; v.iz. a ab ..-adcm jaCl:atione, B..M,..; talu1 e(gO.
A~•· l11ntt11.: Hifpani hodiequc appellant la»ra; a n.. ~>.c.i. quatio, mO'llto, 'llibro; lo fwttp, or' Jco•j>'
Cdtre, five Franci, la11tt; Belga:, feu Germani in- out tbe bilged waur. ·
fi;riores· !a1uie: fed et Britannis, quorum fermo BALK, or beam; II«••"'"°"• pa/us; q. d. plllf-
idem qlim ac CeltarU!\l, /11u11te 110111inatur :-all . cu1, palico ; quali ~alico; unde 6alk; tr.abs, 1ig-
thcfe words. fcem to lignify .tJ /antt, or fpear; ' 11um ;
large pitct of ti111btr•
tJ -
and from itsJhape ro have been applied afterwards BALK, or ridge 1 c ithet from the fame root r
U> tht bala11u, or beam, to whith, as. we jull: nowbecaufe it' is a !hip of l~nd, which frcms to lie
~bfcrvcd, the faa/tJ art bung. in the fiel~s l ike a ballc, or 6tatn of timb(f ·' o;
elfe this word now ma1 be derived a porca; quOd
BALCONY., ii.. n........>..,, palra; ·q. d. palicus,
p/i,o; u.n dc ltalicum pol&•; bok11- ny. in arando (Xtat ;, fc. terra i1t!tr dllOS· agros. t/ataf
B.ALD or b11rt:, ~-f-r,.calvus, ekpilis; 'IJDiJ
, relitla ; a riligt of la11d, ltft t'1tplowrd ill ordN'. lo
•/hair. · rt111{!i11.a1 a bo1nrda1'J', or limit : porca d icacur quafi
BALD, hid: " it alfo fignificth.fwift, or Jud- .pon·efla; Varro lib. IV. de L. L: a b co quoJ·
· .F ~ ara~ri

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B A: F.ro1n . G'·R E EK,. and ·LA T 1 ii. B Ji.
aratri vomerjujiollil, fuluu; quod ea terrajaCl:a BANDOLEER,"l'L1"'" velr11lji>,vi11cirt !Jaltei!;
projetJa, feu porrtl1a, porca: fee MEA.R-BALK; lo bind, or lit witb a belt ; hinc Fr. Gall. baittiou-
Gr•. .a r.idge of lttnd in the fields. illeres ; '{Jyrii pulvtriJ thet,e; a voce. band1; fafcia;
BALL, an affembly; " o..x>-•~"'• triP!'dio ; · to quia fafaiis app111d,,ntur: Skinn ."-jinall -kather
da11ct·; fefta1 cbortas ·duco ; Upt:" lo lead tbt cajes {or gu11powder; which far.,,,trly b1111g al the
f tjlal dance. ·1 " : belts of Joldiers.
~ALL, or rbi7l1d 1bi11g Jo play with; "BS<AJiw, • BAN DORE, "'"''f"> i11jlr11111entum mlljicum;
jacioc; , to throw, or cajt; bccaule it is tojfetl from a mujical inftrume111, now out of ufc. .
one Jo (»Jofber : or from n..iv.,,, · vibro ; to vibrate; BANDS, pcrhaes from 4>"""" 4>«•Z, unde pando._
becaufe it .feems lo vibrate baclc-.nartls and for- quafi·bandd ;' or elfe from n,7,.,., patt o; Jo difplay,
wards : or 'tlfe ball may ' 'be deri.v ed from ll•h•r, unfold, fprrad abroad; becaufe they are broad
pi/a ; a ball, in Eufrathius. Nog.''-we have jufl: pieces of cambric, difplaytd, or Jprtad •'O/tr th~
how -obferved, under th~ arc. Bale of gatids, that upper patt of a t!erty111a11's caffec.
J-Iefych. bas defined n,.>,;.,. by al'"'e" •• """•>-wv . BANDY -legged; 4>'"""'• ,,.;;, unde panda, art;
••y.«1;. 11"t1r•10I""" : and he bad faid ·a little before, and lrt; pandtu, '" '"" ; quod txpandit; or elfe
Ila>o•?«e"'• (or n..>->.•?•ae,.,) rt>,.~•?1<•,' a ball, fpbere; from n,7,..,, patto ; 10 optn; to bend in tbe mid·
or 3J>y -round tbing to play with. die ; to difplay, or open wide : fee BEND. Gr.
B.'\LLAD, B«.><>-•?'<', 1rip11dic; lo )kip, and dance BANDY word1, cr difPutt : a B><•~"' turota ;-
abo1a ; and antiendy uled to fignify a /11dicro1<s vel totis viribus ft oppcncrt; to co111e11d; to oppefe,
fang, auo11tpm1itd, with odd .ge;?urcs : Vert\'.. fup- with al/ the virulente of jpttcb. ;
pofes. that ba(lad comes fronl " lcyd, Jey, Jay ; a BANE, Bt>.1,...., vel B,;o,.,,,., IJtlc1tU111 ; unde
fang of a deed don :"-but· we !ball· fee that even vt11em1m ; pcifon, or any nox-.io111 drug:. SkiRner;
in chat cate . L.~Y would be Gr. wit h fome fce1'ning probability, has derived bane;
B.ALL IST,\; ~>.>."" j acio; to .hurl, or throw; a 4>•••'·
c,edes ; ~""• oaidg; but he is rather too
a warlik~ engioe .ainong the Romans, to burl fevere. on himfelf when he fubjoins, fed ef hoo
prodigicus darts, &c. nimis criticmn efr, i. e. longe arceffitUlll ;- be-
. BALLQT : " s..~.>-.-i. invenies apud IIefych. caufe it is Gr. ·
quod 'i'•f• v, exponit; buc this feems to be -ail, BANG, IT>.•0-aw, ll>-•')<,:;, planga, quafi hlango; .
~xplan. rather thal\· a d.eriv.; for there is no blnng, bang; to beat, knock, jlrike :·Sk>inner acltnow-
~loubt ,but rhat . our word baliot originates from ledges that the "Teut. bt11g£l take.sits origin from
/iall, i. e. . f~o1:n 11..>.J,..,, jacio; Juffragia milltre; bacrdus, per epenth. -r• n,.. q11afi ban culus ; ut in:
faysSk.inn. prrefenim, ,ubi perpilal, velfpiu:r11!a1, render a reJdo :"-lhould this be tru~, then our.
fortes in eled ione captnntur :"-to give a vote by word bang may bt• derived .from Bax1f•» bacillr1m;.
cafling in a <vhile, or a black bt1ll. bacillus ; unde baculus, bancttlus., bang ; to jlrilc4-.
. BALLUSTRADE, -'' p11rv:e et ronrnd:e brcvas with 11 ftaff, flick, or cmtt. in medio pilas habentes ; quia rotunda: BAi"'IGLE-ea1·ed; '!_llYl!.f pe11du!e , quafi benguf.e,;..
' funt iQfl:ar pi!arum : Sk inn."-and confequcn!ly bangle ; ha11gi11g ear.s ;. long enr1 hanging ,J,,.,,,,, .
will take the fame deri~. with BALL. Gr. BANK; or co11111er ; " Af3axo~, Nug.''-but ·
BA LM ·l B>:>.~ab';"> ba!fm1111m ; a mo.JI fr-a- Af.3 ...., is only the genitive· of A/3•£, a/3"x''• a/,a ...
. BALSAl.VlS grant juitt, or gum. ""; " fro1n whence," fays the Dr. "1hey · have
BANI BLES,.n.,ear,•;.,.,, '"'""';."" atnbulo, obom- formed baucus; a bank, o~ be11ch ;" " n:T thillg-fiat,:
bu/a ; lo waf.k atlr.vart, with &he l eg1 plaJ•i11g one a·s a dtfk, or boa1'd to write 011; and from htnce
1'1ler th~ ~/her. . is derived tht Bank of &gta11d; meaning the dtjk,,
BAND of fofdiers, as the /rained b1111d1: " fronl or board they write 011.
B"'J'" , fays Dr. Nug. (if ther~ be any Cuch Gr. BANK-RUPT: fro1n the fame root; Af3.,E,
word ); raken front the Lat. pandum ;. (if there ,.13._..,, a. deft; and 'P•1'>•14•, r1tmpo, ruptus ~ " qui
be any _fuch Lat. word); and which in Suidas ,ratio11ts con111rbavi1, tt l fol'o decejjiJ: Skinn.'' who
is m<' ntioned· as denoting a, military cn Ggn :· or writes it ba11kro111, and would not acknowledge<
fron1 the Gerrnan b11nt (if there be a ny fuch Ger- the Gr. d eriv. ; bttt fu ppofes it comes from th~
nian w.ord ) ; and from . thence coo1es the word . f r. Gall. ua11~ue-1·oule; let it; frill banque-ro111e.
ba11ner : Nug."-but we fhall fue prefe1nly chat · is not the original; for ba11que. is undoubtedly
BANN E R is G r. Greek; aod route js only the 11.Jocking French
BAND, tq tie with-l n,.,,,., vel nrJ'jiv; vinti>'t barbarifm of ruptus,_ a. r11111po; fo•rntfe '1 p,,_,..,~
BANDAG E 5 balfeq.; Jo bind, or lie f a.JI "P•y•v;.<•, frango, r11mpo; to break; fo that the ·
wi1b a card, r91e, ~c. compound figriifies bar.k· bt·o!yt11·; ani: roho tithu: by·
111iifcrtunes, .

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& A From GR.!?I(, nnd L.i.Trlf. B A
11tilfar,tu11u, or. mij(onduO ;,, trade, fr unaUe any ' BARD ASH i "vox nu per civirate donata (but
·longer lo ltetp bis ,books open ; and confequcntly is intl:ead of being adopted, it ought to have been ba-
ob!ig~d to .fhut up bis deft, b r is defa:-bt'olun. iiifhed from our own, anil frorn every o ther alpha~
BA NK of a _ri'.Jt r; or a mound of earth ; B••~r. : bet in die univerfe) ; ab Ital. hardafcio; Fr. Gall.
"'ons, col/is; a 'bill, or ri.fing ground, Jo rejlrain bardacbe; draucus, tin,,·dus: Gr. etiam B~e"" ap ud
lbe current of a river., &c. . , Hefych. et P havor.' reperitur; ct ab u t roque
BA.N KE1' ; " commonly written, a nd pro- ~.,a,Jor, redditur: Skinn. fed undc inquies· iltud
nounced banquet, and banqutlling-bouft, frp1n the Ital. bardafcio .? cred o dichm1 qua'fi bardaa io; hoc'
Fr. Gall. bmzquc; Ital. ~anco ; Teut. benck; Sax. a bardo pro, equus ornalus, et i11./f.r11au,s : .
BrenC'e ..Skin n."-in /bore, from any thing, rathe r no tum auten1 di: eq11itare, apud n1uJtas gentes
than fro1nAJ3~E, «P.xic<i,, a!Jacus, f elia,fta1111lun1; qui a prrecipue Gallica.m , lafcivo fenfu ufurpari· ; et
conviv.e ad nun/am in or~c11r tirc11111fide111 ; a feat, nemo nefcit turpes illos aniatores fua a ...1•• " ;
btncb, tnbli, deft,. or any fu<h 1hiJ1g /q write al, or tl:udiofe et ambitiofe in dclicias fuas or11m'e :"-~ .
ear off 011, &t. fee of rhe mofl: d efpicable, and d ete!l:able wretch~
B;\:,NNER, 4>;..,.,, <I>""'"• quari <l>x•~"'• pa11do, es on the face of the earth ; dref!ed up, and prinktd
btmdo ; lo difplay, unfold. 0111, for the mo.ft abominnbk purpofas. ··
BAPTI.SM~" B"ir1i?.,, baptizo; 10 baptize; dip, BA RE: both Jun. a nd S,kinn. have traced this
or wajh : R. B"":1w, l/Jergo; lo plunge under water, word · throug h all che northern languages ; and·
lo fink. N ug." • yec "acknowledge chat alludi t Gr. 4>iieor, lucidus; .
BAR, orpar; Ciel. Voe. S, fays, that" bar, or mar, tDJrfpicuus ; a$'q<o(, tux j 1111tfil e11i1i1l11ci expofiitl et con-·
both fignify judgt!itlll : and in p. 6, he bad t old fpicua jitr.t : co which Sk inn. ~dds, ."fed plufquarn''
us, chat har, or par, was alfo called (mar, maire, alludic L ac. pareo, pro apparco; quia nuda maxime:
p. 25)' mage; whence magus; maius, &c.";-con- pt1rt11t :"-but parco, p ro apparto, certainly orig.
fequeoily 'Gr. either frorn Jl.f<y«r, magnus, major, froni n"f"I''• adfum : f6 t hat whcr\ any thing ii-.
111ajus, feu mai1u: or elfe, as he fays, p. 8 3, " ey, bart and 1mcwered, it may. really and li'te!"Jlly, fay, . '
or may (the initial m being purely ad ven titious) here, plai1t and open .to al/' view. .
in the fenfe of legal power, gives t he word mag11s, Bi\'RGi\.fN; " Fr. G all . 'b11rguig11tr; lililari, .
which in the Latin was· foftenett into 1naius (or liciJando cu11llnri; !cal. bm-gagno ; pailum ; .bar- · .
rather mojus); but that. maius fignified judge is gagnore ; ·pacifci : ab Ital. per ; pro; c c gag/rare ;
indifj)utable; its root was ey; 1h1 /llw."-confe- pro quadr1gnare ; /ucrari ; ·q11i enin1 /icilall,r, lu~
quc ntly Gr. for if we add only the article I to crmn qu£ ril : Skinn." -after what · the !)'.· has "
ty, and write it rey, as in pnr· fey·mot, we fh all here advanced, it may fee1n .perhaps coo .v iolen t .
Jte it derives a i\1 •yw. dico, j:u direre : and in an etym . to deri ve bm·gain fro1n N..,,,- by tranfp,o - ·
p. 33, n. he fays, " the term now in u fe for a 11tion 1,..,, -vi11co ; and yet ic has. very · probably_
1ludent's bt'ing called lo the bar, n1eans his being drawn irs orig in from thence ; for N•x"> u nd6ubt-'
made an advou1te, which the Greek s have tranf· edly gave birch co vinco; vinro as un<loubtctlly
lated ll«f<«l.,,/or , or'paradet ; which by t he Ch rif- gave birth t o w in; w il>aS undoubtedly gave b ir'tlt'.•
tian d ivines lias received a fanEtification in a theo · to ri1e T cut. \VOrti gewinn~>i ; and f.t"..ui111:.e11 very:
logicaf fenfe ; and might have been anciently probably being co•itrafted to C"'!in, rn1gli t have.,
written bilr·e:y- ca!led; or called to the bar ef the given birth to gai n.; and 'then gui11, being joined'.

i4ttJ ; a bnrri)ler in ffiort.''-all Gr.
B«ef3"~'~1"f" Baff3¥f•~, har-
. BARBAROUS barijimu, idioma hm·baricum; a
to t he other pare of. the compo und 'bar, ( what -·'
cvc rfource t hat rn ay be deduced frmn; ·or wh<u ever ..
it nHy fignify, fo r I ·have not yet been able to ·,
barbarous expre/Jiqn, or rude ufa of words ; i11eru- ·t race ir) ·11l i\)' ),ave g~ve·n birtl1 to Otii \\'Ord bt1r-
dltus ; rtifllc, clownijh. and exotic: N ug."-the /{ain; a n.d if fo,. the latter part .of it would u n- ·
word' ih its primary fcnfl:, fays Ciel. \Vay. 1, only doubtedly be G r.
1nean! a perfim born· in a dij1anr cou11/ry : it was B'A llGE ~ Bae~:, 11~vi!, . navigi:t11! ; · a · fi11al!.!
indeed afterwards ab(urdly perv.encd into a term BARK S jh1p.
of reproach. BARK as a di>g ; " 'Bevxo:•I""'" r 1Jgfo ; no11 t an- ·
BARB. 1!l•ef3;,, barba,; a beard > tbe fang of. lrtm dt fro;;ib1rs> f!d et a!iis ftriJ : OJ' frorn ll~·v?~r
BAR nE L a hook, ~1irt, or [Pear. ; though per- /atrc ; \' t rb u1n· fit t t1 r 11 ex voce canutrr, qr1ay,i la1rn1tdo
BA:R'BER · )tap~ ;t he f.Oi, named a btirbel, .edrmt, ll• v·.!lav : Theocr. Idyll. vi. i..J, Baoil'J«, p ro
may be derived frt"rn' <i>"'e'Y"" qarb11lus. , . n,.;z.,, i. e. .;;.,.,1.., 10 bray, h=l, '(jr bark. Up<.''"'-·
• BA:RD, bard:u ; a BriJijh poet : pro perly . or fi·c1n1 Beax<.;, faJ1.o; by tran rpofic~on bark. '
· {peaking, t his w.ord can: be of neit her G r. no~ L~t. BARK of a tree ; ' " llxe•<> baru1 ; cortex'; tbe
extraft. and thtr~fore i t 1s referred ro t h.c Sax: Alpn . rind gf a tne. N \1g ." •

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Bt Ai_ F rpm., y g a1L.(j, '
~JS: ~i.r.e. ; \.;'~r(t. 159, tell1, '!So t!v~ "~r;,&k· ~i~ ; ~ '\'.!ltd.~Of!\P,QYl\,dcd,. of, Q,'"-("\• gr!l.'!/iJ, ~JI~.
Jfyr.e. wa.s fo' nam~d of the pl~ntie of beorc~tn. trees, o.~ tffrof11~; ~!1Q l\!11e,~ "!tllf.t<i;;a,~ 111f1'.[.11./ ;.
a~ wc.119w.i:a)l them ftircbtn tree.rthatthere grew."- BARQN, ;. nori'~ o( tJl~ ~tY!\lQl 1 giv~ us. t113<
onll' helhould !\ave told u.s that BIRCE-~ was Gr. fa_tisfaaiol,\ qn, this . ll!'.t· ~ha~ Clt;l;tQ,a, ~ffords us;
though even t)l ~f, grea.t an.tiquary ~¥. not gol)c:,
I Bi\.1$N".AC(,.ES; or gufo,;. " anfv Scolic11.r,
£u.>.•y•u v,el fu.>.•Y,•?•F Ital. n. pl. !Jtrna.cche, idem. quicc f1r enough tn the inv.cfl:igaqq~ of 9\lf Y{_o~<t;
credo, fay~ Skinrf. i nollro 'btarn ;fili1u, pr~les ; et baron ; h~ tell~. l!s.otily. t)lat " liqr,_ bir, par, pqir,
IJ.0.'; ~u,rrcµJ, robu( ; et fecundario, qurevis ar- pur, mar, rnag_e,_ and m,airt, al! fi15nify /11dge,:"- .
~or."-and. yet. he cqul$1 not, or wo11ld not, but why chofc -vorqs, ihould figmfy, '! ;udgt, a1Jy.
(e~ th~t both be11rn, and oak, were Gr.-b\lt Ju- ·more tl\an a cardinpf, he I~~ l.eft us to' tra~c out
Qi!Js. fays, " hue faciunt verba J. Bromton, qu:e for ourfclves : there are then orilj( two reafons.
habeti.. ubi defcribit Hibernia1n (rather Scotitim) chat occur at prefent ; and the firJt is, ch;ic bq,r,;
l)abet. et ayes, quas bµr11ace.r vocant, aucis fyl - and ptir, w,ith iill their n\UTl~rous depel\dc'lc~.
vellribus . ljmiles., quas de lignis abietinis, quaf• :may' lignify a judge, becau(e, as <::lei. hill)f~l~ ac-'.
c;ontrll. naturam producit, q ,u ibus viri religiofi knowlege~., p. 6, thaf the; "b,ar, qr par, was, a,~fo '
tempore jejuniorum vefcuntur, co quod de coitu, called mm-, and mage ;" "wh~nce," fays h~, " t)le,
-v:d. de <;3<rne, minim<: procreantur ;"- the pro- word magus; and thence cer.tai1i d l(tritls, more or
, ...
duaion . ..
of thele creatures is one' of toe moll: ex-
tr;,ordinary op~raiions in nature1 if the account
,lefs large, rec~ived the n~me of pagu.r :."-now
"1agus Jl.ollis deducere an~,.,r, coili.r," fays VolT, '
g iv:c.n of them, bY tli~ ~riter~ of n:i,tura! hiil:ory :" nempe quia prjmicus in. eolle fe.curicatis caus:i ·
ip~y ~ credit~~- '· ;a;dificia exfirUXf re:" -and there~or~ a judg~ might
BAR?:lA~Dl'Vc;H\. fuppofi;s this name to be antiently have prdideil as q, bari;n,_ or h,ead qv'e.i:; .
Bi;.~NARI? S: Sal'· 3'!~ to fignify bear'..r-hrarl 1 his parifo, or difl:.rjCi: the (ecqnd rcafon Y<.l\y. ·a;
(as in another inll:apce we. )\now Hichard J. was baron may fignify a jitdgt is, be.caufe, as Cl~!. ~\:- '
ca.lied eeur de lt1J11, or lift/'..r ~ea.rt) ; but lioJ!, bear, k nowledges, ba1; par, 111111:, a,nd. 111,age, may de-.
and heart, are a)l Gr. · ' _ fcend a may, maiu.r, maj11;; all which vilibly ori:-
BA~NE, or <.b,iid: Junius \'Yrii,es it bern; Verfi. ,ginace a major, i. e. a M'l'"S• magnus; to fignify.
/;earne and /1111rn ; Skin~. bedrn 1 Ciel. bairn; .ij.ay, a gra11efu., a bead, a /Kdgt. ii! all. caufcs between.,
/;frlf; and LiP.fil!s>. bap11; and would have u~ the people.
derive it from the Sax. Run. Dan. Goth. "I:eut. l!ARON and fe!"IJI~ ; "'l(Ol\ frecial ium prppria,
Almaim, IcdaJ}d. qr O'iher' noithcrn tpngu~s ; but anti4ua ling. fr. G.all . baron et ftmme, i. e. 'llir tf,
Suidas. tells us, tli;\t l!"f'" 1igJ1ifi~s 'T", filiu.r; a feif.iina : Skinn."-here the: Di:•. fiops :-we have
fo11; whii:h no doubt ia, defcended from the Syriac fecn t~e ecym. of baron, in the foregoing art.
'.pr; Simo11 Bar Jona, ~'im,011. the fon of Jona.r ; as for femm,e, w~ 1hall fee that under FEfl.U-
whicb fome editions of the New Tefiamcnt give NINE. Gr.
qs as a proper name, Simon Barjona. Mat. xvi. BAR-PENS 3rc explained by Ciel. V:oc. 130,
J,7.-however let us even fuppol~ with all thofe to be feats of the. btatf drKid, llaro'!, or judge :
gendc1nen, that our word barne is only a various and in 210, he affinns, tha.t "pen, v en, and pol/,
<Ha!ea for bor11; i.e. derived from the Sax. Ba:pan, are radicals, fig:n ifying rbe bead; becaufe origi-
<!r Bzpne, parere; fiill the Sax. is not the original nally all fales or barccrings were carried on by.
language ; for Brepan undoubtedly fignifies no brads of cattle :"-confi:q uently will rake 1hc.fa1ne
more than to btar, or bring forth ; and confc. deriv. with 'lltneo, •u1111l, and 'Vendo, co vend. Gr.
quently is derived a, lf?1:~. fero, porlo, gero ; lo BARREL; " .nollem j ur3re .... .. T"f B«e•1"1'r•
bear, or (01'7') i11 tbe womb, tjl/.Jhe time of birth. agra'llita/e did; fays Skinn."-lt were. rather to ·
l _t is more. pr_obable however that borne, or bern, be withed he had faid a prof11i11Jitale :-l)ut he
1s derived, as Ciel. obferves, Way. 62, fro1n goes on; "mallcm igitur de!ketcre a nofiro hem:,
1'trn.e; in <;oncradiftintrion to liberi, who were vd beer ; Ital. bnra ; feretrurn :"-this fe~ms to
free -born; but -.J(rJ:a was the name given to thofc ·be a ftra!1ge etym. as well as fuange orrho'gr.-if
bor11 in jlai•n-y: though that gentleman derives the word barrel be really of Sax. orig. it Y/OUld.
'l.!tHltl from the Ct'ltit bairn. :-bu t '!ltr1111 ((ems be better co deri~e it 'a bepe; bordeittH, barley; ·
to come from vtr ; and 'Vtr from r,,,.,, Ew, u nde from whence our wurd bur is undoubtedly de-
Eae, ver. VoO:. · rived ; aqd it is common to call it a beei·-b11rr1/ ;
HARN-'fEEMS ; this compound fignifies or ve.ffel lo /cold brer : Sa.ll;.
/Jrood.r of children : fee TEAM. Gr.. . B.t\R~£N, " fometi111es the privative i11 (or as ·
BARO-lvl.E TRE, Bt>f•Y.•1e•'> b'!rometer; a mn- it is here written en) was placed at the end of
1be111a1fral injlr11mt11I, lo 111tefure /be weigh/ of tbe a word; as in barrin, i • • • barren, 1101 bear- o;
5 ing:

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! A P ro1n 61\ 1 s ·'It; BA

tf;r: Ciel. Voe. 4."- " ~cl forte per e llipf. a Belg. &c.; ·fince J unius himrelf has quoted He.fych,
011baere111k; Fr. Tlicpt1fc. unbari!; Sax. unbe- B"t"''; ltvlez : trees, grO'IJe, fortft.'
Jtcnb ; hon paritns ; '/!l1i rii1 ·enifn · Belgis ,.,.'ere BARl'HRAM, llve111&w, pyret'hrillh, ·!Jaithram j
lignificat. Sk111n:'-iliis clliplis feems unnatural, ptllitory bf Spain; fomctlmes called fri'ory of tfit
fmce the Dr. «i'cknbwledges that baertn lignifies ·wall ; which word priory, and perhaps pe!iitory,
;arl;t; and yet by the ellipfis, latt·inde rnuft· i•s only a concraflion of paritttiria, a p11ries :-
fign1fy nbn partrt: nay, fhould the Dr. ftill inlift blit wit h regard ro our prefent word uartbram, it
bn his cllip'fis, we may n'everthcler~ -affirm, that is evidently derived froon lloe, ignis,i fire; an<;I
ooth the Sax. u'nbeflenb, and tlie Belg. batrtn, A.'9.,, uro ; lo ·bur11 ; and t herefore it would be
would· oriefinatc a ~'e"'• fero, quafi btto ; Jo btar, bett er to write it bar/ham, a'ncl not b/Jrlhra"m l for
'to carry, fo 'bring forth young, i. e. pario. l it is A19w, not A19ew, ·ur'o; lo Dur11; this ne~b hal'•
BAR·RISTER; ·corrlm'on1y ·derivea from /Jar, ing a:hot, fiery, p1111gtlft rooJ. ·
in the fcnfe of a.perfon's ~ingcalled · to ·Jht bnr: · BASE, " B"9v,, frofuiufu; ; deep,. mean, low.
but it feems rather ·to be der'ivcd fron1 the 'fame Nug.''- if the Dr. meant by bafe, the foiindation
root with BAR-011, in the fcnfe of a mi~M' -baron, bf a pillar, he · was undoubr"edJy right in 1he
Cr b11rrijJer: tonfequently Gr. etyni. for that is onry 1he Englifh word for bajis:
BARROW; perhaps from B"t•'• pondus; a but ·if he n1eanr, as he (eems to. ·mean by bafa,
twtight ; a machine to carry hta'IJJ things in: o r elfe 1111y tEing low, 111ei111, and dtfpirable, he is . pro-
from ~•e•» fero, porto, baj 11lo; to carry, or bear, bably wrong 1 for then it originates from a dif-
ot barrow any grta/. wtighJ. ferent roor, viz. B~""• quod Hefych. cxpo nit
· ~AR'ROW-hog : " Iloex•' Grrecuni eft nomen A'"X"'"• drdroa, infamia, probrum; difp·ace, i11-
anuquum, 'fed obfoletum; quod nunc eum vo- jamy, difho11ejly.
cant X••f•• : a·Il•e•><, Lat. porcus; Gall. poi-aa11; BASIL, " B...-1>.Hor, r~galis ; ri)•iil ; R. Ba.-1•
Ital. pcrco ; Hifp. pue,-to; Belg. ~·trckm ; Teut. >.rur, ·rex j iz k111g. NL1g. 1

barg; Saic. beap3h 1 fa,-r, aptr : Jun. and Skin n." BASIL of a ring : Skinn. writes it bezeill, vox
- \l1is Jaq word aper, ma_kes me rather Imagine qu~ non ·niG ·apud J':ligginiim1, et Jan·ua Lingua-
th'\t the 1 eut. btirg, and Sax. beaii;sh, are not rum reperitur : (Ainfworth writes it' bezel, or
derived fron1 ll•fK•r, but from K....~., :--'" aliud bezil; and tranOaks it tbt btazil of" ring;) "pa/a
aucem K<>,..e•1; Tyrrhenis, aliud Grrecis; fays mmuli; forte, continues Skinn. ·a·Fr. Gall. bajjin •1
Votf. Tyrrhenis caprum notabat ; inde igirur La- pelvis annuli; i. c pars a11ntili latior, et turgidior.,
tinpnun caper : at Grrecis cranfmarinis K".-e•r dl ct1i i»ferilur gemma : vidc bafon :"-but uafa11, as
aper, mnfa/iJ, v errts cajlratus :"....:but after all; we !}lall fee prefently, is Gr. ·
it is n1ore probable that barrow-hog 1nay be de· BASILIC } " B".-1>-1••, rtgia Jomus ; a royal·
rived not from the Greek; but the Latin; though BAS! LICA pa!iue, a jlately tdi.fict ; but par-
we . b,ave followed the Greek, and not the R o- ticularly applied to churches trtlltd. to Saints.
man 111anncr of writing it; for the Romans called N ug."-we are told by Ciel. Voe. +3• and 85,.
it vtrro; and Plutarch, in Cicero's life, as quot~ that " B".-1>-rvr, is derived from the Celtic inace,
ed bJ:. Volt fays, Brr?•• "!'"'( oi 'Pi.140<10 1 , ; , I'' txTt7,,..- or vajs ; quafi 'Unjs-ul-lus ; the minifler of lht ·
l'"o/?-it would have anfweted our purpofe mau.''-~he priority mu~ be decided fon1ewhere.
better, if we were to read it according to the BASILISC, BM1>.1.-x•r, bajilffcus ; Jcrpens ~Iii•
common editions T;, ,.7,7/'>"I'"'" caflralus 1 be· dam ; a ftrpen!. . .
• t aufe 01ir 1:arrow·btigs are fatttd hogs, and co1tfa- BASlS, 11«.-•c, bafis, fu11d.1men ; a prop, fou11-
~Nnlf/y . CU/. . datjo11; alfo tht fool of a pillar, or pedtjlal of a
BARROWS, or rather B1\RUES; hills co- jlatue.
'lltruJ, or furroundtd with trees 1 both J un. ·and BASK in the jun; " Belg. 'baekertn ~"' ltm.11 1
Skinn. would derive it from the Sax. by giving fo'Vtrt in/an/em ad ignem, batktren in defa11ne, ap"ri-
us two words of d ifferent lignifications, and dif- care, caplart falem : Skinn."-who ackno wledges,
ftrent etyrn. and yet they both meaht the fame " hrec fone a verbo to bali.t; quod vide ; q. d. ad
thing; Jun. fays, " barrow , 11tm111, lruus ; ma.'<imc ig11tm, flit ad fo!tm q11ada111t1111s ccquere." L ye
!°amen ut videtur fylvula co!ltm vtjliens ; Sax. bea- alf.o has given the like dei:iv. in his A-dd. ab
pu, braJltie, or beojia :"' - and Skinn. fays, Iceland. " baktJjt; Je caltf11etre :"-but, if 'bo1.h
" l!al'r/Y'.i;ts, il Sax. beoii;i;. t umulus :"-and no- thcfe are proper deriv. then they may be deduced
rhing 1nbre :- however, It Certainly does, not from the Gr. as under the arr. BAKE. Gr ..'
mean a /ltirrtn, naked bill, or mound, o r tumulus ; BASKET, 4>«.-n.A•C, pbafelus 1 navis oblunga,;
but Ont t"'1trtd, Or jurroundtd wilb Wood, lrtes, an oblong 60111 : o r perhaps it . may
with greater

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B _,.. f ro:n Gr.£ •J<• and LAT 1 M. B A
ptopriery be derived l a-••.,.,, .fafcino; untie rud,:d: R. Baxi•e'"• t he fame; bccaufc thr .a11-
l!,..-..~,.,, Jafcimcs : if the words fr:fri1, anJ ftifci- 'ticnt bnjii01u, and buildings were 1nadc" of poles,
<1tlu1 may rake their origin from thence ; a ;ind long jlitkJ, or jlajfs: J'liug."- iliis expl.llla-
bund/t ef flicks, or a /•Got. Junius faysA "vide ri tio~ feenu to ha,·e been mifapplicd; for, though
potfec vox /,a.fact craxille nliquid ex.B,,.,.,.?,., p~rto ; n~·1e" gives origin to IHuitlum and baculus, yet
'.~• ~11rry nny 1bi11g in:" wh ich is a very good dcri- it is very probable, that neither the Gr. or Lat.
vat1on; but noc fo good as the forrntr by Voll: words gave origin to che word bt!flon 1if
BASON ; .bot h Jun. and Skinn. have traced there be any fuch word in French;) neitl}cr dq~
t his word (Junius, under the art. bnjn;) ;, Fr. the French word /Jltjlo11, or Engl111\ word bafli•n,
Gall. IH1j/in; T euc. Belg. and Dan. brrlter. ; Ital. figni(y 11 flick, or JI off; whatever the anricnt
b11ri110; Hifp. baeia, ba<ic; and chcn adds, " l\1ar- bajlions and buildings inighc have been made of~
cinius refen 'ad /nJtti1111111, /puits cond:.e 1 uncle the word ll2><1~•» lhcrrforc has !Ken applied 10
quoque ctn<a Ital is dl 'IJIJJ foiorii fpuu1, quod fit BA TOON. Gr.
vcluti capax IJ""'dam co11tbn :"-i(chis be che true BASTON ADA; " B••1e•» batulus ; a jlaff,
deriv. then we n1ufl feck for another etvm. Voflius flick, or cudgel; from the l• rcnch bajlo11 ; 9r the
quotes Suidas, "qui docct Bvx"''"• bduinum, vd Ital. hojlone : Nug."-fo that how we have ano-
blf<inus, effo •f'Y''.'" !'-•~·••» meaning che fi'a jbell, chcr authority to corroborate the former; ~nd
above mention ed , of that (onn which is generally yet we may perfill·in referri ng this IYor'd B,,..7f"•
given to a 'I't·i1011 :"-let rnc only add, chat Skinn. to BA TOON ; on ly obfc:rving, that accQrdiog
"fays, " dcAeClit bafan, a 8"$.,.,," and to all chc rules of ecym. if 11... 1~ ... and baft••
chen adds; "credo potius omni a Germ. cc Goth. give origin to our word bajli~11 ; then chis word
clrc originis :"- n3tions which perhaps fcarce ever ought to have been written bajlio11ada.
k new whac a /Jafan was, till of late years. BAT, or dub;" B~x"lf•» 60<11/UJ: Upc."-.thia
• · BASS 1B...,...,., profimdior; dttptr; tbt gcntlemln is right.
HASSOON 5 . /()Wtr, or dttptr ground-work of BATCH of /n·u:d, perhaps means no more
mu/it : R. BzOvr, prof1111d111, magnus, gravii ; than a baking of bru:d; as much in quantity as
dtrp-1011ed. the oven can contain al "011e baking .: · if fo, it
B1\ S-TJ\RD, "B«r""e"• n ce111m~11 woman, a wou ld be Gr. . ·
l'arlot, j/rull? : N ug."-th is appears with great BATCF-JELOR: though m~fr of our oiCl:iona:
fj1ccioufoe(s, but that is all thnt c'1n be faid for it; ries give us chis word under chi s forin, ycc it
for Ski nn .. ha.s with much greattr probability Jc- ought to be referred to B1\CHELOR. Gr. ,
rived it, vd ii Gtrm. /Jotjz, malttJ; and atrd, vel BA TE, or mal:t-batt ; 0~1""""'• ILcfo,, quafi
art, ~111/11ra: .•·d potius 1'tut. botfz, 11111/111; et Ba11.,, b111uo; to brat an argument; Jo 6and:1 w:rdi;
Slx. S<eopt:, e-r/111, uiit111; "" baft-born, bor11 to lv;/d a dijpul!: fee to Dl::HATE. Gr.
not in wtd!odc: [o that according to the Dr. the B1\TH, "Bar.1.,., mr-rg trt ; 'to dip, . or plUJJge
fon11er hal f is Gr. the llucr, S.ix. : buc with under w111tr. Upt." .
Cltl. Voe: 3, we may rather fuppofe " baflm·d was BA TOON; - B~·1e•» bac11/.r1m ; ~ jlaff, flick, or
tltrived 'fro1u bitft-terrcd, or laid on tbe gro1i11d; c11dgtl; buc now commonly ufcd to fignify age-.
bec::uifc fuch illegitimate offspring were nu< r n· 11rral'.1 t n 11ul>eo11; in Fr~ nch 01/1011.; froi11 wlu;,nce
t itled 10 t he honours of filiation, till by the fa. our word vifibly defce.nds; as /;dton irfelf is vi-
ther takt>1 zip /row tbe ground: this ceremony fibly Gr. "et Bax"it" dicitur ....t .. T~ s~"•i•, quo-.
was called in Latin tollrrt; afrcr which, the child moclo ct 'P:i/31•1 diCla cxifiimatur .-~f'" ~• 'p;,.
was confidered ·as liulc, if at all, inferior to what ....,;-. n~t•{H>- Voll:" •
is now underffoocl by lawfullJ b~o1u11." BATT EN ; " vd corruptum ii fa11t11; vd a
BASTE, or 6tat l Sued. 6nf11 ; Iceland. 6ryjlo, Sax. blbun ; to bath• ; fimo 'llolutari, inlbr ju-.
BAST E m•at S 'Vtrbernrt, pulfart ; vcl d- men ti, fvi:trt. pinguefncrrt : Skinn." - but then
/;um dmn r.Jfatur Dl/IJ'l"i lcu 11dipis liqut1111i1u U11l'cre: the Dr. ough c to have confidc·rcd, that if we take.
credo, fays Skinn. a ha.JI, c,,-dtrt, perc1<1rrc; ~quia c;thcr, or both, of rhcfe dcriv. they are of Gr.
olim dbum bad/lo 1111l7orio co11/ritaban1 , nu11 c Ii- extract. che forme r frClln 4•~1••• pr.eftpe ; .a ma11-
11t1nme11 ta;1t111n en1i11us i;tj!illa111: alludit G r. 'll"'ror, ger, / (J fll ltn z uxeJl at ; the latter fi·o111 H12.1!7r..: • 111'1.t·-
quo<.I telte Salina!: fuj/<111, quo 011~ri1 portant11r, go; to dip, pl1111gr, or roll i11 the inud. Let n1e
Jiinal : B"'"~i.:, ll"r~, porto; batulu1 n;im corp111 then objerve, t hat the Belg. batlr, bai1t11; lu -
portat; feu fujltJtlllt: 0 jlid:, lo drip mtal witb. <rUllJ; and the Teut. oaf/l it; prodtffe; ta,
L ye, in bis Add. fuppofes it to be Iceland. 3re evidently derived a 4,.j,,,, pr.rf rpt;- abovc-
B AS'ffON, " Bax1t•>, /;11<11/iu ; a jltzff, jlfck, or mentioned.
7 •

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B A Fro1u G ll E a i<, and L " T 1 1<. B ,\
. BATTER, <?r brl(ift, n~1,.,, quali B..1.,., t11lco, bee places of liich dilhonelly, chat they r:,..,.t \v into
f>trallio, /trio 1 lo bea1, br/tift, pound: from hence greac contempt; the name of jhu:es becoming
likcwife comes thereby co bee vnderltood for a; ancJ
BATTER, iir mi:<lurt offf~ur, tggs, &~. which the baud-holder, or !Jarb-h•lder, to bee accompted
as the faCl:or for incontinent people, and by vul-
BA1'TLE l'·'
arc ,btattn up together. . . •
IT«iufw,percutio, ba1uo: from gar corruption and abreuiation of fpeech (holt!er
B.ATTLE-d~rt . batuo t hey have formed ba- beeing 0111itted) the keeper of fuch a hows came
tualia, which properly lignifies the place where to bee called 1he baud: and whereas before I
two men CJ<crcifed thc1nfelves in figh1i11g : and foid that a woorlbipfull family in England was
from /Jatualia con1cs batalia 1 from whence we (urnamed Baud, which, as I haue ll1cwed, is all
h~ve t.aken baffle: Nug."- it feems but reafon· one with bathe; it may be that it took this name
able to admit of this deriv. and yet 0~1,.,, quali of fome office belonging to the batbt, at the tyme
D«1u.:, unde batuo, feems to have been n1uch of the coronation of fome king, when as the
nearer; and perhaps ndl""n' itfelf may have ori- knights of the barb are wont to bee made, &c."
ginated a n..-i,.,, at leaft they feetn to be rognata·: - l have produced this long ex tra&, both on ac-
with regard now to · the latter compound word count of the curiofity of its O:ile and orcliogra- .
/Jattle-dort, Skjnn. fuP.p9fes it to be deriv~d a pJ1y; and bccaufc Skinner has ccnfured it rather
Sax. 'l:JICO; Fr. <;;al.I. tlrta, tire; primario arbor; too feverely, without giving us a better dcriv.
fed fecundario quodvis lignwu, fuftis, feu jlipts :- in its roon1 ; for, fays he, " ba11d, it Fr. Gall.·
thefe Sax.·.F r. Gall. and 'fheocir: words undoubt- baude; audax, impudens ; nos eriair. lafcivam fr-
~dly gave origin to our word trtt ; and they mina1n a bold weman appellamus: Vcrftegan
themfelvcs likcwife are as undoubtfdly derived a longe improbabilius ddleCl:\t ab 4ngL /;ath, quo.
l:t.e•<• lj«trrus, vel IJU<t'UiJ aruor.· fcnfu /upanaria, oatbts and hut-houfu appc!la-
BAUBLES, lli;i3a.>.1;t, funt OrJl'1111t11ta ftminarum mus': Salmaf. Lt11011es olim Gr. B«.>,l\•w•«< dittos
<ir'a .junflttras m1m11um : Pollux, Jib 1 V. c. 16, a afi'erit."-1 fcarce know how to add to t.h e lengtli.
lady's trinket!, braalets, &c. . of chis art. by quoting the following palfage
BAWD; B"'"''• x"u"t", "" a,u•e•ar, Hefych. from Jun.-" hoc interi1n /;awJ, ficuti ·ct JJaJ,.
(which !aft word _by the way ought to have been forte derivata funt a Cambro Britannico Bawildy11,
printed with a c.apical letter'""• fincc it is a ,· homo fardidus, -vi/is; abjeflus, nuUius prtlii; il.
proper name); a male, or ftma/t bawd ; gnun1/ly. bnw, l ifllt1111, lutum, /Jtrciu : fortalfe quoquc hawd
tbe /after: there are many dcriv. of this word, (mutato, quod frequentiffimum eft, I in w,) de-
which, as they may afford fomc cntercaininent, I rivatum (uit ex bald, 'alvus; nam vecus comcedia
lball ex~;acr. from other aurhors; and begin with Le1t•nes femper ra/'IJos rcprefcntabat. Pollux, lib.
good old Verftegan, who obferves p. 333> that IV. c. 16; ubi agit de perfonis comicis; ; Il•1••-
'' this name of haud, now giuen in our Janguage {joNo~ T~ x~.\11 U'lt'o~tcr~pt, K«-• a"'Ur.a1ff Ta~ off;,, M«'
to (uch as arc the makers, or furtherers of dil: A,.-,..,....1,,., '''" ,; 4>,.,_,.,,,,.r, Leno labia diltorquet,
honcll: matches, was not at t he 'firlt of any ii ct fupcrcilia contrahit, et rualvaftrr cft, vet
ligoiiication, and therefore it is the leJJe maruel, calvus ::'- after all that has been faid on
that it is the furname of a woorlhipfull family in fubjea, it is to be lamented that the htmorablt
England, and ·of a marquis in Germanic ; and profcfiion, of which we have been fpcaking, is of
albeit the Germans leaue the u, and write it with much greater ·antiquity any of the languages
a, yet found· they die a as wee do au, and fo to fron1 which it has here been fuppofcd, by thefc
write it as they found it, it is no other then /J.aud; gentlen1en, to be derived. : .
the true meaning whereof, both wich thcnT and • BAW L aloud; vcl a Bu....•uH•, qµod Hd"ych.
in our moderne E ng.lilh, is /;a1bc ; and anciently expon. ""l'"f•q>""""e,.., 11/Jii ..:oce illddmare : vel
was bddt; where the reader 'is to note (as els ut Cafaub. dc6ec1ir i Boa.w, clamu; to ra/J •loud l
where I haue !hewed) that d was of our anceters, to bellow like a· bull : fee likcwifc the Sax. Alph. ·
vfcd in compofition as 1b : it is alfo written in BAY, to bark at; b~"" latran; 10 batl:, 11
our old 1·eutonic bad-flour, from whence wee de- bay 1/n moo11.
riued balh-jlt"J), or bathi11g-jlewts; where hence BAY ro/or; n..;.., ,pary111 r11•u1 palm.e ; a /ma//
'<ICC may pcrceaue that wee haue taken rhe names bra11rh. of the palm-Int; . bccaufc Df tbt co/ff':
both of b11ud, and of jfcwn; and wee do alfo yet R. B..;,, the fan1e.
-qfe the woortl fltwing, when wee dicffe diuers BAY, or harbour: " Sa,x. bf6e; Belg, btlt}t;
things with hot Jicor, or water: now did many jinus: vel ii Sax. bY6•n; j/eaer1 ; 11 be11d, or bow 1
of thefe baud-flew11, or as wee fince haue turned nihil eni1n aliud eit: fums, quam /iuris 9u1d4tlf
the n~mr, bot-brJJjts, come in length of tpnc 10 "./lt:<Ura, et~CNYVdft<ra: Skinn."-then we may won-
G . der

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B E F rom G 11 i l K, and LA TI If.. BE
dcr why the Dr. would not derive it fro1n B1ti, our language the word pig lh<1old be a dim~llu­
arc#S 1 11n arch, cur11t, or bow. tive, and fignify lit1il 1 and the word big lhould
BAY, or flop; to keep a ftag at bay: if what lignify large ; whatever language that latter word
Skinner fays be right, that to ;ay poteft deflecti i m ay be derived from.
Sax. bt't>an, ~b1't>an, m011trt, pr.ejiolari; unde Su. BEAK of a bird} n,..,., E'""'" t.edo, ltt1Uh; to
J,ya11, qua6 bayan, vel bayban ; to flop, to dttain; and of a jbip btat, l1111ulr:, pule al: or elfe
then it is a wonder the Dr. would not derive it
from the fame root with BIDE. Gr.
from n.,,..,...pungo, fodio, jimul# ; lo goa4,
jlrilte with the bill.
BDELLIUM, Bl1M1tv, bde/li11111; a precio"s jlo11t. BEAM;,, tbt tye: what the dcriv. of this word
BEAD. Ciel. Voe. 48, and 156, obli:rvcs, may be, is very difficult to fay ; but that it can-
that " the circlet of the crowns, worn by the ba- not fignify what is generally meant by the word
rons, or judges, had only pearls, o r rather beadJ bta111, is evident from what Ciel. has offered on;
to adorn them, which -were the reprefentativcs in this cxpreffion in Voe. 5, where he fays," l lhoulcl.
miniature of that great bead, or tll4u11d, which rather think the Greek writer tranllatcd the Gaul.
topped the crown, as well as of that which the ilh word t'ay, which 6gnifi~ equally a beam, and
judge (and now the. king) held in one of his an aift111111 ;,, the l)t, une laJt en fotil, into the-
hands, and which was undoubtedly the fymbol of firft; but hi1 rcafon for it I do not pretend to-
peace :"-and in his note he obferves, tbat" bead, ca.nvafs :"-but llJ, or ailtt1t11t, is Gr.
<1r bydb, Doth exprefs the idea of habitation:" BEA.M of the fun: . fee BEAM.
then there might be no impropriety in deriving BEAM of tU.ber; " a.,..,,
ara, trabs, lifttlllfl}-
it ii. B1070<, vita, vitlus, fa,uttat<J; tht mtatts of quia prifci 1n Jucis facrificabant ;"for which Skin-
· livelihood; the platt of refidt11ce, o.r bidana : fee ner quotes Fr. Jun, t he father of the great ety1nol •.
ABOAD. Gr. BEAN1 nw..o,faba; •puts, efthele1,,,,,.inous trib~­
BEADLE; Jun. under tl1e art. bidde, tt11111dare, BEAR, or beafl; B"f•" h1ru, Hdych. 'Vi!lofum~

jubere, imperare, tells us, that the Sax. bcoban ; bir/11111; fays Junius ; but, quod nufquam invenio,.
Belg. bitden ; forte funt a ]!.,,., vis; unde B.:•{"f""" fays Skinn. and yet my edition of Hefych. has-.
.IEol • .e,..;,..,....,, cogo; qubd fommarum p otelta- got it: a fbaggy, hairy, rough wild beaft : "mallem' imperia quandam cogtndi vim babean~ : and igitur," fays the Dr. "Ii Grzcus elfem, declinare ·
both he and Slcinn. acknowledge that our word ab JEol. 4>•f• bear ; pro e.e,/era 1 a wild Uta.ft .:!'
beadle is derived from the Sax. bybel > which ori- -but this is too indifcrim1nate; befidcsr theJ:IS ·
ginates ii beoban,, nunliarr, ju/lert, madare; and arc many wild beajii, who ha11e }letlc, fm4olh fains; .
co.nfequendy are· all ddcended a B.... and yet are properly Et.e•<. but nol bears~
. BEAGLE, "canis venaticus minor; forte," fays BEAR, or bring forth ; from the fame roo~
Skinn. "ii Fr. Gall. hug/er; 11:t1gire; hi enim valdc with bear, or tfirrJ; fignifying gerert in 111n:o, vel .
profundos, ec fonoros lau atus, inllar m11gituu111, ex utero : and confequently Gr•. as in t h111 fol~
ii:u boatuum, cdunt : pofii:m auteo1 hoc Fr. Gall, lowing art.
big/es, Ct no!\'rUOl btt1g/o, non inCOllltnode dt8ec- BEA R, or carry; " 4>1~.,, fero, porto·; tb-/ift,:
tcre ab Ital. piccolu, q. d . cani piu:.()/i, i. e. ;an11 bear, or carry; by changing 4> into JJ. Upt.''
minores; iunt enim refpeCtu alion:m canum ve- BE'.AR-BINDERS-/aae, as Ciel. Voe. 13,r, n.
naticorum parvi:''-and this latter interpretation o bferves, is ·an abbreviation (and a ftrange dif-
n1ay be the n1ore readily adopted, becaufe chat tortion ) of Bar-rticb-111y11der,.'1 /au, i. e. the lane
ingenious, though unhappy man, Eugene Aram, of the parilh juftice of the (myna) p6ace.:,-·an G r. ·
has given the true deriv. of ch is word : " beagl•1,'' BEARD; "n"f"''' """• gen.e herba, ut rr""Y"">
fays he, " are a race of hounds, fo named for ql1afi ..~" '}'tllfl~; her·ba mtnti; lit a,,..-o rrJ~lt~ 'Y''"'"1,,( ..
being lillle; and perfectly agreeable to th e pri- lie quoque .. ,,.. fi•f" "'' di&a barba, quafi fi•e•F ..,.
n;iary fignification of the Celt ic pig, i. c. lit1le: ct rr~fe::«fwi, JiuecJ1 tt17t", bor/;a/111; B,.,ef3_,, ><{6)1J«
the Greeks have antiencly ufcd chis word> coo, ,., • .,,.~, Hcfycb. Stephanus Guichartus deducit a
and in the fenfc of li1tlt, of which they teem to 11...-.-.~, inferto t> quali fiaq,r.of' : ell: vcro n .. ,...,.. ,
have conf!itut,cd their fi u7•f'""'• a dwarf (or lnnu.~o,
prima barba: Voll'." the down•»· the chtekJ;
pygmy:) it ftifl fublilts among the lri!h, and'llillthe firft. dawnings of 111a11bood :-however, without
in ~hat language co.nvrys the idea of lin k ; as all this difficulty, our word beard, accord iog to
jirr pig, a Ii/tic man; ban pig, a /iule woman;- Slfinn. may be more n aturally derived a B"ev1or;
and we ourfelves," continues be, ' ! retain it in the g,la-vitas-; barba enim, praiferrim proli.vior, virilis·
provincial word ptaglts, i. e. (OWjlips; a nan1c gravi1ati1 apud multas gn1tts, pr.t:ftrtimap1td'lurcas,
impofcd on them of ol<l from the littlenefs of their el Gr,~tliJ, indirlmn cenfat11r.
~owers.''-it is very remarkable now, that in BE.AST; " Br.rr "'• Homero funt faltus, et ton-.

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B E Frqm Ga 1 :t. ic, and L" t' I !f. B E

"1alle1 ; unde btft.i11; ut lit nomcn ex loco, ubi · BED } " Nimis cffem criticus, ft. form:l\-
plurimum ag{mt : Voff." at Gra:cis pofte~ioribus, BED-RID . rem ab Elor, feda, falla, ktlui;
ut Codinus, atquc aliis, continues he, B•ri«e"r addito fc. Digam. qua!i Filor: Skinn.''-fo very
c11: qui Latinis vtjliarius; i. e. qui imperato~is cautious is the Dr. of admitting a Greek deriv. •
vt}lts, et pretiofiffima quoque adlervarct; 1111 •Jli· BED of jujlia : this expreffion is a pure bar.
· '"" lilu our gr~om of the .ftol•: but with regard barifin, into which we have been milled,. as
to our prefcnt art. we muft aitend only to the Ciel. Way. 72, very juftly fays, by t he French,
former etym. to exprefs /1 wild &rtat11re, who in- " whofe anticnt language (the Gaulilb, or Ccl•
babiu rbefore.ft1, and woods. tic) being obliterated, or loft to them, the li:.r\fc
· BEAT, bang, qr bruift.i "B«x'le••• btU111#1; a ?f t~is expreffion unlit Je juftiu, amo!Jg others,
fJaff: or from batuo, and that from fi,.'J,...,..,, ptr• 1s now out of memory ; thence that barbarous
cutio ~ N ug."--or rathCJ from " B"11.,, vel n.J,.,, plconalin, ltnir *"' lit de j1efliu (as if the lit here
bat110,ferio, p111fa; pedibus perc11/trt ct to11c11/cart: was derived from letlus; a /Jtd; inftead . of hi,
Voffi" tojlriJ:e, J:no&k, qr •uff: alfo to throb, or /oil, lit 1 law;) to hold a law of juftitt; or" tourt>
l1ta/ q11id:. . . of j ufiiu; i. e. a court lttt; not a bed of jufti.c e ;
BEATI-FIC, 11..., be~, btart, b1atus 1 /Jk.ffed, unkfs for her taking a nap on it."
bam. i llam B1or non raro notat Jivitidl, ac bona; BEDE " is a truly Saxon name,'' fays Verft•.
as in the following patrage : and obfcrves, that " it was the name of our firll::
A,,.,.o~ B101oit-f1.>..of I~ ..YI" at&f4rW'flf'f , fa1nous Eng!.ifh wryter, known npw by the name
n~1«r r•e ''},,'"""');• 01,, ,,.., ''~'" ,..,"'... It. z. 14. of the Yenerablt Buk : btJt, or 6tad, lignifying·.
BEATING with child 1 " brttding, gr1Wid : prayer :"-this interpretation may be very mucB<
Jlay. "-had this gentleman but inquired of any doubted : bead fecms rather to fignify thofc g/o..:,
the Northern ladies, they would have been able bu/ts, or littlt r•und bodits, by which they num-
to have given him a bc~ter definition; they might bered their praytrs, and not the prayers them-·
have told him, that beating with &hilJ meant their felves : confequently Gr. : fee BEAD. Gr. .
· being quiclt 'lf'ith child 1 as when the child BEATS, BEDLAM i" Sic aucem nunc nobis Ke110.:.
•Or leaps in the womb : confequently Gr. BEDLEMITE S dotbium maniatbortflti dicitur,
BEAU l B""'••r, jut11ndus, delita/1111 pretty, i Teut. btlltler, mendi&art; /;er/tier, 1111ndic11s J
BEAUTY S (bar111ing, fin•: vcl a B11o1; beo; q. d. belltltr-bam, vel btlltl-bam, i. e. 111t11diN1rll•'
"llnde forfitan bellus ; a happy ma•-pcrhaps. mattfio, feu domus; II1"X•1e•'"'" the beggar'J-W#u:
: BE-BODE l" gebfllit, or bto!e (perhaps bt- Skinn.''-and both the Dr. and J un. ackno..<ledgC;
·BE-BODUN ~ bode) the fame as BIDDEN, that the Tcut. be1ttle11 orig. from the Belg. 'billm,
or com11µ1nded. Verft :"-confequently Gr. or bidden; the Sax. b1bban, or the Germ. pitta11,.
BE-BYRIGE.D, " buried; Verft." who then or pittm; and Jun. adds, " libens deduxerim. a.
,-refers us to byrig ; which he fuppofes to be Sax. n•.6.. ,.,...,, n••e.I',.., vel n vOol''"• ptto, rogo, ro-
•but we 1hall fee under the arc. BURY, that gito :"-fo that at tirft, Btdlam was only a recep-•
it is Greek. . tae/e for beggars ; but converted now to a much
BECK, or rivulet; "•'l"I• Jons baud dubic ; better purpofe, ~ retirttr1mt for l11natiu1 . wbo art:
Cafaub. fcatt/Jra, fcu aqua jiliem, rivu/us; a li1tle deprived of all puwtr of taltiwg cart of tbemftlves.
·ri'llulet, or :flream: or perhaps it may be derived ii BEE, /1{3 ..r, '"'"• vel '1"'• volatilia: H cfych.
Bf•X•» rigo, madefacio; by only omitting the f• in 01tro1:· Anacreon et Theocritus
:guali B'X"'• a beclc, or /mall run of water, that does this however fccms to be only the poetic name
.,,r1''•1•'1-< JA'"e•< :
..IJut juj1111oi.ftm the place over which it pa.ffes. • for a btt, and does not fully anfwer the purpofc
BE-CLY PED, " t111/Jraud: Verft." who f4p· of an etymol. and ther~fore with lfidorus and
pofes it co be Sax. but it only fecms to be an.o- Virgil, as quoted by Volf. they were called apes,
· ther dialect for CLASPED. Gr.-we have many from their banging together &omutlttl /Jy their fut.
•other words in our language, beginning with this at tht tim• of /warming; "quod Maro ait
Sax. prepofition BE 1 as bedeck, bede-.i;, beloved, - - Pedibus connexz pendt11/: Geo. IV. ;57. ,
·&c. &c. &c. which will be more properly found nam Ii &01111tx.e cohrerent, atque (ut Ifidorum di-
·under their refpectivc art. unlcfs when the. pri- .cere audimus) fe pcdibus invicc1n a/lig1111t; quid .
mitives themfelves arc not in ufc; as in the fol· prohi~t deduccre ab antiquo apio, i. e. ne..llo,
lowing words, when co1npounded. . ligo? Volt"-it were to be wilhed he had added
BE; COMING, K•f;"•r et K•~fA•f, tomis, ornatus; that this obfolcte verb apio, which feems to have
hiu, curious, dclicatt,,aJor.ned: vel a Mi,..r, Mr1e••r, given place to apto, was very probably derived
411Ql/11J, cqft1t11otlu1 >.co1111Nodio111, dcu11t. from the Gr. verb A,..1.,, n/tJq, j1111go; ID join, t•
. G 2 1111it1

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from · GR! 1 .ic:, and LAT 1 N. It £
11•irt t1ttthtr, i11 tb11t remarlt•Slt manntr of tbt Hcfychii funt E1n>-&•~~• :"-thefc are gTeat au.-
fees, as mencioncd in the fonncr part of this art. t horities, and defervc attcntio!I:
· ·~EE<;H; ~•y•r, Dor. "'"'I'"'• fagus; b1tttnt; BE-GET l evidently derived i r.,,...,, r .......
Sax. bue: the beech-tree: " nee uUo modo ab- BE-GIN l r•••f'o.•, r'Y"f'"'• gigno; to btgll:
furdum eft, cum omncs litcra:: cognata:: !int, fee GE'f, and KINDRED. Gr.
omnia hzc, przfertim Sax. bece, et hoc; ct Dan. BE.. HALF ; 'O~•r, lotus; the wGole; unde Sax.
log ab coclem /#!"'• ~.,..,, Dor. ~"Y''• dellec- pa!; tofus, inttgtr; and OF; ah~tk, tx; quoil fc.
tere: Skinn."-thus <hyor, fagzu,- quafi baz111, ex, vcl de, vel abs toto tkcifum, vel Jimitli11111 tfl:
unde bog, ioc, book, beet; beech. (quafi bal-of, half) hinc lu-half, q. d. pro mto
BEEF; B•r, bos, hives; undc btroes, and bu/: dimidio, vd pGrtione; Teut. mrine hal6; mtine-
, 1111 .ox, bull, or cow. balben, pro me4 parte, mto Mmine: 011 my at<PfJnl~
· BEESOT!tf: "Sa11. berm; Teut. ha!(em; Belg. for myjalu, 111 my favor. · •
btftm ;· faopa : nefcio an a Lat. verfum, 'Uerfare; BE-HAVE, Af3.., btJbeo, gtrn't ft; to tarry, or
difd proptcr cuphon. afperli canina litcri r; ct demean himfdf. ' · ·
'II confor a in cognatum b mutati: Skinn."-wc BE-.lIOLD, " to bt-huil, or bt-otiltl: Cleland
might rather fuppofc that verfum ought to have Way. ~'I: :"-but it is Gr. fee EYE. Gr.
been dcd1.1ceCI from 'Utrro, not (rom 'IJtrfare: '!ltrro, BEIGHT. Ray fuppofes this word to be a..
according to Voffius, may be derived from E;fo•w, fubftantivc, formed from the pr~terp. tenfc of"
':ltrru1tt(I; un<le verro; nam 'Uerrmru 11v ertu11t et the verb bmd·i as bollght of bo-.,,·: lhould this be
averr-111ica11t /ordt$ ftopis·: he likewife n1cntions rigftt, it would rhen. be derived fron1 the Gr. a~
B<ff"• fcu Epp.., quod inter<lu1n notat dtleo, pn·do; we lhall fee prcfcntly uhder the art. BEND and
llJ f.oup · ; o r br11fo. awa7. . · BOW : in the mean time, ler me only "obfervc
. BEESTINGS, « n""""'• cqgo, .coagulo; · roltJf- from him, that the btigbt •f tbe t!Uow fignl5cs.:
tfllm; ve/ tolo;1ra, lac coag11lat11m :"-this deriva- the bending of the tlbow 1 and wr have a m utical.
tiun of. Skinn. may perhaps be right ; ~ut tho' CS'preffion, the brighi of the ankor, meaning the :
D;~""""· figni fies <ogo, or eoagulo; rct bu.flings are .t1trvat111"t, or bending of ii sjfooks, ~.,. ar1JJ.S.
very. far frorri being what he has explained them BEKER, " B•••r, 'IJas 'Ui11ari111n ; a wine 'llej{tf;
by lac uagul.tlUllJ; for lac <0aplat•,,,. is properly or eup .' U·pt."- this deriv. wc: rnight very rea- .
either cbufa,. or cttrtis; but bu.flings arc nothing· dily admit, if Hcfycb. had not cl{pJained B•••c by.
more · than 1b1 thick lllilk, ftlbicb i1 <ommon ;:l~p.••r·w111. '"""'' which is rather a pilcbcr," ""'•"
•ft<r .#irth; 1101 <oag11/attd, and,.,,,. mto Ni;ds llnd jar, or cup, /Javing two hantiles.; which a beker
whey, which is alway' "done by means· of fome bas not; for, according ro our. aca.c ptation, a.
a.c id; but jitCh mi/It 111 is of a thicker co11/ijltnct, he/ctr is ·4 large glafa, or fll'Utr cup wi1J:~111 h1111~ ·
tban rht commm·ond ordinary fort. dies: however, not being able to trace. a . better_
·BEET ; B,1,.,' beta; a very a:rtta/Jle root,_} otb ctym. i:t muft rdl: here.
~f tbe-reJ u.d 'f!lbi1tfpuit1; notwithflanding both · BE-LAG. Skinner derives this from the Belg-
Ain.fw .. and Ntig. and moft of our dictionary btltggen., /ieltidm; 011erare; q. d. luto, vcr
writers,. .:.:11! it a• ""favoury herb: but in the firll aqua ouftj[us, fcu 011eror11s :''-leaded, or foaluJ..
place, w~ ma)' deny Ghat: the btet is 1111/avoury ; witb- warer: and· confrquently ('.;r: : fee LADE, .
and in. the next "pl:ice, i~ ought not to lie rankl"d LADEN. Gr.
amo"g the fp.cC:es of beris ;· fat: it is no more an BE-LEA.WE), « · btlr."]td :. vv~c yet- call a1 \

hccb. a parf,Up, or a carrot; lil>r. it is of that noughty pt~fon a /eawd f <ll•w,.which l>y. the right:
nibe of r.obJ,s: ligniJication of the woord is nfrnudi to .fay as·
BE ETI:,E,. ·<>!' #u:lltt.; perhaps it wo12ld be a trotbltf!e, or -perfidious ftllcw :· Vcrlt."-whicn .
1nora :pro_pcr· co.write· it bt'1tk·, fincc it feem..s to by the right dcriv. of the word is Gr. as may be
Qrigi!1au: froro IT;;,1,..,.,, !lair.,, qua!i lb7rw, 6atuo; feen under tbc art. LE.WE>. Gr.
ID/Jt at_; ,,,,i/fuis,pe·rc11jforik;n; a large wpoden hammer-. BELIVE; " IM&artiS niglft ; by the. t"!Jt; this .
. BE(;, E~•f"'i,R;"1""'• Ef">"qu..-ro,qu.t1'•.,,s;.undc mollifyi'!g the into It, or Ii; b~ing frequ"nt in.'11, b~g~rt't1, d<}iderar<, apttttrt; q. d. lugertr; the North; as, to la mill, to tbt ~•ii!: Ray."-
pttl11>r,. rogaior.; a·petitioner, entre,11cr :· Skinn.":...... : thi9 however is not attempting at a deriv. of the
onlr. no.w the Dr. lhoi,,ld. have traced· it up to the· ;whole compound; for it does not expl ~ih the ·
Grcrk,. and down to t he Englilh·;:-it is. however termination VE,. or I VE, which we might;
a better deriv. than that given· by Jun. viz. "·a 'fuppofc was Gr. becaufe it is undoubted ly an ab-
Bay10.-.., hac illac 'V(lgari, ct 6btrrart; in.ftar. eo- brev.iation of EVE,. or. EVEN~NG, Gr. .
"!'"'• fUi tlf)t11diea1uri difcurr:mt·; nam · ita . BELL; Jli1w,, ptl'Uis; infcrto digan1. u r, ab·
'"' >"""' Swda: cxponitur, """"""''"·: ct B'"t"'•' •v>-~, [Jlvo, et a >.""• Levh·: ptl:r.·is. diciiur a pt-·

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lf. E From Ga .1: I K, ·and
.. . LA 'I'. r'li. B E"
/'i/,"~ l'twantii1,' quali ptikl'fliJ l vel a ptlfuendo; qtiia b;flttm g'trunt i11ltr ft, ti pltr4!~/lt tildm iµ!li'
quafi ptllll'IJiJ; contra6te ptlvis 1· a fo~t of vejftl, hominibus: Voff.''-from whence 1t is fomething
i11 which th<y wajbed tht feet, a bllfon :-for,' be- rc1narkable tliac the Latins d id not form a verb,..
fore the inve!lcion of 611/J, not only pieces o~- when they might fo calily have done it, viz;
fa.1111ding ~refs! ~d b~111, but ~latei of ir'on about lulluo ; to exprefs 1111J of tbt 11Uions w p11./fi#t1J of.
half 411 111ch:th1tl:, /ilce tht ftllit1, w r11tBer the. a 'bnue-·animal. ·
ftrtal:s of a earl wbttl, fufpmded, fQtre jangled lo· BELLOWS; reduplication of blow with tk
grther: a car!ous account and rcp rcfentation of wind; arid confcquendy originates an..., fo.; to•
which may. be fecn in Tournefort's voyage to the /Jlinri a bla/!. .
· BELLY:, Ol'to>-•(, .lEol. 'T~~·c, t1111·bili-tus 1
Levant, Svo. vol: i. p. 1:3; where he bas given.
a. pbte of thofe mlfctablc machines, which arc 1be n«vtl; fo that o ur word btllif fe~nis to be·
made ufc of by .the monks to this day. For · ~ taken .from 'the middle of the word 11111bilinu; as.
curious in1erpretation .of a btll, fe~ the next -art. m~y be· ol>ferved' iii. m'any other eiamples : Skin-·
BELLE, E>.>.~, ...,...e.r; or from l'o,.r, 6on1:11, ncr den~s our word ftl!J from the " Sax.
b~mts, bellu1, unde Fr: Gall. belle; 1.ret1].,. 'harm- · bel'lY- ba:b& .. ba:l;!)e ·; 11ttr, bttlga ;"-and there
ing, fi11t: vcl a 1 •.,, bto; to blp. This Fr. Gall_. .is great probability in this deriv. ; but then the ·
word belle has unluckity given our countrymen Dr. has nor gone far enough; fo_r he ought to:
an opportunity of invcnting·one of tile mo(l rion- have llicwn that /;11lga itli:lf was derived a B•>.'J'•r,
fcnfical hieroglyphics that has e.ver yet a'ppca'red : lEo!. pro l\f•A')'•r, quod H efychio tdle cfl s...~ .
the Frrncli have very properly applied t~.eir words . ,,..K•r, faccllf '0riau11s; ~ ltarhtr bag, budget, or 11117:
/le/le Jauvagt to a btaurif11l W•t<! /!frica1t woman; J11ch capa,io11S v:alltt. ·
apd have as properly reprefented her as having . BE-J,.OKED, or "bt!JJruJ·, foe.led; or Jaft-Jhut :"
!ken found io fome of rhofc woods (if ever Vetft."-t!ten he ought to h:ive confidercd that .
found) : but, when an Engllfh paihter would ' LOCK'. was Gr. · ,
reprefent this incident,.hc<l raws 1.)S a 1'u1111ifu/ black ·. BELT. hMw,j/iciq1 tircur.ijicio; unde #111!~11~,.
wot11nn }landing 1tear a /l;/f ! and to chis day . there . and b11/1tus; a jluddtJ girdle; fu calted beeaufe it;
is a noted inn; calkd the bellfavngt iim.'o!l· t.ud· is ci>.ft, or bottnd round tbt /Jod.1: but Voffi'us fup-
g ate hill, which forln <rly bore rhat :eniginarical· pofos " h1lttu111 reetius elfe a Ba>.•.:!••» IUlfam
ffgn ; but of la1e the ftJ!Uag,e has difappiared' ; 'quatenus nolat ; f"~ ti uulg4! 10(0 tjl ; ti fi111ut:
and nothing now reniains buc a liJrgt giklid' btll gladt/1J71 Jeri :"-but in his tre~ tife· de P crmut, lit..
in:tb•ym:d,. to amufe us·"'..J'th' tliat •fignificant cm- he gives us this deriv. "ba/1<11m vocabant ti11t11- ,
b lem of beauty : fuch ·poor conceit~ arc 6t. onl1 '/um I coriD b11///Jlllm· ;"-if this be the true origin,.
fur a book of heraldr.y,. or a new edUion. of tlien. we mull: trace this word UP. to its f9orcc, :
~arles's e111ble1ns. :1f we can,_ for there fte1ns to be nime difficulty
· BELl:J-GERE N'F ~ '" n•.li•f<°' 61 /Jillttm ' ·war; ' in fixing the true etym .. or·b'u/14, whicll is de-
h~c dl opinio An~li Caninii,_ qui in Hel.le- -rived eirlier ffom •• •>-""'' quod ~ f'tNieo, b11Ui11.,
nifmi ~l phabeto putat btllkm fa&uin ex n.~·'lf": toutlio l ct ,...7;. i"i7"~·"' bu/lb alii~. rebus tribu-
quod erymon fcio (fays Vo1f.) ridebunl indo8i·:. j1ur, l!~rn in oftiis bu/l.e appdlantur 11mbtllat!)·
led cenfuit vir ille do8itrunus, quern ct N:Onnef. p/avor.11m c,;pita, qtii/;us diti•ru,. fortJ tlrornaban-
in gromm. fequirur 1 a n°"'l'•r· fieri !lane voc~nl tur ~·· or JlerhaP.s hut/a may be only a contratiion •
abjccra. et mutaili..; .n. in media1n s: ; ct abje&a of fibkra ·, oy cutting ofttbe lif!l fY,llao~.. and
terminatione , ,, quomodo ab ,,.,..,. ell: a/;; ab .;;.., doubling tile //'; and· tl\err. it- may be derived:
Jub; ab.,,., ubi; a ""Pi.•r,'-now,. d iough from 4>.1$».., fibula; dilla autem jiiuta, qu1a·
Voll: tt-cms to depart ftom this ccym. afterwards, ntflit· vej/iU111 f.bras, hoc eft fimbriiu, feu txtrt-
and to prefer dutl!um to it i yet he acknowledges ,.;ratts,:. vcl quia · vefli- iilfikat1'r ; nam ur ii uro,.
that Glolt vet!. J1ti/111m, 11•1'.lff•<, "eX""''I'·:- tffili11/um; er-per fynco_p. ttibu/um ·; .fic·afi.go, J_gi-
with reg:ird to the latter part of this compound b11la ;. et per lyncop. ,/iOttfiz ; then by cont.rall1on.
girau, Voffius_ has evidently d' it fron\ Xt•fi again.bur..•" undc tltfla: only now we liave'd'
ab obhquo CJUS Xie•~. fallum· gp-o-; nt proP.r1e another. roo1: viz: n"i''"i''• fig•·; to'.fix, or.fa.f!rn; .
fit 1>1111u1m admi11i.flrart 1• fa tha~ the whole com· J;ke jlud1.
pound .conftirutes the verb ftllig11·0; lo make-, o r BENCH, A/3:£', a/Jacus, tabttla · ;. NJi "i:afa im- .
wage war ; powers wb.o art al111a!IJ engaged iii war:. po11unt111" ; a- hoar.a, tabli, c11U•ltr ; alfo 11• •tlefl; fa
R. Ho>.•f"•·f• /;t/lllm ;'war 1 and. Xie_•~ unde gtra; wrile ar; whence tbe ·ow·of· Engli>JuJ: .
111 carry 011. BENO, Bi•:, urcus; a11 arch;. or b~w :· or elfc
BELLOW, /ilce an a.Y'; Be.,, B....,, boo'; to /tr.,,, from '1>lx'"" 41..,,., unde panda; art; t• 6tn<!i I•,
et r.c•u: l01td":." vcl a n.>.1140(, ~1/111111, unde btllua ;, bow. do'll.•n· :.-and )o'.\'t Ainfwot:h:.dtrivcs,:t1111J.1:;
5' . . /J11Wtd,,

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B E.. From Ga1. 2 K,, and LATIN. B ·E..
bcwed, be111, frompamlq, lre, quod ft pa11tft1; wh\ch . BERGEN A l Ve.r(l;. fC~'!.o'!"l.ed~s ·this art.'f<>
bears quire another fenfe, . and claims ql!ite ano- BERG UN ~ ~e defcended fro1n byrig1, .whiclt :
ther deriv. is we lhall fee under the art. EX- is no more than JA,ry; and confeque.n.tly Gt. ·
PAND. Gr . BER-l\.10ND-SEY ; the b11r-reich-mJnd-Jwy1bs,
. BENDUN, "ba11des : Ver~."-but as he (C(llls fays Ciel. Voe. 135, n; " \Vere a kind ofgorfwytbs,
co h:ive intended b1111ds ·10 tie with, it is Gr. . barpens, or e1ninent feats, Qr benches o( jllj/ue 1 •
. BENE-DICTION, B>»·•» .. ,..s,., /Jel!t11, benus; . the feats of the !arijh juflitt of peace :"-confe-
vet afoJto;, bo111tS j u11de benc ; and AffKiup.•, IHKl'V~, quently alt Gr. : fee BAR, REICH, M)'ND, ·
'"E"• unde dito, difl11s ; be1udito, beneditlui; a and S\VYTHS. Gr. .
6/e.Jfi11g, or wjfhi11g w ell. BERRY, or fruit; Ko~xo(, bat ta; berry; any
BENIGN l EJ.>.or, «y£9•>, be/111s, 6enus: vcl /mall fruit of trees, or jbrubs: . though perhaps it.
BENIGNITY S ii fl.o..r, bo1111s ; gopd. might be better to <lerive ou.r word berry, a 4>'f"•
BEN I-SON, contrafte<l from bme, and fanuJ; ftl'o, ftrre l uncle " Sax. htjl•6 ; Belg. bere ;
goorf·f•q11d, i. e. good f11111e, good rrtorl; in . op· be(rie; nam }it gtnil1ii1!4 'lfillld! appe11a11t11r. Jun."-
pofit ion to mallifon: both Gr. • Clel. Way. 79, derivCi "'. berry fro1n ber-wee ;
BEOM; "a -tru ; wee .v(e ·the name now for •ny j11JQI/ round fruit :"-but ber·fecnu to origi-
t he tree, when it is fqt1ared 011c, calling it a nate as above frorn ••e·.., /era; to bear fruit ·: •
beam r,f ti~her,. w~e~by is me:nt ~ lr~e for buylfi· and wtt, or tt fecms to come fro1n •·-""••'"'» mi-
mg; (or ltmbrrng 10 our old Enghlh ls buyldmg: .nor; lill]t, /mall.
Verl1."- and if this good old Saxon had prop~rly BERRY, "or tbrejb 01tl ; i. e• .to beat 0111 lbe
conCidcrcd, he would have fo11nd that BEAM berry, or grain; hence a berrier, 11 Ybrrfher; and
was Gr. as we have fce.n under that art. · the berrying-ftead, tbt tbrej1.n11g-jloor: Ray."-and ·
BEORG: Vcrllegan allows this word to take confcqucntly will be derived from the fame root
its deriv. from the fame root with byrige; that wiih the former art. Gr. .
is bury :-then confequcndy it is Gr. BERYL, B•e•>.>-•r, bery/lus; .a precio11sj1011t.
BERBE.RJUES, berbtris ; the fruit of the wbite BE-$CEA WUD ; " 01,,rloolred, .Juruiewed, or
thorn ; 11nd g,ows wild i11 hedgu, /ilce hips and .beheld: wee fay yet fomrytnes that one loo!ces
haws. Skinner writes it " barberiu 1 and tranf- efuattJ : Verfi."-and if he had not looked
la:es it oxyacantha, Gall. Lat. ·Barb. btrberis credo '!fttaw, or afaew, he might have found that this
Arab. orig. Androfthcnes autcm apud Atbenreum word originated from the !••iot, obliq111u; o!Jtique.,
tradit ojlreum, i11 quo reperilur margarila ab Ind is otbwart, f9uinling: fee SKEW. Gr.
B•e(Jre• vocaturn :"- that there is fuch a word as BE-SCYLDIGED, " accufad df defa1d1, or
B•e/3•e•• our lexicons admit, and that it ligni- ffJIM : Verfi."-who looks on t his word as un-
fi~s concba unio11es continens, they as .readily allow; · do11bredly Saxon ; whereas it is nothing more
but that word ought not to have been introduced· than a various dialetl: of befto!JeiJ, or .&bidde11 i
here by the Dr. bccaufe it has no connexion with confequently Gr. : fee SCOLD. Gr.
the fruit, or berry in qudrion: let me however BE-SEECH, z,7'"• .'l""'ro, req.uiro; to tntreat.
obferve, that the oyjler, or rather indeed, lbejhe!f, is require; I• Jupplicau ;, olim.byeek; q. d. po.Jiu-
inentioncd by Anacreon in his 91ft Ode; where, /art ; to requtfl. ·
defcribing a mifcrable pennylefs fellow, who hap- BEST, "Bi>J,,.,, gp1imus. Jon;'' 1be m!ij/ t.•-
pened to have the good fortune to marry a ' ullen1; mo.JI eminent. •
wealthy young woman, (a cafc not uncommon)1 BE'r, or tt.•ager: fee A-BETT, or juppprt our
• . be draws his pifture thus ; · opjnion with a pledge. Gr.
.=~~e,, f Eur\;~Jh,. "''"" BETONY; Bttonica i an herb, or jhruo fa
'O w;e•9oer;1r;;r Af1~,w..:,, <; •• called. · ·
ne ... .,.,., .. 'X"'" Bte'3itJ12;, BE-TRAY; A1J-"1"'• do, trndo; to dtli'lu r II/'
·K«.''""''"'"r ,lf~r:xiu1u.c1•, treatheroujly ; ·10 jurre11der trai1tro11jly. Ciel. Voe.
·}{« , £uA1.,¥~ areayaAv( I 1 19, fays, " read ily granting chat our word treafa11
Ev ro~•· - - ' comes from 1rahija11; as that from trabir ; t •
this 1:vidcntly thews that it can have nothing to ' betray ; all that I co!ltend for is, that ·treafan, or
do with ·1be berry,; for Artemon it feems, though be/ray doc.s not come from tradirio ; but from
ht was fo beggarly.a fellow as to hav• only a f ew the antient Gallic or-ay, and with t he common
jl·dls or 1rf11!cers, with ·ttJ/lfr t.i dotbu, tJnd tvooden : Cdtic,f, t '· QY· OJ ; thence trahir;
.1Zt •s, yet had he married a wealthy wife. ./ ; pl"<'pofiti ve. }tcray, tray,
hE· Rf AVE ; 'Af" ";, ropax, ra£io; rcb, pl11n- ·or; tranfgrdlivc. tr(lbir,
drr, fpoil. 1. und< Snx. b~/'Cfan;
nuc. . beraubm. ay., or aw; the fairb;_or tbt law. to wlrny.'' .
· ~but

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B I ·From iG a .1 ii, arid L t E I
~Sut ,,. rcenu to t;e no more than Wtr, btyOlll
..1. 1 >1.

have conlideted that 'Uia is not an original wor8,

i. e. 1ra1!fgref!iv1 ; confequcndy derived ab "'"f• b~t derived ab o.... 'llill; by giving a tlirtllio11 10
rvtr, aoll'llt, bey,gnd: and ay, or ""' originatcs1 t bt paffagt of lbt bowl.
from A•y.., l'ey, l'aiu, lex, law: both Gr. . BIBBER l.IT+i, rr.,.,, n.....,, bibo, bibax, bibacis 1
BETTER ; " Biil1•e" • mtlior, melius, more BIBBLE S' item " jutiarium ptflori infantum
zootl. Upt." pr.,,lmtum; ii. Lat. /Jibere; quoniam pr-41trlabe11tts
BE-TWEEN,. t.uoi, tl110; two, twain ; inter liq11orcs tombihit: Skinn."-who feldom goes be-
· Jiios ; /1ttwee11 two. yond the Lat.--given to drinlr. : alfo a napkin,
· BEVER, animall" '1>•f3e"• fibris, fiber; quod pinned before ebildren to foal: 11p lbe.tiri'Utlling moif-
BEVER, bat S' vocabulum pofterioribusde- turt, or ar.y liquid that might be JPilletl upon thtir
mum fccuiis irreplir ; Ievkuli mutatione bebrum, (lotbtJ. Ciel. Way. 63, fays, that " ib, or ibb,
ex fim voce corruptum ; the cajlor; R. 9•f3e•<, lignifies drinking: (but in Voe. 1 21 , this very
quod inter alia norac mo/le, Hefych. enim <i>•f3e" ibb fignifies privation, diremption) being the ra-
interprctatur ""'""'.,, T'f"' 'f"¥, xci.\o.,, irtJ1oto11 : uci dical of biho ; of tbrius ; of yvre in French 1 and :
8•f3t•" ,,,_,...,.,..,., "'3e"1•••'• u.-'f"'"'" : il. mollitit of our word bibbtr ac fccond hand .from bibo :"..;_
igitur crinium nomen ~cceperic ; nam et fibro, and yet all n1ay be Gr. as above.
et /11tr1 cft mcl/ior p/111114,pilus: Voff." tbc broer; BIBLE, " B•f3i1••» liber; a bcol:·:: the Scrip•
{o call~d from tbt Joftntfs of its fur • . Jure has been fo called froin the general word ;
BEVER li~Dt'l n,..,, /1i/1o, bi1'trt; , 10 tlrink; as if one were co · fay THE BOOK, per excd-· .
BEVERAGE f " pojlmeritlianos, vifptrtincj- lentiam. Nug."
ft<t baufl•s i11 colltgiis ac11dtmicoru111, ti jurijperi· ' BIBLIO-THECARIAN·; .Bi/3>... 9.,xo, bibliotbe--
"'""" vocant Angli otvtrs: J un."-bl'Vtrtl§t like- (ariuJ ; a librarian : R. B•f3>-..,, l.ibtr; a book ; and '
wife is tllfto"""J money, paid at 1be putting 011 a e,•., 0.,.,.., rep.l!fi1orium: R. T•&.141, P.,ono > to lay
nt111 juit of clo1bes, &c. i. c. giving the maker up, t oJlort , 10 keep.
jo111Ltbi11g l o drinlt: it alfo lignifies any lcind •f BICKERING, """"'• peflo, t4rpo; to picl!, or·
tJgrteabk 111l:t:t11r1 Jo tlrinlc: fo that the ex- ptclr. as o bird; un9e pickeer, pidur1Jo11s; unde bicker,,
preffion is evidently derived from bibere ; be- and bfrkering; to lignify tbof.t who aft always quar-
wrag1. Gr. rtl/ing, and co111endi11g: with 1bemjdvu, and. with'·
BEVY; "Ital. bt'lla, ptrdicr1111 ltr11io; forte quad otber.r.
ft. fimul bibtr.t folent; ab Ital. be'Uere; 6ibere :
Skinn."-and confequendy would chen be derived
BID bis. beads }I' 13,.,.,, juhto ; voa·· urgeo, .
BID, command impello ; to ordci:, or cqmmand; .
from the fame root wit h the above; which how- BID, invite · alfo 10.iw.:ite lo a11·tn/er1ai11- ·
ever fcems· to be bi1t a vague deriv. fince part- menJ: to pray, Ii{ entreat.
ridges eat, as well as drink tognbtr ; neither 'BID for any 1bi111;; n u9o,<L«•r P,tt~.; to bid. fbc ·
would; it be eafy to prove how a b"""Y lhould val!ie; mterrogg ; enun proprie ell facht fponfione ·
fignify fpecifically a leafe, or rather a brau anti ptttrt, vel intcr.rogare au .pro prttio oblato liuot
a half of birds, any more thar1 two brace, or a auferrt ; /idtari : to cheapen any goods; or lo offe.-
'Wbole (O'IJej: it feems rach_er ro lignify 11 company more money for . any arliclt at ail 'autlion.
of 'tJny indefinite number ; fince Sbakefpear l\ai Bl DANCE l" Sax·. Byan ; babitart : ·fi fa ti• ·
ufed it in t bac feofe. BIDE I Grrecus dfem,"fays Skinn. « tle-
BE-WRAY, " p,radert, tradire ; to /Jtwray flc:lterem a n~r». ; cef{art, mane1·t . 11101·nri :'"'-
bimfilf, tft turbat-4, ?Jtllicr.nttfque ""!fcie111i,e jli11m- . lo (ontimu, or remai11· for· airy timt : . this indeed
/i; prodert ftipfum : Juo."- confeqi1encly it bears : is the fenfe of /;ida//te, aod bid;; but n"""' is ra-
the fame deriv. with BE-TRAY: Gr. ther too di!!ant in found to given .origin to ·
BEY,. or begb : if what Cid. fays, Voc ..84, be thofe two words : Cfcl. Voe. 4S.,.n,.. tdts ·us, that
right, chai" t heB is ooJy a profthefis to the woFd ·" /Jead, or bydh ex preffi:s the, idea oC 'ba/Jita:fon :" '
ey, or law ·; which ty indifputably gives origin .'and in p. 5 2,. he fays, t hat «·bab-/;y. or hab-bcdt, .
to maius in th" fcnfo of. judge ;"-ftill the wll'OIC me'\'ns . the . appropriate• refiiltnce · of a head pro.- ·
an. is Gr. as will be- more fully fhcwn under t he · lelfor of learning :''- then, .fincc all . thefe words .
an •. MAY. Gr. .cxprefs !ivin,,~,, bti;ig, 3nd ce11tinuiJJg in .
B.EZOA R ; Be:uar; a·prttious jlor.e. ·any place for a /e11g1b of' 1im1, and 1neans of fl.1p.-
BIAS; " ?Jia.;. q. d. 'IJiatlo ; quia fo• globi !11- . pprt; and lii1tlibcotl, t here cao be no i1npropriety ·
farii viam; '"-rfum, (c:u iter dirigit': Skirtn.·•-tJ1e in deriving bidanrt, bide, abidt, abe;a't, &c. ii B1i'1;tr,.
Tu. is undoubt~dly right wiih regard t o the Jig- , BiOr, ct Bio.:.;; v:'.Elus, vita,. 'Vi~10; to iive, . or a6id1
nification of.. this wor.d ; . bu& then. he ought co i1J auy p!aa.
7· RlER,.
• .
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B I .From . G 1t? ! \t• ~nd .L" 'I' r "· • B I
BIER,. ~'t"'•· ftro .i undc f 1 j.11uJ.t1~ilt1 · ; , .impl!riJ!m, biriarcbia; Jb~ f.DaJ, or g01Jtl:Jlllltnt ef
a bier, to bear, ·or carry tbt Jea4 on. :· '/wo ; a double m4gijlracy. .
lll-FARIOUS, ~~.,, ;.;, fo.-,; bifnriiu ;' BINO, E,/,.,, illigo; to lie.; or fafta:; though,
that wbfrb lllllJ bejp~/un /WO ways. , I • ) according tO Vo{!:· it WOUid be much. better tO
. :BIG; perhaps fro1n riux,; flux't>0r, dt11jiu ,Jpif-. ~er.ive O\lr word bir.d from flt/~.. vel llr3i .. v in-
fus ; Ihick, b/oaltd, magm'jitd: vel ~ 'B~Y""h q uod tire baltto ;" to tonfine 0111 1bing with a BAND,
· Hefych. cxponit l'''l"H• ....>.•<, ''""X"'• magnus, or fillet. Gr.
era.Dus: Bay•.., quoque idem Gramm. paulu poll BINN, Kti>''°'• cgrbis ; unde deno1ninan.i• co-
exponit I''')'••• 111agn11n:; grt al, huge in fizt. . vin11s,_ mailra,. area . paiu1ria; a cupb~ard, tf4/tt,
Bl- GAMY; il•r•f'-'"• fac11nd,c,1 feu iierata: n11p-. or '4cktr ' Vcrtl:cgan fuppofes i1 to be S:ix.
ti.e ; ex Air, bis; lwite I et r"I'''• .nuplid'. H e-: Bl -NOMINi\L, '°'''• ois; et o"I'-"• nomen, ~i-
deric.- " a perfon's ha'ving been twice married : nomi11is ; one wh~ kas two r.ames. .
N ug.M-it means rather a perfon's entering a fe- BIO-GRAPHY, B••rP"~~. biograpbia; the writ-
cond·time·into the ll:ate of matriinony ; which was
a crime of {o violent a nature, that according ,to
ing pf"lives: R. l!••>. vita; life ; and
rwa; r, ..'/>.,, ftribo ; to write.

the ancient ccclefiallic la.w, c~ofe were deprived' Bi-J;'EDAL, n •., ...1,,, pes, pedis, bipu, bipe-
of the benefit of clergy, who entered into • fa- dn!is ; a11 animal b~vi11g two f u t. .
cond marriage, even after the death of the. firll: · BfRCH (" Dai'ccampius in notis Theophralli
h ufband, or wife: but by the firft of Ed ward VI. BI RJ( 5 hi!loriam uoa cum animadvcrfioni-
th~t law w~ abrogated; and ~ow thofe only _are. bus Jul.ii Scal igeri! ~ufpic~tur. bttul~"'! 9,Uafi l!alJJ:
guilty of bigamy, or rather mdecd of polygamy, l«m i bat11tndo d1c1, qu1a CJ US vrmm1bus pue~i
who confummate afaco11d, or third marriage, dur- ~<'edantur : Volt"-IJ.)ould this lie true, it is on-
ing the life of the firtl: hulband, or wife. doubtedly of Greek e.xtratl:ion ; fiocc baruo ori - •
BILE, x.i.., /ti, bi/is; tbt bilt, tboftr, anger. ginates a n..1..., Ct n..1.... "pedibus ptrtul.ert, ( 011-
BILL of (.Bt>.>.•r, pro Bi/31'•r, libtr, rultart: If. Voff."-the ufe of thj s is too well
BILL of parliame11t S libel/us, rejecta initiali known to need defcription, only in that ever mc-
fyllaba ; 4 ,wrillen, or printtd paptr: or perhaps morable line of Virgil;
from B""•• eondlium; a diploma. Ciel. Voe. 38, Infandum, o rtgina, jubu rtnov are dolorem.
fuppofcs, that "the Celt ic 'UJil!, or bill, is probably , lEn. ii.
the ctimon of the Gr. Bl<Ao : and cercainly fo of . BIRD, "rtl•et" vo!turis, apud Homerun1; undc
the Pope's bull :"-we might rather fuppofe the bird, clidendo T, \It in m.,,,., ptr11a: Cafaub."- ·
contrary. Skinner fuppofcs it to be derived from the Sax.
BILL, or battbet, U•1'· 1xur,juuris, fa/.r; an ax, b1J'b, ct bp1b'tlc; pullus avis; a bpeban; f•vtrt;
or.fieltk. · to brud, or brood 6] hattbing. ,
Bl LLET, or /itttr }from the fame root BIR1' H, Sax. bcoplS, a Il•1•e• paltr, patro,
BlLLETDEAUX with BILL•/ exchange. par/us; quali bartb, /,irtb 1 to bri11g for lb young:
BILLET .for fo1Jiers Gr. Verftegao fuppofes it to be Sax. and writes it
BILLET co/ wood, Ilvp, llupoe, pyra ; a pile; as birt, htor:h, and gt/Jirt: or tlfe froro ~1pw, fero,
"funera( pik, raiftd of wood. lo bear, O& Pring forth: hence BORN. Gr. ..
BILLIA·RDS, "'""""'• r~"-'e"' ix.,..,,.,>.,;;, ../' ..1;;;, BIS-CU!T }the 6rft of thefe orthographies
,,.,...,."I'"•• a ball, or afiy round thing to pla) with. BIS-KE'f ought to be preferred; becauii:
' BILLOW,~,. •.,, b11llio; lo boil, or bubble, lo tofs , BIS-QYET biftuit feems to be derived fron1
/ilrt the wa'VtJ ofrbe f•a. Ciel. Way. 7 r, analyfes ~•<-><•x•.,, bis· c~uo, bis-cof!llS ; 1wice-balted; fa
this word thus; . " B is a common cntativc; in ii crifp, as to appear 1wiu tlrtjfeJ in the D'lltn.
lies the power of alri111de, or idea of bright: ir is, BI-SHOP l !!,,,,.x...~r, tpiftopus, infptilo.-
in its various permu tations of '11o<oels, radical to BJ-SHOP-RIC S tultfi.e; a cbiif diz 11itar1 in.
bill ; to collis ; 10 /moll, or ken-oll. the top cf a th~ church ; an 'vtrfeer of tbe clergy: R. :!:x'"''"•
bill; t? vJ.o; io fy lva ; 10 bolt, fi&nifying a .w~od ; v ideo; to fat, or obftr0t: . our word .bifo~ fcem~
to b11ililing; to Cybtle the guardian of bu1ld1ngs to h• vc been formed by a contratl:1on both o(. .
(cy , r 1111rdia11; be/, buildi11gs) and to innumerable the beginning and ending of F.......... ..,, thus,
other words : low, or /'ow, is waler; Cu that the •· Ill!KOll· or, or in the .fame manner from the
word bi/-l'ow gives the idea of a waury mo1mtain :" Latin tpifcop11s, thus, t · PISCOP-us ; BISHOP.
but ir;v, or as the French ir ea11, is evidently -\Vith regard to the termination RIC, in the
derived ab ;.:,.,, unda, qua!i <•- Jwp, water. word biJhoJ>ric, it is only an abrcviation of r•r-
BIN -11.RCflY, '°' '• bis, bini; two ; ct Aex•• nu1n1 a lcingdom, a province,jurifditlion; and coo-

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B I From GR 'E ! K, and LAT 1 N. B L
ftquently Gr. i:hough Verflegan looks upon ric, beefm, or bezm, or bifan; from by, figni(yir.g
or ryt to be intirely Sax. Ciel. 'Vay. 15, derives bejides ; and the Dutch word Jin, fignifying fenfe;
bijbqp from b-ey's-op; the prejident of rtligion : but q. d. " ftnfu om11m111 nobilijfimo orbatus : Ray." -
in his Voe. 15, heobfcrvcs, thot" the d ivine fer- both thefe gentlemen lhould have gone a little
' vice was called mifs; whence the Romauilh farther, and traced the Lar. word fen/us, as will
adopted their word mijfa; a mijfal; it is univocal be done under rite art. SENSE. Gr.
to majs, and meffe: now, as che b and m, were BLAB, B>.t• f3•t"'• Hefycb. Hx«••>-•y•~, temera-
u.nquell:ion:ibly convertible of old, I vehemenrly ria loqua-dtas ; rajb, in(onfid11·ate talking, thnf
fufpeet that the prefident of thofe fpiritual func- difco-vers what it meant lo co11<1al. ·
tions ·was !tiled the bif-boff, or mif-boff; the bif- BLABBE R-lipt, " A"/43""" A«{3u., labium,
bop, o r bead of tht maft: which was enoug h to vcl labrum, iis enim cib11m apprebe11dim11s : Volf."
f uroilh the handle for that Celr-Hellenifm, E-.-•<· " labiq, labiqf1u omnino ut earum partium magni·
••r-•< :"-but ll:ill "this gentleman has not got rid tudinem notant ; ut fro11to, capita, &c. Skinn."-
of the Gr. for both tl<1ASS, and HOFF, are Gr. a perfon who bas large, clumfy, thick lips.
BISON, commonly written bijfoJZ; but derived BLACK, B>.zr•<, Laconibus, H efychio tefte,
from B•.-~'" bi/on, Jeri /Jovis ge11us; a fpecits of efr K•>-•r. 111ac1tla; a /pol; or ftain: hence to b/11ke
wild bull. herrings, to make them red, or Jarlr. with [mokt :
BJ-SPEL , " Sax. B13rpel, et B1rpel ; para- Cafaubon fays, black and blue is derived a lI1>.o;,
bola, pr()'IJerbium; ufed to lignify one who is known vel n ,Mo;, nign., fufcus; /Jla<k: ide.m lI1>.or, fitb-
to be Jo great a t•ogue, that he is become a pr01Jerb: 11iger, lividus; unde fcu Gallicum, feu Augli-
Ray.''- but this gentle1nan ought to have confi- cum blue tluxit: Angli interdu1n conjuogunr, ut
clered, that {pet is very probably Gr. as will be cum de fug gillaco aiunt black a11d blue:
1hewn under the art. GO-SPE L . Gr. BLADDER, "'"'• jfo, flatus, quafi blatus,
BIS-SEXTILE, EE, Jex, f extilis, bijfextilis ; bloated; vf/ica tnim f atile mjlatur, feu htj/a11do
i11ttrcala1'is quarto quoque anno dies : tbt jixlh of tumefcit :- perhaps this latter idea n1ig ht fug-
tbe ka/ends of 1\darcb, or t he twentyfourth of geR: another ecyin. viz. btaddtr, and bloated il
February, w hich was recko11td twiu t"vtry f1ur1h B>.....-• ..,, crtfco ; to increafa, or /well by inflation, or
!fear, in order to reg ulate the computation of b/owi11g up 111itb wind, or air.
time; fron1 which i11t eru1/a1ion, or inferting this BLADE of graji }.n>.z1ur, lotus; broad;
<lay twice in that year, this word took its origin, BLADE of a knife the breadth of any
and that day, and even that year, on account of BLADE of the /boulder thing: bur Cafaub.
having this inferted d ay, was called bifaexti/i;. BLADE of a fioonl is of opinion that the
BIST, ·or" bee-ift; as thfJW bi.ft, for tbow t1rte : blade of a /word rakes a di fferent origin, viz.
Vc:rft.''-but ift feerns to originate from E'I"'> " ' ' non du bi um fir, q uio ~~ blade of a /word fit ex
unde if/; e;; thou art. 0(31>.or : -0/31>.or undoubtedly fignifies the blade
BIT of a bridle}B1e1•;, villus ;foqd to be eate11, of a /word; but then it frems to re.gard the
Bl'I', or part · bitten, .or thewed; airy thing length more tha" the bt·u;dth, fl'om its rtjemb/ing
BJTE put i1110 the ·mo111h to bt (/ /pit ; bur it would not be eafy to find how
eba.mped. . Of3•>-•<, can giv.e origin co blad;, if blade i~ ap-
• BlTC•f, " s_.., Gall. hicbe quod cerv am lig- plicabk co breadth.
nificat. A nglis autem umetn fa·minin11m: Cafaub." BLA IN, 11,.,, flow ; blow, bl•wn, blai11; unde
-a female dog : or elfe it may 'be Sa.xon . Sax. bk;5en ; Belg. bley1~c ; pujl1da : vel a B>,.,..xw,
BITTEi~. "n1xe•~, by changing 'If' into!l, apud cnf co, lumefco; eft en1m, cuus quaG Gel'men,
l\.1acedones B'"f°'• pro 11'"f"• amarus, at'crbu1 ; tumor, et i1!H,uio ; a fivelling , riji11g puf/ule.
Upt." - b1·ackijh, barjh, and rough. BLAKE-hurings ; lo f molle, er dry them; fee
BITTERN, " Belg. buytour; v u Igo boftnurus BLACK. Gr. " hinc cognoroen a pud nofi ra\es
tlieitur oh immanem quem edit mugitum: Jun." - frequens B lakelock; vox ejufdem fere valo ris c uin
this c~mtnon appellation might lead us to ima- 11qbili Fairfaxio~·11111 t og11omi1u : vitietur elfo vnriatio that bittern is but a variation of B•<t-T""f": dunt:.xac dialeeti pro black: Ray."-not rhat we
\'r we tranOate the Latin name for thi~ bird bureo, are to fuppofc this ge nrleinan meaot t hat blade,
ic mufl: be ranked under the art . BU'fTAL. or Blake-lock was a tranOncion of Fairfax, b ut only
BITUl\.1EN, nn,.., n.1, ..., fi1hwl""• bitumen ; tantamount to I(.
·f 11 t cla_y, or jlimc, like piicb, 1ba1 was ufed by the BLAl\.1.E, " B>. .."'7"', p. pan: B1{31-."f"I'"",
Babylut1it111J 'injlead of limt, or mol'lar : tt was al- /,edo; to hurt, to offend : -o r by contract. fro1r1
fo ufed /tl1' oil i11 tbcir lamps. b/afpbcme, B>...~f•I'"" N ug." , ,
BIZEN D, or rather bifend; SI; inner writes ic llLAND, B>-..f, ..••<,bla11d11J, mollis; vel pot1us a
.. · H · i lJ,-x-:.111.;,

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-- ...
B L From G ll i i it, 111d LAT 1 If. B ,~
-n,_.,,.,, _planas, 'l'" impcficr Jignat11r: Voff." llel a BLATERATION, "B>.o'lo., pro llA•1•v, quod cft
4>1>.•J~,-, •/\~•.
quafi BA<>l~•• bland; 11ugari; to trifie jatlum, feu projttlum, .Ar.•.,.; B...iv..,.,: vel cum Feflo
•ilb, to fl-alter: hinc bla11du1; mild, g411tlt, &out- derivemus il 81'..f, quo1nodo proprie vocatur
uouJ: though Clel. Voe. 85, obferves,that "no- pifcis in11riliI-; qucn1admodum H efych. et e tymol.
thing was more common than-the enallage of the docent, ac Erotianus confirmar,. qui ab hoc pifce
b, and m ; inllead of mellaria, the Latins wrote B"""'""' venire put3t; et per mctaph. llOtat B-""E•
hellaria; for &animus they fometimes wrote cani- jimplicem,Jlupidu,,,, fatuum: Volf."- hillc bla1ero.
Jus ; and b/and11s contraaedly from malandu• ; when ufed to prate, lo prat1/1, lo talk. in a vague
ma!, or mt/, a M"-"""''• milis; /oft, and gentle." and wild manner : it alfo figni6es to bleat, lo bray.
BLANK, ajlo11ijbtd }Cafaub. would derive it BLAZE l" ~uw, •/\•~"• quafi B>.«{..,
B LANK, void, hullity fron1"A f3«•"'•111ulu!, BLAZING jlar 5 ftrveo ; quod ut proprie de-
BLANK, wbitt tacit11Y1tllS ; non babeo aqK.1 violt11ter erumptnte, atq11e tb,,lticnJe 11/ Krpa-
rp1id di<om; plane ut Angli, he tutts very blank:" fur; ita quoque transfcrtur ad ignem; nam iR
there is h!i>wever another d criv. viz. blank, aBJ...£, omnibus fore linguis complures loquendi modi,
facors, jupim11, perfu/f1<s, etfubit.e rei 11ovi1111t de- ob. fimilitudincm,, ab aqua transferunrur ad ignem:·
fixus, atquc expallefuns; afloaijbed, jlruck mutt . Latinis certe f1tcendi111n dici tur diffimdi 1 et Virg.
witb amaztmcnt; J11rni11g pale with fear; buome Geo. I. 47 2 . /E11sam u11Jantemdixit: Jun." to burilr
'"nothing: Milton has ufed the word blanlt in all with violence.
thefe different fenfes, bur has given us two dif- BLAZE abroad, does not originate from the orthographies,, as if he m.e ant to derive fame root with the foregoing art. but, as Lye,.
them from d ifrerent roots : for in his Puradife in his Addenda very jultly obfcrves, " efl ab
Loft, Book ix. v. 890; he fays, Iceland. blaja, buuinare:"-to which-let me add,,
- - - - - '·,_ Adam, foon· as he heard unde Belg. blaftn ; a blitjl •f wiwJ ;. 4S when tr
The fatal trefpals done by E v.e, amazed, tr11111ptt, or horn is- b/Qwn: but then we ought not:
A llooied flood, and blank. co flop here ; for neither of thofe wnrds arc the
but in Book x. v. 656, he fays , original; they both arc defcended a rr.~, fl•; fla-
- - -- - - to the bla11< moon tus, quafi b/at"s; unde blafa, blaftn; b/azt, b!aft.
1-ler office they prefcribcd - - to t he pole moon: . BL AZON ; from the foregoing· root: G r.
and in the third book, v. 48, he laments his lofs "unde Sax. bl~rc, qua: fecund ario fenfu manifefla-
of fight, and fays, tionem, feu declaralionemfignat: quidenim aliud eft·
· · from the chearful ways ot men blafan111r, quan1 fcutu1n gentilitium terminis artis.
Cur olf, and for the book ofknowkdg~ fair freciallum propriis exprimere, et indigitarc -t
Prefentcd wid1 a univerfal blank Skinn."-to explain a ttat cf arms-.
Of natu~e's works, ce>me expung'g andras'<l: BLEACH l "vela B~..f, focors, pal/idus ~vet it
:md yet in all thefe thre~ fenfcs it may orig. from BLEAK S BA•;ia.o ;, dtbi!is ; quOd ut pluri-
the fame roor, whether 1t be fro1n B/,,.~, or from m um pallo1• foleat elll: infir.mitalis indicium; wa 11,
l!1'•XP•~. dchilis. ; " quod, ur plurimum, pallor pale, .and white : Jun."-let the caulc be what-
fa!tat tjfa infirmitalis i11dicium: Jun." we likewife ever it may. .
1ay t flrfe b/anche; a bla11k, or wbite paper, u11- BLEAR-eyed: n..,, jlo ; blow11 ;. undc blaitt;
written on ; and it -.01a a bf,.,tk, a vlfid, a nullity; bleared, unde bt..1eh, blear.
all bcfpcakingji1rprize, and palenejJ, its ""'fe~uent. BLEAT, as a foap-;. "B:..•x«•O.,,, or BA•xa•,
BLANKE~·; frol}1 the fame root : lodix lanca; fcu Dor. B.\"X""• from whence the Latins have bor-
ftragula :·Fr. Gall. blmuhu :· Ita l. bianche-tta, pnnnus rowed balare: N ug.":.-nifi forte a a..,..,., ./Eol. pro
albid11l ; according to t he fecond tenfe o f rhe word Af>i,,.,, o·v rl;. ii n.:..,., balo; ro bleat as a jbup :.
BLl\.NK: Gr. though this d eriv. m igh t be more Crelitr Scaligcr, and Voffius. ·
properly appl ied to the jheet, tbttn to the blanket. BLEED, B~.uew, fian,,.io, ebullio; 10 Jpring, or
BLARE., B.\"X"» pro H>."X"" hnlare ; ro !1/eat , g11fh out.
lo bray ; to make a loud blaring 11cift. • BLE.IT , or BLA T E, "bajhfu!; "'toom p11rfa
- BLAS-PHEME, BAM<P•1"z, i. e . ll-""'"1"-~"1''» makes a bleil mercbt1n! ; an empty flffje mnkeJ a
l.edere-f''"'""' ; vel ii ~"I''• dico; to /peak ev il of jbame-fa<td me~chanl; or in othl:r.words, a poor man
·a11y 011e ; lo injure bis fame, or rcpu!ati•n. 1:iakcs but a pite~11s figt<r~. in a f 1t!J market; fortaffe
BLAST, or burf; B>.=1w, /,edQ ; to hu,.t, or · a b!.&ak, or b/anx : Ray. - b ut chen 1t would be
infefl : vel ex Ajl;...,.,,,, iJ1fa:cu11d11s, . noJJ gt rmi- Greek. ·
ta11s; net fruitful, not Jprou;ing : Caf. BLF..MISH,B>.=1t.>, /;rdc, JJoteo; to hui·t, or injure.
BLAST of wind; Belg. bltift11; blown : R. BLIGHT, Jl).aer.1.,, /,eJo, noreo ; toh11r1, or blafl~
Tir.,, jlo,jlatu.s; quafifi.y1us, b/aj/us; b{ajl. or clfe from ll1'>1o>, "'"'<1f1'•x1o£, jiJtralUJ; j}or-
1 jlr:icli :

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B L From Ga E:tli, and LAT!if. · JI CJ
)rue.•·: ·cafaub.-the root theri · is ID.~.-~"• pt r- '!Julnertlrt: Cafaub. "=though \\'e might rather pre-
~u/io; to jlriJ:t, or btot. fer " JlN.,, (3:1.,141, l'.>.•~•ir, B>.•14~ ifl1u, plaga; a
BLIND, B>. ..••<. Hd'ych. exponit T"f"""'"'• Np- jlroJ:t, or jlripe: Upt." vcl ii II>>....,, II>""'• pro
pus, c.eeus i dim·.fighJtd, or wid offight: Cafaub. e .>....., 0 11...
derives it from. the following art. BLOW as the wind: n..,, flo, flare i Jo gi"Je d:
BLl·NK~eyed i Ap.{3>."""'• ad.ivil fignificatlone blajl: t1111do; to btat, or J:nocA: "Violently. Gra:cis notum elt hebttare, facere BLU E, "n,>..,, "el II•>.>.•,, fubniger, lividus:
ut aliquis c..,cutiat; to h•od-winA:, to blindfold. Cafaub.." bordering 011 blade; and we fomctimes
BLISS, "'H>.•E, ii>.'"'"'• quod gcneratim .etaum fay, black and blue: Skinn. under the art. blew,
notat; llridc autem ponitur pro .rtalt jlorente: (as he fpells it) fuppofes it to be derived front
qui ratione ftlix, ct f tlicitas, proprie fit, qui jlavus ;-but Voffius tells us, thac.ft<sv11s color tj1,
vtget.e tfl .rtalis, corpore animoquc valenI: juvat ljUi tfl in fpieis maturis ; and we often. hear then~
opioioncm, qu~ Phrynico, Polluce tctle, called the y ttlcw ears ef "'rn; which far
juv milis .rlatis fll!fllina, ..,..,,.~•c·vocatur; quodque enough from being blue·: there is however an
B~•E dicatur E~•l3•t : trit autem ab 'Hi...£, ft/ix; cxprcffion in our Jang. which Skinn. by the affif'-
fpiriru in F' converfo: VoJf." or clfe blifs may be ranee of his friend .Th. llcn.lbaw, will help m
derived a A.•1•'• quafi B>...11", incq/•miI; et 14'1a· 10 explain, viz. as blat as a razour; i. c. inquit,
>.1,,.11 •.,,, hilaro, J,,,1111: Voff." merry, a11d joyful. blew as az11rt; or in other words, -blue a1 ·az•re,
BLIS'fER, .BA.....,., crtfcq, tumefcq ; elt enim : which is itfclf a bright blue fay-eckur.
~u.tiI quaji germen, IUmcr, ll inffatic; a fwtlli11g, . BLUNDE R, mijlake; JI.\~, ll'""'•i, ftupidu;,
rifing pujlule. Jatuus: Skinner fupp.ofes "blunder com::s the
BLIT E-IE, AA•1•<, qua.Ii B>.ou1•r, ldttus, bilaris 1 Belg. 'Ceut. and Sax. wj)rds, derived fro1n bla-
joyful; and merry: Verllegan fuppofes it Saxon. tero :" but that word, as far as it can be t-rac.ed,
• BLOCK " Sax. Be/u((alt; claltliere : fignities only thi~luitfs of fpeech i which is a defett
• BLOCKADE Skinn." - coofequently ap- in nature, not a blunder, or miflake of Jk perfcn;
• BLOCK-bend pears to come from the faine beudcs, a "'"" may commit a tboufand bl1111derJ a
• BLOCK-koufa root with LOCK. Gr. : or 1bo1ifa11d difftrtnt ways, witho111 JPeaking a word.
• BLOCK-up clfe it muft be referred to BLUNDER-BUS, or larger gun; this word is
the Sax. .A:lph. half Greek, half Saxon: the former part is de-
BLOOD. Verfte$an fuppofes it Saxon ; but rived i\ T ••.,, 10110, tonitru; undc Belg. doildor;
it is undoubtedly derived ii B1'v?.,, ftaturio, ebullio ; thunder; blunder; and t he latter part b•s, or ra•
to jpriltg, or g11Jh out: with regard to the fecond ther buyft, is Sax. : pro fifl11/a tanalis ; l«DUI·
word, "idem lignificar," fays Skinn. "quod blatlt tonans ; the 1hu11derinz-tube; n1caning the {orger
puddiflgs; q. d. farti111i11t1 fong;t1i11e11c, ad"!ifla arvina :" kind of fireweIt.
- - fat black puddings, proper food BLUNT, A!.f3>.v;, A143>.u'"'• oblrmdo, obt11fus;
For warriours that delight in blood. obtufe, bruifad.
. Hue!. p; I. canto [. 315. BLU R, A • .,, !truo, abluere; lo wr.jh awiiy, ~11/h-
Upton has denved our word blood from Be'lo;, 0111,- blot 0111.
<r11ar; i!f'1•"'' cr11t11tus; /;/qody; by changing f BLURT, B;.«flve"" Hefy_ch. """'•""r...z, tune-
.into I; and T into d. raria loquacita1; rajh, in:onjiderou jpMld.,,g ; I•
BLOOM, 11>1..E, 'luafi Ill.•£, jlos, jlamma; et blab out afur~/ un11ivarcs.
j/4s, a flower., quia em'ic.'lt ut jlamma: a hud or BLlJSH, " B>.,g.,, f<nturio; quia propter pu-
/;/4.lfom, which generally at jirfl appears red, and dorem, feu vcrecundiam fa~guis in facicm, infiar
1to-JJing, like fire. fontis falientis, fe'1turi1 : Sk.inn." becaufe through
BLOSSOM, 11>>.oE, jlos; quafi fl•ffem, blo.Jfam : modefty or lhan1cfoccdnefs the blood 11::>.rts, like
tho' Cafaub. and Upt. derive it rather fr.01n a fountain, into the face.
BN>n!,...., germen, quoJ gerrninando prod;;1 : R. Bi.UST ER, Bi...-"e•r, lor'!Jus, tr11culn1t111; fierre<"".,, BNcr"""'• to blo.Jfam, to blow: A{31'..r·• ;, 11011 and terrible in afptfl.
germinatuI; b!afted, blighted: Skinne·r has derived BOAK; .B"''"'• Bo'"""• a Bo;\•, Bo...,, do11fo, voe~;
iloom, a11d b!ejffllll, ii Bi.v?w, featurio, ; - unde Jl.,E, vox ; the v•ie~; meaning, a11y ioud noift
but thefe are two different ideas; we ought ra- in the throat.
ther to deri•-e our word blo.Jfam, a B>.'"""" trefec, BOAR, K*"'e•;, aper 1 a boar, or briur.n ; "
tumefio ; to grli".c, fwell, or florijh. large lxig, tame, QI' wild: vel ab A~I"• aper,
BLO·T , JI-""?'''• l..;aconibus, Hefychio tetlc, etl [puma; quoniam apris irriiatis
K•>.11, macula ; a fp ol, or flain . Fervida, """ raucq lalcsj/ridcrt per armo.<,
BLOW, or flrokr; "Ba/.>.w, BaJ.>,Hr,jaur1,ferir1, Spuma jlrtit. . Ov. Metarn. Ylll. ~8~"
H 2 B9.AIU)

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B 0 From G ll ! ! It, and LAT r 11. B O
BOARD l If what Jun. favs be right, BOIL, or bubble;"' 4>1..o•:, bu/Lio ; to bublile ." R.
BOARDING:fchool S that boMd, offer, t abula '2>1>1w , abundo : others derive it from vo/'IJo ; which
fel1ilis is lormed only by a tranfpofition literre R, may co1ne from £ , ;..,, v trjo ; by changing the
fron1 lwoad, latus; the dcriv. would bcevidenrly Gr. roug:h breathing into •..1 confooant ;. as is ufually
BOAST, s•.,,,, damo, uncle Bwre"" c!amort dico ; prafrifed: Nug."
lo brag, or magnifj a/011d. Clcl. Way. 47, fays, BOIL, or fore; " BoA•, buJ/a; quia iizflnn b111!~
that " 01 for pr11ift, was retained in Latin, in protubtrat : vel quia fit ex ebullitio1u, fou tffer-
t he p ure!l: a~cs of Latinicy: Pcrlius employs it vefcentiii Jar.guini.s: Skino."-but according t<>
.~n that fenlc; os poptt!i nuruijfe: the French, in this la teer fuppolition, it would. originate either-
the old language, by prefixing the I, or le, matle fro in f>"""'• or E1>.w1 as in the foregoing arc. we
l'os, praift; and /au~ is for111ed on the fan1e prin- might therefore rather prefer B•'-•· ·
ciple: os likewifc is radi cal to our word /;oaft."- BOISTE.ROUS, " a~"t'"'" cl.111Jo, a1iq11e111 vo-
let the fenfe of any word be whatever it may, the &ijerando, et manibus palpando, qu,rro : Cafaub." -
derivation is all that we are concerned for; and this does not exacUy anfweroui idea o f t he· word;
Voll: t ells us, that os, oris, originates ab o.-...,, boijferous, which indeed he bas properly. eiti:lained;
~o>:; voice, /amt, p1·aifa. de 111m11/111ant?, ti inconditum damantr :-it fecms.
BOAT, K1{3~1•r, area, cijla; an ark, or cbt}f; rather to be a different dialect of BA•,.•eot, boif-
{o called from ils jhape : the peifon wbo bas the ttrou.s, and blujltrittg:.
cart of the boat is the boat-fwain. BOK'E at any 0111 l • • tD point at' any 011t· ; i . <-
BOB, o r fob off; 'll••(3•t , purw, impollutMI; pre- to PO.KE al any one.~ Ray:• or l.hr11.ft o"I. the fin-
ttndi11g to the truth ; lo put o•e off wilb a fib: or ger at a1>7 one :-confequently Gr.
df~ it may be derived from IT«ft<{J•l>.•, fabula; a BOLD, ••. n"f..{.l<>:>V.•I'~•, periditor; p1·,ecipiti;..
fib, n mere flory, a fit1itio1u tale. pr.ojelliique audaciiJ. d!fcrimen adeo : D«e..f3•'-"· au-.
BOB-tail; " Bw(3oc-9,.vl>.r«, cani.s couda dctur- Jax, tt1t1erarius .t Il«f"'/30>."~ 'f''Y"'"' auda:< Joci1111s::
ta/UJ; ex Bc.43,r, 1r1'fGr, mancus, m.11,tilus ; ct 9::c11>.i~> hinc J\.ngli contraetc,. bold; brave: Cafaub.'h
~e~, )(.ff>c~). cauda: Jun.'' a jhor/:..JaileJ tur ; a BOLSTER, " A•?'"'" pro quo lEol. l'.>>.71F.-.
dog wbefe tail bas bun cul. p11lpi111m: If. Vofi':"- but what connexion .eitber-
BOBBIN, "Bo,.(3u£, 1Jtrmis; a filk-worm: Fr. A•')lH<v. o.r pulpitutJJ., can hav.e with p u.lviliar, or
Gall. /;o/;i11e, calamus rotd! nttilis, g/()11111.s aurei, bo/jftr, would not be fo eafy to d ifcovt'r :-ic:
vel jerid fili; a Bo,.(3u£, l11nn.byx ; q. d. bombycina : n1ight be more natural, as Skinner thinks, '·' to d e-
Skion." a quill, or reed, on. tuhich is wound a bot- rive it from tl\e Sax.bolr-rer; T'eu r..polfler·; cer;,,
t'm •f fill<, or )'arn. 'llical, c;1/(it-a : nefcio an ii Belg. polttwe.,, pulwt;
. BOGAS; " wee now wryte it /;oughts. of tree~: jler c!l: enim tancum """f"'Y"''l'•• feu productio vo-
Verll." who fuppofes it to be Sax. buc BOUGH, cabuli: polt1we autem et pulwe fatis manifelta. a
is Gr. . Lac. p11l11ina1· : "- fuch· an ackno,.Jedge1nenc is..
BOGGLE- BOE, '" dici potdl, quali n•.,,,.,, indeed ingenuous enough ;. bu~ then he .fhould
bucUflis, bubu.lcus.; and Bo_, c/amo, boao; i. e., no~ have !l:opt there;. he· ought to have traced ic·
bos-boans: Skinn." though he has given neither with Ger. Volf. thus i pulvinar quafi plumi1111r; cc
of the Gr. word s: " Belg. auccm, continues he, pul'?linus qµa f1 plumima, a plumis, quibus farci-
/1111!-ma11, ii Im/le, bolle, (a11t"t1s; et man: q. d. tUr. Clel. Way. 72, would derive« bolfler, from.
monjlrum ex tau1·0 , ti bomi11e compo/itum,. Taue- poll-J]egbtr, or poll.-jlaytr ;. that is .bu1d-Jupporler,
a:-!<O~"'~"f : ~oce fonori et cerril)ili, qua nu trices, or bead-propper :"-but poll, or pole of !pt head~
ut et fabulis de monflris invafuris et devoraturis is evidently Gr. and jlegher, or ft.ayer, is as evi-
infanc~s ter<itanc ::'-Jpeilru, demons, goblins, and dently Gr. likewife.
fuch like geer, with. which nurfes frighten young . BOL1·,. or arrl1Wl" B•"•t, jn.culum; a dart:
cb1ldren ; and niany people ai:e terrified with : BOLT,. or bM 5 proverb, a fool's bolJ·isjoon
them from the cradle to the grave; for the fright- foot : hence tbe-bolrof a door,. from its likenefa:
ful !l:ories of jpirils a11d wilebes, which are learnt or bolt 1nay come from B..>.>.w,jacio ;.lo ·hurl, "ijl,,
in the nurfery, n1ake fuch an irnpreffion oo their or thrrP..v. ; E... i(3>.,;; obex~ ptj/11/us; ab E..,13«.M~,
1ninds, that they have been unable to lhake adjfrio: U pt."-though when. it fignifies a bar, .
them off, even to the late!l: hour of their lives; ic might more properly be dcriv.ed ab E/'(3•""'• or
though they certainly are nothing more chan E/'(3•1>.,., paxillus, o/Jex; a po.ft, or ba""
the phantoms of imagination, and the fantaftic BOLT-down bacon l A.-t>.>.w, pello; quafr bello• .
creation of deluded fancy;, and what proves them BO L"l~ out S artto ; to driv( or thruft:
10 be fo is, that we hav.e none of thofe gentry down: alfo to force out.
llO'jl' a days ; except in. poetry. · BOLTINGrmill.• Skinner has derived this..

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B 0 From GA ! ·I it, and LAT 1 ir. '. B 0
word " l Belg. 1'#J·ddm; . Teut. b1uule11 ; hoc Fc ..s"Mv9os, quafi B»•~,Mu~cs, has been per-
11ute1n beutd prinrariu maifupi11m .no/at; et nullus verted by the F rench into b•11-11w1; and then.
dubico quin onum fie a '11idu!is :" aad there he to add to the abfurdicy, they mull pronounce it
has llopt ; for which we are noc obliged to him; /Jqng-1110; and confequcntly bon-111Jt is not French,
if he could not have gone any farther, it were orig!nally; buc tbey the1nfelves borrowed it
pardonable ; if h,e could, and would not, it were from the G,reeks, tq lignify a good faying, a
inexcufable : " '11id1t/141, as well as 111arf11piu1n, ket11 e.rpreflio11. .
lignifies a purje : Marcinio placet fie dici, quia BONE; " B•a•~, vellioi incrdo; ac prin1a fua·
crebro vidtatur : vel a via, et do; five ab anciquo figni6<;atione denotaverit &rtu ; licet potl:ea pro
duo ; quia ia vidulo recondalur perunia, 'i""'
ob .effa frequenter fit ufurpatum, propter illam crurum
viam dat11r ptregri11aturi1 : "- chis deriv. weak as compagem totam fere effaam; et quia o/}ium vir-
it is, is better chan making no. atcenipc ac all :- tute ~ft TOg.,.,,;-,: Lyc."-to go, to walk; becaufe
however it is 1nore natural to fuppofe with IC. it is. by means of the bo11e;, thofe tlrong and firm
Volf. that vidulus is defcended fron1 1'761>.<r, which fupporcers of the body, that we are cnabkd to walk.
Hefych. explains by J).1~~'e"• pellis, exuvium : BONNET, "malle1n deduccrc a Belg. bond;
El•'-"" l191i.•, jac&us coriau111; a /eatb1r-bag ; and Fr. Gall. bande; ec term. dimin. q·. d . bDlldtt, ve~.
in this pl&ee ufed to fignify a11y faci, or bag, made bandet, i. e. fafciola; d proptcr euphoniam elifo ::
Df any fubjla11u, tbat will admit fi11e flour to be Skinn."-bt/c the Dr. ougltt tu have traced· 60111f,.
fifud tbro' it. or bandage, up to the Gr.
BOLUS, n..>.ot, boluJ, gleua; a tlod, or lim1p. . BONNY, F•>:e»; gaotf, prttl)', dim-m-
BOMB }B•,'43"• bomb111; jlrtpitus qui- i11g, fi11t .
BO l'v1 BAST '1Jis ; airy loud 11oife ; alfo a BOO-BY, or BOU-BY; or rather BOU-BAI;.
BOMBLE -bte 'Vr.i11, empty boa;1er. " B~"''""' a great boy: R . n, putr; " boy; b)l·
BOMBYZINE, Bo/£(3•£, vermis ; a Jilk-worm. changing " into (3. B• is a particle expreffing-
BOMKIN; B~I'"• rrabs; a beam ; lignum; rolo- grea111efs; perhaps from B•r, hos ;, a bull: '1...,..;,;.
11111 il!fubidus,. et i1upt"1; ftult1u- autetn erinm Lati- tquus, a boije,, is ufed in the fame .fenfe; thus.
nis, jlipes, ct lig1114111 dicitur; a country b!ockhlad: · ·1.,..rQy.11c.:f'"""k, q1ti n1agno efl a»imo;.. mag11ani111bUJ •·
" Belg. boo111/1<.,,, arbujcula ; illis enim /u,,, et and thus we fay, a borfa-plum; i . e . a larg_e plum:·
nobis kin, minuit : Skinn.''-b)' the Dr's. having Upt.''- to which let me add, hoife-radijb, 1. e.
left out tho Gr. word lh>J:"'• it plainly !hews, that 1be jlrang-root; a· borft- laugb, i. e, a /011d-laugb;.
he underllood every thing relating to this word, or nearer llill. to. the art. Booby ; hu/1-ruflus, for ·
except its dcrivat_ion. Butler has very happily !a1;-se r1tjbeS>. ,
perpetuated this word in our language ; BOOK ; " Sax. ooc; T eut. buch ; Belg. bouk ;:
Bur now we talk of niountiog lleed, liber: omnia forte a Sax·, bocce; Teuc. /Juch-baum;
Before we farther do proceed,. Bdg.· beucbe-hoom i ' fagus; qui a fc. olim faginis
I c doth behoov.e us to fay fomcthing corlicibu~ f<:ribebatur · apud vett. Germanos, ut·
Of that which bore our "ali:mt bumkin: apud Gra:cos tiluiceis ; Skinn."-what fupinenels
, part I. canto I. v. 419. does ~he D t. !hew towards the Greek language !'
BON-fire : being derived from bonus; and fire; . an)! perfon .would fuppofe that he could have gone·
we !hall fee that both thofc words are Greek; and no farther than thefe Northern tongues ; but he·
here vfcd to fignify a large fire,. madt on rejoi'- himfdf has gone farther, e ven in this arc. than.
ing 11igbt1. whac perhaps he at firll either deligned, or was·
· BON-m&t; any F ·renclunan,. or F~encl1ilied aware of: he acknowledges here, that all thefe
Englifhmao, would naturally attribute chis ex- ,Northern words .lignify fag111,. et fagi11i.s ,corticf-
preffion to the French, and tell us, that the bus; rbe betcb, and the beechen-barf,. or !eaves.:
.French is the original language from whence i.t now under the art. beech, he has acknowledged,.
was ta~o :- chis we might read ily granc, if the that bece, boc, bog, bt11ckt, and buck, arc all de-
French the otiginal language,. in whic.h bon rived, and contraaed from <l>•r•~. Dor. <!>"'>'"•·
.mot was firll of all formed ; but fo. far is .this fagus,; tbe heecb·trte.; but lince he has not traced.
from bei11g true~ that /Jon, mot is purely Greek, the word book, let me do ir thus; 4-..,Y."• fog-111,.
and not Fre,nch :. for if b1111 originates from bo1111s, quali bag-u1, unde Dam bog, boc, bece, bt11cke ; book•.
bonus origi11ates ab> lEo.1. "••or, quod. ab iouf. . BOOK-jla'llt ;. " boc-:fta11e, or bouk-jlaf; a eba--
Ovr., live ab o ...., veL O"'ff'• hoc di: ju'Vo; pro- ratJer,.or la/er for a book : Vcrll."-perhaps he
j11m, 1ttilita/em adfero ; according to. Volf. and · meant a/ a. bcok; but, even the n he was 1nill'1k<n;.
if mot is vifibly derived a 11-!uS..r , farmo, 'Verbum; a for jla'lle is rather· a Je11te11u, or portiol' ;. as whi:a.
fonte11c~, pro'11:i:b '· or ext,reJlio11 i. then it is, evident. · we fav, tojiHg ajlave. Gr~
' BO.ON.

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B 0 From G ll t iit, and LATIN. B 0 .

BOON (Dmpm1io11 ; F,.or, bo1111s; good, lcindnejs, rapin, and jpoil: for this reafon, the dcrl ... of'
IJ£11efit, or obligatio11. ' Jun. has not been adopted ; viz. "a Sax. bot:, bote;
BOON, or Javor; from the fame root: Gr. compe11Jationis grotii1, falisjaflio, t111endatio; quild
Ciel. Voe. 8 5, tells us, that " ·mun11s, bonus, and hcjtilis agri depqn,latio pri111i1us- non ab ali1ul ujur-
btue, ore derived from the Celtic •»Ord boon :" - pata fiierit, quiim ad re(ar'ciendum. dam.11um ab bof-
but boon is undoubtedly Gr. ~s above. tibus i/lat11m :"-but fincc this depop1'1atio mull:
BOOR; " n"'"'~e ..,, habitare, incol<re, agricc/11; naturally carry v ioleNct w ith it, we may ftill pre-
Belg. beer; Sax. byan ; Teut. bower; and Be-lg. fe r the Gr. derivation. ,
bot1jch ; rujlicus, llf;Tej/is: Skinn." -with regard BO-PEEP; .c afaub. derives the word peep
to the Northern deriv. let us not difpute with from o,..,,..,•.,, which is the fame as Or.1r.1••w, and
him ; but we may very much doubt the inter- takes 0 ..1',""' for its root: o.....,.1"f• vfjor, Jpecu-
pret. he has <>ivcn in this place to ""'"'~"'' : ond lat~r : Hefychius explains it by 1rre•f3?.1...,, ...•e•-
therefore it feems niore probable that our word ~"""" cirrumfpicio: all this explains only the lat-
boor is d:riv~d from Ila•e•:, P_aue1u; not i11 n:an- ter part of chis compound ; as to the (ormer, it
ber, but 111 c1rcu111fta11us, or ·al-ilitia; pauper; poor, Cee1ns to originate from B•"'"• clamo; t o call aloud,
IO'W, 11u!r;ar; and confequently rudt, and clow11ijb. and yet pup about at theJame limt.
. BOOSE ; " Sax. bofih; an o>·, or cow-fto!l: BORAX ; bora.~; Cbryjorolla JaBitia; a che~
Ray."-it fecms rather to be derived, either from ,,.;cal prepartrtion.
Bit;, ko1; an ox, or row;- or ~lfe frorn lloa-xw, pajttJ; BORD ajhip ; commonly wrirten board; as if
lo fttd; 11ua11ing the jfaU, or plau, where tbry it n11•ant to go on board; but to bard a jhip, and to
w~rt Jed or fnttentd. go on board, are two different ideas, and originate
BOOT, or profit; " a..e,,,,, it boottth nothing ; from two different languages: to g~ on board,
Ovl•• f3•nSto , nibil jflvat: Upt."-what tuill yo11 fimply, fignifies afunding her jides, and g(lti11g on
g ivt 1;1e to boot, in adva1rta~~e. her deck; bur when we fpeak of bord!ng a jhip,
BOOT to toear; " s·ax. lfbut:an, circum ; we generally mean, t wo jhips of war r111111i11j fa
11bo111; quia tibi as ambiunt: Skin n."-but fo do doft t ogtther, tbrll tbeir jidu touch eotb other;
the j/odi:ings : " vel potius ii Fr. Gall. boua11; faf- •nd then in that very n, while they are thus
cis; a b1111dk, or wh!fp of bay ; quia rudioribus along fide of each otbtr, tbt crews jump on b1arJ
ill is freculis, ut etiamnum ruftici fa(cibus tlrami- their advtrjiJYies' jhip: in this fcnfe Skinner would
nis contortis, et tibiis obdutlis, pro ocreiJ ute- derive it, ii " Ru. Dan. /;ord; lat11s; the fide;
bantur : Skinn."-but boleou is no more t han Fr. Gall. Bdg. and 1'eut. bord; 111nrgo, or11;
what we call a bollle, or bu1Jd/e of hay : confe- Ital. abbordare, oppropinquart, ttppel!t:rt ; na11t•
.quently Gr. eo11/.-e11dcr1; dum enim navis un,l, vd po1ius ejus
BOOTE-I: " Belg. boede, /;ode ; dom1111r11/a, co/a: vellore~. aHt niilites aliam n>ve1n infcendunt, et
vel a Dan. l·ood; rabtrno : illud forrntre aBelg. cominus oppugnanr, unius 1u1'iJis La/Ni altcrius
.bouwe11; .cdifican; hoc ii Sax. b1\:ian; 111a11ere; Lattri quam pro>·ime applica111;".:....then 'f" • limes,
vel byan, h.1bitare ; a te111, tabernacle, or a11y ltm- qua(i borda, feems to be the origin of bard;
porory jlru[/11re: Skinn."-thus would the Dr. 1neaniog the jides, or borders •f the ;hips; as we
run through :ill t he Northern . tongues, if there lhall fee in the next art.
were a rhoufand more, rather than look •t the BORDE~ of a gorme1JI; Kf...... ;: 1Nugent.
Greek \\'Ord ~Q,.,.~), do!NllJ j a ~!fA~ vel Awp.~w, tx- BORDE R or limit; Oe"• ttr·mi11us: 5 "1he B
.ftruo, .cdifico; lo build; from whence are derived comes fr9m 1he Eolic Diagamma, which fupplied
likewife ABODE, and ABIDE, Gr. the plac¢ of a brro1hi11g."-rhe Dr. indeed is right
BOOTY, " B12.,, B•"?"'• qu afi biaty, booty; wirh regard to the fign ification of Ke•~cor, that i,t
'Ui111 r.ffero, pr,rda; fpoil, plttndtr ; any rbing 1u- fignifies the border cf tt garment; but no etymol.
qu~red by ..rapi11, an.d viole11ce:. Martin!us, a~d can deduce border from Kf'""' : it frems rathe·r
J\11nthew : -but Skinner has r(3eded this dcrsv. . probable rhat the bgrdtr of a garment originates ·
wirh fo 1nuch difdain; quod tao:um abell, ut either fron1 X•'f"• ora ; th< Jhoar, or cutmo;1 vergt
pro etymo proponam, ut vix pro allufione ad- of rhr l1r11d, 'Or coajl : or, as the Dr. in his ocx>t
mifc:.rini :- he then proceeds to his favou~ite arr. mentions border, or limit, and derives it pro-
Belg. and T~ut. deriv. none of which bid fairer perly from Of"• 1.trmi11us, limu ; but gives us no
, th•ll the Gr. above mentioned; particularly fince -reafon for it ; 1he rcafon however feems ro be,
he bas pronounced his, quod longc probabil ius ber aufe all lands, wbieh are contiguous, and
dt, a·Belg. boetc; lucrum; Teut. ba11e11; pro- bord,r 011 each other, muj/ lay in contall, olfd tbtir
de.ffe; which' 1nay be applicable to all profit, ac- jides or bordtrJ aJ it were to11chi11g tocb other; li~e
'JUirtd by bontft /ab~r ;' and is far .e nough from the two fuips in the former art ..:-1 can however

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From Gi.. i11t, and LA T I N. B· 0
by no mtans aff'ent to the D r's. fuppo!ition, that bov1s lr1Z11jitt1J ; tbt flr11its of CM1Jl.a11ti11opl1 a11d
our B com~ from the Eolic tliag- (as he '!n- Maotis; the former fo called, as being lk p11Jfog1
fortunatcly writes it) which be affirms fupplicd ef Jupittr i11 the fa.111 •f" hull. Ciel. Voc. 72,
the pl~ of a brtatbiwg ; for the ./Eolic diga-a very judiciouOy fuppofcs " h1fpbor1t1 to be de-
docs not anfwcr fo properly to our B, as our F; rived from hif-mor, quali /,ifpor ; the t.wo-ft.i 1
bur was one of their own letters, prefixed to a unde b•f-Pb•r, or por :"-but even then it would
vowel which appears evidently from tl1e very be Gr.
fuapc 'of the latter, being two r placed on each BOSS •f a fhie!J ; <%>""'"• \l>ur...,, pu/11, pvfvla ; "
other, d1us, F; and looks fo very much like _our IiIlle favellin~, or rijing.
J301' ANY, a.1... ., btrba, gr11men; ptritia l•er-
F 1 but was nearer to our V in power: fee
BR IDLE. Gr. barum; tbt art •f culling, and •f c11l1ivPting herbs
BORE-tbrougb 1 n,.e.., foro, f•rabi!is s lrn1tf- a11d jimplu: R. s....,., ll•1•e• Bo1•••·
•Ji~o: binc fioeor, lraw jitus; to flnb, peiru throM,~b, BOTCI1, or patch; n..7.,.,•., pittaci11m ; cwth, .
10 penttralt: or perhaps we rnay derive /Jore from &c. laid on /ilu a plaijhr.
eve... fori1, foro ; to mait a Jgor, opt11i'!t.• or pt1Jfagt. BOTCH, or pimple; from 1he fame ·root wi1h
ta pall rcnfe, and part1c1ple of the
verb BEAR; and confcquently de-
tbt bafs of a Jhitld. Gr.
BOTH ; A,"f*, a•-bfl; both 1 t11cb of t/N tuJo.
BORNE rived from the fan\e root. Gr. BOT-OLPH l " afmucb to fay as bott-11/pb, or.
BOREAS, " in vcrfe for the iVortbwi11d; B-t••f, BOT-ULPH S btlp-10-boot 1 btlptr to f111isfac-
• •• 'T; a.~,. ... ; ••. quad fJ!nt11s fit fo-nwus, ct tio11 1 o rt1tdut011T: Ver!i. "-but both BOOT, and :
tJioht• s; bl•Jltri11g, ro11ri11g: Nug. and Voff." . HEL P, arc Gr.
BOROUGH for r•bbiu, is very probably de- BOTTLE of g"1ft ; " 'B11ir; Cuju ex glofl". "
rived from " BURY, vel birighe; to hyJ ;" ac- '"P• or vtffil to bu/J wint: Nug."- pcrhaps the
cording to Vcrft. " which," fays he, " may aJCo Dr. would not vouGh for this · ctym.: it fcem~ ·
app~r by our calling tht placu for rabits lo hy~t, more probabk to derive bolllt from the fame root
•rrti fhrowJ tb1111f th"s i11, rabit-btries, or rabll· with putitli11g; not that we· are to fuppofc th•t
/lurin or burrowes :"- there feems to be fomc pro- the 11t1tients,madc-p11Ja'i11g1 in bottles ; but bccaufe
bability in 1his deriv. ~nd yet. it is poffibl~ it n:iay bull/ts at firlt were vd[tls.· of lcAther, .or wood ; ,
originate l'roin another idea; viz. from tbtrr b•l'mg, and intended to befilkd ; therefore 1nay be na-
or fcropl11g bol1J;,, 1b1 tar~:. however in bo1h·cafcs 111raHy derived 11 Jl,;.,, vel e.,.,, f Prtio, oppl<o;
they will be of Qreck ongrn ; as may be feen un- unde B"",'"1'• quafi But,...., o/Jl11r11..unt11•; .uncle Bue...
der the arr. BORE, or BURY. Gr. >..., vel Bu1"A.., ktaw ; a bottle, or bag; :L<
fcrip, pouch, or poke. ·
BOR- RAGE. " Lat. Barb. b•rrag1 fcripn1m
~ft pro <ffrt1go; fie dicta," ut Macrhiolus iMuit,
BOTTLE of hPy; " Fr. Galt. hottali ; /11/ficu-
q uia cordis alfc8ibus opirolatu~: Sk~nn;"-quali lus ; " buwtl!t, or· whifp of bay, ?T Jrftll: ncfcio .
an corruptum a Belg. bondt/: : Sk1nn ."-but 'bt1n-
<or-rrgo; and conf~uendy derived a K"'f• <Gr;
dlt is evidently derived from BIND, BOUND,,
ct AfX"• by t ranfpofirion bx•r, r1go ; to govtr11,
.,,,ft, or Jirtll the ajfrfliom of tbt /:tart; quam BUNDLE- Gr:
hodie bugloffem vocanc. BOTTOM of tbrtad; from the foregoing root; .
bccaufe wound up like a BUN OLE. Gr.
BOSCA-BELL; s •.,..., pnfro, paftuum; p11J-
BOTTOM of a well; B•fe•r,;fO'IJta; f<roSs; a ·
t•re; alfo a wood, or gro-Jt ; and l'•>of, borrus, bt-
1'Ns, btll11s 1 bra11tiful, pltafa11t1 an ever 1ncmurablc
ditch: vel a B~"• faJ1d11111, pr•f11ndu111 ; any · Jup·•
pla'c t: vel a rru&~... o•r..fundlillt; a pit.
gr«v.• in the Well: of Engla~d" famous for con-
BOU-GAR, B•'l'"''r; jatlator, m11,~11iloc11tor ; .
rainrnrr the Re" •al Oak, "' wbuh Cbarlu the Suond
hid hi111falf.
, ' R. B•• 'I/aide ; et r"""'• glorior ; • ·grtat boajltr ;
.a 'l!a;11 ta//u r.
llOSCAGE; fro1n the fame root; with only BOUGE-•111'; '"f,.. Gall. bo•gt; h•fra; q. d . .
t:hc tcrmina1ion ogt; as in pa,fluragt, vic11rogt, i11/lar b11!g.e pfe1t4) txtrmufttrt: bougt AUte1n a.,
b trmitngt, &c. hulga ortun1 ctre,,.ncmo adeo •r•nr elt, uc du bi• ·
BOSOM, 11"""'• rr...,..,, uffert /1:tio, pa11fa, pau· tet : Skinn."-and his own words nlight be jultly ·
fa ; undc perhaps rtpofe; from hence the Sa~. retorted on him, rhus, .bulf;a aurem a B•A,-.r, pro •
" born' · Belg. bot/trt1; Teut. bufim; Jj,11u: qu1a M•Ay<r (quod H cfchio tc!le eft n...~ ..r ••r. fat{IJ$ .
i• finu. i;/anlts nira111ur : Jun. and Skion."- 10 c.rinrtMs) ortum ctre, nemo adco .,.....,; cit-, (ex•
IPJ 011 tht b•fart1, or /pp. ccpt Dr. Skinn.) ut dubitcr.
BOS· POR US, commonly written and pro- BOUGH of a trtt; " Sax: b<>o, .bo63, b•b; ,
110unccd /Jofpboriu ; but derived from lloor ,,..,,r, rPt11us 4,.,.; : ncfcio an, flt diau. ajit11wiliJ111e ;.·
' ' r •
JC• .

Diqllized by Loogle
B 0 From G 1t r. ti:., and L A T 1 M. B 0
fc. rtfpttlu caudici1, ft11 trunci: Skinn."-he then ftows out of his abu11da11'ct, in a bou11tiful, tapio11~
refe~ us to BOW ; and u nder chat arc. cells us, manner : though perhaps the former dcriv. may
Cafaub. deRecric a B1or, arctts : fo that it ·is cvi- · be preferred .
dent all thofe words are G r.; Verll:egan adm ics the BOUQYET : Cle!. Voe. 1 r. has evidently
fame fignificacion, and yet fuppolcs them Sax. !hewn, "rhat chis is noching more t han a French
BOUGH'f of ,, fling ;· from the foregoing · d.i ftonio n of the word hough , o r bottgbtt, a d imi-
root ; becaufe it bows, or be11ds in that part ; nutive of bough, or rather bougb-wcet; a /mall
« n eaning the bottom of the Ring, where the tlone hc11gh :"-<neaning 11 liule 11oj(gny, or bunch of
is lodged : u nlefs we may deduce· it ii Bo>.y«, flowers. Ned tip together in tbt foT111 ef a bough :
pro ~(tA')'Gr, j3-0Hoc <k'O"x.oc, faec:(J coriactt'J; fundd confequent ly Gr.
circulu1, curvasura ; becaufe ir bouges, o t fw6//J BOlJRN 'l. as a termination to many pro-
0111, when the jto11t, bullet, <fr lead is pttt in it : BOU RNE1' S per names (fuch as Lilbourn,
.the former however may be the 1nore nacural . Milbourn, Shelbourn, &c.) is d eri ved ii Be•~. by
BOU -LIMY, commonly written bu!imy; B•>.1- tranfpo!icion B~"f" f catto, fcaturio ; unde Sax.
·14•.s, bovi11a, felJ ingtnJ fames; a ravenous appetite ; bu)ln. bypna; Belg. bor11e; Tcut. brun, bro11 ;
R. B•, va!de; et A,,.,,, fama ; hunger. Mr. Spel- Jons ; a fountain, or /pring of water: but, befid es
man, i.n his fourth book of cbe Expedicion of chis lignif. the word bcurn, or buurne, bears ano-
Cyrus, calls it bu/imy ; and in his note on 1'!3•>-•- ther idea in our language ; for Shakefpear, in
f''"~"" fays it is a diflemper treating t>ictf!w e hunger ; chat noble foliloquy of li amlec, act iii. fc. 2 . fays,
'1nd is chus dcfcribed, with all i" horrid fy1np- - who would fardles bear,
toms, by Galen; ,, B•A•f4"' tr• a1a9so-;~, x.ct6' ~·· !1:'1- To groan, and fweat under a weary life;
{•~ tx p.••eti.1v «>~"~f''«-1'-'" y1v11ci-t Tf"'"'• E"hv<i,,1at But that the dread of fome thing after death,
11 K«I X«-11:t.1f'•tt? vo-1 1 lit«• «Xeo•O'•, X\%1 l(t:i1ai}ti;co>"1~1 That undi fcover'd country, from wboft boMrnt
Tl:s' 4Xf.S, 91>1 '
A'~OFl «-1 ,,, Ti:tt ro14axr;11, X« I • O'~'.l'Yf"O~ f'fr•
(I N o traveller recurns, puzzles the will:
.,.JI~• "'l'-"'e·~ r•"1'"' :
the bulimy iJ a difordtr, in here the word bourne, feems to imply /Joundary,
which tbe patient frequently cravts for vif111als, lofts or border; and confequcntly may now take that
4bt ufa of bis li111bs, falls down, and turns pale ; hif deriv.- though perhaps it 1night be better to
extrenntiu hecomt cold, bis flomacb "f'prtjftd, and his abide by the former dcriv. 1n eaning a river, or
;pulfe ftarce fanfihlt:" to which Mr. Spdman adds; river'1 bank ; and then Shakefpear might have
" t he F rench Philofophical Tranfaetions fpeak of alluded to the banks of lb' riv"' Lethe, or of tbe
a country1nan, who was violently aff!ieted wich lake .l/vernus : (hould ·he have meant (as is moft
.this dillemper; but was cured by voiding feveral probable) boundary, or limit, then we mull refer
worms, of the length and fize of a tobacco-pipe." thither: however it is certain tb1 berb bcunut,
BOU ND, or leap; B•l"f3'<, flrtpitus ; to leap comn1only written burnt/I, pimpinella berba, forte
Jaclc witb a noifa. a veteri Angl. baurn, vel bur11 ; ri'lllCJ, fon1 , orilur ;
BOUND, prepared ; as whither are you bound l qu ia cir<a rivo1, ct fonlls pctij/imum 1111/citur: if
L ye fays," orcum craxit, ut mihi quid~m videtur, Verft. and Skinn. be rig ht.
a Cimbris, et paratus, quo vadis, quo iter ttndis, BOU-STROPHE, B•<e•tnl .v, verundo, etjlec-.
llOllZI :" but Skinn . .fuppofes it to be derived " a undo fa, more boum ara1111um : R . a.,, PCS ; et
Sax. abu n'oen, exptditus ; hoc a vcrbo bin'oan, 'L1~·~"'• verta : . an ancient . method ~f writing, in
ligart; metnphora'a 1nilitibus fumpta, qu i cum ad which they did not bcg m every lmc afrelb, as
iter · parali /u11t, Jarcinas om11es babent colligatas, the moderns do; but when they c>me ~.:::=::>
f/mnemque fupelletiilem, u./ loqwmtur, ccnva/atam : co the end of a line, they continued r--=
:vel ii. nollro bound, fcnfo forenli, i. e. obligatus, the next wi ch a reverfed order of the -----:::::>
metaphora a nauclcris fumpta, qui muture fecu-
ritatis grat ia fyngraphis obligari folent, ne fe in-
lercers; fo th nt the appearance of the c:::=:__s
writing bore fome refemblcnce co the
••icem -per corum icer deferant :"-buc with re- curved line in the m argin; whic h re-
gard to ciym. che deriv. is the fame ; the one prefents the traces of a furrow in the
being a literal, and the other a figurative bind- ancient art of plowing.
.inf ; confequently from the fame orig in with BOUY ; co1nmon o rthography writes it buoy,
B ND. Gr. and bu•ya11cy : Junius calls it che boy •f an anker ;
BOUNDS, Oe•<· limts ; unde F r. Gall. bornes, and though Lye fays, " retlius fcribitur bouy,"
frontiers: Yel a X"'f'"• ora,jhoar, coafl, border, limit. yet thefe great etymol. have not g iven us the
BOU NTY, F""• bonus, bonilaJ ; goodnefs, ge- proper deriv. ; for t hey h ave derived it a." Dan.
1urofity, liberality: o r perhaps it may be derived brit ; Belg. botye ; quocl ftrreii catend, veluti com-
from ~11mlo ; 1neaning, whatever a perfon be- ptdt quadam ancora: lit alligara; nam botye Belg.
J eil

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· ·B '0 · ·From Ga & E K, and LA T 1 N. :B R.

cft eom~s :"-now, ~f cfthcr of thefe gentle1ne11 good conjet[urc on this WQrd i' q_uod fi Gr~cus
flad but t-Uf'nC<l their!'t~ughts (OUtfl, inftead of cffem, ortum jur;1renl a ol>uO'o.1'>, jujf/u, iffjlo ; q~1ja
northward, they wollld have found a 'bettcr deriv.; fc,. q11i 4vidt bibunt, a pp!u pref/alll; pec~ufe they
'if thcn".1 might be allowed a conjechite, we; art as it -w.-:n [wt/led wi1; li!/uar.
·m rght ..:!erive · out w~rll bouy from ii...,., pt/Iii n-· BOX 011 tbe tar: I:!•t pJJgil ; a fighter: Hoin.
·b.,fa ~ all ·ox.J>ide, which 1night firlt of "II have II. r . 'lJ7, nvE "'r"-8", p11gillolu f!re1111:u; a flc11J
been made -ulc of, wl1cn ir was. fo,wn up-elofe, and bo:ur. ··
'filled wid1 air., ifl order co- tnak'c . it float -Oil the . oox· 10 !Qt~ up ; " 11(30:£, abacus ; a tl.tjk, or
. water, like a tlladder, 'JVhen blpwn< fe~ Oppian's cup/i#,11Fd: Upt."., is • very good deriv. b.11t '
· l'Jalie'uf.Xl.s, -011 t-he eKprtllion N1••~·:.'r'Y•>-01.. : ~-i ch J un. we n1ight raiherfuppoft b.ox, or rhe;1, was
· B'G\V, both fliJfl6ntive ·a nd fltrb; Bl•r, · 11r<1111 d.e fived .a n"E''· py;ris; a IJ•E"• b11x1u ; for tl1oug)!,
an t1rch, <>r .be,,ding. . . as. ·U pt. afierwards ackno)Ylcdges, avE~r. bu>tt!S,
BG\V-WGW 1 B..•-13~•. ii l!"vS"'• latro; to /lark .is tbt /Jox.J.ret, whicli .q;rtaiJJly. ltas no co11nex,ion
•Hirt n r11r. 1·: .. ·. ' as to -ceyro.. ivtich a .box J~ Jptk 11p !J"J thing i11;
OO'WELL6 " " Gall. ·bo/'""': J.on:"~but thc1i yec n,£.,, pJ•xis, certainly. has ; it being that
·'he ·adds, " viden~ur-lnrcr<m ' Angli 'hone intcftino- :bo.x, or coffer; .vhich in -our own country !,on)1~l,y.
rum denon1inationem ddiunfiffe •ii B:OW, j/e!ttr.t, and in .Roroan Catholic countries to 1.hi,~ dly;
fi1mare, torqurr.e; prorfus ut G r:eci ,..r.,.. diCl:a 'limt CQntainsJhe hojl, or h•/;; wnf'r : (Ce PY)):. ,Gr. •
i11tt}lina, r.~·e{t T? ·E;,o: litH0'9~1, quOd i11tu1 convoh:a11- . OOX-trtt; '' Iluf~,~, b11.'<·r1s t {'l. ~tt><~, lit1:i( ,fpifsi. ;
·t ur in .gyrum : t·here is fome::probabili~y in ~his · rl~(tnefs.o/ .erpio : D pc." .
dericv. which ·would CQo'fequently'.'be Gr. ; bot 'we .BO.Y, },]"'' ...,,,<,. pµtr ", ·fl y•11J:g .fDan.
~nay -r:1ther-adopt that of Skinn ...th0 ugn thero ap- . BRABllL.E. : " Juni1ts ,quotes ,hlefy.Qh. for
p<ars fomechin,g ludicrous in the definition.1 for Bea.fJv>.. ,, " "'" ~·1• '""""• fprda plonl.e 111t1!.c, aJq11e
he {-ays, H bcwclls, forte a Lat. bolufus, /;otellus; in111ilis :"-whicob is not in the lean applicable to
qui a ·b1Jtll/i f•le111 C>' .inttf/inis confici ; iic et noS' his own interpretation .of Uf.abble, viz. ri.~ari, tur-
intejlintl nofl1·a, puddingJ ':.'Ota mus.''' and .f1ece c·he 'Dr. h111 dare, co1;fi1ndere, 1niftrre, l11rb(frt ; bLlt un-
ftops; but br;111!us is no orjginal; for '.Voit ihcwS> doubcedly .belongs ;to bis ow;1:1 art. br(111.1blt, .w.bere
· that it is derived from •Bvw, B ue"'• ·Unde Bv&,,.,,•., 'he Jias .prop~rJy aµµli«;d ~ bat Greek quotar.ioa.
fr:rdme11, buiu!11s; "" i111tJline, fluff"'/ with mry in- Skinner .would derive b.rabble a Bdg. brabbtltn;
g1·t die11/1. Verba CGtifu11dert, 111ifcert; a{ltrcari : bur, riot facif-
B01iVE R; "Sax. b}'J>e; Gall. b11ro11 ;:iltl g: b11<r; fied wirh .th;1t de riv. he goes on, " nefcio an
D an. buur; qu:~ omni'! videri pofiilnt detrunc'ata. tutu m fit deflect.e re}l verQ1) Lac. feqpioris frecµli
. ex Bv~;·~· qood l·Iel)'ch.· ex,ponic 0•••14<>, .J1miri-'. parabolart ; hoc ii nor:nine.parabola; ·undc orrn .lie
liw11, tugterium ·; an arbour: Jun.'" Skinner fup- Fr. Gall. parolle, parole; Ital. .parola 1 Hilp.
. ]X>fos ic to be derived " ·a verbn ·to BO W, quo- n1etarh. palabra ; v rrbu111, Ji{!io ; ;tdeo ut pri -
ni3m t:< arborib1u '.iJijltxis co11jld11itur :"-but pe~- n1ario ide.m fit. quod ..,trba, fcu fernr'<Jlts,mif cert :"
h a ps, afcer al!, b<wtr 1nay be buc a c~ntraC1:. of -.1l1e Dr. •night.very uuly fay, "nefci<>an tutum
nrb<r; ,; tree; for a.• arbour, and a bowtr n•e 011t lit ;" he has led us co th.e Gr.: fee PA-
and the fti me thing ; and therefore· may< be · de- LA VER; and PARABLE. ·
r ived from ·the fame rooc. Gr. " BRAC.J!... or ' ·cleft ; lle"X'~" btacbi.u m;
~O.\Xl·L ·to ilrillk ·in, s.x.,jaftus ; '' bu/la ; cnlirh; Jbe.anlf wbfrh.embracu, .anti. .dr!iWJ '""Y 1bi11g Jo it
t nn11, 1:·,.feri im iapaciores, bu//41 • injlar, rolu#d1i: · witb for~, 1u1d j}r.e11g1b.
jigtJrii bttfi afund1111I : Skion."-chough che Dr.! BR_i\CE ¢/ harts.: ·Skinnor·fuppofes this wo.r d
t ak es no notice of che Gr. : Ca(aub. wri~cs-i r. boale, is derived fron1 the·fonner; and. gives this, l'(eak
'Vas .quodvis mnjlfs, /•1 ligneu'!'; prof>ri<) · \/abrum' reafon, .why " nu1nerus 9,uali$, ·/,ig(J, and (Q[Jula,
ba{n<alorilfm·; a nd der-IVCS l [ a. JlviAor, Vt:-f Ov,;>,'I, fhould fignify IWO ; q uia ~pu/ft, JCU big:i, •U/j!Q/e
p ala mrmdi ; ,,· /~rgc w><ile11 vtJfel:':-~vhic.h l~cccr; "tdilig.ata,. fa mutub-· amp~tO!'nt11r,;"-tnie; when
d eriv. may rather be preferred. · · united · together. ; buc a .briflct •f bare{ in tbe •
BO\VL 10 plaxwitb~· vl:l .0.Bw>.•<,gltba ; a lump, field are as .n1uch .a /Jr.o.u ef.h.ares,.though difu-
or clbd ' .vel a B•.>-><<>i, jat7o ; to ca;1, or throw. : uired, as when .united <:Ver fo clofe tQgCthcr :
BOW·N , "i. e. jivelled: Ray." - i. e . Gr. for· unle!S therefore ; hc..cJJuld h~ve . givt'.n· a ·.better
·iuum is no more 1ban all e-vident ..:ontratlion .o!' .clerjv. than .chis, ..he might. ;as »·~II 4>ave .been
;n.,-b,, vibr.,, tum!fl!t-.r ; a·hu•ii)-, or fwtlling. ! (ilenc; and l mult be lilcnt tYo, till .a betcer can
BO\'lSE; "Bv~, Uu?,.,·imbRo, i111plio, largiterbi-1 be found ; but this. certainly cannot be right; for
hen ': "Skinn." . who hus given us. another very , this plain reafon, bccaufe three .bares, wb;n tiul,
" · l or Google
B R Jfrom G 11. a z ~1 and LA T r 1<. B R
(Jr bound together, would then be ·as much a brace, BRAG-ADOCIO, feems to be a compound
as two ; which is an abfurdity too · g laring for of'the foregoing ar.t. and AUD1\.CIOUS; 1nea11-
any fportfi11an to admit, though an cty1110J: may. . ing .a bold impu4nl boaj/tr. Gr.
BR1\.CELET, " Bt«X.•.V..,,, or B•ciX"""" bra. BRAI N, *f"""• tnWaria; tbt jkt1ll: R. Kt~""'•
t bialt., vrr.11n~e>1J#t11 ; a bracer far the ; rm : R. Bei:i- tnput ; the htnd: or elfe it may be derived fro1n
X'Wv, brarh.:;1111; the arm: Nug!' Dery140:, fi11cip11t ; quod ell ttrtbri jtdtS ; Jbt bind
BRACHE; "Nefcio an aBf"X."'• fono, rtfano : part cf lbe .bead, wbtrt I.h t brain is lodged.
ear.ii quid&t1' 6:Jt1ftlli cus., afcnoro, fc. ,, a//'o h1lju1 canis BRAKE, " B~"~'""" apud 1-iefycb. ct S.uidam,
la1ra111 : Skinn."-whenever the Dr. treads on quod cxponunt " 'Y("" >.ax"""• a wild pla11t ; fi!i" ;
Grecian ground, it feems to be with fear and fern ; Skino." - th1s is undoubtedly a better dcriv.
trembling; but he need not have doubted the than that given by Jun. a Bt" X."'• fo114, crtpito, ""!'
validity of his dcriv. fince Shakefpear in his quodam fragort ; to makt 4 cra&kling •oift in Jbe
'faming lbt Sbrt1u, ha.s pla.inly told us from whence fin; for that alludes only to a certain property,
it is derived ; for in aa i. fc. 2 . he has introduced not only of that plant, but of 1nany others; as
a lord with his hunting rrain ; lbt bay, ·lbt /a,1rd, &c.-bcfidcs, as we ob ferved
L. Huntfinan, I charge thee tender wellmyhounds; under the arc. brntkan, this mull: a falfe dcrir .
Brach Merriman, the poor cur is imboft; becau fe it is falfe orcbogr.
And couple Cloudcrwith the dttp-~u1b'dBrach. . BRAMBLE, " Bf"-P•'-><· " '" ~·7• ...... fptcit1·
or perhaps by tranfpoficion it miy be derived planJ.e male, atqut i11111ilif.: Hefych. as quoted by
from bar!, quail brak, or bn"bi; i. e. a tlttp• J un."-thefc arc great authorities; and yet widt
barking, or, as it is here called, a dttp-111~utlld h6U11d. Cafaub. we may rather fuppofc chat bramble was
BRACF'IY-GRAPHY, Be"X.""'Yf"~• brrois- derived ii i'a14•«• rbamnru ; Jpi11efus frultx. ; /piM

ft1·ip1io ; Jhort-band. al!J'1, ru.bus; a wild briar.

BRACK, " 'P«x.;, lEol. ne.,••<• laura 'tltflis; BRAN, commonly pronounced brm11 "IL1ve.,»
c~ fltytvcr&ix1 P~E1r, fi&fA' , a rag, or Jalltr'd ro/Jt : furfur, brm11 by . changing II into B ; al)d then
Cafaob." by contraaion and cranrpoficion : Upc."-this.
BRACKAN, "Be• •cna,apud Hcfych. etSuidam; however is not [o good a deriv. as the following
quod exponunt '"'Yf'" >-"X"'"• fi!ix ; fern : Skinn." apud erymologicum, quoted by J un. nempe
-had the Dr. ftopped here, it might have ~en Bf24.U~, vel Atrof3f«4'.1'""'' T;, 11:.tuf3£°U•« T; ':T'llf;, fur-
well ; but he goes on, " forte quia fragilis t ft ; /urn lriJiti; 1be rt(uft of wheal jfuur.
vide brta~ ;"-that very reference plainly proves BRANCH ; " Bf"X.""'' brachium ; 011 arr11 ;
that brakan cannot be derived fro1n brealt ; ~­ bra11rbts being as it were Jbt ar1111 cf Jrus. Nug:•
caufe that word is derived eicber. according to -or racher from Of"l4"'• ramus ; qua!i ramnw,
his own etym. from Bt"X."• trepo, fono ; or we abjcda licera 11 ; 1bt ormub of a tru ; R. 'P,.E, acir
may rachcr in chat fcn(e fuppofe it came from . nus ; Jbe ./font of a berry.
Bf«X•<• bre'!Jis ; both which words are written BRANO : both Jun. and Skinn. derive this.
w ich a x.: but Be"""'" is written with a . , and word a " Sax. bJian'O,. &c. -&.c. onmia font a..
confequently not derived from them : tbt f•r11, 'feuc. brande11 ;. ardtrt, urtre :"- this very deriv•
or brake. . n1.akes me fufpe~ .th~t all their nor.thern. djaJects..
nnACKE T ; " ni fallo r ab Ital. 6r11uitt10, di- are no more tha11> a traolj>ofixion, of letters in.
minucivum .,.. br.ucio; bra(biur11·: SlOnn."-being 1hc word burnt,. with the Gochie 1enui'n.. d,. or / ::
determined nor to derive it from Bf"X'~" bra. as is e vident 'o the ear, in the \\'Ords, burns, brant,,.
<hium : · but we m u ft either intirdy rcjeCl: chat . ot bra•d ; and chercfore we may r3thcr dcr-ive it
deriv, fo r the reafon given in the former art. or from llut• D:,,eu, uro... buro. t to. bur:n, or Jo /;ran.;.
obferve t hat, according to che Dr.'s prefent de riv. unde brand, fir.-trand, &c. .
our word ·ought co have been written bracbu. BRAND, fword}now ind.eccl the former deriv.
BRACKISH, rrixe•r. arntrrus, aarl us; bitter, BRANUISI-:1 frpm. t he Gr. becomts the
Jharp. Cld. Voe. 85, has given us a n1uch bet- BRAND-N E W n1ore evident; lince both,
ter del'iv. ; for he fuppofe$ chat "brad1ifb is buc Jun. and Skinn. have expla\tted all thefc three-
another dialed for rnar-atquifP, or fea-waltrijh :" words in 1he fcnfe o f burn; for· Jun. explains the·
for he has fully lbew11 that the m and rhe b, firft of them by glal/ius, erjis ; .f.ortalfc camen non .
tranfmute : bur then he h·as nor.granted that .mar, immcrito fufpicari liceat 111/ tm., brand, appella-
and acqui/h, are either Gr. or Lat. cu1n a·b ardord 111orlio bt.lloru1n inltrntd7.Jortcm ;. 'i 1\.
· BRAG; Be"%"• tr•po, gl,ripr, jllfl•; to b•a.fl, quibus nemo non primas partes. r1!fi concedir,.
;"'.;?er, talk bigb. rcoceptilfimo epitlt~IO p octis dicta f1</111i11t1 :- bor:J1

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ll ' R F<om GRtl!K, and LAT-tN1 B R
J un. and Skinn. explain the fccond wore! by tltt- pa!/ium, pannicullll, lacinia ; hinc Z,eggar's brat,
di•rum contuj}or!lm vibraliont ; fc. gladii blu illttc quod fit panniculis /auraliJ obfituJ :"-but pcrhap·s
'!Jibral·i , i•fitir 1i1io.num ardenlium, 'fpl•irdic/J"I, et both chis and the following art. is derived from
cor11/canl :-and with regard to che Jail, Skinner the Gr. as will be there !hewn.
explains. it by tifJio, ct /orris itniliu :-(o that here BRAT, or coarft r~.~gtd dpr;n: " bpa'C'C, pa11-
again, we 1nuft have recourfe. to the Gr. etym. of 11ic11/us: hoc a verbo webpt'Ct:an, frang·ere; q. d.
Il•f• ignis ;.firr ; ani tbfot fparkling, t rigbt, aod glit· panni fragmtnta : Ray."- fo that now we have
t tri11g : with regard then to the expreffion brand- g ained another au:< itiary; and yet not one of chefc
r.RJ, o r as it is commonly . pronounced bran-TJrw, gentlemen could find that thefe words were de-
J un. under the art. fpan-ntw, fays, )<modus lo- rived from Be"X"'' brwi1; any thing lorn, /Jroktn,
quendi petita eft a.ii arte fullonum, pannos in Jatttrtil; o r dfe from 'Po:•..-, lEol. Bt'""'• l•ctra
ll)achina quadan1 explicantium, dillendentium, veflis; a rag, or any rent clotbu.
l~vigantiu°'.; er. Belgis p.ari ftren1etaphora br~nd-· BRAVE, "Be.p...., pr..111ium vitloria; tbe prize
nuw, 'Vcl ·'1Jur-.TJTfW ; . ell· rtt~ns ; q. d. nuperrtme •/ 1titlory: R. Br'-f31ur, ille qui dat pr,emiu1n ttrla-
. ab officini p rofellum, it follibus, rerariaque fornace ,,,;,,;, : ·arbiter rcrutn aliarum, et pra:mia diribcns .
e tiamnutn caltn1; vier»11iew gdd·i 11umm111 ' 11/per, Nug."- Skinner quotes J un. for derivi ng brave
rta nur cuf111, et jignntus :-though no fire is from FriJico btr-,;e; 911it111s, placitlu1, prob111 ; et
1nade ufe of in c.he tall: aCt of minli»[, or coining huic e tym. plus quain Gra:cii fido; licet nee
now-a-days, whatever there might . have been · hoc fatisfaciac;-lec me only obfcrve, that my
formerly. . . . " · edition -of Jun . gives me no Cuch deriv.; mine
BRANDL ING, aliis dew-worm ditl-us, tr~tle · .derives it A Belg. bratf ; "!hich he h.s explained,
piftis efca; forte a Fr. Gat.I. brandilltr, 'Vaei.ll~re, not as Nug. has here done, nor as Dr. Skinn. ;
hut iiluc mwcri, ioftar penduli ; et terminatione but by proprie fie dicatur, qui "'mulls 0T1mib11s pr4!-
J.iminutivi !i11g :-fo that here again we muft look ripuit pdlmr.m : and this undoubtedly is 1norc
perhaps to the Gr. .agreeable. co the common acceptation of che
BR·.WDRlTf·l, " Sax. brantlred; 11 brand-iron, word ; and very probably took its origin from
o r triv lf to fee any veffel on over the fire : Ray." the Gr. ·
-but we have already foen chat brand is Gr. BRAWL, a danet ; "faltationiI, tt tripuJ'; gt-
BRASS; "ne'""'''; prouc nempe Nie. Myrcpfos nus ;" which Lye, under the arc. broil, 'd erives
perhibec, .er.uginttn etiam nf.....,•• dici , ob viridem " ab Armor. brt!la; confuTJdn·t, pertt~rbare ;"-but
porri to'4rtm, qut111 i1nitatur 1 nam il ne,.c-••, porr11111, Skinner tells us ic is "tripudii gtmis, quo torpora hut
eft rre-"" X.fW/'""• prafinllJ color, porraceus color, jlluc agitaTJl11r, ti varit mdven1ur I and derives it il
i. e. viridls; hunc enim colorem exbibet "'' ptcu· Fr. Gall. b;anfle, brai!/ltr, brandil/tr, brandir ;
liari jibi rubigine vitial11m, ti virefttn1: J un."- vibrare, co11t111tre :"- then it naturally refers us co
" ' alius c critico ru.m grege," fays Skinn, "fletl-eret BRANDISl:-J, which happens to be Gr.
noftrum brafs a Gr. Be"?"'• De:zvu.,, ftrvto , brtllio; BRAWN, " pro 11pro, ingeoiok: ddletlit an1i-
quia fc. non nifi vehemer.ti, cc intenfo igne in cos quidam dotl-iffimus (Dr. G. Rogers) a Lat .
fo~nacibus excoquicur, et depuracur ; fed nobis aprugna, fupple caro : Skinn!'-it were' to. be
non licec elTo cam d ifercis :-by his having men- wilhed that ei ther the Dr. or his learned friend,
tioned nobody, and thrown 1he verb jleEltrfl into when chey undertook to trace the ~cym. of a...
rhc fubjunCtive mood, this good old Saxon feems · word, had taken a litdc more pains, and dcduc-
t o have been a little angry at the fo1mer ctym. cd aprugnus from its proper .fourcc: Voffius cells
bccaufe it was not Belg. and · then raifed this us, that aprugn11s is derived from aptr; and that
I'x •<>f".. X"" to vent his fpleen on. nprr is derived ii·K«.-e<< ,cruncata principc lirera:
BRP,..S'f, '~ pro BURST, Skinn." -and yet be aliud aucenl K""'P'<• Tyrrhenis, aliud Graocis ;
could not,, or would not, admit a lin1ilar tranfc nam Tyrrhenis t11pr11111 notabat; indc Latinon1m
poficion in .the word brand, for /:rirnl, left ic caper ; at Grrecis t r• nfin'arinis K""'f''< dl: aprr ;.
1night come from the Gr. a boar ; and hence brawny ; caro enim apri maximi
BRAT , or ·cbiltl ; " _Bf"'" pt11l11/u; uncle Sax. (or.crtta, ti duri./Ji111a; lorofus, lnar10/11s, amp/is t1
br qod, brud, bra/. ; Ile nobis appellatur putr, ji u firmis muft11/is injfruBus ; q. d . qui' muftulis, i11Jl~r
i n/ans 1'a,rt~tihus '1!i/i./Ji111is, imo mrr.dfris, 11a11u, jpu - cnlli pprug11i, fo!idis, fir111i1, ti duris pr.odittts tjl ;
rius, O<Po/ilUJ I a Sax. bjT31::'C ; fee brttd: Skinn." thlifcular., Jiron[. .
·and then he fends -us tc»br.cod; which at tall: he BRAY, make a ngife; "BP"-X"o.fonn, fon.'rum edo ;
acl<nowledges to be of Gr. e~traCt. with only lo mniu a noift: o thers deri ve ic from barrire; I•
" all o·d it Gr. Beu.,, pulfulo." Lye llippofes that bray : Nug."-chen others lhould not have in-
our word brat is . derived fro1!1 the Sal'. bpa'C't:, troduced ic into a collcCtion of Englifn words,
I z derived

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B · 'R Fron1 G ~ E 't K, and LA T 1 N. · B• R

derived from ·the Gr.; unlcCs tbcy had traced it 'land newly br•ftt-•p ~ cOnfequcntly Gr: :is above·
with Vo{f. a·n"'f"• borrus ; tbe elepba~l 1 fo call- in chc art. BRE.l\.K. Gr. '-
cd ob gr~vitotem ; undc ba~rirt, i;r · ba,.Jire : I• BRE AM," A{3p"'~"' Cypris111.'4tUJ; l t3.t nPr.a,,;t,
bray, or roar, bke an fltpha111 :. b.4 r chi~ is nnher d~fie.J.ll!ll viP,ctur ii Lat. sura•tn, ab aureo fc.
coo diftant a de'riv. efpecially as we have one fo co/.,·e : S%.inn.".,.-though we m;iy ra~her li.Jppofe
much nearer home ; a llf"'X•» fan•, in che fenfe •vich Jun. tbat if this filh received. its nan•e
of /a1r·o. ; lo bark ; if being 1be aflic11 ef bnr#!lg from ~ny iry, w~ friould ra,.thcr f1.tp1>ofe the
;,, tbt aft : "or e\fe from Bf .., G'W<f'!, . rlefyi;h. .d criv. rel;ir!l\I to breadth; ~hao 'to t o/¢r \ and (;pn-
x......,,y.., vodferaJJs : Jun.". .feqµently d~rivc ic from the Belg. b~aeffe,,,.; or
BRAY, or pound in a mortar; " .Sa><. bf'~C3!1 ; ' Alman. brd}imo ; qua: vide.nt ur dcfumpra ii Sax.
'onttrtrr, tO/l/unMre : Sk.inn."-topounJ, b!o/, bruife, b>,.e< b.f\al>p.1111, la/us; broad; and con(cquent-
or break in pieas:-thislafr word makes me imagine ly derived a nJ.,.Jvr : lee A-BROAD : unlefs we ·
it niay be derive.J a Be..zvr, b~e.z<is; jhorl, br;J~t~ if!/O •nay fu.pp.ofe ·thac cne Belg. braeffem.: T eut ..li1'affe11 ;
fin,11/ pieces : whether bpacan,, :uid bp'~c~o, be .of -and AllllGO. brefje1~0. were all deriv-ed a rre .........
the fame ligni fication I c;annot ro fay; porr11te11s, µn·o Ji»•ilis ' in 'iliridi <olorc; and it-s
but they fe.en1 to bca.r a very clofc ~nplogy. g 0l4tn t<:;µes ·have fruneth ing of a greatifo tajl:
BREACH, Bf'"X.v<, brt"Jit ; a11y 1i>i11g fr~ltt• ; bl).t .fi ill i.t is Blore remarkable for its brtod1b,
vet a "P"t"• rup1,,ra, frqflurli ; a fraflurt: R. than its coloJ". .
•p•'YYI''• f ra11go; Jo brtalc. BR EAST, llii~7•:, p.tflru., c<J111p11!111s; jJrpng madt,
BREAD, " Be.iiov, tft11; food, noufifhll!tnJ: firm: though with Jun. we niighr rather 'prefer
Cafaub. and Upr."-but good old Vcrft. writ.e.s it hf,..e,.,, antniorc, ea not ione, qufc Tie...~.....,;.;,
bread; and fuppofes it ~o beSax.-but, to CQn,.i nce et ne°'9\'f T~"l'""1", wou.nds rece ived ·~~,,,s.,, >el
us of the propriety of the Gr. deriv. they call ~d "f•• 'ante, b~fo1'e, i. e. i11 Jbt b.rMjl.
mpnki11d in general llp;/,., mortp/a; 11ourijhed w ilb • llR EATl"I 1" live a Bev~v, ut aqua fpi ritu
food; in contradifl:inction co the immorrals, who • BR E ATHES aliquo impulfa ft11111r.i1: vel a
were nouriflied widt nectar a11cl an)brofJ~· ; ·J;>0.t nf"''" • 11t fit fpira1't vi cnloris : Jun." " critici
what the proper food of man is, the Pfolmi!t tells f<Y~tcan inc l ~vdarent, 6 dccl inaJem ob ""'•Pi'"'•
us in ·tb·c civ. Pl: v , 15, ' '.,t hat he 1nay bri11g /c0d rffluo :· ·vcl i\ 'p•fr«, .lEol. Bf'~"• impel11s, jlr1.pilu! :
out of the eart h ; and wine, that. niaketh glad ego cameo inc ridcrem; lt:d quidni rideat, qui
t bc heart of man ; and oil, to l))ake hi1n a cb<!ar- lqdir ? Skinn."...-:who lras che.reforc racher adopc-
ful countenance ; and brtad, -to ltrengthen man's ed che Sax. iltym. ana co which Alp!ot . it is
heart:" fo that may be properly called B~"- referred . ,
1·~">'«• a brta.d-tnltr 1 in order to dillingt,1jlh him BREECH. { 1' may be two wa.ys of tte-
frorn carnivorous, OT ftc;Jh'. cacing animals. BIU'i E C·HES ~ ri.v<ng th e word brcdfhes 1 for
BREAK; Be"'xu; , brtvis; foort, br~.ken : ve l a th~·Y h:lvc been calJod fo, brcar:fe t.h<:y cover·lbe
· 'l'1"1£1s, as ab<>ve : Sklnne.r, after hnving thltn.. JJrttcb, 'vhi-cf1· is ev ir!cntly clerivt-d· a 'rr;·')'ilt.'{,t; ve\1
. dered out about a dozen harlh northern words, 'P·•'>'""I"'• frallg.o; ta breo.k ; booaufo in th at part
exdames in a fort of triumph, " quis c ri cicus 'die b~ck foems to be 1'rckeit, or dtfl ii:ic.o· tw.o ~
non jur,irct ha:c omni a cldiuxiO<: a Gr. ·p,'Y'"" · br eHc h~urius rluy be de·r iwed ' a B~"X"" ,.&,,,.,
"P•r•VI"" ru111po ; vcl a lle'"x.w; <repo,. flrepo ?" and Ol't'Vt v ejlimt"ltll/I ; a fo•rl- garmtnl; becaufo -the
t hen he refers us to brillle; which he fays, Junius G.aµl s were dillinguiihed bj' the R ornans into the
derives fro1n »e•7•< : but I can find no fucb thing : 'Togati; and Brnaati ; a Brouis, q uibus Gall ia:
however, under the arr. brtak, J unius fays, "orig 0 N arbooenfis populi -.eftiri folebant ; becaufe they
omnimn ell: .ab }Eol. B,er.r•• rrtp lio, rt1pJ11r" ; il '.were at firfl: only focrJ, loafe Jrv..Dftrs, which reached
"Pr.r>v" cerre, vel 'p•'Y"' I'" f ra,,go, rumpo, ell: ·p~'Y"" no 'lp.wcr than the knC!"· Voflius fays, !« brn<.t,
T"flio, qi10 .lEol.,dixenmt Be•Y•: prorfos ut ve! J r:n u"'·' fane'.v.ox ell Gall . . Belg. qu ippe
B;,..•; d1xerunt pro /'"""''• Incera . ve;1u; B:"'~''" hcxheque lletga:, lwe ·Gcrm. mferaorcs earn br.oub·

pro :Pa.o•w, fi1tilt; Jlp,;,., pro 'Polo,, rofa ; Be•ea, appellan t; ut Cimbri brag, •five brourha , five
pro "p,~,., radix : norwith(bndi ng 1he triumph brog11ts ; B6tanni brucbes nominailr : ve1, ,(j orig<>
of Skinn. therefore,, we mig ht have adopted thi.s eft Gr~ca, vo~<rn eam accepcrint Galli a Mam- ·
etym. of Jun. if Voffius bad n'!t fixed <>n Bf"'X"" _ lieJ1fibus, qui Gra:c<: l<>qucbantur :"-but wirh- •
as the origin of bre·r;is ; .and not Be.-••<• quali out making any difficulty as t.o the origin, · the
"p"""'· name 111ay be purely Gr. tho' applied, or given
'B REAKS, or " lands, plowed the lirft yeaJ, 10 an arr. or falhion, invented even n.o w a days.
after lying fallow i11 ~he lheep's-walks: RaJ ." - · .BR EEZ E of wiltd; Bf'I'"'• fn1J10; to make a
then we miglu fuppofe it fignilied no n101:c c)J;µi t <1Uf, 11Pif4 .o r wbifp.rri11g : Skinner, wh~ wr.itl'-~
10 t:

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B R From G,Jl 1 r K, aod LAT 1 N. B R
it wn:u, fuppo'=s it to be derived a "'e···· bor- BRIDE } f ' Bf""" fa• turirt l p.1tnum
a C>e~1.,, borrto, rigeo 1 and we fay o '"'·
r ar ; BR !DE-GROOM t.ffe; unde F.,.,.fJe••'> · infnns,
r:tfr•fhi•g bruzt. vcl fatus otlbuc. impltns, vd tlij/tndtns 11/trlllfl :
BRE.VI ARY t Df"~"', brt'IJis, brt'IJi11ri11m ; an Jun."-who has from this word Bev•o deduced (hC
BRIEF S abritlgtmtnl, or Jh•rt 1uco11n.t . Sax. hJli'b, and bp1b;suma ; Belg. brllJdrgomt;
BRE \V, B:"'~"'· ftroto, b11//io 1 10 boil, f trmmt, and A lrnan. hruti·g01;10; i. e. Jp•ef.r vir ; nan1
mix l ogtlbtr: fee BR UE. 'Gr. Gu1na, en v1r: Lyc.''- but thro according to
. BREWESS; " Sal<. bp1p, j:Jftulq"'; ct hoc ~ this or!hogr. it ought to be wrinen britlt, and
' 'c:rbo br•ran, coqurrc; c:t hinc T cut. hro-puls; 6ritlt·g1111tt; which fcems to originate il r""''"•
'appa, !""""''""' : Skinn."-thcn they may all '"'r"" duco: it is rrcnarkablc rhat Cafaub. calls
be tkrivcd 3 Bf"{"• ftrwo, b11/lio; 111 boil, c0&l, the britlt-gr<om, ""f••••-r"'Pf"t«• but that is, pro-
or /refs 11r.y thing by boi/111g. perly fp<>aking, l~t lwide's-irothtr; (o that if he
BRIAR, "Be•af"• ?J11fitl111: Cafaub."- " ridi - imagined bri,/t-gr1•111 was but a tranOation o f
t:;ulc," fays SRinn. " ~r~do au rem ii S.111. bp:ep; ""t9,,..'l"'i43P<. he was mitlaken; at leaft he has
con1Pacru1n 3 bpcaet"p; vcrbali vcrbi bpc•can; great antiquity againft him. V cril<'g•n fuppofes
f rangert 1 idque quia fr•ntit, i. c. lllurat 111111 the Sax. bpyb-bllman to .b e only an abreuation
c1rttt11, 111111 vtflts :"- hut (bl! he has not got rid of brytlt·, or tbt gDDtl 111011 of tbt 6rytlt ; -
of the Gr. for we have olrcady fccn that BREAK but this will not account for the appearance of
is of Gr. extra8:. the r in the word gr-ou111 ; and yet in the very art.
BRfBE; " fufpi cor d cfum ptum ex Be..P••"» brytlgromt he calls him tbt greowu of tht hr;·d; bt-
pr,enzium (trJnminis, vc 1 op,r1i• 11n11t1llil 1r1b11trt : cn«ft on the marriogt tlay b• ftr11t1h, and waittth 011
Caufaub. and J un." ""r"·(J,,,., pr,,.mi11111 ; muntribus tbe 1a6lt of tht brydt : lince ~hcrrfore we alw•)'$
tol'r.umptrf ; qt1i cnim J"diccm m11•erib11s follici- write ir, and pronounce it britlt-groom, we n1ny
tant fummil i111portun1tnre, .-j us gr:1tium ambi· rmhcr adopt Skin n. inrerpr. " no!lrum nutcn>
tJnt, . ec ' 'entt11tur: Skior1. '' n11 il/i,·i1 ".ff{ri11g o re- bridt-groon1 facis m<in ife~c orirur Ii diClo bridt, and
war,J, or r re;11it1/n. groo111 ; quia fc. fponj u1, die >:up1iar11m fponf_. f 11/lt>1!
BRlCl-fOE, britl!r.: near as this word hri<hor fecu11duJn moren1 110}/rum inftr~·it, ;" a~Ver(t. ]ult
W3S to ne ..X"'; '~"Y would not inform ll S it was
now faid: fee GROOM. Gr. ~:ll
of Gr. origin. BR-IDE-W E.LL. " I-low disfigur('d is th is
BRICK, " llev~"· 1~~11/n 1 n tile, or brirk: Nu- word," fays Ciel. Voe. 179, " frorn bt1r-rticb1.
g_ent :"- rhis Bev;:.• m11tl be a word of tli< Dr·s. l>1/I,. or hqll ; /ht beat! bafi of 1be prui11lJ : " -
own coining; for there is none Cuch ro be fou nd co11lequent!y all G r.; fee BAR, REIC.1-! T , anq
in' any of our lexicons :-nrithcr Jun. nor Skinn. HALL. Gr. .
will allow hrirk ro br of G rrck origin: the l•t- BRIDLE, " Bev1•~· .iEol. for 1'..:1.-, rt /in11r11-
r<r indeed '11lows, that fccundum Mrnagium, ir /11m, b11vr~d ;· a.,.,·.,; where B foppli;. th e place
may be derived ab imbrex; imbrtx it is true is of a digamma: Nug."-but as we obfcrvcd be-
Lat. (or a .~111/tr-tilt ; and rnay perhaps lignify n fore, · under the arr. BOR'DER, though the
hrirk likcwife ; but imbrt:t p.-rfuafum ha · JEolians fomctimt s ufed the' dig1mma F, •nd
bco, fays Voll: rife ab Ol'f3t•r' quod ipfum ""f'" fometimcs the B, before a vowd ; yrt whoc
""~ ; 14¥ ;1H• diEtu111, qu=-fi ·o... tf•o<, t•lifa doobus 1-irderic obt(·rVes is"v<"ry juft; '' l11'Y~P.""~• dkp!t,'(
locis vocali, ct inforto b ; qucmadmcxlu111 monct ga,.111a ; 1Eolica iitera; tigura et vi fimil is La-
crcymologus ; qui ct 2lia duo ctyma add it; fed tin~ F; lie dicta, quoo ' duorum r libi fupcr
duriora: tcgul:c qunque cavat:e, ct fcmirotunda: impcfitorum formam gcrat: ."See Voffius on
ab ifllbr. appd lannir im!Jrlus ; qubtl accipianr, tbc: art. VIS: or ·thc ori. VENGEANCE. Gr.
:ll'l'~nrquc 1mbr1s ; brcau(c they recei ve and carry
off tb< rai11 walt r, d11ri11g ;Jloltot Jh-trs.
BRI EZE }D.r•f"",,frt11u~e,grav• """"'"r t.ftrt;
BRl\\>fSEE ica dcnornim.tus efi tahan:Js, vd
BRICK-bat l the forn1cr, according to Skinn. BRIZE 11,Ji!UJ, vel ••ftro,,; cc Sox. bpem-
BRICK-brnt~ S is explained by " /11/tr ntl ftri- man; fr;>11trt, r11tle:r• ; a lc11J 6:tv:in( t;t1dj/7: Vir-
t 11d11m : Th. l-J cn!haw dictum putat d notlro brirk, gil~ in his Tbi•d Geo. v. 146, has drfcrib<:d it thus :
fcu F r. G~l l. briqut, ct Fr. Gall. bout ; t:tlrttni- EU lucos Silari circa, ilicibufque virentem
1111 :"-c:hc latter fccms to be n britk·brack, bc- Plurjmus ,Al~ur.num vol itans (cui nomen lffilo
ca~f~ it is a hrolit•·hritk; and .confcque~1ly will Romanmn cit i otjlro• Graii vcncrc ~ocantcJ)
<.>nginatc ab 0/43e•s-f3e«x•r. Afptr, 11ur>a fa11n111 : -- ,
BRl.DAS; "hirdu; properly young fowles: and Shakefpear, in his Anl•".1 and Clrop111r11,
Vcrlt.''.- but BIRD.S are Gr. Act III. fc. 7, (peaking of the fea-fight off ~lfi111n,
• •nd

- Digitized by ( :ooglt·
B R From G ·n. ! .11t, and LAT 1 If, B R
and the fli'ght o( /IJ1lo11J nn4 Cltopatr.1 from that BRINE: "fortalfe fi'c dictum e{t quaCi p;rim
engagement, makes Scarus· f)i9, a..-• ~• rive«• quod nimia falfug-o os, i11jlar ig'lliJ,
Sea. On our li'de (~he fight · appears) like tbe adural: Jun.'' a fall pickle; pun,!!;t nl, and )harp:
tokend peftilencc, we 1nigbt rather wicn Ciel. Voe. 85, fuppofe
Where death isfurc:-Yon ribauld nag of lEgypr, that brine was but another dialeft for marine,
(\Vhom Jcprofy o'ert.1ke,) i'th' midi1: o'lh' 5ght, 1tJrine, brine ; for the m, and the b, tranfmute:
'fhc britz.e upon her, like a cow in June, but then marine is 1no.ll: probably Gr.
Hoifts fail., 'and !lies. • BRINE it bitbtr 1 " various d ialect for bring ii
had Fhe .i ngenious editor of Hudibrns but known, bilhtr: Ray."-Gr. as next art.
and confidercd thefe two paffages, we thould not BRING. " Sax. bp1w,;an; Alman; pri1'gt• 1
have had fuch faJfe onhogr. and fuch falfc anno- Teut. brt11gan; per epcnth. Tii n faetu1n ex
~tion-writiP,g on the two firll: lines of the fecond Il;i:-PtXHir, pr.t!btr1, ajftrrt: Jun.''
canto, .par< UI. as he has there exhibited : But- !~RINK : Sax. bpecan; frangtrt; loNU pr,rcept;
ler bt;gins .t hat canto thus : pr-erupt us\ a Be«xo;, brrois I broktn predpiu. ·
•,i:'he learned write an infttJ'Zt BRISK;" f.~tis felicitcr alludit Gr. Af3e•E, apud
}$ but a 1:nungrd prince of bees, Hefych. quod <.xponit E11il'r~""' .i . e. vigilanttr;
That falls before a f\orn1 on cows, hoc ab //, 11011; ct De•?w , l!tr111io; et cerce Galli
Anq ftings the founders of his houfe: pro rioliro br!fkman aiunt '"' bommt tfoJtil!e ; bom~
·on which the learned editor in his-note obferves, txptrrtl'lt!s: Skinn."-!ivt{y, vigilant, and wakeful:
that " brttZlJ oft.e n bring 'along witli them great Cafaub. with great fagacity, deriv0<5 brijk i
quantities of inftfls, which fame arc of opinion l:;>f•'Y~"'• turgeo 1 item 7Jtgel1u /um, et (~rpore bt~I
are generated tram vifcous citbalation.s in the air; babilo; u/ qui in jlore flint .ti/a/is; l:9f•'Y""Y"f TO<
but our author makes them proceed from a cow's ,;A1xla~, jlore11tt ti gefliente .ttlate : to be in tht t1ig1T
duog; ,!llld afterwards bcco1ne a plague to that of life: which latter dcriv. ought rather co be
whel)ce it received its original :"-what learned pre(crred: fee F RISK. Gr.
fluff ! what falfe philofophy ! Butler is not fpeak- BRISKET: " fi<01u «~Ji a11imalis ; .. q. d. brtj/-
ing of l-rtP,!1,1.of wind, 1ba1 bring inftEls along wilh ktt; terminacio J:et minuit: Ski.n n.''- ccmfequcndy
1bt111 : · he i:neans, and fays, an iiifttl 61'ttze, or as Gr. : foe RREAS1'. Gr.
it ought rather to have been printed an infaB, BR -IST-OL }" bar-ifl-o/; hea(J_.faYfluary-(ol-
briez.e ; meaniog 1ba1 infctl, which is called a IIR-lST-OVv lrge, bill, or wood; and bar-i.,H-
briezr, is /Jui n mungrt/ prina of bus, bccaufe like ow ; ht3d·fanfluary·lown, or rivtr: Ciel. Voe. 72.n.'r
them, fome think they are produced (not as this BRl -Ti\IN; without following other etymoL
learned annota"tOJ fuppofos, from 11 cow's d11ng, let nle attend only to Ciel. wbo has told us,
but as Virgil foppofes) fr<lln 1be dead caru1fe ef a Way. 54, that the terminations" Jan, lain, fania,
aw: whid1 equivocal generation is as (alfe as and lannia, all lignify ./and, or country ; as in
the former. Mauri· tania, Lltfi-tania, Aqr1i-rnnia :" chis how"
BRIM as a fa.u 1 "dicitur de fue marcm ap- ever does not give us any reafon why Inn, or
pcttntc ;" fays Skinn. " una voce fubare : nefcio Jania, fhould fignify land, any more than waler;
an a Sax. bpyne, ard•r, ,,.flus 1 q. d. 1naxi1no cum the rcafon fecms to be becaufc:: 'r"•"•< fign!fies
.ijlu, uc foienc ill:a ani1n alia, in vcncrcm pru- a To. ..u'1.1. a T"'"'' tX/t.ndo; the
prclt11fu1., txJtn/U! ;
rire :"-from which, we might _fuppofe it ca1ne proper epithet of 1be t~rlb, before 1nankind were.
fro1n the fame root wi th brint ~ which, fi faris acquainted with the ocean : he then proc~s.
Gra:cos clfem, continues the Dr. declinarem. i\ and tells us, that ." i in the original language lig-
llo-vc.>, fi·af11ri(), d1ft110, circrtmjiuo, p!tnt~J filf!I; q. d . nitied an f)Jand: 1ben tbere remains no more than-
.Bf"I'"': et fanc, quid mari plenius I-but BRINE Br, which prefents no frnfe in any k nown lan-
takes rather a <li tferenc origin ; as we !hall fre guage, either ancirnt or n1odern ; but if you al-
pr~fcntly, under chat art. buc flill it is Gr. low a liberty of jud~ment, to r~ftore the ~llip.tic
BRl\\1 -STONE, "nf"!~v, inan'dere; 10 burn; vowel o, the word, without any violence, will give
quaCi BREN-j/011< ; a )lone tbal will burn ; by Bor-i, or 1be 1Vor1bcr11-ifl.a11d; thence Bori~1an11ia,
changing fl into II ; and then by contraCtion : contrallcd t~ Bri-1am1ia :"-after •his genclemart
Upt.''-this word is evidently derived from che has thus gh·eo the jullcf1: deriv. of ' the name of
Graek, through the Sa:< . bjiyne-rtan, qu:i!i bre11n- our country, it is a wonder he did not go ooe
flo11r, or hur11ir.g-flo11e; becaufe it is fa very h j/a111- llcp fartb•r, and tell us, that Bori, Cori, Cauri,
111obfe • we may therefore rather derive it a fl•f• all fignify the Nllrihtrn "t;(i~m . 1 from B•e••lt
ignis ; uncle uro; lEol. bur~ 1 undc /Juj/11m, ujlum ; Borras ; the lvortb uwd ; on account of the vi•-
10 b//rn, or br(l1. lmt, blu;1ering, and fold winds, that gcncrally' blow

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B R From GI\ i ! JC:, and L AT r "· B R
from that quarter : this wonder is the greater, BRJTILE, quaG bricklt ; a brtal: :--oonfc-
becaufe he hnnfdf has added, " it is on the foot qucntly Gr.: foe BREAK. Gr.
o_f this <'tym.. U»t the Druitb, among their va- • BROACH, .,. ptirct 0 borrt ! ; " Bt'X"• mode·
rious appcll•n~ns, had t~at of B•rtaJ.e, or ptr· fatio, irngo; to pou but, becaufc a barrel, when
haps bc'.ner wr11cen Bor-t1-aJ.e1 N ortb·ifla11dtT1." ~r<t1<btd,po11r1 0111 its conltnls: Nug."-chis deriv.
- 'fherc is only another dcriv. of the n•me of 1s yery doubtful; becaufc chc word broach is not
Brirai~, th•t dcfcrvcs to Ix produced, fro1n the foldy applicable co pewittg 0111, as the word
learned Bochart, who tells us, chat "Britain is a Be•X" is, which can never be corcured fo far aa
name. given to this inand by the P hcenicians, tu lignify 1ro11sfigert; 10 pnrtt; which is the fenli:
when th.:y trafficked hit her for 1i11,calling it Baral· of our word br•acb: it has been referred n.thcrto
""'"; tbt l11•J of 'fin • conrratted afterwards to the Sax. AJpb.
Br11tuac ; and then again fofcened into Bri· B
/Jt11tti11 :"-this however could noc have been · •e ROAD 1 n.>...1"'• IAttu, t1ntp/11S; lorgt, 11111pk,
'U1 wit!t: fee A-BROAD. Gr.
firft appellation of our iOand ; bttaufc we can
Ilardi fui f, h Ph BROCK, frog11U•ls, or h o1m 11uat 1 and con-
y uppo c c al the . oenirians were the pco- fcquencl.v derived from BREA K. G•.
pie who d1fcovcrcd thole mines, which undoubc-
edly had b<:en opened by rhe inhabiranrs chem- BROCK, or brto1 'U:ind; but no~ from the
{elves, for ages before the Phoenicians came hi- foregoing arr. : now it fccms to be derived from
ther to purchafc rbat article : Cleland'• deriva- Bt'"X."'• fano, r11!10; lo molt a troift witb tht tbroal.
tion therefore fcems to be more probable. BR OG L E for ttls ; '.' Fr. Gall. Brc11illtr 1 per-
If we' follow che dcriv. of Sammes, we mufr turllart, <owfulfdtrt; qu1a fc. in aqua ptrl11r/J1114,
trace che name of our inancl from the Phami- et corf11fi1, anguillre facilius c3piuncur: Skinn."-
cians, who, he fays, 39 , ficfr difcovercd this coun- there catainlr can be no objcaion 10 this deriv.:
t ry in the year of the world J'l.S6, i. e. 748, only lee me obfervc, that >roglt may come from
bef. Chr. ancl named ir Baral·anat, contraCtcd to rbe fainc root PROG; quafi protlt in lbt dirt
IJrala#ac. 41.-as to the former part of this com- in tbt mild : and if fo, ic would be Gr. r
J>Ound B rat, it may be Phoonicinn, to flg riify ti111 BROI OER, "x.,e,., ora; vel ab Oe•r, termin111,
but that the latttr part a11ar, p. 4 3, lhoulcl fig- limu, limbus; 11 border ; hence br.idrr; aru pi11.
nify 1i11 am()ng the Phccnicians, 1nay be very gere, pl11mar1, cptrt Pbryf, io variare: Gnll. brodtri
much doubted, Jlnce all our ccymol. contend Belg. DDrdMertn ; tanquam lit ii bord, vel h<ord 1
that the tern1inacion /nnio, in Brirania, or ra- ora, txtremitas, 'IJtjlium limbyi; quoniam 11111ica-
~hcr, as Sammes himfclf aO"crts, in p. 42, ""'"• run~ excremitates uc plurim.~m opcrc Phrygio•
1s a frequent tenninatioh of countries in the d1(bngueb3nt veceres : Jun. fin• nudlt·W•rk,.
world as Gtr,,.·ania, Pomrr-ania, 'J'ranjjl'IJ-ania, <VT•".{ bt en t bt berdtrs, or txlrtmilits ofrobu, &c.
Rom-ania; Now if, as he acknowledges, alfia is BROIL, or tum11:1; "Fr. Gall. Brwilltr; p1r.
the fame as a•at, and •nae lignifies /iw, rhen all 1urbort, <o•:fMr.brt ; lo dij/11r'/J, or caufe ""Y ,.,,.
thofe countries which have the fame termination fujio11 ; and confcqucntly may be deri10ed from the
mult have been as famous for ti• a.\ Bri111;,1 and fainc root with BROGJ:.E, ju ft above menrioncd :·
t he Cnffiltridu; which I believe no hiftorian will or perhaps brcil, a_nd, ui/, meaning tl1e fame thing,.
allow: it might therefore be more prupt-r co may rake the fume· deriv.: i. c. llill Gr.
fuppofe with the etymol. that taitia, or ruher in- . BROKER_; Df"n;.,,,.,..f"X."• prret.1ned..., ..f•)'«,.
deed 11.U11, fignifics t o111t117, or rtgiolf 1 and then inter alia fign1ficat trallo ;parorii, feu pro:rt11t1411frt
it might originate from Ai•E, rt:<; uncle Iha......, f1111gor ; t ra1'jigo pro ofiq11tm: " cit ec rrf,.71.,, pro
' 'Zo-. tinde r1p11111, unde rtzio ~ 11 rtgioa.. country, ne~t.t, vrl ll•"2'~o::nv, ex q_uo l?r:rt. ,.-,reax"', 11. 1r..
or dijJriO, famous for barat, 1i11 : and from hence didi: J un.',' "a f•Oar;anog!~Ifor attotbtT : Cafoub:•·
111ay be <~rived our name Brit-ania; con1poun<lcd BROOCH, or, as ic is fon1ccimes writtcn,brMtbt
of half P hccnician, and half Grcrk, i.e. the Greek· Uld brcutht; a Bf<r.<:•;, ~uttur, coll1111t ;. fc. .no•ilt:
.....£ may be derived fro1n the PhccniciAn """'· 1<1flitJ, ourta t<JltlfO : " a cello namque iftiulinodi
BRITTEN-bu/: Ray in his preface tells us, ornamcncorum drnominacio P,Otiffimum dcfomptn
that "6riUrn-vfif lignifics lo brt11I:: Jiu bo11ts•f· d'c: Jun."-a 1uckface, chain, or ladut, u·orn abouJ
it ; from the Sax, bp1i:i:an, frawgtrt :"--but bril- tbt ntck, arm, &<: •.
Jo~, w•s, fo very near to l;rilllt l and /;rilllt 10 B~OOD ; BfY'" pul[u/o; lo bring fcrtb 7eung 1 .
brullt ; and Pritldt to /irackk; ~nd brarklr to Jo batcb.
/>rial: ; and brtak to llt"X."lt brtvis ;jhor1, o r brok111 BROOK, to beor,.r11durt; "ii Bf'""" Be""""'• eda
i11IO ft&rl pit{fJ; tt1:.'lt it is :t Wonder ftC dicl OOt ftc digtrt·r t, COlftOqt.ttr'e ri lll afiq11111n a 11i1110 xr;iwn1 ;
11.e Sa.". :was v.iGtly c.!cfccntkd from the Gr. . Cafaub." ita aiunt Latini dev orart 111iferias; drvo.

Diqll17e<J by ( ~ooglt>
• r'ti'r'e ·r:Ltirl'lil, '!H«')'••t"'Yi''· .,. 111[/j •>ty. affront, btar v ~ft.
Jun. and Skinn. \VC may r&ther fuppofi',
any misfortunt. · · thar ;oor word irofhtr 'WKS d e-tceniled from t he
DR00K, 'or ·,.;.,,,/er •; "il'fll«(. A!ol. ptiJ."p,,,.£, S•ll: bj10\Sep·1 Th~cnifc. '.br utilb"; ~elg. brotdtr;
•VI .,.;.,J/11, or fmall .nrta111: <:afaub." ." vela Be•X•• Dan. brmier 1 'ieur. 1'r.11der 1 " ·crt<lo ha:c omnia,"
J>iii'IJia .1 rain; q uod 'ijli11jmcdi rivri!i ""' ripm1i.. ,, 'fays Skim1. " de1kx3 ft vt<rho ID breed; q. d.
iiltbrt co/hf!i, tjttfdtm p/u'tfi~ iinpl/11 'int1111ufca1tl, ti fol'tu; i. c, ~tftuattu, phrt1u; of tht fame ltrood :"-
(oltrittilt~r : Jun." and yet neitber ·o f thefc deri\·. only lh'e ·Dr. oogl\t not to have ·ftopt there; for
·'«•.n fo properly tre called the root\ as'thc bra~hes brud, and brood, undoubtedly originate a Be""•
-~f the -11crbs ~'X"" or 'p,.,: 'llnd therefore Up.ton; p'kllklo; as he ha:s himfelf ockn1rwledged uneer
·!las. 'mort •p-ropcrl:y deriwcd . •a brooi,, :or rivrifrt ~ BR'G@D. Gr. .
from Be•%"" Br!le•x."' lo wtl, or nioij101. . B'.ROUSE,, ~"'"'" pafco; lo Jud onfof'trbs; ·& c.
· BROOM, B~''" brya; a f11Uill jltrrtft, wilb Va.igs, iBR'OliV ~f tbt tyts l -J>e•"r, ".el ~f""?"~ frons, tis ;
like bir<b; of whith tbry •mi.te l!rujhes, bro~mt, &c. B'f~Ol\.V ·o f a btll ~ tbtforibtad: Skmn. <'jUOtes
BR0 1:; " Sa." . Iidc>j\ot:e 1 frngl!'tnfa ;panis f 'CafiuYI!>. for de:ri~ing bro,w nb O~vr; 'firpercifi«m l
offals: Ray.'.',.-thcn \VC -1n ig hc .fuppore it wns, -ant\ J~•n. had made che obfetvacion , ·acque
.~eri~ed 'tithe~ from Be.~7•>, tibzu, efaa, puni.1; bNnd :• i!'dc. liquet r~li'qua deriva~a·dle'P<r apha:ref. prima:
or "tlfc fro1n B,e«xu;, brroiJ ; brokrn ; as '"1t1eil \Ve r-yllal>re, quaf.i -.t.1e11:it·, \•el Be"~' a /Jrqw .- a11d vie
fay, br<ken.brend, broken meat, &c. m ay rnrhe r adopt th is latrcr d<:riv. •
.BROTH, " Bev1,., v inum bordcnceum : Upt.'' BRO~VN; " Sa'l<. cc ·Fr: G111l. brun; Belg,
·bar!ty wint; properly bttr, or airy ki11d of liquid, br1<y11; -~feuc. brarm, Ital. brrino; fufnu ; vic!eri
. hoi!.:.d •u:itb .ftv1ral i11g1·r1litr.t1, i>1 urdr.r to fattp : pCJOU11t COTrl1pta ·ex FI.v;fo"I, rriftitn, rubl um; fjliO'IJli.0. 0

. Cafaubon ·and Junius i:!eri ve our word broth '1 a qtddem <'Olcra ·i.fli fimt vicini: Jun." dark red ; ·b<r-
. il~w1•» efca, cibu.< :"- bu t none of chofe words dtJ'ir.g on blPck. Cid. Voe. 85, fays, that " by
were ever •pplied before to }iquitlfoodJ. Sk inn . de- enallage o f b for m, we hove our Wl'J rd /;roam ;
rives broth, a Sax. bpo~; and th•t wo rd a hp 1pan, • s t he French cheir bnm, and '""""· fro1n 111orwi11;
cpq1u:re :-. ·c~en it fcerns bu t natu ral to deri,•e chem famrJJh,11 bl;,tk, or teJJdi~,r: 10 b!o&: but ·mor feems
311 aBe"'?"' fer71eo, buliio ; to boil, teak, or drefs a11y co be only a contrnl Hm1 of ""''·tuus, i . e. ·a
ibi11g by boili1;g. . . M"~-.., 11101•s ; dt'atb. deadly, difi1tal, gloomy, 'blnek ;
. 'BRO'rHE'.L,; " by tranfpofition a Fr. G~p. bor: and win is Olli)' a din1 inutive., the fame OS Wft ;
Jr!, \'el hard,a1< ;. Ital. bflrde//Q ; lupanar; ex hord ; ab f::~/,!)!11C"w}', 111i11(1r: fo that 1ncrw i11, or borwin,
• margo 1 et tau; aqua ; q uia lupanaria ad 1ipas contratled to brown, fignifi~s a Jhad• •of black, or
' jiuminis eciam apud Romanos olim conftrueban- famcwhnt b!ark.
rur: . Sk·inn."-thould this deriv. be right, bc;>th BRUE, "lo brue, or brew ; from Brwu, beer
BO'RDer~ and ta"• are G r. wben brttod: Athen:eus, lib. X. c. 13, Tl·> ;,
'·H ROTH ER ; any perfon would fuppofe from <f•Y»<> """ •~• Bl'TTON Tn1r xx>.""" : vimm1 hor-
· ·rhc terh1inat ion of {he G1«ck word s n./-•f, pater; deaa f1ni BRUTON tt• nmtlfi 'IJotmrt : et hinc c... ib:
~·h1-.-, riiatrr; 0 uy#/-,•,filia ; that our word bro· Upc."-be fides chis (enf~, we have anoth~r, in
lh'1' .~as defcended frOJ;, the Greek, 'through che wh ich the word brue is fomeri1nes rnken; viz. /o
·L atin ·,,#or(t j'r111er, (,er1ved fronl cftf~1r:e, t«.ri~lis; 111ix, . (>r pot1r 1·~{'0 li1ttbrs tcgtti/er ; ·and .t f1en it
and c;2,la\lbOn and U'pcon are of tha.1 9p1111on ;· fccms to t~ke its origin .frrnn Bf ' "'• f tnllo,,
thoog11 Indeed t he forn'IG ct acknowl~dgcs that Ct f<aten fa do; lo b1tbb!t , lik<a jp<itre; ·10 {cnHtf,
1' 11>iJ.1"f• vet <1>e..l•e apud , rx:cos ri~ag1s !";tntralt: 'pour, j kw: unlds " >e ~hufe to · de~i"e· ic ' with
:rerbum, qt1an1 \'Cl "fi ·a!tr aptu.i Latinos, vel bra- Sk in11. from 4'.ioe!.l(o," n1ifceo; 10 ming le, or 1ni>.: to-
Jber apud _.\nglos ; qu:c ·rar!len ex i'lto ' i:oni'rnu- Ktl/Jer : tho' p< rhaps it n1ighc rather be dti'ived a

;b ody ~ad doub~ed it before. his .time, we mc;tt cie-1

nio re verbo 1na1larr~ 11e1no dul.> itat ;' -bt1t i( r1o;~ .n~(t.;w ~ \
• · h:tillr> ; t (l 'bcil.
l~R UJS1'1,, .'"''""w, ·1·.,.~"1'·'• fi'nng~. ; ·to f1rt"ti.t , .er
fire! leave co t!10cnt 110'" f-ro111 tl11s g reat rrl:1n s 0µ1--~ ,l·ruifi :. \VC 111:\o/ rarl1er · tupp(>fe· Yi' tt1l J•.;~. ttiac
' nioh in chis art. for .¢>~ ..1·e in Gr~ck does noc !i11·.. hruifa \<':ls de rived a 11f1" · f«o ; ni!i p re pi\IS ac-
nify btothtr ; buc one 9ui ljl i11 mri,e fjufdtm can· cedcre t ad il).ud ·llf'~"' q '.•Od H efych . • exponi t
fortio; v1:~ who t11)oy.s the ' pt f':.:iltgt.J of · the fame' ·,,., •. 'Jlringtntio prtJt1i1, i1J1pt1-111n fact-re; to t:ll'titk
tribe ; <>r as we 1nay fay,• OJI< of the fof/1e brother- wi1h ·'llio/mre. ·
.'bcod,, to1ifrater11ilJ raflir.g, f r_n dt ; bl)t :\3t>;¢o~ is :
1, BltUl'l.., lf~,/N~t fre11;0, frtli}Uit; qul fi brc111r1it,
properly \;reek for a l1ro1ber D.,v bir1h, or. ca•f a11- uhd'c ·bruil ; •to ma_ke or.y iot1d noife ; io report'l!broad :
guir.if);• or the ~eiPg defce11ded f rom the Jam< parer.ts: vel_'ii"ll.~>lo, 1oNi1;u ; thunder ; 3n'd1ht re ufed ligu-
':lnd therefore It moy rather be denvcd from the rauvely 10 ·figmfy f ttJJle, ·that is publifoed to all the
Greek, thr<>11gh a_ Northern chnnnel ; for ·with world.. Cafaub, 203>•·has ·lhe1w1 char che·.G reeks

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B R Frotn GR 2 EK, and .LA t r ·N. • B U
a m11fcn! i11.ftr11m!Jtl, called
•• .,
·r,:11.[3or : 'p,l'-f-•,
'I I!
BR.YONY, Drvx ...,, br:>'otiia; vitiJ genus; c 11Ji!d
o·tr1 Tfi;x,111x.,·;-, c.iv rftfJ1-:~1 'f4'1C11 ,....m10>1tr, x«1 J;;f!" vine, grawing i11 hedges, and bearing a red be ")"
Y.l1n:t111 a.1to1!>. 31T1 : et;·mologicu111 exponit 1'.1v;1xcv
,., ._ \ .., . BlJ BBLE, Jlc;o.•. j afltrs, b11lla, bu!/11/a ; a !111/,i, f,
<l" Z~•O::l !.IP" 0 Jfff1Si11 it~ TC¥ atPti, X« I :oi:1wr 1:·x1'~ 1.,v.r.01>.;trl : of w11ttr; forte quod co11jet111 lapidwn, & c.; b11!Jo
u11dc 1-Jcf}'ch . •Pc.ip.{30~, ~o)'or, rf<>'Po), nxor, d'i•ci~: excitari Joleftf : R. B.xJ,,,.,, jncio.
addit auccm etymologicum, idem inftrurnenrnm BUBBY; ·•y.,, hirmeo, humeilo, un ' e l!D.·r ; a
Bev1•e"- etiam nuncupa1um: un.d e fortalfc et Gal- dug, or teat.
l.icu1n bruit : 'Angli a
Gall. an Gr. acceperint, BUBO, " Bsi3•''" ingue11. ; the groin: a dljtaji
nelcio: fed ec·i lli hr11i1t de r11111•rt, (<jui lingure ojfefling ti/at ptirl. N ug ." .
fonus), u fu rpant . BU-CEPHAL US, B•xt!'~Aor , Bucrpbatus; um-
BRUM AL; Be'I'- "" cognon1en Bacchi : R. rino et 1}1agno cnpite p r,edit1ts: 011 ox-·htadtd, or
BfZJ~w, fren10; ty; roar aJ fcfti:;;a/s ()f Bro111i111, large-headed horfe: t he name of Alexa11d er's
er Bacchtts: vel reaius a B~.?:%~~, brtvis; er n1v.1~;,, horfe ; (o called Bo:, boJ ; a11 O.<; et a ~ i;:.,,... ••
dicJ ; quod bre'Vijjimus din in id temp1u incidcret, cnput ; the head. •
in ql!o erant f cjla Bnrchi: bruma quari bre'f.>ima; BUCK, or deer; B•••,
capr·ea ; Cafaub. : SJ J<.
bre"Jimus pro brcviffirmu ; I be faorttjl da)' of the bucca; Belg. et Teut. bock; hirciu, coper ; ·of the
:Jear; mid-wi111er, or tbe wi11ter foljlice: this lat- goat, .ftng, or deer fptcieJ.
ter deriv. C lef. Vee. 7. n, does not admit of ; BUCK ING t i AM -jbirt, " fo call ed," fays Verfr_
and therefore would derive it fro1n " bor-im; 1 50, " of the aboundance of t·11ke11..1reu, th at
t he cold faafan: b-oer ; cold; and 1111 ; wenther : rhere grew; or, as we hO\V p'ronot1rice tlle111, bea ..
ic. is fro1n i1;1, in t his fenft, that the French derive cbtn·1rees :"-but BEECrf , is Gr.
tems; and the ltalinns tcmporale : tcms, 1i1ne, or llUCKLE, or bend dc"Pn: ," Sax. Bu0 an, .J:ie-
.d11ralio11 of tbne, derives d tfte rencly :" -but very bu.,.an, jltflere: vide BO\V: Skinn."-10 .c11rv.:.
probably there is no difference. as to detiv. and ;1oop, 0 or bow do~vn: . confequcnrly Gr. · ·-
'but very li ccle as to rignification :· however, let BUCK- \ Vf-l EAT; becauti: this word happens
im~ ltmJ, an.d tenrpornle, c01ne from ' any la nguage to wear a differenc appearance, ou r etyrnol . 'feerl'\
on earth ; frill bor, or b-011· moll: undoubtedly to have loll righc of t he original deriv. Juniu&
comes from Boreas, lignifying cold, and blujleri"g; acknowledges t hat "buckwheat is d erived a Dan..
a nd confcquently Gr. · · bogvede; Belg. boeck-w e)'t ; and that they both
BRUNT, by tranfporition from b11r111; the lignify fngo-p)'rt""; fagi1111m fn1mentum :"'-and
heal of affio11, the 'Violfnce of the onfat: Tcut. ec Lye, under the arc. Book, and under che art . ·Beub,
Belg. brmrfl; nrdo1·, ca/or, .e,fhu; b11r11, quafi p11n1, acknowledges t hat both thofe words are der.ived
a nve, ignis i fire. from fag -us ; confequcntly Gr.
BRU!>H, d ean; 'P..( or,flridor cum jibiio; hinc BU-COLICS," B.x•'),,ixo;,pojloralis; a .pa;loral
r u.fc11r1 1111tlt fc(lp1e jiu11t, oj/ici11/J 'iJOttJl1tr br1iftt1 ; poem, in which 111t11tion is made of Jhepberds, and
an)' thing mode, at jitjt, of rufoes, tmti nftn·«1t1rds ether r1tj1ics: R. BH~, bos ; an tJ.~ ; e t >~o>.t:.,, .cibu.r,
of other niata1·ials, to f wup, or dtmifa nway du.ft, &c. food; a f eeder uf oxe;:, OT he,-ds. Nug.''
B RUSH-wood; either from the fame root, BUDGET, Bo;.-y0<, p ro M•.,,_'Y"• quod :Hcfychi<>
to lig nify fi11nll twigs to make brooms, &c.: or cerle ell Bo"•< ""'"''• fncc1u roritue111; Volf. a.Bw.y~
el fe a five, unde t1ro, pcr11,flum ; q uari brtt.ftum ; erl bulga; a pouch, or leather bag : Galli bulgt1s
f.1fce;, ex eo confetti, ob ligni tcnu itate rn ftatim facculos fcorteos appellant; hanc vocem Maffi-
a tcend1mtur; Jina/I fagots of underwood ; ;vbitJ:., lienfibus accepiffe dicamus : vd a nury•, jtuculus ;
on arco1111t P.f the .fkndernejs of their· tw ig1, eajilj· quail poudgu.
k iJ1dle; kindling-wood. BU FALO i o r as N ug . and ochers .w rite .it,
BRUTE, an-o .,,,~ B«f'-'1ri1or, i. e. gravitate; narn BUFF · ) brifllc : Jl.,Sa;A•r, bu/;a/uJ, Vos fih•efr
grai e111, inrcrpretatt!r l:'eftt1s in /. 1"ttl1ts, et obr1Jtu.s, lrij; a fart of 'f.!Jild tJ.\": R. Bs), bos; a11 o:i:. Nug."

immobiltm, ut videtur '; objlinate!)' fixt : · " Scrviu; ; BOFFE'r, or blo1v; n"I'"~~"" vebe111e11ti11s fpi-
quem vicie acl ill11d JEn. X. l>bi bn1tmn interpre- rore; the b!o<in11g, or pujjing up the cheeks 10 re-
t ttru r j t.tifl' tr!YellJ: nnfl1 Je1·r.11 t_Z je1if1' Jo11gijfi111t ceive blof/JJ; uncle Beig . boffe11 ; et al1 hoc puff ;
abi.ft : fed per 1nersph. pofrea vox hrec tu m tar- tales colaphi b11ffe1J nuncup:mrur Anglis. Jun."
dis, nc ft11pidi1 aaommodata: Vo!J:" a d11lt, j/upid, BUf.FOON, lk•/3•E, laquax, nug4tor; a bab-
h(?avy crenture; i11ft 1!}i!Jle, irt·ationo./ ; i11capab!r: of /;/i;w !rifler; undc Belg . bt/fen, ineptire; Ita l.
k11rr-a;/erlge, or religi{f11. ~ hujf~11e; cc Gall. boufon, Jtt11r11, mimarizu, et·Jce-
BRUTTE : Ray acknowledges this to be only 11ic11s ; a jbrewd 1111d craf ty t(;Urt foot ; " " f ool ~f
a SC>uthern d ialect for brow/e : b\lt BROUSE p!ifmmu; J11ch .a.Qtle as ki11g1 avd great men ltn·ed
is Gr. lo tt1-tertain: Jlln.''
K . BUG--

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B U From GREEK,and L A TIN. ! u
BUG-BEARS; both Jun. nnd Skinn. have ex- BU L-FJNCH; "Sa1'. flllC; 1"eur.·.finck; and
phrned the former part of this compound ex- Belg. bolle, bull.e; quali bos-fri11gilla ; t bt large
tr-.mrly weJI; viz. lm"'!Jar, trn·iui!a111e11ta., ma11du- finch : Skinn. under the art. Finch :"-we have
au; and have as properly derived ir a pHgs; d.c- already obferved, under the art. BOOBY, tb•t
mo1us: "fed credo non quofvis," fays Skinn. " fed bull, and hoife, are addirional expreffions only
eos folum qui forma puerorum fagis ct pythoniffis ufed ro lignify largr, or flrong; and therefore we
apparenr, et ab iis blandi1nentis e t obfcrenis of- may derive the former part of this compound
culis, interdu m et venereo coitu, tanquam amalii, bull from the Gr. and the latter part fin ch from
cxcip iuntur :"-fince then they are (uch lafci'Vious che Alman. v inco; as in t he Sax. Alph.
gentry, there can be no good reafon why rhe 01'. BULGE, Bo>,'!'•:, pro M»·'l'"• quod 1-Iefych.
fhould fcruple to derive theft pugs, or bug-bears, exponit B 4flO) ~axo$, fat&rJJ <oriactt1J; a leather bag,
~ 11•')'• ;-but," nollcm dcflexum anv'l'"•" fays he, whieb /wells out like a belly ; fro1n whence comes
" hoc cnim cinardum inuerat :"-and iris for that the Sax. b1b;s, uttr, et ima parf; and a,
very reafon that we ought to derive thein from lhip is faid co be bulged, bilged, or bildged, and co
n''>'" : becaufe, were the fae1 true, and we were have bilged water, " quando rupi, vtl an<;hor:ll
to admit of the for111er part of th.e Dr's. narra- allid itur ; eoquc infin\is tabulis fraetis, et con·
tion, the latter would be as ealily admiffible : cums, rimani", imo rui11a1n agit ; when it fprings 4
let me only obfervc however that this de ri v. an- lertk, a11d draws in mucb water, Jo as 10 }ink:
fwe rs but to the former part of this compound Sk inn."-but then the Dr. has not gone for
bug -bears; but ro the latter, I h;we not as yet been eno ug h , for he d oes not fee1n to have been fenfi-
abk to fatisfy n1y inquiries. ble that · b1l.1;s origi.naced from bulga; and bulg_a
BUGGER: " nv.,.., ci11.ed1u; nam Italorum fro1n Bo>-')/""; . Lye Ill his Add . .Qbfervcs, that it
plerifque pigijlo ab eadem originc nuncuparur may be derived fro1n Belg. bolgbt, b11lghe; or
.fodomita: infand:e huj us libidin is turpirudo Belgis Sued . baclia ; or Iceland. b)•lia ; j/ufiuf ; t bt wa-.·es,
.~ lt·ganter nunc,upat\tr 1io111111e fa11dc , q. d. f ;111/tt lJ1 or the bilt1TJJS; viz. wben the /hip is jtml.: mid the
prcu1111m 1 quod illud ob e11orme1n flagitiot:C li- 1vaters; but even tben it would be Gr: See
.bidinis impuritatcm, ne q~1idem fas lit non1inare: BILLOW. Gr. •
Jun." the unfpraxablefin . ,BULK; Lye in h is .l\.dd. derives this word "a
.,BUGLE-hor11: " bu•le eft bo11afu1, the wild bu/Ju; Iceland . na~·is 0111ts; undc line dubio de-
bull; ita ut bugle-born fuerit bo11aji-cor1111: Lye." fluxit voc;1bulum :"-but we may doubt wnethtr
- this does not inform us fron1 whence bugle is the Icelandic be the original word; at leaft it docs
derived; to trace which, Sk inner wi ll help us; not fignify 11avis 01111s fo particularly, but t hat it
for he fays, q. d. bucul.e; feu j11venc4'-cor1111 ; but may be appl ied to wtigbt in geNerai; and then
"there he has ftopt; fo that we n1uft look for with Cafaub."it may be derh<ed ab 'o"••· omu,
butu!a in B•••>-•<, b11bulcus: R. B•<• bos; at1 o.v, po11dus; b11rdtn, weig ht: and t hen to brea.l, bulk,
or butt; and bugle-born quafi bouxlt-hon1, is no is to hegi11 to unload; not only to lighten t he jhip,
more than a wild-lndf's-b•r11. but to 'ail~ialt d1J!I other xvcigbt : it may likewife
BU-GLOSS, "ll•'l'>-"q"" bughjf:JS; borage; an in this fenfe fignify mag11i1udt, andjize ; lince they
herb Jo called, which refembles the tongue of an generally include the idea of weight.
ex : R. B11r, /;o;; an ox; azld f Awc-tti:i, liJ1g1ta ; the BULK· head} or rather balker ; a Belg. bakk,
Jf/t1g1tt : Nug.'' BULKER Ira/is; a beam; and confcquenr-
BUILD ; Ciel. \Vny. 71. tells us, that in the ly originates frorn the fame root with E.'\.LK,
fylbble it lies the power of aitit11de, or idea of or beam. Gr.
b~ight ; and hence becomes radical to ·bill; to BULL, B•h bas; 0 11 ox; qu ali bou/l: Skinner
co/lit, to ltnolt, or top of a hill; to build, and fuppofes it derived from the Bdg. and Sax. bo!le,
buildi,1g : but in h is Voe. 211 , be fays, that al, bull~ ; bull11ce, diminutivum; hllil'!IS; a bull, ar
ti, i!, o!, and 111 (t he vowd being in foct ind if~ )"ou11g )leer : nollern defletlere ii [1w>.", p111!11s ; for
ferent) is perceivably the eti;11on of n1any words .[hat is the young of any creature ; as when we fay
imporring tmi11ci1a, and height :-bu t ii, hill, ol~ a Joie; or a pullet: neither would J, with Jun.
and col, evide11tly originate a K">~-w,,Ti, col-!i1; a fuppofe it derived i\ Ile.\•, iflus, plagn ; qu(>d
hill, or mry e111ine1tce; and here u(ed to fignify a· corm1 jtriat ; for all horned c reatures do the fame.
jlr11£fure, or edifice. BULL of the P~pe: B•>·•· co1uilium ; council,
BULB, ll•ill3•;, bu/bus; radix qu:evis rotunda ; confultatioll : perhaps even the word B•>·• may be
a f ral/io1i; any rool 1b111 is f fJtllld, and wrapp~d in defcended·a ll•A•y.~" 'Volo; I w ill, ii is my t>pi-
many fain.1, or films; as !eelu, u11i~·11s, tulip 1·qcts, a11d 11ic11 ; becaufe, when a pcr/011 gives his opi11ion.ip
clov<s of garlic, co1mcil, he dedares bis will : fron1 both thefe denv.
s · therefore

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B U Frorn Ga t t K, and LAT r N. B U
t .h ercrore the proper way or
writing this word a cor.jl1111t allmdant, an inftparoblt co111pr.11ic" :~
would be the Popt'J bou/ : unlcfs, with Si.r John only now we mun: trac,e it u p to the G r. ; for bomu;
Evd)•n, we would deri ve it from lla>.A«, but/a; a and fide/is, ar~ derived from t ha t lang u,1ge.
fa a!, fat to any fucb writing as 11 decr·u . BUM -PE.R : another evident d eviation fro111
• BU LL ACE, "cornmonly c~Jled the btilly-tru; the F rench bon-pere; the good-fa ther, m ean ing
a B"'"" glcba; 11 cfqd, o r rormd lump of ttlrtb, rbe Popt, whofe health was always d rank by c he
&c. prunum jjlvejlre i fortalfe a ro1u11di1ate globcfii rnonks afcf<r dinner in a f ull glafs :-howeve r bo11-
fie diflum : Skion." p~rt is derived ii p.,.,.,,.,,1"?• bomts·pater; the good-
BULLET ; " B•J.•, bul!a ; j ntlru, iOtu; the fatber, meaning bis holinefl.
afiiim of throwing, or whatever is thrown : R. BUNG, n",""' operime17tt11n, epiflomium; Belg .
B,.A)..,, jacio ; to b11rl, or cajJ : or from II•'"" the bomgat ; Fr. Gall. bo11do11 ; the cov e1·i11g over lbe
pol< af the heav enJ, or tbt bead, or m;y rom:dft· hGle of the veffel, or cafk. ·
g :tre: R. Ilo>.t:i:> 1;trt1J; to turn : Nug."- [his lac- 13UNGLE ; " Fr. G all.; intpti rem
ter feems to be rather too forced a deriv. for tho' aggrtdi: vel ii Fr. Gall. bo11dir; rejilire; qui
IloAo;, and llo1'r.,, lignify tbe p ole of the btavtns; enin1 inep te rem aggreditur, fu binde confufus,
a nd to turn ; yet perhaps ·chat is always un- rcji!it ; et 1nedirabundus opus tantillum inte1·-
derftood of t1 circular motfon; but never to m ean mittit: Skinn."-confcquently Gr.: fee BOUND,
ti· gl1Jb11lar body, like a built!, or a cmmGn ball : it or leap. Gr.
would be more natural to derive bullet from Bwi.•r, BU NN, F"o;; lEol. bonus, bor.ul:ts; 11 good,.
/;&/us; a round mafs, or lump of metnl, &c. dainty , fine cake.
· BULLION; fonean ii B.-1-o< , bo/11s, gleba; quia BU NNY, B•>0<, col/is, tumulus; a rifing, jwtll•
argen tutn hoc non fignatum gltbt1r11m forma con- ing gro:md, ·a bi/lock.
{picicur : uncoi ned filver in th'e 111afl, o r /11mp . BUNTING-lark;" alaud.efpecits; Fr. Gall. bo11-
BULLY ; "vela b11rly ; g ra11dis, cbeful1u : vel dir, rejilh·e,fttltitare ; qui a hrec a vis humi f ubfilire, et
a bulcke ; 111t1g11i1udo, vi.- /iberaliori vi&lu probe Ja- faltilure folet ; quod eovcrifimilius fi t,q uod univcr-
ginntus : vel, q. d. b111/-eyed, IJ"""" • i. e. b011ilfis fun1 alaudarum genus humi nidulantor: Skinn." -
or.ii/is, feu gra11dioril•1!s, p ;··.-cdilUJ : Skinn.,'- tf1is the D r. feems to have been no very great naturalift;
laft, t ho' very applicable, yec can fcarce be called for fparrows do no t build their nefts on the ground,
30 ctym. however it is very well fu ited !O thofe b/11j- and yet they 'juijiliu11t, et faltitanl : but, if his
ftri11g, /Jig-looking, Jierct·talki11g ge111lt111rn: th~re etym. be j uft, ftill it is G r. fee BOUND, or leap.
would be no impropriety in deri ving chis furious BU RBOT ; bolotburia, muflela jluviati/is ; Fr.
hero, the bully, dire{tly fron1 <!>;, •.,, bullio ; to boil, Gall. bourbt; non 3. barba, vel arunt o ; fed quia
10 b!ibb!e; one whofc blood is always ill a ftrmt111, lutum, et camum rollro, anferum m odo, commo-
e ver boili"~ ; or at k aft foems co be fo. ?et ; hoc au1e1n bourbt, fi Gr:rculus es efurirns
BU L-W ARK, '' ll"'""" ; Bo>-•e•<, or Jlr,,:>.•e•r, a (fo polite is Skinn. at prefent } potes d eclinarc ~
r a.mparl, or work of earth, 1hrow11 up: R. Jl,.;.,,, Gr. B•efl•e•r :-but why this ill .. natured reflexion,
gleba; a clod, or lump of da)'> or ttlrlh: Nug."- Ji Grt4culus es. ifuriens ?-B•ef3•e•< ligmfies lu1um,
the root indeed is r~gul ar, but t he produltion is uJJnum, limus; and if this greedy fifi1 delights fo
rather jejune; for neither B'"'f"• nor B"'A"f"• ap- much in mud, as moll: ttls do (for it is a fpecies
p ear in any lexicon : we m>y therefore rather of ul-poul) there is no reafon why this phJ:licitmi·
fuppofe that bu!wttrk was com pounded of /Jul and culu1 ifuriens lhould be fo averfc from admitting
11Jark; bu/ ii B•<, an epithe t of ftrengtb ; and here ~his G r. deriv. particularly after he hau cold us
fig ni fying flt•11g; and tvark, Sax. peopc; Teut. char this fifh was called bourbe; qui a !utum et ctJ:m<m
u •erck ; opus ; work ; all evidencly derived ab commovtt : it were to be withed that fon1e of his
Efy·•» r;p11J ; WGrk ; chc whole compound meaning old Sax. Teut. Belg. and Fr. Gall. dcriv. bad not
a flout, j11·011g work, or fQrtificalio11. been more (oreign.
BUlVI l derived either frorn ll•"<- BURDEN, t.o bear : B"f" quafi Ba{!•f, /Jurdi111
BUM -FIDDL E ! .,.,9.,.,~ ,t1101H-obfa'qut11s; 11fub - burdm ; pondus, onus; moleftia ; nny prtjfure, wdght,
" 'ijfivc·hi/lf,ck ofj!efb : orelfefrom two French words, or trouble : Veritegan writes it byr1bi11 ; nnd fup·
wh ich we have traduced into bum.fiddle, whether pofcs it to be Sax. ·
wi th <lefign, or not, would be difficult to fay; b ur BU RGH l ITveyor, quafi BveY·"· b11r;rus, tur-
according co its prefent appearance, the e>.'}lreffion BV ROUG H 5 ris; a tower, or jlro11g place ;
ieen1s ro carry neither fenfe, no rrneaning ; whereas ~lfo the chief 'lltagijlratt of a fortified tow11: fee
there feems to be a liule joc ularity in ic, if we BURRO\\'. Gr. Verftcgan obforves, that" bou-
fuppofe it ro be derived .from bun·fidclle ; meaning rougb m etaphorically fignifict'h a town bavi11g it
a good and faitbfid friend; a Jure and jlea'dy al!J i, wailt, 11r /0111~ "K)!ld of clefure 11kut ii: alfo a cajJlt :
K z all

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B· U From G l\ z1 K, and L A T 1 x: B U
all places that in old tyme had among our an- have known that p~r:1an, raprre,rnpio,and rapax, are
Ccl(rs the name of 6ct1rct1gb, were pl3ccs one oil derived ab 'Arr"?"• rapia ; undc '.~eir~E, rapax ~
way o r other fcnfed, or fortified :"- and yet this (o that this wo rd b"'-gravt is derived noc from the
good old Slxon could no1 fn· the tr\IC dcriv. of this Sax. &c. but fron1 the Gr. os its true: fou rcc.
word, that it was Gr. Cid. Voe. 30, fays, "the BUR LESK, or b11rltfque, " Gall. t•rltr ; Ital,
1"0rd /Jr.r admits of a very extcnfive f1gnifica1ion; burltirt ; L at. Bat. l"1rda1·e ell: jofart, h1dtre ;
11 /,11rghtr, or ( reem1111 v.>as c-alk d a barman, or buurd ; jocus; hinc, u c tnihi quidc111 vidctur,"
t 11r-mt11': bn Lthc word borough," he tells us," lig- foys Lye, " fi t bur!ttre, d in I niutato ; quod
nific• n town havi ng m unicipal offices, in Oion, nonnu nqu3m fieri pace t ex Ital. dgla, p ro t icada:"
of j11 ftkc :"-then confeq utnrly Gr. li:c BAR . ·- " fed t\nde inquies," fays Sk inn . " h al. burlnrt ~
llU RG· LARY; " vox f ortnjiJ, fad v u/go 110/a : force anotn . pnrola J ditlio, •:Jorabu/11111 ; mnnino ut
Skin11."-who has g ive n us a longer remark t han a
di!Ttri:1111, it dite11dq : vd Lat. ferrt!t1 ; q. d. jcn1-
ufual on t his wo rd ; and though he ack nowledges iarf!; i. e. Ja1111d v1rbn·a1·e :"-lo ridicule Jht
ic co be v u/go 110/u os co the fig nification, ycc has wc,.ks cf an 0111bur : onl y now it h appens a litcle
pl.1inly 01twn that he knew nothing of tht iruc unfortun ately for the Dr. that bot h paro!a and
ctyni. not<vithftanding his having quoted the ftru!a, are Gr.
Lar. Sax. Fr. Gall . and Nonnan. lanGuagcs: I BURLY ; " gra11dis ubtjulus: q. <I. /Jaor-lrke ;.
/hall not go throug h all his tedious obtcrvations, agri cola! eoim propter b bores, ct inde p lenum
I.Jut comment only on what he has fixt ; viz. vichm1, corporc gra111iiuru funt : Sk.inn."- but
"SJx. bup3h ; arx; et Nonnannidi tcrminationc perhaps it might be 1norc natllrJI to derive b11rlJ.
/11r;y : lary 'l:rro iv ttmpD./itiGr.e latr«iniumfi611ifita1, i Belg . &11/ke; /Ju!Jry, !Jllrly, big: only BU LK is G r.
a Fr. G•ll. larr•u; fatr•; larrui11; la1roriwi111n ; BlJR N, n:if';c,., too1b1tro, burg, i11tt11Jtrt; tg.
q. d, m·ri.1, fcu u:Jlelli, /aJrcci"ium; dom11J tnim tjl t11- Jdndlt , fat on fire: R. ri.e, ig11is ; fire.
j1~(qut arx :"-all th is will b e 1n oft r~adily gr3n1e~I: BU lt N IS H : " Fr. Gall . et H ifp. /,ru11ir ; !cal.
bu t then, why did he fup prefs the G r. ctyrn. 1 cl rd bno11rt ; e..-pultre; puca arma: credo a verbo 10 b11r11;
h~ know, or did he no t know, that the Sax. b11113h qu ia nrma accurate poliLa, e t vc rnifo uc loquimur
was .cvidt·11tly derived from nv~y-o;, arx, turris f illita, adeo inten(ejpfende111 , ut q11 ali ardere vill•-
and did he kno w,, or d id he not know, chat the a11111r : hinc poet is gladii mican1ts, ct rorr11ff11111ts ·"'
No rman rcr1n ina tion lrlr)', whi<'h he nc.knowl cdgcs Sk inn."-bu c, !lill he will not tillow, that our
to be derived fro111 the F r. Gall . lan·o11, Intro, verb burn comes frorn uro, quali b11ro 1 ar.d t bar
was !till farther derived 11 A"";, lalro; c t A~7ei.· 11ro is derived frum flu~, ig11i1; fir•.
"" /a/rorinari? if he d id k now it, and wo11ld BUR R, n l:11•b, or Imo/ ; " lie dicitur nidi:i:
oot declare it,. then-partiali ty to h is Saxons and cor11L1 cervi jur1i(,ris, ian1 cornl1 profcrrc jncipien-
K onnans 1nat!e hi1n f::rpprcfs it; and if he d•d tis; ii Fr. Gall. k11rre; 1oiw1n111m, lanugo; q oi'1>
not know it,.hi• ignor.ince is chc more inexcuf- (c. principio e ft 1nollis, et quali lim1t1<1aji : Skinn."
abk; ~c.111fo the Gr. deriv. was fo vifiblc. -but perhaps burr is only a vnriOui dialecr for.
BURG- RAV E : again we have here another in- lmu.r: wh ich is Gr.
ftancc of Skinn's. pnrtiali cy o r ignor•nce ; the BU RREL:fty; "1aba1J1tS ; 1.fu.,,j., d egans fanc -
J.1ttcr C:lll fca.rce be th ought ; and wby a man of vocnbulum, a Fr. G all. bourrrau; rarnife»; b«tr-
kuers Omu ld no c go up to the fo11rcc of worils, rtlcr; naar11ifirart , v t,<tzre ; q11i a fc. 1nifera ju-
whdn he k nows in what laoguage it is co be mcnra <e!l:ate exearr.ifitot, ct quali i11 furorem adi·
found , wouhl be diffi!)uic to fay : but here he git : M onngius <le etyn10 •• bo11rrca.11 dofperat, et.
has derived ", ;, 'feuc. burggraff 1 or ignoranti ani fate cur : q u id mihi mifrllo fperan-
I;clg . bor,b-grotf, vel g n nn ; i. e. t<rbis, ft11 op- d uni r dtat ? non tamen n1agnun1 fcd us d fet de-
pidi, pr"fu, •d P,:<d!fea,u : v.ide burc11gh, ond tletl:ere a L at. foru lare, pro /01·ar6 l Ct inde Sax.
gr11v,; :"- the former of thefe we have already bop1an; Belg . boret1; Jertl>rart; qu ia fo. corpor.._
li:en is Gr . chcn let. us now thew t b"t t he: latter dam nata glad io ptrforat, to1ifotiit, c t toncidit :.
i~ fo likcwifc : "gra'I.•(, or T l<:t," fays the Dr.. " a Skinn."- :t.nd """ to111t11 1»ag11u1,, Jcd11s tjfat, if we
s.._x. ti epq;a, pr.t!fttJ:u, rxaBor, pr~llll', hoc ii were co derive the D r's. boprar. , ond /Jor t11, and
p~rticub otiof.i I:ie, et vcrbo JleJFtan fpaliart, boun·tau, from fl"f"'• fffO, j!ll'obi/is i hinC! fl•j>r1
raprrt ; D~n. grtfft·e ; Belg. gra'l:t, graf, ct traHjiliu; lo bore a bolt, matt a P"ffogt with its/iii::;.
1.ratf; Tcut. gniffe, grajf; omnia ii Lat. raptrt ; BURRO\<;'~ or" burgh, noeY"• /Jurg1u, turn$ ;
forccan quin gr.,.,,ii in antiq- regno Gtrman. cir, in the Macedonian tong u.., lh•y•r, /1 tower;
cautum txatlorts, feu uc J ul. Capito l. vocar, bccaufe burrr;w; u(ed to be fortijieJ ttJ'll.> llJ: Nug."
ratiana!ts prinripum futrunt, 9.1ti jam i11 1a11Jam dig- . - or from " Ilrera;=. i. ( ....,,1,,T.> ""'"''-«: Suiclas.
nilate111 t.\crevcrunl :"-but furely the Dr. n1uft a
fie diCl ji1:1 tnCll/a/IQ; ct llvey•;, 111rris: U pc."

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-B U From G·R Es K, • and L .~ T 1 ?f. B U
BURSE.R, B1'e rn, byrfa ; a11 os'1 bide ; a lt a- a
viro Re v. ded ucerc ·Lat. arbufcula ;"-and I am
t htn • pouch, b,,g, or Jcrip lo bold 11iauey, &c. and )vi!ling to join him and his reverend friend ; and
here ufrd co lig nify the fl eward of a college. hope rhey would have been as wi ll ing to have
BU RSl' ajimder: "Sax. b upri:an, beop r -can ; joined n1e, in tracing it up to the Gr. th~ough
r1J11;.pe1·e ; Belg. b111fr1J. ; "I'el1t. broftt i1; 11efCio ar1 . chc ir own deriv.: they have taken the Lann ar-
ha~c omn ia a Sax. bop1an. Skinn ." or elic, as J un . bu(culum, which is 1111(loubtedly derived eJt arbor,
o b ferves, we inly bet te r de rive bmft, or bruji, a vd arbos, which is derived a K>f "" ' ' frutlus; a
Bf Vf'a.1, Hef) Ch. x~11p.vo1, prt4cipitia lot:a pr;errtpta;
1 fr uit -tt·ee, o r bt~lh.
bro/.:e11,jhatteredpredpices : q u•>d, q uarnvis non ex- B US H E L :" Fr. G all. boiffeau; modius; Teut.
h ib eac uobis verain vcrbi orig incm, oll:e ndi r 1a1neu butjcbe!, buifchlein ; Jafcis, ma!!ipulu1; hoc forte
u crumqne ex com1111mi aliquii o rigine prmnanarc. corrupturn, .a Lat. pugill11s : Skinn."-but what
BU1~ Y t?e d;ad; ll"f• 111·0, buro, uncle uj/11m, b1!f- connexion he co uld fin<l between this ori~inal, and
t11m; af1111eral pile; and now ufed to fignify tbc p!acc, its de rivacivc, would not be eaJi' to co n1ecture.
where a dead body is dcpojit~d: there is however BUSK, "petlornle, vel petlorigi11m, i ..e. lig1111m,
anocher word, from whence bury may be de rived, q1tt}pt t11e5, et '1Jt1g 11am 'ZJlltJris por tetiJfirt1.ran!f o:1ni11tt,
viz. from Bu.,, ttgo, opt>·io; to bide i11 tbe gro1111t!, relli planique ptlloris decarem aff,:lla111u :· ii. G oll.
:• co-.;,.,. witb ear1b; t houg h indeed , as Skinn .. very b1tfti11e, b11j fr .: J un."-bllt Skinu. though he has
JUftly obferves, nee tanturn Saxoncs, Jed ct ve- g ive n the fame interp retation,.. yet has deduced
tcres Romani, lapidrm1 melts, et terra: aggerts in it from a d ifferent , and far n1ore dill:ant etyrn.
ftpr1ltvru111 11Je111ori a 1;1 crt."(er11nt ; and cl,erelorc the we not co nfider h is.d eriv·. at prefenc,_ fince
Sax. F r. '[hcotifc. and Teut. words b1p ian, beopz, it will _coine more properly u nder che art.
berge, and bergen, figni(y 111m11!11s, ater'01ts, mo11s: BOST . Gr.
fo chat to bury lignifies both to raifa a heap of BUS K-IN: . fro1n the tern1ination of this word ,
jlones, eanb, &c . on tbe dead; and to de-pojiu t he it feems to b e only a dini inutive of b~ot; as if
body .firfl in ibc grou11d, mid then to raifa thofe heaps : it was writcc n bo~l-kin ; and t heii convrrrcd into
t h is c ullom mull: have been very antieor, fincc b11s-khi, or little boot: conle quently Gr.
we find it m entioned in J ofl1ua, chap. vii. z6 ; BUSS. or kift : Bx~•»"''""-"'": f.-Jefych . though
and they n iifad IYIJtr Acbou, 11 great henp of jlc1us . th is is ra1he1· an interpre tation, than a deriv. un -
unto this day : wherefore the narne of that place iefs he had g iven \he o rig in of B"~""' :--as for
was called tbe vallty of Achor. C iel. W ay .. 47, \vhar Ile fays .a little i'li igf1c:r, B·~G'O):, waxu)'~, . p !)l
wot1 ld derive b11ried, radic:ill v berried, or in the t •v:, it is fl:ill 1nore ob fcu re th11n the form er:
earth ; fron1 er ; whcnc<', wi;h che Celt ic prepo- t:o wever, lince he has expbined B"""' by "":X"'"'
!i rive I, :1r.d t he Lat. terminative a; proceeds it 111ay f'J ttrll al)S l1 a, e gi vi::rt origin to bnjl1!.111 i . at

t er ra : the G reeks called t he deatl E" f "• in earth : leaft it b id s as fair, as anv of t he ot her deriv.
- but all feem to fixin,g fro111 Ef"'i /erra; tbt earth. prod uced by Vofl'. and J un. to whic h · Lye has
BORY " i11 l ermilw tioni/111.r urbittm, et c-ppido- added brifra co rrup ta fo rra1fc font Ci< Armurico
r 11111, ide111 quod burg/J, ~·el burough dcnotaf : Skrnn." · bo11cher ; afc1!lm'i; baucb ; ofc11!um ; Pl ibern.Jlt/s;
- >nd confrqllently are not to b~ d erived from f/s> oris :- but . '"'ichc>ut l1un ting after modern
t l1c fo rcgomg 2rt. b ut from n "f'l"'' : un ltfs in ·etyin. there is no doubt but that the Gr. or Lat.
Jofne l):Lr~icular in ftanccs ; as in ::i't. Etinl o11d's4' 1,vords gave orlgir1 to Ot1r b11fs, an-d .l.tij1.
t :iry ; meaning bis place of bur·ial : though 'Vf!r- B'U SS, or vtffel ; . « gra nd ior navis pifcatoria, .
ftegan is o f opinion thar " byrig<, or birigbe, birgen, q ua halices capi unc : Spe hn an putat d iCl:u m . il
nn d byrgenum, a re all Sax. words,. and figni fy to Teut. buf!e ; pyxis ; qui>tl panda alvo, et .obtufil.
h;yd ; for b11ryi11g is a hydi11g of the- t!aid body in pro rfl, q uan1 pro ximc ad 'omilitudi nem PJ•ridis '<C"
the et1rtb : now becaufo chefe by_rigbs, or bcorgbs ced at : J un ."-buc pysis is G r. lee PYX, q ua fi
le e rneJ as hill s, . che name of becrgh, or bag, pufs, uncle /;i!ft.
b ecame, all G ern1anie over,. to be t he general BUST ; " ejfigfrs homi;ii.r 1ifq:te ad 'humeroJ, vet pu- ·
na1ne of a 'IJM1tn( ain ; and l't1nttrb1trie~ S'ai~IL1lrie, tus ; Gall . bidle'; ltal ~ b141o ; Sax. b pcorc; Alman.
arid the ly ke, fignifier.h a bigh, o r chitf plnce."- br11J1; burfl : L~<:.''-th is is ur\do ub tedi.y amuch bet -
a nd therefore we rnay fuppo(e that al l.rhef~ Sax. ter-ex.planation o( che Hal: bujlo, than whacSkinner
and Gr rm . wo rds, were but con rra~ions of the has g iven us, unde r the an . b11fa; which he fup- ·
G r. we>rel n ...f¥·o_fJ Jv.rr-i17 . a1·x..; a high, or ttni11e11t pt>fes t~- be d~rived ii F r. full .. buf.t, . bu.c, buff; .
p lace. bufl. ; jtt/ (r-u11J 11fj'ti t11·iu 1;1 .fi1.•111i11ar 1t1r' .; tOrce ab .
BUSI-I ; " fo n e a Bdg. lwftb; Fr. Gall. tois ; Jtai. /111}10 ; tr1,1u111 corporis ; hoc a Lat. b:tjJ111iJ ; .
I tal. bofao; fvi": t1 : Junius de6e&it a s.,,.,, pafto; quia · (c. trmuo: <01-poris, i . .e. .pel10·1; npp!icatur : ·
UC 11(1111/J a N'I""' : mallem," fays Skinn. .. CUil) e t faoc n1ira efl: fenms trao03tio, l Lac., .

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B U From G " £ E it, and L "' T 1 11. C A
pro loco uflionis flmebris, acl teal. hufto; pro lrt11uo; lirie bu tyrace:i: Jun."-an infca fo called from
idco auren1 fie d ictum puro, quia corpora olim urcrt the d own)'. or ?utre_ry foftnefs of its phnnagc: ns
fal1ba11t, quafi 01nb11) fum, Cc. corpu.•, vel tru11cus :"- the P faln11Cl hkew1fe exprelfes foftnefs on an-
any one would in1:1gine that th~ Dr. had miliakcn other occa!ion, by, his words wtrt fofltr 1b011 b111-
h is word ; for what connexion is there between a 1tr :-confequentlyderivcd as in the fdrcgoing arr.
b1ifl, and a buft ; or a woman's bujl:, znd a f"r.traf BUTTERY; t'aher from the fame root with
pile ! in fh ort, r. buft is what Jun. has very pro- bu11er, becauie o f its being tbt pla<e tubtre tht
p erly defined by 1Jligies bominis 11/que ad b11111eros, b1111er, find cheife is kepr: or elfe it nuy be derin·J
vd pt!lus ; fo far fro m being lru1u ru corp,riJ, as from fl•1•e••» poeulum ; tbe p!att tvb1·re tbt pets,
Skinn. calls it; for then the htad is off, cups, &c. art lodgtd: Skinner d erives butury from
- -- - - jacet ingcns littore tr1111c11s, the Fr. Gall. bouttr ; / 011ere; and chcn refers us
A vulf11111q11e bumeris caput, er fine nomine corpus. to PUT, which is o Gr. extract
lEn. II. 557· BUT TOCK ; " F r. G31l. 60111 ; txlrllnita;,
fince then a bujl reprefents a man, Jo /(}'IJJ as tbt e.Ylt1berm1tia; nbo11tir; acumi11ari : Skinn."-this
breaft, ic m ay b., derived ii llf>at,.,, 011/trior pars latl fee1ns to be but a lirang c expl~nation, ro
b@linis: fee BREAST . Gr. fay, as jharp as a buflodt of btrf:- b1111ocJ: in our
BU ST ARD, " Fr, Gall. bijlarde, quod fatis language fccms rather t o be d erived a Bv&•;,
aptc fletli poffit a Iii>. et tardus; q. d. 11vis valde f111ulus; the bo11cm, or lowejl pan of tht body.
{arda ; q uoniam pr.t! nimia m11gni111dir.e, t i J(rav i- BU.ZZ ; B•J43«; beinbus; fa ma 9ttrm t d1t11/ 11pts;
t ale dijfi<illime fa in aerem to/lit, ti fub!ota 1ardi11s tbe noif} made bJ the bu, or any large jl;·ing inftEI.
"Volar: Skinn."-how happily docs Cuch a defini- BU ZZARD; " Bo?«v, vel llu.-cH>, vcgio, tu-
t ion, and fuch an explanation fuit wirh rhe g enius bufo ; q uod 911tr11fa g1mit11 b11/Jo1us imitttur ; narn
of fueh an ctymulog11l ! but in the firll place, our Bue.-"• propric d icuntur 611/Jonu gemil1m1 eden/ts :
word buftard is not derived from 1ard1ts; for the J un." "quibufdam ti111111nr1tl111; a ktj/rd : Skinn."
b11ftard's flig ht is far from b eing tardy; and Mr. BY- BY; B..,13?., dormire, fcpire ; fopit oria tdnti•;
Spelman, in h is firlt book of the Exped ition of vox n11tricum, ir..fantts ad fo111n1ctn i1r1JifGJ:tium :
C yrus, p. 53, fpeaking of the bujlard, in his ~afau~. J.un. and Skinn."- tbe fang of 1111rfts, invi1-
notes, fays, " We have $!"Cat numbers o f the1n 1besr 111fm11s t o jltep : fre LU LLA-BY. Gr.
in Norfolk-they make flights of five or fix m iles BY-SP E L, or " big-fptl; a by-v:orJ, prover/J,
witb great eafe ; for though the· agitalion, or or phrafa of fptuh: Vcrll."-but thou"h chis
ftriking of his wing s be no w, yet rhat llrokc is word carri es fu much the appearance of' Saxo"
ftrong, and his progremvc 1norion is very fa{l :" origin, ycc we fhall find, und er the art. GO-SPE L,
-which 1nakes inc believe the Dr. never faw a that the latter part of both chefc compounds
bujlard fly;,, bis lift: and in the next place, lhou ld is Gr.
it be allowed him t hat tbt b11Jlord was a vtry flew BYZA NT, B1za1'.'i11m, a capital city ofThnc~,
flying bird, we n1ay deny ch at tardus would be t he now cal led Co11flan/111~lt : this word B;•zonl JS
original ctym . for it would then originate frotn ~enerally underUood of that wedge of gold, which
Be"'' "'• qoafi B"flo;, tard11s ; fluw. is valued, fays Camde n, p. 17'2, a t ti freen pounds,
BU TT-t11d ; " B>9H, bollom; the bo/10111 of a and is oncred by ou r k ings at the alcnr on Eatler
thing being tht (lower) r11d of ii: Nug." day; it was formerly made of that gold which
BUTT, o r fijh : :is ch is fiJh is conllancly found was brought fro m T urkt'y ; being of 1he purclf,
at the bo/10111 of !hallow waters, it feems very and molt refined forr."- The reafon whl' it
probable to derive its n a1n e a n,e.,, f1111dus ; /be was at firtl m ade in che form of " wedge,
hollom of riv.Ts, & c. might have b~cn to rr prefent tbt 'I'ri11i1y, by che
BUTT, or p11fo; B:ol•"?"» Hefych. B">.>.1<>, ja- tbru poi111J, o r rorntrs ; for Camden in his Rc-
cere, rt·11dere, aric1arc; t o !1ta1, p11/h, bolt agai11/I. nl>ins, p. 173, fays, " there was two p urpofoly
To BU TT wilb horns ; s,,7,,.,,.., f-Jefych. n1ade for the king and quccne, wii h t he rdi-m-
a~~>...., lrudtre, ari<lart; 10 tbruft , p11jJ, or gqad. blancc of tbt 'l'r imlJ infcribed."-but t bc refrm·
BUTT AL; fomctimes c:illed 1be b111tal-bump ; blance alone n1ighc h ave bee n cxprelfecl on a dr-
a Lar. huuo ; tbe bi11ern, or mire-dru111; 011 ae- tular pitce cf gold. ·
t D1111t of its noift: fee BITTE RN. Gr.
BUTTER ; " »•1"f"• b111)•r111n ; ii Dxr, bos ; c.
and TVf•'• cafaus; ebetje; becaufe of its being g e-
nerally 1nade of cows mill: : Nug." ABALA; cabala, vel pocius rabba/11, ct cd-
BU'I'TER-fiy ; " Sax. b11t:l:OJl· Fleo;se ; Belg. C bafijlfl ; a myflrrious d~Elri11t nmong tbe Jr.vs,
'Poter-vli'rg 1 papilio 1 infeCl:um ita difru111 ii 1nol- received by oral tradition frum their fathers, and

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Vrqm G1tE1K
1 ~nd LATIV. . "
not coromitted to wr iting, but at !aft compiled CADENCE, ~,.7.,, cadm,s, ter111i11ating, ending,
into a body, called 1htir 'Ialmw.d: properly {peak- a ptrioJ ; generally clofed by the falli11g of tbe
ing, 1befe tw.o word~ are of flebrew origin. voice i11to a lower ltcy.
CABBAGE-pla111 ; Kf"l'(3•, brajffra ; a tolly- CADO\'V, or rather cadaw, putcsnus e!Te com-
fll>Wtr, or cabbage. pofitum ex ca; et daw, a K•>."•<, gr11c11{11s ; vei
CAll~AGE, or flea/: by writing chis word in derivemus a x.....,, hifco; 10 yawn, or gape ; be-
tbe fa!llC manner as wc write the name of tbe caufe he makes a cawing 11oift ; a j1uk-daw.
plant, wc have rendered the deriv. of this art. • CADUCEUS, " K•e"""• vel K•euxfl•» ! 13,..
~orally inexplicable ; but by writing it ltabage, JO'.?wi:iv, oi 1rfEtr{3n~, ve.l Kif'JY.!:· K11ev!, ; Ur.!,e ''e~-
we 1hall eafily arrive at the true etym. and con- 111'\ '1.r.o-r1>.>,op.ti;or, x~• Ti K-:evx,011 fie:..:~: radi1cij'er,
fequendy at che true meaning of that expreffion Ct caduceator ; fane nee dubimn, quin Latina
the taylor loves cabbage ; as we lhall find under the vox e Grreca originem creperit : a K•~"""" vd
arc. KABAGE , in the Sax. Alph. pocius J\"f""'°" five KOf""" (quomodo Tarentini
CABIN, " K" .."'"'' prrefepe; a manger: Nug." dixere, Ct Syracufani) d ixere L3tini cad11cc111n.:
CABINET, quafi cabjinet, K...j,.., capfa, cijta, vulgo cad11cc11t11 dici aiunt a cade11do ; five qui·a
11ruJ; a cbefl, or nefl of drawers. facit ne in eundo cada1ur: five quod cadere fa-
CABLE, K¥w~, rudens, fu11is nauticus ; the cial <0111t11tiones, atque certamina ; quia nc1npe
great rape of a jhip, lo which the ·ankor is faflfiud, ut per ft{iales be/la i11diceb411111r; ita per caducea-
i.n O/(lcr to g ive it the greater ftabilicy ag~intl lorts finiebm1tur: fed fi ii cadtndo dfer, prin1a
the force of cht rides, aod the waves in a h abour. corriperetur, quam Ovidius in caducifcr producit :
CABOSH ED : " Fr. Gall. cabo(he, quod qui Vo!T.''-this therefore is a firong proof that poe-
ab Hi fp. cabo; ltal. capo' .et tandesn Lat. cap111 try will always help us in doubtful cafes to che
dcfcendere 11011 v idet, c.e&.us eft: Skinn."-and the true etym. of a word ; as in this before us; and
Dr. muft have been as blind as his neighbours, as we lhall hereafter find in the word py·ramid,
qui no.n vidercc that cap11t itfdf was dcfcendcd a &c. : with regard however to the prefent word
,K~a->.n, cap;tl; the head ; a cabocbt being a fr.nail caduceus, of whatever origin, it fignifies the
n ail with a great bead·; fuch as coaches, cb11irs, ft- wi11gcd flaff, or trunchion, that Mercury carries ;
da11s, &c. art ornamt1tttd with. the wand which tbe Grtefc and Romnn heralds, anti
CACI-1-EXY, Ka;c•~'"• ma/us corporis habi111s ; embojfndors bcre, when they treated ef peace. Ciel.
a.n iii ha/!it of body : R. K•••<, t1111l!a ; bad; and Voe. 147, is of opinion that the word caduceus ·
Ex"'• habeo ; 10 have, 10 be. • is not of Gr. but of Celtic extraleion; and chcrc-
"CACKLE. " K"xf-"?"'• lo m4ke a noift; U pt.'' fort: mull: be referred co the Sax: Alph.
-Jun. derives it a Kix>,•eff>, c111:bi;111a1·.i: vel i ClEClTY, A•><><•;, vel potius K'""f'' r, aut
Kayx,•?"" vel a K"'X"?"v, cjfufe ridtre : vel a K"xv>->.•o. Pcroctus non cam dici pucat ii utrendo,
K.a.yx<>i.•1, gaudio efferor, /,e1ijfi111e g1111deo ; to make quod oe11lis careat, quemadmodu1n oeque a capi-
p rejoicing ; as the hen does when !he has depo- cndo, q uod ocu/is captus ji1 ; quam quorundam
iicc:d her egg, 'Yith a laughing 11oifa. fencentiam efie ait; qui\111 a c.tdcndo, quod fit
CACO-CHYIVlY, K'""'X"f'"" eacochymia ; an oa1/is condfus : ucrumque etymon, cam inquam
ill digejlion. (fays Vo!T.) hoc a c,edendo, quim alterum acarendiJ,
C1\CO-DlEMON, K..xoJa114w" cacodd111on ; an adducit Angelus Dcccmbrius :-in our language
ri,,j/ fpifil, a devil : R . K• .,,, ma/us ; evil; and c,ecity implies bli11d11tjs, or dimnefs of.fight.
A.°'•/:A'-:.:11, d:emct1; ge1;i11s. Et-ClE'fERA, K'" 'tl•f~, K..rlip .., et 11/ia; and '
CACO-ETHES , Ko:xor.&.,, K,. • ..,9""• cacoe:hes, otbtrs, fomUhing elfe, Jbe refl : R. 'El•e•» ali111;
prava cc•11jt1e:t!d~ ; a ba.f l l1abi1; an iii. c11jlf11n; R. another.
K(.t:x~;, 1nal11 J ; <:t HG.-;, 1nos ; c11jl()m, h(1bit, 111a11ner. CAGE; "Fr. Gall. cage; Ital. gaggio, gabbia:
CACO-FOGO, a K""' ' • mnlus; t'llil, bad, or omnia it L at. ca-vea : Skinn."-and no further
wicked• and ~r.~~ . ~~x~, f'-'"(w, ur.o; to b11t·11 ; fo would the Dr. go, though. he niuft have known
che w.hole very pro perly cx prc!Tts a <vitk(d, or t h:lt ca'Vea \\ 3S derived a cavi ta!e ; CllVifaJ ; it

abominable i11ce1,Ji4ry. c a7,JUS; Ctl'lJ:tS, a KcQ;,

.JEol. K1.1Fvr, Ct1'£!1lJ i any
CACO-Pl-iON Y, K""~"""• vc.,., feu famu hollo·:u place, or cavt ; ar.y pl11u of confi11et11e'1t.
afptr, i1!fuavi.r prfJntt.11ti(ttio ; a11 1111grattft1l 1n111i;1er CAJOLE ; " vox ms per civitate donara a Fr.
of t.\--prejficn, an u11harm<Jt1iouJ, barjh, ilt-f~kt'Jding Gall. cageoler, C11joler ; I ta I. gazzoltu-c ; pri mario
tadcn<~ : R. K.")(~,, 1nnl11s ; cc f't..11r., ?.Jox ; voice. 1'01111111 ctlere, i1tj!11r Gracc11/i ; fccut1dariO gar1·i,·e,
Ci\l)AVEROUS, K.a.1w, dcC1ft11n ; quor.l cadera bln1C1·n1·e ; Ital. gazzoia, gazza ; grtJuus, grar11-
ni bil aliud ell quam deor/11111 f trri ; a cod~, cada- l11s : Skirm."-buc no farrher he:-'" judicio
'IJer ; a carcafa, a dead body f alfe11 dQWIJ, meo," fays Voll: " grac11lus -eft coutral tu1n c

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C A · Frorn G R E t 1<, ind LA T rNt
. ~ '.
K•?~"'"'<• quod gaz·a. ell:: ; hoc licet irripcn1ius he, " a K">";<,. 'pro K.,~·,.r1 "4\l~ Heftch. expo-
placcc, 'addan1 camen ec a1teram conjttturam : r1:c Ko::vrox:;<' 9te1J.4,,· ;..«fA11f~r !'' thotJgl1 hls inter~
quid Ii grac11!tu fratuatur diminutivu!n ii gra(- preter approves of A>.ro, · fulis color: vel ~ Ka,.,,
Ct!S; gracctu autem deducatur ab ant iq. graxo, au c !Jro i to burn .
graco, quod ab Exp°'~"'• a Kp~o:, '1·ocito : pro hac C.o\LENDER, or perhaps ·rather callmdrr ~
fencentift facit, quod Hidorus avcm vocac loqv.a- K»Jw>w, p11ltbr1111t riddo, /,fJ'Vigare, polire pannum;
rifft1na1t1 :•• to cbatJtr, or prate i11 b11t'J fac e. c~ '.'nooch cloch, before ~ot-prelfing : or, if ic
CATTIF ; "Gall. chuif (a pretty word t his) ; hgn1fies h('t -pn./Jing alo11t, It may then be deri,.e.d
lral. catti-.;o (which is almofr as prccry) ; f loll. fron) rhe fame root wirh CAL E- FACTION m
. ~ativo; Belg. ka1tiif (which is t he prertiell: of the fore~ing arc. G r. ·
all) c:cte1·t1m hrec prima fua acceptione captivum CALEN1' URE 1
· i11ft licem, (Sinonem) 1111/t rttm rignilicabant ; pofl:ca CA.LI DI TY Sfrotu the fame root.
;lilfllum, (l/que improb11m de11otarc c«p~r.u111; propcer CALF, m: n;;imaJ : Ski-nner could find that
n1alas a rres, quibus patria extorrcs, ac cenfu ino- our word calf was de[ccnded from the Sax. Bdg.
,pes, fa1nem inter exceros propu!fare cogunru.r : and Tcu t. tongues; but he could not find chat all
Jun . and Skin n."- yec neit her of then1. has told thofc were clefcended from the Gr. J unius chen
. us that captivus was derived from captus; cap:11J, will help US: " VOlt talf," fays he, "cf]: j am olim
.a ,·'!pio; and capio, ii -""'"1~, ,,_.,,,J,x•I'·"' : Heiych. n?ca vecuftio~ibus Celris qui bominem pr~pi11g'lem
lo 11pp.rthc111I, t.ake prifo11cr ;. /1 i11ifarab!e wrc/chuJ . videncur koll!, vel galb appellall'e, ii fimili111dine
f diow. vi culi Jaginati : Sueconius cerre in S. Sulpicio
CAKE, " ro"""'"• plarenta : R. 11A«1v;, /a /US. Galb.,, c. 3. rradi c eum, qui prhnus Sulpiciorum
• broad, and ·,Roi : or elfe we• may derive rake :, Galba dich1s ell:, ex co nomen traxille, quOd
1K vi¢iwJ 1nifteo ; t1nde CDIJUO; ( 11a1n ad panes trar1f.. pr.~pi11g11is fuerit vifus, q uern Galbam vocant
.tulerunt hoc verbum plerreque genres) Jun."- Galli : lulill"e in teri1n putandus, qui vi111/um pa·
. /()mi:,, co(J/.:, dreft rtp a;ry nice dijh, rake, &c. cribus nolhis ob hoc cen(eba c kaJb diCl:um, · guild
CALA-tvlANCO ; " K"»n· p.• ,JV..,, p11lrbrt1m fie quafi K•A•/3'<. fJ•<, 11011 integer bos: "- and ycc
1n1111trt;1;; pa'r.1111s q;1ida11i pallii1 conficiendis idc11tus: chat opinion n11f_lht have been confi rmed by che
Skinn."- a ftecies of wool/eii fluff. aut honty of H.elych. who has e~plained Ko>.cif,,,
C ALAM lNAR IS, lr.pis calami11aris ; a jhm£ or as. he \VT1tes lt KDAi.of3~·;, b}• K.,vJ'"'' fTl.A.':!~r., c>.1·
u/ed i11 the ro111pcjitio11 of brafl. ·1•ro< ; (whit'h ought· ro have been prin ted :1wy1ro;)
, CALAMl'f Y ; "K«iw, cado, tadam;faJ, calami- a lt1tle bull ; '' fwt:IJ .fla r; " yc1111g heifer.
. taJ ; al! njflil/ifJ11 tbat has befallen any man : or ·CALK a ]hip ; " Fr. Gall. ca/age, faup·Pa; et
, elfc it may [)e deri\•ed 3. ~f~Aaor, 111ife1·> 'd i'"l l1JI J10fi1j ; alia 111attria, q11d rifar&it111·, ct rtparatur 1;nvi1 :

m!fcrablt, wretched: R. T a>.""'• f~fjer1J ; to fatjft•', 11efCic> an l1oc a calce; vel potius a colca11do, i. c.
c11dure : it was alfo by the Lati ns ui't·d in the 1n11.t t 1itt1il arcent'Le aq1rt1t idc-Jtca111; Skinn:'
. fe11fe of cn/r;s111rs ; a 1·eed, or ctt11e ; a1ld then ca!a· - b i1t che Dr. ought to have remembered chat
. milas fignified the lodging, or laying of cor11, b)• both (n!x, and i11t11/co, are Gr.; to Jrcad dew•
rtafa11 of bt".'i'?JJ rai1:;, jJc1"1n; ~f <J1Ji11d, ttnd hail: J.;a,-d, ram in clofc. ·
·R. Ka>..a::.1.«!Jf.t.~'' jlipu!aJ, \ el ffJfcos le.i:;o, &c.
C1\l.f_,, '' Ka:.Afw, x...<t.>.~_, calo, a.r1riq. vocq'.; to ct1/~1
CALCJN E, Kci·«, cinis ; ajbes ; to rtduce a;iy orjumm~n : Ody(f. xiv. v .. r4; : Upc." .
thing lo dujl , powder, &c. CALL ID_lT';,; accordi ng to Cid . Way. 41.,
CALCI1:'R1\'fE, ,\,.~,ca/,,, ca!citro; to trtt:d, we mu (J; den -le u1/l!d11s, <t111e?, col/tr, and ftba-
..~frk, ~r lrample on. lar, all from the fame roor, viz. cal,. h11l, al ; a
CALCULA.TF, K"'X~"~' ""or, lapill11s, calcu· ccl!ege, or pl11ce of ed11cntio11 :"-but all thefe are
.!us ; n fmnlt pebble, ur thr.!k ·flo11e ; u ndc co/culo ; molt evidendy derived ab Av7'-•, n br.J/, or rr,ltr.g t•
/ 9 co1npt1te, or c11ft ncco111;ts ; 1,lilnch u:n1 _fwme1·ly CA LLING . or ttade; nor ccn aillly f,. 0 ,,1 vo-
do11e ly lhe help of f11u1l! pebble-Jfoncs, ns 110"!' we cotiqn, or occupation ; but as Clel. Voe. r i ·• vu''
• {ll t. r
J LJ · y o,,1ervesJ
« '
;[ orig • .
inates rrr o111 rnl ; leor
,., I
v.fa co1111:t?·s. 11 j;;_cr
CALCULUS; from the fome root; n1eaning i ii gt11rrai :"-and here parciculari ~ uicd ro figoi~·
now 11. e ,·t1/>t, or d wik, or gravd ji<Nes, lodged in che 11~rflery of rhc: er lde ; and con!cquenrly Gr. as
the b!addtr, &c. in :lie fo regoing "rt. . ·
C.r\LDllON, K~i.1or, tt1ldn1·i;t111. caleoJ ,-alidtts ; CALLOUS ; " hKli: non femel Plautu~ am .
bt't, / ca!tling, boilin.g : fre C H ALDRON. G r. bigu irar~ voci.s :'llfir~, C\1111 <licere vclJec 9uem-
C/\ L J:.-F_'\C'rlON; K«>«o:, er $""" calr.f.o, f!t1J J>'f. l ol ttts r et 1111eli1...i;r.ntij/i111u111, ~tit c;t11n cal/ere.:
ca!efado, calfo<io ; hot, boiling : Vollius derives Voff.'• wl10 a) lO\\'S that C.'1/!to· originates a tai.r,
raltfJ ·~ a Dor. l\.~},Q41, j) f0, OT ratl1cr, fays vd cako ; and confcquencly is derived a "'"''

9 cab: ;

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C A F rom Git ! ! It, and L " T r N. C A
~11/x i ut proprie fie durities t a 911.e 111111/q in "''" however, even now cbn;a/-a11rnppt is pure Greek 1
ptdis cqntrabitNT. If. Voll: derives it rather K•A•r, for tbr,;al is undoubtedly derived i Kajl&Mcr,
ncatura i IZ fear, or any bard .fNIUrl : addit Ct ca/Ja/11~1 ! and attrapptr is derived it Tf'"'"• 'I/trio;
:iliam conjceturam M•rtinius, ut fit it ta/a, vcl t he ongm of trap; as we lhall fee under that art.
.K">.o, lipr11#1; ita propric lie lignefa c11!is, i. c. CALVARY; ltrangcly written by Skinn . cal-
d11ra. w:ry; and yet he acknowledges that ic is vox f<i!--
CALLOW ; " Belg. luul, katl11We ; Succ. tialiuin, trojs Calvery; q. tl. trux ralv ari.t ; ad
knal; gl11briq ; Sax. calup ; calvus ; calpa ; nlo- mcmoria111 cruc is Chriil:i in 111011/rm Cnlvarium per
puia : Lye's A<ld."- all thcfc however are but li:alas evellre : and chat is oll :-but he ought '
d erivatives; for even the Lat. cah111s is undo11 bc- to have traced. this word up to the Greek ; tor
caly derived ab A>-~0<, a/b1u, cahnu, t npillis va- tr1h•ari11m is certainly the fame place with t be
cUlf.f; b1i!d, void of b11it", f eathers, &c, 1111jledgtd, pl11tt of a Jkull.; il calv11s; and ealv111 is uncloubt-
1111p/11med. edl)• derived ab A><VJ•>. nlb11s, capillis vaeuus; natn
CALM, " Ma.>.«••a, tranquillita; ; fr4 n911ill, ec <t>u.."l(e'~J DOr. <11,,.,A"~eor, ~ fl>~Ao;. JClt A>.90;, a/,..
quiet : Cref. 111. 1), converlis in earn partem bus, c11lv11s; bald, or whiu beaded, grry beaded ;
navibus, quo vcnrus fcrcbat, tanta fubi10 t11alada, or cvt•n tot«lly void of bair; a nakrd faull.
ac t ran1juilli111s, txtitir, ut fa kto 111..Jere 11gn poj[et: CALUMNY," K...:w,'3.., i. c. K.->.vr1,., tegp, ca/.
calm fonnatur ex Ma.>.""'" per metath. ct coniraCt. ver ; nempc ut ealv•r fit, 11liq1um ltfJt duipio;
Upt."- or WC might rather derive ca/111, r..,...... undc calumnia, inquic Charifius, prima correpta
.ftrtnitns; mild11tfs, ge11tlt11tft, ftrtlfity, and tnlttmt.fs. cffc:rtur, vcnit cnim i vcrbo e11/t1cr, hoc clt frvf-
CALOYER : Skinner writes it tGUitr, which 1rcr : id con6rmare eCl verbis Prifcilni, lib. X,
he very properly explains by " vox originc falvo,jolvi: vo!vo, vo!v i ; calvr>, ca/v i; undc Sal-
Gl':l.'Ca, feel an libris Anglicis Gra:cas res dc- lultius in Ill. H ifror; io6nitun1 panivi protulit;
fcribc n ti bus frcqucntiflin1a; ii G r. Barb. K ..>.o-y•e•~, co111ra, ille cal vi ralus : en/vi pro duipi: et 1nox ; .
111011ach111 ; fl K">..oJ<, p1drbr11111 ; ct rt.ell:~, hotJD1'1 llopi rw n1 p rimum in tum convertentia, faciunr, <J
pr~mium; q. d. valde boJ1ora1u1 :"-we might ra- nccelfario in vocalc1n u redeunt<", j olvi Ji lutum ;
fa.y rre•'"• fa11e.<; old, o r elder;. particulady ftnce volvi volul'l1111; fie debet etil n1 ca/vi ca/u/11111 ;
'J'our11efo,.1, in his Voyage co the Levant, vol. i. 32, quod tamen u(u non inveni ; e r p uto ea/1111111iam
8vo, fays, that " rhe monks of the convent of t he ex hoc·ealu1u111 eO<: derivacam : Voff. "-and fron•
Trinity ( half a day's journey from Canta in the Oii)' trafty a11d da11def!i11e i111trprtta1io11 of tbt law,
itlc of Creu) arc called Caluytrs, ·~it is now pro- our word t alunmy has been brou~ht to lignif1
nounced; but it ought,'' fays he, " to be written a mnlitio1u co11cealing the 1r11tb, a11d ulltring 011~
, a/ogrrs,gutd •Id mtn, K~"''•goad; and yie-wr, old.'' a fa!fa rtpriftJ1ta1ion of {'Ills ; or ji"Jing a f cc11-
CAL 1'ROPS; though all clicrionaries write it dalow ner.11111 of a mnn's cbr.ra!ltr, a11J p11b/ijhing
in this manner; and though they all ex plain it a Jn/ft nttufation behind bis /Jack.
by that warlike inftrun:t111 tailed a cbn;eau tit /rift, CALX; X«>-•~. or ratbcr K"x>-•E. cal~; prius
yet I have never been able to meet with any one, cnim fuit calix, calitatus, ralcu!us; chalk; or any
which has given a tolerable deriv. of this word, tba!ky, j/011y f11bfta11u, found in 1Le bladdrr, and
according to the prcfeot orrhogr. Skinner fup- olbtr pm·ts of the human badJ...
• pofes it is derived " ii Sax. col'Cpappe; and yet CAMBRIC, "1t/t1 Ca1111raunjis ; nam Camtra-
we write it callrop; lrib11/us, fcu card1111s j/tll1111u; eum, 11rbs Gall ire Belgicre, qure vulgo Cambray ·
itcrn proprer ji111ifi111dinem, illflr11111t11tu111 bellic11111, dici tur, 11cbilita111ejl hoc ge11eref!1l11iliori1 tel.e: Jun.".'
quo equorum pet/es .i111treipi1mlur, el vu!nt1·a1J/11r :" -fi11e {i11t11 mode al Ca111bray in Fre11rb F'Ja11ders.
-thi s might do very well for a d ictionary wrirer, CAM-BRIDGE; from tbc common :1ppcarance ·
but rhis does noc fatisfy an ctymologilt; for this of this word, it feems to be derived froni a bridge
gives us no rnore knowledge of the word with built.o':ICI' the Cam, as is currc;ntly be lieved; but,
regard to the clcriv. of it, than. we had before; if we artco<l to the deriv. of Ciel. Voe. 7 1, we
this is giving only die fignification, noc t he lhall find an ctym. far n1orc confonant to the in-
etymology : we all knew that taltrops, or tol- ltitution of that place of karning, as an univcr-
lrnps, were explained by tribrdi; tbijllts, bNrrs, !ity; he fays then, chat " Cambridge is only a·
and br11111blt1; but do we now k now what tn/trr>ps, contradion of Ca111alburtitb; can/ ftgnific& btad ; ·
or co/traps arc derived from ?-had it been writ- al, a j t bcol, or college ; and b11rticb, or rticb, '"
ten cal-traps, Skinn's. learned friend Th. H cnlb. /,oro11gb, or bury ; the brad prtcinlJ of a eolltft• or
fecms to have given the belt deriv. ·viz. tbtva!- principal co!ltgt-borougb : there arc many rcatoos,'"
altrappt, i. c. Grrecc ·r...."''l'e"• ii cbtval; tq1111s; ct
adds he, " to bdieve that Cm11all111ry, Cninbray, or
'l!.troo 111/; arriptr1, irretire, implirart : - Cambridgt, ex.incd in t he'ftate of a litoti rolltgifl fl
L.. /;.crrugb,,

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C A 'F rom G ll ! E ;:, 3nd L "T 1 !I. C A
ooro11gb, £'?rages before the Roman invafion.n- in Greek to fignify) Ina1111, rilf11.1 : R. ·x«"''•
the whole con1pound h owever feems co be Gr. hif•• : N ug.'' -true; but x., ...,, hifcu, does not
for C"1f1, can, 911in, co11i11g, and KING, he ac- form X"'" : at leafl: none of our lexicons g ive
knowledges to be words all of the fan1e im- foch a word : in fhort, the Or. fecms to have
pore, and to lig nify htad ; confeq_uend y G r.: as 1nilh1ken either' the Engl. or the Gr. word; and
for al, and /Jury, that is, b1weicb, they are G r. tha r infread of canol, he ought to have faid tha-
likewife ; ror reich is no more than an abbre"i- 1ut, or 1ba1 iarge upc11i11g. of ri'1Jers, or f riths, wl~cb
acion of regi0"11. mny be dt rhud from x ......, che root of which ls
CAJ.\.1EL I){","'";."' lcamelus
CAMELO· K'",""'-•· camelo-par- tbe ca111r-
tbe cam~/ x;...,, hio; to gape, or y awn ; and forms x,,.,,
bialrtJ, vorago ; hiatus ill• csctts, a i111mt11f1u qli
PARD """fJ">." dus lo-pard trnt a11/t co11d;1um .-rbem: but if the Dr. meant
·CAM LET K"l'""Wl" pelliscameli tam!tt . really a cm:al, a ccmdr;it, or pipt, as well as a lake,
N ,u geot is of opinion tha t ct1111let is made of ca- or refer·voir of ·water, he fhould have derived it
r11els, or goats fti11; but where he learnt that not from x.,,,., bia111s (for then the Englilh
trndc, or where it is m anufactured, I k noiv nor ; word ought co h ave been chaJtal) ; but fro1n
but cam/et is certainly not made of the fain, bu t K"""' vel Ka.-•, can11a, j}!Jrta ; a pipe, reed, or
t he hair of the camd , or goat; "e pi/is came/onm• : tulle ; and modern orrhogr. has dit<:arded one of
Jun."-" conficitur aucem revcrii pi/is rapri11is: the 1111, and writes it ca11a~ inftead of u111>1al ; a•
Skinn." artificial cunduit for water. ·
CAMELO-DUN UM i "11 tow11 formed on CAN ARY-bird ( CaJtarius, ec Canttri.t: ln/11!~,
· the plan of a camp, or military inclofure : Ciel. CJ\NARY-wi11e S a canibru eximiis difl"1: R,
Voe . 177, n."- but boch 1.' 0\'VN and CAMP Kw.,., ca11h ; 11 dog ; nlfo the Cmrory :ljhmds. ·
arc Gr. CANCEL : Ciel. Way. 49, obforvcs, that
CAMFERD, K" l""f"• f on1icem fignificat; f or- "Come have forced the word cancel! fro111 cmue!!i;
11ictJt11s, j/riatus, c111"1Jof11s : vd il K~l'"1", j/tllo ; 11 kind ef le11ice work, made by dcfaciJ1g the wriring
unde camurus, Kal'r.ui-.o~, i'urous; any 1hi11g j}rea.k- wich !hokes of the pen drawn atroft ; but con-
td, 1vatered, tabbied : Skinn. under che arr. u lt fccms rather to be a corrup tion o( gninjttl,
Cbamferd. • or gnin:feal, to dejiroy or take •ff the [ea.I cf a
C1\MP l "K"l""-1,~.jlexru, h,ec mt/a : La- bo11d : fo chat gai11-Jta! is like gain-fay, import-
CAMPAIGN ~ tiniaKa,v."'1"•aiuntcom.2fare; uc ing ·contradittio n, or nullity :"-but this is not
Prifcian. lib. X , pro bat ifthoc Ennii, X. Annal.Leu- tracing it for enoug h : gain is no more than a
ca/cm campfa11t: Hidor. in Gloff. camp/at, j/eai1: cor.cratl:ion of a-gai11-jl, which J unius derives ab
ell: ab Exa,".j."', tampfa; uc ab Eye'"E"', graxo : on6ean, and Skinner frorn Dean :-buc J:ie in
Kal',,.7,7., vero eft ab I-Iebr. 'Jl):l hoc eft curvart, both infl:ances is only che Sax. init ial; and chcre-
incttrvare,j/tt1ere: Voff."-ilpri fcoKo;,v.,,.., litK~I'"- fore nn is vi f1bly derived abA•-1•, contra ; agai11;1 :'a~ . quia 7rtl1"'''~• five cn1;1pejlris, unde K.:t/A'~~,,,a, nncl SEA[. liltt \vife is Gr.
cr.-mp;mia ; manifefte mu tu a ta eft denominatio a CANCE R; K~e•i••r, cancer ; animal, etjidus c?:'
cmnprts; quod bellir.e e."t1·dtatio11es apric:an pofht - lejie; morbu; , vi11culi ge1111s, genus caluame111i ;
lent 'Campum : Jun." a fpacio11s plain inc/9fad f or forcep s ; inj'rr11ment11m q110 pefl11/.r11 a11ol!i111r; a
Joldiers lo .Pilcb their t ent s 011. ·trtib; 011 animal, or rather jointed jhel!-fijb ; an in·
• CA~JP afoot -b.?11: Ray fuppo(es it to be defce nd- ftrument to raife a bar; a cor..fte!!atim1 in the Edip-
cd fro:n che " Sax. camp; fl,.iving ; and cam p1an; tic, ill wbich !he jim appears at tbe ft1mmer falflice ;
to flriv e ;"- buc it rather defcends fron1 the fame alfo a dreadf ul 1liftaft or tumor fprcadi11g t'Vety ·
root wirh the foreg oing a rt . becaufc it is fl JPor1, way, lik e tbe dawt of 11 rrab; a!ld t!wmg its 1·ift
t.~ercift1I 011 an ope11 plai11. ge11eral/y lo a mortified g land. ·
CAM P H I RE, Kat >t " • capburo, q ure vulgo CANDID i ""'"'• K.,,1,., ramle"tia, car.di-
c11111for11, efl gummi arbrrr is [;rdic,e; id tj!iOd i11 Cbri- CANDIDATES ~us ; bright , jhi11i11g, wbilt :
ftia1111111 ct·bem ad'1Jehit11r, ex Cbiua fljJportarnr : the candida111s; tt candidate ; a Jui/tr for 1111)' plait of
gum of a trtt in· the Ea;l l11diu, a11d is ge11eral!y honor or profit : fo called from 1he w bite, or jplt11·
fuppoftd 11 come from Cbb1t1. did garments, which were worn by tbe Rom1111s 011
CAN, able : Skinn. has ventured fo far out of thoft ocu1.fio11s : ·H efych. gives us che word
hjs ufmll method, as to g ive us a Greek ctym. of r,.,,~., which he explains by >•"'!'-"'"'• jp!~l)dtrt;
this word ; viz. " Ix> >• ; "I'"'• f u.flciuu J11m, pof- 10 jbitie bright.
fii111 :'' l 1111s able ; ef nry f7i.'1n power, or nbz'lities, CANDY, Ait~,t.J.,, · ~w, do ; ec·ndo et londitJ ;
I 11m. able. to bide, put 11p, or ttr~e>· with Ji1gar, &c. If. Vof-
CANAL", "x,,.., ( if there be any fuch word fius derives cqndio ex fu/1.,, unde r"''"~l'JI..,
co11di11unta ;
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~11dimtnt11; "fl"f'"1a., r.,.1,.,9,.,,
.:lv~,,...7a. : nam feu Or hollow'd bodies made of oak, or fir,
r".1,~o.,., >.i1ri<>1 : Jwtet-m1ats, or ai;y candied or \ Vi th branches !opt, in wood or ·mountain fell'd)
prf{trutd fruits, &c. Brafs, iron, ftony n1old, had not tbeir mouths
CANDLE, K ..w, Kao1.., ca11do, caiidentia, can- With hideous orifice gap'p \)n us wide.
dtla; to glow, lo become red hot, to burn : fee CANOE, Ka•9~e•r. ca111harus,; a btt-
CAN DID. Gr. tie; er 11avigii genus, fays Hederic: this deriv. has
CANDOR~ commonly written tarulour: from been adopted, rather than K••'·" • ca1ma; p ca11e,
the faine'root with CANDID : Gr. and now ufcd or reed, with "Ainfw. who explatns can11a by a
co fignify purity,finctrity, plain dealing, impartiality. cannot ; but it is nor written in that manner: icl-
CA.NE, lo 'llJo/k with; " K"""" or K""'"• ca11na·; the woed urMt, or com1oc, is originally an
"t:eed·: Nug." Indian word; and if fo,, ~hen all deri:I'. fro.m Gr.
CAN(BA'L l. Ku•H•~ a Ku.,., ca11is, t he prccty or Lat. ceafes•.
CANJl\E S modern French cbten., a log; a CANON l «Whoever," fays Ciel. Voe. 20,
rlutton, or greedy devourer: this word c011ibal has CAN ONIZES n." will confider that the Gr•.
. been written cmmibal by N ug. underthe art. Antbro- word K~'"'' (or a rule was never employed in a theo-
PUJ>hagus·. logical fenfe, but in 1hc ages pofterior to the in-
CANIST.ER, K"""e"• cm1iftrum; a baftet, ham- troduc!ion of Chriftianity, will ea!ily allow, .thar,
1er, or pannier made of fl}iers, &c. : a brcad-bnjlut; the fcnfe of that word· is rather forced into the·
or voider: R. K"""' tn!alhus; a lady's work-bajRtt; fervice; and employed, like many other ti.r .
• cup for w;,., in Jacrijfres. wo.rds, in virtue of a. faint fiinilaricy of fignili-
CANKER; " per quanda1n lirerarum merath. cation, to difguife a purely Bri,tj)h or Celtic·
defomptum ex K"f"'"f• ca11ce1·; quod prim"- fig- word; to· wc·i1e which more etymologically, it·
nificatione pifcem 11otijfimu111 defig11at: poftea vero, Oioukl be kti-ho~t, or /{a1t-h<11e·; prodamalion :"-·
tNmoT'em du1·um, i1u19ru1lem, li11idu111, afpetlu tetrum, and in p. 78. n.1he tells us, that" this Celcic word.
et '1Jt11is ambitu turge11ti!nu, cmuro pifci jimillimum : does not co1ne from cano; to Jing; but from
Jun."-Skinntr grants it may be derived from lun, knowledge; and hone, finger, aadJong :"-.-
&linter ; but feems co hint at· another deriv. " vi- it is true,, we ftill rnake ufc of 1he word hoJJi11g, for
detllf Ctiam v.uJgO interdum g1111gr,ena111 jig11ijicare ; Whining; but it.fecms to originate ii it>..,,."' 'IJOX ;
et tum, ni fallor, it gang•·,,;nd onum due it;"- a voitt :-befides km fetn)s rather to lignify the
but does not admit t hat g11ngr.e11a is Gr. nei ther hr11d, or <hiif, than /1.1u;wkdgt ; the C<IWns, or
has he any fuch article as a gangrene in his work. mi110» canons, in a cathedral, being J11perior to ·
CANN, lo dr-ink out of; K..,&"f''·• cantharzu, t he chanters, or choirilters :. and confequently:
ftarab-e,;s ; a beetle; poc,;/i genus; ·aJpedes of cup; Gr.
fo called from in jhape to that of a beetle. CANOPY, Kw'"'""'" C411op<Bu111; a·curtain that
CAN'NEL-coal; " · do&o amico,. cui foli ac- hangs about buis, made of net-w•r.k, to k.(ep Away
creprum refero," fays Skinner, "C·Xpooitur carbo flies, or gnats: alfo an umbrella, a pa'IJillio1~, a·
·quidan1 in agro Lane. frequeris :-ncfcio ·an a· fi'jlern O'lltr a bed: R. K"'""'• '""" ; a gnat; c. e.
Sax. ttne ; acer; et :A:Jan, fou on-i:lan; ar«nde~e, a gnat-1ur:· Ciel. Way. 33, fays, "the commen-
i11fla111mart; a vehemenri fc. igne, quern conci- tators have 1nof1: falfely derived it from K.,•'1-<
pit ; q. d. carb9 4((tnfa-fatilis :"-a very i11jlam.- Cwhich by the way ou~ht to have been onlr K~·><•o/)
mable coal, dug in Lancafhirc :-from this very a fa<I·; and would denve 1t·fro1n any th mg fpread
circumffance of the inflammability •f i11 11ature,-we over the head for flate : '.'.:....but can is the· farne as ·
might be induced to derive it a .K:""'• K,.,,.1,., unde kon, kin, kon; k011ing, KING. Gr. ,.
ui11dt11tia ;. coals eajily-kind!ed. CANT l K"""• ta1u1a; n ca11e, or reu!; quOil·
CANN ON, or great g1111-; "K%.,..; can11a; Ital. C/\NT0·5 &an11a, 1eu calamo, tantre11t a11_tiqui-
ta11one; aug!nentative of cnnna ; becat1fe it is iD11g, 1U1: t1nde caJtD, c1r11tu.r, ca1101·tJfus; canorou.t.; loud,:
anti hol/f1".JJ, lilct a reed :- Nug." and Junius gives or forill faund ; fingi1tg; alfo 1rpoem.
the fa111c deriv. · for under the arr. gun, be fays, CAN'f ·ER-B'URY: Ciel. Voe. 71., and 76,.
" 11011 longt q11cque rtctdit can/1011, to•Y>1t11tum be/Ii- obferves,. that the" Ca11t, wh ich enrcrs into the ·
""" 111aj11s; quod il K......, canna dtflcltunt ; word Canterbury, is not referable to Krnt, or
propterea quod iftiufmcdi tonn~nta ji11t cavn., /$;1ga, Cantium, as being a htatl lil1'd ; but to its antient .
r6t 1a; i1!ftar cannat :"-how truly poetical is Mi l- Cant-al-b11ry, or CanJ-ar-bury; its be;ing 11 bead.
ton's account of Satan's train of artillery, in the collegiate pruh1!f : "-confeqlJently all G r. for
ftxth book of Paradife Lott, 57z: c11111, kin, kim, and koning, all·originate from t he ·
A triple mounted row of pillars laid fame root with Kl NG ; Gr.: a!, aud ar; ba!, nncl
On whecls (!or like to pillars moil they fec1n~d, L (£. btil,

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.'heil, all originate fro1n the fame root witn one of thefe words 'the fame as to COPE, or
H:AIJL : and bury likewife is Gr. :- but not- conttnd. Gr.
withftanding t his great aud1ority, it mig ht be CAPABLE 1. Ka ..1.,, .,,.od'1;ic1~90:1, H efych. c11-
better to deriye it from ·K ENT ; otherwife we CAPACITY S pio, capa.t; holding, lceeping, con-
·fhould lofe the localitv C'lf this t itle ; and the taining.
Primate of all England 1~1ight have received his CAP-.i-PEE, Kr~"'~·""' n,J.,, a capite-ad-pedn ;
ti tle of being arch-bilbop of Car.1erb11ry, bec~ufe from bead-to ·fool; or compkally armed at all poims.
"he was arch-bi/hop of a head ·co!J~gi.ate-preci11fl CAPE of a cloak ; Ki~'"""• cap111 ; a covering for
in Cornwall . tbe bead: non nemo forte p11rabic, fays Jun. hue
CANTHA.RIDE S; K"'9"e''• ,;,,: ieftflu11111l-r- quoque pertinere illud Kvfw>, quod H efychio e.ft
tu1n., virofum, ca1ljiit1<1n; C m1ifcar:t1n "tntrt, vuJgO x.a,,,,;ul •;, /unicar jpecits : but our word cape
111ufc11 Hifpanica; the Spa11ifh fly, of a,,venonUJttJ na- relates only co a part of the coal, or cloak; wbicb
il/re, jlJining lika green 011d gold, bred in 1he tops of is fo111t1imes made large tno«gh lo come over lht bead;
.ajb /recs, &c. : it is now commonly 111adc ufo of like a t}lonk·'s co:tl.
ro raife blifrcrs. CAPE, or . pr1J111or.l(lry ; " from the fame root ;
CJ\NTLE 1" to cant1m; fron1 . Koo,g,,, ., a q. d. cap111 /err,e, feu lilurh ; quia fc. ultra rtli-
CAJ.~TON f corner of the eye : from whe nce alfo quu111 li1111s; rapilis ir..ftt1r, protendilur: Skinn."-
·comes a can/on: Jlfug."-ncvcr was a 1nore flrange t ho' the Dr. wou ld not g ive us the Gr. dcriv.
~xplanation, or a more R:range deriv.; nor would for the world.
It ~e cafy to trace the origi nal root of ch is word, CAPER, or dmza ; " K'""f"• ut ell: apud Hefych.
which fcems to be a contract. of ce1111iria, or con- Tyrrhenis dicta ell: copra ; unde viderur K'"'"f'"
'fJer.tus ; quafi ca11turia, -Or cnntt'I ; u11de t ll!1to11; nornen acr.epifre, qure eidem grl)mn1. ell: uJ,~
for both thofe words lignify a tribe, or divi.fio11 ; "fXYi"'~'' fed t~o'll',_,., five a1·n1at,r, i. e. 9ua111 i11
or perhaps it may be derived from ce11tum; 11 ar1ni1Jaltaba11t : Jtin. " a1t a1'111t d dance,, which 111a.s
·h111tdred; as when we fay Lazmdich H101dred, Fl<g a v ery a11tie11t G1·eek i11ftitulion, called the Pyrrhtt
Hu11drtd, or the Hundreds of Effex : Jhould none Dance; and is defcribed by Dionyfiu.s Ha!icarnnf!us,
of thefe be admitted, we 1nu!l: then, wich Cou- book Vil. fee. 7~.
varragius, as quored by Skinn. derive it from CAPER, "a f rznt, or berry; K"' ..""'f' f• cap·
K:.1-4.-7w, jltflo ; lo bend, turn, or winde ; to form pariJ : N ug." a jbr11b, bearing a berry cal/rd a
an angle ; in the fenfe Shakefpear has m ade ufc cap_er; wh ich, according to ctym. ought co be
·of the word ca111le ; q\taU can/on; in his firfl: port written capper. .
o f H e n. IV. aCl: III. fc. 3; where in the partition CAPIL LAtvl.E:NT i U1>,or, pi!tu, copillu1; quali
of the kingdo1n, he makes Holfp11r fay, CAPlLLARY S c,1pici1 pi/111; the hair a/
M ethinks, my n1oiery, North from Burton herr, the head, a ptrflke; a tube as fi11t as a hair.
Jn q11anticy equals nor one of yours: CAP!T A L, K1;>"'>-•,tap111 ; the bead; touchi11glife ;
Sec how this river comes me c rnnkli ng in, a heinous crime, the chief ; alfo the !up of a pillar.
A nd cuts m e from the befl: of all my land, CAPITOL, Kr;>•"""' cap111; quod . i bi hu111i11is
A huge h alf moon, a n1onfhous can.tie, out: cap11,t c1t11: e:i.·Jr;ttreJu1· i11'iJe11111111 ; ( Virgil f~etn~ t o
1neaning " large portion, or dijlriB of land cut off hint it was " 6orft's head) uode capitoiium, cap11a-
by the wi11di11g a11d /urning of the river. lium, locus capitaliJ, fou princ;palis; t he iemple of
CANVAS, K~'•"l3•;, jiuppa ; ex c11m111be fac- } upiter at Rome, called 1he Cflcpi1ot, /•·om the bta1
:1u1: hemp : Nug ." of a moil (or a horfe) found at a co1ifiderab'.< depOJ
CAN-VASSlNG at anelefiion; Clel. Voe. 114, i11 digging the fou11da1iqns; and built on t be 'larpe11~il
n, obfervcs, thac "ce11fco, co!pu , ct1pite ct1:ji (a hill, 0 1· ,-ock ; as is rnencioned by Dionylius 1--Jalt·
pleonnfin) c11117.1oj/i11g, t1J11t1ting, &c. all come frorr1 carnalfus, book IV. fee. 59.
Ir.rm, ken, kin, in t he fenfe of head; i. e. fron1 the CAPITlTLA TE, K..·~1.,, .. ,,.,J'<x;u9x1, J·Icfyd i.
l1me root \Vith keJ:, pe1:, 1J1:1,1, v en-do, veJ1-eo; '" capio, cap11u, quali t api111!t11us, tap1iv 11s; a cap/w e,
f elt :"-c.hen ftill ir is G r. : fee VENAL: or per- prijoner of war, ariicles of f11rrender, when Ol!J
haps they m ay rnke rhe fame origin with COUN T , place is .1ake11 by jlipu!atio11. .
or 11u111bn·; i. e. cafting 11p /he number of ~·oles: G r. CAPO; "Capel in old E ngl ifh lig nifies a ; orry
CAP for 1be hrad,K19a>.r,, caput ; the head, or nny horfa, caballus; a working horfe : Ray."-b~c
covering lo p111 en 1bc bead; being only the fi rft K"l3"M•; figoifies a beafl of "b11rdt 11; and no dou?t
iyl!ablc of the G r. and Lat : words Ki<p-cap. is the o rig inal word.
CAP verfu ; " aJtt,.nis vtrjibus certart ; Icelaad CAPO N, " Ka1"4'" capo; gal/us ca.ftraJ1a • 10
cappe; cer/Amen; ldeppaft ; certare: Lye's Add." c:1t a capon, «'t."o f'; KQij"., ; J{. Ko-:r1c.>1 f'i11M, faro ;
- all which loJks as if we ought co derive every to cul : N ug ."

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C A Fro1n GAJ?BK, and LATIN. C A
~APRlCE, ~" ..f•r, omnino eft a Tyrrhenis, of g11ats or finall in feds, and applied thcn1 to the
qui.bus .~aper d1d11s K" ..f": Hcfy~hius K....f'" top of their tultivaud fig-Jrers' fruit; and this
a•E T.,,..,., : and from hence Jumua tcUs us operation prefently brought them to ma111ri1y ;
eapriee, and <apritio11s, lignify etrebrofiu morofltS'. this extraordinary method of ripening the fig, or
! Iii propriis fan111jiis nim'.u•~ indu~tl; Gail. <apr;,; caprifiu1fion, is thus confin11ed by Vo!T. under
cft pbantnjia; Ital. <apnu10; 1"11fp. (aprirbo; pro- the arr. caprifir11s ;-a taprijic111, fays he, efl: <a-
Jervaa 'apror11111 p(M}icariam ta11git ilf1"J Maronis, prificort, hoc cfr, culicibus c caprifi<o genitis,
Occurfarc <apro, cornu fcrit illc, cavcto : ficubus aliis mal11rifoftm adferre: Plin. lib. X V! .
Eel. IX. 25. c. 27; fici coprifieanrur: et Palladius, lib. VII.
we ge~eral!y fay of any one who is pt"evi!h, be is c. s; n11n< e11prifira1uf.e arbores 6ci: or perhaps it
'Dtry lncl:y, 1. c. /11// of tricks, or bt11t1f;t1rs, likt a goat. 1nay be contracted from camptj/tr·fir11s.
_ CAPRl~COR1'.-' ; K""'f"-"'f'"" fed omni no dt CAPTAIN', "fu.1........ r, quo non1ine Gra:ci
a T yrrhcn1s; as 1n the foregoing art.-with re- ante annos 700, fuum C.labri:'.l! ct Apulire pr.e-
gard to the word <apri-<orn, it is generally undcr- frCum appcllabant : Skinn." fee C;\ TIP AN :
llood to relate only lo tbt goat; and means that Gr. : but the Dr. acknowledges that word to be
conjlt!lation in tbt bta'IJtns, wbitb is know11 by 1bat derived Lat. rapur; he lbould have faid Gr. a
apptll'.11ion, quali (aptr-rornu1111; fays Volf. ut Kt~<>>-•, capul; undc roptain; tbe btad or ebi•r
Gr~c1s A'""'f"'': lie dicitur quia fupcriori cor- <ommandtr.
por1 s parce . capr11m rcftrr, 11t1 inferiori pifce111 : CAPTIOUS l g:,...,J.,, ..... 3,x;ror&..,, 1-Icfych. undc
coP_ram fing! tur rcferrc, er quidcm fcandcntcm, CAPTIVE J capio, cap111s ; lo fake amifs .
q u1a fol, ub1 ad <aprieorni fidus pervcncrir, iteru m CAPUCHIN, or doak l " religioforum, ul lo-
ad. nos . revcrtaf\11»:. fc~ .cur inferior pars pifris? CAP UCH!N-frh-r J quun111r, t .\' ordi1tt,fat<
qu ia primus tune mc1p1t mcnlls hybcrnus, qua: illjli11110 Divi F1·a11cifci gtr.til; ii C:r. Gall. cap11d11 1
t e1npenas plwuin, undc tt byems d itta; nam ·,.,,., Ital. copucino ; hrec force i Fr. Gall. capuebo11;
pluert' et (t1priccr1ti Ji"urnm id co inrcr r.dc ra monarontm r1u11l/11s : omni a ii voce L at. fcquioris
fin~e~u~t nntiqlli, propt~r rnprnm J ovis nutric<'rn: fa::culi ,·npiri11m; hoc eaput: Skinn."-now the
-tlus 1s the very fig ure under which it is reprc- only point is to afk, whcchcr the Dr. knelV, or
fented, both on the anticnt coolc nial globes, and did not know, that tapNt itfelf was derived ii.
t he 1nodern, 1nadc by the beft opticians: it hap- Ki~""" ?- we now m nke' ufe of chis word (t1p11rhi11
pe.ns unforcun:11e~y for our prrfcnt pu rpofe, that to lignify a jhcrl Jilk cloak f or the ladies, witb IJ
rh1s figure of C11priror11 . on. 1he Farnc(c g lobe, r11narkabf,y large boop, to ewer the whole bead Jr1fs 1
re fts (as Spence obftn•cs in his Pokmnis, p. 172,) as fometimes tbe 111011k's hood, or roul, is drawn
on ·the lhoulders of Atlls; fo that only the head wtr bis bead in rai11J «Uatbtt·, &c.
of Capricorn appears, by which means we lofc CAPYL: L ye acknowledges this word to be
t he double compolition of this conllellation derived a K ..j'.3.->.>.o;, cabal/us ; a Jorry borfa, or
which was rcprefcnrcd of old, as a creature of ~ bea;1 of burdt11.
mixed nature ; for fo it is defrribcd by the nntient CAR, or earl ; " Kajpo {if there be any foch
poets, and painters; tho' I luve never yet learnt Greek word) earrtts, rurr1u, c11rro; lo run: Nua."
how this goal came to have half his body, and -it might more properly be dcri\•ed e ither fr~m
h inder pans, c~nvcrted into a fifh's tail; unlefs x...;;,., i. C. >«•1a ; .., toJJfiTJU() ; tO!; OCCaufe
t he above mentioned reafon be admitted : but it it rolls 011 tontir.11ally, with an t111able t onjlant
~s rather the rai.1 ?f a tirago11, or Jtrptnr, accord- moti•11 : or elfe from K;e i«•, f u1uulum a/:;111111,
in g to t he opm1on, mentioned under the arr. fc. Jl1,111ihis; pro xia'l~, vcl x~S', pro xa1(6 ;co.,, and
CHIMiERA. Gr. then by rranfpolit.ion, cart : - t here is however
anocher deriv. produced by Volf. under the art.
CAPR~- FICATIO~; ;i:,.~,, Ji.rus, raprifi<111 ;
quallrapr1 firus, fays Amfw. wl11ch 1s fcnrce iruelli- rarm~r., which may help .us to the original word
gible: this eopri has no connexion with the better than any of the foregoing: " vir funimus
crnfec elli: ab Cald:co carma; hoc eJt 'IJilit, vd
rnpri in .the former nr~. pe_rhaps we may derive
-i;inea, qua: Hebra:is ctrem ; nempc asbirrarur
t~1s capr• by tranfpofinon a K ..:~"'• jiuo, anfa-
tto; Hom. OdylT. N. 398. vocem hanc primo fignarc vi1t111 ; inde coopiHc
accipi pro dolio ; item fa!11a plo11flro impcfita, undc
K'.letJ..w .f4'" xec~ xcc>.G~ f)'I ')'t'"1~'°1011t1 ,.,.,,..,~O'I: rarmilla fu11debant11r :"-all this 1nay be right, tho'
Arefac1am qmd'm (I/fem p11lrbr11111 i11 jlexibilibus our word rar o riginates from a different root, ns
mtmbris ; . 11 bi vcrtcrc ponis · will be !hewn prefontly; for lincc vomus acknow-
C ;irpam p11frhra111 e11te111, &c. VolT.
ledges, about the clofe of his arc. car111m, rhar,
from the ~vild fig-tree they collcaect a quanti ty porro, vetrre~ cum dclinentia in 11u11, cti ~ m per

Diqll17e<J by ( .ooglt>
C A From G:.tEIK, and LATIN. C A
111cnlum elferrent, ut momen; momentum; dorumcn, n1ercatoribus omnibus, et qui de rebus Turcicis
doc11me111um ; eriarn pro carmt11, car111c111um, dixiffe vcl Anglice legerunt, notiffi1na; a voce Turcic.&,
v ideptur : and fince he has lik ewife acknow- : Jurvan; l«rba mtrcatorttm cum, pr.efidio mifitum
!edged, ur1der the art. carpcnlum, that non1en effe pcregrbw11ti11m :"-chis keruan feems to be but a
a Carmcntti, Ev andri 111alre ; quafi caN/UlllUm ; tho' contraCl:ion of (d/trva ; at lealt there is fimilariry
lie fee:ns to rejetl this deriv. afterwards; yet both of found and of fignificacion between the
fince all thefe things are thus, perhaps it would two words, whatever there may be with regn:rd
be bette r to look on our words CAll, CART, to dtriv.; caravan, quafi caJervan, cattrrJalim;
and CHARIOT, to be of Greek extraction; tn~r<ha11ts lra<Jtlting logetbtr in companies, by troops:
panicular!y lince Ovid in his FaO:i, lib. I. 619, perhaps from Tvf{l><{w, turbo, /Jirba; a crouJ, or
has thefe remarkable lines, largt company.
Nam prius Aufonias matres Carpt11ta vehebant; CARBINE, or rather tarabint; Ko:e"'l3"» tta•
Hir.c quoque ab E<Jal!,dri di{ta pnnntc reor: vicula. " Spelman voccm L at. tnrabus eodem
·nnd every one knows chat Carmen/a was the mo- fignificacu cica:; utromque forte a Gr. antiq.
t her of Eva11der, "'' .lfrcadian, and confequcntly K«e~f3•;, cancer; fc. ab aliq11ri cnn<ri;
a G reek.
CA R_l\CH K.x•..,G ..., 1-Iiff>. <arnbo, <aravo; na-
vigii, j eu qn;iJ,e gemu; 11a<Jicula;
unde Fr. Gail. carabin ; Ital. carabill!J; Hifp. ca-
rabo; genus tormenti be!li<i; j elepetum brcvi-u
t que}Jre; q. d. torme111um portalile, quia reliq1<is.
a fp,tties of Jbipping: or perhaps it may be de- lroittS eft: Skinn1"-afcer which he adds, "ab
rived limply from cari11n ; a jhip: though Ciel . Hifp.; 11avigii gemu, cui boc l<>rm,entum ob-
Way. 31, fays, " caraks are evidently derived a lm1ga f11a figura u/cunque fimil< ~1 :"-whatever
<urroughs; the vclfcls ant iently navigated on the may be the fhape of the Spani4b n111vieu!d, or na-
Brir.i01 feas; being the <Ji/ilia corio circ11.mfuta vigium, called carobo, if ic be derived frorn
m entioned by P liny :"-this looks as if he had K«~«{3", which lignifies a erab, ic feeros to be a
in tended to derive it either from <Urro, or from lbange explanation, to fay that the carbine was
cori11m ; both Gr. a horfeman's fbotc gun, oblang, like a b•al, or a
CARAT, or carafJs, " Ktez1», which has been crab :-rhere mult therefore be fome other rea-
ufed for K.,..7,.,, jiliqua ; which properly fig nifies fon why ic received that na1ne, which could not
a Jina/! hon;, or bJ1jk, jhell, or pod of btal!J 1 pea.s, arife from ics lhape, or figure.
or any fu~b thing; and is taken for the weigl~c of \ARBONADE?. K"f~"'' arefa~ia; i;;,f"-"41: a-
four gtmns : R . K'f'"• c'1·n11; a bor11 : or lro1n CARBUNCLES 1nong the different den\•, of
X«f".."'"" ftalpo, it;1primo; to imprint, engrave; the chis word t arbo, produced by Voll: this feems to
taraO, according t o fome, b~ing no rno re than a be the .heft; at lcaft it bears th!' nearelt affinity
certain mark, which afcertai ned the degree, to to it: co which he fubjoins ; "itaque carbo11es in-
which the gold had been refined : Nug."-rhen cerpretantur ligna arida, uftulattr911e ;"and then af-
t hc word tarat, Or taratl , fo~~TIS tO be but a. COn- terwards adds; "a carbo, e(J: ca~buncU/11s ; Ut afllr,
traCl:ion of X" f"•1•r• cbaratler; i>n!y according furmuulu1; ct ab a•vu1, a'IJ:tnc:rlus; transfertur
to this deriv. it ought to have been written etenim ad gemm>l! genus ob igni1 fimilitudintm ~
<harr.t, or char11El : " or ic may co1ne," continues de quo Ilidor. lib. X V'I. c. 13, cm11i11m ardm1i11111
t he Dr. "from Xae..1e,,. (if there be nny fi.rc h Greek gemmaru111 prit:eipatum carbunc11/11s babtt : carbun-
word) " golde11 <Pin, (he means a gold <oili) in tulus auter11 ditlus quod li t ignilru, ut tarbo; cu-
which they ufed formerly to pay t heir taxes : jus fulgor nee notlc vincicur; locet cni1n i1f•te-
for as In the d ivilion of tbe. finene(s of Jilver, nebris, adeo ut flammas ad oculos vibret :"-chis.
they 1nade ufe of a coin, which is called the however n1ay be rather doubted: but he goes
dt11ier; fo it is very probable, that in dit1:ingui!h- on, and remarks thac, "eft et carb11nc11!us '11iti11111 ·
ing the ~nenefs of go)d, they >nade ufe of this atq«• arborum morbus; Pl in. lib. XVII. c. 3+ •·
other corn ; as when one fays of gold to 1 0, z2, q\laproptcr et grando in his ca ullis in~elligi·
z3 caraN, or tr.rat/1 : Nug .' only th~.-n again,
rlcber, et carbu11t11ialifJ, et q\1od 1>ruinaru1n in-'
according to this erym. it ought to have been juria evenit; hrec eni1n, verno tcporc invitatls,
written cbar11ls, o r cbm·all>. ct erumpcre audentibus, facis 1nollibus infidei1s,.
. CARAVAN: whether this be intirdy a Perlian adurit latlefcences germin\lrn oculos; quod in .
word, or whether it be derived from ctJ/er>Ja , is flore carb1111c11/1m'- vocant :· h:t!c Plin. carbH11c11lu1
onli• a co njetlure, taken from a hint ill J un.' vero, et ttJrbunculatio vocatur, q!Jia carbonis iJ'.fiar
who has nor given the dcriv. of ic, bot has only nd11ra1; u ndt: e t Grrecis K"u~•• d ici cur: our "fir-.
explained it by 11Jercatorcs ct1ler-• ati111 in loca rt- dcners and farmers call itfroft-bit1c11.:"-as to'.:'rhe
#loliora proficifce11/ts, Skinner fays it is " vor< word etirbonade, Skinn, obfcrves veryjull:ly, that

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C A From G!l!EK, and L ·ATIN, C A
it fignifies with us frujlum tarnis fuper carbones aJ-· CARESSES; X"'f "'' ' cart1s; caritas ; endear-
Jum (affatum) tojlum ; to broil ovtr tbe coals. ments: the dcriv. of this word is .it feen1s g reatly
CAR-CASE; Xe"'• Xf"'• corp1u; a body; and difputed among the ety11101. : Sk inn. cenfures
1<:.7'•, deoifum; unde cado, cafum; 10 fall; fo that Jun . for deriving it a Xae1?1~8ot1: non ut Jun.
1:arcafa Items to be a contraction of corpu.<- invito Apollinc contcndit, ii Xze•?•~~"'' : fed fatis
<efum; a fatleJI body : or elfe it may . be written manifolle a L at. car11s: (but, Dr. is not carus
carcilft; and chen ic would be a contraction of itfd f derived either from X"f''• or·from X"f'"'•
·corpus lumi111 ca.f!um; a body deprived ef life; which gratia/111 ?) and Lye cen[ures Skinn. for deriving
would originate a x.,7,.,, careo: vel, quod non it a Lat. carus; non, ut Skinn. contend it, a Lat.
n1inus placec, fays Volf. a X•e•••i, dtj/ituor; i. e. carus ; fed ab Arm. caret ; amare ; mnati.r e11i111
careo; unde ca.ffe; in vaili ; meaning a dead body, adblandiri fa/emus :-however, we n1ay prefer t he
'!Joid cf life, and utterly ufaltft. . Gr. before · any other deriv. no1wi1hrt~nding
CARD wool ; K"f'" rx"f•» caro, tcndeo, carpo; Cafaub. fays, demukere, x«1«e•?•i., uncle Galli fuum
'lit in conjeCl:aneis fuis n1011ec Scaliger ; tmde caref!er, effinxifie mcmini alicubi legere : v olgo
cart1ten pro infhumento petle11, quo Inna pttrgatur ; taincn (fed non ita proba.l:iiliter) ex X"f'?"~"'•
a carendo dicitur quafi carimen: Voff. 10 comb quod aliud ell:: buc X«e•?•I'-'" !ignilies gratificor;
wool; 10J~parale, divide, lo t tafa, or l;oafa 1000/. whi_ch bears at lea.ft fome analogy to careft.
CflRDS ought to be written c/Jards, ii. Xae1or, CAR-f'AX: " vox illis fol is nota, quibus
char/ii; paptr: .fee CI-IART. Gr. Oxonium innoruit; a Fr. Gall. correfo11r, q11arre-
Cj\RDAMUM, K«eJ"l""'I"'" carda111omu111; ai1 fo11r; quadrivium; q. d. q11atuor fora; \(el fi ma vis
I ndim1Jpice. quattre faces; i. e. quatttor facies, profpet1111, vel
CARDIN AL points; Kf«l• , ba1111ts ; by tranf- f,.~ntifpicia: ibi enim decuffantibus fe invicem
po!irion cardo, ex quo quid fufpenditur: fane duabus magnis plateis, q ure urbem conftituunt
Germanis fimil itcr cardo ell: tbrer-nngtl, daor- in qt1t1tuor vicof, eoque totatn t1rbem juC!Jndus
angel; dur-hoolr:, or, as we fometimes 1nelt the1n fatis profpeet11s datur : Skinn."-every one will
both together, door-hingtl; only it 1nuf1: be ob- allow the propriety pf his interpretation, tho'
ferved, that Voffius has not brought this word few will admit of h is etym. : for if qttatuor facies
1hiir-a;;gtl as a deriv. from cardo; bur only us a be 'the true deriv. of the word car-fa.x, then un-
f}•nonymous ten11; that, as cardo is derived from doubtedly the etym. is Gr. : for quatuor is ccr-
Xe"J", and as Kfa3" lignifies a book.; fo t he Ger- roinly derived a K•11•e«• .lEol. pro Ili11'f": and
mans cxprcifed cardo by tbiir-angr.l, which is evi- fades orig. from facio, i. e. frotn 4>uo,, jio, facio,
dently derived from 0"f""'"'Y"v>.o~, janut1· m:gulus, faciu :-;-it feems however niore probable that rhe
c11rvus; ony piece of ircm croq/r:ed, like a book: Conner part of th is compound car-fax, is of the
" cardo ad varia transfertur ; ad creJeltia, Ut cum fame power with char, in Charing-croft: and con-
.fie cardines apptllantur ca:li plaga: :" we have Iil<e- fequently would fl:ill be derived from the Gr. as
wifr ufed it in feveral lenfcs ; viz. the cardinal will be feen under th at arc. : as for the latter part
winds ; the cardinal virtues; &c. of tli is compound fo11rJ, it leems rather to come
CAR-D~IN-ALof Rome: this d ignitary is fup- from fo11rcbe, "Jerk, ii divifion ; i. e. a furca, ab
pofed oo have arifen ;1bout the time of G regory 're%"• ·~· •i 4>oe1•:. ~·~·~" ;, '""1"'' : Hefycb. fo
the Great; bur is really of much higher Jource ; that che whole compound fhould form quan·e,
for according to Ciel. Voe. 23, and to4, it is vel carri-fourcbe, or carre-forchu, contracted to
co1npofed of
"' caer: a /(l'!.JJti. 1
.d '; a prepofirive article. caer-d'e11-al; tbefa11ior
car/ax ; fignifying the fpor, where a perfo n cm
view the div ifious of four jlreet..r, forming four ·
cor11crs, croffing each other at right angles, arid
hCi1 j elder. ruler lif a Jgw11 :•• 1naking as it were a /quart, fqtiarre, qua1·re, carril
al ; 1·ule1 or com111ttnll. in the midfl: of them.
-bui !till it is Gr.; for cnifr in the fcnfe of town, CARGO ; " 11avis onus ; ab Arm. carg ; omu ;
is the fame as or, or (ar; n1eaning ii fio11e, .o r carga ; onerilre; fortaffe a Celt. cart<i undc Lat.
rpr.k ; i. e. a town having a j/011e of Jan&tuary; or carrus; q11od idem }ignificat: L ye.''-but it 1nay
being· built on a rofk, hill, or ttJ1ine11ce i 3 ·p~-x•:t, be very much d oubted whether <arrus be derived
veJ ·p,.%.'"'• by tranfpofition Ae·x,•«, tinde t1r, car, from the Celt. carr: we 1night rather fuppofe
caer, or tbar : d't11., or bt11, comes from E1,-«..,1"r, the contrary; ·confcquently that carr, carr11s, and
am111s, mwofus ; cld, eld, or elder: and al, or td, currus, are all derived fro1n the Gr. for the rea-
being tbe fl t1fl of cflice, may defcend ab vh-•, fons which have been already given under the art.
JYl-v" ; a wand, flaff, or rod of power. CAR: bc!iiles, here feems to be rather a con-
CARE, !lf"'• ttira ; co11cfrn, anxielj. fulion of ideas; for in the firfl: place he tells us,
io cargo

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C A F'rom G R E E K, :ind L A T 1 N. C A
cargo lignifies navis cnus, and is derived fron1 the CARMELITEr frattr Car1t11/ita; a C11r111eI;u
Arm. tatg; ot11l1 ; or targa, onerare; then im- frier; one of tbal order.
n1cdiately after derives it from carr, and carrus ; CAR-t\11NAT IVE; "furely not from car-
but there cerrainly is a difforence between the men; a charm;" fays Ciel. Way. 51 ; "but from
earl, and its load ; as well as berween the jhip, car, or gar; to &ompelf, or expel/ i and will; winil;
and her /J11rdt11; the fame deriv. can fcarce be ap- t he <V converting, as it rnon frcqu<'ntly docs, into
plicable to bo th : but ir1 our language fhictly, che m : -but now at leaf~ the latter half of this
the cargo is tbt burden, not tbt ./hip ; but here ic compound is Gr. : fee W lND. Gr.
is uted to ugni(y lbt burdtn only. CARNAGE l Kf""'' caro, caniis; jlejb :
CARINE, fomecimes written careen, or rart1te; CARNA L j with us, caruage fignifies
there are two deriv. of carina given by Volf. viz. CARNA1'!0N 'r jfaughttr i11 bolt/t : can1i.-
i\ c11rro; which, as we !hall fee prefenrly, is Gr. : CARNl-VAL · v al, fars Ciel. Voe. 8&,
or elfe from K~e..,, Kse"" fcitJ dert , fecart tmdas, l
CAR NI-VOROUS fecms to be compounded
.equora 1 quon1odo de cari11a, five navigio, eriam Cl 1.RNOSITY J of carr.i vale; biddi11g
Latini loquuntur; ut aditu to the eating of jfe,lb meats ; at which rimes
- - (ic ipfo fug5.ftca t ulrima prittis they ,,fed to indu lge in g reat excefles : foe
£q11ora. JEn. V. 218. VA L ES : Gr.
we undcrftand the word cari11t in the fenfe of CAR OL; Skinner fuppofcs this word to be
cleaning tbt jJ;ip's bo/!0111, and 11ew p a;yi11g, o•· pi1cb- derived a Fr. Gall. ca'n lle ; genus jaft1is moduJati.;
i11g her. itetn cm1ticum quoddam j ejlhJ111n, pr,r.fartim f e;1o
CARIOUS, K"E'" Ksf"'• edo ; cflriu; putredo 11atalis .1tfi111tu111: force a Gr. X•f"• ga11diu111; N.ue•·
lig11orum ; deca;ytd, or w orm-ea1e11 wood ; alfo in g1111dco : -afrcr thi s, it rnay perhaps be wondered,
furgery an;y duayed, or putrid limb. chat he thould add, " mallem tamen defiel lere i
CARKING; ne .., cur'a, curo; cark ; cart, con- Sax. ca pl , feu ceopl; ruftfrus; q. d. carmt11 agrt,1<,
'""• m:.•iery : Junius has derived it a K"f""'fW> feu r11.11icum :"-this can by no means be allowed ;
1·efa110, fa11it11111 edo; undc Sax. ceapc1ao; frt1uler.e, becaufo whenever Chaucer mentions the word
ftridere dentibus; unde cark and care, dt flcrib11s carol, it is always with fome commendatory epithet:
jollicit<e nie111is curis co1if.d: and this dcriv. might I fawe her dauace fo comely,,
have been adopted, if carki11g cc11veyed ONJ idea of . Caro!, and fing fo .fJJeleb '
fo1111d, or 11tteri11g atty c~nplai11t; on the contrary, and agam ;
a ptr/011 may be very a11>·ious, and JoUicitous, witb- A lady !caroled - - · -- - -
011/ e»prefli11g mry loud lame11tatio11. 1-!er voice full clere was, and full fwctc,.
CARL," K•e•r, quafi K•f>., Juve11is, inter p11e- She was not r11dc, ne unmete,
r11111 'Vir:1111que 111edi11s; q ui ut plurimtml ferocjores, But couche ynoug h for fuch doing,
ec pe.rufanciores elfe folent : crop.I ol i1n ( nunc As longech unto karolling. R. R. v. 74.3·
rb11rle) duri agreflif'lut vir i11ge11ii ; fed et r11jlic11s: Cid. Way. 78, fuppofes carol co be derived from,
Cafaub. a~ quoted by Jun." who likewife adds, the Celtic word car, or cir; a circ!t; becaufe
"Angli certe ca tum 111afau/11m,a earl-cat appdk1nr; a fong fung iu a round :-but Cl RCLE is Gr.
ct. &a11nab111iJ robttjlit're-111, carl-he111p :• -thc v. clrds
CAROT; " K'"(w1,;, K"f1•h paftinfra te11uijofia,
cnrf, and ceopl, or ch11rle, were antiently under- apud Athen,,;11111 : nefcio an ideo fie dicta quia
llood in the fame fcnfe; to~ Stowe, in his Chro- carum cduccre cdcntibus olim cfedita ell : vel. ii
nicles, fpcakin.g of bold Ro/Jin liood and Lil/le faporis fuavitate K"I'""" i. e. 1111t11m jug!~ndiur;i
Jobn, who lived fo early as in the times of d."1111da: Skinn. "- a vny .foJJett tafjed root, like a beet.
Richard I. about the year 1 1 !IC, fays, " the faid CAR.-OUSE; Ciel. W ay. 81, fays,'' carouf! rs
. Rohtrl, (or Robi11) flood interrnyned an ht:ndrcd derived from the Celtic word car, or cir; a circle;
tall men, and good archers, wyth fucb fpo iles becaufe to carouft is the cufton1 of.drinking round:"
~nd theftes as he got: upon who 4 hundred were -buc: CIRCLE is Gr.
t hey never fo ltronge durfle not geue thonfec; CARP at; K.,. ....,...,, K><J>r.•?"' carpo, ere; ./Q
he fufferca no womii to be oppreffed , violated, fir.a fault with.
or othcrwifc molefted; poore n1c's goodes he CARP, a jijb; Ku"'P"''' carpio ; piftis jlll'via-
fpared, aboundantly releuing c:he w'' that w'" by lis ; a river, and po11d fifo. ·
theft he gate from abbeyes and the houfcs of ricbt CARPENTER : we have, already obferved,
carles ;"-n1eaning rich men, who were of fucb an under the art. CAR,. that probably our words
ill · natured d ifpoficion, and fo hard-hearted, that car, cart, and chariot, were derived . from cor-
they gave away, or bdtowed nothing on the poor. penftl , and that the.y were. derived from Carm;itl~,
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C A "Fror11 G n ! E i::, and ~" T r ?". c A
t bt' mothrr Pf .Eva11h, · 'ttll · A1'Cadian prince, and c11/qr11m in tabula: Nug."-it were· ro ._ be wiihcd
-<or.faque,111)' a Greek : and fron1 "hence the wotd thcfe learned gentlemen · had produced any au·
. c•1rp;;1tl1' was a nani"t g iven. at:fir!t to thofe who thority for the l!fe of the words K~.J,or, o~ i::,..-.,,
'i>nil t fud 1 machfnes ; and after.wards afcribed more or KM<To,., for t l1ere :ire 110 fL1ci1 words in ou r
. f70erally to all workers in ' wood . modern lexicons: H ederic gives us only Ka..J,ar.,
Cl\RPET, T«""~• tapes, j/ragu!um varii1 colc- K".j,""~'' and K«o/co•·"'• eapfa, iijla; a chejt, 0 1·
·ribus inter.tex/11111; t11pejlry. box:-" it m ighi therefore be be tter to derive er.ft
CARRE£R, 'p,.,, vel 'rv.,, jl1to ; unde c11rro, limply a cafa; i. e. itt a tegendo Lati ni tu m :edi-
qua Ii .corrno, . con1pounded of to1i and ruo ; and ficii partem, tum ve!l:is genus, teflum dicebant ;
then . contratled to ·tlit:ro ; to r11n, or ru/h a/oJtg ita 3 tegendo, et ve!\cm K""'"'· vel K".. >i» et do-
$iole111l,y : ".curftJ..t·eq11ita11lium co11d1atiffrm11s, fays ~num etiani cafam clfe nuncupata1n : Voa:..__,,
Sk inn." and he fays rightly; but why he !hould cafe, or Jheath, being .only a co~•eri11g or bo1tfa to
derive rhi s a-verbo to"carry, v there, would be i1n- coniain ·a ny thing.
poff.<ble for ine to. fay: there may be fo;ne mif- CASE in g>'ammar ; Kdlw, cado, cafus ; a falli>~~
t ake in the prefs, and in compofing from his down; 1neaning a declination of a 1101111 from th<
manuftript rhe compoGtor left out the former ntJminative, or primitive idea of ifs t>ppe!latior. in!O ·
p art of another art. ; perhaps CARRIER, and oblique cafts, or fa/lings from the original cafe, called
added .t he latter part of it here to this art. CAR- by gram1narians cafus retlu.s, and reprefented by
REE:R; fo r it is not natural to fuppofe, that· a perpendicular line, and all the others by obliquu ;
he ·could derive carry, a curro; or carrecr, a as in the following figure, taken from a hint in
•f arry, vehere. Harris's Hermes i
CARRION, " Ke'"'• Ke ..•<• taro, t ar11ari11111;
Jlejh; gen"°a/ry dead: others derive it from Xse"''"•»
any p lace which exhaled a very bad odqr ; and was
reckoned as it were the mouth qf Hell; but Xo:e"''""
was alfo the gate through <vbich they Jed malefai:-
tors to ptmifbmenl : R . K<>ew" ..1,, (if there be any
fuch word in Gr. to lignify) the ft1'1')'ma11 of Hell:
Nug." -it ought to have been printedx..e~•: how-
ever, not to criricife upon either of the Dr's.
deriv. our word cnrrio11 is rather derived a K"f'"
K"f"'• edo ; unde caries, putredo lignorum; dtea)'ed, CASE- MATE, " XMJ"Cila., biat11s; openi11gs, or
or wonn-eaun wood; in forgery it fignifies any hollow places under ground: the I ral ians read ca-
decayed or putrid limb; and carrio11 is not only dead fa111a11a, which fo1ne .fuppofe to have been & 4
fafh, but dead ftejh decayed; for all dead jlefh is ligned · to exprefs tafa a matti, a mad-houfe, -or
nol carr:ion. ~ place to pul fools in : N ug." '
C,\ RTEL " K"e1"" chart11la ; a fmoll CJ\SEl.\-1ENT, x ..,,.,,.", vel X«•f'• • hiatus, hi11tio i
CARTOON book, or paper: Nug."-again a11 ope11i11g i11 the walls of buildings to admit the
CAR1"0UCH here is a like nii!l:ake; for air, and light; a w indcw: R.. x•.,,.,, bio, bifco ;
CARTRIDGE there is no fuch word as to gape, yaw11, open wide.
'K<&•1•••: it ought to have been printed X«e1"'; CASH, K"'<l-•••r, eapfa, cifla ; peomia 11ume•
a nd then, as the Dr. obferves, R. X«e1.c, ii, o, ra/11; mont)' boarded up.
~bar/a; paper. CASHIER: vel a K.a.1•"• u1reo, egeo : vd ii
CARTILAGE, Kea>. Ke"'" earo, earniJ, car- Xr.etV41, deflituor, carto ; Ct a careb, e·ft ca-r if'J.111 ;
ni lago, cartilago; a griflle, or tendon. ·Yolllus de- l1ndc caj[um ; unde c~ffare; et·co:fai; i11 vai11, 'lloid,
rives it a KJ°'1•>, Kae1•>. K ..e1vJ>.o~, quoniam in co fruit/ifs:· albo tn.ilitari expungert ; to j lrike a faldier
tft rolnir ojftum; becaufe in the tarlilage does 1be off the lift ; · render him nolfody.
jlrengtb of the bo11u tonfift: R. K~"1o:, robur ;ftrmgtb., CASINGS; "jlereu; jiccum j111nentor11111, quod
• CARVE meat; K"f"''•I'"' • K<Xf""'~"" carpo, pfi; pauperes f rt'Jlltnltr ad uf:t111 focorum colligunt ; il
t o cul up, ftpartJlt, die;ide: it fee1ns rather to be
Sax.: fee KERF. Sax.
ven(ris omu deponcre: Skinn ." the dried
dung of cattle, often gathered lty tlic poor f or f•u l.
C ARVEll, tngi·aver; re'"''" quafi rae~"'' fc11Jpo, CASK, Kd•r , cadtts ; a aifk, 1>r barrel.
incido ; to engrave. . CASKET, Ka.ti-•x"r, capfuia, tijhila ; a cabinet.
CASE , to contain an)' thing; " K...,,,,,or KM• <, CJ\SSATE 'l. X"f""" ttll'ta, 11i, ct. caffus[um; uncle
or K<>.c,.or, cajfa, or capjn, which M. Saumaife in CASSE.R 5 cafst ; 10 be ill want, rtrder void,
h is I-li ll:oria A ugull:a, expl.ains by kculamenra cal- ttbrogate; an abrggator.
M CASSl1\,

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C A Ftbm G 11E .E11:, and .LAT 1-N. e A
CASSIA, " K;...... ,.,, caj/ia, frutex aromaticus; bant ; to faoitrge wiJb •· thong ; 1,4 d"{/ltn, ti cor-
JI fJJtct jbruQ /;earing a fpice, like &inna1»011 : fo,nc.- re!J, or pitri/j. it is written cajia : Nug." C1\STOR, " ;K,a.r~'f• caflor, fiber; tbt beaver 1
CASSITE.RIDES, K«v":t•e•r, flannum ; 1i11; the an amphibious animal: Nug."-i:hia does not ac~
UJands of Stilly, or /be Sorlings; fnnn wbe11cc they count for the origin of its na1ne: '" fomc," fays
formti·ly got grtat qua111ities of ti11. Sir Thomas Brow!! in his Errors, p. 144, "have
CASSOC; Iay•<, ft•gttm; a clot1k : Junius has ' bten deceived by deriving cajlor a ca}Jrandq l
g iven us a bett~r deriv. und~r the arc.jacker, : whereas cn.flor is (o Cl!lled, quali r ..r.,e, i. e . ani-·
which he derives a Fr. G~ll . j11q11t, cafaque ;, Ital. 111al 'l:entriccfu111; from .bis Jwaggiftg, or prominent
giauo, cafaco ; Hifp. jaca, cafata; " Gra:cum e!t belly :"-or perhaps rather fro1n that re1nark,able
l~«~~, ca/a; qt1od 11on dom11m lllnJum, fed et 'Vej- fwd/i,,g under his belly, which contains the bag
ftm Jignijical; prorfus uc tetlum; n1111t r.d ..,dificia, of perfume.
n:mc ad r,.,,. 'Vtjfiariam rtferri pottj} : ab ho~ itaque CASTRA:fION, Krr•~, Dor. K ..,..,, tt}Jus;
KM•< e!t cafa, lrnfa<kt; undt ui.ffec: Vair." tiugu/11111 Ventris, quod nova nttplr. gertbat; uode
CAST, vr throw dow;i; Kol/,..-•( «•, per fync. c11j!111 ; chnflc ; et cajlro, quod cajfum fa cit ; quia
xo:r-•e•" : and we have curtailed it fl:ilJ fart het", c11flrnndo v is /ibidi11i1 e.~llinguilur ; to cut off, abate,
nnd have kept only the firfl: four letters '"": R. quench all defir<: there is, however another; and
"'~"rew1'11Uf-•,profttr1tl'J>dtjicio; to <afl, or Jhrfl"..v dGw11.
perh aps a betCer .dcriv . gt vfn by Voll: viz. ca.ftro
. C,'\.S'TAN ETS; " K...-....., a caj/a11en, fcu coj - : a l 11e.f-', X1Hf~t \ I nde K~1~rfie.~"'' et K«·rfe;;i, f/tri~ -
Jantz, 'l'hefjfllirt1 urbe, circa Pineu111, 1fbi ,1uig11us Im• ru!do; lo render .flerile, or barren.
tarum prove111us : Votr."- to which lee - n1e add 1 CASUAL, K <>o1<il , d~orjt1111 ; cado, cilfus, cafurus ;
fron1 ·Skinner, under t he art. caj/1mi<11oes; VO>< : abou1 to happen; by cbnnce, forfu/1ous.
choreas ducencibus fatis nota; ab 1-iifp. cajtmme- ' CAT, c11111s; if there be properly any fuch
las; l rnl. clljl11g11elle, idc1n (ig nantibus; q. d . Latin fubft:incive, to fignify a cttl: Skinner fup-
parv.e c11jla11e-d! ; glcbul11J cnim lig11ei1, cafl:anearum . pores it to be derived a caprare; to catcb; as if
Ji1nilibus, digiti~ i111e1-pef.tis, crepilant :"-an in- it was contracted from that word ; and fo per-
fl:rument, held in the hands of dancers, or be- · hups it may; but theo it would be Gr..: fee
tween their fing<"rs, in order to be:tt rime; and f CATCH : Gc..:...Jet me howcve.r jufl: 1nentiOD
which forn1crly had the lhape and appearance ' that ii is poffiblc our word '"~ may be derived
of chefl1111tJ. from the Latin adjeGl:ive c111us, a, um ; jl;ifa,
CAS'fER: even Verlt. allows, that "chis is cautious, tv.atcbful .; and then Volf. tell! us, catus
P.O anrieuc Sax. woord ·; it is rather borrowed ," may be deduced from caveo, cauffl.m: Gr. : as,
fay s he, " fron1 the Lat. uz.flrum, -bctokeniug a we f11.~ll find prefeody, under the art. CAU -
caft/1, or fllrtra.ffe; and tojler, cbefler, and ctter, 'fl OUS. Gr.
becing the tesminacions of n1:111y places in ~ng­ CA TA-C!11RESJS, Ka1"%{""''' tat11cbrtfi1; a-
land, do lignify that fuch places bad cafllu buylt jg11re in rhetoric, ~vht11 011e ~oord is ab.u jiwlj puJ·
by the Romnns (between 4 or 500 years) before far nn~lher; thus, vir gregis ipfe caper: Vtrg.
our Englilh-Saxon ancecers carne into ·Britainc ." qui quidem proprie efi bit'Y:US l neque 7Jir uficnte.
-lee nie then only obfervc, that the word cafler, dicitur, nili de b11mine•
when ufed in the termina tion of places, · as . CATA· Cl:.YSM; 11 ..1...J<Avv,..,, (ataclyfmits; a
Br1111-cajltr, Do11-a1.fler, Lon- cr.;7er, undoubredly ge11era/ flood; or delllgt: R. K..1.., et >V.u~.., a!Jll(o .>.
lignilied a place of flrengtb; or the ji1u1vio11 of to wajh aWfl)'·
, RD1nau camp: h ence likewife Cafier, now a vil- CATA-COMBS, " T "l'-f3", t111nb11; a tomb;,
lage oear the city of Norwich: and .confequendy quafi ca1a1om·bs, 'catatu111bdJ; tnken from K<>1.., or
dorived a caflr11, which 011mi110 tfl a K">f"'·"•• pro Kil.,, i11fra ; w.hich is "fub/'erra111o!is plate, wbi-
K,.:J...-e"I'"' foys If. Voff. fignifying fuperius t.abu- tb<r ii is fuppojed tbt primitive Cbri.ftia11s rt/ired'
latum navi1, quod ntzNt.1!, aus milites Jii.fti11et·; fqri ;· duri11g Jbe p~rjet:llilitt; and where thty b11ried the
tht duk ·• f ,.. jhip: R. K"1"'f"'''"""'• co11fler110,ftervo, . martyrs; but now it is cufl:omary to fay cata-
fltn /u111 ; 11uy lbi11g ftrewtd, or laid on the groll!ld; combs: N ug. under ~h~ an. 'l'omJ." fee 1.ikewife·
:ind here ufed to CigAify lbt .ftraw, fains, or bed- ROME:G~ ,
di11g, laid on t bt gro1111d, rmder fam~ Jhed, or cover- ca-f.'\.-DUPE, J(.;).J,.-.(, catar11!Ja; •• a ca-
i11g 111ade of clor.h, 01· cmtV'tlS, called a tt».1, for Jcl- t.11rn8 of the Nile; a f all of wat~r, tvitli a v ery•
tiiers lo }Jup OJI wb.en ill tk jidd. , g1-ea1 ncifa: K"'1""""'"'• c11·111 fonilK dec.ido.: B. A•.-•<..
. GA5'.I'IGAT ION; .K«•9, Dor. 1'<>>•>, K•ro<, jo.11i11u, jragfii! : Nug."
ref/us, liirum; n•1bc11g ; c•Jligo, co/lum 4go; Dores CAT A-LE C1"1C, Killl<h•<1ixo•, catnl.efJif.'IJm. oar;~
Skuli Ko:;o;, dicebant, lorum .; ':l,l!Od loris ca:de- 11u11,. cui in fine dee.f t fyJlaba. ad p.erfectione1n::

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,,,. •
C A :From G'R E E K, and LAT r~. C ~

t11et1' f;enideJ _in domo /111.fliiar : l:Ior. Car. JI. 18. CATCH,.K«r.1», ....,1,%,..9,.., Hefych. <11p'io, eap-
which, with one fyllable ·m ore, would have been l ru ; tatch, ea11gh1 ; to tnke, faize, apprehend. Ju-
a perfect ia1nbia. nius obferves, that our word ealcb affine efr
CATA-l:EPSIS, K"1""•o}•r, e11talepjis; i11vajio, Belg. ·lutfan ; v ebemtnrtr alicui rei i11/Jjfere. a1q11t
ctm1prt'btefio mtnlt : mwbttS quidflm : R. A"f'(3«~w, omni 11ifir aliquid ftt1ari, quod ajfeqtli eupit1s :
a<t:ipib; Jo ftize. Ka?'%"'• quod deti11ere, obtinere, oecupare,jignifitat:
CATA- LOGUE, "IC"1o:l»t•r, cata1og"s; a roll, mutuatur foa ten1pora ·ab inuf'. ~he1nate K«1«..x•i•,
'biJt, or f<rofl 1 regifter of namts, or - artides : R. undc eat ch, contratlum elfe nemo non videt: and
li1r•'>l'wyor,ftrmo;fpeeeh, diftottrft; mention : Nug."' perhaps our word eat m ay likewife have drawn.
CAT Al\rllTE·; r...,.,,.,.1,e, pro r"""I''''" ~ its origin from hence ; though there has been·
r"'1;..a..,,. quod idc1n eft ~c l'"''""'e'"•, gaudeo; an.othe r deriv. attempted under that article.
t o rejoice, to gi'Ve plea/lire: inde fu \t prius Gana- CATCH-POLE, " ·K.:J..-x,.,·r.•X•r, prehenderc
111idui'; deinde Gtwy11iedts ; et poftea 'atamilus :- po!11m, verticent, cap111; Cymrreito ceifpo.w l ell:
boys 1'i tain'ed for tbe vilejJ purpefes. , . litlor, opparitor; Jun."' -a bailif, who apprehends
CA l.l.1\-PLASM,," K"1"r.>..""I"'">.?' kind of plaf- a perfan by feizing his pole, or the pole of hiJ bead;
fer: It. ni-........, to do; to form; ta ·111vent: ·Nug."' or e¥cn by tcucbil!g anJ part of him. .
- bu t· if ~ars a d ifferent feofe here ; vi2. ii" · •. <::AT - ECHfSM, · " R"1•x•~Jo<i;, c,11echif111:u ;
tin~, oblifl~; t.tJ dau/;, or fpread with any 11nguent, K..1•%'~'"• catechizo; to injlr11!J by word of m1>t1tb ;
falve, &c. . · · to t uuh· (by rote) · rhe p"i11cip'/es, a!ld fir.ft e{emrnts
C.'\:TA-PU'L'J A, " K.:J,.,,.,;,1•:, uniJe K..1....v>.1.,, of a11·ar.t, or feie11'ce; and·partit:tlarly of the' Cbrif-
catapulta ; a warlike enginei to jhoot , or cdjl large tian dollrint: R. Hx•f, t cho,fomu, repetitio: N ug."
dti1'ts, an·ows,jlonts, &c. : R. Il«A>.'>, vibro, qutJtio, -oy he·aring thenr ofcen. reptntrd, rif~unded.
agi101 to vibrate,.jbnlu, or burr: 'y off." -or per- ~ CA1'-EGOR1CA L, "K"1•r•('"'' catcgoria, pr-e-
haps a Boo>.>..,, jacio; lo hurt, or ea]I, or throw; · diu1i11entum, apud Logicos; it is taken for certain
qpa(] catabulta. . dajfes, o r bends, wherein phi!ofaphet·s cdmpri.ze all
~A'I' ARACT in the eye; as Ciel. Voe. 5, very thit1g1: Kdl•r•e•w, to jhew, declare, monifefl: R.
jurtly obferves, " is only a barbarous formation Ar""• forum; the bar, a market; a11. harangue ;
of the words calcoeroc, 9 r c11eoroeo, ftill in ufe io affemntivt: Nug."
the Southern parts of France; t he meaning of CATEN ARI AN, Ko:.;v, canis; l:ti11is aut<:m vin"
which i~ ajpede; or·al(y gathering over the tje ?·- euli genus· jignijieat; unde t atuius, ct eatel)a; a
,t hen we may reafonably fuppofe tbat eakoeroe, and ehtri111 or bond: thus fl catenariatt arch, is fome-
racoroco, are nothing more than Garlic dill:ortioas times ufed in · books of architetlure, to fignify
·o f K""''~•K••;, q uafi K=•e-••xo<; malus octilus; a ·an arcb i11 the form of a c/Jai11; as are fcen in old
malady ~n tbt eye. · · Gothic buildings: fee CHAIN. Gr. '
CATA-RACT of wattrs ; "K:xl«f«><1,;, cata- • CATE R}whcther thefe words are but co n-
ra&/.a; a cataratl" of waters, 01· pools,"at tht g!Jtes •CA"FES tratlions of delieaeies, or delicate,
(}f citadels, and fortified towns: ll. A.~ .......,, pulfo, is offered only as a conj ecture b y Skinn . arid fhould
co!lido, ~undo; K"'1":M'"'" the fame: or fro1n that be admitted, their etym. ' will be found unde r
!p , .. ,,.;,,,fran..~o, rumpo, 'llthet11e11terferio; Ka1«fi•<<w; t he art. D ELICACY; Gr. -but Jhcn1ld that not
confringo, cum inzpttu decidtre faeio; infono: Nug."' be admitted, we muft then rcfe.r ro the Sax. AJph.
-any, or all of wh ich, may be applicable to . CATER-PILLE R, con11nonly written eater-
rhis word 1 and ye t tbcre is another deriv. as . ap- pillar; " K«e1•;, toefus, il K"e•:» t ondert, fci1u!ert,
plic3,blc, tho' perhaps not the . right one ; and edtrc ; hinc cattr, opfanator, ille lnajoris famili:e
that is, K"lccpp•c.:, dej/110, decido; R . Ko:?oc, deorjum; ' minifter nundi·nalis appellarnr, qui coemptos in
ct ·r,~, fluo ; to rujb dGWn with vioknce. macello cibos tradi t coq uo: hinc etia•n pate.t
CATARRH," K..?..fpoo;,and -povr,catarrbus,,dt- quamobre1n, volvox, vel tOit'1Jolvulus, ;\nglis d i-
jluxio; a dif.11xio11, or flawing down of tbe humors.: catur, cattr-pilier, quod hoiniomn pecudumque
'R.. 'Piw, fl:io; to flow: Nug." . edulia c tcrra enata, exteriori con ice, vel le-
CATA-STASIS, Ka1«<'•,.•r, conftitutio airis, v c/ viter t antum crufo, vitict: Jun."-this how-
corpori1huma1ii; tht natural conjli1111io11: R. Kofi•>•,"'» ever accounts for only the former part of rhis
co11jiilllo; to co'!ftitute. compound'; the latter may be gained fro1n Skin n.
CA'f A-S'fROPHE, R'4,.,e·~•• eatajlrophe, ex- who tells us, dicitur challe-pt!mfa, ab hirfittie
t~ema pars f abu/,e, t:>:itus, mors; the ijfite of a11 ijli11s airimalis, feli's jif!;i/i ; q. d . f e!is pilojir.< :
-e'vent; the unta'velling of a pl~t, the winding up of dotltis Th . Henfh. d itlum putat qua'li -pt.·
a JJ01y, or play ; the conc!ujion of mt C'Vtllf ; death: · tcufa, i . e. earo pilofa: but both explanations d~>
R. l-:f,,9.., v erto; to,tur11, tbt111te, die. not anfwcr the fotmc~ pa'rt' of the compountl
l\.'f 2 CQ/e1· ;

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-From x, ancf L" T 1 ~.
GR E -s. C A

ra/tr ; for certainly caltr can have no connexion li11t ftoclt, r1eir.011td 11111~11: pt1'fanal prcperf7 ; or
either with rat, or '~ith raro; we ihould have Cf-IAT'fLES. Gr.
hccn obliged to them for the buer, if they had CAVALCADE } " K«/2aM•r, cab11llu1 ; a Jorry
but derived pilafus, either fro111 4>,~.i.<;, pd!is; CAVALLIER borfa, or btajt of burden:
unde piller ; o r cl fc fro1n 11·1'•(, quo propric lig- CAVALRY Nug.''-in later times taken
n:intur roc8ilia, vulgo /1ltr11 ; and then it ought (or 11 war-borfa; and the focond word cavnllier,
to be written cater·piltr: in both cafcs however gloriouny diHorted by the French into chevalier.
ic lignifies the hairy df'vo11rer. CAUDLE, K.... lu11or, K"•l«v>-•~: J. P.olluci, .
CATER-poinr; 3 diHortion of qualut;r;. four: lib. VI. receofetur inter,;Ju.,..,.t., ac tradit con6ci
fee QUATER. Gr. fol ere ex A,.-.,'-•, •«• T •f•• ""' r ..i.axlor, ""' M•11•1•r:
CAi'ER-\'IAUL, il cal; ct. wau/. 1. " vocc Hefychio ell: Il•f<l'4'" '"*''!".'' 1.,, ~..- r.Mo.>i/•;,
fono fieta, feu11m rugitus; quia fc. &atuli?ntts /ties •• • Tvt•• .... Mu.~of; whet6er this latter receipt be a
i11ttr imbricts borr1nd11m ilium ej11latum cdu111: good one, and WOttld fuit with the conftitution of a.
Skinn.''~he fonner part of this compound we modern Engli!h lying-in lady, may be very much
have already traced under the arc. CAT ; the doubced: the following from Jon. is, a mucl1
latter perhaps may be derived fron1 ej11!0, or better, viz. "forbil/111n c11!id1/m ex vi11tt, .ovit, fa<•
11!11!0 ; and confequcntly of Greek extratl.• as cbaro, cin11afll0mo, aliifqut aromali~us. tonjef/11111:
will be !(en hereafter. apud Lydos quoque non ablimile ~dulium in•ufu•
CATHARl'IC, Ka~•el'"'h t atbnrticUJ, p11rga- fuir, Athenreo atquc Eull:athi<i td1ibus, K'"'"""" '
1it•11s : K<>lO<f•~• pur11s, mund11s; R. Ka~"'f"'• pur- vocnbant: vetcris lingua: Frifica: tenacibu, nun-
f.01 1111mdo ; l o t !ra1tft, lo purifj. cupatur warmt-jawlt 1 quo<l ~J.Ocundem t i\ ac 6
CATI-I-EDRAL, RJilt"> catbedra; a ftat, or dicanc, calitlum do1ttofl (perhaps rather calidu1J1 j 111)
cfair ; n11 Epifc~a/ ftt: R . K..7.., and Elo«, /ti- lcandul-frtypm ;" w nr• -Juppings, gi<Jtn lo tht guJ
/a ; a faal ; ab E~•1..i'> ftdto; ta fit ~" ; tbt wot11an in tbc jlraw, anJ ro rbt eo111pany wbo cotnt
p!tut of a bifhop's rtjidtn<e ; 'l;Jbtre be keeps bis ·10 vijit btr ; and as thcfi: /11ppings Wtr< always
, hnir. giv"' tvarm, Dr. Skinner has been induced to
CATHETER, Ko.9i'1•e• eatherer; a11 inflru1111111 crumble 11 Iii/le bread iJJIO tht pojfat, and to fup-
i11 fi1rger;•; R. x..~••,.,, demitto; fc. in vtjiC<1; pofe that caud!t is derived from ealidl(s, q. d. potii
10 drfatnd, or let dcw11 into the /Jlnddtr. cnlida, qu.- ralidajcmptr J11mi111r :- bu t th is ts only
CAT-HOLIC, " K.S'"""• entholicuJ, 1111ivtr- an accidCJ1tal appellation, and is rather an cpither,
falis; :miverfa!: R. 'OA•r. fO/l(J ; t bt wbolt; all: chan a name ; \vhc:rc.·a.s K«tli.X~l, vcl K~..t~v>.•;,
Nug."- n1eaning /~ tubolt Cbrijlia11 church. was the name itfclf of this poffer, or (a11dlt; wbt-
Cil.TIPAN "manifdlc corruptum eft a Lat. tber cold, or lw;t ; unlcfa we could fuppofe that
capitnr.t"s : lo l1Jr11 ca1ipa11; dtjic"'' lra11sf11grrt, Kcul~>.o; fignified calid11s. _
A,:r~r~H11; a cn1ipani1 ; g11i fr. Gr~ccrum impertJ- CAVE l" f ],a, •• fpdunta i ..... T• rA..,~~.
t or11111 11omi11e olim ante 700, vel 800 anncs Cnla- CAVERN S cnv art: Upt."-pcrhaps it would
/;ri,c et Ap11lidl pr,rf11~r11111 1 ct propl~r perfidiam, be more proper to derive our word cave a K.., .
npud v i<i110s c11111cs 11111/e 1111ditr1111t : Skinn."-but Kuf'•<, cavus; hollow ; particularly Jince it fecm$
t he D r. himfclf has ack nowledged, under the to be thcerym. pointed out by Virgil, /En.II. 53·
nrt. ccplain, that t he Greeks then1fclves, about when Laocoon ftiuck the woode11 horft"
1!.e )'t:ir 700, called their prcfetls of Calabria, lnfonucre ctl'J.e gemitumquc ded€rc ca<1tr1t.- :_
and Ai>ulia, .K"1="••<, ar:<l that word he fays, or perhaps it would be nt3rcr !ti.II to derive tt
was <lcrl\·ed a Ln. B~rb. rapitn;u;,s ; which was a XMr, x~F~;, CllfJlll .; (ro1n x~·~, bio; 10 yaw11,
again derived >- Lat. "'P"' ; - which, we have al- or gapt ; ab antiquo x...., infcrto v : Volf.
ready ll1ew11 under the arr. CAP, is Gr. CAUGHT ; the pafi tcnfr, and participle of
CA1·KINS of <wilnut· lrus, &c. " Bdg. /cal· the verb CATCH. Gr.
tdu11s ; Tet1C. katzlrilu; L<r. Gall. cballons; juli • CAVIARE ; r ..e•» garurn ; ar.y / alt pickle:
j1rgl1111ditt1n; a lanuginc pilorum f elinorum fimili though perhaps this an. ought racher to be re· ·
lie dilti : Skinn.''-this rcafon, weak as it is, will fcrrc-<I to the Sax. Alph.
kad us to the Gr. fee CAT. Gr. CAVILL; cavil/or. a CllVtO; U[ f oruill&r, a
CA T-O_P! l~S, K"!•~1'1'"'' et K«1=1e••or, <al- farbeo : VoO:-but he had derived «zvto ii Xa•,
optrrra ; difttp/111a opltus, qu.e rtffiflionts dtprt- Xa'"'' for the reafons that will be givr n un~cr
bnu!i: : a Ka'i•"1t•» jpu11/11m : R. 0-,,1,,•"••, 'Video ; che arc. ea11tion: bcrt' ic is ufed to fignify o putt
to ftt : tbt d•flrin~ of 11tficn. of fopbiflry ; 'Whlll J,y degrtts fr'm evident truths,
CA"r!LE, K'""".'• cnp11t, rapira/ia, armtn- 1sctqrfc11s f.:;l:JLi:"cd; are deJ11ttd: Jct 11lc 1lowe\'cr
tum; qui a ad cap111, 1. r. prrfa11am, jurt per1i11t11I: obforve, that notwithfranding tavi/lor, and t/Wt#,

Digitized by Cooglc
c Ii, F rom GREE x, and LAT 1 N. C E
:ire derived from tlie fa111e root ; yec J un. has · qut t linm afia inec111moda ; in illifq!it fa ti fua
m: J c an excdlent d itlinction between them; cau cius 1utaba11tur : qua 1l rt vtrbu111 caveo ab
" q ucmadmodum vero cavtrt -propriu1n en
juris- iifdem t.ffe dt d1ftJ11111: hactcous Pontan. porro ea-
confultorum ; ica legulci i, ac rabul:e for~nfes 'IJtrt /ibi nibil aliud i'J1, qunm/ibi projpicrre, ac co11-
diccbanrur cavillaT'i, cum cnptiolis quibufda1n jill~rt J quali in cavis, vd ta'IJer11i1 ddilifctndo,
jopbifmoiis, et variis lcrgivtrjalio11ibl11, conantur latendo: Voff."- to all with cnulion, by retiring, or
eludere inquirantcs controvcrfa: rei veritatem :" rtlrtnling into ea'IJn, and Gt1ver11.t; as.into pla&ts of
- a nure quibbler. fuurily.
CAUL, or mttnbra11t; both J un. and Skinn. fup- CAW, K""X"'•i""" glorior, exulto ; Jo 111alce a
pofe that cau!, a mtmbra11t, or Qll(tnflllll, and calll, rtjoidng, and -Lxui1i11g noift : or rat her from x...,,_
rt:itll/11111 cri11a/e m11/in-u111, originate from rhe farne bi11, aptrl11s /""'; 111 llfltn, yawn, or gape.
rooc ; but it is evident that as this word bean two CA WEL; " cors; Sax. I:apcl; ealatbus, qua-
difi'< r~n t fcn~es, it proceeds from twodifferentetym: /us : R a)'."- b ut furcly tawtl is. nothing more
when tt ligntfics the 11rn11!Jra11t, or omt11tum, which than a barbarous Northern diftortiun· of qualuJ ;,
conlams eitbtr the brain, or tbt bowels, it originates and 'l11n/11s icfdf is orily a contraCl:ion of calathus ; .
from Koor, lEol. KuFor~ta'IJus, ca'Vtola ;'a cage, or DI!)' and c11/111hus is either d efended from, or has g iven.
hollow plau, or tbi11g, tb111 co11111i111, bolds, Qr com- origin co K..>. ..6ot, q,11alus.; a frail, or twig bajlu/.
prtbtnds, a1101btr: but when it lignifies rttiut- CEAGE i Ved l egan ex plains this by key ;
llim, it derives as in the nexc art. d avis ; and indeed ic feenu co be but anotlier
CAUL for tbt bair l idem forte cuin ,ow/; and d ialcCl: for luy; which undoubtedly is Gr.
. CA.~ L of a ~g ! confcquently is now de- CEAL, K"""'• ctlo, abfaondo, otc1tlt11; to bidt,
11vcd a Kov.t.•, CffC1lllft1Jtt't; quOd b11c 111111fimt11llillt ntg.JJlt up ; alluding to that barbarous pratlice in
'apiti J q11aq11a'DD"fU110 rirt11111tgtrixt ; atque eo fe falconry, of ftwi11g up tbt t)tlidJ of a pigeon, i11
11dvcr.fi11·undiq11e irrt1t11/ts aeris i11jurias pr11texerint; crdtr Jo makt btr mcunl ; for che poor bird being
q uontam enam denorabac 1u11ica111 non nc1no thus blinded, is afraid of venturing in a ihait'
force iiutabit. hue quoquc perciner;, illud Ko~"" progremve mocion, lc!l: 01c lhou!J fly againft
quod l-Iefych10 c!l: X11w ..r '"tor, a fptcics of daak, fome obltacle ; and therefore continually clam-
wi1b a hood lo it: chis hood by che n1onks is· call - bers upw:11ds, which teaches the hawk to perfue
t d a cowl ; cucul/1<111; et Sal mar. deducic vocem cu- her game by a fonilar mocio n :-our word aa! is
eullra, ab ilia K"""'• quod 1-Icfych. exp. ~-•~«, only a conuaCl:ion of cun-ceal; derived as above;
••• "'t'"~>.'""" a taul, topt, or baod 1o•c!J7Jt1' or ' which has often 1nacle me wonder at t he manner
tncompafs tbt btaJ. in which we find this word printed in all the edi-
CAULl-F!o-OWER, X.•>-•r, c11u/is; a jlali, o r tions of Sh•• krfocar I have hitherto fecn, in that
fltm; a fptrits of colcwarl, commonly written colly- mcmorablt pall'ogc of H en. JV. p:i.rt. II. aa iii.
.ftower, .bcc~ufe ic grows on /1 jlalk. • fc. 1. wh ere he has introduced that king thus ex•
CAUSE, A11u•, vel A""• pro quo .lEoles Av~... po!l:ul:i iing with Ocep:
ta!f/a ; a dtfign, purp•fa, induu mtnl; alfo a, j11it, - - -- - - - 0 gen.tic neep.
or prott{s 111 law. Nature's fofc nu rfe, how have I frighted thtt,
CAUSEY; A"£, tal<, ta/co, callis-flrata; a Thntthou no 1norewiltweighminceyelidsdown,
pa111d way, or road madt by band: or perhaps a And !l:eep my fenfes in forgctfulncfs ?
x..(, 1err11 q;tjla.; !1 raifi·d p111b, or ba11Jc. \Vilt thou, upon the high and giddy ma!l:,
CAUSTIC, " K""1"f"' et K•ovr•••r, talljlicllm, Stal up the !hip-boy's eyes, &c. . -
ttrt~di fJim babei1~; a t auftic, or b11T11i11g 1Mdid11t, which o ught ccrrainly to be p rinted Ctal, o r c~fa
w 111j/rumtnl ; allo tbt p!.:tt v:btrt tbe optratim is up; b ut perhaps the idea of ftali11g, or clof111g wp
ptrformtd : R. x:....,, futur. K.«v~w, 11ro, 11ft11111 ; lo a lt//tr might have milled the d ifferent editors;
b11rn: Nug." nay even Shakefpear himfdf m ight have writ-
CAUTION, x.,.,, pro x.,., •.,, cavto, ca11111s; tett it Seal, though he intended to 3llude t o
infrrto v, quomodo, a .i...r, divus) ii J\ EoO(, /,,;vis: the term in falconry, which is never Jone with
vcl cct tav to, cav uJ, it Koor, JI~oJ. KuF<1r, cavi.. wnx, or by any impreffion ; but a letter is never
las: fed q ua: racio ell:, aic Scnl. Ut covert a Ctl'IJo, ftn ltd cill fornc i1npreffion is rnade on che wax,
cavto, de<luCl:um fi t ?-rationem non abfurdam o r wafe r.
adfcrcJovian. Pon tan. i1a cnim in Atlio fuo fcribit, CEA P- MJ\N: any perfon, who looks only ac
prifti il~i, q1~i La1i~111, a quo Lalir.nm r.ffe lingunm t his word, would fl1ppofe with ~c r!l:. _1 h~c i( was
/Mnt 9~1 vtlint, ll1am nntt /J/J11rig.'nts ttm1a ·e, plt - Saxo n ; bur lince he has ex plai ned tc by " for
ri~ut "'·· cavernis halitabant, 1/11.t a Ca\ cndo t/fent this wee no w fay chap-man, which is afinuch to
lril.c: 11s autn11 .ejl;,J cavcbaut, cl frigqya, pkra- t';y as a marrha111, or 1"opt -ma11 :'"-which is af-

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C E From GR t. B K, and LAT r N. C E
·mnch to fay as n'Othing at all; for this is not giv· ' porting eminence, and height :"-bt!t according
irig us t he root, and etym. of this word ; which is even ·to chat (enfe, it ll.ill would Ire Gr. as will be
Gr. as we fhall fee under the art. CHEAPEN, 01ewn under the art. EX-CEL-LENCE. Gr.
and COPE. Gr. CELT - IBE RIAJon chis article chiefly we
CEASE, x...~.,, X."11', tado, eedo, eejfa; t. give C E LTIC may reft the whole p'<l,vcr'
over ; to lea'tlt off. • CELTS of the argument, wh-ether
CEDAR, " Kt;~•r, udrtu ; tbe adar; ail odo- n1any, if not moll of the Gr. and La't. words
riferortJ trte: ?\lug.'• ought tu be deduced from the Celtic tongue; or
CEILiNG, K••>-•» eavum, et<ltan; the to111:ave whether the Celts, or Gauls themfelves did not
tanopy of heaven over our heads ; and therefore borrow tbofe words from rh·c Greeks, and then
applicable to the covering of a rottm, called in disfig ure them in their own langttlge: let us then
Lat. faqaear ; a vaulttd roof: as to our comm-on take the firft of thefe words, Celt-iberia ; which
orthogr.. of the word uili11g, or ll.ill worfe <it /- Ciel. Voe. 1 90, fays is ftriCtl y tht We/lerJ1-Celts; to
i>1g, it is deduced fro1n the barbarous French, ·fhew this, he fays, p. zc 6, that " the name o(
w f10 have fcarce ever adopted any word, but Celts wa• conv~rtible with that of Galii; which
.ihey have di'!l:orred it in fuch a manner, as would being in fatt nothing but a d ialeetical variation
perplex the Sorbone to trace it up to the original of found, fignifies rerpeltivcly co Ttaly the fume
l'anguage; for none but a Frenchman can trace as 'l'ram·~1ttani, elCcept indeed Gallia eis-alpina,
-out anv conne:tion bitween CIEL, and K<11'•r. which forms upon the like principal, of all, gal!,
. CELEBRATION, 'K>,ior, etleber; K>.""'• cdt· or cell; both Cignifying hi/!, but wirh an obvi-
bro, uhbratio ; reputatio11, g!ot')', rt»tJWll : aHo a ; oufly different modification."-now in p. 2 1 1, he
fal~ofnizhlg of 111a1rim?>IJ: or el(e we inay derive fays, " al, el, ii, o!, and ul, are of tll'e fame power,
celebration from K,>, •el''-'"'• H'efych. ab"Oel'"'"'• in the vo,vel in fact being indifferent; and that thefe'
r:em aliquam pr1tpenfus jum ; pt1ro aliquid fattre ; give origin to, or are the root of Ctll, Cdt, ex-
Jo perfonn any tbi11g, to become eminent, and famous. cel:fu1, tx-cell-tns, coll-is, cul-men, Gaul, Alps,
CELERITY, "1<,1,.e, lEol. pro K•»•r, cdes; a lf/e!/b ; &c. · they all fignifying tminurct, height,
rau· horfe ; celer, celtl'itas ; fwiftntjs, [peed, 'llt· hills, 111ourrtai11s, and mountaineeri :"- then we
/•city ; ii K,;v..,; xiv.,, unde cdlo, a11ttedlo, excetlo, rrray fafcly rdt all thefe on the derivation o(
(tier, ederittr, et ct/ox : VofT." K•>.-wv•, eoll-is,. tumulus; a· hill, mount, or moun-
CELL (_Ko»'•"'• ult;, abfcondo ; to bide up, or tai11: now, as for the latter part of this coin-
CE LLARS crmaal a11y thing; a place to jlort., pound, Tberia ; Ciel. Vot. 190, fays. :• it is re-
wine, beer, &c. eel/a, cel/ari11m, b)pog.eum ; alfo markable that this Celtic particle of Iv, or J/;b,
:Partitions i11 a honey-comb, called ·the cdls ; alfo in the frnfe of privation (the fun is. underftood)
I: monk's, or nun's ull, or room of rctirt11lt111. It gives (origin to) rhe words tve, t'Vening, Iver,
i'r is obli:rvable1 thar Volt under che art. celo, de- · Iberia, Hibernia, llebrides, HiJ'pania; Htjptrus,
rives it a Kl<""'• c!a11do; to jh111 tip: when, un- Vtfperus ; &c."-but we !hall fee, under the arc.
.der the art. c111!0, he h'~d more properly derived EVE, that it is Gr.
it•a"Kc11'•"'• abjcimdo; for he allows both ca:lo, and CEMENT, Kor1.,, "td11, ttefum, t.e111e11tJ1Jn ;
1elo, to have rhe fame origin, though oot the quO<I c.ementa fu11t parvi lapidu tit!ft majorituJ ; a
fame Cignincation ; lie Nonius diftinguir, quod rubbijb, Jhartb, mortar, pargct,
hoc fir ttgere, et abfcondere; illud injculpere : c111/o, CEMP-fight, or lump-fight: " properly," fays
a K..i-o<.., idem quod Ko•1''"'"" Cic"Plotarcho Ko•'-•• Vcrft. " ant that fightetb band to · hand; wher-
"fl'"f'O» aurum c111/atMm; chafed gold : fed et Clim vnto the name in Teutonic. of lump-fight accord-
pro abjiondere accipicur, et turn quoque ab eadem eth ; and in French combat: certaine an1ong the
tll origirie :-nothing can be plainer; and yet ancient Germans-made profeffion of beeing konp-
now he derives ee!o, abfconclo, from K>.""• daudo; fighters : whereof is deryued our name Campion J
tiJ 'Jhut, or lotk up. Ciel. Voe. 1JO, fays, that which, after the French orthography, fo1ne pro-
, i ki1 ih Erle !ignified 11.n ind•fltre ; and thence nounce champio11 :"-but we !hall fee prcfeil tly
i't came to expref.< a. ce!i; which is radical to chat they all are Gr.
afar~ :"-but they all feem to be·derived i\ K»>-· CENO-TAPH, K<»1«~l.,, ct11otaphi11111; hf.1111-
• ., : as above. · rarium, fed inatu ftpukhrum ; an tmply mollumen1,
CELSlTUDE, " K1i->.,,, """" five K>."'" fat up in hc7tor of .fbe dead ; efpecinl!y when th(j
cello, .ce(;;tJ, ce{/it•do; in altum exto.llo : Voll'." died abroad, and the body (Ould not be eon<veytJ
C::lel. Voe. ~ 11, fays · tl13t "eell in the frn le of home, bttl 1c1u buried· i11· a fot'df;11 eounlrj. Xe-
.m•11nt1tin is th"e ccin1dr> of ex-ccl:ft,s, cul-mt11; tx- nophon, in his Expedition of Cyru~, abouc the
C'ell -n:s; coH-i; ; and n1any· oclter words, -im- middle of the lixth book, .f.iys, " as for thole
· whofc

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CE From GREl!K, apd LATIN. C E '
who(e ·bodies could not be found, they erected · given JJ.s .a ·much better account ; he fays, fuere
a large ctMtaph, with a great funeral pile, which quidam 1'helfali:e incola-, (jUi primitus veCl:a-
tlicy cro>yoed ~ith gatlapds." On which Mr. bantur tauris, uncle iis nomen, quia foleanr Ko1"•
Spcf1nan-0bfcrvcs, "in the fame 01anner we· .find T•Wf•<, .ftin1ulis p1111gere tauros; not in bringing
in Thucydides, that the A thcni<111s, in the fune- tbtm back to the ;/able, as che Dr. fuppofes, b<,ir
ral of the firft of dtcir countryn1en, who were in bru1king, ;,, me11aging, in go·vernin~ them : and
ki lled in the Pelo~nnefian war, befidcs a co.flin thefe centaurs, cooti.nues Voff. pofrea aggl"t'ffi
for every tribe, carried alfo an empty one in ho- eqoos cicurare; hi equis ad Aumen vef.ti,
nor to t-he memory of i:J1ofc, wliofe bodies ubi ex adve.r[re ripre homioibus e longinquo con-
could not be found:" Virgil h!ls tranOatcd the fpceti, quia equi ad aquandum caput deinifilfont,
Greek word by t11mul11s ina11is, where he 1fays, -vi{i funt priori parte bomines, po!t.eriori eq11i :
Andromache had raifeq an empty mo11ut11mt to the ba:c origo fabul:r.
manes of Hcdor CENTENARY, 'E...1.., centum, tentenari11s >
·- - - -· manefque vocabac an hundred. ·
Hed'?reutn ad limJlilum, v iridi quern cefpite CENTE~ 1." ~·1~,., un1t·um _; a point i" tke·
rnanem . CENTRE 5 mrddlt: N ug !'-how unptrfoct
Et g emi.nas caufam lachrymis, facraverat aras. is this definition; for this may be as applicabk co
lEn. III. 303~ a line, or a fquare : but the ttntre is generally
CENSER, " q. d. inanftr; 1hurib11lu1n, i. e. underllood of a cirtle; and is a point at equal
inct11fori1Un ; icu vas, in q110 lhus inttndi1ur : dijia11ce from e'1Jtry p art of the circumfer11ue: R.
Skinn."-who then refers us to incmfe ; but on Kn11w, pungo.
looking in to that art. we' gaio no farther incel- CEN 1'1NEL; it w,ere to bewilhed that r.ufl:o1n,.
ligence : Voffius however in candidus will help ••h ich has in a manner eftabli01ed this. onho"r.
us co the true etym . by deriviog incendo from would be pleafed to change ic, and confirm tl1e·
catuko; and eandeo ii X.""", .fiv.e K."'"'• uro; to burn; true etyinology of this ·Word, wh.ic& is undoubt-
magna e nim ell: allinitas vocun1 inter K...,1.., et o:lly derived fr()m the Gr. .as we !hall fee un<let:
'andentia r barning. the proper art. SENTINEL. Gr.
CENSORIOUS, etttfeo, etnfura, cenforiTJs; ft- CENTI-PES, "E..,,1,.-.,,.,J-.r, <enti"prda·; an. i11-
'Vtrt, grave, foletn11. Ciel. Voe. J 14, n. fays, that jell with an h11Jtdre.d' fut ; i. c .. mallj-feet, ; likt
" ce11feo; I opitu, or · think, or j.11dge, derives the palmer worm, or 'attrpilTer".
from l an; the bead :"-but Iran, len, pen, and CEN'f Rl·FU.G AL1 K"1eo.-~'"'Y"~ cnrtrt-fugig;
ven, fcem all to be of the fame iinporc; and the. unde11cyof a body, rwolving in an orbit, to fly,
confequently Gr. as may be feen under the art. from the center of I.hat orbit. in a t.angr11t to. tbt·
VEN-AL. Gr. dr,umferenct.
CENT per CENT; 'E••1••• ttntutn; a hwrdred:. CENTRl-PETit L, Ko1e"~,...,..r...,, centripeto ;
4 huttdreil f" a bwuirrd. the te11de119 of a body.r.roolvi11g in. tm orbit~ to fly
CENTA.U R 1 "K•~'""f'u ce111auru.J.: R. iu4,.,, to the tenter of t.bat orbit ..
to JP11r 1 and 1'••f"'• a bull : the untaurs. . were CENTU,M · V.IRA1'E, 'll•"1o>·f<:. crntum . .,;, ,,
originally troopers belonging to the king of . vim. 1. unde -:iir. ; unde tt111umvirilis ; belonging to
Thcfi'aly, who ttfed to jpur their borfes in bringing tbe ~entumviri, or hundred j.udges.
1be111 lu1tl: Jo tbt jJab}e: this word has bei:n. fincc CENTU- P LE., 'E,...1orr-.:A••«1; ·cen.tu111plicatus;
adopted by the poets, to exprefs a liittd of mon- an bu11dred-fcld.
) er, .,ade "P of half a 111an, and 'half a horft: CENTURION,'Ex"1"1"~X"•'"""'i"' prtefel111.<;
Nug.''--cer~ainly this is one of the molt lea1ned tr caprai11; O'Utr a hundred: foot-foldiers : R. 'f•>.1c;:;-
trifles to be met with; for in- the fi•ft place thefe · ttntum. ; ct "~X"'" princ£ps ; chief commander.
troopers (called tt11/aursJ if' tl\c deriv•.of 'l\eir CENTURY,. 'll•"1•r•r, centuria ; a jubdivijfoJJ.
name lignified any thing. ought to have- been of the &mJJ11 people into centuries,. or tribes ef a·
mounted o n lnJls., and t hen to ha11cr jpurr1d their hllndreJ.~ aHo. /pace of .1 ht111di:ed )'eJ:r.s..
bonud· caflle bade t4. their ft11Us., or jiabfts;. if CEORLE ~ " now wnirtc:i churlt. ; anciently
even lulls can be f.uppGfed to ha.v.e fhewn fuch. a. v.nder-ftood for a: Jfttrdj ftltow : Vcrft.:'-this i&
mighty reluaance~ as to hov.e· need\!.d tlie w.hip gi,.jng us notliing 1nore than an. explanation, in-
•nd the fpur to. get th¢m· thither : and. y,~ · ftead<o£ a d¢ri v:. of tliis. word,.' whid>. is only. an -
the abfurdity eoofilb in fiippoling than thefe ochel"dialet~ for CARL. Gr.
troopers were obliged toJP•r their liorjts in llrillg- CEPHALTC, K.t1P>'1'1xor, up,haliws ; l!elongi11g to.
iitg tl,>'11). bacli lo PIX flab/§;. 110; \'ofilus. has tbe heJJd ~ R. Kl~llh\r.,_ cap11t ;. the b.ead.

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C E .'F rom GR E:E it, and LAT 1 N, c 1-t
CERATcE; Kr.ew1•» n'Koeo~, uncle :K"~"· cera, giflring bimftlf, ·bis name, age, tribe, fa mily, pro;
ceratum.; ter~ obduto, ob!ino ; a plai}Jer made with f1fion, wife, ebildrtn, ftrv ant•: "or pe• haps fron1
..w1u<-; an ointment, &c. K'lr..rir, pojJif!i!J; ejlafe : R. !Clo.•I""''' pofjideo; to pof-
CERBERUS, K1ef3•eor.1 C.rherus; ca•is i11ferna- feft: Nug."-to which let n1e prod uce anothe.r
• /is jitlitius ; the inft r11al dog feigned fa have three deriv. from lloff. v;z, cen.feo et &•nf11s, ii K""""• which
heads : Kief3•~'· quafi Kf~•l?•e•<, i. e. car11ivcr11s ; I-lefych explains l>y K?......, K11'' """'• K1"'"• ordi-
·\•t fignificctur terra, qud! mortua corpora ca11fumit : natio politiea magijlrattls ; er K•1'·'""'" ~ K"''""'• ju·
.tee SARCO-PI-IAGUS: Gr. beo : ct cenfus ex g.,.,.,,, pro K<1'...o,, iftud autem
.CERE-CLOTH, K•ew1,,, cerelum, cer~ 'bd11t- ii K11''1""''' borlar.(or rather perhaps Kt1'•• •f' x.,j11-
J11m ; d•tb cVlltrtd with wax. bear) .et ·~nC:e Kor.on pro Kv.v.., apud Helych.
· . CEREl\'lENTS, ·burial dot/us: from the.fame · cen/11s .ergo 111a11datum, juffem; a l a>t, ordered, ap-
root. Shakefpcar has finely introduced thi6 word pointed, or /tJid on by ·the command of the magi}Jrate:
·in the fcenc bee.ween the gbo.ft and Hamlet: Ciel. Voe. 114, n, cells us, that " cenfto, cenfu1,
Ham. Let n1e not burll: in ·ignorance ~ •l>ut <tell include tbt telling by the head ; tapilt renfi is a
Why thy canoniz',d bones, hearfed in death, pleonafm; all come from ken, OI" an; the head;"
;Have bur.ft: their ttremt11ts .? Act I. {c. 7. -but ke11, pe11, 'Vtn, feem all co be -0f the fame ..
CEREMONY, Kre"""•"'• Kie""" Kre"l"'"r, jig11- import; and aonfequ~tly Gr. as may be fcen
/11s, mifce11s ; quod ex elcmentari mijf.iane corp0ra 'Under the art. VEN-AL. Gr•
.compouta func., creo, ctrtl'llonia, religion, bo/intfr, CESTUS, ·Kr;~<, lorum; a 1ba11g, belt, girdle:
/anElilude ; a}fo po!iteneft, pu11Elt1ality, fcrma/ity : cingulum //e11ms il!ecebref11.m, acu-pi!J11111: R. Ko1'"•
though t here is another deriv. •in ·Voff. :which pungo; lo embroider; the ttuha11ti11g pdle of //tnus,
feen1s very near the truth ;; ·viz. 'Ite•f""'"'» tee- by t·he gratts 1 fo elcganrly defcribed
monia, f eflivi ludi; fej/i·ve games, fporlJ, ritu. Ciel. by Hom. Hiad XL V. J?. 211. '
·Yoe. 5::i,, would.der.ive "ceremony from cir-y-won; CE1'1\CEO'!JS, K,1.,1.,, K•?w<r, cttaccus; of Jbt
meaning facred, or pa/fed into a law by the whak tribe.: R. K,1or, a/us; vel K.1,, ttle; be/-
faire; or gemol :"-but all the whole compound is /u4 ltlarina, vtl .anim11/ lll4rinum i•ge11tioris magttitu-
·Gr. as may l>e feen under their proper art. dini1 ; /1 .bilge fea animal, or teonjler, enormous in
·CERES; Ciel. Voe. 209, tells us that " the bis bu!J:.
·name of chis goddefs is derived from the Celtic CH.AFE ; by changing the o riginal letters, or
ur ; c1JTn :" but Voffius, fays, " nonnullis tamen at leaft by .incroducing the b into this word, we
n1agis plaaet.. eereo, per epenth . fieri a cr•o ;' hoc' have totall.y altered the powers, found, and ap-
·Vero effe a .Kf""I<" perfieio ; lo ripen ; ab eoden1 pearanc-e of 1t; for Cafaub. has very j udicioufiy
,non inepte deducit ur Ceres 1 quafi frugum crea- derived our words CfJop, and CHafe ii K ...1~,
trix: or elie," fays Voll:" difpiciendu1n.11un1 Ceres f eindo; K•,,.110060.1, vexare, p!angere; Jo veit, gri<'Je,
fie ab Hcbr:eo: the go<ldefs of corn." /rel : or chafe ought rather to be derived as in
CEROMATIC, KOf"l""'?'K~,, ceroma!icus, tero- CHAFING-d!Jb. Gr.
male 1111t1~s ; anointed with wrejllers' oil : R. Cf·IAFER, or beetle; Sax. ceoFOJl; Belg. kt1Jtr;
Jl..n~"'I""• 1111;;t1<ntt1m ; ex.oleo .e;t eerd. . T eut. lcaefer 1 f tarab<1us; a beetle : even Skinn.
·\:ERT;}.IN:, Ke"~• ccn10, .quafi crino, judicq, acknowledges, eft autem in nominibus ki!'Ver ec
.cerlus /um ; fiat , Jltady, f11it~f11/; fully informed; lcorfer, nominis ftarab,ci veftigiun1 : and if that
·tboroug.hly fati.rjir.d. vejligiu11t is fo dark, we have cenainly nobody
CERVIS E-apple ; Kf""~>' creo, ceres, cert'Vifue ; to blame .but ourfelves ; for we have here

.i\ Certrt voeata; et CtrtJ, a creo; quali frug11m trta· cocally al1er.ed the Greek word ; and departed
.1rix .: alt, bu r, 'yder; ·or any liquor mode of apples, frotn thofe who departed from the original 1
f ruiu, &c. for .che Greeks called this infect K«f..P•r, the
C ERUSS, con1monly writ ten ctroft ; Xe••» Latins, ftarab.eu1 ; the Bdgre lcroer ; and the
.xe....&.,,r, coloratu.r, cerujfa, cret/£ 11Jfa. : Voffius more Teucones, or Germans kaefer; quafi kaeraber:
jufHy flJppo f<s it to be derived a K•e•;, Kne•Hr, but we have fo totally changed the word as to
·R'•'"q.D'<><, rn:de Kne•~"'• terujfa ; · pip11tnti genus ; write it chafer, and then pronounce· it fofr, like
.q.. ; f«citm i11ficiebont f <JJ111i11m, lUi conciliandum cando- cbaptf, charm,, &c. ·
rem ; "p;1i111, whitb the R.0111an ladies uftd, lo beau- CHAFF." Fr. J unius longe ingeniolius, ncfcio
rij)· t/Jeir .ct>111plex!cns : a coft1;e!f' compifttion. an vcrius,'' fays Skinn. << dt:fteCtit,ii Kll;:o), /ri.;-is;
CESSATIO N, X«?w, x«J·~, cedo, cef!o; to tta/t, light."
ita'·t oft: tc yield, or gi·ve up. CHAFFE R ; T~ut. lcauffen 1 ; eni111
C ESS i\1ENT; " Kn•O'•f, u11fi1s : !Vlatt. xxii. a11tiquijjima omr.ium ntgotiatio; ii K<>r•>-" '" eaup~­
Nug." tbc v af11ation of e'Vtry man's tf/ate; tht re- 11or; lo cbeilot11, buy, or exeba11ze al!)' Jbing; for
9 exchanging,

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C . ID F t om G It E E-K, ·nnd: r:. AT r ii.1 C: H'
t:tthtM[ing·, . or Yr°M~ehig: a.t1icle$_, :·was the m/Jjl an, Cl:fALLENGE, K0<J;,.,, vcco, prov orc ; to. call
titwt ffietbcd of mrrcba11dife; particularly herds, .o.i: any one 0111. ~
h~dS' of !cat.tic 1. w'hjoh.•w;~5 fa ·cull:Or'Qf io" -lln1ient, CHl1.LYBtEAXE:, !XaJ.vl)., 13•<, cbatyh \'.gsn111
.t hat:·Giel:· Voe: ~· ro, .fu.ppof?s " '1b.c.w9rd- cope, to f trri, dU't:ljJi.mi; ira1i117f!. flttL · .,
bUJ. fell,. or ~xcbo.nge, comes fl'Qn1 che-Cdtic wprd CFIAM.lE -LEe>N, X"Jo<"'~·'"" cbiJ111<1!leo11, leo p:i.
(qff, lignif¥ing n bead. ;.' lhCojlOtient traffic mi/111 ; a dwarf lion ; ex xcq;. ..., humi; cc J.\.:wv,
was b y beads .of.cattle.'t ......;thJ!n ; ic .feems probable leo; the little !wn 1ba1 crupi 011 tbt gro1lttd. ·
that"<pt><'. cajf,' oi· rather kepb:Y1iaod .cbajfer, are all CHAMBER · } K","'"f'>,camara,fcucnmun ;
r.ieri,•ed. a 'l{1qi-.-J... ; cnp-1rl! f ·tbe!b(fld•<; fee CHAF, CI-J.Af\llBERI-NG · ". vault, or arched roof ,1•
FER. !Gr;.. . · "Ii ,,-:. , '· .CliA!YfBERL.'\IN a1foa lord ef 1bc ·kwgs
I CHAFING-d!fo ; K..>.u;, 'li>or. pro K•>·"'• ta- bouftbold; :ind apub!ick officer.
fro, t'1lfacio; to.,amkt hot,. by. r-ubbi11g, .&c. CHAMO-MIL : Nug. writes ir c11111omil, and
Cf:l AlN: "X'!i:•or for I-xi•"<• jrmc111 ; a ~ufrufh, derives it il X«Jo<"'l"•J.,., chom,evulon; the herb camo-
or cord made df bitlr.ufo.s;._,. ,( whic~ no doub't mil : · R. X"f"'"'• b11111i; tbt ground 1 et ,,..> ...;ma•.
would mak~ as ,Jlouf a, :cltaiw,.. ~ •a rope of/and) or /.:1111 .;· an apple ; vel ,,.,;.,,., an oppfe. Jrce' : chomo-
fron1 coltn~,' quafi· Ka&'.. :,,;, be'Caufe it gathers mil fme/IJ vtry much. like. an apple.
tbe. rings (~he lioks): ef the chain on< by one: or CHAMOISE}" K'•""" damn, bim11Jf11s arvi,.
elfe chain has beeo taken from K..&.,,..., which oc- CHAMOY feu fpeci<s capr.ti fylveflriJ: and
curs in Pollux· in ·chis.: figrtificarion; as well as hence chamoi·glcvts, jhoe.r, &c. Upt."~it were co
K.,~,,..,.. in I:-Iefych. fee1V.o lf.,ery1Ji: Nug.''-lec u.s be wifhe'd that neither this g enl'leman, nor co1n-
t'xam ine,1oliis ar.t., :I. !i.{ tle'n1or.~ c)ofe!y.: ·with re- mQn,,ppaCl:iee had eftablifhed this orthog r. fince
·g:ird to x..7..« fo.r ~~,"'~' ii: fllU)!' give origin not n~ithcr ih•: Greek, nor Lat. Jang. affords any
to ch'afo, but /kietl ;pf Ji.Ill, . or thread:· .ani;I as co countenancc,to fuch .a n1etl1od of writing , or pro-
cau1ra; we · migltt j.oin iff11e· wich die Dr. if it nunc.iation, as cbamuy; or as it fon1ctirnes is 1nore
had been his own deriv. but V;olt has obrer~ep, abfur.dly written, and. pronounced jbammy jbors,
.that rr magis vi ri fit11i-le. lit, quia varios .aonulos and/bam"!Y glO'UtI : it is· furcly a !hocking iliame,
j ungii. ur.itq1u , fie d ici ralwam, qµa li Ko.9'.;,,., co write and· t alk fuc h fluff: wben the Greeks
q uanticas tamen pe.nokimre obftare videat UJ' ;" wroce ·ir .KIJo<«<. an'd cbe Latins ca1111rs, che b arba-
after which he mentions P ollux, and lJefycb. : · rous French write it cbom<is ; and chofo fei·vile
ag:iin!l: all of whotn I ~ble ro produce only imitators of French ignorance, and French fop-
the fmgle authority .of l?la..ucus, as quoted by. per.ies, the .illiterate' part of the Engliili nacion,
Ainfw. who fays cbat ranis fignifies a cboi11, or will be fure co copy them in chis, and every
ft1tir ; 111 tu bodie .C3ne1n, ' ti J11rcam feta.s : Plaut, other inll:ance of folly: our forefathers were wifer,
Caf. 2, '6, 37. . : . ; . 'aocl knew better; for thus has Chaucer wriccen it,.
CH AIR: " K..91.te.. ; catb1dra; a fiat: .R. Round was his face, and camifid was his ·nofe : :
E?•Jo<"'• fe.dto-; Ele•z, Jello : N ug." R. T . v. 14.
CHALCO-GRAPfiY, X«l\••re~r, .erfis Ii· and therefore with Jun. we fl1nuld rather write it
ttrarum 1101is ftrib,ns, in"'" fcribtiJJ , feu in is inti· camoifi; though as yet c~ere can be no reafcin given
Jrns ; what we may •now call a cupptr~p/ale e"grac why du: o is introduced : jimus, c11i funs rljim.c nores,
vcr : ex XM••'· .es ; brajs ; e t re~"• faribo ; lo el dtpref!.t fuperi11s ; Gr. K"'Jo<"">.oifrr, 1bt f 1111/;.11oftd
write, or mt 11po11. , . ope, goal, &c.
CHALDRON, X•N<"'" a x.,.;.,,,, .ts, .treru; CHAMP, or chtw; x....1..,, avide dtvoro, edo ;
a brazen. Ice/ 1lc. unde et Ka,"'Jo<"1", vel K"f'Y.<il•tr,, tdulio qu.tdom l.4-
. CHALICE , '~ Ku>..1e, calix; a .Jrinking·cup; cor.ica, apud Achcnreum, e t H efych. vela r,,,,.~...,
'Qpt.''-and lince K•,>.1E is . dcri.vcd ei ther from ma.Id!, maxilla:: vel ii K'f<"''"• crtpitum edo, 111a/e111
K11A.•111°~, or K:.1>.1~> .vclvo, 'lltJl11to.; to r~/J about, or ap,·r acuevs, fe11 co!!idens dtntes :. vel, qi1od verifin1j ..
tumble; ·frmn hence i.hc idea of our word 11<mb- iius e ft, a !Qn·o crtpi1an1ium, duw quis v11lide liMjli-
kr, to fignify d drinki'flg gl11Js, may p t rbaps _be cat, dutliuni .: Skio n. et J un."
deduced: there n1ay however be another dcn v. CI:-JAMPAIGN, Barbarous French orthogra- ·
but probably not the rig ht one, d1ough ou r phy.: foe CAMP, and CAMPAIGN. Gr. ,
orth<)g~. f~ems to. agree with ic, viz. cbalict, ii Cfii\MPfON or fighter: rr Sax. camp, e t comp,
X.o:J.ii , Bacchus, .vinttli1·, meru111; wi1ie, or t_be Vtf/el a~or., cerJ11m.e11 ; 1\lma!~, J.:n1npa, miles, pttgi!, a.~c­
ibai cq11/ai11s it. · - · · nijla ; Fr. Gall. thnmp1tn; lcal. tan:pirme ; Belg.
CHALK; x .,_;,,f ,: Qr rather Ka;cJ\•~· c4/.,. ; rhalk, komp ; 'l'euc. kampff ; ii Lat. tdmpus : allu<~ t
litnt, mqi:ior. K"I'""" labqro : Jun. Skinn. Lye :"- bu t none
N of

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C H Frotn •Git If • x, and I, >. T 11r. C .H
·of all tbefe is the original word; particularly the from K•1>.-..,, etlo; l o lliJt ; being·a· rrrtfs to re:
laft by Skinn. for they all originate, " omnia lirt •t 1llO.
plana," fays VoO: " ex feti'tc;ntili Jof. Sc~. quam CHANDEL.JER l here again we have followed
folam ampleClimur, ab eo, quoo cirms, five Hip- ~HA:N{)LER ! the ibfurd French ortbogr.
podromus, Siculis, llefychio tefie, k,.,....." vocate- and no IH's.abf\lrd French pronunciation ; for both
tur, nempc a?rG T)i;o K(l.f41'r1i:, hoc .c ft, flJUDr!ltll j!tl('(J; they and we pronoun<:e thcfe words foft1 where.
\tnde ct mtll ;pf~, K~f'·:IT'111ei;, r (:I dt T~ ~ X«1-4"''Jl,¢i,1 as both Grttks and Romana Rronounced t~
t-vtr~(I., >ta1 K"fi"'7"f: iridcm Latini 3. Kaf"?Tfu~, di.xerc
camp/art, jltflt1·t; unde camp•s, e t campr;1ris : (o
hard ; as is plain .from :K&o'lc, •nd calllim.tia, or
eandt/a : let me only obferve, that 1al/11W-thn•J/tr•
that a cbampi•11 is one who e11ter.1 the lifts, in order and wa,,.tha"dkr, are evidently derived frorn
for combat ; a Ka1-4w14•, jlt8o ; not aK«l... !i!.11 labwo. bence J but from whence toni·tbMJl/er is derived,
Cf-IANCE, K ..?~, unde cndo deorfum ; nam ca. I have not as yet been able to trace.
titre 11ibil a{iud tjt quam 11a1uraliter ob gravitntem CHANEL, x... r, a x....... x...., hio, apert111
dtllr/11t11ftrri: vcl a x,.?.,, x,«l;;, cedo ; cujus aor. fu111 ; to q/m\ 1b1 qpnting, or tbt tbtJps of 1bt elM•tl;
:i.dus ')(."'"'"' : a uufo, cafu1ft, fit cttflis ; fllr11111t, or fometilnes called tht 'f'Jifdft bttw«11 ./11JD eo111i11tllls;
anj thing that falls oul, i. e. happens by chanu, by thus the Brmjh Oba,,t/,. SI. Gttrgt'1 Chant/.
c11d111u. CHANGE, x...1¥..p,., perfyncop. cambio; quali
CH.ANCEL of a church } " K1yx7'•;, con- cba111bili"g, oonver.ted into ~l>a11geli11g: A~Jlo""
CHANCE LLOR of a diouft verfo , in a ; muto, ptrmulo ; 11 r>:cbanft, or barter; icr:m putr, ti/
nnm quocl Grreci K11""'''• id Lat. c111u11/i: Pol- 11*/gus credit ii Jeilloni~llS lwrejlri/)fa fuiJitus, /tM
),Jx, lib. S. a: flo!ll «<II -rW~ /1xarf'/fl;) gl.lf«l1 x..,..,_.).1/!( f11pp.;it11S, loco ge1111i11i fil# u J!~ fu#t:ft!, Uf"'
1x.U.l:111o, &f ,j .Pt..1f4"'0' K11tyy1;v.:iiar Af)'VO'J : i. t a11<tllis difor111is, .ftupidus, ac jlitit•1: if .fuch op11uom be
cit cancellatim ; i. e. ad modum ca1utllor•m ; et abford, they at lealt make a bandfome apology
canullari11.S fie ditl:us quia ejus fit curare, ne for thofe poor creatum 1 and feem to plead the ·
quod rcfcriptum, editl:um, decretum eontra jus caufe of the· helplcfs. ·· ·
aut ren1publicam impet retur; quod, fi prrefen- CHANT }more monkilh and Frend1
ferit, id debcat canal/are, hoc efr, tranfverf:l Ji11eil CHANTICLTER .barbarifm ! for all tbcfe
circumducere, oblincrc: Votf."-t his latter part CHANTRY words are undoubtedly
of his interpretation is rejrtl:ed by Cleland; as deri\1'ed a Kan•, Ctllflf(l ; unde cano, CD#l#lll ; ,,
we have already feen under the art. CANCEL Jing mafs ; and hence cha111idier. fignifies ·t bt clear• but with regard to the former part, Vof. lo11ed, fbrill·tontd cock. ; who ji11gs, or.crllf1Jr fa /owl
fius is undoubtedly right ; fince the cbi111cd of a a11tl jbril/. ·
«l urch is that portion, or part, which is feparated . CHAOS, x...., cbnos; a toNfof1411, o r mafa •f
from the main body by a ftru11, or lallfre work; things : R. x.,..,.,, vel x...,, hio, hiatus ille "'""'•
and the chancdlor of a dioceft is that dignitary, et i111N1tlf/111, qai era/ ante' ronditum orolDI'.
who is invdled wi!h rhe power of feeing that the CHAP, or chink ; Ko.q,., faimlo·; to divide,
cbancels are prope·rly kept in repair. cleave afMntier, ftparatr.
L<rd CH_'\.NCELLOR I From the llrange ap- · CHAPE. of'" ftabbard ; " Gall. cbdpe tk f•xi:-
CH1\.NCER Y col/Tl S pearance of thefo rti<u; ferrum extrem.c vagiu: Jun.''-but chis
wprds in o ur language, a.ny perfon would fuppofe very cxpl~nation feeins ·co point .out the Gr.
that they originated from cbanu , b11t it is cercain deriv. viz. a Kapa>-•, caput ; tbe bead, the lip-tnd,
t)iat this great dignitary derives his title and office capt wi1b iro11, &c,
from quite a dilferenc fource ; for Cid. \Vay. 28 ; CH AP ELL, tape/fa, face/ium ; a littk church,
and Voe .137, and 1715, gives us a double deri?. o( vd ab .'1..e?.'-"'• Jana, co11t:iolfrs ; ab A,,.1>.oo{w, et
this word; becaufe ic fignifics two different of- kro,;,,.?.,, C'1tcio11r;r ; I• preacb, ta hara11g11e.
fices : " when ic fig nifies the Lord Cbanullor, in CHAPIT·ER, K'l'""'"• caput, capi1t/lu111; the top
quality of the oliicer who holds the gre•t foal of a piflnr.
of ftatc, in contratii llintl:ion to the privy fcal, ic CHAPLE.1' of flowers; " videtur dillinCl:um
1nanifeftly derives," fays he (\.Vay. ~ 8) " from quid cffc a coroll/I. rofaceiJ: Chaucero R. R. v . 563,
band-faaler, or officer ii 11um11jigilli :"both Gr. ; bur Jun." who eioplains it likewife by '°''"" ; and
cbmue/lor, in the feofe of judge in the court of then immediately adds, " Gall. chapele1, ou rofai~t
cbanctry, has a very different d eriv. from ta11·eel!I ; de Pater t1ojlri : rationem denorninationis trad1t
a bead-rtafa, or -tell : -llill botb Gr. ; for ttlll, Menag. in cbnpelet :"-it is true, diapek1 does
ken, '°"• cuff, be.ff, and kepb, are all defcended a fign ify a rofary, or ftt of beads : but chaple1, five
.K.1.p·"»", cop 111 ; /bt bead ; and cell comes corona, in our language lignifies only a garland,

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c ll ' C H
or rortalb •/ fiqwtrs; and · then· ~h•ptllll is. the ' pofiea· in eei'riir.rmutaium; tanden1 tranGir.• ut,
prop~r Frencfl :Woo.rd fer· i t ; which n1akes me nunc d i'erum, in 'bari11g; quomodo quadrivium,
fufpeet, that the Englilh, and fl'.Cnch words, are fiye compicutn illuq nuncupatur iu fuburbiis
bot h of chem ~lcrived· a i..,........ quaft lctpbolet, Londinenlibus, ab o~cidente prop ter Vve!huona-
&bifa.ltt, cb12pitt ; becaufc fllorn 011 tbt bead. • ltcrium, Cht1ri11g-trojfe, vulgo d ill:um; cro.ffe addire>
CH.APTER of a boal-. l&19,;;1.,,, tilpul; tbe ob crutem ibidem ut in co1npitis folirun1, o!iiu
C.H AP TER of a ca1hw,,l j · bead, 1bt thief 1 , ere&am :"-the crofs, which was erell:ed, where
Jbt f11m111Jtry, ·or printipai divi.fto1Js'•f a book. , tliere arc chrce turnings of the fireets meecin~
• CHAR-coal fecou to be a pleooafm; foe: char ' together : this great etymoL g ives us likewi fe
properly ftgnifies o b11T1d coaJ·; ii .K."t'i'"'• £•~'"''"'> , another deriv. viz. " .Bercyp1an eciam, qr cc 1trcy-.
artfacio .; lo parch, 6ur.,,, o~ fbri.,~l ttp ; and con- JUan, ftparare, item a11tputart, refe''!rt; vulgo,
.feq.ucntly 011Jght . to be Wfittcn· A:ar·cul; being · to jhear ;"-bur even now SI-iEAR 1s Gr. ; and
made of burirt woad, f!<Jfocaud. · CJJari11g-crofs, or indeed more properly writing,
CHAR-fifo; " Sax. ceppan, 'fJtrlert 1 .quia hie and pronouncing it, Sharing,. or ~be.aring-~rofs
p.ifcis rapidc, et ~lerikr fe· in aquii vertit : : would fignify a place, where the fireet JitJitles,
Skinn.''-lhould this interpretation· be true,, theb ftpordtes, or is c#f, and parted into two, or, n1ore
bo'th the Dr's. Sax. ccppan, and aur word char · dircetions; and in which place there formerly
would be only a various dialeet of f•e·•w, vro, was a crofs ereetcd, that continued iu being
'{Jo/vo, "'"'" in or6em 1- lo 'CDbirl, or roll round. rill 1647: fee SHEA,.R •. Gr.; the forn1er deriv.
C.HAR-wo111n, •" poteft .dcftefri," fays Skinn. however feems to be the more probable.;., .•...
u a Belg. kert11y v~l. A:un.•; :vtrr.ert·1 i.e. muli.r CHARITY, Xttp•r, gr11tia, am~r, affetlus; gract,
t1d evttr1miam tiMn1111t, &ti. tof!t/tttla ; a-jivupn: :"- fovt, ajftllion. . · . ·
t·his however dbes not fccm fo good an· interpre- · Founded in reafon loyal, juft, and pur(, .
!a1ion as the following by Ray, viz. " 'bar, a Relations dear, and all the charities
i".finefa, or tt1ft1, as, tbat cb4r is cbdrd ; that bu- Of father, fon, and brother - -- -
Jwefs iJ me : I MJ· • tbar for Y" ; I baiJe jo1M- Par. Lo!I:, B. IV. 7 SS· . •
1hi11g for yau· 10 .:ill."-it feems now to be only ;r Ciel. Voe. 110, fuppofes "charily is .derived from
contraaion of CHARgr; confequentcy Gr. cbar-112.fter in che dcfignation of every t hing de-
C.H ARACTER, x"~"·1•t• cb4r12tler, 11ota ;,,,. lightful Jo tbe beart ; and lignifies a banq,uet of
prejfa, vel -i11ftulptt1 ; "" i•prtflion, ft1111tp, or m11rlc ; graft, or reco11cilialion ; from tar, tbt btart ; and
R. X"f".....,, ftalpo, lmpri'llNJ, exaro; lo ngr4'11t, c111, tef/tr, or fe11jltr; a f1aft, or bar.quel 1' a lo'ue-J1ajl 1"
or. c . --confcquently Gr. ; for ear is undoubtedly de-
CHARD l" a Lat. carduus: Skinn."-but rived a K•ae, cor 1 tbe bearl : and FEl\.S'f like-
CHAR.DON·S ·he ought to have t raced this wife is Gr.
•ord. up. t<> -t he Greek, " nempe ii K"t"» 'arlre; CHARLATAN, X•e••r, cireu1, circ11/atcr ' Jca\.
, qui a aptus tjl tarend.e l11t111 &"t"~' five £"""' : ciarlatano; et Fr. Gall. charlatan; garrire, nugari ;
Volf." fee co CARD wolf/. Gr. to prat1, Jo trifle ; a eirrU11rlocu1i11g quibbler. .
· CH.ARGE, cart ; .or,., t11ra; ""Y thiirg cm- CHARM ( K"f'..I'"" ear111111 ; an i11cantalio11 :
111i111J. to our cborge ; tr11jt. CHARMS S according to Dion. Halicar.
CHARGE a grm}this. word bears fuch a va- book!. fee. 31, this word originates from Carmenta,
CHARrGER · riecy offenfes, that it would another name for the Arcadian nymph 'fhe111i1;
CHARGES produce a dilICnarion, were (the mother of Evander, an Arcadian prince) ;
we to take notice of them all ;, fmcc which implies the fame as e,..,..,<flo;, a propbctcfs
they all feem co terminate in one general idea, i11 vcrft ( undc r btfpiJ) ; for the Romans call
we need n<it hefitate in deri.ving them all from ilJ<Xt, verfts, tarmina : on which Mr. Spelman
one and tbe, famc root ; viz. from ""'"*"'"• ,.,._ obferves in his notes, that Dionyfius, and Virgil,
pmta, conn-acted to ""; .u nde;. ulidc de.rived their . accounts from the fame auchori-
charge, airy b11rdm, wtigbt, load, <oft. ties ; and ihen quotes,
CH'ARJ.NG·cr•fs· Somner, at the· end of C:a- !Yle pulfam patria, pelagiquc extrema (equentem
-faub. 61, fays, " Su.. '.l:c}''Jljlan, ll'JJ1'tfn:# 1 alias Fonuna 01nnipocens, et inelull:abile forum,
cyppan, cff\J'U111i,-<tvtrfi1 ~this. feems- to· come a flis pofuere locis; matrifque egere trem.:nda
fve·..,, gyr~o, 'IJtrlO, '{JO/'Uq;•n'~IW'll/'O~lllf;, as, at the c,,,.,,,e111is nympb11 mo11ita, et Deus aucor Apollo.
comer of--a, ftreet) .: atqut-hme a 1111arum fc. et .lEn. VIII. 333.
platcarum Jiverlituli;, ut · in· compiti1, pluribus afte.r all this., it is no wonder that p11try, c.barnu,
·a pua noft~atcs locis hoc nomen: inditum ;. quod and i11eantatio111 ar<' held . in Cuch high venera-
N 2 cion,

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c : Ii •
tion, UJ1ce they :ll'C able to deduce their origin navit; et a voce cnrur
ortllln ; qui a fc. hi
from foch ill uftrious perfonages. Ciel'. \l/ay~78, . nionach i in ccenobio fuo, tanquam in carart clau-
g ive s us another deriv. ; for he fays, drnt " tarmtn duntur, e t omni fcre .focietate h urnani generis
ligni fks a fo11g i11 n r1Jtt11d ; and confcqucntly is prohibeotur :"-lhould . this be the true interpre-
d erived fro1n the Celtic llr, er, ir, or, ttr, fig nifying tation, it would ll:ill undoubcedly be Greek ; an(l
,, f o111;d1:e/J, or any cttrve, lending_ lo r()Uffd1'tefs :''- and derived from 'Eex!>e, •EfKo~, idem quod E;f;.e1'J, vel
therefore may be de rived frorn f uf«;, lO'Y-1/J ; • 'Ef~a.1,, 1-Iefych . r•tr•e"'• t•~r-.,1•e".. .
·from t he fame root wich CU R VA-i·u RE.. G r. C{iJ~'I'ERfarty; .X"t1t;;, char,/'!; et <ll'"e••~,
ef·JARN EL-houfe, accord ing to r.he fal fc French :~>..av1v.a, p(1r.s., p.artituJ; ' ' ' \!OK foren(1s, .. feel v.tilgo
rilethcd ; but derllJCed ft Ke(:.c:~, i Or Q,• CfJr;;i s ; flt;'J.J ; nota, cbar111 par1i1a; ubi fc. fyngraplta ·u nique.
11 pince to p1!1 dead bent! i 11. co ntrahentium reciproce traditur : Skinn."-cho'
CHART E R, Xv.~?,;, cbarta, pap!r ; " map, or the Dr. bas given neither of the G r. words: a
drtJUJ>;bt; alfo t ht grcar covonnnt of E11glifh libtrty~· counter-part of any writi11g, delivered lo tacb .ef
R. X'"f";n.,, fc.u!po ; paper, Cl' mry other f11bfto11u 10 Jbe di/put ants. · • .
write 011 : Ciel. Voe. 198 , rr, cel ls us, that" chartd Cl..JARY, x..f"• feu X.:f""• grqtiofiu I be/wed;
is derived fro1n ar, figttify ing flone, or 111tta/, 'tl1e dear, cbai,·t: vcl ab .neac, cura ; care, cm1«rr,1·; one.
p rimitive materials for rece iving characters ; 1nc- who !hews 1111 a;1.v ious '"''•' and faliciJude for a11y
[onimic:illy char/a for any thing forving for th e 1bi11z ; is tbt1ry of her virtue.
li l~e· ofc , thence exarare, 10 w ritt; artcl ar,, CliASE in tbe field; Sk in ner Juppofes thi~ word:
an old Latin word : 'it is at the bottom of '>''•'"""1"', : to be derived.. ii. .Lab. •copta,re; but taplo is Gr. :
• •
and ;>!"1('11.lfa-.~ , fcafpD, fcu/po; Jq fcrt1tcb., ?ngr11we:',- «K..,.1... a..-.1,x,..9,.., :Junius fays it was origioally.
but ar, Ggnifyingjione, feems to be only a tranf- derived a V tllflti ta./Jt, i . C, 'l'C/e l tq PU~./ witb
p oi'it ion of.'P«··x•"· vel 'Pu.-x«• rripes ,i q uafi '°If X'"• toi/1; though now .it is u fed for hunting in ge-
vcl ~·x•r, a roe~, or a11y eminenct of jfo11e- neral: it is alfo ufed to fignify fal111s in quo a/1111-
C1':11tRT E R-houfe : fcarce 2ny )VOrd has· been l ur fer,e, quibus fe oblefluu vtnnlioms c~pidi.
m ore d isfigured both in orthog raphy, and p ro- CI:fASE i11 gold : \;el ~ . Kv~•>-1, capfula, capfc .
n unc iation, than th is ; t he beginoin~ .of w.l\ ich CJ U•fi cbapfa, rhafa ; a /mall cup, or bo.< ' vel a
disw~ure1nent came fro m that founcarn of ail bar- K«r-.J..,, 9""": V9fi: and here ·ufed co fignify "411-
barill'n, the French lang uage, wi th regard .' to m!li pafA, j rJJ gemm.t: /0"11/us, t cpfula, in qua ind udi-
etymolog y: let anr Engli!hm•n, or cvei1 Jee any lur, et ab allritu, et fardibus Ju/ a farvatMr, .et i11 c1if-
!-'renchm:in, who is a fcholar, look at the> origi- 1eflo 111uni1pr: S.kinn."-but accordi ng to t he com,- ·
nal, and· ics derivatives, in both thofe l•ngua~s .. mon acceetation, it is generally undcrl~ood to
and then give us any tolerable reafon for their mean wrought plate. · ; · ·
pr~fent appearance: it is generall y •!}·r~e'.1 ! chat CliASM, ' \, cbofi1uN, ,. great glfping, or
th1~ order of monk s was fol\ndcd l:Jy GAR I HU- opening of t be ear1b " · R. X"•>'w, ~:cl X:iw, bia,.bifto '
S! US; but they have been fo c0nfounded, tranf- to y nwn, or t;4pe : Nug."
pofed, and t ranfplantcd, as co t heir name by the C BAST E, Kr,-o<, !orum, riJ1gul"'" Yentrfr, q11otl
Frend~, fha t they wear l\t !all: this {idiculo us ap- n•·va mcptt1 gereb4t : unde <tf/!Js,; pttt't, un-
penrancc, CHARTREU X; which the Englilh, defiled, jincert. .. . :
~y endeavouring to prcfervc fornething of the C fJ ASUBLE;· ' f ·Ku./-<~~. nlvwe. ,,,um·; ·11 bi11:e ;.
'' itiated French pronunciation, have converted according to Vo.ii! .o r from: capfe; capf•la; ac- ·
it~to Cl-IARTER-1-JOUSE : it been gene- cordi ng to Spelman, who writes ic ;r;afula; a fillle
raII)'· agrecd i th a~ Carti111Ji11• was che fouodtr of tope, or &hefubk : bu t we have fecn 1ind,er che arr.
l'h·is order of 11'lonk s; but others fay, there was chafe in gold, that cap/a 1uay be derived a K"l'"f"'•
n o fuch pcrfon, who bore that name;. b,u t fomc ''"'"°' : a monk's bood; .or copt, which «V4TJ or r•n-
relig ious n1an , who took that appellation; it C,nr- uals tbe ·bead: : or..elfe it tn ay perhaps be ~lcrivc4
tbujid, mbnce j h xta· Grarianopoli1n A.llob~ogmn, a.. K ......,, tapes; ab utraque pa1te1vHlofus ; fro:n it£
in quo Bruno, inll:icuti author primus, leden1 raxic: being lined with /111': N ug:'\ . ,
' -it i's however the · fame thing with regard co CHAT, '' K~i,>~AMv, garrir~ ; Jo, p.ratt,.Jo 'goii,.
Ct)' r11. whether· che o•dl'r be· d erived from the bi4. Hafiod. Op. et Dier .. 37 3.. .•.
nhrne of ;.\ t»-11n, or a ·1T'!an \Vho lived on-·a 1NbUn- M..ilr. "fVY$ t:t . i;;pQJ\ '1rVjyorp1'.c~-. t~Pif1f41:t· . ~.· .
1oin : -there is ftill<ano.ther intl'rpr-eta.tion; wliich A_Jl"'1i>.tx, krN1,>..A::t.ttl&4' •. 1~ • • ·~ • ""~ • '

would rcciuire a. d ilf~·rent lource,; but as Nee ver.omulierJJ)ltesoxwrr.uis,1,qiµ1i1nq def ipi'a.t ,.
does no~ fee1n fo ·p i-obl ble as· the a!iovc, it 1ball Blande g4rriens.-~-~- U pt." ' .
be only barely m entio ned from Skinn. " vel. Ii CI-IAT.T LES:; :K,,~..,,,qu:a!i ~r1J"""'i tapu,t, ca.
m avis ii Fr. Gall. cbnrtre, quod oli m cararens Jig- pit111ia ; bona mobi/ia, et. immobilia; p.ctijfil/Jum :amen
• (<J;
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Fron1 ·GI\ E r ·K; and · LAT r N• C H
ia i111or11m pars, 911~ in a11imalihu1 re11fijli1; ptrus, prtjfad milk .· tt prtjf,e copt"a la!Jis, fays Vfrgi(
ti arm111111111; prrfimal preperty, parlicu!ar/y fi.'Jt- his Firll: Eclogue.

. .flocl:. ; os cctos, borfes·, hogs, and fuch like cattle. ~ ·. CHEIRO-GRAPHY; X"e•Yei~•"-• chtirogra-'
CHAUNDLER, " a ra11dleflick: Shtffidd: phia, m11n11·fcript1u ; a hand-writi11g, ti mt1n11-fcrip1 i
R ay."-the deriv. of this was fo evident, that it u,1·i11 tn by I ht hand.
is a wonder this gentleman did not give ir : fee CI-IEI RO- LOGY, x.,e•>-•'Y"'• ma11u-loque!fs ' •
CHANDELIER: Gr. tal!ri ng by the bo11d.1, or fingers. ·
• CI-IAW; x~w . hio; to gape; lo ta/ with the Cl-l E fRO-M ANCY, " X"f'l'"'" '1""• divi1111tlo
mouth open : or elfe from the next art. · ef i11Jp:tiirme mm1us; 1be art of" forettlling, by look-·
CHAWS, or jaws: " vel a ip,.,,., JEol. "'""'" ·i11g i1110 :be lineaments ~f tht ha11d1 : R. X"e• X"E'';
unde ft1uctJ : vel. a B.c-a.:,,, undc B:..ixlr, B~~1:, unde 111anu1; the ha11d ; an\i ·p.«~11~. 1~~, n foolhjf,yer: N ug.'•
Bwt, vo:< : vox foud/Ju.s b~jil: Volf." Jht jaws, Cf !EIR- U l{ GEON, comm only writcen and
or chops. . pronounced furxton ; Xue•er•r, cbeirurgtu; 011e who
CE-lEAR ; fince this word is evidently d erived performs medical optralio11s b)• tbt kand ; Kot by dr11gs,
a X"f~, .~audium ; to lignify good cbtar, this or- or mtdidius : R . X"e• 111m11u; th:·hand ; and Eer•»
thography has been adopted, rather than with · opus ;:operation. ' ·
u pt. to write it rbter: R . x~•fW• gaudto; lo re- CHEM,IST, X•f"""• .vox Arabic:i; ou:dta ; bid-
joice: or perhaps it may be derived a"""" ror ; der., m)f/trio1ts fde11ct: Ciel. vVay. 50, would de.
the heart; to llgnify any thing that is ht a;tening, rive it from l<b!JJm, which, ·in his Voe. r 58, he
er fire11&_tbt11ipg. writes cbeim, and fays " it is radical to the Spanifi1
· CH EAT: "Sax. Cetta, tircumvtnlientJ, ajl"li"'; q:umar; th e Lacio cami1111s (he might hnve added
forre a Lat. captart : Skinn."-confequently a the Gr. K"'f"") and the Englifi1 cbim1uy :"-but·
K~"1'-", "',,,."tiX.OfA'«~., t apio, extipi() ; la takt; to catch certainly they are all Gr. as above; though even
Ju craft, or guilt. · . then it would be as applicable to a /ilodifmith, as·
C l:-I E C.K, ouuft ; Ko:••("• 'Vi111pero, opprobriiJ a tbemifl : and therefore it would be better to-
Olltrare; to lattnt : Ko:1x«.-.., quoque Hefych. ex- derive chemijl as in the article 1\1'.,-CHEMY : Gr.
ponit. K..1"')'iAo.o,., ; dtridert; to · repr(bt~d, mack, CHER RIES; Kre.x~•~, fruflus Ccroji; ·cc;afus
ft•Jf. dtridt. dvitas tfl For.ti, q1tom cum dt l;ffe1 Luroflus, gcnur ·
CHECK, curb; Iu'"''Y"» cogo, <oaf!us ; quafi hoc ponti indc advexil ; brought jirjl from CtrafuJ, a·
,,.nus ; c"hula, rdflrr.i11fd. city of l'ontus.
Cf1EC-K-mote, at chefs : " faballus matttu, ii CHERSO-NESE, x.;;•. ., ... r, eherro11ef11111, feu
A1<£i1.,,.fumgo·: Skinn." Ctel. Voe. 19, fays, " c.ber<- cb1rfo11t/11111, <qr.linens; a ptn-infula, almojl f11rrou11dtd
male is only a corruption of chult-morl, or mat!; ·b)• tbt fea: qufltttor Cbtrfontji ultbtrrim1, 'ToNric.1,
tbe ftroke of death; ch«c!: fi'mp ly is n bit, or blow :" Mtdia, Cimbrica, et 'Thraci11 : ex x.;p.,, five Xte<•r, .
- and may perhaps be derived as in t he foregoing co•iinens; et ,, •• ,, infula: 1w ijland joined lo the
arr.; but both 1r.ort, and nu1fl, are undoubtedlv <•nti11B11I by ,, jmall 1Mrrl>W neck: of land ; whirb neck: "
Gr. for more originates a Mof"r• vel 1v1...... mor;, is colled tht ljlhmw.
morti1; unde morluu1 ; and 1i1atl a 1vl"'-11f<1, 1natlc, C: l-JE.R-V1L ; Xv.•e<>t-~o)>,),o.,. chd:rtphyllum ; l "".
/11/J~p;o ; lo fu /Jdu't, or demo/ijh . dt0 fvli11m; an btrb of a grtrtiful fmell •afld ta}<; ·.
. - CHECKER, . ". f r. G'all, tflberquier, tabula lt1- plea/1p1t fcemtd-leaf •·
1runcukrum : Gall. 011'11r11ge t!J efi'hiquier: Skinn." - Cl·IESS ; Ciel: Way. 1po, fays, '"the word ·
hat all thefe words fee1n to be no more than a chedeths is foftencd into cbefl ; and in his note ob- ·
different d ialeCl: of K''>'''"r, t(lllttlli; trefs·barred ; forves, chat th is ga1ne is uoiverfally allowed to be ·
h111ire wcrk. of the hig helt ant iq uiry, and probably of the •·
€f-JEEK,i f •»r, !"ra; the cbttk; q ua !i geek: N ort h-Wdtern Cdcic · origin; and to have been
Cafaub. . .· · carried with che- antieinelt Celtic 'e1nig rations-·
· CHEESE~ · tbat<cbuft· lho\1lcl be derived · from into A fia: but it is nor fo eafy 1:0 tbink, how it"
Ay~, 1nay ac firft . appear· i1nrofiible ; and yet · it could get to Jal11nd; where lord ' Mo lefworth ·
is undoubted ly derived from chcnce; which lhews was furpriled ·to hear i~ was a familiar game : ·
whae. ftrange appearances words put oh, when now Ialnud was one· of the lafl: recrcats of the .·
they have gone thro' two or three lang uages : l'et us every-where perfec\1ted Druid~ :"-with regard to·
thcn. fiiew bow the word., cbttft rnay be deduced the dcrrv. of the word cbefl, Ii nee-this gentleman '
from Ay": · f\:omt Ayw Comes ago, c~ago; coaE/u.r, allows, ic is fofrnned from · cbuktbs, it feems to ..
coa!utu, quafi ((NttllJ , unde cajtu.r, ~hufa ; nempc cake th.e fame origin wi th the wor? CHECK: or
a CGt1Elo, i. c. cuog11Jo10· lane; ccagulatrd and·{om- .:11rb·; b<.-caufe • i t'J probably : lig!li6cs ··Ihe· b it, ·o r
• • •· ·· · · · firo1t ~
- \.

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C .H · From G R E E JC, and LAT r w. e i-1 .
jlrokt·; nlld hence • cbee1:-mau is Jhe-f11tal, or de11th cbildrtn art Jubjt&J to l/utn: but {o likewife are old
jlrokt ; wben a man is as it were killed by the ad- ptoplt; and this word originates not froin cbild.,.
vcrfary at play: but CHECK is Gr. but " chill, cbil!y, told, i. e. front r1>.J1, r1>-lfo•,
. . CHEST, "lt•r~, cifia ! ~«ffer~ or box ; Upc." gtlu, gtlid11m ; <0/d., fr•fl ; ct . B)""..""'• crefco, tu-
C leland Voe. 66, lays, Kijl 1s CeJuc. niifto ; ptrnio i "/( tlJ /1:igidu1n \ qlJO~Jiain ~ frigfJrl
CI-iESTER, "frcquens in tenninationibus ur- contrabitur; fc. mtwbri.s ti magno a/gore ni1fliJ pro- ; ~ Sax. Cear::e/\; urbs 1 hoc a Lat. Cajlra : pert, et intenfa 1al1fo&Ji1 : .Skinn."-rho' he has
Ski.nn .""-but no (archer he :-we have feen how- not derived it from the Greek; but only refers to
e_ver unde.r the art. CASTER, that ic is Greek: cbi/J, and blain.
or elfe we 01ay derive Cbt}ltr from the Gr. thro' CHILD, " Sa.x. cil'o, a X»·••• pabulum ; %•>.•"
another fource. Ciel. Voe. 67, would derive certe, ct l!'.">.""· ell: p11fto, fagir.o ; unde :i.;.,.i.-&,...,
" Minj/tl', Winchtfltr, Mancbejlcr, .Ancajler, &c. H efych. exponic...""""'&.,, a-•1•?.rl..,: cc x,H>.•1•u
from the Celtic Mm-kifter :"-the fonncr part of eidcm G rammaticu cft y.1y<V.v>111.., .. vf i1:.• : ra-
tbefc compounds will be more properly conlidered cioncm•denominationis child facile perfpiciet, qui
under the art. MEYNS: Gr.; the latter he now cogitabit unam etrc matrum fuper prolc recens
derives from the ancient word J:ijl, or chtfl 1 which cdici follicitudinem, ut pabuii lmuficio crtftat•.
lign.ificd kuping; " whence," fays he, '' the Latin augtal11r, el bdbitior fat: Jun."-10 1b1rif/J.
word.s e11jlos, and cuftodia, are derived :"-'-L"Onfe- g,.ow, falltll.
quently all arc Gr. if K•n, cijl11; 11 chtjl, or bn, CHILD ER-MAS..DAY: the "4y, on which in
be a Gr. word. · Roman Catholic countries, mafs isfllidfor Jbeftuls.
CHES"f-NUT, K.-r...a&••r, cajl111UU11 a K.,...,,.., of tb•fe 1hilb111 tb/1$ _ , flllin in !Jetbltbm.:
urbs 'Tbtf!.1/i,q, ec Ponti : a n•I brought frotn Caf- Matt. ii. 16. this day in our calendar is called'
1111111,. or Cafta11ea, 4 cit) af 'Tbtjf4f], '""' Ptntus, lioly ftmottnlJ.
in our language ic looks as if derived from cbejJ. CHI LLY, r.>.J., r,;1....le••.gtlu; gelidum'i colJ•.
CHEVALIER: kc any Frenchman look at the jb4rp, fr.fJfty.
quai'!tnefs of this word, and endeavour to trace CHIMJER.t\.; "X•f'"''f*> ettpr111 4,gOdl: Hom.
thectym ..according to the orthogr. which his coun- . R. XHy.c, b)em1: Nug."-Scbrcvelius fays, the
trymen have here gi,•en us, and I believe it would root of X•Y."'f"• and X•f'«f"'"• is ""f'"• hyms; qui.&
perplex hi1n to ·a thoufand generations 1 he would capr4 in byt111e n11J11 tjl :-but this is. a very unna- ·
little imagine cliat this finical word Chw11/itr was tural conftru&ion; we may rather f~1ppofe it WJIS·
difrorted from ·~,,P..Uor, e11ball11s; which at ·firll: called fo, becaufe capritDnl 11'/IJ a wi•ter month :
(that is, among che Greeks) lignified only a fon7 Hedcric derives X•Y.'"t" from x',."f°'• c11per;
borfe, or beofl of bur.tkn ; buc b.y the French, thofe which is very little mere chao telling us, that
refiner·s of the language, and manners of 1nan- X'Y.'"e" is Xoy.•ue:o : -however, Ice us proceed with
kind, in the dark ages of barbar•lin, it has been N ug. who tells us, that " X•!J•"'f'"• Cbi...,,ra, was
made to lignify 4 war-h<,,fa, and a knight of '114/our. properly 11 111w11tai11 of Lyda, that usjl. f1rtb Jirt ;
CHEVERIL, "ide1n quod cba,,,ois ; a Fr. on the top of which were lions; on the middle
Gall. &htvertui; capu. fJlveflu, tapriltus, capreolus: were goau; and at the bottom were ferpmts, or-
Skinn."-buc all thefe words are evidencly derived. dragons: this gave origin co the fable, which
AK~for, oi::•E, Tu;fr.v"'• HeJ)'ch. paints the Chimera as a mon!ler, throwing 6re
C(-l&:VERON, 'V.Wftcialium : . fro1n tbc fame out of ics throat ; wich the bead 411J brtaP of a·
root : Gr. ' lion; the body •f 4 goal 1 and the tail of 11 Jr11-
CHE VIN, " K1.,&A0<, mullus; a tapitis magni- gon: and bccaufe Belleropho.n rendered this moun-
1udint diE/111; quali capito; tbe mullet: Skinn.'" ·tain habitable, i c has been thence feigned 1hu
CHICKEN, K.x••'• t"lbts; K•••.., ga!lina; 4 he killed the Chim.tra: ~ug.'' Ciel. Way. 50,
'""·and hen: Hefycb. SchFevel. Cafaub. and Upc. would derive it from " ltbtym : or Voe. 1 5S,..
buc I-Icderic gives us no fuch words. chtim, ugnifying jirt :"-but we. have feen under
CHIDE; " Kvl'<>{,,., co11'1Jitiari, Kvl«, toll'Uiti11111; the art. Cl-IEMIST, that it is Gr. .
111aleditlm11; objur.gances eceni1n non raro ad op· CI-IIMES, " frequtnfamt11lum 1i11ti11nab"1or11111 *
probria c.!<volvuncur: Cafaub. Jun. and Skinn." bdrmonica. no/arum agitatio: fufpicor olim," c-on-
rtprotub. rffJroof, upbr11idi11g. tinucs J un. " fuiffe ad11f#al, vcl tim"4k, vcl rimblr.
CHIEF, K''°""• capul ; the bead, or principal; of bells ; atque inde time, aut cbimt fa&u.m, ad.
:i.nd borrowed fron1 the barbarous F rcnch orthogr. vitandum afperit-atem, qµam vocabulo dabant
aJld pronanciacion. duriorcs literre b/."-M.inthew has given the fame
Cii!L-BLAIN: many have fuppofed chis dcriv. which Skinn. condemns; per.pcram ,dcllec-
word is derived fiom child; becaufe, fay they, , cic Minlli. a Lac. ci111balu111; the Dr. fuppofes ~t
9 IS

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C H F rom GR.B EK, and L ATIN. C H
is rltrivtd a Fr. Gall. ga11111U, a mulicl VOt'e ga,,.. CffiT-pt.ts; either fro1n t he fame root; or
mr(lb ; A rahic2 origin is : after this, he quotes his from titer ; a '1lllh; ct tiur cit i K1xv<, r•hur,
friend T h. H enfhaw, who derives our word chime v ires, ob vitt1 q11am hlloet; fa/11111 enim cb fa(filllgintm
ab lea!. thiamare ; q ui a ijle fa11i111s ad tcdefi~m ;,,. /uom urit : vel potius ob ro/1111dilatt111 tj111 deduc ~
vital 1 fdiciter fane, ct ingeniofe, ut folet :-to "'l:l:i, quo orbis fruftum notct\lr: Voll:·
which let me only offer one conjelturc more, ihat CH IT, or flrilu roo1; perhaps ab liTI~11, 111i11or;
the word chime may perhaps be dcrivtd a ta111- it bti11g the firjl /mall, fibrous jbool, lhat begi111 Jo
pana; bells 1 and confequcntly Gr. fprotrt.
CHIMNEY, " x..,.,,.r, rami111u,forT11Ut; a fl01Je, CHITTERLINGS; « Teut. l u1ttln, vcl t11tt·
t1r fMrnact : N ug." vcl a XA1f3••or, Dor. pro 1t/11 1 omaf11111., in1tjli11a: Skinn."-tbe iwwutls:
"<~• quod E ullath. d ici vult, quali Kt•fllf quafi glitUr/i11gs: confequently G r.
P••,.r, "ialers rvt#. Ciel. V oe. r 58, fays, that CHIVES, x...-••, Tt0 IxoeJ,,., "epa, or c.ept·;
the Celtic " chti•, in the fenfe of firr, is radical • /pttits of onion, without a b11/6.
t o the Spanilh qut111ar, l o l111T11 ; to ca111i11iu ; t o CHLEYS, by fome vtry pro perly ufed for
'bi11111ty; &c."-but cami111u, thim111J, and tbtim tldws, X•>·"" for.fices ca~rror11111 ; Jbe arms of tra/JJ,
(were they but written with a K) would all na· lobjJtrs,ftorpions : this orthography, tho' according
tur~l!y derive-ax.-, K• n1,., unde K•1•11>•r, 111.,,• • ;; to common pronunciation, ia undoubtedly right,
x.......1.r, il ca/ore. if we follow ei ther the Grrck or Lat in languages;
CHIN, "r"""•g"'"• ''""'""' 1 the l=er part of for ebltys anfwers to both X•>-• in Greek ; anll
tlu fact: Cafaub." Ciel. Voe. 17 5, would derive cbtl~, .,.,,., in Latin, better than claws: Virgil in
i t fro m,;,,., or lilllt, as being •rplicable to lilllt, his F irft Georgie, - 33, has ufcd this word in tbc
or ltjft'l1i11g; for tbe lower part o the face is always fenfe here intended ;
f11111/ler than the checks, or u pper part :"- but Anne novum iardis fidus te menlibus addas ;
then it would be Gr.: fee KI N. Gr. ~a locus Erigone1n inter cbtl"fii'" ftqutnles
CHIN- COUGii, II Klf;("f• aJ;tre ft»1• I Ct Pand irur:
Jt"''"• lwo, i. c. exprtloro; undc · Belg. lrincht11, and again in hisThirdGeorgic, 415, he has men-
kicben; 11nbtlart, diffitulltr fplrart : Skino." a fpaf- tioned a fcrpent armed with clllws, or cllJs, lik:1
.nt1Jit coMgb i11 tbildr111 :- this looks as if Ray had the faorpion ;
adopted chis dcriv. from the Dr. withou t naming D ifce ct odoraum ftabulis accendcre cedrum,
him 1 indeed it is a compound of cbi11, (not of Galb:ineoque agitarc graves nidore rhdydros.
thr face 1 but rather) ! i11t ; and t#Ngb: fee KINK.
Gr.: unlefs • ith Ciel Voe. 174, we may l ook CHOAK ; Ayx,w, by tranfpofition x ....,., dx1ag1
.on tbm as another dialea for J:i11, an ancient 11tco,jlra11g11lo, /uffeco ; to jlrtJ11gle, fuffocatt•
word for lilllt; it being in faa a diforder, chiefly, CH OICE 1." Belg. t iefm ; Sax. ceoran ; Fr.
if not cxc!ulivdy, incident to tbildrm: H111, a CiiOOSE S Gall. choiftr; affinicatem habcnt
cbi/J, has only received the common paragogic t: cum Cymr. toifi•; qu.ertre : Jun. and Skinn."-
-but Jlill ii11; or linl, is Gr. but n.!! thefe Northern words by their very pro-
CfUNE. n...... pin11a./pi•a; Ju1.fabi'1UI; Fr. nunciation feem to be but various dialects of
Gall. tfabine ; tbig11011, th/11011; fpina <Urji; the qu,,.ji11u; and confeq11ently Gr.: fee QYEST. Gr.
/oiis; Jbt uatk-bo11e 1 fo called becaufc it rtftmbles C liOLERIC, Xo>-•e"• cholera ; ftilijf11"0 pajfio •
..fbarp fpiJ:ts, or 1bor11s: Cafaub. with greater pro- morb11s, in 'I"• oilis, 'lltl ptr 'll&mi/11111, vtl per ftuf-
bability, derives thine ab Ax••r•r. quod eriam fam,' t>tctr11it11r; a difaaft of tbt florca<h, b] wl:icb
X><r•r, fpi1111 tl•rfi, p<prit i11 i"dtlr11p<dihtu ; the tbt 6ilt is difthargtd, titbtr bJ 11•rni1, n- flool; R.
batJ:·oonr, cbiLftJ •f q11adn1prtls. X•'-•• bi/is, /,/ ; gall.
CHINK, o r gap; X«i>w, bio: Sax. e:man; to CHOP, o r cba11ge 1 KAw•" •r, Ko11nAto,.., ~aMpD,
taNp61tnri t '' ptrmulalio t1ti111 Dlftiq1tij/im11m ct1111-
g•pr. _1awn, or ~m.
CH INK, or fount/; To'"• T0>tr, tinnitus 1 a mtrcii el emptionis ge1111s fui1: Ski nn."-without
JinklinK fa1md, or noifo 1 qua!i ti11k. giving us .the Greek word ; lo /Juy, fall, or eJtcbange:
CI·IlRP as a fp•rrow 1 " ~clg. dr~ken o/J ten or clfe with Ciel. Voe. z 10, we may fuppofe,
n1uj[<-b1 ; Jitif!art, tnClar pa~cris: vox a fono falla: that to cho-p, and tba11ge, comrs from the fame
Juri. and S1<rno."- but 1t fcems ro defcend a ori,,in with to COPE , buy, or /tit; which, he·
Kt•{w Kf 111X, Ke•'Y"• rranfpofcd to cbirp·i"l. fay~ " comes from che Celtic wo rd <0jf, lignify-
Cf-I!Sl:.L, " :tx•{"•• filllkrt; 10 &kavt, or Cllt ing a brad; bccaufe the ancient craffic was by
t1/ 11•dtr : LJ pt."
btads, o r hrrds of cattle :"-then they all t<:~rn
CHI T, or child ; H7J.,., • mar ; Ital. cito ; p1«l· to be derived a K1\>"a.\•, <aput I Jhl hti1d: fC'C
luJus ; Hifp. cico; por'l!us 1 a little, diminulive bau1. COPE. Gr.

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c 1-1
CfJOP, or cut ; " K.,.-1.,, faindo; to cu.t, er di- cor<!ing to the inoclern French, who very likeli•
.,;ide : Cafaub. and Upc."..:..eithor rhe verb Ko.-1" never faw tbc v erb X~a"; or if they had, mutt
'is o riginally · GI. or d(e the Pcrfi~ns con- have read it Kf"'w: but rhe G reeks wrote Xe"'"•
frrred it on th_e G reeks; which is fcarce to be rolcro, tiJ1go; to colour, · li,,gt, painI ; chracns being
'fuppofcd : 'however 1-Iutc hinfon, in the firfl:£ fafr rhlllk pc11tiis of different colours. _
to h/s degaot quarto edition of Xenopito n's CB Rl l\1P jifh, &c . Xe•1•~1~, nppropiuquo, ad-
'Cyropaidcia, fays, "copis, genus gladii P crftci, m~vco, aca do ufq t1t ados; to u// fifb acrofs ir. 111011y
'quern n1ulti pro ftrr1ri h.ab uerunt ; plurimi pro plaui, down t o 1/;e 'Urry bont, ill o~der Jo m!'kt :hem
cr,/tro., ?\It pro tilj( f>eriarL1n1 : K~ir•f at1te111 ex . ttll firmer ;
'Gr. !(,,..;., vulgo derivarur, at multo potiore ju re; •. _,. - - - -- '"Xi"" !1 ta~r,1o f'""i""''°"' .
ex Perfico knfi1lt; fi11dtre c1crivabittrr i eran c enin1· ..... OrE~ 'i':X.e'l"~9E1C'~ - '
copidu origine P erfic:e :"-now it appears the1 ' - - cufp(J pertra1!fii1 rapiJo impel fl aEli;
1nore extraordinary th at <"'Pides Oiould be orig i- Ados appulfa. - -- ·
nal; and t hat Ko"?"' lhuuld be fo too ; and yet I ' - - - - ! ht poi1tl q1tiU pene1ra1cd deep
that they both lhould fignify the fame :iction; · • Do;;;n l o the bo11e. - - -- II. f.. 66 r.
:viz. f.r.ddrt; to cttl~ cleave, or chop. CI--Il~I S1', Xe1c- u.C£, u1:g11t111!1111, r111tJio, cbrifa:a;

CHO PINS ; " \•el ut nos effe ritnus cbopu 11s; u nde Xe•ror, anointed; 1mflio11, a»•inting ; tbt anoi11Ud
rlifp. cbapin; f ouu;, ·fcu fa/ta altior : Skinn." - oftbeLord, the Chrift. Cld. Way . 103, n, ob-
a bigb-bu ledjhof: '" M'a llem," cont inues he, " ii fcrves, that"' this deriv. is extremely happy, •p·
chappa; braflea meta/Ii; quia fc. forre a11r i, feu polite, and in charallcr of the dtvine perfonagi;,
argenti hr'r.tleis ornari vcl folenr, vel foleb1nt :"- • to whon1 it is confecrated ; and yet there occurs
'but how unfortu nate is the Dr. ! for now he has an etym. of not lrfs piery , and of- niore limpli-
made it Gr. in fpite of all his efforts, if cb1Jpa c ity :" rhrn he proceeds to fhew t hat "Cbrij/
fignifics braffen mttnlli; for chefe auri, feu orgo:ti may be derived fron1 KrtiJS; a crbfa ; unde Kriiyjl;
braf.!e.e are really no nfore than wh:it we 1nay call tbe cru.cified Jifus :"-but CRUCI-FY, is Gr.
thcgoldfinith's or lilvcrfrnirb's CHIPS, o r CHOP- CI-I1USOl\1S, from the fame root, Gr. ligni-
·l'I NGS; and confe'q uently derived ii Ko.-1'1, feco; fy ing i11fa11tu a111t bap1ifm11m mortui ; infants dying
"to '"'· or chop: as above. biforc baptifin.
CI·lOPS, o r chulu; vel a K".-1", comedo; the CJ:-IRISTO-PHER, Xe•r•?•eir, Cbriftum fereni;
tbaps : vcl a Ko..1w, fci>rdo ; to cul, divide, or chew carrying Cbrif/; R. Xe«•<, Chrijlus; et ~rew,fero; _
1he mlal fine. Ciel. Voe. 174, gives us rather a Jo bear, or carry.
j ocular derivation of this word ; for he fays, CHROCK, Xe•"• color; to eo/011r, or blaelt11
" juO: below thnc fwell, which we vulgarl y call with faot , &c: R.. Xf"'" ringo, ccloro; to colour,
.the cbq>s, or j t1w-11pJ, begin the checks :"-but , tinge, or paint: fee CROCK, an tart hen vtffel: Gr.
even now both JAW, and UP, arc Gr. · CJiROMAT IC, Xf~l""1""• dt barmo11iti 1111ific&,
Cf-JO RD in mefrc; X•e••, intlJ}1inum, chorda, ten- qunji col•rnta; a faftm:ji, and ddicacy of mu.fie, as if
.dicula ; the firing of a harp , lute, or any otherfl ringed ii was painud, or to/cured.
.injlrmtu111: Ic e CORD, Gr. CflRONIC l" Xf'""''' ad tempus ptrri-
. Cf-IORO-GR1\.PHY, X~•rexi;1a, 1-.g-iopis, vel CHRONICLES~ nen s; belonging to time:
regi.;;nu1n Jeferiptio; :be dt/ cript10J.•, or ;nap of n Nt1g.'1 Xf $.-1tcio("-, vtJ11fa ov is ; a11 cl.d twe: ut docet
eou1tlry: R. X"e''' regio; er I'f x~», ftribo. Verltr.ganus : Cafaub. hinc ~~ X~'"""'' cbro11ica, fcu
CI-IORUS, X'f''• cbortll; a company of fingers, libt·i chronici, in quib1u ann<!atur, quo umpore quid
or dancers. . gej/um fit: R. Xf'"" ll111p11s ; annals ; or any rt-
CI-IOUGH, or choufa ; " Ki.-~;, At;i fl:oph. cords of timr.
P lue. 904, de frolido ac fatuo, :4 K1n·1>•: !(,,,.,.,,, CfJRONO-GRAPHY, Xe<>•rea;>•«, dcfiriptiD
avi1 marina, el laro ji,'11i!is :-Prince Hen . fays t<) /eiTtpcrum ; n dtfariting tht timrs : R. Xe<ror, 1e111-
Fo lltaff i11 Shakeli)car,1 fl: part of I-1. lV. " 'Ptact, pus; et '>'f"~"'· ftribo ; to writ<. ·
Chcwet, pence :" Gall. cbc11(tte : U pt." - CH RONO-LOGY, Xe•••>-.•y•«., cbroncl~Y;ia, ttm­
. CfIOUGH, if prono1.1nced like t1nv, may be porum dcflrina ; the dcElriJ1e Df time, or regulating
.derived e1thet from X"""'' bio, bifco ; /o )'flUJ!I, <) T 111;J ji.¥i11g the dattJ and peripds •! t:"Jtn/s., frOIP ibt
.,g npe, i 1: niJion OJ.r.caw i11g : or fr<>m r"'"'"' gat!deo, · tl1rlitjl acro-11nt of thi1;gs: R. Xeo~Qr, ltmpuj; ct
glorior; re />oaft, to ill/ult; lboft birdJ bti11g the mojl A,.,_,,, fannc.
Ja11<y, and impertinent of all otbtrJ : o r clrc perha ps CHRONY, t'''>'~""'' temporis ef11fdn11 ; cc.ela-
it ltllY be bt1t ".! co~1traftion of J{~f~l;°, cqrvus, cor. 11ttt1, tonlt111porant11s ; 1111 ir.tin1att friend, and cfln-
.ni.\· ; a Koec$, niger ; black ,; fi ·o111 its t()f{lY. (C'}Jipbrary, t()te'VtJl.
CHRAON,S, commonly written cray~ns, ac- CHRYSO-COLLA, Xe""•K•'l<.i>. ",dwyfaco/J~,a11ri
. glulmum ;

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.C H From. GR ·1 1 ic, and LA T 1 N. c l•
::lr;ti11um; vulgo boraJt 1 go/J.faldh : R: Xe•!f•f, CIBOR.fUM, " K1f3<.ii1lr, cibori11111 ; ;, 'lltf/i1·tbd(
.a11rum; gold; and ••>J.•, gl111tf1; g/111. · bolds tbt bojl: Nug."-the Dr. fccins to hnve
C HRY.SO-GON US, " xe..,..,...•r, rbryfagMt•J: miftakcn K1fl.,e"• for K•llo-7••» which fignifi~s. ar·
R . Xf•N;, allrtlfl!; ct r..te, gt11erati1; a r""f''"'• cu/a, coff/11111, fcri11ialum ; nnd may b~ appltcabl~
fio : · Nug."-gold-or1. , : 10 lbt pyx, o r /Jog that bolds the hojl: but. K•~·~ '"•
Cl-IRYSO- L:YTE, Xeu ..oi..9or, cbryfolitbo1, lapis according to I-Iadrianus. J unios, pro: poC.1!0 :i:a.

,aureru, feu aurd coillt'is ge, _ ; a prtcious ft••e of ' paciori auipi pottjl: et ' '" fl.Jn~••, fays fl~fycjt. a
a Kaid rolour: R. X:•nr, •llT'- ; et ./118.;, lapis. cup, or wi•t~tffal, ftt on altar!. ' :
CHRYSO-STOM, "Xr.:C'•f'•,...r, Cbr:1faflemus; C ICATRIZE, x ...,., cicatrict>, va/10 .1 to gi-~w
Cbryfaftom: R . Xe•, aurM~, tol:J·; ct rl•/""'> 01; wt/I, to heal; as a 1tJ0111fd: though If. Voll: is of
,l be rJ101it b 1 gold111·1110111b ' Nug, " ' opinion ic .ougl)t rather to ~e d~rivtd from ~1-
C~l~BBY, Kl~«>-•, t 11p•t, c11pi11 I ct rufticus, x..v1•f'<> a K"'u1>!f'<>{.,, (fll/ltrt (l/~ro, c11u}~rt t/l}J~iho:
e t p1fc1s; a largt-bt11J1J,jltfby-ft1ctd ptrfa11: uolefs -but all wounds tfo not rtl{«ire tbt tt111Jlu; neither
w e may look on cbll; as o nly a contra&ion of arc all /cars pr•drutd by bimri11g : but all,
cNnib, who is ~nerallf rcprcfeotcd fJJ.f11ctd. wbtn be11ltd, ticatrizt, or /•rm 11 frar. · .
. CHUCKLE, K1xA• • •• i111mod1r111l, et ~ffujius CJCI-IORY, v11Jg3rJy written, and pronounced
triiiere ' we make ufc o ·it in a gentler lignifica- · f11ccorj; K•X."f"•etK•x."e""dtbori11m 1·1/Jt w!IJ.endivt.
1:.i on, only lo gigglt, fnigg_w, titter,fi#lptr. ' CIDDE; "tbid, r1bulud; Vcr-f t."-contcsllelltly
CHUFFY, " either from the fan1c root with only another dialcCl: for CHIDE; which is G#.
chub, and tbubbJ; or clfe from K•f3{Js, "'1't"" CIMBRI; Ciel. Voe. 202, fays, "' ;;c orig~nltts
'"pa, 'llP!"• ryotb1u11, I l{Uo 6ibim1t1: Voll:"- " c~rtc fro m kym, one of the moft antiGnt 'Ce'lr. words
.f1ltis cleganti '.mettph. prreftr~im fi, ut fufpicor ' for a m0Mnlai11; ·i t is a variation of ~ta1t.i bead ti'
pri mitu s de ruf!!co gra1141, 'llmtriofa, c~ tam gu!:e, ' i. e. !tin, _or pen; o r '11111 l tb~ bt~d-: and . coofe-
.quam temuleoti:e ' dcd1co d1Chim fu1t: omoino , quently will take the fame der1v. with KY-M-BRO
ut de Bonofo ryranno a. laquco pcndeote lulit BRITONS, VENALITY, &c. Gr.
vulgus, ampbor1Jm pt11dert, 11011 bomi11t111: Skinn.'" CINCTURE, Zwrwu, :r.i11go, cingo; lo -girl,
/Jtre b1111gs a,g'otcb, 1101 a mnn. · furro1111d.
'C HUM; "lib Arn,or. cbom, fimul morari, ho- CIN DERS, Ko,.1, p11lvi1, cim1, tilltrts ~ J>!1Wder.,
ltilMt, cont•btrnaliJ: Lye."- but the whole force du.JI, and oflNs.
of t he apreffion fcems to cooftll: in the adverb ClNGLE; z..m,.,, :i:i11ro, ci11go, •ci11g11lwfl ; •
;/im1'1, and the prepo!ition l:ur, co111 i. c. '""' ; unde girt, r;irJlt, or belt. •
-cb11m.,, one wbg lives with another 1 a companion. · CINNABAR ; K!".P"e'• ti1111obari ; grtmfl!i ar-
CHURCH, Kveoo1, Kue•"••r •••oi, Koe•«••» do· boris J11Jir.e 1 ibi gum of nn /11dio11 tr11.
minie<u, d011111J Dti; a *1rlct, or kirk, the bo11fa of CINNAMON ; Kir•~/A"IM''• ci•n11,,,.11111• 1· fru- Lord, w the bo•ft of wwfoip. Cleland (Way. /tx bre'llis, t11jlls dos -.Us ;,, ewtict ef'; tbt mm-
1 5) derives it from the Celtic A-.i r, 1ir, or circle, jhrtth, wbofa 1.>irt11t is ;,, tbe btJT/c, ·
..'.Ind rocA-., a ftone ; like Sconehengc: both confe- ·ClNQyE-PORTS; n..1,..,,.,et,...., 911i~1u-por-
queotly Gr. tu1 1 tbe fi'VI capital porlt, ur bov1111, which lie on
CHURCH- LITTEN; tbt ch11rcb yard·; or the E aft coaft of England, towards France;
more properly fpeaking, the road, or path WdJ namely, HAjli11gs, DllfllT, Hitb, ·R111ftU:J, and Smid-
-I bot leads ID tbt church: .. fortaife a Sax. la:ban; wicb; the inhabit:inrs l>f which townS' baYe many
Teuc. ley1t11\ d11cere ; 't!ia J11cms 1111 le11rplu111:: privileges and i 1nmuniti~ ; ·they h:ive• al(o . a
Skinn."- but the D r. ought to have conlidered governor, who is ftilcd Lora·WMdtn, </the Ci•tfal
t.liat to lead is Gr. : fee LITTEN. Gr. Ports, bovi11g the autbcril:J of a lord odlllirdi i•
CH U RN, "K•f"'"• quod idem efi ac Ksf"'""I''• pftUts 1111 n1<111pt : R . n,;r,, Dor. K..,..., qlti1Jlj•t,
1Vt•n•.,, 111ifu~; quO<l 1Jgi1111ic11iJ 'lliolmtia, 911.e- undc ri1191te ; ji<:e \ and O•e'•""• portiu; a ltlJvm,
<uttq11t i11 vos lj111d i111111itt1111111r, primo confll1flii , e4 harbour, w fritb. >
mcx difctrni, 0171" in fu1f111 1uoquc ltmperament•n/i CIRCE~SIAN, Kie••~""• cirte11ji1; b1'411gi11g to
roaltfctrt foltb1111f : Jun."-a vtjftl, in wbicb milk' tbt rirrus 1 Ku.i.c;, K•e.. r· :·
/Jnng put, by co1Ui11ual agitation 111iJ11J nil tbe_parts, CIRCLE, K•t••1, circ11s; K••.>.•r, c~rc11/us ; ~
JogtJbtr, 1111d at ltlfgtb cn11/u tu 1111(1a111J portules to cir,,.111/ ermu, w circu; l'lltTJ part cf wbicB u cq111-
um1e to,rttbtr, and buomt b11tttr :-or perhaps cbur11 dij11111t from tbt antre. Cle!. V oc. 1o, tel\$ us,
1nay be derived a r uecr, r uf°'"• in orbe1n 'Utrto; /if that fir, or cir, is metonymically ufed for the
IUTll rou11d ; qua!i gyrn, churn, becaufe tvbir/eJ ro1111J~ ruler of a cir, or fhire I a.K'f "°'' ~tllS I ·IJ rir(lul,
CHYLE, " Xui.or 1 fuuus; juict: Nug."-tbt or faire; from whence K•f-"'' mi111t1, vd ..bttas;
fojl , 0 ,.,oflin. and from thence like wife may be dtrived thr ex-
. 0 r....emo n
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C L l'rom G .a I! B x, and t. A T 1 If. C L
prcmon of a jud~ on his cirlllit 1 not certainly under the art. ,r,,_, quotes. Hefyc&. for the
from his journcy1~ (Ound in a K•e-xof, 1ircus ; ufc Of the word P¥•Rtr1U, which he aplain&
• dr-clc, 'or cir-cu1t ; buc from his viliting the by a....,..,••• elmur1, wtar11 to .etdl aJolU/;
different K•1-x•., drs, jhiru, Q.r Jij)rills, under his and this perhaps may have gil:~n origin to our
jurifdlaion, and of which he is the i:•e•Of, dMtti- word clamor: though, under the art. ,,._,,,, he~
nfls 1 brad, or ebiif r111tr : fo that indeed it rather of opinion, that e/amo is derived an-, pl"O-
may derive a Kot""''• vcl i KHf""" fci.J1r1, JWi- """"'• jeo, tjllitJ, ,,.,,, lo ~ dlfJ fDaili11g -ift ~
itrt; • Jhirt, tClllllJ, or tiivijion. . by inkrting the letter • : and bas given manr
CIRCUM, ufed in coropofition with many other inftancet.
words, which may be found under their refpcdive CLANCULAR }" Knc.Au...,....or, otniltru,~
articles. . CLANDESTINE li4Jn,ftcr1t1 R. LAvr1w,
CIST, " kijl, or 1:ilftd: Vcft.'' - but KISS _,.,.,.7.,, a>.y<,.J••• w,.,.J...r. If. Voil:"
is Gr.
CISTERN, " X'"' ti}a, njJmia ; quOd ;j, .
CLANG l" '°'°'1"1"' t_11••,;. : Iliad. IIL ti. l•
CLANK Jee CRANE: Gr. Upt." .
14 a/ig11id rtpo114J"' ; a rtftrt1#ir ; ut a ""''• /11- : CLAP• a tlifaafa ; A..,...,, U,.S ;. " Gall..,,,,.,,
ctl'3d ; /1Jtto, httrM 1 ta#, ltJPll''1a: Volf... t1111iNlla1 r. undc ekspitr, Wllari11m, fcu ftpt11• <11·
ClTE, Ki.,, K•,;;, Ion. 1:.,.,, tuo, tilo; ~ /••· . Iii'*'"-; unde tkspil1'..s tftd&trt, ./imu tdttriJ 1
9Ull: vel ii ;t,..,, ei10, 111ovto ; lo 1N'IJI, iaJiiu. 'flox tbinirtifa' 1 undc JatMr 1 Fr. Gall. Wo pro-.
· CITERN l , pric di~ ·,quia fc. ia inpiJU oritw :- Skinner's.
CITTERN SLf"'t'"• t1thara a btJt:p. 1 friend Th. tlcnlh.''-as if we were to fay with aa.
CITY, :i;.,,.,,.,, to-10 1 undc ti'UU, ti'flil1111 11 )1111, inuc:ndo, tbtJt gmt/nna11 ittps 11 pri'llal1 warr111.
,,,_.,,iJy: poffis. tamcn. fays Volf. et clpfc de CLAP, j/ap ; K.o:A,,.,,,.1.,, tlPll/41 K~o~,. aUsp.#;
.caura (quQd·.in unum toi#lllts. vivant) ti'llis dedu- 11 b1x 0111b11ar.
cere :I. K111, quod eft '°• "ado· 1 qiiod llClTlpe ;,, CLARENCEAUX H11r 111 .,..," . this officer
,,,,,,., 'fleitiu111 talum, tt ·fub 1Lgi6us ii/a 'flivalll; derives his llll11IC from. Gcorgc·duke of Ckut11t1,
J«aa/1:1b9 /;w togetbtr i11 /otitlJ. Cid. Voe. 11-4., brother tc> Edward IV. ; that king, on the death.,
ri, fays, that " mis, and civitas, anfwer to tbtf; of the duke:, having infticuted. his. htt'lllJ one of
J/ie·htad :"-if fo, then it i~ cvidcntty Gr. as he: the ki~ at ann~ ~-but Cltu"'" itfclf fecms 11>
would have tCcn, had it been written >.,,b, inll:cad be dcmed a JLA...,, g!lritJ • gloty~ fplnldn :-widi
o( tbtf. regard to- the office 0€ Clar-uu11111Jt, fee NOR-
CITRON, «. L'ft,.., -f•11t u/6ilUll ; a frail ROY 1:i"l tJI ams: Gr•
.#nrbt fro•Mtt!id :. Nug." • CLASH, tr~ " iu-, ~"" 1t"4(<., fra11-·
ClVET• zib1t/Jt1-. ab Htbr• .lll ~'• jlillart; go; to lwttJl:. Upt.''
.eft c:aim flllior i111U hlljMfat tJtliln4lis tt}Jittdos toner~ CLASP, A,,7.,, A~, tJ/H, t11tlo, j1111go ; lo ,,..
fcm1 ; a ptr/111111, lilt1 mll}l : Ainfw..-thc perfume rut/, binJ, fa.ftnt: Skinner quotes Cafaub. for de-·
whM:h the: ani1nal, ailed a ti'l-'ll·ttJt, produces, is riving noftrum tltzfps a Gr. .ltoA>.a/301, vcl Ko>.>.wir :.
,of' thc co!Uiftencc of honey, and fccms to be ex- but doc& not approve of that dcriv.; though he-
trall:cd from certain glands, which lie: between has not gh·c:n any reafon why he rtjed,cd ic:-rhe·
the coats that compofc the bag frooo whidt the Feafon. why ic bas n« been adopted here is, becaufe
tivtt is taken, and wpjch lies under the- belly of both thofe w~ds bear too diftant a fcnfe in Gr. CO·
-that Ctc&Qlre. ; of
. ; what WC Conceive the word t/afps, .
CLAME, eommonly written cltJita 1 K&>-••, CLASSIC, JtaAI.,, wtQ,I ''"""; quafi·ca\!ffe,
• •1/t1ma, 'IJota, pr01nt1 : lo 14/J afouJ, a fi11111i. II right ; a ta/a11tU, 'llltaMI I qui.a txtt><il1U ptr "'7111• WU•
i4 chaU111gt. rt#lll1' 1 a11 flr"'J, or •a~ 11jftrJ16kd """' talkd tD[t-
CLA?.f MY, Koh>..., glat111 1 gl1't' : Junius tbtr iJ tbt /011/ld of tbt b#r11, 01' lrllmptt.
,quotes Hefych, for the: woro KA"l'°'f°'" which he CLATT ER, IU~".t'" ftrtpittn; Kw.e•e,., jlrt-
explaio~ by .,."'*l'"t"'• .....,..,! b11met11J111, ill'IJa/iJ-; pilo 1 to 1111Jl:t a 111#.fe.
.,.,0ift and -wealt; but neither of thofc word" CLAUDICANT, Kif.IV«, tl'111d111, 1/auJi14JIJ;
feem~to anfwfr our idea of tlammy ; whlch. ra-, ba/ti11g, /;mpi11z, ltJme. '
·dit:r tlrttinotU. \ CLAVi-CHORDS, -"""'• ,'41;is 1 et XOfh;
CLA'.MOR r ci1her from K ..AI.,, """'"• clamo, · tborJa 1 a U,.jJri11gtd injJr"1nlfl/, /;/u a fpi111U1, or
damofu1, quafi d111110rofas : or elfe perhaps morel b11rpjitb.l11'd. ,
·properly from KAow9f"or, fa.tus, ploralw ; .• weep-i CLAUSE, KA•iew, IV-•ilw, Dor. K>.e11I.., t#""4;
,;,.g, ·wailitlg, or Q1f] loud 1UJifa: fince Hcfyeh. es- lo}ht<I ttp.; dofa 'I tollft to tJ toncla}io1t.
;plains 0>.1>.vt,..r, (which properly .lignifies . tbt CLAW ; r"'°f<I• faalpo 1 to ftroltb: vcl potius
jbo111 btfw-1 ball/I 6tgi111) by XMvft"'I: yet Junius, a X""'• forttp_s, vcJ jorft>t; qutl/u tawor11111; .'i t
11'/J/. .

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-· .

.C f. · From G•.i1r:, and L.tTtlt, C L

C'Oi11111 ~•1g111 fl1fg•ihu "1iti1111' : Cafaub.~bl.Jt thd'e 11.//Jiron: or clfe from K.>.a.., ttk#1; 1.o 1~1'r411 tJM's
arc rather 1b1 la/411s lbtttoftlws. 1ba11 lbe 'atlin of potro111 utpote q<ri rolebat patrolUilJI :-but If. Vojl'.
-1bofa ta/0111 : fee CHLEYS. Gr. derives clieJJS ii K'-""''• ,.,.,.._, 11•dit111, o6ulims; Olll
CLAY, x.. i..e, or rather x..xi.•E, cabt, colt11· wbo ohys, o·r fo//o'UJs tbe eoufel of bis patro11.
.Jiis ; thallt, y;/(I], loam. · CLIFF, KJu1v<, JEol. KJ.,..,,, cli'l/111, dtvtltit1u;
CLE.AN, Kh"'''• iaelitus, pt'.etlanu : vel a t1 tktli'l!i1y : or rather our word tliff may be de-
Koor, vac11u1, i11411is, as bt is cltt1n go11t ; Cafaub. rived from cltf1, the participle of clt/Jflt af11adn-:
" ' vel mallem, Ii fatis Gr.ecus elfem a Li.v.v,,., good old Verll:. writes it clyf 1 and calls it a ro, 4:
p11!tbru111, feu 'llntMjl,,,. rtdJ4, VITTo, tfJll11do: Skirui." on tbt /ta jjd, ftemi11g cit/I, er c/ovm ;-and yet·
-;\. .iu..v-,,, a K"'''°'' w, or, ptli(btr I lo QtaUli/J, lo could not fee that it·was confequcntly not Saxon,
puifJ. but Gr. : ii. K>."'"" frango l to breoft. •
CLEAR, KAlof, KAI.or, u11de c/4nt1 i g/oria ; CLIMACTERIC, "IU•l'"'"1·e··"· fc••1.,, e/i•.
glury, Jp/.nu/Qr. jbi11i11g ; Junius derives • tltar a matltricus, fc. an•111 ; t1 Jtor 1ba1 a/u..Js by ttrlai1»
raAs(''• fermttJ. /pkadiJJllJ. t/tgrtu ; as from 7 to 7 ; or from 9 to 9 1 R•
Ct.EAVE t1/u""4r, JCA&.., frago 1 dnndo 1 lo 10.•l'"'E• "gr0Jatio11·: Nug."-this interprctatioq
In-talc, di'llidt, or "" ;,. twtli11. is obfcure enough; for nobody. can undcri):and
CLEAVE, or Jiclc tlofe 1 Ko>.>._, adg,/ltliJIO, ad- it ; at lealt tbt eli,,.,,atrie Jtars do Ml rift, as the
jugo I lo ot/jein, atibtrt. ' Dr. has obfervcd from 7 to 7 ; for that
.CLEMENCY, Ko>-"" we"'""'" -ltllio, ckmtnltm makes but 14, or :i.1, or :i.8.i but from 7 to
-nJJo. tltmt•lia ; ro111ntji of lat1ptr, 'ailtbuft of feven times 7, which is 49 years 1 and then .to
difpofitio11.. 7 limes 9, which is 6 J years, tbt cli1114tltrit 1 and
CLEPED 1 " Sax. clcopan, cl.ypaan, clypan ; laltly tbt gro11d di111atllri'• which is not, as
'lJottWt , llOtfliure, apptllart : Lye.''-pcrhaps all the Dr. fuppqfes, from 9 to 9 ; for that is bl!t
thefc words are .but another dialect of K01.1.1.. , 1 8 1 but is 9 times 9, which is 81 years ; ac all
t!oco 1 X:..>.1.-.., KnWix•, quafi Kwv......._ contracted which ~riods, viz. 49• 63, and 81 years of age,
to v......, undc tltpul 1 talltd, Jmomiflattd. fomc dangerous fit of ficknefs, fome extraordi:-
CLERGY l'" .K>.•t•<· iltrus 1 Kh•t'''°" tltri- nary calamity, (it could not ~ffibly be any
.CLERJ.CAL S cw; a lot, porlion, or Ui.btri- lucky event; but) even death 1tfelf has fupcr-
t'tltut : lbt dtrgJ 'llltrt fa calhd, titb,.Jt&tlllft lbty ftitiouOy been fuppofcd to have attacked man-
_ , r1d01Ud Jo 61 tbt inbtritanu of the Lord (and kind >-but all thefe fond and frighc.o\il im:igina-
confeq.uendy had 110 i11htrit1J11Ct with the ptopk in tions of Chaldzan and Egyptian extraaion, have
llH pr.Ot#ifidJand); or becaufe tbt Lord WIJI ikmwi been long fince defervcdly exploded.
llbtjr portiert, .and irtbtritanfl.: Nug."-to which CLIMATE," K>.•f'4'• •1or, tizli i11elint11io1 tm~
'181: me add, -that David, in Pf. xvi. 6, makes ufe lratl•s ; lbt i111li11i11g, or 6nuli11g of tbt btllWIU:
of thi• expreffion. tbt Lord billlfalf iJ tht portion R. iu.... , mdi""; btndi11g: Nug."
•f mitu illhtritanu : R• .K>.,..t•r, fort : he goes on, CLIMB, K>.•Jo'"E' fcaltl, grlllills 1 afttnJiwg b]
and fays .1 U.011 /bait lflaintaia . , lot: i. c. mint flips : a figure in •rhetoric ; alfo a figure in writ- '
illhtritaau; /ors 1 btrtdit1J1. Ciel. Way. 41, and ing, a progrtj}i'llt afttnt of ideas.
Yoc.36, .fays, "from .cal, wc:'bave .that fo much CLINIC, " io;,.., ktlus; a btd; a btd·riddm
• difl:orted word clmts, ( quafi ealltr•s) the etymon ptrfa11 : R. K>.•.•w, Nug." • ·
of cltro ; but in fad: only a barbarouOy latinifed CLIP 1bt coin; n.,.1,., I.hi""• tkpo 1 to jltal.
contraction :"-be it fo ; ltill it is Gr. ; or pilftr; to diminijb, or taltt away pt1rt of tbt p.1111-
for tol, al, bol, or ball, are no more than con- li' 111osty, b]filing, fwati11g. &c.
tra~ion$ again of Au>.-•, otda J a ball, or tollegt ; CLIP, or t11t 1 " Belg. ltnippm, fnippm 1 r1-
whence, according to bis own etym. balltr, ftbo- fuart, pr.etitkrt ; lo tlll witb o ptlir ofjhttWs, or
lar,_calltr, cafltrru, cltrtn, tltrD• ft:ij[arJ: Sax. clypan ; lccland. lclipa, 101'flttrt forju,
CLEVER; " r~fl"f°'• jt:i1111, ct '1Jtm1jl111: Plu- u11g•ibu1, digi1is: Lyc.''-but as all thefe words
tarch, fpcakiog of Cleopatra, calls her r>.a,ve• fccm to carry 'the idea of tdli11g, dividing, /tp11-
••e•• a clrotr wo•an: Upt."- there is however rt11i11g, they may be only various dialcas _o( the
anoclier deri v. which though not fo ingenious, verb Ix•~.,, .quafi :tx•.-;.., faindo, by tranfpofi-
feems to approach nearer to the orthography of tion /t11ido, ft11ipo, fnipo, f11ip, <lip.
our word tlt'tltr• viz. K>.•• ,, gloria, ulcbrilas,fpltn- CLIP, ttifold 1 " Sax. chppan, clypp1an, be-
Jor ,,.,,.;,.;, ; rtp111a1u11, fa1'11, rt1111W11. cbppan ; ampltl1i: Skinn."-to t111brat1, tla/p, or
· CLlCK-dt1c.t. JO.a~.,, jlrido. t'411go 1 lo makt 11 t11fo/J: from all which perhaps it is poffible the
s#ift, lilct • clotlc. ·• Saxons have given us only a, uanfpofition of
Cl .IF.NT, K<i;v.., -.iot0 ; lo toll ; II to11f11/t wilb [J.>.1""' plieo 1 quali tlipo 1 lo 11Mrt1u.
0 i CLOAK;

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C L From GA!tit,and LATIN. c 1:.
G:.~O.Ai<1 {1(,.,.~..7.,,. ouu/10; to bitle, .to tO'IJtr, m· is a differmt tbi11g .; as we have fcen in the·
·cold> or rainy~eatber; u11lefs we cbufe to derive it former art•.
·fro1nX'-«1'•;, cbtamys; ii. xi'f'""•"alifai io; unde et . CLOVER; X>.oa, berba 'IJirms, ·gra111tn; •
X-""" "' /,ena ; .a foldier's clolu, or ·doal:, lo J:up gra/fJ herb. ·
'him wdrm.· · CLoUGH, K>.""• frango; undt Sax. clou6b•
· CLOCK, a K""'"" u ..£.,, x•IV.•'Y"• unde ela11go, rit11a 'llf"'tia111, feu jijftlra ; a e!ift i11 a rock : a
·ddmo; · unde clticlc; from the conftant cli&lc c'4tlc kynd of bre~ch down along the fyde of a hill :
ttcifa. of 'its beati11g, or 1/;e loud fanorous lone of fays Verfl:.
its}l-rlleing. · • CLOUTED "''""' : fee CLOD : Gr.
• • CLOD, Ko>.•{3w, globUJ; ·a lump of earth: or millc, or N'tam thiclcmed •P•
clfc it may be of Sax. orig. as will be obferved· in CLOUTED~e ; " Sax. clut', pittaeium, /lt!-
tbat•Alph. tura; 6eclut'ob, be'c/outeti, or' patcbt : Skino.'"
· .(;l:.OG, ·" KA01or, vintulllJfl, col/are cani11um, who has given us anothel" lignification a Ft. Gall.
jtfguill" liglteum ; quo [erociaru ca1tes domitantfir : , c/011et; d avulus, feu par'IJ11s dlJ'tJUS; diminur~vo -r;·
Cafaub. and·Jun."-but Skinn. fuppofes it to be &1011j clavuJ; qui eakeos parvis clavis co11fi.w11 babel;"·
derived iJ.'·log ; and log he fuppofes to be S3x. ; /hots with naib at tbt botrom :--but this is feldom.
bur i~ wi ll· be feen under that art. that the Dr. ufed in the fcnfe oft a c/outtd,1'ot; and lhould it·
himfel f acknowledges, feliciflime alludit Gr. be fo, even then it is Gr. : fee·CLUB : Gr.
' CLOISTER }'' KJ.r<tf'" clmi}lrum ; a prifon; CLOWN, "X>c.,.r, agrejlis, ferus 1 rule, a11tli
,. "CLOSE or any place jh111 up, or nuloftd: ri1ftic; proprie qui ·in .virenti grallli1u cub11rt fokt :.
I. C I.;OSET.. R. KA""" daudo ; to four up : . R. n,.., gramtn ; ~nd ' "'"• lePus ; a bttl: Hom.
N ugv and:Upt."-vel a KA"'' • davis; a kty, to Iliad. I, IX.. 535, Upt."- or perhaps down may-
{oclr: up with. · Ciel. Vc:ic. 56, by n.o means ad- be derived from Ko"''°'' col/is, tumuha, locus tdi-
mirs of this deriy, ; but fays, t hat " the Romilh 1111 ; one who inbabiu tbt bills, mou11tains, or tmi-
m onks, changing names and things, formed the nencts: let me juft hint another deriv. whick .
wort! dati}lrsm, a cloifter, much ·as the Italians ·may be the right one; viz. th3t clown rnay.·
iialf the Grand Signor's Jcrai (which fignifies a likewife be only a cor\c.action · of JC.,,.,., mem-
htad ma'!fion) ftrraglio, frotn the accelTary idea /Jr11m; unde ·co/onia, and colom1S; a b1tjba11dm'lln>,
of inclofore, or confinement, efpecially of the · or farmer ; *1e wbo lives in :be country.
women :" - he would therefore derive cloij/er CLOY, " '°·'"'' de!iciis fra11go ; palled witb
it arllifter ;· the abode, cal, or hal, appropriated ,plu1jure; a pa/ltd 11pptti1t : U pr."- 1his is cer-
co the colotors, _ callers,_or fcholar! of col!egu :- 1tai nly to be preferred before Ey')'Uvv"" et En>c"-
lltit all th"efe words feem to originate frorn Av>.-•, : xa{'"• in Cafaub. as quoted by Jun. if Cafoub~
a ball, j cliool, or eollege. · · did not intend ·that rather as a deriv. of glut ;.
CLOTfl, con11nonly written cloatb ; but de- as when we fay gl111ttd with fwu ts: JunillS him- -
riveu frbm' K>.r;911v, 11ere ; t ojpi11; becaufe origi- folf fuppofes it derived from clog; and Skinner
!lated :\ !(.>,.,~,., Clotho; ·one of tb't dcfli11ies,fuppofed and Lye from daudert ; but rlaudo is derived .
'.~ jpi11 t bp threa(i of life. . · ·ii K>.«w : let me only add that cloy ma-y perhaps-.
· C ilOUD, Ax>-•~, · caltgo, t e11ebrc ; tlarknejs, be derived a K>.o.,;, which primarily fig1iifies a
obfturity, or a11y ok;1ac/e·1hat" bri11g1 a jbadow. log ; and might afcerw~rds have been applied td
· GLO\'E" of garlic; L ye very ju!Uy fuppofes the idea of filli11g, blocki11g, or cboakir.g ttp.
that the e.xpreffion d O'IJe of garlic is derived il Sax. ·CLU B, or bnu; K~.13,., lEol. pro K>.• t", quod
cleoran, fi11dere ;' but then he ought t o have H efych . expopit f"{3t.-, cla~·a, d avus: l\.,\ " J"• pro-
~r~ce<f'it up !o the Greek; as we have feen under pric ramus ex arbore recij:u <'tt1n 11qdis ; quali uti
ch e -a~t . C LEA V.E afur.der. Gr. . Rerc11/.ts fa!tt ; a lmoity '. club, or ta/loon : unkfs
• G'LO,YE, fpitc ; K?.43,.., JEol. pro K>cdJ',., T·Ie- witl1 Skinn. we 1nay ftlppo fe ·it· to be conrra&ed
fyc(a. K.\ua~_., K>..ato .. , P~lo'I, &la'tin ; <' t1nde Sax . froin K¢7'"1Ti w, ptr f'.'ttio ; 10 /,eat>fl 1·ike, or k11ot.~ .
t h1Fe; jpica, a/Iii 11r1de11s, caput ; q_.d . cl:ivus a/Iii: CLU B, or faci<r);·; " Sax. cleoFan, cle.aF?.n,
Skin n."- brtt perh~ps 'the Dr. is mit1aken, if he fi11dere ; ·uci fc. fympoGi fumptns in requales por-
fuppofe>'tbar clove, ·the jpice, and a dow of gnrlic tiones, fcu fymbolas fin diJur, fru f cinditur :
originate from thc•fiune roor :, d~ile, !he /pie,;, is Skinn."-t he Dr.· is right as to hi s explanat ion .;
ileri ved; as he ack nowledges; i\ d avo, ob ·1:1- buc p erhaps not fo as to his deriv. if he t hink s
(il!e1Jiii1n' fld!J d t1-utji1i1ii!t11diium ; but a ·/!we of that rhe Sax; cleofan is the original"; :for it is un•
gnflic !Je3rs: no fUch te(en1blance ; and therefore doubtedly bur a derivative from t he fame rooc wi th
he need not h-hve -added, vd, G n1avis a· Sax. our word CLEr'\V E, i. e. Gr. -it is very remark -
duF~, / pica a/Iii 11fldr11s :- now, 1h: n!!ii 11:1deus able that Ck!. Voe. 11 1 , n, bas gi ven U8' a Cdt.
' • .. " deriv.

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c· r..: G 0
• deriv; toraitr dllfertn't (tom· th~ fotegoih~, l~nd f liis "wo~d» we might " imagine"··he intended .t-0
yet · 'con+l!yli ' the fame ;de:i;- foit he· f:lys, that iderive it from. a dilferen: orig. to' the verb ding;
the fol'elT!n • banquets· of tile antient Britons for he has dchvcd dung a S:rx. clin0 an, marcrre,
were fupplied among tl\e parties by comtr.011 co11- ;,,.acie tonfefhIJ, pr"' "!acie efjibus·htere11s; and yet
trih11ti'tm :"-:-l-ar\d then in his note obtcrves that •even by thiS' intcrpretation, btere11.r, d1111g, feems
" fuch entertainments, fo far· as· ~hey deP,ended to be only the paft tcnfe, or participle of ding :
oitcach f11rnijbing hiffart; were; literally fpea1dng, but perlrnps · he meant ·a dilfcrenc word, fiilce
t:clf41io11s, or morc'properly tltlbs,; : a'·word o f' the he exp)ains JJalF-clun 0u, by fimi-ge7t1t111, f amr:,
highefl: antiqui ry, though 'TIOW i'n ifuch · commori 'feu jl'ig#e fami-miJrluu's 1 which is a (!iffercnt idea
· ufe : ibb, ih the fenfe of pdr,tition, 01" dfvidmd, is frotn ding, or flick tlofo.
i:adical to t!ftb~ by cont.raa ion from tol-i/;h, or ·cLUS"fER·:· both Jun. and Skinn. have de~
meeting;'at which each· man contributes his jhare, rived tlufler a Saic. cJyrr::cp; Belg. kli.ffen ; toh-r-,
contingent, divide~1d, or q'wta :' 1-bu~ in ·p. 191, rere·; ac proprie, ·lapp.aru1n in1lar, 11mluo
he tells us, that '" iiB, hcb, and eve, in t~e fcnfc' of Ji/,, adbterefcere : ·however Junius adds; puto dfe
feparatioii, g ives our Eing Efli word every, which d11jltr ·ii. glus, i ..c.<glutm i if fo, t hen' it • na~u­
means Jingle, or feparattly taken :"- and here it rally dctcends a r~'"• f>-•"» gluten, vifa1J ; an)
figni'fiel eath, fiparatt perfon contributes his parti- number of·pnf111 b,dies adhering; Hice a bu11ch of
eular fharc; towards railing-the whole furn : only grapes; Jliclcing together, as if glued.
now it·is p'robab)e ihat· rbh is· Gr. as we•lha'll fee . CI.:UTCHES :· Junius ·explains it by homatd!
undef the· art. EVE : .an\! per~ap~ . it. would be . imgul-e; and det'ives it from Belg . kl11tfeJ1 ; quattre,
difficult to thew how to!, and ton, lho'uld be C,eltic. co11c1i!ere·;·· which are different ideas: he then re- 0

CLUCK; or rather · clo&Jt, ti's' a' i1e11; '' ·ID.<o?r., fers us to clitjh; but migh t better have faid d afp ;

x;.,.,~.,, damo, more graccu/oft1m : Opt'.''~though fince Shakefpear .Jias ufed ie for c!afp; or,
rihis n1ay be the true dtfiv. yet ~ muft defire leave iQ M.1ekbeth: Aa II. fc . 2, where he h as made bi1n
tti d1frcnt frotn this' learned and ingcnrous gcntl'e - lj?eak t6 a vifion·ary d agger ~hus;,. ·
tnan in this' ·art. becaufe of · the -g reat' d!verlliy Is this a dagger, whid1 r- fee before me,
of ideas : · io d11'tlc, · in our ' language fignifies the 'fh' handle• ·1ow' rd iriy hand ?' come, l't t me
noife·of a he11 ral!ing ber chickens; but K>.w?w ih < ' d uttb thee ;
'Gr. figoifks the cbatterin,?; and t lafterillg of jock · let mt gripe. ihce /aft : in this fenfe I lhould b<:
daw i, as it were in derijion of tbe by-jltmders ;- and 0 1ad to find the neardl: e1yn1. : Lve in his Add.
hente has beel'I t'ransferred to t he th~acre, to ex- · fays;Sax. p an'o ;scchh-c eft .m111111s-co!lt5l_a, et e&!~·
:pr~fa the /corn · ond rtfalllm'u ii of Jhe "111die11cr. ~ · troll a :-then it 1s natt!ral .to fuppofc t.hat ~th't',
K>.U?"'• e:lpfqdo ii· thcatro,jit!t'to·;· fays· Hederic: this ·a nd · clutches arc really no.more-than contr:ilHons
.no\v being fo totally different <ail 'itie:i' from t!Je <?f colleOn, 'lluafi to!lutches, contra~ed to ilutche/ ;
·c locking of a· hen, wbe11 jhe tails bcr cbfrkevs, we 1 chat is, colligo, i. e. " A•r~: q i1od proprie cit !v.-
1nay rather derive cluck, or dock, KaAi:.>, i'OCO '; : "'Y'" colligo; to collefJ, or clench together.
'to calf; untie KA.s,.~. vor11111s ; u1lfi·d; the idcali CLUTTER. fee CLOTTER in'C LOD. Gr....:..
'j~plying- .more· ·rhe notion of.calling, •tflall' the 'Cafaub._ would rathe r d erive clutter a ~~'.1'.'.~ 'Pulft1~,
'1~ifa that tS ·ma1le. . ·. · Pfa-ttjrtJ ti1-a 11t1t11n, ptdt1mve; 1"V·')'%fo111;µ.a.:, co;i10, coijpt-
CLUE; or bottom of thrttid : Kv~1J, vo!i;P, , 'ratio; Anglis tlutter; fa11111 inconditus, tum:ilttts,
"llo!uto'; to' roll; or 'll;i'nde rou11d·; or perhaps clue .:...he has certainly explai ned it properl y; but chc.
may be only a different clialecr of R:J.:<9w, g!o-i -derrv. frems to ·be hard; for this would agree
"tNCTO ; unde· gfbmui ; ii ho/tom of thread, &e. ' better with OUr word c/atffl', or 11uije.
· · CLUr.1PS ;'Skinn. derives this word ii x,;>...,,¥r, • CLYPED: VerQegan fupp6fes it to be Sax. ; bt{t
Llaudrts (Hederii: · w1ites "it' XwJ.••:r•>. if it" is .n ot ·it is probably only;another dial ell: fof CLASPED·:
·a rniQake) ;'..!-.but what c9nni·xiot1 X<:>.•r.•i, 'dau- Gr.. ; urrlefs weundcrnar.d ·it iri the !Cn!r'ofrallrd';
d11s; _can h",ve wit!\ Belg. k!oul~, 'vei ldbmpt, ~nd then it orig. [, !{.,;.,~, voco'; 'ti call. •
·or the 1"eat. klwnp; maffi1; ·or rhe Belg. lu1itpfch; ~ CL~S'fER·; · co nun'.only wrirren; and pro-
flupidtu, piger ; or with our word cfow11ifh, would i nouncecl g!)'frer ; "-K>.vr.O, x>.v;•e"" · c(r.fter.; id
noc be eafy co fay; ,uhlcfs \vhen''we ufe che i:x· 1 quo ·ah,us e!11i111f : R .' K>.v(i , .tb waft>, o r .d umfe :
'prt:ffion ,/am'p-footed.,!or ·club -fuoted: . . · · · Nug.''..::..a11 irjttie-t!'}11~,'<t, 10.1;!11.c~.'.h.~ b~~~li: :·'
CLUMPS, or !.:nuts of frees, flowers; &c .•A~9ef(, I CN AP A, ....a vvy, lail;'/tlr~e;· ;, lil'er-lten«c corJ'\-

'olli's, t11111itl11s·; a'lillfe H"illtirk•;jlowirr, _br jhriibs, oth :our woord k111rve: Verff."-our'.kinv(, :iS we
planted i11patt~es. ; fa''as_trfbav~ tbe dppeara1u.e of ffiall fe~. i.s Gr. ·· · . ; ,, , ·
rijing mounds, or fmnll ht!ls. '..· . . ' . co.~cH, , " K"'f".X"'~' Tllr~~~ : • Upt. - finr e
CLUNG: . by .t he derJv. S!Onncr has given' of· CO.t'l.CH 1's .. but ·a••contrllc'hon o~ tarcoth, and
... ( Oi"'(,d ,/J

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C Q from Ga t i 1t, and -Lt. T 1.w, C 0
~4ro•ch, is undoubtedly derived from CAR, it is "'ord ft4-coaft ·did -arigin1u:e from "{ffl-, in the
referred co chat art. . feofe of lotus ; lht ft!S-fa/e: unlc!s wl: may f11p-
CO-ACTJON, l:w-~, tog•, atht110; to 4p toge- pofe thac tk fea-fiJt is only a contraetion of 6t}iJI
t btr, toaltiteforus.-Webave many other words in tbt ft4,, or titar tbt fta, bwdtri11g •• tbt fa: and
oudanguage,beginning with the prepolitions CO, it is oblervablc that even .now there ttems an un-
COL, COM, CON, or COR, which will be more 3voidableconnexion-ofide:u betweeD thefe words;
properly found under their refpeaivearticles; un- thus tbt ftafidt, or /Hfide tbe fta 1 latMJ,.eoflo, and
lefs when the primitiv,:s themft:lvcs arc not in ufe; co4jl; but nev.crthclefs the deriv. 1nay be different,
as in the following words, when compounded. tho' I have not beea .able u yet to fatisfy my
CO-A!:VAL; l:u•-"v"'" tem_p11s vit,,, bominis 1 of inquiries,; fur none of the etymol. arc fatisfac-
t q•ol-agt>: Vofiius .fays, A•w• dicitur quo!i A11t ,., cory' this however is ~crtain, that if che deriv.
/cmpcr-txijlens; unde deducicur ""'llum, inf,rto v of cofla be eftablilh('d, we lhaU .find that .cl!J?a is
confono, more 1£olum, Ail'"~• quon1odn.ab Jlo•, G~ck: Jee GOSTE. .Gr.
•VIJlll I ab Oir. ovis; Ct a JV.or, /.1viJ i &c. CO,!l.T, x.1.... IN11i<a; • '11(/1.
CO-AGULATE, Io•-ayw, cogo, .toagultt; to COAX.. " .a K.uJ43oe, <•rut'1; undc Kui"/3e, ~
ttJrdle, or.to11ge11/. Kul"/3..., ,..,., "'ht"• '"!If"......,.•• T'f rx.,...1• .........
CO.AL Jo /11tr11 ; .IA.\.,., Doc. pro .KM.011, CDlll- ; -.......7,., K••..P•: VoO:''--from this word K.u/'Po
'"'': " malimJ.,fto dcducerc ii. Dor. Ks>.o:, pro is maniferuy derived rymbo:
JtM,.r, quod H efych • .aponic "'""'"'"• ••tiui. hfari-s J~ido jp111n1znlia cymbia l48t•
.....,...,,,, /pis cpitheton eft.;qxid.Hom. Iliad . .l: ./En.111. v. 66.
et X. K..>.or vero abHcbr. quod eft1orrert,11ffezrt, from 'l)'ltb4. is derived the Cymeric word n:ritb ;
"jl"lart; unde ct Germanicum ko/111 ; ac Jlclg. and from thence the Sax. word coi;oc 111wit;i1/1/111;
klltn, i.e• .carb11UJ.: ¥olf."- it might .be ·woc' h and from lheoce '"It-boat, and coclt's fwoi11, for
while tojn9uire why our Englilh ·word.cooYs differs boatfW11i11: now to 1hew how this ded v. is appl!-
fo much froni the orthogr. of ocher languagea. cable to the word io qucftion; a Sax. co~e pctit
CO-ALITION ; .A>.J.., ·CXtrito t, .A>.w, .alo, · Kcnncttus, non .ita pridcm epifcopu' Pitrib11r-
oltfco 1 '!fun@; nam q""" alxnltJr, ;,, .al1i111di11em genfu L B. eo~cio11ts: coggt Ii reae conjicio, fays
11J!urg11111; a li'lling together,, bred ,togttber, and Lye, ab hodiernis mutatum eft in tokes, fcu
uniting togctbu:;in .1he{a111t pri11ciplts, growi11g t o- coax; quod ejufdem dfe er:iginis nilt idem doc•
gctbtr i11 011t fyjltSI ; .the j1111lJiOJJ 1>/ pOTlits. tiffimus pr:rful, nautz enjm ifliufmodi per v.icos
CO-APTATIOlll:, a..1.., 6:J~.j11ng11; .agoi11ittg v~antC$, fit/is, ftd11i/J11fque de naufragiis 11ar•
togetbtr. ra1io11i61Js populo nimium cudulo i•P.IUN folcnr,
CO-ARCTATlON, l:ul'-'"f"'"• ar.tto1Jo Jrioc ac pecunii ""'"'t''e~-and Crom this cuftom of
togttbtr, fai/Qrs ispcji11g on the credulous vulgar, has hem
COARSE, J!f•-.., c11r.o, tJTttl/[ltS, .rraffes i .trofs, derived our word to C011x, or 'IJJMilt, men out of
jlt)JJ, bc1tu~~ Skinner writes it .tnrs (perhaps it t~ir money. by falfc prcu:nccs ofjbipwruk, &c.
ought to have been <0ars) and fays, "' fi Grzcus COB, or "Jafta to carry vpon tlu: ann:
clJ'cm, dcBccterem a X•er.r, i11,11llus, 11JPer; pro- Ray."-let it be carried whcrcvet. and bowe~cr
prie autem ii Gr:rcis .de terra dicitur; nobi' .Je ic nuy, it fccms to be but a contraction of cor#-1s;
pa11110, &c."-we have .another .orchogr.aphy io which Littleton obferves, aiay be Gr. : forte ut
Jun. who writes it t10111'ft ,fatb; and quotes Har- ab ··~'~' orbis, ita a...
marus, qui putat di6twn q ua!i ,cbtrji ii X1pjo,, vel pannier, or fa([>.
f"'"' cor6is; 4 twig·bi!fitt,
X•e~or, i11cult•.<, ajper., r.udis; but then immc- COB, or JJird, " K''"""• caput 1 und.c 'Tcut.
diately adds," fed vidc annon rcfrius per metath. kopjf; Sax. .c°'f'pe; th& beat!; opttt,.cul•t11; tbtfttJ·
acrivctur a traj[tJS, aut groffes..""-he lhould have tob, or fta-iull; .(Ot#t•io,g.Jtvio wis: Skin11."
gone aJittlc farther, and traced thofe two words to COB-IRONS:" from the fame root; q. d./tr-
their original Gr. ; as above. · ra111c111acapi1a1a, vel apitib1Jspr1tdita,fajligiata;.1hc
'C!Oi\ST, or foort: " a Latino fontc, q. d. and-irons: Skinn."-<hough indeed his c:lcfiniuon
littoris, ftN lllOTis 'cjla, i. e. /Illus: Skinn.'~ut fccnis to agree more wilh tbt /pit, tbon tbt to!.·
jn the 6rft place, «i.fta, as we 1haU fee, is not an iro111; which in Laun are properly called cratt•-
original word :-and in the next place, we 1nay ttria; becauk they belong to the fire-grail: tho
very much daubt .whe.ther t he word fta-coojJ be deriv. howev.:r may be right.
derived from the Lauo -word cojJa: but as COBLER, A•nM.,, pt/lo, tntpt/14; uodc ti·
Junius .very juftly remarks, med ii :rvi fcriptori- p11/a: vcl, a l:u.14...>.•x•, a ru.... live n~···· per
hvs ora maritir.11 dittbatur cojlera; t/N jur-fidt: mcrath. copi'a; a DN••, pluo 1 Ger. VoU: but
~· J yet it looks by this interpretation, as if our lfoac rather prefers co41Ml11 1 ab 4pio, (iouf. pro

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·· C 0 From .c• .~11x, and - LATIN~ C ().

t1ptb, A\r1.,) jngo, 11ello; to join, tuiitt, faw pitus bttn already conJidered : Co that roiJ:.appor"'I fig• .
-. old }hots. •. ni6es what fo11 apparel I h1w }int is hi I •
COB-NUT, "K1'4>-•·f"•••e.•,, e1Jput-'iuutris, vel COCK of" 6arrtl; " a figuri .rojlri, vd riJPitis
u:; ; ~ ltWgt·ll!'t '. alfo ~ufus pt11riJi1, q. d. llllX , ga~linaeti, fiplnm&td111 illt '" 'i"° tkp~mu111"r li-
prtJlllJrti>, feu 'lltllrix: Sk1nn.'' 9wdlJ dil1tu. ·tfl; the eoeA: of the eondu11: Jun.''-
GO.B-WEB. Skinner tells us, it is derived this gentleman is undoubtedly right as to the
from the Belg. Teut. and Sax. tongues ; but both fonner part of his definition ; but tht eotlt of tht
parts of this compound arc Greek; the former eo/IJuit means a different thing; as will be Jhewn
.we have fcen under the art. ATTER-COB; and under the art. COCKEY : Gr.
the lmer will be feen under the art. WEB, or COCK-boat; .we have already !hewn, under the
WEAVE. to be Greek. . art. COAX, from whence this wo.rd is derived 1
COCHE-NEAL, " K•••or~13..~, •., Lat. &rb. let me only obferve here, that Shakefpear in his
'°'binitla; Fr. Gall. coehnnl/e; Hifp. roebillilu; Lur, alt IV. fc. 6 ;. has called it only the eoeA: 1
Ital._ roeimg'/ia.; q;. d. couinultz: Skinn. "-but all in his admirable defcripcion of Dover Clilf, which
thcfe wor.d• anfwcr only" to the former part of ftc'ep, chat to lpok do,VO,
this-compo1,1nd, viz. L•J<O<, tvJclie; what thci·other The· fifue~ men, that walk upon the beach,
is, viz. 13..,,•., neither the D11.. nor: any other Appear like mice; and yond tall anchoring bark
etymol. has as. yet. informed me.; Skinner hew- Diminilh'd to her ·eocA: 1 her coelr..a. bQUY· ·
ever has very properly defined· it by l"'"""" i11- Almoft too fmall for fight.
ftt1ori11111, tinllorilltn<; lie· enim d icitur vtNllieul"s COCK of 4 pn; " parum dellexo, fc. ab ar-
ljllidam, q_lli m-gra1ur ti11tlorio, frt1tlu ilieis co1dger11, euP.s 'IJeteris tmliti.e ad .JorllUM• rtcmtioris injlru-
•~I potiu! in jlcu l11dic4, 1111/'!tur, qu!que (flmdi- · llltllla, .fenfu ; ab l[~. .cotca;' t~nu fagitl.e·;. eoc-.
jjjfi-111·prnp11rt11111 colorem t.~b1be1 ;-ft1ll rliis docs · ""'• atcoccar6 ;< fagzu- ar&#1, aptan: Slunn: :
not account either for l3at1x-., or 11eal :· B«t••• is lo 110/eh tbe:·a"IJW.; Jo· wake relllij.
undoubtedly derived a_ BA ..7..; lingo·; lo dip, dyt, · CQCJ( ef: b117; 1'tf>""'"• cap111; "'f>tX«; hity htapeJ
or .tinge; a~.d> perhaps· 11eal m:iy be eithe~ an ,llP to. o P•int·;. « ~inc, a ~op of hay.; quod e~iam­
lnd1all' term1natton, expreffing the. fame thtng; . •own .pro eodem.1n Cantte .ufUFf>atur, fay.J Skinn."
or: may be only a.diffcf.lnt dialect o( 11rv11/us1 110• .boo«al!tem 'l?P proculdubio onuir a Sax. coppe ;
'IJtllus; new; tbt 11tW·ill'IJt111tJ, or 11tw-difa0'11t1,,J izptx.~ q• d. "I">- fcu'llftta Jani : -he lhould have
krry ·ir: th1>art of d]i11g :· and: then it. woqldJ 1;1e t_r o01/dttbHJ'a'littlc farther, and told us,' thac the
det'ived'a Ntor. • ax.- C4ppl was prot11ltl1thio derived from cop_ul 1,
€0€K' }K••••{"l- tot:&a:ill; ealllo, "l'esHM• and that r11p111 likcwife was proe"ldubio.:detivcd
CO'CKEREL his; "' gal/tu gdfli1111tttnT to from Krf'a>.•. ,
COCK's-eom6 irflW lllt't.11 ""A: :,._minime in- COCK 1J .boop: it would be; ·dillicult to..iiiter•
terim prztcreunt!um,, fay-. Jlin .. quOd ~.,, pret this exprdrion,- aad trace out. in dcr.iv. ac•
Hcfych. exponit' "'"' AA"'Te••10<, gtn11J .galli gal- cording to· me prefent orrho~r. ~ bvt if it were
lhtatei : " item eri)l11 galli; q. d. gizlli pellm, et to be· written '''It a 'Whoop, it might originate
fanc pt.llm ittc;jiuris ( mri/uris) fais jalis grapbiu .from Lxxv{.,, or K.,xcz>... 0.-1~, quod H efycb.
exprimit: Sk-inn.''-and from hence, tho' w~th a eoxponit. ,..,., ht is izll roelt 1J wbQDp, i.e. ht 11111lcts as
different orthogr. 1J filly, 'IJ1Zi11-fellow is fuppofed •"'h 11oife as 11 totlt trowing, a/IJ is as prottd.oj
to have been ·called • COXCOMB ; as the Dr. bi•falf i• IH alliM: R ay in his Pro.verbs, p. 183,
Jikewife informs us under that art. : •"verum, oCt°. has written it to flt nclt 011 hoop; and ex..-
q uoniam co1tto1"/J proprie jlultu• af[etlat111111 et tit plained it thus: " fpcik.en of a prodigal, .i. e-•
.ft f""l"ifice fantitflltfll 11#fal·1 q ui a 'riftam /11-, one who takes out the fpigget, and lays it upo11
•Jlitr galli fttptr/Jkntis•erig it :"-0111 who is tU '11ai11 the barrel J ·drawing out the who.le velrel wicbout
~,,J /1S p7<orul IJS a jrtJlfittg roclt, UJitb a bit/I interrniffion :"-this interpretation may be- vcr;y
Wt/Jttl ,,.,,,-6. ·nruch doubted, bccaufe it is an , a~Hon,.. which a
t!:OCK app'llrd; a ftrange diftection of the Fr. fpcndthrift, or prodigal, would :hardly . be guilr1
Gall. q11tlq1t ( q"'lqut) apparel/ ; altq"is apppr-11t11s; of, l mean to be fo careful abbuc the fpiggot, aa
·OF J>athcr 9uali1 opparatus t i. 't. "'"K'"' pompa, to lay it cautiouOy and cai:e£ully upon•
111.g111fS ft1jl1u: •:feel undc inquies ~uelquul· ccrte :cl> we might ~ather fuppck,. .that . .oa ' fuck1a
ab Ital. qtt11/cb1, idem lig11ante; hoc a Laa. 1ual11, Jolly occalion, 1n ·rbc gaiety of his ilcasr, he
q. d. q11•li01s: Skjnn."-.:crte a Gr. . 0••r, fio1or, would throw the poor fpiggot away 1 and tbea-
quafi q11oifu, 'Jf'oilos, 9114/is, qutl'lw;: what ltiiul, what would becomo.ofiMr. Ray's rod ma~ ?,.:...
'What fprt , _ foc the.latter word appar1/1 it has · fbould this.however be fuun.d ~ the uuucym..

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~ \vopJd_'the'h be:i.o' Greek : - for··coc.~, · a.s...,.,e -ca./}t11Jtlr· bJ. ti.I!)" great. ·a"'d f11d?!m fall cf r.ai11, '!Jl!J~­ ..
have fccn, is', Gr. (lbt bdn:tlc.C4&11; a11d the diwt · ing of /new, ·&c. in 1al'gt cities or tow111. '
llilt;co,ck;" l\il\(lflg 'ono;.•dcriv.). and H.C>(;ll.t we, lb all [ ;·1Y..QGKL£..~e;I,_ 1>E,£a.\he_r. cp'«cj, ii. ·~. SilJt. '$l<>C-
hereafter-.find to b.c1, Gri. ·l\'ltcwife. :. · ,; , ... " '. • ·.c_el,;.~q,ti:,'iai. ·l~l(m11' ' · ~~ cred.9.';. f:,1~~ S~i9-!\­
• -CO(:;K~ fwaiv,;. ' \ cpl'fup.t c ·J.'.c~al~,<o».·: - ~ " a verbo,ceocau, ilc~Dt:al~; ·1boa/c.,ef:t;Qakwt; qµ,!f
Sax. · co66rrain, . quod co1npohit:ur ex c066,. {c .. · fegeces Jir.aag11t.1;1 :"-but fo ';dp ·aU; 01her
qmba; ct rpatn, j~r"JUS : . L~c.::.,;....under .the . arc• •weeds.:: \' .fot thi£Hes g1·ow i.nftcad of wiu:~t, aJj\I
COAX, we have.Shewn;.t, or.koaf, is Gr..: co.ckle1nllead of b3rky.,; Job xxxi . 40:: .
and · we fhall lee thaw\.Y-:AJN is..Gr .. likewif<>. :.. tGrabl:li.ll frepe:q~ib11$ roapdavih1q,s nordea f11lc~
: · CQ<Z}<.'s-~rRIQE; cad<;s-tf.ead, i\Jf.j,~, · ., {nfoli..\I lmirJm1 ·e.c lle.rjks.M!11il!4l.lii'rt:<1ven_11:~ • •
illt1f30>, t era,. tt'itum ; : lt:caJ, ti oJden.;··•',eo.'fG,; frolU,. . . , ' •; iV. 'Jtl. !
.quQ .pro galli il1itu, i;ifctnfu; et '1Jtnend.co11cu/,a- · ..J...jf'tf1is .tbr.reforc'lle th~ 'trtt<; der~v. i~ comes from
liutu 11ftnpat11r ;.. Skinn.''...-wqo could not fee .the :tile Gr-. : fee Cl!OA.K. Gi. , . , . 1 :
Gr. deriv. • . ·; ' COCKLES, K•;l(;>.•s, :X.•xl>• ..<.~Qcb/ea; p _jbe!l-
COCKATRICE<; both Jun. :and Skinn.. cotild fifh•1 X.•'Xf'.,,. gyro, rolo-; . lo wliir.l, o~ .llWJ: ro11,,J;
find, that ihis' word •came a Fr. {;all. coqu.a1ric;i, ~· co ·b.¢l;wfe : tin fhrus of. lll<1nJ' fpeti;s .:¥/ lo.clde.s, at'#
'4·bich Junius add~;manifclle.hac·in .v'ote ~cas wrletitbtd,: camfer.ed, anU,flriat,et/.- .. • ......
1·eut. cptl:.; gallus; ·et ,adder;· 'lliptt.d,-:-..but·nei- · .. ·1 COGKNEY; "' pfetiom operre factUl'\J! , vi:
ther of chem could fo .rnanifelll¥ perce•ve that , de.o r," fays J uo. " Ii ·cafauboni etym. adjecrrim1
botli thofe words wr~e evjden.rly Gr. : fo1neti111es · Oix.•'l'"-"'" inquit vir do&us, eft domi 11a1us, et
1be cot katrict .js called in Latin bafilifcus. regul1ts .td11td(1'~ ; ·"''1''" "'~e".O""'Y"•"' apud .l'latonern. elf
fer:pcns ; 'n<Hl\ dt 1nin1i~un1 . decantatifilma .vulgo 1 gelllijmis· .4 1hp1injis, · qu ~ i11 11rbt 11afln, raro au}
fabula galli1U1tto jam ·effll1to .argue ""J11'1"1n jQl'a~extra 11.n1alitia·pM111fTia .ppi~m e~rur
pariente, quod ferpens excludic. ' • . ·, lit i .. rfrtlm. omniu.m, pr..e/Jr'fll4"' 'urbp114cum; pfan'
COCKER, "'.Kv.,.,, mifao,.c~qumi; ma/liter 'ha-. f>'<PtrJ , et .tx Jllfrti i1ifolt1itia'. j111ltus ,IJ)'f:Ut incrtd1tlM;
.bert, et lau1e :oliquem educart·: Anglor.11rn interim at/m(ralor :" 0>1< ~oho · bas 11/!'llfr la~ked beyond tbt
ilutricul~ • . =1lum~s Juis bl andicntes, nun,qva.m w(Jll.i·•fJ:?u .'e<wi'.11ative tif:1:;; a '(ltr;e domefiic.
non in ore habent· Ulud .,fuum, my,jW«t .. lit1J1 . 1COD?ff,(i ;, K»>~1,.tap.111 ; ctipiJo; ft:om (he large-
.cocJ:oy.: Jta1is{<o ·eft..diletl!'J,i:<ar.JJ'!' ca- IJt/I':flf iu..buuf. , ,. .. ·
p11f, ,e gti, e iJ mio ,co~co ; .babeo .411111 ill Jeli.tiis.: , iCOD, orpi!Jofil ;· " .Gr.seci ,KW•,,, lcltis hy~in~
.Jun."- tho' he.has nor giJ.'en,us the Gr. derjv. imponcbanr, et refiate '!it.a&~,:' au\orc; Lac.rtio;
COCK-ET,, or 11urfaJ up; "dicimus. dt ho11iine lib.· .H• .in IVIeoede1no. Nicno1fon :"- notwith-
'l!alet11di11ario, gu~ jam .detiufcule.fa babt1, et .eo11.- · fta11ding, the .limilaricy of foun!l> it; •is, i:vident that
'IJaiefccrt' in"cipil; q. (l • •tft,·, ..alaur.; r.011 th~ J>,_w;t,,. ·cou'lCI not ftrilUy ligriify.4 pillrn»; .nei-
11t- prittS languiJus: vel a :Fr. Gall. coquel«r; tbe:-r perhap.s djd chis ·gentleman. intpnd it lhould,
tarr.1 i1ijla.r·ga/li; gal/ir"'s juas,.uo.cantis :: .vel fuptrbe · for .K«l•«. ftgrf,if7, jkiiu, .fleeces·; ·Of' -as we. fhould
, inudcr.e, inftar gal/i in fuo fttrq!tili11io : Sk.inn."...- : ·fay , ·blanku1, aod rug~= however, fmc~ ·lh~y ~ave
in all which three io! ihe fa1ne orjgih a cont~exion. wich .rhe b.ed, ;and its, they
with COCK; but perhaps it might b.e .nearer co n1)ghr perhaps afcerwards.~e;.uJel't to exprcfs .//;tJf
(,leh vedf from COC&ER, above. .. - · bfind(e if jJ;int., whiqh· might.,be F9.\led •u.p, aqd
,:_:OOCJ(ET, or .titktt~ · K.eMet'.andSkioner ·de- und~r"t'he,,likl; a .pill~.; and fo be
rive it from <ock-boat.; "the Dr. howe,ver explains i; t ~ name of.a.co4 toj/ctp·on~ - it fttm~
it by .vox mtr<aloriis.,; .ell: aurem fcbtdula,· 1Jic- to be derivrd a._K.~•1n,.cub'ile~ . a .b.ed, qr pil-
tigalium mmuipes .fau pub.litani tefta11/11r 'Vttligal )ow belooging to 11 . ·
'mtrcium mercalore perj'olutum effe: qu~!l.fabtd11La, -COO'DLE ; Kux"~· e1iquo, ;t~!/qs; to ftthc, 0(
ofcu ·apo.cha cymb.e: a cujlom. htmfa-tiduJ. i 'lioit: ·vcl. ab A'Y.. • a~, ~go, ,c,pa~l11.r J coagulatus;
' . COGI<EY : Junius fuppofes that the coi1' of the to quail, or. .£urdle. ·
'(oiidrtil, · 3~ tbt coc1c.·of a barrel, hav~ the f ame . 1 'CO.DE , -:i. Kw.Y••» K;..J1£, "''](.ur, pt!Jis ovira _;
;0rigin; fo 1hey. undoubtedly would, if they mc;inq . CODJ.CI L Sjbeep:fldn, of which pm·cbmfltl'!l
.cbe fame ·t hing ,; bur perhaps Jbe cock of tbt con- . madt;ando111·ol~fwbi6b,la.uweref<'i·merlywrillt1t:
Juit means what is fo_metimes called /be corkt)', ; COOLIN; "ma!um C)'do.11ium, vel Co·101uu•; a
;.wh\cb is Only •a co.ntraltion of c1J11dutl11s a.qu-e; : quo ~iminutu1n viil~ur: L )(c.''.7 f:or propcrly,lb!
11.nil: if. fo,. the e1.1m. will. •be found un~cr the a~t.j •»a.iu.fll C)'d1Jniu;p, vel CotoJUil}p?is.IJ>e-.~ui:"e: we !ll~f
.CO NDl.;ltlT., and AQ.YBOUS ; nieaomg a/.ewer,• tl1erefo.fe · mther . fup,p6fe. ~11il · Sk uin·· cha! our
.or fondui:>, .10; '011d11fl, er ojf·tbe w.aur. ot.·l '''<or.d 4-'rJ!in:~& cl'er.ixed...ft<!tic1/ K~"<~••.a:q.11q, '.oftus;
:. 7 ma/111n,

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·C 0 From G R E E JC, and ·LAT r N'·. O · 0-
.mnlum, 'Vel pomum cotlile; q . d. colluiare, \•eJ·wc- always tends to the dt1ri?M11t and dama.~e of the
./i/iare; the apple that is ~tifil!J boiled, baked, 01· roojltd. one party, or other.
COD-'\VORM, commonly called caddis; "ver- COGS of a wheel, a Iwvy1', co1;0; to compel :
.,,,,;s trofl,e efca: nefci.o an ~ Sax. cobbe; ptra, the cog1 peing chofe pieces of wood which ftand
111arf11pit1111; fc. ab aliqua morfi1pii fimili111di11e: up like teeth, and by which the main whccl/ora•·
..Skinn." a K"'"'• Kw;, et in diminutivum Kw,/4w, and ccmpt lls the others into atlion.
K-..iJ•o•, pd/is ovina vil!efa; a pouch. CO-GEN1', :i:way•>, cogo ; to compel!, for«, irjcr.
COELESTlli.L; comn1only · written telejlia/; CO-GIT A TION; from the fame root; cogo :
.a Kt.11>.aY, cavu1;;; unde ctr!111n; the c1J11ca'Vt va11!1 togit'o, 1:ii n!it1.dfit, quam a11i111tlfJ' agilare; ab Ayr.: ;
of th< htt!'Vens. to 1hh1k; 1mrfe upon, lo 111tdi1au.
COE-LI BACY; commonly written celibacy; CO-GNATION, r,.,.,.,.,, ,,,.,,..,, nafaor, natus,
a Ko1>-•.P, ca:lebs ; a fi11gle, or w1man·ied per[o11: cog11alio; kindred; relatio11jhip; ~hiefly by blood;
R. Ken•·>:"""'• carens-/e{lo; without a bed-fellow. fometimes by adoption.
COEMETERY ; commonly writce11 cemetery; CO-GNIZANCE, r ..~vnw, tognofto; to /mow,
a Ko'1"'1"e''" co:meterium; loc11s, in quo huma11a to have kmnvledgc of.
corpor<1 mor!'llf1 jace111; a church yard, •IJJhtre ma11y CO-GNOMEN; O••f""'• nomt11; a 11/!mt; cog-
h11111a11 bodie.s j/up i11 peace: R. K ..,..,..,, dor111ire ""'""; a fiwname.
facio; toj/~cp. CO-HORT, X•e1•r, ut lignificet :!:uyx;•{1"'• co11-
COENO-BITE,, commonly written cc11obi1e, Jepta; eotlem fepto comprtbc11Ja; a cqmpany of men
"){,,,._13,", C!vnobium; this word ,'' fays Ciel. Voe. 11nited in one corps :-this interpretation natu-
53, " is perfetlly proper, and very feldom ufed; rally leads to another etym. viz. Xew~, Xe••'·
tho' even that word, all prop~r as it is, may be JEol. XewF0<, et per metath. XoeF•r.' cotpus; the
but a F-Jellenifin, with a variation of fenfe, of rhe body, a colle!five body of me11: we n11ght however
Celtic ken-ab-by, or pri11tipaf ably :"-the only. prefer the former deriv. bccaufe confirmed by
point now is to determine, whether every abb)' VoJf. " vcra 1neo judicio · originatio etl:, quam
was not a ttr11obiu111; K • .,,13,., eft v it,e comm1111icata: I-Jen. St~phanus, Jof. Scaliger, Jutl:us Liplius,
focietas, -co111munis monachor11111 habilotio; ex Kcwo;, et Petrus Nunnelius adferunr, ut cobors mi/itari.<,
comnuiniJ, et f'.3••» vita; a tommu11ity of iiviitg, a et vil!ica lit a Xce1" : tralationis caufa ell:, quod
mo11afiery, or tloijfer, whether large, or little, whe- uti v illica, ita 1nilitaris etiam cobors, rotu11da eJfe
ch er mean, or principal. foleat; quomodo et globus milit um dicitur.''
CO-E RCIYE, Aexw, arao, coeruo; to refirain, COIF, Ktq>..>-•, caput; the bead, or covering J~
flop. :he hetJd; a cap.
COERULEAN, " a K••~••, uvlum, c1Eruh11s; COIL up a cable; "c11nglomerare; ac proprie
the az11re cc/our of the heavens : Gr~ct dicitur q11idt111 fie g!omtrare, alque in jpiram convolvere,
Kv .. >io;, a K"~'°'' quod H efych . . exponit ,.;f,r ut Ko1.>.01"' qt«edam, five concavitas rtli11q11atur in
%f'•'/'""1o;, •e«vo,.Ji; : Ger. Yolf."-but lfaac de- medio, qua/is cer11il11r in anguibus, fumlnrfq11t in
rives cc:ru/euJ, a Kipfer, fu/v111 1 gii111t1, rubeus. circu/um contorJis; 3. Ko1Xor, co1:cavus: Jun.'' to
COFFER {Ko~'"" cophillus, corbis, qualus; a roll up a table in a circular manner, Jo thnl roery
COFFIN S cbefi, box, pamtier, bajlut. fi1cceeding circle jba!l lie upon the former :-not-
COG, or f/.atttr; " blandiri, a.ffe11tari; (j refre wirhftanding that both this deriv. and definition
conjicio," fays Lye, " ab hodiernis togges muta- of J un. fo exafrly agree with tbt toiling up a ca-
cum eft in cakes, e t d cindc coax; nautre enim ble; yet it teems Lrc prefers the deriv. of Skinn.
iftiufmod i per vicos vagantes fifris tlebilibufque qui " refrius fortaffe deBeCtit a Gall. cue;//er 1
9e naufragiis narrationibus, populo nimium ere- Ital. cogliert; ethrec aLat.colligtrt:"-but colligtrt
d~lo imponcrc folent, et pecunia emungc re."- certainly does not exprefs the c0Ui11g up a coble:
there is great probability in this deriv.; and yet a parcel of nuts 1nar be t&lleCled, or heaped loge-
let me cl.d i re leave to prod uce amithcr from ther-, but you cal)not coil them 11p :-befides,
Cafaub. 30S, 9, " ut aute1n verna, unde vcrni- even colligo is defcendcd fron1 the G r. as in the
litas, et 'Utrnacabu apud Latinos, p ro Ae•~xl' f.-rpe following art.
fumitur, ita et Grll!c111n o,"''l'""r ufurpatum olim COIL, or 111mult; Lye fuppofes this word is
videtur; Anglis qunque to cogge ell adulari, derived "a fr. Gall. cueiii<r ; Ital. cogliel't; ct
b!andc et vernilirer aHoqu i :"- to talk with plea/- b'ec a Lat. ccl!igere ; h inc tralatiti us Joquendi
i 11g b/a.11difh111e11t. . . J ... ;, ~ , : ·1nodus, to Kztj '' (tJil; ftrepere, rixari, 1:111. u!1:1a1·i ;

COG the dice; K...,;,, malo, vel damno aJficc1·e: ii, flrepitu qui fit gk111era11do :" but S_kinner de-
. as indeed every branch of that honorable pro- rives toil, or tumult, a Teu t. kolltnr, leu kollcre11;
feffion, ganiing, is 1tteflable, 011d dejlrutlive; and in,repart, objurgart; hoc"- nomine .<of/er, <al/are;
p q.d.

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c 0 From GR E E K,· and L A T 1 ~. c 0
q. d. aliqutm t ollari prthtndert; quod mi11anti1, et geek; jlu!tu.s; a fool :"- this is a new fcnfc to me,
pugnalurienti.s tfl :"-but, fnould either of t hefe for I never yet met with the word cokts in this
deriv. be right, thefc gentlemen ought to have figni!ication ; it feems to .be only a dilferent me-
rememberecl, that calligo is derived ii A•)'"': ahd thod of writing COAX, wltich we have alreadr
that 'col/are is onlv a diminutive of collu111; and feen is Gr.
confeque11tly deri;ed a Kw>-•» col!Hm, etr'!Ji.<; the COLANDER; lCw>.v,., impedio; inbibeo; to
11uk, or collar : Shakcfpear has finely introduced hindtr, prohibit, rtprtfs : this indeed is one aaion
this word coil in that truly noble and poetical fo. .of the colander; but the other is t o ptrmit tht
liloquy of l'lamlet, aCl: III. fr. z. fmaller, a11d /he finer bodies to pafs thro11gh; likt •
- - - To di to Oeepo- faivt: or clfc with Ii. Volf. we may derive eok,
'fo lleep ?-perchance to drearn :- ay, there's are, n Xu>..,, Xu>.'?"• jiuc111n t.<primert ; to prtfs
the rub: out juice, or fufftr any liquor lo pnjs through.
For in that flcepof death what dreams may come, COL-CHESTER; " it was tol, o r coin, gave
'1Vhen we have Jhuffied off tl•is mortal coil, origin to Col-ebefltr," fays Ciel. Voe. 69, which
Mull: give us paufe. afrerwards gave its n01ne to the river Col-avotr,
COIN, K,,rj.,, ... ,.7.,, e«rdq, eudo ; to beat,ftamp, contracted to Coln ;"-but this whole compound
j]rilu: vel a Ko. .. r,· communis; tht common drudge feems to be Gr. for <al, coll, <al, call, hal, ball;
'twixt man and m1m. Ciel. Voe. t 57, obferves, are all defcended ab Av»· •, au/a; a hall, or co/:
that " by the word coin, or head, is to be under- ltgt : and Chffttr we have already feen is Gr.
fiood the obverfe, or the only lide which in the COLD, f1>... , r'""'"'f'" '1r'%f'" ge/11, gtlidua;
infancy of coining 1noney, bore the fta1np; thence 11umb, f rozen: Cafaub. derives Cold, a Kf"'•
t he L atin cm1tus, from l<tmt, or kyn; the htad:"- Kf"'f°'• f rigidus.
confcq uently Gr. fiill; fee KING. . COLET; " olim. Anglis diccbatur acoluthur,
COIN ES of a wall; " anton! s i11 parietibus qui in ecclefia delignatus ell: ab epifcopo, uc fub-
Gr~ci vocant Ar""'""• ab Ayx"" cubitus; atque dinconos, et diaconos, ad altaris obfaquium ajfallanJ
inde muruati (unt Angli hoc fuum ioines; <juem- iis infarviat ; ""'° ,; Axo1•• &..., afequtmle; an ajfr}I:
admodum et Galli denominationem a11guli, qucn1 ant at tht altar; appointed chiefly in cathedral!;.
t oin nancupant: J un."-buc there is a conjecture and fo called from his objtquioufnejs•
.tn Voffius, which feems to have given origin ~o COLE- WORT; K<>•l.o;, cau/is, herbarum ell
the word eu11t111, from whence our word taints 1s idem, quod arborum {aude.r; the jl·a/k, or ftem of
"<krived; viz . .; cuneus dicitur mulcitudo pedirum, an herb; the body of a tru: · this however accounts
qua: juncta acie prima anguftior, dcinde latior only for the former part of this coinpound ; viz,.
. "ex utrilique procedit; quan1rem1nilitcs aominant colt, cauti, or eolly : as for the latter; viz. WORT,
.-aput porci111m1:"-literally a b6g'J btad; not the in terminationibus, fays Skinner, nominum her·
barrel, whicj\ we call 11 bogjhtad; buc as Ii. Voit barurn, it ftems to be of Saxon origin ; but we
adds, "rctte caput porti11um; nam tuneus dich1s may rather fuppofe that .war/ is only a Germ. or
~b •y,.,,, vel ·r,,. : ncmpe ab ·r,, ·r., roftro Jui/lo ; Sax. contraction of viridis, quali vert ; and con·
a t11j1u .fi111iJi111di11t Vbmtr jit di"it11r :"-chis' may fequently is derived ab Ir; vis, virts, vireo, viri-
be called a natural deriv. bnt there is a more phi· di1, vert, wort; to jlorijb, or look gru11. Verikgan.
lofoph ic:iJ one given by Abr. Mylius, as quoted however has given us a dilferent dcriv. of rolt, or
by Skinn. " Fr. Gall. eoillg deducic ii r.,.,,,., an- ktle; which fcems .t o carry fo1ne weight with ir-:·
' gu/uJ ;" a c01·ner ;- and> indeed the t1111tus, or wedge, in p. 59, he fays, " the Gerrnans called the
is noth1ng more than the· j1111flion of two liites in month of F ebr11ary fpro111 -kele; by kt!e meaning
a poillt, which forms 011 a11gle, or 'orr,er. the krle-wu-rf, which wee now call the cule-wuTI ;-
CO-IT JON, F.r.>, "i'"'• ea, ineo, 'oeo, i111111it10; for before wee borrowed frocn che Frech che name
immiffio11, immixti1J11. - of pot-age, and herb, t he one in our own language
COKE, K("'f'ilH· xu•r.,, vel K"e~•;-•0•11•, enrbo- was called k6fe (or pot,) and· the other w11r! (or
eq{/111 ; a bi;rnt coal; or fpetisJ of cindtrs made ufa fpror1t, or herb :) and this kc!e-tourt·, or potage-
of ;,, dr)'ing_malt, &c. hel'b, was che ch:ef wiotcr wu1·t for t he fo(tenance·
COKES: Skinner deri.,es it " ab- l f ifp. (Oto, of che hufbandmen :"- fo that, according to ti1ii
qu~ eft vo~, qua terrent infances; hinc hazer deriv, kele feen1s to lignify pot; but fhould eveCI'
eHcs, hoc 1nodo /erroface•e-; q.uia- fc. flulti, et . this. be t"\le, ftill it would be Gr. ; and originacc-
in/mrlts farill te,.r4ntur • vd ;'\ F~. Gall. cocbo11; from the fa1ne root wich cbal-dron ; viz. ax~;..""""
Hifp. ;orhino; porcellu-s; ct nos dicimus ti Jllb· -ert us, ,es; it lmizt• J:e1t.Je :- we 1night however
b~g-: vd quod mihi verilimilius fit a 'Ecut. ga11ch, . rarhcr adopt the e.tym ..and fignification of .K"vM<'.
3 ~

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C. 0 .From G ll E"Z K, and LAT 1 N. c 0

and t11ulis; becaufe Ray, tl1e an. eole, or, or habitation; i. e. tie place of ftudy, lear11,i11g,
as he writes it, keal; has g iven us a proverb to ed11cation. .
this clfcct, that COLLET of a rillg, K<.>.or, tol1UJ11; addita ter-
A firm good kea/ minatione diminutivl, ~t q . d . co/!11/11111; !ic ditlum
Is half a 1neal: quia _eft pars amrrdi, i11ftar eolii, vet g111-g11/ic11is
meaning K ..f iE•x•" broj/iea; .1hat·afir111 good cab- prolubi:rans; the bezil, or bofi/ of a ring, lo jet
b,,ge is palf a dinner. the dia111011d i11.
COLIC, Kw>.ixo., tolitus; ,ad toli dolorem p"tr1i- COL-LIMATION; Aul""• fardu, qu"' ab/1um -
11ens ; the eolic pa11gs, or : R. Ko>7'ov, i11- 111r j vel a Aff(.l.X~' AHy.w-r,,, pralilm, fctUJ ir1·igu111, Ii.
1e.ftinu111 eraj}im1, alvus: or elfe from Ko'"'"• v e11- mofus : vel ex 'Ii.uw, limo obd11cere; fimo o!)fin ert; t~
, ,,,., alvus ; the bdly. daub, defile with mud, or dirt.
COLICE; X...>-uw, impedio, inhibeo : vel a Xv""• COL-LISION, t..;.,,., !i.oJ..,.,, qua!i l.cdo, co/lido,
Xv>-•~.,, colo, are; fuuum exprimert; lo hinder the collijio ; a beating, or dajhing againfl each other:
grofier, and fuffer only the finer j uices to paCs Or, by collijio11 of two bodi~s, grind
th rough ; to prefs out Iiquor, and . rejlrain the The air attri1e 10 fire,- P a r. Loft. X. 107 ~ .
p \llp :-according to thcfe deriv. it ought to be COL-LOGUE, A""'"" loquor, colloqucr; par111n
w~itten either to/ice, or ebu!ice; but Junius writes deAexo {enfu bla11ditiis ten/are; to weedle, to jfalter.
it toilice, and defines it by " ciblls in morca.r io COLLOPS ; " Ko>.a.f3!'• ojf'ula ; a little mouth-
fubaCl:us, et co/o expreifus ; q. d. percola/11111 j11ftu- fu l : vel KoM ol),, ,,,.o,, cerium in dorjis boum: Upt."
lttm :·. Bdgis quoque kolliis dicitur ; vide ta1nen .:....this latter dcriv. would be but . a toug h mor-
annon . hue etia1n pertinea.t illud Teutonillre ftl :-perhaps rt niay be derive~ a Ko>.a..-1.,, lu11do,
kliijku1,.ell: coCl:um de capone, v.el p_t{/lo frull:atim . incido ; to beat, or lo chf1p ; as freaks generaliy
incifo i"-:-the aftion however of po11nding, and arc: or elfe a KoAoflor, i xo>..~w, aniputo, 1J'U!ilo,
palling through a colander, frems to have given 1r11nco; a fteak e111, or Jlitcd off.
~rigin to the name of tbis dilh : confequently Gr. COLON, Kw>-o•, colon; membr11m, pars period/;
' COLL; " KoX">r1w, i11cido, /undo, r.eftto ; unde part of a period ; a ./lop. ·
.Cymeric golwytb ell:. f r11ftum, ojfa; a fragment, COLONEL; ' '. d1tces tribu11i, feu Phy/arch,,
or ftrap : Jun." primum ill <oloniis dilli funt colo11iales; quod pojlea
COLLAR; ·~ K"»•>, 'i:ollum; x"1' •E•'Y"' (fays 11ome11 in mi/itum topias traduflum efl : Skinn."--a
Nug. he meant '•E•x.-) as Vorr. lhewcih; quod title firjJ gh1e11 lo the 'rribunitian chiefs in the <O··
nobile il/11d membru"!, ttli facrum tap11t i11nititur; lonies; and aflel'wards the army: but
tbe neck; that noble pillar· on which the head is COLONY is Gr.
Jupporttd. COLONNADE, Ko-""''"• vel K,,,..,., <alumna 1
COL-Li\:TED: Cl•f•>, fero, co1ifero, eo/latus; quod columen f11fti11e1; vel quod domum coiumen
c~nferred, to be preferred lo a benefice. pr.eflet; a pillar, or row of pillars.
COL-LA TlON, Cl'f"'• fero, /alum; lo bring, COLONY ; Ko>.•:.1, du urlo, ampttto: or from
or join loge/her; a tax, or an affejfmenl; a benroo- K"'""• membrum, colonia ; a tompanj, or number of
Jence, or voluntary cqntribution; a rhetorita/jimi!e: . ptople, dijmiffed f rom the mother country, and per-
jn our language it rignifie~ likewife a cold banquet. mitt<d to ftllle in another plate ; a branch, or mem-
COL-LECT l A•')'''> lego, co!/igo, dico; i. e. ber from the body politic, lranjplanted, or i11guifted
COL-LEGE S literas et fyilabas ore col!igere; into aJ1olber flock.
quod oculis facit, qui legit; to gather, cb11ft; lo COLOQ~JJNTIDA, K•»••••9", tu<urbita ; a
read; alfo to pl11tk jfawcrs; and to coojl along jbore; wild gourd.
in Latin, a; focitly, or 11111uber of fiudf!ltS, in a COLOR, K<>>-•<, pulcber, for111oj11 s, duorus, to-
u11i'1Jerfity. Ciel. Voe. 56, 68, and 131, n, by !cr; the complexion; the 011tward fa ew, or b1au1y
no n1cans admits of this deriv, but fays, " I have of a11y tbi11g : o r rather a Xf" '• color: the f ":Jtd I
many rcafons !O fufpect that the word col!egium; often interchanging.
fo currentl y, and fo obvioufiy ii colligo, COLOSSUS; Ko»•~~''• jh1t11J1 ingt11tis magnitu-
is neverthelels 1nuch more jull:ly, and more fenfi- rliniJ t n flatut of enorn:~usfizc, "'uch la1-ger tha11
bly, to be eveftigated fro1n the ancient languagr; the !if.: : R , Ko1·•~~"''• Cc!ojf&, urbs Afire Minoris ;
where it would ftand 1hus: hail-ig, (al/-ig, unde where perlfaps che inh abitants were 1a!le1· than
1011-tgt; aplau of inftrullibn, or education :"- then ufual ; or where thofe prodigious fta tues might &e
the whol.e compofition feems ro .be Gr. ; ,for hat/, fi;jl made.
a nd toll, evidently d efcend ab Au~.·•, au/a; a holi, COLT; """''' pull1u ; the f cle, or JOm1g if a
tourt, pr colltge; and lig as evidently d~fcends a more : Junit1s quo1es Cafaub. for K•>·"'· equus
,#Do•• Jfl't~ ; ~ndc >.~;i-;-~r, iof rts ; a place, dcfultori ~s1 cc/er, atl cu rfum ~p1us :-which is far
Af")' ·w, ·_
P i enouv.,h_
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c 0 From GREEK, aod LAT IN, c 0
enough from our word colt ; Skinner has derived Euw, ••~.,, uro, u.lfi ; which bears the fume lig-
,it from tl1e "S~x. coh:; p11!111s equinus :"-when nilication.
once the Dr. has ·rraced an E nglifh word to che COME, Eex•I""'• ve11io ; 10 co111t; 1-f go. •
Sax. he very feldom goes any farther; or if he COM EDY, " K.,,..,.,r, .., coma:ditf; a comedy :
does, it feems to be with relutl:ance. the poets ufe<l anciently co go about in carts from
COLU MBARY, K•>.v,o.IJ•r. col11111ba; a pigeon; v illagtto village, and fi?g their_ camediu, or 't"trfas,
or dove-colt: or perhaps lolumba 111ay be derived or oiies, or fangs : R . .K.:I""• v1c11s; a vdlage, or
aK•"u,..{3f:» urinare, f11b aquas immergert; quooiam jlrect ; and fll•, ode, vcl oda ; a Jong ; ex ..,./.,,
talis eft haru1n avit11n geftus; t1lways bowi11g and 'fl"', can4, vel canto; Jojii:g: Nug. -CJd. Voe. 0

bending thtbtad, as ifducking, anddivir..~ tt11der water. 125, fays, "the word comtdy does not owe its
COLUMBINE, colmnbina; the he1·b 'llerv ain. origin to K~:<-<•• in the fenfe of ' : ic was for
CO LUMN, K•'·"'"' vd K•"•'"' tol1111ma, quod its fubjccr being mirth, or familiar life, antithe-
eolumtn fujlintal ; vel quod domuni cofume11 pr,ej/.et; tically diftinguilbcd from tragi-dy, which turned
a pillar, or poft. upon ferious; fubli~e, or mournful fubj ecrs :
COL-lJRES, ".K•"•e•r, eoluri, circuli duo in Comus c.hen, dtc deuy of pieafanlry and mirth,
dotl:rina fpha:rica, fecaotes fe mutuo in polis offers a very natural etym . ; and I confefs, J can-
m uodi; ct per cuoCl:a (it lhould have · been not foe why Vo!lius fhould be unfavourable to
printed punfla in I-Icderic) requinotlial ia et fc>l- it :"-but is Gr.
ftitialia tranfeuntcs : ica d i1li, quod eorum pars, C0~1ELY, deunt; Mrtr•,, Mt?f"'' modus, ,,,,,,_
fc. cttttdo quafi, lempcr f11b borizo111e latent: cir- modus; co111n1odiou.s, beco11tir.g1 decent.
cles in the fphere, whereof the one paifes chro' COl\1ELY, bm1dfomc ; x.,..,..,,, Cafaub. x.~i"'~•
the points of the equinoctial line, and the other n111ndus, comis, et 01·nat11s; nice, 11ea1 i11 drtfa, per-
through chofe of the tropics, cu tting one ano- .fan, fe11/Kres.
ther in the poles at righ t angles ; fo called be- COMESSATION, fometimcs written com-
ca,1fo there is never more than balf of them above mejfati®, as fuppofed to be derived from com-
the b.trizo11 : R. K.oA~!.:, to cttl; and u oi:i, (;i{', (I. mtdo; but tnore probably deduced a x.,..,,, umu·
tail, extremity, end : Nug."- this indee<) is true lentus, accor.d ing to Ainfw. Jht god of revc/11,
in fact; buc this explanation does noc exactly , a.i1d btmque/fwg.
conform ro their deri 11. : the.y were called co/,,,·u, COMET, "K'l-'"1"'• come/a; a /Jlazi,,g ,;1or:
fays th'e Dr. becaufc th~re is never 1n(lre than R. K•,"'"• <oma ·; h~ir; becaufe of its tai l : N~g."
half of tbem above the horizon ; it would ha~c -here the Dr. might have . quoted the following
been better if he bad faid, becaufe there i1 (lite palfage from M ilton :
balf of :hem alway! below the horizon. Incens'd with indignation Satan ftood
COMB of a cock;' K•I"/'..'' ornattt!; qu ia eft Unterrified, and like a come/ bu.r n'd,
Galli or11ame.1zt11m ; ths cr11t11ne111, or dt caratiot1 of 1' hat fires the length of Ophiuchus hu<>e ·,
a Cl)Ck . Jn th' arcric lky, and from his horrid b~ir­
COJ:l.1B of corr.: if th is word be deri'lcd, ' as Shakes pefti~cnce, a_nd war.- Par. Lott. If. 707.
Sk inn. fu ppofes (under Coom) a Fr. GaU. comblr ; , C.Ol\1 -FOR f; Skinner could find [hat this
and if rhac be derived a_Lat. <11mult1s; (1he Dr. word was derived from Fr. G~ll; co11f01·tn·; !cal.
would not fay Ku,"") there is fcarcc any word can confor1rwe; and thac it Jignilitd 'Jo!ori, confolari;
have degenerated more from the original ortho- . q. d. coefiliis roborarc, munire, i1Jjlnicre :-:fo near
g raphy, and iignifica\ion, than·this word comb: fee was he towards difcovering, but yet could not
COOM: Gr. find chat comfort originated ii 4••e•'> f<fo ; uncle
COt'.1B, both fubll:antivc, and verb; K••""' fortis; a fe.-endo adverfa : to hear/Cu, jlreng1he11,
coma; the hair. and e11cour11ge, ;,. order to 1·e11der a .;p.-rfo11 flro11.-,
COMB in ter1ninationibus frequens; a Kol'-f3", and able 10 fupport himfalf u11!.c1· o.fftiftio_n, and t•
cao;;111 recef!us; unde S ax. cmnb, comp; Fr. Gal l. bear bis misfo1·t:mes : fr.; FORCE, and FORTI-
lum ; Gall. recens, combe; valiis utrinq11e colJibu1; 1"U DE : Gr.
a va/Jcy be1wu11 two hills. COM-ITATVS; E,,, E'I"• eo, cvmto, co111itia ;
COM-BAT, :l:v/f'-(3«1tw, vel n ..1•.,, con, Vt'I c11111- fignifying a county, or the affimbli11g what iJ called
/;11tuo, ferio, p11lfa ; t ojlrike,jight, o r flruggle with. the po.lfa c•milatt'is, or the whole powe1· of a county,
COM-BIN.<\'l'JON, A<r, bisJ biitdl ; combino, on any emergent occajion: or perhaps from K•l"••
•a?a t,. ~'"Y'""'' to couple, or j oin two together; a ;;icus; a v illage; tneaning a.fl the viliages, or towns
conjunflio11 of partie1. . it: f! C()tJJllJ .
COM-BUSTIBLE, five, uncle uro, bllro, com- COM- 11'JAL : from the fame root.
/;ur1>, combujlio; to burn, Jet on fire: vel ab C0!\1MA, K•f'f'"• tDmma, f egmen, p-arsperiodi1
a jl.p

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c 0 From GR l: E" • and LAT ·I N. c 0

11 flop of the jhorttjl pM»tr : R. x.,.1.,, fai11do ; to C01"1 -PASS-about; ......., , ..,;;, quaG ,.v1.,,
'"'• or divide a ftntenu. pando, Jiandi, paJ!lis ; cotn-pnff11s, cir,unr-p11J!as i
COM- lVIAND, M'" ""• ma11do, t lffllmcndo; t o tncompa.ffed, furroUJtded.
give orders. Ciel. Voe. 24, n, fays, that the · COM-PASS-mariner's; from the fame root ;
Druid ical " ul, or al, in the fenfe of a jlajf, was Gr. becaufe it talus in," or co111prthc11ds the whole ,
alfo called wand; and h'ence, fays he, to command, cir(!tmferenct of t he horizon.
derives from con-tva11d; them, and w ~onvcrting:" COM-PATl·BLE; res qure inter fe jimul t.ffe,
"-but we fhall fee that WAND is Gr. vel infer ft tonriliari poJ!unt; whatroer will bear,
COMM-ENCE 1. Ew, E,,.,, to, com-to, Juffrr, or endure .ftmilar .fenfation: R. TI"'V''"'• pa-
COM M-ENCEME NT ~ tomitia academica ; tior ; Jttjftr: fee PA'fl ENCE. Gr.
a11 academical alJ, 011 which the yearly account /Je- COM PELL; A'/J~'~'"'' "'">-•»ab antiq. Ar•~·""'
gills, and the to111putatio11 of rtfidenu is e11Jr.rt d. unde pel!o, compello ; 10 drive, fora, or thruft
COM-MENl), M <nv:., mando, commendo; .to along . .
ruq111,11und; lo introduce a perfan to Javor. COM-PEN DIUM 1 pond111, pendo, compen-
COM-MENT, M>a•I-'"' ' memini, me110, com- COM - PENSATION S dium ; wbatroer hangs .
mentor, commenta/or ; a de-vifor, inventcr; alfo together ; a concifa nbridgtmtnl; a recompenft.
1<vtes, or obfarvations en writings. COM-PETENCE l rr,9,.,, peto, competo ; 10
COM-1\;tlNA'flON; M'"'"• moneo, min-£ ; COM-PETJ'fOR S aj~. rcqueft; lo /Ht Joi-.
tb1·eats, tb1·er:!eni;J~~· · the fame thi11;r ; a riv.1!.
COM- MIN UTION : M .. v.,,
minor, mir.110, COi\lf-PILE, fi•>-ow, pilo, 'ompilo ; to heap up,
tcmmi11110; to mttke lejs, to lejftn, to diminijh. . to bring togtthtr, lo t ollefl.
COM-MISSARY lMr&••,u•, ex M,1.,, et 1",«•, COM -PLEAT 'l. rI>-•e••» imp!eo: R. Il>.1<1,
COM-lvHTTEE S millo, commij/io; a fandi11g COM -PLEMENT S plenu1; f ull, compkat,
cul with power, and authority to at'I, l o provide perfetl. .
things 1iecejfary fo' "'' army, &c. · COM-P L EXTO N } IL\1x.., plico, &fmpltxru; t11.
COi\-1-MO DIOUS, Mr~-., Mile••<, modit11.r, com- COM-PLIMEN1' fold many times 1 (onfti-.
modtlJ ; conv'.!11ieizt, adv nntagt(JtfJ, profitable : ve) tu1io11, compofition : " ti verba quib111 ali•nam gra-.
a KoJA-f'~f, e t K'.IO"f'OS', COJnis,, ornaltlS i nice, &uricttS; tiam cap/4mus; an i11fi1111ati1tg, ingratiating beha-
alfo a lady's htad-drejs. ' viour ; a fofl, eafy, gtntle deportme11t." ,
COM£1,10N, Ko<>c;, et Kc""""' com1111mis; ge- COlVf -P OS mentis-: rr.1,, Dor. pro rif"• prop•,
1terat, equal ; et OuJ.w, valeo ; to b: <veil, unde j11x1a; quia ti quid prope nos, ad i~ labor7 co~- .
wt!farr> w et?/, wealth. · fequend uin o pus non cft, fed plunmum- Jam 1n
C0£1,1-MO.HA'fl ON, Mo>~, tnora, commorvr; to nofha e.ll potejlatt; uncle po.J!um, pouns, pos; able,
abide with ; tc tarry, to binder, to delay : Mo,., ftror.g, fau11d in mind. ,
mora, > liter3 in r 1nu rata ; fie Mol'fi}' ::-ci,c1a-&i::t,, eft COr-1- POSE, 0.,, po110; ut n ll.•» dono; poji-.
111orari: 'I'h11cyi:l . tu1, t ompojitus, co111po;111s ; compiling, digejlil1g, ar·
COMPANION, E", E'I'-'• to, comeo, eomts; 1111 rr.11gi11g; alfo '11 compojition, or tompound: a 'ilccent.
11.lfociat; : Skinner with great fpecioufnefs has l'tgu!arity of bebaviour, or carriage.
deri ved companion a pagut, poganus, com-p11gm111s; COJVl-PRE-HEND, Xa•3••"• bendo, inullt:
uncle Fr. Gall. compag11ie ; h al. compngnia, a•- fed 11ndc prebe11do, prcbt11jiu; to la.y hold~"• ftizt
t umpagnare, comita'ri :-but, fhould even th is be 011; alfo to 1111dtrftn;1d. ·
true, fl:ill it is Greek ; though the Dr. would not COM- PUT ii.TJON, n,,,&«"1'-"''' nv9'1""'• pulq,.
tell us fo ; for he mufl: have k nown that pngttJ .
C(IJJJp11taJ1fj; a 11 a&co11nt, a
' .

was derived a rr"r•<, col/is : q uia p ri mi tits i11 COM US, Kw/'•;, Comus; commr.jfatir:num de1ts;
col!e, ftcuri tatiJ cau.fd, .£difi6a r.if.ruebant : vd a tba god of revels.
n,,,.,, Dor. rr..,,,., ff/Jts ; ut fi t illvrum qui fontt ex CGN ATUS ; K'""• vel Ko>·1{t1» <trio, art ;
eodem bibunt ; unde pagus ; a i•i/!age, or co11t1try vel ad ctr/amen me po.t'O ; a Kc><;, i. c. p11lvi1,.
/(JWn :- there is however another d eriv. of t(JJ11- quo a1bletar11m corpora obducaba11111r : f 1!.J1i1111re,
pa11ion o ffered by Junius, uoder the arc. fibb, fo i1!ftare, perjicert; to endeavour, jlrive, o.tttmpr._
very ingenious, that it defcrves ro be produced : CON-CAM ERATE ; Kai"•~·» camara, !cu
after fpeal<i ng of the d ifferent deg rees of rela- ca1i1~t·a:, for-11ix, tejludo; an arclj, vart!t) .Or ceiling.
tionlhip, he fays, " vidcncur interim hrec non le- CON-CEPTION, x .....1,,, i.,,.1,x.,,,.9.,,, Hcfych.
virer firinarc conjettu ram eoru1n, qui vocalum capio, concept11s; to co11<eive, 'fJ1'1tjJrth(nd, 11,"/.de1·...
co111paigno11, t6111panion, plerifqi.te Europa~is recep-
tu1n, derivanc it com-pa11i1, l:v~~1101 ; one who par-
talas of the fi1mc loaf."
fl and.
CON-.CERNJNG 1 Kf""'• ccrno, tc11cer110 ;
CON-CERN MENT 10 fi/1, d~f/inguijb, per-
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c 0 . Fro1n . G 1t! E K, and LATIN. C. 0
c1;ue tfuirly ; hrec notio plane .Barbara, fays reetangular triangle turning round its ~~ndi-
A in(w._; but there is. no reafon why ic lhould be cular fide: •
b randed witli fo hard a citlc; fince no perfon CONEY, Varro obfcrvcs, '1111i<11li diai font
(an thew a co11ur11 for onotbtr'$ fit uaticn, without ab co, quod jr16 terra cuniculos ;:aure Joltant ;
forming a judgt111t11t; witboui ptraiv iltg, difarrning, but does not cell us the etym. o this word in
and diftinguijhing hi$ condition. its prin1ary figniHcacion: "however, I fancy (fays
, CON-CER'f; i;:,,.,.., unde cai;o, conciJv;, con· Dr. Nug.) that tt 1nay be more plaufibly derived
(t11tt1.s, quafitQ.11-cano; e1J1J-ccn1, inc~e con-ctt·s; tojing :'l Kuw, i11 ultro gt}fo ; bccaufo theft animals art
togrthtr in tttllt; an agrummt, to11cord; hence urcd uery prolific ; bringing f orth their young onu
to fignify a plolling, confu!tillg, contriving lotgtbtr. oftener 1ba11 once a montb:"- there is indeed great
CONCH; Kc'l'X"• concha; a Jhdl; a hufh a pod. pl aufibility in this deri'"; but' that is all; for
CON-CILIA'!'£, Ka>.'"• xa~w, voco; to ca/J; \lo(f. concludes chis art. thus ; c<nn autem, Var-
undc f~l1tili111n, co11tilio; to in':.1ite1 or call to (Otcn- rone t! fte, ctwfr11/ru ex l·l ifpaoia primum fit ad-
eil ; to unite in "Pinion, ajftfliait ; alfo to 11ttjuire, veetus, non nbludit a \•e ro, ipfum etiam nomen
prccut·e, or wi11 favor. inde rcportaO-c.
- CON-CINNITY: Ew, E1 1<l, to, toeo, t oim<J,
CON-FECTIONER, .:>c,.,, jio, fr.cio, coitfetlio;
toncinniu, aptc compo/ilu$, commixtus: Vo!f. neat, chewing, ·digefling ; ai fo a/<Y kind of fweef ..1neats
trim, compall. · wade l o help digejlion,
CON-CISE, Ko11ra, vel Kcr1w, .7,.,.,, """"" cudo, CON-FEDER1\CY, n.,e..,, jido, jidu; undc
coidil>. t<£do, co11cido, concifus ; cut in pitcu, cut f o:d111, confll!duafiq; an agrtemffll, leagttt, or covt·
Jhort, or brief. nant: it fecms however more natural with Vof-
. CON-CLAVE l KA •• e... KA,>J.., Dor. K>.,;, fius to derive f o:dUJ a ;::..,,....,, quafi q),.;,.,, undc
. CON-C(.UDE ~ daudo ; lo }but up ; the room f,zdu $, idem quod :r,.-.,:,.., pacffcor, f 1Zdus into; lo
where tht cardinals are jhut up, when Ibey are ·to enter into an a!!iance.
1llll a p•pt : R . KAH;, davit ; ll ltey ; a K>.«i.>, CON-FER, 'l>'f"'• ftro, confer~ ; to bring, tarry,
_ 1/audo, to loclt up ; alfo to bring a11y fubjtfl lo a bejlow; or converje togtther.
cl#ft, or a11 md. CON-FESS, 4>...,, ~.,, f'~I''• ~"1"• for, fattor,
· CON-COCTION; Kviu .., mijuo, toquo, eon- confdfio i an at knowlcdging, or difc/tljing of fatls.
·t of/111; to digtft. CON· FEST ; 4'"'""'• 4•...,e"• lucco, appareo ;
. ·CON-COM-IT ANT; Ew, £,,.,,, eo, comeo, co- maniftf/, open, plain; or el fe wich If. Volf. we
w:itatus, toncomitalus ; accompanied, attended. 1null: derive rhe latter half of chis compound a
· CON-CORD, K•"f• cor ; the htar1; conrors, MPJ1>u«, M'l>vis-o.. , uncle maniftflum, quafi coll-l'rror.
1oncortlia ; peace, agreement, harmony. CON-FJGULATION, 4'•rrw, Jingo, figlilus;
CON-CUBINE, Ku,,.1w, cap111 du /inq ; Kv{3.,, a poller, or worlttr in clay.
t>ttmbo, concubo; lo lie down with ; an harlot. CON-Fl SCA1'10N, " 4'1"~""• aluta ; unde
CON-CULCAl'E; A,.(, c11I>·, <alto, tOJ1cnlco; 4t"o-x~Aa;, undc: fife-um ; i. e. principiJ 4rllrium :
to trt'lld down ; lay wajlt. Volf.'" the lreafury of a prince ; or any f11m for-
CON-CUPISCE.NCE ; o...,..,, coeo, 1011t11pio, feited to the jlaff, and conv eyed lo the e.•cheq11tr.
~11rupifce111ia ; an tagtr, tarntjl dejire ; a longing CON-FLIC1'; " <l».o{3.,, pro 0>.1f3w, jligo,
/ff, C0"1;e/j11g after. premo : Volf.'" to cpprefs; 10 ;1r11ggle with; •tbt
CON-CUSSION, n~?"~~.,, IJlloj[o; q11atio, c•n- violent ragillgs of dt'Vot1ring jfamu.
cu!fiq; a violent Jht1ki11g, or dajbing together. CON-FOUNDl:i;,,..,;.,, fun~ libo; to pcur
CON·DIGN, A1nc;, ide1n quod AIX1o;, .0.1y,..,- CON- FUSE ! 0111 ; co1:fu11do; to mingk i
vc•, et 6'Xl"'•t¢~. accept11.s, g1·atus ; et ftfaipic111 ; confufa, 1111d blend together ; alfo to dejiroy: or dfe
R. A•x•,"~" tapio; to t ake ; as when we fay, i X1~, Xv;, vel Xvirw, f1111do; to po11r out.
L•f him be taken away lo Jrtffer the punijhmtnt due CON-FUTE, "'"'"'• ~~, 9"1'' • ft>r,fatur ; futo ;
to his crimes ; equitable, and difervi11g. ccnfrtto; to tQh/'raditl, tonvi11ct af trror, er gainjay.
CON-DJTIQN, A•t"'•"'• .o..,, do, co11ditio ; the CON-GEAL, "r,, Iara; the earth; unde
jlate, make, or difPo/ition ef mry thing. gefn; froft: Lircleton and J\ ini\v,'"-this is rather
CON ·DOLENCE, A•>-•w, doleo, .o.,>.,.-1;; grief, coo di !lanc a de'tiv. ;· for cold, and f roj1, atl'<ct
ajflil1io11, Jorrolv. • <Valer, and all other bodies, as much as ear1b :
CON-DUC'f, Auxw, Aux.vw, duce, condufJuJ; we may there fore look on gel« as derived rather
lo lead, i11d11a, mot•t, ptrjuade. a r!·Aa., rii\aiicteo~, "'UXfDI', f rigidum, ge/idt1J1J; told:
CONE, K.,,.,, t on111; 11 mathematical figure, · ii efych. ·
orood and rouf/d at the b~llom, with a /harp top, CON-GEE ; " F r. Gall. lDn,re ; I u L commial~,
,Jilt: a fpirt or a f1gar-/01Jf; and is generated by a v enia, /icc11lia .; .b611d cum v emd difcedtrt ~ omn1.1
. a L~'·
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c 0 From GR E£tt, and LAT 1 ti'. c 0
a Lat. tommea/UJ ; fc. quatenus commeatus li- · C0N-SCIENCE; r,,•.,,jtio; quaG ijto; I-lorn.
centianl hue illuc commeandi lignificat; nobis, 1,,.,., fciebal: Odylf. XXII. 31. i. e. l""l'" •/;'io,.
parum detorto fed non invenufto fonfu, quoniam conftientia ; a. knowledge, the inlernai witne s Pf
ple~umq.ue defcedentes honoriffro ccrporis jiex11 our rr"'n minds.
am1cos falutamus, tanquam veniam, fou liunriam, CON-SERT, E•e"• faro, confartus ; united in
abeundi orantes : Skinn."-it is to be· hoped the tonjlmflio11.
Dr. d id not intend this as a deriv. of the word CON-SIDER, Eew, ,;-;;, Ion. EJ'1w, ftdto, confi-
congee ; for furely he would not have us think dero; q. d. menu el cogitatione Jejixus (01tjido; to fit
that tongee. was derived fro1n commearus : perhaps down jixt i11 thought; to conltmplate. Voffius de-
rt ts 11oth1ng more than a French curtailing of riw:s · conjidero a jidUJ, i. e. ab £,,".,, video; 11nde
to11-ge1111, vel «n-ge11ujleflio ; a m11tual bendi11g of fedeo, more veterum, qui fpiritum frepe 1nutant
lhe Ir.nee to each oth(r, as ladie.s do, when paying in ~~ ; ut ab ¥nsp.'1-1,ftquor; ;/fof, ftr11m ; ~3or,/11dor,
their mutual conwlirnents: confequently Gr. ; a &c. fimiliter- fidus ab 11Jo<, quod eft Jonna, fpe-
r •• u, gmu ; the knee. cies, (OtifJtllatio; a fidtrt funt compofita &onjidero,
CONGER ; rory•,, tongrus ; et conger; a fp e- dtfidero, &c."-however, the forrner (eems to be
, ;u of et!. the more natural deriv.
CON-GERIES ( X«e•?.,, X110, X'°"• und e CON-SIGN, ri•rf'-•• fignum, tonftgno; to ftal,
CON-GESTION S gero, gtjlu,;,; co;gero lapi- jign, or mark ; oow ufed to fignify delivering up,
des, ti ligna; ftones and billelling brought, and heap- or tbfllmifling to 1my perfon'1 confidence, or lr11ft.
1d up by band; any pile or ftruffure raiftd by hand. CON·SISTENCE; lr"•"'•I;""'• Ir,,,fto, co/Jfifttns;
CON-GLOM£RA1'JON, KJ,wfw, glomero; abiding, fta11di11g Jaji : alfo co11gruo111 a11d agreeing-.
unde glomus; lo willde round, 11 bottom of yarn. CON-SISTORY; either. fro1n the foregoing
CON-GRESS ; either from Ay1>.•, Ar"e•» root; or clfe . fro1n A>.;.'I""'• falio, co11f11/o; qui a
nr•P•"'· Att. A')'>l'J''fY."' cqngrego, colligo: or a qui confulunt, ratirtnibus in u11am fententiam q11afi
r ..f'Y"e"• r"f'Y"''f"" 11111/Jiplico ; dicicur de multi- faliun/ ; and we fay lo jump into the Jame thought;
tud ine inlign i : or elfc it may be derived a in todem coti/ilio, el ex omni parIt ftcum ipfa conftn-
r'f""r, grus, cong,.ex; 10 jloelt together like crants, tiunl ; a co1111cil, or ajjemb/y . .
·1be wlfaft of all congregating fowl: or lallly, which CON-SONANT, k"I"'"''''' T'"'' fa11u1, co11-
may rather ·be preferred, a Kf";"""" gradior, con· fanai11; a 1null, or ]eller which ca11not be exprej/(d
grtffiu; a 1, 11eeting, or affimbling together: R. Ke".I'", alone, but mujJ have a vowel plated either before,
ma<hintt rheat1·alis; unde gradus ; a fitp ; mean- .or afttr it ; and therefore m11.ft be founded with
ing tq walk, 111/k, and confult logtther. · a1101ber /titer; thus, M m4ft be founded with an
CON-GRUOUS, r'f""r, gnu; 11 crane; unde e before it, tM : and B 1nuft be fo1111drd wi1b ·a11
~t11gruo; a g,.,,;btu traBum, 'I'"" fa non ftgregaut, e afcer ir, Be: R. ! uv, c11m ; with ; a11d cf>cc>'t:, v~:~;
fi11e cum vo/ant, five c11111 pqftantttr ; tJ; t ome 10- vel 1'"''• fonus ; o found; wi1h another found.
.g·ttbtr in flacks, likt cra111s, who tlt'IJtr ftparale: CON-SOR'f, l:"f"" trabq ; to draw lou; quia,
a)fo to ag1·t6, lb 1111iJt. ex v afe aliqi10,. forltm juam extrahert q11ifqutjoual:
CON-.JECTURE, r,.,, Ir.f'-•, unde E....., jaeio, to jh.1re the Jame fat e, to draw the likt conditiqn ;
(!:gJijtilttra i t1 g111,jfi1tg, i1r.agi11ali OJJ, CC?lftil; '' 3, alio a king's wife, who partakes the Jame throne._
crmjeflu, i. e. direclione quada1n rationis ad veri- fir dignity .
tatem : ~int.'' ''" ain1i11g at tr:11h. CON ·S P.ERSION, k v• - i:..~f""""" """~e""f;;,
CON- j,URATION; Zrv:, deus ; undej11J; juro; fpargo, <011.fpcrgo; lo brfpri11klt, dafh with water, &c~
to11_j11ratiG ; to fivear, lo Jakt an oath ; al10 to cfJn- CON-SPlk£ , l:•••f"'• fpiro, "" .."'f"" confpiro ;
jurt ; lo enltr iilto a tPnft dt rary, or co1ifpiracy <vith to bn•ntbe togelht1' ; to conft11t, comp/or, or bandy
t'Vil fpiril.r, witches, d~11to11s·. . together : vel forre ii ·~ ...,?... by tranfp?fition l:•n-
CQN-NEXIO N, fo1neti111es written co11ne£1io11; f'S"'> contralled to fpzto, jlo, are; to ulow.
Ntw, netlo, nexus ;. a knitting, bi11di11g, joining to- CON-SPURCATION, f11,.,, in comp.o litionc
gether. E1<1wJv<oi, fpuo, Jpurco ; Jo defile, dmtb, b<v.vray.
CONN l'VENCE, fometimes. written c~n · CON-STABLE. l l.".1""'• fr'""'' jl.o, confl11bilis,
11Wa11tt ; N11)&1, Ni:vr«-{~1 niveo, cot111iveo Jo · tvi11k,
1 CON-ST ANCY S alwoy t firm, jietldy, 1111d
"111)/ lo fee a fault ; to paft over. a lra11jgre!Jio11. f 11rt on the. fide af j lt)ite,. tuul. tbe iaw. Cid:
CON-Q!JASSA'l:JON, contracted to to11c1if- vVay. 6, n, very .rudicioufly obferves, that the
60J1. G,.. ant iquity of t:be ct11flable't fraff reaches· ttp fo
CONQ!J EROR; Nix.,, by tranfpofition r,,,,,, high as the ti1ncs of Druidilin ; for, (peaking of
'!Ji nco·; quafi (011co ;,lo. O'JJtrtlmt~ van'luifh,f11b.due. the antient n1anncr of arreft, ,he fays,. " here you

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c 0 From Gr. F. EK, and L A T 1 it . 'C 0
l1ave al'fo t he moll: probable orig in of th( mJJgic CON -TACT l 0 1yw, tango, ca111nfl1u; toucb-
cfrcie; for, the wm;d of t bt 11u1~ician, was no thing CON -1' AG!ON S ed, or brought into conjwu-
but the /Jough Druid, uled in the arre11: ; a lion, or cloft 11r.ion.
cufto'!' prefrrved to this n1oment, in tbe jheriff.'J CON· T A IN , TH'"'• To~, Ion . T 1>1<0, unde teneo;
tvand, and Iba co11ftab/e'J fta.fl" lu:do; quoniam ljHrl! ~rtli ttucmus, quoda1111nodo
CON-STAN1"1NE l " Ko•r,.,7.,.,,..,\11, l e11di mrtS ; l o hold together, comprehe11d.
CO N-S'f ANTIN-OPLE S Con;1mrtiiwpaliJ ; CON-'f .Al\11NATION, M,,.,,.,, rami.110, coma-
the capital city of the empire of the Eaft, caking mino; 10 de.file, pollute, flnin.
its name from the emperor Co11/lanti11e, who CON -'fEMN, T ri'''" faco; to cul off; undc
founded it; and r.oi\1,, '"'• a city, Co11fl11111i11e'J te11111c, co11te11i110; f q to11temn, j et at nought, fit
<ity: Ntig~'' apart with difgract.
CON-STELLATION, vet eft id nomen ftella CON-·rEMPLATION , Tw43"" et T t}'}'H'o
a l:ii\'"'• lumt11, adjeeto 1, quafi I1ti\"'~ : vel a Tii\- bo11 r.1rari; ltnde T1p.f-tvo{, 1'tp.!#'o.-, t e;rtpl1t111, t()!zte111-
1'.co, (u11de A.. ix1iAAw, oriqr, et Av«1oAJJ 1 tJrims) pr;e- plor; lo nuditale, to think, behold cnrefutly ; " con-
pofiro libilo, quali I;1o.i\w, et inde flella : vcl l e11tp!•?ri difrum eft ii Umplo, id cft loco, qui ab
quod imprimis placer, fit ex Anr"• quafi A, omni parte adfpici, vet ex q uo omnis pars
after; a .ftm· ; a confte/lation being a configuration videri potcft, quern antiqui 1t111pl11m no1ninabant ;
of a number of .ftar~, colletltd i11to fame form, i11 Cc. co fcnfu quo t empl11m ufurpabant augures:
order to find their place in the heavens. v·off.''
CON-STERN AT!ON ; Ll•f""• l."10~""''"1• CO,N-TEMPORARY, erroneouOy written to•
:l:1e.,••141, ft trno, conflerno; lo flrow , throw down, 1tmpora1;• ; but co is never ufed in con1pofi1ion
flrike 1uith ajlonijbmtn/. with a confonant ; for w e wrice crmdlltl, conjlitl,
CON-STIPATION; r.'1..~.,, }Jipo, dtitfum fa - co1111ive, &c.; we do not fay co· te111p!atio11, to·
cio; lo fill up clofe, ft11ff, thwack, cram : " vet a fideration, co-figuration, &c .. ; confequently then
l:1vi>•» Jlipo : Vo(f." ro11-lemporar.1 is derived a T'I"'"" i. e. divijio11t ;
CON-STJTUENT; r.'1.-..,, 1...,,141, flo, co11fli1110; ~ft cnin1 quanticas difcrcta ; temp11s, coiltempora-
N appoint, ajJig11, ch11fa; alfo' the nalural difPoJit io11. rius; of the fame age, timt, flanding. .
CON-S'fU.PRATION ; I1v"', (pnnced by CON-TEND, '[',.,,..~ lEol. Tovw, 1t11do; I•
J\ inl\v. r.'/,;,, but there is nu fuch verb) te11tigi11e ftretrh, extend ; uode conlendo; lo labour, e11dta-
lobo1·0; ftupro ; lo deflower, to ra;;ifb. vo11r; to quarrel, debate, difpute.
CON-SUETUDE, Evw, Ev,.,, fu(o, co11fuetudo; CON-1'ENT, T'"'" n•;;, Ion. T.,,.,, tmeo,
ti cuflom, b.1~it, praflice. . undo; quoniari1 9""' arlU UntmuJ, quodammodo
CON-SUL l " dubitandum non cft te11dim11s; lo bold, ketp ; co11tineo, conte111111 ; I
CON-SULTATION f quin cor.Jul, ti co1rfi- 'am co111enud, fatisfied, well pleajed.
lh1111 fine ii confldendo ; 11 in i cooverfo, quomodo CON-TERMlNATION, T'f•""' tmnes, c~11-
nb e.~11/, e.~ilium, non e.,·u/i11m : confulo vero dici- termina1io ; 11.n J adjoining, bordering 011, ab111ti1tg.
cur a f alio ; Ger. Voff.'' fnlio ab Ai\>.•!'~' : but CON-'fES'l"; Tov.,, .lEol. To'"'• undo; to
lfaac is of opi nion th:it co11ful, t i confilium, are jlretcb, t"le11d, conttndo ; lo 'i..uarrel, debate, difpute.
derived a /din, vel jiila ; co11jilf itaq ue co11ji1liJ CON-TEXT, perhaps from T«"'"'"" .,..,E.,, or-
trvv13eor, et co1Jjili11111, o-vr1d°f1'v : cc11tifi11n1 vero Cll1n di110 ; to order, arrange ; bi:caufe weavers range
pro caJfu, ti congregatione atcipitur, eft ii conci- their threads before they work; tc"o, conte"lttJ; a
tndo :- bnt neither of thefe latter deriv. is che <vea'ving : alfo a, or f11bj etl of a difaourfa ; or ·
. original worL"i; for ! vi-il es¢1 originate-s fro1n che the connefi;11g of a pajfage.
1-lebrew Sanbt drim, or affembiy of priejls : and CON-Tl GNA1 ·10N, I1ry>:, t ego, tig11u111, a
({JY:Cito evide11tfy Orig ir1att $ a 'l:ttw, cieo ; 1nean .. 1egt11do ; di'. cnim Irabs, cui te[/um impo11itur ; ton·
ing here, . to fumm on, or call together : if how- tigr.o, cf;11tigr.alio ; Jl1e rafteri11g , or boardi,1g of
ever we are co abide by the d~riv. of fella, vel roofs ; a floor, or .ftory of a ho1!fe.
ji/!11, the Greek o riginal verb is !\?•14~1, fedeo , CON-TIGUOUS ; 01y•'• tongo, co111ig11us ;
undc fella ; the f eat of judgemeirt, or th<" judge- adjoini1:2 _, very 1:car, to-11chii.'g ea(h other.
ment feat. CON-1' !NENT jilbft. from the fame root 'Yich
CON-SUMPTION, ...""I''"'• per apha:refin CON-TAlN; bccaufo ic con(1fts of a great many
Jumo, confumptio; a wnfli11g, du li11ing , orpiJJi.11g li'llJay. cou11rries, all con!n-ined i-n IJJJt.
CON -SUl\1tvlATION, 'T"'e· ji1prr, fupremu1, CON- TlNGENCYl E>.y.,, 1m1go, ro111i11gil; to
f ummus; ur:de confummatio ; a pufef/ii;g, accom- CON· Tl NG ENT 5 bappt11.
plijhing ; the f111n l•tal of any amou1J1. CON ·'l"IN UATION, T"'"" 7,,;;;, Ion. T"•~, u-

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.IJCb• tM1liH11a1io 1 a jpiitin_f," o.r pro<efJin&_ wi1ho11t· ,trh~i> tr,it11m i. well tooni, con/ultrfd, ·ahil. ruor.~
flll)' in11rr:1tpti'{11,_ or br~fkil'§.Pff. . . . fulei·ttj,:
~o~·r1~·BAN:Q i 9Alf.,GT¥~i.. h;¥( S~?J! ; .. ~·.M~ r•e "'~e ...""" •eif?'<". ~.. ".",,,,..1,_i_ • • ..
being compounded of A•11, 'vel A•1'"• '°'"~r<1 ;: e;t .f;.(t emn1 v1.r fap1t:1).s-~t.irxtri(lta1.iffe11111~ ti! h,14 r11b11s,:
abam1aJ1, p:ibliufr~. ; · f!f§Oi.fy.i!JIJ; po1111, tOJ1/ftz>."4iil/u.m . F9r he is 'fife, and '!lrrftl tn ~thi:te -:iffiiirs~ - -
priluipis advetla 1 bo11a ediElo-::J>robibita ; 11 Ji de- , . .Eurip. l\il{:<{ea.-686.•
prehe111i.~111ur fifao llddic~nda· ; .. goptis p,-ohib~t«/, . . \:ONT-ROLLER, 'p•~'~• · :{',&..,. unde "rota,
~~[!4,g,6~dt;· gpofl brought into· die kfng_~TIJfq/~- · ;~{ufi: ; u9de Fr_. Gall. fon.{re~r..4/k,_ cp>1J,l'4_-tU<4r(•
~JM~ ~P:ifi·~p~n.lf,ltlll;., . . , , ' , ! ,1: 0 1.. !~optra_d;tl,_. gai::Joy·~·- ~epro'I.'{'> ·~>(•effti1!!r., t(!l~tr-,
. nCQ~·liRA.CiI:lO~, ·*t"'f~"'' ~f"tlt• ' 'tifqo.. J1:eaor: s.kinn. - who .t~.~!l.J·r#e~$>.\IS .rq r.~J.
eontrcAfl~, f f"XU'll•'ef>;;lfl"Uf!P/• dT'fb'U!.'l IJJt, or 1 .w1th9ut . hin~m~ l!t the_ -Gr~: P.cnf. .'~ .l>11t .we
made ~lw•e!l· t!Wo. . . , 0 .., . • . , ' 1nay rather denve roll· in this p,\act, 1 il, rep/a;
CQN1.R.AR:Y, A'o1•,JA>1•e~' qv,eft, ·'f"/!'@• ~9nr <1-nd then . 9edu_cc it ab AfX.."'• queft 'P.*X"• r(gO;
cra<n1;d t9 °«;9111r1.1 ;<· unE!e 00_11,tt/l[iJt;S•i ppppfi~iQn, . uqde rtgula ; rule, gove171, M1'(ll1 ,
4ifagrto/l{nf; on 01P9/i(~,JiJ(s;, 1 , . ' •• •. <,:ON-'fRQVE RSY, Te''""'I> ,Q'laJ,i.,n1f7"'• v(rto•
• C.PN'J;',RA-V·ALL,A1'10.t)I iv .'' A~1"l"•· :<l>#• 'i <OIJ/roverfia ; , a .. d,e{J.111t, qifp!'llJ gqarrce{; 10. eon-
<!>~>.>..,, pqxi/111~ ;, lll<<«"p\0<, '1•l''"I''• Pl!llf:~, pa.111.1, :radil!; oppoft. • .•.' . · ·
wil11S; <!>~°'' ~"A>.•I, VoJT." a pau, pa!Jijade,, CON-T£:JSl0t{, 'l'vi..1.., .nuJq,. JU11M 1 eo11tujio ;
pl.ft, or flake. . battering, beating, brllijing.
CON1~RA-VE.NTI01'f, l"1•e"-n.."',B~I-"• u... ,, CON-VAL~CENCE, Ou>..,, 'llal:o, eo11Va- -
eo111ra-ve11it>, ventum ; a {'0"11{er·t11~efi'!t;, afling ltfco; to re;O'l!er health. .
contrary tp, in oppofitio11. , . . • . CON-VENIENCE la.,.,, a..,~.., . a....,, vt11i.11,
CON'I'R.E-Ja,,ce : it is.etymology alo11~ that : CON-VEN1' S ca11ven1/o; I• come tqge-
.can e!lablilh ~he propriery of this orthography ; ther: or clfe, with Ciel. Voe. 61, 11, we may ra-
as for writing it Cq1mtry-dancc,, i~ has Jleither fenfc thcr, fuppofe that &onvtnt has defcended to us
nor meaning, unlcfs thofc kind of dances were frpm our Celtic an<;dl:ors; (or, as he obferves,
at ·firll: invented, and foleJ.y p'actifcd in the (QJtlJ - " i( it h~q come from the i,ati{I eonvtl)io, or
try; but they are danced at court likewife : it convmt111, it would forcly at fome time or other
fctms 1nuch 1nore prob~ble t~e.refore to derive have exilled in th~ Latin in that.fenfo; but,,. ••
contre-dan(t fron1 the French word con/rt ; oppo- naflerium anp ttenobium have been confrantly the;
fit<, or contrary ; becaule the partners perform ten11s for it in that language :"-he then would
fimilar moveinents on oppofite fidt1, and dance di- derive it from eoJJ~wonJs: and in p. 52,, and I 421
reedy c~ntrary .fa each other ; for whenever the he fays; "hojf, or coff, or chief, lignifies beaJ. :"-
gentlenun crofies over Qn the lady's Gde, ~he.lady cool'equently Gr. a Kr,«•>.JI : and '' 'UJ(Jn, .-n,
at the fame-tin1e .croffes over on 1he gentleman's; or min, are the fame, (the t being only the .com-
~nd whenever the lady moves down the lady's 1non Celtic paragogic) and ligoify manjio11, or,.,_
fide, her partner does the fame on the gentle- fidentt:"-co,nfequently Gr. a~fu-.,, ma11·CO, ......
man's :-only now, if the French have 'the glory furn, man-lio; a head manjiotJ, or cbief ha6itotiM. ·
of giving name ·co this agreeable amufcment, CON-VERSE(Te....,, quali U1e1.,, verto; I•
they muft not however afi'ume the origina- CON-VERT S tllrll; to 'fiifaourfa togum; t•
lity of tbe word itl~lf, which is undoubted- ea11Je a ch11nge, qr re'llol11ti011. •
ly Gr.; as may be. foul)d under the art. CON- .CON-VEX ITY?_" cAiWtx~m tft id, 911.0/i fttprq
TRARY. Gr. · CO:N-VEY S con<ov11111 ~oirvtbit11r 1 fays
CON -TRECTATION, ,),.,.,, trabo, contrrEla- Vqlf," .Y'ithout giving . us' lbc, Grct:k etym. of
tio; a touching, handling ; Jallianu. vebo; which however · he does afterwards from
CON-TRITE; Te•/3"'> tero, trit,,1111 worn witb Ox"•» JEoJ. F•:ic."'• '()eho ; to earry; tO'IJtxity bti"l
rvoe ; 01 what th~ P falm. has fo literally faid in a body that h4,s a fwe iling (llT'l)4,/Jlr, &1Jrrie4 tnl"
Pf. Ii. 17, the focrjfice of Go4 is a troubled fpi- it ; alfo any mtthod of (1Jrnjag1. •· •
rit; a broken and cp;itrill heart, 0 God, fualc CON-YICTION, N,.,.,, by tranfpofition i.....,
Jhou not defpife. r.•..,, vinco,. co11villio; 'Qan.quijhed, overco1t1t, prov-
. CON-TRI VE, " Teut. trejfe11, at1i11gere .i td manifeftly guilty. ·
011/rtffeJ.1 ;, offe11dere, in'tJtnire ; I• invent, find C.ON- VIVIAf.,; B..., . inferto digamma 1livo,
•NI ; unde G11.ll., contrquvtr ,; excogitate, ex- quafi.B1Fw, vivq, 0011'1Jivia/i1; ~el~11§ing lo lift; lo
tu11drr1 . : " Skinn.:' - then '\'C might fuppofc banket ; to partake of tnl4rtai1U11t11/J. •
that all tbefe words were defcendcd from tjle CON7 VOCA1'ION, Bo•, vo&~, colffJ~'"ti' ; ''
Greek verb Tr1(3.., · lpro 1 q11af1 eo11trib411~e, ca~/ together ; 10.{1.Dtfllbfe. 1 •
. Q.. CQN-

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c 0 From Ga ! ! 1., and LAT 1 K • · c 0
~ CON-VCLUTION'tE1A111, t1>.w, prrepolito di- · as Sax. ; but it is evidently d,erived from Kr11-•~~.
CON -VOLVULUS S ga1nma, quali p.,".,• vol- 'aput ; though. Skinner likewife could get no
'tla; ;vol11tum; to roll, lo tumble ; any tbing rollta or farther than deriving the Su. c6f, 1 ·caput; mean-
·nrttd "P : the herb withy-bind, or bind-'fl1ttd. ing a ·cock 1f ba,.
· CON-VOY: fee CONVEY : or rather, as COPE, or buy 1 Ciel. Voe. ~10, n, fays," the
Skinner fuppofes, ab o ..., via ; unde VIJ)•agt « i11 reader may pleafc to obferve the analogy of words
"llid vel iti11ere comilari :" a ma11 of war 11t1lll(/ing in the examples of'' cope, ofw'fl'Jo, and of,,.,.,;.,
a jlttl ~f mw&hanll#OI lllr part of their way ; fating all including the idea of bttld 1 for coff, Wll, 11H,
.thtllf fo /ar /fife 111r thtir voyage ;-though the Dr. ~ the radicals, lignifyi~g bmtl: DO( imP?lli!>'Y
-bas avoJded the Greek. · · · this, from the 'Very ant1ent cuftom of carrrmg.
CON-VULSIQN, " E>."" A9•".,• inuf. pro on trade chic8y by l?tatlJ ·.p '"'Jlt
1 long bdOrei
A~"'f'" : vel potius ab E•A.,, five E11'>..., quod and fince the ufe of money was k1'10111n :M-bu!
.idem ac I!;"''"'• hoc- ell &ogo, &oar!fo : VolT."-unde it is to be prefumcd, not before ·Krp-.A• fignilled
vtllo, to11vulfio; • plucking, or twittbi•f of tbt cap"t :-however, lcr tjic cult<>1n Mft been as
.nerves; I. e. llH "'""'/'• or a·fpafmoti' dijtenjlon. anticnt as he pleafl.'S, ftill our word c~t map
COOK, K!'•<..,, tllifceo ~ to '11ix, or mi11glt fa11ct1, fiave been derived either fron1 Krfl-AA-", or g,,.,.
anti ingredi~11ts. •>.tuo:: fee CHEAP, and CHEAPEN. G r.
• COOM, commonly written· co111b of (ont; Ku,..., COPE, co111md; Ko..1", t.etlo, pert1tli•; to Jlriw;.
j111,"hu ; quali cumu/111,.vel a<er-vus "'!""'; 11 bet1p, to ftr:tggle with.
or pilt; tbat wbieh is ""'" aiuf tibovt mea/11rt; now COPE of btavni rKu;j,1J.~, a!vuzre op111r.;.
ufed to lignify fo"r bujhds : lee AC-CUMU- COPE, or hood tl'abeaJattrdotalis, vq1i;
LA'I'IQN. Gr. . COPING of a wall Jacra piiroi&Lis: 11 pritj/'1
· · COOM,or'llaflv, contracted, according to Cid. garmmt with a hood. i11 cofa of rain : tapjlda per·
Voe. zo3, n1 fron1" .-o-bum, -co1mt!li11g two bills:" haps originacing a K..J.v,,:jw, condo ; to hide, con·
- confoqut<ntly Gr. ; for co is the fame as '~11; Clal, or CO'Utr; vel a K.<>..1~, t npia, cnpfuia :'"-
and con is the fame as " ""; and <llm originat(S tbongh this is the lid!: deri v. to be obmincd from
a :i;., : bufn Wt: n1 111 find to be Gr. Jikewife, our dittionaries, and etym·. ; yt't it fcenlS probable
under the art, J:.JUi\t :MOCK : C'rl'. that cope no\v is <mly a contl'aC\ron of g.,.,,..~"t
· COOP, to (ba11[t,.or "<r..JJP; li>-tb,,ffer, or ex- tan'!'"'""'• quafi co11'ti'pr, concralted to Cilflt ; to-
tba11ge ;· low Ducch: lt3y.~-but we 1nay ·rather lignify the canopy of heaven: as for t he- foping of a
fuppofe it was nothing more tl\an a contradion of wall, Cafaub. deri ves it it Kr~~""' taprtt; ibt btad,
K<4n>.cr , o,. K~11'rJe-sv, uride cttupo, 1n11pon11ri; p(t"- tbt top, the covering of the w all.
rm11ati6 ~nitn antiqui/fimlffll c()1n1;1crcii gtnus f11it; or COPIOUS, Our.1;, vt-1 n ..,,, ops, opis, unde·
as· we fay to CC)PE,. or Ct-i OP, a11d change. opes ; et <0p1, •opis, ccpi,,, qua fi co-opia, ex (Im C$
COOP /01· fow/J; Kee<, quud iEol. Ko;>o;,«>VttJ, opu; undc copiof11r; p fn;f'<o111, oln111dm11, 11boundiHfo
,((\•ta; a eaxe. COPPER l" K~'"' : P liny calls it ~s C,)-
COOPER : " x.p13.,, orppn, vel c11p11 ; dolifflfl, COPPERliS ~ pri11m·: R . Kv,..eor, CJprus; ibe
lit1a; \lnde <c*flc\r 1 'i.Jitlor, doliariu1·; a n1tzkt1· 6}' iOc of Cyprus:· Nltg." · •
<afts: Skinn." -rhough Janios' is rath(r·of opi- COPPICE l" ·K...1.,, ar• ~;; Kor1•"• 'fllv a ,.,.
nion w'e ougfi.t ro .derive tooper, ii K • ....,rw, q t1oc! COPSE S· d11a; '/~pr wood: Upt.'"
Hcfych . ex ponit Kap.~J"> ~ r'lri Tt4, a.;.~E;., ?''~~tlM'I, C01:'1'-J:noile ;'•o:' kno.w lr 1 ·' " tht I~ 'of 'd bi/~
eor.camtratio pln11ftri1 frptri11d11!111.-; •H K•1>•'" dic- riji11g liiie·a cor.e ·:·•c•P' fro1n CY!jJti( ; nnd .kn•ilt, or
tum fit, qua() Kv~i•>, q1<i\ct obltA'tri11t knew/, a co.ntrnlti<fli of nt1vd: ·Ray:~'-and· con-
'I.Id~ itu~rvati1 vi111i11ibus i11flrtr.I<:-in the fame'ld)' both Gr; ; '.tliough th is g e1i<le1nan !ikc-
• manner as we fee them made to this d:ir, in co- wife will go · 110-fa-rther th an ~he &txon, or t'he
'vtrui-wagg4m, · til1ed~boa1s ; a K•;>•» i11eu1"1:11re, .
l ...ann. I· . '
1-o , bnttJ, or dr~ · •wr, i11 ordtr 10 c•vtr thtm. COPY;" Fr: Gatl.· t6pit; l'taJ.. <ljiti, cx11m1,/n~\
Ciel. Vo,c. ~09 , v.:ould derive· tt?P'' fr'?.ll~ caugo : <opitr • tlej, ribere ~ . er \I olfu•s relfe- n\ont'l ?rca1n
.;... bot tl11l·1t won1d be Gr. fee Cl,IAFI• E R. Gr. elfe h.~nc ·voce1n ·ii ph.rari fcpiaif1 faurt cxflTI·
· CO·OPTATION, Oi.Y.,, 0 ,,1.I'..,., 'IJideo, opt11- bendi : q uotquot unquam funt · exp~rci q ilam. fit
1us, ca· optatio ; cbot/ing, t!elling. K, ...,r,,, vd K•r •<>f•'> alien~ verbatf1n defcriberr,
· CO-Q RDlNATE, Oe•I""'' • rior, or:li1w; lo omnino j udicabunc vocabu!ttm j ure meritoque
/u1'i11 ~rtln; ; -ff tq1tt1i ranlt, p«wt>·, or dig11il)'. a "'"''"'"" laooro, defntig•r ; • fJt rti Jaflid!cfif/ih'U1
CQ.P of bt<f · }" >lfo 1h1 lop of a thing, 11a~frti· /ajfitudii!!111 t'o11lraho r ·:Jun·.': -but' pc'rhaps
"" CO'!\ ·Or head · · ftnr.ding in height: Verft." this j,, r:1thet too dillan t ·a ckriv. to be the ri·ght
COPPLE-<ro-;1i1!(d -who.looks on th~ word one ; becaufc- m:iny (.Qfrits- art 1al;t11 wwb p!tcjnr<'.
. /.'.· J i•Jlcad

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c· 0 From GP. I I K., and I, A T I il. c 0
;,,;fea_d of vuarifo1"11uft :-1,~yc not as yet been ncm conditionis, dignitatis, ·retatis, inter incrc:r
able to trace the true fourcc. . . ., cricem, novam nupta1n, ·et fenem."
CORAi,., " K•f'"N'."•: N11g.'' tot1111i11m, fttra• CORDE LIER; Xoelr., i111eflin:u111, cborda 1 a
lium ; lap is mariniu "'"'"'• fays Hcderic 1 but /; or rope; 9uo pro cingttlo ordo religiofarum,
there is a wh#t fp1eies, and-a gr.ten, wbicb gr=s c.ivi, Franeifti i11jfi111t1111J ob/eT"IJautium,· 111unt 11r;
in t/u.fra like a jhrub, but ltti11g talt111ou1, becomes .1bt order of [<1·n11cif''" ' friers, r1markablc for
111 bar~ as jlon1: R . • K"f" tl.>.or, . p 11pilla mafis ; : wearing a rope, or.1ord, infteitd of a girdlt ; ·
Ja:tgbler of the [ea; a [ePrpfa11f, 1:11rali11m; • · · Of rule as fullen and · f-evcre, ·
As diat of.·,rigHid Cdordeli~1• • · •
. 'l'en1pore·ilurefcit, 1nol,lis ftlit .heroa-fub undis.
M et am. Xv· 4' 5· 1
u .- pare · • c3nt. 1. ~59 ..
. . . ' . . CORDIAL • , Ktae, Kr.:. '°'• to1'd't 1111·1·ts; .hearl'en-.
Tv1ilto.d rs ·ro· very po~ric ·a~ to n1ention groves of ing, jlrt11g1btni11g, chearing. Cid. Voe. 14 I. trU.s.
coral ;, . · : . : us, that" the Celtic word '""• for 'heart,. is not
·- :- -· pilrt.ffngle, or with n1ate · . G'r. but gives origin to,K"'f·'•'"• eo1· ;"'-or per·
Graze th.e fea-wced, their pafture; and throug h , haps they both come from &i'"t• tor.
. · groves .: COR JA.N DE• R ; K•f".,,...., et Ktf"""• e1rian-
Of total !tray. Par. Loft. VH. 403. drum: 1be herb 11nd faeil toria11tler. . •
CORAi:l/TS, commonly written, and pro- CORI ER, comn:ionly written, and pronounced
nounctd cnrra11ts, or curra11s: K·~i~s,~l(."•• Cq1·i11- &'11.rl'itr; '' Kf'"( caro, tori11m; quOduro eo tegn-.

1bit1C.£, ~c. uv,e; coranr-berries; firft of all bro11gb1 111r, q11afi earium ; coriarill1; a tan1ur, or 01u rvho.
frtmi Cot inlh. · Ci el. \'Vay. 79, tells 11s, that" cur- dea/J;,, hidu, or jki111 :" ,this i,s A iofw. deriv. .who
rams arc derived from cori1iibo, to llgnify fruit ha.~ firft derived ,orium a caro; and then cara
growin~ in cluftcrs round a jtalk; CM', ro1111d; and from K:'"<• five Kr•i«: .but perhaps this is not
imb, a jlallt ;"-but car, (Or, cir; and gar, feem to fo good as the following .from Votr. forium ~
be derived and contraeted ·either from K•e-x•;, Xof'°'' whiclt Hederic explains by prima ti ill<i.
cir-cu/us; or fron1 rue·•<. gyr-us ; both llgnify- extima mcmbrana., 1""' fa:lum a11i~it; thtJl .mtmbr1111e.
ing a circle : and imb fcems to be derived frqm wbicb tn'Vewps the fa:t11s; 4J th: fain, hide, or bark,,.
the fame root with LIMB. Gr. ewudops ·1be jlejh of animals, or fht wcod of trees. ' •
CORD, " X•el•, cdrtl!1 : Nug.''-if there is CORK ; from X•f"" £orl:, or bark ; as in the
any fuch word in Latin : it ought to have been preceding art. Gr. · ..
written, according to the Greek orthography CQR-MORANT,, Koe.-.£, tor'lJus ; et !'.fut•"•
cborda: fee Cl-lORD: Gr.-but Dr. Newton, in .Jlatrt ;. undc mare, !lfari1111s. ; K•e,.£·1""f'"' c~r­
bis notes on the CharaCl:ers ofTheopbraft. p.68, 'lJUs·marinus, contra&:d to cormoraNI; tbt faa•
is of opinion, that our word cortl .is derived a crow ; ob 11Qla/Jik111 voracitaum; fo called 011 a~
Xo•t..£, genus lajci7J" faltalionis 1 whence Koel""'~•>, count of iu remarkable voracioufneft. .
Ja/ civi fa/Jart: ." to which fort of Ja1ut, if CORN-bread; fortafle aK•e•"'• K"f''""I"" Jalio,
Ter~nce, as faith Conftantine, doth allude, when fiit~o; to jatisfy, or fill; un_de Sax: co:rn; Dan.
he faith, tu inltr t(IJ ref/in. tlullikltu, fa/Jabis 1 it *4n1 ; Belg. /uJrne; 'feut. /urn ; granum, fr11gtS,
is very likely a rope bti11g male 11{t of is that fr11nu111u111 ; tbt jtajf of lift.
danu, that our Englilh cord coi:nes from thence; CORN 011 1be baJJJ.s, er f eet; " Kre«r, 'ornu •
as the humour ol calling " <rt¥lced 11u111, a urd barn i 1ubtrculu1u i11 digi1is et mt1m1u111,. fl ptdum;
.came from 1hc Gr. worcl A•e.t.s, crooked: Newton:" •lavi taput fummii. Jui parte refere11s,. u radiii
-the paft'age in T.ercacc is taken from his A.Jtlphi, pr.e4"r.c affixum : Angli videncur hoc nomen mu-
Aet IY. fc:. y, v. 3'; on confulring which.,pa.ffage, . tuati a eor11ea.fieci1a11, alqdt duri1;e: Jun."-ooly,
l 6od oo lnr.enogation point after ji:./Jali•: this on the hands we call them wnrts, and fometin1es
fcatte defenrcd noc~c ; but there is a curious .an- wratJ ; and on the feet we call them conu. •
notatioA of'Dona.tlAS on l',tj!i111 tlullaas (as it is in CORN EL , or corneil; Kea""• corniu ; tb«
the .Var. edit.) be faya, ,. /'!f111 t}l a/J to fUJJ.t, quo corNeil tree of both f<JttJ; the female is fometimes
inlrod~us lfllttl hriiu in Tr.jam tjl; <11• 1uxis calied tbt dog-tret, or 1be wi.ld chcrr,y-trtt.
tt1ani~ f-, #MT,_ '"'""' JaltllJJlu : hoc a CORN-ELIAN, O•llf·•f•"r, 011yx-con1tola i tl>e
q~bufdam dicitur ; ii:d ego puto, (llanu i;on. horny onyx: tbt cornelialf' jlor.t; becaute rt[t mbli11g
(crtcn cbor.os pudlorum puell~rumque cantantcs hqrn; though now of all colours; red parttcularly.
rtflim l11ur1 ai!limari: ct j<;I muime convenire CORNER; r ..., "'"''; tbt hut ; undc Cyn1-
ad ~gitandam importunitatem fcnis, vcluti rrean corntl (Angli forte rctinuerunt cor11tr) ..ft
p11ttos imitantis; fimul ctiam qui a iftc conncxus · a11g.ulus ; videtur mi hi, continues Jun. con-
rnanu\lm lafcivus, ac pctulans adimit difcrctio- • fe.ncaneum Cy1nra:os hanc anguli denominationeru
Q ,_2 • ,PCtiiff9
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C O, ..from. G R· Bl· ~, and I: A"l'lN:

,Jletiilfe ex' 1\10 eorn; ccrniT; prorfus ut Saxones fhould this'be right'; '. ,(rpb .is eviden t1r defcended"
ongulum· bypn dixcrunr< ab t>ypn; <0rn11; quod from the Gr. :-but kin, or !Ian, in the fenfe of
onguli 6nuofo flexu quodammodo repraefencent fapt'llm, fei:ms to be puro1y Celcic ·1 unlefs we may
camttra biJum c1r111Ja: we may rather fuppof(; wich look on it as derived from the fame root with
Lv( in his Add. chat " corner is derived to us lain, or laid; i. e. from·:>.1y«•,-ctm1bo, cubo; where
ei[h~r throug h the Armor. corn; or the Hibern. the dead arc /ai,., or laiiJ. -
cta1'1Ul • angul•s :"-but tb¢n thofe words arc de- CORPORATION l?Crl.;(»Ke••r, Xe._,'R.,, XoiF.,,.
rived eithc;r from r ..., ge11u, quafi roev•~ : or CORPUSCLES· 5 col'pNs,«ot'f>•ris; uodc cor-
from Fire"'• cor11t<; quafi urana, tranfpofed to portus, &a. the body.; or belo11ging to. Jbe borly;
&taTn" ·: an anKlt, or any retired nook, o r turning; perjo11al and politfral: Cleland, Voe. 12'2, fays,
beca11fc fuch places l•olc as if btnt like tbl joint 111 " ctrph was the anticnt Britilh word for corpft :"
tht k1ue, or forn1 a c«rv t, like the horns of oxen. -then very probably derived a.s above.
CORNET of horje; Ktf«<I conm; a lrooptr CORPS, ·o.r &ompany·of folditrs; according to
in rife.wing of 1111 11rmy, " brigadier; fro1n 1or11i- the French orth!>graphy, as if it was de~ived from
<ulum; a ki11d of wmtment tbz gt11erat prefd11ted bis corpus; and then, to compleat the abfurdity, they
/11/ditF.J <1Jith for their good fer-.;ice, to be worn · in mu.It pro11ouncc it core; but it ought to be writ-
tbti~ hel111r.1~. ten chors, or cobrs, being only a concraCl:ipn of
CORN ICE, K'f.,"'• corona, proje&?ura; the brow cobGrs; the deriv. of which has been already
of tz:pillar, or wall: becaufe ii binds them 'rom1d, confidered upder the arc. ~OHORT: GJ;. . .
Jii.t o aown.· l COR-R.Ec1·10N, "p,,,,, facio; vcl AfX'f• by
• CORNJSH-<rcw, by· many fuppofed to come tranfpolition °P«x•" rego, corrigo, correEtio; an
fr<>m ConrJ;ol; l>ecaufc a C~rnwal-man is called amt11dmen1, alterotion; alfo corporo/ punijbme11t in
a Cor11ijb-ma11; but .;i Cornifb-crow is derived from order to amendment.
X•ev"''"'• carnic11s• pu/IJJJ; '! :fpecits of cro<o; ii COR-ROSION, ' p,......,, fru 'p,.....,, rado, cor-
TL•e;""'• ccni1x, torvus :. Cornijb-(rc<.JJ t,hercfore is todo ; to bite, gnaw, or frtt: Voffius derjves ro.\i
only a VariariOn of (fJY1ff>t j '-fl crew. i\ 1· .. ~yw, <GJntJO i /O t at. . '
, CORNU-'8pi..., K•e•r, ctJfnu; i:z horn ; u nde ~ORSAIR, •p,.,, vel 'pv.,, ruo, corruo, cur{us ;
tomM-tupi.d ; the h'fl"ll of -ple11ty, quali ccrnu·opis; undc ". fr .. Gall. courjpire; I tal. co!faro; et Gall.
unde .co-opia, <opia; plnity :. for copia, ft c CO- courfa: Skinn." who has avoided the G reek:
PiOUS : Gr. a11 inroad, 1111 incurjioJJ ; a pirate, or piratical vt.ffel,
CORNUTED.i from che ·l'ame root: Gr. • which roves, or r11ni abou1:
- .COROLl:.ARY, Koe"'""' coro1111 J unde <orotla, CORSL E'l'; '! inanifefl:i: efl: diminutivum no-
1o•ollari'u111.; ·quOd. ·h~, cum· plac ncrunt aCl:ores in ' minis· corpus: Skinn.''-bu t the Dr. would not te)I
k ena, dari folitre; a coronet, or reward, given to · us, th at <orpus itli:lf was de rived from t he Greek;
affors , champions, or tlndiatars, whe11 thf)' plc.1/ed as we have feen in the art. CORPORATION: Gr.
t.he p<op!e :- alfo a coro!tary, co11jtllmy, o r appendix. · COR-SNED, vel <ttr-fiud; "oli111 forte pe-
CORONA T.lON, fro1n the fan1c. rooc: Gr. cul iaritrr ncceptu1n vocabulum," fays Jun. " de
, COI~QNER {" not from <arena, 11 ill iufo1od i fynaxi fa~ri, in qua rei1s objecrum
CORPl'l-CONNER S' tl'O<t111; 'b tit coroner it- . crimen· d ilueoat per eudiarilli anj; i. e. qjfa111 ju-
felf is purCly a contraCl:ion of corph-cm11ur;• dicialem, Saxonibus ' co.r~rn a.:be,' diCl:an'l;: mihi
fay~ Ciel. v QC. I z r) 2 , i. ~· " {/ rcrpfa-b!fPcElor : ha!C oifa jttdiria.//s v idetur cor-rl1 ...~e, ntincupaca
c61'pb was the antient Brit1Jh word for coryfa :"- i\ copan, prcbarc ; et rna;be, offi1, .bucul!a l uc
' ID ken,. and to ,.,,,,,, he likewifrs acknowledges to proprie lignificet probntioms b11cce"/!a111 : .credebat
lignify to know, or tai<e ccg11ij111tet of any thing : nempe ·antiquicas no?'ios <um gravi q_11ilddm impri-
-rheo,.according to both thefe compounds, the cntione panern · ad hoc bxamen con'fecra~um .fu-
word coraner derives from the fame origi1i with
mentes, vel oinn(no n~o , vel "?'i "ni.fi1 cu~ inll,e;Hi
' 01pus, and· cognofra; and confequently G;. rormenco, emn poffe 9egluure i Jntoler;1b1l1bus
. CORPH - LAN, or ch1n·ch-»""d, foems to be a quoque cos, qui fcjen:es • fofellera'nt, cruciat'ibus
mi:.turc of Gr. and Celtic,_ or perhaps. is pure torqucri> ufque ad ' cxfrema viT:-e fure ·tempora :
Gr.-let us tldl: coi11ider t he formef" fuppo!hion : Jun."=-;-the 1tyi11g-m(}1ft!:-.thus lia~ this'gr.e~c an4
Ckl. Voe. L.2!!,. and 143, i:iysr" cwph-lan comes judicious r riric led us i.1p to 'the true fenft:' of tl)ls
;very nacuraily from t~,Pb, corpjt; and lliz11.,, in- ' word, · t~ougl1 not'"rerhap~. .to \ hef.t rue' ~tY'1.1·
clr;fr1r$ :"-and then he quotes Howell Dl'la's . whic~ fceins rarlier to ' l:ie'oerivl!d. from ~~pr;e­
" 0rds, " 'ol"phlan• extcrius fuit atrimn,, interi\ls : f"O;t!bC i tbe 111orfa/ that js• ~a.kc~ l\f1der an_imfY_':
illud tmdiquaque ambicns, in quo cadavcra fepc- · ca#on, tttm·gravi q11iiJizm'. i111prua1io11e,. as Junius
licba:ntut i a corpb,, «rpus; et /Ion, fept11111 :?'~ · l1imfelf "h33 admitted: ·only no1v ii is iniircly gr.
. .~

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C 0 From GREEK, and LA'l'IN'. C O
fur CURSE is Gr. and rn:i:'bc fecms to 1;>e only eqrujlri :" x......,, C4/4, ta/11/a, <juafi ta111gii, unde
another dialetl: for [nip, a mqrjel, or .flirt of brtad, coll4gt; a but or bovt!, to tD'l!tr tbt• /ro111 tbt
&c. •confequencly Gr. likewifc. weathtr. :.
· CORUSC!\TION, KOf"11'"» Koev11,,., torufto, COT-lamb; Skinner calls it a cade-lt1111b, and
to gliiltl",jparlde,jbine bright. . derives it ab Ital. tnfiaio, a cafa, domus ; agnill
. CORY -comh, commonly written, and pro- domi educat 111 :-and had he been content with
nounc~d, curry-tom/,; but fuch an orthogr. would rha~ deriv. and explan. we migh t have been con-
puz1.le the profoundefr ety1nol. to trace out : tented too; provided he would have pcrmitt~d \Js
ecry-comb, or rather indeed lcory-eomb, may be ro derive ·aifa, as above i bur he goes on, ?nd
vety properly and very eauly derived " i K•f'"" fays, " t ade autem credo oritur a Fr. Gall. cadt!;
'!Jffro, purgo, i. e. equum deflringerc, vel flrigi!e ' mollis, dtlicat11!11 s; hinc cudder; h!andc et dtlitate
em1mdare :· Skinn." under the art. curry: though alert ; tum aucem eade, tum cadtl contratl:a vi-
thc Dr. feems inclinablc to derive it rather a drncur a Lat. ddicatus, dtlfrdtellus ;" becaufe
tr1ra11do; however, he acknowledges alludir fatis brought up inore dtlicately 1ha11 other famB~ :-but
fdiciter. Grieco K•f""• vtrro, pur,;o : a comb and even then the Dr. 0\1ght to ~ave remembered,
brujh, to ·clea11, or drefs a bo!fe witht chat DELICACY; and DELICA1' E, are Greek.
CO-SEN } " 'A•1.:•,fanguen, vel fa11gui4 : mi rum COT-bed: a pleonafm ; for Ko17~ is tubile ; a
CO-SI N poffit videri, et tamen verum efr utd lo lie Oil.
COU-Sl N ·ex 'A•f"' analogiceJangum dcduci: COT l quafi co:k-qutan, vel eook-.
Voff."- but analogical derivations are very feJ. CO'I'· Q!JEAN) qutan; a /<ind of majier-Jhe-
doin adrnitted; we may rather adopt his deriv. cook: "cat cnim dictum de viro rem culinarianl
cif fang11is a !aor, Janus; uncle f anguis: vel efr nim1s curante, qu'od agit coquum i11ttr ,i.ulieres :
fa"luis a ':IV hoc efi- coainum, purpuret1m, qrli fan- Skinn."-who could go no farther than the Sax.
guinis color :-afaltf{Uis, confanguinein, contracted to T euc. and Fr. Gall. - but both COOK, and
con/ang; and then changed to co11jin ; of tbe
fame blood, kindred, family: for eater-co:ifi111, fee Q.UEAN are Gr. ·
Q_U A TER-COSINS : Gr. C01'H URNUS,..Ko&o~''f• cothurn.UJ ;.calceamm-.
COSME'I'IC, K•.-,..r.1•xor, ornandi peritus ; failltd lu111111rique pedi '(uagico et comico) et uirique faxui ·
;,, tbe arr of beautifying, or ndori1i1tg the per/on: nptum: a fooe, or- bufkin, coming wer the calf of
R. Ko~,v.or, m:mdus, orb, dttus. the leg, wo·rn generallj by the allorJ of Jrogtdie1,
COSMO-GRAPHY, "Koo-f'"Ye"'''"• cofmogra- with a high bee!, that they may /um the ta'lltr:·alfo
pbia, defcrip:io mtmdi; a. dtfcriprion cf rbe world: a cwppen, or cbiopin ; a high-faledjboe, a pantojk.
R. K...,...,, 111u11dus; the world; et r("'>'"• dejcriptio; C01'TON, '·'fie dicitur, inquit Skinn. a limi-
or r .., .,, fcribo: Nug." litudine lanuginis, qua: adha::ret ma/is Cydoniis,.
COST, I""I'' > I7.,, conflo; to ftand ;,, (0 much 1 qua: l rnl. co~ogni appellantur :"-" cologni. aut.e m.
the val11t of any thing: Ciel. Voe . 2 10, 1s of opi- a Cydonio manifefte ortum ducit: Lye."-" Cydo11ia
nion, we ought to derive coft from coif, purcbttft; ma/a, ii Cydone, Cre/,e ci'Vitate, unde ad·uefla: Voff.''
" from which," fays he," we have copfl, contraa- COUCfl-down; K.v,,.1.., cubo, ·cumbo; . t o lit ·
cd to cofl ; not impoffibly this from the very . down : Kv1>8,, incurvart; to bend low.
ancient Cel tic cufroin of carrying on rrade•chiefly COUCH to lie on: etymol. arc not agreed as
by beads cf cattle :''-but coff, or ra<her kt-ph, the to tire origin of this word : Junius fuppofcs .i~to ·
btad, is evidently abbreviated 'from K•;>·'"'"• cap11t ; be derived "a G111l. couche; Belg. lcoctfa, defump -
tbt bead. .. tum ex Ital. colcare, pro collocare; n\\m colcaFji
COSTE of mNtton; ' " Orio>, Or•» quo'd ell Ital is ell co1tjtt'f'e ft cubilum, to/!ccare fa in lt flo :"
0, ; ncmpe ut ab Av1'•, cau!a·; fie ab Ori, cojla : . - according to which deriv. coutb would originate ·
Volf. »-a rib, or bone; a brtafl •f muJton. . a At'J'•» At'J''f''" ; unde A•x«, iet1us, locus <t1b.a11.di ......
COSTIV E, !1v~w, l:'l.,Pw, ca/co, · denf"m facio ;• ' Skinner fuppofes it to be derived " a Fr. Gall •.
lo tbwaclc, cram, harden. · . toucher; Ital. toricare, colcare, cubare; il. Lat •

COT 'f AGE, " Koll«;;,, l.11.flr;imf trm;11m (rather culcita, q. d. t ulcilarc, i . c. in cufci1a111 ft- con- ·
Jujira ferarum) K011., cubi/t ; ..... T;; Kor/?'.v, donnire: , dtre :"-according ro this deri v. couch wool<l ori-
Cafaub. and Upt."-this deriv. may pafs; but ginate ,from Aa£, calY, ca/eo ; nam a calcando diEJa !
perhaps lhc reader will rather approve bf the fo.J-, cuUita, quad h• ed fagrtm, tcmentum, a/itsd.,e q~id ,
lowi ng from Voll". "omnino, ur ii t•g.e11do, tu- . i;u;dcabant: it is very rernarkable th~o'(zfore· that ~
gurium; tit' et KM•f.l•, ""~" ....~ K0>1'•01H>" fie ~afa our woru t ouch, i! ~cri ved from -either of 'thc~c ..
a no;), cafa, quod cf\- ttgl'rt; a qua orig me enam fources, lhould ongrnate from two word~ (o dr•
vidctur dfe K...-.ic pro iaC•'l't1.a, live cbiamyde Ranr, as A.xE, and A'Y."' '' if neither of. t)iefe·lhoukl '.

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FrQll\ G.R E s K, and . LAT t !I; . ( ~ r
be adrnitted, we then can only lo.ok towards the has palfed "through the French tang. for no ·o~~
furegoing arcicle. could fnppofc (nqt even a Frenchman) that count,
COVE, or harbour; K>of, lEol. KvF·.,, cav11.s, or n1t»J<rnu, could . have any connexion with.
cav~a > a rave; allo tlllJ hollow place, or rueft, f•r n .,&..,.,..,., : and yet by the help o( a little=.Gallic
aJbip fir boat t• retire into. · afliflancc ic may be done, thus; llv~""I"'''• uncle
C(). VE N ANT, t.v,...(3.,"'• 9.,,.,, vcnio, tolll)(n/io ; nv&.,..,., unde pulo, compu!o ; then the Fr. Gall.
an agrtemenJ, paflion, league. «'!'pttr, ctJnttr; tount ~-Ciel. Voe. 114, tells us,
CO~VEN1'-gnrden very probabl:v derived its thar " a11fto, ctnfUJ, urpite ttnfi' (a plcona~m.) can-
,name from Come to11vent, or 1111Jnnf/cry, which for- v4/Ji11g, and coimting, all come fro1n km, kin, in
merly' ftood on, or neor that ·1poc, where oo• the the fenfe of tbt btad; telling, or coMnting b)' the·
garden, or marJ:n, is kept; and confequcntly m ay &ad :- perhaps they might all be more naturally
be: derived fro1n c011ve1Jt, if what Ciel. Voe. 61, derived from the fan1e root with CESSMENT :Gr.
a, fays, be right; viz. that " ca11ve11t, or covent, COUNTENANCE properly ought to be writ-
is the. near~r orchogr. to the Celt. orig. toff- ten &o• ntenence ; T&'r~, Ttvw, Ion. Tii-tw, ltnto, eo11-
wonts :"-b.ut then, as we have al~adv fcen under lin1mti11; " .aliquamun1 dellcxo fcnfu, f r. Gall.
cbe art. CON-VENT, it is Gr. • to111f11n11tt ; V•/tus, gtjl1u; q. d. conliluntia, fc.
COVER, K<>>..v,,.7.., condo, teg• : or clfe ab A"f'" '!Jllltfis, arifu, n.ut aliis minus j 'tvtris gtjlibus, t i
AF He"' aperio, unde' co-operi:u; hidden, coi1Ct aied; motibus-: Skinn." without the Gr. ; to keep the
overwhelmed: or elfe ii Kv13:." cubo ; Fr. Gall. COM· jflce a11d ft11t11ru in "}ltady compofid man,,er: :we
i;er ; · Ital. covare; to cover eggs. likewifc fay 10 t o:mttnanu, fn"J.ere : vu/tu le. pro-·
: COVETOUS, o,.,,,.,, coto, cupidus; unde !lat. pitio, et favorabili intueri : Skinn.
eovidigia, quafi r11pidigia ; greedy, t11ger, dtjirous : COUNTER, con~rary; A•1•e"• contra; againfl,
unlefs we lhould prefer avto ; to rovet; lilct tht athwart, oppofilt :-we have many words in our
a1Jaritio111 man. language, beginning with this .prtpofi t ion, which
COVEY, K.,.1.,, tisput i11tli110, Kui3.,, tu/Jo; unde will be n1ore properly found under their rcfp~c­
Fr. Gall. coU'lltr; Ital. tcv11rt; int11bart ; q. d. cive articles; unlefs when the primirivc.s them·
pulla 1111ius partfls, feu int11/Jatu1; quot fc. fimul fclves are not in ufe; as in the following words,
;,,cuba11111r, tdutantur: Skinn." as many 111 art when compounded.
bro11ght forth at one batching. COUNTER, or dtjk 1" men/a computall·
;. COUGH, K•\'l•.,, W<Jo, al!evo; lo lighten, .o r eafa COUN1"ER to play with Sria,ralionaria, [~per
the breaft and l1t11gs by t >:pel1or111io11• quam pccuni:t: nu1ncrantur: Skinn.'' who ftill
.' COU L. " Ku•>..or, drculus, undc t11cu//1u; 11 could not find it was Gr. and derived from the
h oed to truer, or endrdt tbt bead with, whtn it fame root with COUNT, or nu,,.ber: Gr.
rains: VolT."'-or perhaps only a contraaion of COUNTER-FEIT, quafi tantra-fit; •ale, or
Kahur1oo, (011114, ttgo; io bide, to cover. Jone 'onlrflT)' lo Jisw, tntlb, or reality : and confr-
COULTER, " K•.,7.,, KO!he, colter, c11ltellt1f1!.: quendy is compounded of ,.,,.7,e•-•••>, ,,,JJra·fio,

Hehr. '°"
If. Voff.." unlefs with Gerard we derive it ab
a/Jjolvere, comp/ere, coltrt terram : but
even in ba'c fignificatione, fays Ifaac, ell ab Ah•~o,
lo &OUltltrftit.
COUNTER-PANE, written by Skinn. "coun-
ter-pain, but properly <xplained by hi1n, &Olltr"-
· triturart 1 a knife lo tut the ·earth with, the pl=- fch•du111, a11t11P1t!.:a; force q. d. toiltf'a-pa11nu1;
fl;are, or rather the kmg iron knife that is placed pannus autem faeili meuphora fequioribus fieculis
before it : it frems in this latrer fenfe to be de- rpembran..m, (cu pdlem, fignare c~pit; unde or-
rived from the fame root with CULTURE: Gr. tum ell Fr. Gall. pa111u; m~1nbr;tna : vi<lc e;r..
COUN'f } !."•~·"'• una fum, toefuetudinem pa11ntl :"- a11d yet rhe Dr. could not fee, or
· COUNTESS habco tum quodam ; eo, tomeo, · would not acknowledge, chat chis word is ulti-·
tomes; a compa11io11, k11ight, ·'?r fri.end: this is the maccly derived a ••M•r, pellis, fa1111u1; a jkin, or
common deriv. but Ciel. Way. 48; and Voe. 7 . roll, or ftrip of pnrch111mt, on wbicb lht 111111111 if
·n, and 14; fays, " tount bas nothing to do wi th the j11ry art 'llll'illtn, when fu•nmoned to atlt7!d a trial.
comts; and fome French authors have juflly COUNTER-POINT, commonly written and
affirmed, that in Brittany there were ~onnts ·on pronounced like taunter-pant, but is derived from
equal footing with kings ; and indeed count, lc.011- quite a d ifferent fource; viz. a rr..,,.v...., p1111go,
ing, ltyning, and KJNG, arc but dialtlti&al dif. puni1urn, " cq11/ra·p"11!111m ; i. e. conh·ariis, fru
fercnces :"-confoquently Gr. fa in'Vi<tm. J~c:tj[ar.tibus futuris com-p:mt111m, fe~
COUN1", or numbft': this is another in!tanee, confutum; i11j1rat11m, jlragul11m : Skinn.'' w.ithou[
'i n which we 1nay obferve the great difference the Gr. ; a quilt, or caver/et .of checker-work, .or
between the original, and its. derivat ive, when it rarher, tfor the Dr's.. definition is not quite ck:u)
a qu:I~
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c 0 From' GR! EK, and LATIN. c 0

a vuilt tbat is wrought the[amt 011 /Jotbjiiks, fo that come from K•r1•r, cav~a; a bajket, a cagt, (rom
tbt eontrary jidt anjwtrs exall/y, or corr1f~nds ID ••e'lor, feptum {it lhou'ld have been printed x•e1•s)
iJs oppojirt; i. e. wrought through. which has been firft applied to lignify a yard, qr
COl,JN'fER,a prifan: " Sax. cpep-cepn, car- plate, wbtrt gufa and fowls art !t.ept ; as appears
'"; a p/11ct of to11fi11tmt11t: Ray."- buc cpep-cepn from this vcrfe of Ovid; ,
fttms ro be nothing n1ore than a different diaklt Abftulerat multas ilia tobortis ares:
of earctr; wh ich is itfelf only a contraction of (here again we have another fmaU mifrake; for
cotrceo, quafi ccrceo: and confequently Gr. : fee it ought to have been printed,
. co~F..RCl''E: Gr. Abftplcrat mu.leas il(a cohorris aves.
COUN-TRY, "Fr. Gall. coiilrle 1 Ital. con- . Fa!ti IV. 704.) .
tr~da; rtl1, regio: q. d. Lat. C011!trrd! l rtgio11es From this refemblar.ce to the flocks of birds that
eonttrra/£1 i. e. tra811s ttrraru11i proxi1ne i11'1Jicem one foes 'in rhe yards of houfes, companies offal-
fitarum: Skinn."-but ttrra originate> ab ll(a: di"s have taken rheir names of cohorlts, accord-
lands, wbetbtr contigt1ous or diftant. ing lb Varro; and fro1n hence alfo, fays Spelman,
COUNTRY -danre: by wricing this word in the· pofieri principum familiam et comitatum curtim,
fa1ne manner with the preceding arc. we hav<. feu cortt11J, Gall. &o1'r, appel!arunt.
.gi.,.en fo ridiculous an appearance to it, as would COURT of par!iaitzint}" comes rather fro1n
·puzzle. a dancing-mafter to give any tolerable COURTESAN Kve1,.,a place arAthens,
.fcnfc to a word in his own profcfiion : but it is COURTIER where chc magi!l:races
ctym. alone will help us both to the troe ortho- aft'embled ; or the :Urern~ly itfelf: R. Koe"• pinuer,
graphy, and the. true meaning of this exprcllion; authority; fanunee, detffmination: Nug."-cer-
which has been already gi·vcn under t he art. tainly there can be no objeCl:ion Lo this de riv. <f
-CONTRE-dance. the thing itfelf be a fact; tho' we may rather
COUPLE, lb·1.,, apto, unde coap1da, copula ; fuµpofe that the word K•t•• was derived from the
to lltli tt, join, 01' tit log<thtr: vd a ru,..,, plico, affembl)•, than the pl ace ; becaufe the all'embly
ttmiplico; to f old, or join togetb". · was fo called ar.o Tii Kuf'" ...~ .,..,,~!-'•1cr, becaule
COURAGE, K•"e• tor; tin heart;Jlo•l-he11r1ed- i~ thofe affemblies t he people confirn~~ and ra-
1ufa, 11a!o11r. u fied the decrees of the magifirates , or rather
COl)Rf. dO'Wn; Kue1or, curvus, curuare; to bow, becaufe thofe atremblies were held upon ;,1-''f•~
/;end, or //bop down. Kve•«~, or we1a-~1~a.1 :IC¢ • ~-'l"''f'o•, on day1 ftattd, 411tJ
COURIER I." K.x•e~. Tf'iG"'• · turro; ' to r~n; appcinted bJ· law: R. Koe••<, pr.ecipuus, proprius,
COURSE · 5 according to the ety1nolog1!t: (lnti9uiffi11111s: as for the word co11rttjtm, it may
Nug."-bur, nocwithfianding this authoriry, we ft:elll firangc to fee it ranked under this ar,. but
may very n>uch "doubt the dcriv. for; it feems fince Skinn. has derived it a Fr. Qall. courtifane,
racber too forr.ed a conftrudion, ro der.ive either Ital. tortegiana; 9· d. aulita; we may fuppofc he
turro, or crtrfus, from K«tfw, a contraltlon of meant
lo dcr(ve It from the word court; vul<>a- 0
X«•e•~, which lignifies'p"eurrtre pelfitu ttltJJ; to t1us autcn1 pro meretrice accipitur; quia tales
w.eave: R. K"'e"• /id11m; the <voof about the ;irbann: plcrumque et ad aulfros mores compoficie
beam; or the threads of the jhiutle: there is how- firnt; and perhaps rhofc ladies cook their "origin,
ever fon1c finall connexic;ip betwc~n them, and ss wdl as their deno1nination, from thence at
perhaps en.ough for an ecymol ..:...::;~ feems 1nore firfl, how common foe,·er their profcffion and ap-
narural to (uppof~, that t.ilrr.o 'might be ~edtittd pellation has become fince: Cleland (Way So)
a •p..,, 1'110, co11ruo, contratled to tllr~.; '\S when would derive court from the Celtic word , ;,. ; a
we fay the courfa of 11 rivir, cl' jlrea';',; the j/rr<lling, tirde, or e11dofed plau: but CIRCLE. is Gr.-
qr v elocity of iJs turrent. " •, Since we have in our language many tourts, which
COUR1' of a boefe : " X"f"• ngio ; a JijlriE!: take their deno1ninations from different offices,
R. Xwe•r, the fa1ne: or from X•e1•;, ~vhkh Hefych. the chief of thi:m are here ranked.
explains by "'e•i3•>-•• Ti;; o:v>-;;r: Nu·g ."-thus far ~OU RT of /f.dmirnl;y; curia Admira!itatis. Gr.
the Dr. is right; but it will fcatce be allb"!ed CO.llRT -Baroi: ; eurio-Raronis. Gr.
him, that " eourt, with rifpetl ri a· ki1tg, comes COURl' of Chanttry; turia Cancel/aria. Gr.
from <ors, or tobor1, regia au/a:" for cars,· or co- C()URT-Cbrij1ian; euria Cbrijlia11i!atis. Gr.
hors, was never ufod in that fcnfe ;-bdides, even COURT of Com1114n Pleas; turia Placitorum
. then, it would origin3te a X•e1•;, above ; as we. Communimn. Gr .
have fe-en under the arc. COHORT'. Gr. : let COURT •f Conft:ie11a ; curia Coefcit11li'4. Gr.
. me however join i'll'ue wich him again, when he_ COURT of Dckgates; curia Defega1oru1u. Gr•
· .f.\ys, that <frs for <or/is, or eobors fos ' ohurtis, COURT of E~uif]; tllria ,'1!.' quilatis. Gr.

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C, 0 Frotn G ll EEK , and LAT I If. .C·R
COJJRT. of E xchequer; curia Scaccarii. G r. • COW lJuniu~ fuppofcs that. the" Sax.
.COUR1." of Guardians; curia G11ardia1wr11m. Gr. • CO\llDY cu; Alman. cb1ta ; D an. ko;
COURT of Ki)Jg's Be11ch ; t 1'ria /Jmlcl Re- • CO W -'herd and ,Belg. /cube, or kae, ~re :Lil
gis. Gr. '" COW -leach derive.d a K••w, vcl Ku,.,, 111e-
COURT-Leet; ctwi11 Litwn. Gr. rum gero; quiid patres noftri, quorum opes po-
COUJ,lT of Mayor/ii)' ; curia i\1tijoratds. Gr. ti ffi1num con!ifteban t,in g regibus atque ·arrneqris,
. COU.R'f of Pecuii11rs ; curia· Pcc11/iari11m. Gr. re111 fu an1 fa111iliaren1 ex freq uentiore bubul~ pe-
· EO{JR'f of R equt.fts; c11ria Re911ijition11.m. Gr. cori1 fcetura ingens inc.rerneucum capere judica,-
COURT of Pie Ptwder1, or rather Pie Poudrc, rcnt !".:...this conjeCture, tho' extrc1nely probable,
according to the curious l~rench orthog raphy ;, Skinner -d oes not admit of; .and perhaps he is
curia Pedi1 Pulvrrizati : the dcriv. of dris court • right : ho\vever it was worth t;anfcri bing.
is (o remarkable, t hat it has been ranged Ja(1; on COW, to daunt: " im/;d!tm, et timidHm red-
'purpofe to be fomething more particul ar in · .Jere; Suec. lcufw a ; utrumque ab Iceland kuga ;
tracing the e tym. ; becau!e the n aine of it has jupprimere, ji1bjugare ; nefcio an hue refcrre liceat
been fo ftrangely mecamorphofed, that at fir!l ' coward; imbd/i.;, mcliculofus; Lyes ,\dd." a ti-
•figh t, though the reader may k now t~e fignifi- morous, fearful man : fee next art.
cation of this court, he will fcarce d iicovcr the CO'vVARD, K'"'f• cqr, exu;rs, vecors ; heartlejs,
deriv. of it, or think that it come from IT•r, pes ; out of brart, courage, &c. a cowa,-d bti11g ollt (fays
'the fool; and n,>.•r, pulvis, pu!vero; d1t,IJ-, or to Upt . u.nder the art. hearty) wbo ba-s a cold heart ;
v11ake a dujl : which two Greek words IT•r·IT~>.°' cui cor friget: or pechaps it may be derived. from
have given origin to our Pie-Powder-Court, thro' K<>~•r. ignavus ; a coward; t hough indeeq the(!:
the channel of the French language: but though · are feveral other ~eriv. produce_d !>Y other erymo1;
we ha\'C gained the etyn1. we have not as yet and among the rcfi, Junius tells us, that roward
!hewn t he origin of this court ;-it literally lig- is derived a caudatu1; quod in canibus al iifque
nifies foot-dli}f ; and took its origin from the dujl quadrupedibu~, dt.mijfa eauda indubiu m cfl indi-
raifad by the f eet of rioltl'!, and {quabbelers 111 c ium animi dejetri : confequently now derives
fairs, mart1, and markets, where (or1nerly n1er- ab '"~"' cauda; the tail :-it 1night not perhaps
chants ufep to b ring their goods; and where be altogether wrong, if we were to derive to·tbard
very frequently quarrels were niade, o n accoL•nt from the fame root wi.t b cautious; meaning a
.:of the exorbitant demand, or the defoll in good- perfon who is always acring with _timidity ; who
nefs o( thofe feveral wares : this court was at is always on the rtferve; who is fearful, and ap-
'fi rfi erected, to prevent men from literally kick- prebe11jive of bis ownJafety : - but if fo, it would
. }ng"up" dufl al fair, or n:ifi11g a dujl with their be Gr. flill.
f eet, I/tiring /11ch fq11abbles, or riots. COY : Junius, under the art. eoi, fays, fortaOi:
• COUT H; "Ko9" apud Hefych . pro A•.-Q.,..,?a1, efi a fa11o1, fupt rbio: Nicotus quoi cenfot fcribi
No1<, Jentit, i11telligit; wifdom, a11d kiunvledge : po!fo; tanquam q_uod factum fit ex quiu, fJUittus;
h inc forca!fe fuerit ct vox AMox•7•r, peregrinus, uncle et 1-Iifp. reunuerunt fuum qutdo; !tali vcro,
i11cognitus; hodieque vulgo uncouth cO: incognilus, licet rheto fcribant, pronuntiant ramcn, ac Ii
i11qjitalus; jlrt111ge, foreign, rude : hrec Cafaub. fcriptu1n clfec Iulo : coy; fuperbe fajlidiefu1, et qui
'fays J u n."- but this fccnu to have d ifpleafed paucilli~os prre arroga111ia ullo ~ignatur rcfponfo:
J.i•e; for he adds, " crigil;atio nimis lo11ge petUa;" - to which let me add from Sk1 na. 110/Jis morojam
and therefore he writes it etllb, and fays, "nihil. puellallJ fevtritatem, eajJiJalemque nimium pr.e ft
a!iud.efl q11am participium, Sa x. cy'6an ; 110/um fa- · f ere11tem jignificat ; fc. qu.e tacitu_rna ftdet, et ot11~i
.cert:" Verllegan likewife fuppofos it robe Sax. : · loqu~l.i, geffitui1uio1U, pr.efertim lefeiviori, jludi&jt
all which nrny be readily granted, if rhe Saxon abjlmet: (et tan1cn a1nat.) but quiu is Gr.
word be an original, and 'not a derivat i\'C ;'.which C R!J\B ; " Kae,.f3«, carabu1, animal 11Jari11um ;
·rnay .be very much doubted , particula~Jy ~frer eanerorum gmtrt: CaCaub." a Jea.fl?el/-fijh .
we find him writing ic uncou th, and explaini ng (;RA B-apple l" forte a Belg. fchrabben; T eur.
ic by ipnotu1, r11di1, 11ovu1, in{11ttu1, alie11111 ; Sax. CRABBED Sfehraf'Pt11; ra{kre, mordicare ; Cc.
uncu~, eafdem habet lig nificationes, ec compo- a 111ordico11te, o.t.ido, aut aujltro japore: ·Skinn."-
rii tur ex u11, ct cu~, quod vide in touthe; and , lince thi~ feems to be the true interpretation, kt
.then g ives us no fuch ,;,o rd : fo that now we are. me trace the Dr's. ctym. a little hig her: he ac-
'as 1nuch in the dark , as ever :-but ftiU cu'6 is' knowledges that our word ftrapt is derived a
not an original word, but fcems to be derived a. Sax.. Scpeopan ;_Belg. ftbrat.Jfe11; T eur. fthr"Pfa,
KtrO~, as ~bo~e. a
~ febrappen ; 0.lllllla forte (and but a forte) ftabDti1,
•. .S per
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c 1l .· Frem 'GR.EEK, and LA TTw. ·C 1l
per ep.e nth. ,.:;..,.-: .froin 1ience iheri he ought to derived a K..,,.,.7,,, quali K~.,.,,.7.,, jittla, i11c11t<l)o,

Jodi•; fc. unguibfts; to fcratcb :-to return now .co

th(: word crt1b-.app1t; which, as t he Dr. obfcrves,
CRAN~ the bird lr'f"'"'
'bavc proc~cd to fta1Jo, .a flalpo 1 ftalpo a :i;,,.,,.7,.,, tontraho ; to beRd, conlra!I; as in 1b1 cafa of a.foaf•.
bt coniraaion,
CRANE, i11j/r111ncnl grtu ; a remarkable bird
·fecrns to have been called fo frotn tbe r•ugbnefl, .CRANE, machi11t i1111atural bij/ory: "unde
-and· hnrjhntft of its j•i<t, as if it rafp~d, a11d feraptd CRANE ()ti/ tbt nerk v11fi1 epi.Jlo•ium Belgts
• ·1bt tbruat 1 and confequently ought to have been· krae11 <licitur, quod rtferat cap111 gruis; nifi pu ~c•
derived from the Gr. :r..,...7.,, and not ftabo defumptum ex Ker.••• for.s; quod ex i!\iufmi:x:ti
:alone: ,.....·now as to " 'trabbed, it evidently· origi- fipbuncu!o doliis immiffe, li911ores, veluti i q"adam
natcs a nofl:ro crab 1 qu·atenus po.inum ft.lvtflre ; uberrimi fontis f catNrigint 11.ffatim irufilia111 : Jun.''
/q. d. mqrefus, d11N1J; met.aphora fiunpta a durit'it under the art code.
ti n•defstale ijlius lig11i pre ttliis: Skinn." CRANIUM, Kf"'"" talvaria; the bo11e of the
· CRACK aloud: " Keet{•» Keo.E., : U pt.''-tho' bead, tbe jla1lt: R. Kf"'"'' caput; the bead.
this.deriv. appears very plaufiblc, yet its propriety CRANY, Kf"'"• Jons, crtna; unde aqua fialtl; a
n1ay •be doubted; for Jee,.g.,, Ke«E•i, lignifies damo; cbinl:, gap, or flit ; quoniam ex trttrii, 'IJtluti 1jtud11•
ut w11ix, 'IJtl toruus crocito: we may therefore fontt, liquida profiuunt ; vivum h\~.Us rci excm-
rathcr derive it i Ke'""'• ·trtpo; to make a /01ul plum pra:bct calami crena {lbt flit of a pen) ex-
noift, Jo cradtll in the fire : or perhaps with Jun. pedite deveheps atramentum in chartam fub-
it may be derived a K«f«')'•r, quod Hefych. ex- jecta1n :-the elegance and propriety of this
ponit 8t"'""' ,P.,or, •••• ...e••.. r, gratJis jlrtpill1s, thought, or rather .fimile, induced me to tran-
~tlliti ferr.e; to ftrtak, liu a fll'W· (cribe it from J unius; tho' Vo!lius l:iad preceded
CRACKNEL: from the fame root: Gr. hirn in the ufe of it.
CRADLE: both Jun. and Skinn. have derived CRAPULA, Kt"",."""• erapula; a f11rftil, btal.'
this word a ·Ke"''"'"' mweo, agito; to rucJ:, or acbt, vertigo: hinc Kf"''"""'-;.v, intbriare; to intoiticate.
foalu; but the Dr. dilliking this deriv. liecaufe it CRASH; fee CLASH, or CRUSH: Gr. the
was Gr. fays, " mallem autem Sax. cpabele de- R and L ·often interchanging.
fleaere a cpa::t:; tarrus I addita terminatione CRAS{S, JCe<>r1r, miftura; 4 ton/lilution, ,,,,,,,_
diminutiva, q. d. carrulus, i. c. vebiculum i11fa11. raturt, or 111ixt41re of 11at11ral humors.
tile :"- but this is direclly 11 <bi/d's cqach, not )cs CRASSJTUDE; Kf""'' taro; creaffus, erajfus ;
cradle; which we may rather derive ..,,.. Tii Kf'"1"" grofs, fat,fle/hJ: If. Voffius derives tra/fus ii. rf'""•
u11de eralts, quia lignum 1111um alter11111 tent/ 1 411} 1r&,.,, edo; lo ta/; cra./fi1ud1 being tbt natural confa-
fort of twigs interwoven ; like burJks, and •wicker qut11tt of g/ul/ony, and voracioufnifs,
work ; •/ which ii is probable tbofa machines were CRATCH-cradle; Kf"1'"'• prebendo, apprtbt11do;
firft of a/J mod~, and as they art lilu:wife at prtfa111. quia lignum u1111m alterum tenet; unde traits; a
CRAFT, a11111ing l Ar•1•, ars, artis; a proftf!ion, hurdle, rac*, or manger; a play among children,
.CRAFT, trade S bujinefs, 111,v/ltry, c111111ing, de· to reprefent, by a piece of thing woven coge-
<ti/, and guile :-though with Cafaub. we might ther l ike hurdles, lhe cradle of 011r Saviour.
rather be induced to derive croft, a Kfv..1w, ob· CRATER, Ke"1"r• era/er, vas, in qllo mifattur
}condo 1 any thing abjlrufa, my;1erious, or hidden vinum ; a. bowl, or gob/.tl; alfo the aperture, or
from vulgar jigbt: and this derivation would be opening of a 'IJolc~no.
applicable both to trade, and to fQZenagt; which, CRAW, crop, or maw ; x,,.7.,,,, co11.tineo; 11.
in many infrances indeed, have but too clo!C a flomacb ta (Ontain the food: tho' with Skinn. we
• coonet\-ion. may rarher prefer Ke"'"'" perfitio, pro """'i"o ;-'
CRAG l" 'p"X'"• r11pes in mart prccurrens: to d;gejf, and not co;;tain alone the food.
CR.AGGY S Upt."-or perhaps from Ke•f""'' CRAW L: Junius and Skinner have very pro.
pr.caps 1·upes; a prtdpice: fee likewife Sax. Alph. perly derived crnwl a Belg. kritlt11; and that again
CRAKE \ . } "crow, and crew-berries: Ray.'' ii Lat. gr~llari, pro grad~larJ. i.e. gradatim fe_u
CRAKE-berrus{ -confequenrly derived from pedt/ent 111 zre: bur then this 1s the urmoft of their
the fame root with ei therCRO\V,or CROKE: Gr. information; for here they llop: Vollius how-
CRAM; K•e••» fat11ro, fatio; particip. pa IT. ever will lead us up to the Gr. for he derivt.~
Krue•I"""• fatura111s; contraCl:ed to (rammed l gradus. a"d gradior, ii Kf~J,.,.,,, to walk, lo jlq1 by
quali keccrammed. degrees, t• move jlowly. .
CHA!'vlP }both Jun. and Skinn. would CR1\Y fijh; Kae<t/3•;. cancer quidam; a frtfh
CRJ\IVIP-fi.ib derive thefe words folely fro1n . water fjh of tb: M..>.,... ~'el"" fpeciu; being of .L•e
CRAMP-irons the Sax. and Belg. kpain1na crab, tit /objler, or rarher indeed tbt jbrimp tribr,
and krampe; but they may both tc very cafily called a prawn, anti f c.1111..1 in frefh ~vaters.
R CR1'\ZY;

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C R From GR E EK, and LAT 1 If, C R
CRAZY 1 'p, .....,, ; ..,.;;, fra11ga, fratl11s; cra<kl, CREET l K.e,.,,..,, prthelltio; qui a lignum u11um al·
or bral:t11 ; like poor Ralpbo's wit; CRETE S l <ru• Je1111 ; unde &rafts; a b11rdit·
H is wit was fcnt him for a token ; or wattkd bafaet. •
But in the c:trriagc cr1uJ:1 and brake11. CREPlJSCU-L UM; K:.. ,.,r, quali Kf''"'
part I. canto I. 48 S. crepus ; unde &rtp11f<11l u• ; hinc <rtptra-Ao••• duJ;i;
perhaps our word <razy 1night more properly be l11ie ; .ltnnin; Jouhtf11l lighl, i11 th~ ttltfti11g afltr (1111-ftt I
derived ab Ax;" .. '"• c Ke,...•t, q. d. O.•"Xf"1•t, i11- and 111 /ht 1JWrning before /••·rift, called lfDi.fitbl:
1t•ptrantia, i11<a11tint11tia; a di}ltmperalure of mind; fee TWT-.LLGHT. Gr.
a Jifard:r in tbt ft11fts: and yet, when we confider> CRESCEN1' ~'1-f'"'· K•f'"''"l4" trt# I ,.,, ;
that many of our words have: given origin co CRESSES ! u11de crtfljc#, utfc4; la h1trt1fa,
fomc prove rb, thofc proverbs will frequently help to f.TllW; a plant, and herb tbaJ q.U<l/y jpri11gs.
us: thus the fonncr deriv. of uazy may be right, CREST, " Kf""<• <af'JI ; tbt bead; quafi
from the following proverb in Chaucer, as quoted 14..-,,., unde <rijia; Beem." vel ;\ K'f"'h ,.,..,, ;
b y Junius; forcaRi:, fays he, per 1nctaphoram o born ; quOd itJ u1pilib11s fit <orttit11lt11", quafi
dcfumpturn, ex illo Chauceriano ; urijJo, et conrra€tius crijla; M. quod ipfe magis
I 'm licker that the pot was <roftd. probo ;· fays Ainfw. a 111/1, or pbmtt, •n Jbe '""
. Cha. Y. pr. v. ~~5. of a btlmtt: but If. Vo1T. derives it il K•t"•
rccce quidcm, fays L ye, nam vox co fcnfu non- K•eo~~.,, galta,.<aj}i1 ; an !Hime/, or ornamttll 11po11 it.
dun1 nbiit in dcfuetudincm apud Dcvonienfes; CRETACEOUS, """ ; cb,./k; from Kt•l•,
efr autcm ii Gall. uraftr; 1lidtrt, fr011gtrt :- rhe inand Crne, in the r.tediterranean.
but chis Gall. word is evidently derived from CREVICE; " K.e••w, crtpo, i. e. dtfilio, dtbifto:
the Gr. as above. Lye."-;-t• <kink, or gapt: or perhaps &rtvict may
CREAK, or fhrtak 1 Ke••'» /01111111 maltjJum ti be derived a <rnuz, <r<navitt, contraCtcd to
odiofum tda; Upt. and Cafaub. 10 make a f<rtaming, crevice, or crtaft: et <rt11a, fays VolT. quali Kf"'"•
dift1gruablt noift. Jons; qui~ ex <r<nii, veluti fon/t, liquid a Huunt 1
CREAM; perhnps from Keij..,.., fari11a <rajfior; ut atramencum calamo : as we have hinted under
t he &boicefl par I of flour; as cream is /ht <huirej/ the art. CRANY: Gr.
part of mill:: it JS remarkable, that neither the CREW," Ke·~•r, p11lfus,p!a11fus ma11uum ped11mv1,
· Greeks nor Romans lhould ha vc had a word to p ropriC. ; fa.nus inconditus, 111multus; Cafaub." '
(Xpr~fs · wha~ we call crtam 1 in Lat. it is very cu11fufad 11oift, a buhbub, clttfler, or &ra11tl
poeucally !bled jlos lat/is, et ddid"' lallt.tJ; the CRIB lo tat 0111 of: " x....., pr.r/~t. a m1111·
jlowtr of mi{J:, a11d milk) fwuls: lince therefore gtr: Cafaub." '
crtmor is che modern Latin word for <ream, we CRIB to lie in: Kt.P"1•r, ' vc] Ke"f3fJ"1°', gra61S-
may ra ther with Voffius derive it a Ke'""'• urno, l1ts; a couch, or /mall bed lo <arry from plate la
ftjunga, ftpara 1 quia ell: pingut ill11d q•od l11flt place : this word , as well as many others, wil~
ftar11~/11r; tb1 rirbtfl par/ ef milk, that ftparaus, !erve 10 lbew the great ufe of etymology 1 for it
and rifts lo tbe tap. 1s not orthography alone tb•t can fee us right in
CREATOR l "f°''""• prrfid o, crt1 ; lo produ<t, ~he n;eaning of many w?rds, ~e~aufc orthograp.hy
CREATUREf aunltJ!lrfb, make ptrftll. 1s various, and flufruaung: 11 1s not a limilancy
CREDIT l mi hi aute1n maximc placer, fa)'s of letters that will confrirute true deriv. ; for if
CREED s Voll'. cffca x('e... crtd4, lhlllUO do; we were to attend co the letters alone, <rib would
quod q ui faci t, etinm L atinis rrtt!itor vocatur : o riginate a Ke4'"••<. but Kt1!3a"r idem c(t quod
a p!rfim wh• pl.uts a trujJ, or <••fidtn<t i11 anGthtr. KA1{3a..'"c-, in q110 horJtum ceguitur,, t11111iaMJ;
a f11rnau,fiwe, or O'lftn; all which arc far enough
CREEK, or harbour; Kt.."• lill•s; tbe Jh<rr,
o r bar.I:, qu am aqua 1naris alluit; tJll) /mall noot, fro1n the fenfe of a manger, /ud, or '°"'b; and
confequ~.ndy c~~not have given .origin co our
wajht /;y th1 fta.
wo~ cr1/J :- .ne1tner, may fomc ob;eClors oppofe,
· CREEP, 'F.~""" farµ, rtpo; quali trtpo; lo can 1t be derived from Kf<>f3o.7tr, for then it ou"ht
trawl; lo j1idt •11 lht zrou11d, a.s ftrpt11ts do. to have been written <rab, not trio : to whid~ it
CREEPER, Kt•w•r, <rtpida; a tind of pa11t11. can only be replied, that when words anfwcr
CRE~PERS_. or rather erttktrs, " K•e••o, vel cxaclly, or nearly to each other in fcnfe it Is
Kf'"''• .mcer alia (nam. multa lignifica11t) ab not fo abfolutely nccelf.try chat there lboulrl be as
Hefycf110 cxpon untllr> "e"""'Y''' xa~ 'frar1a 'f« ,., . frrict a coaforn1ity in. their manner of orthogra-
"°'14""• i. e. J;arpagants; ct in gcncre qui<quid phy ; for length of ume, various dialeccs a dif..
11d1111c11m ejl: Cafaub." troolud irons, made uft of tinCl:ion of appearance, and a number of ocher
lo drag up any 1bi11g fro111 1/;e bo/10111 of wells; &c. incidents may occur, to introduce a change in che
• orthography

Diqll17e<J by ( .ooglt>
C R From 0 ll 1 Ix., f,nd h A' T 4 "• ·: c '- .,
Qrthog~aphy of a word 1 but it is frnfe alone it from ~ '" K•e" ai'~r.•1 , ' qui' cri11t1 babet ct1itnn i11-
muft fix the ·e tymology. , . fl or vtlleris ; . a be11d of hair, uir!ed· like a jlrece of
CRIB, or flea!; " Ke ...1.. ,, abfao11dtrt ; vel wool. '!'here is ho.,,.cver ~not her deriv . given by
K>-,,.1..., furari 1 from whence alfo · to dip (the Ger .. Voll'. de Permut. lit. viz. crifP111 a x .......or,
<;oin): Upt·." though I can find no fucb word ; perhaps it
CRIBLE, Kel, bcrdeltm·; bar/ey·1 or bran mixt ought to have been printed K ..~•<; as it is pro-
witb flour: t?ough.perhaps it n1ight more pro- perly printed in the work itfelf; fed fignificatio
perly be denved from *e""•.cer110, criJJro; I• abire videcur, nempe co11,ifu.m, abrafum :-we
fif1 ; unde cribr:1111 ;· a· feive : be.caufe ; it is a c.arft make ufo of this· word in the lenfc of jb.rl and
~ind of /Iran, lifted ar.d f •paril&td jt"o1n. rhe finer bri//lt ; as when "'c fay a crifp calu, &c. Shake-
f1.~11r : only CleJ. has derived the verb K"'"'' froln fpear, in his 'I'emprfl, ACl: IV. fc. 3, has given it
che Celtic. · ' ftiJl ·anocl1er fenfe ; where he .makes lriJ fay,
CRICK,_ or rreek in the nuJ:, a Kf'""" fano ; 10_ You nyn1phs, called naids of the winding
crack I fpajmus, feu le/all/IS /tvior. ceruicis, a ftro brook!, (looks,
111111i, et mobi!i, vd ,) jlatu; fie diCl:us forte quia With your !edged .ccowns, and ever harmkfs
cll"IJix, dunm/c hoc dolare, vide!"r quafi difn;mpi, el L eave your crifp channels. - - - - -
defilire (fonitu) Skinn. vel ii Ke•?w, jlridorem edo ; And Milton likcwifo bas ufed it in the fame fcnfc,
ideo' : to ""'"'' a fi1appi11g, tracking 111Jift. in the following po.Jfagc;
CR I CKE.T, " Kf'"''" Ke•?"• Kf·y~, jlridar, fono; But rather co cell how, if art can tell,
Cafaub. and Upt."-a noijj i11jetl. : How from that fapphir fount the trifpedbrool:s
. CRIME, K~~'" crimen: " vcru1n quia qui Ran neCtar. Par. Loft. B. I V. 236.
j 11dica1, is !item ftparnt, at 'Vtrt1m falfo diflinguil; CRITERION l Keilr.ef••>, fe11fus, et par1 ar.imi
!}inc facturn dt ut Kf'"'' li:cundario ponatur pro CR.I'rlC S rer11m judicatrix, el arbitra ;
j11dicare; a qu? lignificatione eft Grrecocun) Kpii'-"'• j11dgemen1, dijiin&Jion., difternnunl: R. Kf""" J~d,co;
. projudicio, er Latinoc11n1 critr1t11, pro delitlo; quia to judge, determine. · ·
ob crimt11 aliquis j 11dica111r, nc damnalur : Volf." CROAK as a frog ; Ko,.£, 'Vox ranarum ; apud
~any atlfo11, or ·•ffe11ct of a heiJ1ou1 natl/re, that iJJ- AriQoph. in. Rao. Upt/'- lht noi/e of frogs.
curi the cenfitre of t be law., and the ftntence of tbe· CROCK { Ke.,~~or, ol!a, bydria, 'Vol ttqt111•
j ;tdge. <:;lei: \V,ay. So, fays, char the Celtic cir, , CROCKERY S rimn; an earthen pot, or "")
·a circle, is radical to the Latin curia ; to cri111e11, veffal made of earth: fee CH ROCK, when it lig-
and ~o the Gr. Kf"''" radically K'f'"''• 10 judge. nifics colar. Cafaubon derives our prcfent word
CrU~1SON, chermes, unde cb.ermejini vox ; crocl: a Kwe••t<• pera, facculr11, propric tariatttu,
feu potms · channefinum, contraCl:ed to crimfan ; ad .cl/.ftoditnda, et circMmfere11da. tibnria aptuJ ; unde
t/Hll bea111if 1d .red color, prod~ced from the K•x••r erode Anglis o/la, in qua coqNun111r car11e1; a.n earthen
13,.,.,••, o r dying grain :. "Salmatius fane non male pol 'to boil meat in.
nollrum t1•i111fa11, et Fr. ·Gal). cbtrme dcfleC'tit ab CROCODILE; "Ke•x•lw.or, trotodilu1 (an am-
.an tiquo Fr. Gall. guermu; hoc eft ii Lat. vermei: phibious animal of Egypt, and fuppofod to de-
vide VERIVll LION : Skinn."-but vermt.s, and rive its nan1e) from ~,..,, crcrus ; fa./fron ; and
f!tr111ilio11, are Gr. A">..", timidus; fearful ; becaufe the crocodile i1 faid
. CR INGE, Ke..,.7.,, •cculfo·; or Kv,,.1.,, cumb•, to be afraid of foffeon: Nug."-this deriv. is ra-
tubo; dtmijjb, el inclin.ato tarpore ftroi/itcr 'IJentrari; ther doubtful ; becaufe we· cannot bu t fuppofe
I~ jloop, and mea11ly bow drom. that the croc•dile 1null: have been known, in Egypt
CRIPPLE, x,.,,.,,7.,, quali Ke"'l-'"1w, trample, at leatl:, and mull: have bad a name, long be-
<rippl£ ; jietu, curve; lo /;e11d, .ftcop, go lame, or fore this a11tipdtbJ again.ft f ajfton could haf!t been
l\mping, . : dift@cred in him, or before a f'!flicitn.t dofa 1011/d
, <;:RISIS •/a dijlemptr, Ke•~•<, a Kfl!fl';. j11dico : ba'Ve bttn adminiflered :-neither is the Dr's. fecond
uncle crifis, morbi fo/11/io, aut 11111tatip· in meliiu, . deriv. fatisfaaory, vi;:. ·"or dfe from Ke••., lit-
d_et,eriufv~ ; !be. pruift mo!flt11t ·of .a ·difor:der, ·wbtn lus; tbt jbore; becaufe the fta-erocodilt iJ 'afraid
i{ /;tgins lo tbange, a1id we are able .t o j11dge and de- of the .fbcre :"-becaufe this is the fir{l time I
ltn1Ji11e, whc\her it. be for better or . worfo : it is ever heard. of t1 fta-crocodile ; which is defcribed
aJ!o ufod in a political fcofr, for an imminent as·<> river anilfia/ of an ~mphibious nature, living
}'l.nflr,,.e, '- , fomecirnes io ·water, and fomctimes on land ; fo
CRIS)? . . . } vel aif{• ..,,.,,, v arix; 'Varices far is he from being afraid•! the j}"n : there may
. CRISPE D loclu fri111 '1Jt1t'4 t-umid,,., ccntorte- indeed be forne of thefe creatures, as w.ell os allc-
.CRISPIN.G -irovs .qut 1. veins J~ifled and tn- gators, fou11d. at th.~ mouths of large river~; buc
la11gltd together; but If. Volf. more JU illy derives perhaps they ~ere ·neycr fcen at any great d11lance
• .. ; R '1 ouc

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out llt ft11; {o far as to de*rte the name of faa- Celti.c his o.WI\ deri:v.. that ,;op fhould come from
crocudilu, in contradiftimftion to la11d-CJ ocoJilts : cer-rtap, ftill both thofe words are .Gr.
befidet, were even this true, t hat the naine of CROP, or graz e, K..·1,.,, ftindo; to £flt , chew, ear.
trQcodi/1 was given to chofe anim:tls frotn Kfoxo, lit- CROP, or ji1111111it I. Koe~~"' verttx, racu1111n :·
tus; tbt jbort; and ~A>-o<, timidus 1 femful; bow CR OPPL.E-crowntd ~ ohmcroppt, faysCafaub.
very improper would it be to ·apply chis very pro q110'Vis ab Ang/is. fi1 tat11ilnll ufurpa(um ; any top,
name to tht land-erocodile, which in11abits rivers, or f 11111111i1 ; perhaps what is meant now a days by
and is known co be as much on la11J, :is in waur? COPPLE-cr,,...011td: Gr. ·
-in lhort, the name of cr~codile fecms co he in- CROSIE R }Ke•E, Ke•••r, trlix, n-ucis ; a croJs,
t irely an Egyplia11 word, or name for that crea- CROSS , or any twopit<tsofwood, timber, "
ture ; and confequently that all farther fearch CROSSLET &c. fafltned nlbwart each other.
after its Greek ecym. would be fruitlefa. CROTCl-J ET , or wbim ; ~""'"'• Kev"'1", Kf"''"
. CROCUS, K1•••r, croc11s ; Jajfroll. • 1., crypta ; occul111s ; hence tbe barbarous Frencb
CROISADE fometimes written crufade: Ke•E, grctefq1u, quaCi crottfaue ; ridiculi, biztJrrt, txtra-
CROISES ae•••r, cr11x, cr11m; undc Fr. ·unganl (wich t ruth may it be applied) " fie enim·
Gall. cr:oifade; expedicio bell ica a Papa, rdigi- dicta: fculpcurre, vel pic9:ur:e inartificiofa:, et nul-
Qnis ergO, inditl:a; in qua quilibec miles jig11u111 lis regulis aftriclre, firpe etiam riditttfd! ; tales.
crucis in tu!dca gt}/it, in ttjferam Jacr.e militi"' : a enim figur:e oli1n in cryptis potilliml\m fculpti•
tnilitary 1xpedili1n, in wbicb the faldiers wor1.tbejig11 . folebant ; im.o tales etiam fponce naturre, aqua:·
of the crofs Qn their brtafts and backs: this expedition llillicidiis faxa variis modis adedentibus, frepe
was begun about the ye.r 1095, thirty years af- , efformacre funt : Skinn. grotefo :" - and from-
ter the Norman conqueft, and was undertaken painliHg transferred to thought, wit h a fmall varia.-
by the Pope,. againft the 'furks and Sarai.ens in tion in writing it, grotefque, to crottfque, or erotthet,.
Paleftine, at the city o( J erufalem : and therefore to fignify any wild h!'"'"'• whim, or extravtJga11l'
called Jbt bofJ war ; which. drained all Europe fncy,; any Judden flarl of i111agi11atio11, formed with-
eat~ of men.and money to no manner of purpofe. out reafan, f o1111tiotio11, or rtnlily.
CROKE lilt a raflm 1 " Ke"'~"'' cr.odto, ut CROUCfl down, the fame as couch down ;
t~u1; Ital. trotore; Ariftopb. Plot. 369; oil' o Kv..?w, cumho, c11bo ; lo Iii Jqt,,,,, ffUat down, ft•qp :-
Xe~"f : Upt." to male a hfarfa rough 11oifa. or perhaps from Keu,,.1w, ot<ulto ; to bide, or /JtntJ·
CRONE, Kf"•» fanex morofus; fatuus, ti deli- fa l!!W as nat to be fanr . .
'hls : an ill·nalurtd old fellow : alfo an old ewt. CROUCHED friers, or as they rmy very pro•
CROOK (,cc K•e•••, vel Ke'"'" inter alia, perly· be written cT11tcbt1l friers, if there were ·
CROO~ED S nam multa fignificanc, ab H e-- noc· too great a fimilaricy between that word, .
fyd1io exponuntur 'Af..f'')'•r, '"" .,.,.,1,. '"'""!<""' and crutches : but chefe friers did not go 11pon,
i. e. harpago11es, et in genere, quicquid adu11tum ift : crutches ; they were fratrts cr11rt fipali; and wore
Cafaub."-buc perhaps our fhepberd's crook may be the fign of the crofs, beoaufe they alltnded th'
derived either from Kf•E, •f'""f• crux, trucis: or army to ./be bot, war ; which has been already.
as we might rather derive it by cranfpofition from mentioned, under the art. CROISADE: Gr.
K•e1•r, quafi ·Keux7•r, curvus ; crooked ; becaufe it CROUD, or fiddle, Kf•"'• pulfo, feria ; to ftrl!tt:
has a. crooked pitu of iron, fajtt11td at tk top, lo or ftrtipt tbt firings : " ~1/43«A•1t •e•«•, cre111balo
tatcb· tbt foeep with. Ciel. Way. 79, would per- pulfart ; ••• ••e..f .. •e•"» titbaram p11/far1: Ke¥,..., .
li1ade us, chac crooked was enti1·ely Celtic~ quafi fonus qui tditur cum orga,,,,.lllll mujitorum pulfoliont :
rir-ookcd ; and conlequently derived from the Cafaub.'' hence Butler's famed Crouillro.
fame fource with cir, tirck ; meanin.g whace.ver is CROUD, or tbro11g ; "· X...t'"'• imprtfonnn fa-
btnt, or bowed i11 o circular form; i. e. Gr. ftill. '"' hoflili modo ; violtnltr trudt1't ; lo lbrufl, pujh,
CROP ef corn, cc K«f...Of, frutlus in gent1't l[llivis: or jbMJe : Cafaub." " hoc malo," 'continues he,
Cafaub." all prod11Ct of tbt lanl: • Ciel. Voe. !2.09, " quam ex Kt•.., pulfa·; quod aliis placuit.''
fays, that cc erop is no more than 'a concraaion of CROW, wJ ·; " ·K•e«f, quafi Kf•«f, ldrllus,
tar·rip, or rather ct1'-rtap : ·ctr, the corn (whence quali cr..vus : Upt." " infertov confono," fay~ Voff.
Ceres) and reap, ti cul, or Jtparate :"-this deri- '"quomodo ab 'T>-o,Jylva; A •.. ~, l.evis :"-helike-
vation can be applicable only to a crop of corn 1 wife fuppofes that K•e"E itfelf is derived a K•r•r.
but we ufe it in general for all fruits 1 and there- niger ; blaclt : (o chat this bird receives iu nan1e
fore it wou!tl be better to derive i.t by tranfpofition from irs color (not· its 11oif t, like the frog).
.. ii K«flff•i<'"• vd K..f"•?w, nempe a KAf"•r. quali CROW; li!te a code; eithet from Kr"e"'' clamo;
Kf«"'-.•(, quod ·cum j1111fluram llMn,;s, t\1m f r111Jum 'o r from Ke""Yit, da111qr l allJ '411d, jJ. rill 11oife ; to
fignifkac: Vofi:'.'-but c.ven granting this lcari1cd "all a/Ulld.. · ··

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C R From G ll a 1 ic, and LAT r N. C R
CROW of iro11: " a Ke..., pa/fa > to hrock, or .fi.1iq11, /;le a wild btafl, a/wt1)'S rwing, anti tbirjJi,,g
brtak 6(Jei1 : or dfc from X"f''" imprdfio•t111 f aetrt for /;hod.
~iii llfotlo 1 Cafaub." 10 11Ulkt a t1it1lntt 111111tk •/>411· CRUET, Kf.,.....,, .till. pbi,,/111 8 fmallglaft, to
CROW N, or top •f tiH bttlli; Kot•...., H cfychio bald oil, 'flilugar, &c. fee CRUSE. Gr. '
funt ""'"""'· alto, ct/fa: potelt etiam pc1i1um crfl'Wn CRUMB, or bit~" Sax. cpuma; l!dg. lr11Jr.1t ;
videri ex 14......, e11fvari11, vcl caput : or per· CRUMBLE ~ Teur. ltr11ttfft, ltr11m111tl:
haps it may be derived from the fame root with nefcio an !tree omnia a Lar. grumMs : Ski no."- •
a CROWN to Wtor; as in the following art. and had gr11m11s ev~r borne any iclen firnilnr to our
CROWN to w111r :-Ciel. \Vay. 79, tells us, word trumb, or bit, it mighc hnve btcn adopted;
that " corona (he might have added Koe.,••) but when the fuppofed original, and irs deriva-
comes from 'orow11, contraaed to crown; not cr01v11 tives carry different lignifications, then we nuy
from corona ;" and in Voe. 46, he obfervcs, that always doubt, and often reject fuch ctym.-per~
•• the figure of the trown, being circular, was haps our word crumb, or bit, is no 1norc than a
held fo facrcd, that it was fuperfhtiouny arre~cd tranfpofition of M1xe•'• quali Kf'Y.''• parou1; li11/1;
vndcr the form of that clerical confurc on the COnVCrted firft tO CTOllliS, COntraacd Chen CO (TQflU,
fummit of the head, which from that parcicubr and changed afterwards to crumbs.
circumftancc of its reprefencing a crow11, is at CRUMB of a /oaf( perhaps agr11111u1; 11 billo<{
this momcnc prcfervcd by the RomiOt pricfts, CRUMBY S of tortb; a /•mp, or tuft;
and gives by me1onymy the general name of tbt it being 11 light fab1111nu, and puffed llfJ by ftrm tllla•
trKlnl of lbt b11uJ ;"-but even, according to this tio1t: r~.,..,, H cfych. cxponit I'lt.P•>-••• ft•l'fl•:,
idea, tlr#11J11 rnay have derived its denomination /oat,t ttfit11J; air) t111i11mu, or Juulling.
from it.s 1nro111po./fi11g, t1tcircli11g, or farrokndi11g the CRUfl.1P, crooked : " Kal'.-1~, tW''IJD, inj/tllo i
head 1 and confcqucntly may come a ruf•'• ru(.." unde crump-baclted, crump.jbo11ldtrtd: Cafnub."-
CJ'"' ;. a tirtlt, or ring/ti of gild: fee fo1nethtng or perhaps a Kuei•f• by tranfpoli1ion Ke••1•<, vel
remarkable concerning this word, under the art. Keu14..74', curv1u; crooktd, bt11t, /;owttl.
CYNG-HELM. Gr. . · CRUIYlP, or <rufh; Kf•w, quafi K.e•14ww , col/id,,
CCRUCIATE, Kt!E• Ke•••,, cr11x, crutiaJtts ; fr•ngo 1 to beat, or grind /mall ; break bet'IJ.Jt<fl
l'f'#t:i.fitd, IOl"llltllttd, pMt lo pain. the ltttb.
CRUClBLE;. from the fame root ;. quia in CRUMPLE, 'Pu1•r, ruga; quod ruga t utim ~ul
~rucibulo, 111t10/la qiuji txcrucia11111r ; i. c. 'IJalido 'IJt/ltm in plicat contrabat ; <0rrugo ; to draw up into
ig"' tli9u1111111r; vel, ut chemici loqui amanr, calti- wri11klts : 1hefe two lali words, trump and trump'
u11t11r ; to ttUlt, t.rt11rt, and tortt1t11t mt111ls wcr ltd, like crifp, and crifpuJ, f~~m to bc~r cwo d if-
1be firt. ferent fignificarions; particularly the tormcr; as
CRUCJ.FIX!ON, Kf•E, Kf••Of, ct ...,,...I",
crux. when we fay cr11111p, or crifp.
fig1, cr•ti.fix11s ; fajlt11td, or 1Uliltd lo a croft. CRUPPER," Kf>tw•,,bafis,f1111d4mt1t; unde Fr.
CRUDE { Kfvul•r, Kevlo,, crt1tl•1 : Ktuor, Gall. creqitrt; Ital. cropitr11, <T•f'P•; caut!tilt,foc·
CRUDITY S aft1r, rigor, gtlu; cold, im••· "'"""; caiuU:lt enin1 eft quafi bajis ti fwula•t•
l ure, ill digtjfiq11, raw humors. Ciel. Yoe.• . 169, ftll.e: Skinn." tbt tail.
fays, "lr11id, the ancient word for_f'"" (it is to CR URAL, r••u, r•., et r'"'• cr11s, cr11ri1; the
be hoped he did not mean fbittly as to colw leg, tht kMtt; alfo tbt binder ltg, . or tb1.bock qf •
alone) and ftill ufecl. in Germany, and other coun- qrtadruptd.
t ries, is one of thofe archaifms of which Virgil CR US.A DE:: fee CROISADE : · though' in-
waa fo fond, that it made him forget he was deed this comes mo~c naturally. from cr1111 ,, as the.
commitrin$ a plconafin when he faid, other from .Ke•f.-
J am fcnior, led cr11Ja dco, viridifque feneaus. CRUSE of oil; Ke•,.·ro,, olla; bydria, 'Vas ./illilt I·
1En. VI. 304. a 'Otfftl of g/afs, esrJb, &c. lo co11111.iJi.1111J liqMid•.
n'•il11, and viriais are there ftriftly fynonymous 1 CRUSE, or fail; fomctimcs written truift,
(and confcqucndy not littral/y gru11) crtttla r.uclla perhaps · fto1n JCei, Jeenc•r; crux, cruds, curf:1•
viro : all fignifymg trllJd, or grtm ( but ftrll not 11blil(llllTt ; ID croft "P .nJ "'""' ; ,, fail tbit WO]
liltr•l/y t;rtt•) 1 criu/111 bas indeed other fignifica- """ tbal.
t ions :"~d confcqucntly, may be derived as CRUSH,. f~s·t'o be only anochcr d ialect fo r
abo•c. cr1jb 1 and crajh is the fame as tl11jb, which ori-
CRUELTY, 'Kf•0<,frigor; unde Krwf•'· fri~­ ginates ii, KM~... K"""'•• clajb, crajb, cruj/J;
Jw 1 undc tNt1r, cr11J11s, cntdtlis ; ut a.fid11.1, ftft- the I ind r often in~erchanging.
lis: cr11tklis igitur 911i '"'dis tfl morib11s ; hoc ell: CRUST of brtntf. 4>~r<f,fr•.ft11m, qul\6 '11'.fl-;
f11Ji1, trllortlll'f.111 jitit11ti61ts; of a rutfe,fa'fHlgt iii.hf- or from IO.alf+";" quai 14'-"'I'"'• fra1m11/IU111 l a

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c u From 0 !l E ! x., and LA T 1 N. c u
broken piece of bread : we may rather chufe the of prty ; but among the -fpecies generally
following art. preyed upon.
CRUST , or <'wtring ZKev•~, gefu; uncle K~•r.•7'; CUCUMBER, Kixvor, c11tu111is, et cucumer 1
CRUSTACEOUS S 7'•<, ut fit proprie truj/a quod ven/rem magnum babeal ; a ttm11non plant.
cgdu in glade ; a cruft, or covering of, ir.e 011 the CUCURBlT, Kve1•;, curvus; btnl, bowed: or
top of any fluid : alfo any f!/h bavi1ig a fafl jhtl! ; elfe from r ue·•· curvus, inferto digamma; crooke~;
like crabs, fobjlers, prawns, &c. cuturbita, il curvitate ; a cuppi•g injlrumt»I.
CRUTCH; " XaeaE, vitls fulcrum; a truuh, CUDDLE, '' E')"'Y.9fJv;..i~, irMJolvo ; E" '1ft~1t a-1~.:·
o r prop: Cafaub." -we may rather derive it ii f 3') trx1xoelv>.tif4r11tr, quinque ftragulis inv olutuJ ;
Ke•E, •e•••!. crux, trt1ds ; a flick, wilh another rofl~d 11p five /,/anket1 tbi<k : AriO:oph. N ub: Upt."
fma!I piece fa/ltJted acrofs on Jbe top, to f11pport the to tlrcircle, hug clofe in the arms: R. KoeJu~•• capitis
lame. inVo/11er11m ; a hood. ' ,
CRY ar1icln to fall l Ke•?.,, ftrideo,flrido; Ke•1•• CUDGEL, K.ovlv7'1?w, digilis in to11dyfo1 <on-
CRY aloud S flridor ; any loud bawl- lraliis 'Vtrbtro, puguum impingo ; lo jlrikt, or beal
ing, to overcome lhe gtncral noifa in the fl ruts. wilb the double fij/s ; " feu potius pr1gifatum q•i
CRYPT, commonly written, and pronounced c,cjlibus exercebatur : Cafoub," and we ufe it to
craft, or croft ; but derived a " K~u.-1~, abftohdo, f1gnify cne who is beale11 with ;1icks. .
occufJo; unde ~o.-?,, crypta, vel erupt" ; ager abf CUE of bread; "a term formerly ufed in the
conditu1, prope do1num rutl:ici, magna ane et butteries at Cambridge; but thoug h wri tten in
labore excultus : Cafaub. Jun. and Skinn. "-a this manner, fignifies' no 1nore than a lirnple ft;
{mall tnclofure, near a farm houfa ; or a11y place en- being the firlt letter of the words quarttr, or qua·
·clofad, or retired. dram ; the fourth part of a penny loaf: Ray.''-
CR YS'f AL, " Kf"'"'">·•<, tryj/al!u1 ; a preci•us bu t both quarter, and quadran1, are G.r. .
jlfl"' : R. Ke••<, gelu; cold : Nug."-either be- CUE, or catch word; perhaps ii. qu-d!ro; i. e.
caufe it is clear like ice; 01· li.Jppofed to be formed 'Ee"'1~"• Ee~, qu~ro ; 10 fatk ; becaufe it is. t11e
in tbe fa't!;e manner. word faugbl for, or ·wailed for.; the word w1wttd.
CUB 1K.u1,.'b, cumbc, tubo ; to ba'IJt JOtlng; CUERPO, Xew<, Xe••H Xe"'"°'• XoeFo,, corpus,
CUBA T ION S alfo 10 lie dow" to tbe 1ta1. hinc to walk i11 cutrpo, i. e. fine pallio i11ced"e ; ab
CUBE, " K.u{lor, c11b111; a fo!id tq11i!a1traljigure; H ifp. c11erpo, corpus ; q. d. folo e<rport, fine pal!io
"dye ;, Nt1g. 1
, ob1ege11te ambulare; naked ; without any (overing l
CUBEBS, cubub,e, arum ; an apothecary's drug. in buff.
CUB11'; Kv,,1.,, cmnbo, t11bitus; an elbow ; q uod CU FF of a roat; " K•~•><•, cupul; u.n dc Fr. Gall.
'1dfi1mendos cibo; in ipfo tubam11s: llid. a 111eofi1re cDij fe; linei lirnbi circa manicatn extremam ornand!,
of a f oot 1111d a half, or f rom tbt elbow t o the end of vd muniendi gratii replicati ; coife Gailis olim
tbe_midd!" finger (\vhich to be fure in ail n1en is d•norabat q uodvis integumentum, live velameo,
the fam e) . nuxime t amen cap;1is: Junius:" wi chour rhe
CUCKOLD : 1nany have imagined that our Greek : now ufed co Jignify the orna11u111J •f 1be
word curkcld is derived from c11ckow ; but as jietve. ~
Skinner obfrrves, " certum elt noftrum cuckold CUFF, or flap; " K•>.=~·e.., cclapbu1; ajLtp,
non a c11culo orrum duxiffe; tales enim non or bfl>' 011 the tar : U pr."
'cuculi funt, fed curr11C.t (the fo olijh bird that hatcb- CUIRASS; Xae ..., prima ilia extima membrang,
etb the cuckow'1 cggs; fu ppofed to be the hedge- q11.e f tetum ambit ; hioc culem, corium jignijicare
jp.1rrGw, or /om-tit; according co Ainfw.): cur. ufarpalur : unde c11irafs, a c1Jir, corium ; quiid
n tc.t enim non Ilia ova aliis fupponuot ; fed c corium armis 111ultipliuftl jttptdilaverit maUriam :
contra ova ~liena libi fuppolita incuba~t, et .fo- armour ; chiefly the brtajl.p/ate. ·
vent: nee minus ll:u lti cxillimaatur, qui conju - CULINARY, vel a K.•7'•>, pro K4>1'o>, iHt'eJii·
g alem-fuum kc1um ab adulterorum invalione tueri num, afvus, cibus, pabulum ; vel a tGlert; cow, cu·
;non- poffunt ."- Let me add frotn ·Junius ; qui fir.a; quod ibi 'o{trent ; Littleton and Ainfw.
'}'rimi gallorum inquit Votr. ea1n indu.xere con- a kitchen ; becaufe of lbe conj/an/ fire .~ept up lbtrt.
fuecud incm,_ et maritum, natos ex adulcera libcros CULL, feems to be a contraClion of cofllll;
~ducantem pro fuis, cuculum nuncuparent, hi and if fo, may be derived ii A•y•, /ego, ~olligo ;
plane ronfuderunt cuculum, et currucam; na1n lo pick and cbufe ; ~· c.?ldl 1be cboicejJ : Skinner is
·cucu!i, five cuculli nomen convenit adl//Jtro, cur. of opinion drat " c-dll . parum al)udit Grreco
rum autem marilo adultera: : a WGrd unpfeajing XvA•e<.;, X"·>.""'' f11,c11m elicio, felt ftparo ;•,-but
to /he fJ/arried tar. this more properly belongs to <olo are ; and tD·
. . KoxxvE, et Ki<xoi, cuculus ; a, bird lander, than·to ru//,
10 • . ' CULLERS;

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c u. From G Ii E .E 11:, and LA T 1 N. c u
CULLERS ; from the (ame root with· cull; CUME, K"f'"'• c t jluflus, et bra/ice eau!itulu1 J
viz. O'Vtl rtjic~/.e \ forte fie diltre, quia grtgt fa· malt· a11111.
l1gun1ur, el e;u1untur. CUMIN, K•f'"'" rominum; both bub, and feed,
. CULLY, K11>.A•r, da11du1; lame, wtt1lc, - deftc· called t1tmi11.
/11Jt ; a filly perfan, ta/ily mijled: thou1>h Skinner CUMULATE, KvfA"• fiuElus ; quafi tumulus i·
has_ given 3 1nore probable deriv. viz~ a cogliont, an bet1p, or pile, ov er and above mtafure ; to }lore ot:
lt.f/~ct1l111; qu1a forte flu/ti tej/i&uli1 /argioribu1 pr.e- lay up, colleE/.
J111 fat1t; ut ojinus (et aper) inter brult1 aiiimalia:- CUN CT A T l ON, A')'w, ago, eoago, cunllatio;
whare~er tru~h ther~ may be in this opinion, every fed quia cunfla non fme mora perficere ell:, inde
one will admit the JUllnefs of the fimile. fachnn; ut furnatur pro murar-i: VoJf. a dtlayi11g,
CULMINATE, K«>.e<fA•:, caiomiu, cu/mus, unde li11gerin~.
c11/111tn; quia 1Jtltres tit cu/mo .edijicia ccnltgtbanl ; CUNl-GUNO,\ : Verllegan acknowledge~
flraw; buau/e /be a11titnt1 covered their houfas with "this female name is derived from, of cyning,
thatch; Co magnificently mentioned by Vi roil, by abrcuat ion made ldn~ ; and gund is afrnuch to
. Romuleoque reccns horrebat regia iul":no. fay as fauor ; Cu11igund i's then in !ignification, the
.lEn. VIII. 6 54. fauor of the ki11l :"-but then he ought to have
in all:ron01ny, tl\is cxpreffion, tbt fu11'1 rays cu/111i- con!idered that both f a'l.lor, and kir.~, are Gr.
1u111, is made ufe of to fignify the darting of Jbe C·UNNE } '' K or>'H11, HefychlO etl a-u"''"«-',
fun's rays perpe111/i(tt/arly on the heads of thoft tvbo CUNNING '"""..6"'• intelligere ; K.,,...,,
Jive between the lropio : but perhaps in both thefe r ..~.....,, f<i1111t, inulligttnt ; fkilfrt/, k110"JJi11g : Juo." .
fenfes it might be better to derive culmina1t, with - but yet there can be no objection why we may
Ciel. Voe. 21 1, " from alJ, which is the etymon not derive both cunning, and king, i1nmediately
of excclfiu, excellt11J, culmen, and collis; and from r.,.,....,, cagnofco, cogn~(ctns; knowing, tunning-~
many other words importing eminence, aocl btigbi:" Verll:eg an obfervcs, that it lignifies alfo thankful!;
-but then t hey are Gr. : fee EX-CEL LENCE, gra1i111de ; as, I"""" yott thanks, i. e. jinurt(y.
and H ILL: Gr. CUP, " K.•[3(3.. , t11ppa; or Ku.,.o..>,,.: Honr.
CULP ABLE; A«, iotenfiva particula, et &., II. A. 596, """'" ,J,~<>1• x,«e• x, ..,>.J1.., ii}ilio accepit
B'"'"" to; unde /a.bor, lapfu.r, co/labor.; et hinc ma nu poculum : U pt."-perhaps even .Ku,.!1-.\••
culpa; a flip, a fault: vel a K>-•ir•, fays Vo1T. tho' may be defcended a Ku,oc, tttrvus, gibbofus ; fror11
that word relates chiefly to ftealing. iJJ convexity; and kvfor originaces '' 3. Kr.Qr, (QVllJ,
CULTlJRE ; vet a K•"'" pro K••>-o, ,;bus, inferto v, quod lEol. .Kvf'or, i. e. cavilas, a ca'llity~
pabtJum ; /ht food of tht mind: vtl a (Ofo, tQ/irt ; or hollow 11ef[tl; a cup : Voff. "
oultus, cultura ; to till, plow, or imp1011e the /ar.d : CU PELL; from the fa1n e root:. Gr..
alfo tdu(ation, and improvtmtnl. CUPIDJ'fY, o,,..,..,, co•o, cupio, cupiditas ; 1agt,....
CUL VE R; Verll:egan writes it cuifra; "where- ntft, ardency, deftre : al fo co11ttouf11;fs. .
of in fom partes of England we yet retaine the CUPOLA; either from the fame root with tup·
name of ,u/11er; othcrwife we vfc the borrowed above mentioned; or- elrc with greater proba-
French name of pigto11 :" Ray likewife fuppofrs bility it n1ay be derived, according to Skin ner,
j.c to be Sax: ; but tul11er is evidently derived i\ 1
' ab lea) . t:lpo; e il at1tc.~ 1n tu rris ro ttJnda, forni~
X.•1'.vf43~v, 11ri11art, fub aquas it»mffgtre; undc t~· cota, ltalis valde frcquens; q ti ibus 1upo e!t a/1111,
lumbam; q uoniam 111/is •fl har-11111 avium gcjiu1 ; pr•frmdUJ, et !imul ltntbrofirs; tales enim t11rr1.s
always bowing; and li<nding the bead, as if duc*ing luu1ii pare<, el 11011 11ifi in fajligio per cenlrum, 11rJ
1111d~r wate1·. umbilhum admitltml ;" a large ratu11d lurref, that
CULVE RIN ; fo rtaffe corruptum ex X.1:>.vJ'f''' gt11erally covers famt 111ag11ijicer.t building ; as tl~
farp m tisfpuies(mcnt ioned under the art.CH LE YS) do111e ~f St. Pmr{'s.
undc tcluber; "u nde co/Jibrina; bombard a lo ng a CU RAT E l ne"• cr1ra, curatus ; a vicar, or
et tenuis ; qure ei ferpt11tina nuncupatur, i\ formn CU RE 5 11icarial prfrj/·, 1vho hos tbt car<,
coluhri five farpenlis : Jun ."-a /mg and 11a•row cure, ur (/,argt if fouls:- " no," fa )'S Ciel. \Vay .
field piece, flf.t a /nakt, er a ftrpent. 18 , "c111·111e comes forely 1norc naturally from.
C UMBERANCE, K;,.,,-7.,, cubo, t11111bo; 10 lie tU1'·aitb 1 whic h literally in the CcltiG is a
bta11J qn; lo hinder, to objlrufl : preacbir :"-bu t we may fupp9fe he intended. this;
Qi!a data porta ruunt, et terras turbine peril ant; word, as a compound of cur and aitJ; ; for in his-
lncubutrt mari. -- - - lEn. I. 8.3. Voc. 15, he compounds ft1bbath, o f fob and aitb,
CUl'v1· BER-land,- quafi Kymbro-la111!, takcs ·the t6 li gn'ify tlic day of inClruction in the fa ith: and
fame origin with KYl'vlBRO Briuns: Gr. therefore,, as he obferves in Voe. 16,. "t:ttrale, or
cir·J aid.1

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~ . '
C U From G 11.1.E it, and .LAT"IN. c u
cir-y-aid; a · prtaeher of tb: faifb cf. the church: or CURRY fll'l)or: fome have fuppofed i:llis ·ex.
in a eb11reb, has nothing to do with that forced preffion to be degenerated from t•rry-fowur, or
Latinifn1 the curt of fouls :"-but ll:ill it is Gr. carry fair ; neither of which is right; for .ii
for ttJr, cir, kiri:·, circle, are all. derived a K'ex-o'• Skim). hu very properly defi.ncd it, by blaiuliri,
tiruu ; a cirek ; the form in which cbJ1rcbrs were grtJtiam (aptart ; fo he has as properly derived it a
antiently built. Fr. Gall. q11erir 1 Lat: 9uertrt :-only now it
CURB," Kue/3», etK••el3";,Athenicn!ibus dice- were to be withed he had as properly derived
bantur ' """'"' tritmgu/,e nramidaltJ, quibus i11fcript11! qu,,,ro ab Ef.,.,.,, vel ~.,7...,, F-t"• g11go, oro, liieo •
tra111 ltgtJ /at,e ad bominum improbiMftm rtprimtn- to fetk, e11tre11t, imp!lJre, tJfo f awr. '
, dam: Jun."-but there is no- need of having re- . CURSE; " K"1"'e"'..e"" i111prtttwi, t111Jltdictrt I
courfe to fo diflnnt a !ignification, !incc both Colet Til K..1.., in cornpoficione conrrahi quafi ex
hiinii:lf and Skinner have given us a n1uch nearer K,.;;,..,t,.,, afiquem '"ecrari : Cafau~." to ult~r. ;,._
etym. tho' they have flopped lhort of the ori- prttalions :-but Cle!. Voe. 114, 1s of opm100,
ginal; viz. fay they, " a Fr. Gall. courbtr ; Chr- that this word is purely Celtic; for he obferves,
'IJare ; et Hifp. urbar; qu3! manifefle funt i Lat. that " from the Druidical word '"rfts· came the
eurvart :" and that is moll maniteflly derived a ancient Ro.rnan fentencc, banilhmcnt, or interdic-
Kue1•;, &Ur'l/us :-"'there is however flill another tion, ab oq111i, ti it1te, which was implicitly .4
deriv. jufl hinted to inc by the Dr. ; for he has, lcir-ijh, '"rfe, or tlltomm1111ication :"-here I am
a little before, explained rurb by tobibtre; this forry to dilfent from this great and judicious
indeed is not produced as the true etym. not.w ith- critic in Britifh antiquities in this point; for,
ftanding the apparent connexion between them. whatever language the word curfo may have beca
CURD 1 by tranfpolition evidendy derived a derived from, the cuftom of 0interdi&ing, u lfM
'Keu•r, quaft Kuelor, frigus; et K~••(•<, frig_idus; et ignt, was eftabl.ilhcd among the Romans fo
unde cruor1 which, (as Voll'. and Jun, very JUftly high as in the time of Romulus ; for after the
obfervc under the art. mttl) differs from fang11is ravifhment of the Sabine women, -l1iooyfius
in this, " quod fanguis ttiam ji1 '""' 'IJthis injit; Halicar. book II. fee. 30, fays, " that Romulus,
cruor autem dicatur pojlq11om tjfufus venis, et jam taking an account of number, it was found
toagulatus :"-frorn this appearance, or rather to amount to fix hundred and eighty-three; he
contiftencc of blood, when told, and thus ton· (Ron1ulus) then chofe an equal number of un-
gealtd, our words curd, and turdlt, have un- married men, to whom he married them, each
.doubtedly taken their origin: we cannot therefore ouordin/ to the cujl-omJ of their refpeCl:ive coun-
fi1ppofc with Skinn. that" fortean derivari pollit, tries; which he confinncd by granting them a
per 1netath, a verbo ID crowd, i. e. premert, togtre; commu11icatio" of fire 011d wattr; in the fa1\1e man-
quafi difrum crowdft :"-if the anricnt, and true ner as marriages arc performed, even to this
orthogr. were to be admitted, it ought to . be day :"-now, ·Romulus lived about 700 years be-
CRUD, and CRUDLE; but cuflom has e.fla- fore Chrift; i. e. above 650 years before the Ro-
blirhed CURD, and CURDLE; and provided mans knew any tl:iing of Britain, or the cufloms
we do but know the ti:ue ctym. the prefent or- of the r;:dts : this cuflom of cont rafring mar-
thogr. may pafs. riages by the ufc of firt ""d waltr, (or ·the com-
CUR-FEU-bel/; A~f"• AF"e"'•, unde mon clements of life) gave rife, fa~·s, r..1r. Spel-
co-operio, contr:ifred to cur; unde cvutr: et 9'"• man in his notes_, to the interdiCting a banifhed
I"<"''"• '1'""Y"• uro; unde focus: tooperio-focos, dif- perfon fron1 the ufe of fire and water :-it is very
torted by the glorious French to <lll'-jt11 : " cam. rcn1arkable however that · this co1npound kir-ifo •
pa11a q11'6 111011-!t cubit111n irt, extintlis igni/J11J, ti fhould be Gr. ; for. kir is evidently derived a
luu rni.<: Skinn."-or, as Junius has more ele- KJ~;,:o;, circUJ; a tirtle ~ mca11ing the kirk, or
gantly defined ir, " cur-ft11·btll dicebarur olim ,i;,rcb, or facitty , to which the perfon belonged :
campana per oppida et civitates ~irca horam octa- and ijh is as evidently Gr. being derived ab itlus;
vam vefpertinam pulfara, rnonens opvidanos ut, 81£1;, ~ 9''>'"• tanio, l•llus ; vel ab E1xa, prretrrirn
igne ubique objlr11!10 ( cocperto) fepultoque, reci- verbi It:.,,,.,, 111it/() ; uncle ico, itor, if!11s; jlritlten,
perent fe intra privatos parietcs: igni-ugium ;" - jlruck, o~ driven 0111 : that is, a perfon banijhed
cover-fire 1 :i cull om introduced afrer the Norm~n 0111 of tbt community, or eurfad.
conquoft, in order to prtvtnt fires, thofe dread- CURTAI L; "K.ve1o;, eurtus, curv•s; bent,Jhcrl•
ful cala1niries, frorn fo frequently happening in
the 11ig ht.
CURL ; r"f"'• rve·~ , gyrr1s, quafi g;•ur/ i t11rl;
e11td, b•b-tai/,d: Vo«."
CTJ RT AlN 1 Xoe1o;, cortina, qua <int/a
CURTAIN-fe.'711rt t;1 ccrs; an ~nrl•fllrt, or ·
·11"J tbi1<g lwi}1ed, or tur11&d ro1111d. ' ftcrct p!a"• froin whence the oracles ufed robe
9 · deli vere<l ;

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c u From G it .E ! K, and L A T 1 N: C \V
d elivered ; and witlrin which they are fometimes cha~ " cujJoJ, and cujlodia, derive fro1n ki), or
even to chis . day heard: Servi us fays, d iCla v i- <hfJ1, box, or coffer, to lock or keep any thi11g
d etur cortina, quafi certina; quod ctrta illinc in :"- tl:ill Gr.
rcfponfa funduntur : -but this is rather playing CUSTOM, " Euw, E"'"• fueo, eo1ifue/11J; a« uf-
.upon words, and mighc be as applicable to any 10111cd, f requented, •·eforud lo: Volf."
other place : afcerwards he derives it fron) cori11m; CUS'fOtvI-bozife ; if not derived· from the fore-
>Which 'is not quite fo dillanc : but Xoe1" is un-. going root, it n1ay perhaps originate a K.,.-,,,
rdoubcedly the original word ; and yet there is ttnfia; a lax, toll, qr t ribute.
.a nother deriv. produced by Skinn. " poceft cur- CUT, " Ko-1/w, ftindti ; to chop, ckavc, or divide:
t ain <lefleCl:i a F,r. Gall. CQll'l/ert; Ital. coper/a; Cafaub. and Upt."
·operimentttm ; addica term inatione diminut iva, int , CUTANEOUS { l:•v1c;, ft11tu111, corium : vel a
.veJ i11a; contraCl:u1n fc . a COU'Vertillt ; Jta.I. coper. CUTICLE S Ko1or, corpus; the ftiu, bid<,
·1i11a; q. d. a ..Lar:. cc'Optrla, co'tiptrlina, ccrtina ; rind, or covtrinz. .
c:1xtai11 :-if now this fhould be rather. preferred, CU'fH:-BERT, or as it is fonietimes written .
--t hen we have onl y co fhew chat cooper/a is derived and pronounced Ctllberd: Verfiegan acknowkdgcs
from the Greek ; wh.i ch has been already done, that "cutb lignifies cunning, k11ow /,dge; and bert,"
tu:ider rhe arc. COVER : f:';r. he fays, " is only an abreuiation of to be right ; fo
-. CURl'i LEGE; curtilegium; a g4Tdt11, or piece that Cu1b-berf importeth atinuch as k1t~wi11g what
of gro!lnd, behind a hcufe. is right:" but bo th CUTfI, and RIGI1T, are Gr.
· CURVAT URE l Koe1''• c11rt11s ; quod ./Eol. fie CU TH -READ l "acq11ai•t•dwith cou11ft/: Verfi."
CURVE T S Kve,,.•r, vel KveF•r, c11rv11s; CU1'H-RE.D ~ - half Gr. half Sax.
· 11tnt, Q!J'W(d, crooked: v·oir. vel (l/r'IJl/J a rve•;, CUT LASS; fometimes written Cllrtelafs; but
rot11"dus, in Grbon •verjo. Skinn. has deduced that orthogr. cannot be fupporced; for this word
curr;e/ ab Ital. corvellare, corbelfay,e, faltitare ; cur- is ev idently d erived fro1n Koor7.,, Ko11w, KOJ1•e• uncle
'Vtlta, fa/Jus ; 1i~ d iClus quia tqu111, fr<t:111tm atlra- " c11lter, cultelfum ; cutlafs ; q. d. cu!:dliacus, vcl
liendo, ad bunc mod11111 excilalur :- it is not derived eultellaceus ; jica, tn.fis breviur; a jhort /word :
. from crtrb, !>r ref/rain, as h~ feems to hint by Sk inn.''-withouc the Gr.
fr .e11um allrabe11do ; but from curvuJ ; bccaufe the CUTLE:fif o; " a I••?•r, ftut um, cutis, coriuni-;
. borfe in that aCl:ion botvs, or btttds dcwn aJ ii eft enim pifcis ferc t>:tarnis; et fangttinis, el pin-
were: nay, t ho' it fhould be derived from ClJRB, guiiliniJjimul tl<pcrs ; t oque 11ihit nifi nud11 , et fala
frill it would be Greek. c11tis : Skinner ;" without the Greek: tbt fkin-.fijb.
CUSfll'ON; "'Kuo-or, et K"" .."e•r, naleJ, podex ; C\~'ELLER , " wee now wrytc qutlltr ; a
quod natibuJ com mode; cxcipiendis appnrennir lrooblu, a l r.rm•r.ter of men ; it was alfu anciently
pulvinaria : J un."- literally a but11-pil/r;w ;-not- fomtymes taken for a hangman : Vcrft."- but Ice
withlhllld ing the propriety of this deriv. L ye it have been taken for whatever it might, it un-
feems to have been · ditTatislied wi th it, and fays, doubtedly orig inates from the fan1c root with kill:
« reCl:ius fortatTc Skinn. qui qrn nia vulc fafu it and is confCquently Gr.
Lat. col<a, the hip; q. d. co~-i11tl ;. quia coxis, i. e. C\VENE ; " our name quee11 is very ancient,
11atibus fubjlernilur :"-but ccxis . was never yet and was vfed of our Sax . ancecers, chough forne-
undcrfiood in the fenfc of 1tales: be fides, a c11/hion w!tat d iffering in orchography; for they wrorc it
was never defigncd to be placed on the hips : .n ay, cwen : and as ki11g is an abreuiation of c11niflg. or
even granting that cvjhio11 was properly derived a cy11i11z, the rnafculine of chief d ignity ; fo
cpxa, fiill it would be Greek; as Voflius has is th~· Cf!Jtn, r10\V \Vritten q11ee11,. an abret1iatiot1 of
ftiewn under chat arc. cu1, i ngi11nt, or f !.t11i1:gfna , tlie ancieor1...cttt. feminir1e:

CUSTARD, " Kur"''• Hcfychio- funt Tue'"'""• Vertl:."- had this goo d old gcutlem<u1 £topped
cafioli : Jun."~licerally fi,ial/ cbeefts; or cheeft- here, all might have been well ; for then both
"''"; which might be f• calltd fr•m their likenefs lo kill$• nnd q11~en, wotild have originated fro_:n t he
n1w-111ade cbuft ; and cu/lards, being :ilfo a f,puies fatY1e rooc; 1. e. froin the Gr. as we fhall fee un-
of chufa-caku, they mi,~bl have received their name der t he a rt. ){ING : but he goes on ; " qui11da i11
f rom tht11\t· • • • · the Danif'n coung is a woman, or a wyf ; and fo
CUSTODY, " K;.J1ni;, Knl•r« . a Kr,J,,, c11ra I was anciently que11a :"- but t hcfc two lall: un-
:K.r.Jcr·"'' t11·.t·o: If. \To{f./' /~· have tbe care, or cbttrge doubte<lly derive ii rutoti, m1slier, r!Xor ; a WC11l!J1f,
cf any per/on, or thiJJg : -b ut Gerard d~rives it ii or wife : the word queen therefore ought rather ro
'°"' e t. adflo; q uali coa;lu, cufloJ ; i11;1odio :-con- be derived from the fame o rigi n with KIN G : Gr.
frq uc ntly would then ori g inate ab fr•,"'' unde CWE RTERN.E: had Verltegan bur !hipped
!."f''""f"'' "1"r : tho' Ciel. Yue. 66, is of opinion~ this word of its Saxon drefs, and writte n it '"""''11•
S Ire:

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C Y Fro1n GR! 1 K, and LAT t M. D A
he might perhaps have fcen that it was only a diatcly faluted king · Henry VII. by th.e •halo
various dialed: for carctrn, i. c. evidently derived army :-:he only point therefore now i.s co deter·
fron1 career, to fignify a prifo11, or any plaa of mine, .whether KJN<i, and HELM. are not both
c~11finnnthl ; and is now called a cou111tr; and of them Greek.
confequently Gr.: bdng derived , fays Litdetoo, C:YNlC ; Kvri••i, a )(vu•, tllitis; 11 tkg: 11 /11Arkr.
eitber from K"f""f"'• or K~f•xe•" tu:,..,., ac- or churl.
cording to H efych. or clfe Ii cotrcendo ; accordi ng CYN'ING, " by the abreuiation of the r.o
to Varro, and Scalig.-only now, he ought to !illables into one, is ~come t,11g 1 the l1lll1IC ia
have inforn1cd us, that co~t'<'eo is Gr, as we have our coiig of foueraignc dignitie: Vetft.''-.,,but die
feen under the arc. CO-ERCIVE: Gr. origin is Gr.
t\VETH (." now quoth ; as when wee fay, CYNING-DOME'l." do both anfwcrc to the
CWYrff-15 quoth 1, quolh bt: Verit."-but CYNTNG-RYC S Latin woor.d regn11111: CJ-
t his word is Gr. ningdome is by abrcuiation become J:i11gdotJU ; the
CYCLE , " KvxAo;, tirculu1 ; fron1 whence alfo addi1ion of do1r1e, and rye, lignifying both one
tirck: Nug.''-an 1:n11ual rei:tJltilion. thing; to wit, jurifdillion, or Jo111inion; or fomo-
~YCLO-P JEDY, Kvxi-.,,,.,.,;,..,, diftiplina •cir- ti mes riches; and whereas wee fay, a kingdo11J1,
culoris, comp!"''" difcipfi11orNm, 011111iffJ"' crudi- they fay in Germanic, a lti11i11gryc; but whereas
tioni1, circtdo q11afi, cobd'rtnfis; the whole round of wee fay, a bijbopry,, they fay, "
dijtipli11e, ctllnpofs of tdtualion, drde of faience: Vcrfl." -bur ftill the whole compound is Gr.
R . KvxAo;, circuluJ; et n...1...., diftiplina. CYNOS-URE, Ku•••-•e•» canis eauda; 11Tf11
CY CL-OP S, Kvx>.'4, c;,•clops; tydopu, qNi miHor; fidus Boreale; Jbt l'.f!tr bear, having a icg_'1
unic11m oculam or/Jicularem in 111edio fro11tiJ bate .. tail; a Northern co11.ftdlation; tbe la.ft ftar i11 wbOft
ba111; a fabulous race of giants, f11ppefed to h11'1le t11il happens forrunately to be fo very near the
only one lorgt round·eyt, in tht mid.ft of their fort- North Pole, tha1 it has juftly given name to tbt
. head: R. Kv..>.•, , <irc11/us; circular, orbicular; ct polar-flar ,. R. Ku..., Kv•or, ta11is 1 II dog ; and 't">
•.,,J,, oculus ; an tyt. cauda ; a tail.
C.YCN ET 1Xvxvo<, tycnus, or cyg11u1; a yo1111g CYPRESS; "K..,..,.e,,....,,
eyprejjiu, or tupr'./[fll;
CYGNET f /wan. . ·a cyprtjs-tree: Nug."
CYKENUM, "chic/tins: Ver!t."-butCfJICK- CYRIC; "by abreuiation !tyrk; and by thruft-
ENS arc Gr. ing in ch inftced of '• or k, it was firft alienated
" CYLD, CYLD-HEYD i Ver!t. "-tile good ro cbyrcbt; and fince furthe" of, by the making of
CHYLD-HEYO S old gentleman it ch11rche: Verft."-but CHURCH, ·:\$ we have
mea ns cf.iJd, and childhood; which are both Gr. feen, is evidently Greek.
CYLINDER," Kv},.,/f"' tylindrus, cqrpus teres; CYSTE, " or lyfl ; 11 theft: Verft.''-but
a rormd body, like a pillar; R. Kvi-.1w, and 'Kvi-. .. Jw, CHEST we have feen is Greek.
110/110; to roll: Nug. "- and, is generated by a CZAR, a contrad-ion only of K ..•..«e, C'1'jar;
par_alltlogram revolving round one of i11 jidtJ. nomen Latinun1 ; ttn emperor, and emprtjs; the
CYMBAL, " ·Kvl'f3""'" cymaba!11m: R. K"/43-r, origin of which · name, or title, is however
hollow : N'ug. "-a rallle, or timbrel; or fuch /ilr:e Greek ;-" nam Cdffaru, vel Cd!fane1 appellati tX
i11j /rumt1J1 111ade of braft, "''" T; Kol'~•-P"i-.>."'· - utero matris exfetli: et a coido, uncle et c.edo, et
CYN i" ltynde; 11oture, generation: Vcrft."- cudo, a Koi1A> idem q\lod x,.,,.1... : Cd!far di€tus.
CYNE S but this word is evidently Gr. as we quod. C,efle mfirtu.e matriJ /11.e u/tro prolalus, rd1u-
fhall fre u nder 1he art. KIN : Gr. · tuft111e /1ttril . vel quod tllm C,cfarit 11/llUS fit; a
CYNE-HELl\1; " it is .ifmuch to fay as a quo ct lmperatores fequentes C,efares ditli, tO>
J:ing's rrown; whereby it 1nay appeer that the quod conuui elfent : qui enim exfa&lo utero txilllt·
crvw11e.1 of the morl: ancient Englilb-Saxon kings bantur, C.efo11es, et C,efa ru, apptllabanl"r: VoJf.'."
were worne and vfcd bv them (or their helmets under the art. C,efones.
in Warre; and it may .be that the crrrWIUI of all
ki ngs were at the firll intended for their bel111tl5: D.
Vcrll:/'- 1his obfervarion is very ju!t, and the
truth of it feems co be confirmed down. fo late as
Jhe bn11le of B•fw•l'th ; for Richard Hi's crcwn,
.DAB 611; " fi faiis Grrecus e/fem," fays Skinn·.
'' defleeltrem a6.~,,a•w,percutio,ftrio: vel it
or ht/met, adorned probably with fome r~mark­ Ais.,,.t~, fragurem edn·e; -s&lu-1 tnim, prefe:rtim 'VtJ-
ab!e hoop, or circle of gold, being found a1nong lidus, 'frag.,.e fa111ptr ;tipatur :" but he was dif-
the fpoils of the field, was, by the lord Stanley, . plcafed with both thefc,. becaufe they were of
plac!ed on the head of Ri(h11t~'1d, who was immc- Greek cxlral'tion : malle1n 1ame11 dcducere, con-

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D A From G·a I? it, and LA TT N. D A
tinucs .be, a noltro tlo; et Sax. UF l Teut. auff l DA!INTIES; " Aa•r, A"17or (imo A&ir, A.,.!',~,)
per apoltrophum daujf; dawh ; ut in do11; ~t dapu; and A.,,7,: Cafaub. and Upt."-and f~om.
tJ.ojf; et nos eodem fenfo dicimus, lo fay it on: hence likewife is derived A"'"'• and A"'""I''• which,
fee DAV\1B: Gr.-but both DO, and ON, or as Upton obferves, is ufed by Homer H. A. 602.
UPON, are Gr. 6.«1tvr1,, >1>-ll Tl 9vp.o-r ,l ut1o A"n"~ 1i#-71r.
D~CTYL! Ao:x.701'.or, datl)'lrlS I pts . metri(l(J I e and it is very remarkable, that neither this gen-' ·
fyllaba longa, ct duabus brevibus conltans : a cletnan, nor Pope, nor any of our o~her. Englifh
foot in verfe, <011/ijling of tbru fyllablts, the firfi tranOators lhould have rendered this line pro-
kng, a11d lbt ntxl two foort: the original figni- perly, though it i~ as beautiful a thought as atl}' .
fication of .the word daOyl, primarily 1neans a 1.n Homer;
forger ; and therefore properly belongs to /be They fealt; ncr did the mind wa111 tq11al foqJ.
band; but both Ao:x7u>.•r in Greek, and datlylt1S, DAISEY, Aal?.,, divido·;flos divifu1; /q divide~
or, which is the fan1e, digitus in Latin, exprefs the pretty little flower divided, cut, or nct,ht into
tikewife tht fingers of lbt feet, i. e. the lots: and /mall l<aves: Cid. \Vay. z5, fays, " the daijj fig..'
for this rcafon, as a verfe eonjijls, or fiands upon nifies the eve •f the da)', or the day's eye ; taken
fuch a nun1ber of fyllabks, or rather fut, a fron1 the fo~rn of the flower :"-but gra.nting the
Jatlyl is very properly ftiled pu metri'llS 1 a fool interpretation, fl ill both DAY, and EYE, are Grc~
of ~hree fyllables. DA'LE; 0o:A>.w, vireo ; ell enim locus ..,..,,s"""'•
DADDY; T,7J.., yox qua benevolentiic, aut rircu""1Jiridis, et undiq#aque ficridus ; a green, flcii -
honoris caura junior fcnioreni compellat: tata ( rifhing mead, or volt: Ciel. Voe. iz6, 11, would
11 Jada, or daddy; as young children arc taught derive " dole from the Celtic pri,..ative dt, nol 1
to call their fathers :-Jata, fays Voff. is derived and all, or bill; to ,flgnify not-hilly :"-but dale ·
either a T17'1.., ut apud Hom. T•i7o: 'Y'f•" : -r.n.. rnay take the fame deriv. with VALE; which
autem quafi T•70<, honoralus: vel ex AT1«, ut apud feems t o be Gr.
Hom. A7J,. 'Y'e"'': Ai1a vcro ex Chald. N ::Jc.> Di\.LLY, play with l H vel a A..i...., Hefychio
abba, pater 1 honourtti fire. ""'"'"'• ,Pivl•f'"" ludo, Jdudo, dttipio: vel a A.V.•r,
DAEGES-FARE; " a dlly's-f11rt., or day's fWe•r·· Ao.'A'AH, x«x•e'Y" : vel denrque a A.v.>.;,,
journey: Sax. Verft."-but both arc Gr. i """ow-Att~1or· oC 11 Tlir 1£4'eor ""C¥f9trt>Y, ~ rv11a•x~ •
DlEMON, A.•fW•.-. umon, fpirit1JS pottns, fed ><a• . "ft11{Jvltear, G1«• Ivf"1r'«l~fl -r«if ,..;Xe&i110~,
Deo inferior; a /pirit, or a11gcl, good, or bad; but ""'"">.'~ :" Junius ·adds, "referri quoque pote!t
chiefly tht faller: R. A.,...,, /do 1 to know; and ad 'illud dalivus, quod babet Voff."-this word
from hence chey are fon1etimes called inte/Hgtncu. he explains by flu/Jus: orcorum quoque lin"ua .
DlEMONIAC: fre1n the fame root; A'"f''"°'" fignificat in/anum : Santra vero dici putat ipf.'.m
><O(, fignifying a per/on poffiffed, or one who is u11der quern Grreci AH>.oao., i, c. propter tujus fot11itaum
tht immediate influence of an evil gmius. · qui;. mifareri dehtal : affine dalii•o eft Germ. et
DAF.FODEL; A ..~•11>.or, afphodtl; ebulum; Belg. dot, vd du/ ; i. e. i11fan111 : a fond foci, who
Jwarf elder; alfo a flower, mentioned by Milton is alwa)'s /amperinx with tbt gir/.s. .
on ·:i very. amorous occafion : DA LLY the time, feems to be the fame with
Her hand he fdz'd, and to a lbady bank, DELAY: Gr.
Thick over head with verdant roof en1bowr'd; DAMAGE, " Ao:,u.rov, AH•«, H e(ych. vel ii
He kd her nothing loath; flow' rs were the couch, A""'"'"• hoc eft fumptus, ,imptr.dium; unde in lib.
Panfics, and violets, and afPbotltl, vett. legitur dampnum; Volf.'' and we often ufe
And hyacinth, earth's frelbefl:, foftefl: lap. the expteffion, Wbat is my d~mage, m,Y ehpr~e,
Par. Loft. IX. 1037.' my tcfl? Let me however mention another derr ...
DAGGER; " e.,,.., Doi'. e,.,..., 11,uo; dagaa on account of the fingularity of its appearance;
among the authors infimz Latinitatis : in Ital. viz. that damage may be derived ab f.t'°» meur,
tlbga: Germ. taghtn: Nug."-a pcintt:i weapon; El-'011 ?ro1,~, tm(), Jen10, dtmendfi, da1R110; da1nnt11il ;
Jhorl {word. dttrimtnl, injttry; wbatrotr /11kes fi ..m mt, or mint,
DAGGLE-taifd jlul; "Dan. J11g; ros; hoc ty ilhJ violenl, or unl.iwful mt/hods, caufes Jo much
/1.ngl i~ Borealibus Dani reliql.)erunt, q uad origi- damage: Vo(Iius, in the art. SEED, is of ':'pinion,
nern traxidcelanddiogg! : Lye."-rhey feem rather that damnuin is derived ~ Ao.,.1•f'«b ab1e&o ''"
to have originated fro1n the fame.rope with DE\l\/, quafi ao:.,...... Jam110; lo hurt, injure: and this
i. e. quafi dtwgle-taifd: and a d11g of rain means feems more probable, b~caufe in old writings, we
a xenrle fhower; and a daggle-taifd foll fignifies a fometimes meet with tlampnwn.
tommon 1rull, whofe petricoats are cgncinually wt/ DAMASCENE 1lu111 (p.o:,..o:~•""' • prunum ct
with crudging about i.11 rainy wcatl1er. DAMASC- refe S rofo; !>rough~ fronl
S '2 Datna)'us,

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n· A · From GRE!JC, and LAT I N. D A
Damtifc11J, the nobleft city .o f Syria, between J c- tinta fignify both a bdly-wcrm; and a moth; and
nlfakm and Antioch. :r,< fi~ifics tinta, vermitulus vejlib11s nDxius ; et
DAMASX-doth; T.'f"'"' A«>p."1'""<• / tricum Dal- om11t id; .~uod aliquid corrodil, robigo, fcabits :-
mntirum. ; Jilk of Dalmalia, belonging lo 'J',,rkey i11 thus far w'kh regard to rhe Sax. tan : Ice us next
Eur•pe. trnce ou t OjtOf,. fardidus ; perhaps- ·i t is only a
DAME ; " A«/M•f· 11.YOT ; vel dcmina, A.,... ,,,,, t ran fpofition of fm·-fur, cjuafi ruff'; a B•tl3'f''•
madam ; 111'0 d~mi11a : l Jpt.''-there can be no fmf~r-us ; fardu ; dirt, draff: this lafl: word draff
objeCl:ion to thefe deriv. except co die word A,,.,.~, nukes me chink we ought to write it dandraff,
which is not co be found in our lexicons : che 1neaning fordu capillorum f11rft1r11ce.c.
id~a fcems to originate from A•f-o<, dam11.s ; a DANE-gt!/ : it n1ay feem fuange to derive this
baufe ; whence; the lord, or maj/er of a art. from the Gr. ; and yet Cid. Voe. 190, will . '
family : R. Arr••» _vel A•I'''"• ,rdifico, jlr110; to help us to fucb a dcriv.; for he tells us that " ibb,
build: or perhaps fro1n A'I'"'" jlra!um, /etius; a the radical of Zephyr:u, and Favo11i11;, for tht
parl11er of bed: though the former feems to Weftr.r11 wi11d, gives the origin of Devon, and
be·the better deriv. Dcvor.jhire, in which lafl: there is an example of
DAiVJN l A"'I'-""• A...,. : I-Icfych. horri- che common quiefcence of the v, lince it is very
· · DAMN I-FY! bili;, ltrribilis ; borriblt, /er- freq.,cntly cnlled Denjhirt ; fo likewife Dtnmari
rib/4: Ice .DAMAGE. Gr. is ufed for De\•anmark, lignifying a IVt.flern coU!I'
D.l\MO'.)EL l either from Ao,uor, damus, M•ii- try :"-fo far this great erymol. : but we fhall
DAMSEL ! eel/a : or elfe fro1n A,,,.,,..,."' fee under the arr. F:VE, that it is moft probably
pro A, .....,..~, dominus, dominiulla, i. e. parva do- Gr.-as for gelr, it is only a various dialect for
inina; a yatmg miflreji, y~u11g lad)', young gm/It- GOLD; confequcntly Gr. and is here uled for
w tma11. Da11e-g111d, a tribute, paid to th-e Danes by our
DAMP, or a!Jair, fcems to be a contraction of anccftors; of twelve pence for every hide of laud
da111p1111111, i. e. dainnmn ; and confeq.uendy the through the realm, for clearing the- Cea~ of pi-
famc with DAMAGE: Gr. races,"who greatly infelh:d che"E nglilh fea-coafh
DA~1P, or moift; '" BClg. Dan. et T eur. damp, in thofe days : king Ethelred was the firfl: who
dtmp, damp.ff: 'IHIJir ; Dan. damper ; ·rheot ifc. paid it, which. nmouoted co 48,000 pounds ·year-
1ha11m; quod videtur defumptu1n e 1ned io "'"'" ly, betides 11 3,000 pounds ac the firlt payment:
E>TM1"<'• <, vapor, exbalar;o; a E>v"', 0 vl''""'• fuffio; this tribu te was paid for thirty-one years, i. e:
quafi thamp, indc damp; moijl, and wtl. from ano. to1,;:., to 1043, when it was abolllhed
DAN;- " contrathnn ec .corn1pn11n a domimn, by Edward t he Co afdlbr; a very lbort p<.>riod';
dowmu, do1mus, don, dan ; Skinn. and L ye,''- and yet continued fo long, that the name of
hence we read Dan Prior; for Mr. or lvlnjlt" Dnnc-gt!I founds terrible in the ears of Englilh•
}'rior; and confequemly derived fron1 the Gr. 1nen <'Ven r.o this duy.
DANCE, '.' Aow•..•r., -voiutatio, ngitat io; ta/is pra:- D ANGE H, A"I''°» A""" din1m : f 1efych.
ftrlim, q(1alis i11 chords -videmus; qu11m au/em g)'ri gra'IJe, graviter aliquid fatinu ; doing any thing witb·
jiwrl fal111!orii, au/ pro modulorum ratio11t, pttjJiis hazard; fuffcring a loft : Voll" vide n11mquid b11c
11ariar.111r, Gra:cis hodie T"'?"' {qua!i A«•?a ) dici- faciar, quod Mai:edonibt1s, celte Plutarcho de
tur 1rip11t!ia1io : Lye."-this genteel accomplifi1- poetis audiendis, mon dice.batur .O.<oo;.
n1ent may be properly defined by a graceful a/tf. DilNGLE ; Skinne r very juftly. fnppofes this .
l:tde ir. matio11. word is only a contrnClion of the Sax. du11, ' vd ,
DANDE-PRAT l" '"'1">-•?•1«<, Hefych. ~a>.w- dune ; down ; et )Jan;;an, bn11gi11g ; deorfum pm-
D ANDLE S 1l«1: 11111'1Jeo, commovto; ma- dens :"-only now the I)r. oughr to have confi-
'11i/nu, ':lcl gt11ib111 ngitarc; infmtles co1J<lf./liontq"otlam, dered rhat both DOW N, and HANG, are Gr.
a1q1u agitaticr.e piacnre: Jun."- pral is perhaps D APH NJS; A"'f"<· Dapbnis, D11plmr, Launa;.
Jl O more rhan a flight alrerarion of bro/; a lill/e a proper narn e, fro1n the laure!·lru, or bu)•S.
DdbJ dnnced in the arms, on tbe k11tt. DA.Pl-FER; "Au<,, A"-11•: (imo 4«.i<, Aaf•<)
DAND- RtJFF; commonly written, and pro- dopes; and L\«r?• : Cafaub. and Upt."-confe-
no!.< nced Dandrijf; "compounded of' Sax. •an; ·qucntly the whole compound is Gr. to ·tignify the
tinra ; and 'oJlOF, fardidus ; q. d. ftnbies fardid11 : offi cer who.carries up the. tirll: cl i!l) at a fea,tl; a .
'Can autem ii Lat. tinea or.tum debcrc videtur :· f e'll.•er, or fnufibal.
Skin n. and Lye."-buc 1i11ea irfelf is undoubtedly D1\PPER.-/elt.r..O ; ·r"X"• ct Tc.X"• t~pp'tt'; ci-
deri\'ecl a T"'""• gem<J /umbriti ; unde l<enia, et· tijjime; a -V<tyat.lh1e, nimble, lively little ge.ntlcman.
linea, ob fimiiit11dinrm q11alemcumque·oppe/la111r, when DAPPLE-;rev : Ar.a>-o;, lei/er, mi1;1 : hence
it bears the fignification of l:r.> ~ but 1.eni11, and; appft; in Virgil , are called mi!ia pbma ; and .froin ·

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D A From G1t£r1t, and r.ATrN: D E

this allofion to the fruit, · a " fubgryfi•r tqtttu, qui cafio fufpicandi ex co quOd · Sicambris all/, vet
'' ft11tula{11s dicit11r, is called in French pomek; d•le ; .Gcrn1. 11il, vel 111/t, ditla de mD11t-d11/a ;
in Ital. P,•mel!ato ;· in Bel~. app/e.grnutv; appft. for1<1ne ii "'"'"'>."', pt·ou lla, ct 111011to ; quod prre-
gi·ny: Jun."-menning as if the bDrft's fai11 was fagre nvcs inftantem 'imbrtm pr~monjJrtnl, q1101ief-
mo//led with round /pot r, like apples. . ((111q11t grtgnrim rom;c/ant, ti 11r111iort c/amort 11tl111i
. DA~lE : " a,.;;~., t"ev"v, a11dtre ; by chang- fl<llltanl: Jun."- we 1night rather fofpeCt that
1ng a inro D : Cafaub. and U pt." a boldwtfs, im· :uiw,' o r jttr/t.Jaw WaS ·derived a 0v.ff'"'• 1111Jto I

p11Jmct, ajfu ra11u. . quali i!a11dt1>, Jore; .it !>cing a very bold bird, and
DARK, Ad'se._(, i11vifibilis, obft11 r111; ill'llijiMe. nut calily tO' be affrigh tcd 1 but will even chatter.
obfturt : R. A, 1tD11, et ll.rf•w, video ; to Ju : fo in you r face, and dort you to yo11 r worfl:.
t hat by our having cut off the negative p;1nicle DA \Vil: even Sk inn. acknowledges that the
A , we ~ave given our word dark the fl:r«f!gc ap- Fr. Gall. dm1bt r al·iquid•aninitatis habc•e videtur
~a rance of being derived from a Greek verb cun1 Tv,..1w, vcl 6tttcc, vel ~~zw41.:..i,. ptrcttlio, / trio t
(ll•t"'-') which lignili•~ to Jee : by aniiphrafis, lo flrilt1, or dab on wi!b 11 dajb, or jlroit.
which Skinner difdains fo much that he cries out; DA \VN: " M ioJhcw deftetlit vel a Belg.
" FeJlimt Martinius deflcftit ~ll'{"''• per antiphra- dawt v11111 dizgh ; ros diri; vel a Gr. A••"• ttritio ;
lin; quid enim etymofogo, er grammatico in- q uia t11orien1t ,durorti, ajlra minora ccrit!unt: 1nal-
dig nius puerih illil. figura antiphrali? mtlius Ca- lem," fays Sk inn. " dietmn quali to tiny, or tiay111,
faubon deducit ab /'.J1e•l.r. i11vijihilis :"- we· might i. e. diefccre ; addid tanttun .tcrminatione inli·
l\ive thankeo the D r. for his pej/ime, and his me- nitivi : Genn,. en: vel q uod codem r~dit, et 1nihi
li11s, if he had only removed t he abfurdity, and ma,,.is probacur, a. Sax. ha:61an die/are :"-but
1hewn us the difference bet ween tut"'" and A-lie· the~ he fhould have cold us, it evidently orig.
•~r :- fee TEN EBROUS. Gr. from the next art. : and even Ciel. 'vVny. 31, ac-
DART, "Ael,,, <II/pis tdi; the pl-ilil ef an ar: knowledges chat "d&wn is but a different d ialcCt
r~t; nccording to H. Stephen. Nug."- bu t per- of chi: participle daying :"-fo that the only point
1\aps it n1igh r more naturally be derived nlloeu.- i's. ro fix the ecym. .of the next art. .
or tl.oe..110., qun!i ll«{loo>, mijfile,jnrulum ; a Jpear, DAY, ll•"• diei, limun; /~~ht: or fro1n Atti;,
j1t'ildw • or any 1J11j/fot weapon. 1.,,Ja ; 11 torcb : we might, however, rather pre-
. Di\SH with Wiiier; t.«e•Y."" divido, Jpargo; fer the foni;ier of thefe; bccaufc Voff. de Pcrn111r;
Jo di~·idt, fp!11/de, fra lltr. · lit. fays, dits diClus quod divi11i fit optriJ ;, live
DATE any f:llrilin;r;; ll.ol.-,a.1, t..., do, Jaltts ; ab Jrot rjus, ur putabanr, rtf~~rt, quern Gr.:c~1 IJ.,a
gi11t• 1111der t11r hand 1111d fan!. appellant ; ct fane Jttpittr 1pfe cft noftra lingua
· DATES, " 1J..,x1»,.,, dalfjli, d~f:ili; t/Jt fingers ; ditfpiter, i. c. diti.paur ; fathir of dtJy.
11 /onit 11111, reftm6/i11g the fir.gen : ·Nug." DAYS-man; " an nrbilrator, tt111p1re, or j11dg1 :
· DAT IVE, llo1ox•, d111iv"s ; 1bt cnfa n111011g for, as D r. Hammond obferves io h is Annor.
gtnl/Jmarian.<, wl>frb exprdfis 11!!'re!atiD11s lt1u!i11g 'l'O H eb. x. ~5>' chc word dtJ.)'> in all Jang11ugcs and
11ft!f : R. ll.1!"1"" do; to gir.;e. idio1ns, ri ni fics j11dgtmN1t: fo ... of"'"'"" ;.Y.'e"• man's
DAU-DLE frems to be compounded, and do); r Cor. iii . 13, is tht ju~~r111t111 of 111t• : fo
contraClcd in the fame manner :is DOO · DLE; tiit111 dirtrt, is . /o i;;:piead: Ray.''-this is won-
ligoi(ying one who ti1Xs./itrle,' or 'll!lhiHg : confe- derful quotation ; for, in the firft place, there is
quentl y Gr. . no fuch cxprcfficn in Scripn1re; particularly in
f)i\ lJGHTER 1 "0ur~1•f• q'<1ali tl.oy~1•e• dn"ga· the p:1ff1gc here referred to, as A•~f'"'"'" •f'•e~ .:
Irr ;/ilia; by changing 0 into D, nnd then tra nf- and, in the ncxt -pl a<:c, l do not fee how diem
pofition, and c<)ntra€tion tia11gh1tr: !Cafaub. and diare can be introduced here, to fiie•• that diu lig-
U pt." Belg. dC<bttrl:in ; 1·~u<. lbfhlrrli11 ; dimi - nifies j1<dgtmtnt; nay, even Mr. Ray hirnfclf ac-
nutivurn ta<htrr ; Jilin ; perhips only derived a knowledges, that iclignifics only to imp/tad; i. c.
e.,.,.1o;;. contrad:cd ro lothler; tla11gb1tr ; 3$ above. npptinl n day, or foe a tin:t •f trial; .when: /rial
DAUNT 011t1 ro11r11tt ; Skinn. and Lye would fignifics j 11dgt111mr.
f4in derive da11111 ii Gall. domltr; tio11Tart ; hoc DEACON; " t.•<><••>0;, tliaro•as, mir.ij/tr,_fa-
immediate a Lar. domirare ;-and this is as im- ·mulus; n 111i11ij/tr, or ftro~111 of tht n//GJ': R . Ko,..,,
1ncdiately de rived e ither fro1n ll."I"',;"', domo, do- / e11ino, proptrD ; roma~e h•fle, lo be ilr atlio11: N11g.''
tnari ; or fron1 flttf'"'1'w, du1nito; ptrlerrifaeio ; Jo Cfel: Way. 18, fays, rh nt "d1aco11 is abfolutcly a .
nffrigbun, appall, Jubriut. Celrio term, d'cy-co11 ; "" officer of 1bt ia<o, fpil'i-
DA \V, or /JirJ; " \•ehemcntcr fiifpicor olim ·lu•I or ttmp•ral ; it is what rhc Gallic wri ~ers
fuilrc dau;/ ; fed I finale- paullatim 01nill'un1 : oc- called JO]t11 :'.' - b>.tt in 1no<lern £rcnc!1 tf9·:n •• "

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D E From GR 111t, and LAT 1 N. D E
letin, 'not a th11eo11: befides d''J·CDn is Gr. ; for ufc I as in the {ollowipg words, when 'Com•
EY we !ball is Gr. and co11, io11, Ii.ming, and pounded.
KING, arc Gr. likewife. DE- BATE, 11..1........, II..11,., s..1,.., bolw ; to
DEAD-boot ; " officeJ, or ftrr,·i<t do8t f or the btoJ on arg11111tlll ; to bandy wortls 1 to bold 11 ·tlifpule.
dead; it is fomty1nes alfo vfed for /111110lfct: Sax. DE-BAUCI-lEE, " 111ag11a 'l!ini i#g1trgilalio; l
Vcrft."-but death is Gr. Lat. dtbaccbari ; fays Skinn." ....which happens to
DEAF; Skinner, after having mentioned the be Gr.;-" nee non," continu« the Dr. "deftcCli
Sax. Tcuc. and l)an. words, from which he would poteft a dis, ct bo11tbe; ordo lapidMm, fau ltittrsa:
derive our word dtaf; fays, " miror nullum Ger- fed uncle, inqui es, iftud Fr. Gall. b11ucbt ? credo
1nanum Hcllcnifta1n faltc:m Tcut. Ja.U ddlc:xifi'e aLat•• ob11cus (credo abacus ex A(3,.f ), q. d. ftriu
a Grzco K0>t•r, pra::ter enim initialcm literam lapidum, feu laterum jux ta-politoru1n mcnfifor.
ca::tcra omn ia facilia funt:"-wc might rather, mis :"-and with us ufed co lignify any eitcefs, Jif
..,·ich Maninius, as quoted by Jun. fuppofc that ordtr, or irreg11larity, either in morals, or appetite.
the ,\J111ann. toub .i Teuc. daub; Dan. doff 1 Belg. DEBILITY, Al3•» babea, babilis, d1bi/is, ex dt·1
boff 1 Sax. bc•F• and our word dtaf; omnia et babilis, i. e. paru111 babilis ; weok, fai111, /ubk,
• ideri poffunt abfciffa ex Grreco Tuf>J\or, Tuq> : maim1d: Volf."
leaf; quod, licct ut plurimum ulil.r pctur pro DE-BON-AI R ; _if this word be compounded,
., ,.,,o, a)iquando tamcn etiam f11rdu111 fignificat 1 as Skinner fuppofes of d1 /1011 11ire, the modern
Suidas quoque adducit illud Sopboclis, orthography is the 1nore remarkable, lkboturairt,
T•q>>-•r T" T• .,7.,, ,.., ,., ••>, T .. T'. •i-i-"1' " : hoc cft bo11i umptralfltllli, vel indlllis : the ccymo-
Non tantumcapt11sts a11ribus, fed ct mence, ecocu- logy is evidently Gr.
You're bli11di11 tars,,in fenfe, and eyes : [lis: DEBT, li(l.,, b.bto 1 it ·baluo; dt 11/io bt:but
though it fou nds fomcthing ftrange in our Ian- ikbeo ; nam dtbtrt eft ik aiie'llo baber1, lkbilM•:
~age to fay a ptrfl11f is bli11d in tars. to llUI#, to bt obliged to· another's ·kintbstfi, or •ffift·
DEAL, or diflributt " from A•......,., diftri/J11er1: tJll<t for a /0011 ; lo ~orrow, i• Drdtr to rtpay : or
Upt."-R. lt.""'f ,.» JHcll•" i/Wido; lo dividt, 10 rather perhaps a Ar.,, ./Eol. AcF.,, debi1u111, ojfi.cit..,
Jifperfa : Verftegan fuppofes it to be Sax. dlcms 1 whatever is right, or btu•i11g 1 ". jll]l
D.E AL -Joards ; Skinner derives this word " ii obligalio11. ·
Belg. deylt, tittle ; Teut. · die/; affer (a pole, or DECADE, A""'~• &lor, dte11ri11, dttlU 1 a diw:
r after) .fiinpliciter lie diCtum, quia boc litnttm ;,, jio11 of 1111: lt.1xa , dtct111 ; 1111.
tentres pltr11mque affirts fcinditur :"-but chis very DECA-GON, °"""''>'•"'"• gtiur111io ad dui111ua
aptitude of deal to bt ri'IJen into any jiu, ,,,. fta11t- 11jq1Jt gradum ; a gt11tralion to tbt te111h dtgr11: alfo
lint, 011gb1 to have pomu d OUI lo bim'tbt lrut tlym. ; 611111tbt111atitalfig11rt 'UJilb 1mjiJ1s: R. Aoc:>, atctlll;
which is the fame with the foregoing art. A<"•eu•, et f•••, ge11tratio 1 vel I°•••, l"'" 1 "" angle.
~ ~q., di-:Jido, fintio, faco; to divide ; fplit, ri'IJt. DECA-LOGUE, Atx.V.oy•r, Jualogus 1 lbt tit•
DEAN, a A1....•«•f''"" bumaniler auipio; lo re. talogut; dttt111 pr..up111 1 tbt '"' comma11d111t111s:
~dve with bofpita!ity ; perhaP-•• according to the A'""• Jut m ; 1111: A•)'•r, 'IJerbum 1 • tem111a11d.
·Jidl inftitution, he being given 10 liberality, and DE-CANTE R, E.f-X:•.,, effu.Jo; lo pour •ff.
bofpitality in former times. Ciel. Voe. ~4. de- DE-CAY, Ka1w, d1orfut11, catlo; lo fall, lo ilt·
i-ives dean " a J'bcn, in the fenfc of ftnior :"-but dint ; ~ .evo cadtre; /o gr= old ; c11j11J, ouafus ;
·htn undoubce<Vy originates ab J!>,,..1,,, a1111Us, an- declining 1 'WIJjting, dying.
t:•fus; old, agul, fanior. DE-CEASE, x,.?.,, ;ic;•IW, udo, dtrttio ; to dt-
DEAR; Ku•:• <or; rbe btarl ; beloved : or per- parI, withdraw, lo dit. .
ha'ps from Xae11, gratiofus; tbartts ; prtdous, <0/lly, D E-CEI VE, K....1.,, .......t,;ic;. ,.••: .fJefych. t6fi~,
'J>igbly 'fJa!atd: Vedleg an writes it dtcrwortb, or duipio ; t1 talcb by craft. ·
ileerwortb, p"tia11S ; and foppofes it to be Sax. DEC EM-BER. : properly written, it ought to
DEA.R TH l l!.••f'~•, lt.rr.<i;, indigeo, mibi opttJ be Duodtu•ber; fur Decemlitr can never fignify
<1jt ; lo ht in wan11 to juffer fcardly. the T\V ELFTrl month ; from A<x.., titut11;
DEA'fl-I ; " 0",..1.,, mars ; nili a l!."H'• vcl T EN ; - and yec, notwithfta11ding the glaring
A11...., mer,~i, octidere; proprie de Jolt: Cafaub." · abfurdity which appeau on the face of this de-
1• tilt; t o ceaft 10 bt 1 to fat, as tbt fu11. rivation, it i5 however a t ruth ; and this bting
• DE: we have many words in our language, be- the lirft: time we have met with an opportunity
ginning with this prepoGtion ; which will be of expoling the abfurdicy, let n1e deure leave
more properly found under their refpeCl:ive art. co obferve, chat when chc firft reformers of the
unleu when the pri1niuves tbCJnfelves ~re not in calendar undcnook to regulate the computation
. "
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D E' From G 1t 1•1'• and LA 'l!' 1 N. D' E .
of time, and to fettle. the i:etum of the feafons, DECK of ajhip ;- originem babes in pi'oximc:
they did not fulliciently-con6der, 'that when they przccdente, quia ugit: fee above•.
departed from the Roman method of comput- DE-CLENSION, KJ<,..., wlino, tltcli1101io ; a
ing cime, they ought to have departed likewife decli•in[, bentling, J,cftlljio11 o/·11 11qu11, or colrjtJ[O•
from the names, which had been adopted by the tion of a verb. .
llomans ~hemfelves; or at leaft to have ranged DE-CL!VITY; KA....,, vel KAfr"'• ex tu'""''
our months in a different o rder ; or have given vwo, H!:fych. pro.untorilJfll; from hence very
pe:w. ~ames to t\\10 months, and placed them fo, proba~ly comes th1 lwtr's /tap, the ID'fJtYS pro·
that Duertrhr. lhould not have been ranked as montory ; not from their l1api11g down; but caft-
1:& lwtlftb- 111qnth; when, accordin~ to the Ro- ing thcmfelves do.w.n that reek : or elfc our word
man method, it very properly was placed ,., their declivity may be derived ii K,\,,,."'• pro K>.c1v<, di-
1m1h : for they., !?<ginning their year of the 'Vtr· WU ; o i/iJI, or ll<'/iHtnct of gtMl/t, and t ap oftent.
rut/ 49ui11ox in M11rch, wbt11 the fan t11/1red Arin, DECO RA!'ION, '°'"• oportet, Juel, th<0r11s >.
made tho names of thci.r months coincide with any bteolllilig ornal/ft/11.
the order in 'Nhich they fucceeded: chus Stptember DE-CORTICATION, X.f""'• caro, cortex.
'IDIZS tbtir ftvthth month; O/lober, thtir eighth; No- tnrnt111tego; rbt fain, ri'fld; or bar*. lo tb"JIT lht fkfA,
<UtmblT, tbtir niJttb ; and December, their tenth ; f1·11i1, or wood: decortico; to ftripoff Jhe fain, rind, &c.
and then came 'Ja11uary, and Febr11nry, co complete DE-.CREE, ti.1,.·•e'"" tkter#o, Jeertlltllf ; iia.
the year, when the fun was advancing again 10 ordi11a11a, or .ftatute.
;lriu : buc the firft reformers, J fay, by alt!.ring DE-CREPID, K.1'~ trtpUJ, crtpera jam vita,
the begi11ning o( the year, and making Jbefirfl of ut crepef<11lu111: fed Scaliger finer ait diti dtcr1pitos,
January our ntw ] tar's-day, and li:ill retaining the · tralatioM puira .i. {iueniis, que Jttrtp111't diculfltJr,
anrient Roman names for the reft o( the months, cum exfp;ranus crtpit11111 eJw.1 ; nee ineleg·a nter l
have encailed this abfurdity upon us, chac now we rebus fragilibus; quz .ob 'v.eculta.tem, fi motices,.
very wifely call our ninth 1t1ontb, Seplemh" ;· our cnp1111t: to /nap, and ci·ackk, /ike an.expiring taptr:
ltnth, Otl•btr ; our 1/ev 10l·b, N ., ember ; and to be worn t o tht lafl'fl"l' of life. ·
•Nr twtlfth, Deum/Jer; when d~ ' '11! is L1cin for DECU-PL,E;. A•~~ll'At•"• dt&its ; tat· timrs;
lttt ; which is· an abfurdicy impoffible to be ltn·fold..
avoided, unlefs all Europe would confent to a DE-DIC:A TJON, Ac/"'•"''• ti...., do., dico, dtdi-
ncw •egolation. · catio ; an addrrfs, a i'onftcrati"I·
-DECEM· VIR, ti.••"·"'"f• deum'Vir, dutm•1Jiri; P E-DITION; ti.;l"'I-''• do; retido ; ID /U1'1'e/fd"•·
ltn·tnen, thofan, and appointed/or <0111pili11g the twelve to give up.
labln of lbt Roman law, in the ye.~r of Ro1ne 391 ; , DEED, or gifJ ;. A..l"f'o» l,J,,...,, d1'rt ; t<J gi'1Jt,.
which they colkcted out of the writings of Solon, to btquearb. · .
the lawgiver of Athens: chey allo governed che DEEGHT; · ..·sax.. burcan ;, pa•are, difpontrt ;.
commonwealch, inftead of confuls ; but their . b1b:can .'\ti 'a>J•enb--Scpj}t'C, oobis, to indit~ a letttr':
'governmr(lt Jailed only two years: Jbe Dtctm· Ray."-bu t we lhal1fi:e ·that IND.ITE icfel£ is Gt•. ·
'1iri were alfo fome peculiar judges, appointed DEEM, 0tp.~, le1t, injlit111u111, }JJthtart-; 'ttJfup-
to determine any di fferences among the citizens, pofa. or imagi11e. ·
concerning chc freedom of. the cicy. DEEP; ti.:i ..1c., aqNaI f11/1to, mtrgo i11.profu,.df1111;
DECENcY, .o..-.,jus,juflitia,fas; law, j11jlfr1 ; lo Jip. deep: " videri potelt ab.fci!fom. ex Bu9•r,,
rigbr, proper: or elk it comes a A1<>0r, iden1 quod fundUJJr, prirnis. cribus literi• inv.ePlis ~ J<in."-
Aix1t<, A•rl"'"''• et A'Z"'"''• dign11J, aueptus ; he- this likewife feen'IS to have been the opinion of
coming, wsrlby: or elfe from .o..., duet; Jee.111, it Cafauh .. which Skinner has cenfured thus.;,
iuomes. " Caf.-wb. fotis violenter ddleCl:it il..Gr. a..&v, :"-
DEC-ENNIAL, ll.••"-""'"•7•r. ll.i.•1"'• decrnnis~ but n..&ur, and Bu9., are both of the fame lig-
uannalis 1 the term of ten ytarr. ' . nilkacion, ~iz. profundus ; whether chcy gh•e
DE-CIDE, K.,..7.,, ,,,,Jo, dtcido; to c111 off; to· · or.igin 'to our word dttp, or not. (Id. \Vay_47 ;.
itttrmiw a r,011/rO'UtrfJ. and Voe. I ~6, n,. would derive " dup from the
DECIMA1'JON, {),,.,., dtum, ded111.c ; le11; Celtic pr,iva.t ive de, not ; and· up :"-10 fignify.
u111b1, tithes: the caking every tenth man. net-up, i._e. down': but up is und'oubcedly Gr.
DE.CK, adorn ; l:1""'" tego ; ut ipli quoqee DEER, "@•e• /era, fui110 ; 'lltt:ij1J11: ch us Vir..:.
C.rreci abj-iciunt :i: initiale, diccnres Try", pro gil fays,
rl•r•r, tttltJtn: unde Sax. Dccan; Almann. thuan; lmpJen.tur Bacchi, pingttifqtre /tri.,,.e:
flan. dt(kt; Belg. dtdu11; to cowr, drefi, adorn. lEn. 1. 219, Upr.!'
( Q~

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DE· 'From G'R t I! IC; and· LAT r N. D E -
C iel. Voe. i 7 ~. fuppofes that " the Celcic er, or DE- LICli..CY i Littleton ·and Ain(worth have
her, is radical to our word fortft; a nd gave ori~ D E -LlGl:-lT S derived de/iti,e from ·lacip; nod
g in t<? the Gr. 0'?"• to •tli!; Lat. .fera; and the /ado they derive fro1n A<>u {w, i. e. a.,,,.,VQI (Aiof-
Eng l!lh word 'fleer :"- the originality mull: be wonh fhould not have fa id e~..1,... ) adulcr, /dandier:
' acknowledged fomt-where. · H<fvch.-chac 0=-•• thefe fenfes, Hcderic
DE-FEAT; 4>uw, jib, facio, dtficiu; q uali diffi- like;viCe acknowledges; but that A"xi{w has any
rere; rtfci1ulere, ptrdtre J t mtdio fr;/krt, deftruerc; fuch fignilicarions, he does not even hint ; for
fq put to the rout; put lo flight, tl/t off, dtflroy. he interprets Aa••{w by difcindo, /a(trO,; a ;1..,.,r,
· DE-FER l <1>1e"'• fero, differo; lo dd~r, aorl Au-.~ he explains by fi.f!u.ra cum trtpitu fac -
. D.E-FE RENCE S pojfpont ; 10 behave with di- ta ; f r.11}111111; fc: tacinia •pa1111i;· lacerando a'1Julfa ;
jlancc and refp tfl. ii A • .,,, ·: . :ind Amu" he expl ains by fa110, reddo
DE -FICI EN CY ; <l>u•" .fio, fo~io, deficio; t o fa11i111111, ref•"•• 'Vottm edc, loquor; not one of
fail ; lo break, as a brankrupl . which can by any means be applicable to the
DE -Fl.LE l\-1 ENT ; <l>•~u'"'• potluo; to pollute, wo rd delicacy : and t herefore, whenever t he de-
·make foul: Littleton; . · ri\'acivc:. bears a totally different fenfe from the
DE · FRAY; that this word is taken fron1 theFr. word which is fl!ppoled to be the o riginal, we
.G all. difrayei;, fmvptus in ft fiifcipere, vet t.vfolvere, may very lnuch doubt cbe propriety of fuch a
is evide.o t enouglt : fed undc, inquies, fays Skinn. d criv. : however, iliould A"•'?"' bear the fenfe of
Jrais? quid fi a Lac. paratus, feu apparatus:- 0"'"'""'• adulor, adfe11tor, blandi01·, it would be
the Dr. iliould have fa id n~f""'• paro, parat11s: fufficienc fo r our prcfent purpofe: only penu it me
however, as he ft'ems to have been 1nilled by C!'.J obCerve, that Vofiius has derived d~li<ia, pro
pis g_ood friends tbc .frans-<> Gaµ ;, fo tho(e gen· dt!icittm, ii X>.·I'~,,, hoc ell: Te•l'W ; Utl X>.13'"'"''•
try iee1n co have 1nillecl · tbemlclvcs, or endca- Tev~•f'(• delicatus: after which he adds, vel de-
:vour-ed to miflead others, by giving the word liciis, nomcn ex eo, quia drlitianl, et de/etftnt.
fuch a!' .appearance as 1night CJ1able it co wear D E-LINQY EN T, A•I'-"'.,, /\,,..,.,/'~""' : ,\'I'""
the face of orig inality; but very probably dtfray :l A1?;"~, qt1od ii A«1r~, /i119ufJ : vcrritt1r 'W'' in q ;
· is only a Gallic !lifiorrion o( deferre; to bear quomodo n.,1,, q1tinqut; ll•1•<t fJUO/Us ; ll;t10(••
011e's <barges, or t.<ptncts, confequencly Gr. frill . qua/11or: olini fuic liq110: V.oiT.- {inquo, deli11tjl•4;
.D E- FY; n ..&.., ,.,Q.,, jido; unde " Fr. Gall. lo omit, fail i;: duty; to offend. ·
tle.ffier; Ital. dijjidare, di.ffidare, vel diffiduciare ; Df~LIHI UM, A•e•<• A•e•v11, delirium, nuga•
/rV"Jocare ad pugnam: J un. and Skinn."-10 dif- tio; dqtage, t 1t J tJ/ tl,t ir w iJs.
e1·edit, and challenge any one to pr/J'llt the contrary. D E LP H IC, A•J.q>.xoo, Delphica ; helonging to
, DEI-FY, 0io<- fuw, deus-fio, divus:fatlus; made Delphi, a dly of Phoi1.<, ill Cruet, •ubtre tvas a
o fai11t, ca.noniz t d. f a111a"s or aclt. -
DEIGN ; thoug h this word is evidencly de- DE-LUGE ; A•"'••><•~"" /or.;o, di/110, tlil11vi111f1;
rived a ,i.,..,,, idem qucd Ai.1oc, A1'>'1""• <• ct an i111111datia11.; n 1nig }tty <lVttjltiwi11g cj W lllt'rJ.
.~ti(}'-f)'~), atcep1:11; a l11xc/£«•, capio; un<1e dignu.s DEM-AGOGUE; A•l'"-'>'"'J'H, d~magog1u, t!t}us
·CL dig11or; and t hough dignus, and dignor, are conjiliis popu/11s obfaq11irur, ulpore .fibi g•·atioji : a
often joined co a negative, as i11dignus, and de- ri11gleader of t he rabble, n P"P" lar, f t1tiious, and
.dig11or; yet when we join our negative co deign, jedi1ious oro/01: : R. A•/'•;, populits·; et A,-.., Ju&o;
:we write ic df!dain; noc i11deig11, or dedtign. lo teali.
DEIST; ®"'"'''"''• qui in unum Deum credit, l) E-M EAN, " Fr. Gall. Jemtner; ltal. dime-
fed Cbrij/iand -dof!ri11i1 abhorret; one who ack11ow- nart , fe bt1« ii11Jc 1110'1Jere ; hoc i\ dt, auc dis ; et
ledges a God, bill denies Rr.;e/alion. minarc, du<ert : vd q. d. dimanrwe, i. e. man1u
D E ITY, " 0.,1,,r, Deitas; Godhead: R. 0EOI, 111fivere : ccrre non 111inin1a urbani'tac~ pars i con-
·JJI£US, GO D : Nug." cilmo 111a1111um mqre p111d#: Skinn."- this was fo
'DE-JE CTION, hr.>, I•I''• 111i110; unde .E"'""• ioj?.Cnious an explan ation. of cbe Dr. in fupporc
jacio, dr.jeflio; a tbrlTJJing, or cajling da-JJll : a of his ctym. thac I could not omit it ; though
ji11ki11g, and •pprtf!ion of the fpirils. veri• probably it is not the crue dcri,•. for chen it
DE- LAY; <l'>'e"• frro, feror, lattu flim, dtfero, would have been wl'i tcen demainer : our word dt-
diiatio; . a dilalori11tf1, tardir.efs, loitering. .mea11, or de11uanour, rnighc ratbe r- be fuppofed,
DE-LE, A""'"" leo, ddro; irnptrarive dcle; with M infu. and J un . to be d erived a F r. Gall.
a technical term in p rin ting, to lignify bl-nt out : n1oyt11 ; t.¥.ea?J, 111n1111er ; m b.s, v10-dus, 1;1tdi1~111, vel
R. A"'" leo, ln.•i et /ini ; lo dawb, or fmu1r o~·er. ratio 1ltct1r:er ft gcrendi in rtbtts a.t;t11di,s ; gef/:1J,
DE- LIBERATE ;jreedom, n11d liber1y of thought, flatus; not of the bands in particular ;
•nd aflion: fee LIBERTY. Gr. but uf the ,whole PlJ'fan in g eneri l, or what we

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. •
D E From GR!?K, and LATl!l. D E .,,
call a prtJptr tk1oru.m, a11d btba'IJi~ur i11 ' arriaxt; D ENISON l ti1/;;:y.•: ~, ir'1••t.-.:i•. ci':Jitall t1011a-
conlcqurntly is derived from the fame fource DENIZEN 5 J11J, ci'llis; prtft1<1td w11b tbt fnt-
with • t1111; which is Greek: or rather, as we dom of a tity; a ci1izen.
might imagine, our word, and d1111ta11our, DE-NOUNCE; Nu;, nD'lllU, n11n1i1a, dt111111~io,
may with grt-atcr propriety be derived from qui nni aliquid ajftrt ; le ttli, lo Jere/ti/; 10 g1'11<
MIEN 1 and then it would be purely Gall. or 1101i11, or warrJr;g; lo tbrtattn.
Icelandic; and confequently mull: be referred to
the Sax. Alph.
DEMEANS; fometimes written demtf11u; but
more properly DEMAINS, a A•f''"• .ediji<o; unde
DENSITY, 61&.-v<, de11fus; tbilk, clefe, tompaf/.
o~'"'• oJ·,,7,,, dc11s, dcn1is:
unlefs we chufc to fay (with
-DENTITION Voffius) that de11s como from
"-"l4•• do1J1us, dominus; "Jo111inic11m; res, q11as pro- tdo · as alfo Ol oor fronl the verb F.J'.,, tdo 1 to tat:
prio jure aliq11is pojjidtt, palrimonium: Jun."- 1he'Eolics fay, EJ.,7,., for 01,.7,.,, which bears a
wba1wtr o ptr/011 poJ!tj[ei in bis ow11 right, bis good deal of relati!)n with dtntes: Nug."-that the
pa1ri111011J_. word Jt111tl, is derived from Oloor; or, as the Dr.
DE-METRIUS, "A•,"•1e•«, DtmttritU; b1/011g- fo elegantly cxprelfes it, otars a good deal of rt-
i11g to Ctru: R. 6•14•1•e• •f«• ..-e•r, pro r~-14•1•t• lation with Jentts, nobody would deny, except
terro-mottr 1 CtrtJ: N ug."-111olbtr-tar1b; 01- his anonymous critic: but that t he Or's. firft
cauft the grtal prod110 ivt par1111 of all fr11iJ1. word dent, or to dt11I, when it fignifics dint, or
DEM I ; a diminutive; as tkmi-ca1n1on, tk•i- imprt}fion, is derived from the fame root, fcarcc
et1lvtrill, &c. 'H,....,,, tii•idium; Jbt half: this di- any one will allow; notwithftandiog . J un. bas
minutive is ofccn exprelfed both in Latin and endeavoured to cll:ablilh the fame, on the autho-
Englifh by ftmi; as ft111itoni,.,,., ft111ito11t; ft111i- rity of Cafaub. but the confidrration of that
vocalis, ft111ivowel. ctym. will be more properly referred to the art.
DE-M ISE; llf1&11.,, M19'"1"'• millo, Jt,,,illo; 10 DINl': Gr.
ftnd away, to dij111ifs, ID die; alfo lo btq11tatb. DE- NY; !l""I'-'"'• ntgo, ruufo; lo dijftnl, to
DE.MO-C RACY, d•f'••~"?'"• dcmocratia, po· rifuft, lo rejcd: N ....,, ntgo : Voll'.
f!Uli pri11cipa1111, imptrium populart, res publita; a OEO-DAND, 01w-l1/.,.,,, Dto· 'd11111fus; a1ty thing
popular govermntnJ ; wbcrt the people to111111m11/; a d,"llottd, o r confecrt1ied Jo 1be fl·rvfrt ~f God, hi
commo11w1al1b: R. d•f"'<• popufus; ct Ke"1o;, im- ordtr 10 expiate Jome tmi11e11/ b11rl, mifa~1ef, or "''.s-
ptrium; /way. ' forlune, wbicb 1ba1 t~ing, ~bttbcr a1111nalt or 111-
DE- MOLI'TION, Jl;!v>-•• mo/a, molior, dtmolitio ; anillUJI< bai bun tbt 1mmtd1alt taufe of.
a mill-fto'11t, a bugt mafs of rubbijb; lo btop *P i11 DE-PLO RAB LE: If. Voffius dtrivcs ploro, i
ruillJ ; 10 pull down ; lo deflroy. ~Miv••f : vel potius i X>.ue•» idem q uod ll•t•r,
DE-MONSTRA TION, M•.-, monto, dtmon- •••f•;, """'r'"' Uyro, : indc ~~r11 1r ta, lv•.' f"""f"
) r•lio ; a to11c/11five argu111r111, a cugmt proof. ploratri>t, fru tla"!efa; t11!"p/~111mg, tutfP!"l• wail-
DEMO-STHENES, "6'~""'• Dtwoflbnus; ing · none of which denvanons arc fatt~faClory;
R. d•+'" '' pqpul111; ct tin-., robur; jlrt11g1b : and. therefore mull: dcfire leave to defer it t ill bet-
meaning lbt pillar, or fupporJ of tbt ptopk. ter fatisfafrion can be found.
DE- MUR, ~!'""• mora, dmoror; 10 ltttp baclt, DE-PURATION ; E14TV1~, p111 t:rftrto; dtp11-
flay, or fl op, rtlard. • ralio; the cltaefing of a ~01111d: or rathc~, as we
DEM URE ; Cafaub. derives our word dtmurt
may fuppofe, a ""''" eltfo ~. quomodo a ' n.~9.,
i e'l''f'" quod Hefych. cxponit 2:114"" bontftum, puta: flu.or, a fiv.,, unde Ilvw~1;, /11ppura/ID i tbt
11t11traoilt: grave, 'IHnerable,ferious.
digeftion of a wound; unde pus.
Dl:'.N 1 6"'"" i11eo, i11grtdior; to go underground,
DES-CRY. It will be necelf.iry . to produ.ce
or t111tr i1110 any tavern, or hollow platt formed b)'
the different etymol. in order to re€t1fy d~e m1f-
na111rt : Ycrll:. fuppofes it to be Sax.; and Cid.
takes they have made, bot~ u to .the ~cnle, a~d
\Vay. 36, tells us, that " our word d111, and the
deriv. of this word: Junius writes 1c dtftru,
French 1a11ier1, acknowledge the Celtic la!J, in
and explains it by " i•Jicare, dtftrrt, P_rodtrt,
the fenfc of 1ar1b; that bring the habitation,
Jiffa111art :"-here it is evident he has m1ftakcn
which preceded dwellings of wood, or !tone,
this word for dttry.: Skinner writes it tkftr.1, and
efpecially in 1he Wcftem parts of Europe.''
DEN-DE- LEON, Olo1sr "'"'• dntts lei: explains it from Minlh. by " vulg?> dt1tgtrt fim-
Jn,11 dt /io11; lion's pbangs; an btrb. p/;,;ur, proprit tfatlfort t lato, ftu l.1to ~tlnfma~t
dettgert, ftUjigmfaare; i pra:p. infcp. ~1t
DEN IER, 6'""• tkum, tk11aritu; a R..a11 toi11, aliq1tid
11bo111 tigbt-pmtt balfpt1111y of our mottt] : alfo lbould have been i11up.) Fr. Gall. dts ; Lat. d!s;
t noftro,.... :"--<his is no more than a uanfcnpt
a 1'""1· C .., T ·of

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D l!: From Cit l 1 K, and L A T r !f. D E
o( Minfb. ; fo that tl1ey 'have each of them minliru prelii jun/ ; damagt, loft; becaufc tbi11ts ~
rniftaken the deriv. of this word; for, what has worn, rubbtd, and f&0ued away.
trying t-0 do with difaoveri11g, as to etym. ?-they DEUS-AN-apple .; @•ecr, d11rus ; pom11111 di11
may give what interpretation they plcafc ro rhe durandum: " vel quod magis arridct a Fr. Gall.
word cry, or cry 011t for joy; but Cuch an inter- de11x-a11s, qui a ad duos ufqut perdurat annos :·
pretacion will never lead us to the true etyn1. ; Skinn."- but then the Dr. ought to have faid,
which probably comes fro1n Kfo.,, cerno, difcer110, confequendy derived from the Gr. viz. ex -Au•,..
or decerno, difar1!ui, or, as we 111ay wrile ic, dtft:t'i..nvi, duo ; two ; et E11et.u1o;, a11"11tll; a year. ,
conrraClecl co def<ry; to difco<.10'1", lo difcern dijlinf.lly . DEUTERO-NOMY, ".<i.1v1ieo•t<••» ·Druttro-
DE-SER'I', wilde,.nefs { :i:.-.. ew, ..,,,e;.;, fero, de- ne111i11111, itcratio legis; Dt11ter~nomy; one of th4
DE-sER'I'ER Sfaro, uc Cit dffertmn, (five) books of Mofes, bting a repetition, or a ft-
guod 11rm fertu1n , ntc cu/111111; u1zfaw11, u11c11itiv111td, co11d propilllg.<tiotJ of the law: R. Alv1•e><,fatundas~
wild; uncle deftrto, <irt; deftrtio; to forfalr.e, abando!I. et Nw-•r. lex : Nug." .
DE-SIDIOU~; E~'I""'• ftdto, difideo, defas ; D E· VELOP, " Fr. Gall. defvd.fe; part. verb_
idle, flack, j/othful. defveloper; expli<are, evolvere, txtricart : Skinn.''
DESI.R E; A111C'ilf, ptlitio; aAtG,t.A.a.i) oro, obfacrq i who then refers us to in·;;tlop ; and under that art;
11 implore, or earnejlly e11/rtat. he fays, " 01nnia ti Lat. velum :"-but 11tlum, and
DE-SI ST : Ir•,"-•• j}o, dtfijlo; to ltove off. volvo, are different deriv. as we Jhall find unde~
DESK, .o.,...,,, difc1is; me11fa lata ji1ii Jonna the art. VEIL, and VOLUME: but both Gr.
i ifaum refert ; any flat and broad table lo writt on ; D EVIL, " .O..u{3o1'or, Jiabolus ; " Jlanderer, "'
no malltr whether roumi, or fqut1re ; the ancient cheat, an ac,uftr : .ai«.{3>cuw, talumnior, criminor t
difc11s indeed was.flat a11d ro11>1d, like the appearance to calumr.iate, to render odious; 10 decry: R. Jl,.M~,
of tbt /'"' a11d moon; bur, with regard to our pre- jntio ; to t a)/·: ·Nug."-Clel. Voe. 2,. and t6o;
(ent word, we mean by a deft, any thing broad by no means ad1nits of this deriv: u for," fays
awd j/a!: fee DISC. Gr. . he, " A"•i/3•>.or being undoubted ly no· Gr. word";:
DE-SP AIR, both fubfranrive and verb ; E>.T<r, and, at beft, frrangcly forced from Ll.1..;30>•• , ea·
jptJ, de[Prro; out of hope, 111/erly given (/'T)tr. lum11y ; recei_ves an eafy origin from the concrac~
J?E-SPONDENCE, :i:"'"''"• fponte, fpondeo ; rion of tht, and t'"vil, into devil :"-let this be·
quod qui Jpondet, fud fponte p ro111i11at; unde the true deriv. ; we ha11e now only ro trace the
J,'/p1ndeo; lo defpoir. origin of che word EVIL,. wh ich will .be coofi-
DESPOTE, .<i.1.-,,-•1r.:, herus, dominus ; dc.mina- di:red hereafter, and found· to be very prolnbly Gr.
Jion, ptrWer.. DE-VISE; E.1•., video, vif11111 ; " ·q. d. divifarei
D ESS ; " lo fqutcze cl.oft, to defs ~oool, j/raw, fc. 'Vij:1111 ; i. ~. ocuiaJ circ11h1/1rre fpecc1Lari: Skinn.

&c. Ray." -it feems to be only a various d ialeet -lo loo!c about, lo con/rive.
of DENSE: conli:quencly Gr. DEVOIR; 6 " " lEol. Air •., dt bitum; o.ffttium,
DE-S"f'INY l lr''I'-'• jlo, dejlitul11s; deter111i- 1n:11111-1; dr:i-:itS ;. a d!te dtcartt!iJ, a bt ct;111ing dtct:~tJ·
DE·STITUTE S natifm, refo!utilm,fixl purpofa: D EVON:fhirq Ciel. Voe: 1.90, and 194; pLimly
~l fo to forfake, leave, difappoint. /hews, that ibb is radical to Zephir, p.,,cnilf.\
. DE-STRAIN, to take awt1y goadJ i11 cnfe of ~ncl De,vtm; all fig nifyi ng W cj/crn : "-but 'we
11ou-paymmt : fre ST RAJ N . Gr. have fcen under the arr. AVON, that EVE, o(
. DE-SUETUDE; Ev.,, Ev"'" jufo, dcftu1t1do; EVENING, is Gr.
difuft, or tbe abolition of a cirflom . DE-VOTE l B1f3~,,., 'i.lo'IJeo, drooHo; to vctv,
DE-TA IN, T"•w, ~,,;:;, Ion. '!",,..,, t eneo, de- DE-VOTJON i to co1!f4cratt; l o dedicate, 10
1i11eo; to flay, flop, or hinder. qffer 11p prll) trs, ':JO'ZVJ, pe1itiQJ1S.

f)E-T .E.C1' lON ; LT1r'» tego ; 1o·cover; de1ego; Df.vV ; 10 bedew, " fl.""'• madrfaure, irrigant
·111:c1rver, diftav er, difdoft. Cafaub." to which Upr. adds,
DE-TERMlNATlON, T'el'-"• terme.r, deur- A1ue,fe; 11 lrx.x{Vtrl XDA~i>•.
mi;wtio; a bom1dary, cr;nclqjion ; n / ma! rejof111itm. · . Madeba11t autem lacrymis fin us.
DE-TI!~ RI~; '1'«·.~cx\T~w;, terYt:o, deterrer.J j to a/- Their cheeks were we.t with rears.
f righten, .diftouroge. Iliad. I. 566.
IJE-TERSION, T"ew, "'f'"' ~,e;;, inde Te•(3•» what pity it is! that even half a line . of Greek.
Jtro, dc1erfi1s ; wiping, r1tl>M11g, br:tjbing. cannot co:ne from an y of our Englilh prelfes,
l)E-TRACT l O N ; fla11deri11g, c.1lm1111iati11g ; but there be fome blunder or millake in id
tfra1ving from 3 pcrfon's charaCl:er: foe: DRA'ltV . Gr. which thews either gro fs igoorance, or in(ulfcra-
. DE.-TJUMENT, T"f"• " e""• "f;;;, indc Te•!3w, ble carelellh efs in thofe who are concerned in fuch
Jfro, 1ri111m ; detrimc11/w;1; quod ca qu.e detriJa publications; of which we here another

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D: 1 · Fto1n . G·ll z r. 11t, . and L " T1 " ,.
.· 0 · .·I .
inflance in the very firfr word of t his quotation; l)T't1t11111.111 of the head, 11/ed fot"mtr/y by ki11gJ aHI
which has heen ftraogely printed <l••••f•: but qute1u: R. ll.1.:, to tyt; -"'I""• .~: a ligalurt, or
'Ough t to ha 9C b~-en <lru.,7a ; wtrt moi}ltntd, wt/ band: Nug."
'With tears. Dl-1ERESIS; ll.""'f' ..,~, di.r.rljil; divijio, di/fri-
DE•V-LAP: I cannot, with l\1inlhew and butio; apud grammaticos Ji,,.refi1 tfl, ubi ex tmd
.Skinner, fuppofe that our word dewlap is com- jjllabd dijfatld, fiunt J,,,,,; ut t'flolufffe, pro e-.;o!- ·
pounded of dew, and l~p, bccaufc it liangs fo v i.ffe; a fra11m1<1tital figure, of dividing a d i-
.low, as lo jweep, or lap up the dew; which is a phthong 11ico lwo dif/i11fl vowels.
thing no farmer ever faw: but with Junius, Dl1ETE TICS, a1a.1lu•, di.etam pr4!Jcribo; di<tff-
:would rather fuppofe it was d eri ved a ·rheotifco 1ica; re. mediti11a : the firft part of Ph.l'Jic, that
..Jeuzten, fardeuue11; digtrtre, tQ11coq1itrt; o/J t rrQrt n1 ct;rtcer1ts a rtg i1Ju11 i 11. diet.
"ttJulgo hominum, tibos 1·umin1mdN ex pa!eari fu rji1m DIA··GNOS'flCS; a'"''>""'"'""'" qui ell: dij11di-
·.&ieri, .i:rPde11ti"11;: the ocher part of cite compound · ca11di, c:t dig11"fl e;1di, peritr11: R. ~'"'di; et ftYr...tU)(u,
is as judiciouOy accounted·for by the fame great 11ofco; a c(efe, ji1htlt difaenur.
etymol. thus; " pa/ear, D an. dogler; Belg. DIA -GONAL; " t.'"'Y'"'"' Yf>/',~•· ·a liu:
-4ouwfwenge/; nominibus d~fumptis a daggrlr11, et which pafFs fr,;;s O/lt a11gle 10 a11otb11· : R. t,,.,,
.fwi~g~tl ; agitari, co11c11ti; nam et fie ln1tini pa/ear per·; through; and r"""'• a11gulus : Nug."
der1vanc a.;r' T; Il111,>..!a-Ba.i, '1li/Jrari , q11ati, agitari: ' D!A· GRAM, a""Ye•f',"'"'• diagramma, defaripta
,.,alf tande!fl agi1a1io11ein refpicit 'f'oflre111a. pars com- tr.bdfa, ct figura gco11un·ica; a defcrip1io11, o r
;po)i1{ :"- i t is a wonder however that neit her drought of a 1bi11g: alfo a.figure in geomelry, lo de-
Jun. nor ei~hcr of the other two ecymol. Jhould monflrate a;ry propofition : and in mulic it is called
h.ave obfervcd the tranfpoficion of letters in. thi~ a proportion, or meajurt di.ftinguifbrd by 11oles.
word : the two latter indeed could nor, becaufe Dl1\ L ; A1;, ll.1•<, Dijo'11is, Diefpilt r, i . e. diu-
they have derived ic abfurdly from lap: but char patrr; diu ; a day ; an irj/rume111 to /btw Jbt courfa
:Jun. who has derived it. properly from ""-"·>-<.-9,.,, of the fun e11ery do)': or dfe from A .. .,, diu, l11111e11;
lhould not r~e ic, is remarkable; the Greeks light : or elfe fron1 a";,,. 1£da ; a torcb; /be f""
·Wrote 11..1'., and we write lap :-<1n the whok, bti11g pcetically called the torch •f day.
Ji<W-lap feen1S ro lignify no more than tht fwi11g- DlA-LECT; " A•a.A,_7,,, dia/e!J111, modus lo-
·i11g, or wnggli11g·gl(J/t1; becaofe it was fort11tr!y quendi_pu11liari1, idit11uJ lingu.e 1 ayarlitular form,
.tho"gh1 t o be the p~.JJage, or guUt1, t hrough which or ma1111<r of /peaking, 'Uaryi11g fro111 the g<'n tra/
/he cud wa.s erto11toufiy ji1pptfed to pafs, i111bt atlio11 pronuncia1fo11, by fame pro1.1i11« me/bot! of exprtj-
,ef rxmina1i11g; and which rcccivt.d ohe name of fion : R. ~'Ct.'·''Yl;f'-"''' loquor, ftr111ot.jnor: d'°'' Ct
.dew- l.1p, from its conn·ant jwinging, and jhaking A1y.., dito; lo fpeaJ: : Nug."
·about, 4uring /ht lime tht creature is talillf.. DIA- LOGOE, " a difcotJrfe betwee11 two, or
DEXTERITY, " ArE.•"-• dextra; tbt right band: more perfan1: from the fame rooc: Nug."
.Nug." alfo eu£11'f"• de.\·/era: nempe ..... To DI A-METE R; " A•<>J'-•1eqr, diamttcr; a line
;ltxt~9-xi : v oO: J ) dipitli11g any figure into two equal parts; or wbieb
DEY of Algiers; A""' j11.ftiti11; jujlia, po~ver; <l!IJ any 111alht111atita/ .figUTt through the middle ~
n1eaning t bt j11dge, or potentate, v.•110 is i nvcfte<~ R. ~,a , per ; Jhrougb; a11d JA•1e(;~, tiJtnfura; 1nea·
with the chief authority of judgiilg in matters f11re : N og."
civil, as well as 1n ilitary. Ciel. Voe. 84, would D l1\.i\10ND, " Al"f""-f• adamas; 1bt bardejl,
·deri ve chis word from the Celtic " ey, the law, a11d mojl briliia111 of all precious j/011r1 : R. A,
by receiving the profthelis d, quali d'ey :"- but 1:011; et lay.a!4, don10; Jo fubdue : Nug.'"11ot eafy
ey, or l'ry,, is Gr. lo be pulijhed, 1111f ubduab/e : our word diamo11d
DIA-B~l"ES, A1"il•1.r, diab.cits; a fauat, or fcems to bt only a tranfpolirion of AJ"I-'""• quall
fi1111uJ : alfo a dijlemper, by. whicb one ca111tol bold adi111011d, dia11;v111!.
.bis wattr, tuhitb co11flanlly pof!es tbrougb: R. DIA-PASM, "A""""'"I""• diapaf111a, mediu1men-
li1~~(£111r...i, ex '1•1', per; ec: B:x1;.w, to 1 / () go, or 111m <orpori eft, vcl polui i11fpcrfum: Nug."-po-
pafa 1hro11gb. ma11drr: R. a,.,,, per ; tliroug.b, and ir.,,...,, fpargo ;
DIA-BOLICAL, t..afj.>.o,, diaboltu, diabolicus; I• JPrink /e. ·
the J,,.-,;i/, and dtvitijh : we have already feen ano- . DIA-PASON; "t,,,..,,.,.,,.,., diapafan; per om1tr!,
. cher deriv. of this word, under the art.DEVIL: Gr. fc. chordas; a concord of mufic of all 1be eigbi
· DIACODlON , di11(oJi~11; a fyrup made of lhe 110/t s : N tig."-this is cbe fir-ft time I was ever in-
• tops of poppy : by the appearance of 1his word it formed that there were rigb1 11ous ;,, m:tfic; per-
lhould be Greek. haps N is che tighth.
DIA-DEM ; """-• diadema i a riboolJ, o~ DIA· PENT E, il'"""11,per q11i11q111, i. c. chon!aJ'
·r '1. iiapt11u ;

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D I From G ll E ! x, and LAT 1 N. D I

di,1pentt ; a concord of five notes :-the ambiguity 11 Jijla11u, inttrval: In mulic it feems to lignify
and obfcurity of thefe two )aft arc. fufficiently a11 o&JafJe : R. A1a, and Ir•}"•, Jlo,
ihtws how vain an attempt it is for moderns 10 D IA-STOLE; A•.,r•'-•• dijlinllio,, diflentio; the
endeavour to explain the an1icn1 technical tenns di!alatio11, or .diftention of the heart, in the at/ 011 of
of rn ufic. · returning the blood : as fyftole is tbt co11/rafJion,
DIA-PER: ' '. quoniam diapri cciam 1111riis when it is tmilled from tbt bear/ : R. A'"• and
.fi.~ uris di.flinfJum fignat; credo tum hoc ; tum t ?rM.,, divido, lxpando ; to ope11, or dil"te.
no flru rn diaper orca ab antiquo Fr. Gall. divairt, DIA-'l'ONE, Ao<1<1••«, diatonos; bypato11, el
divaritJlrtJ ; i. c. varitgatUJ: aUudit Gr. A1".-Hf"'• mtfan; 1wo notts itz mujfr.
<icem "'""'f""'' trajieio; q. d. atu trajttlus: nimis DICE; "fortaffcaAr.»,jt1cib, projicio; al<"a, eubu;,
olerem criticum Ii il Gr. A"'• ptr ; ct Fr. Gall. teJlera : Jun."-becaufe they are throw n out of a box.
p,.e, pra1um, formarem: q. d. 10/um pratis j/ort11ti- DIC'f ATOR 1 A"" "I"'• / ,.E,., ofl endo, dico ;
bus iltt'extum : fed efio faltem :l{linii gracia allufio, DIC1.' IONARY S ncm pe qui a nibil aliud e.ft
vd potius lufus : Skinn."-thc Dr. fccms to dittre, quam j trt11olit ojlendere anin;i jflijen1en1ia111:
have been much nearer the fource, than he .in1a- jof. Seal. dlto, difJala, ditlio11ari11111 ; i11flr11ilions,
gined ; but he was fo full of his allufion, and orders : a tbief111aziflratt: an exprtf/ion, elocution:
fporr, that he did not attend to the true dcriv. a 'IJDcablila.ry, fbtwing tb1 etynsology, and muming
of the word diaper, though he had it actually of <vords.
under h is eye :- but we may readily grant it may DIDACTIC, A1J..rx.,, douo, trudio: inftru<-
be derived from ""'• joined by a plco nafrn to ti..01u, !1fo1u, p't'tc-tpt1.
che Lat in tranOation of chat prepo!ition per; os DI-DAPPER, "'" 1,,..1,,,, aqitas fiibeo, merg•;
much as to fay thrcugb and tbro11gb; becaufo 'it lo dive, dip, plunge under w ater.
is a fpuiu of wtaving ioro11gbt tbe Jame on both DIDDY; a diminutive of tt tl)'• or 1'EAT: Gr.
jidis : we lhall have nlany ot!ter inll ances of t his DIDER.i commonly pronounced didderi a A~Jw,
mann~r of compounding the origioal and ics timeo, paveo ;,to jbalc1, tremble, or quake, with fear,,
tra'nlfacion together. • ccld, &c.
DIA-PH·ANOUS;·" "'"~"""'' c11r.drlis, pelluti- DIESJS, Aur1r, ditjis, divifio, tonus mu.ficus; a
d11s ; clear, bright, tranjpate111: t..1°', per; e t ~l1.:11w, divifion ; alfo a mujical lone : R. A•t•/"•• divido; vel
tj101do': Nug." to p'tr1ni1 light tojhi11e't/Jrougb. A'"I"'• per/undo ; to di?Jide, or pou,. forlb; but
DJ A-PHORETJC, " AH•9•e•1•x•<, diapboreti- how eaher of thofe words can be applicable to
cus, difcuticndi ?Jim bnbtns; medicines to dljfolve, mufic, rnufi be lefc to the learned.
and d!fcharge bum1Jrs by tra11fpirtllion : R. ·A·"~'f'"" IJI ET, council;(>,,.,;,,,.,,, arbitror ;jr1dges, tbitfs.
. df/<utio, digero, rtjolvor; to digtft, diJ!ipalt, or di- DIET, food; " a,,.,7.,, Ji,rta, vil,e injiitutio ;
Jperfa : N ug ." a regimen of liv ing : Nug."-chis relates rather
DJA-Pf-IRAGM, " "'"'f"'>'I'"• diapbragma, co echics, chan phyfic; and therefore ic would
interfepime11tunr, q11od i111trfapit ; membrana, qu.e have been more to the Dr's. purpofe, if he had
cor ti puln101um ;, juore ti utne dijlinguil ; a mem- faid, dL-eta, feu vill1's ratio ameditis pr.eftripta.
brm1e, which divides tbe heart and lungs from the livillg by preftription. •
lower i11te}Hnts : R. Ao~, ·and ~f""~"" ftpio; to DIF-FERENCE, A•"'l''f''> differo, differ1nti• i
· bedue rcrmd, to ~orap aboul ; to edge ( ic lhould ta '"Jr.ry.
ha\~e b~en hedge) to iltdofe : N ug." DIG: · Skinner has played us rather a llippery
DIA-P LASM, A'"">."'"I"''' formatio, conf orma- trick under this art.; for he has only referred us
Jio ; a for111atio;1, f ra1i1ing, tf»11pq/itic1i : It. a,a, and to diteb; which he has derived ii Sax. b1ce, b1c;
1rl'.ac!T~-, formo, fingtJ ; Jo form, or jhapt out. <1gger, feffo; v al/um; after which he quotes fe-
D fJ\.-PORE.SlS, A'"'"''f'~"' dinportjis; dubita- · vcral fynonymous terms, and rej efrs che Greek
tio; a fig ure, when the orator do11bJs, and co11- (which will be confoclered und er t he arr. DITCH) ·
fu lts what .t• fay firj l : as, ~10 111~ verJam, j111iias, with, " fole aucem meridiano clarius eft, ortum
nifcio : .Cice ro pro Cluent. pri~. R • .""'• ec effe a vcrbo 10 dig ; ornnino ur foffa a fodie11d• :"
o:"ceEr..i I ex .i\, n/Jll; et floeor, V ia, tmptMJIOllS i tn- the plaulibility of which however may be very
tang fed, and 110 way to g<'t cut. n1uch doubted ; for though a commo n diub ca.n-
DIA-RR H<EA, "A'"PP°'"' R. A1aii•"'• ex Aoa, noc be made without digging ; yet all digging is
cc 'p,.,, jfreo ; to.flow through; Nug."-jiuxus; pro- not making a ditch ; belides, a ditch, or as the
fluVi1fm ven.t1·i1 j a j!Ux. Dutch call it, a digut, may be made without nny
DI ARY; Aaor, dits; a day; diari11111; a jour- digging; as mounds of wood, ftohe, earch, fand,
nal 10 ruol'd the afli•ns of each day. &c. all co1npacted regularly . together, form a
DIA-S1' E l'v1A i A"''"•""'' Jijl11ntia, intt1"llt1llum; diub, dike, dig11e, o r fmec, without digging: we

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D I From Git!! a it, and LA '.I' 111. D I
.may therefore with Jun. ratlier fuppofr our word pra1i11g 11011/mft lo tht girls ! or perhaps tt may
dig w3s derived a A•••AA•, ligo; a JPade, ufed in be but another dialea for OALLY: Gr.-therc
digging' tbt ground. is another deriv. in the Sax. Alph.
DI-GAMMA, A"Y"'f'>,"""• dupltK gamma, JF.o- • DIM : Junius quotes Hefych. for the word
lica licera; figura et vi fimilis Larina! F; fie' A"f&""f,.,, ,.{3,,,,e,..,met11ere 1 quaodoquidem na-
diCl:a, quod duorum gamma F fibi li.upel'iinpo- . turalis te11ebrar11m metus· ejl :-but th<re. is ~er•
cainly no natupa/ fear of darbuft; it is an artificia.l
fitorum foJ'main gerat : Hederic. fear or dread, imprtji on the minds .of ehildrm, at the
DI-GESTER; X"f• ;lG"f'<• unde gero, gejlo ; apprebmfion of fa111e han11 happtning to thtm on
digero, digtjler ; a fatter in order ; a regulator; being !tft alone in tbt Jm·f< :- it is rather referred
- an iron i11jlrumenl t!feJ for loncotlion. to t he s ax. ~Al h
"' p •
DI-GESTS; from the fame root: figoifying DI-MICATION: " M""''<• Dor. pro ~i••e•f,
a code, or body of laws, Jo called by Jµfian (per- pt1r'l.lus, mica; unde mi,o,. quia gU.dii in pr11ia11d11
haps Jujli11ian) who .firfl rtgulattd tbcm: {ee mictnf; 4 /illie JPangle, or JPar.klt: un!efs we
PANDECTS : Gr. 1nay deduce. it a A•J1of&.";lG'I'"''• (onft11tu, oppugno; lo
DIGIT ; A«x1v>-o,, digitus; a.finger; alfo a dt-· fight, jkil'1flijh. . ·
gru, or meafitrt. DI-MITY; "A•l'n''• dpp/id /icio ft1tfUJ: Jun."
DIGNI-FY; Arx>0r, idem quod Aa1or, A''l'I''"'• R. Ao,, biJ; et M,7,,, fil11m, quod}Jamini implfra-
et A•XJ"'"'' aa ep111s, gratuJ, fufaipie111; R. A•x•· tur; licium ; a duublt thread. ·
f'"''' eapio, aceipio ; acctptable, dtftr'l.ling, becom- DIN ; " tinnio : Skinn•''-true ; but titJnio
ing, fuitable. comes from To,.r, or T ...., ""' f3e•xi1ao, Hefych.
DJ-GRESSION· ; "gradivus Mars ..ppellatus tinnio, tinnitus ; a tinkling foultd, or. 11oift: and
eft ii graditndo in bt!'4 ulti'o citroque ; unde Kf'"- yet perhaps it might be.better to de~ive din with
J ...,~ :" Servius, as quoted by Voffius : - this Cafaub. 203, '\ tJ..,,,, cr1eo9or, nx•s : particularly
would certainly be a very proper deriv. if Ke•'"""' when it fignifies a repart.
bore any analogy co gradior; but it fignifies only DINE; " A ...,..,., cttnart; to fup: for the an-
-vihro, qua.lfo : R. Ke"I~, machina thtatrolis. tients, according to Feftus, called cama that re-
Dl-LAPIDAT ION: non cfr a lapide, fays If. paft, which .afterwards has been c>!le,d,prandium: ·
Volf. fed ii A....7,,, roacuo, txi11anio; A..,,.;n.,, · Aae- this is the etymology which mo.11: people give to·
"'~"'' jatlo ; l>.10<Aa""'S"» dejicio; to throw, or cafl this word : Monf. M enage derives t!ie French
down : or elfe perhaps it 1nay be der.ived from the dintr from definare; which has . been ufe.d inll:ead
fame roof with 01ir word LAPSE: Gr. ; 1nean- of definert; and he obferves alfo, that others de-
.ing to 'fuffer any buildings to fall into decay, to rive it fro1n the Germ. word d!fcbi, which figni-
t111nbk into ruins. . · fies a table-: Nug."-but if either of thefe lat-
DI-LATORY ; 4>rew, ftro, ftror; lat111n; di/a- tcr deriv. be true, it ought not · to ·be ran!s:ed
111s ; a delaying. · among Englilh words derived from the Gr,- ·
DI-LEl'vfMA; A•'-•l'-1'"• diltt11ma; Jyllogifmus "others," continues he, "derive it from e.,.., tp•·
11b r11rdquc parte ferien1 adverjnrium ; fyflogif- /um ; a feajl :"-the firft however fee ms to be the·
MIU -cornutus; an arg11111ent Jba·t <fJ11vi11ces an adver- bell: deriv.
fary both way1,poji1ivt/yand negatively: a perplexing • DINT, !' quod alii Jcribunt dettt," fays ·
difficulty. . Cafaub. " quafi a Lat. dtnt, fit ex tJ......1.r: ccrtc T~ ·
Dl· LIGENCE ; A''Y'" lego, legi, 4iligentia; l>.""' cum 0£v; baud raro jungi; ac idem, quatn•
u diligendo jingula; cartfulnefs, atttn!io11, difcretion, vis in mecapborico fenfu, valcrc, certum eft:"- jc'
deliberau chofre. Clel. 'Way. +7• fays," the Lat. 111ull: be in a metaphorical fenfe in,!leed, which
word diligens i~. itfelf fro1n _che ·Celtic di-fig ; feldom anf\Yers the purpofe of an etymol. :-we
1101-Lazy; di, privative; and trg, lazy :"-but lig may much rather derive dint a 9,.,.,, /trio, per-
is only a various dialcc9: for lay ; and confequently eutio; to beat, !<nod:, orftrik.t: or refer it to the. .
derives a Al')'·"'• eubo, eumbo; to loy, or lit down; Sax. Alph. .
tJJta11ing .nojluggard, no loiterer. Dl-OCESE; "A.,,.,.,.,,,di111'itji1; admi11fjlrptio11, .
• DILLING ; " fortalfe a 1"eut. 1lilltn ; gar- gover11me111, jttrifditlion: R. O··~· domus; a liouft,
rirt, incpcefabulari: Jun."-if this be th_e ori- habitation, poffe./fion: Nui;1."-Clel. 'vVay. 15, an!l.
ginal word; we ought to look no farther; but 7 5, n, has with great Judgement !hewn, that
as dillen feems to be a derivative; and as J un. " C.,!ftantint carrie<l with him from Brirai.n mo~e
himfelf ·acknowledges thac our word dilling fig- than one Celtic, or Gaulifh expreffion; and among
nilies a lill/c wotr, it may perhaps originate a the dioceft feems very unlikely to be .a (ir.
ru,...., l1go, undc Jiligo, difige11s; loving, wooi11g" word ; you will, without any torture., find m that

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... _.,
-..ord die-h;gb-ey, tbe' thiif juftict :"-but bogb lince the fun app<1ars· to ~.only 11. roHlfd 'koilr,
is only a various dialect (or high, which -is Gr. abacus fqlis 01ould be tranOaced tht d'.fk, nci tht
a nd cy is cbe fa1ne. difc of Jbt jtm.
DIO ·Gl'NES, " A••1'""'' Jove natfls ; 'J•ve- DIS-CARD.; '"X"e1•<, cb11r1a; fc. rhcrta1.ab-
bor11: R. z ..,, gen. A"'• J11pittr; •et .f 1')'••1'"' • j irert; q. d. d1frbar/ art: Skinn." 10 tiijcbr.i-ge, or
vel r ..,/'>~•,fio, 11t1fcor, 11at11s ; borlf: Nug." flrikt c.fl a Ii.JI; to dijinifs.
DIP; or diw; "Au"1"" mergo ; to piitn§t undei· UIS-CERN; Ke"~' cer110, ilifc&7110; to pertri'IJ<,
waler: Cafaub. and Upt." difti11f,ttijb. Clel. \:Vay. 80, fays, chat " che Cd-
DJ-Pf·i'l'HONG, commonly, .vulgarly, and 1:ic word r«r, or cir, in the fenfc of cirde, is the
erroneoully written, .pronounced, and d ivided radical of curia. of trimtn, and of t!le Gr. ""'"
dip-tbo"g; but what may be.tneant by foch a word (radically, fays . he, "'r""") 'to judgt."-but 'car,
no one can·tcl.J; our pre'fent \\ ord, is derived a
.cir, circ1,s, eircultiJ ri1·etc.n~, and rircte, tUre1y ori..

"A1-ip&•'l''Y"'• di-'PbihtJ1:gu1, " letter-<ompou11d<d of two ginare a "f"'"' : and cri111tr. :ts furely defr·ends i
vqwt/J : R. ~15, bi.s,-et ~9~Y'l11',fq11t1s; a fa1111-d : N t1g .'• xf -1 •"1, j udicq; t{) judge ; 111eariing 01\e ' vl10 fitis
DIPLOMA, A•w»"'I'''" dipbima; Hter,e pri11ci- done an evil aftioo, th at deferves ro be adjlidged,
p1111J l vulgo pattntts
dupltx ; a dupltGnte •Of'Y·
; letters patent; .R . .<l1r.~.••r, cor.demned: and thcr.cforc can fcarcc proceed from
the fame root with circle
DIPSAS, Aii}«<, dip/as ; t: 'l>iper, or.adder, whi<b D!S-Cf.llP110N, K"f"''I'~'' Koee·'"S"'• awpo,
tt./Jetls by A1•i .., fitis; tbirft. difurpo ; lo tear iii piuu.
' DJ-PlfOTE, co1n1nonly, and vulgarly written, DIS -.C ESSION ; Xoe~... x .-JZ, .c.-do, difttdc,
pronounced, .aud .divided dip-tote, and trip·lolt : dijcef!io; a departure, a going away : alfo a ar·
A•·r.1.,••r, di-ptof011 ·; • a noun witb only two tafas : tnin m~t/;Qd of voti11g, ">' only j oi11i11g the fide of thvfa
R. A•;,· bis; et n...1.., .,.,.,_.,.,, quali ,,-1••, •ado ; to for w bcm they would voN, without expre.J/ing tb<ir
fall, to decHHe. . 1 '. opi11ion on the fu l;jeft.
DIRE, AH••r, dirus; dr~tulft:l: Voffios fup- DlSClP.LE·; A«1w, vel A'"'"' (Lier. and A.inr-
pofes di~·,e to {ignify dtonim ir.e:: .but the forn1cr worth fay A""'• ~=«• ; b ut that fig nifies divn!o,
fcems to-be ·the better deriv. more properly than dijco) ; A~••w, vd !).""~"• difc~;
J)[ RGE , '" 03vfl"''• la111!nlatio; a W«ping, «Jail- to !Mrll, acqui1·t kno:w/edge; diftipul11s, a j cbolar :
i11g: R. Olv:-1""'' ./amtnfor; to lamml : ·Cafoub. or ·elfe from Aid;..-,.,, dcuo ; lo reach; 1hough
and Upc." but ·t he l.1uer obfervts, that •others that word is more applicable lo the i;-,;1nlllor,
·derive it fron1 dirige, .concralb:d to dirge ; the : than ·lo /be injh-ufltd.
firft -word of the Romilh-office of che dead.: buc DIS-CQURS E:Lord Boli<ig brok e, vo!. I. p. 139>
-Cafaub. difapprovcs of that deriv. obfervel, tbat tbe word" difaaitrfa is dt riv'ed from
DIS-AB·L E: fee ABILITY : Gr.-We h<we · the Latin verb, which lignilies ionm abottl ( curro}
·many other words in our language, beginning and by .rhe motion of our leg~, and the agirn-
with th~ negative prcpolition; which will be tion of ou r whole body, to rraverte 1nanv diffo.
1nore properly found under rheir ·reJi)cetive art. rent ground~, or the fame g.cound :many different
-u nlets when 1he primitives thcmfeL'les are not in ways~ now ~he appli carior. of .t-!iis corPOreal
ufo; as in rhc following words, when compounded. image tO what pafles in rhe 1ni11d, when we me-
·l )fS-ASTER; Ay, ·arne, -maf,1m ajlnm•; an ill d itate on .v,ariaus fubj ecrs, and when we .com·
·or e-r;i/; meaning an tvcnt bappe11ing (accord- 1nunicate the(e to ':'"e anot h«r, fornet imcs wi rh
ing co the abfurd fyfte1n of afhology) mrdq· tbe g reate r, end fomeumes with . le fs agi1a:ioJJ, and
maligiJdnl injl11tnct of a11 unJ1uky pltwa. rap idil)'. is obvious "'!- this cl~rivation, and this
DISC; A'"'"• difcuJ, crbis folis ; 1be r:rb of the application ev.ery one wilt .allow to be very jult,
fim : there is however a Latin a!honomical term, fo far as :ic anfwt:red his lordll1ip'~ p.urpofe, who,
·v•z. abac11J folis, whir~1 rnakes n1e apt co thir.k though he m ight be a very g reat philofopher,
that our word difc of !be fi111 may be an erro neous yet he c.erta.i nly wae no v,e ry g re(tt etyn1olooift;0
<xpreRion ; and that it ought to be called lbt we find he was content to derive Dhis Wllrd dif
.deft of the fun, from chis a/;,ul!1 f•JiJ ,; buc lince · tcurfe from t he Latin verb airrc ; he wanted nQ
.11,difc, or quoit, is a round bady, -lif.:t tbe fw, and more ; b ut this will no t anl\•cr our purpo!e; we
·ufed . in Latin for a dijh, or plat1t1» the im µro- m ull: now afk, f.'r om whence this Laci o verb cMrro
priety of th at onhogr. does not n:'?<' ar fo very is deriv~<l ?-undoubtedly from the Greek verb
vilible: ·but when we conlidcr rflis L atin t xprdlion •p..,, vel 'Po1.1, fo10, ruo, ccrr110, cor.traeled ro c•r-
obac1u fclis, and know thar abacus itfelf is de- re; to 1·1.u, to rujh, to jltr.v, like a ftream.
·rived ab Af3.:~, 11.[3"" ';, 1md find ch ac ,~f3"~ fi~- D lS-CR ET ION } c.'""e'"'" A•a•e"'" Jif
aifies a deft,jlatt, or dll)' thing to write on; DIS-CR!MIN ATE ur110, difcriminatio; i!if
i • • ,·er111r,rn1,

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,Fro1n 61tE21t, and LA T JM, D I
untnient., difli11tlio• : R. Xe""'• jtiilico ; to j 11dge; from n>...1u;, lat1u ; /,roat!: fo that we have ·:lif~
but Ciel. derives thefe words from the Cclcic ; ded an· s; and the Latins have difcarded the n :
as .we have fecn under the an. l)lS-CERN. with us, to difpla)' fignifies Jo expand, difclcje, Dp(11
DIS-CUSSJON ;. Da1"''""'• qua.ffe, difcu./Jio; a wide.
foaking, or beating o.fl ; · alf<> to Jearcb, inquire, DIS-SIPATION : Littleton and Ainfwortb
11~·a11J1nt. derive this word ex "dis, et antiq: jipo; r.~. a
DIS-EM-BOGUE; BwE, Bw<>E, B'""'"' 3..,.,,, \•nde :i:,,.,,, fipho, vcl fiflula, qu"' tzquam jipat,
fauas ; unde vox, voci.< ; unrle quoque bucca ; i. e. jacit, cl jpargit :"-there is indeed in their
ltal. bocca ;. Fr. Gall. bo11tbe ; unde hog11e, em- ditl. fuch a verb asjipo, ti.-e, nlarkt as an obfo-
bog11e, difemoogue ;' the efflux of 111igh1y 1·ivers through lete word ; but no lexicon will g ive :i;,~... as a
lh: wide openings of diflended. cbamuls. . verb, either ancient, or modern ; but all give
DIS-GUISE; a negative compound; n1ean- :i;,~.,.,jipbon, tubus, ta11a!is; et berbc qu,edam : now
ing contr.ary to tbe com111011 method, or gTlije; appear- 'if this be· right, dis is only augmentative ; Voffius tz different form qr Jhape io what is 11Jrtal ; for d erives jipart, antiq. a r"'""'• and dij/ipart ii a.,,._
guift anfwers to wift, or rather ways; as like·wife, ~,,;;.., dijpt'rgo; to difptrfe, lo /caller abraad : and 011r
or {iktflHIJJ, like means, like mttnm'r : fee GU ISE, word mun originate fronl hence; (or there cer-
o r \VAY: Gr. • tainly is no connexion bciween a )ipbo11, and dif-
DISH, "A1n0<, difcus: Upt." a plate for meat, jipa1io11, as to fenfe, whatever there 1nay be a.s to
o platter. found.
. . DIS-HABILLE; A~"' babeo, habitus ; drefs, DI-STAFF; Minlhew, J unius, and Skinner
1tllire ; and the .c ontrary is dif-babille, undrefs, or have given us Sax. and Belg. deriv.; and IYiin!hew
tirtfs pu! into diforder: it is n1erdy for the fake would derive dijlajf" a die, or diie,femur; the thigh ;
of complying with cuftom, that this word has and ji11ff; utpoie quem foknt mulicrcs ft1nr,ri inte r
been written with two /l's; becaufe indeed · thofe nenduni adaptare :"-but no good woman ever
profound etymologifts, the French, . give it us, fixed her difl11.ff on the tbigh ; like a t•ledo: ~"Kinner
trimed up in this fagacious manner dejhabilli. has given us a much better interpret . 1nelius a
DI-SHEVELLED : 1nore barbarous orthogr. Bdg. touw-jlajf; bacclllus fluppcus; 1he ;?a.ff on
into which we have been mifled by in1itating whi ch the tow, o r war,/ i,• bound for jpi1111i11g :
tbofc wotft of examples in orthography, and only now, both TOVv, and ST AFF, are Gr.-
c~ymology, the French; they write cbeveu, and pcro)it \TIC no\V tc) offer anocf1er Gr. (~eri v. not as
r<hrotle ; and then we mull: ftupidly write di- a better, but only as a dilferent conjeCtu re; viz,
foevelled; when all thefc three words are derived that dijlaff 1nay be derived a .o..., ....13w, i. e.
from K'~"'>.", raput, (not rbapul) or from K,.14,..o- 6is-a111bulo; not in the fenfc of /tvice-100/kiJfg, or
>.or, vel K ..J'""'';• unde copi!l!ls, (not thopilltts) walki11g with two flicks; but fince rhe word )/off
trijp11m 11e111pe cnpilli1i11111: l f. Vo!!: a curled bead is undoubtedly derived a !1u{3.,, ambulo, bccn ufe
of hair. ufi?d to wn/k with ; n diflnff is only a 'ft,1jf, or
DIS-MAi., i:i.vr-mau; dirus., terribilis ; dread- fli ck tbat is Jplit n f.OOd way, i11 ord<r le ad-
ful, terrible : anotb(r p leonafo1,, or rather redu- mit the wool, ttX,, j/ox, &c. to be wo1111d, or fnfle11-
piication . . cd 1ipo11 it; fo that a dlj1n.fl m ay lignify only a
DIS-MAY, feems to be a contraa.ion of dif-a- fplit-ji.'iff.
11ima1e; and if fo, the deriv. n1u!l b~ traced from Dl-ST lCfl, A•<IX•<, diflichr,11, dttos ordinLs ha-
.A~,~11,, a11imtrs; Jbc n.1i11d, or r12-tiG1111/ part qf ma11; beJ1s ; ex dt!a!Jus ve1.fibtlJ c()}Jj/ttn.J; R. 81;, bis ;
and here ufed. to fig nify com·age, valor, boldnefs ; ct L1·x~.;, ordo, ':..'tJftt1 ; a dijlicb1 or co!tplet :-dis.
.and therefore to difmay n1eans to difaniwate, dif- is at1gmencacive. ·
bearten, dijro11rage. D!S-TRACTION l t.<''"~'" Ae~r;;, trahb, di-
!)lS· PATCI-1; Ilur, p<s, pet/is; exptdilus; DI S-' fRAUGHT ~ jlrabo, lraxi, /ra ; lo
fpetdy, nimble.; and we fay as it were dijpeditus; dra1u, drng, putt aJ1.1nder; to be difordrred i11 111i111l.
difpatcht ; q11frkly ptrformed. · ' D 1-STRJ CT, I 1e"''>' >'• ' • r:Jer.rr••~, Jlr~11go, di'..
DIS PE LL; ab antiq. A:uM<.>, pello, difpello ; to fl..rifius ; a territory, confine , bom1d4ry ; aHo a plau
Jri.v~ awpy, difp¢ije. of j1,rifdi""iifl1t; a regio11, traE, or .!Pace.
Dl-SPERSION; r ...,f~"""'· :i;,,,,~"'i";;, fpargq, DJTCI-J, or dike; " from T f<x_•;, nmrus val-
difpergo ; lo fpreaJ abroad, jcctler <vide : or clfe 111111 : U pc."-a dike, f ence, or mound; and con-
frorn :i;,...,e•» jpargo, aor. 2clus E""'"f'" unde /pat•· fcquently it is the earth that is rhcown ouc, which·
go; lo faw, or throw the faed nbout. forms 1be hank, or 1'ijing grou11d; that is p roperly·
DIS- PLAY; wicbout the prepoGtion we write called tbc diub ; we gencrn!l )l tlnderftand it of tht
it. jplay, or fplaw ~ but it is c.ertainly derived bQ/fow ca'1Jity that is f ornud bJ. tu/ling tbal lrtn<b 1
• 7

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D I From G !\Et K, and i:.A 'I' 1 H. D J
but originalfy 'it w:is defigned tO' exprcf.5 rbe bank, bear .a clofe ~nnlogy to o~r word diving :"-but,
110 1 the cavitj; and chc Dutch to rhis day call no1w11hlland1ng the fpec1oufncfs of iu appear-
}hoft bm:ks or fences, which keep our the tea, ance, we might be· rather fcrupuloos of admit·
and preferve rhe1n from dreadful inundations, ~ing it; becauf~ q11~rt111 is as applicable to ftarcb-
ilikes, or iligues ; meaning rhe fame as our word mg for any tb111g · abovt wate1-, as btlvw ii ; but
dit;b, or Bank:, a T"X"• lllUYllJ • a wall :-now divinK, camro~ be ab1J<Jt water ; and conft·quently
iiikt in the Dutch tongue lignifieth a rampicr: we mull: abide by. /l.u,..1w, lo dip, or d;ve 11nd,.,.
Samn1es, 420. water; whttber tve faarcb for 1111y 1bing, or r.ot.
DITHY- RAMBIC, 6.0"f"'l'f3•<, di1hyramb1u ; Dl-VERGEN<::Y, a notione ilia verge11di ubi
ge11u1 &an11inis in bo11ortm Baccbi ; ex 6•9•e•<, biforiJ ; notabat ftmdere; Ital. verfare; Gall. vtrftr, pro
er E,u./3•u•w, ingtedior; quia !Jat'bt.ts primum ex Semelt infundere : ut vergo prOfJrie f11matur pro dtor/11111
et deindt ex ftmore Javis natus ; adeoquc bis in ago : quod fi ell:, conllatum videarur ex Eea., terra;
v iiam i11greifus fingitur; a Jong in honor of Barebus: five ft"?•, ttrram verfus, deorfum 1 er """'• vel
Voffius gives us the following curious deriv. of ""'""'" ago, agor, ftror: Volf. ii vergo, ell: di-
ditbyrambus, qui olim in honorem Libcri patris vergium ; the parting of a river i11to two Jlreams;
videtur fachtarus, ad exernplum nyn1pharum the. OfJt~ing, or fpreading of 1be rays of light, &c.
acclamantium parruricnri coxre Jovis, Au9• i"'i'I'"'• - rt might perhaps be rather derived a'"~· biI;
jo/ve futuram!"-which by the way, feems better and Te'"'"" verJo, quafi vtrgo ; /o. /Mrn hi;(} flJtl)I
adapted co the birth of Minerva, than of Bac- to go i1110 lwo paths. '
chus, from the ji1ture .of the bead : in fhort, it DI-VERSION; either from the fasne root wid1
would be difficult to fay, which was the more the foregoing arr. or elfc from Te,;...,, quafi
extraordinary production :-Ciel. Way. 74, tells nie1".', <Jerto, verf11s ago; to t11r11, or bend diverjiy;
us, that " ditbirambics in Celtic lignifies a diuay lo g:ve a relaxation to tbt .mind after intnrft ftudy i
'irrularly dmtctd :" but gives us no etyn1.: he has to draw the thoughts into a dijfer(ilt cba1111el.
however given us a moll: ingenious folution of DIVIDE; E1r luw, unde Hetrt1fcum id110, quali
_this wonderful birth of Bacchus, which the reader in duo, i. e. partior ; hinc ldus, quia menfem i11
will be pleafed with, under the art BIBBER. Gr. duas par/es divid11nt ; lo cleove a/under; lo Jepa-
DlTION, dominion; reddition, yielding fubjtc- rau, to part in lwo : bur If. Voll: thinks diviio
tion : this feems to bear a double ctvn1. either is derived from vido, fido, findo: others derive it
fro1n Aix•, qu.e ac regionC1n jig11e1, fiiys Vofiius, ii .c."'. bis ; er 11,.., ?idere ! quia 'JU"' divifa j1mt,
ubi quis A•x"" jus, live judicium txercere potejl; bts vtdenl"r 1 but rhrs latl: 1s rather playing upon
unde dis, ditis, div11s ; ri'ch, pount, ~uhnt; quod words .1 bccaufe it would be rather an unlucky
divites imptrium habent : O& elfe a dtditio ; cui etym. if they lhould happen lo lie divided into tbru,
ecym. fyllabre prim:c quontitas favct ; and then fo11r, or more partitions. ·
it originates a tu1~,,.•• do, dedo; lo furrender,f11bmi1, DI VIN.ATl 0 N 1.4io~, dius, di'IJ"~, divinitas, di-
acknowledge Jubjellion. D IVINITY S vintt{io; a forett/ling f11l1trt
DIT1'ANY, A"i"I"'" vel il.OK1«J'"'" diflamnum, e'!tnls by omens, 1111g11ries, or mry metbod of progwof-
fou di{f111111111s berba ; an herb of great ej/icary in tica11on : alfo «vbattver bears any eon1111tion wilb
bt11li11g w~u11d1 ; if we may credit the poets. 111<11/ers of rtligion, or rtligio"J worjhip. .
DITTY ; /l.""'"I'» t..~.,, ojltndo ; 1mde dico ; DI-VORCE; ··r~,...,, quali "•e1.,, verto, dh1erto;
nihil interim aliud eft dicert quam ojlend.:rt a11imi anucntly written divflrto, unde divorti11m; a /11nt-
Jui .fen1en1iam; dico, dixi, dit/11111 ; unde ditty; i11g away, difmij/ing, or parting; more particular-
carm~n, ea11ticutn; apo1m, ('l11!licle, or fa11g :-\' erll. ly of man, and wife.
fays, " heerof co1nerh our name of dillies, for Dl-URE"f.JC, il.'"(•1•••t, di11retiC11s; vim ba-
things to be dighttd, or made in meettr; digbt- bt111 urina1J1 c-iendi ; ex ..1.11o1., et •erw, mtio; .Jo malt
h1g, or indigh1i11g is alfo proJe ftt f oorth in <.<afl wa.fer ; n mtdi,int to excite uri11e.
•rder :"-but dight, and indigb.t belongs ro profe, .DIURNAL; A"''• dies; a day 1 dium11s, dill·
whether fct forth in exaet order, or not ; and turnus ; belonging to the day ; a daily journal, re-
therefore 1nay originate as above. ~ull1ted day by d4y : Voffius derives it ""'' ~;; A"'•
Dl-VARIC.;\.T ION, 'p,.,f3•r, per merarh. vartu; • Jove ; unde Di!fpiter, Jupiter : undc fortalfe
qui varicatis, ti difperjis cr11rib1u obam/;ula!; unde A.1'.o;.
varico ; to Jl'raddle ; divaricat11s ; difla1ded. DIUS talu it: contracted from " A•"'3•A tr,
DIVE; Av.-?.,, mtrgo ; 10 dip, or plu1te under Diabol11s; tbe dM.•il; unde quofdam dremonesdufios,
water: Skinn~r, after having mentioned this nuncupant Galli: Jun." who has interpreted this
ctym. fays, " alludit iten1 A•~"'"" 911.ero; to jrarcb; expreffion tbt rluee talu ii, by abi in ma/am rem, ct
the participle of which being A•t••, fcems to diabalus It abripial; and yet has ftrangely written ic
S dtis

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f D Q ·Frot\1 ' GREEK, and LA T-r 11.
:JettS take ii; which word was never taken in a bad DOD- man: J unius, under the art. dodliin, tells
I fenfe ; and therefore he ought to have tortured us, t hat " duyt, and tkuta in Belg . lignilie& hi/11111·,
this expreffion into a thoufand fhapes, rather than teruncius, iota, lriens :"-and ftom hence might
have left it in the 1nanner he has done; nay, arifc chc appellation of d1Jdmm1, or dcdyman, given
even our common way of writing, and pro- to che fnail: bur ic fec1ns as if botil the Belg .
n ouncing it, is better t han his; if there was but words, and our own d1Jdmfm, were ·but a de"ia ·
any fcnfe in it; but it would be very difficult to cion of the word dot ; and thac they were all de~
explain, and derive the duce is i11 bim. fcended fron1 l w1a, meaning tht jmallefl, a nd
· DI-VULGE; lo fpread abroad amo_ng the VUL- mofl i11jignific-a111, or trivial kcter in &he Greek
GAR: Gr. alphabet: though we generally undcr!land it of
DI-VULSION; neither Littleton, nor Ainf- a point; and it is remarkable, that the Gr. ioltt
worth have traced the etym. of this word ; for has 110 point, tilffe, or dot over it; whereas our
Ainfw. after liaving quoted divulfio from Little- i has : fc1 that the Greeks incant the bottom pare
ton, adds, " fad u11de, neque ille dicit, neque ego of the letter, and we mean the cop, the dot, or
invenio :"- but he found it afterwards; for under tittle a-top.
the arcicle vello, he derives it ab E7'.,, At1J..w, 'IJello, DOE ; .C.oe"'"' a A•eE. dama J a fema le deer i
dive/lo ;-then confequently the u11de of divulfio nifi eapfo de caufa (fays Vofi:) paullo falten1 ve-
could. have been no great myfiery. rifim'ilius derives dama ii A'"""' 111ctus, terricula-
DO ; " fortaJfe ii verbo T1u::c"• fabricor, flruo, mentum ; quod a Anlw, lill!tO ; to fear: verius
paro; to f ab;ieate, prepare, or aaomplijh a11y thing: auten1 damma ell: a K<f"f~<, loe•a.l", ne111pc pro
Juo. and Skinn." K'l"I+"'• Siculi dixerunt T "'Y.Y.'" • unde dmna:-or
DOCILE ; A •.,.,, A1J"'~""'• doceo, do&iHs, doci- perhaps doe may derive a· 0 .. ~. velox, ultr i be-
litos ; a11 aptnifs lo lear11; enfimfs to be taught ; caufc all che deer tribe are very jiu:, nimble e1·u1tures.
readii:eft of comprehenjion: Scaliger, Nunnefius, DOG; " .C."••<, Grrecis ell: ar.imnl ho111ilus morfl1
Voffius, a nd Ain(worth. inftjltms;a Ao:.,.,, n1ordro; to bite: J un."- et
· DOCK/or jhips; " A•x•• excepti'.o, capacitas; hinc verbum clegantiffimum ·IO dog, or dodge 011t ;
bccaufe of cheir receiving, or holdi11g the jhips : R. aliqutm 11 tergo ideo faqui, ut quo ft ,o,,fe.-t, fdat :
A1x,e,w.t%1, tqpio, rtcipio ; Jq rtce:'vt, or co11tai11 : Lye."-" hoc efi, illjlar canis odorem (aptantiJ,
Nug."-bu t Hederic explains A•x• by tpu/11111, huc iltuc difcurfnrc: Skinn.''
convivi«m ; a f eafl, or ba11q11tt ; which is far DOGMATIC; A•yy.«, A•tl'"1'?"'• tdillum, doc-
enough from a dock to hold Jhips; however, he tri11a, i11jli111tum; 011 ediO, dotlrine, injli1111ion: R.
acknowledges that it com~s fron1 chc fame root, Aoxtw, vide~, videq1·, ctnfto; JtJ think, to be of opi-
· viz. At')(.•f"'• accipio; to 1·eceive. Cafaubon d e- 11io11: allo to pre/crib( rules to 111hers in a ba11gh1:;
rives OtJr word dock, a A(;X9:'11i, 611x'l, /0(11/us, co11- Jupe,.dlious maimer.
' dit9riu111, rectplacufmn 11avi11m; but does not'give DOIT, Ciel. Voe. 167, tells us, that " as a
us the root: however he adds, a A'X"" etiarn farthing is the fo11r1b pare of a p enny ; fo is a
ducere poffumus; which brings u;; back again co doit (d'b1dt) the eigbtb part of a fiyver in Hol-
llt'X'I'-°'' . land :"-conlequenrly Gr. for doit, d'h11it, and
DOCK, or cut Jhorf (" doclct ell: f11p1·1111a pars eight ice1n to be buc variotis dialeets of •"1··•»
DOCK of Jcatt · 5 caud4, in eg11is, &c. oll-o, tight .
/pint£ tfi11tigua : ri. linfl1.''-'' ca-udam, ptlta cnJ:is, 'Vei
DOL<;E ; a,~iefw, 6itfAcv, 61tAHv, divido, diflri-
tqui, amputare; hoc forte i Sax. t:<>oa ; dux ; buo ; a gift, or alms divided, dijlributcd, or dtalt
a verbo teo11; 1rabe1·e; quia fc. cauda rotius cor- out in/mall pareels among muny : or perhaps it 1nay
poris 1notun1, infiar duds, feu gubernatoris d iri· be derived a Ll~eo.,, qL1afi A'-'Ai;.v, Jo11;11n., mu1Z-!( i;
git : Skinn."-only ic happens a lictle unluckily a gift : R. A1/~tf'-1, do, do;10, !Ogive ; ca11fer, beftor.u.
for the Dr's. deriv. that a general 1narches ac the DOLLY : by writing this word in rhis nlan-
· htad, and not at tbe tail, or rear of bis army: .ner, no wonder char Lye lhould fuppofo ir w.1s
we rnight therefore derive our word doc.k .c.....,, derived a G. D. I1ib. Doiligb; and then ob!erve
vel .C.E<»••'> d11eo; to lead, or rather 10 guide; be- chat Ant. Bric. Drnvly fcribitur :-whereas if he
caufe the tnil, both in birds and btafls, /ik, tbe r11d- had b11t feen it written D~I)" he 1nighc eafily have
Jer, /ntb in jbips t111d /Joats, i1 the guide by whicb feen chat it was Gr. as in the following art. and
the;• fleer their courfes. chen his own interpretarion would have been 1110 11:
DOCTOR; A1lo.~xw, A1/"'~""~·'» doao, dotlor, applicable, viz . tri.ftis, ma?/ltu, lugubris ; Jati, fa1·-
dccr1111e11t11111 ; magifler litera'rum ; fl majltr of In- rowf11!,do!rfJ1I: fee DOLOROUS : G r.-DOLLY,
ters : this word is now ufed only as..a cide; chus as a contraaion of DOROTHY, takes a difL·
:,, dctlor of /4-.w, pl7f.c, divinity, mu/fr. rent deriv. as will be (e~n in char art.

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From GI\ t: inc, and L;. 'I' 1 N. Do
"DOLOROUS; '°'"'""• .0.,1;,~,,, J,edo, 11oteo ; t'ey, law, a A•·-y~, dico, jus dico; and BOO'K "In
u nde dolto, dolor, doloris ; pain, grief, /marl ;-and have feen is Gr.
1Ht111y a dolorous groan: Milton, VI. 658. DOOR, " e"f"• janutJ ; a g111t ; by changing
DOLPl-:l lN, A,;..~,., delpbin; a faa-fijh: "the 0 into D: Cafaub. and Upt."-Ver!t. wrices it
eldeft fon of France bears the title of the Dauphin, " dure, or durb; and dure-wer.rd ; now a door,
or Delphinus ; not i1n1nediatcly fron1 t he name of door-warder, door-keeper, or porter; it is asmuch
chis fil11, but from the province of Daupbilly, to fay as through; and not in1proper; becaufc it
which 1night have originated at firit from Ao,,.,; is a durb-Jare, or thortr.c-fare; or p11.lfage :"-and
but the reaJon I have not ye t learnt: the province yet he could not foe that all thote words were
of Daupbiny however was given, or as fomc af- derived fro in 0 "f""
firm, fold, by Hubert, Earl of Daupbiny, in the 000-TLE; " a 11otcb made, into which the
year 1349, to Philip de Valois, on condition chat balk is faftcned ; quafi dove-tail; becaufc it is
tor ever after, the French king's ddeft fon lliould iikc a pigeon's t ail extended: Ray."- only now,
bold it, during his father's life, of the empire : unluckily, both DOVE, and ·rAJL, are Gr.
Cotgravc." DORIC; A"'e"• l).we"•» Dori;, regio Gr.eci,e; a
DOLPISfI(_'r,••,, vel To••~, 't"oam, vel famtm rtgi1m or dij!ritl of Greece. .
DOI:f 5 i111t11do; unde 10110, et to,;itru ; DO R!VIAN'f '{ l>•~"'"'' pe/lis; ""'• Tw• l).re14~·
ct il tonando eft allonitus: Voff. th1mdcr-flr11ck; DORMll"ORY S 1;;;._ a pellibus, quibus dormi-
" undc 'feut. 1oe!pifch ; Hifp. 1011!0 ; /lupidus, entes i11c11babant : n1ankind in the moll remoce
ftultus ; a ;1upid oaf: Skin n."-wc mig ht rather ages of the world jltpt on the )kins of 1boft wild
fuppofe t hat Jg/J originates fron1 the fame root beafl,r wbicp they had killed in b1111ti11g ; fome of
with DULL : Gr. . which they {hewed on the ground, and covered
DOMESTIC A•I""" <£dijico; to build; unde themfdvcs with others of rhe fon1c fort : no very
DOMIN EER "'°'"'I""• domus; a houfe; Ll.o- delicate lodging !-I f. Volf. thinks we ought to
DO MIN ION l""I'-"'• pcrf. pafl: of ii..,..,..,, to derive dormio, · ii l>af9"'• vcl l>f"&"" dormire ; I•
DOMINO build: R.·.0.11""'' a-di.fico: .Nug." jleep; but rhis appears co be only a fynonymous
DO.N -it would have been 1nore word.
.fatisfafrory if the Dr. bad faid l>ofA'"'• or '°'"'!''"'" DOR-!VfOUSE; froin the fame root; by onl,y.
inftead of l>ol'a"': perhaps domination, and domineer adding Mi:,, 11111s; a mo1tfe; called in Latin giis ;.
n1ay rather be derived a A"I'-"'"'• domo, f11bigo; being tbnt Iii/le 1111i111al /o 1·emnrkab!e f or jleepillg.
however Votlius is of opinion, that domimiS ori- DORO-THY; ex '°'"'f"'• do111m1; ct Otoe, D tui;
g i11nct s Q /l. 1) tl"'-f1-1Xl1 pojfitnJ1 '1.Jtt /C(J ; 10 /,4 of pbWt:r, lb$ gift of Got!.
.inj/11e11ce : and If. Volf. would rather derive it DO RSE R ; Atf"'• l>i:f'" l>•f"'• .0.1;;,,, und~ dcr-
ft'on1 At1:"11"~1l'Gr, pro .6.!v1ro•~o;-, do1ni11us ; of wJ1icl1 Jtt;11,; the; ciiiiila:, dojfitari,e ; , paJ11~l1.,
don is only .a c_onr raClion. or pack-jaddles, fet 011 the backs of labo1wi;;g brajl;,.
l)ON A T !ON ; " Ll."'f•» domtm; donalio; a or /l(aj/s of burden, that they may carry their loadJ
gift, or pri!ft111 : ll. 4 :J'wp..1, taken from A~w, o'W, with the greattr eafe ; and we often foe our ponecs.
do, dono ; to give: Nug."
half Sax. half Gr. ·
ufing rhe m for t he fame pu rpofe.
DORl'OJR this is another noble exenion of
DOR"fOU R Gallic genius, in transforming
DONE; the perfcll: pall-, and participle of a word lo coriouOy, as to take away . all appear-
DO: Gr. ance of adoption, and to give their lano-uage 0 in
DOO-DLE ; a contraction of do-iittle; and fome meafi.1re rhe form of originality ; but Ju-
~oofcqucntly from the fame root '• ith the forego- nius has renioved the thin dilg uifc, by celling
.ing a". : LJ'I:T LE likcwire is Gr. us, that " dortour Chaucero ell: don11ilori11m, quod
DOOl\1 '{ @,,.,., lex, inftitutum, jr:di- e(t coinolune nioaaci1orutn cubic11/1,1n ;•'-bot yet
DOOMS-day-boo.k ) cium; j11dg~me11t, !11w, i11- even he has not told us i\ is Gr. though he bas
jlii11/es : " undc Sax. dom ; and dom-bot; liber referred us to dqrmo:tfe ; and in that arr. has
t:tnjualis G1ditl11Ji //i,,?01·is; Skinn. ar1ti Ju11."-tbc quoted Volf. who derives dormio fro:n rhe Gr.
book of efiinwtes, or liber ·ualorum, cr;mpik d by •r- "as we have already feen.
der of William the Co11q11eror. Ck!. Voe. io, n, DOSE of pl:yfir ; f> ,J.,,,,, ;r.,,,.,,unde "°'"''•
explains " doom's-day-book by a book of direl'cion don11111 ; do, don/J ; a rer1ait1 1uantity, wh<tbtr Jolid
for tbe j11dgrs of rbe !11<v, or the judge's lriw-book; lir liquid, given al a !i111e.
j, e. dom's, judge's ; d'e;•, law , :ind book, book :" DOSE, to jleep ; "objl11pefacere, {t Bdg. d:1Jftlo~;.
-but dom, as we have fecn above, 1nay originate vertigine la/tcrare (but that is dizz.inefs, not dojing).;
a 0<f'-''·· j11diciu111, or judgt; d'Q is the farne as vtl a Sax. bp~r ; Belg. dwaes; hr:bes, flult11s ( bur
10 tha1

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D' R.
that isflupidity, not drowfintfa); vel .ii noftro to DOWN, or be!IJW'; LJ.v,.,, fubeo, o((it!a; to fi1b-
Hole; Belg. dot(11, d11iten ; delirart (but that is jide, or fat, as the fu11,.
t!r i"Jellilig, notj/etphig); Skin."- who, after this, •DOWN of feathers; "LJ.v.1w, immergera ; q uad
'!uote5 Fr. Jun. for what I cannot find, viz. Belg. in pl111nc11 jlrata, baud aliter atque in aq1111m i11l-
liw aes, er dt1es, more fuo defietlit a"" quod mtrgamur: Jun ." becaufe. we fin k 11110 a dow1t ·
Hefych. exponir ~;.""""'• ..;..,Y'" :"- after chefe fealher·bed, as into· wattr : -if this !hould no t be
four fruidefs attempts: 1 ant going to add a fifch, admitted, we mull: then have recourfe to the
-Viz. that dtJft may perhaps bave bee n derived a Sax. Alph. ·
·Jl.vrr2-i, fitbiijfo ; from duw, vc1 ilv11w, fubeo; as Wilen DOWNS, or DOWNES.; " .vela 0 w, agger,
\ve fay, he is gone 1111der cover, he has crept under aeervru, cu11111l11s; a heap, a mound, a bank of J and :
i:o tleep, to take a nap. ,·el a 6>!P-Gf, JEo) . }) rO B~vo ;.> qui 1no;11en1-, tolticulu1J1-,
DOSEN, fometimes doz en, a cont raClion of vc] tnm11/11m i} terra co11gejl11m velf. Gr. denotabat !
J ucdcci111, LJ.vo~'""'• two a11d ten, i. c. twelve. J un . . aod Skinn."-!ince this is t he better deriv.
• DOTERE L : ' J unius and Skinner call this it may feen1 ftrange to ht:ar of a fleet of !hips
ll\:is, vcl imitatrix e tiam in fuum exitium, otis : moored in the Downs; when Downs jigJ1ijil 1a111011nt;
&nd. Junius quotes Volt; but Vo(f. writes it or bill : true ; but it is a 111011111, bill, or ba11k,
btus; and d erives it fro:n 01or, live n1•~, utro- 11nde1· Waler·; dorfiltn i 1>!1i1a11e 111/li·i fl,.;;1#10 ·: -\'er-
'tlue enim modo fc riptum invenitur; avi nytti- fl:egart writes it d1111e, and explains it likcwi R: by
cnraci !imilis, q uam H ilpania a"Vem l ardam ap- a" l>il, (01111nonly that jlretchetb itfelf out ;;, le11gth:
pellat ; pqt does not fay whether th at l ardiliefs they call in Holland tbe /and banks which ly vpo1\
\vas figu rat ive, or literal ; perh aps the former, the fea fydc, the Du11n ; the town '?f D1m-J:rrk,.
fince Sk inner fqys, Camden dcAc:Ctit a vcrbo 10 ( now Dunkirkj rig htly in Eng lilh D:111e:ch11rch(,
liote; q. d. o'llis dd ira :~if this b.c right, we mull: hath had chat appellatiun by beeiog ' fituace in
refe r to DOTARD in the Sax. Alph. the D1mo, or fa11d-ba11ks : wee yet in fome places
DOUBLE; .o.,,,.i,..;, LJ. ,,,,;..,, duplex; two-fold. of E ngland call hiIles, downs." Ciel. Voe. 1::t6,11',
DOU BL E'f, LJ.d ·;,oi(, d'c;, l.~11ad11p/ic{(/a, cbtamyJ; would d erive " Downs from the Celtic de, not,
D thick cloke, or double wrol1ghl cod/ fer foldicrs, and owints, the point ac which the wacers a~e
/ailors, watchmen, &c. . ftop t by 1he fand-hjlls: or elfe," fays h~, "DowJft
DOUB'f, LJ.oo-f3~'J,.,, d110-bito, ere ; d11bi1p, iire ; ( D1111cs) from de, privative; and und, fValer ;"-
In duas vias ire ; to go i1110 two opinio11s : R. B~""" but furely mu!, and 1111da, orig inate ab uJ"'f• quail
to; to go : Aa,1f, i\ poecis, .0.01w, (>rO d i.. undc
1·: . ; ~;i·lw.f : Jd"ol~ t1du11 moift, f!.Oet . .
.O.oi"?w, dubito ; 10 l>ifi1a1e, 10 be d.vbious. DOWRY, LJ.W;, no~•~, l!."f'" dos, donunJ ; o
DOVE ; " uc L atini s columb.c pttta11tur difl.c poi·tion, 01· btjlowing of money, goods, or limds,
ct;T~ , ; ; K.fl>.:1:'-f3fiv, 111·i11are, nq1fas fubire ; quo11ia111 giv~11 with a «Jife in marri.1ge : R. LJ.1!"1''• do ·r.
' tal'is c!ll: harum volucrurn gell:us l im quoque t<> gi·:;e.
I Alma nn. diiue videri poceft i\ .0.,,,-1,.., q uot! Heiych. DOXO -LOGY, LJ.•£•>-•7•0:, co!/1111datio, glm·
t:xponit Kc>.vl'f3;•: Jury ."- 10 dip, a11d to dive : ficttfi!J; . a praijiJSg, or glorifying : as gloria Parr;_,
which fcems to be t he co nftanc a<:t ion of thofe g/01-y be to 1be Father, &c. . .
birds, a!waJ'~ bowin..~, n,ttfi be11di;1g tiow 1J. DRAB, o r (01711;;011 •voinmt ; .o.;•1'"<• Hefychio
DOUSE, cu.ff, orj/.rike ; alludit o n!y, fays Ski nn. eft ,1:c.1s.z·, a G.fop.~a-q'{'j)I) TffXt::1, fcorllftl/., l1rpa., 1nt-
Gr. ti,,.,.,, fa nus, flrapitus ; airy loud 11oife at a jfroke. 1·tJrix ; q nod fremin:<! in0uunod i, corpora fua ad
DOUT.E R, '' t:11 C.\·ting 1t1/her ; qu afi dq ...t)tJ!:eF·: l•l1purarn honli mun imen1perantia1n vulg are -pa-
Ray."-coo f~quently Gr. rat:e, d fratlis, pro (hatifquc 01nnibus 1nodell:i"1
DOW AGER l LJ.1lq•~•, LJ.1J'~y•, do, datum; trnde re pagulis, protr.rve, pct\Jhnter, Jiberc, ac vel uti
D0~1ER S Aw~, a,c-J~, Awe~~, do1zu11' : v i- fuo q uodam j ure, om nin privaca pubJ:caq ue Joca
Jua t1ohili1, ct(i r!fr11 f 1·:.1 f!t1J p ar l i ! ho11or1111:. ;;;ariJi j>ervoli:are gdl:iant, q uo forma111 Cua1n pluriuQl
co11cejfus, vet d11111s ell: : ·a 11ob!e111an's widow, to oculis, ma nibufq ue exponanr, ven:ilemqoe ba-
whom· is granled the e11)0Jme11t of p1irt of her de- beant :" according to 'junius's elegant defCrip-
(eaftd lord's rjfefls. lion ; as indeed he always is; for ce rtainly no
DOW-GATE; Cid. W a)' . 53, ar.d Voe. 131, n, man could have defcribed a dirtj harlot more
teJls us, that" this gute l'eccived its name fron\ be- fi gni f.cantl y.
ing near the wt1ter :"-then it is btit reafonable to DRACH M, commonly v11'i tten, and pronounc-
fup pofe, that as t he French alight have called it ed "dram, L>f "Xi""• dragma; a bandfrll, or pfrce
l'eM1-por1e, the Celts called it D'ow"gate : and t;fjilver: Nug."-this is the Dr's. orthogt. aqd
tonfequently that both are derived ab u-1•;. aqua ; ex planat ion; the former of which is errooC<?us,
'uJater. · · and t he latret d eficient ; far drngma ls a w·o rd of
U ~ fuch

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D R .From G·a i E K, and L AT r 11. r D ·R
fuch wonderful appearance, as would require over the ground, and thereby mm-k out a tirrle:
more lkill to trace our, than 1 can pretend to : rho' in p. 82, he gives us a different deriv. ;
and th; explanation is deficient, becaufe the words vi z. a tir-acb, and tir-acbo, ( circle-111ah>rs) by
Af•Y.J'• and drathma, belong both to mr;ney and contraftion, drac, and draco :-but in p. 1 62,
weight .; the Greek coin was of the fan1e value he te.l ls us, that lt r, and lir, !ignify the earth l.
as the Roinao denier, or denarius, about four and in this fenfe lir-ach may fignify tarth-111ark~rs I
feftcrces, or feven pence of our 111onty : and rhe marach contraeted to mark, ii l""e"'• divido, figr.o :
Jrmn, o r drachm, in w<ight , is the fevent h, or and tir, in the fcnfc of earth, originates ab Ee"•
rather the eighth P"rt of an ounce, 84 of them terra, contrnCted co fer, or fir.
making a pound, con!iftin& of 1 z ounces. . DRAGOON; from the fame root : "labcnte
D~fl'.; " Belg. draff; tbe gr11ins ~f malt: fub Imperio, !igni-feri qni dractJncs pro figno
Ray.' -thrs word however feems to be Greek, and milit ari circumtulerunt, dracr;narii dicli funt;
dedved fron1 the fame origin wic.h DRAU GH T , unde dragoons in recenriori militia cquites fclope-
when the beer is drawn off; or with DAN- cari.i credo fie diCli, quod ab initio cxitio!i fue-
DRUFF: Gr. rint hoftibus; et dra<onum ioftar igncm evo1ntr~
D RAFF-jbeep: "aves rtjicuLt; credo a Sax. vifi font : J un. and Skino."- confequentl y Gr.
bprefe ; expu/fio; bpa:feb ; abafJus: Skimi."- DRAIN ; ll•"~~.,, Ae"r;;, traho; 10 draw, or
this is not going far enough ; for this Sax, word drag ~long; bec'aufe whatever palfes in, or through
expreffes only tbe at1ion of driving, o r driving a drain,jeems to be J,-awn, or dragged alcng.
11way, which the Dr. hin1felf; under the art. DRAKE and duck; " nefcio an a Teuc.; et
dri'Ve" acknowledges, alludunt Tf' .-'" 'Verto; vtl Belg. "druk ; c1E1111m, lutmn; qui a fc. ,luto gaudet:
Te•f3•» tero: we niight rather fuppofe a. draff- (i fat is Grxcus cffcm, jurarcn1 ortll1l1 a Teuf,
jbeep, Is a Jheep draugbud off, i. c. drawn oul of f<£as : Skinn."-becaufe, like the hog tribe, the
tht jlctft i and derive it a ~~&l·W1 lea..~~w, ~{'(¥?';;, duck, or.d drake, art vr-ry groft f eedeps,
Jraugbttd. · DR.<\KE, or fta -drakt; "Arj floteli x.,.1.,;;a.x1.r~
DRAG along; "Ara..-d"'• t:i.•le"'YI""': U pt.''- quad ni fallor (fays Skinn.) mdius fcribitur
t his is undoubtedly a juft deriv. as to the v~rb Ka1"e"'1": fc. non a KA1<>fli')'>.Uf"'• fed a K"1"f"O'O'H•,
Ar«~...,, lrabo; but we niay doubt rhe tenfe, from "' a/to p1f,{fare, t11ndere·: fie autem diccus
which he has derived drt1g; he has been obliged efl mergus major, q uia in pifus pr.eda111 jwm,
to r un fo far as the pe1feet. pafl: t:i.•lf"'YI""'> but injlar turbhzu tU'Vo/11/us, ipf•s pert11ndit, et quafi
;t .m ight be much 1nore ne>lrly d r rived frorn the elidit: drake autcm Ang!. dicitur, quafi drat1r
fcco nd, or Attic future, allive; t:J.oa.r;;, trabam ; mari11111; quia 11111rt ct jluvioJ, ui draco· terr.a.111,
and we accordingly find rhat many ~four fubftan- pD'f!u/alur :"-but drnco is quite a different ecyrri.
tives and verbs originate from this tenfe ; thus, as we have fren under the arc. l1RAGON: Gr.
"t onflt1gratio11, a ~7-a.-y;:,;, the Att.ic future of lfl1'•'J'"' : DRAKE, or war-111gi11e; " machina qrwda1&
jligmotjze, a l:11-y;;;, the Attic future of I1•?w: and be/lien; q. d. drat o ;_ quia infrar dra<onis, ipu:111
many Latin verbs likcwifc toke their orig. from vomit: Skinn." - then confcqu encl.y derived- a
th~ tcnfe ; thus cuho derives a Kvr.,;;, i\cc. fut. of t:i.:'""'" as we have already feCfl,
. 1:...1.,: and cedo, ii Xa.I,.,, Att. fut. of x ..( ... DRAMA, 6f"I""• a Dor. t:i.e~v, agere fabtl~, lragum: fro1n the fame roo~: G r. tam; fabula, trag«dia, vel cor,1a:din; the fablt of
DRAGON, "t:i.e"'"'" dra<o; Nug."-to th is eitbtr tragedy or comedy. ·
let me add, that Ainfworth derives it ..,... ~• DRAPER; " Tf'""''"'• ca/cart; to lrt<mpli!; ct
Af""";, 1t ll•f""• ab n<ie acutii; from b;s jba1-pnrfs fi)cciatim uv111 in lacu ; unde Te:r7rJJio;, 1J1ufl:1m :-
of jigbt : R. t:i.1exw, vid; o; vel potius ll•e"'I'"' : ·1·e~'iT111o~, 01>C1l , Hefych. et trapetu111) ,,.,a..;.;;i /.,1,,,,·>.c-r-,
poeticum: fee TRAGACANTii; Gr. :- Cle!. •A"'"f'Y""• 1>.""1e•f3.,, : Vo{f." from hence ·is de-
Voe. 82, 3, and 170, very jufl:ly obfervcs, that rived our word draper ; " pamii mcrtator ; vel a
; ,, .the cornmon dc~i\' . is Q,'frO 'T~ Are,xff:., fro111 its ·r eur. tl'ampeie-r1; co-11cl(/ca,-a; D an. IYPJ!IJ•r ; etdco;
qute.bufa of fight; out on referrmg Jt co the an- ell: cerce mnnis pannus, priurquain veaum expq-
. rient language, it is a contraction of tir-ac'l-011, natt1rprobe co;1rt1lc11t111, et tq1~c1tia1·ib11s con1pref!us, ut
or lerra e1 aqaa:"-then confequently Gr. 'fhe /lffUior eq1f'U fubtili~r videtur : vel ii L at. trapet11111 :
'reafon .why tbc tern> dragon, and the old drago11, Skinn."-but trapetmr., undoubtedly originares a
.. 1s at-tnbuted co the devil, fays CJel. Voe. 83, is, T~""" ~ ; and nor, as Litt. and Ainl\vorth fu ppofe,
.becaufe the officer, who executed the Druitiical a T~"'"": fortalfe olim fie dicti ( fays Juni us) qui
arreft by drawi11g a circle round the delinquent, pa1111os pr.eparaba111, 111 veuderent: Martinio, con-
was caikd the drac, or drngo :"-which is pure tinues he, pannus videtur drap di<'l-us, ii Tf"'"iJ.'•
Gr. a <i.e.,..-~'" t:i.e;,r,,, 111 drag, or draw a ftick calcnrc ; Olin ca/u111do co11riti11bantur, lai;am : to
· tnad,

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D R ·· From G.ll? ~,It, ~n.d LAT r ~· • J> 1"
t.re11tl, or trample .&ktb, in the atlion of dea11i11g it ;· t~e .pref~nt ort~qgraphy of the word Jre11ms like-
~lfo to prefs, ai1d prepare it for /ale; our prefenc wife l"ecn1s to have fprung-the Greeks wrote
drapers only fell it. Bf"'; tranfpofc t hole leners, and they form e•«»
. Dl~A1 'E, "to draw out one's words: Ray."- whence d-rea-ms: this Druidical opinion how-
it feen1s to be only a contraction of DRAW-0111 ever, that dreams lhould proceed from 1be tarlh,
one's words: coofequently Gr. ' he very jutlly explodes, and the'! proceeds to
· DRAUGH1', or potion ; " bauflus; eodem give a far more rational acco'!nt of dreams;
loqueodi modo utuntur ct Grreci et Litini ; po- which is only too long to tranfcribe; but lhews
cu!a L t}bii DUCES: I·Ior. I. Od. 57 ; ducere at the fame t ime, that he is as great a natural
neQariJ fuccos: lib. I ll. Od. 3; apud Athen. I. 10, philofophcr, as a Ica~ned antiquary: from all
p. 455, E>.-., trabe; i.e. bibe: E uftat h. ad O dyff. then that he fays on this fubjeet, we may gather
p.. 1399 : "'•~• '"" Il"'"""""~• ;?, AfElN xa1 ,another deriv. wh ich 'is here only offered ; viz.
'X'llArEIN, "'",.,,, Ti"""' Jwr11'"': Flor. Epod. 14 ; that dreams being really nothing more than a
poct1la trahere; to draw; by changing I into d: gentle fever of the mind, they n1ay perhaps b~
Upc."- but this is deriving our words draw, and de~ived a <l>e•» mens; the mi11d; dreams being
draught , from che Latin, not from the Gr. ; cherc- truly the real workings of the mind in Oeep.
fore l;c fhould rather have derived the1n a t!.e"~""'• DREGS; " TevE. · Tevy•~, f,ex, f.ecn; leu,
Af""Y"• uncle traho. fa1tli11gs; hence a 1~ere drug: Cafaub. and Upt." ·
· DRAUG~TS; " credo," fays Skinn. "ii verbo • DRENCH, Ael..., et Af''""" quafi Ale"••
I • draw; qma fc. latr·1111c11/i viEli hinc i1!de ropiu11- et AJ'e'"""' irrigarc, adaquare; n.7,~...; et Afliv...;
l11r, et a11feru11111r :"-a draught-board, on which affinia re, et in fermone pennutabi li1: Cafaub.-
t he 1nen, as they are called, 11re co111i11ually drawn, to moiflen: ~hough we may rat her fuppofe it to
• nd jbo'!Jed about: and confequently the original be S'ax.
~f this word is che fame wich DRAW, ·which is DRESS; A'""" l!.e"'""'•facio; lo make, tofajbion;
Greek ; as we lhall fee in che next article. t;
or to form; dick out: Ciel. Way. So, tell s us,
J)RAW; Aea.-.-w, .:1e'"'Y"• unde traho; to drag, that " drefs is but a contraction of /ere.ft, or
o r p11il along; alfo a fonall box that is pulled out. tierejs :"- confequently Gr. as will be feen und~r
DR4\, \.VL; " T t«•><•r, bnibus. trnulus; T e«vluew, the an. TIER : Gr.
/;alb111io; . a · drawler, or to dr11wt i11 011e's JpeedJ: DRIFT of j111rw; Lye fuppofes it to be derived
Upr." tq he.Jitatt, to linger i11 pro11wuiatio11. " ab Iceland. dry/a; fortalfe a dry/a; jatlari :"
DREAD, fear; Cafaubon derives it a .:1.,/.,, - but there can be no reafon for going fo far,
q uafi Ae"~"' : but Skinn. has· perhaps jultly cen - when we have a very good deriv. much nearer
fured chis deriv. and fays, " dread a Sax. bp:eb; home, from che verb drive ; a drift ofJ11ow hti11g
jla'IJor, timor: Minfh. a cerri5. pcrfona let-rel; ego nll'more than a great 911an1i1y driven together in a .
potius a \'e~bo territare ddlecterem ;"-and we . heap by 1be wind : and conlequencly Gr.
n1ight rather derive l erritare itjtlf a ·r.-e,......,, DRILL; Te1f3w, tero, t1nde terebro: vel ~· Ae•>-•i,
:Jerterrtf11c10 : or cJfe pt-rh aps dread 1nay be de- Ure/Jr11m; a gimbfrt, lo bore a bolt Wtlh : f~C
~ved a T ...,, 11•emo; to tremble. 1'RILL : Gr. •
• •
DRE1\.M; Ciel. Voe. 161, 2, has, wich the DRlVE; Te•f3,., ter"" vel a Te.""" trudo; lo
grcateft fagacity, trai;ed out the true ecym. of this 1hr11jl, pujh, jhov e b·f•rt 011«
word dream, which be derives from the Druidical DRIV EL, quail rive/, ii 'p,.,,fluo; undc rivusi
doctrine of aforibiog the1n to the earth; and a riv11/tl, a Ii/Ile jlrtam ; or ~llJ. moif/11re that
fupports his opinion by a palfage from Euripides : jlowly cret"ps along, or ge111ly jla'!Jers down: fome •
xe~., ,,..1,e o,.,e;;;,. times we find this word written bedrivelkd, and
Ea>;lh, mother of dreams. bedrmdcd.
confequentially to which doctrine, in die Druidical DRIZZLE, .i... ~o<, ros, rofcel!us ; q. d. r•ffe-
manner of animating ev:ery thing,. and every !are, vel drojfufa;e; n ge111/e rai11, a1 fr11atl as
pl~ce wich /pirils, they . culled thofe dreams, or de'..v : fl fog, •r mift. .
fp;nts of tht earth, ter-1mps (w hence by tr~nf- DROJL ; " T'f•f3•» 1tro1 pe!lo, frt qt1t11.!tr "';
po6rion and abbreviation, trimps ;) and then medinflinus, qui ttd juffa beri, tt juperior1'm hue illuc
afcer-agesJeaving out t he p, not i1npoffibly might difc11rri1 : Skinn." without the· Greek.: a mere
bav:e formed trim~, '/reams, or dreamJ :-only : drudge, or errand-bear<'1.,;
now t he next point Jbo~ld be to . c?nfider, whe- DR·ObE( Ciel. Voe. 13;_n, tells us, tliat ?"r
t iter ttr,. and llrra,, did· nor ori<>inato ab Ef«, DR·OLL ~ word " droll 1s but a contraction
by tranfpofition ear-th;, froin wh~nl'C 1noft na- , of ter-ol.; round the polt; meaning the n1irrh of
turally,, e\\en according to h.i s own fuppofition, joyous fongs and·dauces, which were always per-

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D R From G tt'.i;~ie, and' LAT IN. D lt
formed, and exhibited at the tiern-mQ/ls, or aj/izes ct ornitti fokat, offendic imitor defumptum ti\.
of tbe D1·uids; when all t he (e!liv.ity of which M1.ui::,u.:::1, comtJ ex KtKOf'f&Ct ' : Scipio a Ix1,U'11"(1.1. i
thofe early ages were fufceptible, luch as niock ftpho a X•I""'"' :, 11tP~11um a BiA•f'"'> &c.
battles, and, under the name of tilts, chariot races, DROPSY ; 'r3f"'-f, hydrops, aqua i11tcrc1d; th(
hippodromes, cxercifcs, with every kind o( fport w at;"y difet1fe, gathered betwen1 the two jkir.s:
then in vogue, were celebrated :" - all this is un- R. 'Tl•·e, aqua ; waler; cc n1J., facies,. c~s, CM/is;
doubtedly true; but frill the dc riv. feerns 10 be the fai11.
Gr. ; for, whatever the former p art of the con1- J)ROSS, " Te>E, Te•1"'' jdJx, f.ccis: Skinn."
pound dr, or ltr, rnay be, the laner part ole, or who add s, " K...?1xo1«10< autern rne, imo plane nu-
oil, is furcly derived ab vA· .,, fy!va, lig11um; rn can- gatorem, pra:ber~m, Ii a Ae••or delle&erem; qui~
ing the pole, round which they daoced and Cung, ft. ros h11111ef ce11tis aerfr quafi f edi111e111um ejl, ti
and rnade merry. · /.ex :"-after Cuch an ack11owlcdgemcnt, or rathet
DROMEDARY, flf'I""(• t>eo,.,.J.1, eurjitans, ceniure, o n hi1nfeif, it would be unfair to fay any
'Vtlc.~; \ It Ate~~~ xa1.1•r.Ao~, vtilgo d1·r;medari:1s ; a tli ing farther.
P.-rjia11 beajl of bm·den : R. LJ.e.,...1.>, inulit. Tr•x•» DROUSY; ti.'''"~'": Hefych. <p:>.v~f'"' .V.•Y'"'
i3e"I"" : cu1-ro; to r1111 ; Ibis creature baving a - but with regard to this etym. r~e DOSE, u
f wift pace. ' fleefl : Gr. ·
DRONE; AJ'e'" '" quafi <locy•(, i11firmus, langui- DROZ EN, feerns to be but a various dialea
dus, inen : " nili q uis rnal it i '®e~•"E, q uali tl.f~•~E, of I'l'f'Y"''> na/urali _qttodatn carilflft <omp!eCJor;
fuc111; a Ct t--drotJe : Caf.1ub. and }tin.''_,., cre,lide- untie ri"ern, a111or ;1n111ralis; 11aJj1raJ affi:8ib1:; tQ
rim }iOtit1s co11tra8:u1n a. dro uc;1, particip. \ t rh. Jo be / 01111., lfl'vi1Jg, &c.
1 1

driv e ; qui3 fc. apibus abig11.J11tlr fud : Sk inn."- DRUB; " Ii Grrecus efrern, ddleCl:ercm a
that drones are expd !ed the hive is a fat( roo true : ti,,,,,,.7.,, /iicero, !a11io; vet a 0.,,,.7.,, j1'1tJlgo : vel ll
b ut, that dr!Y'.;e11 is a p articiple of the verb dri•Je, Te•f3w, ' ltro: vet il Te""'"• ttvos .
' ca/co: Skmn."-
w ill not be 3druined no\v, whatever it 111ight fo prodi~iot~Oy frofufe has the Dr. been of his
have been in the Dr's. t irn e : belides, even then Greek th rs t1!lle . and yet r cannot ado,rc 30)' ?O~
it would be derived fron1 the Gr. as we have fcen of thefe derrv. but wo uld rather denve drub a
u nder t he proper art. DR!VE: Gr. Tu,,.1w, verbero; by adding the e. quali Tevrl-.
DROOP, ",,-11n<, f rutlus jmn ad11/t11s, el conrracted to drul-.
N1alt1r11s; ja;njam (qu ir>pe e>~ il;<i,, et r.Jr.1;,.i cori.1- • DRUDGE; " 'fe"'J'>iiH, vindemid1 tunp111,
pofi tum) cafiirus : hinc cred ib ile ell: Ang licum quo11do q11111ts ccrupfltij/imi : oiG quis malit ex
drop ; quod tie mat f/ris f rufJibus f ufm·po111r : ·r_~ t.<x_w, atterq, 1.Jt'.ro i Tevxo:~..xc, atteror, <onf.ciot:,
fortafl'e et droop, v ergere deorfitm, intli1111re: r)i fi r ap1'fert : C afaub." or perhaps frotn Tf' X"'• currq;
pociu s ex '!'tr.w, D prrepolito,ferpo; lo creep along : out who ;, r1lu·t1; ·s q;i f ool ; co111i1111al!y /t'ttdging rp
Ca faub.'' and d P'.JJll : and indeed ir leems co be buc a nother
DROOPISH; Ski nner derives it from a dif- d ialee1 for ! "RUDGE: Gr. unkfa we refer to
ferent root to t he foreg oing ; viz. ;\ Bel g. "droif; the Sax . A iph .
which," he fays, " comes a Teut. 1nub ; t111i1110 DRUG, in the fenfe of a 1nere drttg : fee
/ urbato efle:"-but if this be t he true deriv. he DREGS: G r.
DRUID ; A•"(• q1arc11s; on qdk ; 11 nde DrradtJ,
o ught t o h ave told us, that turbo, (fro m
whence bot h turbatus and /nu b are derived) rhe nymphs o' f the g roves ; a nd pe rhaps tile .
Origin at<:S ft 0ofV~f~, 0QfVf3w, !t1r/Jq i IQ !Je d~flurbetf, Dr11id1, who wel'c prie!l:s of t he gro·vcs ; bec1ufe
fad, or !ro11bltd i11 mind. they are faid to have hcid nothing niore facrc<i
DROP; Juniu s q uo tes Cafoub. as tn rhe fore- than the oak, which was al fo facred 10 J upiter;
. going arr. droop : Lye h<)wever does not admir whence Lucan ifl his Ph•rfaiia, book Vil. fays,
o( rhar .deriv. but rather foppofes, o n the con- -- ncmora alta 1·e11101i s
trary, that droop originates from drop, wh ich Jun. ln<:olitis luciJ, . ---
afcer 1nentioning che Sa~. Almann. J)a n. Belg. chis is the g enetal deriv. according to P liny; Max.
and Cimbric words, fays, " vid entur cxtrito ,. Tyrius, Diod . Siculus, Camden, Dickenfon, Da-
fafta eic 0e•r.f3•!, nam ita legimus Luc. XX! I. 44. vies, and others; but Elias Schedius, D. Voflius,
Er !t£1ti 1£ J ;;f"'' "t:1ij, ~~ C~eot-Af.301 o::p.~1c, : t!1is and Ainfwotrh, with greater proprie ty, derive it
deriv. 1vl in01. had give n, with the difapproba- a Sax. dry, or dr11; i. e. nMK"'; lignify ing wife
t ion of Skinn. qure niale deducit M infh. a men, or phi/gfophers, among the Gmi/.J, mid Ce/I!,
0e•l"l3•<. gru11ms :"-w ith regard to the di(carding or old Britons; and Ciel. vV:iy. 44, derives "Druid
14, in order to form drop, Junius has g iven us rnore naturally llill , according to the derignation
ti:veral examples: quod vero ,.. freq uenter abj ici, of their p rieftly funtl:ion, from D'er-eud; tht

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D u From G11?R, and LATl_lf. D u
_,,,. of God :"~but even fl ill it is Gr. for now it but that djpp411 cit bapti:urt; and lo bapliu
fee ms to derive from Ir, 11is, 11im, vi, vir, d'tr; lignifies 10 dip; therefore all thefc words are un-
n m1111; and "-;-"'&"" good; or rather Eu, bent, a
doubtcdly derived A.,,.1,., mergo; to plu11gt undrr
~onus; good, getd, tud; and therefore it might tonier: now, though lc11igb11, when thty are dubbed,
have bee11 more properly rendered the good-man, are 1101 plunged under tonier, yet as their initiation
the bo111u pater; tbe good-f11tbcr, the pope, the was fomething of a religious ceremony at firtl.,
priejl; jull in the fame manner ns we obferved un- there focn1s to be fomc probability in this etym.
dcr the art. CALOYER, that Tourneforr, i11 and ye t there is another deriv. produced by Lye
h is voyage to the Lcv;int, vol. I . 3z. oCI:'. fays, fron1 H ickes, which I Oiall dclirc leave co
'.' the monks of the convene of the Trinity ( half trJnforibc: " Norn1an-Sax. dubbaN -co Jl>~epe,
a day's journey from Canta, in the i!le of Crelt) tquiu"' crtart, fcu '"1J1ilutrt: l celandico ab
arc callett talo-Jtrs, as it is now pronounced; bubba til pibbajle : hinc du/Jbadr riddart; tq11tr
" but it ought," fays he, " co be writren talt1Jbrt1tl111: doctiffimus 01. Vcrdius, at d11blia
ca/o-gers; good old me11; fro1n K"-"-«, good·; and ti/ ridara, Suec ict:. venit fin t11 til 1·iddal'e ; i. e.
'Y't""'" old:" fo our Celtic nnccllors might have pet·cuttrt ttliqutm iH tq11iten> (Angl. to flap any Olfe
cnlled their religious Dr11idr, or D'er-euds, their i1110 a lc11igb1 ; or, literally fpcaki ng, 10 bent, or
good-men, their boly-ft1lhtrs 1 unlefs thofe 1nonks drttb bim into k11igb1bood:) ab drtbbo eoirn pri-
were called calo-yen, or calo-ger1, in the fenfe of n1urio lig nificat c.edcrt, perc11/tre, verberare; cc
their being fcholars, or mc11 of ltlltrs ; quafi . quod moris erat a geotibus Scandicis, ut opinor,
calltrs; and then their nan1e would ll.ill be Gr. profccti, juvenem jufta.: m ilitia: candidatum gla-
as in the art. SCHOLAR : Gr. dio cinetun1 manu prrtutir11do, vel gladio flricto
DRUM; Toi""'""" 1ympa11u111; a warlilct mufi- frritndo, cquitem crcare; proptcrca creatio equitis
cal i11jlr11mmt : R. '}'.,,..,.., vcl T, ..7,.., verb,rart; per hoc verbu1n denotari C<l'pic, poft introicu1n
10 beat, or jlrilct. Nornrnonoru1n :"-fincc therefore this ceremony
DRUM of the ear; fro1n the foregoing root; ~vns, and is lhll, performed by a gentleflrokt ,or
meaning that wonderful organ of, whic h blow, we m ight rather prefer this latter .d eriv. and
is conrtanc ly. jlruclc, and beaten 11pon by ·every d educe our word dllb, ii Tu,.1w, vcrbero; lo flrike,.
reverberation of t he air, and ex.cileS the idea or give a blow ; particubrly lince Butler in his
and fcnfacion of found. Hudibrns, part. · I. catHO I. 15, has given us a
DRY ; A{.., }icto; " aridus; partbt, ftrt: true dcfcription of this ceremony; for, in de-
Cafaub. fane rniro, nee Jaudando arti6cio: fays fcribing che pcrfon of his hero, he fays,
Skinn.'' and confcqucntly he has adopted the J\ wight he was, whofc very fight wou'd
Sax. which has not been followed, ~caufe Junius Entitle him, tt;irrGr of l:11ightbood;
has given us a much better d· c·riv. · ,.rrorn f-Jefych. That never bow'd his fiubborn knee
for he has faid, drit a TfV'Y"• E·~~"' (E"f"'"") : ·r o any thing, but chivalry;
apud N icandrum quoqu e in "l"hcriacis •rf"'Y• Jig- Nor p11111p blow, but that which laid.
nificat ariditalem, jiccitatem; dro11gbt. Right worlhipful 011/houlder-bl11de :
on which Grey, in his notes obfcrves,. that " irr.
• DRYADS; "~f"f' q11ert111; on oak: tbe Dryads the tiinc of Charin tbe Gruu, the way of kni<rh r-
wn·e antitlll priejlJ of tbe Gattis, <c1ho lived i11 ing by the tolnpl>us, or giving a blllW on lhe'°em-,
forefis: Nug ."- tbe Dr. fuould have confulted was ufcd in lign of f11Jlai11ing f11111re bardfoips:"-
his dictionary better: lht Dntids W<rf tbt pritfls; we n1ay very much doubt this interpretation ;
cot the Drya1/J; they were tl-e nympl-s of th~ for as the tolapblls, at the aoticnt ceremony of
grr,.vu. 11u11111111ij]ion, '~as given, not in lign o f fuftainhig
I>U AL, Aui..;, d111Jlis; of, or bt/011t;ing lo two f11111re lx.rdfo1ps, fo we may fuppof~, that rhu
only; :IS tbt dual 1111mbrr in the Greek grammar: blow, given at the modern cercinony of i:11igl 1-
R. ~ ••, duo; two. hood, is given, not in li g n of fu!1:Uning f~cure
l)UB n knight; " initiarc arm is; primum hardOiips, but in fign that he fhould fullain 110
equeflris dignitatis gradum in aliq11cn1 confrrre, f11111rc bard/hips in point ?f honor; ir being cite
ac novo non1ine, veluci per b11ptijmt11n, inngnire; /nfl blow he lhould receive, or, as Butler favs,
nam d)ppa11, Sax. di: baptiza»e: Jun. "-from put up; and confeq.uentl)' that he was now /rtt
this very deriv. ir is a wonder he did not obfcrve, co vindicate all affioncs againft the chan11s of his.
that chc erym. of djppan is pure Gr. chough the fa1ir Dulti1rea; and 1nainrain his prowefs aaainft
fignification, and cuftom itfdf be far ochcrwife : all oppofers of his valor; knighrs, giants; rm-
that dub may be derived ii d)'ppa11 we can make gicians, wizards, conjurers, and enchanters.
no doubt 1 3$ we can likcwife ni:ike no doubt DUBIOUS, Au:.113~7,.,, dtto·bito, ert ; i. e. in

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D U · from GR r E K, and t. AT i N. t:> 0
• luas vias ire; Jo go into two opinions, to htjitate, jealoujies, and fears,"lt may then originate 1 A'~
to bt doub1f 11I., . (3..1,.,, 1u: bi10, _lrt; in dua~ ;;ias ir~ '. If go in~o
DU-CAPE; " d11, vcl tic ; et cbappe; cap1- lwo qp1111otJS : 1. c. when c1v1l Jufpu1011 of flltlt 1
tium, ftricum molliufc11/tm1 ;. q. d. /<~icum cb le-v~- princip!ei, both with regard t.o religion and go.
tat<m, capitiis aptum: Skm11. 1 '- cl11s however is vernment, grew co fuch a he1ghr, that they bc-
not all, for he has not brought us to the tr~e gan ro jufptli, and '" bt jealous of each olhcr :-
o rigin of this word; which mull be 1raced a ht- this however is r.ot the fenfc of Mr. Grey, who
tic farther by the help of Voll'. who qu<>tes Varro, has ex plained it by to t al:t i11 du~g.a1n; and fays
lib. VI. de L. L. cttpi1iw111 ab eo qui>d tapit ptn~s; ic was altered by Mr. Butler to c1v1Jfury; (whc-
i. c. uc an1iqni dicebant, indu1u comprehc~~1t; thcr for the ber~cr or wone, chc re3der, fays he,
and he goes no farther ; but the wor~ ca1,111um, muft be left to judge: }-~rhaps_ fo r. the worfc,
if contralted fro1n capit pcflus, may likew1fe be becaufe of the cacophony 10 reading it
conirafled fro1n 1he Gr.; for bo1h 1hofc words \Vhen civil fury fir.ft grew high:
arc derived from K....1.,-..,.1.., or ~ ....1..-....1.~. to bcfides there would be a flatnefs of exprcffion,
mean a ft•mccbtr ef ricb jillc, wbirb is Wont l1efort and a' chanoe of ideas ; for fury, jt11Je11fy, i nd
tbt brtnft; or wbicb guards, co11/ains, and comprt- /tars, are no~ fo fynonymous as doubts, jtaloufiu,
btr.ds the "reaft. . and /tars :- if however it mull be undcrftood in
D UCAT, ducatus 1111mm111; a com, commo~}Y the fenfe of fro], it will rhen originate from the
called 11 d11ckel : Cid. Voe. 157, 8, fays, I following art.
in1aginc the word .d11cat to .include the radi~al DUDGEON-haft, or blade; a 0,,..., Dor. 0•y•,
iclc ; l o ftrike; wluch, all'um1ng the prepoliuve 1u 110 ; ttJ fbarptn to a point; " undc Ital. daga 1
d, would give dicked, or du<nl; ~011~ fl:uck, Germ. taugbtu 1 1'eut. do/Ad11, vcl dcgen; gladi#s:
"'one/a c11fa, or m1111c11s :-buc fo 11.kcwife is a.II Jun."- and therefore Skinner fuppofcs our ex-
othcr money: bclides, ~ven _the~1, 1'k,.undoubt- preffion, to take i 11 d11dgeo11, is," 9· d. tti !rnN1"4id1
.edly takes the fame dcrav. w1ch 1tl11s; 1. c. Gr. : et irulignatione txciptrt, ut p1tgio11e111.jlr111gas: he
fr.e EllT. Gr. then offers another deriv. but concludes with,
DUCE; " ll.u,.r, dua/itas ; the number two: R. ncutrum iftorunl f.1tisfacit: 1nallcn1 igirur dc-
Lly•, du(); two. .. llefrere a Sax. bolb; 'VU/11111 ; Ct hoc A do!tnd~ j
. DU Cl-JESS l ll."•"'.· AHx.vw, duco, ducij}a; a dux, (ct hoc, let me add, a a,~.w, do/to 1) 9111 tnll/I
, DUCHY S duc!s l a ducbtfs, ?r tonfert of a injuriamjibi il/atam t>"iflimat, dolortns i111/t contipil;
duke; tl11s etym. plainly fhcws the unpropriety of ct, ut poeta aic, vulmu a!it 'Venis :"-there was
writin11: ic Juctbtfs, with a/. ·a much more applicable quotntion the Dr. might
DUCK, or plunge u11~tr wattr l " Au.,, l<lv~,., have produced from the fame poet, in the be·
immergo: Upt."- vcl " Ao.-1.,, 111trgo l lo div e ginning of the firfl: JEnejd, v. 1 2 1 J 3 1
u11dtr waltr. Mufa, mihi caufos memora, quo num inc lrefo,
DUCK, and drakt1frorn the fame root: Gr. ~idque tfq/t11s regir.a dtum, to t volvcre cafus
DU CKING.jloo/ S d Inli<>nen1 pietatc virum, to t adire Jaborcs
DUC'rJLITY, A,.• .,, vd A11••v.,,/ duco,
d . . c
un I mpu"'I en·c.- - - - - - - -
'111ilus ; to ltnd, co11d11!1 ; a cana • or cDll ull pipe: DUE, a contraCl:ion of dehit11m, ab Ap,,, ba6tt,
alfo the txpanjion of metals. de-baheo tlebt o . nam de/Jere efl: de alitno ba/J('ft;
' DUDGEON; "fo.rtall'e ~ft. ab Ital. dota11za_; 111 owe, ~. borr:W of or.other, to "e in dtbt : alfo
GalL . doubt1111<t 1, d~b111s anrtm Jlatus, cum qu1J incrit, and demerit : or rather a ll.«>, lEol. A11'0,
amb1•1I utr11111 a/Jqmd 1111tut11dum, ""' .egre ftrtn- d ., . rjl '" at·-
" • h' . h I . eUJ/Um l a JU ouug l vn .
t!Nmjit: J un."-but t !' 15 n_ot t e u um.ate ~ooc , , ,, . ~ bt ~ h
of dudgeon; for d11bi1ts 1tfclf 15 but a dcnvauvc; DUEL, A•"• aut>, lw • a .Jig • or com a1 •
as we have fcen under DOU BT : that remark- lwttll two ·
able ex preffion therefore, at the very beginning DUG, or 1tat: " Ii Grrecus e(J'<m, deduccrem
of Butler's H ud1bras, . a ~"""•,.. recep1aculu111,
- . • .i\ 4.-x-r,.•
_co11crp. ta.culi.1m
\.Vhen civil dudgtoll firft grew high, tapa.<; quia fc. efi lann, pr11111g_tmt n0;'.n ?,''"
And ni<n fell oui, they knew not why; mu:ti rueptacul11m, et quali cqrtma: Ski.on. -
When hard words, jtaloujits and fears, this, though perhaps the tr~e etym .. did no~
Set folks together by the cars; pleafe Lye; who fays, " ongo voc1s dt1!• ni
m 3 y be underfiood in two lights, and confequently valde fallor, pctenda ell ab l~land. degg:a 1 lac
· derived fron1 two difli:r~nt fou rces: if we under- pt·o£l1tr<; q uml, quam propnmn. fit,
Jtand d11dgto11, :u tic · ' If 1'eems t o
I nut I1or Ii 1n11c nemo non videt :" -true; 1f degg111 be not ufdf
have und~dtood it, in the fcnfc of doubts, and a derivative. DUKE,

Di91tlzed by <:ooglc
0 1J From Ga11x,and L>.TJK, · D U·
D"tJrE; Af!JW, AH.....,, tl11tii; tl11x, tlutis; a from thence, tho' it feems to bear a Yery clofe
katler, gmeral. . analogy with it : " mallem,''· fays Skinn. " dc-
DllLCET t A1ux•r, A,.••,, quod et r>.uxo• fletl:ere ab Hifp. to11to 1 fJ"Piilus., jhJ1us 1 quod .
DULCIMERS notat ; vel dicitur f>.uxur, tlul- Covarruvias merit0 deducit a Lat_. a1tonit11s :" ·
cis; quafi gul<is; jwett, tltlicious. and the Dr. -would have defei:vcd f'.qual merit, if
DULL; Aa.\or, jtf"IJus; btbt1; tarJus; eft enim he had derived at/mitts a T°'°'' Tot0w, tono ;
propria qutedaf# fervorum Mguitia, ta/liJitflS, ti unde tttlonitu.s ; tbu!Ulerftr11tlc ,• · t11r111d fool, or
'fJafridts ; all which laft three fcem to cxprefs drivel/tr.
atlivity, vi'Uacity, alertneft lo mifabitf; and yet DUN-GEON, Autw-?'11"; tltfcmJo f1t/J terram; to
both Cafaub. ·and Upt. underftand A•>-•r in the g~ u11dtrgrounJ :-to convince us'of the ufe of ety-
fenfe of }laves, wbo are comrM11/y jlupid a11J dull: mology, Mr. Walpole, in his Anecdotes 'On Paint-
however, du// may rather be derived a A1<Niuor, ing, vol. I. p. 21, 4to. edit. has given us an in-
Jalivtts, Jat11us,jlotid11s, jlupidus; a jrofs, bea'fiy, ftance, which one would not have fufpcetcd from a •
jlupid f e//qw ; a mere dolt. gentleman o( his knowled$C in writi1Jg; but in
DUMB; " M"", unde Mv~w, m11tus, a, um 1 mentioning the ftatc of painting from the reign .
unde miJd, quod J. Davies cenfCt a "'""'"' inverfis of Hen. Ill. to the end of Hen. VI. he fays,
tantummodo literis .proBuxiffe: Jun."-but there " no wond~r that a proud, a warlike, and igno-
needs no tranfpofition ; for mUJ is taken from the rant nobility, encouraged only that branch (of
three firft letters of mut11111 ; and dumb is taken painting on glafs) which attefted their dignity : ·
from the three laft letters of the fame word their dungtons were rendered frill darker by their
mtttum; and then changing I into d: if this pride :"-now -any common reader would fup-
fhould not be admitted, then with Cafaub. we pofe, that by talking of d1111geons being rendered .
may derive _dumb ab Aroy.or, mulus; unde Germ. jli// darker, he n1cant their prifans: but that was
jJomme; dumb, mutt, fpttcbkft. far from his intention ; he meant to Anglifize a
DUMPISH noifa; '°'"'"'" /01111 ;· a bta'VJ noifa. French word ; but unluckily has committed a
DUMPLING, quali dampli11g, or a damper; falfe orthogr. for he intended to have written
and confequently derived from the fame root Jongeons, or tlonjons, which, according to Boyer, .
with damp, or abate 1 viz. A"'J-''•" da•1111m; quod fignify la parfi1: la plus llroit J'1111 cbdteau; a
in lib. vctt. legitur J11mp1111m ; Any dttriment, da- fott:er, or platform in the midft of a r:ajlk ; tfpect •
""'l'• abatemtnt; meaning berc an abatmtnl of de ca.bi11tt dans /es 'bt!timms particulitrs au Jeffus
hugn-; becaufe being compofed of Bour, and de la couvertllrt; " twrret, or rlofat raifad on the
eaten copioufiy, it prt7Jt11t1 the devouring of too 'Very top of tbt boufa; or what is commonly called
mu<:h animal food; and confequently abates that tbt lanttrn. ·
keenefs of appetite for llelh. , DUN-KIRK; "rightly in Englilh Duncburche,"
DUMPS, Minlhew would·-derive it 11. ··Jomart, ,fays Verft. 217, "and hath had that appellat ion
quod fc. ani11111111 do•at; and Skinner would de- by b~cing fituatc in the J11nt1, or Jandbanlcs :"-
rive it from 1he foregoing word dumb> •11f1u; confequently will take the Carne deriv. with
.. e~ eni1n d11mpifb fixa ct feria cogitatio, qua DOWNS : Gr.
111citi fta1nus, et quafi obftuptfallJ :"-but this DUN-ST AN; " a name given as it feemcth,
very laft interpretation might have led· hin1 to in recomme'n Jation · of co1ifl11nde, or ftabilitie:
the true fource; viz. @a,..(3or, jl'upor; quafi tbam· dun is anciently a bill, or mountai11t : ftant wee
pijb, d1mpifb, dumpijb, dump_f'. . now pronounce jlone: dun-jlane is the mOflntaine-
DUN for dtbt: both Skmner. and Lye fuppofe ftont; almoft as much in llgnification as is in
that dun is derived a Sax. byn, bynan; ftrepitu.s, Hebrew the na1ne of Petter: Verlt. "-but both
ftmi1111, debitoris au~ibus obflr:tptrt ;. ~ebita/11 fUU- dun and j1011t are Gr.
11iam import111te tXIgtre; CUJUS Onglnem v1dere · D U N-WALLO: Ciel. Voe. 14lr, tells us,
liccc in Jin ; fanitus :-ftrangel that neither the that " this word is a grofs pcr.verlion of lan-
Dr. nor tpis gentlem:\O, could find that DlN guage, and n1adc the name of a Britilh king,
was Gr. and legiOator; but d11n-wal/o · anfwers limply to
DUNCE; ,Minlhcw, for the fake of deriving ·a will, or bill dont, or paft :"-then both are Gr.
it from dtnftis, writes it d11nfa; but then has no D UO-D ECI MO,Av•-~·-lnc"', duoduim; lwtf'llt.
fufpicion that even de11f11s is derived a All«vr: DU-PLICI1'Y; '°'"•>-••;,duplex, d11plus; do11b!t,
however he has explained it by bardu1, q. d. t wo-fold, two mtn11i,,gs.
dtnfo ing111io, <ranio, vel certbro, pr.edit11s :-now, DU'RA1"10N, l>f"'• q11ercus; an oalc; unde
though our words dtnfa, and dmjity, are evidently durus, durities 1 bard, l>ardnefs; VOll videtur nb
derived a Aa'11i, yet dunce does not origi nate .atboribus fumpta: but If. Vollius would derive
X durfiS

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D, .W· From Ga 1 :11t, .al)d LAT 1 N• E A
dm1s from- li1'fAr, rlr;;.r, .,;1,.e.-r: vcL a eaeor, veral inftances 'in our iaqguag~ of fu~h a chalfge
t.•e11•r :-;-thl!rct is. a·very ingenious deriv. of this having a~hially happened in ocher words.
word du~qb/t giYCn •by jlln: viz. a A•e"• di11tit111S, ! D\VILE 1 """"" a11d{la, jer'IJa l a 'W()lllall Jtr-
di11tur11us ; · lajJing ; but this relates to time, rather 'rviJlll ; 011t wbq i.r '011jla111/y_empl1]td i11 fwe~pi11g,
thanfolidilJ ;. and ii derived a ...., dju; a long :a11d cleaning.
timt ; and confequcndy is more applicable co '. DYE a color1._" tuv..., madefactrt ; ti11gtre ;
d11ra1io11, to Jvable. .. ! DYER S t.rv.-•..•••r, tint/qr : Cafaub."·
DUSK, « · t.a.-x••r, Hom. pro <1tt••••"r,jpiJ!11m .or perhaps a t.o"1"', aquas fuJuo, 111trgo ; Ir>. dip,,:
f atullS. 11111br11• : R. i!"''"f• tk11jus; rbielc; and tinge, or plunge in water, or any mtdi&aJed li'l11or. '
'""br" ;
:i:.,,., /bade: Cafaub. and U pt:·-or (l{:r- . DY E .a de111b.; " t.u•'>, t.u•H" Au,o-Q.,., , mergi, ·
haps it may be derived 8. 41~·..,..;, quafi 11~~•» O((idere, prqprie de Jolt; unde t.w1r, ouidens :
ill11tefto; ftar-ct ligbt, either al 1be beginning, or 1bt Cafaub." or perhaps a .:.,.J.,, borrea, prr1i111co i
clofe •f day: the former interpret~ion feems to to dread; or jbalce with horror : he-nee death is
be rather too violent for tlll}lrijb; which is but a ofcen ftiled tbe king of .tt"ors: Cle!. Way. 98,
gmtle dwee of darkwifs; whcrcaa fpiffom f11cie11s tells .us, that· " our·E:nglifb word die is ~onrracted
""'"",.,. or dmfaffl 11111bram, is a palpable tbiclc from a diJfyllable, compounded of ~; privative ;
Jarbtfs';. which is /1 great dtal m11rt lban dlljkijb. and te; toexifi :"-but ee moll: evidently dcri~es
ab t!rJ, i. ~. 1e~f'1, fum; lo exift.
• DUST: · there ls at leaft a erobabilicy th3t
this worll: may be Gr.: t hrough the" medium of the DYNA.STY, t.u'"I'""'• ab inuf. ""'"~.,.,.,,
~u;o-ar11;, .av11«-r1t~, tt\•nafta, do111i1111Jio, imperilim ; a
Lat. lang. thus; ·n•e> Dve••» uro, adujfus ; con- ·gO'Utr11men1, faniory; or lordfbip l partieuJu!y_ a111ong
traaed to drift; t"fia1u, arid11s i i. c: terra adufta, '.tbe Eg;'Jllians.
txjfrcat•: and ·perhaps tbe Sax. buf"t'.' may be de-
· DYRSTE LYC ; " bold(J ; , o r as wee might
rived from hence. · ' ·
fay, durftingly. of one daring lo· do 4 thing of dilfi-
DUVh; " a tk11e : Verfi."-it were to be eultit: Verft."-chis word dyrflt/yc looked 10
withed that the moderns had no t departed frorn charminglit ugly, t.hat the goo~ old gentleman
the ancient orthography ; for certainly du/a, d11fe, n1iitook it for a Saxon beaucy ; and could not fee
or dll'IJe; 3pproaches nearer to t.v,,-1w, than dove. that it was deri.yed from tJ1e fanie root with
. DUUM -VIRATE; ii.v.., ,.,;e,, vel '"Jf'• duo- DARI:<:, Gr.: thus, dare, darts, durft, d11r;1ingly,
viri; '! magiftracy of two rulers. · dyrjlelyc. · .
D'WA.S-LICflT; " that which wee otherwife DYS-CRASY, t.vo·•e«v•"'• i11/tmperiu ; an ill
call the foolijb-f)'re : Verft.".....:.meaning perbaps habit of body ; a bad eo11ftitution; g enerally the
the Wi/J wi1b c wifp :-bur this is not giving us juft acquireinent o f intemperate living.
t be e ty1n . which feems to be Gr. ; for dwas is. DYS-EN'fER Y; " ll.u.-o1•e•"'• pain of the i11-
on ly a concraetion of de wees, or the' little, weak, 1t}Ji1Jt s} R. .6u,, 111aie; and E5'7o~, i11/us; Er1teo~,
fai111 fire ; and confequenrly Gr. ; ft e \\IES'f : a11 inteftini : N ug." -fomecimcs taken for the
and as for !icbt, it is evidently the fan1e as LIGH1·; blovdy flux. ' .
confequcntly Gr, DYS-NOMY, t.v.-"I'-'"• ma/arum ftgum i11jli-
D\VE LL; T11'"• J:11n fub diiiollt ; Jum Jub im- t11tio; the e11atli11g bad-laws: R. lour, 111ale l bad;-,
ptrio; hinc, ni fallor, fays Cafaub. 11 dtt;efl ; et No1u.Q;, ltx ; a /a11.u •
. habitart, agcre-we might r.ather fuppofe 'with DYS-PATHY, t.vv,..-.&.,,., laborum, t.t .er1111111a-
l\1inlh. that v idrtur corrup1111n ab Ao>.•, aula, ftatio, rum perpd}io; tht enduring greal pai11s: R• .C.or,
babitatio : E~a~>..1etJH-ci', babito; uc fit fi.1":.iA•?~, male ; et rr~e,r, pt1ffio ;jKjftring.
''eJ 6•«->,1~"f'":,,;, per-no[lo, d()rt1Jio, co111n1wfir ; t o
• DYS-UR Y ; t.v.-•e'"' dyfuria; ditficilis- 11r.i11.e
1.1,.,-y , abide : neither of thefe ety1n . however, e.<cretio; 1iriltd! jupprtflio; a deun1io11 ~J urine, or·
p leafing Skinn. or L ye, chey hav.e recourfe to the . a. difficulty in diftbarging ii : R. t.;;, ma/;; et
Norrhern la1ig. : the Dr. fuppofes dwell co be de- : Ove,t•, urj1;a ; urine.
r ived aD an. duefger; l/lur.or, COJnffl{JTQY: and then
adds, Dott. Scirnner ddkltit a Sax. bpe!tan; . : E.
trrare, Jedttcere ; unde Belg. dwaelt11; errare; ,
qui~ fc. oli1n 111ajo-res "~/fri trrabundi in lt111oriis ;E~CH! "E«•r•r.,Ji11gul!, 1m11fq_uif911t: ~afaub.''
bab11ar11!11 :-lhould this be the true fource of : 1ndt'U1dualt; roery 011<111 pai·t1tulu: 'V erftcgan.
o ur word dwell, it Jhews how· greatly the frn[c : uppofes it co be Saxon,
of words nicer, throug h a length of t iine ;: thar . EAGAN 1. " eye11; tyts.; now. in the Necher-
antiendy dwe{Hi~-s lhould fig nify wm1dering:·,and ' lands, agben :: Verfi."-but-eye ·is Gr• .
now lignify abiding, ccnti1111ing : but we have fe- EAGER :- there are ~wo, fenfrs-· given co this
,. 5 · · word,

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E ll .t-. E A
word, and each origlnat:es·from a dilfcrent· root ; · . •EAR " of 'ors j · AOJie, arifl11, pars Jpie",e 11euttt i
for we fay tager in the .-perfuit of glory i and we ~ 01nitted : Upt.",..../be jbdrp poittl, or /pea,. of
fay eager, fb11rp, or fallr,; .as 'Vi11tager, &c. when torn, tobilt grt1Wing.
we mean the former~ . it .originate.s from Ax., .EAR of the .bead, Aut, .o ·u i, ab A.,., IUtllio; unde
c11fpis ; unde Ax•<, aeiu, ater ;. bold, ftrmlloUs; · Aul., /1J1J11s; unde '1lude1, ""fas, 11#1'.U, ct atfris 1 Jb1
bu t when we mean the latte_r, it originates ab tar: alfo tbt fatuity.of btarint;-
Alfy•>, "'ger, vel "'grotus /um·; according to the " EAR, ho11or i V:erll.'' who fup•
common ~pinion, t hat wi11e, o r beer. wbtn tur11ed . . EAR-woortb, hol!fJTablt ~ pofes it t o be de~
faur,. is in a jielcly; 'Vapid ftatt; not that all adds rived fro1n the Sax. Ape:; which feems only a
4re fJapid; on .the contrary, many of them ope- contraction of Af•-1•, 'Viruu, hoiior, iiignitas: (et
rare with -the greatell: v.igor and aCl:ivity, fo as EARL. Gr.
to ch~nge the texture and conliftence of other EARE the grosmd; "~"" ara_re ~ Upt.'' ti
bodies; and in this fenfe Shakefpcar in his · plow, till, or bu/band the grou1td, in ordtr for
.Hamlet, at!: 1. fc. 8, has ufed our word eager; a crop. •
in th;at a>count, which his father's ghoft gives of EARL: Ciel. .-W"ay. 49, fays, that ''- earl ·i•
his ~;ivi ng been· poifoned with ch'c juice of o nly a contratl:ion of ; 'a ltader .;,. wor :".:0:..
H ebenon, but tr feems to have .come from Pf·•r.-~ont1ntio;
- -- - - - - - - - - whofe effelt bellum : ·and ltader, from .EJ.,.1•e• quali· l\r:>ir.~\
Holds fuch an enmity wi th blood of man, · co11duflor, Jrivtr, lead~r: Juniu.,s fuppofes 1k
T hat fwifc as quickfilver ·it courfes througb comes from ealboJi, ·ealbp; unde facilioris pro•
The n.atural gates and allies of the body; nuntiationis gratiii, clifo b, _atque· p tranfpolitOJ
And with. a fudd.en vigor it doth poffet fatl:um eft eapl, vel eopl. Skinner fays, "forte
.!\nd curd, like (ager droppings into milk, a S&". 7\re; T eut. tbr 1 Belg. eer; honN", .Jiph-.
The thin and wholcfome blood; fo did it mine. tas : "-i the Dr. had tr3nllated it virtus, and
EAGLE, " aqllila; aq,,;/,,,; dark, dun; of the derived it ab Ae•-1~, virtus, forlitudo, nobiliias;
color of water ; A.., i. e. "'"""""' ,;1..10;, I-lefych. he might .have been fomething nearer the truth. >
A.., "'""• aqua l UC a 0'1n•1, ..,,.,••;, fpecJJJ: .inde EA.R L Y, .. He. diluculum, '""P'"tfla./·utinu·m; -u~
aqllilus ; et a fufao cofort, aquila; eagle: et apud ZJl olitn de matutino, ho~ eft priore.vel ·anterior&
Hefychium A••-"••r, ou1or, aquila: U pt." - but ' diei tcmpore lit accepcum; poftea ·vcro lat'iu&
Voff. tells us, that " aqui/a is derivt>d a """" extcnfum lit 11d alilld qllodvis anttttdens lt•puPi
A1w, Acv.-.-• ., unde A••·-"••<, ab ll(Ulo vifir; unde · J un." tbt firft dawn, or opming of da.J. 'l
et Ito, onis, quoque diCl:us ;"-and t his fcer'ns to EARM l" Veti. Angl. erat pa11pe;-.
be the more probable reafon. . ·· . EARMNESS S i11ops, m!fer 1 unde Sax: eaprn'1
EAK, videcur. cJTc ex inverfo K..., quali r.. x, Almann. armer; defumpta :ex Aft•t•<, vel :Ap••edl'i
~tia_m_; .alfo, lilc~ift: J un.'.' . . "'f"s :I vel potius . contra6la ex ' l!e•l""f• q ubd
EAM; "fortalfe e,medio oi,.,,,,,..1, tjufdem fat1- homintm ab aliis .tlijtrt,,m, atque ab omliibtu ti_e']lil.
guillis par[ittps: vetuftioribus ccrtc Belgis oom tu)um, dmotat: Jun.''-.r perfan utrerg },
denotabat tjlltm'Vis confang.Uneum 4!talt provellio- or deferted; and likewife dejlittdt of all tPit1gs :..:.i.
rtm ; an uncle,. or a gralldfalber : ) l!n.''-fome- Ycrftegan• fuppofes it to be SIQC. . . ·: · "
times indeed we find words derived ·from the EARN; " Af••f'A•; eapio, confequor, rttiplo·; ·u
middle of others, as bijbop, untie, wmcb, &c. 1 talte, gain, or recerot tbt wages· of his fwwct-; 1111
but there feems tci be no occalion for any . fuch i vafllt of bis labor : Cafaub.''. · · '.
1nethod at prefent; lince tam m ay befo natora!ly, _EARNEST·p~, App"'~""· arrha6o, arra, vet
and fo ealily derived ab ·amilus, which Voffius ; a"ba 1 Jbt firft pmny, givm as part. of.a P4J1tunt1
derives ab avitus, vd ab 4'1Jftl: o.r clle, f~ys h<!, . or tpt pledgi, of fu rt t:J for btJrgain ; "tlie tlf!./i1ig,
av1ta may be. deduced ab amort: both which are • or confirmmg an agrttme111 :. unlcfs we tnay derive
evidently ·d erived frOJn the Greek. . l
. it f~om erft 1 fi•fl: Gr.-Cafaub. derives it fro1n
EAND is· fuppofcd by.Ray, in his preface, ! the, foregoing art. · ·
lignify Jpiri1t11, arid . to be derived a Cimbrico , EARNESTLY, T ..,.;...,..,, • per metath. 11itf r;
ande :~but both feem to he .only a various dia· ; nixus; i.Jndeniixe;fadJJloujly; to.t11durooltl"'jlren11oufly.
let!: of ens, and entity; confequentl~ Gr. . I ; EARl"H," Ef<1,Uri_a: Ta~icusde Sue.v. c. 40;
E ANSWYD; " we have varied 1ans into , 10 commune Hertbarn,· 1•. c. f 1!7tzm matru11 co/uni :
pnte; and wyd, or wyed,. is ou~ ancient woord for ; in iarilJ; E"e.6•, -infra: U pt."-Clel. Way. 47,
facrtd ~ . heere hence eanfalyd is afmuch to fay, < fays, " · the : t adical of ttJrtb-is er; whence witli
as onte-jacrtd: Vcrft."-lo that·this wo.rd it half! the Celiic prepolitive 1, and the L at.· ce·rminaciori
Gr. balfSax. · ra, pr:oce~ds te~ra: the. Greeks .called 1"1 iU11d,
' X 2 Et!e"'.1

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E A Fro'cn Ga11.x, and L• T ,·If, £ A
E"t"• itl earth, ilfltrrttl :" buc all the(e evi- olim erat t1r}Jmtl. inquit Hclvig. quod mani·
dently originate ab Ef-. ''"• l I~ tarth. feft~ concifurn eft ex 11f; ct erjJniJ, r1f11rrellio :
EAR-WIG; from the limple appearance of this Jun.''-to which let me add, by way o( explana.
word, it would be impoffiblc to trace its deriv. tion, from Minlb. quOd 11 nilllirial ll71'pore Sol
becaufe it ha.s no connexion with the common J•Jlili11 or1111 fit ; becaufe 111 that ,;,,.,, ·or 011 that
ideas of thofc two words, which feem to compofe itl], the S1111 of Righ1to•f111ft aroft wilb healing i•
it, viz, tar, and wix 1 and therefore no wonder his wings, /iltt the Ju all glorious i11 the eafl : this
the ecymol. are divided in their opinions: Skinner word eajl might lead us to fuppofe ~hat Eajler
calls 1t " oaritttlari4, fwfjfltla :" Dod. Tb. Henth. has taken its origin from o,.,..,,
thinks it is only a word " corruptum ~ Lat. orw; be is rift11 1 but the orthogr. ftands ag1inf1:
Ot•I"°''• orior,
'"'"' :" but Skinner himfelf owns " brec vide- us; for orlllS will never admit of fler, or flaNI in
' 1:!1 tantum ingcniofa allulio ; verum etymon its derivatives : fincc therefore the Belg. expn:f-
.. ·qwere voce EAR :" under which art. he fays, fion, 11ferjlmd fignilies no more than llJ>-}Jatul, or
" onum ell ab eape, aaris ; et p1C11a, b/1111a, 'IJtr~ jlonding-llJ>, or rifi"l'"P 11glli11 from tbt tltatl, we
mis :"-but the earwig is very fir from being may abide by that etym. and trace it up to the
ri1btr of the tt11Jth, or flmm tribe : Lye however Gr. verb 'T••e-•nl"•• fttptr·fl" ; 11 jJanJ.1tp, or
has adopted the fame deriv. without taking any rifa-rtp.-Clcl. Voe. 87, and 90, gives a d ifferent
notice of Skinn. 1 he has referred us to wigg, deriv. 1 for he fays, " at the clofe of that tedi·
llo1t11; which Jun. calls fidlo; and adds, " hue ous, and in every fcnfe difagreeable feafon of
(acit rllud Sax. eap-pu:ia; Thcotifc. eru-11igga Lent, began the Druidical Eojltr (fuit &rcpc
talll'i"'la: Bclgis certe jilt inwiggek11, vcl ill'Wi<lttlm, dea Saxonum, fays Sheringham, 331, de CUJUS
ell t#/Jti111tinu <rtbrtf. fe i11 aliqttam rm immilttrt, ;,.. oomine menlis .Aprilis ipfis €o~up-monalS dic-
foture : Danis quoquc wi(/t/er llligi ell ill'IJolvo me :" tus eft, quOd in illo hul.c fefta celcbrabant 1
·-fo that wig here ferms to carry the idea o( atque inde feftum fldfabatiJ in hunc ufque diem
umgglt, or, as we fometimes fay, wialewaggle; and Eojltr vocatur ;) but Ciel. affirms it was not call·
confequcntly alf tarwig '11ta11s 1h1 infttl lhal wrig· ed fo fro.m the imaginary goddcfs Eef/tr ; but
glts ilft/f inlo 1he tar 1 though an inllance of fuch from the word ta.ft ; '" tat ; whence with the
an acciden.t was perhaps never known; or, if ever prollhelis of the f, to /ta/I : Eajler took its name
it happened, muft have happened fo feldom, as then from the liberty reftored of toling animal
.Carce to have been fufficient to affix an appella- food :"-but EAT is G r. as in the next art.
' mn to this creature: we may th~refore very EAT, ".El..: Upt.'' ttio; totiftJM1T;gr11zt,confMtllt.
Jl!,uch doubt even this deriv. and yet I am un- EATH, "or ti, or tad; 1111 taJh, alfo /1 pligbteJ
able to produce ·; j better :_;,but, lhould this be prl'lllis, or c1YDt1111•I: Verft.'' who fuppofes it to be
~lowed to be t~e true etym. it is then certainly Sas ; but as it fignilies 411 oath, and fecms 10 be
of Gr«k extraa : for both EAR, and WRIG- but another dialect for that word, we may derive
GLE. or WIGGLE W AGGLE, are Gr. it from die Gr.
EASE; '.' A......, ,.••,........,, Hefych. Hr•r ab EAT HELYC ; Verftegan tells us it fignifies
Hloo, titleDa1io : AIO'!•r, fa11jlus, Hcfych. Air•• lro1, 111jily, pof/i>ly 1 and confequcntly fuppofes it to be
.... To;;..,;.: tb1.goib, who livt 111 tafr : Milto~ ; Saxon; but if he had had any cars, he might
f t Hom. e..., t""' eH••11<: . Upt.''-but all this have foupd that this tatbt/y< was only a different
<fee~s ~Q e;xprefs rather wl#ptuo11f11efi, than /tifue : dialelt for tafi/J ; and confequendy not Saxon,
we mi~ht therefore rather derive our word eafa, but Gr.
when 1t lignifies rtpofa, ab El•I""'• fadeo 1 lo fit EAVES: there is fcarce any word has undergone
dtiwn, 10 recline. . a greater alteration, t han this ; its Gr. original
EASLES 1 " Iceland. tJ/4 1 d'1is ig11i1us, fdn· being A.., rvr•/4" ul&1of, H efych. from this word
tilla111 ; bot 1111/Jers : Ray."-but this look s as if A• is vilibly defcended the Iceland. u ; and the
it was only a various dialelt of ajhes, quafi 11jlts ; Almann. 11h11, j/1111Un, 4•nis : perhaps from hence
inde eyfals ; uncle eajlts : thould this be true, it · likewife came the Sax.. ea ; and the Gall. N•;
would be Gr. : fee ASHES: Gr. 'IDllttr : t his word ""'• by our having changed the
EAST; E<.ir, Eous, orient•lis, 1111ror111 tht 111onr· " into a v, has given a new found, and a new lig·
i•g, tbt ri/i11g of tht/#11; R. H ..r, 11uor11, dillu111-; nilication to the Gr. word Aa ; for we h~ve con-
the dawning of the d11J, always in the 111fl. verted both this, and the Gallic word tau, which
. EASTER-day: this word is evidently deriv~ limply fignify waler, into Ulflts, which lignifies
to us fro1n the G r. through the Sax. and the the /Ofl}tr e!gt •f lu roof, from wh111ct lht ra/,,.
Ctltjc lang. " €arcJ1e, €aft'pOba!b ; Almann. water tlrops :-or clt:e all thefc words may come
•Jlr•, •cl ojltrtag; Belg. oojJ1r, ooj}eraag, ooj11r111; from "r-J..e, aqua l '"'"'"·

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E B From Ga 11 ~. and L" 'I' r •· E C

EBB-li"41 "videormihi,"CaysJun. "in hacvoce EBURNEAN} B«ftr, Hsn.s, ob pYitatemi
dcprehcndere vcftigium aliquod illius l!j3o, quod i. e. tkpbiu; tbt 1kpba111, undc thr ' iW1J.
Gr.ieci ufurpant pro An>.f,., l!...-oeiv&•, rtctj/il, uiil; EC- CLESIASTIC; "BuA...,., tu/tfol1 • ""'
ii i.s go1tt, or tkparltd; to ugnify Jbt r11ru1, or rtfiux grtfalio,., or .j{tt#IJ : R. Jt.u....,"*° 111 t.U, to •f-
•flbt /itk.- whythc lcarilcd Mr.Lye.and hisDoc-
tiffimus Wachterus, lhould fo far di fapprove of this
fn#bk: Nug." aor. J. pair. iw...-.., W<•lrul c1ll-
td, or offmhld 10.fttbtr:-Clcl. Way. 113, o, and
ctym. as to fay, ebb vet immediate ab adverbio de- Voe. 9?, obfcrv~, " th3t the barbarous Gallo-
fcetus 11b, vel mediate avcrbo iUm, quod prifcis Bcl- grzcilin eglift, or tcc/efio, was formed moft pro-
gis fignilicavit obirt,.Ufi"rt, tefte Kiliano; would be bably Crom a contraCtion of t}-til-l]s (or pcrhapt
d ifficult to fay 1 but all thcfc leaimd gentlemen as it ought to be more properly written Ey-caf.bitys,
have gained nothing by rejceling the Gr.deriv. fince eglttyt; Way. 113} tbt i11c/of11r1 for injJrll{lio11, or
both abe11, and E/3•, fignify Uirt 1 lo tkptsr1. lt11r1li11t :"-but thcfc are evidently Gr. IJ from
EBENY, " l!j3r,.r, or E.{311'.or, lbtmu: Nug."- A•·f"• tOllTl-letl, kt, tt, t], rty, /ow: and co//.ijltr,
after having given both the Gr. and Lat. is the fame with bal, al, ta/, derived from Au1'-•,
words for this wood, it will hardly be requifitc ••ill 1 a ball, or colltft: and therefore inftcad
to 1hew the impropriety of·the common method oC tilt h"wfllf't for inftruaion, it ~ighc ~vc been
of writing, and pronouncing it eho,,, : I have nearer tranOatcd 1be to/Jqt for 1nllrua1on : and
t herefore taken the liberty, with J unius, of depart- perhaps bttJs is no more Chan bo11ft 1 confcquent•
ing from the Dr's. and the common method 1 ly Gr. likewifc.
fince it figni6cs the wood of the tba, not the ECHE, both fubft.andvcrb1 EX"• babto; which,
#oJJ tree' among other fenfcs, means adb,,,-10, collju11/11U J-
- - - -- - fola In!Iia nigrum 11/itlli 1 thus we make ufe of ttbts lo btt-biws, i•
Fcrt 1k1111111: Geo. II. t 16. ord" to t11/argt lbtir babitatiot11 and we fay 111/J
E-BORACUM; " the town of York," fays tbi11g is ubtd oul, wbttt wt • alr.e tbt mojl of ii; as
Ciel. " cakes its name from its famous albttry, or if fomcthing more were addtd, or joitttd lo ii:
Mill}ltr ; thence 11b1117, or ty-boro11gb, or tborac11111 :" this latter interpretation makes me fufpefr
- but tJ fcems to derive ii. Ar- ,.., undc tour/ lu1, that ttbt may perhaps be derived from AuE•r.
let, tt, ty, rt], low: and BOROUGii is undoubt· Au£..,.., aug10, a11t!iu 1 ttbtti, 11ugmt11ltd, intreoftd,.
~ly Gr. or t11largtd.
'EBR!ETY, n.,.,, /Jibo, bibi, emus ; quali tbi. ECHINUS, Ex.,•r, ttbi11u 1 tbt fijh, attd Jb1/I'
Jtri111, ab b1111Tit11do'Joltt 1 intoxitaltd wilb /i911or ; of tbt fea·11Ttbi11.
fHktd, tiipt, drt11<bt : If. Voffius fays, fortalTc ECHO, "'fix"• •r, .; : R. Hx•r, •• ;, fo11ru :
ab '£1'/3e"r• which Hefych. explains by E>tor, Nug." a rtfit>timr, rt'rltrkr11tio11, or rtperc11fo11 of
M"f"r, j11Jpitl, / oolijb : but we may rather fuppofc, fa•"" :-Ciel. Way. SJ. fays, t.l \at " t<bo is OCl-
with Gcratd VolT. cilat 1miu, and fohi11s, were thet a Lat. nor a Gr. W!)rd, but purely a Celtic
only two oppolitcs l and derived a Bf""» ftaltrl, one , meaning lbt jlrol.'t of IN wi" 1 vociJ ptr-
#1111dar1; unde tbrla, 1J1JS 11i1111ri,,,,, : quod Ii ct tll/fio (or rather rtptrcttj}io, or indeed as Virgil has
m id, p ro /Jria dixcrc, vidcri poffit aniculus cum more elegantly exprelTcd it, vocifq111 1fft11fo rt-
nominc coaluiJTc, cc tbrio fie rx H Be"'• uc lt•t· fllltal im•go: Geo. IV. 50); from itl., o jlro~t; and
t1J111 ex T~ M1f•: fo that o drJiJikard. docs litcrmlly ow; lbt floiet 1 quafi idt-tJW :"-but both "'-• and
derive his name from his' being a 1Dfi-pot.-Thcrc llW, are Gr.: icl:, fro1n i{lllJ, ab icor, ii f•E•': and
i• a very ingenious analy,lls of this .word, given by ow, a13.,£, 'l;OI< I tbt 'IJoitt I 'IJOtfll, II 'IJOUJti, quafi
('.lei. Way. 63, where lie f;tY,s,: '.' in my prefcnt owtl 1 unde ow.
view I lhall on1 y confider Libtr as a name of E-CLA1', " K"""• fra11go ; lo 6realt : ~""..I-'"•·
B1ucbMs 1 difcovering that ib; or ibb in Celtic a fr•tmtnl, or breaki11g 1 words formed 1n each
fignifics driuing, being chc radical of /Jibo 1 of language in imiratic;>n of rhc fou~d : ~ug."­
thitts 1 of ywt, in French ; and of our bib~er, at therc is likewifc another fenfe, which this word
fccond hand from bilo; I begin with rcjceting bears in our language, borrowed from th~ Frcnch1
the initial I, as being only the prcpofitivc particle• as wbcn we fay, a tbi•g i s • f!X1b te~I, 1. e: lunl!;
t his gives ibtr, dr1111kard ; and cl\e fynthdis rc- 111./Jrt ; higb11uft, tkanufs : tr fign1.lies .1tkcw1fe
ftoring the /, produC'C$ t he orthography Gbtr, tbe t!.irt 1 -i;11ijcnut, ~-.p, fplnitkr: trt this Ian~
Jrwlll'd : this. decivation may be falf.e, but will fcnfc, it may originate i clants 1 and then be <tc-
any one fay it is forced ?"-yet ftill it ma.y be Gr. ri1'cd a ltNor, g/ma ; bright, g;lvrillU, nt1i11ntt.
E-BULLIT!ON, <».>.""• iiJ!jo; 10 boil, 11 ;,,;/J/1; ECLEGM, or. rather tdtip; E"'°"l'I-''"' tclipa.
R. •.>.•.., ab1111tio ; cs al, ct 1111lfq, iir1 ; lo rift i11
fargts. '
""Ji'""""'*"'• IJ"°d aliiµ tlttluorium dicillll" ; a mt•
diri111 to bt f.wieti,. or l#b4cb, 1111 ck011"l<;_

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-'E · n ·o t.:
·'F'roin ~ ElE ·aiiJ -LAT ~. ~ ~
E.C-L iPSE, "' Exf•!t•i, -tc~ipji;, ''aifeoio; at1;..' lifhing any ;;,orit, r.;r:~i;;;ng ii GUI .i~ID the worltl.;
9,~;um folis, vel l11n,e_ ; <' f aili11J'.• pr 8e/efl : . R. ! unde E.Jo1•<, ediud,' puhlifb~4· • , . · ·
./\t<'[j>, finquo ; to quit': N ug," an. obumbratioll of" ' E-D U CAT16"('1, .:.''!"'" ycl A""'""• duco, tduro;

'tb't li;;hl., eithtr of the fun 'pr h1co11._ • . · : 'l o hr.ttd, bring u_p1 "lead, or. ilfjlrul1. . .• ·
EC-LII'.TfC , E•>-.C-u1,.;,', erliplicits, lillea tclip-· • E'- D ULCORA.TION, Atu'"' ri..v..,, ed11ka,
ti<'a; th! ecliptic line, in che n1iddle of the zodiac, are; t o fwuten :. or c;lfe from Hlu,, duids; f wul:
.in which t he fun's apparen t motion is obferved, ED-WARD, an oath·guardian, or kuper} Verft.
and under which the eclipfas are conftancly, found . ED-WIN, . · fop;
to happen : t herefore derived' from' the f<frile root · pofes che1n both , t o be' Sax·. ; but they both are
with the fore$()ing art. . • , . . , und?ubtcdl)'. G i·.• ·~ we. !hall fee under the art.
EC-LOGUE, Ex>-•y•, ·ecloga, ta·rmen pajforole ;, OA fl-I, . GUARD, or WARD, .and \YIN. Gr.
11 pajloral poem.. ..- • ' EEL_, ~' "Ti.u,~ /jmtls 1 mud_; nat'n ger.eratur ,.
1 e
EC-PHONESlS, Ex~'"°'''• exdamatio ; fiKura ;.~, 'D.uo,, limo : angui//a, Eyxt>.u;, a wdl-kn•w~
rhelorica; an exciallfalion, or i11urjefJi1m: a)fo a , 'river jifo; Upt." ;
fig,ure in rhetoric: R. Ex, et 4>w••• vox._ . · E'.El,l, an :ibbrevi)ft1011 of" ; , and 9rlginate~
EC-TYPE; Ex1u.-•<, exprtjfus ex archttypo i.'fhe ~b J\i•••; ~ol. i'•11•_, . dJVUm; ever aud roer: but
eopy cf an original. ' . "(lien written e're'it isa.n abbreviation bf bifort, an4
EDACll'Y, El..; t do ; lo ttJI; undc 1dax; lrlo~ origi.nates frotn another fource, as will be Jhewri
racious, grudy. . · . · under the art. E'RE: Gr.
E:P-GAR : " End, now in the north of Eng- EETH : " Sax. e:i'8, et ea'6el1c ; eith, et etb;
l~nd eath: we retain in the fouther'n parts otht eafa, e'!fily '. Ray."7""but all f~c.m t~_£!~gin~te a~
(1. e. oath) i .whence Ead-gard, by lhortnes. be- Ee•,.~•, fadeo · ~o']i~,_ or ~e. at _eajr.'"' , .·
co1ne Edgar, is II kttper of bii oath: Verft!' - EF-FABL~, ~~.,.. <J.>w, lj{ttle'Cl\...... for, muat :
but ku per hc~e lignifies only guardian, or protee- effor, effabilis"i 1ha1' may be fp'oken, uttrr(d, 01
J Qr ; fo that both guard, and ead, for oath, arc ' tKpreffed. . · .
Gr.: fee OA:rH and WARD. Gr, EF-FECT; 4>v.., gigno, fio, eflet11p ; air .effef!,,
EDGE, hordtr, or brink l" A••• Axi,, acies, , a bringing to f afs; .tht na/Mral ~01tftq11~nce, or·f!Jtnt.
EDGE of a weapon S acus; acumen : U p t.'' · EF-FIGY; 4'1yy,,,'fingo , effingo ; uridc 'tj]ig_ies; 1#
f' point, a lltfdlt, or •17] /harp inf!rstmtnl; as a · image, pourtrail, refamblance,. or aigo fi..~ure ~lfl 11p. '
razor, a [word, a hatchet. • EF-FRONTERY ~ "'l>e••, ,,.,, 'frons, f ronJis;
EDIBLE ; El.,, edo ; .Jo eat; any Jbilfg eatable, , tbe far1head, tbe mind: or from 4>eu1''•· ,1.,; caro;
lo 'be 1ate11. . cogilatio 1 bccaufe tbe forehead iJ the part whereon·
. E-Dl.CT; · .:i.,.~~, inufit ; ~""'"I<'• vel .0.HK>u.,, the tbougbJ, anfl tlifP'!/itio11 of•ind appeaftth: hence
..o.~E.,, dico, t ditlum ; .a proclamation ; 111aitdamu1, the Latins make u(e of the f' expreffions,
ma11ifeflo, dtcree. . ' . boino fercnfi, a~t n11bil4fro1',lt, .&c. 'Nug." or per;
EDIFICE; Pix~l·f<"'> ,,.Jijico; to build: Alnf- : haps it. may be derived a C>'f"• f ero. ; to bear;
worth derives the Lat. word J!dtJ,_ ex A11or, idem; quOd indida animi P'"' ft ferat: and a perfon is
which might v..ery readily have been admitted, faid lo lehtio~e with tjfrolfttry, wbeit be ,beba'!ltJ biii.
if J-Jederic had g_iven us any fuch word: it is falf with impudence, and audacioufotfs; or, as we
true, Schrevcliu~ gives us the word ~il•1, Dor. pro. fometi1nes fay, ,hrazms it 011/. •
T1,«u«1, nemus ; a wocd, or grD'l!t ; but A infworth, EFT, an onir#al 1 :if> · o,.,; 'ferpens ; a ftrpt11l 1
himlelf feem.s to have doubted 'this deriv.; for: i.e. a general nanie f9r any noxious creature; aS
'he imtnediately refers us to Voff. qui c pcnu thefe were fuppofcd to be. ·
mult~ tibi depromet :- let me only obferve, that ' ' EFT · }" ' ftn'tbwitb, or again: Verft."
the general fenfe of t his word conveys another . ~FT -SOONS "Saic. Cf'C)'Ona, dt.nuo ; eFt'
idea, v(z. educaJion, i11jlr11tlion, and lcnowledge 1 as aure1u .pojl figoificat; nobis ~1nen parum deflex?
If edifying the mind was tbe rearing, building, and fcnfu jia1i111 fi~nificat : Skinn." -but then the Dr.
raifing it up. ought, ;with Junius; tl> ,hlve 'told us, that ef t'
EDISB; fomctimes written eddijb; "Sax. e'b1rc; originates ·ex Au91;, rurfiu, denuo; ittrum ; again,
gramm faroti11um 1 et hoc a pra:p. loquelari e'b ; rtpeattdlj 1, but with iss it lignifies likewifc imme·
,rurfus, dtnuo 1 q. d.. granun quod denuo errftit ; , diotely, fudtknly, preftntly.
"""'lf-f"!<• a facond crop; forte eatage ; ruugb-• .EGG ; " Saic. a:;s ·: ·Skinn"-but Junius has
ings; Skinn. and Ray.''-buc if edifb .be .no n1orct evidentlv Jl1e\vn, that the "Sax.~ videri po\eftab-
'rh~n eatage, it n1ay be derived from . the fore- I fcilfum fl( An•,, vel /\rrt1or, vas: v af;uluni; q~Od
g oing art. EDIBLE. Gr. ! ova · lint ve1uti · qu.cddm v tif(u/a, · 1ftu1tntis ref1rt11:
.EDl'..flO,N _; P.Kl•l"I'~ '°'"• tdo, er#tio; tb.t ptti-i aliis fo.r~alfe, {i non penitus frwola, frig.ida faltem
• bzc

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El Gi Frbh'i ~Gtt.!iic; and' 1. A

°'.TfN;: r
E L"'
6iE<: et}'n1. mihi 'taineri riOn 'Omnin~ videtu"r ·r e- · : "'E~GREGIQUS ;>-~'I'·~~, "A'l'".t"'• Aytt~•r,' ·ve) ex·
Pl!di.and~.; . c\lm c~it~, nof ' i;i~~o Rbmapor~m . r"e'>'"'~"'' · r"eY~·~_.,; :JiJf!u• 1 undc grex, 'gte:i1 1 a
dott1fili'i'lorum ovo comparalfe •hunc mundum : _jli;-cft; or companJ·; et -egreg1us, eft tir toto grege let111s 1
fed. ct myfticam antiquorum 1Egyption1m fapi- one cbofen out, awd jclet!ed from the commow btrd >
ent1a1n per ovum, i11teUixi.JTe ·muwdtbn: rether com- and confequen tly fignifies choice, and exullenl 1
plectitur· cxcra on'mcm . inferiorem creaturam ,abO'IJe tbt co111mo11 lroe/.
~are. a~ terran~" ~a~d., ~~i.c;r, at'gue t~ll:a co_qti~.ct l E-GR~~. ~f."'~.... ~. gradior, egrejf111 l a goi,,g
tr;um: quando<Jmdetn 1g1itir' vccerum fap1cnrif- jrortb, g o11fg fJUt. · .. · .· •
firni capaciffirnam om'ni~ ~ompleCl:entis rntinc!i 1 EGRIMG.W ; A•f Y.» 4grum 1 ·unde ttgrimo-
capfa1n affimularunt O'VO, quid obftat quo ·minus 1 nia ; farrow, jrfr/, jadneft.
etiam nobis l iceat ipfum troJum, vcluti angujlius EG¥P.T , or rat her .lEGYPT ; · " Aoy"•1or,
oliiz11od vaftu/11m i111utri, rationemquc· ,/£gyp1us; wbic~ figni black, or f.oarlby :-ac-
t ionis inde mut_u_ari ?"-iilus has ·tbis great · anc! ;cording to the "Gld. glolfar: Egyp1 has .been ·like-
, learned ctymol. off'.ered",hi~· opioion,.. and ic ·muft wife •fo call.ei.I ··from Ai[.'if'l"Us, brother of Da··
be own~d, there is foroe degree of plaiifibility in · 11a11s ,; Nug.!' - · '' ··" •
his conjecture; bur wl1echer it will' be: of f(1fli-· : ·"ElGliT ;' " 0;1.,, 'tl!lo; Ital. otto; 1b1 number
cient weight with all re~ders to eftablifh his deriv. eight : U pt." 1

is a point to be doubted. ' · EIKONO-CLASTES,commonly writccnitono- ,

EGG or.e aw i " 'ini:Tfafe; injligart i a Dan. ti/ · clajles ; but it is derived ab E••••••>.111ni, and
t;gger·; exj/Jmula: Rim'.' Di n: eggia ! fntiiate ·1 r·r. .fignifies an imdge-~reak'tr i a title beftowed on the
(iaJl:· 11g,uer ; !aa ffere, prO'Vot are : Skinil."-'-it. is Greek' emperors·, fer their zeat idolatry; ill
a wonder th·e br. did'.nd~ add, Sax. •~ian '; ~ilt breaki11; down · the idols ··of paga"nifin: .and after~·
even then he would fc:trce have told us, as J unius wards ui. the fixtcenth ccntory becaine an apetla-
has done, chat. all· thefe are ·derived ·ab ~ •• , vd cion; given •to thofe who -were employcd·in brtak-
Hx•, acies; apuus; for he ~as acknowledged, that j,1g d~ww, ' a.nd 4tt11o~ijbing th~ itnagts an~ ·ftatf/es.;.
at leaft agacer C.orrpptt11rrpui6 a.Laci no . aru111s, 11Jbicb duor.ateil all rtlig1'ous and public~b#ildings,
q: d: aeutlare; _10.fb_ar.pii~ ; i. ~· 10.11rge on,' as with al tb' ti~e of the dij[olution . of fbt mottajltries': R •.
agood. or an)' fi((b jharp:p~itfted tbilrg. · E1xw>, imago ; an image, ftotut, or pitlure -; ct Io ....,,
EGLANTlN !=·; " A, a,§a, a thorn,_ or jweet- vcl ElJ'"'"• fi·ango ; 10 break i11 pitas.
briar : Nug."- ocher etymol. have given us other El1"HER. "E.11e•r, alter, oli111, •ltr; a11olhtr i :
deriv. Minlhtw der1vrs ic ab EX"'': •and 'Skinn, ont of the two . .
fays, " Belg. egbele11f!~r ; Fr.. (;'all'. tfilanlicr, ai· · ' E<-J ACU LATiON·; r,,., i.,...,,
miUo, : jatia 1
gla111ier, anglontine; rofa-Jjlveflris.; a Lat. ooui<us ; ~!)~~ j atu/11111, ej11c1datio ; a b!Jl·li11g, or cajliwg-fort'?'·
qua:fi ; mu/tis e11im llndiq!tc atrtleiJ m11· from 11 fling> & c. : ic alfo lignifies a ,/oud 11oift, ·or
ni111r: potelt et fpecio!c dcAefri a Belg. egbel; vo~iferarior. . .
~rbimu (and why not Ex•><< ?} fed codem frre · E-JULATION; Iii?w, tjulo; tjulatio 1 a wail-
redic; hoc"·eniin proculdubio Lat. aculetis or- i11g, cryin![ 0111, or yelling. .
tum ducic ; et hoc anim al revera ii natura ac11/eh . ELASJ"ICl1' Y; AJV.•f'-"'' falio, fa /ta; t i leap, ·
inftruaum eft :'"-fo near was the D,r. to the or bound: )>e-rhaps 'r ather from E>."""• agito, jli- ·
true origin of this word, th at he ·would not fee 11111/0, ferlo; undc El.«r•r, i111p11/far,- agitator; 10·
it ; for aruleus "is undoubtedly cl~ivcd ab Ax,, beat, jlrilce, impel/, repel/. · .
vel •ix., a<ies ; 4ncle arus, acutus, aculeu~; jharp- E LA1' E ; <l>•e"• f"·o, elatus ; to be ca"ied be.
pointed, like a nettlle; the f<11eet-briar therefore yond bo1111d1, tranfported, lifted 11p on high;
fcen1s to have received its na1ne of egla111ir.e, from ELBO\'Y ; !l>.o", ulna, tttbilus·; · proprie de'
ibe jbarpnefs •/ its rhorns. jlexurfi bracbii ottipitur ; the joint; at bending Pf
EGOTISM ; Eyw, et~ ; I, or I '!'Yfalf; the tk4 arm. : ." · . . ' of a perfon's wnung, or fpeaking perpc- ELDEN ; " Sax. releb, ·tgms ; relan, auendere 1
tually of hin1fclf; and often in a high· flown to kindle fewel for fire : Ray."-buc relan feems to
pornpous manner ; fometimes even placing, or originate fronl E~"• i. e. H>.10<,_/o /; tbe fu11; thac
mencioning hiinfelf_before his fuperiors: a n1oft great fource and foun tain of ligh/, heat, and fire . .
rcmarkabk inftancc of which arrogance is record- ELDER-berries; " famiuct<J, eb,,/us; S3x. el-
~d of \:Volfey,. when he had the infofferable. in- l:Ipn ; 1 Teuc. bolder; Dan. byld; Ital: b:li911e ;•
felence ro mention hin1felf before cne king, nefcio an a '!"cut. bell, belier ; l1uid11s; forte ii:
(rlen. VIII.) in that ever memorable exprellion, lucidofoliorum, aut fl~r~lm col~re: _Tet~t. ~utem bell,.
Ego, er re.'( 11ttu1 ; I, and '''l ki11g bavi11g thought G ~rrecus diem, JUrarerh ottUl}l .a Gr: H.\ior :
"rc•er &c. ' · . Skmn."-who fecms tQ have ·been v.ery fond of
r r ' ·- .. this

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£: L-· From Ga 11 ic, and L A" 'l' 1 "· - J! L ·
this poli!c exJ!reffion, fi Gr1C111 efflm, jllf'll1'tfll, .a11 arg11men/, or eo11f1J1aJilJ11,1 fo-1J ti fqphi.ftii.l
which he has fo often u[ed in his work :-there ont: alto a drop, or,tar-ri11g. .
a~ feveral things in this art. that dcferve ron- : ELEPHANT, "E"''"" ,,.,.,; Nug."- ,z,,
lideration : in the lirlt place, it is fcarcc poffible phant 1 tht 14rgeft of terrtflrial creatures : alfo lbt
to fuppofe, that the elder-trte received its name e/tpha11tia.fis, ~r morb11S, ltpr-4 firllilis ; a ftorbraic
from the ~rodigious bright11efs and fpktukr of its di/order, like tht ltprojj, wbfrb renders tbt fain of
leavtJ, which at beft are but of a JirlJ grtt11: the tbt color and rougbnt[s of an eltpba111's fki11.
flowers indeed, being round and broad, bear fome E -LEVATION, A•":•r, vel A•w•r, cortt11; ltTJis1
refcmbl;tnce to the Jift of tu fun; but if our an- nam 'l".e /11111 lrvia fMrfum ferU11tll1' 1 elt'llo ; lo lift,.
ceftors had derived it from that idea, they would to heave up :-we might almoft be tempte4 to
have given it .a name that might have approached derive it a ~tf•'t fero, e/o/llS ; !}Uafi t/t'llalllS ; at
fomethi!lg nearer to it in found than tldar, or leaft elated, and ekvattd are very near connetted.
elder .:-neither is heliont the proper name of this ELEVEN : " Sax. enblcor, enblyra 1 •11·
tree m Ital. ; for Minfl1cw tells us it is fattfbllco, dtcim 1 ab aenc ; 1111us; nu ; and IYJ:an ; relinqatrt;
and every one knows that fattfh11C11s is the Latin 1.o /tow 1 q. d. 1111io f11ptrj/lla, pofl deem 1111111tralas
name for it :-nci~her is ht/I, or JuUtr, the Teut. re/ilia : notu1n autem eft antiquos rud.ioribus
name 1 for .Minlhew writes it bolder, and bolltr, iUis freculis, ut eriamnum barbaros America:, et
ab ha/, cavrtJ ; cit eni1n arbor cat1a, ct medulla Africa: incolas, non ultra dtctttf, i. e. numcrum
plcna ; and indeed our common people often digitorum, computalfe :"-fo far Skinner; and
call it h11lver, meaning perhaps a hollow pipe; or fo far very well 1 but we may obfe rve, that the
tllbt of wood with a fltry urge pith : fro1n hence we Dr. would not go a ftep beyond the Sax. and
might fuppofe that elder, or tldar was derived th~ Lat. tongues 1 he would not tell us that
from bolder, or ho/Irr ; and that thofe Teut. 011t, and enb, and aenc, and un111, are all de-
words were only a various dialcfr of bah, rived ab E•r, I"'"'• E>, 0111 1 and that leatJe, and
i. e. Gr. lift, and lYf'an, and li"'iuo, originated i. A•nr11i
E-LECTION; .r;:,.,.,,_.,, E><At•lo;, /ego, ek!J1111 /i119_u I ,one /tft dWul ltll I i. C. tltvtll. .
"'4/m nt ; a"°i111td. ELF, Ef1"7\1or, tphialtts, i11cuuus 1 an imp, or
ELECTRICITY, H>.1"1t•» eltllr1lm, f11cci11M1111 ml/piril : it is fometimes uken for the NIGHT-
mtlall11m ex auro, ti argtalo co11jlatum ; lapis <ry· MARE : Gr.-Skinner admits rhe fame deri~.
jlalliius 1 amber : and now applied to that won- after which, he quotes Jun. for deriving " elf,
derful property in certain bodies, of attratting or Efu1>.1•r, ab AJ..,.,, •uto ; quia fc. i11 tJarias ft
and. ~~pclling others ; and, at every appulfe, of for111as mlilalll, 11 infanl1s fortIWfos i cullisf1UTipi11111,
uc1t111g, and caufing a remarkable concuf- iifqta f .edos, dtforflJls, ti jJitpidos f11bftit111ilfl :"-it
iion, :ind fenfation in the joints of every dtllri.fitd is only obferv:ible, that nothing of all this is to
ptrfon. be found in my edition of Junius.
ELEEMOSINARY, l!>.i•I""""'"• •iftricorJia, E-LIDE; "1,,;..,.,, A""'"'• by tranfpofition Letk 1
flips trogata pauptribus, tlctmojjnarius; a• 11blw1Ur ; eli:lo; to h11rl, or i11j11re ; to ftrike, or dajh Oft/\
U ~i'tJt alms, or doles. Jo Cll/ off 11 tJ0111tl, or /Jllablt in profady, wbe11 tbl
E-LEGANCE; E,.;..,'l'.,• 11.•>.t•1or, tkga111, ab ntxt word begi11s with a tJOWtl.
tlige11Jo; tefte 'Cic. tanquam eltaus; cboitt, cbo/1111 E-LIMINATION; limtn; a door, or 1n1ranu;
preferred 011 accoulll of exttllt11u; ntat11tjs. and here ufed to lignify a11 txp11/fio11, exflirpa-
E-LEGY: " E>-•')'H•r, tltgia; 1/tgiac, or mour11. tion, or ~a11ijh111e111 : or if limt11 and li"'tJ be che
Jul 'lierfa: Nug."-Ainfworth writes ic '"'"'l"''"•but fame, they arc both Gr.: fee LIM IT: Gr.
that muft be falfe writing : R. E>.i,-or, lamtntatio, ELISABET.E-l i properly a Hebrew name, but
'IJOX lugubris; a t11our11ful dilly, or dirge :-Voffius adopted both by the Greeks and Romans; EJ.••«·
thinks the word elegia originates ab E E >.fJ"'>, {3il, Elifabtlba, Elifa ; fignifying De1's jitrll'Vil ;
f""' j/e11tium 'IJOK apud Arij1opha11t11J : frd quodcun- God halb promifad, or declared. ·
que ecymon fequaris, liquet elegiam car111e11 tjft ELIXl R ; properly an ;\rabic word, fignify·
fabik: R. A'-'l''"• dolto; to grieve, ino1ir11, bewail. ing qui111tjftnct: or elfe fron1 H>.•x«, qua11tus, q•alll
ELEMENT 1 If. Vo.O: derives it ab 'T>.""'"'• mag1111s, quam palms : or perhaps from A•w, /g:r,·o,
'T~. maleria, n1olet11s ; quia om11ia inde crtfta'lll, liquto; 11111it /ix, licis ; anticntly ufed for wattr.
ti nafta11tll1': 'unde elto 1 ant. pro clto, i. e. crtfto 1 ELK, A>.x~, robur, virts; a crtal11re of grtal
lbe prineiplts, fro111. ~vhich a!/ things 111':1 tbtir ori- .flrtngth: Voffius frankly acknowledges, non dubito
1i111 of which four arc the chief, fire, air, waler, ciuin a/us vox ab eii lit gentc ubi animal nafciwr:
<and tarth : alfo the firjt riuliments gf ony fcit11ct. 1c. Germa1'ia : and Skinner likewife fays, "credo
El.ENCf4,US, 1!>.ry~or, tllnchus, 11rg1t111enltm1; potiU$ originis dfc Germanicz, a Oan. ct indc
3 . Goth.

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E L Froiµ . GR .E·E ic, and LAT r N.
• Goth. t/f:r. ; hoc vcro forte Qrtum a Belg. Fr. Gall. a/tfne; an llwl,.or i11jlrume11t lo f.W with,
tllf111e, fubu!a ; quia fc. hoc animal habcc cornua jiilmla ; feel etian1 vetramentum, feu filum a
inll:ar fubu/.e acu ta; eo potius a Gothis etymon futotc abfcitrum, ec abjetlum : Skinn."-but if
peto, quia · valde Septentrionales· regiones, ut tljin be derived from a::le, and rele fignilies au.
S"!;cia, Norwegia, et Lappi hoc animali maxime awl, ic 1nay be Gr.
abundant :"-orily ftill ic feems to be Gr. throu11h F.LY; E~or, paUis; aqua pa!ujlris, cirr.o mixto ;
another channel, if dk be derived il Belg. elfa~e, 11111d; fc111; the antirnl cit) of Ely, built on a
fabula ; which is but a various diale61: of awl, rifing ground, i11 th! fens : - Ciel. Voe. 69, de-
q uali awlfaJte ; and this may account for the ap- rives •' Ely from lieil-ey; the ijland of the college,
pearance 9f afces, the alk ; wh ich is not derived or the collcge-ifland :"-buc, as he obferves in the
from .A>-x•, rob11r, jlre11gtb; but fron1 the fame next page, "ha/, cal, al, hdl, il, are every. one fig-
root with A,.VL : Gr. ' nificant of college, or fcbool : ty here fcems to be
ELL; .n.o... ~, cubi11u, ulna; an i11detert11i11ate mta- a contratlion of ·~ ilifula ; ab A1'.5, l:o;}..or, falutn,
J1trt ; ccmmottly about four [cot. · infit!a ; or of r.-.., unde pluribus infulis noznen
· EL-LINGE ; " falitary, lonely ; far from a"Y lff,e : Voff."
mighbo11rhooJ;" q. d. " elanpnquus, eloirgatus; Gall . E-L YSIUM, Auo-1r, . A uo-iw;, falutio, di.ffelutio' ;
t}luigner ; Sax. ellenbe ; procul; afar , off: Ray." undc ef;fi1m1, ,.,..• .,.;;, A•O:"''• quOd vincufis ccrpo-.
- all thefe. words fcem to derive ii longus ; and 1·eis falut.e, 1111inu1 elyfium habitant : or clfe frorn
confequently ab Oyx,.•<, "''°YX•<, quafi A•yx•<, lon- tbe Hebr. word figoifying l.etru, am@UJ; the place
gus; long ; /011ginqmu; diflant ; far remote from faCiety. affigncd by the poets for the habitatfon of the fou ls of
EL-LIPSIS; E>..>.«'1-«, ellipji1, dtfet1u1; figura good men, after they are freed.from the body l
gramm. quil vox elegont~r ~millitur; a difetl ; alfo a -- ainrena p1oru1n
grammatical, and rhetorital figure, by 'Which a word Concilia, clyfiumque colo - - - -
is tf.ttantly omilltd. · .lEn. V.j35 . .
ELM; 'Tilor, udus; rontrat111m ex u'IJidus; undc ~t 1ne only obferve, that if the origi11 be purely
ttlmus; quod u!iginojis, et uvidis lccis meiius projicit; H ebraic, this word ought not to have appeared,
4n aquatic tree; . only as it bas been adopted by the Gr. and Rorn.
£-LOGY, and EU-LOGIUM have been di- E-MANATION, N"I""'• a N.v..., X'"I""'' P'""'"''
fiinguilhed by Vollius: - after faying a great 1-Iefych. fluo, fcaturio ; to flow i11 a /mall jJret1111 ;
deal, he concludes thus ; " vere igitur illi qui to run genii)•, or trickle d1Y.v11 ; emanatio ; a dijfu-
e/logium fcribendum arbitrenn1r; vel elogium qui- fion of glory, n difplay •f b1·igbtnefs.
de1n fcribi pofi'e; fed tamen id ab E>->-•Y"» ex· El\'1-BASSADORS, or indeed more properly
trito altcro >. faCl:u1n videri :· fane, uti ii A''Y'' eft Al\'1-BASSADORS; if it be derivt'd ab Aj.<13"'" ""
A•y••>, quo brervis Jcriptio jigr.ificatur; ita ab EA- quod per fyni:op. fatlum cft ex A,,.13,,.,..,., affiw-
A•y•;, fuerit E>.>.ay•ov, quod 110/abit'l;is /Jrtver,• gcre, ad mojora provebi ; quod oratoris publici
rei t>po.fttionem ; qua/is in ti/11/iJ, etJimilibtu tffe fa/et: digoitas fit qu~clam veluci A•.:c/3«0-1;, vel Af-'(3'" '•
vel dicamus cum Salmafio elogium dfc ab E>•'Y"''• ad a/tiara: na1n ltgatio, bt1:e fidelitcrque admi11if1.1·1110,
inftriptifJ 1nonu·men1i, qu.e n®ztn mortui, ti t logiu111 glori.e t11pidi1 pronum ftmptr cU1fr1m ad ulteri&rem,
ejus compleflebatur ;"-and this is properly 1211 elegy; jplendidiuremque ·dignitatis gradum aperui.ffe dtpre-
as we have already feen; but an EU-LOGY be11ditur :-this deriv. however is very much
will be explained hereafter. doubted by Jun. and with great reafon ; ·for he
£.LOPE ; " haud dubie fi t a Sax. a:-cleapan; fays, " nefcio an derivari polll t ab A,.,13,.,.,,., &c.''
ltufugere ; ex pra:p. a!t:; a, ahs, e; ei )Jlcapan; and then proceeds to a Sax. ccyn1. which is much
currere : vicle /tap: . L ye's Add."-it woold have too long to tranfcribe :- Cid. Voe.. 106, fays,
been ~etter, if he had referred us to LOPE along; " I i:,ake the word embojfodor to be a barbarifin
but t hae he has left out; although he has taken of the age, and a contraetion· of in pate
notice of LOPP, or jlta: both Gr. 'Viator ; a perfon mijjils in pact ( inviado, tn'lloJi ) ·
E-LOYN; " Fr. Gall. ejloigntr, ejloingntr; pro- fan/ &n a miffage of peace: viator in the fcnfe of
t ul amdiri ; q. d. Lat. exlongart, feu dij/ongare ; mtjftnger; the "quiefcent, as it .moil: frequently
i. e. longe ii ft amandare; procul babert: Skinn." is in con1pouud words :"-the only point now i~
who either did not, or would not fee t hat /011ge to detennine the origin of pau, or pcx ; ancl
was de6ved ab Oyr.•r, A... ')'X•r, q\lafi Acyx•r, 'IJiator ; which undoubtedly are both Gr. : fee
(011g111 ; long, both aJ lo length of lime, dnfi dijlana ENVOY, and WAY: Gr. - however in his
~f plate. former treatife, Way. 81, n, he had told us, thar
· ELSE, " A>->-•·r, aliaJ: Vpt."-otberwife. " t111h-a.f!y is derived fron1 imb-£fS·ay; a m<:> trage
ELSIN 1 " ·sax. zlc; Belg. 11elfanc, elftne ·; under the protcCtion of the imb, 6011gb, /Jrgncb,
Y · or

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.E M- -
Frurn G 1t t 2 "• and LAT r N . E M
or wand of t ommand :"- bu t in p. 26, he fays, calatio; 011 inttrt alatio11 ; .R . £1'{3""""• i11ftro, ;,,•.
lirnb fignifies bough, branch, or Wllnd; . confe- l erftro; lo i11ftrl, interpoft.
quently they are the fame, and n1ay be Gr.: fee EM-BRACE; " ~rhaps fro'!l £14{3e"'~"" R.
LIMB. Gr. Be•~.,, ftt veo; becaulc tboft wbo rmbract are /up.
EM-BELLISH ; """• JEol. ab inufit. °""• poftd t o be w11rm in tbtir '4vt a11d ajft{lion lfwardt
·(cu o.,.., vtl O••I''• juvo 1 uncle 0011w, bt11UJ, brl· lbt ptrfa11 tmbraud: Nug."-...this is a very diftant
/us ; prtllJ ; to at!!Jrn, bta111ijj, make fine. deriv.-we might rather fuppofe it comet lim-
EMBERS, " f avilla, i. c. ti1urn, i11 fpuirm ply ii. Bf~X..""» brt1tbi:tw; t.u arm: t bt ar111 btiJtg
tx.Pmlili, fad 11bftr11fi1n1 inttrim ipu11 d1bili, ac mori- 1mpl11Jtd in tbt alli1»1 of nnbracillg a /ritlld, i]
b1111d11 inttrmicantium ftint i/111/arMIH luu prcduuntts : tbr$il;g our arms ' """d bis 11edc. •
Sa:r.. a:myj\1a ; Iceland. tim1')ri11 ; Belg. amtr111 : E M-BRE\V, commonly \'lritten, and pro-
J un."-bdidcs this !aft, Skinner gives us che oouo<Xd imbrw; but from whence they would
D ao. word t111mtr ; and then adds, utrumque a deduce that orthogr. would be d ifficult to fay :
D an. ct force Goth. an t. tld; ig11is ; c t verbo Upto n indeed, under t he art. imbr111, has given
Sax.• forte ct Goth. bcj\:in; parert; q. d. p ar1u1 us a Gr. verb, contrived a nd conftitutcd ;iccord-
ig•is ; which compo!ition. fo far pleated the D r. ing to the comn1on orthogr. viz. E/43euxi., irtigo 1
t hat he cries out, " ti /ant t}l ':lo.r tlrgantij}ima, but there is no fuch verb in the Greek lang. :
cuilibtt Gr"''"' ton/1rt#da :"-ho wever J unius is of all lexicons write it £.l'fJe•x.,, irrigo; and confe-·
opinion, that the Belg. atntrtn is derived ab quently it ought to be written m brcw, not i•
Al'-""f•'"g"'• obftur1iri, 1v111flf urt, btbnari; ll1n· br111 ; this lateer imbrut feems to bear a clofcr
, 9tt4m dicatur dt iis, qu11 difpartrt, at paulatim, vtlut affinity with imbuo, than El"f3e•xw, and 01ould ra·'
obruta, dtlittftere intipiimt 1 ti11ders, or llllJ kiftd of ther be written ;,.bUt, ·than imbrtu·: now, tho1Jg h
Jud, rttlMud almofl lo tbtir latifl bur11ing. both the Greek and Latin verbs lignify rnud1 tne•
EM.B Eft· WEEKS : Skinner acknowledges the Caine thing; viz. to moif1111, wet, or /01>k ; yet the
word embtr fignifies rin1rts l r.onfequently de- Latin verb imb1111 takes a different orig in; viz. iii
ri ved fron1 the foregoing art.: but, fays he, s •.,, a,~.,, imp/to ; to fill: but Bt•X"' fignifies /q.
Doctilf. Th. lfenR1. putat corrupnnn ii ~uatuor · moiften, dyt; or flain.
ttwporib11s, Cc. ember i ttmpor, vel lt,,,ptr ; ct hoc I EM-BROCATION·: E~l3e•::<:"> h1tmrtlo; unde·
ii 1t111porn :-now, tho' his cicplanation be juft, )!C~
perhaps his ccym. 1nay not 1 for L ye quotes
' F:l"f3e•Yf"4'• liquor, fauus 1 id- m quo 11liqrdd tingitur,.
et mad~(it: a fomen tl11ian.
Marefohal in thcfe words; Sax. yn1bpen, ct
EM-BROIDER,quafitr11borJtr: fee BORDER.
crnbj\yne fignificat tircuitum, tirculu111, dtturfum ;
Gr.---aru pingere, oros, ltrmincs,limbos op-tre Phrygio
conllatur e,nim ex yn1be, vcl t m6t ; d• ; et
•xornare : Jun.
Jlync ; cur/u s; and th.en he proceeds to Jhcw tbt
four ftafans, o r 1i1~1t!• al which theft ptriodit~I /afls EM-BR YO, " El"f3e"•~. ttnbryo." ; tht / 111/UJ ; ,,
r1111nud: quum 1grtur hoc quatfruplex JCJUnrum lbt womb: R. E., in; aod Be•"'• ptJlu!o l quali £•
non lit conceptivum, aut indietivum, fed anni, '~ ')'""f' B~..., i11 ventrt pllllu!a11s ;. growing in the
verfariun1, ac ftatis, fixifque vicibus rtturrtr.s; ..;,omb : N ug."
vocatur id proptcrc'I, embpync; quod Anglus EMERALD, " rl"'C"rl••• jinnragtlw 1 . Fr.
non incommode dicerct a [oft in c111rft, or rt1ur11: efr;urnudt; Engl . t111trald: U pt."- it is fi1ppofcd
- fo that it docs not orig1n3tc from ltt,,pus lim- to be of gceat relief to the eyes, from the grtt11ifs
ply :-however, fbnuld ttmpus be ;allowed t~ be of its color :- A>nfworth derives f'111Jragd11s i\
t he true origin, it would even 1hcn be derived rl'"i''",..., ""!'""• lu£t• ; lo /Park.It, or tajl 11 light ;
from the Gr. as wi ll be fhcwn under that art. but oeid1er ffefych. nor H cdcric give us any
EM BLE M, " £14{3~'1''"• tmbltma ; 11nio~11ltt1• fuc_h fenfe; they explain rl"'~"-'Y."'• l:~ay., by
'P"i a/Jtri i1iftrtuw, ca•fa l an or!llJJlltlll HX"• 'f•ri<, rtfano, flrtpillllil do, jlritio i 11 r1fl11Rd, .
~td lo ""J work, or" 1hi11t fat before w; !44!,.;v..,• make a 110ije,.o r firtal: ; all which. rc.!:ite lo '1tar.
i11jiti11: R. B.v.~... t11 throru: N ug."-1h1s 1s not i11g_, not ro fight.
t he only fenfc o f 1111bftm, for it lignilies likewife EMETIC, E1!-f,.• '1101110 ; nMli<us ;. n10-.o; toi
• (ymbol, type, o r firurarivt rtprefut1atio11 of nr.y id111. vo111i1, "1brow up.
. EMBLEl.YIE N'IS, tmbltamata ; the prifits of E:MICATlON, l.'dl>!••r, Dor. pro '-!1"f•t, par-
la11d fuwrd; fays Ainfw. but i\ Jignities likcwi{c vus; 111ita; undi; ,.;to, tmfro; lo glit11T, fposglt,
in a large fon(e, 411) profits lhal aurue na/11rolly .fParldt; o/>:')14"' 1Juri ;,. artn8fulgens1 a JP.nnglt oj'
f ro11> the ground l as graji, fruits, lrtts, btmp, gold glit1eri11g amn1g fanti1 nam "'./tore eft,.lubrnde,
flax, &c. etper inrervalla,. u~ mfr.-. faciunt; fu~gcrc: ~f)
EM-BOLISNI, El'-f3•~'"1-"f• embolifmus ; i11/lr- mak1 inttr!fiilltnl twinilin:s; ct q\lon1am tali~

Digil1 ed by ( ,oogk·

. E M l'rom GR 1 ! K, and L A T 1 i;. E N
q~rcdam ~~ti~tio,. du~,,.sli~~.s. (ort~n.n1r, apparer, EMl'T~ON, E1ori.quaJi E,.., "''t'"'• mtU111f<uio;
111.tart d,g1t11, accrpe pr:> d1g1trs f#t1r1; ""YX~ '"'· und~ emo, tmptio ; a !Jtiying, p11rcbefi11g; al1i1 tberebJ
E -l\.f l NENCE; M,,..,, mqiuo; unde mi11M", 1JJi11.e ; 111aki11g OllJ tbing ant's tr.Jin. ·
lo admqnifh_, ad1Jift, tbrtalt n 1 to lift up, r•ifa up i11
EMPTY; E•7•r, inf/is l within ; th'e· negati'v e
a lkrttJltm11~ mtJ1111tr: hence mi1110, and imlfli11to, compouqd . Ai:!/or, 111H1 in/111; not wi1bi11 ; inanis,
fign1fy. ba1rg1•g rtady lo fall : and tmi1110, tmi11t1u 'IJOlUllS; 'IJOtd, 'IJO(t1111, tl?tlii11g within.
and t minentia, lignify 1xuf/1nct"1 Jbe jlandi11g o; . EM-PYRJEA!'f; El"""f'""'• vcl E,... ~e•~, inttntlo,
,/blwi11g billtftlf abw t othn-1. '
E - MOLUMENT; ·Mu>-•, mo/a; a 111ifl; 1110/0; 111.fla,,,_ 1 ttrlum tmpyr111m; lbt !Jrig bttft brave" ;
l ogri11d; emolo; logri11d thoroughly; undcemo/11mentu111; moj1 refpltndent, mo.ft il!umi1ud.: R. ITue, ig11is; fire;
•trofit.gol/111 proptrly6y grifl_, qrwb11lt'l1er is gro1111d tJI meaning the fiy11 of he.vc11 °; i. c. tht jlars•
Jbt mill: hence ufed to fignify any adva111ng1, or gtJi11. EMULATIO N, A,u1/\/\a'f'""• con/t1td1, d!tllllfW ;
. E M -P E ROR ; n,.eo.w, fl"f'" 111110, iusro; uncle to j/ri<pt, conltf!d, rival: R. A,.,,..,,,.,u rta111t11, j/u-
1mp~r"; ab i11, intenfivi particula; c t ptJro; quafi dium ; 1nr11tftrrefs, dt}irt of glory: Voffius- q uotes
jlat1111 p~ro, vel prorf111 paro; to tomma11d with Mckcrchus for deriving ~m11!1u ab A1,.u.>.or-fcd
tJutbority, tobidimmtdiately int• atlion:- Clcl. Way. nin1i.s fanc abic fignificatio, adds he; nam A.,..,..,,
81, n, fays, that "the Latins and Romans took cfi lepid111, f1jiivu1: cenfeo igitur 1m11lari elfe ab
their word i~eralor from the Celtic imb, or bougb Al"•Mi•, rn-tart; as above.
of com"'f'nd; it an(wers to our jlajf-effiar ; it was . .E-MULSION, Af'o•/\')"'• mulgeo, emu!geo 1 lo
the anuenc lr1111chto11, and ftrptre: t@tumaq was 1111/l; to j/roke g11tt/y; alfo "" eafy, foftming met/ich:1:
called tbe flight of the imb :"- and in p. z6, he E - MUNCTORY; A><•f'o>E•", quod tmungmJ.•
tells us, that limb fignifies a !Jough, br11nch, or detr11.bimu11 emuntlus, e111UJ1t1oriu11 ier1ai11 i:trnell.J,
wt111d 1 <onfeque1:11Iy t hey are t he fame, and may or gland11/ar parll, 6] wbitb tbt pri'Mipals difcb11rgt
be Gr. : fee LIMB. Gr. their f"ftrffuilits.
EM·PHASIS; " ¥f"'''• El''"'"'" rtpr1ft11to: ENA- ME L; A1<.>..t~, li911efatio: Fr. Gall. tmaif,
R. 41"'""• luuo, apparto: Nu.,..''-chere is like- 1111ailler; feu mc1111jlo t>bdutert, quia men jlum /i-
wifc another (enff) of this :.ord in our Jang. q11a11do i/linitur 1 to rtfine, a~d purifj 111eta/1 by melt-
though the Dr. has not taken notice of it ; viz. ing tbnn, 1111d 1b111 pouri11g thojd tncn11jliN over·otber
a fl refs, t111 of exprrJl!on; txpreffo rti figniji- m1111l1, 011d thtrt6y a1".fi11t a vilrijicatioil: fee
. ""'.o; qu11m '1Jtrb1s 111ejl fall/a q11.r.dt1m vis ti fignifi. SMELTING, and IN-A-MEL, Gr .
ca/14; and confequently ca1111Gt b:j ullertd witbo111 EN-CHEIRIDION; Erx"e•f',.,., 1acbiridi11111 ,.
.fomt .1JnrJic11lar tff•rl: a 41,..,, 41•14•, dito ;fw, fat1111 a 111m111al, or p~111b/e '1Jal11J11t ; a fl«lttt boalc ; lo 6t
quah pbatus ; unde tmph'!fis ; lo 111tn-, fptalr, pro- conj/a1tt/y i11 I he ba11d : R. X Kf> mantts ; the band.
1101111tt dif/illi11J, tJ11d with gr11c1. EN-CLITJC, Eyx.>.•1•••r, e1uli1icu1; 'Jl'i i•cli11ari
EM-PJRI C ; " ll,.,.,,f'"''• empiriau; IJ"i falu111 p1ttjl ; live qui tJ((tn/11111 in ''"ttm pr.ectd1111nn r1-
ex cxperie111iJ. aliquid lrat:lal; 11 pby/icia11, or rather cli1101, vel rejicil 1 a co11j1111t1io11 nildtd It> an•lbtr,
qgac.f, who biu no other ltnowltdge /ban uptrit11tt : wbitb t bt11 throws its aatnl on 1b111 word: R . I!..•
R. flt•e"• tnttrprfae, txptrience: Nug."-unde in; et K>.•t». rtclinfl i l o rttlint.
IlHf ""• flHt~• Unto, Iii/or, to11or; lo maltt dtfptrate EN- COMIUM, P.yxwl'"" e11tomium, pr.«or.ium;
attN11pts on tht hum1111 co•Jlitlitio11, for che take o( a11 ornlion, or praift. .
gaining txptrit11u. E N-CROACHMEN T: all our etyinol. agree,
EM-PLOY ; E,.,.,>.,, quodjibi aliquis emit, vel th<lt this word is derived fro1n Fr. Gall. e11crotb•r,
compartrJil ; fRtrttJ, onera 1 lrajji"c, mtrcb:11uiift: by undc atcroclxr, accrocbt11u11t, crocbllrt; and that
metath . .employ ~ n~""'• vcndo; 10 jell, lo fit to they all originate froni ""' 1 1111cus : to tncrontb,
falt : others derive 1t ab imp/to, as it were to fill enin1 eft quali unt o ir,jel1o rem~r,.ri, rt111rdare,jibi
or,/1 tilM ; and that from IDur, p!111us ; full: attrabtrt, i111rudn-1, fe11Ji•1 i11;:11dtrt , i111trd11dtrr.
Nug ."-perh:ips it might more naturally be de- proterminart, irrtptrt :-fo many lignifications
rived ab E;u""'""" i111plico; 10 bn1d, or 111/old ; 10 could they find for this word ; aha yec could not
ou11py, or b"./J one's /ti/ ia 11ny anion ; to be intent find chat trot mufi originate from che fwne root
at work; wrap/ up in bujintfs. with croolctd; for trot lignifies t1#c111, vcl b11m1u ;
EM -PORIUM, E,..-'f"" emporium, qua!i 111. we have therefore only 10 cracc out the word
fori11111 ; forum 111111di11ari11m ; lacus ad mn-raluram tr1t>l:td, a11d then every thing will be plain; which
t..<tramlom aptns; a marl, market, fttir, or excha11gt : has been done under chc art. CROOK : Gr.
R. El"r•;•r, lllir(Ol?r ; a 111trthar.1: though' we F.N-CYCLO-PJEDY, Eyx>><.>......,,.,,., e~cyck­
might rarhc_r fuppofl! the real root wns n•·1'•w , p.etlia ; diftiplinaT11111 orbi1, live totRpltx111 ; a drrlr,
ve11do ; to buy 1111d fall ; bccauJe we often fi1id the or comp:11dium of ftit 11cts : H. .E., •••.hor, tircuf,.s ;
· f and .>., interchanging. · (t n...1-.... , diftipli•11·
y :1 END;

E N From' Gr.EE~, and L1.T 1 lf. E N
END ; " Ar.1..., ptrfiure ; to finifh: U pt."- ic he had !hewn in what muiner they were related ;
lhould have been printed A>v"" ptrfatrt ; lo end; which fincc he has not done, it is to be hoped
Cafaub. R. Aw•» ptrago 1 lo fo111pkat. the render will a~cept of the following attempt,
EN-DEAVOUR; the A fec1ns to have been which will be g1ven under the· art. IN-GE-
introduced here, merely to lhcw it was not de- N IOUS: Gr.
r ived from devour, but fronl the Gall. dw oir; ENGLAND i fince Egbert at his coronation,
tftvoir originates from dtbitu'11; which originates ENG LISli S ann. 819 afc. Chr. is allowed
fron1 A"" lEol. A11.'0>; dtbiJum, fc. offeiu111 fuum, by all our hifrorians "to have caufcd all chc foucb
prbUI dtbet, tXtjUi: to p_ay bis d11ty, bis geed of the iOand to be called England, afccr the A11glu,
D}fitts, wbtre due: l ikcwsfc to Jo bis endeavours of whon1 himfdfc can1e: Speed, 374 :"-and
t o pltnfr. fince all our hifrorians likewife acknowledge,. that
EN-DEMIAL, 2,1,.,....,r, pgpu/4 cflidam ptCll· the A11glts or .ibrgli, were a Saxon people, who.
/iaris; provincial: R. ll•,.. Of, pop:dlls; tbt ptoplt; a received their denomination fro1n a local circum-
&ll)Wnijh rxprej/iin. nancc, in being fituated between die Saxons and.
EN-I;>ORSE; A"e"• Aiei., un<le t:.•ea, A•e~•r. Jutu} viz. their inhabiting that nook,. or harrow
dorf11111; tbt back of 1111y n11imnl; and hence ufed to Clip o l and, which now belo ngs to Dtnn1arlc, and
·r b r• •r b !.
..(i gm Y tbe writing on tbe nc~ 'J a ii.
lies to the north of the Elb, i. e. fron1 L ubec,
through the dukedom of Ho I face and Sle[wic, tu
EN-DO\.V is a different wor,l from t11d11r-- the Land's end (nam E thclwcrdus, et ipfc nobilu
111Jq,c originates fro1n ll1l"," " th; undc doi; undc familia!, fays Shcring. p. 36, inquit, Anglia vetus
drJJtr, Jw;ry, "'1wogcr i a nobkman'.s wid1JW, 10 lita ell inter Saxoncs cc Giotas) -fincc all this is
whom is tra111td tbt tnjay1wtr.I •f part of b!r tkcraftd allowed, ic snay appear rcn1ukablc, that chc
'4rd's ejfells. na1nc both of //nglr1 and E11gla11d lhould be Gr.
EN-DUE, commonly wriuen t11d1;w ; E•/o.,, bei ng dcriv~ ab A'l"'"'"»- a11g11lu1; a
i11d110, ingrtdior ; to infpirt; alfo a 11alural qualificatio11. nook, conttr, or angle :- Cleland however g ives Ullo
EN-EM Y; Af'-,." • vinculum; the bond of lot•t: a differeoc derivation, which n1ay be applicable
vtl ab ·1,.'f' I• aih1r, amicus ; unde i11imic11s ; ex to our iOand at any period before the arrival of
in ; 11n; ec amicu1, frie11dly i i. e. unfriendly. che ·Saxons ; but we do not find that the foutf~
EN-ERGY, E"tY•i•••r, e11trgia; atliv111, tf!i,ax; part of our illand recei ved the name of E"K"'""
afli'Vt, tf!i,acious: R. E,, cc EtY'" ~us l u·~rk,ptrJJtr. till the time of Egbrr/: Cleland's etym. how-
ENGAGE in battlt i Ayy·~''"• cogo, adigo; ever will be given in the Sax. Alph.
illlptllo, la driw, or for:e 11r1111y. EN-H ANCE~ by the amnance of' that great-
EN-GAST RI -l\llUTH; En"<f',."''" ventri- ctymol. J un. we are able to arrive at the true
l1q111<1; qui -tx vtntre voctm reddit; qui in 'IJtn:lrt dcriv. of this word; which snigh r orherwifc have
.d:flmonc111 babtt, i111trr0Ka~tib111 refponfa dan/Cm; a been loft, overwhelmed, and obfcured in the cnd-
,'IJl/l/ri/oq11ijl ; or ont p~!fiffed with a fpirit, who lcfs heap of French barb:irifm: but even Junius ·
Jpe11ke1b 0111 of his belly :-f\ich was the fond fu· hirnfelf has nQt gone far enough, for he fays,.
perll:icion of the ti111cs, <1s to fuppofe, that ;my only " futpicor enhance corruptu1n ex Gallico
v crfon, who had t he a1;t of1naki ng an uncon1mon bauffer, q uqd refpondct I tal. alz art ; Jo btigbten,
noifc, fo as to induce the company to imagine i1urtaft, a11g111e11t :"- lince now bauj[er fi.gnifies the
that his voiu procttdrd from bi1 btlly, muft be im- fame as a!zart, it is but rcafonable to fuppofe.
mediately polieffed with a fpirit that fpoke within that they both originate from the fame coot with
him: however, let the noife proceed from whence our word HOISE, or HOIST: Gr..
it might, the root of the word t11gaflrimu1b is fu, ENMITY, by tranfpofition f~m 1-f""" ira
r.-.r~e. vt11J,,. ; tbe btlfy ; and M•lor, '1Jtrbum, famu 1 ptrmanens ; lajling anger, batrtd, malia.
a 11oifc. EN-NlJl : Cle!. Voe. 165, has with his. ufoal
E N-GINE; "Ayx1re•» 11book; unlefs we !hould fagaci ty, aod wi th a great of trouble, as he hiin :
chufc to derive k from i11tr11ium ; from whence ftlf acknowkdges, trat"td out the cr,ue mcanin•',
alfo cOnlC3 e11ginecr: in the old French, the word and dcriv. of this word ; fo r, nfcer he had Jo 1~g
tngint Ji.gnifies wit, or 1md(rjla11ding; as in Froif- dcfp:Urcd of difcovcring the orig in of it, nicre
fard, tngi11 clair t t 11iK11 1 a jbarp, and clear wit: chance, he fays,_ offered to hin1, what he took
Nu.g."-che former deri v. will fcarce be ad1nitted: to be the genuine or.c :-"in an old French book
:ind the laner ingt11iu111, or the old Fr. tngint, or I met," fays he, •rwith a paffage, where the
Froijfard's e11gi11, ought no t to have been intro- author, fpcaking of a conlpany that had fate up
duccd by tb.e D r. into a l ift of EogliOl words lace, n1akes ufe of t his expreffion, l'tn.J1Mif /ti
t h:it ~:ive any relation to lhe Gr. toniu~, unkfs a::oil gngne1 ; by the context of which iJ was
10 11lai11
E N Prom Ga 1 1 1t, and LAT 1 If. E p
plain he meant, that the common influence of tho' he tells tis, and with truth, that 1t rs de-
1be nigb.1, in bringing on htf!.v inefs, and yawning, rived ab E•&e,.1("" in Jhrona loco; lo place on 11
had come upon the1n: . the proper fenfc is totally THRONE: Gr.
antiquated; but the 6gurath•e remains in full EN-THUSI1\ST, E,9rr1«r,u.o(, E.6•r1..r1r, IJ,.
currency to this day· :"-thus has. this great ety- 6rr11•(.,, q1hujiafllflts ; fana1ico feu diT;_ino jtJrore
mologift contented himfelf with being the firft agGr; lymphatictts; a f•nolit; one agitated /;y 11
.difcoverer of the true fource 'of this word ; and di'ltine r"ge; a rtlfgiout madinan : R. E>, et 9 tor,
fo far meri~s our comn1end,atio"n :-bur. he ought ·one wrapt in dit•ir.ity; rdigious r&'Very;
to have gone a littl'e f;1~ther, and then · he would EN-THYM~M, E,e.,..,,..,., e111hymmra, nrgtl'~
·h~vc difcovered, that this French ls purely a Greek mcntum, ct fant~ntia ornria ; fpuics fy!/ogifmi; a

deriy. ; for nuil, and die verb enmtyer, which is propoji1io11, i11 which fomethi11g is fuppref}ed; an ar-
plaioly formed fro1'1 t111111i, are evid'ently deri ~·ed tu111~11t drawn from contraries 1 ·a Jj•llogifm, wanting
.a nox, i. c.,i\ N•E, nox; th~ night ; n1e.aning a lnle the major, or miner p,.opojilion.
hOtJr; .which ufually l>rings on wearinefl,yawlfing,: · ENTRAILS r " E•i•e•~. i11ttjli'n11111 l undc ven-
and gaping. • · • .' • ' ~er: R. E•1•r, i1tlus; within: fro1n che pl ural
E -NORMITY, r>we1~,..,., n1JT111a; q,uali gnorm.a; ·£,1if"; che authors i11.fi111.e Latinitalir fcem to have
• fq11a,.e, tJjet! /ry builder!, quod. noltt11• fad at ang11k - formed enler~lia : Nug."-n1eaning the internal
·rum reflitudinem ; tnci\ce · ap'pliei:I to the i111tgrity parts of any creature.
and rt&li111Je of aetiqos; .confequently en~rmous E N-TREAT, " eomprrcori, e.rorare; Iianc verbi
cxprelfes irregufhrity,' fl devi~tion fr•"! that refli111d! . ac~cpt.ione'.'; arbi.tror ?efu111pt~m," fays Jun. " ex
ENOUGH, Ix<o•r, fuffiaens, fans mag11t1S; f•ifi· rlla pnmar1a-lign16cat1one, qua /o entreat one well,
·titnl in quantity 'in'd"quaNty : Junius fa)·s, induetus or ill, d t aliquem bene, vd male tratlare :"-
orthograpbia, quan1 prrecl ar.a: antiquicatis 1no- then it is a wonder chat .neither t his great etymo~.
numcntum nobis exhibec, libens 1leduxeri1n enough ·nor his learned editor,. lbould have difcovcred
a Goth. gnnnb, ~ t gan~h il .r"""• la:titia aj/icio, that JraEfo was Gr:
'IJOluptaftm affiro ; quod nihil requc mifetos mor- . · EN-VELOPE ; 1!1'-""i Ei>.•, -Vohl.o; iMJoh•q ;· to
tales exbi/aru, q4am rerum on1nium fatietas; it: wrap, or roll "l· . 1
is enough ; ·a· fu /11efs, a fa tiety ;.:....and indeed our; EN-VIRON; E'v-r vfi; elityro ('i( there be any-
word enough undoubtedly wears a. very Gothic "fnch word) from whence comes i1;gyrare ( if there
appearance; b ut ftill is derived from the Gr; : ·be any fuch word} R. r ue•<• • : gyrus, rirc11/ia ;
ENS; !1•, •~"' "• ens; Ii.ting, exijJence. • circle:
ENSI-F ER; Ey;:,¢<-IP'{.w, t1rfem ftro ; a [word- EN-VOY " iiiviado, en111ry[ ; mi/fos ht· p:1cr ; .
ieorer. . fa111 on·a mtf!age of peace ; vi11Jor. ·in· the f~n fc of
. EN-T -ANGLE ; T'"'Y"'' f':'• hamo;wilh a bool!: .meffi11gtr : Ciel. Voe. 106 :''-but are not w/,
·Att. vel .lEpl. pro T¥· AJi"•e"' a~ Ay•"f"'" hamus; viadD, voye, and 'l.>intor; all evidently derived ab'
:;. book :-thi.s is the firfi in!rance in our Jang. in .;.r, •"" via ; a road, or path i'
which the 'Greek' article is united with the fub- EN-VY·; E13.,, 'IJideo, i11vidto; i; e. nfmis video,,
ftant ive; a circumil:ance w!iich· often happens in vel-in/ueor, forlk11am al1trir11 ; ·
Greek, as T:; A><feo;, T'~ ..teor; &c. &c.-imd th\IS Nefclo·quis teneros oculus milii·fafcinat' agnos.
M ilton ufes it in.his 1.ycidas ;' 69 :. · . ' ; Ed. H t 103. '
- - - cbe langle.r of Nreira's hair, . ·Eatred, ilC.wil!; grudgiug al t1nctJ,tr"t profpirity :·
for the lockJ, or ringlets ; and here we have added Ciel. \Vay. 46, obfcrves, chat " the word· e1r11:;, .
the aug1nenrarive prepolition e11'; 10 tn-t-angle: literally lignifi'es an wil rye :n-but both EVIL,
fee ANGLE,, the verb: Gr. . and EYE, are Gr.
ENTER; E>Jcv, vel E,7.,, intus ; wiihin ;.comt in. . EORl'Hi\N -STIRUNG, ••an tarlh-ftirring·;.
ENTER:-PRISE : ic·may fecrn ftrange to de- : ',in °tr.rth-mo'Viwg, an eartii,quake: Verfi. Sax."- ·
rive enferprife lrotn Xo:>lavw : and yet e t )'l n . points bur both EARTft, and STIR, are Gr.
our that deriv. thus, X"'J"""" he11do, inufit: unde " EO\"l · ?you 'I. Veril:. Sax."- but '. both are-
prebendo, prehen/11:; contraB:ed. t o prenfas ;. from · EOWER 5your} Gr.
thence our word prife, and ehterprift; quali · EP-ACT; E"ax7au, fc. til"•e«11 tpaflo1; ft-. dies
i11Jra-prebendere ; _tq talte i11· hand; an 1111dtrlaki11g, iniercalares ; i11terra/ary Jays-: R . E..1; et Ay:.i,._
or expedition; a>fy tx'ploil, tlr bold' atcbievemu1t; · . · d11co ; to /Jrlng in, lo introdaa.
ENTER-T,'\.IN ; T'""'• Tw,;;, Ion. T,.,.,,- ttJ1eo,; ·. "· 'EP-•.\PlfR'ODITE, Nug.w Epaphrodit1u ·; .
· ; lo.flay, flop, employ, or held any one i11 amuft-· Jl,.a,eol11«, rhe n:tme of< a man in Sc PouF; .
went, plt11fu1·e, conveifation, or feaj/i11g. · . ·which Jignifies properly '1ltnujlus; ha11dfome; well
EN-THRO NE, by- Dr. Nug. written intbrq111,· 11111de; from· l!r-1, f11per r and Afe•t•1•, Y.emu ; f<>
. 11alle.:C

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E· · P FfQl\"l 9 ~ iit ~' E.P
ailled from A~ffS; fp11m11 ; fa,.- was fa'-Pl.~d a11cl 4•J<•r, po,p.J!)IJS 1 ~ht ft~le: Nug."-a.~ :dif.
ef 1befro1h if 1be {t~;-?,s fbe_pQets fay. ort/.er that is rif' a1{1011g .11i; lo:wfr fort. .
EP- EN-THESIS ; i;:,,.,..e,~!,; eptt1fbc.fis ; a . EPl-DJ:;RMJS, " . ~or,1,,,.,r, epidermis ; pe!lit,
figurt of fpeub, wbea a let.ltr, 1r ti /ylia~~t is in- gu~ tjl i'llt<r digitos anfar.ym, ~t aviu!11 bujus gentris;
ftritd i11 th( ~·i~d(t of a word; ,4J J:.Mq.{3•, for E~<!A•: HCQl cu/ifxia,' j(nfu dejli1u111, el vcr4 tuli f•per.
~'i'"Y'» for ~iyo.>. . . ltlffa : ~ fl/Jolt i11faef:We jkiU;, lhar t•vth the real
EPH-EB.J, ~fl>ll•'t tpb(blis; q.!fi ad puberlt;.lt111 .,,, : £,..,, et 4•t""f•. q1•.>.. pelfis ; tbe.fki'!' Nug."-
pt rve11il : a ,y•u•g '!lqn, ju;1 arrived 41 Jf!aJJboqd: this deriv . .fee1ns to- have b~en adopted from
.E~.. et H(3,, pub.erras; riptnefs of age. Hederic ; but .of them have ta.\-en any
EP-HEMERJS, !' E~'l'le''' tpht.meris, diJZ.rium; notice of tl.•tY."• wl\i~h µrn,loubtedly gives origin
a diary, . day-book, or journal: R. £,,.,, et 'Ht"e'"• to epidermis ; and"'• and t!.ttf'"• 9rigi-
,Jiu; a day: Nug." . nate a ~'f"'• tx&orio, tJICorJi&o ~ lo firip off tbt fain,
EPHl-ALTES, Ef1,.>.1.r,. tphialtts, f1u11bus ; or DiJr/c.
the drfeafe comn1ooly ,called the 11igbl-"1art, ""e'" EPI-GJEUM, .E..,,.~,.,, tpig-eum ;' qui faptr·
.,.. •~1t>.>.1~9,.,, ab in.filiendo ~ guia fc. fupertlitiofµm /errani efl, humi rtptns ; one who dwells on /ht tartb,
.vulgus, cum ~11cuho morbo corripiunwr, fays Skinn. or creeps on the grou1Jd: in aftronom}'. i.c fignifies
putant dzmoncm aliquem terreftrem fibi in.filirt, Jht lower par{ of 1be 01'bi1 in which tl11J p!antl mwts,
et incumbere:- tbe diforder however is not txterMI, ntxl lo the tartb: R. E-:•, et r,.,,., pro r., ltrr•; .
-but i'!lt!'lfa/, as will .be lh~wn 9nd~r \he art. lht earth.
NIGHT-MARE; and therefore the Rpv.>.r..Sou EPI-Gi\.STRIUM, £"''Y"(t"" tpigoflrium, '11th·
her~, or rather Al)A•"'"'• ought ~or to be at,tri- ltr txltrior ; /ht ;,ut.-ward part of tbe /iel!; ; fome-
bured to any. O!'t'l!J'lrJ prlflure1 or o'!lward ltapipg times called the abdo111e11 J R. E"'" ct r"n>e, '1111·
on; but. to that hea'Uin.eft, .or qpprt./fwn, .or lo thoft ltr; the belly. .
fuddenflar:ts, gqum/J, leaps, or /pri~gs, which a per. EPI-GLOTTIS, i:;,.,y>.w?11;~ epiglo11is, li~ula,
fon givu i11 his f/tep, wben fti~d wi1b an.y fpaf1n, lingua minor ; . carli!aginofa rotunditatis
<T~ntp, fi."Jl'Pflge, ~,, .q#J1I'!0iop ;-which are a.II in- ob/01ig1 in inlerioi't gu/furis parle; the CO'lltr of tkt
ternal difordcrs. , windpipt; tht door of 1he gl'iltl, commonly called
. E!-'H-ORJ, ..E,"f•f,. ephorus, i11fptllor, pr.efts ; tht u_vula : R. Er1, et fJ..,..-...., vel. r>.w11.., lingua ;
.m,ag1flratcs of great power among the Lai;:ed:C- tbe tongue; either becaufe ii rtftmbtts "Ii/lie tong~t,
nionians ; ~nd o( whom the Jribunts among the or bangs jujl over the tonpe al rbt e'!tra11c! of 1b1
Romans were of fimilar authority: s ..,,. ct Oe,p.1.1, throat.
.'1Ji'tko; lo =erftt, infptEI. EPI-G~M; E'"'''>'f"'l'I""'• tpigra111111a; infcrip,ti•1
EPIC ; E,,.,••f , epicus, ut poeta, vcrfus, tpic11m faJt profalca, frve nutrita ; an inftription on oJlqtut,
po.ema ; a potm, whitb 'is cbitfly ff!lldt in btroic or _&c. alfa a jborl, pithy ft111tnu, in proft or: r/;i111t:
btxamtltr vtrfa: R. E ..H, verbli!ll, verfus; as it R. E'"'• ct rf"I""'"' /criptio; re"'~w,/cribo; o •u:ritifll.
were by way of eminence lht only verfa, or the EPI-LEPSY; " ,E,,.,;o.• .i,,.., invajio, obftru!lio;
fabli111tfl manner •I writing 'Uerft; fuch as H omer, tbe f ailing jicknefs: Nug."-the Dr. very probably
an~ Virgil, and Mil!on; without rhime or jingle,; wrote fallingjit!tneft: R. Aa.,.{31e"'• to ta.kt, or lay
'vh1ch !Jothic harmony never fubfi.fted, till many bold of: or perhaps it may be derived a A"""•
hundred ye~rs after the two former poets ; and A11.i,.., linq110; lo kave., lo ferfake; --:hen the fpi-
.yet the ·nobleft t ranOations of their works in our rits or life, in a manner forfal:t a per/on: or ra-
l anguage are in jingle. ther it may be derived from the fame root with
. .EPl:CQ):NE, E'"'!''°'..f• e-pitamw, ccmmu11is, pro- LAPSE ; only the. orthography in t hefe rwo lafr
mifauus ; of both fe>1e>, or kinds: R. E~1, et Ko1,..r, deriv. is againfi then1.
~omnumis; c&mtno1'; of either gender. EPI-LOGUE, "E.. u..,..r, tpilogus, diElum, quod
. EPIC\) RE, "E11'•••e•«, that is, auxilialor; an fubjungitur ad r~dde11tki;n anlta-ditloru• ralicntm ;
auxiliary; on oJliJ1an/: Nug. "- there was a famous condujio ; a to11d11jion, p,erora!io11 : R. A1,,.., lo fay ;
.philofopher of this na1ne, who, giving himfelf up or Aoyof, difcourft: Nug."
.wholly to pleafure, in{\icured a feet,. which has EPl-PE-JANY, " E>r1q;«•aa, tpiphonia, app~ri•
. been fl:ilcd the ftti ef Epicurus, or tht Et.icurea11, tio Chrijii in car11t ; lht / tail. of kings, or tht oppr.riti!Jll
fhilofopbers_; lopg fi.nce JU!Uy reprobated. and maniftjlation 'o f 'Jt/11; Chri)J lo tbt G~nli/ts:
£.PI-CYCLE, E..1xu><Ao,r, a ltffer tircle, whofa R. E,..,, et '.Ii"'""" luceo, app~rto 1 to d,ifp!ay, to ap-
•ctitltr iJ placed in the &jr&umftraue of a grtaler : •• .
p.ear : N ug.
B••· er Kvx>.o.(, circu/141 ; o 'irtle. EPI-PHONE1\1Y, Ev1t"""•"'"• e-pipbone!"a ; •<·
EPI-DEMICAL; "' £,,.,J,!',•<, ep(danicus; P,a- •damalia ; a forcibft e.~pr4Jio11 at tbe tnd •/ aN
pularlf,1 pepular, g•ntr'!i : R..E,,.,, 11po,11, ~r among; orqtiqn; or ~ t#OI'al rejictlion; likewife tbt aala-
3 111a1i111.,

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E p t
E .Q.;.
riJatiott, or ap'p/Jufa atieJfd1~g 'it: it.It.;,, et lfi.i•lw, nothing it[J; thus; 110· 41 JOU pliajli go, gtt.
fa1111m tdo ;· a ·~C:,~\, wx ;: vtlict. •.Y~il gcltt; •
EPJcSCOPACY, " En-1vxoroi', infPe!lor, eujloi·: · I .!; faquHe flaliblff "lltntis, pelt regna per ·1111das.
R. :E•1;,10P,«1; to looi, to coijider: :fxoitor, explora. . . lEn. IV. 381.
tb : N ug-'.'-'we have ')llready feen, under the Habtai, vakat, viva1 cum ilia.
art. BISEI"OP, how that wor'cl is Turmed from the Tcr. Andr. V. 3, 18.
middle·of this. EP: OCHA, £,,.•X•• epotha; jla/ltS tlJ!li, pofitus
EP-l~·ODE, E.......1..., pars fabul.e, quafi ad· jidttum; initium ebro11okgi"'; .in this latter fenfc;
'6enliti.r; omnt iufdama, adve11titiu11l, et jucuhdu'm; it is generally unde·rftbod as a folt11111 dau of timi .
fps 1xtra arg111ni111/im aJ!111itpta ; an argu'nient, oi' frotJi·fome 111emorolile er.;tiit; a·s tbe· birth of Cht'i),
fable i~Jrcd11~ed, foreign, but noJ wholly foreign, to &c. ; ab ll"'X""• a. colfline~tk, ntinetilio ; quod
I~~ cbuf ~ub;t!J: R. E,,-1-Hr-•<l'o';, via, ingref!us ; a mtnfurd! '!"~fi•r11in il!ii rttbltnlilr..
1111/e out of the way. · EP-ODE, " E#<fl•, epodus, 111ctfntamlntum, rar-
EPl-STLE, " Ei1ro>.•, epijlola; .a letter: R. n(tn; lbiU wbith is fitt1g tXJtr, above, :or. with 11110.• .
E,,-., Ct · :E1v.f."1, miilo; Jo fend : Nug."-literary Jbtr : the tpades h~ve been- fo ?enom1nated ac•
corrifp~"lf.tnu; tranfniitttd from friend to friend. · cordt ng to the abc1elft grammar1~ns f lkcaufe. to'
~PI·S!ROPfiE, Jl.,,.,·re•fo~ epiftrofhe; roirJerjio, 1 each great verfe cher-t was .another lefi'er,. wh1cbo
reaproc,;110 ; a figure, when fev iral [tnlenus end in correfi,onded, and was commonly· fung· in con-:
the fame wor'd: ilfo· the iurning of.ihe chorus in the cerc with it: R . E,,.i,fi1pra; and Ill•, ode, ta11titlt:-
4ntient tragedy: R. rle•I'"'• verto; 10 turn. ' R. A1/.,, and ~/,,, canto: Nug."
EPT-T1\.PH, " En-il"I'••• : Nug." epitaphiu'm,, . EPULARY; qu~fi tfidulary •. epulllris 1 btlDllg•
t1>rm t11 fepulchroli, quod tumulo, vel fepu!cbro- in- 111g to ftojls, or banqild~ : R. Et.,, rdo; lo eat. .
]wihitur ; .an infc-riptio11' on a tomb, or monument ; EQ!:J AL· ; E1x.,, fimtlu· /11111; perf•.med. £ • .,.,.,
R. E1r .. et 1'«-fo,,fepulthru111;.wri11en on aftpulchre; conft1111mtum .ef!• par ejl ; · undc E"'°'• Dor. ~·••I.
a ....1.., fepelio. . ' a:qurtS, ll!qua!Jtl11as ; 'tvennefs of temptr, tqualllJ of
EPI: °!H:ALA!l.1IUM, " E.,.,9,,~"I'"' ,,,,..,,' ad mind. . , . , . . .
lba/nm~m pert111e11J; nup1iolis; 11 nuptial diftourft, EQY-ANIMITY ' .. B•~lr·«••/-'•I, .'elfUtnrl/1111/JS i
01' oral"ftt: R_.. ~«A"'l"•f•· a marriage-bed: Nug.'"- evenneJs. of temptr, fidmiiJfi_on, rtJigntfl•o11. . . ·
!lo. doubr, this JS the .n1eaning of the w<lrd ; but _EQ!J AT~R, fron1 . the .fa~e ~oc .w.Jtb
I! .Js a wonder the Dr. did not 4'hule E..,&.»•"1-'"" EQ!:JA~; ihe equator being th111 /mt whub div11/u
#p_•tbalam~um, carmen. nuptiale ; a Jong 111 11 wed. tbe flobe 11110 two eq~~I f.ar11.. . .
Jing, or verfts made 1n the praifa •f the new • EQYESTRIAN , r..,,.., , lEol. r..,,, tt111, vcl
.:ied couple; fuch "' thofe of Catullus, 6o; ,.,;;r equus ; a horft ; ·r,..,,.,ur, .lEol. lxxiur, ecrus, vel
trdejl-, ju.'IJtn~s, &c. ; befides, @'"""'I'"' does not eques; a· horftntnn. •
ftncUy. figntfy. a "'4rriage btd; it fignilies "11J bed, . EQYJ-POLLENT; E1xor, ct antiq. Uo>.>.o,,
•n:t ebambtr, or rtPoJitory. 1: e·. Uo:>-vr, •nu!lru; nam-pofleo, et pollere, ell: muf•
EPI THEl\IIE7 E 9 ..d d . ,· tum vnlere; lo be able, flrong. pote11J .
, . - , . . ft " ' '1-'"'i 'd quo .'111P0mtur, feu E QYIPPAGE; " 'Verbunl nolha a;,cate civi-
fap't'r 1mpcn:tur ; atua, q""' ifUJ1!11 ftp11/rhro im · • • F G II · '
Ponitur ., what~- .v., ·s pl d
1 ace , or put 011 anot
1 as
tare Ang ltca donatun1, a r; a . e9u1ppt r ; 11aor.
· ·'"1rue1·e ; ;t• G r. E9,-r...,,.,~,.,
•· " ·
•fiatue tm a monwnmt . T • . . l nare, 111 1 1ratu111 e.q111.;
. •••f'••
ll1ri9t7o· . pono , to . p 11ce'.• . · h.tpprum
. ; R.· i;..,, et ·r.,...,,, equ.... _,_ : sk·
, mn. ..
. .~ " tptthtlon, a1Je!lus, aJ;u. wbot is laid 11pcn 1bt borft; as [addle, fadak-clotb.,
'!'tl~J ; the qua1tty of "'!Y thing; mcanmg whatever houjing, &c. wiratever is 11ttefTary lo f"r11ijh him out
~Psl1ttd: or .addtd 10 any·fubj/anu, "' ord"' lo/he-..v for the field of b1111te ; nnd fi'.Orn hence this word
t qllality •{, '!fi' 11 good mall; 11; a fair equip is now 1nadc ufe of to fignify a11y toarlikt
wom;J; 11
wi t.borfe:. R. TiO"I!'• pono•; to· Platt, •preparnlirm; as, to equip a fleet, ·& c.-chis fcen1s
or a · ' to be a better deriv. than what Jun . has given us;
J?~I-.TOME ; : ~<. e...10,..n; epitoJJt~, amp111a1fo, ' and yet there i~ fomecliing fo curious in . his.con•
tntpe11d1um ;· a toncift abr1dgtmtnt, or the rutting a :jeCl:ures, •tb~t I muft dcfire leave to tranfcribc
large tvcrk fborltr: R, £,,.,, ct T:,,..,.,, feta; pcrf. "his words, cliough fo1newhat long: "tquippage ef
med. Tt7•f'«,. I have cul myfelf. jbips, apparatrlS cloflis. : Gailis it idem tquippage de
EPI-'l'ROPE, -ET<7(0'1-1, t:pirrope ; ipfa actio Tv· .navires font annaminlii nau/ia1; ttfulpper un navirt,
•rt?e.•""'0 "•• five ad111inijJYa111!i, feu proclira11di a!iquid ar)ndme11tis 11avem· fll/lrzft"re : fed llcuti nen1ine1n
proa,:arfo; tuhf~ ;. a' .ft~'re; as' when wt /fem ,; ·amhi<>crc c redo, quih h:tic fit propria vocis ac·
Pfr'llllJ. lf11J,·· Qlle' 10· 4 ·tt.' wilf,. anil mean :cep~i~, ita plane vitlen"tllr hoc in· loco adducend~

- . Matthic1

. . Digitized by Googl1
- --~· I
E R · From GR E t '!<:,, . and LA '1l 1 ". E -R.
Matthzi Parifienfis · .,rerba ex illo rtgis Jobim1}is EREBUS ; Et•!1•r, trebus, orri ttnebr4, ·fcu
Brcvi, quod ad lingulos portuum fuorum .bailivos caligo l tbt Jhadts below; R. E~'!'· terra,, quia fuP·
in hrec verba dixerit; ·'.'.Prrecipias ex parte no- terr11ne11s hcru: ..,rel ab Ee''"" 1tgo; to tfJ'IJer,
fi:ta magiftris' navium omnium illarum, et illis EREMITE, commonly written; and pro-
quorun1 naves funr, quod ficut fo, et fuas, · nounced ·hermit ; Ef'lf'n• ., 'fa/i1,.riu1, tremita; a
ec omllia fua diligunr, habeanc ill as apud Poruf dweller in faHtary and dejert p.latts, i11 a wildtrlllfs:
mut in media quadragcfima, btnt ador11ata1, &c. R. Ef"I'"• dtfart11s, fo/111, i11bibitatus: vel Ef'\""'•
ha:c ~inquam verba maxime vifa fucrunc hi e ad- dtfert11111,; a dtfert. ·
denda, quoniam in iis pro bt11e adon1t1tas, M. S. E RfC; n antiently Earic;" fays Verlt.'~''oftar,
codex Cottoniaf!US fcribit btt1t tfcbipatas; alter which is our true and ancient woord fo'r bMcr;
vero. M. S. codex Vi' endoverianus fcribir btne and fo E·aric is ritb i11 honor :"-buc here diis good
echipatas: nain ucriufque M . S. codicis vox an- 'old Saxon has ftopt fhort; for tar, or as Skinner
tiqua, ·ftcutrmanifdt1: ref<!renda eft ad Anglicu1n under the arc: earf, has inore proper1y wriccen it,
Jhipp, na11is ; ica efchippatas tantundem ell: ac fi ape, is undoubtedly. dtriyed, an<) contratled ab
dicas bent 'ndarnata•, acque inj/ruflas, prout naves Aft-1•, vir/111 ; t'a!Gr, banor, fortiludt.
bellicas rlecet: eis: hoc igicur Anglo-Latino tf ERIN NYS; F.ei•r,~, Eri11ny1, furia, dtti inftr••·
ebipare, vel tfthippare, Galli /, more fibi folito /i.;; 11 fut)» or bog, a11 infernal goddefa, ~~• ,;; Eii•'•
abforbentes, fcccrunt fuum ubipptr, vel eq11ipper: n• ••., acorru111pouio men/em :~rhefo goddefTes are
-thus has this learned antiquary endeavoured defcribed by the poets and painters as having
to eltablilh his own etyn1. ; but fince che Gr. fnakes infiead of hair. .
wora £~,..;,.., is only to be caken in a figurative ERK, " Chaocero cft fag,,is,, pigcr, igr.•·
fenfe; al)d the ,\.nglo-Latin word tfthipart muft wu: Jun." and chen he proceeds to thew that icis
be the fame, wheneve.r applied to any thing be- derived ab Aer•i, pro A-•er•1, ont wbo is no grt.:t
{ides horfas, and jhippi11g; it is no great difference /o-vtr of toork ; i. e. an idle; indolent ptrfan.
With regard to ctym. from which of. thefe two ERN, Oer·11, avis; any large hird; Scoti~ eft
..fources we derive it; fince it muft fignify expedi- aqui/11; an eag/1; and perhaps from thence the
I.ion, or getting rtady: only this let me farther word heron took i:s origin :- Verftegan-fuppofrs it
. obferve, that' although we lbould adopt the ecy1n. to be Sax.
ofJ un. fiiU it is of Gr. extraa. as he hin1felf has ERR i E~pw, .tgre-to, erro; to w a11dtr, to be
acknowledged, under the art•. jhip1 which he has ERRANT} out of the w11y.
properly derived from :txo:~"• fthapba; faiff, foip: ERRAND; Cafaubon derive,s it ab Eer~, Eea.,
the former deriv. of Skinn. however fcen1s co be Ef""'" illttrrot•• • denu11tio, q11,ero: Junius and
nearer the truth, and confequently more natural: Minlhew ab E'f"'• dico; mallem ab errando, fays
- Verft. has cold us a ftrange improbable ftory re- Skinn. quia 11untii bt1c illut v agantur :-this idea
fating to this word, which is by 1nuch coo long of 1ftm1i111 · has induced Lye co· derive errand ab
to recit e, and therefore I lball only refer to it Iceland. erendt; which, as he fays, originates fine
as above. dubio a Goth . airta ; mmNus :-it is a wonder chat
ERASMlJS ; " Ee""I"•'• Era/mus ; ar11a/;i/is, this gentlc1nan did not refer us to the 'art. 4t1Jb•f
·defiderobilis; amiable : R. Ee"'"" amo; to !O'IJe ; for fader in Jun. and it is a greater wonder ftill, that
before, Era/mus was called Dejiderius: Nug." Jun. himfelf did not refer us chicber; fince ir is
· ERASTUS; Ee«r•r, Erajlus l amator, anums: moll: probable thac errand is derived from the
from the fame rooc : G r. Sax. a-1ien'O, which he there explains by non
E'RE, when ufed as an abbreviation of bifort, modo tiegotium, fed et mandot11m, rtfp01Jji1111, nar-
ought to be written thus e're; and confequently ratio11e11t jignificat : and chis !alt word n1akes 111e
will cake the fatne deriv. with FOR E : Gr.-l\'1r. fufpeCl:, that both the Sax. ;rpenb, and our word
Lye now enters upon a piece nf criticili11, in errand, may be derived a 1uJrro ; and if fo, they
;which I have the misfortune to differ fro1n him.: would originate a f•"'e'~"" 11orro ; 11otum facio :-
. he fays, anu, ever, tr euphoni~ gratia non raro but this is .offered only as a cimjedure; which
mucatur in or, ex. gr. or tvtr they ca1ne co the however may be thus fupporred from Volf. : r ....
boccon1 of the den; or t'l.'lr he come near:- _t•?r1a.•,_gnar!tur; · unde gnarus ab antiquo gnarMris,
· what er is this 1 it cannot be er in ever; perliaps quod a r•we•y»< ; nee g1l{'ruris tantuin pro g1111r111
he meanc ert cuphoni:?: gratia mutator in or; dixerunt vcteres ; fed ct g1taruro, pro g111ZTum
becaufe it would found ill ~o fay ere t'.:er ; it is r<ddo; unde guaro; uncle 11aro ; five, ut nunc
therefore changed into or, as an abbrev.iation fcribi1nus, narro;- frotn 11arro,_ narratJS; errand;
· of before t;;1r, fignifying anlt, priufqua111: and then a mtf!itge, aiifwer, &c.-Verftegan fvpp.ofcs it co
.ail would be righr, and cafy. be S.X. · · ·

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E S From G ·R 1> E K, 3 1ld L AT 1_?:-r. ·· E S
ERST; He, dii11Cu~11m. ; the firfl .dawn of dAy: ·ESCULF.Nl',· n'.-""• paj(o, 'Vtfcor; . un<k eftr1;
or pethaps it m3y rather with U pt. be derived ab f otJd, ea/.1./Jf,u . ·
A~·r~,, we~1·r~, p1·i1111r1; the fitft i1: crde1· of tin1e, •. ESOP, '' /\1~*1'r!.f, AJfopw; Crom A1S~, itr~; to.
w bour cf 1be dt1y: though indeed l\f•r•; fignifies burn; and nt, ""'°'' the fort : R. Or.7•1'"'' '1Jtdeo:
rather opti1111u, than primus. ,, Efap wt1s Jo <ailed from bis black, and f warlh:t
E - RUDITION; ·p.,131•., rttdis; quafi raudis; complexion: Nug."-but unle fs Ejcp was of a.
r11dru, lris; ruh/Jlt; rttbbijh; raudis, vi»ga rlidis, im- more black, and f.;;<1rtby complexion chan. che rdl:
pclita; a rude, unjht1pen branch, or bough; a ro11gb, of his cou.111ry1nen, th is app~Hation would. hav.a
wipo!ifhed bar· of iron : erttdio, q11afi ex .-udi doc- been ill applied: it weFe therefore greatly co be
cum facio; to leach, injln1ll, bri"g up to li1era- wifiied, that d1e Dr. and thofe g enclemen who'
t11re ; to trai>1 from r11dinefs to politenefs. !nwe adopted the fame interpretation, would have
E-RUNCI\1'10N ; Of'" Of""" ruo, i. e. eruo, reconfid~rcd it; and joined with Mr. DocHky in ·
eninco ; to weed out, to pluck, root, or /tar up. explaining ic after the followi ng manner : " ·we
ERYNGO; He•'l"r••;, ery11gium ; herba; faa- are affurcd from the belt authorities, that both.
hobn, or faa -bb/ly. , iEfap, 'and h is wife R hodopis were a r~markably.
ERYSl-PELAS; Eeo~"'•»<><, try/iprlas.; tumor · handfo111e couple; for as he fecms to have de-
(: tenui ferventique fanguine ortus, ig11is facer; rived his name from lbe parliculnr jpm·kling cf
aj'wetling, full of heat and rednefs, com111011/y called bis t;>•es, o r 1be brigbtnrfs of his cou11te11rJnce ; vi'z .
tht St. /J11tho11y's fire; ex £evw, traho; vel Ee1v&,,, ab 1\1vw, the f·utllfe of ,\,9~, ttro ; to b1/rJJ ; or
rubefacio; et .,.,ii~;, prO'jJe, vcl in 'IJidnia; unde brighten l and· !l<}, vul1111, acies; cou11te11ance, or
ctia1n viciJJitraha, tt '1Jidnirubia dicicur.. eyes : lo foe is faid to have derived her name from ,
E-SCAPE; ":f.x"'f'l3•<, claudus; qui in latus p1·0- lhe benuly if her complexio11 (viz. 'P•I•>, rofa; a roje ;
cedit: Jun." properly "limpi11g; a:i:... e.,,dt111dieo :" and 01n;, ab 0111'1'"'• vel !l<}, ""'"• afpetlttt, 'iml- ,
-but chis is very far fro1n being analngous. to tu.s, f acits; afpclJ., co1111te11a11ce, fact) :•,-w l1e1l the IC.
our word ejcape·: Skinner gives us three or four two interpretations are compared, the prcfercm:e.
inore ecym. vel ab ex ; et 'api, i. e. 11011 capi :- will undoubtedly be given to this latter.
but then it would be Gr. : vel ab ex; ct campus, ~SPALIERS, . " vcl Jpaliers,'.' fays Skinner,
fc. e campo aufugere :-but then again it would " fignilicant ferie1n, feu ordinern arborunl fruel i-·
be Gr. :-1V1inlbcw, continues be, violenter, ut ferarurn, in(\-ar fepis, !imul confirnrum, · ec pa /is.
folet, a)l ex; et chappe, pa!lium, dc6cCl:it, ut qui fulfultarum :"-this looks as if tjpalitrs were de- ,
fc. infrar Jofephi, fugiens pallium relinquat : af- rived· ii paiis; quafi paliert ; but the J)r. is.rather
ter which, he adds; Hifp. 'ifcapar polfet cc deduci of op.i nion, that they are derived from an cqui- ·
ab e.~; et capo, 'caput; q . .d . cap111 e laqueo eximtre, valent word to fuffi1ltar11m ; viz. a Fr. Gall .
feu txlrabere :-but then again it would be Gr. tfpr11t!e, et/pal/a, et Jpathuln ;-but O:ill Gr. i. e.
EBCH AR: fee .SC1\R, not as the right, but it :i;.,,...~•• fpn_lhula :-however, efpaliers fee1n co be ·
common orthography : Gr. , 1nore nan1rally derived a n ... ~"'·•i, pag11/1u, pa/us; ..
ES-CHEAT, K..?w, cado, excafus ; efcaeta, ef- a pole, or flake; becaufe ,they are generally frak~<I.
cea1a ; bona qure accid1mt domino ex t'IJenru, et E-SPECIAL ;· !.r.-•i, "'-•"'"'' per metath. -.
ex i'!fptralo; fc. per defe.tlum fa11guinis, 'IJd' dt!it- jptdo; ·to Jet· to view; unde fpedfico ; ex· fpuiu,,
tum tenentis: Junius defines it thus, terr,e, 'Vet ct facio; unde fpeciolis ; pm·ticu/ar, proptr, Jpec;a/••.
pr.,./ia, qu"' domi110 fe11di oblingunl, · ~b de.lit/um ES-PLEES i II~"h plenus ; ab inufic. pleo,.
feuditarii, aut defellu111 h,n-edum; feudatorio nempe imple,o, expko ; t~ fill, lo perftfl, . lo compleat; ex-
fine ullo b.t'Tede i 'IJiViJ e.-cedenlt: unde ec 1ninifiri pletia, ifplees. ; the full profits of land.
in hujufinodi ejceatas inquirentes, Anglis efcheators ES-SAY, o.-", 0-,,•f, Japor, Jtrpio ;, to tnjle, fp- -
dicuntur: in common law it fignifics any lands, vour; a fptcimen, a /ample.
or profits that fa!! 10 a landlord within his manor, ESSE; " Chelhire dialeet for afoes·; jlur. the
by way of forftiture, or by 1he dlalb of bis Jt11e111,. eJfa; flir the ajhes, f eparalt 1he d'ad tt11bers :. Ray.'"
dyi~g without heirs. - but ASHES ar.e Gr.
E-SC.Rl'I:O RE , comn1only called a fCNltore : . ESS-ENCE; .n., Gv~"• Ov.; o •.-..., ejfa111i.1,,
fee SCRIBE : Gr. it being only a deft to write on . f11bjll111tia ; jubjlo.nce.
E-SCUIRE, com111only written ejqui1-,; 1:•v1•i, ESSOIN, A•v<'<, Av.-.-, caufa, txtufo; I• e.-aife;
frutum ; a jbidJ; , r.rmigtr ; ti jhield-b,arer, or tntt in law is the al!cgi11g a11 excuje hy him that is fum--

who carried lhl knight's jhield: fa::culo enirn femi- m011cd la appear al any court, and cannot come,.for
barbaro jcularius dicebatur; pofrea autern tqua- good rtafrms to be offigned . ·
riia, tquorum pr,,,feflus; and 1he knight h in1fclf E-S'fAFEl' : " vocabulum ell,. ut opinor,.
was ftiled equts. nopcrri1nc civitate donan1m; Hifp. effafet'' ;.l t:il..
Z jlaffirr< ;

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!. T From GR.EEK, and LATIN. E V
j!af!itrt; Gall. ejlafit,. ; quod Hickelius non in- it is the only word in the Greek language, which
concinnc peci c ab Almann. flap ; flip ; Sax. St:rep, he ought to have undcrftood ; but etym•logj
Srapa, pajfitS, grtjfus, pedijjequus : vide .ftep : has very little concern with the fenft, or )ignif.-
·Lye's Add."-buc S1'EP is undoubtedly Gr. as <tttion of words ; it relates only to the origin; it
we lhall f~ under the proper art. traus (he dtrivali•n ; it fixes the roof of words ;
ES-TEEM ; T ip-a:.:, Ttf.W., E1f-·T•fa., tCjiimo; to a11d leaves it to cuflom lo ftamp lht }i;,nificatfo11:
h•11011r, regard, value ; to makt an accou11t of any fo that dtrivalion, and }ignificatio11 are two dilfe·
thil1g; to fat tbe full value on any orticlt. rent things.
ESTIVAL; 'En,., focus, lar; Ptjia dea; ~ftas; E -V ADE, s..1.,, unde a,.;,{.,,, vad~, evat/4; 11
fimimer, beat ; or .any tbing relating to Pt}fa, tbt gtt away ; lo efcape. •
goddtft of fire ; typifying purity. E.V-ANGELIST; "Eu"rr•>.•n", and that from
ES-TRfu\T: this word is fo di!l:oned (as Eu·"')'')'•'-•••, good news; from Eu, a particle of go"l
i·ndeed moft ocher words are that come from the fortune; and A'J''J'':V""• to p11blijh, lo tell.; Nug."-
old law Latin) that very few would fuppofe it this deriv. and interpret. are both of them juft :
could be derived from t~·traElttm; and confequently it were only to be wilhed, th at infread of goot!
from ti.e«~a-tt1, ~e«rt4, trabo, Jrallum ; to draw, or news, . the Dr. had fa id glad tidings ; fince he is
drag ; and fron1 thence ufed to lignify mry ibing concerned with the word Eva.ngelifi : let n1e likc-
/a/ctn, drawn, or extraEltd from another ; thus wife obfervc, that by converting 1hc Greek vowel u
ef/rellt in old common law, is made ufc of even at into the Ro1nan confonant v, we have greatly de·
this ti1ne to Ggnify tbe copy or true nolt talun from parted from the true pronunciation of th is word.
a11 origi11al w1-iting; or 1111y extraEl of it. EU-CHARIS1', "Evx«e•n«; e11cbarijlia, grata
ESTUARY ; 'En.., .eftas, et £jlus ; any violent benefiriorum commemoratio ; an atlion of thanltfgi'tJ-
motion ; fuch as the heaving of tbe fta in a frith; ing: R. Eu, bene ; et Xae•r, 11or, gratia: Nug."-
tht tbbing and flowing of tbe tides, which bavt the myfttrium fa<rtl! ca.'11.e, quia pars ejus gratiarum
appearanct of boiling waltr, or water violently agi- aetio cum beneficiorum per Chriftum partorum
tated by htat. comme1noratione conjonfta; on atliou or comme-
ETERNITY; A,.,., quafi A•"• et .,., in rer- moration of Jht be11tfits obtaintd by tbe death and
po6to digamma d!Vum, Avitern11m, .cler11ita1; time, po./Jion of Cbri.ft, '11ttde in tht ojftrlory ~f tbt la.ft
without beginning, or ending ; i. e, always fubjijl- /upper :-Ciel. Voe. 11 1, does not ad1nit of thi$
.ing, for t'Ver exijting. dcriv. ; but fays, " that the ceremony of the
E1'ESIAN, 1<.1"~""'• Ett}i£ ; vtnti annivtr- ttuharijl was antiendy, and primordi3lly in- ·
farii, qui circa daimum, vel duodecimum diem ab eluded in the car-eajltrs, agapes, or feafls of
arlu cauitula: fpirare fole1tt; a1111ual winds, fo1n~­ grace, or reco11ciliation :"-but all fee1ns to be
thing like mo11/0011s, which ufed to blow about the Gr. ; for Eu is undoubtedly fo: car, the heart
tenth or twelfth day from tht ri}i11g of tht ltjftr as undoubtedly comes ii K'"'f ; though Cleland
dog-jlar : R. E1o(, ttnnus, unde El"""'• a1111iverfa- affinns the confr~ry : and tajl, taflcr, and feajf,
ri11s, a11nuus ; ytarly : theft winds generally blow all as evidently come from Elw, edo; to tat,
.lfJjltr/y. to feojf.
E'rHICS, E6", ritus, mos, confuet11do; riles, EU-CHYMY, Euxvl'''" bonus fu«us, bo11NI
ffta11ners, cujloms : alfo books, and writings of mo- fapor; a good ltnzper of blood, a11d oJhtr juicts, or
ral philofophy. fi11ids i11 the animal body: Ev, ct Xul'•r, fuccus,fapor.
E1'I-1 N IC, ll&,.,, gens, natio, il vtra fide aliena; E U -CRASY, Eu-•e«~'"'• bona temptrits ; good
Genii/a, heathtns, idolaters, oppoftd to ChTi.ftianity. ttmper; R. Eu, htnt; et Krt<t,,,:.:,u,, tnij4eo ; 11
E T LE : " neque erat quod anxie de origine mingIt: a happy <ompojition.
verbi ttle cogitarem," fays J un." quum llatim oc- E -VECTION; Ox••» veho, roeElio ; a cm-rying
curreret 0!>.w, 191>,$,I, volo, jlatuo, cenfeo, fat is per fe forth; n1eton. t'VtElionts; lite11ces for ffage horfas,
·confpicua! allinitatis verbuin :"- to intt11d, difign: poft w arrants, and cocktts at tht c11fto111-bor!/t for
and therefore it would have been. better to have tht tx-por1atio11 of goods.
.w ritten it e1hel, inftead of tilt. · EVfN, jinootb; " non. du bi to quin corruptum
ETY.l\.10-I..OGY ; " E1vl'''"'Y''"• n)'mologia, fit a Lat. .eq111m1: Ski on."- and there can be
. 1>tiginis verborum inditttlio; lhc t rue Jignifica1io11, no doubt bur that ~q111m1 is of Greek extraet. as
and origi1t of n word: R. E1;;,u~~, 1.ltr111 ; tt·ue; and we have feen under the arc. EQ!JAL: Gr.
..J\ryw ; ,/ico; J·a ftry; tinde A,y~:, fermu; a wo1·d: EVENING, « Sax. reFen d~rivari porcft ab
Nug."-the Dr. is undoubtedly right with regard A~a:~llfi?, atift rrt i co1ifpc!i11; /{l//ert ex oculis,
to the deriv. of this worJ; but perhaps not fo objcurarr: vidctur itaqoc tcmpus vtjptrtinum fir
~ith regard to the fenfe of it,. notwith!bu1ding 1!ifi1tm ""-f"' .,.o A~">1~1~0"'' "'o" 7.>-10..., -r1 .:.c«1 ;µ.•r:x.'f,
3 . qui>d

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:E u. From G REE it, and LA 'T' r If, E U
q uod foltm p11ri1er '" dit111.f11pprimat: fed quoniam Greek ? por, likewife is Gr. :. and is not ay, or
paffim !n eximiis quatuor Evangcliorum Codd. ail, derived from ..,..,..;, dolor; pain,. or grief?
M .SS. Cott. et Rulh. CFCJ\n pro eren, fcribitur, and EYE too will prcfently be found to be Gr.

11on male fortaffc erepn iftud deducatur ex likewife.
A'""e••, a11/trrt, adimtre; quod prccedtnte 110&/t EU-GENE, E"'>'""'• Eugtnius, claro, ti nobili
mnnit<m rtrrttn confpeElus hominibus adimatur: Lye'." genere ortus, gelltrofus ; born of noble b!cod; well-
--or, as Virgil lays, defcmded.
- - - -- ubi cerium condidit umbrl E-VlDENCE, ab E1lw, vitko; to fit; an eye
J uppiter, ct rebus nox abjlulit atra colorcm. witnefi, one who Jaw a fat/ dont i whatever is
JEn. VI. z7 1. '!Jijibk, maniftfl, and plain lo fight.
Ciel/ Voe. 169, and 190, fays, "it is remark- • E-VIL; " ~"v"•'• ma/us ; uncle .A,nt. Brit.
able that the Celtic particle of iv, ibh, or iuar, et Cymrzis, yf1zll, pravus; ac fortaffe quoque ex
in the fenfe of privation (the fun is undcrftood) hoc evil corrcptt11n eft Anglicanum ill; quod
gives (origin to) the words rot, t".Jtning, ivar, vidc fuo loco ; J un.'' he offers however another
Ibtria, Hibenria, Htbrides, Hifpa11ia, Htjptrus, etym. under the art. ill; " nili forrc judiccs dc-
lft/ptrt<S, &c. &c. ;"-but he has not told ,us truncatunt ex IM•<, jlrabo, ftrabus ; quod anti-
why, how, or in what n;ianncr, iv, ibh, and ivar, quioribus freculis pra·v i corporis, prav11m '1110911e
came to fignify pri'!Jation, any more than '1JOUnl- a11imum plerique judicabant, atque oculorum dif-
i11g 011 horftbadc : the rcafon feems to have been, tortorum vit iu1n inter prrecipua prav.e mentis
becaufc they all evidently defcend ab A,"'f-"'• ex indicia numcrabant :"-whatever is wicked, baft,
A.,,.., et "'f'" capio, tollo, 11T1/tro, dtrimo, dtprimo ; dijforttd from good ; -or clfe it may be Saxon.
l o tal:t away, dtprivt, dimi11ifb: now it will per- E -VISCERATE; Bon<w, pafto, veftor, vij(tu,
haps be granted, that the Celts had no prepoli- eris; a bowel, or tnlrail i '!Jiftt<S, quali 'IJtjcur, a.
tion anfwering to A,, or Ar•, and their iv, ibh, vtfce11Jo ; quia homints '1Jifttri//11s vtfcuntur, 1111-
and ivar, muft have been defccndcd an\i con- lriuntur ; to embou•el, or draw 0111 the garbage.
tratled from A~z•e· .. : lincc they all !ignify pri- E-VITABLE, A·1u••14"''• crimi1IOT', crimm, vi-
'IJatio,,, or diminution; i. e. dulini11g, wajling, tium ; unde vito ; lo }bun, avoid. • ,
ft/ling, as the fun, fiars, &c. : -let me however EU-LOGIUM, Evl\•"Y""• eulogium-;' ha11ej111J
juft point out another deriv. which lias beeri al- ftrmo; a commt11datio11: Ru, bent; ct A•)'•<, ftrn10 -:
ready taken notice of, under the art. EBB-tide ; fee E -LOGY: Gr.
- viz. that E;3• lignifies a/Jire; quod Grreci ufurpant, E U-MENES, " Eu14n•;, eafy, fwut, agreeable: .
fays Junius, pro A.-o>.9o , E"'~f'"9", rutffit, abiit; · R. ,,,.rto,, 1or, -rd, mtns; Jbt aintl: Nug.'

it i1 gone, or departed; i. e. Jbe fun is Jet; ii is EUN-UCH, Eu'"X"'• e11nuch111, JPado, co11ti-
nuni#g. 11tnliam Jervans; a conti11t11/ man: Ainfworth de-
EVER; A..,,, A1F.,., 4!Vum, d!l'as ; age, tttrnity. rives this word ..... ..-Ii Eu ,;;, 'X"'> quod btne
EVERY : Cid. Voc.. 191. n. fays, that "t1Jt, in nffe!lam habtat 111mte111 ;-but this is not fo good
the fcnfe of ftparation, partititm, divifi•n, priva- a deriv. as the following from Hederic, after
lion, gives our Englifh word t'IJtry, which means Voffius 1 ex Eu..,, cu/Jilt; et 'X"• haueo, jeM:o,
jingle, orjtpanttly /air.en :"-bu tEVE, as we have curo ;-becaufe their very firlt inftitution was to
j uft now feen, is Gr. bave the cbargt of the ftraglio 1 lo be a fort of
EVET, EFT , or NEWT: Skinner, under the chamberlain : Eu~sxor, 0 f'-JJ • lut«14111or, ca.U 0 {3u.o~it~f
art. t/t, fuppofcs iuo be derived aSax. CFan, ...qua/i;,,,,. ,,.... l

a tlllis .equalitatt ( .equabilitate) (tu l,evitate ; -if fo, E U-PHEMISM; Evf•."•v,u.•r, euphemifmus ;figura
then it may be derived from the fame fource with rhttorica,qud rts ingra/a nomi11e 11011 ingrato ejferlur ;
roen, i.e. EQPAL; Gr. : -and Ciel. Voe. 142, tvhm an ojfn1five thing is txprejfed b;· ai1 inoffenji'Ve
fays, " even the word 11tf lignified antiently a word; as when, inftead of mortuus ejl, we fay
.Jerpmt :"-but nef is only a contraction of 011 exctffit, dectffit, o/Jdormivit: or when, by an ab-
efl ;, as 11.wt is of an eve/; and confequently they rupt pathos, we 1i1ppofc it; or when the evil is
arc all derived ab Ot·<r, quafi Of1-eft; ftrpens; transferred to fome other: both which arc found
a ftrptnt, or fpecies of ftrpent . in this expreffion of Terence : /lane Cbryfis?
EU- FRASIA : Clel. Voe. 166, obferves, that Htm ! nos quidem pol miftras ptrdidit. Andri a.
" Gefnerus might well fay he never met with the IV. 5 : R. Eu, /Jent; et '1>•,<••, fa"1a.
word E11phrajia in any Gr. or Lat. author:· it is EU-Pf'iO NY ; Ev~•mct, eupbo11ia, boJTa vox,
purely a term 1nade out of the following words, .fua.v is pronunriatio ; a g~od voice, pltaji11g pronun-
11"-por-ay's-tyt ;· good/qr the aHment of the ~ ; an ciation., btnt; et ~ltt.i}t"' #f/O.\'. ·
o _J>hthalmic in lhort :":-now, is "' Ctltic or EU-PHRASY; th is is the general, but not
Z ~ the

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E X From G R E E K, and L A T 1 11. E X
"the true orthogr.; which, according to Cid. ·up, make a mound; exaggero ; to heap en high; 11
Voe, 166, ought to be eufrafy ; however, Nug. enlarge nn account, lo malte a po111pou1 narration.
~n order to be right, has given it both ways. EXAMINE, A.r1w, EE".,..7'1'""• five F.f,,..,..,..,
E ll-PHROSYN.E ; Ev;>"~"'"• Euphrofynt, le- ac .iE,oL Et"l'I'""'"• unde exami1111, ab examttt; a
.titia, gmidium honeflum; a 'modtjl cbtatful11ef1, a fivarm of beeJ ; bccaufe conjoined, and united toge•
.holy rejoicing: ab Ev, bent; et4'e•» mens ; a good ther in a clujfrr: it figni fies likcwife the thong
miitd, 11 .~t11lk dijpnjilia11. that was antiendy tied co the javelin, .in order to
EUR: OPE; Euew "'"• Eur"f!a, the daughter of' draw it home again, after· it had been caft: and
.Ager.or, king of Phomi6a; Jupiter is faid in the alfo the lowgru, /!tam, or 1i:edle of a ba/iina; and
form of a bull to have carried this lady from · from thence che word examine has been made ufc
Phcenicia ·inth Crete; and from this incident, is of to ugnify any lrial,jtruli11y, or ftarcb into 1bir.g1:
by fomc imagined ro have givc:n her name ro EX-ANGUOUS : though chis be the general
.t hat quarter of the globe, which has conci.nued co method of writing this word, yet the true ortho-
this day: but this, we 1pay fuppofe, is but· a graphy ought to be eefanguo111 i as the deriv.
.vag ue opinion; for what has Crete alone co do evidently proves; otherwife it looks as if it were
with all i he rdl of E urope? can we imagine derived 'fro1n ANGUI S, a fnake; which would
·rhar E11rop11 Jhould have given her name co all be falfe dcriv. : fee therefore EX-SANGUOUS,
·the rcll: of Europe, when that tranfatlion was or rather SANGUI NAJlY. Gr.
'C(ln!incd to Crete alone ; and yet we find chat EX-ARC[-J, a11 empero1"s'flictroy: fee ARCH.Gr.
Crete has loll: that appellation, or perhaps never EX-CE LLENCE, EE.,-.rM.,, K"'"'• five K~""•
had it: however, Jee what will have given origin cello, celjt11; excel!o, 1xu!fus; to move; to go beyond1
to that appellation, it would then be derived ab 10 •ut g• i11 loftinefs, 11obili1J, or nny qualijfration:
Eve•<, latus, broad ; ·and n>}, vu./111s, or ocuhu; Ciel. Voe. 21 1, would derive ·this from "ttll,
unde Eue""'" z,.,, the brond-tytd ]O'llt : but Ciel. in the fenfc of mo11111ai11; which," fays he, "is
Way. 26; and Voe. 206, fays, " Europe icfelf the eti1non of e.~ulfu.r, t xcel!eJ1s, culmeu, and co!lis ;
figni fies a . land facing or oppojin t<> the Eajl ; and 1nany other words importing e111i11e11u , blight,
llve•<, and n .J.;, ac length prevailed, and conti- bills, &c. :"- but ((/L, coll, col!u, and bill, all
nues in force co this day :"-here are two or three recn1 to originate a K.o>.·~1'). vel KD)..-.!.)pQ,, coliiJ;
little miftakcs; two certainly of the prcfs ; for a bill; contrntlcd to coll, &c.
it fuould have been printed l' •e•» not Eve•<, and EX·CEPT, K..,,.1,,, ""'''X'~9.,,, Hefych . tapio,
i1~,, not n..),,: bur here we may doubt whether t:r.·c~pltltt1 ; to caufe a reflr11i11t, to 1t1ake a dllli11Cli(l11.
n 4, be Greek fo r "f!Pofite: Europa fcenos to be EX.-CERPTJON, K'"("""I'"" K"'f'"'?"'• tarps,
u ther a contratlion of lerra Euro oppojila ; and e.rctrpo, exccrptio; a picking, culling, tbll}ing.
confequcntly derives ab E"f"• Eurus; the Eaft; E X-CESS, x"S"'• X'"lw, cedo, exttjf1u; a going
and 0,,, po110, pnjitus, oppn}i111s ; that is, a ngion 0111, or beyond due bouJ1dJ.
oppofitc t o the Eajl: whereas Eve•• n.j- would be E X-CH ANGE, or b.1rur { "A.. ."f3'f'o"»K"l",""-
literally bl'oad-frued; not oppojite lo the Eajl, as EX-CH.'\NGE· Royal S !3•!1."'» per fyncop.
Europe properly fignifies. cambio, prrmuto ; lo change, or traffic; uncle
EU-SE BIUS, Ev~43,.,, Eufabius ; piou1, godly: excambi11m ; burji1 ; icen1 bafiiica 111e1·c4/aru111, five
l~. E~c-i~r.·r, pius, rtligiofi11; ex Ev, h?11e; Ct l:.t_{lofA.i', locus, i11 quo mt"rcatort s ad e111e11daJ, ve11dcnda1,
'VtlJt.r~r j to venerate, a1lo1·e, or ivorfhip. per;nuta~1dafilue 111trcts to;1vs11i.1r1-1t : Jun !'-tbat
£u . ·rYCHES, " Ev1vx"'• E111ychrs; hnppy: 11oble edifice i11 London, where 111ertba111J, and fo-
R. llu, a panicle of good luck; and Tux•• for1u11a; reigner!, f rom n.•ery k11ow11 q11arte1· of the glob:,
./Or/1111-e: Nu.~ ."-fince this deriv. is jult, \ Ve tifje111/1k, 10 lranfatl their buji11ifs : the emporium
mig ht have fuppoted the Dr. would have ex - of lrmle.
plained it f ortu11au, rarher tban happy; for, as EXCHF..QPE R : Jcactarium, fifcus; the pub/itk
every happy man is rnore th an fort:mau, fo every fr<"af ury : Ciel. Way. 1T3, n, fay~, " ey's· &btrk
f or11matc man is not happy :-bappineft and good rignifies fl law-co111rol; one improbably thence
fortune are not always compatible; tho ugh mifery was formed our word Eschequtr ;"-but both
and misfortune are infeparable companions. EY, and CHECK, are G r.
E \iVE, O'if. o'"ot, O"u-is; a ft11:ale Jl;(ep. EX· CIND : though this is t he comn1on me-

li.V\'E Jl, '' ·ri..,~ 1 "T"{''"'· h;·dria • vas nq11atic11:1i, thod of writing chi s word, yet eryn1. proves tbat
jil;:tr1 ; a laver, or 11rff!t to bold w11/er; n w alt r- it ought to be written EX-SCIND : Gr.
fpl , or ·".I.Mier-bottle : Cafaub." EX-CLUS ION,KA~w, cl11r1do, r.rdudo; 1ojb1t1 du! .
EX:-AGGE RA TE; x~e'~"" gero; 10 bear, 10 E X:-CREMEN1', " Exxf'~"' ftcretio, egejliq:
• ar.I)' ; agg~ro, q \rnli ad-g<ro; unde 11gger; to he11p !{. K"1~~, ce;;;o ; to ftparate : Nt1g .',

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E X . Pron1 GREEK, and LAT 1 N. E X •
EX-CRESCENCE, K'f'"'• Kre""'"i'" crto, EX-ETER; i:s, ox, and ux, with mai1y othc:r
<reafco, crefco, ex(refcenJ; growi11g 0111, an incrtafa. dialeEts, lignifying a river, are only fo .•nany
EX-CUSE; Ka1.,, tado, ca/11111, o:cufa; 10 allege frrange deviations from u·lwe, as will be foen
in defence: though we 1night rather derive it ab under the art. OX-FORD. The latte( half of
A•110:, vel A•va, pro quo lEol. Auv,., caufa : a this compound Ex-tltr is a Sax. dia.leEt of cajlrum;
dtjign, purpcfa , reafan alleged. a caflle; viz. cajitr, chejler, C(ltr, cur : confe-
EX-CUSSION : fee CON-CUSSION 1 Gr.: quently Gr. ; fee CASl'E R :-fo chat Ex-eler, or
iri law it lignifies a flrifl inquiry into a &btor'J Ejk-cettr1 fignifies a city, town, or fortified cajlk;
ejlatt; and a deten.fion ef bis good.r, till full pay- Handing on the banks of a river.
ment /Je made : perhaps this is what is meant by EX-I·IALE, X"'J.""• X"'J.w, halo, refpiro ; o:I>a-
an execution, which lignifies tbe /aft performance latio ; a fume, vapor, brtalbing out.
~/ an af1, as a fine, or a judgement. EX-HAl1'ST, " Af""'• haurio, hau.ftus ;- lo drat1>
EX-ECRABLE, 'Ar"'' Jater, /aero, exfaci·o, out, ccefume, wojle; lo empty, or drain dry: Voff."
'xecrabilis; cruel, borrib!t, dettflable; a curft, ban, EX-HIBIT; A(3.,, habeo, exhibeo; lo jbr.v, e.~­
tktljl.11ion. pofe, 11111/u oppear.
EX-ECUTION, E"'I"'"• quali equomai,fequor, EX-IGENCE, Ayu, ago, exigen1; driving,
1" in q verfo,fequor, e.~e~uor, or rather exfaq uor; to forcing, CM1tpd/i11g, demflndi11g, requiring.
f olltr..v a/tel', perju t to tbe ttllennojl. EX-ILE, '0>.0<, to11u,jo/11s, folidus, folum; ut
E.X-ECUTOR, from th.e fame root : though fit quod Gr;ecc 'i'-"'J", falo firmiter fixum ; t.<u! l
the Latins did not ufe their word executor in the e.<tra Jolum patrium tjeOus, e.<iliu111, banijhment,
fame fenfc we do; for they fee1n co have meant dri11en from one's native cou1111-y. If. Voffius has
by exeeutor what we caJI an o:ec11tio11er; and the derived fa/um ab OuJ,,, Jo!um, pavi111enlum; the
fenfe we have given to our word executor, cor- ground, Joi!, earth.
refponds with their word feculor, which fignifies EX-lS1'; 1,.,.,, f;r;,u.1,jlo, exijlo; to be, Jo have
both 'a foll=er, or a/lendenl, and alfo 1me wbo being ; lo appear, rift, to take origin.
fucccedeth a dead man; fays Ainfw. though we EX-IT lEE«f!•, txt o, txitium, exilialis '· 111
have adopted that word under the appellation of EX-ODUS ! go out, 10 depart; dej/rutlzvt,
a ftqueftratar, or 011e who Juccuds to the goods of deadly; a goiftg forth, leaving, quilling.
the deceafed without a will: however they are both EX-ORBl1'ANT, Kve1•~, urbus, urvus, curvus,
derived frocn the fame root; and as fum1nus illc orbi1, exorbittmJ; irregular, deviating from the
vir Jot: Seal. in notis ad Maniliu1n docet (fays commo11 trfuk, extravagant, uncoefcionabk.
VoJI: under the art. ftq11or) fac11/or cfr qui EX-ORCIS"f, " EE•e"'"" txorcijla; be who
-Grrec is E~1Jt"• aliterque Lacinis J11bdititi11s; conjures, and Jrives out devils : R. Oex•:, an oath:
... M·arcial i eciatn J11ppofi1i1ius appel!t1111r: in vett. NLtg-•'-or i11cantation •
G loOis Urliarius vaca/ur ; qui a nimirum altero EX.-ORDJUM, He•" orior; t.<orilium; a be·
•• i11tetfeflo 1tr1i11s Juificirelur : ftcutor igitur Appu- ginni11g; natn ordior, iri, fit 01fus, et orditus; ab
kio {and e.<ec111or in our lang11age) limpliciter ell:, orior; infertO d; UC a CtJl/(01 «indeo : veJ ab inufiti
qui J11.fficiebat11r, a/te.-o i11terempto ; a perfa11 wbo Oe;,,,,, unde Oel•fl"• i. c. la11a carpta, et operi
filJplies the p/11ce af tbe deaafed, by aE!ing auord- pt1ra1a : H elych. fane 11rdiri, live e.<ordiri, et dt-
i11g to 1be will.. textre, live pertexere, qppo111mtur: a preamble, 111•
E.X-EGET ICAL, Ee•r•1'<•<• exegttirus, e111U1r- trodullion.
ra1i•v111, ad explieatio1rem pertinens ; e>-planalory: E XO-TIC, E£.,1><•~, exotiau, peregrin111; ab'
R.. EE, et li'J'"I""''• ab ""l'"" duco ; to /tad, co11d11fl. £E:,j, tA'trn, fQ'l'as; e:i:tr1Jnro111, fortitn; and 1·.x1"'•
E".X-EQ!.JIES, E.-•/""-' • quafi rq11umai, fi·q11or, pario ; born, bred, or brought up abroad: or per-
e,,;equa1·, or ratf1er t>:faq1tl)Y ; u11de rxequi,t:, i. e. haps chis word is no compound.
Jequor pomp11111 ftmtbrem ad Jepulturdm ; lo follow EX-PANIJ 1vel ii n,1,..,, pm1dc; vcl i
a. dtctttftd friend lo burial. EX-Pl\TIATE <t>a.,1•: a ~'"'""" !uceo, t1ppareo,
EX -E RCISE ; .~~""" m·ceo, txercitntio; ttft, pm1di111r, expando; to open, difplay, Jprtad abroad,
pra.'hcr, "Jjlom :-bi;t IC Voll: much J11orc rea- li.t.:e a flower : -this latter is Ainfw. dcriv. of the
(onably derives excreta fro1n Et'f"l'"» (if tl1ere be verb pa11do, lre ; but he would have been n1uch
any fuc h word, for no ne of n1y Jex . afford it 1ne, happier in his tranOacion, if he faid, <!>"'""'• ,,.,;.:,
though t he d l' riv. is evident eno11gh; viz.) ex quali ~~,1~, ptmdo; and then all would have.
I, tey~11, opus ; work, lr1b:n·, t1Ji l, been rig hi.
EX-ER1-., "f..1(st~:.;,jero, t :.:cro; ab e,\', et fero ; EX-PE CT, I,,.,,.7,""''' f]>tf!o, t.<ptE!o ;· 10 look,
to 1br11jl ~:it, put f onb, tlif<!/'l!er, jhew, do to lo wt1/rb to wait for; to be i11 c(J1ifla111, ear11ejt

t be uim~jl. t1t1e11titJ11.

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E X From GR.EEK, and LATIN. E y
. EX-PED!ENT }II•r, pts, pttfis; pttfio, inufit. eftablilhed a different orchogr.; but then it wciuld
EX-PEDITION expetlio; 10 gel;,, reatli11ifs: be as eafy for cull:om to eftabliJh a right, u a
unkfs we chufc to derive it from I:.-.1., fejli- wrong method ; and it is etym. will point out
1111tio, fttfulitas, inft.antia; ha.flt, hurry, alerlntjs. the true, if we will btlt comply with her direaions,
EX-PELL, A''"'f"'' •fl"'"" ab inufit. A..,AA.,, EX-S1'IRPATION, commonly written extir-
pello, t xpello, uli,.ulfum; lo tlrive away, to ba'!ilh· pation : here again we have another inftance of
EX-PENSE, a"'""'"• confumo: or rather from falfe orthogr. (if we may call it fo) introduced
/tntlq., txptntfo; to Jay old money; lo be al any thro' cull:om; for this word is derived from
chargt, or co.ft. · . 'p,e,., ftirps ; and not frmn tirpJ, or 1irpatio11,
. EX-PERIENCE l " II"t•• txperientia: N ug." for there are no Cuch words in any language 1
EX-PER l " S -thiswordn"e" givcs ,ori- •p,?,,., jiirps lignilies the root, ./itm, or jiock of 11
·gin ·co IIf'f""'• te1110, co11or; to try, 111deavo11r. tree; and ex}Jirpation fignifics the pl11dcing up IZllJ
- EX-PLOIT: J unius derives it ab txplicare, zhing by the roots ; lht intirtly eradicating ii 1 lilt a
quomodo aliquis dicitur txplitare, vel expedire lrtt, whoft /Jranches, trunk, and roots, •art ull<rf]
ru intricas : Skinner has preferred this before deflroytd.
.1xplt1um; fecundum Mi ofevum: but we might EX-SUDE; here the s fupplie.s the place of
rather have adopted this latter dcriv. if it had the afpiratc; for this word is derived from 'Tl•f•
been the original word ; but fince it is only a de- aqua, unde fudor, txfudo ; to fw<at oul, to dijlill,
r ivative, we may trace it up to llh•f'"" imp/to, a or drcp dow11, like gum, &c.
fi>.EO(, ple1111s ; unde E• .."•f"" e.~pleo, txp!tt11m ; EXTERIOR l EE.,, extra, exttruJ, txftrior;
any rranfallion fulfilled, accomplifhed, compltl<d. EXTERNALJ outward, exlrrnal.
EX-PLORE, " ab tx, et ploro; quo antiqui E K-TOLL ; Ta>.«w, loll", tx/01!1 ; to lift up,
pro expW1'art uji /uni ; fed poll:ea pro p<rfpictrt. praife, commend.
et Jagatilrr inquirer<: Fel~us ;" to fuk , and faarch E X-TORSION; Tor""" torqueo, txt~f11s;
0111 : but if this ploro be t he pri mitive of de-ploro, exlor/ed, wrejled by violt11ce, or compu!Jion• .
it is Greek: fee DEPLORE. Gr. EX-TRA 1 Ef"'• trrra, ex l<rra ; vetcres enim
. EX-P OUND, a..,, pono, txpono; lo /ti forth lo l<ra dixere ; Ennius, Ira; any thing 011/ of tbt·
'iJiew, to txpeft, ltach, or explain. tarth, or any oth<r·body, or jubjlanct ; and from
EX-Q!JISITE: Ef'I"''• Eeo1...,, Ile•» qu.n-o, thence ufed to 6gnify all txltrnal, or exltrior o/J-
t.~q11iji1us; ftarchttf i1110 vtry curioufly, fcrupuloufly ; jells, or Juijttls: If. Vofi:":-though with Gerard,
111oft exall, choice. , we might rather fuppofe, that the Lat. prrepof.
EX-SClND, I:x•{•» ..x,,/w, quafi ..x ..J.,, fcindo, e.•tra was deri.-ed from the Greek prrepof. EE..,
t l'jdndo ; to cut 0111, or off. or E£.,9u, extra 1 wilhout, in oppofition to within.
EX-STACY; llE•r•I'•• tjlo, exflafis, animi ,dtli- E X-TR1CA'rE, 9e•E, Tf•x•r, capi//us, vi/Ji,,,,
q11i11111 1 a trance, an ajlot1ijhmt1tl :-to convince us ti head of hair, a }baggy mane, t1 lock of wool :
in how fluctuating a ftatc the orthogr. of our metaph. a"y mtanglemenl, or difficulty.
Jang. is, or at leaft, that it is not even yet ell:a- EX-ULT.I\.TION, w ........•, falio,/alto; exulto;
blHhed, both Nug. and U pt. have given us this to flip for joy.
word, and both of them have fpelt it differently; EX- UVIJE, l:ow, fuo, exuo, ui ; e.Y ll'Vid: ; clothes
the Dr. ha1ting written it ujlt1fy, and Upt. extafl, left off; fpoils taken from an enemy; alfo the jkin;.
tho' both of them h.ave properly derived it from or flough, of a fnal:t, &c.
E~·r~f"'• EY: Ciel. throughout his Vocabulary, con-
EX-STINGU ISH; com1nonly written t xtin- tends t hat this is a Celtic word to fignify law ;
guifh, without an f, and that indeed is fufficient but it feems to be nothing more than the firft·
for the tongue, and pronunciation ; but not for fyllable of the verb A•- 'l"'• dico, jru diure; unde:
t he eye, and derivation ; for this word is com- le."<, without t he prepofitive A, thus e, u, ey, 1'£],
pounded of ex, andflingo, or fli11_?;uo; not of ex, lex, law ; according to his own divilion of the
and lingo; for lingo lignifies to tinge, dip, or word par-I'ey-mM :- and yet t here may be ochtr
wajh ; but jlingo, or jli11guo, fignifies to put out derivations of this word ey, according to the
light, ·i. e. to exjlinguifh; and this again is derived different fenfes it bears ; as may be feen under
from rJ,{.,, pungo, and therefore the fought cer- the feveral articles required.
tainly co be retained : fometimes this word EYAS hawk } chis is more proper orrho·
t:ef/i11lli~1 llgnilies death, dejlrutlion; the fi11al E YE of pbeajanls graphy than nia•, nyas, or
period of ti family, or tille, whieh 1he11 b'6g111es 11ye of phrajanls; however, fince cull:om has adopt-
nj/inll; but in all thefe fignifications, it is de- ed the WQrd NY AS, the reafuns will be given
rived from the fame root : cufiom i ndeed has under that art.

• ·. Digitized by Google

F A From GREEK, and LAT IN. F A

EYE; " E.Jw, flideo; lo fte: Upt."-perhaps to n1ake n1e hefitate: but Volf. goes on : " aur·
this niay be the proper deriv.; but our word eye is a .,,,.,.,,,
apparitio, confpclllfs : ·fane qui rem f acit,
not derived fo immediately from the Greek; and dat tom luci, arque lit co1!/}iciatur, fad!: ab
b}' abbreviatio n: we n1ay rather think with Jun. A•~•» idem quod Ax"'i""" f1uio, rotficio :"-bur I
that it is derived from the Gr. through a Northern can 6nd no fuch verbs: there is indeed a parti-
channel ; 'a.nd it is re1narkable here to obfer•e the ciple Ax~o14n•r, Ja111111s; part. prref. 1-ned. Ion. ec
famenefs as to found in all tbefe following Jang. : Poet. pro Ax1ap.t~or, a verbo Ax1o"'a,i, /~110 ; V.'l1 icf1
I lb all begin with the Greek, and not take the moy perhaps anfwer co reficio, 111 ' Volf.-
reft in the order Junius bas given them; but as thcre is however another lbort d cri v. which he •
t\ley feem to delcend naturally from that great has produced from H cfych. that has ll:aggered me •
fcource, viz. A•'Y"• A l.mann. a11ga, vel ouga; more than all the re!t; viz. chefe two words
Ci1nbr. a11g; Goth. augo; Lat. otul11s; Sclav. <P"viiv, 'l'ro11i., : now ~av1i.- certaihly founcls \'ery
oko; Belg. oog; Sax. ea;se; Dan. aye; Engl. e;·e; much like faei/1, factre; aod that 4>.."'" fignified
immo, quod magis hue facit Au'Y'"' Niq mdro in "'""" there can be no doubt: but Volf. Euftarh.
Ale.xipharmacis, ut ltt111i11a apud Latinos, funt and Hefych. allow, that 4>." ""' idc1n lignilicac
o(ll/i; theft noble organs of 'Vi./io11. quod 4>a:10: fo that now we are brought back
EYE-HROW: " Sax. e;;an-bpct;h, oa1li- again to the former difficulty; viz. co admic chat
palptbra: v idc tie, and brQW: Lye's ;\dd."-but luceo, and facio, bear the fame ligni6catioo :
both thofe words, as we have feen, are Gr. whatever they might do in Gr. it appears to be
• EYR.E : r.,.,, Ew, inulit. to, 'IJado; jujlitia- a very forced confiruction in Lat. :-as for the
riUJ in itinere, itinerarius; a judge 011 bis circuit : long re1n ainder in VoO: I lball not proceed any
or, if this fhould not be thought the proper farther; becaufe it is noth ing more than efta-
etym. we muft have recourfe to the Sax. Alph. blilb ing a long lift of deriv. when once he has
eltablifhcd his principal verb; but as that is not
F. the cafe a t pretent, le~ n1e now endeavour to
produce another ; viz. a 'l>vr.i, jio, gigno, 11a(cor ;
ABLE, ". ll"e«l3•1o.•, fabu/a J by changing n
F into F; and by contract.: Upr." though
Voffius derives fabu/a a 4>...., ~;;;, ~•/'••for, faris,
which, both in idea and fonnat ion, will be (ound
much nearer to the verb facio, than any of the
others : for inftancc ; ~uw is the chief caufc of
falur; to fpeok, tell; relate: C id. Voe. 1, would fo1·inatio11; infon1uch that ir gives origin to ¢'vf'1r,.
d erive chis word fro1n the Celtic 1 and doubts nalllra; the great opcrati'IJt power in the produ&lio1'
if "fl"e"(3•'A• be a Gr. word :"-be that as it of al/ things :-now, how all things can be proJ·
may; he would derive both parable, and fable, d11ud without bei ng made, would be difficult
frorn habttl: " now ul is only accetrory co bob; co fay; but tnillions of things n1ay be 111nde,
and nothing is n1ore clear," fays he, ." than that without being produced to light, and which have
the f and the b were convertible letters :"- never yet been feen by mortal eye.s ; I n1ean
now chep, hab and Jab are the fame; confequently among the heavenly bodies :-fince then,.f'rod11c-
may both of the1n be derived as above, ii 41.14., tio11, and formatio11, have undoubtedly a n1uch
i. e. 111,.,., I'"• unde for, fabor, f abulor, parbabulor; nearer connexion with each other, than prod1u-
fabula; a fable, a mtre jlory, a piece of prate. 1io11 and ligbt, let us rrace this verb <!>v,,, and
FABRIC there is not an article (for lhew that it really !ignifies both prod11Elio11, and
FABRICATE all t hefc words originate formation: there will be no difficulty in allow- ·
'f ACE fron1 the fame root) has ing, that 4>v" gives origin co fio ; and if to jio,
FACILITY caufed me more trouble then confcquently co facio; for if we trace thefe

FA CINOROUS than this now before· us;
fro1n which 111any others
two verbs, we !hall fi nd a wonde1-fu l connexion
between then1 ; thus, · fio, jis, f af/us; and facio,
F1\CTION likewife may be · deduced: feci, faflum, fat/us : ~an thefe two verbs now
FACTIOUS let us endeavour then co 6x conic from dilferent roots? lhnll fio originate
FA CT ITIOUS the true dcriv. of the verb from Jj>vr.i; and facio derive from 4'xw, 41._.,.,
F.\CTOR. fatio here, and all the ochrrs 111.,....,, and Jl>w;? or wiU ir not be more reafon-
FACTORY will be dlablilhedof courfe: able to allow, that' both .fio, and fado, with all
FAC-T<?TUM j Voffius then'. b~gins with, their derivatives, cake their origin from •I>vr.: ?-·
FACUL fY " fortall'e fot·10 a "'""'• hoc chis con!iderat ion therefore is hun1bly fub1nitted.
ell: .,.. ..,•.tt.,, luceo; vcl ab aliquo ejus derivaco, Fi'\.CETIOUSi Vonius obferves, chat D onatus
quale Jl!""'" eJere il1 l11et111, lu<i dare; ut 'fullius derives the word fa a tus a facio; ' " f1ue1us d t,
locutus :"-this very authority alone is fufficien~ ljNi f acil 'IJtrbis 111od v11lt: aliis f auna qui:l'

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F A From G It? E JC, and LAT 1 N'. F A
imitando ft alium facil :"-if this be the true write ftji,,, as may be feerl in Vclius Longus !
or·i gin, ic would be evidently derived fro1n the now fairs are con1monly kept on fejlival days:
foregoing art. ; but we lhall li:e prefently a bet· Nug."-Clel . Way. 79, tells us, that" the ftri.e
ter deriv. after we have obfervcd, that P erottus were rfle fame as term-time ; from the circle of 1be
{u ppofes, quia faceti,r vcrborum finr, non faClo- May; before that cullom was obfolere in Italv:"
rum, that it therefore originates a fari: but, as -and in p. 7 3, he had tvld us, that « · when ihc
Voff. very judiciouOy obfcrvcs," adverfatur prima: days confecrated to the adminiflration of jullice
fyllabre modulus:" of fo great weight is the mea- came on, the declaration was n1ade by hanging a.
furc of fyllables in fixing the true etym. of any garland on the May-pole ; this, by a common
word :-fince therefore, neitl1er of thefe deriv. varia tion of the initial (as of /tu for Mt1y) was
pleafcd this great critic, let us now proceed to called tht fair, or fay -ir, i. e. the May-pole
confider hi s own : he fays, facet1u dicat1.1r, quafi crowned :"-but flill it is Gr. as we 013ll fee un-
Javens cirtui; the wit of the conipmry :-if this be der che art. MAY: and ir is vifibl)• d efccnded
the true origin, we may be enabled to trace it either from 'l'"e·•w, or fr<:>1n ••e·••» in tbc lenfe
u p to the Gr. thus; fa veo a Bn&w,ju;;o; vel po- of furr11u11di;;g, or crowning.
t ius, quia prima in fav ere corripitur, cun1 Jof. FAIRIES, " ll>•f•;, i.e. El•e•r : fo tbe Centaurs
Seal. deducemus a <1>2w, 4>•14» unde <1>2""• et were called ;
<l>av~•H>, quafi favefao, f aveo, dicere : the word K~e11rc1 fJ-'• 1v.11::Jt, ""'' =<"'e7•;01r tfor.t.Xo»1"
Cb,'fUs is undoubtedly derived ab Ew, undc et£.,.,.,, ~?Joa-1• c>t1t~~o•~··--. If. A. ~68.
1'0 \ . .
. no..,,?J,t(.:x1, ec1 vadq; uncle co11-eo, i. e. co-to;
unde ta:t tfs; an 11jjembly, or ccmpany of friends,
arid Ulyffcs, ' in .the Cyclops of Euripides, ca1fs·
the. Satyrs, 0•;•;: Upt."-this is a very jull:
met togtthei·. dcnv. and from hence we may obferve, how
FADE; e..J,?w, vado·; t o go; it is gone : vel ii flrangely Come words .d egenerate from their ori-.
k'"J"~"• a11imam ago; to die, lo give up tbt ghofl : g inal fignificatioo: here we· find Ce11111urs called
or elfe fade may be derived ii fat11us; vapid, <P"f"• and Salyrs called "<i:l•;o;, i. e. gia11/s a11d
ta}ltltfs, i11jipid: confequent!y Gr.: as in F'A- mo11fttrs, called fairies :- there is however a 1nucll
TUITY . more judicious deriv. given by Ciel. Voe. 82 ;
F A:;CES }lb')''""''• figo; uode f<cx,fd!ces; where he fays, that " the word f i t, or fairy, Is
F.lECULE N T quafi fixa, five affi.~a vafi; in the original tongue a female 1ni11ifler ofjujltce:
uncle f aJc11!e11tia, fd'c11!11111u; /us ef wine, which nothing is in hiflor)' 1nore clearly artefled than
are generall)'fi·"-'d to the bo/10111 and fides of vef!ds. t his employ and capacity in· t he Celtic women
F AG01.... '' <l~~:<~r,. fafcis; a bt111dle of lwi..~s, or for jvdiciary offices: the word fee is only a va-
rod.s : an old word, from whence they ha!"e kept riation of 111")' ; and fairy, or mair-wec, a f emale
..:l-«xt>·o~, fojt"ic11!11s: Nt1g!'-tl1ere c,t n be no ob· judge :"- he then . proceeds in the nexc pa>'e to
jeCl:ion to this deriv.; bur th~u, accord ing to this
ety1n. wt ought not to write ir FAGGOT, fincc
!hew, that ";:y, o.r IJJ"Y• is the origin of
'may, in the fcnle of a bougb, wand, or pole; mean-

tl1e orig inal is rllccx'l > not <.i•"Y.><or. ing legal power, and jujiice :"-the fenfe now of
FAIL ; o:,;.,,.,, <J>,,;..,, impo110, dccipio; i11tpoflor, this ~ord having been thus ell:ablilhed, it would
falta.~; it deceived my 1xpt!l1t1io11; it balked be more prope.r· to refer the derivation of it to
111)' hbpts. the art. MAY: '5r .
FAIN'f, A~""~' d1fcllus 'Vocis, tremor, fi11g11l- . FA11·H; n.. e.,, ,..,9.,, jiJo, fidts; truth, credit,
t11s, et n/111m jile11ti1111;; n lofa of t<lte1·a11ce; a 1re111- btlitf: or. perhaps faith n1ay originate a <t>"I''•
bli11g,fighin{ , and 10111! /cfs of fpetcb. Dor. '1>:(,f'•, u11de for, f11riJ, fat1tJ; unde vatts,
FAIR, be11utiful: -evtn Skinner acknowledges, undc vaidhs, faidbes ; teachen of the word, the
that fcliciter alludic Gr. 4>:t1Jeor, hilaris, afa(tr, faith: or rather failh may .come from A.,,
fpln1didus : and the obfervation he adds afte r- aio; to bear, or Jp,alc; as we fomctimes exprefs
wards is very juft; MinOJ. ii Gr.. 'l>~•eor, quo9 ir, upun my word, my Jay. .
n efcio an u lquan1 reperiatur, dcfleCl:it• . FALCION, n.~•••r,falecus, folues, falces, fa!-
FJ\.IR, or 111arket.; '' <l>tf•a, fqrum; vel ~oe;G-11, catus; o hook, fcythe,jic~lt, a crooked f wo,.tJ.
111 res; a marktt, ~vh<r< people IJlttl lo buy and F'ALCON, "<J>"';.·••·•in Suid. 11birdaf prey :Nug."
ft!/; a11d ".obit her theJ lra11fport and carry plenty : FALL, "I1u>.>..,, f uppla11/o, proften10; l:1a1-._.,.,,
R . <1>1;•'> to c11rry: others again like to deri ve it lapfmn ejfe; lo fupp/<1111, overturn, or throw drr.v11:
froin feri,e, which, in anticnt infcript ions, occurs Upt."-Junius derives fa ll il B,,u,~a ..,, projici,
in this fignification: fee Spelman, and Monf. abjici, rejici, cadrmt enim projella.
1v1enage: and ftri,e comes from 'En;., di<m f eft11111 F.'\.L LACY, ei1her fro1n the. foregoing root,
ngere : -for which rcafon formerly they ufed to in the fe.nfc cf
decipio,fallo, fallacia ; deceit, fraud,
. 9 traft;

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.p .A ·From GR t E i:, and LAT 1 M,
·c1'af1 ; vei ~ ~~.., iinpo11~, Jetipio; lo impofe on, FAN~Y 'l (ee
thefe words written with a.
er dtteivt. · . FANTOM S Pf-f: Gr.
FA LLO\.V-deer ; 41.,,, .<1>"'"'"' /11ftus, flavus; FANE : apud Ciccronem, in M.S. fan~.r, non
fllWl!J'• frJllow-color . fa1mm, a N«or, .lEoL No:Fo;, by tranfpolition F{lm11,
FALLOW -land; " 11H1t1ic; parum clctorto lemp/11111; a cburcb, or ltmpte; when written phane,
fenfu,'' fays Skinn. " a Sax. r cal3a, fcath; real3, it fignifies th: wt albtr cock, rnz the top of the
'tlcca ; ·a ban·ow :"-'i t lhould have been print~cl a church ; and then originates from a different root;
barrrn.o ;- 1neaning a pi~ce of ground newly broke as will be feen under that art. : in the 1nean time
up, which has lain long w,ithout bearing a crop, let me obferve, that Cleland all along contends,
and is now come under the plow, and she bar- that f1111, and Jane, arc the fame wit h mein, 1'ton,
row: however, we n1ay t ither be of Cl cland 's or 1J/)'ll; and that they fignify .a }lone ef fanfluary,
opinion, (\Vay._ 85) where h~ tells us.," that a11 a_f;!u111. ·
there is no coming at the ·radical of this word F ANGS, " f.:y.~u'"'• adb;erere, amplefli : El",V""'
by the found ; fallow depends iotirely on the .,..,,, 'X.'e"'• 111a11ibiu amplefli,
finniter tenere ; to
fcnfe, which arife~ from one of the antientell bold a11y 1bi11g flrongly both with teeth and claw1:
cuUoms: the mallmn, or ma/tow (for the la11: m Cafaub."
in mallum liquilies) was in Britain nearly what FANGLE; <l>•rr•» Jingo; lo fajhib11, frame,
the campus Marti111 \Vas to the Romans : the
mallow -mot differed froin the willenagt111ol, in
that the firft was the general alfeinbly of the
whole nation ; the other only of the principals of
contrive any thing : but Skinner would derive
" Jangles, uep1a; a verbo i:cn0an; fitfciptre, 1·em
aggredi :" however, not .altogether plcafed wit h
this deriv. he exclames," fed gratiis omnio us li-
the land : this alfe1nbly was held on the commons, tavit vir eximius Dodus Th. f-Ienl11 . qui dich11n
either adjacent to the cai;· (,Jow11) or appropriated putat quafi 11e~11-evn11gells, i. e. nova-cvangt/ia :"
to that purpofe by the people :-this fpot of -what a pretty play on words !
around, which undoubtedly derived its na1nc from FANTER-KIN ; Lye, who writes this word
the muting, or ··ommumty ef Mal/um, or Mallow, broad, "fam1terki11, fuppofes it to be derived ab
was fo inviolably'privilcgecl, as never to be inclofed, Ice!. ftmte; j11'1Je11is, jllve111:11/11s; hinc 1tal. fa71te,
or cultivated, as private property ; thence the word ftrvus :"-this is by no rneans the ultimate deriv.
mallow became generalifcd, and applied to grounds which is undoubtedly Gr. thro' the Belg. or
that lay unfaw n: the m, in the antient Britilh, Germ. tongues ; as evidently appears frorn .its
deOefring in co f, gave the word fa llow :"- hav- compofition : in the firll: place, Lye acknowledges
1og thus arrived at the true :ncaning of 1~1e e~­ that fn1111Jerkill lignifies vett. Ang!. infa11tul11s, •
}ireffion Jallow-lm1d; and having feco t~at it on- pujio :-now can any thing be more plain, than
.ginates from the mal/,,,,.-mou; the dcnvauon of that ft111111erki11, or rather ft1111trkin, is derived ab
llhis \Vord will !Dore properly be confidered infnns; and that i1rfans is derived a 4>"1"'> dico i
under that art .: Gr. unde /or,faris,fatus; fans, inuf. .unde i1rfans,; a
Ff\ ME, <!»ti'•> Jama ; rtnown, glory. child, or baby, who is unable t• /peak: in-fans, an
_ FAMILIAR l'O•f'•7'u>, _:lE~l. f'••t'"'°'• Hefych. infant, unde the di1ninutive Janter, with the Belg.
FAMILY S "'°'1"'7-••f'» ••y.•7-•<tf!'• : 4lJud autem or German terinin. !tin, or rhi!d ; which is Jike-
ab 'Al4"• ·o,...,Jo.1·«, f.'X ·o,,.• ..,...,.,g,.,: uncle famul,
wife Gr. ?..! that the whole word f1111terkin, fig-
jamulus,famJliari.s; a f~7'":ant~ a11ende11t, tu:quai111- nifies any !itch: poppet unable to prallle. ·
ance, OT fnend; one i1v111g sn Jhe fame hotf~· a
war relalio11, Ciel. Voe. 144, n, 1s of opm1on, FARTHER)ln•ff''>
FAR " 1onge,• procuI ; at a dijf1 a11ce.

that '' fattl cot1vcrts from 1na111, m(Jther; and fam.,'j FARA-M{JND; otherwife written Phara-
·he fa.Vs, " is radical to family :"-confequently molld, and Pbaram:a1d :-if what Verft. fays be
-Gr.·: 'fee MAMM1'\ . Gr. true, that far a, or faira, figni fies fair ; and
FAMINE, <!>'">''" inu lit. It>"'>'"'• .(omethre,fames; mrmd fignilies mo111b; or fine-fpealur; then we
hunger: this i.s t~e fecond or third inftance, in might· fuppofe that this word was not Sax. fince
which chc denvat1ve bears a contrary fenfe co the both fair, aocl mouth, are Gr.
original : <%>"'>''" figoifics to eat ; and fames, fa- F ARCE ; comfr,e fnceti.e; et ell: &om11Jdin, vel
mine, the ha'!Ji11g ·1tothing to tat. • trag11Jdia, fabula, mimzu : but we have already
FANATIC,<&>""'•~"· ¢•y.•, for,fa11do;fn1111m; feen that FACETIOUS is Gr.
.f1111atic11s; proprie de ~cer?otibus, qui i11fanirt FA.RCY, lo flu.ff out ; <Pf".."'" tonftipo; ~f"""·
videbantur, allt f11rert, cun1 t /1mo darent rejponfa : 4>e"•1;., by rranfpofition 4'"f•1•., fartio; to fluff, liimitur pro quovis furiofo, ct i'![ano; a lo cram: vet a 4>•, 4'lif•» far, farris; ton1, flour;
frantic, 111ad entbujiajf, a pudding.

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·F .A .From GR 111t, and L AT t !II, F :A
~ F ~RDEL ; •'""''-•r, quafi ••fl•>-•~ f afcicfllus ; FARROW : vel a'llerrts; a pig, w bog: vcl i
"paclt, trufa, or /Ju11dle. IleaiJ.,, quafi Il"f'"11:.>, vel B"'f'"11.,, unde pario, .
FARE, or feajling; 'I•ea•, fc. ;,/A•ex•, dies fantli, parere; unde farrow, quali farrtrt; lo bringfartb.
f eri.e ; holidays ; from the Jolemn ftajls held on FARTHING; Ki11'f"'• lEol. pro Ilil'l•e., i. c.
tboft days : "affine quodamn1odo vidctur huic T .......e.. : a n1i1oe«, vel !l-•11•e'"• q11atuor; undc fM4·
accepcioni, quod ..,f•r, Hefych. cxpon. " ,;;;, dra11s 1 Ital. quadrino ; Belg. vierding; Iceland.
•e1''"'"' 9,;;, 'e•f•: Jun."-good fare : be fared fiordu11gur.; Sax. reoJl'IShni ; a farthing; bting
flmtpluoujly e·very day : but fare-well teems to ori- the fourth part.of a ptn"J: and therefore, as Ciel.
ginate fron1 a different fource; as will be feen in Voe. 167., obferves, fourtb-ing would be more
the next arr. • etymological.
FARE, or .P11ffege l" miftaken for diet; lince FARTl-IINGALE: Ray in his Prov~rbs,
FARE-WELL S we ,call meat, fare: Veril:.'' oflavo, z59, writes d1en1 'Vtrdingales ; and fays,
- the good old gentleman is right fo far; for we " they were fo large, that the wearers could not
fay a thorough-fare, meaning a po.f!age through; I enter any door, without ·going fidelong : though
paid the coa<hman for "!Y fare, i. e. for "lJ pajfoge; they have been long difufcd in England, yet the
and we fay fare you well, meaning pafs you well; fafi1ion of them is ftill well enough known : they.·
I wijb you a good jo11nuy; but then thele words arc ufed ftill by the Spanilh w9men, and che
feem to . originate a <l>•e... porlo, ftro i to carry ; Italian, living under the Spanilh dominion; and
nieaning the ftipulaud jum paid for com•tyanu ; or they call chem by a name !ignifyiog <tJVtr-infant:
the wijhing a petfon a flzfe proceeding ; undc Sax. Ray.''-afcer this, we n1ay wonder much to find
FaJlan, ire; lo go. hi1n adding, " of the name vrrdinga/e, I have not
FARE, find, or f eel one's fa if-bow fare yo• ? met wich a good, i. e. a true etymology :",...and
originates fro1n che foregoing rooc, in che fenfe. yet his friend, Dr. Skinner, whom he has fo often
of habtrt, a..'(trt; chus, '' 4>rerlf&::i, x:z:xw~, 4'Eetri(t' quoted, Jays, 11 funt qui a Vtrtic11fa, et Vtrttlllio
""'~"''' maid, vii bmeft babere : Cafaub.''-lo find, drj/t&11111/; cc it gardt vierge; quoniam· tu111ib.s
or ptrteive 011t's ftlf weli, or ill. ve11trem tegit : Doct. Th. Henfh. iogeniofc, ut
FARINA, Ae1•<• far, farina; flour, meal ; fine Coler, dictu1n putat quali 'IJtt:tu gartk; quia fc.
Juft on flowers: buc Voffius approves rather of '1Je11tris ula11do, virtutrm, fc. virtutis, feu
111., ••e•r, •«t•., per apoc. lf>«e : Hefych. ,; T;;;, caftitatis i11 puellis opi11io11mi, feu famam, t••·
•ex;•u.:;,.9,;;, Tf•t'I• vttujlor11m deorum nutrimentum; ftroat :"-either of thcfe dcriv. agree fo cxaruy
f<1r: tbe food of the antitnt gods, wich Ray's own dcfcription, that it is a wonder
FARLY: " Sax~ frepoltc, Frephc, fubitus, neither of chem lhould have. pleafed him; fince
repentinus, de rebus inexpettatis, qua: ·novicacc he acknowledges ic was a large hoop to <O'iJtr a big
in horror1111 quendam lranftunl : Jon."-chis very belly; but ft ill he has not told us the lhape of
j ncerprecacion points out the true deriv.; for we chi'S machine ; however, Butler in his .Hudibras,
canl)ot fuppofe, that fZJlOhc, or fll!phc, fhould pare I. canto i. 327 , has, io his ludicrous man-
Jignify limply af\y cbing done baftily, or fuddtnly; ner, int roduced che fartbillgale thus;
but as a certain horror, dread, or conjltr11ation, is And though k nights errant, as fomc thiok,
·excited by whatever may come bajtily orJuddeniy Of old did neither cat, nor drJnk;
upon us; and .by fo coining, m ay excite furprize:
this makes 1ne fufpeet, that Fn:poltc, in Jun. Vvhich made fome confidently write
fhould h.ave been printed fCOJlhC ; and then it They had no ftomachs, but to fight:
would be evidencly derived fron1 FEAR: Gr. · Yf is falfe; for Arch or wore in hall •
FAR'!VI, 4•1ef3.,, pa/co; unde Sax. FeOJlm, Round table, like a fartbingalt,
reopmtan ; vitlum prdlbtre: " oli1n enim co.loni On which, with !hire pull'd ouc behind,
non ·puu11iam, qu.e tu11c rara admodum fuit, fad And eke before, his good knights dined.
'flitJum, ti alia neceJ!aria, pro rata, domino folve- FASCINAT ION l B"'""""• fojci110 ; B•••"'"'•
bant; pofrea, kco vif!us, pramiam njfertbanl : F ASCINES 5 faftimu, fafcinatio; ti bi11d·
Spclm."-becaufc they anciently paid their rent in ing,fivt1ddli11g; and hence ufed to fignify incha•l-
prO'IJifions for the bo11fehold of their la11Jloril; which ing, bewitching; as ic were enfnaring, e11fangli11g:
nutbod oj psymmt was afterwards co11vert ed into Vf'I ;i l:~~i<lAAci), t!>ctY.t/.J,or, faftic:1Jus; l)c:caufe
maney. ,Ptrfons under the power of witchcr,1/t wen fupµ/ed
. 'FARRAGO : •t"'qq.,, tDnftipo: vei potius -ab to be boNnd, tor.fined, and hi11det·ed from exerting
Af1•~• far; ex farre ago; quod en mijao; a mix- their proper!1its: Ciel. Voe. 43, fays, " what
ture of f1'11dry grains togeJbtr : alfo 011} mifctlla- we ,now, fron1 a Gr. word, call Jcepur, was an-
' neous toilet/ion of writings, &c, ciently called mact, or 'iJtifs, which is the . true
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F A ,From G 1. ! i K, 'attd LATIN.

etimo11 of s ..r·•Arvr :"-but we might rather fup- FATUITY, 41-, (>•1:4•, for, fa11u; unde f.:·
pofe the contrary; viz. that both the Celtic t11us, fatuitas; irJip;d, foolijb :-" fatu"s ideo ex'i-
ma(f, i:>r vafl 1 and the Roman fafcts, were der\ ved fti1natur diCl:us, quia 11equt quoJ fatur ipjC, nequt
lit firft frotn B"'r·1Arur, being all of them er:ifigos quod al ii dicunt, inrelligir: fat11i ~O'I qlim non
of regal, i.e. of lawf11l 11.utbority ; and particularly ponebarur in virio; nam '1/alcs fuos fal110~ ~ fnt1t
that the Roman fafces, were not . called by that vocabant; quomodo e~ ipfurµ vales a 4>.-1., : fed
nanie merel'y from' their being compofed of a quia vaJ<s furore ccrrepti vatitinarentur, inde pro
fagot of rods, twigs, or wands, with an ax bound, vefa11i1 fumi ca:pit : Voa:"-and we· have another
or tied up in the middle; but from their being word, which conveys a fimilar idea, viz. ot!f; as
borne before Jbeir chiif 111agij1rau, their B.., will be feen under that art. Gr.
or that perfonage who was invefted with /he FAUCET, or rather faujfit, if we muR: follo'w
lcingl,J t1uthority; and bore thofe enfigns of power. the 1:-r. ' Gall, perverfion of the word 4>votJt8>.o:,
F ASfllON ; (>w, Jo, facio, Jacits ; the f orm, fiftula ; pipe, or'tub(, inferieJ into a vejfil .Pf liquor.
Jbapt, 11ra1111tr of OllJ thing. FAULT l<f>•>-•"'• (>o>.or, impono, deripio, fal-
FAST, 1uick, or nimble; Gerard Voffius fup- F AULTER J lax ; it fell jbort of expetlatio11;
pofes "ftflino, to11feflim, ct c011fertim to be de- it deceived mt : or elfc from l:qi ..>.>.w, fa/lo, decipio ;
rived ~ (>'f"• fero ; fane fermji vox etiam ad to cheat, defraud, impqft on.
grtj[um pcrcinet : uc apud Marooem ; FAVONIUS; Ciel. Voc.1 68, fays, " /<'izvo11i11s,
Ferte jimul fauni~ue pedcm, dryadtfque puell.e : avon, eve, tve11i11g, aod 1nany other words, fig-
ergo fejlim dicitur qua Ci fertim; hoc eft fertis, five · nifying the wtft, conie from iv, ir, ebh, ivar; a!I
Jmjis grej}ibus ; et ft}lir.o, quafi fejlim, five fertim which fignify privation :"-confcqueritly Gr.; fee
progredior ;"-this is a vtry good deriv.; but EVENING: Gr.
pcrh~ps nof fo good as ·that of If. Volt "feftino FAUSE; "North country dialect for F.ALSE :
ll. l:"''llf"'""' quail (>'"'""'• f tjlino; lo hafien ; to be Ray ."-confrquently Gr.
alert, '*ditious." FAVOR; B-.8.., fa'Ueo , juvo: vel a 4>;.u"'• cc
. FASTEN; Er.,r, En•.,r.,.ftans, conftans ;fteady, •avO'KH, , Oarn a ~aW fit 4tAO'X(o.'J Ct U inftrtO 4>.:c.UITXllJJ
fixt, or any jlro11g bold. ac fimplex 4>lil"•: afaveo, favi, fau/ul!f, fautor; a
FASTENS-E'EN: " Sbr1YVe·'l'11tfday, the day patron, fa vourer, fupporttr, pleader.
fo!lO'IDing to which is djb-Wtdnefday, 1he fir/! of • f,\ W N, or flat/er 1 il 41,..,., dicere, i. e. l
Lenten Jaji: Ray."-confequently derived from 4>""• inufic: unde 4>of''• dieo, blandior: but if this
the following root, Gr. meaning the eve, or even- deriv. lhoulcl not pkafc (for it frems nimis vio-
ing, contratl:ed to e'e11, of the fa(ting days: Gr. lentcr, according 10 Skinn.) we muft 1hen have
F .!\STIDIOUS i 4>ar•r, <J>,«xw, ~,,..,, """"''' dfro; reco11rfe to the Sax. Alph • •
ncmpe quia f'!Pt rbi gra11dia fan111r; unde fafiidium, FA\VN, or bind's calf; "Gall. faon, velfaJI
fajlidiqfus ; big talkers with ftorn, eo11te111pt, di[dai11. dicitur (and fometimes/a111!)')1 atque adeo un fa11
FASl'JNG ;" A..-a.;><•,jt)unium, inedia: Cafaub.'' iis nihil ell: aliud quain un enfa,111 d'rm cerf; pror-
"A..,.,.,.,,.,.,.., Ariftoph. in Nub. T,Jpt." A.-a.ror, fus ut hinnulus diminurivum lit ex voce ·i.••.,
9ui no11 g11jlavit, jeju11µs: ex A, non; et ..,..,, g•fto; ..qua: ~ ,.,.,J',., fignificat : Jun."-fo that at !alt
one wbo·bns no/ tafltd any food: hunger, abjlint/ltt. our word fmon originates a 4>"1"'• Jito; unde iu-
FAT ; " 4>«1••, prd'fepe: Cafaub." a manger ; fans ; unde Jaon, fan 1 undefawn ; to fignify no11
·any t hing f ttlte11ed al a flail; as a ftalted ox :- or any you11g creature.
elfe fartt n may be derived a Ioc.-.-.,, :i;.,17.,, Jagi110; FEADER; " father : Verll:."-as this fcems
tofatte11, or fill wiJh heartening food. to be only another dialect fo?'the word father, ii
FATE; 4>.w, ,.,, 4>•f''• for, faris, fatus, ,f atNfll; is evidently derived fron1 the Gr,
i fando, dei /alum, Jitlum, decrt111m ; the will, or FEALTY ; n~e.,, fido, fidu, fidelitas ; faith,
duree of Hta'Ven. /idtlily.
FATliER ; "n,.1.e. pater, by changing n and FEA R, 4>ollo~, pai•or, timtr ; 4>ofhe•<, limidus ;
-P into F : U pt.'' fearful; mi}Jrufl, dread.
FATI-DICAL; 4>""'" ,.,, ~,..., for,faris, fatus; FEASIBLE; (>11.,, fio, facio, faeilis; quafi fa-
fatum ; ct A""'"I"'> dico; to pro1101111ce, or du/art cibilis ; ftafiole ; quod /•tile fieri potdf; what-
·the will of l/ea'IJm: fo that this word is a double ever can be e4,/ily do11e. ·
compound of two verbs fignifying the fa1ne thing. FEAST J "'f!Q,,.,focus; and Pefia tka: Nug.''
FATIGUE; ab A.,, fpiro ; A.,9,..,., A•ror, feflus dies; a rtjoicing Jay : -this feems to be , a
/"•'X.9", ••"'°'• ab A..-Gor: icaque fatiftor, et ftffus; plaufible dcriv. : or perhaps it co1nes from" 4>"'"'•
to be wtary, or t ired ; · to pant for breath. · <J;,., ~....,, dico; unde fa4; a fando ; fc. proprie
Aa ~ nJ

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F -E · From GAE EK., a.nd LAT 1 N.
-vel quod dii, vel faurdotes fa ti fun/ : vel qi1od 11era, eranl pecora: hinc etiam vox ferenfis; a foe,
fnri digmfm }it ; ur nefas, quod eft nefandum, vel a 1·e·ward, a ruompe1rfa ; paid anfitntly by. cattle ,
i11fandu111; i. e. ntm Jand11111 ; '' fas funr f afli: fee FEE-FA.RM. Gr. '
Volf." certain calendan, in which were fat down FEEBLE: J unius quotes Nicotus and Mena,
tl>e fejli'Vafs 1brougbou1 the year; from whence a gius; and Skinner is of the fame opin ion, that
work of Ovid rook irs na1ne,-or rather perhaps, the Fr. Gall. words, "foible, and feble ;. t l'ie Hifp.
according to Ciel. 'Voe. 90, "ftaft may originate feble; Ital. jiebole, a11d fiw olt ; 01nnia a Latino
ab cafl ; lo eat :"-only EAT is Gr. fonte ; q. d. jlebilis ; ut nos dicimus lame11table,
FEAT, neat; '~"'"'• fio, fncio, fallum, falltts; pitiful; weak :"- all this is very true; and ther.e...:
barbarous French fait; made, do11c, romp!tattd ; fore it i$ che greater wonder to find that,, ffncc
hence ufed co lignify a perjcll, or comp/eat per/on ; they all acknowledge thefe words fignify. dtbili1,.
a f eat 111nz1ther ; a cq1;1pltal girl. la11guid11.<, they !hould not derive our word fubt~
f'EA'I ', or Irick; from rbe fame root; to !ig- immediately fro1n dcbilis, quail febilis; weali,.,
nify 1111y 1bi11g performed deverly. rather than jlebilis ; weeping : dt bilis originates
FEATHER; " quemadmodum Gra:ci pro fron1 A(3,,,, babeo, babilis. ; unde drbilis, ex de ; et
01~vo~, dixerunt etiam fl11HY~f, VO/t1cri1 j ita qtlO- ba!>ilit, i.e. panlm. kabllis; un-.1lite,, weak, faint.,
·que pro lI1•f•» ala, 11101Jioris pronunciacioni~ dur~pid. · ·
affefrati one gixerunt n11•e•» arque inde, 1nnta10" FE E- FARM : tl! is word is not compounded
in f , fat.turn eft Sax. 'Fc~e.fl, FflSe.r ; Almann. ve- of the fo•mer word fee, or rew.arJ; neither is
dere ; Iceland. Jiedur,fidur ; l) an. feder, Jeer ; Belg. farm de.ived according to the common acceptac
'!Jtder, ':leer; E ngl. f eather: Cafaub. and Jun."- ti on ; but the fonner part originates a n tt9~, fido,
Clcl. Voe. 107, n, obferves, t.hat "by a remark- j aJd111 ; a league, or covena111; and the latter froni
able analogy, fi11 , and edder, both flgnify a wi11g ; E•e,«•~. nex.u.r, pra:pofito digamma .firmus ; firm;
and are refpeCtively originals to wind; and· to to fignify a ji'rm, and bi11di11g tove11a11t,, or fixt rmt :·
weather; ( he might rather have faid to wi11g and fo that the word fee-farm is purely barbarous. .
to f eat/Jtr) the genii of the wind; were, in their _FEE·FO-FUM feems to.b.e ajargpn of found
temple at Athens, reprefented with wings :"- w1thout any meaning ; but •Bpears to be derived
then lI7•e••, lI11•e•» qu ali fttero11 ; uncle edder, from falfely decl ining the verb <I> "·"'· as much as
frdder, and feather, feem to be but natural to fay, Now you lhall hear me decline G reek, cJ>....,
gradations. <f>w, 4l•r--•• fee -f•·fum.
FEATURE; a <Pvw, .fio, facio, fa&111m ; fallura. • F EELI NG ; ' " £>.,,,, capere, prrefixo f: vcl·
rorporis ; ta/is ft1fl11ra: vir, a well made man; a a lioAf<>, 'Vtrlere ; ut lroprie fit contrtllando, ti
man of a good make, mould, .fafhio11. fedulo verfando, a!iq!ii txp!orm·e. :. Hel v.igius~ ego.
FEBRl-FU GE; 0'e'", feber, fervco; aliam originationem qu:t:ro : J un."-but we need
ID make br,t; and "''"""'• ~vrw', fugio, Jugo; to pul noc; unlefs we may refer to rhe Sax. Alph.
t o.fi1gb1 ; a medicine lo drive awav 1he fever.. · FEIGN, <Pt'Y"f"'• fi11go ; to frame, ili1agi1u, dt<
FEBRUARY ; e'' f"'• f erve;, februo , quafi vift : or elfe fro1n <I> """'• apeareo ;, 10 W(or 1bl
f erbuo, !i ferbeo ; quoniam adolendo in ex/remo appearance of truth.
mt1zfa t1n11i popu!ut febninretur, i. e. luftrarttur, FE t.!CITY; 'H1-1E;. ft/ix ;. 'H>.1xi." • fdid1<1s ;
et p11rga1·et1tr; becaufe the ·people of Rome were happi11efs,_ projperity. • · ·
ahvr0·s purified i11 this mo111b, w!.Hch wa; tlie !aft F ELIX, as a·p_roper name; Camden,. 6~, fup,-
of their )'ea.r : O vid, F l fti, lib. II. 19, gives us pofcs to be derived from " t~e Latin, fignifying
both this, and another deriv. hapPJ' ; a.nd to be the fame with Miuari111 among
· I~c.:bru:1 I<(;;J1a;1i di."( P ia1ni n::t patres .~ the Gra::cians :"-llad tll is gentfeman, 'inftead of
Nunc quoq11< don/ ver/;o plurima jig11n /idem : 1lfa,aritu,, faid Helf.-, lie·"1"1ight have feen chat
Po111ijicn t1b rege pet1111t et j!ami11"e Lanas, botll t he Errgl i!l1, and Larin too, were derived
. . ~ls v<'feri li11g111i Fc-brua nomen era/ : fron1 the Gr. as we nave feen in the foregoing ari.
lpfa tg• jiamiuicam pofre1uem Februa vidi; FELL, the paft tenfe of F •.\LL: Gr. ·
Febrna pofttnti fpi11ea v irga data t}J-. FELL, or c11t dtJ.Wll; li'a1->.w, >«>1i./3«7Vv.i, proji·
FEE : " TI•xo1, quod I-lefych. tel1e nout ...~ cio, profler110 ; to ca;1 down.
'f"' .,.; nf.f3"1•, L atini vellas no-minant ; unde pe- Ff.LL, furious .; forta!fc abfci!fuin i 01~•f•
tuJ, quia pectJra faleant lirnt"&"" hoc ell: K"r"&"" 11101zjlrofus, info/ens, alro.- ; fiera, ftl'Vage, wild.
tonderi : Vair." npec1t1, pec1t,per1mia ; un<le Be lg. FELL, _or bill ; " Iceland. fel, acdivicas; tht
vu; Teur. vieb; Sax. r ea, Feo ; I cal . fio ; pec11.nia, ·fell"foot, or fool of' the bill; '"f' ,;; tl>1>.>.1wr: vide

werces, priemi11111; qui a clim jg/a pr4?mia, et m11- apa4· fcholiaften in Ariftoph. in Nub.Ate I. fc.J.

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From G·1tl!EK, and· LATi-N. • F· E ·
qare· tranfcriplit fere Suidas in v.oce 4>1.0... : ft.•11/11 of a11othir. : h~nce likcwife a ft11rt; "walr,
Ray." •Or hedge. · : .
FELL-mdngtr J¢i•>-'.ar, ptllis, cortex,.f11hrr; fai1', . : ·FENER;ATION; ·n cif..;; aotiq; fr/nu s, mertes:
FELT . bark, huk,. to7Jen11g :-Ciel. ' 11urces ftdtt1id!'t11u1110 11.ccept.c; .inltrt/I, rifury.1
\Vay. (?J, and Vee. 172, fuppofes "jell, velltts ;' FENI-GREEK.; ~ ..7...,, 4>u.. , jio,fen11m; unde .
w ool, peel, and a number of other kindred terms, ftnu1n@r.ec11111;- ·a fpedcs of graft.
originate a poll, fignifying the head :"-but furely FENNEL,. 41.,7...,, 4>•w, fio, fenum, feniculum ;.·
pall is derived a Ilo>.-•... 'Uerto ; unde 'Utr:tex .. the tht herb fo-<ofled. .. • .
po/./, or tip of the head: but it 1night be better FENNY;" K"'°r·,pr-ofanus, immu11dJu, impunu;
fl:ill to deriv~ fell,- felt, wool, and vell:N, wit.h a x.,.,., ctc11um; mad, 'dirt:; a camum mutando·
VoOlus, a M%>.Aor, nam i1o>.o>, Do'r. Ma>..., eR: • et c, inf, (ut a K>..... ,, jleo; a Kevor, frigus)
fl"Jis ; a jhup. . confi3cum -elt /""'""' ; unde Jcn11y. muddy,. 1111.1rjhy"
~E-LLO·\¥ of a cotl:gelSax. y:e,fidu; et la3, gr11u11d :: and fro1n hence li!tewiti:: may be ~educe~
FE-LLO'\V, compamon S ltgafus: h1nc Nor-· the• expreffion, Jenny chetft, for mouldy ""eft; a ..
manni ';i;- in· w vettentes y:elap dixerunt i liodic 'Sax.. i;enri13, mucidus, mu{ultntus: Ray."-any.-.
nos fel/o-<JJ :. h:ec nobill. Spelm: in ftlagu1 :- '.ki11d oi' mo1i!di11efr, produced from. abundance of
nobody will difpute this etym. thus far ; but it' ·moiflure: but fiill Gr. as above; only now· per-·
may be traced fomething farther; for /ides origi- .haps 'derived ii Afu~.-...., M.,,,.,; mugto; unde mu-
natcs a It"9c.i, ,,,.,9.;;, fido, 1mdejides; and ligatus <us, mucidut"; . mufty, fufty, v untjlig, 'UUntig, '1Ji1111y, ..
originates a l\u'Y"'• ligo, 7Jiluio : · the whole con1- fi11mw, jenny: mo11/dy.
pound therefore i11di7Ji<ki111 'Uit,e FEOFFEE" " llH9«,fido,.f tcdus; a feoffm111t ofi .
tomes;' a fellow of a fodety; one bound by, tht fa1114 trttjl; fidei commijf11in~ pojfejfzo fid11ciaria: Jun.''
(1(1/b of fidelity, and oueditnce : -Ciel. Voe. 176, FEOH; ' " monty; we were wont," fays Vorft.
obfcrves, that " that great and worthy antiquary " to f~y, gold andJu ; alfo ojficers.re111yrt their ftts;
Lhuyd was puzzled at finding the word btltch in to wit, the mrmey tlut v11Jo Jhtt11 :"- but we have
die t>,rmoric Janguage·lignifymg an office, or ojficer already feen chat our word Ff,E is of Gr. origin.
of the church ; and .owned he._could not account FEOHT, o'r f'eoghl; " heerof wee yet retaine
for it : it derives," fays Ciel: "fro1n fat; 1wltr, or the'woord fought, of fight.: Verft."-but ruGHJ:
principal per/on;- aod Itch, tht mi11fler; in com po~ is Gr.
fition beltth, falecb, mal!tch; chence the felechJ, or FEORf'1E,. '"or• ftrmt ; a far.m : Verlt-but
fellows of a college :"-but fa! (or racher fel, or FARl\1: is Gr•.
c~ll) and lub, arc Gr.: for fal, cell, coll, ht1!, or . FERIF.R, commonly written far.-ier, but de-
btad, orig.inaces ii Kc>.-w••, (o!/·iJ; a hi!!, oremi- '.rived from" ;i;,1,eov, Ilr.t°'• vcl Fu~•e•v, . uncle f ,,._.
nenct; and LECH; \l<c Jba!I fee under irs proper rum " ll?r.e" quia lbericum, omni11m Jtmper optimum·
art. is Gr. habitum : Voff.'. ' faltas equis ferreas induere, .
FE:LO de.ft; "·Sax~ Felr; atrox, <rttde!is·; qui gere, impi11gtrt ; thefmith, whojhcts.the.borfes w;1b1
adeo in fe crudelis-. elt, ut mortem fibi confcifcat: iron; but now figr.ify. only tke.horfa· luch,
L ye." .- but· felt, f11rious, and. f1vage, is G·r . : .or horfe-dotlor. .
fee aoove. · FERl\!lENl'; 01ew, ferveo, ferllllnto; fcrmen- ·
FELON 1 " ~1.>.0<, fallax ; ·an olo word, pfed tatio; all ejfer11efctn:e ; an int<rnal ccmmotion of
originally to exprefs a per/011 who·re-vc/IJ agoin.fl bis parts ; leaven. · ·
J ovtreign: unde <I>.J.w~~<, dectit, knovery ; .a cheat,. FERN ; ." forta'!'e yermetach.: contrattun:i dt
8 n intpoflor: Spelmall' chufes to derive it from ex· po!hema parte 1ll1us 4>.A"'""";""' quod inter ·
the · Germ. feble11 ; abtl'T'are.; from whence· alfo 11?mi11a filicis retulit Diofcor.: Jun.'' but " mall em
comes our word to fail :··and Father Labbe draws defleltere,:' · fays Skinn. " a Sax. y:apan; Bdg•.
j.t from the . French fe ho1111ie, for violated,. or vaeren; 'feut. fahrn1, irt, proficifd.; ittr Jaure ;.
bro/unfaith: · Nug.''-let me only.obferve, that quia'fc. per·o1nnia fe propagat vulgattffima ha:c
Hederic gives us. no fuch word as 111.:1.....-1r: but planta, et nufquam oon viatoribus·occurrit ,.._ ,
4>•>-•1"': and with regard co both the latter deti'I'. t hen tfic Dr. mull have been a.very great 1ravel-
they lhould·have in a collection of Eng- lcr ·: but it happens that there: are fevcral ocher
lifu words derived from· the Greek tongue. plants· (particularly fu ch whole feeds are blown, .
FEl\1ALE ;· ,z..n,...,, vel 4>11.i; fio, 'J. feo, inufit: and ·difperfed about by the winds) which travel .
undeftniina;feinel/a ;.a woman: · ~ccording to this at leafi as far as the fern ; ancl confcquently to •
deriv. it oughti to be written fm111i11i11e. • ' which that appdlacion would be as proper.
IIENCE ; . /II,,.., oaido, fe11do, defeT1do ; to · FEROCIOUS; " in the ancient looguage,"
gllar.d, ward off, pro~tfl. one's. /elf from the af- fays Ciel. Voe. 17-i, " er, or her is radical to·
; - ~~,

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·From G • I ! ic, and L A T 1 ir~ F E'
ta•t• 0.?, fera; a wi/J btajl; ftfo1t, frrocjtaJ I cnicio, ""lo; hence pe}I, pefter, ptjJiltMe; whic~
btatlftrong, brutal, fieru. may have origin to fejler : though perhaps
FERRET 1 !l•"• B.•1•; 'llilll, 'llioir+.a; qliOd 1ii'uit, i ~ would be ftiH better to derive flfltt"i. pu]l11hl;
:vcl 'IJidel Ee•• in ttf'rd ; the animal fo called, be· . i. e. an.... vel· nuor, p-us, pllfl11la; a blijlet, 'lillit41,
caufc.i't ·li'llti,, or ftes ivultr-ground. or /,/ai11.
FERRUGINOUS, ab 1Eol. accufativo +•e•• FESTINATION, IT1vlv, liirrv""" quafi ~
'Pro El.f'" /era, ftrilM; undc ferrum; ,. •.,, feftino, fefti111Jlio ; hafit, bltrrj, Jputl.
H.e' validas S11xi radicts, ti fera fem FESTlNG-pmny 1 " Ray explains it by crarneft
Corpora conftitufllll. Lucrct. lib. II. given to fervants, when hired :"-it fecms to be
tht ftr()tlg, 1111tl ro11gb particles of inn :-though a Northern dialect, either for fifting-p111ny1 money
perhaps it would be more natural to derive ftr- put into the ft.ft, or hat1d of a fcrvant: or clfe
rum ii. I1l•~•r, ll~t"• vcl F•ht••, unde ferrum : perhaps it may rather _be a contraction off11.ftmi11g-
illud autcm ab IP•e•., quia lbtrimm 011111ium /tm· pt11ny, the money g iven to "bind, or J4fien the
ptr optimum habitum: our word fm-uginous is de- agrcc1nent of hiring: bot.h Gr. . .
rived from ftrrut11-r11bigo ; the co.lour of iron-ruff. FESTOON; Skinner has very properly Cir•
FERRY J ••t"• ftro, porto ; to bear, or '""Y plained this word by corono t:t foribu1 meta; feu
rvtr. a ri'IJtr. /trfllm feflun1, aut ftflw•m ; i. c. frjJis 4iti>lll 11/111'•
FERTILITY; ••t"• fru! fero, fertilitas; pari folftu11J :-but there he ftops ; when they arc
fruitfaintft :-if I might be allowed a coojceture, evidently derived from the ·Gr. as we have feen.
there is an cxpreffion of Cicero, in his Orat. 49, FETCH, or bri11g; " Sax. rccc~n1 tJjftrrt.; Belg.
ex Pocti, as quoted by A infw. '(though as yet I vattn; comprtbe11dtrt, ·acciptrt; Teut. 'llilllnq
have not been able to find it') that: feems to ft11tre, taptt'e ; nefcio an 01nnia, pra:fertim Su.
point out another deriv. viz. frt1gifera ti ftrla FCCCan, ave{lare, 11dvelflart l frequent3tivum verbi
arva Afi.1 ttnt/ :-this might lead us ro fuppofc, v ebtre, advtbtrt : Skinn."-who goes no farther 1
that ft1'tility was derived a +t,......,, conflip• 1 but Voffius derives 'lltho, ab OX'"'' Ox•i, pnemi[o
tf""';;•·'f,.1<1011 by tra:nfpolition f>"t•1o., unde farcio, digamma, 'e t x mutatur in h; ut inx•""• hio·; ""'"''
f11rf1um, quali f trlllm ; jiujftd, fwt!led, crammed; bumi; to carry, be11r, or bring.
as 111/ fruilf11/ things bavt'tht appt'arana of bei11g FET- LOCK-joint, "in eq110 articulus, fau coar-
/,/oared, or /11/J. ticulatio crrtris ti pedis; q. d . fttt-lock, verbati'!ll
FERULA; n"e"'• /trio, pp-c11tio; ,quod ftri- ftra-ptdutn, quia in iilo artic·ulo crus pede cla1'Jitur,
tntts ftrl11111ur ; a broad fticlt, -.uitb wbitb children 'tiq11t infarit11r : vel q. d. fett-lo&kJ, .S I011gi1
art flricktlf, or corretltd in fch~ofs. crinium cirris ibi crefcentibur : Skinn.''-but in
FERVOR 1 <l>rh,, JEol. pro Eire"'• ftr'Uto, t}ftr- either of thefe cafes, it is evidently derived from
11efco ; a fudden boiling, or tommotio11, exeited by the Gr. as will be found under their proper-art.
the ad111ixtio11 of contrary parliclu; fometimes a FETTER, quali fooltr, et fteter, fro1n foal,
fervor, or tjftrvtfce11ct is produced by tht corrupt- i. c. from ¢>oil""• <!>011~., ire, am/lulare; bccaufe
ing of vegttabl<s ; w hich will be fa great M to ftlltrs art faftened to th• feet, or 011 tht legs, Jo prt•
tatife tbt burfling out of jlamts J . as we fome- vtlll rogu" from wa/.lting, or runnbsg OW4.l'•
t imes fee in the inftanccs of hay and corn, be- FEUD; " Sax. Fa:ht> ; Belg. ve1Je.; Teut.
ing laid up too moift ; the hay-flack will fly on fehd1 fatlio, inimicitia; quarrel, tlijftntion; a:Sa.
firt, and the corn become goaf-burnt. Fah; boftis; Skinn." a11 e1temy; ·a FOE: confc-
FESCUE 1 4>011""'• ito, freqt1tnlo: or rather qucntly Gr.
from <l>v.,, produeo, ft1!1UJ1 Jtftuca; a yoUJtg foc~t, • FEUDAL ; n .. 9.., fido, f<t!dus ; ·11 cO'Ut1tll-!1
.o r jJaltr:; a fina/J fti clc lo point with. !ell.gut, or ftipulation: Voffius tells us ftetlas · IS
FESS, !%>....,, fefcis, fa/cia; a j'w111h1 or band, derived a4>••or : or elfe we mull: refer to the Sax.
co1nmonly called a bt11d in heraldry. FEVER, 0'f"• ftMJeo, febris ; " hot fit : Ciel.
FESTER: Skinner derives it ab Ital. apptftart, Way. 5 T, fays, "fever does not come from f1bris 1
infittre ; but, rcjceting that deriv. he fays, "vel but febris from fwer, or /tu-tr: feu; ftrt; and
quad multo vcrilimilius mi hi Cit a Fr. Gall. jktrir; er augme.ntative.."-but feu co1nes either from
marcifcere, Jt}foreftert ; hoc a Lat. ftaccide/a re; 9.. -,..., uro; or feu-w from ""'"f• itnis, fire.
jlaaefctre :"-but even then it would be of Gr. FEW, Bia1or, par11us, paucus ; not "'"lfl in--
extract. as we !hall find pre.fently : however this btr: manifdle elucct veftigium Gr. fiiavf°'• f•ys
deriv. ought not to be preferred to the former, Jun. cum Dan. faa congruit, quOd Iceland. f•-
which is nearer to our own ; or rather fefter is t.elc11r ell: p11uper ; q. d: pauca 'apit n..r, vel 4ttipiw:
nearer to appeftart, vel imptflart, which lignify Menagius Gall. peu refert ad pa11n11 ; quemadmo-
~flt infatrt: now peftis originates a n.. e.., pre11101 dum feu, ad focus ; item jeu, ad io&·llS; et ffd"•
01 ~

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From G r..1.a x, and L A :r 1 N. F I
ad ,tof1ttts: Verftegan ·and Skinner fuppofc it literis Gr. n,J',~>, tampus; I quod frequens e!J:
co be Sax. interj ecro, ut JEol. Fu10;, fil ius; <f>"•E', fu lica; A.,,
·FEWBL, 11 °""'>'"• feu 41.,r,•" hoc eft uro, tofrto; · halo; n..,,., palatum; I~°'' Jalv11s; Te•x•;, trothlea,
~nde fot11s, focale ; a hearth to maftt the fire ott. f &c. Cafaub: and Jun."
·FlAT, ·<f>u.. ,fio; let it bt made, done, or tnatltd. : • FIEND; "O~ir, jerpens; tbe jerptttl; and
F IB ; ~i{Jo;, pttrus, impollutlil ; pretending to here ufed to fignify tbe fempttr, an<l grtal adver-
<truth: though we might rather derive it an ..e..-' fary of mr1nkind : Cafaub."- there is Iikcwife a
(3M.,,.fab1tla ; by contraCl:ion /1 fib, a fable, a Sax. deriv. give.n in that Alph.
flo/Y, a11 untruth : fee FABLE : ·Gr. FIERCE; 0•r• Jera, ferq.s; wild, favage, cruel:
•FIBRE, A.,,., feu H ...., idem ,quod Arua•; -Cleland would. have it Celtic: fee FOREST.
une:le Hr ..;, T1M10;, fi,,is ; unde fimhria, et fibra ; FIFE ; <f>u, fuj/o; fiattt diftendo ; unde fiflula ;.
fma/J jprq,1ts or ftrings, hanging at tbe roots of a whijlle, or flute, becaufe blown into.
plants:" vel; ut Salmalio vifum, ab JEol . tJ>•~e•» FIG; .t•xo<, ji&us, a fruit Jo called.
-pro e1J3e•» ·quid mo/le .el tt11ue 'notat. ; ut Hefych. FIGHT; "nu•1•u•<>, pugnare1 undeSax ..Jiht:an,
monet : Yolf." 'IJtry fine, or /mall 11tr'.JfS, .o r.fi11ew1. reo&ab ; pugiltm agere, pugilatu de;enure: Jun."
'FICKLE 1 Uo1KJA0;, varius; item varia1 ortes .to contend; ~/fpefe.
·cllllftls 1 verf11ttu; unfttady,,u11rejolved; trying va- ·F IGMENl"l.41•rJ""• Jingo, figmentum, /igura ;
nous p,.ojefls,.formi11g different fahemes. .FIGURE S a devite, whim, fanty ; the frame,
•F ICTION; tJ>1yy.,,/i11go,fif!iliJ 1form1d,fra111- or fajbi1111 'of any thing.
t d, or fajbioMd pf earth, or any ofher materials: ·FILAMENT; n1;.or, pi/us, /ilum, filamenta·;
alfo ·a11y Jab-le, made or contrived OJJ Jaffe prtte111:cs. /mall. threads ; or any thin covering, or tegument .
·F{DDI,.E; ·I~1J11, fides, is, fidicula; a flrin., FILAZER; " cuftos brevium, ira ilietus foren-
mjlr11ment: I ''f'h x•eJo.1 /'..'Y"f'X"" : et I,,1;,, Ii bus a Gall. filace; quod iftiu(modi .filo brevia.
:x•e'•: Hefych. rrajiciac, cuffodiacque : Jun.'' - confequendy
• ·F~D-FAD 1velafalrtus;filly,foolijh: will cake the fame deriv. with a FILE/or let-
• 'FIDDLE-FADLE J vela x,.,, x••...,, Xu.,, ters : Gr.
·xu,.,, unde Xv1or, futt1s, futilis; worthltjs, i1!fig- FILCH, "cJ>,;.o;, ma/us deceptor, impoflor; fal-
'llificant; of' 110 more value than a cratlct china cup, la.Y; a deceiver, cheat, impoflor: Cafaub. and Jun."· ·
f»mcb eafily pours qut, or lofcs its co111e111s : - FILE for le11u·s} n p'/ fil . th d,
·If. VolT. derives futilis ab 'i&>.o;, futilis: though FILE of pearl ft'"'~· ui, .um' a rta

·we mighr rather liipf.ofe it was half Sax. F ILE of fo!dit,.s ring, or wire.
. Fl:E>ELlTY : Cle • Voe. 21, very j uftly ob- FILE, or rough injlrument, A"I""• limfls, et limis;:
ferves, thac "in Italy, long before the foundation ob!iquus, l,.anfverjus ; becaufc it CJlfs athwa,.t :·
·of Rome, St1no Sanch11.J (or, as Dionylius calls hi1n, "vd pocius a 11>«>.u...v, quod Hcfych. exponit >.......
Sa11N1s) was by fome calkd Deus Fidi11s (or, as "f"'"" jp/e11didum redd~·e; to polijh ; a <l>" >.o;, .
Dionylius calls him, Mtdius Fidi11s) and Jupiter fpler.didus l to make bright : Voff."
Fidius, which in the old language would be re- F ILIAL; either fro1n 'iio;, lEol. Fuur, jilius,.
ducible to Scb-Sanch; i.e. Stb (chef) head, orpri11- I incerje~o: or elfo froin <l>v11•» or 41,;.., a rate,.
eipal; and ·Sanch, ,.atifier with the touch: and FJeus tribe, or lineage : or elfe fro1n <1>1»•;, 9.>...,, filius,
Fidius ·h e. explains by d'eu feid1h; i11 leg~/ faith; anncus; an at!)', friend, af!c('iau :-we 1night ra- .
but if jid1us, and fetdth, have aoy connex.1on with the.r prefer the firft of the.le rhl'ee .
.fit/es, and faith, they 'are Gr. a! above: but Mr. FILLE'f, n11,.,, pilus, jilum; a thread; ex q110
Spelman, in his note on D ionyfius, B. U. fee. 49, f,enia co11.fiii1ur ; vel quia .fii11Jn, qua!ijillum rif,rt ;.
·iays, " I look on Fidius to be: a Roman name; a hair-lace, or any long ribtwd.
a'nd Semo. 8m1Cus, and Sa11gus, to have been the FILLE"f ofveal;" mt!fru!r;jiorparsftmot"is ;force
name of that god, as they calle<! hi1n in the Sa- lie dicca, quia eo loci magni ec validi tendines,
bine '3nguage, which w:is nor, like the Larin, ec nervi ·inlignes, qui propt~r longitudlnemji/o-
·originally Gr. :"- if now Fiditu was a Roman rum fpeciem eithibent, occurrunt : Skinn.''-rhis-
name, and the Latin was originally Gr. chen fcems to be buc a vague rcafon, and yet ic is the
Fidiu1.may be derived fro1n the fame roo~ ·with only one I have found; bu~ muft however obfervc.
FAITI-1 : Gr. it is Gr.
FIDUCl~RY : from chc fame.root; ufr~ in FILLY-folt; Fwo;-n.,;.,;, filiru-pul/Ju; a Joie,.
ma.thematics to fignify th1 gr11dtlattd edge of an or young horfa ; pul'111n eguinum; equ1t!um ; ve~c.
i 1!.flru111tnt, made Jo 1xafl that )'Ott may co'njide in it. Angl. dicebarur phul!y; quod 1nanifefte fit ~ Sax,
Fl~! "''" ! 'V,ab ! an interjef!io11 of extlamatio11. f Ole, ct hoc ex Lat. pullus, cui originem dcdit
.FIELD; '! •v ideiur de.fumptum ex initialibu.s Gr.. n r.i1,01 :. non nemo fortafli: dixerit commod~·

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'F I }' t
deduci potTe ii Sa}:. i:1lian; fequi: [,ye." bec1111ft FINGER, " l!p..~;;,,.,...:Jb.erere, qmplolli ; 1!/'t~-
·;1 fo!lowJ iu Jam : -but fo d u the young o f all 1'~• Tai°'~ ;(,l e G°lf1 ')l·(l 1'fibtt! 111ilp /ff/£, tf fit'11ti/l Y /tHlr(i
oiher creatures :-bdides, chis latter deriv. fee1ns unde p:ir.ti.c ip. giv>1t<., i. e. .l/"">.""'1' r, p111plefie11tes;
·onl y t.llegoric"I ; whereas th~ G r. is truly radical. · grafper.< : Cafaub." or pcrhapsfinger m ay be de-
FlL!VJ; _, Sa:~ . ftl1n; c1ttis, 111etnbror.l1; hoc fGrte rived l t.1<•y')'w, jh·i1Jgo ; to gripe fi'.fl, conlraEI the
a Lat. fi/a111e11, pet/amen ; ICU potius vc!amt ll ·: baud : a~jetl:o t., ut a If1..i.,., jimda, &c. : or
S k i11n.'':-we 1uight rather prefer this la~ter ; b ut e.lfc Jt may orig inate a 4•''Y'Y"'' fiHgo; to f orm, tlJ
then it ought to be t>raccd up to the Gr. : th~s fafbiou ; b,cc~ufe <very thing is fori~ed,.and Jafa.ion-
.;.,.,~,, per .r11etath. vtl!tm ; .a fail, a veil. ; or .a1ty ed by the finger; . • . •
/ hiJ1 covt1·i11g, or .111t1nbr-ane. . . I F l RE; " ex Grreco niie, ignii ; quod rn111en
. FILrr.:i ; " 4•av>-•1", ~11.VAle.,, vilipendo, J11b- non e ll origine Grrecum, fed Phrygicum : Cafaub."
f a11110 : Cafaub.''-b.ut .th is feems to be only a and l l pcon obfe is derived fro1u nve, by
figur:itive d~riv . ; perha,ps it >vould be be.teer to chang ing .- into f ; as in.p,ifci1; Ji.fa. •·
.d et·i,,e fillb a 4>vel"~'', ' ""rl""'' :•«11e.•» , Hcfych. F IR -KlN, A,u.f'f'"~• .l\1411•11•el•<, amphora ; ll
fimus; mud, dirt: vcl a 4•vew, g uaii ~·~.,; f vMw, ru11dlet ; or ft1;al/ cafk. ·.· ·
f.edo; to daub, or defile. F IRM; " taken fro1n 'Eel"":, Mncury: or from
FIL1' RATION, 4•11V•• ,, pellis; felt ; or 1111y Eei<", fupport ; f 11fiai11ing: or from E•f/"•f, 11ex11J;
w oolly fa bjl1mct to.Jlrai11 through., becaufe that _wbit b is w<ll joined, and comu&Jtd
· FIN, rt..,,., pinna, ge1111s co11cb.e ; o jbc/J.jijb: toge1ber, is fironger a11d the F frequently
.a! fo the fin of a fifh .i aJ1d the phmions qJ a bird :- _fupplics !h.e place of the breathing, and comes
'w e migh t .-arher derive.fi11 a na....~. per fy nech . from the Eolic d ig amma: N ug."-fo cha( at lafr
n1,,,.,, /Eal. f111n•~, pe1111a; tbefeather, or wi11g the Dr. has found tbat our / <" coine.s from cbe
.of a bird, or the fin of a jijh : fee PEN : Gr. lEol. digamma; whereas, unde r th~ a~icles border
Fl NAL ; <1>v..,, jfo, und e finis, Jina/is; cum fit and bridle, he had twice alferced, that our B came
id cttius graci:l aliquid fit; the end, intent, or ac- from chat charattcr: with regard co thefc ecym.
compiijhnu nt of atty tbing:-lf. Voffius has given che two !aft are taken from Vofi: : as to t he 6rfr,
11s this deriv. of fi11iJ, ''"'"' feu 1-1,,.., idem quad ic may be the Dr's . own ; for no ocher etyrnolo;
AJ1v~v: undc Hv1of, T . :l..110; . ji11is, j i1111/;'.s : and Sca- gill would bavc given fuch a dcriv. 1 we m!gh~
li ger derives.finis ;\' r'G~'ll'-'~ unde et fi111is ; anti · rather with If. Voll: derive firm by cranfpolicion
qt1iCtlS a !x,~fJ't;.f crat .<j0111is; lit a I~O)'')'~J, sfu11- from 1lf'I"'"• quaCi D•f,, .,,, fir11111m ; idem quot!
~ gu1 ; ii If]t~lowri, .if11J1dt1; at ~'IOftea s perjit ; ir1de Oflf'l"°'•f'orlis, robujlus, v alidru; firo11g, robufi,fio111 •
. igi1u r sf•:nirc primum ; f ll!nire pollcaj nuoc au- FIRST, " Ae•r•;, r.ew1•rc:, primus; by chang-
c.ern .finirc ell ~X'"l' i"'lfY."" ': the reafon of whi ch ing" into f; nnd by contract. 'U pr."-but .firfl
exprdllon is rhus given by Volf. de Permur. lie. in the fcnfe o f bejl is und9u btedly derived, ac-
jinis a,ft!.Jlis, I;<.DO-D!J quia 7/f/ t rdJ f rtnibuJ ogres cording to Cafaub. from il!•e•r«, op1i111us, cxcrf/1111:
circ11111f cribebnnt ; unde peranc iquo cujufdarn agri- lij/imru ; the be.ft and 1110;1 exttllen1.
1n enforis fragmento Jegas,,ji1;is (a bo:mdnry ) dicta FISCAL i <b..<••f, Jfa11s,fifaaiis; bc!cngi11g to
eo qllod agri f11 11it111is fi111 div iji; or, as we may tht cxlhequer. • ·
fay in our langu age, they drt w, QT Ji.•ed .a line of FISH; Il1~, int1fic. Ilitw, un,tie ,,-wx:..i, et ,..,r1a-xw,
J;o1111dary betwee11 their lands ; wbfrh was t.he end, uib!J; unde pifc u, quia p erpecuo bibunt ; pifas,
or termi11atlo11 of their properly. b y converting p into f, gives our word fi/hts:
• F INCH; 't I 11".t1111G{, i s-~1:190.;: or rather I~•­ I f. VolJius derives pifcis ab rx9vr addico .n loco
··•~, a t.:r1ew, pipi/o; l/I qu,edam av~s : fringi/lus; d iga1nmatis; uc fa!pe; quafi II•x,&u,, p!fcis.
quafi fri11th; fri11gilla, a:uis difla, ~uad f rij!,11lit: FISSURE; t.x•e..., "X't..,, quafi !:x_.,Jw, jcindo,
v erbum omni no .ii fono; uti et frit.innire, fmdo, fi.Jf11m ; lo cleave ajimder: fi.fjiJis ; JPlil, or
quad hir1111dim111J proprium 1 ut f ringrtllirc, f rin- cloven. ·
gil!arum: Volf." a bird which ·bas a thattcring, . FIST, " lluE, vel Ouyl"•• maaus in p11gm1111 co~
,hirpi11g 11olc ; and t herefore ic is more probable firi fla: malim tamen," fays Jun. " dcclocere ii
that our word }inch is· of Gern1. or Belg. extract. Sax. fa!ft, }irmus, vali.dus ; quod 'Validijfima fit
as will be obforved in the Sax. Alph. manus, omnium digitorum nodis in 1111um pugr.11111
Fl!"D, " A?.~"" inver.ire ; Cafaub." lo light i•eluti compatlis, atquc arElij/ime complitatis : hu.c
upon, happen, or 111ut wirb. eti~1n facic, g uild veteres FrifLi, eciamnum hodte
FINE, or 11u,d~;; n...., pll'na; pre1ium pro i11- una eiidcmquc vocc fejl, et firmwn, et p#gnllJfl,_
·juria pe1ifat11m .; a mulil. de1101e111 : Cymra:is interim fft2jlo ell percutere; et
FINE, thin; If.>~"'°" JP!e11Jidu; ;fplendi4, 1t·aiif- J!rijl ; .flagellum : " - however, there can be no
;ar111t. . . rcafon, why we may not fuppofe · all
· '· thefc

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F L From Gll 11 x, anlf L .A T 1 N, F L
thefe Northern words were de(cendcd originally FLAMB&,\U 1~,,,,_.,, ,,_,.,,;;, Jl•gr1, jlammo 1
from IlvE. . FLAME J unde ~>."YI"''• jlamma; a blaze
FISTICH, pijlacia, pijlaci11m; a nut fa called. of fire.
FISTULA, 4>v.-.O>.a, fift11la ; a illu.-a.,f!atu dif- :FLANEL, A"""'' A""'" Jana, /anula, quafi
tmdo; a pipe, tu/it, or .flute; becaufe blo~v11 into: jlan11la; wool, or woollen clorh. It has Jong been
alfo a diftafa, fa tailed f rom its forming a hollow a wonder io me, why, in our be!l: edirions of
pipe, or tube in t he }iejh. Shakefpear, FaHl:aff, in tbt Merry 1J?ives of Wi11d-
FIT, proper ; ·A.-a•1?=• o&;urrert, refpondere; far, Act V. fc. 5, fuould call Evans, the f.Pe/cb
evt1tlu convenire : qui ufus verbi rarior, fed ele- ftannt/ :-after the facetious old knight had been
gantiffin1us : Cafaub. liten1 7r in f pro more ( ut pinched by the fairies, ana difcovers that all was,
in pes; f ool; pater, father, &c.) n1utata, but a trick, the feveral all:ors in that fcene be-
.FIT ~up ; "'""'• fio, facio ; to Jl.nke, repair, refit: - gin to taunt him ; which he cannot ·endure, par-
Juni us, afcer producing fever~! ecym. fays, "om- 1icularly •the fcoffs of pat:fan Evans ; buc in reply
nium interim origo forcalfe eft ii 4>117.,, prouc ait co what that reverend genrlernan had cold him ;
Euftath. hanc d fe voce1n iis pecul iarem, IJUi ad that he was "given to fornications, and to ta·
fejl ina11d11111 hortm1t11r alios. . verns, and facks, and wines, and n1erheglins,
FIT of an ag11e1perhaps from the fame root; and to drinkings, and fivearings, and ftarings, and
FITS S on account of their fudden, pribbles, and prabblef';t' -Sir John makes anfwer,
• nd f requent returns. . "Fa/fl. Well! I am your then1e: you have the ·
FIX ; ll•'l''"I''• figo, fixus ; fafltned; made jlea- ftart of me: I a1n dejell:ed i I am not able 10 an-
Jy, firm. fwer the Welch flannel:". - perhaps it ought 10
FI:.1\BBY { B>.""'"• ~eu B>."'""" • mo!lities ; a be the Wt/ch fla1NeJJ; i.e. the 1fltlch prieft : or
FLAGGING) B>.,.f, ""'"" f!ac(us, flaccidus; probably the Welchman 1night have been wrap-
fai111, lank, fee/Jle: fee SLAB, SLABBY : G.r •. ped up in. " b/a1tke1, and the other fairies
FLAG, or t1:fign lperhaps frcin1 the fame root in fht:ets-
FLAG-ftaff j wich 1he former article : FLANK,. " A«r"'» lEol. 4>>-<>Y•"'• "'''" Y., ilia:
vel ab Aqi>.ar•>. ftm1ma pars puppis: fortalfe tamen Nug."-perhaps· it oughr rather to be derived
rettius, fays Jun. origine1n pccas vocabuli a A !~A«'}'XVQ)', 'Vijtera, co1·, puf111ont!!; and )s foo1e-
'fJIUgen; vo!are; ut vlagge dicitur, quafi vlugge; times u!Cd to· fignify l'f>Qtberly ajfeflio11, te11dc1·-
'llolatilts, mobilis : aut ii. vlaggere11,_ vel jlaggeren; ncfa, pity; as it is frequently ufed in Scripture.
jlaccere :-<:oofcq:ucntly it would then origi nate FLAP-down; Au, intenliva parricula, ct B~,
from t he foregoing art. Gr.. Jl,.....,, eo; quali /l.a(3 ..., uncle labor,. lap/us; ro lap;
FLAG, or turf ; a n ;... J.,, 11i111ia bumidi111s; or fold 0'1Jtr -~ to f a// down-.
quia ex .locis ulighiojis, fimajis facatur; becat1ft it FLAP, or flap 1 concrall:ed from Ko>."~«, ccfa~
is cul out of moijl, 1wd marjhy places: pbus, alapa ; a flap, cuff, blow, or box on the car.
FLAGELE1' ; a n,.,, jfo, jlabellum ; uncle F LARE: "ncfoio an a Belg. fteift'ren; volitart,
Fr. Gall. flageolet; q. d . jlabdlu ; fiflula; a pipe, vagari: Skinn. q. d. oculos drc11111v olitare, circ'
which is blrr.JJn into. oculos vagari:"-butjlare feenlS 10 be of the farn.:
FLi\GON ; " A'"l'"'°'' lagena : Upc." po,uli i1nport wi.tb glart;, and tnay be derived a KAio;,
genus, ti """f"ra ; pr:cepofico digl1n1na; a jlont gloria ; brightnefs, fpfendor: or from ra>-•e••• hiiaris,
b1;t1lt, to keep wi11e i11. • • fplendidus; bright, fpai-kting :-but when we fay
FLAGRAN'f; 4>>-•y,.,., 11>-11y.:i, j/11gro; bur11i11g, the candle j/&res, it feen1s to be a contrnct·ion of
fcorcbi•g, furious. jJuere; /q flow; when the tallow flows _dotlJll :. con-
FLAJL"i <l>1'1?W, ~>.<tyw, jlagro, f!agell11m ; a fequently Gr.
'f.1Jhip; alfo an inftrumenl of btifbandry, like a wbt'p, FLASH of ligh111ing: « <Jl1'•(, 'Y''' flamma ;
to beat, or tbrafh 0111 c&rn. , .fiamf: Cafaub. and Upt: '·
FLAlN; "Sax. f lan, Fla:n; forcatre a fleo3an, l;LASI-I of wit: perhaps from the fan1e root.
feu po1iusjleon, valart : Lye."-and conlequently FLAS.K ; " <!>>.o:"""'" which in Suidas is in~
originates from the fa1ne root ·with j/ow11'; i. c. cerpreced a /;attlt ; and occurs in this fignificaciorr
FLY with wings: Gr. ill Sai ne Gregory's Dialogues: or from 4>"'••:, lt>L·
. FLA.KE cf fire; "''-•r-w, q>h«y..;, flagro ; uncle ticu!a; which. is taken for a finaU vcjfrJ, in the
Jlammtt ; a flame, a flake, or large lump Pf burn- Fourth Book of Kings : R. cI> .. xr., lc111 : or rather
i1Jg mailer. fro1n .p;.,.... ,.,, wl>ich occur$ ii> this fignificatiott
. f "LAKE of,/j;.w; ID.0•<11,j/occ11s : or from fi>.o- an1ong the later Greeks: \Coffitn derives it from
'""I'"" tri11es 1dexi ; hair e;ittwgled; or . any tbin the Gcnn. jlaft b, or jitf~b :· Nug."-rhis la!l:
})oJies u11i1td. dedv. might have. bccD fpared in a lifi of Eng ·
.. Bb lith

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F r. From Ga i ai;, and LA T 1 lt. F L
l i{h words derived from the Gr. :.....le~ me only ficatio enim abit) qua1n an'"'• quod iilem notar 1
obforve, that Cafaub. c'enfet fa;faet elfe a e1>...-• .,- ct fane • crebro abit in ;-., et l, ut alias Crepe:"
>.o~, or d>a<rY.·~l'i;;, or f.xi;-x~1ot marf11pittm, ptra, fro1n 11,., tben, evidently comes jlo, fiart, flat11S;
c-ifta. jla111lent1u ; unde flatu lence, windy, bloated.
.FLAT, broad, n>.«1v;, latus, amp/us, /patio/us ; F LAUNTING: Ainfworth acknowledges, that
broad, fpr.<ious, wide .; 1has, with great propriety, this worn is derived a /au/us; buc then he deduces
a jpuies of bremn is· called a bream plat, fr!illi iu lautus from lavo, a A•"' : but Auw bears chc fenfc
bei11g v ery broad, and thin. of fotvo,folutus; not of Javo, lautus ; (he lhould
FLAT-milk: " lectore1n potius moncbo ( fays have A•"'• not Au") howe·v er we ;night rather
Jun. under t he art. cream) Cot. Glolfarium, prefer this latter verb, lince our word flaunting
p. 37, crmna exponi plc-ce, a Teut. v/01t11, vel more properly bears tfiat fenfe, viz. looft, unrt-
'Vlitttll htt me/ck ; cremorem latli Jupernatantem, ftrai11ed ; like the te"lfirils of vines.
ab ipfo /atle fecernere, fegregare : vlote me/ck ; lac FLAW, or ble111ijh ; <!>/..""'• pro 0>.."'"'• tundo ;
demptd cre111oris pi11g11edi11t te1111ius :"-this T eut. to beat, or break, or bur.fl.
-u/010 meltk foe1ns to come from the fa1ne root FL.c\ WN, " a Fr. Gall. flan: Ski nn."-but,
wit h our word float: there is only one objection, as Junius very juftly remarks, " relli us tamen
.v iz. that flat milk does not fluat abtXJe the cream ; deducas ii 41>.iZ » vcl <l.>1>...l•iZ» (ontundere, (Olltertre;
but the cream floats ab1YVe that : howt"vcr, fbould quod ova, et reliqua, e quibus fiunt varia pla-
that be the true deriv. it would originate a ll1>.u,,, ccotarum genera, co11tu11dendo, agitandoque pri11s
f/110 ; to flow a-top, lo fwim a-to; ; and by a emo//iri, commifaeriquefokant:"-l.yeQbferves, that
ch ange of ideas, it is called flat millr, becaufe it the Iceland. wordj/auter ell latlicinigrum gem11 i
jwims /Jelow the cream. unde forte Almann. et Belg. at Angl. et Gall.
· FLAT, i11jipid ; perhaps from the fame root ; peterim a Sax. Fiena, quod fcnfu videl ur refpon-
though none of our etymol. have confidered it dere Tl' baller ; farina cum lafle ti commixt11, tt
·in the fcnfe of vapid, taftelefs ; becaufe its fine v e11tilata : -but ftill ftaw11, ffauter, and j/rni1,
'c omponent parts have been feparated, and eva- n1uft originate a If>>.~,, cum111ifcere, tollfufldtre ; to
porated, or, as w e n1ay fay, the cream t alre11 off, a11d mi.¥ up, or beat together.
11qtbi11g left b11t a caput 111ortuum. FLAWS, ·<f>>.""' pro e>....-, frango, co11tumlo:
FLA TS, or jhoals; this is yet another fenfe of v iole11t, peirci11g wi11ds, fo called fron1 their furious
the word, which none of our etymol. have rnken and pernieious effetis.
any notice of; t hough now perhaps it originates FLAX, "videri poteft fatl:um," fays Jun. "ex
a Il1">:1v;, />road, flat, jholfG'W water, Where thtrt <!>>.«.,, pro E>>.a:.i, tundo, ji1bigo ; quod non nifi
is not depth enough to adr11it of any f ailing. pluribus ftuparii mallei plagis (011tufu111, jubatlMm·
FLA1' TER: U pton, unde r t.he art. force, has que i.n humanos ufus emolliatur: Sclavinis vellus
very properly derived "flatl<'r a lallo, prefixing et villus dicitur wlas, quod Gelenii lexicon fym·
the A!:ol. digan1ma F, quafi jlatlo : 11iji mt lac- phonum in ordine /,,. T'"""f"'" cenfet confonare
talfes ammttr.m ; ifyou had not Battered my paj/io11: cum fa>.•(, Ou;>.91 :"-this latter may be t rue ; for
'rercncc."-only now he has left us ,to rrace out our word wool much nearer to J1JA01, and
·t he verb /ol?o, which Li ttleton has very judici- Ou>.01, that either tvlas, or flax.
.ouOy derived from lacio, and decl ined it thus, F(AXON, "afiago11, a bot1/e: Verft."-but
lacio, ui, itu1n, et lnxi, laEfum; unde laE!o; ·freq. FLAGO N is Gr.
and then derives /11cio, a >.aY.•?•" &..,,.,,,., (frill FL.AY, to frighltn: " a flai4· cox.comb, a fright-
Littleton is right, and Aiofw. is wrong, for he ened fearful f ellow : Ray."-it feems to be but a
has given it 9=1w:..) adulor ; to bring one iltto a Norther'l.,dialeet for FRAY, o? frighten: Gr.
fnare, to decoy, lo wh~cdle, or trtpon. Fl.A ¥";,to jlrip; this orthography feems to have
FLATULENCE; Seal. accord ing to Litt!. and been adop;ed purely for dilh nClion's fake, infkad
Ainfw. under the art. fie, derives that verb ii4111...,, of flea, which fignifies t he infect, as in the next
(.>;,., :- i t is with rductance 1 am forced to dilfent art.- but neither flea, nor flay, anfwer properly
from this great authority : for there is no fuch to rhe deriv.; which is " it>>.c•«, ct <1>1>o . .?w, duorli-
fonfe of t he verb <f»•""'• •!»,.,, to tignify flo, jpiro ; co, corticem detraho; t o jlrip off the bark, fain, or
but all my lexicons explain it by ft·tmgo, co11- coveri11g : R. <111o. .. 01, cortex; the bark of a trtt:
ttmdo, v oro avide, comedo ; to l>realt:, p o1md, devour, Cafaub. " ·
eat up greedily ; all which are fenfes far enough FLEA, tb1 il!feB ; <1>>.ty•> '>.«y;;;, flagro ; lo
d 1ftant from blowing, brenthi11g, and i11Jlating : and raije an i11jlammnti011 : but Junius, afrer giving.
therefore, with Voffius, w e 1night rather fuppofe, frveral Northern <!eriv. fays, omnia m~nifcftc
fi /lo veniat a Gra:cis, non tarn fit a 4».ii• (figni- Cunt a Sax. fleon ; /11gere; propfer lingularem

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F L From G1lzrtt, and L.i.T-tN. F L
illam aninialculiagilitattm, qul captantium manus dtglubit11m; qui a nl ti pelle exuta non apponitur
frull:rari faepenumero, atque eludere folet: Md menfis caro: Skinn."-bu't then he ought to
this is the more probable deriv. becaufe other ha'{e fhewn, that the word flay, or flea, was of
nations, in giving other na1nes to'this infeCl:, have Gr. extraCl:.- Verll:egan fuppofcs it to be Sax.:
adopted this lignification; thus, the Danes · call and Cid . "(iay. z5, would derive it from
it fqppt, a /ab I 'urfus, f11ga; Or rather fa//us; a " fel/-eajb; meaning that w.hich · appears when
l eap: if, t herefore, the word flea bears any con- the fain is take11 off:" but fell comes either from
nexion with jke-way, or leap-away, it ought to · 4>1>.>.or, ptllis; or M.,IVl•r, M,.,_•., M•>-•v.
have been written a jke, and not flea, which fig- O'lljs: and eajb feems to mean the fame with ijbed,
nifies lo jlrip off the flin: in the fenfe of jkeing, Voe. 11z, e~·pelkd, outed,flript: confequently Gr.
or flipping away, it would derive a il>•vy.,,fugio ;· FLETCHER ; Lye acknowledges that · th is
unde il>•')"I, f11ga; quali /luga, flight, efcape, or word is derived from fledge; but is fo for from
flipping. giving us an ecym. of that word, that he has not
FLEDGE; " Belg. jkderm, 'Vleggheren, voli- giYen us that word at all : but Junius tells us,
tare; 1'eut.flutilun, plumtfatre; 'l!olu<ris jam ala- that "Jkt<ber fignifies ttlor11111 artife.,-, f11gittarum
1111, et ptnnatus: omnia a verbo Skinn.'!- fabricator 1 and i' derived from chc Gall. Ital.
and fly he derives afugio; but· we might rather Holland. Belg. and 'Sax. words, which fignify
trace i~ a Il>.•'l'"" for the reafon which will be volitare 1 nifi forte 1nalis deducere a n>..11w, vel
given under the art. FLY witb wings: Gr. n>.-..-.-w, ferio, percutio, aiira, Cc. a/is:" as we fhall
FLEECE; l\f•>-••, o'liis; Dor. M"'>.ov, inde fee \lndcr the art. F LY witb wings : Gr.
quoq\le M"Jv\or, vellus; unde Belg. vlies; Sax. Fr..£XIBJLITY, ID.tx.., pli<o, p!et7o, fotlo,flt.v i,
flYJ'e, flere ; tht wool of jbeep when fheared; and jk1<ibilis; be11di11g, pliant, fupple.
this may have induced J un. to derive fleece a FL1GGURS; fro1n tbe fame root wich FLY
4'l.010r, <Ori ex; tho' it has not been adopted. with wings ; being young birds that ju.fl begin to ·
F LEER ; Skinner would derive this a verbo jfy : Iceland. fleig11r; volatilis : Ray.
to !ttr; but Junius, with greater propriety, has FLIGHT: fee FLY, according to the different
deduced "it ii 4>>.uae"» insptire, nv.gari; to trifle fenfes : Gr.
with,jolu, or taunt; 111akt a mock, or a fcor11 of. FLIM-FL Al\1 : " ' nefcio an i'l Sax. Flynia;
FLEET -dilch · 1" career Londinenjis, aproximo vagus; q. d. rumor 'l!agus; nobis autem nu11da-
FLEET-prifo11 S umcli, vel j/ue1110; the fleet cem -narra.fionem, fau f11bu!a111, no/al : flyma autcm
nuncupatur: Jun."-confequentl y he lhould have ortun1 ell: a jleam ; fuga; ·ct hoc ii verbo .f!ean ;
traced it up to B.>.v"? B>-v{w, fluo,jluens; flowing; fugere: Skion."-fo that here again we mull: have
Fleet-ditch : -Ciel. Voe. 131, n ; and 1j8, tells recourfe to the verb FLY, or FLEE away;; as
us, that" thefleet took ics name from the afpitate whcm we fay a flying-report, an idle rumor.
b in biid converting inco /, and making of blid, FLIMSY: this perhaps is nothing n1ore than a
jlid, and at length fleet :-and, a little before, t ranfpofition of the word FILM, which, as .we
he had told us, that lud, or lid, in the ancient have already feen, is Greek.
l anguage, !ignified a gate :"-but ftill chis art. is FLINCH: perhaps the reader will not be fa~
Gr. as will be ibewn under the r.rt. LOD-gnte: Gr. tisficd with any of the etym. exhibited by the
• FLEE1', fbal!ow : none of our etymol. have other writers on this word: it would fwell this
confidered the word in this fenfe; neither have I article to a di!fertation, were I to produce the
as yet been able ro fat isfy myfelf as to t he deriv. fevcral deriv. and then comment part icular])' on
unlefs it comes from che fa1ne root with FLA TS, each : let me therefore only ment ion the1n, and
or lho:i!s ': Gr. . then produce another :-Junius fuppofes jlincb
FLEE1' of Jhips : ll1w.,, B;.o?.,, jiu';;, j/11!7us ; to be derived a Belg. lincken; and this he has
\lnde l ral. jlotta; F r. Gall. jlotte; Sax. Flot"a, derived a nomine ly11cis, animaii11111 ocu!ali.f}imi :-
daj/is; a comp1111y, or large number of jhips failing, in which he has totally mifiaken the fenfe of our
or floating together. wor<l jii11ch. Skinner imagines it to come i verbo
FLEET, or Jwift; J unius derives " fleet, fling; vel i\ Sax. Fhccep ian; alas motitart ;- but
ct/er, ab !eel. fliolur:"-but wharever language chat is lo Jiidcct-, or jligger, noijlincb: pc: rn1it me
'that may be derived from, our word fleet feems chen to fuppofe, tbat our word }Unch origi nates
r ather co come frorn B;.v.,, fluo, fl11itare, quafi ab I"."" mi.tto; uncle prreccritu1n E1xct-; vel E'"''" :·
jieetare; to flow a/011/t., like n rapid c11rr~nt, or o ab E'"" defc-ends the verb ia>; frotn ico, bv the ·
lrri/k gale: fee likewile FLY with wings : Gr. interpoli cion cif the letter 11, 1nay. be fonncd.iuc0> ;.
'F LESH ; Sax. Fh~f'; Belg . jlecfcb ; T eur. and from t hence ollr word wi11ct, or wincb; unde
jfeif(h: forte -omnia.a verbo flay, vcl flea; q. d. · flinch; .i. e. lo .fl.1rt qfide 11[ 11 jh'oke, and I brow •Uf'
· B b ~. bis

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F L From GRl!ttt, and L .t. TrN. F L
bis huls·1 as a borje dots, when tou,bed i11 " · fcnfu in alios 1'letorqucntis rf1111du!tts cnim Roma-
g11llcd place. ' . nis idein fuit, quod oobis a gudgeon; pifciculu1
FLING; 0>.1{3,.,, qua(i 9>.1')'•>, fligo; to .betfl, armofiftli i11cola ; !ic diCl:us, quia -in /undo jluvii
dafo, or ca.ft agamfl the grou11d; lo throw into the inter calculos latitat: Skinn.''-this is ve.ry true of
air; or give it a 1cfa. tbt gudgeon, and ~t being as true of the fiou11der
• FLINT: whether DJ.iv90< can 'be admic.t ed ( wirh this only difference, that Jbe gudgeon is it•
~s the origin of flint, 1nay be very much doubted, frejb waters, and ·tbe ffou11der ii! fall) inay have
notwithltanding the fimilari.iy both of found and been t he reafon why they ·were both called fu11du-
fonfe between then1 : lee 1ne then fuppofe with lus; but then cbe Dr. ought to have traced this
Cafaub. that it either cornes from ~,>.>..,;, jilices: word to die Gr.; 'viz. a Bo•,, -Bu6or, B,.e,r, quafi
or refer to the SRx. Alph. e••e.,, fundus, fu111iulus; the P(lltOm ; becaufe tbtft
F Ll1 ", or ~emrm:; " ugnificac dom11111,feu fat!em jijh always delight to keep at the bQt/OllJ of rive1·s,
m11tare; omn100 a Dan. fly11er; .cummigro; hoc jhoru , &c.
force a verbo to fly; q . d. e prifco nido aw/are: FLOUNSE into the; " ~>-•wf3•;, fluc-
Sk ioo."- if this be fo, then he ough~ to have t11.a111iJ, d!jl11anti/que maris fa11il1u: Skinn."- ti>
derived it from the Gr. ; as in the art. FLY make a loud 4afhing noife, by plunging into the water.
~uith wings. FLOUNSES, and furbelows; perhaps fro1n the
F LIT , or wrangle, " vect. Angl. co11te11dere, fame rooc, as reprefenting the und11/a./io11, aud
litigare, rixari; Sax. fln:an, (Fhnt"an, fays Ray) agitation of the ~oavn; fiutluantu.
ide1n !ignante : L >•e."- to fight, [cold, aod quar- FLOUR, <l>"f"•,; T;:;, "'eX"1;;, e.,;;. Tf''"' Hefycb.
rel: - it feen1s to be only a contraaion of the pap , or the pnnada of the old gods :-however,
CON-FLICT ; and confequcntly Gr. to be ferious, this word <I>nf•< is ufed for 4>:.e•»
FLITT E R-MOUSE ; mus-volita1Ss; ii. 111••17,,_ et per apoc. "'"'f> uncle L atinurn Jar, f arina ; and
,..;;; , a fpecits of bat. ' our word flour.
FLOAT; B>.uw, B>.u{.,, B>.uO'.,, jluo; lo /wim; FLOU1' ; vd a 4>>.•;<o, 11ugor; vel fecundum
to overjffl"..v; " hinc mcrces aqua: fupernatantes Cafaub. ii <l>t>ui\H, 4>oou>.o1<r, <11..u:>.1?w, f11b/a11110, par<11i
appellantur jlotfa11; iJ. float; jluiJart , et Jimd; mare; fn.cio, to11ttmna; lo fi1e,~t· nl , j (e1·, qr ftGjf ': ,., maJ-
tht /ea: Ju n."- goods found fiooling at fta. le1n il Btig. blut1t11; .flultus, i. e. ta11q11a111 fl11llo
. FL OCK-bed l n;..,.,,, jfoccas: or fro1n Il>.o- il!.udere: Ski nn."- but perhaps the forn1er will
FLOCK of wool S ""!'-•r, cri11es pltxi; entangled be preferred.
hail- : R. IIA«w, n~llo; 10 knit, or join toguhcr. FLOW, B>.u.,, B1,u?,., flv.o, ./11tCl1u , fluidas,
FLOCK, mullit"dt; " n ...,, v efcor; ex hoc fluiditas; to flow, or O'lltrflow : l\lii lton has 1nade
. rr..., ell: no1nen Ilwv, grex, apud l iomermn ; et ufe of the word flown io a very unco111mon fenfe ;
hinc fortafi"e inferto I, a flock: Cafaub."-we it is generally underfiood as a participle of the
1.n ight rather fuppofe our word flock was derived verb fly; but in t he fidl: book of Paradife
ab Ox>-•r, qua{j <!>~.ox.or, /urba, multitudo ; gene- Lott, 500, he has made ufe of it as a participle
rally under!l:oodofmen, but:ipplicabk to creatures. of the verb flow, i. e. flujh ;
FLOG ; <1>>..y.., f >."''Y;;, et 41>."''Y'"'• flagro, uro ; - -· - - - -- -- and when night
lo inflame, or cmifa a11 inflammation: R. 4>>.oE, Darkens the ltreets, then wander forth the fons'
flamma : hence flagcllo, flagellum, et fla.r;ellatum; a Of Belia!, wich infolence, and wioe :
whip, or faourge, which burns, or ftt1 the parts i.e. overfloiljn, •<>•;>>.v£, vi11ole11/t1J, tbriefus, fl:ifhcd,
.,, fire . intbrialtd.
\'.LOOD; B>.v:.>, B>.vew, fluo; to flow, or werjlow. FLOWER of t he field : Ciel. Voe. 171, has
FLOOK; " vox nautica," fays Skinn. " pars very fagaciou{fy derived "flower fro1n pail,pugher;
anchora: adunca, qure terr:e iofigitur: nefcio an poll, the bead ; and ougher, growth :"-by this
a Teut. pjlug; Belg. ploegh, aratrum; a confpicua very derivation it feems to be defcended a Ilo>.-u•,
fc. aratri Jimilicudine :"- fo near was the Dr. to verlo; unde vertex ; the pole, or poll ; and av£"'"'
the original, and yet could not fee, what he faw augeo, augber, vcl 011gher ; to grow, or increafa ;
afterwards, that PLOW was Gr. fo that poll-ougber or fol/-ougber, contraCted to
FLORISii{lf».oE, flamma, flos; quia emicat 111 flower, is a plant that grows to a beautiful head:
FLORISTS jfall)ma ; hinc flQrco, floriduJ; gny, but Ji nee flowers are as re111arkabli: for their fra -
lively, brijk, f rejh : Voffius derives fies, a X>.oor, · grm:ce, as their growth, or colors, it migbt not
berba viridis; wl1ich feen1s a more natural deriv. be altoget her unnatural to derive the word flowers
FLOU N1)ER ; "Belg. fly11der: Jun." or ra- fronijloJ, flares, which Gerard Voflius would de-
ther afu11dulus ; per vulgi in!igoem, fed fatis fre- rive a x1,.,,, viror herbarum; and Ifaac from ~·"•
quentcm, errorem, no1nioa aotiqua ii p riftino unde f •'->-•» et ~u>.or, unde fos: cither of which

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F L From Ga l!E It, :.and LAT 1 N;.. F 'l
. .
·m ight be. :idmitte.d·; ·b:Uf le feems more prof,er nam ct hie b et /, apte conjungu ntur; n, B, <!»
'to derive floi,flores, ·With J unias, under the arr. vero literre funt affines, feu cognatre :· itaque fi
:fle•r; a jlo, flare, quod interda1n pro exhalart flo veriiar,aGirecis, non tam fit a 4'>.f!.v, ( Ognificatio
.ufurparunt; t o exhale, or breathe odors :-only enim abit) quam a n,.., ·quod idem nornr_. fane
now this great etymol. lhoald· have deduced • crebo abit in.>,, et I, ut alias f:epe ; fed 11npr1-
flowers a fl>w, tbas Ilrr., jlo, jlos, j/orts, jiDWerS. mis haoc rem firmat, quod Accici, fi ' fho1nre
FLOWER'. de /is: Ciel. Voe. 47, n, obferves, Magiftro credi mus, pro "1e•» >"1ew, pro "'.'v"'"1",
t:hat " the lilies in the arms of· F rance, have been ,,->.rv,..a.1", dixere i''-from whence the Latms de-
·faid to be nothi'ng bat the heads of fpcars, or rived their' word pulmo, and we oar words pneu-
halberds : the word /is, in the fenfe of lilly, is a malic, and pubnont1ry: frorn n,., .then evidently
rebus of · Ii, which li'gnifies juf/if •; the· feat of comes jlo; and from flo we decline flavi, jla11111),
which throne, as .well as the canopy and back, flatus ; flute, fl m1ifical ;,~qr11m~11/ blown into.
might, among 'the Gaols, have bee11 ·poudered FLUTED-pillar; " 'IJOX arcbiteftonica," r.1ys
with thefe lilies, or rather. beads of /pears:"- Skinn: " .ftr)ges, qua: fo nt columnaram canaliculi
l et the rebus have taken its origin fro1n wh·atever excavati, inftar n1garum in ftolis ; fi e dicri a
incidenr it might; !Hll if th'e word /is 'alludes to ravitatt, jimi7i cavil ati fiflularum, qure nobis//1ttes
Ii, in the fenfe of ju.ftiu, we may fappofe it took appellantur-:"-this laft expreffion,.fimi/i caviuui
i ts firft rile from A•·t"'• dico, jus dicer• i· ande fi.ft11lar11m, makes n1e fufpea, chat ou r wordfluted-
lex, law. • . pillar is only :i concratl:ion of fi.ftulated-pil/J1r ;
FLURRY, 4>>-'"e"'• '"'"~M.ew, ferveo, -eftiio; or perhaps is only a cranOation of fift11!11111s ; and
Jo be in viofe111 agitation. if .(o, t hen confequently is derived from t he
FLURT , or dafo with water; .'' 4>>.1<1.1, eont1p1do, Greek:; not through the medium of che word
contero: Skinn." flute in the foregoing art. bur from the verb cl>u•·"''"
FLURT , or jilt; commonly written, and pro- flatu di..fte11do ; uncle 4>0 ..,61.,., fiJ1ula; a wbifile, ,
nounced flirt, bat derived a 4>>.c•ue•<, . vi/is: vel a pipe, or reed. . .
~>.u<Z••(, nug£; unde <l>>.ua.eio1, 4>>.u"f"'• nugor, FLU'fl 'ER; Skinner derives this word a Lat.
garri~, blallero; a'trijling, infignificanl prater. ·
jl11f11111re; not fron1 the Gr. .Bl.v.,, B>,oew, /1110 ;
FLUSH, or b/11jh, " <l>>-a?"' ""'1»·"?"'' ferueo, unde fluEtus; undc ftuttuo :-we might however
<fl.ftuo; to ferment, or boil·: Jun."-"recbas fottalfe rather fuppofe, chat our W\>rclflu11t:r was derived
deriv es," fays Lye, " a Belg. fl11Jfen; fluere; qa1a, originally from n >.•11.,, percu_tio, /trio ; fc. alas
ut inquit Skinnerus, fangais ad faciem co1ifluit :" motitare; 10 mov e the wings; or, as we fay, tq
-then, either the Dr. or this learned gentleman, beat with the <uing .; and the heart beats, or
fliould have acknowled<>ed, chat fluo is Gr. :
. 0
1brobs quick.
-from hence likewife are derived the exprcffions
ro have a flujh at cards; and to be flujh of money. . FLY from ba/l/c ; d>ru')'•"• f ugere ; <l>oy~, f11ga;
FLUSTER; ~ 4>>-ue.., f erveo, bullio; et inde flight ; tho' perhaps it '".ould be better to derive
this word, when it f1gmfies rmmmg away, from
o ..o,>-vf, cbriofiu ; quafi vi11a bulliens: Cafaab.- 0>.1{3.,, fligo~ proj/igo_; to put, or lo be pu1 to the
cc malle1n," fays Skinner; " dedacere a Sax.
rout; to brrng lo ruin.
y:la[<JUan,'plet1ere, texere ; hoc credo a Fr. Gall.
plejfer; atramqu,e a L at. pl~O,ere; mttapbord fa· F LY with wings : t here ought to be a difference
i textrinli fumpta; ut nos d1c1mus eodem fenfu, at leaft in che deriv. between the litenl word 10
his cap is well tbrumb'd :"-but when we have a fly with wings, and the mecapho~ical v:ordfly, or
clofer ·and more natural de riv. there can be no flee away from ba11/e ; what I mean 1s, chat as
reafo~ to hunt after metaphorical fignifications : we ought n.ot co deri~c a fly, and a flea, from ~he
befides, after all, the Dr. is not able co lhake off fame fource; fo neither ought we to den ve
the Gr.: for, if he allows that j/u.fter is derived fledged, and fled, f~or~ the fam~ root ; for there
from the Sax. and the Sax. from the Fr. Gall. is undoubtedly a d1ftintl:1on of ideas, and there-
and che Fr. Gall. fro1n the Latin verb plet1ere; fore there oa aht to be a diftintlion between
then they are all derived from che Gr. verb lll\uw, their derivatio~s: thus, when we fay, the fly
pletlo, net1o ! to wea'IJ~, knit; or twi~e together; flits a jbortftigbt, we ought co de rive it ii. Il>-•y•o,
or as he politely calls 1c, well tbrumb d. pro n>."11"" qua Ii <l>>."7"'• ptrtu,tert , f erirt; tq beat, or
'FLUTE, " <l>>,a.w, <!>:>.,.,, 4>:>.f!.•, ferveo, flrepo, /lo ; jlrik.e; qaod aves vol antes ~ra percu11ant; as when
ventus flat: ita Crefar Seal. fed mihi non dubillln the bird fiiggers, or flutters its.wings :-but when
eft," fay:. Voffius, " quin ec 4>>.;;.., et flare, fit 1i we fay, tbeflea is fled /;y flight, we ought then to
fono.fatl:urn; ut et Belg. blafen (from wh~ncc derive it, as has nlready been done, . from 4'1vy~,
undoubtedly is derived our word b!nfi ~f wmd) quafi <l>l\rv'l'"• f ugio, per cpcnt h Ti t fly :-for if

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;F O From G 1. ! EK, and LAT r K't P 0
we do .not preferve fuch a difiinction, confulion critic only explains by gra""" g11od 11.flatt 110•
will arife. dtpaftitur, ti .quod. fpol~aJ~s jam J~atis by(lfla/i
FOB a man off; Skinner, after having pro- tempwe fuccref.:rt : but this 1s defioiuon, hot de-
duced three dcriv. the Jail: of which is Ital. rivacion: neither have l as yet found a good one.
fiabbare, fays, ." fed unde inquie.s fiabbare? FOG, or mijJ; 41•1''"'• pro a ....,.,, fumo, fami·
· crtdo a Lac. fabulari; fabula :"-and n1ay we ligo, futigo; f•g, or mijl• .
nor afk him, fed unde fabula? doubclefs, fays FOGG ER, " forcalfe lie diltus 11 fog, tubtda i
Cleland, Voe. 2, a n"'e"Po>-~, a fabk, a jlory, a confequendy Gr.: quod omnia 110ijtmdo ntbulam
fib; lo pu~ a man off with a frivolous tale,_or pre- quondam controverjiis obd11ctre fokat; rabula fo•
lt11ce :-whether n"'e«J3•>-• be an original word, rel/fis, vitilitigalor: Jun."-this feems applicable
will bcconfideredunderthewordPARABLE:Gr. only to what is called a pet1yfogging atturny:
FOCJLLATION l cJ.>wr, c)).,,,-x.,, la>.·, iltucefao; -but we likcwife apply it to a faller of [mall
FOCUS S unde w.,,,1.1, uro, vel 4,.,~.,, wares: " Somnerus fufpicatur futhim fuilfc a
i11 foco ali9uid torreo; to enlighten, /;urn :-lf. Sax. FO'tep; proc11s: Lye;"- Minlh. and Skin11;
Voffius bas given us another word, tho' not an· have left it out.
other deriv. ; for he has faid, " Oixor, vel cJ.>wy•,, FQH; "~.u,vab! iliterjetfio abomi•andi: Skinn."
' fo,cus ;"- •'""• domus, can only be taken in a FOIL, "ilf gemmti; Fr. Gall. fueiJJe J a Lat.
figurative fenfo, when it is produced as giving /oliilm: Skinn."- tbe Dr. 1hould' have added a
origin to fccus ; a bearlb : but <l'r.>7<r defcends from ,Gr. ~"""'" folium, frons, dis 1 tb~ leaf of a tree;
C>wr, lf>w"""' as above, and all perhaps a If>°'"' ~Ut here UfCQ in the fenJe of leii.f·goflJ, Or )ilver,
luceo; to jhine bright. put in the bajit of a ring, &c. in orde'r to hide
FODDER a garment; "panr.o, ptllibufvt. vejli- fomc defe&, or cp heighten foine quality iii a
me11tum duplicare; Gall. f o11rer; I t al. fodrare; jewel ; or what Ainfwonh ha$ very properlr
Bdg. '1Joedere11: Helvigio Germanicum /utter called adamanJis infelli fubjlratum.
<liClum videiur quali 'T,,.o.t•e•r, ptllii Jitbdutla, vel FOlL, overcome 1 IpaMio, everto, projler110; lo
interior: Ju~.''-a garment lined with fur: R. overtbrow,. or va11q11ijh. ,
;i.,~"'" pellis; a jkin, or fur. FOIL, or /mall fwora; both Joni us and Skinner
FODD~R of lead: " a Tcuc. fuder; veElura; derive this word ii Fr. Gall. Joule>"; a Lat. fullo;
five qua11t11111 carro contintri, et vebi pNefl ; hoc . q. d. ft1llo11is injlar, prt111ere, en/care, feu«I·
forte aTcut. ft1th1'e11; vehere ; et tandem 01nnia care: ,quafi 't•t1burare, c0Hll111dere, iBibus permo-
crcdo a Lat. vebere: Skinn.''-but vebo originates le1·e, perdtrt, corrumpere, ill11derc, i11fa:uart :"-fo
ab Ox1w, Oxw, 'IJeho; quafi vocbo, vecho, vebo; to many fcofes could they find, and yet could nei·
carry ; i. e. a load of lead. .tber of che1n /ind the Greek origin of ju/lo;
• FOE, hoflis, ofar, will bear rhe fame etym. however. lince this perhaps is not the true etym.
with FIEND; both in t he Gr. and Sax. Alph. of. our word /tJi/ roplaywitb, l fhall not produ<re
FOECONDITY, <l!oiiiuw, p/111110 ; unde flllttts, any, becaufe I haye not been able to find a good
f 11:ttmditas ; fruitful11efa, fertility : If. Voffius de~ one; unlefs in th.e 'following arr.
rives f et1u, and f ettmditas, a Il«w, rr•.,, B• w, ·Bocrxw, FOlN; p1t11fJi111 ferire, " nefcio an a Fr. Gall:
Bo1« , ft111s :-but perhaps it n1ay be 1nore proper poindre; pungere : vel a Sax. i:anbian; tentare ~
to derive f tetus a 41.,7...,, coeo, into ; lo unite, or q . d. ferro aditum in vifatra tent are: Skinn.''-sn~.
couple together. body would foppofe that the Dr. had rnii\aken
FOETJD, 01J'or, vel A1Jo1•<, uncle A1.t""' his fubjea, .and intended this for the foregoing
f irdus,-firtidas; to jmel/ r11nk, or have 11 ftrong [cent. art .- " vide ca1nen annon propius. accedat ad
FOETUS; "'•1tvw, pla1110; or rather a <lioi1aw, q,,.~., vel 4>o>fUW: ocrido : Jun:'-and ht·nte ufrd
coeo: 3$ above. rnecnpborically in another fcnfe by Shakefpear, in
FOG, r.Jtergrafs; "nefcio an ab Ital. affogare; his fecond pact of !·Jen. IV'. act ii. fc: 10, where
f11f(ocare; q. d. gramen hyemn!i frigo>"tf11Jfocatu111, he h;is made Doll 'I'emjheet wheedle t he good old
et quafi e.'rtinffum: Skinn.''-let roe only obferve, knig ht, with " Thou whorefon Jin !e i iny Bar·
tliat after filch an etymology, and fuch an ex- . tholomew boar- pig, when wil! thou ! tighring
planation, the Dr. ough t never tci co mplain on days, and /oi11i11g on nig hts :"·-i. e. lcl>C
again!\: any ocher perfon for wild and extra'l'agant ftabbing men on days, and women on nights.
conceptions : Junius has given us no derivation F01SON," ex f11jio; ut p(Jif0>1, ex pot;o: Menag.
:u all; but has only expl ained f og, or 1if1er-grflj1, Jun. and Skinn.''-" Gall ice foi(fonnn· ; nh:rndarr :
by po/ifamium ; however he has referred us to Ray."-but ;1one of chem t11oug ht of deriving
Spelman's Gloff. in fogngiflm; which is only a fujio, and foijfonMr, 'J..fuflu ; fufll'!, ~ jiMd• ; Ct
barbarous law L atill word, an d which that g reat ft111do, a X••<.'> vel Xuw, vel Xr«1 x,•o~, fwufo, pfrs·;
. • Jigntfyio.g

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., 0 From . G, R 'J! .1 ~,. and LAT ri::.
ngnifying' ubtrtas, copid, abu11da111i"'; natur-aljuiu, FOOD ; cJ>..y.;., edo·; to tat: eafaubon derives
t;r moifturt; rver ftowi11g, ever poMring 0111, it ab A~HJ,._,, adverbium, profitje, liberalittr ; vol(
FOIST. in; "per f1'~111m oblrudere; ii Fr. Gall. ad tiberaliore111 compo{11tio111111. (et comejfur,,m) i#-
fauf!er; adulterare; nom. faux ; falf"'; q . d. · vitotoria : Vf:'rflegan thinks j~ is French.
fa!ftficare,faljitare : Skinn."- who would not de- FOOL, "·~·~~·;, mifarable, ridicu!o11s,jqui11ti11g:
rive fa!fus, i fallo; nor folio from Ifl"A>.'" vel a· quafi <l>o:o>.xo<, i. e: ~:i /%><>~ •~""" one that turns
§>•>·•<,Jal/ax; for fear it lhould come from th.e Gr. about bis eyes: or die fro[U <l>ow>.01, mean, con j
• FOLD jhetp }E1>.'ul, volvo; unde va,lv-6 ;gates, temp tibit ! . there are fon1'e who irnagine it comes
• FOLD up wbicb jhut and cpe11 011 bo~b rather from ·fol/11s, which we n1e~t ·wi~h in fome
fidcs, or which turn over tacb other:. 'Skinner ·.de- authors _infi1?1,e lt1tittitalis i and which has been
r ives this word fold, "a Sax. rcalban, afeal/an ; formed fr,om follfr: •Others derive ii: from fo!ium;
cadere; quia fc. qu4 tomplicantur, concidunt:"- as 1nucl! as to fay, light, a11d·vola1i!e! ~s a leaf:
b ut under the art. fall, he fays, alludit Gr. Nug."-how fond the Dr. is of deriving thefe
~t.v.>•"'• Itoo>.>.014"'• quod pro .etyn10 habet Abr. Greek words fron1 the Latin!-Ckl. Way. 85, 6,
Mylius :~hen we might be glad to know what tells us, that "fool origin ates fron1 ul, or w1~l;
.diitintfrion .the Dr. could have formed between in the fenfe of wood, or wild : the French retain
~1.Jmolo17, and al/ufion; for alludi1 i!' the word he it to this day in th1; fenfe of wildnefs ; Jolie
feems to be mpft fond of, whenever he intro- avoine is wild · oats :"-but ul evidently come~·
duccs the Gr. l;inguage; while fcarce any thing fro111 v>.-~,jjl-va, wood ;Jylveflris; woody, wildnifs.
but allujion has ellablifhe~ half his etymologies FOOT; " 0><, .,.t,,,
pes, pedis; Cafaub. and
f rom the Sa~on _and other N orthern tongue.s : Nug."- but S)tinner fays, longe proclivius eft
how.ever-kc hk¢w1fe the Sax. Alph. dedµcere foot ii n or, ,.,.1.,
:-it is tnte, II"' gav.e
FOLE; " n.,>.or, pull1's; the JOUng of OlfJ trta- : origin to pes; and pes )s L atin for a foot ; bqt 1t
/ urt : Cafaub. and Upt." is rather coo dillant for a good deriv. : we might
F OLIAGE 1. ~v>.>.or, /olium, front, dis l tbt ltaf rather imagine with F r ..Juniu~, as quoted _by the _
FOLIO S of a tree or plo11t: alfo a large Dr. that fool was i:lenved a <1>••1«.,, <%>011~·· ire,
}look bound with the jheet 011,ce doubkd:, . _ qmbµ/pre; to go, or walk .
. F~LK; Ox>.•r, lEol. F·•;ic:>.o.r, ct 1nde traJCCbs FOP, "credo," fays Skinni:r, " a Teut. fabis,
11tens Fo>.x,or, vu_lgus, .,,,,lgrtJ; vo!k, folk, or peo- .vel pofifz ; trepitus· 1upi, flf~gi fpecics ; (what we
p ie; often ufcd 1n termmat1ons as Nor-folk, the call a puffer) ut j 1111gus etiam Lat. pro bardo, vel
fiortb-ptople; S~f-fof.k, the South-J:toplt. jlupi¢o ufurpatur; q. d. cer;brs v_acuu! ; ell: er.11n
FOLK-M?~ E, ,, a fallc-tnttl111g; a~ aJ!t fnbly fungus, pr4!fa1'tim oridf!s, '!'"Ide ltvu~ ?.orofiu.,fpon,:
Df tbt people. V~rft. -:-who fuppofes It to be giofru, eoq11; mu/tis i11ambus t11Jerjl1IJIJ pr.6dtt1'J:
Sax. and •_n~eed it i:ar~1es much the appearance this fimilitude of a fop to a fungous fubftmue,
of Sax. origin; but IS I~ truth pure Greek_. might induce us to derive it a -<!>VITO'""'' fujflo,
F<?LLOW: even Ski oner a.Hows, that follow flatus; bloated, filled with not bing but air, empty • .
.allud1t parum Gr. fio;1.1u.,, mmijlro.; "14q:11r•>.u.., · FOR; "r"f• tnim: Upt."- this feeins a very ·
..Af'f'"•"•;, fatnul:is; an allendent. good deriv, and yet Junius has given us a bet-
FOME, ~"yw, <!>"'')"'"'• unde fD7Jeo, fomtnlum ; cer; for, he fays, " Sax. fOj\; D an. f•r; Belg.
fame, froth, fume. vocr, faeta funt per n1etath. literre e ex Gr. ne••
F OMENT; ~,, ~"~""'• ~..,,.,, et~"'>'""' unde ante, coram :"-fro111 whence co1nes the Lat. pro,
foveo, /omen/um; ~ bathing •f any affetled part, 111 which lignifies nam, tilim, enimvero. . - •
order to affua¥ke 1a:n ; to foot he'· t~fofibJe11fi. d , . . FOR, in compojitio;z; "prd!po/itio loquelaris, Sax.
FOND: S inner quotes a1au . or envmg A 1 111. 0 p·r.r • el au•ert , fo•ce a
t his word a <b"J''I"'"• parva quidem foni, nulla eLt nfig • • ' "'• °-'!. c'muGiugna"~,
· r f' ffi · b C f; b r, at. oras. a11. uai r. 'Pl'» 1., ,,
:,,·g·. 'pr;<11"·,'.
omnuio i~n '.1s, a I _n~atJe :-:- u~ a au. re ers to Skinn."-we have inany words in our language
:inother env. ',! i~cb d u~1usr. das, bw1t _greatder whi ch admit of this compound; thus, for-bear ;
udgemenc, tran1cn e ; viz. Jon , a E,,.~,."'• a -
b'd & · l
I · • d · · •
h.ertrt, amp eElt: ll>u•<t•, un e parcrc1p. ll>u•11~, 1. e. · jicr- i ·
· ' c. oe 0
b .
ve y. • - fo e . anrl et .
Er.-:1."'""1'(• 11mpleE1en1es: 'i"~",.9"'' amp!eE!i, ofau- FORAGE ;l S~mner ;nccs ~t ~~~~ G~ ·~.!rd
/11.ri: de puero co/lo matris inh,eretile, T'!' .,.,,.X""-'!' among other c env · pro uces d Ot . ..1 b • .. · •
• : dt prtfrOTUm dC:.ICJI
.,.;;~ p.n/eo~· t,u.~i.:~a.1 r · ·S ti' nJ1J1f(Z,
· ., « B0r·a, pobulmr~, efca ;J• '
· fa·fi prq•11e
' (1 l' ru 1.0111.m
· '' -

parnztum erga /iberos indulgenlia; the prepofterous and the L•t. word f~r~,; qu~ • _flYa~ 1
"?'" ~« ,
- lho~~d thrs ..' ~ccc~C. d;,nv. ~~eat~'.t.teviz~ ea ~~~::
ajftE1i1111 of Jome parents for favorite ,bi/dren.
FONT ; X1w, X•rw, f1111do; unde f~ns ; a form- dern e that u ,ew1 e rorn. " , . d . . as
tain, or rtctp1a&lt lo bold water, undc ~"~"''' fflrr.s ; · ab,1 tad; wilh~ut oul s' in
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lo' 0 F 0
in the following art. ; or rather a l1>•ell•. palJll· quoquc contiderandum· vidctur an non fortitrt, vcl
/um, a!ime11111m, tjca ; food of wbalt'Vtr fort. fornciert, ,quomodocunque contra~um, corrup-
FQRAMINOUS; 0•f"• foras, fw-a, fora111tn; cumque fit exfornitatus :"- and now 1t ought to be
a bole, a door, a paffege, or any r;penillg lo admit fret contidered, wherher fornicatus, or fornix, are not
tgrefa and regreft. derived from the Gr. as we Iha.II fee under the
FOR-BEAR, JJofiw-f'f"'• ufed i.n the fcnfe of art. FORNICATION : Gr.
tlt./iJI, abjlain, refrain. FORD : Skinner fays, "' che Sax. and Teut.
F'OR~BID, no;iw-1l•111.,, longt.jubto; procul 'Uoct words may be derived a Lat'. vebtre 1 et alluchint
rtrg<o, imptllo ; to counltr-mand, counltr-order, Gr. n..ew, tranfao ; et lloe•r, Doe9,...or, traje/Jus :"-
eounter-wi/I. but ·probably none of thefe are the 'p roper deriv.
,FORCE.; " I.-xur, F1.-""'' 11is : the f 1ias the particularly the latter, which feems racher to have·
force of che lEol. digamn1a; (could not .Mr. given origin to our words /Jore, pore, peir&e through :
Upton's authority convince Dr. Nugent?) and is · with regard to the prefent word ford, we might
ofcen pre!1xed to words ; from !af11Jre comes rather derive it ii. nae•••/•'"• 'Vado ; to wade tbrougb
Jo ./latter; nifi me laCl:alTes amantem: Teren~. Upt." a rivtr ; i. e. to pafs ii 011 foot, or lo ford ii.
- this is not fo good a deriv. of our word foru, FORE, by cranfpofition derived from !If'• a111e;
as to derive ic afortis; and then.with Voffius ~o c01·am ; and by us ufed as a cont raCl:ion of hefore;
derive for/is afero, i.e. from <l>•f": na1n ut [ors ' and often joined in compotition ; as f crt-aTtllld;
inde,_ quia tignificat conditionem prout res fe feral; f ore-bode; fore.cafl, &c. &c. &c.; all which may
ita et fortis inde, quia forlitudo rft virt11s prife- be found under cheir principal verbs.
rendarttm rerum: h:ec feoteotia impeofe placerer, FORE-HEEl ' i "predeter,.int : proverb, fO
niti antiq u.illimi pro fer/is ext uliffent f ortlis ; ut forehect naught, b111 h11ilding kirks, and kupi11g o'ei-
in legibus X II. Tab. FORCTI SANi'l.'flQYE 'um: Ray."-who feems co have been tnore in·
IDEM JUS ESTOD. Mr. Spelman gives us, in tent o'n prefcrving the proverb, than on tracing
his XI. Book of the Roman Antiquities che words the etym. ·w.hich feems to bc only a various dia-
of rhis law, thu.s,, from F ulv. Ort: de Jur. Pub. fect of FORE-I~EED ; and confequendy Gr.
. 5. NEXSO. SOLVTOQYE. FORCTEI. FOREIGN; Soeu.,fflras, velforii; .011t.ofdon1,
SANATEIQYE . EIDEM. lOVS. extrinjit ; a j/ranger.
ES1'0D. FOREST; " 4>vw, produce, naftor ; forefls att
5: Nexo,. folutoque forcri, fan'a rique idem trees tvbicb tbe · earJb produ<eJ of itftlf: Nug."-
J~us efto. wc might very much doub t this etym. on ac-
5. Let the debtor, who is in bondage, e1tjoy coull! of its wide tignification : and rather, wich
che fame right with hin1 who is re- Spehnan, fuppofe ic was called "forejJ. ab aclver•
leafcd; and the llranger, who ret urns bio foras, vel Joris, quaJi pars forajlica, feu exte--
to his duty, enj oy rhe fame right with ricr :''-but then f cra.1,. ':-el faTis~ is Gr. as y;e
che Ron1an, who never fdl from it. hav.e. fcen ju£1: now ,. chough perhaps ic might be
.Voffius proceeds to derive chis forClis ab 'Oerx1..., better ft ill tO' dcriv.e f orejJ.. ae"f"'•fera, q.ooti foref/11 ;
•eP.¥• : nee tanu1m forfiis, ftd' et fort111s, imo et che habitation of wild bt ajls :-Cleland, Voe. 172,
b~rtlus ; ab 'F.ex1or,jep1tu, 1111111il:ts; quod ab '£e'Y"'• would have tr, or ber, lig nifying a wood, co be
fapic; nam qui bent m1mit11s, is valide ref'.ftit ; quin radical to f orrrft (as he writes i t) and likewife 'to
' hoc verum tit forllis; vel J~1·1is eryn1on,- vix d u- rhis Gr. word E>•e«, the L ac. /era ; and our word
bitaoclum; nempe uc fpiricus afper abeat in F ; deer ; and many others,. inchidi ng the idea· of
ur a\5 'Er11n, f efius; ab 'Oep•;, f or mid: ; tefte F efto. wildneft.
FORCE-m<at balls fe~1n to be v·llrious di aletr FORFEIT ; " a Cymrre!s fforjfed; Fr. Glll;
(or f arced, or fluffii1g; being linle balls, or pellets, forfai/J ; .Gall. forf'ai! ; Ital. f q1fare; q.. d. fcris-
m ade of feveral art icles,. and high ly fcafoned : factre ;-. deliflum, crimen : nobis aul:t'm fead., yel
confcquentl y Gr. : fee FARCY : G r. pec11J1ili per delitl1111111/iquod, vtl pafli viola1i41tem tt·
FOR-CEPS, r;"f'" r •.t•f•>-x:..,,7C., f err11111-c11pax, ddere : j 11Elura1.• factre ; 111uf&la, p a11a : J un. and
unde for<eps ; a pair •f tongs, 11ippers, pince,.s, tweez - . Skinn."-but neither of thc1n have !hewn .rltat
trs.-Servius; ad JEn. VIII. JSI ~ gi.,es us. an- both foras, vd jflTis, arrcl j acio, arc of Gr. origin.
other deriv .• of fortipes, q ua(j f orbitaptS; nan1 F ORGE , or j initby}b:)th Jun. and Skinn. al-
forbmn eft calidum : but he does not tell us w.hat FORGE RY low., chat the Hollwd.
· lang uage forbum is. Fr. Gall. Gall . and Ito!. words fignifying •
F ORCER ; " Angli .mutuat i func voce1n ab f f/rge; omnia corrupta funt a Lat. fabrica, cc
Italis," fays J un.. " ut q uibus f or<iere d icjcur cifta Ifabr ' icnre
. :"-but
. "0
no farther :. let me then.• en·,
can1crata, capfa, f~n1ids .inftar arcuata : unde dcavour to .thew,. that our word f orge 1s . no.
• derived

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F 0 .from G R .1 i ic, and LATIN, F .0
derived · from either of tho(e · We>rds; and if it likcwlfe in. our Eton Latip GTarnm. pri11111s -i s.~t
was, ftill it would be Gr. as we have fccn under the pojilive of prior; qut _ th~ (uperlativ~ of p.-.,;
the arc. FABRIC; but Ciel. Voe. 158, n, more a prepoficion which the Latins compared after
properly fuppofes, t hat " forf_t is derived i ftr-irh ; the tnanner of the Greeks; thus pr.e,prior, primt11;
lo jlrike · ifrJil / •-and. be hkewife bas gone no for ~here are but very few inftanccs in La1 iri.
far.tiler, fuppoling this compound · to be Celtic, where the f>Dfilive ends in i11111s :-but to return 1
whieh however is intirely Gr. ; for fer is only a former feems to be the comparative of fort ; and
contraalon of ftr-"'111 1 and confcqucntly takes may be compared thus,. fort, .former, f•nlio.ft, or
the fam~ root with FERRUGlNOUS : and fr.h fortmojl 1 and perhaps the Saxons compared -in
is the fame wich z.'fr/c, which, in p. 140, n, he 'the fam~. 1nan11er pipe, r opma, Fo.11n1q-ca.
tells us fignifies to ftrilte 1 and confequently takes FORMJP-ABLE, Jl.!•fl'tr• vcl Moe;_,,, for111id6,
the fame root .wich itfus ; which will be found to formidabilis; .Jria_dfllJ, tremendous.
be Gr. likewife ; under the arc. HIT : Gr. FORNICATION; 9uf"• foras, farnix, fortti-
FORK, 'Tex•, •i•f4>•e111• ••e•r1• .1 ...u1..,: Hefych. t atio; a brotbt/,.houfa; becaufe they' were in vau/f.s,
unde fortalfe furta ; a prop, to fupport dflJ tbi11g, and places under-ground, btrtd, and ~ug i11 the earth.:
which from its lhape gives origin to that inftru- there feems however to be a· much becter deriv.
mcnt in hulbandry called the bidens, or two-tined from IJ•t'"• ll•t"'"• .ll•e•ft"• loclls in 9uo faorta ft
.forlt. . · projlituu111, wherever that might be; t ho.ugh. per-
FORKIN-ROBBIN; " an ear-wig; called fo .haps the firft inftitution of that refpectable· fi\ler-
. from iufwlud taif: Ray."-confequently derived hood might have ta.ken its origin in: thofc. d'ar)<
as i'n the foregoing art. fubterraneous places above-mentionsd. .
1·" M•el'•· by tranfpofaion
forma ;jhapt,figure 1 or, ac-
FOR-SAKE, Z•11w, qu.ero ; unde" ' Sax. fOJl·
recan; tkrelinqutrt.; FOJlfOCCn; derelif/uJ ; ·q. ct.
FOR[l;tATl.ON cording to ot.hcrs, from non qu.ejit11m : Skinn.''-who then refers us cf,
Otl""• impetus, printipium ; or from Of"I'"• vifus : faek; .under which he acknowledges, l\.1infh. de-
R . Oe••» video 1 in the fame manner as chc Greeks tl.e~Ht a Zn1rir, quz fane fa1is con1n1oda allufro
have formed E1l•r, jpecies, from E1lrr.>, ?Jidto: eft : mallem a ve.rbo to Jet 1 qui mim ali911id 9""'"
Nug." runl, circu111fpiciu1.i :-here now we have ano!her
• FORM, or btncb, "4>•el'•r. ftorta, ltges : Greek dcri v. ; for he himfelf has derived the verb.
Cafaub.'' mats, rujhes, &c. with which the ftoors {tt '' a 0t«tf4-°''' aJPitio; facili mutatio0e ,.; 0, i.n
and feats of' our ancient princes and nobility s :"-che former, however, will be preferre<l, fincc
were forfl.lerly ftrtwcd, that their vilirants might our word forfalte feems to be derived from tile
not injure their cloche's, before boarded floors and Gr. through the Sax. FOP• ver; a ntgatiye; aoii
carpets were introduced : thou.Id this deriv. not fCCan a Z•71w, 91t40 l ID fatk ;.i. C. for-fake is 1101 Id
be :ipproved, we mull: refer to tht Sax. Alph. ftelt, or ftarch for 1111} tbing: that is, to rmotintt,
FORMER,." prior 1 Sax. Fopma; primUJ ; unde or 11egfet1 it. ,
iis.quoquc Fpam, Ct rpom cftjlrm11111, acer, a-m- FORTH, n.;;.., porra, proc11l 1 far off; vel
ftl/Jflls, fortis ; item bonus, inleg", probw ; Al- a 9uf"'• 0ut"~'' f1ra., Joris ; l"'" 11brolld, wi1b-
man. /ram, Jrambar; Dan. from ; Iceland. frH•IW ; 011t doors. • . _
Belg. vroom, vrom : proborum etcnim ftrt111UJN1m· FORT~-WlTH; "manifcll:e com1'9fltuin ,a
qut virorum cft in quolibet difficili ac laboriofo forth, and with : Skinn.'' and confequcndy ,half
negotio ;rimas fibi panes vendicare : Jun." hinc Gr. half Sax.
Jormo.ft, veteribus foremcft, prim111, pr.ecipuus, Sax. FOR-T-NIGIIT; a contrafrion of /o.11r-t«'-
cft Fop1nerca: Lye;"..,.-it is always with diffi- 11igb1, or fo11r-1te11-11igh11 ; ·and confequently Gr, ;
dence that I' difre·nt fro1n thefe great cricics in fee FOUR, &c. : Gr.
the Saxon tongue.: bl!t they have in .this place · FORTUNE; "4>1e.., fero; unde fors,fort11na 1
given us either a wrong pojitivt, or no pcjitive at luck, hazard, tha11a ; quia flgnificat rondi1iont111
all, of our word f ormer :-'-are .we to fuppofc that 'prout rts ft fert: VolT."
. the Sax..Fopma is the pojitivt of _our word former? Q.,uicquid erit,fuperanda omnis fo_rtuna ferendo tjl.
this can bv no means be admnced: or are we. JEn . V.71.1.
to fuppi>fe ·with Lye;· that FOJll'1Cf'l:a is the fu- FORUM, 4••e"'• fero; to 6ear,, or carry; a place
·ptrlali'Vt, and Fopma the- piljith·e? neither ought to wbith 1bi>1gs art brought for Joie ; unde ~e1a,
this to be admicced : -in fhort, they have neithe.r [()rum ; a 1narktl : dt~e•c-, .,.J .w..,f-:.e•o•~ 0 Tt n f ,., 11!
of them given us the original word, or pojitive T"
,,w,.,111.1 "-?10< : Oppiani fchol. : and indeed it is
~et of fOpmert:a ; which, . with Skinn. we · 001 improbable that the words foru!ll, and empo-
might rather fu.ppofe was FOJlan, Qr FOJlC : fo rium, q uali fm/Grium , may be def<;_ended fro1i1
c c fi"'1.t 0>,

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F .O From Gi·111t, ·and LA,i111. :p -R
n~iw, "t11d41· lo bllJ anJ flll 1 • fince· tbc ·,. and f i mhlto, tu11tio :"""Co ~ tliat'he bu··givtn' us choice
• arid the ll, and r, are continually interchanging. j ~ndugh at leaft,"had -any ·of bis deriv. b'een right:
• ·FOR-WARD;' a contraction of fort, ' or· be., we·might rlther t herefore derive it 'from ID..,;...,
:j!Jrt, ·.and ward; and confequently' cicfcended td. -as abo\le, I• PLY wifb' Wi1t~s. ·
• us f/om rhe Gr. ·through' the Sax. · ! 1''0W~M,tRT: Ray's foiend Lloyd wriru .ir
• • F OSS l Bo~v.. , fodio, fof!d; " dif(b, bole, pit i. "pbiol-bart ; and explains it by a polua/: martts
.:..· FOSSILS or any thing ·dilg out of the t11Tlb : is 'a "noted llea!l; of the vcnninous kin'd, dcllrcd
' vel ab lEol. x.13.,, 'p ro x.~, 'f'oveo ; un<le jfJ'IJt11 ; for their furs·; ' whence . percliancc the po/trot
"uddc 'fodio; x rnucatum inf; lit a'X•ll•, ftl. rnight 15edenominltted 'fculmarl; q. d. f••l·mar1,
FOSTER-(hild } "S>J<. Fori:)han; Belg: irotd· its jlilrlting fmtll :"_:bu~ botlr FOOL, · arid
« FOS1'ER-f111her· ftere11; dltrt, tducarei For- M·A RTEN, arc Gr.
. .l'.'?S'I'ER-mo1her 't:eJl, r-eri:ep; 11itl11s :omnia ' FOWNES ; " Chaucero videnrur efi"e, ;,,..tJ·
vcl a Jud, et fodder.; vet ii ·Lat. Jot art, frequent. 11a1ion1, tkuius, Janties, concti11," fays Jun ., " v1de
vcrbi /overt 1 folus quafi Jo.flus: Skinn. ~d Lye." an aliquam habeat affinitatem cum illo fnd,
· -but neither ·of thofe gent1e1ncn woald inform quod nimiiim indulgcntem in liberos dcnotat 1
us, whether foveo was ·an origin. ·or a ·deriv. ;- imo et fatu11m :"..:..but both FOND, and FA·
· however 'We· have •alri::tdy •focn, under the art, TUITY, ·are Gr.
··FOOD, that ir is Gr. " .F OX ; " AAw~E, EM-..f, vulpu ; a11 olliltial
. FOUL,·« f!a.ui..01,'fpurms, f,cdus; ma/us; witlud, fa called: U pt."
/i11d: Cafa,ob. •and Upt."-who adds, hinc Sax. FRACTURE }'Pa£, 'l''' : 'P.,....,,
'P"'l''°'' ea.,t;,
y-fel; f~ul, ' a11y thing roil. . • FRAGMENT quafi ; ...y.,, frango, frog11111-
'FOUNJ;>t\RY; " 'F r. ··Gall. foundeur; Ital. tum 1 a fraflurt, 6rtacb, or fiffert; tbe broken·µr1
fo11!1tl'e; Gall. f 611drtr :' omni;i ·a Lat. fundtrt: of any thing.
· SJ<1'ir n. an:d ·L ye.".:.....but neither of them would FRAGRANCE; o..,t"'l''"• o..,,. ,•
. tell us :that fi1'ttilo' was derived il. x.....xrvr,., vel lo fmtlf fwtetly; hence fragum ; /1 jlraw6trry, qu!a
•.x:.,,, . ~""" ·quafi ~.~, fund•: " f11ndtrt, feu 1/i. /11111 odoris optimi; 01111ccou~1 •f tbtir gra1iful fllflll
·quart mtte!/11 ; q. 'd.· Mr1"/\/\•x,v1r;r," fays Skinn. and affd tajle.
· yet 'he·conld nor; or·•would 1fot, fee the true deriv. FRAIGHT, lfl•e1or, 011111; lfl•e1"~"' onero 1 lbt
<' ·F00NDAT!ON;. Boo>, Bo&or, Bri&<r,/11ndo,fun- • burdtn of a jhip.
r<tJarfien; Jhe grcund:woHt, :or'boftom Jiart of tbe w11//. FRAIL, or bafatl; Kll<llafor, talatbus 1 quo/us; a
: F0UN DER'. D'-horft; « quocf frepe felfore1n in twig, or rufh.bafket 1 perhaps Skinner·was inductd
..tei:ram f:iiltfi;t,''feu '~ff'tindnt :1.·e. dtjidqt : Jun. from hence to derive it " ab Ital. fragli,frl·
' and Ski1in."..:...;i:onfequt:il!ly would t hen be derived. gtUi; implicat11rd!, ft11 i1111od11t11r.e ramor11m; et fanc
' from dte fo'tegcilng ' root, in~a 1netaphor. fenfe' :i quid aliud ell 'llimm, quam ramorum fa/frU'lll, ti
but Cafat1b. •dciiv6 founder'a'?t ~,;,.1,.e.,, de co pr'o-j ejufmodi jlexibilium arborum impilx11s? lioc ii Lat.
i'rie .dicitu.r, qui flare /o,o nefcims pr"' nimid impa-1 jft1gtfla; quod pr,.,dp11t dt vilt ditilur :"-there.
1 ~ientit1," 1i mnfp11lfa1, ti frrit pedibus: equis aute1n• feems to be fome fpecioufnefs in this deriv.;

·viiiurn peduo~,.•q(io !qui bborant •·pr:e ungularum• but we can fcarce · fuppofe that jfagtllum gave
rent>riiudinc, live n1ollicie, Ii per afpera et ' dura · origin bol:h to f rail, and flail: it may; bu~ 1hcn,
1}nceaui'it/ fir'zilentn' !mpii1gtlnt. . in both inltances, it would be manifcltlr Gr. as
1 ·FOUNT·; 'Xrw, · i;u:." ·f3e•», · llvv..., • quafi <l>v>•>, we have feen.
fi111do ;,un,defc11~ ; orior, fcateo,; to pour, •·ift, bul>blt: FRAIL, w eak; 'p.,.,..,, 'p'"'Y'"'> e•,,W, quali
·' '}<'GUI~; t1<i1'?"· · q1il'11ilor, ·i:e. quia, 'llier,ftor,: P"''r"• fra11go, fragilitas; /iri11i111eft, wu.t, t8/J
'f i/ur, 'fo11r1b. ; ' ibol qmzrlcr par/' of n11y numbtr, or; to bt broke11, /:1bdued, 'uall'{~ifbed.
"'"'f"t· · F RAME : Skinner would derive . it a Sar.
" 'f°OWL Jhr; ·both Jim.' and Skinn. lia~e: FJlcmman; futre, formart; and this is the far·
' fiilli~ieiltly ; !hewn, tl'iar our ,,/ord fowl is derived ' ' ihclt the Dr; would go: he has however quoted
fro1n. the . Sax. Fu;scl, i:: u;sJ., /11/; Alman. foga/; Minfh. for deri ving /tame a forma, tt ·f~npart;
fceb n'<I. fugl ; and l3el g.• 11ogal: omnia funt a nee illepide :-and yet neither of thefe ctymol.
ji'"" ;· f1.~er-c, vs/an; lieut i. eni111 a ffeon ; fig11ifi- could find \vhat Junius has difcovercd, viz. forlU
· C•nte /i(l(trc ; fh(f(d cxpon\t ur/ugnx :-but neither elt ex M·e~., by trailfpofi1:ion. .
() f the1n h<lve· give n the !calf- hint th~t jleon :night • FRANK-IN--CENSE : tliis word. fcems t9
"!>e·delivcd a. JJ>.i 'Y"'• pro n1.,11,,,, percutiens, qua- 'be Gr. ·and Sax. and 'lncans 'no· more· than ·limply
'-iie11s r.era, le. pcnnl! : Skinner indeed faid, inrenfe ~ which we lhall treat of· undcr' iti;proper
· a!ludit et ·nollto fa rQ/, ·Gr. RQll,.,, jacio, j atlito ; ·art. ; the· forn'le.r part w:ill- lie ':found· io the:
' he.: n'on ..JlQ,;1,~, il&to; 'f1.t-;.;:<:1• i, '•/ateo ; et n".lvw, ::sax. 'A:Jph.

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F R From Ga a 11:, and IJA Ti! ~ . • •
PnNKS, tbcl proper: Celtic name for tb6 f!'i,ar~ : •Sk.inn.--con~O~Dtlfl derived a ~.,....,
Fre•cb, is.but an abbreviation of. another Cehie rigo, frr""1o.; tom '" p11rts, .lo cbo/1 to r•gs.
w ord for tbat people : for Ciel. Voe. 207, n, tells
u s that ct Fran.ts is but a eonrra&ion of war-anzs
f FRECKLE, +..x«, qoafi ~t"x•r, 11111 n-""4 ;
f arit '"""'" 1 a fDat:I, mole, or.pi11tplt.
( quafiW"""''"*'• Fro11lt1) which fi"njfy ba11f1-a11ts FREE, ct 4>r"" foras m>illo; qu3d cnim fi~n-0-
the common.military weapon of~he North:"_: 11111H1111u 11.Jttitur, ti emi11;111r: Jun. and Sk1on."
confcquently Gr.; for WAR, we lhall find to be -to which' the. former adds; " ao vero JICrtinet,
dcri vcd from that language ; and angs is · no quod J uba {tefie·Hefych. in Be•Y•r) tr~didit B~,,.,,.
11\0rc than a · harlh, barbarous, Northern ~ a Lydis dici ...~. £ >.1u&1e.. : a frt1111011 :"-Cle.I.'
dialect ~or AX, ab "E"'"• an a11, or batcb- Voe. 30, and 1!!. r, fays',. .'.' the word./~te ·ha•. two ·,
~t ; which probably was of this Jhapc. fen(es, and derives accordingly two different ways:..·,
FRASE 1 " to lwt•k; Norf.: it is likely derived -in the fenfe of abfolutc liberty, fru comes·from
from the Lat. frangere : Ray."- buc we have fuor-tt; not bou11d ;" and· in his .note, he tells. u.s.:1
jult now fccn · that /rango is Gr. . that " ltt is ufed for tie O'tt) or bind :"--con- ·
FRATERNITY : t>t"'1"t• .lEol. pro C>t•1"'e• fequently feems to dcfcend either fro!1' A'"•.'quafi _
uo_dc C>~r.1f••, "'ria, ~~ltu guid4111 bomi1111• pro- T 1w, to tit ; or from Au-y~, l~P;4 1 to D!ll~ :-1n tile
pnll fibt jtura, t'Nl11arraq11.e co111111tclliln- baPmli111111 fenfe of · a pcrfon enritl ~d to the priv1lcg~l o.f . a :
a f«UIJ, triPt, or brotlurbHJ: there 'is however town, frtt is a conrraaion of b~,.,_ty, a ;udr.e. of.'
anorhcr deriv. of this worci fo ingenious, that it tbt lllWs of b;s Ir.on ; or Diie 111t1J/.eti to tbt prr.w-tl
o ught . to be produced : Voffius has given the ltgu of tbt law: and according to trus duiv.,ii?,
l ollow1ng denv. of fratrias, from Scrvius, viz. feems to be purely Celtic, unkl~ ey may be ~r. !
•• fratrias, qu;u lrib•s vocamus, dixerunt .,,.. T; FREE-b•oter; " a/rte, and bcotJ, qua: v1de 1 ,
~f''"t• •t•.. 1•r, p111t•s ; magna cnirn erat · focictas q. d. milts, cui, fllia Jin• merctdt •ilitat, liunli4 •
i nter cos 'I"; '~111m11,,; p11t10 11/elawltcr :"-this is pr~dandi co11udit11r : Skinn."-eonfequently Gr.
-carrying the origin of this .word up to a very FREE-LEGE; "Sheffield ; privlkgt; i111mu.- .
h igh fource. nitas : Ray."-eonfequently Gr. ··
FRATRI-CIDE; "1>e..1•e• lEol. pro "1>e"1<1(-••'l1"" a
FREEZE~in arrbite51ure, ~·f3t"• pro 0•f3e•.•,.•.
~I •.,.7,.,, •1'""'" "'"'''"" lUtlo, '~do, oerido ; fro- FRIEZE S pukhr11111 ornal•m 1 fane fi~bnll!I
1ri-ei;Jo 1 frotri-ridi11111 ; Protbtr~o,.gbttr. . vtflib1es atfdunt11r ad orn111111111 .a bortltr, or /~111g1, .
FRAU.D ; C>•.>.•r, 4>«.\tr, 4>«u.\or, 'if>•ve•r, by , FREEZE, or fro;1 : !!)~•••,., •t"'"• .v cl . P•y•'• 1
cranfpofit1on fr•1111 tlectit, *"'"'"' :idem quod
• >-•ut•r :-Ciel. Voe. 119, fays, that "fra111 is
frig11s, frigor, frigidus1 t• Pt CO'litrtd with ue 1 "~ '
irow 11u111b, or j/iff wi1b ,o/tl. , 1

.derived ab ·w -"J; for- fignifying o brt•cb •/ FREIGHT, C>t".-"" conjlipo 1 ·~;, ff'""1....,
/1ZW ; and that fra111 Jn Lat. dOC$ not merely J>y tranfpoficion ·~·1•r. f •rtio, rtfit'lllflf I rtfJ!t..,
fig nify the aa of defrauding, u it is commonly 'niJud, fttrr.i}betl, frritblell, or florid: thougl\ "(lliir
u nderftood ; but alfo a liablcncfs to an accufa- Cafaub. we might rather prefer C>.e'loc, 01tiu I t~~
~ ion of trufni:"--but now, according to his o wn. b"rJtn •/ a jhip : and yet be aeknowltdgcs ..fen- ·
interpretation o( t he art. /ritr, p. 7 3, or, for, forth, bitur etia1n/rait; velfraigb, .; quod ad G all1cu~;
f uor, fcem all to have the fame fignification, of vcrbum propius accedi i;~ et• ell: fortalfe ab alta·
goi.•g ~·~· or h4J1llll ti•! botttllls ; and eonfequcntly origine. ,
· ,· '
co originate a 9ue•· jo11•a, li1111s i a door, limit, I FREOND}" .write . it friend• Vcrlt''.:.
or /,qu,,J,,": "J, ty, aw, law: fee MAY: Gr. I FREUND -but friend, or ra~her /rend, u ,
FRAY, or frightm; 4>.fJ•e•r, limid1's, ''"ifi,1111 ' FRIUND Gr.; to 1h11t rhc'·octhography of:
I• frigblm, or p111 ;,, ftn. this word is nor yet properly fettled. . \
FRAY, or /atj}ll 1 " •"f~" C>ufH•, 111ife1r11 ; · FREQYENT ; :r,,-'<''"' I"''fX'i""'• ;;,,.,e•·..;~ ~q
•11t•I"'• tlliflitr•: Cafaub." lo •ingfe ;,, l attft; to :r..'f"'°'' quafi·.pf""'~" unde f req1lln.1,. fr1qu e1111a,;,,
,.;,, ;,. " fqubilt': Skinner does ·not fecrn to ad - a lOnrottrft of• people-; a to~}Jnnl r tft ftltell, . \
mit ol this deriv. " verum' autem Fr. Gall. if· FRESCOl"P•'i'"'"'• algto ; <l'f ' .."• <llt••~, .fng~~'
fr"Jlr «ymon vide in voee afroiJ:"- but here FRESH J f rign-; to rool ; all} tool, r ifrtfbtl'J:
muft be fomc milbke·; for fr11J, or ftu.f/lle, and jhatlt, li1f11Dr, &c. :.
11fr11J arc rwo ditferent ide2s ; or at lcaft the FRET and /"mt ; " <11e:i1w, <l>e•aiiw, 11~.., fr•-1
word offetlJ muft.. bctr two different fcnfes, and 1110, fr111deo; to tbnmp'. o r cba{t tbt bit 1 C:lfaub." ·
confequmtly two different cty11,1. as we have fecn. FRE'f to piuu ; either tro1n the fame ·root;\
FJlAY, OT frtt in pi«ts; " nobis dieitur tie or frorn C>f"'Y"'• .frigo, friro ; to r11b, rhn/11 or gait.
P•-• f"i. ouri111. vet lo111plicat11rtr- titbffeit ; ll I~at. FR ET ~1oork ; " F-r. Goll. br~lli 1 iNtj/111, t( ii:p
C c 'l jlor

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From G1t111e, and ·LAT I K. F R
jt.w. Jerri · 'Jtnticulatis ; 'hoe ni fallor ab Ital.· venerunt, et ufurparunt :" a fpecies o( thi'ctt cloth,
/ratio, fra(lui , cft· cnim tau opus trtbris fratluris, ' lhaggy on botb lides ; invented by the Friftl4nd•
feu incifaris, tiijtin!lum : Skinn.''-et ni rauor (fie ers, a people of Gi:rmany, between the· Rhine·
1nightvcry fafely have added) fratlus, i\'p......,, ; ..,_.;;, and the Vifurgis, or Wefer.
qua ti ; • ..,,.., frango, frtgi, frat/um; lo breall, qua!i FRIGAT of war : whether .Skinner is right
broken tvorll ; as if the work was brottll lo pit cts. in his interprecatioo of this word, I know not;.
· FRIABLE }vd il llf1.,, ferrJ fuo; unde frio;
· FRICTION quia quod frialum !in1ile eft
but he fays, forte a verbo h a!. frtg11rt ; .fricari; ve1
frtgiart; i. t, or""'e ; q. d. navis multum poli111p
frobi, hoco-:eft minuJijfimo ifti quod dtddit; cum feu tlefri&la, vel /regiata, i. e. or11111a, ltmlli/cata:
/trra f'(id ficalur: vel a ~f""" ~e•tw, frigo, fri· - lhould thh be true, it evid~ntly originates a:
c111io·; to rub, or chafe. <l>e•t.,• frigo • to rub, polijh, make nt41.
·FRl~ASSEE: ". vo~ nup~r nollra c!vitate do- FRIGHT ; " •em~: borrto ; •e•E· •••r, horror;
naca; a Fr. Gall. fru:a.ffee 1 mm•tal carnis frtJU 1 a dread, furprr:u: Upt. . .
verbofrfrajfer; hoc a Lat. frigtrt; q. d. tibus fri,,w, FRIGI D ; 'l'•t""• frigeo; 'p,,_..,, 'P•')'lr, •.t•••";.
frixur11, friitat11ra : Skinn."- confequently Gr. ~f'""• friguJ. frigiilu1, frigidilas ; cold, Wtall, faint':
~ FRIEND: Cafaubon writes it frei11d, and jrt nd, -though Voffius .de P~rmut. lit. is of opinion,.
a •e°'"" faport; ftnlirt ; unde Euf'f"'o llmitUt: that friJ:US is derived a Kfuor, fri[lll.
~' et Min lb. ab l!.uflf""·•I""• dedinat 1 utrumvis FRINGE; ••!3e•» pro G•Pt•» p14/cbru111 orll4tllii;
fi pro allullonc admitto, {atis liberalis furn," fays fanc jimbri4' veftibus adduntur ad Ortllllum ; fott-
Skin'n.-and thofe gentlemen are very much ob- bria ; a border, welt, or lift.
liged to him: but if fritndjbip means a cprdiality FRIPPERY, ~>.• ..e•r, nug,.., intpJi1; fri".14/0111,
of good offices, and fenli111ent1, there can be no in.fignificant, trijli11g• .
great o~jcaion in deriving it from • e•» nun1; FRISK : ".:i:,f''Y""'• turg11, 'IJtgtt us /um; brift,
mill(/, affellio11, i11tlin11tio11, u11dtrjla11ding. alert: Cafaub."
FRIER, •e•1"e, •e"1"t• frattr, fratria; qui ,e.,,.,,
FRll', <l>e..,.~"' frigo, frieo : vel potius
rjufdcm curi~, vcl tribUJ tjl ; one of the farne a 4>e:n.,, tev"11", frtndo; 10 fi·et, or cbam'{J; here
fotitl7, colltgt, fratt('llilJ, or brotherbgoJ : - Ciel. 1nade ufe of to Jignify, Cal quidam chemicis ufi-
Voc. 7 j, n, with the great~ penetration, very ratus : " nefcio an a vcrbo lo fret," fays Skinn.-
much doubts the common, and generally rccciv- " eorrqdtrt .; ab infigni pr~ a.l iis falibus acrimo-
ed derivation above given, and has lhewn, that nia, corrodendi vi :"-conf~uently Gr.
the friars were menials belonging to the fanCl:u- FRITlI : according to the Lac. frttum ; and
ary, who were particularly licenfod to go about firth, according to the Gr.: though Mlton,
<)8~ftiug, and begging, for the fupport of tliofe Paradifc: Loft, II. 919, writes it fritb:
wlia h~d taken refuge in the fanctuary, and con- - _....;. and ,look'd a while,
fn\llendy could not go abroad for the1nfdves : Pond'ring his voyage ;.for no n:i.rrow fritb
the, mendicant friers therefore were thofe pertons Ii~ had .to crofs:
who were: permitted to go abroad, beyond tbe dut both thcfo words, however, fritb andfrttu111, are
bqiuu/1 of the afylum·: their name therefore of derived ii. e'f"'• fer:uto, ftr11i 1 uncle frttum, unde
fri1n is only a contraction of fuor·ty, f11or-bigber, fritb ; but firth a 0'f"I ftrUte, bom bearing 1he
unde frert, and fritr 1 out of tht bound1 lit11ited by fame ·fignification,_ as Voffius obferves fron1 Vfr·
Jaw; or perrnitted to go bt]ond the lawful bounds:" gil,
- let me now fuppofe, that this very com- fervetque fretis fpira11tib1JJ 1q1m-.
pound is Gr. : f1'or feems to be defcendcd from . Geo. I. 327-..
Jora1 : out of door1 1 bt]Ond the houft: and foraJ is lo boil, to fetbt ; becaufc in narrow ll:raics the fea
but another dialeCl: of e"f"• jaua ; a door or limit: appears as· if the.waters.were boilinl, by tbeir co~·
and ey, in.the fenfe of laio, may come a A•-t"• tinual agitalio11. : · ,
Ji<o, j11s d1'e~t i unde ltll, legis; fey, contracted FRl"flLLARY; ne"'•, frio,fri1iila1
to law. fri/ ; a kind of puls, or herb. ,
FRIEZE-elotb: 1 cannot think, with Junius,. FRIT'I'ERS, •e•11w, frt11tit•"' edo; to cr11d'fl
tha~ this word has an)' conne-xion with che word wbilt fryi11g: fee FRY : Gr.
fr(zk, or frijlt, to which he refers; but as he ' FRIVqI,OUS, lli>.""'e"<• 11ug4!, intpti.e; trifling,
. has .explained it proptrly by gaufape, '1ltj/is b)·- i11fig11ifit.,11 :-but Voffius derives friwl& a•e.-.r",.
lt~na 11trlnf."' 'lli/101 ba/Jew1, we migl<t fi1ppofe, ,Pa.9vf••·x~u..., ><e•."e••· w8e~,,.1·•· . . .
1'1 rth l11m, 1c was " qtta!i pannus Frifi<us ; forte FRIZLE, il>e•v~w, -"'e"Y"• ee•E.,,fr1go; friffu,
quia hoc genus panni Frijii, vel Frif(/11tJ. p'rilui in- lorrto, t~n;tja,io ; to· render ~he hair crifP,,or
. . .
'Ml'i}' f'

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F R . From Ga111t, and L 'llT r N; F U
~ Ml iNJU.: " a Fr. Gall. frifw. or fri:ur; mf- tanrom frrtitits (;Kit, fed et frttfllU I VolT." th
p~1 : !'efcio illl .a Frifiis, ~n a ~hrygiis, vet P hry- protltltt of tbt earth ; ftrtililJ.
gibus, fays Skinn. " qui capillos <rifpart folc- FRUMPISH, " a T eut. lrttm ; from whcnce
bant i fed fine aui:horc nihil au(jm allinnan: :" come our words <rtmtpk, illld n1mp/11 c11ro11J: vel
- the D r. might have fumilhed himfclf with a a i rumpelt11; 11ofam aifpart, corrutart, 111 irrUimlt3
v ery happy quotation from Virgil ; where he fo/1111: Skinn."- all thefc words fcem to be but a
makes Turnus fay, variation of wrink!t, and confequeatly derive from
- -- - -- - Ja fttrlltrt corplU 'Pu71,, r11ga, n1go, cqrr11go ; 'Pu11low, 'Poro.., 'Porn'!>
L4rfra'!'<!"' t11a11'! "Valida lactrart rt'Oolfam. ~ 'Pv.i, i. e. Eev"', lrabo; cft cnitn aliud nihil, quam
Scm1v1n Ph.r ygu, ti /£dart in pul'IJirt cnne9 ~utis in plicat, et qu• li /11/cos, contrafla 1 a folding
Vibratos caJido ferr<>r lltlJrrhaqru madtnltt. "P• or controlling the fain into f11rrows, and wri11klu•
.lEn. XII. 97. FRUSTRATE; 'P~•rw, pzyi.1, qunli i"'"Y"'•
lu~wever, let the etym. be deduced from what- Jr1111go ; broJcen; difappoi1tted, cut off. ·
e ver quarter of the globe it may, let me onlf' FRUTEX; Be•'" pull11/Q ; unde frutti:, /r11/i-
obferve how elegantly and poeticaUy Milton has to/UJ; forubs, jhrttbbery.
introduced this word frizlt, in his Paradife FRY ; 4>~ . .....,, ~f""f:;, frio, torrto, torrtfario 1
LDft, VII. 3:1.0, when:, fpeaking of the creation, to ro11jl, ttHJjJ, parch, render brifflt, rrifp, and foqrt.
and mentioning trees and lbrubs, he fays, FRY of /mall fijb: " a Fr. Gall. fray, ,,,;n• li
Forth ftorilh'd thick the cluft'ring vine; forth pifriculi, fptrma pifdlDll: hoc ni fallor a Dan.
crept · fraadt; fp11t11a: ut enim P hyfici perhibcnt pifces
T he lindling gourd ; up ftood the comy reed, mares f f'llllUU'IJ teouen1 pro feinine emiuunt, quz
lmbattled in her field; and th' humble l'hrub, ova foeminarum quzcunquc attingit fcccunda er
And bulb, with /riz/ed hair implicit: - - - prolifica ellicit: Skinn." who then refers us to the
FROG, "Ba7ea;icor, rana; by contracl:.; and art. froth :-but we have fe~n thatfrotb is Gr. :
then by changing B into F ; Gafaub. and 'U pt." Milton, in his P,aradife Loft, VU. 399, has finely
-:-this deriv. may be agreeable to fome critics; introduced this word; where, fpe~king of the ere- .,
but it is fomething too diftant, and difficult: we ation of lilli, he fays, that at the Ahnighty word,.
might rather therefore adopt the other deriv. Forthwith the founds and feas,cach creek, and b:iy·
giv(n by Cafaub. 370, viz. <l>e•» 0ev••1o or 4•ew•, With fry innun1erable fwarm, and 01oals
r•na, r11beta '1Jt1u11ofa 1 a fpeciu of toad. . Of lifh, that with .their fin9 tnd· O:iining fcales
FRO-LICK, "aBdg. '11ro-li&k ; Tcut. 'Oro-lfrkti Glide under the green wave, in fcuUs that oft
l.etru, bilaris: vctus interim '1ro, ct fro, fufpicor Bank the mid-fca~---
abfcill'um ex poftremi parte Gr. E·~f'"• /,et11s; FUDJi)ER;;. « · Dut ch,.fudtr, lignifying a <art
p rorfus ut Sax. recap 1)tll• ; aftar, ex A>•t: roP 1 loaJ ~ hoc foue~" fays Skmn. " l Teut. ft«brt11;
Mid11.1; fallr; ex lEol. 0£•e• pro OE•r, aciJw ; 'fJtCtrf', ductrt; I• <tlNJ a /oaJ; et tantundem
• rid: J un." as to the other part of the compound omnia credo a Lat. 'VtMt: Skinn. and Ray."-
litl, it is only a Belg. rcrminacm r in rhe rnan- thcfe gentle'men ought to have confidercd t hat
ner of our adverbial tcrmination. IJ; fo that the 'IJtbo is Gr.: fee VEHICLE. Gr.
whole word anfwcrs. ti). ot1J1 words fpright-ly, FUDDLE ; "pGtus, q\lali potulat111: Skinn."
irifa-ly. - now I lbould be glad to know, why the Dr.
FRONT; " fle.,1•r, ''°'• Jro111, tis; tbt fore- would not derive potus ii n or1r, n.1.,, potatio; the
llt•d: al,Co· cart, thought ; becaufe care generally atl of drinking.
ap,pcars 1n° the fortbcad, or cou11ttna11ce.
·F UEL; 41.,,; unde 41.,,_,,, 4>wyor,focus1Joca/1;
Ii'RORE lfee FREEZE, or frojl : Gr. undc Jeu; unde fuel; tbt pab11/Nm of. fire. . .
liR OST J - - -- the parching ~i r FUGITIVE; <l>oy., fuga, fug10, f11g1t1'1JU1 ~
Burns fror1; aod cold performs th' effect of jligb1, run OW"J·
fire. M ilton, Par. Loft. ll. 595. FUGLAS; "fovvles; in the Nct~crlands they
FROTH, " Aft•r, .f1'1"'4, fnu, fp11mt, fpraJ: fay, 'IJcgbds: Verft."- but all arc evidently G r.:
Cafaub. and U pt.'' fee FO\.VL •f the air : Gr.
FRO\ VN, • e.,1•r, •l•r, frnu, tis; tht foreh111d; FUGUE, in; from the fame root with
tbt wri11kli11t 11p 1b1 t]t·h-11f»J, 11nJ forthtad, in tht FUGITIVE; becaufe p3rt fcems to FLY afte r
tx)rt}/io1t of""l"· . p3rt 1 i. e. to fuccted each other: Gr.
f 'RUGAL · vcl a ••t"• f r11flU111ftro 1 vcl ab FULCRUM, ~>........, ~,:!.,. .. ~.,, f1tldo, to
FRUIT Et•i<•, f r11ar, quod item pro prop, fttlJ, or frtpp urt :- lf. '(offius c.kri~cs /Nlrio,
.FRUIT.IOI'ii 'Utfci accipiwr;. undc- Jru- ab '0:!.•1w, '01'••"': ct O:!.xo1~, 1, e. /11/,,,tntrs na'IJ1U•f!•

fRUMI.TY mm,. Jr11111111tum ; fru~r non paltHtgit, 'lfl.e fubjici11ntur cum trabu11Jur': what 1s ·
5 now .

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F ·U Froiu. 1 GA., 1'1',,. ajllis L A.T 1;11.... F U
n<>!f t;alJed a . b41ft/fpjlc11 itJ ·lo,g: ·bor, oJ. • WftJ; f. 'f/CF'f c1;\tical t~c911nt 'O(!tbe;origin of th1& word 1

f/f t rOIJ,
. 'f111'i.e, ct fu~oris etyrna,ab,.JEol:, unde -omnia fen:
FUi:.,G;E NT, 4\1.oy•~• qyali 4,,.,...,, fu/gf:P"I 1o .Romana vocabula defceudunt; nam e.e.. idem
jhj1J~, bit1ze, or burn bt-igbt, i:fi ,quod irruo ·&«Jll imptlit: 0.•t·" • impetus 'Diole1ttus,
·FULIGINOUS, 0v14•r, a.,..,,..,, fumo, fum1u, et f"rioftu ; 0 •e•r Af•r, fttriofus l'v1ars, qui et •
ftig~lo,. q\l.afi fumiligo ; fmoke, fool; rully: or per- ab(olucc q uandoque \iicitur 0•e•r: lEoles porro
hap.s 1.fr01~} •· A•r.,ur., .; ""ir..r, H efych. unde pro Goew dicebant cl••f"'• unde f11r.o Lacinorum; et ..
·1v..U!'/~~ fufjgo . . . fimi,litcr, pro· 0 oe•<"dicebant- ·<l>•eor.- unde· faros,
FULL, Bul-:>.~r. " opple1us, tln;f:u, tonfdrtus ; furw, fitrid! 1 &c.
nam H efydr. Bu:>.:>... , exponit (31{3uo-140.,, : et FURL a fail up ; " 11e/um t1J11lrahert, vtl ,.,..
f3•f3v>.>.w~e"'' eidcm .g raL nm. exponitur (31{3uo-6•u : ell: plicart : ncfcio an fit a curt, crifpare, inturq~rt 1
BuAhw, a By~, opp/eo. Je11fo :_ Jun.•• .. ' in f 1nqtaco; quomodo l tali comn1utarunc
FULL ER; purifier ; IZ>>-•r•.,,fufge,, ; undeful/o, LatinUJTI mMCJu in muffa ; ec·Latini ){}..,,-;.,., in ftto;
onis; qui, pa~11os .fufgere facit; a cltm1ft r.of cloth : ·ICfuor, i{I frigus; &c. Lye."-fhould this be ad- ·
or perliaps it may be derived, as in the foregoing mitted, both furl, and &11rl, would originate from
aljt,' " a Bu~>-••• unde H efych. (31~u:>.7'~6a1 .ex· the .G r •.as may be,feen in the art. CURL: Gr.
pon ic f3•f3•<i"" becaufe cloth, while under the care FUR-LONG 1 ' " Sax. . i::upla"b> jlatii111111 i
0£ the fuller, is .Joaitd, thidcentd, filled, or fwtlkd fU ph ; f qlt:us ; ct ptr tranllationem ager fulclll•S 1
.wj1b wa(er, &-c, : VolT.'' et lant:;; longru ; q . d. ager longrn, vcl quod
FUI,.-MER, " ide1n quod ~/«at, marltJ, ell: Spelmannus vulc, a Julci /ongilutline : Skinn."-
a : T Jicptifc.- Jul,. pu1idus; et ,,,erdtr, mard;d11s; who then refers us co t he art. f urrflW.; which, as
J un."-buc / 11/ .is,t he fa1i1e as FOUL; and mar- we 1hall fee prcfcntly, is Gr.: but it fee1ns-much,
didu~ is;Gr. likcwife. 1nor:e~ proba!:>le co fup.pofe, that f11rlo11g is but a
-FULMINATING, 4>'-•'Y""• f11lgeo, /11/mt,,, ful-. flialect of the Perfiiln wor.d par11fa11g11.1 thus,
mipaJu~, fal111iMtio ; 4 tr11cl1., . ~. c/;Jp of lbtlndtr; a par12fang, contracted to parfong, farfang, flirfang, '
ftafb··of.. ligb111i11g. f11r/fl111, f urk11g ; a Perfian meafure of miles.
f:ULSOME; from the fame root with FULL; '. FURNACE; eue~. foras, Joris, f oro, fDr11iK,
1< · pr~ nimia .dulcedinc iogr.irum, quod fc. ll:o- furnus ; aa artb, 'lla11i1, or O'IJlll; becaufc always

.machum, rep/et : Skinn."- but rep/el is Gr.
FU MB ~,..,,., 'pro a.,..,.,, undc .eu14,., e v14.,,
FURNISH; " N icotus et M inth.
.FUME'l? _fumo, /11Jnus, f umigatiq; a, aflinia Gr. U•e•e"" inferco potiffimum ., quali
-perfuming, incelfjing. · n~e"e"" et muroto rr in· «>, quafi "'•e"e"" unde ·
JIUNCTIO.:t'l; "A"'" feu 'H;11•,. idem ql!od furnifh, adquiro, par~, comparo : Jun."-but Skinner •
• · ~"Y*'"' und~· '.H1•0":, .,.,"fl1>&, finis; ·a quo fungor, will by no means admit of this, it being nimis
fuptlils;. difu11fl;u, finilus: It: VolI'.''-10 diftborgt violenccr 1,.quod tamen ,pro -allufione.admitcatur: •
.411 ojficq;, lofulji/t tJ jlation : alfo lo dit, expire. potell: ec eodem jure, continues he, admitti ._e•r, ·
FUNERAL, B•vo;,f1111us,; a/1,moli/1114; i. e. a lribMIU/11 ; ct etia1n 1neliori "''f•"' un• fpo11fa/i1;. :
Z:>r;"""'• fuJJis ; " rope,, or torch madt ~t ropes 1 from -here w.c might almofi 1ffue with him, fmce
the lfll'L/;ts 111ade u(e o.f ·on thore occafion.s. . it is but natural. co- fuppofe, that a .new -married
FUNGUS,. :t~r-r•r. feu _ L••rr•r, fpongia •, a couple prepore, and gel ready every t hing it> their ·
'fpongc ; or any porous Jub}1mce. powe r to render their future cohabitation agree.
FUNNEL, X1r.1, Xuw, Xu•"'• fu11do, i11fundib#lum, hie : but this is only allufion; let us now then
-?.;. fu11de11dQ; an inftrument co convey liquor into hear ~is derivation " ii Fr. Gall fo1J1Jnir; Ital•. ·
.,e{fel s by pouring it chr.o ' a cube. fornire; cr114re, ;n;lrutTt ; et non.abfurdum etiam
FURBISH leen1s tG be derived " a Sax • effet' fi noft.rumfurntfo, et Fr. Gall . f•umir, pr<>
.Feopman', pro quo Alnrnn. per ufitatiffimam f11ppeditare, dedu~erell\ a B.e)g•• 'Vt'ntt, 'flr()fltt ;
li tera:o 111 iri. b tranfrnut~tionem, /11rbttf , dixeruot : '!letligal, 1ribu1u111, ; .v.eL quaccnus ~nart,
Gall . / 011.r.bir; Ical../crbire .; po/ire~ 1111'1/dare: uncle ab antiq. fr. Tb~oc./roa._..ap\ld. Otfridum fro11ifre1 .
cnli'un1 armorurnq11e ·poli1or: fa:culo fe1nibarbaro hcnorandus, farer :"-ano might we not alk, what
dictus eratforba1or: J un."-lince. then ~II thelC is this more t han· aliufion? .
words fignify w polifb, lo render hrigbt, jhinf71g, or FURR; " ornnino per. me~ach. a lf>f'~'" mu·
glilteriog, th~y 1nay have dcfcended originally a 11;,11e111um, pr.,.fidium; quod fuffulcis, dupl1catifque
llUf"'" IT"e'f''"'• quali <l>.•el3•f"..., at£tndo, crtN11, '~""· vell:ibus 1111{niomt1r advcrfus · injuriam- frigoris ·:
lnn:o ; lo hur11ifh, furbifh ; .i. c. polifh. . Jun."--becaufe .i1 guard1 us fr~"' tbt eolti. ·
FURY', e~f"'" f11rp,. furi"', fario, f ur.iof11i ; to FURRO\V; " Sax.: fUJlb r Dan.. fw; ~lg: .
.e11rage, 1aa./i..e .JJJ11d: a fiepd, fl.bag: Voffius ,g\vcs vorre.; T .cut. fu1·cht11.:, .ftdc,s,. ju/car~: omnia -nJ
· fall or

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F· u· Prom · Ga z EK, •and LAT r N. G A
·fa?lor l·.~a!· forare 1 quid enim aliud ell: fi1k11s, .FUZZY; lf>v•""'" ,~....,..,, /effto, injlo, jla111 dif
'<jUam · continuata terrre ptrfor111io, ·ct e//cavatio ? 1t11do; bloated, or Jilled with no!hfvg b111 air. • '
·skinn."-and are not foro, pirforo, ' and perfora(io, FYNDY: " frequencer in ore ell: Anglis
·evidently derived a eue"• foras,foris, foro; vel a. agrorum culturre vacantibus," fays Junius," cum·
noeor, tr01!fitus, perforatio ?. oblaca occafione mutuo fibi incukant illud fuum
FURTHER: Skinner 'fuppofes 'this word to proverbiale progno!l:icon, , .· •
.be'defcended from fort, an~bif~rt ; ut dicimusto A May -cold and windy . ~.
put it forwards l and then he refers us to ·before; Makes the barn full, and fjHJj :• .
which, ' as we have already ft:en, is Gr..:.....but .as · frequenter itaque ex compluribus. Anglis ' p'acfia:
fa.~tber, or rather fartb'tr, 'is ·only the to1np.ari-l1 , li~~ure ftudiofis exqu!Jivi, quid' li~i. !e~let i!lucl
t1ve degree of far, farther, f?irthejl ; we m1gb.t fy11'dy ; fed hactenus m nemmem 1nc1d1, qui de
' refer to that root: Gr. . , vocabuli proprietate certi aliquid afferret :" bur,.
FURTl"(E; 'l>11e, fur, furor; a thief; to1;leal. at !aft, this indefatigable etyrnologift diCcovered
'FURZE; " Sax. FYiii«Y genijla, fpi11ofa ; hoc. in a Saxon tran!lation · of fome paftorals, . by
forte afire ; quia eft - plan ta vropter ariditatein; king Alfred, that '6 eFynb copn lignilied bo11111n
Jibi propriarn focis aptiITTma: Skinn."-if this be probuinque fru111entu111; and then concludes, " re-
. t he true deriv. t he etymology is evident enough ~ liqua_ expediet Danicutn lexicon docuit nie
.n.f. ignis; fire. ' qurenam fucrit hrec boni frumenti dos ;' nam ficuti
FOSCOUS, ~..r, (>....,..,., lu11, il/uufco; light, Saxonibus olim pun'o, Theotifcis phu11t ; et p.bu111
111/igbtnr; and on the cont~ry, toblaclcen, or darken. dicebatl.Jr fibra et po11dus; ita Danis fy11d idem
FUSION, x,.,, Xru..,., Xur.t,_ Xu•w, {undo, f'!fio 1 fignilicabat: atqtie · adeo ruftic.o quoque apho-
p o•ring forth, 111elti11g, cafti11g: 1(cl a 'E,.,,..,/.,,fuitdo. rifmo, a barn full, : and fj11dj erit horreiJm fcatens
FUSIL. Skinner derives : it a "fufus, fuji ; probo, ·po11derofa'que frumento :":...:a barn full, arid
fignifying a /pind/e :"'-but chen he ought to have. weighty; pound, pou11dy; i. e. metaphorically,
· told us, what Vomus tells us, "a fundendo; qui a every grain will be a pound weigh/ :-buc POUND
per ipfum fundatur, quod netum eft :"-confe~· is Lat. r.; •
ciuently derived as in the forcgoihg art. alluding "'•. " • "'
lo the thread of life, which the fates are fuppofcd, G. ..
to /pin, or draw, as if they were pouring it forth 11
and ·to which Virgil alludes in the Fourtlt Eel. 46 ~
Talia frecla fuis dixerunt currite fujis
.G ABAR DINE; ' 'Fr. Gall. g~lvardi11~1 ·Ital.
~avardina; lunica pajlo'ritia eraifi•r, ex panno
Concordes ftabili fatorum numine parcre. coaetih faeta; forte a Teut. gabe, do11um I a gift. I
FUSS I~........ e........,, fujflo, injlo, flatu 'penulre, feu veftes, qure fihgulis'annis a dominis
FUSTIAN diflendo; ·an empty, noi/y, b/JJjltring fuis fervis, pcdifeq11is, 'ct . clientibus dono dari
impertintnu: ~...1or, i11jfalus-; blown tip. folent; q11as nos liveries voclunus: Skinn."-
FUSTIAN-e/orb ; "parinus :ryli111ts, ftve'goj/ipi- then the Dr. ought to' have deduced it from che
1111s: ·funt qui credant inquit Menag. huic panno (ame rciot with GIVE;_arid GIFT,qu ~fi givardii1t;-
nomen inditum a /11}/is, quOd fiat ex ligno ar- a: coar, or cloak, which is given by maftcrs to·
boris qure fert goifipium: 'Jun.'~-then it may be rheir (ervancs, &c.: confequendy Gr:-Shakefpear
derived a B«r•I, fujlis; though I can find no fuch makes Sbyloelc, in the Mtrtbtfnl of //eniu, aet ii
word: Bochartus a Fuftat lEgypti civitate, und~ fc. 3, · fay to· .t111tonio, '
· olim advecrum eft, deHecrit: Skinn."-then its You call me milbeliever, cut-throat dog,.
origin mu ft be deduced -from another language. And fpit upon 1ny Jewifh'ga.~erdi11e--·
FUSTY: notwithft~nding Jun. and Sklnn. meaning his long black vtjl: here kt us only ob-
would derive this word from the Sax. Fr. Gall. frrve the orthography in Joh nfon's edition of
and Lye from the Iceland. tongues, yet perhaps Shakefpear.
it is nothing more than another dialell: for mufty; • GAB BER 'l. r"f""• garrio; a r,:·e"~• vox; 10
and in that cafe would be derived from the-Gr.; • GABBLE~ make a 11oife, to prate: or elfe 1\·e
vi2, a M ....,.,, Mur"• 'm11gto, unde mucus,' m111i- n1uft refer to the Sax. Alph.
. J•s ; m11fty, fufly; a·ra111t,jlro11g fmtll, or tajle. GABEL, a tribute: " Sax. ;!;•Fd; Spelman
FUTILITY, x,.,, X'" .."• x..., x.,.,, x.1.,, ful1<s item ;!;•Fol, ·1ribu1um, 'IJetligal; et ab hoc Sax.
l 'f1111do 1 futior,. futilis 1 ' frivolous, i11jig11ific~111, ';51ran, dare; · to give: Skinn."-who rherr rt fers
•j/abbi11g 1 one who tannot keep a /eer'et,' but' calily us co g~ve; which we lhall prefently ·fre is Gr.
pours ii 011/. . , • . c GABI ON· ; '"Fr. .Gall. gabi&11; · lral. gabtione;
'FUTURE, '»uw, fuo, JUvi, nunc Jui; /11.lurus; C'orbis terr:\' oppletus; vox cafirenlis; ab I t~I.
· 10 b1, ·or ytt ·10 · bt · iuiolnplijhed. gttbbia; , quod"t.1eiitigius a ' (a•Jtil deflel'~i r; ell

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G A F~om G 11 EEK, a.nd L .1; T "l N., G A
elli1n fuagnis tavdi limilis ~ Skinn."- but furely our word again: it feems to be much more pro-
. <rtvro is Gr.: fte CAGE. Gr .. bably derived, as Skinner obferves, " a Saii,
"" GABLE ei:d o/. a boufa :'' it wo?ld be t.o ·n_o (5Can-re6an, conlra-dictrt i" 10 conlradill, or gdi~
. purpok 10 quot< <1che~ Jun. o r ~k1~0., on chis jay, i. c. fay-againjl, or fpeak-ag1iinj/; and there•
arr. lince 1hey both ul11ma1ely derive H a Ki~"'""' fore we might have apprehended fOIJlc 1nill:alr.e
' · ;ap!it ; ·rhe bead ; whatever they intended by ap- in Junius for having written again, inltead of
plying rlu _gable to the fumm~r or f~o~1ifpitee of tbt agai•.fl, had he not explai ned it by i1er11•, dtittia,
bcufa ; which is yery far fron1 being the fenfc ru1fus ; none of which words ever fignifit:d ca•lr11
.i n which ic i&· generally underftood :-let me then in our fenfe of the word gain-fay; which, th.o'
~ather refer it to the Sa11. Alp h. derived .to us fro1n the Sax.. is purely a· Greek
. GAG in the mouth l" Minfhew deflecrit aBelg. exprdlion; for 6can~re6'!11 is n!> more than
G~G~in 1b1 throat S gagbel; P_alatum: yd a Sax. an-re;i;an with the ~axo~ initial ;5~ prefixt to it 1
:z;eail, n;andibula; q~1a · m~nd:bults ep1fton11um and therefore an . is . v1fibly derived al> A>·1•,
1ntc-i:ponttl).r, eafque d1fiend1t : Sax. au1e1n 1,ea·1:/ contra; 11gai11jl = and SAY likewife is Gr.
a1ludii Gr. r"e'Y"f'"'" g111111r; tbt 1broa1: Skinn." GA IRISH; r ... ~, r'""f""'" gaudeo, foperhi1,
G~GE, or pledge; fcarce any word has under- glorior; gaudy, proud; alfo bart·brain'd, gidJy.
gone •a g reater vari,ety of changes, than this now . GALA; " Ital. ct Hifp. gala ; vej/is. nitiu,
lief-Ore us : Skinner thinks it fufficient to cell us, orna/11, fpeciofa ; non tamen 1nagni fumpcus :
that dijingagt is derived a Fr. Gall. dt/engager ; Skinn."-1_his 1night lead us to fuppofe it was
and then refers us to engage, and.gage; and then derived from the fame root with our wor.ds
at !aft coldly tells ·us, 01nnia a Lat. vas, v adis :- GAUDY; and GAY; i. e. Gr.
but how he would have his reader find' ouc the GALA TIA; " r .. ;i,,.,110., a prD'Vi11a cf Af.•
derivation of thc·wprds difi11gagt, t11gage, or gage,. Minor ; quafi r.,.;i,,,..7,.,, la flea; R. f«),,~, ,.7"'
jn the word 'Vas, would puzzle me to a!fert : - (it lhould have been printed " •1•r) lac ; mllt:
let us then gain a little farther knowledge fro111 Galatia was fo called from the Ga11ls, who con-
lun. who fays, Gall. gage;' Ital. gaggia derivant a quered it ; and the Gauls took their name from
'uadium, vel wadittm : vide qua: infra annotao1us fo<>.«, ,,,;/ft; b1tar1/t of the wbitenefs ef 1htir cm-
~n w ajl't : but wager he dertves a Gall. gager :. fo pkxion : it has been alfo called Gallo-Gr,uia ; by
that •here we have trod a circle: however we have reafon of the mixture, which enfued of the Gauls
g~intd this knowledge, that gager and wqger are with the Greeks :" fee rather GAUL. Gr.
fynonymous ~ now then· I begin to fufpe&, that GALAXY; r ..,.,.i;,,.~, tirculus lat1eus ;,, ctrk;
gager and gag• .were antiently written gU11ger, and gala1titJ ; a bright circle, or rather tralt, in the
guag• ;' and if fo, then g#agti-, guagt; w11gtr, lky, called the m!ll.y way: R. r"""' lac; milk.
wa•t; wadittm, vaJittm, and 'VOS, 'Vadis, Will all na- . GALBANUM,XaAi3;i•~,g,,1barrtt.e1 ajlrong g••·
tUr~IJy 'derive a Tua(, qui ""'"""' Jal, ti promittif: GALL, " X•h•, /ti, bi/is; the bile: Cafaub."
" vel mallem," fays Volf. " deducere vas, vadis, . •GALL, or frtl, "I"'"'"""'•ftalpo: Nug." 11
a B«1.r, quod a B..., i. e. B•fJ•I'" vel B~"~' to, faratcb, or chafe : Skinner derives it ii I•u>.l.!t,
vado ; nrmpc ut a ..,., ,,.1.r, unde vatts ; lie ii. vexo, fatigo; !• /rel, or V<X: fee the Sax. Alph.
B-, B•1•r, unde vadts, et per fyncop. 'IJaJ: 'Vas GALL, or 11.ut-gall, ,feeins to be only a con-
autem dicebatur, qui promill(#at fuo ft ptriculo traCtion o( Ayo<>.»•x••, qu~ ell: ,afoe· ar0111aJica1
111/qucm judicio jli111r11m :" lo. jla11d furtl] /qr all] the fineft fpecies of ala.ts; from whence the Latins
man ; lo Pt his gagt, or pledgt. have derived th~ir word gal/a; to 1ignify a11 oat·
· GAIN: here again is another inll:ance of the apple, or any t.•crtfance formed by the punt11trt ef a
ufefulnefs of .etymology; for otherwife it ·would fly, or·infett. , ..
be .impoffiblc lo arrive at the true meaning of GALLANT,, brave 'l "K.,.>.ov, ba11dfame: or frojll
this word : gain then, with Menagius, may be GALLANT, l~vtr S r .. h,..•r,formedbymecac)i.
derived a 1·cut. genon; lucru_m ; gewin1ft11, lucrari, from Ay1'"°'• ha11dfame, bright, fp!n1did, 8taMtiju/:
lucrifacere ; but then we tnu!t not ftop here, be- N ug.'.'-permi c inc to .add, chat Ay"'1VI.,, figoifies
.caufc gtfJiin i~ not an original word, but der!ved orna, i1!fiK11io; facio d(ltl(ahiie; an!! that f•""'";,
from wi~ ; lo that now we lhould trace up the fignifirs hilaris; and r"'""'"' l;i'/aritns 'f!UIUls; if
orjgin of chat word; and it wilJ be found to run the reader lho nld approve. of cicher of thofe deriv.
.thus,, NJ•w, quafi J.,K:.>1 vilJco; win,gewinntn,gewin, GALLEY; " r ..>.rao, which, in the gre~t ery-
gwin, g1111in, gain. · mologifi, is a'pirau's vrffel: unle!s we chufc to
G.AIN~SAY; Junius fuppofes, that "in ifthoc fay, t hat fa>.r... itfelf comes from the Lat• .ga!t1;
.gainfiry deprehendasAnglicun1 again;quod fuit fµo an be/,,..1 ; becaufo of the refo1nblance becwe~n
loco ;"-but it certainly has no connexion with thofc vefi'els, and " be/111(1i or, becaufc the firft

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G A From GP.EEK, and LA T!tf, G A.
v-e.ft"cls ufcd to have a 'helmtt painted on. their apud · Anglos oeto q>ntinens pintas; Cynira:is
prows~ Nug." · galwyn cit <'ongius ; a gal/On: J un ."
. · GA.LLIARD; "Ital. gagliarda; faltalioflis, feu , GALLOON -lace; " Fr. Gall. galon : q. d.
tripudii modulati nomm; F r. Gall. gaillord 1 alactr1 .fimbria Gallica: $kinn."-but Gallita is Gr.:
for/is, "1ivid1ts; q. d. Jripudium fortt, alaet·t, hi/are 1 nifi malis deftectere ab Ital. et f-lifp. gala, vefris_
fed unt;lc dices hoc Fr. Gall . gail/ard? Cref. Seal. nitida, ornata, et JPeciofa, nQn u~men_magni fmnp-
et Von: delleetunt ab ardort , cc tifacritate GaPic1 tus :-but fiill it is Gr.
GALLOP ; " Ka>.,..~•· Ka>....i.?"" 1-lefych. · i11.

g enti, pr,e aliis omnibNr Europi!, iefita; fc. li no1n.

Galli11, feu Ga/lieus, ec Germ. art, vel aerd, na- K ..>....1r : Cafaub. and U pt."-t9 this jet me onl y,
1-ura, indoles, ingenium; q. d. Ga/lidffans, fa>...11?.,., add, chat H cdcric bas explained K"'"'·"'l<?"•· by
f eu r,.;.,.7.~.,,,r: Skinn."-what will be faid, if I cquum ;,. greffum txfultaiit'em urgcrt 1 v.ulgo ca/lo-
prefume to add aoy thing, after the conjectures pare 1 fummis pedibus et molliter incedere: t}lis
Qf two fu~h great .cr~tics as Cief. Seal. and VoO: ? grejfum exfullanttm altnoll: points out another dcri v.
- let me howev~r offer another; viz. fiQce ~his which, though perhaps not alrqgether fo jufr,
galliard is allowed to be a liv.t'/y, allive, merry docs yet deferve to be ' m~n \ioned ; yiz. ab
tiaitre, permit n1e to fuppofe, that it may be de- At""""'I"'"" geJli!JI exfulto. • :
rived a r,.,.,., ~t oV.•I'"'• bilaris·fallans, or fa/. a GALLOWAY, perhaps from AyU>.•f4«•;
latio 1 a gay ·do11(t. geflio, t:tf11lto; becaufe of ~is gaudy lrappings. •
GALLIC ; Ga/1111 ; a French man 1 a Frtnch GALLY-pot; Ay.>-..o>-...•1•e••" g{i!fum; a.~t.
e>rtrtf!io*; in the fame 1nanner as when we fay, a Germ. pro futci110 1 a glaztd v tffel. . ·1
Grecifm, an dnglfrijm; &c;. confequendy Gr. : fee t,.,
GAMBADOES, Ef43 .. coth11r11i; bufains. . ,
GAUL. Gr. GAMBOL}or fJllJd:; Iceland. gaman; )•(us.;
• GALLIGA-SKINS; a,con1pound of " calig.e, GAME Dan. ga111mtn; gaudi111n; S"".-
a x ...>-aeor, /axum; and gnftins, quafi Pafconti, 0a_:m1an, ~t . 0amen; jocari., ludert: ' : nefcio ~'?
Yafeonice.; i. e. ca.Jig"' Pa[conie11 lie di~ae, qu ia ongo voc1s petcnda fie ex r..,..;,.nuptid; ut pt!;
Y ajcontJ 1fi1ufinod1 cahg1s utuntur: · Sk1nn.'.'- a ufurpata fie de celebri.t atibus nuptiarum1
~oidc, or /oofa trunJ: bojt, worn by the Pafcones, or qua: maxime gaudent ludis, j ocifgue: J un. an~
Gafaones, hodie Navarre :-but according to this Lye's Add."-:but chis la.teer ckriv. rather give$
d eriv. the word oughttohavcbecnga//iga·gafconJ: origin to the following art.: Skinner would de;
we might therefore rather fuppofe, that galliga- rive gambol" a Gall. gambilltr; lcal. gambettau, ~
fains might be no more than a diftorcion of garnba, <rus 1 crura in fublime jactare.:"-now
K ..~""' ptllis ; a fain 1 unde Lat. taiga, pro caliga; ic feems to derive from the fame root. with
fo that tt is o nly the Englifh tranllation added co GAMMqN. Gr. :;-Ciel.· Voe. 14, n, gives u~
t he original Greek; thus, K11o.>-x•-Jltins, or caliga- ftill anoth~or deriv.; for, he fays, ~hat "all the
ftim, i.e. galliga-ftiiu: Jhe Pa/cones therefore, and antient gtmots, pr popular a.ffem/Jlies, wer!! at-
Gafconts, arc only t he refuge of ctymol. to ac- tended 1¥ith various JPot·ts ; t hc'nce fp•rl was me:
count for gnjki11s 1 whereas t hey have only con- tonimically .c~!lcd gtmoJI; and, by c?ntraction,
founded the lafi fyllablc of t.he word 'caliga game :"-but llil! it would be Gr. as in the an.
withftins. . . . . Wl1'TEN.(\.-GEMQ1' : Gr.
GALL I-MAW-FRY; Fr. Gall. gallimatias; GAMING, "r..,."., dC' . vrro, uxor~"' d11ttrt,;
a K"""•» inteflinum,, et M..11•" a l'.f.-17.,, /""~""» de fa:mjna mtbere: hinc opi,nor," fays Cafal!jl..
pinfo ,fublgo: which M infh. explains in this ' ' lo gamt ; folent enim per poria ut plurimum,
ner ; " meats made, or fritd, in gal/its, or a1nong ut certart, ita et ludtrc; et ell: ifiarum rcrutih
galk]-jl4ves, who ufe co mince livers, tnlrails, or ur in marrimonio, ""?"'Y'"~ quo:edani ;"~what v!.e
fuch like for t heir fufienance ; and fomecimes call jlnJ:es, or hazarJ.s. . .
k illed cau, &c. as I myfelf have feen," fays he,. GAi\1MA, r"'l-'I"•• the third letter- in the Gr.
" at fuodry places beyond feas, where I have Alph . bearing the power of c, and g; and fon1e~
travelled.'' t imes k.
G~LLOCHE; " K..v.wl1.., Poltel. (it o ught GAM MER, "a contraCl:ion of godJ. moJher >
to have been printed K«l'.o..ol10; pu ligntus; a Ray." then Gr. ,
lttfl; ex K«I'.••• lignum, et fi•r, pts :) unlefs we ~ AMMON ef bacon ; Kai''"'• flnrus, artirulus,
chufe to;> derive ic from Gallicd! (it ought ro have p'opleJ ; the ha1.11: t~o· we 1night-rathe~ derive our
been printed Galliea) which bears this lignification word gammon ab '.11"."'"' ntx•s, vin,11/11111, notlus:
io Cicero : Ray.'' ltri&ly fpcaking, tbt join/ · of th• leg, or hodr..;
GALLON; rav~o1, m1Jltlrum, multlrale; a milk though the gammon is properly the jbo:ddtr of the
,ail, or 1111} vtjfil, Dr 111t1J/11r1: ~· menfurre genu.s bog: Ciel. with greater probability, woul~ de-
.. . . ·D d rive

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G A From GP: 111t, and LAT!"· G A
rive r11m- from the Celtic word g11m, lignifying 11litMj111 crrporis mortifitt1lio :· etym. re..,, co1111Jo:
tbe ham, or kg; " from whence," fays he," co1nes Nug." to tat, ~"'• confumt.
amhulo, (quali g.,.!Jlli4) 11mbler, and 11/ltr, in Fr." GANTLET 1 "quafi ba"'1/tt .; 11 glw1: Ciel.
-we might rather fuppofc the contr:iry: fee Voe. 208, 9 :"-but HAND is Gr.
ALLEY, or AMBLE. Gr. GAP in a btdtt }" K ..,,,., fpirart: Upt." -
GAMMUT l" l'"fA/A" ! becaufe Guy of A.rezzo, GAP bi a lcnift this is the fame deriv. which
GAMUT S a Benedietinc monk, who re- GAPE witit Junius likewifc had given:
formed the church mufic, about the year 1024, but Skinner offers us another, viz. ex Ay..~, tMm
compofed a mufical fcalc with thefc fix words, fl11Pore demiror, jlupu ; but that is to gape wi1b
ul, rt , mi, fa, fol, la; by which means, he fays, fl"Pidity, and amaummt : we might therefore
n1ulic becomes calier to kam in fix davs' t han rather'derivc our words gap and !(apt, i\ x..... bi1;
it was before in lix months : afterwards he placed to yaw1r, or form 1111 ~11i11g funply : meaning
on the fide of thefe notes, the following fcven what Virgil has fo jutl:ly exprelfed in the
letters, a, o, t, J, t, f, g 1 and, by rcaforr that he .lEn. II. 481 1 .
placed the letter g on the· note which ht had - - - jamq111 txcifa tra/Jt, firma tM111vil ·
added to his antient fyftem, the whole fcale RobDra, tt ingentem lato dedit ort fenelb:am.
therefore denominated, as it is to this very day, GARB," indudestbc idi a of w.rapping roinil.,"
g11111111ut: bttt if, with Artti11uls gammu.t , mulic fays Cid. Way. 80, "gtr-bap, contracted t<>
could be learnt ii) fix days, it may be fafely faid, garb, for habit, or d refs, that is thrown ·r01111J
that we .can now learn it with greater eafe in fix one; for gar," he tells us, p. 73, "fignilics round:"
bo11rs, through the help of the invention fince -then both are Gr.; for !(llr· is evidently derived i
made of a fevcnth note; which frees us of all rue · •~, a tirclt; or nny1bing that tncompaffis a1tcl1Jtr:
the trouble and embarralfmcnt of the divifions : and habit, in the fcnfe of Jrtfs, 'is Gr. likcwife.
'Nug."-the Dr. is t·h e moft expeditious 1nat1:cr GARBAGE'.; •• Xo:er1..f1u, quod Hefych, ex-
of mufic I ever heard of, to teach it with grtaltr pon1t Ka&'"f"" purgart ; ficuti et K"'f"....t.,.,
ta[! ;,, fixk°"rs !-Ciel. Voe: 14' n,, fars, " in eidem eft I:x•e,..,.t.,..,; disjiri: Jun ."-who bas
fact, moll:, if not all the antlent gmu11s;· or po- applied this definition to the word garblt; but
'pttLrr 11.fm1bliu, were attended with various'fpcr/s; may more properly be•ong to garbagl, which pri·
thence ff•rt was metonimically called g11111tt; marily fignilies r1111ifb, rt/11fe,fwttpi11gs, ot a•y 1bing
whence that vulgarifm gam11J, which, however, is rtjeflt4; and as to the word garblt, it originates
.the true origin of the word now in ufc 1 and, by from a different root, as in the next art.
contratlion, gamt:"-but if this be the true GARBLE lbt bcuft ef fom111111slafter mcntion-
origin, it is Gr.: fee MF.ETING. Gr. GARBLE fpfrts S ing feveral
G.~CH ; Fr. Gall. ga11cber; Ital. gat1ti11rt; deriv. Ski nner fays, "mallem igitur de~ucerc
11piutn lig11i acumi11art, lignum adig1r1; i11 davos rarble il Lat. crih1llar1, cribellum 1 fc. to g~r~I#·
ftrrtcs pr,,,ipitart; ab A...,o.., fpina, a tbor11 ; to fpfr11, elt aromata txcribrart ; i. e. '"cribra1i1·
jharptn 11jlakt /0 11 poi11t; to m11l.1 it 111fb~rp11111 nro111atlll'1lm ;"-but there he !tops; for beyond
thorn; alfo " Jrtad/ul pur,ijhmt11t. this, we gain no farther intelligence from him:
GANDER, " X.-. Dor. Xa>, ' a•ftr; 11 f!.dKJer, but tribrum, and cribtllum originate ii Kt'"" ctrno,
or goo/e ; for both- the Gr. and Lat. admit of this fa"r11a, &re-.;i, cretum; unde cribrt4111; 11 jtiflt, /o,
,.ord in a middle lignification 1 vett. Germ. Jift, to feparatt.
P linio tefte ganzt; candidi ibi (in Germania) GARBOl1<," Jurba, to11fu.Ji•; Gall.gar#oui/ 1 ltal;.
verurri minoF.H, ganz<1 vocan~r: Lat. per garbuglio; ac fortaffe tamcn co11fujiQ11e111, ac 111mttlt11111•
·aphzref. ar.frr; f!.nnder: Cafauii. and Upt.''- olim denotavcrit ; qua!is eft inrer pr4u11d11111, etc
4nd yet bpth of them applied this.ctym. to fpoliand11m: quomodogarbear I-Iifpanis ell: diriptrt,
the word goefa; which is.impoffible;.for it would be .Jtpr,,,Jari : Jun.'.'-lhouJd this be the true 'dcriv.
no eafy talk to find how gooft can be derivud either , this· ar·ticlt ought to have been ttferrcd to the
. fromx • ., x...., nnfar, or ~01124'; all. which may fig-' 'following Alphabet; but Skinner, tho' he has.
nify gocfa, but can nc\<e~ gi~e origin to. th~t word. .given us .the fame' eryn1 •. yet he has ded~ced it
GJ\ NG., or. to"'{Jdtty} •• Belg. gangtn; Sax. ;i;an; from a dtff'erent fource ; "' poreIt et non• incorn-
GAN G of Jett. irt ; be is of that gang•. .n1ode declioari a Teut. gar; pror/111, 01S11ii:o 1 .ct
GANG, or go alo»g. tra.nfiatc t111t11s h1min11m, Fr. Gall. bo11iller; b•l!irt, tbullire: nee cnim
GANG-vV AY qui fampn: fimul, ti eaaem mi runt eft in lingua, qure tota fcre ()( Lat. t<
·'(lia incttlu111 : Skinn."-wbo. then· refers us to go; •Tcut.. mixtis c.oaluit> voces Hybridas tJO. umlque·
and GO~ as. we lb.all fee prefendy, is. Gr. lingoa; ortas pullulalfe :".:.......,hat pity it is, he did.
GANGRENE, " r .. ,.,.f"""" gangr.ena;. par/is' not carry his ref!.c&om a.:Hnle farther! for rben.

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G A. From Ga a! r::, and LA T 1 N• G A
he would have found, that /Jullio originates, ac- -a precious fionc, o( the color of'pa"'w•1111t1-
cording to Nug. a l»Aw.., ftrvio, !JNllio: vcl ab fuds.
i;:,,..,, voh;q, vtrfo i lo roll, or t11111blt a/;tJuf. GARRET; " (uprcma domus contignatio,"
GARDEN, Ael.,., r~f"• irrigo,; to wa/tr a /pot fays Skinn, " parum defleso fenfu i Fr. Gall.
of ground: or rather perhaps ~ rve•"· gyro; rve•'' garile ; prupugnaculi lurris, ptrfagi11111: hoc i
gyrzu; feptus, circumfiptus; a place indoftd, mcom- Teut. wotbrtn, webrt11, defendere: v. ward, and
pa.ffed, ht~~td in, walled rou11d. beware; (both wbi<;h are Gr.) MinJhew deflcClic
GARGARISMJ"r"'f'Y"f'~"; R. rAf'Y"'~'""~r­ a K"'f"• caput :"~and perhaps he is ·right ; 161
GARGLE gulio;gullur; the throat: Nug." garret being al the tqp of lht houfa. •
GAR'LJ.AND, 'O r· rathtr g11irl-a11d; or more GARRISON 1 without troubling the reader
properly ftill gyrrantfl; a rveo,., in tJrum tofli- with long quotations frotn the other etymol. and
gert ; to tie up j{C'flftrs in a wreath, or tirdt: and then being at the trouble of refuting thofc quo-
from hence all·the Iceland. Septentrio.nalian, Sax. tation!, let me only offer another conjetturc ;
Fr. Gall. and Leal. words are derived, which Jun. viz. to derive our word garrifon ab Oueor, cuflos;
and Ski'nn. have prod\1ced ; as· they arc forced qoafi wouros, w11rd; undc guard; uode garrifan 1
to acknowkdge 'in' fafr: credo agyranilo, fays the a military plate of dtftnce and prottflion.
Dr. i. e. circumdando caput : but no G reek :-:- GARRULITY: r"e""• Dor. r.:,,,.,fa110; unde
Ciel: Way~ 73, and Voe. 171, with uncommon ·r•e•» vo"; the voice; uncle garrMlitas 1 praliflg,
fagacicy, has given us quite a different deriv.; taliri•g, babbling.
but then, as the former genllcmen have confi- GAR-T~R; Ciel. 'Vay. So, fays, that "garb.-.
dered ?nly. the former part of this compound, fo and garment, include the idea .of. wrapping rcund:"
t.his great etymol. has confidcrcd only th~ latter '. -confequendy gar·ltr will take the fame deriv.
part ; which he explains thus; " the Gr•. word wh ich is Gr.; (or they all defcend arve·or, gyr-111\
... 9o; ( decus corporis, orna111rotu111j on tracing it a circle, or any thing that encompaffes, and tnclofai
into the elementary language, prcfents clearly the a11otbtr; as a gar-ttr wraps rou11d tbt leg :- we
fcnfc o( head, or termination of the Item of a have a high officer in the H erald's court, entitled
flower; from -whence garl-a111b, or garl·and, fig- Gar/tr ii11g t1I arms, who takes his denoniination
nifies a coro11tl, chapla; or wreath round the bead_:" from the gar/tr worn by the knights of chat order.
- now then the cootcft l ies. between AA•r, l!Pd G1\SH ; " Aio•, aflia ; ha&h( ; mi1111tti1im ten-
•nth, for priority: gar-ranth 1 a wreath offlowers. tidert, diffecart 1 lo tut /mall, cut afu'1dtr: Skinn."
GAR-LICK; "Sax. ~aplec ; alfium: Minlhew GASP: fee GAP, and G,APE; Gr. " undc
d~6eCtit ii. garden, and leek; q . d. porn1m bortenfa ;" gafp, per epenth. -r• f: Skinn."
- but this is .very improper I bccaufe what then G1\STLY, A'Y""'' A'Y~'I!'"'> A'Yar•r, miror, atl-
would become ofthis natne, and deriv. when planted miror, jlupeo 1 to be in amaze 1 alfo frightful. ltr•
out of. a garden('---" mallem," continues Skinn. riblt, horrible: fee GHOST. Gr. .
« i Sax. ;saj'I'; Jaculum, lantta 1 ~t kac; q. d. GASTRl-MUTH, or gaflrit11Jtb; r"rt•i"-'•Y.•••
p i rrum j~culiforme, vel la!'ceiform~ I a foliis, /a11- ve11/ril"'Juor ; a vt11trilog11ijt 1 one who 111/trllh his
eearu111 1oftar, ·alfurgent1bus: vide Itek :"-but voice from Jhe belly: R. r""'f• venJtr 1 the belly 1
who will fuppofe, that garlic! derives its name and M.foy.«., Joquor 1 to fpeak: fee EN-GASTRI-
from the jhape of its leaves, and bot rather from MUTH: Gr.
the ·ttrong, p\Jngent fa.flt of its root '! we might GATE: fee GAP, and GAPE; Gr.-"ntmpe
therefore, with Ju'nius, derive leek, a h'"X'"'°" hiatus, vtl rttptiwa parietis, a111 ftpimt111i: Jun."-
o/us ; a pot-hero: fo that gorlid: feef(ls to be com- " Low Dutch, got 1 Dan. gait 1 from the Su.
pounded of Teut. and Gr.; for we ought not to 3an ; lo go : it is ufed for the fuect o( a town 1
derive it with Skinn. from the Sax. ~ap; jtJt~lum; as StOM-falt I Pettr-galt-1 IVa.,,,.galt 1 &c. Ray."
J>ut from the Teut: g;ar; prorftn, omnino 1 and -but i thefe words are derived from the SalC.
.11.'"X""" oltfs ; meaning tht flrong-lteli: ; jlr(lllg. ;i;an ; to go, we might fuppofe they were all of
Jnulli11g, · Jlror.g-fttnted, flrtmg·laj/ing-lttk 1 i. c. Gr. cxtratt.: fee GO, Gr.
gar-lick, or Itek.. · . . GATHER ; A'Y"e'» congrtgo, colligo 1 10 ,ol/ctl
GARNER ; re""'• comedo 1 undc granuno, et togttbtr: Cafa1.1b. •
gra1:.vium·;qua!igarnarit1111; a placeiokee~.cori;i in. GAUDY; rat'"• Dor. pro r.e..., r..,.,, r .......,
GARNET l from the fame root, VIZ. re'"'• fl!P"Dio, glorior, gaudto ; rejoid11g, boafti11g, pro;d.
~omedo 1 unde granum : ' et " granaltis ; rubino- GAV-EL-KIND: a Saxon law, but
rum, fcu ut cum Romanis antiquis loquar, tar- from the Gr. language; for it fignifiet giw tlll
hun,ulorllill, 'lit/ 1111/hratUlll fpuitl i UC dicta a CO- ki..J, or give all rht lli11 aliu 1 for i.i,,J, or a,,, in
lorc ~•• ·inj/11r granr;rum mllli . P1111iti :. Skinn." Low Dutch, fignifics child : " this Jaw," fa71
Dd '2 M~
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G A ·From G ll ! r K, and L " T 1 N.

·Min01ew, "continues in Kent; and in the 1 Sth of Ga11111. No; 1nifery makes fport co mock itfelf:
l)en. VI. there were not above thirty or fort}' Since thou doft feek to kill my name in me,
perfons in Kent, that held by any other tenure ; 1 mock my name, great king, to flatter t hee. -
though now both the name, nnd nature of the law but, if we may credit hifl:orians, his narne was not
be altered ; for the n1odern trnn," continues he, 'John ef G1111111, for there is no fuch place; but
,; is gnveltt ; by which the tenant forfeits his John •f Ghent, in Flanders, the place of his nati-
lands ·and tene1nents to the lorfl of whom they vity, where he was born in 1 J40·
are holden, if he withdraws from bis lord his GAU STER ; '! and fon'letimes g.,jltr; to ~<
due rents and forvices :" - however, the root fro/i(i, tJnd ramp; to laugh aloKd ! Ray."-it fCCR\$
mufl: be Gr. lince GAVE, or GIYl!·, ALL, and rq be only a Northern barbarifin of r '"""• ga11JJ0,
KIN, or KIND, arc Gr. gavij11J ; diftortcd into g11uflus, unde ga11jler.
GAU KY; K••••E, euculus; Sax. ;;eac; Iceland . GAWN; "a contraction of GALLON: Ray:"
g1111kur, cutk.-.;; ; flu!11u 1 a fod ; an /Jukward -then confequendy Gr.
<Ttaturt ; and perhaps our word a11l:.ward may be GAY ; " _r,.,.,, glorior : Cafaub, and Upt."
derived from hence; as we have already obferved. r..1,.,, Dor. pro r ,.1,.., g1Jiuk1; to rtjoiu, 10 bt
Gi\UL; "r..>..., lac; milk, by reafoo of che gfad, lo bt gay.
white11efs of cheir compl~xion : Nug."-the Dr. GAZE, "A,... e.,...., e...
A,... e..,, A')'"'"• miror, llli-
feems to have been fond of chis deriv.; for chis 1ni1·ari, v e11erari; 10 admire, w1Jndtr.; Ayaro~, agtJjJ,
is the fecond time he has introduced it: foe gajlly; o gbojl : fee Hom. Iliad. r. 2'l+, 01.,,.,,
GALATIA: Gr. : and yet it is probable that "'>'"~~"l'-'9• "''' : Cafaub. and Upt."
this appellation is derived fro1n the Gr. through GAZETT; r .. e..,
gaza ; vox Perfica; pulUlia
anocher fource; for Ciel. Voe. 205, and 7, fays, regis: " .Menagius nomen hoc putat accepiffc ii
chat " the inhabitants of Italy, frparated from Venero nummo, qui g11zet1a dicebatur, ac JUftum
the Gauls by the Alps, gave to the inhabitants erat ifl:iufmodi "rvell11rum preti11111 ;. unde quoque
not only ef thofe mountains, and near the1n, but nomen hujus nummi poftca cccpit ufurpari pro
P,artic u!arly heyo11d t hem, the gcnerical name of ipfis no-Jellis : Jun. "-literally a pennyw•rtb 4
Celts, or Gauls ; and their country Gallia, cis Al- ntws ; and fomccimes but a poor pennyworth into
pipa, i.e. Ira, or lra11s.monta11i :"-and confequently the bargain.
Gr.: fee ALPS: G r. GEAL: "fraud, begyling: Vcrft." fee GUILE:
Gi\.U NT ; " vel a x ......;. lax111, fu1rgofi1s : Gr.
, Lye's J\dd."- vel " a Sax. ;;epanian, panian ; GEARS ; he is in his gears: a partic~Ja ini-
minuere, de,refcere ; q. d. came ti pinguedi11e im- tiali otiofa Sax. 3c, et ape, quatenus bon«'ttn
niin11111s : vide wa11e: Skinn."-but the Dr. ought notat : q. d. cobontjlare, i. e. ornare : SkiRll-"-,
to have confidered, that WANE, or W AN1", chis feems as if it was defcen.d ed ab Af•-7•, '!lirtlll,
are Gr. :-by the 'help of a little falfe fpelling, h~nor : but Lye, and Ciel. Way. So, fuppofe, that
this word has been given for a title to the fourth ''gears come fron1 the Sax. 6)'p1an, vt.flirt, amicirt;
fon of Edward HI. viz. 'John, of Gaunt, duke of or frotn the Celtic ftr ·
1 becaufe thofc two words
Lancafter; which is only taken notice of under include the idea o wrappi11~ ro11nd :''-~hen we
this art. ; becaufe Shakefpear has i;nade the old might appeal to their own Judgements, if thofe
d uke fo wretchedly pun upon his own · name of cwo verbs did not vilibly defcend a fve-""• fyr-o ; .
Gaunt in Richard H. ACl:. ii. fc. z. · which undoubtedly conveys the idea o goiwg
K. Rich. - - How is ic with the aged Gaunt? round: by turning, .,,.,.apping, or winding; fo tbat
Gaunt. Oh how thac name bcfics my compo- in this fenfe, we fay, a borft is in all bis g1ars, wbea
fition ! he has all his /rappi11gs, furniture, and fi'!"J
Old Gaunt indeed ; and g1111111 in being old : 1abou1 him. .
Within n1e grief hath kepc a tedious /oft ; GEER; Ee•f'-••, Ee~t..., E'e,w, qu,n-o; to fad, or
And whoabltains from meat, that is not gaunt? faarcb 12/ttr ; or, as we rometimes pl ay upon the
For fleepingEngland,long time have I watch'd; word, ii is queer gttr ; i. e. jlra11gt fluff Jo bt fond
Watching breeds lean.~efs ; lea1mefs is all ga11nt: ef, to fttk diligtntly f•r, lo admire.
'fh~ pleafure that fome fathers Jud 11potr, GELDING : Skinner has given u~ a woo~er·
·· Is 1ny"ftriC1: Jaji; I mean my childre n's looks ; ful deriv. of this word, which he fuppofes ae-
And therein f.afling, thou h~O: made me gaimt : fcends i\ Teut. gtil; quod Ii Grxcus c!Tent
1 ·d a11111 am I· for the grave; gaunt as a grave;
deflecterem a K'!°'"t• calidv, impudfrus, laftivll5.•:
. :Whofe hollow womb inherits nought ~ur bon~s. q. d. vt11ertm et laftiviam amputare, et auferrc ·
· . K. Rieb. Can Jick nien play fo nicely with -accord!ng to which deriv. we muft undedlanq
• their names ? che word geld, which fignifies nat urally /J•I ~}
3 /Jljlf""

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G E From Git .EEK, and .LATr1'. G .E

lajl/11!, to lignify cold, and ·im~ottnt ; fince then the book of 'Gt11efU is that which contains the
it does r~ally fignify cold, and i111Pol111t, it may hi!tory of the cr1a1io11 of the world ~ Nug.''
rather be derived a ru..., r1>.....teo•, ~·» ttl11, . GENIAL l r"''I'-"''• vel t•r•'I'-'"'• r""""• gigno;
Ktlithim, frigitJ11m 111 'llt1itrt111 ; or, as we may lire· GE.NfUS S naftor; to bt b.orn.
rally fay, one whofe courage is cooltd 1 as in the · GENICULATION; rwu, grnu ; tbt laut,
following art. kn1tli11~. ·
GELID l" r •. terra; the tdrtb: Lrtt. and GENNET; r, ..,,, eq11ul111s, 1q11us taro111s; 11
GELLY S Ainfw. "~but this is rather too iiuit borfa. .
forced ; becaufe cold . and froft will affea wau,, · . GEN J:-ilTIN4, " '.ni:f<;io .an·• it Sa:r. zempan,
as well as tartb: r,;....; r1>.1ulf"'• .J.•x:e•'> gtiu, rt110'IJ11re: Skinn·.''-then the.Dr. ought to have
zelidum, frigid#m, feem rather to be the originals .fcen that the word zen1pan was only a compo.un4
from whence our words are derived, as Litt. has of ze, and OIJ'an, i.e. NE\V;•and confcqucndy Gr.
obfcrved. --but, difcarding this deriv. becaufe it feenied to
GEM, or /Jud lf•l'-"•Pltn11s.fitm; unde gemma; hellen ize, he has rccourfe co rhe Fr. Gall. pomm1
GEM, or jewt!S a bud, /welling on the brantb: J11,111t: Jaut. autcm cit .;...K'f•¥•K•• iii Jean; Jo·
or dfe ge~ may be derived ageno, pro gigno ; bannt~ :· omnino ·u t 110& aliud 'po1num a J•hn·.
as in the following lfl't. but t wo. apple appellamqs :''-but now we may be fure
GE-MEN: Vcrftegan, t21, and 231, fuppofes tpat the· ro~ of this word is of much greater
this word to be purely Teut. " and is afn,uch · antiquity chan either the Sax. or the fr. Gall,
to fay as tDlflmon; and as in fundry other an- i:onguc. .
cient woords, fo in this, the Jeuer g, being al- GENTLAN ;. r"1'"'""• gt11Jia11~; the herb fo
tcrcd into y, it is of ge111t11 become among vs to be c.alled·. . · : , · : ·
;,mun ; and, varying yet further in orthographic, GENTLE, t11iltl }tt>••••f',gtn~rbfusj fortiS_; weff
it is written yeomen ; which rightly undcrftood GENTLE-MAN! born a11d bred: R. r"'i'-"'>
are commoners :".,.-but YEOMAN is Gr. vcl Fop•}'-"'•• gigno, nafaor; ' to be born :''- Cid~
GE-MOTE, being only thi: Sax. prepofitive Voe. 44, fays~ " gt11tlt1J1an, or gtn·til-man is com-·
'j,e added to molt, or MEET; ic is undoubtediy monly uncler!tood· of th.e military, though a .
Gr. ; as will be found under that art. . ~nefical (or men· of ft'.incipal, . or hta4 families:"
GEl'v1INI " r'"'I'-"'• gign11r, gtmi11111 ; · - (ie11, lun, ktff, A:tJph, or rather A:eph, all fignify.~·
GENDER ri>or,ge11us: Nug.» Jo btgtt, ing bead; from . i:;:,,.O<A>:; caput) and ti/, ·fil,fal,
GENEALOGY to engender: - this deriva. Jam, fa,,,;lj: Gr:
G ENERAL tion will fuit very wdl with G.E NU-FLECTION; r'......,.,,..,, gtnu•jte!li1J1·
GENERATION all thefe words, e~cept the bending the A:1'te.
firft, which Qught racher to be derived, according GENUINE, r ....i'-"" r,. •.,, g1110.-gig110,.ge11tii11us,
to Vo'f. fro1n H,..j...,., quafi, partu·tonjunBi; ab .. ,..1.,,, 11ali'll111·,.jih.cer11s ; ptcuiiar, '"!'"!ral, pur~,. 1111mixtd.
j•nf.O, cdl111eflo, tojcift\ unite, t1J11ufl al 0111 birth:. GENUS,. rr,,r, g11111s ; · cu1 oppon1tur /petits ;
GEN-ER·.A:Li11war:Clel. Way. 50; and Voc.7,. progeny. · . •.
has given us no lefs than three widely different GEODE,.or tar1b.ftont; i;,.,1.r, a r,.., r.,.u"a;
fignifications of this. termination al; for here, in lbe earth.
p. 7 and 24> he tell& us, that " al fignifies rule, or -G.EO-:G~APHY, •i r•"reo.f""" a deftriptio• of
~ommand: io p.:70, a/Jigili6es ~•lltge, or fthcol: and· tbe, 1ar1b : R. l"a•«, or r., the earth ; and re"f"•
in p. 21 i, al figni6es emint11ce,Qr beigb1: in the two· ftr.ibo; lo deftribe: Nug.'' .•
fir!t inftanccsal fignificsrule, or1:D!V1rnmtnt, mctony- GE:O-MANCY, "r'"'l4"'9"'"' geomantia; work-
mically fromu/,OF al, tbe jlaffof•Jfice ,"-and <:t>nfe· ing foro.ery. by figures and circles· drawn.on tbe
quencly may both comc·either frGmr-ul-t, reg-ul·a; ear.Jb, .
a rtgo;. ab Ae-x.•» by tranfpo!ition 'p"''X."• reg• : GEO-ME.TRY; "r1ol'-f1e•"• ttrr.t: mt11fura: R.
or from u>.-•,. Jjl-'lla; tbe ftaff of of/ice : and iri r..., ttrrtJ ; and M11eJ"' me1iot< ; M11f•V. l#tllf(lra :
this fenfe gtn-tr-at originates from " cou•I; koning; Nug." the art of meafi1ring !n11d; but ·now ufe4
/eing, <Jll, quin, Klll; .{tn l all fynonymGUS· !er1ns, for the fcience:of /inti' 300 ong/a,
4!1i111d all fignifying a general, or head wal\-com· G E.ORGE( l t•"fY.•r; Georgius ; a,~itola ; a
mander ;; the bead commander in w11r :" GEORGICS S bufoo•d111a111. a f armer; R. r;,,
- confeq).lently the w.hole co1npound is·Gr. ;, at- terra,1 ot Ery..; opus;- a. labourtr in tbt: fail; . a
may be found under !hctfe·fevc:ll31 art.. . . plow111a11. : alfo. a 1rea1ifa ef agrilultur.e,, NtltP cf
GEN E RO US ;. ,.. r ...,«••n fil.,,.,.~., gmerof1tsi befba11dry. .
ingtnu11s; noblt by birth, or difpojition: ·Nug." GER-Ji'ALCON; r,~,-,,.~••,,, gyrefa/e111 ;> a
GENESI£1 " r ... ~•f, pr0&rt111io: R. L-,.,~.., : fpecie.11>of hawk,. fo callcd. fro1~ i.ts fonrting con ti·
· nual

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G I F rom G~I EK, and LATtM. G I
nual <irtks: " vd i gryp~foko, o& m3gnitudi- R. r,, ct r''l'"I"'' • a race of m ...n fuppokd to be
nem : Sk.inn." - but !\ill tt would be Gr. : fee fpnJ11g oMI of lbt t11r1b, without any other origin;
GRIFFIN. ' •ttre ,tartb-bmi jolU.
GERt.1; "r''Y''I""'• gigno, gt110; unde g1r111m,. GIBBOUS; 'TIJ.r. ••,,,, """v111, gi/Jbofiu, et
quafi gu1imr11 ; quare gtrt11tll non tan\ a gert11do dici ribbtr ; bU11tb-b11tktd, or trooked.
puto," fays Voll: "quam a gt11endo, vd g<rmi- GIBELLO } " ghibal; a mo11n1ai11; whtnfC
11a11do, quali gt11im1n 1 a branch, or hud •!a 11·t1. GIBRAI:.· TAR · that pleooalill mon-gi-btflo,
GERMANDER ; " x",..<.,Jev<, tbam.edr11s ; or monli-gibtllo ; whence alfo Gibral-tar, or
E•glijb lrtMlt: R. X•1<••• bttmi; t:t Af"'• querctts; Gbi-bal-tariff; the 11101tn/11in of 'Tariff, t he Moor-
quOcl bzc ·ht:•ba repmcntct f tlt ram ',l,umilnn, fcu ' ilh general, who made good his l"oding on that
p llMIUI ; q uam o b caufam d icitur etiam 'I""'"'"; rock. : Cle!. Voe. !lo6, n." -confcquendy will
M inlhew :" tbt gro•NI, or dwarf od. take the fame dcriv. with •l, •/ps; baJJ, cal, ct!/,
GERMANS : if WC attend to the general (0/: i. c. Gr. a Ko>......, (OUis; a bill, or 11141111/ai•.
deriv. we . lhall find that the Gtrm1J11s received G IDDY ; Min Chew derives tlli$ wort! " a r,,
t heir name from thci.r purity of manners, or their lerra, fo/11111; ct A1rrw, gyr11, tir,11111ago.1 quia verti·
hofpitality.; tho' according to Shcring, p. 57, ginofis t~rra, fcu folu1n orart, ct ar<11111Agi vi•
they fccm,to haYe taken their appcllatip.n from dcntur :"-this is too confined a dcriv: from r,:
their. valor. in war 1 " G1rma11111· cniln •idem valet for to the &iildy all things turn' round, not ·tht
A C btJINJ'btllitof•s I a Gtttrrl, quod beJJ.,,, l Ct 111a• tarth only :-Somncr and Skinner derive giJil]
quod bomi11tm lignificat I q~:Lfi G#m-~-"!on, con- a Sax. ;1/tl~~ }1tl./t1Js, 11ertigi1tof,,~ ; " kd .uode
t.r aacd to GtrmalJ ;" for wh1.c h he lilr.ewifc quotes dcfumptum,' fays Ly~, " ncfc10 :" ~ Sk1nDCt
Tacitus: but even according ro this dcriv. both thinks a ;stbbian, buht't , ' anerc; but what con·
WAR· and MAN arc Gr."r'Clel. however, Voe. nexion he i:ould find between dizzintjs and fi•t·
"172, gives us quite • diffi:rent c:ty111.; for he fup- i•g, is rather difficult co im:Lgine: vel .. a ohban,
pofes " · Gtrm111tJ to be only a cpntr:i.Ction of labi 1 ;;;lib, /1J6ri<111 ; ct frcunduio i1Jc@jlg111;
.Htr---attio; the land of the in'habitan u of 1b1 q. d. 0f1b1;s, excrito tantum propter cuphon. / :"
woods; bccaufc Gtrmd!IJ was aln1ott one continued -but Jun1us, with inuch better fucccfs, fuppofe.1
.wooil, or. fortft 1•er, or her, . in the antient Jan- our word giddJ to be. 011ly a contraClio n of the
,guagc .lig nified a wood-it is radic;al to .the word Spanith word '!lagitido, 'lltrt igo; unde giddit vidcri
for. tft; to the Gr. Eht a, the Lat. fer-a; and to potell abfcilfum :- kt me only remark the pc<:u·
our word tit"; all including the idea of wildntft- liar oddity of this word, which feems to be de•
11'1 Gtrm1111S then, were fo called, as we might fay fccndcd from Ten·•, quali "'t1.,, 'fJtrfo ; Jo tua,
•m of the ui/Js ; and as we do fay ''"" of tbt or rather,.,.,. ro1l11d : Tt•r.,, 1Jtrta,. wrtigo ; al>-
ffli!Js, i.e. -ods ofKmt:"-thus again this learned brcviatcd to tigo; by tranfpo.fition, guido ; giJJJ.
gentleman gives the priority co the Celtic. GIGGLE ; "K...,..~.... '"tbi1111ari: vcl potius
GE~MEN-ni¢11, originates from the fame t••· ;,,,,,,'!""''•
""'' ,.; K•;>(;>.. 'Vt/ 1{tiji1U ~iitrt :
root with GERM : Gr. 1 unde gtrman1J1-tonf1111- Upt." to 14ugb gtltll], in our fcnfc of the word 1
g#b1ttt1 ; i. e. gtrm111-to11fm1g11i1tt1C111; defcendtd to tilltr.
fro1n the Jamt flock 1 ntilr of lli11: confequcntly Gr. GIGOT of"'"!'°" 1. J unius explains it l>y /r(I·
GERUND ; X"t• X•e•r, unde gero, ger1111ili11m, I
IUlll and yet derJ>'CS It a Gall. grgot, 'Vcf '""'"'"'I
tt gtr#ndivttlll ; a re gtr•ndd; i.e. gtrtndo ; o a /tg of mttt1011 :-Lye fuppofes it to be derived
gtrM1tain gram1nar, from exprcffing the a/lion. ib A rmor. cigog 1 tarnoj1Cs ; quod a cig; tar1 1
GES-TURE, from the foregoing root ; to fig- neither of which appears to be right : for 111u1,,.,
nify aOio'fl, po}llCTt; alfo tbt atrbiwtt11t1lls of priH<tl. is a f01!fage ; and car1tof•s d~s not anfwcr ro •
GE T, or bcgtl : r''l"'I""'• gignGr; 10 t1tgt11dtr, gig4t ; which is noc, as M iolhcw es:plains it,
.or 6rud. •inud meat, or • inttd 1111111011 mmgleJ with jwtl
GEWGA\VS, ro.1w 1 g111Cdto, glorior 1 gf11,.;,,g, and tanftJ (a favorirc dilb . of his -0wn ·compofi-
'jfafb'J, proud. tion) ; buc is tb1 leg 11nd part of tbt loill uniccd,
GHOST; Ayo.?••"'"'• Ar«w, Ay<1<<0r, ad111iror, or joined togethrr ; nnd thcrrforc, wit h Skinn.
jlupto ; furpriztd, ajlo11ijb1d, 111/ agaji. we 1nigbt rathel' explain it by jMgum, q. d . . -
GIANT; " r •y«r, ...1,r, gigas: N ug."-this is jugat io offium tibi;, ctft1nori1 : -he ought rather to
the general origin of our word gia111 ; ·but Littleton have faid {tmoris ti toxmditi1: but then we muft
:and Ainfllf. have given us the true erym. of the not ll:op there, but m:ikc one advance more, and
word r, viz. r,,..,,r, (which indeed ought in derit1c·jup• and ' "'j"gatio, a z,.,...: R. z,.,..,
A iofw. to have been printed r..,.,,,,., as L ittletun j"ngo ; to . joi11 ; o r as we n1ay fay 1C11ilt ti#
has done, • or r.,.,.n..r) lllrigtflllt ltrr:.e jli111: /flJO joiti1s 1ogmnr, .like a.hanch .of venifon.

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G r .From G R,1: I 11:, and. L 4 :!1' I"' G I
·- Gl!--~·ef'wiilt; '. " ~nimum m~uni! geous, whence· ~e ·lfotd if 1.•i1F from the Y~rb 3iFan.
(c;. v1n1: Spelman legit Jn Glollis, g1/'4; ·,ct gtfia, tllrt;· ~·ill!ll 1 and 1s. as much • · tlatt ., va11(1:
pro.""".fllT4; for;re f. X•~•r, p.t•li gt111U :"-a.fcer Ray.'.'-«cording to this interpretation, gi11 fee~
which Skinn~r. adds another deriv. which is ·ra• to- be only a contraaion of {i'v(lf :-coafequent-
ther ludicrous, 3l)d would al moll: make one Jmile; ly Gr.·
v.el i gill tlw-.••f•P•!f nominia feminini Juli11tli 1 · GIN, tbt li!JttOr 1• perliaps only a contrall:ion ·
utfal• a Jon11" 1 ebri.ofus enim:non minori oum 'of,JUNIPEU,, from the berrie~ of which it is
Jjbidine fcyphuni ample~icur, quaRl> fcortacor ldiftilled :-confequc.ntJy Gr.
metttricem. , · GIN, or. fnart; another contrall:ion of. mgitre,
GJLLl•FLO.WER, " ·K«e,..,.u.,, tllt]opbyl~ according 10 Skinner, who hu referred to that
u, quafi n11w./oli11m.: R.""•· 111t1t j11gltms 1 ·an. 1 but Junius .derives ginus, "a 9all.g~fiu,.
t;t '•M••• ./oliu111 ; Ital. gar•fo/4 ; Gall. giro/It : g<mu, et gtbm111 ; ma&bi1111 pluribus inlent• /11ni-
U pn" • . · . 611s,..vd .fidit11Jis .:" - and Lye fays, " videtur
, GILLS .11f "fijb .: ·Skinner .and ·Lye derive this· ·lluxi!Te ab Jceland.. gitma, duiprrt 1 unde . Ital.
ward properly a g.uJa.1 had they but as properly' 'intaltllllrt :~-it is.fcarcc pof!ible to fuppofe, that
derived gJl/a a r,..,... rgluti#; vel a riu11, g11jlo : !any part of the /taJi1111 language lhould have been
'\>el ,i ru>uo(, Vel potiUs ,ru""'""• ~4Tlillll, Ut gu/a l '. derived from [ctfaM.
t& ,throat; (o <ha1 it was not for want of·.variety GINGER 1 « Z1n•P1e1r, a plant that grows-.
that thty did not ~,a,ke choice of a Gr. derivati(ln. ·in plenty in Arabia: Nug.'.'
. GIMBLET :, Junius obfcrves, . that gi111blt1 • GINGLE ; r•nt°'f• fllMJUlt> gu.etlam tibia,.
c;orruptum cl!e a 10{111blt; quafi wimbkt: Jo. char jla111t111abilem fai1.111J1 tdms; ajPri, lcing,fglllalcing pipe::
we mull: refer to thn art. Gr. '. · , · ivel i Tr..1, unde 1ilf1lio.; ,to tinlr.le, or 11tlllct aging-
.. GTM-CRACK: Skinner fuppofes this word ·lixg 11oife :-Cafaubon, with great. fagacicy, de-
tt> be a contraC\i.on of t11gi11t; but neither .here, irives gingfe ii K1yyl\1,,.., trtbro ttWVtrt, 11gitare ; .
nor under the art .. tngi111, .to which he refers, has K•')'')'N~/''°'• trtbrt> 11gitalio, et motio·; like the·
he'told us from ·wht nce i11g<11i11m is derived: ·be- lrit1gi11g, or ti11ft/ing of bel11. .
fidcs, ,even .~hen·.·wc: .lhould gain l;mt hal! ' t~e '. , GIRDLElrue•<.. f.{in111 a rirtlt,. qr 11117·
compound gi111•:- the• la:cter may perhaps be de- · .GIRT S · tb11Jj11rrou11d11 or tncp111p11.ffe1> ,.,,_
i-~ved ii: Ke"'""· ptrfirio; and' then gim-tratk would othtr; a fwatb, or hand :-Ciel. Way. 77, and 8.1 ,.
fignify an i11gt11ious~devitt, 11 curiou.s-perfonnantt: 'fays, "A')'v{1a, circttlator; 01ll who f-1 a tirtk
'.Vd a Kf"""'• Kf""°'• caput ; a whimjical-cDlftriv- rowtd him : A'J"'~'""• ft ands on the fame principle:"·
.,,., , a phantafrical-tomp.•/iiion. . ..... but both 1hofe words dc(ive from a different
_ ,,GJl\.1MA[, ''.it Lat. ge.mtllMs; q. d. 11tt- fourcc ; :viz. a ruew, and· A')'llt•~~ tll!/111, 111ttbitlltlo.
nul111 geme/lus; quonjam fc. tillbbtts aut plui:ibus ..GIRK; ·r.. ex·••· ;.pi... M&JUI<><< : I-Iefych. 4
orbibus •Conftat : Skinn." - but temtllus is de- /witch, or rod; here ufed 10 fignify 11 ftrol:t, .blow,
fcerided . a gtf!'i11111 ; and geminu.s is derived ab or fticlc, or an attempt to fuch an atl:ion.
'il1f14'"<• quail partu co1y1J11tl11s: R. J...1.., j1111go; GIRL; " K•t•• puell" 1 mutato ut in -multis.,
(P join, 1111itt "' " oirtb. . .,.; K, in G: Cafauj>." "yo1111g, wom1111.
' GlMMER-/mnb; " an twt-IR.,b; forte ajam· GITA.R, commonly written, and pronounced:
rntr, contrad-ed frorp..god-Jnbtbtr, or g~tf-1111Jtbtr, gitiar 1 and fometimeS, . according to the
a com1non .a:ppe.llatioo : a gt/t-gtll111im-, " b11rrm- barbarous Ficnch word gllitarre, though dn-ivcd .
ewe : Ray."-but good .and motbtr, are Gr. from K..tae· •., tithar-a; • lute, or b11rp.
GIMP; another conrrattion, a " comptus; GIVE, "E'l''l'"'"'• proprie i1111U11111.r.tr11Jo: Jun.
undc .Armor. coanl'; ptthbtr, bt/1111, formofu.s ·1 and ·Cafaub." to pul ia11·1btbdd,
:Lye."--but' if this -geruleman imagined that he '.· GIVEROUS; "Sax. (51,:C(': quam . voccm i.'
had arrived at the original · of the word 1gimp, Fe""'I'""• /11crrna. pctil cafaub.· ll'Vidus, : a'VarUJ ; :
when he arrived at the word ftnnpttis, he: was ,grttdy, covtto•s: Ray."
very much mi lbikC'n ; for fompctu.s icfelf is but a . GISARD fo great is- the unc:ertainty of.
derivative, either from Kc;""• toma, uncle como, GIZZARD the orthogr. ans! as · gre;'lt is:
u111pt11s: or rather from K•.-,..,,. mu11du1 ; uncle GISERN the uncertainty o(: the etym ••
K•.-1'-"'• ornatus ; " t omp1111, i. c.. ornatus, ii. GHlZZARD of . this · word ;: for though.
Gra:cis dc.fcendit, apud quos Ko~f'"'> dicitur GIZZERN Skinnerwoulddeducegizzard,.
eomtr<,. quo<l:apud nos romisti. Fcftus :"-fo that or ghiz:w-n from the Fr. Gall. gtjier; . and gtjitr ii
g;~p ~gnifics· ~ narrow filk,. or 1hread edging, ,voc7 F.c:fti [igeri111t1; yctgigtrium is but·barbarous ·
t11m1nmg, <?• fnnge, fcwn on by-way of orn11111en1. ·Laun; and I hive not as yc1 bcen•ablc to trace
GlN,,if: '"in the old. Su.on U' ;siF; fro1n '.a better· de(iYr: nay, even Skinner• himfelf. does
· ~ noc:

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G L. .fr.,-m: G R:E'E K,. :and n Al'IM ·!'i. G n
• •
n_C?t f(Cll}. t~ h~~t' la,i d 111i\Ch. fi~cfa o'l'I. th'e t~antla-<· :lcclanqic~ g:1ansteft '.Q:Je;,Jq".; ·Belg: gl4iu1; ]pint-.
t1011 ·o,f'\;Q flld Fr'enflt •Bible; g111cn. him •l;ly\'Ihos. ~ dH, f11lgqr, yuvar; .D#I. glandtz: Lye.!'-hc~c
Herrlh:iw; which lie fdond>gjfi<'Y·\lfod prejtcor•; fet"1ns•to '.be ' foP:,e ·mifapplicarion; or mifconfuU'c•
. which. might have fCrved very.. wcll for a:dcriv. ' tion of :ideas; .for our word g!aue, as this gen-
ifbjrds had not hadgizzard1, as well as liver1. '· l tli>man .has properly explained ic, fignifirs otul•-
GLAD,jqyful; "r..&...,Dor. pro r.&...,gaudere: rum conjeflu1; but then, there certainly can be
U'pt." - tho' we 1night rathe~,.wi~h Ca~aub. dei ive I no connexion, no alfoc.i'ation of ideas, between
glad ab . Ar~Mw, vel IAr~·'-'"I'«•, g~r1or,.gnudeo; ooulorian : <o"JeEl;u1, ; and fplfndor : but to glaKa,
t• exutl : or elfe ii' ft.>.~w, rideo; to taugb. ffignifics properly and folely, rejilire, refultt1rt; 10
··GLAD, "jmootb ; fcems to be only a dialetl: of glitfe, ~a1111cb, jlant, jlope ! but never' lo foi11t, ot
glide, or glib; fpoken of doors, bolts, &c. that g!iuer .•-for this reafon we mighc ratl)er derive
go tnjily' Rly."-but both glide and glib are Gr. bod• gl~n&e, and /anfe, Qr /aUHcb, a A•yx•0 lantta,
·GLADE; " fi Grrecus dfcm, jurarem orcum lanuare; tho' this gentleman has .rejetled that
ii· K>.a<l'or, rdmtts; Grrece eni1n K>.a/111.,., et ' deriv' under th'e arr. /11u1ut: for;· with Ski.Oner,
K>.alG?ol'"'> dicitHr: Skinn."-what · fcruple of we might rath'er fay, " nihil dfc manifeftius,·
confcience could have prevented' tbe Dr. from quicp omnia orta elfe a nom. la11ce, lancia, mcdiace
adopting thisderiv.1-but mallcm tamende6etlere 'ii Lat. lancea; q. d, txla'!ceart, vet tfijlanttart :"
a Belg. glitf; 'feut. glied; mcmbrum, art:u ; q. d. ' -nothing indeed can be more mauifcft, unlefs it
arbortJ mutilare ; rami enim font arborum artus : be, that la1uta is derived a A•')?G..
-then what 1nighty advantage has he gained by GLAND, B..,,....,, quafi B""'°'' Dor. vel ./£of.
rcjetling K.>.do<; ·and adopting glid? there can ' r"""••r, ·contraeted. to g/11111, g/anJU.; .011 1uor11,
be none; unlcfs becaufe the latter was Belgic~ · Ima.ft, or fruit of a11 oalt: Vonius, de Pennut..lic.
GLADE, fJftning; feems to be a variation of derives gla111 ab AxvA•r, """ i/ids 1-it is true,
clairiert; lien danJ 11111 foret, ou il n'y a point A>.u.>.ar lignifies gla111; but we might doubt whe·
J' arbres ; an ope11ing in a wood :-but clairiere tber i.t gave origin to that word.
feeoos to be only . another v·a riation of clarus; GLARE"/ 011 tg'glJun. Skinn. and Lye, have
t1ear;· bright, fplendid; 1neaning a place in a. forell: GLARE, fiertt S all acknowledged, that
wher~ fo1ne trees are cot down, and cleared away; glare- is derived a clarus; but not one of thtm
and admit the btixbt day: if fo, it may be de- would go a ll:ep farther; and yet under the an.
ri"vcd a K~••r, K>-1..r, clarus; i. e. a place where clear, (which not one of them would refer 10)
1be light is let io, by'thetrees being cut down. · they have all acknowledged it to be derived a
GLADEN·l'" glddiol11s; Gall. glayeul; Iul. · r ..>-•e•r, fere111u, jplenJiJus; tho' we might rather
GLADER S'glizdiold·: Jun .''-it is a wonder he prefer .Khtor, KA.,or, clar11s, gloriof11S; /Jrigbt, wbitt,
did not add, et oinnia a K:>.,..,, K>.«I"" et .KA«?"" ~ tr1111Jpare111, jbiningi ·
unde d11dt1, ct gladiu1, et glatfio/us: vel a K>-d•r, GL~SS; " from 'T"-"•r: Upt.''-lhort and
K.>.<>(3.., (/ava, undc' gladiu1, et gladio/UJ ; a club, concife ! 'l''""•r originates ab ':J'.,, pluo; quia
or a [word 1 alfo a general name for feveral plants vit[llm1 aqu~ vel pluvia: b1ali11u.,,, colotem ha!J(r 1
bavingJiroad and t:ipe·r leaves, like tbt blade ~J clear, _!right, like <ryftal: or, perhaps glafs ma~
a jwortf. · ·· : . be derived ab Ari\om•, fplmdor, nitor: or rather,
GLADIATOR: under thc·art. gladiu1, Voffius as If. Voffius derives glafs, a x..,_..,,., granJc,
derivt-s it either from dade1; quOd fit ad bojlium glatiu; boil, i&e; becaufe the compofition of
tladrm gladiu1: vel a K>.dor, ram1u; nan1 his glafl is clear as glades; ice. ·
prin1iim pro gfadii1 ufi font agricol~ :-bur If. Blue GLASS, r>-•v><•r, glajlum, vitrum; c.tjiNJ,
~offius derives gladius ii '"''"" 11..;1, •• : . neither r.eruleus, glaucus; fo that glajs here is now a
of which' words can be 'fourid in the fcnfe here con~raetion of gla1-tum: tbt btr/J woad, with
required : we 1nay· therefore much rather. dcr.jve which the antienc Britons ftained themfel-ves bfge:
z!adius as in 1he former arr., . . · -"litro je·i11fi!iu11t, fays C:efar.
GLAIN-NAIDR: ·Ciel. Voe. 139, 149, 1501 GLAVE, r>.afw, fodio 1 to Jig; becaufe the
and' 154, gives no lefs than fix or1hogr. of' thi s afuon of glaving for eels is like Jiggit1g. .
word ; but fincc he ackoowh:tlges, chat they all GLEAM ; " · S:ix. iehoma, gltam 1 rrpml1J14
fignify an odder, or Jnake'-flone •f gl(Jjs, ii is evi- · JoliJ <fJrrufaatio; ita Tliwaitefius, et relte, ut ar-
dent that they are all ,Gr. ·being onl.y the particle bitror: Ly.:."-and we might 1no!l: readily h~ve
an added to the ftibftanrive ; 'as a '11eft, or o ntwt, concurred, if they had traced it a little f~rcher;
for a11 rot/ : and glain is 011ly a vAriaiion ofglaft, thus,glenm, 3ehoma, !fJn1t1, lumen, tuao, lux, A.x•'
glazen : Gr. · , or elfe froin 11"'1'""• luceo, fpltntktJ; quafi gla111p1,
GLANCE.; " oculorum ,·f011jet111s, inlllil11s: gleam; ~o_Jarl jqrJb brigbtnefs, ..
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G L .From G'1t ! E·K, and L " T 1 M"•
~EAN : " Ni cot us dictum pucac q uafi g!a11- 11tjs ; • alfo a11 i11dijli11fl. <vi}io11,. or '4pptttrtU•« ef
dtr., et gf4111ittr; iirimitus.cnim glaadts . pro · fru- dll. J 1bi11g.
: gibus crane : Jun."-fo that, tbo.' gentleman GLISTEN l A.'Y""'e•r••,fPlenJeo, 11itto~ to./hi11t,
has gone very far.·inJo anti.quit)", GLITTERS to Jparlclt :-though Voffius de-
-- .Vos, o clariffima mundi rives it arMO'Xf••• a f)..lf')GOfo'"''> Vcl r.>.1.)GOfo'i.1, bQt
Lumin:i, la~ntcm . ccelo qua: ducicis annum, thefc words lign ify vifaous, gl•tinous, not Jhi11i11z
Libcr, ct alma Ceres 1 v..eltro Ii munere tcllus fubftances.
Chaonjam pi11gui glantkm mutavic arilti : - GLIT 1 "i&bor, fcu faniu tenuis c nervo6$
. . Geo. I. 5. parubus lreus exflilfaiu; forte per cllip. a ·reur.
yet it .is plain he. bas· not gone far enough in etym. glitdwaffir; vel a Belg. glii<lt11; labi: Skinn."-
for gla11s, .Jis, is undoubtedly Gr.-but, perhaps but biich thofe words are evidently Gr. : fee
gltan is not derived . from gli{ns ; nor yet from GLIDE. Gr.
c 0la, tho'., ac~ordin& to Lye,. it fignifies 11rijla; GLOBE, 'M1'.~•9 1 globus; a b()fl)f, or fphert, or
but, with Skinner, a KaM>,..or, K•.i.a,...ri«>, quafi any rou11d tbing: unlcfs we may derive globtu, ;\
-x.i...,.,...9,.,, jJipM.las kgo; to gathtr, or pick tcp 1bt B,,>..,, glt/Ja; a lump or cl~ of eartb; a l;o!tts,
~llllTS of <tm1, as li>!y litjcalltred in ,1hl}itld. b11Wl; alfo 10 galbtr, or flick together, like parti-
Gf,EBE, KoAo(3.,,, ~.>.or, per metath. glob01r, cles of earth, in a round form.
i. e. guba; a clod of t4rlb ; alfo la11d appr•priatcd GLOMERA1'E : K,.,.,a.,, glomus, glomero ; I .a·
lo tbt tbll.l'ch.. . wi11tk up a /Jottom ofthread. ·
GLEDE, a fwif1 bawk; quia velocitcr in .prre- GLORY, · g:,.,,.., quali iu, ..,,.., gloria 1 ru:own, '
. dam fe demi/Iii: fee GLIDE. Gr.
GLEE, j1etdar ; " A'YM>''"• quod l)On modo
fplenJorem, orna/11111, pukhril~iHem, verum etiam
/amt, JplenJor.
I" .
r ..........., fi!Jgua, 1h1 1011g1te:
glo.lfarium; att U.ltrprdation :

..gaMJ;,,,,,, /4titia111, vol.uptattm, denotat : Jun. alfo "")' j/alltring fpttcb: Cafaub."
under the art. glad :" but under glee he is in- GLOVES : Skinner derives them a Kct.>.••1<J,
tirely involved in Sax. quotations; and )'Ct co~do; to bidt, or ewer; fuppoling that they mean
ackn?wledgcs·, that it Signifies l a11tus fy111pbonia- .only a cl1'Vtri•g for tbe hands; and. we have al-
.&us, atque ipfa 911oqu1 inflr•,,,titta; itetn .ga1'!ii11111, ready obfcrved in the Prefact, that our ancellors
·f11im1u; J.oci}Ja, f"'"a; 11 ·• ti-ry ~Jftcb, or brigb1, had no word to exprefs glwu; nay, that even 10
GLEE l'' . · ·
li111is, /tu di}J1rtis aculis, in}Jar }lra-
GLOAR !Jo11is, contfltri; forte ?. S•x. 61eyan:
GLOAT Bdg. gloytn, ct gloertn; Tcut.
this day, the Quich have _no name for them, but
dumfily call them band-fabom; i. e. hand-foots:
-but it foems more probal>le to obfervc, with
Lye, that "non hie prretereundum quod in Dan'.
G[,¥ fl~ttn; a Sax. l)lopan, igntfttre, exegctico; manibus omnium trito, '11tllli.t.r dicun-
-1a#difc"e-; q. d. ince11fis, et prre ira inj/a1111t1a11tibus tur batlnd-kl.effutr; voce compofita ab baa11d, et
.oculis cQnfp.iccre: Skinn. and ·Ray."-and yet · kldffut ; -jindtrt : q,uod vocabulum vidctur ver~
neither of lhotC g~ndcmen could find, that it originem Angl. glo-ve exhibere; pri1ni eniin Danici
probal)ly originated from the fame root with our vocabuli fyllaba, ltudio brevitacis paulatiin on1iJJi;
·:verb GLO\¥ : Gr. rcmanfit lcl.efflUT', atquc ·indc n1ox glofar, ct
GLl~EK i '.' a Tcut. gl111ck I fur/111111: vel JX>• glo• 1 unde Sax. ;i;loFc• g f01Jt :"-but here thi,s
tius Sax. ;&ehc 1 Tcut. guhb; fimilis: Sk1nn. gentleman ltops: tne reafon howc\>er of this de-
.lufus chartaruin pictarum notiflimus ; quia quo nomination feems to be this : at firll oyr an-
plurcs concolores i:hartu, prrefertim·Ii criumphan- cefiots covered ~heir hands with a fpccics of
tis, uc .loquimur, co.loris lint, qµis habe.t , co fllitfint, which contained all the fingers in one
lucuI.cntius vindc, ct plus lucFi f~cit :"-properly cafe only, and feparatcd none but ·the thumb ;
ii jlujb ef 1,.,,,,.p1 : onl r now ~he Dr. ought. to .but a"terwards they Jtparal•d, dividtd, or cill'Ut
have conlidcrc:d that LIKE, and LUCK, the fingers,_ever.y one ditl:ina:ly, according 10
·were Gr. the form of the hand ; and then called tbofe
GLIB, A or.or, ad~ps, ftbu111; unde A'""fffo·Pin- coverings, gWtim, or dq'l)tn : fo tha.t now we n1u!J:
(uiltr, m1ide l .Jlipay, /llltnt, ni11tblt: fo that glib fcek foranot hcrderiv..; viz.~ Sax. clcoFan,findtrt;
li:em~ ro originate rrom/Jip. . ,i. c;. a XAa11, frango, di<vid~ I 14 tfeat1t ajundtr, di-
GLIDE: as glib and j/ip are conncelcd, fo 'llide, or feparott.
glid1 and j/ide fcen1 t? bear the fame affinity with GLOUT, patulis OtMlis to11t111ti111 11fpittrt; t1
«':tch 01hcF ; " nam f.>.•G')Cf•f etl: l#bricus,.fays Jun." hok jler11, lo ftart ; • Sax. ;i;lopan :-but that i.?
.-10 flip, or Jlitle -alqng. . Gr. as in the next an.: fee fikewife GI.FE. Gr•
GLIMPSE, A.>1•.j.•;, /11/gOT,fp/.t#dor; 11 lrigl1t- GLOV'f, X>.,.,,,., qullfi glowi;ino; ltptfa<!••
· E i: • 1nodice

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G N From G 'a 11 ic, and LAT 1 "· GO
modice . taltfa(io, rcu mljici1 ; (0 ., w•r•, quoque r.on ignotum eft verbum •tiitltll, vtl
or hot. 11ibbt lt11 i fiquidern angnillas ab hoc verbo Bat11vi
· . GLUCK, r:o.vxvr, d11fdJ; fwtet ; to gulp dow11u/Jb11i11g nuncupant , proptcrca qu&! hnic pifcium
·tJny tbing fweetly : or perhaps it may be more gcneri.familiarc eft hamo pifcantium fpcm il\i'uf-
properly derived from the very action itfdf; modi admorliunculis fruftrari: 10 l""'°• tat, or
tlutio, et gluno funt ab illo r>.v?.,, quod Hen. fuck gt111/y. .
Steph. in vet. lexico inventum libi ait pro glutio: GNOMON, r""""'' g11M11011, i#dtx; 11H pi11, or
cximie interin1 magnus Cafaub. glttt1111 dt ca .flyle of a dial; a poi11Jtr, or t11arker of tbt b411r1:
colli pars, per quam cibi tranfmiuuntur: vox eftR. r ......x.,, cognof<o; llllJ Jijt1JVertr to k110¥1 tht
hours /Jy.
filta glut ; et gluck eft imitatio foni, quern ed it
liquor per anguftun1 tramitem 1ncans : vctus GNOSTIC; r•«r•••r, g11ojlic11s, eog11of<t11/Jj (a.
poeta de Ruftico ebrio, cultate przditus : hinc .; r....,...., qui in myftcria
Percutit ct frangit vas, vinum deRuit, anfa rcligionis altius quam caeteri fe rnctraffc mde-
bant ; tbt · g11oftia, or feet o heretics, who
Stricta fuit, g/111, glut , murmurat unda fonans:
boaftcd of their fupcrior k11WJl1Jgt in the my-
He knock'd, and broke his jug, wine fpilt, the t'ar
He grip'J, and glu,, glut, ran the liquor out.
ficr\es of religion ; and might farcaftically have
GLUE, " 1">...o<, 11ijc11s : N ug."-perhaps it
been called tbt knl/Vli11g 0"41.
·might be more juftly derived a r>.1a, g/11/u1 ; GO ; the erym. of this word in J uniu.s, fbews
bird limt. .
GLUT, " Err>.• .-.-..., "Y')'>.vx«?"•: Hcfych.
ab E'I"'• to ; ut nempc ab
indu/((~rt ; . to cloy 'lllitb /wetts: Cafaub. and Jun."
great penetration 1 for, he fays, " origo verbi ell
in6nitivo 1-,
irt, primo fuerit jt11, ac po odum, quod fre-
R. r>.vxv<, d11/ciJ; fwttl: Lye fays, " non ab- quens cfi, 1nutato j confono in g, fadum fit ~en,
furdum cffct glut dcduccre ab A rmor. gl11da ; 6an, 0an~an ; goi11g :" however we might rather
glutina1·t; glat ; :"-but then it would bemake choice of g,,.,, to, with Skinner, bccaufe it
evidently derived from tbc foregoing art.·: more limple.
GLUTTON, "r>.v?"• glutio: Nug. Litt. and GOAR ; " Xtrf•• orll, 'Otjtis fim/Jria> feu ef11-
Ainfw."-but there is no fuch verb as r>.v?": ,,.mt-: Skinn."-the Dr's. dcriv. is· toleiabk,
·only Hen. Stcph. in vet. lcxico inve.ntqm libi but his dcfinitiori is fcarcc intelligible ; at leaft it
t radit r>.ve.. pro gl111io; and therefore we might
is not applicable to the word in quell.ion > for •
rather follow If. Volf. who fays, that r ..,..., vel
goar is neither a /Jordtr, a friirge, nor • P41Ch .1
but is a long piece of cloth, fewn down IN
potius r114«, uncle r o,...r, gives origin to gitmia,
ftlvtdge, i. c. the whole length of th fiJts o(
' gulo, gluto, gullur, g11tt11riof11s ; a grutly, vorati-
.~us fellow. a lhift.
· GLY; " limis, ftu diftorlis otulis, in.ftar ftra- GOAT; A1£, ••')'or, per rnctafh. r ....,, quafi
ra•1o<, captr, tapra ; a goat : Cafaub• .vel poti!JI.
bonis, eont1t<ri: Sax. ¢lopan, igntfcert, ca11Jejurt;
a r •.10(, h1J1du1, hirtllJ; according to If. Vol.T.
q. d. inctnjis, ct pra: 1ra injlammantibtts oa1Jis (Oll-
fpicert: Skinn."-confequcntly deriv«I from the . GOB-flick; " cc<hhare; F. Jun. tcftatur ft
Gr. : as in GLOW. Gr. quondam in illo traltu Hollandiae, ubi, &c. in-
GNAT ; K""'' rufex ; quod non tam remotum, cidi~c .in ruftic'!-5 a~iquot familias, quibus c~cbl(11r
quam eft pavo a Ta"r: /pita ex :t1";:.ur, ct limilia
quot1d1aho fcrmone ga~-jliJfk, ( gapt-fti<lt,) d1ccba-
tur: Goth •.ftitka eft ca/ix; Sax. rcccc, f1Chkar.1 Ct
'mulra, q ua:: doctiffimis viris placuerunr; atque
. arcaniore quadam analogia fe ruentur: Cafaub. fClCCC, #a<il/uJ i VOX gs# eft a $ax. 6eapan, pa11-
· GNAW; "from K,...,: Upt." rado,ftalpo; to dtrt 1 10 gapt ; unde gap, pro Jiruplil'!lf ftpis :·
ftrape; or rafp in pieces: " rc<!Hus tamen de- Ray."-then, by this gentleman~s gOIKI' lcav:e,
fumptum dicas ex Xv~vH>, quod non modo tapere, g4pt, gap, gop, and gob, are all G11.
GOBBE'f, °"'1r:., lE'<>I. pro o,.,,.,.., frllf;tsrllflllt
ct vellicart lignificat; fed ct catillonum ritu vorare:
Juu."-" adnaga lcdandicc cft rodn-e: l.yc." i•butA /11crijic011d'6,: R. o,...,., fr11tlu1 eer14ies;.
o_(a ; a· 111orfal: vel a K.r1... fci.Jo i . a toflpt, OC'
G"NIBBLE ; " lklg. knabbtltn, vd la1ib/Jelt11;
puce of meat.
quo:f Jicuti iis frequentativum ell 11 knawm; ita
.fn;bble Anglis ~n aK"_llW: Jun."-confequently GO.BBLE-Jbu,,,.; K.,..1.,, tll1fltd4, llflitk uio, •
voro ; to dt11011r grudily : }'Unius derives it a.
from the Gr. : " nifi forre malis dedu·c cre," fays
Junius, under the art. nibble, "a N.>j'.3"~'"1""' prout
Jt ..(3.>."'• ~d HefyG:li. ~itponit K<t.'l;.,,.,..,, Jtwrat;,
abjOrbtl: and·Lye fays, d~r-iYa~i . pateft .l,;~ ab·
N.>j'.3;..>.••l'"'T",. vel' N..y ...>.1.-l"a1.x, Hefychio func
lchb. g,,B ;. roflr111t1; ut pnma fua figmfkauone
,,Julia · fu '!.v.ia, · et delicaciora,. quirque non ta1n
fedand:c famis, quam voft1ptatis percipienda:: ufurpaturn fuerit de . av ibus v.ooicibus;. q~cs
gr~ ~legantius cxq,uilltiufque·appacan~u~~ Bclgis funi: anates,. &:c,

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G 0 From GR ! 1 K, .an4 LAT'"· 'G. O.

. GOBLET, KU<rt.>.>.qr, cyathus; Hc-fychiµs quo- 1;;,,., jottu, if the word gag can bear the fepfe
qtic ~o/31J.•r••• ~ponit Tev{3.>.10>1 fauttllum, iatimnn; of gog"es. ·
paropjidem;' a '10'/lll, dijh, or- cup. · · GOGGLE-t.>•tJ ;."Sax. rceil-C6ebe, in lElfrid'
GOBLINS; " . Ko{3"Mfr, w-.i•"f')'Or, . """"fY•r, gl. p. 9, exponitur jlrllbo; acquc ex. eo, per
quafi K•x•l3•>-•r, ut . guidam volunt 1 ma!ific111, quandam lirerarum mctath. initiali r prius ab·
"a/tr: Cafaub."--a tric/efltr; one wbo is ctmlinually jeCl:o, fieri potuit gogle-eyed: mihi tamcn," con-,
playing 'f1Ja111on and mifcbievous pranks. tinues Jun. "licet .ftrabus, vel .ftrabo, pluri1nutn
· GOD; «-rA@-or, bonus; the only GOOD! dillet ab unoculo, videcur go[le faCl:um ex toe/es;
, GOD-SIB, commonly called goj/ip; " Sax. quandoquidem f.'l!piffime deprehenduntor n1cdii
l;io'O, Ditu ;__ ct y1b, v~l r1l;>be.. iog11a1io I i. c. fa:culi homines in vocabulorum derivationibus
'ognatus in Deo: Skinn."-Saxonibus vocabulo nonnihil a proprii\ ac_ceptione rcceffilTe; quo-
adhuc integro; Ct compofitionis manifeftiffimz niam non raro vera: Jignificationis tam ignari
dicitur Gobr1bbe, q. d. cognata ex paru Dei; i. c. eJfent, quam qui 1naxime :"-Skinner has given
cognata /11.ftriuz, fujctptrix initiaiis; ita quoque us another deriv.; · which, as it is fomcthing
pater /M.ft'ricus Saxonibus 'dlcitur ·r;obra'&p; et curious, I fhall defire leave to produce : he c:r.·
~nfa'4S pro quo aliquis in baptifmo fpondet, nun- plains it lirll by txertis, promintntihus oculis pr.e-
cupatur iis {iobbeapn ·: fed quonian1 vulgO.fu/- Jitus; and then derives it a Fr. Gall. gogu?;
eeptrices frequenter fub fpiritualis hujus cog- farcimcn ex ventriculo ovillo, hcrbis odoratis,
llfJlionis obtentu, ad fabula_s, compotationefque larido minuti1n fecto, aromatis, pvis, ct cafco,
~rfzpe conveniunc.; hinc autcm traxerunt An- fanguinc animalis recens fufo in time permiftis .
glica, to go a goj/ipi11g ; item a gaddit1g toJliP : confedum; q. d. vir, cui ·oculi, inftar iftiuti11odi
Jun."-but In this, I'!finlh. greatly differs from farciminis, procu,bcrant :-what a hodge-podge !
him; .U-will De !hewn under the art. GOSSIP, GOLD : this word fccms to be defcended to
in the Sa:r.. Alph.-in the time, let us en- us from the Gr. through the Northern tongues ;
deavour to trace out the deriv. o( this word for the Alman. golt; the Teat. gelt; the Dan.
GoJ-ji/J, which wears fo much the appearance of guld; the Belg. gcuJ; and the Sax. 6olb, tan-
a Goth. or Sax. origin : Junius, or Lye, under quam contraaum fi~ ex Cimrzico golua; diviti.e,
the art. fibb (for, tho' included in a parcnthefis, bpts; quod tamen ipfum forte fecerunt ex tuo
it wants his d.iftinguilhing mark 't he L, at the end go/tu ; lux, lumen ;- and" confequently is derived'
of it) hu fbewn that all the Sax. Alman. and either from A•••, ·fux, /11ds, lttrid11s; vel ab A•y>-•,
Belg. words fignifying cognati, videntur patribus et AyJo.•11«,fplendor, lux, fulgor: Cafaub.-" quod
noftris pbbc di~i· ab illo :i:....., quod · Grzcis aurum acri fuo JplenJore mortalium oculos feriat,
Mcam, ct magis proprie artam pa11ariam denotat 1 atque ad fc anrahat: J un."-fo called from che
(a br1ad·bafttt) ab hoc igitur :!:'"'""• aJfi11u fplendor and hrightntfs of its metal, if we · are to
omncs, ct to11Ja11g.11i11ei, dicti fu~t r1b_b~ •. pro:fu~ admit of thefe deriv. :-which, however, would
ut Cbarond.e apud Arillotelcm circa 1nit1um hbn be full as applicable co jilver, and much more fo
primi Polit : ·o,....,.., .,,
appellantur quotquot in to a diamond. ·
ridcm familia quodain fanguinis ncxu GOLD-bord ; '' treafurt: Verft.'' who fup-
tur' q. d. tompqtu•rii, vcl un~ ndcmque area pofes it to be Sax.
;alUlrid utentes-: ,; ~,,, .,, "' ,,..,."., ~i-4.'f~"' f~~f1"71~v•« GO; MAN; " it fbould be gooJ man; a mar-
..,,.,.,., ...1. "'"" verba funt Anltocehs o ••,, ried man, a howjholdtr: Yerft.'' _:but ftill it
,,,.,: •r Xtzf"'•'"' 11-•• xa>..H ~01-40-tr,1''J¥f' E"'i"',.•l11r is Gr. ·
11 < Ke•r. 'Oy.•·•a,..•r : fo that a God-jib is a rt- GONDOLA; " x.,lv, At hen. a J.ind of ve.ffel:
•1;z1;,,, in a rt1igious Jmft; not by to11fa11gui11ity, or Nug."-which Hederic explains by. poculum
blood; and is derived from two Gr. words, llarbaricum, Perficum; certe Afiaticum, dccem
·..-rA0-•r, which fignilics GOD ; and :i;,.,,,., a cotylarum capax. · · · ·
lrtad-bafttt, partakers of the fame lotifi i. e. GONOR-RI-JOEA I r ...;;..... gonorrb11:a; lk
"rtlationjhip •11 God's fide. · · running of tbe r~in1: R. rorr,,ftmen; et ;.,.,jltJo. '
GOFISH; " x:..,,,, furdus, fatuus, jlullus; GOOD; " .. -rAe-or, GO)), ; Ay..&or, xa.i
foolijh, pbanlaflic, /Jujy, prating ptoplt: Lye." •E•x;\i» the only GOOD I Ayctto oy.•e111, ••e., : per
who quotes Skinner. · aphaer. ·,_,.e· 'y.'f"• ""e', gooJ morrow, ./fr I and
GOG : he is agog for it; "nobis cupidincm, fcu thus Jikcwife the Saxons worlhippcd 't heir god
defidcrium rci immodicum et llagrantiffimum Wooden, or WoJm, for Goodm, or Goden; i. C:.
_defignare videtur: a Fr. Gall. goguts: Sk inn.''- . Gotf1Jon; hence Wootle11'1 day, TYtdnrfdt1y; and
but gogut1 he derives, or riuher explains, by jocis Frigo, Wodani uxor, Frid~y: Upt."-Clel. Way.
ft obldl•rt 1 and therefore we mi&ht derive it ab 64, would derive" good, or gruJ, from eul, good".'
. · E c 'l -but

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G O Ga211x, and LA TIN.
From 0
-,..-but tut certainly originates ab !lo, bnu, a xap.•: pecud_11, 11 ..~,.!: ptjfobu; 1 r~<I).~·~
~011UJ ; good. • J un."-tliere is however another very good dcriv:
GOOD-\VIN: Verftegan imagines this name olfercd by Skinn. viz. " a Fr. Pall. gtqt; fkf.,,
to be Sax: and yet fuppofes it figoifies to win· 1!/0P_bllg11s.1 q. d. i11rg~s ; quod cti:un purio(ibu1
good; to g11in-fa'1Jor; confcquendy it is Gr. · Lat1nz hnguz fa:cuhs pro be/hlmu ufurpabatur ;'
GOOL; " latuna,,, lignaf; a Ji/re; forte a g11la autem eft prz rcliquis .corporis pattibus
Belg. go11w.1 aggtr; vd a Fr. G,all. jault, gaiole; btlil(o, i. c. pars btlluatrhi :"-Ii nee then g1~1s
Lat. caveola; q_uoniam ubi in foj[am, ftrobtm, is a pure exprcffion, it may be derived cithct
feu Lacunam OUJ.Ufmodi incidimus, ea tanquam from ran-~·.... or from rueoo;, or•; unde.rllrgtsf
tavta, ave tar cert, dcti11emur :-but t.hen it woulcl dtvbro ; lo dFM», or [•tA ;,. lik~ a 'fllbirl-pool :-
be derived a. k..,, (a'IJllS, Cll'IJtola: vcl a Sax.. If. Voffius fays, "forte ab Ee••'Y" :M but Ef"r"
bepealban, pealhan; ft41,trt, Jcatur.irt; q. d. fca- lignifics trigo, vcl tr1'flo, whicl\ is quite a con-
t16ra, feu fcat1'rigo : Skinn • .aod Ray,."-but if trary aCtion to gar.its; tho' Indeed Virgil ha1 at·
· this laft be ~e trtieft etym. it would ll;ill be de- tributed both atl:ions to the famous wbirlp~l.
~ivC'd from the Gt.; for pea.lhan is undol.>btedlr. Cbarybdi.s ;
the origin of our word well, or flow• :u tbt 6looJ · Dextrum S&y/la tatus, lrevum implacata Ch•·
well'd 1ul; " ' " lay weltm'11g ;,. tatb qtber's gort l t:Jdbis
• and wt// as undoubtedly originates ab AM•!""" Oblide_t, arquc imo barathri tcr g11rgitt vatlos ·
falio; to kq, to.fpring, or to g•Jb 0111. . Sor/Ju >n abruptQm lluCtus; rurfufquc fub aura
• GOOSE; " x.,., Dor. x.., P l in. 1. 10. Hill:, Erigit alterno!, ct l\dcra vcrberat undi. ·
Nae. c. 22. candidi anferes in Gem1ania, verum . lEn. III'. ~zo.
Q)ino~s, ganzr voca5!tur : Lat. per apl;iier. anftr: GORGEOUS, r "f'Y"'f'"' JPlttttko ; fpltntlitlf],
ypr." who probably was 1nilled by ' the fame f11perbly dtrbraftd. ·
deriv. and_thc fai;nc quotation!" Cafaub.: but it ". GO~GET ; " lie ~ict~m q~ia t.•gittm, i. e.
(ecms as 1f t·hey had both m1ftaken tne word ; gulam ftgil: Skinn.'·-confcqucntly derived from
for how goofa can be derived from x•., x..., ganz.e, the fame root witl1 GOJlGE : Gr.
or anftr, is not fo evident : thofc words fecm C..ORGO?i. r.e,..,, g•~g.m, llT'VUJ: R. f•er····
rather ro have given o.rigio to ow wo~d galldtr; animal noxium in ,\frica ; tlle t.erriblt thield
not goofe; wh.ich ·is rather Sax. as will be confi- of Medufa.
dered 'in that Alph. GOR-M'A'NDISE : Camben, as q uoted by·
G()OSE· D<TTJ, o r rather, pcrhaps,grofa-61rry, Skinner; derives this word " a vet. :Bric: fro
fince the Latin. name for µiis fruit is grojfula, Gall. gormotl; i gor; •nimi1 ; . et niod ; moditm,
quafi Ke•«f-••xx•r, crojfa-11va, i. c. tbt /Mge-gra;e, i. e. (up'ra 111edf1.!!1 :"-f?ut this would be as ap:-
?r berry : this name carries lomc meaning wah plicable' to any other , appetite 1.-1:tjjivtlj in·
it; but it would puzzle a common ctymol. to dulged·; ·and bcfxles, even the11 it would be half
account for che general orthogr. o(gooft-b'"J: G_reek : Lye fays, " hefcio aa fit ~b keland.
and whac confirms me in this CQnjcCturc, is rh~ gior ; inglu·viu, ingl1J11ioj1Js, vorax :"-but chi•
opinion of Junius, who fays, " fufpicarcr olim would account for only .the former h:ilf of the
zr_ois-b.trry diC1am, arque inde gaoft-6trTJ. cor- compound gor : we mi'g ht therefore, wub Jim.
~uprum ; ut groiJ-berry fuerit ex grli.ffella,, or ra7 and Skinn. rather fuppo'fc,. that gor-•anaift wa
thl"l' groftil!e :"-or rather, he lhould have added, derived a Fr. G all. gourmand; vel jouf.,oPdifa;
g1·oj[11Ja: Gr. and thu th.efe were compounded· eitl!er of the
µOPPISH., "pro•d,ptlllt, "'Ptlo 1a!enutp1io11: foregoing words l" • nimis; vel gior ; 'l!orax 1
Ray."-it frems 10 be only a Northern con$rac- and M........, M..~.., M....1.,., toando, ,.11nduto; I•
tion of GO-UP, or UPcRIGHT; meaning a per- ·eat, t• devour gre1di!J ', this ~1).i~ht rathe.r b~ ,pre-
forr wh.o walks wich 1111 er.t/ltd c~eff, whogots-'ltptijh i ferred before Camden s denv. becaufe med, · o~
or what we call a coxtomb :-confequcqtly Gr. . mod11s, would never foim mandift ;' · buc tfl<ldifa,
· GOl~E-bl1od; "Kl"'''• eruor i t!111etf blood from or ,.odifa.
11 w111Jul; vcl ab l;icwe, ich1r: .Skinn.!' tho' kbor GO-SPEL: though all our ctymoL. are
lignifies Janks. rather than gort. on this art. and derive it pr.opcrly from God, and·
GORE with Jbt honu; Xwe-u•, vel """X"t''" fptigbel; fptcul11m>; or from ·Gad'1 fptll, p..wer, or
Jtrforart ; ID bort, Qr puncb b1/1s : VCl a ll"e"'• cbaN11, to call us to be Chrifl:ians,, according to
fora; tb 6or_c 1brb i. e. to girt thr.o'..
; Minlh.; or rather from the ~ax. I:iobrpell'; or
· GORGE; " vcrifimilius puro ira vocari quali AllTl!ln. Got-fpell; i. e. D,ms, vel bonus ; and fpdf,
g11rgiu111 gu!~; omnino cnim eft a r'"f'Y"f'"'' : o: fermt1, bifl.,ria,. narratio; i.e. ~arrti.tio bona,·bblfU.'n·
tranij_t in u; ita ."apula cft a .14.......h~ : bumi, 111t11tium; glad tidings, Bv'"n">·•••; · :ic.cording ro
' • Juo.
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From. <Ta! l! &:, ·and L." TI ~.
. c 1t
Jun.•mi Sklnn:~yct .\ll'e 01_1ght by qo,mc.aris to fiop··1 GOUT, or tajlt; barbarous Fl'ftlc:h onfiogr,
here i. but deduce . tbc W:Ofd GDffel' pu.rdy from ~rom riuror, guft1u, gujfabiliJ ;· the ftnfe of . ltl~­

a.-rAS-.f: and the word/pt/I, is but another ab-

th, Gr. tbro' the S~. thus;~we have fecn thac · "'l: R. rw.,, tuft•, gujfart /atto, gu.JI- pr.Ht~,
ijoth G9D, and . COOi/, arc "but abbreviations of havt ti flav or.
GOWN: "non male dcducas c r ...., pro
· breviadon.. of Aro(3aM.., 41ptlu; 141J"~"; i. e. · r.1111.., gtn11a, quod · fit vtjli1 Jmij/iflf', ac gt1111a
GOD's-:WOR.D . · ttgtnJ : Jun.''- not· very demif/iflf', if it received
GOSSlMEB., ron1•'4•,go.ffipio11; lhe tollo11 tr11i its· name. frorn only ea11m11g th1 knee1: wc might
al:(o !1":1 '1.Jght fa.bjl1111ct: , · . . :therefore, with- Ca{11'lb' rather fuppofc, that
Ha!:lll tho'!.bccnwghtbufgop:mn:1 fcathers,air; :r•r• was a ~odem· Grc~k word, which ab ~g1is
. So· many fathom down prcc1p1ta11ng, aut Gcnnanrs ad rcctlltrorcs G~cos pcl'Ventt.
Tho~dft 1hi.ver.d. like an egg,; . . GOWT.S r" tona/t,. doattts, fcu fmtiwas fub-·
fays.. Edgar to his .father Glo'jler~ after he is fop- l'trrt1'n111i Jtfig•ant!; < proculdubio 3. Fr. Gall.
pefqd to. thrown hiQ'ifelf dowl\ ·Dover-cliff'. gPtJtUJ, lflll" 1 ei, inde verqum (}koultt', gitllatifll'
· Liar, aCl: iv •. fc. 6. .tra11rflrur~: 01rlnra '{liarrifellc aLK: g111111: Skinn.
GOTE; ." Silx. Iieet:ai>, et 1i.0eot:an,fu11'J1rt, amt Riy:"-let '' ni'e' ad'd; proculdubio om·nia~
-.ffund4fe·;,. Goth. gllit an; l!elg. petift., fandert' manifdliu's.. iJ.i. O f: Xvtir; it'tttrs : -but) notwith-
Riw.:·--o flpod-gatt :~which looka as if WI!. ·ffanding the plaufsbility of thl!.ir dcriv-. it foems
eugi.r to derive. it froni ~he .fat~ fource. with . more·pro~able . t~ttgowts, in the fenfe they con-
Gl:,11:1'.E.&: G;. 1
nend•f0r, ts' nqtlung more tban II conua-.;bon of
· , G9TliS, "Got"lit Jutts, G•tu, are all dcfct ndr gq-ours;' tlie' cxiis for th&'*at~p. lice. 1 in the famet
.ci. fays Sbering. 1» 151, from the fame fource mannc.r as.pout is but · a' contJaCtion of P.•11-IJUI:
witt. GOOD;. " G11·blm1dia vero' totius Scandi:e fa chac. ffill· ii is Gr.; (or l>oth· GO, and' OUT,
~io am~niffima elt, . afp~Cl:u, fituque j ucun- ,are of Gr.. origi?; . . ·
ditnma; '!!lam. propterea olt~ Gu1t-gutt-lanJ 1d , . GJtAC::E, X«ec•» grats11•; f-a'l;;(ll, hnroolntu: .
t:ft B111U11#.-bcmtm-terra11.1 •P,ptllabant ,"-allowing R. X"'>f"'•'.r""J'.,,· .
~ ~ntJeman all that he citn ddire, concerning ·GRJ\'DV.&L', Re"'"'"'• gr:11Jiw, gNill/11 . ,,;
1110ft i;hamiing country1 fiill· it would be Gr.: as Servius; 3,s·quotcd by Voll: :
the•good11•fs,. pftafa11J.wtfs., .and' ddigbtf11lntjs <;>f thi~ jltp;. a. dtlf<I, 111ttrl:1J 01111,or '"""'
wc. hav:c fcen under 1b.e article GOOD: Gr. · GRJECfSM, rt•..••r, Gr.#c1t1; a.. Grul:, or:
. GOVERN,. K."'3•t•1'°•• g11btr.11t1re; lo dirt/J, rule, Grttii 11: ' · ·
·e r cqtllr.oll,; . • GRAFF; "Fr. Gall. grefft; Belg. grtffit.; fflt'M
.. GO.T.I.L.(t.NS ;.· " q •. g._/Jiws ;. tor.n-marigoli; talus, ' ;. undc grtjftr,, et•graffitn'; inoc"'4rt,.
fbmecimes mtJrigoldi' are cafled 1iinply go/d1; from fnftrdt :· Skinn.":......bu1 " Cafaab, pet'itum vulc
,Jie ·colour. o( ·the f\o.wer : Ray ;"-and co.nfe- ex.· En-t"f"•, · injrrion-t, ·iwft#lpm, fc11'1'tifit1JU :-
ttuently derived from the Gr. Men3gius arbltr.itur furculos· in0culandos Gall •.
. GOURD, il Jt,...,, ~"'""'is, tt1t1tt11tru, quali grlfjftr c!iCl:bs e3. quoo refttant f!'tl/biit'ilfll t1ff-
atr.Uimues; a (ll1"Vdrt , turvatura, CUtUTD'ita, CU• pidtJ ;· Jun.''- and now, tO fhew US thal fomC'
.&rtrbitllre; "uudc:Gall .goubollt'dt, cougo11rdt, tourdt: ttyrr:iologifts call' walk the circle, as well· as fome'
J u.n. and Skinn."-tho' perhaps our wo.rd gourd logicians; Lye·adds; utraqoe et)"mologia difpli>-
may more properly be derived a Kve1•r, cun11is, ~et:. vid~ an H1bernicuin graftlb r i11oc11la1io" ci
by abbreviation K"e1, gou,J, from its lliape; be- grufnm; iwor11/art; magis ad rem faciant: quod
:iiig generally. a little b~111, or. troolttd. . Ii, ribi .h~erym. non probarur, derivate potcs a·
. GOUT," dijo~dtt"; "hie morbu.s Grzcis rec.en- Su. ;;raF'a n; ilifrulpert, f'enfu paululum. im-
tioribus r ....e"• q. d ..go1t1:fort 'appcllatur: Skinn.'.' mutato·:..-..but why thit gentleman fhould be dif-·
...-Junius·f'.'~s, ." put~n~·dicjtou1.a Lat: ~"."~; 9vad pleafed· b rf"~'"! '~hen· it · fit'!ifies inftfllpn:t;
humores v1nat1, ~c fng1d1,gu1tat1111 vdui1.d i~1llel\t and pleafed ~1th · cu~er ·tr11fiJ/,, or ;,i;rar:;an,
~que1nc,umbant1nparte1naffeaan1: untleetS1cam- when they lign1fy only 1".ftrilpert, would 6c d1ffi·
.bns f!t1ralyfis, vel art/lrilis (nam h~c duo confun- cult. for me to alfert :-or why· he•lhould fuppofe,
dunt) Jroppt dicitur; guua, et JJilla, Sax. 'opopa :'' that either of thofe Northern words lhould be
~if ~his be the 1ruer deriv. then ii ough t to have originals, and give the · prefere.nce to them, be-•
been traced- up. ro x:111, a Xv.i, x,.., Jundo; unde fore •the Gnitk, when' the Greek · llgnificd· the
g.qtt(1., q,u?fi 'bueta, vel cbuta ;.' a .,drop :-and·· ii'!- fame thiirg beforc•them above· a t!ioufaod ·years,
deed Milt.on, Par. ( oft. XI. '4 88, nientio~s joint- mull: b.e 'left to others lo· account for. ·.
r11clti11g rheums ; meaning per.haps .lbf gout, and ' GRA;JN! corn ; re"'.>•s, gera1111,.,. gr,,,..,. 1. _ ,
ita cou.!in-<>ermen tbt rbeulilotijm. • ' far'· of 'cfrll':• Rl rt-:· · ·
"' , ' GRAIN

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From • G. ll I t te, and LAT 111,
l t
.- ~AJJ:•f i.11: 'li{oQd; " pro fibraruip in ligno continu(s. Jun. " .hoc in loco przt~reundum,
rellifulllin!!il bal. , gra11aglia: Andreas .'Jun. ex qoo~. rf;;;..,.,11 , Hefychio atql!e -es:-·
~lio, .Pt.&l(n, ' '°''!"''' ~ Sll\po'nitur enim linearuil\ tur ...., T•c 'rt"X."' : 1,1ec parum. forte· rctil-
traCl:us, ·qui in funguni excur'ric in ~materia' ; forte lcric obiter 'hi'c annotall"e, quod laudatiffimus
q. d . th4 growing iv WO~) .i. ~- n1odus quo ma- . cooex Cottonianus, Lucre VJ. 44· 11'1/0J exponit
ttria crtjcepdo extenditur > .vel a Lat. crtna .:· ptnbe6CJl cc cpopp :"-here muft be fome mif-

Skinn. '.'-put both grow, an~ crm4, are Gr. take; either in tlie manufcripc icfrlf, or in· the
: GRA-ME~CY; "Fr. Gall. gra111m1rcy i lt:i.l. tranfcriber; and that inftead ofp1nbeoep, icought
gr<1nmerd ; gra111,,,ercie; H· d. grandtm merttdt111 to have been printed prn!xh.'6> or rather pinliep16•
tibi duit Deus: Skinn,"- but now the Dr. ought i.e. wine-btrry, or grape: and what confirms me:
co have told us, that both _graJIJis, and mer,u, in this conjceture is, that Verftegan, in a lift of
· or GR.AND, .a"d -MERIT, .-~~. Gr.. · " ancient Englilh woords, has given us wiit~n,
GRA.MMAR, rf°'l''l-''"1"'!'• $ r.ammaJica.; injli- or wynb.erian. i.e. 'IWJllberriu :" or, as we ihould
/11/jons of /a.ngllllgt. . . .. , . now write them, wint-btrrits, for g,.apts :-it?.
. GRa~t-PU~: ':' pif~is . &r~dior cctaceus, qui would 'have given me the highell: fatufacnon to,
marino jurc . ad .regc.m fp~t 1 a _Fr. Gall.· have had my conjelturc confirmed, on confulcing
panJ-poifa, feu poijfan; i.e. pifaif-mal"tU: S.kinn." that moll: elegant manufcript at ·the 'Britifh

-then the Dr. ought to have traced them to the Mufa:um i where, having been favoured ·with •
Gr. as under the arr. ·GRAND-FISH : Gr. light of it (under the title Bibi. Cotton. Nero.
GRANADO; " aq ._Hitp. gran#a dt futg• 1 D. IV. p. 57, Plut. XVIII. B.) I was all:onillled ta
Fr, "Gall. grtnad{ .(~q .be fyre, if polpble, the ~nd, that although textum propi'tA minu (Latine~
French will depart (ro!l\ ort)iography). pi/a py1·0- · defcriplit Sanetus Ealfridus, ' quando monachus
b.ola; ilobus pyr•bo/w 1 fie . diCl:us vel a-, fimili- erat ad hue fuperl\itc SanCl:o Cuthberto-tandem- .
tudine mali granati; vel quod granis PJrii, feu ad cgregiutn illud opus complcndum, ut monachi1
/11/plnirei pttlveris rtpletus fit: Skinri."-no won- er populo non foli admir:i!ioni, fed ufui po4Tet(
dcr the Dr. -has not derived this word from the verlionem in lingui vernaculi (fc. Saxonici) inter-'
Gr• .l>etaufe he had not.derived the wo!'d GRAIN pofuir _Aldre4us, qui ha:c omnia Saxonicc· fui
from that lansuagc~ . . . manuu tdl:atus eft ;-and .yet in that very ele~
GRAND; Ke,..... r, v.i.•~••• Elcfych. oili malis gant ~ufcript, to my utter difappointment, I
U>. Ale•c, .quafi A~~(~' grandiJ; grta,t, 11o0k, /a,.gt. found it 1f!ritten p1.~be;i;ep :-but, on•coofulting
GRANDl-LOl..l!]ENCE: pompatts tall:.: Gr. the .Saxa11 'Iejla111p11 in ihe Botlleian lib.,.ao · f!I· o,..~
GRANT : 'it is rtally wonderful, th11.t geode- fort!, bad the pleafurc of feeing my i:onjcdure
men, .wh.oJeem to ~very well lkilled in lan· ell:ablilhed; for ~here it is written ptrbej"lt11.f!•: ·
guages, will not-cracc the origin of words up to 'GR.APHfCAL, re"•"•c1, fcriptori11s 1 writtm :·
their true fource, when they arc .writing "on cty- R. rf'"f>"'• /crib.~; lo write: ~
mology: lh11s Junius rejctls 1he deriv. of this GRAPPLEl""Belg.grabbt/m; Jral. aggrappdrlj
wor.d:graiof (roJll ·X"'tf!J'• .or l:ul'X.'"f"» Cldtre, con- GRASP S grappa1't ; qua: cum Skionerp
eedert, as Cafaubon fuppofcs; but fays, '.' 1nani- petcnda cenfeo a gript:''......Cafaub. ·and Jun.
fefte.cll: ex, Gall. gar.anli1· 1 plllrocinium fuum alicui )11'.0llld derive " grappk i Kaj,,.oc, palm.e primil
tllldi<ti:t, a11ue ita.. rtdMrt fecurW'IJ ,: . garantizare porJ, jUJ1llura rum tub.iro : . proP,~rly fpcak•
medio fa?culo diccbant pro w11rantf.zart (it ing, 1h1 wrift : we might rather prefer 'the
fhould · have !>ttn printed warrantizart) . qu!Jd former: but then we ought to trace it up to
1 "cut. originis elTe liquet : J un."-but we fhall the Gr. ' · ·
prove, under the ~rt. WARRANT, that t)i.u: word GR..l\SEJ" reo.rcr, ct Kea"''• gramen ; unde
is not of Tcut. Clf,tract : in t~C meaQ,thnc,: let GRASS re""'• re ......w, ID graze : 1-:lom.
me. endeavour to fl)~"[, that ira111 il pqt only ,n. z. 90, Tf'"Y'" "'"Yf~'" r-rh1iilr«: Upt."
derivi:d ex G~ll. gllral/!i.r-; . b,ut fro91 \l .much · GRAS~, or glide, " i. e. ftritlim attigit,- 11~11
higher fource; for garantir is but a .dc:rivo'!tivc pe11etra'lii! -; ' fortean dctono frnfu a Fr. Gal.
from O•eor, 'R.fto1 ; quali WFUrQJ ; unde ward; t{trafer; tlidcre; lo fcratcb: vcl ab t.Y; et rafare,
uride guard, gaf'al#ir, i1uwdian; unde gru11t, or frequeniativo verbi 1'aa!Tt; q. d. Juperficitm r~
gitu lta'Ut, permij/i.011, prott8ion. , Jere : Skinn.''- who would not give hin1felf the
· GRAPE: ' '"Ga!!. grapp!;; Belg. rrouble to tra~e rada a°!'...-..,,, rado, raji, rafum;
l:1'appt vi!ferc polfupt dcfl\mpta .ex Kf""'"A!'•, i11- _tq fcr°aP.! > qr fotiv< lightly : - there is, however,
eoriare: nili .-malis per metach. faeta ex K"t ..''• ario~her d¢~iv. from the Gr. without the inter7
41uafi Kt•co·or, frullus: Jun."-buc this. n1ight be ventio n' of the Laf. or any other language ; viz.
applicable to all other fr11it1_:-" 1an1en," a Xf"'""" ao.-w, quafi rf"""'> ''"''"'• lt11i/tr fnucio,
; J · · ' · f11mma11J

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G .J t flrom G 1. .i 1 it, anil LAT : "' G R
• ./11~4111 t1111tu• '111ntf vel '1J11/iur1111do ptrftringo; Jo quotes the etymol. ,...,,. :-it may nther pc1>-
gi'llt ti, .JJighf VJOllnd. . . : • ·haps be defcendeci a ~"'• lt1r"'61 i 4 jlqw11efs
- <GRATE, or fir~-ratrgt n .K.f..11.., tmeo, r11i11.10. : .of al1io11, and heb11tJjo11r.
unde .a-Illes i a hurdh; quia: lignum unum .a:lte~ .• _GRAY, or /Jatfger : "Ital. gr•io; Fr. Gall~
rum Imel ; becaufe. one :bar of wood, or iron gri[ard, tnxus, mtles; dietus grll] ; a colore, ni
troffes; bolds, or eonfaus another. . f;1l1or: Skinn."-tben he ought to have traced it
· GRATE, or gn11fol" forte a Lat. ,orradert: · up io the Gr. as in the following art. .
• GRATE, orrafp S Skinn."-if fo, then it GRAY 'olor. l" re•"'" re••r, '"""• '1Jttt1l4;
ought t derived a 'l>"'"'"'• ratk; to rttfp. GRAYLING S re,.,·,.,.,.,, fmif<11 .: Plin •
• ,G:'i.ti.TIS; X"f''• ~·1-r, quafi .Xt""1''• gratis, . 1lib. VI. c. 17, Si:ytha: Ca1uti.f- mo~tem ap~l­
f;"lll1111; t/,,,11/c.s. . lavcrc Gra11caj11m, hoc ell n1'flt C•nd11/ta11: ongg
GRAVE to /J11ry in l" re•,_., E')"Yf•f!.,, fcribo, itaque ii lingu·a Scytharum pcti videatur: Upt."
GRAVE, or '111 S iltfari/Jo: Upt." to <11t, -whitt, and ho(Jry with agt :-ingcn_ious as this
ftrapt, or Jig · letters i!) either metal or ftone : - conjeeture. appea~s, it docs not fccm to be
though the antients d o. not .fecm to have polfclf- juft ; bccaufe rea"I!• al)d . rea•~, and, 1111us, and
·ed our art of U1graving, yet .they teem to have vetula, fignify _only 411 q{J tf!Q111~ ; now . it. hap-
,pointe<l•out the way. to it; for thcr1nade , ufe of pen~ a liulc uqfor!ur;i;itely, _that old. mm· w.111 be
.the rt"'''• or rl•>-•'• tbt graphi.t, or ftyl11s, whi'h gr.ay,, as "1Cll as ~Id. WO!flnt ;-it would be &~er,
:was an iron pen, or bodkin, with ·which they therefore, co let the good old couple afone; and
·ufed to write on tables waxed over: we know derive. our word gray, aravus, quafi gr111Hts; i.e.
Jikewife, that they could tngr.avt feals in llonc; raucus ; .w~ich origi11ates ~ Be"'YX.''• ct dupliccm
and the ufe of the iro11 ptn is mentioned in a very habct notioncm," ,faxs Von: " ,nam vd de vods ; ,.
remarkable palrage of Job, :icix. 113, i+, " Oh, fono dicitur; ve! de totor.e :"""7a ~iddle co.l or,
·thlll Ill)' words were 1t1JW written ; Ob, that tb#y between a ./,/ut, and a blatlc; and from hence
were printed m a /Jool: 1 that tb#y were gravm comes our expreffion !l raven-gray. doth ; from
with an iron pen and lead in the rock for t'!Jtr I ravm, the bird ;'(for a' ra·vtn is not i'ntirely black,
fw I that Ill)' Rtdttmtr .li·veth, &c. "-where, but ravus, gray) fo that a raven -gray is the ori-
.what has been rendercd·prilst~d in a.bO(J/c., is· in the gin;ll, and its derivative unire9,; confeque,n tly
Septuagint exprdfedohly by, ·n&.•a• .. f3•f3>-•'!J· noted Gr. :-gra"ken, in the Suon tongue, is tawnry,
·.WW,. in a boolc. i but the iro11 pt11 is cxprelfcd by Samrpes, 420.
•• r(•f"'f r•hf'P• 1111 irim. gr<Wer. . GRAY-HOU:ND, "- tanis vmatic"s: Icel~nd;
GRAVE, ruler, or 1411d-gr<Wt: if what Ciel. grey cit canis: J un."- " Saxo.nes habent 6Ju;s-
.a,dvan~~s in Voc. 1, be true, that" grave is only a hu nb: L ye :'1-and Skinnrr fays the fame ; after
contraCtion of cir-bolf ;" and if what he fays in which he adds~ cdni~ k1orari"s ; this wguld. bC
1p: 6; be right, that " ' iri the earl!e~ · ages, the by 1nuc.~ 1he belt, if ~·;i; . fignines ltp1Js; w~icb
;Southern part, and perhaps all B.ritam, was dt- · perhaps tt does not: po~c'!'er, the Dr. being d11fa·
vided iiito what .we now call foires. which went tisfied with it, fays,." vcl a Belg. grevtl; t:ixus; no-
under the <lifferent <lialclti<al appellations of hir, bis a grey; and hund; canis.; q,..d. taxi injttlator :"
cir, char, fir, uode jhir.1 ~"-then it is but na- -b.ut this is. ~he w.otft of al~ ;. and plainly 11\ews
itural to fuppofe that they; arc all Gr. cir, a K•e.- the Th'. was no fportfmnn ~ fum no. f}?or~fman
x•r, dret11; a. 1ircle .· and boff, !ctJff, ltgpb, and lupb, 1nadc ufe· of the·gr•J;hO""" i!1.hunting thl pty, or
* •f·llAo; cap11t ; lbt bt11d ; ,cir-bojf1 qua(i lt.•e·•fl, the /Jadger ;; which,. accotdin.g to f11111a"1! i!I hi&
contraCtcd ro grave; r-tt'Vt: fee REEV·E :. Gr. ; Syndpfi& t>f'. Qi.!adrupeds,, '~11. an. 1ndolent,_ O.,cpy
. GRAV E, 01 /<rapt; 'p,.,.~.,, quafi l'e•""'• : animal~ and g~nerally. very far-~ n~sj/Qwly, and
rodD, radtr1. 'l- to. fuape,. or ckan. the /,aJtm.. of ' w.htn;,. comes to bay :"-thcfe are no
·• jbip. . · v~r,y, violent tolteps of fpeed, fo fwifr, as to require
. GRAVEL.; ti"'f.., quo, cakuf1Js; in· Ii de- ' a grayhound to ,hunt hi1n :-t·here is therefore
11otatur1.g/;n"ea ; . 41!J' coarfefa11d,:--Clel. W.ay. 45, only. one· c:oojcCl;ure morci w;hich Skinner- has
fays, that " gr.Jlvel is a COJ>ruption of gr.<Witr. 1 produced. from. Minfhew, or Minfcvus, " qui
the or.iginal· of which; fmal!-ftont i'' . di&lm. putat qµaG Gr:ecus canis, l:e%·1x•r x""'»
perhaps. he 111e11ns gris pitt:tt 1 a gr.ey /and ;.,-but quia. fc •. Gr..,ci'omnium primi hoc genus canum
both GREY, and,piertt1 or pitrit are GI': · ad<ve.natum adhibebant :" on which the Dr. ob~
GRAVlTY of /Jtbaviout ;. Gcr,ar.d V.offius de- · fur,vcrs,. ' " q\1od £1cile crcdidcrcm ff authorcm lau.
i'.ivcs gr.o'IJis i gtt:endii; nai.n gT.fl'Via- gtiri,. to.lli1 · ;j)alfet ;'.':....but: this.he could' not fQ: properly, do,.
ftrriqur .eu/Jt' eft;, undct .t't ,to.lerari· ca. "'9,Cancu·r :: -.j( i~ was<only a- conjedllrc of his own •.
~tiutlfii?!f would.,dcQ1e. .it.~. lEol. J!ta't"~• and ·, GRAY-WEA.J;HERS :. " on,_ or near M'art:
· tiorougli

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o Ii
b orough dow.ns in Wittnttre'; there are a great from lignifying :aarililW~ or uy thing belolgitfg
number of ftoncs, called by>thc. country people 1 to tht {ta: had ~h~s name o~ <A:.1qe, .~r .Kirai_cr;
graJ-Wtathtrs; worps .whith·'prefcnt no m~aning; relatea c.o 1t:S lituatt~ .ar.·beang. a ~nu:1f!111, 1n-
·reftorc' the or!g~nal language, and it will . be/ fteadiof K.•r-•ui.., it ougpt,to ha"e been prinud
kir-llJ, or kir-t1cb mote-arJ ; tlntrcb, or co11grtga- l:•e·'"x1••••• which ligiiifica Jiltoro/ir, 1#11riti11111J 1
tioll ftones, church mttli11f; ·fto1111: Clel. Voe. 74 :" fro1n Ax1., lill#J; the fbor.e, tJr foa-c••J :--but
-...confeqneiuly Gr. . how Gruce, or Acbdio, with a ch, can be fom\cd
GREASE: " re«aw, etymologico ell: . • " To~i \ .from .Ac1e. with a,,, is n9t <o. eafy . to imagine,
•e••~> T:• · ,..!,13.1.;;. P"'"I• :jor:Je1 ;,, ovi11111 l(llois: . fince •ti)c Greek orchogr. is againft him. •
Jun.":-'-but Lye di{ippro ves of chis der·i... <111d . '.G'l.~EEDr; "rl""• ,_Jo, !nior.o; r~n.,,,.,
'fays., .. , .G all. graiffi; Ital. groflo; pafcia funt '. r.,.Yf'': Jun." to tat bajlii)I ; to il'IJOu ~11'(,·t
pingMedo, adept, ,aruiM; ~ua: Skil)nCros non n1ale and hence applied "' every 'otJtcr p.afilon cartica
derivat a l,.ac. craf!11s; quia fc. craf!a, i. e. pm- . to ~xccfs. · • '
gHia '?rpor11 a~iP_t .abutidant :"-;:-then both he, : GltEEN • « i;pene, l;flOetl'.: :AJman. Kl'l'Mf ·i
and ~km1?cr too, would · much better, Dan. gre11; Iceland. gr.n 1 and Belg. gro(it, fuor
if eicher !>f tb~m ~a~l'-derivecl cra.ffeu, with Voffiu5, ii Sax. 6J'Gparr, .l"!"inar:t, fn11#1'.t, 'UiUt:J ~ Jun::
i 1111ilta <anit, quafi eara/f11s, vcl trtaf!uJ, a caro, - d under tlie art. l"""'• Lye acknowl.cdgc.t,
i. e. Kf'"': or with ·lf. Volt i r('"'• .~... : .v et that "manifeftum interim eft originem S~. orop.
.;l K~f°' :-Lye, however, ought to have obferv- 0rop.a n, pctita1n ex Xeo•, color: videntur enim
ed, tnat the Dr. bad qffcred another dcr-iv. which primi Celticre lingure authores ipfum cbloris VO•
bids fairer than ~y of the foregoing ·; vi£. ,v cl i .cabulum uT •E•x.•• indidiff'c rebus germina11tibus,
"e"'• Xl'~"'' ungo; to 1111bint, or·m'altt greafy. . propter la!tiffirnam iUam 'flirmJi11111, gtrmi11an1ixlli,
GREAT: .Skinner "'ould derive this werd · q1t1 herbarum .hilaritate1n, qua honlinum oculos
from the former ar.c. v iz. ·1 .rraf!11s: but Junius ani1nofque. fpe uberio.ris increment.i tcmpcftivo-
hai; given i1 better, tlws, ao; primum quidcm rumque fruCl:uum .rc6ciunt :"-it might be more
grtat vidcri poliCft dcfumprom ·e x•lt.(e1c" 'fliJ, po- na111ral at leaft to derive pun ab Hr, E"r• 'fltr, quafi
1e11Jia : vel forte dctruncatum ab Ion. Kr•r~•,. ger; by tr:infpolicion gre, unde lT""i ·l b,t fpritig?
pro Kf'"'~"'• mtlior; ol Kt•vv..<c, . "'eltor1s; ~• when all nature is petn: or from 1.r. vi:J, 11iru,
Kr•v~... milius, potiiu, 111i/i11s: a1 A lman. gruoz, 11ir10 ;, u ndc ''ViriJ;s ; ~rtnr. ' .
grofs, videri poteft allinitatem aliquam habc:re . GR,EES, or jlt1ir1 : this ;wo.r d in fo
:cum illo 1l',ru·•1•" quod liefycb. aponit ,..eur1au, ; extraordinary a .lhapc in Johnfon's edition oi
1x1H><1o;r1 ai:tlomeratur; tr1t1Jdit1tr ·; 4g:rondized, , Shake(pear, ~s would. perplex the .abl1tft etymol •
.tnlargtd1 ex1t11dtd. . '. to It ; for 1n his. Otbe/14, Aa I. fc. 9t
GREAVES ; greaft .: elixarum, taftarun1vc the duke fays,
·Carniurn fuccu.1, poft difccrptas carnes, in patina • D11J:e. Let inc fpcak' likc yourfclf, and lay. •
remanens .; -'rtflfiratt. i. e. holoca11jl11111, vcl fa<ri· , fe.ntence, [loYcn
fidum: .eft etiamquod re111a11eJ in pattllil _Je car11ib11J Which, as a grift, or ftcp, may help chci:
frixis: ,convenit cum verbo Jt..,.,, uro, trtmo ; Into your favor - - - - - - -
wbatl!'Vtl' is lift i11 the Jijh, where bffJltd, or roajl from what language now, in 1he anti~n.t or mo•
meat bas bttn lain. dem, in the known or unknown world, are "!t to
GREE, " a Lat. gratum : Skinn." - a Gr. derive t]lis word grifa 1 had it bttn printed' gnu,
.X•t'" gratia, gra1us; pleajing. ·· the deriv. would have been evident: fee GRA·
GR.EEK; rei.•x•r,; a Crt<ian born: DUAL: Gr.
Ciel. Voe. 19.>• fa)'s; that « t-0 the name of GREET, orJ11l•1t; 'f Sax. ;gie:i:ap, ¢}toe=,
Pelafgia fuccecded that o f G""" ; from another v identur valde acccder.e ad K.ea1..,,,. prtbtndtre,
geographical circum!l:ancc, tl\at of bein~ every '"!"'•" fays Jun. "quod obvios familiarius· fi!lb
where maritime: re'"'" Gr.ecia, ;kb.ea, l't)opcn- · ·rarori, pltrutnquc ma11f1 prmmfos n:tincamus,
'lltf1u :" and theo in liis notes he adds, " Ki,.aeb1y Jil.laroufquc, ukjue <1.u~ 'totum ami~ fuwca-
(re1uoi, contraercdly for Kie·"""'°') an ancient tionis otndum perach1m cff'e judicarnus :"~cbca
Celtic word for 1Ji11g 011, or rou11J tin water, o r after many quotations, he obfcrves, " Ocfrido ac
fta; Gr1da (Kirrubaica) and Acbtlica form upon reliquis fcriptoribus TMcitifcis, gr114:un. paifll1)
the fame p rinciple :"-but let inc obferve, that ufurpatur pro allog11i 1 11111ar1, 'ompe/Jart: qua:
th.c Greeks. nevc~ wrote their name ~'.t'""';i.,, ~.Ct!ii.>.U:ceptio n<?n i~a Jongc .reced it .a ~r. !Cf•?•••
with ax, neuhcr 1s there any fuch word m·all ou~ 'flO.cilrt; ut, non vt,der~ 'poffit mde onginnn irax•
lexicons as """"' ; they always wro te AX"'"• an iffe. :'I to· call, or lo towuerjt.Gli{b '1y. /111ers, &c• .
Aza.. r, with a " : but thofe words arc ver1 fa .GRE;_G,ARJO.U S, J\.yw., A'r.'f"• r"t,...r.., ·t•r·
s ~e~

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G R. G R.
,...!~ """o ; l"°' ~ a fio'lc ; 'MY cattle, or (owl, and tj/i11 is plainly· a deriv. of Of1r, ferpnu ; if·
~11 ,~,.panits: unl~f~ w~ may derive grex, egi1, 1 ftrpewt,. or Jnalce. . • : . . .
I''f""Of• ,gr!'s; congr_ex, ;_ lo jloclc togf!l!tr,, · GRJQS.; " a1Jgusll.t1 m1111m4': Skinn. nefc10 an
l i'f:t · era11cs, the wife.ft of aU '011gr1galing f#Wi. ;. . a Sq;• .c;pyccc ;, ti/11111, vel pedum; ab aliqua fc,
fee: CON-GRES.S : Gr. . /itui vel pedi l)militudine :"-it muft be a poor
GRf.GORY, "ft•r•e·~· 'l!igi/ant: R. B')'f..,,•- aliqud indeed to give origin tofuch a deriv.-" \'el
ti"• vigilo ; 10 .waub: Nug." · . . a cpecca, crtpldo," continues the Dr. " feujinu1
• G!llD~i".Olf : t~r~~ o{ our ~~ymol. were ,;verj jluvii; quia fc. crepic!inibus litcorum. niaxime
near the true deriv. of this· word, . a nd yet fee1n gauden~ :"--.t4en they wou)d. undoubtedly take
not-to have d!fcovcred ) ,t : :Ju.nius fays, "fufpi- the ·fame dei:iv. with CREEK, or harbour, Gr, :
Cabat pri 1no grid-'iron dici ; quafi .gri/-iriJn, ~ fome have fuppofcd that OU r cxpreffion OJ mtY1"}
Gall. grit, ct grille ; cru1it11!a ;" buc, diniking a1 grigs, took its origin from the nimble, liv~ly.
this; " quod c~1nen cum duriufculµm videretur, alfivt n1otion·of tho(~ liule animals : ~nd othen
fuliqubitarc,i::mpi, aonon g,-;4..;ron prima fua fig- tell ils, tliac grigs is only a variation o( Grttlt:s,
nificatione oJim .denota1'~fit ·ferrarnel)tuiu- illud who, notwithftand ing their being now in af?folutc
cui ollz, vel ca~~bi foc;o.admovendi imponuntur, fubjc:choi1 and Oavery under che Turks,. ar.e th~
(a trJve._t ) ac ,p,oftca" uanflata quoquc: fir l!QX ad liveliejJ, merri<fl fat of people at this day on the:
ferr:eas illas. crates, quibus to.rremus pifces, carncs, face of the earth.
aliaque cfculenta: D anis certc giyde e.tiamnum · Gltl-M, " ii- K eul".ar, rigor, a.Igor h)•tmjs; vel 3.
c:ft abemnn, caGablfJ :"-'-:'to which Lye adds," nu!- t1f•f'""• acer, ocerbus; Skinn ." - but fo greatly
!us dubito. quin factu1u' fueric, extrito n, ii Sax. was be di!fatis.6ed with chis, . becaufe ic was Gr,
iJimble, ,quod orturn crab it ab le.eland. grind; th~t he cries ouc, " (ed .ileutri ~tymi, · ~•trique_
clatbrus, crates :"-but if gryde, which. has thrown alhilionis locuni tribuo :"-fee the D r's. prejudkc
away then, lignifiei ca<abus, it is not dear how and parrialicy ! he will not allow that grim fbould
6Jlln'Ole, and grind lho.uld fign.ify datbr11s: or Qriginate fro1n i!lf~f'ur, actrbus; but it muO: con1e
t ; · when tatabus 1s a ta11ldro11 ; daJurru, from the Sax. 6J1lll1, 3pam ; attrbus; faur, mo-
a barrow-; aqd crai es, a hurdle : ~kt us not reft,Jevere. ·· · · · • • · · ·
~here(ore feek for the CJy,m. o( grid· iron from .. GRIMACE , "A')'e•• "YI"'" agreflis: imago:;
either of thefe. ' fourccs ; . but . w.ich Minfh. the afpetJ of a bideo/ls COll/l/tlllln(e: R. ·A')'f•<, ager,
and Skinn. fay, grid-iron qtiafi grate-iron ; and ~,.,, fin1ilis jum : unlefs we chufe to derive.
yec we ought noc, wich Minth. to derive it it from fttrmas, an Arabian word, which fignifies
fro1u t raits alone ; buc . with Skinn. derive lo wri11.lde, and dijlort tht f ace : or elfe fro1n the
crates a Kf ..1,,.,, lt/leo; uncle cr111ts· ; a hurdk, or Fr. grime, for grife mil/.e; which is the fencimcnt
grate; quia l ignum unu.m . alceru1n .tenet; be- of.Facher Labbe: Nug ."-but then ic would not
ca.ufe qne b~r of wood or iron. h•lds, <>'Qjfrs, and be derived fro1n che Gr. ; and indeed we 1night
confines another. · rather fuppofc it was of Belg. or Iceland. excraa .
GRIEF; Be"'Y"'• lEol. Vo!f. who has given as will be feen in t he Sax. Alph.
iis aj\Other dcriv. of gravis; fo1·cafle quali gera- GR!i'>1 E ; " Belg. begrieme11, gremelen; deni-
-vis,, a gere11qo; . and g.ero .he derives ii X"e'?"" grace, maculare; ha:c a nom. grit11m: q . d. de-
pernpe a X"f- it~ ab obliquo ejus.K•e•<,. faftun1 funnem, et efpttfu tor1111111 redderc: Skinn."- chen
gero, unde gra«i; ; vexa_ciotJJ, tro11blefa111e. coofequcntly derived fro1n the fame root with
. _GRIET, or" greet, wup, cry; ic Rems· co come GRll\1, lincc it figni fics no more tban to daub
fron1 t[1c Ital. gridare ; p; ciy,, or tvt!tp : Ray." ch.e face over with fome di fagreeable colour, i11
-perhaps cijcy all de.f~end a Kf•.{w, jlrido; 10 order to make it look fierce) and terrible.
r,nalu_a lamentable noife-. • ,.-. · . GR IN, 'P••, naris ri,,gor ; quod canes latr<t-
GRl -FFIN i: (01netimes·wri'tcc:n grypb(J/1, mere" turi ri11gendo nares ag11nt ; v el ex ira in rugas
ly to fuit a .Gr. deriv, frem reui)., ">'e"iror, gryps; diducunt OJ; to Jhew the teeth; or rather lift the
f1 grypt, or grypbpn, fay L iu.leton and, nOfe, and Jijlort .the t11ou.tb in Jcor11 ; we likewife
if any . perfon c an l!nderCland what that is:- ufe gt'in in t he fenfe of jmilt.
C iel-. Voe. t 40, giv~s us a much 1uore rational GRIP : " Sax. 3pep, vel ;sprep, foffula; a verb<>
deriv .. t~Qygh it is co.t;ill y diffe'rent from the crea- 3paFan, fodtre ; to dig a jmall trench; alfo a litt/4
~ure, o.r wjnged dragon, generall y. rcptc:fentcd run of water:, which trickles along in a fmall
under the !1:\•ne of a grijfi11 .; fnr; he deri.ves it a channel, that fec:ms to be faratcbed in tbe gr.ound:
eir 1ffi11, a.word ex1ircfling YJjnake. temple :"-but and confequenrly is derived from re'"'"'• fcu-/j>#,
Poth f~en1 to be Gr. ; for cir undoubtedly comes f~dio ; 10 Jig, or (U/. ,
fro1n K!e·••I-> f ir,us; :a .eir.ele i. or <ircular temple, GRIPE; " l'e•••~•" Pif"zri: R. l'e11ror, a ft/b-
.. F C mt11111' &

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G R. G R:
er11111ti's 11(1: or from Teu,;.ir, o:, a grtippling.i11Jiru- ' ~ GR00WE1 "jlria) ioJin•; Icelat\d, grDC/crt
mtnl, or onc~or, or any tbin,g Jq. '"l. Jiold witb: . lilc1111a '; funt referendii'ad Sax: ~f", fodtrt; et
R, Tf..j,,' .,:,;.", gryps, a griffin, a ·b1fd' which has tr,aftr, qua: habes in GRAVE,, lniry ;,,, Lye.''
a crooked, or booked bedk i Nug.~·•.:•:~;'kini;ief' -'hail .;...;which is undoubtedly Gr. · '
given us a very probable con'jedure, that ""gripe GROPE; " to11trel1are; pa/part; palpando"n:.
_may be only a contraetion ' of ~~rripert :"- but luti .in tenebris preltnlt1rt ; Sax. OJ1apan of\'·
thrn the Dr. ought to have confidered that car- p1an; ad eandcm referenda funt origincm, ad
ripio comes from rapio ; rapio from rapax; ·and qual'n GRIPE, '11rripere, prtbendert : Ltc :•·-
1·apax from 'Ao,..,.£ : fo tliat at ·laft it is ·Gr. tonfequently Gr. · · ·
GRIPING,' covetous; not fl-om the foregoing GROSS ; Kf''"• caro,. crelijfus, craffiu, grofft1s;
art. but as Cafaub. jultly obfervcs, a re'""'I"'• coarft, fa/bJ, homely.
l11rrum " de homine per fas et nefas lucrum fettante GROSSER, commonly written an4 pronounced
ufurpatum i one who ftodies ·nothing but gain, grocer; but it is evidently derived from d ie forc-
Jrofit, i11ttrtjf. going art, fignifying, as Mi nth. fays, thofe who,
GRIPING-pains; "non aliud re"'"'I''""• five " ab initio ex lcgibus noltris nihil minutitn, fed
I'f"T..,.,.•, quiim quod vulgo de ltomachi, vel omnia al grojfo, magnis fc. ponderibus divcndcre
inteft:inorum torminibus: Cafaub." anyjharp, acute foliti font :"-to fall by lht
!"'ls in the fl.D111arb, or /Jowtls.
f'"'' not in little,
but in large 1Jlla11tilies; an therefore derived
GRISLY: "Sax. 011•rl11:, horridus, terri/Jilis; as above.
hoc a verbo a;!;p•ran; borrtrt: alludic, only" GROTESQYE}" Kf""'1~. fo(tt! fu/JterrantlU•
fays Sk1nn. "Gr. A')'e•Of :"-but if A'>'e"r fignifies GROTTO ..... T;; Ke..,.7..., abfcolllltre:
_ferox, i11111ta1fis, atrox; and ;!;Jl•rhc fignifies IHw- Upt." to bide, co11ual, Cli'IJtr; O"J pla" to retrtat,
ridus, ltrribilis 1-then we might fuppofc (with- or retire to : it will require a few words more 10
out committing any violent trefpafs on the Dr's. thew how gro1tfq11t and grotto can have any con·
patience) that oJl•rhc was only an abbreviation nexion together, and be derived from the fame
of Art"f· root : Skinner then, very juft:ly obferves, that
GRISTLE, "eruflu/a: Skinn."-and fo far he grottfrpu is derived " a Fr. Gall. grou, grottt;
is right: but crfljl11/a is derived a Keuo;, gtlll; Ital. grotta; Lat. crypta {he lhoultl have addtd,
unde XeuroM>.o;, crufla, t gelu i11 giant; undc cru- a Gr. Kt..,,.7., 14.,.7.,, o<tul/"1) ; fie autcm difue
ftula; a /iltlt cruft, or co'fJtri11g of ice ; or carli- fculptura:, vet picturz inan:i6ciofae, ct nullis
ligt11ous fubjla11ce, co'fJtri11g tbe bo11es. regulis aftricta:, fa:pc etiam ridiculae 1 tales enim
GROAN, r ....., quali re•""'• gemo, tkploro i to figura:, olim in cryptis potiffimilm fculpi folebant
l tmoan, /Jtfl)ai/. imo talcs ctiam fponte natuni, aqua: ftillicidii1,
GROAT : all our etymol. allow, that groat faxa variia modis adedentibus, fepc elfonnwi:
is deriv~d a magnit11di11e, cui tamen comparando funt :" - thojt ritli"'lo"1 jigitrts, which were
earn cum ali is pecuniarum minutiis, nomen ab formerly drawn, or painted in grollos, or 'fJar/ts
illo grojfoi; quod freculo fequiore magnum dcno- under grou11d, always gloomy, and dift:ortcd.
tabat: Jun."-and yet neither he, nor any of the GROVE 1 Ciel. Way. 86, feems to be of
reft, derive .grof!us ii. Ke<«;, caro, crtaf!us, unde opinion, that " grli'IJe takes its origin from
trt1jf11s ; unde greffia ; great, or large. growth:" - but GROW is Gr. : - Lye would
GRO GRAM, Ke'"''"'Yf"'"~' grojfogra11us, quafi derive our "'..or~ "l!"ll'IJt, a Sax. 6Jl'F; :irbufta
craf!um·gr_a1111111; coarfe-grai11eJ. nempe fovea c1rCUmJecbr, plerumque mu01ta:"-
GROOM of theftabks}Skinn. with all his par- but ftill it would be Gr. a re«P-.,, f<ulp1, fodio;
GROOM of the flole tiality, acknowledges, to dig a trt11cb, in order to plant in.
that the " Sax. 3yman ; "'rare, farvart, cufto- GROUND, or foil, " re"'"'' prof11111hs : be-
Jirc; and t;uma, frlicitcr alludunt Gr. Kol'''" caufe of the great tkptb of earth : Jun."
(or rather Kol'•?•>) curo, 11utrio, aw; quod fane GROUNDLING1 "Teut.grtit11dling,fa11d11'/uJ
patris-familias munus cit:" - fince cherefore this p!fcii; quia ft111per circa futldum Jegit: Skinn.''-
verb K•f•?., is applicable co a mafler of a family then it originates from the foregoing: Gr.
for his car1, and proutlio11, it has been applied GROUNDS; "/.eces, quia ad/u11d11111fubfidunt:
likcwife co th>t great officer of ltate, who has Skinn."-confequently derived as above: Gr. ·
t he charge, or care of the. king's wardrobe ; par- GROU ND-SILL; compounded of t!(O fyn·
ticularly as it bears the fenfe Jikcwife of porto, onymous terms; viz.. rf""''' fu11dus ; the grouNJ;
ftro, vtbo, aild11co, deduco: aad ' from hence in ¥1d 'O>.o., fa/um; the Joi ; i. c. 'T,.o9ueo;, bypri-tby-
che foriner fignification, is deduc(d the ·Belg. rum, limm inferius, /ub-/imilfart ; properly fpcak-
zro:n; pucr; fatnu111s; a p11ge. ing 1be lbrt}bold, or that piece of .wood which
• compofes

D191t1zoo b~ ~oogle
___.. ~
G 'R Erom G~ t11t, and ·LA. T"l N. : G u·
comJlQfc~ tbt hollom p4r~ of tbt tkor-jJall, and i...e.,, gnm11io; the noife which a t'.wioc makti! ncxt ·to, or UROn the, gro"!t~, or /oiJ. M;iltQI), thro.ugh his./110NI. ' .
!n fpeak!n~ o,( D11wn, fays, . G,l!..UNT, or 4/tnnpt; .'.' the firll;, gru111, fJ)'i-
. Next came one mN1 tonatus, reo..&..., Grrecis oli1n dic.eba.citr pri-.
Who mourn'd in carncft, when the captive ai:k mum tibichium rlldimmltnn, live moduflls ilk, quem
Mai~'d his btuce image, head and hands lopt primum docebantur, qui tibias inflarc difce-
In 111~ own ternP,le ~ O!J t~~gru11Jtl edge, [off', bant: Jun." . . •
Where he fell Bat, and 1bam'd his V! GUARA.NTEE}.O "t''• c-11jio1, quaJi wottros;
... Par. Loft. B. ], 457. GlJ,ARD . Ul)de ward; unde gll11rJ.
that is, ground-fill edge, or the tdgt of the 1hrtjho/J. for what .t~e Greeks wrote with the !liphthong
~ROW ·: " ~ax. 6Jlopa11, gn:mi11art~ creftere: ov, thi; Latins w~ote with v,a, ~d the moderns
Sk1nn."-but Lye has more properly fa1d, mani- with wa, and fometimcs with gua; as may be
(etlum intcdefi eft originem Sax. ;;popan peti~am obfervcd in this, and numbc.rlefs, other inftances :
ex xt•'b tokr; as we have ob!Crved in the art. fee WARD: Gr. :-" in coinpofttionc," fays
GREEN. · . Shcring. inter czcera Goth. domum, vel cajlel/u,,.
GROWL: '" Cafaub. dcf!ctl:it a Poyrue... fane fignificat :"-then confequently Gr. A:ill, u above.
e.b una eadcmquc litcra ainbo incipiunt ;" fays GUDGEON, K...13••<· gobio; a final/ river fijb.
Skinner, with a kind of fnccr, we may fuppofe GU-ELPHS, and Ghibtli111; " the parry of
at the Grecian, and his G reek :-now then let us the Papalifts," fays Ciel. Voe. 206, n, '.' gave
hear the Saxon ; "growl, contracwm a vcrbo to to themfelves the qame of Guelphs, .a corryption
grumble :" - then it is probable that grqw/, of fR._ui-Alp, Cis-.A/pilff, on this fide t/;,e lllps"
grumbk, gommekn, grommt11, and grommtftr, with the /lalian party in fuort : to the 1111-ptria/ifls, or
all the other horrid derivatives of that uibc, German party, they gave the nick-nam.c of Gte-
take their origin from reof.t"" vd re•f"9"• quod b~lin.s, taken from the lingua Franca, in which it
Hcfych. cxponit 'IJttula /cropha qure. grunnit ; an lignifics 'J"ramonta11i, fro1n Ghihal, a m11u111ain :
«Jd fow tbat grU11ts, growls, and grumbles : vel a and in this folution of the word Guelph, we have
rev~"• rfvM•{w, grunnio, as WC !hall fee prcfc11dy. the true deriv. of ~hat appellative Of the houfc
GRU~, the maggotl" re•f"f&<, u; •"-"'"'"'• O'Xfo- of Brulljwiclt. (whofe pofterity now fit on the
GRUB up a bujh S ''" : ~I"'"'' '"" ,; re•/'f«: th~one of Ene;land) which wu ~riginally of Jra....
Hefych." faro/a, ftrofula : quia gaudeat /crohu lian, or Cis-41pi111 extrat7ion:"-this word Guelph,
/11<tr< ; an old fow, who delights lo delve with therefore, mult be fought for_in the Celtic words
btr/110111, a.nd 'root up the ground.: to Jig Jeep in- at, gall, eel, guel, lignifying bills, or 11101f/ltains 1
to any thing, as all maggots do. and confequencly Gr.: kc ALPS : Gr.
GRU-DGE, muft be derived a Fr: Gall. gr11ger; GUERDON, or" reward; Kiel«, lucrmn, pr.e•
(or, according to Skinn. " tantmn' alludit Gr. mium, 9ucflus; Upt." gain, reward,, ewolumenl :
i'rie,., gr1'nnio, murmuro :" - Cafaubon derives guerdon. founds like warJ011, or rewarded, which
gr"dgt, growl, and grumble il r•rr•e•» m•r111uro, fpriogs frmn the fame root : Gr.
itulignor. GUES1',_ " r "''f'(w, oppiart, ct la111t 1xciptrt :
· GRlJFF: Lye fuppofes this word to be. of Skirin.-thougb Cafaub.'' adds he, '.' ab 'Ero("..,
Belg. -cxtraCt. " .grojf; ct contrahi videtur a Sax. deflefrit, convivi~ e.~cipcre; to f eafl, or enterlai11
beJlUh, ;i:;epu;i:;; ttlricus, aujlerus :" - but WC any ptrfan."
inight ratner ll1ppofe it wu derived 3. 'Pv1•<· rNga, GUGGLE, K«-(''"•'•" ft1·ep{(o, tbu!liendo jlre- ' '
r11go, torrugo ;' wri11l:led, rumpkJ, ruffled: or ra- pitare; lo malce a h11bbli11g 11~ like a boiling
ther li. I1t"'"'• concraCtcd to ·e•~-, quafi 'Y.f"f-, lull/e : fee GURGLE: Gr. ~
611}1trus, 11terbus; de homine a11jlero, attrbo, morofo. : GUIACUM, guiacum; the guiJt of an Indian
GRUMBLE; " reue.:, reu>.i..oe.,, xrrmnio ; or t.ree, ufed :is a ren1edy againll: the rheun1atifi11.
{~m r•rrve.,, murmuro: Nug."-tnis latterderiv. GUIDE: if we were to·conform to tbc natu-
is tak•n from Cafaub. r:il genius of our language, we ought, with
GRUMOUS 1 re•f"•» Hefych. interpretatur Skino. to duive " g11iiU a Sax. p1t:an, primario
ee•...P•;, grumus, fruj/«m rti in unum ma.f!am t q11- nojcn·e; fecundario faure 11t nefuu :"-but then
rrtt.e ; partes fanguinis (OlltrtfJ/ ; • clotttd /JlooJ. the Dr. ought to have conf~dcrcd, that he him.-
GRUND-WEAL, or" grownd-wall; a folltul- , felf, u1idcr the art. 1vit, bas derived the Sax. fi"C"an
•tio1t: Vertl."-both Gr. :l l«\t. ilidto; ct hoc ab F1tw, wdeo ; prn.>rnilfo,
GRUN NY, quafi grinny, a 'p.,, na/111; the more JEol. digam. F,.t~, o:;ideo; to fee, t11 J:nqw,
111ft, or ji1qu/ of" .fwint: or clfe from .re•e.., rev>.- to be '¥lif t, '' /11 able lo' i11flru ff, or guide oihers.
· Ff ~ GUlDON,

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-0 u l'rom Gtt!.1!C, and LKT 'l 'N; G U •

GUIDON, " cxponitur fitniftr ; q uia milites ·. ufe: it ; as in the words like-wife, other-wife;
.figniferum, tanquam dMct111, fequuntu( : Skinn." - i.·e. other-Uid:)'s, in·Iikc-mmlner, in another-man-
and confequendy c!erivcd, as he himfdf ac'know- " "; or, as we fon1etimcs fi"nd it in the plconaJini
ledges, from the fame root with the preceeding another-guq; manner, whirh lhoQld oe only an-
arc. : Gr. other-guife : and thus we fay dif-guife, out of the
'GUILD } "derived from the fame root with com1non method, or way of drefs : and therefore
GUILD-ha// GOLD," fays Skinn. quia col· guife originates (rom the fa1ne root with
lega! pu11niam, pro c<1mmuni fumptu cont ri- WAY' Gr. •·
buunt :" good old Verftcgan fuppofcs the word GULES; " F r. Gall. gueules ; tolorem "''"""'
gy!d (as he writes it) to be Sax. and to lignify lignificat ; fie diltum forcean a rubidine (potius
" a ,,onfrtry, or broth<rbtyd : ":....but in p. z58, he rubore) rutturis : ,$ueult en.i1n Fr. Gall. g1111111:
tells us, " there were of old tyme, among our fignat ; et a Lat. g11/a manifefte ortum ducir :
ancercrs certain compa.nies, or confraries of men Skinn."-and· furely gula as manifclle.ortum ducit
called gildts (who were comonly ·made of the ,a f lwe..,, g/..llio; Ct fu;>.oor, vcJ potiUs 'f vllO.or, guftr;
r icher force) firft inftiruted for exercife of feares the throat ; fo that gu!es takes i~ ~enominacicm
of armcs 1 and thefe had their appointed meet - fro1n the rtdr.eft 'o f the throat.
ing places, and were obl iged to the exercifes, G U LL, defraud, or cheat : " Cafaubon deri-
and orders, which the reft obferved (a fpecics of vat a f o>.<01, vcl fuM"<• pua mi/itaris, in qua
militia, o r t rai·ned bands) and tlicfe were called viaticu1n atqae alfa expeditiorii"neceffaria milites
Kild-bretherm; the woord gild in itfdf fignifietli circumferebant-: i1milem o_rigin~t\onis rarionem
free and bountiful :"-but neverthelefs, it may be deprehendas in L at. mantitu!ari, ama'nticd; quem·
po!Iiblc, that the wort! gMild, or gyld, may be admodum et in Teur. kabaffen; furari; ii kabas;
derived from gild, or gelt, o r gold ; meaning fifeel!a ; Jacke11 cknique, quod Gailis eft Ja((ager
that f ree and voluntary tollttlion, or /um of a I:« ... e,...,
Jun." that, literally fpeaking, ti
money, which was firft of all gathered; and de- g11ll 1neans to plander a foldier's knapfilck, and
pofited as it were in a common· ftock, to ferve as thereby cheat, or defraud hi"n1 of his provifions,
a foundation for fupplying thai: fociety, or con· &c. : fee KABAGE, in· rhe Sax. Alph. '
fraternity with arins, &c. · GULL, a/ea Uirdl" r _iwe.,, glutio; r'ox..1, vel po·
GUILDERS; Ray writes it " gildtr1, and GULLET 5· tius r o.x>..v, gula; the tlircat:
explains them by Jnnres :"-but as they feem to n1alo," fays If. Voff. " ! r cv:.1, uncle gufl•; to tnjlt.*
be vifibly defcended fro1n GUILE, it 1night be GULP ; from the foreg,o ing root ; m'eaning
better to write them guild<rs ; particularly if the the noi(e. wl1rcli liquids make in rhe act of fwal·
i in gilder1 is pronounced long; but kt it be lowing dpwn the throat : Gr. · · '·
pronounced as it 1nay, it fee1ns to be Gr. : fee · GULPl-1, Ko>.o-01, ji11us ~ a baJ., or btir/Jour.
\VILE: Gr. GUM of a t ree ; " K•l'I'" gummi; the exf1ida-
GUILE , or fraud; according to the rule given, 1io11 of trees : U pr."
. under the arc. g11ard, this word guile will eal1ly G lJ MS ; " r ... .~·· : Upt:• er r 'I'~"'• delittt
derive from the fan1e root with WTLE : Gr. mo/ares ; tht grinders ; here . ufed t? fignify tht
GUILT; no body at firft fight would fup- fpongy ftejb Iha/ jt1rrou11ds tbr lttl/J,.
pofe that r 11ilt Jhould origina:te from gold, I 1nean GUN: though the' G·reek~ were·certainly un·
literally; but thus our ctymol. trace it, aSax. ;z;yl"C, acquainted" with guns, their language having been
¢Yl'C16; r e1u, real:a; a ;r;ylban, ¢elt>an; readtrt, in decline many centuries before the inven:
jiJ!vtre ; unde ¢ el'C; go!J; vel quod eodcrn red it, tion of thofe dreadful engines ; yet it is not
fecundum Minib . fays Skinn.-" aBelg. ghelden; ac all improbable, that foture ages might give
folvere, 'IJalere; et hoc prorfus ex moribus prifco- rhofe engines a . nart1e derived from the Gre~k,
rum Germaoon1m, qui q ua:vis crimina, imo ho- expreffive of their effect ; and therefore Junius
micidium, et, quod vix credideris etiam regain fays very juftly, fortalfe eft·il' Ko%f3•<• quau r01.P•~
fuorum czdem, mMIElis peaa1iariir expiabant : Jonitus, jlrepi1us; from the loud 1hu11d<ri11g nqift al
Skinn."-to which let me add from Jun. · " at- their t.\-plcjio11. ·
quc ita ;!;Yl'C1¢1 vel giltie proprie <l.icerur qui GURG ITAT E l r"f'"" in gyrum cotqgo, J1-
culpam commilfam tenetur, vel reus eft, folvere ·GURGLE . I 'VOTO; ag11Jt11re, quod gula:
vcl .ere, vel in t orpore : fee GOLD : Gr. . inftar, ad fe trahit ; a whirl-pool.
GU ISE : here is another inftance, in which GURKI_N ; comn1on'ly written gir}i11; nay
gu anfwers to the Sax. p, .or w; and thus guife·an- Skinner deviates fo far as to write it glxrkin; and
i\ycrs to wife, or rather Wll]S ; for fo we often yet deriVC5· it a (llCUrbit4; Which ought tO have

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G U From G a 11 it, and L 4 T 1 "· c y
t aught him a diff'erent orthogr. and a diff'c- latter deriv. may originate a X1w, fMJtiD I fitjio;
rcnt deriv. as we have feen in the art. X1v trt1.
GOURD : Gr. GUTT A-SERENA, x.1., a X1•, vcl Xu11,
GURNARDl" ncfcio an ii Fr. Gall. gour11tau x.,.., fu11do , gutta, quafi chuta ; a dr~ ; ct
GURNY f deficcterc liccat a Lat. cornu- E•f'""" fartno, jicco: when Milton, in the be-
lum, cornit11!11m, torn" : Skinn." - confequcnt- ginning of his third Book of Parndi(e Lolt,
l y Gr. v. 25, laments fo pathetically his lofs of fight,
GUSli ; "Teut. gitjft11 : Skioo." " Iceland. So tbi<A: a drop fercne bath qumcb'd their orb1,
g ioofa: L ye :" x.....,., X••,~•, gujh, /u1uftrt ; 10 Or dim fulfufion vcil'd ; -
pour for 1b, Jo wt// out. his annotator obferves, that the g1111a ftrtna is a
• GUSSET; from the circumftance of this tranfparenr, watery, cold humor dillilling on the
p iece of clotl1 being fcwed in a particular n1an- optic nerve :-and t hereby quenching, and dry-
ner into the lleevc of a Jhirt, Minfhcw has been ing up the natural moifture of that delicate fibre,
induced to derive guffet ii Gall. co"./!tfll (perhaps and cauling blindnefs.
GUTTER ; from .either of the foregoing ar-
he meant '"'./Ji" ; /1 t11jbio11); but this is very
indeterminate ; and therefore it is raihcr referred ticles: Gr.
to the Sax. Al ph. GU'fTURAL; r ...,.,.., •••""'"'"' cavita1: vel
potius a r ..... git•. g11fto; unde gullllT'; tbt tbroal ;
GUST, or 111fte; r1w, r,.,,...,, gMjJo ; to rtlijh,
fptafti11g dttp in tbe 1broa1.
fiovOllr: (cc GOOT, ta.fie: Gr. GYF ; "if; Verft."-but IF is G r.,
GUST ef pa./Jion}" Skinnerus derivat a Sax. GYFT A ; " , this was our ancient woord for
GUST of wind ;i;1rt: ~ lurbo ; q1fafn vocem 1nariage ; and is not vnfit; for that the onC'
vitiofe fcriptam pro i>1ra fufpicor ;" fays Lye ; party is gi'Utll to the other: Yerft:•-:confequeot-
" nufquam cnim, quod fciam, occurrit, niu in ly Gr. : fee GIVE : Gr.
dittionatio, ibique nulla autloritatc firmata : GYl'vlN ASIUM, f v14r«v•.., extrcitatio, pal.c-
mall~m igi~I!~ ab Iceland. guflr. , ~cntus nive ftra, gym1111ji11m ; locus in ,quo fe nudi exe.rcent;
cf (ngore ng1dus, fcnfu paulluh1m unmutato :" a pl1ue of t.~ercifa; a ftboof: R. r.,,.,,, 1111d11s;
!-fuould this be true, we ought to <top here 1 naked; becaufc the champions always contend-
b ut as our word git.fl feems to carry another ed 11al:td.
ftnfc, viz. o fiuldnr, and oiolml b11rft of tear1, GYMNO-SOPHIST ; " f•14f•r •-f•r•ir : R.
&c. we might rather trace it from Skinner's word Io~•r, fapit ns ; and rul-''"• nudu1 ; l:'u1-4• ..e"'• I•
;5'1'• ct icrt:; turbo 1 particularly lincc he has uft exercffe; rul-''"~"" gyt1mafi11m ; an academy :
added, '' utrumque force ii Teut. gitffen; fundtrt, Nt1g.''
ifflDllkrt ; q. d. violent& venti f11fio, feu 1fitfio: GYPSUM, r •.s-.., tJPfi•m, res caki cognata·;
ifter which he unfortunately adds, alludit Gr. pargtt ; whiu lime ; plaj/tr.
z.... ftrVto, tjftrVtfto : vidc gbojl, and ytjJ :." - GYPSY ; r u.J,, , ...f, '1111lt11s ; she tDIUt/enance:
why che ghojt fuould come in here, I cai;inot there has been a great variety of dcriv. given ro
conceive 1 in order to Jay it t hen, let us wifu this word: the moft probable is derived fro1n
.ihe Dr. had referred only to his own art. gllfb; A•.,,,,...1.,, /Egyptus; and A.y""1"'• £gypt1u;; an
whac he has given us this very T cut. wordgitjft11; ·Egyptian ; as if the gypfit1 derived their name
1jfll'lllkre, tjfu11di ; and has, with J unius, very fron1 cbar region: bur this opi nion, tho" rejected
properly tlcrived it a X'"" vel X1v~«1, 10 gujh forth by the beft writers on this fubjea, without having
J11ddt11ly. fub!tiruted any thing bNtcr in its room, has been
GUT : Cafaubon derives it from r ..1.., i1111- offered, merely on a fuppoliti<>n that thcfe extra-
ftitta; but, with J unius, we might rather de- ordinary people might have derived their appel-
r ive it a Ku7or, COlltll'rlilas fiwMS, tav111, fi1111ofo lation of gypfiu from the tawny 'ompltxi<11, wh ich.
toncfJ'IJi/111 : Xu1e"•" inquit H efych. Tc> Ko1>.a they are acknowledged to acquire by anointing
.,;;c '>'""' ;,' ~.. 11i: """'Ya5' 1w11 ..1.xa.: however, be- themfelves with far fubftances, and then cxpoling
ing dilfati,fied with thefe, he adds, " quot- t hemfelves to the fun ; a cullom they might
quot autem fciunt a;r;cot:an, Sax. ufurpari have learnt firft of all in Egypt; or, perhaps the
pro tjf11ndtrt, non aliuntfe, quam ab hoc verbo firft alTociation of them might have come from
Tcut. golt, deduccnr :" and Skinner has· d~ thence.
rived it " l Teut. A:11111/11 ; inttjlina: Minthcw GYRA TIONl rueor, gyr1u, tirc11!11s ; 11 whirfi11g
dcAettir," fays he, "il Belg. ghie1111 ; vel Teut. GYRED J round, 11 drt"'11rotalion ~ Shakc-
t itfTm ; /1111tkrt. tjf1111dtrt ; quia recrcmenta cor- fpear has very becomingly put this word gyred
poris per inteftioa tjf1411J1111l11T :"- (o t hat all thcfc into the mouth of Oplxlia, when lhc: is defcribing

o qit1z JL ':oogle
.JI ./1 From G i ! E ic, il'!d LAT 1 11. H A
to her father tlw.aunner-in. which Ht1mlt1 came, 10 btnd /ht k11u, f) W4} of homage ; \ike the palfrty.
like a dillraC\ed perfon, one morning to her. prefented to t!ie Pope in homage for Naple~:"
.clofrt: art ii. fc. ~- now ufed as a "terin in derilion for any. ftunibling
My lo rd, 3 S I was fewing in IY!Y dofet, horfe; like the ever renowned hprfe ofHudibras,
Lord Hamler, \vit h his aoublet all unbraced, who was .
No hat upon his head," his ftockings loofc, ...:..- fo fiery, he !IOuld bound,
U ngartcr'd, and down-gyrtd to his ancle :- As if he gricv'd to touch the ground;
i. e. f.,ll i<1g ill loo.ft ri11glets down to his very !hoes. 'fbat Ca:far's bo_rfe, who, as fame goes,
· GYl' ; " yu : Ver1t: -but YET is Gr.
Had corns upon his feet and tot s,
Was not by half fo tender hoof'd,
H. Nor trod upon the ground fo fofc : -
And as that beafr would k11al a11d floup,


AB-NA.B, at a 'Vtnl11rt ; "lmttrt,./int cDnfi-
lio : Sax. !)abban ; babtrt; et nabban; i. e.
Ht babbo11; non /;abtrt; have it, gr not bave it, as
(Some write) to take his rider up;
So H udibra.s his ('tis wdl known)
Wl>uld often do to fct him down.
ii may bappt11; I will try: vel, ut ingcniofe di- Part I. Canto i. 431, ·
vina.t Th. 1-Icnlh. q. d. hap, n'bap; i. e. bappm, HADDOCK, " quali coddicb, or fmall kind of
or 11ot happen according l o my wifo ; I will try : cod: Ciel. Voe. 208."-but COD i5 Gr.
Skinn.''-'Cither of thefe dcriv. will fullicicndy HAEL l now written bal~; "fafe, wtl in btlth;
(crve the purpofe of a Sax. etymol. who is rc- HAILES aJfo falva1ia11: Vcrft."-butb11/e, and
falvcd to go no farther into Greek, o r Latin, btal1b, as we fball fee, are Gr.
"than what he is abfolutely forcw to ; which is HlEMATITES, 'A•l-'"'1'71<, fa11guinari11, b.eltl4·
"t he cafe ar prefent ; for in confirmation of the lilts; tbt blooti-jlont: R. 'A,,.a.,f1U1guit, '1'tlur; b/oeJ,
former of thefe deriv. the Dr. has unluckily re-
ferred us to have, which be could not avoid deriv-
HlEMOR-Rl-IAGE, 'AJl"•PP""'>''"• fa11gHiAii
eruplio ; an efflljion of blood: R. 'A'I""• Janpis ;
ing a L at. babeo: - but Lat. bab'to is derived ii Gr. blood; et'P•'f!'ul"•,frango,rumpo ;fondo; topour f6rtb.
11.p.,, according to Volt:-and with regard to the HlEMOR-RHOIDS, 'A1,v.c;;.;,, bemo"bois,
latter of thefc dcriv. bappm, Junius fays, fortalI'e
tr.ixcrunt orrum ab illa vrrbi Ar1•1"'" notione, fangainis j/ll1t11s; a j/owi11g of blood: R. 'A•/"';
fanguis; b'4od; ct •p,.,, jluo ; lo jlow. :
q ui Grreci dicunt Air?•,,.,.• .,.;;, T•x•r "t''"'• res
mibi fticadit profpt"ime; tbe affair has happened HAFOC }" ba11/c }Verft."-but HAWK
pref:Ptrof(fly. H AFOCAS bm1ku may be Gr.
· HABlT }A{3w, babeo; A{311r p ro ·~"'•
HAFT: " Sax. ha!f'."C ; Belg. heft; m111111brilfl#t
HJ\.BIT1\TION 'X"'• Hefych. unde habeo, capul1u : hoc forte a Sax. hrei:-can; cujus particip.
J:iabui, habitum ; lo have, bold, po.ffefs; alfo to hlrf'."Ce'b; capti'IJUJ apud Somncrum occurrit '
dwell; t o accuftom: a riding habit, or riding drtfs, qui a fc. tnfis capulti rttinetur; hoc ab habban i
originates from the fame root. babtrt: Skinn."-confequently Gr.: thus we fay,
HA CHET lAE"•• afda, ftc11ris, dolabra; Sax. to have, and to bold ; and a hacbct is held l1J IM
HACK s recr; d!.< ; or bpa'ba::x ; OJI a.<, or
bachet : R. Ax,, acits ; an tdgrd-tool. .
h<ift, or bandit.
HAG: " 'Ei«•1• : Upt.'' Hecau; a godtiej1 •/
HACK, or flammer; from the fa1ne root; a triple form. .
" pro Ungua hd!jitorc, tilubnre, balbutire; quOd f1AGGARD ; " A'Yf"h ft,..Js; wilil: Upt."
balbi fermo·nem interrumpanc, cc verbi minucat im alfo an umnann'd bawlc.
concidant : Jun." to bt}i1a1t in fpuch, <"hep it/mall. E-lAGGESS pudding: · " /I/ct/um; videmr re·
HACKIN; " Sax. iehacco'b Flerc ; farcimtn; ferendum ad batk ; conddere, ccmmi11uere: Jun."
ct ieh:ecca, f a1·cime11111m: Ray."-then it is a -but be ll:ops too lhort ; for hack is Gr.: .and
wonder he did not fee that all thefe words were Skinner likewifo has given us the fan1' dcriv. and
"defcended from the fa1nc · root with HACK, and ftop'\l in the facne maoncr. . !
J-IACHE1', Gr. ; fignifying any meat that is HAIL, /,.oft : " Xa>.2ea, grandtJ: Cafaub. and
c11t, and .chopped fine. Upc." frozen .dri;ps of .waler: Clebnd would de~
H.l\.CK-NE Y .coach, or borfe; this fccms to be rive hail a geJt1: but gt!u is Gr.
a pure French dill:ortion of l?rror· r•vv, lxxo,, HAIL! Jal"u : " tJmnis Jalus ! S•x. ii:rl;
~qmu; equ1u-ge11u; . a A:netling borft, disfigured hea1tb: Skinn."-crue; but chen he fnould have
into "haquenie, derived from chc old word <Uq, cold us here, as he tells us afterwan.i s, char bealtlJ
" horft ; and ebinta, r~~..,. genu, g11u, g11e, /wee; ro al1udit ct Gr. A>.9w, fa no; to be in health :- we
bend tbe hue ;" fays Cid. 'vVay. +9>"a borfa broke might however rathi:.r fuppofc, that bail was
· deriv<d

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H A ·From d ll. ~ ! K; and LA Tr NI R A- .

derived ab Ovha, falve ! as in the !aft Ody(- ; iizlionem ptrlint11s ; tt }Jh~; or relf11ftrg lo i6t
fey, 401, . . 'fta :' R'. 'Ahr, mart; /ht fta. ,
. Q•h• Tt, >1"' I"''>''! X'"f'• 9101 /, T<• 'o>.{3 11,. 1,11• ! . HA LIGE, " hence wee have our woord .bory:
Ciel. Voe. ~08, 9, (perhaps nlore prqpcrly) derives Verft." -but I-IOI:.Y is Gr. ·
•• hail, or call, ii K«~w, :voco ; lo call to. HALL,"' A•>-•: Upt." aula, Jomus regi•; "
palate, a manfion :-perhaps this word Auh• itfelf'
HAINOUS, "A,..,,, graviter; wicl:edly: .Upt." may have drawn its origin· ab A•~·•r, 1JWttri.e e~­
however Junius gives another deriv. ; viz. heinous pers ;. ex A, non ; et vh•, materia ; a hall, · ligni-
cx·o,..3.r, probrum, cot1/lll1Je!ia. fying a large room, and generally 'Void uf fur'Ji'-·
H.~IR, E•t•r, lana; wool: vel a K•t•t, <~fariu; /;,re: Ciel. Voe. 68, 9, and 70, tells us, ." bq/l,
liCcording to Cafaub. as quoted by Jun. al, or call, fignifies a college, or place of 1nftruc-
HALCYON, "'A>..•vw•; a fea bird, whereof it tion :"...:..and confequen cly Gr. as above.
is faid, that when lhe builds her · nc!l ·in the tea, H ALLOO l " Ah<><>-• Gr:Ecis crac vox exerci-
i t is always calm : R. 'AAr, mart; and Ku.,, H ALLOW 5 cuum concurrencium; imo er
pllrio: Nug.''-che name of the hal~on is fome- multitudinis gaudio exultantis, vel aliud quicf
times tranflated a /ting's fijber; but the lcmg's fijher ftrenue aggredientis, ac mutuo fe ad alacr11ace1n
p .robably frequents only rivers : Cle!. Voe. zo9, adhorcantis: Jun."-pcrhaps it might be better
would perfuadc us, that " this inithological term, to write it HALOO, and derive it as in th:it
l ike moft of the reft, whether Greek, or R oman, art. G r.
· is purely a Celtic compound, which ftands thus ; HALLOWED'; " 'A')'••r,fanflus; Sait. hah;5C;
-htd-lig-y·un: b11J; fair, or calm: lig-y-un; lying, Belg. ct Gen11. bey!igb; holy: Cafaub."
.o r /Jroodi11g on the water :"-then it may, with HALLUCINATE, ~J..,,.,.,,falio,Jalto, titubo;
equal confidence, be alferted, that t.his Celtic is to j/Mmble, or b/11ndtr. '
at laft a pure Greek compound; for hal, cal, or HALM, commonly written and pronounced
'"/111, is undoubtedly derived either from ~l4h-'"K'"• baulm ; but derived and contracted a Kw'"I'''""•
or rather from r""'-"""• Jertnitas: /ig is likcwife ca/am11s ; a rttt/, j/rnw, or j/11bblt : £afaub.
Gr. l ii >-•')'' •» cubo, jaeeo; y comes from u-..·e· H ALO, x..A...., X"Az, laxo, t.ybalo; ·to tfllil is
faper, upon; and "" is the fame as 11n-d11 l ab 'Vapar; hence ufed to fignify a 111ijly dimnefs t11·
wl"e• vltr, quafi v•l•r, 11Jus, 1111Ja; waler. drt ling the 1110011: though with Clcl. Way. 81, it
HALE, to call to; K.v..w, voeo; to tall. would be much better to derive ,., halo by·cranf-
HALE, or drag along; '"E>-xw, traho; to drtl'W, polition from obttll; which," he fay,, " is con-
or plill a/011$: Cafaub."-Skinner has commi tted traded to whet!, or eirek of wood; and is radical
a ftrange inaccuracy, if no~ negligence, in the to 'Uolvo :"-but all of them feem to be defcended
.d eriv. of thcfe two !aft words; the former of from E1>--.,, volvo ; to ·roll, or /11rn ro11.11il: and
w hich be explains by vox nautica, pro 'IJOtart, hence a h4lo lignilics a watery circle fON11td rott11il
111ntptllar1, falut11rt; and then refers us to all bail! the moon.
which he derives from health.I-the latter he HAL OO, O>.•lw{w ( if there be any fuch word)
·e xplains by 'Vi trabtrt, aeeerfere, adJueere, afferre ; 11/11/o, ejulo ; to bawl, or bowl, lo make any loud
and then fays, alludit Gr. K.v.... :-but K.a>-11• vocifera1io11: Cleland (Voe. 209) derives it K"»'"'•
.is vot o·; and never yet lignilied vi lrahere. K«>.•» voco; to toll aloud.
HALE, or jfrong; :E«•<, fal'IJus ; .u nde fa/J;s J 1-IALT , or limp; AM•f~•,Jalio,falto ; to leap,
.lte•ltb; jlrong, robuft: or perhaps ab 'Oi.or, in- or jkip; " quod daudicantes inter incedendum
.:eger; unde Ovhor, Janus; vel ab A>..9o,, fanalio ; velutl fi1bfultent: J un." a kind of hopping gait. '
btollbi jlrmgtb. · HALTER, '.Ehxvr•·f• tapiftrum, re/Hs, laqtteus ;
HALF : Skinner acknowledges, that " the Sax. a rope, or chord; ab "£>-x.,; tr.abo; to draw, or
Belg. Tcut. and Dan. words, figoifying ·half, or drag along; to lead a borfe by : Ciel. Voe-. 208',
.Jimidium, omoia- credo, prrefercim Sax. hcalf-, would derive " halter a. rol-tir 1 fi'om col; tht
a b Anglo-Sax. ha! ; tofus, inttgrr; cc OF, a!J, 11erk ;. and tir·; round / ' -the only point now is to
tit, ex: quod fc, tx tolo i:lecifum cit :"-but fo determine the root of to!, oreollum: feeCOLLAR;
) ikewife would it be, if it· was but a qu.trter: Gr. : and tir is the fame as dr; i. e. rirru1;i :
however, .bal mar be rhe root of halF, of which confequencly G"
it feems·to be only a diminutive; but batis un- HAMLET, "·A,...~, jlm11!'; together : ham, no
doubtedly.dcrived ab '01.or, lotus; tbt·whole: and old Saxon word, fignifying bo11ft, or v illage, tnay
• halF is one of the two pans into which> it be better derived from thence, than froni Af'i'''"
111ay. be divided. · .f.ifd'a, 11r.~us, vinculum, a~ Spelman feems to
; , .· fJA,t..~EU-TICS, 'M..v71xos, pf/tatori11~; ad' pi[- imagine: and from bn111, they have· formed
" ' Nocting-bmP

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N ~ f.rqm G:a.1 LK, and L" T 1 Ii. a A,
N<!t~ing-ham, B.uck\ng-hJ11111 and others: Nug."- firft do great offices oC place and trllft fomccimes
L ye fays, " ham/rt mihi videtu r diminucivum owe thei r ~rigin.
effe .,.;;·bam ;". which Junius, under the art. home, HAN CH of v111ifa111 commonly written and
fays, " fortatfe pertin~c ad Thcotifc. bei1'1 ; quod pronounced broad haa11<h, but derived ct ah
"l""lu.r, .Hcfyc.h. funt ....,..,;;, .....,, pajlorili.e A'.'l'""" quod non modo <ubitum, fed quemlibct
''!fe, tuguri.e; jhepberJ1' buts, or <ollagts :"- but membrorum jlexum, Buda:o authore fignificat:
l!erhap~, ~tcr . all , ham, bamltt, and htim,, may Jun."-" Ar••· Ar""~"' ulna ; a qua cidem originc
mean n.o. than bome, and be naturally de · orra cit \'OX Grreco Barb. A•1e"• tibia, fura,juffra-
tived a A.,,.,., domus; a houfe, bomt, or dwelling. go, pop/es; bur now ufcd ro lignify <oxa,ftllltlr:
. HAM of ba.<01' l or rarher bamm; K11<14ro,ffexura Skinn," lbt thigh, and part of the hip bor.e.
~AM of :he leg) anuu1n corporis inter ince- HAND tth~ former of che(e
dentlum; pop/es; ~he back part of the l.:ntt : HAND-FESTING compounds, accord-
Cafaub. or, according co J un. it may be derived l!AND-KER-CHIE.F ing co Ray, fi.gnifies
~b ' Al"i""• ntxus, vinculum, 11oefus; pra:cipue oa1nque " <0111raflu1 matrimonialis.: D.anis fejhnol ;" whar.
! nodof,a. ilia ti bi re _cu.m fen1ore j unflura : eve; that may lignify : tho' bo th ha.J.
wluch indeed is more applicable 10 the k11te, ch an fe.ftmg, and fejlewl, may be only ha11d-fajlmi"g,
the ham: and Cid. Voe. zo9, would derive or joining htmd in hand ; coofequently Gr.: as ro
" btz!n of Jbe ltg fro1n gam; (whenct- gammon of the larcer compound, bandkerd;iif, it has been
bato11, for tbt kg, or more properly tbt jhoulder of piftorted, and contraaed fro1n three Greek words,
~he hog). from gam," fays he, " comes am-bulo ; viz. X"''""• A«e•» and K19 -a..>.": Xco.t,,, Xa...r~••,
am-ble, and aller in French :''-but Al\1BLE is Gr. capio, he11do, prebendo, gives origin to band:
. HAME of a bc1fe collar; ab 'At'i""'• nexus, -vi11- A"f'" AI'"f"• aperio, operio, <oiiptrio, g ives origin
culum, heldum: Belgis pari rarione, bamme, vel co cover, contraaed here to ker : and .KJ1<»..,
koe-hamme, dicit ur 11umelta, qua: vaccas in !labulo tap111, gives origin t o that 1niferably barbarous
rdigacas tener; a kind of yoke, or halltr. 1nodern French word <btf, and to our more chan
H AMMER; " Kat''"'• E•~f''" Jaboro; unde 1niferably barbarous n1odern Englilh word chief:
malfeus ; a mallu, or beetle, lifted with Iabqur: fo chat a ker<bitf is a piece of cloth, ufod to
Skinn." cover tbc head, or, :!$ we now fav, the ned, or
. HAMl\llOCK; K"I""» jaao; a.failor's f'-"ingi11g bof~m ; and, becaufi: ~ fimilar pi~ce of Clorh is
bed to j/ecp in. conftantly 01ade ufc of to wipe the band, &c. it
I-IAMPER, or entangle; A.-1.., nrflo, alligo ; has obtained the name of a hand-1.:er.-•hief.
to lie, faflen , or bind : from Aw/., is furmed "t'/."''' HAND-SEA.X; " a fauchin :· Verft."-he
unde ba,mper; or cite ic may conJe from 'At't'"• means a hand fta,,, which, in p. '22, he had t.old
vint~lum; which originates likewife from A1r1,,, us, were " jhort jwords, hangers, er wood kJ>y'IJtI,
iietlo ; . according to Gerard VoJJ:-unlefs w~ may which our Saxon ancccers did wcare priuacely
deduce hamper from " bamus, i. e. a x"'"''" idem hanging vnder there long fkirted cotes :"- bu.t
.q uod Xail•'> ""'!"""~'" <Ur'IJum, i11j/exum; aKaf'r1w, how they could wear a faucbi11, or jafthio11, pri·
'jlcllo, i1tcur'IJ0; 10 bend like a hook, lo <al<h bold vately banging t(ntler lht'ir cous, is not fo eafy 19
on, If. Volf." ' · conceive; it muft therefore have been a fpecies
HAN A l ct a cock l Verft."-but HEN is Gr. of dt1gger, and perhaps crooked : but let cb~
1:-lE.NNE ) a he11 S wharevcr hana may be, O>ape have been whatever ic might, the dcriv. is
HAl'lk~ER; n,.,.r, pa!lis, pa11ariu111 ; a panier, undoubtedly Gr. as we lhall fee u.nder rhe arc.
or bread-ba/ket: quidam, fays Junius, volunr SAXON, and SF.AX: Gr.
J"mper, vel banaptr dici quafi hand-panier: at HAND-SELL : " Sax. han'o, ct rell~n; quum
alii putant ab At'¢•r, 111r11mq11e, ct f'f'"• ferrt; tamen illud non tantun1 'IJendr:re, fed t"t dare fig·
becaufe it is bonie by a handle 011 each fide: hence nificat; manifeftum quoque ell poftremam ali,-
the con/roller, or dtrk of the ha,naper, is an officer ccptionem locum hie habere; fiquidem pr.o
in the court of Chancer.y,_ " cui inferuntur pe- illhoc ha11dftll ~ti~m ha11dgift aiunt non Angli
.cur.ire," fays Skinner, "e ligillatione diploma- c<intum, fed et Bclgre: Jun."-q>nfcq1.1ently oot/i
tum, brevium, charcarm11 regianim, &c. pro- .. Gr.; me~ning the firft money received at markc<,
venieotes; q . cl. cufl:os, feu pr:!!feaus fport.c, which ' 1nany fuperftirjqus people will fpit on.;
9uali, fru quafilli, cui olim pecunire regis immit- either to render it tenacious, that it n1ay remain
cebantur: notu1n ell: autcm crilicis, eti an1 apud with them, and not vanith away like a fairy gilt;
Ro1nanos fif<um, quod po!tea .crarium principis. or tlfc to render it p ropirious, and lucky, tha~
fignificavit; primario et originario tan turn <crbt m it may draw more· money to it. .
'llimineum notaJre :"- to fuch fmall beginnings at Ii,\ND-SOME; " nobis ct dextu, ct p..U«r 1
JO . ~Belg.

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~ · llelg. bi111d-Jatm, dexter, ct manu promptus: ticularly the Dr.) lhould have applied chi's ex·
.Skinn. "-" commoJui, babilis, ma1111i con'U~ninu, et preffton, as the Belgre, ll!'d the Germans to this
·, -duti ad man1111t fat/us: Jun."-confcquently. Gr. day 'do apply it, vi~. to !he ·big-bel/i,d lady; t<?
·HAND-WROHl' l" matk wiJb th• hnnJ, whofe good fuccef, when they drink, t hey drink.
HAND-WROUGHTS artificial: Verft."- Elans in It.elder, liltlt majltr Jackey ;,. tbc cellar•
..,ho had 00 idea that hand WU derived a meaning tbt y! btir Ji ill membryo.
"°'•'-"'"' : and that wrought mufr come fro1n fIAP, O( talr.t, " is radical to cap-io," fay~
CJorJ: ; and work from Eer-••• opus; loil, or labor. Ciel. V oc. 209 ; " thence /wan-happing, for
HANG, " Arx•» ftrang11Jo; Ayx.,., bq11gma11: [wan-capping; or catching of [wans :"-but if
C afaub. and U pt."-chis however foerns to be this radix be juft, i~ is Gr. fee C.'U'TURE. Gr.
but a partial deriv. becaufe every thing that HAPPE; " to cb'Utr for warmth; fro1n the
bangs is. notjuffocateJ; a hat' bangs on a peg; but verb heapm•; Ray."-confequently Gr.: as wo
the hac is not therefore fuffocaud; a bell hangs in a lhall fee prefen.tly. • • •
~ceple ~ ?ut th~ bell is not therefore ftra11gled: HAPPEN}" craxeruot ortum ab ilia verhl
• Mart1mus den vat ab Ar:I:"» j}ringendo; unde et HAPPY 'A ..1,,..., notione, qui Grreci fcri•
4rx,o,.,laq11ett1; quam viri doeli conjeCluramcclpfe bunt 'A.-1,,..., .;;, '"Y." "f''""• rtJ mibi fucttdil
compleelerer," fays Junius, "nifi obftarct Theo- profperrimi ; 1bi11gs have Jiacceded to my wijb !
tifi:um babtn, a quo bangen, per CFCnch. lit. n, Jun."-but what would become of chis deriv. it
faelum elfe liquet: ipfum vcro baben, quemad- chings had not fucceeded to his wilh ?-even then
cnodum Sax. hon, pri1no ftati1n .intuicu depre- it would come from the fame root, 6ccaufe chea
henduntur elfe ab bob, vel hDclc ; a/111s : ut babtn they would have happened unhappily.
propric fit auolltrt (or, as we may fay, heighten) l-IAPS, commonly written, and pronounced
.ill fublime, i11 a/tum ewwzre :"-for whatever bangs btifp ; but derived fronl 'Ar1.,, A,.-,,,,,, . or Aioo,.
mull: be on high, i. e. abwe-ground: fo that now 11etlo,j1'1lgo: ilia qure poftem acque o!bum con-·
we muft trace the etym. of tl1e words b11bm, hon, jUJtgunl; any bolt, bar, or lock, to fnflen, or joi11>
l>ob, or bocb; which will be done under the art. the door and doorftall together.
IIIGI-I: Gr. FIARANGUE: Skinn. Jun. and . Lye, fuppof.,
HANK of tbreadl all our etymol. derive thefe chis word comes from the Germ. ring: " procul.
HANK.E R 5 words fronl Northern lan- dubio," fays Junius under the art. Rank, barang1u;
guages, which lignify vincttlum; indinatiD, et " vocem a Grrm. ring clfe fumptam, atque co
proptnjio animi; onxit rem Jefiderare, appeter:.t, ;,,_ argurnento, quia conciooes non nifi in circum~
ltiare; fro1n all which it feems chat both hank, fufd populi, r~natus, n1ilic·u m, !ludioforumve
and banker, are o_nly abbreviatio~s of 'Ayxire•" corb11d habentur :"-but if that be the t.ruc ctym.
bamus; a book; viz. when any thing has taken it may be derived a rve•r. gyrus, circu/Ju : -
ilrong bold on the mind, and draws ii as it were Ciel. Way. 79, confirms chis fupp?fit!on; and,~·
with a hook; and we fay, I ba'l(6 a bank on yqu, he always do<s, givr s us the true idea of the ori-
meaning a bold on you: and hence we likewife ginal word; for, he fays, "barang1u, bar- aying,
fay, a bank of fi/lt:, thread, &c. : which Lre i.e. faying, or /peal:i11g lo a cirde, or crowd aror;.J
would derive ab Iceland. hank, ba1111k; funiculus him :"-buc then he thinks it comes fron1 Ayoe,... ~
in fonnii circuli colligatus; but may be derived whereas Ay•••u" properly fignifies c~11cio11or i11
either fro1n ', as above; or from Oyx. 1, foro; ab 1\<yo~"' forum ; vel ab Ayv{''• c12/11s; ID
111u11s ; t1·oohed; or twifted up. fptnk in an affembly; which a per1on rnay do,
1-J.IU'\'S- lN·KELDER ; "purum putum Bel- wicbo111 being in the middle: but bar, or gar;
gicum; ab ba,u; fad ru; et kddtr; cd la, pt1/tlria, fignifies round; and undoubtedly derives a rue-•"•
ce/!ari11m, bypog<tum: vela Teuc. Ha1u ; Joba11nu; 1ue · o~, gyr-us ; a ci1·ele.
and kdder, ieu ke/ier: fed prius pra:fero: Skinn." HA~ASS, " Ae"""''» pulfa, '""do, to/lido; lo
-and we might prefer the latter, for a reafon, hit ag11i11j l, to burl: Nug ." ·
which neither he, nor Lye, who bas adopced H AHD, " K"f'""' cor; the hem·/ : or from ardeo~
~his dcriv. and this explan. feern co have had an)' to be brijk, and fiery : Nug."-this latter deriv. is
fufpicion of: but, in the firft pbcc, however coo dillant ; and therefore, with Cafaub, and' Jun,
l!elgic the exprdllon may appear, the dcriv. is we 1night rather derive hardy, the Sa)!. hcap'b,
of n1uch higher origin; .for .it· is undoubtedly A lman. hart ; Belg. btrd; dur111, folidqs; fror:n
derived ab 1.,.,,.,,, ]ob11nnu; John; and K•"·'"'• !Cot•1or, K".'i'f"'' f ortis, v a!iduJ; j1011t, valialll,
jelo, ab/condo; unde rel/a, (tl/11ri11m; a u!lar: and br;ve: or ~lfe bardime11t, .and barJy, may derive
j n the next place, froni clwir own d~rivacions, it ab Afl"~"'' quod Hefyrb. rxponit ""'"'"'' tttJU•
is .a wonder that nei.chu ,of thefc gCJltk1nen (par· , rariu1 ; rl/.fb, btad-;1r~11g, and fgo/-hllf'4J·
.G i HARE.

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J.ClARE, tbt ani111aJ: among the many deriv . quaft wbortltl,"-vel 'bortlet, i.'.e. meretriittla :" ana
.o( this word, the Sax, liapa feems to bt the beft, Junius, under the act. I-lure, fays, "olim Anglia
Cjuod vrdecur, fays J un. cffe ab hiep, piltu; bair: b11re, nunc whort, elt nurarix : Anglicanani hilnc.
not for t he reafon, which· that great etymol. ha~ fcorci d enominatione1n, Cafaub. rcf~rc ad Koe••
prod aced fro1n Plin. XI. 39, quoniam villofijfonum p1tella, filia ·; "-or as we may fay, a jif.k dijo~,
11nimalium lepus; which would better agree with '"" &ourtifa)fl 1 a lady of pleafure : " vol ab
11 bear, than a bare : but for a ·reafo/I. which that o~. conjux: Upt ."- a tnnporary .,,if e. · .
.great nacuralift foems not co' have been aware of; H.ARM, K«eap,"A) t arfflen ; a11 ir.cnnt-alim, :U
v iz. chat the bare tribe are r h'e only fpecies of order to ii!jurt, or .hurt, n.s by charm, or /pell; l nd
creatures chat have hair growing on, and qu ite therefore thcfe two WOJ'<ls l>t1rm, and'cbarNI; foeil\
covering the hol/qms 11/ tlieir feet, ind 1b1 in.fide • to have a clofe connc-xion with each ocher, botl\
Df lbeir cbtc:ts: according to this definition there- in orig in and Jignificnt ioo; and tno o!ten· arc
fore, . w.e might derive our word hare, not fronl acccnded wi ch fimilar farai confequenoes; oni1
t he Sax. hrep alone, but both. of' the1n from CHAR!\f t"kes a d ifferent d eriv. ·
£1e-•<, la11a; woul, or an)' fuch like foft fub- HARMONY , "~Af/""'"• barmonia; the '~nrcrl
ftance :-if this dcriv. lhould not be admitted, offweet fqunds: R . Af<>, apto: Nug."
let us attend co what Juni'u s offers farther; HARNES : " Goth. t bainr ; Dan. bitmt 1
" obfcrva interim," fays he, " in cranlicu, quod Sicambr. /urn, vel bir11 : omnia focillimc .a
A"f" • Suidre funt ,; 1""7"'"• lepores :" and on thi s Kflt"1~P', quafi K"e1110, , tcrebru111-; tilt h1· : R.n·y.r>
word Ave"• per1nit me to obfe·rve, that it feems HARNESS, " Ar;.,,.,r, ." ./amb'r fain, wi1h
to be a forced word, to exprtfa what Virgi l, · in which borfas' banrefs ujed lo be or11a111en1td; It.
Geo. I. 308, has fu properly e:<pretred by Af<, cie•<r, a lamb:· Nug." - ic feerns more na•
.duritO'fq11t ft'['lti lepores: tural c? derive bari1efs_either from OeP.""' fmpi,111
the bare being fo rem>rrk:ible for the length .ef her f cror, 1t'l'uo·; to rujh into tht fight all arm d : or
eat;..; an'd aoi:tfeq11ently ftill 1Vill be Gr. as under from Aep.«, co111pages, articul11s; :i.s when we fay
the art. EAR : Gr. a Juil •f armour; or, as Milton has fo nobly.
' HARE, to frighten lfcem to originate from defcribed thofe creatures, wbicb,
l-IARE-BR1\.J NED J the fanie root with 'fhei~ 'food i'o jointed flNM«r watch .
HARASS: q. d. pr·£ timore mt11/t mot11s ; atto11i- Par. Loft. VII. 409.
/tu ; frighrtned, wild 1ui1h fear·: we h ave like: • HAR P }Jllnius has given us the
wife anothrr expre tlion of u fimilar nature with • HARPSICC·lORD s:iX. Alman. Gall. lral.
rhis; but derived from the animal ; viz. aJ n1t1tl Hi.fp. Dan. and l klg. nam~s for a barp ; ali con·
111 a Mar<b-hare, in. time of bYuding. · cu rring in t he fame found,, and perhaps the fame
HARE · LIP PED; " .c11i labia. fi.ffa fu111 i>z duas lignification; viz. "ab'"''"'" fttl.<, tnfis fr.Ital#> i
parers; q. d. lo/Jiis lep.1Jrini1 pr.rditus: vide f-1ARE., ob quandam cur7Nlfllr£ fi1;1iiirudinen1 :" to which
and LIP: Sk inn . "~bodt Gr. Lye .adds, "omnia cerre originen1 debcnr l ed.
1-1 AR f-COT; "pha(eclus; ncfcio an fit di Clum harpa, ct bourpa., lyra, cithara :"-now the only
quafi bai7-roa1, qll ia IC. hujus leg uminis liliiijtJn poi nt is to know t he !ignification of barpa, ei
qt1:idanl· 1anugine veA:ita dl: : Ski nn." -chen it hn11rpa, in the Jd;I. and whether, or -no; they
is derived fro1n the G r.: fee I-IAIR, and we re derived from the Gr.: permit nlc however
COA1' : Gr. ro obferve, chat barp niay be only a concratlion
l-IARIER ; " hpllrum inje{lator; foys Skino." of Bae13.,7.,, to fig nify the infr:~utnent invented
-cenfequently derived fro1n che fame root with by, or in ufe a1nong the Barb-aria11s, or forcigae1s:
the animal : Gr. - if neither of chefc derivations lhould be ad•
HA RK; Au\, Ovr, A1~, artditJ; a•J~.,,, Jq11us; mittcd, we mull: t he n refer to the Snx. Alph.
onde twd<J, aufes, '""'es, auris ; 1hr tar1 to hear ; H An POON l'!If""£'" rtrpio, unde barpago ; •
undc bark, and harken. H A·R PY 5 grappiiftg-ircn to jeiu with; or
HARLOT : n otw ithfrnnding :di the learnin g barbed iron lo ftrike tuba!es witb: hence lik<wife
and antiqu ity that Jun. and Skinn. have d ifplayed " 'Ar"""'"• a fore of ravenqus birds dcfcribed by
on this art. I have rather adopted the moll fim- Virgil: Nug."-lEn. lll. 210.
ple, and moll: natural d eri v. as being in all pro- rlARRO\¥; :!:a•e"'' vel :i:..~'"'• fario, Ctjdrt i•;
b ability t he moll true: let me not therefore to clear land frotn weeds. by the bcugb, rakt,
t1·ouble tne reader with long quotatio ns, but g ive or harrow.
hirn 'the fmn of what they have faid :-ar the . l·Lt\RSH, " K•fX""' afperare ; Ki~x..J,,, qoi
' 'clofo of Skinner's art. he fays, " dott. autem a/peril cjl vote- ;- a boarft rq11r;h voiu: Cafaub:"- ·
T Hcnth. fcitc ut Colet, d iet\11n puta c bai-/qt" o r perhaps a Zr.e•'• ariJu~; dt;y, '"ugh to tiff
· IP/ft.:

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'H' A'~ · r<'rom Ga 1(E' it, ,~n&I · L ll.· Tri·N. H ~

JJ,,, -i :Or ·Jafrly; ·]h :may be ;ooly an auk ward '
tranfpolition of .SB:ARP.; ·as that l ikewite foems
JfARS DE.l'1 !< l~/<J '/'Or<ina, ·QH:e · in fr\lftf.
1-1.asr,g;r if ·ffGC:\, Olllt"t\J1;JJIC·rj1,1fs:I0111
to:ix ·but &IJ-Otha alikwar<l"•ttanfpofi.tion of afptr; o.qyolu ~µ ·'lltl'/J i11alf;an~ur .:· •f¥irfle, ~ikiano tell~,
Which, as -We •fcen,· is Gr. • ell: fj>:ioa ~rci alfan1ra; uru:!<; for>aJTe halj]at: !luod
· HART pf qp,f; ~·.non ut pleriqlie IC:ribunt, ad .h<i./id acciner, vix queo 1\iihi ,ce1uper«re, "jUo
l>eart of oak, q. d. 'or qtttrrlls,!'fa ys Skinn. "i. e. m.inus ab lc!'land. bt;J/a, f efcfq1ftl.s, deducarn ;
pat~ -intin"l<i, ~t· p~l1triffi!)1a; licet nee .h oc ab- SI· d.. t;TtOr/flf/J fafcic11.li1s : Lye.''~all wh ich migl1t
furdum :lit f fed, tit' mih i videtur;" continues the h3Y.e p~fii::d o1f very :well, if he had .Oot fl(bjoine<li
Dr." 'f.et1c. batrte·; duiilits; q. d. pars 1naterire Skirinen15 dcfivat 3. G. /.>ajt;!ks; vf/t1!1"!' : fed
'liNri}fima, .-ct fir.mij/i11uJ :'J,...,;h'e then refers us to , unrle ii:l -ha.11ferit'vocabulun1 peoe~ ~fn Jit fide• :
HARD; which happens: ·to be G r. now, thus .d.rawi0 g a fufpid Ql.1 Qo ~he Dr's. fide~
- HAR-i\l'ES1': ".8aJC. ll.reJlferc,mW'is,a11/un111ia; lity, is not ·altogei>her· bec~ufe, in -che firlt
hinc Septt'mber Saxonice-·b repFerc a?ona'S dillus .place, ·Lye ha~ no.t .quoccd. hill) :iuftJy.i .foJ Skin,-
eft; Belg. harfft .; T-eut. herbft: DpCl:us ·,r, f-Ienlh. ner -leas not faid, it G. · bq/l}lf~s ;· Q!J~ a fr. G.•
ingeniofe, uc .folet, ,detlelbit ~b H(t"tbo Germ. ant. bajJillu, meaaing ·the Fraoco-.Gr.llic, or 014
dco, quern· pro V efta coluerunt ; etfettfl; q. d. French; but ithe old· F rench djffer.s -as much.
l'tjltt, fe11 ·1,,,,.... ftftivi1a1l feu dies f•fti :-polfe.m, from n1odern -Erencli, o.s mo.dcrn Englilh froon
et non incommode deduccre, p.rrefertim 1·eu t. the anc.ieot: fo that t·ho11gh ·the }Yor.d hajlilles ia
lterbft; et Belg. htrfft, .ab berba, Ct f'tjlum·; q . d. llQt Gallic, it m~y undol.lhte.d ly a~·Fr~co Gallic:
ft}t11111, fcu fdliTJit11s be1:bar-111n; hoc enim tetnpore · and fu the Dr. has fa id: iu the . l)e-xc place, it
htrb.,e, i. e. gr•111tli/ et fruges -ctr.calls in ufum . Were ,to be wilhed that eic:hcr of 1hefe.gentlemen,
bumanre ,vita! ~olligunrur : Skinn.'' .,.... t his arr. ' particularly the Dr. liad derived bajlilles, not
has bttn tranfcribed in.tire ; .becaufe it is one or' only from bafla, but wiclt Jf. Volf. fro1n. B"r•r.
tile Dr's. bt!ft etyn1. if ht 41ad oor, aceording co . ba,11/us; " kind of /faff, fpepr, or fpil ; as Lye
.bJftom, "'Ort jtto, IJ:-Opt !hort l for any One , himfelf fecms to acknowledge, when he fays in
•ould fuppofe <Cihe ·Dr, had nc:-ver heard of rbc the beginning of art. 11.1ru inatrantur. .
Gr. langu age; but·if herba and fe;1um, gi"e origin H fu.'>SOC·i'). : how firangcly .do words deg~
to bar'flejl ; the.n btrba is derived a ll>•efl•, i; e. nerace ,! no perfon C'Ould at firll: light poOiblr
a ·4i..{l:., p~Jco ; as w.e fuall fee- prefently; and ' fuppoii:, .th~t baffoci: could be d erived ab F.1e•r,
feflu'm, as we have ~! ready feen, is de~i_v_ed f~.01~ lmta; wool: but this foems to be the courfo 0£
~•I''• unde fas, 'uncle feft11•1 : however, It n11ght the word ; Eif•r, hair, or b.~re; Belg . haft; uod.c
be better, with Ciel. Vo.:. 209, to de~ive harveff T eu t. hllfeck ; undc bnffeck; becaufe it · is co1n-
a 'arp-t}t, or l ime of reaping; wh:ich unc!ot1bt- pofrd of ru/hes, rough as hair; vet qui:i. fc. vercres,
~dly is Gr.: .fee CROP: Gr. fays Skinner, ad firlciendos, ct calefaciendos pedes
· HARUM-SCARUl)vt; ab Alman. vcl T hcorifc. dipbthertl, r enone, ( nobis fu!cn m1 pedumjlra111ilmtm )-
/:;nre11 ; dmvare, votiferal'e ; et l:""''f"" ~•«e•?w, utebantur ptliib11: l<pcri11is propter 1nollitiem, et
palpfro ; to put out of brtatb, to {'art, to frighttfl ; caliditatcrn. .
a noif>-, terrible f ellow, w ho is always roa,ri1Jg, a11d HASTE, " A'lu?"' : Ho1n. JI. :£. A'Jve•I-"'°'
'looking as if be was tither frightened himfalf, or ,,,;,.,., hajlenillg thro' f ear out of tbt.jie!d: ):Jpt."-
'Wottldfr igbtm evei'Y body eife. and yet hirfte11 n1ay be derived fro1u t"'"J"'• t .-rvr i>r.,
HASl-i ; " aFr. Gal!. batbt1·, mim11a1im cont'i- qua!i <1>1vr1.:.,, fejff110 ; quaJi htfti110; hofle11, baftt ;
titre, dijftcare ; hoc a no1n. hocbe ; fl:ciiris: 00111ia a tonfc/lim agere; Jq be nimble, b1·ijk, and li':Jt/y.
Lar. afcia: Sklnn."- no, -Dr. a G r. AE"•· frC'Jw;s.; H AT : " Sax. hre"t::, luer d ; A nr. Bric. bett;
an ax, or hachet, l o chop, or cut witb ; R. Ax,, T cuc. hut; Belg. hoed ; pileus; hoc ii verbo T eur.
r,des; an edt,e. · · hc11i<»; 8¢1g. _ hoeden; c11flod1re, prottgere; qui&
1 H ASl:.E ·11111 : "Sax. hrerl, h:rr l"nt1"t::u; Be!g. fr. 11 verrto, fole et im bribus caput difendit:
hnftl-noot; coryl11s : fortaOe a Lat. cafula ;· q . d. S kinn.".,-fo near was this good old S axon ro the
1111A· cafldaris, i. e. ~greflis, lllJJ: htJrtC/ijiJ : Sk inn." ttue etyn1. of t his word !- but Juni us has led us
l-bu t (afida coo1es fron1 c.1Jt1 ; and '~fa from ·p roperly to the Gr. : jan1 oliin deduximus ha:c
Ka~uf3•. ~·• e" .,.; K..i-.o.-1"': " ll~in pe quod anti- ab 1\lm l n, bunt, h!fate11, cujtodire, ' 'l£rt ; ipfum
quitlrs do·mtis 'a>JtrG fuert1nc a Cfl\'1l (io11e ad t!.b_,f. ve ro h :1.1Jt e11 dcrivavimus a Kiv&1tv, (i(ct_, /trt J to
co11dend11111, 1tge11d11m; qwo1nodo uc . ii. ugeiido HIDE, or co'IJ?r; murato Kin afpiratam; "licul.i
l ..ati'nis cu n1 retiifi<:ii parte•11, t tim vc:fl is gl~il tis ex x.,;Aar1?, f;a /tt1; ex xet..-~.xf3•r, bt1111~p, h e111p ; <:,x
f't fli/1}1 d iceb:tnt j ita n ft,_?eJ/dO tt \'t"l~e!'rt l{.i;~.'J'!'!ll1 X?:( J'1a , ht:a>·t ; ex XLl~iJ'ior, b(lllnd j &c. .
vel K""""• "et d• m11m etia:n cafm11 "c:llt: nuncupa- !-IATCH chiclrt11s l A~""• aftia, ct hoc
t~\11 ; unde $JUOt1oe et "tugv.-rium : Voll~'' • HA"fCI1ET to <ill wi th S.ab Ax~, a'ies; . a!>
• Gg 2 • illo

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H A From G ll ! ! J'!, and LA T- 1 " ' •

iilo b11tch, vel back, to11cikrt: uncle et batch 1t is a Low Dutch word : Ray."._but
,biclie11s: eft exclukre pullos, quOd gallino roftro, derived fro1n avma; which again is a~ evidentl:r
haud alirer ac dolabra diffiHdit ovorum poramlna : deriv·ed ab A••a., vcl Aloa, tbt 'f»ild 0111; alia J:a.
Ciel. Voe. 140, n, has given us, under this art. tiva cft, ac frugifcra; alia fpontc provcnicos, aa,
the beA: folucion of that llrange opinion, chat fterilis: of the fonner kind Virgil fpeaks in tho
HaHIUba/ made his palfagc over the Alps by vi- Firit 'Georgie, 77 ;
negar: " I \VOuld not be too poritivc," fays he, Uric enim lini campifm feges, urit tlf7'11tlt:
" thnt fome hill:orians did not miftake rhe Celtic and of the lauer, in the fame Georgie, 154,
hat,btt, for aat-um, vi11egar: a fingle rock, un- l nfelix lolium, et /Jtrilts dominaniur aw11t1t.
l uckily fallen a-crofs a defile in the Alps, was H AUGHTY : this word, which wears luch ll
enough to retard Hannibal's whole army; (floods Gothic appc:ara.nce ( proxime accedit ad Gotli.
of 1;inegar could never have removed it) but tbis bauhs ; a!tMs, fays J un ) is undoubtedly of Gr.
a few Celtic botcbtts ( aa/s) might clear away in exrrattion 1 for if the G ot h. b.iubs, and the. Galt
a few hours, which a thoufand rons of vi11egar ha111, o r hat1l11i~, rignify f11ptrbus, infoltnJ, t lauu ;
( aetl1'm) if he had had. fo much in his· camp (but and are dnived, as Jun. acknowledges, ab al111s i.
Swifc jocularly alfures us, he had -nor a drop) would theo altus irfelf, ar.cording to Volf. will be de~
probably never have effetl:ed in as many years:" rived .ab A:o.l.., cxtrito l, alo, izugeo; unde ·altus.
-only now this gentleman lhoulcl not have left 11/1ilt1do; nam qua: 11!1m111r, in al1i11ulit1tm furgunr:
us here; for thefe HA1' CHETS, or 1-JACHETS, and from hence 1netaph. ufed to fignify high.
are undoubtedly Gr. as we have fcen above : and bauxh1y, fwtlli11g witb priJe. .
probably might be fomething in the ihape -of rhe H A UNCI-I of vt11ijon : vulgar orthograp,l)y;
w11r,battbt1, given under the art.. FRANKS: Gr. and vulgar pronunciation ; for even thofe polite
f lA'fE; " E;ii:9or, odiurw: Upc."-but, with gentlen1en, who wri~e it bau11cb, do not pro-
Junius and Skinner, we n1ight rather derive halt nounce it broad b-au-11cb: fuch pl:rniloquy is fie
ab A7~, · da1t11tum, noita; unde A1"'"'• nouo. item only for tl1e large, open, yawning n1ooth of a
JCo7""• odi: oi- elfc, limplicius, retl:iufque ad Saxo- Dutch1nao ; who .perhaps 1n1ght exprefs hirnlelf
nicirn originem refcrri arbitror, fays Jun. fiqui- in coarfc Englilh, thus; " l"ve been fent for by
dern iidem Saxones ab · illo ipfo hat:; talid11s; my AUnt to eat a bAUncb of ve11ifon near the
unde hat:1an dcfu1nptum puto, eciam fecerunt bAUnttd houft: :"- fee HANCH of venifcn: Gr.
fuum het:c (but under the art. beat, he writes it HAUNT: the reafon why this orthogr. h:is
hret:e) odiul?!, rancor, malitia 1 ite1n ha<:heo.rt:; been retained, when the U h~ been difcardcd
ira'1mdus; et ha<:heo.r-cn}T; iracundia, extandifee11- from the word bancb, is bccaufe they are derived
lia ; nam ab illo ardurt animi, ~.ft1'a111is ird, I.,a- from different fources: the word bancb has no U
t' nis gravem indignationem anirno concipientes in the o riginal ; but the word baur.t has, not-
diccbancur ince11di, inflamn1a,.i, t:rardefcert, ~xcan~ withltanding it is derived fro1n ·the Fr. Gall.
defi·t·re ; Grrecis 41>.•yiu9«i, Ex91e1-40:1v1~9"'' El'-"'l-"- banitr; Sax. hrnt:an; and the Belg. bamhere11,
"'e"'ri"''• ITve•~9.,.,: Gallicis ltnf/a,,,mer; and we which have no U in them ; bur chey arc all ma-
n1ay fay, a hurni11g bole :-from all which it is nift:ftly dcril"ed a }tt;~"' (lll!is, ancl KV)Jl)'f:.1, 'Utnbr.,
evident tl1at bait, and btal, may cake the fame confttlor, frtqtttH!o, which have the l', or U: .fo
dcriv. ; for Junius himfelf acknowkdg~s, that that our word hau1rt has retained both the Northern
the Sax. hret:e originates frorn A19o;, 11rdor, d'j1us ; A, aod the Gr. T.- ln what 111anner baunl can be
which he oi1ght to have taken notice of in derived fro1n Kuw>, we !hall fee prefently under
rJ1is place. the art. boulld, and bide: here let inc only obforve,
Ii A VE ; A{3r.>, babto; lo bold, lo poffefs : this that the A in bounl has been retained not o nly
w-0rd li:cms to be of H ebrew origin: for tho' our for diftintl:ion's fake, but to have been adopced
lexicons give. us the word Af3,., yer it fee1ns to in tile fenfe of frequt ntart ; as ":'hen we fay a
be in a difrerent fenfe from what is here intended ; bau111er of bro1hels, a haunter •f flews, the dr1'rJtmer,
(or Hefych. explains Ap" by "f"''• A"'""'"f: and or tht bau11ttd bo1tf1: but when we 1nean Vt11ari,
.his fchol iua fays, Af3w pro Au, i. e. A.i, (3 infori- we write it hunt; whereas the root is the fame in
tur : and Hederic t-xplains A{3;;;, by f ljlivorum; bo th fcnfes; .for a haunter of brotbds is no more
et Af3"<• molt11er, ddica:i; which are far toough· th an a bunter after brolbt!s; and a ba1'111td bouft
·fi·om the tenfe here req uired. (if there be aoy fuch thing now adays, whatever
HA VEN ; either from the fame root ; or elfe there n1ight have been fonnerly) is no more rhu.n
·f rom 0<;1ns, avto; to covc4, dejirt; the haven, where a houfe fuperftitioufiy fuppofed to be frequmltd
.~hey w~uld bt. by a ghoft, or fpetl:re, which haunts, or) 1'11/s, o r
.HAVER ; ".Cun1berland, Yor~lhire, for 04/s ; perfitts every pcrfon who inhabits it.

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HE From G 1t JfI K, and L 11 'fr 1'. H 'E
IJAU T -BOJS, commonly writrtn, and pro- poteft Sax. beai:ob efi'e ab eode.m Kif•"·>r• quo(lt .
11ounced hoboys. '"' i11jlrumt11/ of mujic; but is evr- initiate K frequcntiflin1e tranfeat in H arpira-·
dencly derived a Fr. Gall. hau/1.bois; and that tionem ; K''"""•heafOb (quafi Kearob } heaFub,
• gain is eviden tly derived, and diO:orred from the ha!f b, bead :"-let me however oblerve, that
Gr.; as it mull be, if ic comes thro' the French " all udit Kith, capul, apud Hefych. Skinn. :"-·
lang uage ; J mc3n as co the former part of this true ; Ko1i• fignifies (aput ; but we can never
c ompound ; for hau/1, as we: !ball fee in the n~xt fuppofc that capul originates from Ko1?., but.
an. is undo ub redly Gt. ; but as to the latter parr, from K<r">.•, as our Sax. anccllors have evidently
hllis, Skinner fays, very properly, -that it lig nifies !hewn by their F• which anfwers to the p in tapul,
'Wood; q. d . ligtta 41/a 1 vel ligna a/1/Jm fa1111111ia :" but n1ore clofely llill to l'h e ' io K•\1'•"'"" : none of
- the {oud / '1mdiJrg •:.JJood 1 buc then chat depends which letters appear in K•Tir., and confequently
intir~l y on the player ; for the baulbois irfelf may we mu([ abide by K•\1'-«>-•, cap-ut, t opb 1 ktpb.
be founded as foft as a flute 1 bur naturally it 1-IEAFOD, " contraetcd to btdd: Verft.'' -
is a loud i1tjlru11U11t. con!equently derived as above.
HAUT-GOOT : chat ever rhe Greek lan- H EAFOD -pa11, a ft11/, a btad-pt11t: - the
guage lbould be fo unfortun ate as co fall into the fame : Gr.
hands of Frenchmen I what would a good old I-IE.AL, o r covtr 1" as b<d·btaling, /;ed-eo1;er;
Greek fay, could he rife up, and fee two words H EALfNG, cvvering ~ i11g,f' cover/ti: Sax. heIan,.
in his own language 1ranfmogrtlf'hied in fo barba- lo bide, or tD'Ver D'Vtr: thus in n1any places they
rous a manner as co be wri tten ba1<t -gout 1 and make ufe of rhe exprdlion 10 l>eal tbe fire; and
which, to add to the abfurdity, moO: then be Oates are called healers: Ray." -but it looks asi.
pronounced b""go ! I believe he woold never be · if it was derived from the fame root witfl,
· able t o trace the originals : little would he ima- H l!.LM, or HELMET; Gr. : o r, which is the
gine th at thofc: two words had been blundered fame, with \ VHELM ; Gr.: fee H E ILE : Gr.
and bungled out from A>./-,.,, and r1v- or1c, vd H f.A L l" AJ.$.,, fano; lo curt 1 AJ..Oor, fa-
T111-r•<, a f 1v-.. : AJ.l-tw gives origin co alt-us ; H E ALTH 5 nalio ; rt/!t ring lo hea//b : Hom.
-llus to b4u/t; and haul/ co haul ; bigb ; fo that II. E. 4 17, A>.9r1• 7-.~e : Upt." unlcfs we may de-
.the whole coinpound fignifies fap•r al111s, vehe- rive beal1b i l:~"' fa1111J, fa f11s ; bcallhy,fa/;ltary ;
rncns, cum odori acri coitiunctus, er t: palaco in or rather froin 'O>.o~, Jti/111, iJ.•Jegtr; rerrdlrttd -zoh!Jl~,.
nafum afcendens: a jlrong fun/ ; or a higb fiavoitrt d, and / 0111Wi.
punge111 taj/e I HEALLE, " a ballt, alfo a manntr-h•ws :
• HA WK, or bird: " 'I•e"E· 'Ie•E. F1e"E1 (J(- VerO: ."-he means a ball, and man•r-bcuft, o'
cipiler: vel ita drci ab unguibus 1mcis: nee malljion: but HALL is evidently GP.
incommode ab Ax-,.,,,., i. e. 'I'"" Ar?•, uti doccc I-IEAP : cwo d ifferent deriv. of t his word have·
Hefych. derivari poffit per aphr.erefin' : Upt."- beeo given us by Jun. and Skinn, and each with:
or clfe it may be Sax. feemi~gly the farne propr-iccy : Junius foys,
• Hi\\VKER, and pedlar, feems to be de- '' orig o vocis petenda efi ex bto'Vt t !evart : and •

rived from the fame root with Jr4cltj/er, or b11ekler, beave he derives ii Sax. hebban; Alman. heffe11;.
qoafi bawkler ; for the reafons given undor che and Belg. htven; and which, as we !hall frc pre-
art. 1' R UCKSTER: or elfe we 1nuft refer ic to fently, may be derived from the G r. :- Skinncr-
the Sax. Alph. fuppofes "our\\<Ol'dheave originaces a Sax. beai;ian,.
H AY, " f:,,., x•e1•;, herba, gramtn; gr4fs: ahebban; tkv are; ab heah, allus; biKh ; nili
Ca faub. and Upt." malles bta'IJ(, il Lat. !t·vis, et /cvort : alludic Gr.
HAZARD: Cid. Voe. '209, has very judi- 'Toj,or.., t /t'llO, tX/o/lo:" -but it is not allulion, it iS.
cioufiy derived it "a cafav us ; (quali t4znrd) as derivation an ecymologiO: lhould frek afrcr ;. but
cbanct," fays· hc, " is concraet"'d from cadtnt1 :"- neither btop, hta1Jt, Jt"ili1, tlevo, nor lroart. c a11.
but all chefe words are Gr. poffibly originate ab 'Ti}oi.. : we mull: therefore
• H':\.ZY wtalbtr; A ..., .,, t.<balo, exbalnlio ; t:t· derive btap, aild bta'Ut, i. ..11.,.G~> ,,.el 1\ i lri;- cert.ex ;.

bolatio11, vapor ; i. e. 1hiclt, foggy, mijly wtalhtr, uncle ft.vis; u11de tMJo, tie.-.;o ; lo li? /;:' ·1. lo •'ift
when the fky, or atmofphere is filled with moi- up: or clfe we mull deri\•e it lfom the Dr's .. for-
Jiure: or elfe we nu10: refer to the Sax. Alph. mer d r riv. heah, a/1111; bigb; i. c. fr.01n :V.t"'•
HEAD : it may feem flrangc t o derive our extrito 4:1 a/o,. akgtc ; undc: a 1J11J , ••t l:/ fl1lb • G ~11• .
word bead from K'~""'"' and yet the natural de- haul, oli1n bau/1 ;. unde Belg. bcogb ; 1 euc. bod, i.
fc~nt of languages has formea it thus : "ficuti Sax. ht·ah; hi1,b, heap, be" "'' ·
Nunnefius, non repugnante Vollio," fays J unius, HEAR ~ ii•<, Ovr. A " ~ a..di• ;, Av3o, fa1ms ;
;" t a/111 !lerivat aK•I'"""' ita magis etiam v.idcr~ .dud.s, aufts. ""~~L ; tars, tt/JJ'!

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From G R z·,, r:, and LA T·r n. ·
. ' 1-JEARSE, Af•1<,ele'fJalio, friln,,Bic, ablt11io ; 11 T--JEAVY, Afl•r. ,.n,,.1,r, infipieft!• baud ittldligenr
·carrying away tbe' R. A 1ew, tol!o; lo take up, unde htbts, bdnJudo ; duJ/ntfs, beavitieft, .ftupitlity. •
· to bear away, to carry fortb. Skinner foems to l-IE.BDOMIDAL, 'f!.13;.,..,.r, a.Jo;, numeriu /eptt-
,have been reduced to a d iffic ulty in cracing 11a ri11s ; htbdon1ada ; the t1 un1ber froln ; a Wltk •
rh c :ecyn1. of this word .hearfa; whic h he fup· alfo tht (r11e11sh dny, or ibt fabb111b: R .' E..J,.,fepltflf.
pofes to come il Teuc. hutlfa; jiliy_ua; a pu!fa, I-IEBREW, ·e~e•''"• EbrA·i<e ; a11 l'.lebrtw ex.-
pod,. o r }hell; ell: eni1n cada.veris quafi exterior prtj/ion.
jiliqt1t1 :-to what poor lhifrs are e tymol. fon1c- f~EBRIDES, "is only a L atin ifrn," fays Cltl.
t irnes ·driven ! according to this cooceit we Voe. 190, for 1-ltbtr-eys ; Wefl en r·iJlands :"-and
1night ·cill the btar/e the outward hulk ; the confequently, tho' he fuppofo.s it tt) be pure
cojji" as it ·were the inward tl1cll ; and tbe jbroud Celtic, is really pure Gr. ; for htbri, hdl!r ; ibb,
the p~el i ng of the gencleman within. ; iv, !-tnd iv ar, ;ire notl1i11g milre t l1 ai1 ,rariouS
• H.EAR'l:, " Af1"' • integer, Janus; wbole, Jnd d ialects of A~~'"• as we have aiready feea un-
f ound; one who acts from the htarl ; Kl (:'"• der the arc. EVENING ; and ty.<, in rhe fenfe of
R. K.t~f, t ()r: Upt!' ijlands, .i s only" an abbreviattoo of i11f11!a : conf~.
HE..<\R1.H ; " Eea:, 1trrt1; E.,es,, .,,9,, .infra, quently Gr.: fee INSU LArR ·: G.r. .
.iltf (rius : r1otum aure111 ell:,'' ·continues Skinner, l-IECATOMB, ··ex,,1o/'[hi, bttatomb.t, fa<rjfid""'
~~ //tjl/an1 deam 'E-r•a~, i. e . focc11n, /(rra: nt1men ttnl11m bDUm ; .th.e ja(rijice ef tJfJ bundrtd 1Jxt11 : Ro.
fi1 ilfc ; e t ii / 010 no1nen <luxille : hinc etiam ve- ·s l(a.101, Ct1l,J#WJ; ax bu.'f!dreJ ; ttod :Bv,., boJ ; 6n ox.
tus Germanorum numen Htrthus ide1n cu1n Vljla; HECTIC, " 'F.•1ixor, q11i b~Elica f etri labwat :
....i . fl1bterraneoru rn ign~u1n ·det1s :''- rholigl1 we R. &;.:... l.111l1to : Nug. " one i•bo l:tbo ors under c
m igh t rather imagine, vhat this Mynheer Hertbus <0nti~ual /:Wtr, wbo ba1 it perpecualJy . .
-0ug ht to have been called .Ge Vrow fl1r./bt1; .llliED, F.1l'1>, 'IJid<rt ; ./o fat, obfe.rve, · t'tmark >
fot· notiffimum ell:, fays J unius, in quanta vene- , or rather, with Ciel. V oe. 208, nK.Jilor, c1,,.a,fa/i,
r atione Germani Htrlham, i. e. 'l'erram Malrtm cif11-do ; cor..t, and tat11i.o.t1. _
.h abuerint :-perhars Skinner \Vas mified by his IJEii.L : le e me firft preduce the other d~riv.
learned friend Th. Iienlh. who, as we have feen aod ch.en offer another: J unius fuppofes bu! maj'
under the art. I-IARVE ST, mentions this godriifs be dcn1ved ab A>.A•I'"''• A;-11,..6,., : pr.out Ariftoph.
hy the name of Her1h11s deus. l\aE o01M11t9ou, tft calribu1 inf•ftif aligu~111 i•~''1dtre;
I-1£.,\SY : " Ice!. b«ft ; rauci1a1; hot1rfe, warft- !Vlinlhcw .violente r, uc folt't, fays Skinner, "a 'K r;.,,
11rfl : Ray." -b ut perhaps htajj· is only a different tumor, morb11s, dcjlt!lit : pot iori j ure dedu£er~
i:! ialeec of \Vrl EASY: G r. poJTcn1 a.b H>.e;, clav us ; e t fccund:irio
H EJ\:I', " A19", ardor, ,e;l11s: Jun." illud tu be~culum, quod m.e dici (nos 1ned ici1 da-
11EA11-J ; " A1&w, ardeo; unde Sax. h:e::S ; vum d ic!lnt (dicirnus:) Angli a nrn : forte quia
og1r erir.£ pk nuf, vulgo t 1"ice111m: Jun, M inlh. and os hoc, iu!l:ar capitis davi ferrd, vel pocius tfa~i
:Sk in n."--a wild plant, very ape to bllrJJ, morbi, protubtrnt :" none of rbefe fee1n fo natural,
I-I.EATB EN, " E~•r. . genus; Ge111i!es ; unde as co d erive bttl fimply from Aa! ; for as K fre-
liquet S:c<. ~:e::Sne, per n1ernrh. fat him etTe; . quently converts into H (< he Eb : ing eon1poundtd
Jun." -b u< Verftega1i fu ppofos it to be Saxon: of x and ') rhe n by an ea.fy tra11 fpolition it b (·comes
3nd Ck!. Voe. 4 , fuppufes that " be.11be11 co,n1es ha/; Dan. h4 1; Sax. hcle ; and Euglilh, J;cd.
l':\the r fron1 aitb. f>t ; e 11 infi1/e.I :'-'- but aitb, faith, I1E ILDl" ftrngulis i11voltw·c a/:q(Jrm, qui fe
3nd fuiclity, feem all cu1ne fron1 n .. &•.,, fido 1 B EIL E 5 ad capiend 11 m fomnnm ;
Jg hr!ieve ; an<l the negacive in has been added. Harn1:irus cicrivnt ab J~•htw) volvo, i11vulv-o ;'·' Jf)
£-IE.A.VE, Auro<, vd A'""''• corlex ; lei1is, lwo, iiivol·ur, lo tn<Jtlopr :._1yby Junius Jh ould diJlike
v til!evo ; ltJ lift :1p, r 11nde1· ligbt. \ 'this deriv. cannot cafi ly be imQgi ned, lincc he
HEAVE N: Verftegan and Skinner fuppofe allows that it fignifies ./11ag11/i; i1n;o!vort aliqut-111 :
this word to originate frotn the fan1c root wi rh bot fo rt,tflt'_, fays l1C', '' red iltS dt:rl ves ~ib hclan
the foregoing word btave, viz. " Sax. hl'Fen, (l11llan) t>perire, ttgtrc ; L uncaflrienli bus, la bill ;
heor-cn; fro• , e!tvare; quia i11 /11blimi pvji.1,,1;1 efl; unde et in pluribus A ng lix. tratt ibus b_dri•g 11un-
vcl quia oculos in ipfttnl ·Co111emplandun1 tkt•a· ct1pacur fl1·aiu!1:n1 :',- rl1is 110,v is a t1ii1't-reiJC fig-
·11111s ;"- confcq uenrJy Gr. :-though we mig he al- 11ificario1l ; bt'fore ir \'/il:S volvc, and now ir is
_1110!1 be induced 10 derive ou r word betl'1.1e11 frorn /lrapilum : bltt Lye will help us to fix it ; Alman.
17'~£.,, uJ1ie11d tJ ; ex '"Tr.o , et "E}') u1;u1t1 ; n1eaning hdtn eft ltJ;tl'l, cela~t: Dan. by.lit ; Jlelg. bd'1t ;
t be 1111iverfa; wh ich is a ft1b lirner id ea t han to I<ela nd . h;-li" ; qure omn in riol\ ali Li nde funt
fu ppote,· tl1>c h t tJve11 is derived from bcaw, b~­ pe tenda, q ue1n i\ Go rh. b11fgt11l :-but now, \•bere
Q u fo it is hux;ed, or lif1ed up QI! high. is tiie d ifference berwee n teger{, -,;el cel•rt a!i9u1111
• ••

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H E F totn G 11. ! ! tt, and LA 1'. r i-r.
jlr11gr1liJ, and itruolvert aliq11efil jlragq/is ?-then bo/4 1 all lignifying any large hollow bolt, eavern;
t hey all come from E11.,.,, volvo ; io roll any or.e pit, or gulph 1 as all the otl'ier ~rymol. agree ; but
• P ill lift bed-t!odlbs: or rather perhaps, it rnight ' ' lfole may be derived," fays Skinn. "either fro1n.
b e better to derive beild, !nd heil/e from rhe fame Kot>.cr, (O'Utis ; AVA~~, tibia; · Au>..c..1~. ·J off.'1 ; AvJ..aE•.
r0<:>t with HELM, or HELMti.T : fre \'VI~ELM : fi1lcu1 ; f'"1Afa:, ,/ntibriltt ftrarum ; K~>.r;ao, fey K4A4v,
Gr. : and hence, in fome parts of England, they . alv11; ; vel poftrerno. ~..~ .... . /uj/rttm, anfr:im :"'
fay, beil the ifs ; cover the ajhts : vix reperio fcin- -fuch a prodigious profufion of G r. does th~
t.ill atn ignis, fays the fervanr, in Erafmus ; jic Dr. exh) bit' on 1hls arc. ! - Verflegan would·
J,~i. condidifti, replies the nl'after, d erive it from . " haile ~ to cov;r, as · being hid-·.
HEIR; K>."e'1, f•rs, uncle h~res, hdll'tditas; den, or covered in low o bfcu ricy :"-but ftill ic
fJ'W1ur, poj[effer, fuuejfor: alfo a lot, jbare, p.rtio11, would be Gr. fee HE.ILE : Gr.
Qr inbel'ila11u. H ELLEBORE, . " 'E'->.•i3•f•» btl!ebcr11s.; alt
H ELEN : when Ciel.. Voe. 3 and 4, tells us, herb: Nug."-rhere are two fpecies of hellebore,
that " Htlma was a native of Britain; (he ineans the white, and the black, given to melanchol y and
R e.k11a t he mother of Conftantine) and deriv~s frantic perfons; ,being a noble errbin, and purger
her name il Le1111, which he fLI<ppotes originates ii of tbe brain : Ainfw. · ·
J\t:C¥•t-«" a litJntft ; oti1er\vift >'' fays he, '' 111uch of IiELLENIZE; E""''"~!'•r, Htlle.nifimu, f ermJ
the poignancy of the bo11 mot of D emetrius's em- G'r,ccanic111; a Gt·et.'lc t.Yprt_/JirJn.
baffadors would have been loft, when fpcaking o f H E L !Yf ; " a co11.1ge, or hovel; I fu ppofc,"'.
the bites be fulfcred from a dangerous iion1fs, fays R ay," " becaufe a coverii1g: from the Sax,
Aia..)°'> Le11a :''-but Ara.:v~ fignifit:s L t4na, not helan, celare :" - confeq ue.,nrly Gr. as in the
I .ena ; wllich is quite :. d ilferent word ; for If. next art.
Volf. tells us, that " Ltna, and uno originate a 1-lELM l if all t he Northern words pro-
~>•r, et .tar•.r, /;bidilfous ;"-and Cleland him- l-JELMET J ducecl by }lln.'Skinn. and Rey,
fel( acknowledges, that " Hefata, .Mazd4lt11, and lignify ttllum, culme11, ugere ; and the G reek.
l,etn, in the ancient language fignify properly word E>.vl'"'• quod fle fychio et S,1ida inter alii
./oofe wo111e1t ; however tllat Le11a d iffered from exponirur crxr~~a-y.a.. fignifics cpt1·ime11t;1111; r11cre~
mt retrbt in the fame degree as a A:ept-miftrtfs could have been no.great object ion why Mr. Lye
from a common proflit11te ; the procurer of fuch lhould di frard ic; but be fays, derivare n1alo ab
concubines was called Leno, and t heir fed ud ive Iceland . bi/ma ; obtegerr; and may not bilma be
carelfes Lehod 11i11111 :" - but, according tu the derived ab E1,vy."' ? i. e. ab E"""• i;,'Uo/vo; tego ;.
e1nbaffador's bon met, he ought to have called to cov1..'Tt bide, <fJ11cenl.
hi1n Leo, not Leno :-now it is remark able, (a\ HELC)E, or hdnw ; bajhful: " Sax.' helo,.
we have already obferved in tbc art. A M BASSA- health : Ray." - bajhfu!nefs, o r blujhing, bein g a.
DORS,) that J uflin, lib. 'II. tells us, that priin us fign of brt1lth; but t hen rhis arr. teems co ' be·
Scyth is bdlu1n indixit Vexores, rex JE g yptius, G r. not Sax. which is but a various dialect of
m ifiis primo L tnonibus, legatis, qui hoftibus pa- '01,c,, l ct1u; i 11uger ; whole, be11/1hy.
rt ndi lcgern dicerent :- Ltgnli enim regu1n olim HEL P, "E>.1nr, fpu: C;ifaub. and Upt. " -
L tnones appellari font; fays Shering. 62 . . it is with g reat d iffidt·nce I d ilfont from thdc
J-lELlCON, 'E"""'• 1-ltlicon; mo11s Mujis farer; ery1nol.; but whenever a derivatii;e co1Hrad icts,'.
tJ 11Joun1ai11 in 8efJtia,, foc1·td l fJ tb~ 1'1.1ifeJ. cir differs widely from rhe origi n~), we oug h t.
HELIO-TROPE; H>.1•1e'"'••» bdiotro-pion; her- then to fufpcct fuch a deriv. : thus E"'"'f fign i-·
ha folaris, et fatn ri11m ; quod'ad.falt'lil ft convtrlal: lies hap• ; bu t to hope, and 10 htlp are two d i!Jc-·
R. HA,.,,. fol ; the fim ; and Te•,,.•» quati n1e7w, renr ideas : help indeed is hoped f or ; and fo far
Vff'lo ; to 1urn ; a fun -dial ; and fun-flower, that Cafaub. is righr, c·um fpts, et .,,,.,,.fidirrm lint af-
always turns 10 the fi111 . finia ; but not fo near related, as ro be derived.
.B ELL, r.,.,,., gehtnna, val!is 1-litmom; the volley from the fame fource :· help we 111ight rather de-·
•/ 11i11nlffJI, whtre children were facrificcd co M o- rive a A£1TJ~, c01·te>:, unrle le~is, t1ndi.: /c.'io'O; lo .ift,
loch : this word being properly of Hebrew excratl:, to raift a 'f>trfan 011/ of dijficultie1, to al!cvit:/e his
ought not co be looked for in either the G r. orL3t. @jlrefs, to btlp bi111 out If d1111ger: At.-•r, by tra nf--
l:tng. ; it 1nay howev~r be de rived fro1n " E>.o,, pofition quali he!pis :- Junius is o f opinion, tha t
l•t•s 1 which fignifics aqua pall!flris cte110 mi.via ; o help 1n'ay be derived it l:o>;i1,.f31w, opitu!ari, tJJj11 -
fil1fay, mudtfJ'f>lau; and here ufed for /he lake burning vart ; fortalfe, fibilo tanrun1rn odo in afpira-
witb fire : Jhould neither of the fr deriv. be ad- tum conunutato; fc. !vJVv>;fJ"» quafi Jml/abtin ;-
n>itted, we n1uft then have fecourfo to the Goth. bt!pei11, bdp.
b® ; Sax. belle:; Alman. bill; or Iceland. hq/I, 1-I.ELlJO, corrunonly written btl/po, a·Aw1,

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I-I E From Git r ! x, and LA 'f r •·
,favo, eluo, btlu11, ab elu1ndo, elutrt mim botris di&itur byD1-lJam111; T cut. fatw-bolmen ; utrobique fn~J
he/110, vcl prodigus: or perhaps a ........ fa/110, fo/<;i, nomine appcllatur :"-tlill we- are unfortun1-te
fo!utum, quali faluo ; to f quar.dtr away, lo diffipatt even in this deriv. ; for now ir ought co hlve
his pa1rima11y ; a fpend1brift : - fometime' this been called faw -bean ;-which makes it appear
word is applied to a hard ftudenr, who is called with the greater oddity, that this plant lhould
o be/110 fibrorum; a devourer of books, as if he really have been called tbt btn-baite ; bccau(e it was 1be
101, intlead of read them. goofe-ba1u, or tbt f()'UJ-btan :-however, to get ricl
HEM! " ab interjcClione Lat. htm ! c/Juflare of all this rubbilli at once, and not to trouble
oliquem rcvoeare ; to call 011t baek : credo a fono ourfelves any farther with 1ht hen, tbt goofa, and
£C1u1n: Skinn." lbe /IXQ, this galli11-a11fer-fuoili11, it fec:t'ns molt
· HEi'<11-CYCLE, " 'HI''"""~·"• btmitydus; o natural to fuppoie, th:1t the Dr. and his learned
balf circ!e : R. 'HI'" dimidium ; half; and Kv•>-•<, friend have been miOed by the coinrnon ortho-
Lirctt!t1s; a circle : N 11g!* graphy; for Voffius, under the art. vt1;e11um, ex-
HEM!-PLEGl1\. l'H14,..->.,E10:1 dimidii corporis plains this byofeyamus by lo< T;.;, {31>.;;,, and not,
HEMI-PLEXIAJ refo/u1io, paralyjis; bemi- as our ctymol. have puzzled rhe1nfelvcs, and
._pltxia, q ure cft parcis corporis; lieut apoplexius, their readers with ii,, ~•<• [us ; a faw: bur lo:
totius corporis ; n jlrolr:e if tbt palfy, which de- t.ignifies p!!ifa~ ; fo that be11-/Jant £hould be 1t1ore
prives a pcrfon of the ofe of half bis limbs, or ont prope rly written hion../ita,,, or ion-bean, (traof-
fide of him: R . 'H14., htmi, /tnti ; half; et ll>.ifl..,, forn1ed into bu1··bant) to lignify the baneful-l1ta•,
ptrcu1io; lo Jirik• ; halfj/rud1 dtad. or pcifonous-btatJ,. fo;·xu;s14os-, not 'Tc,->c lXl,"'°'' : iof(]...
I-iEM.I-SPHERE, " 'HJ.<•~~"''f"" bemifph.~­ amtts, not hyoftyamus.
"iuni ; frc>m ~H1u.' • dimidiu1n; anLi If"''e::x, fpbiera ; I-lENCE ; E•9o, hi1tc, i/Ji1u; btnel!, tbenu.
.o fpbtr t: Nug." half a xlcbt. HEN-DIA-DIS, 'Ev- /1,.-J,.,,, bendiadis ; d
l-IEl\tll-STICT-l ; " 'Hl''PX"'• ht111ijlitbium ; rheturical figure ; w hen one 1hing is Jpiit ii-
from 'HI"" dimitli11m; balj; and l:1•x•1, 11erf1JJ; to two.
" ver(e : Nug." H EN-RY : Vertlegan acknowledges, that" the
HEMP, "Ka,.af3•< , et K""'"'P'<• cannabis; Sax. lirll: fyllable hcerof was ancicnrly writEen bow,
"h renep ; Belg. ktmrep ; unde hemp, t~v, jinx : K for ha'llc; and to chis day, in fome p;trcs of Eng-
mntato in aipiraurn : Cafaub. and Jun."-Cle- land, they fay, han)'OU an.r? fi>r hav e you •11y?
land, Voe. 209, derives it j ean11ob, brm1tab, IN111b, rye Jigniiks not only 1·itbu, but alfo a ~i11gJQm,
;llld at length btmp :-but ftill Gr. pnct r, juriftiitlio:s ; fo that Han-rye, which now
1-IEN: Junius has been extremely profuli: in wee wryte Henry, in1portecb n b,1ver of wtaltb :~­
)1is remarks on this Art. the furn of which is con- lhould all this be rig hc., the whole compound
·cifdy collect<-d by Skinn. viz. ht11, a Sax. Dan. would be Gr.
l3elg. Teut . Fr. Gall. et Gr. A'"• voe. non1. A•><£, HEPAT IC, 'H,.."t • bepar, jecur; H.-<>1,.,r, jt-
rex ; ncrijld, limili regib diademoli: vd ab A•"• eoralis ; qui morbo btpatito ltJbornl ; a dtjeaft ~f
p ro A•"'«• /urge ; ab extitn11do ; quia canru fuo the liver.
homines ad labores txcitnl :-and any one would H EPL Y l" Sax. hrphc; t otnpar: vcl potiu1
fuppofc that thefe gentlemen wanted to have H EPPEN J a Belg. bebbdick ; bnbilis, dutns,
been roufed ou r of rheir numbers ; ochcrwi fc aplus : vcl q. d. help/;', i. e. helpful : Skin!J. and
They would never have applied all this to the Ray :"-but if heply, and btpptn Cignify bebbilid:,
ben, which belongs to the tock ; and is jutl fuch babilfs ; it 1nay be derived ab A,G,,, babto-1 unde
another mifapyli,carion, ·as Upton's word Xr.r, o r bnbilis, as well as cohibi/is, and drhilis, qu afi J,ba-
""'' lo g•ofe, mll:cacl of ga11dtr. bi!is : ond if it lignines helpful, it is Gr. ll:iil .
H EN-BANE: "Fr. Gall. hai;ebant; hy~fcyam111 ; l-I EPTA-GON; .'1!.-1"''>'""'" btptagan, fip1a., .
lie dietus fortatfe q uod, gelli11aao ger.eri vtner.11m gu!a ; a ma1hen1acical fig ure, having f~;;ea
11111 ejl, aut olin1 habebatur: Skino."-but t his angles : R . 'Ew1a, feptem, fN:tn ; and r.,,.,., a11gulus;
is not telling us what benbant is, whether it be a11 11ngle.
• feed, leaf, root, planr, 1nincral, or what: l-1.E.Pl'-ARCBY, 'E.-1ze::<J"' btptortbia ; a king·
« dicitur aurem," continues the Dr. "ur optin1e dorn divided into ftven printipaliritJ; as the king·
· n1onct Pott Th. l-Ienlh. la morl a11.• •yes ; an- dotn of England, in the time of rbe Saxons,
ftr11m ve11t11u111 ; (then it <?ught to have been call- was divided into /rout pri11cipalitic1, or king·
ed g 6ofa.baiu) qui 111;•xw<, ut folcr, diet, autumat jhip1, called the Saxon Neplnrcby ; which were
quali he11-ben11, non _quafi be11·ba11t; i.e. fo ha ga/. g ov.erned by as' 1nany chiefs : R. "£11?0<, fepwn;
linaruin; loculi eni rn feminmn, feu Jiliqu:e fa biJ fe-.:t11 1 and Aex~. imptrium ; p()'UJtr, 1kmini~N,
_,Jiquaurum Ji1niles fµnt; et herba·ipfa ':X:••-••~.J'"• or fwo1.

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H E From G r:11 K., and L A·'r r It. R E
.HER-ALD l Whenever a word, through a dijlaff: now, is thc(c any thing very forced in
I length of time, is evidently fuppofing that this fimilarity of found 'originally
, degenerated, the talk of an furnifhed the idea of putting a dijlajf into 'the
HER-AULD ~ etymol. becomes the more hands of H,.,.cu!es ; efpecially on combining witfi
HER-OLD • difficult, in proportion as it, ~hat Omphn1t fignifies the dfctivur of "'""; a.nd
HAR-OLD 1 the orthogr. of that word . Lydia, pfrafure, or luxury !"-the moral is, that
HAR-OLORY J is the more obfcure; which p!eafure may. dueive the .heart of the .ft~utejl man,
happens to be the cafc at prefent; for etymologifts and convert into a jpin_{ltr.'
have fonned different conceptions of this word, H ERETIC ; " A•e•a-•r, h.ereji1; a roottJ and
according to the di_ffere~t _languages from which fixed qpi11io!1 ; . a11 aJ/acbment, and objli11acy in fome
they have deduced its origtn : l fhall . not there- way of thmkmg : R. A•e•"• h.erto; to take, 10. /117
fore follow through all the variety of con- boid of, to talu poffijft0n: Nug."-" malo," fays
~t'tures they have made ; but mention only two If. Voa: " ab Af"'• i. e. Ae1«w, appt""4 ; Af1"''i""'•
of che mofi probable :-Ciel. Voe. 208, is very pendeo t it aliquo, fpem in aliquo co!loc11tam habeo :" or
lhort, and derives " herald a K.'f"f' corr.u ; a eltC we may take the Dr's. A•t''" in the lenfe of
hor11; meaning a perfon who blows the horn :"- eligo, opinor, an1tpo;10; to cbufe, lo preftr their trWll
hence he looked on this word not as a compound; opinio11J, contrary . co the lound principles of re-
but it feems rather to be compounded, either of ligion; becaufe chofe who differ from the eftab-
the foregoing word K•e«r, or of che Alman. or lilhed rel igion of any place, arc faid to cbufi
Thcotifc. word harm, c/4mart, votiferart; accord- for themfth;n :-Ciel. Voe. 117, gives us a Cel-
ing co Jun. and Lye; but then they likewife have tic dcr.iv. viz. hertjj from bir-.ijh, or cir·ifh 1
deferted us as to the latter half of this compound hir, or cir fignifying kirk, o r church ; and ijh1J,
(if it be really compounded) viz. aid, alt, 1111/d, expelled, or 011ttd; i.e. curfed, or excommu11ica1eJ:"
au/1, 11u1, aule, and o/J 1 for we find all thefe <lit'.. -but ftill it may be Gr. ; for hir, cir, circlt,
fcreot term inations, every one of which may be kirk, and church, may all originate a K'f""'•t,
derived ab A>./•.,, as we have feen in haughty; co cir-cus; a cir-cle; the Druids, as Cleland acknow-
lignify a/18 ; aloud: fo that the whole word, if ledges, p. 1 17, above all figures affeaing th•
compounded, may bear the fcofe of the perfon circular :-and i}htd may be no more than i5lul,
who blows the hor11 aloltd; or the perfon ·who calls from itlut, a blow, or jlrokt ; i. c. drive11 out, or
aloud: thefe interpretations have been preferred txptlltd :-confequently G r.: foe HIT : Gr.
before a.II tht reft, and particularly the latter; HERM·APHRODI'l'E, 'Ffl"-"''f'ltlor, · her111-
becaufe it approaches nearer to the idea, which aphroditus, qui utriufqueftxiJs membrum habet; quafi
Homer has frequently given us of thofc actendents, ' " Mercurio, et Ve11ere mixtu1: R. 'Eel""'• Mercuri1111
whom he has 1nentionecl as being remarkable, cc Atf•l•1•, Venus : -: but why that gentle1nan
not for blo'll:ing the horn, but for their dear, /Qud, lhoulcl be coupled to her ladyfhip, in preference.
fMorous voicu ; to all others, I am yec to learn. · · .
A•1ae o li.•ev1uva-1 J\1yo-'9o·y•1""" •t>.ut: HERME1.ICAL, 'Eel"•1•••r, berrntliet11; a ter•
The king then bade his tltar-voictd heralds call. in cbemijlry.
II. B. 50, &c. &c. HERMOGENES, 'Efl"''l'""'• Htrmogene.1; born
HERB, " ut htrba Gra:cis dicitur n .,., et B•1"'"• of Mtrtury : R. 'Eef'•r, Mtrc1ni11J ( fo called fro1n
a ilaw, et Bo.,, hoc. eft eafco; lic_bn:ba, fit a f>1(f3•, E•f"'• dico, 111111rio; becaufe of his being the rnet\
quod communi lingua ~•ef3•, ht a ~•ef3.., pajco ; fenger of the gods) and J'•••/""'• fio, nafarn' :
Hefychius f>•ff3"• exponit B•1•"•• Volf. "' any grten Nug."
plant, proper for the food of animals: unlefs we HE.RN l" Eewl1or, ardea 1 a bird of prty:
chufe to derive btrb a Ch:tldalco beba inferto r, HERON S Hom. JI. K.. 274: Upr."
btrba ; as we have already obferved under the r ..... 1. l1E•.. ..... Ee111... ''Yr'' alor. :
art. ARBOUR : Gr. Illisuciq4c dcxtra1n rmficardn/allf propc viam:
H"E.RCULES ; 'Hr"•>.H•C, Huculeus, Htreult1 ; chat ~"''"' lignifies ardea, and that ardta ftgni-
o/ gigantic jlrt11gtb : R. 'He'"'"'"• 'He"'"""' : fies a htrn, or btrtm, nobody can deny; but chat
H1rcules-:-Clel. Way. 9, fays, " chis word af- therefore bun, or bun lbould be derived from
fords a remarkable conjefrure; er-k-ol i n the Cel- Efd'"• no etymol. Will al law : we 1night rather
tic lignifics a man dub-valiant : (or perhaps more. fuppote, with Cafaub. thac, bern is deri.ved ab
properly a club.warriour ; from Ee·ir, co11te111io, Oe><r, avis in gtntre 'l".evis ; any lorte bird.
btllu111, war; and u>.-•. fyl-va, wood, dub, or jlcffj flERO, Hfw<, ·luro1; a ma11 offingular "IJa/,,,.
~rlr.ol fignifies, in the fame language, a Jijlajf; and HERRY: if this is not derived from t.hc fa1ne
at chis moment 11r<olaio is, in the modern Italian, root with harry, ·o r . lvw,,fs, we mull: ei ther, with.
· .E-I h Rav,
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RE From G~: r1~, and LA-Trlf. H .1
P:ay, derive it !rom the Sax. heptan, vcl heJI" ' HEY-D~YI " ;H~trjttlio ai"!ir!'ndi ~ q. d. high.
i1an; jpoliare : o~, with Junius, derive it ab d4y; ob ftftum dim! 1. e. '"''""" 11 fe!icmi ! Skinn."
Jue.,, 10/10, aufero; 10 IJ1ar, or take away by vio- -and conJequently Gr. ; viz. A/\Jw-J"." quafi
kntt, and rapi11t. 111/t<m diem, quatl haltum diem; Fr. Gall. haUJ;
HESI1'ATE, A•e••» luereo, b..,fi ; b.rfito ; lo Tcur. bocb ; .Qelg. boogb ; Sa:i:. heah : pan. bty 1
jlJJmmtr, flutter ; doubt. · Engliili, bigb ; or bry Jay!. ' '
. H ESPER!:/\ r e-'f"• .Htfptrus, Vtfptr ; ft.t lla rIEYM ; Vcrftegan has given this word fo.
H ESPERUS S Veneru, qu:l! R ejptr11s d1c1- tl:rangc an appearance, that it is no wonder he
tur fole1n fequens, pbofpborus, folem ante- 1niftook it for Sax. which, however, he has cx-
eedcns; et 'E..,,.'f''• quafi E"'' "''r"'• tb: evening, plained by "a c0111r111re ; merap!ioricall y a hw;s,
and rno.rni11g jlar :- Ciel. Voe. · 191, 1i1ppofes, o r rejide11a :"-now, had he faid but a hvmt , he
that .,. Hefperia, a11d Hefperus arc only Latinifms might perhaps have found that bt)'"'• or bom1,
fpr Hefibtria :" i. e. to orig inate ab ibb, iber ; i 'I>, was derived fron1 ll"f-"'• ·do11111s ; a bo.11fa, a /»mt,
i'l>er, fignify ing the wt.ft, the eve, or EVENING, a dwdling.
which are Gr. l'IIATUS, x.,.,, bio ; biqtus; a yawning, cba/111,
HEST : Skinner cenfures Junius, the father, or 1(4/'· .
_ for deriving the Sax. " ha!re ; ma11Ja1u111, pr-eap - I·IIBERNIA: Ciel. Voe. 189, has evidearly
111m ; (J unius, the fon, fays ha-can, he-can, Jubert; ilie wn, that" llibcrnia, Icrnt , liivtr, Hibcr, Ivor,
Belg. beit:n, ·et bitten Goth. baitan); a Gr. and. /re/and, all fignify· the Wtf/trJ1 land ; and aU
Allrw, faris violenn:r :"-bu c t~erc is 110 violence . orig inate from the fame root wich EVE , or
in fuch a deriv. li11ce A11<w, fi.(:lnifies p•to,· pufco, EVENING :" - i . e. Gr.
p oflulo, which carry che fenfc ot j ubeo; lo a'tmar.d, HICHEL; "Ax~, acits, cu/pis: unde Alman.
or command. beeht!: ; Dan. beglc; Belg. belul, bn/.:.c, haul:; b,,.J:,
BETERO-CLITE, 'gjc~·~~.n,r, bcterocli1tu, a!i- bmmu, muero; whecher ftrait or crooked : Jun."
ltr dtcli11a1us ; qui in di11erfas J, c/ir.alionts tadi! ; HIDE, conceal; "K•v9Hv, O(tu/t ar t ; by chani<-
" ,,.·un 'Uaritd from the common mttbod of declining ; ing x into b, and 9 into J; as if the Greek wo;;i
Jrrtg11/~r in ilS numbers, tafes, gendtr; ~tdintd Ktv9"' was written be11dein ; hidden : chus x is
after a11otbtr 111anN~r 1b.1n common nouns: R. E11eor, frequently changed into h ; as Ko;.~'•• ccllis;
Alter, alius, diverfu.s ; et K.\1te.i• inciino i to decline~ a bill ; ·
HETERO-DOX Y, 'E1reod'• E.•"'• opinio di<'trfl1.; Eri .It T• < "'f""'"f''9' :r•/\•~< '" ...,,. Ko1'"""'·
a heJtrodttX opiniQn; one who entertains any opi- EO: veFo quida1n ante urben1 coilis edicus.
nio11s, eo11frary to what is generally received : R. Il. H. 811.
'E1 ! f D) , (li,./U,f, ; Ct 6~~"'
< ~l1tt().
. . ' K01>..:;r, tavu.r, b0 l''1-6W ; l<fftt( , (fJTl:ll; bUT IJ 1 'l lf~l·,
HETERO-GENEOUS, '1:.'11e''>'""'' nli1g111a; eonis; a bound: U pt."
11ltt ri11s, et div11ji ge11eris ; a foreign mio:furt ; ·O f-IIDE, orfain ; fran1 the foregoing root ; be-
difrordant «mpojition : R. 'E1re•~. alius; aliolbt r > caufe it cV'.;trI, bides, and ronaa/J, ·the flelh, in-
and r""'· ~en us ; kind, or /ptdts. cellines, · &c, ·
H E'r ERO-SKI ANS, 'E1rr•~x.,;, bettro-f•ius ; HIDE OUS, ·a ,,., ll•,.r, mt1u1 ; f ear; f right·
quorum alce rum lat us "mbr11111 faci t ; quorum Jul: the fyllable·bi fcenlS only ~o be augmenta-
umbra aut ad Septentrione m, auc ar.J. meridicm rive : R. ll~t.,, timto; lo ftar, or drtad.
fpeelat; inh ahitancs wit hin che tropic.~, whofo HIE o!lf ; " K"'" eo, ire ; to go, fetk oYI:
foadpws are call: ro the north, o r to the fouth, <::Jeland :" Voe. 2 08 .
accord ing as the fun happe ns co be to the fouth, HIER-ARCH ; 'f•e••<. faurdos ; a pritj/; and
or to t he norr.h of thetn: R . 'J:.11~0;, alttr; and -~fX"·' prilrcipium; chief ; heirarcbia; a governmtnl tf
l:J<•~, 11111!tra ; the /h111iow. priejiJ : R. 'l•f'""'• facrifico; to j1crifife.
H EvV w ood ; ;:, Sa><. heaptan ; do!are, findere : HlERO-GLYPHIC, 'I1e•r1'v~1xa, hirrog!yphica,
Sk inn." Al man . bc·w t11; Belg. ba11we11: ab inufir. f1 cra 111011umenla ap11d /ligypt101, ncn /itnis, ftd i·a·
X.t W1 llncle K ia ?r...i1 uxl~w, . ftindo,. ru1npo ; to (/ft, riis figuris 1111imoli11m aliar 11111g11e. TtYtltn conjlunli4_:
1boP, or cl~ll'iJe : foe likewi fo H U E: Gr.. R . 'I'f" • facer ; and fAv~..:, ftulpo; cercain myfti-
l'J EX1\ - GO N, 'E~"'Y'""• b"ragbn11s;ftxan[lllu1; cal characl:ers, or fyn1bols in ufe among the an-
f"i fax angulos habet ; a mathemacical figure, hav- tienc lEg ypcian priefts, compofed, not of letters,.
ingfix a»gln : · R . 'EE, fa"; .fix ; aod r"'""' a11gu- b ut vnrious fig ures of animals, and ot her artic!rs;
/111 ; a >1 tt11g!e. • fuch as we fee on their mum mies, obelifcs, &c.
I-:IEXA.~1 E1'E~, " 'fl.t<>fA<1e·~, h fxanuter; a b ut di fficult , at this dillao.ce of cime, 10 be ex·
"tJ<rfe of fix fut; an beroic v rrfa : R: 'll~~ fix; ,fol. ; plained ; th is be ing , if !)Ot enc firft method of
11n4 Mv{•" men[r1ra ; mt•f '" : Nu~." · . writing, yet cercainly very anticnt,

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, t..,I J.
lJ I
. J-J!,E~O~; " Qr '/•!9"!• 'f1e.11•v/f•'• qua!i ·1,~,,.. HINµ , or depr ; .'r.,,,, yeJ potius '.!•,.;, fai!fn1u:..
·~·of'·~l f£'r"I!' ,nom,en; 9 facr~4 / :. :·Nug.'• .hin1111l111; '/11Jll1rs Cqiti11µs, t/lti~uJ, tfl~,.u~-J ;_tleq,fn'l.r.JJ:,toi/.
HIGI-t: no per(on at 6rll Gg~t, woul~ i1na- H~NE, " hence ; Cm)1berla11i.I ; variqus ~iil-
, gin~1 th:it · f,ho_uld ~c ..derived,-nb ~>.Jw? and .. ~~ct .: . R:iy.";--bu:t I~E~CE is.G r. ' ··
. yet 1t f~en:i~ .but !!.at!-'ra.1 to. deduc.e us ?n~1n. fro1~1 . I-IJ!fy~; !'
Belg, 'bwge, hwgau; ~)) bfl~gen ~
thCJJce, by following ~he\e eafy grai.lat1ons; (tut. pewdere ; . ~ecau fe ,the ~oor ba11g1 on J~e h,111geJ ;
hoeb; Belg, ,ho~, hoogh; Sax. heah; Fr. Gall . Skinu:"-but:·1'I;'l:~G is .Gr. ; or perh.aps f>inge
haut, olin~ bau!J: all hit~crt<;> evidently derived _inay be derived fro1n the Greek , thro ug h ,rhe Ger-
fro'.1' the J,.at. word altus, by .only adding die man 1h:<r-a11.~el, .wll'icl,i is a .palpable oioriv;1tio~1 of
afp1tate ,b1 qur fi bal1us; as n1ay be colktl~d from 0"f":'"f''l',•~>-•<, vel ''!'.""?·•• angul~s, or ra't"'?:"r'!•
.:i:U ? Ur e.tyrn.q! .: what follows.mull: d,epend up- ha11u1s ; 1be bo1t 1ro11; or book, on wh1cli t~:e
on inclu\gence, if .I .en?eavour to i:kducc: alt;us dqor fwipg~. . .
from A>.1.-,,, thus; A>./.,, cxtrito I, f>,:i..w, alo, aft1f, H INT:· .xf',; ".'':'• x.,.,·J.,, Inn!•• pre~en~~ ; .ondc
. !'.!tum, afitumque,plitus, unde aft1a ; bif;b, lofty,; as ,1f S<!x. .!!.':nnan; J:'iorman-Sax. h.en'be: c~pert ; a.ffe-
grown, or 11011rifbed to tha'tjiz.e ; .rearefl to that heigbf. qui, arripere; fo /dze, fo take h~ld ~n any tbiitg; a•
· JiIGH~WA.Y - (\1AN: feeea~l1 of Lho(e .a rt. Gr. 'liiti111atio11, by which we' may apprehend a: .Per-
HILARIT):", 'J>-.,.e•>. .fai!aris ; joyful, glad. fqn'.s m.ear\ing.. . . .
l ·'llt.;DE-BRAND, " in an.tient. }'cut." fays l'ITP; :H(3r.. p11~es ; tj;e groin, or pares adj acent.
Verfl:. " w~s kaelf, or ,held, fign.'lymg flout, o r li!P, w7.Jen ufad f or th: vapors: fee 'liYPO-
va!iant; and becaufe of the ad d1t1on brflnd, it CHONDRIACAL: Gr.
Jeeuu to be a tide given to fuch, as volfontly in- 1-lIPPO-LYTUS, " }rr.o>.u1o;, /{ippolyt111 ~ R .
· vqde~ t)te ene~ie's cQu~trie by Jjn :''.- f!1oul.d 'Ir.r.or, tq111~1; and Au .. , (olvo : liippolyl111, the fon of
. this 1.1}~.ei:pret!lnon be right, the .denvat1on ts Thefeus! :s celebrated an1ong the poets; be was
abfolutely Gr. ; for haelt, or held 1.s no more chan k!lled .by his own· b~rfas, who ran wi th fuch fury,
a d ifferent d ialc& for htalthy, flout, fl rong, or 'VO· as to tumble him out of h is chariqi : Nug." -fo
limit: and BRAND, as weha.vefe~n, kewifc. th.r the young gentleman was fairly ffilt by
HILL, Ko~w••• t ollis ; " lillle hill ; an eajj his borfes. • '
ofcer.t :~Ciel. .W ay. 7 1, an? Voe. 211, fuppofes, HIPPO-M ANES, ' f,r.,,.. I'"'"" bippomt111u, i11-
. that " hill is .~e.ri ved '!bill, ft ll ;. an~ the~ce," fays /ano ~more equorum jlagrizn1 ; .q~id fit, n.on fatis
h e, "Htlvet11; the prefent Sw1fs 1nhab1tants o{ confl:ar apOcl au&ores : a ragwg humor in mares :
the hi/IJ :-b.u t if fli, el, ii, of, and ul, vVay. 71 1 alfo a jimplt. made ufe of in philtres: R . ·1......~.
be tbe fame, the vowel being in fa<'l: indiifcrent; tquus ; and M""'I"~'' furo ; l o rogt.
. '1nd if ti, cell, ,col, cc/Ifs, cu!mttJ, all li."nify bills, Hll'PO-POT~l'vlUS, '"'"''1"'1"' '•bippo-pola·
' ~mint11ce, a nd height, chen we r.nay aifinn, th at 11111s, equus fluvia fis ; a n1onfl:rous creature in the
they aU origiriate .a K•?-'.?'"• ·-:olJ-is; a bill; as we r! vers Ganges and Ni!e• wich a back and mane
)lav.e .1 ull: nqw fcen .above. .. . . . like a borfc, .hoofs ':kc an ox, and tufks like
~i~:LPE- RIC : Ver!tegan 1s fo curious Ill his a boar; and is fomcnmes ~ailed /he ri•ver 1'tJrft :
invcftigarion of this word, that I !hall think it R. ·r,,.,,.,,, eq1111s; a horfa, ec n.1"'l""'•fi11'?1iUJ, a river.
worth while to quote hi1n .; in p. 216, he fays, I-IIRE, " !lf"'• bora ; an borir ; unde Sax.
" Hilptric, or rather fldpe-ric is found ao1ong the hy11an ; Dan. byre; Belg. butrt11; ex Fland. but 1·e;
names of the ancient k ings of France writ ten bo~a; ut p rimitus denocaveri t ad ftmpu1, vel cer-
Chilptric; this error has' arifcn fron>' fi nding cbe tam d~ni natamque horai11, conducere: Jun." to
• . Jetter C, which was only aa abbreui a\ion of l;irt labourers for a cenain, !lated, lin1itcd time;
Cyning, i.e. King 1-l ilperic; as likewife C. L ochnire, or perhaps anci ently by tbe hour : -though, wi th
for Cy11i•g Lothaire; fome, aftenyards ignorantly Ciel. Voe. 208, we mig ht rather derive birt,_a
j o ining ~be C co the fobleque11t le tters, made of !(,~,;;,, lucrum, lucre, l(CiJJ.
c . H ilperic, Cb;tperic; and of.C. L othaire, Clo- : HIS, "o, , /uus ; Sax. h1r, hyr; Alrnan·. i1;
1baire : flilptric is afrnuch to fay as rich i11 brlp, Goth. is : Jun."-bis own ; or belonging to bi111.
or abgu11din~ i,11 a.ffij1ll11te :"-thus has cbis .good HISPANIA; Ciel. Voe. 19i, 2, looks on
· 0 \d Saxon ihcwn, that he uaderftood every th ing this won( as purely Celtic: and to take for iis
r elating to this name, except ihe eryn1.; for both radical ibb; as if ic was written l·h fibha11ia ; but
bdp, and rich are Gr. • under the art. EVENING, we have fcen that
I-lll\1: "Sax. 11101; Bdg. bun ; illi, illwn, tt1111: i/,b, ibtr, ivnr, &c. a re Gr.
L ye."-but Junius, as this gentleman acknow- 'HISS, r.,?.,,Jibila; to hifa asf11ake.1, or flrpmt1.
:ledges, has derived our word his fron1 the Gr. as HIST ! under the art ftill, L ye fays, " mihi
M'e !hall. fce-prcfently. · ramen;1i/I proprie oli1n vid etur dillus tacitur11111 ;
·· · ·· H h '2 • • ac
. I

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H CY From G a a z it, and L ... 'I' r *· HO
ac pr:ecipue quidem qui jufrus t11u1 ; ab illo HOARSE, Be•,,Xoc, r11ut1U; rough, barfo,jmi11z.
nempe JI'!' quo ucebaotur filenlium alicui indi- . HOARY, " tl~'°~• ''::'Ptflivus, matttnu, ca11a1 1
centcs :"-this intcrjeltion of .fik11<t is explained r1pe, agtd, grty : Skinn.
by Littleton and Aiofwi:Jrth, as if it was an ab- HOBBLE, 'r,,.,...1...,, refilio; to bound #acl;
breviation of the imperative mood jla: we 1night unde Cymr. bobelu 1 Sax. hoppC'Can; gt}lirt,
rather fuppofe, fron1 our wr iting the word bijl, prre gaudio Jubjilire; lo ftip for }llJ, to givt a
that it was an abbreviation of the imperative Jpring : " Belg. bobbe11, boppt11, tjl Jal/art ; et fre.
mood fifle: however, in both cafes, it originates quentarive bobbelen, boppelt11, liipptlm, bripptlm 1
ab l<"f'-'• mod. imp. Inu, Ir" : and then, by ab- Jubjilire, trip11diart; lo bavt a kind of dancing.gait :
breviating the Jail: letter, is forn1ed fr, bifl; flop, Jun."- perhaps it 1night be better, with Cafaub.
jl1111d flill, lijlen. · to derive our word hobbit ex K~.u.1,.,., pro
HISTORIAN, " 'Ir•f''"• 'Ir•e•••'• bij/oriar11111 K<&1e&{3v..i....., ita proprie vocatun1 equum cadaru111,
.ftripior; a writer of bijlory, or lbt tranfallions of et flernau111; "blu11dtl'i11g, jlu111bli11g borje: Anglis
pa.ft limes : R. 'Irwe, faiens, ptri111s : Nug."-a per. to hobbit, Jubfu/Jare ell:; quod equi fuct11J!ri,
fan <utll knQ'Wing, well informtd of pafl e~·enls : ab i. e. taballi, proprium.
r~~."''• fcio; lo lnow. HOBBLERS, " '1,....or, tquus 1 bobbtllnrii, in
Hrr, either fron1 e.f.,, ill1t.1, tal/111; a e.,.,.., Angl. jure municipali vocantur, qui lege przdii
taitl[•; to Jo11cb ; or from E'"""• pcrf. 1,,..,, miIto, live tquum curforium ad publicos ufus alere tenen-
unde iii'"• mi./}ile ja<alum ; hi nc icere ; undc illus; tur: Cafaub."-whether there be any fuch te-
• blow, ftroke, imprtj}fon: Volf. nures now-a-days, I an1 unable to fay.
~ITCH; " Sa.'<. h1c6an, moliri, 11i1i, lo<um HOBBY -hawk: Belg. btrybt, et buybtA:t11; Flandr.
ttdas Jucctjfari ; lll(l'l)t ; give pla<e lo your Jurujfor : bobbiit; Ant. Brit. btbog; Sax. haFOC, heapic,
vd a Fr. Gall. bocktr, quattre : Skinn."-Jlir, or contralted to bawl: ; acdpiter pa/11mbori111 ; the
ttJakt room ;-it feems to be derived from the pigto11-bawk ; a finall fpecies.
foregoing art. bit I becaufc bil<bing implies the I'IOBBY-bcrft, a repetition of terms, 'Irn;·
idea of fo1r,;i11g, or pujbing away :-confequeotly borfe, bobby·borft; genus quoddam tqui; a li11k
Gr. as in the above art. dapper borft.
HIVE, 'T'""; 'T'""'"• unde 'Tf.,Jtxtura; 'T1<1. l'JOB-GOBLINS, " K«(3;3..iv.oo-•o/3"''-•o, rtfi.
lrxtilis ; jlr11w , or ~vid:er w~vtn togtthtr, to makt lientts larv.e; qui inter incedendum fub.filiahl;
" <O'IJtring for the bttJ. q. d. bobbling-gob/ins, /amt devils ; quod ll/lo fNdt
rlO I a ! ebo ! an i111erjt!lia11 of txdamalio11. f"bfaltarnt; verius guam incedtrent: Jun."
1-IOARD, written both by Jun. aod Skinn. HOCK lO"'-«?w, in gnua pratum/Jo, ingt11i·
bord; and fo indeed it ought : but che A 'feems HOCKLE S <ulor ; Sax. hoh; bough; poplu;
to have been reu.ined for dill:inc1ion's fake; for tht l:net, or ham.
we have another word written hard, to lignify HOCK-day: "fuiali11; diei:n obferv.atam tra-
dan: but hoard may be derived either fron1 Kw9,,, dunt," fays Lye, " 10 memoriam ommum Dan-
oaulo ; lo hide; or, as Junius obfervcs from on1m ea die clanculo et limul in Anglia, ubi
Cafaub. Koel·•"-• Suiclre ,,;;, To •E•x.,, "'" <ry><rf«J4· tum dominabantur, ii mulieribus fere occiforum;
I'"'" 911icquid emintl, ti <onvolu1u111 t}J : ell: cnim et adhuc (Matt. Paris) in ca die folent mulieres
K..c e/... u~'!, 1f'tf,.,A~f4• ,.;, x.fq:a./',rir, in-v o!Mcr11m <a~tJi. jocofe vias oppidorun1 funibus impedir1, et tranf-
Jis : Arygl. a h•od : hinc Sax. hoJlb, thefourus; et euntes ad fe attrahere, uc ab iis muoufculum
·hoJlbcleoFa, gazophyl11tium; propril tamtn firmis aliquod cxtorqueant, in pios uf>1s erogandum :-
f01·ih1u munitum: mry thing r.J!ed up, Jecrtltd, and ab led. bogg; «t:dts; o"!/io ; et Jag,, bllrN
/11i1i by undtr a fafe guard: however, Lye adds, dies; q. d. «edis> ct oaijionis ditJ :"-from all
quid vetat, quo minus hord (i. e. board) ab led. this account, it fecms to be derived from the
birdn ; jtMJarc, cujlcdire, pctas? Gr. thro' a double channel ; either from the fore·
HOAR- HOUND : both Min!h. and Skinn. going root Ox->."~"'' ;,, gtn11a proa1111bo; e1pref-
:illow, chat the herb 111arrubi11m, fie di ctum quia ling the action o~ rhe Britifh .women. in obftru&-
incm111111 d l:, e.t valet ad morf11s canum rabidor11m: ing t he i\rcets with ropes, and thereby · entang-
I fl1ou ld be forry to difpuce with a phyfician ling the Danes, and cauiing tbem Jq drop on tblif
:igainft the efficacy of this herb; bur, as an kt1et1, or tumblt dotu11, and in that fituation rulh-
rtymol. mull: affirm, againft che1n both, chat this ing on rhem with their feaxes, and putting diem
compound is not of Sax. but of Gr. origin; to death ; Nov. 13, 1002 : or elfc it may be
only obferv ing, tha~ all our ety1nol. write it derived fro1n the fa1ne root with HACK. in
bore-bound, and then refer us to hoary ;. which the pitas : Gr.
Ur. himfdf ackuowlcdges to be Gr. H .O CQYE,. or t oU&b, feems to . be a variati<>n

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H 0 From G, and ,L 4 T 1·•·
fcems to be another v.ariation of K.,.•"',
of lo!Jltehlcht, or bcopi•g-co11gb 1 U ·toljutluebe icfelf tune temporis pra: tenerii :Etate, maxin1a . curi:
a//wo ; to lighten the J>rea.ft by txpetloratio11 ; or, as
indigent :"-perhaps (o; but they were more ten-
der, and confequcntly wanted.more cart, at one year
they fomctimes e"prefs it, to hawk up phlti"'· old, than at two.
HOCUS-POCUS, an evident corru_P.tion of HOGS-liEAD: Cid. V.oc. 209, has·given us·
Hoc tjJ. lO"f't1s, the words ufed by a Rom1fh pricft a very fatisfactory deri'l. of this word;, for, he:
at: the celebration of the mafs, when he offers fays, that bog fignifies liquor i11 general ; and bead
the w.afer; floe eft corpus, This is tbt body, or this he very properly derives ii K«l.-or, . eadus.; a ca.ft.;
. (wafer) is now changed into the ~ody; and from thac 1neaning a liquor·cq/11, of any fize : only now ic·
lb1den cba11te ac the pronouncing of chofe words, were to be wiJhed. he had told us . in what lanp·
the deviation of thein into hocus poNIS is to this guage 'hog fignifies liquor in general; perhaps it is
d ay ufed by thofe who would cotljure, and feem- only a barbarifan of aq-ua, conrraCl:ed to ·aq, and•
ingly eon11crl one fubftance into anoth.c r by leger- then. converted into baq, ho~, b~g; water·; or /j.
de1nain, or dexterity of hand. I am very glad quor in general :-but aqua ts Gr.: . fee AQYA•
it is in 1ny power to fubjoin, " celcberrimi T il- TIC: Gr.
lotfoni con3eCl:uram plurib.u s v.c~menter placere-
compcrtum habeo, qui vulc conftatum corrup-.
HOISE la very pretty dialcet of w,.,, I.Al~, .
H O IS1' } qua{] AM., afo, unde altus 1 ba11It, .
t umqpe ex Hoe. e/I cor.pus.; quz conjeCl:ura an pro- baut, baujfcr, hoife, or boijl: Ital: aizare ; elevar1, .
pius -abfic a vero dijudicac leCl:or : ego non 1nag:- atto/lere ; 10 lift, or raifa up ; to tkv11tt 011 bigb.
n operc laboro: Lyc."-it is at leaft probable. I-IOL-BOURN, commonly written Hol/torn, and ·
HOFF : Ciel. throughout his Vocabulary, un- pronounced ·Hoborn 1 " means• tbt bounds; bounJa.
d erftands hojf, and 'off, or koff (or more pro- rits, or limits of the college: Ciel. V:oc. 7 3 ; and:
perly keph ) in the fenfe of head ;- confequencly 131, n."- confequently Gr.
derived a Ktq>·%~o . cap-ut; the head.
• HOI:.D : Sax. healban ; Belg. bo11de11 ; T euc..
1-iOG: it is fometh.i ng remarkable, chat.Skinn.
balten; Iceland. balda ; Dan. holde ; 1e11er~, fer-
fhould venture to derive the word bog from 'Tf>
vart, probibcre: Cafaubon noftrum jlrong·bo/d;"
yet thefe are his own words; " Sax. ru6e, ru6u;
Belo-, faegb, faub; fu.s; ucrumque a Lat. fuc•la: defleCl:it ab E•.>, propugnacul11m; E•7'•r, fr.e1111'11,.
qua':tca autem affinicas lit inter fpiritum b, er TJi11c11lum ; ab E1.>..>.w, probihto; to rtj}rain, witboli,.
ltetp in; it is rather Sax.
fibilum f, apparec in vocibus 'Tr, fus ; 'T7'•,
Jjlva ; 'Tl"f• fudor; ct fexcentis aliis : Skinn.''- HOLE, Avl>.•c, tibia ; a pipe, hollow; or with a
all chis is undoubtedly true; but ic is to be feared bole quite through ; there are feveral ocher deriv•.
this juft piece of criticifn1 is mifplaced, and as we have feen in the arc. HELt.: Gr.
would have been more applicable co cbcfaw, than a HOLE-dij.!> ; "oppofed," fays Ray, , " to ·
to the bog: I do noc pretend co know, whether jha/fow :"-it fee1ns co be but a dialect, and con-·
J"U6C, or ru;i;u, in Sax. ; and whether faegb, or traction of HOLLOW, o.r dup; confequently Gr.
joecb, in Belg. like 'Tr, in Gr. and fus, in HOLi-DAME; " ego aucem," fays Skinner,.
Lat. ; arc as applicable to the n1ale, as co the poll: fecundas cogitationes fencencire, Somnero .
female of that fpecies; but it feems as odp to prorfus accedo; idque eo quod cognata vox .
derive .the words .bog, and fow; cock, and bt11; beylig·thumb, etiam Teutonibus fneros rtliquia1
goofe, and ga11der; from the fa1ne origins; as it 110/at :"-how glad is the Dr. and how· eagerly
would be to derive horft, and mart; bull, and does he catch ac every opportunity, of running
cQW; buck, and doe ; fron1 the fame root, merely into the arms of the Sax. Belg. and T:cut. TJrOfXJtJ,
becaufe they happen co be male and female of if he can but run away from . the Grecian · mu/is !!
the fame fpecies ; we might as foon fuppofe, for both HOLY, and Di'\ME,.are Gr.
that all and every of thofe animals came frqm HOLLO\.V, Ko1>.or, caTJus; . excavated; fec~tdl
on.c and the fatne creature :-with regard how- 0111 : Cafaub. and Cleland:
ev,er to the word· bog, nothing more ' can be faid, HOLLOW; a turf exprefjiOn: · be bfat bim hol-
till a better etym •. may be found. low ; ht carried ii hollow: ' "credo ditl:um qu•li,
HOGGET :. Skinner writes it limply a bog ; bt beat him wbol/y·1 bt tarried if wholly (con vertcd ·
but has propedy explained it by " O'Vis bimus, to hollow) omnino, totaliter; abfolu"ly, .aftogethtr,
v,cl feeundi atl#i :" a }http of two years old ;' but inco11teftibl1: Skinn.'' ;._. l:iut. W H 0 LE, :J.nd I
how a jbeep of two year.s old came 10 acquire the WHOLLY, are Gr.
11a1ne of a bogget, no fa(mer as .yet has been able HOLL Yl though both"thefe words Cignify one
te refolve me: the Dr. thinks it is called fo, ii HOLM S and the fame tr<e, yet Skinnrr has
S;n:. ho;; . &1'rar(, ob/ttvart ; ho;!;~ ; . cura; q1:1ia .given us. tw.o different.dcriv. . " holly. il Sax. ho·
k°'en .

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·H 6 From G 1t E?:K, and LA'i'rir. H 0
·1e3t>n; ~ntl bd m 11 Sax. ·holni l eollis, cliv11s :'.'-we my idea !hould not be abfolute:l y a falfe one, of
rnrghr rather fi1ppofe, with Jun. " ant·1qudiima, rhe Iliad and O dyfli:y being only a t.ranllation
~c m3xime ·p ropria voc·i s h•lm acceptio propcmo- into Greek fro1rt an Etruii:an, or Celtic bard
dum fuadet, ut abfcilfan1 putam 3b AAf"", fa!f11go, (t hen it is the very bell: tranllarion that ever was
aqua faifa ; ac t andcn1 quoque ufurparam pro niade) ·the nan1e of Hein:a, the adulterous con-
iJ1frdd in mari, vel amnt jitli :"-to which lee rne cubinc of P aris, may have been allufive to that
add from Skinn. e.c eft terminatio 1nultoru1n, qure Gtuation :"-J.lele11a indeed may fign·ify a ltoft
in uli.1m nolhum durant, nominum. · woman; but that will foarce be fufficie.n t to efta.
I-JOLO-Ci-\ US1"; "'O>.ax11wr»,afacrifict<uhertin blifh an opinion of Homer's being only a tranf.
t he whole viEiim was b11r111: R. 'OA•;, lotus; and lntor of thofe admirable poems.
x..,..,, fut. Kv<rw, to burn: Nug." HOMI-CIDE, 'lf14w>-x•"1"', bominem-c«do; ·undc
HO LPEN :. perfeCl:. and p;irticip. off-TELP: Gr. homhidium ; t11anjlaugh1er, accidental murder, . or ra-
HOLT, or wood, fays Ciel. Way. 71, comes t he r killing: vel ab '014•, jimul; unde homo l quia
·from the Celtic radical ii, ( of, or ul) in the fe n[c homo eft animalfaciofe.
of w ood; and chis ii, he fays, is likewifo radical I-IOMIL:Y; "'0141>"x, colloquium; a jpirilua!
to ,;..__,, to .fyl-va ; &c. and Ray fays, b~1 is an , dificrirje, or enltrtair.ment: R. '01411.o<, a mu/Jii•dr,
.antient Saxon word :-but can we fuppole, th at ; or affembly : Nug ."
1the Greeks had not the word o l.·•· rill ·they bor- · HO!VlO-GENIA·L, "'ol"..r""'' bomogtneus; of
rowed it frotn the Celts and Saxons ? • the like f Peties: ·R. ·o,,..,, jimiliJ ; and r~ ••,,..,,
HOLY: Sax. hah~; ·rcur. hrylig ; Belg. i nafcar: Nug."-or rather r...,,genus.
f aligh; facer, fa11tltts : C~faubon dcAeCtit ab 'A'>'"'• I llOM-ONYMO US, "'ol""'' v!'-•<, cf 1he fame
fa n.<Jru, btalus ; holy,'. blt}fed: though perhaps holy· r.cme ; ambiguous : R . '01401, mi/is, (it !1:1ould have
;nay be contraeled fro1n Z""-"1«, beatus. . beenjimilisJ like; and o,.,,..,., nomtn: Nug."
rIOL-Y-:bc"d 1" in che Nord:," fays Clel.1 1-IOMO-OUSIUS, ·0140 · • ..•«, bomo-01ffi111; ,..
HOL-Y-ifla11J 5 Voe. 69, " it was bol-ey, not ~fft11tialis, co11fr1bjla11tialis; to-tffential, co11fi1bjlanti4/:
· in the fenfe of hory•, /; b\lt from their hav- R. 'Of"•r,jimilis; and o...,.,, rjf(111ia ; tffi11a.
jog been the teats of a famous ha/, bei!, hat, or HONE for a ,.az or; " Axo..,,, cos ; a wbetf!em;
.college, frorn the relllOte!l: ages :"--confequen.tly or jtolft to fharptn razors on : Cafoub."
:Gr.: fee rlALL: Gr. HONE, or whi11ing noife ; '~.,•-•• vo.• ; the
HOMAGE, '0,u.•"'• inuu!. j11ro; lo take an oa1h 'IJoicc, or any kind of 11oife: hence to hone after Off]
pf j"ealiy. -. :bing is to cry afttr it.
I-JOME, ·A"l4"' domus ; a houfe, babi1a1io11, HONE:Y; " vel ab O'"I"'• O"'"""' jrtvo, p1'8-
.Jwe11i•?:· [um ; ob i11jignem uti!italnn, quam affert 111ortali!i11s:
HO' ME-BRUED, A"l'-"-f3e"1ov, beer which is vel Sax~nica mtllis denon1inatio fortafl"e d efumpta.
i1rued (l/ bonie; in privnll f amilies. ell: a celeberrimo quondam tnellc Hyn111tio; mu-
HOMELY: " all udir, fed cant un1 all udit, tato m in n, quafi 11ynellio; ucuti faaum vide-
·Gr. ·ol""'''" pJanuJ, l;evis, potius hviJ (noo potius 111US a xa Sop.«, cattna; it Mo, Nt ; a M,,J.i,
lcv is) "'qua/is: Ski nn."- tl1en why d id the Dr. Nideo ; flvYI""' ptrgnut; J:/1r14•, jignum: Ju n."
n1ake choice of this ol/11fio11, when he tnight have I-IONOR, A""• taus-, collaudatio ; ho!for et
known there were two other words in G reek, honoJ ; onde ho1tej10J ; rtjjufl, regard, dignity, vcl
.which anfwc rcd rnore clofeiy to h is own inte rpret. ab O>~f"• , juvo, proj11m,fruor : vel ab n •• 1, pYttium,
of incultuJ, domtfl ilus; viz. home, vel a A"/"''• mer>: : Cid . W ay. 47 , fays, that "honor derives
.dvW!IJ ; vc f a 1).1"'";, farvil lf/e damiluS; Ollt br~d up fronl the gen itive of the f ,at in WOrd JionoJ, wl1ich
.tit ho1;1e ; . or iii /11rvititdt. cl1e l{on·1ai1S JOmetin1es wrote ben.r;r, \vicho1.1r
fJOM Ell: "'O"'r.~•;, Homerus, prince of the eithers affelli ng the true ety·m . of the· \vord ; of
'Greek poets ; fo called becall fe he was b/i>rd: ho11t, 10 Jing, and os, or or, pralft, the fang ~J
R . o.u.r.e~'i, blind, er giri,: t 1: i11 hoflagc ; l1e was called praift : oJ fi>r praift \vas recair1ed in tl1e L atin, i11
before chat, Mo"u''Y""" l'<llefixeius; i. e. born M1 the pureft age of Latiniry: P erlius employs it
t l1e ti·ver ft1/.d./es: 1{. M !J..r;~, i\1elcs; and f apc1v . (l,1, in t h<tc fenre, Q'S popttli 1111r1,[ffe :''-but even cl1t n
jia, nafi:or : N ng ."- bdides the[e, thcr.e arc ft-_ ir ma:y be con1p<)t10ded of cwo words bearing on
.veral orl1cr 111ti.!r1>ret aciOriS, give n to the na1ne of equal itllJlOrt, ' 'iz . 4'~~-,,, vox ; arld«-, tlb.tJ
this po"c, who flou ri!hcd abo,•c fe,•en a nd twenty unde <J>"''" °'' hcn~s.
hundred years Jgo :- there can fcarce b e a gr~uter F:TOOD : Cafaubon d erives hood a K'I"''"'•
j nfittncc ef any's 01e\vir>g a ftrong actacl)- r.re1~1J:.l'/lAf'4 'Tri~ xEl'~A'lt, involucr1tnk cttpi1i1 : we
Jnent co his favoLJritc fu bjcu , than what Cleland 1n1ght rather fo ppofe,- wit h Jun. and Upc. rhat
h as g iven in Voe. J; \Vhere he fays, " if then bead was derived fron1 1hc fame roOt 1<id1
: J-ilDE,
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H 0 From Ga! z tt, R 0
HIDE, or· co1ueal: Gr. unlcfs, with Ciel. Voe. lignifies a lilllt band li<tft!t: then Skinner• (ays,
157, n, we may derive bood from HEAD:- but " nefcio an ii. corbt addita term. dimin. et afperam
even then it would be Gr. · · canina1n lirera1n .r propter euphoniam clidendo;
HOOD in compofitione poftpofirum nomini, et quod finis frequens ell: c initiali in fpiritum
fenlper dcfignat perfonam, quatn unufquifque h; et ruin b in p mutando :"- fo that in this
full:inct; genus vita!, quod quifque fcctatur; word boppet, t here is almolt all the dexterity of
muqus, ordincm, funltionem, qua ornarus ell an etymo logi rt di fplayed; and only wants a li ttle
aliquis ; •it« child-hood, man-hood, pritfl-hood, farther he1p from Voffius, who· tells us, that it ·
.t11ight-hood; &c. pro quo Saxones dixerunt hab, is written corbis, qua!i corruis, · vd corvis, feu .
c1lb-hab, rnan-hab, ppcor't"-hab, cmh-c-ha'o ; Cttf"IJiS; i\ 4><f/'"'' Vel ill•fl-'''' fPor/a., ca/atbUJ ;.
&c. : "ideri poteO: abfoill'um ex 'Olor, via ; prout a bajlu t .
Grrecis 'Olo~ 13••, eft· t1ia vil-e; i. e. ratio vi- H OPPLE; or lit a horft; " ii Lat. copu!art ;
"1t11di: Jtin.'' q. d . ped~s copulart :· Skinn."-rhen the Dr. ought
HOOF; " Sax. hoF; Iceland. · boofar; Belg. to have traced out tbe word copu"1rc, as we have.
hotf; ·reur. huff: concifa funr ex O.,,.;.", u11grda ; already done, under the art. COUPLE: Gr:
qua!i Or., quafi Oqi, quafi ·o,, inde hoof:· Jun." H OR JZON, " Oe•?., (or rather Oe•?w•) hori-.
1-I OOK, °'I"~• Oyx•ro;, uncus, uncimlf, ha111t1s; fion ; a ci'rcle which limi11, or bounds our hemi-
t111J crooked iron : Junius fuppofes it to be derived fphere; Oe'~"" finio, termino: R . Of°'• finis, ur-.
'~ ab A"n, 1nucro, Nifpis, atits Jerri :''--btit that: fiii11us ; a bo11ndary; bt1rder, or limit: N ltg.'•
may be Jirait, and is applicable either ro the HORN, " K'f"f' cornu: Clcland."-a weapon
pflint of "fprar, or the edge of a /word. of deftnce.
HOOP and call }" Fr. Gall. bouptr; incon- HORN-work; not fro1n the foregoing arr.;
HOOPING· cough diti rxclamart; Teut. hlljft but, as Lye in his A.ddenda very j uftly obfervcs,,
de j .1ger; clamor ve11a1icru; a Gr. o,,.,,, quod "vocabulum ell: munitorum propriuin: pofrcr.i or
1-Iefych. exponit 4,.,,., vox ; the ':Joiu; any loud compofiri pars patct. prior d~ a Sax. h}'Jln, an-
(o1111d, or noije : Jun. and Skinn." gut11s; cui rcfpondent Am1or. corn; ct Hibcrn.
- 1-lOOR : "l fynd this an~iently written hure; cearna ·: "-a CORN E R, which happens unluckily
and l fynd hurt to bee alfo vfed, and written for to be Gr.
the woord hyn; and becaufe that fuch inconti- HORNET; " Sax. hypnc-c; Teur. hurnis ;
nent wornen do co1rlon ly le t their bodycs 10 byre, crobro; lie di~lus, quia corr.icula in capite geri t ;
this name was t herefore aptty applied vnco them: q. d . mufta cor11irulat11: Skinn.''-fo docs t he
Vern. 335."-but among all his fyncl ings, he bee, and t he ' wafp ; i. e. thei·r fulerJ, or antenr.,e :
could not fynd that even hJt't, or hire, was Gr.- but if the horner has any connexion with <Grnu, i~
but he goes on ; " it is, in the N etherlands, mui1: be derived, as in the foregoing arr.
written hoer, but pronounced boor ; as wee yet 1-IORO-LOGJUM, " !le•>.•Y"" (it !hould.
pronounce ic, though in our later Englifh o rtho- have been !lp»•Y"') horalogi11111 l R. !lf"'• h~ra ;
graphy (I know not with what reafon ) fonle wryte and A''Y"'• lo fay : Nug."-a clack, or "'"chine, Id
it whore :"-the reafon however wls evident meafure rime, or 1cll 1bt hour ; or, as 1he Dr. fays,,
enoug h; as n1ay be i'een under that art. fay th• hour.
HOP, flip, and j11r,-:p ; '' ..i\r.o:T-~J:xw, refiiio; ctt· Ic!O RO -SCOPE; " ne••xo.-cr, horoftapium ; a.
pidii, uleriterqru me fiibduco; lo bound, leap, er dial: R. flea; hara; an hour ; and Ixt1T1ll1""-"•j video;
limp : Jun." to fte, (o coefider.
HOPE ; Cafaubon derives it ab EJ..r.•r, fpes; HORROR, ·o~ew~'"'• borrefco, harribi!i:; ter-
txpeC/alion, relia11c,., d;pemi,er.ce : but perhaps our ribit, drtaJJ'uf., tr1.•111~1;dot1s.
word hope may be derived " ab 0 ..1,,., M•/"'"' HORSE; " Oe"'"'' lEol. a. 1. inf. ii verbo o f'"•
undc quoque oplo apud Latinos; lo wttit; lo look citnto.grefli' incedo, proripio mt cum q11odam itnp(ftt :
for : Volf."' huj\ 1s etenim verbi futurum fecundoo1 aeti''tun,
I-IOPPE R of.a mill; from the fame root with peculiari quadan1 conf<1etudine, non Of:i faciur.t
bop; " no1nen enim. accepit ab hop; .fttbjilire; JEoles, fed Of.."' : Jun.''-and Skinner fays,
q~od femper .i~ molu v"rfttur ( it were to be wilbed " Belg. ant. ors, ct hors: but th at the 1'euro1ies,
th1s great cnuc had rather fa1d qunltlur, or co11- aod modern Belgre, have tranOated the word,
c11tit11r) ira_legas apud Chaucerrnn Re. T. J 19, and write rofz :"-unde Rofzimwlt, the fan1nu:J.
The hopper waggeth lo and fra . borfa of Don ~ixore :-the Dr. fetms to h nve
HOPPET: this word rnult have lhang ely de- borrowed· this obfervation from good old Ver-
generated, if we may ad tn it the conjeCtu rcs of rtcgan ; tho' he takes no notice of hin1.
our c1yn1ol. : in the firll: place, Ray tells us, ir HORSE-LEli.Cll: when a p hyiician: bh1n-
der~ ,

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'11 ,Ci) F.rom G 111·1111:, and LAT 1 N. H 0
dcrs in ctym. particularly in a fcicnce which hu and eeff. purebafa, is Gr. likcwifc : fee COPE,
:in fo1ne 1neafure a connexion wi.xh his own pro- or buy : Gr.
feffion, it would not be wondered at if we were HOST1\GE : E?'IP"'• EIHr, fadtrt, abfas ab
to proceed to the heaviell: cenfure againft Dr. objide11do: " obfts autcm diCl:us quia falvtnd~ obfi-
Skinner, for making fuch an egregious piece of dionis eaufi! dari to11fut'Uit 1 a ptrfa11, Jurre11dertd, •s
.work, as he has done on this art..:-lct me firll: a pltdge, fw mai11lai11i11g the artider of a tr•ce, i•
.produce his own words.: under the art. bws, he order to raift a .fiege: Voff."-it is true, EZ•P."'
fays, " hinc et noll:rum hors-letth, pro birudine, does to obfts 1 and it is as true like-
..quia fc. equis fo affigit, corumque fanguine1n fu- wife, that obfls is Latin for a hojJagt 1 but we
.gendo, iis quari .mtdiulur :"-but fuppofc this may very much doubt, whether either aeo"'"" or
·1ucb fucks a mn, or a bear, would not his be- ob/es, gave ocigin .to our word bojlAgt 1 which
J1cfic be equally 1he fame? eoru1nqoe fanguinem feems to be mor.e naturally derived " from n,.,,
Jugendo, iis quoque .medicatur: and would it then undc nri?.,, lrutl#, peUo 1 unde ho/Us; a11 tM•J:
be called .A borjkecb, becaufe ic,fucked, and cured now, though a bo/)Agt is not ll:ricUy a11 mtMy, yet
a bear ?-in lhorc, the Dr. has m.ade a very he is a per/011 delivered up Jo <111 tllt•y, i11 qrJer .I•
mifcrable .miftakc, of the animal for the man: ifrfare tbt ob/tr'Ua•ce of " lre<11'·
let us now then hear Junius ; under the arc. HOSTLER,Inl"', jlo,ftabularius I A flail, or j/a-
./eatb, tlftdi,us, he fays, "quamvis autem Angli- blekuper,belonginglot111i11n,wbtreborftsareput up.
canum kacb nunc quodammodo videatur obfole- HOT, A18w, uro; unde lu8•r, 4!jlas; bta1, bllt"ll·
..tUll\, minlit timcn antiquz vocis ldfus in borjltacb, ing, injiammalion.
cow/each, veterinari111, hippiatrus, t11ulOJ11tdkus :" l-IOT-COCKLFS : never · was a compound
j , c. a borft.pby.fidan, borft.JoEl~r, horfa-curer; or more disfigured than this now before us : any
"'hat we no;w call a farr.ier; ( eorumque fanguinem Englilhman would at full: fight fuppofe, that
:fugendo iis quafi medit1Zt11r :) niy, Skinner, even bot·cocklu was a very good dilh to eat; he would
according 10 his own deriv. of the word /tub, little imagine, that it was a Chrill:mas gambol,
ought to have feen the abfurdicy of applying it and !ignified lift up yot1r bu•; from an abfurd
.to the animal ; for, he fays, " leeeb, Sax. lrece; fimilarity of found between hot-cockles, and bat11ts-
Dan. en l.eger, medicus : Sax. lrecman, lacn1an ; ccquillu; high-ln11toeks1 "i.e. verbati1n olt.e-cocb/111,
.fomenlare, '"'art; Belg. iauke ; hirudo, fr.nguifuga ; quia nalts, qua: aliquo modo rotunditate fui
.Dan. Leger ; mtdtor; l.cgdom ; medicamtnfum ;"- euchleas referunt, in hoc lufu incurvato corporc
.but it feen1s this blood:-futking creaiure ran fo much /ujlol/u111ur: Skinn."- it were to be wilhed the
.in the Dr's. mind, that he could not perceive Dr. had traced this compound in the Fr. Gall.
:we had two words in o.ur language, lin1ilar in tongue (bai1/es coqllilles) up to its tn1e fource,
found, but widely differing in feofe ; viz. l111cb, a under the art. all~ cocblt4!; and then he would
pbyjicia11 1 and leech, an ani111al ; and that the borfe- have found tbem to have been of Gr. extra&.
feacb was the borft.doflor: fee LEACH : Gr. viz. A>.J'-Kox>-•ar, vel Kox>-•"'l•r :-but as for our
· HOR1'Ar!VE, Oe"'• t1uito, concito; lo exhort; ftupid expreffion (bot-cod:lts) it has neither fcnfe,
Jo encourage. nor meanmg.
HORTULANE, X•e1"• ut lignificet, l:orx•e1"'• HOVEL: Junius fuppofes this w,ord to be
J,or/um; todem ftpto comprtben/a i hcrJuitznus; bor- derived a Teut. houwen I quafi bowel; quod inter
Jus; a garden, orchard: vel ab Oer.•c. quod idem alia quoque eO: alert 1 i. e. ·locus ubi armenta er
fignat; any p!au walled in. greges includuntur, cc aluntur :-to which Lye
l-lOS~l1.1\l.1" '.Er"'.' idem quod "£,,.,,"'• adds, « ·ego malin1 dcrivare ab .Iceland. bybile;
HOS r S lEol. ......,.,, unde boJPes, vcl domicilium :"-but with Skinn. we n1ight rather
,be/pis; an tnltrtaintr; alfo a gueft, qr per/011 en- fuppofe, " hovel was derived i Lat. c1n;11/a :"-
Jerlained: If. Vol[" only we ought to go a little farther, and derive
HOS'I', or army: fir•<• ct n,.,.,, unde !lri~"" that word, as we have feen it in the arc'. CAVE,
Jrudc., pello ; to drive, beat, thrvjJ away 1 to111t11d in and CAVITY, from the Gr.
oppcjilion; draw11 up in balllt t1rray.. HOVEN-bread; " o~ he pa~r call ahaFen;
HOST. or wrfer, a, ..,.,, fole1111ittu in re divbui rtfqtte dum fermentaretur Iola: Ray."-b.,,;-111 is only
facie"4a, i1i{lima, bo;1ia,: Jbe mafs, txpia1ory /acri- the partip. prreter of htave; and confequendr
/ iu, or co1zfecraud :-C.ld. Voe. 2JO, would will take the fame root: Gr•
.derive ·" .bofiia from coif 1 head; in the double HOVER-grottr.d; Ray explains it only by
fen(e of a dtvoted bead; and of coif, purcbafi ;"- light·tround '-then it feems to be del'Wcd from
but coff, in t he frntc of head, is deriYed ii K•f·•»·•: the foregoing art.

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H <;> . From G • .z i it, 111d L XT 1 H. · H •. U
. · HOVE&1 '"forte a CMJtr; fatis mani-· t4Jio11: Ciel. VoJ:, 109; 'derives 4t ·at11fa ·1 a · ,~1-
fefie a Lat. '""'"': Skinn.l'-but if fo,' then fatrs /age ' lJr.. . · • • · :
manifefie a G·r. Xuirl.,,. KllfJM, Nllllbo, eubo, '"P'" · HOUSE-1:.EEK: ic: is vert reniarkable l\ow
duli'lo; I• intlilµ tb.t. head; .to ·botJtr. txJtr l or, as ' this plant,· or herb, ' lhould have. accquired )he
Milton has fo tenderly exprelfed it, name of ke~, •when· it has no connexion ·with
· ·he on· his fide that fpecies of plants :-perhaps it was called fo,
Lellllipg half rajfed, with loo~s ·of cordial love only from the perpetuity of its · color; for
H11ag owr!d. which o:afon1 according to Skinn. it is in Latin
HOUGH1 or . i~t.1 " !igo; Gall. J,.;;,.1 called fhtl'ptr'f:li11m (it lhould have been ft"'P."•
Belg: ~; Alman. ho11W111; Sax. heapan 1 ,,,,. viWlll') a11 11Jtt'-g11m pla11/ .' this being che trµe
citkr~, ftctJTt: Lye.''-all -which looks as if he name, he ought to have derived it fron1 the Gr.
'intended to derive it from the fitme root with under the rwo art. of hollfa, ·and /u lt. ·
hew, or chop i if,fo,, . it. i~ Gr. :-there is however HOY ; · " navigii genus, a/ox : nefcio an l .
another ~cnv.. 1given ~y $kinp. " nee tamen ab- Belg. boogh'; Tcut. · boch 1 0/1111; (J. d. rrtroigi11f(I
rurdum cfi"et,:' fays h,e, " Fr. Gall. boill, ct a/ti,,,: confequently Gr: : vel a Lat. •rca: Skinn.','
noftrum l/oMgb '"l"'r"'.dell~ere a Lat. occar1 :"- 1 -fiill the Dr. holds ·aloof frorn the Gr. tho' he
if fo; then we .m,.y, go on, and thew that otto is . has unluckily quoted Voll'. 1 who, as we have
derived .either (rom K.11.;, 'c.edo; vel E.•w1•1fti11do 1 feen under the art. HOGS-HEAD, derives tirta
io 6101, and brtalt iht cloth ; or cut "P. Wttds, &c.: from the Gr.
(or, whatever might be the ufe ,of the anti~nt • HOY-DUC ; fometimes wr.itten baidwc, and
'"'"• .we make ufe of our bOflgb '!nlY t~ tllJ dOWll beid11t : " non deruerc,''. fays Jun. 11nder the arc:
ilftltfs pkl111s: as lo /bin, or h6flgb out rurnlps; in · haid11c, '" qui putarunt fe al!quod ·vefiigiun1 vocis
which fenfe i( 111ay be very properly derived h11iduc deprehcndere in hodiot1a, i. e. latro, vcl
from either of thofe two verbs: Gr. raptw: vide Volf. ety-m. in "Jidoc11s :"- l have
HOUGH}" bills; Anglica funt obfolcta .pro turned to Volt under che-art. hodidocos, vel potius
HOW • 'llllJllJI; a Dan'. ·b.iri; aftus, 1xtt/f1t1; bod11fdoc1ts, and find he derives that word ab 'O•'o<,
item co/tis, 111mlllfls 1•l <;elano. baugur, cfi tullUllJ.s: <fli'a ; et-l ..f.,, •q11od Hdych. ~p. T"("'> fu>.""'""':
.)un.''-to which Ly~ adds, " in tranlitu notare idem f'lcfych . 'ol..l••«· x>....J-, .,,;f'"1"', ""'•ey•r,
lictat, quoo hz fyllalr.e ta1n in initio, quam in ...1., >.onr: Feltus, hodidocos,: lalro, atque objtffor-
fine nominum locorum, 'llidnit.U }it11m loci tdititirtlH 1Jiar11111: Suidas ·01.,1....., 'Ol•r '"'""('" : li-
dtfigllflre ; ut HDflf,h-/011,,. Higb-IOVJ•.; Cog111-bnzb, rerally a bigbwaym1111; fee likewife HAYDU C:
or Cognt-b~.:" . ut, without running after thefc Salt". Alph.
No"hern languag,cs,, f•"'" h~re ligni6es bigb) HUCI_CLE-bo'!' 1 fincc. both Jun. and Skinn.
and 1s confcquendy Gr. have dct1v~ this word a. ct1tt1, they ought to
HOOL; commonly bowl; "O>.o>.v(..., 11/11'4r11 have traced coxa up to the Gr.: but as our ·
10 jbriei: Upc.''-1 can find no fuch verb as word b11tldr-b011i probably is not derivec\.,from
O>.o>.u,... : Hec;lcric gives us A>.a>...e.., <lomo 1/ola; cox11, tho' it' really fignifies 1be hip, or huck/e-
frtmitwn edo i11ttr pugna11d11111; to foo11t i111Ja11/e: bo•t l Ice me cndeav,our to trace it up t6 the Gr,
tliough we might 'even then doub[, whether this through another fourc~: Jun ius refers us to
word be true Gr. ; it fcems to have been adopted hough ; which is the fame wi1h hoclt, and botltl1,
from the Hebrew ba/alujab: Hefychius in.clced ·from whence ~11Cl<lt-bcnt may be derivt"d, tho' it·
gives us O:>.o/\•yl'oc·, which he explains by 'e•••r, really docs not fignify tht·bip, but the bam; and
""""el'"'• <lamor; jho11ting: and Voffius likewife then, as we have f~en, it 111ay be deduced. from
has _derived ululare ab O>.o>.u'"' : ~o that we niuft O•>."{"'• in xe11No pro~11mbo, i11gtnicu/or ; frorn
admit of that etytn.· thu' the lcx1cons deli- o.~~ .., the Belg. hucken 1 and Iceland. b11ka fee1n
cient; or elfe derive it al> 'y;a,.,.,, /afro ; to bar.l:, to be derived, and both of them fign ify incttr-
or houl ?ikt a dog. . 'IJtJrt , dtfidtrt, in 1trrt1m' ft' /11/,milltrt; . qui a fc.
' HOUND; '•" Ko"•; Ko>0r, l~11is: Upc."-but illa patte, coxendice, 4ijit1111111 :-01ould however
Cafaub. and Jun. have . made choice of Ku ..1..., coxa be rather ipproved of, let me · rrnce the
only for·1he fake of gaining another lett<'r, qoafi origin of. that word from Vo·fl'. lir.ce there is
b1t11idion, contratled .t<? -bound: fee HIDE, t•n- fomcthing in it that will difco,'cr · the- fagacity (Jf
curl : Gr. · that gre.a t etymol. : " fed· accuracius de hac voce
HOUPO ; E<-c.j,, uprq>tl; a lapwir.g, or p11tt; cogitantl, in menttm vtnit tslta111 non tantun1
IIOUR; "' !l("'• hora 1 Nog."-a de11r111i11at1 ·~:>::'"'• fed ctiam Koxw••" et K•X"'"" appdlari:
fWJion 1/ limt. HefyC'hius" .,.,e,1~1 •«• tT• .,; '"X'" : idem,
HOUSE; o ...,, Jomus; a dwtlli#g;. or ha/Ji- 'K•x"!•'"•· T" ·~x• .., '"'' T.t. 'I""" i •1t K•x"''" igi tur
l i · . per

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·H U From G 11.. z t 11:, and LAT 1"K• 'H '(J
per fyncop. f)t cocba, et inferto f (q\lod vi:.tcribus the next trf'e :- vd h11e1 o r, as it is ·commonly
frcqueos) cor[a, feu u.~a. : 1 · written, brw, n1ay be derived, according to J uniui,
flOCKLE: } Junius !lcrrv~ all thcfe three a Kc», Kr~... fmuio, 1·a111po ; to t111, or brtak tbt
H UCKLER words "aBclg.bouhr,biuktr; tbr~ad of lift; tho' the former fcems to be more
HUCKSTER injli101·,propola,cn11po; Ct ""ttkrr preferable.
~uidem fat is n1anifelte cfl ab b<>uk,, y_el hattl<; HU FF: "Belg. hi/gffflf; 1111btlarr1 vel potius
bal#UJ ; quOd fr1npcr iis pcndrat h"_Olltr,_quo advenas a Sax. heorcn ; e!rvntul ; quia qui dtt1Ji1mjpirlJllt,
jncfcntos nd Ce pertrahant: Da.n. mt~flll) h·~er cit et m:igno niCu profbnt; fcapulas n1101/ut1I: SkiM."
pr~ola ; byckltr, palpal•r, athi/ator •.. q uod an -.-confcquencly the fame with•brave, btavm, /14.
remcre acciderit, aliis judicandum r~h~quo, con- 'IJtn: Gr.
·t entus n:ionuiffe miram quoque nffimtatcm eJfe 1-IllFF a ma11 a,-plny: 'from the fame "root;
i nter D an. b1<kler, ad11/a:or; e~. 9t~gln;, propola :" viz. " il Tcut. lorben'; 101/trt i vcl Sax. hcoFan;
- this affinity perhaps ind uced Sk1nn. under the i/e<:iltf't: quia latrunculos, quos ~bjicimus, prius
article beg/er, co derive "biggie~, . hu~kler, .or e tabulis tollirnru :" vcl ·a .Teut. /fart.ff; r1111111/u1,
h:ultfler, a 1·eu1. btuchtlcn; adu/an; 9~ia fc. in· orerv111; i. e. Ja1.ru11culum capcivutn rcliquo h -
tlitutores hi hue illuc ad domos nob1ltun1 cum truoculorum <ttmu/o rcddrre: Skinn."- but 1hit
mcrcibus fuis circumcurfJiances, blanqis fcnnoni· will be the fame with HEAP : Gr.
bus, et 1ncndaciis, gratiam eorum, qu_ibus n1erces HUGG l " 'TrY'I""• 'Ev>.>.a{3•, I""-"I"""':
cxponunt, au<upantur, ut inde ubertus 1ucruu1 Hcfych. as quoreo by I un." a~d there is only
faciant :"-then, it is the greater y.<onde~ that one. ob)e~ion i v~z. t~e di~erence of pronun·
neither of thefe etymol. lhould fee the inuch ciat1on: 1f we on1y look a t the1n both, the affi·
clofcr affinity between bueld~, or ~:"~Irr, and our nity is great; but lince the 'Greeks pronounctd
word H OOK, which Junius h11nlelf ackno~- yy, like 'Y• as the Latins have always obferved
l edges to be Gr. :- a_s to the wor.d h~cltfltr, 1t in Ayy•>-•~. a11gdui, &c. our ancetl:ots, if ch<·y had
fee ms to COIT\t from a dtlfcrcnt root: tee 1: RUCK· attended co this rule, fuould ha1·c wrote ic bu•4,
S'fER: Gr~ not bugg: howeYcr, the 'f,J111ilari.ty! of letters is
lfUDDLE ; " Teut. huJe/11 i <0 ntcmnt1·e: remarkable; and the more fo, fiocc they lignify
Skinn."-Cafaubon 1l K•tlli'-•• quicquid emmet, likcwife tl1J tmbrati11g, comprtbt1:tling, eontai•i•g,
' ct convolutum cit :- to which the Dr. adds, layil•g hantlJ Dlf; <0111prtbrndo, rcmplc!l&r, ma11i111.
" Jon<>e fipeciolius potuilfcc deducere i Xvi"'• alicui ill.J'ido.
umereb ej}i!fl fine Jdeflu: ..- Junius. reiers
' U$ co H UGGER - MUGGER : Skinn. thinks it fuffi.
the ar~. hat;• and would dtrive it" ii KJ,e.,., occt1· cienc to derive th is compound 3. " Sax. )lo6an 1
lrre, mutato K in afpiratam ;"· quafJ be~rbri". ; 10 Belg. bttggen; obfer'vort :~(but what connexion,
bide; and indeed to huddle up a11J Jblflg, 11 to or, to ufe his own .word, w'hat allulion he could
bidt it. find between thofe originals, and thei r dcriva-
Hl{E, or color; perhaps fr~m ·r.. , in:igo;. 10 rive, mult be left to n1ore fogacious etymol.)
Jip, or moiflen 111 1111y 1111ged lrquor: or 1 ~• _wtth and the Dan. and Swed. mordur; tenebr,e; q. d.
J unius, we write ic bitu1, it m~y then _ongmatc obftr1Jaiulo, captando, vd qu,ertndo, uiubras :"-
fro m the f:unc root with VIEW ; viz. E./,.,, as to the former part of rhis co1npotind, he had
quali p,.;,.,, video; to fte; the color which firiku already given us that word in the fame fenfe, un-
tbe _fght. der the rormcr art. : and '1S tO the Jotter, WC (hall
H UE and <ry, or bui11g·rrylClcl. \Vay. 73, plainly deduce that likewife from the ~r. under
f IUE and hack S fays, " 0uw, mallo l rhc arr. M tJRKY: in the mean time, this ex-
·t • kill; a buing·try being prin1arily underftood prcffio n fignifies tbt doing "llJ 1bi11g in a priflall,
t o !ignify an •ut cry f or mwder, in order to raife clandejlilu, dantular ma11ntr.
the country on the criminal :" -whenever any H ULK; cc 'O>.x<>r: Upc."-very lhort : na"f!iJ
robbery, fays M inlhcw, is committed, t he con- inuraria; 4 }hip of b11r"n; ab·°""•• 011111, pnidiu;
itable of the oext town is obliged to n1akc pur-
foit after the offender; and i notl oun
r. d h
d l~
a wtigbl. '
HULL of n }hip; eirher from the foregoing,
anut1: g ive notice to the nc"t con~ab e; an a or from the following art.
wit hin bearing muft make purfu 1t e,ren to the
fea-lide: the Scots call it b11'.fium; which is done HULL, fbrll, or pod: 1£01. C!>oM1r, pro e v>.>.ir,
by blowing a horn, and niak ing im .•Ul"J; after follis, Jacc:ilus; the bujk tbaJ entlo[ts the ftlli:
which, if the robber will not yield htmfclf, Junius derives it ab 'T>.Jur, maltriJZlis.
within a time ro the king's bailif, he may, when- HUMAN, "'H"'""'1-''"'E•r, 'HI"•'",..,, 'l"""f'"'
e ver taken, be lawfully Gain, or hanged up upon ab i111dlellu [Jc vocatltm bol{lium vcrilimiJe dl :
, If.

o 1 •ec b (,ooglJ
H ·-u . Froin GA.II r It, and L .<Tr N. H· tr
t(. Vptr.":.:.-vel ab '014a, fimuJ; quja homo e:ft and f ommoti1111 : npd bHr/y may be derived from the
a11im alfaciak ; bccaufc "'"" is a facial ani1'1al• 'fir. Gall. brouiller, by tranfpolition of the letttr
. HU.M -BER, .quali K"mbro, i. e. Kymbro; and ;r : .or, perhaps both bJtrly, and brouilfer, may be
cqnfequently takes the fame origin with KYM- 'derived from . the fame root with BROIL, or
BRO Britons: Gr. tut11u/t : Gr. to fignify a mighty buftle, a m11cb 11d1
JYortb-HUMBER-lanJ: many have li1ppofed; about nothing. •
that this county has taken its denomination from H URRY-SKURRY: either from Ive"• trap. l
its locality i as bein.g fituatc to the North oj tbt to drag along; as Skin ner derives it : or clfe fron1
l iumber; but fo hkew1fe arc · the ·c:ounucs of curro; i. e. COURSE : Gr. ,
:i'ork,. D.11r!n1m, Wtflm1rtfglf!], and Cumberland: . HURT: " Ii Grrecus elfem," fays Skinn ..
H11mbtr therefore · feems rather·t o .take the fame ·" defleCtcrcm ab 0,1.,..,, vulnero, per epenth. fc.
qrigin with KYM-BRO· !J,ritons: Gr. .. · ~• r,. ct lenis fpiritus in. denfmn mutation.em :
. HUMBLE, X"Y."l).•r1 hµmilis ; mtek and lowly ,q,uo1~i~1p tam~n nofl:ra, ct vicinre gentcs longe
"[ btarJ : R. X..~"'• hu111i " .~ht .l(Oflnd; · b~o11ght . maju~ C!lm Ho!Jlanis, quam cmn Grrecis com-•.
tow, even unto tbe Juft. , " · -. ·. j f!'l~f.ciQ!ll jlab,uetunt, rnallem a Lat. orig. dedu- •
HUMIDITY, 'T,_, ;i._b ,:TJ<>, bllJneo, ·h1111ut]o, cere: Italicum enim urtare vid~tur .fre.q uentati-
humidus; m.oijl, wet, Jeyny . .. · vum verbi ,urgere forman1m, fc. uc .c:J:tera omnia
HUMM, Bo14(3""• B•/4fler., bombum eJo ; Jo make frequent!l~iva,,a fupi110 ur111111, urfum :"-all this
11 loud buzzing 11oifa. . , . . . is mofl: ftrifrly true ;-but, what if the Ro1nans
. H UMMO<;:K i . <;:lei. V<)i;. :1.02, 3, : is ·of opi- borrowed a great part of their language from tbe
n ion, th\lt "hummock. is <jer\ved, from,,loym., or;lcean, , G~~ek~ ? apd, what if they borrowed . this very
or bead: "-but, according; ro thi5 dertv. it . word urgere? and that they did borrow it, is
would take the fame root. wi11t ,KYM-BRO : evident: fron1 what will be prodiiced under the.
Brit~ns; which, as we 1hall fee, is Gr. : let me art. U RGE: Gr. . .
however only fuppofe, that as 6um11wck fignifies ·Hus: BAND; " Sax. hur, and banb, q . d~
o nly a fmflll bill,. ic may very naturally tak~ the ! domMJ·Vincu!um: Skinn."-confequendy Gr.
fame deriv~~ion. with HUM.P ; 1neaning any · HUS~; " Belg. /us; t us ; inde iis fu.ffe11;
gentle rijing, or fiz;dli11g ground, a /mall emine11ce, ; 'lltrjiif!en ell: Jinijlrtts rumores o-pprimere filunlio f
or protubtr(ZIJ.<t; whi,c h, as We fuali prefently fee, · celart; huic hujh valde Iimile cit illud huifte, (or
is Gr. wbijr)' quod Chaucerus Feftis, p. 485, a, expo-
H UMOR, 'Ti""• ab ·r.,, humeo, liumtflo, hu- nit peace, and be jli!I: Jun."- confcquently Gr.:
mor ; mciflurt: Voffius derives humor a Xv140<, (ee H ISl' , or WHIST: Gr.
juctllS; 'veJ jangttintJl.J humor, que1n C chylo ven- HUSK, or jhell: "' b1¢un, vd huyjlun ell: di•
t.ricuJ i per myfenterium attraao, coqui~ h~pan nlinucivum 1"cuc. bus, vel buys; do11111s: Jun."-
HU~ 1 'T13,,, tuber i11,d,rfa camtli ; tb1 b11nch the huft being as it were the houfa of the grain J
"" a camers bac.€• . or, as l'vtartinius, quoted by Junius, very pro·
H .UNGE.R ; " Ko~.<, vaf11us.;. K" "''Y'Y'"• vafa- l"erly fays, Jiliqua fonat quali domumula :- con-
r11m vacuitas, /anus, inedia; an empty jlo111ach: fequently Gr.: fee .1-lOUSE: Gr. :- Cid. Voe.
Cafaub. and .Junius." . · . zo9, fuppofcs it t o be Celtic; and derives" brifa ·
. H U NT; Kv:tr. canis, quafi buo1~; unde .kounJ; . ii cufg, or cus·iK; what fonns the cafe, efpecially
11 Jcv
.... to bunt wi1b. ' .. .. . . ..
JiURJ?LE, '' Ko:lvfl.t;, Ey·xtx~elv"1f4£.-o~, intextu1,
of grain :"-but CASE, as we have fcen, is Gr.
* HUSTINGS: "rr..1or, ultim111, f11pram1s 1
involutus; hinc hurdles funt crtllts ex viminibJts Jumma apuJ Lo11di11t1tfas euria ; the higheft court
/txtus, parletum ufum ad incl11dendos bumines pe- in the city of London: rh is, however, is nor de-
&;tdefque..pr4jla11tn0: 1ficker_. 'flJOrlt,, ,being fa~dcr livered as the abfoluce root of this word, which
twigi 'f'!.C"{t/I,_ .e111wJ11t4, . qnd twi.ftid ~ogetber : bears rather the ll:an1p of our Saxon ancefl:ors ; .
Cafaub." : ) . as will be more part·icularly lhewn . under that arr •.
Hl!~L. "(~ewb(r~: WI:jlJlL, fee bµrl: .Skinn." -in the Sax. Alph. · .,
...:....fuch fatisfatlion does the Dr. afford us !- then HUS-WEARD, or "bowfweard; a hov.vs-
Ice us hear Jun.· who, .tho"hc. doe~ not refer us 'keept r : Verlt."-who fuppofes it to be Sax.:-.
qi whirl, y~t as ~ur wqrd , h,ur/ fcems trJ con1e but both HOUSE, and ).V.ARD, are Gr •
from thence, we may trace· its ctyn1. tliro' that . HUS-WIFE ; evidently compounded of ho11fe1 •
word under its wop~r. arr' . .. . ' . . and wife; and confequently Gr. .. .
.HuRLY~BURL¥:t fec;mi:to ~e<luplicatio!1 HUT, according to Skinner, is derived l
w e11prefs the ..fame thing, :ll!d.may 'perhaps be " Sax.' et Fr. Gall. hut:-ce ; 111guri111n; Tcur.
derived from bHrl, o~.!W~irl, in _thc.f~nfc of burry b111111 ; tmtorium, <afa; a Te1Jt. b11e1tn; cu;1odire :"
.. .- . f i 2 . - ho'lllCVtr1

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From Gat&lt, .and LAT1it. ·
..:...however, the ·or. is .fo 'gtado~s. as ·.t o ~rmit . 'or
J!IY ALIN·E , fT•'Ao•r,.byaliit11~i ·aglaf!J, Origbt'.
that it aUudeS'tO·the •• {k. Kv1o~, 1i'11ta1 (which- by ,o/cr; tra11fpar:e11t..; ' R. 'lr..J..., .,;,,,,,,,;
the way is · a miftake ,o f t he prcfs for ttwitas) HYBERNAL~ x..,..,., 'V~I x"."'"'• ·bytmJ, bye-
·,avusjinu.<; ut ct Koi'l•, "'bilt1 K•o1"" "'bic14/1111.:" malis; unde 'b/ba;nu1 ;•winier/)', rai;,j, and rough•
..:..but lhll the. Dr. is oot happy in this deriv.- . HYDJ:!-A; '.Tlwe, 'Tol'e:., hydra, 'ferpens aq•a-
nnd we mie;ht rat~er fuppofe, with Lye, that" our tfru,s ; a water-:fo1.-l!e• .
word blil is deriv~ (rom the Belg. butte, or the HYDR-AULICS :' ''f"lf"'ul<.or, byJr11111ica 11rg•-
Iceland. h]dd11: et ita clicitur, ait Kilian us, i1 '"' J "1#.fita/ i11ftr1111<i1ils, er- orga11s, that pltfJ bJ
ugtllflo, five protegen/o, quod 'f eut. eft: b~eden,­ water-works: '.R, 't>.J..e., aq11tr; Aui-.o,,. ti'bia; 11·fft•
· HYDRO~GRAP9Y; '"T'f•n>°'f"": R. 'r1.1,
b11tdnt :"-all which · moft eviclef!tly lhcws, that
every thing, which .has been here adYan«d, ought waltT ; Cl rr..... I• ·w n'tt: N·ug."
to be referred to fhe fame etym, with our word's
bidden, ;ind bidt; b · h•I being a hovel lo bide
HYDRQ-MANC:Y 1 >1,,, byJro-tu
; qui, vet -quz ex 111q"4 praxl1cit futura; a di'lli#1-
them!Clvcs in; , and ought to be traoed up to !ti•11 by 'flJaltr: R. "f.l..e, 11q11a 1 water1 and Motl•r,
Kv9to>, as we have already .feen tinder ·the art. : a foreteller : jocularly a f!Jater-dotl,81'.
lilDE: Gr. · : 1-JY.OR-O-MEL,· " 'Til'e•~,.,1<.,, ·h]tirot11eli 1 aqr.t
HUTCH-POT, fometimes written, a.nd pro-
nounced ·hodge-podge; and fometimea hoteb-potch;
', perarum, et jam vetuftate vini· !apore1n rcferens
••If~ genus ex imbre purifiin10; et mel/e tern-
but is 'undoubtedlv derived " ~ vocabulo mere w.ater mixf with bonty : R. 'Tl"'f• wattr; and
Teut." fays Jun. •' fiquidem ln11s-pot Bclgis de- , Mu.., hMley : N ug.'!-a kind of 11Uad, o r t11ttbtglin.
norat varia eduliorum genera, minulim·confcilfa, · HYDRO-PHOBY; 'TJ'e .. .,13,.., brdropho6ia;
atque in copiofo jure ita cod:a, ut crebra ferventis the Jr111J of flJilll! 1 which happens to thole, who
olla: fuccuffionc mutuo fibi mifceantur: lnttfm · ar.c bitten .by a· mad dog, and to the mad dog
C!'im, vcl 1!111jtlt11, Belgis ~ft qwltrt; tonntltrt :" himfclf: R. 'Tl.te; 11q11111 fllOltr ; ·and <h13<,, .,,_
-from hence the French~ tho!C tommon deform- , t11s ; Jrea/.
t'rs of evc.ry language, have changed the word HYDROPICAL 1 " 'Tle..~•x•,, (it lhould have
'111tftn into botbt 1 ·and we, in order to improve been printcd" Tll'""'•xOf) bydr.pi'ats 1 from 'Tle..J.,
it ftill farther, muft write it hodge, or Hltb : , 1bt JropfJ: R. 'Tl•·e· and .,,7.,..,,, t1ft1; .,,,., gen.
from this Tcut. h•tftn, arc derived likewilc both -or. I.bee,! ·' Nug."-what a wonderful diforder!
bitch, and bllfllt : iO that b11teb-pol fignifics bi1,b, , the. Dr. was certainly no phyfician,. by his haying
or b11jlle-po1, i. e. the ingrcdien~s muft all be well placed rhe ~at of tl:te d..opfJ i11 the eye /-and yet
-mixt together !;>y bi1ehi11g, hllubi11~, buftli..g, or Voffius gives the fa1ne definition; nam Tl"t• af•a;
jbak/11g tbt pot in which they are boiled, or rather .,.,_, adfptl/11>, .v d etiam ot11U.
ftewcd ! fo that butfm, h11fllt, h111,b, hoteb, hodge, HYDR-0-STATICS; 'Tl(orill71x-.. hydroftatkt;
biub, and bit, are all but deviations from itlUJ, the fciencc of liquids, Of' fluids, _particularly the
, ab fro, ictrt; i. c, ab E'"""• per£. r.,.,, lllillo, unde ' arr of wrigbi11g boJits in wattr :-1t is remarkable,
H,.,., mijfile jac11/11m, a weapon to give a blow, that neither Hcdcric, Littleton, Ainfw. Minfh. nor
jJrol:t, imprej/itm, or motion": POT lik_ewife is Gr. any otht'r etymolygiJt, fhould give us this wordi
HUZZA, Auw, Aii.-..., damo, rtJC110, boo; to and y~t .they all ~ave '!'"f· flillll ; waltr i. ct
bawl, to bellow, gr ID jho111 (lloud: Horn<. II. n. 5.66, I.7a7•xor, .i'J,.'l>x•, .ftat1to, f(ttn/14•pondtr-11111 ; jlattes 1
'°'"''' ..ii.-1011;, borrtndum t/amantts ;Jbg•ling dread- °{
the k111f!lkdge w1igb1s :-(o that it looks as if·
fully lo battk: we buzz~ for joy ; but ftill it con- t hat branch o philofophy had been difcovercd
veys the idea of making Noud noifa. · fince their times :-which is fcarcc poffible to
HYACINTH ; ""T..xo.fc;; an herb, and a pre- . fiippofe. · ·
eirAts fto11e: Nug."-it is rather a jlowtr ;-the .FIYE-OWOJ ; " Sax. h1;;a~; eontttttkrt; ftJi-
precious ftone is commonly called a jacintb; and 11ar·1 : ve~ hr~an ;· 11U>!m, >11iti-r vel 3. Tcut. ei!a;
JS of a fine vioJ~t color. Fr. Theotifc ..f/e1,1, if/111; ftftinart; quod fiio morr,
HrADE.S; 'T;..t,,, "''° Tii• .;..,, pl.viam tfli- Fr. Jun. de8etiit ab ll•l<.•7•: al111dit et Gr. Ko•1
trrt, a.plut/fdo :' the (even ftars on the nofe of .to: Skinn.,_,
'Iaur11s, which rife generally with wet weather; . HYEMAL, 'Tw, bumeo, 'bumidr<J 1 R•/A"r: vel
" quas Gr~ci p/1(1Jfr1 non1inc bJadts appellant ab poti'tts ax..,..,., Vel x ..,..;.;, hyms; Wtt, rai11y, will•
'Tw, pluo; non ut Latini puta\•erunt, qui fuculas try Jeafan. .
vocaveru ~t .a~ 'r;, flu: Voff.'' · HYGRQ-METER; ·'T1e•l"'1e••, bygromettr; "
. 1-JYJENA; '""""""• hy.ena, quafi porcella; quoo ftale to ,.,af11rt moifl11re': R. "fye•r, bttmidus; ct
d orri1m d fatis rnnquam fi1i/!i1 rigeat: a wild ·,..,f''" menfura :-neither will' the lelCicon.s, or
bcafr, with a brijlly 6atk aJJd mant; like a bofl#". ditlionarics afford 11s this word.

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H ·y
. . .. From Glliztt, and LA"rrN •
· · HYLLE; "a bil: Verft:"-whb fuppefcs it · hyjttrita; tfn 'rl1MlllJ
,,,IJfriX, I and .,,.,,,, t/tdt Ml
to be Sax. :-but HlL=·sGr. trou/J/.etl wi1h fits of tht mot/;er. •
·. HYMEN i,;:I"•»
Hy · m ;. tht g4J 0/ marrfage. HYSTERON-PROTERON, 'Trre••-,.t•1•e...
HYMN; · Tl"••r, h] . us: R. "II•; to fing :
hyfter111-pro1eron; a 'm eth'o d in writing, when 11,e
~,.,,.., the fame: Nug."-.:ariheo in lwno~m Dei1 /al/tr .artick is placed before t he f1J1'mtr; or,. as we
a pl&lm· fung in pr.aife of the Deity : quibufdam fay; lht cart 'before the horft; as in t.his exprellion,
placet dictum ••• Tii 'Of"• ...,.,-but ,..,., t'.igni- · moria1nur, et in media arma ruamus :.
fies bdbitart, i11~/er1. . ~t's die, ·and rufh into the light. .lEn.11. 3 53•
HYPER-'B OLE ; 'T..reJ3o>.~, .byptrh/11 txju-
fH!atio, "''"'""'"' i pa) all lilt.tliliood of ertdit,
or 6tlitf: R. 'T"'t• et B""~· I and J.
HYPER-BORE.AN t 'Ttrffl3oe"'• byperb1rtus; •
f"P"hrtali1 ; ct f ttper if1lli/011a,.i1 ; far Northern
rlgffills: R. 'Trre, et Boff1Zt• Bort'as.
: . HYPER-CRITIC ; 'T'"f"tt1•••<• 'bJpereriticus ;
ntar. ~
Myfalf; " !!')'•" tgo ; Ital. io: . Upt." 1

. . • ; ....

JACENT, lo:•w, J'""'"'• jaut>; to })f .-afo11g, or
•1rwiigi111s Jeep tritie: ll. 'T"'t• et f4•1••<r, .i. e. a
JACK, a.fijh; "forte, jaeu/pm 1 ut
1'ti'l•t, jll/kx; a Kt'"'• jllJieo ; lo judge. ct pitlurtl, " noftro pilt.t ; Jarijfa ; fc.. a longiori
· HYPH-EN ; "r,,., ,.,.a, rmitndp, hyphen ; a corporis fi gurajac11li, fcu .hafl.cfimili: vel; quod
llhon line between two words~ IX> unite 1hern in codem fere rcdit, qu3d in!l::ir jac11li magno im-
one: R. 'T•· vel 'Tiro, Ct Er, "'"'"' l ;,, one. petu et velocillitnc fc demirtic, et quat'.i torquer,
HYPO-CHONDRIACAL; 'T,...x.,Je,._~, ad et vi brat : Skinn."-and fo far 1he Dr. is right.;
ltfpotho11Jr.ii injfa111•atio1U111 ptrli11t11•; a11 injlamma- -but jarul11m is Gr. ; . as, will be feeri und~r tl\e
"l'io11 i11 tbt jidt, or that part of the belly under art. J AYE LIN : Gr.
~he lhort ribs : R. 'T,..., et x••'t'h ·tar1i/ago; ' JACK, a dimintttive of John; r..'"""'• joa1111t11
ti eartilagt. · . Gall. Ja1111flf, vd J11nequi11; Ital. Gi11niceo ; llndc
, HYPO-CRISY; "'Tir•xt•nr, JijJi111ulati011, pre- Jadcy, and Jaelc :-it is remarkable, ',however,
l'nttling, tle<ti-vi11g : R. Ke•,.., lo dijctrn ; I• j 11Jge : d1at this word Jaelc thould be a diminuci.v e of
""""'f"°"'"'• ffl feign: N ug." John, when it would have been 1nore prqper\y
• HYPO-STATICAL 1 '1',...r11.1•••r, hypojlafis, applied to Janus, i.e. r....,13,r, Jaeo/, Jaequ, ,
/11bji:Ja11tia, ptrf011alis; • pdfa11 i11 the bkjfad 'Tri- Jade, for Jemmy, not Jch11J1J : but cuftom ha.s
1"ty :· R. 'T'°'"I''• fabfift•. affixed it to John.
· HYPO-TEN US£ ; 'T,...7,...,, hypo1t1111ja, f11b- · JACKAN APES: none of our ctyJTl. will liclp
'leru/4; tin Iii# drllf1ltl 111uJer tbe arcb of a circle, apud us to the explan. of this wor<j, or rather txpre(
geom:'' fay Litt. andAin(w.-but no geo1nctrician • fion; perhaps it · may be on~y . a contra.dion qf
would :1.Cimit of this, as a good definition;· for this Jaek-a11-ape-is.:-con(eqoendy G r.
eitpttlTes only tbt chord of llll arch ; whereas tbt
bypott1111ft is th12t li.n e which fulltmds the two
JACK, to Jraw D.ff. 6oots
}"a . ,
nQ!l:ro Jack .....
••e•r•K\> T;; Joa11nt1':
angles of a triangle. JACK, to roaft nual with q. d. Joa11nes-rl.ard,
HYPO~THESIS 1 'T,,drr1r, hypothejis ; ~ajiJ JoanruJ-otrea; J oannes-lixa 1 qua· ratione etiarp
alicui rti f11ppojita ; ·a ·. philojophital ju/JjeO : . ltalis Longobardis pofire1nus ja'k to rooft wit{!,
'T....-T19"141, po!W; .a prlpo,filio11, '4id Jow,, as a Martino appdlatur, Mr. Marti11 : eadcin ratioqe
principle in philofflphy. et lignrtm bifur,atum, cujus ope ocreas· de!r®imus,
HYRED, •• a linage, a fa111ilit: Verft." - eciam 6001-jack appellamus, quia vices rncdiaftiqi
perhaps the good old gentleman meant our word alioqui o<rtas dttrafJuri fupplct: Skinil." - all.
btir ; fJ lineal flf((ejfa,. : if fo, it is Gr. this will be gTanted : only the Dr. lbould havi:
.HYSSOP, " 'T.....,...r-, hyjfop1u ; tbt htrb tGld us ho.w Jaelc c:une. to be ...,.Je•ri..r, To J 1>r
hyffop; quali •~I"""• (It 1hould have be.en J,14,,.,) annis: pt-rbaps, according to the .old a!fage, he
,.., .,.,, ..,...., which fp1•tadJ, or cafls its otlor tvtlf to thought that
tbt eyes : R. 'T.,, .;~,,, p/110 ; and 01r1ol""'• to fee, 'Jack, or J ohs
n.j,, ...., (it lhould have been ,..,,...) the tjt : Is all one:
Nug."-this ls a very extraordinary deriv.; nor but we have feen, in tile fo.regoing arr. ho w ic i~
ean l find a better, unl efs the reade.r will ple-afe poflible th<lt Jaclc may be dcriv~d from )..;mds. 1
to acc~pt of the following from Minthcw ; ,;.,...... JACK ET ; " Bdg. jack ; Jorita, tbO.-pp; 1 .f);.
pro xf11&~t11~• t w1 Td, w1r~, a11xiiiat11r qcr1lis; ii helps Gall. ja9ut ; Ital. giacro ,Ji. magiifl; Hi (p, }"<~,
1bt fight ; or malces an exce!le11t tye~wt1ter. · vel jata rle mafia ; Jit11ica fct·rta re-Jie11/ata; ~ rc;·~t
. HYSTERICS, 'Tr•f'"'" 'Y"'"'"''> 'Tne"> uterus, of mail.: . quid Ii omni:i 1 L at. fagum :.. Sktnn~·
1 - JflJ

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- J A From G 11. z ! K, and L A T r 11. • J ~
· -an<I 1¥hat could die Dr. mean by that ? iet us JANITOR, A.(311.••• tue•• Hcfy<;h. }•1111a, i•·
hope it was not offe,red as a deriv. - Ju11ius nitor; door-kteptr; porter.
wr1trs it jacket, vcl kujfotk ; and then fays jaqru, J ANNOCK : " nefcio an a ght-11ood i tJt<tf/i·
<af11911t; giacco, cafaco; jata., cafaca: Belg.jacke, tas 1 q. d. ·brood van gbt-11ood; pa11is nutffiJatis,
kaj1Jlu, 'kafaclte Grrecmn cit K'"'"'• caja, quod pa11i; avenatti gen14.s, quo, prz inopiJ meliorum
«hie .non do1num, fed ve.ftem fignificar; prorfus ut granorum, vulgus vcfcitur: Sldnn. and Lyc."-
teftum nunc ad redi6cia, nunc ad rt111 vefliariam re- but NEED is Gr•
.fer-ri.poteft: ab hoc itaque Ka.1'11t, eft cafa, kaf4.ckt, JANUARY, A113,,..~, 9ue1., Janua, ]anir.w 1
pro quo etiam kajackt, cc per aphrer. jacke dici- quOd fit quali Janua creterjs .menfibus ; pri111us
mus ; unde jacket. nempt Jani meefts-this is not ftrictly true, ac-
JAIL: common orthogr. writes it goal; in cording co the Roman 1nethod of computing the'
which cafe it may be derived ii Koi>-•» year; for they began in ¥arcb :-ho-,e'l'.er, it
t d'UllS1 'cavitas l bot/ow ceJ/, or pr!fon bolt: but is Certain 'ja11uary is derived from ]IJIUla:
·it might . be much better to attend t o Ciel. caufam nunc difce figure 1
Way. 3 2, "(here he fays, " jail is the confine- J am tamen bane aliqui tu quoquepartcvides:
·t'nenf ·of tbt ray, quafi ray-I; or from y-ty-ul, Omncs habct geminas hinc: atque hinc J""'
or y -ow-·«I; Jhe wooden cage of tbt ltJw, fublli- frontcs,
· t utcd to tbe ·ray; which was only a circle, drawn Equibus, ha:c populum fpeCtat, at illaLartm.
with a wand rouwd tbt dtlinquent :"- but now Falli. I. 133.
- all is Gr.; for ray d(fcends a 'J>,..p:.t, ra-dius i butVoffiusderivcs]amuiXa••"••bifao,dtbifto:and
• tbe rod, fl a.ff, or wand, witb wbitb the tirtle was fays nothing farther :-fiocc this mo.nth.undoubt-
: drawn: ry 1 r')., lex; ow, tJW, law, all defcend eclly received its name from Ja1Uta, or ]1J11111, let
a A<-')'•» dico, jut dictre : and u/ is evidently de- us endeavour to trace the deriv. of that word:-
fcended ab v>-·•· fyl-va, fyl-vtftril; wood, wooden. Cid. Voe. 133, n, tells us, that ·~ Jans origi·
JAKES : l'v1 inlh. Skinn. and L ye could find nates ab y-ban, or i-a11; J/)f year: Ja111t-11r-Ut.t 1
that this word was deduced from the Lat. cacare: tbt bead of tbt year, or fpring :"-and in p. 171, ·
and Sax. cac-hure, /1Jtri111J, ft11ti11a; but none of he likewife tells us, that " 011, or 11111h figoifies
the1n could fee that both the Lat. and Sax. were tbt bead;" and this, he thinks," gave origin 10 the
deduced from the Gr. Kaxa.,, fignifying the fame Greek word A,9-ot, which, on tracing into the
~ction. elementary language, prcfcnts clearly the fenfe of
JAMBES, Jun. and Skion. with the addition btad, or ltr•inatio" of 1bl}Jnt1 :"-fo that A>9-or
of Lye, have derived thjs word ii Fr. Gall. E"t• is i-an1 y-tar, ]a1'-u-ar-ius, ']a1111ary, tbt
· jambes, and jamb1J;ges; Ical. gambt; Hifp. jambas; begi11ni11g, or bead oftbt year: :-confequently muft
.all which they have properly explained by 411t.e, be either Gr. or Celt.
ojliorum /atrra, tJntepegmenta ; q. d. sibi.e, vd JAR, or vajt ; " ncfcio an a X•«f••» hoc a
pedes do1mis: after which, the Dr. refers us to X••· inftri.e, exequi.e; fc. vafe quo liquor func•
gam1M11 ; and Lye is fo far pleafcd with that bris, puta mdicratum, lac, vd vinum, omnia
deriv. as to fay, " Skinnerus non incommode mixta in monui fepulchrum n1ore ethnico olim
derivare videtur ab bamm; pop/es :''-but with effundebantur: utrumque a x,.,, f1111do: Skinn."
fub1niffion to both thefe gentlemen, it might be JARR, or gu1Jrrtl: Minfevus, Jun. Skinn.
bet ter to derive our' word jambts ab A1{3"'"• which and Lye, have derived this word from every Jan--
H efych. explains by 9ue"• ja11111J ; a door ; i. e. guage but the Gr. ; whereas, if the Northern
a door-pojl, or door-flll/l, to which the hinges are words, as they all acknowledge, are derived from
faftened on one poll, and into which the bolt ~r garrio; then garrio, as Voffius obfervc.-s, "otnnino
l ock 1hoots on the other poft; and thefc two eft it r"f""" converfo • in i, quomodo a f""•.fi•;
1'ofts are called the jambu, or upright door-po/ls. 1-•')'•t, /igo, &c. eft autem r ..e••» Dor. pro r,~u•,
· IAMBICS, la!'-f3•t. iambr11; pes mttritus; 4 quod Hefych. exponit "''''"'" "'Y"» 1'9''Y'l"'" ell a
meafi1rt in poetry, having the firlt fyllable lhort, r•e•r, quod notat ~..,. apuJ Hom. 11. A. any
and the next long. loud n•ife, or difturba11ce.
J JANGLE : " mihi Anglis a jangling fe!ltr.JJ vi- JARGON : frmn the fame root : Gr.·
'<letur dici petiturie11s; i. c. importune dilcur- . JASMIN; " i ....,,.. ,, vel r....14"" 1'-"f'" dice·
rens, atque ince!Tanter alios obru11dens hoc aut batur olim ung1ie111i genus in Perfide confect·um:
illud petcndo; a 'l'eur. ja11clun, catdlorurn inftar Jun." - a flowering lhrub, commonly called
gtmnire, et vcluti per tjuJaJum hla11diri: Jon."- jejfa111i11.
by all which it feems as if janglt, and jingle, or JASON, "J.,...,., ']afan, 1. e. {analurus: R.
z iligle, were derived from the fame root : Gr. 1.,,,, ..., ; to,,,,.,: Nug."

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I t Fro~ GP. ! l K, and L A T- r N. J E
JASPER, " 1...... ,,, jafpis, gemma; a preriaur difmptio operis futuri ; a plan, or dra11gh1 •f '
jl011e : N ug." f11lure building, garden, &c.
JAVE LIN, " Ex{3o>.~, vcl ab E•«•«, prretcrte· ICI;iOR; Ix"'f• fanies, tab11111, proprie deorum1
r i to verbi hf'•, undc r.,.,.,, jncio ; undc jacul11m : f~cundum Hom.
Vo!T." a dart, or /pear; t o burl, caft, or throw. Ixc.te, 0,0~ rte .,., ftH fto~Xl'efC'fTf &t~iO'lll.
JAUNDICE.: all the etymol. allow this word lchor, qua lis nempe lluit beatis diis :
to be derived " ii F r. Gall. ja11l11iffe, jau,lne, fla vus; An ithor clear, as goddelfes m.i ght !bed.
a L at. voce labentis itnperii galbinus : Jun. Skinn. II. ll. 340;
&c. " -but galbinus is defcended from ga/buJ ; and ICHTHYO-LOGY, lx9vo>-•1•r. icbtbyologia; a
galbuJ ab A>.f>o<, a/buJ; which is white; butja1111· Jreatifa on fijhu: R . lx&ur, · pifais 1 a Jifo. ; and
dice is derived a. r>.otux•<, glaucus, jla'Uus, cejius, Aoyo< , Jermo; a treatifa. .
'<1rule11s; a gree11ijh blue, indjned. to yellow. ICI-I1'HYO-Pl-IAGY, ixe••l'"')'.•f· ieblb;·o-
JAUNT ~ A,7,., ante; unde" Ital. ina11ti, pro phagus; qui pifus ttJmeJit ; ·one · who /i'Ues upo11
i11a11zi ; ante, prorfum; q. d. i11a11/are; clifo fc. fifo; a fifh-eater: Ix,9ur, et~"">'"" edo; lo tO.! ·
11 ; gradum promo'Uert : Skinn." to tau an agree-· IDE.A, "IJ'1a, idea : R. E1d'w, video; to fte, l o
4 },/e trip ; to go abroad•. know: Nug."-tbe 'jirft form, or 11~1io11 of a thing
JA\V ; " Hio., maxilla: Cafaub. and Jun.'' fubjijli11g in the mind.
¥el ii r1•..-, ge11a; tbe cheek :-but the deriv. of. IDENTl1'Y : Or, is, ifdtm, quali idem; f/je
If. Volf. is far more preferable, who deduces fame perfonality, or being.
faucts, 3. Bwl(.P.\, B-:>altr\, .3. Bo~' : unde et vox, Bwf, I-DES, E«-lu .., unde Hetrufcum id110 ; hinc
vox fa11cib11J h.ejit : Skinn~r foppofes it to be de- idus, uum, ibllJ: dits decimuJ q11i11t11s menjiJ, lvfarlii,
rived a Sax. ;5"•;51 ; maxilla ; and then quotes Maii, Julii, et OtlobriJ ; in reliquis decimuJ ler-
his friend Th. H enlh. who, " n1onet fcriptum tius; dies qui dividit rnenfem; nam iduare apud
,:JTe antiquis tbatoes. ; q.uod Ii ita fie, palain eft Hetrufcos fignat dividere; to di'Uide the month
ortum elfe a verbo lb C.1-IAW :" (a word which into two "l''al parts ; tbe ides th~refore niight
Skinn.. has omitted ;) and Lye fays, "vide tamen ·properly be called mid-month-day.
a n non hue faciat H.i.b. gialt ;. q uo tllaxilla IDIOM, ll1"'f'"•. idioma, proprietas li11g11,e f
dcnotatur:• propriety of language ; the peculiarity, or ge11iuJ Of
J.A Y ; Skinner quotes J unius for deriving " a a tongue: R. 1.t..,, pec11liaris, propriuI..
jay from x......, vel a r ...... glorior, ex11/10 :"- IDIOT ; " Il>w1"', idiota ; foolijh, jimple: R~
J:>ut, in the firft place, my edition of Junius has II..,, peculiaris: Nug."-petuliar, Jui generis; as
no foch art. as a jay, or bird : but the article if a· fool were of a fpccies by bimfeif.
" gay, or; as he writes ic, gai, he has derived i\ IDLE : " perhaps from E1l:.:>.o., ido/11111, 'UOllUJll'
""'"'' quod llefych. ct Suid. exp. "'Y"9", bomu, quid, res nibi/i : vd ab A&>...,, mifer: Upt."-
probus; nifi m'alis derivare a r ....., fliptrbio, ejf'e- neither of thefc deriv.. is fo good, as with Cafaub.
ror :"-this evidently belongs to gaily, or gaudy ; J un. and Skinn. to derive idle ab ·1~1..,, nugar,.
and the bird likewife may be derived fro1n t he loq1u1citas·; a lt:ijling, i'!fig11ifica111 praltr; one wbo.
fame root, on account of the gaity of its plumage, dots nothing b11t talk.
particularly of its wings : unlefs jay may be de- IDOL : " E1lw;..,, idolum :· R~ E,.r;,, video:·
rived a r..-e""'• Dor. pro r"-f""'' Jeno; fron1 its !\' ug."- " qµia in idolo q uod:immodovidemus cujus
Joud, and challering noife. eft imago : Voll:" E1/,,, fpeti(s, Jonna ;. a vijib/e
IBIS; r13,,; ibis, avis lEgyptia ferpentes devo- r~prefe111atioH'.
rans; an Egyptian bird, rcfembling a ftork :-but I DO- LATR Y, " E1l"'"°""1.,.,..; idq/olntria: E,J..-
probably ibiJ itfelf is no Greek word .

l\w, and A,..1f""• a Heatbenifb worjhip of images : R•.
ICE-bone; from the common manner of writ- A"'1f''• '"• fervanl, j/ave, hired workman: Nug."
ing this word, it would be impoffible to con- !DYLL, E1J'u>->-••» idyllium, parvum. poemn ;.
ceive its meaning ~ etymology therefore will help diminut. ab E1Jo;, fornra, g~11us; as .we nJay call.
us to correct the orthogr. ; and by correcting it, it a little trifle, an tjfay. ·.
d ifcover the true meani og :' fee ISC H -bone: Gr. JEALOUSY, " Z•> ·'"'• z.,~_.,,..,, ztlo1yp11s /um ;
ICHNEUMON, lX""I""" icb11e11mo11; quafi by changing z, in J ; fo fro1n Ziu .,..1,e, Jupiter "
invejligatar crotodili ; a rat of Egypt, about the z'"'Y"• j11gu,,., &c. Upt."-/ea1ful, left another·
frze of a' cat, which fteals into the crocodile's lhould obtain. tl}e favor. we. are fecking_; a:
mouth while he Oeeps ; and·then, by eating his rivaljhip,.
bowels, kills him :-neither can this word be JEER ; " f •'f'"-'" Jubjd»116; irrideo; to j oke,
purely Gr. make,a mocJ:. of: Cafaub.''-vcl arr.~~'" garrio ;,
lCHNq,GRAPHY, ixorre"I''"• i<bi1agrapbia, to laugh. al ~"] bod1.

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J E From c;; ll E 2 K, and LAT 1 K: ·1 L
JEJUNE, 1..... • ,,,.,,vacuo, vac11w fU111 ; undc JEST: Jlnce ail our ctymol. allow. it may be
jtj1mu1 .; fajling, meagre, <rudt'. and i•111aturt. · derived i gtjlu1, et geflic•lari, they ought to hav~
' JELLY; from whe.ncc tb1s orthogr. could traced thofe words, as we have already fecn t~,
be deduced,_ is noc t;afy to imagine; Jince under the art. GESTICULATION : Gr.
even the French write it gelit ; evidencly derived JET, r ..,...1,,.,.gagaies; vel Ax..1~,, agate, or jet.
a rv...; gtl:t; r•A«•J'ec., f•x.e••• frigitiu• ; cold: JET.SON ; " font wurcu increbrefoente tern·
:....though there is another deriv. in Skinn. which peftate c navi projttl.e, lluchbufque in terrarn
'feems to give fon1c countenance to our orthogr. tjtO., ; qu;e ad tbalaffiarcham penincnt: YOl
viz. jelly, q. d. ju1 gtlatua ; i. e. <•aplat""'' feu Hybrid a eft i Gall. jttttr; a jario, tjicio; et Sax.
tona-ttum: (ii. gtlu, derived as above) fo that fund; mart: Jun."-but why did · h~ ftop there!
t!ierc is fome probability of its being right. .this is not the ultimate dcriv. of this word; for
· JEO-FAlLE; "Gall. j'ay failli; l[D lapfus 'acio, ejicio, and pr~iitio,.are all der.ived abE1-., 1..,
fu m, dtfr9us aliquis atlionis: Skinn." Jabvr in hf'•, mitto, jacia; 10 jmd forth, lntrJ, or <ajl llflJd]:
11ai11 :-confcq uently Gr. : fee FAIL: Gr. and fund is Gr.: fee SOUNDING-#111 : Gr. ·
· JEO-PERDY; co1nnionly wriuen, and pro- J ETT of water; from the furegoing root: t1
nounced jropardy ; but derived a Il1efw, perdo ; . cajJ up Wit/ tr ID any bright,
not pnrdo .;. unde Fr. Gall. )'llJ perdu, verbatim JEW E L ; 1;;,,.., )o<w, joealia .; « quibufcum
ptrdidi : Skinn." vd ut doCl. Th. Henfh . pla- foemina: ludert amant; i.e. quibus dll1fltJ111rr1
. .cet, q. d. jt11 ptrdi1 ; a /QjJ game, a hazard. Skinn." ornaments with which wonlen arc pltafid.
J~RKJN:"Sax cyp-c:d-kin ; t1t11i<1da: Skinn." I F ; "E'"''f• E1,Ji,fit11bi; if,fmu : J on." .
who then refers us to" ktrtlr: credo ii verbo IGNIS-FA'fU US; r''Y"f'%'• nafa111'; quiarJe.
Jo gird; quia tunica 1ucingi ol im folebat ;" and mentalis ignis i11geni1111 omhibus; quafi gigllit111,
gird; he himfdf acknowledges, may be derived a1~d gigniftrous ; undc ignis,firt.; and fat111U Ii~
.. a L a[. •~yrus, gyrare, i . e. i r ue•1. rue•w, gyro; wife IS Gr.; an igneoUJ mettor, fun in moijl placu,
·10 tncirclt, or furio11nd." and generally called WILL with a wifp: Gr.
IERNE; Iiih<rnit1, Hiber, Hive,., Ivtr, all JG-NOMINY; O••f"", 11ott1t11; a 111J1t1t, title,
hpreffi·ng tbt Wefl, and Wt}ltrn-/and, or Irela11d; o r 11Dlt of difgrace, p,refixed to a man's 11a• 1, by
as Ciel. Voe. 189, acknowledges, and fuppofes the centor : or clfe it may be derived a r .,..,..,,
t hem all .t o be Celt, ; but will undoubtedly rake ,,,..,., a perfon of notoriq111, k11ow11, or infa• a111
the 'fa1ne dcriv. ,v'ith EVE, or EVENING: Gr.; tbaratltr.
for the reafuns given under th~t art. IG-NORANCE; A,,,...., Ay>°'•lo igt14rantia ,·
JESSES; " Gall. gttz; Ital. geti, getti; /em- 1111l:nowi11g 1 A'Y'"e'~"" ag11ojeo, cognof<o, igiufto 1
nift i 1u<ipitrum: Jun."-the fmall leather thongs, ignorant :-it is fo1nerhing rernarkable, chat wheri
hanging at the kgs of hawks, to which the ver- the Gretks faid Ay><r•r, and Ay>••a, the Romani
vails arc faftened ; and therefore :very probably fhould fay both g11arns, g11'JTi1tr; igiur111, and
are derived from ro1<>, intt}lina ; becaufe at firll ignoro, ignoran; ;-we have followed both.
they might have been n1atle of ca1-gu1: Shake- JIFFE LLI NG-:ft//ow, fcems to be a conrrac·
fpear has finely introd uced · this word jeffes in tion of j 'ay Joi/Ii :-confcquendy Gr. : fee JI;'.0-
that foliloquy of Othello; ACl Ill. re. 6, where, FAILE : Gr.
jn the fir!t workings of his jcaloufy againft Def- IL -CHESTER ; " ii, htil, al, cal, h11I, are all
demona, h~ fays, · !ignilicant ofjebool, or college," fays Ciel. Voe. 7o:
- . - -.If I prove her haggard, -confequendy fccm to be derived ab AllA·••
. Thougl) that herje.IJcswere n1y dear beart·ftring1, aul-a ; a ball, or tolltgt: CHESTER Jikcwiie
· l'd whittle her off, and let her down the wind is Gr. ·
To prey at fortune. - - 'ILIAC 1 l>.uc, lutum, eirnum; ilia, ilia(l(J; f/111J,
the whole palfage is an allufion to ter111s in fal- Jirl; the bowels : iliaca pajfi11; tbe eolit, or twift-
conry; and fi_gnify, _that if he fhould be able to ing •f the !J1r.JJels, Jo 111 to caufa a jioppagt.
prove hi!; wife falle {as lag• had fu,ggefted . c-0 ILIAD, I>.1..., , l>.1<1.l?r, prius Homeri poema,
hinl} then, though the bonds of wed1oek, which qi1od de rebus ngit Iliads; tbt Iliad, · or firft poem
uni t~d her to him, Y(erc bis 1nof1: render <Wd1 of H omer, becaufi: it treats of the fi<gt of 'frry,
of a.ffetlion, his very lkar hear1-jlri11g1, yet would or Ilium.
he tun1 her off, :is the falconer -does his hawk, ILKIN ; " Sax. ~k, ilk ; q11iulJft; wl;cjo'1:tr,
and . let her go d,own the wind for ever, co l'rey any one: R av."-but it fcems to be Gr. : fee
at fortune on other credulous fools, who ought WHICH, ar.d Wrl!LK: Gr.
fall in her wav, and be deluded by her, as he I'LL, a conrraltion of 1 will : - confcquent·
now fuppofes himfdf had been. ly Gr. ·
I L- L:~ HORATf :

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f .. M Fro.m G~E!Jt, .a nd LATIN. t. . M
tL-LABORAT.E: fee J;-LABORAt:E, .or ra- IM-PA.R LANCE 1 " Cowell liRgu&.for~ &.()-
ther LABOR : Gr. : - We have many other mani CXponit pttilio11em induciarMf1/; ub'i fl'; alter
words in..our 1.angu:ige, . beginning with the prc- . licigantium alium dien1 pecit .• ii. Gall. ant. em-
poli.tions ·1L, IM, IN, IR; which .will be more parkr, olim, ni fallor, inttrctdtrt: Skinn.'' ~ ~
p roperlY. found under th~ir re!peetive articles; but 'parlir is Gr. fee PARLIAMENT: Gr.: · .
i1hlcfs when the primitives themfelves are not IM-PARI-SYLLABIC: nae<i·.rv>.>."',e"; para-
in ufe; as in the following words, when com- .fyllabic11s, imparojyllabicus : an incrcafing noun ;'
pounded. •. . · . . thac has more fylJabfes' in the gen. than in the
• IL-C1C1T, ,r,~.,; ,;.,.,, fi.110, vet 1i ·A''Y"'• '!ego 1 ~om.. i. e. a noun of 11nt1JU<Jl . Jyl!ables : im
Wide lex, liceo, ~iceJ, illicftus.; wilawfuf: ii i~ neg. 1s neg. .
· IL-L:.USION, Aul1~w, ludo, iltufio; a mocking, . IM-PAVID, <I>o[31i., pavto, impavid111 i uefet1r·
faor11i11g, deriding : ii is' aug, . · Jul, ftarlefa, intrepid, undaunte4,: im is 'neg. ·
IMAGE. l "E'ff'",_tranfpofed to imago: IM-PEACH; n,9,,., ,,..9.,, ·pe10, i111peto, cri;,
IMAGINATIONS R. E•• .,, to rtjemble: Nug.'' minari, accufare; to make an attark on a perfon's
~her~ is anocher. deriv. by VolJ: de .Permut. lit. ' cbaraller, cpndutl, or admi11iflralip11 ; to arraig11,
:vrz. a
j1nago; quafi imitago, ab !t!.iililr i lvJ•/l.Bf'"'· ~r ":'"tft b11n of high triH1e1, an4 mifde11uanor1.:
· ll\·t:- BECILLIT:Y ; ll•'-•f'«• bellum; war ; im· 1111. ts aug. .
6tllis, ·;mbetillitas, weaknefs i of ls1f1mwarlilct ilifpo· IM-PEDIMENT ; "El'-1rol1e.... imptdirt: R.
faion : ilJI is neg. · · · n.,. ... h;, the feet: Nug." fo e11tangk, or ob.ftrufl
JM-BELLISH ; E>->-•h """'''• /Jell11s, bo11ellus,. the feel : im is neg. ·
ho11u1; good, e!autiful, bandfome l and here ufed IM-PELL, " Ar!AA~, pello, ar:cto; A initio ab·
co fignify · to deck, grace, be'il111ijj, anc;l adorn' laturn J Ut ab "-f"<Af"• nudge~ : VolJ:~' to 'Jrive,
ii# is· aug. . pujh, or thruft : im is aug. · "
IM-BUE, Bur., impleo ; to fill: im is aug.· lM-PERlOUS; n"f"'"'' '"'f;;;, pt;ro, prorfus
IMITATlON, M•Y."f'"'• imitor, imitatio ; a paro, impero; co111mandi11g, bidding, ordering : i111
-w;imicking, mot/ting, rtprtfenting, and refambling. is aug.-Voffius tachc;r chufes co derive· imper•
lM-~fAN~TY, .MA••r, fllollis : Ef'I'"'' "'• furi- from 'T"'f• fuptr, fupero ·: nam veteres dixere
/JMnd_11s, Ma.•••f'"" iefa11is; fufi~us, mad, cruet: i1n indupero, pro impero : im is .aug. :-Ciel. g ives •!S
Is t;>oth neg: and aug. · · a dilfcrent dcri v. which may be foand under the
IM-MERGE; Muf"• .jl110; · unde mare ; tbe art. EMPEROR: Gr. .
Jta ; uode inergo ; iminergo ; to dip, o r. pl#llge IM-PETRA1'E, 'na.1•e• parer, impetro 1 to at.1
ilnder, o r into Wtlftr : im is aug: tain by intrealy; t o arcbiwe, finijh, get : im is aug;
IM-MIN ENT; M'"'"• moneo; minor, mi11,e, lM-PETUOUS ; " n.&,.., ,,..&.,, ptto, impetua-·
imm~nens; 1breatrni11r; immediate danger; im is .a ug. jus, _ impetus: Votr.M fotce, or 'IJiolehct :. im is aug.
lM-MOLATION ; Mu>..., mo/a; immolatio i a IM·PINGE; Il•y•v14•, pango, impingo; lojlriki
Jaerifia, or offering; generally of flour, meal, or agai11ft, to d!fobey 11 law : im is aug. ·
.:,round cor11 :· im is aug. IM-PINGUATE, rr ..~. vcl IT«x,u<, piilguis1
11.vJ-MUNITY; munus, of/friMm; 'IJatNus iJ mu- if}lpingtfo ; to fallen, . to make fr11itf11l: im is nug. ·
)ure, i111mu11itas ; exemp1io11 ; freedom from duty, . lM-PLEMEN.fl" IT>...., undc n;.,&.,, et rr,,...
offtee, · exptna : im · is neg. : fee t4UNERA- ll\1-PLETION S ...~r,u.1, p.leo., verbum obfo-
T.ION : G'r. · · letu'm : .vel !i ma) i$ (ueric a n1....;, ; unde
IMP, or fcion ;, E14pv .., iitgenero, i11Jerto; Cym- .611'.t~A!~i, Ex?ri'.torJ l!f"wAt o;, i111'pleo i i11;p/i;.
ra!is .imp ell: furculus; impio, inocular,, inferere: ments, Jur11i111rt, inflrumenls, and all things ne··
Cafaub. and Skinn.'"R. ~uw,jio, 1111ftor i to i11graft, celfary to Jill, :uid complete .a houje, jhop, &c. :
i11arofate, infi!rl a young fcirm: and alfo hence is im is aug. .
ufeil che term i.n falco.nry, .to imp a bawlt's wing.;• JM-PLEX '; IT>.1xw, E14,,.Arn-~, plico, implicalus,
j, e. to mend bir' broken foathers. . implicitus ; wn:pt up, ir.rang/td, twijfed: im is aug.-
· .;I MP, or Jpiril_ : Skinner fupppfes it to be! M ilton has elegantly ufed this word in his P~r.
only contraaed ii. Lac. impilis ; or perhaps from Loll:, B. VII. J~O, where, fpeaking of che creacion,
impurus : ' but in both cafes it would b~ Gr. :- and menrioning trees and fhrubs, he fays,
Ciel. \Vay. 46, with great jull:nefs, fuppofcs that. . Forth florifh'd thick the ~!uft'ring vine; forth
"' inip is derived' ali A>·•i-<·i1, animus; quafi on-: crept
EMP, an imp, or_fp irit." · The frnelling gou rd ; u11 ftood the corny reed
· JM-PARE, " Af<"""f''" pro A1a.-•e''• m11tila1us,. 11nbattled in her field, and th' hu111ble Jhrub ·
·-cfaudu:s, hefus : Cafaub:" .hurl, ' 111utilattd, /amt, And bufh, with frizled hair i111plitit - -
Jujurtd·: im is neg. . . i. c.. rritangle<!. ·
K.k ll\f-PO~T

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'j M 'tl'ioin' GIt' ii II'.; iiitt f; i T; ... "i N
·iM-roRT _. . 1~·e1,.,, fir:r4, p~rlu1,_ kr- iN: Ii.; ~1;,, i11~ ;;ii11J t ;iizJ~ 1Rt¥4f!~ .
IM-POllT ANCE • bis por1a ; vcf ~uoa . _.J~ ~~-~E.i.: ,if. ~~!s .,w~n! (igilil\ec .ure· f~
_]M7POJl't4T1p~ rnerees per" c/j1ti pbrten: w11h dta,,,tl, I[ mull! ta"k'.e t~c fatoe dch\>'.; ~UI
tur I Br~1Jgb1 .ii/to P,Jr1, or hinfe!t.: iffi is :lug. . Junius fays, ,, ~Jahl"i~ ~l)terh i\i h* col\fffi"iiil
. l,M-PO RTU~~' fton1 rhe foregoing rooitn!>w <'ilim acqulcvctim, ilOhl: i~mc'n .:ti{/eo· twt,
Jignifying qi1i (ard f.orlll, [. ~· qUii!lt; iuftafy,frtl- ltidikn, Ct Sait. mltl, r~~Hus dedilci 1 tio!hfo8
/11!~ ilxgr;v<r11ablt: iin is neg. inelgiul, fdi5ti-e; quod valde affine eft Gr: kfi>..';;
. IM.-J:>OSrrION ; e,,, po110; ut il. J.,, ·aono i a1ra•1n111111; i11Jc :~'-it is indeed. fo, "'""'' affin11
pono, i1iipb}itio, iriipo}Jor i t~ 'lay, put, o·r p/a(i , (ti fi.X., /h"at th~ o'f.e undoubttclfy ·ga've origin to the
or eflaqlijh; .'!Jfo to (btat, or dtuivt; to defriilul, o·ii.ef : a~~ is noW 8f'ed roe . lhe ~c df j/lzilJiltl
or!Jig});Je.: im is.aufi. .. vy
g!Ofa fire~ fee SMEt;TittG ! Gr. . .
IM 7POS1"UM£ " for tipoftumt, from A...~...;,.;., INANITY, b~" r,.;,, H efydf. i;..,;,,;,,r. 1'-ii.l-
i/rfatjfuJ: R. J~I''.• /lo i A~·i-~fi•, abfcedo; Jeado ; '"I''~''• . iizailis, _in~ltfilis. ; n..p1i111fa, and vahlfJ.
Jo dra"° 51\clc, to divide; bec~ufe the impo}hlmt d~- IN~~UGURATION; "a1ig1Jr, ituguriltio; 0ab
~ides the parts: Nug."-wc might -rat"her lup~ a'vis gdfu: i.e. ab ii{31r, · •~•t, rie1npe "'"'''• a~iii,
pof~, bec:iute it was furelid, feparated, or dividiiJ volucrii :. Yo'if.".:..:.. ~nde ailgilrium; a progn6fti.
frail) the rel!: of the juices by fuppuration: im cation of omens fron't lot /Jtliins bf birds : with
is neg, .: . , . _ us it is uf:d in the fcilfc of itn in}Jallitltnl if 41
IM~PREGNABLE : at firft light any one pri11a :. in is 'lug. . _ . .
might fuppofe, . fhar, this ,-ord was derived ~he IN·CARCE~ATiO~, .t:ei1w, tl_rcti, cofr(, Df
f:ame :i,s pr(gnant ·i .bitt t,licy hayc not th~ Jeaft ((!ri~r._ (drcrrt1rifls 1 a prifoli, go.ii, iJt ptae1 6f (cif:
cooncxion i:ogethi:r i and therefore, it' were fininuiit : in Is aug.
to . b~ wj,R1~, ; t~;i.,t the ~ were utterly dif- IN-~ENDIARY "}"""'• K-..1.., ralidntil,
~~rc\cd; as ..1~e French hav~ done, i"11 writing it IN-CENSE, inrait iirullll4, itictililttri111, •
~~op~rl~ imprdia,bl, ;, \>hly: now they ha:;:c: abbre- lN-CENSE, per/umi ptr/01r ti>hi fals Jre 11
y1atei! thi$ p<ior word . in fuch a manner, as hoiifts, jla(~s, jhlpting : 111 i$ aug:--therc is, how-
yiould liave rendered it very difficult to .have evet, !motlier dcri'V. which leeiris r<i poinl.oitt.a
fo11nCl thi:. titie fourcc, had not Skinner affifted dilfere!lt <irth<igr. when ' it figtiifies inflltidl'e: fee
us ;. for the Dr; fars, "ab in . negat. ct pr(11abl1, IN-SEN&E: qr. . .
guod tnpi potelt; hoc a vcrbo pre11dre, (aptre 1 • l.N-:~T ; ·~("'I _Dor. K•r•'! A;•ii~.-·~· x~x..,
oinnia a. Lai. f.r'ehiititre i q. d. impriheitdibilis, i111- cajlus, 111ujtum ; a11p11rr1], 111ub11.ftmefa: 111 IS n~.
prtndibilii, "imprmibi/is, imprmaiJ/1 : "-but .h.ere . INCH, 9°J')ll<1;,, untia; lbt lwilftb part 1f II
t he Dr. ~ops; wliet~as, if h.c had gone a little foot: d)fo an uuit(e.,
farther, he would have found it was Gr.: fee IN ..CHOATIYE, ""'"'• chaos, iiub4dtMJ; 6t:
AP-PRE~HE:ND : imprrgnabk, or ratber irnpre- g1111, but left i111ptrfel1 : 1• is. aug.
'!-ab~, fignjfyi!1g a torfrefs fo ltrong that it can- lN-CIPIENT, K.i..'1.., capio, inriJitllJ l kgi11-
no1 be ta'ken, is 111r1aluab/e. i11g. .;. i11 js aug. . . .
: ..I ~I-PRIMlS, De•• Ue•1•f•'• Uew1•'• pri•fls, im- IN-CISION 1 Xi.7.., deorf11111 ; '""u, i11dfo; ~
/rimis; In th~ firjl plau: im is aug. cut1i11g Jow11 ; ftlls'ng 1i111/Jtr : alfo inalti11z. a gap.
IM-PROPRIATION, "De•• pr,,, propt; quia or wo14ilil: in 1s atig. .
~peram. haiic dare oinnes folent, UC proximt, Ct IN-CU BUS i x..,..1.., (tJP"I Jedin1; Xu[.lor, tlll#N,
<a.uafi· in confpeetu. ipfo adfint, QUZ p0ffident : incubo J l!..ixixoto71c, indibO/lll ; lo -Jfe, OT prtfi
Jropt, propiu~, iode P,rop~ius I . r .i~teT!O J lit a>vor, 011: aJfo a difeafe, called tbt night Jnart; {riit
nurus: propru1.ffet, proprzum fecerzt, ttfte Fefto : like a bta'tly load: ill ls aug.
libi proprium vindfrare: faccrdotiµtn gen~ilitium IN-CULC.'\.TE 1 Au(, calx, incuka/llJ; I•·
:e~ avitum; Volf." an herccli[ary living, clai1ned tread JiiWn, drive in, repeat ofttn: in is aug. .
even by a laym!n in his own proptr rigb1 ; ex-. I~D:AGATION, E.t., ...,,.,, inliu:izgo, ilulagii-
. ' empt from e_pifcopal jurifdiClion: im is aug. tio 1 {tar(bing, Jilig~nt fetlc!~l: [n ls aug.
IM-PROVE; lle•/3a""" pr"'gredior, ii111f({/lo; IN-DEED, N'.., "'A••• sta, ptr Jo'IJtm ;yts, ·o,
to go before, {)(({//. JIYllt, in footb, in truth: or dfc it may be .de~
IM-J>UDENCE: Hf3•, pubes, putlet, pudi(itia, rived from thed, i. c. d1; a's when we fay ill
it11pudtnlia ; jhamettjfnefs, e.ffro111ery, im111odtfly : fa'fl: Gr.
im is neg.-vel potius ab ant. p11ius, puta, n,,,.e., IN-DEX, """'"I''• '1idfro 1 F.J:"'"" Off•i
hoc ell: T~ 1..1,..., unde ct rte..·0#91 . ., dlel;tin1 cft. 10 jhew, to poin1With: :ilfo th·~ t~l?!c o.f"a lxioll,
pr11u1l11m .: fo thac the origin of this etym. is "jbewilig ·rhe references to each fubjcfr.
evident enough; and i11i would be then aug. INDIAN, r,;,,, lnd1'S.

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l N
JN1j>l~O,. Somf!lqDlY. ~all~~ JM~a.; I!f!"''' {W!ilt• ;i'f{:t.fifU• ffP"'W'ti.!'1 ; _u1.1iaJ!.11eft, ,'f(H~tJo/ft
f!t4i<;,,,; °&o'n-i~ t( ..Mr;,..,;.,, vntlf.I ~ ~ · (DtPtS·Q,. lrdu/J7e: in 1s 9i;g. . .
-::-:c.{~l;; ;"",, ~ .f.f;z':,·:::"<-"""-· ' -.' f·m ,'./ l~·F,ll,.CA!lON, ·~"~-~,,' ~":l'~• 11,1(~·fu!l.t, 91\lli-
. ~ -~l~TE}? '.o/ e~; ·~om111o~ly w1itten, eres ad cqnc~1andum 9fi ru~qrem; fu~us,' 111fi1tfl:
an tl!~O!!O~~~d .!P.dlit4 l no.t /rRJll dicq, .efillus; t~q ; ~ifgP.,ijing, or Pt!,inling; .i?t is aug.
~~ frq,~ ~~"-' J.'!V jlf.!jli/i; ~r ,~rljruis (rom lN;FUSC~TION, ~<:""'• /11/co, (nfufaat~;
~.; ~ - _tlie ·R 9ffij\9s ,!f.i4 in ju,s i/ici 1. lo kt a darktTJing, g/oqminys, l11rnijhi11g :. in is aug.
#1# ~o ~<I :!'PG! l~•lre I Ip ~.QJnl a da] IN-GE,NDER }r"·I'-~·; r''l"''t'"''• roci, gigwo:
Jo/ tqa .• . JN-GEN'!OUS gtnfis, ingenuus, ing{npi/as:
.l~-:pI~E_NCE, E''""'
mdig~s, indigmtia; IN-G,_ENUOUS natur,e. q1ta/i1y, djfpp)itio11;
rued, _W!P'I.' -R.,. ~~· ~pd tl.rtt-"'.•• indigeo; Jo Pt finceri17 i well htd, ge11tlema11-likt behaviour: ;,.
4d1,ilffl.t, nu:t.Jli.tqUJ. • is aug.-.fngenium, .aS .Littleton and Ain(w._ o b-
. J~·DI-9'ENOU$.; " £Jo•, Syracufan. prre- ' fervc, ,is prppric nalura dicitur c1t{q_ut,i11ge;1~t.a :-:-
~fk!Ufll, qu~ ,id~m :ac .E•1or, intus 1 ct r"!/'4'• but this u not tracing the ~ty1n. ; ingmi{us .th~i:a
gi,g!Jf>.lf"'o; unde .ifl_digtJ!f6: Volf." -tk' origin~/' is _evidently defccn~ed frc'un illgenor; i11g~Mr is as
!'f-.~i.V.'! .ef &~'!11flr ~1aft ; born within fuib cv1!lently defccnded from the genq pro gignp ; ani;i
~.~OfllllllJ,; ,foll)etirnt5 'f:¥!~d 4uJoc/;lb,ol/tS. gign!I _is )J\ldoubtcdly derived ii. rn'".4'" J:lrJ\ro-
• .IN.1D,l~ !' li!ltr_; tl.f'",'~I'!'• /~.,, oftPl!io; llndc I''"' vi:I r \'l"''I'"'• najcor ; as above : -fp ~b;it
~f,O; J!i!til.JO~r11!\ 1aliµd eft 4ictr!1 _qvam ,oflen- sn,gt11i11J11 ~gniffos tbt 11atura/ gt1fi11,s, '(>" efi/fto./jtiqf
<!ere an\mi .fu1 fcpv;pt_ijµn ; tll<o, di:ci, Jiflum ; lo inborn, 11r inbred in '!ltJ pttjon : and ~n "!l~'!! if
fo.1".JJ, fptak, . or P"~l/PJ!nlt,yl.qtds to be written. only an ingenious pt-lfo,rmance, co111~i'UJintt,,"1ilffoi11e,
IN -DOLENCE, A'li\11r, A'lll•a-•r, dol,eo, doltn1i11, or OltJ artful piece of mtcba_11ifs. , ~
#fldo/enli(l; f~eling ;,a,P11i11; i11faefibility 1 o/- apa- INGLE, " H ilp. ingle, int"'!': ?yfinRI/'~·
!b:! : in is neg. ''-hoc manifefte ab inguine: Skinn."--ct ~oc pia•
.. l~:D~~QENC~; "ot'Y""'• urgeo, ,pp,tto,im- ni~ellc; ~b JnK,t,», ab .antiqu.Jngmo, i.e .. a.r•~f"'.~\,
l,~~t1Jtf1 ; .v~I ,po,t_l!l;S..fl'.E"" ,eft Et~·~··: . e<><luc ; quta parces geptt~kJ : v~f ab. E'l'""•.r , qu1a· •.\{'
~1dctur eile ab Ji;et•~, 11t <!JU.od -,mh1l fit ali~d, r fequiori fexu ibi fit Kuo1ox1a: :-Ray tells us, f~a~
i:1.uim ad rrpus.txn~o ; aut J1.i111"10: ct dt ab ~11rg~o, ; this W(?rdi11gl1 in Cu!nberb fiinifies :• .fii;e, as
p.d11lg~o: Vplf." ./o urg.e, lo prtjs 1ipon, to ptrf1te de~ived by tranfpofitiop from . the Lat i(_pis :"-,.
'!fiifb,.t,agtr'!.•I! : .in i~ aug. ' but if fo, ig11i1 itfdf would be derived frqm t~e
. .lN.PU-STRY,~"1~"'~"' i11_j.ruo,flr1f.•.,hft/•flria; . Gr. .as we have f~en under t.h,e !'rt.- JG,N1TjON.
IJ> ~~. i.e. i.11, etj11;up ::.,.,}lruo, ,jlcc.or4_i,n g to : IN11'fAL 1E·~'"I"'• fnto, illit~alis, _ipi_,tiqlffS1'
~~!~ton ~d ·4 in(w. is der.iv:d fr.Qcn _l:1e«w1 • vel INl'I;JATE J b(linni'!l• tll/eriiig 11p011,. ilfJro-
~1!t~.,,)l.~o. :~but JlrJl.o figntfies to /Juild, and tillctd: in is aug. .
;"!'• to p_ull, tf!'vrl': ..fee STP,UC1'URE: Gr. l.NK, " Tiry"" tingtrt 1 T•')'X1•c,, ti.Ou; i•lc 1
• . I~-J;.&T, J\f!1•, ,ar,s,.Mlis; u.n~e i,f!c's, mtr· a tinl}urt: Upr." .
.!itt 1 w!t~ut ;#(II, ,fo.1bf11l, inllllifJt, ftupi_J: ~11 INKLING, or rath~r IN-CLIN, it being only
JS,"'~· . fl contraaion of itu/~J!IJ~io!', and coof~uentl,y
. ~~ ·FA~T l~}"· di~o ; lo fptf!I:; .for, ;cterived from E')'X><••w, in<lino, i11tli111Zti~, .a difpo7
IN -FANTl-CIDEJ faris,fi111f-r: f 1U1s, infl11fl; /ition: alfo a f111'111ift, jealoll.JJ, fu)1'icion :-lhould
J:hc ft~tc 9f +b(ldh,900, 1111ab}t . to fp~~lc ; :-in the this not be the proper deriv. it woald be ~ifficult
)a.II: : article j \)irn:;d to . ..,..•.,, ~,,..1.;, "!"""• ~,edo ; to trace it out according to our preltnt orthogr,
to exprefs 1he horrid att_ionof babt-ftJUt;d,r. of INKLING: there is, however, fo curious a
JN.FAUST; B.~911,[11:'.J..to_;fall/¥"!·!'!11/1.'l·lfl;/a- .d criv. ,given by Jun. that I n1uft dcfire leaVc
~011rtd; in is rieg. • 10 prod.uce it : - " in/cling Anglis vidctur dici
IJ'l-FECTJON: '1•.,,fi•, ilfficio, i11ftf11ts ;jlai11- ·p rzfaga Illa follicitz mcnti~ conjcetura, qure ani•
!:J,.p~jQµt/, m.ven~l!Jed: i.» is. aug. n_1is iloftris q uandam futurorum imagine1n pr<e·
IN-FERENCE, ••("• E•<''t"• ftro, i11ftro; lo figurat: vocabulo fortaffe dtfumpto ex 'l·~ur.
a;pp!J, t011cl1tpt: i11js 3!!g. · j11-ldi11du11 1 interius ptrfonare : quum itaquo
IN-FERIOR . l~•e.,,.ftr•; u~e i11Jir1ts, in· _dicunt, I bavc bad /111111 of tbe•11t1er, tan~
. IN-FERNALJ ftr'!"lii 1 ut proprie ~re voces tunde111 eft ac Ii diceren1, pr1fenftra111, pr.rmo•
.)ignific~nt. K:..?sxt•.. a : qui a ~ortu1 t~rrie i1Jfe- nit1ts. tatito q1t11dam <?tl111i in/fil}tl• :" - now
r11nt1tr ; inferior~ low, mta11 : alfo tLt lower r1- afrer this, it were to be wilbed he had traced1
zifnJS l t1ndtr-grou1fd. . ,the ccy,m. of this •rcut. _.yord J::Ji11c/, which
. .
·n,... , .Jot.111, l/.tJltt tin; fejl1u Jiu, fc:cll\I tQ havo, given origin 10 our word dinJ: •
. . ,X..k.2 . . ~d

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J N From G 1. ~ i it, and LA t 111. t N

·and' both of them to be derived from JC>."YY"• lignifics ·10 #1--in 1 · ind it has· IJeerf ·raid,' th~t
rlamor, ju11u1, fo11ilu1; a tinJ:ling fowul. the image might be borrowed to' denote
l.t-JN', •• Erl..., du111frilium, di'IJtrfurium; a pub- adion of God in an extraordinoiry inanner in-
lic houfe; a hauft to rettivt ftrangtrJ: Cafattb." fluencing, exciting, and enlightening the mind
IN~OCULATE, Oxxor; o~&">·f''~• ocrdu1 ; inJ of a prophet, or apo!l:le :"-but here again, as
oculatio; an art 'i11 gardening ; a graffi11g, or mo- before, in the art. DIS-C0URSE, his lord-
t ulfl!i11g trees : by taking a bud from one ,trtt, lhip ftops lhort in his deriv. by deriv1ng this
and fi:tdng it an 1111otbtr: it~ is ~ug.-it is alfo word i11fpiration from the Latin verb fpiro; Once
ufed to lignify th·e comn1unicating, or transfer- Jpiro itfelf is but .a derivative fron1 I:r..•e•>, Ire-.
ring a diforder from a perfon infcCl:ed to one 1110, palpito, fpiro, · live txfpirart animam, more
.not infected. animalium palpi1ando animum efflancium ; and
,IN-Q_UINATION, Ko"'"• inquino, polluo ; from hence applied to breotbi11g in general ;
K•;••r, impur«J; uncle '""'""'; 10 defile, pollutt,jlain, which is always performeil by o bt01Ji11g; palpitot•
1'ender impure : in is aug. ing moli1111 of thi l11wgs :-though there is another
IN-SE NSE ; enrage: Gr. :-fincc now it lig- Gr. verb, fr01n which fpiro, by ti'anfpolition,
nifies lo provoke a perfon to fo high a degree, as may be derived; viz. jpiro a •p,,..,~.,, quali l:r•e•..;
to drive him out of his fmft1, even to mad- fo, ventilo ; a 'p,,.,~, 1lcr, jf4be//u111, '1Jt1ttila1i01li1
11efs 1 it is . undoubtedly derived from the fame injlrurMwlum ; to blow, lo breatbt, to 'IJtnlilate ;
root with SENSE ; and in now is neg. meaning and from thence might be ufcd to expre!S that
10 un-Jenfo hn11, to render him in·ftnfatt·: Gr. extraordinary, and rniraculous operation.
IN-SENSE : " 10 inform : a pretty word," IN-STALLATION, " I.'liMw, ordinor. aor. 2.
{ays ~ay, "ufed· about Sheffield in Yorklbire :" E;o.Ao : others chu!c to derive it from flallulf,
-but wherever it is ufed, it would have been formed by contraction from ftabulum, which
more commendable in this gentleman, as an comes from fto; (and farther the Dr. would not
erymol. to ·have given us the deriv. of this go) and frgnifies properly locus ubi, .ftotur;
· pretty. word, which fcems to originate from the place where one ftand1, or is·; being
SENSE: Gr. · taken not only for o ftablt, but likewife for /1
IN-SIDIO.US, Eud'e"• ab E,.,...., ftdeo, inji- k11fe, or habitation: jlallum has been alfo fald
Jie; an ambujh ; ambufaadt, lying in wail : in . of. the quire feats in rhe church; from whence
is aug. we hav\: taken the Englilh fta/I; and of the
IN-SI.NUATION;" 11"'"" ca'1Jilai,jinu1pf1Pli- feats, or benches of judges ; fron:i whence collltl
,,is; /be ca'IJiry, or hollow part of the bam: the Ro- ' inftallart ; (o in.flail ; as if it were i11 .flal/Mm mit:•
mans underftood fi111t1 in 1hc fenfe of a bofqm ; ltre: Nug."-with regard to this ·latter deriv. the
quod bra,thiis .-on1J>rtbtnditur: de n1ari igitur di- Dr. ought to have deduced it from lr•/o";:t7••;
citur "'''"''e'""f• nam in marifinus eft maris par1 r1.., inftead of jlo, which is but a derivative.
1uaji bratbiiJ Jtrr.e interjefl a : a fi11u hominis eft INSTANCE, Iv.-w, vd "£;,,.;;,; "'"A'"• E<nt•
'i1!finuo ; quo proprie ufus Apuleius, cum alt ln>f, i11flar; lilct, a fimilitudt, a11 example.
'man«s· iijin1lt1tas (with- 11rm1 impltacbed rhus) i.e. lN-STANT,jubfl. IE......,., ,
in finu conclirns ; quod ho1ninum eft otioforum : IN-STANT, adjefl. Bu,..r, pr<4fens ump111;
ieftjlo, inflantia l

Volf."-i1!fi11uo, i1!finuatio ; to winde, and turn as the preftnt ]Vow.

a ferpem; and hence ufed in Engl ilh to fignify lN-ST,\URATION; Ei;•e• Ine• h:jlar, i11-
1be ·crafty addrefs of a Jj.-ophm1t, who tndta'IJour1 ftauro, i.e. ad i11.flar a/ttriu1 facio; to renew, begin
to creep, and wriggle himfetf into favor. · again, fucceed: in is aug.
IN ·SIPJD; O"•e• lEol.· pro o.,,or, japor,
pflu1 ; 'u11fi1'1Jory, without tafle : in is neg.
to urge: ill is aug.
I'l·e.., ..
1.,.;;, itif/igo, p1111go;
IN-S.IS'f, r;~,,, Ir•,"'• .flo, injijlo; to ftand IN-STINCT, from the foregoing roor, both
ptrentptorily, to urge, to be i11fta111 in: in is aug. fubll:antive, and participle; mean ing an inward
IN-SOLAT lON; ·o~a;, folus; fol; quod fa- motion, jtefarion : in is aug.
Isa appareat creteris lideribus fuo fulgore ob-
fcuratis : infalo, infolalio ; drying in the J•m : in
IN-STR,UCT Ir."'""''""
ftruo, i11.ftr110, xi,
IN-STRUMENT f1um; in.ftruf1io, i•f/n·
is AlJg~ • men/um; unde aliquid in.ftruimus; felling in order, ·
IN-SOLENCE ; 'O>.or, falus : infalentia ; u11· teaching, 1,-ainiug 1 a.lfo any implrmt111 /q w1rk
11/uat behaviour ; muommon at7io11s ; In is neg. with : ill is aug.
lN-SPIR.A l 'ION: Lord Bollingbroke, vol. I. IN-SUING, commonly written, and pronounc-
l 40, is of opinion, " that this wor<.f iefpira- ed tttfui11g; ' E..'f'"'" quali tquomqi, fequ.r, illft·
1i1• is derived fron1 a ,l..atin verb (jpiro j \Yruch : 'J11t'llt; /ql/owing, per[ui11g : in is aug. .
. · IN·SULAll

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( ·K ;;.om ·G·11 ~~ tt, and ·L;.. +i ll:'
1:. N·
<}N-~s:mi~·::tMr~.t.~•r,-iat~,,; ·i,;;ii1~,'i;flip 1ar t~rrlpoiarton.-or ri~e; ;is.!.riear as J>omb1e to:
: IN:.~rOt;X.'I;:t::) p'ofi.t_a i an iflan'd,'.;t~".tli11g I~ t~e the du~. cQurfe" o: the· Jun-; 'Which po l}ltthod of
/4a 1 -9r an.x lh1(1g}Ja11ii111g /Jy itftlf, di}J1110: 111 1s ' nQmbering by days, '!11onths, or years, can ever
aug. i ~f. ;V_offius fays, i11/1J/a i.s .a din:inut~ve o_f exaaly agree \Vi th~ l:ieca\ife ~he compleat period
x,.,, !'-'""· fa>."~~..,_ H efych • .hinc plunbus infulu of the earth's annual .revolution cannot be made
nomen i.JT"f• · ,( '., ' . . ' . _' .' .' . to CO\ncide with'' 'an( COf!lpUtation, at ·prefont
IN.-~Ll,LT, AM•/'""• J,qlio, ·infufto ; to '/tdp_,. or fub'rining i n' the known world: and therefore
$,;u111/'i 10 doir.iJieir, dendi: in is aug. ·· . d1ffcrent nations t'null: have different methods- of ·
IN -SU~GENT~ l E')'"f"• furgo, infurretfio ;. reckoning thC'ir dates 1 and none of them an(wer-
IN-SU RRECT fQN S .a ri.fing again.ft authority; ing cxaetly, they arc obliged to have recourfe fo
an oft11 rebtl/ ion: i11 'is aug. often to make an altctation of their· ftile 1 to
. !1~ -T~f, ': .tfij~.) -.yord appears tli,e mo'.e r~- fnterca{ate ~omed~es, and · ~om~times exp11ng1 ·
i:nar~lc~ be~a~~e. \~e ~appen, u:1fortuqately. to whole days. ip their computatl~n. .. ,
hayc;. .an9th,cr 111 ·.o.ur.language, which ~ars. a to- INTER-CEDE, x,.e.,, .X'"I", cadQ, in/er~edo ~
tally dilrerept (epfe_ 'froni 'this now before us ~ 'for . to comt, ,or!paft betwun; lo inurpojt; to -p!iad in
·this is derived a 6>.zM•r, 6>"1'-"'"• ta/ea; a t~/Jy; hrflalf of any one: inter is aug. · ·
a cbip, 'o r'ji;p, or. d.iry jlice of w ood cul off; and · INTER-COSTAL, l:vv-1nl'•• confto, undc
« lan.df iniaiJfed,". fi}ys Junius, " fpnt terr:r,: alicui ' coftir ; a rib, ribbed, betwun the ribs: inter is aug.
rdictre una cum'_al! is quibufdarri hrercdi~u~: ho- . INTER-DICT ; Aixo, jus dico, interditlio: a
minatim expreffis,: iia ut carlim · polfcffio · non probibitilm , forbidding, repealing an an: in1er
fimplici ter atqyc abfol,u tc . concedatur'h':iredi': a: 'is neg: " " ,. . ..
Gall: tailkr; jcindere, refcindere, ompu.tart: /~411.111 INTER-EST, 1!.1,u.1, jum, . es, tft, inttrjum, i11-
;alliatu;,,, . inquit' Spelmannus, en feed um, quod terejl ; it eoncerns me ; it tt11ds to my profit, a11J
ita falliatur, boo elt amputatu.r, et rtfcinditur; ttt adva111.ige; . :llfo_ufury: inter is aug. . ·
a~ n~llos tranfea~ _hrered~s, ni~ e corpor1;' serta: i ~~TER-'FERF! I . ~!t"• faro; to. bear! or tarry;
a11CUJUS pcrfoore em·anantcs ; c:xclulis mterca non : to intrude brtween, to mtermedd!e : inter is aug.
aliis. confanguincorum tamis,. fed. et frattibhs INTER-IM, E•, E,1;., inter, et im ant. pro
Cjufde1n, ipfifque interdum filiis ab uxore .rlcera tum;' quafi inter tum tmiporis termin11t11 i i11 the
procrcatis :"-this is the law lignification 1 buc· mean while: inter is aug.
we feem to have und_erfiood the word intail inl 1r:rTE}l~OR, ·E., in, inter, ,interior; 'it10re in-
yet..anot~er 'fcnfc'1.,viz. when we fay, the difl.t m- • ·ward; inntrmoft; more internal. .
pers' of difarder7y parents · are . inlailltd &n their; ..' INTER-LOPER ; A .. v~&..
'children: and yet it muft be derived from the · nr1uJ'11, ftjlino; to ' haften, jttmp about i tranjilio :
H efych. cxponrc

fame· root. "' mercatores ""t''l''l'f",,.7.,,. q ui contra com1nerci.i.

IN-TEGRITY, ei.,,.., tango; intago, inufit.• regulas mercaturam excrcen1, et quafi invadunt:
integer, integrita.s; whale, found, untoutbed, uncor- Jun."-unregincred, unenrolled merchants, who
ntplld: in i~ neg. ' arc always befy, and hurrying about, intruding
lNJ>EL-LIGENCE,' A•')'•'1 /ego, illtelligo, in-. their wares, conrrary to the j un rules of com-
ur-l<go, i. c. intus mtcum ltgiJ, fc. loquor; intelli- mercc > fee !:OPE : Gr.
ge11iia; knowing, underjlanding, pertti'l1i11g: inter . INTER-LU DE , Avl1e.,, ludo, inter!udt111; p/flJ-
is aug, . . . i11g bttwun, or any thmg atled bttwec11 the p/,1;,
IN-TENT lTH'"• .lEol. Trt'"'• tmdo, in- and the far<e: inter is aug.
IN-TENTION S te11do; i11te11t11J, i11untatio,. INTER-PRET, M,,,...e,,.7au, l'"ro' .,.;;, fe"~'"'•
inttntio ; taflreteh, bmd, or Jfrain; defig11, purpofe; inttrlo&utores, interpres; a mediator between two,
'11taning; at/tntive: i11 is aug. who may be of diff~rcnt languages : an explainer,
IN1'E.R- CAI.:ARY, 'K ..>.1w, vo,o, ealo, an!. an expaunder: inter is aug.
u11dc .inter&alarium, inter&alaris: dies vel 1nenfi's IN-TE.RR," Ef'" /era, ttrra; the earth; unde
i11ftr(a/aris difrus cit / ui injerebatur Jiu, qui forcalfe Ee•f3•r, trebus, qoia f11bterra11t11J; nifi
durat ad comple11durn annum :. the odd day of ·the hoc malis clfe ab Ef'~"'• · ttgo ; to t()'l;tr : VOII:"
Leap year, which Talle!h every fourth year; viz. 'who has likewifc gi.vcn us 3DOther deriv. of
on the.fixlh day of 1he ea/ends of March, which terra; viz. a T"I"" hoc cit Z"f"""'•Jfrro; quo-
was reckoned t'!f'ice chat year; and froan thence modo H efych . ./Eol. T1f..121 exponit "'"1"'"'7"1 ''"
it acquired the ~ppellation of Bix Stxtilis 1. bc- ,;,..,. : ne1npc iJ.jiceitatt id trrr" no1nen datum ob
caufe the jixth qf the ca/ends of Marrb was twice eam caufam, o!> qtiarn, ut ioitio Gencli"s lcgi-
toU111td 1 i. e. a day inter-vened,_ or was inttr,alated,. mus, Deus ipfc nt1:i• hoc eft ariil.e impofoi.r·:
er 1a/led twit t qver i ·in order to keep up a regu- the forsicr however fcems the more natural deriv.
~ IO·

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l Ki ,G ,. J
' ' '"'"", 14 p111 !1110 .th1 tar~h-.. ~r,gro.11114 •
or c01Jer ovtr w1tb ear{b: Jn ia aug. ...
1x, ..l!ld .L.A 1.r ir,
u ~'!?>: , lN-T.RlCAT~•.: 9(1~~~~11·
. .... ·l•s; .a hep/I ef.luur_. "JM.
. INTER·STICES, ~""• •r~, In,..i~ ]lo;·i11terjfi- !l!Ctaphorically ufed td .! 'il°;:, ..; . \ :,,, "' ..,
~ .

.. ~ "' ,•
lium; Ji.fttuJct, fpac1 btlut<tll, inveroalls: inter Jiffic11lty, ptrplt'f}ty : l ·~e•E, "t•x-.r.. 1~ • ~
is aug. · cat"s ; enwrappt4, i'!'Vtlopa/,,,t11ta11glt1I: ,U 'ii lt.·..
INT ICEMENT; r,er.haps [his m~ be only a IN-TRIG UE ; ·derived ' from the' '
tranfeofition of the .word inci/lmtn.t i and now root 1 for, as .N l!gCnt obf~rve~, « lb~ .
'jlfcd t~ liitnify a11 .allurinz, .or m•'lling to a'Elio11;, properly faid of chlck~ns; [na_t .have ~ ,Br . J
j11flll tlgrttalle oOjeEJ: lhould this be the true dcriv. i.nta11gltd with h.airs · (feathers, &c.) :icq>rdjlig
we may deduce it from the ume root with the ro 'Iripaut: and comes from £>, in ; a.n~~t·!.
word CITATION: Gr. · · ' Teix•r, a hair: tric.e, fays Nonn'ius, f!Jnt .i/t}!-
.INTIMATE 1~·l•r, i~tus,inti11111s, i11iiu111Jioi di111e111a, ct implicatiolits .(ct i•t.ri&.a r1, , ~4
INTIMATION. an inward Jri.end; p fa1Ctr! 'flor4ri) .diare lluafi :ttrfr'.") ,q'u~ ·pull~'.'.~·
f"PpiiTler: alfo.'J: tk,/4ri11g, ~i~#1fg,fi! ; f!"._CC!)s 111wl11a11t et 1Mp{ii!t11ft c~p!t,lt M!~!fii,
IN· TlltE, commonly written, anilpronounccd pi\citi: .Nug."-wc make ufe of thjs wortlti~.if!~
ntirt, after the ·F~nch 1 but it ought -to be re- fenfe of a perfon's fo dt(J>/y'vofoi/!il,ifl ;¥!
membered, that the French themfclvcs arc only affair' of honour, tha[ he capD!)t.pofJibly.l/ifttig'1~
borrowers of this word; and have bor(owcd it • qr Jijil1.ta.n.t,le .bimfalf .;n,is nc;g. '
witb an ill grace 1 for· th,ey have dis'fi!$ured 'it ·the JN.T,l)lrfSI('.: ; £>, Erl~, i#Ur, .intrif![t~;..1-ffl
moment it .Came •intO [heir hands; •tf W C'llr< tO • ftfn,t//, ;f!'W!J~J, t'ta/ 'fOrth; ~j VA/lie. 1 "~.Pi•
fuppofe, that [hey borrowed it from ihe.l..,atin . . .IN':i:Jtb;PE, Te"".• trudo, i'ntrJ!ll~ 1 !o.tJfY.1~
word integer, which was taken ·from ·the· Greek mter 11: 1111Jtafa11ably, 111opport.11nely: t!f. IS ayg. .
_verb a •.,,.., tango, lttigi, 1110-1 fro1n the IN- l ' U ll'{bN, .0•-f"!• t11eor, int11i!11s.1 ':1;,r;;.
l.atins formed their old verb i11111go.1 whic.b is i11t~, or, as we fay, to ~llll'J) b]j11.JJ lo~~i"l. 41 -~
,only their n~ative iii joined . to the -Greek; iand thing: ~n i' a,ug. ;;: · ;
they have very. julUy compounded their ,word . IN-URE.; \lv.e, unl!c .!'r~,_~lir.o; fo~hi/iit.•l1.

·IN·ttgtr; to lignify '"'Y ·tbi11g.<1ntg11c/;>1/i,.1t11f11,ta- . 'fire: aug. . ,'. •

•ill4~ed, 1t11(01T11ptttl 1 wbolt, fau11J, .i11tirt.: ;,, · IN-VASI ON'; Bali~"• vaJo, i1f'llafi1:i' 11 ·~
i' neg. I again./!, mar'h agpinjl,.a.J!ail: .;,, is aug. · _ .::·.
1N-T01 E•I..~ intJtS.1 withi11. I lN-VECTIVE, OX'"• vtho, inve{I~, '1,;lttrift!J
!N-TOX-IC.J\J:E..1--:~'>. .ar"'.s; .unde .,I a raif~tlg,..fja11J1ro11~ Jittth :.. i11 i.s aug. . ,, ,'.
q uoo •""'' ttrNts ·fafltb•nt. ; tfxii;_111f, ;,quafi t~x•- : IN-VEl.G LE; '.' . p,Jlutrt, ot,~(.ar1..1 ~· 'QI!!•
.e!""• a taxo arbore '1Jt11t111Jt4 : .poifan, afld..JtadlJ ~vtuglt 1 '"''us ; 'fi,i1t mt1vt11glt; ,~#.ecart; .'l/l.U,f
J1tiu, extralftd from the ye-<J1·trte: and from licncc,i mac Angli' 'feccrunt fuum · mveigle: · Jun.»-11
.JI perfons iRloxitattd, and ine/Jri111tJ, were at• .be wilh~<J, 1his great ety1J¥>l. b.1d ir.accd
firll fuppofcd to have bten poifoneJ by f11m1 t•· out for us that horridly barbar9qs French "~~
_'flnwt11ed '"1: this opinion is very naturally intro- 111uugl1; inftcad df informing us ..what.t.~c ~nghfh
.duced by Xcn~phon, Kve• '""''""" A._ p. z5. 1 have done aft~r their ,ignor~~ ·n:ainple :Jper)iaps
.or. .. <!11, .,,. ••h ,,,,•.,.... . ,.. ' ,. T'1 xea111f• then, by a'IJtirglt, tliofe.Ba.r,bapans n'nght ll)tCQd. 10
f'~I""'" f"l"''l'I'-'"' "": K"'''l'"t 011 P."""' ... Tor have i:le-ri ved it' 1 vifus,. i. e. ab ~.1.,, t•idt6; ~nee 1
fl•A•( " .,..,, ,.,,.fA•••r, ..,.,,.. ""1'1""9•• f"tl""""' .. v1or they explain it by qui eft·prive 'ck J'ufage de la
{.,.,. I"""') .:,... ''YX'"'1... K.a, ,...,, 1., ''"• ... , v11e; any one tkpriveJ of; and. here .ured to
.fl· Ta•, Ta1o l<Jll1<')'><•< ;- 'C111 ,., <!.•, •f•, ol:"'r i"'t"r, ••• lignify the inticing, or /tpdi'ng ·llllJ ~l!I iJu.,JfoiJ ·
1rai°r . yt:.11-'~•f, _ ~"' ;o°i'r ~WI'«~• ~·aAA."f''~': ·~~1ott iRIO q/lr j11a'tes: it: ·js. neg. ~ . , t . :
.,... 'Y~t• " •• ,;;i, •/"Ar T"< .,,..,1.., ,..• .,.., '""1" ...1., ' IN· VEl:..OPE, RaA1.,, """'' pr~polito . d1gam.

, .., ,,.7,: n ..;i,. ,.,. 'Y"t ..,.,. '""'f"''l'"1', '1""'•9«11.•1• 11 quali F"""'• volvo._ ill'tJolut- ;: rolled 11p, i1wo/11rd:
.1, r.. 41},).'J).w.-· ')l•1t It XCll "'«.A" ,.,>-••ftJf· ·- •w.eOt.IJAIH• i• is ~ug. ..
.,, .... "'••1or, "1"'"'1' f'/"• "t•rot : Af')'!'" '' •xaror .;,.... IN'-VE.NT 1B.,,.., a....,,,, 'f/tlliq, ilf'J'!'~"·
n• i"v1a ;..,..~•. '"'" "'"~'""1' "fX""I""•'• I"• """"' IN· VE!llTARY S i1r.;entari"111 ; 10 .find~ d'111/t_;
..tX.",."'' ,. ,_;,e~, t».>-. al' •t 9...9a1 .P•!"'..''· :tlfo to 1nake .a catl!l(/~ue o( w~atevcr ~lf,ltf ma7
E"•'-•>-•..0• It .,,..,7....,.,,, ·"" 1.1, o1• o,13,.,..,,,., '~"'' p; .be fc1111J .on \he P"•nif~'s :. in '.is apg. ., ,
.,., •"'-••• •1• "" "fX•... T.1.. 'Y"e 1• •,..,,., ..., ..e.,1., IN-VE.RT, 'Te,...., .quafi ll;el.., vtrro, iilV,rrfi.~,;
""1t/A#&.,, 17, 'l'ai &f" .. ~ j,.•r•t"'• o u14H< n1i to IUYll injidt out, 'upjiJe Jow11: in, is a,ug: .,
,,.•.,.,,. Jrr•1' 'Yi• ,,,..,.;i,.-Hoganh himfelf has IN~VE'fERATE, " B~1lr.r, quod a B• ., ...1"'.'.•¥•
: not .drawn. a -.morc li v~ly .pieturc in his "t EJof, ann11s, _i. e. a1111of11s: Y<!IT. et Seal. -
.u/11igb1'1 fDlr.ltr/4tio11-pie,e, ! P.alde. vctu.1, .unde invel." :af11s, jn1',eiar:11(iD i. 4 I•~~=
-~· . .• ~ .. • f • # • • • • • " ' '' ''

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f 6 :Ftohi u-1ai1·it, inci t.JT'rw:'l f e
'itiiNi il'~~,__i,icl .iq~;~'J.~(ir~ ; if(o -~ ~ oQ)li- o~dii\1btcdly .ali· _thcrJ::wo~cis·.'originrte i fu~.•• ;
l_ti i/i ifio'tslu11 tiifi~ef: ill i.( ~ug. l....or ·~ mi~~t tadlet Ii~ derived· from.x-boff, 7'a-vr ·
o.:, rR:Vf~~ ~,. an.l\tper . tnit~ce of. Barbarous <fuali Jo.via{is"~9'Jcr~t\~d to Jpwt; in· tli.e J~nfc !>f
F fencli' I ort1bri'; iof ' no" pcrfOi\.' 4t .filft fig-ht J-~OJ'.. ' lb! f!!tl; as e,~1. tdrs J!Si yo~ . .J.3:i,,9.nly
~~Id, illljl_gillS• f~!~ .Y"C. -~\!~.~i:a~e· fhis ~oid _l.lp ~off,_. Kofft~ ~iid: , ~ryb,' are e'Videnily <tcrtve~ •
to., rvl""» f~ ... 111TPll·; wbj rf-rou11i/1 " 1n lJl'Ul!J Kir9 · <>>-.• i <'!Put; .fbf EiaJ. . . .
co/ligi l(i , i11 "efr$t,tti. iJq firi ; iJrare; unde Gall. JOLLY: more. barbarous Fr111<b l'rallfoogra~
tlirli'; ui\de 9u~u~_. fe.cerunt fuum t11'lliroi ;' t6 pbicatio11 f~IJni. t.h'e yr. wbrds Z1ur--1'it• or (fup-
Jiiir9i11il ."1'.•pWJ._: l !iii.' an·ci: Skjnn.:• in is alig. pofing' thfy.)tever ''fnt fo . high) f~om du~ Lat,
i;l'lr~ V'~ _ ;_.l{.4(•>~ii.ii 1 ~'t'"JYncdp: ,unius vo- J!',f1'!H";' Jh~s· '. J.{:tpit!~ f<;>r'tJl~_7,'ll;t 1 7wis g~vcs
calis.;. ~t' ll iti' .V,a01riJiifoTe'p $ non'eff: "in'llltq origin to Yr-~iaftsj ann 1ovta!J,s muft be c9n-
nori a.vitO. d'c'~"cituf 1 ·tro cu,P de' <oiruiviis dicl- (raffe'! ·&'y 'th~ Fr. .Gair. ·i cntry to jplf; /11/(btr,
tur,. l viif di' \in\ viqeri; gv~li ad fe vocare con- brllu1, 11iiidu_s, '"''"'• oJa;ef;, a ]IJ'l/ial ftlfD".»1 4
vi'llii cailfd :" lt;ic i:pf)i t~'n'llhlii vocevivl1tlt' boon <0111pa11io11, 'a t,:;"1" literaru_m homo.
ita fumicur; iii ''l/ft4 -j~ in:uilari.;. ftquidem .ca ~ox JOL T -htad, fecms to. be ·only a reduplii:atfon
~o.!Wliiii.i propi-ic i:onvcnit i Voft"'.;_io bid lzllJ one of _t~rms ; jolt, or Joi<, ', '?tad: fee
ro 4..~ t11/(T'(aj~m?'/.. · . , : , . . JOLE: 'Gr.· ·
_IN-WA_RO 1_ ~" ·1111 -~n.d Tf'~""" quaJi liter.., JO~T, ot jhdJ:t ; r,.,, L.,i.11 mitto,jado,jaflito=
<JJPlq 1 qua.Ii warlo, war:J; .t11r11tJ 11/Wartf. vel il z,.,, jus, unde jujla, und'e " Fr. G"1l;
JQCbSE J~'. non ao t ..x,,, 'i..x,O{, uxx,or, ut joujler; bajlis lutlere, h11.flis -i"'lt~tr-1 : .Skiiln, " td
· JdCU'LAR rioi:lnu.lli volunt; fed ab Iuy•, pujb, jbo'llt1 or tbruji: fee JUSTLE: Gr., · ·
.JOJ(l~G _· .l~<~{.- ,Jo<pf,~!, joc111lf'us j jt}ling, IQ'NIC, t..... ~,, .Jopifus, · qvi 101111m cft; an
11HrJb~ a¥ 'Y
mtrrttllll!~: . ~If.'- A • Ioliia111 ' tbt_ lopi<ordfr-; from Ionia, a ''un19 of
JOG,Aiwx'-;txftllo, abig4; to dr1vt1 orjhweaway. 4)ia minur, /Jelo11gin'g lo Gr.! tc1,' ' .
JOICE, fomeiin\es written jQ/flJ 1 Z.ur, jus, . J.OT ; l.;.1,., i'o(a; the Greek letter • : alfo any
•Jiujl11_s; fif"!_ -c1ar1i.t11lart ! -~h.ich might ·J~a~ us fmalJ thing. . . , .· .
to dcnYe Jt a.:Z.1u:yJo1,)ll1JlO.; '/OJOllJ rafltr{1 or oia1J11 , JOVE; derived either immediately from the
l•gtJb,er l as ~n the nsxi, . . . .. I Hebt. J eho'IJa·,, " vcl ' vcrior (orralf'c aliorum
JOINT, z,~')<";- -<"lf'4, z..,,..,, J"P""• 111111110; opinio, qui cenfent ex z,~, e.lf'c 1,0'Vis, ab antiquo
.totllll!lilt{. ailing l".ldb'tr. . . ' non:iinati.vo J/1vis,'_ JO'l/is; nam:i'Eoles dividebant
.JplST-ca!tk·: whether. we ~rite it joijl,jeijl, I diphthongos; itaquc pro "'!'r,, d ixcre ,,..;,; pro
11gi,ft,, ·or agi]Jment, the wpr,d 1s fo barbarou,1!6' : z,;;,, z,;;, : hinc .lEolice (3 inferto 't.1(3"'• et z io
marigle'3~ and transformed by -thofc llorridly · J converfo; ut a z.,.,., Jugum ; fie i Zt{Jor,
ignorant ciymol. the French, that no man ,can . Jovis: ,Voffius, u_nd'er the arr. ]1''110 :"-buc
find oue the deriv. •ot ir,, bu~ ·by the -ferife it Cid. toe. 13z, n; fays, "in .this word Jn;t, or
bears: agi;1 then, •Or joijl, is rhus explained, , Jo'lli!, whicn laft was often nom_ina!ivt'ly u(ed,
·, , aliena al'tllcnta in rCgis forellan1,- i.e. inc\lltum and is in' fall: fi1 irregularly the genitive of Jtipi-
~um,, 11dmiuerC,. et eo nomine pecuniam exl-' ter, though a very different word, the common
gere; a Fr. Gall •.gijlt,, '11bit11l111#1 fe!J lo<:us in quo ctyn1., pretends that it comes fromj11vare, lo be/p;
iliiquis Ja,ei,-~ v.croo gifir ;ja~ert : . Sl<inn."-thus· but the Celtic will tell you, that it con1es from
far t he Dr. ~~.h'e1ped:u~~ but._rio fattHcr he. Vo.ffiu,s ·. T-bolf. 'J-ov~, the bead, or princjpal of all things;
now will llelp 'us to deduae It from the Gr. thus, l f a Jove principium :"-however QC has allowed in
« ab Eu•xa, vel i ..- fie r..x.,; ab ·r..,..;, r,....;, another place, that ho.If is the fame as ltoff, or
J acto; to ,]ie down :"--fu that thefc words joijl, koph; i. c. J:.rph; and confcquently even in this
jrift,. agi.ft,. and agijlmtwl,. .are derived from 1,.,...,, fcnfe, 'JO'Vt is Gr. a K191- .. >.~, caput; the btaJ.
-and lignify' the 1akin1J cari!e to paft.urc, where, i JOURED, feems to be only a conrrad ion of
after feeding themfclvcs 'full, they may Ill} ibem- journeytd; i. e. a _perfa11 tired, and fa1ic1nd with a
..Jelves down to rejl: · . . , long journey, or any wearifa!ne la/Jor; and confe-
JOLE, cornmonly ·written, an'd pronpunccd quently 'derivcd, as fn the next art.
jowl of'fal•on, &c. : a ru>.1,., vel potius fua1'or, JOURNAL 1no one would fuppofe, that th is
gula; Ital.. et Hifp• .go/a; Gall. gutuh 1 fa11<el' JOURNEYS word was of Gr. extract. lince it
pif<jim: " ·vir 1onge <!oCtiff: Gerardus U!!gb,ain- comes to us through the hands of thofe fub-
. ius, in qua.Jem epiftola-. olim>< (fays• verters of all ctym. the French, in that frraogely
jun.) 'rctulit ad Sa~ ciol, reok i -guttur:"--to, ·difiortcd word journal; for, "who expcds to
which E:,ye-adds, ,1•·qu:i: originem 'deberc vidcntul\ 16nd tfits in.jour11al ?" fays Ciel. Way. 84, " yet ·
.Armor•. g~I;.. Ct Hib. gialt:; qs; . ritlus.:'.'..;.but ;it is tlierc.; dies, ifiur11uJ, jo11r11a/ :"-but now he·
· lhould

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~ S.l F~~'l'T ~' ti~ ~· and. -~~Tr ·~ '!, ~
~ould have found, that tlits was far mor~ calily not a Hebrew proper nl!11c, J!Of ·the.~ligoatiOJ!
to . be · found in A..,,, lumen, ignis, la!npas; to of ·his birth place; but a Celtic term o( rej>roac!r;
typiff ' the fl!n, . t~e great _lor&h of da! ;' and now viz. JutlaJ, ISH: CAR·Jopd; or. Jttdfi!, tbt, fll-
uM:~ tQ fignifx an accourit -of what 1s perrormed cu.rfe J<W :"-but we h_ave f~eil t~i;: the 'ftord
in tmt.Jay;or aqj after iiizy; hencedjinirnej-,,11111, CURSE 'is Gt. . . ' '. '_,. • " '. i ,
« qui olim de die in diem operam 'lo~vit, · dcfig- · ISCH-bone, conunonfy· 'l:all~d ·eJgt.-60111,' and
navit; licet nunc, qui patHi !llerccde in annum erroneoufly written t~eh-/Jont, and • fomctilne1
fcrvitut~m fiip"!_lat!-lr, d~not;lt: SJi,inn." pronounced ict-bont i none of which is• right;
JOY, r ....., gaudeo, gaudiJJm _; delight_, pleafure: but the lafi however has be~!tpro~rly' ~erived
yet ii ra"J.:.,,_ glorior; ' to /lo.aft wish fa~iif.atlion. by Lye, " ab I.-;ic10~; lfcbiurb, coxtndixi'D1cm~rum
IRAS~IBLEloe,.•• vel X"f "'• ira; ·/racu1Ufia ; bovi_s p.ofricum :"-tbt bon( adjoin'i~tk-the' hip:
., I R~ ·, 1 wrath, anger;, furj ': .Qr J)fe;we -'-Ray h.a s very crronco,u'oy . called 'it'. li'. titt,.p •f
inay adopt the deriv. of If. VoO: from the tty- 'beef, which is·quite differellt from th.e ifab-bone.
mologic11m M''Y'" vii . ct. Ee1;v1.., x..1.. Af"..'"''• T~ ISCf-l'IAS l I"X'"' ••••r, ifahiat._ co111ndi'Cllm
9f"'~'.-9"'; · a_nd then it fe~1ns to origin~tc; a~ Ef''• ISCHU~ Y S tklor: R. I.rx,1r, vet I~"'! (1111,,
'onte11:10; ftrift, anger, d~batc. · • , ._ bus; the /ouu; tlie dt'feafa 'ealleJ lht j(1atua, or
IRIS, le•» iris'; herb'a qu,cdam arom'!lica ;. 1111 hip-gout. · ·· · ' ' . • ·• ' •
aromatie fiowt.r ; alfo. tb.e irra!liattef. iirdc'forrned .ISING-puddi11g; .Io-•!•••~ .ificf'i"' ; .~. >:""'• ftfo:
by the (Q/l/ra{Jion, and aila{ion of tht pupil· of edulii genus, e carne ililigtntct i11'tri1a; et ii<iau-
Jhe eye. tiffinu in'dfd: videtur Latinum, fays Hederic; but
lRK-SOME: " U\faiib •.he quid dileCl2: fua: there can be oo" real'cio' for . it: Anglic~ 4
~ra:?.~ pcrcat, :d;lleCl:it 1ab Ef')'•r, opero/us, mi11~ed fY~· . '.' . · , ' .-
di.ff!cilu, ~a.boriojds, : ,nial!e~," . fays Skjiln. '.' ( ne ISLAND l r...., """• ,,,_.,...,.,: ' Hefy,ch. ·or eJrc
quid d1lcCl:re' 1nere Saxori1c;e lingure ' pcreac) a ISLE } from_~r, 'E.IMor, falus,falum; undc
i;c-jteccai;i i pu11ir1 f"-"'prior interim cqmpoGcre 'infula; i11 fa lo jita ;' a'11 iflanJ,jl.nding by itftlf i•
vods," fays Jun: "peti qiloquc 'potefi ex· Cim- the midfl of the/ea.' ·
!reis, yrlt ; . facere, e/aborart :"- " rc!Cl:c," adds " ISLES of a '(bur&h : this is Ainfw. orthogr. :.
1.-ye, ". nam yr~ c~ _opuf, fibor.; cui tcrrpin~tio11~ but, notwithfiand in~ he is ~~'!er~!Y more cor:
J!me adJe,Cta, qu'~ d1fp:Of\p~n,e1n fignac, furinatur re.;t than many ~1cbo.nary_' wntm, _yet,.hc ou~ht
11/:fame, operofus :':-what now, have .all thefe · ·not to be followed· her<:'; for the rcafons which
gentlemen gained 'by defercing'the Greek ?...:.they have ,been given undtr the art. AILES of '
acknowledge, that yrlc, and irlc, fi~nify opus ; church, and ALLEY: ·Gr.: or clfe, if, with Ciel.
and yet h~fitace co derive them both from E.e'Y-•» Voe. 101 and 1f2; ·we are ro underlb111a "1b1
1Jpus; toorA:; toil, labor, ttdioufnejs, wearifo•t· i}lts of a church in· the fenfc of wi11gs, they (ecm
11tft: or, if this lhould be p.ltogether fo inad· to originate ab heilt, or ·~alls j for fuch was tho
millible, there is yet another 'Greek word, 'from diftinlhon ' of the Druidical collegiate churcb'ts';
\vhich irkfame may be derived; viz. r«tK·cu, from whence they acquired the name of a/ala, or
iaf'Jo., Mo.x1./ .,,r, according to 'llefych. a fwitcb~ al..e :"-but' Voffius derives " a/4 'from ago; ab
or rad, to Jirik~ with; and here ufed to fignify ago eft axo; unde a.~a ; h inc axu!a; ii quo gxilli;
all?' blow, or flrol:t _of misfo.rJune, whi~h is alw.ays ex quo IJ/a :"-:but as o. he. hi!11fclf had deduct'il
gruvous, and vexattous, tedious, and difagretable. ab A,..,, duco, ·ago, agtJo; being thofe ar111,i, or
IRON, I.1loe"" ferrum; the p1efl ufeful meial. wings, by which the birds 'drive, force, and imptli
IRONY, E'f"''!"• ironi11,}imulatio, vel Jif)i111u- tbtmjt!vts alo11g; and which, h!:ing placed _on each
1atio in oratione : a figure in fptu'b, or an argu- fide, gave occa'lion to the naming thofe additionSI
mcnt in mor~ery, fcoffing, je)ling, jeeri11g. buildings, which are raifcd on each fide the main
JRRJT ATE, Ee•~~. irrito, laaffe, provoco; pro- . body of a church, the ij/ts, the ailu, rbe a/,e, or
'!Jolting, urging. · · .; ·tbe wings of a thurch : this derivation likewife
IR-RORATION, i:i.e,••1, ros, roris, irroratfo 1 fuits very well with heil, in the fenfc fcb~I, of
11 m~_t.fle11i11g, wet!i"!J• bedewing : ir. is aug. whe~ only_ an _add_itional bui,l ding ; but when 1c
JS,E,., e;1; it is. • fignrfies the buddrng 1tfelf, ·as a hall, or co/ltgh
. IS-CAR-101': it i:ray appe,ar (lrange to ,de- it then originates from AuA-"' au/a ; a hall,
rive this word from eaher the Gr. or the Cele. or coUege. ..
'tong ue ; anil yet it is evidently derived fr9m one ISO-SCELES, !.-o.-K•1'•<• ~9tta!ia· ha~hrs crtlfl,
of tbem ; " for there. is great reafon," fays Ciel. (cu laura; · ~ triangle of t tjt1t1! }ide1: R, 1..,,
Voe. 114, n, "to d unk chat the word lfcariot, .e3ualis; ec-,:t~t>,01, &r~is; ri ltg. ~
·a)Jpl icd co Judas, who betrayed J cfus CIHifr, is· . ISSUE, or event ': a Greek 1night look at, and
2 • • • •• admire

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1 u. · Ftom Gi!'Elt, and LxT i N.
'5Jm\re·i:he prettincfs of this Fr. Gall. ·and mo- J11bil~11i', ·vel 1111n11s Y11n!f/i~11is; ab flebr. -~.l,;
..lcrn Ftehch word ijfue~ for ages, )vithout ever Jo/;el; unde et recri us Jobilit!11s dicirur per o;
'Once fufpecring that it was difiorted from his own quam. Jubildus : rhe year of. rcmi.flio11, ,,,J,,,.p.-
vcrb' Efi•I"• exeo; exilfls; an outgoing; «JI .t'tlt~t, an liin, fotgiveneft of debr1, pardon cf fins; infii-
-end-; . a tn'11linalion, and final dofa: alfo a· pa.f!age lliced every hundredch year.
for pucanl b11mors. · JUDAICAL, folai·,;, fal:U••» ]ud4'11s,Juda'kus.;
ISTHMUS, lu91'«• ijlhmus, terra angufta inter Jewijh: firicrly fpeaking, no Greek word. ·
duo maria; a 11ar.rfJ'W·neck of land, part of ti C01'n- JU.-DGE } Z.vr-1"'"• j111lico ; vcl Ztvc.-
try lying /;e/ween 'two faas .. . . : • ·JU-DICATORJ;' IHK'>,jus-dico,judel!: Voi-
IT, 0., is, ea, id; tbat: or rather ab Ov1or;bi(, : JU-DICIAL fius has plainly proved,
is, i/le. · . · ~hac tfiis is the true etym. of the verb judico ~
ITALY, l1ar.Aoe, !Jdius; botll' the name of a which is evidently compounded of fus, and dici:
' Grecian commander, who .fctded ·in t hat couo'- we 1nufl. 1herefore trace out now the deriv. of
try; and alfo ·~~e name for. '"' ox; ·or calf-; .f'or botb . thofe wo,r.ds: in the firfr place th.ell, under
herds of ·which that countr.y .:wat· ~ but tl1e arc. judidum; he fays, judico vero, et judex,
wh~her, as Antiochus fays1 (Ro,man i\Jir: D ionyf. (.c:r j11'dici11m) . font a j11re-diu11do ; '}ttr forenfc ii
Halicar. book. i. fee. 35.) t~e 'CPU.ntry 'took 'this juva11do, aut jubendo: then after other deriv. he
name. from a i;on.'im~der, which, perhaps, is feems lo abide py the former: " Scipio· Gentili$
the moll probable; libro origi,num fcribir, din1 prifci -in agris vi-
-~ · .Jitjper.iain, .Graii c:ognomine dicunt i verenc, f'1!pe infirmiores opprimerenrur ii poren-
.. . . ·. ' nunc fama n1inores tioribus, cos qui allicerentur, ad ·mifc~icordia.'tl
'Italia!li-dixilfe, t/uasiJe.11ot11i11'e gentem·: ... eJ(eit11ndam,•I•,· I.., folicos exclamare: uncle l~cr-
.. · '. . · 1En. Ill. 1•65. rullianus hi Valentinianum ; ut etiam· .inclama-
or, accordine; to Hellanicus, from 1be calf; ye.r .verit iir eam r., r.., quafi. po"o, fzyirites ! . et jidem
this at leaft IS manifclt'from both their accounts, Cdfarii! vult igitur ab b, .JOU S, Ut vererc~
that in Hercules' .t ime, or very littl.e. before, it loq1u~barcur, dietum elfe ; ,quia inflnniorcs nil
was · Clllled !1alia: for before this, the Greeks nifi JUS cupianr,. atque expofrulent; ab . i:;,.,&.,,
.~ailed it Hejperia, and .Awfonia.:-Clel •. Voe. ~ujus . contr.aetu~ E9.,. Al~era•l?• qnoq u~ 'ctyilJ.
1 96, offers -us a different dcriv.; {or, he fays, tdem adfert, ut a Jwe fit. )us;. quemaclmoduni
" let us a little examine, whether Italy may nqr G~ci l>•••, ut aiunt, quafi .:.,.r ""?"• .J~vis
be more fatisfactorily traced to a geographical filia: probat a111em hanc or~ginatienein ex
circumtlance: on defcending the .dips, the vales LaCl::anti~>, qui air, Ennium, Euhe~ri­
of Italy would natur_ally prefc:nt the idea of te1n, fcnbere, Jov em in monte .Qly1npe n)a)<i-
1,'da/t, 1be dale, or 'lJal!<J·<ou11try: this was the maJll vit2:, partetn coluifii:; e0que nd illul'I), li-
profpell: whicl} Hannibal (hewed to his army' for qua incidilret controverfia, venire. folore ~ · fane
their encouragement :-Daleca,./ia, and 1he Ida- verifimilior hrec ecyni. quim ·prior. :"-we ihould
li411 ·grove, are evidently formed on chis. princi- ·therefore now !hew, frorn the farne author, the
ple:"-coofequently Gr. firll: as· under the art. deriv. of Jupiter, Jivis: but this has already been
DALE,'and VAI,.LEY·: Gr. done under the art. J OVE : -fo thatjudico,jude.\',
ITCH : " Cafaub. deflecrit (et proprie d~~. j11J, etjujlitia, are all of 1he1n evidently. derived
llectit) . ii.K»?i<>, Xvill~,, .quod, ft Seal. fit, fron1 Zw{ et cl'i.-., :-the former ha:viog been
apud Tarentino.s prurire fignavjc: Skinn.".:..- proved, lee us now proceed to the latter:· that
but neither .of thefc authorities fatisfied the Dr. dito i.s derived from .ll"""'• Voffius iliews in the
who (a)!S, " alludic idque longe prpprius rx.~e. following 1nanncr, under the art .. i/ito: after, Jo11ies :"-but noboi,!y elfe will think fo. mentioning the opinion of Ca;:f, Seal. he pro-
ITEM,. Ou1uc, ita ;· fit; i11 like· 11u1_1111tr; .alfo·; ceeds to that of Jof. "qui, uti ante eun1 Aogdus
Jiktwifa,: ,it 'is .ufed to fignify · " bin!, or an Caninius, ii\ Hellenifmi A lphabet<>, ct pofi eos
intimlitidtt. . ,. Petrus Nunnefius, dito aic e!Ie a ;>""" quod. ell:
ITERATION, ti.iv"l<e••, iteru111; again; a ,i.,..,•.,,, ·five ilH••vy.1: nen1pe quia nihil aliud ell;
rtpetitioit. diure, quan1 fermo1u ofle11dere ariimi Jui f<nttii-
lTlNERARY; E.., ,eo, ivi, itum; it,er, itiµ, tiam:" and then he proceeds t o the collateral
itinerarius; belonginJ to a jq11rney; 1tpo11 ajoun>ty. ~erivatives of di<o: fo that having th)ls. efiab-
-. JUB.JLEE : properly fpc~king, this word , i~ hfued the true etym: of ·the Latin words jur,
derived fro1n the J:iebrcw ; ~nd theref9re J~fephus j11dex, . and judico, it is . ve.ry eafy to · derive <.U
hcllcnizcd, when he wrote I"/3»A••r : which, how; thofo words in the Englilh Jang. from the Gr.
~er, he has verr. prqperly ~»plained by E>•, . Zivr-l11x... .
,.. • : LI JUG :

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J 0 .·From G1. 1 a ic; and L-a T t If· ] u
·, · juG: .'Skinner derives this word from the nrm : and yet the Dr. has .given us qui'te a c1ti;.
ilaihe of his f~vorite mi!hefs, dear· JoalJ; " fa!pe ferent deriv, under the an:. RE-JUMBt.E 1 If
t'nim·no1nina humana rebus inanimis, etiam v.afis , that '11rt. be compeunded.
tribuimtls :"-bur, with Junius, we might rather ' JUMP; " Belg. gitmpm; Jajci'IJ~ trip11tii.,-t~
fuppofe it was can1harus tali s, qui rnlnoris ali- hoc (or.te, q. d. g_up, .per epenth. ,.; "':; j. ~·go
CUJ US merifura': duplum contineat ; a do11bk mug; up, afu ndert; qui enun fa/tat, corpus ·m f•b/;11:t
a Sax. j uc1an ; jungere; nan1 bin"' res, at pares, projieit : alludic Gr. K..,.....,. : $k:inn."-K:.,....-... in-
rnutuo fibi addita:, plurimarum gentium idiotifmo deed bea~s fo far an ~llufion ·ro donei"K, lhat it
jugam vocan1ur: ica Lucre H. 24. Ztvr•r "f"r••;,;., fignifies fanit1a, qui, a.jaltantib11s (lafcivc) .puJ.
" pair of turtle doveJ ; Dan. juggt 1 ur11a, bydria; fanqo pcdibus ierram, cdicur: but this relaca co
a pot, or mug, amtaining two mt a/ures :-butjugttm fo~nd, not to. alfion; and ~ perfo? may go up
is un·doubtedly Gr. fee JOINT : Gr. without any ·K.,.,....; for 'in:ll:ancc, ap 4
JUGGLE-mrar; Ray explains ir only by it ·ltitieftr: however, lincc the Dr. has made ufe of
1JUag111irt : -but it fecms to be nothing more t han the cxpreffion cor.pus.1in fublimt .projitir, perhtps
a Devonfuirc dialetl: ·for jogglt-mear 1 or joggle- , j np ·may be ·derived frorn 1;,,..,
liiitte, 1rojici1.;,
THirt; i. e. mire, or mud that jogs, quakes, ·or to tbrow the body as it oWcre into •th 11ir,. ·by the
1hakes: confcqucnrly Gr. afrion of jltlftpiflg.
J UGGLER, " Gall. jougleur; Hifp. jugl•r 1 Jl)NE,, h•r, jlfrmli1, jllllilu • i j U'flnu.1 1Jit.
l!clg. g11ycbeler, go(ht/tr, et kolultr; Alman. ctlu- month ]11N : .
ca/are; vidcri poffint defumpta ex .Attico·K•••"'• ']1111irts eft ·'fllflJtltllltl; •qui fuit an~~~ :·
JJfO .,."X"• jlatim ; prefto, pafs, and. 6e gimt 1 quOd ·· · ·Falli. ¥!>. ·U.
Jptflantium aei<m pr£jiigiof"' dexttritatis edtrlt•lt and yet, as V'offius obfe~, aliis plu-cc fiert
'autulatortS eludant: Jun.''-911itA:, nlmbl1,dtxltrtft1I. 'fiinill.I e'J.U11mi11s. i itaquc apud cundcm Nafoncm
J UGULAR;" Zor•<, vel Z1V'Y!<,j11pm,jugulum; ibidem 7,,,.~;
quoo ea par1·co!lijugumferebat: Perorus, as quoted Ne tamen ignores, YUlgi errore t1'alutris,. .
by L itt. and Ain(w."-but perhaps 'd1ere is not Joius a noftro nominc 'llhwr·ba.&it ;
u1other inftance, wliere ju[llhlm 'lignifi'es tbe bi11d · E'a!li Vl•.z5,
part, or 't bt nape of the net~; for that is t he -part 'I'cnium quoque elym.s adfcrtur, ut a jUJtgu
which bears the ,-olce in beajls of ·burden : we ' fit: unde de t011<ordi4, fie idem Nafo-;
might rherefore rather fuppofe it was ftill derived H a::c ubi.narravi1, ·ratiun1,fortemqueQ,\!irinum,.
from Ztur •r, or rat her Ziur '"I''• and was called Binaque ct11n populis. regna 4oijfo.1fuis; .
j ugulum a jungrodo ; .from joini11g 1be bead and Et lare· communi foceros ~nerofque receptos:·
faouftlers together. His nomcn JW1llis, 'Jtmius,. inquir, habet.
JUICE, 1~"'• F~Fw, j11'!lo ; jrts·; bt•th, , Falb. VJ. 93.
gruel; or airy kind of n~uri/hing liquid. · JUNGLING : " a yungli"l; a jo11tb: Verft.')'
JUKE, " in perticd 11d tJ.,•mfrmlum.fa compontrt, -but all evide·ntly Gr. ·
r;/ IZ'!lcs f ole11t; a Fr. Gall. joug: Skinn."-thtt · JUN.TOR; r.. r, jjlius, pur; quafi j#'Vmiur> a
Dr. would not fay, ii Zivr•<· jug1tm; tbe btt1m of ju-::e11e ; yo1411ge1-.
" ha!ariu,. a thin P'''• or perch; for fcar it fuould. · JUNIPER; Nror,' jums·;. :wJ 'f'Wt'll; ;1'11ipt1'11s.;
come fro1n the Gr. tEe jm1iper tree. .
JOJU·BE, j; 11.11 lta/;1111 pl1t111; ;a/ltd }lJNK, " nifi, •qtidd verilimillimum1eft, ori-
:::i:zrpln;m. ginis lndic<e· lit vox, cum ·M·jnfevo delleCter~Rl' a
JULEP, jtt!tp11$; "f"" 111Ulto fatcbaro condita, .J,,~r. jlfflqu; quia navis hzc longa -cauda j -
tl quafi in<r'ttjfil/a, fays Skinner, who certainly ~ulatur ~ Skinn."-but th6n the Dr . .ought to
was no apothecary : /1 l#tdfrina! mi1<tt1rt •f on have confidered, ·that juxta. Nunnelium j11m11r.
agruab!t ,fiavOT. • per metath . flt a l:•••H( c " veb a jiing11'dti," as.
J ULY, .Lo>.or, 1uliu1; tht mutJth of '/111)'; f., he·himlc:lf allows; but then again, he-ought to·
€ailed in honor of 'Julius C-e/ar; whereas before have confidered. that even j1mg• is Gr,.;a.z:;.,_,,
l\ is time, it wa~ called $(!fi111i lis·; being tlufift/. JUNKET ; " PJ1f'l'""•Gr<eeisdicunn1r il/1u/tr,r,
11n11th of t be R oman kakndar, whkh a.lways began iellaria, plactnf.,,, tpidtipnidu,. i .. e. cupedi,e,, qµi-
at tl\e vernal eqt1ino1 in JV[arch: properly, L.>... ~ btis minus 'bonre•frugi Ct libidinis in. cibos.:uque·
ts no Greek word. in venl!rem prodigre mulieres compotricum am•--
Jlf.MBLE; ~ quoniam Chaocer fcribit jom8r't', frorumq~e greges ad' gratia:o conciliatio'*m·aeci-
malle:n clcducere a F r. Gall. <•m/;/er; cumular1 : piunt ., Juf!'."' riotous· rt'tle/lh1g.
Skinn.'·..- and.f6r that very reafon ··we might r> JUNTO: "z,.,,..,.....,jungq, eonjNnlli•; clf/lllS, f~u·
tiler derivo: ii: ·a· Kuf"', flul111s, feu tu11111lus aqua- t#n.vent11s 1iW,i111111t·: Skinn.''.a··knaJ,-cfw, or fat/tty.

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· ] U From Ga111e, aod f.,ATIN. K· A
JUPITER 1 ZfVMrl<flt• 711J1ilg-: ~leJ&04'1 ~ addt, uode quoqu~ videri potcft origincm tr.u ilre
rivation of 1~· ..,ord J"pitn- i§ :fu .very .critic.I, .&.JlgHcanwn j¥)k, impeh#st pra11n1"4, ali~11tm Jt
that it dcle,rvet to Pe tr.µifqibe<!: '.' ftrictly /oro111r~1 1 1op11.fb,~~¥Jl, jbot1t,1br#fla117011tobo11t.
fprakins.!! fays he, Vpc. 133, n, " J11Pi1tr has JUTTY, Eu1... ,jacio, projtOa, j11tti11g; txtt11tkd
JIG gi:11itive 1 (nor any other cpe) etimologically '*' ;,. ltftltb, like a prDf!l"lllory.
written it would be Z-n-paur 1rynonimous . JU.".'EN ILE, i.,.,fi/iiu, ntpo1,j11tJt11is; )Otflfli
·: ·· · ' · · tlt,...JODl/-fatlNr I J#Vtn)l1t1&1, :yo11thf11l,,ejs.
'I> which is na,;i/l.11, ·l>ut •Jcf' ~jnizcd: IVORY 1 B'"t•r, im1111J11iJ, b•rru.s, undc. tbllr'
. 'l'b1 1/11 . • . l "FlmttattJ tl,f I 4/ll tltpha11.t· . • •
,, 1111, i1qi .. , -,. ;,,. • JUX.T~-POSITIOtJ: Z••Y'"I''• ;u1;go, ;u111<1,
1'11 f~tbtr· · f.. /a .. .f,~r j1<111J11m 1 u11de }HXta 1 quafi j11.11tJa, coiefunllim 1
_es I tdiomatiC termi.Dativ~: 'Jt1ptter. Ct e .., po110, P.ofihUll; unde pojitio ; p/aetll{ lltar :
~ut no.w the point i,, to dc~eiTQ.ine whether 111 iotli11 tbat pr,e p,l4'e4fa near, as to bt 111111.ofl in tbt
'be not deriy~· ab By, bf11#, i•'ll!s i g9od: ~ p1i11t of <1111all,
Jrbet~er taJ, Jilt/, and ""#!•;ts V.1t1\iu~ .obferves, I·VY, · ~~ .E.v"'• 1Jaub111; quia Bac:cho btdtrlf
·be .oot 4erivcd either frQQJ .W'!J ut 'PUP }lq~ gratiJJima: Caf~ub."-bqt J unius, with grc~t
,rum, A1Ta Y'l"': A'l1". vuo .ex ,Ch!lld •. .N~ZI) probability, derives" i'UJ froo:i r,,, fortittr i qu1a
llH11, pain-: ycl fucnt tata, a T11l•, ut a~ud fwtittr adhzret rebus fcmel comprchenlis: aut
Homcrum '1'117"' t«r-: T1Ths aurem q~ To7tr, quia E,,a.,., i. e• .ppttit, vcl a11111J IJ/i1&1 arborts :"
MMraltu, lf!IT Dqo111'.1Jfirt : and ,yet Ciel. in his from itJ <ltwing tleft t1, Jro"liJ adbn-ing II, o r
former tn:atlfc, Way. ·80, fc~ to have given a afdlinrottlJ tJMjracillg nll1'J lbiltg it la]s hoJJ 111.
happier c:ilnjc.ft1Jrc of the Lati11 Dtiu·p!lln-, froro ' ·
which Jqitrr fccms to have been fQrmcd; vi:&. K.
(1om " D.1-9'1-pitn-, tbt fdlbtr of jli,/tict :'' but
even now all appears to be Gr.; whether we
c:onlider D1111 •• <lerived a. Ziu, : or D1-ty'1, 1
KA cu/k .
D ,f., )t~l•r, e11J111, d1li11;m 1 II •1111, or
A•·f"• fey, lex, l1JT,11: but it is .very 1cmarkable, KAL'E.bfDAR}" Ka>.1.,, ...~... ealo 1 to tall, Of'
that pitlf' lhould be Celtic, and not defceoded .- K'ALEN J)S funifl!.011 ,; ·tht tal111~1, or fir.ft
either from p~llr ip Latin, or ""'"t·· in Gr.; J117 of 11/try 1M11th, when debtors were ca/ltd 111'411,
wbcn ther all ·fignify father: Jupiter 1s fuppofed or /11,,,_ed by their creditors to pay their in-
s.o hayc h vcd about 300 years before Mofes, tercft money: Nug.''-from wl)ence they were
JURY 1 from the fame roqt w.ith J UDGE: of1cn ftilcd trifles calt11tl'6, and celerts calnul.e 1
Gr.: let me only obferve farther, that according tbe Jiiii, and ca/t.Js i fro1n their frequent,
toSherio~ -i7:;z., and Sammes, 432,j11rits wcrcfirft uid quick returns: Cldand, Voe. •7S• tdls
'llfall inftitu~ by IP~; fo high as t!ic year 109., us, that " lr.ol, among other figni1ications, hu
bef.Chr. Shenog,364. 1.e. about 2877 yeau ag!>. that of llrfll, or 1'""l; thence the word J:11it•u,
J US-TLE: " A"'rta. which, among tbc an- from J:4/, nt:t0 1 and kn, tbr • 0011 1 " '/"•••• :"-
cienlJ, is uktn for /Jtl111, coming from Au.of,.., as perhaps may come fro111 ..E.aA-•r, p~l'k"• ni-
-'£"'i:f.• tf.,f,.,, whereof the mod. Gr. )\ave . 1id111, 11011iu 1 fair, /Jrigpt, 111'1111 otherw1fe it muft
.fonJicd Z.r.t•: R . +ll91w, flt/lo,: t.his is Saumaife's be original : but Im is undoubtedly nothing more
,opinion : ot~rs cbofe to dcri~e i.t fr.01n jlDlllJ: than 4n ~bbreviation of ;i:,. ,_.,,. •• /111, 11111-11 1 tht
Nug.''.-but . If it be 4erived .from 1he !alt, it moon : the chief obje&ion however again ft this
.could dame no pi,ace in the Dr's.. Lill; unlcfs , gentleman'• dcriv. is, th.a t it would make the
ju>ttd were Gr• .which be bas .not .!hewn : but, lt:alt11d1 moveable ; whereas they were conllantl,y
howe_Ye~, it Ccrtainir is I and:fo far he is r ight: . fixt tO the fitft day o( tVtry month, and not t.o
-but 1f .Jl'fJ)1 be .derived fron't.A•~'l;t•• we might. .the firft day of e.very 11ew-moo11; unlcfs every
be tcmprcd to thin!c it ' ought to have been new moon happened on the firlt day of every
"1ri1tenjojtlt, notjll,fl/1: it is ho;wever more pro-: month, which nQ aftronomcr will allow hap-
bable, that it is derived from neitbt'r of thofc: pencd, even i.n the Roman kakndar, whitcver it
:words, but from ~ fol;lowing att. might have done in t he Celtic. .
JUSTS: Z.Olf, ;11s, ptfta, ~""; '.ffecia .fall!Jo, KARSEY ct,1h; " magnam habct affin1tatrm
.ftr"flf' M"'4 1 fllMrll/ rites ; at which public c11m Kat~"'• 0'11Uj111u; quOd fila cjus panni non
.g•mn 1'ett.l>hea, exh.ibited: " quia oli.m ," fays in rcthim, fed· i.11 o/1fiq1111m fint t0111tx10 : J un,
Sltian. " in cxequiis dcfµnltorum g ladiatores, carj9 :"-fo caJled on account of the obliq•it7 •f
t~ pcdibua, tUm ~qui1, fed pedibus frequc:n- Ill ltKt•rt :- lhould th is .• bliq.11it7 be true, it
11ua, pugJUturl edel>antur :"~to which J\111ius .WOJJld be more than ~ffinity, it would b; true
· · L I ? 1-rymolog~·'

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·K E From Git i a K., ·and L ·A,. r ti., . K' E
etymology : bur, even then, it wo;uld be appl)- fca, or lrMV11 alhore; as occalion ieguired_: it:..
<iable to .fint, a$ well as to coarft cloth ; buc die 'F>.11.,, tralio; to draw, or Jrog 11/ng.
korftJ, or Jurfty, or rather cher/9, is always a Kl!iELER; commonly pronounced lti/kr ; but
"arft cloth; ·a nd therefore it might be -better to meaning a cooler 1 « Sax. cela11·: Jun."-"•c4/all:
derive cbcrfty a X•t~•<, iwc1tlJ111, a/per; rough : Skinn." refrigtrart: but evidently & ..: fee
" proprie aut.e_m il .G~cis de ttrtidicitur; nobis COLD: Gr.
de panno, fays Skinn. under the arr. to•rs; by KEELS, nine-pim 1 ~·· foru.Jfe, ob qualemcuo-
which the Dr. meant coarfa ; and yet, under the : que limllicudinem, eft· a K..i..., quod Suida ap.
.a rr. J:erfay, .he would derive that word, ab infula f1i».,••· fl•>-•<, lipt•• jaclil- ;. ut Hefych. quoq~
noflrJ. Al!glo-Francicil' Gcrfry ; Lat.• G.efart a; · K.•A« exp, E•J."' 13•»«: tranilulcrunt quoque Angii
{ nunc ]trfey) _ubi olim fortall'e liujus panni fuum!s ad ftipiccs illos pyramidales" qui lu-
opificium Boruit :" - but, Borilh wherever it foribus 11int-pin1, nu~ro- nuncupantur.: Jun.'"
1night, ftilJ· it is a coarft cloth; and therefore -ktth feem rather to be-derived a I:iftAo;, crtts~
moil probably Gr. as ~hove. the tbigll: u#IU<; becaufe, antlcntly the game of
KARDAS: K4<f""'' 1aryota; a lti11d' of 1/'1111, or " ckjb,. or r-ather 'clajb, was the throwi·n g of a
'ttu:t j11glan1 : ·a lfo a /mall agrtta1'le fttd, of which boule at nine piM· oF wood, or. dine Jballl:-bowu of
t'bry malu comfits; which arc reckoned good an oxe; o• horfe; · and it · is now ordinarily called.,
againt1: Bat11lency i and therefore Ciel. Way . 51 1 kailes, or lei/ts, of the Gr. word K•>-•w, i. e.j•'1l·
would derive carraway fteds, as he writes them, tum; " dart, for that they are like " dar.J ;" fays .
from " car, or gar r /11 CDm~ll, or txptll; and . the old . Jnw diction. : -but ii: feems better to·
wi11 ; wind.: the w converting; as it molt fre- · dern<e them .a•I x1>.•r, as. aliovc ~ particularly. fince·
9 uently does, into the m :"-but !till the latter t'hey are•fomerimes calledfait1/1J,' whioh· is. but. a .
half is Gr. Ice WIND.: Gr. variation 'of l:xt'"'• quafi l:x11>.~h fottl1s.·
KATHAR INE, con1monl)' written Carharint, KEEN, Ax•••· cu ~ a bme, or any jlo11t.1~';/JH1rp111<
and fom<,times Cathm11t·; and generally pro- iro11·01t.
nol,lnc.-ed KatJmt; but fince it is derived· from,tbe .KEEP; MinfucW' and Junius fuppofcr4 t. may ·
.Greek word x,.e,.for-, paru~, mw1dus.;1titidus; purt, be der·i""'d .a K.p.,, vel K.•P10<1r1 ptra·; IS purfa, or
'neat, detin, or bright, we ought t-o adhere as bag : S[i:inne• lays, "forcafi'e. :illodit-Gr. KeinT•i•
clofe as poffiblc · to thc original orthogr. that the abfcbndo : malle1n tamcn dechnare 3 nolho <0op·:!• ·
derivation m ight appear the more vifihk; pa1'- -and " coop•hc deriv~s a tavto :"-but, furelr
•ticularly fince cu!lom may as well cfta.bli01 a cavea may be derived a Keo(,' quod lEol. K.J!i(O
righr, as a wrong method of writing. ca'IJus; ea'1.!Cil; a 'age, coop~ or prifo1t•
. • K/\ZA.R DLY, feems ~o be only a- dilli:rtnt : .. " .KEG ·of ja/m,;n, or fturgton 1 "·diChim· pifcit
dialret f(Jr baz'f1rrlty,, or cnfualty ;- fine&, according · httius.T.~ *''"'i'I'"<" i11 ·partie11/as· divi.Jfl•s ii K.,;.,, ~el
to Ra)!, it fignifies '.' cat.tit fubjetl 10 Jijlempers,'. Ki ...~i;; fi1tdo , • di'flido: Minlh. and, Jun."- " 0011,"
Rnd caf11.•l1ics :"-if fo', it inay be Gf. : for ~ho" fays Skinner, "fed ii cad!c1Js .;......e'<':'• nominis
bilza'rd is Fr. Gall. yet cafualty is Gr. catlus•:"-non, might WC foy.·;·-fed a K.. 3dr, cadHs,
KE.ALE ~ " Sax. tela11 ;. frigefurt; 111.flii· a' Joli11111.; a tub,· ca.fa;• or b.hrrt/.: fee KADE ~ Gr.
frigore cc;:trali'11 ; IJ cold; or CDl(gh: Ski11n. a nd ·KELE, or barg.1; ·K·"'~" .?or; . celo•• ,. 11a'1Jigitiif"
Ray." 7 it fo'erns co be qotl>ing more than a' di£- par'llum; quod.\.ono,' ro11cum> remigiq,,.f~u· po~ius
ferent d i-aleet for Cof.IJ; confi:quen't1y Ot. '. conro, rag-itur., · (hon· ur' q'lil'dall)' . piierili: errore;.
'*EEL cf a jbip;.. " Ko.A•, pars 11avis ratoa, quod \Jno rellioi e~ non duobus•nger~tur}··Cafaub.
c.1ri""' : Jun. ·and O l'r:" -but this is either a bad quod navigii genu~ · ex _un? ;rernlgum ordine-
cknv. or a bld ddi n1tton ;. for kee$ cannot be dr- , con(bns- ad· veloci1at1s et pr~atto1>ls ufupi~om-•
rived from Ko.1••, btcat1fe· it is a very bad defi- · parotum lignilicac :"-'from: rti·i~ ·very •dcfcription
niti<in of a Ktd, tO fay i.t is fbe•bolfow pnrt oj a . it i& ev.idant,. thaE:li1e J9:0.01, ·or efJ/o>!, wa5.a.dif-
'JbiP, : on the contrary, nothing 01lf?ht ~<~be more fr1·eno fprc~s of ":e'/kJ:to ·thari whidfi. we•undri-
/ol1d, and found; than · r./Jt kttl, winch is r.he firft fi:lfld. by the- n~me bf 'kt'fe i. ihougfl· pt;rhaps . It
piece of ti1nber that is laid, li ke the found'ation may l'iav~ given origii'l to th~r klndtof./igbttr:' .
of a houfe, for r:uling the whole fupcrll:n•Cl:urc : KEll-1llO:; c ommon!.y pronoun·ced,. he /ti bil'
it would t herefore be better to fuppofc, cha~ Jut/ arnts q kiln/Jo; ·but it ha'ppe1i\. tl>- ·b e noith<'P I. for
is formed, b'y tranfpofition, fron1 '0>-x•i•., Ion. i,t is·tvi.d ently dtF.ivea· il. K"'l'".;~·~,>«11rwu.1>\ yhl!SI;
p ro 'O>.~..,., lignum in infiml> navis parte, quo the 'a rms fee by che· fid ~s·:in' iJ ~teRt· ~jflr.t~• R.
• na:vis trahilur; l~ar beam (rhat boilf>'W beam) of .. fu>.,.,.,1.,, jletlo., rutvo; to lieiid. "• ... • .P•
timber, which is laid ac rhe bottom pa•t of a KEN" know l or kenmv•l r,..,,...,, cogntfco; t~
Jhjp; and by which it wa$ anciently iaun~hed to £now: Clelan<t fvppofes ir t~be <t'cl!ic. ·
. 7 KENN,

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From G a:11 l! x, and t A ,.r w. ~ I
KENN, 'flitw: "K..,,.., i. e. r11~.....,,.,...,(...,fa1, and then we might as · well derive 'l:tNI ~ Ntm,
·i".telligert; X'"".'"'• 'l''"'81tllr•, fd1'11t, inJtlligttnt ; . Nll'rens, · as from cyppan.; only indeed tlii: Dr'.
h1nc to imn;. 'V1dert, ptrfpiurt; · lht kt1111 of.fenft, n1ight Iiave this objeCl:ion, that turro is derived
jf#/itium f111fnu1n·: Cafaubl'-'any thing brought fro1n the Gr. ; and then aliqui.d dileaz mea;,
within.fight, 'Jlitw,·hwwkdge: as far. as I ean J:enn; Saxonicre lingure pereat.
i;. e. a4 far as I tan /1:11ow, or tlijli11guijb objtf/s. . KER-N-EL, ,., btart-in-bull, Jhtll, or ftin : ker
I<EN-SPECK'D: " notil infignitus; q. d. t11a- is radical to eor, cardia, heart: Ciel. Way. 7z:"
a/aJus,feu !flatUlis dijiintltts, Ut cognefcatur ;. a Sax. -perhaps be meant K"'i'''"• a Kt."f• <or, tbt btar/':
lunn"" ; .fcire·; ' et r pecce;. aat111tl;. an artificial, and both IN, and HU .L, or SFiELL, are Gr•
•OJ" .natural fpot~ or mark, to know atty tbhig by : KETCH, com1nonly called· Jac'k Catch; ·be-
·Sk111n. and Ray."-cheo both thofe gentlemen caufc 'he generally catebts all rogues at the !aft~
ought to have difcovcred that this Sax. kt1t1ta11 is or, becaufe after they are ~augpr, an~ tr)ed,
e ither ckri.ved from K.,.,;-,, ot Konro• from kt1111t1n: and colldc1nned , they are l/rought co · hi1n for
"'nd as. for [peck, that is evidently Gn. t.heir final punifhment >.confequently Gr. : fee
·. KENNE[,-caa/; " carbo quidam in agro GATCH: Gr. . •
.Lane. frequens : nefd<>·an.•a Sax. ttnt ;.. attr; ec KETTLE, K•1v>-•; vnfaulum co1uavum; ~Ila
relan, feu on-.elan; afCendere, injlarnmare-; i . ve- ttftacta; a pot,. ,or piplti11,. or any ·fi.rch veffd to
hementi fc. ignc quern concipit; q. d~ .autnf"· boil water in :· Cafaubon· deAeCl:it Xv11'••, quod a
facilis; Ev""'•r..r,Jlv~1'txior: Skino."-fince the Dr. propritt·oleum aqua. m ix tum, quo perfundi atque
is..t'hus..liberal of his Greek, let·. me remind. him . inungi balneantium cOi'.pora folebant: hinc ct
of, perhaps t)le original word, which· hioi· Ev ...vrr. . vas,. quod. olcum contineba~:......t·he former feeins
might have pointed out tc:> him ; viz.· thac- kennel- more v referabh;•
. c.o al may be derived a x..s.1a, eandt1t1ia; great KEY, 1•XA.Tr, c/avis·: -Upt.'"'· a"kt], lock, boll,
btat ,.J111"11ing_f lU'io11jly. -or oar1
KENNEb for .. a tiog:; "w.,..,.canis, canilis; , ·KEY; or warfi "force qaitfcendo: Mi nfh."a. .
q. d. '". , . tltbife.; vel fi1:apli<iter Cd11ile: Cafailb." · -the French write ·it quay; and we to be fort
.--a do(:s· b.uft. .inu{rfollow' r!1e1n 1· .buc,if they intendetl co'dcriv_!:
KENN·E L, . oi- g111tPr;. K'"'""'l or. 1'«•'>~; i:ttnt:a, their 1:ur~ous quay, from .qnito, · i. e..-<ptirfco, quiti,
JJ.orta 1 unde e4na/is ;. a g111ftr, tru11k, or: pipe,..t1J they are very far ·frcm· the ·true eryrr1. ;, for q11ietJ
ctn'"Jf<Y wate1', &c: • originates vel . il. KH/"••,jateo, quiefao; vel ii Kow,
.KENT, or" Ca111t71m, receives in .name,'.' fays . 'J."i'•• 'l.'1iif<a; lo rcn111in flt quiet, as · il1 ips do,
Ciel. Voe. 71, "fro1n the circumll:ance 0£ its when they lie at..a warf in. order to unload· clici r
being ·a head land :"-now, in 14.1., he tells us, cargoes. . i
that· " ken. ·is one oC the old Celtic- words for KIBE ; ... K1(3i,, Jii(3>-•, K1(3a.>.o, quod in- -R>.
htad ; becaufe," fays he, ·" ·the antient ctiftom of; Confl:!ncini Lex.ico, non 1n odo <ap111, verum
£arrying on crade·was ch ieAy by heads of ca/lit ;" . etiam oaa•e xponirur: Jun." tltc bet!.
·and he likewife cells us,. that "Jun,. pe11, ven,. arc KICK ;. ·" K' X."'> K•ic•I"'" et K':>O"'"" propri~,
all of the fa'(lle in1port :"-thert" they- all feem to cutj11 tt ptd11m ptrnieitate aliqutm a.ffequor, st c~nc
.originare :from · the fa1nc root wirh vtn-to, or prebc11do, <"orripio·; pedt ferire: Cafaub." 'vel a· !<..?,
-:vtn-do ;, bit:)') .and fall.: i. c. Gr.: le.e VEN~AL: calx, ca/to; to tread on, ·or .ftri!ct•wi1b 'lbt·f••f: ! ="
Gr.: . though perbaps it might be-bettef to de- KICKLE; ftems to·bebut -anotther· dialelt',fd'r
rive our word,l(int; wi.rh Verlt. 150,. from "CAnt, fit/tit; fince · it fignifies unGtrfllin, doubtful} n~I I
or kantlt; for that it is a noolc, or corner :.' '-only lrnowi11g bis .D'Wll mind.:· Ray :''-but fie/tit, as we
now CA.N TLE is Gr. . have lecn, is G r.
J< EP ; -" Sax. ctpa.11; "'pta~e, app~ebtndert :· KlCK-SH A WS : if the F rench have been-de·
-Ray :"-b.u.t bo.t:h the Lat. and tbe Sax. .are viftbly fer.vcdly £cnfured for·· cheir· many unclaffieal, · and
.defcende,d · ~· Ka:r1.,,· 1u:ol•icir~"'• Hefych. to jsze, ungramn1atical diftortions of.,beth tl\e .. Gr. and
J,o/d.;,,..: • ·! ;ac. Jang . .they 1nay. now as defervedly .retort
KERN: " a•- lrifb furn, prtedo llioer:nic:u·; upon·· our.fd.,es in this· art• .before us 1 with this
n i'ft. qJJod . ·eft, vox . Hibernicre anly difference, tbat where we • have committed.
.odginis fir, polfem• defieClere a Sax. cY'Jlpan ; one fuch inJlance, thoy · have committed a· 1ho11-
Belg. ltttrtn i 1"el:lt. kbrtn•: vtrltre, COll'IJtr.ttt:t l famd:. ·the ·Fi·cnch thCJT' make ur~· of this eirpr~f­
ijyia, cutn agi/limi.01nniu1n feie n1ortaJiun1, mem- fion, . .qael.q1us cbefcs r (where by the way quel11t~s
·bra l\uc illuc facillime 'unvertunt · ct ' torquent: ·itfclf is . an evident GaHi'c -diftortion of 9110/ts ;)
S k in11."-if the Irifh arc. foch niml>Je, aflive gen- " lie aut,em appellamus," fays Skinn. " varia
Jleruca,. we mat them good 1'111111cr1; gulre fcit.amenta,. intritus, et cmbainn1aca, quibns

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·Erorn G k'l ll' .r., and LAT r !I'. 'K I
paracidis coqui GaUici palinam·aJiis pra:ripiunt:" ou.r prefcnt orthogr. whkh appears' to be totally
'-arid may. they enjoy it without envy !-oply now depraved 1 and might firft. of all have been writ~
the Dr. ought to hav.~ acquainted us, that this ten quidnty ; and ~ven then converted from x,-.,
expreffion is. at leafl: half Gr. half Gall. for both copfoJi, ec Nrr.w,jiuo, quafi Xu/"'""• the kjdNlts be-
quelqu~, and quales are derived ab o ..,, U•••r, quafi ing the chiof organs of urinary 'fccretio?, ,not~
.!Juqios, glloilos, qllalis, q111lq11es; what :-as for fpermaric concoCtion. '
thofts, ic may be purely Gallic for things :-Co KILDER-KlN ; " Belg. kindekm, ki11ntlt11;
' tha~ the who)e c_o111pound means to exprefs, deli- vafaulum, Joliohun ; otl:ava pars e11Ji ; quoo ean-
~ac1es drell: .up 1.n fuch a manner, that we know dem habeat rationcm ai:l integrum doliuin, quam
.l\Ot what . to call them, aod are obliged to a1k, infanrulus ad hominem perfettum : Jun." q. d.
,qu.t/quts chofes? converted to kidc-jhaws T wbllt' " filiolus vafis m~joris Skinn! '-literally tk liit
thi11gs have we got htre? what things arc thefe l tub's fbild, tbt gr1at 'aft's baby :-but lcildtrftt;roS
• KID, a jmall fagot of u11derwood, or brr;jh- to be defcended ii x ...r.,, quafi K.1'1.r, kildu, 1
w.oJ ·; " forte il e.tdendo ; q. d. fafcfru/111 tigni ta.ft, 111b, or ba.rrtl: and KIN, as we !hall fee
c,eJui: Skinn. and Ray :"-chis is a very ingeni- pre!Cndy, js G.r.. ·
.ous conjell:ure, if it had but reached the origi- KILL, F..x1,...,,, a.;,,,.; dif•Elus; pnde Six.
nal Gr.; v.iz. " e,edo, olim raldo, ii K.,..1,.: vcl cyealin; mors i dtatJ, 1 cyellau ; oe&iihrt; ID J/d] J
-'1 ~oidc, unde et tudo, a Ko11"'• idetn quod Ko.. - deprive of life.
1k" fai11dtrt: Voff." to cul :-Lye gives us a \Veith K1LN, K">.'"• Dor. pro K"""°'• KaU!'••«, tauo:
.<lcriv• .in the Sax. Alph. " credo a ca/mdo: Skinn." jlJT'ltllK, 1tj/ri•A1
KID, ·Of young goat: our etymologilh feem to Jun."......, f11rnau, r~~"· &c. or contraCl:ed from
h3ve been greatly perplexed to find out' the 'Paxr>.tr, aridus; . to t endtr dry.
tru·e ckriv. of this word; for they have ranfack-' KJN, a child " Kolor, •.ffinit11s ~• ·nllJ.liis tnl•
ed every language, but the Greek ; and yet the KIN, relation tratla; 1>otl1,.,.-, pffinit11t1m ,,..
-word g1Jal fcems to be but a diminutive of" l'011or, · Kl NJ) traho : Ii quis .tamen malit a," according to If. Volt-every gramm. KlNDR'ED ru•r, non valde .r.epugncm:
knows, tl1a't K, r, X, and T, A, 0, arc cognata: KINS-FOLK Cafaub."-the anaiyfu of thi•
l itera:; and therefore, r ••1. 1nay ealily convert word in Ciel. Voe. r+·'• ftl.ews 'his .great pcnetri·
;nto .koit, and then into goat, and kid. , tion in the analytic 1nethod -0f decompounding
Kl D, KED, KEG, KE1', or KIT of falinon: words; " cake," fays he "the Latin words ,.aftor,
fee KADE, or KEG: Gr. . 11atus, natura, and the F rench ni .for bon: all·
KID-NEY: " Minlhcw abfurde defted:it a alize them, and you will find that
Belg, et Teut. niere11; re111s: q uanto melius fu- tifcor js but a frcquentitive 1 .
ltfet tacuilfe 1" fays Skinn. " qua: enim inter atus, a common idio1natic tennillllt1on;
•iert• et kitllltJ vcl minima ~ft ...•r•x.••"r /"-with atura, the fame;
.regard to ecy1n. oercainly none 1 but it is to be ;, the fatne :
l)o,ped, that even the Dr. would have allowed, this reduces all thefc words to t his fingle initial
.t hat nitrm and kid"ey, with ·"<gard to fcnfe, arc letter N, which offers no fenfc : reftore the two
the fame :-then now let us he:tr the Dr's. ctym. elliptic letters gt, cut off by the ufual .tendency
" loqge mclius deftccti potell: Sax. cynne ; ge- of (all Northern) languages to contra&ion! yoo
11111, .ft1<11s; et fccundario partes feJ1us indices,: have geNaftor, .g•Nat us i gtNatr;ra, gtNI ; in
-.partes genical~s_; et nigh ; a vicioia fc. partium .which geN becon1es the radical of gtNtr11t1ut ;
,genita!iu1n, pra:cipue vaforun1 fpennaticoru1n kiN ; kiNJ ; .kiNdred: begiN; and of hundrtds
<liCl:orum, q uorum unum, fc. vcna fpermatica more :"-this obfervacion will hel.p us to arcounr
finillra; a liniftrfl emulgence or.itur :"- it is well for 'that ancient merhod of writ~ng g1111fcor, and
<th~ Dr. has wnapped up his etym. and anaco1ny gnatus, (orJ111j(Dr, and 11arus, viz. that all and ev~ry
•[o .nii.atly iQ Sax. and Lar .. :-as to his anatomy,'. of thefe words arife frQm .r,N'""• .u'ndc r1N•""';
.it wc;)\Jld be prefull)ption in me co .di(puce with .a but rrN"'"' o~iginates a.r .. N.., vcl r.i·:<•I'«•, nafcor,
phyfician; but as to bis ecy1n. we may defire leave gig110 : Volt . . h'
1to doubt his Sax. deriv.-nay, he himfdf fcen1s KINDLE a ]lr'i :" Sli.iniicr would deriYt: t 11
.to doubt it ; I mean that above-mentioned ; for .word ".a Sax. t:ynt>epan, 't:yn'belan,; ·iglllfll it~~
he proceeds: " vei a Sax. ttnnaJt; gignert ; quia .vert :'~but, according to this deri~. we nligh.
fc. ~cne:S multum g11nera1ioni . conferre vulgo ere- fuppofe, that kindle, or tjnbelan, would -Ol'J
.debantur :"-'l am unwilling to retort, quanto ginatc a T.,9.,,,,.,, ealiJus, ftrrJidus; bit, ~
1nelius fuillet tacuilli: .! but it' is i1npoffible to gluwi11g :-though it might be more prol'<J:~
.trace the etyin. of chis word kidney, according to' deriv.: lchuilt a fire .i\.K...., .x....;1,.,,rlJlldm/1a,.ta• (,
I . qu11

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IC I From Ga .11 a ic, llld L·A Tr If.. • K N
. .
lm.Jt*, or kjtult11, lq 6ttnr,
tpiafi o~/et ""firt: fee ct Da.n. ldortil f t1111i1a, aed11gi 11/i111 falto11t :"'-
lN-CENPIARY.: Gr. ·he tbcn ·refers us to gird; which, he derives il.
KINDLE 11s rah.oils ; "rn•••I'""' g1110, gigno; rve•r. J;"ve•'"• gyr11 ;-fo that he might· as well
unde Sax. ct1111an·;. aeennan; .parerc, t dtre; Skion." have faved us all this trouble only ob--
From all appearances we might fuppofe, ihat ferve, that now a days, we feem to underftand the
Cindie, and cennan, or aunnan, rnig ht be derived .word ldrtJe in a different fenfe to what our an-
from caluio, eandto; i. c. K=, Koco1«, candentia ; ccftors did: the old facetious knight Sir J ohn
to giflW, heC1;me rtd bot, · t11 · bur11,; both in a Falftaff, while he has his favotite doxy Doll on-
li.tcral and me~aphorical fenfc :-Ciel. Voe. 174, his . knee, ;who had been !lattcring him withr
is of opinion, that '" ki11Jle, fignifying the prcg- " I love thee better than I love e'er a fcurvy
nancy of animals, is derived frorn ·ldnt, or kin, a young boy of them all ;" fays to her, ·
~bi/J, or #Ill .1Jny yot111g; an ancient word for Fal. '\.Vhat fruJf wilt thou ha11e a ldrtle of? .L.
Jiule :"-ilnd confequendy derived from the fame lhall receive (to-morrow,
root witl.,:KIN, above: Gr. Money on T hurfday: thou lhalt ha'!'e' <i· caP'
· KINE ; :ir....,,..,, eo11farti«m .; •tattle herding t1- now we cannot fuppofe that th.e knight"s intended
z11ber- : though perhaps :fuch a deriv. would be prefent lhouJd. amount to no more than a riding-
.as applicable to any "&ong1'tgalipg f'wl. fairt, as we now underftand it ; but rather to ·a
KING: ·if this word was anciently written mb riding habit, or fome 11ew·fojhio11<&' jatktt,.
'i1111U.g, and frgn!tied tumti11g, wift; then, accord-· not of the moll coftly, but, to- be fure~ of tk
ing to Hcfych . ·and Cafaub. it may be derived a. molt gaudy kind.
~,,..., n•11.....; '"'"'!•ta•, inttllig,ert : Ko>ro.-1, ')'•· KISS, 1:..., ••.,., ( T~ ~'""•) efculM- 1 to falllle ::
wwnor., fciunt, ·Utle/lig1m1 ·; " ti kon, i1fid/igert ; · K;..., of~u/Ulll Jedit : Hom, Ody ff. XIII. J54:
~t <1011ii11g, ptritu; : dque inoe Belg. komng ;. Cafaub. and· Upt." ·
nunc king; ·rex: Jun."-and ,yec there can b,r no Kil'; "a milli.i11g pail, like a tburn; ftJit'b lw$
'1bje8:ion againft ·deri·v ing this word king im- ear;, and a eovt"; a Bdg. kille .' Ray :"-'buc;;
mediately from r,.,,,,..,,.,.;og'lfofto, cagnojee11S; t111W- probably, it did not derive its name .fio~ its.
mg, &Wining,' fulttil, wift: - Cid. in different fhape ; for both kit , and kittt fecnl· to.'b e but di-·
parts 'of his. Voe. give~ us at kafr thirty different. minutives of Xal0<, dolitPn-; a "'fa,. or tui. ·
orthogr. Of the ·word king for head; and among KI"l'CHEN; both Junius and Skineer have
them he gives us, p .. 7, "ko11in.g, king, 911, and giv.en us a follicicot variety of Jang. for· the ecym-•.
·fUin ; all fignifyiog a general,, or htad com.,,a11der of this word; and· llave at Jail: fettled in the ~at.
in war ~":....but thex all fcem to be deri.ved from words •o~u:naT and <CtpJtre : whiahT ·as we-have:
.1he Gr •.as above.
already leen under the art. COOK,, are Gr•.
KINK; ·~ fpoken.of ehil~en,. when their breath K'ITE;. ' " 1x1.., ;;..,, mil'VZL<, p"r metath. kit~ ~
is long ftopt, through eager crying, or cough: a bi1'J of prty: Cafaub. and U'J't.?"
ing; .~ence lhe lrink·cough, c~lled in o~h~r eJaces K l'J'.·LJN·G l Kv..., eaniJ, catu/11.s; !Vt Y®"l oj
tht chm·cough .· .Ray :"-but indeed chin 1s to ab- Kl1 TEN S any creatu?:t; and with us of tr
tlird and (o perplexing a n1ethod•of writing this eat in p11rtic11/'1Jr.: Skinner fays. it is only- a dimi-
diforder,. that it is not to be wondered tt ha' nuti11e ·o f <at; and has referred us to<that ~tt.;.
puzzled many people to aecount for its dcriv. which is.Gr•
. but ccr~ainly kink is rnuch nearer' to :Kiex••r, KLACK, commonty written clitclt;. a K>.«?or.
ilian thi11; befides chi11, in our language; founds item· A~"'"'• Por. Aax•w; fa110, jlrtpirilm tdo l Ill·
IOfr, not hard 1 and bears a totally .different make a 11oifa.
knfe from what re rnuft be underftood to·1nean in KLICK-up ;. IL\,.,7.,, elepq ;. fu,,ari;. ctlerittr cor-
rhis difteolpcr: ke CHIN-cough: Gr. ript1:1 ;, to fnatch up, a11d be gqne•
. KIRK, -or rather KYR:K, Kuf"" '''• Koe.1•·•'"•'• KLUTSEN; ' " q""tere.; .,d , ii ~,at, 'rkprrt i;
domi!li-tkmus ad dominum·ptrtiJICllJ; Kvf ........ um .. . hoc a·Gr. K,..,,,,. : Ski nn. and· R'ay. "
plum Dti; a church, or ttmfle; unlefs, with Ciel. KNACK,. dtxttrity: r,.....,,., fo,..Fo;, r.a~fu<;
Voe. 17, and' 112, we 1night derive ''kiri: fro1n vel K•"'4''''• "gnavns, alaur,. agjlis, dexteritas,,
the Celt.,, or (ir; 6gn.ifying a church, faire, feu 11rtifitium agrndi- aliqoid.: Skinn,:•-as when•
or tommum'ty· /'~but· then it would be Gr.; viz. · we fay, be ha; a ckvtr J.11aelt-in dinnt it.
. ii K•r.--·~ cir:-cus;, a cir-de ;. the Druids, as . he KNACK, or mau a noi.ft: " ' il KA¥«:i:;•11•; ,..,_
ackl), p. ·1.L7, abov.c all. figures affecb ng fanare-; II refbund.. '
tin circular. . KNAG,. or knot; ~di>'ino· olim· fcri'ptum fuiO'e·
·K~RTLE: •~ credo a vcr!Jo -to gfrd' ;'" fays /map; a Sax. cnrep ! Skinn:'-thcn it rnay be-
'Skinner, .under bis.ate. 1tertle; q11ia Siler.. cyp):cl; won.dcred the: Dr.. did not fee: it was derived ~
. ·~~

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k N Froo'I' Ge.zr.K, and L 1AT 'Mf.
' '
.;' I""; , w...F.,, N",,." · tl~JllJ; " " txtrt{ttlfct; ~a fagan-tllf;<'a' trit:ing b7a4e: the. Weith made of
./ollit ill i•uood ;, and here uli:d co figni(y, as the~ ic, i?y ..contrattion, Jganif ; the . French t11nif;
Dr. hi1nfelf now ledges , tbe lc11ags.1ba1 jliex 0111' and vwc <'blife :"-now, as for fagan, ic is ma-
.of a hm·t's bor11, 11tar the f11:.-~hu11J. . nife'ftly Gr. 1 ab A•w, Jcco, jega11 : and as for
KNAP of " hill; from che fan1e root ; mean-• <ilf , it ~vere. to be wilhed, gentleman had
ing prot11ber0111io ; as now both Jun. -1 Skin. 1 !hewn us how it came to fignify a bl:ulc: it
sllow : .iremjug11,,,, fcufi1pen:ili11m mo11ti1,rfal1as, fccms more likely, fince botb Welfh, and French,
.<-.JivUJ promoµl frii, fylvofus, et leniter.cavus. have converted it into if, that it originall.y ~amc
KNA:P, or,Ji1ap tbe bill. ; .K. ..'!-f'•r, f ovit11.s, ftrc- from·~•, valdt, meaning the detp-tulti1<g, tkfP-
pi111s ; 4 fowsd, or n~ije. . wo*11ding inftrument. '
KNAP, or /nap i11 piects.; •eiincr fron1 r.,.,._.,,7.,, KNIG HT; " L•ngbainius vocem nanc h.a.
'inj/eflo ; vd. K"'f';.7.,, . Cflr<VO . ; ,to bmd, bow, or berc aliquam . affinitatetn cum K,.,,;., i nitiare,
.brt(llt: he lt:nappeth 1beJpe111:.,afonder. putat: nempc ut Theocifcis, ct Sax. nafcendi pri·
, KN.A P-SACK ' ·"· .yidecur eJ1im dici quafi mordiis pucr vita: initiatur, ita .ab ipfis, ct qui
kap-fatk; a K"•1'1, $<Ot»edo.; prorfus ut Gra!ci prin;m1n militia: nomcn dederit, ubi p i:imum cin-
.ll•e"" delleCl:unt ,;. ..ll!tO/'"''> edo, paj(or ; to eat : gulo militari aui11EJw fu~rit, utroquc . mcrii:o
~and i$ .called latqpfat/(, i11 quam tni!irts, iur faci- cmh'l; vocitcrur : Jun."-and indeed, i nigbt, or
; '7fleJi 7 el ext1ttit4m:fa!{ut111cs, recond1m1 vitlum di- aright, feesus to be but a different dialell of
: '!r.11um : Jun." .a .jack, or jhort /at&Jiell, in which cintl; i. c. cinfJus ; girt wi tli the mil itary fword,
foltlier; canry·their provijions, &,c. or drefs :-Ciel. Voe. 11.1 dcriYes "knighl from
. ·,KNA,VE;;" r....z;•r, r ..."f<c, f•"1'•.u;, K'"'f'"'• t!ie Celtic ·lt:o11-i~hl. kon, pOfller. or tbe .g#alifi·
. gnavu~, ..v.el 11av11s, el i11ef.1tflrius homo ; a quid:, cation of : and frhl,. IQIJC# :" - but in
. lively, ai!ti'IJe, ditige111 mall :-fo that this word is p. 70, n, he w l11 us, Icon fignifies htad :...,tbM
, al\othei- inftance how man)<ind fomctimes change Jton-itbt 1nay fignify toucbt .on the head; toexprefi
: thcir ideas of : forn1crl y it bore a. .good the power .communicated by that action: mo-
. fpife ; no.w a bad one. dern 'lr:nighu - .created, .or DUBBED, bf lay·
KNEAD; " K•r.9H>, ftalper4, fricare ; nam pa- ing a fword gcnt.l y on the !boulder: howcvtr,
ni fice~~ farinam aqua 1na.cerara1n gravi labore/ub- lince the .antioot 1nethod might have been by
. iger.tts, ca.m veluti tonfricando. 'mo/lire, atque i11 touching 1ht Jwzd with the Druidical wand, or
. unam aliquam majfam cogere videntur: Jun ." - hough, let me obfcrye, that both Ir.on, and icb:,
" quod B~lgis quoquc louden dicitur, dcpfert,Jub- arc Gr. : fee .either KING, , or VEN-AL; and
igere.: · Skrnn." l-JIT : Ge.
K~EE; " r o•u, genu : Upt." -thc gradation KNI1' : ":N•.,, 1uo; N.e.., 11ea o; Jo .link, or
feems ·to be thus; r ..v, gtnu, gn11, g11e ; km:e. join /ogetbtr , to /,.amt, or .eontrive; to work 31
KNELL l" Sax . cnyUan; pu!Jare; 1 'eµt. Ima/!; It were by /pinning : Cafaub."
· . KNOLLS Cymra;.is, tnill, and cnult ;. campa- KNOB; either from N""" No;1l'·o(, N,....,. •~·
. narum_fonus; imptlltrt, pu!Jare, droerberare campa- 'IJUS; vcl a K<tJ'vJ.o(, to11d;·l11s, nodus arlirlllmull;
!"''-' .Jun. and Skinn."~but all chefe fcem to be a promiw 1cc i.n wood, .l>arl:, &c. : . or clfc wb,
: ~f!ly different dialetl:s of N ola, t ivitas co111pani;: ; 1nay be derived from t•n-hoff, or co11-ha/J, fig-
vcl No/anus epifcopus, Iiicronymi , requ'alis, qui nifying Jhe bend, or IJ1I)' rifing, fwel/iJ1g, or protrh-
primus · in ecclefia fua ad. pies ufus tranftuliffc ranee; and tbco it might derive a K•9- ~A•,-ca·
p u_tatur :, or perhaps only an abbreviation of put, the head.
campanula ; and if fo, then .it ·wo.uld originate KNOCK ; K..J'ui-o~, to11dylus, 110Jus. iirticNU·
" forte a K...-...., ioferto m, campana ; quomodo rum ; unde Sax. cnuc1an; Bdg. la1ocJ:e11; 1u•dtrt,
.a !)yro Jadfo, /Jodon ; ii tappin, l)'mpa111tm,- &c, ferire ; t1 beat, cuff, or flrilt.e with the J~ubk fift.
, K.""'"'", P.r~J:>rie,_ H efychio tdle,_ ell .,.~•x.••• ""'"• KNOLL of a bill, or "ken-ol/; t'!' tcp •f •
f_ttka e _p1l11,i indc d1lta fuent <ampmra, quia hill," fays Ciel. Way. 71 :-but l:r11 1s Gr. :·'.<e
, forma CJU~. a campana non abludcret: Vair."- . VEN ·AL: and oil may defcend il K•'-·•"'• co//~ts;
fr~m all this arc. therefore, relating to bells, w~ a hi!J: or perhaps knoll may be only a contrachoo
might fup,pofe, that our words. knell and Jmoll, ,of NAVEL : ftill Gr. ., .
were ra_thcr of Gr. or L:(t. than of Sax.. urigin 1 • KNOT, to tie ; N'"• neo, neflo, 11exrs, ,.~JtlJ ;
notwithftanding the invention .was much ,.fatc r 11 tyi11g, or joining.
than the decline of the two for1ner Jangu~ges. KNOW; " r, •.,.,•.,, r ...,, nojto; to u•der}la.J,
J.(NIFE, " .?•f•; : Cafaub. and· Upt." enju, compebend : r"""'" knowledge: K•H•, ·•'Y'"' N••»
gladius, jita; any ,tdged , 10.ol :.-Ciel. '\Yay. 25, "<I>e..H• : Pharnut. p. 4 , ; Upt."- Clcl. v_oc. 1+1•
has much mqre probably deri ved ·~ lmife, a fays, that " kt11 is one of the old Celtic wo~s

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K .y · From GR I! 111C1 lllld · LAT r lh L A
·f'or beail; in which fcnfe it enten ihto r;.,...., (as' nuPibufque obduO~ 't'~'!c, habitabanc ·:-non igirur
it appears twice in that pagt', for r,,.,.,..,) I Cimmerih, live Kimbri), ·it Gomero in Germania,
.ken, or J:en-ow: 'COntra8:cd to know:"-tlie con- fed Magaga::is trans Araxim aprimis fedibus ad
nexion, the deduction, and the abbreviation, arc Bofphorum, et Euxinu1n mare migtancibus nomei1
· all evident ~ough; but we might jultly doubt hocil Grrecis i111poficun1 e!l:: -but Ciel. Voe. ~Ol,
t he priority of ktn, to r.......... gives tis fiill a different deriv. l for he fays,
KNUBBLE l">-or, &ondy/111, '/}Odus arti- that " kym is one of the mo!l: ancient Celtic
KNUCKLE! culorum; pri'!la fua fignifica- words fignifying a 111011ntai11, and is fcar<:e dif-
tione ni hil olim aliud denotaverinc, quam inverfli cernible in any language unlcfs in compolite
manu, et protubera11~ibus arti~ulorum 11odit, ja- words; it is a corruptiou of kean, head ; and is
nuam, aut capu t alicujus ferirt; 10 beat, or to , radical to hummock, a [mall bill; but cfpccially
1f'rike with tbt double fiJ1 : Jun." to the \"lelfh K;•mbro, or rcgio11 of mountailu ;
., KNUR; " .Tcut. knorr, 11odu1, fcu tuber in lig110:. kym, mountain; and bro, regio11 :"-and in other
Skinn." a knot in wood :-this Teut. knorr feems parts of his work, he cells us, 'that « luan, lym;
to be only a contraction of nod-us, by prefixing ka11, ken, kin, kon, ko11ing, and king, all fignify
·thei r favorite k, and adding two rr :-confe- head, high, ·cmintna, arrd bi//; : the· analogy of
quently G r. ~ k;·111 co pen, ( Ptnma11-111aur) . tbe more modem
KONN over, " K•»11>, ·Hefychio ell: "'""'"'"'• \~'elih nlllne for hill, will appear very ftriking,
1,,.1~,...Q,.,, intelligere; K••••.,.,, '>'""'""".. '• inteliigunt : on reflexion that kear., and pen both figciify beaiJ,
Cafaub." t o learn one's lejfon ; 10 Jr.no1q, lo under- ,o r eminence :"-but in p. ~ 10, he traces pm tQ
jland:-it fcems rather to be derived from the fame che fame root with 'ven : -then ftill !Jr. : fee
root with KNO\V: Gr. VEN-AL: Gr.
KORE, commonly written core; K1"e• tor ; •
the heart, pith, or fubjlance of any thi1fk. '
KUN-EGETICS, Ku..,,y•1•••r, rynegetica ; ad L.
'fJt11a1orem et "venationem perlinms; de re venato-
coria libri agences, cujt1fmodi fcriplit Xenophon,
c t Oppianus apud Gra:cos; -et Gratius, et Nemc-
·LA ,
BE-FACTION; "Ai., intcnfiva partic 11la:
et Bw, a,..,.,; to ;, undc labor, eris ; lap/111 ;
ftanus apud Lat inos ; boolts, or lrtatifes writtm JabefafJio ; a weakening, falling .Jown, tumbling to
on bunting, and tbe brttding of hounds : R. Ku"» ruin; : Volt"
canis; a bo1111d; and A')'•» iiuco ; lo train. LABE L , A<>VWe•>, labarum ; 'VrxiU- trat in-
KUTE; " Kv1of, "wilas, finus, venter, uterus, ge/IS; but now made ufo of co fignify, "infula,
~entricofa cavitas ; any bqllow pla&e, a tavity ; lemnifaus, apptndicula: Jun."-" rectius forcalfe:•
the belly : Ray." fays Lye; " referas ad t.rp," to lap, or -t O'IJer tl1IJ
KYE; " a various dialea for !tine, or ca/tie : thing, to lap over :-perhaps he took this idea
Ray : "-but kine is derived from the Gr. as we from Skinn. who has made the fame 'reference :
have feen under that art. but a label is not a wrapper, but a title to what-
KYM-BRO Brito/IS ; "Cimbris hoc nomen ex ever is wrapped up, or inclqfad ; and confequent-
f ortiludine et bellica virtute partum clfe mihi vi- ly ought to have been rendered by them pan11i.-u-
deatur,~' fays Shering. 56 ; "quo nomine robujJi lu1, or cento. .
milites, pugile1, e~ pal,eflriti viri notan_tur ; ~er• LABIALS, A..,,.1..1 lrJmbo, iambe11do more.ean1111J
m a.nis eamp, exercnum, aut locmn ub1 exercnus bibert ; to lap ; but, properly fpeaking, the .tabi-
caftr.ametatur, fi~nificat ; inde ipGs vir cajlrenjis als are /be lips.
ct mililari; KmtJter, et Kt11tpher, c t Kemprr, et L ABOR; Ao..or, v el Ar•f, quod Eufl:ath. 11for-
K imber et Kamper, pro varietate dialeaon1m patum cradic pro K~,....!l•r, la!For ; work, pains, toil,
vocatu; :" - according to tbis definition, it is dntdger)"
purely Gr. : fee CA~P : Gr. :-:-but Sbering- L1\BYRINTH, " Aa/3•e.,9•f, labyrinthtts; 11
.ham himfelf, p. 51, gives \I~ quite a d1ffere11t place from wbt nct it ivaJ imfeflible to e.vrricaie ·one's
'f:ieriv. from Didymus, and the etymol. magnum, /elf: N11g.''-but this 1nay be faid of a clofc
-where he fays ; " hinc apparet Grrecos, quod or- prifon ; whereas a labyt:intb is an open prifon,
i:hographia1!1 _va~ie. nomen hoc_ fc~ipfifle, atqu7 from which .no pcrfon could find his way out-;
hifce populi~ 1nd1ddfe ; non quod a Go1nero or_c1 ch rough the tnanifold t urnings, and windings, and
Sunt, fed qu1a ptrpetuam agercnt hyemrm, vel qu1a intricacies of its paths.
nebulofum aerem haberenc -; ad Clltremum enm1 LACE for tht flay; ; A~X"> ........ et A•••ew,
:ealcem Tauri moncis in Cherfonefo (qua: ptopte- ,L1cio, unde laq11e1u; a tho11g, or ar.y lo11g firing, t•
~ea 'Taurica Cherfonefus diaa cfi) fub fri;,ido, tit, f11ft~11, or bind with.
M in LACE,

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L A From GR I! EK, and LAT 1 K. L A
LACE, or 1rimmi11g 1 A«xic, lari1ria; the guard, flairs from the f:lllle ·root : true, fays he; but
ban, fringe, or bordtr of a garme111. neverthelefs ladder n1ay co1ne from leaJu :-but
· LACERA"fE, A«!'J?"'• lauro, dijcindo ; lo tear then it is Gr. ab£~""'"• Ei-..?or, E1'a1•f• a leader :
in pieceJ : 'R. A«••r, .fijfura :· or dfe fro1n 'p._,•.,, -Junius tells us, that ladder comes from Ail•;,
dive/lo; to pluck a.funder, to mt1kt rag1 of any thing; ttnuis; long, and jle11dtr, like a lath ; and indeed we
· nay, indeed thefc two verbs fcen1 to originate oftener hear it 'pronounced lathtr, than ladder. .
•fron1 the r.~me root; nam ''"""' Hefych. te!l:e, funt L1\DEN ; " KAO:J", JEol. funt Z'"'>'"• juga;
'p"''"' unde fluxit inulic. /aco ; unde lacero, lanio, atque ita Sax. hlaban quondam denotaverit onera
· zm:ius; a b111eher, a culler up. Jugo pref!u animalibus imponert : Jun.'' ID la) al1J
LA~K, pefitienl : " Belg. laecken ell min11ert, great weight, or place OIJJ heavy burden.
•allenuare, detei·ert; item mi1111i, decrtjcere, pa11latim • LA!)LE, J\"1''"'• loqu•r ; unde lingua, /i,,:
dt}itere: Jun.''-who likewife fubjoins, videri p<> gula ; a fpoo11, or fcummrr ; any thing broad and
·affinitatis al iq uid habere Clun Ar,y·"" ujfat·e, de- flat, like the tonglie, lo lidt up all floati11g impliri-
Jinere : as Minlh. and Skinn. have likewife ob- tin: Jhould this not be adn)itte.d , we mull refer
·rervctl: or dfe perhaps it may come fron1 A.,, pro to the Sax. Alph.
0i><.,, -volo ; to Incl:, to will, to dljire. L 1\DY : whether the Englilh word lorJ, ac·
LACK 1LACH 1A"X"••>. I'""'" {31••1,., cording to the opinion of J un. be only a con-
LACKER~ LACHEl_l S " """"(3"f' : licfych. tradion of the Sax. hla):'opb ; and whether
· Joua, or lad.Jo ; an Indian drug for the ftarltt dye. hlaFOJlb be derived from J\""f'"• 'tlicus, and wfie-
· L.ACONIC, /\ ..,.,,..,,, Laconici, more Laco11u111; ther A""·•" gave origin to the Lat. lar, farts;
" .Jb.rt mid conrife manner of txprt./Jion, like that of arc poin~s which deferve fome farther conlidera-
Ybe l:oud"'m•nia11J 1 who, in their ever n1en1orable rion :-but if lortJ be a contraction of hlaFOJlb,.
anfwer to Philip's letter, in which he threatened, dominus, herus > then, as Junius obferves, lad]
chat if he came near their city, he would burn may be only another contraction of hla:Fb1;i;e, vet
it to a!hes, replied only, IF. hloFbta; domino, htra: as for the deriv. o(Vcrll.
LACQ!JEY, A"E• vcl x..i-.£, cnlx; tbt bttl ; a quoted by Skinn. I Jhall not tranfcribe ir: ftc
f•olmtm, who follows his majltr'J bee/J. LEAF-DIAN-: Gr.
LACRIMATORY, ;\~"t"l""• lacrima; a velTel LAG : " A•')'"'> uffe, vel u./fart, (eu dtfinerr fa.
into wh ich tears were lhed. do ; lo tarry, or j1ay /ubind: 11.,,,.,.,,,. J'. .; ~•r• I''-
· LACTARY; ·r ,.>-<>, r .:-l.«•-1o;, vcl r;..,'Y•» "' : 1-fom. Cafaub. and Upt."- or perhaps we
lac ; milk ; a place whert cows art mil~td : alfo 1nay d edve lag, by contraction, a A~r'Y"~~" vcl
'the glands, or -vrjftls,· through wbi<b !he milk paffes : A"'Y'>''""» pigrnri; to loiter, be flow, j/11g,{iJh, or /oatb
r"->."x·1o>,, /aftt11! ; milky : as the milky-way. lo do any tbi>1g : Skinner would deri 1•e it :1 Sax.
LAD;" Sax. Jeob, quodjuvenem Inter alia lig- 1:1:03 1 <·tifo n prOptcr euphoniam; Ja:n6; longus;
nificat : Lye:" - who fhould have 1nentioned ut dicimus, he flays long; ht'J ~ng a coming: i.e.
·Skinn. ; for the Dr. has given t he fame deriv. be lag.• btbiild :"-fhould this be true, ll:ill it
" eo quidem Ggnificatu, quo pro hominibus ufur- would be Gr.; as will be fren under the arr.
pamus :"-then it is a wo nder that nei ther of LONG: Gr.
'thde gcntkmen lhould fct, t hat it was evide ntly LAGE,." pronounced as lngbe; a In"'!, or vfdal
dcfcended ii " '"';• <1uali A~•J, leod, lad ; a com- cujlome : al lo a trndititm : Verft." -all which plain·
mon, vu(r:r..- boy: frc LEWD : Gr. ly !hews, that this word is not Sax. ; but de·
Li~D.ANUM; J\«l~·,c .. , vcl A_,.;:a.101, la4a1:11111 ; rived'" a J\!yw., dico, j11s a'ittre; undc l1x, lt.~ist /e.
lometimes wri cren labdnnum ; pingue ill ud rofci- galis ; " latu, legal. •
-c!um, quod A"t", ciil:i genus, coll igebatur in L AITY ; /"'"' • poprthtJ; Jbe people, rbe communi!J.
Arabia; a gum made of the fat dew thnr is ga- 01 large : ~\.x.;Y.i:;·;, !ait 11s1 o ta·ic ; n loy111nn ; Q-llt wb~
thered fro1n the leaves of a fhrub, calk d /oda, is 11bl of tbe clergy : -Clo l. Voe. 12, fuppofcs,
unde .lada1111111; and is ufed by ppmandcrs : a '~ laity· is on!y a cot1craCTion of leei1y1 and 111c·:u1s a
c tirious account of t he in!lrt11ne11t, an<l lnanner lefa, or ficu11d,1ry• qualit;, witbout any ching dif-
of gathering this gum , is gi ven by Tourndon; n·fpeltfoi; as che popular dafs was lay, !re,_ ~r
Leu . II. p. 79, Svo. kdty co the Druidical j udiciary ; temp.roi to Ip•·
LADDER: Ski nner hns deri ved it " ii Sa~ . ritt1al ; _f 1;1•t t ro j ulticc; ~oar to peace :''-bot
hl::ebe; Belg. laddtr, leeder; Te<1r. lt)• fer, Ji:ala ;a verbo both LESS, and LIT'fLE, are Gr.
le;·ten, !~)'de;1, leetlin; d;fcer~ ~ q. d. dufior -. a !eadft' t L t\.Kt_., or ponti; <, 1l«X%-ct, locus: Nug. 11-
frali\ eninl ad ediriora loca du<imur :"-but fo we ~t1de . lact111n , a lak,·, ,.or 1landi11g p~c!; c:>.r ev<:n tJ
are likew'ife by a pair ojj!airs ; howevc·r, nobod y t.cfftfttP'J of r-111111ing v.;a l t t', 1t/n1Q{! jit~ f fJUJldtJ ~"f fpnJ. n
would chink of dcri,·ing a ladder, and a pair Bf LAMB ; " ''"'"" ag1111s ; by prcfixiog I : Upr.
7 · LAi\', BENT,
• •

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L A From G ii: I!. ·£ "'• . and · L-' T r ~" L .A · -
LAMBENT, A,.,,.7.;, Iambi;, '7ambi.-e; to" fiu'k, 'td tpk,, o r ca/I- /ors ! N og."-whid i the fdlJie;·s
oc litk gt1rtly: alfo to glide ovtr foftly, without harm, always d id for t he fp0il, before the ten t of the ·
~s a lambent flame. general, where n Jp•ar, or /a11a was e reCl:ed ;
LAME, Ai'«>-.• ; , qu:ifi A"-f'"'" ' dehilis, imbtci/. rou nd which the troo ps were a Ocmbled .
/iJ, infinnus; f et/;le, wtak, infir11J : vel A KA(l.1u.{3~;, LAND : " origo vocis, pr~!i xi\ lite r!\ I, pe-
t11utilat11s ; maimed, i11iptrfctl. t~tlda ell: initi alibus ii ceris Gr~ci :\1rJY.~::v, fl11;11n'i-
LAMENTA'f JON, · A"'I'"'• ~"'?'""'• jlillatim ta,s et txtrr1iJitas: .Jt1n. t111der clle ar[ . ln111b.',
ema11a11s, l.-imentor, lamtnlatio ; a ''1.ueepin.r, wailing, L AND-SKlP : unfortunately fo r erymol. we
and bemoaning : -V ofiius· derives it from 1..,.,.,. ...,, have a word in our lang uage Ul:ip) whic h· fig- ,
gra1niofas pculos bnbens. ni/ies to /tap, or ju1.11p, nbo1tl, fo torally d iffe rent .
LAM IA, accord ing to Cid. Voe. 4, " fccms to froin what we wnnt to cx prcfs in th is idea, that.
be derived i A'""'"'• Lt<*Ra; either con tracted or ic. is no wonder the o rt hog r. of \ his word lhould ·
aboreviatcd to Lt111t:"-this conjecture will fcarce Vary fo much, as we find it d oes ; fomet imes "ic
be adm itced, becaufe . of .the wide difference in is written land/tape; fon1eti1nes {,11tdjh11pe ; fome-
fignilicarion between the two words : fee HE- tin1es la11dfabape ; and fometimes la11djZ·ope: Skin-
L EN, and MAG-DALEN: Gr. nec has referred us to land, andjhnpe ; a nd then
LAMINA, .e; 11.>-"'I"""• feu H>-."'I'"" • quod .ab deriv'ed jhapt fron1 exravare; notwith!larn.ling ,
EJ,"'ui.'A>• J'i ve E>.ct ditflilt opus facio ; /11.;11ina ; a tbi" under d iis art. lie has given us the very word,
..; ,

plate, or flratu111 . . which ought to have p oin ted out the true o r- •
L AMMll.S; " .ealt11d"' faxtilts, feu · Auguf/.e ; t hogr. viz. l:••<>·Ye"'~''" from whence comes o ur ·
q. d. miffe, i. e. Jies agnorum; tune ·enim agni in tern1.ination faip , to lignify tab11la cborographica,
ufu menfarum elfe definunt: Skinn."-it were to topographitn, regio11is f •rma, teu ddi11tatic; lite rally
be wi{hed the Dr. had been as .fedulous in the the jbadow of a ccur.try, a view, or rural pillure. ·
etyrn. as he has in the ftgnilicarion of this word : . I.AND-WALTUN : " rulers that weald, or
-but fincc he has told us, that Lammas fignifies menage the publyke affai rcs of the coun-
dies ag11orum ; and fince we k now that agnus fignifies trey : Verl\·. "-according to this expl3nation, it '
n lamb; then both lanib, and Lammas arc Gr.:- is evidently derived fro1n the fame roots wi th •
but his learned friend Th. 1-Ienth. has given us land, and wield, or wielders, i. e. rulers of the la11d;
another ·etym . from the Sax. lan_g. (which hap- and conli:quently is Gr.
pens at la!l co be Gr.; for he fays) " Lammas LANE: Skinner fuppofes this w:>rd is "fo rte •
from the Sax. hlaF-n1rerre; q. d. loof-111afs ; forte contrnfru1n a Latina; q. d. "via ·L'atina: in an ti-
q uia co die apud A nglos •biatio pa1111m ex tricico qui s enim coloniis Roinani cum focii.s non1inis
novo /ieri foleb at :"-but without any forte, he Latini fundos fortiti funt ; et Ro1nani Latiorrs ; ·
might h:lve confirmed his opinion fro m Sornner, Latini Anguf/iorts vias fierncbant, et C'urabant : •
who has quoted the foll owing word s from the alludit Gr. A""'"' fupplc oJ'•r, i. e. '10i 11 lopidta,
Sax. Chron icles " 'oy ylcan pimepa, bet'peox fcu fapidibus jlrata :"-how the D r. could pof-
hlaF-m:t!rran 11n1'o-'oum r umepa ; eadem a:Hat~, ft bly apply all this ro our word lane, is not cafy ro
inter f tj/um primitiarum, ct Colfl:itiun1 :"-to which imag ine : it would have bee n 1l1ore natural, ··if he
L ye adds, "Jeftum primiliarum vox, ut opinor, bad joined Cafaub. in deriving la11e a A"'Y"'"• 1111-
bt:ne verrit\1r; l' reJTe cart1en pnn,is, vel fr11n1!11ta .. giporlus ;. a 11nrrow alley.
1i0Nis fe.flum fonat :"-but now the vicar's herbage LANGOT " of the fooe ; 1be latcbtt of the jhae;
tithes con filt of lnmb, noc corn; and therefore we la11g 11rt , li11gula ; 11 · Iii/le //mgue, or flip ; n ·
may rather derive Lamrnas from the for.her, than fmall tbon.g of !~albtr: Ray :"-but we iball fee, in
the latter : nay e ven ibo uld hlaF be the p roper the next arr. bot one, that !i11g11r1 is G r.
deriv. ltill it would be G r.: fee LOAF: Gr. L ANGS U l\IJ, " k 11gfam, tedfous : VerR." -t herc-
L.i\MP, '' J\4p.r.~i;) "'d';: I{. A«1«.tr'&J, 10 jbint: N ug.'' fiire derived fron1 the fame root with LON G : G r.
-a torch, jlmnbeau, or any f t1bf/1111a, giving lig ht. L A NGUAGE, A"Xt" lingo ; tu lap ; undc /;,,.
L AM-PREY, A:.r.'iw - fi•lf"; lampetrn, " a gria ; langl1age; tbe 1011gt1t; rile tong1te be ing the
/ambtndo ptlrns: Skinn." a lamprey; fro1n licking, prime organ of .fpeecb : o r elfe fro n1 Aahf~ , loq11<r- ;
OI' f11ckillg the rock.<, or rather pebblts in a riv er. to / peak, difcc11rf t, cc11vrrfa . ·
LAi\IP-YRIAN, " "l'-"""f''• lampyris ; q uod LAN GUE'f , lar.g1wi11m ; n lmrg uu of mnb1r :
rauda fptell{i<•a/ ; a bright·lail, or glow-.worm ; a perhaps from the foregoing root.
vtry good ineretricious tpi/bet. · · LANG U OR ; A.-Y1'"""• vcl A"Yl''"• lnr.g11eq,
L ANCET; " A•YX"• Dor. pro A•YX•• lanua: lt1n,(uidu1, pigror e,Y f aligatio11e ; lo be wear)', Jired,
or perhaps fro1n A"YX"'"' fartiqr, fa~tes duco; fatig~td.
M n1 z I~'l.NI-

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L A F.rom G 1t ? 1 11:, and L A T I .K,, L A.
LA.NIATION, A"''~"'"""'""'• lattijla, la11ius; · LAP, or lid: 1 " A....1.. , A,,p.., lamlro·i lllmiurdo
o buubtr ; la!fiatjq ; jlaugbttr, car1111:1. bibere, 111or1 tanum ; hinc F.£°'h"'"""?"'': .t'llnt110 ; · to
LANI-GEROUS lA""'• vel A'"X'"• lana 1 lap up all: H oni. ufes it 1netaph. for 'l.Jajlo, diri·
· LA.N U- GINOUS S wop/; b:ari11g wool, or .any pio : ·Cafaub. and U pt:"
faft, downy f11bj/onct. LAP , or WT'dp ll'Cltrl" AIL, intenliva particula;
LANK, "A"Y"f"• lax1u, vacu:u, non dijl'tnlus; LAPELL S et Bw, B"'' "'• <o ; unde
lax, loofe, and flaccid: Cafaub."- or perhaps la11!t la-bot', lopfu1 1 t o fall dow11, or ovtr, in tbt aBi~11
m ay be derived ii B;o."~• ""''• jlaccus, f/accidus ; of folding : Vo!r."
flabby :-but if !a11/c is nothing 1nore than a diffe- LAPIDARY IA""'• A«lr, A..F,,, lapis, ·1ap;-
rent dialect of lo11g, as fang, kan, lank, and b,ney; L APIDATION dis, lapiddrius; ajewtlkr;
i t may then be derived from the Gr. through mn/ilr., and j101tt-ttillcr.
that fource.
LANNER l" lanarius 1 Dhuez non infcite
LANNE RET ii la11iandi1 1tvibus dictum pu-
LAl:'PET : " din1inutivum ,;; lap," fays
Skinn.-but we do not ufe it in the Dr's. fenfe
of"' parlit.u!a, ora, fimbria :" though we do in
tat : Skion."-but fo do all hawks of every de· the fente of" frullum e panno, tela, corio, atquc
nominat ion : however, even lanius is Gr. : fee ,1liis id genus mcrci1noniis refeaum : vcl po-
LANJATION : above. tius, quicquid de · talibus mercimonii s poft affi.
LANS-Q.YENET: this exprcffion ba1 bee·n fo du am ampuratione1n rtma'lfit (a remnt1tl) tan-
mifmangfed by t he French, who never feem to quam flt. a AH.-•>, re/inquo : pofie.a tamen quo-
have heard of chc word etymology in their lives, or que tran'Oatuin eft ad lnciniam, .finum, oram, Live
at leaft never g ave themfel vcsamomcnt"s concern extnmita11111 vcllimenti: Jun."-wc uodcrftand
about it, but wrote their language at firft, juft it as par/ of a laily's /ftad·drefi :- and perhaps then
as our rullics would do, were chcy to conipofe a it may come from the faine root with LAP, and
dietionary fro1n the ear, not the eye : the French, .L APELL, or fold over.
l fay, haye fo disfigured this word, that no one LAP-\VING; quafi tlap, or flat-w;•g; i. e.
cot1ld fuppofe it was Gr. ;-but che Teut. lt1ns, Ko;o.....7.,, lt111do l lo btal ; Ct u7,..,., pi1111a, pmna ;
o r lance, is undoubredly derived ii laacta 1 i. e. a feather ; to beat the wing. in .fl.Jing. ,
A•rx•• .and 9t1enet is only a miferabk, wr~tched LAPSE; " A.., intenfiva particula , et u.,,
I<'r. Gall. transfonnation of lcentcbt, hu,ht, knight; l!"""'• to ; ita ul proprie fignent a l:riter defcm·
confequently Gr. likewife ; fignifying " p' dts, dtrt ; ut, Labtrt, mufn, p•ki ; ~litk quickly dawn:
milts grtgarius; oli1n eni111," fays Skinn. "pedites unde la-bor, lap/us /11111 ; to jlitk, glidl, or tumblt
<quitu111 la11aarior11111 quaji farvi erant 1 e t quili- d•w11 : Volr."
bet cques quatuor, vel quinque pedites, tanquam LAR-BOARD ; or rather /ar.bord; A«••r ..e• r,
famulos, circu mduxit :" -a Gtr1111tn borfl-faldier, /,rvum-/atus; the liftjitk, when y•u fl and at tbt btlm.
who always bore a Inna; literally a l:nigbt of tht L AR.CENY, A•,.r• latro; A..7e'"'"• lalrocir.or;
/ana, /a,,ce-l:tr.tch1, or /4na-knight :-why chis ex- thief. 1btf1, robbery: R. A.e.,, A,.,$..,.,, lalto ; oam
preOion has l>een appl ied to a game at cards, l have furcs oli1n laternionts, et lavt r11i1nts diccbaotur, i
not as yet learnt; nor the reafon for the ftrange lattndo ; faullars, lurkers ; t.1rking in the 1bievijb
manner of our calli ng that game kiml>'sfldnnt t ; corners of the itrects : Pfal . ,,_ S. .
unlefs it be from che fimilarity of found ; a' in LARCH-tree ; A«f•E. larix; a lrte fa ta/ltd.
manv o cher inftances. LARD l A«e•r, A"f"•r. A"f"••r, laridum;
L ;\NTERN, commonly written, and pro -. l,ARDER S bacon, futt : Skinner fuppof<:s /4,
oounced Jant-born ;, All9w, .1\v.9114a1, A"•~a.1op.«'• ridum is derived from far; dqmus ; · quafi cib1u
lateo, la/e1'11a ; quafi /a.nterna ; quod i111us t anad a d.?mejlicu1, ()Uia femper in domitus in multos .ufus
latu ; n mncbine to put, or bide a candle in. fervatur : " hinc larder; pro,npt11ori111n, quo rtco11-
LAO-DICEA, " A"''"'"'"" Lacdicea ; a city of dunlur edulia: ocfcio an fie ica diCtum," fays Lye,
.llfia t\!Jinor' R. ,\aor, populus; aod i:..... ju1, i. e. l(xa.1' •Eoxri~ ab Arm. lard; pi11g1tis :''-it js re·
ju; populi: Nug." markable, that neither of chefc erymol. lhculd
L.Al:., or k11rr1; 0«.ATtiJ, /oveo ; to cberijb, warn1, have •ttcnded co A"f"""
;nd 11urfa : or "perhaps it 1n~y be only a contrac- LARGE, A"veo;, largus, latus, m1J!Ju1, ropi~
tio n of A::it'~"'"'"'• ..'1t":1,:3nv, a fcipere; to takt, o.r rt- fus; brood,, eopious; JI. Voffius derives it
tcivd (I ii ·i11;rn_nt on the knet. fro1n A"'f'Y'<·
L.i\:P·land, ntcordiog to Ciel. V()C. 204, " is . LARGES~, "Aoweor, largu1, J argj.or, largitus 1
b.ut an othe" word' for Up./a11d,; quafi L'up·lauJ..:" '. lnjlcrvtd. gra•tcd. .
- but·U.i"., , and . LANI?, ,aie, both .Gr.. · · l.4RY.Al'EDr " '4""f"'• viclJI ; ,w;ide lar, /ariJ;
~ hiniv,
, .

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"I., A , Fn>m· G 11 z ! 1t, and L A. T r l'f.· .
'hinc l11f"IJa 1 quomodo dicebal!tur de'functorum " /aft of flll from laggejl':"-then it would taRe
genii tnaJi, ct n!Jxjj l qui eo a /aribtis fa111i/ia- the fame root with LAG ; or with L IG, or
NUS difFerebant, quod hi certis zdibus curam lie down.
gererent pofterorum 1 ktru"' aute1n vagare'ntur LAT ; when Ral' informed us, that lat figni-
fedibus incertis, curreque ejufrnodi exfoncs fo- fied late, flow, ttdiou,, he did not furmife it was
rent ; qure prena eQs man lit ob vi tam n1ale tranf- Gr. ; and when he explained lat wtatbtr by wtf
aCl:un1 : Volf."-fo that." at !aft we niay gather wtalber, he little t hought it was Gr. fiill; only de-·
fome morality from thefe blind fuperftitions of rived now from another fource, viz. LASI·IY; Gr.
idolacry ; viz. that the good ren1ai n in peace LATCH of a do.,. }" lanqutt, lingula ; 11:
and quiet at home; while che wicked arc driven LATCHET of a foot little. 1011gut, or fiifl :
about the wide world : hioc /aruaf't jimulnrbrum 1 Ray :"-but lingua is Gr.: fee LANGUAGE:
a 'Uizor mnfa; which is ufually lnade in fome Gr. :-however, it 1night be better to derive /al(h,.
hideous f<Jru1. . and lat&htt, ii A"""• A••.,, vel A""''"'' /atio; la~htt;
Ll\-RYNX.; .A"f"Y~• larynx, gu:tur, gula; a uncle laqutus; a fnare, tord, or leather thong : '
Aa! intenCiva particula; y~ F ""• f!uo; quod liquida Skinner has very properly· explained the la1tb of
facile in gulam ifjl!Janl ; the ibr11at ; called the a door by fu11i1 . obicis, quo ft. rttrabilur, ti attcl-
'"'Y""• bccaufc liquors fo eafily jlowdown the tbroal. /;tur. obex ; but then he has derived it from the
LASCI VIOUSNESS, A v.,, Jol'llo, laxo; di.f!o· Belg. Jtal. and Lat. tongues; at which be ftops, .
lutt, · w~nton: If. V.offius ·derives it from lacio, with " hac fatis manifcfie a Lat. k1q11tu1 : but
/aaffe, l1ui'llus, lticejJivus 1 and confequencly from· they are all as manifefte from the Gr. as ;
!:-"""'• "'"""'• et J\a••?.,; laci11, ·allitib ; to al/Mr~· : vcl unlefs the Greeks borrowed from the Latins, and ·
a A•>r•>fays Gerard : A<>r6•, f;iys Hcdedc ; pr0- 'the Latins from the Italians ; and the l talian1 -.
brum 1 any. fart if improper a&lion ; particularly from the Belgre.
wa11to11ntfs. · · LATCl--1, or tatchlinay pemaps- be derived a·
LASH if a wbip ; 11>.oy•, Dorice 11>-«y", p/a.
gtJ ; fl blow, jh-ipt, or f/rokt; vela A«r..e••· quod
LATCH· PAN A"'"'"' unde A"'xxor,/wea,.
cifterna, 'puttus ; 11 p#, or hollow platt·to <on1ai11, or
Hefych. cxponit 1«•ri£, jfogtllum,' f<utica : 'l'el po- iatrb any thin,K.
tius 3. i\iZx~, 1\.r.x.w, e~ A::i)(iet.i, /4cio t ttnde laqueus ; LA1'ENT, N-9;,, A•9.,, Ao:.&,.,.,, latto; to lie ·
a tho•g; or aHJ long fwit<h, firing, or' tord: Litt. bid, concenluJ.
and Ainfw. derive our word lajh, i. e. laqruus,. a L ATERAL; "A.,.9.,, Dor. pro A,&~ ;i,,.;9,.,.,,.
Av)'•h 'llite", fali111, vimt•, 'llirga, batillus. loteo; unde lotus, lateris ; tbt jidt ; a lattndo ;
LASHY, Aw, falvo, laxo 1 looft, diffel'tJed,flabby. quia /a/tat, condalurque Jub axil/is 1 ut bene Hi-
LASS, takes the fame derivation with L AD; dorus, fays Volf." but whether this be the true ,
" unde ladde jampridem in ufu apud no.ftros deri- deriv. or not, lot me only obfcrve, that A"'Y"'» °'''•
Yatur /addtjfe; pro quo per contraetionem ufur- figni6es ilia, vel IAttris Cil'IJitas, laxior, ti exqffe ; -
patur hodierno die, lafs: Hickcs :"-confequent- properly the jlaJJl:; but though A"''Y"'' fignifies ·
ly Gr. ·· .lntus, it may noc have given origin to that word.
LASSITUDE : " ab Aw, fpiro; unde A1cr&o1, LA THY·; "forcaffe eft a A11or, t111ui1, ~·ilis;
feJl'us, la.f!us, 11i111io l.4bore ffiirilum frt'{utnltr duren's : jlim, thin : J un."-chis is a nuich
Ji'. Volt" - perhaps it might, with greater fim- better .deriv. than, with Skinn. to fuppofe, that '
plicity, be derived ii Av.1, falw, laxo, Ja,,us, quafi lath could originate from latus; q. d. aJ!ula in-
l.t.f!us; loo/e, dijfol'tJtd, weak, weary, faint. f,11i1udi11tm fella :-it would have been better, if.
LAST, or t ndurt ; Ao1•9or, ultimus, pojlremus .1 the ·or. had faid in lo11iJtut/inem fetla ; for no-
" qui cnitn diutifjime omnium perdurat, ille po- body ever faid as broad, and' as thin as a lath 1
jlremus o.mru um definit, poflren1us om'nium rema- but as long, and as thin, would have been a
nc:t: Sktnn. ' - who will not, however, allow. more natural idea; onl.y then his Lat. etyn1•.would
A....t., to be a genuine dcriv. :-" A•1..Dot; lane al- have been loft.
lufio, potius quam genuinum etymon videtur :" LA1.HE, " a barn; . forte n vcrbo lade, q11,t
··- and fo very prol?ably would almoO: all our Gr. Jrugibus q11erat11r: Skinn. and Ray:'.' - bot LADE,.
<leriv. appear in the Dr's. eye, fo·crammed is he and LADEN, are Gr.
with Saxon :- as if it were reafonable. to fup- LATHER t' aqua fapone probe pcrmifta,
J!Ofe thnt the Greeks borrowed fro1n the Saxons, eoque fpumans, et turgefcens ( aqu:e faponat A>
not the Saxons from d\e GrCt'ks; the ancients fpumi inuogere) a Fr. G all. laveurt ; · q. d. Ital.
from the moderns, inftead of the reverie. la'llaria, a /a.,ando: Skinn.'' - ~nd no farther·
L:AS:r of 'all; " 1h1rlor, ultimiu, fl•Jiremiu ·: would he ~o ; how.ever, he gcoera!Jy . goes far
~aub•..and.U·p,t ."-Clcl. W;ay,. 47, would. enough to .lubvert hu own. etym.: f"r if /a111urt,
. ~ aAd

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L A .. Froni G ~ r. .Jl. .g;, and L A' T 1 "· · · L A'
a11d lavaria, are derived a ffl71a)1do ; then. he n1uft are no Latin: arricles; \)~fide~. lhould even. th'is
have known t hat lavanda ca1ne fron1 iavo ; . aod be adtnincd, fti11 .•, woultj• be Gr•. ab -o...,,,, '!!DX;
la'l!o froni, lava ; to wafb, to 111ix faap and voice, praife, fame . · . · · ·
tuater togeiber ; ' i. e. btal 11p a ,lather. a LAVE, or r~lifl : " Sax. tar, laFe; laF
L ATIN; A,,9,., A.,,9,.,.,, Laua ; unde Latium, etiatn eft ·vidua; a widow, ur nobis hodie a re/ifl ;
ct l..atima ; the anrient language of Italy, where fron1 ltavt: Ray :"--confequendy Gr. as we !hall
Saturn lay bid, and concealed hin1felf, according fee under rhat art.
to ~heir t radit ion. LA VE, to wafb la /\xw, lava; to wafb, or bathe;
LATITUDE; ni-.1.,, laras, /alirudo; broad.; LA VER S and fomctimes ufed for ibe
latitud« font in bnprifm, which, by the Ron1anifts, is
LATRANT, A"1e"?H» lorro, blatero; 10 barJ:, called tbe /aver of regtntrali•n: Shakefpear has
or b•wl. finely introduced the verb lave in die fourth a&
L ATRIA, "fl."1e""• cul/us, ftr'Uil'lls rtl~~iofa; a of '1."ilus d11dronie1u, 'fc. 3, where he makes that
worjbip due to God only : R. Aoc1e1; , ••r, a farvan/; abotnii\able character of .Aaron the Moor, exprefs
,\,.101v:.i, I • ferve: N ug."-it is co be wondered hi1nfelf thus; .
ho'~ the Dr. c.a1ne to infert this arc. in a Lift of For all the wattr in Cayfter's frream
Englijb·words: Can never turn thc 'fwan's black legs to white,
LATROC!N ATION : Fefius, as quoted by .A:ltho" lhe lave them hourly in the flood.
Shering. p. 55, " tellatur, /01ro11es eos antiqui LAU GH : riN>~, ridto; ID /mile, or /oolt
dicebant, qui conducti rnilitabant, ar• Tii< Aoc1em•<: pleafanl.
at nunc viarum obfaJ!bres dicuntur ; quod a latere LAVISH ; " /\"""?"'• Jtjlruo, roacuo : vel 4
adoriuntur. ; vel quod Jatenter infidiantur :"-but A"qi"?"'• avidc deglulio, devoro: Minlh.''- " A"l3f•<,
frill it is Gr.; for both LA'TERA L, and LA- v orax, vebtt'!ens, qui avit/4, ti hialfti ore 11/iquid
~-EN'r, are Gr. and both derived from the Came facit : Cafaub."-" 1nallem a Lat. lavart ; pro-
fource. digus enim bona' fua duit; • prrefer1i1n 1i per com-
. • LATTISE-work; if we attend to Jun. it potationes. fubftantiam fuan1 perdar : Skinn."-
ought 10 be written /111itt ; for 'he would ,]e rive only now the' O f. ought to h11ve added, ct. /a•.HI
it fro1n the 'fa1ne root with /ell, or binder ; and a 11• .,. •
then it would be Sax.; bu t if we attend to Skinn. LAUNCH, or burl a javelin ; A•rx•• lanceo,
it ought ftill to be written It/Ila ; for he would lanceort; lo cajl, or throw 11 )pear, la11ct, &c.
derive it from the Caine root wich 11u; q. d. net- L A UNCH a jhip ~ fro111 rhe foregoing root;
tict; but then it would be Gr.: but if we attend or perhap! from 'E'""'• quafi Jinx», Ir.oho; to
to Lye, it oug ht to be written !a11ift; a Gothis; draw, or dt:ag a fhip lo faa, w lo the .fhqre, as
iis cni1n latgi n efl: tordart, morari : -and yet it qccafion might require. ·
is remarkable, that he refers us fro m lartifa to LAUNDRY, J:>,;if'"'• A•le•» lavacrum; a tvafb-'
lt lli(e ; in which art. he follows the ((:nfe of Jun. i!lg place, .a bath :. R. A•"· lnv o; lo wajh ; quidem
which fl:ill he·derives fro1n the Gothic, as above. proprie corpus; buc we 1nake ufe of tbe /aundr)'>
LAVANDE R, ii""" l:iva; to wajh : lava11dula, as a pince I• dry'\ and iron lhi111 in, 1101 .10 wtijh it.
feu !avendula, a !avando, quod !orior.ibus inferviat : . LA UREATE 1" ""'"f'" .,.;,. a,..p..., : a """'•
Lavander, a fwect fmclling herb: but what con" LAURE L S lava, purgo·; poHct enim lin-
ncxion it has with wafbing, rnigbt be difliculc . g ulari vi ad purgandum fanguintm laun1J.; /ht
to fay. lam·t!, or bay·tru: .~i nfw."-it were to be wi01cd
LAUD }" 11. .....;, pcpul1u, Jama i 1\~», he had confultca Voif. who fa vs, " verillniilius
LAUD-ABLE t!oquer; A .. ,~,fruor : Voll:"- etymologus, cum ait aa1••v dici quafi a~'1"'""'•
'' poteft et e(fe ia11,1 fl KA.!o{, glwia; et 3. A~a--xff,, hoc eft1 t~ -:-~ a~,,,,.Q:i, ~~;;<~:-a,, qui a nttll[>e rtX.l"
I f. Volf."-vel ab AJ,o:1'a~cc, ciamo ala/a ; lo jbout ""'"f"'": reete vero Gyraldus mihi docet crepan- .
aloud; to ji11g the praift of the l.•rd : this lafl: /em ir. igne ltmrum ·bonum fu ilfe omen, lacitam
deriv. fcems to be taken .from the 1-lebrew : - ~utem intelix :"-this crackling :ind burni11t of the
Ciel. Way.. 47, tells us, that" ~s "for praife was laurel has been happil y alluded to by Virg il in
retained in t he L atin, in rhc purell age of L:i- ' his Eigh th Eclogue, . Si, under the nanie of
tinity : 01 populi 111er11iffa: Pcrfius : the French in Dapb11is- 1 · ·· · .,
the old language, by prefixing the /, or le, n1ade Sparge1nolam,ec;rrag.i/esincendebiruminelauros;
l'os, proifa; the Latin word laus, for prnift, is ])apbnis rnet malus: uri1; ego haoc in Daph.• ide
the fame word! and fonned on the fame princi- laurum. . . ' .
pie. ;"-this may .be very much doubted, for tbe LAVI/, 1\1y:.i, dico; to pron(JU11tt ; A•£•;, 'IJtrbum;
Latins knew nothing of prefix mg /, or le, '~htch a duree : undc iex, ltg./J ; a law, jl.aiutt, ordinance,

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L E· From G It LI It, and l..A TIN. L E
flfllilt, tllolltd, 011d prct11,,JgoltJ: Ciel. throughout Saxon had :ittcndcd more to the dc:riv. oT this
both his trcatifcs, affirms, that " ty is the radix word, than his own remarks on ir, he would
of law, ltx, '4i, and in ltal. lrgge; and the com- have found, thac his kac, or lticb, was no more
1no n Celtic parogogic t QJakcs of lty, ftyt; thence than our word leach; and figni6ed not fo much
we have our court-Itel; which is fhictly a (kffcr) a furgeon, as a pb):Jidon; confequently that it was
court of law: Way. 72."-buc all thefe fcem 10 derived, as in the following arr.
originate ii A1 · y"' as above. LEACli: Dr. Skinner, tho' he was himfelf a
LAWN-jltrou, a A"'" linu111; flax, or ft11t llntn. phylician, and knew that our word leach fignified
LAX, Au~, falvo, loxo, /111titas ; lo looftn, dijfohu, a pbyftcian, has talked very unfcientifit alty about
11nOinJ: vel i X·:&A:,,, A~'Y"f•f, A•')'~tof, A~1r'2f"i• a horfa•lratb; · which, under thac art.. he wrir ·s
LAY .Jow,,, " Al'Y"'• CM!Jo, tubart /ado ; to rt- bors-lre<b :-lee 1ne t heo proceed to lhew, that
~ft : Cafaub."
ltocb is of Gr. extraet. :-neither Junius, nor
Lye, feem now to fufpttl: this, though they have
LAY, or fang; " Gall. lai ; Dan. lteg, unde ct acknowledged that " /tath fignifies mtdiCIJS ; and
lyflig lugtn; am.e11us ta11/us; potiffimum tamen that it is derived from the Sax. /.er; and th at
hrec oli1n intellecta puto de natalitiis hymn is; /~( is derived from lac; m111111s; a reward; quod
quornodo ltyjfantn Belghl cit llllltrt bymmn nala· fanitati prill:in:i:: rc{hcutos, atque ab orci limine
/itios ; ltyfft11 ; cantio 11atali1ia ; propterea quod in rcvocatos a:quum fit incolumiratis fu:t~ autborcs
cmnticis huic fefto. fole1nnibus ptrfa:pe iterentur Juculcntis prremiis rt111u11trari :" and ycr, unr er
tltifa11 ; et llyrit, tleifan; K v:11, 1A111,...., Jomint, rniftrn-t: the an. la111b, they acknowledge chat the " Sax.
Jun." a flwrt l1tntick :-" it is fomtymes written
/,,, ; 111tdicM1, is derived from A•"l""'•fan", mtdtor;
It], and ltyd; and hence cometh the name of
by only prefixing I; as from •/-"'•f, lamb; ,.,.t,t•»
/Jal/ad ; o f•"K of an atl, or dud i/011 : Verll:."
LAY- MAN ; " Aa.,, populus: Hor. pro/an,,,,. fee HORSE-LEACH: Gr.
land; .....~, labor ; &c."-fo from A.,.,.,..., /Lach:
vulp1: fro1n hence /r..r;J, quafi leu·d-man, i. e. LE-ACl-i, " bard work, which caufes -le ache
lay-man: lewd fignifies ignarant, in Chaucer : and in the workmen's joints, frequent among our
in Milton's Paradifo Loft, B. IV. t 93, kwd birt- miners in the North: Ray :"-if this gentle1nan
/i11gs; i.e .. ignorant: Spencer in l1'cb. fays, intended to Frcnchify, he· has done it very uu-
Ltwdly complain'll: thou, lazy lad: fucccfsfully ; for there . is no fuch cxprdlion in
i. e. ignornntly : Shakcfpenr fpeoking of a cap, French, as le tube, at prefcnt, whatever there
fay~, 'tis ltwd, and filthy; i. e. ixnora111ly n1ade : might have ~n in his time: and if he meant,
Upt."-notwithll:anding the difplay of reading, as he fcems to mean, our word acbt, or pai11, it
and the fpirit of criticifn1 that is lhcwn in this is undoubtctll)' Gr.
art. it is very probable that ltwd-vttn may not LEAD, tondufl; " furtarTc ab F.~""'"" d111a,
always fignify la;'-men, and confcqucntly are not a.(tJ ._ F.>.a1,1~·H1 .... :.1.. , 11gtre nav t m; quod ca11tundt1l'l
derived from the fame root: fee LEOD, and ell: t\C fi d1cas gubtrnart, vd ductrt 1111'1.Jtm; S1.~1•r,
LEWD: Gr. d11(Ji/i.< ; E~«1•e. ( quafi Ar«1•e) llf!iMtGr; a drivtr,
LAY-S'l'ALL, At')'>J ·;w: "11 verbo lny, et Sax. " ltodtr: Jun."-Clel. Voe. t6S, cells· us, that
real ; flabulum, ii jla; locus ubi fimus t: jlab11/• " a general was a king in quality of beatJ .(or·/c •
fi1bl3t~1s clcponitur: Skinn." a dung-hill, or 111uck htadtr, co11trJfred co) leadtr•:"- bue even now,
btap, on which they. lay whatever is fwept out of I IEA D is Gr.
rhc jlalls, or jlah/u. LEi\ [), or mttal; ~1.;,,131,;; p<"r· apha:refin,
LAZU£:.1-lapis; 1t2<><-A ..?•e,.., lapis !azuii; a pl11m611m ; a mtli!I: Cafaub. and Upt."
grey Jlont, or marb!t, a/ a graJ, o'lurt, or JkJ·ta!or, LEADEN-H ALL; fro1n the foregoing root"
w ith /pots af gray. Junius obferves, chat Lradtn-b11U, and Sttt!-yard,
C.AZY, " X..>.<>?"" la>:art, rtmilltrt; ~r LonJirwnfibus unam eandemque a11lam, vd do-
aphxrefin : U pt."- /o be it1dal1111,. nnd liftlefi : 1nu1n p11blicam, ligni6cant; and that jlade,... bet
Skinner has, with greater probabi lity, derived it "1ltc11 fign ifies plum/;are, vel pl11111bto Jigillo n1unire
from the verb /a.<o ;-if he had but derived that p:annu111 p robe rintlmn: f111e/.lood; Ji;tili11111 .plum.
verb tL Av~, Atn:rw, falvo, Jo.YO : vcl a ;\~retro~, be11m p:inni s, tdifve · fin<.' ullii. fr.1udc clab"orati~
lll.vus, va"11u :- Cid. teems to d erive" /az.y from lintrifvc apptnllrn; : fee STEEL- YARD: Gr.
the Celtic lig :" buc fig dcfcends a A•·r "'• liimbo, LE /\ DE.N , or lidJtn, " a tJoift; or din ; a Sax-.
, 11/;o ~ lo lie down ; to bt iwdoft11/. hl}·, c/a111art, l11111U//yari: hl )'b , INinfllt, noifi:
LEAC, " or ftich, a f;,rgion ; an npt name for R ay :"-confi:-1 uen lly frw u to be noch ng n1or.'.
h in1, whofe arce, and ftudy, a~ruyncth to the th:tn a !\"orchc1n d;:ilca (which alwJys delights
body of man : V.c:rft.''-but 1f this ~ood old in contrlfling words) for a J,,.J diu, can".acl~d

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I, E From G1t.e&1t 1 and L..-.T.JN; L E
·~o "h1y.O.n, or liddm; confequently ·Gr . ; fee LEAM for dligs 1 "rtti114tulum "'"""': Jun.''
LOUD, .a nd DIN: Gr. to which Lye adds, "Gall. lien, vinculum; utrum-
LEAF; ! ' <Z>"M•r,, per metath.' (qu<1fi · que ab Armor. liam, '1Ji11cu/um, ligamt'1, liama )
Au,,; ) 1ht ·leaf of a tree, or a book ; fo called be- 'Vinrire, ligare :"-then they all feem to be but
cat1fe they antiently wrote in (on) kaves of buch, contraCtions of ligamtn ; and confequently Gr,':
or palni-trc(s : fometimes the L at in word f o/ia is fee LIGAMENT : Gr. :
~•Fed: Upt."-this is undoubtedly t he moft Ii- . LEAN ajide: " fi Gnecus elfem," fays Skinn.
;feral, as well as the mofi natural deriv.: there "deducerem ab n>,i..., cubilus, 11/110 i q. d . .llJI."'"'•
•re however two others that defcrve to be men-•, vcl .n_ ,,.,,.., cubi10 11i1i :"-but J unius, wit~
t iol\W ; viz. /tt1j a.A•,.-or, vet Awror, '1Jtjlimt11/um; greater probability, deriycs kan a K1'."HV, dinar(,
•nd A<i•l'•r. veftis, velum; a c~1hi11g, or eovtring dtdinare, indinare, redi1111rt.
of ·the trtes. · LEAN, meagre; perhaps Jerived the fame. as
L EAF- DIAN: Vcrftegan has plainly 1hcwn, LENT : Gr.
"hat this is the origin of our word lady; " for LEAP, 4...,e..~.., Hefych. exponit nrr,l«, I•
·kaf, hlaF, and /,,f. we mufi heer vndcrftand to fig- h4fi111, or ju111p abqu/. ·
41ify one thing, which is bread; (a loaf of bread;} L EAP, or promonlory; when we mean fuch a
,and dialf is afinuch to fay as ftrut; and fo is precipice as tbt lO'!Jtr's /tap, it feems to take a .
/1af-dia11, a bread-ftruer; whereby it apecrcth, different dcri>'. ;Lnd convey a different lignifica.
-that as 1b1 laford.(now lord) did allow food and tion: for then kap fccm.s to be evidently derived
;fuficnance, fo /ht ftaj-dian did fee it /trued, and a A•r"'r,. promo11lori11m, rupes; lht pro,,.onJ4ry, Till,
.difpofed. to the _guefts : and our ancient yet con- or pruipice, from which they th~ew tbc1nfelvcs. .
'tinewed cuftome that our ladyes do vfe to carue, • LEARNING, "A"·•e•1•, cre/lro-dietrt; quod
<lnd ferue their guclls at the ~able ; which, in frcqucnt~do· P.~erulis. iteru1n at.que irerum in-
othcr countries, is altogether ftrange, and vn- culcanda fine lah1tana prrecepta, qua: animis
·ufuaU, doth for proof hereof wel accord, and eorum hrercre cupimus: Jun." Jo /peak often, 11
correfpond with this our ancient and honorable inculcate :-tho' indeed this is more applicab_le·ro
femyninc appellation : Verfi." -all t his defcrves the ltacber, than tbt learner :-it m<iy therefore be
.attention; but ftill this good old Saxon has not more proper to refer it to the Sax. Alp!t.
got rid of the difficulty ; for, unfortunately for LEASE, coUt!l; A•?'"'• l1gu1, faligtre; !• xa·
.him, even loaf is Gr. lhtr, to gltan: Verfiegan fuppofes it to be Sax.
L E A GUE, or (QVt11a11tlthough written in the LEASH, A"'xi?w, /acio, unde laque11s; a lafo,
LEAGUE, or truct ~ fame manner as a or 1ho11g ; " leafo •f dogJ lignificat lcr11io11tm, 1riU111
.league, or mtafurt, yet are derived fru1n difl'i:renc 101/eflionem: Sax. lere eft eotle!lio; a hran; tolii-
' fources : this word league fecms to originate a gert; quod vide in leafa ; legue fpfras: Lye:"-
;Auyw, ligo, vinc/o; to bind ; fc. "pal/11m, live C.11· but that, as we have j uft now feen, may be Gr.:
vt1tlio, et nexus, quo duo, plurefve, mutuo libi ~!ides, it is true, indeed, a kajb of dogs, b•res,
Jenenlur adjlri£1i, atque alliga1i 1 unde et nomen : &c. does lignify three; but .then it does not (o
Jum"-and yet he has not traced this nomen any evidently appear how t hey came to acquire that
farther than the L atin language. name; certainly not from their being collt&Jei, or
t EAGUE, or •ea/ure; " forte ltuca dicta, titd 1ogtthtr 1 for /cur, or five dogs, 1ied l"letbtr,
.quod hoc intervallum antiquitus A1vxo1r; i. e. might then be called a ltajh; but a kojh is only
,a/bis, candidis lapidibus notabarur; , ut apud 1hrt1, or ltrniontm, ·or t rium eolkfliont• : although
:Ron;ianos 1n illiaria lapides vocitaotur: Skinn."- it does not even now appear, how the term ltaj~
ithis obfervatioo would have been the rnore juft, can be applicable to any fpccificaJ number. '
if a league was a n1eafure by land ; it may; but L E ASlNG, " A>.~~·. A«?.,•, homo mmdi:x:
jt•v applied chiefly if! navigation; and con- Cafaub."-pcrbaps derived ab A11t?•,""''• cap~~,
iains Jbrre miles ; thou2;h not n1arked out by torr1p10 dolofe, fra11duk111er: a liar, jlallertr, iU·
111i!1.jlones. . ceiver : Vcr{legan fuppofes it to be Sax. and
LEAG UER : this word likewife, tho' written 1nenrions ltafe-ge-,i;itnefs, for ja'lfvv ilntJ ; i. e. fa!fi·
fo very 1nuch like· t he two preceding art. is yet wi1nifs 1 and lenfe·tvi111ns, for falft-pr~pbr/S ; both
.derived from a different fource to either of them: which words however are Gr.
t his feems to originate from A")'•» cube ; to lye LEAS.1', " E>-«x•r•'• minimus ; lbt f"~allt}J oP.
,tlown; or, as we now fay, lo fol 4•-wn, before a j ell : Cafaub."
c ity ; i . e. lo btltaguer, to leaguer, or btjiege it. LEA1.'l·I, " ttafing, in!trmij/iou ; no /ealb from
LEAK, .J\v•, folvo, laxo; I• d!lfal11r, diljo.i11 ; lo pain: Ray :"-who, in another place, writes .'1
"/ '" tbt foams of ajhip's jidts, lathe; a Sax. lai::1a11; differrc, 1ard•r1, 1unt1an;
. I ~

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. •
\ I:. E L E
From G .R IE K, and . LAT r 1"
and now tells us it comes from the verb ltavt :"-
. .. .
rure, as co the meaning and propriety of ccrrain
. .
but (ewe is Gr. as in the next arc. but one. ' monuments of fomcthing of that .nature here iff
LEATHER : " our word leather, and the ' Britai·n, being called ffOm!tch1; of which the
Dutch ktt', derivts, according to Ciel. Voe. 121, c;apital lech, or i111po}ljlo11t, gives rhe name to tiie
n, " ii lu, Celtic for tie, (i . e. t'ee, or fer) to bi11d; whole of ~be 1nonmnent itfelf, as well as of tl1e
ltaf~tr being anciently · ufed for the traces of arr.a or circle, which it · ferves to crown : upon
horfcs, 1boe's latchet, and all manner of liga- the Caine princ.ipal that in Britany, lab-aver., or
t•rt :-''- then all of-' them feem co origir1ate a lig-ape11, which lignifies the ftone l;•ing-alop, Wa$
l}.;-y,,,Jigo, tq tie, or bi11d: fee L IGAT URE: Gr. the gencr·ical name of the ilnpofl, or archirrave
LEAVE, " A,..,,.,,, linquo ; to quit, forfalct,fortgo, ll:one, fupported by two, or n1ore jainbagcs, or
Jiftard : Cafaub. and Upt."-or elfe it may be •jambs."-Wh'at wil! thi • g reat antiquary fay now,
derived . a " A•'f"'• ,effo, deji110: vel a A"''"""• if I lhould attempt co alfert that all this is Gt.?
rtfpiro; to rtfpirt, to breathe : Skinn." though· for "omluh, he hirnfelf acknowledges, p. r 30,
Junius applies this !alt deriv. in the fenfe of ,e;ranl· "appears to be only a contraction of cir-hum·ltcb,
iwg ltit'Ut, or permiffion; " tanquam ·nihil aliud fit or. cir-um·ltch; (or, perhaps only of <ircum./uh)
i•mia, quam fpatium refpira11di: Hcfychius certe cir, 'ircle; 'bum; on ; !ech, the ll:one /yillJI on the
" "9f exponit· 1'•')'"" '""""• Jeji11it, ctjfat :'' fee top of the rirclt :"-but circle fure~y is (;r. ; and
RES-PIT: Gr.-Clel. Voe. 169, derives leave, ltch·aptn, or lig-ape11, is no more than a different
in the fenfe of the fun's departi11g from, or ltlJ'Uing dialea of A•r-"• .;..,f. ja11r~ fupti-, to lie upon, or
•s, frqm /'rot, tbt EVE, or EVENING: ·c onfe. lig-apen. '
quently Gr. · · . · · · LECTERN 1" pluUus, a11alogium, !tfforium
LEAYEN, a Lat. /ware 1 fay both Jun. and LECTORNE } lig11e11m, in quo leguutur libri:
Skinn.-but we have already lhewn, under the Chauc. G. /u1ri11, analogium, /t{lure : Kero. ma··
Mt. HEAVE,(which they acknowledge to be de- nife&E originis: Lye :"-but as manifeft as the.
rived likewifc trom kvo) that k'Uo is Gr. origin might appear co this gentleman, It i's not
LECHEROUS, " .videri poteft abfciffirm," altogether manifeft that he has given the true . '

fays Jun. " ex Asy"' (it ought to have been ctym. of this word ; for here feems to be an
Aa'f"•r} qui H efychio · e{j: a "' ~~ "9e•I•~•" ambiguity ? f expreffion; firfl of all in explain-
••1stre•<, pra11u1 i n 'Ut11ertrn: nifi malis detrunca- ing it by leflori11m, and lutrin; and then by /L.
cum ex A"''"e"" ftorlar-i: videri pocell: deriva- .guntur, and /etlure: now lt!Jorium and /ulrin draw
tum a A•X,ot, ltllus 1 a . lad, or co1ub ; and we their origin a lit, lttlus, i. e. a A<y-.,, c11bo; it
have a fimilar expreffion in cbamutri11g,, and wan· being a defk, o r couch for the book co lie en:
tomuft :-but Skinner does not admit of this Jail whereas kgt1nlll1' and kflurt originate from the
deriv.: "non, ut vult l\1infh. a Teut. kdcer, fame verb l\•yw, but now fignifying Jico; unde
1thrdb; nee a A<x•r, /:au,; fed a Fr. Gall. lux11rt; ltgo ; to rt11d.
/wiJo, 'IJtnllS i/licita j hoc a Lat.' /11x11ria :"-jf fo, LECTURE, A1y.,, dito, kgo; ft{/111; an oration
then " "" would be the root ; but he goes on ; pronounctd, or read.
" 'alludit ct ,\•e•<, inverieundus, irnpudt11s, (perhaps · LEDGE, " A•y••» fimbria ; afl'erculus parieci,
he meant inveruu1td11s, and impudit11s) et Aar"•r•<, in quo quafvis minores recul:is rcponcre folcnt:
jala1t: mallem aFr. Gall. laftbe; hoc i'«Lat. /ax1u; Cafaub. and Skinn." a /mall jhelf.
ut nos dicimus, a loofa li'Vtd f ellcw :"-but this is LEDGER: this word has no connexion with
rather coo vague an allufion; for loofe may relate to the foregoing art.: but fignifies chat large book
any irregularity ; but tuberous relates to v t11try of accounts, which conll:an'tl y lies 011 tbe deft of a
alone: and therefore, among all this variety, merchant's counting houfe, and confequently de- ··
"'°'""'{"" or A"'"'"<•<• fcortari, fa/ax, feems to be riv~s from the fame root with lie d1rJJn, Ilg,
the bell deriv. lodgrr, &c. i. e. Gr.
LECI-IS : every lover of Britilh antiquity will . LEE-ward : " Sax. hleop, loc111 tl c~/i ti ve11-
:idmire the penetration which Cleland has fhewn, 1or11;n injuria tutus; hinc nautica verba, tbe lu,
Voe. 128, 9, in tracing the etyrn. of this Druidi- and /et-ward, navis inclinatio, cum vergat ad
cal word: "in the Carnac of 1;1.ritany," fays he, earn parte111, q uz vento eft adverfa; a /ea.Jlx·re;
" there are extant fome an.t ient ftone monuments, litcus venco impervium: Jun. and Skinn."-
which, if not exaaly "omltchs, or, 'if only from this navis inclinatio it feems evidently to
garfwydhs, b11rpt11s, or head f eats of tbt Druid arife from tbe lt anir.g of tht jhip ; meaning tho(e
barons, or j 11dgu, afford, in the name current parts to which the Jhip !tans in failing, wh ich
for •them in that country, a fatisfall:ory conjcc- are always oppofitc to that quarter fro1n which .
N n the

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L E Fro1n Gll E!lt, and LA T 1 N. L .E

the wind blows: confequently Gr.: foe LEAN ferri pofl"e etymon ncmini ·in mentem YeniJfe
#tit: Gr. miror, cum indocilc ac difp.ctfuin genus huma-
.. LEEC!-1, tbt a11i1nal: it may be proper to in- num leges in civitatem prim.u m legml!!I, tt etiam,.
troduce the foUowing dcriv. fro111 Junius: " Sax. num confcrvant :"-and then it would come from
/,.a; lyce; Alm. /ext; Belg. /aecbe, ~ /4cckt11; /u,_,., vel Avy .. , kgo, ligo, coiligo.
mif111,tr< :"-all which looks as if it ca1nc from the LEGATION, A•?""• dica, «go, l«art .; ts [tad
fame root with LICK, or lap; if fo, it would be Gr.: tU an e111bojf11.dor, drputy, or /ie•lnmsJ.
Junius, however, in llvrfa·ltacb, l1as given us other LEGAl"EE ; from the foregoing root 1 .mean·
Gr. <.1erivations ; viz. ,, ve) a At,..,faof. o:11c, a A~14ffl, ing now, lo btqfftolh by wi/J., and• pufm cJ,,.,inl
(JJN1s; quoniam .in palujlribits,jlag111111tibufque aq11is 1111/kr flub bt'f"tfl.
gtn,,.a111r: Hirudo C. B. Gt/ dicitur: Germanis LEGEND lA'Y"'• kgo ; to read 1 llgndw, kgi-
{upcrioribos aegtl ; infcrioribus vero t<d>t/; quod LEGIBLE ·bi/is 1 ltgmdaq 111/u; fablliltu
quidam faCl:u1n putant ex Ex•<, .vd Ex11...., quo- bijlory. .
1lia1n vulgo ho1ninibus videtur aliquam habc:rc LEGER-DE-MAIN: "Gall. k[er de ,,,,,;•;
cum parva vipera fim ilitudincm : alii derivant ab ""'"* ctltr ; quoniam fc. pr.1jligi.e ill.t fo/iJ tulf#s
Eyxu;.'S'"• f11u11m tlictrt, exf11~ert: fortalfe tamen ttltritau perag•,,tur: li:d unde, inquics, leger l
fin1pliciqs, veriufque retulens ad Ex•~~'" {quafi credo ii lewr, i. e. a Lat. kvis: Skinn."-fcd
1\•x«~... ) b-"'trt, adb.ntre :"-and perhaps the unde, inquies, Lat. le'Ois l certainly from 1\,,,.or,
r~a~er .likcwifc may rather approve of laft vd A'""• cwtnr, unde /t'llis; ligbJ, quirk, ollJl
der1vat1on. mmblt : ·as for the latter part of the.Compound
. LEEK : " A"X'"""• o!us ; a pol btr'b : alli11m tit main, it is evidencly derived a """'"'; i. e.
inltr okra principt111 obtin•bat lo<tJ'lil : a fpeoie; of x....r.,..,, 'beltd#, prtbendtJ, undc batul ~ 10 [au, or
onio• : U pt." . bold any thing by.
.L EGION, " ·A'.•yow., "''°" leg~; •a..._ "1'111.1 .('1¥
LEES, T7-•{•» dtf.tta ; ta drain off, a11d pttrify
/ram tbe drtgs. body) of /t:t tb011fa11d m111; according to Suidas:
• LEEl r " deduci poffit ii A,1... pulic11111 : R. 1\•·'Y"' (vcl A•'l'"') colligo: Nug."-this fe=is to
J.un."-but Minlh. derives it a /is, litis; q. d. be but a vague dcriv.; for rhus nu inlndreJ would
c.uria in qui lilts dirimuntur: if fo, then it would be a.s much a legion, as fix Jh!J#fand: and yet
originate fron1 1/is, ab E,.r, nam e in I abirc both Varro, and Voffius, have given us the fame.
fzpius eft : Ciel. \'Vay. 7'2, and Voe. 26, fup- LEG·IS·LATOR, A•')'•'> vel Au')'<J, ltgo. eai·
pofes ltet, and law to be fynonympus; and that !igo ; undc lex ; et 4•'f"• fero, tuli, lattmr ; a 1"w.
ey is the radix of law, quail l'ty, which, by tak- bri11ger·, i. e. lo<.iJ·tiwr-.
ing ~he co111mon Celtic paragogic t, makes LEGITIM AT E ; fro.rn the foregoing roori
feJ·l; from wh~ncc we have our co11rl-lttt, which to ll~nify lawful, and right. .
is lhictly a (lclfcr) caurl of law ; ui, /oil, lit, Itel: LEGUMEN , from the fame; quod 111an" It-·
- if fo, then Jut may defcend a A•· ')"", Jicc, jt.s ga111r:-but fo likewifc are all t.h e other fruits of
Jiure ; uncie lrx, l<~is ; a court to decide points che earth .
of law in, not relig1oos controverfy : fee LAW : LEl~lN; "Goth. leikan; plactr1;Su. lrcani-
(!r.: though we might rather prefer the !eel. Ci1nbr. arliilu1; Anglis au(lralibus u like ; noft.ra-
deriv. in the Sax. Alph. 1ibus to lcik: et fallor fi no-n aliqua fit cum his
LEETH\V AKE l" limber, pliable: Ray :"- affinicas in l,atinoruin diligo, n(gligo ; &c-. i
LEITH\VAKE J which looks as if ktllr..oa~t lecg o ; pra::ft:rtim ci:1m probabi le fit, verbum lttr
was only a Northern d ialeCI: for litby: but then a11ciq1Jitus cum c, luc, li:riptum fuilfe; ficut lut
it would be Gr. ·· pro lege ; luic11 pro ltKian, non fcmel in vett..
LEFT· band; " A«1ot, l.e",i/IJ,ji11ifter: on t»e left mooun1entis: Ray :"-fo t hat :1.11£.0rding to this.
fidt: Upt." genrlec.nan, and others of our ttyinol .. the Latin.
LE F'I', remaining ; A...,,..,, /iwqfJo; lo /ewe, 1uil, has an affin ity ; I. c. the Latin langoage was
wbal remain.s. taken fro1n the Gatb. Sa:i:. and Cm1brte :-we
LEGACY; i\1y<>, dito, ago, ltgo, /egart·; lo 6e- n1ighc 111uc h n1ore reafcnably · fuppofe the con-
f UMtb bj wi/I. tcary ~ nay, tbat even the Latin itii:lf ·in :this art.
Ll;:GAL, i \ 1y"'" ju,; di,ert ; onde lex, legi>; ./e. was d~.fceoded from ch.e Gr. ; ns will be !hewn:
ga!is ; law , lawfi1I : Aiofworch gives llS anot.h er u11tl!l'r the ar.c. LI KE, or trppnr.;e :· Gr- .
lcnfo of the \'erb le.r,o, under the art. lex, which LEISURE; fo1n~time.s written !taf1rt: "Fr.
defe rves foinc a ttention : " fod com1nodiflime ad Gall. l•ifir ; olium. cl;ari ;. addito. arcicolo It:
prin1am •• lcKo fignificationern; fc. tolligtndi, re- Sk 1nn.'.'-Jhould this be true, :we n1ull go. up a

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. . .
From GR .n't 1t, and
Jitde l1igher' with it; f'or Scaliger teHs• us, tliat

curiccari le111e· 'atque ignave protedere,, ob /ardti;,.'

oriullr' originates ab Ou,, .,7,,, t1ttriJ ; ur proprie ; roctjfom fm1poris iJJgratif/imi : Jun."..-all this ap-
~.rm -ei·effe- videtur, quando ~liis poffiimus pr:e- pears very reafonable; only it is a wonder char
~re· opefam aurium<: though V &ffius derives · after 'he !tad n1en1ioncd· the Lat. w.ord /cnte, he
otittm·ab 01•9r,fofi.tnrit: as will '.be·foen more(ully did not difcover that either that; or ·,..,..1", or
under the art. N EG01'IATION: "vcl potius· a Aao~, /enis, mig)lt have given origin to the Northern
Teut. kijz, leife-, lmtin, tardus; ii Lat. laxus : words: or elfe rhat they all came frotn the fani e
Skinn."-and that is· the fartheft of the Dr's. fource wi1h LENGTH; Gr.: tedioufncfs, tar4i-
etym.-bµt lt1Xfls is Gr.; a·Av~, litxo, /axo :-~fier· ""fs: though ·perhaps it miglit ~e better to de-
al!, leifure, and /aiJ.; fee1n to be of the fame rive unf, with Cid. Voe. 37, "ii weanth, with the
origin; and therefore may not i1nproperly be de- ,prepolicive art. I; quafi hveanth ;"-lignifying
~ived :l. x,..,.,,.~_,.,, laxare, rtmilltre; lo be intkltnl, want, meagrenefs; le lmlJ de faire maig;·e : but
/iflufs, and lary. . WANT is Gr. : his obfervation powever on the
· LEITS: " · a' nomination to offices in clefrioo, :manner in whi ch Lc111 is kept by the heads of .
often ufc!d in Spotfwood's hiffory: quaft /Dis: i he Rornan . Catholic perfualion, is fo jull, that .
Ray:"-but LOT is Gr. . ' jc· d.~ferves to .be tranfcribed: " the tnor1ifyi11g on
LEK : "Iceland. /tic ;,/Hilo: Ray :" -this fccms i urbots and · cray-fiih fo'up, or cod wit!! oyller ~
10 ~- but another method ·o f writing LEAK: at · fauce, or ca~p ftewed in claret, is a jcft beyond
ltaft·rhey are both Gr. conception."
LEMAN, "vox elt ad utrumque fexum per- LENTI-GINOUS; " A«•<• lenis; uncle lt11s
t!nms.; nam zque ufurpatur de viro, qui mulieri, lenlis, pediculi frerus; quia lent id a.nimalcµlun\
<juam de mulicre qure viro cit in amorioys: fit natura: Voff." lentigin~/11.1'; full of fruk!es, and .,
Jun,.''-Doc1us ~h. 1-I.enlh, dcflefri ~ a" Fr. Gal."- pimples, and fpult.!es, as if fteq-bi1te>1.
rair1u111tt 1 amntrtx, amtCa, amafia :"-but all ev1- LENTIL; from the fame root; only nqw
dently derived ab amqr; and confequently Gr.: fee lms declines lt11lis ; ltgumen; quod huniida et
AMIABLE, or AMOROUS: Gr. ltnta eft lt11s: a ki11d Gf pu/s.
· LEMMA, A•f"I""• ltmma; acceptum, fu111p1io ; LENTISC ; " Ix'"'• '"'" Tii Ix•e,.., hoc e!,l:
res qua: tJUipitur ;_ apud dialeCl:icos; feu major ftindo, findo; facile enim lignum cjus finditur :
f1ropo/itio ; ari argument, or fubjtf.l 1 lbe greater·pro· ad ctyn1on allufum in Sufann;e hifl:oi'ia ; Daniel.
p'.fition·: R. A","(3"'"'• accipio, a.lfuttto. c. xiii., ; ubi cum alter mcndacium teftiu1n dixilfet
LEMON,""!"'"'" lt111011ium, live /i,,,~nium; forte vifam a fe Sufannam ,;.,.., Ix'"" we tranflate ic
-a A fll'""'" pratum, locus irriguru ; " &ertain btrb, properly tht maflic, i. e. tk ltntift Ira ; dixit ~i
according' to · Pliny, but more commonly fup- Daniel, Ayr•"" T;; 0r•, 7'«f3w• f""" "'"f"' Ta@..,
pofcd ~o be tbe le'!'on 1 w~ich, perhaps, ~arurally Ix,·~~ "'.I"'"'" t111gt!~s Dti, ae~~pt~ ab L?to /t1!-
j.lf?WS 10 a moift fail: Junius fuppofcs, with great l,ntfta; fcmdct te ,,,,dzum: Votr. -1q Lann 1t 15
Jilftnefs, t hat it ought to be written limo111 and calkd lmtifc111 ;. tbe majJit" trtt: vel forte dictum,
then, after quoting t he wor,d in fcveral Ian- quod le11tefait a lt11io, et lenis l ~catife it is g!ewy,
guages, iii which it appears always limon, he or clt1mmy :- but then that is a different root 1 a5
fays, putant elfe a "'I""• fames; quod famem in the next art.
o<Jlal: whc~hcr ·that be the·original root, or not, LENTITUDE, ,A,,.7,,, lent11s; vel Auor, /mis,
(for frill it may be doubted) let me only obferve, ltntefao, lt11lor; gkwy, clammy.
diat the ·limon feems to be but a larger fpccies ·of LEOD }" fol!c; or, according to our French
1bt lime, which is a Well: Indian fruit; and con- LUDE woorcl, people: Verlt."-who was fo
feq\lently that the word feems to be of Spanilh, L\JYD intent on his Saxon and French, that
or Amcrrcan growth; unlcfs we may fuppofe, he could not fee that ftod was derived a As•r,
that the Spaniards gave it a name derived from quali food, populus; and that his French woord
the ·Gr. ptoplt was derived a llo7'v< : from thefe words,
· LENITY, Aa.-10<, le111us; vel ""°'• ltnis; gen- leod, lude, and luyd, conies that expreffion in
i!t,fof1, 111ild. Milton, B. IV. 193, of ll'iod bire!i11gs; which is
LENT, "quod ilia anniverfarii jejunii tern- interpreted ig11ora11t,prepb11ne, impio11s, wicked, and
pora longa videantur iis, qui corpora macerant vidous 1 none of which are the proper lignifica-
inedia: qucmadmodum igitur patct Saxoncs tions; for /t<1;d hirelings properly and ltriel'l y
tempos quadrageiimale Len;s't: appellalfe, a l.edio fignify, tntan, low, or vulgar; as it is faicl :
eorom qui a. pkrifque cibi's. paulo gratioribus of 'Jeroboam, 1 Kings, xii. 31, chat l•e motlt
abftincbant; ita quoque noftratium q11ida1n pari pritjls of the lo·w tj1, meant}J of lbl people : .not the
prorfus ratione·deduxerunt Ltnl; a 'fcuc. lenuren; mcjl wickrtf.

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L E From GR! It:, and t AT 1 'It,·

LEO-PA RD, A1w- llaelo,, lto-pardJ1s l qo~d ex ·fro111 the Celtic "lhh-t-ur; which, he fays, coine&
lt4na, et pardo natus t}J : a leo-pard; between a from frh, to jlrikt, or grtrVt ; t 1;r is frequenta-
lionefl and a lilit ard; l bl panther. tive :"-then und.o ubtedly this word would
LEO~NING-CNIFIT ; or " liarni1tg-k11igb1; from the fan1c root with iclr, p. 83 ; i.e. a 1011cb,
11 difciplt z V crft."-but they both fccm co knock, o r ftrokt : - confcqucntly Gr. : fee
be ·Gr. HIT: Gr.
LEPIDITY, AH...,,,., ., ltpidUJ 1 light, quit*• orLETTER to a friend ; either from the forego-
aimblt·witttd. ing root; or el fc a 1:1,i.A,., mitto littras 1 to ft/Id a
LEPO RINE," A..-•t" vocabantlEoles Breotii, lttttr of inteUige>1ct, ntws, or bll}inefs.
quam nos ltpor-1111: Varro :"-vd ii. AayW<, lepus: L ETI"UCE 1 r ..>... , la<, lat111co ; quOd abun-
dantia latlis exuberat, feu quod nutrientes faemi-
ex A .. intenliva, ct Ou<, auris; or, as Virgil in the
nas latit implec 1 a /el!uu, a11 agreeable pla111,
Firft Geo. 308, calls them, auritos ltp•rt1 ; long-
. tar'd barn. ahou~ding with tflilky juius.
L EPROSY, "A"-f"• lepra 1 .R. A•.,,f•<, fta/;er ; LEVANT; " F r. Ga.II. /ro1111J ; Ital. lrontt;
rouKb, and f,a/ey : N ug." utrumque a Lat. ec Ital. /wart; attolltrt; q. d.
LESS, "EAa.aaaw, minor; fmalltr ; the compa- fa/ fa kva111, i. c. borizoatt JIOJlro oriens, ct· fe quali
rative of Mi.e•r. parvus; lill!e, [maU: Cafoub." atto/lms: Skinn...--and confequcntly derived from.
the fame root with HEAVE, and LIFT: Gr.
LESSES, "ftrar11111fttrtus1 a lai/Ttr; rtli111JUtrt;
LEVEL, AH•r, /.evis ; AH ...,.,, l.evigo, [J#li11 ;
quod fc. poft fe in agris, vel fylvis 1erre rtli11q1111nt:
utrumque 1i Lat. la,,are: Skmn."-but !alto de- fm~rb, polifhed, even.
• rives a Avw : and rtlinquo, a A""'"'• /inqWJ. L EVELLER: A•1e"• libra, libtlla; a lillt, p/,.;; .
L ESSON; A1yw, dico, ltgo; ltllio; a rtadi11g,mer, or weight ; lo rendtr all 1hing1 lo 1b1 ·JIRIK
or lejfon. pitch.
LESSOR, and LESSEE; Aty•» c11ho, jacto; LEVER; " lroatorium, fJtl!_is, pala11ga ; a Fr.
unde A•x•~. let/us, l.c11S c11bandi; unde loco, locart 1
Gall. lt"Jitr : Sk inn."-but this is evidently de-
rived 1i lroo; and confcquently ii Aur-or, vel Anr•r,..
lo place, leaft, ltll, or hirt for a11 annualftipend, or
rent: ltjTor, the pcrfon who lctts; ltjfee, the pcr-
corlt>1, lwis; to render any heavy body light, by. .·
.fon who hires. Jifrini it .
LEST : " Sax. lrer, ne: ni fallor ab alt. l~r. LEVERET; "a Grreco vocabulo antiquo, quod.
-mimu; q. d. quo minus hoc fiac: Skinn."-then ltporem JEoles Breotii An••e"' appellabant: Varro,.
,Iii fall<r it is Gr.: fee LEASl": Gr. et c~r. Seal."- " Ct fantt ica n1anifefta eft, Ut in
LET, per111i1 : after quoting the Sax. Bdg. controverftarn vocari non poffit, nili ab eo, qui
Teut. and Fr. Gall. languages, Skinner fays, cum Anaxagorii. ambigat, an nix fit alba : quin ut
" omnia a Lat. la«art :"-but thac is derived a nefrirernus Siculos A1::-oe" dixi!Te, non tainen. k -
A"'" luo, luxo, laxo ; to la loofe, ftl al libtny, pus a ft.v-ipu'deduci debcret, (ut vult lElius) fed.
grant l1a<Je. a A"''Y"' ' 'Y in p converfo, ut a ;.,£, f"''Y"'• r11pts :
LET I-IALITY, Ar.9., •blivio i A,.,9,.,.,, lareo, Volr."-afcer this, the ocher ecymologifts need:
1bfi'Vi/c•r; / orgttju/11efs, nr.d death. not be produced.
LET H-ARGY, " A.9"e'Y'~• A.;G"eY•r, one who LEV ll"Y; Aor«, vel At"'"• corlt"; unde /evis,.
~uiddy forgeu a tbi11g: R. A«•9,..w, A•~"" to f•rgt1; /t'IJitas, non grnvis ; wanlo11, frifty, frolicltfame.
and 'f'Y"• opu1 ; from whence comes " f 'Y'» 'Vt/ox, LEVY-mor.q l" Fr. Gali. /('f!tr 1 (perhaps ltvier >
4uick, ready : N ug,"-all the lexicons explain . LEVY troops J Ital. lev-·arr; lribut11m tltig,t r1 ;
•eyo< di re~ly contrary ; .viz. olio/us, pigtr, fegnis; ttcin milites conftriberr, fcu pocius a;gcre ; i. c. tol-
dtjidiofus, facors, lent us; idlt, /nZ)'> j101bf11/ ; hta'IJ], /,re, vi abriprre: Skinn." -tbe.n, probably de.
jiupid, dull. rivt'.<l a A•><•Lt vel. A>.-1r, cartex ;. unde lroiJ, le-
L ETH l-FEROUS, A•9•, lethum: vel A"1•c, .'Vart ; to ligbtell,. tai:t away..
A-' $')''~ · eCJ..•%1G~" mb1'J ; d~a!h, deadly. LE\VD ; " Sax. leob; a A ..or, pop11IUJ 1 the.
LEl "f E R of tbt alpht1bt1; A«o;, l<NJis; A'"''""'• peopir, lht 'IJlllJ)ar :. Cafaub."-in another fe.nfe,
/,e·ve ec lubricum reddo ; uncle !in•, le-~i. litura, ti. it rn•y be derived il. A""• fa/vo, dijfolutu£ ; looft,
tera, ex li11ea1ura; narn q ui /iteram pingit, acra- dijfo!utr, a11d w i<k,J.
mr.ntum charta: induccre, acq ue illimrt folet : ac L EXICON i A1E•••~. _ltrico11, fJocabula jita ftrie .
\It a lit um dl: li1tra 1 ita ex obfltum eft verbum pojiia t:<plitans 1 an explication of words rang1·d al-
1it!itero ; quod e(t abli11endo dtlco; to daub, paint, pbnbrtiazlly.
./!!Jtar, mark 011t· upon paper; a li tter, mark, or cha- LIABLE ; " Fr. Gall. /iablt; hoc ii verbo litrl
raBtr ; wri11t11, prinud, or prejfad in a back : - ut ruinq ue a l,ar. ligart I q. d. /ig,abijfs; ob/iga-
Ciel. W:i.y. JO, and V.oc, 198, would derive kt/er l !IS :Skim~"· - and there the D.r .. ft.0 9s; i.nftead

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L I From Ga Et g, and LAT 1 N. L 1
o( telling us, that' Jigo originates a
Auy.,, ~ntio; . :VoJt" wanton, fmfual, !uftful; one who thinks
to hind; a perfon who is b~1111d lo focb ,drcumjlantes, himfclf al liber1y to indulge his appetites with·
or ~xpoftd to /11th p1111ifbmen1. out to11/rol.
LlBATJON , A>t'3"', libo, jlillo ; vel a AH(3,,, LJBRATION; A•1es, libra 1 a co11j/tl/a1io11, or
/undo ; unde Acip•, libatio,. libamen ; a drink-offer· fign in the z•diac, rtprtfenltd by a bala11ce.
ing, made by pouring a /mall quantity of wine to tbe L IBRARY ; non dubitandum quin liber, li've
godJ. . ltuer dicatur quafi leptr, ab lEol. Ai.-•e, prn A"r•r,
L IBB ; "tr.flrar~ ; Bdg. lubbm ; fortalTe propter quod t1JTtice111, five librum notat : Hefychius
injuriremagnitudincm," fays Jun. "defumpta funt c)Aoior, Atr.~' T; l1~lea : eft Vero Arror, a At?r(AJ,
ex Au,...., l.edtre : nifi 1nalis petere ex Ion. A.,(3H., quod idem eft ac Ann?w, five A"o7'nn ?•» hoc ·ell:
pro Aw(J;v, injurinm inferr1, co11tu1ntlit1 officert :~'­ decorlico, deliuro ; Jo jlrip •ff /be bark of a tru, .
and then he gives this juft reafon ; " ut propric plant, &c. uride liber, the inward bark of a pla11t,
olim ufurpatum fit verbmn de acerbiffi1na vindiClil, of wbicb books were a111ie111ly made ; hence a libra-
quam infa-l ices a<lulteraru1n ab adulteris in Aa- rian, or perfon who has. the care of a large col-
granti crimine deprehenfis exigebant:"-and fuch lection of botJlu, which are kept in a .repofitory
o ught to be the reward of every violator of the called the ·library.
LIBBAR.D, a contraction of leopard·; " a Fr.
Gall. liepard I Belg. libaud ; utrumque a Lat.
I" a dead &M"/J ; wbeerof the re-
puted vnlucky night-rauens are
called licb-ffJ'IJvles; and Licbjieltl
leopardUJ: Skinn." - this is the farth'd l: of the LICH-fidd in Stafford. lhyre ha' h the- name
Dr's. travels ; he would not tell us, that feoparduJ of tht L icbts (more righcly to be pronounced
was derived " a hto"'"t"""'"' animal mixti xeneris L igbes} to wit, d:ad bodJtJ of fuch as were there
n, ti pantber4 'gtnitum: Jun."-Milton, in flame: Verll."-all chis might have induced the
Par. Loft, B. VII. 467, mentions · this creature good old gentleman to think, that this- expr.eflion
among qcbers: was purely Sa".; but it feems rather to be purely'
- - - · - - - - - - th<! ounce, Gr. and to be derived from the fatnc root with
The libbard, and the tiger, as the mole LIG, or lit d~w11; a dead body being nothing 1nore
Riling, the crumbled earth above them threw, than a lifelefs corpfe JahLout, or falle11 al full len•tb.
In hillocks. · · ---- LICE NCE ( A1?w, ""'" .fi110, ptrniittJJ ; u~nde
LIBE L; A1110e, .lEoJ. pro /u,..•;, quod cortictm, LICIT 1 liuo, liut, liuntia; lawful, l(a'I!~
feu librum no/al ; liber, Jbe inward bark of a free, ptrmiflio11 ; one apprwtd, autborifad ; who
of which bo1ltJ w ere a111ie111ly made; hence libelfus; a behaves diffelurt, u•ruf;', inlempe.-att/y : Voffius
kzrttpoon, or f atyritaf writing. has given t his. lhort, and perhaps· bdl deriv, of.
L IBERAL } E""ve•e•r. liberaJus, liber, /iber- lictl; viz. a·"""" jus, nam A in !, mutatur ;. law;
LIBERTINE las ; qualis eft eorum qui l4wful, allowable : though it fee ms tO· coine ratlicr
LIBERTY fervi nun func ; generojily, from Au, oportet. ·
bounty; alfo liberty, and freedom ; which too of- LICK, "A"X"'; lingtrt« Upt."- " A"""'• lingo~
ten degenerate into liuntioufnefs ; as in the next· Cafaub."-but there is no fuch verb. .
article :-but Cleland, Voe. 121, gives us a CeJ. L ICORICE, written- by Upton licorijh; "f.>.v-
t ic deriv. after the following manner ; "analogi- ••ii•?11., gly,yrrhiza ; i. e. dulcil rodi»; fwul-rool :"
cally to which," he fay.s~ " the L atin forms. its - confequently ,. if rodi» fonns ratfi.ciJ ; .the bar-
'Y(Ord fiber, ftt"ibb-er: · · barous Goth. Jb r;mght not to have n1ade it~
I ; ·prepofitive; l liber /'-liberty be- appearance in this. art. ;. but. in the following. .
et, or i ; to lit, or bfnd ; ing a pri'Va/;011, or LJCORISI-I·, " J\1x1•r. qui cupedih.tjl dtditu1.
ibb 1. 1;i'va1ion,.dirtmpJioJt; diremptitJ11 from bon. liguritor, tupe.<1 catillo : Cafaub. and· Jun ."-and
er; 1d1omat1c; dage ; the whole this undoubtedly originates i A"X."• lingo;. Cite·
power of this word rclls in the u , or i, fignifying who ;, olwayJ Ii<king-bis fingerJ, and platt..,&c.
u lie, ot bi11d ; with the prepo!itive I, which makes LID; K~""""• ollfaro·; lo fli111 cloft dow1t; to tn-
i'tt, o r Ii: i. e. fccms to defcend a ;tu-yw, lirgo, t!ofe : R. K;\H5, claviJ·; a Irey / Q lbck up any 1binu.
/i-gare : fee LIGATU RE ' Gr. : quali un·bound, b lDDEN : if any word does but put on ~he-
1'n-titd 1 i-•.e. fret, at liberty. · Jeaft uncommon appearance, our etymol~ are as'
UlUDINQUS " " · veriim· q nid, fr omnibus much ••a lol's to trace nut its origin~ a$ i'f they-
Lat.inz voais fuperioribus etymis r~jeC\is, deduca- had reall y known nothing of the original· bn.
mus /ibtr, unde /ibtl, libido, et libidinof11s, ab. BJ,rv- · guage: thus Ray fuppofes, that chis. word lidrft.,,
iif•f, ncmpc &.in, b conv.erfo, qu:lli E>.1•f3•"~· lib1r : ·come& ft01n. the Sax. hly:'oan, c!11mar.t, 1Jtm•l1tuJTi;.

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From GI\ ag ic, and L,1. 1' 1 If, t L
hlyb1 c/4,,.,r, lll/lfu/11111 cl11111or, tumult, noift :"- fcvcral nights ljisg 011 the furfoce of the Water:
n.nd f? tl may_. but then furely they a,11 origi- confcqucndy Gr.: fee LI B, or 011.
nare frotn chi: lan1e root with LOUD; which we
!hall prcfcn!ly find to be Gr.
LIGHTLY; ,,,...,, vd A11ro11
fn~s ' light, or of/mall wrigbl.
'°"'"• unde

LIE-tl...:11n; Art"• Aryrir, c11~0, jact1 ; lo rte/int Ll~HT, or bapp•n 011 1111} thing, pronounced
lo rrj/. · as if 1t was wriacn Iii ~11 it; this word, accord-
LI ~,, a,, 11111r111b;" non improbabilitcr vidctur ing to its prcfenc appearance, would prove too
tkcluc1 a Aryu•: unde Af)'••• Gra:cis funt #11/e, hard for any ctym. : but when we confider its
f11/;uLc,. mt11dw: Jun."-but Cafaub. with great· meaning, we lhall chc more calil y arrive a t its
er ·pro~Ability, d111i~ca it ab JU... ~.,., "'"~"» / 11· dcriv.: lhus light here figniJies l11clt, <ha11te, / or-
ptrb11J JaOalw ; fed m1crdum mtntlax 1 a bujli11g twu, according to Skinn. :- buc then he would
l(r11:11detio. uace it no fanher than the Belg. ; however, liocc
L IEF l" S1x. lcoFcJI, ct leOFJle; li•f. or he has referred us to L U CK, we JhaU prcfcntly
LIEFE~S fi,,,, _1 I bat/'!' lit/i i. c. ~q•" .,,,,_ fee it is Gr.
/1111: Ray : -1n t hts fcnfc it would be much bet- LIGHT. of buvrn1A0><•, l.Yx, !1U11t#\ undc A>x-
t~r to derive it i Au, <Jolo ; lo ht w1//i11g, 10 bt LIGHTNING S m, l•ctr11" • ct 11...,..,.rr,
Jefiraw. tr(p11f<ulu'11 ""1t11li1111#1 ; fpln11Jor, iritbl11tft, and
LIEGE-/wa'lthere {rem to be two dilfcren1 rtftl1gt 1<ty :-Cle!. ·w ay. 31, fays, that '\ligbt de·
LIEGE-man S fourC'Cs, from which this word rives from l'eye-ifbl, which literally ligoifics what-
/i~x· mar be_d~rivc~ ; and tha1 111ay account for
our wn11ng it m this manner; for if we derive it
ever /lriltts lk 'JC'"-but both icbt, and EYE arc
Gr.: fee H IT : Gr.
from Avy'1, ligo, ligttrt, lirtt/111 the fir(!: vowel i . LIG~T frtJ111 •• borfa~•elt, or, ~ it is fome·
is 11roperly ~ntroduce.d, ~ccording to the Latin 11mes wncten, 1Jligh1; ArTOf, vel A''"'• corte>q unde
denv.; but if we derive 1c fro1n A•y», ltgo; undc ~u,_ 111/cvo ; • "q. d. ''I"""' fobltvore; qui a equite
lex, /~~alts, then the firft of the cwo t e is as d10ilaente equus ooere Jr1bfev11111r; Ski9n."-fo
p ro.Perly introd_uced: lincc therefore /i,ge may be that the Dr·. in t his; as well as in many other
derived fron:i either. of thofc verbs, chis orthogr. inftance$, has !hewn, that he u.oderftood every
may be ~dm1tt~d: 1n the forme r cty m. according ching relating to this word, except its ecy1n.
to Jun. 1t ligmfica li1gt•1111n1, li£::df11J bo1110, a bond. LIGHTER l fr<mi the foregoing root; bccaufe
#Ian, ?r 'IJP.ffel: ~nd i~ the la1tcr '1rnrc it may lignify LIGHTS J a lighter ligbtt11s a vdl'd of its
ou; luge-ft vtrt•f:"• luge-lord; ltgalis ; la1oful-/fJ'IJt· lading ; and bccaufe the l1111[J are lighter chan all
rt1g11, law/11!-lord. ocher parts of the body, bulk for bulk.
LIEU-TENENT : it is not conliftent to ~x­ LIGN-ALOES, A•'f•u;, fumas, aut faligo 1 and .
pctt any thing pure or g enuine ou t of the hands Ay....uox,uc, undc lig11111n akes 1 11 Jhr11b Jo u11kd :-
of Frenchm~n, chofe barbarous clilloricrs of but neither Ainfw. nor any othc~ ditlionary
etymology : ~n Engli!hman 1n ight unfononatcly writer, gives us che rcafon why it was {o callcrl :
llun1ble on this word lit11 a thoufand times, with- w~ i~ay rather fuppofe, that lign is but a con-
out fufpct\ing that it hAd been degraded by his ~rall-ion of l~g11••; and coofequently d erived as
Gallic neighbours from "'t"'• <11bo ; undc A•x•<· m the followmg art.
ltt11JS; un:lc A•x~<· !Cf111 , o plau, jlation, pop, _ LIGNUM-V1TlE: " ,..,,,.., ltgo, t11li[o, qui:i
or fiend: and again lt11a111, he might very jullly 10 agro caduca ltgtrt11l11r, lit1111: Volf."- " vel·

fup~fe came from fome verb of the lirl~ coo- porius," fays Ifaac;, " a liga11do 1 ut lip• dic!ta
Jugauon, the charafrc ritlic of which is l\: where- riot fw... l,;,,.,,,., non JJA.,.,.,. :-ycc ftill it is
as Jt11u1 COrt"tCs from T 11•21. T,.;, Jo11. Tt. Er.r, tnr&, Gr.; fo r ligo, ligart, originates a A..,,.., lig1. vi111i1t ;
tnrE111; and ~onf".lucntly is not of thefajl, but to ti~, or bi11d ; not only in the fcnfe of fo:•u.
~e.f!.tona' conJugat1o n; the charaltcri!lic o f which but in the fenfe of bui1Ji11g 11 h••ft, or jhip.
LIKE, " r.v..•,, ab E•••J.'<. fi•iliJ , o r from
1~ ~ : fo that t his prclt! F rench compound, a AJ.1y•••r, the fame : Upt."-this latter d eriv. is
lr:11-1tnAl:t, fhoul::! be w1111~n lit11·1t11E111, to fig- given by Cafaub.
na fy a pcrfon who bolds lbt plott, tbt jl111io11, tbt LIKE, apprwt; f>-•x,•,""'• <apio, 11ffeflo , ap-
office,_ the dign~ty of 1111otbtr 1 a11d in bis obftnce peto ; lo dtjire, lo pita/•, a11d be pltaftd wi1b.
J•f'Plrts blS J1e1Ja, muJ /"ally ptrfarmJ bit d111y. LIKE-\'VISE: the former part, we h~ve juft
LIGA_TUR¥· J /\uyw, figo, ligare ; vi1ui• 1 to now feen, 1s Gr. ; but rhe l:11ter is not derived
<1,/fell, bind, It(; or /1rj/r11 : lig·111t1s /iga1ure , a from the fame root with ••ife, and wifdolft ; for
bo11d11gt, o r oindin{- •
11 anfwers now to GU ISE, or ma1111er; and con-
LIGGER for fifo ; the float \\hich is left for frquentl y Gr. frill.
7 · LILL:

Digitized by <:oogk·
L f From G~11 a:, ud LATIN, L I
LILL: " Belg.' le/Im 1 I cal. papi!I,.; utrum- LINCTUS, A"X"'' li1110; li11llltt .J a lobotb, or
que i Lat. /al/art: Skinn."- but liJ/lo is derived eltlluary, lo 61 liclttd 011/y, or liJ•m gm1ly. .
. i. " A..,_,.,, ii fono factum ; fimiliter Iola dbere L INE l A""• li1111111, li11;a, /intamt11I• I 'k'
ipfam nutricum vocem infances ad lac fugendu1n LINEN J fraturts ; alfo l111tn, or wb41Ntl" 1s
prolcdancium: Vofi:" 111atirof flax.
L ILY commonly written, but pronounced ,ft/ly 1 • LINE, "more ta1111111 coirt, Avf1J14, li11t ; Sax.
a " Af<e•••, lilitfftf: Nug." hm ; Aln1an. limt11, g/ulln; quia fc. canes, dum
LIMB: " Fr. Jun. facis frigide ddleCl:it aAtf'f'"'• vencre1n t'xercenc, ad co Rr<~te cohzrtnt perinde
pal"J; vd ii Milo.or, lllttllbru111 ,; per metath. : Skinn." ac Ii gl111i110, vcl vifto tj}i11I cammijli : Skinn.''•
-if indeed there were no other inftances in which but according to our orthogr. and pronunciation,
that figure was uk:d, we might not wonder at the we might nthcr fuppofe it was derived aA ....,
Dr's. faJis frigiJe ; but when he himfclf has ad- li1t1m1 ; and then only m3ke a fmalr :iheration in
mitted the ufe of it in ocher words, it would not the Dr's own words, adeo arc~te coha:renr, perinde
be eafy to fay why he ·rejected it in this. ac fi linri1 tj}i11t conj1mtli : or clfc we 1nay look on
LIMBO i Ciel. Way. 26, and 81,, n, lhews, lint to be only a dialect of /oi11: Gr.
that " lo l/111b was to arrdl: ·w ith tbt wand, or LINGER, lllittr, L\"•ow, /igr11r, uffe, oljor; 1 to
lillt6, Jigoifying • h"lb; thence our now obfo- tarry, flop, or wa)e 11H Ji•t: we make ufe of this
lete, and low word to be i11 litllbo, to be in the word alfo in 1he fenfe of lo"li"I: after, wijhi11g for;
rllJ, Q or cirde, dei<tribed by lht tvatui, which it and then it feems to co1nc from the fatne root
was penal in the highell: degree to violate :"-but wich LONG : Gr. ·
if hub, and limb, be rhe fa1ne I and if'/im/J lignifits a LINIMEN1', A'""'"'•""'" lib, liM, li~i111t11/1111t ,;
#011gh, bran<h, Wllnd, or lwig, becaufe it i1 a part, an dnl#l(lt/, or any ungutnl.
or but a (mall p:irt, of a tree, it may be Gr. 31 in L INING •/ " cqat; A""• A,.,.,.,.,, IAJt, et /u.
the foregoing art: - in this fcnfe, lit11b. may be britll111 rtJd, , uti w:g11tnto fit, q11od illillit11r; unde
ufcd to fignify a pl• ce endoftJ, or ftl apart, 0 pa- lino; lodattb, or /•ear; a1!7 lhin, or light j/11ff JbaJ
;r. .rfi (. M"J B IlI I · appears to bt daubed, or f111tarrti 01f a tbicktr.
rad&t o1 , oo s' as 'ton, . • 489, cal s 1t1 L INKS of a chain;" t•r. Gall. litn, licr I ii verbo
-- then might ye fee /ivart 1 q. d. /ivamtn; vel potius ii 1"eut. ~ele11ck 1
Cowls, hoods, and habits with their wearers roll: jrintlura," '"
e1m111iff11ra : Sk 'inn. •'-per.haps c cy are
And fiutter'd inro rags; then reliques, beads, all derived a A"l"""· lig• 1 l•bitul, or join 1~.~t1ber.
Indulgences, difpences, pardons, bulls, . LINS-PIN ; " quafi /inlts-pi11 , q,.iia axen1 rotie
T he fporc of winds: all thcfc upwhirl'd nloft firmat : Skin n."-the Dr. might have (aid, with
Fly o'er the backfide of the world far off, greater propriety, quia axi rocam firn1at 1 . how-
Into a limbo large and broad, fince'call'd ever, his own interpretation !hews, thnt chis.
'rbt paradifa of foolt, to few unknown coinpound is inrircly Gr. :.fee LINKS of a cbafo ;
Long after, now unpeopled, and untrod. and PIN: Gr.
o r clfe, if ,,qe admit the former dcriv. a Ao/3•r, LINSY-\VOOLSY ; eafy to be traced to th1t
lim6w, ·unde li111ts ; 11 IM1e11tlary, or li111it ; then Gr. through· the words LINEN and WOOL-
limbo may lignify a place bortitrint q11 tht Efr/i"" LEN.
plai11s,. i. c. on lbt boimdaritJ of tbc real Paradift, that ' UN1,EL, A'I'"• Jii11tn, i. .e. limts ja1111t1 ; tbe
fiat of 5/ifs: fee LIMIT : Gr. upper, or /ow:r parl of tbt door-j/a/1 1 lo1neti111es
Lliv1E: Skinner, after mentioning four or five , written, and pronounced ltatiis, which . derives
harlh Northern languages, fays, "crcdoomniaaLat. from a diffcrcn1 root.
Jim11s :"- but "limus is derived a A.,...,, A"f'•r, LION }A'""· 'l_fro 11bt li11g .otui '{llttll
A"f'"'" a A~, vcl ii Avf'«r,fard~s; i Aw, Volf." , L IONESS A'"'""' •Jlt.cna ef. /116}11: al{o a
LIMIT. ; At{Sor, limbus, undc limis, itis ; a jig11 ·i11 lht zodiac.
Htt11dary, t11d, or ltrmintJ1iil11; a plau tnclofcd. LIP; A,.,,.,.,, iambo,1. to lap u,.~.: or elfc· fro1u
L I MN ER, A•••• J.ix, l11111t11, illumi11u ; undc ~" A'a.f'~a•w, Aap.,.,, nimirum .;J qu• apprtb,11tiitn11s
Fr. Gal1.t1r/u.Uirer, contr3flcd to lin111er; npnintrr. cibos: Volf." 1bt lip; bJ wbhb we e1!ktl •Oftr Jud.
UP.1PET, At.,.., /epas ; duor1ito; quoo ujJa LJPO-THYMY; A,,.,.t..,.,.., lip.tll)-.i•, n1:i-
.fit i•ftar tfl1'tieis ; a ltinJ of /htll·filh, lefs than an mi Jeftl1io, tldiquium; a f11inting. or ficooning (1W•1J :
oij/tr, that j/ic/11 d~fo t'/J: tbe rocks; anti . bas a>foe/I ;R. A"""'• li111•0 ; .to ./cavt<1 and • e.,..,,. dlfi111w ; '
tlflltf[h lilte lht oark of a lrtd. , ),1ht.jpiril ; wbtn tbe ._(pi,il ltaves,. or f•r/11ktJ IP('
LIMPID, A"f'"'"'<; ..:.,, la111pus, i1di1 1 uncle- • bodr-
/i•pitira; /;rigb1. clear, trt111fpart111: . n. A;.....,.,, LI.PPYrUDE, A•!'• • lltt.-.:, li/,quo, uncle lih-
Jplt11dto ; .I• ./Pint, lo bt cltllT. ,pitud4 ; q'!3fi A">s .,.., : vd 3.-Af4k. jliU~ : qui• I
lij·f'• nu. "s

D1r..i ti.zed by Googk·

L f Fl'o1n G a s .z K, and L " T 1 11. L I
lij 1,•11tib11J .flillrot ocu!i: vel ~ An<•;, bu111or pil!, liJbArgyros ; tbe fc11111, fr11b, or fp11111t ef lraJ,
91a dtjl11i1 ex oculis; a dtf11t•·ion of tbt eyes, port- JiJ·vLI er, or gold.
-T (1E : " Sax. hli'Sc, tr1111quil/11s, qu.ittta ;
blis;d, Jim-JigbttJ. ,
aufcultarc: .Ray :"-to lijlen, be flln~t, btefh ~ as
· LIQYE-FY l A•w, lava, liq~to, liquor, liqui~us, this word feems to be but a contraction of llflen
LlQYOR S /ix, lfri1; anucntly ufe<l to lig-
, or lift thee, there need be. no fc~ple in de-
nify wattr, or ai!J thing in a flnid .Jlatt, whether 1011 riving it from the fame root w1th_L!~TEN: Gr.
nawral, or.anificial, as 1n.clccd 1netals, &c.
1 LlTHO-TOMY,A19•1•1-'""•/apifc11/ma; b.19010141~,
, LIS!'," r>..1.-#« J\1.r;rn: Arirtoph. in Ran. 848: lapidts exfaindo, litbotomia l t•llir.g for tbt Jlo11t 111
.,..Cafaub. and Upt."-/ingua a/Irita, J11ri1a 11/N I
tbt bladdtr.
fittg«a bl.-fc, lubrita, ct baiUuti111S ; a tongue al- LITl-ION -TRIPTlC ; l\1&.,.e•/3•x!1, a~s lapi~11
nioft (~or11 11p with ttjt, fo as to. begin now to tlaborandi ad operu• ornament a; lbt art ofform1111»
11bb1"to:;iatc, and curtail its words; 10 many cafcs flonu for orna111mls; but ~ow this w~rd is u~cd tu
t hro· mere affectation; feldom thro' natural dcfcfr. fignify sbojt mtditints, .,;bub art applitd fqr- diffalv-
U ST, or tataf#g11t; A•Y"• kgo, tolligo; i. e. i11g 1bejlo11e in tbt bladder. . . .
ch.1rt a i11 quli no111i11a colli.gu111ur: a colle&1fo11. LITIIY, J\1#ror, fcu Auor, 11<Jt1, glaber, p111guu:
.' LIST, t>r '!IJi/l}A", 0t'-"• vo!o : Cafaub.- io Jo vel A11•r, jimpltx, Jtnuis; v1iJ offlrt11gth, languid,
LIST- LESS oNr will and pltafurt: or, ne- uuak 1 tajj to ht htnt.
gatively, lo bave 110 will, or i11cfi,.a1io11. LITIGIOUS, A•1•, Jupplfra1io, vthrme111 ou-
LIS"fEN : Skinner would have us derive this 1ej1a1io l /is, litis ~ litigio/111; quarr~Ifome, petVijb,
word a Lac. luftrarr, pro a11111tt txpentitrt, fcu ja11gli11g: vcl potius ab Et•r, lu, '1111; t o11tt1111011,
co1![Hicrore :-but luftrare was never before applied ftrift. .
to the cars : and therefore, with Junius, we might LITTEN, E>-•v,.,, duto; E>.«1.,, duElilis; E>."1'e•
rather derive our word " /iften from the Sax. dutlor ·- " undc Sax. lre't>an; Tcut. leyte11; d11~
ltrl:'.an, or hl}Tl:'.an; Belg.. l11Jfttrtn, a1tfc~l1art, ctrt; ~ tb11rch litlrn, etmutrri11m; q. d. ':lia duttlll
auts arrigtre :"-but then it were to be w1fhed, ad te1'1plu111; a cmcb-1ath: Skin~·"-'Ray ~e­
t his great etymol. had traced thofe words co a rivcs litttn a Sax. hcxunc, l4'mtltrtUlll; a lni1)'111g
better Gr. origin al than he has done ; for, he ground :- this latter fe~ms. to be the better Jig-
adds, Grll!cis K>.•N eft audio: true ; but K>.u.. nification ; for ttrmtttrium is properly tbt cburtb-
can fcnrcc be admitted as the original root of yard, not tbt pat!? leading to tbt cburcb :-how-
hrcan : it feems much niorc nntural ro derive it, ever, in both fe.nfcs, it is Gr.: the former we
witl1 Voffit1s, ab A1w, ar,dio ; tht1s, A1w, ctv~, ou~, have fcen above, in the art. LEAD; and the fat-
al<S, m!fit11lus, aujiculo, aujicutito, aufculto, a11fes, ter umlcr the art. LIC, and LICH: Gr.
a11res; fron1 this verb artfcultare all the Northern LIT'fER, or couch lA'X"•
words arc derived; viz. rhc Teut. laufter11; Belg. . ' LITTER for borfts leEli<a; a tbnir, or fad11n,
aA1y11, clibo, let11JS,
hryj1ere11; Sax. hlyrcan; and our word lifle11: LITTER of things wi1h a bed i11 it, to re-
tmlcfa we 1nay derive it fro1n the fame root with LlTTER of whelps mwe }id: prrfons : alfo
1-llST , or btarlun; which ftill is Gr. ftraw uftd in a .JIable ; 1111J tbillgs but of tbtir plate.
LIST of doth l" A,..o.,, txlremus: fumitur pra::- LlT1'LE, "A•1or, 1tn11is, txig11111: Cafaub."-
L ISTS S cipue tamcn pro iftiufinodi vel ab E:i-..11.,., mi11or; fmnlltr; the comparative
linea, qu:z: d<finit locum, incra qucin althlcta: of E>-axvr, parv us, exig11111; final/.
funt dcpugn:uuri: Lye :"-the line, which marked LlT-URGY, " A..1•fY'"• liturria, 911odvi.s
out 1bc /imils or 6oundarics of the ground, on which pietatil o.lftlium ; a public, or ecdefinftic minijlry,
t he combarnnts were to engage. divine ftrvice: R. A~•<. Att. J\1wr, Iht people ;
LIT, " to color, or d,vt; a li,,; fup. litum: and Eer•» work, at1ion : N ug. "-A•ll..-•fy>.,
R ay :"-but lino is evidently derived a At<•••"• pu/J/ic11m-bpus.
1£'Vt, ct lubrit1!m reddo, 11ti ,u11g11en10 .fit, quad illi- • LIVE lB..1., vita, vi'llUJ, vivo; to have
11itur; a 1ino, li/11111 ; lo dt111b, fi1:ear, or tbange • LIVELY 5 being: there is however a dif-
tht color of any thing. ferent derivation given in the Sax. Alph.
LlTAJ\'Y, A~., fupplirafio, fupplias pruts : LIVER; """f• juNr; the lrvrr of a man, or
A•7"'~" fi1pplt.v oro; Ao1~'""• lita11ia ; fhort f 11p· other crtaturt: when we fay, a wbite-livtr'd
plitatio11s, eetitions, or prtryers. felfow, Skinner fuppofcs it is, '' q. d. wbitt-·
LITE; " a f e-.JJ, d lillle, per apocopen. Ray:" ltalbtr'd ftllixv, cuj11s t11/is (c. fcu '6ri1Jm, d11111
- then confrqucntly derived fron1 the fa1nc rooc irafcit11r, pr.e ni111ia 'Dindi~.c 01pidil~lt pallet:"-
with LJTTLE: Gr. this cannot be 3 proper intcrprctat1on ;-for we
- LITH-ARGE, A19o;· "l"l"f "• lt1pi1-argr11/11111, ftri€tly, and literally, mean the liver, which, in-
7 ftcad

or t ze<i by (:oogle

L 0 Fron1 GRE 1.1:., and LATrn. l, 0 .
flead of being rtd, lince the Dr. acknowledges it ·and hlaf; for i'o he fays it was mot!: written;
performs the office fa11gtii}Uandi, would, if we and liippofes it to be Sax. .
could ftt ir, appear in a coward, pale and white; LOAF of f11gar; tho' the Greeks knew no· .
a~, as Sha.kefpear, in his Macbeth, act v. fc. 3, thing of this art. yet certainly it cannot be ab-
b1ds the frightened fervant furd to fuppofc, that we have derived this
Go, fcratch thy face, and over. red t hy fear, expreffion a A•~•r, col!is, tumlll1u; a hillock, or
Thou /illy-liver'd boy; /mall rifing gro1md; and hence ufcd co fignify "
whofe liver was fo weak, as not to be able to throw lump of jugar c'tlft i11 a· rijixg, or co11ical figure :
the blood up into his face. . Skinner has applied this /\•\'>•< to a loaf ef brrad;
• LIVERY-flab/cs; E.i.w91e•"'• libero; unde Fr. quali tum11/1u, col/is; prreiertim fo pa11ibus coni.fl1 ;
Ga\l..!i-urer; lrado, diftribuo; to deliver, dijlribute, qua fcrta.ffe formi1 anliijUt cor.cinnaba111: -but
fat out :-tho' ~rhaps neither rhe Gr. nor Fr. whate.ver was the Oiape of the ancient loaves of ,
d eriv. is right; and therefore it will be bttter to bread, rhey are certainly far from being of a
refer it to the Sax. Alph. . · conical form now ; whereas a lump, or loaf ofJilrar,
LIVERY to wear ; "t\1f3•e•r, e~uvi.c,jpolia; oli1n is directly of that fhape.
fignificabat veftes, fimul et alimentum, qure a LOAM, or tome; t\•1<,favo,latum,lau1umeclava-
d o1ninis in fervos ·trogala, fl dijlributa fu111 ; nunc tum; /11/um; clay; or 11ny compofition 11/rd in ,/tctcnjing.
tantum veftu, et vejli11m jjmbola, quibus ab LOB, " ,\wf3•1•e Gra:cis el~ homo contume!iii et
aliorum dotninorum fervis fervi dignofo\lntur, deduore dip11u; et t\wf3•," eonlumc!ia, opprobrium:
deootat: Skinn."- this explanation, diflrib11ta J un. and Skinn."- Shakcfpcar, in his lvlidfammer
junt, 1night alrnofl: tempt us to derive a foot- Night's Dream, att ii. fc. 1, 1nakes the Fairy
man's livery froin the fame root wi th deliver; or, fay to Puck,
which is defi.vcrtd to him by the LIBERALITY Farewel, thou lob of fpirits:
of bis ma.fter : Gr. meaning to abufa him for his conllant blurrderinK
J_IVID, Il•h""' n,h,J\,•r; by cranfpofition, liveo, cbaratfer.
Jiv idus; bl1uk, and blue; pale, aud wa11: or, per- LOB-LOLLY, A../3•1•e·>-,.,,7.,, vel >. ..>... ; /116-
haps from Malw{3lo<, plumbum; lead. ber's-lap, l1tbber's-fo11p; " /q/ly, a /at/are," fays
L lXlVIUlvI, J\3"• /avo; uode tix, licis; an- Skinner, !' q. d. grandium, ti ig11a11orum jus :"-
tiently it fignificd water, or liquor in general; now and Voffius fays, /a/fare a fono faetum videtur
;i,Jf(i a lie, 111ade with ajbes aiul walt r. Grrecum /\,.,.,.,, dieo, halbutio ; but this is a diffe-
I~!ZARD, :!:ave•;, t""e"'•/acerta; afpeciesef newl. rent idea from the l)r's.grandium,_el ig11avor11111 jia.
LIZE N' D·tor11, " quafi ltjfen'd-corn, lank, or LOBE, Ac{3C<, lobus; ima ptlrs auris; the lap,
forunk-corn: Ray :"-buc furely leffen is Gr. · or tip of thi ear.
. LO! " alh:dit Aar.>, t\w, vid,o : Skinn."-to LOBSTER .. A<<>•·• r, loc11.fta; cancer mari11us;
ftey behold' f~~k yonder ' . . . · . Jiuillt;.; the fobfler, crab, or jbrimp : Skinner de-
LOAD ; " forta!Te peruoet ad oroginerri verb1 roves 1t fro1n t\o""'• corteN, fc. crujlauus :-but
hbban, q.nod K~.~t,,, ut author ell: Hefych. that would be 1norc applicable to the O):Jlcr, thaa
}Eoleiilibus Cunt Z'"'Y"• juga; atque ita hlaban, the !objler.
p rimn fuil fignificatione quondam denotaverat LOCAL, Aox•<, locus inlid iis acco1nmodarus ;
~1ura j ugo prejjis a11i111alib111 imptmere : Jun."-but loco, localis; belonging lo a>tJ particular f!ltlce.
Sk inner admics of only che Northern deriv. of LOCK of a door; " M•;d·•~, pe.J}1tlus; per
which he gives us no lefs than fix. mecach. : or fron1 Au•o;, lukettus, which we tnect
LOAD·flar l" quafi dicas leading-jfar, leading- with in Hefych.: Upt."
LOAD-ftcne Sftone, fays Jun.''.- which he de- LOCK of bair, or wooll" Il>.oxo,, n.\ov.«/o'•<, per
rives with " a fortafac . ab E>.,.v,.., duco, ago; LOCKET i fyncop. n>.•XJ-'•~, cirr11s,
}l;...7"' duflilis; E.i.oo1•e• d11flor :"-u nde Sax. coma ple.~ilis : Upt." Cafaubon derives it ii A•Y,.J'-••
Jreban-r::an ; lapis-duflorius ;_ becaufe it is the d'nfa fylva ; ct 1netaphorici! cri11ts dei:ji : -b?t all
failor's leadi.Jlg, direfling, or candutling-jlone :- mecaphorical deriv. ouglit to be difcar~ed, tf we
after t~i~, it is hardly worth .while to obf,rve can $ain the fim~le i>lain etym. : when rndeed we
frorn S-kinn. "vel ab Ang!. load, ct flone; quta u(e 1c metaphortcaHy, as, I care nbl a lock ~(
'llalil? po11derofu1 ejl, cum tan tum ferrum imperfctfius wool, tht:n it n1ay be derived ~ jiocc11s, which
achymicis habcatu.r: Jed prius etymo prrefero.'' Voffius deduce~ a ~>.•tl'•r, i. e. <Ph'!'''' ellychniu111;
, LOAF. •/ /Jrtad; perhap~ an abbreviation only b11da, res viliffima.; th• [nu.ff of.'a c1111dle, a pitce
an.d tranfpofition of Of<>.>... ,_ quafi A•4>•1'..l.w, augto, of mall, ar r_11jh, a /q,!t. af wool, a thing of 11011g bt. ,
lumulo, adjuvo,.projum ;_ /b 11Urtafa, /well; alfo to LOCKER, or rather locbtr ; J\ox,, ;, lacus revus
>:aurifb, f11pport, f11ftaj11 : Yerftega.fl writes it la/, depoji:is a<to111111od111; a ho.r, Clipboard, .d 1<'j t, r)r
Q o c~ffe,.,

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L 0 From G11. ! z 1t, and LAT 1 ir. L 0

loftr, in which any thing m11y be depr,jited ; as the LOGIC, A•'Y"• tlieo; A•'Y•;,fermo; /ogic4, logklis1
feat ,of a wiJ!ilow, &c. fo that the name of ·/other the art of reafoning in a11 argummtative niethod.
feems to be derived n1ore fron1 the t01Wt1tience than I.:.OHOC!CJ, AHX.,, lingo; to /iflc; ii conjeNJi It
the ailion ; for it is not derived from locking up bt token in f'11a/I quantities, or to be lidtt only.
things there, but from A•x•<, the pince where they LOINS; "A<>yw>. A"''>'°'"' ilia, lumbi; the IO'llJtr depojited, whether lotkt up, or not. part of the batk, or jlanlr.: Cafaub.''
: LOCK-RAM-c/oih: "Sax. /occa; Teut. lock; L OI1'ER, AA•1•f"'• erro; a wanderer, a trMa11t;
'flillus, twmtum, jloccus: Skino.''-but furel y, or one who idles, and trifles away his tilM in lagging
J;)r. j/occus is derived a ID.•• "., vel a OA•X"/·..'· to fahoo/. . .
crines plexi : the latter half 'o f this compound, LOKKERIS of bis nule; " fie tranftuhc .G.
".iz. ram, fcems to be purely Sax. a pau1n; am- Douglaffius tomnntes toros ; Virgilii, lEn. XII. 6,
ft.lus, erajfus ; i. e. linlt411ientmn trajfius; quad fc. cit porum putum IC'cl. loch, capillus contortus :•
'l>;JJi, linei fubtilij/imi, qualem l'Iollan<li conficiunc, Lye :"-becaufe this word, both in Eoglifh and
v illuni, fcu ut nos loquimur filum amplius, la- Icelandic, happens to .Put on fuch. an uncouth
tius, et craffius habet. appearance, therefore 1t muft be pun"" putum
·. LOCO-MOTIVE, A•x•<-JA•&o;, locum-movens; lcel. undoubtedly : but let us reduce thofe bar-
thanging-ftation; fometimcs ufed for an automattm, barous words to tbeir original puricy, and we
or pica of tlotk-worlt:, or any 1ngine that gots with fhall find that they are purum putum Gr. and fig-
II JPring, and feems to be a /elf mover.
nify only turfed locks of hair J and coofi:qucndy
LOCUM-TENENS, A.ox•1-nv:.i., /octtm-ttnens; derived afl'A••«.,Jloccus; \'Cl aTI>.oX«-JA•<. eri11tsplexi;
holding the place, power, or a11tbo1·ity. of another in comantu toros : the lion {hakes bis jbaggy mane.
L -ON-DON: Verft. 134, enters into a long
l>is aijtnce: fee L1EU-TEN£N1' : Gr. debate againft Geffrey of l'vfonmouth, touching
J.,OCUST, Ai?1>.axo<, A~«•••• locufta; a very the name of our 111ofte ancient, chief, and famoui
~ejlru{li'Ve jnfafl. . cirie; which, he fays, could never take the name
. LOCU1'ION, A"'A'"• loquor, /oc11tio ; jpuch, of London from Lud ; and therefore would de·-
?ifcoli rfe, tloq11t11tt. rive it from Lunden in Scooeland, and impofed by
. L ODGE JA•x;'<, letlus, lotus cubandi ; a the Saxons : but Tacitus calls it Londinum, near
. LODGING 'bed, or room with a bed to fle'P i11. 300 years before the Saxons ever ca1ne hcre ;-
LOERT, " quali lord, gaffer i lady, gammer ; and therefore Shering. p. 2 1, brings us back to
ufed in the P eak of Derbylhirc : Ray :"-but king Lud; for he fays," Britannice urbs h::ec Llun-
LORDi~Gr. dain appellatur, quod nihilo magis a Lludd, quam
. LOF-SANG}" !of is in our ancient language, cre.tera urbium et locorum no111ina a fuis primi-
: LOF-SONG praifa; and lof-fo11g afn1uch to t ivis in lingua Britannica rcceduot ; fed eodem
fay, as a Jong of prai.Je-giving: Vcrlt."-thcn it protfus modo formatur :"-and in p. 2 2, he adds,
feems to be either a dialelt ·o f /aus; or, perhaps he " L uddo ante C:cfaris adventum nuperrimc mor-
inighr mean a love-Jong, a fo11K of love, praife, and tuo, diflidia ha:c obliftere potuerint ne Londini
~ommendatfo11 : but bothLOVE,:indSO NG,arcGr. nomen tam cito increbefcerec : forte eniin renuit
' LOFTY, "A,~..,, inter alia tumulus, locus editus; Crefar Luddo, qui Caffivellani hofiis ejus capitalis
''"'Y high plate, or eminence : Cafaub.'' frater erat, honorcm illu1n exhibere : c:rterum·
LOG-book, Aiyw, A•yor, Jermo, ratio; an at- ftatim poft Crefaris tcmpora L o;idini no men clarum
1011111 of a Jbip's rttkoning, or the p1·ogrefs jbe makes clTe cooperit; ejus enim meminerit T acitus cente•
111 her voyage. nis aliquot annis antequam Saxones ad .Britao-
LOG of wood: Skinner fuppofes it to be Sax. ; nia1n appulcrint: et in co!lcilio fecundo Arelatcnfi,
but .acknowledges, thac _the Sax. h;i;an~ or Iac;i;an, ejus quoque mentio faaa eft, ubi rdtirutus Epf!-
ligntfies ;acere; and that our woril tu, or iy, as topus Londinet!fis dicitur dccretis concil ii fub-
he writes it, fignifies l1'6an, and felicifiime al- fcripfifl'e : uncle vocabulum Lon.don Saxonicum
ludit'Gr. A<y•JA"" tubo, jacere :-fuch attention non clTc, contra quam vocem alferuic Verftega-
has the Dr. £hewn to ·[his art. in fhort, a lo~ nus; nee a Saxonibus nomen inditum, clariffim~
mca~s no more than a dull, hea7''J, inert body, thdt apparet :"-Jod yet, as dear as this point mighc
4l<oa)'S ligs, or lies in one place. appear to this gentlesnan, Ciel. Voe. 76, n, gives
LOGARION, Aoy«e••» loga'tio11 ; a book of us quite a different deriv.; for he fays, "I have
• Uotl11ts ; a pocket bodlt:. reafon to chink, that L o11don came at length to
LOG-AklTHM, A•')'"'"f'~l'.'f·, logarithmus; be called exdulively, and by way of cxcell~nce,
numoers that are the 'indexes, or eA101tt11ts of ratios, tbe 1Vattr-jidt-Jown; L'avo11-tui11, or L'on-tuin ;
much uftd in matbematits, by conuaaion, u11da11 :":":""but, in p. 168, he
10 tells

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L O~ From Ga!l!Jt, and LA!l'l lf! 1: Q·
tells us, that 1111011 fignilies the , t11e11i11g: this ing any hole, or fu~t~r(ug_e to .le41 tbrouih, aod
might lead us to Cufpea, that inftcad of L'avo11- tftape frgm danger. · . . ·· - • -
t11i11, or L'o11-/ui11, ic ought to have been printed LOOSE, " Av.., Av~w, fp/vo; to urflooft:
L'un-tuin; becaufe, in p. 126, he tells us, thac Cafaub. and Upc."- this is the lirft i!'a!)Ce in
t'un fignifies waltr: in wbich cafe, it would be which we find the negative joiped to the verb,
evidently derived and abbreviated from 'T-l"'t• without altering the po)'lers of it: thus to looft;
'T-d'or, tin-dus, 1111-da ; water, unde L'un-t1<in. and u11!oofa, mean the fame thing; but, lo bintl,
LONELY; Movor, quafi "'"" foltls; alone; one and unbind, are two dilferenc ideas. '
c11/y, wiaccompanitd: vel ab 'E., unum; one all alone. LOP, or' cut off; " Oho..1.;, vrllo, decorlico :
LO.N G, OyxOf, "'"rX•» A•rx•r, /ongus; of Calim. in Dian. 77, nJ.oij,,,.,, evu!fijli: Upt."-1.
large exte1111 udio11s length. to pull, Jear,flrip, or chop off:
LONG-JEVITY, A•rx•r-"""" longum~.rvum, LOPE lfometimes pronounced frrpe 11l011g, as
k11gevitas; a perfan long-lived, of g1·eat age, and LOPP S elopement; A10v99~e,., quod l-Iefyd1:
/ar advanced in years. cxponic ... .,vi«, to ba.ften,jump a/Jo11t1 leap tJWfZJ I
LONG-ANl!'vtl'l"Y, A•y;.:•r-""l'•r, longus,. and from hence a flea is, in fome of Eng•
ll!limus; longanimitas; long·fu.ffering, forbeprance, land, called a /opp: fee LE.AP: <;Jr.
forgivenefs. LOQYACI1"Y, ~"'"" """'"'• loqt1or, laquad!
·LONGING, defire; Skinner fuppofcs it de- tas; tallcativenefs: or, perhaps, (rom A ..:1,,,;, "'t"i
riyed a " Sax. Jon3un;i; ; t.cdium; vcl a Teut. Aoycr, jermo, ditlio; Jprech, eloc111io11: . •
gela11ga11; petere, poftu7are; verlanga11 haben ; LORD, '"""t"• vicus; u.nde Jar, Taris; /tirt ;
va/de de.fiderare; uc nos dicimus, to think the rime arbitratur Vl}lgtis vicarum atquc iliner11m dtas tffe ;
Jong till a man has a thing :"~but this very la!l: ex eo quod Grreci vicos cognominant,-'.auras; (or,
expreffion ought to have kd the Dr. co the crue perhaps, laras) .
etym. as in the foregoing art. LONG: and it is Force fuit Niis, Lara nomioe--- ---
obfervablc, that Virgil, in the Fourth Eel. 61, Fitque gravis, geminofque paric, qui compiri.
fpcaking to cne infant fon of Afinius Pollio, fays, . fervanr,
Matri longa deum tuleru11t faflidia 111e11fas ;. . Ee vigilanc noftra femper in urbc, /ares !
'Ien 11M11ths your mother bore bt1· tedious q11alim. Fafti. II. 599, 615. ·
LONGITUDE, fro1n the foregoing root ; in thefe !arts are generally tranflatcd ho1ifebo!d gods,
Latin appl ied only to le11g1h of time, or place, or domtjlic guardians; fed Ecrufce denotanc prin-
fimply; but in philofophy, it cxprdfcs the di · . cipes; chiifs, or heads of coilnlies; and from hence
ftance of pl"ce alone, either Eaft or vVe!l: from a the fignificacion of our citle lord was undoubtedly
fixed meridian: fo that a perfon may be above a at firft derived: though Ver!tcgan, p. 316, would
t.houfand 1niles diftanr from Londo!!, .and not fain endeavour co perfuade us, tha t our word
above three or four degrees Eatt or \Vc!l: loi1gi- " lord, is but a concraC\ion of laford, or h/aford~
tude from the meridian of t hat r.lace. which is ali1m ch co fay, as a;; afoprdtr of la/;
LO'OK : Cafaubon derives " loolc a A ........,, t hat is, a lo1if~giver, or bread-&iver : and yf wee
"ideo, '!!Picio :"-but it feems to come nearer , duely obferue ir, wee lhal fynd chat our nobillicic
!l:ill from"'°"• A.,, v ideo ; ct apud 1-:lefych. """'' of England, which generally do beare the name
exponitur ...,,,.,7,; (3i.,,,..,7,, foe, behold, obfarv e. of lord, hauc alwaycs maintained, and fed n10re
LOON, " Scoticun1 ell:· vocabulum, ec ex- people, to wit, of their feruanr.s , retayners, de-
ponitur i11fulfuJ, bardus, jlupidus; n1inus reCl:e ni pendants, tenants, as alfo t he poor, then ch~ no-
fallor; nam venit ab Hib. liwi; de.fidiofus; ig- billitie of any countrie in the continent :"-thus
1fll'V1tS, piger, .intrs; quain fignilicacionein reti- has this good old Saxon been more felicitous co
nui[e mihi videtur Bdg. loen : Lre :"-or elfe 1•011 eftabli01 the explanarion, chan to trace out. t.b c
may be derived a "Ali<..r, lapideus, vir. cerebro, etymology even of 11is own word : for fhould all
feu cranio, in(\ar lapid,is: Ski.n n."-a mere lubbe-r, he has atferrcd be' true, he does JlOt feen1 in
4 blockhead. the Jca(l; to bave appreh~nded, that even his
LOO;I'-ho/e: ".Belg . loopcn, currere; eodem, Saxon words laf, and hlaf, were of Greek origin 1
aut cognato fenfu diciinus a ·1·111ming k1101, or for, however his councry1nen may have difguifed
~q?[t : unde loop-hole, foramen per quod currere, thofe words, they are undoubcedly, as we have
arifugere, vel e.rilire poffit: Skino."-from chis already fhcwn, under the art. L01\.,F of bread, Gr.
very i1\tcrpretarion we might fuppofc, that as a "!1 LORD; whatever n1ay have been rhe
flea in fome places is called " /opp, ,fo the Belg. origin of the foflll~r title, this appellacion i1
/oop_m, and our word loop-bole, feem to be buc derived from a dilfercnt fo~rce; for this is de--
Vanous dialc,&s qf LEAP, o~ftip awa.Y; mean- rived i Aoel•r, &111'7/UJ; crooked ; and is ludicrouOy
· . Qoa given

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L 0 From G ll l!B 1t, and LAT I K. L 0
·given to a cro#l:eJ 1t11111, as a term of reflexion on I~OVE, by tranl'polition from ~..'-•<, amicrs,
his thfomuJ jhapt; unJeftrvedly JtrituJ. cbarus; friendly, dear; vcl ab Eh<vtre•r, undc
· LORIMERS l" fie dill:i ii loris conficiendis; libet, lubet; unde Sax. JeoF, leoFa; Belg. lit'Vt11;
LORINERS S qui 1ninora fcrramenta, ut cla- T eut. !iebtn; amare; to ajfetl, Jejire: .
vos, lupata, cakaria cudunt; as we now call L OUNGE ; " Skrnner fuppofes it to be de•
'them fpurriers, andjaJlers, &c.: Skinn."-Littlc- rived a Fr. Gall. lo11gis; Ital. longoM; prottrur,
'ton derives forum a Au.,, folvo ; qui a de corpore bardus ; .nimis enim longi, feu pro,eri, a phyfiogno-
dtlrnbilur; vd a luendo, quod ioris vapui3reur, i.e. mis pro bardis habentur:"- perhaps /.o1111ge may be
luertnl fervi : becaufe fervants and flavcs were an- derived ~ A..<••<, !apidtu; ; a tbick-bcad' d ftllow.
tien'tly beaten with thongs. LOUR, " A"' intcnliva particula ; ct Go~"
LOST, "0>.1«, Oi.J.ul'-'• 0>.1~"'• perdere: Cafaub. 'f.Jidtrt, i11tut1·i; qoortia111 aCl:iones aliorum c'1un
.and Upt." 10 be depriv ed of a11y 1hi11g by cbtm,e, 01· quadam contrat1:re froncis tri!tiriii follicire fpe·
h misf~rt'une. cul antes, perfpicatius quoque lingula rimantur:
· LOT; A"X"• A"'l'X'"'" for;, f ortior ; to u1ft Jun.'' Jo look jler11!y, c.<ami1te Jlt-illly, wiJb a CM·.
lots: " or, perhaps lot n1ay be derived a 10.w~ ... lrafltd brow :- or dfe we ma)' rarher derive lcury,

Clotho ; one of tbt' dtflinies, who .JPi11s the thread of with Vollips, a A"'o~o;, luridus; as when :we fay,
life, or long, or jhorl: R. K>,,,&.,, nco; to fpi11; to loury wealber ; meaning dark, hazy, gloo111y weatbq,
wea·ve Jbt fatt of things; .Ii malis. peregrinari, et when the fun or fi;y is fupra modum pat!id11s.
ii Grrecia· ufgue arcelfere; fays Ski nn. "- who LOURDAN: "Belg. loerd i Ital. lord1; led.
fecms always delirous of deducing our bnguage lort; jler"1s ; ad quod Suffex ianum lourdy: Lye:"
.from either the Sax. or the Lac. ; not coofi· -but in the preceding arc. we have feen in what
dering that the Romans rhen1felves ·borrowcd a manner Volf. has deduced that word from the Gr.
very great part of their language from the Greeks; LOUSE, "frecundiffimum hunc fepedum.po•
;ind that the Northern nations, particularly our pulun1 non1en traxiffe fufpicor e medio Grreci
own, borrowed from the Romans, who had con- AA•~'"'• il/uvies: Jun.'' vermin contraCl:ed and
nexions with · this illand for five hundred years engendered ainong dirt, filth, and 11'1.ftinefs.
together before t he Saxons ever fate fo<>t on it. LOU-VRE ; " Anglis, plerifque .gentibus
LOTHAIRE, "or lautber, for both are one," Europreis," fays Junius, " dicitur Regia, quil:
fays Verfregan; " and atinuch to fay, •S pure, ell L uretia: Pariliorum : vox ell: Franc<:> Gallica;
or dean :"-but it is to be imagined, t his good fiquid<n1 in perverufio gl. Latino-l"beorifco
old Saxon would have admitted, chat lauthtr u1flellum exponitur !covar, kod1oard, vel li11dwaril;
might have come froon /0111111 ;-thcri it 'is abfo- q. d. populi l ulela :"-thus has this great and
lutdy Gr.: for /autus, la';Jafus, and lotus, come learned etymo!. pointed our to us rbe true deriv.
from /a-vo, Javi • at)d Javo COOltS ii 1\~w, lo Wt!/h, of this word, which he ba.s traced, and hunted
l lem1, or make purt. thro' all the barbarous, and mote than fonii-
LOTH ING, " quid ft omnia, '(fays Skinner, barbarous words of the North ; not ·co~liderir.g
after mentioning a dozen harlh Northern words) that thofe very Northern tongues were but fo.
ab I cal. lull•; Lat. {ullus defie&eren1 :"-but many horrid dillortions, contraClions, and dis-
J uniu• fays, " vid<' rame n annon pollint reClius figurations 9f the Gr. and Rom. Jang. : thus;
~]t'rj l1ci a A){Aft~·. /,e1/ere, t1occ1·e; tr:infpofi 1is" nempe louvre, a.nd ltovar, and ltodward, a.nd liudward, if
iribus ini cialibus litcris :" - the former however 1he)' figni fy populi luJtla, arco no more than favage
li:cms to be the better dcriv. becaufc more limple. barbanfms of A"o;, "'""' unde lou: and Ove · o;., cu-
l.01"10N: fro111 the fa1nc root as LO"fHAlRE, ftos; contraCl:ed to var, and word; and then com•·
above : Gr. pounded thus,_A..-ovr, and tranfpofcd roA'""'f• uncle
LOTO -PHAGI, A<.>1•r, lotus; Aw1'~"Y"• pop11- loUtVrt, to figmfy the guard; tbt· ~ard of the ptoplti
l11s loto v i flita11s ; . trifoli1tm; a11 Eg)'t!lian tru, 01' f116jeflr; becaufe it is a jfrong 'aftle iu Patis ;
(ohcfa fruit teas very 'pl•ofanl, but aiufad 11 forgtf- perhaps in the nature of the Tower in London.
fulnefs iii the ealtr ; the Ii range efti:Cts of which LOW, tfltan; A''l'"'• cubo,jactre; undc" Belg.
are mentioned both by l...Jomer, and Xenophon. ktgbe11, ct liggan, und'e leegb, lob, 1~ ·; hu111ilis:
LOUD; " olim derivaveran1 ~ Av11i'Y, rnbit Skinn.'"-nuan, !ow,groveling. " ·
pertilum furtre ; ut pri111a lignificatione, hn:: • LOW, like an ox;. coniratted-from b;//HJJ:
dcnotaverit : pollea cameo , co1nmodius vifum a Gr. : or clfe it· is Sax.
Sax. hlub dcriv are, ii J(;;.,v7or, vocalis, argutus ; LOWK, or " to wetd torn; 16 fqok 1ut tit
ct'.jus vo.t latc potd l: exaudiri: Jun."-wh.o :ii ways wudJ: Ray :"-but LOOK at leall 1s Gr.
unites the fcholar and tbe gcmleman; and is never LOWT, a general term for cri11gi11t, or br.»ing-
lo low and vulgar in h~s cxpreffions, as Skinner,, down tbt· /;odi; and- here ligai.fic$ a 111ta1t,. f81J1;
.Baiky, and fonie others of our lexicographers. Jtn1ilt

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' .u. From G.a 11 K, and ~ AT r "' I:. u
ftNJilt f t/low ; and coruequently derived as in te.!l:antur : but .!l:ill we are not informed from
the art. LO\V: ·Gr: · whence the name of Lud himfelf is derived;-
. LOWTINGS; "/JU'Wi11gs d(!Wfl; they were very then Ciel. will afford us amplefatisfaaion; for, he
low in their iowtings; i.e. in their bowings: Ray:"- fays, p.147,'' no.t to mention what might pcrhap$be
confequently derived as in the art. LO\\', or mtan. called begging the quellion, that the name ofW-
LOYAL: A•Y"'• dito ; A•E-•r. unde ltx, ltgalis; gate, tho' fignifying nothing more than a &ollezt-
law/111 ; undc llJ)'a/.. · j'gate, has been traced to an imaginary kingl.MJ:"-
LOZENGE; " F r. Gall. lozenge ; brbitttlus, but in p. 131, n, he tells us, that L11J-g11t1 is
trocbifcus: Scallger def!.e ait ii voce laurenge, ob jonl y a plconalin; the n1odern gall being expla~
fimil'itudinem crnn lauri folio, quod l!abet rhombi nn{o rr of the preceding fyllable luJ, or lid, which,
ligur~m: Ski nn."-then no doub t but Scaliger in the antienc language,, !ignifies a gait: the
eichcr has, or could haY'e told us, what Voffi us o ther city- gates loft cheir generical name of lit/
cells us, chat, whether we conlidcr the Gr. or in fome acceffary; as Dow-gatt, from Jbt wallr ;
L at. name of chis tree, we thall find it to be Bijhop's-gaJe; &c. : LNd-gate retained it, on the
Gr. as we have already feen under the-· art. , account of ics acce!lary ;. ho!, bi/, ho/lid, was con-
LAUR E L : Gr. eructed co blid, the gate of the kit, or hit, or
LUBFUCATE}A""• ld!'IJit ; f111001h, polijhed: cot-ltge-gatt :"-all this is clear, and evident;
LUBRICITY orelfe we may derive lul>rieate but now he unfortunately adds a lit tle lower,
a J\1f3•f•~. q uod N unnelius, expon it b11mid111 ; but tbai "tbt Fleet took its name from the a.fpirate
Voffius fay~, a vcrbo labor, lapfau, ef~ luhrie11s, b' converti ng into f, and making of b/id, j/iJ, and
qua!i labr ictu ; and LAPSE., we have fcen, is Gr. : a t length j/ur : "-but, in p. 178, he tells us, t~iu;:
a11y jlippery place. " our hlid {F leet) . is Ludg(l/e :"-now if lid fig-
LUCI-FER , J\vxr., /11x; lucidru, lucifer; light, nines g11te, ic would be very remarkable if it lhould
br~~bJnefj ; tbt morni11g flar t hat /tads the day. . . lignify a flood, or o fleet likewife : however, let it
LUC K: Ciel. "Vay. 46, derives luck fro1n rbt be turned, and twilled into a.s many fhapes a&
look, or .afpttl of the fta rs, good, or bail; and fays, you pleafu, frill it a ppears to come fro1n t he
"the or·igin o( t his word re1notints to the highelt Gr.: for, take !Ud in the fenfe of /.jd; and lid. in
antiq uity: it is fcarcely conceivable how af>tient, the ft;nfc of .~att; it then feems to originate ah
and how extenfivc this idle notion p revailed over Rh"'"'"'• Juco; to lead: (flrait is the gau that
mankind: the word look itfclf is iod i!fcrently the lendetb unto life) or, rake lud and ·hlid, in the
ftroke oj' tbt eyt :" -and confeq ucntly derived fenfe of flid,fi.ood, or fl.eel ; it chen evidently dc-
from che fatnl! roo t wicb ic.~I, quafi luiclcl : fee rives ii B)ww, fluo,jfuidus; j/uiJ,jlid, hlid, lid, liid:
HIT: .Gr.: and yet it leems probable, that o ur o r J11d may come fro1n L'ul-1o1e, aqua ; w ater;
word l1&ck may be derived from Atu><•r, nlbus, tbe f !ttl : - Verftegan, 136, would derive " Lud-
faujlas, ftlix: qlbis lapidibus, pro ~minib11S, g111c from /tad, o r lud, which is all one ; and 'in
is an cxpreffion too com mon to need con lirrna- our ancient liiguage, the fa1ne as folk, or pe~e·;
tion ; and we fcpn to have adopted it in rhe and fo is Lud.galt afn1uch to fay asporta populi;.
fame frnfe; a wbit1fto11t ! a white flo11e I for good the pt<ple's gate :"-buc even then ic would be
luck ! good lu~k ! che only objedion is, what Gr. _as we have feen under the arr. LEWD : Gr.
would become of this de riv. if it lhould h:ippen L UDICROUS, J\ul0<, Lyd1u, /lfi..e populu1 ~
to be ii/ luck ?-it could noc tben be derived a ludorum ill'Jentores ;. /11dwriofus, lru/icrum 1 ridictt-
" " "'• unlefa by che rule of contraries. !ou.<, abfurd: Tl. Vo ffiu11 derives ludo,.. ii J\1~...
· LUCRE, K1. l or, lucrum, lucrati-.;us l gain, profit, A1~1.,, ..... ~., : Hefydiiiis~
irJvantagt; ge~erally in a d ifadvantagcous feufe._ LUES, fr. 11e11trea; A»t.:,falvo ; qttia corpora 1.t:
LUCUBRATION, J\u••• lux, lucis; lucubra- folvu111ur 1 plaguc,pejlilence, or rui11.
t io; fluditd, and wri1te11 by candle-light, or t ar/y L UFE, "lo-.;e : Verft."- b uc LOVE is Gr.
111d lau bou1·1. LUG~lo11g ;.'li:>..•vw, 'IW<.,, traho; to drag, pluck.,
LUCULE NT; from the foregoing root: Gr. or pun alb11g.
LUD-gate: fi .v cro LNdgatt non ii Lui/do, unde LUGS;. eicher· from the foregoing root,. in the:
igitur nomen ha bet ? fays Shering, p. ~3• ref~ndet fe11fe of
Verfteganus, LuJ.gatt quafi Ltod-gate ; 1. e. -·- ---·--Cyntbius 3ttrem•
portam pop11li, ii Saxonibus diltam ; kod enin1 Vellir, et ad11101111iJ-- - Ecr. Vf. 3 ..
Germanic/: popitlum fignific:u: (but is not A..or, or elfe we m;i!l ha"e recourfc to. st~iRner's interp.
populw ?) - veteres C·nim fcriptores. 001nes, atque tho" not to h is d eriv .,: he fays, ,..fN,,s- vex praif~r­
ipfa etim Luddi muta ftat.u a ab antiquo revo por- tim Sco tis f.'lmiliaris, quibus a:res delign•t ,.
lis. fupcrimpofi:a .eafdem ii f..uddt! cond!tas dfe nefCio- ~n il.Saxrh;s:in; }Jlurt, q~ia aura buma11,t
• •

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.. '
·From Ga I!! it, ·and L AT,.,. L ·o
i'ntet a'rliinatia qmni'a in\mil&ilcsj11cei11 ~ licet nee' tinues Skinner, " dccli°nare a Teut. ct ~1g",
inter l)omines defuerint a'liqui q ui n1obiles ha- ~!ryp.ken ; .Parum,,pau>;.illum,
ta11tillu111; hoc dimi~
bueririt' ; i~ter. quos, fi Procopio tides fit1 J ull:i- nutivum nominis. kleyn, klci11 ; parvus :"-here the lmperatbr: .._ we are very much obliged Dr. fecms co have written by the role of thwart i
to rhe. Dr. for this curio\ls remark ; \:iu t, as an ety- it was called, he fays,. a lmichion, becaufe it wai
h1ologift, he would have given me grc~cer fatis- liulc ; whereas, among all other people in the
facrion, if he bad traced his· Sax. li;san up to worl d, it is generally underftood to have been
1'..1yw, jaceo, cumbo, c11bo : they both c1nnot be called a lrmchion, becaufe _it was large; large, and
originals : eilhcr rhen the Greeks bo rrow.e d fron1 fit f 6r " plowma11; not 1111/e, and fit a laJ;: for
the Saxons, or the Saxons from che Greeks. no one ever called it a /.ady"s /u11£bion.
· ·L U GUBRIOUS, Avye•s, lugubris, t1·ifiis, mi- LUN GS, Auyya>:.i,ji11g11lto; bccaufe thCJ btt111t
ftrabilis ; j 1d and Jorrowful ; vel a A••y•;, q uod and pant.
apud l"Iefych. ell: 01.19~0; , 6"'"1•;, txitium ; mor.r ;
LUNT: Skinner tells us, th at " 111111 is d erived
t1e11tb, and deflt·ulJion :- but If. Voffius derives a Belg. lo111e ; Tcut. londe, jomu, fen f11nis igni·
~ugeo, al:i AAy•w, do!eo; to grieve, vex, /amen/ f or arius 5ombm·dfrur : .01nnia credo il L at. linlenm;
O'!J thing : nota vocabula ejus orig inis E>.1y•;. q. d .. linlewn /ulpburatttm :' ' - but L at. linteuni
t>•"'Y~110) 1 Et-.Et;I),-, AA')'v:11i;r, A>.rye.1to; : an e!eg;•;
an)' is undoubtedly Gr. :-we have likewife another
tno11r11f11l, /olemlJ dill)'. · fcnfe of this word lunt; viz. Julle11, or Jurly ; and
. • LUKE-warm, appears to be only a pervcr- 1ben it may originate from t he fame root with
fion of lac-warn11 111i/k.. warnz; l:t. fQt>.u , lac; milk: lump, and lumpijh ; if fo, it would be Gr. llill.
-but, nocwithftanding· t he fpecioufoefs of fuch a LUPINES, Au""• triftitia, lupin11J, l11pi11111i1; a
conjefu1re, there are fome reafons, which 1nay kind of puls, of mofl bitter, and harjb tafle, /i.~t
i nduce '\JS to derive this expreffion n1uch nearer hG-ps 1 n1cotioned by Virgil ;
home ; but thefe will be more properly given · .d.ut tenuis fu1111s viri,,_,, · trill:ifque Jupini :
u nder this art. in t he Sax. Alph. •· Geo. I. 7 5.
LULL-a}le~ l" JI..""'• .,,...,Jix•• '"'99•YI'"' : uncle L URCH; " i11gurgilare: nl iquid affine habet
· LULLABY S Latini fuum lat/are pro donnire,
ye·J fa.'fiirt linxe runt: Cafaub." the fo11d!iJ1g to11e of cun.1 A"f "'Yf• g1111ur: Jun."-but L ye has given
us a bctcer d eriv. a Lat. lurcar:, vcl l11rcari; Cit/fl
o 11u1fe, fi11giJ1g her bob)' to )leep. aviditt1U cibwn fumert ; which, as he obfcrves,
_L UMB ER, Jiu/'~ > pu1g11111e11111111, fa1·du; unde
Voffius defledlc a .1'\·aveo,, vcl Aa{3for, v crr»: ; a.
« Sax. loma ; Jupd!e.~ vilior ; 3elon1:1 ; f11pe!lex
greedy devourer, a v111·acious gl111t~11 .
.fimpliciter: Skin~." any 1·ef11/e, or decayed furniture.
I~U!\11NAllY; JI.,.• , , l11x, lumiJ1oji1s, light,foin· LU RC'H at play ; " 111d11s quidtJ.I!' 1ej[erar11111
ing /;right ; a Jple11did body, likt the fim,or fix/ flars. Be/git ufitt1tifji111us : hoc a Lac. oi'Ca, vel arct1,
LUMP 1" Cafaub. deflectic lttmp a Ta1-.u..-,, fupple l:ijoria : Skinn."-but both or ca, and area,
LU!\-IP -jifo J glomus 11111£ proprit ; fed de aliis are Gr. ·
i11.07t1e rebus dicitur: ej ufn1odi ioc_egrarum, e tiam L URE, A"""'' il•••w, ·and A.... ~.... lacio, allicio,
rntt10, fyllaba.rum aphrerefes plurnna: paffim cic- alle!Jo; l o allure : or perhaps fron1 A•«••r, jo'llta,
currunt : Jun."-we muft either admit this figure, putetts, laqut us ; a dit<b, pit, trap, fnare ; hence
or el fe derive lump a Ao~';, tumulus, col/ls; a lilllt lnqueo, lncio ; vel a A•e•;, nihili rt.t, ac frivola :
bi/lock, Or [ump of earth; and WC have · really illccebra accipitrum, pinnarum fcapus, quo ac-
adopted this word ii•~•;, in the fenfc of a loaf, cipitres veluti ad certam paratamqu·e prredam
or lump of Jugm·; as we have al ready frcn under rev.o cantur; nam accipitres, volucrum avidiffimz,
that arr. :- though Hefych ius fays il11'~•; eft • ad fallaccm bane conltipararum plumar um ima~
l\1u~wJ,r, '"'' Ma1•1•;, mucofta, et j/oliduJ : and g inem, tanq uam ad vcram praxlam advolant,
Jun ius acknowled ges, that aflinirnte Grreci J\1,.- vana ina niffimre fpei-du.kedine lactatre: unde quo-
qior, indufuin1, plura quan1 necelfc fuerat, hoc in que fubdubitarc ca:pi, (cont.inues Junius) num-
quid hue faciat, quod Ai>e•., '}Icfychio cxponatur
loco cong cffilfe. . .
L UNACY ; I•>·•'"' '/mia, taking away t he ·fir ft iJu, 1:"f0C"T,l'(~, f'"-UKV, <¥?rP>.t1.U<l"IXO~, )(~~.. : J11ave, ju·
fyllablc, /imaris, J1111a1io.; the 1110011 ; and every c1111d11m, dzdce, gratum, puichrum ; /weer, i11tidng.
1hiJJg.beloJJgi11g lo 1bat pla11et, tmilperfans ajfeflcd by t;UJlK ; our etymol . cannot fettle the dcriv.
ils irifl11c11ce. of this word : Cafaub . .a nd Jun. d erive it ab
· l,UNCHJON of bread ; " Minfhew de'f:leccit !\~••a.e"' fi1gio in bdlo : M infhew a h<elow, h•e-
:ib Hifp. loiija, a loi1gi111dine ;•• a)lice etll the whole ; ,..,..,, incurvo : Skinner a lark; inftar al1111d.e,
length of the h af : -and confeq uently den'led ttbjcondn·e, nidulari : vel potius a Belg. loert11;
fro~11 thc·G"r. ( fee LON"G : ·Gr,) "n,ialkm," con- illjidia1·i : vel i ·Fr; Gall. lairre, ie1"1'1 ; ucrurn-
. quc

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L tJ M 'A
tiue ·1 Lat. ·latro, / urt'flf 11gti-i : L ye, ab Iceland. loojtJud, flll out oj joifll :· " lux'tl Jii1.,,tei.joi111/'
l:trlrr ; mtndicus vagus : a W1J11dtring beggar. fays Milton. . . . ,·
LURRY : " ni fallor, actr'Vtts rtrufll ctmf11/a- LUXURY; from the foregoing root; Gr.;
11e11s; ii Belg. leurt, leurtry ; mer:i vilis, res fri - 1neaning now a perfa11 looft, dijfolul t, and. expen-
'Vofa, et faJills; i. e. reNJm vilium cumu/111 ; five in bis mmrner·of li'Vi11g. ·
merccs cnim prctiofre ordine difponi folcnc : l.YC-ANTHROPY, A»x-ar9f".-''"• lye-(
Skinn." - now it is evident, that either d ie Belgre pia; morbus mtlancbolittu, q,uo !'.jUi l ab91"anr,_n~u
borrowed thi,s word from che Gr.eeks, or the l11por11m 1nore egrcdiunfur, ct 'imprimis circ~
Greeks from the Belgre ; fince A•eor, as in the mor.tuo·rum corpora, dcinec iHucefcat, verfanrur ;
art. LURE, fign ifies~nibi/i res, ac frivola; a thing " Jeep mtlancbolj, which makes men fancy thcm-
of 11011gh1. · felves to be wolvei : R . Av..,, lupus; a wolf;
· LUSCIOUS : Lye and Skinner fuppofe· it to and A>9f"".. ' • homo; a maa ;· a man-wolf: fee
be a contraction of delicious :-but then it would '\.VERE-\lVOLF : Gr. ·
be Gr. ; and therefore the Dr. makes another L YF, to wajb wilb; A•"'• lavo; a !J:vivium far
ftruggle to get· away from that barbarous lan- wojhi11g. ·
guage, by lheltcring himfelf under the L at. LYMPH ATIC, Nvp.~•.· nympha, l)·mpba; mu-
lux11, q. <I. luxueftls, i. e. lu:iurlefus ;-but here tato n, in I, quafi lympliatici; i. e. nymph.e, vel
again he is unliappily fconced ; ·fince l11:1uriof1u, fpttlri in Jonte co11fpt fiu i11 far11rem verfi : mad, as
ind lu.•~. are evidently derived a.fltxo, which is lbofa who bad ften fpir il1, and fairies in fauntafni.
a.s evidently derived a"-""• meaning a perfan looft, L YNCJ-1-b,,_,, ; commonly writt)!n and pro-
diffolule, and luxurious in bis manner of living. nounced link-boy; but derived a "-"X"h f)•ch11111;
LUSITANIA: " in this word ," fays Ciel. by ~ranfpolition, ly11cb; candda ; a candle, torch,
Voe. t9:2, "' vii, /us, or we1,' lignifies decline, or jlamoeau. ·
or falling. a~ the fun; hence Lefilanra, for L'viji- L YNX,- AvyE, lyn.v; Jira actrrimo vijtt pr.1-
tania; a11d vis is ufed for weft; as in Yijigoths, tlita; """o T;; A ux'i\, i. e . l11ct, ptrfpi(atif/imttm e11if1f
for W ejleni Go tbs :"-but W EST is G r. animal; a lynx; of the fpuies of a w olf; 'Vtry
LUSORY, AvJJ,,., lydos, lujiis, luforiw 1 play- jharp-jighted ' this onimal bejng of the1wolf fpe-
ful, fportful: R. Aulor, l,ydu1; a Lydian ; ·for the cies, has .induced fome to derive lynx a Auxcr,
LydianJ '[J)tre fuppoftd to have been the firfl inve111- lupus ; but Voffius has clearly refuted 'that fup-
1rs of pf.Ays. poficion, and given it the above deriv. ·
LUS:rRATION ; J\v1e•v, infert<;> ,,, • qua Ii 1: YRIC; Auf"'• Ac1e"• ljra; a harp: alfo 4
All~1~o· ~ Au1eo) Vero a Auw, pro e>.yt() : O• Au~'0' fptctts of poetry.
''''• Dii, qui expiationibus pr.eftmt: lujlrum; 1be
purifymg of Rome; by expiatory facrifius, every fifth , M.
)tar: hence ii is ufed for the fpace of four years
AC·A RONI : " M"'x"'e• M«>:«e•r, btafu$ ;
compleat, or rather fifty months, fully ended,
and pall:; at which ~imes, th.e number of citi-
zens was regifte,red; and many .other things of a
M bappJ ; from whence the Italians have alfo
forn1cd maccarone ; as much as ro fay, tbt meft,
public nature tranfactcd. or _the food of tbe happy : M"""f;;' '""'X''"" as
LUSTRE, brigbtneft; Ac••, 11111, luceo, /ujiro; Anftoph. calls the great /rafts: the ancient Greeks
to be clear, bright, luminou1. ufed alfo M«""f''" in this lenfe, and the n1odems
LUSTRING; " corruptum putat doctus Th. fay likewife M"""f'""" : Nug."
Henlh. a Fr. Gall. luflre, co11le11r lujll't ; a bright MACAW, macao, or rather moliao; a A·f.,.,....
to/er :"-he ought to have traced it up to "'"""• irrideo, delude, imito; lo mac/I, deride, or imilate J
lux, unde illujlri1, vel illuflratus :-as for ciur·con:i- a parrot, or mock-bird.
mon word /Jttt}l1-i11g, it is purely barbarous indeed. MACE ; M«?"• maffi1 ; " baculus, haben1
LUTE, or harp, Au1eov, lyra; X•>-ur, tejludo, majfmn Jerri in fin• : J uo." an enfign of magi-
et inflrumentum muficum ; ii jimilitudint illius ani- ftracy, having a large capacious receptacle atop,
malii jic dit1um· : a tortoift; alfo 1be belly of a fuppofed to cat ry iafenfe for the facrilice: -
lute ; becaufe it is like, or at firft was. made of a Ciel. Voe. 43, fays, " whar ·we now, from a
tortoift jhell. Greek word, call n fctptrt , wis anciently called
LUTULENT; 11. •.,, lfl'Vo, lutum, lutulent11s ; a ma.ct, or 'Vefs : this Celtic mace, or 'f:aft is the
clay, or any fucb fubfla11ce, uftd in deaefing : and true etymon of the Gr. B".--•>-<V~ :"-if he had
hence likewife is derived the chemical term to faid directly the contrary, perhaps it might have
/ult up a 'Veffel with day, or (tmtnt. been more readily admitted.
L UXA1' JON ; A•"• falw, lito, 111111, OO<alio ; MACE, or fpice ; , M''"'e• 111afrr, or macin 1

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From Gil I! 1 K, a.nd LAT t If:
~brlt){ quiJam, g11i·e,, Iiµliil ·all'Ut/tit11r 1 11utce; an tulit 1 fi ;,,.brts oitnii (uere alio modQ (perhtpt
Indian fpia. . morbo) ficus laborat, radici/;us madidis : Voff."
MACERATE ; either from· Ta••f•"'• """'f"" hinc madeo, lll{ltiidtis: wet, moijl, droppi11.g: alfo
maaro ; to, to wajle; according to Gerard tinEJut:td, and imbued.
Voll'. : or elfe from M .......,, maceo, macero ; to MADRIGAL; " carmtn pojloritillfll inttrprt-
lllOke joft by jleeping, boili11g, /11ati11g ; according tatur; et ab Hifp. Ital. Lat. et Gr. mandra tft-
to If. Voff. jkflitur : Skinn.''-:-b~t the Gr. M"•lf"• literally
MACHINE; " M•X'"'"• m11chi1ia ; and per- is a hog-fly; "locus in quo port:i i11tl11duntur: Vo[,''
haps from . thence mafon: Nug."-that M•X"'"• " fed hoc omncin mibi fcrupulum eximic," con-
and mMbin" have given origin to macbinr, is a t inues S!-inn. " quod, ut opti1ne obfcrvat dot!us
dcriv.. too -evjdent to need a doubt : but that M enagius, apud aut hores halos antiquos fcribi-
Mr.x~rn fu,ould have. given o;igin likcwife to our tur mandria/e :"-liowever, that madrigal tigni-
word mafan, is not altogether fo clear ; as will fies a paftoral poem, or a rural dilly, is evident;
be /hewn under that arr. • for Shakc fpear, in his Merry lflivcs of W,i11df•r,
MACKEREL; "putaot huic pifci nomco ii A.:t iii. fc. 1 , n1akcs poor Eva11-s amufo him-
' mac11lis inditum: Jun."- and cootcquendy de- fdf with this fong,
riv_ed as in the following art. though not frricHy By lhallow tivcrs, to wbofe falls
in the fenfe there given ; but ii mnculis obkngis Melodious birds ting madrigals.
i~ lateribus tj11s apparentibus; for the maclurel is l'vf.lEANDERS, M ...~.J~o,, NLellndrr ; fl•vi/iJ
m11rked With 1111dulating jlreala, r.1tber than /pots. Jji.e Minoris, admodutn jle.<uofus; a riv er i11 Phry-
MACULATE ; .Mvxxa1, li11t<t: nigr.e i11 collo, gia, rtmarl.ahly winding, a11d ferpentine.•
ti .dorfo ajinorum; hinc macula, mac11latus; a mark, MAGAZINE: " Fr. Gall. magazin 1 llifp.
}Jain, or /pot ; iitber artificial, or natural :-this magact n; Ital. 111agazi110; Belg. magaziin: omnia
deriv. fecms ap~licab!c to one' particular n1ark in ab Arab. macbfan ; gaza, tb,/a11rus : D idacus de
one particular fpccies of animals: N unnefius gives Urrea defteftit Hifp. magacen ab Arabico ma1i;u-
us a more general one; viz. macula aDor. K<ZJ.•r, nu111 ; hrn; a verbo haze11e; ruo1uiere; q. d. cor.-
pro K•1'•<, per rnctath . q uod Hefych. exponit ditori11m, apotbeca: dacur et Gr. Barb. May~i
'p. ... ,, [qua/or; any kind of .ftain, or fpct. . ejufdem et fignificatus, et originis : Skinn."-
. MAD: Cafaubon derives it a M'"""• quafi but r"-{•z, which fcems 10 have given origin to
M...r.,,., mad11efs :-and there is great probability all Lhefe words is more a Pcrtian, than either a
in trus deriv. both fro1n found and fonfe : -but Gr. or an Arab. word for a treafury.
our word mad, according to tJ i>t..fee ms to co1ne M AGDA-LEN : if what Cleland has ad-
rather " a M,.1,. ..r; Ical. 1110110 ; from the old Lat. vanced, Voe. 2, and 62, n, that " M"f'" .;
word mat/us ; and from thence, o r from t he Per- ~"-1'•,'•i>• M..11,.;..,, be true, that the word KAA•-
fic word mat, comes. mated :-Ciel. \Vay. 86, 1'''" plainly indicates the appellation 111agfialt11 not
doec not ad mit of this deriv.; .but lhews plainly, co be a patronin1ic, but a kind of epithet : now,
t hat mad, and /col are not on! y fynonyn1ous maagbt tignifying great, and Zena, a courttzan, is
~.erms, buc, notwithfl anding their great diver- it not extremely probable, that you have here
!icy of found, are altually derived from the. the true origin of the word i;;agdtJ/en !"-grant·
fame identica.I root; thus, " 111, fool; wul, wild; ed, as to its tignification; but not as to its deriv.
~vood, mood, mtJd :" - but then all are Gr. ab for maaght, tignifyinggrrat, does not fecm to be
U>..,,, Jj·l-rva.; a wood, or ~vi/1l11eft, Oi wiidtrncft. an original word, but derived;, Mit-"'' mag-11111;
. MADAl'vl, a contraction of 111y d11mt; and <:011- great : and as for /eno, we have already fren,
fequently Gr. under the art. HELEN, chat that is Gr. li kewife.
t¥1AD GE- Ii0\<VLE:f ; an appellation giv'1• lo l\1 AGGOT : " M,.J,ucr, vel;, glaber, dt-
lhl .d<vi ; and may fignify either Jvi1idge the owl, pilis: ratio nem etymologia! continet, quOd in
or bow/j11g Madge : Madge is onl)' a cont ract ion of quotidiauo fer1nooe d icunt· Angli, as naked as a
M"f')'•, Margt1rila : " vu Igo enin1 con(i.iecum wonn: Jun."-but Skinner fuppofes it is derived
dl :inin1alia humani; nomin ibus ;ippellore ; ut a Tcut, made; Belg. mard; Fr. Gall. magaig11r;
latius obfe-rvaturi fmnus voce P ARR OT : Skinn." Ital. 11111gag11a; putredo: v.e l i ~elg. mu;·dr ; me!:
MAf)ID ; " MvJ.. >.io,, humid11s ; vel a M..J~., iis; ct kot, uiviias: quia galbdl forami11i/•u.s m•/!1
A•t ...t.i, ••e+< : Hefych, nan1 quan1quan1 ea vox fere putrilhgiue jlabu!antur.·
tignificat glabrum, ac depilel/J elfe ; ratnen vide- MAGIC ; " Mayo,, magus, 111agir11s ; fag11
tur et poni pro maJ4re, ut apud 1·heophrailum, 11m~11g the Ptrjio11s., tubo wtre dddiflrd to farccry,
N (IC:n ot - x.-c' o'1~v !T.'OJl'Pf'"-
.::'llV.?J " ')'tVf l?-/ ~• : 'r.X.' ')l«f r.~ C.i and arl magic : Nug."-" furely no word wa$
T.;,• i•.~ay, r..-r.•e :
,.,.~~ quen1 locu1n Pl in. lie cx- ever n1orc cruelly tortured than this," fays Cid.
5 Voe.

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Fro~ ~ l !IC., and l:ATIK: M A
Voc •.•80, " out of its fenfe by ignorance, . p reju- · tnl!'rge ~ 6eeom1 .rea~.-powerful ; liren.lly of grelll
d ice, and barbarifin : it confrantly. implied the jiz e, .gigantic flature .
id.ea. of legal autho.rity. : the rid iculous noti.o n MAGNI-LOQyENCE, 1.-1,,,.., , magnus ; «
cif a mage; or magus, being a magician, or/or- Aa>,,.,, loquor .; 'to talk in a bigb1fown, p•plpotU;
cer~r, proceeded principally from that wan , or manner; bomba.ft, and fu.ftian .
/Jough, which was one of their inlignia of office." MAID; " Cafaub. per metath . putat faCtulll"
- but in his forme~ treatifc; 'vVay. 32, he feenlS . ex LJ.,..,,, quafi Mw•I, Jamula ; q uoniam tan1e(\
to derive " magus from may~ic~, the perfon who · conftat Ang!. maid, et Belg. mcyd, pl'in10 ·Virgi-
t ouches with the wa11d; the L atins .a ntiendy wrote nim, et poll:ca J amulam fig_nificalfc ; (prodi1s uc.
i;t majicu!; the man .of tbt law:'.' - but both . Ai;igl. kpy; Belg. ~naep, ct lmecbt, p~ius pllerf1J11,
LA\V and !CH, or NICK, are Gr. : fee HIT: Gr. de111de f11mulum dcnotarunt) retl:ius fortafii,
· M AGISTR,AJ 'E; " l\'l"Y""-t 1r"'e• quali M ..,_,_ ' fiacui1nus maid, CE meyd, defumpta, ex Sax. l)la:-
S:"?• magi;?er, f'!nare nihil aliud, quam :i;,;,., e,.,_ ' beo ; vir:go: ipfu1n vcro 1na:'C>cn f~Ct:u1n ex M.~:
t•1•••., f"apienlem co11temp,latorem, .:}u tumat .ju(. 1,,.~,, curam gero, fo!lici!v.s · fi1111 ; ( a yo!Jog 11·0 ...
~cal."-to· which let 111e add from' A inf-.y. · "quo man who is c~ary of her virtue} non n1odo quod.
quidem etymo paulo reconditiori non tam lllQ- virgines il?fre nunquain non de fuil virginitatt
,.eor, ut doCl:oris notionem ·reCl:oris (fo~ce refli•ris) fint fa//icit,e ;. juxra Ovid : (Mctan1. V. z7) .csn11i"'-
figni fi~ationis pr:epoliam, quum exe111ploru1n mul- terri111 virgineas 111entes ; vermn ecia111 quod ex
t icudine huc "facien cium, cui accedit etia1n Serv.ii fencentia Plauci Epidici, 'Aet III. fc. 3, · 1
autl:oritas, magif/ri noh folum dot!orts aritum: fed - - - -- - non minus potell:
et pagorum, focietatum, vicorum,· colleg iorum, Pud iciciam quifquan1 fua! fervare filia: : :
equitu111 dicantur :"-a miz.fter, or chief; · alfo tbi aliquando tamcn fubdubitavi amion T ijcot. 11111,--
head ruler of a town, (tty, &c.- ihis very fiation, gad, vel magatb, ob vegetuin vir.ent is adh\IC ~ca­
t~erefore, might lead us to fuppofe, that this tide culre vigore1n, referri poffet ad illud vigtt, maget-,
was derived from M1y"'' J\,lfy1ro; , magis, magijler, fire/let: Jun."-thus has this learned, and judi-
i.e. ma.vi111:11, et f11tr1mus pr.cfeflus ; the bighejl and cious etymol. fairly ftaced h~ cipinio{I .: foe .like-.
'hief governor of 11 plaee: or .perhaps majler 111ay be wife MAUTH ER : Gr.
derived from M•r.,e, conjifiarills; a perfon wbo, by MAJESTY; either from the fa~e root ~id1 :
his {ag-.:ily and knowltdgt, is able to diretl orbers ~ magijlrafe; <lr elfe from M1yz>-..•r, majiflas, mag-
and t hen it feems to derive ·a M •.t.,....,, euraw gero, 11ijicus, vt11t rand1u ; magnifictnf, vtntrabk, a11L
togito; a M,J,t, cura, conftlium; (liligena, care,. and fub/imt : - Cleland, \Vay. 33, fays, " majtjl'fls,
counfal: - but If. Vollius derives magifler from co111es demonll:rably frorn the Celtic may-eft, ·or
l\i"'iroe<t, M"''f'f• whatever thofe words may lig- tbe .ftanding May of j11jli&e; tM ma.ft, the polt,
nify :-there is, however, one deriv. more, which the i·opd :"-but May uodoubte~ly_derives a A,• ..,.,:
I mull: hazard ; and· that is from 1v!"'"f• •e••••1•t• l'ty, t)'; aw, law ; ay, may : and b.o th efi and
or M""'e"• s~1 ..1r;, 'f'"''"1": 'Hefych. ftr11iatorn; ma.ft, cmne from Ir-•,"'• uode l.r •;, ma/u's; a maJJ.,
ftarcbtrs, inveftigaJors, and profici.'nlJ in the liberal MAIL; armour: "Junius derives it a G all.
arts and j&ietius; as when we fay, a majler of mt:ille ; Ital. maglia ; 1-lifp. maUa i Dao• . 111allt;
arls. ... . Belg. mfllit ; a.JI fi.g nifying crbiculus, bamus, fibu-
M AGNA-CHi\RTA ; M")"''• mag11111 '; . et la·; lori&a ex hamis, \'el annM!is f i ri·eis confu~lf>. :'"
x ..e?•t, chart a ; the great charter of Englifh lioerty, .;_ perhaps this great critic ~ad the followirJg
c:xtorced b y the barons from king John. palfag c in view; . .
'MAGN-ANll'vlOUS ; Mtyar, magnus; great; . Levi bus 'huic hamis coeferta111, auroque trilice1n ·
~t A>11••r, ani1m1S; fpirit ; great11ifs of mind, noble~ · Loricam. .,.-- ) En. V. 2 59.
nifi off~ul; an gpcn, genirous difpqfttion. · · . Skinn~r, perhaps more properly., calls it " 11mita
~ ~i\.6NET, M"Y'"'• magnes, lapis f err11m attra- Jerrell 1;etic11!a111; omni a a Fr. Gall. maillt ;. "'·" ' ;Ila.
hens ; ab inventore ejos non1i:iis: Pl in. 36, 16 :- rt ti;; it tTialli fe(t:i 111d ( JtfllTlltn rt:tz'sjin1iJit:ttJ.zJ1e ;'·'-
potius, fay L itt. and Ainfw. a magnejid L ydire re- the only' point now is co fettle the word macula ;
gione, magnttum quia fit patriis in finibus ortus: " which juxca Nunnelium," fays Vo fi: " per
Luer. 6, 909 1 'ibi enim, cil'ca fierac!eam 11rbem, roeiach. lit a Dor. K.-.J.1r, pro K •~•» quod H efych ..
prim1im inve11tus eft ; uhde Heradi11s dillus; the CXJlOnir ·p~or , tilor al.,.X~'" ' >' :,~41'~ :'1 and IC. Voff,
/oad-j1011e, or magnff, wbi&b has th.e power of at- gives us ivf:.1':"~• , li;tftt.' 11ig 1·4 i11 co!lo, dtJrj o, pedi.-
lrafling ·Iron, and pointing the mari11e1"s needle to /Jujqut rJinorum ; JPots., flai11s, o r }fr eak.< ; - tl1c
fhe north, with ~ ji~alf '1Jari11ti.1i t.• tb'e ea.ft or w ejl: l.atins ufed their word macula in the fcnfe likc-
-th.ere are artificial maJr.n<ls. wife of IUIJ, Or tbe majhn oj llef! .
et <II"'" fio; to
. ..
· l\1AGNI-FY .. ; !i·h y.,, i\1A'IL f or lellers ; " M o>,>,o;, v dlus ; for fre-
. . mag1111s;
.. :e que ntly
.. J

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M A 1iom Ga1l1t, MA •
~ittiy. tiiliiti t#,1~ maJl oi ·buifls ftins wiih 1/Je ~ALE-Fie, Mr>.r-fuw, tli4k·fio,f4flul; lo" II J
lo 4fl ill 1 deadly.· ·
hair on : Nug," ·
· MAIMED:; ' ' ;..,.,.•.•, anrus, man<us, vltiutlf NfAL£-YOLENT, M1>.i-X.., 9i>.w, volq, vi-
;~Ml?, · &e.: VolT." lam'e i11 tht lirms,fcet, &c. /i'iltia' I will;· iflc'/iN'aJio11 i t'Uil-intinl, if/. Jiftgn,
· '-"!ft}IN-for(f, "M"""'" pro magnq1 feµ ingtnii~ MA'l:.IGE : M•>.ior, ~•.or, malw, t11aligriiii 1
vox Fhfygiaca : Caf;iub." t o do il"J thing with t'llll, witkttbit{I> 'illjllfy.
ilflgbt ahtl main, with all 0ttr power. . ; , . M~J;;KIN 1 a ftairious name, derived aMl>(•~;
l,\1AIN-fta:; " ll>l•y•.. cliK•"•••, magn11m 6cea7111i#· i " M;/Na, MArf.; unde Mall, et Moll,. cum ter-
l ht mighty ~ttdli ; Upt." . minatiOilc diininutiv.:t kin i, q. d. niafi~la, jinic11-
MAJN-TAFN, derived lrom'. ~.!,if, et T&'>i.\; 1#1! · pem:illiiii, .J~• 411_'!~ ~s iletergii : Ski.nn.:
'' ;na11U-tttttrt; i. C. aj[wtrt,. tutari, t onjtM.•art; .- " qui fc. oJlluttm an<ill.e pt:.e./f'al, J11q, furnN1"
Jun." ·lo 11.ffert, tlifend, p.olt!I, prtft1"'11t. . l'VrrriJ .' Lye :" - and !low uftd co figni(y iznJ
MAJORITY; Mir.Z;, MHe<-1•, miijn-;jrt~ttr, illr'? drab ; and fomc'times even a fiare-u01D, jil
wit!\ reference to power, authority, ·magnitude, :•P 111 thl fieklt ; and commonly called a illai«iii..
t\umbcr : hen·r;e mayor~ a magi~r~te. . . • MALLARD : Skinner acknowledges this word:
M AKE; " M?l.X'"''°'" M•x"'•"'"*"'• llia<hinari ; (o be derived " il Bcl'g_. fila1aerd; lafcivw; mal/t11 0
to dm~rive, fbrm : Cifaub. Jun. and S.kinn."- /efdvire 1 quia· fc. ijto a'tlis vizldt lafiiila tjf :
E>r perhaps k would' be beirer to derive make with ma/1-tierJ autem manifeftc a ditto malltn 1 ec aerti,
Cid, Way; 5-i.. where he f~ys, that " the Celtic 11atura, ortum dudt 1 q. d. ingenio, feu indole kzj~
ak is ra'Bi~at to m&kt, 61' ago:":-but tl\ey all fec1n tivus ; mall/Ii autcm a norn. ma/; infulfar, petulans,
to coine itb,Ay·..,, aj-o; egi, at(um; make, malit, or /'t1fcivus; hot forte ll' Lat. mollis :"..:....bur mo/Iii
. Jont: MAKE, when ft fignifics ma1rb, comes" i itfdf is derived ii" Ma>....,., mollis, tjfeminatus; oj
Sax. _lll<lc:l, a ~t~ afr .equal, a <otnpa11io11, ronfort, , a fuft, tjfemintzlt, lttftiviOus, tba1t1011 dijpojition.
#iiltt; Ray :"-at !aft he has given us a "!'Ord, MALLET; M•ti•r, M ..;;.., ma"t11s, malkus;.
whicll feems to be die original of all: only MATE .a hammer, beetle; vd it M..>-«••r, 11101/is., a mol/i-
ha·ppens· co be Ge: · .. e11tlo l lo faftur tbt /Jardij] bodits by blows,andj}oui
MAL-AD-MIJ:l:ISTR-.A:tlON," Mihl•r, x«••r, bzo,ks. ·
niallts; bad ; et lW1tiioi, parvus ; hinc miJtor ; et MAI.Lt-SON, contracted from Mf>-•-T<•Ofl.
111liiijltr; a milflt>S; ut ii magis, magi.fter; unde ·malt-fa~us.; i{f-found; iii-fame; bad-reptttalio11; in, qui a i11i11or eft doinino; millijlro, 111i11ijlra1io; contrad1!bncl:ron co ·b111i-Jo11; gootl-fame.
611 a~te11dt1kt, or. ferviu. . MALLOWS,. or rather malows; M"J'"X."' ma-
M •.\LADY, M'""'""'"• mollifies ig114v.a, morbus lacbt; malv a.; herba emollitndi vim habcns ~ the
ft1idam ; " diflaft, tliftnnper, ai/me11r. · hc~b fo called, of a joftcning quality<
MALA· PER'f 1"M""'"-"''f'.-v•r,1rte•11•;, mala- MALLUM·mote: Ciel. \Vay. 8 5,. under.· the
pro<aritas, prourvia ; fttptrbi'a, "' pulcbritudint art. fal/l;w, tells us, that " the mallum, or mal-
ortA ; juxca illud Ovidii : Fa{t. I. +19, low, differ~ from t he wit1e11a-gpno1, in that cbe·
Fafius i11tft pulchris,ftqui1ur9ut fuperbia formam. firlt was the ge11tra! aucmbly of the whole na·
Cafaub. and Jun ." a pride, and ba.ughtinefs, arifing tion; the other only of the principals of thc-
from ptrfanal ptrfetliGns. . . . . land :"- the former,. thci:eforc, infteaa of f/llt•·
M ALE., mafr~lsnt; Ae~r, Mars; unde mas, m~~is, rd/, rnighr ha"e been. called tht. grealrr... or ~ore·
iwafr11l11s; 111t1fauline_,. contrafted to malt: R. An••, nun1ero11s a1fc'mbl¥ of d\.e peopl'e 1• and the laucti
forli~, virilis; ma11lJ.,flout, (ouragtbus. tbe leffer affe111bq, not of the peopfe, who are bf ·
MALE fpot>or-jlmn; "Sax. mfl!l, et ma!; ma,uJa; far th.e more numerous;. but, as he,. of the·
Goth. lfltlgan eftjcrilitre: Ant. Bric. magi. ell"'""''"; princip:lls· of. the land, w'ho undoubtedly·were the
qu~ ta1neil vox forte a Romanis mutuata: Ray:" . fewer in. number : lbt ma/l.~~m,les then,, beln~
- it is n1orc probably a Gr2'cis mucuata ; as we 'the gr1t1ttr- ajfrmblfes, v.ery naturalfy aerivc a. Mt•
h'avc feen, under th~ arr. MAC ULA.TE: Gr. .y,.,, m;:gnu.:t; unde major,, cone ratted· to. mar; ma/0
MALE-CON-TENT, M1>.1-..,.;w., ......;;, Ion. mailrim.
• T'""• rtnto, undo ; quoniam qulJI arCle tt11t111us; MAL.MS-BURY, as CJ~I. Vnc. 38, veryjulfl)!'
tiuodammodo tend/mus.; continto, coRttnlu.s; ill·co11- obfer.11es. " is buc a contraalon of MJtllums.-b119,
l t11t; ·difp/.{aftd', diffetiifit/1. or place of jultice. r.elati ve to tGt v~at malllltlf,.
MALE-DICTION, MU\"/",.j,I'-', JAE.,, dico, :or p<>jiulal' convention held ill.the fields of Mm&b~
ilitlio; a·bad t."Prtj/ion, an il/-fayhig. and oC Mat;. and con11.enient for. that.great con-
MALE-F AC1'0R, MtJ.,..,,e;.rv:.1, /ado ;, rre.,.~­ llux of the various nations,. or. .!hires.-0f Biiuin_,,
··~. fa!lor ; a dotr:, agtnl ~ " aQtr of t.'Uil duds ; co thofe plains., wM:rc are ftill io. be facn. rho(e
~ wqrkJr: pf wiclctd11tft. · ·ilupcndo.u~ ren~ of. w i:Cniotdt aniiq~ity.

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M· A
fWf ,.ptol,>.al>ly tp ~~ii:qll'\id$ .of ~gr,R!• i!l:l.d ~k.iJu1~r, Yt:re p~or}.an~ milites rcgi1_ ~1~tJ.-
. certainfy .~ootriy.c,d for ,a Q?~ch no'?lcr \Ne :"- .q1,1~, cU:m {>rius .c gentc .C:ir~a.ffo!"'i~ ,~rfi ~~·
1t.b.e .latt~r of t(iefi: ll.R.fc!"~t19ns w11,J J)e moft i ~t lJ.I;n, _ct' fatcJhuam .Pnn_c1.p1s"'~"· Cf.!J!ll
read1fy acknowledged to be JUft, w)l~t_; th.e i .t'\(ldt_r;n S,vlc11~9 per tuqiuJt':l?' occ1f~, ~fil'P:t'U.~·
,,f9r91f r Jn.ay: th.e 8!>ov,,how_cv~r, 1s .Gr. : .A.rab1am, S.r~·~m.• ~~ J".al~ft1.n;1rp1 cle~o 5.~/\\?;
. P.;1,~M,!JTIU.S ·: C.lel. V:o.\:. J.81 ,M d 14.8,. rum npmero ~e~~· d1µ Jr;npe.n o ,tenl!t'11n.t: M~­
,P)r.nily ,PrQve.s, that ~he (~!J10ll~ ·" J)11,-i11~J~o Mal-: n~ius· ~b Ar?b. alt11(111}t1Cb ; ferJ1.11f t1Ptiti1u, !le.-
.mutiui, ..a Britith king, atid legiOa;or, ,accqrdiiig ; ftc'c~l:it : nimis eff'e1n . criticus~ e.[ 'E.""WJ,trk ;,(J' fi
,tP' pµr an,lJ$.Rt ~iftoril\.11~' i.s nothing more than ! .ded~•.c~~m ~ :l>f~~>-ur.•'°''. /9rof• J!!!/ii.. '.•
,~ .i)~/ltra,..~~n ~f '!¥~~.IJ!•IJ, o.r pop11l~,r affe1!J- l eerie .\lh J1wn~nes, utpq \e ya\4c fmffgn1 ,'il,!,,­
'lh; =,~pd c~nf~9ue_n~)y .wall t~e the{a1n.c .&nv. , ,9/i, J};e,lft;qr11w1 .h#iffs /uis ~er_rJ~!,ft1.i.f1;
w1uch IS Gr. 1 ru1J1 :' .,...,,10 lupp,orr tt,e .Dr. ,ho~e:'.e.r, u.n~er 1h,t
, .~AL~PI,IB-P,ENS.E, ff!!Z.1-prep.t~fa .a 111aJ-pr.e- ; i;;M.../..'""'•• we .fl.l~Y. fupp?fe, t~ar .. though tfie
'Ji1!j/to.i 111h1ch, thou~h .L11dcton and AmfwQrth G1ecks .thell'lfdyes might ~11ow 110,1h.\ng .of th~e
~. 11,s, Jignifies. only (o ba11g.4w1i b..tfqrf. may fieru-doing ft/lows ; yet it' is p9ffible, ~hat p,f.
in' a" ~ciaphoric~ fcnfe, fi'ghify .a 111iig../¥~g, ~r ter~.gener1Ati!)nJ m!gbt gi;;c :~~~a,; a ·9~~~ .~2pef­
~'Wfid/ri11g 4 .114h.elJ ftfor,e5a,nd; or ptl111g from 1 lauon, though tlicy \\'.er~ <ingmally of Circam~n
.4/ifJit, int.en;, .dtli/Jtr,11tiqJ1; and thcp fll°pl-irtpel!fl! .Qr Arabian cx~Cl:ion; ·a nd confcquently die J)r:;.
~itlAg_ni(y "fl ill-it11,qi1io11. · 1 deriv. may be right :....:.though Clel: Yoc. 114,
~1 : ~r. Jul). puta.t .clI'e pcir• ~; it..>.- l .who wriccs tbccn·.in~l!l<d...t~j, fays, chat "'II!" is ,oc:.
J~a; IJ'I~ !lfo.Ui!; ~111.e.9r}.Kr.P.,1HJ.fh !jiu /11;.pr , ! <:~f!9nally con-:c~t.c.d .~'\to {am; ~nd is exprc(livc
-~P':lr!?.8 a'!a .Ski11~r .f1,1.~fe it to b~ ~ehved il. of /11.flt11an~e, or .flfl«ifo.'/!l!f't (f1 l\!~1".I!'"> !~1 M ..;... ...
;i¥.~. 1p~,ah:} l!,911if4{1f1m:; i ..~. wulteJ; aQd co.n- ab~v~) it is ra!licrJ t? /f1l!lif( ,; ~o.!'.Wf':.·'lf.:il.J~., i. c.
:fcR.Y.c;ll,C~ ~enved fro1:n :M1>.l11, or ;+i1>-lw ·frQm 1 i 1nt1,,,.a!~k.11 fuch jlS wc~e r;;unci;I a.t the .king·$
.i:Qc,al't'., ~t Js, ,the Grc.ej{ fl'Qcn t~e S.&l'Qn, ori expcrice :, m,ai11~en.ance; ,and ma~'· li'!g.
Jhc S!l.XOD from the Greek: •• p,ar.1 9u,o.q11c ra- 1 MAN, A. ...f• quafi M"'"f• bomo ; ma11ki11il; tt
~llQl)C.~!g. 'f'.qlJ,/ ;v,id~d ):1oftft t;l.'\~Q'¥11~.Qitatc;m l bU111flll tT(OIUrt. . .. • . . .
J\a~e ·~W" ;rcut. (119.ll{fTRI; lt111r,1, mq//1re, 111a.- J MAN, (~tjjlt; .9,r" Mqna," ~c<;o~c\~ng. to C.lel.
Ftr.a,r1: ;JPn."...;. ;i.11 ~hich ·":1.isJ;it' ~~11c~ us .t~ 1 Y~. 17.,9, " is but a c,qr~uption 9f 1119~n-tj! . t~c IJ!(rjl!lt(i ,b].P,rtf.pi_'!g· I

1penv.e ,mall a M<l;>,'!x><, mpl/is; , fetPg .f!!•(J, Pl!P' .111~nj1.n--iJ!.an,d ; . fl.9i:n the l!l'J.11• .llffJ.111, or f!l!df/er,
· · · · · ,antiendy bµilt. UJ;lOD .jt :':-:-:~?nfcque.~d,r G.r. ·: f~
b4AIJ'I'.A, ''.P.f1>.•1fl,Mtlita ;.1111.if/~;,l~r;im 1>f1Ju, MINS1.ER: Gr. · ·
:,i.., flit!; as much ·~ ~o fay, ~lr~iT\••• r;irt{ift!IP : I Mji.N-ft.MJ,11!: "~....<. ft.rv{Js, famul1u 1 fie
_N'ug::.:...,.11u//jjlµo,111 '; .'/lo'l!J.i!Jg' ,bO~fl· I jtMJi 'VOtan~lli; . fif.~"\h rel M•!•<, J~rvorum nom~11
,M~L-VE~St<.T~O~; . J\.Ji~·-~e·'!~ .. fll!i\li _..,•e1w.-, .~P.lfd Pf;_r/_g.ts' C.a r'\u):>. ~~d. Upt.'.' f fQf.l j(11/fr• "
rflf4ftr 1JlT,fO, :Utrfat10 ;.J/Je..fb.aflliflll,d.tftrl1i;g ·" (4/1.fe;i (patb·.~11, II b1t1!l/· tna11. · ·
,1;1r.11i11g.tbe baik to it. · · " • · I· .MAN,i\GE: ,after ' ~roc\ucirig feveral · '!"ords
.;M'~MA i. i;i"t':I""• vel M'"l'I""• v~es,.quib~s! fi~in' langu'Jk~s, 51<.if!ner. fay~, . " .01nnl;i. ;ii.
cJ>Uei,1 . ct ~n(a~tu,li ·,llfl!(r:''f'!, ,,vcl .al!Jm .(eqiin;im, yat. ina~s :"-b11t ina11u1 .itfe_lf_is., ~r.
im~te p~ovcfr1orcm, .app_cl.b11t 1 av1a; .p .mot!Hri .MAN-CHESTER: "Laumfed U?tO M1111-q1-
1zr,a,•t/."'Fo.Jktr, &c. J11am.11ta 1' ~bt kfe'!lf, ,Qr •illty 11i11111 ; a~? confequen~\~ .<!trived," fays Cl~l.
,11'iffels. .V.oc"< 6.7, fro~ ma.n,, J!!l1.fl" m,qn; Jlsnr ; and '"ne,
.. ~MON, "11"1."~''., vel :M.'"l"I'"<•~<, v~x Syr. 'J#, k.]m, .kon, 1011i11g; hfad:" - ·and yet, iri ~he
~tnflf!' ,·,4i.v (lie; . lfll~ll!lf!011; ·'•JJ(Jq/tf11tfs; ,tll~rfl" precedi qg p~ge; '.hi! feerris to .~erive Cbcjltr fro\n
~ti.of 1111r.igblt.ou./l'tfs'. · · ·" :k!.ft, .or thtfl ; and ir 1 .ro1111d '. lapis·c~r~11m-ru.J1.o-
i MAMMOTS: "t(l((IUl./ie.P•l•/'<'!1"< ft ,tnnmo" .ti1pu; tbefonfluary-ftone, C?r a/1-ar: this i\.!in·liJ-
~~tJJ{ts, ~t {\qiiolarum· ioftar, Qf'!ln~s qumapos ic- ,er w.011ld .t~en' not forced\y, according to the gc- ·
=~us Jtni(4111ts: .1111de . ti 710171(1i: J 1111.''- thcn he · ni\is of the anticpc).anguage, give Minfttr, /lf;'iit-
~Jlioµld ha'lj'e giv~n .us th)lt ·n;iine; which, ac· 'bejler, Ma11,bejler, .d11ta}ltr, &c.''~confequent-
~ cording to his own e11planation, ;fl'.lilY be \)educed ~y :an Gr1 " ''
; a.¥•/+'•l'"'•.imilor;_imiJa/ors• 'flOc~trs1 i,·~·.puppeu: ,MANfHET; M...-.-.., 11-f«e.,, . M«~I.,, s111111lo ,
MAMMU LUCKS: frgm ne1the~ ·th1s, .nor the T!'llJltl11ca1µs; 11.hyJbmg to b,e talfn, ,J,w1J, cba>1JP,I:
• Fr• .Gall, m4mm11f<1 .(perh.aps 111amf1!t/11e) oor the .boih Skinri~r and Lye have given us a .different
·~,ltal. mq111111t(11ub, w9uld it 1?c pqffible to trace derjv.; .viz. a Fr. Gall. mfrhetlt, micht; hoc dim •
. 1>ut the ctym. of this word; Jet'llS ·tben hear the . a Lat. ,,,;~;,; q. d• . mi'"'" ; p1111is ra11JiJi1r, '. 11
·:D.plaqatipn of it; .lbt.,mplflll!f'!"'~f> a.cco~i!ini ~l":.i" :-~t . '!Fre oply pto . be' withed! they h,ad
p ~ · noc

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M A Fro1n GR EI! x, and LAT r !(, M' A ·
not given' this interpretation to it; b ecaufe can- over his body : - however it might paf$ welt
'tlidipr,<t purior rdatc td quality and good11tfs ; but eno\Jg~', if we had not the form.e r d~riv. . ;
"Jif."• and mitula relate to quantity: befides, even ,MANIAC 1 M"'""; ~f~"'I'"'• 111Ja111a, mamaau:;.
'.mica, and micula are Greek, and . originate ii
1'!.•x•r, Dor. pro A11xecr; pnrvus ; l11tk, /mall;
fr ?l.11tic, 111ad. , '
·~1ANICLES, M"'"' vel Mr.•""" unde 1'!"'"'"'"1,
but riot . ni<e :. a mancbet indeed may be n1ade · ma1111s, numi«c, arum ; ha11dcuffs ,fetters for tbt bands_.
.'!fr~; but it muft be lillle and /malt, to give a MAN I -FEST; <J>,..,w, •l>°'"f'"• luceo; "'""'I'"'•
J!l.fln.efs_t~ its etym. app11rco, manife.ftus jt11;;; apparen!, open, v_ifi.~'f :"7
M·~\N.ClP.'\:1'E; M< .,•r, vel M"'""» mancipo; "fed forfan," fays If. Votr. " a Ml>w.. , M\1>0{,.,
1111111ttps ~ quafi ma1111-ceps, quod 11'01111 capiat; ex 1\'l~11t16fc}', "'ll:l<.ie manifejlu11' : R. ~i""vw, indicO,
f1111i1tipi11111, hoc eft in dominum (perhaps demi· cerlior~m fa'cio, dec!aro ':'' - and this fccms by
"ili11m) alterius trado, vmdo, obligo, vel q11ovis much the .m.o re probable .deriv.
111odo alieno ; uncle e111ancipo ; to Jet al liberty ; MANI-PLE, Ma.>•r, vel a M"'""'• tnaniju/111,
difmifs from jer'l.Jitudt ; to give 11p all right aud per contract. ma11ip/11S; quod 1iiat111m pleat, i. e.
title. to 111ry thing. . · imp/tat ; a h1111dful, or /mall quantity; al(o a cotit-

tttando_, 111a11datum ; a royal qrder, command, 01·

. l'vlANDAMUS; ·1..1.,,.,,., indico ; M"'""" ,.......1.,, . pafJy, or bar.ff of foldiers._
MANN A, M"""' " Chaldaic, or Hcbr. and
"_'· :

commiflion; beginning with this word, J.fti11dmn,11s; fignilies a parcicu·l ar food, with which the chil"-
We i01111n1111d you, &c. · dren of Ifrael wer.e 1ntraculoufly 'fed _in 'tbe J"ilcl'-
M AN'DRAGORA l" ~f..,Jf""l''e"r, a ki11d of fa- ernefs : there is alfo aootl!'e r fort of manna b,rough,t
MAN'DRAKE S porifcr~us plam: Nug." 'from Arabi.a-, which is ufed in phy!ic, and' is nr/-
~---- , J\Ol poppy, nor 'mandrng/Jra, thing elfc but t he crums of iilce nfe; ~ug:~4
' Nor all the dro wfy fyrrups of the world, other w·ritcrs tell \is"it · is the juice of th~ w'llice
Shal l ever incd'cinc thee 10 that fweet fleep acacia, a fpec'ies· of th'Orn, whofe bark is wound-
· '\-Vhich t,hou· owedft yefterday. · en . in the months ,o ( J uly,. A_uguft~ and Septcm:-
. OcheUo, Act. HI. fc. 8 .. ber, anfi the iffi1ing fap, infpirfated br. the hea.t
MANE of o horfa; )tJni~s, Poflux, and Cafaub. of the fun~· ~ecomes. mmma: another ·fpe~its ~x.­
deri\•e it '' a M.a..~t:r, vel M~J"O(, XO~fl-.O f, 1rre'7eo:.xt1- fudes from the. trunk and'lcavcs of th.e alb-tree
A10~ · : '',.:..__c c a1ii J)lJt ant :orttJ1l'l traxiffe · ex M">'o'r, in Calabria'{ and D'r. 'Hilf'tells u·s, chat ·t he lincfl:.
' /c:<ta: quod effitfa q11odmn111odo, et laxa de co/lo fort of manna is (hat wh1ch'oozrs naturally- out of.
a<fiu'aJ ·: J un ." · the comely 01·namelzt; or becaufa it; the leaves of the alh, in the month of Auguft. '
.fl•up loofa, and luxurjant. . · · !'vlANNER.S: " 01nnia. a· Lat. mairus ; q. d.
. .J'.4.A.NGER ; 1.fa.-.-,.,, ~1.. e..,
mi111il:<co; to edt '; a crib to tat cut Of.
M:i..ctw, inand.o, ars 1han11:s' tra&'w11di; feu potihs mmr:u' hu( il!tlc
inler /oqutnd111n n1ovu1di'; maxima enim urbani•
" MANGEY ;' "Fr. Gall. 'manger; edert ; cu/em; •tatis, imo' 'facundire, pars. en· ilfa lepida x..e...
r·ni.m exedit, et erodit icbor file Ja!fus Jeabiei aulhor: ·"•"'"'•quo vigorcni., et q"andam mucan1 emphai'i'n
" Skinn.''-who, ns a phyacian, may be commend- verbis addimus ; ct ca animi fenfa, qua:- li ngu'a
_. ~d for his defihition ; but /as an etymologifr,_cen• non auingit, mamt cxprimimus,, ct in eorum, qui-
fnred, . for'not crat ing this . word ,up to .the Gri buf~un<luc 9.erfotpur, mentibus qua(\ reniciJ~O·
· •••. ~<.J, ll.·f:'S~, ~1~.,.~~, · tnai1do; undC: ."1~ngey; deptng11nus : .S kmn.''- the ·p ropriety o a11 rb1s
·:11ere i .fo eat; . f~gn~w into tbt.fl.rfh.' . · . · ! '. . ·obtl:rvati'on, every one will' atlow ;· bur ·If \voufd
:.. M'ANGLE;.!'11>v•r, pa'."V!IS; unde Mwv9w, 111iJl1/o \ . have been far more fatisfacco~y, if the Dr. had
lo ~11;11ict .; llO<le 'Belg. n11ncJ:en-, mn1cken, 1nancktn:t been Jefs profufe in his definitions, and more at-.
.. flla ngelen: Skin ner commends M inlh. for deriving tentive to his offi,ce as an etymol. by giving us t~e
: mangle a11~a11cus, mar.t1t!us, mattc«la;t :-:they would proper deriv: oft.h is word ; for mamts is certaiiily
h ave· rnented .grcacer cd mn1endatton, 1f the y· had not ,an ·o riginal word :_:what then, mar. ir be_fai~,
. ei th er che111 ,tr~ced·o11 t tha t"-':'ord to its tru~ origin; had · the J:atins no ba1ids, till the Greeks. came
· let me do it'by the help df'Volli\Js, as he has'don~ a_mong 'che~ 1ye~._ undo\1btedly, as '":ell'~s 6ur Bri·
• by thn' help' of ()thers: "' mancus, 'inquit l fidorus, u!h anceltors, before the Saxons and G auls.came
cit mm:u a11e1u: . e \i~1n Glolfa: Philoir. nnC1ts 'eft among t hem; but as the anti'ent Bridlh word for
· 11uineu.1, ••~.c;, ~"e!r.c : · hoc fi placet, proprie a hm1d is loft, arid t he Saxon alone . remains;
. mantlJJ dicetur a ~Jifi(J . C 'ltbiti, qt1i Grrecis ~A: fo the antienc Latin word for a hm1d is loft, and
i\yxt4:.- : f! 11c11.i •(l.:rO ~ii .A.'>'%~';~~; . q11i ~d:1nc.u111 ..'br'a- riza11111 alone remains; which Cafaubon derives: a
1bimn babel, iii ~xparf'tgi_ ·11011' pq/fit : '_._ fo that K.ti~l(i>.o~; artfcuiu1 ; a k11r1cklt ,•Or joi111: cc ~go· rnal·
ftrifrly (peaking ,. 111ancus is· .a perfon who ·has " lem," fays Skinner himfelf, \JOdtr the art. hanrj,
/amt, . or withered arm ; and · is ·not 111a11gleJ all "ax,.,;"'"' Xa,J,,, ' apiQ, vel capaxJum; fed neucri,

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From G 1t z't "• and LAT 1 M. M A
- ut etymo,. fid~· :"-to. .be fure, becaufc it . was minimc prretcreundum duxi, quOd paucis notani'
Greek, and not. Saxon1 or Bclgi.i: :-howcier, we vocis originem crederem : Cafaub."-now ap-
havc feen ano1her 'deriv. o( · the word band; plied only ad tranfverfmn illud lignum, quod
whic)\ 1night have pleafecl the Dr. bctr:cr : but fuftinet anteriorem partem cnmini: Idem ,_that
with regard to our prefent word m1m11er1, it might piue of timJ,er, which fupports tbt fro11lifpiue of
perhaps be better to deduce it a M"tor, 1Jl()lfi1, tbt cbitnllf.J•.
#Ii/is; 10 be rttideref! .mild, mid ge111le; faft, and MAN'fUA-maker, M..,;.,,, et iv1.. v/u,., penul.o
l ratlab!e. · · g111111; a· ltitld of -coal, or doalt,
MAN-CEVRES; this is a true French diftor- · MANUAL; ~-!'"'' ct rr• .,,, opponuntur;
tion of 111anlls-r;pera; i. e. M""'' ct ,,...,, undc 111011111, riim paffa, dtd11flaq11e 1 pu1;n111 auttta, <'inn
op111; bantlicrafls, txploits. doefa; ab illo autem 1Na1111m, ab hoc pugn11m
MANSION, M1~, manto, 1/fan/11111; a 111a'lfit111, dixcrunt: the balfd .wbni open; tbtfifl wbtnjbut:
babi1a1io11, dwelling. ~ANl!-DUCTION, M ...,,.,,..,.,,, mana-
" MAN-SLAUGHTER: Verll:."- who fup~ tlfl!lus; let/ by the bar.ti.
pofes be Sax.; and it is indeed cterived to \is MANU-FACT URE, M.,. ..,_ ..t"'•7•r, manil-
. through that cKanncl; ·bt,1t we lha)l·hcreafter fee faflus; made 6J ba11d, handy-fro/I, balldy-w•rk.
that the words SLAY, and SLAUGHTER, MANU-MISE, M"'"_,..,9,.,..,, ma11u-mi1to; 11111~
arc Gr. ' 11u-t11if/i•; a d!finijjing /1·~111 tbt bo11d, or 111altilfg 11
MAN-SUETUDE; ~!""''• vel M••v"" et Ev.,, ftr1Ja11t free; I• i11fra11,.bijt, or fat bi111 at liberty;
Evcw, f11U,j11L1utl• ; ad manum a/TuttMS_ ; trai11;d lo a Cl!ftom amo11g the Ro1nans. •
the band, acrojlomtd 10 61 bnnlkJ, 1; c. rendtrt~ . MANURE: "omnia i11ftlnuopcrando: Sk.ino."
111ild, gtnlle, tami. · · . ~nilri-ua1ion . of faJJd; 311 improvement in agri-
MAN flCHORA, commonly, but erroneouOy culture brought in by tbt band:- and confequcotly
written, and called a 111a11-1iger; tho' derived from the Dr. ought to have given us the Gr. deriv.
M•o1•X"'f"h " m~ittitbo;a; be~ia qu:eda1n hor- .~ANU-SCRIPT:. M..,...,..f.,, manu-fcribo,
. rencla ; a bca!l: 111 }n~IJa, .ra_ving ch rec rows.. oij ftrip111m; ·a band-Wrihfig. "F . :
teeth, the face bf·a man; rhe bqdy of a lion,- · MANY: both :Ver!l:. and Skinn~ Cuppofe this
and prcyipg n1uc~. o~ man's flelh ;" according tao word to be Sax.; 15ut then the Dr; (after quoting
Pliny: ma1ititbura is~pfopcrly •an India n word nine diffcr(nt wores from the Sax. ·Belg. 'feut .
• - " 1h.c Gr(cks and Ro1n~n~ (f"ys Edwards, i~ his> Fr:inco-Thcotif. and·· Dan. 13ng.) fpoils all by
Canons of Criticifm, p. 15.5) both adopted it ;1 ad~in~, "omn!a credo ii Sax. 6e1ne~;s•n; ~j(err·;
~nd whether we b<?l't'owcd 1t from thefc, . or.the ub1 cni.m. multiJ1111~, e) qu.eiam bo111111JlJ#·111ifttla :"
l ndians, .we 'are not .anfwcrable for the prq1>r1ctyl -llut H 1s· hard that the Dr. could not difcovcr
of its dcriv. :"- "however, il'is cvid(nt, thar both rhat" his Sax. ;seme1i;san might be derived a
the Gr~cks and · could n1>t pollibly un~ ·lvl"l''""''; 111/ftt•; 10 mingle, or blt11J in one; as·
dcrftnnd it i'n the f<nfc of the co1npound "'"!'-: 'wh~n n ma11y, or n ·multilude tntel tor;ttbt.,. :~how,. .
J~~er ; ~hich is 'plain fro~u their ·~~~'ncrof\vriring. ·:vcr, if . this d~r<v. lhould not. 'be. approved,.
1l11s wprd, .M'""7'?'"f"''• ~t, 111(1n(lfhorn; f?r ."!.''11 : C3fo~bo~ h's g!vcn \l9. anot.h cr; vii .. ,,,,~y· a
here, bod~ in Gree~, and l.attn, cannot fignify/ M......,, 1 which, though 11. llricUy fign1fies j.'W,
111 a11 in Engl~rb ; ncirher. can titbora' rigni fy tiger; yer, as he very juftly obfc~ves, non d~lft eic-
thcrcforc that deri.v. muft be wrong ; · :is much as empla vocabulorum in 01nnibus fortalfe Jjnguis,
it would be to. fuppofr~. that Ma>lf"l"'t"• or' man- aliquorum, fed in Grre:a non paucorum, quz
Jr11,gora, could 'gi~e oriJ~i_n tu a 1Nan-tlragon, ,,..crt- ·contrarias re-, aut aaiooc~ lignificcnt.•· .
there any focfi aminal hvutg. · . MAP of tbe world; " a ntt1ppa ; quontam cit
. MAN1'1.E,ercl4fk; " )1:1...J.,,,, , vel M,.,;.,.·,J!t!fttl"' ·expanla, inflar mapp"': Jun. and. Skinn."-but
_ •gema : or ~lr7 'from ·ry.?,.11'."'~ pa!lit1!ll' :' R. E.,, 1!1d110,: :neither of ~hc:in have gone any•fort her: I(. Voffius .
tho authprs ll)fim:c Larm1tnt1s make ufc of the. ·however will kelp tls 10 the tn1e erym. " oino100
word mmtteil: ihe Span iards call it 111a11111m; ·cft 11111ppa ·a M..~~,., l""'Y''' ,.. • .,,,.,., et 1'1"''Y"•·
q uo..! man111 tt•al t:911111m, fars lfidorc: (ci rlrat ~-r.. F., 110de mllJlpa:•
the word migh~ very weU be of a L atin origin, MAPLE-tree, fay~ Skinner, " ·non incommode:
. fays Nu~."-ihen it could h3vc no _clamc:! ac- .dt'Cl.uci potcft· ii. Lat. a_111abili1 ; acer enino, .rrz-
cording to the Dr's. own conc1·ffion, 10 :t !..:•fl o( fortun ~cc:~ m~!~s _lanfoh~~· an1CC:uffi1n1s, ct.
word~ derived' from the Greek: but hap- pulcherrinu~ folus- a n:uura 1nllniClum. efr:"-
11ens to be of' Gr. e.xtraCt. but now amabilis is Gr. .
l>lfANTLE·tru:" Iy. ,.,1~nf, lignum, q11od ad MAR~AN-A'I'H-A· : lince Cle!. VOc:. t~lt.,
,antilltndos parietes ill medio j/rttfl11r.e poni111r; hoc allows thi5 word. to. be.. of che f:lmc deriv. with
-,M · .rA . ·J°':l'O!ll ~ R•ll,E f..> ""1d \{. A,.'1\ 11'1·
r#llillf~ :p. 4, it .ttilr ,Qc: a~celfar,y .~e only to
obfe:n.e. -drat JMT is. l>ut ,an ad_!liti11l\al ,ciraulll-
,aancc..for ;gr,.ttll., ,or 1111Jlh~r gr<:.-l>I~,; !igpif.ying :tb1
.'XNaltr .:prje, ,or erqdl111111t11ic1llio11 ; .~ always
~mplird .rhe dcfervjng ·of .d~<1Ui : 91\ly kt me ~b ·
fervc, that 11Jar feems co.'bc nothing lnote than
· ,a ·Gotl)U: :CitntraetiAn .pf /fll'!}'r; coflli:.g\lcntly
deriv~s a h<hr•«• flldlPll;S., nt{•r, <;. , .• i
:MAR-BLE, " ·~f,."fl>f"1#af"11Pr·: $.. ·MHf+"'f";
· -r.utik; cto g/iJltr, !O jhil)e .: .bfiig:'' '
·MAR:GESSIBLE, .M~, 11111cu~, mauiJum
·t:tddo; .dtCtf)', •t lrt:llPI' pr /if#il: vcl ii .N<!f~,..;
-·aar:&to; 1Jo..piat,;Af" f11ajle..11way. .
MARCH-albng, Af"'• .Mars,;fUlljtill{is, " (lli1
-lit.ari., fe.u 1JIUlr.t~ '11tort , '/e1ttjs :11 .rroniJ;.ribul,
pnffi/11,~.irrceMr,t,; q.,d.·: .S kipµ." JDJll"{lll
in a 1tlat:Jial·-m1u.; ."8 .:J11allt :with" .gr,a11J, .war-
.Ji!rt jftp. . .
MARGI, 1b.e 1111ontb: .·~r. }y[f.r,,s; M!zr.l~l(S
me11jis; the month fa ct1/k4: .. . :
.Marlis<ei:at:pr.imu.s111e!lfi.r, V,-eoerifque:f.ecund.u s:
· . .f4fii . I. J9·
•-Olel. Voe. 1r:.tk1es -not admit of th~ deriv•.; for,
·he fays, " )Vfareb ·did ,noc take ,frs n:tm.e, ;l!S .tile
.identi~y ov.foµ.qd .wopid~perf11ad.e ..oo.e.,. fro,m MArs,
.Jht god of war ; but from btJr, or.11t<1r ~ ,both fig-
,iJ.ifyiiig jadgtt11tnl f" -Qtlt b.4r~ and.,,ar, undoubc-·
'«'dly .originate ·i\ -itu, ivd 4#4jus; ~ - e.,IL; "'tU~r,•.
.fcom M1y•r, ""'"puts, nwjor,.concrafr~d to IJlar. •
MARCHES .: .this .w,ord gives .oqgin -to.oqe
!<lf IO!Jr greateft ti.des; thus we•gc_ad .in.our hiftc;>r,y
of '&gu :M8rti.•er, •ml -of 1\IN~~. 4he lor:ds of
·11/:ie:M11rcbes ; •.d •Marguj~ ; ,and p Marcbiomfs ; .all
•taking ·their ·t itles ·from tbe Gre~k :verb M"~"·
,Ji'IJido; uncle Sax. meapaan ·; 'f-euc. cc .Belg.
-marclun, et 111rrtl:.m ; {tgrJ11r~, . 110111rt 1 meapc, ;,
Jig"""'• not a; a :fig11, or mar.£ 1 m~;pc; fltxij bJ111 J•
•mrepa; fius, 1umi11i, li1ni(ts, "' ·limit, -ffo111ier,
.~o"nda'7f, or Ji1Jiji111: rtbt lor1/.s .of Mard1ts
.other.efore, .are ·tb.ofe lordJ; who have ~heguardian­
.fuip .and protefrlon-af tbt co11fi11cs, /imits, fr111tius,
:ilof!nJ,,,.ies .of any co11111ry, 1101 lht fens a)ld-marjbes.
MARCHION·E SS, the wife . of ,a MAR.-
<QUIS: ·Gr: · l
!MARCH-PANE: th·is wor.d is tl:rangely de-
;,gcnerated; both in appcar3nce and pr.onunciation;
,for no one ..would fuppofe, ic 1W'8 derived from
.Mori•, :and ll•'I'"' : .t.f•~"' ,gives 1orjgi o to 111aj[a,
horridly changed into "nar<b, .and n ...,..., .gives
:origin "to ·n....,, · o. "e1•r ; Ra>•(• to . paais ; ;ind
j>anis .has degenerated int.a patte : Co that -mar;tb-
"PfJllt !ignifies "Ju,,.p, or piece of pajlry : -even the
-French have done i11 .calling it lfl!l../fo7pain,
forte dt ma<aron. . .
·M./l:RClD, M"f-.'"' :ma,ero, 111ar;, idu1 ;_ :dt, '
<ayta, and fpoikiJ.

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MA 1'tml' Git.ii K, uct LA 1' r w~ M A
but it fecms more likefy that both there words a woman Jhould giYe laws to men :":-hdwever,
(Of', at leaR: the latter of chem, according to . let their binh have been atrribured to whatever
N ugcnt) lhOllld be derived lAf"l'I'"" which, how- fource they might, fince they were made ·~ndcr
ever, the Dr. has politely tranOiucd 1111 •rl! her aufpiccs, and under her n:unc, the der1v. llf
frizbl/Ml 'fDlt1U111; without giving us any realOn them may be found in the foregoing art. · .·
for fuch a tranOatioo :-but it fttms that this MARTIN, "ct mtrrltkl, ct 'lfl•rlltl, cit d1-
M'tf"' fignifies likewifc '""'"• ltrrit11/ammtllfll; a minutivum oominis •arli11: Skinn."-which ia·
'1i:Ur~•lft, or ft•rt ·trrw. dcrivedabAf~r,Mars, undc Martimu: "Minlhew,
MARQYtS: the titlcofthis nobleman hasbccn ingcoiofius credo,'' continues the Dr. " quam
lllttady craced under the art. MARCHES: Gr. verius, hanc anm fie diaam putat, qu<Jd ~irca.
MARR, " M••t..'• Al'""f'"'• bt6eto1 retitrdo, ' finC'm Mirtii a calidis regionibus ad nos advolat,.
IJiJli"l•o, p11Tmdo : Cafaub." or elfc marr n1ny ct ante fcil:um Sanhi Martini avolat :"-this ia"
be derived l Af"'t"""• torrumpo, fJitiart, dtprll'- like prefentiog Jci11g Jaffl!tfs book on S11i11l ]ttmts's~
_ , : I• co"l//1, fioil, defrtJ'Ut: (o that, accord- day: \l\1elwood's Memoirs, p. 30.
ing to cidw:r of the(e dcr1v. ir ought to be writ- MART-JN-GAL 1 half Sax. half Gr. it>"' Ff.
een with oner: but cull:om cootroll$. Gall. •11r1i11g11n 1 Itat. turfi1tt•la; f11"ic11/1u 114'!
MARRY c111N rp I ay ""'"7 ! "avt, Maria t r•:t11U. "I""': oefcio an· a noll'ro "'""' ; Sax.
N11 MAe•... M,. M111f""•: ha:c ingcniofiffime pro mzpc; cgua, vcl eiJIUU; ct v~_rbo i11-luult1t 1 11d-
- amiciffimus Joh. Davys: L ye's Add." 'IJO<ttrt, fcu rn1ocor'r; i. c. funss, quo '¥"""' ab•
MARROW, " MW.•r, suJullll: Cafaub. and effufo curfu rt'!lotfJ11ttlJ, ct cobi6tr11111: Skinn."-
~·" lllt pilb, or f116jla11r1 of t»t 6011e. but furcly even the Dr. might have fe~no diat
• MAR-Sl-IAL-SEA; " 6ttrigtll6, bar, or hr-kalfm was no more than a Sax. barbanfm for
lir1 1tifcball; • ,,,11rfh111fta-tipfl11.ff;" Ciel. Voe. ~s; m-((J/li11g; i.e. derived a it..>.i;,, t1ocr1 111 ull, '"
where he likcwifc fays, rhu " 6ar, bir, pair, pttr, ca/l-i11, 10 rttall; i. c. rttlamt, or fl1'fltr11.. ·
and •r1, all !ighify j•dtt :"-but perhaps only MARTLET; from the fame root with M'A IV·
~ from his ll:ati<ln 1 and therefore probnbly de- TfN: Gr. : this . brrd, and the wonderfur man-
rivcd a M1r..r1 m11g1111s, major; unde mairt, mayor, ner of bui'l'ding her ?cft, has ~ce11 .molt poeti.;
•• 1hitf •11gi)ra1e, tb1Juprtmt jitdge in all ealljts cally introduced by Sl\ak-cfpe~r, in hur Mrzc611b,.
1iflil :-there is anorher deriv. given in the aa l. re. 8 ; where Bnq,1111 obfcrv.cs,. .
Sax. Alph. _ _ This gue!l of fummcr,
MARSHY, ft1111J gr1u1u/: this word 3ppcars The tcmple-hallllLing ""'rt/et, docs- appr0\19'
in OtK language under a varie1y of forms, 11111rjb, By his lov'cf mafoory that heavcn:s breath·
warijb~ and • eorijb ; all originatin~, t1_ccording Smcns. wooingly here : no jutting fririe, .
10 s-.i11ncr, from _,., 1 liut 1Hart JS Grc~k • as Bunrice, nor coign of 'v.antagc, buc rhis bird'
we have feen under the art. MARINER: Gr. H ath maoc hispenaent bcd,;andprocrc."antcradle:·
MART: " crtdo contra&um a noltro JWarka: W here chey.moft brccd and haunt, I havcobfervcd
Sk in11>." confequtntly Gr- Tl\c air ia dclicacc.- - - -
·MARTEN ; •animal "ivcrr~ limile, c11jm MARTYR:, "}.f~~; 4 VJilntfs·: N'ug.''-011t
pellia ad vcftes hiliernu fuffulciendas. vaWe ex- who /ays·d= bis /if~ iJJ reflimony. if bis faith; h.J'
petica. eR:, et magno cmicur :. Salmii!ius hos btaring. witntjs. ta tbt· truJb: Cl(I. Voe. 86,Jays,.
.,,,.," fe~ ftlvcftras Panonicas "o<:at: ·Fr. Gall. : ., thc:rc is· manifi:ll:ly in. this ccym. not only a
111arti11. ~ Hi(p. •artti ~ Ital. mat:lino:· Cunt qui. quaintnef~,, and an.indircdncf9) unworthy of.• rbc
ltoc ani'mal 'lfl•rtt~ dlel\um putant,, il. f.,.or:iti ct . grav.i.ey ofi the fubjefr,. but an.utter needlclfnefs , ,
°P"g111tdtole #farti4.: Sk.inn.''-confequently then while ill· Gallic origin is fo· pfain, and (o ap-·
would be Gr. as· in the following arc. . poGic :. ,114,.,1yr then. a fi:om mart-tr, murt·tr l '
M'AR'Fl.IIL; Af.•si 1'14rs;. Mortio/is; tlie l'"J . a•man. falfeJ.y p•t to dJatb~ or even but under an. ,
•/war; vuwliltt. unjufi: fcnteJlce of death ::'-confcq~ently Gr•.:
MA:R'TIAN'ltlicrc laws arc fmnetimtt writttn feeMURTHER': Gr-
MERTIAN S Mtra611·; and' are fuppofcd· ro MARVEL, •• M'f", on1IF; ncmpe qµia · qui.
have bttn in!li.r:utcd b)l lfthrtia; the queen of ,,,;,..,,11tr,. rem attmra afficint, fcr~oe non fute·
Gllitbtliltt ; who, in: the minority· of her fon., is ft · bili.J
faid t&. h3YC brought fo1th. l'hcfc Jaws·;. bot,. as- voluptatc,. as:. ,/litptt; ~ M•!P> e "'""".• ""r" .S •
•.r.1 h "- I b,. __, h 1-1 1!11,..flig/iiu,..,_ Fr. Gall. ,r~alltr ; . CDA-
"k' ton,. p. 32,. a• nnt t o .•erv.,..., " ' not er- •• · · . Z. 'M>lt"" 'I.'
ll:lf. for- laws are mafeulinc births, but br, the ad- tnatdl to ""'"1tl.. .
Yice of."lltr ligcll:icounli'llbrs-··clfe nothing more · . MASC:UL1NE1: .,.MiirJ,.•as;. •aftidi~;
- - frQBl,.,..,
&WJ!)'I ·-' and,,. naru~., thant hat , J"
·"'- Iaw o£ G..... •J,
ti/to lllllli.· kiJlrl.I MASH;
M "A F.tom Gr.&Elt, and l;,.A Tt t'. M 1A
MASH, or orvifa; JI.fur~, pi11fo, f.Digo; to bas any connexion with the word 111afo11 no'lf ~­
pound, or /Jr11y in a 111ortar. fore us~ however, whether it has, or no, he de-
. MASH -FAT; either from the foregoing root: rives tbt frtt mafa11 froin the Celtic word 111117'1-011,
'Or clfe from J\h'Y""'I"'• r.1 •.-,..., mifato ; to majb, or which anfwers to the appdlation p11g1111tu; thus
mix togttbtr: fat is here ufcd pro 1101, ab AO"x•r, "pag1111iu, payni, ptJ]11i111; which, tho' it amc,''
uur, pt!/is; unde 'IJas, 'Vafu ; ""1 'fltjfil, or l llb, fays he, "at length to fignify b1atlx1U in gencrat,
Jo mix, or ftir up tbt malt in, wbtn brewing: L ye originally meant a warfbifptr of tbt MllJ, i. c. a
has made a great mi flake in tbe deriv. of this payinbom; or, as the labuils p 11nd m frequently
lauer word from the Sax. FZ'Ce; and refers us to convert; a mayin-bom, o maj's-bom, or "'llJ's-011 :"
mix, and fat, where he q!,l,Ot~~ Cafal!b· for de- -but Cl/Co now it is Gr. : for maJ is no mote
riv in~ it a <1> ..1,., pr.efept; a ,mangtr ;-but that than ay, ty, t, l'ay, o r may, from J\f•-1~r, magmu,
is quite a different idea fron1 what he h~re calls ma-jor, majlls, or Maius: and on, or bom, is Gr.
~upa, dolium, <adus. Jikcwife : fre H UMAN : Gr.
MASH for a borft; tr J\1"~'"• a JI.I"..'"• maza, MAS$, n- C'pur<h fff"llict; Mc9,.141, mi/lo, tli-
1ff11, polt11/a fari11a, aqud et , oleo confpcrfa, ct mij[us, mi.f[a; tbe mafs; at firft ufcd for tht tlif•
fubae\a: Cafaub. and Nug."-a warm mi.rturt ef mi.fli111, or finding 11way tbt ptoplt; arid that either
/Jra11,pqft11, waltr, &c.for aji<J:'horfa. before the communion, or after it; hence it
MASHES of a 11tl, (generally ufed in tbe came to lignify afterwards tbt wbo/1 tburth /tr-
plural number) will fcr1e to convince us how viu, or eom111D11 praytr, more particularly the
differently the fame word is often underftood in tommrurion fervict, or offiee of tbt fqrrammt; after
the fame Jang.: 111afbes arc undoubtedly derived the improper pan of the people were tlifmiffed : -
& m11t11/a; macula is as undoubtedly derived Ciel. Voe. 15, fays," the divine fer1icc was called
ei ther from K..Aor ero Kwr, per, mctath. : or mjfs; whence the Romanifts adopted their word
clfe a ~{u.W.•, both which [ignify only /poll-. miffa, or miffai; it is uni vocal to 111aft, and meffe."
ftains, jlreal:s; and mac11/a fign1fies the fame; but MASS of <on/Mjion; r.f.,.,..., unde M°'?"• a lump
it fignifies likewife tbt majbts of a nll; fo wide of heterogeneous articles, mixt, po1111tltd, 11Nl
arc the fenfes of this word in the JJatin lang. /Jtaltn 1ogt1b1r.
MASLIN.- brta!; M•?'""l4'• Mo.-yw, miftto, mif- MASSACRE; M•?«, 111ajfa 1 unde maee, i. c.
c1/la11e11s panis; a mixture of ftlbtat and ryt mt•/. /Jaculus bab1111 maffafl"I ftrri in fine; unde Ital.
MA'S-ON: Skinner quotes Jfidore for de- mazzare, amazzart; ouidtrt; fed proprie tlavif,
riving it " i1 ma<bio, q. d. ma<bino, il ma<binis, fcu fuftis iflu; ID ~tat o ptr/011 II tltatb wit/ti
quibus intiftit :"-then it would come a J\i•X"""• d11bs: but now ufcd to lignify put1i11g to deatb
as no doubt the Dr. himfelf very well knew; i11tlifmminattly.
but he has given us another chance in Fr. Gall. f\1ASSERE, " o 111ar<ba111, fuch an one as
•a.Jfan; now maron :--only now again he is un- kecpcth a lhop of mtrurit, or Jmall warti: Verft.".
lucky, for ftill it is Gr. and derived a J11..
ma.ffa, meaning the mortar, and lime he makes ufc
e.. -by this definition it fr r ms that this good old
gentleman thought a marcba111, and tlltr<trit, were
of: _perhaps this word maro11 may have given derived from the fa1ne root; and that that root
origin to, or been derived from maifm: bu t ftill was Sax.: but we lball fee prcfently, that t hofe
it is Gr.; and would then be derived i Mn.,, two words are derived fro1n different fources, and
t11an1p, ma11ji; undc manjio; a 1111111)ion; unde that they are both of che1n Gr.: fee MERr
111aifan, unde maron; a mafan, or boufe huildtr, a CHANT, and M~RCER: Gr.
dwelling maker, a habitation framtr :-mafan, molt MASSY, M ..?.., ma.J!a, molts; a lump, o r httWJ
probably is derived from the M .....v>01xoo, accord- weight. .
ing to. Shering. z 1z; who quotes Apollonius MAST, or atorns; "vidcri poteft originem
Rhodius in Argonaut. lib. 2. ·in thefc words : traxilfe ex M ..ra:?"" mandert, mandu<art, maftu-
A•e"1'°'' ••f)'f•...,. _i• •'"•I" r•"1....,11r <art: vel a Sax. mzrcan ; Jagiuart, i111pingu11rt ;
K">.>.""• ""' ;c-ueyt< ,. ,,..,,_,..,, •f x«>.11 .., pro quo Dani madfat; Belgz mdJt11; fortalfc a
~f.,.n•«C', x111 I' «v1oi •-r~''Uf"'"' r..tt1' t~4'1r. M.triir, impllrt, rtftrrirt: Jun."-in either of
Varino, ct Suida: Men• fcribitur per .. timplicem; which cafes, he might have applied three paf"
etreftatadhucGallis~Gothicilinguiiha:cdi~io in fagcs in the Gcorgics:
ci dem lignificatione fere immutata: maifa11 Gallic( Chaoniam pingui glantk111 mutavi~ arifl£:
domus eft; ct maffe,,, (or rather mafon) .fabtr- mura- . , Geo, I. 8.
riru, aut <lt'mtnlarius,qui 111uros, aut a'omum a:dificat •. .Heu magnam altcrius fruftra fpc8:abis acervum,
-Ciel. Way. 121, glve;t·'!s qµi!e a different idea Co11cu.J!d9ue. f1Jncm in fylvis folabere.f•1tr<u: ,
of the word ma/on; i. e. if the term fru 11111/011 •• .- . , . . J Geo. J..159..:
M "A F rom Git r E R, and L AT 1 " · M /\.
or more properly frill; and then add$, " ir. cbtfs the kir.g iJ niMed, wbnr
• Gl4nd•m11u foes frcgcre fob ulmis. red~uti lo the /njl cxtrcmflJ ;" and obferves, that
· Geo. ·II. 72. ftf.ncb mat is a P edic cxprcffion.
M J\Sli of a: jhip; .1;.,, t1111/11s ·,,a<uiJ: the ttp- MATERIA L, M"'7•e• mater, 1110/eriu, materia,
r ight jlt'"di11g polt, that fltars the ynrds, and fail; : materin!iJ; formed cf Jome 111nterfol J11bft1111u. ,
R. ir.;,,.,,jlo; to'j/iind tp rigbt. MA1'E RNAL, M"'1"f• matrr 1 mother, a11d
M AST ICATION, Jl.b r•X""'• majliro, manduco; mctberly ajfctlio11.
l a tilt, fJI" chrw. M A'£'H£MAT ICS, "M"9•t•"i'""'' : R. M.. '9.. rw,
• M ASTICH, ~1"""-"' maj/irbt, ft.,.tiftina refina ; to !torn: Nug."
11 [well t111ti d antmy g1u11. M Al•JNS, M"''°'• r.1rus, cl4rus ; mane, mn1111i-
M ASTI F, " omni3 cenfct Skinnerus," fays 11u1 ; men:i11,,s , Dr rarfy praytrs ; quafi matutiMJ.
L ye, "pecenda a T.c ut. 111<Jjlt.,. ; /aginare; quia fc. MATRICULATlON, M•l •t• Dor. Mil·~· ma-
gr1J11ili9rtjl,'"'I"' f aginatior<uitit11'r:"- fcc MAST, ttr, matric11/a; r. roll, o r lift of 11amrs, in wbicb the
o r acorns : .Gr.-bur this gcnclcinan lhould have yotmg ft11dt11ts al a smi<uerfity arc regijlertd.
:id(kd, that the f)r. in the next art. fays,." maJly, MAT RlMONY l 11..1•e• mater; fa:mina enim
p ro · majfy; .aJ.ludit. G r. A,..,,.,, apud Suidam, M,.I\ T RON S nubit ut mntrr fiat ; matri-
t:obuj/tts :"...,..i. e. grand.ior, cc fngi11atior : · a large, ' tho11ium; wedlock, marriage, t111ptin!s.
jlo11t,j1ro11gfpe&ies of dogs :- J unius would derive · MAT T, M..,,., mojfa, malla l jlortff , tegu ; a
' .' mofliff· i mtfiizo, quod l·l ifpan is non modo ttxturt of rujhn, WO'IJtll, and c11tai1gl-.d togetbtr.
fignificat hominem ex duobus gcneribus, lEthiope M A:TTE R , M"'1"f• mater, mauritJ; mattrialr.
fc. atque Europzo prognlltt11T1 ; acque etiam ca- ·MAT T ER, piu; a L 3t. maturus: Sk inn.'' -
JlCO\ Hybridem ; quales .funt quos ly<ifaas nµn - confcqucntly Gr.
cupanc :"- but chis feems co exprefs a mn:grtl, MATT OCK, A'f"• M ..ii•» quafi M.:llev, rnarr1:;
n ot 11 maftiff: befides, lhould mtjlizo be a proper a pidc-ax.
d criv. ftill it would be Gr.; for it originates a MAT URI'I'Y ,· Jl.t,.,.,, mane, m•l11t111, mr.111ru.1 ;
mi./1111, mifreo; i. e. il. M•"'I""• to mix; a mixt fpecits . mellow, maturt ; in perfeflio11: JEolice pu to, fays :
, J:1:1ATCfi, or equal; Af,.x.•f2•, M"'X"• pugno, .If. Voa: Mt1r;;., :- tho' I can find no fuch word:
p.11gn11; aJ•lagonijl.a.; a rival, IJH a11togonijl: Cafaub. -Ckl. Voe. 209, would derive '" mnturuJ a
MA T Cl-1-lcck, i\.fu( 1.. , Mu~.,, unde M•f«, Jago, meto; whence mejJis; and 1cmt111m, for ripe grapts :"
5 1111go, 1Nyxa, e/lych11i11m IMcer11.e; Jbt wick, or -but mtlo is derived ab A~«w, mtlo 1 Jo menu,
Jn11J cf a ta11dlt ; alfo a fplinur dipt in J11lph1'r; a or rtap.
li.ltjloci. . MA U -GRE ; Aiw-Xa••f, Xaril"', male-grat11s; •
MAT C HLY ; " Icelancl. maatltta, magtkga ; thence handed down co' us thro' that muddy
Su. n11ht:1l1a:; •:a!dt, et, 'IJalitlt; mightily: R ay:" .channel the Fr. Gall. maugrt, quafi mau-gra/11~.
- all which plainly !hews, that every one of thcfc MAUKS, pcrhops only a contraaion of MAG-
words arc bu.f different di alcds of M,.,,,., mag1111; ; GOT S, and whim;: Gr. •
t11ig_b1y. . M,AlJLS, aoorher contrna ion for MALOV\'5:
M A TE, &fmtpanion .i " vcnlt cnmen in 1nentem Gr.
matt, faci111, orcurn clfc ex M..x.•h': Cafaub."- MAUND; " Sax. mnnb ; Fr.• Gall. mnr:de;
tho' he Ceems afterward; to have changed his Ju l. t1iadia ; torbis anfa lus; utrumque ii. .Lat~
m ind; for in pag7 302, be fays, " hioc, ex M11a 111a111i1; quia proptcr anfas mnnu commode cir-'
pro M111r1, aut ego fallor, malt ; foci111, fadaliJ ~" cumfcrri porcft: Ski on. and Rny :"-but H AND,
and J unius has adopted this lacrcr deriv.' Skin- and MANU .6.L , as we have fern, are Gr.
ner fays, a Sax. 1nc:t:an ; invtnirt; cuurrer• ;- • M AUN DAY-'J'b11rfday; "dies Jovis dimt
but that fee ms to come from M1l'"I''• una <1111• ., ; Paffionis immediate pr=edcns ; quali 4ieJ- l1UIN-
10 meet toxethrr. dati i quo fc. die Chrrllus cuchari(Ham inlli1ui1,.
MATE al pltlJ' ; " latru11c11/111, ca/cu/Ju, fru et magnum illud ma1ulnt1m1 difcipulis rcliquir, fc.
ant. L at. 11101/us fubatlus; ii Mo.1?w, 111atlo, fubigo : in facramcnro illo co1nmcmorandi: Minlh."-
Skinn.'' a cbttk malt al chefs ; ll man taken. " Spcln13n longe melius ddiea ic aP r. Gall. mandL.;
M ATE, f11hdue ; from the foregoing root : Gr. Jportuln: quia illo die rex pnuperibus quihus
MA'f ED ; eicber from the fame rooc, to fig- pcclcs lavat, uberiores decniufinas diftribui t ~
11ify a co11111tr, paid Jo tbt "Jlim:er : or dfe a Skinn.''-but the Dr. has derived that Fr. G al.I•.
Ata1• ••f, valtl'1, intflUJ, fco!ifh, mad : - Upton, 11111ntlt, terl;is 111;.fatus, 3. Lat. 1.1anMJ;-and llUJ/lll.S,
under the arc. mad, has quoted the following as we have frcn, is Gr. ,- Cld:uid giva us a
palfage from M11cbetb ; Cdtic dcriv. in the Sax. Alph.
My mind 1hc ha~ mattd, and 'amazed my right ' M A UN-Df.R ; another . debafemcnt of Ian-
' ri
"-q ~uagr,

Digitized by ( :ooglc
MA: From Gi. tEK., aad LATIN·. MA
g11age, thro' the former muddy chaond the Fr. _MAYOR : Ciel. Voe. ~3• ~ap, "•;au.JM reoo
Gall. t110111Jir1; i. e. ma/t,Jicrre: both Gr. ceivcd his name from tb~ kt.], 10 d1;ofcn(e.of'.J.a,.
MAUSOLJEUIV1, 11-f=.-o>.a•r, t11a1Jfal111111; a /11/ powrr :" - confcqucntly Gr.; as in the
famous to1nb made by qu~n Arttmifia for her foregoing, and fubfcqucnt am : or elk from
hufband MAufa/111, and reckoned one of the won- MAJOR: Gr.
dcrs of the world: any fumptuous, and ftatcly MAY-POLE: the reader will b8 pie.fed-with
monument, or fcpulchrt", may be fo called. Skinner's defi'!itions of this art. tho' the D'r. has
MAU.TH ER; " vox Norfolcicnli agro pc- noc given him the true dcrivation'lOf it: he hu
culiaris: Spelman ipfr, codem agro ortus, 1 cdlcd it arb•r ge11ialis; tbyrfw ftflrous (tho! that
Dan. moer J 'Virgo, putila, ddlcltit: poffit autem was carried in the hand) paltts, (cu. to•llU flMjalis i
ct dcclinari n Belg. maegJ; (perhaps maCJd) fie. difrus a M.a"io mmft, rotius anni jucundiffimo,
Tcur. magd 1 (perhaps mayd) ide1~ ligna~rc; ct amcenillirno, quo rutlici (he lhould have.faid
Rddid rcrminatione tr, vel dtr; ut 1n prox1mo majorts .11oftri Ctlti£i) has co1npitalc1 chottas.
~gro Lincolnienli in vocibus bee-tier, ct jhtt-dtr, 1naxune frequcnra.nt (fn:quentalnnt}-and con.:..
quz marcm, ct fceminam, notant: Skinn."- bur foqu~dy , will , be: derived vel il M.;or, vcl i:
even then it would be Gr.: fee MAID : Gr.-to M")'•<·.,,.......~•c, pp/tu 1 a .p«t, or )•4t :-Ciel.
which let me add, t~at as fllotbrr vifibly origi- in hi' Cdtic VocabuJary; has faid fo ·moch' on
nates a matrr 1 i. e. a ~:.1•t• fo it iJ very pro- this •ord MAJ, •tJJ-po/<, .and 11 go a -:Jill{,' as,
bablc, that m•11tbtr originates from the fame would, amount to a dilrcrtation, were 11 to craa-
root; meaning a girl, wlio is almoll grown up fcribc it . all; let me then only, • ith plcafurcj•
to woman flood, and bcgi,ns now to p~t on,fome refer ro:his edifying work; and Nf11 my thoughcs•
11101brr/y airs. at prcfe ot. on, derivation of. thl" . -rd; -in•
MA \V; perhaps but a_coniraftion pf I1·-~•· pn" e 830 4,, he fays; "it . is hardly a- dennWe>
jlomarbus; tbt jlomarb; ·crop, or gizzard. poftulate that <J• or """Y• is the ' origin of "J.-
M.A XILLARY, M"""'• M~£», t111111do, mafei/la, and may, in the frnfc of a /Jou:J" wna, or pole;
•a.rilla 1 the cbt1k-bqne,Ja;v~bone,!1'"11dibl~, 1whencc our plcooafm, qf a. may-pou: and<rhao:
'MAXIM, AEl"'I""'• axi9111fJ,; ./tnl<11.tia; a pro- 1nt1i11s fignified a jll{ire is indifputa-blc 1 .Nf&
poji1io11, or g<ntt;al ,.,,ft.. · fpeaking of the human confcicncc) as .an ·internal ;
· MAY: if, as Cid. '\Vay. 73, obfcr.vcs, May judge, thus .exp~Jres it,
lignifies jujtiu, by th.e common variation of f~u Scilicet ell aliqoid, quod nos cogatque n:gacque·
into mas, mau, "!aj;. thenT 1c undoubted!~ will M//ll/S, ct in proprias ducat morralia lcges: .
bear the fame d~nv. with NE-FAR-IOUS · Gr. the root of this word moi11s was ty tbt law· wbrch'-
MAY _mo11lb; "M.U.;, MilillS men/u i ·fo called always implied p=tr land recei.:Cd t he p;ofttitfis
frorr:i Maia, '"! motbtr of /l'ftrC11ry, ~o w~ofc hono~ of various letters; of R, whence Rty, Rix, &c. :"
parucul_;ir fell~vals wer~ c~!ebrated 10 this month : -:then it woo~d be ~ut reafonablc to ·fup~fc _it
but "'~"' ligmfies a mzd'il,(ift, a motr'1t, or 1111rft.. might be· derived caher from Ar· "f"• diro, ;ta
N1!g:"-and the Dr. 1n1ght have ~upportcd his Jfrrrt, in the fcofe of l!J1U; or elfe from 0Pd.-{3I~, ·
opinion of t~1e month br the authon~1es ofF(nus i·ay, ay, may, in the fcnfe of a #011gh, wand, rqJ,
and Macrob1us 1 ~ay, 'Offills h~ewifc fecms to or pole: only let me obfcrve here, that M<lnilitJ's, ·
be of the Jame op1mon : -but.with ~cg~rd to the by having thrown ·inaius into the neuter gender,
~cym. of the llo!nan months, as mlhtutcd by to agree with aliq11id, and g110J, plarnly· dcligned ·
Hon1u1'1s, there 1s nobody c~uld have known it for majus; i. e:.- to derive it ii. major'; or, which
thcrn mQrc pcrfo0ly than Ovid, who wrote fix is the fa 1ne,· a Ml')'~r, 111ag11us, unde m11jor, 11111)111,
books of the Faj/1 of the Roman calendar; and or mt1ius as -the n1tafure of the verfe Jhews it
in the very beginning .o f the · firll: book, v. 39,. inull: be' read ·~s only two, nor thn:c fylbbles;
he fays i . . and confequcntly is to be read mµj11s.
l'-13rt1serat prnnus _mcnlis; ycncr~fque focu~dusi MAZE, cor~; commonly written mr.ift; M"?"•
l ! ·rec •genens
S · L pnnceps,_
J d 11lc ·pater• t • 111a%A, J••r'~a
1plius '"on ,
·cum aqua ct oleo cotta · a fi'rl
, , ,
'J .
T ert1u1 a "''""s; uveoum e nom1nc qua.r us· fl <Sr p..ddin
on which the Pari•r1111t commentators obfcrvc, otn:M,AZZ •Rn ' l· , 1 7i - • i.1oll
. r. fc . R I . , S ·o d"a '" ' ma11"' apr~ an cur
'I'[[llliJ Wltlt~'. c. annt O~U ,c;•. a '/;tlfl llblOCI -~S homincs mog11arUfll ma/orum 1 quja malluas VetC~
p " ' ""'•

nam '"""" vocatus a "''")QN w, '"• G .1 , Ll · · 11 l ·

aeu,SrniqriJJllS ; i. e. a Senibus :-and confcqucntly
~ • '"f · :t':'"f"OI< voca ant :
it will ftill be .derived from the Gr.; for even maxi/": vc1 3 M".-"'I""" M«~.r••."" 1 • mall&O, com-
tlrn ~ "• -_e~

no'v .at wt"IJ d e1ccn r d a' l"'u''''Y•f, MH\w,,

7 manu• tdo, 'IJ6rO i I•bcbe-JJ,
k tilt, JCfl!ollr i here ufcd for
0 ..-,
t11ajcr; gnattr, eider, Jenior. tbe ibeps, Oi" • ' ' s.

Diq1t1zed by Google
- --·--'

'!1-1 lE >Frcrni ·Gil:111ic, ·and ·LATI~. ~ E

·ME.1 1!,.,, .,,.,, Wit; .me ·,,JJJel/; •the obliquctafe: ME:ANING, ·A·ft>•r>;v;M,,.,,.w, cogtto; to 1Jii11k..
·o' f "'l'",.'rg<>.;
.. ·].• · . . I. a t hougbt.
MEAD, a liquor; A119u, vi1111m, rmitltim ;' .' .MF.J\'R, •or 'lake; ' Mve·n., .jfucr< ; unde 11111rt;
rm't'ibtglill-; :a !pkafaftl d1'1Kk, .01nade with honey,! tht fta ; and, by a fmall cranfpofition of tl1e ·lec-
1111d fpitts. · 'ters, convcnw into m<ar; a large body, 01· co/-
MEADEN, .., a 1mayden: Ver1t.''-but maid, lit1ion of $aUrs ; -fometimcs called tbe broads;
.11nd'1h1ziilffl, are ·Gr. becaufc they rcfemble the broad fau: Verftegan
ME'.A:DER., "fomrymes written •otkr,molb'tr: fuppofes •it to be S·ax.
•'Vel'fi." -'but:11folhtr is Gr. MEARA, " or meart; ·mart: Verft."-but.
M™:t>i:llW, « .A/if-•, •mttwe; 10' t1tow: U·pc." MORE is 6r.
: _:.this is .a t-01erabk ·deriv.; .buc 'a lnttid, 'or ltNea- MEAR--SE:f.H :' fi1ch an 'a1rpe:irance might
Jilw, might .more pr.optrly be derived a ·Mui""• ·eafily h:rvc induced ·fud1 ·an ccyinol. "as Verll:eg•n
•;J1Jati10, .to lllloi;/ten; meadows :being'ly bJw, co foppofe, that this word was inti rely Sax. : bur,
tMift g;;11und1 ; whei:tas, ~fit c:une fr-0m to mow, l1: from his own interpretation, it frems to ·be iti-
i would b'e .n.s ~pplicable to:bigh, .and .billy gro1111ds; tirdy Gr.; for he has explained "mearfath by
-lot< l!h'ey <may .be 1111YWn, as well as tneadoths: b\1t m'ilft than ·fl1'dind-lily 1mown,. famaufti!, or mag-
•big:b, and -billy grot1nds, -'lc~tcc c:irry the idea -Of nifitd·:".....,.what is thi~ but ·ha'J}ing morc-foid Ylf
meadows, or moi.JI places. . him, than ·aliy other man, and confe'ltiencl.y his be-
'MEAGRE, l'«x•f<f> qoafi -1.·f,.xr:•r, '1lt1&eratus, ing 111ort tlian ordinarily l:11o~n,or Jam~Ufed: and
;tlint~.; :/tan, thin, tanA:, b4rYm. · therefore it is Gr.: fee J\.lORE, and SA.Y: Gr.
MEAL, or ,jlOtlr) " ·.J\.f""'e"'' ...i-.ue••· nae, MEASLES : " either from A1u•?.,.., 111acul.e ;
.f.{cfych. j'ari11a, paft<i: Cafaubon-."-but it 1nay fpou ·~ o!' from X"A"'"' t11bercula q11,edam Gran ··
:1ike<t<iU: l5c derived, and much more limply, a dini fiinilia, per c11um, 'ti cm·ncm Jpnrja, pr..eCipu<
·1>b>••1, ffl8i'!; 11 ·mill, where corn is ground into i11 fuibus: quod t:on1m carnes quibufdam velu1i
jlottr: or, perhaps meal may be oniy a contrac- gra.nis hord~i lint. adfperfa: '. .Jon. and Skinn." -
tion lif :r.i,..311.>.ir, fimila,jimilago; fafina., ex q4a fprinlcled w11b bazl: to which, let me add the
,,;cr.affiores furfuh~s e11¢rcti funt: Cafaub. and Lye; authority of Butler; who makes 'Ia'lgol ·wrath-
. under the'art.jimwel: fully reply to Hudibras, ana fay, • ·
MEJ.\ L, or rtpajl;'o/''A'"' t:olll>qttiiim, C011'1Ji'IJium; thou vermin wretched"
quoo ad capicndu·m ftatis horis cibum plures · As e'er in meaj/ed pork w3s hitched I
Jimul co11"Jhiieha111: Cafaub.-.becaufe, at ftared . Part I. Canto ii. 688 .
. hours, many ~t t•gtther co take their ufi1al re- Cleland, "Yfay. J. ~· writes it m~azzle! ; and fays,
-paft, and mix in r.onverfation. : that " tlus wor ts purely Celt1c, an<! lhould be
MEAL'(-lno11tbtd; "DoctusTh. Henfh. difrum written mees-11!11, or wtts-ufti, ]mall rijings, or
·P~iat quail mitd-111011tbed; vel forte q. d. mt!IMJJ- /pots :"-but Jpors, and rijings, ·are idea.s ;
. mouthed: Skinn."-it fcems rather to mean fim- a thing may be fpotttd without any rifings,
-ply, what Butler fays of his hero's horfc, and it 1nay rife without beingfpo11id; 'but, ac-
T hc beaft was fturdy, large, and tall, cording to his own derivation~ it mull: lignify
With mouth of meal, and eyes of wall : rifings, or pimples i for tvee, he fays, fignifie1
· Patt I. Cant. i. 4 24.. /ittli; (and may be derived ab E->"......,,, minor;
i. e. whitt-lfl611thtd, as if wbitentd, or &ovtrtd with fmalltr) and al, el, ii, ol, 1111 he fays, lignifics
#Ual, or jlotw: and confequcntly will take the coll 1 a hill, or tmir.ena; anq confequently derived
fame ·dcriv. :-we undetftand it fo1nctimes in the a KoA·•w~, <ol-lis; ll hi//.
.fcnfe of a lubberly fellow; who is half a fool, MEASURE, "M•1e.., mt11f11ra; 11 ft.4ted q1tan.
and has no life, blood, nor fpirit ·in hiin; unable tilJ: Nug." · ·
to utter a word forhimfelf, thro' foolilh lhcepllh- MEA'f, " M:i11v.., lautiti~, dtli<atior <fbu1,
nefs, and whofe very_lips are pale, and la11g11id. ddit:i~ riborum ; tht <hoi<<fl of food .: Ca(al!o·"-:-:-
MEAN, bafa; " l\.f•.,r, M,.,.,x•r, •'-''I'"""' or, perhaps fimply (roll! EAT: Gr. .
.........,,, • ,...... : Hefych. · and Cafa1tb."-b11t, MEATl-J, ~fr9v, dtlicalt liq11of, formed by the
-with Upton, our word 11ua11 may be very naturally juice, expreffcd froril the chbiceft fn1its: the verb
derived " a M".""• miller:" dtbafad. m<atbt is 6ne_ly introduced by Mi hon ;
MEANS; either from Mlle•» M11erw, muior, - · for drink, rhe gta!Jc
t11<ef.ura ; tbt meafure, 111ode, or ma11ntr; the go/de,, She c.rulhes, inoffenlivc inuft, and 1neaib1
witan·, or boundary : or tlfe from To Mr~• ., medium; From rnany a berry; and from fweetkernCls prtil
t111dia1111111 ; tbr middlf jtatiO'n, bttween !be ./wo ri<- She tempers dulcet creams. · --
,.mes wilbi11 tttediut#' or 11>ea111. Par. Loft, B, V. 345•

Digitized by Google

From G P. EE i;, and LAT 1 N.

i1EA TUS, N'"'• nalo, meo, meare; rua111s ; a· MEEK, " fortalfe defumptum elC Dor. l\f•l••<'•
paj[age; or eba1111el. pto M"e"• parvus, t,YifttUs: Jun,"-liltlt, bum-
MEA W L, lil1e a eat ;,, to make a dif- bl<, lowiy, ge11fk. • • · . . , ,.
agreeable 11oije. · MEET, fit, and -proper, e'I''" by tranfpofitiOll
MECH;\NIC, " M•x«"""• an artifm1; R . M,e,,, jiu, fas; lawful, right, and }uft.
~("X"''"• aft,' addrefs, maebi11t: Nug."-tbe art of M EE'f, oppoft l M11"1''• interf11J11, atudo: . or,
c111;flrutli11g machines. · M EET togethtr Saccording to Skinn. a~i«1••«»
MEDAL, " ~li'la>.J,w, meta!l1t1;1; meta! : Nug.''. pr!:> Mar·1·u,.., q11l<'rere, indagare, in·veftigare; to
- rhere can be no objeftilln to this deriv. ; tho' ji!1.d, happen, or meet with by tbanct: "miror
neither Greeks nor Romans have any wor9, I·le'llcn.iltas · noftros nunquam · deflexilfe noftn.11n
·H.ric1ly derived from ~1'i".>.>'"• that fignifies a meet •u1i1h, a M11,.: o quantum f'uilfet Bue•/",. I
medal, or medallion ; fo r M11...i.>-o• fignifics meta!, what a prodigious fi•ding would rhat be! Skinn."
not medal ; K<ef'" being the proper Greek word, -as great perhaps as when chc Dr. h!mfelf found
and n11mifi11t1 being che proper L atin word for " that a horfe-leach was a blood-fucking anim-al. .
t oi11, or medal. MEETEllL Y, " a contraftion of mtdiocrittr ;.
MEDDLE, quafi megg!e, A11yvvp.1,.mifaeo, qua!i as in the proverb; meetrrly, as maids are in fair-
mifcelare, vel mifaulart; to mingle with, and i11- nefs: moderately, indifferentf.y : Ray.~~·-but ME-
ier/ere: vel a J1.f1.-,., medius; medium ft i11t<r- DIOCRITY is Gr. ,
ponere; to thruft bimftlf between; to inlerpoft. ME-GRIMS, a contraCl:ion of'H,u•~e'"'"'> quail
MEDIATOR, M1~11,;, mediator, qui e.11: M<.-o~~ M••e«•; dolor circa dimidi11m, five mtdi11m tapitiJi.;
medius int~r duos ; an i11fercejfor, 411 advocate ; wbd; a pain afjetling the htad ; 1he head-at>h(,
i11terpofts bis offices of ft·iendjhip, love, a11d ajfttiion. MEIN::ftones, afylum), : or janflllflrits: Ciel.
l\IIE DICJNE, " Mi/,,, curo; lo cure; Mn/,.or, Voe. 66, plainl}' !hews, that" thefe mtyns, meins,
17zedicuJ; a pbJficiAn; Mr.Jo~, c11ra; a (JJre: Nug." or Ja11tJ; nay, even that tvi111 1tJu11,; mi11, mon:;
· J'v1 E DIOCRITY, Mr.-"' mtdius; binc To M•rcv, and other clialec1 ical dilferencts of found. were
medium ; the mtan, the go!deH 111ean., thnt 11('(r tx- all ojylum.1, (endued with che privilege of /1111'-
cteds dut b•unds. . • tuary)-and confeque11cly may aU -Oe df'fived a
M E D IT AT.E, " M•J.•1"'"'• medilor :· R . Mt>,.,, N'«or, N~f,,, by tranfporirion, Ji'aNu.<, F aN11»1.; .
(llr<e cft : Nug."-but m«ditalt fccms rather to be a ·1e11Jfile, or plate of bolineft,, and /011.'lity: or
derived a Af<li,., c11ro, e11ram gero; lo jbew a care, clfe they may be derived from Mo-.,, mn11-e1,
11 thought. ma11-jio ; a head houfe, ma1{/ion, or ti-wt/ling: bur,
J'vl EDl-TER RANE AN ; M•.-·~- 'i''" medius- in p. 5 S, p, he .opfer.ves, that ," che antiquity of
ttrra, mediterraiuu1; a mid·la11d co:mtry ; alfo a theft mei111 has hcl.'n already mentiQned ; bqt the
111id-la11d fia . fonn of them now deferv~s notice : it was fomc•
MEDIUM; Min., medium ; the goltkn ''!enn.. times on oblong lquare tfone~ unpolilhcd ; much
, . .NlEDLAR: Sax. mxb ; Fr. Gall . nu/pit; Lat. in the nature, tho' pro blhly fomewhat larger, than
mtjpiliw; Gr. Mff"•il<> : ic has ofren been a won-. that rclick of fuperltitiqn, l.o dged under 1he old
tier to 1ne, why Philips fhould call che 11udlar a. corona.rion chair in V'lell:mio(ter Abby, faid co.
, fruit deli.cic11s in decay , 'vhercas nothing can be' have ~een brought out of Scotland by Eqward I:"
, more difagro.cable ~hao a decayed mddlor,: t?at -ch~t bigo1ry: ~.nd fuperflition lhould delioht in
-deli<ious jla~'cr the-n in the mtd!ar. 1s not the effect at tributing fomc hidden ·virtue; fomc in~~rnal
• of decoy, bur o( m1H11ri1y :-but the poet$, like pow<r and fu pcrriatural efficacy, to ftocks; and·
t he b dies, 1nay fay any .thing. fioocs, is not at all to be wondered at: and
• f\llEDLY; quaf1 m~~l:Y ; a M•r.•v,"': fee MED-. therefore 1hrre is . no doubt but t hat as every
D LE: C r. : now fig ni(ying a 1JJijcdiaJJJ of t~1ings,1 ufylum, f a11fi11ary, and place of reft(ge, had tho:(e
,1111 hudd1ed, a11d mingl11l· t~g<th~r. ,. ! 111ei11s l?elongiog co-them ; fo, in µ me, the whole
'M E DULLAP. Y, Mutilor, medulla, mrdv.llr.ris ;. fh;1C1:ure, o~ enclofl1rc, came .afterwards to be
n1:;rrow . . called (be v:ei11, mty1:, min·fttr, or 1!'01taftuy; but
. MEED, or retca·r d, -~fJG'9or, . mttn;cµ., merer:~; a no.w,...if n'ci11, lltf;}rn_, <lnd fa 11, or fa11f, ;i-re fyt,0 n1-'
rtrPmpenft : Verll:egan writes it nude' and fup-, mous, and co nve.r tible te.rms, ~:ts he. hi111fe;Jf ad~
ports it co be Sax. :- he foppofcs likcwili:, clrnt , :nits in p. 14.h 11, W)11 , for· j)·n) 1bcre furelr. can
O lltt,. wor<i .mifi-wife Cf; mes . fi·om . heoc.e ;_ for. h(: ; t1e flO. hcUtation in 9t'r.i.viq(~ tbt 1n all i. N<4f.o\,
v• ritc..~ it mtde-'llJ)'f, a ·'il.ltma11 cf 1n1de, or t:ztrit>. _PaNt1J ·;. as ab('lve. .
titfarving recompti:fe :..;..but even then it woiild · M E l R-B1\LKS; M"f"'• , divido; 10 Gg nify a
be Gr . ;- as we !hall Jee. U!'JC~r the art. lVllD-- • dk·ifioJI, o~fep.a1·4}io11 of la11ds .; a. timir, par1i1ion.
WIFE: Gr. or bo1111dary; a Jig!',. 1.1ate, Qr 1111/!il<J. ~ . we ha~
.. r ..· · alrcad'vy

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From· G 11. 2 i K; and LA T r N. M .I!
arready· obfcr~ed in th~ art: 1\fARCJ-IES :- wich ME~ORY, At.,.,,.,., mem1Jr, memma; remtm-
regard to ·Che latter part of this compound, we /Jronre ; rttolle&licn, <lim11Jemoratio11.
have already conlidcred that likewife, under the MEN ACE, " M""~"" irafti: R. M.-or,' ran-
ar.t. BALK, ; or ridge: ·'fo th at the whole fignifies cor; hatred: or elfe iL miJt.n.~: Nug/ '-but minax
a-ridge of land, lift 1mpiowed, to mark ~ul the bou,n- is no Greek word, unlefs the Dr. had traced the
da1y, or limit; i. e. fo jeparate, and divlde tbt origin of ic up ro the Gr. as under the arc.
fends of· different owners. l M- MJNENT: Gr.
MELAJl.1-CHOLY, "M111"'YX•"'"' black bile, MEN-ANDER, " ·Moo•le"' M enn11dtr; vir11m
,,.,,Jnefs; R. ·M<>.a<, black.; and x,•>-", bile: Nug." . in fa irr11e11u m excipiem, el f11fli11tn1,; • 011t wha
MELAN-CHTHON: "the name of a Ger- .fuppo~ls, and wilhjlmuls tbe effurts of men tb'!t ·
31an wricer; an· intimate friend, and affiftanr of aii'l1t.( him: R . Mo,,, lo jland firm ; and A"'f• a.
the refom1cr Luther,; . from J.1111..,, """'• ,.,, blade; tlzt:n of tourage : N ug. '-tfler1:: \Vas :l · fa1Tious.

a nd 'X_&.,., .,.,, the earth; which was the true comic poer of this name •at Atlieris, very f.:ntco-
11a1ne of: d1is ·Writer: Nug."-'-ahd yet t he Dr. tious, and acute; whofe works Terence has imi~
fee ms. to have. known every rhing rel acing · to this rated fo ne:i.rly, t hat Cicero fays; .he tran!lated .
gentleman,. except his nan1e ; for he has not been him: and C:cl'ar calls Teren~e, dimidia1um :Mt~
able· to · w,rite it properly,. having calkd him · nandrum; the other half of Afe11a11d4r . .
Mtlanflbon. , MEND, M11~" ; 1ia111 pro prie- me11dt1;
MEL-DEW, commonly' written; and pro- :cum deejl:aliquid: .d infcr~u1n ; :u'· a.,."'"•·undo :
nounced mildew·; bu~· is dC1'ived fr0m Mc.h•-leo..~, a 111mda tjl emendare; to· correfl· a .mijlalce 1 10 .r•c-·
tndleus·ros.;, more·: generally known a1nong rhe tify a fault .; 10 fepair .-wbat may !1e amijs. .
claffic writers by che nanie of.ruf>ig9 : this Mt111- . l\1ENDICANT, M""'• 1hi11:u; 111enda ; mendi-.
leiio;.i , or me//t1u·r1s-, ' is.- \vhac OUJ' .farmers very :ca111.; qt1ia 1>J.i1JllJ,babcJ•; to beg> or•. afa t.;/1ns; be-.
properly call a ho11ry.d(w, .becaufe it is a dew aS cauft ·he.bas lefa 1ba11 crher.11u11.,
f1Veec as honey.; and the. bees will .readily col.l ea J1,1£NIAL, M'""• mtnfa, .1ne1tfalh; '" farv1n:t
it: fee f\.-111:.DEW; who waits- at table: or · perhaps from ·Mo •;;
· MELI+LOT; Afc1<1?...,1o), me!ilot11m.;. qua.Ii meli- M~"'' manus; the . band, ready .at ,1!/ jeruius :--·
lotuJ; i. a t1uilea lotus.; the. bo11ty-lot1tS: R. M1:>-1, Ski oner and Ray>f1~ppofe the word ma11y is d.,.1·
me/; bo11ey; et 11.,1,~, lotllJ. rived " ii..Fr ...GalL mejnie; a family : we br. /ix;·
MELIORA1'E, Al'"'•'» Tarcnrinis· A,...,,~,, or ftvi11 ~ a l 111e11)', in· family; ~ehce a 1Jlt!iti al ftr-
mn1ior, quod pofiea mdior; meiivro·i ta make btt- va111, aj'amily fer<1Jant :"-bur had thdi!· ge11tk..:
ur ;· to 'imprO'IJ(, · . 1J1en e"'plai ned 111~ny by we . be · fix, . or feven at .
ME1.Ll, FLUE.N1',M•»,·mdk-ft110·;jlon1- taklt,; .and a 11u11i.~I fll·1:an1; by a fervanc. wh°' ·
i11g with ho>;ey; ·' · wairs a l table; rlwy would e•iily have- : found~·
ch<~t nMfi1it .was ht1r ·A Gallic barbarifin ·of me1tfa ;
• MEL WW, .Ma.x~xcr, n:.tlis, mitis; faft, mild,
. ~nd confeqocntly Gr. as abovt • .
riff· '
· MELO"COTTOON, ·~·quali 111a/u;11 co110,1a1m; ll-1ENSE: " Nicoliono- exponrtur ru1e,."'"'"'"'
i•. e. lm1ugi110Jmn, e~ vi!lojitm, et 1cme111ofi1m: d t au - good- 11:a1111tn : Sax. 111("1llr:t:, hft111am1s; Jce!and.:.
1;1t1ljka; huma11it1ts; 111·t njJ:11r , bt11n1111rtJ: Lyt:'s'
cem fpecies 1nali Perlici : Skinn."-perhaps of the
quince tribe :-ihe former pare however is G'r; iAad.", all our eryn101. are continoal!.y•
MELODY;· " M•11wl1a, . . .
. melodi"; R. h1•>-•r,
me/q,( ; \et • :ze.I~, tano; fro1n. - y,•htnc,c comes ~1111
hunri11g after che fource of our language io d:e;
N orthern t ongues, without coufider<ing cha< chole•
1 ,tongues themfelV.:s took lheir origin from eidier •
Ode, 'a11ticle : Nug.
. MELVN, ..:.-
: " ..
~ ~~
'' MliA01,r, or i\.f1JAa-::of'r.'o~tr, a: ?YI>t>.ov)
,cbe.. Gr.cel<"r or .. Ho1n•n'' lang\1ages; and· if t i>is:'
Norrhern· georlernan had" bl>t frcn..."" is ,,~o ..~·
Dor. h1"'.'"'" ma!um, _pqmtqr. s . bccaufe ~c/•11s, bor­ ,nw1fe properJy,.,.;riuen mmift, he wo uld prcif,,nti y,:
dcr on the color and figure of. a{'p!es, or t iti·o;is :- ,have. fot1nd , t}tat it originated ··a 111.fmfllttu1 i i. e.
RM• l , - aroor;
,,Af4't• nzattlJ ,. an ar,·
"""l! t rt e: N ug. "
13. i>.1!a.YG·, -t1.·atn,.mol/iJJ' man:fueo,- J1l1J11-f.ucfcu;. J:Q; train·~
. MELPOMENE, jl,J"\""i'"" Mdpoment, 1J;o~u­ 1
t<> tbt. [,a;id, re11dr:;·· ,ge.1ztit , 111ild. · · ·
/1111s; one of the nint Muft1, prejidi11g in f ad apd MENST R -UU.J\'.(: . " this. -Cdoic. -worcf L'h-
mo11rttf11l arg11n1ents. . . tinifcd, and ad<'lptcd by.. pbylic,": fays Clelaud,.
· M EL'f, " Mt11lr.1_. liq11ef.acio; to · liquify , filfa., ·\'l ay.· 50, '' is··in :r>re ·origtna-1 lflil!ftt.r -rti:r. i tbe ,
or difolve folid bfdies.. to '" liq11id ft.ate: Cafaub. fqlv<~I liquid; pr rather l·be-liqrdd, that at!is by. f~- ,
and Upt." . .pnraticn of tbt-. millima :"-co r1feqncntly G r.: jf
MEMBER, M'f''' -memhrum, pars, .~rliD ; a · min}ler. here f1gn.ilies little,. it comes fco:11 .Mi•~•<, .
pa1·1, por;i~11, joi/11, or dfvifio.11. par'LJUJ ; ;mall ; am.I ewe,. Jike tlie. Freucb &411, i~


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f 'to1n [; Jlir.I! ~. and L .v'TdiN. M E

no.nior.e 1tlian.a·ha(bnrifin ,of ·:r-.,1;,f, r.q1111.; 41;4/tr ; MERET!R1CIOUS,.'M ..ew,'l"'"''<mttitJ,.,,.;.
or a1iy,liqt1id. rdf'i/I, .qu.e <«Jf>Ont •tllet:l/ur ... a .haxlol .; "' mmtori·
·~NifAL, ~\l•r.••r, .recordaJiq, .ruo!le5lion ; a aus. lady 1 fa!X't1fticall y.
M""'it'"• .ltHl110TO : or .perhaps a .~'!..... , , .impttus 'MERGiN, m111g-a; ia ilirnl of nr(b, !or.JNarl l
4i;i111i, .men;, mt111t'.s~; .Jbe ,mi11cl. between . c{p_r ,and /and ; of a ftrllli:t.btg •naiwr .;
• :MEN'I'JON, . . .l•«•}'a•, ~1,.11tio, 11umoro ; >lo t ell, fometimes w.ritt~n NUU'.Jr(~n. ·
rd;earfe, repeal. MERI-.DIAN, At....,.1.,,,, rmri-dits ; qua6
M'E OX, .dwr! ; " hccrof the name of ni.-en is mitii-iJies, · ,_;;,,,•.Jiu ; mid-d4], .or ·tb:it !highdl: .vfr.d in .fmn partes ofJ.'.:ngland for a dung·h(_ap : point of: 1bc heavens, .l\t .which the run .amva
Verfr_ ··-but tui.\ ·t1J ,is ccrta1.oiy .dcrt\•ed il. ~f1y.-u::.t1, QI JIODn. ,
;;;ifaeo ; ID,,,;,,, OT ·f!Jiltgle; it .being a co111p.ojltiOJ1 of M.ERJSl\.tUS, •t.fie••I'''' .partilia,<dipi.fio ; 'figt1r11
•ll .1ni.•turts. rbeJDri«a ; /l par1i1ion, divijiQll ; and .a figure ;.
·?v1ERCER, Mil"E"f"'• l\'Ir1..E·» ftritum ; fi/,~ ; rhrtori<.
contra.tied .to mercer; a dtaltr in jilk :-Upton, MERI1',"\{"f"'•·MHf•I""'• rnuto,,.,,trur1
under the art. fjlt , : fuppofes Mi1"E" fignific.sfi/11m ; dig••aLjl, mtr.ttur; ttl{•i mertt•r, digmu.l}Jt•"[ti[ui:
aod .th.atL.f-'"" Mi!"f"" isfi/um ftri+um ;-but thei:c to dtfer.ut rtwN.ds,.or,pllltijb111t1111; ·ell: cmim vocabu·.
is no fuch fignificalion of the word Mi1a!« ; tor !um 14.•«••: dtf1Jtrto o,bllge, 11.ndar ;.Jt.
~II the lexicons interpret ·M11"'E"'• by ftricum ; and mtrtor, Jo defervt well; but demerit, to tl:eferw ill.
therefore :t"f""" 'M11«-£., a•c one and the J:Une ME!RSlON, Muf"• jJ.tt0; uodc tnergo-; .to Jip,
thing.:....,.Mt1•Eae•>< properly .!ignifies n filk·man, .or or plunge t11tdlr wa1tr ; -hence 1111 ,,,,,rgn1 oecajilrf
perhaps a .~rJ:er irJ fillr. ; as :well as a de11/tr in is an C)ccaG.oo 11rj/illg from fume unexpedcd. and
Iha/ article. i:an{or.efeen ac~idcnt.
~RCH"'NT ; ·M"f"'• uncle .mtr:t, mtrl(11ari11s; M.E S ·ENTER,Y, "Mr....1'f•.., IZlllflllWmu, '1Jl;ic/,
'"'.1 lbing that is lo bt OOll£hl or fold; n per/on is in tbe middle •f tbe irittjlitu[, and fopporn the
who dt11/J in ,,arioUJ arliclu 1-Vollius bas given branches .of t he '1/ena porta : R. Mr¢Af, ,,,edi11.1; and
us two other dcriv. " vel ii Mce•;, pan; q.uia res . ll•1•r, i•tus , E•1•e•» i111ejli11ltfll : Nug.''
per partes vendumur: vcl ib 'Eel""'• Mercurius, per MESS, ltit&•I!/'•, t11illo, mijfUJ ; quafi m1!fus :
metath :'. ' - tho.u gh, indeed, he rather derives ftreu/J;m, q11icq11id ad pri"'"'• ftt1111d,,.qiu menf.t ap·
'f!f,..r, it mer.tibtts,; nifi di&us ab Ee'"'• dico. paratum millitur, atque .11ppo11it11r ; a difa of 811J
MER COD; " we no.w fay merfed, or amerftd; kintl., that i~ fan/ to, Q)l fr~111 Jablt :"'-" and Jo·
it 'is rightly •arlud, or '[Uoltd ; as what one is ·to feph took, and fenl mdfis unco them from ,before
pay: V erll:.'' - perhaps he meant quotad; i. e. him :" Gen. xliii. J+: or, perhaps 111tjs may be
tbe q:iota ht is tq p1ty :-be!id•s, we have alreai:ly conrraCl:ed fron1 Iu ..-/ .,, tomtdo, commtjfus ; 10 rat
f~n that AMERSED is Gr. logtther, to partake of tbe fame ealaol•s.
MERCURY, 'Ee/'•;, ;'./ercuriiu; Mer.cury: alfo MESSAG E., M191"1'" ex M11 .., et I 'll''• mitlo 1·
o mineral, and plant :-Mercury, the fon of J upiter mij/i1S ; a perfan fen/ with Jome orders.
by .!Vlaia, feems to have had the government of MESSIA,H, M·..~•oxr, MtfJias; pro perly a Jier
Gaul, Spain and Italy, under the na1ne of F11u11111; brew word, expre!fcd in Greek, by Xf''"• unfius ;-
he was likewife called Ermes, fro1n Armu, a Cel· anoinud, the Lord's a.11oi1111d.
t.ic word for divi1111tio11 : he had alfo the appel- MESSUAGE, ·mejfuagi11m; a dw.dling, in old
lation <J'eutal (Lucan, Lacbmtius, and L ivy) law Latin : perhaps it n1ay be derived a M1>••
"*'·people; 1a1, father: Crefar. VI. :-the Ger- maneo; unde maefto ; unde mtjfuagium, quafi
mans call themfelves '1'~11/ones, and their language manf~ogium ; a plact lo ~idt, Jo dWttl, lo tominre,
'I111to11ic : and perhaps <J'uifto, from whence our in ; 1. c •. a •naefton-houfa, or bead d':JJttling ; II/JI .att
word <J'ueftiay, takes the fa1ne deriv.; and from out-bouft. . ,
hence likewife the <J'uiftb, or Dutch :-Mercury MET of coals ; 1'1i1e1w, melior, mtlitus ; n mtd•
is fuppofcd to have died about the time the If- jilft of lw• bufhels : or, perhaps rather derived a
raelites went down into Egypt, at lhe invitation MoJio,, modius ; a bufbel.
of Jofeph : Sammes, 62, &c. MET ; the pall: tenfe, and participle of MEET :,
MERCY, Mu.-..eor, M'"f''• n•ifar, mifericordia ; Gr.
pit], tompafficn, lenderntjs. METAL; " M•1"M•., m,etal~um: N ug!' -Lirr:
MERE , .M.,•r, mtr111, purus, folus ; mtrum an- and Ainfw . tell us, that Mtl«».•>, me(a//um, is de-
tiqui· dicebant folMm; at nunc purum appellamus; rived froin a Hebrew word, lignify-19g ·tiJmina'
puft, Ji•ple, plai11; alfo intipid, tajleleft.: Vofiius .ferrta ; interpr.. Hier.-vel ita dictum quoo·
<le Permut. lit. fays, that merus originates ab M •1' ...v...,. aliud p.oft aliud iWVt1fialur l ubicunque
·-!'Eol. a.-1,.,,, pio 1.t...s. > una inventa veoa ell:, non· pron1l Hivcnttur 111i1,,....:

.1 , r!i's
.: Digitized by Google
M· E · From G lfz z·x., M t·
rhi,·m·ay be trtie with regard to mtta/J :1 but it is duced it in his As y ou lift it; Ad ii. fc. 9, in that
as applicable to other ftrata likcwife. admirably juft defcript ion, or rather picture 'of ·
ME1'A-l'vlORPHOSE S, " M11«f'•e~w,,r, tranf- . human life,
jig11rotio: R. ~f•1,., Irani; et M·e~, Nug," i - - - at firft the 'infant,
META'-PHOR ; " Mt1•"~•f'" tranjlatio: R'. J.1ewling and puking. in the nurfe's arn1s ;
4>ie»,fero: Nug."-whcn a word istranllated from i•. e. cry·i11g, or wbini'ng ilt a f etblt tont . ·
its proper atceptation, to another more figu rarive. MIASMA, t.l""I'"• ing·11inomt111um , conlagi11111;
ME'f A-PLASl\11,. M11o.,rl"""f'"r, metaplofinus ; a contagious infe8ion ih the blood, and fpirils 1 as i1t
figura grammatica ; a grammatical figure ; when the plague, &c. : R. Jl,f,"""'• ton/amino; 10 defile, to
fornc letter in a word is· changed, on account of pollute lbt wbolt mafs of blood. .
th'c vcrfe-, ornament; or necellity. Ml CH ER ; vcl a Lat. mifer 1 nihil"enim avaro
l\1E1'A-THESIS, Mr1"~'"'" mtlathefis~ qoum t11ifirius : vel ii Gall. micbt ; mica panis ; quia fc.
litcrre traniponuncur, p•r n1etath. a tranfpojition a
omnts mitas 11unfa dccidtnlts, n111ntral i Skinn. as
of. /titers ; as 'Ae.."E• rapox .; Moefo, forma . quoted by Lye :"-but it happens, that neither.
MET-f.'.M-PSYCI-JOSIS, M•1•f'./-•x,.,1r1r, mc- mifer, nor mica, nor mitbt, arc; originals ; bur are
J1111pfychojis, trad118io, feu migratio a1fima1, ex uno all derived fro1n the Greek; mifcr ii.•c ;
eorpore animato ;,, aliud; a po.fling of'tlu faul, from mi(ll, a Mtx)(c,, Dor.. pro M')(fll(,,v111 l a "''""1k, :
0111 · living /Jody. to anctbtr: the opinion of Py- mite i or any /i11 le thing ; ~nd micbt from the
METEOR; M11rw(«, }.;l111weo'Aoy•"'• foblimis, va-
i qs, ft:ttluans Je rtbus ca:ltjlibu1 ; M•1.•"'e,.,. 'l"'~ <irca
f ame root.
M ICKLE, " M'o/."'~·°'• q~afi ¥•rai., mogn"!, ;

tat ; • M1yi&.,, m11g niludo; -..ns l ll.11r"'i.'~i"> magni-
11.ft.ra fiunt, out oppdrcn f; '<ln·opp'toranct pf light, or te if{ero; Hom. II. JC 69: C::afaub.. and'lJpt."~
Dl?J other ·body, Iba/ "'aktJ 'a ti-anjitnl dMration. a11d· •al, mighty:, mu<h :- Verffegali fuppofe~ 1t to
fuildtnly vanijhes. • , pe Sax.
METHEGLTN', Mi9u, vi!1um, temeltim; unde
M•'A~.1.,, mditts; .(it lhould have been p ri nt(d me-
! MICRO-COSM,. J\4•~:""'~'"F•H t""7itU ."!rnt.dtq;
il /i11lt world, or world rn· mima.turt; man 1s foJ!lC-·,
lilites in 1-ledi:ric) a drin.k made of bc11ey ind wiue. finics fo ·called ;. and· any in'genious J!i.ece· of' me'-
METHOD l " Mi9iJor, R. o;.,; a w11y, a 1·oad: i:hanifi-i:i, : reprefenting the mu11da1te /Jft.'!11; a11 wre·
Nug."- ratfo,' el via, a!iquid doa11di, vel difcendi ; ry :. R, Jl,iiw.e•r, por-vus ; . /i///e ; and Ko;..,""• mup- ·
o ready, t:tf>tditious.w ay to ttath, or leai·n any thing ; aus ; the world.
alfo a jeJI cf enth11fiojls, tobo pre1t11d·to ha•i:e a new ; MICR>O-SCOPE,. Mixeo·n•..,.,, microfcopinm ;·
tuay, a hew road, a. 11ew paib Jo heaven. b11 in;1rume11/. to Jiftern, or diftovtr finall,,
ME1'-0NYMY, " Mr7"""1'""• .metonymia, tranf- ~mptr.ceptiblt to 1be naked eyi :. R, J\1•>1f''" 11arv u1 ; ._
11011fina1io ; wbtn one 11ame is taken fer a11?Jhcr, as fittlt .; anc:I. !•~111:.i, videp ! tp fte.. . . ·.· .:
CrrtJ, who .is Jbe g•ddefs of corn ; for cor11 it/elf: R. • MID-DAY, Mtao<.-J'>-<r, 111ed1w-d1es; meTldtts, .
Aif11«, et G110.r;.z, ngn1en : N'lig. ~' quafi medi-dies; the noo11-1ide p&in1: V.erfteg~·n fup.-
~1ETOPE, M11•..•> mttopa ; a ter111 · i11 archi· pofes m1b-bea3 to be Sax... becaufe wrirr.e n 1n
ttflure. Saxon ch araClt;rs. . . . .
M l'?.T RE, "'ri1eiw, ?vft1fGjl' mt tior, n1e!r t11;1; 1nt1.,·i- MIDDIN G ; " forte ii nom-. mud: Sk.inn. and .
ctJs; 111tafure of any kind ; bui chiefly of verft, •vitb Ray :"- but .M UD ,is Gr. . . . . . .
or .without rbimt. . . MIDDLF. ; Mr~•v. mfdius';- tbt 111idji ·: V·er!fc--·
METRO'-POLIS, " M·~t"'•"''• meJropoliJ: R. gan fuppofes it to be Sax. .
M_J1111e 1 maltr ; ,111~fber ; et '1t~>,,-:, ci~li!t1J ; a cit)~: MIDGE, Mu1x, m1tfca•; a gnof, fly, or:i11fa.."J.'.'
Nug," -tbe mother ciJy, thief1owli; re/idence of a l'v!ID-RIFF; A•"'i'f"'fl'">- diaphraJ(ma, ·inltt'f!·
ftii1trtig11, ; alfo tb't j;ijh~p of tbat d>icf tily; 1111 ,pime11111m; quod i11terftpi; ; • '!umbran.a, · fi'"c ~or,., or mtt>''foli111n. . r' pul;ncmem·ii je~qrt, . e~ litnt dij1u1g1iit ; f!':"~ordi9_ ..
MET·r t ,E-/omt; M1!<>.1V.•» mttaf/111~ ~ ·quocl no- a 111tmbrt111e, wbllh d1v1dts the htarl f" \d lu11gsfl·a111:
bi'&pro i1nii11i ·pr.cfr11tia; el <>ighe ufurpalur ; me- tbt liver 4,11d fplet11; or tilt l•wfr· iit{rjlilit! :. R. A'"'~
taph<lra dulta a metallis, qure quo acuciora {unr, µnd <!>~;.tr.<~, fapio ; lo hedge round, gua~d, o;•
eo nobiliora, et 1nilgis prtLiofa habentur; tb.t fapnraft. . . •
ptrfellion •f mrtals. I l\1JD- '\iVJE·E : " Cafauboo gives.. os or.I}\ th~ .
• METTLE D, tipfJ., M19v, vinum; unde ·M;a,.,, Gr. appi;lla.tion· of M~1ia. which,.,is· he propcr).r
1irrus fid·\ into.v/u1Jed. · obfervc~, lign ifies objlelri-!':"!.-b~t' it ~~a.r.ce g.a\.'e;
MEWL.: this "'orq is ollly another way- of bri<>'ill to ·mid-wife; and therefore, wuh Vcrfte-
'!!'ricing mew, or "'"'• lifit a r11t ; and confoquently gl;;', it wou1d be. becter·to, derive mid-wif.t, or"a~: ·
will ~ake· die fame derlv. : Sh;rk..,f1>i-a~ has intro- he writes ir, med«<vyf, a woman of·mttk, defervin'k
re((l,,,,,,,.jt ;

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From. G11.E.EK,
. and .' L -A-TIS. M 'I .
1·rp;•11f><nfa ; as wcJ1 ave obfcrved i11 [l.1EE.D : Gr. . MILITIA; "1>-•E, 111iln, "'iltx, ir1 veteri in-
or elfe fiippofc, with Skiuncr, that !he was fo fcriptione ; 1urmari1Js :" '0:•~""1"', iliud autein ex
caHcd , qu<Xl ' media jil i'nter· mulieres; vcl suod '.Or-•"""~&"" He(vcl1. to gather 1~gt1h1r, lo march
t11<'dias parUs tre{ICI, Ct cure/ : -b ut then it de- . fo. rankJ; ~hough fi>me l:krivc IJ.~fes ii. X'"'°'• mi/le I
rives a r"t•.r», 111edi.1, ;, ~~ 1\J1a-cl', 1;1edi1'''' :· veJ ; uc '' qUOd aputi veteres fcril)irur tJ?ile; narri '1ri11m mil-
rctle' monct dolh1s Th. Herifh. q . d. "Sax. lium primo ltgio fieb.i ; ·ac ji11g11~'!_ 1rib11s millia fin·
111tb-p1F, 11111/ier n1ercede candu/:711 ; bt1t tl1is is' g11lo 1;1f!it11n1 n1ittt bant: Varro :''-1;1iltJ, tnilitariJ,
Vedh:gan's d eriv. ~nd may fignify · for bad pur- militia; a fa/dier; mid u:bat'iJt1' K" ' out lo war:-
pofes : the Dr's. therefore feerns rhe beft,; had with regard to the worcl militi'!• there is a rc-
he but g iven •us the Gr:rhat horrid language. n1arkable ,paffogc, wh ich I !ba ll denre leave to
M!GH.TY.; l\:l•'t'"°'• rnaximus ;grcattjl: Cafaub." qooce · from M:1t. P aris, as produced by' J u nius,
-Verfiegan fuppof~s it Sax. under the article muj/er: "Rex (1-len. Ill. ad
tvHGRA TION> ~'"'l'"P"• 'domus; migtart pro- · ann. 1'l53,) · conftitui t ut, fu1l11dum prijlhiam con-
prie eft dGn1um, vel efqtJ1/!ici11m 111utare ; . Jo rt.1nvue, futtudi11m1, arma civib\1S cOm{Jttc:nter affignare11-
l./J ftifl,. er change "habi1ati~11 ; quilling our nativ e tur, cc n1onftrarentur, et ccofcrencur :"-fo e.arlv

homes, a11d 1ra11jplanti!ft ·lo another climate :-If. was there a militia efutbl i!hcd, as the natural de·-
Votlius derives the verb 111igro ab E;y"e"'• Eyf w,- fence of this kingdom\ chnc even in the cirne of
but they b'oth fignify ·t xri10, t.<pergefatio ; which, Henry the Third (five hundred and cwcnty-
wich fome ·.other'fenfcs, ai·e far enough dilhnc from eight years ago) it ·was renewed, faeuntftlm- pri-
thc idea we· have qf the verb tmigro. flinr1m canfui111di11t111, ae&Dcding 19 cu11om, long be-
MtLD; .vel ·a.*!•$.•,"'" particip. M18..;, remit- fort bis lime.
ttnr, mitis.flill1 ; gentle, tG/y, t nlm :-" vel ii. Mff»•x•{, MILK, "' M1.1'.•"'• a.b Ar-•"'i'''> mulgeo ; l o milk :
A11';.'X"'• mitis, 'placi'dus, le11i1; mule, platid, le- Upt."-ic is obfcrvabk, that Hederic gives us
111!111: Cafaub."~but Verftegan fuppofes it co this word under che a15pearance of ~l•>·""'• ,;,, •!
be ~a.'<. -buc that muft have been. a . miftake of rhe·
' MILD-HEORTNESS, "my/J.bartednef!; mer- prefs for M1»•« ; particularly as he has explained
.lj; or compaflion: Verfl:."-but both mild, and it by " cibus quidam ex latlt: P~ulus .lEgin. Gall.
heart are Gr. P>\.'<amus : vox peregrina ref'p ondens Gennanico
IY11LDE\V : if not compounded of M'"'" and melc ; milk :"-and Cafaubon fuys, "Mo>.K.., •-f•• T:
le•~cr, melltus ros; as we ha~e already fcen, under /,., ra~...•1•:, tdulit1111 ex latft co1tjla11s. ·
the an. MEL-DEW; this mull be a fi mple 11ILL, "Mu;..,, mo/a : Cafaub. and Upt."
word, and uncompounded, being deri ved imrne- MILLENER : Minfhew fuppofcs, that this
diately fromM1A1", rubigo faget11111; unlefs that fenfe word, like bnberdafotr, mercer, &c. is only an ap-
has been attrib uted co the Greek, merely from a pellativc given co chofe people, who deal in va-
fimilarit)' of found :-Shakefpear has ufed ·chis rious articles : " thus," fays he, "a millentr is fo
word in one of che nioft nacural firnilies that ever called a Lac. mi!/e; (he lhould have foid a x,;.....,
came from the pen o f a p oet ; in that ad1nirab!e mi/le) i. e, having a t boufand /mall wares to fill:"
fcene between Hamlet and his 1nother; Alt lll. -and perhaps the number of their articles has
IC. 10, wherein he !hews the queen two n1inia- not been dimini!hed lince his .time.
tlirc piC'tures, the one of his murdered father, the M ILL-F.NNIUM; x,>_.., .,.,,.v1,,, mil!e-nnnui;
o t her of his ufurping uncle ; then, after hav- millniarii, millennium ; a fa!J ef e11tbufiafh, who
ing paired the highe/l: cncomiun1S on tha t of bold that . fbrifi foal/ rrigJJ a tpouf1111d )'Curs •11 t~rlb,
his father, Hamlet f.~ys, btf1n·e tbe end of the world.
This was your hulband :..:.look now what fol- MILLE-PED, x,,.,,, •.,;.:,,, ,,,iflt-ptdu, mi/lt-
Hcrc iiyour hulband; likea miidt'lo'd rar [lows; pt da, ttnliptda, ec 111ul1ipeda ; quod mi/It, . i. e.
B!alling his wholefome brother. - - mu/101 ptdu habtl ; a worm, ba'llinl( a great 11um-
MILE, M<>"'' ; mi/liare r ,fpatium millt paffi1Um ; btr of feet; fometimcs called t he palmer-wcrm.
tbt · dijla11a of a tboefand pnas ;-the word M•;\••• M ILLET, Mi>.<>, Mt>.'"'• millium ; a grail1 fa
is, only · a feigned word from · x.i..,.,, mille ; ~a colicd; whi,-h ought ro be written with a lingle I.
lho11f011d. MILLION, X»,,.,, 111ille ; a Jboufand; though
MILETUS, " M•>.•1« , M ik t1m1 ; a maritime our word fignifies u11 bu11drr.d tb~ufand·: vcl a
Jown of Ajia .'Mi,;gr J frorn l\1f,)..10,_, mitti111um; vt-r· M:.iei~> mi/le • for any indetern1inate nu111btr. 1

mi/!011; this iown h3s been fo called as if it were . MILT, liett, :\. A"•r, l.e'iJl1; moliis, plamu; fmoelb,
ruora ; 'red: Paror. Nuu." · · · fof1. plain. . .
l'lil·L- FOIL, x,>.,.,v'};., ,,.,xiil!·folium, i.e. ·11111i- MJL\iVYN; " grttnfijh; forte a niilvo; q. d . .
1i.f fo!ii1 ; 1/:e herb yan-aw, o r 11af<'· blttd. pifcis milvinus : R•y :" - ec niihi videtur, fays .
Littleton, ·

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J.,ittleron, ut i M.•>.~""" ,ialv11 i ita,ab .~">.'~!'• "'1)oqg you, .Jpc.- hitn"~· y°'ur fo't1411~:~thm
j})11flifi s, quOd fit rapari/flmus, mil'VUS dici. derive it a1\-llu•!t"'s. unde
tll#llUS, o./fitillll'I, ainif/.~
MJMIC, 1!1!1"'"~~. mim(c114 ~ 111/ mifll()s Jl?!i1141t1 : rium ; so Jirv1 arsh1· alt'o11,, llfiHi fti6farv.itiil ;,; ti"J
R. M11..,, imitator; h1'f'••i""''• imisor; _Jo •"flr•fs /;y b,oly .offfee. . .
imira1io11, to muck. , · MINIUM, ~t•A1or, vel ab~~.,···• prq.qu<»ap.
· MINCE ; " .M1rv>.>.~, in min11ttU parttJ faco, in Diofc9r. et Al"JI."" ct M'"°'" ab ldifp •. mina, i. ei
parva frujla C1mcido; Cafa.ub." - that M•r•M.,, ve11a '!ltf111/ica, five; mineraijs ~ fi.npplt• rtd· kaJ, or
lignifies to mince, there ca\l be no doubt ; but 'lln-miliolJ. ·
that it has _given .origi~ to,_ chat wo.rd, m~y be . MIN~~; 1'.f•••·~· ,_,,.,.,., par.JIU .; lilJ/e-: · the
v.ecy .much jio.ubt~d : nynre feems rather ro be • comparattve- mi11or, /ifs.: al[o.a prrfan·11ndtr ~e-. ·
deri.v ed a M"v~, pa'.'1UJ; un~ ~i>rv&.,, 1ni11u9.; to , . MIN~TER, Mo"'• /~!us.;. M•f"'X.•'• l-!oi"'r~~·~t
Fake /mall; lo cut into Lule pieus. . monajlm11m; from wbich 1t' 1s coneraCl:ed' r.o •
· MIND: Cle!. \Vay. +6; and V9c. 156, fays, ' ttli'!fter ;' a. lt"'fJlt, churtb, ·iathcdtai: though,
" mind is .one of the. variations of the word t'X- with If. Voffius, it feems •rather to be deriveQ.
preffivc of.the head ; gen, l:en, mtn.; me111; mind:~' vcl a M,..,.,, M,..,.,.,, ·munui, q).!arili!o pro officio
~llt in Voe. z10, n, he cells us, that " vtn capitur; vel ab I-Iebrreo: ...- but none of thefe
~s raditat to ven·~ 1" alluding to the antien~ Cel- deriv. give · the reader fo- fatisfafrioli, .;
'tic cu!Eom of CafJ'ying on trade chiefly by htads Ciel. Voe. 54; where he obfcrvcs, that " in
of caule :-then Cu.rely both 'llt11-do, ve11, and Britain, before the · Ro1nans• introdu.ced their
!lln-ui, come from n ....,...,, vmdo; to 'bllJ, fell, or deities, or built ,here in London temples to
'traffic: though it fee1ns more natural to. derive Apollo, Diana, &c. perhaps in places ufurpcd
·our word mind from animus ; apd he hi1nfdf ac· · from the Druidical confecratcd ground, th.ere
knowledges, (\Vay. 46,) tjiat "pni~ .originatcs · were certai.n altars, or j/01Ui, to which w.erc af-
tb A•.,,,..,, :"-;-then mew .fecms ;to h?VC been !ignc<l the privili:ge of fanltuary; chis ftone was
fom1cd fro1n thence by an .eafy tranfp9lition "I"• called the nuin, mon, mtynt, or minjler :"-and in
:muu; the mind. ' . . ., . . . p. t·38, he·fays, "there can hardly be any folid
. MINE, belongit1g 11 l!!t; J4.,,, pf9 lljO•r, IM•~; reafon affigned , why the al.tar-pieee of Wtft,-mi•-
111y.proper1y. . . . . • fter, fhould not a~ \ his very, moment fiand
. MINE undergrouni!; "~Latina. v9cc. pol\eriq-. on t he identical fpot; which wa_s the ·feat af"lf
rum fa:cul_oru.m , minare, i. e. J,ucere., (c. dutl11s minjler,, o r n:omkcb, perhaps thoufandi. of 1eau
' fubltrraneos faeere: unde Lat. b'\Tb. mineralt, pro before the exifteoce of the temple .of Apollo·:"-+
Jojfili ; cut1frulu1 metal/a qu'fl'tntiu111 1 a pajfage ~- th\1s pas t~is gentleman gone far enough inro '
. deround; hence I~ cou111tr·111!11t, Jo '4n~(T ..111.ilie: antiquity for the d t abli01ing a ~l!fl<r, orm1Jn:ft~11t ;
Skinn." . . and yet perhaps not far enough fot ellablilb1ng
MING, .mention; "Sax. .mynt;!;un;s; adfll()ni-' the ety1nology, or deriv. of it; for mtin, """''
tion, warning, remipding; ! bod '! niinging of '!!>'' ·myn, and·mon, fenubly derive aJani, fant11,fanum i
.ague; not a .perfect fit, _but only f9 much a~pur i.e. a N...,, lEol. N .. F..,, by tra.n fpofitio11/aNu1;
111• in mind of it: Skinn. and Rar :" - hut all 11 fa11t, or meln: or elfc mtin, min, mon, -"•
thefc words fcem to be defcendcd fro1n the fa1ne wun, won, and UJonl, may all· lignify b11bita1i1ll,
root with mind, and ~emind :-confequentl.y Gr. dwelling, man:fion; arid then would originate a
, MING IN ATER; "one that. m'!kcs fret-work: m411to, i. c. ii M ....., mon·t lt ; I.fl 'rn1111in, dwtll,
. it is a rullic word, and. corrupted perchance inhabit. -
from EN~lt"E: Ray :"-one frep m<!re would • MINSTREL; " videri potdl: dcfumptum
• Jla\le made it Gr. . ex M-.r•e• prac"s ; ut vox pritnitus denotaverit
· MINGLE; " A ·!•'>''""" l-1•¥•"1"'• n!ift•~; to mir;, a111atotnn cantu 111uji~o furda J;/efl.e limina din1ut-
bltnd, and 1-.mhlt ~~gtt~er, . . . : .~ . ttllft1": nili ·~1a)is derivare a Sax. mynftefi; UC
. MINlATURE;M""!'• parv1tJ; M1!'!'8w, rW!'"'- ;. propric olim ,,.;11)/rels diB:i fuerint, qui iit t atbtdra•
.i• diininifh, o: make (efs : mini-~iif is .a pleon~fm ; 'libiu t t<,/tfiis i"fervit6ant eboro, i111tr minijlrandum:
for each part of rhe con1potlnd expreJTes dill)i- Jun." .a t11ufie11/ ptrfornur: or c:lfe we muft re-
11utivenefs. fer to the Sax. Alph. ·
MINIST ER : as magijlralt 'is ~e,rived a Af1-' MINT, more properly ntintb, J.1'>t... mtnlho,
· '¥"'• Mir•r•'• tn4gifl.e,.; fu ,,,;r,ijJ{r fcerps to be d~-· ~t mtnto ; tbt herb Jo c.alitd,
'ri-:ed a M;'""; _par"Jus, minor ! .a. flrvqnJ, .!' .-•i11i-; :l\11N,~", ·rnOlf~; Mo••ia, mo~11a: ~iii forte malis
Jler. l as in that palfage .o f s~ Matt. xx, 26._ .z7 > liQipl. Jl WOtt.t~do. ; feCllndum lhdor. duce re :
:But, "!bo(.qe_v~r will be great .aipoflg; Y.o.u, .J~.t h\i:n. q _uOd illi4s ,nou_tam de preti~, ~u~m auftore· ,,,,,.
, be your mmijltr; an.d whofc;iever .will \le cl1ief 1re11I: . ~.pne eo111m no.ta numm1S .1mprcffi tnb}fdta
' 1 • Rr c4l:

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M 'l · Mt
d : Ainf'w. tk ,,,;,,1, or p/4r1 wl>tit monty is coin~ ' derived i M.roor, i. e. 14••t•r, littlt', !ifs 1 t o ex•
tJ.: - " wllether ibt l#i11t in Southwark (fays prefs a deficiency.
Ciel. Voe. 54) derived its name from an · a11fitnt MIS-CREANT; Xe•e.,, crtdo, mutt111 do; quod
trroiltgt of fa11!htary, long fince ~bolifhed, or , qui fadt, t~iam latinis crttiitor vacatu's ; to lend,
fr"" fomt tbinJJgt, once ellablifhcd there, of which, truft, /!tlitvt, co11fide :-111is here is a negative cotn·
oowcver, I an1 totally ignorant, I. do not pre- pound; and confequently a mif-<reant is a mifbt-
tenc,1 to determine 1 but I 6ncerdy believe, t~at lievtr, t1J1 infidel, increduklfs, rt11btlirvi1tg.
in tht Wtfl of London, there exiftcd, in the very MISCREED, " I fuppofe is only a rultic
tpot where the abby now ftands, fuch a mti11 , word for def<ritd: .Ray :"-rhen Gr. · ·.
ffllnt) ml!Jlll, or millf/tr; and was called Wtj1-mi11· , l'v11SE R Y ·; Mo..•~, dtteflandur ; unilc Af1o'1.t, odi;
/er; for ages before that Grreco-barbarifin mo- · quafi .M..."t•;, vcl M•..,.e•r, i. e . .M•~eot,. dttejl'abi:
11tJjltry was fo much as in exillence." ·· ' /is, odicfus, txo/us; mifara.bfe, tvrttcbtd, dttefiable :-
MINUTE, fi11all; " M ..,&w, minµo; R. M"v•r, vcl aM•r•e~;, .t:rttm11ojils\ forlorn, pityful, woful.
111i1rutt 1 f111all: Nug." 1v1!Srl-i\1ASH; " 'feot.. t11ifcb-111aftb; ,b,zos i
MINUTE of lime; Mlfv•r, parv11s; a /mall confrifa rerum congeriu' ; hoc a Tent. mifcbtn ; mif
1ortio11. are ; et matfftn, mtfft.i; metiri : 'Skirrn."- th is latter
, MINUTES, t11H110r1111dums l from' the fame root: · half o! the compouncfis !l'tlr~e•intclligibl~; the I?r.
MINUTIJE, frijlts S Gr. tberdorc had n1uch better, w1thCafaob. havederl\•-
MIRACLE ; Mre"• or111i : nempe qui a qui mi· cd mijh-mafh a M1y••f'•• mifcto ; and then the whole
·r:a111ur, rnn allfft• afpidttlll; fereque • non fine aon1pound )Yould have been qua6 M1x.&,,..,,..A ·I"?"'•
yoluptate, l!C jluport, ll11D1fitis «cuiis, arreftis mifta, vd "'ixta-111•.ffa; a m'ixt -mafs, a brap of f•nfufioii,
auribus. adj/ant: any thing :effected . beyond the. wbert 11ll 1liing1 • re· huddled, a11djum~lid t~getber. ·
ord1nary powers and operations of nature; and· MlS·PRISION of treafan: "Fr. Gii11. mtfprifo1t;
which is lo .v~ry uncommon, as to caufe aj1011'ifh-: error; hoc a verbo mefprindrt 1 e~rart : q . d.
fllt#t in tbt /JtboldtrJ. • malt·aaiptrt, malt· ilrtt/ligcrt, malt-apprtbt11dn't 1 il,
MJR:E, iirt ; " M•Oif•(• i11'!11ina1tu : M"'""'• i11qui- L at. prtbtlldtrt : ?kinn." a mifapprth(11jio11, a
,.,, : U pt.'>-it lbould have been printed Af'"""'· · mijla~t :-not content, ·however, with tbis deriv. ·
MlRK'D, or rtulrk'd ; •' 10 b• troubled, or · di- the Dr. refers us to this word in his Alphabet of
j111rbtd mmi11d 1 to bt j/11rtltd : probably from the Law terms ; and t'here he fays, " mifprifion Juris
Sllll·. mepk, fignif)ling dark: Ray :"-but the Sax. confultrs noftris· didtur, ubi ·quis confcius eft
mel'k is undoubtedly derived from the Gr.; as we· · conjurationis in regem, hon1icidii; et fatrocin>i·
Jhall fee. prefently, under the art. MU.R KY: Gr. pcrpc~rati, et- celeriter reum non·defert, 1rel' ac-
MIRROR ; M<f"'• oa1/i ; unde miror, 11dmiror ; cufat ad magillratom ; a F r. Gill ; 11ufPris ; 1:1-
tJttonitis 01uiis ofpicert ; lo btb•fd, admire, aitd gltElus, contemtus:"-fr> that now we have got an'-
g'/J:t.t 11po111 • other ·c.kriv~ -the former dderves the preference;·.
?v11RTH f.-cms.; to originate (rom the expref- and is evidently derived from the Gr.
fi'on " ~tJ1iere aJ myrtum, in the fi:nfe of ji11ging MISS, a J0u11g- !11dy; A,,_,,,.., •1i"'f!'• vcL ab AJl'".-
i:o11nd; or oRe af~tr another: Ciel. \Vay. S 1 , .. _ '.fomd; amajia ; fllJ /we. .
but furdy myr1111 derives from ~rue1«, myr/1t1 arbor. !VflSS, to t.afs by ; l\!t8,..,,,,,_ rJJitto, 11114i/ID ; pa[s
MI s-ANT HR OPE ; M .... ,..4f"'"'"f. mifa!llbrqpos; OVtr' l•jt 01111· aim.
, 1,,m1U1-bal<r., "baur of ma11.l1i11d, of a11 unfocial di[- ' MI.SSlO~, "M18r.141,mi_tto;_mif!u1, mi/fa, mif!i/1.::
pojitson: R. M1~,.,.,.;Gf"""'f• ofo,.·bo111mu1n : -it· is. :·fea·milfo, mi.f!ir; vox. ommno· 1gnota elf Gr:ec1s ;"
~cmarkabl:e, that neillitr Jun .. Skinn. Litt. nor. , fays V-olf.-true·; ir1< tile fenfc re is undci'ftood•
Ainfw.. lhould have giscn us t·hi~ word. now by the R'Omanills;. bur, notwithftanding that,
MlS<i:ELLANY,. M•~7"'• mijcto, miftella11tu1 ; it! dtriv: .mul\ be from·hence:
• 111ixl1'r~ oj various arliclts, a '1Ngazhu of inco- · MIST, '. o.v f•{.1 l\!"~•>, quod' Hefych. exp•.
lnrenu.. . · E:>."•lf'•r; n1hil ent!ll'ahud'e!t- ntbula, C{':J•m:tenuif-·
MIS--CON-&TRUE :-. w.e h11ve many ·other :ji'ma · q1eedt1111) ac fubtilij/ima t/ll'DiiJ;. fmalJ driz-.
words· in our · lilllguage, beginning with tlie pre- · zli11~ ram:
polition !V!IS ; which will be more preperl)"' MISTERY; or· tradt; Mi, •..,,.,,, undc· ·t111111us;.
foundcwtder- th¢ir- refpeltivc ·articles· ; unlefs, wlien · minijltrittm ; doing. any for".Jict, learni11k '. a11J tradt.,
the them fol ves are not- in. ufe· ; as- ino bufi11ij~, ouupa~ion :~Skinner deFive!t·ic- a.~fb'"f'."'"
. the foHowing exaoiples, when ·con1pound~d': as. · myjltrrum·r qµ 1a•_fc, qua:hbet· arll) qpamvis v1hf-
; for- rl>t! pr.epo!ii:ion itfolf. ( mis)· it·feems ·tO· be but , liina, .fu" arca11a habtl \ qµa: non initiatis· non:
.a . eontrll¢tion of the· negative· midtu, 'either the- · 'emere arti'ficibus communicantur :";,_and there-
adj,cfrivo; o.r .adYcrb ill Latin ; and con~uently tnay be.fome p,rop,riecy·in chis dcriv. ·

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. Ftom G .R-11 tt, and- LA T 'llif; M 0
. ?;TIS-T~l'.CHET, . " g•I 011 i~l habit, · by tra)lfpolition a ..0111; a· IiIlle rarli<le ef 1ilatr"° !
or t1<Jlom; a.s , 4 mijlet,f!J , horft : .I fuppof~ quaij • R. T,,....,,ftco; t.o '"' f111a/I: Cafaub."
n1if-teacb1,.j. e. mif-1a11gb~: Ray :"-but T E.ACH., . MOB, Mo80<, tltClio; mobiliJ; faditio, 1umul1:u;
and confequently 'fAUGHT, is Gr. · riot, dif,,,.tkr, mifn1/e, iiijlurbantt:
MISTRESS, M'"Y"'"' •r""t• quafi M«t•rwe, »14· • MOC.1'.4 "'M.,.,..,, vd M"••{"• irriJM, alfJ1ti?'o
gifttr, magijlro ; a /ulortft, vel a M•t"'· to jur, lo /co.If 1 Cafaub. and Upt."
. MITE, "~'11/s,,, .lllida!: U,pt."-bQth l!cderic, 1.'4@DEL,.M11e<.,, M11e.,,. metior, ·mcnfi1ra, moJ1u;
l,itt. and Ainfwortb explai~ this midas by a litlk 1he.1'1<,af11re, form, tJttd manntr of a thing.
~•ff'I 1b1u brudttb i11 bet111s :-and perhaps from .MQpERATE, " M1l•Jo<'"' curo ; ncmpe Mr,v.•-
~he livalJnc.fs oJ i,ts. inakc, ap,plied to the. infect; ' '"• ¥ 1l•r, t#(}tuu, moderator; a rukr, guide, or go·
which, however, may be derived as in tbe fol- 'Vtrnor: Volf." .
lowing art. . MODERN, .c:i...,,, din, bodie, boditr111u, mo-
MITE, or/"!all titre; M•••or, Dor. pro A1••t•r, dtrnJU ; •f the prtftnl limo.
parv1ts, 11fic111· a t:ri1rpb, .a.vtry./it(le bit. -, . , MODEST,. A•i"f''""" 'tJtru1111dus fr<#I, p11tit11s,;
Ml'l'HRIDATE. l" ..i.t18e11,.7,.,, : ~1'9e.J..11XJ1, ~ajh/11/, cbaft1. · .
.. ~ITH~lDA1"ESJ fuppone «•1•i •1•r, Mitbri- MOIETY, M"f"• pars, portio; gt.'flerally un-
datic-11m 11i1tidot1p11 ; tJn a111itlot1 found out oy Mito/i- dcrltood as lbt half: or rather, tit
dates, l ing of. Pon/us, by means of which he fo this interpretation, i Mrvoc, 111edi111; unde mtdi<taJ,
accuftom~cl himfelf to the ufc of · pqifons, that contracted to moiety 1 any thing or furn, divi!jed
afterwards they _had effect on him :." _
llQ ~n l~e midf!, into lfDO 1q11a_I pnrts, or fulves. ~
MITIGATION, M.p,.,..,, remillo, mif/Ju,; 111llis, MOIL, " /1 dijh •tJdt of 1t11J1'1'0".o, ant! gratf'J.
,,,;1;gat(o; appeafiHg, re.milli11g, 1xeufi11g. • '" • M"'"''•
ft:e11d, &c. magnam affinitatrm cum
MI-TRE, "M•le•i, a ligalure lied rolP!li tbt metlulla 1 t1Mrrow: Jun.''
bead: .N ug,•;-dia4tma ; a bifhop's diadem :-the MQIL, f?r fpol 1 ":0.h)·•'"'• &D,tt/amino; to flain:
root pf·M·1ea. fecms to be a Mrw,_ ligo.; Ul\de M110f,. : Upr."
fihi111, quia. co aliquid. ligqtur ; .et 1\t:Jell• quq vd • MOIL, .or ttli"tP.oil; "Af.,>.o,; pugna, lf!111Ult1a:
med imn cqrpus, yd caput rillgittfr :-". wh.a t by. : C'!faub." - ! ' vc! ""' ,.; . Alf<"">-H., vid. Hefycb.
~he .Grcc~s,'' fays,,<;lcJ, .\'.oc•. 'ff• ~' . w,,a c:alled ct c.tymol : . Upt.''-there -is a b~vicy and COO•
~,,,,.,..,.~ was · by the Oclts called a 1i11r :" - · ~ifcnefs in . thi5 gentleman's writing, wh.ich is
and th~n he .adds, in th~ ,nptcs, '.'. if this word fometimes far from being fatisfa&ory : ·this lat·.
ever pen.e trated into P~rfia, .o r was known in ter deriv. has coll: me fome trouble ; for He-
their a.11tien~ Peh!avi language, it undoubtedly fY.~hiµs, gjve! u~ · no fu~b· verb ~ '. he. has indeed
pen'.aded f<1.far. ,~y IJ?Cans of the N.o~thern con- given us a fubftantive AfJo<w'-•• jlnd .explained i~
q.uelts :"-bFt thofe conqudls w.ere .of recent1
n1odern date,. cOmf!ar~d to the dlabhlhm~nt of
by, ""•e••i r f l d11bi,.., .ct p~lt¥ii<lll •i!'t'<'e"x, •e·
. gljgenti• contemplttJ ·; cay••>«, if;'ll?'dli1itJ, i11fairia i
the Greek language: with regard, howev~r, .. to •rux,1,.,_,9uies, orium 1 ant one of all which in.tcr·
. the fom1er part of this compound, <;lei. Yoe. 4 5, , pretat~ons, . pa,rticularly the !aft, can bear. any_
fays, that " . tbc liar was of two kinds, lb< con!l~xio~ . with ,our word; moil·i w~ich· fignifies
111or-titr, or greattr, (from maj•r, i. c. M•')'"f) ancl f1Jtig11t, from tXfeft •/ b11rry, '"'ft/1, 11111111/t., ·lrufi-
tbt wet-lier, o r mu-tier, .contraltcd to.mi-Ire, the nefs: it might therefore be dc;dy,~ ratl)er, ,!l M•·
Jdfar :".,.-fr91n E-1'...-v"•• minor. . • '''"~ o~, as !=afay bon wrifes it, l\fw>..,, lu•iJtus, /a.
l'v1IT1.IMU~; M1t.'"f''• millo ; ·to find : a. war· bor ; for that is ~he principal c'lufe ~f fa"tigMt. , •
r;int ~cginni11g . tbus ; Millimus.-• • MOIST, Mal...., madl•, mlldit!Ms; t1111dt 'Wei:
MIX, M•£•r, a M.,,.,,,..., M'''Y"'"· mifuo, mi'!tio; vel a M*r•• : .fee !YJIST ~ .Gr• .
,a '<ompofition •f fmtral ingr._tdients, pl#sJetl_ o/'d. min, • MOL_E, ,\Or. ~l#•al; _'!. <!oCtiffimus amic~
gkd togttber :. Ju11iu~ w~itcs it both ." ,,,;/!Pl.,. aJ)cj Rogcrt, ~oftrun1 ·~ol1- deffcdit a 11.i....-..., c11al•
myxen ;" but has derived it from m/l.clc ;.fi11111s, ados _11gel'e; qu:e fanc; fdiciffima . v.idetur aJlufJQ,
fi111e1um.; which .i.s q!Jite .a diffcn.:n~ origin ; .viz. vix ety~on. :" Skinn."- becaufo;, i.t is Gr.: how-
;a Mv£... : b'!t the fonner ought rather to ~ , pre- l'Vt.r, to pleafc rhe Dr. it i:;_ referred to the
(erred. ·· · Sax. Alph. , . . . . . •.
• MO,. ant!ently. writr~n for more ; 11.. S~x. pla, · · l\'lOLE, or hl1'Vf!J 1. ·re . co1bott ; .M"'~Of, f'Ofl#f,
'.'· cont,~.ed (rqni ~·l.''Y"''; inagl!us1 tt¥gnjor1 eJifo11, 111111111 faf.ius; hoc ¥ lt{.W<, .labor;. q .. r,I. pprlflJ•l
magior, tandem g q uoque extritum m~jpr;. i\-,11ra- · feu tJ,ggtr, 1114,XltO ubort, contr:o aq!larum ;111puu•
.li•r vid.~tu~. rcm:w!.iffe adycrbiun1 magjs: Volf." · 1xjlr; .: Skinl).''4"' bilrbor 1>fatir at _4 tr~aJ
MOAT, "a/111~.ll •oi/1; A1•14or, a~o1ll_ll! ;,.fll..'1.~~!l.i , f§Pf1Jfe f1nd,/469T. . , .. ·. ~
.. . Rt z

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M o·
. MOLE, or /pct; Jl,f•>.""" c~11t411fi110; inquin1 '; /1 • mi11jler, where the inonks are jxerafta i11 tbt }lribeft
jlain ; vel a Mv•.i...., t1U1cul1 ; fpotJ ; 1ilh'1' •1111J11ral, r11/es if 'Jifripli•~· and. the moft J>igid. precepts 'of
or 11rtifiiia/. . · · : feverity :-Sammes, •82, would 'derive tilmjlit
MOLEST; M..>.or, vel 'Mo>.or, la#or; unde ~ from the iOe of /i11J11t1 ,' er Mon;. as bting tlie·chid'
t11ales, et mokjfia, et mo/efto ; to trouble, difq11it1, ' reftde'ncc~of the 'Druids :--but even then it would
"ggrit'llt. · . b~ Gr. ~s in the foregoing •rt.
MOLLI-FY;" M1>.>.or, fltollis ; or from ·Mw>.uw, · MONEY, 'Nkf"f"•r, iiummus;· by. t'ranfpolhion
t o foftm: R. Jl,f.,>.ur, feft, towardly, lazy: Nu,g." · tlio11ty·; numifma, · moneta ·1 th't currmt '°'" ef a
- this . latter fee1n~ ·t o be .the more proper; : 'ki11gdom.: R. Nr,...,; llio11ty; diftr'ibtto·; lo dijlri~llte,
though it may hkew1fe be derived ab A,u.<&'A•r, vel fpread a'br6iJ; dlfptrft : ' -•Clc:J. \roc. •1·56, fays.
~fa~·""''• mollis; feft. the worn " monty ·is but & corruption of tllin-ty;
· MO LOSSES.: " voic valde corrupta," far.s min ; mtta/lic fllalter}money ; or legal currency
Skinn. "a Fr. Gall. tnallece; (and is the French '<J; ·htwful · · of a ·metal/int ""'"";
more pure 1 if what the Dr. adds be right) thence the LaCin word,.mo11tta; and· our•s.,,,;111 :~
utrumque ab Ital. mela.zzo, fauhari Jpuwi_a, fcu -b~t ftill it may be Gr. u under thofe art.
/-ex; ct hoc a111•1/e:-(but why would not the Dr. :MONGER 1 " ·M<.tt••"'1•r, f//JIJ11go: Upt."-
fay, a M1A>, md ; ho11ey ? ) cui et dulc~d.lnt, er qtii v:trias 111ifat1 ut alios decipiat : R. ·'M"rl'"""•
conliftentia valdc affine eft." w 11f}ici11111 ; "" ddu!teration, • lowering tu goodnefi
MOLTEN; the parricip. of M•ELT ; Gr. of '1/11)' tJrfitlt; ,poifani11[ fair trade : - Verftegan
MOLTER: " the /ql/ ef a tnill; a Lat. mola: . ft1ppoft's, that this word monger, was anciently
Ray :"-a Gr. M•"•· · · the '(c Saxon name ·for a' marcbanl ; now only an
. MOMENT of time }Mo&o~, motio, mf!"(Jto, additioo to diuers · marchantable trades, as ,.
MOMENT, wright mo111hllu111 1 li7!1t, ebttfe-•oifter, fifh-mo11ger, iron-monger ; the woor~
· MOMEN.TUM 'Of boi1its · .and wtight; alfo mitrcha111 wee hauc frotn the French :"-from rhe
wright and velocity u11ited togtther. . · worft hand ; but even the French is not the
· MON-A, " Qr 'f lit· iJ]/e ·o f Man, Tee<;lved ·it~ original fro1n ·whence the wo.rd merchiinl comes'
name from· the -miens, mons., •&'c. 'fignifyin_g as ·we have· alreaC!y feen under that art.
mtin-ey ; "if it 'of ·tht ·mHn, ·or Jane;" " TayS' M0NGREL ,; M•'r•"i"'• unde Teut. mi#gt11.;
€lei-. Voe. ·5S :-'Confe\:juently Gr.: fee MEIN, mingft, "' quafi mingrel; bl"gmer,' mir~ru, feu mi1<ti
and MINS1~E'R :· G•. · generis: Skinn."-'" fee millglt,''. fays the Dr. ; -
?Ji~NADE:. 11_ Nf•v<>r; inoitas·; an unite: Mo'"'f- which even he himrelf allows to be Gr.
· 'J.y10N-ARCH l x•r, mJnartbus'.; a per'fon who MONITOR ; M'"''"• "monto r /o ·advife; diretl.
I roles folcl,y or 0!011~ <·
1 • · M0NK, " M«or, ' faltn ; " M°'"'X•r, mon1ubus:
· ·"M0N-:AS'FE:RY.: common·derivation would Nu'g ."'--a rec/uft, a/14/bne' ...:.!tiu't,' as ·Cle!. eb-
dcduce it frO:-n'l 'the ·fotegoing root; becaufe ferves, Voe. '53 • it ' is reallt 'lirde• better than
monks- iA 411011afltrirs lead fmglt, folita'='' and ruluft . " : nonfenft- to ·d erive monk a Mo,..r, folu1; alimt,
live~ : but ll1••"<i folus, would rather fuit ·a htrmit when 111011*1 ate a_ ff'e1nole1I fn nutnbers together,"
than a monk; "fo~: Cid, V ot. •5z, "53• very" ju!fly : in every !T'·onaftery t lfrougho'tit Chriftendom ;
obfenies;thllt ''as fall: as Chri!tian"ity gave us riew fuch •a derivation 'Would fuit .better with a hermit,
in\-ented ·Greek words for Celtic tJ1ings, ·we ad'o\:\t: th:in a 'tllo11,~ : · he tbl:n proceeds to give us a
cd· thc:m, arid · forgoc our o'\vn; bot no iaca 'i>f Celtic deriv. which has • been. ~!ready conlidered
celibacy, which is' but acceffary; will e,v~r m~kc ui1d'er the art.'MON-P<STERY: Gr. ·
tt·Otber than<nonfenfe, to- derive 111onk·fron1 M.,or, l\.10NK.EY ; " Jo;1'1""1,.•., jimi11i; an ape; "'"''
while .monks are affentlllta in lnumbtrs, ·and by'frat&- ;.8~""'~"9~•. ani1'nal 1"'1"•1••<> : fed patios per con-
lritiu 'in conv~iits ;., .:..:.. he wo ulcf'thcrefo're·;defiv,.r i raet.' 'ex ·ho-1111111cil-lus-: ·Upt:":..:.Junios. fuppofcs
''monk; and1'i•1111j9tlyft-oni'th~ G'.eTt!c mt1111mon, won, the· wora "mon.tey miglit take its . origin (( prop-.
mo11y ; ·all which ; ftgnify •ln!J?t-jiofl, <ptr-man~m.cj ; t'erea q tk>d monochorum fanctimonaliumque antifti~
or rather from mein, 'mtyii, ·miefler' ; fignifying tibus•f'acedffima be(li a dlim fuerit· in deliciis; ·i .
altar, 'or fanetuary·: p. 57·:·" -but; care Mi,.r, fa/us; unde M0>ax;or. 1!1011aibui, contraeteii
it would be Gr. ; as may be feen under the art. • to monkey ;, prorfus ut p.fittacu,,. Bel~ parl. de
.W-ONT, and MJEN : ' tr. ·~·"how'c!vCT, aH this · ·califa . vocant . papogt1) , :q: d . Jacerdot'ym . deiui.e ;"
fce1ns .to 'a ccount for 6hly •i:h'C ,f6'rmcr half .of t his I '3.s·wjll be forrher cibfel'Vcd under tire art\ ·P0PIN-
'&mpound ;-for nron,-afltry•feei"!~ fo be 'con1pound- :IAY • Gr ,. · : "
'c<l ,of m~n and afltry, ~oi'iljlir, i. ·~. "'lb' A~"'"• ex- ' ·MONO-Cl!R0S, M•r•;"f"'(• •Wlor, . rlionc<triJ.
f(;tto, t11tditor; fi~nifying the t1ifi11'lton, fane, .or ' llNCU/11 ta11/U/ll Cor11U .babttll ; 1111 1111i-tor11 i if-there

• -
" ....

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bl! alty-Cuch.creaturt,. as we tee c:Ommonly reprt- n111 : et T•••r, fa11u 1 /111/fJ; a T«""; tt1"o·.1-10
' {cnted : R. M•Hr,. 1111it111 1 .et X'f'"'' '""" i a ftrucb a jlrmg.
hm114 . liu IN ,,.bi1JO-ftrOS 1·only on different parts : MON-SIEUR : t his title, fo fondly .ifcCl:~d
..tbe .niton1'1.gro111ing ou.t . of ~he middle of his by the French; is totally Gr. being only ;m un-
fordiead, but 1J,. rJ,ill4"(trllS' on ·his f11nl or noft: grammatical Freni:h difiorrion of meus ftnior ; 111:1
. -with regard now ro the Englilli pronunciation elder; and conf«}ucntly derived ab E,..•r E•1-Av1•r,
of thefe two words, the 'l#lllfO&l!'OJ and rbi11oeeros. •tus an11of11s ; my good o/J .all ; my dadJ:1.
by altering only one letter, viz. " into'• we have MONSTER, M,...,, M ...,.., 1110111(0, mo,,Prt<m,
ftrangely dcviaced .fro1n the names .of thefe crca- quild monflrtt futurum, et n10111at vo(u111111tm .J,,.
tutcs ; t.he Greeks pronouncing them hard, ,.,,,,, 1 allJI flrnttge tffeS, tl:al fortfoew.s thirrg.s lb comt,
•we fo(r. . . a pb.e11ome11011, o prodigy. · ·
MON-OCULAR, M•••r-01t..r, Mo..f>f~or, MONTH , M~•. M•••; mtnfis; l·be '1i11tt from .o~
'rmouJos; a perfon having but 011e "': R. t.1•••<, IJt'W moon to another.
,tnri&11J : Mr/y 011t•; and o,i..1.14or, oeulus ; an tye. MONUl'v1ENT, Mt"'"'• M""""'• .fl/onto 1M••I"~•
..MON-ODY, Afo.-,,,/,,., t110110di11, tantio folita- mon11mentum 1 a ftpukbral j/011( , lo rtltU11.d us of tbe
~i111 &arme11 flt/Jilt ; 11 11W1tr11fuJ dfrge, Jung /;y 011/y dtctafed. .
.•.n• per/011, witbD111 a cborNs : - there is anorber MONY " as a termination to feveral words
v.ery remarkable: fenfe of rhis word ""1noJy, or (as a/i-mony, maJri-mony, parci-qi!)ny, p4tri-rpQ-
rather ,.011odifl, which originates from another ny) includes the idea of ptrmannr9 iand habit,"
.fource; viz. M ..o.t•.r, monodU1, qui imi<um b11b11 fays Ciel. Voe. 52 :-confequently Gr ~ fee MAN-
.dnum 1 unu,. os, lklllit<m loco; he who has but SION: Gr. . · ·
011e continued tooth in .his bead i without any MOOD, Mola<; modlu ; //,1 dijft~tnl formation
.difiioCl:ion of parts ; as k ing Pyrrbus, a11d the fon fl/ a 'lltrb : alfo ra11k, fiatt, or cp114itjo11, ·as . when
:of PrufiJ1s are fa id to have had ; - and perhaps it we are in a g/tiollJJ, or a 1111rry mood•
. is meant, that cheir teeth were all double, both MOON, " M•'"• ""'4, q11.e <«rfa fao merzftm
before and behind, both above and below. defaribit ; · apud Virgilium, wenJl.rua !1171.a_; M•>,
MONO-GAMY, M•••')'"I"''"• ·mo11ogamia ; fta- 1111".fis :. N•I'•""'' 111X1a luna,.llQvi-lunium; -new-m.0011:
.tu.s , quum quis· unicam 1a11/11JJJ babei ux1rtm ~ a. ~afaub. and U pc." · ·
marrying lo ont wife, and 110 mtJrt 11// 'bis lift lolfl :· MOOR, M'"ueor,. l\}'<>•e•r, . o~ft11ruJ ; JJie .people
alluding .to a fea, which held a fttond 11111rriagt fa called from the darinefs, an.ti blockn.eft of their
,1111/awfal. <0mplorion. ,
MONO-GRAM, Mcv•'>'e"'l'l'•r, ti1D11ogrammus ; MOOR, or fen l 1vlvf"" flutl't ; uncle mart ; tht
a flight fletch; tbt fir.ft . draught, 'OT .0111/i11u of a MOOR-hen 1 fta; and by a iinall tranfpo-
pill11rt: R. M"or, folllS ; ·ec.rea,.,..., lhua; o fition a nu<1r, .W' largt (UUttlian af f't:tjh fl/a/tr :
Jingle lint 011/y. hence a m.aory-ftn, or morfby.ground. · ,
MONO-MACHY, Mo"l""X•'• ,Jingulart urta- 10 • MOOR a fhip: Skinner derives jt ii J..,as.
"'' " • a .ftnglt-lombat ; rt woul~ appear odd to marari,.dtti,ntre ;-bur " M•e«s voc;e uli fuor Xe-
rranOate it a d11tl, and yet it is too true in nophon, Diod. Siculos, plurefque alii ; Paufa-
faEt: R. M... ,, fa/us ; alone ; aud Af"X•• vd M«- nias vocac M••f"" fod origo cadem , nempe ·a
·X•f""'• pugno ; ID fi1:bt. M"f '" divido; quia mora11in ternpus intervallis
. MONO-POLY, Moo""°''"• tnottflpolium-, <J>dvi- trahunc, ac dividunl : Voff."-ch rs di:riv. feems
Jegium, quo qtiis falu1 guidpian1 tJtndttt poteft; to be rather forced' ; and therefore it is to be
ao engroffing any artifle, in order to ha·ve the hoped we lhnll pleafe the Dr. beccer by referring
fq/• 'Vttrdint, and ihen:by make i.c Clear; for which co che Sax. Alph.. ·
1'eilfon it has been <forbidden in all nations: R. to MOOT a cofe1Maw, M,..,, i 1•9o;, mo1u1, und'e
IM•.>oJ; fa/us ; and :nlA.r, vtnditor. ; tht D11/y feUer, " ~OOT point S m<".:eo, mo/are ; litem, fcu
· . MONO-PTOTI?> M·..o-'r'l:.1 «, mono.ptotm; · drffirulcate1n mwert '· (non remover•) lo movt .a
1111ictsm •t1111tum ba;tlfS cafum ; a n.o un in gra1nmar, queflio11, ~o prapoft a diffi'ct1l!;f' ( not ·to fel'Vi one) a
.havin.g ~ly onr caft: R. •Moi<<, folus, vcl unus; an,d · meat point is a ,P•int·in .difpult, " queflio11 11ntitrided•
J;Ji1.. ~ .., rajuJ•\ a n...1.., tlllh. ; /q detli11e. Cid. Voe. 113, n, f,ays, " che barens, who faie
•.MONO..SYLl,,ABLE, M•••·f v>.11,.Po,., ·•Otto/jl· . upon' all controv'erfies and caufes, within their
/a.bus.1 hav~ng · but .1u fjllablt: R. M ...,, "'""' ; ~fpedive jurifdictions, whl'ther under their facrCd
et :£u/\>-af3•, fyilaba ; "found. oaks, ·or on chofe emi nences, called 111at1-hiUs,
· M0N·O-TGNY; Ato>0 ·~...,, -.1mo, eodtmqut ·It· could noc, &c."-'-he then obfcrvcs in his note,
11c~e prcpedtns 1 • rlllding, or fpetiki11g in one eonli- t hat there was in .'R ome . itfelf a mo"" 1wu1itlli1,
nued (adenc.e• 1Jr ,/?IJI iJf N/Ji1t: R. Mo"'' folllS, vel which had ·antiently f~rvcd for that p11rpore- :

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M O' From G "z 1 K, and · LAT i If. 'M 0
tllbtl#11g 11.point derives from thofc motos ; t o MOR.ESC Janet }"Fr. Gall. mqriffllt 1 Ital. et
which the bentb is now fubilituted :"-as there- MORESC pitl•rt Hifp. t111refao; ~if111uu,
fore a bt1ub of jujiius 1neans what we fometimes Maurilat1ic11s: Skinn.''- (why would nohb~Dr.
ca.II a jrtfliee' metting, or a ju;1ic~· fatting, we 1n3y add a M""f''• obftur1u, f#ftflS?) q. d. genus tri-
fuppofe, that mooting a point lhould mean the pudii, et pi!lur.e; tripidium Maiuila11iNm1; et
propo6ng a (ubjeet, or qodlion, of fo1ne diffi- fculptura, Hua aves, quadruixdes, . arbores, et
cult nature, to- be confidered by the barons alia inartificiofe, et rudi quafi Minerva, oculo
aJTembled at thofe mettingi , or mott-hiifJ: confe- exhibcnrur: :NIAuri enim primi in R .ifpanian1,
qucntly Gr.: fee WITTEN A-GEMOT : Gr. eoquc in Europam reHquam invexcrunc.: a
·MOOTED up /Jy the roots; " Belg. moufa;•, .'Moorifo danu, and a mtdley-pitlllrt: the dance i3
murjt11; hoc a Lat. murilart: Skinn.'' -hoc a Gr. ofren called a morrice-da11ce; and we are told,
M11v.>.0<, "'"ti/us; •11tila1td, maimtd. tliat tht Moors intenning\ed their fports with
MOP, M•<i1•.>.•, a -"f..-J1.,, -"f.w.-.., mappa; pro- dance.<, and grimaces, and dangerousjumpings: and
pdy .a napkin; or IJlfY tbing to dry "P moi.fturt. we lornetin>cs nieet with a nint·n1t11's maurfrt,
MOP, and MOW; "q. d. mump, and mrJJ: meaning a 1'1a11rifo, or MbOrijh gamt, witb uint
Edg. momptlrn; muffitart: l>fvMn•, ~·h •/"•MM;, lilth pieces ef wood; it is mentioned by Shakefpear
Mu...,, M••l""f» c/Jlllrabtrt labia; to contrafl tbe in his Midfammer Night's Dream, act II. fc. :i,
lips, to draw up tbt moutb, to makt mouths at one; where we lindit, in Johnfon's edit ion, printed thus;
!Jui ore, wlt11que dijtorJg, ti valgis labi£s .aliq11em.. '1N 11i11t-mtn's morris is fill'd up with mud 1 l t
tkritlml : Skin.1i·... . . • which that leuned editor fays," was fom.c kind of
MOPE; perhaps from Muwij,, ,_.fu.,..,,...,f, vitium·
rural game in a marked ground 1 but what it was
.10Ntm, qlii u11•ift irt1u1 '!lidfft pojf1u1t ; thofe who
1nore I hav.c not found :" - it was nothino- more
are loft as to all external obje·& , aAd feem to be than a fquare, filled. ~1p in the,;fpUo)jllJiii njan .
wholly wrapt up in the contemplatioo of what ner, ~ and cut by the lbcphetU's>ibG'fs on ~he;
palfes within : Milton writes it · gre.e n-iwerd , at which th.ey fate.-, an~ playeq.,
. moaping mela ncholy, wlule they watched the11 flocRs: PIJ wlilit
And moonftrack madncfs.-- '. •morris means would puz~li more than- ~)\ ·"
P ar. Loft, B• XI . +8 5. doCtors : it Jhould have been printed nine m!
MORAL, M<1e••• modus agmdi; mos, moralis · mor.rfc, or,,;,,, mm's .ma11ri«; as above. · .•.•,.
1Je1onging to manners; a nilt of a8ion~ ' ' MORI-GERO US; M~1f"• modus, e~ ... . :til~or~
MORlUD M l\f
0 · 1
unde gtro ; modus agmd•, mortm gent; obedi<nt~
" '. H.•· ;, •fh•f, ··~~·.::'ofirs, ,m~~ flSdijl; m er-. ma1111trly, complaifant. . • ";.),,1. -·. '~
pouto ". e1y. c • A d~ea1 t, r1<11e;s, 1 tt11per, . MORNING A t " · · · · '··~ ._;;. Ii''
4 Mh 1, , uei•r, 'ras, 0 ; 1110N'DflJ. o..- e, IC
e MORDA CITY 1'~ ...J, M 1" ii, · fro.m A•fo.r, fplttldur ; , unde 411rora; lbt mornir,:g,
,_ . , . . •fl. ~e w,R 'f"-' d.'.•'!1dor to, bright11tjs: perhaps it may be dcri1fed a mane,·
,_ 1 t d 111g111g : d', . M"e'» 1vr o; ct w h.1ch v o ffitus ded uces a, manus;
·"''"'K• , · e.· ullfrtts,
1. , . ca- l
,,,..,, '"" ; o .ta , evour grte ''J·
""ORE ,. S r u, 'd
C f; b ) rus, ct us: t o . wou
h • If. Id d · · >
crive 1t .. l\f"" f •
~vt. . ; .u. in~pc:, mape • mara, a au . 'Hefych · ··. './ '· · · .· '
;111er.1 l .quid Ii omnia a Lat• .major? Skinn.''-quid MOROSE " 0 ab 0 •• 11.l·' • ·,
.(i1 omn.1a"• .,, G .. ? '0 ft . ·. ' e••· e••»
r. ,.,,,,,.J, #lag'!its · -· ~ we mu gain. additur ; mos, moris; unde mqrofus, q11i Jui morii · ·
T"~"""' . "f"• .

..11111p11u., bcfor.e we can. ar·rr~~ at ma;or. , <ft ; vcl IJ"i di.fJW/ibus, ti ma/is morib•u ef1 .pr.~di-
MOR..E,, .a mountazu; Sax•. 1nop ; mo~s; Jus: VoO:"-one who fo/10".JJS bis uw11 pet>;ifo
(Pemnan.-1r1a11~, mor, more, . murr, inure) ~inc bumour. • !!I:
n1011lan'o; reg10 montdlla; a b:ll· counlr)': " Jun.·-
. .. •. «Gall.
. m"""b't·
•. , . •. , f.-ulo
-~ nempe
and Cle I· Voc. 176• te II s us, t hat macr, or fem1barbaro v1t1/1go d1ccbatur nurpb.ea no ·
mawr, !ig~ifics btad-r~1lcr :"-all wbicl1 1night m utato ab illo morfca; quod Ital. mllia~
perfuade us, that every .one o f thcfe words w_erc denotat; a fuw, or /<tit/: . Jun."-but Skinner
but fo m~ny ,d1ftorted diale0's ?f the . word ma;or ;· g ives us another dcriv. : "Fr. Gall. mortt, .e t 'Vtue\
~~d confcqu~ntly Gr. figmfymg a great, hug~, q. d. ajpttlus mortuus, et quail ctuill'1Jtrofus :".._,
h1gb 1nouotam. . he £bould have told us t hat mortt et ··-,
•» 1o·R EL, •.~ lot111u,N1or;m
l ,a. . ., "ii d. "
lri.v t; Otte 1uus, derived " . a• Af°'f"• 111ors' f.atum. et , E.J.,··~e, were
{:ays Sk . " ' J b .f: ' .
.. mn. · . .a co ore ~1 ~o aturo 1ucc1 moro- vifut 1 whence that lhocking Fri:noh diftor- • ' , • ucu,
. rum : and Little.ton .the mocus• . or mul- tion ve11t. , . :.
bt~ry-lree, a M~•e•'• niger, :quod .to/or in porno ell: MORRO\V, ·Ave"" aur.•ra, eras; to-~~
obt pcrmaturu1t ater; IUld the,J111JJ'(/ has !be faine " vel ex •r,.e..• nt•!eo.» goad •orrqtD./ Cafaub."
black appe.arance.. Hf<'f<"• aiu, a ,Jay; theday·.aftctJtJ.Ja.l.··'· · .. '· ~

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From Ga111t, and LATrtr. M 0
· · MORSEL, Af•e•r, pars; •part. gives both words) 111Ufa111 ; • faft, /111111gi11otu p/4111,
• MORTAL, " Moeor, Mo•e•• mars, fllorralitas; grll111ing 011 trets, walls, &c.
tfUJYl'itl,frnil,fub;'ell lo dift'!fe, difordtr,deatb: Nug." MOST; " felicitcr alludit Gr. M•r•r••• con-
MORTAR, " mixture l" Moe'"' lt1buro, abrndo; craftum M11rov, Sax. 1nrep::an; plllri•Ullf; maJti-
MOR1'AR, a vtjftl · J ct Mof'1" dicitur .."'f" mum : Skinn."- this the Dr. calls only a happy
.. ~ ~1'f'.."'• quod Hefych. e:rpon1t ,.,1,....,, '""·'"; allulion ; but mrerc, mrerta. m~, metjJ, w~iJ!·
i. e. pt1rtiri, divitkre; et e contra mi{tere, q'uia 1fleijle, 111tyjfa11, and meijltro, mull all be origi-
ea, e quibus fiebat more/um, prius 1umlere11t1f.r, ac nals, undoubtedly! becaufe they were Saxon.
1ererentu1· in pila; unde et morttum· ipfum Grrecis MO-STICK; "quali mal-j/itlc; aTeut. male11,
T('I'"'"" dicitur, i11trit1'm." Voff.'"-a jlro11g mixture mahlen ; pingert; hoc a Lat. mae11lart ; ct }lfrk?
of lime and fa11d; alfo a veffel in which things are baculus rotundus, 1.2 circiter uncias loqgus, c111
t11ixt up; and bet1/e11 t ogether. · piElorts,dum pingunt, cu bi to ad tirmand:u;n manum
MOR.fAR lo throw /Jambs: from the fame inni tuntur: Skinn."-confequ~ntly denved froq1
root .; .bernufe·of .its /hare. M•x~...., mtJc1tle, unde maculo; and lr•I'•• j/o ·'
MORTGA~E, Moe•r, murs, death : mortgage, unde jlidt; a pointer's jlaff, or <vt1nd. . ..
lf'pfedgi in raft ef death. . : • a MOTE •f wate1· round a· houfa: Shenngham·
.l\10R1"ICE; " Fr. ·Gall. · mortaifa; foramen and Sam1nes fecm to affirm, that mote deiives
·quo coarticulantur, et coaptantur ligna; a..mor- from the Gothic moat, lignifying a m•rfh, or
'Jeo, mor{us: Skinn."-:l. MHf•» ve) Moe"·''"• mor- ditch of wattr; and they think, that the Pa/us:
deo; to J,;,,; where two· bea1ns j oin, unite, and lod: M~otis originates from hence :~en very pro-.
Jaji togetbfr. . ' bably M""'''f is rhc origin 9 ( all ..
MQR· TlER: " this word," fays Ciel. Voe. MOTH, " Mexh~•r, parvus: vel Mo11" CX•
45, "is frill retained for a diftinetion of the prtji- ponuntur Hefychio "'~f"'°"" ~"f"1~"'' vubttrat,.
'dtnts a mortier, or heads of the pa1·-l.:y-mote of turbat: Jun."'-and Skinner derive~ it ":l. M•~-··
'Paris; but the thing itfclf is loft even to them, 11/igine putrefao :"-perhaps from 1ts corroding
with the form of it, their trown being reduced nature.
to a coif, or tap :"-but mor is cinly a contraction MOTH~R, "M•1•t• Dor, Ma1"trtUttr.·:- Upt."
'Of major; i. e. of M''Y"'• mag1111s, unde nuzjor : a female parint ; a matro11.
and"!fA R likewife is Gr. MOTfIERY, Mu"""'• 14•£w, futur. Att. M.,.W~.
· MORT-MAIN; a pretty French 'ditlortion mungo, interfercodo n; ii #llOlgtt, •Ut41J.: (.Ainf-
ef mortua-mnnus; i. e. lands given by a dc·ad-ha11d, worch fays, fcrib. et' muuus, a mugeo,1 quod pro>
m1111gb , but has given us· n0< fuch.verb as: fJlugeo)
or left to churches, &c. by licence of che king .:
and hence likewiCe a l/IUtliS eft tlllltidus; frO!ll whence perhaps -~
tbery : rho' with Skinn. we may derive it a:Belg•.
l\.fORTU ARY, to fignify lands left by will of
dle d~celfed : confequentl}" both Gr.
motdtr i · f,ex; hoc a ,,,,,JJ.,,,•oder;. limus, (O/•
num :"-but, as chat evidently fignifias sud, it;
MO~AIC, Mw,~r, Minwr, vf-1 M.,;...,,. vel is Gr •.'35 the Dr. allow! under that an.
Mwv..1ur, )\1ofas; the lawgiver of the lfraelitu : MOTlON}iw...,, ~~"'"" M•&.r, 111otu~, 11t1>tio; a <
Upton will inform us prefently, that }vfofa de- MOT.IVE j/'irri•g~ movemelll, inflig9-tion, _,.
rived his name fro1n Mwv, or Mw, which, in the · i11dUc.t,>1ent.
EgyI?tian bnguage,.. lignified wat;r ;· and we all MOT.LY, mixture; ' " q. d; medly:; F.r. Gall •.
l,tnow, that when an infant, be was found ;unong mefler; lt:i.1. me/co/are; mifc11lare, vel mifqla1·e:
.fome bull- rujbes :-but when the term mo/ale is Skinn."-and tqere the Dr. flops :-Co that he ·
applied co any piece of. wo_rkman!bip, it takes either could not, or. would not, tell us, that an:
a- different <kriv.; it has then no connexion with thefe are but der·ivati¥Cs from mifceo; and· d1~t
rhac great lawgiver's name, but is derived a mif<eo is derived ii. M•'J'l"'/4'> M ...,..., to. 111ix, (o•
Xf1'a-1Kof, muji-1.lia, vel m1if"1a<11J; i. e. a11..ingenio1's mingle; a 1notly mixture being 11. mixture.oj tuzr.ious;
and curJil11s ptrformance ~ or elle it is borrowed co/6rs : fee MEDLY': Gr•.
direttly from tbe Dorj c word M".."'' or,, which MOTTO.; M118or, fermtt; a foort quotation.,
is t~e fame, M<o:<:o:i•or,,. pro Afaa:«or, eltgans, peri- MOULD, earth lM1>J.,, liguefio, inter alia : R; M•a-«, mu/a. ·
MOSKER; " to rot,. or dttay ;. perhaps from·
MOULDER. away , exponitur T"''"'• ,9;,,.., to'
mtlt, dijfol'Vt, 01· 'rumb/1 away; ~ITJ ligpt tarth,.
gathering mo.fa; as a mofau,'d tree:. Ray :"-but ,lharis eafily friable, and rubs lo j/Itrth .
MOSS is.Gr.; as in the l\.10Ul:.D, form i M11<0r, ,,utior.,. moJiu, moJu-
MOSS, 41« ..x•r, Moirxoc (Junius writes it Mv...,r, /us; the meafure, r11a1111er; fafoion of a thing.
for,- wbich he qµotes Hefr ch, ;, but Hcfy;chius MOULl' ;. " forte. ii Lat. mu111r1, fc. p,lumas:
- Skim1.'" _

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8KinA:''-certe a 11!,i.;., N-f.,~, mo-ve~·, motfll; undc in our Englifu· hift:ory, who, fn the time' or
111uto, mutare; quafi '111ol4rt : Voff. . Edward HI. 13p3, waS' chief of'the compa11ic$ of
•• M0UNF.>', or btifd·; Ciel. Voe. 4'9,. &c. is banclitt i in l<'•ance; and was afterwards ditlin•
~try full ·on · 't his art. a·nd. plainly Jh~s, that tht guilhed by many br'll've exploits · in th·e Ft2lian
'!iftound, or. bead1· which the king, or judge, held wars : whether he was !1 knight, or not, and whe-
in· one· of thei r' h:rnds, was an embletrt of pt1t<t; ther his name was John, I have not yet -learnt./ ,
and that both m1111J, and bydb, ,or b1ad, exprefa the MOUNTE-BANK; mou1tt·&-be1t(h, ·or jlage i
idea- of h•bitat io n ; and are rypifled by " mumJ, and confequcntly wi.11 be calily deritted 1
momtd, or·btad':-and in p. 52, he tells us, that MOUNT, and BANK: Gr.
ft1on, wont, ''"'"• or min, for they are all at bottom M O Ul-tN, " M,.ue•I''"• lamt1tiw, -rew ; 11
the fame, the t being only the Celtic paragogic 1 g1"iroe, wup; !11me11t: Cafaub." ·
and all fignify manfion, rtjidmct :-i< is. a won- · MOU SE, .Mor, mus; the litt/11111imalfa calhd.
der now, t hat this great etymologift, and anti- MOUSE-E:AR, Muof·oua,, mttris-af.fris, -uft-
quary, did not fee the clofe, the very clofe con- tar; tbt pla11t Jo called ; to be gl>O<i againft
nexion there is between all thelc words with the the bite of a mad dog.
a,. thus, won, wont, "'""" tnlllld, mound, min, MOUTH, Mu9or, 11trh•• ; flettb .•· Cafaub,
tnan-fion, man-eo, l\fo - iw, Mo·.,, to rt-main, re.fide, but Verftegan thinks it is Sax.
<ontinue in, 'inhabit. MOW tht graft, Ay.a"; mtlo; '' rt#p, ,,,.
MOUND, or bil!oclc.: Junius fuppofes this '"' down. ·
WOt-d is derived a Sax. mun'01an ; prottger1, /Ktri: MOW ING, hfu...,, labia tontraho; to t01tlrail
and then rc(ers us to 111u11de1, which · he explains tht lips, to draw up the mouth, or f11t tr up tht no/i!'I
by pr~d1'orum m'u!timintJ ;-and therefore 1nay · be fee MOP, and mow: Gr. · ·.
-ierived as. in the next art. but one. MUCH, M.,>.or, mo!u, multu's, olim moltf.f1, ii
MO UNT on hotjebaclc; from the following mo/a ; great in 'Jllantity, number, &c. R. M..>-•r,
. lirt. q; d. tfJ1tU1'1 .,,,onlart, fc.u t1"f"" ftaluiere 1 10 ''°'"l'•r, l'"'X"• fight, hurry ; where mMch ptqple "''
f/imlt Jhe borfa's fi..dts. • gathtred together.
·.MOUNTAIN,. hf•••r, t1Jo111, fo!111 ; an mi11tnct, MUCK, Mu•"'"'• t.fa£.,, Mux1•e, munJio, mucus;
.fl11glf, Jtparate~ a.font,1 tho' . fon1ccimes there is a ·muck, dirt, filth: muckfogtr, M.vE"'-X"f'''" mucum-
cbnti'nti&f chain •of' mo11n1arns: or perhaps rather gtro; a ba11dk'trchief: Ray (under the art. mu,lt)
il"M""• manto; 1' rn1U1i11 ; becaufe they are fome- fiippofes it to be derived a Bdg. muyck ·; 111o/!iJ,
t imes called tbt t<Vtrla.fti11g hills : • we might rather, lenis, mitis ; molliries enim hu111iditarem fequitur ;
with Jf. Volf. derive 1110111, a B•ror, col/is, IURIN/ilS; and dfe whcre muck fignities dung, or ftraw , that
" !Jatilt, -hill, or t111i11tn&e. lies rotting, which is · ufualty very moift: hence
· M0UNT -AGUE, contra'frcd from 1110111 atu- thofc proverbial limilies, as wt/ as m11rk ;· and
7111; · confequently Gr. t o fignify a 'raggy mo11n- muck-wet : -the origin however feems to be G·r .
1am 1 this perverlion of names reminds me of a as above. ·
droll incident, mentioned by good old Vertl:egan, MUJ), " !\.fol,..,, ..... -t¥ Mol;v, pr"' nimio bu.-
30 1, where he tells us, that " fomc gentlemen more, feu madore putrtfttrt; to 4tcay, ihro' ta1
of<our nation .traualling into l talie, and paffing much moijlurt; a t11ouldi11efs 011 the top of /i'luors ;
t hro' Florence, there in the great churche be- M«ii, ·Afw, among the Egyptians lignified water;
· holding the monument of an Engli!h k night, from whcnet: Mofcs derived his name; as we
who had been a famou~ warrior of his tyme; but have already obfcrved: Cafaub. Skinn. Upr." ·
becing flaine in fomc battaille, was there ouried, MUE, !iltc a cat; commonly written mt w 1 'but
· and in his epitaph _is named J ohannts .An1IM1, derived ii Mo, vox jftntis; !he voice of lamenJati~n
.. armigcr ; our trauillers wondered what Sir Joh1r like the try of a cat. ' · '
iharpe this m ight be, feeing in E ngland they had J\.1 UE, for bawA:s ; " Mv.., da11do; J\fvr., , oc-
· never heard ·of any fuch i his name rightly writ-· d11jio; a jhutti11g up; becaufe the haw/cs, at the
ten bceing in deed Sir ·John Haultwood; but the time of tbtir moulting, af'.e alwoy1 jh111 up; thtir
I talians omitting the H as friuolous, and foftening ftiuhers being thr11 fore: from this place, or houfc,
the It into· c 1 and fuppoling rhe w to be un- where they were kept fhut up, the muu (com-
neceffary, pronounced, and wrote it .lft -ood, and 1no nfy written tht mtws) in London, where our
• then 'Converted •it into .Acf.ffe; hecrupon they kings formerly .kept their hawks, took ics name:
tranOated it Johannes .Ac111111; Jobn8harpe, whereas ·upr. "-now grand ftables for borfes, •
·· ·his true name was Jobn fla11kw6oti :"...-or as we MUFF, Mo.,, lEol. MuF.., rla1uio, ttgo; lo , ••
Jhould now write ·it, Haw/cw()(}d: and probably ver tlefe, er wrap rou11d. ·
· t,.l:iis was the famous Captain fl•Wkwq_oJ n1entio ned M U LATTO, " fie aurem dicitur Hybrida
J fcmi-

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M· ·V· MU
fcmi·9!!tht~s, al.tcroparmtc Hifpano, vel L ufitano, -We have many other words in our language~­
after<> .IEt htopc, vel Indo, natus; i Lat. mM111s : ginning with this compound adjeClivc, whiclt.
Sltinn."-if the Dr. be right, it is Gr. as will be will be more properly found under t heir refpee-.
thcwn under the art. MULE: Gr. tive arr. unlcfs when the pri1nitivcs ;hcmferves
MUL-BER-R Y, M•ve•i. obj&11ru~, nigtr; b!tJcl., arc not in ufe; as in the follo)ving words, whcn-
"r titJri:.-rttl Hr'YJ. compoundcd.
MULCI-BER ; "M""'""'"""t'• mulur_e igne MUI:rI-PAROUS, 1'!.,>.01-f •f"• mufti-ftro,;
'"'"""': Seal. and Voll"." - an app_ellarion given i. c. pario ; plurts UllO part# tdtns ; bringil1g ferJft
to Vulcan, and figni6c.s to • olfify, or foftm iron 111011y at a /Jirtb.
;,, IN fir1: M.11A•x•0<, mitiJ, ,,.;ufto, muluo l to MULTI-PED, ]l;f..Atf·1r• I· ,,. , . ,, ,,,,,Jli-pts,
rtllllw plimu, nJ tr"'111bk : Garth, in his Difpt11- puliJ ; ba'Vi11g 11U111J' fott.
J11ry, ha.s humouroully c&llcd Mulci6~ th~ mayer M ULTITUDE, M"A", molts, mo/los olim,
of Brmillgl>- ; the elegance of which w1tcy cx- nunc 1JJ11/1111; mu/JituJo; tbt 111any, 11 throng,
preffion none but an En~lilhman can t~fte ; a mob.
His arms were made ( 1f we rnay credit fa1ne) MUM; " Brun/wick #:um; ncfcio :in a Belg.
By MM/doer, the mayor of JJromingbam. , 111011m1tlt11, 11101t1pelcn ; 1·e\lt. m11mmtln; mutire,
Canto V. muj/itare; uc nos dicin1us dl'i11k tbal will make a
MULCT, l'.f,.A•f, mol11, moltus olim, nunc mul- cat /peak: Skinn."-buc, if the Dr's.· deri v.
tus; undc multa, et 11111/0a: " quare fi mu/ta, ct amoun ts to any t hing, 'this wonderful Jrir.k ought
- 1111rt, qua Jt ptnt/1 ptcu11iari4 di~untur, a multi- to have made pufs J111110 ; as he himfelf fccn1s to
tid.iM ortum trahunt; quod mag 1ltra1us ob pec- think , by adding, " vel co:itra l voce mlDll,jilmli~ .
catum non pulillum cxigcrct, fed mu/tum: VoU:" indict; i. e. cerevifia adeo gcnerofa uc brcvt
--or, as we fay, • l>t11vy, or a wtigbty ~nt. li11gu.e uf «m adimat :"-but, without all chi.
M U LE, M•A-., 111ol4 ; MvAin, locus 1n quo eft
,,.0 /a . quOd fit animal viribus in laoert eximium,
prca1nble, mum feems to be only a conuaCl:iqn
111ujl11m: confcqucntly Gr.: fee MUST, or
l M;>.t1, Wor.: a •11/e; gignitur ex equa, et new wine.
afino; and tberefore the proper term in G_reek MUMBLE 1 both Skinner and Lye derive ·
for a mult is .;,.,..,, : and rhis may perhaps point this word from murmu1·art ; but neither of {hem
to a irucr dcriv. ; vi~. ''"''' i MW.A"'• Je tom- would 1ncntion M•tl'"f "': fuppofing chat mom~~-­
•ixtiont t• rpi. ien, momp1lt11, mumlt , and mum/a, were the origi-
- MULIEBRITY, J\l""•••r, 111allis; •ulitr, m• - nals from which M•tY."f" was derived.
lit~rittr 1 tbt fafter jtx ; w'111a'"'4oi, wnuuiijh: M UMMER, ~-l•f""J"~'> My<•r, fllj!tws, iail;r i
b ut If. Voffius would have us derive J1U1lierts ab to JOZimid:, or m""-· •
tl~''• UJtora.; ab O«f• ..'l°'• 11Xor: 111, cnim initio, M U MMY, "A,_,..., vox eft ab oricntalibus 1
ct I in m~io fzpc adduntur. fane Arabibtts vocatur 11m-•, U'l'll ex lnclic! la-
MULLED wi11e, M""•••i. 1110/lis, 11101/i t•s ; br11fca, vcl frutq: Vo(\. "- " prcsiofiffimis qui-
11,,tly WArmtJ: or dfc we m~y derive mu/kJ bu fque unguentis, ut plur imu1n addcba~\lr -•-
w int ab A"''""I'" mu/ao, ut flt ejufdem ac #lulgto 1 ,,.,,m, quibus unguebant cadavera : Jun,"-the
4< ;\ ,,,u/undo, mlllfum, quOd venu lenitatc fua art of preferving a dead body, by embalming it
11111/tt•t : a drink tbie//y madt of wi~,°"1.
H iit] ,,.;xtd 11nd foddtn togttbtr: Litt. and Ainfw.
with fpiccs, and d:1e11 w_rapping it in ccrc~clo-1hs ;
more particularly prad1fcd by rhe Egypttans.
MULLER fw gri11Ji11r tolll's; Mv"•• 11Ula ; MUMPS; this is the firft inftance we have
hi/ii 1Nl4ris 1_ •ft~ to prtjtJrt -&1/.,-s , .. "7 grinJ- met with, in which the literal and figurative
i"f_ tbtlli, 111 111 a • ill. fcnlC o( the word takea a different deriv. :
MULL.ET, l\.s..AAO<, YCl ~ M..-........g., - - if we fpcak of the m•Mpt, lirerally, as a difordcr,
_,;Jis 1 pifcis auu viClitans; a .fc.a fi!h, feeding, it fecms to originate · It 1'1•e/'•t-• t1111T111illar~ :
•or hiding itfclf w .the "'"" 1 and therefore 1nay Belg. m6111pelen: but. when w.c fp<;~ of the ,,,,;"!ps,
i:-ake even that dcriv. figuratively, "pro t;u/:g><1ir1, t11tllll pr.'1tftn11m 1ra-
iMULLY, muller, Mv>.>.~r, ~1••/'•>.A!<•i conlra- ru11dia alludit 1'.ft/'f<>I'..• reprchmdo ; et M...-..,.
-!Nrt Uiii• i to &olllralt tbt lips in fptalnng, a:nd do quod Suida gu.eri exponitur : S kinn."
;nJiti•1i1tt _..-bt1, •tul gr«m6/t. _ ·MUN, for mll/f; " orationis ftrutl-ur:i non
. .MU LTI-FARIOUS, JVl.,A•, - f'!", fl!!...,, mu/11-
ab!imilis illi, qµam babct Gra:corum Mi».-, I
f•r, - lti-f•riits ; qMH nt11ltiJ 1110Jis tJ1 fari ; cf mun go ; 116t1111t!- tjt mibi : J un. and L ye.''
1""11J Jifftrml farts •f txprt}M11.
MULT l -FlDOUS,•l"• 0111/tj-jtimlo,
MUNCH, ]l;f"'~'"'· M .. r.1...-1... ""'""' · "'""-
o; 11 &btw, 19 eat ' Shakcfpcar in his /ffMPttb,
~. tJUdti-jJIU';, JiflJMJ, pr (ft/I in/~ "'_1111] !ilrlS:
,_ · · · i 'f · · · atli

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· from · Gll r. r. K, and LAT 1 N.
aa J. fe. 3, has given us this word under a different trade chiefly by beads of cattle !".... but, i( pm lUld
appearance ; for one of the witches fays, 'Ven arc analogous ; and if tltd gives origin co
A failor's wife had cheflnuts iii her lap, 'IJen•do; then, let me obfi:rve, they all fccm co be
.lfnd ''"'""'"'• and mouncbl, and mot111cbl: Gr. for pen, vm, fltn-Jo, and 'lltlt•tO, all fccm to
which fhould have been written, or printed, origihat~ :lb ti. •• n ....f''"• -urn-to, vtndo; 10jell.
And muncb"d, and munch'd, and 1mmcb'd: M URAL, "~' .. f"• pars, portio; qu<XI q 0 llque
i. e. kept eating greedily herfelf; and would pro parte !Ult 111uro; cxftn1erer, re6ceret, fervaret:
give me none, tho' I afked her. . Vo!T. and Ca:( Seal." - a wnll; becaufe the
MUNDANE 1 mundus, m11nila11u1; btlongi11g to portion of every 1nan is di<uideJ, feparattd, and
tbt world: it is very obfervable, that the Greeks, paruti off by n w all: If. Vofiius <leri vcs murus
and after them the "Romans, have n1ade ufe of
the words Ko.-1'''• and 1mmdu1, to fignify both tbt
ab Ovf" : nam Ove•<, H elych. cxponic

/.,. ' j
. >1«.t 'JffP
\ •
'T4.'lfll .,..A,!111\.!JI.
mundane fyjltm, and likcwife al/ 11eatntf1, tltga.11u, MURDER, M"~"• /alum, ltthu111; vel i.r.e"•
and beauty; mundum tmn pro rtrum t1nivrrfi1a1t, 111urt, 1nor1i1 ; death.
tun1 pro ornalu mulitbri, accipi ; Fcflo hoc verifi- 1\-fUREX; ~1ii~. m11s, m11ris, quem acu1ninc
11)ilc vifum, f.1ys VoO: quia non · aliud ell qu11n refert ; qua de cauf:t, et alias mufculis dicirur:
K•..f'•rt ,.,.., ~;;, Ko..f'•1•1•<: but then he juftly di- 111urex ; n fheil jijh, /rem whoft liquor the purple
ftinguilbes between mimdus, and ornatus; nam color of tbe 'J}rians was e~·trafled: Vollius fays,
proprie mundus mu/iebi·is func fpeculum, ungucnta, mure:c is d erived a K"f"E• Arifiotelis, et Plinii.
et fin1ilia, pcrtinentia ad curam capiJlorum, MURKY, ab .IEo • Mve••c, pro rvr...>.xo;, mar-
curis, &c. or110tus vcro font cacena-, annuli, arque c1u ; undc murcidu1 : vel a Syraculio A-f•e••,,
h ujufmodi: wi th regard however to the dcriv. quod notat mutum; ct tranOate impotem, ig11a'V1<111,
of the words mtmdus, and mm1donus, there is no trntbrefum ; gloomy, dark, and difmt1/,
qoubt but that they take their origin fro1n M....,, MURL, " to crumblt to pieces; Ray :"-per-
'1Ullf-to;. as we have already .fbewn under che art. haps 9nly a contraetion, and tranfpoli.tion of
MOU.ND, or bead: G r. . MOULDER, qua!i mouldtrtl: Gr.
. MUl'{DI-FY, from the foregoing root, Gr. or MURMUR, "ll-r.fl""f"'• m11nnuro: Nug."-1<1
rather perhaps mundify; in the fenfe of purifying, repine, and grumble.
may be derived, as Cleland obferves, Voe. 126, MUR-Nl.VAL al· card1; "F.r, Gall. la mer•
11, fnin1 t he Cdcic u.n, in the fenfe of waler; and 11ifie, qualern11m par; cbarlitlarum t•lras; hoc
is radi<;al to un-da, and to m-u11-d1u, which ori- forte a morner, oblu"dr.rt i quia ~am fdix cafus ad-
.ginally fignifies <ltanftd by wattr; as purttJ, pu- verfario aitimos adimit: Skinn."-and Cid and like-
rifying 6y firt :-but un, and un-da, arc Gr. : fee wifr, Voe. 155, n, fays, "then.· is in Fr... nch a
t!N-DULATION: Gr. vulgarifm for a bllJ'".ll !vith ail tbe might of hand,
MUN ERA TION, 1r.11nus, muntro; to rew11rd i mor11ijle; fro1n mor-ntaf-f r/l; grt'at-ha.nd-blow:
Ciel. Voe. 48, n, .and 8 5, derives "'""'"' a pre· murni-:Jtd alfo fignified a great bantf at Gleek, an
fa11t, from BOON : Gr. old gan1e at cards :"-in this deriv. mor is evi-
MUNICIPAL, M•'f"• Al'"'"" " munio i a dently derived a M•)""'• mngmu, major, concraelrd
11M11ia; et m!Nlia, a.·m1111io :"'- thus Ainfwonh has to tnor ; 3nd ntaf, or 11tif, is Sax.
'"1t her played wich thtfe word s; and all the MURRAIN, M"'f"""'• Mae"qi-'°'• tabtjt;cio ;·
others are filenr : let 1ne onl y obforvc, that 1111111i-. marc~r ; infttlion, ptjlilence, or plague.
· eipal llgnifies the rices, laws, priv<legcs, and cuf- MUR'fli, " abundance of corn, &c. forte a
toms, which the inhabi tants of anv free town en- MORE-: Roy :"-ruin certe a Gr. .
j oy :-Ciel. Vo·c. 156, ingeououOy corrects a MOSARD; "l\fava, mufa; Gall. muja rd; ve-
fo rn1er error; anli nO\\' derives m11;tit1, ;_tnd 1nuni- luti per contumeliam diClus efi homo liter.arum
cipa!, from my11, in rhc fen of bead; 111y1>, mind, fiudiis addit!ior: Jun."-pethaps the fame whom
poi, and htad, are lynonymous, and only a dia- we call a muzzy fellow.
Jechcnl variation of t he Briri{h word '}!<IJ :- and MUSCADINE : there are.two etym. givc11 by:
in other p•rts of his work he acknowledges, that Skinn. of this word, which, tho' he would not
ptn, and 'Viii, are a1ialogous; for in p. z 10, par- admit ir, are both Gr. for he calls it v inum ex
rirularly, he fays, " the reader may plcaf~ to uvis mufcalis con/cl/um; tales auten1 uvre fie di.
oi>fen•e the analogy of. words in the examples of C1Jncur, vel ob odore aromatico mofchi 4ntu'4 :~
to cope fro1n coif; of vendo from 'Vnt ; and of then co11fequcntly Gr. as we lhall ll:e in MUSK:
.,..,1,.., (.he mea.r,c ..,,,.., ir,:rttre) from poll; all Gr. : vel a t11ujcis, qu~ avi£h: hanc uvam prre aliis .
i,ncluding the _idea of bead; 11ot iinpoffibly from devorant; (-confr:quently Gr. now ii Mvia,
• the very 11nt1cnt Ce!uc cufiom of carryi ng on m1tjca ,; 4 J1J) c-adcm ratione, qui PJinio refte

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MU Fro1n G 11. E 1 11:, and I:. AT iN>; MU
av~ apit1111e. ·fie ditta: funt, quod apts prrecipue fonned fro1n Mvr•!:, oi M"'>"'E• whicn is •llo :aken
earum avidre Cunt. for the upper lip : R. M.""'"'I'"'• lo cal : Nug."~
1\1 USCH ETO, or rather MUSKETO; Aiuixo,, we m1gnt rather fuppofe, with Skinn. that l\fo>»E
ii Mv«•«, ·mufta ; a fpecin of large gnat, or fly, very originaced ii M""', tlaudo ; quia os aliq uo modo
1r~11bltfame i11 hot countrits. · objidet, et dnudi1 : tho' H edcric is of t11e rOfmer
MUSCLE, or fijb, Mu•£, "'"°'' mytulus, myti- opinion : Cafaubon gives us Mvr«x•~·
/us, to11(b,eJpuits; a fpuies of jbell fijh : R. Muw, MUST-ARD, " • 11J1111n ar4'1U ; qnouian1
t!nudo ; tiJ jhut itfelf up; as· all the bivalvufar Ge nnani finapi non, ut nos aceto, frd 11111; lo con- •
trillu do. diu111, el pr,,:parant: Skinn."-by muj/.o let' us
MUSCLE, or te11d1J11, Mu~, I'"''' Mo~·" 11111/cu- hope the Dr. did not fuppofr, that the Ge-rma~s
/u1; pars pr.rtipu'l t1111ftulos baber.1; a ·nervous, pickled with mujlard; unkrs they were 1nore ftu-
mef(uf• 1· pArl. pid than the Beotians th<.-1nfd vrs: no-the Ge'-
MlJS£ lAbO'o:, m1ifa l a muft, a fang, a lay; mans unde..Clood che:nifl:ry, and even cookery,
M USEU M M....,,., muf.eum; locus mujis, et too well to luppofc, that mujlard co11td prtj~
jlµdiis <lej/i11a111s; a repoji1ory for rarities. tither jlejh, or frui/J :-by mttflo then he very pro-
.l\1 USHROOl'vf, 1'.i•O'X"• muftus; f11"11gus 111uf- bably meant the m11jl, or ntw-wine, above men-
tarius; a mefly kind of fubjlance, of lbe fungus' rioned , which, by fo1t1e preparation, might be
1r1l>t. uftd inllead of autu111, or 1:i11egar: and in chis
l\.1US IC, M•,.•••· mu.flea; a pltafi11g found, or fenfe, muft-ard may fignify the jbarp,fti11gi11g, Pitr
harmony of ·notu, the · concord of fwu/ founds : ing, new-wine; and orig inate accord ing to the
R. M ...,., 1m1fa; 11 mufa. de riv. of MUST, and A RDent : Gr. .
MUSK, " Mv..••r, or ~1'"""'• which is fo1ne- MUS'fER, "mo1tjlrart prifcis olim Romanis
ti1nes taken for a calf: mufl: is a fine fcented Ii- fimpliciter tignificabat," fays Junius, "oflendere:
quor, which Rows fro1n the navel of a cerc3in at pofl:eriores uforpabant llriaius pro m~nftrart
animal in the Ind ies: Nug."-howcvcr right the militu in nrmilujlrio: Mat. Parls, ad annun1 1253
Dr. 1nay be in his interpret. of this word, his (Hen. 111.) conflituit ut fuulfd1~111 prijli111J111 con·
ecym. is but a p~ulcry one; for, in che firll: fue1udinc111 anna civib\ls competenter aflignare n-.
place, our lexicons give us no (uch words as tur; et mo11jlrare111ur, e t ccnferentur :"-(o early
Mu..•«• or ~"..'"' : and, in the next place, what was there a militia (as we have obferved under
h~s the lignification of a <Ill/ to do here ?-had that art ) efl:ablilhed as the natural defence of th.i s
it been a cat, or any of tbe cat tri/Jt, it woulcl kingdom; who were then'mujlertd, and enrolled:
have been more applicable:-Junius has derived - Junius however ought co·havc traced this verb '
m1~,fk a M°'X"• ob fu avitatern od, riJ, ti frap-a11 - mottj/ro a licde fanher 1 viz. a Af•a~, moneo, 111011•
tiam i dici viderur quali o..X"• ab o~.,, Dor. jlro; and then have applied it to tbt mu/teri11g,
o. J.,, oleo, odcrc111 fpiro; to f «ent, to brcorhe perfU111t. urrolling, and drawing up of jo/diers.
M U SKE T: whate ver tho Gallic moujket; or MUSTY, " Mvl""'• Mv: ...,,, 11itiHm, q11od t:t
the Ital. mofcbcllo; or the Belg. 1111tjl:e11, n1ay fig- 11imio humor<, et madoi:t co111rah1iur: Gafaub."-
n iry in their proper languages, " ti Gra!cus r1111cid11ejs, contrn&ltd by• overmuch moi.fturt.
effein ," fays Sk i11n. defleltcre1n a M"X" (M•x•< M U TABILITY, M•9,,, motu1, tPuto, mutatio;
i n Lye) <•i1ul11s; refpeC\'u fc. tormenci grandioris, changtab!111efs, ficklenefs. • .
.qoi in(\ar tauri n1ugit.. MUTE, dumb; MvTI<r, Mvlor, vel Mu1~r, 1. e.
M US-KIN;" par11s, nvis. Ridero: nefcio an," ,.~~'"• vela fono, q11en1 muti edunt; fays Ainfw.
fays Sk inn. " i\ Lat. mus: (-a Gr. Mu,, mus ) fron1 Volf. or perhaps rather aM..,, Mv{.. , claufis,
et te rm . di m. ki11; q . d. parv1u mu<; tnujad!ts :" vd aper tis, labris Jonitt1m q11o:id~m r.aritus mil•
-perhaps ·this is the fa1ne bird with our TIT- /ere ; to make a 1loift thro' the 11ofe.
:.10llSE : Gr. !v1UTE, dllng; 1'.l vf .., ~1.,E.,t•;, mucofus, muc1J11
MU SSITATION; Mii, vo.~ flenliJ; Mv{<.1, mucl:, dung, dirr, or any kind of naftineft, fucb as
1:1aufis labris fonitutn que1nda1n naribus emitr<:re; th at, with which the naughty birds had pain$cd
1111tjfo,muj]i10; 10 make a lvw 11ttzzing noift ; 1omut1er. poor Sidropbe/'1 obelifc;
M UST, new wine; Mo..x•r, M•..x•'"'• te1ur, And ni~h, an anrient obclifc .
11ovd/11s; accord ing to the fenfe which Yoffius \ Vas rai s'd by hnn, found out h)' F1lk ;
has attributed to this word ; but we might rather On which was wri itcn, not in words,
lup pofe, that 11tw wine was called mujl, 111ufl11m, But bitrog lyp?ic mute of birds, .
and JIJ•..X'' ' f rom the highly frogra111J null and tajle, l\1anv rare pith)" faws, conce rning
wh·ich·all new wines have. The 'worth of nfl: rologic learning.
MUSTACHES, "Mv'"'"'"• in Mofchophulu~,' P nrt 11. Canto 111. 403. •
. · s r :1 r.1UTILATION,
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M ·Y From G ll~ ! 11, 1111d LA!< i No M· T
MUTILATION," M11vl\or, 11111Jil11s : ·Nug."-· MY -OPS, 1'1uo>tj,, elaudnu oc11/41,. 7111111 ; •
to this let me add, from Hcderic, eor11ibus eartns ; near-jighled ptr(on: R. M~, 111111 ; ti w>/t, o&NiltJ ;
ha'IJing his horns jhqrn ; hence ufed to fignify a mcuft.. eyed :-this is the common deriv. ; bu.t
defetl of any parl: it is a wonder that neither of Voffius tells us, it is derived ex M""'" minus; ct
thefe etymol. ~ould h~v~ obferved the t~anfpafi­ .,.1,..9,.,, videre; and confequendy myops is falfe
tion of vowels 1n the original, and its denvati>'e.s: orthography ; ·and therefore it would be better to
M11u1.or fay ' the Greeks, muliliu, ~nd mutilau, fay write ic mti·ops; jhort-jigbt1d 1 able lo difatn
the Latins, and EngliOi. tr.Jiii 111i1111/e objetll; havi11g ~ mJcrofa~i& 'Vijif11.
MUTINY, Mdor, vel Mu9or, Jeditio, &omnwlio ; MYRA, '' Mve•»f!@; M•f'I""'' lacrymor; tbe
1110Jus, quafi molinus; mutinous, Jtditious, any dif~ capital city of Lyeia; wbtrtof St. Nicholas w11s
Jurbance in Jbt navy, or army. bijhop ! N ug."
MUTTER, " M•e"• mu.ffo, muffito; to make a MYRIAD, M"f'"'• ,.;.,, "'JTias; n11111enu Jece111
xtumbling "8ijt: Upt."-" quod muti non ainplius millium; ttn tho11Jand; or any indefinite n11111bw.
quiim MO fonant: Volf." MYRMAIDS; Afufl'-'"• pifees (grandiores) qui
MUTTON; " if,1..., o·i;is; vet potius M•i....1.i, vocantur t..torl'-"f"• enam vocari Mufi'-"' fcribit
oves ; hinc vet. Gall. transferebatur ad denotan- Athenaeus : chefe words Mvel'"'' and Mufi""'•
·dum 'numifma quoddnin agni Dei jigno imprtf!um, have been rather unfortunate for the painters :-
tam in Gallia, qua1n Anglia diCl:u1n mul10 : Lye:" in Greek they fignify no more than a /petits 1f
~ jbetp, or lamb. larg~ fifh ; but wh_en the w~rd Mufi'-''" com~s into
MUTUAL; Mollo•: Siculil. voce: Varro: mu- the idea of a painter, he 1mmed1atdy gives us
111us; raipro&al: Voffius has quoted Hefychius ' that ftrange compound figure of a mynnaiJ, i. e.
for explaining M•i1or by X'"f•r, gratia; qui a gratia of a beautiful woman, or young MAID, naked
eft a.nimi muluo benefattr•: and then be adds, to the wai!l:t and there joined to the tail of a
:u.;i., forraJTe quali Moi· ...., vel M..-n,, mibi· FISH, to fignify a ]ea-maid, or /ca-woman;
""'"' 1 unde mutuum, juxta juris-confultos ex me, copying, perhaps, the defcription, which Virgil hu
ct IUMm ;. an .amicable participation of mine and given us of S&')lla,
)OUTS. . • Prima hominis faties, tt p11/&bro petlore Virgo
. MUTULES, !'1ilul.•r, mu!tl"1; a dtfoflu; a urm Pube tenus ; po!lren1a i111mt111i corport prijlis,
;,. arehiutlure. Delphinum caudas uuro commiffa l11por11m.
MUXY, MuE.,J'rr, et MuE"> m1uof11s, ti 11111Gus; lEn . III. 426.'
Ji¥ry, r.:l••my. fuch preeofterou' compofitions of fancy, Horaco
MUZZLE, "Muv1r, ofy1ruliio; a Mu.., daudo l has very JUftly cenfurcd, in the beginning of his
to jh11t up the mou1h ; Jo o/tftrulJ Jbe opening of the Art of Poetry;
jaws: Cafaub." flu1111J110 capili ceruiam piaor equi1111m
· MUZZY " M11vo:, 111".fa ; G:ill. miffard; veluti
percontumeliam;_us ell: hon)o literarum lludiis Jungei:eJi vtlit, ti vad11s induure plumas
U11diq11e collatis membris, et 1urpiter atrum
addi8ior: Jun."-on<;_ whom we call a 111uzzy
Ddinit in pifccm rnulier formofa fyperne;
fellow ; a mere book-wtltvn. . SpetJa111m admijfi, rifims lt11e11/is amiri?
; . MY, mint_; El""• meus; be!ong1'!g lo me.
i 1YN l Ciel. Voe. 144, tells us, that bur the original word Mue,"''"" gives us oo idea of
· MYN-\'l'EN.T ' 5 "my11-'went figoifies the flone, a l\.1AID, and a FISH, or any fuch llrangc con1-
Dr llfilift"'r of wtnt, •v_o11t, •;, rt}ide11c:; fignifying polition.
the rojidtnet abo111 the mi-n/lcr: -;-but,_in p. I ~6,_ he l\.1YRO·BALANE, Mvf•i3"'-«••<. myrobala11U111;
tells-us "that myn is only a d1alechcal vanauon a fruit called by 1hc apothecaries myrobalan ben,
.of ·the Britith word pen for head :"-and, in chat or an Egyptian fruit, about the lize of a filbert;
!Cnfc my11-wmt may figni fy 1be head, or chief from the kernel of which is exprefi(d an oil,
pitu/of rt}idtntt: for wmt, fee WoN·r : Gr. much ufed in precious· ointments : R. Mve•» un-
MYN-HEER: even the Dutch arc obligtd to gumlum ; a11 aint111e111 ; and B«1'1nor, glans; a11
t~e Gretks for this title, which may be traced in ator·n, or nut.
tjli,I manner ;' iltyn-bttr, me~s-htrus ; my-.majhr; t.1YRRE:J, "~1uii«, or Il"uii"-: R. Mv•••• ttn-
OJ 'hi$ cldelt fun, his heir, his b~res; which ~e­ g11entum: N ug."-vel :rl'"e'"• myrrba, la&rym1t
l}V<'Sr ·M:CorditJS tO· Litt. ab ''"f"'"
berto, (ap10 J arb11r11m; a fweel g11111; 01ui.fragra111 plaJll.
MYRTLE, M•el•~, 1»yrt1u, arbor; 1he myrJ/e ;
Aoe....,., 'aptur11s; na~ b.eres, as bot? Li t_r. and
Ainfw. acknowledge~ IS fo called, q~10d qlll huts thought to be the favorite plane of Venus_;
~a. ·1i_p11, , j. ~· proximus c~ c1>. cuJUS bttres cft :. gratiJ!ima 1nyrrus VL11eri: Ed. VII. 62: et huic
~dfcqucntly Gr. as ...Oove. .C"nfecrata di:~ fava Scrvius on Geo. 11. 64, vcl
¥. I· . ' quQd

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N A .
. qµM h~ arbor q4uder lit~rj}qs;, i:t ·V enus djqjtu'.r NA~Q,,fYl'•tfj .11·1~, 11111, Qt'~Jf.
de fl!ari procreari ; vcl quod, µt mcdicorum ind i- NAME, " .9'<~ ,,,,,_q.:' Nug. "4R ·•pptlla~
canc libri, h:rc arl:ior ~pta eft 1nulien1m n~cefiita• _lion; ajfo • llf'"' in g tammllt' :''-.(cw .c tymol.
would objeet to this d~riv. ; and yu Ski11n• .f!f:r
tibus plurimis.
MYS IA, "•, a pfo'lli1tt~ ff.Ajitl' Minor; mentioning a,dozen Northern wor<l.s,.f~.s; "omnia'
fo called from Mv<r•<, '"' ex1crabft trimt·; '!S rn~'h ii Lat. nonun, et -hoc a •of",,Jo, qu•li 1WV;,,m,,
a.s to.fay, a deuflable province : .P-afor. Nug." : vel noftimen :"-lie then l!i0 u)d have ·faij),. j s· •
MYSTERY ; Mur'"'l""'l'°'• 1H!JflagogJU, myftt• the etym. th at Voffi~s h~ _giycn; fqr•. •frt r :tak-
rnru111 mdgi/Jtr, feu dofht' ; vel qui hojpites 11d ing notice of 0 ..,."!, he ft1ys,, "iqt~rc1- vo.riqs oft
facra vifmda inrrodutil ; a facrij}, or verger~ ii nofctndo dici, quod ct Hidoro. placuir: nam t) t
~' A«ur-11faov 1 t1~yjle:-ri11m: R. l (u1w, facris initiD-:
1 a rtllJ'Ufo, 1111Y11i.,. ell: mov.i~n. a. quo 111,0'11,tll.lllfll;
N ug." a my.JJery, or fecret in religion, and the holy ita anofto, 1"fli, e!t 11'qf<ime11, vel n1vfo1e11; unde
rites, to f1Jhith the '1Ju!gar were nol admilltd : - per fyncop. /ID11111fc :"..-~qd yet eveu, this great
Ciel. Voc. i23, 4, fays, " thc 'Cdtic wjjl, from wift, ctymol. has· not gone far enoug h; for 11~fto is·
fignifying lw1Wltdge, is the radical of hijlory, and nor an or.i gioal word ; as be himf~lf afterwards·
rnyjlery :"-but \ 'I ISE is Gr. acknowledges, i.t being derived a r''Yl"4"P'"·
MYTHO-LOGY, M•-f•J\•y••, 11arratio fabu/a- r ..,,....,,,, togttojco, 11ofto 1 10 klWW ; lb.e 11a1ne of
rum ; the fabulous dotlrines of Paganifm : R. every rhing being the 11pp.ellatio,,, or efe110111i11alion, ,
M•i•» f abula ; ct A•1'•~ fei·mo ; tt:adiJion. , by which it is KNOWN: Qr.
NAP· of cloth; r ....i,., , politio,, qu_a: fit a, ful-
fonibus, caf1tltlio, t i 'lltlln11lo; th, pg/jjbilfg, .and
N. · raiji11g of &lotb frolJI the fulter : Skione.f' f:i:ys; al-
llldit !'!'"""• T~, 'Ut//us, Clim fuo , v.illo ;.../be ) 11tt
' .l\B,or i.nob : " I celand. gll)pa, fa111111il"as with its tQin/.
r!lpis, vel montis: _Ray '"-...if tjiis gencle- NAP, or faep,. """"""'• p r.oft1l1dl, !ffrtni1 J II
1nan had not aravelled into t he North for die' }ktp f o1111d ; we uf~ it to f!etfl ligkt/y·; . Sil.inn.
origin of this word, he n)igbt, have foJtnd, that hnapp1:in 1. Jormi{ar~ : - Ctel. W-;iy. ·27., fays,.
11ab was nothing 1nore than a various dialect, and " 11qp, or f11ep, is only a contraction .of 11e-up,
contraetion of /map, or knob: conf~uently Gr. : exprtffi><e of 11ot-11p, i. e. lain d1W11; 1!ie Greek
fee KNOB : Gr.. ,;....f is prob~bly Qnly ihe . fam¢ Jcte11 .i.nvct·
NACK.ER, or t oflar-rt1alcer ; N .......,, premo, exprclfed, as to the of the (yllablcs; quafi
bnjo, fart io ; undc naJJ.e, naff1, nae(.e; qui for- N-•'l'O~:"-but many people take cli~r11ap without
d idas artes cxercent, ur f11liones, ec !3•r"•l•-I-•' ; a lying daw1< : eve.n .ai:cordi.Jlg tO; hi.s own
collar-maker, who ll:uffs tbt &ollars oJ: b~rfts-, to intcrprecacion, it mull: bo l'Jr. ; (or · 111 ceuainly
binder .chem froin galling. corn's from M., irt , nec, nq11; and up, .as plainly
NACK ER, or NAKE R, tbe fijh; N•wt, navis, co mes fro1n ur.-•e.J11pc.., 011, or up1,11 his l(gs, &c.
« 1'411if ula, pinna pifcis, cui aliquo modo fimi- . NAP~ •.{the n~ck ! " Na.xor, ,;, v~llus, &11m fuo '
lis cft; Skinn."-perhaps Jbt li!tlt nau1iiU<. 'V1llo ; q,u1a m occ1p1uo, feu ut b:ubu1 -loquuotu~,
NAG, ·or horfe,: is no more than. a coalition o( nucbd, lapugo quredao1, feQ pilus b reviQ(, ac mol~
an ag• " fro111 whence the L atin tquus, and agqfa," Ii.o r, fuccrefci t: Skinn."-this i~, but a frrange
fiys <;:le). Way. 25 :-b.ut i.t foems more natural quia; and fetms to have very lirtle conneJ<cion wi1b
to derive tq11us. from 1,..,,., qu~fi Ixxor, tqu11s ; vei/11;, cum juo vi/lo.
unde aguus; unde ag ; an ag; o r a n-ag. • NAPHTHA, N«~9"; 11qphtb1H 4.lti111J of mar-
· N MADES, Na'i,,,/tr; na'iadts; '!IJm-ph.e jluvialts; ly, cha/Icy- clay, or jlime ; g~oerally called 4 bitu.
tJYmphs of the fprings, and fountain.; •. mm, which being ol)ce foe on;, is n.ot eamy
N.AI;i:.. on tbc finger; " o••~,, o,"~'·'' 11nguis ; extinguithed l a fubftance like, melted briinfrone,
Gall. ongles; and by tranfpoficion nails : U pc." or petrol. .
NAIL of iron; Ciel. \Vay. 84, tells tfs, that . N APK1N i M"irv"• f"''Y'~,, ~'"o/"..i et M"l'"•
~. a nail Of irpn from the French . aigu{!lt ; lEoJ. Mal'•,, mappq, quali,'m!Sllq.a, vel · 11J1111upa"
" nttdk: it was formerly wriueo an '!Kk ; und~ r-11ta; 1111.J cloth r<"41 lo wipe the ba11d1 on 11t di1111fr..
·11.aglt ; unde ""ii.:"...,..but, this gentleman oug~t · N.J\PLES, ~' l>l•«*9>-,, t/J~ ·nA"flJ 'ity;: R •. l!lucl ·
t.o have; 1:9nfider,cd, that aiguille was no.thing more »O'l!u.r 1 and 11'•h•r, l!fbt ; N:11g.!'- a fazmus oitJ
than an ignorant, barbaro)!S, F re.nch diftor~ion of io lt41y, fc,>rmcrJ y, Cijl!~<Ji: f4rJbfwqpt; from a fy+ /
fM1'/tlfJ, quali aicidlleus;. ab ac:'s• ab _A•'!> vcl A..,, re,n of that nam~~· btiried.ther~·. .
11&its ;. a pP.inl, o~ "llJ tl1111g pomttd, hke 11111rdlt, a N ARCISS'!.}S, " N~e><1,.•Pl• R. N.x1x•1 -torptdo ·1
~ni, or 11 titlil. ,by~re'lfon tli;1,t tbe, fuic.i j of tb:i.\.~wc,r lhc
· · h~ad

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1( · A 'From G 1t £ E If:, .
' 1it'ali 1reavy' N i.1g."-al ro t.he na1nc of. a youth and if fo, then navt 1,nay be dcriveiHl ~... ~~.; t:'e.
•...1i-0 was changed :into 1hn1 ftower. ~t$..i:iti-1 ~, Conj11ng~ ; lo ,;~1tiDi1f, u11itt in one·: (fr e)[e
NARCOTIC; No:e•r.>1••"• 1orptfilciendi 'l!im ha- it· 1nay- be 'derived ab O,uip:al.ah umbilitus ; fhe
1/Jms; having the p=er of jlupifying : R. Nee••• middle ; alfo tht boft oJ ajhitld: Ciel. Voe. 141,
«torpor ; numlmeft. fays, " No:•<, a 1tmptr, I take to have an origin,
. NARD ; Ncz{lor, 11ardu1, nardum, frutex; Jb4 though p \ircly Cel tic, different froo1 our word
-111WJ ; a lht:ub 1n India, bearing/pikr-nard. nave, or 11ef, to exprcfs 1he body of lbs th!LYth:
NAR:RATI:V.E, r•~e•{.,, gnarus, narro, narra- our word navr d criv<"s from the connexion ·o f 11"
<lio ~ a plai11 Jular.afio11, or i11Jerprtlation of a cirdt, or main fpot, to the hojf, or bab, the head;
fubjt!I, or event. and being co1npounded , forms con-ho.ff, or ro11-hak,
NASTY, . Ni..;-••1>-•r, navis-f1JJ1li11a; /ht jinlc, contratl:ed ro <nab, cna.ff~ or 11a'!Je, rneani11g the
'-or ~uell of a jbip : or pt"Thaps nojly n1ny be de- bu;d fanetuary, or a/Jnr-piat : " - but. hojf, klJjf,
«rived from " No11r, a Nor.,, nato ; :f/uor; unde, kD'ph, or rather lccph., are all undoubtedly derived
'.>latts; tlflJ ltind of m11ddj moijlure: Skinn." or a· K·~-~»•, caput ; tbt hc.1d. . ·
eHc " aNar-r, coefertus, dm1~ plmus; ur propric NA VE\'V, 'p'"""'" 'Y''YY";,,,: H efych. 11aJf11s, a
dicatur de ¥C pl-uri1nis fordibus oblira, et fredi, rapum ; rope-Jud, or tunrip·fl:ed. ·
·accumula1arum fordium tonjlipatione horre!lrc : Nll.UGI-11', or /Jnd; " N ..,, •~• • x•, 11auci; ut
Jun:"- bu' lo i~ may be with perfun1es likewife. propric btnnintm levem lignat : Votf." it is naughi,
NATH ; " not bath: Verfl:."-but NOT , and it is nn1tgb1, faith the b,u yer.. .
HA.VE, an: .Gr. NAUGl·JT, no1hi11g : " OuJ,., 11:1l!um, nihil:
NA-THE-LESS:" Sax. na'Oeler, 11ibilomin11s; Cafaub.'' vcl ab A11.>..o;, 11/i1u, ali.<, 11liquis, aliqm:,
floe a na, non ; art. ~e; ct ler, 1ni11fJr , min11s ; aliquid ; non aliquid; 110/ any thi11g, nothing ; man
'.S kinn."-how fcn1puloufly exatl is the Dr. in this is like!' thing of 11augb1; 11otbing: there w a1 naught
arr. ; and yet could not, or would not fee rhat lo pre-i•ent him: hence the Sax. nauht:, i.e. ap1ht";
·it was Gr.; for his Sax. na, is evidently derived aliquid, aplit, auh'I:; and ihen the negativc ·nauht:;
.a ne, or nu; which cotncs as evidently a· ~h, whence ou r naught.
:JJt, nu, 11011 : and LESS ·is Gr. likcwifo. NAU-MACHJA, N«v,"""'X'"• 11numacbia ; th rc•
· NAT l ON Ir"'""• nafaor, nat1u, 11atalis, &c. prefantation of a Jea-figbt ; a rxotlc fl:a·t11gagemen/':
NATURE btla11ging to birth: - Cle!. R . N~u;, navis; a jhip; and ~{~X"• pugna; a ba11lt.
Voe. 141, n, bas wonderfully analyfed this word, NAUSEA } N«o11a, frorn the farne root·;
in the following manner: " take the Lacin words NAUTICAL N<>or, 11avis ; a jhip ; lignify-
· naf,or, natus, #atura ; and the French 11e, for N AUTILUS ing now fta-jidtnefs : and' the
Drr11 1 analyfe them, and you will find, that, farnous little fta-Jhell-jifo. ·
;zfaor, being but a frequrntative; NAVY, Naor, na'lliJ; ojhip. •
atu1, a common idiomatic termination; NAY, N ..,, n~; etiam ; ) ' ts :-here we find
aturtt, the fame; anotht·r inftance where the original and deriva-
e, the fame; tive are at variance : N«1 in Greek is ]ti; nay lh
seduces all tbefc words to this fingle initial letter Englith is 110.
N, which ofiers no fenre ; rellore the elliptic N AZZLE, or rather 11t1.ffe!, is only a n\i fer-
·fyllable ge, cut off by the uii.1al tendency of able, vulgar contrai'lion of an-ajfd, ab afall11s ;
Janguages (particularly the Northern) to con- ab 11.fin~s ; n yo1111g aft :-confequently Gr.
cratlion, o r to eup hony, you have geN-ef,or, Nf.ADDERE ; " an adder : Vcrft." - but
gc1V-11tus, geN -au1ra, geN-e ; in which gen, the AD DER is Gr.
·radical of gen-erative, of kind; of begi1111i11g, and NEAL; " Sai<. on-:!!lan, atandtre; nobis,"
of h undreds more ; gives a clear fenle :"--and fa)'S Skinn. " par<11n dcllexo fcnfu, vicru m i"'o·i
i:onfequently are all evidently derived a r....~... ad1novere, vel fenlim ab igne amovere :"- iliis
nafaor ; as above : fee KIN : Gr. thews how much eafier a talk it is ro e xplain,
NAVE of a church}" Teut. 1111/; Sax. n•IF ; th•n to derive : if the Dr. i1nagined that the Sax.
· NAVE of a tobtel Alma.n. nabe; Belg . nave; :!!Ian was an original word, be very probably
NAVEL • rot.e medium, cui i11fixi was 1nilhr.ken; for it feen1~ to originate ab Ii>-•;
funt radii.: Skinn. an L ye ,"-but if t his be the i. e. H>.io;, fol, vcl fa/is uilar ; undc E•1'•;"" ilt fak
only reaiOn, it amounts to nothing ; becnufe rhe cal1f11f/Ltm; and here u fed to lignify che me thod
ij>okes\arc.jixt as much iA the Jelly, as they arc in of bringing glafs gradllally to the fire, and re•
·t he 11ave ; the reafon feems rather 10 be, that all moving it gradually from the fire; which is
the fpo1<cs·co1K1erge ·or ·«ontn11tr in the nave, and calltd nealing it : ;ind fr.01n hence, perhaps, the
:are 1her.c: ,conjoined,.. a& • in one con1mon ·p~int; ci;prcilloo m ight have been ufed to lignify puri~
5 fyi11g

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N £ From ·G:11. z t"X, and -LAT r·.11. N E
.fJl11g "1y fo1, or p11rifji11g ;,, gtneral; as in that it 11il ·tii/le 1 ·which after times have mellorattd
palfage of Sha.kefpear's -Hamlet may be ui\d~r- thus, ,by fcparaci ng the 11· from the particle, a11d
ftood, .,,here hts father's ' ghoft relates the man- joining it to. the fubftantiye in this- manner.
ner in' whlJ'.! h he had. been murthtfC'd, with alf ·an:ttdk, ·or a needle.. .
h,js imperfeClions oorepented»of,· ... • NE-Fl">RIOUS, +.t.,, ,~, ~,.,, for,/9ris;fass
U nhoufel'd, unanointi:d, ft1fa1111talul; 11.ef."!> 11efarius ; a fando ; fc. proprie quod D ii, :
flnpurified by that which p«rifies all fins;rtpen tana. vd facerdotes fati.fi1111 ; vcl q11od f11ri diznum fit·; -.
NEAP-tidu; "Sax, n~ft:e, nllT1=•3; inopia, proper-to be mentioned; lawful; unlawful: 11e is
inops; q. d. 4Jl11s pa11per1i11i, defefJ11'!fi, dtji~ienus, neg. Voffius de Perinut. lit. derives/a;, and" 11e-
.ejlus aq11ar11m inopes_; . .ejlus ·mara, ftu v_e1rUi-e de- j~s, it ••, 'li•e••,far, fan-is ; unde nefari'um, quod-
crtfantt /m;a t1iam ipf.e dt ertfamtts: Skinn." ~' cµnquc fa<ra polluil ; fizrre pio folita. celebrari ;.
how well the Dr. can explain ! if he could bur e{go nt/11rii funt Jacri!tgi :"-the former ought
as wdl derive ! nrer'l'e, · na>ft:i;t;, and ntap-HdCJ, rather to be prcferrc'd . . -
are but contrattions of 0,.,..,5, v_cl. o,,.,r, ops, unde _NE-GAT IVE, Ar~, ago; nego, non-ago, ncga-
in.-pia, aJld inops ; i.e. ifl-opia; -in-ops; 11011-. ,.opi· '1io, negali'IJilS; a d?nying, rtfujing, rtjftli11g : -or
ofus; when the 'tides flow to: their /owtfrmark, elfo a Nifx~, <autendo; 3CCording ro l f.'Volf. -
they are called neap-titles, becauk the .water flows b.ecaufe, whoever puts a ncgati'IJe on any qucltion,.
then 11ol-<opio1fs: or cltl-, with Ciel. Wa y. '17; rnult con(equcntly objcll agai11ft it: lhoulfl-thia-
and Voe. 126, n, .we may derive neap-titles far .be the <;ale, then nego, aN"""• would be a fimpk,.
n1ore fimp15' froin "nt-up-tides, or tides not rifing ·not a compound verb:
up high :"-only now again it is totally Gr. ; for ; NEG-LJGENCE; Arr~, lego; ne1ligo i nt-
n~ originates a M,, Nt, nee, non : and up from ,fJetlus, 11eg!ige11tia ; cartlef!neft, heedlejjneft. .
.,.,...,e, fi1pcr; up-011. · · · • f N EGOTIATION ; " 01,.,, quod ~ ....•e•nx...elt:'
NEAJ~ RE; icontraEtion from NETHER: Gr: . ab Ov,, .:1", auris; ut proprie otium ei elfc vi-
NEAT, nice ; N•?~, Nar1.:, la'IJo, nitto, niti- .decor, qua~do aliis polfumus pr:rbcre opcram:
dtts ; !'e-"'! bright, dear. ' ·~ . fn11riu111: S~al."-fed fr a G~recis eft, fays Voffius•.
N~A1 f~, low, l" N.,..s,., vd N•«e., 11110 . f>'<?ttus fu~r!t ab o..9.,fol1tar1c., quod cft folum,jeor-·
, N1': ATHER, lower S f:nz.4o, aut loco.; lhc low- Jtlm; firn1lrcerque 0109.., ufurpat :Ao1nerus, quod'
tft, o; duptji plau: Jun." !'r df~, "a N1ei1;: vd : H .efych. ,..;•x,o9rl expo.nit. Euftathius fimiliter'
Jo:..,f&t, .i1ifi·a ; below : Skinn~'' "" 1 •· ! 01!.-~tv 0 1cr incerpretatur t'""~ot 1x /M»•f, as we fay.

. NEBUL,OUS, Nr~•.I\•, 1U611la ; a cloud; <lo'uay. ' aJI a/011e : If. Voffius, however, giv~s us a third:
N ECESSITY, A•"rX."• 1ucrjfiuu, 11t aJ!ai·i:11; ecym, 3b Av1oi, Av11{1<9,.., opto, iire, optium, otium,_
whot cannot be difpe11ftd with, nttdfuf, 11re~y; <van/. unc:le "'f"'v1•?•<> :-perhaps the word 'otium may·
NECK, Nn.,, ><••vx«, 'ullo, 'IJtrg•, i11c!itro, pTor· . have' a connexion with all three: nigotiim itfdf is
.fi1m, rttrorftt.,,, obvtrt t1:t, a1q11e in om1us f1ciii motu con1pounded of 11tc and oti11111; and confequently·
•ircumagere; the 11tcl<, fo called frorn tbe enjy _R,·xi- is onlr the negative of otium; as bujineft is op-
};ili'! cf its motion. _ ,.' ; poli~c to leifu rt : let n1r, how~v;r, obferve, that·
NECTAR, . {Nr•7ae, .tufl,zr ; a p!ttifa11!' •1" Voth us de Permut. he. has given us anorher
N ECTARINES quor, fuppof~d to be t.b.-driJ:k der·iv. of aci11111 (which is only the old way of•
of tbe god; .; alfo /1 delicio111 fruit. , ; writin(~ otium) viz. ab o...., pigrititt; flat~, or·
; NEED, <ompuljio11;; "Nv .....,, vcl N{[7.,, p1mgc, id!t11cft ; and then the fun1e obtervat ion \Viii be as·
itnp<llo; q11od neceffiras nos ad aliquid age111.lum, applicable to this, as 'to the fonner deriv.. '
aut paticndum; veluci quibufd•m flimu!is adigat: NEGRO ; Nr><fof, m~r!tms, 11iger ; t11'rt11i !1tim
Jun ." I needs muff, ,J am-<oHjlrained to if- ; nigrefcuut; unde Lucret. 111orlis 11igrorem v.o cat ;-'
NE.ED, or .w.1111 ; E,/.,.,, indigentia, inopia, b!adaref.r, dqrkneft, death: - If. V(}ffius derives
lft<d/itas; wa11t of food, money, or otbtr ne~dfaries. . nigtr a A•fJe•<, which indeed !ignifies ni~<r ; bur
NEEDLE : :this word is lo ftrangely disfigur- - can fcarce be liippofed to have given orlgin to it.
cd, firft by thofe comn1on pervercers. of all Ian- NEICE; " N1r.J11 Eultathius underltands fo,.
g"ag~, rhc ·Frencb; and then fccondly by our- the Jejundantsofa family; and 'fheoc~itus,.J\pol­
reh•es, that it would fcarGC be rhought to be · Junius, and Fellus, have u(~d it in the farne fig-
Gr. ; but i,s undoubtedly . derived ab Ax,, any nificatiori: ro tbefe authoricies let me· fubjoin,n•
tbing .foarp-pointed; unde acur, and 11<ult11s, a fays Dr. Nugent, "thofc of Scaliger, and ~offius,
tb•rn; unde the frightful French ai1,uilte; from , who have derived Nrr.o/1r;.i .. e. " '..r'"'• from.the.
which our barbarous anceltors hav·c tormed their negative N1, and ''"f, .-o/of : as much as- to fay,.
"git ; and then tgle, or ttdlt ; to which they that niras and nephtw< are. not the foot, . or. tb~
were forced to prdi» the particle an., which n1ade · reet of tbe race,. but tbe bra11<hu :":-this rnay

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:ili'&elt be tke original deriv. -of ~lie woida; _but '11/tra i Mlbi11t b,1!1fll11· '11#lbi11g fa,,tluf<,Jit#~lft·
-nihis ttllii ·li~J feem to be derived mote am- e11ttnt, /Jeyo1ulwb1(b :µu. ~dJlllOI pfl.js.
mediat:ely' tffiinf Ai'1.j...., <01tfabri11US; 'lld.ft11is : not ~EPOTA!TlON ! " _m!lliJn aPorica pr~
_,_.,.,· ng "it in a llriCI:, and literal. fenfe, but as bear- , ,fit1on.c n.7, p~oDf"• 1, C• '}liX(o, p~ i qula. Ii qtlid
_, a dofe' abrtncxion with the original idea·. i.fropt nos, a~ id l~bor~·C01:1f~ue11.dum o.put non.
, NE£GH-BOUR ; .N"'"""'""t"• bn/Jilaiss-ju.xlo ; , ell, fed plurim_um Jam 1111Ujlra di poltjl41t: il. potu
. -/whig aear together :-Vcrllcgan writes it 11tab11- funt -lompos, 1"'/or, '!'!-'• 11epota1111: Volf.''. "
re4s; ·and fttppofes it to be Sax. 1 Skinner and powerltft., 111~11?/tfs., riolOllJ, lwcw1011s fpmdJhrift ;
'Lye dcr!Vc it likcwifc.from the Sa.x. neah-;"Scbupc, noJ ba'fJmg tl'l1J bis p&wtr 14 do any goo.ti. , .
.Jfcchebupa, nch;;cbup, and nehbup; a ncah ; NEPOTISM ; Nnr.olit,. 11tp,us 1 nephews ; /be
frope · ct 6ebupc · co/onus 'IJil/icus • or from the u1jlom of adop1ua. . \
Bcfg. 'na.e ; propt ';· ct ·by/r, babila;or; and our ~E:,P-T-UNE : .., the ana!Jf'.s .of this ap~!­
word nt:gbbour may have dcfcendcd to us from ,lauon,. fays .Cl,el. Voe. I ~5, w._hich "'.": ongi.
'N~'"''""'"'f"• through aII thefe Northern d-ialeets-. :nally given to ·the appropriate ruling fP1rJt of. 1b1
NEIR, or !tidney; 'J'.,,,,_Ruo; toflotu; unde rm, ~waters, feo:ms to be only t he .t ule of _c onfracbon,
wel rfr11'{fic cnim ,·crcres dixer'e) Nunn~ftus ve- · 1or a coalefceo~~ of. Ne-11p•t'111i4: , .
.nire cxill:imat a N•l'e•<, quod idem notat ~ «a ' Ne ~ '!_.~flll1'1J1· ;.}Neptune ; unporttng ~he
r'en, feu potius ·rfrn, ell Belgicum nier (or rather .fiP.~ .irijing .; · power not only of fctt_'og
·Heir, beirtg only the fame letters tranfpofcd) thi : . 1 1111-;. w,ate:r; bounds to the fea, _aga1ofli
kidney, per nletath. Volf.~ us overf!ow1~g t~~ land, bu_c of quelling its•
· NEITHER ., ·7 . lt · ,,. furgc.s , or rifing: -but all 1s Gr.; for, how
t' lh
; ...... , ·~• <, 11tc-a er · ne11.,,r .0111, .
• ' , -came ne to
be · ~b b d · ·
negative. ut y cnving a M.,, .11t,
:llff ~- er_ • •. : ·-;-· ~non; tiot : u~ vifibly comes from •y,.._,e, juptr;
~~KRQ·MANCY • "N~xe•14«t1~, n~cromttnlitJ; •upon: and 1'u11, ab ''Tl11e, "rJ~ quafi 'T.J:or 111:da;
·'1Jat1nna1:0 '" rvo.tatis mortuts; a J1vznal1on l!J .call- w 4 ttr , ,
./ng up the deizd: R. N•J<fOf•. mortuus; the dead; · NER·E IDES: ·N,eiitic, Ntriidu; nymph~ 1114_
a,nd }.f..,.1,,, ' "''• '/Jails, 1Htr10/i11 ; d faolh-fayer : ri1U. Jea n;•t1<pbs
Nug."-to which let rne add, from_Voffius, that • NER VE 1 « Nw •>, 1W"VltJ: Nug." 41 fintw.
<X N~~~l4'"'1'"" o~tum ..cft mgr"'mant1a, pr~ ntcr~- 'firing of s }ow . ., f . . ,
,:malf/Ja • Germ~n! c~ .Bclgre' barbaro nigrotn11~ '* 11 " NESCOCK: Sk.inn."}be.rc .our -ctyn101. di(.
vocabulo decept1,,, 1udem vocant fwsrJe lcolf(l111, ""NESCOO.K.! Jun." fer widely: Juniu$
·9· d. 111g.rtJ.r a~ltS: -and we ha~c abfur<lly .given NESH fuppofes NES to be
n the· fame Jnt~rpret. by ha,.,tng called. Jt the derived a Sax. ·acre, hncrc 1 moUis ; whereas
~fa~I: a:r ; but it certainly has ~·~ relation to · S.ktnncr fuppofcs it to be dcs.ivcd Ii nt}J :-but
~°.for.~ ,rho.u g,l1 Ehc gentlemen pralhtt~ners of that it would then originate fro.en the Gl:ttk; as we
~taQO~t~al fcicnce w.c~e ~cncrally habited accor~- !hall fee in the 'nett art. but one' as for NESH,
Jn~ .to 1u falfe ctym. all in .olaclc. , . ; Junius <lcrives it as above; and Ski·n ncr refers us
NEM-CON, a cont-ra41on of ntl#lnt-.<onlrsdt- to NICE :-but that -is Gr. likewif.,. ·
..eeJttt 1 wl_1.ich again _ii but another contr~lt!on _of ' NESS. ~· ~oiupofitio, et terminatio nomioum
"!"llo-.hommt.,oontraJ'.eenu ! no man co111rsdi0i11g .u; multoru 111 locorum f~uens ; q'•1- ncfs; D 1111•
l, .c. rt was done w11b 11n1'J}erja/ _,Qnft111 : Gr. .gt-ncfs, &c il. .Sax. 'DlrJ"C l hoc a oerc; ns/111 .;
• my NEME ; " my goffsp < R~~ :"-~his fcems tbe nojt; q. d. nef!# ttrrd! ; quia inftar pro-
.~o be ?n~y a, different way of wt1tmg """' EAM; min7t: Skinn."-bot NASUS is Gr. :-Lye, by
.I f fo, 1t 1s .Gr. , . . · • leaving out only one word, has totally altered
NEMOR.At. ; .Nr,u •;, 11tmus, ntmorsHs 1 woody, the fen!C of this palfagc; the Dr. fays, ltrmm4-
ftt/l '()f tries. · lio 11omi11um mullorum luor11m ; and Lye fays,
. NEN Iii., .~ 11 °N•>i« rr.1 141> ~f"'l"'" 'Ir- ltrminatio 11omi111nn m.u/lqr.11m : but ·uonti11.111p now
"'""'°""" ;
.........E J, au1• ntnia ; a funeral fang, · , i.s rather ambiguoos ; for we "11111c many words
.JiYgt, or mournful '/Jcrfa. that end with nefs ; fuch ·as riJbftous-ncfs;
NEO-TE RIC; 'N1"'1•f"'°'• neou ricus:, tw.l!, mo- good• ne(s; bappi-nefs, &c. in none.of which CU!
Jtrn, jll'Vtlli/e. rs
. . 11tfa be derived from 1111/'ltJ ·: -it molt probabl~
NEPHRITIC, ~.,,~,7,.,,, 1Ttjlhrlticus; 1,1ti renum . however, that our terrnina.tion n.efs, when. applied
,tlolore .labor.flt ; a pai" i11 1be ~idmu: R. N''f"'• to maritime towns, is: ·no.t derived fr-001 naf1U,
;rtn ; tbe ltid11ay. : but from Nr,ro;, irrfala,, feu potius pcn~injtda 1
" NE· PLUS-UL TRA, M~ ·<r•>.ur:14•ll/A•~, nt-pltt.r- quia .omnc: pnimontoiium .cft ,pe11-i11fu111.
!• I

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•I N I ;lfrora GJtEBK, and LAT tN.
. NEST; " N,...~..., 11idus : Upt."-tbe ,radle away, lhould 1011 dare to break tlu:ough the
()j JOk11[ birds. . facred circle:" p. 8 1, "any perfoii, in the name
. N.ET; ·N•9w, 11to, filkm dtt<o; lo fpi11, or weave, af juftice, being put uoder the circumfcription
or·k11it. . of a Ji11e drawn round him, was obliged to fiand"
. NETTLE, "K"I", urtica ; by changing l in- fixt to the fpot, under the .f everdt penalties, both.
to t: vel ..,.. T;; Nu'rJ,.., pungere; to jiitlg: Upt." fpiritual and temporal :"~ ltnd"•iu~re fccms co
NEVER : find: ne1'tr is but the negacivc of have been great virtue in the touch. oj. ..tbis wand:.
t ver, i.t will undouQtedly take the fan1e deriv. fince then chis tosub 'MIS called' an idc, we rnight
tl:\..ough V crllegan ..writes it .neafre, or 11ifre ; 'and naturally fup pofo it c~rie frorn t he fame root
tuppofes it to be Saitl>n. with ic-1111 ; confequently Gr. either from f•£•r.
NEBTRAL ; Ool•1•e•r, lleultr; 11ei!htr one, ll•r illus, l tlC/Us; il 0 '')'"• tango ; to lttll(h : OJ fro1n ·
l'tJtlJcr: R. Ovli, neque; cc 'E:i•f''• alter ; a1101btr; E'""ll pra:terito verbi hi''> unde I ..x,.,, jacio, hinc
vd "'"' ; either-. icert; ·unde it/us ; to cajl, beat, or jlrike :-Permit
. ·NEW-moonl" N1•r, nO'Uus: Upt." N•l"n""'' inc to oll'i:r another conjwurc, or rather one
NEWS S novilunium; N10-l"'"Y'>'"'""1.r, 110~ caught fro1n Jun. whq, und~r the art. /na/u, fays,
vortJJl•·mango; ntws-monger i ntw, frefb, late. "a11gui1,d·am oli m pra!fixp t, deQuxerain ex Nex•-
'N·EW - FANGLE ; " 11ovi1a1is jluJioj11s : .>.o" quo I~cfych. Cllponit Axa:t..e1•., i111purum :
Chauc. Skinncro etymologia Th: Henlbaw vehe- hue refer maledidione1n, qua Su1nmus rerum
.m entcr arridct; qui d ictum purat quafi new roan- arbiter angutm in ventre1n dccrµfit, ac p~lverem
g_ells; i. c. nova evangelit : editor• G. Douglas terra: manducare j ur!it : p<1ri prorfus ratione Cio1-
con1pofitum vul t a new i flovus; Ct Sax. Fenian; bris videtur • ng11ii d ifrus a K•"•>. impurus ·: "-
&11pere, apprehendere, (orripere ;,is qll'i nova 'apl'nt : fron1 this N ... ....,,. impur,u.<, it feen1s probable,
IJye :"-but if, as we have fccn, fan_rl.s 1nay be that our exprellion Old Nick h as b een abbrevi-
derived a ~•')'')'•» jingo; then nttv-fangled may ated; tncaning che imp11,.e ftrpent, or tb! droil: -
mean no more rhan ntte-fafhionel, or fo1ne1hing fhould no11e of thefe derivations be admitted, wo
cont~ived i11 "" odd, oul ef tbe wa),. 11ncommon muft then have recourfe to the Sax. Alph.
mnbod. .NICK·NJl.CKS ; perhaps only a various' o~­
NIAS-bawk ; N••~~'"; 11id11s 1 JJ young bawk thography for kr.ic!<•knadu ; m eaning fome'ptctty,
1akt11 from the neft : fee NY AS : Gr. new-invented coy, that makes a k11oclcing noife,
NICASIUS, " , N""• villcria: R. N,.,..,, lo to pleafe , the boy : - confequcntly Gr. : fee '
ovtl'come 1 from hence alfo comes Niua, a city; KNOCK: Gr. .
Nicias, a p'r oper name; and Niumor, alfo a pro· NICK-name; "'l'eut. nicht; non; vcl nihili, 11i-
per name ; but die laft is alfo derived from ·A••.e.- bil, 11il; i. e. 111Jme11 nibili, vile, illaudt11um ; Sk.inii'."
'Clir : ~ug." . a term •/ reproach. . ·
. NICE, neat; N1"1", r.ileo, ni1tns;fai11i11[; bright; • NICK of ii111e; Niv"', N1ur«{N,; n110, niveo~ 11illc;
dear, ckan. • ' to nod, orwir.k; " onde nu/Ifs, in ipfo mo1nento ,
NICI-I, " Nt•~~'"'• 11idus; u nde nicbts, foi a- nutu, inclinatione teinporis : Skinn." i11 the
mina qu:eda1n in muris excavaca, in qu ibus ftatua: .11vi11kling of an eye, in the very i1tjla11/ of time ; -or
rcponuncur, quafi in nidulis: Sk inn." . rat her, nick of t ime, may ~e dcri.ved , a~ ,in the
• NICK ; Old Nick ; fome .ha ve foppofed this former art. trom an u.k, 1. e. u -tu.f· ; • &,E"'
to be only • conrraCtion of Nieofas ; buf then i'17tts> taliUJ ; 3. 0:y:c, t a,-igo; 10· touth; meaning .-
leave us incirdy in the dark, .w hy that appdla- · at t he verr infiant the clock flruek: vd ab £,.,.,
t ion lhould be rr1ore applicable to the dtv il, than p rreierito vcrbi hp.•, mi/lo ; uncle lo.•••» jaeio ;
any other ·gentleman, when certainly the re is unde ico, ieor, ifltu ;flrickm, or flnak: fee rJIT:
no relationlb ip between t hem, any farther than as Gr. :-Ray, in his preface, fays, " niclt of timt;'
Nicolas happens unforrunar~ly 10 approach the .and noub, are fynonymous; for ; o 11idc a tbi11g ·
ncareft to Old Nick in found :-Skinner has taken fee1ns to be no more ,than to hit j tiil the ·nof(h, or'
no notice of. this word: but L ye quotes great mark; ftopum ptlere : "-if fo, it on1(t be •efcrred
wthoritics fot.'5i:ei'i~jng it from the Belg. Sued. to the Sax. Alph. under the art. NOTCH.
and lceland. co1\glies : but with Cid. Vo·c . 8'3, NICO-DElVWS, « N1xol•,"•h Nirodttnus, 11iilor
'IC. m ight rather fuppofe it was defcended to us popufi.: R. N'"°'"'• ".Jinco; and 4~/..r, pop11/111 ::
fiom the Dru idical fytl:c1n of our anccftors: " tht ~ug."- 'Vmtquifaer oj' tbe people. •
l•Uch with the wand of a Druid, was called 1111 ick, NICO-Lli.S, " N'"'~""• Nieol4s; fr0tn the
hy contraction 11i&k ;- and gave rife ro the v ul- fame root: Nug," only liy changing 1,,..",.
iarifin of Old Nidc. will,have you, or will ral'ry you >.~•:, populus.

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1 N · From G ll I! 11!:, •nd LA 1' r " ; N ·I
~:~fGT.At'ING-iltrtii; Nivfl_, f(r,r"''"" 11110,niveo, . obftrttllitm Ill tbtj1111111uh, l#ngs, or inttjlitl411 me;n•
.iii~; nt"fla~io ; .a wi11ki11g tuitb rbe l)'es, /napping ing a general tramp; . and therefore the pcr(on
/);, ej_e-lids. afflicted gives a fuddcn jpr.i1ig, bcu#d, •}fart, or
i:' NIDI-FICA,T10N, N.'f1,r,NroTl•r,Nt•O"O"•a,nidK.r: leap (hence her natne epbia{lts) to fr~ hi1nfdf
~,."'...,..,j·,., nidi;/ati#; the building a 11eft. from that fee1ningly external prellhre, 'but really1
";NIGGARD, fl ....,, "nego; quia avarus omnia an internal fpafrn ; aud confcquendy is not an
ljccelfaria ct fibi, et familia: fure, mgat ; et pe- outward fpirit, or d:i:mon, oppreffing, but an
t)llitil?us omnia denegat : Skinn." . int~rnal _convullion, the animal ope-'
• N,JGHT, Nvf, •1•r, 11ox, ilotlis; the time of rrj1: rations in Oeep : fo very different from Adam't.
~lig."-<;lcl. Way. ji, would derive night fror11 Oeep, which · , ·
~ 1ftje-iibt; a mere negation of the acrion of lighc, Vv'as aery, light, from pure digeltion bred, .
i.n not-ftrikilig·lhe-9·e :"._but all thofe words · And kinp'ra:te vapors bland. , ·
arc Gr. . Par. Loft, ·B. V . s:.
. .NIGHtlN-G.~LE; half Gr. half Sax. or Belg.: frncc my having· writ this, I have met with a
~tg,J;J,. WC liave feen, is Gr. l and gll/t is derived l>ener foliition of t his cxpretfion, which mull: be
<;it!i'cr· ·me " Sax. 6ale ; '"fi·iliia; quia tioc- referred to the Sax. Afph. ·
m poiiffimum canit, quafr gallKJ noflurnUJ: br · NlGILS, or, as ~t is fomecimes called, lti1ebils:;.
·tlo'rri ihc B.elg. galm ; echo, feu faitus ; galme11 ; an evident contraB:ion of nibi!Km :-billttlf tigni-
t!}f;i4r;_: S~inh." 1be ."ighl!y finger. fies the little black of a btan;- commonly called·
9'. .W GHT-MARE: the latter pa.rt of this the eye: 11ihilllm, nibil, nil, nigil; a .Uery fm11f/,'
coinp~und has perplexed all our er:y1\iot. they can t.h int.: a mrre 11othi11g : fee NIL, in the next art.
all explain it, and tell us what it lignifies; tt1at NIL>. 11otbiflg ; Voffius gives us a Gr. e't)'(n. o(
i~ figoilits " tqKa, qua! nobis accubat, vel pocius nibil; which may be traced in the foriowing
i!ltubat: Skinn.''-that it is," quoddam 111onftrum, manner; nihil, per apocop. extrema: fyllaba: fac-
·llve 'tl-011 (ut inquit Ortus, quoted by Jun.) tum eft ab eo, quod eft nibilum; nibi/11111 ·vero; .
. qHoqjnc~mb~~ corn ~ulieri~us, et animalibus :" juxta Prifcian. Varron. et Itidor. ton8atum eft c
- this "JI'" 11ofturna is a d1feate, " quo labo- nil, et hi/um ; . hi/um veteribus lignilicabat idem
riliitf&, '.1naximo pondere . libi premi videnr:ur; quod "llum: al/um ab u11ulum ; . uttulurs.ab u1tu111;
itoil alittr quain Ii quis lie cecidiffet, lit equ11s, .1111um ab . O•••• : o,.•., lEoles. dicebant pro M.,., 1
vCI potius ~qua, roto corp6re ipfr incun1beret : jolum ; alon~,jingle, one: Co that nibil,. or 11il, lig-
Minfhew :'"-but what diftinaion 1his gentleman nilies 1101 one, ·o r no-thing.
could find between the weight of a horfa, vel NiLL, unwilling; Sax. n1lbn·; 11olle; 11111t-velle;
poiiits, the weight o( a inort, would hot be fo a ""· e.~ ... vo/o ; linde 110/1>; feu 11011, vclo i to ~.,,
e;ify to im~gine :· belidcs, he has Id[ us intirdy 1<11willi11g: Verftegan fuppofes it · to be Sax.
ignorant,. wheehe~ it was the farl\ous flying mt1re, NIM, to flea/; Nrf'<-, N'f''I""" poj}idrc, ha/Jea;
or r>-ther 'da11cir1g 111a~e, li11ce fhe is fornecimes unde neman, et anu111en"·;jubla111s; ft<rnJor; t/J ia!u,'
cilled ep.hialle.r :-iii lhort,. we may look upon ic or poffefs a11y thi11g "-"flea/th, or furr<P,ti~iouflj.
to be no mare at all.; and that the expreffion is N ltv1BLE ;. perhaps only a contraCl:1on of r.1111
totally .a. piece of nonfenfc; therefor<,. inltead leNte 11111bulo ; nu }Jr;w wal!Ur, no. trawler ; i. c.
of 11av'.i ng be<il dill~9 tq1111 noflr;~na, it oug hr aflive, and lively : ambulo is Gr.
tb have ·b~n called itaflurmd ma:rcr, b:tdly tran!~ N IN-CUl\1-POOP, feen1s. to be but an ab-
lated into night nlare: mreror originates il J\oI«e.~·•"• brev.iatio1!, and a coalefcence of 11011-co111-pos;
1iJ,1rceo: vCI q•iod v~ri'limilius, originc1n arceflit · one wllo is not in bis.·right ft11fes.; ha{f afool; a
ab l'lebr, '"'JO fimm·um .:· or perhaps this fanious driveller :· Gr.
1Mre may have been lineally ckfcended in a d i- NIN E ; 'twt<•, ncvem·; the 1111111ber 11i11e.,
r.e,l;l: :pedigree , f.ron1 the French cocbe-mare, br · • NI.NNY, Natcr, ·11anus 1 a dwarf, or fool:
ru11<h•-mar· ; ·mafadie t a'!fat ptr da vape111·1, q11i fc·e· NONNY: Gt. :-Cleland gives US · a Celtic
iJ,,Preffe11t Ia. jn~lrine,. pe1~da.JJt_ la xuil. ; if coihe .deriY.:. ~vhich .muft. be referred. to -~e .Sax . .'A_lph~
d id not !igm.y a l:ky;, 0 1· a faw ; and not a horft,. . NlR, or·pmcb; "K"~"'; rado; 'l}e/fuo :.Sk1nn.""
or a·mare·:--how<:vcr; among ail t hefe languages, .to pull, pluck, or.twit ch.
vie 'may at raft Bi(,. that the night>mare fig._. NJP.; or whitt/f; N...1.,, /avo; to waft/; or
nil:ies n<> more, .t h'an a nigbtij, pain;, or prt;/fi!r~. ; :bleath l?nen,, and· make it as whitt. as nip, Jinm
i1 being.' o'nly "f:P.afii, or tc11vrilfi31r, tl\~t :it"racks ;new.'/;/Cacbt. . ·
a pe'rfoa o·verfull, 'the' nigh!, efuriug jlcep; \Ind NIPPLB~ "papilla videri potcft hipplt d!tli;
ltcln&:to .be 4 , 111ig_h;J weight, op2rtf!io11, or r-0ther quixi infantcs afilduo ci lltlhrercant, 1nfta:r pifd-

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·N 0 ,fy9111 9 a :1 i 1t1 ~nd J.. " :r 1:,. N P
.c!llorpl]\, morliCAOQoq~ hilffio femper NOISOM,E J~~s .a$ lf.dcfc~nged fwll,l ."t!Je,; .
·~ntiu1n ~ (ed fort.afi"e, 9!> f'\tionel7,l fads inll:ead o( NOIANCE: .Gr. · •
. • ap~rcam, reCtius 11ippl, ~rives anip, '<tllicare, com- NOLI-ME~T ANGEl,'t"f,., Ou ..f'"''."'' t.,,~. "°/i
_prinure: Jun: .under t~e p.c• .nibble :"-b9 t 'oNC "" 1911:;ere: .t1ucp 1111 111JI; 1.b ! fecefr!ivt plant. •
..have.alreacjy JUft n_ow fe.c n, th~ b9th IJifrblf, and NOMBRil.; even Skinner is forcec;I co·cry O.l jt,
,tip, or pinch., arc .Gr. :~qr perh'\ps nipp!~ may " Fr. Gall. nombril mirifice corrupcum l L~t•
.qc derived ·a N.,.,~,, iefam; tpt i!'fa111's ~b.ief umbilicus :"-.:.the Dr. would not fay ii Gr. 'Of't•-
J1tppcr1. "'-••or, for fear .o.f re)apfing into his 'Eu~,;I",..'"· · _
NI'flD; N,.,1.,, N~"'• .•iteo, nitiJus ; brigbt,' NOMEN-CLATOR lO"I""-""'""'"'•· n~11lt11J"lt1-
11eat, new. · NOl'.VllN AL S tor; a perfon who· ~S­
. NlT.RE Nc1e•• 11il1'lltll • a fltry volatile fall . tended the Roman c.andidates, on popular Of-C~­
' NITS,. :. K.,.,,' fu:s,
,1,,, p",u.
·/endis i · propric j fions, tliac, .by whifj> to them the nases. of all
·'f)i;: Jun." from ·t,hcir likcnefs 10 J"""1 Ju.ft: " vel : they met '."'.1th, might be able to act-oft th~!!1
.i.t Gra:cus elfem?.defleaercm .a. N ......,, p•wgo, Jo.· ; more fanuha.rly : . R._o""'"' n~"'"'.; a "fZ'!'e. ·lJ
,Jico, vr/Ji,,, , .Sk1nn/~.....but •then .they muft not l NO~CE. various ~he anterprctat_1?i:is• .'.i\!Y
.be nits •1 for nits are .very quiet things. .derwatoo~s. of this wp~d .' ~~mus It .o..y
NITT·L E : "' ·Salt. ny-che i profitablt; totnmO~ : dt 11!f/11flr1a : ~hat cercamly IS the fenle,; !':!14· r.$.t
Jious; alfo bandy, Jllat , handfame: Ray ·:"-we he fays,. fufp1cor conrractum :x 1ft9c ,,oifirl'f•
·might rather fuppofe .it was defccnded from the . quod fu1~ , paulo aote ; acquc; 1ca for •tk~ pon~t
ifainc root with NEAT : Gr. . ; ta~tundem ~1?;nsfi.cab1t Anghs a,c_ fi . d~f.e~e~
NlVEOUS, .N,,,.,, lfix, .nillJii; piva4s .1 fa!XJJ, . q111a m1b.1 .fi' /:vet, vel ob b.~ fa//lrn~ .ut f•, '"·'~-
/nowy 1 modem : -1t would not be worth whkle to.make a

•NO 1 M•, ttt "" ,,0,. • mt.

· ' ' '
Jong quot;1tion from Skinner, fince he ~:ilk.s ,~f
',OrO'fPnsdro/ucro; and on; andpne; and•one;
• ~<?BILITY; r ••.,....,, cognofto, 11oft.o, 1101111, ' and 01~, i an fuch like geer: IC't me c~!t 1.n my
."'bi/11 ; .o f _well;/ncwn defttnt. . mite, by fuppo!ing that nonce may pc Of!ly a con-
~OCENT, Ntxur, 1ux~ 11uu ; . v.el· a K~>-ow, tratl:ion of no/ens .volens ; l'.ll Jo it for tht .""!'~ ';
quafi,~ox•"; undc ~ouo ; /g b.urt, 11911r_1, .tn~ve: ' I'll "4 ;1 in /pite of bis .ttetb; 1'11 Jo ii f o/:.tbe :u"7
Vo1f. fee NOIANC:.E : Gr. /amt purpo/t ; wilt b.t; ,,;/ bt. · ...
. NOCTl-VAGRANT; or more properly va- 1 NON-CON·FORMIST; a penon .who dQ~.'
ganJ ; Nux7.,. ..,,,., .ago, Ju,o ; . valdt-~gg, tt~go.; not chufe to compi y with th.e -cftablilbed !Jl9YC:.
notfu-vagan.s; wandering abo11t 111 the.111ght; tt~gbt- or FORM of wo~thip: Gr. ·
'!°a/leers ; Jons and daqghten of .Behal, as Milton NONE, not 1111, .; ou1,..,, ntmo, nid/11.S ; llQ~oi!J.,
calls chem 1 . not any one. • '
. .- and. when •ugbt ~ONES ef a .m~.tb ; · E,.,.., novm, ·11011us, ro411.e;
Darker:s the ll:reet~,. r~en wander fortk the Jons quod.ab ~" die.fempe.r ad 1dus,11.ovemdiespucen.tun
Of Beltal, flown with mfolcnce and wsoe. the lll/1ltS in .the ·Roman calendar, alway:s
. Par. Loft, s.,1. 500. nine J.rys .J)efore .che ides; a.nd rhe ~Iles were a1·-·
_ NOC~RN..A.L l Nu"!;, ><1H, nox, flu; noc- wqs in the midd)e of the 1nonth.
/11Y11UJ; 111ghtly. . NON· JUROR; z ..r, j111,j11ri1~jur.ur; Jo 'OOU{ D
· NOCUi;>US, Nixur, ntx, ntcit, 11aceo, noc11111.; · a~ thing qn o-atb.; a 11011-juror. being, a perfon wbo
.bUTlf11/,.gr1evous. .will not t.akt the oa1h1 of alltg1a11a.
NOD, as wb.e1111jleep; .Kr•".-"• profimit.JtJrmio·; . NONNY, 'ff",.'• na111iJ; p.umi/ip; .a .tlwarf, &;
Jaji aj/(tp ; to Jnore. ' fool.
NPD, to'!fent; Ntvw, ll•~• a1111uo ; to a.ffen~, . NON-PARlEL, l1111,t«,juxta, ,par,paris i .t(illal,
apprwe. · negatively not -be eq11ailed. • .
. .NODDLE, Nu;.,, tttto, tt1'to, ,nuta11s; to nod. t-JON-PLUS, vulgarly pronou11ced, nonplujhul •
.N ODDY, a fool i N..91>?, tardut, htbt.J, jlupi- ! .M.i-"l"A~r., 11on-plra; no·mort, notbiitg-fartber, al
~us; a. dolt, 1af. · . . fht.wmojl limit.
. N.QDOUS }N,.,, neo, ntt1.o_, unde,1Wd111, ,nodo- ~ d NOOK; perhaps ·formed by j oin ing the par-
NODULE ju;; knotty; a4jffi<uit fu/ljttl.; ! ti.clc to t!ie fub(huitivc; ·thus, a no~k means nc>
il11ut1td, en1m1gkd together. . 1 mo~ t_hai;i aN hook ;, and if fo, it .v1fibly d¢r(v.~s
. )~Ol_ANCE ·i " ."K•.~..., ,per mecath. A~xn~, ab A'f••o~or, angulus.; .quafi 11-1111&,lus ; an 111igl~
undc ttocto ; i\ m 11 abcunte; _quafi .N•x•~ : VoJt." a .corner, a noDk. ·
a.1uueo, noxa, detr:imt1T1.11m 1 lofs, injury, Jarntzge. ' NOOSE, "/aq,,e111 11exi/i1; nefcio an a Lat.
NOlSE.; '.P~~·r;jlriJor.; ~ Ji)l111:ianf'" flt~•ar. noil,41; oifi. a,ial~ ;i Belg. noofa; ~xa, damnum; ct
• 'rt . ~ ccrtc

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N 0 f'ro1n GR ~ E ic, and LAT 1 "· N 0
cette Jatalis i;1e 11od11s m11!1i1 /trio 11ocui1 : Skinn." Jfuit, manat; ut nafum quoque G~ce 'p.,,. derr·
varur'it a?r1 T';; P1tt, jlutre: quoniam vero nafas elt·
-the former derivation of ncdru ought rather to
be preferred ; but then it ought to be traced up promi11e111ior faciei par1, hinc no(hacibus neus, vcl
io N141, 11to, 11el10, 11e.-r111; 1:oofa; becatJfe Virgil ntujberg dl: promontorium ; pars aliqua term
' bas done it already, in the twelfrh lEneid. 603, longius in mare excurrens, promintnfq11.t:''-it may
where fpeaking of the death of Amata, he fays, be fo, that our anccftors·1nigbt give a promontory
/be ltrrit the fatal knot ; that name, from that pro111i11m1 part of tbt /au 1
Et nodum inform is lethi trabc 11efii1 3b alti. but, for th~ reafons, alre~dy giyen under the arc.
NOit.MAL; f:.w,u.!lJv-. f lt{IJf 1c-14a, r t!'J.£"'' 1101·- NESS, we need not fay any more on this deriv.
ma ; quafi gncrma ; a law, prifcript, form : vel NOSE-GAY ; the former part, we have jufi:
a No,u•r, quafi N•ef"or, Int; a law. now feen, is Gr. ; as fot the J.rrer, it is fo tranr-
NOR-ROY-king at arm! fcems to be a pleo- formed, both in fight and iignification,. chat only
nafm ; for Nor fignifies north ; and roy figni!ir.s fuch a judicious critic and etymologift as .Cle-
lti1tg; fo that Norroy ·ki11g is 11orth·ki11g-'ki11g: the land, could have traced it to its original : in hi.s-
derivation however, is intirely Gr.; for NORTf·J, Celtic Voe. p. 11, n, he fays, GAY, applied'°'
and .ROY, and KING, and ARl\15,· are all Gr. : ncje-gay , comes from the E rfe tongue, in: which
with regard to tlie title itfelf, we have in Eng- " geach fignlfics a bougb :"~fo that a noft-gay ,.
·1and three office rs in the herald's court, who or nofa-gtach, is a fmall bougb, or bU»tb efflowers,.
bear the tide of king al arms ; habent infupcr, to be held to the nofa :-chere is likcwife fo cu~
·fays .. Polydore Virgil, Jib. 19, apparirorrs mi- rious an account of the j11dge's noft-ry .. given by
niClros quos beraldos appellant; quormn pr:i:fec- the 'f ame gende1nan in the fame annotation,. as
'1us 11rmorum rex vocitacur ; the firil is Gar/tr will not fail of bdng agreeable co aU rrue .!oven!!•
!tin~ al arms (in1Htured by Hen. V.) who always of Bririlh antiquity : " tve•)I judge-;• fays- he~
aa~nds the inll:allation of knig hts of the garter, " every counfcUor, C\'ery lheriff, had his. wand.,
and likewifc marlhals the funerals of the nobility : bcllgh, ftaff, or rod of office ; and varied in its
the next in <)ig.niiy is C/4re11uau.r !ting at arms, form, according to rhc: dilferc-nce of functions~
infiiJuted by Edwa·r d IV. ; for he, having at- .the nofa-gay, now alfected by rhe judges, is nor,.
t ained the dukedom of Clartntt, by the denth of as is vulg:rtly in1ae;i11ed, a mere prcfer.v3tive
hi$ brorl\cr George, made his herald !ting at arms; againft tl\e dofenefs, and ill etfe~ ()f a ·croudedi
whofe office is to marlhal the funerals ol knights court; it is the rt:lick of that primitive ·and an-·
'and efquires, Jo tbt fautb of th• Trent : the third tienr cufiom of the judge's holding 1b, bough, o r
is Norr:oy,, o~ nortk-roy, i . e. the 11ortb-ki11g at fceptre of juClicc 111 his hand; ic was formerly·
'm·ms ; whofe o ffice 1s the fame, only on tht north called a bollghet, or little bough ; "(hence the-
fide of.the 'lrent. . • Frrnch took thei r word bouquet, for a 11oje-gay.'· ·
NORTH l Clcl. Voe. 173, fays, " cor, NOSTRUM ; Nw, adjectione To s, 1101; undc-
' NORTH-ward S bor, or north, is the eryrnon 11efler ; ourJ : fo11u facrtl rtmedy known only co-
of eorus :"-when Virgil, in Geo. III. 356, faid, uurfelvts; it j s our o·u,111 i11·ve11tic11; a panacea.
Semper hitms, frmper fpi rantes frigora cauri, No·r; Mr., ne; nee"; 11011; no ; a n1ga1ive.
Jre uoqoubtedly meant the fame wind, which in NOT-ABLE l r.,.,,,.,, mfto; r •.,r,,, 110/UJ, na.-·
.i'En. V. 1 ~6, he calls N0TE } tabilis, 110/anifus. ; unde nota ; .
~ Hihtrni condunt ubi lidera cori; a mark, Jign, obj;roation.
a~ in - both places he rneans a cold eajferly, or . N0-1'1-llNG; Oul,., nibil; 1101auy1hl11g : lee
11cr1b-tafierly wind; · fo char cauru; very proP.erly. NIL: Gr.
takes its na1ne, a<;cording r.o Vo(lius, ii ca/ore; et . NOTJN, O><f"'"• nomen; /he 11ame of any thing :.
""'•e•(, ell: a K"""'• uro ; to burn, or parch up; vel a r ....,..y..,, no/co ; lo lc11ow ; the appellation by
in the fenfe of wbi<b it is known.
Borea: pcnctrabile frigus adurat. . NOURISI-I; N1w7•e•?w, i1111ovo ; to renew , rt-
Geo. I. 93 . ' ruit> chtrijh. · , '
- - - And eold performs th' eJfecr offire. NOVEMBER; 'E"'"'I"""" ND'1ltmbtr ; a n!T-
Milton. vem; ,,;n~: the ELEVENTH mo111b: - here
NOR1'H-HUMBER-/and, quafi North-ltym- again the- fame abfurdiry· occurs, which we 100),:
bro-fand :-conrequencly takes the fame origin notice of under the art. DECEMBER ; and
with KYM-BRO Brilons : Gr. therefore, 11111t11iis mutandis, the fan1e obferva-
NOSE; " Na~•r, nafus; 1111riJ; tbt pajfagn of tions will fuic here.
/lreath: Lye mentions N ... ~., : both fron1 Nu..,,jiuo; NOV-ENNIJ\.L; "E.,"'1""'' 11ovu1arius ; every
ca ratione qua N"""' J'!efych. el(ponit ;,.. , (3i-..~•., ninth )'tar,
NO'rV ;.

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N. U 0 A.
. . . .
NOW; "' tt.Jv, n:au : Upt." the tilJlt pyefe11/• . 'fcrutari : a neufe; nafu~ :"- he then re(ers us fo
NU11ILOUS,.Nti:•>·•· ' 1iclrul1l ; ·a'(lo11ii; ~tolidy! noje; but tho' he mentions a Gr. de,qv. of that
NUCLEUS, .M"'"f•<-f''f"" 11uciftt;us ~ nut-bear~ . word; yet he prefers the Sax. 'and Belg.
i11g rte; alfo the li:er11e!, or'h'taJ'of a comet: • ·. NY,\S-bt1wk ; though, as we have already
N UDGE, Nv~""'• quafi Nod'..,.,, puJJgo, f otfito} fceo under the art. NIAS, there feems a great
<r;e/!ico; to pufh,jhovt, or fh~!ce. ' · · • i affinity between Nto'""'~' nidu.s1 at\d nia.J; yc:t,
NUDITY; r""'"1"'• n11dltn1; the '.arita/ion ill with Skinner, propendet ani1nus Ut credani llQf-
pa.iniing; or ftakedntjJ. '. · . · · ·' · . · • rrurn 1rya1, non Latin.a!, fed Germanicre elfe ori-
NUGATORY·; "oiliiiiilo origine ell llcbra!, -gini~. (for rhe-Gerinans are even now ycry great
um, ac Syrum; qnib~t.s Hfigat, mt'trorrm ;' ut >t;enia! falconers') fc. ii nofho eyM, ".el eye/-hawh, aui-
pftt11t111m, figni6canr: Volf." .t1·ijf1s, trifling. pitcr 'npoiropbus ; hoc ii 1 'eu't. ey; ovum-(et hqc
NUISANCE, " ·K~.><t,,; per mctnth. A•••"• ab !l.., ovum) q. d . accipitcr, qui recens ab o-Oo
unde notto ;· ~ in n abeurte, ut f.-ep~ lit; . q u~fl cmerli t: a hawk j aft excludedfi·Gm the egg.
Nox••"'• noeeo: Voffi "..:.....tho" ·his fon11er' deriva- · NYDDED, ," ~ompelled, qitifl1·ained :'-Verft::-
tion is far: 1nore finip1e ; ,,j'z : naceo; .a ne'x, 11cci;r t. but thh feen1s to be · no 1nore than NEEDED;
and ihen deriv't lfe.~;·a·N·"'""' quod i(fom· a<;N<'><_e•<; -if fo, it is Gr. ' .
111ort11UJ 1· deadly, noxiou1, burifill :"fee NOCE NT , NYE of phtafanu : "alii," fays·Lye," fcribunt
and N0JANCE: C>i'. · eye (or rather ey) of pbta.ftmt1; forta!Te rectius ;
NUM·B-; perli'aps contra!l:ed, rranl'pofed, and nam articulu m ejus, nomenque coalu i!fe multis
transNim1cd (ton1 Mo1'u(3J'o;; . f!umbum; lead·; me- .nos docci J.unius exemplis; as nadder, nap ron,
raphorically beavy ,, fttip i'd, torpid; al!o jlijf with newt, •l)'OS :"-b.ut this is not derivation, 11nlefS
t<Jld. . .' <. • he had told us from'\vhencc e;·e was d~rivcd: it
NUMBER', Ni;<•» ·diftriiJuo, n11111ero, n11mefus l · fcems to be the' fame with. NY AS: Gr. above.
l'4 rukow, or count up a11y•qua111ity of unit1. · · NYMPH; "Nu14t•• 11ympba : Nug."-fomc-
· NUN ; a contracnoo· pt-rha:ps of non-11upta l tirnes 1t is \ifed in the' fenfe of 11ov a-1111pta; untle
01rwwj 1tr1bo,.' n11pt111 ]11,m; or perhlps a N "/A"'• 1iy1npbn1 fpo11fa; a ,ntw· mtirr fed '1ride: CkJ. Way.
nympba,. virg'lf·; a'n unmar.ried rdigio111. 11 8, tells us, that '.' ,rlie Druids inv~nted, or
NU·NCIO, Nrof, 11ultiius ; Niir"''' Siculi dedi- 'adopted, n1oll: pr9bably in favor of the multi-
narun~: ·a nuf!mgt >' : unlefr we moy derive it ii rudc, the fecortt!ary doc't'rinc of JPiritJ, or imps ;
Na••;..::««, prudcntia ; N•v<;..::~r. mentem babtns ; a whence the mythological word 11y111pbs :'.'-but,
perf•1J of prudena; and greatwifd111n, tntru.fted ~vitb if imps, and fpirits, be the fa1)1C, they feem CO
the determination of the· pope, or any great have originated fr1>1n a much higher fource ; for
perfona~e.. · · he himfelf has acRnowlcdged, in p. 46, that
NU;N-CU.PATlV·E, 0 •.-,,.~ . ...,..1.,, 111me11po; ex ''animus ( \•el #ni;na) ·co111es fro1n rl1e Gr. :;cll'~E~11 .. o,,
KOm111,. et capio, oecupo, aurup.or ; to· declare e.r- JPirit:a ( oN-EM'P ) 0 11 imp, or fp irit , ....:._
p-refs!y by word ()f mo11th; ts >iJ eFba/ declaration: undc imp1, and nymphs. '
fi:e likewife QyOTH :· Gr. NY'r E ; " Iceland. 11eita; neg111·1: L ye:"-
NUPTIALS, o""'"" 11ubo, nupttts fum : vel. perhaps a NF<xw, nego, to111r11do; to deJ1y, by con-
1111/Jo, a No"'"' nymfha; a new-married perfan, tending againfr an opi nion . ·
a bri.Je.
NU1" Mit:it,,{<>;, riuetris-; 11ui:, 11:1ci1 ;· all frrtit

Iba: ba1 " bard jhe/J, · o.

NtJT ATION, N1uw, nw,.111110, m1tatio; a 11od- .
ding, or bowing.
NUT: MEG; "; ab Ang!. 11111 ; et Gall. mu-
ru411e ! 1111>' mofchtllO, tllJ1"i.ftica : mugue/le autem
O A F F; 0,..1,,, 0!'"» vid<re; a not11r11!; fup-
. p9fed t <) b~gifted with an il!fi..v;bt i11to futuri'ty;
as 1f he could foe more than 1nortai 1nan.
p.Oculdubio corruptum dl: (is ic not French?) OAK; K<e:>.::"'""(, durru, aJPtr ; undc Q1terc11s;
a Lat. 1110/cbata: Skinn. and Lye :" -but 1111., and the flrcngtjl, hnrdeft tree in the forc(t: C~faubon
mofcbetta arc not L;ir. but evidently Gr. a derives calc " ab A x -11}>.i;, glans i/icis; ut arbor
Mvx"eo('.. ~·Cca'x.or, vel Oa-xor,, ab O~»J 0~1~, oleo, ex fruc1u nominaretur :"-the oeor11-6earing tru:
1dore111 JPiro; lignifying the high-fce11ted, high·'fla- Bdg. er Germ. uclu! i the oak.
t 'Olffttl n-!tl. OAR, Of"" mwec, cqncilo;. to movr, to ply tbt
NUZ2:LB: Skinner fuppofes ic only a dif- J1imblt car.
ferent dialeet for.· n•ftle: but Lye more· ju!Hy OATH " defcends," fays Ciel.' V.' ay. 43,
fuppofes it is·defcended from nef11s; nafum "aliq uo " from aith; faith :"-then all ore Gr. either
inde~e; a Belg. ne11falei: 1 nafa five 1oftro 't acitt from 11 ..e•.,, fid· o ;· jid-es ; f aith, aitl>, oa1b: vel ·
. . ab

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•O .J3 l"rom 'G.1.1zK, and LAT J11 . o .·B
ab ·" "" .aio, Ji co;. unde 4itb, f.aitb; w~tcver is ' , Q.~!& 1.-''..
~e~ ~bolus; a· fmall~·picee ~r
affioned t1p011 our •word. . . ffi,Ol:ieyli.,~ · ~.J?.\i,t, n~t ~ ,current com qi_ th11
· 'OA'fS ; ' 'Sax: at:en ; .hbc forte a vei'bo .et:an, :!i!llgf:!p1t\.ll!' ·, , ,., .,. : .
edert; ubique enim avena equis, alicubi eciam ·OB;s&Jiii. •,y.,,"£~ki.1 11•ha, f'IJJ4; ·quati ftMU;
holninibus, efu1 en: Skinn."-lhould · this be · a ftrtt11, or coven11g lo bidt, or ·""''al any thjng;
'Tight, let me only afk the Dr. if tfta is not .de- quati ob·/'1"t111; or, • Milton far.~, ,·
rived ab edo, '.ftLs'? and then. if edo 1$ not derived . devife
ab l!.t~ ~ . . What l>e!l: may for die ,pn:fent krve 10 Jn.di
·OB :-'-We ha.\(e many-words in "our language ,ThciJl<ltts:of e~ fr~ .o~er,.1Jiarfo1111;111,jl
beginning with !his prepolition ob; which w.ill. be . 'Iojhamt.1Jo#Oiri#UJ. , . .
n1ore properly found under their 1·efpecrive art. · · .. Par.. Loft. B. IX. 'lQ91~
.unlefs .when the primitives thcn1felves arc not jn . ~~~re is another dcriv..,of, the wo1"<111bfa111t, w/lich
.ufe; as in the folio.wing words, when compou.nded. the Latins fccm co have adoptw, by their alway•
OB-EJ?IENCE, Avl•,.'1Jo;r,fa1111s.i 'f.,,,-•.., aiulio, .wriciiig,.,it 'fit~ .an ·q!:, .chm .-,bfl!ZJllU, ,a .11;.,,..,
• pbmdi~. o/Jtdio, ~ludi~ntia : lo Jijltn Jo; i1ie1Jti, proj.a111u, it11m"1idus,.~p1f¥•S; lflldHzfk,.ilfde/i4au.
:_~l>Jtr've,fubmil. . . . . , . .OB-,$CURE,.l:••1""1.2i><•~~ .,.h:A!; 41l/(JIN-
OBELIS~ i « Q{3M1r-.t,qr,.obclifaus; a '}kmt '"' 1i9, 11•fa"J'ltas;: vcl a ~·.. i-J,rofas, ·O/"CllS~
in tbt form of .a pyr11mid: R. 0!3•>-•r, 'veru; afpit: R. l:"'"• umbra; a Jhaw, Jarhujs, ""'foiMft.
Nug.'''."""'it is a pity the Dr: could not ·give us a OO•SEQYIF..S l&•i-, quali .tfflO'lll~i, ft·
better definition of an obelflc, thaR ·Chat it w,µ a 0.B-SEQ!J.IOUS { ·VlfOI", 1bfai/fltr~ o•fatjlti"'11,
jlont tut in tbt form of ·a p)'ramid; whereas it w.a~ ~bftq11iefus ' · 1~ · follow a &1r:pfa lo ltllri!ll ;.Jo .p tr-
. no more 'l'ike a pyrainid,. than a JPit is like 4 form tht fu11et·1Jl rilts : as alfo lo follDW " per/•'s
Jrianglt: but Hederic 1night have mi Ped . him. h#mor;, to Jt rtpdJ., ~d/11bfervk~·t111. 111/ occajiqflf.
for he has defined ~11'.uncor by l11pi.J pyramidis OB,-SERVAN.CE }we make a dill:in!Stioo •in
gracilejcmtit form/Jiii babens; it would have been .OB-SERVATION our languaee, · between
· better if he had faid lapis obt/i, 'IJirguLe, vel thefe two w.o~ds ; .. pbftn1a11t(· relate& tf ""1J in
fagitt~ for1111J111 h®t111: Jagitta cnim Gra:ce Oj3Mot ketping tbt 141.0s., tl1ld pa.Jil!g a #Mt ,regard lo tbt in-
.dicitur: tbt obtlifc being a magnificent piece of ftmlli11111 of JlllT f1tper.iors; and obfervati1111 relates
,marble, of o»t inlirejlone, cut ln an oP/ong f0rm, only lo .-llers..of &W/iJJ ; ., in forming -a jU,J-
'.and ending with a very obtu[e angk a-top : none· m.tnl on wbtJJtwr wt be4r, ·ot: fat 1 nay, the ·maO-
of which articles can be; afcribed to a pyramid: ners have affixed another.idea to .it ; ·as when they
-in lhort, tbt obtlifa is fuppofed to have been fay, we have.made ,a fine olif.tNJatiO# to day; i,~.
confecrated to the fun, and by its jhape to have taken a jull: examination o( the fuO:a meridian
·reprefented one of bis ra1s: now no philofopher altitude, .or well ubferved his place in the hea-
·would ever have thought of reprefe.nting a rd)' vens :-thefe diftinClions however are.all i~al1 for
of tbt fun by a pyramid. the derivation, the ro.ot, die etymology is the
OB-ESlTY; El.,, tdo, tdi, tfu111, t/111; obtjit11s; fame: fee; SERVE~ Gr. · .
fat, grofs, gluJti11ous. OB-SESSION, !!.,.,,.,.,,µJN; oijtjpo ; /J/oclt
OB-JECT, fubfl. l I1w, ••·"''• millo, jacio, o~jitio, up, otfage.
OB- JECT, verb S 01Jjetl1u: a plating buween, OB-SOLE TE l" falt0 limplex elTe puto ab
/11terpoji1io11, oppoji1io11, co111raJit1io11. OBS-OLETEJ '.O>.or, quia in quo.t~li fumus,,
OB-IT, E.., '"I'" mitto, eo; obto, obitus; death, id facere dicimur falert: VoU:" 111 grftll •Ill .If
11n e11d, exit. 'fie :-vel ab ow...,.., .oiw., ptrdo_, i1fltrimo 1 lo
QB-JURGATION. Zrvr,j111, j1'; j1'rz,o, 'lb- loft, dt}lrDJ, dit: ob is neg.: obs aug.
jurgatio; a chiding, rebuking, reproving. OB-STACLE, r.-.,...;,1:1..., -n.,Jto, obflo,.obfi•-
OB·LATE, 111'"1"'• la1us, fpatio/111; /JreaJtb, ""'""'; "" imptdi1JH11t,.bi11drr1nce, oo}lrtt!lun.
/ongi1udi11aliy. ' . . . OB.STETRICATION: 1,..,,.,,rt.., 23.,, oijlo,
OB-LA'rION, l/J'f"• fero, Iii/;, /a/llJ!I; oblatio; objletrix, qu&d ob/1)1at, i., e. adj"t}J111 ptmptr~ 1 11
.11n offering. mid-wi/1; becaufe foe pj/ijJ,s 11/u gwl U!Olllft i•
OB-LIQ.VE, ,<.,~, liq•us, /itJ11is; antiq. i. e. /®or, . .
/ra"fverfus, obliquus; .awry, afltml, •fv41ar1: OB-S.TLNACY-l_cithe,r (rom r,.,.,..•.
l:7•"• l.1.,.
Yoflius, de Permut. lit. fays, forte p.utcs coaluiffi: OBS-TIN ACY S obflo, o!Jjlino, .a./ljlitNtil 1
iverbum obliq1111s ex ,.0111'"lf"'• tr1J1if.Jtrfus. 'r,,....7,.,,.7.,, per.frjli..,t fl1tib,,-1111efs.: pr, elfe a.
Of!-LlVIQN, A,.,9,....,, 11,&•..-..., .11.,,e.,, Jateo, T ..,.,, T.,;;, ..,.,,.,, .ttweo; lt11aciol#,1 pertinaciOMs i•
lntilo, livifao, antiq. oblivifaor, oblivio; jor.geiful- opi1Jio11: tlie for1ner feems ,the more preferable,
l'tft ; parefo11, r.t1J1ijjon,jorgh:eneft, ,· beca11fe,tl;1~ J.,.ati'" w.ror.e£bfiina1.w.. no.t11bf1Wattu.

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Cl 'E
~STREPE~OU'S', Z~Of•r, qunfi I1t•,re•r, tflttm of .any ftU: we may be the more cemln•
.lnllttu r liltj lolfti lloift, or 'V1Xijeratio11. is
of this derivario)1, 6nc:e it the very fame which·
OB-TUSE,"Tv..7•, '111J,, .111ildb, 1J/1f?tjUJ; blunted, is given -by Homer In the Nineteenth· O'dylfey,.. .
h•ifed, btitJm: · · T . 407, where he makes. A11to/ytu1, rhe grand-
08-VIOUS,: o,.., '61~; a way, road, 1r path: father of Ulyffes (who happened to be prefenc ac.
16· is aug. his birt h) na1ne the cl1ild, and give chis· N:afon•
OC-CASJON, K.x'!o>, tfeqrjum, cado, o({ajio; op- for ~ailing him U!Jffes,,
ptumty, fotifo11, 1i111e>. • :. ITM>.ai#'it t«f''t~'}'' OlU~tr:t~•to~ ,.,f i>t&11.v'
OC-CIDEN'f.AL, from tlle'famc root; mean- A~Je1'1:4'"1•, ""' ')'lltia.1Et11l. Clt.1 x8011t,z. 1t'BA.t;{J.o711e111;' '
ing tht ft tfil!J:. of }befo111 in ·lbt ''weflern partt of Tffl' o;ur.'u" O~OfA.. crw f7r~¥VfL-Cll: -
the ftlorld. • · S ince l came here diftrifled at the race
OC-CIPUT, K•9''"'-•• (t1p11~, o~,ipttt; the binder Of many nations on the fruitful earthr
part of·tbt bead. .,. Ulyffes be the na1ne t g i v e : - - -
· OCCULAR , O•xor, O(ul1u; the tyt :-It 1s ob·· !he aliiniry is t otally loft, and mull: be loft, in:;
(ervablC,• that .the Greeks fajd Oliitor, with two ' ou r b nguage. . ,
~.: and ·the·Latins om/111,. with·only one '· · ODOR, Off.>1, od!Jr;. 'o(..,. otloro,. o-Jorifer11s :-
OC-CULT, K">-,;.-1,., octu/l'tl i '10 bide, t11'1Jer: >ptrf11m• ; '. · •
Litt'. and Ainfw. derive O("''"'ab ·occulo; and occulo - - --- - - now gentle gales,,
ex ou, et t olo; ·i."e. tolmtfo, ·live aran'tlo, obttgere: F anning their od01'iferous wings, difpenfe
OC-CUPY, x.,.,.7.,, (apio; oc'tupo, O(qtpati# ; . N atiye perfutnc;s, and whifper whcnci: they ftole
f4ftize, tafte peffeffion ; alfo'bttfintftr an4 employment. Thofe balmy fpoils: - - - · ---
OCEAN, '" n.,,;,.r; octanus: Nug." -tht P a(. Loft, B. IV. 156.
ff11Ji11 'ft1J ; the · '(Jaji> eapll~uJ ·rtfervoir of ·watirs, OECO-NOMY, " o•••,,f+"'·, oec~uomiiJ; thr
c:atled the ocean; which ·fee'ms ro have taken its gwei-11111e11t and 111a11ageT11tnt of a houfo ; or the. dij-·
denomination it· x......r. etl!rltleus, glaueus; fty- pofal of' a1iy thing (fn1gally) :· R. O•x•;, a .hoefe ;.
color : Ciel. Way. 9, derives " ouan fro1n ta11- and N.,,.,., le.Y, 'modus, norma :. Nug.:'
/uan; the bead, or thitf t/JUtflion of waters:"- OECU,M ENICAL: Ciel. Way. t t·J , n ; . and·
but fur.cly {,,,, ·is· but ·a barbarous F rench Voe. 37, very j udicioufiy obftirves, thar " the
Yerlion of "'f./.,e, .il «1•r, #d111, ·unda ; water: and Greeks of Conftantinople, to whom the Chriftian.
kfiiir, lien, 'hen, htjf, hojf, .roff,·t oph, eepb, or ra~her religion defcended from . the Chriftians,. Britons,
fttph, ·are all undoubredly derived ~ K'''""'"• and Gauls, who compofed die !lower and ftrengtb
up•t ; the ·h14d, or thief. • • . of Conftantine's army, prclfed this word,. as they
· OCHRE; Cafaubon wntes. tt o~r; and yet did mal)y purely. Celtic ones, into . the fcrvic~ of'
clcri:vcs it ab 0?«"• which · lhould· · hav~ been the church, a.ndi tortured it into that barbarifin.
printeCI nxe• :-co/ms quoddam gen11!, a pttllilr'e of o,."l""'x•r; becaufe;. N. B. bccaufc they re:
tlm•mintJtum ; a red earth, of a dark gloomy tol~r. 1pcaed t he whole habitable g1obe !''-well might
OCT A-GON, Ox1«,,.,,.r, o!Jagon111, ot1o angu- this gentleman IC-OUt fuch a derivation : but even•
los habens·: a mathemati'tal fiK"1·e, having right now· he · has nor· been able to lhake off t he Gr.;.
angles·:· R. 0><1"~ otlo,,, ·eight; ·et r ..,..,, ang.U11s, for he fuppofes, that " t1e(lm1enieal is only a ba<1
·" " 11wglt. . tranOarion of. ey-commom, or Jaw·111<eting1 :"-\1·
OCTA-BEDRON, O.tlo.-Ut"• ot10-httlr<T;· a· is true, die co11111>1>n cou11ciis wC're gt:1;sotJ, meetings, .
folid figure ih geomctry,..confiltlng 'of·eigbt'fides; ' or affemblies ; but then they were mce.tings of the'
and is or\e of thofe five; called the ·Plato•ir, or ) tQ1'1Jll<mJ; and confcquentlf <icr~ ved 3.K.0111;!, Ko, ..w.-~;l .
regular uotliis :: R. Ox1w; offo·; et .Ect~"'t pla'?ties; commu11is; eommon, .g eneral 11ffemblits of the PfOfle.
OCTAVE, o.,1,,,, otla'IJ1t.1; the-eighth; m mufic OESO~PH AGUS, 01r•~«1•r. otjopl;ag!'.l , jlo-
it 'fignifies. the tightb fr()m ariy · particular note, , machrls; gula 1 the g1tller, difee11di11g fro11f 1be il>roaJ·
co"1nti ng rliat nqte as o·n r,; ei'ther afttnding, or to ·the ltft orifitt of /be flomtub. · · . ' .
't tcfctnding. · · ·· · · OESTRO!;J, Ocr{"• oif.rus,, asi.lus 1
• O.C TOBER, · 0~1"/i""~• tlie' 'JiENTH' month : muJCa.qu:cdam reft:tte hoves in fdlans, atque ex-
- here again the fame :ibfurdity'occurs,. which we . agitans : a gt1tl-jly; already n'cntioned, under the
to0k home· ·of,: under the art .. DECEMBER ; . art. BRI EZE : G.r.
and thrrcfoq:,. Mufatis 111111a111Jis.,. the fame obfcr- - - -- - - -·..:... cui nomen alflo
.YatiOhs .,;111 -roit ·here, • : · ' R omanu1)1 eft, oejlrgn Graii vertere voe.antes•
ODE, n1., od!; a ffJ11!· · ·· · · • 1 Geo, 111. 1 47.
r:· ODIOU'S,- <>1Vv1 inufit: o/U~r,.; iraftor; odi '; !o, OF, A...., ab; Belg. of; S2x, Of ; 11bs; tA', ex··
w ·attz? fltiib,: 11 bott J to g'/Jin Jilt ilfwill, or Jif- tra i p111·1 tJ/i m~rlg_vtr. ~
~ ; •. ,,, ,,.. I :J. OFER·
' '

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O L From G REEK, and LAT 1 N. • .
O.l''E.R-gewrit; "'111 overv'IJriJilig, a fuperf,rip- OLIG-ARCHY, 0.>..1y•eX""• oli£t1rebif1 pnt1-
tio11: Vcrfr."-but both Gr. r11m domi'IJat;u i 1,bt govtrm111~1 ~fa few: ~- o.1u,.or,
' O FE.R-mcde : "pryd, or i1ifolcr..tit: Verfi."- poutus; a few; ~t AeXl•'pr:nci/ ffllaJ·
but both O VER, and MOOD, are Gr. OLIO: " vox, cum re ipfli, nupel"' civitate
· OFER-fraedewud, " over-Jbado'Uvcd: Verft."- donata ; ab H ,ilp. o/la 14J:ida; quo nominc
but both Gr. Hifpani appellant mifaltlm '" p!uribus tduliis;
OFFALS, o,,.,..,, 1'Eol. pro o,.,.,,.,., I·Jefrch. or puta ex carne ovioa, bubula, gallini, porci pcdi-
rather,, perhaps, 01'"""• frufl1u urealn, quibus bus, allio, et acpis, ad qu~nde1n putrilaginem
vitam fuelcnta1n11s; Oii} eatable; ; pie~es of meat ; coccis, confeccam·: pod,id.a eni.m . Hifp; ptttrid!Jm
frag111e11ts of viff11als; broker. [<raps. nocat : hanc auccm vocem o/Ja, a Lat .. olla, leu
OFFENCE, •l>trw, o&cidc; fe111/o; o.ffe11f:~ ; of- , ut anciqui fcripferuot au/a, ortam c'redo : Skinn."
f endi11g, difpleq/ing. -we might rather fuppofe with Lier. and A i.nfw .
OF-FER, ll>1ew,fero, offerc; lo priftnl an obl1Jtio11. ' tha< ol!a was derived ab olto; unde olus, pl. o!era,
OF-FICE, <f>,.,,fio,facio, ojftcium; bujinejs, duty, quo4 ~ in ~/(ti coqulCl)r :--c.o nfcquently Gr. ab
jimtlion: or elfe ab £,...,, optror, opus, cpificina, , A>./.,, extrito. J, alo; antiq. alo, vel o!.eo ; cr!ffl; I#
ojficina : Cleland, Voe. 156, d erives office from : grow: here' ligrifying .all fore, of pot-herbs, and
boff, or C6ff:-but coif undoubtedly di:rivcs a eµtabkf, reduc~~ to <1.h111th;,.po1.
x:,,."""• caput ; the head. . OLITOR Y ; A~I.., extr~o I, alo, a11g10., erefco;
OF~FRUNG; " a11 offtri11g, oblation : Verft.." a~ a/1, ~Ito, olu1,.olit1?rjus ; . '!"Y g11~Jen herbs, gr~w-
-fee OF-FER : Gr. ing in a ,kiJcben-grou11d•. -. . ·•
O F-S.L EAD ;. " fl.11ine, lcill<d : Vedl:."-but : OLIVE; u ...,.,. ~lt!' .; ~Fa, •o!iva, .inferto
SLAY is Gr. digamma : ; tbe :oli<:< tr(e, pnd fntit. .
OGLE; O>W<•r, oculus; tlu e;•e: ·• . OLLET ,- "Jtu11I 1. q. d. e!ltt ;. a Sax. a:la11,.
OGRESSES: this word appeared Co truly onailan ; aectndtre: Dan. eld 1 ignis: Ray:"-
Gothic, that no wonder Dr. Skinner was charmed the only point now is to de.cermine, whether relan
with its ruggcdncfs; and could derive it from is not derived ab H.>.Jor, fol 1 lbe/1111,_ that g reat
the" Fr. Gall. ogre.ffes; .pil.e be/lit,..; bullets ; , origin, and fountain of fire._ , .
from the Sax: oia, ltrror /' and then ad~, "fem~ .· .O LY!VIPI,\ Q, . Q)'"l'"•i, O>..,.,,.... Olyt11p111 I "
per to/ore 11igro pinguncur ; qui color Jriftitiam, ~ill bftwee11; 'Tbtj[al)·,-.aml J'1acedon; ·alf9 a cit)',.
et horroru11 notat :"-but could not fee chat his 1uar wbitb tbt Olympic gamu «J41'C etltb,,ated :'-
ogre.ffes, and o;;a (quafi o;;pa) were derived ab Ciel. Voe. 1 6 .1, ,n ; and , 211, . fays, th~t " o~-imp
tlXf'" coloris fUoddam gtnus .a pa/lore der.ominatum : is manifeftly,.the bill of the fpi,.its; for at, LI, ii,
fee OCHRE : Gr. . . ~I•. and . u! '(tbe VQ"lel .being ,i,ndilf~cnt) .is the
OH! !l ! .o ! adverbium vota111is, et t.rda- · root of qi!, coll, col/is, cu/nun,· ctlfus, . tit<tlfus;
mantis; a11 txclamalio11 ! exctllens, in the fenfe of mo1p11ai11, tmintnt't, bill,
OI L, " F.>.'""'• olem11: Upt."-ex oliva ; oil of or height :"-but even then it would be Gr. as
.-./i'VtS. ive have fcen in HILL; and 11\IIP likewifc 1nay
OILET, !>,>,o,, oc11ltu ; the t)'t ; or any bolt 10 be Gr. .
1oolc tbro11gh. OMEJ~E1', · ·: .n,,._,.,>.,, oomt!jna;. t~ken from
OINTMENT; ErX!"" ii/inc, infrmdo; ungo, fll.l11 , G"Vllm; a11d ,...,,.,, 111el : Nug.''-a m~xeur~ of
vel unguo, unguencum 1 tiny f.JJeet u11gue11t, to pour egg~, and bo11ty :· as for the· Dr'.s. ··honty, ic is of
·into a wound, &c. his .own introducing; perh?ps according to his
O IS1'ERS, " Ore"" Ors••• ojlrea; tbe jbell fifb own 'palate : at lcalt Skinner has given us no
fa (a/ltd: U pt." 0 . fuch n1ixture; but fays, " crederem fie dictum
OLD~ 'c ·Ew>.or, E.:..iAo'Treo; , ~E-w>.o1«1tr 1 'VtluJ; ngtd, ome!er, quafi ov11/et11111, vd ovulatum; friffura ab
11111ie11J .: Cafaub. and Upt." o-~is :"-a froize. of eggs, witho'ut. any honey:-
O LEAGINOUS, E>.'""• ok a, ofiva; bt/011ging bur yet it is ~r. as abpv.e. .
to tbt olive. . OMEN) o,~.. ,,, ov is, a1tg11rium, 01111:14 omino-r
OI..~FACTORY; O(•>. o~:.,, oJ,.,, oleo, ol- [us ; a token of good er. baJ 'luck, ·gathered from
.J~cio, olfa!lorium; fwetl fcentrd p~rfstmrs .: belong- bird:s. : fee SINISTER : . Gr. . ..
;,.g to fme/!: But ler has h11morouOy prc:fcrved OMITT, M'~'"I''• .mi110; omij[w: to P.ifs oy,
thit word, in his H udibras, where hen1~_kc5 that J1tglet1, or co111t111n.
hero eel! his fquirc, · that, OMNJ-FARIOUS, M ...,, quafi o,...r-f•f"'
There is a Machiavel ian plot, omnifer; htal'ing all things.
'fho' vulgar nare cljntf \t not. ON ; ON ; " A•2, pro A•"-ro91, furg11: di: enim
- . P art J. Canto I. 7'1-'· ""' iftud hortatoriua1, vel cxcrcitoriun1 Homcro
J' .• perfamiliarc :

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0 0 F rom G 1. E 1 it, and L " 1' 1 "· 0 p
-perCamiliare: Cafaub. and Jun."-alludit qui- 'IJDJ, idem fignante; hue referendum oozy gr4U11J;
dem; fed certe 011, 011, on, elleipticus loquendi folum uligi1Jofit111 :"-now, had gentleman but
modus cit, quales fexcenti in omnibus linguis recolleeted paffage, when he arrivr_-1 at t he
reperiri poff'unt :-he lhould have faid, before the art. want, be probably would have corrected it,
time of Homer, or even before that of the according to what he there allerts; viz. ." ob
Greeks. · A..,, ell: wafe, lim11s :"-this waje is undoubtedly
·ON-AGER, o...yeor, onagtr 1 ajinus fer111 1 a the fame with the Sax. p:ef, and gave origin t"'
'flJild afs ; perhaps tbe zebra: R. o..r, aji111u, a11 ooze, as both of them arc derived ab A~,., fig,
flfs; .and Ayeor, ager 1 wild•. nifying any mar;'b)'> m11ddy, Jenny place.
ONCE}Oior, o,!., Jolus; vel ab E1r, /"'"• 'E., OPAKE, ou..,,, vd n ..,,, r;p1, terra; na1n um-
ONE 1'1111S, a, 11111; one, tlllity ; at 01u time; br.e ti frigori.s cap1a11di caufa in fubterraneos Je
foNMr/y. fpu11s abde/101u: l f. Vofiius derives opatus a n..x•r,
ONERARY, O••r, afinus; quOd animal oneri- vel potius ab Am•<. crajfitS, altus :-but darknefs
bus feru1di! nalum fit 1 hinc onerofus; /1ad,,;ed, perhaps is a fenfe that n"'X"'• and A•.-.,, never
vppre.ffed wirb any heavy weight. yet bore:' betides, opa<ity, or darknefi, is totally a
.. ONESIMUS, "O"'q'I""• Onejimus; one of the different idea from craffitude, and denfity; as dif-
difciples of St. Paul : R. o._,.,, juvo; ct 9,.~,,, ferent as 1beJ11bftance itfelf fro111 the jbadow.
atility, advantage : Nug." OP_AL; !li}, ,,,,.,,, quafi n, oculus; quod
ON-G,\N; began: Verll:. Sa:r.-but brga11 orulorum ariem, et 11i1orcm <01!fervtt : a prtricus
is Gr. jldne, jbini11g like fire ; and fa id to pref;;rve tbe fight.
ONION, 'E•, 010•, 111ius, unio; a bulbous root, OPE-land; "ground plowed up every year,
or ftallion : unde " 1111io; quod in <011<his 1111/li that is always light, and open: Ra.y :"-confc-·
duo rrperianlur i11dif<reli ; i. e. fimilrs; a pearl, quently Gr. as in the following art.
called a11 union; becaufe, tho' many are found i11 0 PE N I H o.,,~. A••• ,,.., aperio : u pt." -or.
'1te .fhrll, yt11101 any one of them is like 1molber :"- by tranfpofirion, it may be d erived ii<!>'"'"'• quafi
whatever foundation Litt. and · Ainfworth might n,..,., pa11do; 10 difplay abroad, open widt.
have had for fuch a definition; yet when we fpeak OPERA"fION, £,,.,,, operor, opus, operofus i
o f the garden onion, it n1ay be better to take the work, labor, empl•)'me111; toilfame, and laborious.
derivation ·of 1-lefych. who explains n., .., by OPHIR, O~"'e• Ophir; a ca11111ry Jo ea/led.
,,.~ nea:q-ir•, fftrrcne.s. OPHlUCr·I US, o''"X''• Ophiuchus; a11gui-te-
ONKNEW, "diftoutred, defurned: Vcrfl ."- nen1, jideris 11ome11 ; tbe ftrpenl butrer; a conjielltt:-
but KNOW; is Gr. lif/11 Jo utl!ed. .
ON-SET, or al/atk; both Skinner, and Lye, OPI-lTBALl\.1.IC, o ipG.-.>.I'" '• ap1ba!mic11s; oat-
fuppofe · this word is derived a Sax. OllfC't:'t:ll0;5 ; /us; bekJJ1giJ1g lo tbe eye.
and that it is compounded of en, and fat ;-liut OPIATE, o......, opi• m; the jufre of poppy. ·
fat is undoubtt dly Gr. ~ OPI- FICER; E.-.., operor, opifex; a workma11,
ON-TYNED, " 1111dofed, unkofad: Vcril." - a;: n1·tiji .
. it Ceems to be only a various d ialeft for untwined; OPIN ION, 0)01v.tt1, OF1fc.«,, Ct 0F1r~, opinbr,
i., e. untwi.fted, u11tied, unloofed: and if fo, it would opinio; lo t hink, to judge, juppofa, or fa11&y: vel !i
.be Gr. ai~u"', moneo.
ON-WARD, A,,.....,.e,...,, adverto; 10-ward. OPI -PAROUS, ou.-ir, vel .n..,,, ep s, opis, ten·a;
ONYX, o.. ~. onyx; gemma qu.edam; 11 jrwtl, uncle opes, trp1tm; cc 11t1e~, par9 i to ac9:1iri rirbeJ;
fo <ailed. . alto ddi<ate, cofl!y, /11gurio11s.
OONS, a contraction of W OUNDS : confe- OP IUM, " o,...,,, opiu111; tbr jJ1ice •f poppy :
quently Gr. R. o..~,,fltcr.111 : Nug.1

OOZE: from the Gorhic appearance of this Ol'LE, opulus; witrb-b11zel ; a jh1·ub Jo called.
word, it is no wonder that the e tymol. have been OPO· BALSA1\1UM, Or.•13"'~'""1'•" opobalf1-
l'crplexed about it: Skinner fuppofes ic co be de- mum; fuuus. feu liq11or, qui''" balfamo manat: tbe
rived " a Sax. <>f'r, Jquamma, (Orltf qutr<its, quo jui<e of 1bt. balm of Gilead.
.ad dcnfanda coria utuntur' coriarii ; JaJJ11tt"s D"&ft, OP-PIGNERATE, n•y•u,u•, par.go; vd Hv£,
.11vft : d oer. "fh. ;:-renlh . videtur corruptu1n ii F r. llv')'I '•• pug110; unde•; to pawn, lo gage,
Gall. t'tJti:..' i aq111e, fc. coritzrior,,m :''-bur per- lo pledge. ·
haps n0Fre nch1n;tn would admi~ of fuc.h a deriv. ; OP-PILATE, n.>...,, pilo; to drive rloft ; oppi-
for eaux, which is but the plural of, never latus; 1111 enlra11ajlop1 up.
.yet fignified either u;ud, jlu1u, or even tanner's OP- PONE.NT, e .,, pe111J; ut 1i. <lw, dono ; op-
-'ft· Lye fays, " a Sax. pa:r, humor; ab Iceland. pono; lo withfla11d an antogonift.

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OP-PORTUNITY; iJ>,~7,.,, porto, porlus, unde . r.b oe ......,, fc-dio,, to dig a hole :~'-there. is ORI}'
1pport111111s ; quafi ob partum, portui propintjuus; one objection to this deriv. whk h is, tha~ the
quod navigantibus maxin1e utiles optati<JUC font · cornmon orrhogr. contradicts it : for the Latins
portlls: a com111odio11s, co111)tnient, and feafotwble alw ays write it orcus, not' orchru.
harbo111·. ORD : funius a11d Lyi> fuppofe, that when ertf
0 PT! CS, " 0,,.7,KO<, vifarius; R, 01'l•f'"'• 'Video : fignifies initium, it is derived a Sax. il. Cimbr.~
Nu!,·"-u,batt'!ler rdt1tts 10 fight, or the. doflri11e ef but if ini1i11m fignifies exordi11w1, ar\d ord lignifics
rvifi011. initium, then we have already feen, under tbe art.
OPTION, " o,,-7w, 0,,.1,,""''• opto ; to fte ; to EXORDIU ~l, that the root of t his word is Gr."
co1ifider;- becaufe clJOlce requirn eonjideration : as likewife in the following art.
N~1g." O RDAIN}Oe9•r, reEJus, i11 rellum tendmJ, di-
. OPULENT, O""''• vcl .n.-,,, Dps : "vd diClre ORDER rigq, bene rem gerere : vd ab o~.,,_,..,
opes ab ope, qure e!l: tetra.; undc cffodiuntur opts: orior, excitor: " vd ab inufir. O~"""' unde OeJ"-1'""'
VolI"- wea!Jh, 1·iches, prn.vcr. .ia1ta tarpta, eJ operi part1ta: fane oriJiri proprie
OR, tither ; o u;,, o u;'; hinc aud; vel con,•erfa vox c!t fe>·torum, cum texere incipiunr; onde ordiri1
media din tenue1n t, aut ; N -eitber this, nOR lhnt. live e.,·ordiri, er detexere, five peru.~ere, opponun-.
ORA-CLE, X•aw, orarul11m edo ; l o dedare an tur: Voff." ordir.o; lo treatt, or commijfion: 6rdi·
oracle; aAd K;.~,,; &/audo ; which before v1ns jhut 1111/is ; laid, or plau'd i11 ordtr; O~.- ; .,, ordo.
•tp, kepi ftcret. _QR-DEAL : when Ver!legan, 6J, informed
OR .t.\.L; 0!Ta-a, vo.'<; os, oris; the mo11th, voice, us, thar " the Saxons, or Germans, had among
11ttera.11ce. thetn fower fortes of crM.<I, which fo1ne in Larin
ORA'I'IONfP1,., hoc ell: Ee"'• dico; unde hauc rcrrned ordalium ; " he little imagined he was
· ORAT OR J 'P"1"e• oratar, oratfo; a11 oration, writing Gr. ; bot fi>far from rhis, th• t he looki>
or public fpu ch : hinc oro ; 10 pray, beg, plead; upon it to be pure Sax.; for, he fays, "or is beer
iind from hence comes t be rxpreITTon in ou r old vndcrftood for due, or right ; and deal, for parte;
law books, of your daily orator, for your doily, as yet wee vfc it; fo as ordeal is afinuch to fay u
6r co1tfttwl pctitione.· ; or, as we now fay, your pe- d11e-p11rte, or dJJ111e, or :"-now we migh t
litilmer foal! ever pray :-Volli us quotes Nu·nndius properly afk, how or came in Sax. to fignify
f(?r cJcri?ing oro, ab .4ew, vel .l\~411u-~,, prer.or i due, or right, if it had not originated ab 0e-9or.
quod ab Af"'• preces; Af"?"f"• oratores; unde reEJ11s ; whate ver is right, ju.ft, and trru; as all
· A~eo~, \•el Aof1eeiv, fer111oci11nri i to talk, to11verfe, judgement ought to be ?- and deal, or parJe, we
difconrft, borm1g11e. have already fcen is Gr. under the arr. D EAL,
OR.B, Rof?•>. c11ri;11s; ll•"-•e"'• bura; a plcw- or dij1rib11te.
t ail, or rath er buli's-tr1iJ ; a bura by tranfpolit ion ORDURE; " Gall. ordure ; Ira!. lordezza,
is 11r·b5, · ttr"Jt1.s, cut·v us, orbis ; na111 urha1·e, ct qr- fortalle funt ab .~el~, quod Hefych. e"ponit
bnre cil: cirtlllo 11rbew cir-c1t111fcribere ; to draw a 140J,11u1.41J·;, i11q1ti1:a111e11J1£1n : Jtin.,,-'' crd; for didits,.
cire/: with a plaw , where a cily, or ho11fa foould a· Jordes : Ski1Jn." (a r«,f W> vel !o:.e~:a;,,, ""i.Jerro)
br built. " Ital. lordezza, indttbie fluit ab Iceland. lorr ;
ORCl-JA}~D, " -Or-...::il•<, o:x·~· hor/u5; "gar- jferc11s : Lye:" m11ck, dirt, d1111g,filth,fweepi11gs.
de11, or fruit ground : Cnfaub. and Upt."- or, ORE; either from Of•» mo11s ; becaufo dug
pt'!'haps grchm·d may . ,be derived a x.~1.. , tohar·s; ou~ of t he_ hills: .or clfc tro1n Oj•'Yf'"• fodina ; ab
t it fit~n i ficer l:u?-·x.~1~, C6Jif~ptai b or t11111, t·ode1;; feptq Ofut1r.'> f cd10 ; lo Jrg; tbe !ump ~f ·coarft, u11pRrifiut
comprebenja; trus g1·awi"g in tbe Jam~ t/ldoji1re; ji1b/lance, which is fir/I dug 0111 of tbc mine :-after
huf..ged,· 01· waited i 11. Jun ius has n1cntioned th is derivarion, which is
ORC HESTRA, Ofx•re,.,orchljlrn ; pars tbeatri3 undoubtedly t he true one, it is remarkable that
iJ: qua <horus. Jallflba1 ; that part of tbe theatre, he add s, " nam i\ngl. qa1· (as he writt-S it, inltead
<J:bere a•Jfiei!l/y the chor!ls dailced: R. Of XI'" moveo, of ore) ct Belg . oor, vi dcri polfunt ortum traxi!li:
f.zltaJ't Jaci"; /(J 1J1trr.Jt, to d1.;11tt. . ex i'!e"» cum curii c11.flodire; quod rjufmodi Jodi-·
OR CUS, - , 4', jwj11ro11du11J;
0 P• . fl!I Ofltb·: Ortu.r, 1ias, propenfiare Jemper t71ri11 fepiant· mortales :"-
911t11t>111s eft ,locru, ab Of'"' p<n1mo1h1m commode true;. but t h1s is onl y a fecondary caufe; for
d1rci .P(Jttj/·, utp(lle p c1· c'itju.r p.1!11t!t m tlii jtiYtill : t hey muft firll: of all be f udi11,., 111i11e.r, before
"flti jt1.,,.a;11cnti tlttJi , qttole-n111 efl pcrfana; the i1ifer- they can be kept, or guarded.
11ai / tot, or lt1~e, which !he g•ds Jolemn!y in'Voked : ORE-w~od ; '" qua:dani alg:e fyecies, qu:r:
-Voffi us is of opinion it ought rnche r to be de- Cornubia: agros niirificc lrecundat ; lie diet"•,"
rived c< ab O~x.G~> fc'!Jen; i11 1uii f fJntlt1nt ;1r t1101·t11i; fays Ray, « quod ur a:1rum incolas locupler,. et
:be grr.1.:1: iJft.: ;;1 1·-:ro Oe:-t.' -; dici:tlr, .P-''ifi Of~Gr; . aurc erni mt'renir :'.'- th is is ba~ a very pooi:-
l coui:eir~

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Qi It From GR£.! it, and LATrN .' 0 s'
("()nccit, tho' even · then it would be Gr.-but ORTiiO,GONAl., Ot9'Y*'"'• rtfla11gulus '; /1
fince this ore-wood is a- fpecies o( alga, or fea- 1't!Jt111gle.
1oetd, it fecn1s more naturally to be'derived (rom ORTl-10-GRAPHY, "Oe9•r~"f""' ·orthogra;
the fa:ue root with SHORE; i. e. jbore-u·ood, pbi11; . a prcper mmm<'r of writing : R.. Oe&•<;
jbfJrt-weed; or faa.- wud, caf~ on the jhore :. confe- re!/us ; ct ff«f•" fcribo ; lo wrile; lrue fpe!Ji11g:
quently Gr. Nog."
OREADES, Oe""'' Oieades; the nytllphs of 1be OS-C:ILl,ATION, l:Hw, cito, ofeillo, offilfa tiQ ;
tnormtair.s, i11 -Dia1t.a J train: R:_. Oeo~, mor.1; a to jb11ke, 111ovc, or 'f)i/;rale: R- o.,,,., VO.\', os ; c t

'lllOwttain. 2:"'" t il!eo, aotiq. i. e. ci<o, efcil/11111-mO"; .an

ORGAN, "OeY""" a1t· mj/nt111t111 : . Nug." image of Bacch~s. hung up in trees, in order to
OR GIA, OfY""• ,,.g;,i; pr<ipric ftura Bacchi: render their ·vj fruitful; that part being :ic-
Baubana/ian re-ueh, held on the tops of mouJJtains ; cou nred. tl\e 1noft pr9lp<;rQus, to whicb ~h~ in13gc
•~a .,.zv OeW"'. cun1ed Qlofi frequenlly, when moved by che
()Rl-CHALCUM, Of«x«>·"''• ab o.,,, 11101/S. ', wi11d, or o~berwife: to chis<il' opinion, Vtrgil
·e t Xa>-x•~ ••f's ; a kmd ·of motnrtoin bra/; ; or. l flP· a,l·h.J<\~s,
f". or.t ; ..a. metal ·of· ~"::if value ; con1r110.nly E t te, Bacche, vocant p~r canrfrna l~r~, t ibiquc
wrrrten a11ricbal&11111, as· 1f it related co gold; but · Oftilla ex aha Cufpendunt 111ollia· pi nu ·:.
ctym.o logy lhews the error :-there is a pa(fage I lioc omnis larg o pubcfci t vin~a fooru J
in Dcut. viii. 9, whic.h fcems ro exprefa this word Complentu r vallefquc·cavre, faltulque profund i ;
bv a circu111loct1ti.oo : « a land, whofe fto11cs are Et q.uocunquedcusci rcmn~apyt egic hondh,101.
iron; and out of whofe hi!ls thou 111ayejl dig brafs. . , ..Ceo. JI. 388.
ORIENT, Of'f''" " Of"f'".., flrior ; par/es mundi OSCIT ATIQN; fron1 chi: fame root; lignify-
oricotaln, ubi fa/ oritur ; t!u Eajler11 q11a~1rr of the iog a )'awning, or g11pi11g. : . . ·
· globe, where theJim rifts. OSC ULA'fJON; o..,,,.. "Jax ;.os,oris; v61 <lb
· ORl- FICE, o.-...., qµafi · Oef"'• 'Vo.~, unde os, .n.j., vd O•}>~, oft11!111t1; a ki[S>•
,ris ; ori:ftci111;1 ; ab 01·e, et fa.ti~, taaqtJam 01-faf:l:i..111; OSJE'.R, "o... v,.: U pt."-/ali.I(, wi11en ~ a j 11I,
to make a11 openi11g, like a 111011/b, low, w illow ; ~
. QRIGANY, Of'"l'~"» origa11mn; mo11/e gaude111; 4•ea£! 1, f"ol'V p,r.!<r·rr' ! 1«."''1t'fr' o,.ui/;y~c-1 : ·
an herb. Co1111iJtt11i'l.. it q11c,q11e ipfa1J; c1·a ti b1ts ttlttliqµe f a/ig;:i.s;

ORIGINAL, Oe•I-'"'• or!ori origo; . origi1ia1io; 'l'hen bound ·/he fide; with ofter hurdles ro11n4. .'
'tbt foura, bcginni11g ef e11y 1bi11g . O dyff, E . V. 156.
ORISONS, 'l'•1"'e• orator; uro, or11tio11es; pra)·ers, OS-PR AY,o,..,,.; .....,,,,p,.yw,quafi P"'''Y"'•fr?ingd;
f etilions. , ojjif,-aga, quafi olf:praga; ab iJjfib11s frti.11gen?.ii ; a
ORK, OevE, •e"Y"• orca; t1 fijh·fo called. fpecies of. eagle, that brealv tlit bones of bis prpy,
ORKN E.Y -ijlt1nd1, foys Ciel. Voe. 7; and 173; · by dropping ic ·fro1n fome grear height. . .
" are a contracl ion of bor· rt id 1-i1111ys ; or r3thcr OSSE, "Jo aim dt, /"tend ; offing cqmes to hij}ini ;
y-bo.r:1·~ichi11·eys; iflo!:(i ; of 1be />lorlhern jurif- · I 'did not offc to meddle wilh it; did not dqre; fort~
d i f/10 11: '- buc here Items co be an evident bar-
ab a.udeo, aujiu : Ray :"-coofeq.u cntly .Gr. as ia
barifm of three Greeks words: hor from K"'"f" : AUDACIOUS : Gr. . ·
'reicb fro1n Arx.•» quafi 'p"X"" rego ; tmcle regio; OSSI ·· FY, Orto>·'?••>, qffijio; lo bet oli1e bone';· '" '
-undc reg;11t111 : ar)d i111rys frc>11·1 1\.>..,, .I:c.\1,, J al111n; the veins w ill "./!ljj• with agr.. · · · • -.
11ndt: i11jj,fa ; quaft i11n.,vs- 1.1Ja; a1i ijln11d. ()S'f-END; " fo called," fays. Yerflegar>f
p. 6?! "from its Eaftcr(yj !111atio11 :":-:-b,inL \f ol1'
OR l\r AMENT, n fa, <"Jt1t1t}Ja.1 j !1f"''"'' &-r11a- rigndies Eaft ; then, as WC h ~ve recn, I[ IS Qr. :
t»t 1;111111 ; t o dee~·, / fi d;·efs 011: tvitb decqr,1/i<ms.
os -:1:E N~IBLE ? o~o,,;.,...,- .• ~,,,, ·"';,., ~011.
0 RNITEIO· LOGY, oe,,Bo>-•r•<, on1i1hclogio : · OS- 1 EN f ATIO N S " ""' truto, ·ofte11do; ex
11 trentife on birds. _ . . 1
1 ab, er t1,•;lM i \ICLC. ob.t-ltttdoJ .et e1 i!O It, a!) OJ) 'cc
ORPHi\1'.r, '' Oe~,,;il~;, orpban11s :. N tig."- /CiJfO ; · i. c: t e11t o I)/) ot ;t/01 ; n~lrn· \·i.;'~errs :d iccl;>:w.t
neither L ittleton, Ainfwortb, no r M o.reil, !;iv.e:0s afti'r.ei, pro liJ'lcndit j ta jJJl:i:J ; 'to. Ec:ltf tl}i M·f r1V!/c)\
•rphanul; which fre1ns .ro orig inate: ~b OeJl'•<, ,,;,?W, to e.<pofe lo tbefigbt of a/I me11.
GrbtlJ, or~atio, orhitaJ; p1··i"VtJtio1:, o r 'bei:1g ren .. · OSTEO-J.,OGr·, Oriw·''i''"• • • ditolo•io
., 0 ; . l r• 11fl11s

dered defl1111te of pare11ts. . dr ·~/lib:1J ; .a treatlfa '''' .tl (~ bq~tf"·l ,'. . ..-.
1 "
· ORTHO-roX, " ofq,Jo~,,. o.r1bodox11s; 011t , OSTIAR Y; " ·fon t'~1ui ijll1111i G.r:t!c;iin habe1!e
'"f;o has a true and jujl /{mrw/edge. ef 1be f aith : otlg ine11i arbicrentur l ' fed' omniiio . r.,[Jn)!lii'. r lt
R. Of 9o<, 1·eflas,ji1t.<e1·tf.S. ; <:t ila>'.JW, '?Jidtft1·, t:t"Jifeo; ~ voc:•.biill.)nf;. Ii~·~ ·a.b :~''' dlcaiur; q uia Gt ~s llllml:~.;
-'>•£.., Je.111111/ia, opi11/Q : · .'' · live qua!i objli11m dic:11nr '"b. ~!'flt111d4 t Vtiff.";...
lJ u ~ ~ml

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0 'V Fronl G i.1 1 it, and L AT 1 " · 0 u
and yet he might here be combated with his own in public life it lignifies to11Jitions, propofals, dll
words; for under the art . os, oris, he derives opening for aaommodation.
t hat word ab o......, vox; imo, fays l faac likewife, St. Mary 0 VERY : Cid. Voe. 17 9, is of opi-
ab O.j,, fnties, 'l!U!tus: and, as for ohj/a11do, that nion, that" St. Mliry Over has been dis6g urcd
word is fo evidently Gr. chat nobody can doubt from the words St. Ferry Ovfr; the ferry beinz
it: this aflcrcion, therefore, tha1 oj/ium omnino dlablifhed there, before London-bridge was
Latinum dt vocabulu1n is the more remarkable builc :"--granting to this gentleman the fuppoli-
from fo great an tiymol.: oj/iary then lignifics tion, chat a ferry was e!lablifucd there fro1n the
Jbt toidt opt11htg of t bannds, which fonn Jbt 1t101dbs remotdl: antiquicy, !lill it would be Gr. as under
of great rivers; thus Virgil fays, the art. FERRY : but it fecms more probable,
~aque pharctratae vicinia Pcrfidis urgct, that the name of this fainous church was given to
Et dwcrfa ruens /~'"" JijcNrril in ora. it, on account <?£ its fituation, it being built 011
Geo. IV. ~90. the other fide of the ri'<'tT Thames with rcfpcCl: to
C arthago Italiam contra, T ibcrinaquc longe London ; and confcqucady 01ltr] is not a proper
OjJia JEn. I. 13. name, but a contraction of wer-ru, that is,
OSTRACISM, Ort""'"l'•r, Djfracif1111u, rtlt- .-~tr tbt river; St. M11fJ over tbt rif1f1' ; and con-
l"'io ptr tefl1ilas; " ltn year's banifhment an1ong fcquemly !till is Gr.: fee OVER, and R IVER: Gr.
the Athenians, :"hich was done by delivering a OUGHT, mujJ 101'",.,"• tkbto, dtttl, incN111bil
foe/I (Ort""") with the condemned pcrfon's nan1e OUGHT, owtd} mibi; ir btbO'IJumt.
written, or enclofed in it; this cuftom was in- OV1-PAROUS; fl••-~•f.,, ov11,,,-p•rio; thofc
vented to abate the immoderate power of the no- creatures that bring forth tggs; in contradiftinCl:ion
bks ; and is faid to have been introduced br to thofc that are viviparous,
Cliflbntes, who, for his reward, was the firll: pcr- OUMER; "umbra; unde forte origine1n ha-
'ion condemned. bct: Ray :"- bu t 11111hrtt is Gr.
OUNCE, the animal; Skinner derives it "l.
OSTRICH, " rle•'°""l'•1'•r.j/ru1hio; per apo-
·copen: Upt."-:-a bir.d fo called; R. rle•l•r,pajfer; Fr. Gall. once, oi11zt ; H ifp. Ollfll ; Ital. lonZA 1
vd qurev1s aha av1s; et K~µ•l.or : avi"1111tl11s · Lat. l)'llX :"- Gr. Aur£.
.<iuoo coHi ~t crurun1 longin1di ne fiinil is Ii; OUNCE, weight; O•'Y'Y""• vcl Ou'>'"'"'• ttntin 1
an inch in length ; an ou11ce in weight ; the twelfth
-c11111do : a bird, which front th~ length of its
neck, and legs, refem bl es 11 c11mel. part of a foot, or a pound troy :-Clcl. Voe. 167,
is rather of opinion, that " t111&ia denoted only
OTiiER; " 'E11eor, nlur, a!iru; a1101btr :
Cafau b. and Upt.''. a 11oub, or 11n· ich, in the fieel-yard; d:ividing the
pound into leffer weights :"-our prefent !tecl~
OTTER, " Sax. O't'OJI 1 Belg. and Tcut. ot1er; yards are divided inro fo many equ:il polruds, all
Fr. G'all. loutre; L?t· !~1r11; Gr. F.~u.le•r, JEol. of which are di!l:inguiibed by fo n1any 1111ebts in-
_pro 1!.uler.<. ..~es •• I• r1~1. loo.y•<>: bccaufc ii deed, but all thofe notches arc at equal difi anct"s,
Jhiu cbitfly i11 rbe wa1i1', or 11ca1· tbt wn/tr, or ri-
whether they be inches, more, or lcfs: however,
•11r's 6a11l:s.
we arc not to fuppofe, that by a 1101cb, or a11 itb,
OVAL 1" n .., .lEol• .OF.., ovN111: Nug." this gentleman meant an i1ub; ic is much more
OVARIUM S - intcrpofico digan1ma; 6 11 tgg; rcafonable to fuppofe, he meant the fume 3S an
• c/11.Jf" df ~gs: olfo whatever rclembks an tgg. id:, in p. 83, i. c. a notch made by a bl1XD, or o
OV1\ TIO~; Oor, ovis, in.tcr~fito diganuna, jirolrt :--confequendy Gr. as in H IT : Gr.
q uali ol'•r, ovu; a jbt~; which 10 the ~':Jalio11, C?VRAGE; " Fr. Gall. Oll"Jragt l a I..:ir. ope-
°" kfftr triumph, wos led ~fore the 0ncncral and rt1/t6 : Skinn."-a Gr. Esw, optror, r;p111, ~tratiD';.
afterwards oOi:red in facrificc. '
a worlt, or ptrfor111ar.c~.
OVEN ; " Au•u, AuF,.., 11ut11tkrt: or fro 1n OURANO.SCOPY, o.f......,,,.,..,,, qlli ud1111t
(.,..,.;, /11r11uJ: Upr.'' 11 fl1r11att .
tt»11tmplatttr; a c.111tmplaror, or ohfN'Vtr df t/Je
OVER, "·-r..,e, fup(r: Cafaub."-" oili ex.-\ ... ~ bta-'Vm.J ."' R. O;;ti:&ro"', ctrl11n1 • ct I•111rir,fptcuJ.a1er:
Mui ta fuptT J:>riomo rogit:ns,/uptr :Hcfrorc mu Ira. properly 1111 aftronomer.
..IEn. I. 7 50. Upc.'' OUSTl" ,n9,.,, .,...,, trud•, ptllo: Upr."-~
OVERT-all: "Fr. GoTI. ouvert; Longobard. O U T S dri"llt awa1; ro f•rct ai17 .,,, out Cron\
r;;erro: · Lat. .Pt;io: Skinn."-confcqucntly de· his bwful poll'dlions.
rived a if>tf""par10, unde 11p1ri11 •ftll, 111a11iftfl. . OU~f-STRIP : Skinn<tr iln1ggks hard to de-
OVER'~lJRE i11 tnefit }from cite fortgoing riv~ th is word ~r~ the l "eur. jlruetzen,jprtttze,,,
.OVER~ URE~ or o.fftr root: io mulic figni- fpnt:zot ; preftl1rt, 1n!tor aqu~ liphone projet~re 1
fyrng the piece winch opt#s the whole pcrformanct: or, perhaps t he fimilc might have been nearer,
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0 X F rom G1t!!1t, and LA'Ptlf. 0 y
i( he had (, lo jho11t-for1b, like fprnls in the hence likewife we find in Virgil,
jpri11g 1 a.nd coofcqucotly will ukc the fame origin R.apidum Crtt.t! ve11u• 1ts Oaxcn. Eel. I. 66.
w ith SPRING-forth, and STRIP-LING : Gr. and 0.Y-ford tignifics only th at lht rivtr {Iris)
OWE; ol".v..,, debto; 10 bt i11 dtbt. was thereabou ts liril: of a ll, antiently, for~blr:
OWl,. 01'.o»•')'>, 01'o1'u£.. , 11/#la 1 a bird, fo callc<l fo that Oxford nt lafi: is Gr. and a wonderfully
from its howling, or rat her booting 11oife : ct clamor lhange deviat ion from ·-r.Jwe, aqua; wattr, or ri-
•11/ierum Ji•&riji&antium. · · ver; the firfi: fyll ~ble of which Gr. word, 'T, the
OWN, tuknrrw/edgt } " n.,.,, fed frequcn rius anticnt Britons converted firft into ft1, or w1t,
. · OWN, 111i11t n.,.,...,, t1110, "1trtor; then into "!i'• g-.i;y, -.,,-ys, W)fk, i[ca, 011fta, ofta,
O\VN, poJ!ifs co• paro llfili; ''"""' fa<io: ofcaford, Oxford: as for.f•rd, it 1s evidently Gr.
Cafaub."- to makt allJ lbint 01tr ftlln by to11ft./fion, a f>•t1·w, purlo, quafi forlo, or ford•; to carry, or
p11rthaft, or poffeffion. f•rd 01/tr.
OX; Bar, bos: "Belg. os; T eut. ocb/%: Skinn." a
OX-G A NG, or efam i .. ioJ; Ct gang; itio:
- a cajlraltd blllt. · here uCcd to !ignify, quantum tcrra: ab uno bove
O.X-FORD: "the trivial circuinll:ance of a arnri potefi : Skinn. "- as much land as an ox
ftrcnrn fordablt by o.~tlt (and why n.o t for hoifes co11ld plow; i. c. go •tJtr i11 a day: bnt o,,, and
t oo ? fays Cid. Voe. 7 z, n,) could fcarce ·be au· go, or G A NG, arc Gr. .
thority fuf!ic icnt to g ive name co fo contiderable OX1"ER;" perhaps abaxilla1lht ann-pit : Ray:"
a !hire-, city, and univerfity ;"' yet he acknow- - perhaps from the Gr.: fee AXILLARY: Gr.
ledges, p. 7 1, that" rbidycbtn may tigoify "ford OXY -MEL, " Ot•f'•1'• : a drink made of
for """'• or kint; whence Oxtnford nacurally; but bo119, wattr, a11J 'l!i1Jtgar: R.•, ii~;, hone:..-:
furely rbaadt-t]-knt, rhe head place of ftudying Nug."-the Dr. has dalhcd it with a little 'ii:t1Ur ;
learning, affords a more natural and cba- and perhaps his receipt 1nay be a good one.
raeteriftic ddignation :" - rruc; bur 1·.ry, and OYER } unfortunate, unlucky words! fo full
reitb, feem to originate ab AtX."'• by tr an fpofi ti on OYES o~ law rcrms as Minlhcw and Skinner
'p"X."'• rego, rtx, reg1111m, rtgio : and rbaadt, radt, O YE Z are, one wou ld h3ve expetl:ed full
radlings, fccn1 co come fio1n ·r..-(l;.;, r11d-i11s: farisfaction in the ctyrnology of thefe words; buc
;ktlt fron1 r .........,, <ogno(to i to k11~w. or ktn.-ow: inllcad of rhat, altum filcntium in the one, and
and ty 1nay be Celtic (or ftbool, or collegt : this, very little fatisfoClion from the other ; rhe Dr.
however, docs not acco unt for the appellarjon of indeed explains the firil: of thcfe words by " f r.
O"fc-rd; the moll prob~blc dcriv. of which has Gall. co11111Jij/io" d'o.Ur ti ""ni11tr; verbatim 111an-
been fu$gclled to me: by a palTage in Can1den's da1um a11dimdi rt 1trmilla11di: and the cwo lafi by
Britannia, p. 59z, where Edward Llwyd thews, Fr. Gall. oytz; a11di1t; cui optime rcfpondet
that " 10Jft is a derivative of gwy, or U!)', fignifying Attica iU a pra:conum Ax•<, .t11'"' :"- and rbat is.
a rivtr, or wattr ; for there were fonnerly in Bri- all :-ro hear an ignorant officer, in our public
tain 1t1any rivers of chis name (by way of emi- Courts of jufiict', bawl ()Ill three times tO h is -
ncnc:~ ) whi ,·h may. now be dill:ing uilhed in Eng - ignorant countrymen, o yts ! o )"tJ I o yu ! wh l t
land by rhefe thadows of ir, ex, ox, 11.~. 01efe, tjk, n1un he h im(clf, and rnany of h is audiror.s un-
wyfo; Q.,\lr, becaufo fuc h as are unacquainted dernand by that vociferation? two or three gcntle-
wi th etymological obfcrvntions, 1n~y take t his nien of the coif migi>tperhaps know what he meant
for a groundlefa conje.:lure, that ir is not fuch by it; that it was a barbarifin of the Fr .. ·Gall.
will appear, lx-caufe in Antoninc's h inerarv, we: word OYEZ, ,.,bich is but another barbanlin of
find Ex-tltr is called Ifta (quati IPJfta, or Wekf- the Gr. word ..,..o-r:i:...11 ! ••-<>Tl:.-•1• ! audit< f
t ltr) from its rituacion 011 tbt tx, o n th. riv!r :"- atdit< I btar .1' ! bear yt I uaft all noift ! 11111k1:
let us now apply chis rc:n1ark to our prcfcnt art. 110 farthtr dij111rb1111u i.n tk court ; /Jut now alltM
Oxford, and we may perhaps be able to arrive at to the j1ulgt ; and the. trial: R. Au<, Ou<, a11riJ;
the true deriv. of th at name, whiC"h certainly the car 1 und e a1tdi1>:-C\cl. Way. 28, . does nor
could have. no connexion with · rhe idea of ics ttdmit of this deriv,: for, he fays, u ic does not
being a place where the river Jjis wns fordable corne fro1n the Nonnan-'F rench •)'!Z, htar 1 bu~
for 0"111, b,•rft1, or any fuch tall/• 1 but that the fignifics, this is the ti1ne appointc<l for j11ftiu-;
firil: fyllablc Ox is only another dialeCl: for ex, ""• ~y, or ty •=is; i.e. ll()'W i1jujliu:"-buc even
it1fa, wyJ, WJft, wy, or gwy; :tll which words in then it would be Gr. ; for';)'• ty, and l'ty,. law, or
the anricnt Bririlh tongue, fignificd a rh'<T, or jun ice, co~ from ru-,.., Jito,jus dic1r1:: and is
wattr : and from hence we find many rivers bear- is G r. likcwife: kt me only obfcrve, tlurthC"-gc-
ing this fyllable ir. 1hdr compofition, as Oxs;s, ncral interpretation of the law dil\iooari¢s i.s in
Ochlu • .dxrs, Oai«.J, .dr11111s of Bafuiana; and from favor of th.: focmu opinion.
P. l'ABULU,a,r;

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Fron\ Gp. ii x, "':llld . c A 'f'1 n:
p "
·p iEDO-B.1\PTISM, O•tcl.•'(3.o<w11.-;.oi, psurmllM.i
P. baptifi;;ris; tht bapti/111 J,f children adult. , • ·
P.AGAN, U"'7•;, col/it ;•1qn(a pri1nitm i" calie;
ABlTLUM; B•t••-'• pafco, pavi; pab11/11m ; fecuri cacis cau•:l, ·redificia exfhuebant ~ ·vd a
· feed, p aflurage; or airy kind of Mll·r~'hii1111t, il•r» Do;. Ila")'., fons. ; uc lit illorum qui fo11te ex
borh of animue, and inanimate things. uidftll bibu11t: hinc pagu-s ; a v illage, or <ou11try
PA.CATION; 11•1''"1''• unde Dor. n..y.,~ pango, tow11 ; et paga111u; a co1tntry man, a pea/am, of miy
rftt(O ·; phx, pnciJ, pacatus : binc ll«y « > '{K•t, Ollt who w '4s not a fo/tii'er .; forte Chriftiani
]Mus, jurame1110 Ja:ncitu11>, ti pa flum ; 1ocrrucna1it, Gtittes ·dixcrc ·Paganos1 qu~d fub Chri!ti vexlllis
ba,.gt1i11, agree ; come to ttrms of accommudatian; ' 1!"11 111ilitare11t : tbe· Chriftians ftigmacizecl 'the
'alfo to make pea&e, 1·~ca11dliati~11, and alon;mcnt: Gwiks .witn ·the appellation of :PaganJ, becaure
to be pacified, and appeafrd, by compall. they would net fight under the banner of Ch rift:
PACE, <!>"""" f'tL•w,' qlmli <1>...Jw, pando, pahdi; ~Id. Y.o c. -6, .tells us, that " the bar, ' or par,
pojfu.s; quia fit pedibus pa/fis ; a flip made by ·ex- · was alfo called 11111ge ; whence the word magt1~1
1a11ding, or di.ftcndi11g the· fut. · 1hence C'er.cain· diftritis; mora or !cfs large, 're-
• PACK 1 "Teut. patke1t; abire, difat - ccivcd· lhe name' of :l'agus: ·· d1e ·C b'ri!l:iaas having
PACK bf cards der<, facef!ere : Skinn." to . ~'.lnbraccd t he imp.e dal governrnent of Rome;
I'ACK-ciofe depm·t, 10 get c-very 1bi11g g~vc cite name of .:Pagans to fuch as 3d hered lo
T!ll.CK.-<IPth in r<ndinefs 10 be gonr.; nnd rhc Dtt.1idi~al fy!km, which remained lo ng er in
PACK-holjc confeq ueruly rhey all foem force in rhe Pagi, or country diil'riCls, tbao in
PACK of hctf11ds to originate a Ua;,:.ur, era/ - . rhe, or cowns '"-being Jefs refined in

PACK-off fus,jpiffes, d t11ju;; when rnanners and religion -: - coniequcntly """t~>
PACK-Joddlc every thing is packt.d ctu/e, magu~, and Pagus, will all derive· ii l\1<y<g1
;p ACK-thread and •rr7JJded tbiek : cherc PAGE of a bo.ok ;· n~y•u,..11 ...... ,,z, ptingo, ii
P A CK-up . are two othe!'etyLn . ir. Jttn. pagendo, i.e. par:g~11do ; .quod pal'to fit; v.e.l .q•iOd
PACKER viz. a n.x?>< , vd n.. ><1.;, in pogir.d numeri pangunt11r, i. e. figumur ; fi-
J ca111pa5l11s·, compr'./}itJ ; as g\Jres, nu1nb~rs, or t itles .11.fjiJitd co every leaf.'
wheo we fay clcfa•,d: PAG E, or foot -bey; 11,.,~, p•tf ; a bey;
PAC!(ING-nudlt or elfe ii. <b"~'~'°'• Jajois, rr..,.r, r, pages : or froin the di1ninutive 11.. ,.r,.,~
fafciculus ; any chin!? tiad up in a hu11dJc ; alto any the ·word page in French for mer!)' fig nified Ii
·nu1nber of t hings collctltd togt1ber. littie bey :-Ciel. Voe. cSo, n, del'ives " page a
PAD, tread down: n ..1,.,, ·u 1ko; · n..1.~, via bas-age :"--one of law d1gree : confeque.ntly
·1rita; a troddt11 :path. Gr. frill.
P ADDLE , 11101..~~.,, quatio, cD?ICr<Jiu; lo beet, PAGEAN'f, il•')""I''> pegma ; a tri41mpbal arcb,
·Ct ftri/{e with o"tlrs. · ·Or curiol1s tievirc·. ·
PADDOCK, a difftrerrt diakCl: of porruck, or PA IL , " ITt>.1,.x, Ion. n ,;.;.", 11111k"ira, feu v as
.fmall PARK ·: Gr. . in q11od lac em11Jgeb:m1: Hon1. 11. ll. 642_,,.,.,_
PAD- LOCK; Ji alf Latin, half Greek ; ftra- yi."'Y' "'' ,,,4" n,;.;>.,.~, /,,ti e plt"as ad multf.ra~ :
·pt11dula ; a hanging-l~ck. Calaub. and Upt."-a mitk _pail, or t!JJ)' fncb v ejfd.
PAD-NAG -: whctlicr we uoderfiao.d pad in PAIN, " ;n'""• pa•iit1 : Vpt.''-pu11ijlmunt, the
. t he ftnft of patb, n1ean ing a rorufed harje ; or in c.11/eqmr.<e ~J vice : thongh ·t he re great
t he fenfe of f•ddl•; it is Gr.: and N1\.G, we' fpecioufr.e!S· in t his d~ri v. yet Junius foen1s to
h'a ve ften, is· Gr. likewife, have g;ven a. better., " iz. ~ n,,.,, la her; in che
· · ·P JEAN, n.,,,.., by mnu.<, ift laudtm el r~nle of fufj!ring, or e11d1t,.i11g irjfliEtion; for ·all
": Dia11te' ; ·vel q11i pr(.(t/ard cu,jda1;1 r..~i1·0 cmiebattt"r • a' ptti;: is not p;111&'h1n,!;1t.
·friw1,1pbal jo11g·:-Ainfwoh h· g ives us th e three .Pi\IN'T, d>•rr"'" pingo, ilh1111ino ; to flai11, or
•following dcriv. ""' · .• ;; rr ...,r, ,.;;, '" "'' : vel forte ben.1t/ify. • . •
: flmplicius ,,;;,.. ~;; lla•1t>,fanare; for this he qootes PAIR, rr"f"• juxta, par, poris, quod q11s:
·Euftathiu~ : vel "''° ~• ll .." """ ll:udt1rt ; ex Ro·•, juxta ponuncur, adinittunc j udiciu1n tompara-
et ;..,,...,, /aus, cotial!datio .' and. yet perhaps H e-· tionis ; any cbing b rought in cornpctition with,
tleric · ha~ o iven 'the ' ttlorc prope r one, v iz. ii and placed uear anothe r. ·
n"'~"" .llpolfo ; n~mpe .a n"'."•.ferio, t;rcutio; eo · PAL.,AC E, <l'.~aii~••,,,fumma monti11"!. j tiga; P11-
quod Apolfo Pychoncm. fa~1r.t1s percrljp t. ·lalunn ; the 1000111 Ptrlntrnl ; where E vander, in
PlED·AGOGUE · ; IItt•l"'Y"'Y''• p.edogogus; Arcadian·p rince, lirll fortkd in. ; and w!lei'e
<putrorian ihjlil11tor1 a tutor, ·<m11jler, -0t dirttJor of Rorn ulus · dwelt, and afte r hitn ,iii the. Rom<YJ
toys : .R, 11.«•r, P~.er1 :et Ay"'y.~; 'tiux: ' . • . . ernperors do,vn to. .'\.ugufh•s;Jr9n1\vhcocc ic' iig·
• J. .. • ... nific3

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p . 1'J J'rom Ga a t .c , and L 'A ,. 1· "• p If.

nifle:s" 4 pri11ce'1 · <<Jurt, or Pefidmu: - Ciel. PAL-GRAVE: pal is .only a contraltior{ Of
Voe. 10 3, n, derives our word palace;· and· me fi1118tium ; i. e. Or.; and grave, in the f~nfe of
L atin pala#11m, .from" pt1l-leef, ·or pal-IJ.S>, wh'ich r.uler. is. Gr; l_ikewife. .
was. not at all the rdldence of a king,- an'y farther PAl:.lN-ODY, " Il<V-1'1':"', reca111atio ; ruan-·
than as k ing s g rew at leng th to be· the h eads of tatiqn ~ R. rr~ •.•,. iterum, r11rfu1; and AJ<.>, iflo/,
civ il j uftice : at this rno01ent ar P aris· t he·p r1/-ais ca1110: .,,;., eo11t uJ: Nug."- b4t though recan-
prtferves its true orig i}1al. fen le, of a hall_ofj11jlice: · t~lio m ay perhaps fi~l!i fy reca11latiGn; _y et reca~ta-.
m11i1re du palais was tl3e lord chief juftice f-Of the /Uy can .never ligmfy refpoll}i7Jc jing.111g, which,
n ation :" -confcquentl y G r.·; fd r pol1·al, bhl, al l acco&ding t-0 thc J)r's. own deriv. feems to be r.he
·o rig inate ab Av>.-,,, aul:a; a ball : and lys !s the fcr>fe:of p11/i11ody..
1 .
fame as /'~ys, a A•-'Y"• dito, j 11s dicere; law,jlijlice. PALL for 1be dead: either from II..>.>...,, v i-
PA LATE, "rr_...,, rr"°I"''•gujlo, vefcor, edo (in- bro ; quod rugis vibrantibu~ Liouata crifpetu r
te rjetlo >., quafi II<V.ol""') vere fi ha!c elfet p ri rnil pal/a 1 or el.fe, as Vomus rather thinks, ii Il1,,->.o; ,
'!\O~io, ·qu're non vidct<tr, fed ·cun) ad creli rein - . pt-plum ; a large ·u pper robe, hanging down to the
plurn 'antiqui tiis referebat.ur, af1/t11tttttn, H etfufol: . groun d; worn c hiefly by; women o f hondl: f41ne,:
·" >Jlam, poti us duccodum p uto ; fays Ainfw,'·' - ~from the falhion of this robe, we feem to have
and ind eed, if we refer palatum to the orig ,i hal , tak en t hat velvet co vering, which is thrown ov ~l'
ide a of f ala11t11111, to figoify th e cope of beave11,. the com11 of thc ,dead :- IC Vollius derive s p al -
.no wonder the palate h:is been c alled tbe 'IJaulud ! limn as a con traction of <!>~"'.>"'• <Ji~"'""~' vel
roof of the mouth. . · · ' <bf-'~"'"• penulq., lti.itr;:a; a cloak, or l.1rz e tovcring .
· PALATINE ; ~,.,,,.,7,.., palat imn ; a·courtfer\ :E'ALL, naufaat; ; II<:>.v>w, pallejco ;, Jo g~o<p
undtr. !ht R op1a" emperors. · pale, or jicken._
P AL AVER; a d iftonion of tire F rt nch p arle P ALLET -bed; Sk inner gives three deri tra-
v ous, i. c. par/er, anothe r diftortio n of II"'fai3«A- ti.o os of th ~s word: "vel a Fr. G aU . pailk; Ital.
J..w , parbola, q(1a(i pirra'bolor; unde l'i ifp. per 111c- pag!ia ; L ar. palcii, q . d . palea fe!J cu/1110 conftl-
tarh. p11labra ; l o 14/k one O'Vt ,. with fine j fo1i es ; t o. panun : (bur. ptzlea i~ derived it II:.>.>,w, mov eo, v(-
')Pe~1< one f air ; to fawn, to ffirtter. . . 0rp)~•1on IJ)i_nore etian1 cu:n_ verifimilitud inp
P ALE, or flake; fi«O'q«>.or, pmril!tu, ·t:agulus, ded uct po llit :t p dle1, q. d. c ulci.trre ex pellzbm :
pa/~1; a wooden flake ; alfo a f enced pltue ; and ,' (but. pt!lis is derived a <l'•1Mo<, pel!is)-non ab-
mctap~Qrically, a place of proteftion, 1vit hi11 the furde eriam tenio formari p offit a F r. G all. pier/,
pale of the church : R. Ilr,'Y' "I"'• " " ..!"'• pPtig6 i. to vel pie; pes ; ct /ill, letl!ls; q. d. lef/us b1f1rJilior
fix, or drh •e into the grurmd : If. Voffi us deri ve s ad pedcs poJlitus :" but unfortunately (or the D r.
pa.Ira, a <1>"'1.•r, feu 41..,..>,o;, llg11u111 o!J/011guw ; . a in th is tbird atren1pt, both pes and lt!hu lil,c-
long p~!e. wife are Gr. ·
P ALE, or w an ; n<.>-"•'-', pallid111; 11fbtfntio ; to PALlJ1'\.TION, rr.,,.,,_.,, pep/um ; uncle pal/a,
w b;1e-1" o r make w hite with f ear :-Litt . anti A inf- er palliu;u ; a clonk, a coveri;:g ; and hence ufcd
wo rth dcri vc pallor, 1i pal!eor ; and pa!leo '"l IJ,,;v...,, to lignify m1 exciife, <.¥/'enuatio11, allet,iat ion.
mo<veo, 'lJibru, qriatio, trtpido; dt eoin1 color timen- P:\ l.LlD, ev ide nt ly from pi1/!id11s, . ii n..1.1111:..,
1i11111 ; uncle n ,..v..,,,..(3<,, d ixit Sophocl. vel ;, as we ob le rved u nder the article PAI~F. : G r.
Il1>.or, nig;r p a!!idus :"-i.e. as b/a(k as ti ghoft, PALM of the hand " II" i'"'i""' pnlnw wa-
and as tvbite os i11J: : - i t is-obfrrv able, t hat t he · PA!...l'v1-fimday mis ; pg/ma nrlor ; the
Latins, by writing pnllidus with t wo /l's, feom to P ALM-1rtt palm ef tl·e ha11d ; anti
h:ive derived it fro1n a dilfrrcnt fource to whnt PAL i\1£R, pilgrh11 the p alm, or date Ira :
we have do ne; fo r we feen:i t<> have t aken our PALM RR-~t1&n11 U pr."
worn pale fron1 rro.10:, II1.>.1/-,.f, livitlus, · lttrid:rs; P1\ LI'-ABLE ; """"1''""' pnlpo, p11lpatui11.r ;
of a cad'!·vcrous look. . · · firokcd, clt1?f'd, jlat.ted.
'f'i'>'. L F RY ; anothe r wondeM"ul ·b arbari'fm of PALPI'l'A'rlON, rI0<J..I.•» n ~>.i\•f'" '• 'llibrt ,
thofe d iftorcers of all language, rhe F rench : for q11atio, palJiilo ; lo jbnke, pa111, rh;·ob.
no G reek or R oin3n could ever ftrpp nle, t hat P A LSY, " Oo:e«A•~·~ : R. n ...,., et Ac.,, f ob:o :
their words 'J>,.t,, and rhedt1, could e ver degere- Cafallb. and Upt." -and yet it ~ s prob•bk, th'a t
rate into pa/ejroy /- then Jet US trace the horrid pa!fy m ay b e derived Ilool\h«>, v ibrt>, fJIU!lit> ; "
mctan1orpho lis t hus : 'p,;,, o r rheda, tmde '1.•tre- vibrate., /hnkt , or ; ns rhe head a11d haiuh
d11s; unde p ara'liertdtts ; unde lrnl: pain/ reno .1 do o f tho{e "ho are a1}licted with this d i!o1·d"r ;
u nde Fr . G all. p11kfr0•; u.n'tie palfry; t"lj lfllt · cur- fro1n t he tot~! rt/(J.)(<1tio11 of their rl<' rv~s; fo rb:it
for. ~ a racer, or bt111Jer; or, a'!: it o rig ina l,J.y fig ni. · .t he paify may h~ve a reference to both th~(~ d<r;v .
fies, a bGrje 1ba1 draw s the chariot. the one, as the caufe ; the other, as r!•e ~!i<-.·r.
l':\.L'i RY,

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P A From G1t.11 1 ·1t, and LATIN. P A
I'ALTRY ftl!tJW; balatro; prtlfVaricaln-. tbt )ult,; becau(e it, anJ co•prthnlds all
I'AMI'ER: Junius obfcrv·es, that " G:i.11. tbi"gs"-but brains.
pamptr ell' pampi11us undc iis 'patnprtr dicirur vinca PAN-D.iEMONIUM, rL>i/,.,,_.,.,pand~llllJ­
fupervacuo pau;pinorum gcrinine cxobcrllls, ac ,,;.,,,. ; tbt boll, or grand u1uncil-rcot11 cf Lttrift r,
nir11ia crclccndi luxoria quodammodo fylvcfcens :" 1111Ji tbt i1ifn'nal fpiri11; 111entioncd by Mil con;
- if this 1nay be figurativtly applied 10 our thro' the holt proclame
word, it originates ob A14,,.1>.0<, pa1wpi##J :-Skin- A folcmn council forthwith to be held
ncr fuppofcs it is derived·" i\ pomp/I ; q. d. pom- At P(11tdtmoni11m, the high capital
p~rt, i. c. ad pc111pa111 fatinart :"-if this be the Of Sarao, and his peers. -
origi.n, then it derive,. a n.,.,,., :
vel proprius, P ar. Lott, B. I. 7 J4--
c·ont1nue5 the Dr. ab Ital. pambtrare 1 fagi11art ; PAN-DECTS; "n..,;,.7.,,, pand(l/.e ; books
pambtrato; faginatus: hoc a pa111ber<; &ib111, et treating of all fabjtfls: R . n~., 01mu • et A•x•-
po111s, nee non 11urtnda; q. d. p1111, et h1tr 1 i. e. ,..,, auipio; 10 rlltifJt : --this name w:i.s given by
pnnis, ct pott11 :~if this be true, it would then 'firo, a freedman of Ciaro, to fomc books, which
be a 1nongrel : but as the Italians can fc:irce be he wrote on di'IJtrs 9urf/io11s, and was afterwards
fuppofed ro know any thing of httr, this laft n1ay given to that colleClion of lhe 13w, 1nadc by
be very n1uch doubted. Juftinian ; which is alfo called Jbt digejl: Nug."
PAM - PHILUS, " nal'~·~•r, 1very body's fritnd: PAN- DER, 11.,1..r-J•e"" parariu1, fcu proxt-
R. n!X\, et 4>1>..s::, "mi£US: Nuo-." lltla VtncrttlJ; a n1ak· ba-u:d; a kind of g1111/emnn
PAM· PHLE'J', a"'"'"f'h ptrpyru.s; pttptr ; 3 11.foer lo tbe ump!t of //111111 : "fi G r:i:cus dfem,"
little book wich only a paper e&'!Jtr to ;1 : u Min- ~ay•Ski nner, "defieClcrc1n ""t"' .,., T•t, n...1.. -J,t'" :
~ew de8cdit ana., et 11>.d1t, quali flyr>.. ta, quoo Jc. 1'l A'°"" /aftivo fmfu acctpto." .
ic. lhlltoru111 plcna foot omnia, ct taliutn libro- PANbICULA'fION, 4>"""• 9,.,;;, pandt>, past-
n11n 1nultitudine mundus ,.ft11at :"-let inc only dic11la1111 an ope11i11g.
ob(crve, it is probable that n""'"f"• and f'OfJ)'TUJ PAN-DORA, "na,, . OIJll/t I et t.•'f"• do11u111 °l
n1ay be ncirher Greek nor Larin ; but originally a proptr '""'" : Nug."-Jignif)·ing nothing :-it
of Egyptian, or Coptic extraction; tbe pttpyrus be- feems this lady took her nan1e, becaufe at her
ing an E gyptian plant. fo rmation roery god bejfowed a gift ; as Juno, ma-
PAN, dijb, or p!tttter 1 n..7,...,, pilina; n,1,..,, jtjJJ; Venus, beaulJ: Apollo, f1111jic ; Pallas,
pando 1 to dijler.d, tnflke broad. wifdc111 ; Mercury, tltNj#tllct; &c. &c. : fo that
PAN-AC E.A, no.'""""• panaun, panaus; om- Che rnight h'tvc been truly called, tbt happy com-
~ nium mor!J, ,·r1m tura:io ; a mtditint, or nojirum to pojiJio1t.
CllTt all difqrdtrs: R. n..., 0/11/lt ; Ct A.,. ....... , fano; PAN-DORE, na•.t:.e•t, palllforium l feu potius
perhaps the herb, all heal. pa11durium, fay Lite. and Ainfw.....:.but if they had
PAN.'\ DO,,pGuis 1 food mJde with brtad, auendcd co the ctym. they would not have added
and other ingredicllts. potius: a 11111.fical i11;1ru11u111, the ancicntfo=pbtrt!'s·
p N c KE
A · A ', ni...x•r, placenla ; perhaps ii
pipt, or rebuk; and fuppofed to have bee11 th!
;;ift of Pon; as Virgil obfcrvcs,
llJ,"1•,, lal#S ; a br•ad, flat ,·akt; or, if it docs noc
. derive fronl its nupe, but t he vcffcl in which it Pan primus calamos ccri conjungere plures
· d fL d d . lntlituic - - - Ed. 11. 32.
is ma e, we nn1u e uce 1t ii. n..1"'"• p111i11a; " p \N EG YR C
ra~t made;,. a PAN; :ind CAKE likcwifc is Gr. 1 -• I ·,11'""Y'e•••r,pant;:yric111, cd<bri1,;
11x11lrt1lis ; pltteft61t, jutt}i:u; an omtion of': ba11ks,
ticf ~~~;~;~~~;;,~":;e~~;~~~=,~~~fi~~s a~~~= ;;~':U;~f :i,~i;%e:ieb:c~~~~.a 0~~!~~1:ra~~.e~:~';::
bus; nempe pug ilatione, curfu, falru, difco, et tiM; nffimb!J.
lu ccu ; a champion 111 alt tbe jivt atblt1ir txcrdfts, PANG, Ayx•,,., fuffccali•; torture; or from
boxi11g, running, Je11pi11g, 1browi11g tbe q11oit, and Ay*" urtamc11 ; a jlrugglt : or racher from n""•
wrtjJ/ing. Johar; f1tjftri11z, or t11duri11g ajftifliau.
PANCl-1, commonly written, and pronounced PANIC, n..,.••,, patticus terror, repcntinus,
pau11eb ; but derived a na., 'X"'> panJex, abdomen; vehemcns (tt per IDIU/11 agmcn curn·ns) R. n.,,
ar• Ti .1Ia1o1s •xt1:t, quonia.il1 omnia (apit, ti ''mi. Pan, vtl pajlorum tUuJ; vcJ nia:)', t A::r.1 14 :.;11, i>Jtll6J1J;
n<t : " licet vero,'' fays J un. "n ..,1.t;, nufquam '!"~fl gt11i11s : -chis is the common interpr.; but
ap11d Gr~cos fcriptores (quod fciam) extet: P. 1t 1n1ght not be unnatural to derive ic a ....1,
tamcn Feltus otlcndit aliquid eff'c in hac voce ""'"11t, n..., unir;crfalis; a gentral difinay, fpread
quod ad "1Jt11lrroa, fi1•c abdomrn, lit referendum : through a wb,/t army.

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p A From G It 1 i! x, and 1. AT t ti. 11: A
PA.NIER, na..r, ptmis) pa11ari11111 1 a brtad- ··quiid toltm1 fert trepidarttm fo/11111 cM.)ei fabtrr:
hftet. · · · · . J un." bccau(c made almojl i11tirt/y of corlt: · .. ·
P AN NEL, or parc/Jfnenr.:JijJ; fometimes writ- PANTO-MI1"1E, n..•'t•p.•f<or, pailtomim111·>-omni-
tcn 111rp11111141, or impamul; a er>">.>.", fubk, p~lli1; um perfa11ar11111 imitator, tjjit7orque, hiflrio; ah .ti1or,
oj!il,,. ·roll, ar jlrlp · of par,hme111, on whkh the ·or da11ar, with many mimical gejluru 1 a barleqitin.
·n amei of the jury were written, when·fummooed PANTRY; " ptnu, pt11u1, ptnarium• . vcl'. p"c-
·tO a trial :-Lye fuppofes it is derived a pra:p. nora, hoc cfr locui'11 domus · interioren1, in quc1n
i11, et p111ull,t., quod contrallum vidctur ex pagi- reconduntur, qore ad vichun pertinent : Volf."
..mi, i. '" 'bar111/a, vel Mtfflbran/a in qua jura- a r~ojitory far provi.fion1.
tohlm nomina infct-ibcbancur :-the ufe is the PAP, llqA1or, p11/J, pulti1, pulpa; fofr fi>od f or
fainc, but the root thould now be n.,...,.... a
iefants :-Voffius derives our word pap, pafa'lltr,
PAN?o!'EL of a /addle 1 " Fr. Gall. panne; quoo i'ndcretur pop,e, ad concilfandum fomnum•:
p,lfu, 111P11br111111 : Skinn." - and confcqucntly papa (pro quo vulgo minus reetc poppa fcribunt
.derived A ..Mor, pllJiJ I tbt jki1', Or Jitf:ing of tht gemino fJP) puerorum ~ft cibus 1· •lion pueris
./ at/Jk, ftoft with hair, wool, &c. papain,' hoc eft papi//am, five mathmom. pofcentl-
PAN.N EL of wood 1 •• pa1111us, p111111e//u1, qua- bus, f~pe, five quod maternun1 lac non fufficiat. ·
"""ft" 1a.b11~a 1 met~ph. a fagm~,,,~ 1a1111i 2:d fag_- puero alendo, five quo paullacim folidioribu.s
"""'""' lig1r1 1uulllt1 tradu~a : Skmn."-1f this fuefcat cibis, lac prrebetur crulh1la infriotmn •.
-be right, it defcc-nds· "ii Ih•«i Dor. n ...,,, tram.e PAPAVEROUS, Ilo>-1•r, puts, pultis, p11!po,'
im;o/ucrum : Volf." . papa, ptrpa'l!tr; ql1ia pirp,e: p1uroru111 i11debat•r ;
F ANNICLE, rI11>or, Dor. n....,, llXlum, tela,- peppy; formerly mixt with the pap 0£. thildten;
t•Jtll1ll 1· a pieu of ,/otb, a rag.. · ; ; ·PAPELARDE: $! quoniarn obfcura fufurra•
P AN-OPLY, . n .......,.,,., armatura .10111111 militis' tionum murmufa propria font hypocritarum, pri:i-
corp111 legms ;' 111tivtrfa armatura ; a total anM- . pi us quoque nunc ad rein acceffilfe videbor,"
lure, wbith protetltd tbt fa/Jitr i11tirtly : .R. n ..., . fays. J un. " fi papelard referam ad n.......A.f'«•
1911tt11 .1 ct q"'" '" vcl 01r,M, 11r111a; as mentioned . vtrf11111s, et perditi ma/us; qui ingenii fubtilitate
by Milton ; ! plurima quotidic comminifcens mala, qui bus no-
He in cch;frial pa,,~ly, oil 11ra'd, :· I •cere aliis, ct ·fibi1net i1ifi prodelfe :"-.:1
Of radi ant µrim; work divinely .wrought, 1 fhrewd b)porrite; ·
A!Cendcd. - . - ..'.... P AP E R, """"'"e•r, pppyru1 1 a iinall /hrtt'1
• . Par. Loft. B. VJ. 760.. in Egypt, of the ·trark of whic.h they uf«J to
PANT, "no&iw, /Jigeo; ut propric dicatur de make their paper: Nng." - what the ·Dr. calls
lis, quip"' dolori1veheme..tia crebro gemitu, et fufpi- a fhrub, Ainfwonh calls a jlaggy for!!b 1 Hederie,
riis brcviffi.~~ collecti (pir.iius · peCl:ora QOncu- pfanta ; and Skinner, arttndo ; a- reed :.:...:perhaps
tiunt: Jun. '- to figb, fab, breathe guide, I rumerhing lik~ our hel#p, and fiax 1 for Anacreon,
PAN-TER-net; ~·Grrecis rcte ad capicndas in hisFourthOcR, has ried ilp the robe of Cupid
Mllnis grntris ftraJ dicitur, ll~·&•e" 1..1..., a n ..., with ;i ribband made of p apyreu:
0111ni11 ct 0•e• fer a; unde 0•e"• <J<11a1io: Jun." - O f l!ewr, x/J.."' 1,..,.,
" in hac nocatione acquievilTem," fays Lye, " ~ "r"'f ""X"~r """"f.~•
in Hib'. paintealim; ililaqueart, irrtlirt; cr:pllirttei·; Ah$u ,.,, 1.,. ...,,1.,. ·
laque111, l tndicu!a, incidilTem ; undc, Ut arcelfa.m, : And Lwt, havihg tied up your robe
quid vetat I" - nothing certainly, if painlealim, Round your ""~ with papyrus's leaves,
and. pai11ttr are not dialects of n..,a"f''• om11itml' • Corne d<iiKhtfu!ly wait on my· cup. ·
.feraru111 rapax; a net n1ade ufe of to catcli all PA PI L IO; "E..••'-~'· per protlh. T~ p, papi-
farts of creotur<J. · lio," fays Ainfw.-bui 1pere is no fuch word as
PANT·H ER; "llavO•e• panthera ; a k;nd ef . E..••A•r; he lhould have faid "H.-••~"' a />u11er-
fpot1ed bcajl: R . e•e• a wild l>eajl : Nug." : j/y: VoJT." ' . .
P AN-T H EON, n ..,s,.,., vd n ....e..., pa,,tbtum,' PAPIST ; n ....,.,, p·1a ; thi pope ; a nan:ie
om11ium tkorum.templMm ; the umple of d/l tbe god;. given to all bifhops, 1ill the tin1e of G regory \'II. ;
P A·NTLE·R, a pemu ; prwijion 1 ·an officer after which it was a/Turned by 1be ii/hops nf
who has rhe charge of the pantry, tobere the pro- R•mt alone.
«i/io11s are krpi:- Falftaff tells Doll, in the fecond . " f AP.A : N ug."1 "il""""''•pappn ; pattr;-v<JX
Pare of Hen. IV. le. 11, that 1h'e prince was a P'.APPJ\. J puerorum blapd ientium ad
good !hallow young fellow; he '~ould have made, f>111rem ; .a word u~cd by ch!ldre n," ·fays Nugent:
a good pant/tr, he woo Id have tb1pp'd bread well. -but one would imagine 1t was a word rhe ·Dr.
PANTO-FEL, "n ..,1.,,>->.or, 1m1:i110 fl1lnre111; never had the pkafure of hearing hicn felf called b\· ~

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Fron1 G~nE.-, and· LATIN. .P A
:by i -0tberwife, both from 1hc pronunciation of is no do ubt o( Pcrlian origin 1 and;• like many
the dear little ones, and from his own crym.· other Perlian words, · as J ulius P ollux fays, com:
.he might have b~-en convinced of the true' 1nol)ly ufed by the Greeks:· the :p'llf'lu, planted
,orthography. ' with ftately foreft, a11d.fruit-tre~s of .every !<ind,
.· PAPULOUS, Il=o; papa, papilla, papula ; well wat~red, and ftocked with plcn·t y of wild
Juli of pimp/ts. · beafts, were ve~y defcrvedly in reql!.elt
, PARABLE, " Il"'f><l.l•)."' parabcla ; a rompa· among the Pcrlians :· the ecelefiaftical writers,
'1·ifon,: R . B""""'• to tbr•w, to wtrtake: Nug."- after St. J erome, ~ave · thought fit. to ·{ra~Oatc
a jimi/i.tud<, a fig:rr<, a Jab/, :-this fecrns to be the gardtn of ·Eden, in fylofcs, ptJra.Jjfas 110?1tp[tili~;
but a trifling dcriv •. ; and therefor~, with Ciel. and the· Septuagint ,. T~ n..e«I'! ..¥ TtP"'': the
·voe. 1, we might rather fuppofe, rhat "nae,.- Englifu tranOation fays, the garden of Edtn"; .which
.(3.>.-.. was a fpurious Gr. word, fornwd out of the agrees with the H ebrew."
coalition of thefe two,par-babid: O(}thing is 1nore PARA-DOX, "n«faJ•E.,, p .1radoxo11, quqJ 4 ·
,cle11r, tha.n that the J and h were convertible let- pr.e/tr opinion<m 1· /1 furprifing, a11d U/Jt:<-p<fltd·tbing:
. 1e.r$; and thus fro1n hobu! comes /abut; boblar R,_ ~'"f"• pr"'!"-' ~ad .c...,.,, 'llidt_M", <ir.jto ;.:.C.•E;
.(f.1b1tf4ri) ·i n Spani!h lignificsjpea~ing; as <onfa· opimo· ~ Nug.'-th1s, however, 1s . not - tlic ·onlY'
.bu/ari; to talk togtthtr. :"-fro1n all which it feems lenfe of the word ; it lignifies. likewife adnlira~ .
prol>ab!e, that thefe words are derived fron1 the liJ, i11cr1tlibili1; fomething that palf~s biliif, that
,Gr. throug(, another fource; viz. a<l>"I''• i.e. <!>'":'• is abo'Ot our "'/tf>rtbt1'}io11, .enigmatica!, fantaj/Z..
, ~~, uhde f.or, fabor, fabulor ; para/;u/or; to con- tal, bJ'fJolbuira!.
"JJt~fa,'. or Jifcourfe togttbtr. P.'\R,'\.GOGE1 ll:it«Y.."Y"-1 parato,ft, produ'!Ji•,
; p,\Ri\-BQJ.,A, n,.eaP•1'•, parabola; figura ma- 11_dd11tlio .• a figure. in ,g1·a1n1nar,. when a letter, oi;
. the•natica, · ~x latcribus: a math'711atir11/ <ur·ve, de- · fyUable 1s added ac tlle· end.of. a. word; as.diuer, .
"fat·ibtd by prr.jelli/es. pro did ; potfrier, pro p•tirr. ·.
J'.ARA·CLETE, n .. •-'•1•;, por11d~t111, advo- · p A:R ~.o\GON, "ll"r"""?'•ov; qstld juicta p¥tuns ·
·tat11s, <•nfalator; an ad'IJc<ate, 11 .amforter : R . · tk palmii. c~rcat: Skinn." 01ie'whs draw5 near. Cl> .
n.., .......~,.,, advo<9 :-C~el • . Yoe .. 3~· . n, appl ies contend for all priz.u.
·this word ""e'".u.•1o;, quite m a JU~ 1~1ary feufc ; PARA-"GR'A PH, " m.~"'Yf"r•;. para•rts""bus,.
and Cays, " he lhould be ten1pted ·CO fufpect d'r.:. • R "' "
.11 ~criptio, ti t11inotalio in mafghtt : . . re·o:t.,,fcribo·;•
. !(,.neching rqore than n1erc chance in ~he nearnefs /1 ftntenu, or paj}age, added, or Cl<tra&ed.
of the .word par,1cltt to bar·ty.,afltd, or co/lid lo the
.bar of the law; a barri;1er in lhon :"-but all PA:R.A:-LEPSIS, rrcoe,...h•.J..,, P,aralepfis • aecep-·
6 . . tio, aflumptio; a ft.r:urt in-rheto ric, by which fome,-
'3'"PA~lAi:.)E, . ojlentation ;}IT~,{(/~, ll«e..111.i,. paro, .c?in_g is ~ren:ndcd.. t-:i be o,mitted, ~nd >'.cc is
,· PAR.11,Dl~ :fo walk on · 1>r.J·atu; ; prep.•red ; to fpokcn of, tln1s, r.ul t~ nunt.011 the. dijfiro/1111 wt
• bod1 cnd a jbew of wLlat we b3ve n-ot ' la/Joli~ tmdtr, &c. .. .
.111a~e a ~ ' . · " ·
~.-ady, and prrpartd agamll: cvc~y· 3C"Cldent :. :ilfo a : . '~ . .l> •R·ALLA:X m " J:IT: .
' • "f!"J.i.a.,~, 01.vt rer.t1a,• ':·r.
gr3 nd walk, 111 ,ife, aiid prepared for t·he nobjli,cy,'. 1111 ; the d(fference /;tt"':,etn th< true, '1nd :he apparmt·
·&c. to walk on. :: 1 • pface of a J>lantt, co""'• &c.
PARA-DlGMA, II"<ie""J""""f«'• paradig11111; de- . .. PAR.A:LLEL, " . n<-e_«> .i.""•<, ,P•ralref~J, ·•~!#·
111flnfltatio ;. /!11,'.},Je.,:·9~ i!f.fla11ce.• . . 11iflai1s,. m.ttlttus,. ac. t~ttr ft c~11ift111us, et e r egto>tt
PAR1~DlSE, ," • n~tad',.,,..,_ J>"radifu1 ; wh:ch ! tollo<~lt1s , a/txM)'' at m1 '1"": diflt1nre,. lietwee11 e1uh
{ig~itie$.pr~per1;r a t-fir4-"n: .,N l1g."-not in Greek,. ~tber : R . na:.e.% , et AX>,11Aw 11 , inter fl mul110: N tlg.' ...
.°Wl}atevtr it mig ht do in Arabi,:, or Perlian; t-here · PAR":\ - LOGISM, n..c.:<>" "tJ"i>•<, fa!fa.raliod r.a-
. indeed. }• -doc.<\ lignify a J"rtk11 ; v~x h:ec notat lio ; a Jn/f!_, f•la<ious, and dece.iLful argument: R;.
.. l1or Jtt{h ·; l)odicqt){? Ara~ibu-~ lJ.rLtacior t'ft ,. fays n~~~'Y~~ti~ei:·; firpp11I(), roJi~cin&r. '
r;i urchiofo~, a~ chc end of his ekg~nt .c<lido!' of' . - PA Rt\·l~Y~!S ln-e...A"'"" · IT<>e«Av1..,:, par°:!;·
. Xenophq n s K"f"'. n"'" '"r• . where ne ql~otes J.· PARA-LY I IC .I. jis, refal'ut1q, laxatso; 1·•miJ!io
P ollllX, G: I~ JJa-eadHvo•, f31Xf/3«e •1'i:.v H•"~• "iol<~v i:oG- ' ntM.:aru11i; paralyt;cliJ; a Iota(, o_r a partial re/axa.-
/lt.;1;, ,,~,H ;,.a; xa1a $;JV'1.e((f:11 (>f;', XtM·?"'" ' E>-.)\r,,)'; %Ti•, wr;. tion·of 1he 1l(r'l)CS: Jl.. n~a-At:~, .JOlvo; Jo /Ooft, re'ax.
~ >ex• u;>~Aa. ?;"Qi-,}\cc. • ..WY ITcfO-'lit.W1 : quJre n1.1gancur i i, 1'A.R i~NTS; ''por1nenfariil.s, porgtIJncn1n:i.v.~
. qui cum· Suid~, et G r:i,mma.tici~ SJ.Uib!:'l?am aiiis,. pargtmu nijla ; rob"! of ft-au; alfo a mnf/:r of J hoft
~ c,x . lm.gua Grn;ca petendam CJ US ongm~11:'"•!l:a- -robes : Jµ.o ..ncque pnctereundum. hoc m loco Aogl·.
: tuunt :-an~l J\'.ir. ·,' .i'~ · the 9eginni!'g of. appqr•I, v~/lil!"• awfflu.<, nppar.1tus vtfliar.ius; quod
the Firrt Book. of the 'Exptd111on of Cyrl1s, fays, manifcf\e h ue pert iact :" -a,ut hoc illuc;-110, fay~
in his note o n the word IT.-e~J,,a,-, " this word L ye, flm~ ab .An11or. paraTJHnli; :-and

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'p A From G 11. t :a K, and LAT· r N. P .ft
yet they fccm to be Gr.; or fomething v.cry much noble invention of wrui'ng on /bttp-flins, fou~d
like it: ftc APPAREL: Gr, out by Eumenes, king of PcrgomMJ, or 7"1·0:1, in
PAR·A- MOUl\'T: when we fay /.orJ par• order to obviate a difficulty, occalioncd by a n
tWttn11fl, it fccms to be a plcooafm; for lord, and edicr of P:ok1ny king of Egypt, who had for-
par are fynonymous terms ; for par, bor, """• bidden the exporration of the pr.pyr11s, which was
fecm a.II to dcfccnd a M•y~, •t1g1UtJ, 111ttj 1r, a plant no where found but in Egypt, and of
cootrattcd to tll4r, bar, par, for llH bead, or /N· which the>r P"P" was made.
prtmt j11dgt of o djflrifl: amol(nt li~nifics no more PARC!MONY, n~•e•<, parvuJ, parcu1, par-
than molml, a (3..or, OJGllJ ; ffi~otog 4 (bitf lqrd, ci,.o•ia, conunonly wricttn parfimonia 4 but 3)\ che
or /111ron. 1 other.derivatives 3re written wich a t; thus, pare:,
PAR-AMOUR,· n:m... llae<il'I" • A,.,.... vcl parci111r, parciloq11t11S, parci1cr, p11rcitas, &c. &~. :
'Iy.•e•f, paro-a111ortm; lo acguirt /we, or ajf1flio11 1 -but all fignifying thrift, fparingnt(s: 11: Voffius

ii glli11tr of htar/s. • • derives parcus ii Ir."f"'• rarus, pauNts, ir.fr1q11t111.

.P ARA-PET, " n..e....,7.,..,.._, cortina, 11mbro. P1\RD, or ba-.Qd, ""~""'· para, pararia, a pa-
crdum 1 o word 11/td i11 for1ijic111ion : R. fi11a>1, ·ra11do, qu.e paral, i. e. concilial 111ri11q11t animos; o
pa•uU: Nug.','- it is .a n ekvation of c:irth, to proturefa:
fccure the foldiers from the cannon, or fmall Jhoc; PARO, a wild beajl; fl<>(I01A1r, pardtJJ; a pan-
Jrat1111 like a fkrccn, o r a curtain before them : 1btr ; unde lto-pard.
as this elevation therefore is generally raifcd brta}I PARDON, " Il:.;:J• .,.,, co11ttdo : R. A•l"I''•
high ; and as the Italian word pora·ptllo fccms to t,a kcn froan A•"• lo gifH: onlefs we chufe to take ·
be compounded of parort, and ptflus, i. c. muus it from perdo1111r1, which occu·rs in this Cigr. ifi -
Jlruflus ad Jef111.U11d11m, ti prottgmd11t11 ptOus, it cation a1nong the authors infim.e lati11itatis: Nug."
would be f:ir more natural to derive it a Ilto'.l1w, -fed unde dcrivatur ptrdo1:art t
quafi O-t ..11.,, preparo, ct """"• Ilrx'.lw, unde ptfltn, PARE clofa l 11•:•"'• 111u1ilo, par/cm 11/iquam tor.
ptllus ; lbt brtaft: built, or raifad brtafl-high. PARING .) poris dtbilito: vcl 3. 0«ea11w, pa-
P .j\RA-Pfl.ERNALlA, n•e"4''t"'• pll1·apbtrna 1 rAlrJI; undc ftpara/111 ; a dit•idint, or /rp3rali11g
fr4°ttr-dotalia; q11.e fponfa affcrt '"'f"; Tn• 4>•e.•••• the fain, ba>'k, or pul of airy thing. '
pr.eltr dotc111 1 whatever a lady· of q uality polTclfcs, PARENT;"t• pnttr, par111rio, pare11s, pa-'
btfitits her dowry 1 wh"'tever 1s her own property above rtntalis ; bt lo11gint lo partnts, titbt r f atbt>', or 1110-'
btr dowry: R. nae.-·4>•e•• • pr,eler-dos; dvwer, dowry. thtr 1 but if we underll'and ic in the latter fen le
PARA-SITEi " n~...-iJ,,, parajit111; one who only, then it ferms to come frotn "t"71~, qu•li
flatters the great folks for the fake of a dinner!" n"'f..11... pario, ef(b, fatio; lo u, lo au, lo (011fi•.
R. I1'1or, fr umtlfl11m: Nug."- litcrally a t11pboard PAR-ENTHESIS, n"!n$,..,,, par111tbtfis, i11J
h1111ttr, or t11ph•11rd lover. ttrpcfilio ; fa~thil•g i>tf!rttd. ·•
· PARA-1 "1-JESIS, n ..f~t•~•r,paratbtfis; a figure PARGET, nr,;n.,, n.f,;n.,, pa~ 1 unde pariu r
in rhetoric, a:btn fallfUhi1Jg ;, tut lightly to1uhtd, of " parines ca:mcnto i1Un1jlart ; q . d. paritt.,t :
wbicb wt ilfltRd lo fptai mfft /111/y in another plact. Skinn." lo plt!jler w11lls <:1Ji1b uwun1.
PAR-BO! L, tl>•~"-9>.u.,, p111ts, proptmod11m, PAR-I-If LION, n•e•~"'• fol gtmi11atrts, ,rtmi-
ftr11u, i. <'· p~rti111, !cu imp.erfttlt co91u;t;{tmi·t/;.,,. ni /olu 1 11 d~11b!t f un ; lwin-/11111 :-betides thiJ
art, flmi·/111/(irt; lo half-bo1I, almojJ b<il tno11gb. frnfr, aftronome~s have gi•,.cn another, and eallea•
P 1\JlCC:L, 4•..ev•r, x>'""f'~, J-lefych. part, this opprarance 11 m~ck-fim. '
porlio ; fi11us /a;d our in faveral paruls; alfo an] PARJA.L at c11rds, or cwo PAI R of any fort;
J/;ing tfrd "!'• or bound~" Ji11al/ di-,,ijions. . i. e. all the fom· aces, k ings, &c .. :- confequet1dy
l'ARC fl, ll•e"'• nig,er, adujlus ;.. rif/11/ata """' Gr. : fee PAIR : Gr. · .
f1irvum 61 atrt111 <olorem f01Jtr11/iu111 :-" allud it •Ct .PAR J•.CJDE, n,1•e-•1"'"'• .,,,,.,, JC.,;.,, pa-
fi(•e.,, i•<~ndo; I• burn~ o.rftor<b : Skinn:"-though, 11r-r;:do, patri-Nd11, vd part>ltitidn; <t ~tattr, kill;
with Junius, we might rather denvc parth ~ tr, or JlllJ'"• offt•tl-ei· or motbtr ; "pare11t .11111rtlt1·,,.
nit'"•'"'• ptnirtrt, cirtumqNaqut urtre; to ~tinJ PARIS 7Clrl. Voe. ~6, obferves, thnt
ro11nd on t<11try/itft. PARISIAN} "in ~he ancient Annoric tongu<",
PARCHMENT; not fro1n the foregoing you will fi'nd that the town of Paris, was r~llcd
article, as if it could be ta}ily parcJ:.1; but derived Baris; becaufe it was the reliJrncc of the twelve
ii Ot(l"'I'"'"• mt111/,rcr.a pf'l'ga>Ht1u1; "quoniam ejus juJgts, DI° head feat of juflice of a great difrria :"
ufus primo Ptrt6mi in Alia t..1ioori iovcntus ell and then he proceeds to thew,_ p . 'l.8, that " the
ab Eument rcge,. cum a Pto!t"'"'"• · lEgypti rcgc, word /Jar me3ns a place for the adminiflration of
pap1ru111, qua: in fola .lEgypro crefcic, in Aliam j11;1i<1: even in Greek. B"f'' is a kind of court of
ua11fportarc intcrdiCluan eJTcr: Sk.inn." .- that jujlia :"-iCe likewifc BARON and PEE R ,:c;,..
• • •
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D A . .Gaz zx, •11d LAT 111.
From P A
,}· PJ\RlSI{ ; " Ilat""''"· which occurs in this. 'pant111d1J I for· {o·it appe-ars in fomlf' eai~ions at
'fignific .. tion in fon1e councils, and properly lig- Shakc.fpear, where, .in his Fjrll: Part of He.n. IV;.
·nifirs o 1'lar babitqtio11 : R. Q1x0<, dom_ l{S : or fro1n :iCl: I. fc. 4, he makes B•lfpur defcribe the mat1-
l1~'X"• parocbia; II"f'X"• parocbus, pr1bitor 1 ncr in which- an imp<rtiDent c<JUM-fop came to.
one who furnilhes what is ncceffary; a~ a pallor hi1n to dclJl&Jld hi$ prifoners 1 faying;.
ought to do to thofe under his care: Nu~-"-, - ·.he nl ade me r;iad,.t -
Cid. 'Vay. 122; and Voe. 6, derives very JU.Illy To fee him lhine fo brilk, ancl fmeH l'o fwcct,
our y;ord parifo fro1n t he Celtic; fqr he fays, i And talk fo like a waiting gcntkwony~n,
" each !hire w;is a ftatc, divided into. bor-..Us Of guns, a.n d drums, and wounds (God fa..::
par-ifhes, or pK·rtichs ; or, according 10 the more the mark !) . "' •
ancient 'Y'iY o.f pronouncin~ the p like ;, into And telling 1ne, the fovertign•ft thiog'odeartlt
bar-ifhes, or bar-rticbs, figmfying, p, 29, t be rr Was par#ldcity.;for an inward broife -
gion, or. dijlritl under a bor, or ju/Jice of pt4ct :" ;and 1herefore, no wonder that M inlhew lhouldl
-in .!bore,. " d.ifJ.ritl under 1h~ com1nand, ,or- ;'think it · came ii. rioitate Parma > chis· opini<in
jurifdill:ion ?fa f1ead,, .or .r.u1~ng magjjJ~ate.:~on. !Skinner.has bi:andcd wi1h ridit1tli ; :ui.d b-as. mo~
lequently Gr. : fee BARON ; and REICH: Gr. , properly. derived it, as we !hall fee 1>qder the art.
- PARI-SYLLABlC; nrxe..,ju.-ta,par; et:!:•>-· SPERMA-CETI. ... · 1ut ~<i.-
>-.P•, }jllaba; a noun having 11• equal 11U1t1ber ef PARMASAN-chuji ; " ta.fart/ Plfrnttr)s, ~
flllablu in the genitive, as io the nomi~rlve; i.e., feu potillS Place11tia, 111/11/Jri.r urbe adlJifJ•s :.
4 1101111 wbicp dots not increaft, . •Sk inn.'' -:JI••
Jt11ua>1 <heefe, made ~t .P"'"'"· ·
PaRK., " ''!f-ex•1,fiptu111; 411 inc(•ftd place ; ab . PAROLL, TI«~...>.111Ai.;, f•quor 1 'Vert11m·: " lie in.
F.'f'Y''> Jncludo, frpti; munio-; to in<tofa, on fur>ro11.nd. rbtllo, ubi captivus ab hofte dimtni11Ir, )tit dast1 fe
wi'fh a fmct : Upc."-this is a very good deriv.; redlturum intra.condicrurn ~empus, n-ifi parem fJbi.
a~d yet it may_ be ~crived a ll•e•!. cir~umq11a'f)1<, . capt.ivum r,ro fc. comm~tan~ium a regc fuo'. ve)
' (lrcumetrta; quod faltusjit port19 ltrr.e circunrcuca lytrurn confbrutum ii fu1s, unpetraver'll, d1c1cur.
ftpto in&lufa; furroiaultd qn ~II fitks with pales: or rekajid llJDa paro/J: Skinn."-i. e. #n biJ 'fl?frd
clfe, with Ray, we may derive it a ll"f" "" OIX'f• of"°"°'· . - '~\ ) l. .\r, •
contratled. to park, Qr parr1«k.1 a pie<ce of land en- PAR-OXYSM, rr..(•E•~f"'f, li<'itffi• • ft°!' ·partl-'
i;lofe.d about tke houfa. cularis rnotus morbi ; 1h1· acufs, or fi1 of an ague
,, l>AR-LEY, 11.. e«/3<1<A.A.,, &D11ftro; (3..1V..,,j4tio; and fever: R. OEu'"• acuo. ,•,-:.-
Ital. parola, ta~en from parabola, which occurs PARROT; "Menagius ab 'an!.' ferfoldtrivu;.
in. tl\is fig_Ai6cacion among th~ authors i•fo•• la· quod p111"1111111 PttrtJm lignat; quo nomine pjit1a<011
~i,iiitath : (hence, t_he French parter) or d(c it ur, ·arictes, Robtrti 1 graculos, Ri&hardi; vulgus
comes from II"e"'>-">."';,goloquor .' ll. A..>.'"• loquor: appellitabat : Skinn.'' -
N<fg."~to,fp&fl!<, to b?i,r.a11g11e, to debaJt on.a11y·p11b- PARRUCK, or pr1dd«k; a diminutive of
lit ~ffafrs. :· _ " PARK: Gr. ""
P AR-LIA-l\1ENT: Cid. V?c, 31, fee1ns to PARSE, ll"f""" ""t;;;, poro 1 vel poti'ils· t;>f
b.e almoil ~gry with the modern French word ••r, x>."'f'""' Hefych. pars, pGrtio; par/ts 1xonti-
l,ar.l<mt11t; " in which, " · f.ays be, " tbe modern ntWt 1 co el!amine minutely, co fe.arch dili,
tr~IJC,h. h~ve run aw"y from the antient Gallic : gently the parts, or poradig111nta both of nouns
parl<mtnl is rank nonli:nfc co exprefs the meeting and verbs. - ·- ·• ,..,
o(. the h~ads of. the people; for what ? to talk: PARSLEY, " II11e•~•>-""• petroftlillim'. i. e;
they migbt u well have ca)led it a_ch-rilleoing, opium p1tr4'11m 1 per co'ntrall:ioncm· es JYtlg~
or con\1ention of gollips :"-then he proc~s to (ni1e•r) lapi1; ct l:•>-u•>, apium : Upt."-th1s
·!Qew,, t\la! " it is dcr~vcd from par-kyrm4f; .or etym. and tranOation are both of them jutH
rathe.r biir-rty·mot ; to -fignify an affembly ar 111eet- ch ere is, however, an cxprcffion in our language,
ing of the j udg1;, or dtpojitaries of the law ; in. tlie ·which is ccrcainl'y derived from this word, ~ut
nature of the tbifmothtt4' of Athens :"-but then which hu never been properly explained: VIZ•
all thofe words arc G.r.: li:e Bi\.RON, EY, and tbat kings art dug 0111 cf IH parj/ty bed: :l:t~""'
ME.ET : Gr. J we here find, is opium ; now the ambigui1y of th?
PAR-LOUR 1 from the fa111e root, Il<Wf~""'A"• expreffion conlilh in the limll'arirr. of found ~­
vd II"~o.Ao.A•"• ob/oquor, ulloquor ; " locus ad col- tween api11111 ip Latin, and AT••r in Greek: apiUllJ 11
kquia far!!ilia~ia defli11atus: Skinn.'' apart- Latin for parj/ty; but AT•or io Greek fign16es
"""' app•i•lta f•r t/it f•ttti/y I• &011Vtrfa i11 ; the con· pyr"s• vd pir1ts, which is L atin· for • P'ar l
t1trfa1icn room. · et ex fin1ilitudine· verbum oritur: kin:s #rt 6tr•
PARMA-CETI; fomctim~i ftnmgcly 1'1ritccn /ikt 01ber ·111tn; •· .......1...~·:

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. ·r ·~
, PMlSO~·;. " qU:afi puecbi1111us ;. potius -P''"'<W's j Pl\.SSION; u"°'x.,, palil1', pttjfoJ, pa/fio ; -w.5lt,;
tpotius, Dr. U..e"~~1 e.ukfi.ajle1 par#l_cif1311s·: ever fttjfers, or. end1'res.
Skion.": t1 pal'ijb pr.ii.ft :'-and. yet· it 1night be . · PASTE· · ("· n:.rn,. ;11.fP.trfa : · it. n ........,
'inure proper• with Ciel. Wa.y. 1 212 ; and Voe. 9, ' PASTE-J,,11rd J! injptrgo 1 rr..r~, j 11/tu1Mm, fa.
1:Q dC:nve our word." parfan from porti<hfan •· i.e. . rina mi:r1111n ; llar.,, t•nfperfum faljit11<: or it n 1ay •
par-rt\cb's-ho- :"-all Gr. C?rn'" from 1111.-.-", pinfa, /undo ; pafit1m the fu-
P ART 4'ae.""~? •>-".-I-'"'•, : pme; la knead, pollfld, mi:<-tog.elber : Upt."
P A.RTIAlls. fraf/10, fratt11r,, .; ·a • R.l\STERNS ·or a-bor'e · "Fr Gall p •.111 ·
P "<v-•
0 TlClPL.E . JW'&. '\:' f. ~ 1' ' • • "1• ITD11'
· . llWll, P•TIJOll:, · """"·' L 'to·· )tat p ajloiarl,. p'1jloia ;: 3.>p~ffart ; arli<ultu amh1'- •
PARTICLE worth, has le,d us .• round latori11J, <Jljui potiflimum· adminicu/8 tqllfls groditMr:
PARTICULAR . ab_out chafe 10 _che etym. of Skin-n:"-again,, all. but th.e true etym. 1 for this
., PAdR:TJSdAfiN. cl' dhi~ wo;d ; which !"1 la},t he · . undoubtedly originates from n.1.,., or.._...,, ,,..;,
.. as cnve . rom'. iuerent 1ources ;· v:.z· . 1rom ' quafi ~'Mk, pando,pa.di, paJTum, pajfiu 1 as above.
. paro.; and.from
r·1~. dcr1ves
.. .. M•e•r,
• par~:-v.
.. b h ol!ius
h .de P 'A STILL
. , " · n,...r,. r-1111,
,,,, · p·"'l' ' . a 111/w
DJ•I lllS t
,. ,_
P cnnu~. pars.a ll'fe•;, '. m w .at ,e un- /oaj:·Ainfw."-though we might rather prefer· rhe
derlloOd by that der-1v.• would be d1fficuJt 10 fay ; · •deri·v of Unton a· n """ .r. .. ·"
·~erhaps· h.e meantf:"·~·ta·P'!l.'l•o•:
· ·" · · or. eJ' · ·
.'e. it ma)'. be ~e- jlotif.
I • ·
r. • """• '"u·"J" ·
' • """'"'' ~
1'tved ab.A.-OfJo;.,,_.d1r111••; toJipa!'aU,dt'IJ1tk,di;1•11guijb., , P.:A.STINATION n· . ,11 •
· PAR· TEi{RE; Ee.e, terra; · the eartb 1 lrutl· . · · . . ; ""'"'"• P•ngo. P0J•l1fltm I a
.z1·01111J lo .w a/Jr. on : fee TERRACE~ Gr. . ' _fpade, 10 _dig- llJ' l~t groatul, ad Prtp•r1 lbe fail for
· 1>·• " 'T LETS: " • rffi ·. n w ; · lb.t plantm~ of 'Vt•eJ, &c.
-.nn. ;. wo~ns '" J • ....ay :. -;ie.t - . ' Pl\STNIP " .n· · · ·
!taps .derived from. the verb [0• p11rt, or .Jeµrat.e .;: • ,. pa,.!""'"'. tora r~d11t: d1tt~·~
becaure chey feem co PAR'E' tbe head fiom the! ,il..1ptffct11d# L na1n radices .:.ius hom1num: plunmis·
1houlders.:· and if fo,, iris Gr. · · p.ra:bent alfftf~lllun: Jun. -co.nfequcntly-Gr. ;. as
.. P.1\RTRJDGE, "ITte,l•E, ptrili«-: N'ug..'" 10.rhe following. ~n: . .
PARVITY,, U..ue,oc, parv141, J"'rvitos ;. 1i11Jr.· PASTOR., B•vx'!,_p11fto, raflw,. pafl#r1J!1~; ~t·
•ifs, jma!l11ifs. . · · lD1111ng to· /®d, forage, grllZI"![; mctaphoncally ·
PAS, "v.iderur cJfe """''•r-•• T;;- iep~e; .-0.!,: .ufed- to-fign 1f.y. 1b"'° ''•r1crJ {1111/11~11.• .
dift(dt; q!l6' freqµencer utuncu.r _prrelhgiatorcs : 1 PA;f,: o~,t-<•tlt b!rJJ:1 fom~umes_ tr~~fpofed _ to·
Lye :''-confequently Gr. ~ fee PASSAGE:· G r. . lop g1n1f.r-; . nc1-.,.rni, ptrt11110·: Upc. · -10 jlrilu ·
PASCHAL-/a1116 :· n....X"'i ·patior, p11Jfrn '; to• fefl ft: : .. · .•
juffrr :-th« Grew fet?l to h.ave· ~do peed- this ·- · P~:r., . P"-fll"i fit ·; Cafaubon ·d~diicit• ab · Air"""' ·
word from· 'be Heb- \vhrch denves :& .n,7,..,.; 'fee· 11'•• · r1f}'dudere, eongi:-~ ;-b~t t here. feems to be:
PASSAGE. . • · . a .m~!i,nean:n dtrrv. 1n A..-1.,,. opto, eptuJ 1 and ·
PASCUAG.E, B•li'xi.J• Jfdfto .,. tafllil't1'!," i Jud- . ·indeed Mt· fecms, ·ro , be:· but. a ~raofp.ofition' of:'
iNg ground. " : apl, fit.
P:.'l.SH, 11,...,,. vd m.1.. ~~.,, ptrc1'tio l to beat, P.ATGH; n~~•m !fli•iilln; ul · plltmicuhts ;1:
Or dajh in pitces. . fittts I /acinia, qua vcfiamenti ruptura infiaura>-· '
PASQ_OIN, Il"'X"'• pati~'r ;. undc pafcbalis; :tur; Cafaub.-.. pittt' of cloth, &c. to· repair a
unde pilfchalino ; uodc ltal. 'J>afquino 1 " oota fta- ·lw1arh, or rtlll·; lo• 11tllld a bOJt; vet ab H,.-aJ,
tua, feu potius t:ruocus ffature, Roma: _; qure olim. fardo ; ta mtttd. . ·
Hcreulis fullfe dicitur 1 et cui libcfli famofi affigi PATE ; '' a Lat. pati110 : credo autcm pate
foleot ; oobis, leoiffimc deflcxo fcnfu, pro libello dietum primario et originario rr471#m; pollea
ipfo famofo ufurpatur; Skinn."-fo chat the Dr. deflexo leniffime fenfu cnpul notavrt; . ct nos trtl·
knew every thing, but the crym. of this word. , 11ium; brain-pan, i. e. urt6ri p11tinam, appellarnus ·:
· PASSA-GE 'l_n,7...,, panda, vel a •"'""'• ,,.,;;,' Skinn.''-lO far the Dr.; it is a wonder, however,
P.l\Sl' S quafi ....1.., pando, pollili, pajfa111 ;· ·he did not make choice of pat1U. 1 and then it
paffos 1 quod proprle dicicur de ptdib*s pa./Ji1 ; tu· is as· much to be wondered, he did not difco-
t• vrith the fttt wrtk dijlnrJtd 1 alfo a. paffpprt 1 ver, that they both might have been traced up
which may figrtify either a pcrmiflioo lo pafs the to 11..1....,, a n.1..... pauo, paii11a :-however, it is
· port11),, or btwt11; or f'"la 1 tb1 gate :-though certainly much better to derive our wo_rd pate a
Howell, in his preface to Cotgrave, tells us, that patill'iJ, . iliaD from• capu1; with Aiofw. or to leave
a travelling warrant \lras anciently called " ac it out with Jun. and Lye.
taffi. ptJT Jottl, a pcrn:i~on, or liccnc~ to pafs PATEN; c;ommonJy \~ritten, an~ pronounced
1/Jrwr&. IN . '111boh dominions of any prince;"- patten, or p1111111 ; . but denv.ed i n ..,.,., <alto; to
bill. WU it-i..Gr. ; iCe. TOTAL; Gr. · lrtad, 11. walli witll; ti pair of wqodtnj/ippers, food

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From G •1t ! .& K, ·and L A' T r w.
w ilb iron: wor,, by womtr. in rai11y w1a1hn-: " 'P•ir • <it :thou Id ·bave 'bcc'n · H ..••""• ..wl:iich ·'fignrlio •
of lrtaJers. 1110/h, Dr httlllrjly ; . anti alfo a gt~al's'ttn/1 '
p A' fEN:r ; rr,1...,, pat(O, pntens ; ·bpft>I, lfltJm-. PA w.
Ft.1...,,~palto I · ;..braadtntd foot; t»pa11dul,
f.efl, dulart d; royal l<1td1·;-patcnt, pablifhed lo al/' ,Jilatul.
mrn. · ·PAWN, ' lt•Y"'I"• 'pm1go; ·vel 'a
·nv~, Dvyf'.;,
PATI-1, '! 11,.1"• a n,.7,,,, enlta, via ·trita.;,:a'· p11g11us, pugno, unde pignus; ·a pltdgt.
beaten track: Calaub. and Upt. " . • •PA \V,N....1 chefs; .n-., pts ·; ptdit~, ptdina ; Fr.
. PATl-lETIC, " 11«9•7•x•;, pathttieus; -whicbi Ga-II. >pior.1 ~uncle .paw11; laJruf!cttlus, ptdts, ftu
torubes, or mll'!Jc.1 the pnffions: R. Il«'f'X."'•.Palior ;! -mius-gregarius; a common ma11, eimmon foldier.
aor. 2 . E.-d.- : Nug." l 'PAY, beat, ·er jlrikt, n,.,.,, percdtio, ferio; ' '
PAJ.'HIC, n,.&.,., aor. ~. part.'pothieus ;"a'-"a-' jlrilu, ltnr;ck, or criff.
ta111Ue! .bartlajh. . •. I P AY, ". "dtbt, IIny».u•, ·unde Dor: rr..yw,pata.,
PA 1110-LOG-Y, _llaf_o>:ry•><•, 'P"" •inell!c1me, , patare, f4ttsfaart, fol·ver~ ; .to (atiifl, . difthnrgt a
·1"""' cardfiu m•;ltcr111n •nqu1r.1i ;: ;1ta1..parl •f ph~jit, i dtbt: and . yet n"l''"I'' ong111ally. ligmlies }igo; ~o
whuh mqu1rts11n10 1h1.c11J1fas of,diflc1npers.: . R. 11"'e.~ •• fi»; here It feems to bear a contrary fenfe.
morbus; ~t .11•,'l'''• ftr-"10,,ratio. ·· . · ; · 'PAY the jhip'sfi~es; n:n.. , pix; pitch ; ftrangely
PA TIEN1, n..crxw, vetTI!dtwit>alior ; tofrifft r, . 'debafcd by the French intopoix, and then pronouoc-
·er.durt. · . .. . ; cd as if it was written pay, that is, to pi1eb the vef-
PA1'1·N ,- n;.1,...; ;i,,ffi1,..,, ·patto(patintr: a·ftna!l. Jtrs fides; from hence is deriyed . that con1mo.11
f!l11u, made ufe of by che.Romifh priefts with the , expreffion al'n!Jng t~e failors, here's the d.-~il Jo
. chalice at mafs. pay, and r.o pitch bot ; meaning, here's tbt blaclc
P .'\.l'Rl-ARCH, · ITi1t'":fX"'• 'pri11111s patru11I; · gtntltmatt come lo,Pillh the veffers fides; i. e. comt to
our forefatber1: ·R . :n..?~e. ct -Af1C."• printipium et af!tfl 111, and you have net fa much as mark tht pitiq-
pril1&ipa1us; primogmilors. . kettle hot tt1Dt.1gh Jo tmploy bim ; or, in .o ther words,
P:A.'fTEN, ...according ·to Nugent'$ ·Orthogr. ~.tre ar~ mort han~s ro11:e to help us, but llQJhing got
,which, is .at.v.ui.ance-.with his . own .deriv. a 11"1rw. 111 rtadmifs I• btg:t11 w11h, · · · .
PATTER, ·and ·pr"Y: " ' originem vcrbi palltr . · Pi_::A, fomctimes called. p taftn 1 II·~·~· pifum ;
.cenfeo-,'"firys •Jun. "~- promanalfe ~x fr~uentiore, all kmd1 ef p11/s, or pufje. . fiYj)itis .itcratP.. .repetjtione O..n1ionis dominie.e · PEACrI; " fhe~'"" Moh.., Ptrfift1m malu111;
Pater nef/er:"-to which Lye adds, " Armoricis It~!. Per:fica; GaJ_I. ptcbe: among "tl)e Per!ic fruit,
.al'~Jio drnt1inica dicitui patirt11 :"-but furcly this D1ofcondcs menaon~ the "t'"'l\•"""• prd!cccia poma;
,~>Teat •etymol. would -not have us fuppofe, that apruocks: _Calphurmus, Eel. IL
therefore the Armoric was .t he original language, . Inlita pr£totibus fubrepere Perfic_a prunis: _
,from which our W<N'<i patter was derived 1 when StHdas fays, the K<Xxvl'-'""• are what the 1nodcms
·n ..Jn~ ligni'fies pater; Our f ather. call 11'.f'"•'-""'• i. e. abrieo/J _(as thofe. fine ortho-
P.i\TTERN, 0>:•'17.i, 'for 1110, fingo; 10 fajhion, g~aplu.~~ the French fpcll u) Upc."-thofc _ge-
·or ·make a copy. mufes in Ort~ography. · .·
PA;fY-PAN, feems to be a dirninuti.v c of . PEA-COCK, T...,,, T,..,., pavo; tnterfercndo
.Dal"'"• joined to its tranOation pan; as if it digamma; the pea-tock. . .
pa!all)•-pon; a li11lt plate, or pa 11. . P&-\GT-E, ITv'YI'"'"'' "/)gm;eus ; a dwarf; mean-
. i'AU CI -LOQ!JYlIT«ue•» paruus, .pa,..J:ts; et mg the ltttl~ ydlrrJJ <=fltp, f~ called from tf'~
PAUCITY j A«>.iw,- loqttor; 10 fpeak 1 a , fmallneft of lt~ leaves; •.nd w.1th. reg~_rd 10 . its
•111011 of few words. .color, we often fay, a1 yellow as a peagle; as ye!-
.: PAU-PAU i llavw, finio, affart facio; ll«••, I~ as a tQWj/1p.
. the ·imper~t. contracted ·to n";;, is an expreffion PEAK, or pqi11J 'l." ~~x.· :Pl"' ,; ut Hifp.
·ufecl to children, to make them dejift, and.fwht11r PEAK, or promontory 5 puo \ altum montem 1n
me.ddli11g with any 1bi11g ; as much as to fay Jo co11u11J affurgc~tcm denotat; ut pico· Je 'f't11•riff, et
110 t, do not. · ' no!hum pealc in Derbyfhirc: credo fie ditl:um,
PAUSE, " n ..vo-•;, paufa : R. n ..w, uj[o: quia inj/ar bafl,e,fau fagill,e acumipalw: Skinn."-
Upt."-a flop, fufpen.fo11. then how eafy wquld it ha~c ~een for .the Dr. ~o
P AVE, H«..,,pavio, f erio, f>Mifo : ·1Eol. 11,.F,.,, have tra.ced its ~,tym.:as _iu the wor~ . PI~E,_ or
to heot , or ram down tbt pebblts.i11 tbeflreet. fp1ar: G r.: or in J'.:OIN f: Gr.: .or ';'l ACU1 I;::
PAVlDlTY, ~•(31w, pavto, pO'Vidus'; f rigbltncd, Gr.: or, la!Hy, tn SPIKE : Gr• .
terrified. . P~1\K!NG-ftflow; "Hifp. pequen11Q ; Ital. pi{-
P A VIEION, ·" £,no>:o;, papilio: Ainfw." - tino, picci11i110 ; parvus; utrumque n.i faller," .fays
· · Skinn.

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From Gll' z 1 x.,. and . LAT J H. P. E
Skinn., " a.J-at. P.auci11"'' pall'"' :"-t omnia ni . to the mode of barter with calllt, puus, in lieu.
fl!llor,, a n~ue~r, paucus; a litt/4 . mea•, fnealci11g, 1 of mo11ey :"-but even according to this ·deriv. ic
pitiful ft!IOf!J· • . ·, · · <Would be Gr. : kc- PECK, O I' flrike tui1h /ht bill:
. · PEALfpr..· 6a~Cl'! 1 ei1her. from n,,,,.,,..,.
. unde pala ;',g i~,l mutato.; ,nempe q11ia pagitur in '
p11p, and crme is the fame as KI·N G: Gr .
P ECULIAR; from·the fame root, rr,..,, unde
ltrra, .~miltfl, !kc. : " J·r~ ofjh1r1Jel, .or fpaJe;: or pzcu/iaris; ~t <ptc11/ium fer-dorum, a puore <jillum cit,
elfe i\. n:,..,..,.,.~.~. ppxillus, palu• ; a l011g pole :-for u~ ptcoia P'!lr1<m famili.c ; ,.1,,.r•·T; .. o:M•1f'I"
fynonym~'!-s ~ords; fee,Pf.?L: Gr., ' ti•.-r•, .,7or· T•f· ""' 'T••• ;/ A•A• ~· GloJf. that
. P.EA.R~·~",.'°" p~u,,.,.; .a well k11WJ• which belongs Jo p.iv_ale pojfeffen, or pr.operiy: and
/t:uit.-..' ' , , · ' . · ., . . hence . ufed . to. Jigmfy fo111elbmg• ppr1ic,./ar.1 or •
· PJ;.ARL ;, " fecundum Salrnaf. a.Cat. ptl1</a ; ont's.=n~ ·
vel ut mi.h> .'( i'.ays Skinn.) verifimilius fit, ct PECUNIARYi-. ITV.or;-. IJ01u11l•h pecutils; i
$3_lmaf. ipfe. alicubi . inn1,1ic, ,a L at. jpb.n-ula ob puus ; .puu; unde .pecunia; mol{ty : . Jµn~ under iho
:ro\UJ)~itaten1 :"-tu1n ...tit 111ihi (J.Tligbt .. I .fay.) art.• Gorgt:; , .
vcrif\milliml: . fie_. 11. ll'~".(",. fph<ero, fph,e.rr1/p; a · P.EDi\LS, Dar, ,..;,,,... p!s, peJalis; ·tu length of
Jpbtrt, qua!i fphearl; or any Jud~ little round.hody..-. a-fad ; alfo'tht low:r krys of a11 org(Vl,•TJtrn•d
· PE.J\.SA~l:, ," ll""l'!'• f'l&1.s, pag411us.; .a hilt; a by..tbtfe!I.• "
''Vi/fage :' or from Il•'l"'• Dor. n"')'r.,. Jons ; bcc~ufc PEDANT, .ITii.1l-ay""f•<..-pt1trorum i11/ffllitor ; •a
the a.nticnu · had .their dwelling~ gcneraUy. near Ji;tflor ef"'bV,Js. ; here ufed to fig~lfy a.Jabbler; or ·
fome fountain: N·ug."- j>ermic inc. only 10 011- fmal/trer i11 learning. .
fe(V<",, that , if the . word.•j,;afa1t1 b¢· n,ot .derived PEDE.STAL, lhn ,,.,J,,, p11, p1Jlefiris.; .. /be ·
Jii>m his fuuatio n, l>l}t.his:<<?ndition, it, inay then .!JDl,•or btJ.fis of a fi/4ir; a commo'! fo/Jier ; o fenu•
lie 'derived ii Il•?•r,' peafo nf ; .i.. c. ptdu; ped<flt<is.; PEDICUL.\R; " rr.,, or•J'oi, vennis·genus11e"-
a.ptJt}Jr.ian ; , in contradifrinftioll' to the tqutjJ.11111 diru!ru vocatur.; nempc ·a pu;- quod i;j ufdern, •110-
011tf:tr.: tl>l:. p•dtflria111 or. Pfcfanl, being a perfort, tionis.~ .VoJJ'.", a·loafa; allO a ltrriblt..Jiftafe• .
, hv.. reafon. pf hi.! low. condi1io11, could nClt P.EDI-G~E.E, ~..1~f': •e~'""'"' p111r11'1l·groduJ ;•a
:iffor.d· to. be '11fJU_nle~ . dtj'tt11t ~f IJIJCtjltirs,..
: PEBBLJ! ; " ."'\nglo•Saxonioo =>' p,'abolr:r.anar FEDI~1E?fr ;. a ·t~in. arctliteliiire ;-..<ft., .
.funt calfu/i : Lye-;." - b~d the Anglo-S:ixons wrote, PEDLA.RJrr;,,; ,,,1,,, pes, pttkjler 1 mcrtolor:
or could '(his.. gen1lem;u1. have. found paf'ol, in- PEDLER pe.-ipateiiciu.; a . <va/J:iirg ·~ mer</,,,.,,,,
Jl;ead'.._?C pobfl, t11~r.e C!lu)d- ..not have. been. the bi1 gppJs .o,,.,foo!: ·
lcafi _ hell cation. in deri1<ing it itrr.....,, pnvi1, pavi· PEEL\ of" IJ1i'11 A~"'t"'•" "~"' ab" antiqv;
11111>;.; 1,avi111t11f um ; ·." P11'¥t1J11nt, n1adc· with >ptU{ts, A_..v..>.»,- unde ft:lfa 1· 10 btat or jlrilu, with a ·ham- •
which are1btaun., and r9ihmed ¢.own. · "'"• dapper, &c. in ord;~ 10. makt a found, .
• PECC~'\NT, "' rr ... r', .~ 1:i" _.;; "t~f3..'fi,, puus, . PE EL, ta · jlrip off; ~· "''""""• prllis, -tor/tir ar~,
geminatipnc confo.ore, , ut mon~t Jul: Seal.;. ut bimis ; .or., ·rranfpoliuon, ,a ,A,,,:1,.., .Juortiurrp:
ptc&<1re p.ropri.e ·fie, "~.. '/'~" . agere inflar pu udis·: Nug.'..'.-;o" t11ke· off lht.oulw•rd rind,. cr.;(l·ing,i or
V olf."-10 Jo amifs, a£/ u;r•; al(o grefs bu111ors. bark. • ..
P ECK '. 1n,,,.,, £a iv.,, r.rdp, tundo; I• btal, or PEER: of· tbe ·realm; Il•e«>jtUtla, par, pares·i
PECKER knack : or el!e it. Il•J'~,,.,,. Pl'•gp, e'iual in dignity, a111/Nri1J, or' pow.q: or · elfc, frQn1·
f udio ; to jlrike ~1itb th.- bill, .or #tak. II'"7•e,. paler, patre11 f~1b1rJ, . ft!!alors :,.,.-Cld,
.1: PEC'~'QR;\L, llrn!i.,, prtlo, _Prflan ; _II, co,,,P i y=oo. 31, lays;. that." b111.,,p,,1-,• o,i ptllf', ne,vt:r h~d-
1u1de forte d1Ctum pttl111; quod pellmt m quo- 10 the law, unlefs by an abufe of the fi m1larny
(lam:nodo rcfert; .1ht brat/! :-lf. Voffius derives of found, the fcnfe of tqut1l :"-aqd therefore,
f fllllS .ii n..1.,~ i. Ii· fl«•!,. Ar.cadio. rr,.., a l11K:., P· z5, he fays, " bnr, bir r pair, pur; ll,lld !!•·• ire,
t bndt() ; undc nk·,.,, rr,.1..,, peElir., p18.11s.. mar, nod """" all fignjfy. juJge, or becii:",......,aod,,
P ECULATION, ... IJ1.,~1, ,; '~'" ,.,,;; " "e'ft-.1•, therefore all fce1n 10 be derived ii Mt'/'<'.~ wag111u,.
pu11,. lan11' 1•a.jl~ck ,11f fo:ep, pec1mria ;·pubIi~ -pajJuNs, mpjor, . contrnlled to mar, bar; [J4r, &c.
that wete let out to ·farmcrs; being a .pan... of the · . PE.EVlS!-J.: there-fecn1s . to .be fon1e dilfu:ulry !
public re\•enue: : from whence catn~ fJlfukr, p~- in tracing ~he etym. of t hisr word : ~kinn<r o_ffers ,
t:u!atus, peaulat10 ; l!nde.pecu!atcK, )qu>furtum fac1t none of ·his . own,:· but .ob1en•e;"':t11ac : " ·Mrn!b.
pecu11i£ ,.Publir.r ; tb: crime ofjleoli11g• detaining, •n dcfi¢Ct. il viehifcb; puuitili.I ;. a:vi'b; orNuntum ; ,
e111be2zfiP.g public mono·, ..qr .:rcc41~...,-Ciel _ Voc~ . 157,, q. d . · iufla1· ,ju1;1.e11ti, vti 1".ifli..~ f;1ric/uJ ;. i1:1m0Jic,J •
derivts petunia fro m peek, lo ,fi1k k·; (tp. jlr.ik<), ir/1.11/Jra om11fJ 1·atio1:is li111it4J t1brtp;,111 :"-bu< th is ,
and c1<ne, bead! rather than fron1 its fu bfii~urion. ~JlP!Oaciles ..nearer to: ~he clefcri'ptjou •of a mad
7: 1;1n 11,

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p E 'F..-om 0.,. I • Ko" and ·n A T I ii.
•alt, -tban of a ptC'Vijfi man : "' vel, ut fcitiffime gt:ther foreign t<) &tlve pelican i ITA•1or, t4 rr1;.
1pro folito divinac do&is Th. Haith. q ..d. hr-i!1 ~r:~il 1 from rhe '!err ·'gr:•.J brtadlb, an_ tl firengdt
·ut rodcm fcnfu dicimus wn/p.J)b r 01nncs auten1 of trs bill. Vofiius derives pdeca•ur i I.-1>.nt1on

cutis nofha: damno lcnllmus qua1n fill:ile iJPts w quon1odo pi&~m a Gr?ecis vocari ·H efychius indi.
·vtjp,e ir1'1tentur :"-but, aOcing the Dr' •· and .his 'Cat, cum f<:ril:lit r;.,~J.1c\', .,,,/\..11o,;: ,,
karncd friend's pardon, this is but a puerile. PELL-MELL: " Fr. Gall. pr/lt·mtflt 1 , 0,,.
dcr.iv.: Junius fays, "Anglorum-qoid am eria111- 'f11fim1 ·apeflc11floccf ; ct lntj/tz; mi'xti 1 q .d.ft~<tisi~.
num retinent ptMlerft, vocem• non minus '(\ura: 'IJietm mix1i1: pt}lts autem :\ Lat . ..,,;!J; onum
pronuntiationis (but furdy nor hamer in Eriglifh 'Cn:do : Ski_nn."7i •. e. '1Jtlflts:1 and ·confcq~iitly
than in Lati n) quam . fignifii;ationis: alii vcro may be deriv~d a M•>-•r, ov11; unde MM>.0<; Tld•
caninam literam in utraqoe fyllaba extercntc!, lf11: Volf.-as for meflez, and mi>t1i, they arc cvj.
puraverunt una r.ronuntiatiOne ipfain quoque ac- dcntly derived a. M''>''"I"': fo tbat. pea.,,.,n at )aft
.ceptionen1 noqmhil polfc molliri, Ii pro perverft ori_g in.a tes _a. _i to:/\11•>-l"''Y"'I'.'• '71/anglti.
_Erimo prou, et ma x pett1ijh diccrent :'-'-tbi! ·is b'!''"· or hatr"' tlij1Jr1hr; and hent c ufed to ng-
:romt thing bettct; and fhouid thii be true, .it is n1fy • ctDrvd, or lhr511g, ~Jling in al tbt gt1JtJ, ;[/
Gr. as we lhall fee under the art. PERVERSE': Gr. together, difardtrly.
PEG, or pin; " n,y.u1i., figtrt: Upt."-to P ELLET, n,.,v..., piliJ, pi111!4, Jib1a 1 ., . i•ll,
fi.<, lo faftt11, or ,, ballg av tbit1g 011. pill, •r rll•ntl lump. .
PEG, :as a. proper name; fee PEGGY : Gr. P.EL LICJ.:E, llltM·•r, pellis, pellirllli:; a ibln flm,
.below. film or filame11t. · ·
PEGASUS, "•r.anr, Ptga/111, alatus Perfii PEL-LICULATION, A:••uar, fwta, flltltls;
.1q11us; the fa•Q111 jlyi11g /Jorft •f Pwfttts, 111ounted A .... ~,., laq111it1, lario, ptllirio, pt!He11/atio; a wbttJ·
by the poets. ·ling, cq11Xiwg, inticin[. · ·•
PEGGY : it may fcem ft range to deduce Peggy P ELLITO RY of 1bt f1111ll; noeifen, pfteJbrttm,
a M"t'Y"t'1", and yet the deduction is very na- hcfba 1 il llu~, .is all that H 'ederic Iaf ! on 1his
tural; thus, M ..~y"t:I•, Mt1rgarita1 Margaret, word s but Skmnt r obferves on" ptlltJory (as ~c
quali Madgartl ~ undc !-fadg_t, Pt1tfgt, Peg, Ptggy. · writes it) pro herba, corrupt. i Lat: ·paritt•rifl,
Vcrftegan fays, " Ptg is mtfmeot for Margart/, pte radicc ;. ~ Lat., et Gr. pyreifn.tim 1.unde dif·
from the Sax. p1xa, a gtrle\ a lilllt wentbe:" but criminis gratia addimus priori, of the 'w'a,{/; quo•
this is very indifcriminate, and would be as ap- niam juxta parietts c.r cfcit; · poReriori, ,/ Spai• i
plicable to all other gtrles, and littk a:encbu, of quoniam ex Hifpan.i i vehicur :"- fo that now we
what name foever, Na~cy, Betft, Molly, Polly. muft trace out parit~ : which defcends dther
PEIRCE, com1nonly written pitru, but de- from " ne•ll1.,, q uafi II"'{lil'I", ptrfido 1 vel ~ Il•f">
rived a IIHf<&•>, 11..~;;, transfodio, ptrlratrfto l to II·e·~... pr.ebto, pare, • "dt paria; Nunncf. et Volf,"
ptntfrll/l qui111bro1tgb. · · -tb't wall-fawtr.
PELF: none of our etytnol. pka(e me, nei- PELLS; 4>1Mor, ~"'"' l1vle•• pellis, f11hr, ., .,:
thcr can I pleafe myfelf, in the deriv. of this ' "" l oarlt,ftin, c01;mng :-it is very rcmark;1bk,
word; Junius fays, " Gall. Norman. vetercs ac that none of m y ltxicons, d ict ionaries, etymolo-
detrita? vefies ptujft appell antur: ab hoc pt/f · g ies, nor glolfaries, have given us fo much as a
Anglis to pilfer, cft minutias e t vcluri fc ruta qu:c- definition, much lcfs a derivation, of that office
dam furtipcre :"-Skinner gives us "pe11ff1 ; f ri- called the dtr'. of the pelfs.
ptry ;" and adds, "vel potius a Sax. ftla,fto; PELT, or lbr= al; A'"'('"" .,.,,,1'••,ab antiq.
mulld puNnia, fcu mu!lt1'11 ptt1111i,c :"-he might "'"'"/\"'• unde pt/lo; lo Jrivt away with a"} mi/frr;i
have addt·d, 11ftlrft, and unpr•fita'/Jlt wealth; of 110 weapons : tho' C afalfbon derives it a n..;.11,,, vibr1,
fll<lre 11ft 1ha" fo m11th dirt; and in this fenfe we quntio, agito: and qttotes Hefych. for the ufc of
might almoft be tempted to derive our word pelf »•>-»•, >.16or, lopi1. ·
a ll•J\•s. p11!vi1; tl11,0, dirt, 1tfeleft anti 1111proji1aplt PEMB-ROKE, " and ffl11tt11boro11gh, are at
gold: Skinner calls it divitire; he might rather bottom univoc•.I, fays Ciel. Voe. :203 ;"-i. c. a•
have faid, it1a11ts D'pU: magnas incer •PFS inops: /tin, *Jn, q11in, are the fame ; fo pm, pym, ptn1, and
Hor. pt mb, 1nay be t he fame Jikewife~ and the termi·
PELICAN, or pt!ttan 1 " 111>-r•a>, ;,.r: R. nation rolrt may be only another dialcfr for rticb1
II11'1xvr, a batrbtt: Nug."-is all that the Dr. and if fo, rhen both arc Gr.; for pm, in the frnfe,
has faid on this arr.; neither have any of the of htatl, he himfelf acknowledges, Voe. 210, n,
other etymol. afforded ·us beuer fotisfallio'n : to be radical to ven· do; confcquently borh ar?
permit me then to fuppofe, it would not be alto· defcend.e<l ab !l"'I-'"'• vouo, ·v tntlo: and ·r~ki, ·OJ
' .'

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,From G *- ! 111:, and L "'I'' rir._·. •
rtieh, is vilibly dt;rived ab Af:it:"• quafi 'p'"X"'• rtgo, fa~s· ~lei. Voe. rs~. " a bud.Jlrutk . upon the'..
unde rtieb,. and rolu; a 1·tgio11, or dijlritJ. :coin, which was formerly of.1>11e piect, apd 'of.;
. PEN, or Jbttp,,-f~ld.: , U,,y••f.-•~ figo; fajlt11td up, fd~tr :"~if this if :no.t -.too il\dctecoiinate ~lJ et)'!)'l.;
•11tlofad. · .1t 1s Gr.; for. both PEN," in· the fenfe of bt,,J • l
.PEN. to writt with; n,7.,_..,, ll•1ai""'• item and itb, or I-HT, ·arc Gr. ' . · :i
n.1••,,,...., w/o; lo fly;. and perhaps all thefe a PENSILE, prndto, penf- . pet!filiJ; banging- ·;11
n.1..., pando i vel a ~......, ,,.,.;;, q uafi , ...1.., the air. · · •
fa11do ~ lo txp~d tbt wings i11 j/yin,~: from n.1.... PENSION, ptndo, ptpt11di 1 lo pay; /,y b1111gi~. ·
IS dertv.ed llff1J•o;, per fyncc, ll1f<>•<, }Eol. n11>>•<t
or weighing the 111011ey, in a fcale or balontt, which ·
unde pinna, pt1111a ; a tjuill, ~r fla/btr; alfo tbt fin was the ancient tnethod of paym1nt. ,
•I afifh. . PENSIVE, ptndeo, fufptnfus cogitati#lle; fllfptntl·
PENALTY, ll"'"• pirna; pu11ifh111e11t, rrptntanu. 111 thought .
.PENCE ; if derived from petunia, as fo1ne
Hoc equidem occafum Troja:, triftcfque n.iinu •
imagine, we have feen it may be Gr. ; but pence Solabar, fatis contraria fata rcpemkns. ;
leems rather to come from ptndo; and then it
would be Lat. to lignify the "'°"tJ• delivered by JEn. I. 238.
PENTA-GON ; "n.,7,-1"'.,•, flli11f11t a11g1'lus r
weight: ·fo that properly it ought to be written wbfrb bas five-angfts: N ug." 1
penft :-Camden, p. 17 1, informs us, that in the
time of king Al/rtd (about the year 876 . after PENTA-METER; n..1...f',7f°'• fent11111tttr · a
Chrift) five pence made a lbilling; +S Jhillings verfe conlifting of five feel, or t11tafart1; qui ~ii:
made a pound ; and +oo pounds was a legacy for gui119ut tntlrorum: R . lio11, quill'J"ll fivt; ct Mr7e-:.·
a king's daugl1 cer. . . . mttru111, HU1tfura ; 111t11/11rt. : . •
PENCIL.; pe11itil/11J; a painter's · /ir11jh: and PENTA-TEUCH; " n.,7.,7,•xor: " 1161111111·
perhaps penicillru is derived, not as Littleton and di11idtd i1110 fivt oooJ:s, liltt that of Mofes : R. u.,1,:
Ainfworth vulsarly tell us, "a pt•is (which by rhe 'J"i11911t 1 ct Twx~: f11cio, /11/Jritor; T•ux•'• vas,
way is printed pe11ru in Ainfw. quart. edit. 17J6) arma, likr: N ug.
caudam an~i9ui /'"'"' v~abant 1 ex quo dt PENTE-COS~", " rrn1rx•;•, pt111teoj11,' 'l"in.
propter fim1htudmem pemci/U.s :"-but perhaps quagtjima; lbt fiftrelb 'day 11/ttr Ea}ltr: Nug."..:..:. ·
more properly, ) l pen1111, ex qui cit proptcr limi- Ciel. Voe. 10, gives us a Celtic deriv. of this
litudincm foftcned into penirillus: for as the au- word , and fays, " it is here to be noted, that in
thor writes with his pm, (o docs the painter write making the judiciary graduates, or t;-tnigbts
with his ptmil : confcqucntly Gr.: fee PEN. (J:nigbls of the larv) the l;iand laid on d1~
· PEND, or cc11fint; lI•'Y'"I"" figo; to fa}Jm, head ; thence the ceremony was called ptn·l;fr/,.
confi11e. • . · · gbrifl, tbe fpirit of authority, conveyed by /oucbi11g
lbt btad:
PENDENT, pe11Jeo1 pa11dus; a _weight lo bang
Jou.·11. .
PENETRATE, ptnus, ptnitus, pentlro, pmt-
pen 1 the btnd J
l'icb · or l'ick the t•uch pt11tuo)1 : confc·
• '
J!.liafl ; tbt fpirit . quently
. all G r.
trabilis > lo ptirtt, or 111/er.
PEN-lNSU L \; ll1>.";-«Ar, 'I:t<>.or,falus, infula, Pf:;NTHE-MIMER; llo9"1"'1-''t"'• ptntbemi.
jtn-i11f11/a ; pe11e in jato pojita ; almr;ft an ijland ; llftris, quu1n poll lecu11du1n reden1 fyllaba fu:
almojl furrotmdtd with faa. pcrell : a ptnlbu11i111tr ; part o a verfe conlilling
PENITEN1·, n...~, pa:na; punifhmmt, r~e11t- of two feet and a half; either. long by nature, or
11nce ; unde pa:nillt ; I arn ft!/ co1"Jilltd, I rtpmt mt. allowed fo by Cd!/ura.
PEN·MAN-MAUR; Cid. Voc.'lo3,obfervcs, PENT-bcufa; either from pe11dt6, 10 ha11g; be-
that " the analogy of ltym to p tn" the more caufc: it bangs Ooping from the top of the houfe,
modern Wellb nanJe for bill, will appear. very and is as it were an apptnd11gt co the roof-tree :
ltriking on reflexion that J:ean., and pen, botli or elfe it may .be d<:rived froll! 1·~!·.' the Celtic
fignify btad, or tmine11<1 :"-and here ufed for word for lbt htad, cb1tf, or I~, Jt O.:tng the ·t•p
111ou11tain: in p. 66, n, he tells us, that " meyn, part of the hou(e; i. e. the-e&titring: confequcntlf
/ant, win, man, and mon, a~e but dialcCl.ical dif- Gr. : fee VEN AL. ·
ferences, and that they all lignify jlont :" and in PEN-UrvlBRA, n~>.a:r ·•J-<13eor. i111Jtr 1 node
p. 167, he tells us, that " mar·mor, or rather umbra, ct p111-11111br• ; a tertn in afhonomr 10 ~x­
m11r·111aur, figni6es the ireat-faa :"-fo that the pr~fs that dimnefs, orobfcuriry, wh ich furrounds
whole compound of Pt11-man-maur ligni6es lbt the fb•dir.p of the moon, or earth, and caufes but
.1rt111 mo11111ain 1uar ~ht faa: and confequenrly Gr. a faint cclipfe of either of thofe bodies. ·
PEN•NY, "perhaps fro1n the Cel~icpe11·icb," PENURY, .. .vd a n ....,, f• t1ptr; Cl .n .......
Y y; p~upertus :

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~. ~ Prom Gll.t i•K, arid LA'l'.ttir. If E
~ ~ Yil i- haio, flltw, l n,;'i«ti; :'fjltri# 1 ,.llronQQ)icil term,. ~ eipref.s a pl!Ufet's being a~
~tt'tj;·lnltlin-. UNnfl. ~ ts •tar(/1 diftance .frOlll 1ht tllTUt•
. PEPPER, " Dw~, ·/iJttr : N ug.n '!tlPtr 1 a. I PE.Rf-HELION, Utt•""~''• [.Ii pramhu1 Wdnfl
fpi10c fo called.
lft. have, many other
words sn our Ian-
11« Jn.· ....
PER-IL. n"e•• t"P!"intfi11, perie11!11• 1 tri1!,
.hazard, iJ111rgtr 1 tho', according to Voffius,ptrfr•-
PER-AMBULATION guage, beginning 1.,,, originates ab ~oL niie"'Y'"'" pro n..e..f.1•7""
with the pl'Cpo!icion PER, wl\ich will be .more ,nam JEoles,_ pra:ter ulitatiffin1am t ranf1>91ltroncm
properly fognd Un~cr. ~heir ref~C\ive :lftJclC~ 1 Jiterarum,_ T~ {3 quoquc ,ill-')' nlUt3fC folebant; ut:
\lnlcfs .when the pr1m1t1vcs thcmtclves are not 1n y1'•f«t••, pro {31'~•e•" ·
ofe in·the foll?wing_words, when compo'und(d. PERI-METER, l11r•1-u1eo;, ptri11rt1ros.,qriiuikfi
· PERCH, or fifh; " nre••· vel n1p1r, ptrM : rof11#dlto1e Jirnm/MJ 1 f!trimtlros in1i tt1eatri; th~
Upt."-i. e. i " lltt••r" "!cl 'll•r"Nr, nir er; nigris pit in a t l1c:itre; antien'try ro1111J.
t111unlis tlijlirttliu,ft[iallll.:" PERIOD, ilrer•lor, ptriodrrs, cry111 etrt11s tjl cir.
PERCH, ~o roojt 011: a,.,,.,, 11111go, p11·1;,•K~ I l llitus 1 a pirfttJ, a11d comp/tot ftnllfut; • n aK/fl/a/
¥Qd~ pnlitf;. • p1ft fv '/Jjrds- ·10 jlup QI ; «·IJicb rl'IJol11tiM. .
tbty do by rrajp!ng it fajl: alfo 11 '"'t polt 11111111/art PERI•OIK'I, n'f"'""• 11fri.,u: fuch rnbabitantS
111114 wi1b. on me t'llrth, who =Jive untkr che fame j>annri,
PERDIT10 N, f.uet.., ptriltJ, 11tlfl• 1 I# Jtjlr'} I bot at two op'politc poin is of that. paraflcl, ot
J4rulli,.,. · at t he two cxtremiti1:s oT any diameter in thn
PERDU: now far the fcnfe of words will parallel. •
alter, tho' their ctym. anp. orthogr_. remain the PERI-OSTIUM, Il•trtroc, Dffo rirc11111t!a111 1 t
liune,. thls word will afford. os an a1nple pr_o of: thin niembrartc, immediately enivropping almofr
Ille; intention of i.t was to cxpr~fs au ·tGt 6ones. except the teeth, and ear.
i.n Fr. Gall. ft111i11t! 'ptrdue'; 011 adt!anttd t'!ard; PER'l-PATETIC, nre• ..•1•1'"'f• ptrip11ttti1111,
confcqµently nlace9 ;,, t/J.e lllDft d~~gtr,o#I ji111alio#: ••hulbtor' 'a· phildf9p'hcr who teaches, or ilifpucrs
then it w~s ..ufed to ftgpify 1e1·t#fa11s perdus tl'1111e walk.i-,,,~ , as ~riftotlc did ·; fro1n wlticb cireum·
"iirHfet 1 the p.ertlitts., or forlotn hope Of an "'"'Y ; ftance, both ·Jte, and his followers, were callril
tbt hravtfl, anti '111o)J Jefftratt 1 and confcquently ptripatttiu: R. tI1r•, ,;,,um 1 11hou1 ; ct :n-.1,.,
n1ilites fele~~ primi. cxcrcitus 'frontc difpo!iti, ad '""'• a~ulo ; to wallt, or tramp about.
~xcipicndum hoil ium impecun1, maxi mo fui cum PERI-P'A ERY, rI•e'l''t""• ra111r.dita1, rirrulrs;
J?Criculo, ei>q.ue tanquam i>r rtrtMlll txitiu1" r11.rre111: 1be eircumftrer.ce •f a cirri<: R'. "'t'• ct flrtot,/tr•;.
fatis cltganti vocabulo, µrd.iii, Jtplora1i, ct quafi 10 IM corri,d qratt ro1urd.
jam ouifi :ipptllantttr ~_:from this idea it was ufccl PERl-PHRASIS, "l1•t•9t•~•t, ptriphr#)s, tir•
to !ignify any tbiog loft, dt/lr')·tJ, and t •n•: in c1L111/on11io: R . JJ•e•• ti~t11.m ; ct 4>•11.{.., ·f~r ;
none of which fenfes is ptrd" now undt~ftood ; Nug."- this word, tho' ic fcc1ns t~ be the fam11
but it now fignifics hiddm, pri'llaft, furtt, as if with parttphrafe, is not ahogcthcr fo;. for a,
14}1, 11ntl gone.· the only poinr chrn:forc is to trace p•rapbrajt is rather an txp/J11t1tio11; than a <ir-
thc dcriv. of ptrdu1 '!trt!o, perditUJ 1 all which 'camlot11tion.
'p ln\nly origin:irc a 1111~... 't;ofl• I ID dtflro/. PERl-PNEUMONY, nre'"'"•"""" ptripnt••
PEREGRlNA1' 10N,a"?'mvcm t aut 'J.pertgre, mania; p11lmoois i11j/11111111111io ;. an i11Jo111111nuon of
'q\1od dicicur ..guali per11gr11m; unde ct ptragrare, tbt !1111~$, ·•
qua~ ~nullos o~~os Rere'rrare. :. Vo.IT. a1~t a ll•~~~'Y•.•, ~ER:ISH· ,_ if a.. compound is conll'i cutcd of.
R_ertJ:r!pa hofp1to, ..fays-, Ifaa~ ~ 1n either Cale 1t ptnttus eo, per:10·;. 1. e.. ab i::.,, ' "14" vado ;_to gp·
/ignihl's a _foreigner, UM11dtrtr, traveller ; confe- ·1uilt away-: arid ·1f no c<>mpound, rnay,, accorffi.
. qu,l)tl;o Gr.·: 1fce ACRE, and ER:ROR :. Gr. 'rng tO V-o(J\us, be dcriv<'.d ai119Af"'• ptreo, ( OfTUKlpG.,
PJ;;ll-EMPTORY; F.14.• f• El-''"" tma, ptrimo, 'lli/io ; to fpoil; corrupt, d•(a'/.
/trt1~p101;!11; ~fiti'!Jt, ex-prtfs, dtttrminatt. PERI-SKIANS, "llt{•O'xoo .. qui ArCliaurn cir-
PER-FECT, "'""> 'fio, facio, p,trficio, perftt1io 1 culuin cundem h:ibenc cum tropico, aut_ m•:
falr.e/s. tompl11ion. , . j~rcm: ~cderic :'';.....who did not acquire t~is. in-
rl!..RJ-CARDI !JM, D'f"'afl·•r, qui cft t1ru tcr-prc_ranon from geography; at leallthe ~1~1an~
tm; around tbt br11r./. • arc generally undcrftood to be rhofe inhahu:uirs-
P ERJCLl1'AT10N, 11Hf"• e:<ptritntia, ptrior, on th" globc,".'who have their fbadMJJs cafl •• ·40'
pcricu/N111, puidifDtiq; J;a?:,ard, trial, ptril: R. jidu of 1b.,,,.1 i. e. tir ,rdating f"il• rouwd thtt. ;. :is.
Il"{""• '"'" ; I• try. 1he inha~itants of the two frigid zones : or clfe-
PE.R.l·G..EUM, D•(.''l''"I• ttrr11 e_ro11iJt1.u1 L an have their!cw.s cajl routrd thult.all a1·011tr; as.
.i !ht·

Diqillze<J by Googlq
tthe inbabit?nts \of , t.hc· ,16rid zone, when the fun derive it. aGerm. p~r,~uv11; Iral , µ,uce.r. ;.lloll.and.
cuJnrio:it1;4 , 9vi;r.. tl\cir heads; . i. c. twice a year, perriua; ~elg. priiJtb: . all whi'ch h-.: th;in:lis. were
wicliin the tropics. · · · · derive'! · il rlvtr••• lufr_is ;· .prottt ncmp·c U•ftt,~
.:P.£IlI-SJ:'~kTIC, U•~•.rP'-1••or, .eolf/,alloriru, : 'fil'""~"·· Skinner wntes 1t peruque ; . .a'n\I then
adflrifl~r:iUJ 1 · tht '8ntrol1ive moiion of lbe inlijliftts: refers us to periWig; which be would derive .il
R.. 111~1,:and :l:)i>.7-;,, """~'" millo, co11traho. Il•e·~·· .qui>d caput rirtf!111da1 :.....:.but neither <tf
• PER:I·T.ON.IEUM,, ll•t•1"""''" tir<t1ml1~11:1i I a thefc ctyn1of. fecm to have come fo neat" the
iueml:irane covuiog the whole ab~omen on the tri,1tb, as Minlb. who .writes it ·~ ptrfci;kt, :lnli
inlide, and the entrllil$ on·the otit, ptrrufllt; quafi percgritia rica 1 contraetcd .co p~t;·
..PERl· WIG :· this word .could ,not poffibly: ;fr, or pn-.ruke; i: e• ..,,/11m caffi1IJ 17111/itbtir:" -
,ercape Butler, who nas made HuClibras fay to but· docs not in(org1 us from whence th'oJ\:' word's,
Sidrophd, · - · are derived : as for ptrtgrina, wl! have alre·ady
O the man i'th' moon look .big, ·frcn t4at it· is Gr.; and rica is evid,ehdy.dl!rived',
A'lld wear a huger periwig? accord ing to Lit~. anJ Ainlw. a Pt<•¢, dngrllu.~
. . , . Part U. Cant. iii. 767. miiliebre capltis; a . w•man's h'cod: fo ,~a't ·th'e
OJl which h is editor quotes Chambers (or the ' w.holc compo4nd-per-ruk1 fignilies ~he fo~eign tO:.
~pocha of lonl'I' perrukes, which i.s fixed for t he ; verij(( f•r the head; but chough/oreign: no~ f'~·c11rh ;
year. i6z~; " when they fir~ began to app.ear at b1u Gree~; and ye~ the Greeks knew nothing of
Paris, w~ence they fpread by degrees through· tbofc curious 1nachines.
out.·E uro.p,c :"-bu~ at. whn~ever epocha this won. P.ER-SECUTION, E.r•I'"''• quafi equoillai._ ft~
derful ph:i:~.omr~on. 1nade tts ,firft 2J?PC~rance at 91fOr, ptrftc11tio ; a pt1ft1i1, or followili,g lo -tbt ul·
!'aris? , 1f tli1s gen~leman woulcf have u~· there!orc nulfJ, cauji11g troublt, no reffs'li . · . ,
imagine, that ptrtwtgs were of Frenr~ invenuo.n, PER-SE-VE-RANCE; p,~,., Jatio, ru ago r
he is 01011: probably wron.g; .fince Skinner qu?tcs unde vtrlU, ex ve, intenjiva particuili., et·ru ; . y,r,
Buda:us, anno 1534 ("'h1ch .is 95 -years earlier) borum non inanis fonitus fed folida rn, i. e;
for cxpla~ning a peri~ig~ <alithdrum, ' by .. ,~,1..., 'IJtrtu, perfewrus, perfevtra~tia ; colljiancy, fteaJi;;.
x•/'" ~,,.;r,,.,v1r. :-a periwig therefore b~1!:'g rather nefs, ilnd rtfollltion. ",.
a ludicrous n~me, and.~onfequently ~tuareil, the P E R-SJSTi 1,.~ •,flo,ptrftj/o; 10 11 buu,
moll: probable ctym. will .be found· under Pl!."R- ptrft'!Jtr:t. 'I' . ., "'.;
ll UP.KEER•; ~/i'N.CI E. . • • d' b .. PER-SON, " nie•·ui-•• nr<t1t11-m-p1111 bodi!Ji
·l- . ~ ,_ 11111~a,_pe:v111ta; qt•o 0 via hftfVllfll1fl!t: or quafi n11-~tWP1, .cx' 11t~i, ct
qu~ue fannenus fu1s vznct'nt; tbe 11/Jmt both of a11 :·rdr· t, ~' '·th d. 'vorr" V" '
d r.n. c, I G fc VIM INAL in utrt I 1o p111 011, 1o vt cw e • u. --, .,,.
btrb•.an J~W; ;on equent Y-, r. : . e.c . ' ' alfrcr'diftum" qtiafi per-ft·UTllJ r fan~ per/Gttilm ~e.:
PERK-~1/>; r"''("J<.'» tmmeo, fupero • 10 ,.,als, nniunt philofophi,. effe natura: t.ationa!i& iiuJivr~.
rear, hold up one's htad. · · . duilm f11bjlanliam; an id•11liti, or /11mr1ufa ~/ tX·
PER-NICIOUS, de'/ unde
. -.r. N1•u<, ti' "''" null, mor· tif/'tna, · ,.tn. ti·i•-
ocr man, •• w • .,_11 .·- t·111·5• 1·, the com-
J _,,

tuuPiE;R" 'r'E'. 1'..'~nA"l'~ ·" N 'n'ru .,.!"''· 'P 1

0 0
11 10
1 1
' 1non acceptation of the wordt,n-fon in. our l'!ll-·
. • , ' , ijJi .. if , ·e"""'• ptr b t ro, perpt·
f!l.: guage ; a. bc'ars· a d'ff' r erent enIc 1n · L. atin,-
· · an.,."
Iratio; lkt commi ton• a crimt, or 1 c auolllp 'Ju•ng ' originates from a dilfcrent root I' parfo11"' llgnify
a1!)' mif<httj.
.R l)E'fU O.L n 116$21 p ·t ' ,., ' d'·cc .s,
.n. worn
· to augment·
· ' 1'-
,,. · "' - ~ ~ · than com••
,,..,,,1 ..,,.. , . .,.
. Pl !. .: · . ' ,. t !,r, t er!,.a I-'!~; } .n- fron1 T;1o·1t~, fanv ; fa11nd.• und_ c drain:rti ~ per-fan~,
tur de us, q111 non · I inter · q111t1 cunl , 111 v1<1,
· ,. p.erpu,
. 1. ._
et per.Jono 1 1or: maJ.s o ,n, if lb t·r-J 1o/;'"'
.,,_, , ..a~, tbrOllJ;
. ·h• ,
; contir.11a, umnurruptru, ~,_,,1,,0111 sn- PER- Sl'"'CTIVEI'"
- r...
' , Jp((,
,w)(f.jrfW, f"KfT.:..1,
• .per. .
ttrt1t111•• • PE"R SPIC·UITY fp fl :r.. " . " .
PER-QUISl'l'E; Ee'I'"'• Ee-'i""'•' Ee"'• qu,ero, . • - ,. t ,111,ptr1rtnn1as ,f>trta'llt,
qu.c/ilus, p.erquifitu! ; gain, profit, ad1Jaflt".ge. look through; bright, tranfparmt, , , • , . . ,
PERRIER, ll•1eH, n11e"• p.etra; perverted by 1 PER-SPIRE, ~""''e"•fptr•11erJP1r11, to llrtath_!
the Fr. Gall. into pitrre; lt:il. pfrtra; a rock; ,1hr:ot1gb; lo .1ra11Jpir1. o~ pafs lb~ouzb ~be pores. · >
rormealMJll ad .Japidts j aculandos: . Skinri.-a warlike PE:R-SUE . l commonly ·wrnten p11rfae,
<ngint 10 burl vafl fl~nts, as large as rock1. , . PER:SUIVANT S and purfa'.vmll, or'pt~rft'Vanl;-
l'ER-RtJKE: tlic degeneracy of words 1s un- · but t.akmg the fame denv. wuh PER·SECU-
ac.co11ntable ! .and i.t is to he feared that etyn1olo; iT-ION : Gt.
gifts have c.o ntributed not a'littk tb ~ender tbr:m I PERT,_ n~ei11•'• 11ilp.tri111s, propr1c . qui ultra
ft ill more degenerate; for thcy'have given us·d1f· cztcros ahqu1d h,abet, 1n fu~ gen~re, aut .pni:ll:are
., .

fc,rcnt orcliographics, according to their different ;fe ' putat; Cafaub.-a vai11, 111jignifica1tl fttlow, wb•
deriv.;,. 'hus Junius write~ it perriwig; and would 11bink.i ht t.~ttlls Wtr) Dnt. •
Y y2 · FER.,USAI.-.

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' .. • •
p :E From G a I 1 It, and LA 'I' r 11. · ·p £
l'ER-USALlE•lw, Ion. 11,.,, lEol. r,1,.., 'Oitlto, dum exploditur horrtndum p1tlit, vcl frtpat:"
PER-USE S f'd'Oifsu ; '" leH: wtr, or rtatf -COnfcquendy droved ii. fit(I,_, Clllnl~ littri,
r.•tr rnrtfully. canini.
PER· V ADE, a..1,{11, Wlh, pa-v11<U 1 11 pafs PET-ECH-lAI~ frotr 1 " a f~r," fays Ciel,
tbrouih, tJT pt11ttrate. Way. 51, "charatlcri fcd by f111aO fpoh: that is
PEH.· VERSE, Tt"'"• quafi llre1w, 'Otrt1, ptr11tr· cxa(Uy the Celtic dc6nition ; ptt-icb, f111all fpotr.
/111' dulcwartlntfs,frMJJurdnefs, ptroijb11tfi. or eruptions : the pl1yficiaiu have latinifed it, and
PER-VICACIOUS, N.x,., by tranfj>ofition, terined it ftbris pttuhinlis :"-but ptt ft•m• to be
,It-""'• -vinco, 'Vito, ptrruictJtius; intxord~lt; i1•move- only contracted from m.~ ... peti/11s, parv11s t li11!r,
• ble, in'Oin<iblt, objli1101t. /mall: and ich, or itk, is Gr. likcwife: ·ree-
: PER-V IOUS, Oux, 'Ou, pervium 1 paffeUt 1 " l-Ill:: Gr.
w ay through: · P ETITION; noOrw, vcl obiol. trr&w: ptto, tltf-
' PERY, commonly written pert;J ; but derived dtro; petitori11s; a Juitor, cla111n'1t, plninriff: vd
;ib Ar•"• pirum; a puir ; o r d pftdfdlll fifllOt' madt ab F.....;r..,, r•[•, pet•; I• r1qurjl, lo tltjirr.
•f tbal fr11it. PE'fRE-fa!t l Il•1t"• pttra, Il•1e•c, fax•1t1; •
PESSUN-DATION, n., ..r,1~."" peff1111 do, ex PE'fRl-FY S roe': pttroltum is an •xfoaation
p'.f!um ; ct d•; i. e. pttiibus eal<art, premtr1; vel of the rocl, like a bitumen, and is botli white
quafi pults 'Otr/11111 dart ; lo wert/Jrew, tt1/I d~n, and black ; being once (et on fire, it cannoc
trt1"'1lt 1111dtr foot. cafily be extinguilbed.
PESTILENCE, Littleton and Ainfwonh fop- P ET REL for a borfa; " thorax cq_ui f>elliri;
pofc the word ptjlis is derived a pafto, pnfl11• I Fr. Gall. p•i!Jrale; Ital. ptlloralt; q. d. peOoralt:
quOd dtpaftdtur •rtus: vcl a peff11111, quild ptjf1111t Skinn.~-confcquently derived i rr'"'"• nrx'1w, umle
,_": Skinner dcriv~ it " a Fr. Gall. tmpe/ltr; peat11, pe!Jus; a large Jhect of ir.on,. to defend tbc-
Jurbare, 1pprimtre: vd p.jlrir; fuligtre p#lltllf I horfe's 6reajF.
hoc credo ii. Lat. pijlare; i. c. p;11fere, feu eo11tu11· P ETTY, Iifile; r1'11X•r, /etffi1r; pt1f"J111; Jlnalf,
drr1: Cafaubonus dcfte~it a n.. ~.,, prtlu11do, diminutive: we Ii ave many oth•r words in 011~
p rtllJO, preffo : fed u nde, inquics, fr. Gall. 1m· language,. beginning wi.t h this adjeCli v•, whiclr
ptfltr 1 proculdtibio ah i111ptjlart \ ptjl1 will be more properly found under tf\eir rcfpeClivc-
infittrt, dtflcxo aliquantum fenfu; q. d. prj}em; articles; except the fl>llowing.
l. e. mag1u1111 "'"'""' ittferre : "- fo that now we PETTY-COAT, n1.~"-X'7.,., pm.,oa t11nifa r
an: no nearer, chan when we f:uc out; unlcfs we fc. refpeClu teg~; a ftnt11l coat,. with refpect tO'
follow Cafaubon. inc gown itf.rf.
PESTILL, rfl,,,..,, piefo, pijlill11ra ; to 6r11ift, · PETTY -TOES: dchcr this word is ftnngeTr
P"'I• tJT pound in " t11ortar: or clfc i ""'''"'"'• altcn:<f, bod\ in found and fenfc, or Dr. Skinntt's
p11;til/11s; a bolt, 1r ftal:~. . learned friend Th. H cnfh. has given a· very tr·
· PET; "n,,..,, thl#r; n ..e,... ult,; I• t'i"''• traordinary interpretation to it r lbr, if r rightlr
"''"· o r fret: mallem tamen a Lac. i•ptlus, er underftand him, petti1Dt1 fignify either gooft-zMts,
i11tpet•m rt1per1: Skino."-but i• ptt11s is derived or fomething of that kind : "DoC'tus T h. H•nfh ..
a n.t:., vel obfol. n.8.., ptl•, it/idtr• : a.nd ~r­ defieclit peu;tcts a F·r. G'all. la petite oyt; ant.
haps pti is only an abbrc via.cion of p1t-11la~I ~ Gr. ptllitoft, iirtefti11a, pr.rfertim anjt~is; pttil, pllrt!Mtr
. PE'fAI..S; · Il•1~1'••, /01;,,m; quod dl 1n am- ct oye, Ital. oca, anfer; i. c. parvur anftr; q. d•
plitudinem expanfum ; a term in botany, fi~nify- anftris epitome , vifccra· cnim conftituunc quaff
1ng thofc fine colored Je,lves, that compole the alterull) corpus e>11erno corporc conclufum :"-·
Dowers of all plants i the ptt•/11111 was a thin , what all this m ay mean, is pnft: my finding out r
plate of gold, which the Jewilh high pricft wore for it woulff be molt cxtravnga1Hly wild, 10 apply
on..his forehead : R . n11'>w, p• tt1; to tlifplay, any part of it ro a favorite clii11 of mine, PIG's:
~P'" willt. pelty·leu, or pig•s lilllt fut; for it l\appcns to be
PETALISM; from the fame root; and now a Greek diCh.
ufcd to lign1fy che cuno·m among the S~rac~f~ns, PETULJL~T. n,e,..,, vd obfol. n.t~, ptto, p~­
of bani thing a pl'rfon for five years, b~ 1nfcribmg t11la111ia; a mo!aptrl, faucy /Jtba'Oioiu; one who is
llis n•mc on an o!ivt /ta/: the oftrac1fin among always ltazing.
the Athenians was a banifhineot· for ten years, PEW in a eburrb; flxr, pes, ptt!is, undc pe-
and clrlivercd in ajbtli. tlium; a ~o/kry for p teplt to jla11J ;,, : alfo that
PET ARD, " machioa ignivoma, qu~ cxplofa part of the theatre, next the orcheft:ra, where
porr:is urbis .obfdf.-e diffringit et diruit ! credo!" the emperor, and nobles fare: Ainfw.
c;<Sn1 in~ic:s Skmn. " a vcrbQ ptttr; p~dtrt; qu11 l'E\'VET, Ero.<}, up11pa, avis; tbe lopwi11g.

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·From Git a z K, aJ\d l .A T ·1 N. r ;p H
·.. ,!t ~EW:J'ER, :S..1,.,, n,.1,.,, bqtuo ;. unde " Fr. PffASF:Ls; ~·,.,,l!Aoi, phafalus, le~11111iliis o!Jionp
Gall. t/P,_mltrer 1 fb1ll1t11dii't, tonterere; cerrc hoc genus, ti 11avigium; an ·Egyptian /,ea11; alfo a
-tmta}l.uln1 'malleo•· f~cilc cedit: Skinn." a .-cry boat, rejtmll/ing it iii jhapt•
foft metal, tll}i/j /,~ate11, or bam111tred :-bat lead . P H EASAN.T , <1>...-..... , •e"i• Phafianus avis J
n fofter: it n1uft therefore be referred to the ii Phaji Colchorucn fluvio, ubi frequens h:rc avis ; ·
5-ax. Alph. · a pbeafani; fo called from the river Phafis, near
iP£Xl'f:Y,-n1x1t:O, pt!!o-, ptxii11s; "l'bt foag, or Colthos, or Co/this, ,bqrdering o.n the Euxine fe3,
""1 of ·~lotb. · ·· where ihofc birds frequent "in g reat numbers, or
. ·J>H.IEDR{JS, 41,.,/ecr, Pb.rdrus; b11ndfrmu; werl' firft of all feen. · '
f>,..1e·~,...,, to illlbel/ijh i 4>«ile•1•r, beauty, g fad11tft : PHIAL, ~1"""• a : 'mo Cafaub.: phiala, potu·
Nog.'' · lum, pattra ; a beaker, or vial: " or dfe we may
PHJENOMENON, <>.....,......, pb1110111t11011 J derive it ab ''l"tA.A•r, vitrum; a vtjfol made·ofglafs :
1111 apptara11u; R. <),., •.,, apparto ; to appear in Vofi:"
Jolin 'txlr1UJT"di't1ary m1Z11ntr, like a 1"tleor. PHIL-ADELPHIA,· " 40>.0<l1>.~"• Philaikl-
: PHALANX, ·f>,.1',.yE, pbaumx, legio; Mace'.. phia; the name of a city in the Apocalypfe ;. ~s
dones phalangt111 vocaot peditum ftabile agmen, m uch as ro fay, tbarilas fraternll: R. 4'1>.or,
bbi vir .viro, atmis arma conferta funt: Curt. amitus; ct AJ11'toi; fraltr: Nug." brotberly /ov t,
"3. 2. 13.· a four fquare, confifting o f t'ight tbou- and ajfellio11.
!and foot loldiers, drawn up clofe in rank and.file. , PHIL-ANTHROPY, ~1A«..9f"'""1", philanthro-
PHALERA'flµ), 4'«1'"e"• ,phaure, l1'namp11a · pos; tlmmitia, btt111a11ita1 ; a lover of mankind; rhe
,ta/i,e/ tC 1 '1'irllfJlt11/a tquorum, aut tquitum ; trap· very charall:cr which H omer has given of AJtjluJ, ·
pihfs /or borfo, 1r horjem11r. in the beginning of the Sixth Iliad, 1+·
PHANA TIC, commonly written fantZtit, but A9llHOf {J101o•o1 c2>1>..or fFiv Ali&fw'!ro&O'I"
then it originates from a di~rent fourcc; as may Il«.,1«r ')'«f f1>..t1h:1•, Jl<f 11r1 otk~a •«1t#..
be feen t11:ider that article : but here it feems to Rtnown'd for wealth, i •lover o( 1nankind ·;
derive !l 41111;w, or rather<),..,.,..~,, appareo ; a ptr- For ht loved all; and by tht way Jilk dwell.
fih p_rt1tndi11g I• vai11 v!Jion1, or "PP.ari1ion1•. PHIL-ARGURY, <1>1»«ey1ir1«, argenJi· anfor,
· P.HANE i from the fame root ; to figmfy now pu11nie tupiditas; 1be love of money: R: f>1>.or,
.IJ VJtathtr tick, by which is jhew11, dec/artd, or an1.icu1; et Afyvfo,, argtnlt'm; mone;·.
J/!ftiwrtd, rhe current of air in the higher re- PHIL-AUTY, 4\».«u11o<, amor /ui ipfiia; falfl-
gions of the a1111ofpherc: whe11"writren/ai1t, it fig- lo'Ur; felf-admiratirfn :· R. ~•>-•r; omfcus > et A•1or,
nifie's ibt thurtb, or temple; and then originates from ipft r bimf1lf. ' .
a dilf<rent root ; as we have fecn 't111der that art. PHILEMON, "' f>1>.orf'•'r. amans, deoftulan1•:
· Pl::tANTOM., . . ..,7..,.,,., <1> .. ,7,.,..,..,., a "'"""" R. ~,>-.iw, to love; 4#iAti/o'~, a icifs ·: N trg: 1
' •

""''"I"'"" atpare1·1 11ny u11&0mnro11 apptarance; or, PHIL-IPP, "<l>1>.1.....or; a iover •/ borfts: R'.
as we fay, an apparition. 4'11.1w; lo /rr.;t; et '111r,,..,,, a horft: N ug.''
P.ldAN:fOM-tor:111 from the fame root ; bc- PHILO-COGY, <l>i1'o>.oy• .., jludium, fcu nmor
caufc it. is blighred, and "has no more bulk, and loqumdi; the lo·ve of dijtowft: · R. ~11\•r, et J!.iyo;;
fulidity irl ir,.than afpirir, a t:boft, or a fptllre: Ray:· ·jtrmf!'; fptttb. •
PH;ARISEE; ""f',.""'• pharij111s, ftpara/us; PflILO·MATH, 4\1>.o,ua&io,., difcendi tupiifitas ;
quaCi l'-f"'f''"l-'"•f., fub/a/us, fetrt/us; /ti apart; ft- . an tagtr dt}irt for ftitntt: R. <1>1>.or; et Afait.-,1,
pcraleJ:from /ht tommon tribe of t11d111<ind. dijt-iplir.a; a M.,,9,.,.,, difao ; to /earn.-
Pl-JARMACY, f>"fl"''""'• "'"f14""'"1oxoi. pbar- PH I LO, MEL 1<1>1>-•1"'•1'o<, pbilrmula; 11crtdil•
mata, medica111t11/a; drugs, /pt/ls, or tbarms. PHll.0-MELA} /a; tht 11ig hti11galt·:·R.1t1>.01,
PH AROS, · " <l>"t•i. H erodot : or from <l>"f"'"" er M1>.•1, can/us; a lrrver of mtlody.
Ip ffenl , or gliller; acco~ding t<:> ~ripaut. a faa PHILO-SOPHY, "<1>1>.o.-of1a, ph.ilofopbia; tbt
ligbt-"61!ft: Nug."-turris maxima propc Alex- !O'tJt of wifdom: R. 4»1'1w, atno; et E•~1o<, fopimtia 1 ·
andriam navigantibus noch1rno tempore lumen wijdom, prudtntt: Nug."
prrebens : fince chis-Jigbt-hoefe received its narne PHILO· T IMY, <l>•>-•1•1"''"• ho1Mri1 ft11di11m ·; tbt
of pbaros, from i r~ having been b\)ilt on the IO'Vt of honor, emulaiion: R. <l>1>.or, ct,.,,...., hi>nori
ifland of Pharos, which lies juft before Alexan- PHILTRE, <l>r>.1e•» pbiltra; afl~ris illittbra i
dria, the · point is only to' dere~mine, whether . a IO'tJt' t harm. •
Phares be an Egyptian,. or· Greek name; proba- PHLEBO· 'I'OMY, " ~>.1{301•1"•"'• 'lfen.e ftliio i
bly the laucr1. lince Alexandria irfdf, cho'"· in ' the op(ning, or breathing a vein : R. <li>.1.j,, ·"!lena ; 4
., Egypt, was -built by Alexander, 1he Great, a 1v e111; . er T '~'fif· 1r,ec(); to cut: N ttg.' "
Macedonian, or Greek-. . · PHLEG!YI, <l>>.1y14a; •pblrgma ; pf111iJa, ·filppu-

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1' :ff From · G ll E .~ 11:., and LA-TI 11. · ·P "!l
rat/o; pbl~gm, ffeam, from· mjammation:· m11ndtuencs) for ;r fign-·up9n 'thin~ ·h~~~ ·a114 t!hc;
. R. <l>>-•y.., uro; lo buni. . !h:dl be as frondetS:.b~'{>'eCI) .tli\lt~ ~Y~.. , . :.;}
PHLEGM ON, "'"'YI"'••• phltgmo11, i.nj/amma- PHYSLCIAN l" 4>"""• <l>< ithfjc#t;;"l1ttr
tio, tumor·; a bot fwelling infam'!"'tion : R. •>-•t"• PHYSlCS S tur:.e, Ce~ rtru'//> 119fl(rali!ltn i11•
vel cl>>.o~, fa111111a; a flame, burning. 'llt}:gator; one who ftud1cs natur~; ·e.fp,cdally
PHLEME, cl>Ai<j-, vtaa; a '1Jti11; a11 injlrument hu1ua11 nature; or the hurnan fxllem ~, 'N!lg.:•_,
lo blud with. . .Clel•..Way. 841 h~~ ,gi'lcn us,,- a.· <lt-tiv.
PHCEBUS, 4>01{3os, Pbtr/tus; Apollo; purus,1 of c!us word, that 1~ may plead for it,,' w!ooi..m'l_n:s
cajlus; Phtrbus, Apollo; ·pf-rt, chajie: " nan1, he fays, " thc;.commpn .dcriv . frp-1THJl>ut lr, ~s [ra.
11\~•!3« nauira . fui adjeaivum· c!l, ac fplt~-: rher '?'! quain t, to~ muc:;Ji 0111 ~f n;it11r.t, fof the
diJµ111,lu.1d1'~1, pur11111; tcfie Hefych. qui expomt• fimphc1ty of the antient times, in winch 1he.word
.'-fff'"t•<, ..;.9":•r'.i it alfo l~gnifies t11d1itd. w itb l pbJfitian w:is ufed : yo~ h~~~ it in ~-he y"tr<y ·old
prophecy. . . · . : Ff.ench f~rce of f f:.'~lu1 ; wy~~ a)e: :(for 1b.Jf•11<ht')
P~EE~JX, " ~.... ~. ·pb~111,,.; av1s qu~am chis wys-a.Ju, ftgnt!i<ss .one. fl<i!led, in 11•1¥~, pow
dida. i: ·P~~nif!o fmnaKUm co/ore; a t~\lt· is; ~f/.ltf'PtrJ :"-but ftill .i~:i* f'.1. ~IY, ~i/#/.,;
lirigje 10· 11,S fpcc1cs ;. (o. cal!cd becaufe of 1cs co-1 pai n, atbt: fo that a ·phyfic1an l1ter4 Uy.- W3.S' • . •
)or; w.hic~rcfembles the .palm: Nug," · wys-aktr, or wifa-a~rr, .Ar rather .w.jfa-11tbtr.: artd
PHOS-PHORUS, qi.,,,_e•r, phojphorM1, llella, fro1n. hen~ may have arifen the .c~pr.effian ti
.Ynuri-r. !Diem aniegr.edicns ·; the platl~t y en us, wifeatr~,. one fu.· kno~ ing. ·that he migti~ make
Mhen fhc j>.n:cedcs the fun: It. 4'1o1f, /11x ;,- <:t: : q.,Pb:Jicia11. . , · . . · ; l . '. . .,
iJ1tew,ftro; fometimcs called Luti·/er. . • PH'fSIO-GN.OMY (for, pb:tfieKJJIHl1IJ in~Nu•
· PHRE~SY, <Z>er"1'"or, phrt11itic11s ; qui _P,.hrentfi gent mull have been a the .pre&) an<i ·
/a~orat; a. per/on w~o Wours !ind_er a tl1jordered PHYSIO-LO.~Y,. 4Jv.-,.'>''"'i""l" et ~~¢•~Xor••
mmd.: Nugc;at has.,g1vcn us th~s cty.m. under his (not ll!u'"l"'."'I'''" with· the-l)r. i for lhere 1s·no fuch
~· frell%J·i but after he has informed. us, t hat woHI) 6gmfy 1111t~r."' ex or;iJ /;lakit·u ccgwf<,,.,W
fralllic is .derived a cl>etTOJ", as that is Jikewlfc de- peril US: ex 4iu.-1r, 11atur;1; Ct . J.;, •.,..,..., :~4g111fa:,
',rived ii cl>e... mms ; we maY. wonder at . his o~ho- a .fcienc_c by which .a ju~s·o(, the na(\10.l
:graP.h):', tho' he may plead cultom on Ins fide. d1fpofit1on of 1.n en by the con6dtrftion ·df tht
PHRAP, <l>f""'"" 4>e•11.., frpiq, m"nio; to wrap, /i11taments of their bodies, fays the Dt, ; but':ptr~
.or ·tie IZllJ thi11z. rou11ti ont. haps he me<int tbt lintamtnts of their- / tuts·; R';
PHRASE, " <l>e:z.-•r, pbr.afis, difJio; a 111a1111er <!>u.-.., natura ; ct. r'"'I'~·· cognitor, il1tkx:
~f JpeakillJ: .: R. ~f"'"" to !Jtalc: Nug."-therc is PHYZ, <1>...,,, natura oriJ, v.ulllis; J/itfajhilijl;
,;a very curious 1nveft1gat1on of. the root of this of_1he counttnanct. • .. ·1,·
-w ord in Volf. de Permut. lie. w.l1ic.h will un- PIA· mater; a •.,, pio .; pi1t 1 .ct t!itrJJ 111attr.; tw•
,doubtedly pleafe every learned reader, bccaufe ic 111embrants, which encloje Ihi brain• ilti · f1t1'tr of not obvious to every eye :-<l>e....·~ a <l>e•{w, them faf t, the outer bard. . .. . · •.
.qu~ ipfu~1,tall_len cft ab i1~· <l>a.s~~ q1Jo Sic~li
\q us'°"m u11 14nt pro, ~aw, vc ~·J!JA-J. ·
» LNAR lfrom the foregoi;ig root: (;~:
, - _1 10 , t -

PHTHISIC, " <f>f,,.,~, ltamufs, <01if11mptifln : Pl AZZA, n>."1""' plafta; an . opm fiuart i .11
R. ~~.., 10 dry; a <o,,f11mp1ivt cough : Nug." k1·oadjivet1: R. 11.>.,.~, a ni."'7vr, /atus; a plain,
PHY, 4•1u ! 1Jab ! out upoJJ it ! broad p lt1u,10 1valk in; and fo1netimcs.undcr cov~r.
PHYLACTERY., <1>.x...1,...., pbylallcri11m; PICK-~oool; n ....., ptllo, 1011deo, <amiino 1 : lo
munimentum, amult tu111; hinc 4'u>.«x1•e•«, <onfaroa- card, , teaze, or t•z·t wool; a~ Home't mericion.s
1oria l•gis, qu~ 1uerubrana erant, q ui bus in- i11 the ,\iigbteenth Ody tr: l:. 31 5;
.fcriptir: quatuor Pentateuchi fettioncs; a piece, H.'"""' <> l."''>'"e~· • "°'~ n":>c<7•. 'X;!!f"· .
-0r furoll of parchn1ent, having fomc paJf:t.ges of In bdt· apartmenJ, and tb•rt oai·d your w,ooJ; .
Scripture, (as the Ten Commandments, or P ICKLE; " <f>n<J,,, f "'" ,vini 11,ffa; 111urid;,
ocher felea parts) whicb th~ Pharifees wore on Jalfi1go, J .-tula ; muria vcr.o ell raoquam f~x:
-t~ir foreheads, anns ; ,and fometi1nes in the Jun."-but / «'X originates a ll•Y••J'•• as we.have:
borders of their garments : as mentioned in already feen under f lECC.S, and FlECULENT :.
:Matt. xxiii. 5 1 from the Greek cty1n . . we 1night Gr.-C~faubqr;i fuppof~s. our word pfr~/i!, is ile-
:fuppofe they were ·worn ns fome amulet, or charm, rived a K"''"'-•r, (by tranf!JO.fition "••~>-~'' t6upg;.
·t o prcferve them from evil fpirits, viz. 4>v1•.:n~, what might .be called a uiptr-111011 ) cum ad "''
njlodio; to lcetp, to guard; but they were ordered pones, et id genus .hominun1 ,proprie J).Ci:tine~~\
.cxprefsly to wear rhcm, for another purpofe; as in PICT-lanJl 1nany authors ;have imagln~d• .1li~C:
Deut. vi. s;.Arid thou !halt.bind thern (t~c Com- , PICTS S tbt PifJJ were fo ·c~llcd ftomtbar·
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- ~i111Htg ·tb1111jelves ; and indeed. tbc dcriv.. is fo had faid pug~) comes from pi~~ or· -,rM~
plaufible, chat ic · would almoft perfuade us ; toi work; bccaufe che Britons firll: of all ' made
• c1n~race it; -Ouc_there,~re tw.o·ptineipal objeCti~~s! ·fu11Q11res _in their lkin, pre\'ious_:to ,tpe rubbing
--~g&1nlt that der1v. ,which, as l never met wtth~ "'' " the color :".,..and therefore P1l1s, an the fcnfe
in any author, n1uft be fubmitted• to the c'andidJ : of ,paiwting, or jlaining, fuould' rbe dc~ved a
reader: in the firft .place then, the 1nolt early: 11>1yy•-. pingo, to paint; or from 11..,,.,.•., l'"'l"•
. ~ntion made of the Pitfs is not till the year. to pilflt, o·r ,,..,,ke a pthl'nure ·; which derivation
. 100 after Chrift; for this reafon, Crefar, through- is undoubtedly applicable to the a:ntient Bri·
ouc h is Co1n1nentaries, never once 1ntntions the; ton.<, but not .to t'he PiEf1 after <;:zfar's· time;
Pit1s., though he exprelSly mentions the manner' :\dro being, as we obferved above, originally .a
' in which the ancient Bri1011s pqmt.J, or rather! •peopl<! of'Germa-ny, or Scythi:., wcrc'-IU'lllr lmollNl
. ftai_ned their bod!es with the juice of wo11.d ;i 10 make ufe of a11y artificial ,oJoring on· thrir
'bmnes vero ·fe Britafmi >uil~JJ ~11feiun1,, q uo\! , ae-· 10ci11s; and confequently muft have received their
ruJeum efficit colorem ; atque hoc horribiliorc! •<ide from ;fom·e °'l!c:r caufe: fo that llpon t!ie
funt i~ Jlugna . adfpe~u: .B~I. Gall. Jib. v. 1~ :; 'W.?'oJc-,. i:tiere a~ife1'h·e1C_:itwo•obje&ioos.againfl the
;i;iow>. In the_ next place, lt I~ Verz ~eJI knOWD,I ;P,1{/s bt1rig .,Plftnltd; 'VIZ. firfr, that .Gzfar <r?Wd·
. .that th~ P1El.t w~re no/ nauve Brzt•'.11 ; but aj ·.11ev.e r n1.e11uon" li4 Jlitrs, ·becaufe t!'cr -r:e .net
·.,p eople of." Scythia Germamca, bordering c;in the\ iknown:uH ab-out .100 .year.s.afr<:r:Ohnft.; ·tlloughibe·
:Marc Balticum, where, at this prefent, ace thej mentions the Brito'!l, who did paint themfdves ·:
.a ukedomes of Meckelbourgh (Mecklenburg~) ! ·lin'd conk-quenrly, 111 the fecond 'plac.e, that .t he·
:and Pomerariia, who, ·iettig foot in .B ritaine, did I :Piffs and Britons·w~re ·tw.o different n_ations; .i. "•·
. i:ncroatche xnto then1felves a kin_gdome between lht ,Br·i tons ·p11i11utl, -the P.i!JJ nut-; ·but were· To·
'Loegria,_ and Albaniri, by ffeifing from each .of .calkd •from.n.ii;. •thei.r tbting~•n:i'1rs: ·the~"werc·
:r{lefe two countries a J>aue,- i. e. a ..Jiarte from . -alfo ca1kd, 'W{rh _-a :diale'&ital di1fenm~e, lfa,•
.E ogl_and, .ana . a -parte from Scotland ; as Gallo• Ciel. Way. 67, n, Wights,-~igs, ot iW'liIG S•: Gi:..
':;lc-tJJ .from ·the one, and .'J/,Jl.1jlinort/and fro1n the iSro~; p. ~6. :aflrrms, " 1hat :in the·rearc .dfithe:
:othe.r: Verft. ·1·• 4 :':- and if is as well knowI\, raignc of Cecilius, abou1 JJO •befote ehrift-, _.
;chat 'the 'G.e rmans bev,cr _µfed any pt.1nff111·u1 or ,people:ctille"d,-11nyucd lulre in \Brim)lne,-and
:~PY jN1i11ti11gs '?."' ihcl~ ~odi<:s, 'buc 1th( 1lri1011~ dia;· •J!oll'elfdl:bthofe:p:l:Jllly&-wliic.hernowe be:the:mar-O'ht•
,the Br ito111:and .tbe Pill~ t hen ·mull: have been of both realme~, England and- Scotland.~' ·
:~wo . diCl.ina peop_k: !f r~en the Pit?s d id not ' BJCl'U~,; ·"''r'Y"'• <P_i1tgo; pi/Jura:;,,1in_g..
1ecc1ve theJr· name ·a :Pingtmlo . corporal from PIDDLE, n1.i.o<, pe11/us, (quafi p1dd1/11s) .par-
whcnce is . that appellation derived ? Laurenti no """'• ligurirt; /'I lakt little, f1111Jll, ddicate.pi«t.f.
-N oel lo i:licri:vicl~ritu_r a·nvx1>r, .pugil; g~od . _Pi~, ·!J1tk1/l-; :~ ·contr:ctl:il>n of ~J\SlfEY : .Gr~
e ltm pug11aci.ffem1: and ,both VcrCl.egan and .€le- ·. 'P.lE irrorn tfic fame root '-wnh iP.lCTUR:E,.
•b nd admit of-ihe: fame deti¥. ;. '1ht lalter 'ge ntle- :PIEDJ · fignifyi ng pil1a, pita; a 111agpi•; -or·
'nian however, docs not bor~ly acquicfce In ·/ bat par1y-cilortd J,frd, paihttd wi1h blatlc·and whlu. ·
':ecyrn. ; b ut in. vVay. 67,. ·n,. fays,. •·• t/;c Britijh PIECE,. or part ; n ,17,..,.,,.pitnuium ;.a flip, jag,.
•J?ills ( i. e. thofe who acquired 'that nlm'C ·by rag. · · ,>
'being fettled heFe) · ne1·t~ took thei r name from .P fEM'E:NTO,p<f>P" ; " Alamannis pimnton•
the d rcun1ftanrc of painting the tk in,. but froin funt 11ro1J1ata·i, nen10 non vidt t voce1n1hrurc • Cit,
'their profe.Jii~'.' of, from 'thdr perpecu~l;?nlt' L:it. pigmentum._ corruptunv: Lye :"-(then ·n~nio ·
ef war, to d1 fh ngmfh them from t hofe (anuent notf -vldet that it comes fron1 the Gr•.:"fee PIG-
nat ive ·Brito11s who . p~cifically 'aeq~•_i ef<:ed in the ~:ENT) "' quz:-vox,'.' continues: . Lye, \'.r~fr(Js-­
"Roman ufurpauon :: driven fro1n their po!reffions hngu~ Romanre ufus adhuc obrrneret de colo..
't no marcer how or when they acquired· chen1). ribu s. ·pocilli1num ufurpari folebat ;. al linc:iua: ·
they· fell back on the borders,. to the North :ind , iftius. purita~ defiorefcente, c:epit vox•acc>pi p ro.

V/dl , nnd became a feparatc body of people, · ex.oticis -quibufcunque aromaticis, ·•nc<!icimilibuf-
"nder t h1: nl1ne o( Pifls, or Pyff,e :· (he lhould q't!'C fPecicbus .. · '
have added it n,,7"' et fiv•1'"'"'· pugil, pugwd, not • PIER, " llu~"· ligworum jlf'l1ts, ·fiv-e' ·a6cenfa,.
j1tr.go) a bsxerJ n.,.t}J/er, champiow; and therefore live non accenfa; Uteres A:ngli videntur vocafi'c :
'well applied ro •thofe t11mbat'anls for the liberty of llruem. lignorum ,et lapidum· 1narl oppofiit1n , /r
ceir -couwtry: ir is·alfo to be · obferved," adds·he, pier; tJhde D«r1tr :· CaCaub." - and: •fiime-
_. clra:t the word Piff's:, applied to the Bf-ittm.s, c\ten . timerwe{ee it lvTittcn a fanwal-l'Jr~, a lilrge jlrd'e>-
1n· rhe fenfeo.of ·painttd, does not derive a piwgo, 'lure, ot•p1lt o.fwood;. &c .. other wife we n1ay:look.
J it!us. ; but pingo itfdf (it were to be·withed he ' on' a&· a. conua'&ion. of lls1ff'l p,1tr(I, "lfPts,.
• . lllP/es..;:

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. : F'.rom G-Jl ¥ ! ~. and ~~A; r N • :P · I
. -m6f.:J°i 4.J"Odt, or mau"d of wood, )olll, &c.: or have found likcwife ·t hat it was Gr. as in the fore·
'clfc:i ir; may be Saxon. . . .' going art.
PlE'FY, e ....; pio, pittaJ; Ja11!111y, },g/mtfs :- PILE of . hui!dingJ ; " . ·"'e"'• pyra 1 Jign0ntm,
~ JC·Votf. derives·pirt.r ab Hvr, "''• .et lvr, prrepo- jJr11u, five acccnfa, fivc .. noh acceofa: Cafaub."
f: li!o digamma F.or: vcl a 'f'"'• i""''""t"'• '"'"'14"'' :. any ftrutlure of.wood a.nd jlo11e •
• Hefych. . PILE 1111d croft; a play: ' ' pilt," fays Nugent,
. PIG : It is remarkable, that 1n our language: " was an old Frend\ word, which lignificd •
. pig lhould lignify iill~t, a~d oig lho~ld fi~nify jbip; from whence comes the word pilot; (it were
, /Argt: but ihe rcafon 1s ev.1dent ; pig 1s derived rather to be wilhed that the Dr. had told us,
1 .and contratCed a Ooy14or. pygmy; pujil!UJ; a dwarf._ from what language the old French word pi!t,
• 4 diminuti'l!t: hence a pig lignifies a. little, or, tignifying a jhip., was taken) becaufe fonnerly
·young bog: it ftill fubfilh among the lnlb, as we they ufcd co !lamp a Jh'f' on the coin, ~ceording
. obfcrvcd under the arc. BEAGLE; fol'flill, in that ·to the following·verfe o Ovid·;
· language, it conveys the idea of little; asjirr_ pig, Tum oona pofterit3S puppim fignavit in :ere:
• 11 litllt 111an; bats pig, a littk wo'!'a" : Skinner · thus we fee in Macrobius, that ch ildren playing
:tells us, that in Sax. " pt0 a fign1fies p11tllula l at croft or pilt, ufcd to cry out, ;npita, aut 1111vilfl;
and therefore·he fays pig is quali filia, .vcl ~/ills bccaufc their· money had on one tide a· two-beadtd
porci :"-the /11ttlJ Jon, or daugbttr :-It might Janus; and, on the other, a }hip :"-and fo far
·pafs in poetry. . we are obliged to the Dr.; but this is giving us
PIGEON ; " Fr. Gall. pigeon 1 Ital. P g•o1te, 00 inforn1ation from whence the old French word

piuio11e, P~Pfio11t ; . a ~........,, a'l!ium p•llia •. et pile is derived, nor ain1ing at a reafon why a foip
n•-•?w, prp10: Skmn. -1be.11oifa of Y, 0Wl_g birds. was fian1ped on the com, any more than a borjt,
. PJGL-OOSE 1_ a contrachon o(_p1gglit-bwft,. or a11 tltpba11t: however, fince the Dr. has in-
-" bouft for tbt prgJ to lit anJ Jlttp "' : and con- . formed us, t hat pile ha.• given origin to piltJt, we
.Iequendy would be Gr. . . , fhall fee prefently that it is Gr. : as to Jbt jbip,
. '·PIGMENT, ••y')'w,prngo,ptgmmtum; wnnens Addifon on Ancient Medals, p. 69, fays, that it
tai11t, or colori11t;. • was an emblc1n of bappinifs ; and likcwife of the
PJGNORATION ; fi•')''"f"'• pa11g•; _vcl a nvE, political vtffel, or jlatt 1 i. c. tbt Com111onwt11l1b:
II•')'/4"'/"gnliJ• pug1to ; unde prgnus, ptgnaratuJ; -however, it fccms much more probable co fup-
pawnt , ·or pltdl_td. • . ., pofe, wirh Ciel. Voe. 157, that " pile is no more
· PIGRITUDE; fi1xe•'• pzgtr, p1gr1tia; JI. th, than a different dialect of poll, tbt bead :"-only
an~ j/ttggijnufs. . now poll is Gr. t fee POLE of the bead: Gr.
P l GSNEY; " vox qui vulgo blan~tus com· PILE, or funtral flru!111rt: from the fame root
pcllant puellas; a Sax. P oa ~ pu_ella,_ v_irguncula
1 1 with PILE of b,,i/dings: Gr.
uomodoDaJ'!· ctiamnum hod1e p1gtdic!tur put/IA: Pll.E, or 114., • ' ,foth; 4>t>.A• h ptllis, fa/;er,
j un "-all thtS may be true ; and yet 1t fcems to
• · ~ If k
r 'J ti
1 d · /1 title of 6/and· tor/ex 1 bark, or tl)r/f. ; rom 4>1M•'• ptlt.s, comes
be, as he him e ac now e ges, d . d a piltus. a bat . becaufe made of the fur, or co'l!er·
ifo111e111 : and ~onfe~u~ntly may be cnvc ;11g of, l1tt1jlJ 1' and not, as our dictionaries, and
.a.,.,.,,, pygmy; my • • ,PrLttty ~"'.·
111 1
. . a. Nugent fuppofe, from n;>..,, pilt11s; which he
PIKE or jjpear • " a at ;pua; qu1a tnnar . . . . ,, ('
' d. . l · J d Sk' " 1magmes gave ongtn to m ..., cogo, coar•• o 1t
jpfr11 acut·a cfi ;l jjun. • /p:c• t1m ·b· uhn. •.nd dy'"~· lhould have been printed fi•>-•w) whic h beloQgs co
-but /pita, an< 'P1t111um, are ot ev1 en c- h
r1 Ji .
rived· ~ Io:a.:>c;•' • pro ..X."'• 'P'~" ;. a
beard corn. t e next art.
'Jd · PILE1 or pila"rr o r fima/! pillar : Nugent
ye) a .t ' tXttndo becaufc It IS long, an tX• • ~· ' unfan~taCto~y
• • • • of
· d d ,.,~.,, ' g1yes us a l~ng and derivation
ltn ' • thll word; 1nftead of wlllch, 1f he had only
Pl~nit'1' }fron1 the foregoing root: Gr. 'traced the origin of the words pillar, and pilaft1r
JL~H. "Sax. ·iece: Jun."-" pykhe;"Skinn. (neither of which he has done} be might hav~
· •._ .. PY f h' 1 't reems to L - only found a much lhorter, and a much 1nore natural
•• toga p_t111ua: - o w 1c 1 1 11 "" d .
a vario<ls diale&: confequently Gr.~ fee P ELT, c:nv. • . . .
.G . and here ufcd to lignify a furred gown. PILE, or f/1i!ce of l11116cr; n1°v"" .pifo, ~n11q•
. rPlLCH-ARD ; "baluula, m.ena 1 nefcio an a pinfo; N beat, bruift, or jlamp i hence pr/a; 1
Sax. 'Jee (.or pylche) toga pelliua 1 c:t Bdg. ftfiil; · alfo a large beam rammed 10co the ground,
t1tt:d~ PJaiura; a cut is. fc. /.,.vitatt: Skinn.''-this 1n oJdc:~ to form a ma~t, ~r da111; or f~rve as the
is no very extraordinary deriv. and yet it is the fouodanon for large building~, cn:llcd 1n livampy
pdl I hav.c found: only no.w th~ Di:. oug~t to or fcnny pl01ces.
Pl LE·

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p I i"rom ·a Re EK, and L,,.1' 1 N. t> t
PILE up on high; from the fame root with co.m es from poll-l(~h, or pollig; i. e. po71-lay; any
J>LIE of buildings: Gr. th1n& lo lay _1bt bead q11 :"-:but now, according
PI LES, a diforder; fivM"t•r, meatus vitttrittdi _to h1~ own incerprecauon, in Voe. ?.10, n, poll
inferior ; the lower pajfage of the belly,- wbicb is is _radical to .,,..,/\,,•; (which ought to have been
oft<n the feat of a very 1ro11blefome difarder. pruned ....>c~>) and ligh, or lig, is ei tlicr radical
PILFER, to filch; " ~·»•7•r• fur, latro: Hdiod . co, or derived from >cit·w, 'u111bo, &libo; to /it
Op. et Di . v, 37 5 : Upt."-fon1etimes it is written Jo'lC1t.
'l<r,~.•1", and fro1n thence our word felony. P ILOSITY, II'""• pileus, feu pileum; a bat,
PILGRIM, Are«• . ager, peregtr, peregrina1io; or ( Op ; becaufc made of felt, or fur.
a wandering; or travelling about, ge11trafly on fcme P~LOT: N ugent, under the art. pile, is of
r eligious pretences. 0~1111on, tha~ t.he old ,French pile, figniffing a
PILL, or bolus; IL~•r, pi/a; any ro1111d tbi11g : jb1p, ga ve origin to our ·word pilot : -but " pro-
Euftathius. · · p inquus meus If. \'off.'' fays Jun. "p'Utat pilot
PILLAGE, "pilai·e, which occurs in this lig- elfc a il>.w7~e. vel U>.w1•:• quomodo hodierni Grreci
nification in Ammia. Marcdlinus; from whence vaca nt na11t01n :"-all frem to originate ii n>.,.,,
alfo comes compi!are, e..-pilare; but pi/are, ac- ll(JVigo ; U O{}e n Aoi::i11, 1Jtl7.~igillm i f!}',GJo,of-")> / /Jt
cording to Feltus, comes fro1n n.>.,1.r, .1€ol. pro /leerfi11an of a }hip.
'3>o>.n1•~· which is raken for a 1·obbtr, in Homer's
r~rymns; and for a plunderer in )·Iefiod: or ra- PIMF, ll'I-'"'" "e"''i-'''"'• dedutlor; a provider.
the.r, according ro Monf. Menage, from n,,~i" PIMPL E, rr,l-'~•7'u£, vel ll•f'~•<, bulla, feu
emi11e111ia 1111uida cutis ; a11y little rijil1g, or/welling
to t ake, i·n Helych.; from whence they might have
011 I be /kin.
formed pirare; i. e. pila1·e : or, accordi ng to
Voffius, from 111>.tw, or lI•>·•"• duJJe conftipq ; to PIN; a diniinutivc of peggin, or final/ ptg; i
pack, or heap up things, as rqh/Jers and pltmd,?·ers rr~'l''"I-''• p1111go, et pango, jigq; I~ fajle11.
do, 10 carry them off: R. rri>..;, piltus; a cap, or PIN, or whim; "be is i11 a merry pin; il. more
hat: Nt1g." bibendi in poculo a.cicula toefixo ; q1Jod qui ufq11t
'PILLAR, " nue'"• pyra, facili tranlitu ·To ~ in ad aciculam, net fuperiu1, ntc inferi11s, bibn;et, vin-
l ; flue«, pila; a pillar, or tall colu'!'n: Skinn." ttbat 1 tJlioqui pig11tu 11111iflurus : Skinn. u -confe-
under the art. pile :- but n ue"• as we have feen, quendy derived fron1 t.h c fame root with t he
is more nearly connected with a funeral pile, than foregomg art. ·
either a pillar, or pilafter; neither would it be PINCERS, n..?.,, premo, j}ringo ; to prejs,
eafy to trace the detiv. of thefe !aft words; fquuze, nip.
which undoubted ly were borrowed from pilit r, or PINDAR IC, n..ct«e«. Pindarus ; .a Greek poet
tolumn; but that is fcarce an original wo rd ; pro- of fublime genius. ·
bably Gr.; as at the beginning of this art: PIN-DOOR l both Skinner and Lye fuppolc
PI LLION,pillow; "pulvinar,pulvinus: Skinn." PIN-FOL D ! this word tQ be pure "Sax. :);
'and conftquenrly Gr. : a pilliqn being p roperly pynban; intludtrt·:" - but how iiu/11dtrt ? - if
.a bum-PILLOW : Gr. py1\ban has· no connexion with pin, or peg, then
PILL· ORY ; "nv>.•, ja~ua; ct Oe«•» videq ; ir mull: be pure Sax, : but if he only pins, or pig1
a d6or, or bolt to look out at; quia hlc reps can- up 1be door of 1he fold, t nen it cerrainly originates
qtlam per ollium profpicit. Spelman a pil/ttJY; a llor••f'••.figo ; to Jajien •ohb a pin, or peg.
pr.cdator, depeculator, quia tales folcbanr, colliftri- PlNE-1ne; " rr»or, pi111u; the fir; in Theo-
r;io includi ; malle1n fimplicius deduccre," conti- phraaus: Nug."
nues Skinner, " a Lat. pi/a, eolimm.<: jpuiu; PINE, or 1oafl't away ; '' nff~«"', "",.,;, tf11n'.o,
q uia locus ubi cun1 reis kge actmn ell:, olim Jam~ prNllor; careo, difidero, indigeo : Cafaub."
columnis, ut eiiamnum Venetiis, circumdaba- to lo11g f or, to linger after: or elfe it may originate
t ur :"-this latter deriv. likewife fcems probabh;; i\ {?>~JP(i), ,;, !aiJeftlJ) fO Jijfa/1Jt• C011/U11Jt , dttaJ~
but then the Dr. ought to have recollell:ed, that, PINGUlTUDli, II'"• vel nax,v<, pi1tt.uis, pin-
under the art: pile, he had allowed that pi/a was guedo; fallitjs, corpu!enrJ .
d e rived ii rr"f"• pyrus: Junius Jiad g iven chefam~ PINK-boles ; 11"'1''"1''• pw:go ; to ptmcb full of
dCri,'ation. holes.
PIJ~LO\V : Ciel. vVay. 72, gives us always PINKY-WINKY, 4>•'1''1'"'• lux, ni&/are, contra-
the mofr fimrle, and moll: natural interpretations here oculos; to wink, fnap, or ht1lf/hut the eyes.
of words ; i he would but at the fan1e rime give PINNACE,<!>«..•~•<, pbafilu1;iig111Ni11is .IEgyptii
us the original of them : thus, "pillcw," he fays, o~longi gemu ; 11avigi1an 911odq11e oblo11giu11: a Jong
"by an incerv<rfio~, or tranfpo!itio,1 of the vom>ls, Jperits of boat ; as 1T1entioned by Virgil,
;z. z

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p .1 p I
~am lJUa Pcll~i. gens fortunata Canopi fut~ ~efy_chius;. for_iho' h,c fays:ll"~i'1o;• • •.a••et"•
Accolit effufo !l:agnante111 Bumioe Nilura, "'"'"'• ~''f'"1"' iv o~a~• : yet. he. 11nmed1arrly af~ef
Ee circl!m piflis vcbitur fua rura phafdir. makes this .dif\ inftion; rl"f i.'l"'• '"'e."'- "'~1'13;.;,;,
Geo. IV. z87. rrrsr-x.?M: I& A?JrWt, "''f~1;u11«': now tho' fi'flc.~:ai
PINNACLE l" " '""•pinna, g'nus <oncb.e ; a and n"£"'"" bear the fame tigni6cation; yet chere
. PINNIONS S fpecitJ of foe/I .fij h: Litt. and certa :nly ought co be a different deriv. when the
Ainfw ."-alld fo far as it r~lates to piil1tacle, it may word. bear• a di [erent fenfo: ic m ight therefore lie
be right ;, but we 1nay doubc the deriv. when ap- better co d eri9e our word pirate, according' to die
p lied to pimliferous, and pin11io11r, be.cauti: then it opi nion of Yoif. a IIrex:.:, tra110, trcmfto ; to raw,
fec1ns to come from pem1a, which is derived a and fai/'a/;sut <vitb a deftg11 to pl1111d«r.
ffr1ol'"'·• Tlil"I'"'• vcl Ut1«•f'"" volo; · to fly; and PISCES, n,.,, ,,,....,, et""'"''..""'"' bibo, quia per-
pcrh~ps all tbofc defcend a na,,. ... patto, txplfro; petuo bibimt ; unde pijcir; a fl.JP ; alfo a fign in.
to flnfold; as a bird docs its wings in the altion the Zodiac, in which che Cun enters about the
of flyillg : from TI'1«•f''" is derived 011""" per middle of February~ ·
fyncc. n1"'"• lEol. m....,, unde pi1111a, 1Jlllllll; a PIS-MIRE :. this is.the-·comn1on Of thographn
.ijuilJ, or f eather; alfo the fins of a f.fh. . for ou r Sax. and Bdg. ancellors, who were' cer-
P!NNERS, a d iminutive of pondu.r, pondtris, rainly none of the moft dclicace n1orcals, always .
~ ptJJdlo; a pe11de11t, pe1111a11t, pinner ; a btad-drtft ; wrote it pij111iere11, pijemme.,and'pifiiume; and rhe
f o1: tbe ladies, confif\iog of two, or· four lappets, reafon Junius tells us (und.e r rhe art. c/;ejl.ip)
or ftreamers hanging. ilt'11,J11 from the top of the :was, quod maxime- gaudeat fterqµi lini is, atquc.
ht ad. . tngulis ubi meiunt bomines ;.,plane u t f iirmica.i
PIN,!'.l\NIERLY-/c/low ; "a covtfotU· mifer, iifdem locis urina1n olen cibus innutritas, iidem.
one-who pins up hispa1Jii1·s,or bread baftet-: Ray :'1- • Bdgre pif-mieren vocant : this .le e1ningly accou1J:s.
who has llrangely written it pi11-pannitb/y·fellaw: for the appearance of the former part of the
-but both P!N, and PANI'E RS, arc Gr. compound;. and the latter is as . fpcciouOy ac-
EINT;, "~*"9"', pi111ha ; according to Buda-us, counted for by Skinner; viz. chat it comes from
<1nd· P erionius: Nug.''· mir~, and dirt ;, and that the whole name is q. d:
PIONEE RS; Il•1'' "f'" pungo; lo· peir<t; or :~«.~ in· 11110 1vi11git :,.-it were co be wifhed that
bOJ't boles i11 the tt1rth, to dig. mines, trtn<hes, &c. . tome future etymol . would at onc e difcard this'.
!?ION Y , n"'"'""'• p.eonia; berba, et· antidoti :deri.v..; which, .. tho' · it may be juft; according to.
nc11u11, 1 tht lltrb, and · flower pio11y: R ... n,...,., vulgar orthography,, " and vulgar deri vation, it is
medicus; healer... more than probable. tl\at tile: \!ulgar opinion is
PJP; /;lie·a ,Yc1111g bird; m....,?.,,. tl'lliunl· pu!los . wrong;. and therefore,, with Upton, it would be-
'l!• <t. imitor; to imi tate the <ry ofyoung birds.. ,much "~etter co fupR()fe, that pi/ buc a bad
PlP, KlN. " ·n ,,.1;.., coq110 : J un." vd ditninut. ;trantlat1on and' tranfpofiuon o( the Greek word:
,:,,~pipe :' quod recrius : L ye :-but it1 certainly is -"M.•f·f'r~, forn1ic.a; 1m .ar.t, or emmet, per metath~
~ forced co nlhuchon, . to deri\'ll a pip-ki1l fron1 a miflnyre"; them and J> are frequently ufed promifcu-
pipe of flli1ls, o.r- co,fk of b,eer : · tbc: ·'de.riv.ation of "ouOy,as uw>o :,famnus, qualifap11us.:"-'-and thusio-
J~ni us. therefore ought t0 be preferred. ..f\ead of writi11g.icr.1ve·f'•E, totranfpofe the fyllables,
, PIPE l" Sax.. ptpe ;.'Dan" piibt >Te;).lt. frfeife.; ·and~write. it: M•E-~ve, then·conv.crt it to n;E-1'-•lt
PI l'EeR.' S l~al : pifaro,_ Jif11ro. ; L~t. fijlula: " and then our ignorant on boar. P.if-mire ;, by this.
Skinn. J un,"an\i l.,ve :"-but·all feen1 10 origin are means,.we 1nighc ge.t rid of all che d ifagrecable:
a, 4>0<.9>..., i. e. a <l>v~~... jla/11 dijlr11do,; a, 1;,J,,e, ,interpretation .at.once.
h'a.w11 i1110, in ,or<der.. to /t'rm.. a. /01111;1. : PISS, <l>v~~"• v ejica ; tb,e ·bladder, that. wonder• ·
· I>J.PJNG.-bot ;. derived from . the fame Toot /11l rtf(T'Voir of the urine.
with PIPE, and P.lPER; . it· being: only an ex- PISTAC BES, . ITora~•"• 4>:r""'"• pift.acia; a mil
prdiiori taken from the- cuftom of a .baker's blow-. /o c.alled.. ·
wg·bis piP,e, or.bar11, ;,,, v ii/ages, co le.c the people · PISTOL~ ~ •..,,QA", fijl,ida; a pJjJol, pipt, ur.·
k nC>w his bread,was ju!l: dri.\wt, aod confequently' :tube.
}#J, and light: . ; PIT,,or hol~;" &9.,., profu111iu1;·ITu91cv, p.uttus; .
P.J Q UE ( lI>.y»f"<, p,1m.r;o, punf.liu ; ldt1tbed to .Pny dteP, ho/£, or well: Sk ioo. and-·L-iclvigius :":.._.
Pl Q UEER ·5 the quick, vext :'fee BICKER :-Gr. '.this .i s.better than with J un. Litt. a nd Ainfw" tO·
P .IRA CY., " fI••f~?""• n"e<ir"', l1'1:a.1•••r, pjra- .fu ppoll-~,. that" it · comes . from a,1;,, and ITo7•~•;
IP., piroti•11.r, f/'<$dO; fro1n El"~""'· which in H efych. ;qµod ftOtum:figi1ificat ";-becaufe,.rho': fc:ime wt/ls,
i-:i i rne rp : ed A",u.{3«,.,,. ((tpio: R .. Tl"~"· eont1ta1, -0r piu,. 1n ay bold . watei', .yet many do not,, and·
teJ11a1io : r:1ug.:·"-it is. ~.lain..the D.r•.did.not .con- .never were, fuuk.for that P.u rp,ofe •."
l' . l'il:'

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P •l ':'. Froin G "R IE K, and L,\Tr M. : .P L
• P[T ;,; tht theatre: the bottom · part" of the ticket t hu fdl to his fllarc, or the place n1ackrd
'playhoufc: confequcotly derived from the"forcgo- in the card: R. IT·~v,., or n •..i.., (it lhould have
'"g root : Gr. been printed n.11.. ) pix; bccaufe thefe tables u.·t rt
Prr-A- P~T, II""""'• Il«"'-•I''"• pa/pita; to CD'Vtrtd with pitch: Nug."-this is •.mofr exno,
·tbroh, or pmtt":-'or pitrhilps ii II«1«.....,, quatio ; t o ordinnry derivation, and as extraord inary an 1n -
.Jhllk11, or btnve q1dck . cerprctation ; for can we fuppofe, th.a t thefc
.PITC[-'!, "nm,., pi>1: Nug."-this derivation tables were cO'l.--cred wi1b pi1Cb, or chat the anuents
rnay be right; but it docs not fecm 10 go far were fo indelicate as to cnt their pi11a11ce, or
enough 1 •fOr' no/1" itfclf m>r be deduced a II11u;, portion off fr"b tablu, according as each cable or
piua, pi111u; the pint, or fir·lrtt; fro1n which it ticket fell co his /hare, or the place marked 111
w:u more p anitularly made. the card ?- if there was any pi1th ufed, we 1nig ht
Pl"fCJCJ a 6or; " n,7,,..,, projitio; lo hurl, or rather fuppofc, inrtcad of the whole tn/J/t"; ~d11g.
t nfl forth: Cafaub," to'IJtrtd with pi1tb, tbcrc was only a fmoll b11 of
PI1'CH down luadlo11g; n,..7.,, cado; to fall.
PITCH-farthing; .from the fame root with
PITCH a 6ar: Gr. as above.
pitch, or wax, made ufe of, to fix o r fallen the
ticket or card, on which was written. the nan1e
of the perfon invited to the cntennmmenc, to
PITCE-I-fot·k': Jbni us firrt of all refers us to h is prope~ cable, according to his rank and di~­
picft, and then fends us to beak, and nukt ; which, nity :-it is however v ery probable, ch:t all this
h e fays, funt a n''Y'"I''> p1111go; acutum quid is but a mere empty d1fplay of learning ; and
11lic11i rd infigo : but under chc art. pick, he feen1s that our word pi11a,,tt is not derived fron\ piuh,
to think it is derived " i Cymra.:is pi:, quod non but from II'/.:~••, , pttioo, petit, piuance, par""s ; a
modo roflru11f, v eru1n ctiam j1im1dk111, vcl t'.1.fPitkm final/ portion of allowance g1v.:n co tlle Monks
fignilicat ; unde pig-ffercb iis dicebatur mcrg:, in monsficries.
q ua: Anglis nunc · corruptc pitch-fork dicitur :"- PlTUITOUS, n.1.,,., ;it11it11; phlegm.
but now the only point to be determined is, whe- PITY, eu~, pio, pitta1 1 dtmt11cy, ge111len1Js,
ther the · CymrreJn pig, or the Greek n"l''"I'" be compfljic11. .
the orig inal word. P!ZZLE; " Belg. ptfa; nervus ' . }!~tri<k ;
PITCH a ltnl ; from the fame verb n .y,..,f'i, ntr'lillJ vel"l!eciJ ; et contract Jial. potu, ii nerbo
IJ•')''""• IJ,17.,, fig•; lo ji,Y, or fajltn j/aK(S in lht dicicur: vd ii Lac. p'e.f!u1, p1fu!ru, a rr.,a.~"""•
ground, to tohich tht cords of 1111/s art tifd, lo ku·p paxill11s: hinc Teut. ptilftht; jlagrmn, fag1llu11f;
1111ry tbing"/ftady: antiently indeed we wrote this quia fc. 1urvi, feu priapi taurini pro jlag.ris ufur-
word much nearer to the Greek verb n..,..,,,..,, than pantur: Skinn." ·
we do at prefent ; for good old Stowe, p. 314, PLAC-ABILITY, rr~'Y"I'" poto, pa>.·, ptuis;
gives us the wor-0 thus: " Kini:: Henry the Sixt placo, placabi!itas ; a gen1/111tjs, al:d cufiufs cf
p~~bl his banner at a place called Gofdowe, in
Sc. P eter's ll rcate :"-chis orchogr. pigbt, is cer-
PLACAR'f, commonly written 'Plachart, bu t
rnin ly much nearer co Il•'J'>U,<•» than pi1tbt, which dcrivc:d C( ~l n>i.«£, 1'().ix"o~, a CCllrac. *>.«-k~, lab°il 'a J
looks as if ic came from pi1tb and tar; but nothing
can be more d iftant.
R. n>...Jv,, latus: a table of orders fixt up in
public places: Nug."-Voffius dc~iYes it a,tlaceo,
PITC HER of wattr; " B•••f, bydria, ttr11a pl<"ilun:, verbum kgalc, quo u11 foleant tn pu-
defala ; a vtjfe! with bandier, to carry wattr in :
Nug. ~· blicis cditis; ncn1pc ex co quod hrc 'E• ui-~ • .,
i11 1a/Jul1i pra:ponrrentur omnibus legenda :-bur
• PITH ; " B'9°', fu11dum or/Joris, quia efi placeo, and platitum, in a law fenfe, feem rather
plrs inli111n: Skinn."-it would have beco much
to be derived a n.'l'"'I"" 1n11go, paco, pacifcor;
1norc applicable, if pi1b had fignilied the ro•ls of
unde pa.<, pacis; unde plnuo, plarit:ts; it is oxr
a tru; for then che Dr. m ight have faid, feli-
will and pf,njirre, that fuch a lnw be enaC\ed .
cirlin1e alludic Gr. e,Q,,, f1111dum arbcris, q uia dt
pars ima :-perhaps rather derived as in the PLACE, or fq1111rt; " tl>."i""• plaJea: R.
Sax. i\lp h. n>.:-t1"1r, Ja 1111 : N llg."-a bro,1tl,fq1111re, ~pl)} p itl zz.'1,
" PITf:I Y difcol!rft; " n.&...H, difart1H, gralll!; large fll1d bread jlrect ; like l'crtmn11-p!rue in
jt1(1//ld11s, aptus oa ptrfuade111f11m, a n...~.,, nempe London.
PLACE-lll;in l ll.•,..,,
Arr•.""'• t:rtlb,jaa•;
p_trf11• dto: Cafaulh"-an t.Ybort~11g, pr<"valing, ptr-
/1<'1.f.vt orati1)11. P LACE, or ftation} unde Arxo:, locus ; ofir,,.1-
P ITTANCE; " nm""''• or ni1'1ax•.v, which tion : or elfc it may dcfccnd i Ow, por.o, ptfi11a,
properly fignilies a fmall ublc; bccaufe each .quafi plef:1111; dif1'ofad, JolgtJ, laiJ. ·
pcrfon had his pillalfrt) according to the table -or PLACENT 1£, llJ...>•'"'' n>.a1r11•1•;, p!aanl.,. ;
Zi i a <akc :

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p L
11 tal:t, which grows on the outGde of the chorioo, PLANTA-GENET; n.•'l"'"l''"'l'''Y'~"'• plt111ta-
in proportion as the fcetus grows. g t11ijl.1; the pla11t, or lhrub, called bro~m, " quod
PLACKET, or plaquet ; jinNs muliebris: .S kin- Gra:ci r,.,..,.e1•• vocant; fane ut a :i:...,e•~e.,, ;r.,..'"f7.,,
ncr gives us the following ftrange deriv. a Fr. quia jponte-femi11at11r; fie gt11ifta, quia fpontt gt•
Gall. plaque, vcl placqut; lamina, braflea ; a plate n,at.ur, hoc cft gignatur: Voff."- it is very ob>
of mttat, 411 ingot •f gold, and a fpangle ;-of fervable, that fo urteen princes of the f.·unily of
which, no doubt, he had fcen many pellieoaH Pla11tagentt have fate. on the throl)e pf E~gland'
n1ade: vel a Belg. plaggbe; panni'tulus,jlt:agulum, for upw.,rds of three hundred years, and yet very
fegejlre ; -this indeed 1s fomething nearer the few of our countrymen have known either the
n1ark: but it would have been much b~rcer, to reaf'on of chat appellation, or t i\e e iy1nology of
have derived it ii Gall. placard; tht fo,.eparl of it: but :1itlory tells us, that Geofry, ~arl of Anjou;
a woma11's ptllicoat : or perhaps better ltill ii acquired che furnan1e of Plqntagtnet from the
IlJo...1vr, latus, amplus, jpatio/llS; und~ Belg. p!a&kt incident of his wearing a Jprig of broom in his
plulce; broad, wide, large. ' helmet, on a day of battle : this Geofry was
PLAGIAAY, fi>.«yior, 06liqu1u, tra11fver[iu ; fecond hufb~nd to Matifda or Maud, emprefs of
plagiarius; one who ach indireflly, by ftealing, Germany, and daughter of our Henry I. ; and
or filch.i ng out of other men's writings, and then from t his PJar.tag~nf.I famify were dcfocnded all
pretending h imfelf to be the autho r. our E.1wards and fle11ry1 :-let me only add
PLAGUE, IlAry>1, Dor. n>."Y"• plaga; a blow, here, the very horncly manner in which Ca1nden,
lof s, overrhrD'liJ, defeat : R. fi>-•66.,, p¥<"1io 1 I• 92, has cxpr~ffcd himfclf on this occafioo ; for,
jh·ikt, Jmite, tkjfroy. h~ tells us, that " Gojjrey received the furoame
PLAlCE, or ftjh; ro. ..1vr, latus; broad and flat. of Plantagenet, for that he ware commonly 11
PLAIN opn1 field; Il.\a~, "'"'"'"''• planicies, /Jroom-flallu in his bonnet."
,,equor ; a fpaciou.< plau. PLASH, or jpri11klt 1 :t1..•e•~•.,, difterpo,
PLAIN, fmcoth; Il;>..:i"r• latus; brood, flat, jpargo; to dajh waler about.
Jmootb, roen. PLASHY, muddy; e ither from fi•A•r, pa/111,
Pl.AfN'flF, Il>.•6••» fut. Au•.ru...,,;;;, plango ;' pa!udis; a dirty puddle; or rather, with Cafaub.
tc bewail,' lamenl, bemot1n. fro1n ID..Jor, humor fupt r/luus; .nimia h11111iditas ;
PLAIT, or fold; fiA1• w, plico, plicarus; wri11k- "'·"'"''•r, nJo..,/o:r•<• uliginofus, uikr; mqift,wet,femry.
/rd, donbltd. PLASTER ( '' a"'"''"'•n>.o.11w, n>..,ror, F."'..""'f""
PLANCFfER; a "-""E• percpenth. T~" quafi PLASTIC J Jingo, formo: Skinn."- to llfould, ·
fi>.«>E, tabula, ajfer; any broad board ; or floor; a fajhion., frame; lo daub, or fpread .c111r.
plank. . . P L AT, or graft-ground; lL\a,1vr, lat/JS; a broad,.
PLANE, or jb1111e ; IlAaE, ,,A.,•or, p,an/Ctts ;' a and out(pread p iece of grafs- ground.
j mooth, evt 11 firrface. P,LAT, or place ; A1xor, wcus; this [pot, or
Pl.ANET, " 11Ax•"1·~· pla11ett1 ; a wandering fitunri.011.
j/ar: R. n1"""' error; Il1.<u.a1•"'• vngor, ti trro: PJ,..AT, or pleat: " n;..,17.,,, formart , fing'1'e:
.Nug." · Upt. "- if this gcntk1nan meant what we read in
PL.ANl-LOQPY, l'l>."11w; ·1'<>.\1w, plani-loquus, ,Scripture, tliat the fddiers plat1ed a crown of
'J!'i plane lcqui111r; cite :whofpea~s bis mind ~old!y, rhorns, we might rathe.r. derive it a rv.,..,, than
f reely, is the fenfo that 1:-•tt. and J\mfw. have given; n_,,,.......,, (iocc IlA•E·u1tr is the word made ufe of
but it may rather !ign1fy a broad-rallur, who pro- by all the Evangelifts.
11 oupces his words in an auk ward dialeel'; thus, PLA'fAN -tree, " II>.«1•w•r, plaramu; a nee
prAy, pAy me eight pOU11d; 111'"1" '"6!"'» viti11111 Iii called, becaufo it flretcbes oul ifs brallCh~s "Jery
'ori!~ quum f\imiu m diduCl:is foucibus! c t ore plus w ide : R. ID.iivr, lallt.s: Nug."-th is tree is
fatis pacuJo, fcrmo pro1n1rur : 1-lcdenc. mentioned by Milton on a very. remarkable
PLAN.I-SPHERE, n>."1,,.,...~'"f'"• pfa11i-jph"1- occalion:
rium.; a p,la11i·JPhere ; a11 ajlrolabe; n1at he1nacicis - '\Vhat could I do,
<;ondo naodmn. But follow !trait, invi!ibly thus Jed.?
P~<\NK; "ll'-"E• ,,;,,,..,, ""'"'"• pla11ca, which Till I e fpy'd thee, fair indeed and tall,
.we meet with in Pl iny and Tenullian; from Under a. plaron: - ---
whence it feems t hat they firft n1ade placa; and Par. Loft. IV. 475'·
afterwards addi ng n, planca: R. llA«1vr, latus; on which Hume obferves, tbe pla11e-tru, fo named'
a broad-hoard: N·ug." ' from the. breadth of irs leavu; IT>.oil~,. oro•J; a.
PLANT, ll•Y•"I''> pago, pango, plantc, p!a"" tree ufeful aud delightful fQJ iu. extraQrdinarY,
J4 tio; lo fat in tbe tarth, in ~rder lo gro:w~ • . ' Oiadc a;

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p L From G1.11K, and LA T tlf. p {,
Jamque miniftrantem plat111t11111 potantibus 111ors; which, for want of evacuation, often bring
umbram. Geo. I V. 1+6. on nn npople x.
PLATE, or tiijh ; " fI>.A1ur, lalHJ: U pt. "-a PLEUR ISY ; " nJ1.ruti'11r, lateralis morhus: R.
fill.••f."'• 111/us, rofla : N ug."-a jlit(b i11 lb! fide ;
""""' dijh. of t11ttal; from the fame root: Gr. : or rather an inll>m1nation f<ttled if:erc.
though perhaps, ~ccording to J unius, both our PLI i\ NT, fl>.ntw, plico, plicaU/is ; to f old, er
word plait to eat off, ttnd a plate of metal, may btr d togttber.
be derived ~ n.1..i-.,, lamina ; or fro 1n fl>."9""'• PL.JN'fH, rr>. ..9or, .later, plinlbus; a bl'irk l·
tiiftut, feu orbit; a tiijh, or platter. lhe Jqu1zrt foot of a pillar : liede ric call s it pars
PL AT · FORM, or modt!; n>.o.'fi.,, formo, fingo; q ua!dam rapilit columna:; bur capi1is colum11.e is•
pr,,;ronrept.e rti imago in plan11111 coRjt.'Ja; a draught, rather 1« ebapiltr of tk piUar.
plan, or .figurt. PLOD, m,.71.,, formo, fir.g o; fadulo, (/ i11ajfan-
ter rci optr11111 dart ; 10 tucrlr inaffonrly, invi1d·
PLATONIC, ID.«}...., Plato 1 alfo a tiifdple of
MiJJtrva, witbor.t genius: o r perhaps rather ii
that pbilefophtr. fl.>"""• plieo; .npplitare a11/11111m ad aliq11id; lo ilpply-
PLAUS-I BLE., ID.,.d'. , idem quod rr>. .. e.,, dofa lo any /bing.
p lango,.plaud1; lo clap bands, lo tncouragt : vcl a PLOT, or co11fpiracy; n >. ..11.., fi11go, J ormq; 111
IL\a1"1''"• J oni/um tdo; to 1t1akt llltJ loud noift, or contriv t 1 ftbtfllt, framt.
foo11ti11g. . PLOVER ; '-r.,, Jl>.v•11, p/110,plu'IJia/iJ ; plover ~
PLAY, " rr,.,?.,, ludo ; 1be frort of boys : R. 'iuia pl11via g1Jutitt; bccaufc Jhc delights iii rain ;·
" ""'• puer; a boy : Cafaub."- tortalTe a ru,,..,, or perhaps in moill: and watery pl aces.
plata, ill11s; fays Jun. ut prima olim liguifica- PLOW, "no>.1w, aro, vertere terram; to tun•
tionc i1ncllcflunl lit vc rbunl de confuctudinc the foil: Cafaub."
pucrolorum limplicioribus adhuc annis, arquc P LUCK, or pttll; n,M.,, i rL>.", pi/us; " quia
animis, ittnnio t1erbere muluo jibi alhuJmtilnu ; piu vuHioni eppcrtuni funt : Skinn.''-to pull by
atquc ita pla:;;an eg regic rcfpondit Gr. n..,~H" lhe hair, by the /Jeord: or perhaps it may come
quod exponuntpuerilittr vcl puerorum inflar, ludcrc. frorn £,,,.,, vello, vellic~; to putt; and, by tranf-
PLEA CH, or fold; n>.'""• plico ;· lo weave, polition, plul, pluck.
or en/Wint ; thus lo pleacb a hedge is to bend PLU C(( of a jbeep: "fr Grrecus ell'em," fays
down the branches in fuch a manner as to fold Skinn. " delleClercm ,.,,. T;;r ~..1•• ., <l>>..,..1, i. e.
them together ; and con~uently t hicken the • l>•E, ftamma, fc. vita/is, qu:e ibi, tanquam in
fence; to walk with pleacbed anns; i. e. f•ltfrd: p roprio foco relidct :"-tbe lights, or lungs of a
in a thoughtful, pcnlive manner: Shakefpear. · Jbttp; bccanfc in them is lodged, as in n proper
PLEASE , """"" " """'• per!acio, plareo ; to de- firt-place, the vital ftaJJ1e.
light, ollurt, tnlict: vel fonaffc a II>..s.,, ilnplto ; PLU M-tru, ITe•••• "prunum: Skinn. pl11m
quoo ta 'l"" 11obis grala f unt aln111d1 t;tp/1an1 autem a pr11nt1111 facili mutafionc Ta r in I l Ct T;;
IJ# i llJIUll. 11 in 111, proculdubio dcfleflitur :"-then pro-
PLEBEIAN ; n>.•9or, pltbs, ttr11l1i1udo; the culdubio it n1ul1: be Gr. pcnnute it into what
rroud, I he common people. lhape you plcafc. •
a PLECK; "a jlrttt, •a place; a Sax. pkecc, PL.UMA'GE, rr1,,,,,, n7,,,.,I""• pluma; af eather,.
oftrtel: R ay :"-but we havl) already fecn that PLU MB down t M•~u(3J,., more .1Eolun1·
PLACE, or/quart, is Gr. PLUMBER B~•14J•., plum6u111 ; kal.•
PLEDGE, orpaw11; 1.. e...,,..,,fi1111; Heet, littor, PLU MB-LINE or a wqr/ur i11 J1ad; alfo·
polliceor, pollicitus; undc Belg.plubltn; pligb1ed, or a btavy btatletl fellow . •
pledgtd their troth either to other; pr1J111ifad 1btir PLUMP : " Fr. G all. pom111e!i: ; i. e. inflar
faith mu1t1al/y. pomi maruri rot11nd111; hoc nunifefte' a Lat . po11111111 ;-
PLEDGET, rr.1."'Y"• plaga, plagula; pa1111irtJ- . per epcnth. T;; I: Skinn."-but if (his . was th \!
/11s ; the ltnl of a wound. ,farthcft of the Dr's. c tym. it is nothing; fot,
PLEIADES, i'n,,...:,., Pliiodts; a fet of frars, p 1Jm11m is no original wo·rd, but d erived, accord-
placedio the neck of Taurus 1 fometimcs called ing to Tbcophr:ill:us, and Ca:far Seal. a fl•!'"•
the Per1ili.e 1 quOd Ptrt exoriuntur. · .feu potius n..,..,., ( nam et poll:erius hoc, fays
PLENl- POTENTIARY}rr>.tor, plmus, plt- Voffius, invcni tur) quia jirim toll crent curull\
PLENTY ,. · · 11it11do; a pcrfon plurima ; fi1nulque dfent et ci&o, ct p(}tui : -
PLE'II-IORY . · endtted with fu71- !but' it is probable that our 'word plump is no t
p.wn-; IJM9.,f~,. pldbora, omnium humorum .derived from p~111u111, but from ph1;u111; i. e. :l ·
r qualis redundantia; a ful11tft lj, bod]. 1111iJ /111- ~ pkll11111 ; full, fat, 1111tl tbrifIf-
..- 2. PLUNDER.:

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p -0 .Fr1>1n. G ll' t i; K, ·an.d . LAT 1 ~· p 0'
'PLUN DER: A,.-1h" "'"'• di1:ipcre, fpcliart , a/,i- ha\•e thcfe gentletnen ufed, th.a t, accorrli~g to
·gt1'e, abd1tcert ; to dri·v e a·way, tarry uff: '' Ge rni. che culi1iary expreflion, we may litcrally ·fay, tbe
pl:11uk1:n; pi/tlre: Longob. ·b/111are ; fpoliart ; per more .cooiu, the worft broth:. for fear therefore of
'tpench. ~;; 11 : Wachterus .:"~but ii.ill it may be fpoiling a ''cry good difh, wc n:iay leave them c~
'Gr. :is aho»e. e1~oy thei r own cookery, and t hdr ow.n ~tym.
PLUNGE~ '' fl>.u1·tt,,., iavare, el1irrt ;· 11 tvajh, with cheir good friends che F rench, rho!e adepts
:b,,the, Qr dip w1dt r <Oater: Cafaub." in fricalfees and frippery ; and only add a final!
PLURAL l l1•1w>. 111....,., n~"r", m11ltuJ, plus, fpice of Greek co their !aft deriv.; which, if 1
PLUS S p/11rim111; uncle ,pluralis; much, true one, originates a fl¢1Y,.J,).(l~.
more, n1.o fl; n1aJI)', 1:umerc11s. POC!Ll.AT lON, n.1,,, po1a1io,poci//ator;a c11p
I'.LUSl-1; fl1o>.o>, pluma, "pi/us, piloj1u, quafi btflrer, drinlting, <m·o«}i11g , R . n ...,, biho; 10 drink,
plof us, .p/uj:u, plujb; y uia omni alio forico con- POCKET of wool: "alludit Gr. n..o;, '1Jd/u1;
ftcto lo/lg< bifpidius, cc <•ill'ifius, elt : Skinn."-a a IlfcXW, peffo, carnJinlJ; a jlettt of wool; ID t fJm!l,
fptci<J ef vel'Uet, .cul long, rough, a11d jbaggy. er card wool: Skinn." ·
PLCJVlOUS, ·r.,, H>.v;w, B;.,,,., pluo, pluvi1u; POCKS, co mmonly written " po~· ; thus tht
rai1;y•, m"Oifl, a111l tvet. final/ ptJx; 12~0 T~ n oiY.1J,>.n,., variC d~fJi1;g11ere ~
. PLY. or boil; "fj>oken of a kettle, when it n o1x1>..G,, '?arius, variegaJtts ; n1orb11s 'i.lario!11ruJ.ti
b oils, or bubbles, q uati f laying hot;· in Norfolk apud medicos : Upt." - thc /polled difeafc ; be-
t ile)•.pronou nce it broad :piaw.: Rayi"-pronouncc caufe it JpolJ the fai11. •
'ic how they pleafi:-, ic is Gr. i( it lignifics ,p/ayi1rg, POD, or h11fa, 6'1"°'' domus ; the abod' of tbe
<)r bt1bbli ng. /cul ; " . domu11<ula ; q . d. ftmin11m do1mu: Skino."
PLY dofe: Skinner Cup.poles it is derived a -the bouft, Jbell, or covering of tht feed ' the word
Delg. pficn, pltgen; 'feuc. p}iegm ; agere,jludert, pod feems co have been fonned from O•r<•; by
.c1111/111:Jce1·e; and his learned friend 'fh. Henn1. tranfpofirion, thus M.t,,, and then convening
ditt. puut, quafi 'Fr. Gall . faire plier ; pr:eforti1n the M into Il, JJolo;, contralted to pod.
,ubi dicimus, lo p{y 011e with glaffi1: Cafaub. de- PODAGRlCA L, n,;,">'f"'• podagr'a, cum ped!im
riv~s. ica n....,, proprie, quidvis expedite facere : articulos noxius humo r infefiat: the gout in tb:
but ihen adds, fufpicetur aliquis forcaffe ex L atino foot; R . Il#S', pts; the foot ; et Aye~, captura i a
pyplicare: led longe al:ia Syntaxis :-perhaps· he ftiz111·e; and happy would it be fo_r 1na~kiod, if
n1ean~, to appfy tioft to our jludies :-che fenfe is tbt fool a/011t were the feat of tlus d1forder !- buc
'the fame; and therefore it is the more to be won · rho' Mil ton, Par . .Loft, XI. 488; mentionsjoi11I·
«1ered at, that he d id not adopt chis Iaft deriv. racking rheums; meaning, perhaps, 1"4 g o11/; yet
and deduce 'ic a !1>-••"'· plho, applico; lo apply l that dreadful difordcr is not confined to the Joints,
and then cont raeted to ply. fur it attacks even the bend, and )romach, cqunily
. PNEUM'AT!CS, 11,.,,....1,.., p11euma1fre·; dif- with the bands, kneu, and nlmoft every j oi111.
.ciplin"a philofophica dt fpiri1ibu1 agens; that part POEM, " IJ""•""• 11•••1•~ : R. n"''"'' ,to male, 11
of naniral philofophy which treats of the pro- compofa : Nug."-a pott, and a poem; a compofi•
p trtitJ ()/ oir: R. nv1vf'!(, a n~~, jio, fpiri1111; air, tion in metre, whether it be in rhi111e, or not.
'breath, wind. POIGNANT l ll•')''"I"'• pungo, punt/um; jharp·
POACJ-l 'D }" Fr. Gall. pochtz ; O'lltl /orbilia :' POIN'l' · S poi111cd, 11c111e, je'IJerc.
' POCHf,D Skinn." Doctus Th. Henihaw POI GNARD, commonly pronounced pcn11iard,
POTCH'D fcribit 'fot&h'd tgg1; et di~l:. put. bucderived either from cne foregoingroor.,n.,.••I'.'.
-q. " pajh'<i rggs ; quia tc. corcicibus d efratlis, cc p:mgo; or a n"E• llurl"•• nvr•»•r, the Jifl; "qu1a
txucis in aqua1n conjiciun rur : (i . e. tgr;s boiled p11g110 ccncr i potcft; ut di<tmn p11gio: Skion."
.~ut of /hi fad/) longc tnmcn fimplicius videtur buc no Gr. :-a /mall pointed ~ve11po11, o d:Jti''"
.ccymon a Fr. Gall. p ad•er; fjfodrrt; q. d. ova cor- POISE ; pcndeo, pondus; uncle p oij( ; to ba/a11u,.
t icibus clfoffa; pcrtufo enim, er quafi ptrfojfo cor- or weigh. .
lit: effu11dunJur; po,bcr at.JtCln aLat. f adictirt ortum POISON, n,~,,, n oio;,potio; a draught, deadly
vidctur :"-this is rather a bet ter idea than what in ics effo.:l.s. •
J un. has given us ; he fays, " Gall. ocvfs p•cbtz POKE, or hag r " "°'"' vtllus ; jhttp's ftill,
funt ova in butyro .11lh1lata, ufque duon eol1rtm whereof pokts,. and poc.l:trs, are con1monly rnldt:
nonnihil m utc·nt, (chis is a new n1cthod) prooc R. """'" tondeo; to dip, or'jhear: N ug.''
nempc oi'il p~cbe iis cft oculus Hvidus :"-to which POKE with a ftick }either from fi•"f'·"l""P.,,t'J
Lye adds, " d c.rivari ~ poffunt ab Annor. poaz; . 'P OK ER for the fire 10 1hr11ft, "or jlaJ; or tl!e_
><091ure: fed quoc\ mag is arridec, Gall. pot,bl re- a llo9u:.,, fodico, quafi poduo ;. .to" dtlvf, or jlir *P .
t n lerhn' ad A lm. pox, lur,ida ;"-flicb inde~icacy. the co.1/1: R. B«9.~1. ·

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. ·POLA R-flar
p °' }Il•X•r, polus, , vertex;
p 0
vernment of a fl ate, or Rii1gdom :-Cid·., Voe: 1 r.f,.
· POL:E •/ lhi bead . two points in Jhe n, telis. us, that " llo/\•<, a eity, is froin poll, .the
· ~OLE$, ef the beqv511s he·a.vcns, to which the beat!; not . as a head-place, but as ~he citizens·
axis of the earth is direaea, ~nd ro1111d ~vhifb jhe were numbered by tht bead :-then ll:ill i ~ is Gr. -1
t:t'volvu: alfo tf:>e lfJfl of the bead;, as pointing to for in p. z 10 , n, he ad mit.s an analogy between
tbt polar·flar : R. ll•J.1.,, 'Verto; to turn ro11>UJ : - polJ, and ""''""'" (which ought 10 have been
<:;lei. Voe. :210, n, fays, ." ci\e reader 1nay pleafe printed "''"'"'; if poll, as· he fay.s, fignifies Jbt
to obferve the analogy of words in the examples bead;, for "'.J."" fignifies. 'Ver/tr(;. unde vertex ;
.~f l~ cope, of ve11do, and of " ""'"''" all. induding 'be top of the bead}. •
t he idea of head, from co.ff, 'Ven, and pdl ; which POLISJ:-1 }II'"''''" llo'A•1.1o:i(, ean11m /ado, polio;:
are the radicals, all fignifying bead, and occac POLll.E po/iJio ;Jo 1Hake white,fmoolh;brigbt,.
fionally fale, or rather bartt!f'; not impoffibly chis and e:veu : or, according. to Voll'.. a "'"'""'"'"
from the very a,n tienr Celtic cuftom, of carrying polio, retldo Lev e, i .. e. politun~; fed hoc. acurius,
on trade chiefly by btads of tttti/e :"-here this quam ve rius; veri11s C<ef. Seal. (continues VoO:)
.gentleman has co1nmitced a fmall error, ariling po/iri ait elfe ""''Ti ilOAf<'> Vtr/trt l fir mpe qui;&. the clofe connexion of the two Gr. words rota lig uli reddunt11r res degantes ; nnm a rotan.~
;,t.:t>.H.-, vendere; with an w : and "'"AHtt, verJtrt ; do ; pvli1111tur..
u ith an o: · 11'"}.Et:i, 1.1enie1·e, car1 have no con ..
POLL; a din1inutive of POLE ~J tbt bead}
nexion in Gr. with /be pole of the bead; for the POLL, or. 'Voting in a cou111y eletlion; i. e. .Gr.;,
pole of the head con1es fron1 ,,.,;,,.v, v erttre; with by. heads. .
an •; uncle polu1 t.wli; tbe poles of Jbe heavens, . POLL, the p,nrrol; fi<XM«••, IT..'A'A«•o;, amnjitt,.J-i,
round the axis of which the earth tl4rns, or re- beW..Md, dear bird. '
volves :-which has no affinity, nor the leafr ana- POLLICY of iHfurante: neither Junius, nor·
logy, as to deriv.ation, with """'"" ve11dere; 1'9 Skinner, have taken any notice of this word ; .
[ di, or barter. bccaufc,--verhaps, it was not ad0pred into our ·
POLE-ax; n•>.•>-o.t"'"' eaput-Jecuris; a bat1/e. language "'=fore their tiines :. but Lye, in his·
ax; antiently made ufc of in war, to cut through Addenda, has given. it us in t his form. pa/icy;
the be!met, bead, pole, or poll; and therefore fome- and derivts it ab Ital.. po!iz a,. vel palizeua 1
times ca.lied a poll-ax: Lye gives us. in his Ad· Hifp. polifa ; for an explanation of which he re-·
den'da, quite another deri"· viz. "a Succ. poelyxa; fers us to fcbedllle;, but there is nothing to be
ftcuris major, et latior; ita diCla fecandis palis :" found . u nder that article, relative to the word in·
-but PAL ES, or flakes, are Gr. . qµefr.ion ;. for all. that. Junius fays there is,.
POLE-cat, cat us Polonicus; quia P1lonia n1axi111e '.' ftbedula talis, alio no1nine politez za nuncup a- ·
i'is abundar; putori us, viverr.c fptcies; an animal: t ur ltalis,. ut ipfa deno1ninatio11e 1nonea1nur r ejifr
of the ferret. Jribt,. and a grea t deftroyer of m•n:ia, poliendaqfu e(lt:,. q ure re pente in c hartail1'
r>abbets. conjec imus :'"-froon all whtch•it is evident, that'.
POLE, or long jl<Jff; Ilr.,ao.'A•r, pal11s; a pole, che fe words were delig ned co be d erived a TI•>-'•'"'•
or jlajf: R. Il~u...,, pm1go; lo fix, or fajltn in the polio; to p,olifh,. a11und, or carref,'J , u..bat bas. becw
ground: or rife pole, a jlaff, or long, jle11der prft., wri1te11 :-chis, ho"'.ever,. is not the fenIt of our·
like the May·p•le, may originate,, nc<:ording to word, which ought co be written with lV!O·ll"s;
Ciel. Voe. 13, n,. " from ~I,, or u/, in the fenfe of thus, pol/icy; becaufe it fctms ru Qrlgiuace eirhc.c ·
-r;nod; the wocdtn fymbol of Druidical jullice ::• from " ll1•~, jut, litet ; it is lawful; chat is, a·
- but then it v.ifibly defoends ab u'A· ~. fyl-va ; licence; ubi ll in L abit ; ut in ll""f""• lachry'llia ;·
wood; not ftricU)< ·.in the fenfe of 11emus;. bNt> of o.tvu<riu,, Ui)iJCs : or eJfc: fro1n 1\1-~w, t«w, fino; ta
iJgnttm. , p.ermil ;. !icet, ire littl ::!'- according to t his
POLE rvlIC, Il•l"I"''~(, !1tllicus, lnllicofus.; war.· latter deriv. it terminates in rhe verb liuo ; uncle
like, litigious, difr utative: R. flo'A •I'' ' • bellum; war. polliteo, polli.ttor, pollititus, pollii:itatio ; a promife,.
· POLEN, ll•»-•, n ..J.v•1•, poltnta; pollc11; fi11c a .eollity; " ut fit proprii: pollice111r, q " i pro•
flour, or 1be dujl /hat flies about i11 a mill•: R. incrce pre ciun1 offert ac p romi fl il :"-it bei ng a-
ll2Xv•"• eonfpergo, albtfa&io; Jo bt· white11ed with pr.0111i!fory cngageme11t, fo r a fmall prcmiun1,.co in-
du.ft, like a miller :-it is obferv-able, that the den1nify a perfon in whatever lofs he 111ay fuffcr ·
Romans ha1<e written this·word both with a fingle by; fire,. no. ms, or. 01ipwrec k: it alfo fig nifies " '
and a double II; whereas rhe Greeks ufed but warrant for mpney in the fu nds, o r p ollit'io,. fu~
CJne, bot h in the fubfhntive,' and verb .. gaymeurs by companies of inlu rance ..
POLICY, "ll•J.•7,.,,_, ad>1iiniflratio urbh: R .. P.OLL· TRON, com monly written, and ' ;.>ro--·
ll•1'.i;, '"5~ ·urbs ;, a tif], :, Nug,'. ' !1J#. internal go·· n<?Unccd. !io!traon.;.""=" in . h01c voce,. Larina d"?'

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p 0 FrOll'I. G ll Is it, and L .t•T 111. p 0
vocabula in unam coaluilre j amdudum annotarunt POLY-PE l1to1'or.ol1«, polypodium; ped11111
viri docci : in Italia nempe complures quondam, POLY-PODY .f mu/1i1udo; et herba qu:l!dam;
. ne militare cogercntur, libimetiplis pr.1.cid1bant having mllllJ feel; alro, the herb oak-fern: 11,;,,.,
po!lict/ 1 et in hodiernum ufque diem pol- et ll•h pes; a foot.
tr1J11t1 d·iai, a pofl-icibus tr1111ea1is: Lye :"-the POLY-PUS, Il•1'•,,.•r, polypu1; ·a fifb; alfo, a
only point now i1 to confider, whether polltx wo11derf11I 1111imnlc1da fa called; and ·likewife, a
and truH&atus arc originals, or derivatives : terrible difeafe in the nofe : Uo>.w, ct n.~. pa 1
V-offius tells us, that pol/ex is derived apollmdo i a foot.
and chat po!ko originates a r•>.·u:, mu/111s; nam POMATUM 1Crefar Scaligcr, in Th'eo-
poilere dicitur, qui mullum va.let ; veceres enim POME-GRA·N AT E f phra!l:um de plantis,
plJieo, non polko dixerc : vel, Ii placec refpicere derive.s pomum. a Ile!"'"'' fcu. potius ~!C'f";(l ( nam ec
gcn1inam .<;onfonam, dedocerc l icebit a ....>.>.or, pofterius hoc rnven1tur) d1Cl:um arb1tratur, quia
pro ll'•>-«; quod a 11".o:>.>.or obliquos capit : becaufc etian1 fitim tollerent C<lrum plurima; fi mulauc
t be tb11111b is prevalent in all operations of the elfenc et cibo, et pon1i: fruit, and 'the vari~us'
hand :-as for lt'tlll(llJ, he fays·, "it derives a 'rf•x.•» compolitions made from thc1n.
quod et ipflun tero, all.tro, ite1n aijumo, POMP, n.I".."• p.;mpa ; a f olem11 train, pro·
.at.ttdo ; unde 1rm1care, aliquid 1runt11m rtddere ; uj/io11; alfo t111J i11jl"auce of oflentation: R. fJ'I'""•
unde trllH&ftJ, quOd t11np11t.atis romis in arborc re- miflo, tkduco, tranfveho.
l inquitur :"-fo that tbefe wretches of poi/trans, POMPlON, rr,.,,.,., p epo; a large fpen~s of the
h• .cuuing .•ff their tbumbJ, hoped to render thcm- et1t11mbcr, or melon tribe. · .
felves ufcle!S to fociety. POMPS : had Skinner but attended to his
POL·LU.fE, Avw, folvo; Juts ; quia <0rpora own dcriv. he would never have written it pull',ps;
~ti folvuntur; to dijjolve, corrupt, defile : Littleton for he calls cbe1n, " cakei unius fole:e ; forte'.
.and Ainfworth were miflaken, When they fuppofed qui in lripudiis pompaticis (perh aps he 1neancPf/ffJ·
tha:t polluo lignified pel/110, e1< per, et /,,o; i. e. paliJ) qure . nos nu1.Jla and balls voca1nus, ufur-
Javo; to wajb ; for that would ~to wafh tho· · panrur ;" light, 1hi11 fokd fboes to dance in; and
ro11ghl,y; which is contrary to the idea of pollute : confequendy niu(t originate a rr.i"""• as above:
.however, neither of thefe derivations leem to " vel, Ut d.ivinat doth1s ·rh...Henlh. a flrepitu,
proper as, with Voffius, to derive po!luo either quern, cum 11l1s faltatur cdunt: -but then eicher
from Mo>.v,.. , contamino; lo defile, and jioin ; or the Dr. or his karned friend, lhould ha1•e de-
,elfc a<l>o>.o•"'• (Littleton and Ainfw. write it 4>1>.u,.,) 1·ived chem a Bol'fJ«, .fonus; a trealci11g noijc.
fnqui110 ; to daub ovtr; nam Hefychius fane 4•o>.v"" POND: " idem credo habere ery1non ac·
in~<.'rpretatt11· /"•>·"'"• to corrupt, debeft. pound (f•r c~l!!e) in hoc tan.tum differunt pound,.
PO.L TlC E., co1nrnonly written, and pronounced et pona, qi.1od alt~nun terrenas, alterum
po11lt fre, but derived a Uo>-1•r, puts, pubnent1U11; aquacicas it1c/11di1 et coerctt : Lye :"-he lhould
jiot1r, or mfal1 mi>.·t with water. have quoted Skinner for chis thought, the Dr.
POLY -GAJ\.1Y, IT•/.v·r~i"'"• pclygamia; quum having faid, "malleri:i delleCl:crc a Sax. pynban;
~uis eoden1 tempore dua.s, vel p!ures babel 11xores: mduderc, cun1 qt11a in eo p1fcesJ ranquam in
it niay be wonden·d that 1-ledcric fhould fay carcere induduntur, tUln quia vivarium agro vel
duas ; becaufe that is not polyg,11111, but bigamy : horto hidutlitur :"-without envying t heft: gen-
when a perfon has at one and the fame time tlemen the happinefs, or depriving the1J1 of che
rna1iy bujlin11ds, or wives : R. lloAv~, 1111tiluJ ; -111ar.y; meri t of this conjecrure, let me jufi hint chat
Ct r~fJ.!W., 1Jttbo i ID 1narry OQt f~VO <>nly, butftve-
; our word pu11d, 1nay be derivecl, by contraftion
rn/, or many ac once. a n ..1•.,, the [ea; and here ufcd to lignify a bod~
POI- Y-G LOl ' T , Oo>,v·yi.:!ii" , qui mu/1n,.11m of <vnltr.r, or litiall, falt or fre1h : p~11J,
Jinguarum rjl ; eoefij!iug of man1 languages : R . guafi pol!!; :1 li1tle fan.
fl::Av~ .. 1x1rlt:tJ ; cc f),r..~1a, ti11gua ; la11,g11age. PO~DER {pondus,. ape11deo; to h1mg dO'IJJ11,
P CLY -GON, Il•/.•··"i'""'" polygonius, 1m!i1- PON DI:.ROlJS S as we1gbu 011 a .fled-yard; 11
,a't;g1t!tt1; 1JJ.1titangt1la1') havi11g 11lt!JI)' !lilg les: R. noA V) ' weigh, confider, ref/et?.
11111/lttS ; et ft1~1~1 nr1gu!11J; a ct.r ;ze-1-, or a;1gle. PONT IC, no>ior, pa11t111; thejea. .
POLY -H£ DRON, rJo><v·" , poly-bedro11 ; PO~\IF T 1;po11t:ift::· apo"!"" fa,ciutdo; quia
m1dtas j edes habeJts: R. rio>.v,, mu!ttu; ct fl.Jex., PONl ON ffa bbcrus p,0111 a pontificibu; faClus
fed" ; a _(eat, or fid~. , . eft prnnum, cc refbtutus fa!pc: a facred mn-
POLY-HYMNIA, n.1.u-0,"""'' paly-bymmn ; giltracy among the Romans, of the clerical or-
J' Jt tltGr1111J b)in111ortJ11i dta ; 11na n1efa1·1t111 ; 011e of tb( der, called pontifius from their having firll in-
11i>1t 1J1tifes : R. n o>.v>, 111ul1us j et ', hJ n1n11s.1
vented the ftruCl:ure of a wooden bridge, and kcet

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• .
p d From G i 11 it, trid L A T 1 'N'. p 0
it in repair: hence t1 brilge of boa/S is called a tribe, and remarkable for its gny plurr.agr, and
po111•11, com1nonly written and pronounced pon- prating, bas given ShakcfP,ear a happy opportu-
:10011, from" po1u, ponlis, ~f><11'dt11do, qu ia ut fupcr nity of 3p.plying ic <O a court fop, in his lirll: pare
.-iquas tra11fitu1 fiat, Ct· in acre quali fujprnditur: of Hen. IV. act i. fi;. 4; where he makes fl:tfprtr
Volf."-th is perhaps is a be11cr dcriv. than wi~h fo handfomely exc-u!C t he manner of his ha•1JnG'
·If: Volf. to derive pons, uO•e•r. tranjittJJ, 111rn111s; rcful~d co deliver up his prifoner~;
:a .llit'": and yet Hcfychius is of rhc fame opi· But I rcmemb<r---·-- -- I

0100, "•f«• Y'f"t"': bur, however, lince" brid?,e \Vben I was dry with rage, and extren1e tuil,....:.
was undoubtedly at firfi conlhullcd as /1 paffogt Caine there a ccrc2in lord -
f"r t/;e ma11, not as a p11J!agt f~r lbt "111/tr; fur - - and llill he liniled, and talk'd-- '
t he water would have pa.ffed without the bridge; I then all frnartir.g with my wounds l>cing C'old, '
~nd lince rhc very firft idea of a britlgt is that of To be fo pefter'd with a popping11y :-
an arch, bangi11g as it were in the air, the Llltin Anrwer'd, negkcrin~ly, 1 know not whac '
derivation ought rather to be preferred. and now, fince 1 am got an1oog courtiers, per-
POOL, n,>.o;, pa/us; a mmjh, fm; 11111ddy, mit n1e here to add an anecdote of the' farnous
.dirty waler. Killegrcw (fince I ritvcr faw it in ,print) who,
POOP of a /hip; ,,.. 0..1r, pro Oir1r.,, retro; . when he was fnewn a /,(autiful l11dia1~ bird, per·
-quia puppis, cit pars navis pojln·ior; the binder part haps dais vcry p:ppin·jay, which had been jufl
of tbt /hip; tbt fttrn: but Litt. and Ainfwonh fa>" then prefcnccd co the duchef.< of Purcfinouch,
from Volllus, chat puppis is derivccl i\ o,,...,; i. e. one of the milheJfes of Charles II. and ver\'
Dii; qui turd:t ergo in puppt locati :- we might O'\UCh admired by that honour~ble lad y, an ~!
rather fuppofc, that they cook their n3me from chore who auend~d her; but, forget1ing the
·t heir ll:1tion, thnn the ltacion from the1n :-how- nnme, afked Killcgrew if he knew what bird it
ever, it would not be worth while co difputc the was: Know! fays he, oh, yts, 'Very well :-(and
:validity of chis clcriv. any rnore than the dlicacy then looking, and edging cowards the door) it is,
of the fl•"" chcmfelve,. fays he, (getting a little nearer ro the door)
POOR, " fl"ve•>. 1n11c11s: Upt." /1 fttu i not ii is, foys he, a wh~rt's hird: and out he ran.
in number, but 11b1licics; uncle pa11ptr, and
POPPY, Oo>.7c;, papa·v tr; the plant fa call•d. •
pa11ptr1as. .
POP-gun; faloppus; vox filta A fono: a boy's POPULACE, D•""'• .: D•>-"•" mu/1111, v uig11s,
'Jui/I-gun. pop1dus; tbe many, 'IJ11lgar, prcple. ·
POPE, n ........<, pnltr; farl•er ;-this word is PORCH, "<l>•e1·"'· porlo, porta, a porlando I
rather of 1-Jebrew cxtraa. whereby WC cry, Abba; quod per ens omni a et impor1t11t11r, el txpor1e11111r:
Forber. Varro: fed potior elt ratio ; quod defignacor
POPINATION, "''I'"'• poto, popi11a; a ta· urbis fucurre, ubi portam volebat elre, ibi aratruan
venr, or 'Vifl:111/li11g-~uft : - Litt. and Ainfworth fufiollerct, et por1art1: Caro :-conf~ucndy Gr.
derive popi11a frorn popa ; and popa from 9v1•r, as above: the gait, . e1tlra11u, or opt11i11g :"-
JEol. 4>v1-.. tbe priejl who }ltw rbe facrifius :-i. e. Litt. and Ainfworth have here produced great
a e.,.,, Jacrifico. authorities ; but not great enough for to abide
P OPLAR, n..,,....,.,,,., qunlio; unde populiu; by, under the art. porlitlU; which, though they'
the poplnr, afpt11, and fuch like trees, whofc derive a porla, yet, they fay now, it was called
leaves arc always q1ti'Vtri111 and lrtt11bli11g. fo, e<'> qub<I lit aptrla :- perhaps it might be
POPPIN-JAY: we have already fcen, under better to derive porch a Il•f'"•I'"'' vado, 10; be·
t he art. MONKEY, chat it is probable they rc- caufe it is th.u opening, thro' which we go, or
ed vcd their name from being the favourite play- tnttr into the temple, building, &c.: or r.ither
things of che kbnts; fit C'ompanions for thofe a "":"• lr1111fto, 10 pafs 1bro11gb.
folitary, redufc men: and here we are told, that PORCU-PINF.; the Greek and L:itin name
the poppin-jay received its naane a n.........<, p•pa ; for chis animal is Tre•E, h]jirix, which our lex.
tbt pope ; " avis fc. qua: digna ell pap.e dono de- and dia. tell us, is compounded of -r,, fus 1
tur : Skinn."-fcd neurrum plac:ct, fiiys the Dr. ; and 9e•E, pi/us; quOd habeac fatas, inltar porci : -
-bu~ why not, would be Jitlicult 10 fay, parti- we might-rather fuppofe a rl;:1£,flria1ura; becaufc
cularly fince Bt·canus, nnd doaus Th. I-!enlh. his quills appear as it were flriattd: however,
paptgay, Belg. dillum pucant, quafi a priefl's j11y; ltt t he Gr. appellation be derived from whatever
and then the Dr. i1nn1edinrcly refers us to popt, , it may, our word porcupine feems to be far more
and jay; both which even he himrelf acknow- proper, being compounded of pflf't111, andfpilio-
ledges co be Gr. .:-lhi$ bird, being of tfic parrot fus, c:oncraactl '°
porcu-pint; 1be tborllJ·bog,
3 A and

Diqitlzed by Coogk
"' "P o Jrrom Ga• l 1t, .an4 L.& Tl N. ll Q
'and .confequendy Gr.: fee.·PORK, and SPAN- tisli~d with it: but lf!Y peJfon, frorp reading the
nw; : Gr. . Dr's. definition, would im3gine that &o/4.rt fig·
' PORE, " noe•r, 1ra11fi111s, '11talus: R. ""t"" nilied 10 Jtj&end: but whai: al!iniry could he
tranjto, tranifodio: Nug." 10 peirtt, or /Jort find between tolo, ·and J1ftt11dp l in fhort, the
1brougb; a hok, or paf!agt. whole is a fallacy ; for th~ porl·tJt/lis docs not
· PORE-BLIND, commonly wri tten, and pro- derive its name from its aCtioo of foiling, or
nounc7d f"r~li~d:. nwe•r, r.etus ~ blind! prorius droppi11g-tivum; bur from its being a g11t<, formed
admous ocuhs 1nfp1cert ; hoc emm fem1ca:corun1 like a lallict, which permits the air, wind, and
Tcu myopum proprium ell: 10 look witb Jht tyts light, Jo /trto/alt, or pajs lhr"P-gh; .and would be
11pplitd very clofa lo Jbt oljtll ; 11tar-.figb1tJnejs; as much 11 port-cul/is if it (wung on hinges, as
1#icrofcopir vifion. n~w, when it is drawn up, and let dowq ; which
PORK, "lJ•e••r,porcus; a hog; according to is but an accidental manner of ufing it :-t.hc
Varro: Nug." · nex~ poi11t now is to confider the origin pf the
. PORPHYRY, fl•e~"f"• p11rpura; genus rontb.e Dr's. proculdubio a Lat. ~olart; for there he has
lmarin.e; pa1111Jts liq1101·t purpur.e 1i11flqs :-this ftopt lhorr, either delignedly, or lazily; whereas
fecms to have b.een the mur;.r of the antienrs; he himfelf, under the art. tulkndtr, bas afl:ually
but we underftaod porphyry to be the porphyritu, , derived this very colo a x.i..,.,, fuc.e11m txprinurt;
or red marblt: there is likewife a porpb)·rilis to permit any j11icc, or liquor, lo pefs tbru11gh.
fic11s, or jig of a purple color; fpoken of by POR-TENT, n..;;.,.,,,....,, 2Eo) . T ...... ttlliu1
Pliny, 15, 18. pcrlenltaJ1; q11Qd por1e11Ji1 aliqui.d futurum; a
PO·R -POISE: this word is p11rdy barbarous; prodigy 1 or fomething t hat foretells fat11re t'IJmts.
being a barbarous imitation of a barbaro11s French PORTER, 4>oe1ow, porl1, gero; to bear, er carfJ.
diftortion :-por-poifa defcends fro1n " fl•e••<, PORTION ; fl"e"'"'• "'"f"'• poro, pars, fflTlio;
porc11s ; a hog ; and IJ""• .-1r10-x«>, bibo ; piftt1; a port, jhare, divijion.
fifb ; quia perpctuo bib11nt: Volf."-thus far all PORT-MANTEAU, ti•e1'"'• porto; et M"'.t""•
is regular; but now come the French with their pt11ule genus ; a dotJk, or wrapper, t o 1arry 1bing1
b arbarous orthography, and convert pifets into in; a /ravelling ""K·
poijfan; and then we mull: ll:upidly copy after PO R 1" - WINE, only a contraction of
the1n, and write it poife, as 1f it relaced to PORTugalin ; being wine brought from PtrtM· .
weight, not to fpuies: nay, what is wbrle ftill, gal; OJ from 0 -port·o, a rapilal city of Por111gal.
we fomer.imes find it written porpus; which origi· POSE, e.,, p•no; po}itus; lo propofa bortl, tJN4
natts fro~ no.language at all. diffic11ll 'fllt,/JionJ. .
. PORRAGE, ne"'......, vd Ilaijcr, porru111 ; a PO,Sl'l'ION la.;,, po110, poji11u; plactd, abfobtlt1
fcalli•n, leek, qr o"ion ; they being a principal POSITIV E S dtltrmintd, rejclule.
ingredient in all kinds -0f foup : lo that a porin- POSSE-COM-IT A T US, Oo1•, Dor. pro Ue"•
gtr, is only a difh, or <:up, to tarry broth ;,, : pos, ppf!um; ct tGJf1i toJ11s, F...., R•p.1, to, cq111eo,
R. n"'pi•«X"f• porrum-.~tro; to tarry-broth. r.milia ; a counly; calling the whole power of•
POR-REC'fJON, llcp;w-«eX"'• vel P•?"· rtgo ; lDlllflY {f.~tlbtr, oxjotJJt it11mintnl ocrojion.
1 omgo, por-r~tlio; an txte11ti•11, orJlrt1ching oul. POS-SESS, 'E?•f'"''• fadeq, poifideo; /o DWll, to
PORT, or cg11r1; 1be 01101111111 Port. Ai E»e«• ,;; have in-0ne's own uft, right, or u11ur1.
PORT, harb,ur,. or bat•t•, noe~,.., {3r..-•1'•w;, POSSET; "Minfhew detleelir," fays Skinn!
PORT- ABLE, ii ll>•e1•1o1 a,pud Xe- " 1l Lat. poua (then t he Dr. might, if be pleafed,
PORT AI. noph. hav.e corrected i c ,to Gr. U0<r1r, potio, potus) but
P.ORT A1·1 VE Skinn. :" ml!llem a F r. Gall. po/er; rejitkre; quia· ubi
f<e POR.CJ-1 : Gr. coagulatur lac, feparato fero, partes cafro(~
. I'ORT, dignity .cf btbavi•ur; Cic/1•.,, porlo; ( cafaari.e) utque graviore>, fu"fidunl :"-llill the
ttro; of comely port; the h1?oner in which a per- Dr. cannot.get rid of the Gr. ; for now. ic Cecms
.fun carrits himftlf. , probable, that his favourite .F r. Gall. peftr, is dc-
PO RT -CU U.IS, " Fr. Gall. roulijfe ; pons rived a f!J'4, poHo, pofi/111. '
• Jtmijfarius, vel /ovalorius, cotpratlo; hoc a COii- POSS-IBLE, n.1., Dor. pro ilfot.j11xl4,propt;
/er; t/tjluert, dtjundere ; et pOrla; q. d. porto quia fi ,quid propi nos, ad id labore conreqoendlJlII
t/efttnforio, l"u Jemif!orio: led unde, inquies, opus non eft, fed plurimum j•m in nollra dt
tbuler ?- proculdubio ii L nt. colort: Skinn.''- poleflolt; unde pos, pojf11m, pojfioi/is ;power, aPi/ilJ.
proqildubio il Gr. XvA..,: 1b..-re is fomethiog fo PQST bis bo~lcs; a !hop· keeper 1s faid to have
migatory ioro.ugl)out this whole art. that it de- po/Jed bis /Ju/a, when Ji.e hasjtt Jo11/11, or J~ji1tJ
fj:ry.c;:i l! U:veri:r co.rreetion ; and yet Lye was [a· ever}' ,ar~ii:li: out of ~isday-bookinro :his ledg:J

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. . .
a,?'il tlitre(dtc'.!l[fti~g ~II ~rt1clt ,rs ~nly :r c11ntt:rc- luppofe, it was anly a contraB:iorr cif p1111ii~.r i
t1ort o~ dtpa}it11r~ 1t 1tr •is proper place: c~nfe- and if 111, it would be Gr. : lte PUNISH: Gr.
quenr.Jy Gr.: fel: POSITib'N: Gr. POTATO~S, "ba11a1a, a Ba:rb. Ameritano
Pos:r 'of a tl-iior; nae;-r ..;; e~ ""f"· et 'f'I''• ba11a1as; quod eft raditis cfcul~.rnif. fuav immar
JI~ I onclc pof!it; q~od Poff. oj/la flat; 1be upright rron1en : Skin·n." a 1iety wbolefame ro6t.
p)Uar, 011 whu/f. the tlaor haltgJ. 10 POTE the clbaths off, "Jo lcick fill /he bed
POST, of .flake; n ..u.-a>-•;, paxil/1u; 11 club, cloatl.-s off;. lo put, or pujb them off; fro·~1 die
or ftalu. · Fre·nch pouffe,., or pofer; pulfare, or fone~e : ·10
· PO~, ~ jlaNtm ; ea;; potto '· pofi111s ; pland, pu1: Ray :"-rhus would this ge·ntlin:iah, anq all
or ftat111JJed. ,our other eryrnol. fhuffie us offto.tlie r;.a~. ~ax. ot"
POSTAGE l@'~. p6no, po}ftut; qr.iia fc. F'rench; rather than look at the Gr. language:·
POSt-bo/ •1zlis. _per i!lrervalla dijpa}i- "for a detiv., or, if they do, it {eems tO be Un'•
POST-office . . · tu~ lfre~a~ c1rc_umfert ; a boy, willingly :-but !111 thofe words are Gr. ·
. POSTILLION who carrfcs letters by jla11tl POTE.NT, Ji;,,, Dot. pr_o near, unde pof;
r'tloY,J of. borfts. pojfum., potentia; power, ability, tfulboril)'. . '
POSTERIOR, o,.., ...,, po.ft; lii}I, remolt}I; . P01'ION, fro1n the farnc root with POT~
thofe who ate t~f come afrtr us. · ". · !lignifying now. t.he aCl: of dri1fking; alfo a liquicf
?OST-HUMOUS; o,,, ...,_X"fA<,.,; poJl-b111111fs~ . mixture prefcribed by p-hylicians.
q~1 po.JI. k"'!'"".~'. patrem 1111tils tjJ; one. born af!tr POTTER; and blunder ab1ut; Bo&u~, fodio;
h1_s fat~er H _bur:td 1 or a book, pubhfhed oJter 'fodico, qua6 podico, quafi poltic~; 10 poke, ti
tlic autfio,r 1s' d~ad: R . f!1r• ...,J. po.ft; ct X"'l' ..., grope, ot fie/ about in t1e datl:. .. .
liz1m11~ ; {be grotind. ~OTT.ER, or worker ~n c/4y ; either / tortt. the
POST-PONE; 0.-1.-w-e.., pojl-jo110; put off, fame root with pot; being :( p~rfon eipployed' i~
prorraflinau. ; mali:ir\g all forts of pots and panJ: ot elfc 4.
· POST -SCRIPT, o.:....., 'Yf"~' J!ojl-[criptum; n11 ..n.,; .fingo, .fig11l111; a fprmtt, or fajbio11tr of
fomcthing wriltefi afttruiartl.i; fomething atlJtd clay into various fhapes .an~ urenfils.'. ·
afur the letter is firiilhcd. . POUCH, fi• r.Y'l• jacculu.r; vel a' 1!•'-'l'"• pr!i
, P9STULATUM~ ~,;....,; _pofto, pofiflu)tl, ; Mo>-i•"<. quad Hcfych.. exp. Bo..or -••;, ftii ctiJ.
pojfum, pbjfulaf!'lil; retjuired, demanded, granted; : coriaceus; a ltaiber fade, potk#, .poucbeJ; qoafi
/uch eafy, j~lf·e-Jitlenl. prup0ji1io11"s, llJ nud no ex- ougu, or budge/: VoU: .
jlirati611. . · POU DER, co1nmonlywrittcn plf'lildtr;"ii. II•>-•r.:
POST~RE, em, p~no, poji1111; fo/ilMra·;_jfretl, !pulvis; tiujf. . . , .
or pfacttf 111 fome atritude. .. . POULTRY, IIti>.ir~ puflui, pl(~letnt; a. ~rfo,'l
. POSY o/ jlow"lrs, e.,, pono, po/itus _; to111poJi11u ; l concerned in the breedrng and felling 9fjow/J•... 1
a collcdion of ll.ow("tS tied, or boutu! 11p tottther : POUNCE ju/I of boles; ""Y"'tA'• pungo ; p1111t•
« credo a pa11intfo, vel _ co111pontndo : Skinn."7-tho' tart; lo make boles. , ''
the Dr. was fo near to the Greek· fou_ntain, yer, POUNCE, or ji11t poiti!er, n7,,.;..,, piefo; pi"fti·
rather than .J>Crrtlit his readers to tafle of thofe : tus i beatm fine itt .. mortar. . . .•
clear waters; be chafe to ftop at the Lat.po11endo, ! POUNCES of a bawl: "Mthlhcw dell.eai~
v~I comp1nie11do; or lea~ the1n co the niuddy ..1'.,.,1, ii Lat. pungere: Skinn."-the Dr. t~el);
T eut. pools; for butz en; puriare, feu emrmgtt~ feerning not to approve .of this dcriv. let us hear
tiafam : -'cis wdl he did noc apply· his biltzeil to · his own ; " rnalleiti" a Fr. Gall. /es oinus 1 hoc i
a dirtier puqiofC. Lat. u11g1us.: non dubito talilen quin ~Jim ex..
POSY, f or a ring; "qua:fi poefy; i. e'. poelicum 1iterlt v·ox Fr. Gall. poinfts, codcm fonfu ; ~oc
fymbo/uth: Skinn."-!hen die Dr. fhoulJ ha".e ' proculdubio ii Fr. Gall.p_oina'rc ; Lat. pu1;gtre:"
told _us, _th~t ~oth poefy, ..~nd poelicum jjmbal•m, 1
-fo thnt ~ow he has ended ~u~·where be began~
were denvcd a " " ""''• poi!Jis ; poe11y: as, •cenfured l.\olrnfi,ew, and now his cenfure fajl5 Oii
· W he_11 ibis youJu, hi~: oiv? pate: Jiowev·er, we ril!g~ t ra~her prefe~ (he
, Remember me. . Dr s, omres,1mg1u1; •nd r;mly wrfu t hat he haddenved
POT, " n'r"f"" which was firft .aJSp11ed to a ; t hcn1 ab un(us ; · and tl}_at again ab O'Yxo;, uncus;
drinking cup, and afterwards to pots and ' cops undtfunguis;oh:ct~;trcol'ed, o; lioolua1alons,orc/aw1.
of every fjJecics: R. n..~. and ll•~, !Jioo; ri.1,,, PO IJ NCE1.'-b~x·: eith«r frorn the fanie root
~la1io : Cafaub. and N ug."-;--po11agt rhoy be de- ' with pounce, thnc is, m ;v.=..; pinfo, pi11/atus i
rived l no>.1o;, lig11men,p11u ; any fort of herbs. meaning 1hefine.d11jf \t contains; orelfc a n''Y""I'..
• POT; go11I 10 pol, accord~Qlf td .Boj•cr; fig- puirtllls\ "'' 15ec'aufe lhe1id, 'lieing cut with •ptn w•rk,
•if;ica " goNI lq bt p111ii}btd :"...:.then we' m ight 'gave it its name, from pcinfaneri fO p1irte, or tn-
. · J A :i. gr1J11e •"

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p R · ~rom G 11 E .s·it, ~nd LAT r "· p ·R
gr1W1 ;" l&ys Dr. Warburton, on that remarkable PRAISE, " ITe<>E•1, aOjo, falhttn; qu.Od omni•..-
palfage of Shakefpear, in the firll: part oiHen. IV. ut vulgo dicicur, virtutis laus, in al\:ione con-
a,~ i. fc. 4, where Hotfpur mentions the imper- lillat: certe Ut plurimum fua, aut aliorum fatl111.
tinent court-fop, who was nar"'1nt; q ui fe, aut alios laudanc :"-" poffimus
· F refb as a bridegroon1; and his c hin, new reap'd, al ioquin CX fi'"f""Hr, admOIU.1't, tXbOr/a.r i : Vela
Shew'd £ike a ftubble-land at harveft home. ll0>f«v•1H•, adllllJri, parajitare: fed ilhid taineo
He was perfumed ·like a mille-;,er; ego magi s probo, quod prius : Cafaub." lo
And 'twixt his fing er and his thumb .he held commend, fat for1b ·i11 an advantageous light.
A pou11ce1-box :- - r • Pl4\NCE, perhaps from the Sax. or the
o nly here it mull: be obferved, that tb.e Dr. like following art.
all our c;i'tber ety1nol. has il:op t lhort; and becaule PRANK, " ne<>E•1, allio, fat/Mm, faci11u1 :.-'
he could. t race it u p 10 the F rench, fron1 whom Cafoub." an exploit ; rathl"r of the petty tribe •.
pqhaps we borrow'cd that foppilh trinkec, he PRATE , " B.,11olwy"" by chang ing B into p :·
would trace it no farther : but the Dr. was o nly Matt. vi . 7, ,., parl•>-•r•""'': Upt."- it is always
a commentator, not an ctymolog ill:. . with diffidence that 1 d ilfenc from tnisg entlem an ; _
·POUND, or beat; n1166"'• pi11fo; intcrpolito n; ' buc he has either not faid en01,1gh. o n the word he ·
lo bruift i11 a mortar. · · · has chofen, or eHi: has chof~n an. irnproptt,
· PO'UND, for cal/le; ll"'l"'"I''• pa11go; to JaJitr., word; . for, in the firll: place, .iince B"71•>-•y"• is
confi11t, or/hut up; or, as we fay, to pin up Jht the word he has chofen, he lhould have informc.d .
door with a pet. · .· · · us frotll whence chat ver-b arofe ; viz. i B..71b<, an.
POUND .litigbt; po11dus, a ptndeo; the whole appellacion given· co Ari!l:eus, princcp.s Cyreno-
t11tafure by weight. · rum, cui no1nen Ba111ts propter lingu~ obliga-
POUR: all our etymol. have hunted this cionem fuit: b•lbus, e t cxili voce p_rkd itus: bur
word tbroqgh che ·fevcral J ~nguages co which even now B"n''°''Y'" feems to' be an improper.
tney were moll ·inclined : lee me 'endeavour to word ; bccaufo then chc E nglifh-word ought to -
irace it up to the Gr. :-we all krrow the power have beer:i paltfe, inftcad o.f prallle ; th is 1netho<k
9.f $he. figure fh!lat}?ljis, which is nothing more of writing therefore 1nighc lead us to derive..
th~n 'fomctin'ie.~ gentle tl'anfpoli tion of letcers.; pra1i/1 either fron;i '»e!'?"'> wich . ~,unius and '
1hus po1lr teems io be only a CQiltratl: io n of proruo, Skinn. o r cl'fc a ITe"Tl"'• wich Cafaub.; who.·
by prtfcrv ing the lirfl· letter, and tranfpoling the :icknowled'gcs, that necii7 .... llritlly ell: agere;
three lajt ,t hus, pol!r :. ruo is derived either from . but o bferve's, chat in omnibus Iinguis ill:a con-
1'<&.>, fl110; or from OfBw, ruo; to r;tfb do-wr.. funduncur Jaffa tum .,,,.bis, .e tftrmQnt .
, POURT RAl'f, Ae"'"'"• Af"Y"'• lraho: " a PRAVITY, " n"'e"(3"'"'" tranfgredior, pro.v u; ;.
pourfraiff, p•urtraitlure, ct nobis pourtrature ; wfrlu d, tranfgrej[or: Volf." u nlefs, with lfaac1 we
tjfigits ddi11eart; i . e. li11eas lral.>ere; hinc nos, to derive pra"J//S a K12•{•<· vel 4>..•e•» cho' n1y Jexi-.
draw ·a perfor.'s piffur~ ! Sk inn...-but no Gr. cons aJfo rd me no luch words; except l'Iefych .,
POU T., contraaed fro m P USH, or PU'f -out who explains Kave•<by K"''" <uicked; and _<11.av:•<
the lips : Gr. by K•$•<, i11co1rjla111: Voffius de Permut . ht. has·
. · pO\VER, n.1., nror, pos; potens, porentia; givt n us another de riv .; wh ich, if it conveyed'
11bili1y , aut~oril) :~Cle!. Way. 3~, rells us, that the fame idea in our hiQguage, would Certai nly-
~-, tbt cc11;;h, ~1nblem of t he fovcreignty of the have been adopted with pleafure ; for he has de-.
~rOVG, gives rhc root of pajfam; pouvoif,power :" rived pravus i\ llf!'": but, according to H eyfch.
~but 'now we miilt conlid <r,"whethtr the words flf!'" lir,ni!ie; Iv>11o;, pr11de11s; .H""X'» flda1us,
BOU:GH, and poffefll, pote11s, or POTEN T, · arc p/.acidus, lenis, mitis, ti manfuetus; none oi whict1
not derived frcnn the Gr. a• io thofo arc. epithets can be applied to pr&vus, which always
' PR ACTICE, ne..11.,, unde ITe"•o•r., praElicti : carries a bad fenfo.
9 ett£•r1 aEJio,, ntgpti11m; b.t'./ri1,fs, aflio11. t111p!uymen1 • PRAWN) " llf'" "" Hcfychio ell: A•r•"'•I ......
. . PRAG lvI AT fC / a11flitm , " 11f'"Y"'"""' rre"''l'l'~7,.,,, genus I ct.1,,,, . I
1 .4' : ~ye .
a ne~i1Q,l, facio; to do : t ilt' pr"agmatic fa11f/;cl1 was
formerl y an editl: of rhe French kings, reg arding
P R/\ Y }n'"""""''• pr.rjttce5, procumbo; nam
PREACH g~11ic;d0111io precatum tj1: .vel forte:
the praflia of t he canons of the difcipli ne of the a Ilec1E, proco ) ' " <~fk fi'rvet;t{y: V(!'~ a n e.ol,cw,_
church I and particularly for d ctJ:ions tO fC• m a11u111 e:.:te11do; to jlrach 01<1 tbt bands i11 a Jup-
~iefiall:ic dignities : and, iii o ur d 3ys, they call plianl mmmer: - Clcl. \Vay. 79, teils l!S, cliat
/be pragmatic fm1llio11, t he fettlemenc of the " preacb origi nates from per-aeg ; delivering fl
Aullrian fucccaion, 111:lde by che emperor .frrmon to a circle of' audic11ce,:''-but both pt r,
. . ..
Charles VI. : Nug."
.' . . and aiz, feen1 to be Gr. ; for P•'r undoubted!):


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p R lrrom GA1 ! K, and LA T 1 N. P R
. . .
comes from U.t·i,.rir-tum; aro1111d, or in a rirtle: unde prauo.~; pr.etoquo ; a Kvxrw, coquo l ti teo,,
and~a'i feems to come from E...,, Jet~. ' vel ft'JllO; 41' drtft; lo bring to early 111aturity.
unde Sax. ~co-;µ1 ;. Iceland. ftiga, eiga, aiig ; 10 .PRE-DE-CESSOR ; " 11111<s il rnajoribus ; a
/"Ji ffieal., birangue, Fr. Gall. prtdeuffe11r; q. d. pr.edeuifor i i. c. qui
PR'E-AMBLE; IT«ea.•.,.011:1 ..,.pr.eambuto; ·, 0 go prius <' vita .dicejfit: Skinn:•..:....and yet the Dr•.
l>efort; ·a n 'inlrodtt flion. . could not poffibly find that it wos Gr. :·fre·cichcr
• PRE-BENDARY'; A13.., habeo, pr.e-habeo, ;CEASE, or DE- CEASE: Gr. •.
p't'.ebro, 2r.-:b'e11dari'us; various articles, fuch as PREDIAL, llj>.Or",""'•ct '1f°'r•f'>'•Projlo, pr.ejlo;
falt, wood, &c: t·o be provided for a /tifbqp, lllllgi/- undc pr,es, pr.cdis; qu afi pr.cfles ; qui a "'"'"
ttate, or otlitr · great perfonage comir.g itrJr> any pr<Bftat ntlpam: aliter a pr-efejj;, ant iq . pro' pr.e-
"untry: ." olim mod um, menfutam,. fou . ratatn fentt m effi: vel fimpliciu s a pr«'; i.e. pr"'}!~ ; qui
portion;m cibi, ct aliorum necctf.'lrioron1 ca- prd!fto eft, uc fid9uifor: uci Gr. Eryuor, ab E')'')'"~•
nonicis pr-e/;eri folicum figna.vit: funt ctiam qui propi; a J11rety; one who e11gage1 for anothtr, ejpe-
ab opcm prd!bendo epifcopo difruin vQlunt; qu9d cially.11 tht public; and, on his default, is to mal.t
olirn. epifcopi cornitce1? pr..,.btNiarii fuerunt, ct it good·: from pr.~s, pr«'dis, comes pr-edium, quod
conJiliarii < fed' . prius ecymon Jongc prrefero ; ct pr;edi/,u,, et fr«'diis caverent: Cic. i. e. ob-
Skinn:~...:..according to · ccinimon ideas, the etym. ftringerent fe credicori ; vd quod · antiqui agrqs,
is thc·fame in both catcs :-Cleland will give us quos bello ceperuhr, pr1tdie no1ninc habebant 'i
a-Celticderiv. in the Sax. Alph. · . . ll)d_. a Jann, or manor; an eftarc in rhe country;
PRE-CARIOUS>:' 11f'X"f'>"'• procambo, prtcor; with land belonging to it: and'prtdial tithes, are
pruarius ;.. a· fllilor, an tnlrtaler; ikpeNient 0 ,. thofe which are paid of things .arifrng and grow- ·
O/l6tber's will; ;,, a hazardous jlate. . ingfrom t~e gro.r111dfo!dj : vcl ii 11f'"'""·· lle~11•f;
..PRE-CEE>E, x.;,{•» x,«lw, "· do;pr-eudens; goinu , tinde pr-edi11111: If. Voffius. •
"' PRE-DICAMEN"f"l A""'"I"'• A'1£oi, .dico, pr1e• -
/J.cfore;! other word~ PRE· DICTION ~ diiamentum; . a ·predita-
i,n .our lan.g11agc, beginning witb the prepofttion ment in- logic is a certain clafs, or determinate
PR_E1 wh ~cll_. will be mor.c properly foun.d ~~der f~ries, in which fin1plc · terms arc rans:ed~ ·and'
their JFfpc:~h;ie art. unlefs when the pr1m1uves . ~, . ·
tticmtelvcs are not in u(e; as in the foljowing · fometimes- it ugnifics the··l:itter part o a p ro-
words, when compounded. polition; as; George is a fcholnr ;.the word 'fcholar
is called . the predicate, becau fe it· is fpoRen, .or
-PRE-CENTOR; K"'""•" cmma; unde :.cano, , affirrned of the fubject Georg! : ·hut in co 1nmon
pr-ecqntor, .1·.,,r-ea111ot ·, the rbanter of a acceptation; it Ii1g11i!ies 1....:
vc1ng in t he f:ame tolldi1io11,
chOir,· who jings fiijl .-. his ftile in Gr. is . hazard, difficulty, and d;jlrej1 .. · • •
~·e•i'i?-1•<· qui X•e•• !"""·· , PRE-Dl -LECTJ,O N, A''>"'• !ego; diliElio; ·!eve, ,
, PRE-CEPT,, K~\r1.,, e'apio; pr-ecipio: a" pre- .favor, pnrthzlity. .
apt, ~ul.t, a11J cow11u1nd; alfo a · 111ajler, 111tor, PRE~FACE, fie•~•/"•• pr-efor, .pr.efatio ; a be-
uacbcr: gi111ting, introdatlion, or lometbing fa id ?>.fore the
· PRE-CESSION ; x,.~.,, x"-1;;, ado ·; pr.ecdJ1·; work itfelf.
'1 go before ;.. aiz advancing: a afiron~my, PRE-FEC'F;. ITf"'i.1", ·n~,.,1,;.!"' faElrJS, pr«'-
to · exprcfs the manner in . which the equinodial ·fetltt1; a . viceroy;· or g;)'l)ernor, who · is ·ftationed
points h~\'C made a continu al Oow progrefs 1 but ovtr 01be,-1. •
tn a number of: years has amounted to fo n1uch, PRE-FER; cl>rf•» ft1·q, pr-eferens; to- bear be-
that the point in· rhe heavens, which coincided• fore; t i> ejleeiu abqvt other s: alfo collated to a
with the lirft of Aries, at thi:' time of Menon, bt11tfiu.
abou t 2000 years ago, now coincides with chat PREGNANT, r''Y"f'~'• gi;sno, pr.egignur,
of 'l'aut us : · fo that tho equi noCtial point Aria, pr4 gna11s; with child_: _lfaac Voffit1s derives pr-e~
IJas now ad'l.Jaria d, or made a pri ujjio11> of one gnans, a ~ ..,.1, idem qnod n,~""'' v:aturus; rip1
whole fign, fince the rime of l'vlenen. for birth. . . .
. · PRE- C!PfCE, n,.,.,, antiq. ex llf<"""'; pro· · P RE-LA TE·; "''e"• f ero, pr-elatus; preferred
dinor; e t Kt~";>.•, cnput; unde 1r.e1tps, ex pr-e, to· the high~tl dignity in ·the church ; a /Jijbop : -
et cap1il; qui proi10 "apite ferl1Jr : headlong, rajh, « moft b arons, or judges," fays Ciel. Voe. 79,
·and 'lliole11t• "had an affdfor on the bench per latur: rhefe two
PRE-Cl!"E, K•..-lw, t-edo, pr<£cido, pr•rtifio 1 a . words ha,·e been corruptedly formed by coalef-
1ulling off ; a b1'e'l.Ji:_y in writi;1g,_ flt' jpealci1:g : · ccnce into a term for an eccleft:iftical dignitary ~
fomctimts ufed for prudifo. · a pre/pte<"-but frill it is Gr.: fee LATE RAL:
PRE-CQCIOUS, Deo ix.x1« I'·"~~- ; Diofcor. Gr. .

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· i; 1l i:'rom ·c R ~ i r:, aiid ·L ... 'i' i N. P lt
Jtltt-tfMtN'Atlt; A•P•f, lfmh11, unde iimes, pr,,,lixiiun; a weavfn( /imett!ng te/ore 1bi ijil1
~ndc /;m_en, Tnh; an mlfantt,• pr?fatoey d{jt1,,,.fa, forrfi~itg or;fratitiitg '!n excufe.· , ,. ,
inlroJulJoty 11rticle. PKE1'IOtJS, n'.. f'"'"'" df ..1'(• v~J,, 'rJtHli·
PREMIUM, " Be..fJ·...., pr~mium l a, Yl'{J)f'rJ, tor ; uode ne".. '°"
pretium, quod" 'lll!tdenti, ver
'" reco1111enft, good, or bad; vel ab El""• El"•w> ve11ditori datur: tbt va!ui of any ihing, fp oe fa!J.,
E.l"w• emo; unde fortalfe prtl!Mirim, .~uod quis. pr.e PRETOR, . Df'"I"'• proJeo, proiido, pr.eur,
· aJ.iis ·t mit ; i. e. capit, five to/lit : '\'off." nullum quaft pr4=itlfr, c[uoif: p'opu/O pr,e-ifet i aii Officer at
n iftis. efyn1is placet (fays lf:iac)" omnino puto Rome, · fikc our ·/IJl'd mayor, Jlteriff, of / bi'ef fli4J
prius fuiffc prefmiunf, a n, ...p..••, iJem quod ')'l~Sf : giflrdft,' . who prtji~ed oiler Ilic pe6p1f:....:.Clel.
nifi malis pr.emiunl dici quaft pr,,,biutil a p1·.e/Jeo; Vo'c. 77:, n, f:ifs, " the R oman :J'rd116r was noI
i.e. ab .A~..; babto 1 unde pr.ebeo, unde ct p1·.e- impoffibly from baf-ty -lor; a judge of the law:"
·mitt'!'! et P•:,,.Ja. · . -'-'fo that the Romans likt wife bot rowccf_notonly
PRE-PARE, " rre.. 11.., quafi n,.e,.Tf.,, fa ciot t htl r language a·nd religloh, thelt di~nitarics
paro, pr,,,.paro; 10 malr.e reatfy, get in order.: vel a too from t he Cclt"s ! nay, even the Greeks, their
fl•f,"'• f!•e~(.,; pr.ebeo, fappedito; Nunnefius. . c~~?n1 of riot co"i'!1n1itti'nlt . tht~r ccit'l_lin?n .la"'. io.
PRE-P'OSTEROUS; neo9urtg•<, pr.e-ultmr"s; wriung, 'w:rs take'.n, he rays, m p. ;is, !.' from
~l_prima i11 pojleriori /oeo jint 1 tbc /aft p111 firft; aur anticnt Bri tilh fyllem·; for it is," .fays he;
l be wrong !1fd foremofl. " elttrcmely prob:l'b1e that the Spartans (none o(
PRE-P UCE, ne ....ri ..., elifo .. pr.epttti"µm; the who1n, it is more than· probable, el(er faw, of
fain &overing the glans l n.~g,,, ·puta i TO t\1.1'..... ever' hoard of a· Celt) derived it tl*mfcNcs from
unde fi<•w•.f•... . . th\: Celts, and not the Celts frorn ·tnem:"-per··
PRESBY'tE.R, rrer..Pur, Utt..f3v1•e•<, ne.i.-{3u1>-1•r. haps fo ! perhap• the contrary, . ·
f enex,je11ilis; old; an etdtr ; one adva11ttd in years. PRET"fY, " Btil•l"~e1•r'. " lfj~i,· ; Ar1~:a.,'.
PRES-ENCE}ne1r, ./Eol. pro ll~e .."I"'• pr.e- Beil» y.>wxv, Ke•1" : H cfyc'h. U pt. - !.here 1s z
.PRES-ENT /um, pr.eftntatio; being at band; much better derivation given oy Junius, wh"
•aki11g a gift, or don111ion. : C\UOte's Cafaub. n re1.-v0<, vd firfirl•I, proprie di-
P RE-SIDE, E{•I""'• ftJto, pr,,,fidens ; ji11i11g i11 · citor, qui ultra c:et'eros aliqutd habc't in fu<J
t he hightP fu1t ;govtrni11g., having the 'bief &em · geliere, exi111ius, ht/ignis ; hinc · pr'h iy, egrlgiru,
•and !>'Ver otber1. ;fdtus, bel!us; fed de parvq propr'ie, . aut in partJii
PRESS, B"f"'' Bse•I""• perimo; q uati per-imu111 · reiu<; in mllgnis vero, proitd; · fuperbtrs: item
trudo; i. c. premo, pref/i: a fqitetzing down; lay- 1fpruu; dtgans, ill/igllis; iten1 ptt't ; aur, 11egtltis)'
ing 011 a weight. . . , M..x......-re•".."• vel .-1e111•r. mtila -perflltfi; f~
PRESTEJ;l-JOHN,. ner..P~1•e•'-I"'"""'• Prefoy- cadttu, prolervia: and then Cafauooh pro<:~
fer-'Job11 :-Ciel: Voc: 9, and 19, derives " the ; to obfcrve·very ju!Hy; frequentiffiml apild Gl'ZCos
l;rench word preftre, or pretre, fr~m bar.rifler :"- \ uffrs_vocaliulum illu~ fair, et lat~ notio~is !. ~
but bar, .par, 111ar, he tl:lls us, arc all alike: con- . ex lrbns conftat, qui fuperfunt ; apud fcrt)ltofe't
i"equcntly Gr. ' Anicos-prrecipue ; ut n1iranduni non Iii,. follole
PRESTO; neo-•"'I"•,. prr~jlo ;· " pr.e.ftofari !ufque adeo riumerofa apud Anglos pulhilaffe :·
~ietus is, q ui an1e-fta11J.• ibi quo venturum exc·i• ha.51-cnus Cafaubbrius : then Junius g«s on 1
pcre vulc, n1oratur : Fe!fus :"-"a pr.e/lo funt notand um quoque Dan. f!reflig; ·e t Belg. prarbtig,
pr.eftigbe : vel qubd cderitate 1'nanuum p~.eftri71- etlam refpondercnt Ang!. preuy; Sax. ppa:t:ei
g.an111r oculi, ita ut 1niracula videan ~ur fieri : · ornamelitru 1 Iceland. autem prydi ; orna1'lt11tll• ~
Jfidori fontentia eft: Voff."- thar ninibltfftft a11d et pryda; ornare:· qu:e quam p1·oxime accc-Oiinr.
tilxterily of band, which /;y its fwif111ifs efcttpes ad Carnbr. Br1r. pridi, quod pro vero etymo ha-·
ibefi.gbt . · bere· non recufabo •:--thcre is riot however· die
PRESTON; "bari:jlon," fays Ciel. Voe. 72, n. le«fr doubt but t hat all t hefe originate from
-confcquently Gr. D•e'11•;, pretty.
PR E-1'Iil'!<::~ lT"'"• ,,.;;;, .lEol. T"' "• PRE-VAi.L, Ou1'..., valeo ; Jo be in b(a/tb, a~i-
PRE-'I'EN1:URE S ttndo, pr.e1t11do; to feign ; !i1y, anJ jlrtngtb. . ·
alfo ftretcb btf()re, or arormd ; aJ a waif, for a PRE-V·A Rl GAl "E , "n'"t""f3o>101,pr.evarilatorti
boundary, or.fafe-guard. apr.etergradie11do funt vocati : p,.d!'1.Jarita/.r, qui·
PRETE.R -l T UM, Ew, E'I"'• eo, pr.eter•eo; l o· vera cri.mina abfcondit, .vel dive-rram ·parrem ad·
go by, or paj); to go beyond. juvat, .falfas excufationcs adrnittens: quali nomrn
PRE-TEXT, T «rr;,,, :r, ordino; to order) olitinuic, dcflexa ii varicib1u voce: R. ·p.,~.
or arrange; beclufe, in weaving, they range their v11rtu, truribu1 inturvis grt16it11i ; quibus qui·
threads· l:efore·thcy work; a T"'E"'• ltKo, pr4t&xo; cunquc laboran t, cu1n rcCl:a inciderc nequeunt,
9 . vodMJI

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a> ·R · :From GP. .EE it, and ·LA 'I' 1 N. ~p R.
·Yviul1111i ob!, qood ali~s eft flaritari: Volf."-· elegantly exprelTed tliis altion b y p i -; fiiu
.a perfou who makes· ufe of an o/Jliq11t manner of pr.eyium ·pulverem pyrium loT'lfltnto i111milttr.t 1 to
<'Xprellion; one who faulters in ·his alTllrtions, as· put 1be frrft, or luuiing train of pou~ in(o tlic:
a ·Jame man fou/ltrs in his gair. pan: col)fequendy Gr. as above. . .
PRE-VENE 1n~,13.,..,.,, pr,cvenio ; to go biffJf't; PRIM-ROSE, Tieo-pcJ.., prima-rofa 1 the fir.fl,
. P.RE-VIOU S leading the way 1 alfo an or e11rlieft rofe in the /pring; the har/Jinger of May_.
J11t111ry propojhfon. . PRINCE, ne•» prior, pri11111s; iit1de pri11crp1,
PR.E¥: " Gerard Voffius has, with great, pri11~ipalis ; the fir/I, chief, pole111ate; alfo /1 rule,
learning, cnde!tvoured to efiablilh a•):onfonnity: 111ax1m, or <1x1om.
between pr.emium, and pr.cda, qood pr,,,miatorts· PRIN-C'OCK ; "Minfhew defledit a prd!cox;
d icerent pro noctu rnis pr.edonib11s :" and then he q. d. adolefce11s pr,ecociJ inge11ii; quod Jii:et non
proceeds tp many au chor·i ties; but " nullum ex abford um fi1, t amen qui a fono minus d ifcrepat, ·
iftis etymis placet ;" fays Ifaac, "omnino pnto puto potius ditl:om quafi jam pri11111m gal/us•
prius fuif[e. prtfi11i11m; illud autem a fle1v(3 ...., quia Cc. non ita pridem puberlatcm attigir, et ·
ide1n quod 'Y'e";: nifi.1nalis' pr.t'mium dici qunli reu11s veneris t1:imuJ03 percepit: Skinn. q uoted
pr.ebium, ii pr~beo :"-but t)lis is efiablilbing the likewifc by Ray :"-and thus all thefe three
ctym. of pr.cmium alone·: and therefore, perhaps etyn101. would refi it here in the Lat: ; and could·
it might be bet ter with Junius, and Skinner, to not, or rather indeed, would nor, tell us, that
derive prey ii n ieG.,, v11jlo, unde pr<1:da; jpoil, rre.. bears all thefe fenfcs: and here mean~ a
uooty, plunder: but as this Ceems rather roo COCK, or ptrc, young, faucy fellow, who now
violent (becaufe all prey, or booty, is not dej/.rvyed) for 1he}irjl time beg ins to feel himfelf a perfon of
we 1night better derive prey a ne••>, privo; to confeq ueACC; " Mr. Somebody.
J~rive an enemy o f his property,, in order to re- PRINT, B•evc, B~t"I'"'• perimo 1 quafi prr-imum
pair our own injuries: ·· trudo; i. e. prtmo, preffi; to preft; to take an im-
PRIAPISM, ne•«..•V/"•C. priapifm; an 1111110 - preJ!io11 of "'!Y thing: alfo to imprint, or fix a11y
t 11ral diftention. thing deeply on the mind: the .Art of Pri11fing, one
PRIDE; o..r..., IT'"r"l"" per contractionem of che nQblet1: productions of human invention,
ne"'"" fupe,.bire, i11111me/cere; to hea<:e, lo /well: was found out by uwrence Kotter, of Harlaem .
or dfe, with Cafqub. it may be derived ii nie•vvo;, in Holland, about the year 1440; and w.a s
Il•e•l7c;, q ui u}tra creteros aliquid habet in fu.o brought into England by William ~ax ton, "
genere; eximius, injignis; atq\ie ob hoc ipfum mercer .of London, in 1471 : one of the firlt
fajl11 ofiu, ac fuperbe magniji<us 1 juxta illud Ovidii, printed IJooks, now extant in Engl'!lld, is 'fully:'s
Fat1:. I. 419, · Offices, in 1465; kept in the Bodleian L ibrary,
Fallus indl pukhris, fequiturquc fuperbia Oxford .
formam: PRIOR, Ile'" prius; priDr, primNS; firjl, &hit/~
ancl, by the way, have they not fomething to be feniority.
proud of ? PRISER ; n, ..eav•"• unde Ilf".."" pretium ;
PR JEST ; " ITe1<f3v11e•r, prejbyter, <1:/ate jenior: unde 11pPrijer, the per/on who fixes the va/111 of any
R. I1f'..(3"r, fenior: N ug."-and yet it might goods lo be fold: fometin1es it is written, and
be more proper, with C~el. Voe. 9, to derive pronounced appraifer; but that would bea.r a dif~
our word " priefl from pareicheff; i. e. from ferent fenfe, and be derived from a different
por-reichejl, or cbief of a parijb, or di.ftritl :-both origin.
G r. : fee BARGN, and REJCl-I: Gr. PRISM, Ilf'O'I"'" prifma; fcol;>s eorum 9ua:
· PRIG ltre••£, "'f""'" gratia; one who pretend~ ferra fecantur: fiimentw11; figura quie<lan1 folida,
PRIMJ to all cqmelinefr, elegante, and neat" apod geometras : a fmall triangufar pillar of
•nefs: or perhaps ab flea, t ura, procuro; one who g lafs, which is ufcd to d ivide a ray of light;..
tai,.es a great deal of tare, and fpends a great cefl in vented by the great Newton.
on his own dear, wonhle(s, infignificant perfon. PRISON ; eichcr from x ..,,t,.,.,, hmdo, inulir.
i'RIME, "flf•/"•f, which fome imagine to have prebtndo, prendo, prenfus ; caught, feized, detained :
been formed by fyncope from fle•l""x•r, one who or ~lfe perhaps ic n1ay be derived a n1•vv.., pinfa ;.
is at the head of, or co111mands tbe army: R. M"x•,uo:i, to bruife, JIamp, or pound; unde pif/rinum 1 a
lo fight : others chufe to derive pri11111s, and prier, place of conlini;menr, where, before rhe invention.
i pris; which has been formed a Ile•" priNS; of mills, llaves and 'delinquents ufed to bruifr,.
fro1n whencc ·comes pridem : Nug." or beal the publi& eor11 itt mortars; as now in our
. PRIM? a Kl!"; Skinner has very jufily derived brideweUs rhcy are e1nployed to beat henrp 7 in.
t)lis word from the foregoing roo1; and has very lbort, an7 place of confinement to oblige the·
• idle·

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·P 'R .·.f'rom G Ii 111 K, and LA'l' 1 ll. p It
i8le _and pro8 igate co work ' a.nd thercfon: a con- tra ; for end ag.~in.ft a ·'i"!ftion : confcqu~ndy ·Gc.i:;
. 'traction of piftrinum may have formed our word Ile•• enim, fays Scaliger., non.fol um a11t1 Ctgnificac,
prifop; forn1er fee1ns the better deriv. verum etiam. apud f;lerodot. in Pqlyhymni,,_
PRISTINE ; ne,., prif/r11us, quafi priufll11us; lcgas ..e• l:"<>f1•r, .lieut nes p~o caftris; pro pacri1i
1111/imti fo1·mer. pugnar<:: and .contra likewifc is Gr.< fee CON-
PR1s1~1s, ne,r•r, ""o T; rtele"ai "'" X:Jf'"'1~, T.RARY: Gr.
a jtca11dis jl11Elib"s : Strv. prijlis, pifci> generis PRO-CRASTINATE, " .K•f'"'' eras ; ob
cctacei ; a fifh of the whale tribe; perhaps a .K.ciea,, a .Kr.1~,,, C01fam O(ltlt'.~ ~ \•el craJ_ a K~a!T1\,
lll)'Tl114t:f. 111ijlur11; .qui a ob confinillln eraftinus diu cu1n
PRIVATE, Ile••» priv:u, priv ati1a; j ep.1r.att, hodierno mifaeri .videtur.: Voff." a pu11fog off
alone, apart. • till to-morrow.
· PRIVATEER, ne"•» privo, p rivalio ; 10 take P RO-CULCA"T.ION 1 A"E. aux, c11leo; to
. sway,ftrip, bti·eave; to dtprivt an enen1y of his tread, trample under foot.
property in order ro repair our owu injuries : or PRO-CURE, K•<>e·""f• ·<or, cc 11ro ; cur o, pro-
dfe fron1 the foregoing root lle•w, privus, priva- curalio ; taking care, .or charge of any 1hi11g for
t ipz; ftpa»ate, alo11e, apart; hinc ftulcatoria na- anoJber.
vigia, .,; xd/..•••..,..., apud Calliodorum, funr PRO-CURER lfeemiogl y chefe two hQnora-
txploratoria;, b<;caufc thty are always ,faulking P.RO·CURESS ble atrendenrs derive their
about, QJ1 ./ht leak 011~, 011 the pry, 011 tbt watcb, to appellation fronl the foregoing root; but do
feize any lhip, or vd lid, that may come in .their not ; for lhd'e originate it ·lle"(, .Jmum a prcco
way. pof citum,; procus q ui pqfcit, ec pofto ii ~'"'"'""'• dico,
PRIVI·LECiE; a private-law: Gr. pofto; the lady, or gentleman, wlio /peaks t.lic
P RIZE ; x,,..1,...,, bendo, pr4hendo, prenfus; good word. .
taftght,feized, .made"' prey. . PROD- IGAL, rloii"-"''Y"'' proctd-ogo, prcdigo,
PRO.- Bl.EM, " n:•l3~•..."• problema: ~. B.z/\/\.,, loJJgt diflip~rt '. .10 dijperft, lo lavijh, to fJ.uan4ir
to tbrow; 1Ie•!3~1,i,,.,, topr.17f1ofe, lo fat before: Nug." a<vay.
PROBOSCIS, n~,13..""' prcbrjcis, promufds; PRO-DIGY, t;.""'"l"• t;.,.f.,,, pr.edico, pro-
tbt fnoul, pr trunk of an e!epba11t, by which he digium; a fort1tlii11g, f orebodi11g;jometbi11g 011Ji11ous.
gatb{l'J up bis food : R . ne;, Ct llo~w~, pafco ; lo PRO-DlTJON, .a.p;.,_J,/"I"" pon·o-dc, prodo,
feed: the Romans very properly called it manus ; proditio; a betray.i11g, decdving;'forfaking.
his band; fince, by 11'.eans of a little book, or PRO-DUCE, t;.,. •.,, vcl (;.;'"'""• dueo, p rodutlio;
• griftle ac the end of ir, he rakes up his food, or a bringi11gfortb ; ~be full amount. ·
aoy linlll object, as wi1h a . band : -t his word PRO-FANE : 1f we attend to Ciel. Voe. 17_,
probofcis could nor pollibly efcape Butler, who we lhall find chat the words " prophanc (as_ he
tell~ us, that Sidropbcl was fo great a conjurer, writes it) and a1rfed, 1nean the Caine thing, an
1hat he had found our f!.Ultafl, by law, or ban, from tbe church, or Jane.:
How many fcores a /!<t1 will ju:np prophane (again) is a corruption of fuor-fr.nt;
Of his own length, from head to rump; outeil, or e.11elled the faue :"-from very in-
'\Vh ich Socrates and Cha:rephon terpretation the whole compound is purely Gr. ;
l n vain dT:1y'd lo long agon: for fuor is i:io more than a di!ferent d ialelt of
\'V~ether his foout n perfecl nofc is, FOR'fH, 0111, 011uojl, and confequently derived
And not an eleph ant's prabofriJ. from· the Gr. as we have frcn in that art.; and
Part II. Can co ii i. 31 t. FANE we have feen is Gr. likewife.
PROCACl'fY' nf .. " e""'h p1'0(0; i. e. pojco, PROF-FER, lle•"'-l''e"'• profero; lo producr,'
procax ; to dcma11d wilb faud nefs, rnalopt rtnefs ; bold f ortb, lo ojjer.
. J.1nd~ prcr.aces ,meretrices ab :UllJu~ pofc~ndo; eter - PRO- FICIENT, <1>.,,, jia, projicio ; to profil,
nally crovi.11g. advantage ; make a P"ogrefj in airy f cie11ct.
PRO-CEDE, x."S"'• X"-'w, ccdo, procejjio ; a PRO. FILE, " n J,;..,, pilu;,fi!um : vd a Il•~.
progref;, going f ar.ward;. alfo a ~tJrit of judgemc!JI; cogfrt , Jlipare; nam dum trah itur,_ ducitnrque
and a tbenn'ca! e.'<plri111;:.1,•/. e:idem operii corquetu r, et ~011d_enfatur: Voll'." -
PRO-CE RITY, ne"X"'• pr.emhu o, pr,ecdlo, ", vox tum pi&oribus, tllln arc hiteltis
prcarus; 111!1, lof ty, j/aJeiy : Voffius obli:rves, ufitatillirna : er1 aute1n t;.""l'f"~"' fcu pd.huar!o
(hat tbc /Eo!ians, qu os Latini fequuntur, pro proporcio nuin on1nium, tum i11 focie pingcnda,
Ile•'X" dixerunr ne"X"e' unde per cralin fle•x,r.e, tum in fabrica exrruenda: pro, et .fi/11111 ; q . d.
cc Dor. llf"'X"!• ex quo procerus. ft/arum, fcu linear:1m dedu&io, e t defignatio :
PRO, Ii/id CON, a contral'tion of pro, et ( _011- Skinn." ta draw the out-lines : -but filt111J is Gr.
.. . . P~O-FIT;

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·p R F~ G:a llrt, and LA Tr"'' :e ll
. '
'PRO-FIT; from the lame . root with P'ofi- PRONE; Ue•••<, ne•"""• llf""";, 11e"'i•nr, pyo,
e;enry; or e'lfe ab E11'•1fum, projum, prodes., profui; nus; dicebant etiarn ile<>o•uxw;, pr.-:ttpl; btad-
<to 6t of htlp, pr ajfijlant:e. !01111 dowww11rd1, gr(J'l)e/ing. • ·
PRO-FLJGATE, e,.,,(3.,,,jigo, pyojiigo; to put PRO-CEMIUM, Ue•-••I'••" prb-f!mium, prim- •
lo flight, .bring,lo ruin; " dijfa/Ule, .debauched per- ordium; a prefa<e, introdullion: R . Cle•• et Q,,,..;
falf, who dijftpalu bis forl1111t. i.e. al., ca11t111 ; a prtl11de: Fabius, Hetych:~
PRO,FOUND, Br>•r, &9or, Bo9or, f1111dw, pro- PROP, n"'Y""I''• figo; any thing fi.Jf.f for a
fimdu; ; detp; the bollom, or fau11da1io11 of"11J 1bi11g. fupporl :-Cle). Way. 49, tells us, that "prqp is
PRO-FUSE, Xw, Xu.,, Xvvw, /undo, pro/undo, but a contraetion of,bear-up :"-confequentlyGc.
profefio; to pollr 0111, to f1uander, or wajle away ; PRO-PAGAl'E, ll•')'•"I''• pmtgo; to plant ;·
Jo be lavifh. increafa and multiply"
PROG, fubjl . ; ne"• tura, c11ro, procur.o; 10 PRO-PENSITY; pe11deo, prope1!fi1a1 ; incli-
provide, la)" up inftore. ~ 11a1io!', tendency. ,
PROG, verb; Bo9uw, fcdi&o, quafi podieo ;" unde PROPER, dtant, rigbt; " Ot•,,.f!""•" decorttm.:
prcg; to· delve, or dig. · · R. ne,..w, to be ban4fomt, well made, decent: un~
PROG, or 'Yil111ah ; probably nothing more lefs we chufe to derive it frorn p,ropril(s; becaufe
th an a different dialeB: for any broken meat,
or fragn:unl•; and confoquer.tly derived from
we are naturally inclined to adorn
. and embell ith
our prqperry; or what belong1 lo .us: Nug."-but
BREAK: Gr. · the Dr. fbould have lhewn, that proprius was a
PRO--GENITORS( lle•r"Y..I""'• vel Ut''Y"'I'""• Greek word: befidcs, it may be very much
?RO-.GENY f j1111<ante,a11teced•,pr«cedo; doubted whether neur:.1 fignifies wdl made, or
'to go before, pre(tdt :--on looking at thefe .two bandfome; which relate more to beauty; than mo-
words, wJ1ith are borh derived from the fame root, rafi1y ; proper then, when it fignifies becpming;
·any one woold · fuppofe they fl1ould· both lig11ify rhnuld, with Junius, be derived a Henry../•< (i
-rhe fame thing; and yet no two words can have a fle•irw) dea ns, decorus: and when it fignifie.s
·more oppo~te meaning; for proge11itor1 fignify our bea"ty and -c611Uli11eft; it origin~tcs as in the
.forefn tlicrs; and progeny fignify our pojlerily. n.exc art. ·
PRO-LAT AT I ON '/:ll>...1u<, la11u, /patio/us ; PROPER, ha11dfa111e ; Uf°'X"'• t[11ine11s, 911ci
PRO-LATE f di/01ed, deferrtd. priino• tenet; lEol. flpnxr.p, pro«er; per fyncop,.
PRO-LEGOMENON, fle•"•r•I'"'• fle•"''>'°I"""'• Tlp•x~,, fay boch Littkton and Ainfwortb; but
p rolegome11011; a preface, preamble, or i11trod11flion. there are no li1,ch words : IIe••x" fignifies ante me
PRO-LEPSJS, fle•>.•'1-•f, proltpjis; anticipation; .teneo; pr~mineo; and the Latins have both pro-
aforethougbt; alfo a figure, by which we pr;"Vtnt, &er, and proeeres, ro figai fy great me11, 11obl.eme1:,
and anf'-';er an objetlion,· before it is matte by an peer1 of the realm: and from thence our word
opponent. prope;, ba11dfo1He, comely, may be derived.
PROLI-FIC, :'> >.Jw, exlriro it, alo, unde oleo ; PROPERAT I<;>N, llpo, llp•, qu~ red uplicacio
uncle pro/es, quafi pro-oleo, vel prol<J-nlo ; 10 raifc inlinua.t cderitaiem : vel a ll•e«•» '"'P"'' quati
a progeny, or j fock. £1p•,,.lf"'• tra11feo, pe111/.ro: vel ex Ile•,,.•p•ow, pro-
PRO-LIXITY, Av.., lnxo, proli>ri1a1 ; length, pero; io hajlen, to nuike bafte.
· 1cdior!f11eft ; · alfo frank11tfi. · . PROPER'I'Y, neo, pr£, prOP.i; quOd prope }it
PRO-i'llUSE ; " ante 111ifttr ; ex pro fignifica: 'luod q11ijqtu tenrtJI: ptt!fliar, private, one's own.
tionc porto, in longumi et ;11i1to: promi!lo itc111 PRO-PHANE : if we follow this orthogra-
Jpondt o, polliceor; ranquam .ante, aut ;,. lo11g 11m phy, it will rnke a dilfercn~ derivation to what
milltns aliquid in verbis: L itt. a~d Ain fw.":.... we found under the arc. PROFANE:. now it
confequenrly Gr.: fee f'41SSION' Gr. feems to originate a 4>•1"'• di co; to fp ealc evil of
PROMPT, " El"•<, n1t1~1; me111n fad~ ;· i. e. things holy :-common orthogmphy· wri'tes this
£tno; unde prol/lo, qua antiquis nornbac fimto ; . word profane; profon1111J.~ quod 11tt1J eft fandttm,
-'.a promo, eft promus, et prco111ptr1S, et prompt11nri1111:: , i11/011d1tm; or elfe from fanam, as .if prpfa11uJ11·
Voff."-a celiar, or buttery, where all prov.ifions was porro, vd prottil afa110 :-and in, this fonJi:,
, arc ready, at h,and, eo.fily -tctite at, forth-ioi!h 10 Ciel. Voe. 17 , underll:a11ds the words pyophane
be had. :and· c111fed ; "which; 'he fays, '' 1nean· an outcail:
• PRO-MU LGAT ION; Ox>.o;, JEol". Fox,.>.•<, by law, or ban, fro1n the tlmrcb, 9r fa11e : proph1.111e
.. quafi Jf•1'x•r, vulgus; p·ov11fgare, quafi prvmuL- · (now it lhould rather have been written pro/an~)
gart : vcl u'r Becn1anno placec dici a Tie••oi"<>-<r,w, · is derived from f11cr-far.e ; •t1ted, or ex:peUed the
qaod ane·-~·· et '·•r•r crit; pru111u!go; to pu6/ifh, Jane :"-but F 1\NE, as we have feen under iis
div"l"e,_proc./ame. pro.Per ar~. ii Gr.
" 3 n· PRO-PliECV,

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PRO-PHECY, " n,.~"1"', propheta ; a divi- bibto tit pr.ebt1 : Fcftus: probi, velut p-robibi •
ner: R. 4>"1'" dico ; lo t&ll : N ug." qui fe a dclinqueodo probioenl: vcl probus quafi
P ROPINQ!JITY, np,, pr.e, propJ; near, 11igb, proba/US :-\ICI a 1Jeo/3"1H, Ut qui progredi poffit,
11igb 111 bn1td. et pr~grtdi debct; ur /9bor imp1·0/;u1; i. e . qui
PROPI'I'IOUS, frorn the f:une root; quia fc. non inbibetur :-this latter deriv. of Fe!lus1nig!1;;
pr,,.fentes, qui prope 11djlm11; ki11d, f11vournble,.111id lead us to derive this word a Df'"'""": but if
(011fanti11g . prohibi1u1 comes from probibeo; and if probibto·
PRO -POSE, ®'" pono; ut i\ """ dano: pro- be compounded of pro, and habeo; then we muft
por.o, propO/itio; a tbt}is, or ft<bje!t ad<Janttd. fcek for another root ; fo"r habeo fecms to be of
PRO- ROG U E, Ee•1o:;;, vel .J;f'"" 'p,.,, 'p,,,.,, neither Greek, nor Latin extrallion, but derived
undc rogo, prorogntio·; n p1111ing a.ff, prolonging, from the 1:-lebrew :-there is however one deriv .
defen·ing from lime to time. more from Voffius, wbic h defcrves fome atten-
PROSE, fie•, ne•;, ne•a.,, porro, prorjus ; uncle tion ; viz. prob"1, a, 11111, fro1n ne ....., duorum;
prorja, proja; whale-ver is fpolun, or writ/elf, jlrail comely, dea r.I.
olf, right foro1at·d, witboul metre. PRO-VEN DER, whatever is provided: Gr.
. PRO-SECUTOR; E...•I"'» quali eq1tomai,je- PRO~V ERB, Ee<k, dico; uncle 'p•I'"• ct Ef"I''»
9uor, p1·efu11lor; lo fdlo1v after, to per/tu: in law verbum, provtrbium ; a faying, adage, or foort Jen-
the plaintiff, becaufe be follo•vs the opprc!Tor, te11ce, comprehending much wifdorn.
with. complaints ag ainfl: his inj ufl:ice. PRO-VJDENCE, f.,;.,, fut . 2. 11,,, Ion. u,..,
PROSE LYTE, ne•..,,>-11•<, profdytus, qui ii et prrefrxo d igamma, video; to Jee: flp.•ol•"• prt>-
Gentili/mo fa t ontulit ad 7udaifmum ; a convert video ; to forefae, foruaft.
fro1ir Paganifm to ]udnifm; or any other rtligio,,. PRO-VINCE, N'""'• by tranfpofition r.x.,, vinco>
· PROS-ODY, IIeo<<fl'"• au e11tus,profodia ; the provi1/(ia, qllod populus Ro1n'1nus eas prO'Uintit ;
'rule of aatnti11g, or pF01101111ci11g fyt!ables tr11/y : i. e. ""'t 'ilincit; a difirift, or tract ofland,fk-
R.. neor, an (i ~""'J ( (f/1/111; a fr;11g, Qr ji,1ging. mtrf)· ruH'/lltred by the Romans.
PROS-OPO: PCEIA, ne.,...,,.,....,;,., profapo- PRO- VOKE, B•""' S•w, v oco, provocatio; a
p(l!ia, per/011nr11m co-trfit1io ; ftigning , or /11ppuji11g calling forth, or cholla1gi11g : an apptal to tbt pfople.
"ptrfon , ~r thing to fptak: a figure in rhi:roric, PRO-V0$T: Skinner mentions no. lefs tha!I
by which the fpeaker acld rdfes him felf to th ings eight dcriv. ; but concludes, " oinnia contratl:a
inanimate; and as ir were perfolli}its thein : R. l.Lar. pr4J!ofi1us :"- then he lhould have faid,
ll:c.,.~:ro,., f t'1fo1111; et 'no1 c~J fatio~ a 0w, ptHO, prdpono, pr;epojillll; jet C'l.'lr.
PRO-SPEC1', :i:...."•• ,,.. ...,, per n1etath. jju- PROW of a foip, " Up"'f."• which c.omes from,
t io, which both l ..i tclecon and Ainfworth derive Ueo, ante ; and is formed from Up••1;,, to fee b.e-
from !""'"'• but that may be only a mi(bke of fo1·e, er afar off: R. ·of.."· vjdeo: Nug...- ic-
1 he prds, and they n1eant l: . . .. ,.,, or :i:..,..7 .,,,.. : (eems to take its name fron1 being th~ bead,. or
for :i:.,..., lig niiics ltgo ; lo. hide ; but :i: •• ,,.,.,, and fore part of che lhi p, whid1 is always jirft dif.-
rx...1......., vid~o, profpicio ; to look forwtwd, taltt a cernrd by the people on rhore. . .
v ietv·of tht p rofptEI bofort us. P ROWESS, Tip••>·~'' flp•x,Hpof, pro111pto et pr~­
P.ROSP.f .R, ne ..'f"e•r, tommodus, 11ti!is; ton- dpiti ingeniu pr,i;ditus; tho' Skinner fuppofes it is.
~«>iieut, ufiful; a·lfo good fuueft, good f ortu"lle. derived "a probitas; unde probur; i. c. vir mil/tis
PRO -Sl'ITUTION, i...,,.,fto, projto,profli-tt10; pr,,,/ii.s pro'1atMJ. :"- it may be fo;. bur then it is
10 fta11d f•rth to pu/Jljc vi~ in order to be hirtd. derived it P ROVE: Gr.
P RO-TECT, t'l•r•'> tego; to cover from harm. PRO.W L, " Cafaubon deflcllrt ab "£14..o>""'
P RO- TEND, T,.,.,,, 1611do; protrTtdo; to j/1.-etch lucr11J11 facio, negotior; e t alibi a n~o'">."' : Hefyc h •.
•UI. a Up<.-11•;, flp•X."fH :"- " mallem;• continuesSkin-
PRO -TERVITY, Ta:ue•f, tnurus, torvus, tav.rino ner, t< a ll~o>.«.., prdf'ViJ/tO; n«W•aUteon 'iJJdtO eXpO-
vu/tu a[Picere; tu look fi•rte like a wild /Jttl!: Litt. llitllr; q. d. to look ou~: fed neutt um placer :
and Ainfw. derive it from tortivus, 1ort11m ;. i. e. credo pocius a Fr. G.a ll. proier. ;, et cjus pr.o duc-.
lf/YljUeo, fi, /11111; to wreatbt, twijl; 111r11 afide. • tione diminutjva pr.oyt!er ; prd!dari, prd!dulari ~
PRO-TEST {Ehr~:, teft iJ, prottftatio; an ha:.-c a nom . proye, pr.eda :"-but the D.r. h.imfr:lf,..
PRO-'I'EST.ANTS open MclaFalion, attejlation. under the art. prty, has derived thofe vcr.y wor.ds.
PROVE, Hf4o<, lEol. U~oFu,, probus. ; quidam proye a.nd' prdda, i u,,9,_, 'flajh, dir:ipio ;. Jo 14]:·
rraoOatmn ccnfrnt a re metallica, propricque dici wafte; [pail, or plunder,.
de meraUo bene coAcoCl:o; nee rnago0perc im- PROXJMn·y ; llf•, pr~; pr•pt, propior,proxi-
p11~ne1n ; fays V 0(1: ver.u m 1nagis p lact'r probus mu1 ; nearnefs i11. blood, kindrtd,, 1uigbbo11rboad,.. or·
• >ldein forma ditl:um q_uafi probi~UJ,, qua,ex pr.r- fitualian..
• • PROXY"

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p u G RE ! K,, and LA T 1 N. p u
PROX'Y; " ab eodem certe, quo pro!lor, cum den.fa, ftipo; n •.,,,, denfus: Skinn."-any thing
pro pr•curalore accipitur, fonte tluxiff'e non puto·; laid up in a beap, crumpled, and rumpled together.:
fays Cafaub.: and rhcrefoie he derives it a ne•E"''" fomctimcs u(ed in the fcnfe of being dij/urbed, or
hefpei puhJicuJ, amicus; et q11i alicujus boni feu ruffted in 1e111per; as when we fay do not put yottr-
roali author eft alicui : unde llf•£011,;, proxtneta ; felf in a pu,lter.
qui eft veluri eontiliator, interpru, ct inttr1111n/i11S PUDDER; " Cafaubon delleftit a nul"e'?''"
ad patifetndum : a ptrfan, wbo jJands in tbe place of quod Hcfych. exponit ,.. "'"X.'~1,,., T'"'• ..>.>: "'""
anolber; or is a mediator, and inllrtejfor. ,,.J:I'~>, x_aAr.,,.~1ll,.v, nemintrn ferrt, fed prre i11lpa-
PRUDE; one who pretends to a great tharc ticntia refilire, jloma,bari; not to bear any tl1ing
of pr11denu : as .in the next arr. patimtly, but 10 rejell, and d!fdnin every tbing, a11d
PRUDENT; either from the fame root with roeryperjon; alfo to roifea Jij/urhatue, make much ado
prwidt ; or elfe a <I>eo:I:-, <l>f"'lfA"''> a ll•i>e"'.t"• abo,ut 1101bin$ :- Lye, in his Addend a, fays, " Pother
pmt. perf. nied : verb1 <l>e ..£", co1tfidero ; to aft quam proxnne acqdet ad Iceland. f11dur ; .autle~
with due eo11fiderati1111, and ct111tion. ratio, tumultus :"-whether thefe have any con-
PRUINOUS, by rranfpofition derived a nexi~n wicl1 nvl"e'{Hv, tlte critics 'alone ca11 de-
n ve, ignis, unde uro, ptruro, cc pruina, quia frugu termine.
perKTit: boar frofl, which f'orebes and por,bu all PUDDING; there are two dcriv; fo totally
pla111J. difte rent fron1 Qur manner of writing the word
PRUNE-tree; " nf"'"• prunus: N11g." a puddi11g, that one would hardly think it poflible
plum-tree, bu/lace, or floe . . any two Greek words could be fo wonderfully de-
PRUNE, .or trim : o...., vi1111m ; unde Gall. bafed as to form the word p11ddi11g ; and yet, by
"Oignt, provigner; vel Ital. provanare; depampi- the help of our good friends the French, thofc
nart vitem ; vel ad quarumvis arhorum puta/i - dcbafers of all language, . we may be able to trace
onem pertinens; tbt (Utlillg •ul Juprrftuous wood. out the etym. of this word; in order to which,
PRUR I.ENT, nve, uro,pr.urio; to burnwitbdcjire. we muft fix on the L atin word bot11l111, which is
PRY; """f'"''""1"~' infpicere, rimari: nefcio an derived either from ra:9o~.,,, idem .qu<XI r,1,,. fcir
a Ft. Gall. pre1t·v tr, prouvtr, faire · preuve, pro- r,9,,., gaudia ; d11i11ties; or froin o..>..., bolus ; undc
·hare: Skinn."-then it feems to come from the botulus; undc Ical. bode/lo ; unde Gall. boudin ;
fame root with PROVE :-but it might be bet- unde Englilh, P,l(ddi11g ; properly fpe'\kiog a /au.:
te r co derive pry, ab E1J':c, video ; quali pr<dvidco; /age, genus farci111inis ; a kind of fluffing: Gerard
.to /ooit witb caution, and cart. Voffius, however, has given us another deriv: of
PRY-THEE, cootrafted fro1n I pray tbu :- die word bot.11!us, a llo&">.", quod veteres expo-
i::oofequently Gr. fl UOt IlVIFf4~1 f1blMTOflJ ent11m; }ltif!;"11g; hoc a Ut.'W•
PSALM; " 'f"'>.l"~J, .., a ji>tgi11g of pfalms: R. vel Bv?w, farcio, oppleo; lo jiu.ff, or cra.m: but
'f.. >.>.w, pfaJlo; to fing, or play upon an inflrument; ftill it teems to cany ,only the idea of a faufagt,
'f,.>.,...,, pfulmus; a pfafm, or fo11g; and •rnJ.,, quod farcimen ni hi! aliud fit, q uam inteflimtm, ,·anu
f''"" eano; unde 0.1., a cantide : Nug." mi1111tim eon(i;a, vd fimi/i ali'l11ti maurie imp!etum :
PSEUDO-MARTYR ; 'ftvl• - l'"'t1•e• / ti!· - it is chis fillit1g, this}Juffing, which has g iven the
f1is-teflis; a falfa-witnejs; Ollt who dies ill ttfli· firft o rigin to our word puddii:g ; for in what
"101') of a falfe religion, or opinion. manner foever the Greeks compo led their s, 9,._
PSEU DO-l?ROPHET, 'i'1vlo-.-~·~·1•r, pfeu- '-•» the Latins their botultu; the Ical ians their
Jc-propbtta, falfus -pri;pbeta ; a falfe-propbet 1 a bodtllo ; the French their /Joudi11 ; and the Eng-
forettllei· of !fing divinatio11 : R . 'l'•vl«, Ja!fus ; e t lirh their pudding; it is plain t hat the orig in of
Of•~•1•;, propheta. . . all thofe words is one ancl che fame; whether we
PTISAN, "n1•.-~«11'11, ptif111111 ; barley unbujlud, take either, or B1.1w1 B".1{41, uncie 8.:;G~>u;)',
and fadden in 1vater: R . n1.~~.,, pi,11/0, duortico : f(Jr r:hc origin al \VOr<.I ;, a11d.of c~1e t\\'O we l11ig l1t
Nug." rat her prefer the latter :-there is fo curious a
PTOLEMY, n1•>-•,..,v, pro n,>.'I'"" pugnare; pnlliige relating to t his iubjeft iu the XVIII.
n.,,.,..;, Il1•7't(A«••r, PtoitJlltUJ; qui a11imo bt!!irofo, Odyff. 43, that J 1nuft defire leave to produce
n1iJitari iodutos eft ; a hold, and valiant warior. it• though H o1ncr there calls the B•; 9~1'•v, or to-·
PUBERTY, 'Hl3•• ;,13.r, pubes, pubertos; 111a- 1u/u,, l"«r•eir :
J11rity, ripe11efs of age : vel A.B•f3~•. ingue"; tbeg~oin. v - f"'u, p.~nntf• ( · ~f~<i e'), ,,e°' T•• Horli>·
r UffPtr .... .. ,.,. £1' J.•"
PUBLIC, llohv(, .•i .nc>.>.01, multus, popuJia; tb,·
many, the populate; any. 1bi11g madt puQ/it, or,di·
,. iltl# ., ~'Vt.))' XI ~/
''W·~°'IJ 7'(K.~Q

Ka9rf"18«, xl'iqa-~r -r1., x~1 "';.,,.~10, LfL7rAY)trari1; :

.f1rl 1 4.,~ :;" >t

_;[perftd 11hr.pad among the peop.le. . this is .cxaetly our bla<~-puddi11g : bu r however,
PUCKER,; " Uv•"·• de1<se_; Ilu••~.,, " """'"'• lee the ingredients be wh:itever they n1ay, fti ll.
J B ?. •S

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From G ·Jl E a r:, and L A T 1 "" p u
•s thofe ingredients mun be put into "'' i11teftint, takr n in the fenfc of .t~pelforati.t1g, or' ·emptying
hag, or pofte, it is plain that the origin of the1n the hreojJ and jimucb .:-it was obfervcd, that
all, as we jul~ now obferved, 1nu!l: be one, and this word •bas fubfill:e<l in· our language, e1rer fince
'the fame. the time of Shakefpcar, who has introduced it in
PUDDLE, " !h1'.c;, pa/us, lutum, <l'lllttm ; his .ds Jffll like it, Alt IL fc- 9, he has fo
marjhy, mttddy groH11d: Cnfaub."-but Skinner ju!l:ly defcribed, . or rather indeed drawn the pic-
derives it a puteoltu; but even then it would ture of man;
be Gr. ; bcfidcs, if this puteolill ·lhould happen --- - at tirft the infant,
t o be a dry one, it could then (c·arce be called ~1ewl ing., and ia the nurfc's arms.
o puddle,,which is al~vays 1noilt : \te mighr there- PUKE of ha,y ; either from n ..N"<• crajfa1,
fore rather prefer llo>....1., (n..•r) a n.v.o<, above. dce'![us; cloft, a•d thiclc ; or perhaps from n,,.1.,,
P UD1CITY, 'Hf3•, ,;13.,,, pubes, pudet , pudi- vel n ...1.,, eo111fae7us, fo111pr~!fas ; as .when we fay
ritia ; jhamefaudnefl, modefty : Jfaac Voflius has cloft·pt;ci.t: or·dfe from d•..••-"«• fafci~, fafciadus;
more properly derived ptuior ab A,;.,,, et A"'"'• a b1111d/e, or trufs of hay.
lEol. FavJo;, pud'or; fha me, blujhi11g : vel a fi.o&•, PULCHRITUDE, n.J.•·x"t• pukbtr, q-uau
put~, .P_r{dOr ; hoc eft .,., Atlo10~, uncle nfo,.-,a-8'0' 1 polfrb•r ; cujus mnltis rnodis veiatut 'erymon;
, pr,epu111tm. w1/Ji..1J1/jn.111, i. c ..furti.J ; nam R,omani, qu i 0tnnia
. PUERI LE; _rr~iJ, II•.e· Dor. pro n..,,, por, ponebant in f ortitudine, com dc1n u1n f•nnoflJJll
p11er; boyifh, cbtldtj/J. purnbant, qui ctlC't forli1; fatL itcleton andAin(w.
' PUFf , ·and l>low; TI••<i>o.-.-.,, vebementius fpi- under the art. puleher :- but Volfius gives us
rar1; ta !Jrtatbt bard: R. <l» va.,, flo ; lo blow, like IT•>w·xe•<. ii Uo>.u, ct x•.,P.•» Ut proprie fit P•l-
'the wind. chrum, quod multu111 co?oris, nitorifqtu b11bu: vtl
PUFFIN ; fro1n the fame root ; meaning any Cfl: pu/chtr ex Jlo1'.u-;c~1~ Ut proprie pti/cber fit,
thing that is bloated, or bl1JW1111p, likt light brtad, in quo fi•IV.•-X'"i"' mu/ta gratia i-we might
pajft, &c. , · rar her prefer this aft.
PUG; " Il•YI'"'°'• Hom. IL r . 6. v1de Schol. P ULE in Skinner, fignilies exiltm voctm ttkre,
Upt." - this is all he has faid on this fub- i11/h1r aviculan1111 pipit111i11111 : - he 1night more
jeB:; but as his own deriv. and quot>tt. more properly have applied it to the 1111JW!inf of an in-
properly belong to [he word PYGMY, [han to fant, or the mewing of a cat ; for it lcems to be .
pug, let n1e refer n1y obfervations to rhat art. and only another way of writing the fame word.
only mention here, that both Jun. and Skinn. PULK, " o hole of dirty wa.ttr : Ray.''- it
have given us a different deriv. : thut, pug,, fimi - feeins lo be only a concracHnn of puddle-dock., or
arum nomen ;ipud Anglos, fays Jun. quod v1detur perhaps of poolcck, or little pool •f wafrr; like
defumpn1m·anuy•, t/u11ts, ntJ/eJ; prorfus Ut fimias hil!odt; but· in either c,afe it is Gr. ·
oli:n dicebant c!1111as, telte Fefto, ii dunibus tri tit: P ULL,, E•>,.., vet 1l11..A.., qood idem ac Ev.r•,
on which Lye obfer~es, rell:c fortalfe Jun. vide vello, vdlho ; unde Belg. pt/kn; to pluck.
i:amen an non fit ab Icel and . puke; J,emon : ·_PUJ~LET; n:Mcr, p11//u1; the young 1/ eviry
Skinne r likewi fc has given us the fam.: fignili · &reaturt.
cation ; pugs crian1 d,e111011es vocant ; feel credo, PUL LEY, lI•1'.w , verto; to turn ro#nd; o w!Hli
non quofvis, fed eos folum, qui formil puero- that turns conjlantly. .
.r1Jm fagis et pythoniffis apparent, et ab iis blan- PU L MONY, n""I'"'" per metath. pu/1110;
dimcntis excioi untur. lEoJ. Jl>.<u14«•, the 'lungs ; Ct n,."I'" s~><, Jbe
PUISSANCE, "pottns; il Gall . puif!a11t, par- breath of life : R. n,.,, flo.
tid p. verbi p11is ; pojji1111; uncle p11ilfa1'a; potenlia : PULP, It.>.1-r, Ilo>.9or, puls, pulnuntum ; pap,
omnia a Lat. poj]i1m: Skinn."-rrue; but . it is or any faft food.
! 'OSSIBLE pof!m11 may be Gr. PULPIT, fi•1'. vr, oi "'"'"•» 'popu/111 ;
'PUKE, expef.lcrote : though this word has pulpitum ; an eminence fro1n which they haran:
f1Jb(i.fh:d in our language, ever find: the time of gued the pe"plt: and pulpita dicta, quia fueranc
Shakefpear, and .no.doubt Jong before; yet there ab imo folo primum cifpitibus c;latiora ; ita p11/-
is no dilt. nor ccymol. that will help us to a pro- villi in horcis ; et pulpita in ca.this :-fo tbat
per de riv . of this word : Skinner, and after hin1 here f~cms to be another etym. pointed out ;
Bailey, tell us, it comes a Belg. fuycken ; pel- viz. a IlllA"S'' inferto digamma puiViJ; p1,f1:in4f,
ltrt , p1·otr11derc ;-this. is like n1any more ?f cheir n.;,(3 .... : vel a 11..;.•, Jarbta, quz pulveril inltsr
vulgar deri9.-wc m•i:ht tlth er fuj)pOle, that provol:it. VolT.
puke is 01'1 ly a concratrion of pect11J, 1. e. nox1or, P ULS, n ol\1•r, p1t!s, pu{mentum; any Jegumi:
ii n...7,.,1 p cf.lo ; uode pe&rus ; er pefle11; and here nous herb of the pea' and ll:an. trifle. .

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p u From Ga E.E K, and LAT 1 N. ;11
... u
PULSE, A1r1»>.w, pello ; p11lj11s ; a beating of if rhe quantity be great, the pupil contrall:s clo(cr;
the arterin. ·and when fmall, it th'en dilates, or draws to its
· pULVE.RI;zE; rI•»•r, p11iv!s, iriferto d igamma; g reateft opening, or as wide as poOible : this
unde pulve1·~tio, pro foffion~ v1nere, qure ~t fereno, contraction and dilatarion is involuntary in, nil
c<Elo in ficca tellure, ad exc1tandum p11lverm1, quo creatures; nature herfelf performing it• without
uvas facilius a fole coqui putabani; the digging OUI' affifhnce, or perception. ,
3 vineyard in dry weather, in order to raift ,a PlJPIL, or f cholar ; fro m the fame root; Gr. ;
Ju.ft ; which operation was fuppofcd to hafien the 1i:eaning a ·bo)'i or a girl under tuition, ily1r11c-
maturity of th.e grapes. . 1io11, &c.
· PUIYUCE, "111v4', fpuo, fpum.a, fpumex; unde· PtTPPET; commonly '"ritten ano pronpunced
pumex, it.a dittus, quia nihil '. aJiud ~It quam poppet ; and fo indeed it ought to be, if we fol·
/puma Jalis, et f -ex quredain lap1dum l1qucfall:o- low the Greek rioi;v,or. Il•F •>.A•' ; but pttppU feems
rum, ut fcoria 1netalloru111: Vo!T."- a fpecici of to be formed according to the La~in orrhog r.
eariou; jl.011e, found on the fea-lhorc, and fuppofrd pupiltus, pupil/a, pupa; a Joli, or ha!J:>•.
to be "only the fprar., or fo1ne of the fca petrified; PUP,PY, from the fame root; with the fame
but rhey are found as frequently in the regions obfervation.
of vulcanos ; 31\d therefore we might rµther adopt P U R like a tat ; a contraction of Moe-l'"f"•
· the opini~n of If. Volf. who has derived putnex ii after changing ,.. into p. .
n.,, 11.,,....., n"'l'"f, potator, ab imbibcndo humo- PUR, or poker ; fl•f• ig11is ; an infrrument' to
rem ; and m,ay not i1nproperly be tranOated tbc !tir the fire With : perhaps a contraction of poker.
drinking .ft~ne; becaufe it drinks, and faalr.s 11p all PUR-CHASE; "Fr. Gall. po11r- cbaffir; vcna-
moilture : . • . . · ri; Ital . procacciare; ptrjequ~, profequf; Jµn. an~
Aue tapidtm b1bu/um, aut fqualentes mfodc Skinn." but neither of chem have told us froth
conchas. . Geo. II. 3~8. whence rhaffer is derived': fee <;HASE: Gr. or Lat.:
PUMP, n'I'""" mitto, emitto; quod antlia -it n1ight, however, be 1nuch better to fuppofe,
moia emittantur aq11.: : vox Skinnero .videtur a with Spelm. (under the art. adtratlu1) that pur-
fono alI'urgcntis aqure fjll:a: a jipbo.n, or b)·draulfr cba{t was but a Northern abufc 6( ptrquijitum : -
machine. andconfequentlyGr. ftill: feePER-QYISITE: Gr.
PUNCH boles Il•'l'•"I"• pungo ; to peirce witb PURE; even Ciel. Voe. 126, n, admits, that
PUNCTILIO a11y pointed injlrumenJ ; to be purus originally fignifics cleanfing by fire; no~.
PUNC'IlJJ\L exact in point of time, &c. P U R FLE, n1>.,,, pi/us, filttm; " unde Fr;
PUNCTURE to. do any thing with preci- Gall. pourfiltr; Ital. profilare; a11reo filo in!e.•ere;
PUNGENT lion and difpat~h : or elfe q. d. L ot . profi!are, filum produeere: Skinn." Jg
· from fl•')'/'\•• 'pug111u; Jo beat, or flrike, with the work witb gold !bread; to embroider.
. band doubled: t.hc former deriv. is more preferable. PURFLF..\V: from the fame root : Gr;
PUNISH, n...., pama, p1111io; tbe tal:ing due . PURI -FY, nve, ·;gnis; unde pttro; ec purtts ';
.vi11ge11nce jcr a,1 inj11ry done, or crime t6mmitttd. · ut proprie d icat'ur de 111ernllis, qure ignc purgan·-
P UNY, "Fr. Ga.11. .puis nJ; pojl 11a/us, junior; tur; the rendering all things neat, ciea11, and in
1J()'l)iiius: Skinn.'' young, tender, weak : though the a. manner new, by che operation, and al:'lion of
Dr. could not find that pof/, and natus were Gr. fire principally; or any other means: and this
PUNY- JUDGE; fro1n the fan1e root: Gr.: mi ght give occalion to that 1noft abfurd doctrine
1ncauing a junior, or you11ger judge; one newly, or of purgatory, i. e. of a uteral, ma terial fire tb
la fely appointed :-contequently Gr. burn away metapborieo/ impuritits ; a doctrine
. PUPIL of.. the eye, na•;, fic;ie, rioi>.Acl, noF1AAor, however much older tha11 Chriftianity ; and con-
.pupifltts, five .pupil/~; a Iii/le ._puppet.: meaning fequcntly I-leathen; for thus is it poet ically de-
.Jbt little image, which. looks like a !111/e boy, or fcribed by Virgil ; /En. VJ. 739·
girl, .feen at the bottom of the eye, by thofe who Ergo exercentur prenis, veterumque maloru1n
look attentively into it; as we have obferved under Supplicia expcndunc: alire panduntur inanes
the art. APPl.:E of the ~e :-permit me, however, Sufpeofa: ad ventos : aliis fub gurgite va!to
here to obfcrve, that·the p11pil of tbt rye, properly lnfrflum eluit ur fee/us, aut exurilur igne•
.and ltrittly !peaking'.is i:ion1~re than the openi':'g, For this they're punilh•d, and the pangs
or entrance, to;adm1t ltght rnto the eye; which endure
j s. done by nieans .o~ a curtain, provide~tially Of veteran fins: 'fame to the viewlcfs· winds
placed under the t11m~a cor~a, (e.xa".llY like a Are high <~ipofed : odiers beneath the Aoocl
chamber window-curtam) which is dilated, and Walh out their detp·Jlain'd tuilt, or burl}
con~racted inverfdy to th¢ quant-ity ~flight ; i.e. witb fire.
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p u From GREE x., and LAT 1 N. ·P y
PURL, Oeor, extremitas, terminus; " unde ora, ftle1 compellamus; forte a Lat. vet. pufa, pufula,
fi111bria; unde Ital. orlo; ora ; a Lac. orula ortum puce/la ; i. c. puella :"-ev.ery one will admit the
ducic : Skinn." a border, or fringt. . propriety. of the Dr's. derivation thus far; h.e
PUR-LIEU ; barbarous French orthogr. for ougbt no~, however, to have ftopt here, but to
_purus l0<u1 ; " fie appellanrur omnes fundi, qu i· have traced p11tlla up to the Gr. or rather to die oli1n ad faltus regios fpeClarent; pofiea de- Hebr. thus ; putr originem trahit a 'i;I) filius ;
creco curire faltuarire fcparati funt : Lye :"-who inde ell nee, Dor. pto n""• unde Latinotun1 por;
q uotes likewife Cowcl, l\1in(b. and Skino.-but ct t inferto peer ; pro quo po!l:t'<l puer ; nam ·o
neither he, · nor any one whon1 he has quoted, pro u p ronunciabant veteres : porro pro puer,
would trace chofe words up to their.true fountai n, p11eru1, puellru, unde puera, puer11la, putl!a, pu-
t he Gr. as has been done u nder boch thole arr. ctlla, pu(uln, P_t1fo, Pufl• .
PURE, and LOCAL. . PUSTULE, nv •., ct .IT•"• p:11, pujlula ; a
. FUR LING }lrt11111 ; " a Lat. proliquart : blifler, wheal, o r blai11.
Skinn."-confequently derived a A•"• /t;vo, liquo, PUT, 0.,,· pono, ' pefttum; plactil, fat, or laid:
proliq110 (if there be any fuch Lat. word) pro/i- PUTA"fIVE, llv$""'1'"'• p11101 p111ati- .,..,.$,w,
q!talus ; ifli1ing, or b11bb/i11g forth. · vus ; f uppofed, 1bo11gh1 Jo be.
PURLOIN; "Fr. Gill . pourloig11tr, ut tfloig- PUTID Jn,•., cc n,.,,, llv&.,, nu-
ner; Lat. prolongart, ·i.e. loPlt auftrrr.; (con- PUTRE-F1\CTION· 9,lw., pus, pu1rid11s;
fcqucocly Gr. ) Cafaub. deAecti.c a n..e-"•»"?"» PU'fRE-FY nofl;'> duaytd, and
fraudultnter ox<re : Skinn.".-10 otl frattdu!enl/y : PUTRID . .!P•iled.
-but why che Dr, (hould prefer the Fr. Gall. PU1'1' 0CK feems io be but a different dia-
t o the Gr. would be difficulc to fay. lect for b11teo; uncle b1111~/1 qoaft puuot ·; unde
PURPLE, Il•f4'"e"• purpurp ; proprie' genus pttllork; a fpecies of hawk : buteo autcm i\ BB<-T~v­
conchre, cujus liq11ore olim vefics tingebancur : f'' : fee Bf1'TERN : Gr.
properly a Jhtll-fijh (perhaps die murtx) · with the PYE, ba~<d ; a· contraction of poflry : fee
JU ice, or blood of which they fonndl the purple. PASTE: Gr.
PUR-PORT, ne•-i;.fi .. ,pro-porto ; "argumcn- PYG1\1Y : it has been already obferved, that
tum fc. quod fcriprum pro..porlal ; vcl porro-por. u pton derived che art. pug, ((a 11"')'1''"''• though
/al; i. e. i11 progref!u txbibel : Skinn.''- Jbt dc- thar word belonged more pr-0perly to this art ."
jign, argument, or inu11tio11 of a \VOrk. ftgnify ing "pumilio; a dwarf; one who is only
PUR -POSE ; Glw, pono, propono, propojilum ; or a cufit high ; a ""'i'I'"• the fijl, or the n1eafure
perhaps from the foregoing root : to fignify the from tbt fift to the elbow: R. nvE, w ith onc'1 ./i;1;
fame. an adverb: Nog." -chis is all the Dr. has offer-
PURSLAIN, 4>oe1'"'• pliTlo ; unde por/ulaca ; ed · on this (ubjell:; notwithfranding Mr. Upton
quod fol iis portulns imicecur: che herb fo called had given him the hint o( more n1aner in Ho-
fro1n its .pen and expanded leaves. mer; for thefe PJgmitJ, it fecms, were a d imi-
PURSY, bloated ; n.., .....,,., 'Vebt1nc111i111 fpi- nu tive race of heroe.•, fo unfortunace as to be
rar< ; Jo breathe bard. wai·'d •• by cra11n: 11: r. 3,
PUR-VEYOR; E1J,.,, video, pr1YVifi11, provi- HV1r vtf x>•«')'yri r1ea . W:.- 1rt>.H~ue~vt-&1 .,,eo,
for, quafi providitor ; a fcrefu r, or provider cf Ai1' XE$f'W¥0& ~uro11, )(~' et9tC'~a.1"" 1J,u.f3eov,
ir.t i ".,
1bi11JI.~ beforehand. - , . t1r' ' U:~(:t~OIO ?OC&w~,
K >.«')")'!' T "4l';'f -? fl;r.v1"1 ·-
.l'URULENT} A11lea.4"'1 f1117fta-'o'~' ~o"o" ic::i' )!~fe •rr1:1~.x.1 •
PtJS n,,.., ~t noor, p111, purulent us ; Ht(>IC&L d' «e« -T~L')'f xaXl)ll lfllr.t. ?rfOf'lf~"1"' :

I >USH , or flort lht ripe11efs of a puj/11/e. . on which t he Scholiafi obferves, n"'Yl4"'' ·""" n,y•-
PUS H, or 1hr11jl ; A$~'f'"'• "'I"''-•» ab inulic: 11114rzto1(, llt:xv~'o,,· ri1::i a.?ro n :1rf'«t11 (3ex..11•At(.iJ; M1~
· A,,,><A.,, pello, p111fa ; p11lfuJ; Jo jlrike, knotk, or XiXA7tf'l1'01( " Yo" HS'. nuyc;.o,
. " G' U11rro:A,Mi1tCI) ! llu-
jl.wve ~-or, perhaps, pufhed may be only a dialect I r X.r.t1'e1"' ;, n~%\:l) T~ a.;iro A')'X"~..-s, ·~ d~x-
of che Celtic word ifaed ; expelied, or outed ; ac- - - XE•f~' 01a
1vf..:v 7:S' , r-,.,f1-«-t._ E; r1 ~f • ~tv~'.,
• yr~')'IXo~,
cording to Ciel. Vo.c. 112; as 'ifaed fecms co be
A:rv,,~r."., M ·xer...·11, xa::101lU:t1,1!1)v ttS' Ta. a11:e1~1w ,u .tt'I T'iS'
. ,..,,,,
~~ ~ \
another dialect of ick, or i&ked; which is but an- Aiy1.+1r1,a:xr.S' r.J, ,,'T,<il' "r'¥ o "''f 1:0)..Ef"-H
other diale& of' it/u,; as that foems to be but
another. dialect of 0 1f•r, la{/UJ ;. a 0''.l'"'• tango;
x 12:i "''I""" - .,., x""eft·
ftfa1>:17'~1 9>1%,crJ, {3A«111B~«';°; «,~1w1 ~ Tt¥ !t1rt.~fA-a1« 1
10 touch, pujb, or fhove. PYRAMID, "llve"l''r,
pyramiJ: R. nue, gen.=- fiP fi
PUSJLL-ANIMI1'Y ; nw.or-"'"l''r, pullu1, "."r''• Jht fire: ?.ec~ufc·pyramfds afcend to " point,
pujilluJ·onim11s-; weak.minded, f1i111-bear1td. · : Nug . -1t 1s a pity that the D r. who /'¥"'1
PUSS; " vox blanditoria," fays SI.inn. " qua · fcenlS · to prof~fs himfelf an etymologifl, could , J"l . .11
.J . give ,f lfVV r i

'17fo ""'g v I I\ /k, "-1(µI 4.11t~) "11-t. • J4i /IJ,~

, {::_/J /I.~ f7 ~ ~ii~,:~_by Gc~1
.P y Fl')m G ll IE K, and ·L .1. T iH. p y
give us no better. a fpecifl'len.of !\is abiii ties,. tl1an for all tbe produce -oC Egy,pc :-to fo much a-
what he has. here exhibifed on t) :-for; if better purpofe would tbele honeft Greeks have-
he had anen<,led to the poet~, . Jhofe infallible applied thofc enormous edifices; little imagining
guides as to etymqlogy, he would Coon have founq, that they could ever have been raifcd 011ly for
that his prefent derivation tnufl: be wrong i. be- the lodgement of a dead · body, as they have
.lides, Volllus would have told him as much 1 for, lincc been difcovered, . though no body was found.
.after having produced the_ opinion of A1nmianus there; only the place incended: Co that, at ·1an:,
Marcellinus, who decides for quod ad ignis fpq- the pompou s prince who raifed them, was in
.ciem, T;; floe•;, ext~nuatur. in conum, he add~, his !alt moments afraid of being buried there •
at ·ali!s placer, fie dictas a µ•e•<' •• id ell:, lrili- . PYRE; many have fuppofcd, that . this word
c11111 ; quia cum in eas rex /rumen/um congeffitrer; lik~wife is defcended a fl•e· ignis ; fire ; unde
,pcnuriam hujus fecit in· univers:t .lEgypto: docet pirus ; c. funeral pyre; or pile, on. which the dead
.id Stephan\1; n,_e~ Ilo).(;Jt, 0JtOf£~cr9~cr.i11 ;, fl:iif«p,/1~ bodies were laid in order to be bur11t :-bur, with
,A,..o T"~ll 11iif~>, ~S' txit crut1~')'«-')f."1>', 0 {3"a"_'A111~, 111,IMa.11 Cafaub. it mighc be betier to derive fyr1 it Iluf"'•:
~-,,,-o~,.cr.• Iil1r K\':t.1a -rnv A,,..,,..,7,., :-afcer Voffius .has lignorum flrues, five accenfa, fi~e non accenfa, fed
th'!s mentioned both t.hefe derivations, he pro- ad ufum rogi proprie : -it mull be owned, how-
duces this very argument he re 1nade ufe of; for ever, that it looks as if he intended that . nue."'
thefe are ~is words in favour of flii'f ''• trititum: . icfelf lhou-ld draw its origin from fl•f• though all
"videtur hoc ety1non priori prrelerendurn .; eo pyres, or piles, or flacks of wood arc not immedi-
quod pjramis, er nueo;, triticum, conveniant prim re ately burnt. .
fyllabre modlllo, contra qua1n fit in flve, n,;f"• PYRJT l!-.S, fl'f•?n;, fc. >-•&o(·, pyrifts, nunc lapid is:
'; ejufque derivatis :''-many ocher infl:anccs nomen ell : the pyrites, a fione fo called undoubt-
might be produced, in which this great etymol. edly a flue, flveo(, ignis; fire; tbe fire-flone ;-and'
and cricia, has ~etermined, with regard to the confeqitently would have been a very proper ma-
derivation of feveral ocher words ; viz. by the terial for Dr. Nugent to have built his pyramUIF
n1eafure of . the differeoc roots, from .w hich they with: it is alfo tbe name of a jewel;-which- might:
were fuppofed to be deriye~ : whenever the_refore . have d one better llill:
the poets have occafion to mention thefe fiu- PYR0-11ANCY, llue,"f,"'«"''• divi11alio ex igne;.
.p endous buildings of ofientatio n and folly; and 11 divi11ati•• by fire; (perhaps ligStlli11g} R, Uoe,.
.when they as confiantly ufe the tirll fyllable of ig nis ; et ~1a~1Ha::, div inatio.
.the words n;;f"I-''"''' and pjramidu long ; can we PYRRHONJSM, f1"ii'"'~I''" Pyrrlio>tii philofa-
poffibly fuppote, that the etymology of thofe '"ords .pbi; q ui fcmpcr (jll :Cre ndo occupati nih il dccer-
lhould be deduced from n•e· n•e•» ignis, which nunt, nee cred unt: ex Pyrrhoile ·plliloFopho: tile
is always lhort • iu its oblique cafes? Dionylius, dochine of Pyi:rbo, i~e Greek philofopher, who
fpeaking of the pyramids in Geography, was founder of the Sceptics, i. e- a felt of men,,
20, fays ; who reafOned fo long about every thing,. that ac
Ko:, Tc9, crx,1{~,,,..f~Gf 1rfll' vvec1"' ttr i>.et. N..'1A,c, , laft they doul<Jred of aU things,
M'l"f''"' . 11A1{3421'"~ ~~11 IJijeal"J'~""'~ ""'}'¢1.n;~ PY'f H AGORJEAN, rr.G"'l''f'"''• P'ytb11gpricus,
E,tte1x70 ... cA1!. JlJayoem;, Pytf;11gordJus, Pytbagora: fetlator; a; dif-
Horace lik.ewifo,. in bis Third Book, Ode J•o . '
ciple of PJ lbagaras ; who held tlic tranfinigrarion
' Extgi t111Jnume11t11•11 .trt pertnr.irts, of fouls.~ his frfiolars, him infallible,.
thought it was enough to reply to aQy argument
Regaliqut jitu pyran1idum a/tius" .agaiaf!' thelt doc'l:rines, Au1cr •q>o, ipftdixit; befaid'
.can the Dr. now, or any. of his adherents, per- it wnsfa.
fuade us, t.hat we ought to ~ei:iv.c this worct pjra- PYTHONESS, fluG"'"~"'"• Pytbonij[a ;· faga r.
tnid fro.m rl~e• Diif•I'.> ignis, lhorc? - we mufi, venefica 1 n. woman infpirtd, as was fu ppofecf, by-
t herefore, . certainly abide by Iliie•<, Iliif•• long ~ Apollo, in a very exuaordinary manner, na1n'
and this lafl: word fignifies triticum ; wbtat, c.rn, tri.podi infedens,. geni'ralibus, ut aiunt,, partibus.
grain ; and 11ot•fire :-not that we are to fuppofe- fubeuntem excipiebat cum hall tu fiiirin1m ;. inde-
1hat the pyramids were ever !ntended for grana- r.epleta f'1r.Ore,. crinibufqpe folutis, ac f:pumas ore-
r-ies ; bur. chat the Greeks, when, after many ge- emittens, de, rebus cum fururis,, tum dubii~.. re-·
neration•, they v.ilted Egypt, ind faw thofe amaz- fiiondel>at :~xcepr,. indeed, this latter part,. (he·
ing, fl:ruCl:ures,. looked on them as. ftoce-houfos for . puts me in mind: of our quondam famollS. ro/J-
pain; and knowing Egypt to be a country fruit- btt-lady.
ful in torn, they called them pyra111idJ, corn fiore- PYX, nor.- .,,.,.iJ
.. "'" r ..· ,, 3' nv'""
. P.uxus"' a· Bo"·' oe·
' ~ .,
•uildjngs;. being,.. as they. thgught..,the r~pofitories finail calket,. pr.operJF f11c.aking;madc-of 6ox-w•t1d;.
. a3dl

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Q_ u ' From 'Ga!EIC, and ' LATIH. Q.. 6
'add among the Ro1na~ Catholics, the pyx is thn.t ' uf; · vulgo, de. d uobliS : 'Voff.."- this I~ conjec'-
velTel which contains their ho.JI, and is expofed iurc of. Seal. is indeed ingeni'Ous ; but that is
on the '!ltar on Corp111 Cbrijli day, and during the the i:poft that <;an be· faid for it; bccaufe, though
OCt;ives :-it was for ftealing a box of this kin~, the L atins made it a ~ulc, that ·
(thoush fome arc 1nade of filver, y,et ftill retain A cribus ad centum numeros aplota 'llot11Uis, ·
t he name of pyx) that Shakefpear cells us one of yet t~e G*ks went one ftep farther, and decli.n:
}'alftajf's fri.enqs, Bardolph, was hangtd; for in ed T,......., : now, if Ky.1re" fignified no more
his I-len. V. Aet iii. fc. 7, he has made chat than Kon \<J,f•>, anJ anblhtr, it would have been
pc>.mpous, bo1nbaf1:, fanta(tic character, Piftol,. abfurd in the Greeks to have decli.ned it in the
me11tion the faet in chis manner ; plural; becaufe theri 1t would have been .K.)<1•p:r.,
Fo.rtunc ia Bardolph's foe, anc;I frowns on him: for Kou 'F:l•f"• tt c.ettra ; and others ; which would
For he fioll'n a pyx, and hanged mufr a be- no more have fignifiecrfgur 'than fo11r1ten, it be-
F or py1t of little price. ing an indefinite exprelllon : fince therefore the
Greeks did decline T ....."P'<i" as well as Te"<• we
may narurally fuppofe, . that they are both of
them original' nu1nerals, as well as E", and t:.u";
Q UACK QJ}ACK-falver
}" fl•"• celer; F:.>x•: : vel
" ... ro K1xv..., valere ;
conlequently, rliat Tr...."e"' is a neucer plural;
which could never have been declined fro111 K«7ce•>
K«u,, vis, rob11r : mrdicajltr, qui tc cito fal'IJ111n in the lingular. · ·
reddtrt in (e recipit: Upt. under the art. quick:" QYAfF, Kuo:i>•?Hv, lEol. pro Kva91?"» eyatbit
a 'prete11dtr of tbe faculty, who will undercake your indu!geo, poto: R. Kv.. 9.,, 'Jfllli~s, poculum; a cup;
cure, though your cafe be ever Co defperate, and or lanl:ard ; a11 immode;alt drilll:er.
pretend to give you hopes of immtdiatt rttovtry ; Q!.JAGGY, rr,.1".....,, qruijfo, quatio; t ojbal:e. ·
( or immediate death) a gentleman of d!fpatch; Q!.JAG · l'v1IRE; from the fon1e root, by only
no li1J~ercr :- Ciel. '\'lifay. 84, gives us a different joining !'vfll~E, or dirt·: Gr.
idea of this word,. which, according to him, Q!JAIL, a bird;.,, KO:>.,,,, ~10<0 ; quod h;e aves
. fe.em.s to bear no connexion with our wo rd qllick, , interdiu, noetuqtie· m utuo fe '!IG&are nunquam
or difpatcb; for he fays, " a quack-fai'lltr is one celfent : Jun." • 1
who' pretends to cure 1uhts, or ailments by n1y- QYAIL, ·or coddi< milk, :!:11>-«')'•>, cogo, (oagtt!o;
fterious, o~ ca.baliftic words; from quow, .fpeub; quafi quagulo ; lo congeal, n1rdle, turn fa11r: or t>lre
' 11che. or akt, ailmml .; and /4/.?Jtr ; beal<r :"-b ut it may come fro1n :!:•U)..l.<o1, filtigo, vexo, jatlo ; I•
J]UO'W, whence quoth ; and acbe, and fa!vtr, arc hurry, and tofs n1ilk about in a churn, t ill it
all Gr. 1(1rns four . · · ·
QJ}ACKENED, K"'"''YX"• et :i:""'>'X"• a11gina; Q!JAIN'f ; it is retnarkable, that Minfli.
1be q11i11fy; ~ verbo AYX"• Jfnwgulo ; lo Jlrangle; Jun. Skinn. and · Lye, fhould have traced this
JtijfoC11le, and cboak.
Q!JAnRi\,-GESIM ..\L
K11i•go:, JEol. pro
nii1•e~• i. e. T,...
word through every poffible language, ex('('pt
the Greek : Skinner, howev<:r, has led us• as far as
the Lat.· comp111s; then it would have been a very
QYADRANT ~"f"-• in lingua La- eafy, and vt ry naJural ftep, for hin1 co have gone
QYADRI-ENNIAL tim• ,,: abe~rnte in a . Jittle farther, and to have derived co1J<.p111s a
QYADRI-L !\ 1·ER.'\L q; ut ~ n,7"' quo- Ko14~•» K.,..,,, como, comptus; lo comb, or dreft t~ •
9JIADJ.ll-PAR'IJTE t11s: nii1•eo: autem hair; and ufed now to fignify any thing d1·effid,
Q1JADRI-VJAL qua/uur oorare cti- decked, or ador11ed, in a ntw, and fantajiie manner.
QUAD RU-PED am Feltus docet ; QJ} AK.ER, Kap;''" pw, ~·ibro,' : vd· a rl«-
I QJ}ADRU- PLE qui indeperorritutti 1....~.,, quajfo, q11a1io; to feel the worlri11gs; and
dici ai,c, oempe ii qun/11fJT rotis; vel fi.t qt1atuor a ngi1a1ionsof'rhe fpirit within, whic~ oc<'afion thofe
D orico Til•r"• pro T•~.."e"' T in q n1ucaco ; quo ' quaking!, andjhaki11gs without.
1nodo. T"'. ell: <Jllis ::-el~ C:t tenia ecymolog.i>\ Q!JA LI-FYJO••<, n ..,., qua/is; what fari,
fati• rngcQ10fa, qua1n docu1t me Ca::f. Seal. in Q!JALITY 'condi1io11, rank, or pawtr : .. in
fais de 'caufi.s L . L. libr·is, c. 28, antiqui enim: · q vcrfo ; ut a nJI,,; qaotus .
. trts liabµ.er.c nurr,eros poci rnmos; 'E» A vo, 'I"f""• · QUAL!vl : Skinner derives it ab Etl~..,1, ltvis
pofl:ea Jiccb;1.nt K~1'e'» pro Ji.a1. l11~" : .juvat h~nc · animi dtfet!1ts; afick11efs, Jai.r.tliefs : R. Av.,,faivo;
fententi,·u11, quod Anrlophanes 1mt10 l!·~•><f, c um l.o loofa, or grow lax·: t hough ·Cafaub. derives
111.;,~, dixiflct, fobj icit K,,<1te'"• hoc eJ,l, I<<> • "J\J\r.>: 'fua/m ii Kul'"• vcl Kv"I""• partus, toncep/111, ddiq11ium
nan1 J\ ccic.i: 'Elie•r de pluribus dicitur ; non lolum ani111i ~uoddam, 'lua!e parturi mtibus ujitatum; "
frrddtn ,

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.From rK, ~nd LA Trx. Q.. u
,/ul<ktt, /11'1 J!'lb{ (11difPfl/1i111, 14 flJbicb WOIMll with inter quqs, primi q11aluor, utpore propiores,
child art °f."n fu/Jjttl. maximi momenci habentur: lie ubi h ac p hrali
QYAN ·.DARY:" G:ill. q1l1' diray je; 9/lfd 4gam, utimur, intelligin1us, illi Cunt ex cognatis proxi·
·9uid die"~· quo ·,,,~ t1trft1fll 11ifci11: Skinn."-what-, mis; hoc ell, conjun~illimi: Skinn." - only now
ever the Dr. migfa igtcnd by th.a t Gallic exprcffion, t he Dr. fhould have told us, tbat the(e intin:alt
I know ~t ; but this diray feenu to be Old atquainlantt, tbrfe tlofa-«nnclled friends, t hek
F rench ,f~r dirt, ; , and conrcquendy both arc but QPAT E R-COSINS are Gr.
l'reoch dtllortlon.s o.f dictrt;. .w.bt11 fba/J, l [ay ; or/. QyAVER, K1>e•"''I"• ..,· iho, trcmo; vel it n a-
.bow 1101 wba1 to.fay ; all Gr. : f.ce I;>JCTI~N: Gr. 1-...,, qua.lfo, quatio; quov .:r, q11akt, &nd jbai:c.
. @ANT, i.:,.1,,, to.111u1.1 41 k11g p1k, or fpta r, QyEA_N ; '' Ko1,11t, taupD11ari; fatrtari ; K~a­
to thruft a boat with ; " 6001-pllt. ,,.,;, lupaJrar, projJib.,fum, tnufitr torp~t q114jl:.11<
. QyANTITY, O,.r, llonr, guut#I 1 b'':IJ "''"b, f11ri111s : Jun.''-ve) a K£.:1o,.;, 1\.01.-,, ' 01JllJ:Ut1i1; a
4S ... th. com111011 tlrqb ; unlcfs we may fuppofc qutan is
QYARANT INE, n.1,,2, fUOfuor, guadrag111a- but a tranfpolition of q~ena; and, if fo, it may be
" d a' r.,J.~, 1;1u11er;
rlu1 ; f•rly: "'4ra 1[¥adra;:t1tt1na ;,. jlaliont prof>ltr d er1ve ,. . -.. \Vtc
a cqmmo11 woman .
ptjfr., ; a detention o( f•rlJ Joys duration, when often be.a re," fays Verll. 336, "this reproacheful
a pcrfon is fuppofcd to h ave c:ome from an in- · na1ne given to women; and what ic is, l fuppofe few
fcCtcd place. do know; but not becing any way che appellation
QYARREL, or difpute; K1tup.,..21, vcl X•e'""'• properly of a woman, it 1notl then bee fome ocher
Jlltrfil", querulus ; q. d. i,Utrtlart ; lo tomp/ain, 11<- conteit)pcible ching, (police gencle1nan !) and fo
cuft, or ctnfurt. , do I (ynd ic to bee, to wic, a ban·en old tow, and
Qy ARREL of glafs; " Gall. 1[Ullrret1U ; q. d. no ocher chi ng; and yet is now growne co b.~
~uadrdla, quadrnla, i. e. qWJdra vilri: Skinn."~ • in our bngu~ge vnder!l-ood, ~od 1nent for a di{·
' quorreau dl: ab Armor. fllndrart: Lye :"-no; hqqell w0Jl1an of her body : -a.nd ye c 111ay be
thefc are noc che original ccy111. 1 buc all come il · derived from any of the foregoing art. G r.
ft1adrat11s, quadrafura, qa11111.or ; i. c. ii. Kr11oe"• 1 9JJEASY, n ..1.. ~~.,, qua.lfo; Jb foake, pa111, or
-~Ol. p,ro flil1oj<>1 hoc en 'J· rvo'o>(Ol> Ult) /ourjquart wbenfa.
figitr<. ' . Qy EEN, ." Kv~,, pra:gnmts l Kv.~"• q«.e ptptril 1
Qy AR1l Y, or prey 1 " qu;rrtrt: Skinn." - Cafaub."- i t mig ht be more natural to fupporc
t hen confcquently :ib Eew1"~• Be'"• Ee"• q11~r• ; to q11er:n is <leri~·ed a. ru>11, mulitr, uxo~, x."1· 1E~x1111,
faek ; or ,fly in qutjl of. regis; chc king's c;nfart: or elre, with Vcdlcga11,
QlJARRY of jlo11t; ." G:i.11. quarierrs: Mcna- co tled uce quun fro1~1 <lie. fame origin with KIN G 1
g ius purnt di~bs qu,at1 q11adr11rias, vcl, q1111drala- though he has not traced ic up to the Gr.. :-
rias ; a quadr.iI, vel quadratis lapidihus, q1101 indc how· llraBgdy !lo words degenerate! - C id.
cxcidebanc : Jun."-conrequcntly woul<l be de- Voe. 19, in !peaking of the game of chefs, fays,
rived from d ie fame root with a Juarr(/ •f glafa ; " I fufpea, not wic.h out reafon, .tbat it is of
but.Lye difapproves of this, an fays it is de- Druidical invention; chc terms king and quttn arc
rived ab " l~ibern. tairrig ; ptlra ; tarrntb, t air- modern ; tbt king was originally 1be tbitf haron 1
rigbtacb ; lt1pidofu1, pe1roj111 1 unde leaor niccum tbt ~uin, his gen7ral, or firll, or bead exccu~ivc
derivarc c~do non dubitabit :"-his reader would min1ficr : quun, 1n our prefent language, 1s a
have hditated much lcfs, if lie had buc traced female appellativ e, .and ru~Jy noc .a pr~pcr_ defig-
h is H ibcrn. tairrig, tarrntb, and tairrit.btatb, up nacion of t hat achve o ffice, wh1eh IS given tO
to chelr crue origin, the Greek, either in the word the ftctmd piece at that game :"-lee who will
'p"X"'• by tranfpoCttion tar, vcl quar, i. e. 1uarry ; have been the firl!: inventors of that game, q11iit,
r:1prs in fitart proturrt111; or Kfl,CAt'tC, pr.ettfJ rupts; or quun may be derived from the fame root with
~ cragfy, jltrp r~tk. KING, and l:ir.g may be Gr.
QYART 1 K111•r"• .lEol. pro nr11•f"• qua. QyEEN-bor•ugb, or qein-6urtitb; i.e. /;u1d-
Q..UARTER 111or, qllarlut; four, or 1bt fourtb
@ARTO parl, or divided incof,ur parts.
6orougb, or cbiif-aij!ritl : foe Q.U I N ~ Gr.
Q..UEER ; " inrptus, infuhidus; ell fortalfe- ab
Q!;JASH; n~1""""'• quajfo, 911a1io; 10 jbake in
Hibc rn. cJ1ar; tur11u.s, pen:trf ilr, pra<t:uJ : L )"C :''
picas, to fttpprefs.
QYATE R· «:(ini } "· nt dicimus, ubi al~qui
-buc c:1rvqs or iginaces a
K>e1•>. vcl a
Q..UATE R-poill/ 111ter fr occultam gr:itram t11rou1, ro/u;idu.s, in crh11n verfa111s; ~"' of 1be
..QUAT E RN ION hubenr, they are q11t1- right wny.
tcr-t<1ijinJ; i.e. Gall. ilsfa111 pns de q11au1·-cc11ji111: Q!JENA, or '' quindt, a 't.~)f, ~or vt!lon11111:
.frpcem cnim cognatoru1_n gradus numcrnntur, Vcdl." -who wns to invelopcd in h is Saxon,
J C thac

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Q tJ From GP.' i ie, aud L-' t't it. . Q_ U .
th~t he could.not dif~over that his favourite 911ena ' Q!JILL, "Ki>...,.or, ulnt1t1; • rttJ, pipe, or.-
was but 3 d1flerent dialca ofTvr• 1 m11/itr,fir1'liM; tube: l]pt.." . , • •
a -.n:yf, or •11vaf!11111. ~!LT, 1:017~> cu!Xlt 1 ltllus ; a hJ. or btd-
QYER ll\10N IOUS, X"''f'I''"• vcl X't'""• tft.?triirg :-Junius derives it l caldta; ';md then
qucror, 911trimo11i11 , co1t1plo/111, moa•ing. refers us to VoO: - who derives tfllrita ~ ea/-
Q.UERKENED; fo1netimes written, and pro- ~ando; quOd in fagu1n, -tomenrum, allud;e quid
nounced quodr1ttd ; but though they both lignify urtfllcaba11t: c11ko aurem l c111ribus prtm0 : et cabt
t he fame thing, yet it may be doubted whether i A..£, to prefs atilb tbt bttl, &c.
they arc both derived from the fame root; this QYJNCE, K...r...•., C,.ln"iur ib7IJ1fl, cotottiM111~
word at )call ftcms to be derived rather ab Atx161, a frui t brought ·~rom CJm ; pcrhaps:?T the cru-
faders ' Hcfyehtus A~~"!'&A" Cll\pon1t "'"'"' ,.~

aruo, cotreto; cg111raBttl, cboaltd, f•ffocattd.
~ER Y E:•I""', Ef.,1...,, Et», qiuro, gu.e- 'X" x.... : un~c:_ et m1bi (fays Jun.) .quandoquc
fi1111, Jo inljflire: hence in oborr:'tdl:fufp1c1on?llruf!l 'i"'dt, vcl9..1•ct, fortal!e
hunting, :l fp3nitl is faid to ljlltjl when either at rei:em po!fc ad Anttq. Bnt. ttm ; 'flill11ts; quabdo-
thc lig~t of the game, or eroffi~g the fccnt, he qu1dem n0tilli.":rum ell CJ4"nia '?anibu~ ~oodum
g ives has tongue; as mtich as to f•y ii is found. tratta~a'. gra~1h q~adam .Ja•ugr1rt Ycft1r1 :-bc-
Q_UIBBLER; " ncfcio an a Lat. rymba/,,,,.: · caufc 11·11 CV".:trtd11111b a tbul:, a11dro11gbdowt1•
• Sk inn." - (ncfcio nn a Gr. Ku/'(321'•" rytnba/11m) Q!!INCUNX .. }n,,11, lEol. n114 ..1f,
q. cl. 'Jmba/ore; i. c. eymbalis /11dtrt ; '1Jtrbor11m _Q.U~A~ESIMA Dor. K1~•1, ,.. et 1, in
to1Jfonnnliis ludtre; Hh1d cnim focetiz {ll'Ous tan- QylNQY··ENNfA~. . " mura11s; ~11inq1u1
rum quiclam cogn3tarum vocum tinnitus eft quafi fivt; or any of \ts denva~1ves. •
cymbali :"-all which would have been applicable, ~81,!'l_T.-E:SSENC"E:.; evet~ reader will admire
1f the Dr. h•d played on a bngpipt, intlcad of a 1 the ·;ud1c~ous man:ier 111 w!!1ch <;tel. Yoe. t'S...
tymbal: -quibblt fcems ro be rctther :l fiCticious has invetl1gated this word: deceived by :i fimi -
worcl,. and CORtraCted from quid /ibt1, or quad /ibtt; : la tudc of found, many l~ave ,deduced 911/mtffin~t
mean mg a watry, cle~tcrous gtrrdeman, who from qwn111s ; · and have unagmed it to be as 1t
can play any gan1c on words, and prove any thing . were a fif1h-tffi11u.: qui~lflJ, ?s ufeil by l'Iorat:c,
fro1n any 1bi11g, a mere g11idli6ettr, contracted to , -- - dulc1a barbarc
tp1ibbler: or perhaps it may be only a various · L zdentem· ofcula, qure Venus
<dialect for gabbltr, quali f1ta/Jbltr, undc 9•ibhltr: ' £ilwn1&.parll fui nttlariI .inlbuit,
'-but in either care it would be Gr.: fee ~I- _ . . .Lib. I. Ode 13. v. 'f:
DITY 1 and GABBLE: Gr. has no l'Clat1on (as indeed It would be nonfenfe 1f
QYICK; " .n••,, ctltr 1 FwKvc, vel - · ..,; it had) lb · a fifth p~rl, or ~o. any thing of
"]{,,.,,.., ..,altrt; K1••r, ..,;,, rob11r: Upt.'"-thc for- number;. -but to "' tbout parl : it is one of thofe
mer feems the better of the two 1 unlefs, with archaifms, of wh:ich the Roman poets made fo
Cafaub. we may derive gllitl: l JVx ..., vel uc happy a. ufe: fl'!nta her~ d~rives from quin. tht
alii Koxv, Attieis pro Tax•, ttlcriur 1 ;rip, nimblt, htlllf; !nd 6gmfics fr111ap~l, bead, tcp, chit/,
I . L J; ·
Il'flf•J• tb/Jltt : - but ""'"• l111, lon111rg, and KIN", are
atrt, · all Gr. z-
Q!!lCK-fonds J

QYICK-ftt btilge from the faroc root: Gr.

,,. u-

QYINTU-PLE·; Un1i-trJJx",. fllinli1-pltx;, fii'f-

QY ICK-:filwr fold.
. QYIP; contta&ed ab A ...-t>Jw, 'tlap·tJo ; lo
QY IDITY; Tor, 911is, qu, quid ; """"'; tbt 11:b;p: " qidps, l.iEltria, dflMl,e rtprtbtnfioius 1
tfftnu, or hting of anJ lbiNg; alfo " fUitk, or f 11JJ1i/ quod horoines inconfulti calibus d icteriis, t•n·
f'.".(/li•.:-;-Butler could notpoffiblyornit taking no- quarn jfagriJ, :tdmooiri, arquc excit:ui, refcr3 nt
ucc of this word; and chereforc has ranked itamon<> fi d a
tl1c many otl:er qualifications of his hero. that 0 e a re um vivendi ordiocm : " /mart rtt•rt,
• a jbarp rtp!y, a ftlfrc rtprHj.
H e could redoee all things to alls, ~IRE of °P"P"" ; !Tu?•••• ......, viriwli IJlli•-
And knew t heir natures by abfiraCl:s~ qut, qui11ttrnl/J i 'formerly twr1t1J.frut Jhccts of
\\'here entity and q11idit], paper; llOW but lwtuf:J-f•rtr.
And ghofts of dcfun.a bodies fly. QYl.l?.K; "K1px0<, cirtMJ: Cafaub." one who
Part l. Cant. i. 143. argues in a tirclt, and "llfUJ. to no conclvjion; ~
. .Q U IET, K111'~'• rubo, T~I lt1w, f•ito, fNitfco. mtrt f uiobltr•
fllllltts ; to /yt down 1 lo bt j/11/, fi/1111: vel porius QUIT,_ from. the· fame •oot with QylET ;
il K'"· quafi Kuwe, 'Jllfto,jacto; 10 6t al r.tjl: fee Gr. now to cxtufa a ptrfan a dtllt, gl'Jt
\.YrlITE, or rtpny: Gr. him perfrtf' cafa,, a11d rejl.
Jl A
Q!JITTEE/erQ.YATTEE: ooly aNortbern
clinlcel of Q!JID J?~O QYO;. mc~ning 1bi~ for
· . Q1JOYNES, T><r, vel T•nr,
wtdtt 1 or f11cb like body. ,
(llllllU, "°""' 1 ,,.
1b111 ; fom cthing (or [ometbi11g :701~fctJiuc1hly Gr. I
QUIVER,,/orarl'MCI 1 what the Frt .nch 1nct1Jd- R.
cd by calling it 111r.cois, or (arqµais, wouJd be im,
poffiblc to fay; but it looks. as if they intended
co it a Mt""'f"• 'llibro, lrt/llN l , . • /rntblt,
to jbale ; becaufe the arrows mig ht fbali1, or ratl//
ABBET: different etymol. have given d iffe-
rent deriv. of this word, 3ccording to the
different lang. from which they have deduced
in the cafe :. it fecms., however, 1norc probable, . its o~igin :~~iqfh.• fuppofes it is derived " 3b
t o derive it from 1be c•fe ltfelf • a·nd to d.cducc Hebr. rabab 1. eoirt; fc. proptcr f •rti/i1att111 :"-
'the word quiver, wi(h, . a Gall. 1ottv11ir: ; Skinner fays, '' mallem ii Lac. 1·11pidiu :"- but
only now again it is unluckily Gr. 1 for couvrir, · ra/id"1 is Greek: Junius gives us a different Tclea,
fignifying to cO'!ltr, is only a coo.traelion of co-op,,,.taken neither fr01n cbc appetites, nor powers of ·
r io, quilfi co..werU. :-'.: Gr.: fee CO- t his creature ; but fro1n its formation ; " q_uot-
V ER: Gr. ~uo< unq uam ob(cwiru:nt Anglos (fays he) in
QYI VER, K&t•.,t"; vibro, lraM, vc.l i n... bngue vcrnacul~ pronunciationc o fooare uc 110
7.,..,, fllaffe, q11atio, q11olil11T i lo jbolct, or trtMlk.
facile mecu1n credent olim fuiOc robbt1 ; arquc
Q!JOlT; K•itr• H cfych. "l'"'f"'' ~ ,..,9.,,JP~· i~a illud fort..Uc corru,ptum fuerit ex ro11gh·ft1 , •
ras, aul lapidu ; fpbtrtJo or }lone~: t1.1efo do not quod cxprimit .::.. ..~,,.,,. boir·fool: Bclgis _quoq ue
c:x:idl y anfwcr ·to our . ~1taii:, which as ti flat.a_nd rehbt, cc robbekt11 eft 011iculus :"-as therefore the
round iron ring: however, as. the K•••r bpre fccms ·co have received its name fro m that
have been. ufcd in t he maoner of our guoilS, and peculiar circumftance of having boir growing on
:u tbey approach near el)ough in found likcwife-, and coverin~ cl.c bottoms of her fret ; fo the
t hey may perhaps pafs for an ctym. robbt1 likcw1fe, being of the hart fpccies, r~1n1
Q!JOTE, K•v•r, q11ol11s ; " cira.rc. fru .laudarc to have been fo called from her having the bot-
authorem libru, ct capitc 1 qi;ala lint, adnoratis : toms of her feet likewife covered with J,air 1 and .
q. d. quolare : Skion." Id remark rhc b~o.k, chap· therefore 1nay be derived i\ ·p~''"• rttt,•· rugof us 1.
t c'r , and verfc of 1\(1.)' pafJ'age in an audtor,· and i. e. bir/ Mlis pedibtu ilHill(MJ 1 rouxbfooJtd : -Ciel. .
give his own words . • 'iVay. 39, tells us, th"t " rabbtl comes fro1n
Q1JOTH bt ; g,,...,, by tr-anfPofition t•quto, •r-,,J,i.1 1 which doc:s not mean dbit, or •bitlt, :ia
i!Jillil, quil; <Jlmb bt, lo fllJ, fptok, ~tply ~ having its b•/Jil111io• i• 11# 111r1b; but as diyJ11g,
Skinn. undc.- the art. btf"llllb, fupPofcS It comes or /,11"owi111;,, the tM/JJ :"--but tr is undoubt•
fro1n the " Sall. becpelSan, ltgart ; forte l pani~ edly !'.Ir. frum fr-•_, terr•; lbt e11r.1b : as for ot il,
culi bt, cc cpelSan, diure ; q. d. addittrl, vd fi~111th,
, in the fenfe of Jiyging, it may be Celtic.
i. c. conceptis vc'rbis, Jonart; prifcis cnim illis, , RABBLE 1 4\f"~r; 'raiulo, ltµflJl/J11s 1 noifa,
et fi1npliciocib.u1 -fa;culis, in quibus aut nul t.e, · br,,wli•t·
aut ram: extitcruot litcrre, plus valu it tt}la111111- RABID, 'p.,,.., """""' l rohlo, rahiu; raving,
l ll• •""'"J4ii11""'• fou vtrbllk, quarn jam quam fttri411s, 0111r"l"''" :-Lictlecon and Ainfworth de-
accuratiffimc fc.riptum, ct conccptum :" - and rive rants a. rdftJ i b.ut that prob:tbly is a millake
Vcrftegan likewife ha.s told us, tl\at, t11toJlb fig~ of the prefs in the one, uncorrcelcd by the other;
nifies a will, or 1tfla111t11I: " a_nd heerof," fay• he~ and O\lghl co hav.c been robiu l rnbio; to bt 111nd. Jo
" re1naineth yet our word btquea1b :"-all which rA'llt :-Ifaac Voffius derives it it 'I'•?•<>, 'Pa/301T1ft .. •
is moft ftritlly true ; and fhews how much ca~ RA.CE-borft \ ·r.e.,.,
i111p11u fer•r ; 10, rllfh 11/0.n~
ficr it was for the(e gentlemen to define and ex- f111if11): vel 4 'p,.,, 'I'..., jluo1 to fi•w : or clfe fron1
plain, than to derive: for, had they only con- Of•"• r110; lo b11rry aWllJ with /peed.
fidered that their darling and favourite WOfds RACE, )otl, or •rigi•' '1'•?"> radix; tbt rul;
qc~. and t11V1Jlh, were but horrid a~d bar-
barous Sas.on diftorrions of the L3tin word
or ) tt11.
RACK, and ku•"J; Tt•E, f4x; drrgs, r1f11ft, ·
;1firtil, uncle qlli1, ~1101b, cpclSan.. and ntWJlb, /<1>1tpl•t1; meaning hen: uxtds, jio11ts, graft; which
they might have found, 1hat they weJe all de- :i,rc drawn oJf the land by t11e ra*'• or harrow; '
{cen~d from the G~. as abav.e. :-VQJlius gives . ape\ therefore perhaps rock and beggt11'J' may be
v• .another deriv. in the art. SAY : Gr. derived fro1ri Jhis atlion of rakiltg, " ii c.e ..~c~\
·QUOTIDIAN I x...or, M1•r, fUOlidion111, 'l"''o 4t-tw, lo tlr•x, ra.+t, or draw cff.
Jil I t'lltrJ ~' daj/y, · RACK, or firt-rttngti '1«x><./pina Jorfi; "for.
QUOTIENT, x-, ~·1<<, f1to1141 1 1:.1,, '/H- talre lie di&." fays Skinner, •I a .fpin,t! dorfi fim1l i-
tio; #w efr~•· tudine :"-bvt WQuld neither quote clie won!
Jc ~ ·r,.;o<,
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R Ii From a ·ll • ! It, and LA T I N. It A
'P ..Y.·~· nor refer us ro ihe art. rack of liruit•,;, '. the'Or:':l;ls Fr. Gall. 1ftin' ii '*O'uld 1ih 'G'r.~ · for;,
wht're he had quoted it. ' ,. ".' .-, perhaps, he 1night allow' his rojfkr came fro1n
RACK and 111angtr; •p.,,,.,, feu "J>, ......, rado, ' rt1pio, quafi rn]fio : but unfortunatel y ropio de-
-rofu111, raflrum; a rake, or borrow; fro1u wh~nce fcends from r6pax; and rr.pax from 'Af"'"E :-
perhaps came a rack ro eat hay out of. . " ·quid li afritif/o, per rnecath.'' fays Wacbterus :·
RACK of mullon; 'p'"'X.'~,fpina dorji; tht tbinti -"-'then we ·m ight add, quid Ii ii frithmio; qubd ·
in eandem plane fententiarn, ut obkrvat Cafaub. fritillus velllci fri1inniot, jlrtpente nlea : foys Ainfw. '
dixi"c Homerus 'P"'X.!' ...,~, dorfum fi1i1 ; a chine -but fritinnio 1 to chaffer li.~t a fwaluw, lee1ns to~
of pork : properly fpeaking (as Lye obferves) · derive ii 4•po11w, horru ; as' if the bird 1nade· that'
we n1ean by a rock of n1111I~, non' tergum, fetl' jc.bacteriog noife th~ougli/em·: . · ' '.' 1 •
cervirem ovilla111. • : " RAFT,· 'Po:•1" r;Aaia, rati~, 1ig>ia tonfi,t'o, · tigtra'
·RACK, turturt ; 'P•66w, ·r.£.,, qu.ali "l'«E,., •.colligata ; a /lofil, 111ade wi1b beams, 1trnber1, piues.
'J>o:y.,, q~ia(i ;~'Y"'• frango, rnmpo, lactro; to brea~,, •of wreck, &c. bound together. . ". : ·•.
ttar, torment. · · '·· I ·RAFTER'; Oe•90~, Uffum; 'ar'undiifis, "fe'u ca-
RACK off wine; "nelCio an," fays Skinn. "" ~ ~Jami g~nus in 1tgn1dis :l:(!ibus oliJJJ. uf11rpari foli-
Sax'. peccan; ('Arare; tu1:9m habere alicuj'us C-'fo •turn; naz" 'i ~· ofc'd to this ·da'y; for •this is, pro- .
might he have h ad of ·" pincufoiim) " hoc·'enim l perly-'fp<•aldbg, tlic thatch th~t covers the houfe ; .
" n1odo· cufam ha?endo, vinum ~ ~orrup.iione vi~- · but tbt "; afttr hcr,e.:is. !n ade u~c of to. figr,i ify /bt·
cticacur: 'occurni cameo apud Cotgrav1um voio roof-tree, or 'beom tbatfupports ibt roof:'
1't1qtu, '!Jin raqut; quod cxponitur vinum ·(ord i- · f ' R/l.G. o}~/olh,: ,., 'p"'~•r· : Cafaub. and Upt.'~
d~m, et fa:culeoturn; '1 vinaceis fecunda expref- ·lacera vtflls, dur!111s pnn•ic11!111; 'a . lt»'n pita of·
fiom: extorcum :"-.but; whatever may be- 1he ori- : r.lcib, a! at~ritl garment : R. 'i>,.J;'/ vd' po·t ius •p, .....,,·
gin· of r«c,an,. or· of raquc, our ":'ord •·aclt frcms 'll"Y"'> q11afl ;"'Y"'• fNmgo 1 .1<1 . brtak, or 'tear ;,,..
rather · t() be defcend,.,J 1t 'P,.E, · '"YI<; 11c'i11111 ; /1 • piu{s :-Home~ mentions the 1nanner iii which·
grape-j/one; and to rn<k off wi11t, n1eans, lo pctir • Miner\'a "difguifcd Ulytfrs, ' in'. the Th irtccntl~.
ii cfj' from all the bufks, Jlonts, ·tus·, &c. ; wb.ich, <Od y/[ N. 433» thus; . . , ..• :·.. '.'r.~"
. b d d .
as it ca11not e- otlc· :rt one ecnnlt11~, 111u L re-· t I' ( ... A .. ... . " nr . " "''"r1-
f'-f~ .o! p.111 r:tK~f ~1-~o Y.d v.dio p:Z:>.r~, Yii1 E'"'x 1r r.:1:.-:z.,

quire fcveral repeti rions : and ~his. action of rach' l · 'Pw,Y«>:'"• ;'fvO'•w•1,., .,,,;,,, l"'ff'f'°YI""" x""'~··
ihg, pouring off, dtcmlling, or rif111i11g liqucri, · i's ' And round bim tbrew anothtr rag, a11J clo'olt,
very properl y exprclf•tl in 1'.aiin by dtfieto; lo ··· 'Tt1lltr'd, fardid; and ~tfinircbt with fmcke.
drt1in off from the /us l and t herefore, perhaps; ! ·R AGE ; ' 4 F«. G'all. rage; Ital. rohbia; utrum•
our word rack m ay be derived a Tev£', • /£>" ; que a•Lat. r11biu: Skinn;"-et omnia a Gr. ·r,.?e..,,
Jrtvs-: or el.fe from. tJ.ea.•O".,, tJ.f"'l';;;, drag, rack, ·1~13.17,.., fur/um, "~ deorfum 10; '10' rnve; and roanr
or dra1.v ojJ: • · ' ~ .,.J l ,. oho°ul, 111 ii wi/d, furi~!IS 1/Janntf t' Vr) a •p«11i.!1 tor...
RACKET, or 11oi.ft; ·" :11"''X.'"'"' j/rtpitt11 ·,;,djor, r.11mpo- ; cratf-brai11eil. · '. • · '· • '.::·;~~n<.1:.
11 iuco"ditus, qualis maris alluentis, c t littoribus· , R:AG00: or, accord ing' to' thC'\:~1riotl~ Ffendl'
frfe infundentts dfc' felet : Cafaub.'' the beating , orthogr.· rngotit; either from ·r.6...., 'p,.,_•.,, 'P"'•>.
and dt1jhing of 1ht waves agair.ft thtjhore ; any"~ quafr. ;;,,,y:.;, fra.rgo ·; lo brral:, or tt.1r 'in.pluts: oi-
f oar : or elfe it may be anocl\erdraklt for RI-f4T- elfi:-fro1n.'p,., inttnji-ua yarlir:uld; a~d foilt, derived,_
1' 0CK ~ Gr. • . · .' dtbafed" and! dil\or!ed a· rroror, rn.w, co f'rgnify
R AC KE-.r lo play with; T"'"' fur: z, T<rw; a j/~o"t-feaftmtd di/b. ' ·" ·; "'
lon. 1:,,..., teneo, re/into, unde relt, re1itillum, fc.' " RAil:,, or bar, feems to be only 1·a 'contr3c-
<']u6· pila in fpb<erillerio perc>1tit ur; a latlict4 tioh of repngult1111; and if f<t, then derived 0. rr. ,..
br.11/edort; or battledore formed with 11ef<t1orlc, to ""·"·'• p~ng•, pogo ; unde repogulum ; a boll, tt1r;
firi ke the ball with at tennis. · ., or"o'/Jjlade : or- elfe it may be -deri ffi ' as in die '
RADIANT, 'p,.~J.r, ·rad!u$·1 a .rny oflixfie}' Shx·. Alph. · . ·'' .::., •MU b<• ••
Rl\.DIS.H; " 'p,?.,., a lll11l!I: Caliluh.':<>·p,,?.;;; ;· R'A-lL, oi'·bird;· ·" ·ab alfqufi ' .f'i'1//l:t,1'Cfyu'}>oth1S'
"PaJ•E, radix·; the root cf a plm11, tree, -&c. : .~ • ;~ rcl/,'t,~ muli<brir in pennis e ·coll6 deperidentibu!l
RA:FFLE; it to be wiibed the 1 iri ..P1~•) , fiinil;ttidine ·: Skinn." -and·confoquenfily derive<{;
had not ·been changed· into an· a i·n·rt1ffe; though as in· t·he following art. · · ·' ".:;;,,, · ·
inck ed we have- prefervcd it prOP.erly in OllF 'ver.b:' RAIL, or 'l:igb1,ra;/, ;· " ·.~\,.;;.11. rilril] , ~fiiufr· y
. :o rifle, or plu.nd~r: :p,,,., lignilies hero j a'llw '1 •unde ra!ia,, ii raritafe, · lt,,lrti... non~n 'a.dce<~i( :-
' tbr~wir.g, or a~Oing 1ht diet : SkinncP f\ippofe.~ · Vom'" a.fbin, li}!/;t•c/()(Jk bf'1i111jlbt(. · 1· l! i' I•!.·
"'i!Jle is dcri¥ed- a " · Fr. Gall-. rnjfler; rnpe~e, cor- RAJL, or faojf al: Cafatlb. detivct· it al:i•
riplre, abriptre; qui a viltor omnia pigr.o•a rapil ; . Ef••.:<;'~'"> tovlllaci, 'fcommnft ill«dtte : or e-lfC it
q. d . lupus rnpii:..., feu ;police :'.'-::: Jio\V ~_r.anting 1nay be more fimpli detiv.ed a.''r..,. f."•l'l' ri11p;• ..
. .. y.eJ,

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R A From GR111111:, and LAT1ir. R A
vtl ~ KeiJ.,,, ,;J,o, quafi ,;Jif11lari; to t11akt a RAMIFICATION, from the fame root wlth:
tnotk, or a fcor11 of. RAMAGE; nnd iignifying now the 6nc divari-
RAIN 1 "'P"ur,' gttlla ; 'p.,.,.,, aq111i per/undo ; catioli1 of the veins in animals, like the fmall, llen-
or perhaps, a 'PtHr, 'PH" jfuerc, proprie de aqud; der br;lnches of trees.
to flow, or pour down: Cafaub. and Upt." • RAMPANT : Skinner, and Nugfnt, work-
RAIS.E ; " Oe9•r, rtflu1; unde Oe"'> tiui/o ; ing by the rule of th ware, tell us,. " ~har rampant •
pr:i:t. med. Oe"'f"• 1xclta'Vi; to roufe, 10 gel up- originates ii 'p, ...,, rtpo :"-but if ramptml has.
right. J un." . . : any connexion with ·p,,,..,, 'Vergo, proptndto; i~
RAISIN ; " 're<£, poyor, acfnris ract111i : R. can have none at all- wi~h ripo, 10 creep, or' crawl
'P•vv'" fr{lngo; 'to: break: Nlig."-this fcems to i along, like a ramp~nl Jnail: bur rm1rpa111 Is as· far
.be too d ifiant a deriv. ; neither can I 6nd a bet- from ereeping, as gro<rJtlling is from flying :-it, unlelS a raijin rect"ived its nan1e from being 1null; therefore· be· referred to.the Sax, Alph.
dried i1I the roy1 of the ]1111 ; and then it would . RAMPART ; " Fr. Gall. rampar, rmipar ;-
t ake that dcriv. Gr. propugmuulum; ~lg. 'tmport; I tal. riparore,. ireL
RAKE, . or 'barro·w ; ·11,...,..,, rado, raj/rum; to rimpare, dtftndere, protegtrt; to· dtfu1d,i proftt1":0
fcrope, or fcr.tltb the gro1111d. jun. and ·Skino."-and yet neith<·p·of r.he1ndeer11•
• RAKE, .orfptr.dthrift ; " 'p":I:">' l\<latt, v. ~ 5 : . ed to be aware, that · the Icalian <Wo~d- 1·i]Mr,1rt\
.Upt."-bu c this is Hebr.e w: it lcems ratlier to vel rimpare, was· derived a 1·ipa; which. is• ag<iill' "
b e of Europ~a1i extra&ion, as in the Sax. Alph. ' derived by Litrleton and Ainfw. ~ 'y,"'~l <imp:1us;
RALLERY, ·~ vox nuper nciftr5.recate civicate ' itl11s; ii· ·1.,,,1.,, quod ibi impe1u1 aqua: fifliicur;.
Angllca don"ta; ii Fr. Gall . raillerie; joa<s, joca- · vel q uod in earn aqu~ impetum· faciant:. ie: eci·
Jio; q .-d. riditulari: Skinn."- btJ.t that is Gr. t her cafe, the effeCt is·the Caine ;. for the.'ba11k,. or
RA.LL Y ; " Fr. Gall. rallitr; ordi11ts 111rba1., the ram·port is formed in ord<"r to · def-<~d ·and pro•
injlaurarr; q . d. -re11/figare :· Skinn:•- a nd con{(:.. l e/It the bef1eged, as well as to ·recd"'e' the' aj}aUf/J<
·quently derived it J\.vy,.,, /igo ; to bi11d, unite, Or and a/lacks of t he be!ieger.s. • --
join again :-or perhaps it may ~ather be ·d er.ived lL'\NCID, 'l'a.iw, 'P«u.v, ranceo; B\"")'1(.0<, ran~
.2 ruol!ig~re; and then jt would • take the fame c,,s, ronr.idru i 11uifly. ' . ,: :
origin as COLLECT: Gr. R ANCOR, "'Pa..,, ' p,.,,., , corr11111po, perilo'~·
R:A~1-dl>Uln;" mihi v.idetur,''. fays Lye, " mu- Votr.:'-becaufe· ~ll«rmrcor and mQ/iee, fpoils . and:
tuarum a ram, britte, inll:rurncnto btllico, quo corrupts the mind :-Skinner has added an<!>tbc~
· :Romani muros, &c. per£utitbant : 0 -and conic· interpretation, .though not perhaps. the true .one ; .
. quentJy· dcr~vccl: from tlie fame root with the fol- vi?.. it re-en-cotur: quod fc. profuode c~rdi in-
Jowing art. . · fixum dl: :-but (HI! it is Gr. · "
. RA!'v1, " or molt jbtt:p ; Ae•<, vel Ae•~, oppo "e•- RAN-DOM r " ha! .. umt!ello I · tlmcrl, jii:e·
.(3..1o>: 1-Jefych.'.'-to which Voffius .,dds, "ab A.~ •E, ullo confi/;o : vcl potius a.Fr. Gall. rendo,,·;· 11icerli\
abjeeto x, fit t;ris uode faclu1n aries l a male ludo l noc a'rando11 ; rapidi 'ct pr.Ceipltis }l.uuii iwpe-
jhet>p?' 11u: Skinn."-and Lye fubjpios ;. " quod. verbalc·
Ri\Mi\GE-bawk ; Of~;<••<, rtJmus ;. 11 )'~ung efi renna11 ;jfutrt; et du11, dCtJrfum :"-according·
hawk, that . is ftrong enough to .get out of the · -to ·which ic defcends 'p,.,, vel 'p,,,;,. fluo, et ::.,;,.,,.
.lid~, and perch 011 tht brmrcbu : Aint\vorrh. ex- f11bto-; Jeorfum-; : 10 jllJ".Q. · do'1J111Ward1; fly. falfi" Of
,plains " a 1nmagt- hawh by >tijra ; and nifr11 · he ai111. • . •: · • ·" ·! ·
tranOatcs· a fparr=-bawJ:, or merlin, or even an of- RANGE·abo11t, P:ifw; "'grbe1r, 'IJag~r ;.to wa.Mdj,
.prey,. or falton,:"-but 1·11111agt· 1neans no-particu- or jlrt1y about. · : · · '
iar fpecies. RANGE, or-fire-grau, ·a..x«; fpi11a: dorji ;. the:
RAMBLE, •y,143.,, tem(rt bm111b1do; to ftray, . -obim ·bont-; ob..limBitudinem.. , · • ·
;r wa11der ab•ut :- and yet· i.t is ·poffible, that our ; :RANG-h: of iocft1! 'R'"X'"\ jlrtpiltrJ, ·pr;l!f~r.tit~
,word ramble may be .but ' a c'ontraEti.on of 1·e-am- . ·nqnlll' ,ropes;.perct1uenus : •lb' 11oifa «f th' uuwes.
bufo_, I• w.allt. about, bachwards 'llndforwatds :'and dafhjnK againjl:1he' r1""'-' oo pillhap~ ..(iorn,tb.efol~·
if fo, chen it would orig inate ab A ...... x,.,, /(f'--T•X.., ~6\V)ng art:·· .
amkillo i to walk :-Ray would derive remblt, or ; R'A'. NG.Ei tofet•itr.c•JJr 'l A~w,. r;pt o, Jung• i ' be--
ramble, ''. il rnn.o/Jiliart, i .. e1 ·a."mt'Vta;;. q: d~ atre- . i IR'i/\N K1.. ef!gr~e; flaii<n;· 5· cauf., a;/edg.t'. or r 1111g 1 ·
word,. or good·re"JJar.d, a good color, or ruddinefs in l bfr rll</ti; iS1a con cinued ·charn Ill!\ mquntains·Hnclor-
ibe fa a , ufe(I about Shl:ilicld .ar\rl~Y6f~fb!' ;..;th is , .wi\lel'j•v.lhich; gme•all~ Nlns. in :i.cer.caciu order. anMl
fi:en1ed at fir!l: a moft cJc.tra6rdina•y eliplaoation ': direflion alo11g ihoal'.'; .. · . ·
but I have !ince found; that they arc. .. two-dilfc:- RANKLE; from- rme: fa1ue· rooc:-!l• R e''N'-·
·~(llf. art.:.n1n iruo·o1)~·br.. 111ifrake~ . · : ' CID ~ Gr,. :: ~.. clbcpim1nalu~ni1ikti11g• quid•m>
'. r.a 11!edi11i.J11

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·~;' 'fl!>trtdiniJ g;aJ;u: Skin11." a ll11·
(0< ~"A "'jejlerihg ;,, hi~ for~•d.
wife dil\oned.. from rllkto-, ~11,1 , . f.ed :..;...oonfe-
qucntly Gr. .
• .11..&N·.S.AC:K, ;, " JiT.ip(r( 1. 'l:· d. rtinfa"ar.e ; RASH,. puci~•IJ: C.a~1bon giv¢& 115 two
lioc eft face OJ expilare, tK<IU#rl : Skiml.''-but, d;:riv. of thiS; word~ vel"W"'• attdox-. t<llfrr•
iunde.1 tllc art.. fa(h:, the Dir. has <krivcd thar word rius; vel a. 'Il"yla••c,. pt.rctps; i11tpttuof11s ; hold,
froniGr. . dar-ing, i11fak11,.
R~NSOM, 'P""''- retl.elll/tio i rtgllicni11g libarly RAT, ':X:(<>E• foru-;. a well . k<n.own: animal·:
/iy 4 /"1# of fllCIUJ< R. 'Tr, fus; a /wi11e; qoia roftr11m b-abtt· fuill'111iJ;
RAP," ·ra..,.~~/tl"(llfw1i: Cal&ub,. ~ Upt." ~ecmtfi:i' b111 a·fwe's.f..1#•.
-I•· btat, w jlri#e. · RATE, or fto.ld 1 'J•.. &.,,..r,.11d 'eo&.r, flri:pit11s i
RAP, and RAN, commonly pronounced rap ·p.~,... jlr.tpo ; to ma.Ire an,. lo11J, 111Jifa: o~ elfC it
d1td rend: Ly.c has very jultly !hewn, 1bar Skin- rnay Qe der~vcd ab A,...,...,,.
toll.'l.•ilior; lo reprove,
ner, according 10 1he cam1non orihogr. " fcribit rtJ!roacb.: v.d a.b Ee•O.., irrito ; 11 prrvtlh. •
.-ad; 1t1lii ~op Olfd ,.,. f•r ; uuumque faHur11.; RATE, or tax: "'P.c, "I'•'"• r a; aptcort, quz
oam vocvlz fun1 Septentrionis originis, et tan- o~s crant a1tt1quotum; ·Cef. Seal. unde Hippo-
rundern valeru. ac Ji. dicas, q• .,;,,,.;,,, ct crati 'p"'"'"• ovilJ.e, et agnin-,, ptllts: E.up';•Wir,
, ""ferre poffis; "Pl enim c:ft a Sax. p~pan; 'IJin- c iynJologo,,' ;, ...V.>.•..eof3t.1•r, ~'" ...o11.jp_,,., q ui pe-
eirt : rtin autem manifefic venit ab.Iceland. ra1111, cora habet mulia; j. e. tiweJ: Voff.''-rata por-
,,,,,,.,; rl/ltrt, '()icltnter auftrrt:-''-it woold give tiont ¢ffim4re 1 a tax, laid according to, '"' tfli•
me rhe grcatefl: fa1isfaCl:ion te concur wi1h ibis •alt of a ·pcrfo.o's effeC\:s. ancl etl~te : -from this
gentlemao in all his obfervations; but here i1 very eflimalt, it looks as if QIU word ra110 Jhonfd
fc:c:nls tQ be evident 1hac nrp, lignifying 'IJincire, tie dcd.uced d1her from 'P•?w, rts ago, o r> 'from
is not of Sax. but of Gr. ex1ratl.; for it may be 'Pew, i. c·. Ee-1411, 1/ico t ur1de 'J)P.O"Jf> r11111s.. un.dc rt.or
derived either from ~e....~.,, ftpio, m1111io; lo pbrap, :itque ·ralus ; ralio; a ralt, or l01'11UJa1i1111. •
wrap, or tie around: or elfe a 'p,...1.., fuo, c.11/uo; RATH, tori] l<>e~e•(, dibtctll•"•• U11tpus atttt/11-
t. f#W ..p, w ~n'Vtf•pt· . . RA'fH -berrie; '""""' ; twi-ligbl; and here;
RAPACIOUS, 'Ar,.,.£, rapaJt, ropio, ri7padtas; R.A'I'H-wint ufed . to 6gnify any btrry,
to fti21 with greetlJ bandJ: , f ruit, &c. that cornes q1ticl, ear(J, and ftul.dtn/y to
RAPE·fa(d 1 'Parvr, ·p-,,, y•,.,,W.•r, H efych. perfetli~n: 'unlefs we may adopt the following
r411111, r11p.a • u:ild mttflord. deriv.
RAPPER 1 'p,.,.7.., !•• 1 I~ ftw 1 1he covering, RATHER, fcems to be only a comparative
in which a young lady keeps her needles, lilk, degree of ra'6, dto; ra'&p, cili11s ; and Skinn.
thread, &c. for fawilJl. has according ly give.n only chat Sax. deriv. ; but
RA.R ITY, Af'""'' rlll"ru, tt111li11 1birt, faaru L ye has rraced it up 10 1he Gr. in " 'p._1i ••,, u kr,
dcBeait .. .i,, P-··· agilis ; videri quoque poJTunt affinia 'P..l10;, fa .
tiiis.; quOd facilia, m1llo n£gqtio., ac flali• exp1-
RASP-BERRY virxultwn 1 1u fmnll, Ocnder dia11tur :"-becaufe whatever we bad rather do,
o r- rather ftalk, which bears an ag ree- we do it Jpudily.
RAPS-BERRY able berry ' r11/;,,,s Idreus, et RATI-1-Y 1 Ciel. Voe. 21,n, has, with great
c;jus ~ 1 ab Et•~e•<· rul>tr, uudc: r11bMs·: - judgement ih(wn, 1hat « the fcep1rc, with which
thou~h it might rather be called ratb-i>erry ; and the bill, or thing, was touched to give it fanttion,
rhea 1t woyld take a. dilfcrertt detiv. as will be was called the raadt 1 whence rod, rat•m, ratifi~
feen under that art.: Gr. · tatio :"-hut all thefe words f~m to fpring ·im-
RASCAL l'P..,.•,"'l>.xa, 'P&xca, 'f"X"'"• and, mcdia1ely from 'Pa{3Jor, r11d-i11s ; a red, wa11d, or
RASCHALS by Littkton and Ainfworth, /ctptrt: herice 1he ei:prcffion, to roli/J a frtaty;
ralN 1 for it is written all thcfe different w:tys 1 an agreement finally con·c ludcd . and con6rn1ed-,
but feems to be derived from the Hehre\111, ra1hcr by Jbt rati/Ji•g l'otltb of IN roJ, wa11d, or fuplrt ·l
than from the Greek, or Latio Jang. ic a lfo 6gni6ed a prayer, oi' petition -granud:
RASE, not as Nugcn1 writes it, according to according to Ovid ; . ,
common orthogr. razt; for .it is undoubtedly Hoc ego pro vobis, hoc vos optatct, coloni 1
derived either fron1 ·p..,.,, ·p..,..,., Jeflr110: vcl ii Efficiancqui; ralas uuaquc diva pr1<11.
-P""'"• Pttf'cru, ratU, rafttm ; not ro%•• l Jo jhar'fJ1, , Falt. I. 695.
forap1, or fcraub; alfo lo obliter11lt; and likewi(e RATIONAL, from the fame o riginal with
to demoli/b walls, or fortifi,aliOJl.lo RATE i fignifying now any dtb-att, or r1afa1ti•g
RASI~, a ·i iftaft, " is a corruption,'' fays Ciel. , QJI a f•/Jjt!l.
W l y.51, "of the French "'"'''"-as.that i:; like- RAl"TLE l Kr'la~-... ''''"'""'· trtpilnC'llhifll:
" Cafaubon

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R A. From G ll ! ? 1t, and LA Tr rr. R E •
" Cal'aubon uoftrom rdltu primario fenfu n Gr. rabio, rabiu, ra!J;Jiu 1 rniwr for /Id, flWIUi4ta :
''"'•ye<, ~ecl,inat: fed nihil manifeftius efi, quim Vcrftegan fuppofes it to be Sax. ·
h:ec omn1a elfe "'l-"'7,,,..,,..,..,.,.,. ! Skinn."~let it RAVISR-aw<IJ; '11(...,.£, rapax ;1rudif] lof11ate/J,,
be fo 1 ftill. it is ~reek; and tnay originally be or /tar away.
dcnvcd ~ P.f,.., 1. e. 'J>ofor, jlripilus 1 a".1 '41td RAVISH; with t1iolt1t(t 1 this m3y have fome
"11116li111 noift.
·connexion with the foregoing art. and take the
~VAGE, 'At ...,.E, ra/Jtlx 1 g11Pji rapariart 1 to fame deriv.; but 'here ' it feems more p roper to·
h.,/, 1h111tln-., a11tl 111J flJ11j11. make fume diftinetion between them : ravi110111
R A·U CITY, " lle•ncor, "'"'"'" rnrit111, uti relates to b11ngtr; "and ravifh to 11'/1 ; and there-
~·nc-. """'tf"'·:
•ft ef wiu.
VoO:" 11 burf111tfs, 11r ro11gb- fore in this Jatter fenfc .it n1ight be better to de--
rive it a ·p.,..,, torr11mpo; lo fall], to tlef/tJWtr, titfi!,,·
RAVE; " ...;. ..;; 'p,,.p,,e.,, lntttrt "'•tllri 1
'P,,.(Jtf,fl"g1U,tN'•; 11 rl/Wt': Upt.''- Voffius derives RAUK; " various dialect for r11l:r: Ray:"-
it '"l '.P•{".•• 'P.p-.11,.,, fwfu111. ti tkorf11m to:"- but RAKE is Gr. or Sax. ,
but neither of thefc are applicable to this pre- RAW /tefh;•'• .fri111, fa•tfliJ ,pofl-quarn
knt en. ·becaufe they fecm ro cxprefs only roving cffufus venis, ct jam fr;ztfotlus 1 uny thing wit!\
•P ·a11i/ dow;,; ·which a perfon may do wichout the blood yet .frngno111 in if, .
rtJ'IJing : and therefore we might much rather JlA '\,V, rlfde ; •p,.p;,,, r11diI, quali ra11dis; 'f!irgi
adopt another deriv. of Voffius; viz. " rablre, r11dis, ;,npolita ; a r11tit, 1111.Jhaptn branch, or bu~gb 1
forfan qoafi 'p,.,,.,f,., f3••, torr11mpi viou11Jtr :" to 11 ro•gb, unp6/ijluti bar ef iron: .and here ufed. ti>'
be '1Ji1ft~tl] dij/rllltuJ :-Ciel. Voe. 164, n, would lignify 1111 iglfora11t, illiltrlllt tl1JW11.
de.rive .our word •• rll'!Jt from the French rl-.;e. RAY, a fifb ; uia; tbt ft111t fifo.
which lignifies a ilrtatR; and is itfelf derived a RAY of ligbt; !'.P:.., r11dius 1 11 c111Nl; al{Qc4
rtfoorio ; · II rrotl'J, or tltliri11111 : "-fed unde refaa- btn• of l h t / 1111.
rio ?-frorn the Gr. as above : fee alfo RE- RAZE •/ gi11g1r, 'p~,., radi"; a root of ginger~
VERY: Gr. • Shakcfpcar in· his firft pa.r t of l-Ic.nry IV. act ii.
RAVEN, tbe -Oird; Spelman would derive it fc. 1; introduces two carriers, one of who m fays,.
il Sax. " pref an, raptrt, fpolinrt; unde co..Vus ex Car. I have a gammon of bacon, and' rwo
rapatilnle, conrrafrim rO'Uen dicitur:"-and tbi..s ra:u1 of ginger, to be delivered as far as
p:rpan he would derive a pe•F• '1Jtfti1; quod Charing-crofs : .
viacores '1Jtjlihfl1 fpoliaret ; uci eriam et a roba. on which Theobald obfcrvcs, " as our attthor irr
roial#ru, brrones difri funt robbtrJ :"-but Rill feveral pa.lfage* mentions • rtut of fillltr, I
it may be Gr.; for peaF, in the fcnfc of '-'tflu, thought proper to difringuilh it from the raze
fcems ro be only a N orthern dial..ct for ROBE; mentioned here 1 the former fignifics I\<> morc-
Gr.:-Junius, and Sk inner, who quotes Somncr, than a fingTc root -Of it; but 11 rnt is the ·Indian.
foppofc, that lht TO'!Jtn may be derived "a Sax. re rm for " ~ak ef it :"- rhis might le:id us to
Jlt'>f'IBn 1 raptrt, propter rapatit111t111 fc.''- but fufpci!l: that the Gr. dcr~v. above is not proper •
then it might be more proper to wricc it ravi11, a for it cannot lDe Gr. if r a:Zt' is ftn ftrilian m-111 .- -
rdpi>1a :-chis however docs not fccm to be the now it would be ·v~ rem'arkalile indeed if 'P.i?c
p7oper etym.; becaufc the eagle, the corrnoranc, lhoul,i be applicable ·10 /1 rou of gi~pr. -.·hen. it
the vulture, and many ocher birds, are far ·n1ore lignified no moi;e than a ji#glt rcot of it ;. and not
• oracious tha11 the ravtn: and t hemore we may applicable to a r•:u of giJtKtr, when· it lignified'
rather derive it, as in the following an. . a bait •/ it: io Jbort, it fciems aa if 'i'heobald~
RAVEN-GR.>\ Y: we have already obfervro, not being an ctymol. had here made a ditlinfrlon-
tinder th~ art. GRAY, thu this ·color miaht to fuit his ow11> convenience : ltt the dillinCtion.
liavc been fo called from c~e bird r•oe11,!i Be«r~•r, then be admitted, but let tht deriva1ion GOnt iouc·
quod duphcem hab« nononem, fays Voll~ nan1 one and the fame. ' .
vcl dt t•oci1 /0110 ra11r11s (which ia very ren1arkable REACl-J., " rttch, jlrtttb ; Oe.irJ, Ce·~• por-
i11 the ra'!Jtn) vel tie ro!cre rovtu dicitur: and here rigo,jlraigbt; r. e. what i1.JlrtUbtd :' Cafaub. and:
it is tnken in the latrer; as when we fay, a ra'IJtJJ- Upt!' •
l"DJ dolt. ; chat is, nor inti rely blad, but ra'IJus; REttCH, lo '00111i1; 'l'ryx..., l1'tpitart, jlerttrt ~
tray, a middle color, bcfwttn o blue 11nd a blatl; lo 111a'lce a noift, like /ncring.· '
fo 1hat /1 rtW111-gray is die original, and its dc- R E-ACTfON,&c.&c_&c We have manf
rivacivt' united. 01hcr words ;n our. ·bnguage, bt-ginning wirh rhe-
RA VI NOUS, ' Ae ....,E, ""P""• repio, rapic1JJ; prepolition RE,.. whidt· will be 1nore properly
r11pa.-fr11s: ur dfe a p,.13.:;7..., /11rfuJ11 ti tiewft1m eo, found undc' t!J.eir ~f~aivt ani, lt'S ; wllcl:S w!ie:1·

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R E fl'Om G 1l ! E 1<, Bll4. :LAT I No
1'J1e primitiv<s themfdves arc not in ufc; 3$ in jicio, fays Voffius, "' .:\ .,.~, ~t candto, re·ebu ·1 n•m
the following wo~ds, when compou nded. • 110<;0 fere. co1~11ne11daqtur.. ean.dort, qui vetuftate
READ ~. ". Sa,.. pre'oan; forte corrupt1im ex pcrit :''. new , /Te/J1, neal. .
illo p<ojlbah ; il peop'o, fermo: Lye :"-w hich R ECI-I'~lOCAL, .4•,.a:k"' pofao, uode p;oeo>
~Imo.It. poin~s our the word 'P"I-'"'• verbum ; a Wlird, ruipt·oco i I. e. ultro ,titr'1tt~·Pefctrt: any alt email
o r jjl/,1blt P' o11ou11ced . moticn, like the ebbing and flowing of the ti des; t be
. . I{EADY • '' 'J>f:l!,l•~i, vel 'P"lj11:1~ (-,,cl Pl'Ji' J1.,~) ben~·~"g ond f~ijidillg pf-Jf>e· lu.~gs.

f o<ilis ; tn/y : e t inde rathe, .rather: Upr."- but RECK lit fnay feem firangc · co deduce.
we have fcen t hat ratb. may _b e derived fron1 a · 1lE C KON S chef' two -w~rd5' (rpm Af"'• apd
<lifrerc nt root. · y( t chat will qi: found rhe origin ·of them, y<he11
~ ·RE/I.if,; ~ 'Pc:Lw1(1.1, fi'o; 'p~~1lru'1oc, f11IUJ: we CC!nfidcr that th~ fenfes of words depend 00
J un."-Verrtegan fuppofcs it to be Sax. their deriv. ;. thu.s : ,\fw fignifiea apto, jungo; to
J{ F..AL, 'Pr..,, ·r,, .., ct ·r,,~ll, rtJ, 'f.ler1iJ; r t11trli; join, rank, fa t in ord"·; thence ufc:d to e11u111trtJ1t,
lruly. v eriiy . c~1pPllf<; thence ufcd . to figqify, tjlttm, vat f#, or'
: ·R EALM, Ae-x,.,, quafi 'p"'X"'• rego ; unde rtg- ref(ard; and io .<ll!,.. o r" fome one, Qf thefe fenfes
,,,,,n ;, a kingdon:, 1io11:i11ion. · will thofo d ifferent wor<ls,. which bav.e bc°'n
R EAM of pa-per : " fcapus, vcl fofds thnrfa- q uoted by the other ctyrnol, from the varipus
tet!J, continens quingcntas phylur.ts: intelligen- Northern bna . be cafil y referred.
dum nempe vocabulum de tali chartarum con- RECK; ON, " or co~1er 1he fire : "Belg. 't vfrr
gerie, quam uno vituulo com1node cooti neas ; rtkt11 ; d1fperj um igntm compontre, er carbone nu- .
uam Sax. peam, et peoma, el1 ligamenrum ; a meraco veluti cineribus ob~tt(l't: S;1x. bcJlccao,
"Pvt"'"' lcru111, rt~nt1!t11m: Jun.', -any fOrt of cqrd, oct11/1are /ub calidis tineribus ; obn " r.lf":villis : Jun.''
t o etc things up in a b-undle ; whence a bundle ~chi' ( xplanacion frc1ns to 1nean no 111ore tb:IJI
of paper . R AKE the ojhes or ti11dtrs tcgctber : -ccnfc-
REAM -PENNY ; " a provincial dialeCI:'. for <jllCnrly G r.
R on:e-p.mny, o r Riime·fact; a tribute, formerly RE -COIL, A'"'X'f'""" tripudio, txjilio; to flip,
paid by E ngland to Ro1ne ; and which is fotm- tr:(1p 1 or bou1;d ba(k: R. Xce111w, falio, /alto ; 10
ti1nes .ca!led Pettr's-pence; but now ufed prover- dnnct .
bially for peuadillcs ; he reckons up his rtam· RE-CON-NOITRE ; a pretty Gall ic diftor-
pe1111ies j he mentions all his faults : nay :"-this tion of ruognof cere; to t uoUell, to t ake fuch par•
is no n1ore tl1an ex plaining the expreffion ; tbis ticular notice of a.ny. perfon, o~ place, as to be
is not fi1ewing us from whence it is derived ; able l o knoM fr t1goin: confequeotly Gr. : fee
.wh ich ispurely Gr. : feeROME,andPENN Y:Gr. COGN IZANC E : Gr.
. RE AP ; Aei·w-w, CQ·rpo. 111tto ; 10 cr!Jp; ~· mow: R E-CORD, K•ar -Jw, K•e-J'.,, ,.,,. do\ unde
<; afaub. '-unde A~ira.~""': fiJ!x t n f cithe, or. fickle ; r:c-cordor, quari rt, i ltru11J cordi do ; vel cum af-

.a nd fro1n hence the name of Drtpanum, a pro- fettu cordis reminifcor: " ard;iv,e, :alm/,e, ft11 <0m-
1nontory of Sicily ; fan1ous for t.hc death of men1.,,-ii 7mblid : hinc ruordcr nobis caufidieus a/i>
A nchifcs:-and yet pe rb~ps ir might not be im- quiJ prrecori a conliliis, eju(quc injure diccndo
p roper to derive reqp a)l· 'AfT"'f, rapax 1 uncle orator; quali pra>.feElus orchi'llaru111, feu tabularum
rapio, abrjpio; to take,-or t a/.:e llway, tbe fruits of publicarun1; qui eft r. memol'ia, 11Mgij/er "'" " ari.c:
the eflrth. ·. · . Skinn."-how much ealier it is to define, than
HEAR cf an """Y; a re pr~verbi9 111quelari; derive ; the Dr. can tell us what it is, not wbrnee
uncle retro, 1·etrvrfum; bebil!d; any rhing placed it i' !- 1be public nrchivts of a kingdon1, which
behind an army ; alfo the Uijl rank.r. bring to mind the laws enaCl:ed by our anceftors;
R EATCH, Xf'l-'"1•i-•, farto, rnutd voa t11flirt ; and to wh ich we 1null: have recourfc in order lo
·to tough; or endravuur to tbrpw up any thing. rroive any tbingjn our 11u mury, or appeal to in any
RL, BUS, " d ici tur, ubi noineo viri nobilis controverted point in debate.
effigic arl)lon1m gentilitiorurn cxprimicur: credo RE-COVEH.: it migh t be eauly fu ppofed, chat
~ L ac. rebus ; q uippe hie conve11iu11t 1·ebus nomina this was compounded of rt, and <O"~tr, or hidt:
qua::quo fua : Skinn. and L ye :"-but fince rebus but inll'ead of rbat, it is con1pounded of re, and
d"fcends . from ru, ~hefc gentlemen ough t to ( t1pe1·0, contraC'ted tO &C?Jtr ; .i. e. i Ka.#i..,, copiQ,
have tract:d thlt word up co the Gr. as under the rera.tJio, rtc11pero; to reccver, regain, npojfift. '
arr. REAL: Gr. · RE -CREANT; either a tranfpofi cion of Kr• f•
RE-CEIPT, K<>,,.1w, capio, recipio, rtceplum ;' to quar. lte'"• tor; unde recreant; bafe, and co':tlllTdlJ ;
take, accrpr. · o r elfc a Kf«"'"" perfitio, <rto.; unde re-crco ; moik
"RE-CENT, Eiv•a~, ""I"• H efych. uc con- the wrong ~uay.

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R .E F1'om .G·a t • .K,. · and ·I:.A 'I' r N. ·R E
· '.RE-CREMEN.T, 14,,.,,, eirno, run-1fo, anciq. · REER., or raw ; $;1X. hpepe, cr1ldu1, ftems to
<t'l(1;ttntnlu111; 1h~~rtfufa •f ·any 1hi11g,· u bran, &c. be but a vai:ious d ialeet for RARE, or RA\V :--
RE-CRU IT, Ke•,.,, taro; Ke'"'"""• crtfto, r1- confequently Gr.
crtfi1r1,; unde Fr. Gall. recr«e, recr«tlt; f11pple- REEVE ; "pr.efetlu1; as a port·rtwe,.fherijf.
me11t11111 militum ; a frefh fu,pply of men ; alfo a rt' or rather jbirt-reeve; fometi1nes writ~en grave ;
<«very •f jlrtnKlh; a canvalefunu. · as a land-grave; exal'ler : Sax. f13ftan; rttpere ;
RECTITUDE, cicher from Af'X.."• quafi 'Po::ii;.,, favs Skinn."-" oli1n enim," fays Spelman, "pa-
reg~, rlfl.uf ; ruler : or fro1n Oe9or, ref/us, retlitu- gorum prrepofiii, qvos alii . eomitu vocabunc,
do; right, uprightneft. Saxones noftri fuo idiomatertvio1, ecgrev i01, nuu-
RE .ClJ.PERATION, Ko:.f'4, capio, rtruptro; cuparunt; ideo fc. quod 1nulCl:as regias, et deli n~
lo rettr.Jtr, rtgain. qucntiuin faculcares, in fi(cuin rap<r:n1, t.<igert1:t,
.RE-CUSAN.T, Atlu., A,7,,.,~"" . taefa, 1a11fa ; et dtper1ar1111:"-and con(equently 1s Gr. bem&
unde 1·ec~fa; ex rt, conJr11 ; ~t eaufa ; lo refufa, derived ab ·~,,..,E, vel 'Af""•''" rapio; to fna:ch,
Je.y, rt;ttl a fuit. .•. and ct1rry trJJtry; for the Saxon and tax
RED; "~e"fe•i, ruber r unde Ef•&e"""'" rubtfa- • galhtrers were real harpies, . and ravifotrs.
' " ' ; 10 redden, to b/11jh: Cafaub. and Upc." · . RE-FECTORY, 4>u.,, fio, fatio, rtficio, rift!lo-
RE-DEEM, "eft ii. redi111ir1," fays Voff: "hoc rium ; the hall in rnonaft~ries, and colleges, wheri:
i rt, Ct 111.:11, hoc eft l11rf'..<, Vi1t1:u/um ;" IO re/eaje ihey recr11i1, and rifrefh 1bemfalvu.
/rum hor.ds, imprifanment, 1aptwi1y; &c.: or' elfe, R £ , FELL, :i:~"M'"', Ji1pp!anto, proj/trno ; to rt•
fee EMPTION: Gr. Jute , or fubvtrl an argument: . ,
. RED·l'f lON, Ew, r:;,,..., to, rtd10, .rtdilio; a · RE-FER, <J:•e•» f ero, ref.ero1 to bri11x bock, to form
r t /urning. · a cor.nt»ion witb who/ went b~fort, or 11111y tomt after.
RED-Ol,ENCY, O?w, o~;~, .,1.,;", oleo, redo- R E-FRAIN .1 "vcl a Lat. refringrre; vd ati
/ens ; lo fmcll, to j(ent, to perfume. Ital. rt1jfrtnart; tobibere, ab.Pintre; q. d. refr.rnare !
RE-DOUT, "muni1nentum quoddam mili- fed . prius et)'mon Jonge pra:fcro : Skign."-~but
tare, quo fdli 1nilices reduci.; i. c. ft reciptre Lye, after lhe latter deriv. fays, oinnia fortalfe a
po.f!uni; pr.elentur.e, ruepraeula: Skino."-confc- . Cambr. Brit. frwy• ; frm11m; fru.,·r.o; rtfrenarc ;
quently ought to have been traced to.::.... .,, """"'""• -but why thefe gcntle1nen Oiould . reft with fuch
tl~-.clivf"', rd/Lntl.o; dutQ; to lead, l o & ondutl; to r.tlirt: 10. a pleafing tranquillity, in ·all, or in any of chefe
. RE-DRESS; "Fr. Gall. ndref!er; lc;ol. rfn- langua<Tcs, would not be eafy to fay; uolefs. we
rlrizzare ; «rrigere; q. d. rt-dirigere, vel ,.,. dirrc- can fuppofe, that the Latins and Greeks bor,~
tare: Skinn."-confequently derived either from rowed from the \Vcllh :-on the contrary,frwyn,
'.J',?.,, vel AfX"" quafi P«x.,, rega, derigo; to diretl; frmmn, rtfrenare, raffrenare, are all of then1 cvi ;
or fron1 Oe9·~. re!t111; right; to do one r~~b1, 10 ft1 dcndy derived either a Bt'I'""'• frtmo, frendeo, fr.e·
one right ; i. e. correfJ, or retlify. 1111m; quod hoc equi dentibus frtndtonl; lo champ~
. RED-S1"ART; half Gr. half Bdg.: RED, as ur .cbt"JJ the bit ; hence to bridle in, to curb, re·
we have fe~n ,. is Greek; but ;?art is derived " a flra,ir.; i. e. refrain; or cl~C ~ :pJ'j,.,.~, "'P"'row, i"-'Yw:
Belg. flurt, jl~rl, vel flirt; caudtt; the tail; q . d. QJ!ali ;"''Y"'• frango ; qu 1a 1ndo1n1t.os equoru1u
,.td~tail ; caudti r11brd prtrdita; ,o,~1x-aeo,: Skir1r1. •'M ·nimos frangoJ; as Junius. very jul11y obferves
. n.ED-'(!NDANCE,'rJ,,, vel 'Yli.:e, qua!i 'TvJ'"t'> under the art. FRAIN.
unda, redundo; lo •verjlP'iJJ, abo11JJd. RE- FUND; x,.,, Xvw, Xu'"'• fimdo; rtf1111{10;
REED; Of"'• excito; excited, or jbaken wi:h the 10 pour back a}(ain; to make a ret11n1 of what , was
•wi11d : Vo.ffius. derives arundo ab aridilale, aridNs: unjuilly obtained.
,._then we might fuppofe ic was derived ab A?«, . RE-FUSE, or rrjttl ; A~'"' 1\.1i•«~e.,,, caufa ,
areo, ariduJ : -bnt If. Volf. derives t1rundo ab ·r1111f~ ; undt rttt!fo ; ex rt, co1:1ra ; t'C caufa ; r tlr 1
.Aol.~; ttf pis teli :-che firft is a conjeClurc formed eaufor; to deny a Jidt, ,to_ j ligbt a reqiufl.
fr~m its motion; the lnl1, from ics ]hap:. . RE-F.USE, reiick1, /traps ; fron1 the fame root;
n EEKI NG-bot; " vidcri poffic abfciffum ex Gr. : whactver is njcf.led.
~!'·:c;ttAt~, qL1od ·Hef}'cb . · cxponit G"xl.~~~') txfict41us, . IlE-FUTE, '' dl~w, Y.w> <bl'if"•, ~ffJ1", jc'lriJ, f <:tur i
·t1rid1tJ : vel ex 'p"''"'f'~ quod eodcnt doClilf. unde j~to, r t/uto; to d1fprM;e the argument of an
g rarnrn. tXJ>OO,tLtr x.uALn-'~» afptr, f,cvus fu111uJ : adv erfary: .'\infw.'"-fed ell: a fulo va/e {adds he)
J un."- fm•kt, which is always /harp, p11ilge111, and '' quia, ut futo fcrvc11s nq1Ja, ica 1e!1i <,:ratione
hurtful to /'be t)'t J. compefr.antur adverfarii :" adds Junius ; who the?
R EEL, fiibfl. }'E1;>,w, 'IJ,/v o ; to roll around, quotes Varro, 1.ib. 4. de I.,. L . 'I/Os aq""rium ':la·
R EEL, v •rb ,,1.out cant futum, quo in lridinio allatam aqunm inft111de-
REEL, lo Jlogga ' ·· ba111.; 'l"icinius, Serina.
• J D ·. ' REG~\L

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R E Fro1n G 11. t E tt, and LAT 1 !f. R E·
REGAL }" Aex,.., quali P..x,... rego 1 et Iii· RE-GRET ; " Fr. Gall. r1gret; Ital. rtgrtll11
R EGENT dorus r-eg1111 ait dici a reElt 4ge11do 1 Jgfor, triflitia.; hoc ~ re, l)eg. et 'gro/11111 1 q. d.
fed h~ Stoica ell: allufio 1 nam planmn ell: elfc rt-grot.,,.; i. e. i11grol1'111: Skinn."-tho' t.his ~ord
a rtgo :-hoc Caninius et Nunnetius non abfurdc iralu.o appears under many differe.nt forms, yet it
pro rago dici putat; elfc id ab Af'X."• x"1" 1''1"9,~w: is remarkable, the Dr. has never once introduced
fed irnprimis alfentio, continues Vollius, doc- it into his dietionary, except in this inftance be-
tiffimo focero meo, Francifco J unio, qui com- fore us 1 and even here he' will not give us the
mentario in Daniel is cap. IV. fufpicatur rego, true deriv. ; for g,r~•1 defcends a X"f''' X"e•i•~,
rtx, omniaque ejus conjugata, vcnirc a noroinc gratia. . .
rac, quod Babyloniis ttgem notabat :" -a k,ing, R~GULAR, Af'JC"• qua(i Paxw, rtgo, rtgula; ll
or fupreme potentate 1 toget her with all the power, rule, method, and dirtflion.
Jig11i1y, and autborilJ, belonging to him : -fo that RE-HEARSE. : it would be in vain to expeet
t he Greeks feem to have derived their word Ae'X."'• that Skinner !houl.d lead us. up to the true origin
by cranfpofition, from the Hebrew rtu. of chis word; it is fufficient co have led us part
REGl-CIDE, Aqxw-x..1- .,, regi-cida; a ki11g- . of the way, and wemuft be thankful for that:
killer; one who dares ro lift his hand again!l: the thus h'e will tell us, that " rtbearfa fignifies nar-
king's life: . R. AeX"'• et Ko,.-1w, c.tda; to iii!. rart , t'tcitart; fOrc. 3.- r-e, ct htar, q. d. itcru1n
REGIJ.\.:IEN 1Af'JG•» quafi P"'%"• rego, rtgi- oudi<11dtm exhibcre :"-if we bu.n t him any far-
REGIMEN1' men ; to 1·u/e or regulate our ther, ic .will be in vain; for, after having fearched
d iet ; alfo, a body of men under gover1munt and him clofely, we arrive at his article tar, where he
rontrol :-Clel. Voe. 12z, acknO)Vkdges, that tells us, i c comes from auri4 ; but has no idea
rtgimenl . figni!ics a body of men 1nartially ap- chat t hat word fhoold be Gr.
pointed, arrayed, and colleaed out of any par- REIG·N , AeX"• quafi P"X.'"'• rego, r1gnr1m 1 a
1iculcr jhirt ; apd therefore would derive it a kin,r:dt1n, domi11ic11, rNlt. · ·
rcicb-11101; and lo indeed they 1night .have been REIN of a bridle; Tt""" To~. Ion. T"'"'• lento,
formerly; but .n ow a rttimenl 1nay be compoled , rtti11to; to re.taiu, rtflrai-n, rein, or kt-ep i11. /
not only of di fferent fh1res, but of d ifferent na- R E.INS oftbe bade; "'p,,,,jluo, ruo; unde rt11,
tions: hoi;ve\ t r, e\•en Y(ich-111ot is Gr.
1·tniJ: caufa no1nir1is erit, quod frrofus humor
RE GION"; from the foregoing root; quod per re11tJ d;currat: Petrus tameo Nunnef. exifti,
priuf<1uan1 pro vinei;e fierent, rtKia11ts fub regibuJ mac ricn (fie enim vereres d ixerc) vcnire a Gr.
cra11t, atque ab. iis regeba111ur: P erot. a diviJi~11, N1~,r ''• abjecro r. quod idem notac: a r<n, feu
or dif/riO, under 11 rtt!er, formerly called a king : - pot1u5 riu1, ell: Belg. nier; or kidney: VolI"-
Cleland's attachment to the Celtic 1nakes him this is llJldoubredly better than deriving rtn a
affirm, in Voe. 7, that " reicb 'is the ctimon of <l>e.-.• menJ 1 th• 111jnd; with Littleton and Ainfw.
reg,io :"-we 1night rather fup pofc the revcrfe; RE- J UJ\1BLE; " it rejumblu on my fton1ach;
and that rtgio itfelf was derived from the Gr. a Fr. Gall. regi111be; cal<itrat; Ile autcm dicilnus,
RE-GIS'fER, "rtgij/r11m, feu potius regcjlum; ubi cibus in vtncriculo fluftuat, ct nauleam
terra c fulco egt)la; ct in al i<ju:mtulam altitudi- parit; a prrep. rt , et jambe ; It. gamba, Ortum
ne•n. elevata ; earth cajl up, a ridge ill plowi.11g: ducit : Skinn."-the Dr. then refers us to GAM-
alfo a rrgijler book : L ittleton and Ainfw."-but lVION, and there telh us, that M enagius a G r.
this is not going far enough ; for regijler is un- K"'fo'"""• deAectit ; and then makes another refc•
doubtedly derived ii rtJ gejlas ; and Voffius tells rcnce to HAJ\1M, which, he fays, "Cafaubon
llS, tl1at gero originates a XflfC~ffl'; i. e. a Xtte, defteetic a R«/-'TT~, et Jun. a KGJJ-f-ta., (cgrnentum:' '
namquc ab obliquo ejus X•e« tach1m ell: gero; ut -and yet ic is poffible; that both gammon, and
propric fit mamtm admiliij/rnre ; a regijler being a ham , may not come from either of tbofe roots,
book in which tranfafJiollS and t!Xploi/Jare noted down. aod frill may be Gr. : belic!es we have had a
RE-GRATER, " i11terpol111or; a Gall. re 1 et quite d i ffer~nt deriv. fro1n the Dr. under the arr.
grat<r; faalpere ; grattur ; frnlptor; le. qui iterum JUMBLE : Gr.
/ca/pit ; i. e. po/it vtj/tJ : Minlh. and Skinn. as RE-LATE 1<P'f"'•fero, rifero, relatuJ, rela-
quoted by Lye :"-but nll o f 1he1n flop there. : RE-LATION tio; a narr11tio11, ; or an ac·
howeve r, ihould this be the true fenfe of the word, count brought from a diftance : alfo a ltinjma11,
it \'IOt1ld originate i •p«4'<;~, vel f flX9!1>> rado, /ca/po; or one whofe defcent has o rtftrtnce to our o wo.
to rttfp, or fan:pt, or fcratcb old clothes over, in RE-LAY of bcrftJ, dogJ, &c. "vox venat ioa ;
orde r ro dean them : fo that a regraltr feems to exponit ur ubi canes ordine, et quafi in prociNflu
in1ply the idea of a perfon's bringing only /«tired, collocantur co i n loco, q ue1n cervus tranfirurus
or fecond bar.d things 10 nlarkct. ell:: a Fr. Gall. raflitr ks chi~ns; canes componere,
• feu,

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'R E R E
fcu, orJinare; fee rally : Skinn."-but rally, the nev~ be r'fJaffed: orfrom N1.,, nato; 11i10, m1atu.<,
Dr. had derived a rtalligart ;.:...tho' in neither ar- mtabilis ; to paft.
ticles "1ould he tell llS it was Gr. ; viz. a AV')'•'> RE-MEDY, MrJ'r.,, MrJ'cp.<>•, curo; medtor; to
1Zfo, nl!igo, realllgart ; lo rallJ, lo C(Jlf7ltfl, or join ' tttre, htal, make whole and fo@d agai'n.
togtthtr again: fo that a relay of horfts lignific& a . RE-MORA; r; M"f"'• divide ; quia nwrantu
number of borfes difpofed at fuch proper d i- ternpus inrervallis lrahunt, ac di.vid11n1: vd a
f~ances, that 'they all feem to be 1mi1ui, and M ...., quo manjio; moraqut in loco aliquo fignifi-
jqj11td together. , catur; v mutatum in r: M'f"" voce uf1 funt
, RE-LEASE: Skinner very jullly fuppofesthis , Xenophon, l)iodorus Siculus, plurefque alii:
word is derived ii relaxart ;-bur then he ought auetor .etymologici magni, Moe:..- "''!'!'-" rr•
co hav~ traced it to the Gr. : fee LAX, or •:"1,.,1...,: Voff."- a tarrying, dtlaying, Jloppi11g_,
LOOSE : -there is however another conjeeture rett1rdi11%·
wor!n mentioning; viz. that ~eltaft 1nay come RE-MORSE,, Mee",;.,, mordeo, re;norfuru~; J.D
from re!igart, ) n' the fenl.C of un-bind; and then bite, gnaw, torp1t11/,
it would originate ·a Avr,,, ligo ; to hind. R.E N-COUNTER; " Fr. Gall. rtntontrt, rt11 -
RE-LEVE, · commonly written reliivt, like tontrer, q. d. re.i11-tonlrart : Skinn."-confequently
l;elit'Vt; but this originat~s a A'""• cortex ; unde derived ab A•1'f"• contra; oppofition, co1mleralli11g,
/rois, lt'Vo; lo lighten, or make tafy, by liftin~ up tontrndilling ; muting in an u11frit11dly ll)anner.
any great ';weight, or allrr;ioting any opj5rtffion. REND, " 'Pn'Y'""" rimzptrt ; lo /tar in pucts :.
R.E-LENl", quali · rtle11ient, a Ar·w1•r, len1111, Cafaub."
ltnis ; tnjj, g eritl<, ntild. REN-DER, to give; C.1J'~,,_., do, rtddo ; by in-
RE-LIC'f i Ar,,,..,, A,,,_,.,.,.,, linquo, rdifla 1 a ferring the 11, quafi rendo; Jo re/14r11, or gi<Je up a
widow, who is lift without a hulband. lfJ'Wr., or fr;rlrrfi.
RE-LIGION, A''Y"'• dico; unde leg•; qui autem RENDER, "to ftparalt; fpoken of dif(lerfing
omnia, qua! ad cultuin deorum pertincsnc, dili- a company ; perchance front rending per para·-
'g .e nter retrallartnt, et tanquam reltgennt, diCti gogen: R ay:"-then perchance 'cis Gr. as above:
funt rtligioji ex relegenJo ; canquant ii deligendo, de- fee REND: Gr.
Jigmt1s; e-x intelligtndo, in1ellige11te1 : Cicero : Jo REN'-D~VOUS l." ,Fr. <?,all. t·endtz~·ous teft 'a
rtad oftu1, ID ptrufa, and ft11reh diligently the hof)• REN-DEZVOUS S a1re, IJtll Dli loll! In foldatJ
ftripturtJ :-and yet perhaps chis rnay not be the ft d•invtnl rt11drt; diribitorium: Skinn."- a houfe
proper d~riv.; for religion feems rather co be de- begun by Agripp~, fays Aio~w. and finilhed by
rived a A•'l'"• ligo, vincio ; lo bind, rtj/r4i11: by Aug ufhrs; in which the fold1ers were rnuftcred,
~i cher binding the confciences of mankind to the and received their pay : - confequently the Or.
obfervance of its precepts; .o r rejlraining the accord ioa tn his own explanarion, ought to have
aaions of mankind from 't he commiffion of ev·il : deri ve<! i~ from the fan1e root RENDER, to
~lei. \Var. 6; and Voe. 81, gives us a cli f· gi ve; meaning the place where their pay \\03.S
ferent. idea of ·tlris word , which, he fays, ori»i- 0
dij/.,.ib11ted, or rendertd ID them ; a kind ofpay-effice,
ginates front " ray-ligio.n, the heiog bound, or or f"t 11dt'Uou1.
to11fintd by the r11y, or lhe circle rhat was drawn , RE-NEG ADO, Af"•I"'"• 1tegc, dtnego; t.o Jeny,
(PY tbt .-,,,, the t•and, the 'Pa-{.llor) round the rejet1: or elfe it may be derived a Nruw, . llJID, re-
perfons who we·re arrtjled, or arraigned in che 1/UD; ID n11d 11.ffe111, er dijfent : renegaJo is a term of
name of juftice:"-buc both RAY, and ligio11, or reproach, generally applied to thole, who apofta-
LlGATURE, arc Gr. rize fron1 .any faith; quafi renegando religio111m:
. RE-LlNQUISH 'I. A"""• lEol. pro"'""'"'• A"u- fee RUN a GATE: Gr.
RE· Ll QY ES ·S .,,..,,w , li11qu• ; lo leave; unde RE -NI1'ENT; N•.-7w, N•{.,, la-vq, 11i1to; 19
reli~"ite; ren1ai1ls, what are left. Jhint, lo meke bright.
· ·R E-LISH, A"X'"• lingo, lain/lo ; to litk, or RE-NOUN CE; N'""' 11uo, rtnt(O; to rtjet1; duty.
t ojle. RE- NO\VN ; " Fr. Gall. reno111, rt11ommit ;
" RE-IVIAIN, M """ mantrt; to t0J1t/!rue, or Ital. rinDt:tt, ri11i n1la; Ja ma, g /qri tJ : q. d. re11om111 :
obidt; alfo the rejidut, or what is left : fee re enim hlc ti-ofutn in tcndir ·; Sk:ino.".,.. however,
1\10tJND, or bead; and MUNDANE: Gr. under the art. 11amt, the Dr. quot~s Junius, for
REl\1EABI.;E, Ee•1,'"'" rt11111s, remt.~ ; an oar ; clcriving it ab 0~01v.,"' ; nomtn; a 11at11e.
unde remto, remtabili1 ; to be pnffed, or troffed b)• R'.ENT of a bouft 1 C.1J~'I"'• db; rcdd• ; redit11.<,
oilrs: Virgil, in the fixth JEneid, 4~ 5, calls the rotditus ; the onnual mcotnc rendQ-td, or paid
river Styx. irremeabili~ •md,e; the river that could for a dwelling.

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'R E From GR i 1 K, and LA 'l' r N:: R :E
RE-PA·R E, ne~11w,.quafi . n"e"'7i"', facio, ptrfi· Skinn."-fo that 1b·ey could pot let fo ea(y :l de--
fio: vcl a fi•e•» ll•e•~w. pr.cbto, paro, rrparo ; to rivation pa(s without ,lQ1ne dc~neracy; for nei-
refit, rejlort. ther Greeks nor Rom~ns wrote . it with two ft; .
RE-I'AST ; " o...., pafco, pajlus; in the fame and tbercfore it gives n1e pleafure to find, chat we
' manner as fcio comes from Ji/co: Nug."-tbis have, in one inllance at leaft, depart~d from French
tnay be t rue j but it may be derived a n....... orc.h ogr.
pafco; to eat,fttd, or nourifh. . RE-SE RVE l.Eeu:.i, feruo, refcr'iJo ; to keep
RE-PEAL ; ll"M").to111111ovto; vel potiusA..,M..,, R E-SERVOIR S back, bold back.
antiq. unde ptllo: vel a B..>.>-.,, pfojicio, rtjicio ; to RESIN, " 'p,7,.., rejina,; · buirior liquidus, Ct
. rtjtEi, di/annul, ca.ft away. oleag.inofus ex planta fponre di(fh;ieus: undc 0 1..r
RE-PEAT; 11v,e""I""'' n,.9,,.,.,, vd nve,,. ..,, .p,,11v,"l• ~11vJ~1iv tX,4'~, apud Di9f. refi11a1a /Jibis vi11a i
ptto, reptlo; to rtqutjt, to afa again; alfo to jay Marc. rejind eciam pilos evcllebanc, in ornatorum
by btar~. ·· gratiam; undc Juvenali 1·ejiuata juvtntus; pro
REPENT!NE; " 'p,,..,.,vtrgo,prO'pc11deo; nam 11101/i: Voff." a 11a111ral gum. .
. quo q uid propendet, eo fub1to fcrtur: Volf." RE-SlPISCENCE ; . l:•~•r, {apiens, fapit11tia,
j11ddt11, bafly, f wift . . rejipifcentia ; rtptntantt, pr re(urning ,again to a
. RE-PERTITIOUS; rr"'e"'• j11xta; unde pario, knowledge of ou1ftlvts. . . . · , .
reperio, reptrlitius ; f o1111d, ame by tht111ce. RE-SI ST, lr•f'o, fto, refifto ; to withjl.and,
RE-PER'fO RY ; from the (oregoi11g root; W*· .
"!ignifying on iwve111ory, a regifter of whatever is RE-SOLVE lthis is another inftaoce, in
·fo11nd on the premi ll"cs. · RE-SOLUTIONS which \he original and irs
RE-PORT; " reportart; i. e. ab alio dela- derivative have totally changed powers: refo lt•t is
tum offcrre: Skinn."-confequencly derived a undoubtedly derived from ;\vw, }olvo ; 10 loofa,
4>oe1.o:J. po1·10; to bear, trr carry ; a1ry 111ean1 of con- dijfolve, and faparal•; but refalve Ggnifies both to
'lltyar.ce. • tb!Jojve, and lo bind firm : I n;n refalved; ht is
RE-PR!EVE; fecms to be onlv a contrall:ion rifolute; ht bas taken a dettrmintd rtfolwio1i, are
of re-pro-roga'Ui, or rtprorogillUS; and if fo, y•ould (e nfes given by 1nodern European notions to this
.be delcended ab Ee•l""'' vcl Ef''" 'p,,.,, 'l'•y«>, unde word, fo cot~lly dilfcrenc fron1 t,hc original idea .
rogo, prorogo, 1·eprorogo ; to demand, or remand a RE-SORT ; "frtqut11tart ; vox e· foro petitil
prifoner; co deftr bis day of puni011nent. deflexo aliq naotum fenfu; ii.,Gall. rtfortir; appd-
RE- l' RIMANJ), B"e•r, B~f'I""• ptrimo i quali /11re, p1·ovocart , ad fupc'riorem curiam; i.e. cau(u
per-imu111-trudo ; i. e. premo, rep1i1uo; to rtprtfs, iteru1n forliri: Gr.• .A"tXa>-a~ lJ>tYi•: Sk inn .''
r.-611/re, reprvue. -this is a proper explanation ; but though the
• RE-PROACH l ne•~f'/""•'• t.~probratum ; rt- Dr. was writing a di€tionary on the· ety1nQ]ogy of
RE-PRO BATES jetltd, rtpr-O"Jtd: or clfe from the Englilh language in Latin, he ought to have
ne"''" quad decct: fee PROVE : Gr. given a Greek d orivation, if be had a mind to. giv.e
, REPTI LE, •Ef"l<',farpo, by cranfpo!ition;P,,,..,, the true etymology of that E nglilh word·: for
repo, repti/is; t• crttp, or crawl or. the belly 1 like our word 1·efort co be derived either· from
,11 rampa11t -borft; .according to Skion. and Nug. Oeor, ltrminuJ, !i11ies,finis; det.ermi11atio11, r.e.fJt/JJ or.
llE-PUDIATE, A1J0>r, A1Jcr, JBol. F«vJ'or, .en4 oftbmgs ;. this is my /aft refat:t :. or elfo it may
p11dor, r.epudintus; quia 'non lit 6oe p11dore; a be deriv.ed ·a l:ve"· trnbo; to draw loJJ ; for.c,
bill, or writ of divorcement, which cannot be /fl1:tiri; '' qui~ex v aft aliqttl) Jqr-rt 1n fi1a-m·exJrab:t;t.
done without fl•amt to one of the parcies. quifque folea t : Vnlf." fee SORTI-LEGY: Gr.
RE-PUGNANT, nvy,u•, nv~. n.,,,.., nv'Y."•r, l~E-SPECT, ll«•\ n .. ...., r........,,fpecio, refpfr-io~
pug11us, rep11.gnantia; n refiftanu,. or col!lraritty. vel il !x011"1u,. I i(E;r1t1fl':.t-1, q.uafi !'lf't>r.10,, jpeEJo, jpt-
RERE-W ARD : half l.acin, half Greek; ex do; to behold, rtgard, rc-v.ere,
r.e> retro; ct verfus> verto.; i. e. Tfl-'f-t..i, by cranf.. RES.J>J :r; our etymol. feem to have miltakcrr
pof1tion,. Il•ei..,, 'Vtrto; Jt<rned-bad' ; towards Jbe che dcriv. of chis word; for Junius fays, rt/pit,..
rrnr of an army. refpira11di fBati.uJn; as. if he intended to have de-
RES-CUE, .Ka"1"'• capfo, r.uupero ;. recover, duced it a refpiralfu: he then. refers tO Somner..
reg6ill. in refpeflarc; as if it was derived ajpet7o :- andi.
• RE-SENT : chis is not dcriv.ed. fr0m 'he verb :Skinner fays,, " a Fr. GalL re!f?it, refpi; iHduri;-e,
(JJ(J on a: 111cf18ge ; bllt a l:v111?1?'-'> ~~~t~·i11~~ fentio j .pauf.1, litis. praroga)iQ; a Lac. r•fpet111s,; 'l· d •.
' ' :oto fe;ifu. ad "t i,•u111JJ pe1·cipere ; q. d. re/entire : ·tempus refpicie11di : "-but even then jt would be·

\!OX O\)Va in nollra.lingua aFr. Gall. fc. rdfe111ir; G.r.-for very probab!x o.o.oc of thcfe is the ori- .
. .

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R E From GREEK, and LATIN. R E
ginal of our. word rt/pit; which feems to come RE-TINA, T'"'" ..,.,,,, Ion. Tt>w, feneo, rtte,
J"acher a n,9,.,, peto, reptt•ilt1S; or, fince WC fay retina; a thin mc1nbrane in the eye, fo called from
r e/pit, qu:ifi rtfpet-itus; redamed, rt(a/led, re- its rcfcmbling 11 net.
demanded from punilhment. RE-TINUE; from the fame root; vii . lo re-
RE·SPONSE, :r,.,,,.;.,, :i;,,,..,J., libo, libatio; Jni11"any one in our fervice.
qui a fpondert11I in :i:,,.,,;,, quo libatio, vel /;hn111e11, RET-JR,E. i "Fr. Gall. rilirtr ; I tal. ritirarti
... item fiedus notat\Jr : a l'.:1r!)f1;, ell- fpoJl/t i volun- redire, retrabere; a re; et Fr. Gal l. tirer; !cal •
tarit,. tx0>1., libenter: rejpondere proprie ell: repro- tirare I trabert : hoc forte a Gr. :i:ue•<>: Skinn."
.miJUrt; nan1Jpo11dere ponebatur pro dicere; undc -furely the Dr. coulj:l not ·intend this for a
et rejpondere adhuc manec ; and we have added deriv.-there could not have been a more dill:anc
the conjunction co11, or tor; as when we fay, t~vo one in the Gr. lang.-now, t ho' among: the D r's ..
ptrfo11s bold a cor-re-fpondt11ct, or familiar i111tr- words, rtdire feems to approach the nearen to
courft, by lei/tr, &c. retire;' and is indeed ahnofr literally our own
REST, rtmai11der; I"I''• I1w, Jtjio, reflo; to word, yet that is not 'the original: betides, re•
remain ; wbat is kfl. . mun not be taken in th«. fenfe of de.•uo, l1tr:111;
: REST, re-pofa i 't>~f"1t1vHv, Pa:r-wpt, otior, otium; rur.(111; for then redi1·e would Ggnif:,; ta r-e1ur11, to,

f() be at ltifi1rt , quiet. 'ome bnck again from a dJftant country, froii:i '"
· REST -D E AG; "a re.ft.Jay, orJabbatb: Verll:." _jou rney; &c. which is not 'the fenfe of retire .· ancb
who fuppofes ic co be Sax . therefore we ought tacher ~o fuppofe ic is com- .
RE- STAURATION t 1'""1''• "LI""> j/o, rtj/ituo, pounded of r ilt ;. i, c. retl'o; and to; to go he11a;
RE-STl'l'UTI'ON S rtjiauro; to rei11jlaie; not come hither again ; t o withdraw from public
t·eplace i11 power, a11tbority, a11d dignitJ'· fociecy; l0>.re1reat JO the pl,;ce from whence we:·
RE-STIVE borft; fro1n the forego ing rooc: c~111e : ex r,·1, 1·tr1:0, er E:t"i, eo, ire-;_ tttgo.
" equus contllmax, hoc a reflando, feu rtj!ittmdo, R l'!:T R-EAT; from the foreg-0mg root; and
adco ut calcarib us promove ri non poffit: S kinn." conftquent~y not deri.ved, as Skinn~r fuppofes,
.an unrraClable horfe, who.always ftmuiJ back, and . " a Fr. Gall. rtPraiflt , re1rai11e ; ltai·. ,-;11·u111 ,
will not move, forward, even tho' urged by the q. d. ·t·etrallus, 1·ttraflio :.''-i. e. rt lrabtrt ; \V)1icti..
. fp ur. (till would be Greek .
R f STY; " ra11ddus; refly haco11, rnndd11m R E-TRENC I-I; "Fr. G·al1. retrtncocr ; ltaf:
lardqtn: videtur aurem refry d ich11n quafi ru//y ; r itrinciar.e, rttidet:e,amput'arr; hoc 2: 1·e, ec trencher;
r1tbigi1wfu1; qubd rancor porcir«e quodammodo {rct1rt: Sk inn."-and now the Dr. thinks he has
rc:fe.rat rubigi11e1iJ Jerri: Jun.''-in ei[her cafc ·fou11d the rc;iot . of retrtncb; but his F r. Gair.
' tis G r. friend$ have eicher mi!led him, or not led him
RE- SULT, A>•A•r•a.,faii•, rtf:tlto; Ju rtbo1111d: far enough ; for rtlrtn&b feems ro be derived at;
alfo c.n t"Jt11f, (01ttl:ifio11. ;lxw, fato, Jrn11s-[t&o, rt-trtin-s ...j(co; to euJ elf,
RE-SUME, A1<"•1"•"', per aphrercf. fu1»0; tu atb:wart1 a11d over : fee TRENCH: Gr.: or el(e
refume; to lake hack again. ""Y
ic be derived from the fame · root with ·
RE-SUR-RECTlON, E'Y"e.,,furgo, rtfurrtc· , 1'R:UNCA1'ED-
tio ; a rifi11g again from tbe dead. R EVELS; " per totas notles chores ducere·;.
RE-TAIL, o r resa/e ; " frujlillatim cc11cidere, excitare 1t fomno; q. m. re-;;igilarl!, fco diu tvi;:i-
min11tim; q. d . per parlicu!irs, et .fntfl,,/a magnas lars; pervigilar.t :· Skinn."-aod yec the Dr-.
mcrci•"n moles divcndere: Skinn.."-ic 1nun be would not t mce the c~ym1 any farther; neither
acknowledged, that the Dr. is much morr. happy can we by his affiflant'e ;. for as to the arc. vigi•
at explanation, chan etymo logy ; for he fuppo fes lance, he h•s kfc it ou~ :· however Junius wiH
this word is derived •• ii Fr. Gal l. rttaiile~; f:al. help us- a lirile, when.we· come · co ·thac arc ..
l'itaglitlre; fr11j/illa tim cimcidttt :''- little imagin- .R-E-V ENU!i:; ' "" Fr. Gall : ~C'J1:11u; re-Jemie ;:
ing chat his Fr. Gall. and Ital. words were Greek, r.tdiJ111, q. d . r.tvetllio: Skinn."- buG nil thcle
and d~rived 3. 04AJ.111>, 0";\Ata , tafet1 ; a cbip, flip, co111c from venio; and 'i.Jthi(J cornes frotn B~,.-.,;
or jlice of •uood cut off. R;J:::. VERE, •p'"' Ee<"'• dico; unde r·rer, 'IJereor,.
RE-'f ALIATION, 'I".. ~,.,r, lEol.. pro 'J;,).oxof, r' vqi:enlia:; honoxrcd, · r.<JP.elled :. it· f~ttl'l3 co · t;c
ta/is; ab-1to dictum· j:ts talio1tis, returning iiir.e fer rathtr of Hebrew e1't1·a&.
J;lte ; a11 tyt for an ;ye. RE -VERSE, 'Ile"'"• per mer nth . " •e7<.., ,,trto·;:
R .E-TlCENCE, A"'"'• inufit. addico t, taceo: 11 eti:im conv..rrfo ·in 'V confo!1um ; J1 it,r;;, rtSJ1r11)
· Ax•~ quide1n. iii ufu non ell, fod ob1 mct parti cip. t11r11 bt1ck.
ejus Axr•w. qu;etus, tacitus; ot apud Hom. ll• ~· REVER;Y, . 'p,,.,.{k, t~ontr< inmnbulo, 'Pago; 1111
_,.,,: jife11t. be wmt; holdi11g bisp.tllte, · ;1r.1ggk, Wtit:der, r qam abolil : ot elie ic rnay ~
• dcrlMcdl

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R H From Ga EE K, and LA Ti If, R I
d crivod a.b A')'•» vagqt-, i. e. 'Valde-11gor ; '1Jagari, ; RHYTHM, 'Poe,..,, rbythmus ; numerui, fe.u
,reva~ari ; 1·every; a wild r.ambli11g, a"4 roving of' 1nodulus cerca dirnenuone, ct proportione C'on-
irr.agi11a1io11 :-Ciel. Voe. 164, n, fays b ur word frans 1 poetry in rbylbtn, or .rime; i. e. dut mt•·
" . r ave i$ from. the F r-ench rt<le (a dreatn ) which Jure, not j ingle. .
is icfi:lf d erived a refvario ( a rwery) a delirium :'' Rl -BAI.:.DRY, " Fr. G all. riba11/d; ·I tal. ri-
.-fed unde 1· ?-,from tbe Gr. 3S ~bove. baldu ; ntb11io, fcel1ts, impudens ft.ortater .; (fo very
RE-WARD; Te1.-w,.quafi n••1~, verto, v erfus ; a.pplicable W 3S Shakefpear's riba11Jd nag of Egypt,
hinc verfos, both adverb, and' prep<>fit ion 1 to· ' 1neaning .C/top /1.tra) a r~ tJltCOUVO ; Cf baJd.,
ward; ; a r~~vard being nothing m ore than .a bau!d ; !cal. baldo; audax; q. d. va!de-muiax,
f;<vo r, kindnefs, or parti'\lity tWJards a w~ll­ impudens: Skinn."-wbo then refers us to bold:
_defcrving perfon :-t.ho' it might be be.c ter to -which , as we have feen, is Gr.
.derive reward a K•rlor, lucrum, prdlmiu.r11., qu,cflus ; RIBBLE-RABBLE, " eo~f11fa, et nugaJt gar-
as we have fhewn under t he art. GU ER DON : Gr. rulitas ; a Belg. rabbtlen ; g arrirt; vide .rabble:
RHAD ISf-1, 'p,~"• ' PaJ1.£, 'i'"I'"•••· 1·adi« ; a Skinn ." - and rabbit h.e acknowledges to
roof, or pla1Jt. · be G r. ·
RHAP.£-fatd J commonly written rape-faed : R ICE, "Oev?"'• oryza; per apbrerefin rice :
Gr. Upt_.''
RI-IA PS -ODY, "'1'"'.J...J•"• rhapfadia, coaptatio; IUCH, " dcdux.e rain aHquando Altnan. ruhe
a heap, or affemhlage of v erje;: R. ·c..,,.1,,, 10 jiitch, ab O:''I''"• vcl Oeix.9"" conc11pifare, appettre;
er patch together; and A,.J'.,, ;.;~, /o Jing; OJ, , a prorfus ur a Lat. avarus eft ab avco : Jun." I•
fo11l : Nug." .defire eaJerl)· ; Verllegan fuppofes it t o b7 Sax.-
RHATTOCK, 'p"9"'l'••• jlrtpi111s, tumultus; but . Ciel. w1ch n1uch greater propriety, would
loud noife, and wild uproar. ~ierive ic fro1n the Celtic reieh ; which, in his
RHEGGJO, " 'P•y••" Rbegium ; a city of the Voe. 7, he fays, "is the erirnon ofregio ; and our
further Calabria, in Ital y: R. ·r, .....,, or'P"'Y'"I'" word ricJ:.; o riginally figoi fying a proprietor of a
frat1g1J ; ·p~,,,., rupiure i ·r~y10», di1l1in.utive; N ug." grtfl/ exttnt of Janti, or R EGION :"-which, M
llHENISH, Rbtn11s ; t he g rea.t _river R hine, we have feen, is Gr. · .
which antiently divided Germany from France : RlCH - l\10ND, may perhaps be derived a
~;iuan Rbena1umi, vti vinum Rbt11:nfe; a pleafant reieb-mol ; tbt meeting of a dijlritl; being perhaps
:wine g rowing on.the banks of that river. the very fpot where ancientl y the counly· o!famb!ics,
RI~E.TOR!C, ""P•1•P""• ''P•1•e;,.,, a rbt1oricittn: or mtttings, were held :-confequentl y Gr.
'R. 'p,.,, dieo: Nug."-Clel. Voe. 84, n, fays, that RICK of corn, hay, & c. 1' mtta,jir11ts, cumulus;
" rhDlpr, and rhetoric, are derived fro1n the ray; Belg. riulr.e; /ur ea ; fortafle fie diCta, quafi reyekt,
and properly and exclufively fignify bar -e!cqut ncr:" a reyckm • porrigtre ; 10 rtacb, ·o r jlrttch forrb ;
.-coofequently originate from ay, or ry; the quod /11.r(li falciculos fmni, frumenci, ftraminis
/aw, Or l'ey: i. e. a J\<-')':.>1 dito; j tH dicert; to arripiamus, atque in horremn recondentibus por-
plead al 1he bar. rigamus : Jun.''-afcer ·which , it is a wonder this
RFiEUMA T JSM, " 'p'"I""• a jluxion: R. 'p,.,, great etymol. did not derive it ab 0~1y..:, Or•E•.
jiuo : N ug.'' porrigo; lo .ftretcb forth-,; i. c. to pitch 1be'tor11 ;
R.H IN Q . CEROS, 'p'""'?"'" w10<, rhinouros, Whence pileb-for/r., a /l•')'>Uf'I•
animal quoddain unius in nare· cor1111; 3 large RICKETS, 'p"X."• jpi11a dorji ; " m orbus in-
.animal, faid co be an antagonift to the ele phant: fantili~, qui noftrorum parentum retat<'," fuys
it de rives its naine from the remarkable circum- S.kinn. "primmn innotuit; nunc pell11na fympto:
fiance of having his horn grow on his 11ofa : R. matum caterva pueros noftrates exercet ; nollris
'p,", nafu.s J tb~ 11oft ; and .K'!"~' torn11 > a horn .. folis infulis cog nicus, rdiquo terrarum orbi ig-
• . RHOlVIB; Pol'~''• rbom/Jus ; a rnathema.n cal nocus :" a diforder, incident co children, alfeCting
.figure, which has all ics fides equal, bu t no.t all the back-bont ,partic ulari y.
its a1)g]es : "W'o .,;; !i)t~f3ta-9(t, . UID 1" Sax. hpebban, liberan, rt•
RHONE, " ·r •.:~'"• a rnpid river of Italy, RI DD ANCES dimerc; ap1'!:>ban, rtp'eikre ; t~
called the Rbi11e, fro1n 'p•;«"?"• agito; becaute redeem, to get free from : Skinn. - conlequtnt!y
of the rapidity ef its waters : Nug." . Gr. ; fee REDEEM: G r.- Wachte•us fuppofcs
Rl'IUBAR.B, ·r~P«ft3"'f°'• 1·habarbar11m; i. c. riddance to be deri~ed . a apeb'oan ; liberar(,
rha, e.\ ·01ic1im i extra G.rreciam JJat\r1n; ii eni m eripcre : -bu t frill it m• y be Gr. as above.
omnia, pra!cer fe, et fua, Barbara vocare fole- RIDDLE, or .e11igma ; " Et~q~,~ i11Jerrogart l
b3r\t : the word rhubarv fecnu lo be. of P crlian nempe quref.tio intricarn ad folvendu1n propolita:
cxrraet. 1 U pt." a q11.eftion intricate to be falved.

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· . F.rom G ll I !'it,

RIDDLE. or Jtivt; "trifmm ; Sax. h.Jl.lbbel, fignifyiog a fubaltern ruler, or provincial• mini.o
hp1bpub; cribratus; nefcio' an a hpebban; /i- fter : and a.couofellor of fl-ate was of old called
jtrare ; quia .fc. cri!Jra11dtJ partes puriores ii a raadl ~ a$ t~e council itfel( was calleld tht
c:rallioribus liberantur: Skinn."-thc D r. n1uft raadjf':" -but w e may fuppofe, t hat the coun-
certainly have forgotce n what he had faid, under fellor received his tide from the en.fign of his
the art. boll; which, nullus dubito quin ortum office, the radl, the Jin.ff, wand, or rod, which he
fit ii vidulus ;- but it is fomething remarkable, always bore in his hand; and confequently de-
th at he could derive bolt from vidulus, aod not rived a 'P«/3lc•r, rad-iu,_s, a .ftaff, wand, or rod:-
perceive by his car, that riddle approached much Ray, with great probabili ty, derives the eaft, and
nearer·: but even thon, vidulus is no original weft ridings of T•rkjhire, a Sax. 'iSp1hm(5, comita-.
word J it being derivod ab r191;.•r, as we have 1111, diftriflus ; a di11ijio11, or parti.tion of the co11n-
already feen u nder tneart. BOL,TING-111il/: Gr.- lry :"-but this looks as if we fhould ratbt"r de-
Ray, howe\>er, gives us a diffor!Cnt reafoo ; he rive it a reith, regio ; i. e. ab Apx;,., by rranfpofi -
fays, it is called " a riddle, b~caufe it rids t he cion :Pooxw, re.go ; tJnde regio; a region, or d1f-
corn from the foil, and drofs :"-only, fiill it lrit'I, 1111der a certain jurifditlic11.
happens t o· be .Gr. : fee RIDDANCE : Gr. RIFF-RAFF 1 "Teur. r11.ff'e11; avidi: rapere;
RIDE, " 'p,9.,., impet11 J~rri ; rheda; a cha- quia q ui avidi func, 0111;1ia quaotum vis vilia
riot; rhedari1u ; a ebar.iotur: U pt."-" Belg. hodie indifcriminati1n invadunr, er arripi11nt : Skinn."
ruter, vel ruyltr, ell: eques; quod quidam deri- -bttt arripio, and rapio, originate- a rnpa_x ; and
vant a 'Pv7•e• ftn;.1tor, euftos; quod tquilat1is prre- rapax. ab 'Ap..111£.
fidio bella n1axime profiigentur, er faluti com- RIFLE, plunder ; " Fr. Gall. rifler, ra.Jller ,
munis pacriz confulatur : quoniain tamcn Sax. diripere, abripere, arriptre; T eut. rajfe11; Sax.
Jliban, et p1b1an ,_ efl tqttitare; et p11:l'oa1 C'Ju•s; pea pan ;-forte omnia l> Lat. rapcrt; vide be-
facius forca!fe fuenl pt'oan , et pt'oba, dcnvare ab reave, rob, rav.ige : Skinn."-thc11 01pnia a Gr.
E..,tH>, quod inter alia c.~pooitur ivgrutre, im- 'Ap1r<tf, rapa.x , rapio. .
· ,;iner.e; quo nian1 equeftres capi;: in hofles impro- RIFLED-barrelled-gun, feems to be only an-
vidos, ac nihil talc n1erucores, 101:\ plermnque other exp reffion. for ro11gb, • or rougbt11td ; and
vi, veluti quidam nimbus, profundi fo lean t : Lye. " then tnay rake thar derivation ; which is Gr.
RI OGE a/ /imd; " 'P,,.x;ir, fpi11a dtrfi: Cafaub." RIFT; " Iceland. rift; a rifa, rima: Lye:"-
- becaufe ic is exrant· above tbe level, like the this word undoubtedly is either derived fi;oin,
back-bone in m any animals :-or clfo ridge may or gives origin to rive, or fplit wood ; whicb
derive a !:1f•E, yo;, ftriga, flriatus; the hollow Skinn, would qeduce from the Sax. peaF••n ; ,.,,.
that is formed by .two e1ninences ; like rhe cavi- prre; but might more:: properly be deduced a
ties in the ficies of Hudibras's fteed ; 't>~'Yf4A, rima ; qu.oc.I a 'PtJ71'v141, fra11go; vel a
His ltrutting ribs on bot h !ides fiJow'd 'p""Yf"• fays Vo£f. quod r·immn notat ; but frill
Like furrows he .hi1nfelf had plow'<l ; from the fame verb.
F or underneath the fkirc of pannel, RIG ; " impudica mulier; vel a ride11da ni·
'Twixt every two rhei-e was a-channel. i:niuni ; vel pocius ii verbo lo ride ; q u:e (". cre-
Part I. Canco i. 445 . bro i'!fanditur, i!zi1ur :. Skinn." - confe.qucot-
RIDICULE; J.1..1,.,, vel K~.,,J,.,, rideo, 1·idi- ly Gr.
1ukt1 ; /a11gha/;fe ; q uod idem norat. l·Iefych.i us- RIGGING ; " Sax. p1h"?:an, ;sep1h-can; cor~
Kf14lff-""~' y1A~>', exponit. adcllt dei11<ie Bc1«i11~ It ~ t igere, dirigert, ntl'VtJJJ i1!flrutre, adf11·nare: Sklnt1."
1'•f:«: Vo!f."-1-Iefych. indeed, adds chofe words, -but p1h'?: n1ay cake cbe fame origin with
but in my edition, inflead of yixf'., as Scephens, RIGHT': Gr. :-it might have been btcc$'r, if,
Cafaub. and Voil: fec1n to have read it; it is inltead of running ro r~~ Sax. the D r. had abided
printed yn•?•: now chefe cwo words d iffer wide- by the L at. corrigere, dirigert; i. e. it rego; on ly
ly in figc1.ification ; yv..~:1, nidtrc ; y1,1rtf',;~ parerr; then it wo1Jld unforcunard y come from che Gr. ;
bu t '>''"~• fuitcd their .pur,pofe better :-let me viz. ab A~X"'• by tr.anfpolicion 'p"%"'• "'K" 1 to
then rather adopt the dcriv. whic h VoO: hitnfclf rule, to regulate, co put every t hing in ex~Cl:
has given us of the verb rideo, a ringo; and ri11go order; to drefa out a /hip ;,, of/ her trim.
he as judicioufly d erives a 'p,., f'"'• nafus i the RIGHT, ofe,,, rel/us; jlraight; upright; and
noft; that feat. of /corn; which turns all things fi11ure.
into ridicule. RIGID l" 'p''Y°'• rigor; which is ofcentimes
RIDINGS, or dijlwilfs; as " tht ridings ·of RJGOR ~ taken fnr e:i:u,ffive cold : Nu?." .
Tork/hire," fays Ciel. .Voi;. 7, " are corruptly de- RJGUOUS; v<l il .&r•x,w, riga; " vet it 'l'rl«•,
fctnded from radt-ings, or go'lltnmuiits; radt (3«.f~., unde 'Pr.yor : vide Eultath. ad lli3d. p. 6~4,
r 11.·.1 ,

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~ E From G l\·E11 i>,: and LA T r N: R .0
r.fra, rigtlld : Lf. Vofi'." - but what connaioii ' RIP : this feems to 'be •another ' inllance in
tbere. may .be . between t hefe two de.riv. does not which the original and it,s d erivative bear oppo-

fo ·evidcntly appear; fince 1·i<a fignifies a 1oqma11's lite lenfcs : ·p.. ,,.1,,, ligniliesjuo; lo /ow togeth«r;
hood. and 1·ip wich us ligni fies 10 u11foto ; 10 undo w bat
R!HT -wife 1
rigb1eo11s, j ujl
RJ[-{T. wiji.:es ( r(r;h1toufnef1,j1!fliu
was faw11 .
RIPE; "1'1.-w, 'Vtrgo, indinu; de 1naturis fru-,
· ·RJHT -11iift1d ) 111ad1 rigbtecsu,ju;1ified fop- gibus et lege1ibus proprie; quorum ma1urita1is
p ofrs then1 ali to be Sax.; but all arc Gr. indiciumefrcu1n vcrgunr e c propendcnt: Cafaub."
RJLL, 'Ptw, ftuo, 1·i'1;JlS) ri'iJulus; a little ri7Jtr, ve) a Il1'?fflfO~, m at11r:1s, adultus .~ •Vel ab !l.p,2.lti),
fmt:ll rim of waler. tmrpejlivus 1 j t afanablc, /ult grown : - Ciel,
Rl1"f£-/t·aft ; fl~e. r.vF<, ignis, quali PJ•rina; Voe. 209, fays, that " ript is n1etonimically
per nietat h. pr11ir.a, boar-frojl; q uia, (j elfefrum ufed for rt ap; to cut, or feparate :" - confe-
fpttl:as, ejufdcm di:, ac ig11is, na1urre; unde ptruro, quently Gr.
"duro; to burn, parch, or j corch up :-this may RISE, Oe"• Op•/'-«•, orior, inferto i: h inc Of9•r,
at lirft appear an extraordi nary dcriv. ; it is, rtl111s, fa erigere ; to get up, lo ro11fe fro11s jlu p.
ho.we, a very poetical one; for M ilton has RISK 7" "J';.-i w, A•oi,;f"'1"' ,;, •'43•" jtuic,
adop.ted the very fa1ne idea, in bis Second RlSQYE) jaC!uram / 1uc.-e ; unde 'P•{••"';"'
Book, 594, periditor; e t 'P1{;••» fatum, fars: Skinn."-ba-
- - - -- - -- the parching air zard, cb011'e, da1Zgar.
Burns fro1·e, and ro!d performs th' cffetl: offire: R IT ES ; .'Piw, quod idem ac ~:e ~-. di~ ; nam
notwin1ltanding this, ir might perhaps be better quia jermo ell: imago cogitationis; et cogirario
t o d erive our cxprellion ri111e-froft a Ke•I'-•'• gelu ; eCt imago rti; 'p,.,, Ef''" 11ndc rtor, ratus ; et rit#s
<old, frojl, hoary winier. tfr ratus mos : " vcl potius ritus pro co11fuet11di111
. RIND; " ..,.,.,, ptllis, c1tli1, corte.<; the fain, plane tft ii Te•f3•<, per mctath. fa1mt11, framu, ca/-
bide, o r bcrk ; being tbc covering of men, m1i1n11Js, /is ; unde Hippocrati Tp1{3" >....13,.,, ai!fu efu rt :
OJtd treu: Cafaub." Voff'." to a((ujlbm, repeal ofttn: allo anticnr ce-
: RING lo ~tJtar; fvfov• gyrus, curvus, rotundus ; re1nonies in relig ion .
curved, round : L)'e l\1p pofes our word ri11g is RIVAL; ' p,.,, jfuo, riv1ts, rivalis ; " rivalcs,
derived i\ Teur. rinc, er hptng videri poteft affine qua li in unum amor<m dtrivantts: vd a belhis,
.Kf"'°'• (which certai nly is a mifrake of the qure fi1ientes, cu1n ex eodcm rivulo bauilum
prds for K'f""• cir<ulus) per epenth .. liceric n; petunt, prrelia contra fe iovicem concitant: ,,el
nam x frequenter tranlire in afpiraum, alibi '1 re rufrica, nam ri,vaies dicuntur ii, quorum
P!lonuimus :-Ciel. \Vay. 39, fuppofes "ring to agros rivUJ aliquis deterrninat; qui prre incer-
be deri,,ed fron1 ir-rillg, the round thing ; ir be- titudine, ct mutatiooc crebra cursus lites fa:pc
ing in Celtic round :"-but it would h ave bee.n inter eos fufcicat: J un."-a,. antagonijl, opponent.
worth while to have lhcwo how ir came to fig- RIVE, or fplit wood; ·r.,.-• .,, vd 'p•'Y'"•"''• fran .
n ify round, rather than f9uart ; becaufc it w;is go ; lo break, /p!it, or tet1r i11 pieces:
abbre viated fron1 cir ; a rir-ele; which is d~ l-lis riven llrms f<f bavcck btwn: fays tvfilton ~
rivccl a K'f-XGf, cir-CtlJ i ,, cir-cit, or rbu11d Jbi11g, RI VE R, 'Pt:.>, fluo; 'i'v~, riv us, riv u!us i 4 .
as above; or fron1 rve-•"'• gyr-o; lo mo11e round i!I brook,ftrtam, or eurre;tf of waltr ; large or linJll.
".cirde. RIVE'f; "Gall, rivu; clavum forlitufigere: vel
RINSE ; '"p,.,,.,., afpergcrt , n9uii pe1ftt1ulert; 3. reba//rt; item ptrculere : fed prius longeprzfeTo :"
unde ·p ..,.-.,, et in compofitio ne n"ifP "''"•nfperjio : -the Dr. is generally much happier at definition
Jun."-10 jprink!e; or rather ,.; dip a glalS in than etymology; for bo th riv'! and rebattre feem
• wnt tr, in order 10 warh, and cleanfc it. 10 be evident contraCtions of 1·everber.1111s; to
RIOT ; " Dan . rn1e·; Belg. •·avotte11 ; a 'prxl?,.1- j/rike, lo beat, aNd then lo beat back agaill: con-
7,.., vt.l 'Pa,G.,.,,..,,.,, f11tfu111, "tt deo1jt1111 ire, tu11111!- fequcntly will take rbe fame root with either
<fuari, boahnn1i11111 i11jlar lafd t>ire: Jun." to r'i11gc ; BEAT, quafi rebeal, or rivtl; or VERBE-
10 1·om11 about in a 111m1titf1ous difarderly man- RATE: Gr.
11er: Gr. :-Spehnan is of opinion it oug ht to be RIXA'flON, Ep1~, _rixa ; flrift, ·conu11fiM;
,written '' nliils 1·iorlt: lralis ite ll'l f'i(;/, a,.,.(); i.e. braw/i'!'1,r-,.
pravum, improbum, noxium, it reus, pro culpabili, ROACH-alum ; no wonder that all our d.ic-
••el noxio :"-but reus, according 10 "Liu. and tionarirs lhould tell us, that this word is derived
Ainrw. is derived ii rts; whi ch' the forincr de- from the F rench rocbe ; a rock ; (which by the
Iives vel a Xr"~· ;xg•«: vel a P~r, ~;,,, oves, pecus: way is Gr.) as if roacb-alum was eilher dug out.
.and ,rhe latter a l'•?"• f a(lo, . of quarries, or was found in p icce.s as large as
·a a .r4r,t :

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• rof!: idtcteaS. lleiWt of, d>~ pPjpions: i~ true ; 'tfi.iJ. capr,efiloo, <Jl!i~elli from tbt-Cttlile m \,
TQll, 4·1!iafP f«nli tQ. ~ Oply° I d(lf~l\~ qiJd44 gµagc, in wnich " af counfcllo( of Ila~ was
of rougt; ·i. c. ab.°ll~f&\•~, ruber.; r.cti; K beitig · call~d tb•. ralllit-; and d1e E:ounGil. itfelf 'bl
-1Jl(ays1~ a.P,ak '-tti .10!0,;, llJlil' in pii=ce~ or lamps ra4djl. ; from whenc~ whocvef had, the ca-
of.rotk:1.!1$Jilri!=. ~s pepper-corns, pr fplio ~·· pitlll injlnfn« in 'ounc# (Ile at· the qo1111cil ,
:tROACH.. 11. /i//J ~ " Sall. h~ce. ~ Fr. Gall. 'board) was faid to r1de· 1be raadfl·:" - which.
Y.i.fft-,, c_opfit 1.,r111i/11,1, pif;u, a rl/Pto co/Qr.( .. ~np." h;is. been degenerated in~o. rtdi tb1 "'"fl i which
-w.112 ~Quid. net, Qt would. nQt. fee that 1c. rnuft ·of itfttlf can ha>Vc 110. meaning ; o;onfeq,uently,.
~ore be Gr. 'yj~ 'ab. EJOilt~•r, tublr',. ~rilur, this interpretation is 01oft juft ;, only now ic
,:11[11,1 ~ of a.· r.t~ qr gl~i!tg, cp/iir-: - .we have happens unfortunately to be Gr. ; for both r11/,-.
a!i exer.eJl'IOJ) ID l)llC l~gµ, which Ciel~ aod roafl, o~ rather rap.dft,, arc V<itibly defcend•Cl
V.oc. "9, n,. wllf• hd'p US . I~!; viz: tlS ii 'J>af33or, quafi raabdjl; tbt rod of pOVJtr.
falll!d. .a..p r94(ii; wbj,:;h fomt: ha~!! fuppofed Wa$ ROJ;IBERY, ·.~~""'?"" raptrt; . co fnateb tpUJ"'° ·
denv~d Ctom. ~he. firmn~:;. of: thlS fijh; wher~~ vio/1111/y.: - Speln1an fays. " primo rqb11ria et
che WQI'~ " ro11cb. h.ere l!ffi>r&ls. an inltJlllce 0£ ro/latores dicebatur de iis, qui: :yiarori
the t.QO .i:ommon ·p4;g1merai;y·of words.;. ra111b f9r ro/Jas,, ;ili<IS raupas, i. e. vtft.u diripi~anc :." -
ri¥.t ; di WJ' .{ ; ~· iQ. tbJu.;b f1>r: kir.~ ; "....,.jp is lho\lld this be the true fenfe, ilill it would' be Gr. :
. the feitei; /1 chi~fi·y, ,iii r.oocb, t!iat has caufed this. fee. ROBE ' Gr.
c:onfufion ; for h;!.d it ~«n., \•rucen ""'h• ri)e ex- ROB.J;llN:rti~brt4ft, at firll: fight, 1ni~ht ~ .
• PEffN~P,. w.ould. hav~ be.~n cafier; a.r fo1111d 11• a. fu ppofed :o derive fron1 R.4btrt ~ 'but ·origina.~.
. - ~,~ - •·il.s4'u_., t1nJ ,as. jnn 1Jf ti ro~k: bo>c ~ rubeo pttJort; i. e. ab Eeu9t"'"'" nJ!Jer, rubi11111,
· Ku \:IC.. · • degenerated into rabbi11, a r<11bigi•t li11/111tn l the
. .o:W, 01.,, <ifaG. 'r..i.,, via i (I patb. ru]fy rtdntjs on bis breaft. ,
. ~.)~OAM·•fou1, ~f!to b¢ b~t a wntr~o1' ROBE; '" noftro robe ; Fr. Gall. r.obbt;. ct
of" either remigrare, or rath~r ream·bulare; lo ' robba, optime alluduot Gr. """'• cortt11 J ·
rt,l!Jif• and ~af!dP' 4.DDU/ :.....confequ~tly. .Gr. ir~ A"'""• er A""'•• vtjlis : Skino.''-iliis is a (a-
.,~OAN &;/or ; ,tlipugh J.!(•Y.ll!~' .pr1maril}' fig. ·vor indeed, to admit it·as an allufion ! ·
· 1iltk~· rJi11&us ;, .h.#arfp;. ytt Vofi". .obJi:r"C$• du. RO· BERT : Skinn. fuppofes ii: ii derive<J a
P,Jicell) lvibi.t.rat,ioQ.Cm~ ~e 'IJO{t/ . fano dicitur; v~I ·Ro'6, rubtr ; red'; and bep't', bt1rba; a ~tartl :"
· '4 (o/pr1. • ~er~ it :figi:iifies " rav111, U4l·l or aq,y ,...-confequcndy both Gr.>lur, borderm~ oa- a black., . ROBUST, •p.,.,, 'p,..,"I-''• rolntr, . roboro, ~·
.ROAN or ROE ef ,Pih ; ." Tc1.1r. r.or111 ; bli}t1ts; firm, jlrong, j/0111. . ·. . ,· .
lfeJ~.. iotb.t- i: 01!J'..~/ft{u"!· ; fprcc a Lat. rtlltl : RO€K '/ht cradle; " Catilub. dd!cll:it ab O'e.-
. SJl.inn.,''-'' fortnfs ~.Gr. Piw, jfuo~ ul)dc ren, rtnp; Y"?"' (quali 'Poy·v.?H•) Avoera?"» quod Hefycli; ferofus hucppr {:!'!' r11111 ll1c11rra1, d!.ftupt: t xpoo·i t -r~ •«1l1a. oral°( X'f11"iai a:~a.,,.iXMIJ:r, II dant~
~ ~-
,, ., .. a· baO, in· tbt arms : n11ror hominc,ri Gallum
~~AU,. !13''•· •e•' .,, •'!• •a ·~U., lje!ych. .(eontrnues Skinir.) a Gra:cia ufquc arcc.fferc;
an(f"d'iis d,eriv. "iiiduce1 Jun. tp write i~ rot:e, r~· f:JUO<I in pacria fua Gallica invcnire potuit; ·
· tb~r c.hl!ll 1·p.t1r; b.u~ perh.ap$ it ~ould be ~t~ef nam ro(qlftr u11 e11fan1, infantem in cunis ag'itar1 . ·
· tQ poefervi:'. ~his. laiccr o.rt.11.ogr, and der.jvc rol)t". flg:nilicat :"-bur f-ye adds; " facilius longe a '
a~ Ofi1'"~1'""' · ,11~1 fremo. ;· io bdlv;p a/9u,d. . ~cntts peci. pofi"e' viderur ab Iceland. hrocka, cum l
• ,,'~OAST-1j11111 ; ~Id; \Var~ ,39• w.ould dcrivt impetu ~uodam t!J('J1Jere ; to jhakt or •ti.~'!'' ib, ·
1t. fron1 "w-pajJ; wlui:IJ, ·li~IW cooke4, pr 4r!}fad cradle,!" ordn· to tro111~Jt jleep ,./"'::bot d'iis may
bj IJ!r.ni11g r.ou111J at tbe. Jr/: '"" pr ir ;. rqimd ; . be denved as above. ' ' · "·
&l)cl i @l'.' p_ r .ogbfl,. (or coolu4 I' w.hcnq: .~i\e .4r;in,s . Jl0<i:K, or diftoff. ;. ·~..f3'1•r. ra'ilf_11(. '+,'JjJ1 L,;,
hi.y~ fP!'lbt;'Q. their a;1µs :"-~r.~ rp.i~ g~n.deooap. 1wrg., .or ..111a11<P t-O fpm w1rh.. .i .i.r... ·· · · '.
i's' rat Iler . unfortunate ; ror it ir far n1ore pr9•. ROCK In> tbt fea ; "Pr.r!, jjfor11i ..·pr<£r1tpfa ru: •
bal2le, 1b.3.l r.hf whole cp1,PPQIJ,94 .i.5. i.ncirqiy {Yr. , ptJ>.; a crag, er diff·~ R:. 'i>•'>""I-'•• 'y d ·p~,.,..,),
for ' 4r C/r Ir (if c~ey JI!~ che fan~) origi~t<1s a .(rall[D· ;. !• ~;.e~ic 1 a br~tn p1·~cipfct: : . ;·' '
(/;, i. e., ~ il,•e-.••,, cir·f:US ; 1ir.·c111.P, cir-cul~s ! ROCKE I in tbt air; " mijfilta 1gntt1 ; qcfc1ci ·
a · ;fr-~Jtt .; 3Jl<l' ,oaf!, or ~gbjl p;i'&inatcs . ii:U•f: 'n ·(l L u.. rogils 1 additil> ~(minacior\e dim. ct
tli~.$ j. n"11u?'~t·"'1, :l111ro. tqtpbur~, cpmb!'}J111, lf]J111, q. !'!~ rogw11,1:; i: e. ig11jc• l11s 1 Skil'ln.''- this ·
tiff~, O!Jft.-~, ) • ·;;
'I • I J • •
• ' , mjghchav.e paired, if ragus pg1_1iii~d ignis :-r~d~t·
1'.R'QA::;.T,. oi r11!i.. 1!5/ i~.11/J ; Ciel. Vo.~. 7 , fl> may rather, p~rhaps, be iler~veii it "p,.,,r, ftri-

h~-i.:w.ith tile. _i;r.catell -~ac.ity: ~J'\erve4, th~t. 4cr, flridJdlfS, /'tbilus, i nrp1tNJ, froin the ;;,,r1r1n.s
. J E . bijf.11g,
O'Y f&.. J-. i £..<.., fr~ ft' ! rn..
'1 "{:' ,..yd ?-'I .. '- f~_, ft.. _w.
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_., tr-j ~ ~

Jl · O R· O"
hiffillf, "'JX•g tflJi[t it maeii at ri6ng into the air. and 1b1- Rills-d!opel, where the r1Corils ~e iept;:-
·ROD, to IH•t with. }'l'c{31•r, flir:11 ; /1 written on fkins of parchrmnt, rolkil 11p 1111.ttbu-
R OD, lo .ufut !htb t wig, · or w1111i: in • clofe., and compact manner. ·
~~D, or 'flltl11' t>f p~ " t t 'p•(3l•1, · di&a ROMANCE ; .. Fr: Gall. Roman ; Ital. Ro-
a 1ftimuur ... •t• . . ~ 'J!,.,. '"'•• BJ.{•" : VolT." _,,-u ; Germanicz nationes, que occidental!!'
4 fl4ff, JI _fapporl totttring jlzs, a1Ul rtwtltr lbnt imperium fubjugarunt, diu fua veteri lingui ut
jltatlitr' {11 w•lki11g: this ro , or ratlt (which plurimum urebantur; dedic~runt ramen et Jin- ,
is but a plain contra&ion of '1'«(31'or, ratl-itu) gua1nfubditorum; qua:cu1n multis Latini• (..:..nul-
was ' th~ fymbol· of juft:ice ; as Ciel. obfervcs, lis Grecis certe)' verbis admixta et · alperfa efTcr,
Voe. 43. nominc lin'guz Rornana:, ad ditHn&fum:m fuz •
RODE for /hips; "jlatio 1111·vi11111; hoc forte a' Germonica:,_fc. Goch\ca:, 1'..0rtgobardi'ca; Bur-
'feut. rn11de; margo, ora, littus: nHi n1alis de· gundica:,. Sucvic~ vel Franco-Theotilbie, ap-
B'e~re a verbo 11 1·iie; q. d. locus ubi naves a.n- pdlarunt : in hac 1nixo-Latini: lingua, prout in-' .
choris utcunque fix:e !luitant; where !hips atankor . genium illor.Jm temporum tulir, 1nultz fabula: •
RIDE: Skinn. ¥--let me only add, that prooably 1ni!itarcs crotic:ie a R-omanis fc. fubditis Oerma-
our word'''' may originate a Be•x.~. r:uJo 1 undc nicarom gentitim. fu5.. dlalecto confcriptz funt;
nuinis; from the conftant bowling of tbt t1uJ/e; qu_a:, quoniam i' R-awis, er Roman4 diCla lingua,.
but now ufcd ,to lignify tbe cable: If. VolT. is of ednz:-funt; nomen fab11'4rll11' Ro111a11ar11111 fortire·
opinion, t hat nu!tr.r ouglit rather to be deriv«l funt: Skinn.Q- Juniu1 has .arrived ar the fame·
i 'Pa{"• vtl 'law~, ptrfa11do, nfptrgo 1 bccaufe con- peinr, by a difrerrnr rou te :- '.. unde ncqae fieri<
tinually wtl with the fea water. poto it; ut non n iguo temporis · fpatio · in1eriret ;
. R~GATION, Er•1~•» vel Ot''lf'• .rogo ;. to aft, verus lingua Gallica, ct duplclC alia Gallica: lin--·
"''l""'; vd ab Ef'"" f.'"> f.'l""> rogo~ dtr1go 1 rP gu:r denomma1io in locum vetcris fuccederet, .
ltjfat, or abatt. 'Ro111a11 « Wa!on :"-but ROME is Gr.a.s in the
ROGUE, 'P«••r, homo. 11ihili • dcnominatio a. 'nexr ·art.
'Vtjlt lactrt1, rtjitultique defumpla ; a rag,amMffin,, ROME, " 'P'f'• • roD11r, R oma : ""'' ""• and'
a JaJterdu11a/io11. ·•/<!•, ~obo;o· : N_ug." - there can certainly be,.
R OISTER, "'!!.,?•<, i•pet1u, <11111 1uJ1to q11od11., . ·no obJelbon againft the Dr's. deri v. : but there
flriJore, tumultuque : vel ii 'p.,.,~ eonfirmo, roboro . are likewife ft_veral ocher dcriv. o( th is ciry 1 as ,
11nde ct ·p~.,.,(, tDrrohfiraiia i ct 'l?"''"''(' corroA.11""': may be faund in Plutarch :-Ciel. W ay. 311; with'
randi 'Vim liaGnu : Jun."-" equcs Germanicus 1 _ th~ _greateft fagacity, difcovcrs that R •.,, may
quia rale1 olim l'_tlul•11tiils, ti infalenliMs fc gef- originate · from tr -hon1t; • bo•t, babit•tio11, or.
ICrunt ;. ut ex lI1ft:. Comin:ri, et aliorum pau:r : dwtlling i11.,be ·torth; i: e. 1111J1rtr111111i : and ·this .
Skinn."-a boijltr6111, rioic1U· r11.ifia11 :--ibe Dr. is he ingeniouOy conjech1rcs · may be fupported bT -
right as lO his interpretation ; bur wrong u to. the_ very appearance of thofe fubterranrous works .
his deriv.; for Oull, in his ~ixor, tells us which arc (ound under the very fpot, on which·
that " rujlru in French were called fo from r.11-1: Rome was afterwards built, (now called 1ht Ca-
ruris; and were prop<:rly foot foldicrs, raifcd ;,, lat11111~1) foch' eaviti<'s bciAg a convenient recep-
the c~u11try, but not paid ;, and who coming 10 de- racle for that kind of banditri ·of whicn Ro111ul111 ,
bau~h with 1ht rakes of the acrny, fpeut r:ill- was-the chief : and this fccms to be confirmed b}:
o'lfiy among thcmfelves. wha1e1<er they could filch w~at rnany· authors have advanced, that Ro111/ ,
or lkal :"- confequendy Gr. frill; but now de- · ex1ft:cd•before Rom11lr11 1 and indeed the very name.:
rived froin another root: fee RllRAL.: Gr. of Romulus feems ro be derived fro1n Romt 1 not .
Rome from Rlimrtllls: - and confcqucntly both
ROKEY weather; " qU11fi ru ki11g bot; f11111iitg
fllfoking; ex 'P«••1'.or, q11od l-Jefych. exponit ..,.,.,.~. arc Gr. ;' for "tr cerrainly comes fron1 Et'"'• t erra; ;
r i• .txfiuotus, aridlU ; (which fccms to be con- r~'t ta1·tb: and HOME, or- habir',,.don is Gr . .
trary co rokey) vel ex 'p..,.,eo;, quod cidem do&.
gumm. x,awr•" a£trlnu. a.Jetr, f.e111U·· fumus :
·ROMER, commonly written, and pronounced ;
J yn."-ne.i ther is this quite confonant. r11m111tr-glaft; " Belg. •·oomer; Teut. ra11111tr.
cy~tbu;, 01nplior; tr /41-gt, capacious, rt»m7 gl•ft ~­
ROLL, " 'l'du, quod- non ranriim lignatflrt- Sk1nn: -who t hen rcft rs us 10 roo•11 which lie.
pi111a ctlqt, fed etiam cum imptt" ftrri: fane would derive from 1!M, Su. ~rg. ~d · T~t• .
rot,,,.,,. ""'""' currus velur pedibus Pofo : ·unde tongues : bur allows, however, t hat " alludunt
rota, roJ11/a, ro1uwJ111: Volf." -and from hence
, Gr. i>u14., vic11s, platta '· er ' Pu1411, tralliu ; quz:.J
in law Latin, cujifs rolidtw• .. : kfcptrof 1h1 &/Is, . du1> pofumia pro· ctyml.$ habet:Cafaub.''...:_and ·

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. "it'Were to be wilhed that the Dr'S. Northern deri1 · vinui'n vifciduril c manu, ve1 fpathuli, },,ff,,. /11-
··"'ation.s were as :applicable as the-Greek": 'but,
~ndePOu!" ·at ano.1her 'ctym._kc ROOM: Gr. ··
•ti' tti&11li, depehdet: Skinn." • ·· • ·
-ROSA•MUND "fecmcdr t'o haue·bin gitJen;·"

' ··· ROOD, "(r(Jft, · or·crwifi" f 'P11f3lo'f, r<Jt/it11, ,.• .., fays· Verft. ·" in regard of the •fwttt11u, or eolo11r
.Ja; a crofs being o.n 4' two rods, bitiilis; or btir/ of ibt lippet : 9( this nome was· a concilbine vnto
'JfaftenCd"acrolS each ocher: - Verft•. fuppofes it' king llenry lid. in whofe· epitaphe a batin poet,
. ··<d' be Sax; ·· · ·· · ·" · . not underlta11ding the true etymologie of tlle
ROC>D of iOHd, (fem the fame root; being a! woord, cnakcs ,,,u,,,J, which ·lieer is mouth, ·to ' uee
·<#rion of land, mcafured by a rod.. • 1111111dris, the w orld; and fo colles· her the roft of
.. ~001', « . Of•4>, ~/"9'0<: Cafaub. and Upt.'~ tht world: ,; · "
-.contignatio, quahs· ell: tetlorum, tttlttni, mltmr.; th~ f1ie jacec in cumba Rofa 1/11111di, non Refa mtr1ftlil.
ridge, " -of tJ ho11fa. · Non redolet, fed olet, qua: redolere folet. '.
ROOK, bird ; " a ra11(11.J· : Skion."--confi:-' Herelies tbt wor/d'sfairrofe, nocrofafa 111at; .
:quetidy Gr: ; irs und1r.'the ar.c. RAVEN: Gr. ; · She lilidls -noc now, but ll:inks, who fmclt fCJ
ROO~ ~I :~ktfs; " ~ corru.ption of rock ; whicl} fweet."
~as-metennn1cally ufed for a ca.flit; moEI: caftles, only now it happens a licde unforruriat~lr> i:lliac
•'being.antiently built Oil' arhigh ROCK, ro render in both· cafcs it is Gr. ; for· ROSE, MOUTJi,,
.them the more inaccemble: Cid. Voe. 19:"- and MUNDANE, a~e· all Gr. - •
,.confcquently Gr. . ROSCID; Af•'-r• 'i:oi,· toris; tbt ilroJ,i vel it. '
ROOM, either from Pu14•, 'P•I'•• ;vicus; platta; ne"'t• gurta, fti//iddium, proprie roris: vel i ' Po.f,

with ·Cllfaub: or elfe ab f{ueur; i!ttt111 broad, qptn, ff"""' : - Volf. derives i~ ab Eeo:•,• which indeed
ffiaciou.r. : · · · '. · · ·· \ fignifies ros; but fcarce gives origin. to it.' .., ~
ROOST, ·'Pera•, oti11m_, 'JUitS; 11 ptr,b·for. ROSE; 'Polo., ro/4 ; ab oe,.,- o,lt.; oleo, tlt/1-
fowls to flt~ on: or perhaps abl.-•f''; jfo, rtjlo; ret1J' jpiro; tbe fwetl-fnttlling, fragr.1111t-brt'tltbing
ktllilfa thfy /tmt lo ftand "on it: . · · . ' jflJ'llJtr; alfo a fee of beads, called fifteens; much
ROOT, 'P•(•, radix; the lower· part of a tree ufed by Roman Catholics. ·
brancli ing under ground. ROS-MARE, co1nmonly written, and pro-
. ROOT-11p; O(url..,fodio; lo dig, or tllNI ;if>,trtts: nounce<I Rofa-Mary: as if it were the· virgin
-many liave fuppofcd this Cl<preffion.comcs fi o1n Mary's· rofa; but' has not the leaft cl)nneltidn ei-
thCi r being tak~n up by the roots; ii rod/,,: " 'non," · ther with the perfa11, or the ff()'UJtr; bei ng derived
fays Wachterus ; " fed ii Germ. rolltn; r11mpcrt ii ti.:•..•f-1'-"f"'• ros-mari11111; the [pr"Y of the faa,
.t trt'tJ111 ; . unde rotor fuin; fus roftro fuo terrain from whence this plane . is fuppofed t o . have
erutns :!'-thus !las this gone juft fpning •· others derive .i t from •p.;,,.../A'f'"""' ro-
far enough to fu bverc his own e'ym. 1 for now j<J-mur.ena; quod in fumm! ·aqir.i' lluitet 1 " iind
both r0ot and rotar feem evidcnt•IJ derived ab . of/ta-plant, th~t lloa~s ?" the furface of the
wuo, i. e. ruo, rutum • vel a b oea..; vel "potius waters. . . .
. ab o,... ~.,, Oe•TI.,, fodio ; to dig, or delve up w ith .
·tl;t Jnout, as above,
ROS1:R,UM, T_f""Y'" ro~o, roju111,. roj1~11m ~
tlle heak, bdl, or nib of a b:rd 1 propne anima.-
ROPE i " I1e"~•r, [uni!, a I1er,.,, twifltd: , lium en , fays Voff. ac impri1nis aviu1n ; dici-
vel i 'P...,,, •p.,,,,r, tJinuula -: Cafauli.. and Upc.'-'- ·1urqi1c 3' rc1ie11df): .,., .. ,.11,.~·e"'• tribuitur '"'"
'both of whom then quote Homer ; Ody ff. X. 166 , vibtu J nam et lie vocatur pars primore in n~ve
- - - "Vi«e 1-yw o-11'"-V".f"~" tpi:.:,,."f n, At1')''8S' Tt : exporieftior, cuneiq,1e in r.nodltn1 act1tior: rtljlr'il
'Cn which th_e Scholioft ohferves, 'rt'a•ki;, rVJ,., quoque . dicebntur Rom:c fi1ggr.jlu111 i11 foro anre
.,,,.,,...,.,.r, ""'' '"""f""<1•r-;:J.3J•(, '1'°'1": whaf we ca~ curiarn Hofl:iliom t"ll:fl:rucrum, ~ n quo n1agiftra-
a ba;,d, or wbijp of ·hay, ftraw,. &.c .; nGl ll:rietly tus jus·dicebanc, leges ferebant, concioncfque ad
<1 .,.~,: but when Homer mennons 1J• rape1·or ·POl'ful~1m· habeb ant; the ·pulpit, or deft, fro1n
"ord, -titerally• .he calls it ·I'Tf~•r, as in ihe 'E igh- Wl1ccice d ie· Roman -tiroto rs har~ngued 'the pe?plt>:
teenth 0~1F, fo11, . : · -. ·R0T, Eye~·;," Eue.;.,, jihu,:.,,,·u,i;r, earies ; unde
M ;., -···: «Jl-f "1'·'1a-,., <:ctcXt(¥;<13~>.).,ijo v~~'P.11, Evei.;1:~w, p1111·ro, marteo· :-after l.}1e }1:td read 't_flii
n . .... ;.,,,,.>.,..: "' Ir re•~•f' •" «•e1' f° · del'iv. •in ·Skin'n .. it is a· wo ndCT he 01ould fuppofe
He faid; and ropiul him jhrew. ~is tatcer'd fcrip, that any of.the N orthern tongues lhould give orji
Gaping with ch.inks; in it .a twiflrd· r~pe : · . gin to bur word rel: btit it- teems, · after q uoting
where, bowe'Ver,: ltl mull:- b~o.bf1:h,ed_; 1bat ·I'le•- feveral langu~gts, fr<>m' Jtaly to. ~he North pole, he
,OS<, Jl rio 'mbc'e tb~n ·ah ep1t>het-to· «.•e?··~: . •· · · fay,; L ct urrde ea-qu!l!rend.a,: niif. ap11d- I cclandos,
· R()PY-1:.:1i11~ ; . from' tbc robt-; !•, quia f(, quibus rot, putrrdiMm fit11ifi<t l ?-accord ing tb
; · ·• 3E 2' thi>

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dtis ,gad-., die Eiv;liSA language·.fecms «> 11.0.U!f• 'Jllll«U:jipl s :P.fsyi\, .,.._,.; ~·' 1
have a darer, ahd more imme3iate. conrxxion •role•~ q. ci ~· ,..._·. hfPiJial:Sk•H
·with [&tl'flU. than. with cithcr-Grwn ot R-. . -the br~ 111• ~(1#1·s t'Mks; 1/1e 1lwwi11:t1,_,.
•ROTATlON, 'p,9,.,, roJa, r-4flmJi1as, 1be.ra1.: itfloJifarJtr,; in•hiGll ~cit ·lnaf bt: ;ddived
.lin,i of a wb~l fllnling r1J1111J. ' • . from .the following ·a rt.
ll(jTTLE, Clfc~e,.., .follit11f jltifl11- 11J Jillli ROUT, or J'4".lt, ~·"'• .rM,; to .f'll/h -llJ
-.Jli)i»-11111: -it .ljgnifiC:s Jikewitc ktlMJit#r jlerl•e; · t111111,/t11011}/y: "datur ct "P,.{oc, jlriJor,. ct '!>.-
• tk,111b-foi rattT1 ;,, th< thr:qat.
R~UND; "P•lw, .imptt11 feror ; a "p,Oor, -111t-
· ,e , ..:deriur,, i'!/lllr fltfjue, ftror': 'Skinn. •
ROUTE,<>-S>tcd from .the French; which
wum jlrtpitus, lllmult11s, impetu4 i unde rota, rotq, fcems more t.ban a conmaaion ofJbtcvt-
. rstllllti111, ro111.Jitas; all "Conveying the idea o' ,_·!, v""8,1 ·Ill tr•vtl n •RO-AD. · ·
fo1111J, not of jbope 1 but now ·~,plied wholly to ROW a boat; " Ef,.., """if•.; unde ~·1J<o$; t'f-
ihc latter·: fo that the: rot1Ttiv1 1notion of a whrcl 111111 ; .JUI HI' : :Cafaub."
; ought to be applied ro the ralllilfl ·nuift it.makes, ROW i11·rtnth.: 1.f'Xl'• "t•» ~pl•,i .,,,,,.,,g
.rather than 10 the whirling, circular motion: but to r,,/1, tMUi wdtr. ··
n.ow ~ys .we 'apply it intircly to ~he /on•; 'and ROW, -0rjlt1<J,, &c. " ' tP.,...,l't>i-! <ACboiit. 1<1,
. Cay,, any ·t hing is r-4/11/fli or ro1mJ, i. c. ti~t#J•r ll9f'"'•1• ,.., '"'• iPu,..., ~· ....,.....,.., ·Eve...; . ito ;,,
· like a wheel. · vicum, ,flli 11Joeatur rc&ul < hi11t ·Hi('p. nt• ; {;a1j.
ROV.E~ P'J'131ri«•, 111111,.t vagari; 'P1,..P.~. va-. rill 1 et apud Londinenfcs 11it11s.<lt Wl.go-dih;

.zw, err.a/or I ajlraggli11g, w11mkri11g f11giiivt. . P-11ttr-119.Jltr Row; u.~...

:, ROVER.; l,ye·fuppofes this word i' defcendt!d: R~'\V.EI, i•,,,"'4rftl,,TPJI"'""'''" ",riil~r'ltll..,
from '.0.~• ,f111'~i, fp#liart ;-:.but thisfcems to bcj ROWEL of a fpur S ti rote/la; quia.fc.. in~r
an. accidental -c1rcumft1L11C1= : we may therefore ra- , nt.- circuinvolv.itor :· Skinn.'!...J>tca\i~ it itiull:
lhcr:rup.pofc, that it ,primarily .originat~s from the . tJtttneJ r~1trcJ. . ·
;roi:cg~uig aK.; bcc:.auft', tho~gh eve.ry robber 1l1uft•
be a rO'lltr; yet every rO'lltr is not a r•bbtr.
. rROUG~ Eelllt""'• r11ber; rrd pai11t. ·
I '• ROW't: " Sa¥. h.put:al\, t• •f11t.; 1. · OI' ,fooN,.
/4w, IM<e· 111' ·Aff: R~y :"-and tthc"""1on: we
n1ight fuppofe it was tlcrived .a 'Moo, '.P..e...,r,
, ROUGH ~,, 1,jlt; "I1euf•Ol, 11ctrb1t1., a•-1 1
·Neft1t"""'''#.; 10 ..ill/JU a 1t0ifi thrOlltk tbt:1teft:
fl.11'11.s. 1 de, ,li!poribus pr<?prie 1 Oifaub." fo11rp, vel, il •p""}'X•<, jiHitUJ., quern quis·f11pinu$ jlerJtlllio
'{PtmgtM .;,, fttvour. edit .; ,,, jMrt :-conf~.ucntly .Cr•
. ·ROUGHINGS, commonly pronounced raw- R.Ol'AL; Ae'X."• qullli 'P•~· regs, r.egw.;
Jngs: from the · fame root wi1h RUGGED.; " quafi regaJifta ; rt'!iis-par'libllr •JJifJ11J: ·Skinn."
meaning '""rfa, rough grllfa, rhat .grews as ·a IC- -of ./bt '°"'' parlJ ; :fidirtg witb tbt ~•g :--Clel.
\Cond' crop, row:arda wintei;, .when .it is ./o•g -alld :V oc. 1!.4, would deri.vii ~'" no-, '1'oi, ·roy, and
~''!rfa. .r,,11/, !di from 1;1; tlN ldw ~.u• then they would
ROUND i11 one's tar, Junius is exrrcmCly ,pr~ .be .G.r.:: freEY : Gr. . ·
fufe on this art. the Cum of which i-s; "'' ·in ranro RU.B, :re.P.,, tuo; to ·VHar, or'fn11.
igirur antiquiffimorum idiomatum confcnfu, 'llihil RUllBlSH, 'Potr•;,fq11alor; {ordts • JV.t,J~
.cit quod obfter, quo minus lice:tt ·fufpicari vc•bum i11g1. , • · · .
.puman olim prima foa '{ignifica.tionc ~ceptum , RUBICUND i!if•Gt''"h ·r•btr,; rr'd; rt1bi1"11,
.p co magitum "''" "'"' 11111./Jitart; •c -p<>Jl:ca dcmum RUBY' . J i co/ore r11/!ro; any. ~.. or
.ufurpari cceptu1n pro in •nr1m loq11i; ut origo glvwiMg .t<J/or-. . ...
verbi propri~ de arcana mag• t orum fufurrantiurn .RUBRIC : from the foregoing·rOOt; ·figni(y-
dirirate inteUetl:i, pctit• lit r.x poftr.-ma . parlc ~"g the title, ·or contelfts -of.a .bw -baok,-0r J0mc
IAA"t"'"., pol111ert; quod .grand" illud, ii:tquc -&r- par.ticular rule; 'the firft .l4'tter.of whic;h iwas g.?ne-
canum .ne~as magorum, dcos fibi veluti obnoxios, rally ·illuminatc<t ,p aintcd,.or wr<uen with ink.
obllritl:ofque habcns, jura ca:li, to~iufque mu·n- .,, ·RUCK Jow,., " ·t•ffflal Jm11 .: ltay :"-it
di lege.s ~acitis horrendi, atqu.: impcrioli car- feems to be only a conrra~tion pf t~ttt,, ·or N·
1ninis minis tollfwulat, at,2~1111aJ. """f)at'#.; a -we,fometimC$ .fay -to COUR 1'ow11 :
: ROUNDE-LAY ·; " lie .dicrum, rtl quOd ht -confequently Gr. ·
orbtm alternatim .; vcl, ut loquimur, per par/ts ·RUCTA'flON 1 -!if""-1"• .l>f*~·· 'rJl!lp; I•
cancabatur; vd, 11uoo ad tr\pudia, feu chortilS txpellor.t1lt ·willii. · ·
in odem du<'la• accini, _vcl p ulf:uci fokltat ~ ·vidc · ~DOER. ,..~.'ft'.~ Wu•ffl'4t1'i., c/.ws;, e.t ROUND: .Sk.i1111.''-.and confcqucnt- a l'uw, tr.fl!» : ·Cafaub.'I ,fin IJJ/;nt>of ~ -fltil~ ,;,.
ly Gr. " rrilis Pf c11 bridlt ; ;proJerlJ.tht iii,· or &llT~ _ .

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'R "U
· .JlOOE"l· h{Sbf, · iatefflge 1Pa/3#ff ..~...... unde -l"i• r1 'f'i,µti; .i. e. wldi ~ -~MJ.
~a,a1i11ip11/i1n1111 111Z11t/js1 r11dii ;;r~ugL, •lfPOliJ'!ri. ifl ri11ru quqw-;; Ju faanh t'IJtry /W~·llllillfmitr• .
' " R1UDI~fll'ir.; ~·llhe famc:toot ~. "'l'u•na ·Rl~MO'R; .;Jlo.i. 'Pili.,, ~·.!¥"~ foawa 11 f!'~t:
..taCipliba:quR> r,Mdi*<¢o'fnnlittitur ; .unde t7i¥ir1, 4 tb~11gs.; _IY'h.~b #f;w{> t>f fpr~..1J1'1#"! ·ihl_ fH!'-
m:rldirt-:rit Rli11:-lil# • Volf."--.die !firft p1iociplcs, pit, -like a llde :--If. ·deriRS "1"1111161'~ .w;,-
-GF deme(lts -0f a fcience committed •to ~the .wi- fl'"'·~• ,\'cl .M.,,..,,.,.
~i. RUMP, ·pw_,,,,:rm.>v.d °"'"'~'°" <tit· o.i,~,
: -Rill£, . l ht lmtl ;- ~· l)i.Jla, •which :we tCAd in &<111J4 ; ·lht .tail, - . .
dlliicander: .{:lpt~'-1. 'Puo/1-A•, tn:11a, 1/i/11ro r; quOd RUN; 'p.,~,· -e~ 'P,u1u .,1r«o,; r111111it1g ~ij\g- ~
<it '11flTJis lifltret: f.:ij1t•.4nd A:inf•. bccaufc ~t er11.- k ind.of ./f.«wing tnotinJ.
vJictJtes -Jij~lem,. or frus 1lJ f~m '"""- R U,N -a-GA'lfE; Af'"l4"'• 111go, r.tMgo; ii ·r.1-
: RUE, 'repmt'f! :• Af-f••• ;,,,pr"tJri.: Ju ffR fw negando •N/ig.;011.,,,..; A .rnug!ldu being one w~·
-:f"T"-•: ·Cafaub." ·\!Cl ·"ab si,u.., iejt1!0 : Skinn." r111ounrts his Jailb, and dntiu bis r1Jigi,m; .or•clfe·
.- .,-ep .atni_.Vl<li/i.. Jiwnally ,aby .profiigate perfon w.ho rlll:s .l/Wiay·
. · tM3EF ! " :&11'!"·-· ,,.~,, {.,.,.,,.,, rt>- fr.e,m his :family,; who rrm, tbe t;a.tes ef bis eitr;,
·• . .:ROFF:UE ~ IJlllUlll, !fr" ttns zona, -pro aolli is.·nQw. ofe.A .in· a .ci.vil fi~n.ilicacion. .,
-<iWlicur/que'.•orntmtmo, :quod :ipfum <ciqgn : JlUN96F.T ; ·« H1ggunus fMad.-.tJ11tttl';, ·q- d~
Cafaub."-o r elfe a 'pv11f> 'Pu11J,.,, quafi 'P~1low, "'•1t11dlt1; .i Jigura rotunda : Skinn.''-bw: io a
ntgp,.JUtl<ltp!; u Y!lll#pit, •Ot , _,,/, ~y oth.i:ng :· C'!~Y ,great and fmal!.calk ; - bc:fi:dcs, ·n>lak
cft et Grzcum, Cl Latinum a 'Puw, hoc eft.a,..... is Gr. . •
m-~4 :1l!llll ·,,.i• ,aliud hi ml ocll:, <quiurr .adis in· .... ~U..NNEI4; ''· .neminr ~ubiu1n, cab; foteff".
'l'ii"V•· et. ?•fi fakos, <CC>lltraita.: a.11 or11a1M111. of qutn lit ab Iceland. runnul, d11mus; ,qu<>d .cft.,,},
-_i,itr Wiitn,~ !fr.lllre, »1110,.,, iit tbt•balids: . ; · ,ni111rt• .Jal/iµ :J>lv~, fJ/'lla rJdJia, live ,arbar'c.eiitd:
. · '.RilfRFJA:N; " .nof>is ddig.oat fiea.riu•; ct ' Lye :"- tr'°c: ;-but this is ·not giving us ,any
DJinSerenio n:~lirn ad:Succ. ¥off.a; :rap11<e, reafon why ,r11n11t1l, and ru11at, .fho.uld ftgnif~,.
,_,,,.; i Yid .Jcrclanll. riltfa; <klltueie : Lye:••- · fylva c.tdua : hue ;Ray t!!ll• us, rthat " 'IQ/lard!
-it ·is a• wonder "lthat.meitber th-1$ gentleman; nor wOOti··is ca1kd r1t1111tl, bec:a•ue·it .,,-Jt11/tdl.l»uj.J:jou :'"
'Sitinn. ·filould me1n i'On •the .s:ax. Jll:<1f.1an, ~el , - .lhoil'ld this be che true ·r.eaf?n,: it is ·G~. . '. ~
.:pwr:1an·;~lu1r1, rapm :°'-b'Ut.ail <o( thqn arc • R,U.NNET : at firl.t ·we1Tl1ght fuppofc : tt'· Orf-·
:eYidcndy .der ived ab ~Af<raf, "'"f"X.; 'tu r.iJ, or gil}a.tCi.l ·from· run; becaufc the a~id made · the
~n.i'IJl 11 .man .•f·iif,e, .. curds run togeth<r; but Junius, ·with -great .dif-
. RUG ; · « l'•y•r, p1111lllls ti111lus, l•diK; ''IJtftiJ ccrnment, .has derived it a 'p,,.,•.,, vel T~"''"I'"••
;;J:ug,ji• ·: -0.ifaub." .,,;'qJ<ilt. . '. ; firmo; to <Dnt:rtf(, 1ik.-e t111g1tlattd nnJk. · '
·. .RU.G~ED; ":r..,,..t.~ ,..,..,,..,, i"- ·RURAL ; Ap•p•, .oNJa· arala_; ..rrr~, ;J"lll'U ;" tlH.
~ a lB~.Nw, fr111J1u,,; :br;'ktfl,jbllt- "''""'1'fY·1 a.t f111J1ry lift, ·, • • •
'iln;rd, ""1tlplci .·-·p.,....,;:l!v.-~,.a 'P.-11{, r.•g<J,·ru- R:USH btAdh11g ;; ·:· '.P••e""• ct 'P••e•~. 'JJr.itlor ·
-pjia:r·WYi71A:hJ, t'OUfb,. 4114 N»Wtlt. ,{agiuai:um: ..U pi,."-JiUt ptthaps, accoroing ;tO·
. 'RUIN.; . 0,.., ·0 f""• t'flQ, YjlhrO I 10 f atl ti/ Jeeay, · Vo1T. it might be better, ,ro deriv.~ our. w.ord:
-MJir:Mf#iln. : ,., · • . : Jo rufb, ii. 'p,.,, .vel '.P.,.., fluo,; -Ycl :p.oti<IS"'b·O•.•~.
RULE ; Apx,"" quafi ·r..x,w, rt~, ~<pla~ •. ,. ru~; . impnu fer.or ; lo h lifttiieii 1"1ng . .,;,;fb.
llNJJ, :ncJ<ti, -:pr1"'fl·· .. '.JJioJ,nue. . . _. • . · ·. · .., /
RU,MIU .E, "•p.,..p...,, vd 'P•~, teillere.Jij- , RUSH ,_ or rud: " for~alfe a 'Poc{«,
·dlrr..tre: Cafaub. and Jun.'~· vel a ..a.,.(Si.~••{.., • fib.ilo ; undc rujcus : J1.m." a rufo, or rud, which.
,_,.,,,,. :ttlert.1 to f(Jakt auy uud rJ1tl linl 111Jifa. makes a gentle r11.ftling, r;/;ifperi11g 11cift, or found ;.
, · RUMlNAT.E , "'p"'l4"""" per·metath.1rumi1U1: · or perhaps a p...,, p.,~.,, agitor, qUtJtio.; a rud•.
' Volf. nifi malis a .'P"f'"', quod uficatius 'PN14«, : ·agitateil, or jbdlltn' /Jy d1.t. fj}i,,;J. . . ,• •
ab lEol; :P..v..., .pro :P...., unde 'P•'llt<,.f'uilla, 111•m11:a; . · RTJSSET~c#lor 'i" 'llfu&fOf, ruffus, "'./fo#s.; id'e!Jl·
pro quo •et ,r.11miJ, ·e~ r1tJ111n .: "~ht. ~ml of.beafis ; : RUSSETJN t:111i1Ms, v cl v·icinus: Vo1f.i'
.and from 1their .attion .of -.cbnui11g tbt tlUi, we . -borde'.ring upon rid,: ." vel. pot ius a·e.,.,.,., P.• -
Jiave taken 1the ap~ffion to rtµ11inat1, or ,,,,,Ji,.. .nir111s :, Skinn. ~ boa:dering: upon puple.
rUl4 on.411J f ubjttl; :i. e • •as .the .cre.itures .by 1hat RUST ·; either from· " i!~"t' jitus ;. 111ty·,..,._
«lion.;g~ve .i:b.cir iood ·as: it :were. a·.fecond con- lratfeJ ftai• ; according to Gafauo.•:.....,.vel ab 'Ee..-
cottion ;. ,fo a .perfon by>rt1mil."Otifig ·on any fub- : ':flf"'°'•' 'lib >Bfau.tff, .7,,;,,.,, rlfbigo; tbt rfJ i ncr11Ja.-
jc6b, ;gives .h is .tho\ it wcn: ;a ·fecond repc- . ·tian .,;n ir.on. • • ·
.ririOl.l, and ieconfitlera1ior.1 . . , R USTLE: Skion. quotes Volt :for deriving
..JlUMMAGE, 'h'f•IJ/'•• fr.artgtt., :fiffor•, .ri[Ull» :the. Belg. ruyjfdm from the .bat. -N1JPt1ri; but
' .. r11fp,or

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S <A ·F rom 'G'1u&r.1t, and .1..1.TJ11. :S ~
· rttf/O' ·properly lignifies to ft1!t, or ftPch; .,.;.· departed from 1iis (ormer interpretation. oT .tbcie
mw : and hence, he fays, ·it may'· .be ufcd ·to. DruidiC)al Saos; . for, in p. •S• . lac tdJs •us,.~ac:
~fignify the noife, quern .ftudiose · a1iquid quz- ·..•'1, Of' tlnf., lignifi« Nail, or p.rit1d14l 1 anil in
·.rehres cdunt :-i<- is true, •-thofe .w ho .fa"''" ]01'· p. ~6; he fays, " chc prpfefi'ora,: or beadJ of the
·IJllJ thing, ·gentrally make ·lf 1'1iftli11g ·noift·; :but Druidical colic~ and tninften, were called
there may be a rMftling #Oift ·without Jtarebing Z'aos, S'o'11, .or S'1ffe, the initials beipg advcnti-
• .fo,. allJ thing; tii lJ.e '1'Ujlling of }ilks; or tk ~uft- tious, in quality of the prepofitive particle :"-
ling of lttJ'Vts, &c. :-it were to be wifhed, there- now, in both thcfc fenks; ei.thcre>f 1.0ift, or beU.
:fore, rfia:t .mde· ·men had derived ir, either it is Gr.; in the former fenfe-0f wift, the words
.fron1 p..,.,, p.,,.,, 11git01', fttatio; to t1gitot1, or fa;, ./off, or rather f~h, ·evidently dcri•c a
-Jbt1lr.t; ibccaufe all "11j1/ing is done with .fomc Io9 ..,, Japit111; wift: and in the latter fenfe ol
·•1ti1R1 ·: or• clfc from 'P11(or, jlf'iior 111m jihilo ; a btad; Jab, fab, faff, faff, the.ff, or rather ltt1h1 as
:foft, ogentle., <l!hifpt noift, 11tade by that motio,,. · evidently derives i Klf·M•, enput; tbe beoJ :~
• '·RUT, breeding ' ti111e, ab o,.n.., .fodio; lafci- · this whole interpretation, howcYer, runs fo coun-
;viori fenfu prrfritlu ad ve1Jtrtm, fcu.catali1io ttr- ter to the tenor of ihc· fourth · commaodmitnr,
'llorum; tbr br.udmg, 1in1e of .flogs, tletf', &c. : - that it .mull: ci~hcr be. in~y gtveil up; ·orlclfc
!• ~rm. •;ru11er1 ;...f11ccu1tr1, vehcmenter 111wer1 : ' ·the Jew1lh Lcg11lator drd not undcrllaJ!d the Cd-
Wachrcrus :' '-buf.a& this feems likewifc to be in tic tongue. .. - ·. •••
·•metaphorical fenfe, it might be better to abide SABlN, falli"a ; 'ifabi.U 1 the he~./a11iM, or
by the Gr. derivation above. . ' favag1. . . .·, , ..,,,,.,;,_ :1 ;;, .
. ···RUT of • ·v betl'; ·p.e.,, roto, r111a ; ·1ht 1ra'kl ' . S~CERD01:AI..: ' ! '!-'f'•r,f•ttr 1 fp,irituin i•
,.f.a wbttl. · ·• • • .t. . j s ab1re, ac ,.,, 111 '• fatis ,ell notum: , 1 /•a,
:RUTILATE, ·Eev&t•'• r111ilus; to grow ,.,J bot. quoquc func oijttrD, 1011/uro: &c. ! Vo.It".;..
1 'R Y.C: " wee now, by adding b •nto it, pro- /atrtd, or belonging to the hol] ollil:c of ·p!'icft-
·nouncc it .rydJt 1 and fo of ryc-mtin have made · hood ;-as Ciel. in a formcl' art. endcar.Ollfed to
.ritb-.,afl: N'erlt."-but !\ill Gr. · . I ouft ch.e Jews of t:hcir f11btaib 1 fo now in thi..
· ..Ryc, " o ''""''lJ• or p1'1n1inu, vndcr one ab- ' he endeavours ·t o : divdl the Romans of their
folutc coma10\d, or i.u risdiaion: Vcrfl."-who , futrtlos i "the true derivation of which being,"
·then · refers to cyni11g ry' J and fuppofes ic to be as he .fays, Voc. !l!l, " · moll: pre(umably· from /tf,
:Saxon: but RYC is but too evidently a pcrver- or fag; to flay, which is oaly a COAtra8:ion Ol
lion of f'tgnum: Gr. · fe:loy; this fer is chc root officarius, of wl(ich che
. RYCDOME}"richclfe: Vcrfl."who fuppofcs modcrQ ltali.a n makes ·it fgbtrro; in· the anticnt
RYCNES them to be.Sax.. . Etrufcan facbins lignified.)laMgbltr :"-but inftcjjf
.;·.RYE ; " ;p,,._,, ho.""'"' ; quidam ccnfent ab- ' being the root offitariaf, it is ~re probable,
f~ifi"um ex f•rar.11: al ii ob r116igi11tt11, putant no- chat tht Lat.ji1ar.i1U, the Italian fl!>m-11, and the
·-men hoc traxlft"e ex rougt I 'Nl6tr I prorfus Ut Etrufcan /atbitU, arc all derived ab ~ quai
eorundem wb•11t, trititttm, dcriyant - a white, . I1&x..,/u•; to '11/ 1 undc """• dtiu; undefoo, fi-
.eil#JitiilJ: Jun.''-'P..yo1, ~•1o(3•~""': Hefych. l:•7o- · ear.ius ; 1111. tJg1, or ~ tktJ wea~11111 tlll with;
p.,...., I•1•f3•1-, ""' • Hcdcric. : the Greek and and made ufc of in the lacri'6 ces: perhaps 1#
Latin names fecm to include every fpocica .of. furifi<i•t 1t,,;/1, . · ,.,;, ; ,!..;i,i~ ·
grain i aa l'.1,.,_.,, and pomum, did every :(pccies . SACHEL, commonly written,. and pronbuir•
.of .fruit.· · : ccd falchtl; x.....,.., fauJJf111 ; a diminutiv1! of
z.,.,..,, fauu.s ;
• /4tk, poltt, or·h11g : or- elfc by
s. cranfpoficion Jaclt·may .be deri.ved ab An..,, qoaii
. .?""°'• .vel Iaxx•<• faulis, ti/tr ; OltJ lrolbU'll po11tb,
!'BBAOTl-1 lI"fltl..f•r, · Silh~at11m, .Sa~hati­ or 6ag. . ..... .._... •. • ..-.:r
·• SABJ.;IATH 5 t11s ; · lbe f_al>hatb, or Joy of
SACK, from the (o~going root·' Gr.~h
rt.I :-;thcfe words, though uf~d in Gr. Lat. and . SACQ_UE, or /otiy's gow•; " x.1-n>Jicr,.{6:-
.Engl. arc evidently of Hebr. rxuaet. :-but, if -~arius, . qui fat" vcn~ic; f"l- enim ~mo Gal-
we attend co Ciel. Way. 4 ·1 1 ·a nd Voe.-!14> 5, ltca.J gaunacum, ma1us /agum, ct dlllphi-mlllJ-,
lie will teH .u s, that" the Sabbt11b <lixs 11.ot lignify
" J11y .of rt/I ; but that the day of the fun, or
Grreca. confirmat idem S trabo, ubi eos ai·t .i:.,..
f>oe•,., faga ftrrt: ·I ..,.., ve:ro c.ft ex lingua prim.
Sunday, being the day of wcddy i11fl.1'11tlio.,. by tht ~va; nam i:io. ltxit, .f'/trttil : quod >vero Galli
Df'uitlital Sohs; from thence it attained fai- . vocarunt, id .ccnfeo cfi'e i Malfilicnfibus;
of Sa/J-aitb; 'the preach!mnt of diefagts, or of · qui G~cc Cunt locuti ~ Voff."-o /1Jd;J'1 gown,
•ht '11Jift :"-here this gcnilcman · fecma to have which fits loofe, ~d .bitl11 .,id llJ!ltttds, as it.were,

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$' Ji From G'ii~£ 1t, and LATr1r. . s A
& r"perfon : and ought properly to. be wttntn, yet it fccms we muA:; for • ..fai! is. undoubt~
and pronouirccd f-r· . . . . deriV'Cd a wr- ; fince V1rgtl, ID the .li'irA:
SACRAMENT 'Ayicc, ftten- 1 bO?Ji ~ ot fa- lEn • .2:28, bu defcdlied Jupiter
SACRED. - · cri]i'te may be 'derived . a Dtfpicims mare vdi-volu1n i
SA CR I-Fl CE ~.. ~.,, mailo 1 to JitrJ < .'.0 r . //itwU.g tbt fail.flown ouan ,.. • • ·
SACRING~be// · from ihe fame root with wh ich conveys a 1noA: elegant idea of a . fca · tr.~
SACR.I STAN SACEROOl't\(.: Gr. vcrfc(l by !hips under full/ail ·: fince then • Jail
· SAD, " · Miolh. · and Skinn. derive i ja111r; comes from velum, 'Ut/11111 itfelf is deriv~ ":\
JPt•ritas autcm ct t.edialn pura puta cft ;irlfti1ia: A4 •t•r, per metath. ~...,..•• . 1Jtl•• 1 a 1Jti1' .or 4JJ.)!
.faltem 4 fat/ col#r dcfcendit ~ L:u'. "Jttiur; quo U."lt fltft, o r cvutring: but a jailor•feerP IJlOfC

cnim fptirratior cft rubedo, co obfcurlor fit; ct naturally to be derived ab Mf, J11l, f f/Ml#; Jll(lrt1
· · · · " all h" · tbt falt-fttti or fta-rtt11x. , .
mag1s 1n 111grt11fJ vcrg1t: - t rs 1s very rrue; SAINT, 'Ay••<, ftutr, Janfllls 1 bof:1~· . ·,
!tut fatur is G r.; as wiU be fccn under the art. SAKE·: " Sax. rac; Belg. faltr ; Tcot.:.ftUb;
SATED: Gr.. ~ · · Dan.Jilk 1 ,,,11[t1, .,.~; quid, fi hac;ornni'l,~(.ficCf
SAD'Ot.E,: " ~,.}'.,;, l DllUS 'jumtntl fartinaru ; 1ore1n,'.' f>.ys ·Sit.inn. a vcr!Jo..lo ftti 1·Sax,. r~ca11 ~
ftom ':i:c1J1;.,,. 'anus imponere: 'U pt." - but it '"-Ct quid fi haec..omnia dcllcCtercm ii verbo z.~.
might . be better to' derive ' jaJd/t ab. E~·~~1, qt1.erl I ll•fttlt,fearth ?. caulia en.cnim id de q"1Q
.f!ilto 1. lo fit an; unde ftt/t{, · ftdella,. ft/fa; a 'J.Uuilttr, vcl ;,,,Jldriiur.. ·
]addle. ' . , , . SAKER.. a K"• l !' Minlh..vult at Lat. factr ;
· SADDUCEES, :i:,.11.,...,.,, Saddu«i; ex Hebr. SAK£R 4 bawkS,. ut-'f•f'"f, a«ipiter. ab 'I•:--• 1
faftitia; quOd j11jlos. fc limularcnt : a felt of the vd·quO<I Jovi. Jat:r<f fuit avis ; ucpote cx-ge?eri;
Jews, fo called from . their arrog~ntly_ all'uming aquilino; vd.. ob fflapihuiilitt11 1 quam. ~ua1n
ro chcmfclves che·title of iuft. ' 'I•f•f llgnificat: unde Jalttr,. tormcn1u1n bellu;um,
SAENE"; Etr mology will" fix the orthogr.. of machina.campeftcis ;.vd a:fir.t,,. 1 auipite1:_'• qu1a.ut word: .t«'Y"J"' f11gt11a, nolfo; a fifhi11f>"t/.. , accipittr inter .aves; .fie hoc ~ormenu11n 101cr:hQ-'
SA.FE; :i:...,, falv111'; :taFor;. inferto digam. mines, magnam ftragcrrr.ed1.t, vcl a ve~lro·H~fp.
1£01. [uur1. 1 • fa&nr r exlrabert .; erutre,, q~a fc.,honuncs .dila->
SAF.fRON :. '' Z""t""'"• yox, Asab. orig. : niat : Skinn.'! •
Skinn." . SALACIOUS ; 'lU.<, .fa1 1 I""•r,falu111. r · .
~GAClTY ; ." l:«,,_, 9µod efi 114.f!a :- vcl is a different idea of Jalax, given by Litt. and
X..y•<. r1tf,uJu,. ;. ut uanllauo fit a. venacione; Aiofw. viz. 1,falio; .which originates ab AM•H11 :
quia L.y•h cft 'Utrri'1dlml: Ca{. Seal, cc ut au- though they add afterwards, vel l fair, qu9d f11l_
U,11 cft a~ "."dtrt; ica_f~gax a Ja;_!rr: quc;><i uc . reddac.Joltuis: -or- perhaps fallltiou~ n1ay on• .
C1~Cf<? fcrtbtt I. de D1v1nat: fig~1fi~at arul~ ft.n- ) gin3tC a ;!;..;,,.,,~., j111prort; to. all .dijbontjl/y ·.b.J.
lirt.; indcqu.e Eefius,. f.aga,. inq111t. d1c1~ur n1uJ1_er a 'Virgili" . · • . ,
l,frllo (acrorun1 ; u~dc .en P.'"'fa~1rt, 1. ~- faht•rt . SA LAD, commoqly ·w1·ittcir, and·.p_r<>n9\IPC~d
rein an.tcq11am cont1ger11: ·VoJT. -.a quu~11tft of p.itad, or falltl : -Jun. and Skmn. wou~d.deducc
IH11gb1,,rtconctpt:on •/ !'lJttlJs. . ) fa/adiCrom the .Gall. Ital. I-Ji!p. D3n, Suec. and
SAG ; l:f!'•«, quafr I«'Y!••falv1a; the herb Jklg. tongues, becaufc · it. flgn.ilies lach1cas Jal«
fo called. . . , . acecoque condicas primum fa/a,ir, .ac p~![ca, f!l~
SAGINA:TE, :r.1H•• fagma;. a L11..., frugi- /at, noncupatre .vid~ncur :-<and yet -ne1!hcr,: of
biu Jagi110 ; I•.·falU/J.. wit~ corn.; R. l:•1cr, fru- chctn would deduoc j.t., /11111', and f4/1u1, . al>
runtlll#: vel a l:«11w, Jagmo ; . to faJlt11. 'Mt, fol ; fair. . .. . · · .. . . .
SAGlTT.ARl"; ":&ry., T4.o.->..>, ~~· ,,...,,~, SALAMANDER.,.;. l:il!>.c,...,.ft.., f,./_,,,,Jrq >.
,;, .......~: ut omnino l:"""'• no1nine con tine- animal lacenz ligura; a fa"""""'"' like a Ii~~;,.
antur 01nnia armorUi1} ,gcnera : C~f. Seal. putat, ·full ~f. fpOts; tha~ being in .t ho firc,.fOllJCCllRCS
uti ab Af.,.a,. e~ifo. "'• Iii a1111n111m..; ita ii :tarf'«, 1is noc .bumcd, .nor hurt bY'ii-: Pl in. X .,67:. .
clifo "'' . licri .fag4, undc fngitta J ell vero l:"'rl'""'• . ' . SAL.AMINE; " !«>-"'/"•<, i••·<• q u:>li ~.w... r,._9;..,.,
iJ110/11tr11111, five 1btca tiypti: VoO:" -properly 'Jorda maris: Pafor. Salamis, or Saf.r11u11a; a ~icy,
fp!:aking, fagitta is an ""ow,. ab A ..,, "'"'"'~ of Cyp1us: Nug."-to which dcfiriltion..of P .rfoous,
111its, fpjculu•, fllf.illa.: and Sazjll•riu;, or tbt there can be no objection, unlc(s his h•vmg:
jqooltr, is one 0£, the: twelve - conA:clbtiollS in lprcfct>fcd -a di!igrccable.. ro· an ·agrccabk ·"!ca;
die zodiac. 11 mc:in hi• having .-cndere<I ~t..t.,, for1lts,; r-achcr
SAIL lit may appear odd to derive fail, . than vuntba, mi111 .: thoug h there fecm.s _co ~
SAlLORj, a!¥l/oi/orfrom different roots; and fome probabilicy.-in . bis dcJi.V. viz. Sa/arms '~as
7. a c1c.y .

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S A 'Frorn &a i t.11.; llllll L ·a ~ii•; S' /£
a. city Of "Cyfru1< I C]pr:#s Wu dediulled to y:,.. oot wlw P'tt,,.. tliouki .be :{ thlll P#!:l ·w.o111d
111u,, whci fprung .fliom ·1be fiir•t"of rlle. few~ and .be difficult to Cay: :i:«>.or·w:ilrr,. vcl 'AA,,,..11p.
therefore the city riligbc hav,e tam iu- name 'dhp~11 ; .J:qtk·/4J.· , r • ..
from fome fuel\ ·fifiion•'; but1 ·even according to ' SAl,:r •ftl~sl:bo~l\,Qf · thtm ftrari!B cicp_~f­
this op,ioion-, fta-mhtf: would have been a more • SA+,T -.follertL UOQ$,, w.irbout::eithcr. fep,IC-.·or
agrtcable·nam~. · : m~iog;1 and ,ha.v.e bcc.111i9tifcly · A'!'i.,g_ CQ' a
SALARY; 'AXri- Jal; uncle falar:ium; llipen- falfc ooanner·of w.nting the Ffeni;h '1'!11'i /q/kr,s;
d1u~ - ~ili[are; dilftum· quod· n\bH v,icwi magis ot :v(,ffth. tq holf:l fa?t : in 1.i fcl. "'·ar, .as : Ciel.; quam.1al 1• a ftlpr.11d, wag-n, or.ffltld, W~y•. 50; . Cllld V.oc, 37•· very .l~Y obferv.cs,, the.
eftablif!Kd. ro\~rovide the Roinan foldiers; wid\. fi~ff word f..alt. e11p\.ios ihq F,rcpcq word./a/Ur:4'~
'tneit<condiincnta cibi. i. e. Ja/J-•iltffeh ; lllJd u., proper!¥ f~g,. ~
SALIENT, A>v..,,...,, fa.Uv: fo l1ap, jliif, ot ,elt-miafrn.: faJt being onl>; a ~raiiJ!a.tiOD pf fpturu.
·#L!>tl.t . . . SALTA'flON.; AM•fAi*<!•faliu, falt11 >. l#'-U4f•
· ··SAL:-IS-BU'ltYi· e"MI'/; and 11aitt : ~ Clel. flip, or d11itu. :, • •
Voe. 72-; fay.s, v~y: c'a~dly, " i:f ii:- be .true;._ u .SALVA,'I"l~N ·}~l . th~fc ~ws. ll&fl'Y:. nJ~Y
I llave'fome· rc~fen ..Wtb111k, draethcreellill:ed: m, SALVE · the fame ilk.a; all<f o~lfr~
. and>extenfi'vdy around\. thC'fl'°oof~'hite.Frian, • SALl!'TAR1:' . ~t~, ~ I&9r, fit!V.U i. /#1•>
· nlleglau feat, lurl-f'flJJ'b, or 11l-fo11~, at bad aim /Jt thou m htafl/J :• tliougll indeed, ai:cord1nii to
the name of al-bury; then; nori\ing-i~ more likdy. Juri. nemo ·non v~dct · noffnnn jalvt 'tlnguartm
tha? that this 'ti~'""" ~ave i[a app.cU:iuon, to ha~cie a~nirar.u"': cum AA"f"•• ""P-" /#l(rt,
S-alif-b11ry co·ur.t c;' •O: ·'¥1hchi qafe m y idea o( the .1/1111ere: , .. 'tfawb,,JPrrotf.{inMr :-true;. [11kt
great colleCli<>1ttof.fto1111, "'• or al! wli~ch I _fer. is made u(e Qf tci reflorc / 01!11dnefi, be11li11g, bealt.b.,
merlr. mcntioncct('V.oc. 38, n,): ·as. having gu1en SAME: even Sk1n11. ~lPW~, that nod.i;9.fa111
name to Sali%uryrpl'ai ns) is. 1noft: probabl)' 'falfe:" feliciter alluqit Gr. 'A//."• lina 'um, .fimlll. &11111 i, ID·
' - but bal-ft»J11>, 11/':fa1ia1 al-b11ry, and·Salif-b"'J; gnbn- 'witP. ; a Jamuieft,. or fimilaril:J.
«in tl\e ~nfe of /Jot/, °" eo!Jege, is Gr. SAMPl'ER, commonly written, and }>rQllOl,lll•
· SAEIVATION, « %1«x.., fa/i.,a: N ug.'' - ced fampblre 1 · · • · ·
" dici -aiunt fali.oa•,, vcl quot.I fer.e habeat /JJ/fr - - --:- - - half way dPW:il: .
faJ'<?rem ; vd quod in ore faliat, et crefrat; fud Han~ one that gatfn:f's famp'hire' ; <b'tadWl
rcfllus literarum 'trajeetione fit l\'. Il"'>·•~, f aliva : trade.! . Lear, ACt.lV. ~•.6;
Volf," .fpittfe, IWllijlure. . but I~ oei'tainly .011ght not to 'apeear wldi a tb•
- SALLOW-Int ; " 'H~•••• ab A>.>.of""'' • falia 1 11f derived, QS M JDflt, ·Sklnn. and Lye would de:
f11!ix ii. falie11tio; 'UiTg1'lli gmus I dieturn eo quod rive it, A Gall. 9trin1 'l'itrre; de,genenite<j rrq"*'
.fa-111 ct (11rgit t:iJq.: Scrvius, •ft<lor. Voff. Jun." ..Aiy••r·,,.•Te•;, f1111ffo1·-petr• ; uncle Petrus~ P-eur i.
1be q11i.:k-grewing IJ'ee. q. d. herba Sa11f/a Pttr i: i, e. Saint Peter'Jtl011t ·
SALLOW, w11n: " forrarfe a n,.,.,,.,, mweo; who being; fiforrllJ<l11.rl'rigllt have this pl'ant moref
kll4tio; nemi}e ut p'tilltre pr(>prie dicarur, qui nietu immediately under his protea fon ; accor4!n~t~
pal/(!, quia tali lt..>..I." ,; •"fl'"• · ut Themillius the fond fuperftl tion ·of nfcribing, partic\ilar. farnt&.
,loquitttr 1· ac limi)irer Sophodes dil1it n~~• to particular planu, &~. . · ...
,.p~, i . c. a,.>.A"f"t••f :· V6ff.''. a pa/1, uum, Ii- SAMPLE, '" "Oµa l,o'/ , jlmilis: ·fli11~ iit a) i!ii;i
'llid. fo111ple;.:ion. · . · ..;,
Iii, fom1l; . (i_c ~b 'o,,...i," efr ·o~,.,,, 1;4,, Ji!
, : SALI:.Y fortlJ.: thoogb boril Sleinn-. and Dye m11l ; na1n •ol-'• exponit' .l'Jefy~h. vel' potiti$ ~b,
aeknoWle\lgc, .that• t-0_~ word is deri.icd ·a Lat. 1·1.,~.,, fimilis : i1t x in m abeat:, V.olf.:.'"""'."'itn ().·
.fa(i~t; ~et _ne1th.~r ot t~en1 .!".~ul ~· ..C~o~Jedge am~le, r1f'e111!!"~'e: or. ~~)'· · .•- _ • .
ffiat- falio was den"ed all: 1v,,..,. ... t: tJ1: lfo'J»g~: or ·SANC'PI I' Y; Ayi>r; .f=r, f4lf!1ii1; l .~i>b' :"-,
~«j})-fort:/.J 11taiHft "'" t>Ult>)' . . • • · ·, • . ' Ckl, Voe:.2 1 , fays~ '"-tlie prefl~liig : Jiirfon' ·:of'
·S·A LMON·, 'ab AAAtfA"'• falw.; from· its· k11p• lthe popul<1r dl'eml:Sly touc~'cd w1rli ~I" wand a
i11g out of_the water afttr' ·~~es ; . i~f111nucl~ '.'bat. 'lfacr-ed eoug~. or fcepfre, ~icl\er _tije t!, ~\e .
11hey forneumes .throw them1Mves into the fiJh. perfon·1 or tlle aa of tbe ·affi:mtity : " t!\ls " ctre-
.ermen's ·l:ivats'. · :mo~y. of reperitio1i, lOllow~ct ti)'.. th•t of ,1h1,'
, SALSAMENTAl~IC>US: ..fee . t:1e follow~ r~li(J111g .tou}b, W3& call:,<l_fa"tcbr,_ or f~!'·if/f, or
mg art. . · · . · ·giving with "' t~11'h foltdrry,, or integrity t-0 [he '
S~LT./ " I""''' /"'11111; the.,.fea.~r~, w~er.e '. public ref<1lution~"-t~is•fa7rdi&;'or inlt~i!), ex.
]till ·rs made : or rather from _, ..V.r, when-ce7 by. ·~~~lf~d by ~he /1111_, n1lgbt ahnoft: le~· as ".IP d~·
.fr:infpofi tion, Jal 1 /aft: Nug.'' · · 'rtv.e' 1t l "I_, Ja11-us, inttgtr: as for i; h,, o.r ic.IN,
· SAL1~-PE1:RE, ·aomo1only written/alt~ptlu; i~ i3 undoubted!}' Gr. :· kc HIT': Gi. ~ ..
9 SA~;

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s ·A Ftom ,r; •• ' "• Uld LA T I •• ~ A
. ,,SAND ; " 'I'"'""""''' I "'"'" :
U pt.~' .fmail, j111 SAPIEl';T 1 :i:.,.,, /111i111s,: ·primOde animo
diaicur 1 lr.nowltdgt, wifdqm, a11d.JlllllliJ,y :-Ciel.
Sr\ ND-bli11d ; Litt. under the arc. c.:cus, has Way. 43, and Voe. 56, cells us, that" the Celtic
s'ab, :r.'46, or s'off, is radical co Jap-icns, l:.,.r,
been very happy io explaining this expreffion ;
for, fays ht>, " quid 0 a xar, ptdw l
pr far.d, Ct X..•tr, <.e<•J i o/ind ; dicimus 1"-it
""fl· ftr1,io, anti Jahr ; all in t he fcnfc of k.11owi11g, ot
wife :"-anJ confcqucncly all Gr. as above, .
were only to be wiJhcd, he had cold us from SAPPHIC, '!a.-i;w, Sappho; an ingenious ~refs·
whence X.""" w11s deduced 1 co('(UJ however, is of Lefbos, in the 44th Olymp. who invented that
Cr.; us we have fccn in CJECITY: Gr. meafure in poetry, which is called by her nan1e;
, SANDAL ; " X...J~• ., Jondalium; a lt:ind of being defcrccd by her paramour Pbao!f, Jhe took
Jb••: N ug." t he lovrr·s kap, fro1n off the L cucadi•n promon-
S ANDARACl-1, l:a•l2r":t:•• f1111daracba; gummi tory, to cure her paffion ; which undoubtedly was
9uoddam, five Juaus concrtlus ; a ~ind of gum, o r cured ; but hiftory fcems to hint that fhe perifhed
eoar.ft wax, called bu-bread. in the attempt ; for there is a total filencc of he,
SANGUINE; " .>.1,u.o:, Ja11gui1: mirum poffit after chis experiment ; whid1 was cercainly n1uch
videri, cc tamen verum dt, ex ';..,,...,. analogice above moJern de I icaci•. ~
J1111g11n1 dcduci: Voff."- rbt blood, or lift of ani- SAPPrll RE," :i:"r~"f'' • fappbin1s; a pruiolft
/10111 Jo ta/ltd: N ug."
mals : vd potius fang11is a !a•r, Janus ; uncle
Ja11gt1is; Jbt blood, in wh ich the life, and health SAPY, :i:.,..,, puirifatio, marcto ;. a moifrur•
of the animal confill:s. contracted on the outw:trd furface 0£ meat~,.
which is the tirl[ C!age of d ilfolution. , , .
SANHEDRIM, :tunJe'"• <011rilium ; a grtmd
SARA l" f~rt>vv lVcrft. :" -;- but SOR-
' 01111dl of flare: R. :i;.,, et £le"'• ftde1: it fccms SARIGE J forit J ROW is Gr.
to be rather of H cbr. extralt.
SAR ACEN, Sart1'mi; a people of Arabia~
SAllo'lTY 1 I«or, Janus; found, whok of mi111J. fuppofcd ro be defcended from Abraham- by Ha-
SANTER ; " Fr. Gall. Jau/rr ; fa/Jart; q. cl. gar ; for which reafon chey were at firCI: called
hue illuc fa/1i1art, feu difturrtrt: Skinn,"-if the Agar•ni: st what time they acquired their pre ...
v iolence of the aetion were not too great for a fenr appellation , would be difficult to fay 1 bu L
Janttrer, we mig hc have readily admitted the as Liu. and Ainfw. obfcrve, the found of theic,
D r's. deriv. particularly if he had bur deduced it p refent nan1c would lead us to fuppofe, that they
ab AJ.>"'I"""'> .folio, fi1lto : but a fa11/trtr, io our were rather the defccndcnts of Abrahain b1
language, is a perton r:nhcr coo indolenc :ind in· Sarah : they are now 1hc barbarous Arabs.
a ctive to jump, flip, and r1111 abau/; unlcfs we S1\.RCASM ; ~...•«•fo"•r, farcnjm us, irrijio a111a-
fpeak by 1hc rule of contraries, viz. to 1kip nnd rulu1/1i; huftilis ;;rilio fu pcr jant morruo, aut.
jump a bout in on indole111, lazy, laiJcring 111a11- morituro ; a natural, but too often a malicious
11rr :- it may, therefore, according co Ray, "be infult over a dead, or dying enemy: R . l:"ft•
d erived from fabt/Jt trrrt, i. e. flol,y-la11d; be· taro 1 vd J;,,..,.-<.,, <anus dt1rabo, diJulto ritlU;
caufe of old time, when there were fuch frequent often!ifquc labris ac dcnribus irridere; to modr1
expedi tions thither, many idlt people \\'enc fro1n or, tlJitb a malitio11s Jnur.
place to p lace, on pretence th at they had taken SARC E NET, Z•f'"°" "jeri&um lc11ui_/fi11111111o
t he crofs on them : from hence ufod to fignify a S11ra<enic111n; veriGmilc enim d1: primum c regi-
pcrfon, who roanis tip ancl down in an indolent, onibus a Saracenis infoftis, puta Syria, vcl aliis,
l oitering n1aoncr :"'- but now, this gentleman q ua: adhuc Scrici opificio pr!e rdiquis florcnr, irr
ought to have obfcrvctl, that both famllt, and nofirain Eurnpan1 dimonafrc : Skinn."- the thin-
Jtrrt, arc Gr. . oell: fpecies of lilk manufalturc, firll: brought incq>
SAP &/ trus; "o,,.,, lEol. pro o,."• fapor; Europe by the Saracens, from Syria.
plancanmt fuccus, quia fl1pi1, vel fapiJa tjl : SARCO-PH1\GUS, " 'i.o.e••-~:.y•r.jr1rcopbatus,
Volr."- tht fop , or life of Jrus. <arnivorus, diccbacur lap is, quo corpus huma11u1n
SAP, or und1:r111i1u a wall; " :i:.....
1Hr, qua!i condebatur 1 ac lapu AjJius quidcnt vocabacur ;,
}:,.,.;.,., ff;dtrt; Jo tlig : or fron1 Jupa, which fig· quia elfoderetur in AjJia, regione T roadis, vel
nifies ligo : Nug."-thc fom1cr is more prefer- Myfi:c; cujus vi cito cor~us ad offa redigitur:
able, for two reafons; firft, becaufc fapa is not cftque ha:c caufa cur chcatur far<~•gus, a:
to be found in the fcnfe of ligo ; and fccondly, :i:o:eE. taro 1 ct 9"'Y"" eomtdere: Voff." -who acids
if it fhould, it certainly could not belong to the likewife another very curious remark 1 farto-
Dr's. title- page : there is, indeed, fuch a word pbagi vocabulo plane gcn1inum fueric Ce1·6cru1,.
as :i:..,......, ligo; and permps that w:u mcilllt, li \'tilganun c rymon fpcCtcs: nam e1~ .J>'.X't"=
3 F tric1p1tcm

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l'f'eih G 11: i 11t, and ·L "T ·r ir. · S A
ttidpicem in<tronim c:anem ·lie :did fabulancur, " flW•!{•.~' f11y.s the Dr. " l Fr~ -Gall. fa11'Vazt t
mythologyci tamcn tm-IUll elfc vo1unt, ac dici Ital. J:lvagfio, felv_alito 1 .fylvejter; q. d. fylv_a1;..
K•efJ•e•» quali Ke..jl•e•., i. e. (arni'!Jorllill;
1i ~'"'<• " ' ' ; 1.~ e. 1n fJlvis educatu,.,,~-now 1he n it 11
cllf"o 1 er '3•e-<, '111rax 1 quia 11rra corpora omnia evident, that all thefe words, begioniog with ftl-.
fibi crcdita 'V.•rel, et to"fumal : " the .dj/it1n .ftor.e and !JI, nnd the pretty F rench fau, arc immedi-
uely derived ab T1'~, fJl'1Jt1 i 11 wq,,J, or fore.ft:

t;alled· thefl•reopbtlgus; becauft the dead bodies

inclofed in it are confumed away, bones and all, wild '"'" r11d1. .
.eitcepr the teeth, within forty days : Lin. and SAVE-ALL; I ..•i-'>-•h to favt tJIJ ·the candlei
~ .. Jave tbt wbolt of ii.
A 1n1w. 1
· . SARD-ONYX, :i:'"f.l'nv£, JardortJ" ; ex Ioel«, SAVIOUR, l:••!• I#!~, /, falvalor 1 11
.'Wtrdilliii i nj,,/:J ; et OrvE, 1mg11is ; quod colorc pre(er"Jtr, a11d ddi11ut r~
fuo unguem humananl rcferac : a precious fione, SAVORY," 0.-•t• ./Eol. pro o..or, fttf!or ; p!ap.
refembling in color a man's nail; and is chief- tarum f11tt11s ; ebque pro f«t&i bonitate, aut pra-
ly found in Sardinia. ''itatc, ~es benc vel male fapcrc dicitor: Voff.'!
SARSE, E• •.,.. e... prr fattlll# ,.,. l ,, f t rt(ll tbe 1ajle,j]tJvo11r,fmdl, or fun/ of allJ tbi11g.
1hro11gb a frifu. SAVOY' in tbt Strand : " it is not impoffible,"
SATAN, r,,.7..,,,.sa1a11as 1 nomen principis an- fays Ciel . Voe. 218, "that a lung delhoyed
"8elorum malorum : H~br. adverjari111 ; tbt t1d- abby (I 1nean in the Druidical 1nntmcl· of abbi~sr
·'fJtrj11ry, of JroU. · migh(, in re1note ages, . have itood p~<"ifdy
· SATED ; either from A>.1; , Jatfs, fat, jatur; where the Sa'IJoy now llands; whicb may be only;
enough 1 or perhaps fro1n I ..11.,, onero, impieo ; lo a d ifferent dialcll: of s'abby, or -z~ttbby, tbe /.>abi-
fill, /1<rchargt . · tation of a Druid fopb :"-but bo th ABBY, an<t
.S.AT ELLlTES 1 A.. 9.,, Dor. pro A.9.,, la111s; SOPH, are Gr. •
-quia lateal, condarorque fub axillis ; a la/111 fit S_A U SAGE}" Fr. Gall. falltt, f a,.lfe; I tal. ct
jate/les, quOd circa laura regum fint ; id quod SAUS.E . 1-lifp. Jaifa; Teut. Jalfa : Skino,"
antiquitus latro, quafi latero ; a life gl:ard man; -to wluch, 1f we add, Cymr. f1ws; and the
who anriendy waited at tbe"fidu of princes: alfo Belg. fauffe, from Jun. •nd Lye ; we fi1all fee
ufed in altronomy, to fignify fccondary planets how diligen tly the y have all of them avoided
•/tending, or revolving round their primaries. the Gr.-nay, J unius has gone even to W alos ·
SAT'rIN, ".t1>l•••• ji11do11, lintcum pertcnu•, (a country not very farnous fo r cookery) for
amiChls .ex. lino; ji11e liJun ; at firll: perhaps of che o rigin of chis word; mihi interim, fa}"s
Tyrian n1anufacturc ; fed etfi veturn dt <: Phoeni- he, libuic aliquando fufpicari Canibro-Britanno1
cia in Gr=iam advchi folere, tamen et alibi forte dcfon1pflOc fuum faw1 a vcroaculo fdtvr,..
.tiebat : Volf." fapor :-bur even then he canno t fhake ciff che
SATUR-DAY; r..."e''" q uafi Iue~• faro,f~tus ; Gr. ; however, under the article /auu-box he
.,.t;a1urm11 afa tu; quod agriculturre prredTcr : vel goes on, condim<na 11n juflfi fa /is ~1i xtura p~'3ro
a r,.,.71.,, quOd fatur a nnis; Cic. Nat. Deor. 3. graturn ; nam ut optimum ett cujufque ci bi con•
" hinc dies Satur11i, a Stattr idolo i quetn a d! mentu~1, ita nequitiarn, im1nodd tiamq11e pr~-.
Satllfr.o diltinguir Ver!lcg2n, li<;ct mea quidcm c1pue ciet, e t provocac; unde quoque fciris
fcntentia (fays ~kinn.) immerito." • lEgypriorum fr.I' m rrje.:hrm foi lfo ckprehcndi~
SATYR l ".t ..1ve•r: Nug.''-""""""' :i;,.e.,, mus, quod putarent frequeQtiore ejus ufo libidi~
SATYRICAL S libidi110Ji11 ; tranllacivc ii fimi- nofas cupiditates glifcere : f n.!tui1111i adh~c in·
1itodine falyrorum; quos, · u t v ulgus loquitur, ditu111 eft nomen a fale (and yet he docs no t al-
"Vir.olmtos, atque in ufum vcncris pronos dremones low it to be G r. ; tho' he has it immed iately un.
accepimus: qui vcro Jatyra fcribunt, co id fa- der his eye, in "bat he is going to add) ipfi .
ciunt, qui a hoc c:inninis genus et .fat)"ris, ecjillis denique J/t11us dicla eft 'AA•·')'''"'• tanquam qllz
.crat liinile ob maled iccntiam: fane Jilli, ~.,....,.1,xo1 traxerit otHJm t falfirgine 111aris : -the poets tell
crant; t.inde 1-'Iefyc.hio ~•A>.o~, rp.~i1ea~ fJx.;(«;u.a , us, t fpumti maris : -but now <:Ql\les Dr. Skion:
ar:&'f.xA).o~1~;,"r,;, xoel!ahoy' ": ~:ialjri, ti ~'i/mi and throws down all thai bas been ad\fanced;
crane Bacchi co1nites: Volr." (or, he fays, this word fau!J is not derived from
SAVAGE : thanks to thorc gener3l pcrverters fo ute, a.rid fautt-b~x; " but a & lg. fat ; T eur.
of all bngu~ge, rhe French, we have this ad- fdtl, falw; qui fc. p~tientia men ad flll1irita/et11,
mirable word, in this beautiful appearance i. c. xaM/eam ab~1titur :''-this ls an inti re new
SAUVAG E ; which no one would fufpeCl: was of lenfe of tbc word faufy; but let the fenli: of it
Gr.cxtraCl:.-butlet us firlt hear wharSkinn. fays, be whatever it may, !till even in chis fenfe i<
1incc his deri v. has be.en adopted by . ~ye : would- be d~rived from the Gr. 1 as we have al~

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S C From ·G 1t I a II'.., end. L" 'I' 1 ir.. s. C
r.eaay ~,;under the art. SAT£D: Gr.~but, with 111/is 1 t/Jtj/JetZt# or · eot11riwg of t/J.1 jVlorl, ·,, /Ji#
regard to our pn:fent word Ja11ft, it undoubtedly ii in. .
is a coutraetion ofJalf11m jus; Jalt-juiet, contrafted SCABBY, l:x.. .-1.., '"'"""' faafµ, fao#i1fuJ J
to fa/ft, or fauft; as Ciel. obfervcs, Voe. 69, only numgy, fa11rvy, najly .
now ,he lhould have derived it from the Gr. : fee . • SCAFFO~D; " thtatrum, fettld, quz in gr'4
'!?ALT, and JUICE: Gr. nam adorum, et fpeftatorum, opera quand"9ud
. SAW a/under; ::;,,,, quafi l:K'"'• quafi :i;,,..,, cumulcuaria ·compinguntur ex concabulstio11c ltg-
fteo, ftrrit; qudi ftttrra; an inftrument 10 cut n<a: Jun."-this is a very good definition ol«
wood. ftaffold; but as none of his deriv. anfwcr thi•
SA\VLE, "anima;/011/1.: Verll."-but SOUL definition, they have been omitted: neither i•
is Gr'. Skinn. fatisfactory; for he derives faaffolti «a. Belg.
SAWS, or Jayings; derived as in the ar~. SAY: fabavot; peJma: func qui deflect a Tcut. fahaw-
Gr.- Shakefpear has ufed the word fa'Ws in bis haufz (what elegance !) er hoc a verbo fchawm,
a~f~iption of rhe J ufti~, in his /Is )!PU Ii/et it, fp1tlare; thefe look as if rhey came from )hews, or
aCt ii. fc. 9; jhew-ho11ft; i.e. Jbt play-bo1tft:" Gr .....:.." malkm,"
· and then, the Juftice, continu~ the Dr. "~ 'l' eut. f1hajftn; 1.ffiart, for•
Jn fair round belly, with good capon lin'd, mart; q. d. fabT"iui l1'm11/1,,arid ;~'..-but ftill he is
' With eyes feverc, and ~ard of formal cut, not able to g•t rid of the Gr-. ; for th it looks as
Full of wife f1aos, and 1node.rn inftances : if it came froo1 jhap(, or form: but Lye refers us
· And f<>i he plays his part. to t he word maf~n; and under that art. Junius has
SAXl -F~AGE1 'f>.._E.;""Y""• faxifraga; the herb fa id," arque ita ·perantiquum GlofiariunlCouonia-
t hat is fuppofed to be fo efficacious in breaking tht num, p. 137, .111aeio11ts exponit rcylr•r; nam fie
j/0111 in tb1 b!<11Jdrr: cakulos e corpore mire pt:I- quoqlle vo~abant afli:rum nl\Huo fibi colligatorum.
li t, frangitque : qua de causa, potius quam quoo compagem, cui inliftcbant ca:mtnta11i fttuCt11r:11 •
.in faxis nafceretur, faxifragum appdlacum : totius muros altius 1·dutluri; nomine defumpto
Pl in. 2 2 , zt; as quoted by Lire. and Ainfw .- ab illo rcylFan ; 'ta6u.lnta :"-all which ferms to
but it may be very 1nuch doubted whet her the point out the word jbe!f; meaning any temporary
h uman calcttluf was ever called jaxum in L atin. llagc of boards to lland on; and if fo, then W¢
SAXON : whether Verll. Skinn. Lye, and mutt refer it to the Snx. A lp_h.
·c1et. would forgive me in deriving the word SaJ1011 SCA FLT NG; " Sa,., rcear,fafais, teu fa.fdeu- ,
fro1n 1he Gr. language, I know nor; but it will /us ftgetu111; quia fc. infigni longirudine et fimul
be lhewn prefendy, under the arr. SEAX, that corporis gracilitate calem faj.-i<11/11111 aliquo modo
rhc Saxons were a Scyrhian. people, deno1ninated refert : Skinn."-a ftrptnt, which refemblt-s 1
'Saxons only from rhe weapons they wore; Gr. : wht at·Jbt af:-confcqucndy Gr.; though chis !Cerna
as to their nat ion, Sammes •P 9, plainly proves, to be a Hrange fliope for a ftrp tnt.
'tnat ther were originally the Gtt.e, or G•ths, a SC ,'\ LADO, :i:x"'f"• quati Ixa>.w, "/"11140 ~
'people of Scythia. ' unde faam11a,, qure idem funt ac fu1'ftllio ; ea alta.'
SAY, ". Sa~. recian ; Belg_. /t$t'";l ccl;ind: eranc editaque, tH frmrdtrt opus ~lfet: itaqire cdi
ftiga: forte e3ufde1n funt ong1ms cum veceri in vulgar is Jexicis legere fit, lfocrati e1iam fram1111
faco, "Vet ftquo 1 de quo hc~c habent Voffii origines : dici !•"•"'"• et r."14''"' ac N.unnelius proprerea>
fico antiqua notione ponitur pro dico; venicque origine G rrecum putet ; t amcn puto plane fta"1r.
illud faco, ~el f1q110 ~urrique enim 1_nodo fc~ipfere) L arintun elf<>, cc venirc i {tandtndo : VoU:"-
·ab &,..,, dr&o; ficuu nempe n1utat1one ac a A1or1<>, and yetfcm1Jo may be Gr.~ here lignifyiog thofe
'liquo, vel linquo; vertillir cnim ,.. in </; quo1nodo /addtrs by which they tnoun1.ed the walls of
·a .-o1r, q•inqtie; a ••~•h vel .-01•1, q110111s 1. ct ii towns, fo.-cifications, &c. : foe SCANSION: Gr.
·..-iioe«, q11aluor: ab hoc fuo , vtl ft11"0, eO: inftco, SCALD, or fcbo/ar, commoniy written ftalJ.
five inftqu~ (unde i11qui1) atque, Gellio tdlc, undoubtedly derives froin the Celtic cal, hal, or
i11feflio11es antiquis diceban1ur fmnonlS, et narra- al; a hall, or collrge, or any place of education-.
Jionts: Jbt f11-ws, a11d Jtryings or
aHti7ui1y : or,
perhaps -0ur word fay 1night more naturally and
i. e. ab A•A-•, mtl·a; " hall, or college.
SCALD with wattr ; K°"'"'• Dor. pro K•A..,.
timply be derived ab""'" audi1, vcl ab ,,.,,fpiro, e1J/to, excal!U, txcaldatio; to b11rt1 tW /(11/J : " vel
f¥J•fi I""'• ,,;s; 10 fptnl:. • alfumpto s, videcur origincm traxilfe," faysJun.
SAY, or /ample; °"''t• .IF.o!. pro O..or,fapor, ex inufir. K ,. • .., pro Kai~, quail :i:.....,
•o 1 ' "
by contra~lion, fay ; i. e. 11.J!ay, [pui111en 1 11 1a)e, bunr, orJcalJ.
· or flavour. SCAIA of" /J11W.11u; Cltl. Voe. J67, wry
SCABBARD, ·:i:.,,..., ·1tgo, oper1u/u,,,, 'fllgin4 juftly obJCrvcs. that " this word1n QUE language
' J F i ia

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S- C Fro1n G R·1 a K, and LA 111 N. •
is catachreftic~lly uf~d for the ba/011 of·a beam for inftrumeot was dertved a Ki~>-•, qua.Ii ua»t.•,
weighing; but faale in ics true origin lignifics t epbal.eum; ca.lvari11111, talva, quail jraJpa ; 1b1
die /<opus, or what we call a fled-yard: it cotnes ftalp, or fault. . .
f rom fag-ill; by "contraetion /<nit; feg, 1~ &ut 1 SCAl'.Vli\!lONY 1 • " 'tw."l'I'"''"'' • fta111111onza ; a
and ell, a yard, or ar111, nqtched, or malcbed very.ufeful herb in phyf1c : Nug." Voffius wriccs
( perhaps marked) for the diffrrent degrees . of it Ix.ocflf"''-'"·•o,,, vel etiam l:x~,u.~~£~: fortaO't .a.
weight :"-confequently Gr.: for fag vilibly de- t;._,.,..,...., foflio; quia intcllina t~....7.,, fodit; radit
fcends ab A•"• fuo, fag, to '"' ; and ell as vilibly e oim ea acrimonia fucci fui ; unde e t acridia
d efcends ab Sl>.-1.,,, 11J-na, Ntbirus ; an di, yard, dicta : /<ammonia, qua1n Latirii acridirun vocant;
•rm, or be11111. l !idor.
SCALE of a fifh; " I x,.,,-1.,, ""..~.,, /fa/po, SCANDAL, " :i:. .., JaAw, offendirulum: R.,
/caber; unde flluama; qui a f<abt11do auferatur : t x<>{.,, &laudi<o: fome gram1narians fay, that this
Y.oO:" vel a Ix..v..o'- aridus: J un. under the art. word propc.rly lignifics che wood, or !tick that
SHELL. is put acrofs in the crap, to n1ake birds fall . into
SCALION 1 A••"1'"""" porro ; 011 01Jio11: or, the fnare: .N ug."
perhaps, with Jun. it 1night not be improper to SCANSION, t;,.,.,e,.,ftanjio; verfum fupputa,
write it with two Ifs, though he has deri>'ed it tis pedibus expendcrc, feu examinarc : " Minfe-
from the Gall. Ital, Hifp. Belg. and Lar. lan- a
vius defleCI:. Lat. faandtre 1 et merito; lie cnim
guage~; in all which it is written with only -a ab. uno dig ito, ad alcerum, quali per gradus,
tingle J; but as they all feem to point out che afandimus: Skion."-but neither of thc1n have
word jbetl, fai11, or <tr.Jering, we might therefore given theGr.-the meafurcof ~ vcrfo,wbich being
rather derive it a l:••M•>. aridru; the J,.y, bulky done by examining the feet, or fyll.a blcs, on the
,film, which envelopes every bulbous root, parti- fingers, we thereby <limb ~s i c were, and aftend
cularly of the garhc and onion tribe ; notwith- co the true conitruction, or co.npoGtion of that·
' ftanding, Pliny fuppofes, that the faauo11 took its vcrfe.
name from .llftalon, a city of Palcfrine: that is, SCANT, " E~x.a11,., pauper/as ; poverty, and
i f he had fearchcd all the globe over, he could want: Cafaub."
siot have. fou.n d a nother n:une more adapted to .SCANTLING, K,.,..,..7.,, fiello ' "ftg1111ntum,
his p urpofe: fome plants and O:irubs have no partitula; q. d, difcanthu!um; i. e. porti111uula, e
doubt taken their names from the places where cantheo, f<u angulo abfciff'a : Skinn."-but the
they were firft .of all found, or from whence they Or. under the art . <anion, had quoced Covarruvias
were brought; but that is no reafon why they all for deriving it a K'"f'"'1w, jfetlo: a (Ortllr, or anJ
muft, becaufe th~re may happen ro be a Ji mila- part eut off: fee CAN'l'LE: G r.
~ity o r conformity between-thc1n. SCAR, " E"X"e'"; cicatrix; crujla ex aduftio11e
SCALLOP; "fortalfe ita dietus," fays Jun. vulneri adh.erens; tbe lips of a wound, or fare:
"a Ix..M.,~ fodio, difrumpo; quod ftria~tl tefta- Nug."- the Dr. lhould have added ckftd: or
•r utn concavitatc, veluti fulcis quibufdam dirup- mighc rather have called it the foldering, or <lcjfog
tus, p<:rfolfufque v idcatur :''-he then refers us of. a wound. ·
.to fi:o!lrtp; under which art. he gives us· a dif- SCARA· MOUCH; Gallic barbarifm ! "ejtar-
ferent .derivation, - as. will be feen in SCO- moucber, efcarmou<be, potitum ell: pro tfca111oucbe,
LOP: Gr. . .. vcl ut- adbuc propius ad origiocm vocis accedam
SCALP }though the Greeks ruoft (fays Hen. Scephens, as quoted by Jun. un<Jer cbe
· SCALPING-knife certainly knew nothing of art.fdrmijh) pro ftiama<he; fin11itcr enim tenco
.the favage inftnunent here menrioned; yet it vocabulum defumptum dfc ex I x•s·,.."X."': :" co
undoubtedly c0 ok its· n~mc fro1n a word in t heir which J unius adds, " a Fr. fcbirmi11; Almaq.
,language·; viz. either "'r.xai>.>.w,fodio; unde f<al- ftbirma11; pugnare, digladiari, 'Delitari, defendere;
-pellw11.; vel ·ii r.""'"''""'• quod .ide1n notat; vel il quam dcrivationem," fays he, " longe prreforcn-
;r"''"t.,,cjufdc1n lignifi~atio11i~: Volf.''.,-" ,birurg.o-: dam put<> :"-and yet it i's poffible, that this,
' rum Jcalpr11111 : Skinn." a J11rgeonJs illjlrumeyt :- and all the other difiortions, may be !lcrived "
,and yet thi:re is an9ther deriv. I rnuft delire from the Gr. as above ; lignifying n mif.·hty .fight-
leave to hazard; becaufe. all chefo relate more to ing gmtlt111a11, oµe who is always brandijhing bis
.the offer,, than fO the name of this .inllrume(lt; /word, and .fighting as it were with his qw11jbadtr41.
l"" ~'icn fc.em~ cp have bt:l!n foqned for the head. SCARCE, " X"e'» fcu Xae·"~• carus; proprie
alone, to cake off ibe bairy-Jcalp, or .f kin, which notat preliofum; as when .W!' fay, things are dear:
.,c:o vers the whole · IJcull; and therefore we might vel potlus a Xtx1i;.,, ta·reo, tgco, ~J"'~" '"r..;, Ut in·
..r.uhc; Ju,p,po(e._ that .the nanle of chis horrid ccrprctatur fiefyc~. ~in r c0Qvcr1um: vc:J, quod

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s ,c .._.

From ,G ll 1 1 ic,
• • ' •• ·,J '

.ar\cf L A T I rr. s c·
.non minus plac-et; a x~en1,.; i.e. tltjlit11or, (arto: . fame root with .our word feud; andjcud, accord~
Voff."-or· 1~tl1er w.ith Cafaub.·we may derive ing •to · Lye, fcems to be derived a Succ. ftuutt,
faarlity, tho' print~d f ca11!11efs, a X•t""'• ,; X•t"'""• or Iceland; faio1la; citus, dto ; which certain ly
faarcity ; to be in i114igenu, or want. . defcend-.from :t...., cito: thus fcata feem to i1nc
SCARE, :t•a•e•:, !"'"t'?.,, palpito: :txae•{•111'•, port their being injlrume11ts of 'I/cry quick motifll!';.
H cfychio eft·T"'f"TI'1'"'• 111rbaturi topllt out ofbrealb, to bajle away, fi:ud away, and be gone : fee SCUD
/brow into co11fufion, frigbtnr . · . away.- .
S.CARF, "K'"e•-.:, pr.efixo 1; jµntl:ura mantis SCA TH, "Aorx~6"'' A.-..e.,, i!/,cjus, incolumis:
.;urn. cubito: elt igitur linea, vel byffina mitella, Skinn."- and Hefych. explains it by A(J>.,.13,;,
· de collo pendens, qui ift:µn potiffimum brachii J'Y'"' •E ~.,,.,,.,,.., .., :
panem, quam molliffime repolita1n fuftinemus : • n, xt ""'"'A'"""~"' "' ,,...
1e,;" 'Y""" ,.,,7.,,:
J un."- 11 fling for the arm, • UI I ll~fus fuam in patriam ttrra'm ve1tiat :
SCARl-FY, " l:xae•q,..-0:..9..,, fcarifico: R. 'Ibat bt unhurt may gain bis native jhare: ·
:i:x,.e•9•<.. }/)-fus; a pen.knife: or from :t.,.>.>-w, and . OdyIf. V. 26 :
.:!:"""'"'" f odio : N ug.'.'-10 make a11 fneifion; to : and yet it is obfervable, that none of the(e
dig ;,,, or cut dt~. . · Jexicogr. have given this word without the co<n 7
SCARN even Ray, with all his parriality pound; for it fecms to be compounded of A,
SC ARN-btt for the Saxon, is forced to ac- non; and :i:•• &,.,
if there be fuch a word in the
knowledge, " et equide1n (lit conjeCl:ur~ venia) Gr. lang. Milton has ufed this word with grelt
videor mihi non mini1na in voce ftara/Jttus voca- propriety;
b uli nofui ftarn-/Jtt ve!ligia decernerc: quam Their glory wither'd; as when heaven's fire
·appolitc enim redderent noftrates a fcar11-bec?- Hath fcath'd the fore!l:onks, or mountain pines;
it is ll pity this gentleman, or his Northumbrian With fingcd top their ftately growth though •
friend, ftopped here, and would not carry their Stands on the blafted heath. [bare
vefliria a ljccle farther, and fee the much clofcr SCATTER, ". !xrl~v, dij/ipare: Cafaub. and
connes ion between fcaraba:u1, and K"t"f3•f• can- Nug."-but If. Voffius derives Jcatto a L!"l'''"
cer, ftnrabd'us; afcarn-bu, or bettk. i.e. I1~?.,, which lignifies rather lo drop, or
SCAR RE; " Sax. CaJlJle ; cauus ; a rack, or dijlill, than to jcall.t r.
cliff; this word gave deno1nination to the town of SCAVENG£R; I•~f• j1trc1u, olttum, merda::
Scar-borough: alfo pot·fhnrds, or broken pitas are 'llicorum urbis curator: tho' Skinn. would derive
often called pol-ftarl'S : Ray :"- confcquentl.y Gr.: it a Sax. rcreF~a. or rceaF'<Sa; rojJ1ra; et Fen3an I
fee QUARRY of jlone: Gr. capert; q.-d. colle&ir fordium abrojarum: vel
SCATE, a /i;'h: " fq11at1!'• fquatina, quafi a Sax. r caFan ; Belg.Jcbavan; radtre :-but thele
Jqun/Ns,fqua./idn, a/qua/tore: Vblf."-confcquently \vould originate from the fame root with either
Gr. as he himfclf bas lhewn in the art. ]qua- SHAVE, er SCRAPE; i. c. raking tbe dirt
lidus. to_~etber.
SCA'I'ES, "f:yx•Vle•<,flapes ferreta, 1nucroni- SCEAD; "fhade,jhadovv: Verft."-whocould
bus confixus, quo utuncur, qui glaciem lubricam not fee that his Sax. j cead was evidently derived
calcant :" Skinn. fro1n Adr. Jun.-afcer which he a :t.,.., umbra; a jhade, or jhadow.
adds',' " Fr. Jun. deAecr. a I•ul•{•"• quod Hdych. SCEAP }" jheep }Sax.:
exp. Av.•7•{"" cjui a ob affidoam, et vehementcrn SCEAPA-FALD jhup:fold Verft."-
crurom agitati onem, nihil aliud qua1n talcitrare SCEAPA-HEARD jheep-beard all Gr• .
videntur :"-but my edition of Jun. gives me SCEA\ VE l" to behold, or jhew · l
no fucb <}~riv. :- Lye indeed has introduced the SCEAWE-STOVv' S a 1beatrt, or jht'1J'U-plau'}.
word 'Jc-ates, qure lie paraphrallice defcribic Sax. : Verft."-both G r_ :
Ainfw. doCl:ilf. lexicogr. ferrea injlrumtnla talteis ~CEFl', "Jhaft, or arrow; Sax.: Verft."-but
alliga1a;- ad c11rfum per glacinn apta: mallem SHAFT is G r.
tan1 en, contilllles Skinn. deducere a Belg.-bu c- SCEMMEL: "Sax. p:camul, rc:t!mol; / cam-
. tho' che Greeks certainly were not acquainted 1111111; uncle vox hodierna /hamb!ts: occurrit et
'With the ufc of fcalts; yet there can be no iin- apud Latinos aliquoties jta111ell!l1n, pro ftabel!um 1
propriety.' in deducing · the .etyfn. of thofc ma- et faamillus apud Apulcium, cc Vi truviu1n: Ray -!'
chin~ f rom 't he Gr. only they feem to be . -but SHAMBLES are Gr.
derived fror,n a diirerent fource, co what any of SCEND l" burl, impaJ•red; wee yet vfc the
thefe gendenl<'n have gi.verr us; they have how-. · -. SGENDUD J wo1Jrdfoen1, for blam:, or rebult.~:
ever poin1e1t it out; for Skinn. fays, " -jcates a Vcr!l:."- but SHE.NT is·Gr_
Cimbr. fayd ;"-this feems to originate from the SCENE,",,;.,,., a tent, or pavi/iqa: Nug."~

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'S c '! "c
'.it Is tnie, we may der!Ye ft111a; and fu11r, a It/la; a qlio Belg. J~Nttl, vel Jtbttlltl i
J:••••: but even the root of that root fecms to be ' nomini; pra:buit, quOd Jtuttllo olim ctfet qu3-
·Xx•"• umbra; tt jhaJe 1 (or, as Vomus obf~. drata, et obtonga; coque /nili•formis : VolJ: " -
" i:.,•• v.1lgo deducitur i :i:..... rmibrtt; quia fu11a a weaver's/cblttt/; 01'1 as it is commonly written,
propric ell umbroml""'• fru 1abtr11ac•l11m: verum jbuJtk 1 fo ·ca'Hed fron1 being like a jhield: Skinn.
Bibliandcr, lndicc in Marcum, vult elf~ ab Hebr. .d erives it l 1'cut. ftbrttttl'i11, 'l""'"';
which look&
fchachan, quod dt bobitart: plura de etymo, as if he intended it lhould come from the fame
·tu1n de re ipfa diximus io theatrum :"-and there root witti SHAKE; Gr. : and from hence is like-
he has dorermined for :i:....," apud antiquos enim wife <krived lbt fcb11ttl-co&J,; it being like the
theatri f«na parierc111 non habuit, fed de fron- weave.t '$ ft:hultl, in atlio11 not in lbnpe; i. e. con.
clibus umbracula, ••• .,.;;, I"'"'• qu~rebanc :" the 'tinually working c-o and fro.
fc:1rrs of a theatre, behind which rhe altors are . SCl"A·GRAPHY, I""''l'e%~"'" ttd!imbrata tlt-
bzdden, or Jhaded from the eyes of the fpt'Ctators. ' ftriplio; the art of jb11Jqws, or tlialli11~ : alfo in
SCENT; written thus only fo~ diftinltion~s archlteChire, Jbt tira11tht ef a building,"cue in its
fak~; but ought to. be ft11t, a Iu"7'~'" r u..11w, length and breadth · to fhew che in".de: R . I"'"'•
fensw, ft1rf11s ; to perct1'1Jt; any fragrance th at caulcs umbra. .
a 1n-ceptw~. . . . . ·sCIA-MAC:f-IY, r.,., .,..~x.•"'' """' umbra p11g-
SCEP1 IC, Ixur1"''• fctpttcui'. qm Jifquz,.~re, no 1 to .fight with jhadows; the raijing imaginary
ti conjiderart fol.ti; a Jearcher 11110 phti&fopbu~I difficultits only in crder Jo fol':Jt toem ; at which
fub1 etls: R. r..,.,7,~"''•.fpeculor ; ajptculatzvt noble art, none was n1ore expert than Butler' s
loftpher, who n1amta105 t hat there 1s .nothing hero; for
·cer~ai n, no .real knowli:d~; but that. all JS doubt, · I-Ie could raifc fcruples dark and nice,
• ant: pt1·p!tx:ty :-'COn1fortablc arqu1fi11on ! . to tell And after, foive them in a trice:
· a lc2rncd man'. that all his knowledge ts, that As jf divinity had cacch'd
he knows 001hrng. The icch on purpofe to be fcr.u ch'<l;
. SC£.PT~E, ", :i:x~:;1r'" /aptr1tm: R. I ..... .1.,, Or like a mountebank, did wound
~11/or, mct1ttwo : Nug. -It!! of H~brew ongm. And ftab herfelf with doubts profound,
. SCHAFT, or rather S\.., or SKAFT, com- Only to fhew with how finall pain
·m?nly wi:i~t~n, and pron_ounced the Jhaf.' •/ a The fores of fait h are c ur'd again;
-m111t, fi~nrfy1 ng tht bolt, 'J!'P'• or well, thro which Al tho' by woful proof we find
they dc.cend mto the mme I i l:xa•1"• fod10; I~ They always leave a fear behind.
1/tg; undc Belg. Jcbn.ft, and Jcbacbl ; pv1e111 rct Part J. Clnto i. 16 :
' t11ttnllfr,,-; the pti.fJ~4' ~· d<fu11d by. . R. !x•~, umbra; a jhatlow; and ~r"-X'I''"• pugnq;
. SC_HEDULE, ~-x;•ct•, fchtdula; properly It to fight; jhadow-.fightill[!; mighty ncthingi.
t5 .a i~all piece_ of paper, or memorandum book, SCIAT ICA; roperly 'chialica "•b 1.-, ,..,
· . · 011t wntes extempore
f · whatever
R ~ occurs to , . · Jht btr
, ,·xe11111x '~ ;p a lov·
,...:c1esJ 'of ti. ie. 'go u t , or rXbcu-
"xtbe1r, rnmd ~
, b' ·o not1ce
,. .,
:d . Ex•''"
prtpt ,.1 mac1c
• .'
d1fordcr • b ,·
10 t e mp;:
R • J,,x;•r, lum1J11s . ; tbe
.... 1 11~4 w,tDlJ/Jllt tlttrrtO-fJt ,.,an tna l/Tr'lf. ug. ,_ . N ..
....... ,,
- .1 JJJJ''' · i ug
SCI:-JEME; "::X'<I""• Jcbrma; fpetitJ,form, or · ', . .
.fit, ur<; ic be:1rs fevera: other fenfcs ; as a Jchtmt,. SCIENCE, ~""'·""'• vel k><w, by .t ranfpouuon
•<>r· method of life ; " J chtme, or flrategtm: R. rxrw, I••"• Jc~~·f"tnt1a ; a lc:n°"!ltdge of tbt~gs.
or ""X"" ut ad vcrbum nutat ha/Jit11111: Volf." SCIN [ ILLATION; :i:,, ..~•eJnutdla; a/par/c:;.
SCBISM, "lr..'"I'·"'> jciJJurn; " div ifi•n : R. jlritlur.e; rtd b.1 p:ur.s of 11011, flymg off al th1
~'X.'~"" j tin:lo; to di,.,i dt: Nug."-o Jtparation in jJrolc:r •f tbe hammtr. .
mailers ef rdigion . · SCION ; !-x.•?w!J"11do! fint!o; to clta'Vt lljulf'-
. SCHOLAR (" l:r.,•~•, jcbola, ctium: Nug." dtr;. a yot1ng. graft, or fµri,g, ta~ca from a,ny utt,
SCl10l.I Ul'vlJ :-Cid. \Vay. •P, and Voe. and 1nf<rttd into a cleft, m adeu1 another: jurr•-
. 49, n, fa~, that " the anti~llt word for jch1lar lits, il'jitun,, taltol~. .. .. .
'(whence ·likcwife the Runic word Jca!d, or jkald, SCIRROUS'. l:x1pp0<! callofa dwzlus i Jarrll.J;
for jd;,/t>r, bard, or .f11gt) was ca/ler:" -whicb a burdjwell1nguz t~jlc111. ; k1rolly. . ,..
· .lignifies a pcrfon educated in the al, cal, i>al, or SCISSA:RS, I~·e.,,ftrndb ; lo tut; cli~, or .a1:
bail: coo!cqucntly Gr. ab Au1.-·., au!-11 ;. •ball, flith: Junius writes It cift>t~ ;. and derives 11 a
ot rcliege. t.eio, vel rid~, rif11m; but ma.t 1s 11ot eoo(onnable
SCHUTE-L 1" ,;,.1,., pellis,jc11t#111; nam to the common orthogr.
SCHUTEL-r~rk S ft11i• pri1mm1 c ptltib111 .fie. SCOF!', '':!:.....?..,per(. E,,..,,.: Cafaub. ~
·, bane : afc11i1tm ell / <.111ula; ct cejus di1riln\1t. f•u· Upt.''-Aor. 1. .E.....,,e~, Zonaras.> u.
• P·~

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p. 36, t(lfJi/lor, Ji!ltriiJ '111rutil1fU irrid#o; to ,.,.a,, t•NI•• nit...,."' ex Jocq. eni1n editioci, .C!ujuf•
.modi funt rqu, coaunode hec11la.m1Jr : i .....v.•<•
fwer "'• '"'"''• thridt. . , .
SCOLD; "Af"'Jt-"'"'•.J1lm, '' iluk i 11iigtJM:i, ....i,w~ 'rff'f,, ,; r'1e«1 ft UfllffK~ 4f'·' .'°
U'• ~O;TR•
"'V'' ferre-: Upt.u-10. yit:rH, 1.k:1 U#ifa; and Ta ··~· von: Ct Hdych."-a rock, <_>r emi-
1bt11 la rt11t, a•J tbitk. nence, from which we have the greater profpt.i !:
SCOLOP ; I••-"•>I-. f/11/hu r~aC11J111, Jllliis; a R, .Ix1r1•1'•» vrl :i:....,.,, vidt1 ; to '40/t ro1111d,
1rn11ttd fi•lct; alfo ~ jbd/ fifh; with. very lharp· SCORBUTIC, " :i;.,...7,., ftalpo, ftabi"• fc11<-
paints : Junius, u~er the art. fillll~, deriv~ it l1111t1S 1 quO<.I importunus ille fcabiofarum partium
a tx-.Mu, f•tlio, difrullrJlo 1 Md rhen refers us to pruritus n1ire· gaudeat unguibus f-4frt1ri: Jun.
J(Dl/11p, which .h e has derived a l:••.\•r1,.., quod under ~he art. fa•bb; but under .the art. ftorbir,
Heiych_. exp. ••1•.\.\"~' ••-""""• l'lltlltrt~ hittr~rt; he fci:ms to in.d ine rath.e r to a Sax. etyn1. milii
extremaaces emm ilhus coocbai funt 1nzquales, non difplicet derivare a Sax. fCCOJlFtan 1 rodrr1,
et l;icerre, et vduti pt!Ji11alt1; i. e. unde pttltn 111a11dert 1 quod in morbum i!tun1 edtJctm opti1ne
pijci1 a.ppdlatur :-our words jcolop-}htli, and 10 quadrat :"-an.d under tbe 3rt.jt«r·vy h~ abi.Jes
Jcolop, or j/01111/e any thing, con.vey the idea of by thislattercleriv.-but SCURF, or SC(JRV¥,
1111duf11ti11g, or wa'IJiug; not of crm1/Jing. ~o~ .
SCOLOPENDRA, " T.xo>.pn.lea,jt1f~pt1tdr11; SCORCH; " Fr. Gall. tfeortbtr, Ital. jcarti-
an herb ; and alfo a ma11J J oo/Id, from <art ; L .a t. e:rcortfrare; i. e. (f)rlit< t .Xutrt, quia
t he refembJancc to which, the hc:.tb has taken its fc. cuti1, qua: efi quafi tortcx parcis, ultulata d<:<-
nam.e : Nug,'' cidit : Skinn. and Ly~ :"-they ougJ1t now. to
SCONCE; all our erymol. a!Jow, that the have traced the word cortt> < up to ics c.-;r, orig. :!,S
feveral Northern words from which they would we.have alreadr feen under.the arc. COIUER: Gr,
derive our word fcona, fignify m1111imtnlMltl, pro- SCORDION, commonly y;riucn fcord;um.;
p11gn!lc11lum; but noae of them fee1n to have I~oe/,,,., ftqrdion; air<> -r¥ ~XAe~1-, ex allio, cujl1s
conlidcrcd, that even in chat icnf., it may be no odoten1 refer·t; et· acrimonia1u ; an herb called
~nore than an abbreviation of the verb aijcondo; water t!rmandtr; which 1tfcmbles garlie ii;i flavor,
lo t>if<011ct, lo eci1&eal, lo gtt hthi11d any forlifica- and pungency.
tioJJ, i11 order lo /krten cbe•n li:lves from the light, SCORE; " Kttew,fci1zdo, origincm pra-
and weapons o(the enemy ; and according!)! nlay e.ul 'Cimbri naxcre, fays Jun." but Skinn. has
take either 1he fame deriv. wirh ABS · CON D; 1nore properly derived it a Lat. excori11re, and
or orlgir1ate a r.)(.~x,W, .ad111nbr11, um.!Jrt1 opatd ttgo ; chere he bas ftoppcd ; but under che ar£. CORl-
I~ jhadt, co'vtr-, ar cq11teal. ER, we have feen it is Gr.
SCONCE, or jktdl : " Belg. febantf<; Teut. SCOR IA; l:•we, fttrcu1; quali fi t ftrri fttrcK1';
fa·ha11tz; Dan. fta11tze; prop1,g11ac11iu111 : fecu11dariO drofa, or rtfuf< •/ me/al, afler h1Wi11g bu11111d1td.
aucern ,·aput ddignac; quia capµ1 inftar propug- SCORN: Skinri, has given us a longer art.
s aadi, rcl iquo corpore . fuperius efl:: Skinn."- thal) ufual ; which I Oiall not q uo.I(; but attend
c o nfeq uently derived from the foregoing root: rather to Cafaub. and Ju n, who have d.eri~·ed
.ic is . in cbis laner fcnfe that Sbakcfpear has ufed fcor11 i l:xwe, fttrciu, olt1um; to treat any perfon
t his word in the grave-digging fcene in 1-laml<t, like dirt; oi;. as it· were, throw tlirt at him; j, c.
a c1 v. fc, 1 ; who, on feeing the down throw up treat him with &onumpt. . •
a fccond. lkull, fays, · SCORPION: " l:K•f"'••r, ftorpi111, or ftorpio .:
f.la111. 1'here's another I why may not. that be N ug. ,._,..«f• .,., Ixai:w, •e"''" (.quafi t.x11~..,..,».)
the fkull of a lawyer? where be his quod oblique reptet: vcl "«f" T~ l:xorr•{H• T.. ••r,
quiddets no\\' 1 his quillets? his cafes, quOd j11t11/11111, five 'lltnt#Um jp11rga1: Volf."-
h is tenures, and his tricks ? why does therc is no gueffing what could induce Cooper in
be fuffcr this rude knave now to knotk )1is Thcfaurus, L itt. Ainfw's, quarto, and Morel's .
hi1n about tbt f~tt11ce with ~dirty lhovd, qvarto editions, to aifcrr, as they do, that tbt
aud wiJI not tell him of his action of 'corpio11 is a creature: having SEVEN ftet; where-
. b•.ttcry? as all naturalifts inform us, it has EIGflT;
• SCOOP : th~re •l}igbt have be¢11 no (c1·11ple nu t!(eature having been made with an odd leg :
in deriving this word a I.x" .. .1~, foaip 1 Jo dig, or ~ wicbfi·vt legs, and a dog wicbji."t1t11, wou.l d
'''~"k" bol/pw; if l~yc, in hi~ Addenda,, h~d n6t be t"!O very <xtrao!idinat y animals indeed : at
.givep us a1101her deriv. which mull be refoued to 6.rl\ therefore 1 thought that /even mufl: have: been
th~ Sax. Alpb. fu1ne mifiakc in the p.rtlS for f<'"~n·at: .but on
SCOPF;, l;x•..~>1, .I.~11r1tJ''!'•· vidt•, fpuMlor; a confulting 1he folio edition of Ainfw. it gives me
'Virw, tr.d, or d<fig11. •. . gfcat pli:afwc to. CJ1C\tlpatc that learn~d le~ii:o­
~<;Qe;ULOUS, "I«T•>·•<,ffopuluJ; o1••"•1r.Jmor graphcr from the fo1mcr cgregioua error; for in
5 ·' t hat

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t N.

··t.h at .e dition it is printed ch us :-Jt·orpio11, a vene~ op.i nion, .t hat ":frout is but a vulgar contr:ifrion
mousanin1al, that ftriketh with its tajl,.i n which arc of jeek -oNt formed into a fubll:antive :"-bur w~
ft'IJtJI joi11tS' _. buc in all t he other diet ionaries abo·v e flu.II fee pilckrid)l that even. then ic wou.l d be Gr.
quoted, from Cooper to l\1orel, we find that chcr SC~AG,. ".nefcio . a· Belg. ftragb1; ful~
fcorpion hashadfe--::enfett; an error, which hasbcen crum, tibictn, trapnopborum, filbex menfarius:
faithfully copied, and implicitly tranfmicted fro1n Skinn."-but how this .anfwers co. a. k a11 /<rag;
one to che other, for above two hundred vears. 'llir flrigefus, va/de mactl111t11s, monogrammus; as
SCOT-land, "is but a variation," fays Cid. . che Dr. hirt)fclf explai ns ir, would! be impoffiblc
Voe. 204, n, '"of Scuit, the fame. as s~ytl;,t; a for me, to fay; and<.therefore lhould · rather fu~
general name for the people 9f the North, · Or poft1,. that /crag .was . only another dialect for
nearelt to the arctic circle :" confequently Gr. : crag, traggJ ; which is Gr.
!Ce SCYTHIANS : -Scrabo tells us, ~h,ar :!:.~.~;, 8<'.; RAMBLE: though . all our uymol. and
Sac.£ funt Stythdl ; vttufti flima autem Scytharu111 diet._ make no di!linccion becweeo jcramble, and
fedes circa Araxo11: or, perhaps Scotia may be d.c- f<'a111bfe .; yet cuftQm- has: for we generall y apply
rived~ Ixo71a, vel l:•o70<, te11ebr.o; darknef s, g!o&mi~ /"'amble to 11 fcujjle; and.Jcamble to an au.<-ward
tuft ; as fome allinn ; though the former deriva-, jhu/jling gait: however they feem to point out
tion feems more probable. the difference in chcir deriv. : we have already
SCOTOMY, I"1"'1-'"• jrotoma; a giddi11ejs : feen thatjcamble originates i\. !:xa,v.{1•;: and no w
R. !:xo1o,, 11'11ebrd!, ·dai·kneft. we lhall fee that jcrambld takes a different ori-
SCOUL; l:xuM.,, vexo; lo be ve.<'d; look gin: "ca:rcrum fi vociset ymon fpeClecur,"fays Jon .
. grim, moroje: Skinn. derives it a l:xo;.,, H, obliquus; '"quicq uid ob .vilicarem canibus obj icitu r, aut
q. d: Ixo1..., {3>.' """ oblilj{Jltm; i. e. /imis oculis canibus com~cit, id proprie l:x u{3o:;,o, ell ; quafi
.i111ueri; to lcclc rttort, afu111ce. K""" (:laM•," '' ": ex hoc ufu vocabuli, nullus
SCOUNDREL : "vela Teut. et Belg.jcba11dt; dubito quin ortum traxerit to j camble ( tfl jcram-
.ignominia; q. d. vir ig110111iniefus, infamis : (-and. -ble) quad de canibus proprie dicicur, objectas
then ic feems to come from l:x«>la->.o>, 11Jcandakus olfas avide, et cu1n mutuo conffifru, di ripier.tibus.
perfon) vel fi Jl)avis, ab Ira! . ftondaruolo ; qui SCRAMl\1ED-ha11d: "1"1arc. iii. 3;EE•e«,","""'
fc. pr"' animi viii rate e.t cO.nfcicnlia fcelerun1 /att- .~, X"e"• a withtred ba11d; ~ X"e o:v7• "' E•f""
bras qurerit: hoc ab !cal. ftc11dcre; 11bfcondtrt: Luc. 66. (it lhould have been vi. 6.) hence to
Skinn."-who fddo111 travels beyond the Lat.- fear; (or rather Jere ) in the Weftcrn par.ts they
. bur'we have fccn that ABSCOND is Gr. fay, /crammed: U pc. "-chis is evidently a dif-
SCOUR, or dean; Belg. jcbuyeren; f.eces Ii- ferenc dialeCl: for EE"f"'l-'I'""• ii .=-,~"""'• a ;;;:,.,1,
IJuidas 1xctr11tre: fdiciffime alludit Gr. ·;i:.,.,e, S:••e"• 11rid11s,jiccus; dritd 11p, and withtrtd. '
fierc11s : Skinn."-what partiality has the Dr. SCRANCf-1 : " Btlg. jchrantftn; Cafaub.
here !hewn! he could find that the barbarous orig. traxilli: pucat ex Ke~>1•e•r. dunes gtnuini, vtl was the orig inal word ofj co!lr; and rnaxillaru; indecore edcre, lacerando, auc con-
chat the Gr. was only an allufion ! cerendo, helluonu1u inil:ar: Jun."-we ufo ic in
SCOUR, or rzm away : I- ye, in his Adden- che fenfe of dentcs fre"dcre ; to grind, or g11a/h
.da, fuppofes this word is derived "ajJ.:oraft umu m ; with the tuth ; to crrrjb airy tbi11g with a d!fngruabl•
Verelio in e.~poni tur defugert, aufugtrc :"- 11o!ft Uttween the ttnb: ic feems to be only :t dif-
·pcrhaps ic i$ nothing more tlran a various dialea ferent d ialeCl of CRASH : -Gr. •
of curro, atJjuJ ; as when we fay bttrry-fau rry : if SCR APE \:i:'""'1"• qm1fi1 l:xe'"'7"', fodio-; fq
fo, its et)!Jnology 1nay be found in the art, SCRAPS d~~witb 1bt 11ttils : vcl a"X...eai1w,
COURSE : G r. SCRATCf I fculpo, impri1110: Cafaub."-or
SCOURGE, Ix"1o;,j:;aica; ffagrrtm; a wbip, SCRAWL limply fro1n ·r•.-~.,, ; ro
lajh. or 1bo11g. . toueh lightly: or, laf1ly, frotl) re"~"'·farlpo,Jct·i5o:
SCOUT; - Ax•.,, ,\ur•H artdiror 1 a lifttntr; a SCRAT : " Sax. rcprn:a ; bennaphroditvs, 1111-
pcrfon fcnt out to l>earkell for the enemy, and dragynos; fignificat quoquejrurram, item et d.t-
gain Intelligence : -to which lee me add from mo11e111; unde forralfe," fays Lye, "apud nolhates
J uni us, poftcrio ribus ncmpe Grrecis, ab au/cul- modus loquendi non inufiranisjhe is a merejcrat:"
tm1do d ifci font I••i<1«7wer<. quafi aµJe11it11toreJ; -if we are co allow Skinn's. ddinition, this wort!
ec Ixa1'1"'• auali a11J(llft.e; atque inde jeo11/s :- is Gr.; for t hus the Dr. defines ic: "dlcitur
true ;-bu t 1i••., is the o~iginal root :-we like, autem/~al refpeClu -men1bri mi>lieris, quod par-
wife make ufe of the word /<~tit in che fenfe of vum, h!fJar lined: unguibuJ, ve/ aeiculJ. dutl.r,
j frering, o r jecri11g a~ a perfon : ~ut then ic fe~1ns babec :"-and if lo, then i't originates from the
co cake anochcr dcnv.-Clel. voc. 20+, n, is of foregoing arc.

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s c. From G ~ t ! tt, ind LA T 1 N ..
- .. . '
SCREAK 1Kf'""'' Jom1111 moltflum, el odiefum SCRYN, "ajhryne; a· chtfl, or refer : Verft."
SCREAM edo i lo make a trolf.blefome, df/- but SHRJN·E is Gr. ' .
SCREECH ngreeaole naife: "vcl a Xe114..?01•"" SCUD awa)'; r,,.,,, cico; unde ci11u, dto : u ndo
'Xe•l"r.1•• : unde Xe•14•(, comici fenis nomen ; quia Suec. Jktttta ; lceland.-Jkiotla; propert1re ; t~ hajJJ
f~nes multumjc.-eare folent : Voff."-a phthificy away,jcud away, and be gone: fee SCA'I'ES: Gr.
old gentle1nan tro11bled with a cough. SC UFFLE : " -r7u~•»•?.,, ddurbo, .dtpdlfJ ;
SCRB\V: " Ga.II. efr:rove; Belg. J chroeve, rlu~<Ai6f'•~. c11111 quis i11jurioft loco fuo dt'turba/ur :
Suec.. jkruf: Lye :"-it is a wonder this gentle- Cafaub."-to p11jh "11) one' rudely abo11/; to fiju cb-
man did not take notice, that Skinn. had gone ble, or Wl'fl11g!e. · - ·
dome.t hing farther; " fed·u nde, inq11ics, Fr. Gall. SCUG: " ·sax. rcna; 1m1bra: Ray :"-there
efcrwe? credo. ab ex, et roue ; rota; quia fc. never could have been a more vifible der>v. rhan
inftar role circumvolvitur :"-how could he !top that ei ther r cua is derived a r . ..., or:!:'"" from
,here, and n.ot afk himfelt: Jed u.nde rota ?-ccrte fCUa ; umbra; a jhadow, Or jhadt .
a ·p.Q,.,; roto, •rotare :-and confcquently this ·Fr.- SCULi~, 6~ jbonls of jijh : " Sax. rceole ;
Gall.-Bel!?.-Teut.-Sued .• Eogl. ·word is Gr. c;vtus, 111ttltit11do : vel forte ii Fr. Gall. c1ii'i!ier ;
SCRIBE , } Ital . cogliere; colligere ; q. d. colletlio'; ·fed prius
SCRIP1.URE re"''"' Jeri/Jo; 10 write. longe pra:fero; fays Skinn."-hecaufc it was 'Sax.
SCRIVENER and not either Gr. or Lat..:_but we fhould have
SCRJMBRE, " or fcirmln·e; a fenfer ; Jdri- been very much obliged to the D r. if he ' had
mung; fimfing, (If' defending: o ur woord jcirmifo, pointed ou t chis long? pra:fero; they fecm all to
or, as it is fometin1cs called,fari111111ige, which we be derived ii. c'olligo, compoun'ded of co11, and
pauc from . the F rench, cometh- originally hcer- kgo; wh ich is icfelf defcended a Aty": nam pro-
hence: Verlt."-cometh originally fron1 the Gr, prie Ary:;, elt :!:••«')'• » col!igo ; to co/led, or gathtr
as we lhall fee under SKIRMISI-1: Gr. together. Milton bas finely introduced this word,
SCRl1'CH, Kf'S"• ftrido r to 111alce a Jbrill where, fpeaking of the creation of jifo, he fays,
1l.o ife. Forthwith the founds, and feas, each creek
. SCROFULOUS 1" I"f'l"t"'' ~, .-"""""' :!:xeo- and bay
SCROPHULOUS S , ,., .,.....,: ""' ;, fe•I"~'< : \Vith fry innumerable fwarin 1 and lhoals
I-Ielych .Jcrofa, j ct·•f ula; q uia gaudeat/crobcs fa- Offilh, th at their fins, and fhining fcales
cerc: If. Voff."-an old/ow, who loves to del'Ve Glide under the g r('en wave, in Jcttlls that oft
wiLb her fnout, and make furrows, or trenches in Bank the mid-fea.- - - - -- -
quelt of food : al(o the king's evil ; or wen in the P;ir. L olt, B. vii. 399:
throat, coQ)rnonly known by the name of the SCULLER: " F r. Gall. e/ctlelle; Lat. fcutu la
ljUinfy, o r ftfuinanfy, to which {wine are fubje&. meefaria ; o b limilit11dincn1 quandam fcutul"', :
SCRO'I'UM, · l:xu1o<, Ixu11.,v, Jcorteum, feu Sk1nn."-he would not ·t cll us, t hat Jcutula, as.
jqplum ;, i .. e. pelliceum ; a fain, or leatber-/Jag. he writes it, or rather fqta!n , or jtj'tt1!t, as· it
SCRUB, :!:xu{la.)..o>, Ji111us, reJ.tfla111entum; quic- fl1ould be ~ritten, is ,derived a 'Lzv1<>A•,' pro bacu/o;
quid ob vilitate~n canibus O~Jicicur : any lcind of properly a ge11er11rs batoon; but here uled to 'fig-:
refuje, or drefs : and here ufed co ftgnifr the vile}
of tbe rabble; the /cum •f the earth.
nify an. oar; as · when we often hi:ar,. fct1llers !'
oars! lcullcrs ! o ars,! .
SCR U PLE, :!:xae•» q uod idem ac n )..•eov::vel ·SCULLERY l" 'I:•u7•;, pd/is ; the fti11; undc
a :!:"'f''• feu· ·'L••pp«, callofa d11rities ; jcrupus; a SCULl,fON 5fautum; a foitld ; namfi11t1i pri-
tio11btfal, difficult, or, 'as we fay, a lmclly que;1io11, mum. e pellibus fiebant; a;cr1111111 ell: (cute/la.; "
pr jubjefl : an expreffion t aken fro1n a liflle jharp difh',•; or ptn1ter : 'Voll'." i. e. " 'jc'111e!larm", et,
fl one i11 the jhoe, which caufes a dijfic1rlty in i!lalking. t·flciflea~.fUm ../O't6t:: ~kf111i: "-;-a t!ifi!-wa}h~r. ;. !ttlO. the
, SCRUTINY; " f'gu1, ; j cr;11a; s appofitum p.lacdwfd,..e..t!ljbe,< anti puts m't deprf;r~'.!/ !"-'-Ly.e , in'
more lEolum, qui d icunt pro ,,:J,, ,.,..:;, : pro t':"-e•r. , h ~s Ad!!~nda, dcri,·es /c111/fo11 "ab I-libern,/.ifl!il/c :
. cr}"••e«: intelligcnda vafa vi/ia, ·cujufi1lodi fri- verum dbbito' an , non · reftius derivari pQffir >.
voln, et dicebantur: a·fcr11tis non difplicct ut Suec.fa11/or; fordts; ('Ujus radix in Goth, ffiaift1<-
fit Jcr11tor, f crt1lllfor' ita fr:ruiari proprie lit e ' ;,,,. ; fpttlum, fe o,ftendi·lle videtur :"-it would be
ruderibus aut locis, in qure veceramenta reji - needJtfs.'to inquire in to J he o'rigi n o f Jpaijkuln.r :'
c;iuncur cruere qureda1n fcrttttt, frivotaque 11!ui buc.chc Hib~rr,i<\n 'fquit/e .is an e"ldent dcVit.tion'
acco1n 1nodata: Yolf."-co look, and ·to · pry. of ftiuali'il:u·; and 'confequencly Gr: ,
:imo noo old garmtnls,fripper)', trumpery ;1uff, almo lt . SCULPTURE, r>.uf.., ft11lpo, Jc:dptur11; e11-
and ycc Jometi1ncs •
r<'quijitt, . and gra.ving. ·
fought tifter. SCUM, n1u., , /puo,jpuma; f vme, f rotb.

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's c From Gtt· EEKr and LATI!f. s E
SCURF-; " K«ff>'<• pa!ea, fejluca ; x«f~"'• 1nent about it fpirally; ·and then writing their
•"'t'"'"'•ftuu, r.refatio; et ""f~"• H cfychio f•eu7o,, co1nmands; which none but the general himfclf
. quifquili:c aridre i Cafaub." vd /turf il :Ex..?f1w, could read, by folding it in the fame nlanner
"'"".."'• quafi """~'» Jcabu, j cabies ; a fo11lr.if1 011 about hisftajf, or lru11&hton, which was of equal
lbe jkin. fize with that at home :-at nihil habet cum corio
SCURRILOUS, " :E""f• ;2ercus; vel a K•or•c,>, commune (concinues VoO:) cum fumitur pro
ct K'"f"'" diClus ii K•,,.e•r, undc K•..f•1'•y•<• q~ia baculo; qu;e altera vocis ejus Iignificatio eft.
de ftercort, five rebus fordidis, ct obfccenis fermo SCY'fHE; " five Gr:rca vox eft x.u&, pri-
ci efle folcat: fed conltat o li m jcurr~s di&os, 1nitiis," fays Cafaub. 397 ; " fi ve Scythica 1 quin
tum qui jocularihus dictis menfas diti<irum aui:u- altera ab altera pr9Buxerit, ego. vi~ dubiro ; nam
parentur, tum etiam ho1nines urbanos, et ·ele- et hodieque ftrro111 mejforirtm, five Jaktm, vocant
gances: VoO:"-buc we have ret.ained it in its Angli a fylbt :-as he writes it. ·
proper fenfe, fignifying ab11five,jcandalo11s. SCYTHIANS: Sammes, 4r9, lhews, from
• SCUT ; Kc.-1.,, ftindo ; to cut : " unde Sax. Grotius, that the So/lbians derived t heir name
cpy'o; Belg. "/tulle, p11de11tium mutitbre, cre11a, ftrt fromjcbitten, 10 jhoot; becaufe rhe:y were excellent
·i11cif11ra, ui nos dicin1us, the flit: Skinn." and archers :-now who knoweth not that rcj"ctan,
yet it poffibly may be Sax. in the Sax. tongue, £ignifieth to fh•oti"-then
SCU1'CH'D, commonly written, and pro- probably it is Gr.-" Scbit1e11 enim Anglo-Sax.
nounced Scotch-col/ops; but as the Scotch have rc~t"al\ idem ett q uod Latinis fagill11Yt ;" fays
riever been very famous in the arc of cookery, it Shering, i99, " Scythis opt ime convenit, qui
rnight be better to write it either fculch'd, -0r fupra reliquos periri erantjagittandi ·;"-and con-
fcolchl co/lops, .and then dcri~c rhe1n ii :E•vJ.xo" fequcntly, as he himfelf allows, ctyh1ologfa non
ft111ilu11;, u111u, marr/lm; quafi nihil lit nifi cucis, il Germanico, fed a Grreco fcrmoiie perenda eft 1
I""1•~. pelli1 ; collops, or Oices of •ny fort of ipfi Cflim G rreci hujus nominis erymologiam a
meat cut very tbin; as thin as. 1he fain. fua lingua petunt: Eultathius ad Dionyfiu1n,
SCUTCH!ON, 2:•v10<, pe!iis, ft" tum; namfcuta K~> It >.c'Yo,1a.' E>tu9a1 1 ,, "'""fa 'TJ rxv7"· r&
primum epdlib11s fiebant; 0 jbitld, whicll was for- "'•t•f3i{3>.'t~1.:&..i, " ra:.ell5. TO ~Kveia-Sai ~101 oeri~•l1'fa,..
merlv made of/kins, and adorned with fome device. •e'Y">.01 'Y"'e Ha-1> : fee ltkew1fe the art. S1I001' : Gr.
SCUTTLr'.; :i:• .u1of, ptllis ; unde jcutu111, fcu- SEA, or octan; 'A><r, Jal, /alum; tbt fta, the
ulla; a /malt jhitld; alfo a ba.Jkt t; and likewife fall Jea: or elfc, if we follow t he Belg. pronun-
- ~Ol!J. 9X grate; a11d from hence comes the ex- ciation, and call it lht :ua, or zu, it 1nay then
prcffion, to fcuttlt a jhip, to cut bola in her originate ii z,.,, ferueo, bullio; fq boil, or /11,b/J!e ;
bottom, in.order t o fink bc;:r. fro1n the continual t11olion and agitation of the fea
• " SCYLD, default, or debt}Verlt.: Sa.x .'' -, like thofe of a boiling ct11tl°i/r1J11 : from
SCYL DIGE, i11debttd thefe words ap- whence likcwiie the word SETHE: Gr.
peared fo truly Gothic, that it is no wonder this SEAL, or figmt : " rl•-rl'•• fig1111111 ; abjeClo 1 :
good Saxon miltook their origin,; which feems to vcl fuerit ab 'l;ir:•'<• vtfii~ium; fa:pe cnim fpiritus
have come from the fame fource with the word in s abit: F.i'..,., ab Ei~~.., unde 1....1,.,, apud
Sl-ll LLING; meaning any fmn of money : con- H efych. etfigil/11111 ab E•••>.••: Volf." - it would
fequently Gr. have given me great fatisfattion (as we already
, SCYLD-KN APP1\ lignifics, according to obfcrved under t ile art. ASSIGN) if any of thefe
Verft. 322, jbidd-knave, " the fead~r," fays he, words could have been found in Hefych. bear-
" is co note, chat knaue was never of our anc.e - ing tbe fenfe here intended·: /1 Jtal is cerr.ainly
ters -.:fed as a name of difgrace, but as of fome n_o thing more than an impreffion f•c-fimilar co
~ynd of feruant :"-let it have been vfed in what-. the engraving, and may perhaps be only a con- f~nfe it might, both Sf:UELD, and KNAV.E, tratlion of figi/!11111, i I1•YI'•• abjeCl:o 1, as Voffius
~re 'G r. obferved above.
SCYP 1.Jhip 1Vcrft.- but SHIP is· SEAM, Jal: both Jun. and Skina. acknow-
SCYP-ma11 Ja mariner undoubtedly Gr. ledge, that the . Northern words, figoifying
SCYTAl .f,, "1:.•u1,.;.,•,f'Ytala; a I•u7o,, .to· je61111J, are " omn1a concraCla a Lat. fagina :"-
ri11111 ; quia futcuio tereri 1nembrana obdu.ceba- crue ; but Jagi1ta is undoubtedly derived :l ,;,7,.,.,
t,\l,t: Voff.'' wbo Jikewife mentions other fignifi- a I•1•o:., ii l:•1", frugi6us jagi111; to /011111 with
cations : -a fmall round ftalf, ufed by ihe Lace" corn : ot elfe a :i:".....,, ;E,.71.,, Jagino ;, to fallen.
da:monians· for fending, privat.e orders to their SEAM, a mtefure; Iiy,...., onus j11nunti Jarci·
:generals; wrapping firft their paper or parch- narii, co11teries ftip•la: frumenti mcnfura -oCl:o

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S E J.'rom G 1l EE ic, and L ... 'I' r "· S E
modios continens; vitri quantitas 120 libras pon- is derived) it undoubtedly coines from K"leo5,
derans : a certain weight, or meafure containing lempus, occafi• ttmporis, ltmptjlas : the various
of corn, eight bulhcls; of glafs, 120 pounds; times, a11d Jeajons .cif the year.
and of wood, a horfe load. SEA"f, El'o1, fades ; a rhnir, or jlool: R. E~•-
SEAM, or. futur< l Skinn. after producing the 1"'"' fedeo ; lo fit d()W11.
SE1\.MSTRESS S Sax •.1'eut.andBelg. words, SEAX: it is fuppofed among the ctyn101. that
fays, " haic duo ultiroa Voffius deflecHt a z.,,...., our Saxon anceftors derived their name of Sa...011;,
z.,,.,,..,, cingo : mallem .i. verbo to few, or j()W ; from wearing this kihd of weapon, which feen1s
vet ,.,..,,..,,, Lat. ju"'41t, 11.f!ument•m, i juendo :" r-0 have been in the lhape of a T urki !h fciinirar;
-certainly t~is ought to be preferred, if the and which t hey called a jtax :...:...the Sqthians
Dr. had not !topped here ; but juendo a /110 is feem firft to have received the d enom ination of
probably derived from t he 'Gr.; as to SOW with Saxons about tbe time of Wodtn, who, according
thread: Gr. :-for, with Junius, under the art.Jeme, to Shering. p. 278, led the Afpurgians, a Scy-
as he w.ritcs it, we may fuppofe it rather ro be de- thian-Aliatic, or 'furlr.ijh people, ne ar the lake
rived from I"I''"" vel t;"I'"• by-tranfpolition/eam; Mreoris, about cnount 'l"aur11s, (unde '[a11rice,
jig11um divifio11is ; the marlr. of a joining ; which in- rontrafrcs:I to 'Tur<~) into Scandinavia; and thefe
deed appears to be the m ore probable deriv. people, it fecms, were called Saxons, fro1n the
SEARCH : neither J un. nor Skinn. have ad- / taxes, or the weapons they wore ; which name
vanced any farther in the erym. of this word, they acquired about the year 1094 before Cbrifl :
than the Fr. Gall. Ital. and L at. lang. ; for, hav- with regard to the weapons then1felves, Shering.
ing arrived at tircumcirca qu.erere, rircnre, vel p. 207, has told us they were derived " i
circuire, they have left us in poffcffion of char, as reax1r, \. e. inc11rois, etferrntis en.fibus, falcium,
,t he true erigin ; whereas circ11m is irfelf derived et c uhon1m remuli~, Saxonibus nomen d efe-
a K'f"''• circus, cirutlus; a circle; to hu11t ab11ttl. runt : - vocis orig inatio peti poteft, a rea"
SEASON with Jalt : there are two · different quod <ultrum lignificat ; quia ejufmodi ·
e tym. given of this word, and boch by Skinn. e'ifes, u t <ultri, ex alteri parte· acuta1n aciem
viz. "ii T eut.Jaltzen ; /afire>/ale co11dire : vide habebant, ex altera vero deorfum obtu-
fall : wpich-he then deri ves ab 'Ah<, .fa/; J olt :- fum, auc aliquando, inltar ferr:e, den-
r,he other is, fale munire contra tempejlfl1t1 anni, tatum ;" and defc ribcs it direcrly like
ut per totum anntnn, i.e. per 01111;es tt1i1pejlateJ a fickle reverfed, in this manner : -
incorruptum dur-are poC!h: vide Jeafon: Skinn." but if what \lcrft. fays be right, it feems rath~r to
- but t hen it derives from a fource wh ich, per- h~ve bet"n a dagger, or thort hanger, than a fword;
haps, th<" Dr. never imagined; as will be foe n in for tho', in p: z 1, he tells us, chat " this name
t-he following art. . of Sakoxs they vndoubcedly had of their vfe, and
SEASONS of tbe year: •ii the former art. wearing of a certaine k ynd of fwoord, or wea--
Skinn. refers us to this, which he fuppofes comes pon inuented and made bowing crooked; much
a Fr. Gall. Jaifon; !cal. f/agione ; l tmpeflns ; non afcer the faffion of a fythe, in ;mitati5 whereof it
Ut quidam vol unt ii. Lat. /11/io; fed ajlatio; q. d . Chould feem t o have tirft bin n1adc :''- yet, in
semporis jlatio :"-then it would have originated p. 1 30, in fpeaking of che mernorable maffacrc
ab I<'•;<• : hut very probably. chat is not the true of the Britons by the Saxons, a t an ente rtainn1ent
etym. which·feeros to cmne from a.different word, given them by Htngijl, on Salifbury plain (men-
according to the opinion of Hen. Stephens, as tioned in the preface) he fays ; "that the Saxons
quoted by Junius: " V\Jlgus, inquit, p ro litera r had each of them· fl Jrax, (a k ynd of crooked
io multis vocabulis pronontiat J; p ro F11rius, et knyf) clofely in his pocket; and that at tl1e
//aftrius ; Fuji11s et Valrji11; clixiffe : idem vu Igus watch woord 11em eowr jea.rrs, · which is take your
viciilirn in a Iiis vocabulis r pro J fonare; veluti je11xes, t~cy fuddainly, and at vnawares flew the
in cot1rin1 rairo11, J (1i1·01i, pro <01tjin, 1·a.ijfln, fnifon: Britans ;·~now, how t he S:rxons could wear their
in illo Jairon pro Jaifo11 videtu r concingere, ur Jeaxu, or /words d ofely in t heir pockets, is an
liogu a errans vcru,m dic'at ; narn c\rrn noftra voce article which depends on this good old gcntlc-
.fnifo11 G r. K"'f°' reprrefentare velimus (quod cerre 1nan to explain :- with reg ard, however, to the
J,,atini ram apto fac.cre vocabulo non polfunt) derivation of the' word Jeax, Cafaub. 330, fup-
ill i K"'f" vicinius effe Jair1m qoam .faf/011 faten- pofes it to be de-rived a :i:..r ..e•r: but in p. 3 96, 7 >
dmn ell :"-however, whether it be pronounced he fays, " fed five Grreca vox elt :i;.,9. primirus,
f 1iron, or Jaifon, (fro1n whence our word Jtajt 11 rive S<Jlbita~ quin alcera ab altcra (vel Jeax a
3 G 2 :i:.. ~••

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S E Froni GREEK, and LAT r !J, $ B
llxv&., vel Ixv&n ii jta.•) profiuxerit, ego vix du-· · fung by boys and girls, at the faeular plays, luii'
bico :", whichever of chefe two deriv. we juularts pro imperii Romani iricolunlicace : a·
follow; the word itfdf fetms to be of Per!ian, or j11hilte ft;1ivo.l, returning pmoditally: or elfe /•-
Scythian ext raction; derived co us through the cular 1na'y be derived ab 'ff>-•••,., 11a1, jeculum ;
Greek ; for Hutchinfon, in his firft index to Xe- with the fan1e applicncion .
. nophon, obfcrves, chat " Clariffimus Kelandus SECURE; "Exueo;,jecuros: Upt."-R. Exu-
pucat!a.ya~•>o idem effe cum Ca,,gar, vel Cbanzjar, """ munio, jirnUJ,jirmus :-though Hedcric feems
qure vox Pcrfis pugio-nem, velficam notat :"-and io rhiuk that the verb is derjved · from cite ad-
l:xu9" is fully evident of ir!elf; yet, let me · jult jeCl:ive ;-but a perfon cannot calJ hiinfelf juure,
mention .the probabiiicy of j t ax being d~rivecl ab till he has for.tijied himfelf, and (endered hi~
l';x.,,jeco; /q cul, Qr cboj ; and AE-""• ajcin.; a hatchet, calUe impregnable :-this, however, is but an.
or jword ; contraltec firll: to Jeg, or Jee-ax ; then imniacerial confideracion ; ic is 1nore maceri,.\ to.
tofe-ax; and at ]all: to Sags, Sa.•qn, or Saxons. fettle the deriv. of the word jecure: w)ier.+ier ic.
SE-CESSION; X<t{•" ado ; ,.."7."'""'• to re- be derived ab Ex.of~' · as Upton here fuppofes,
ll'tat, withdrnw; properly, it lignified a con1- and as Voffius likewifo imagines; or whether ic
1notion, or inlurreltion of the commons, when may not rather be conlpounded of fa pro. fine,
they departed from Rome, and relfred to fomc place and cura; as Voffius hinifelf acknowledges; and
i>f ll:rcogtb, till filch cin1e as they could obcain chen !le"• would be the o riginal root : "je pro
fomc law, or magill:race of their own chu!ing, &c. e,..,.," J:iys Priician (as Voff. allows under the
Cauffa, quod a patribus fumt is faceffiwat annis arc. jtor/11111) Gra:cil. pra:poOtione, kparaciva ell,
V.ulgus, et ipfa fuas Roma ci1n~bac opes. ut fe-cubo,Je-duco,fe-paro ; efr ccian1 abnegaciva>
· Fafii. lib. i. 643. ut fe·t11r111, i. e. ji11e-cura :"-lhould rh is be true.
SE· CLUDE ; K>·""'• d o11do,fedudo; to jhul out, chen chere fecn1s co be onl.y a plaufibility in de-
SECOND;_ " E"'!'"» quart equo11'.ai, Jequor, nitu1, firmtu, /u./tlS.
cum proiperum notat, \It resfttu11d,e ; cum ;1ucen1
numerun1 lignat, 'J.fuo: Volf."- b ur he fcerns co
negleCI: chis d ill:inclion afterwards ; for he fays,
riving ji!(tlrus ab EX."f'f• though. it ligrufics "'·" -·

lGal. f.eggio-,feggio!o; fella-

portatili.s : µtrumque a Lac.
SEDENTARY jttlile, JedtJ'e; q.. d. ftdm1a,,
" (;!eniql1e, utriique notione, Jec1t11dus videri pof- SEDI MENT Juliana : Skinn."- the Lat.
Iii 3.fe'luendo d ici; nam j ecu11dus ftquit ur pri- is the farthell: of the Dr's. refearches; not confi-
1num ; is next lo the firfl, becaufe ic follows chc dcring thacjedeo came ab E?o,"a.•··
firll: :"-but lo does che third che fecond. SEDGE; " Sax. fa!C;!; ; gladiolus ; Belg. fi!tk ;.
SECRET · }" Kf""• per metath. cerno,je- care.<: aftca 1uio;. qui.a Cc. facile Jetatur ;,vel putius.
SECRE1' ARY ctrno, jecretus: Volf."-ch is ab acutis fol iorum marginibus, qure-·coinp;imen-
is con1pounded of je, i. e. Jeo•Jum ; and cerno; tis n1arnun fecanl: Skinn-."-confequently Gr ..
which · is derived ii Ke""• to dijli11guijh, f tparatr, SED-ITION ; fa; i. e •. feosj11m, ja111 ab-
fd apart, retire in privait , Ex«<, procul, longe: et 'F.w, h/"• to; undefad-itio,.
SECT; E>"•I'••, .quaf1 rquomai, ftquor, Juulus, Jeorj111n-itio ; 11 faparati11g, r;etiring ;, and ca11fing:
J~i1us : ac ad etymon hoc allulit Cicero pro dejertion, or mutiny,
Fiacco ; q11ot1ifq11ijque efJ qui ha!lc in republicd SE· DUCTION 1 ft, Jeorju111 1 et"'"""' A1<x-
felt~1n Jequaiur ; ooe· who foli();l.vs a teacher of a '""'• duco; unde Jeduco, jedu.tria ; 111 lead ajide ;. ·
d ifferent opinion from che eltablifhed religion of /lad aj}ray ; beguiJe, deceive.
any place ·:-=and r e c ic may be derived from the SED ULOUS, E?o.u.ot.1,jedeo, ajjidu:u,ftdulus.;.·
foll6wing art. ' ab aj}idendo; one who fits confta.ntly in a jedcntu'l'
SECT l'ON; " Axw, feto; non qua lignifica- manner at his employrntl)t.
t iOl)C at; Ax..qe.. ,, eft meder; ; fed quatenus venit , SEE of a bijhop ; E?•1'4't failta ; the pa/a(<, or
ab A••• vel Ax.,, acits; aii edge, lo cut with; bijhop'J.jurtof rejiJence,
and then, what Vaffius has faid, undtr the art. SEE with t.he eyes; " 0tui"''" quali I<••I'"'•
ftt1,e, 1n:1y be applicable here . viz. fif<fl,e ell: a afpicjo ; facili ll)Utatione T .• e. ins:" fays Skino.
Jeco, fimplii:ius deducns ii facare ; q ui a feflis al ii -which, however, h.e ~as introduced w1rb his
ab aliisjt can/11r, ac r.hjti11dm1111r. uiual fufpiciou and j ealouf)' ; " Ii Grrecus ell<:m,
· SECULAR ; either fron1 che foregoing roor, dcAe&rem a e'""I'"'" :"'-but furdy he would
".'1Y.w,jt to,.(t&lum,jecuf11m ; ncmpe tra&us illc qu i not have cncercained rhac diffidence, if he had
ccrcis tempo!'Ull) pra::fcript io ni btis Jecabatv,r in only rcfleCl:ed, as Mr. Lye has done, that" omnia
part<'$> Von:·'-undc '~rmm j ccu!t1r.: ; a poem . m agnam h:1bent aflinitacem cu1n JE'ol. ,r,,,,I'•'•

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.S .
E From· G ll t 11 x, .and LA T 1 N. ·
.pro e ....,_.: lEoles-ccrte' videntur e. fie cliquilre . SEJvE, "l:....,, by tranfpoficion· <ito, qUJJt1o; I •
in pron.unti~ndo, atque ore b)a:fo ita extuliJf~, ut /hake, or rattle about :-but Cafaub. and Upt.
videretur poiius I: 'quam 0 fonare. are of opinion, thatfift originates a 1:,9.,, :i:.~... .
SEE-~AW, "'!'• """" by • tranfpofition, fuo dbare; (it ought to have been printed cribrareJ
fc"d, quafi je<trra ; f et-:faw, t he alHon of " to fift, bolt, or rang't flour :-however, the for-
orojs Jaw, ba<kwards and forwards : alfo the mo- 1uer deriv. teems to eiprefs the aaioo better: or.
tion of a ]wing. . el(e our wo.rdjieve rnay be rather deriv~d a:!':•f·"~•
, SEED, " L.-..ew , ~""'e"· ohjeCl:o .,., .faro : Ut a '.vacuus ; empt)' ; becaufe it retains nothing. .
lec1r'10Jl-lCJ) dan1n11111 ; axat*-?tVAo~, tamurtt,J aKu)(AJ11o/;
j . · SEL ·l" Sa:c ra:Ii 0,felix: Ray:"-but as fure
eocles : aftro, ftmen: Volf." Jud ..rn to jow. SELIG S asf t!ixis derived ab 'HA•~, et 'H><«•a.,
• SEED-L EAP}" Sax. p-eb-leap; qual11s fa· j11ventus, jalus, v igor; fo fure is p t:h 0 derived
· • SEED-L IB tor;uJ':" · fays Lye; " et fron1 ftlix ; of which it is evidently but a vari-
manifcfte corruptum ex feed, e t leap :.'' frorn out ous diale8:.
of which box, or ,balke;, the faed &orn leaps, or ' SE-LECT; E·~r-h•?'"' Jdigo; to <ht!fe, pfrJ:,
Jprings, during the action of fowing : but both or eull.
SEED, and LEAP, arc .Gr. ' however, _it may . SELENO-GRAPHY, '1:1h•"·'Ye"f>'~,Jele11ogra­
be very much doubted whether.. leap, and Jib here phia ; a map of the 111001! ; R. 1:17'"'"• {una; tbe
Jignifies to jpring, jkip, or jump out of the bafi<et; moo11 ; and fpa.'/Jw,j(ribo ; to difcribe the Jaee of
an? therefore, this )atrer part of the compound lht 111.!i OJl.
will be much better referred to the Sax. ,'\lph. SELERY; :i;,x.,•., Jeleri, vox nuper c1v1iate
SEEK; z.1,.,, q1t.cro; to loolc for,jearch, find out. nofhil donara, fays Skinn. q uibufdam exiitima-
SEEMLY J'ol""'-•r, jimilis ; like, pro- tu r ell.I! idem· cum Jm;.,-11io, feu hippoje!i110 nofrro,
SEEMS likely babk. vulgo ai/ijanders; meis autem oculis, llmul et
SEER, jeparare; " tbty art gone feer; palato, videcur parum, aut nibil di fl:erre a noflro·
faorjis, i. r. divcrfis viis abierunt: Raius ex fever apio offic inarum; aut eliojeli110, feu apio palitjlri;
contraCl:_um putat ; fed perpcram," fays Lye: vulgo finallage ; er Ii per doetiores liceret,. ap-
" nam line dubio venit ab Iceland. jier ;jttJrfmn:" ·p~lfarem opium J1,11icu111, jel<ro, j,/,110, vel ftli110;
-but by th is gentleman's good leave, his Ice- an herb of t he parfly fpecies.
landic jier feems but a contraction of Jeor-fom; SELION; Ll.1.j,•<, per metath.jitis, und'e jitfl-
and if fo, then it feems be pure Gr. ; for Jeor- lus, jitella : vel ab 'OAi<o;, Juk11s ; not in the
j11m, according co Volf. is compounded off•, · ftnfc of Varro, "'"i;111-n, el aratio;1es, ab a1·a111lo, t· t
i.e. j 4eus; and tJrjus, votfus, v erj11s ' now Jteus is ab co quod aracri vo mcr j11flolli1, Julcus ; for t his
undoubcedly derived ab E•«r, prb(U/, lo11ge ; and is the 1idgt, not the furrow ; but in t he fen fe of
'Vorjus, or verjus, is derived a Te,...,, q uari IIreJ.,, firu lru, which figoines a lmdut, or any v cffel, or
v erto :-Co tbat Ray's etym. was not a bad one; tr ench Jo carry water f;:, i~ke ail aqttrcd:tfl :-btJ_t
only then it wou.ld have originated from a diffe- how a ridge can convey water, would be difficult
rent root; vi:z. a ll"e'"17w, paro, J~paratus, quali to concejve; whereas a tre11eb, or fu,.row, might .
J everatllS; to j t'Vtr, or to Jeparate; as if we 1night ferve very w.ell for that purpofe.
fay, th.ty tire gone feer ways, i. e. jeveral, or Je· SEL.L-ANDER ; half Gr. half Sax. " nefcio
paratt ways; diverjis v iis. an ii :Fr. Gall. jd, vel porius· a SaK. reah:, et
SEGNITl::JDE; " Ox.or, f eg11is, piger; flow, amppc, varix, et ni follor," fays Skinn. " q lli'-
flotlful : vel quod Serv. et llidor. pl•ravit, ac Jof. vis t11mor,f<abiesquredam ficca in li1ff:ragine po-
quoque Scaligero p lacuit, aje proji11e; et ig11is; plitis po!terioris pedis equi; tumor, fe u eltvatio
ut j egnis fit, cui <afar naturalis deedfit, coque (Utis, ex /ale, Ceujal(o' faro, oborcus :" af<orbu•
immobilis: Voff."_:_this, thot1g h a very good ex- ti( f welli11g on the bock of a borjt ;- perhaps what
planat ion, is rather too d iftant for a true etym. we call a jpavi11, which generally comes fro1n
SEISE ; " E?•f''"• j tdeo, poflideo ; to JettIt i11 a blow at tirfr.
the full poffeifio11 of any tbi11g : Vol["-bt1t as SEL1' ; "tba11ce: R •y :"-it feems to be only
Jcifing implies rather an at,t · of injull:ict-, or at a conuacrion of SO-FALL· O U1' : and rh~n it
leall: of ·violence (t hough a man may fai/< hi s would be Gr.
own) we might rather adopt the deriv. of Sal- SE.LY-AGE ; •• crcd<> di€tum qu~fi fr.lv11ge ( Ol°
malius a L 3t, b;irb jajirt ; e t hoc ii 2"•~·?"'• rnther jt1fucdge) q uia fc. oru, fimhria, i( t1 infl:ita
[11u11111 txpiiare ; diripere; which, thoug h it al- veilis, 'Utftem t c;;!fervttt> robvrat, elfit:i!q1te ut <li u--
ways in1plii:s inju!licc, yet nt the fame time ex- til1s <fltr~t : Ski1111. ''- and yet tl)?s very cfefi 11itio11
prefI:e.s viqlcnc~, either open, or ll:cre t .. coulcl not point. oui to the Dr. the rrue C:\·1'11.

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From GR ll 2 K, and LAT 1 H. s E
'w hich would be :i;.,,,_••-r, f11lws-aties, vtl fim· words, " annon videri poffit quomodocunquc
bi'ia; tbt etigt, or br;rder-Javer. fafrum ex :i:..1..11H., quod aliquando ponitur pro
SE.ME. " quibufdam anglis ~It divijignis fig- imperare, jubere 1 n1andata etenim damus iis,
·,,,,,,,: a I •p•, vel I'lf'lfOJ» jig·n11111: Jltn."-pcr- qui aliquo a nobis mi1t11~tur : nee male fortaltc
haps rhis is only ·another dialc& for /tam; tbt petatur origo verbi ex l:o•1"""• quod non modo
tit<Jril: of 11 jqjning. incilare, atque urgere, verunf etiam ad ccrn1m
SEMl-BRIEF; alique1n fcopum dirigcre, fignificat: poteft dcni-
norc in 1nolic, qoc rcfrrri ad E.1..., implitare, illigare; quoniam
SEMl-'fONE, 'Hl''1"'•" dimidia pars t1J11i; tbt ncgotiis noftris implicamus ad al iquid nuntian-
ba!f of a tone, or nott; i.e. a jbarp, or flat. dun1, excqucndumque rnilfos :"-to e11trufl 'Witi
a m4fage.
SEl\11-VO\'IEL; 'Hl''"°''"•ftmivccalis; a half SE'N -NIGHT, 'F..-1a-wx7H, faptem-notJes, ft-
•rlowel, or liquid :- all our lex. and diet. give us
v en-nigbtJ, cootraCted to fa'1tnight.
but poor definitions of thcfe j emi-vowels, o r
what they are : they feen1 to be t hofo confooants, SENSE l :tli.•1•?.., l!u..1..,, tranfpofcd co
which take the vowel before thern in pronunci- • SENSUALITY S ftntt'o ; whatever depend.s
'or\ the /eefn, even to glut1011y, ttnd volujtluouj-
arion; fL1ch as our f, I, r», 11, r, a11d s; \Vhjch
nejs : -th is c tym. fro1n Litt . and Ainfw. 1nay
tnu!t be pronounced, as if they were writte n ef, .
ti, tm, e11, rr, tjJ : and , for a limi lar reafon, all , from perhaps be prt'fern.>d to A•ri~"i'"'" as quoted
N unnellus by Voffius, and our other die..
t he ocher confonants called mutts; viz . b, '•
tionaries 1 for tho ' A.~s"""·"~'' and Aa<tf.,, fignif'y
d, g, It, p, q, t; which cannot be prono iinced
ftntio, yet it is rather :i fyncinymous term, thfut
unlds we found a vowel after t hem, chus, be, et,
a de riv. ; but definit ion, and ctyrn. are different
.de, ge, ka, pe, qu, le; which without the vowels
things ; thus ft1ifatio11 means perap1ion; buc no-
are mNtt, or dumb ; th\1S b, p, t : but the liquids,
would affinn, rhat therefore j enjatiOll was
by taking a vowel before them, become as it dbody erived from pertipio, or even from capio ; fo nei-
were half-vowels, or j t mivowtls.
ther is Jen/i{J derived fro111 ·"•"9"'to;u~•, tl10• Aulia:110·
SE.l\1P -ITE RNAL, Al'r.•e•>-"'"'" quail'- I'"" fignifies jtnlio.
1r1e1r· «iw11, i11ferto d ig arnma a1F<i.'1t1 ' CV/llfl, <tVi tcr-
SENTENCE 1from the foregoing root: Gr.
1JJIJ1 t£/t r11us_, flmp erJ1t1s ; te, in i, cc>nverfo ;
q uomodo a cr.:do, ell: orcido :-Co drnt indeed this
, SENTIMENT th:it is, from ;i:.,,,,,.,, t.u.,-
SE NTINE L 1... , cranfpofed toje111io; and
w'o rd is compounded of two of the fa1nc tigni- therefore the !alt of thefe words has been formed,
fication, f <mper, and ,c/ermu, whicb fecn1s to be ut qui obfervat, ecjn11i1, uc qui expl?rt1t, er per-
unnccelfary ; for whate ver exi (h a!wayJ 1nuft be cipit, :idventum ho!tiurn; as Skinn. has ve ry
d er11a{ ; and wharever is eternal rnuil: nlwt1)•S ex- properly remarked : it has been already obfcrv-
ift; for it is inipoOible to be j omelimts tter11al, or ed, under the arc. CE NTRY, that it were much
ne·'Jt r always; it niay indeed be eternal tl parie to be wifhed, cu!tom would alter that orthogr.;
poj1, witho ut having been fo tl parte autt; b ut for it would be impoffible to trace o ur the ctym.
JHll, whatev~r is ''"""'• mull: always exift. of that word through CE NTER, CENTURY,
SENA ; Jena ; an herb Jo called. or even CENT per CENT; but, when we t on-
SEN ARY, F.f,jex,jtnarius; belonging to the lldcr that j entinel, and J.enlry originate from
numberjix. SENSE, and SENSATION, the orthography
SEN A 1'E l fe11nt1u, ut bcnc ait Fe!lus, quia a o ught rather to wear fuch an a ppearance.
SENIOR S j enioribus conll:abat ; the councii, SENVY f eed ; " ;i:.,.,...,, Jinapi ; forte ii :!:wA,
or parlian1enc of Rome, •confill:ing of the elders: notto ; quia fc. acrimo nii fuii narcs et ocuJos
R . j ttie>", "" old 111a 11 ; or any thing refacing to lancinat et lred ic: Skinn."' - 1m1jlnt'd, which,
age :-Vollius would trace the word je11ex frn rn from its fharp and p11ogcnt quality, has obtained
the E:kbr. 1D., by cranfpof11ion j en11i1, ct j t 1't.<: irs name in Greek. ·
Ciel. Voe. 24, fays, thar " bt 11 in Celtic: figni-
fied Jenior, and with i he prcpolitivc z, or as ic
flands in t he E.rfe, J•a11, is the ctymon of j e;ra- SICK
~~g~NESSE ";~:,,er
I 1 Sax. Vcr!t."-but

t'r :"-but if fa11a111-, jt11ior, nod Jent.< all come SICKNESS s•re Gr.
from the Celtic word hen, it is bot reafonable SE-PARA T E ; ~"e«r, •>.""I"'"• Hefych . pan,
to fuppofe that hen originated ab Ev-•aw•.; , a11·nus, paro, f eparar11s ; f epara/i() ; a p ortion, or divifi'n;
1J/l· n1Jf11s ; old, aged, fan -ior. alfo a divorce from bed and board.
SEND; " ambigo imerin1," fays Lye, after SEPS; ";i:.,...,, f!lTT11mpo;; eps, g enus lacert:c,"

n1eotioni ng the Goth. Cimr. Belg. and heland . fays Off. '' A-11'0 'TB !r;'Tt't • T~f W7'.l'l·'J"E"l1ttr, ha~t

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·s E Frori\ GR. :t E K, and L;.. T 1 w. S E
~nim vim r.,,1••.,... h'oi: ell 1rod1>11Ji, 'et putredi- is oot a native of England, yet, as our writers
nem &orporibus morju Juo inferenJi :"-a deadly on 1'urkilh affairs often mention ir, and as other·
kind of ferpcnt, . whofe bite converts the whole ety1nol. have introduced it, le~ us trace its deriv.:
body into a mafs of torrupJion : fee Lucan's Skinn. allows it co be " vox lcalica, ftrrare, q. d.
Pharfalia. · · ftrare; i. e. ftra i11tludere ; fie aute1n dicitur im-
SEPT-ANGULAR, 'E..1s-'>'"''"• · mufica in- peratoris 1'urcici palatium, quo concubina:, tan-
firumenc.a qu:edam; q. d. ftp1ang11/11 : ex E..1,., quatn Jaxiorl carcere dec:incottir; Gr. ru,.\%.,xHo,,
ftpllm; !!t r ......, aogulus: Hc.d-eri.c :-whether rv'"'""''IJ" :"-fince the Dr. has been thus pro-
.there eyer was fuch :in. 11ndenc 11111Ji<al hrftr11111tnt fufe of bis Gr. it were co be wilhed he had
.called a ffPta11g11/4r, 1n1Jft be kit co the invefti- given us rbe Gr. e1y1n. offtraglio, and not a fyn-
gacion of greater critics in che knowledge of onymous word for it; fo that his .two Gr(ek
Jlntient mufic, than I can pretend to be 1-but words are jult nothing at all; for we cannot fup-
.that there are many geometrical figures of a pofe . that he intended to deriv,e feraglio . frorn
ftpt-a,,g11/ar f orm, every mathell1atician will allow. r"'"'""•" he did not intend ic : but lince he has
. SEPT~BER; '&.-1.., /eptem; jt'IJen ;· the acknowledged that ftro~lio fignifies fara indudert,
NINTH month, accord ing to 1nodern compu- be ought to have. traced it up co che Greek
z.acion ; the abfurdity of which has been lhewn through that channel ; viz. faro a r"e"'• cnuna;
under the art. DECEMBER : Gr. tl tbain, 10 /o(/t, or faflen up wi1h; as will appear
SEPl' -ENN JAL ; the lj)ace of ftven ytars: fee more fully under the art. Sf.RIED : Gr.: -
ANNUAL: Gr. Ciel. Voe. 56, gives us .q uite a different figni-
· SEPl'EN-TRIONAL; '&,.-1... ,,.'f'"" !cu .,.e•!3w,_ ficacion; for he tells us, that " the ferai, like
tero ; frpuntrio ; quafi feplem-teri.mes, vel tribonn; the daijler; does not primarily ·fignify a place of
unde lria11es ; quia terram orenl, cola11lque ; t.he con'finemenc, but a head mmtfion 1 and cl~ac they
Nort.hern regions of tl1e heavens ; fo called from boch, probably on account of the difcipline in che
the feven ftars in Ch,arles's wain, drawn by oxe11 ; one, and the jealoufy in the ocher, were and are
but 1nore commonly known now by che names fu~jefted co certain · rules of inclofure and re-
of lht grea,ltr, and 1ht ldfer bear: Jbe polar jfnr. ihielion ; and therefore· have gained the acce!Tary
SEPTUAGINT, 'E:(3/•f'•••>7.., Jep111ogint1J; ft· idea of confinement, efpccially of the w-0men :"
Tltnty: alfo the title of' the Gr..-ek .Bib!e; faid to - but this is not gi ving us any derivation at all;
have been tranOatcd from the Hebrew into Greek, and is pucring us off with definit ion, in.~ead
by ftvenly interpreters. • of ·ecyrnology.
SEP'l'U-PLE; 'Jb·1.....A, ..., f>ptem·plito, ftp S ERAPrl'IM, an order of angels ;. though
~em-plex ; fe1;en-fold. not co be met with in lexicons, or d'ietionaries ;
SEPULCI-lRE ; " ;i:,,.,.,, ;i:.,,.,""' :i;,,.,,,.,.,.,, bccaufe of Hebr. extraa.
Xoi.\01 T;;, yo~, ftpe/io, in fptfUllW (Ondic l a fept• SE.RE, E'•e•,, oridur ; dry, parcbt, fcor<ht :
/io, Jept litus, ftpo/Jus, nunc / tp11l1us : Vo(f." etfi alfo t!lithered /eavu, wood, &c. as Mifcon has
Ifidor. ica dici putarit quali fine pu/fu ; hue chis mentioned;
relates radier to the dead body ilfelj, than co Jhe - -- -- which bids us feek
place of burial : -perhaps it may be derived a So1ne better fhroud, fome better warmth to
r ....,, vel :t""'"'"'• p111rifacio, p111ridi11e vitio; the cherifh·
place where a dead body is laid 10 dt(ay, and Our limbs bem1mm'd, e"rc this diornal ftar
moulder inlo duft :-it is obfervabl<:, chat both Leave cold the night; how we his gacher'd ·
Jun. and Skinil; have left it out. · beains
~f.'.Q!JEL 1E11-.p.1u, quafi equomai, fequor; Reffel!ed, may with ...after fire foment.
S EQ!JESTER S to fol!aw, J.o otlend in ardtr ; . · · Par. Lott, X. '1067.
alfo to cul off, fit apart, or as we fay Jequejltr the SERENADE, o.f-1, frra; a co1n.pli1nent of
~oods of a delinquent :-with regard to the word 11ot111rna/1nufic, and finging; or, as Milcon calls it,·
ft.q~flra1or, "furn.mus ille vir Jo( Seal. in notis Mix'd da.nce, or wanton rrialk, or·midnight ball,
ad Manilium docet," fays Yo(f. frculor dt qui Or flrenttle, which the fta·rv'd lover fings
Grrecis ·~•J°f•r, aliterque Larin is fubdi1i1iuJ; l' To h>s proud fair, bell quicced wi ~h d ifd ain.
ti.ali etia1n fuppefitiJius opptllotur; in veteribus Par. L otl, lV. J69.·
Glcflis ur1ia1·iu1 vocatur, qui ni1nirum nltero on which Dr. Newton obfrrves, th~t we common-
interfe&o llrlius ' fulliceretur: frcl(tqr igitur Ap- ly fay feraurde with che Fre nch;. but l.\1iltoiJ:
puleio fimpliciter elt, qui fefftd</Jattir · altero in- keeps, as ufoal, the I ralia·g word ftrtmll t : whicll
sere1t1pto. . the j/tirv 'd l'!i'Uer fings ; j/.11''1J'd, as tbis co:npli-
. SERAGLIO; though this word, fortunatefy, . Jllent was. cotll!nonly paid in firtnc, in cl eav crl<I
cigltcs.: '

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s E From G ll EEK, and I. A ·r i'N. ·s 'E
-nights: - H orace 1nentio11s this circumltance, bus: txct11t pqft1 faram: o 'vid. Atnor. Jib. VI~
-L ib.. III. Od. x. 1. El. 6 : Vo[f."-niade ufe of now to fignify a
Exiremum Tanain fi biberes, L yce, lock r bi1t long before the invention of locks, they
Srevo nupta viro, me taonen afperas faftcu~d .up cheir d'9ors with r•pts, or tbains; and
Projectu111 ante -fores objicere iracolis t afcerwards with bars, and hoi/J :--there is fcarcc
Plorares aquilonibus : a greater inll:ance of the ufe of etyrnology, to-
and in another of his Odes, Lib. I. Od. xxv. 7. wards fettling, or fixing the orthogr. of our
.l\1c tuo longas pereu.nte notles, ·own, or of any ocher tang. than the inftance of
Lyd-ia, dormis : this word now before us 1 where both t he Gr.
th•rc is, however, another fenfe tbat may be gi vcn to word I"f"• and the Lat. word fara, teach us to
Milton's jlnr'1td latJtr, ftarvcd; not wiJ.b cold, but a , write •it faritd, and not [trried, with cwo rr, as
dt.rrtbof ajfttliun on the part of his mifirefs, who ba; l.\llilton has done, afcer the French·/trrer, a<.'cord-
/arnifocd bim I• deoeb, in nal fttding bis dtfirts. ing to llume: Par. Loil', Book f. 548 ; or ra-
SERENE; "'Tl~., 'TJ'o<, 11dus; f11d1u, i. c. ft, ther afrer che ltilian farrato, according to Tbyer ;.
vel }int, t.l udus ; hoc e{~ jiccus ; ita faren111, ti Book VI. 599; for Milton more frequently fol-
fi'tlfls, opponar1tur ta1W t1do, pl11v io; rtlfi malis lows· che Irnliao, than the French orthogr.; by
dle far<n11m ii E•e"' quod ufiiarius E•e•<· jiuus; f"·ried lhidds, and ferried Ries, he undoubtedly
!•es""'• ftrcno: Votf."- nay, he has given a third means Jhields locked in foielih, and files lo fiks
deriv. which, by his having placed ic at the be cleft r·ank'd; confequently intended to derive ic
~inning or his art. jcrcnuJ, he fee1ns to have pre- from J~ru ; a lack ; not frorn ferro ; a Jaw :-now;
ferred ; viz. " ftrtntts ab ant1quo farra; (hoc ve- why the Icalians, and: rhe F rench, fhoul<l chufe
rum, fays lfaac; fole eni1n o ccafo, maxima to depart fron1 the original orthogr. fo far os to
c:ft aeris cb.ritas) ut ab alius, alienus ; ii dubius. run into falfe deriv. would be diilkult to affign
Jubitll/J.I, antiquum :"-but ftr11S he deriV('.S " ft ft· any good reafoo ; for if rhey write it fiTrtr, and
rtnd8; nam ftrum, fcu ftren um proprie dixcre ve- fi-rralo, with two rr, then it muft be derived i
~cres;igricolre tempus f olioni aptum :"-all this ftrra; but we all know that farra is a Jaw : -
1nay be true; but this Is onl)' applicable to agri- confequenuy falfe de.riv.. ; it fl\ould therefore be
C!Jlturc ; w e apply it to dig•ily ; as when . we written faried, and then it will derive a l:"f"'• vel
fay your fcrcne higbnefs; which feen1s to origi- ftt n ; a lode; with only one r.
nate from cicher of the firlt deriv. addrdling SERIES; " E'f"'• ftro,jungo; undc ftrits; E•e-
h is highnefs under the fimilitude of a cltar, un. p.-,;, ""~';-, 4"'-!.l»:t.fl-&a, ">.uir•• ~ec11s, Off'-«9,", tonne.xio:
,lauded fky, without rain, without moifture ; or Volf."-thoogh lfaac thi nks it might be better
like the moon, ri!ing in u,nclo11deJ. majefty. to derive fa1·its :\ !rct~, taltna; a 'bain ; che
'SERGE: " Fr. Gall. Hifp. Ital. omni a detorta links of which a re formed in a continued order,
a Lat. fari<a, vcl ftricum : Covcrruvias delleCl:it connexion, pro{rtJJion.
1-Iili>. xerga ; ab Arab. xirita idc:m lignante : SE .. R.IOUS; " ii fa, fine ; et 'Purxcr; ritlur:
mallem," continues Skinn. " il Teut. ferge; vel a M1</1~, rideo ; JI.! in r, interdurn tranfire
ttges, tegmen, · iegnuntum :"-this is by much too qfiendimus alibi : Voff."-vel ii Ke·~J,.,, rideo:
va~ue for eryin.: we ntight rather adopt tbe Dr's. irn Hefych. Kf'"J'"''" .,o.~,: addit deinde, -B.,,._
firlt deriv. if he had but tmccd it up to the 11" .t.. ,; luE•r: farium et jocoJ11m opponuncur apud
Gr. as Voffius has done ·under his art. faricum; ' Ciceronern, Off. Lib. I. ac fi1nilicer Horat. d1xic,
though perhaps that word is rather Chinefe, as Sat. I. ·Lib. 1.
Virgil feems to hjnt ; ~ed /amen amcto ?t1£ra111ru. fe~ia ludo :
Vellcraque ut foliis depe&ant tenuia Seres. and his belov.ed Vrrgrl had ford J" ft -rhe reverfe,
. Geo. II. 121. Poithabui lameu illorum rnea feria ludo:
,SERGEAJl<'T; " a L at. ftr'tliens: Skinn:" and .Eel. VIL 17:
Junius adn1its the fame: but Lye fays, " fa;r. Lire. and Ainfw. have derived jtriu.1 a fertnd1; i. c.
glnler, Iceland . funt milites pra:tori:mi; indtquc a/ferendo ; and Voffi\ls has hinted at fuch a deriv.
Verelius petit ftrgtnl :"-fl1ou ld che former, how- which indeed may be proper, when it fir.:nififs
ever, be ad1nitted, we might derive it, as in the an tJffertio11, or JlricuJ ajfirn1ation; as \\•he~n we
art. SERVANT: Gr. fay, ferioujly ! pt;jitiq,·cly ! but in our prefent ac-
SERIED, "r.,.e~, fu11is, vet ta/lna; olim cnim, ceptation, it fignifies a fabtr, folid, jleady dt-
ante inventum ftr1 ufum, fu.n,e folent munirc porlmmt.
januas; ut in vet. lexico legitur, far.e font, qui- SF..RK; " 1\nglis borealibus, et Sco'tis ftrk ell:
bus remotis fores panduntur; ut ait Varro : fer.e, i»dujium ; Dan. far<lc ell: fubutula; Sax. 1i'Jlc ell: ·
fujles, (feu potius 'lleflts) qui opponuntur fori- fuppar, interula, rolobium, el /uni<a; vidcturque
contract um

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S E From G R l! 1 it, and L "' T r N. S E
ccmtratl:um ex I"f'"°" Jerims: Jun." a jhirt, or ab oriente a-ccepill'c :"-but neither he, nor any
v-fl :-Flandris efr tel:e genus fubferic~; a jilken of the authors he has quoted, tell us whether it
veft, ufed at 6rft inftead .of linen : or, perhaps, be an btrb, or a gl'ain; nor what the lignifica-
it might be better to derive jirk ii l:1te£, l:"f"'' tion or derivation of it may be.
,;aro; jlejb, or fain ; the jhirt being worn next SESSION }E~•/"21,jideo, fades; f tal, ftt ; unde
the fain. SET ftflions of parliament; a meeting
SERMON, Eew, faro 1 E1ep.•r, Jermo, uncle df- SETTER ofjuftices at the county fejJions, or
Jer1rt, di(lrtut 1 a difcourfo. affizes :-with regard to a feller, or ji11ing.Jog,
SEROSITY; " 'Oeor, vel 'Opj<r, nee dubito Skinn. fuppofes it is derived ab Ital. ftntart ;
quin ex obliquo 'Oe•» lit ferum ; fpiritu in f jidert; if !o, the deriv. is plain :-but Lye gives
abeunce; ut ab ir•/M"•• faquw, &c. ac forrafTe lie us another idea, and would deduce it. altogetht·r
adjeetivum ferus fit- ab 'Oe<r, terminus, finis; nam from the Sax. ra:i::1113a ; injidi.6 I quid igitur 11
forum eft qu<>d jam ad finem pertinet; quomodo dixerim compofitmn ellC ex ifiboc vocabulo, et
L.ivius dicit fer11m diri: Volf."-whty, or any fuch nofl:ro dog ; q. cl. infidiofus ta11is ; prius efr ipfif-
1bi~, u1allry fi1bftanu, as faparates from tht blood, &c. fi1nun1 Saxonicum, r ret:epe; injidiator ; a dog
SERP_ENl' ; " 'Ee"'"'' ferpo ; by tranfpontion who difcovcrs the ga1ne by an injidious felling, or
.rtpo ; fp1r1tu afpero converfo in f, tanrum nunc /yin~ down :-but we have fren that INSIDIOUS
ponam exernplum plane gemioum ; ab 'Ee""• is Gr. as above.
'Ee.-u/\/\,., jirpo, jirpyllum; oam farpJ!lum, fyl- SETI-IE; and not as Upton writes it fee/he;
vdlre in1prirnis, ftrpit, difpcrgitque fe per hu- nor derived, as perhaps his printer 1nitl:ook it, il
niu m : Voll'. "-10 crawl, or cretp on the xround, as E"» £r.-w, for that fignifies rado, fcalpo, feco ; -
.farpen/J, a11d rtpli!es : alfo tbe windings, and m,e. but as Cafaub. very properly writes it a z,.,,
anders of a river, gnrden walk. & c. f trvto, b11!/io; to boil, lo bubble ; and metaphori-
SERRAT ED; ";;;,.,, :i:...,, fuo, ferra; quafi cally, to rngt, like the wild workings, and furiout-
fu~rra ; ex fono facrun1 ell- ; nan1 duo r, r, [:rrn agitations of an angry fta ; which undoubtedly
t'>'llritnUrit ; took its name Jron1 this verb ; as we haYe fcen
- - - - - ferra: flridtnl atcrblim under the ott. SEA : .Gr.
fJ.rr6rtm, SETI-GERO US, " ·x~;i., cb...ta, feta : ,,cl ex

uc verbis urar Lucrecii," fays Voff.-t•otbtd, and Axa>9~. ft11tiJ, uncle feta, qualis imprimis fuum :·
jogged, like a /aw. Volf." tht hrij/les of a boar, hog, or fu:i1u.
SERVE;" Ee•<, lEol. EeF,,, jif"ll«I : E'f'f'" p ro SE.VEN ; " 'Er.1.:, quali r_,,,.1 ..., ftpum :· N ug."
farvit'lttt, et capti11ita11 ufus ell 1-Iomerus, Odyif. SEVERAL i n ..~aifJ.,, par11, parat11s, ftpara1u1,
.0 . 529, quali ftveratus ; to dit1ide, cut r.fundtr, ftparatt;
E'fft<;> • .. ~
tacb individual.
ft!T::t1'f")'>10"11 ?r'Of~ll' T f')(,IJl.C'.I it«' ~l~V>',
Servitutem inducunt, Jab01·t111qut fujlinendum 11 ca- SEVERE ; " Ii[J.,.~., vtntror ; ut fere idem
lamitaltm: lit ac Ir100;, v encrpbilis 1 I1f3•~0<, ftvtrus, ide1n
Hefych. recrc expon.i t .:...,,....,, A1Xf""'·"'"'"''' inde quod I'I""' : tales enini func qui ft"vtrt vitam
ctian1 E..1,,, idem lit quod "'-•Aof, VoiT."-in the inftituunt: VolT."-this, however, does not ab.
beginni~g, however, of his art. he has' given folutely aufwer the idea which ft·vtrt, and Jevt-
another dcriv. which ought not to be omitted; viz. rity bear in Englilh ; in which t.hey lignify
" farvi primurn captivis facri funt, e t dicri ita a fornetimes even inhumanity, and crutlty; and might
ftrvand~, quia farvali fun/, cum jure belli poffent then be derived il r~'"°'• ftd:'Vus; if the orcho&r-
occidi ; na111 ea res jure gentiu1n liceocia111 five would permit.
i1npunicatern habet ; etli non omni ex parce con- SE\VER: according to the different fcnfes of
v~oiat frepe pietari et. officiorum regulis: quod this word, it will uke a different ety1n.-i f,
v cro ad etymon 1nagis verilirnile di- f ervum dici with Minlh. Skinn, and .1-Ienlh. we und erft-J nd
'a far'fJa»d•, leu aiflgdiendo :"-he then proceeds it in the fenfe of jlruUor, dapif«, it foems to de-
to Jhew, chat firvo is deduced ab F.f"'• as being rive ii Fr. Ga.II . ajfeoir.; J,po1urt, ·q uia fr. fercul:i
a perfon, who is entrufled with the cha rge of in menus drpo"il, et difponit; quod co n1:.gis
kuping, or taH11g cart of his 1nallcr's thi ngs. confirmatur, 1111od lit rnoort deEtus Th. Hcnfh .
SESAME; 'l:""'"'•""'" ftfa m11m; herba qua:dam, antiqui t'.jfeo11r fcripfcrunr : -and in this fenic
fays Hederic; but Lice. and Ainfw. explain it by M ilton has ufed it, in the beginning of the Nin; h
' a white grai11, or cor11, growi11g i11 India, \.\•here- Book, where he 1nention.s
of o il is made :"-this ·Ian er fecms to be right; - - the ninrlhal'd feaft,.
for Voll'. after qn.oting Pliny, Galen, and Cyril- Serv'd up in hall with fiwers, and fcncJhals :
lus, fays, " viclentur aute111 Gra:ci ftfa mi voce.n Par. Lall, IX. 17 :
.. 3 E·l . OU!

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.s l-1 f'.rom Git~! K, and LAT J'N, S H
but if, with Jun. we undert1:and it in the fenfe SHAFT, or ar·r aw: " Sax. rceaft; Tagilla;
of pr<LgujJaJor; ell: a Dor. Ztv.,, quod 1-:Iefych. et "feut. f cbaefelei11 (a ;pretty word .this for j"""lin !)
author cryn10\ogici afferunt>pro r,..,, guJJa •; an.! jaculum; ·Belg. fc'haj1; faapu~: Skinn."-" pro
then the fi'wet· means the ki'ng's ta.ft•"· quo <tamen," fays Jun. " et ftbatbl dixeront 1
SEW ERS : Skinn. rejects Minlh's. deriv. of etiamnum hodie ftbicbt, et fcbeichta :"-all whicb
" oliin li:ripttm1 fuiflc Jeward a fta- ward, quod are different diaJeets from the Gr. : thus the
verfz'ts "'are factre fu111 : longc veriiimitius d fr. Sax. •rceapi;, and J3elg. f<b1Jft, are formed from
Gall . eauier; fen1in11; incite, fupple aq11ar11111 :" - . /capuJ; which the l)r. wouid not cell ·us was de-
then why did not the Dr. t~ace this fr. Gall. i rived .from Ixnr.7«<, itmilor ·; becaule l hefoafl«if an
tauier ?-if he had, he would h.ave found it •arr-0w, <1nd ·chefoof1 of a pi11ar, afe -long, like a
<liO:orced ab 'Tlue, aqua; fewer> being a fpecies 1 ·walking cane, with which we fuflpor/ ·0ur freps, or
of aqued11EJJ :-Lye, in his Add. gives another fiifto in a beam :-the Teur. fchaejtlin is an evi-
deriv. ; viz. " ab Iceland. od jiia, to/are ; •ut dent dill:orcion of j aveit'n ; fron1 jaC11!c111,
exillimo; ad quod referre veHen1 f.wer; tlcaca; . a jado; ab r....,., Ei<« :-and the .Belg. ftbicht.
per 11ua1n fordeJ urbis ejiciuncu r :"-the very and fchlfitbta, is another evident di!torrion of
1nenti'on of chis Jail word fardei, gives me a hinc , fagi11r1, which is deriv·e d a I"?'•·
that ji<1Nr niay be derived li " I"-'e"• vel :!:"(""" S HJ\K.E 1 " I,,.,, tr~«•a., 1uu.1io, eoneutio; Calaob.
'll<rrc: ncmpe quia fardes, qure tv erruntur e domo, and Upt." to move, jlir, or rall ft about: Junitl\
in tmom locu m acculi1u!1I11lur: R . Iwe•<, tm1111/11s: gives us rbc Sax. racan, reacan; ·Belg. fcbfJd,. ;
'volf."-a callellio• ef faveepings, flap, dirl, &c. quaure, ca111111were ; uode fche11cke ; meretrix, /tarla;
SEX : " EE1<, fe.<uJ, habiluJ, corpor·is ctmflitulio, ,,,,.. TH !""'f"'' quod palpitare intelli.girur; quOd
ji.'llt'animi ; the rough breachin.g is chonged inta .<: illre faciunt fo !tanda alliduo, vel po ti us trif!a•d•,
unlefS we chure to derive from ril e o!d uc Lucretius ait, ob cam caufam, 'tit concinnio-
fupine ftxum for ftfl 11111, froHl che verb fa,·o ; be- 1 rem venercn1 exbibcat viris; any fort of im-
i;aufc t he word / rx makes a divi[ion of the nnimal n1oclell 11gitalian :-tho' perhaps it n1ay be derived
into inale and female; and chis etymology may . a n,;7,.,~,., qunj]o, quatio 1 to quake, or Jh•k-e, let
be al fo confirmed, becnofe formerl y inftcad of the canlc of r.gita1io11 be whatever it may-.
ftxuJ, they ufed to fay frrus; virile, ttt mttlithre SliALM ; or, as ic is fomerirnes written,
.focus: Sallu!t in Probus the Gram1narian: Nug." . /bfl'lvm>; Bdg. jibal, g<fcbal; dangor; f«.~xil
-but chis is too thorc, becaufe, according co his piipc; f(ba lmey(; b11cd »a, five jijiula fon•ra :-Wiih
title-page, he lhould hove traced it up to the trumpets alfo, and jh.1wm1, 0 fhew yourfclvcs
Gr. ;-:on looking inco yomus, I find . the ~r. j oyful: Pfo1. xcvii i. 7.-b)' :his it appears, as if
has ,tnc 1rel.y bor~owed this latter denv;~uon (wne- . t he Jlelg. words were only a har!h dialett of
ther he kne~ 1t, or ~oc) from Voll. who has SQ.UAl~ aloud :-confequeocly·Gr.
ll:opped at this old fupipe,.k xum pro jcflum,: but ' SJ-JALOP : Kr/, a/ox' navigium parvum,
obterves, · ~oc etymo? . mire confinna~, <jUOd ab · quod uno tantum remigio agitur; a lill!t /lark,
el<len1 notJOneftcuJ d1c1cur proftx11:-1_t is a won- yach!, 1 vherry : Junius writes it jhaUop, quia di
der, ·theref~re, he did noc refer us co jtco, which cymbi vadofis loci~ aprn; fit only for foall.w
he· had derived a~ A•"· . places : we 1night much rather with Skinn. fop·
Sf:XTANT; EE, ft.x~ans ; a weight, meafure, pofe ic was called jhal"f>~ or ftbalop, a Jcapba, vel
-.nd 1nll:ru111ent, concarn1ng Jbt fixtb pan of any /caphula, ii l )t«I'"• ')'ntba, li111or; a Ii/lie fhip.
thing. .,. , . • SrlAM ; " ~""'I'"'"• ,.,,. ~~ ~~•nr1r•• : Gloff.
SE_XTILE, l!E, ft.¥,fcx/tuJ ; quod ftxtus lit a Cyrill. "£"'".'"I'"• rnvi!!atio; :£'" "1w, cavil/or: Voff.'"
l'v1ar1 10 1nenfis ; the nionth of Augufr, being Jbt _ 10 fe~ff, or ,,;11Ju a of cne" by dueh:i11g bi,_
fixlh fro1n March. . with jalfe pretenu »
• "Mmfh. corruptum
"F G II r. ;n · I I r. ;n rette putat SH Ar . MB.LES.. , _ ~.<.1C<:t1,, w , flt11ndo,,
r. • feu ta•
afaN ipan· ; fcr. .a I• 10lr1J·Ollt; ta • 1d"'J··ano: ' b I • . ~s co~ cid··1itur . a butcher'$
Sk.rnn. "-coo equenr y Gr • u a, . luptr
, 1quam
c:arnc " " , •
SHADE l" :txia, umbra: Cafa\Jb." a Jha· «htJfJpmg biot<. .; , r ""...J
SI-lADOvV S dow, <1pptara11u, phflnlafm :-bur Sl·JAivlE ;._'' A'"'X"'"• pudcr, . deutcll.J · .~ P · ,.
.., h•ii ·1t fj .,-11;fies rbe rtalm> below it dtrives ab but Cafaub. with greater probab1IH}', aefl•esfoag..
' t' ~~ ... ,,;J"' .orcus . ar,d l1ere it ' is F~L11arknble ab Ac;x,JJ.,U:4i'f1 ?, inimocK
' J,n· fl
:J•t c g drert ; v
/• bd:tWl
A '°"I' '' "" ' ' • ' ' ' ' . . ' d f • b <l dU(<:U
chat we have not only expre lfed the afpcr by the becomm;;;y :-a1> yet per iaps IC may e e
letter 1'1, but have added the s like wife ; and it i'> !«»lit.A.,, ojfc11dicu!u111; whence chc worclfo.w,
is 1till 1nore remark:1ble, that none of our Latin a Sax. rca1~bc.
diC'cionaries will afforc! us the word hado.. SI-IANK : " Dan. fae1uitel; Belg. Jcbmdth

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S Ji-I f'rom GA ~ ! x, a.nd ,]'., A T 1 N, S H
per epen~h. factum ex I•tr.o;, e~11s 1 the leg: ftaff-a fagittarllm' Jun."- " fo!t•f, abjiciendo
JU(I." po!tremam literam, nob male deduci pa~cfr a
. Sl-J.liNKER ; " Fr. Gnll. tba11c.-e; a Lat. can- rceap-r-; et qu:e nunc a!triltius, pleniori clirn
t er ; Skiuo."-ii Gr. K«f'~'"'' tf111<tr; a dreadful fenfu uforpata fui!fe ofrencluot hrec verba
t111:nor, fpreading like the legs of a crab. Exod. xii. 22. b1ppa~ YJ'Opan rceaFt: on pam
SlclA PE ; " affinia vidc1.1 :ur," fays Lye (after blo'oe ; fafdt11l11111 hJiJqpi tingitt in fanguin,, : Lye: "
Ju11. had given fcv~ral Noriho•n words)" affinia - a bu.ndte, or bu.11/cb f!f 'l.vhtal, arrl)WJ, &c. b~und,
\'iC.\COtltr_ l.X.!1f10f"~'t VC) l:X-01r1e..>, tirt:limjpicio, COi!· or lied tp doft ; in ord<:r to wh ic h t hey tnufr be
ttwplar quid faao. lit opus ; h= enirn cura una fhovtd, thru/f, t blJtp rtjfetf wtttb.-r " and therefore,
circum!tat cos,. qui rebus formam d are volunt: as rhis feems to be .th~ orig inal idea, ic would
f cbojfett, ftbtjftn ex S~<••» pararc,, f obricare deri - be more naairal 10 derive it fro:r. the.fame root
va\ Martin.ii lexicon in /ado :"-buc Skinn. fays, wich SHOVE : Gr.
' ! forte on1nia a Lat. ( the farthe!t of the Dr's. SfiEAR,, " K"f"'• quali :i;,.,~.,,, tondeo: Cafaub.
r.efearchcs) a Lat: txca11ar1: metaphora a f'c ulp- a·nd Upt."-10 dip, o r cut.
toribus, et ftatuari is defmnpca, qui,, uc !tatuis SI-TEATH ; " ®"""• !beta ; a caft, b1!/k, or
fui.s debitam fonn.1m concilient, lignurn, v d fcabbard: R. Tie,,,.., p o110; lo p:11, or place: Opt."
faxlrm vnrie ir.fca!pere, . i.•1-cidt1'e~ et t:i.'crtvnre fo- - rhis is undoub tedly a very good derivation;
kn t :"- the only n1isfortunc is, that the ·Dr's. perhaps the only right one; and yet it may not
tNcavare, co.111es fron1 ctJ.vt1s ; and tav:t1 is (ir. - be a1nifs to offe r another ; viz . l:x1&.,, bobro,
it might however be more natural to deri ve jhape Jtneo ~ to hn'Ut 1 to hg/d, to ctJ11tai11: R. !x1w, pro
a I "'"• umbra ; Jh.t jhode, jhadow, or jh.1p: -cf Ex,w. habco.
On)1 Jbi11g. SH ECKLE, :!:1x7'•r, jiclus, didrad:>mum; · vox
S HARD {Jun.. refers us to his arr. Hebraica; a pi ece o( J ewi!h rnoney, containing
SH AllE of 1btplow(-jheore, \Vh ich Lye derives two drachmas, or denorii ; i. e. about fifteen pence
SHARE, or porlion ) a K«e•"•· fd11de rt ; s tan - of our money. ·
t ummodo pnellgitur; quod frrqueris eft: and SBED, co1nmonl y pronounced a jhud, or hcufa
t hen gives fevcral in!tances : lo eut, or di-;,ide the for a cart, &c. : " parum deA exo fen fu a fhadow ;
f oil : from hence likewife con1es the expreffion q. d. u1nbracul1.s111, n;ttp,11/itJ , t:1.,_i;11ria: Sk i11t1.''-ancl
a po1-fhard; tig ni(ying a brok en piece, .a part; a yec the Dr. u pon r.o account, would deri ve it a
portiur.: and· perhaps a Jh,ire, a coo nry, or d i- · !x1a. o r r>:.1.231c;. ; b\1r u11der ch-e arr. jhatkw he ·
v ifion, may have been deduced fro1n the fame fathers t hofe cwo wo rds on Jun . and Cafaub.
origin ; .though we lhall fre ano the r deriv. of Sfl ED, or /pill ; " cui vis .-iuten1 prime fiatim
th at wore\ und er its proper arc. intuitu perfpicumn clfe po tefi, q uanram habeat
SHARK, Ka("'h'"f "l>r• carebarias ; cttnfr mari- ~ffi ni cacem rceban cum :i: ..1;., dijpergere, dij/r-
nus; pifcis lie diltus, ab afperis q uos habet dcn- pnre; Jo dijperfa, to feat/tr, to jpill: Cafaub. and
1ibus ; the Jen-dog ; a nlh fo called fronl its rough Jun."-fo g reat a11 affinity, t hat either the Saxons
t eeth ; or rather fron1 its vcrscious appetite : R . borrowed it from the Greeks, or the Gree.ks
K«ex.«e•;, a/per, vebemuu, gulojus ; the greedy from the Saxons.
dMJOtfrtr. SHEE P: " Sax. r ceap, Cl\jUs pluralis rcep,
SHARP, Axi;, aciu, acer; four, tart, add. non incongrue mihi v idt·cut," fays Jon. " peri
SHAVE, "videri potc!t defumpcmn aI"'"f"» polfe ·ex Ix.,,.w, oper fo, ttgo; non modo quod O'lJis
lie enin1 Gra!cis dicebacur genus quoddam ton- pecuJ ex on1nibL1s anin1a!i bt1s v~liiriffim11n1 ; veiu1n
furre, quo capillos no..,acula ufque ad cu ten1 de- e tia1n quod ovill11t1i puus pr:ccipuc nos contra
rodebar.t, potius q uam de1011debnnl : J un." to cut frigoris violentiam proregit, corpo ribufque no!tris
the hair clofe with a rafor. liberaliora prtl:'bct ali1ncnra :"-becaull: the lheep
SHAvV; " a wo•d, that er.(ompaf(n 11 dufa ; offo rds us not onl v cc'1:tri11g, but food .
Sax. r c upa ; Belg. fthnwt ; umbra " ti jJ;adotc : Sf;IEE1' of doih [ l'x.•J•, f cb.,da, tabn!a, in q ua
Ray :".,.-bu t (urely he muft have known th at even SFl E}!.T •f paper 5 rcrib:mus, e't quidem p ro '
r c upa in thi~ . feofe, was naturally ddcended ti pl'tc:: e:tren1pore ; a 111t11:r;r a nd1:111 b6ok, 01· pt ik<£
~xia , 11r;1b1·a; a jhadvw ; or clfe ci1e Greel<s bor- boqk : R. Zx.,rJ~v, prbptl ton1i1;11s ; 11t"gl 1, near ol
rowed from the Saxons. band :- t here is howtve r anorh er deri~. wh ich
SrlEAF; " Sax. rceaF; Belg . ftf;cf; viden- L it t. and Ainf1>. h" •c produced ; viz . Ix·!~.
t ur e!fe a r ceoFan, et rcuran ; pr,.-d ri101-e, 1n1- qu::tri I x 1ln; a Y.x1~f{'I! i)~) ( ! x,tJ'ri) as \VC have
'dt rt; to fh•ve, or 1brujf togetlnr; quod meffo res fcen, takes a d ifferent roor :- howcv<:r ou r word
p rrec ipitan ter admodum folean t triricurn defedum 0
/ha t of lead, ]but if fJapc;·, &c: may with foreat
cornportare, acque in fafciculos c?ntr11titre unde ; i>t()l'rlttr be dcrivc~d· '' ;.t ~X'~·,,, ft·indo, finaq; f1J
J l-l' '2 cfra~re,

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S H From GllitEK, and L A T J !l. S R
divide into thin lamina ; and hence the dividere a quod convenit illi fenfui, quo 14 fo.;ft off
tl111vt, or
Sax. ~aT:; de linteo piano in latmn expanfo : dicitur; i. e. ma/um, aut molefliam a ft in alium
J un.' -which Skinn. would derive a :i:.,,...,, ttgo; transferrt :"-none of t hefe derivations, or inter-
but there is a little untowardlinefs in that deriv. pretations, fcen1 fatisfaCl:ory ; and therefor~, when
becaufe we generally have an under, as \1'ell as an jbift fignifies prtttnce, '""'ft•dt'llite, it may de-
upptr ./htfl. a
rive . !1·~·~·?.,, dijptllo, difttitio, di.rjicio; item
SHELL, :i:..>.>.11, nudti a!lii, fagmina ctparum ; deturbo, dipello; literally a jhifting jhu.fjltr, one
tht toats, fains, or cO'IJerings of garlic, 011io11s, &c. who has a thoufand artful ways of (i'Vtiding any
R. I M/..>,or, aridus; dry, hujky. immediare threatening danger; according to the
SHELM ; " Belg. and Teut. f chdm, prope opinion of Cafoub. unde.r the art. Jheffle.
accedunt ad I •,.,M•r, pravus,per::trfus; f.Jefychius SHIF T, to wtar: " :Ex•r<&•, i111erula ; a jhirt,
certe I•1>.>..- exponit l11re'"l',u."••: Glon: Phi- or jbift : Cafaub."-bur, according to Pollux, as
Joxeni, ftar11J, Ix«,"-!3•1, :i;.,.>,>.or, 't1f•f3>-,,r•r, r:ra' quoted by Hederic, it fignifies cnleeamtnti gtn11s;
nimirum corporis pravum quoque ani1num Jt1di- a kind cf foot :-Co widely do t hefe two genr!c-.
cabant ar.tiqu i : Lye." men d iffer ! ·
SHELVING ; l:xo>.i>r, obliquus; oblique, in- SHILLING, " a corruption o( uc-ha•lin; a
tl i11i11t· j/rud- w bole ;" fays Ciel. Voe. 158.-but zec
Sl-IEP-I-IERD: the former part Gr. : the lat- leems to be the fame with what he writes elfe-
ter, S:ix. whcre z'id:, to j/rikt ; as in p. 140, n.-<:onle-
Sl-JERBET; Ital. farbtllo; I"e"« or.oo, Syri1a quently G r. ; and batliB is plaillly a various dia-
funus ; the Syria11 juice, fo much ad(nirc<l : it 1n ay k ll: of whok ; ab 'o>.°'' l•tui ; who/,, unde hat!,
be a Svriac, or an Arab ic compootion ; but hacli11, Jh1itli11, fhi!iir.g.
adopted' by the Greeks, or at leafl: by other na- SHU\1IV1 ERING, "idem ac glimmu ing," fays
t ions, l1nder a Greek a:)pcllation; viz., Lye :-then it may be .of the fame fource wi th
1'Eol. pro 'P•~'"'' f orbeo; uncle Ital. forbe110; un<le GLEAM: Gr.
jharbat ; quad bibilur; whatever is fouptd : fee SHlN; '' l:xtAe~. t rus; tbe ltg; >. ir1 _,;con-=
SHRUH: G r. verfu; u t xa.'1."r,Aiw..>, ta11pano1· ; 'Y·f:;>,h•?w1 grunnM ;
SHERIFF, contracted from fbirt, and rrrot; >..:v,1..1.~'), l1)'1npb~ ; fh•>:1&~, tninit11t1 • T(.>,o,, t:-nILf, t111Je
• rul<r, or btad of a Jbire ; and indeed th e word b:iElenus, rp1atenus lignifica'nt hac fine, q un fi11< :
rr<v< is fu/F.rient, being compounded of cir, and Lye.'' .
.l>ofi~ the brad of a jbirt : ·conrequendy Gr. 1i SI-II NDLE.S, commoAly written, and pro-
E•ll ·)Cor, tir ...<us, a circle, or circl1i t, a fhire, or nounced /hi11gles \ " ftn•du/,e, fci11d11les; i. e. r(-
dillricc; et Krf-">.-., (<1p111; un<le luph, co.If, ho.ff; tiles ill:c, fivefjjilts, lamina:: q t1ibus tetra intter-
ro fignify a brad, or ruler : o nly let me obrerve, nl1ncur i it 2:z1l.,l, ajflt!a: Jun.''-R. :tx,i?t.:-,
thar the word fhirt , or taun~y, n1ay take a d if- ftindo ; tc fplit, di'Vide, ftparate; becaurc the-fo
ferent deriv. as will be fern prerently under fhi11dln, being of the Oate rpccies, arc caCi ly
th~t arr. fepnrattd, and di<vided into thin lamina:: fee
SHE\"'1-glofs l<31"w,fpet10: to behold: Jun.SLATE: Gr.
'SHEW, or Ji.~bt S deri~cs it a ~.,,.,.,, intutor, SHINE; perhaps a Ii>.""'" Im: /111u; literally;
fptcul•r: ti)e is indeed the fame; but the moc11-jhinr.
deriv. does not appear fo eafy as the former. SHINGLES, n diflt111per; "Plinio zor.a mor-
SHIELD; " l:xvlo; : Upt."-this is no more bus, Cc. herpes, fcu eryfipdas q uocldam, quod, Ii
than giving us the Gr. word for a Jhit!d; or call- totu1n corpus amf·i<1I, occidir ; q. d . tingu!ttm:
ing a Jhield, a jhie!J; which fee:ns to be derived Skinn,"- then it i~ plain thac the Dr. as a phyfi-
a• .w
.,. 1ix, umbra. cian, knew every thing relacing ro chis difordcr,
SHIFT, or trick: etymologifts ha11e given except its <leriv_ for eingu!um is not the original
different <leriv. of this word, according to the word, but is derived it z,.,,,.~, cingo, quafi· zil1ga ;
different fenfcs in which chey have undcrftood ir ; to girl, fiirr~und.
thus Jun. fays, " ab iflhac contemplatione, qtl<'I! SHIP-PEN;. " a cew bcefc ; Sax. rc~penc,.
fufpcnfos renct de 1nalornrn re1nedio cogitantes, jiab11!um bovile ; " jfoble, or ox-J!all :. R ay :"-it
minime alienum videri potdl: fhift iftud derivare may no doubt be applied in that fenre; but ii
3, l?)(J·1r1t118a1, to.11fitkrart, .'Jtf(>icere ::'-to \Vf~i.cl1
fi:cnl-'I. rather to. be 11 compound of /het'Jl, and pen,
adds, '· rk1 p'Ca, Verd 10 10 J ndicc cxpomtur per- o r fold; nr.d might as well have breo t ranOatcd
m~llart :"-l'vlinChcw fays it is de rived "5. Tcut. jlabulum ovilt ; and then every thing would have
flhoffer.; agtrt, tJ,Ptrari ; :rer·cher~"c > 11tgo1i11:11 :•' been clear; lignifyiog indeed nor 11riClly a j/rthlr.
-· .. mau; m," fays Skit1.0'. H a ' -Sax. f«Yf'Can ; or flail. but any. place whei;e.Jbeep, -0~ <.-v.en ol<C!l

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g R From G!l 11rx, and L 4 Tr"• S Ji
arc kept: confequently Gr. : fee S HEEP, and tjfri11gi1, t<mpilot ; lo brtalc into, a•d to jletJi gods
PEN, or fold, 01<1 of a jhap. •
SHIP- WRECK, commonly writt~n, and pro- SHORE, or coajl .: "Of"• ora, ltr111inu1, umu;
nounced jhip.wraclt; and indeed there is both quia ca littus legimus: VofT."-tbt boMndary, bar-
'ravO"w, :ir1U 'PlJq-o-:.l, /rang~; lo brtlfl(, or dafh in dtr, or li111iu of tbt land: vcl d X"e~. ora; but
pitetJ. then, nccording to both the Greek and Latin
SB'.JRE, according to Ciel. Voe. 10, origi- ortho$! r. it ough t to be wricten /boar.
nates ab " bir, cir, or fir 1 a particular diftritl, SI-IORE, or dra;" i corruptum, fays Skinn.
or por1io11 of a country, under the jurifdiClion of a pro common SE\'VER S: -Gr.
ridtr; whence Le-••'· domin1" ; and btr·UJ; a SHORE, or prop ; " I'lr.e•{•» fomo, f«lcio; Ii
l11rd, t11ajltr, jbirt·iff, or ./htriff :"-though indeed Gra:cus clrcm: Skinn."-10 }1rt11g1b1•, to f"PPDrf.
t he word jhirt may very naturally be derived a SHORT, Ku;1•;, cUNJllJ, gibbof11s; crooked, btnt,
X...e-11>,ft indtrt, tlitiidrre; lo Jividt, por1io11, or par/ madt jb<rttr.
•ff a region into co11111iu,jbire1, or }bares. a SHOT, or young h•g l " in Elrcx they call
SHIRT ; Cafaub. would derive jhirt a l:x,•«<, it a jho1t; but b'.lth from SHOOT: Ray :"-thCI\
germs v.eftis interioris ; but ?oth J un. an~ Skinn. all three from the Gr.
denve It from the Sax. fYJIC J fuppa, znterula; SHOT, a trout : " Sax. rcco'Ca ; trufla, fario,
and confequendy originates from the fame root fizlar; vox Damnoniis n1eis," fays Lye, "hodie-
with ftrk, or /ark ; which is Gr. que in ufu: rceo'C appellatur, :\ rcco'Can; jacu!ari;
quoo concicntiffimo mocu feratur :" a f almon.pttl,
SHIVE, ftbidia, 1JTum, ~ Ix1loc, l:x•?"'• fti11dq;
to cluwt, t11I off jlict1 : or elfe :i I•d~... dijftpo, or falmon lroul, which fo.olJ, and darts verr
difptrgo; any thing btaltn, off, cbopl ~ff, fwiftly nt its prey :- chis very definition m~kes
me fufpcel, thac it ought to be derived from che
Pkt cbip1, &c.
SHOCK of an eartbqualct; either from the fame
fame fourcc with SHOOT: Gr.
SHO'l"fEN-berri•g: " ni fallor," fays Skinn•.
root with SHAKE; or clfe 11 ti•~•"• co11rutio, " halices, feu ma:nre, qure jam ova ejf11d<run1 ;.
ozito; to jog, Jba.k t, or p•I inlo a 1rem11lou1 muio11. ncrcio an ii ·reut. fchuel/tr ; projiurt, ejfundert ; a
Sf:IOCK of wbtal; from the fame rooc; "quod Lat. t.<t'uttre :"-confrq uencly Gr.: fee Sf.I ii.KE,;
illiulinodi n1etce, ac ftruices, multrL to11<ujjioxc, or Sl-JOOT: Gr.
atque 11gi1a1iont in altum alfurgunt: Jun." Sf.TOV~~ l evcn Skinn. :illows, that " feli-
SHOE: Skinn. after diftorcing his mou1h SHOVEL cifiime alludit I•f3•~, nhigo, pro-
in10 feve111een different horrid lhapes, to pro- ptllo, fi1b111w to: alludit eti•m, fed parum, Fr.
nounce his feventeen bubarous S• x. D an. Belg. Gall. ftrmit r; txr!l1trt :"-" C:i.faub. dcll~ilic a
:and Teut. words, fneers at Jun. for deriving i1 !rw, <rt# (a n1illakc in the Dr's. prcfs for citD)
"'""' fuo, a IX'"'• utpio, CON/into I and yet ic is oxiro, to11ci1t :"-from whence now could the D r ..
very remarkable, chat the Dr. begins his own fuppofe his Sax. rceoFan, and bercuFan, and
article with chis identical word, Sax. r cco. all the other hadh wo,.ds he has collcCted, were
SiiOO, SHOO l " vox qua utunnir mulier- derived I-yes, cercainly, the Northern tongues.
culre ad gallinas abigendas; vox ii fono fietn, mu!~ be the original. ,
LI! I• I Skinn." Sl-IOULDER: " Sax. rculbor; faap:d11, .
SHOOT: Skinn. after dill:orting hi s nlouth 2:..>. ..f 1 illf/<XttJ, i,.C:ZMJUJ; qucxl i). Cervicc in Ob-
again into cen more different horrid Chapes to Jiquam ve\uci curoat11ram utrimque defccndant·
pronounce his ten more barbarous N orchern humC1'i : Jun.~
words, fays, "/'"" o mni a ab Ital. f tuot!rt, fto- SHou·r: the conjcCturcs of etymol. are
ltrt; Lat. excuttrt :"-then t hey are all, more fomctimes very wild and extravagant ; for when '3o.
than forte, or forlaffe derived, not a Lai. tl<(U· dcriv. is nor as plain, and as evident as rhy-l iglu,
11re, but a verbo n..1«••.,, quoffe, quatio, they have rccourfe co very ftnngc ideas~ chus.
tJ1tutio, txcultrt :-let 1ne however obft:rve from Skinn. fuppofcs, that our word "/bout, or foout-
Lye, in tranfitu i q.uod l:xo1";"'" Suick2 funt in· ing aloud, comes from. jhoolil\~• jnr11/tt/io ·; q . d~.
ftrumcnta ad ig nem ejaculJndum. voci s conttnt:c tjacwlatio :"-if he hi\CI fa·i d tju/11-
SiiOP; " fieri pe>tell," fays J un. "officinam :io, he migh t hav.e been fomeLhing nearer the-
fie dietam a \!erbo lo jbapt; forf/la>'(; q uod in Ca truth: Jun. fays, " fortalre corrupn11n ell a.
/ ormam rebus dent artifices :"-if fo, t hen we Gall. cbnt·buant; 11•flua; an DWI•; lit pri1110 ufur-
mav derive le, as under the art. SHAPE: Gr. palu1n fit de acuto illo, llrcperoqu.; chmore~
S Ji OP-L lFT, feems to be derived a r ••.,, Cl quein noeturno temprn-e edunt ulula:: ; poQ1t1 VUO>
X:us1.., quail J-•1/•'J tx ojfici1111 flir4ri, qui ojfiti.VOJ traullatum ~uoquc fit ad aaUlicas c~ones,.

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s l·l F•01n G !\~ E K, ond · L" T 'I 11.
v.c triCte1n bdl11ntim11 b!lrri t'l'rn, five ululaturn :" pi< ; jbri;np; " quad elii.:a totant (e cont•ah:at in
- this is very fine writing, and good d.elin icion, gibbum," fays J un.- this however d<Xs oot feem
but ve.t'y p•obably bad e tynt. for there may be co be the reafun wb;< it was caHed ftmii.p; be-
jbonls of j oy, as w<'il a.~ of war :-tlte misfortune ~au [e, if ic proves any thi ng, it pcov.:s too
is, we h«ve nothing better to fob!titure in the mucb ; fo r tbe lobf/ ;r, and prawn., d<o> t ile fame :
room; uniefs, we m ay derive jho1<I ex AvJ•, 'VI>.\'; Skinn. t hinks ic was- fo called " a rugis fc. m
ab Av~•,.,, qu alifom1d~c, voctm tdo l to roifa, or lift d.rfo :"- but ftril the fame difficu.lcy fubftfts.
vp 1b~ 'Vt1ice ; i. e. fha111; be the caufc whatover ir SI-I RINE, " re"""• fcrinium; J pr::emittitur;
nt>y. ut it 'l'fvh, f crzt1a ; "f"'" ' jlropus ; fed fpeciatim
S HOW; a 0,,... , fpeflo ; vet a r. .......,,jpt- aliis a p tatt:l kn; Ut cap(a: currus, in qua fcutica:.
taler; to ht bold, or /.o•k ol. · : repo!rnncuc : f <ri11ia i.t.idem <ap/£ , live or~le, iu
SHO\VER ; "r/>.,,~, nqua; toattr , rai11, mcijlure. qui.bus libros, (cripta, aliaque fecret.a r~ponerenc:
Sl'.lllEAD jinn/I l Skinn. fuppofes tbcy are · Voft "- a fecrct place, appropriated as a repoG-
SE-IREA.DS, ff1t1trs Sderi.,cd "aSax. rcreaban , cory for fame cho;ce or rhings . .
temmi11uere, difti11dtre; vd a vrrbo to ;hear:"- SHRINK : " Sax. rcpincao; Beloo. ftbrin.<ktn
but t hen it wuu id be Gr.- Jun. mentio ns che (pleafing wo rd!) coctra.htr<: S ki nn .11-ic feems
Sax. and then gives us the Bdg. fabrocde11 ; muli· to be only a various d iaieft, and concratl:ion cf
lnrt, drcurtare : and Lye <iecermines for tbc S ax . ·, vVR!l\fCL£, qua Ii, or fo rivtl ·Np, like
r cpeaban : permit n1e to add only one l11o rc conjec- parc h111enr, fcorcht before the fire: confeq ueot-
u .1 rc; thac very Frobably fhread may have been ly Gr.
fo rmed by an eaty cranfpoution fro1n j!;ard: and SH RIEVE; "credo 3 Lar. fcribere: Skinn."
what 1nay confirm us in Cuch a conjecture is, thac -credo a Gr. re ..'P"' :-enc Dr. adds, "quoniam
in the Tcut. we find t his very rranfpofition; i. e. le. eorum q u i C•11fejji jimt nomina in catalog o
· '"'<.': \Vrirc ic Jhrtad, a1lt1 r!1ey \\ ri te ic fthaerbl!11.. vel ftribeba11111r, feu n1/r.(;taba11t.1tr :*' - beCaufe tl1e

ftbarben ; mi11utatim concid.e-rt; to cut, or break in 11arnes of rh<>fc \V ho coz1fefiCd were wri11e1; in a
pitus; confeq uently Gr. ; fee SHARD: Gr. catalogue :-Ciel. \Vay. r9; and Voe. 89, gives
SHREW; Ke<x.,, Ke•?•» ftrto; to jcrtam ; us a toral!y d ifferent idea of tliis word ; fo'r he
" uncle 'reut. hefabreyen; intanlart, fafti11art; ur tells us, rhac " nnti<·nrl y the conviets, who were
btjhrew you ; m•l~m It f afiimrm <orripiat : btftbrt;•tn delive r(d up to the jhtrijf; were exhorEed, and
autem d icitur a be; et fcbreyen; e.rdamare; uc pre!fccl, co co nfer., the crimes for which they
clicimus, lo ,·,y d•wn; i. c. maltdfrert, unv itiari ; were going to foffer; and th is was called jheriff-
quo iplo e:iam feofu vox hrec a Teut. ufurpntur; ir.g ; ond choir confellio11 , jhri/ 1; no c 1har tbey
q uia fe. venefic ia n1editan1 ibus oaiofis quibufda1n, n:a\le it to the /herijf; but for, its being m ade,
et 1naledi&is vocabulis perag i vulgo credicur: alter rhey had been configned over to hint :"-it
Skinn."-a faoldir.g quean :- " Gerrn. f<brtin; 'UO· dot·s not conce rn us ro whu111 rhey 1nade ch~ir
(iferari: Belg . fabrtier; voeiferal•r: hue refe r confdfion, if that confe!llon orig in ntecl front chcir
illud Miitoni frramul pipes: \Vachterus :"-but· be ing ddivered o ver to the SHE RIFF; then
l\ill all feem co be dcfcended fro1n the fame root confequenrly ir is Gr. as under that art.
with either SHRIEK, or SCREAl\-1 aloud ; SHRIVEL; ·pvf<,, r:1ga ; rumple, ,.;mpfe, rivd,
i. e. Gr. jhrivel; <011/t·nfled h:10 w rinkles; like fcorcht Jea-
SHREWD, crafty: " vel ii 1"cut. utfabreytn ther, parchment, &e.
(as in the former art.) fafe:illare ; q. d. btwitchr4. SHROVE-1id8\ quafijhri'Vi11g-ti111t, as on Shrove-
( or rather bewiubir.g) vel ii Lat. crudiu; q . d . tuifday : fee SH Ri EVE; Gr.
cr11dt!is: Skinn."-but both trudus, and Ct'tdtlis, SI-JRU B, a liquor : e ither a Syriac, or Arab ic
arc G r. ' compof1cion, bu r adopted by the Greeks, or at
S!iRE\V-MOlJSE; derived pe rhaps from th~ lcalt by other nation s, under a Greek appe lla-
fame fource with SHRE\V, only on another ac- tion ; viz . Oe~""• 1£01. pro 'p,,,,,,, quali :i:oe~'"•
count; the lady be.i ng eminent for the vi ru le nce f"!'bea; unde "fharb, vel Jborb, res i~fa qua: bi-
of her tongue; and tbis lit tle animal for the vi- baur .l unde noflr\11n fon1b,1J;ox ut v1denir, ntt·
rulcncc of its teeth; Jo virulent, that Skinn . perrime civicate noll ri\ do1'!ita; qua ir.ccll iooirnr
calls it mus iracunda, vel perniciofa, 111orfum potus ex vino adufto, malis au reis, et faccharo
cnirn vcncnatum infert. cornmiftis, eonfech1s : Lve •
:"-it is now ::>
SJ~RIEK; Kf''I''• /lridor; tt•ifa· made with rum, or brandy.
SHRILL; Ke•?.,,flrida,flridulus; •foarp, and Sf.IUCK, fi:ems to be defcendtd " i Sax.
/oTJd noifa. racan, f.'Cacan i Belg . Jcbot"ken \ q!ldl<'re, vibrnrt;
·S-:f:I.RlMP i "P·u1ir, ruga; a rump(t, r1:111pJe, <ri1JJ- uncle fcbt11 tlct i 111eretrix> ./?crta, a-.r~ 'T~ !:)CfJfl~:r,
I quod

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·s I!' From G 11 EE "• and LAT 1 M. T 5 J
qt1od G~oe flllpif11rt intellig irur; quod ill;i:: vidcnrur vcro c"t"aJi p~ribus nollris pb~ di4i
faciunt /11/111111/11 affiduo, vcl potius ,rij[ando, ut ab illo :i;,.,,., quod Gr=1s ar,11111, et magi~ ~ro­
L ucretius ait, ob eao1 caufam ut concinniorem pric ar'""' panariam denotat :- ab . hoc 1g1tur
'Venerem exh ibcant viris : J un. as undc-r the arr. ! .... , , ad.fiats 01111us, et col!fanpi1ui diCli funt
S H AKE :"-whatever may have been the original pb!x-, vel pbba ; and from hence wc have
fig nilicacion, it is generally undt'rflood now of n adopted the expre!lion of publi01ing a jibberalt
talltrtd, raggt d bnrfot. in the cllurch; i. ·e. to publilh the banns of mar~
SH UCK, " bujl:, or foe/I; fone per n·nagram- riagc; 01ewina,. 1hat the parcies :ire noc wichin
macilin. , ;; l:IUSK: Ruy:"-c:ven chen it would the prohibiteddegrees ofmarriagt, or co11Ja11gui11~·11 :
be G r. ; but it fee ms 'l"ather to ·be defcencled from or, if w e have a mind co inte rpret tbejibbtrtJ/t tn a
SHOOK, or jht1k111 ; meaning ·the empty }htll, fpiritual fenfe, lhewing thac t he pn~ties, bccaufo. not
when !he feed, or che kcmel, is jhook out: conle- rrl111td ro each other, are now going co enter into
quently Gr. ltill: foe S!·Iil\!KE: G r. a fpirilua/ to11fangui11il)', and 111)'/licn/ u11!011, that is
SHUDDER : bow firangely words will fomc- bctwixc Chrifi and h is church :-all this however
t imes vary in t heir appearance ! no one at lirfl accounts for only the former pare of this com-
fight would imagine, that the 1vord fo111idtr could pound, jib; the latter lurnu is, according to
be de:ived. ~ n..1zrva, and yet it 'u ndoubted ly 1-Iickcs in Ray's preface, derived Sax. byphl:, a
ukes 1u o r1gtn from thence, thus, ll272ro..., g1111Jfa, mnnifejl; A ngl. to bruit, to div11lgt, JprtaJ
g11111io, tJUlllic, txcutrrt; lcal. ftu•ttrt; T cuc. abroad: only now again br11i1 is Gr.; lo that
gtftb11t//tr11; B<:lg. fcb11ddrrtJJ; unde jbutlder. the whole compoundjib-btratt lignifies tbt publi-
Sl-lUFFLE, rr.,,;;.,?"• difptl!o, diftutio, disji- tation of tfll!ft1nguini!y bccween cwo parties enter-
tio: Cafaub.-" vel. a :i:xo(Ja>.•?"'• rtjiurt, tan - ing: into the holv el1a1e of matrimony.
q unm E•vf3'"'-": Jun."-the former fee ms more SJHLET : "Sax. rreb-leap; m:inifcfle corrup-
prefcrablt l becau(c when we fay, fhujfle the tards, tum ex Jud and leap : Lye :"-confoqtiently Gr.
we 1ncan to chnnge their pre fen t pori tion, in Sl-BYLL, ":;;,13.iv,a, jibylla; the fil>yl ls were
order ro caufe t he g reacer variety ; we do not prophetclli:s among the Pagans; tt> calkd from
. mean th1·ow them away ; 1qo' indeed if chey were, l:io1, JEol. for 0,.,, Deus ; a nd B•),•• concili11111 .•
it 1night be the better for ihoufands. ug."-hatl the D r. confolted Voffius, he wou ltl
SHUN, '' t1:.iwJ tieti; item pe,.ftqttbr, i11r1fo, l1 ~ve found a different drriv. as to the latter pare
f11g•: Cafaub." te perjr1c; a lfo tofire from , o~•oid: or of t his compound, " fed de (3v>.>.a. pro f!•>-•,
elfc it may be derived a :i;.,,_.,;,fc-.·11s; uncle Sax. JEolrs, aut Grrecoru1n alias dixilTe, vix putem;
.rcumnn; 'llit11rt; unde jb1111, le ov•id,flar! 11jidr. main ab ,13...,: and H efychius explains lj3v .., by
to S H UN, or Jhune; "to foMie : Sulf~x dia- T~~1,., ll•i': fo that the word Eif3v>.>."' l~cms ~o
lect: R ay:"-it feemscobel>nly a contrnc"lion of imp!~· the h•fJ txt/Amer, or r11!b11fi11J/ :-after this,
j}wve11, o r jbwe ~lie about : confrquenth• Gr. : he gives a lift of fcveral of the libylls' names, or
frc SHOVE: Gr. ' r.1thcr the places where they delivered their pre-
'SHY 1 " Ital. f'bifo; Belg. fth01r.t1t11 ;f,btrwm; ditlions ; which being curious, arc here tran-
Teut. f ' htwen; vitart : Skinn. and Ray:"-thefc fcribcd; Sib,· lire ficenumcrantur 3 Ck1n. Alexandr.
gentlemen fccm to be d«ennincd co have re - t1{3vA>.a ;. L~f"'~' ~ KoAo~t~u, ~ K.vf"d•c. (rtlcntioncd
cour(e, as fcldom as poftiblc, to the Gr. tang. by Virg il) .; E~,9~ .,«, . ,j \t>v1.,, ,; T~e.,£••1{'"• ',;
tho' the Greek has undoubtedly g iven origi n to '""'"''•;, n e.11~;.,, ,; e'""f~7,,: 11t Varro, :ilu quc.
the word in qucl1 ion: thus all the wortls above ct alias, cc alitt·r recenfenc. ·
q uoted are evidentl y defcendcd a :!:''"'"' fc~us, SICCl'IT, l:ovxo(, vel p <>tius ;r1><x,or·, fiu11;,
'1Jl1r11s; awry, athwart ; as when a horfe is fl))', . aridus ; pan ht, fcorcbetJ.. ·
andftews: I.ho' Cafaub. derivesjhy a Xo17•?•» tic SJCE ·p11111, El;, fex;fi.'"·
rquo iljdomilo, atque erel\a j ubil GOntlllllacitcr SICK, " x"~" (Upton 's printer Jhoulcf have
e.x furgenrc :-but thi s is 1nore applicable to a foid !••x•~) i11jucundus, 1..:diof11, r.rttr ad/pttlu;
mellltfomt borjt , than a /by one. 1111plt afant, pale, nnd wan : R. r"X."'"" labcry,
SIB l thcfc words, wh ich, eccorJ- fnjlitlio: Cafoub. and Upt."- " valdc funt 3ffi111a
SIB-BERATES ing to Verfi. have fo much I 11w, Irv••::i, conc11ti1J ; prorfltS 11t L:itin is qt1oque
t he appeara nce o f a Goth. or a Sax. Cl<traftion, valctt1do dicitt1r ca11cajfa, vcl i11co,1ruffe: Ly~ :''
are really o f Gr. ori~. as Jun. or L ye, under the -a jha/feretl, batlend, jhakt11, brokn1 'c11Pit:ttio11.
art. fibk, have very judicioufly pro\·ed; (o r, af- SICKLE: " ·Z%yxJ.-, Jal<, opud ficulos: Upt."
t er having lbcwn, that the Sax. Alman. and Belg. -35 chis gentleman could not poffi bly ha\'c writ-
words they have produced, do all of them lig- ten it.ficiJos with a.f; it mult be only an error of
11l(y cog11a1io, et f1111gui11is 11t uj/i1ud•, they add, the p ref$ for Sirulos with a S; Zat:cld, or Zmulo,

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S I From G I\ EE K, and L A T 1 K. S I
was a mariumc town o( Siti/y, and being built or any fmall run of water, that in t he fummer
near, or upon Cape Pdorus, it had the appear- is dry.
ance of ajck/c. • SILE·down ; " Six. firl; b~fis, lim:n ; q. d.
SI DER; " t '"•ex, fiura; Hefych . Hierony. ad f.J1ndttm dtlabi: Skinn."- and L ye adds, "pro-
ct Iridor. verum 11b H cbr. acceixre cccleli- prie dicitur de aoimi deliquium paticntibus; ct
gfiici, non ii Gr:ccis, quod put3vit .Suidas cransferri v idctur 3b H ibcrn .fi/im; t!rftillart :"-
·,;iv a "l:J1/ quod dt tbri11.1 fuil: fiur~ cmm vo- from whence this H ibernian jilit• may be derived
cabulo 01nnis potio i11ebri11111, vino e11ccpto, lig- would be coo inimaterial to trace ; but if the
nificniur l Ut qure conficitur e Cucco dattylorum, Dr'$. Sax. Ji'! be the true lignification, it would
pomorum, frumcnti, mellis, &c. Volt" be very co.fy 10 trace it up to the Gr. u under the
SIDEREAL," E1l•f,/orma,jpttit11 f~nt cni~
art. SILT~: Gr.
jidtra farin.e live fig11rie tl"lt}lt1 c ltdhs; qu1a a SI LE -Ji.fa ; " a jlr11i11i11g-tfijb : Ray:"- tbai
fpuir1, vd effigies rei ficllis pluri~us adum- it fcems to be only a contraction of SOIL; Ill
brat~: Voff."-a confttllntion, or colltllton of ftars,
fl:rain off the dirr, &c. : confequcntly Gr.
f t rmrd into certain figures. Sll~ENCE, "£1r•·file111i11:n; :i:.,,.....
quiet, b11fh: ·« y in I con•·crfo; contra quam fit
SIEGE, £{"'""•fa.Ito,; to. bloel: ttf'; or, '°f-'>.l.>..r, magis : L ye:"- for then t he cwo Marc
•s wr: fomctimcs lotcrally trnnOate 1t, to fat down
convened into g.
before a city, in order to reduce it.
S ILK, " r•e••<'• by changing e into I: me-
SIERCE, afinall ftivr; vcrhops only a various n1inir .i\.rrianus I"e•"-~ ..,.,.,,.~10,, fta n1inis [trirti:
tliakct of fdve; or n contrall.ion of futr110 1 10 Vdleraq oc uc foli is clepeClant tcnu 1a $(1'ts.
faparole; and confcqucmly Gr. •s under the art. Geo. II. 1t1.
CR! BL E: Gr. SILL: " Fr. G all.jiu il ; ut rcCl:e 1nonct dodus
SIG!i " viucri potclt dcfo mpturn a r..,.,, T h. H e nlh. proculdub io :i L at. j olum: Skinn."-
co11ci1Jio ; undc dcrivavi1nus A ngl . .f:ck : quomam " rcClius fortafle om nin pctas a Goth. f•lgaw;
vcro r .... idem en ~n nnccccd t nti ! etw, vide ri fu111itJ1·c : L ye:"-in lho rt, the.Cc two gcnck111cn
quoquc potcft defum pcu m ex Iiv•J'«•, vd :i:•.•I''" • would rather travel to.the North pole (or a dcriv.
ce11<ita/e ftro1· ; c11111 imf!.t/11 pror1~111po ; fiqmdem t han look co t he Southward for one, by cndtQ·
;ior. 1. e...9,.,cxpon1 fole r cum 11npe111 pro1:11f'1; vouring co tracejolum from the Gr .. as under the
9 uod /11/piriis m axi me cmn pe tc rc nem o non v1det ; arc . SOIL; a word, by the way, which they have
bom ines cti:1111 rdunt, quunl cor mccrore g ravatum bo cb k ft out :- the prefcnt wordjill is of the fame
e xone ran t lj1iriu1 fubito, atque impetuoli: pro- deriv. with GRO U ND:fi/I; which h as been al-
rum pentc, ac: partes vitales vchemc ~tcr co11ci1: ready conlidcrcd under chat art.
1ie11te: J un. " 10 draw the brtolb lnav1fy, and tm:J SILLY, " r.>.>..,, H cfych. o r from txn>.111,
it bajlily. vox H otJlcrica: Upt."- this is ·au he h•s faid on
· SI.GN 1 Voffius derives fig11um a Ak"'"I'' : this an. 'which is b ut an indolent way ofdifpitch-
SI GNA L but l faac derivrs it ab E<...,,, ing bulincfs : H e(ychius e xplains I 1Mtr by
SIGNET e;..,..,, undc 1.,,,7,.,, H cfych ..figi/- "'a-Jct>.A2;i~~ ."'Z1"-'ft1 "'(I' X"-'"'""."•(1 aJI,
x.ia.x •Ac;')'t«,
. SIGNI-FY 111111 g ,.,,_., : -perh aps this la!t or any of which exprcffions, will gi ve us a very
o ught to have been !1x1>.o, as we have already proper idea of a f••I, ln1.ff•1,,, or jtjltr :~s for
retnarkcd, under the art. SEAL: let me only -rx11>..-<, tiicre can be no reafon why it lhould be
obfcrve, that the Greeks ufcd the word °£•!''"" called 'II•:< H•nurica; for it is not peculiar to
ro_cxprcfs/; afign or miracle; alfo a marl:, Homer ; all lex icons expbin it, and all authors
tcl:tJt, prcof. makc .ufe of it :- to this kt me add from J un.
SIGNIOR; this title is firangdy difiorted and under the art. Jtl:J ; fortaJrc quoque Jtl:J, fays he,
-eontra8cd (ro1n E>1a~1,,, tJr.nus, a1111ef11s; an tl- non male referas ad 'rt>.>.0<, a111bi1i1fus tJJa•ftr •
,duly ptrfon; for from £,. comcs/a:i; unde faux; or, as we t ranfpo1C: the words, an P"'i; r•r
undrjt1tior; undc Signi~r. which may very well con1c u nder che denomina-
SIKE, "aliisjfrb, cit iplillimum Icdand. fiikt, tion of being.filly.
jiik; l11c111 aqu.e, rivuliu, J11lc111 aquarho, qui SILVER, " ,.,, • ..-i Ll•>./lM» qualijJilvcr,fp!es-
a:fiarc jicca11tr. L. B. dicitur ji<bttum, et fikt11111: dere : H or. nul/uJ a rgcnto co/or-11iji trmptr&fl
L ye :"-and yet fo attached WJS this gcntle1nan Cplenrlcat ttju.
1 0 his Iceland. that he could not fee, or at lcaCt SJMILAR l'OfA~>.of, ;/'...,, ji111ili1, jimilituih;
would not acknowledge, that all thofc words, SIMILE S like, 6nd likenifs : or pcrhAJll i
and even the Lat. jitralur, arc derived either i\·11,u ">..o-(, imitatu1, reprrefc111a111s.
fron·1 l:"~k~~, or l:'>cX•f, jiceus, aritiMJ: a 1·itJ11!:-1, SlMN EL; " Cafaub. deflct tit a 'i111-11•»•r1
• ftmiJa/i11

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s-· 1: s 1
'Jtmitlafis ; lklg. fimilago, fariila, ex qui craffiorcs no noricc of it, and conf~ucntly ·not given al\y
furfur~s cxcreci funr, .dic:iturJemtl,mul; ttual, or anCwcr to Cuch an obje8:ion, tho' it ftood fo evi-
fiNe jlottr: Lye." . · dently before him.
SIMONY, " l\1.i.,., ~imo11 {urnnmed the ina-! SINE; "t.. ... ,,jimu, 'UOY/tX J o..1w, v1rfc, JJ)'r•:
· gician 0 who wanted to buy of Sc: P eter the gi.ftl 'fancjuvht · illud Hidori· in Glofils; fi111!m vas ill
of ciinferring the floly Ghoft: Nug."-as men-. quo butyrum tonficicur; Angl ~ a · cb11r1r; quin
· tionctl in ACls viii. and fro1n th3t tranfattion, all in co Inc 61i.rl•Q;1, i. e. rir,u1nag;111r: Vc>ff.', y.-it1c)
-thofo, who p'urchafe church prcfcm1ent unlaw- quotes 'furnebus; but is hirnfclf of opinion,
fully, are faid \O be guilty ofji111011J, or to ba'"'C, that jinus may De-derived ab r1""'• ii "'".ntau, et
made a jitH•niacal i::ontratt. • ji11u poplitis: ~rrecis eft K•ll••:• ?ndc h at. gai-'Jo
SIMPER; ,,. lt11itrr bullirt," fays Skinn. " ni, pro x:.,..,..,,, a gulf, or 6fl) :-tr 1s alfo ·ufed 10
fallor fulrridtrt, forte pariim dcftcxo fcnfo a· Sa.'t. 1nathe1notics, co lignify that right line, which is
r1mbclsn, dicllJ _ftjlam . ulrbrart i, pm~! - ~· drawn from · any part of an arch, and is perpendi-
Jiu fejlus !"-tlns very interpretation m1gn.t lead 1 cular co che diometer of the circle ' fo• that the
us to fuppofe, that it was derived frornCY.MBAL;• longcft;Pnt will at laft beco111c a feinidiam.ecer;oc
1ne3ning to keep holiday, •with ;,i11jic, "''.r~~· and II •'a r·a
" d"1us. · . ' ·.
lntrrimtnl: confequcntly Gr. •· • ' SINEWS; ,., pr:efixo s vitlc.,,tur fatta ~x l.r<,
SlM -PLE, A">.•1•r, A>'llo•r, A.r>.•r, fimpltx, qua11' 2:1.-1r, 111rvi, -vcn.i-·: "J llO,"-h .
1 e 11rr11e.s, v1111s.,
.fimpliciras; plain, without gitilt; alfo jingle, ont, meftla, &c. •
i111irt: derivatur, fays Scrivelius, ab A unitattm SING ; ":i:"'l'X"» co11fundtrt, to11jimdtndo mij-
•fignificantt', ct 1r1Aw. /um; tanquam A1rt).0c, qui:i crrt; quod fcicc modul3crquc concinrnccs vari&s
1111icum cft quod fimpltx : vel ab A, n•n ; cc ""'"" cantmnmodo voccs varic pcrmifccrc videntur :
multus ; quii quod fimpltx, non cft c 'lflttltis :- Jun."-10 pc1tr forth tbc 'IJOitt 1 pours for~b bis
-this latter deriv. fecms very prob~ble: cho'Voffius, lill/t 1brca1 :- " olirn 'interim fubdubitarc cccpi,•
under the arc. jincrrtts, is of opinion, chat "Jim· continues Jun. " annon prift•a gens 1noruli111n,
plex ex fine; et plito •( ,,.,.,• .,) conft_atur :''. and. in longillime adhuc a lafcivicncium delitiis remota, •
this fenfe we fay, a "'"n of fi111pl1t11y,,1ntegr11y, atque etinrnnum ,cxpers arcium, qua: ad aures
•tvi1bo11/ 1111y dou5lings, tUr!filigs, or cbfrrmery. decincntbs excoluncur, /e11i fl/II'!' flljitrro pcrtenca-
SIMUJ.:.A'fION, 'ol-'~""• jioiilis, unde fim11- , tl1m acra n1u/(t1:te pt1taver1t Jilter a:t:irns canere
-latio; a rout11trfeiti11g, or uling any bypocrifJ, Sircnum concordiam: id Ii a vcro non procul
11r1, or dtttit. abirc judicabimus, ,;dcri quoquc pocucrunt ma-
SIN, '' ~, ......,.,, l:1t~JA4•, nocto, /ll!tla; 'Il1'1~c-, nor1111s, jores noftri fuum iltud jingan it canoro bomby/'111-
'1toxi1a : Cafaub, and U pc."- hurt/11/, i11j11rioMS. iium flp11m murmure, qui Z1yy•r d icebatur de·
• SINCE; "Do8:us Th. 1-Ienfh. putar de-
16cxum a no!tro fitbence ; non abfurdum eciam
rivarr~: z,.,,,.., o
enim Hefychio ~fl wr ~t1>,''""';;,,
• ,;;, ; 1,.,;;,., r.xor :-the only difficulty 1s to fay,
cffct dcclinare a Lac. exbi11c; e, ct b, abje~tis, ec how our nncellors in thofe remote ages lhould
"'facillimil. mutatione inf, cranfeuntc: Skinn."- becornc acquainted with the word Zin•;, which,
-but it might b~ better to refer it, with l~ye, co the by rhc way, fi1ews the propriety, though not the
Sax. Alph. • · hnrn1oniol1S pronunciation of our Somerfedhirc
SINCERE, " I v'>"'ve" (ic lhould ·have been men tu chis day, who dclire a perfon ro zing •
printed :i:"'Y"•e•» cit a cerJ ;" fays Voll: "­ zong :-we might however, with Skinn. rarher
run1, p11r11111, jint fttco ; ut mt! fine cn-11: - it fuppofe, that our words Jing, /011;; and f:m:ftrr,
m ight perhaps be betrer to derive fitt<trt it :i:...., ..~,, origm•tro a ~•·rr:· « .../')''<• 'VOX, fo111U : R .
'11111 rordt: not thac there are any Cuch words •s
<1>1yy•l'a '> fano, 'VD<iftro ; lo 111t1~t nny fo::nd, or
cithrr :i:vy••e•r, or :i:v'l"'•e•: but if we are at li- agrttablr mod11/n1w11 witb rbe 'VOire. '
berty to form che on<, we arc •.1ndoubcedl)• ac SINGE; ' Ev"'• i11j/nmmart, torrtrt; afpiracionc
1iberty to forn1 the other; and this latter "'ould versil in J : Cafaub. lo b11r11, p11rrb, roajf.
enable us to gee rid of chat dilli.:ulty which
Voffius ;•ck now ledges; for, after having derived ~ INGLJ'~ 1I"• I'I'"• untie lyyu,.,fingularis;
fi11cer11m fro1n :i:"'>"'"~"· he adds, r~prchend_ic han~ SINGULA R! E1;, 1mus; 011t, jimple u111t:
fentcntiam Valla 1 negat prrevcrba11nfine mgred• alfo peculiar, odd : Hcfych.-Lye, under the arc,.
in compoGcionem :-but there indeed he is fyngultr, obferves, that " fcriptorcs lreculi fcmi-
-wrong ; for both the Lacins, and ourfelvcs, _ad- barbari aprum, five porcu1n fylvcnrcm pa_ffim
mit of Cuch a coo1po6tion: the gre:tteft d1ffi- ''oc-Jntfin.r11la~tm; imitationc Gr:c-coru~, qu1?:'.s
<:ulcy is co account for that nrangc lignification, porcus agreft1s nuncupatur Mo"'• 9uod fit 10.:-
that Iv• Jhould anfwcr }i1tt: Voffius bas .taken vagus, atquc ob natura: fu;i: foroc1an1 pafratur
3 I folirari:JJ;

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s ·1 From '1 II :at N-. an4 ·~ ~T t 11. ' s. f
f tlitllritu; quc>d fi~ "'lfl•Jttr :" • .falitMJ wi/J natio~, and yet on 4ilii:fent lidcs; becaufe tJie.
;1ar 1 tla folil.Wt: kc likcwi(c SOL,:ITAI.~. ,R o1mqs\ ·~:r lopk.ll\i 1 ~ard, bad it •• tUir
SI NISTER; "e'"t"• /tnifltr I .tl>I u/1 ~~ ;, left I and the Gre&s, by. iookint1 Wcftward, bad
i•/1111j a1 ; ••"""1 1 b«auic the G=k• looked on it 011 tbe fiJhl, daring tl}ejr.religtous Cl:mnooia~
all tho(c omens, and auguries, which were fccn · and rherefore mto•Jtit l.a;11a, {aid the &oman •
on the It/I h•tul, 10 be ••l11t*J :- this is t he in- , Art•nr1~· nr111'1E1', faid the Greek :--with regvd
terprctation that commentators . and diCtion:i.ry now to the .acceptation of the word .JeijltT, or
w ritcn ha•c given us of this word; which is 1h1 lift huJ, in our lan.g \lagc, we fccm to un-
leaving us as much i11 t)!c ,dark, as if .had, derft~nd \t \n the fenfe of the Greclr.1; for as thtjr
given us no cKplanation,at all.; an4 to covv~nce happy 01n ens came from the right~ tln,.J!i>r
us that 11'1 lift b.t1Ul wu not always 11nlacf9, 1ht oat1#J m~ft have ·been ~•/"'""'"• bcc.ulei·tMY
Ro1nans accounted it pr•/Plr1111 ;, i11t•1111i1 11<111.,;I c:une from 1111 uft ; i. c. from the Soutlt :-die
JEn ..JI. 693, an.d JEn. IX.. 63 I ; and yet. it . is only thing Wh ich bas C~UfCd ~y ~ifficuhy in un-
certain, that both Greeks and Ro1nans fougl1t . derlbind111g thcfe ful>jclb~ 1' ,the · m'ffl'l{,lji'
for their profperous or fuccefuul .auguries frotn : which the Rom'!'l5 ha•c ai>l'Fpcd th~Yc. oa.
the fame quarter: how then can thefe . t~!l.. P9r .foine .oc~alions; for Virgil mentions lb1 jiMJr1
j>Ofitc• be rccont;ilcd 1 for 1-Iomer fayJ, Arf"'"'1"' tor#i>t I and yet mta!)a tit 11!J1~~9 "-Of.II: now wby
,.,l.E/, Iliad B. JSJ• and Kf•"'•• ul•t•" ~.,..1. · tJi~y lhould thus change their ideas, and make
,a.,.,, : Iliad I. 'lJ6: but have we . not o right this alteration of expreffion, would be impoffible
h•!d, and 0 lift, let us turn c;iurfcl vca to w~atcv~r for me. to fay; unlcfs we undcrftand thcfi,U)r•
ob1ea we may ?- for a foluuon therefore of this ~P""'" in tbc fcnli: ,of tho 1•9'i-o•i1U11s rrow; and
d ifficulty, we mull have recour(e to that great indeed ~elibccus blames bi.cnfclf fq1: oot attClld-
antiq11ary D ionylius of Hal icarnaffus, in his fe- ing to her,
.:ond book, fcltion v. where he fays-" The bcft .
. . . -· '"'* ~
Sa:pe malum hoc a obis,.fi" •ns 111111 f41Wfai.ffet,
fitc, or ftation, !or t~ofc who .are to make any De ca:l<! .raltas ~emini ,P~zdi~~e qucrcus;
augural obfcrvauoos, 1s that which looks towards S~ fi11iJlr• cava przd1JUt ab il1ce ,,,,,;x:.. ,..
,the Ea!l (according to the Rornan method) from Ecl. I. i&
whence both the fun and moon arifr, as wdl as and yet it would be llrangc to uriderltand it ia
the planets, aod fixed ftars, and the revolutions that fcnfe : the difficulty ther~ll>rc of reconciling
of tht heavcns:-to thofc," continues he, "who i1ll1•11it I~ and fiaiJr• _,,;,, muft be kit
turn their faces to the Ealt, the NORTHERN to more karncd critics. . , ,,. -
part.s of the world will be o• tbtir ltft, and the . SINK, or a,.;,,: 0.80r, ft•li•• ; hinc /mtiN
Southern on their right ; and t he (ormcr, viz. d t&um de /ttliH navi$ ; any Jroi• to carry off.
t,hc NORTHERN, arc looked upon as more o~ co1lclt Toul .w ater; an idea takm from the
~onourable than the latter; becauM: in the ctltcrn at the bouom 0£ t he pump in a Jhip,.
NORTHERN parts, tbe jlOlt of the axis, on made to receive all the bilge-water, which col-
which the earth rurns, is tfrt·qttd; (he means in l eaiug there, and l\2gnating, caufes a ftrong,
the Nonhcrn latitudes of Greece and Ronle) and fcLid fmcll, and fo1nc1imcs inftant death to.
and o f the 6vc circles, which encompafs the tbofe, who unadvifrdly approach ic '" ~~
'Phere, that, called th1 ar!lic tirdt, always .ip- SINOPLE, };,..,..,,, Si'"~• DOft\CD urbis Ponti,
pears op that fide, viz. in the NORT H ; while ~de ')'11 ll••1'•-. tm-• Pontit• 1 a color in paii>t•
Ki the Southern parts, the other, callrd 1be ant - 111g, b rought from Si#i ft ; a town of Po•tus ,....,.
IWOk circk, i& deprdfed, and invifiblc to us : Xenophon. in his ei<ped11ion of Cyrus,. Book VL
t his is the rea!on therefore why we (fpeaking near the beginoing, fays, it is lituatt in Paphla-
like the Romans) look upon thofe omens in goni~, and was a colony of M ilclians :-111d Mr.
the heavens, and the air, to be the bell:, that Spclm. in his Note on that pall'age, obferves from
ap pear on the bell fid e, on the fid e that is more T ourncfort, tl\llt " Sinopc fucnilhcd tbc aotiCOI
honourable :"-thus then we find, that tbt It/I painters with 11 rt J 1•rtb, which was OM of rbc
\li3S the quarter from whence the Ro1wans looked four colors, witl> which alone:, Pliny tell~ Ul)
for their fayourable auguries• i. c. from the Apcllcs, Echion, . Melanthius, and N icomachus,
NORTH:-lince now the Grttks ex pcded their painced their immortal work.s : qvatuor colori·
favourable allguries fro1n the fame quarter, and bus folis i1nmortalia illa opera fecerc ; cx,a!,i1
)'Ct had it 011 tbtir right, it is evident that they Mdino ; ex filittiis . .l\ttico; ex r~b~iJ Sinopidl
m ull: ,have flood fronting the Weft, when they Pontic'i; ex "Wis ,A(ramcnto, "4xlla. Echion,
made ttleir augural obfervations; and thus the ' Mdanthius, Nicomachus :n-I have produ«d
fame region (the NORTH) was favourable to ,both this palfl!gc t~$:e mlll!y,. who bclic~c ~
· 1 ' ihr.

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S I From G ·a i r it, and L" T 1 11. S 1•
ttne }11'}/t mentioned by -t'bc antien~ ' is "g;t111, -SJRRAH ,-.. vid~·SIR, q. d.jir, 1>11! l'dinl)i."
imagining that the grtn color which j'(l ·he- ~ ';<"'Or perhaps it may rather be a deviat.ion of
raldry is -called• jintipl(, took iu name .f~om l'P......, r11/ail.
it: whereas we fee from this palfagt-; ..(hat ~ SISKIN; "lit~riK111, /11111fa,/pi•tls 11v:i1; !~efciQ
P liny fays the Pontic jinoplt was rtd: ye( • an . ii fono_ ftridulo, qucm edi.t lie d1_tl•, .fays
~,· Tournd'ort, Yol. iii.- 48: acknowledgll!, t~t S~1nn.,.'~ a Te<JC· /11tfz 1 , d1~lt11'. .fl1~vtJ. ;. aod1'.;:
1t is poffiblc there may -be fo1ne·fott of gr<nr eartli• 1dim . .tr~ .; q .. d. /~(1'1)1tu/p, ·• fapor1s fc. f11auaau.
in the country of Sinopt.,;'·foi''Chaloorldylus.fays) 1 -bu~ 1f tl\e ])rs _?~riv. amo_unc.s to ~y ~hmg,
-there is excellent coppe1' near it: but, how~ve~, I'. 1s.:prcibably: Gr. fince h!S favourne . Tcuc.
·there can 'be no doubt but -th:lt the antlcncpirl>J>le fatfi. fcems to be_bu~ a barba~ous concratlron of
~ rttl. ,f111111111/11u11; w_hrch is Gr.:_ Ice SUr~VITY : Gr.
SIP; " :£19•><~"' Ti, .,,.., 'flinum cnlpmis ba11rirt, . SISS; ":£,?,.., Jlridn-t; rnllar fern candcnus,
,flrbillart: Upt." tofp, or .fiuk up. , quum in :iqui excinguitur: Skinn.'' II bift, like
SIPHER, commonly writ(en typber. .a~ ·\f:de- rte! hot iron, quenched in water•
.rived from Cyprus; but ori_glnaccs a ").1pbr<!;'qlio' · SIS'l'E.R:.,; " m~gis placet /.,..,.,,,. ira ap~ll~­
in nrichniecica vulgo utuncur; ·ab Arababus ad n'os ~am1 :q1.1M quafi ftorf•"' nali:icur, fcparacurqu~·
vcnit; crtque ab Hcbr. i!>.:l 11111111,.0 71;1 : Votl'."- ab c-.Lcli>nlO in qua nara cit, cc in, aliam fami-
" ftrurr, or tbara&ltr in oritbmtlic: tilfo· a. fc'c;ret ' liani tranfgr~ditur: Voif."-and yet C~faub. foems
" co have. given .a bctc~r cleriv. viz. foror; " fifter,
-method ill writing. . . ·r h ·
· SIPH ON; :£,~, und.C l;.•~"'"~•"' i fo,no ab ·'l'rtf"• ieftrior, pefJbabt""4 ; or 1 t at rnccr-
lt ' prct;ation lbould ,pot be acceptable, as bcfpcak-
:ftpbo111 cxtraClo liquid~ eclunt; an in1tr(inient_l ing inftritrily ; we m.u1t cake it jn the fenfe Ufaub,
.Jrow, or rare off wilt<(> a ft, .&c. fo c.alled froan bas given, ex 'T«~!"> nomioc fub!taotivo, quod
its &ttion of /1ul:ing, or drawi11g up tk liq1tor. 111atrittm, &c. fignificat ; Jbt Jijli118io11 •f fax, bt-
SIR } K~e·•'• ll•f"• domi11us i lord, or ' Jwtt,. tbt malt a/Id ft1'1o le 6ra1ubtt of " fsmily.
• Sil'£;" Af.., fino. ji111s i nunc adjeetivum., (cu
SIRE . tllll/1t r. , _ ,
! 1
SI.R EN; ":&•ti"• lr•htr~; quod q11afi ..v!1nClo~ partic'ipiurn.1 n1.1n~fubll:antivum 1 utr,11111que ii.Jino,
'f.l~m1ne.s. 1e~~e,111 ,;. ·~"&"•. ft1.!{11a !'''"<:• T~ -~"e'ftl'"': ji111111 ·; 11am unu_m quodquc jilMlll ell:,. hoc ell;
tria n1arm~ monlha, qure dtlcmfico cantu ·(Jiii',~-, lpef:tum. ubi illud ji'Uimtts, hoc cit liftdllltu: Voll'."
btr1nf' nav1gances ; undc ct $.>'"""• . per J, (en- llu .fi1u41ion or plau of any Jbitrl in which it is
bcrc malunt: VofI"-who g1vc:s us likc:wife_ fc·_ !/efJ, or dtpef;ttd. '
veral orher c:cym. :- thtee fca monflcrs, .\\\lio .lived 1 SITIENT 4.>4'-t fiti1 ji1i1 • 1birjl • to · bt
-0n t he coaftofSici)y, and by che {wc:etbds of their tllirfiJ· ' ' ' ' '
~nging a·rno .vatrcngcrs on. fborc to their ddh.ll~· Sll( 1 'J!.E, /<1t ; the number /IX.
u on 1 according to the ac;co11nt of Homer,. ·~ SIZE 111 a;//eg-:: by our having t'Urtailcd thi1
O dy!r. XII. ~58. . . word, it appears i11 Co ftrange a form, as to rcn·
SJ RlUS, " I"f''-'' Sirius 1 fiella in ore cam- 1 it aim on impoffible to cr3c;e ic 1 but by tak-
c:ul~; ct.Sirl11s dii;i1ur a,r ..,~, txji~to: Voff.'.'; , in$ .Skinner's interprct.acion, we 1nay, perhaps,
the lhi r. S.iriu.:> trt th~ mouth of l~a l{ffer ,o/g. . gain the true ctym. : "jiu," fays the Dr. " a Fr.
SIROCCO: " .voxipu(a ·puta Ital. Euro-no/ulll Gall. nffeoir; in academiis oj)ift, (c. fi1111pl11J. qui
.autcm ventum· figoifica.t; forte f.J· d. w nlus $Jrj., in tabulas refcruntur :"-and here the Dr. leaves
..,,.,,, fcu ~ Spia ·Bans; C1:rtc S7rio ab orience ct us 1 but the Fr. Gall. offtoir fccnu to be derived ab
Aullro Italiam fpeCl:at : Skinn.".....Samn1es, 88, 111, 11Jli1; nxaning f11mp11u t me119, c~jl. or tboriu:
bu given us a much better deriv. frpm Can1den 1 " at cave iccirco 01 a Gmcis cOc putes;" fay1
for he fays, CirrillS; a 'Dtbt11ttntwind, fo called by th<! Vo if. " nam ciun veteres Gr:rci hanc voce1n ig-
Gauls from irs fore•, and fJiol:nce, is deriv..ed b)I 11oran1, dub>cari neqµi c quin pofteriores cam ac-
Camden,,from Cyrocb, fignifying· viplence•;. and cepcrinc il L 1tinis :" - this n1ay be 1 and yet
fuppofcs· it. was fo .called· by·thc.,G:iuls·and .Bri~ . it is poffible to ~ew, .that chc L~tins the~­
tams ; K•eX" fignrf:ies to tx11fp.~ratt, or makCl fdves, even from. his pwn words, borrowed th as
violtnt :-chis Suuth-·caltcrly wind 'Yas gcnerall.)'i expr.ellion from the ancient Greeks; for ~hus he
'IJtr] 'violtnt 1 and iS>mcncioncd by Milton al)'leng goc1 on; " ibidem. undc as fie, docet Varro1
other lierce·winds: . ' "'· inquit, ab dt ~"- and, under the art• .,,, ,
- - - - - - - thwart of tlwfe a~ fierce · 1 after fcveral attempts, ho: fays, " frd
Forth rufb t he Levant, and the Ponent wiBds • vide q11anto limplicius Gt, G dica1nus "'' elfc ab
Eurus and Zephyr with their la~r3l noifr, Af•h /1rr11111; uode anliquus ille r«lus oirtJ, ct
Sirtuu, an<l Libccchio. •"'I"''"""
XA1jll L S l. Ut. a p/tf,u, pltbs ....
J l !l SIZE

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S K Frolll G 1t't 1' K, tnd L .~ T t tf.. S· K

SIZE' '1 " c-omcs from fdiuid," fays Ray :- ' S.1'ELEtTQN.,- '!.. •Jxo/\Jlo;, fttle/.o;,,; 1xjiu111w·;
SIZER ·S tlien it undoobcedly comet a·Ix.•e"·; ; dried up. 9~;no1bir,g,,bMI Y/fi":· a~d bo!tt. : R. :i:.,iv.., ·
'<!llali r.x,.,Jw, fcindo, di'Vido; to cut, divide; allO 1h1 1 tltficc~, orefaci• :1 f::/ug. '71t 1~. <!fl.IY. to ~c won-
prGj>$T/101t, or fffagnitude of a"y thing, whether. it dered that th~ Dr. !ho1,1lq hav:c m.ade clioice .of
be large, or diminurive. · '. I~o,,7,,, .the :idjec1ive., p referably to r...i.,7,., chc
· SKAIN, or dagger; " Sax. r~;scnc; ·glt1dius, fubftancive ; lignifying th~t fyftcm, or coUccrion
e1ifi.s br~;Jior; h~c forte .a peando; 'l!·d. ftcina : , of buman bonf~ pri(d, a,nd put : together fo art-
Sk10n. - then It would originate ab.. A><w, faco-; (uHy, as· to;.;g1ye- ··~ a. p.crfcfuidca of th.e con-
~ ( Ill : vel a Jica, q . d. fit-il/(I ,_.but thentagain . ftr.uaion ' o(~he .h.u npn frame. . .'
it would originate from the fan1c· Gr. vert? ·; SKJ;P fqr be<s ; I•\.."'• 1tgo; a u11v,,.ing to. hi~
>ncaniog a fo~rJ fword, o r Jtfg!{tr ; I~ lllt, or them i11.
flab wi1b. SKETCli : as GQthic as this word .appear;,.
SKJ\LD : though this appdlation feems'. to it is evidentlv .d~rive\l ." a Ix,1:•>phi/yr.a c!;ar/£>
be in tirely Gothic, yet from ~bc;ir. funCl:!on. it · v.~1,al i'!d qujd in·fj\1.0 fc,ribimos·: -.huc ctiam pcr-
appears to be Gr. ; " nam 1fh jkold1,' .fays t lljtnt, ltal .. fthtzz.o .;, Belg. /chdft ; ad111,1bra1i•,
Shering. 173, "CY. prii:c~puo gentis fu;e·fongtiioe, i, e, · prima delincfatio exbiben~ rude lpccimto
regibus aliq'!ando· it confiliis erant ; fueti etia1n operis anim<> p rreconccpti ; p r.incipium quo·
reges in 1nilitiam fequi ; uc t"orum facb• coriltn d am1nodo inforn1e, atque lmpolitun1 dare: prorfus
ipii fuis oculis intucri , nee alioruo1 fide arbitrari ut °!:x,•.t•«et<• Gr:i:cis eft faccrc aliquid e.x.tempore.
neceffe ·habcrent : eaque ratione ·1nelius ex vero inelaborate forNlam delhnat i op.e ris exbipcre :
pofteritati tradere po~erant:"-and thcreforo,;ac- Jun." -to 1uakc a ro11gb' draogbt .
cording t o Ciel. we may ref<r to SKILL. ; · · SKE'iV, fClmet!inrSc written . befaawud, tftbew,
SK1\ MBLING, o r jbujfling iait: a pur.e Gr. · and tjkew, but derived a :i;,«.,<, f<4'1JUJ, varus,
cxpreflion ; thoug h Skinn. hef1carrs as to the pravus; awry•, a1bt11art, di]lorted; as w,hcn we
deriv. "Ii Gra.:us effem, auda~cr defteaerem a fay a horfe fttw;, i. e. fl11rt1 aji<k :· €afaub.. de-
~•«r-;Gar, ob!iquus, incurvu1, .JiflortuJ ; pr:Cfcrtim llectit. :'t. :!:1v~, ~ito, quario; ' /q ·flir1 • br jhake :-
qui cruribus tfiflcrtis eft:"-there ·is not · tbe• lea~ ' but · th·e · f6'rmer is moi·e prefcrabl~. "· '
lh adow of an objeaion, why the Dr. fhould he- ' SKEWER r~x•?.,; jii11do. ; a ffilit piue cf 'lliGoJ;
firate to adopt this deriv. fince ir fignifies a : a Jplinui. ' ' ' . ·· : · · · · ·· . ·
pcrfon, whofe legs are diftorttd in fuch a man- ; SKWF, " li•°'I'•, ftapha, rimba, li11ter ; a ftit;
ner, tho/ ht cannot walk j/tadily. . barlc, or 6arit: Cafaub. and Upc."~ R. l:r.=1•;
' . SKAllN : " Sax. rceario; : fiercus . bovi?1.n n; :fodio "; to dit. out; o~ make hollPttJ. .
hrncque rccarin - p1'?l>i.i ; fcarab:eu1 : K1ha_no SKILt.· ;,.:r"",~· ·per !11~tnb. f<to ; 'f k_.?''1);
/~hearn- wever : et qu1de1n (ht con.1ectura: vellla) knowhdrr~ .or 'ftuna : or·1g1ne1n 'vocabult peutam
vidcor mihi non n1fn ima in voce fta•·ab"''" vo- atiqui putanr, fays Jun. ex !:%''' "• flha!a ; quil<I
cabuli noftri jk11r11 vefiigia defcerr.ere: qll:'t.'11 ap- i n ea potiffi.m um capia1nus animi col n11n, atque
• polite eni.m redderent noftrates '.! jl:arn-ba ?. Ray:" 01nni¢"ena :imbuatnur fricnriii .:.-...or.elfe,. perhaps,
-tho' this gentleman could fee no 'Vejl:ge1, or . 1t might be bener 1-0 · d<trtve fat/I w1th Ciel:
nppefi1<ntfs berween, and K«~a!l•<• figni. \"lay. <1>r, from coil, which, ~n t-he Wellh, to
fying a fpuies cf built. ' this day, fignifies «vift, lt.~owing; leanud; and is
SKEIN of Jilk, or yarn, and fometimes wrir- radical to caile6, <allid111 ; ·and jkald.; a bard:-
ten ftai11 ; but 11either of them p roper, lince it but ealleo, and •allidus' are bc:ith Gr. · rho' pro-
is derived a f.x,o•»•>, 'funicu/us e junco plexus: b2bly,derived from a di fie rent fource: nay, I.ho' we
R . !:;>(.""~• jtt11cus; menfura JEgyptiaca foxa- were 10 admit that fail/ comes from theCeltic eall,
ginta .ftadia compleltens: l"lederic :-an -Egyptian in the fenfu of ftholar, fiill it is Gr.. viz. ab Av1'· ~,
u1rafure of an uncertain length :-Skinn. and a117-a; a boll, call, or coll-tgt. .
Lye <'xplain a /la1in ~f t hread by g/qmus, 1e u SKILLET; " forcaffe e!t ab illo {<aid quod fuit
'llolumen :fi/i : but t hen the Dr. ll:rangcly adds, fupra," (ays J un." potiRimum enim ea udmur ad
"hoc nefcio an a p r.-ep. '"·et Lat. eaml(I ~ (which · aquai.n in varios ufos fervtfociendatfl ;"-bccau(e
by the way is Gr.) proptcr cavitattm; fc. ut chiefly ttfed t• b! ol ·wcttr in.
plcraquc omn ia ccvo; pr.referrim Ii ob/01tga Cant, · SKIM ever a thi11[ ; t.<pedite tra11)ir4, tro~filirt;
' """"' nomine vu lgo voci tantur; ob qu am eandcm a Gcnn. amiq. in GI. Lipf. fiiumo; cito; quickly,
rationcm Go1:ildmanno forngo dicitur. :"~forago, nimbly: Lye eY.p.lains it by defpm11are ; and dc-
fays Ainfw. is a flip , or /ta of yarn, fill, &c. - rives it~ Sued. jk1tma ; and then refers us tb fium;
as for the Dr.'s eova, oblonga fcrago, or holw, whic h J unius derives a X1w, fu11do ; Xtup.a, vd
long bouam ef 1brraJ, it is utterly uniotelligil>Je. Xv14,., quod fufi1111, vel diffiif11111 prcf/uit: ab hoc
• i~tm

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s K From G.a ! 21:, and t,. Tr~ S K
igitur Xvf''"•·prrefixo s, origo vocis ftu111, ct foim: col/a, per armcs : A•ax.a•1•?"" · proprie .de equci fe
- yet, after all, per-haps ou• word f"'m may e&crente trttlis jubis : - all which· is more ap.J
i akc irs origin ·from. jpuma, j,. e, · ii JI1vor, Jp110; plicable to 11 frolitkfanu horfe, rhan to a fti11ijh'
Jpi1, frorb, or fot11t ;. chat ~ifes; and floats on che one :-rhe next is; produced by Cafaub. alone, who
top of boiling liquor. . . obferves, "Angli·pariter de equoftit1ifh, qualenl,
SKIMB~E~SKAMBLE: this is only a redu· quia Galli vocant ombragn<1t, fufpicetur aliquis
plication, which our language feems .ao be pal'- fortalfe ex .r.,,. poti us manatre: fed ego illud ma-
~icularl)I fond of; and is introduced, becaofe gis probo :"-but is 1nore preferable, becaufC it
Shakelpear has made ufe of it in his Fi rll: Part anfwers neaier to the co1nmo n idea of a Jkiuifh
of Hen . IV. A& iii. fc. 2, whe.,, he n1akcs borft, ¥iz •. on.c wbo flans njide ·continually at
Hotfpur cxcufo the freedom. he had taken in· every object, either through a deficiency of fighr,.
thwarting Glendower 1 and fay, 3S. not having perfect vifion, or whofe fight is
I cannot, chufe : fomecimes he angers me, too good, i. e. perpetually looking at every object,
Wi.t h celling ofl'.he mould; warp, aod the ant- and as perpetually frightened at it : the. laft deriv;
A couching lion, and a rampant cat- , has been fuggell:cd by this .laft idea ; viz. thar ,..
Andfuch a dr.a\,of jkimbltftamblt jl11ff: - - .ftit1ijb horle is. one who· j!l1rrs ajide continually;-
tlie· oxprdlron. is- pure Greek, and originates a and rherefore may be derived ii. :!:xa•e"'• vel I _xie-
:t""f'f3•r, obliguus, int11rou1, 1ortuof1u ; pr:efertim 1'•.,, / alto, t".Jlio ; to ftip; or dance about, not JO a
qui cruribus di111rtis ej1 1 meaning a perfon who frolickfome, but in a fearful mannerr as being·
has a Jb•Jlling gail ; and here ufed co lignify any afraid of every object·; and therefore jumping from.
impertinc?t, incoherent j;Jrgon, void ?f fen'.e, it:-the th.ird, after thefc,.is not worth producing-
~nd devious from the com1non and ordinary d1f- SKlTTLES ; antientlv called kai/J, or kttls,
courfc pf mcri; or as in a former paffage he and fuppofcd to be derived a K•h•r (becaufe
lia1 fo juftly expreffed it by · near it in U>und) jaculum; a dart ; for that they
This bald~ unjointed chat of his . - - are like a dart : Law Dicl:.-but both ftilllts an.t
. . SKIN : " either from I.v7of, ftuJum, pelli1; a kttfs feem to be 1norc ea!ily derived ii< Ix1;>.o;,
covering, or bide : Nug."-or elfe, with Cafaub. quofi Iu7.1""• trlLI ; the thigh bo11e ; becaufc, as
\YC may derive it a· I•.,•r, etiam apud Lon - the good old Dicc ionar-y icfelf acknowledges,
ginum ,,..,e, ..T4'ar, JV9e:.>,. , ,011 O'kJtJror, bum'1n«m cor . . chey were forn1erly made of the /bank-bones of an•
pus : ell eni1n ptlli1 quoddam qua!i corporis 111- ox, or horfe•.
btrnallt!um; Ibis earthly taber"adt; or, perhaps, SKREEN,. hide; "n1anifcfte per ufitatiffimatr.•
better !till, ab A.-"°" uc A.-•or (3oor, apud.I'l:ome- litera: e tranfpofitioncm faccum dl ex ~"'e ... 11m-
ru1n, pdih b1vi-na ; A.-••r M"e""u¥, apud J-lerodor. /Jraeulrim; or.bicu/111, vel q11adra foli vel i·gni op-·
pellis Marfy.e ; i.e. txuvi,e. po6i:a. ad rnooerandum ardorem : ipfum vero·
. SKIP, :i;,.,,~.,, Joli•, tripudio ; to jump, or leop I:x•fo~ difut1n qt1:iii Il:''f~~: Jt1n. ''-the root o~
athwart. both which is.:E'""'f•» a !"'."'' umbra; a .fl>~dt, or
..SKIPfER: not from the foregoing root; b.ut c~vtrin.r:, to fccure or protect from any· rnJury .
fignifying now a Jbip-111011; or .fhip-mote; and con- • SKREEN, or jifr; lif""'• cen10, fturno; lo ft-
fequen_tly derives from the fai11e root with fMrou, or divide.. .
SliIP: Gr. SKULK ; '' Lxi:tA:.t«-r , ct I.><~Axrx1ve~; recenc10-
· SKIJL\olISH ; " Er, in ; et X"fl'":• pugna ; ii rcs •""-J•I<'~•· fcl>iptorcs Grreci appell ant e><plora-
cambat, Of rbe btal, and eottrngt, which Jores, (fto11N) hinc eciam· ftulcatoria na'lligia, ,.~
on to battle: or fi1nply fron1 ;, Xaef'•: R. X«•f"" K"1"~"'"'•"'• apud·Caffiodorum,.func t.vploratoria;
"' bt full of joy : unlefs we chule to derive it -(perhaps what we call privateers: )-pueculos in-
from the Gerina.n fchirn1t11 ; to jl.-ir111ijh : . Npg." .tcrtm laborum fugitantcs, atqqc ob hoc· a.fohoJa,
-but then ic would be no Gr. deriv. •fe fubducentes, fa~lktrs .nominant Dani :- any iclle:
_$KIRRET; :i:..."e''> fifer; a par/nip; or fpt- iojterers : Jur1." · :
tjt J ef wild ean·e·t . SKULL.: " l\1infh. deBecrir ii _1)--<1>.;.•.:; tx./iao:
SKITTISH: we have no fewer than three qui a,, inquic,.omniun1 oflium dt fi"ij}imwn; q_uod•
dcriv. of this word ;-the firft js. produced by fane, nullus credo: Sk1n1i."-rhe Dr:· chcretore,.
Cafauh. and. U pt, who would deri·ve jkiuijh " ii has r:uher derived it a· .. fhell; · K°•>-"'• cule11s, ~"1·
X<dl""· and Xa•1·~,;., de eq\•o proprie diciHJ r in- ft":.· lot11/1JJ':" tht lodgmfflt for.the brain,
domi co, ' v.el alias.dfra:ni, er ll:crnace ;"an<! lJpt. . SKY: "Sax. r cman ; Jplendtrt, fulgere, nobis.
quotes Homer, II. a. 506, foray.~• Js X«•7«• °'I-''" .,. faint; vel a rce.ap1an; tonfpittrt; qui a fc. pul-
ai·.-.-...1,.,~ and Vlrg. lEn. xi. 492, lud11111~" jubie per cherriin um o•nDium .Jpt& tulum ell:.:· vd a f "'Va ;:
· u,./Jra.;,

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S L From G R'r. II x, and L .,.. T'l'fl.
ri~ibr111: alludit :i:.,": Sk'.inn."-'thislaft is likewife mus <in•notis ad Nieronymi locum,: fufpica~
the deriv. of CaJaub. -but furely ncvcr ·werc there rurivenire ~ ....lilo>.o ·a :S.Ca~.... claMJi<o; :quod cog;it
two·n~orc oppolitc deriv. ; it is called Jbt fay, b'c- inft111T ,,;knUI; in oliliquum tendcre : Voa:·~- ro
caufe it is br~r;bt•; ;tnd'it is called '1bt fly, becaufc raifc "f&tnu!il/ous, -or ftZ/fa repwl, ro the •injury,
it js dark.! and Lye obfel'Vcs, that Danis :uqlic or prejudice of any one.
lcdandis.faii Junt .,,,1>e;; ct Sued.. fay C,{l: 411.itr : 'SLAP, "•'-~•(, .co/tlf>bus; tolt:pa·;· • 'biijftt, or
- notwithfianding the .authority of·all thcfe ccym. box 011 the 'nlr: ·R. :Ko>.11..1,;, /erfo, IN~do; .to beat.
i.t fec1t1~ niore .natural to foppof~, ·th'a t our word SLAPE-Ilk: 4 ' vox tagro.Linc. u Ci iatiffima, et
fly is only a coo rraClion of K"->-•»· ~41-lum 1 tbt ell: ctrwifi• <fijnplex, ·u t 'apponicut lllcdita~ ·a9-
hta7JenJ ; by only Ji ·thus l:'x '1- ivcl finthio, ·.-<ii •cochlearia_ Ve! alio iiquorc miKt:I!:
fttJ! 1 i . e. fly. fortean,licc't<fenfos non parum varier>a.bjlapt quoa
· SLAB . 1the fame as flab, and flabby: Gr. agro nofl:ro Linc. /11bricam, fou ·molkm fignat; i.e.
·,SL,o\BBY J here ufc<;I to ft.g nify any liquors fmoo1h ote; hocil verbo to·'f/fp ;.quod·vide: Skinn:•
that arc rgpy, j/imy, or bong down is .-a :flri11g :~ -hich ·the Dr. acknowletlges, " allodit Gr.
Shakcfpea.r has lnade ufc of this word in that ad- Allraf"• tflipis 1•P•'*ti.'ia e11im ta!Jrfra fun/ :"
mita.ble fcene of the W itches in Matbtth, 'that j/4pt aJ.t is literally jiipary; or, 1;1s .it is cem-
ACt tV. fc. 1, where, among all the horrid in- 'monly written, f/ippery · ak ; i.e. ru1i1·d..,Jin.glib.
gredicnts which they throw in«> the ·b oilinz ·~aul- SLAPJLQRAVA 1 " a jletp-gr-11ue ; btcaofe:r~e
Aron, he n1entions the dead body may be ..accompted · as· beeing •Jl"'P :
Liver of blafpheming J ew, : ' Verft."-but ·SLEEP ·is' Gr .
. Gall of goat, and' flips of·yew, . ·i SLl\SR; ' " Skt<1n. a fono;fiehnn. pOtat ;·ego;•
Sliver'd i'n the moon's · 1 : fays Lye, '•<..ab .l cefand-.flaf* I -l~d~re, rollid"t';
N ofe ·of Turk, and ·rartar's lips; •pn-~rltfrt:" :then ·probably h .b · dcrrived •i. e~••;
Finger of birth-fl:ranglc;d· ba:be. } vel ~>-••>, con11111dtre; to.JlllJ, bent, <11t.
Dirch•dcliver'd by a drab, _to SLA:';f os; "lo Jab ·Oll .: Ray :' 1-perhap5
. · !\1akc the gruel thick and flab. only a different dialeet for SLAP on witb a da}h ;
, SLACK 1" X«>."'"'• rtmiUo, rt/axo ;- de 'ft1nibt1s; ·if fo, it is Gr. · · ·
SLAKE J et id .genus proprie .: ' Cafaub," ta. SLATE 1 " .D olt. Th. Hen1h: dcftcet. a Fr.
11nlot:ft .; lo qu111fb. ' , ' Gall. ·efdatt, vcl efalat; ajf11'4 .- fed unde, inquit'S,
SLAM al tards ; " vax chariis lude11tibus no- hoc eft/at ! farte :i L at. ~xclontlils, rxda•gtrt ;.; \•er1 Teut. fch'4gt111 1 ptrcilltrt; etiam fe- lignificat eni1n proprie 11jfu/af!1, cum frt1g•r" d.ii-
.cundario hojltm fimdert, in fuxa.m cogtrt, ttdtre, vtr· filfa1n, abr\1ptam et djffilietnem : ·sk.ion."-all
'""; tnetaphora frequent iffi1na avictoria in clunpo ·chis ma.y be very rrue; but we might .rather fup-
ad yictoriam ludicram tradueta: Sk ir. n."-had the ' pofc; -with Jun. that " j/att ·ita dictum ~c ·a.
Dr. tranflated it bojfr111 occidtrt, inll:ead of iHifltm 'jiitt, -or fpli11 fir.dn-t, JijJindtrt :':- only tlien it is
fundere, he mig ht perhaps haYe fccn that bis Gr. : fee SHINDLES : Gr .
favo11ri~c preuy Teut. wordfcbiagen was no n1ore SLAVE 1 "E<txA" "'• int fudo; as 'much ~s to
than SLA.Y; uot i·ndee<l liceq11ly, but only gaining fay, ~tf>l undtr /Qck ar.d !try : R. K"""• 'daitd~ .~Fa­
a complete vietory over an adverfary at c;uds : - 1her Labbe thinks that this word·mighr havc been
confe.qµ~ntly Gr. . · ' alfo derived from Sd~7Joni11, che people" whertof,
S[;AM-·MALKIN, commonly w~i·rreo., - and · after having b-een-fubdued, were fold civet'"Ull 1he
j)ri>n<1unc.ed }lam111u*i1t r a·'fattitious compound, I W~ft : Nug."- botb :Jtin: and Skinn. ·•en•
fignifying · " fcrilina fqoalida,. vefl:ittis·negl igens> the fame ·deriv.-bu t 't*n i~·ougl~r not td hRve
e t incuriofa 1 (or ·what we- call a dfr1y ·1ta!/Qp) R. had a· placc'in theDr's, lift"of words'dcrived from
A•I"'"• limu1 i flimy: undc Sax. Jim, vcl lam :- the G~.-Jun. however,, has intr-0d11cc;d :11no~h·er·
and ' m,allti• t akes· ics origin from M,.e.,.a; MaritZ ; lcleriv. fo curious, it'defer..,es ro ' be 'tranfcribed ;·
Mary : unde M al!, .et Mell; cum cerminatione " conl endebat 0J ii11 vi r erudlt(1s, ·Ii ftrott1 dicanor,
q irlji'n uiiva· kin ; q. d. w/ariola : quia fd officium rquali ftrvolus in bello ; etiam j/tl'IJt potuiffe Jici,.
a;,cillre prreltat, d u1n ful'.OUlll e~errlt: ·Skinn." a :qui lit J alvattis ·in tiello :~this fec:ns to« th~
Jiriy fw t:per. ; moll: probable opinion 1 and "m-ay be "derived i ·
SLAN~EiR~ ''. ~""!'J':''~'" J:tinda/11rn, eff(ndicu- ·r..,.,, f ti/7111; 1 fll'lltd, or preftrvt~ from· the fwo~
lum, qu1a 1n via 1n6d1ole pon1~ur. ut pcdetn ad ' by bc10<> rak'cn prifo11er ~ fee SERVANT: Gr.·
iltud ~ff•ndfn~ cadamus; nifi faltor; a'it. l~iero- -Cid. "'v o c. 30, n, fays, tha t " 'jlat>e is 11· woid
nymlls," li•..i..,, et .:r.•• ,J..i.o, ap11<l Gr:ecos ex C'ormprcd from Uht'J-gltbt; adfcri pcici'ns globre1
~Jftnf11111e, et rui•ii; oomcn accepit : quare F.raf, (wharever· is meant· by- ·fhat term) I· have forne

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S L .From G111-11t, and L,A 'P 1 ~· S L

,eafon, to think," ay.t> be, " dµt the Romans mis pctita vidctu.r :" ~ therefore p{tfcrs the
introduced the cuftom of tilling the land with Goth. S:J.X. Alman. and. Belg. ingcnuoufiy allow·
JJ•t1ts 1 whi<:b gave rife to this moAgrcl word:"- ing. that" the Alrwn • .fta.ff.,, ; d#ntire 1 etjJ11f;
moogtcl indeed, if compounded_, a\ it appears to fa1111111s, polfunt videri facta ex jlajf; quod ii1trln.,.
be, of Celtic and Greek :· but die former, whi<:h ~ ~nniff11• :. na,n fpiritus vitalcs, qui
-t'pcars fo much Celtic, is mQrC probably Gr. v1g1lao11bus v1v1d1, fa•"" prtjfos quodammodo vi-
v1z. itbl, from il11'1 ; from fro, from !!"'"• pr~- dcntur denituerc, atque omni& corporis noftri
t crito vcrbi 1¥•• teit/Q ; vd a f.E~. \I.Ode i&/111 1 mcmbra fal11ere; unde Av~•µr.\r.r J....,, dicitut
a e • l•#KO :-GLEBE likewi{'e is Gr. 1-:lom. Ody ff. 'f. J+l: ; T<! I:'+'-~. TW ....µ ..1or ""t"''•
SLAVER, .t•M••, vd ~~. fa/i'V,1 /i'11i1a; ;; "l''f'I"'" :"-(o that oO'(( we arc brought round
iJii, or J~w. · ug_ain t.o Av.. --~'"'°'• ~ in the ~egihoiog of
SLAUG~TER}.1:.i. ..10~, tlad~s; de/t11t, or O'Utr- this art.
SLJ\Y throw : QI' elfe a ~"""•i vd .. SLEND-E R: " Belg. jli11tkr 1 . unde . quoq11.e
• ll•w, t111fdo; to ftrilu, Ital, or .1111 10 "41b :. or 11fdc1n ct </Jt/ydr111; genus fe.rpenus 1 ct }lilftkrtw,
perhaps~} may have conlC from tlie Swcdilh j/iddtr111; prolabi, rtptrt : J un."-thcn we might
word JU·; 11rtutio ; which probably comes from fuppof~ they all were but c<!llatcral f.ir3nchcs of
the fame root with the word }i4p; i. c. a 1'.o- j/idt, or xlitk; which is-Gr.
a-1.., /trio; Jo k1"ti, hat, or jJriit to tka1b : - SLICE 1 " rxie... quafi :tx.•""· ftilrdo; lo di-
C!cl. Voe. :1.2,. n, tells us, that " our word .f/11} vilk, <11t, or ftparott: M in!h."- " fatis violcnter.
i.5 but a c.onu atlion of ftr-14]; the g being pro- n1ore fuo; (ays Skinn."- how juft this ccnfure
nounccd fofr, or better omitted: this ftg," fays we lhall fe.- prefcotly, under the art. SPLIN-
hc, " is the root of fiiorius :"-but under the TER : Gr-.
an. SACERDOTAL, we have fecn that }ha- SLICK ;. lf•~-ror, A•ur; l.r.;it; fmootb, polijbed,
,-ius is Gr. jlipary.
SLAY-- !tr}:i:....e., :i;.,...e...,, licium incuko SLIGRf,.or rqz1 fortijtalio111;" Bclg.jlicbttn;.
SLEA fpa1ba, vel tudi<ulo; hinc "Sax. i•unilfltlfla //ir111rt , e11trttrt; jlicbt, ctjl1tb1; plon111,
rl~; p1Pt'll ttxlorjs; cxponitur eciam inftrumco- ''9""': Skinn.'r- then it fccms as if it was derived-
tum tcxtoriq1n penfile, q110 tcla appellitu~, den- from SLEEKr or SUCK, Gr. i. c. '' lwtl all
faturquc: Skinn.''-but Jun. gives a d1ffcrcnt with the ground; or, as we fumcti1nes fay, 1nakc·
idea, he fays, "Sax. rlrc6; Belg. Jl•ga/,jlag1I, every thing[lflatl ·f111.•01b,
funt ex rlcan; p1rtuttrt :"-if fo, then it 1nay SLIGHT,. or /knt/er}A..,r, fte'U;s 1 f111ootb ; vel
dtfccnd from the former art. uoder a difii:- SLIGHT,. or lrith • a ~n·ir, '"1111, 11\Jis ;
rent idea. light 1 of 110 weight : quit!, tojj, ,.;"!bit.
SLEDGE' whether: this word, which undoubt- SLIM; l!lt1)o}.n , pra'lillllf; undc T eut. ftbt/111 1
cdly derives a jlitk ; and whether jlid1, and jlid- Gcrtn. frb!i111; ibliq,,11s, dijlgrt11s;. any thing made-
tkr, .be t he farne with glidt, glib, :u:djlip, [ can- nJJ ;,, a ritbt, and pr•ptr 1fla111ter, but jli111,jligb1,
not pretend to fay ; but they all frern to carry 011Jjlimjj: fee F ILM: Gr.
t he fame idea; and therefore all thcfc, togctlicr SL IME; "A,.,.._, /;,,.,,,, INllJ frri[UIU: vcl i>
with the Sax. Belg. Teur. Dan. Sued. Iceland. and A¥''"' '""' bumidrts, et pi11g11i1: vsl it Aul'"•/""''•
et-her barbarous words, hard to be pronounced, 9u.e 116/u11111~r ; i .it..,, p11rg• :· Vo IT."--or, accord-
and fcarcc utterablc, may be derived either from in,g to Junius~ i. tue..,, fl"l"""'• pa/1'1 1 a po1l,
/\1.-•e•r, pi11g11i1 ; fat, 1,rtafy : or from r>.••Xt"• or mar/by [round.
/ubric11J 1 f1nootb., andjlipary. SUN.G : if fling- and fling are fynonymous,.
SLEEP 1 Avw-""""• to bt di.Jfolvtd in jlup: they arc Gr •. : otherwife we muft refer to the
" mallcm a labi," fays Skinn. " quia dorn1icntcs Sax • .A'.lp)1.
in terram labimMr!"-a very 'f)arfc idea: but may SLINK, fl•bh: Aay>.e,•~, la:tus l l1tnk, quafi
be derived from the f~ root with LAPSE: fl••k; t1ill1U, 111ari!tnt111 l i. e. " vitulus utero
Gr. 1 unlefs, with Hdv igius, as q)lotcd by Lyr, vacc«: cxfellus; tales ecenim 1ratil11, tt11uts, ec
we may fuppofe,, tha.i: "ex ipfo anriquit.:l(is linu valdc parvi funt : Skinn.''-a calf cut out of the
thprompta eft vox ftbl•ff, a Gr~cis, ut!" cow's ~lly; and coof~ucntly unk, ao<l jabby.
pttita: quibus .t•AMfl• eft '""prtbtefz•: hac 1g1· • SLINK, or ftull: """'7' " &..~.,, fufi• 1 ta
tur vooc Gcrroanis uti libcac ad fignificandu1n ftu~k f rom ballle: Cafaub."--or perhaps it IS Sax.
fa.,,""' ; quippc qui totius c~ris, ct frnfuum SLIP ; commoolf< wr~ttcn jiipptry: but from
fopitorum ell: quzdam vduu co• prtbt11.fi1: R. wMnce fuch orthography lhould come, would be
.11"143"'" :"-but then he concludes; " ca:tcrum difficult to fa)'., fioce tbc Gr. orig. is A•r•f"'•
hzc: origin.a tio mihi frigida J?r.oi:fus, ac long~ Iii· lubritus, pi,,guit,.. wrll1ts ;. fnt, grtcfl, /Jibritatttl.

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S ·L From G ll E z K; ' and L" T 1 N. .S M

. .
SLOP, •or · JPill; :i;,,.).or, vel :t10:>.c; , faiivn; • ftill carry the fan1c· fign1fication; q ui a fc. hujuf.
Jia"-·tr. modi homines magnam fimplicitatem prre fe
. SLOP, or fup lip ; Ac0:..10., ldf11bo ; · to lidt up ferunt :"°"""a fubtlc, crafty, i11fi1111ati11g· knirvt; one
grttdily. . ' · who pretends to great frmplicity, and thereby
- SLOP-.Jbvp : Ciel. Way: 80, tells us, that cafily glides irno the good opinion of othen.
"JI~ here is but a contractio1rof/ale-hap, or hob, SMACK, l;l'"'X"'• 111t111Jb, • mandt«q; to ear,
into falap, or flop, rneaning a jhop where they fell thew, hfl"llt a·taj/t ef ""Y thiig; · ·
bahill, cloaths, xarbs, or at/ire :"-but SE·L L, SMA·RAGE>US~ 'I:i'"l"'Yt•;i fmaragJus i 1111
or SALE, and HAP, HAB, or HAill"f, ar·e Qr. e11ura!J, or prtcious flont. ·' · · · · " ·
SLOPSofpb_vjfr; a controtlion ofSYROPS: Gr. · ·SMAR!T· ; " "11e1t<, Hefych. ·t'xponit •"A~o,
. SLOVEN, l:"'t"• l:"t"" quafi l:>...'f'•"• verro; (3>.....1.. , prohibtt, l.rdil: alii volunt defumpcu·m ex
undc fordidus' dirty, nafly; whatever is /wept I:/'•e1•or, lerribilis, formidabilis: Jun." - but •n ·.
11p in a corner. · obj~Et may- be ttrribfe, anti fomiifiaolt, withciut
. SLOUGFI ; A'"'""' ./acus, ltu'llna; a late, lvcb; ftricHy cauling pain; or f111art. •
·Of puddle. SMART LE away ; labefttr!; tfeerefcere: "mag~ ·
• SLOW-WORM; (l~p-pypm, vermis tarJus 1 na1n m lfri videtur haberc allinitati:tn cum Sued.
Jl~w in motion ; confequently Gr. fmaelta; liqr1tfttrt; ct Iceland. fmalia 1 co~COflltrt i
• · SLUBBER, ; ·vcl ·a A«, intenfiv-:t particula i et unde Ital. · fmnllirt ; iib11m concQrfutrt; ut OI •
8", Ba••r.>; eo; µn dc labor, lop/us, et ·/ubria1s, quafi Verdin obfrrvatum fuit" Lye ·: "-tlicn it is the
ln.oritus; .Jo flip, or jlide over ""Y 1bifrg ·in a cart· more obfrrvable, that neither 01. Verclitls, noi
It.fl, · negligent .mminer·: ,i\ LUBRICATE : Gr. Lye 'hirnfdf fbotild have perceived ' the greater :if.
SLUG; " x ..~_,..., la.vo: Cafaub." lb bejliuk; · finity between atl thofe words, and· Mi~.J.., liql1ifi;,
unde w Belg.flock, fad:er; Dan. jlug,jlugbaifz; liquifco; ·10 mtl1, or wa;?t away; alfo 'to /cult
cejfa1or, f•mn•lenlus ; qui prre crapu)a fomniculosc mtta!s. · ·
01nnia gerit : Jun."-one who, by overeating 'SMATTER ; •• credo quali fn14dur, i noflro
and gorrnandizing, does every thing in a htn-vy fmnck; Sax. rmreccan; g11j111re, fapert, i: e. qui
jlupy.htaded nian11tr. · pri1norib\ls ·rar.ttrm labiis ·literas deguftavic :
·SLUICE; " to....., Exx1.;,..,, daud~, t xcllldIJ ; Skinn."--confequently Gr.~ fee SMACK; or rajle.
clufa, e1t;l11fo: Nug." - "' quO<I :vis aquarum ·iftis SM E ER; "Moe•» et Mve•?.,, inttngo :' Cafaub.
velu ti obicibus rtprimatur, ct dridalur: Jun."- and Opt." lo daub ''lltr :-this is•' undoubtedly
becaufe rl>e force of •the water 'is r1prr.ffed, and che true origin,· it Cignrfying lo mtoint wilb prt-
fout .up, or out, by thofe n1oks, or dams, which cious ointmtr.I ; myrrh, aices, ond cnj/ia, &c.; bur
are built crofs rivers. there is likewife another deriv. which defervcs
SLUl\1BER; Avf"•• irefuria, 11ifc!ltntn/um; unde Corne notice, viz. finur, ii z:,...,X.,, aojfergo, dtttrgo,
Belg. i11y111en ; diffimulanter .obfarvart, ill/idinri; k mtnlo; lo wipe, or dauh wer with painter's col~rs;
proprie de iis, qu i alionrm exitio imminentes, as in the following art,·
nullas non captabant occaliones, quibus cos ex SMEGMA1"IC; !:l'•'Yl'"'1'"'"/mrgm11tft11.<;faGPJi
improvito .e verterent: a luymtn, frequentativum dtterjivt; any icmpoji lion uftd in · faouring: R.
lilynurt11, ~tjluymert11 ; Dan . jiumllfer, etj/ummeil; '£!'"YI''"• lcma11um,fnpo; foap . ·
/wiJ, et minime profuodoJ fomnus ; Jun."- SMELI.. 1ov,...~.,. cpua, pbalerira 1 a pleafanr
p.1r1ial jlup, as if always 011 tht' watch for 'fame SMELTS fifh; lo called from iu 4tJorifer••i
miftbitf. fttlll : R. o~I'"•• odor ; fmtll.
. SLUR; :i;,.,:.,, !:"~"'• verro ; unde .fordidtts; Sl\.fELTING •f mt tals; M,;,/"• liqutfacio: pro-
to brrtfb, or fwup 16gtther all tbt rtfafe of a baufe : prit: autem de me tallis d icirur, ac imprimis de
unde " Belg. flodder, j/oort n, et f/o•rlu~ ; fardida, ~re, et ferra1nencis ; hinc Gloff"re ftrrumiwal•S.
ti i~l!ava anci/!a: Skinn." a dirty, Idle hujfey. x .. /\.-xo'-~•1•1, uc J""'minnrt idern fit ac 111a/11rt,
SLUSfi; !1<>J"'• Jaliva; jlabbt1., or any moif- v et mallbart, five Jolidare, five pnrlts glutiflart ;
f.Urt mi.</ wi1b mud, dirl, &c. to folder by mel1ing: alfo to render metals more
SLUT: fee SLUR: unlefs we m ay derive it firm· and folid by refining diem: - this 2rt
a A •w, lavo; one who alwoys needs wafhing: unde has been more particularly cultivated by the
abluo, lutwn; fardida mu/ier, mulicr co1111tulata; a Germans; and therefore, as Skinn. obferves; un·
dirty j/altern. der the art. ammel, " nee ·minim eft Gennanos,
SLY: Ju 11. under the art. }lit fe llow, derives cum chymi:c, et metallurgi.e in primis femp~r
it " a Sax. rH'8, INbric:rs, fa /lox :" and S kinn. fludi6fi, et periti fuerunr, reliquis Europre gem;·
derives ic " ii Sax. rh'oan, ·fabi, t!abi :"...;...bu.t if bus ex fua ·1ingu:i hujus arcis terminos fupprd1-
jlide be the fame with glide, ic is Gr. : and niay calf( :" and they called ic fchmadlz.t11, linde Belg;
- fmlltm,

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S, ~ .~Irom , GR l~·K> and t. A-'l'J•"il. S> N

./4flt111;. aiid. our ~Qi:d f11Hlling .; and .yet 'he ., .~ SNAE'FLE-#/r1'$/(; eichet ·frot11. the, tfanie
,wquld not .acluipwledge :that all w,ere· derived rool:. with SNAP: Gr.: or elfo muft be referred
f~oll? !.fY.lw, tho' .he is forced co do it afccrw.ards, .to the Sax. ,Alph., ·' .. ·
unckr the art. NUii :-Ck!. Voc. 158, derives it SNAG. · l" Belg. 11aegcl; Teut. nog(l)
from " ifh-,beim-•ell; t11tlti11g, or fafteni11g b,y SNAGLE-lootbtd} clav11s; cui fc. derite~inftar
fire :"-but i./h, or itbt, cbeim, and mtll, arc .all clavor11m in ore apparent: Skinn."-thctC whofc
;Gr; : fee c;HIMNEY, &c. : Gr. . ·: teeth appear as lb.arp as nail!, or '1tetllu :-conli::~
SMII...E,• :• MOIA•;)G•r, hlatul111, p/ad'J1u.; prz6xi> qucntly Gr.
~,un<!c 'ii!"'"'""•"''"• etLf!.IAff"1"• fA'••~ «••1rJ..,.; ut ·, • ,SNAKE: « ·ego interi1n," fays Jun." jiiake;
..£mi.ltproprie fitcumquadamblandzv~~eruption~ t111g1<is,. jam olim .deduxera1n ex N....11.., quod·
Jcnicer rcnidere : Jun."-under the art •.fm411lt. :~ Hefyc_h., exp. A1<a0•e1.. ., imp11r11m: hue refer hia-
SMJij.CH cakes tbefamcrootwitbSMEER: Gr. lediltionem: pari prorfus· rationc Cimbris vide.,
SMIRK, " :t/"'f"'l'''> refanare1 tbavitcr, ct cum cur a11g11is. diClus t\ K"'"• imp11r111 :".,-or clfe, bc-
quodam leni fufurro .ri.dere : undc Sai1. J'lllCJlccan 1 ing like " nudle, . it n,tay, perhaps, take the fame
jlrqifl'm, vclfiridortm tdo: Jun."-10 f111ikjwtt1; d:eriv.: and i.n the fame manner, viz, by joining
~i of the article to the noun, thus, A""• arits,
J.y, with o gentle la"lb. '
:ti"..11.,, vel :i:i""'l'i;• unde ""'"'•E, 1/i- at1<1; a point, any arlllt 1bi11g, COJ•traClcd to ttn
. SMITH hex: Cafaub." ah11nny, bruift,or/Jlfl'l.IJ; ake; and then converting it to a noke, and put~.
lo jlrilct, or /mitt tbt iron: - and Cid. Voe. 1 58, ting an f before it, to rcprcfent the form of the
fuppofcs it to be Celt. from". ifo-rb<im-i<btJ con- c1·eature, .y.e ·called it a Jnakt : thefe,· how~
traCted to ftbimd~, f•itb, or f•ud 1 ' " ignt ptrL ever, are only 6gura~ivc, and znigmacical dcriv.
eujfar ; a jtriker from 1h1 fire ;"-but both rbei•, and therefore, it might be better to refer it t1•
and icbl, arc Gr.: fee CHIMNEY, and Hl1': Gr. the Sax. A.lph.
SMOKE: fomctimes writtenfmoak ; but neither SNAP, or rratk; ".H....,,.7,, in"'~"µ: Hom.
arc right 1 for the origind is :!:"'""-"• uro, ab/111110, plconalill. pro H...... : U pr.''--fhis is an ingeniou.s
dJ(tlro, ilff/4mmo 1 to wafie, tonf1t111t, to btn?f.. conceit, apd perhaps nothing more1 for the Greeks'
SM001'H ; " :t14-, I/"•:t•" :!:14'~,..., 1:/"~E•• : thc'mfelves have no words beg!nning with ;r;, ; .an$l-
Upt."· a6fltrto• dtl(J'go, ffl¥gma, qu9 µpmur in therefore inoft of thofe words which btgin -with.,
tth/itrgmdo; ~ kind of Jaap, or w11jb-6c:tl ; to fn, are of Sax. c.xtrafr. except a very few ; allli
fto11r, or make tlean with. . this, perh~ps, 1nay be one of them, as well aa
SMOTHER l :i:i"":lG"• uro; to .h11r11; oc fuffo- the following.
SMOULTER5. cate wbat .js h11r11i11g. SN Al'. or flight rtpa).; l'..,,.7.,, ronutio; quau
• SMUG, " :!:/"•:lG": pra;t. paff. E..i-•r/"••, llD· K,....7~, et K, !n .~ .. tl-l!11 n1utato, qu~li ,;,.,..,.,, I"'
Jergo\ fmtgma ; NW faaptti, fll.'W wajbtJ i mlllie tal together: baffe/y. · ·, .. .
'''""• ntat, fiM: Cafaub.: ' . to SNAPE ont I "ID check Diie, Ray i"-thel{
: SMUGGLER : " Belg. fmolc.k tlm; quod vi- it lcems to be only a v~rious ~iale.:l of SNAP~
detur ftequcntativum elTc Ti Jm•ylcm; tfane11/11m Jbort; and if (o, it is Gr, .
ali'l"iJ agere; oln1116ilart: :"-~hen it is a SNARE 1.. N'"f"• ,,,,-v11s.-;_ a 111rve, qrjlring.
wonder tha~ this gentleman pid .not fet;, .it mqft to SNED trees;, " ab,n.9<;1/zr1, fe1.1 .tnQd11rf; i. c,
eviden.tly' coll)C fro!JI the fapie root. with f•qke ; a~borcs, :et vices 110Ji1J!Urgar~1. µnde. Ital. tiif,-.
ineaning to <lo any thing _tfttntie1~int~, u11!1eF a n<?~t, 'ui9<1are _; ·IO, f•e/; .e! ,~al!. ~liioutl":
1 /oud, as it were in the dark, in tlie SMOKE:- Wachterus :"-tlicn rbcy all feem to l?e derived.
confequently Gr. . · · - from the fa1nc root with \(NOT: Gr; ·
. SMUT from the fame.root, to lig- · SNEEZE: this word , appc·ars ..tnily Gothic•·
.SMUT CHS nify any Uiingji11tertd 0,r,dqifh.-ti . and yet it.happeos, ~hat both. th,c ~µ, aqd ,Bi:J~·
-.11, in order ,10 el1anft, pr. purify: or, p~r~•P~ a orth"ogr, is nea.rer .to.t,he~.9r. th~ our.. own; for:
~ :rl'"X"'" 11TO; to h11rn; faoke, .fame, ·ano h~re may. the Sax, w'~ote rueran, anq t(\e ~elg•. anq Te11tr.
jignify to fmeer, or da11b,.wi1b Joo~. : . . 11itfe11 ; but alL are dcrive4. " a.N.•?"" yel N'!"'-""
.s.MYRED ; "Sax. Verl_t."-:-bwt it i(;em~ ·to be /1111do ;. qllod, ilernuc:unenra fp1ffiprcs ~raY"atl cc--
only a Nor~hern dialed for fmttrid :-and confc- . rebri . hu;norey violcnti\p~Clor.~, .capi ulfiuc con-
qu~ntly:Gc._. .. , cullio)le per . ?s, .et. oares i:r1brif~r~e , ;i.d · ~~-
SN,'\CKS : Sk,1nn. fays, "tl1~t Jo go J11ip1, vtl men sum cap111s diff1111tla111 atqt1c; tf}a~11t,: · Jun. ··.
fnatks, i. c.fegme11111m, feu porlionent libi .l\lf~CJ!!•. SNLCK 11nJ SNeJi.JS~.in11. ll!PP.qles thc,laft-0f
(cu ftipular1, cjul.i:lem ell:· origiqis cum Belg. l SNID!j: ; , . thc(c \VOfd.~ to be derived
j11ipp&11 ;. pr11tider.e, P.r...jt(are:':-·but~elhall fee : . SNIGGLE ' .a Belg. fi:ippm; pr...,;.:
--ptdently ·that 'SN IP 1~ Gr. · SNIP . . Jere ; And Lye fuppqft._.
· . . , 3 K t~
• I

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.S: 0 .From
. Ga l ·l 1t, and · L. A '1'1 ·i t. S 0 .
the two finl: i:o ~ aerived. from 'the Saic. rni- · SOAR aloft: Jun. <fuppofes ·this· werd is de.
ban; ampu1art, refeu1rt; to prune,. or lrim up trctts ~ ' rived a :Eue"» traht1''t; 'Ctl: ciflm·quali traililll in
- but.they all feem to be ?nly va.rious · dialdls, .circuitu hue ill~c vol.itarc :--.b?t we. mig_hr. ri-
fonmd'by an eafy t ranfpofition of letters from the I ther fuppofc,. w1~h Skinn. that It 1s denvcd a 9.e•·
verb :i:x.1e.,, quafi :i:x,nl.,,faindo; which the N orth'Crn folio; tD fly, or fpri11g aloft, no matter in what
nations, always delighting in rough and hard pro- direction. • .
nunciation, h11ve again tranfpofed into fi11ido, and SOAR-hawk; perhaps defigned for SORE.
Jchnido, fci111Jo ; to cut, /nip, o r clip. · i.e. a •qulfi11g haw/I. ; --{;onfeqtiendy G t•
. ·• SNIPE } Jun. (ays, ·" Belg. J11tppe, et SOB r "complures viri lon~<tloffifilmi," fars
· • SNITE /nep-hoe11: Suec.f114tppa; de quo :Jun. " jam olim petierunt verbi · originem·<&.
paulo ante nonnihil diximus in illo f11app ; quod :i:.p..,, ti<ptlltre, ·txcultrt ; cit etenim irp,portunus
exponicur bianti ore capere ; i1ruatkr1 :" - buc ille lingulcantium agon convulfivus juitca arquc
SNAP, as we have fcen, is G r. :-Lye gives us expul.fivu.s, cum lu&um, quern per querclas mi-
a better deriv. in che Sax. Alph. nuere non linuncur, lachrymando eluunr:"-buc
SNITHY wi11d: Skinn. and Lye write it Lye fays, " multo magis arridct arcefferc a Sax.
Jnitbt wind, and fuppofe it derived " ii Sax. rni- fCOFtan ; dolrre, lugert; e~ quod propius ad VOr•
~an; vox elega.nliffima agro L incoln: ulitatiffima; bum acccdec reob¢cn'b; q11erulus :"-if this be
1i'gnificat auccm 'Vt111um valtk frigidu111, ct pmelra- the tn1e etym. it ought to have been referred 10
Jilnft1 Belg: f11eide11; Teut. fch11eitk11 ;fcindtre: ut che Sax. .Alph. .
nus dicimus, · a cuttiilg"WinJ :"-it is remarkable, SOBJ!.R; l:wf>e•'> fabritis, ho1:cj1Ns; ftdau, 1111•
that both thcfo gentlemen lhould be fo near the derate: fobrius' feems co ·~ only ·3n oppofire 10
Original, and not fee tl1at their Sax', Belg. and Teut. tbrius; and if fo, then ' it might be better to dc-
word.s were all formed by a little trantpofition of rive ic, as uni:lcr the art. EBRIETY : Gr.
the letter n: the Northerns write ic rm'o--jntid- SOCIAL lo,....,, o,.,..,, fati11s; a fritnd, or
fahneid; and the Romans wrote fcind, i.e., ·SOCIETY.1 tofllj!anio11.
a~"'.'"'' q':'afi Ix,"'"' or :i:x..,/w, fcindo; a culling, SOCKETS '!{ a : baniitli<r: the.Fri
1"'""! w111d. Gall. fauchtttr•'n ·Ski'nn, might .mean, 1f cetta1nlr
' SNITTLE: if this word lignifies, as Skinn. does rlOt'tncao· tile fockel ;Pf a candleftick in mo•
iclls us, in Sax. rn11San; maflarc; Bdg. jnyde•; dcrn r:rcnch; for in modern F'rench, joicblt eft
"Ceut ..fcbneiJen ; jti11dert ; then it is to be hoped forte tk pitrre Je taillt; ·a kind of frtt-ftone, and.
that this is the laft cime we lhall meet with thefc the worlt part of it 1 and·fo11cht lignifics parlita•
baroarous words ; which are undoubtedly' de- tr:onc de l'arbrt, qui t/f tit tetrt, what we ·c,all /1
;-wed and difto'rtced, as in the forego\rtg arr. · dotlt, or }lttprr'I' both ~hich are far tnough
SNqD ; " Sax: rml;>an, et 6e.fnt't:>jln ; do/are' from the facltt of a 'cantfltjJi<lt, which mar, peri.
'Belg.jnlidtn i leuis, :Cqu11}, 'fine ncdo :: Ray :. ,-: · h_aps, be deri>'ed from the foll6wi'n g art. :
what· connexion tht-fe cwo intcrprcrations can SOCKETS of the· fttlh ; " loc11/a111r11ta, ftrt
have with each other, molt be' left to abler cri- acetabula dmtium: Skinn."-this conciftnefs has
tics": but·ftni:e die Belg. and '5alf. are c_h~ (ame, . caufed great obfcurity·; · and yet r-he former of
they undou~tedly are·boch Gr. take them in ,\•hich thefe woras feems· to point ·our the true etymi
fcnfe you pleafe: fee S~IDE, and ~NO'f: Gr: · which is Gr.; thus, loculamenta, lor:ulahu, 11tlt•
'»SNORE ; K.w.-o-..,. ficri.o, 'prof11ndr tfornzi/J ; 'lo /ui, loctis1 quafi joN<r,facku1; ii A1y•f"1:u; l:u!xJ, j iutl';.
)ltp jot11td,· • ".:: dl/Nflio·; tJnde Arx.•s,. ltfh/J, /otUI cu_/Jo11di : . fo.
SN~RT:; 'l'•rx><, -vel 'P•'J'/'•<, jonta, 'q uern ' chat che Dr's. loculamcnta are the feparace' /~~e­
quis . lu pinus·jJerltndo edit: " aliquantihn alludic ments for· the teeth ; and a jocktt is here ufed qu:Ui
'p_.,q.,., 'p.,9.,.1,; naJtu, narcs: 6kinn.'t - or prr-. /oclce1,.or·lot(r;' eadi· parti'cul'ar toot~.
naps, from ·t'hi: fort'gohig ·art. 'meaning- that ncifr · · .SOCKS for lb~. feit i' only an abbrC11iation of
wnic!'t any one makts when f.:ilt 1itlccp. ' '" " : 'falteri, •or j11ckers, to ·keep the feet dry;· beca~le
• SNOW; ··~,,...; :;.;; N11"' • ningere; 'the -r pre-· , they fuclr. up, or· fofe · up any moiftt:1rc or. wet,
fiXed: Upr."-Verfh fuppofes it to be Sax; · thae 1night gee into the Jhoe ! and confequentl1
< SNY'DE, fo'cut l" Sax. Vcrft ." - but . will uke the fa1ne deriv. with SOKE: Gr.
- :s~'V3E;R, ' " '"~'rr: S .S'NlDE, .an'd SNICK SO<;:~S for the!; Iu~x••• fof fus, ealtea111fll/#
11n'fJ ;Si"<EE., are' Gr. ·• · • • ; Phryg1a : Hd}>ch, o Pbryg1an~l) worn·~o make
: so ~ · !l,, fie; tbtls,"'likiw(ft. . • . '. the a<1iors taller. . . . . .
.SOAP•l fo1nc1imes written jopt, but derived SODDEN, z,,.., ftr'!Jto, bltllio ,. lo Hi4 and'
ir :i:,,...,..,,,japd; trahfpofed \o foap; Galloruin. in.- · btlhMe·; ..and therefore j1dden Jee1ms tG be< only a
?entum; 4 cojmt~i' 'Qf/lfO}iliun. •participle of the verb fttbt,' ; fiddtn. 1
» , . SOFT,

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Cg <'o From: G°i1·1·11, · and' LA'T.I N.1 ' ,s':f o·
~ soF't, :,..,. videri po~efl: 'abfcifTum 'ex Et.or, .biri or' !QJ! i" aTil)'. .a f'alk' on ' the Rat too( oi" 'i~
.eHwu ; ' lab E,,,.,, cc'luo ;' bene ·coqus, 1110!1i1, tentr: fooufe, to ·trifby•the>Warrntli' of•tl1t··/ti11: "" :• ~
J,iin.'.' '.a~ 'if fei1itc;_re~. f?ft .~Y li'oiling! &c; ·.'' · , . Sbl:.D~ ;;':o>..~r(f•l'!s, ,ft!lidqs, . .faliil~re i._:.'~
. SQ IL; /be earth,; «{'-•» fo!um; the· ground: · r ender whole, ft;m,jo!til., . '· · , '· •''." ~ 1
p ro_prLc. ~gr(ur per j ola 'lerre mtelligitur terrar«m i · SOLDIER, . or coillt'O>:._i.; jo1iu,; tofu{ !..'a,; .-~\
orb1s to/us._ S.OLD.IER 111 war · S t:rt, or · wb~le P'<'.Ce of:
• IO S.Orl.: mi/k; «to clean(e it by cau/ing 'all gold cofo, near the 'va1ue· of Oll~ oJd noiJl~,';OT
iinpurities toJubjide: Ray:"-who then ref~~ us ftu~ roj~J ; ~ow take!' '.or ~ jhflling; · fo.l~dtu,-fa,'U-~
~~ 5.1.~J;'. dMf!ll ,> a~d quo.t es _Skm.n. fQr den~1ng ilarius, a f~l1i[o, quern me~etur la foliJ1tr'~tt1J. ~
n f rl?m 'the Sax. nI ; which IS ev1d~ntly depved -and yet It lS' moft probable, that a joldrer; aid
from r'he foregoing arr. Gr. '· nor rake his appellation from 'faNd11s; buc, ac.:
~OIL; or jpot ; ::;:,,.,;1.•.,, macuw, i11fujcti; to cording to Spelman, " a Germ. foll pro /ale; . et
Jfot, or jlain: or perhaps it may be taken f rom •ur Joldum a folt 1 fie Jalari11111 afale :"-fo tl1at at'
the idea ~f _wallowii:ig in the mire; and t~en/oi/ ,laft a joldier is an appellation arifing (r~m- the
may. be.d~.rved a· ~vr,fu,s;Juis; /11!1!"1!'.'\u~fifllil- !fUpm.d he {igh~s· for: ?'nlY. ~ow ~t ta~~s a di,crent·
/are, t.o foil; to be as 'dtrly as a j'Wlnr. . " ,root: fee S1\.LARY :' Gr.- • .. •
SOJOURN~ thofe miferable abufers. of Ian- , SOLE, ·a/o#e i •0;1.or,jolus i .4.;lon'e t l;y hi'"felf. "
~uage, tlu; French, have fo bemangltd this word,
that a G reek, or Roman, might confider it for·
SOLE, a fifo }'r>....s, ptl!i1, j ofea; · a filb
SOLE of the foot (o called fro1n 1i19' thaP.e •
generations, and admire the wonderfulofiry . of . SOLE of a jhoe alfo a pantofle, or flipper;
jts ,appearance, wi.d1our tvef _on~e' fufpe~i n'~ i~ •tied o.n.thc_foor wirb-a lace: • " · . · ".' .'
· wos. ~ wo_rd of their own"growth and c;ult1va_non, . SOL.OECISM, ":f.o'A••••~y.o;,j1ltedforµ; .'taken
changed, cltr, and frittered a la mode de Fronroir, from r.;1..,,;,., a people of Attica, · who· 'fettling
into its prefeor lhape, and disfigurement: thus, at Soles, a city of Cilici~, infected their language',
Jc~ a Greek take his word Ao:o;, and a Roman fpeaking a mixt to11gue, ex Atti(IJ; • tt Solitt(
~is word diu, both which have fome C?llnexion li11g11ti: R: o... r, a bou/e, ba6itn(iun: Nug.~·-:-
together ; and then, wich thcfe faire des cabriolu1 " l:o>.•1, vero a So/one conditore: VofT.'' ~ ·'
there' taper tutti'!%; gentry, halh, and fricafTcc SOLID, 'O>»r, jolus, folidus. ; whole, fin11,
them, i1f the following curious manner, as under jlrong. · • -'
the art. JOURNAL 1 A"'" dits, di11, dit1rnus ; . SOLl-LOQ!JY; 'O>.o;-Aa>.i,,,jolus-wq«ot ; ·1•
then _taking from this Jail: wqrd the d,. and ta/le alone, by one's ]elf. · ·
~he lafl: .fyllable n~s, . they h:ivc left us only SOLITAIRE {'O>.o;, jolus ; alo-ne, difei·~ul :7
d- H) R -11us; aad tlus t«r they have then con- SOLITUDE S we have already feeq, 1n t he
\lci-ted into }our; t hence Jtji>ur, and Jejour11er: arr. SINGLE, that ll wild boar has ~cqulred"the
~nd~j.jour11, to fignify hojj>itari, diverjari; i.e. appellation of d'un.Jolitaire, from his cortll:antl~
'izd lempus, feu aliquot dies, commorari; lo tfl"Y• living by himfd(, fi11gle, and a!or.e: and fron1
:or re.nailt only for a ft".JJ da>"' in a11y plau. hc(JCC we 1nay Jjkcwile fee the reafon w~y a l~dy
: SOKE, Mu{..,jugo; ti nde Sax. roc1an; hoc forte : \ve;irs a necklace, and diamond folitnire, bfirtg ~a
,ii Lat.ji1e{arc, fays Skin~. (tho' and Ainfw. . very large one, anJ pendent by i~li:lf, to tender
~ive us no Cuch verb ; and yet adnlit of in/11((0) it tbc more confpicuous. · "·''
'1. e. jticco imbuere; l o fill witb liqu•r, moijlurt,j/uid. . SOLI-VAGANT; " 'OAol-a')'•» j1lt1f ·llg61 "ua•
· SOLACE ; 'O>.•;,''.fol11s, .folatium,; comforl, . gor ;' i. e. va/dc-ilgor: Volf:" -10 wa,,dtr-"alone,
11j/ijl11nu, ddigh1. · · dejtrted, and forlorn. ·• • 1

SOl,AR, •• ':f.iAa<, fol, lunun, fulgor; tbt fun, · SOLLEMN; commonly written jolel(m,' and
·"I'd Jun ·beams: VofT."- thcre is another deriv. olnnnity, with only one I; 'b ut Volf.· has cl~arry
'lfy'Clc~r&, de Nat:' De~r. lib..II.fa/ ditlus vide,- prov~d, that,.ir oug~F .fo· ti~ :wnt; en· v::1c~':two
1ur, q\11 a folus :-If this l)c nglit, jolus derives /l's; ·and 'ye!, notw1tlt'!fand1.h g · his arg,
•ib"OAor, fdtuJ • '1he·~vbole, alont, ibe only one :-as· an<! the' authorities he ·has ·q uoted, ufe. will p~-
Milron likewife,nlight perhaps have intended, in i vail, till fome author~· c)f 'good· nam~, and :g;rcit
' Saran's addrefs to 'the Sun; . . power, can cfl:ablilh the true onhogT. ·
'· 0 t~ott, that wi~h fi1rpaffing glory crown'd, SOLLICIT, commolily writte.n joli<if, " iiid
"' Look'lt 'frot'n thy falt dominion, 1ike the god oli&itation.: \lolf.. again c;onrcnds;· as• !n
9£ world. . Par. l-9ft:, l V, 32~ the former arr. and derives ii at )aft a la'tio~ ol/ieio,
· SOLAR, or.faller}" a L:u. folar~um : R~y :"I jullicfo; but .thofe verbs arc derive? ii /\'"''"'•
SOLARIU M - con!l:quently denvcd Ar.•1~, or /\a••{"': as we have feen_ tn the an.
~fr.9m the foregoing ' ait. meaning an upprr ,/Jam· DELICACY :-there· may ·be however anothct
· I 3K 2 ·deriv.

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. .
S . 0. ftom Ga 11 x, and L-. T , .• ~ ·S .()
but u
·~hich migh6:.wg!!&~~ ,qnhegr.!•. r~if • ~am aRµd·~lglJ'ff;?;;Y.Jl,.ul,l~~s;~~, ~
Ithas no~ be~l)1 19itii~ .t~.,all;9n1y.~e, d,1c;.1gir '.I rooJ vu de .fc . , """1--IS!~
lw'ely mentioned:; viz.f'!i,flit, ab .'E>..·.-~~ 1u.;p.f- fuligjnem ex rllir11, et mqo nuuam, vdua
Ill; R. J!o.).1.,; 'flt1lv11 1 It rill arolllll, 111 mllllflll; · ruffaa .[ntuemur :"-in our .ft•-eolll/001. the ~/ll<lt.
111./AJJ M"'11 '6iforr 111ir.folis fret, a•tl objlrll{l bis _predominates: but ncverrhelefa.[11<1t undoubtcd!y.
)iillbs, wbilt wt e111re111 bis. cmipa/Jion. · ;originates a Belg. r111, as abon; but then ""
SOL-STICE, :i;,,.,.,.,.,.,..,fa/-ft1, unde fa/jli- as undoubtedly originates ab · Ef•~'• rdk, ~"'
liina; the apparentft~di11g )ill of tbe /11n, viz. at 6igo, n•ffUJ, ruff~, a J4rft. brnt11r rttl, botdenni
tho"' tWO ·period! of the fCV June and D_ue•otr, ;on II ~"1'/i~ . . , .
wh¢n the fun arrives at either o( th~ two tropics, SOOTH }" 1n omni .oempe vtro r.ita'1t'
and feems to be Ill 11jl1111tl1 neither riling higher, SOOTH:faytr antiquitas dirinum quid du..
nor falling lower on the: n1eridian, for fcvcral days cerc; atque ob hoc, ro'IS defumpfit ex z..,.,,
together. .. V•<ro/1111f111s,pr1tlfui1111s: Jun.'.'-.f11tr1tl tr111b:-
, .soLVF., Au.., fa/vo, folllJ- I fa}uJi#. ,, loefm l veril:. fuppofet it to be Sax.
'fP'UI !I Ji.ffirult, apd ltn~llJ fUtjlio11. . SOOTHE, foftm,' by .Satccry, and oourtMJt-
SOME, "Sax. rum 1 Dan. et Belg,/••; GOth. • worda; perhaps Crom the fame root~ " .quOd·
/1181': omnia vidc:ntur defumpta ex A,~•r, 111111s, bland.: adulatorum illecebra:, fub .aliq11i 111ri'
.tiq•is, f1tida•: Jun." , fpccic, in animos hominum inBuerc. folrant:
SOME, "i~ terminationibus, "'?11tlf•111t, fro- : Jun." becaufr:jllltttrirs infinuatc _themfelves inro-
Ji,lt-fa1111, ut Belg./11nr 1 et Tcut./am; qualita· the hearts of men, under the appearance of tr111b.
tcm delig11at: ncfcio an i noftro fofllt, a#q,uid; : SOP.; 'T•"f•fotw,j1pio,/qpi111J,jlt~tdi11Jerp.
q. d •.111igU1J11t-,. 1"1i gua/it1Ju inrbuJ14111; ut tcr- as in ligll_or :-but Jun. · and Skinn. derive our
~inaJio fall, in1tgrl i.Put- denotat : · vcl .a Sax. • ~rd jap ab off111 and it may be fo 1 for off11 (ig~
pme I .ji1111J l q. d. t11/i fltll/italt jJipal1U11, fcu nifies any tfiingj1/i1J;
"nljtatlfJll: S_k inn."-then both Gr.: for 11/igiUJ , Mdk foporatam et •ttli"'tis /YJ';lilllls olfam
has been .derived from A.Mor, under the art. Objicil: 1£n. VI. 410-
AUGHT: andfomi/.is derived ab 'Ap.,fimul. but then 1bey ought to ha11e conlidcrcd, that
·!~ME-.body : Cafaub. with grc~t probability, " off11 is derived ab o,.,..,., lEOI. pro O"'"' a,.....
has . derived the word / •mt in this fcnfe from tu,. ..1. ne'I' ,.,;, l'w1i lrl1v,.,... : Hefych. indeque
; : and indeed j( there is no.t too great a 014••• cidcm ,,....i.1....... Tf"'Yc.Au•: Voll:" jlJ how-
quaintnefs in this dcriv. it fttrm as if it. was in- ever feems to be only a diminutive ofJ•filas
tended to join ~he tranflation and the :original ab •y,,•f :-o.r perhaps fop may have talCen ii.
.coget_hcr, thus, r. ...,.,., corpus ; .f•mt-body. origin from .,_,.,_,...-•••<, tinOor.; 11 Jippu, ~
. ,; S.O MNl-FEROUS; •y,..,.,, jcmnuJ i ct ~'t"'• dytr • whojo.Us, qr /6ft his aniclrs in a mcdi~
ftro ;. ~ri11ging c11 flttp. cated liquor: fee DYER: Gr. ·
, SON,. " . ncfcio -qua musa fuggerentc, Cafaub. SOPH, I:tf•r, r.,,,,."'" :i:;,,,,.r, joplifmo i '
9clkflit ab •y.,< in accufativo 'T•••, versa pro cbtal; 11 1N11juotil, 1111tl tkjigning in arg11111c11t :-
more in libilanl 1 litcram afpira1ionc: Skinn.~"""."' Ciel. Way. 43; and Voe. s.61 gives us a diJfcrrric
.~ut thO: the D r. feems to have been perplesed at deriv. for he tells us, that " tbt preftffors, or
this dcriv. yet Jun. has adopted it: vide tarnen beads 1f 1bt DrldJi,al '•!ugts, or minj/crs, were
.annon anriqua Su. run, runa. &c. pctita lint called :r.'us, s'11/Js, s'•ffs, or s''o.ffs (the illitja~
,ex 'r•te.• u.nquam.ex ob~quo •y,., primo fecerint bei_n g.advc!Jtitious, in quality of the t>J'CRO\iPvr
ruon, llC poftca run; fil11u; " 111a1t.,bzld. article) or btatls :"-but 11'6, llff, of. ~ff, u/,
• SOC?L : JI, ~· fuFI~, ct fUfOI; 11ijo11i•.,, pul- ltDfb, and ltlplt, fc~m a~l 10 be but vario'!S. W~
·ftHMllrlfl!ll. !_ Ray':' -but as this fcems to be no- of the fame ligmficauon, and . confequendy elf.·
,Jbing mor;c. ~ a various di<llclt uf faup, pr: rived . fro/JI X.f-"11•, <aput, tbt /!!11ti, or i¥cf.:
.fouplt, r~fl)I, ,con,tralj:~ to jqo!, ~o .lignify any• or el.fe from·0<, /41frn; i .a~. ~vl'.•. , ._ . ,
.kind •o pouqt, Of fupp1nv; .1t 1s (!loft. proba- SOPORJ-FIC.: 'l'""f• cu1 ,opppn.ltlll , Oi:af>
.pJy derived lrom the Gr.: 'fee SUP up. ·
SOON i ." t~e .e'Unzillg' Ray ::'-perhaps it is.
I jopor, Jopprificus ; conduci111 to'jkr.p..
SORB·applt lOtf'"'• ~ol. pro : r.,,o., qu~

· only a contra~1QJ1 of the SUN-rs-e1111-DOWN ;· SORBITION S IOff•.,_, jor/tco, for6• .1. t&
-and if £0. jc, is Gr. . · . · .'. 1 .{nlit of ~bt ctnJict ~rtt ; q\&04 tjuJ .fuce1t•Jtr!tr1
. .SOOT ; .. Sax.. rot:; Iceland, foot; fulig~ Joltnt. .I • • '
' '""'ini; Belg. r•cl U.citur, atque indc arbitror," SORCE.RER, ," 'oe,;, num e(t a:tMv<•.'*"'*-
(ays Jun. " r, ins perl'n uiato,/oet factum; inde /us, actr1111s 1 quia "'"lf"''/tltni ur ••· lit~ ~~ibµs
. .foot; ipfumque adco ro<I proveniffi: puto ex /•rs .dµccnda e~ 1 aq .a. ;"f'!"> trllh.~rf ~-- ~u",;k

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·<ril'e aliquo/tirtmo fuam tJdJ'tilMrt quilque So.teat': : Ital. jauNJ, • ~r11to~ f1iontftu: Galli,. ~ inquit·
: ~ .as ~his .W11wing of lots, or lotm-ies, was. al-! Jul:. 'Seal. ·Voce. Gotbica haliccs ad colorem . au-
ways f~P.po(c~ ·t~ have fomething my!\erious and' reum, vel potius zrcum, · infumato~ /"'"~ vcl
fuperfbt1ous. 1n 1t, fo. all pcrfons concerned 10 : faU!'t, appellant: . ego mallem omn1a a colore
.filch b•wings, were (uppof,d formerly,• whatever /111.uro dcrivaTc·: Skinn.''-:.rh:e Dr. generally pulls
they may ' be no-a-days, to be '011j11rrr1, and• down every thing at )aft; for now he has made.
it11/1rs in ntcr0111a11ry. · it Gr. a& we have feen under the arr; SATED:Gr.
. SORD~poo/lLyc, in Add~nda, wr!tcs Jc; SORREL-plant; '"oxalii; ~ ~r- .Gall.jsreli
SORDID Ja11r-pcol; ;llld then has 1m1Jlc- · urelle ; Sax. ruJ'IC; 11tetofa: omn1a a nom.joiur;
diaie rccour(e t-O ~he lcelan<!.J•u; which he ex- I quod vide: Skinn.'.'-thc Dr. meant his art. foure 1
plains by Jortlts; and yet did not fee · that 'his I ·which lie has explained by, 11rid11s, aaff"': alludit
Iceland. jaur was nothing more, than fir ft a con-: Gr. E•e•( :-in n1ort, he has llicwn great inattcnJion
traction, and then a deviation of for-des; or, as even to his own definition ; for (un:ly there is'no
it is ·here wriuen, fft"d-pool; meaning far~s, .connexion, as to ecym. between oxalis, and E•e•r:
'impurftas, fter~us; arid confequentl}' au - thcfc he ought to have derived o.•alis ab oe"'. llt:erbu.
· ;wor<J'~ are d~rired a l:""ew, v:el I«eow, 'fltrro; to a~ias I and then rupe; jorel, f urdlt, and fmef.
brujh, oi' fwe'tp togttbtr '!".1 t"tfuft: vcl i\ l:weo(, ·would all vcty naturally have origioatc:d from
·cumulus, ·actrv u1; nempe qure tvtrru11lur c domo 0£ve, .lEol. pro OEur, by only abbreviating the
i'n unum locum at(llm11fa111ur; tht ftottpings 6/ a firft letter; and then converting t"' into SOUR.
bouft, coJltlled iogt1ber in ont btottp•. _ , SORROW : Skinn. after mc:ndoning at lcaft
SORDJNE; " fiftula tuba: 1mm1fl'a, ur (onum eighteen harlh barbarous Northern words, coru-
1rltentiorcm, ct acutiorem 'faciat l nefcio an a' dudes thus; " bu autcm omnla a noftro fore,
Lat. furda; . vel furdina; quia fc. licet '1u6ar ' fd-: gr11'fJis,· ct cjus parcntibus, et . cognacis · orta
' num augcat, ipfa tamcn per ft n'on auditor; fed · exifiimo1 quia- fc. ·"""1'or; ct '"r" animum gr11>-
. quali objurdtfcil: Skinn, under the art-fordtl, vaJ. -vant1 ct fpiritus vitales.Jtprim1111t :"-thus has the
Jordint:"-chis fecms to be· a ftrange definition; , Dr. pointed out what he might have been ill
that the fordine i~ pu~ into the trumpet (o i•creefe j -poffi:ffion of himfclf: for this jore; xrms, is, as
·its JounJ, yet 'an1tot be btard of itfel/!_,Boye r we have juft now fecn, dttl'i-ved ab Bf•, quod ligl-
' has -explained it much better "by the ·litt/e ·pipe/ nificationem in compolitis intcndit. · · ·
-1bat is put inti tht mo11/b'of tbe trumptt to nr11!1't It SORRY, mt a11, and 'Vile: neither Skinn•• nor
f ound low :-only now h~ is w~ong as· t~ ch~ ~nd; L~e, would look·towards the Gr. for a dcriv. af
· of the crumpet mto which this lutle pipe 1s 1n-; this word: but rhe Dr. fays only, credo ab alt.
'ferted; whidr, he fays, is into tht moittb of il;- 1 /orr!XV, vcl. forty; and the latter fays, 1nihi
' but it is . fixed at the lttrge "end, if that be tbel ·magis arridet dcducere ab Iceland. fa11nt(Ur i
rnbutb of the tr11mptt :-fo much for the litdel imp11rUs .; four; fordes, illlrrit1u; faurga; ;,,,.
"pipe, ·and its ufe 1 let us now 'trace- its :deriv. i qllinqre: bur ·under the art. SORbID, • rbc[c
.the Dr. tells us, thefordint, as he" properly writes , .words are Gr. .
·it, is derived ~ · Lat. furd11, vet j11Tdina ;-but I ' SORT }Oe•r, ltrmi11UJ, limts, finis.,. ti#
"both tbcfc arc undoubte<lly derived " ii l:•tl•../o"<I SORTl-LEGY dttermination;11,. tnd of things:
!jordus, pro: f11r3iu; 11111ti .ct fur di . fempcr: or rather from I•t"• tr.alto; ·to, draw lits.: qu.ia
·canfundt~ntur o VolT." . · · · j ex•.vafe aliquo/orltm foam 1.~1.t;abtr.t .q~ifque, fo-
SORE, or feftrr; ·n .."f'"•vel pouu.s· 'f~fa4- l leat:-.-thcrc . is a remarkable palf11gc tnShake:-
lih ; 11 /tab; or rllW woll1ftl. · · . ! {pear's Hen. V; afr i . . fc. · i, where ·Canterbury
-• SORE; -violtnt; " Belg. faer,. vel Jrre, uo in 1 ufes this compariJ01t; · - "
~uiblifda~ pcran~iquis 'Fland,icz lin~z monu-: . . fol\ (o·wor~ .th!! honey bees.)
7i.hrittis fcnbmir;• 1n~~lll!m tiabco affin1tatem cum : ..~reatures,· ,that ,by. a. rule 1,n··~tu~e tcacb ..:
~;ftl\o-c E.~li"qtliod• figni~clitionc~ id- ~ompoliti~ j The art of ors!:e~ .to .a ·peopled ls!ngdom.: ··
·ii•t~n~t~· Jun.''.._.,, vJicitdntjfu·ar1; ·ilke a• fore ~ - ·Tbey- ,ftave a:king; ·and pffelt'~.,ef J~rt: ,,
-bui'den, fH btllVJ for.• to ht11r: Pf. nxviii . .4,. I ~. e. olliccra .who take their diffcrept departmtl\ta
- ~R:E' "l " "vox venatic'!'l" •Ii!: enlnt•appcllatur 1 in .~he~eneral work,· ac.c~rtling t<Y the _dJJotmt n(,
· SOREl:.1 ccrvuS\ quadncnnrs,.11 far~;. cenus . or appo1111111ml of tbcc prince.> this tlivijiOIJ., or
·trjcnnis !;ii fw.rt: .nefcio._ ~IHrt pilorulll'ci~a Jort!11g out the ftat!ons of ~lfercnt. o~<:e~s ~o
'id , zcaus ·fidrufa 1 .qu1 ·coloi,,·Fn ·Gall: fur . rhcir,·by, lot1, , ITfcJlttoDfd by V)rgil; 1n
'dicitur: Skinn.l'- who :heri. refc,.. ils to .SOR< . Jthe Firft-.iEoeld, ';'l>t +- w.hcreihc defcribcs qµ~c\l
·1REL·color, in the' Gr, · . Di't!o; enteriQS-- th"c ·trln.p!'c,· and being feared on •
:· .. OOlUtEL•1"4r; •i .Fr,. G.all.f11ur,j•llf-1~faret; her tluo!Je, ·pl.aced ,, . .• . · • •.
7 media

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;....._ . me?ii tcA:u~ine tC!"pli, · • · • ! ·Greek, tliro' the :Sax •. tongue ; ·in :-wpith tltit
Septa armis, fohoque .a!te fubmxa rcfccl1t I . f ·word fti11r, · as well.. as ·11ti1nberlefs ·o&hers, are but
Jura_dabat, Jegefq~e· v~r,1s,op:r:umque la~oremt ' abbreviation'! ; . as·! rrr~orr, fiom ! ;.,.e,-•ii 1f.4t\";
Patt1bus 2:QOJabat ~ulbs, aut.farte trab.eb,11.J. • rufl, fltlm .ofve, fa'11~, &c.;& G:i&c: "'. , · ·· : ,.
: s9T., : Aa-"L1«, prod1g111, profttf111 l " prtidrgtd,. · SOUR :CROUT 1 Ctil:' Vac: . r69, tells ~.
W:*nKard. that " *ruid, the antienc word for green, and
· SOTH, true . Sax. VerA:.- i ~ill ufecl in qermany 1 and other countries, is
. SOTHJea.fl,fauth-Jaft,verr/~~Jt but SOOTH! one of thofe archaifins, which Virgil .was fo'fond
SOT.H ,f1aftneffe, trulbt, 'Vtrttu is Gr. . . . I of, that it made ·him fo.rget he . was co m'miciing
, . SOTHLIC, '"''? .. . J -a pleonafm; in '• th\ .rollowing verfe;"' · ·
: SOVE•REIGN, • r.. ;
Tr1t ·J11ftr,j11pra; b1gh, above.;j Jan·r·~·o "e'd cruda · u"o
1 J\.vl r 1«
~ . 'tJ1r1
.. ·J:r. .• r. "-·
tJq~ e 1e nt\.-1..uS
ct Aexw> quart P«::o:;w, rego, rtgnator,fuper-rtgna- ' ' IE VI 1
Sor; gruert11Jr, ruler,juprt'lllt tomnun1dtr. 1 · : . .. :. ; ,,. . . , ·. • ~ ·· •JO+.
: . SOUL ; the Norchcrn languages had fo .filled; eruda, a.nd v1'?drs,,are 1rnctly ~Yn.onymq~$; trrdo
.the minds 'of all our etymol. that they could ooti P~lia· 'V~ro; .fT'lfla p~m,a; all figP.1fytpg_!!~~· or
fee that all their barbarous and fomibarbaro~ .g;em: '~11li"! has . .indeed . pth~r . ~(g1;1tficjl.t10n1'
:words have originated from the G.r,: J lh'all ,,.oc! D\!t 1~n1feltly not ~n t he. ·V~tfe l ha¥e ·!!~oted ;"
quote all their deriir. but take notice of only the' ~let st have .as mai;iy fignificac1ons as H rn;ir1
Goth. j11iw/Ja; or the Iceland. foal: with regard . the o~ly pos.nt ~hat ecymo.1. contend f~r 1s
.to which, Lye obfervcs, . " atque adro cuivis the den~. of a wo.r d 1 a~d th!s. foe?ls abfoluccly
quoque, vel primo Aatim intuitu, liqucre poceft,: tJ> be.denv,ed .fro1n .tbe faiw; ':"~~h.<:;R~DE;
.reliqua paull3tim cllhocGochico per corr.eptionemi .fo lli'i, ·'Ylien che...~rro,ans menuon .th~1r J;r
.deflcxa: ipfum Yerpm Jaiwlla peculiari quadam ; vourice .d1QJ fo11r-rrou~, .they n1e~~ ~a~ba111,..or
elegantiffimz Gr=o·Gothicre compofhionis ra- • gr.1t111, . lhaved fmall, ana rendered/ottr, or acid,
"tionc vit.e-fo11u111 denotare videtur; tanquain fit by .th~tr own fcri~ntauon l the wh_olefo~nef.
.a z...,, vivo ; et pala, jo111 :"-but wit hout bav- ?f wh ich preparation has. been experienced: even
-ing recourfc to elegant Grzc:o-Gothic fcmi-l 10 long fea voya~e~'. 1 •
·~~rbarous c;ompolition, there is a much more· SOURCE: this !f .anoth-;r ftrang,e .F t ench <k-
natural, and cohfcqui:ndy. a much more eafy mcJ pravation,. almoft 1tnpoffibJe to tfa~; . perhaps
.' thod of deriving both t he Gothic and Icelandic It m_ay be dc~uced from Qf'f'"''• or"'l'"'l>DTltr, fir/#1,
:words, immediately from t he Gr. and Lat. Jang.; or1n ; from whenc<; perbaps Jorlir: o.t••elfe follT<t
.t hus, ·:i;,...,, vel l:o<r, fal-vus ; faiwlla, jfllll; fa 11J.- may be decl~ced ab Ey"f"• furgo ; fro.m whence
• SOUND, or frith1i{, as Cid. Voe. 1 20, n, perhaps. their .barbarous. Jqa1·d ft ;. unde .fllllru;
. • SOUNDING-liM j affirms, that tbt Downs tb_t JPn11i bfad : .Pf a . river, th~ fo1ttt/a111 /rt.ta
arc derived from the Celtic privative dt, and 11n1 , whence !he '{"ater rifts o.1.1t of t he earth. . ·
'Or•nd; water; Jt is. but reafon:ible to fuppofr, thac. " SOU ROIN.E; ~p~\1er· · ilift~ncc . of Frencll
after-age~ mightcompofe the wordfound, ancljo111ra'- ; orthogr. : fee. SOR.DlN.·E: Gr. .
mg-lint, from Je·1m1, or fa-unJ, quafi i'u11d,. and ; SOUS~ more French barbariJin ! 3."l\r. Gall.
thcn j ol(11d, a ·n.arrow, jballow fia: only' now we! fol; lial. joldo r utrumqu.e a Lat. falid.IJ1, fupple
a!e co ·confider, 'whether. both und, and unila, j tul!1'm111 :c Sl\!nn.",...,..but .if. ch~ D.r. 'imagincd that
"W'!tlr, are originals~ ~r o nly derivariv~J, ab":r' '°'t•• he had now got to the tru'C llctlv.· 0£ ibis wofd,
qu~li 'T,lwe; ulidA; willer :'ftc rather thc.Sax.-Alpll. I he w¥ «really. ~s. m u£l1 millak\;!10 a.s .if . h~· had
· SOUND, flrong, or wb4/e: t ... ~.· lid potius: !topped at London-bridge, and be h"!I
:I••i. jalv111,ja11u1; firm, i11tirt, bt(1lrbful. · i found .thc..fource of tbe ,.Tharnes.:.,,•liiut
SOU·ND, fa11o~oi11; T_ ,, 1011111, fo11-,-ii.-'f',...,,1 ·the~ let uso.e.rocced w.iih . .V.9lf,. uode·:lit... doc~t
int~ vo£em, ; vcl':fonum 1 . 10..flrtttb. tbt voicl~ or'. iii~iverbis:F~lhis:• :1! f~--~~nq.~i~ .O.fiie .fo/~llh h
.Jlr111g:; to•11JiJ*(> • lol(t, 9r.tiKltti11~. • •• !. 1 JdM11111'$ni6cat·;· undc.: tcl!il qi>zs!am ]l'llif'.f'l"
.SOUP, >.f.•{w, y11go l · f# f1'tle, ror.fM1p, orjip.:- .vo~antur tota'ftr.rt'!'P. ct. ho~ -b'6Jla~m :in1um,

.Or perhapsfolij> may be' only ·a conrrattiOn of.fuj ' folie~s :jolilt'us'lgir.utdiiftus nun1mus!. ~ttrC\l~,.quali
«p ; and ton(eq\l.ently ·may. origin~rc ·1 r1~·?"' 'ilrtt,{ er·r :ad.difcnrnerraurun1• :dirttidiatpnm,r, ct
~J••.,•., 'IJinu"'' ya/a111is /ia11rirt, forbi/tart. ; '(o fad< t<,. q uifmiefu, l!l" lr.emijfos pitii }!~fq far
•P wine 1bro' ti'rttil.~ · '¢llt ci:i~ie':~ow• chen;lal/oilir.w:lig~iJJf~~~
:. SOUR, "OEve• ·..Eol1 pio. o£ur, }un-bus, aa- · d11J, it is,verf:probablc t~y ~~ bo.tll ~~t:l~!!lckJI
11~1 ·; atiil, jbtlrp 1 N ug.''...., . the Dr. thou Id 11b :o>.if/ fohd, {lliidus; tot1i.r1 -~. wM; ·p.icce .<if
have added, from Jun\ und~r th~ an. fro/;,;;, that money; as a ''own is double•i>/ a balf er~)
many of our IWOrds arc derived tO·:us from the and 4. fbiJling,. of ' wh®v'.11 '11l:~(orc
.. fays,

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&: p · f.fQm G 'l l I 1 x, ·IJld L 4 ,"l'·l•lf: s p

fays, he has, n,9~, a-. QngJe.falif i left;. m,cans a · ev.1/lo ; ..q\iOd · /jgnJbllI gleba!, tt radices Y.irgtil•
.finglt fo.zll111g, left. . , '.· · . ., . ; ·; , . 1or11m f: .- ter{a ·exfcindamus, atque eJu"1111us :"-
SO USE, pick/,; 'Af..t,jal, ja.Jf11•, ~t fa/fil!nj~:s; ' b;it •Jhi.s. ety1n•. may b~ more applicable to the fol•
lo /alt,. 9 r f!.@fo•:•a'ny.fbiT1g._ "" . , : · .. : , ;lowing art. .. :
SOUTH~WAR}(, "'a va~ia.tion: of Sud-rti<h. SPADE, gt/J; I ....J... a I,.....,, vel :tr..t•{.,,
(now S1i'tbtr.i'c;,, ~nd $urry) tb1 So11tiitrn-regi•li, '<XJrabo, t'iJello, ieftcg; a gelding, eun11cb. •
f?·r 9.iftrill;_: Ciel. Yoc,.7 .;":-buc bc11'1 .SOlJTH, . .SP AN, a 111eafur1; " r_..,e"""• Jp111iu111 inter
and JlpIC~, are Gr: as· 111 the,pdx't•ar-t. · . i pollicem, et digicum minimum txp~nfos~ ,..,....,.,.;
..~llTJi,-wi11d1 ; ~1el;. V.oc.·169, dcr\vesfl!'t~. Ir•l"'" txtmdtre, expandere: l:"'l''• .tralm:t ~·
and /11,4, ex ·ll'fq,. a:nd,.. udtJ.t; an~ z'tulb, .h e fays, ! CaGub. and Upt."-and yet it lookt as if this
fignifies w11ter: b-it· Jun: with his pfu:tl fagacicy, word fhould be derived rather a ll11<>w, pateo, vcl.l
obferves; that · ll,S " Notus putatur.diCl:ua .,.•. nr 1
· ~.....,, ,..,..,, quali,,,,.1..,
p11ndo, expando; to qptn,
••1•/•r> a)> }j11J119r( tfN'IJi,,;; fie r.ll.~i Belg. fll)'a I divtrgt. · . , ·
Ge'rm. fud; Suec. jo!kr; .I ICl!l ., f11du 1,, c~.,:Angl. : . SPAN-11et0' " properly or
doth which• hu .
fau//{r -r.1deptor dc.fpnwta ex. T•1•«• uW4a.r,:quali . been C1ltended on the rack, and finoothed ; ffiicl
jNttbiU., velffve{biru, weihius, wet ; quod \'cntus : 4"4 fpan·new, jufr . taken from the fpifk:S, or
Aufter. incte (pirans' folcat clrc :1i•1.,1a1ii, pbwief!ffe- 'fpilces: Upt."-this is giving us only definition;' a.driz;i;ly, -watery,jho'Ui,ery win.a. · ' inllead of dcriv.; for this is not telling us from.
SO\¥. /itd·; :&t"f"'• faro .; Sax, prpanr Teut. , whcl!ec thefe /pie/cs, or /pilcts, 3re derived:· .fee
/ 1•. Belg.·. /~ym ,, 1.0 .fc111ter,,· p r ' fP1'in/clt. tbt. SPI CK a11d SPAN-new: Gr. .
1~tn abt/IJJ. • .: ,. · · . · SPANGLE, :&-r..&•f• fcintilla; afpark of.firt :. ·
·.SOW·; .otf'l/Jilli; ·'I;vt1fas l a boar, bog~ . or: fo.w. vel a 'f•Yl4"• bratltola ; a lilllt lraf of gold,jilver,
. SOW with tlirt'lli; ·KA<r<r•.,, 'fao, confuo .;. to &c.: R. 'f•x•» rddo, alltro; to fil~: Jun. has
fajlen togrtber with thread. . · · '. · · given us another Gr. deriv. ;• viz. fp.rwge ell: Ger.•
SO.WNE: hetc 'all. our.. ecy'llol. differ 1 for man is, fibula, a l:''r>'"" conftringert : or perhaps
Spdman would derive ·jt fr.O.m c'1e bongobaroic : a "'a,"I"'" 1t.-rina;fab.ulzi:1n i a glit!tring fanil- .
'terb /iinf!Tt, which fignifies to fauhiJ; probt,fi ar'rb, ... SPANlEL, Ir""°'• rar11s 1 tbi11, JealJ, m111ge:.
or, ..tJ!4Je.ini11iry; . probably·Gr. :~Skinp; cliOikcs · R. I.,.,.,.e.,, penurid laboro; half ftarota·: tho~
chis doriv..· and would deduce it from tbe ' " Sai<; indeed this deriv. would anfwer better. co tbt gray-
r,oro.n1ari,. .vcl ramman ; vulgatus ;s.cromnian, : bound, than the fpanieli which may perhapt· havc
101/igert; ab adverb. romc, vc:l rame,jimu/ :".- derived its name ab Hifpa11ia: Gr. •
( thcn,is not.finiufGr. l) -Lye, howe,ver, ditliking . SPAR-, or raft er; ·" tkrivanr ex k«f"""• di~
bslth th'efe ccyl:n. fafs, " corrupta' ·eft ex .Gall. laaro ; q uOd cjufmodi lo&gurii, five ·obi on~:
Jpuvln11.; ut. re&c ,obfervavic. Tll'. Blo!'nt; nam pcrti<d!; ;vel /udu, ii rcliquo .arb6ris crun~ velutt
ftat. Hcn.-:V• .e. 7, .GalJ . fcnpt• .vcrba hrec funt, dilaceratd!, atq\iC 11v11lf1 videancur • Jun."-long,.
• tflreats 11ie11t fouvenu ; quad poftremiim " auc chin branch.cs of trees, torn u it were from the
v in 10 conv.erfis fie primo ex /ouvenu, fowenu, · body. of the tree:-" quoniam vcro," continues.
'1cinde'[.DWtie:".,'I i;an. find no fuch word ip he, "tenuioris. fortis homines :edium ·ruarunt
Boyer as Jouvem< .; .pe.rhaps• it may be a different fores iftiu!inodi- perticis incerius oli!Tu fiimabant,
dialetl: for .jx#fJetlitt, .ot fuptrvtriio ; and if 'fo; it . faCl:um arbitror, ·ut· fp11r tbt'. diJor· id~m.
1!'0uld :be, Gr. if' .thofe ·verbs .can be applied to olim.fuerit, quod oar
tbt door; dbtx, 'IJt!lis :"-
this Exchequer expreffion ;. ·to lignify whatever . then it would undoubtedly be of Su•. orig. : -
is h1lyti.~le, or :pcjfible lo ·~i gathered; or found on but if we "follow Spelm~7·s explaria~ion,, i~ wilt .
tl>e!liffes. .... • . ' . be Gr.; for, he fays, Jparr.o,. DlllS' ; a Genn •.
SPACE , r1..1..,, ct hh &J•••, unde fptiti-. Jparr; a quo Angli tigilla, feu longiores pi:rti-
ds.; .widlb,.tiiftaiitt• .i • .'!, " · . · cas; qua:: tegulai foflinent, fparres,' vocamus ;:
SPACKT; feems to be only a.barbarous·con.:. atque hinc Sax. rprep~. Angl. a fp,ar 1 i. e.
tracribn ofi aptus ; ·q,Uall [F11clctus, . " . lignifying 'hafta :"-which happens to be Gr. ·
"P' co learn lfunlej >laccs called p111 to learn: SPARA.GOS: both J un. an~ Skinn. write it
Ray :":...,.but AP'f·is Gr. fptragt; and yet the Dr.. acknowledges it to be
..SP.AE>E, !J"1Jt> 1o :i;,.,,.·~• [Patbo :... A, (patula., .ot derived ab A.,,.."f"')'of• ~r•. Atr.~"e"'>'~" :· and Juri:. .
ko.lid.flat. iilftrument, like a· fboYCl;.frmn-.whel\ce quotes If. Cafaub. for deriving ·1t "~ vcrbo I"'""J.
1be jhoulder br;ne receiv.ed iti name; 1 • • • " :: trabert ;. inde fparagos; qui:1 trabe1Jdi vim hal'>e~
. SPADE.ta Jii"witb; .ejther from the fame root ven.t rem> mollie.ns, atqµe urinarh ciens :"~fo.
'!Vith ·the fo'regoing,ar.r, ;o( clfc 'I derivari poteft," · 1bat; according to this dtriv.. thi9. is the t~
Jaiis Jun•. " i ,t,.,..,, ·;i:,;,.t.{w;. r:1trMI,. tJ1"0• ortl}ogr, aiid graft hu no. collnwon.. wjth :U,. tti~·
,. '~ J.O. lt

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S' p' -From: <111.!t E' lt1 ' and ..;L )A 1''1-ll; !1 re
it' is genetally called JParra•gtafs, • SPA'M'L, tT1..;.,jp# 1 Iii ffil!tibout. ·
jparrtl'W'f""J's; and· even grojs alone; whatc;ter ' Sf'A"Y;; :i;,,.,.~, . exfr.4", ..roel~d, tif.e(4: fee\
luclt words n\ay b¢ derived fcoin> foe •A-SPA-· SP,A1'.E;, /$11' ;,•:G r.. " ; · · ·
RAGUS: Gr. . • ' •!
11 SPEAK: thi~ is another inil:arice o( che·won~'
SP.ARE:; ll••ft>i pa,,_; ...t1ur.. ...e: par11• dcrful cliangc th'a't 'Words foinctiines put on,
ptr; pa,.tus; par/IS; thh1, ·mean, '11tagrt : vel.P.arirs when they have palfcd thro' the N .o rdiern dia-
ab ..£ot. n ...,.,, pro :i;,...;.,,, vcl I...s. ..,; i.anis; le'tts-; .ii>us •ito ..Ollc "at ~rfi" fight coufd (uppofe,'
Batn>·•, ;f2pc ·abit ·in e 1 •Ut it x!l1e.., <ri./fa·; y;"!l'•i: that,b>tr.k .lhol1ld:·origili'ate ·al1·1!.r.,; Eir1rw,' Vd ab!
grt,,U,•; • "''~r; ~ c:"tp.111) Ul)de , cr~uj~t4/Ullf c: ~ ~u.t f~t .. ,' ·~tlf/ pr..e,diro i . tUlD Belg. .'' pril:mi~; ·quafi
lf. Volf. denvcs 1t a :i:,..~,.,, ranis, pdUc111,:.111-1 'P't1i1101 undc; Jpi<tkm, ft'atbm; to '/pea ! ot'
fttquem. elfo, "(ith l..yc; we may derive it i ..,..,..,, l«f'lor"
SfAH.K, <>r fwat-hearl: ab h1lc ·non ingntS' nilril enim fa6ilius quam ut I tantumn1odo tranf*
ig_n,e~ lucis f1?C~ie, qua . hominu1n oculo~ t~a~Unt ; P?litQ, et pi!3:~xo; ex '. +..n.,.. 6eret :Eta•"•• a:rq ue:
fair111ll.e; Anghs quoque afiru /park ~r metaph ... , 1ndc.S ax: fpetllfl,; .. un<!e/pta.C. . · ·
dicitur pu-cr 1111imi arJeHtis, ct emicantib\is:undi~ SllEAR:; ·n,.r....-, tranfto; . 1,-aefadigo; to /tirrt
que ingenii f<intillis' p~ter cleteros confp~u1111 I ' thr'o11gb.' ·• : . • • ·
one who car<ies on his f\tlt of courtlhip with SPECtjT : hOth Skinn. and Lye acknowledge
11.fliduifJ, ardor, and altrtntfs. that t his Teut. word is derived from Lat: pms !
··. SPARKLE, In•f•e• ftnitilla<; .i fpar'k of fire ;' ...:..but pitus originates a """"• E"''"• ttmdo, t.edc;
to glitur: unlefs with Cafaub..and ·Jun. we may t#. •beat, or .l•oti. 1 becaufe
derive it"' I •"fX"'• ur.gec, yett:o.; quod faintil- pecker, btats, or i.notlts holes in trees, in order
''*· /pi(lt, or UJOOJi-,
las 'materilc inJla1nmatre candentis ferri condta to get at· the infet\s are lo<lged under the
qu:i:dam vis ·tjtflar.e, .ac ·propcllefc videatur :"- bark :-it is obfewable, chat SkinD'. a little lowc:r.
and fron1 hence ,likewife they derive the fotcg'O- calls it a fpeight. .
ing art. . SPECIAL } I•or1•1'4'• fpui4 1 to kb1/J, to
• $P.AR"IQLfNG-wint, from tbt hrigbtne.Js qnJ · ·SPECIES look 011::...,..but Liit. and Ainfw.
tkarMft of .ju color: from t he foregoing root, · SPECIMEN following ·tllc·dtriv. ·of Gcratd
Or·ellc 'S.:ix. " Vo.a: fuppofe, · that ffl~'io is derived ii :&..,,....,
'9i'ARROW, 'l'•t• pa.J!tr; a &01111non hirJ. ,,....;: but if Ixl!r" lhould form nitre; ·or·even
: SPARROW, bawk 1 1nany fuppofe it derrvcd lignify vxww,. it is a lignification fo.. totally }oft,
from tbc foregoing art. becauti: it catches only that now I ......i lignifies tego; direttly contrary
Jparr()(UJ, ·and . fmall birds : but, according to · t<> jpuio, in the fenfe of :uitho :·•it 'might there~
Cafaub. it ·is rnore probably derived a l:rtf::t" <· fore be.much bctcer , [O det~VC fpteio with If. Volf.
•I« ;,t""" :. Hefych. gmia <1tcipitris; a t "''f::t"• ab Euw, quafi n ....,, :i:;,....,..., Jpeeu, ji1111ili1 jfl111;
J;"''r::t•~, urgto,: ft}JiM ; being a hllwlt of nimhlt "\Incle Jptti111e11; a /ilnufs, -copy, or ntflllfple.
'fLt•g :-aod yet it is probable that this great SPECK, or /pol : " n..x'r.A•r, flarius; the f
c:tym.oL has millakcn the title of this hawk ; ptcfixt: fpotttd, 'Uarjtgated : Cafaub;" · ·
for Spelman, under the .art. Jparverius, tells us; SPF.ED, " I.1r1u/ ,.,, ft}Jilrare·: Cafaub. an~
ihat the " tjptrvarius is ex .minori gencre acci- Upt.'"1inde :i:.,,.;., ftfli••tia; 1xpe#itig11 1 akrtmJs.
p itnun : Germ. JRarwer;. Ga~). efPt1"Vitr; · Ang!. , . SPEEr>, .(ttctifs: ·" 11;,.~•lw, pi~ qlic o~im J;,.,,J.,
•/par-hawk :"-lo that j'parro·w hawk {ecrns to drcebanr : hrnc Angl. n1 fallor, ! fays Cafaub. to
be a vitiated pronuncation. fptttl; tve11111 /JoJto uti. ,
SPASM, I.""../£'"• /ptefmus, convu/jio; a <011- the SPEER," or thi111111y pa.ft: Ray-,"-it fttms
tratlilm of the nff!Jts ~ R: :i:.. ,..,, co11v1/Jo ; t o to originate from the fame root with SPAR, or
p !utk, pull, or twitch. . . rafter.: and if fo, it' is Q. .. .
SPATHUL.A, :i::.,,a.9,,jpatbula; virga, glaJius; SPELL : fee GO-SPELL; Gr.: wlilch Vcrft~
• twig, f.111Jrd, &c. a furgeqn's inttrumcnr; broad, fuppofe• to .be Sax• · . . · . .
and llar, to fpread falves with. SPELL, or rh;mn < Ski?n: and Lye derive:
SPATTER l" "'""'" injptrgo; vcl this word from.the Sax. Belg.and Goth. tongues:
SP TTER·a'•/bu} n ..>... ~'"'' f.edo: Upt."- but they all feem to be but contr:atlions of
tho' Cafaub. derivts it ii ·:i:....e...., ct :i:..,.7.v.,.,,, A,..o{3:J.>.w, izp/tllo, quafi jpe/14, kf111r; 10 Jeeait,
quod inter alia I ••fr•{•o dif/ipare 'figniJicat: to ,,,.. p~onoll!lu 011 i•cfllltatioit; . 3$ 1we have already.
fprinJde; to malt'e foul, dirty, &c. · fccn in the art. GO-SPELL.
SPAVIN ; " Iiri'r, pro Iu,,..;., extmdtr1; quia • SPELL lettrrs l to divide a wont into it!
ttndinrs in hoc mo1bo .-ontrahu11t11Y: Skinn. "- ." ·SPELLlNG•book S proper fyllables,. fo as
o /pteflfl 1 fomctime' called tbe fpri11g·halt, inborjts• . to giy;c c111:h fyllablcju .juft:proauciation, o~ '4-
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s P. From G 11 1 £ r;, and L A ., 1 •·

twntt 1 confc.quendy from the fame root with looked on by the Egy,pti~n.S>~:a f'!l0nlt~!.~1>l1'
the foregoing ~t. Gr.: or clfe ir may be Sax. the contrary, it was the rnoft .il!~fcll!i.lg Ji~r~
SPEND _ "li4is,.,...,, toJJ/111114, pe11do, txpfn· rh~y could contempl~te, and~~ to.tlf11£e111f.t.IJ!!
SFEND-tbrifeJ. do ·; 4'!)' expe11te, or 11101ttJ kiid gods tliemfdves :.-thi~ inde~d j$< !Ill ainigll!4·i
0111: Cafaub. is of opinion, rhat jpe11d is derived and the clearing iJ -up, w~l.d h11v~ !!~ferye~ 1n0~ ·
immediately a :&r..1•., libo, faeri.fico; .quod ve~cres praifc an<! commcndat·i on, than fuc)! idl_e, frwo-
illi Qrzci nihil fere qtiod alicujus dfet momenti lous, and infignifican.t accpunrs, ~ thofc ,w.j)id1
,:ggrederent~r, quin deos, ut felicit<r cv.enircr, have been given by thofe trul,y karntd gc_ n1lc:.,
aliq!Jo ,prius,faccl'ificio placalknt ;· unde eitptndtrt, men : 1be fpbflUI ~hen, i~ is tr.µe, is !J. 'fl!ingeJ
i111pelllkr.e1. ex .facrificior:um c:unf11i:tudine pto- /ig~re (tho' it is not alwJIY• rep.r~& with
c;etllt; tune entm te·r opus f11111pt1111m, cii1• rem wings; neither have I as yet he;lrd ·t·h~ intei>pr~.
di'Jil!Pfll factrenJ, ration of th.e m·; bt1t all the t~ of·its Jtppc)lr;ince
SP ERM 1I:'"fl'"'•fPtr"'a; I:.-•fY."1·"'°'• is very cxpre.ffivc) it has the fat1 am! 111&1< .of .a.
. SPERMA-CE'."1'1 l unde :i:"''(,...-••1•,, jeme11, beautiful Yirgin, joined to Jhe nob4: .bo!ly. pf ii
ft111ilifillis; Jud; ~th animal, and v~gclable : R . Lio11 ; tu fignify tbe two 01111uh1, in ,wb:ieh ~h~ f11ri'
l'•ri•ew, fn<o, /1111in. ; to fow : Minlb. fuppofes; alw.ays appears, when tbat wonderful ~rpti.n
~ha11hejp.er11111-celi comes a .civitace Parma: which river, tbe Nilt, ·overflo!Ns t:heir countty4 .and.
9Piniol! Skinp. has ju(l:Jy branded with riclitltft: i ma~s their lands fo fruitful; vi:M. in thc·mon\ha
and haa ·more properly del'ivcd it a Jptrma.-ceJi; of J111J and //11g/efl, when the fun . is in bto, ·aod
" qui&> olim fptn1W-bai4ndl crcditJJln ell: ; nun.c J/irgo : whenever rhercfore an Egy.ptian beholds
3utem in · bat.en"' capiu repcriri certu.m ell:"- this- figu~, he immedtatdy ':i:ccalls; .to mind .. die
fo t hat the Dr. knew every thing relating to· this bendit he ~ccives fro1n the of the
word, except its e~ym. and yet it is plain he 1uull: Nile, and begins ro compute ho.w long, or bo~
havi:: kn·o wn that too; for he c;ould not but lbor.r, the ti~, wh.en ,the fun will come to.
know that tllerc were two IUch words in the Gr. lbofa two fil"'• nnd g ive h im the com(oualll.e,.
Jang. as J:"''fl"A, and K•1or : from whence his hopes of a plentiful harydt :-wifh, rcgard to tha
Jper111a-tt1i was derived : we have -fcen- ~hat it is ery1n. of. rhc ;word fpbime, I lharl be vory fhorr,,
fomc~mes wJ'ine.n PA'R.M A-CETI ; and fome- becaufe it certainly is not of G r. extra.ft. iho'
iimu -even' worfe fiill, parmcuitJ·; which might ofe.d by the Greeks in the fenie we have found in
have milled Minlhe-w. th.e beginning of rhis art. and :Co totally dilfcrenc
SPEW, r..,.v.,,jp,,o; to jpit. frorn the tn1e meaning of the word; for Mr~
SPHERE, If'"f"• fpb.era; a. .globe, fir 11ny Spolman, in bis fifth book of the Expedicion of
trQlflJd body. Cyrus, in his note on the temple at Ephefus,
SPH.IN,CTER, '£~··'Y"r.~, fpbin..ll<r; apud nie- . fays, " the word Jpbi11x is vifilily derived from
dicos n1ufculus rotundus anum confhingens, ne the H ebrew word >'!IV f11hang ~which no doubt
~ees- ante teLupus effiuant; the Jpbintier; a. ~er- t~e Hebrews•borro1Ned from the Egyptians, while
rain round mufcle,.conlratling the artUs.;. and tak- they were four hundred and thirty years. f~journ­
tng its na.t ne from its office; R. :E\!>•r'Y"'> flringo ; ers in the land ·Of Egypt) and which fignifies
t o l it up, ot bind round. overftowing; to Cl<prefs the rXJerjlowi11g . cf tbe •
SPHIN,X., " »~·rE·, fphinx: 1nouilrum alatum, Nile, in the monchs of 'J11ly and Akg11jl."
f<1eiemqµ e ~·irgin"'"' hab.ens, t.t rcliqu.o curpore SPICE. of it; 'I..-rnw, jpuio; to behold, lo fool:
leoni umiie; a:nig ma honiinibus folvcndum pro· al; u.ndc jp.·cies, e.yemplttr; nn example; a jpeci-
ponens; nefciof<1ut illud folvcrc mifori': dibni aos, me11; or, as the jocular Dean Swift in his art o(
a.c devorans: I-iederic. f pli11x cliCl:a eft ..... ,;; pum1i1ig, calls "jpuime11, ajpice I mtan.
J:~'"Y'Y"» t(.,1;flri11gtre, vi11cire; quo<l 'ita;?ri;;geret SPICES; r:.-"X"<• JEol. pro rl«x•<, .fpfra::
bomin~s fois q1<a::fiionibus, ut fe e.'<pcdire- non " undc quoq ue Galt-no tefte, fpi<atum Roma::
poffent: Lacrantius: "- aa d are not tbefe ac- dicebatur unguentum ex JPirii nardi confcltum:
counu as renigmatica1, and dark, as the m·o n- Jun" any ointment, made •f high aromaticjpicts.
fttum alatuo1 .iti<.lf?-this is noc giving us :iny &PICK a11d SPJ\N-11cw: !:""'""' JEol. pro
~*planaiio.n of .this monfter, and confequentl y !1..x•» /pica; ct £.-r,.,a :!l.-...,, e.<tmdo, 'lit [Jq>
.no fatisfa&io.n co the reader, .who dcfires co , diveiia: /pick, mid fpt111, !ir&x;•<-r.,,.;., an idea
know the meaning of .fuch a compound figure: i taken from doth, and t;<pturded, OD· the
lee n1e then endeavour ~1> .diveft th is ligure: ~f. all i jpiku, or ten/tr boo/CJ;. which is faid to be JPirl:
houor, antl Ou:w time Lt LS· one of Lhe fub!Jmdl· gfld fpan n,w, when .1ult taken down fro1n the
an'J R.randcft.oompoiirio.ns a:mong·a ll rhe Egyptian ' book1: and from this idea of 1u•v rlotb, the ex~
.hier~u·~vt>bies;. and that it· was io far f:orm bei;ng ' prcffian h11s been·•pp!led co ev,.er-y .riling dfe, ma~
" ·· 3L ls

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S. :P From G 1'. E z K, and 't AT 1 N, S p;

h ju~ com'e out of the hands of the workrnan: dc riv. both as to fpi1111tr, «md ]pitier'; and ' there-
"-after this explan atilin, it •may ·be curiou s to fore with Cafaub. it n1ight l>c be tter to derjv~fpi11
l1tlar·in what n1anner this t xprtllion, Jj>ifk, a11d a· l:,,,.9(<., texere; tiure quamvis diverfa, funt tarnen
f p111111ew, has been interpreted by o ther write rs : a lli nia; confundi interd um vel i\Jud d occat, quod
there is a · paifage in Butler's H udi bras, part I. aranea Latinis te;xert dicitur; unde et armu.e te/a.
c anto iii . 395, wh ich 'has g iven his co mmentator SPIN AGE, :i:...,,.x,,., jpinacia; or Jpintuta:
a fair opportuhity of d if15laying his learning a nd L at. barb. co Ggnify the herb Jj>i11age: J un. fecms
abilities, on thefe words : to h ave pointed out the true d eriv. of this word '.
' Then, while th11 -honour thou haft. g\>t " ve rilimile eft Jpi11age ita diCl:a1n a fcminis
' IS jpirk a11djpa11 " " "'• piping hct : Jj>inis, arque aculei< ;" from the fharp poi11ts and
on which his co1nmcnraco r obferves, that !' Mr. 1borns with which the feed of fpinage is armed:
R ay, in his E nglilh proverbs, fays, that thi• and che true etym. is Ir•?«r, quod valet ix(,.,.,,
proverbial phrafe;1 according to !Vtr. I-fowel , ext,,ido; umg, and extendld, like a thorn.
c:omts from fp icil; aH t ar of corn ; but rather," ~PINALJ:E.,,.J(•'< ex1e11do f. und_e'jpilla ;.a thorr:;
fays he, " as I arn informed fro1n a bette r au- SPINE becaufe the.form~uon of the bacJC-
thor, jpike is a fort of· 11ail; a nd jpaw11 t he chip bo11e is compofed. ofj oin rs furrounded ·Wit~ points.
· Of a boat: fo that it is all on e as to fay, every SPINDLE : any ·one n1ig ht fuppofc, that
chip·, and· nail, is new :!'- th us far collateral aid s: jpindle was derived fron1 the fame root with
llow comes Mr. Grey in perfon : " but I humbly jpin; but Cafaub. lias very julU y ·lhewn, that
am of opinion, rhat ;,· rather comes fromjpilu, :i:.-••3v>.•;, feu :i:.p.,/v>-•r, eft pars fu G, quam v er-
whkh· fignifles-'7 nail i and a ..nai/ in 1neafure is ticillum quidam nominant : properly lj>eaking,
the 16th part'of a yard; and fpa 11, which is in tbt verre/ of the fpindle ;--or perhaps SPINDLE
meafure .a. q uarter of a yard, or 11ine ioches : and may be derived.a Dn-1>.J'. ,, f u11do 1 unde fufus ,fuji;
all that is mtant by ir, when applied to a new fjgnifying the /pint/le; 'J. funde11do, fays Volf. quia
fuit of deaths ·(-or a 11ett1 peri<vig,-) is, that it per ipfum f1111da111r, quod netum ell : a l'Juding
has been juft mcafurcd fro1n the piece, by the to the action of /pinning, whic h feems 10 h ave the
.ll?li!/ and Jj>all :"-what a profundity .of annota- appearance of po11ri1tg out a liquid.
tion fcribbling ! a
SPINK, bird: Ir..,,.r, ore•9i,: or etfe I.-...;,
· SPIDE R, l:..,J,,,, ,.,,, fpijjus, paf!us, amplus ; r..-,?w, pipilo; ut q ua:dan1 aves ; friftgillus; quali
hroad, tbiclt, flat : R. """''" exle11do, e;xpando ; frinch; q uia fringutil ; a finth; fTom ics note.
to expand, or m.ail.e br.ottd: fo that, this inlect SPTNNE'f: " F,,,.1·N•1", which in Suidas, and
leems to have derived its name from its Jbape. Plutarc h, is take n for a n1ufical cord of a h igh
. SPIGGOT; by altering the orthogr. of our tone : unlefs we chufe to derive it fromfpina, or
~o~d jpilu, orfpilut, i~to /piggot, we have g iven /pinuliz; becaufe · tbe / mil}./ quill1, which ftrike
11 lo frrang e an appearance as .to h3ve perplexed the cho rd s, when the harpfichord (ffiould not t he
all etym.: J un. th inks it oug ht co be written Dr. have faid the fpi11ne1?) is touch ed , are like.
fpiggar~ q uari fPie~t"'.'• tpijfoini11~1: Belg., fo man y f.'llall 1bor11s : Nug ."-both thefe deriv.
vel fpue e~i tJ_ff:da ~11(Prcala ; 1. e. rn acumen te- are trifl ing ; and yet the latter bids the .fairer
nuata1 ad rnftar ari ltae : LO winch Skrnn. adds, of the two; for in that the Dr. fceLns co have
lcoram ini 'ad o b;urandun1 in1m iffi1 :-and vet nei- been n111ch neare r to t he true t.:tym. than he
c11er of thefe e tymol. would d erive it a ~""'X"r· imagined; at k afr if .'\infworth's be the true
/pica, arijla ; a11 ear, vr beard of corn, long, /harp, one; for he has explained a Jpi!met by organ um
a11d jieni/rr : and y<:t perhaps it may be d erived :'i m ulicmn fidic ulis intentum, c t pimmlaruts caa u,
Thy>vl''• p1111go ; to fix in tbe b<irre/: fee COCK refonans :-fo t hat the D r's. final/ q11ill.s lhould
a Jioop :.-G r. have d ircch:d him in chis art.; viz. nor a
· SPJKE, e ither .frotn .chi:- foregoi ng root: or j,tJina, but a pen11a; i. e. ii n,7,.,,., nJ,.,.,, unde
cite with V.o!l: .we m ight derive /pica a :i;,,.,?.,, 2Eol. n1n-vor, ct tlifo1, no,.r, uncle pe1ma ; rt quill:
e.<te>1do ; bt caufe it· is /Q11g, and exte1Jded: I f. Volf. a / pimI<I being only a j/ri11g-qu illed injlr11me111.
would dcri•1c fpica a 'l'·x"' : but ':!'' ""'" ,.; .,.,..._ SPI RACLE, r.,,.,.,e,,,, fpiro; to breathe forth .
'""1"""' ~w• " f1!i.• n l'"I"'"' .J.•x•a: ,;rumbs of fed hoc potius dicitur (ait Voll'. ) de anirnallbu;
brtad, -Or "hippings: Helych. moribu nd is, txtrev11m1 editttra jpiritum: poti u~
SP1l{E-N AllD ; Lrr"xv~· N"el._t, na.rd11s /rutex ; igltur fpiro l1ic clt a 'p,,,..,,, •p•"•{~, 7.itJ1ti lo ; ,,
a /wu t fmt lii11g jhrub. v e111ilate; a hole whic h e1n its tinoke, air, &c.
·SPIN : "'Tf"""" textrc; per contract: and.s SPIRAL, r..-"e"• quo g eneratim Ggn'ificacur
.prefixed ; ·y,.,.,7,,, le.,·Jor ; aud from hence a /pin- •>-•E, linta f/txlll!fa ; · a lint, continuallv n1aking
~1r, ~nJ.~ft ider: Upt.''-this feerns rather a forced 'circles, which do not revolve into tbcm'felves.

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.s p . . From G R El! K, and. LA T 1 N, s· P

SPIRIT,. :r."'"'e"'> fpiro; to breat/.it; it ' !igni-' .they all feem co be but ·different dialecrs.o.f llx.'e... •
.,. fies li.kei"i[e to afpire, to reach aftm, to altain to jcindo; qilafi jpli'ndo,; to fplit 1 dividt,ftparate: ,,.
, i;;11y smi11e1;c(, heigh/, ..or gUiry.; alfo wl1atever be~ SPOii_,, rob .1. :.:...>.,, JEoJ. pro1'i<>.•) atni~'!s•
~ longs not to .corpor.eal bogies. ·· · . : . SPOLlA'rION S vejii11untum;; natn . Jpa/iarc
, SPISSIT;l,i l,)~, .l:...•l,.,, Jpi}fus, denf11s; thick, proprie eft v~/it•!t d~tr.aherc ; undc fpo/ju,111'; i 1o;..•
dark, ob/cur~. ' 1 vero elt a .t1v.>.w, 'lltflic, omicio; . to c'4Jbe;. ·a.lfo
~Pl.T ~t . 1n1:"!• n1v•>-••; fputum ; fr~tb, or tojlrip clothes off':-Voff. derivesjpolib l:xu>.~ , a
SJ:': IT1 LE;7 5 Jome. . . i. e. 1i .l:x.>..., prd!da,jpolia; prey, or. 'bo-tty :~aad
SPlT, lo rpflfi with ; :!;r."9•, rudis, gladius, this la't ter deriy ._ m.ay perhaps b~ ,tlle,J11l>re 'pro-
virga, v eru ; 4. krocbc: S~inn. fuppofes ir is de- per; firice it is very well known, tlut .tbo Dolli'#JJS
. rived a };,.,~.,, txte11do; bccaufe of its length ; and often inferted x into words ; thus· .i:•x• ltignifics
• perhaps that may: be a more proper deri v. p1-.edn; into which the Dorians inferted ., .and
· SPITAL ; " manifeftc corruptum eft ex bofpi~ 01ade it l'.xo),••: :ifcer. which, the ·Ro\Tians ·coo-
. tafe: Jun."-which as manifc~ly derives ab Er••~. verted the •. into p, and of l'.xv>.e> made jpoliqm.
idem quod ll>·1~10;,_ 1Eol. '£.-.;r1or; unde bofpu, vet SPOJL, fiai11, or il1j11re; .l::r1>.o!i, • 111at~lo, la/,n,,; unde fao/pitafis; undc ho/pita/, or bo1if'1 a'dfpergo, fo:do; to jpot, daub, or fiai11: fc.e SOIL,
appoint~ to receive tbe indigent jick,, and paupers. 1 or fiai11 : Gr. · . .
SPlTCl::I-COCK-ul; " anguilJa major; feu. . SPOKES of a wheel: " Sax. rpacan ; Alman.
ut ;\dr. Jun. loqui a~at, decuma na pra:fertim fptitbtn; Belg. Jpeaken: J11n."-aod Skinn. adds,
3.ffa; 3 jpit; 'VtrU; Ct tot/c> rion . t-antUf'rl aviblJ~, 1"eut. fptyche; et Ital. JPight lkl/11, rota; q. d.
fed et pilcibus tribuitur i ut apparet in brtt-'toclc,; fpitd!' rot,e :-then f11rely they may all be derived
er aliis: R i.derus fcribit 'Jpi1b,.ck, quail vcller a l:"'ax11-~, fpi(a; \•cl a l:,,.1er.;1, ext-(lldo; meaning
dellcllere a :.:,,,9"1"" : Skinn." -and either r...,s ..,..,, thofe Jong, thin, jllltder bars, which fprea..d. ftom
· or :.:,,..9., or his own verb :.:,,..?.,, ~utl: J:\ave the nave to the felly. . ;
g iven origin 't o this word, if it comes, as cb·e · SPONDE~, r.,,.,,;'."' ...,, fpond£us pe;, ~
. Dr. himfel.f allows, /pit; verit; this fpecies .of duabus fyllab1s long 1s c.onftans; a n;i,e al.u re Qr
: t el being fo large· as to bear roafting. foot in poetry conliO:ing of two long Jjlla~lu. ::
, SP11'E , 'f.xt"1'1""'•fpecio, dt/picio,;" unde Belg.· SPONGE, " l'.·. -•rr•r, fpo11gia: Nug,"-a f~
Jpiil; ira;undia, odium; G~ll. dejpit ; Ira!. de- plant, lo called. .- · . .
fpcllo ; Hi fp. dejpecbo; Lat. d<fpeflus: vel Ii SPONSOR, .i;,,...1.,,. l:,,..,1.,. libo, libatig ; quia
1ner~ 'J:·eutopicu1n elfe conrenda1nus, nccelfe eric Jpontltrtnl in :.:,...,;~, quo /iba1io, vel /ibamcn,.iteiF
ex 'fcut. JPillen; jpuert, 1iejpuere: Jun."-bur f aidus not:uur; refpcvdere proprie eft 1·epromi1-
•why did he ftop ev.en there? for he 111110: certainly .tere; nam Jpon.dere poncbatur pro .dicere; lo be jZ
have known, that jpuerc, and deJf111ere, were not farcty : alfo 10 anfw<r for any one at the font.
: orig inals, : bur derived a .n7•.,, fp110; 10 fpit a1 ; SPONTANEO US, .i;,,.,.J,, u11dcfpo111t,.i .e. vo-
ut/piit prbprie lit dedignatia, e t cantemptus rei, ad lu111arit , 1-1Crtll'1•, Jib,.enltr; wilii11gly, of011e's.ow11~accord.
Cl!lUS mentionem fa fttdio fedt/pfrimu.r : G r. as above. • SPOON : " r.,,.,.e,, rudes, cacbhnr, JPatba ;
. . SPLASH, n"u~"'. infpergo; et ~1 ..>.=•w,f.'l!do; Cafaub."- " q1.1od qualecunque ligni frgmentu~
to dirfy, daub, o•·Jmeer. . Jcvicer t'X.cavatum cocb/earis ufmn pr:ebuerit-:
SPLAY -feet; U>.ij.-;,latus ; b;oa.d,fp,·nmling f at. j un."- cho' perhaps it n)ight be bertet referred 19
· 'SPLEEN ; :>:i>.r,v,J plen; 1he 11ii/ 1, lights, fp lee11. the Sax. (llph. · •
SPLENDOR, " };."'/1>.{3., , Jple11deo,. iii1eo; ncm p~ SPO.RT: Ski nn. derives it from por.10 : -then
ex. r.11>-pw fit jblito, vel Jpli10, Jpfendto ; 11 a11cc1n he thouId have derived it a<1>•~1..,, onero, porto; in~
feri (ol~t ;. ut ~x pnK.o, pnn/f;o; f rngo, .f'!'ango; fro1n thence he would tr:1nsfer rhe fignitication to
&,c. :"-this denv . Votf. has .i ~t on, wah .q uod j e porlnrt ; i . e. .j1/tt1nde f• gertre : ~ut chis i,i
·o mniu1n ni'al\ime placet ; and he has gi ven no ;ather a Jorced. coAlhuCtion: and th~ rcforc i~
lefs thari (ix ·ot her deriv. and introduced rbcm migh r be b~rccr, with Mi nib . to derive it i\ .!.x:,,wJ., .,
'wi th a 'little winicilill, which he fddo1n or never q uafi i:1l'~.~1,,, jo<a, .c~i1111~1eliofo. grflu:f.ubfa111!f.
' commits;, etfi nihil fplendorc ~lrlri11s,' tamcn (i SPOT; '' ! =1>.o,, I:w;Ao~, 111atu/q~ J~d!J i t#
'vocabulutn fpeaes, fane origo ejus Jati; tjf ob- daub or /fain : Cafaub •.,
j cur'a : tentab itnus ·r am'en ::..:..and then he begin<. · SPOU T, n1,,...., fpuo; Jpµtum ; to /pit, or jpoat
. S:\'4 1CJ;;, n,,.,,.,, p!ito; 10 fold·over, j oin toge- 011-S Wt}lrr. · ·
·1her, hen aJpli111tr. SPR AWL.; "nefcio an a Belg.Jprit~/; j1ibt1-
SPT~lNTER1" Belg.Jplcnier, ajpiittrn; .diffi,,. diro11, torus; prrefertim· g ramineus in ~Orto; q . d .
· SPLIT . d,e;.:; Sued.Jplintt1: om1'1i1·.c r~do, canquarn in gramine v olutat;i: vcl quod eodeni
fays .Lye, ab Icelarid:
. /tfi1in; ~i4'ur11ti's :"-~nd recio it, a .Fe. Gall. prea11, i~kll) ,figoan.t~: an a
3 .L z . . . , Lat.
•' •• .'
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s p From Ga 11 It, ud t. A 'I' 1 •· s Q..
J.At.~1-i, pro fpNnl#i 1 i. e. inll:ar bMrll S?lJRIOUS, _.. ,.~t"• ~"· ••"•rw.. q ui
verfU'I: Skinn."-but then it would be Gr. - nakiaar fcono, m CUJUI n1dum plurcs confpiraot
Jun. Crom Clfa_ub. fays, fprlJfl)f, ~rorum amatorn, adco ut licct non miaus, quam cztcri,
cxtmnicata 8g1tal'e moru .,ehcmcnu 1 Dan. uno 112fcarur patt11tc: Voff." who has l ikcwife
fir11JJ11 Bel&·h"'"~""; Anr<Mf .... l:•••t""• ~ro· giftn many other inirrpretatiOM :- •• illtgiti-
prie intelliguntu~ dt mom animalium. cum 1pfl • at1 iJ[u.
morte collua&nnum 1 11 ftN-' tht IJ111~s w1tie, SPURN;" r.,.,r-,-lltoltu ftlu, ta/,.,.: nefcio,
like thofe in 1he agonies of death. ait Jun. an fit a I ...'f"'"'• quod Hefych. non
• SPRAY, or brmub; pcrhapt !Tom me fame modo cxprimit :i:..'f"" ftrert, •crum ctiam
rooc 1 or elfe we muft mer to the Sax. Alpb. eu,...e••, ........""' ''""'"'• irt!fci, ,.;,,m, ptrfe'llfi.
SPRAY ef tbt f~· l l:r•e•11•, Jp11rg• I vet a lo ~1 ""fl'Y• tbr1•tm, to jtoni :"- but Volf. has
SPRAY, or f>rinl:le S :i:.."e"• {e111U10, fp•go ; given another deri•. which deferves fome at-

I• ft•trtr, or tbrvJw a/Jo111.
fpe11* lSax.: Verft."-
fpea;(int S but both Gr.
tention : quid fi f1mro dicamus contraltum ex
fapllri110, quod fit l ftparo 1 nam ut il n•to, 11a-
1i110, unde tu1li•tio, apud Fettum; ut a 11rgo,
SPREAD l dther fro~n rhe fame root with Wgti111) unde ·M.Pll6ft, pro 11lflltt ; nt aftp, jlQo,
Jpray :.or clfe ab 'Eer.,,ferpo; quafa fitrpo,f?tp•; undc "<./Ii•, o~-, pr1fti110; ita furtaJTe i
Jirtd: II trt tl '" fatoly fo,.,,,•rti. ftparo, f tpann10, Yd ftparhto ; lo ftp t1r•t1, quafi

SPRING, or ltt1p
SPRING, orJ;ro111
• SPRIG: fee• SPRAY: Gr. or Sax.
elcgantiffimc fie dic-
tum," fays Skinn. "quia
Ji1m1a1t ; J;11r11, tkjpift :-only ftifl f ?11r11 is Gr.
SPURT fortb l"parumdcflexoftnfu iBelg.
~Pl!_RT of fDi,,,J ~ Jpr19·ttn; f11rgtrt i11 .ilt11111:
SPRING-11)M tune temporis omnia Skinn. - ho then refers us tojqNirt: and Lye to
SPRING-twttr ttrllli11n111, et rtpM/111- fpro11t; bo;~ which h~ppen unfortunately tobeGr."
lnnt :"-and then the Dr. adds, Cafaub. noftrum S~Y: H CTod. lib. IV. cap. 27, J;N, oculNfll
·JPnllf dttorquet ab Aor<>11•" :-;-the~ lei '" ho~, 6gn1ficat apod Scythas : hence the Latins fp<ci1,

;that Jun. would have pleafed him bell«, ii
x.... vel l:..•f)Ctfl.. 11rgtrt, ftjli11ar1, ti q.uo-
'<lam ·quaIi f•itu propcllerc fe :-by nanfpofiuon,
infpiure, and trrujptrt, ab cxtis illfpfriendis:
Upt,"-but what the word arujptrt means, there
ls no dicnonary. will teach us: ~erhaps it ought
qua6 :i: ..t•;i«•H•1 fpri11gi11g. · to have been printed 11r11fptx: ncuher could there
SPRlNGES : Skinn. writc,s it fpry11gu, tho' have been any necefilty (o"r rhis gentleman's n1n•
he h•• &rived them a Sax. fPJUn3an; qrfri: vel ning to StythitJ for a deri v. of the Latin verb
i flrilflntdo :-he would not on .any confiderati?n jpuio, when it might fo eartly and fo na1urally,
:have faid a rlt•n-rvv :-but 1f the Dr adm1rs have been derived, either ab E••t1, " """• I""""'•
chat jpr.ii11 is but anocher diaka frx jlr~i11; then in Votr. if thofe verbs 6goi fy tiidto; or elfe a
fl~f"K" ~ar be ~o mo_re than another dialed for :!:•rir1••,....., unde I • .,..,.,, fpttio, tiitito 1 to fat, t1
)rlitttJ 1 1. c. jlrlflgo; 1. e. l:l•"YI""'" to l"!IP• or tool: 11110; a ../PJ being a pcrfon fent to to.kc tJ vir:D
"li«df•ft, ~o n-f1111rt, ff> e11ta11gl-. . . of the enemy, either fecrcdy, or openly.
SPRUCE, "IT•e•rnr, IT•e•TI•r, propne, qui ultra • SQYAL aloud: either from L.>.iw, to call :
drerot aliquid hahet in foo generc : t11i111ii11, or clfe of Sax. orig. -
';kfl•11~, i11fig11is: Cafaub." neat, tlega111, and/ mart. • SQ.UAL of wind, 11nJ' rainJ perhaps from
SPUME; n1u.,,fpuo; fpit , or Jome. the fame roor .
.SPU·R; "l:q>vf'" ma//eo/1u pedis: .I've•.,, mal- SQ...U ALID; l:•vf3""-"• q111/911i/i.e,.ftert111 1/weep-
·Jeolos pd lum ocr.,.is 'llltmio, vel corrigidjMbjJringo; ings, riftift, dirt :-but Votf. does not approve of ·
(olenr enim c<ilcaria corrigiis ad mal/10/os pet!um this deriv.: verum ctli h:i:o erudite dicantur,
;, lftringi: Ju!'."-tbe a11!tln however being . hut rnmcn mag1s placet etfe a fq1UJ/leo, ab A..x...111.,.,
an ·aukward place to fix the [purs 10, we might vel A..X'"'"'"" doleo l quia m~.fti jq11nllt11t: vel a
be ·induced to derive a Jfrur from the verb :r..'fX"'• I .. u ,,, nridus ; quia ariditlls caufat aJperit11di11t111.
11rgto, /tflino; to :bajlt 11, "to make the horle SQYAMI-GEROUS ; Ix,.,,1.., jca/Jo, f<abtr,
go fajltr. Jq11a'!'a ; quia Jquamta funt Jt11/Jra; Jtn/Jtni.
SPURGETl" a book, to hang any thing on : cten1m aufcra1ur ; 11 /<alt, orJta6, taken olf by
"SPUR.KET S Ray :"- perhaps it is only a va- cratchi11g.
rious dialed of SPIKE; qua6 fpiktt: Gr. • SQYANDER : "Ital. jpa11dtrt ; Fr. G all.
SPUR-WA¥; from the fame root wirh fp11r; tfpmtdn; u~mque a ~r. apnndtre; (perhaps
ltcing no more .than a borft·way, or, as it is txp_lllde:;eJ cnam tranflatc prof11rtdtre, protligert :
I01nerlmcs called, /1 mdle-'ID11J, through any per- Skinn. -ronfcquently Gr.-10jpnld mon" pt'ftii-
(on's gr<>lmd, prftc:rYCd by right of £ufiom. g11U,: or ·d fe we muft refer to the Sax. Alph.

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S T From ·o ll E E K, and LAT c11, s 1'
· SQ!JARE 1 nil'l•e•• q11a111or i foNr ; a figure ST AFf; " vel a I'IH:tO> irJcedo . vel ~ I1Ha.;
. ~r · ' · , ~ ·
wit~ /~11r equal !ides. am/J11lo: J~n. 1ind Skinn.' ~but as che forrper llg-
SQY A T-Jowll I " forte a quit/II! : Skinn. and nifies W11lki11g, or tnarcbi11_g; and tfie latter to
Lye: ''--confeqµcntly Gr. · treail, or flamp i!.ow11 with tpe fttt ; it might "be
SQ11 AT figurt; " in agro L inc. et N orf. better, wi'th Cai&ub. ;o derivefta.ff ab Ir•~·· unde
-ufurpatu'r pro hominc mediocris, vcl aliquanto rJ~,., jlo, fta/Ji/io; not fo Ll:rietly in the fenfc Qf
·humiliori.s ftatura:, fed c:orpor.e robu!l:o, ct bene jlanJi11$ fl.ill'. ~s of jlrt11gtbeni11g, and rcnd,,-ing.'
ro1npsfro : crc;do ii. Lat. 'Jl"zJratus : Skinn." - any thingjirm, fta/Jlt,ftrong. ·
confc9uently Gr. ST1'.F-SW EARD, " " :ftaf-fword, a fhort·
• SQ!JEESE ; Sklnn. derives it " a q11ajfare, fpeare, or iaueling, the iron whereof was !orig ..
eaf!are: ccrcc proculdubio Ital. Jcajfiart, etjquttc- and fomewhat after the ~uer of'a blade, a fra--
aart, ab altcrutro horum orrum trahunt :"-but mea: Ver!l:."-but jlajf, andjworJ, arc Cr. ' ·
J un. with grcatc; probability, fays, " fortafl'e STAG, I'l"X"• orJiru incedo : Skinn. does n.qt-
·fquttZt .e!I: 11 K1.,~H>, finJ,.,.e, diviJerc, co111trtrt :" approve of this deriv.; and Jun. intioiluces it
--and yet that ai9:ion feems dircllly contrary to with only a fortaffe ; b'u't 'then he gives fo curious
our. word Jq11ttjr, or prejs down dofa : perhaps a quotation from P liny, as deferves to be ~ra9-
it would be better to refer'it to the Sax. Alph. fcribed : in CtrVil certe gregati1n erocfcuntibus,.
SQ11I LL 1 I:xi>.Jui, fail/a, jquilla; a jbrimp 1 niirum ordinttn depreh~ndunt q,u1bus ea res.
•alfo a /ea onion. , cur:e: prircipue tam'en admirabilis ell ordo, quern
· SQ.YINANCY; com1nonly written q11injj: cenent maria traofmitcentea: " maria tranant.
~"""')';(;"• a11gina; a choaki>t$_, occa:fioned by an gregatim, nantes porretlo ~rdi•t, inquit P liniu_s,..
1mpoftume : R. Jlrx•» fujfoco; to, jlrangle : - Nat. Hilt 'lib. viii. c. J '2 ; et capita iinponenrcs.
'L itt. and ·Ainfw. write it eyna11Cht; and would pra:cedcntiun1 clunibus, vjcibu_fque ad. tcrga rc-
derive it Ku11:.:.yx."~ i. e. Ku110~ CZ')'XO)'"J caniJ an- dcuntes: hoc maximc notatur a C il icli Cyprum.
,gi#a ; and there may be fo1ne propriety in the trajicicntibus; nee vident terras, fed in odcrcm1
clcriv. becaufe mad dogs are feized wich that ma- carum natanc :":-this order.may .li~c,wife be con-
.lady,; bt1t t hen the s would be·totally i.mpropcr. firmed by a fimilar pafl'age in Virgil, ;En. I.. 190;:
~QYINT ; " Ixo:<0;, vel l:xo>.10;, tr_aefverfus, wh.ere mencioning the herd of dter, which _JEnc;as·
ol>Z.!Jttlll, dijlor:tta : Cafaub."-but Skmn. fays, obferved from the top of a mountain, while ·
" potuiffet meli\Js ab A•"'JG"'1or, quia fc. tale> chey were'feeding in the valley below,.·h c fays of:
oculi defortnes, e0que pudori, et dtdccori funt ; the leaders,
et peffimum i n phyliognomia fignu1n :"-yet not - -- - - hos tota armcnta feqµuntur
fatisfied with the(e, becaufe they were Gr. : be A tcrgo, et long11m per.valks pafcirur agmew.
flies to his crabbed Saxon, and Teut. r cen\:>an; STAGE-coach; "ll'1"91"''i jla1io; a baiting place,,
/'btndm, jchacnden ; deduorart ; ·ec inde ]'band, ubi viatores jubjijltrt folcnt : diverjori11m ; ~ a"'
fabande .; dedecu1, ignomipia :-but all thefe harfh inn: Skinn!'
Northern words feem to or.iginatc :\ I.,.,;,.>.,., STAG~-play; I11y.,, v:cl l:11y11-~ fii.Jineo, fuf-·
offe11Jicu/um. tio: toJuftain, or prop.
SQ11IRREL; " Ix••e•r, fci-urus, fti-,11T11l1u; STAGNANT; >:!"'"'f"•r, I7"'~•;, _locus in quo•
ex :!:••"· umbra; et °"f"• cauda; nempe qui (edet confiftitur aqua pcrpetuo, nee decurrac;.'Tle!"'"'., r
fub umbra ca11d1e fore : U pt." -the pretty lictlc Volt. does nqt approve of chis etym.- but what-
animal, chat fits fecure under the jbad!Y"JJ of his ever dillike he might have to the deriv .. the lenfc·
own tail. o( it anfwers our ipca of a ftonding, lake, or
SQYIRT; l:x1e1a..,,Jalio; 10 leap, or jump forlh. pool, as well as that of jlttg11um, which, he fay$~
STAB, l:f"Y'"''' quafi I1.. y,.,.., e'!fi1; a]word. aSiculis aeccpimus, qui I'/"Y"" <lixerc pro lJvy,.;,.
STA&LE, :firm l Ir•I"'• I1«w, l':1w ; fto, unde jlagnum deducit Varro : l1vyi••-autem . dici-
STABL£ for borjes 1 ftabilis; jlcildy, firm ; tur, quo~ .minime rimof11!" ,ell.:. jlagpo igin1r cx. ~o·
·lllfo a .ftanding (or horfcs. . nomen, quod contiJUal,. ac coeraot· aqu;un, ncque
STACK, Ar•x,ur, .vel rf,.x_u;;jpica, arijla, cu/- manare poffit :~but the· Cafpian is 1101 jlag11a111,
mus i toM, ftraw ; &c. and yet co111i11ra1, et cotrct~/>aquam.
STADIU M, " I'laloo;, ftadium , .Jemmjus ; a- ST AlN, T•f.'l'.I'• ti11g~ ;: lo dip, or. dye of dif-
fur/81fg, ·or 12.s. paces : Nug!'-the reafon why fere111 colors. ·
t his· precife meafure received the name of "fla" $ T .(\IRS:. Ve-r!I:'. and' J.un.. deriv~ then1 ".a
JiNnt, is .·thus accounted for by Li tt • .and· Ainfw. Sax. rc~cp, if-. Jl'•;;an; ajttndtre :"-S~in~ •
..,.• .-;;~ I'J,..,.,..,., qu<>d Hercuks,.cum uno fpiri cu ' from " the Belg. fttght; Teut. fltigen :"-and
id decuriilfet,.fabjfiJuJt, Lr.c runs to Ireland,, not Iceland chis time,.
' fu~·

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.S T From _.G,R ~ .z K, and ~A .r 1 N. ey T
Tor flaigbr :"- and the Dr. is the only etyniol . that both p;13an, and fteige11,. ar°' derived from
·who has looked towards Greece, to which, he r1nx,u•; or r?ax,~• Tron1 tlfen1. ·
·adnlits,, they all ali'11ffe ; but "'.ould not atkn~.w- 1 , ST A[,Lj11 "ci;tbtdr,al : v.ery. few would ima-
'1edge they. were 'derived from ; tho" · t:1ux,w, , gine, ·,it firlt fight, that thefc two ·"!'ords ftall>
' he Cars ·lignifies · crdi11e eo :.....:..and even Mr. .a nd .cathedrat !hould be derived frotn one a nd
Lye. \tndcr another arr. viz. ftey, ftie, or .fligh, · the fame fource : ca1hedrol, indeed, is nearer the
confclfes, · that planiffi1ne referr, uc inquic' origi nll; viz. Ee',""" 'unde ' K~9:1e .... cqtoedra,
.aull:or (but where he does not fay) Gr. l:1u- [edu ; " fia t: J?t•t fl ail is fomechiog fanber re,.
X"'' ire. , n1olicd, viz: ab E?•14~;, Jedto,', J~ilts; Jeo1, ff~,
: ST~K:E; or pl.edge; " ii verbo to flick ; ffttl~ ; Bcl.g. J ciel, contrat1u1n ftaluemus ftel,jlal,
fc. in ptibJiCO jigi/tir1 Ct proponifUI',, t311CJU:fm Vic- jlafl : a prebendary's}eal lll a C3thedra) •
.. toris· brabeun1 vi8i muifia: Skinn."- ct vinoriJ ST.A..LL at a fair ; r1,;,;,.,, i11j/ruo, qpparo,
pra'mium: confequendy Gr. ·a~ will be fec:n in the adorno; (olenr .cnim propolre n1erci111onia fua cum
next arr. _ . quodam f P-lendore q urefttitiiini ~ultus propq;iere
STAKE, o r po.fl ; !?1~"; p1111go; Jo. flab, or venalia ; .to fa out tt bo.oth. in all its finery ; to
·ptirce; .t11ry poi1ittd 1hi11g ; or clfe a.'f:l,,.x.•;, fpltll; . ti·icjz it qp <vith ail its tr11111ptry. :
•ulmus ; the ~~in11, or beards bf corn. . : , ST A~L i;s a jlable ; !1"a''~ ftf!,tio, jlabulu111 ;
STALE, acid 1" Ew.Ao;, pra: vetulb tc efla:· ' '·' ' ftaJ1d111g for ho rfes.
STALE, di:cayed tus, vie/us: fed q uid opus, STALL!QN r" quafi dill:um ftabii/i dominus,
'fuit e longinquo etymon percre, cu1n in· vicino feu marirus .: Skjnn."-conf~quentl y derived as
Belgiao·fc pala'm olferat? Skinn."-buc we mult in che . foregoing art.:-·" mailim," fays Jun .
.<; longinquo ecyinon peterc, if the Belgic is not " vocabul um Sax. orig. referre ; quando·
'the original; and it happens rather onfornJnate- quidem rcrelan, ol im figoiiicabat fi1lire, f•ltare;
· ly, that · the Dr. hin1frlf p roves it fo: "datur verilimilc irnque ell vocemjlalli.11 (or rather .fta-
cnim. Belg. }Id; vetus; a CJ'lO nollrum fl alt ma- lic>1) origi nem traxi(fe ex· prifci verbi participio
nifdlc dcducirur:"-grantcd : "hoc forre q. d. p;relenb, er J'T.el tcob, Jalitns :"-or, as Virgil
flilt; quit!UJ :"-~u t 'under t he 'art.flili, quiet11s, has, with the 'gre:ue(l: delicacy, expreired . ic in
t he Or; f.1ys, "poffi•ll et declinare (not derivare) his 'I'li ird Geo. 127, 1u bltmdo 11eq11ea11t fupcr-
a Gr. !1•"""'' pro ~.,.,>.>.11" comprimere :"-fo elfe tabori : -: but. now it fee'ms co be derived
t, or :iny other liquor, may bejfnle, whet\ either fron1 r?•w, in ':lenertm pr11rfr~ ; or ' licerally
·by age · it ha.s acquired an 'licidity, or begins t<~ from 'A>.:>.ol'"'> .iJUa!i '£1..>.>.,014"'' j a/io ; J o leap, Or
-be jint, dead, and vapid. daJlce upon : and now· the double )l's would be
ST ACE,,·orfla/kiitg horje : "nefcio an a Sax: pr·o per. .
tc:-lan: furttri>.f!iffi1rari ; "iijuffurando, (c. '\"'~' :· STAM IN A; I1.,,~~" .ab Ir:x...9"1,Jtt1mm,
·s k1on.' -not lite1·allr. flea /mg them, but figura- tk; tb1• 1oarp,,1be pr111c1pa!, tht ground-work,f,,p·
tivoly fler./ing up1ni 1be~l1; or, as we .fon1e1imes fay,. poi·:, fou11datio11 . .
jlenli11g o . mnrrh 011 an enemy ; mentioned w)th 10: "' S1"At\1 lVIER ; " !')"/'">."" vel tlwl'v/.Ak"
n1uch raillery in a· converfation bet ween Xeno-' nimili !oq11'tici1al't a!iot ojfeiulere; q uad' ilnpedite
phon. and Che irifophus, towards th,c c,lofe o f th" loquentes, lib~ntiOin;ie garrirc (olfant ; .v til quUd
· Fourth B,ook bf dre t\iiabatis :-but Hill ·ir. is Gr.: al iis 'himii fem per videantur, ciiani p;{rcim1ue
or, perhaps, flale here may be only another d ialect loquentes : J uh ."-unlef~ )Ve may r.efer ~t to the
· for ftt;/k along; as· in th e followlng' \trc.
. si: ALK alffl:g 1" .. · Sax. Alph.
.ti"X"'• ordi11e to, 01'di11e_ S'fl1.MP 1"
, · S'I .'\I.:.KING-horfe mcedo; lo mart'h, o r gq . STAMP· o.ffice nit ..""%"'' x'"'"' aj/id1u mo·
·. · · · ' .
:£1•1,13,,, quocl E i1flad1 . expq·

. flowb• : Cafaub." : . . . vere : vi:tc quc:iq~e et~n1ol9gican1· ip ''"""~'I ' hue

ST.A t.K of. a 'Pin"''. 1;.1th~r ,from ~'"""''. ud; e~1a1n refer Gap . ej!amp~; et 1ral. J!lm1p,;; i.mJrtf-
111111 ;· jlra"':JJ, or-rftt."n1;' 1c>n ;,vh Jch C(>r11' · g J·ows: ?t! jio; Dan. fle;11pr:l ; · 11rd;c4fJa,. typus .: • jltn. J' ar;y
J e)fe, with Caf.'tub! \, a',rirJ..Exi;, ·tritT!ttfS, (a;1dr,x ;1 iii1prej/io1i o.f tiJeal,~ &c: "':.. . . ·,
na1n em1dex ·et cniilis, ft naiuram fpc&es; eadcin STANCH, firm, aitd .fo1111d{ "i.1rya.•w""" vtl
res :"-but Ski nn. 'dilfarisfied -wirh t his, becaufe' S1' ANCFJ; ·orflop blood J ,t7;'l''"'."'' a
.it ~·as Gr. adils ''Belg: aurem fle~l, et 'J'cnt. :E?1y•iv, .ftagnatt,-mu11irt, indui·ai·e.·; iten1 jijltrt ;
. flill delletl:l·• pciffin~" ii' Sax. rc13an, vel J!cigen ~ <:t.firmat'eJa11g11i11em, ncjluat ;' tofortify,flrer.g1J;,N;
aj ce11dere ; q, d_. fligtl; qu ia fc. r.auiis. in al tum one who is beart_x, and 'jii1iere in 'any equfe: alfo
fe futrigic :1 •..:...n()W tmlhcky ·rhe nr. is' ! he can-' to flop, an'd f 0t1!1d4.l t b!ooii, 'fii' :is' 'to prevent Ir
)lOt gee rid of the Gr .; fo; it is to ~c frared, fron1 flowing· :'-'-oi', :~e~~~ps,;,f.4n~E mar., acco:d·
• ing

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. .
S 'f. F ro1n ·c n EEK," ·and · I,!. Tr N. S T
jng to " Litt. be only a cdntr3tl •. of exring1;ijh; his deriv. ; Jor all thefc Norchern word s feem ro
and rhen it w 0 uld cake a ' Clifferenc roor : ·fee originate. from the verb · to jl'e!.r ; o r, as t~e Dr.
EX.-STJNGU.tSI-I: Gr.· " · ~dit~~ it jlen f; g11b,'1"1iare; fo h.e himfelf ackn9w .
STANCHION; f11lcti1m ; a j/ll11do r ab Ir•:•i,- ledges · :.fterwards, " alludit Gr. I 11e••1, fir"!11s;
l.'1~,,, ft():;. to jla1:d. qu ia fc . navem finna't ·; ec T"e"'" 11uor; quia na-
. STAND in. oppojiti(ln}t.i~ .-i;: • I! , b vem confarval :" - bot ft ill the difl:inc:lion be-
s·r~D, re1111zil1 ¥» '.'f'" '>"~"" a tween ftar-board 'and· l11r-board .remains to be
. Sl"AND.i\Rl) . 1<~;<l, fl() ; Jo ftand. accounted for; the latte•' is vilibly derived :l
, STANK, or jl11ice-r" Gall. e)Jang; Ital.fiag110; ~\"''<-•~•» l.ev11m-/atus ; · the ·ftjt-jide; buc'' why
I-Jifp. ejlangut; :Armor. flar.c, deri.vanc ii Lat. jlar-board lhould fignify the right ·is not akoge-
flag111,1p1 ; pro quo frquiora fecula fcribebant.fta11g- ther fo evident.
11u111 : L ye.:"-but frill- it is Gr. if }Jtzg11u111 be de- ' STAR CB : all ou t etymol. have· made choice·
rived from thefanie root with STAGNANT: Gr: of -the hard , and harfh Norrhcrn words for ' t he
STANNARY,' Il"~"'' unite jlannum; li1t, ·or originals of fiarch, 1nereiy becaufe they ·rrgnify
a !i1:-'1ii11e. · , · · t·oborart11 fir1nare, du rare~ Jolidare j b'lrt oot one
· STANZA; "vox pura puta Ital. lie autcm of them ~ould admit of L'l•:ior, !Tree•<, jlarcb,.
appcllatut Jeries, feu cl'do 'Vetfuum, puia tetrafti- t ho' it fignilies .firmus, durus,Jolidus; viz. " amy-
chon, hexallichon, feu ogdoaftichon (bow prettily /um, five gluten ex amylo, quo 1nulicrcularum•
t he Dr. can talk Greek, when he pleafes !) ~ (et mulierum) pepl3 firmm1t11r ;' pari quoque ra-
jlimza, feu fla111ia ; . c11bicu!k111; quia - lc. hi ver- tione, Belg. nuncupatur jliif!tl; "ii.jliiv~11;.firmare :·
fu!J•TI ordi11~s, tanquam lricli11ia, feu contigna- Jun." a well known compofition,. u fed to ftif-
tio11t} "'dium, fibi invicem fuper'fln111ntur": otrum- fen linen . · · ;
que a j1a11do: Skion. ",-no'~ the Dr. is a little S1'ARE, a birdl'f. fl ft Ii ·
pcrverfe, and. would noc go, to the Gr. lno;<•, STARLING 5· O!f, urntts; a ar 11g- •
:i:i...,, fto; fia11d. . STARE with 1he eyes : there was fo · natural,.
Sl'APL E of a <kor; . fronl the fame root; and lo eafy a deriv. of this word; that it is a· .
being the iron hook or i<:ap into which the bolt wonder nil fhe ctymol. ·n1ould be fo perplexed·
of the lock Jboots; in order co: 1nake cbe door about it ;·particularly lincc they all allow ic ligni- .
fl able, and flr~11g. . . fies. " rigidis oculis iot ueri ; rigido, er fixo 6bturu
STAPI.Ji, .of trade; from the fa1ne root; be- in al iquem in.cueri: Jun."-"vulgo a(trorum, feu
ing the n1arker, or mart, where fonnetly 111er- flcllarum con1emplalione: Cafaub."'-" ir.ttnlis oc-
chants kept their jlatio11I, or jln,tµfiitgs. cu.I is intucri: Ski no."- " lorue·refpicere: Lye:"-
ST AR: "qJ1is . dubitet A>ne ab Orieoralibus ye t not o~e of\l"icm would admit of I1•f•{w", vel
cJTe 3cceptum d'un -P er)is fid la d icarur fter: unde I1'f"'' Jolid11s, firmus, 1·igidus; to ftare with eye-
Ejlher nomen habct; Ut ad Eufebi um Scaliger balls .firm, Jlif!, 1·igid.
moncr ? VoJT."-but, furelv, t be P crflans were STA RK catd, dead, mad, · 11ak'ed; frbm thc-
not more 3ntient th•n the Greeks, when Cyrus, fa1ne root; as Cafaub. now admits.
the fou of the Perfian 1nonarchy, lived only STAR1' a.fide, 'f~ems ,10 originate a .flo; flare;
600 before Chrifl ; but ]Egialeus, the founder thus toftart· up,jlare htfuper; to gel thefl art; pr£-
of Sicyon, lived above · 1 400 years before ftare: if fo, it would defcend "ab 1r>'.f"'• fl•, jla're;
Cyrus. to jla11d: but when we fay the horfts fiarted: or,
STAR-BOARD: this word, tho' it wears fo bt j/arts at a f taJhtr; ic feems then to take a.
1nuch the a ppearance of Northern extraCt. will d ifferent origin; as in the Sax. Alp h.
be found ac laft to draw its fource from the Gr. S1' ARVE ; "I1•e••» privo, (IT./Jo; ta be deprh:e(I,
Jaog. thus, " Sax. [.'t'.COJlbopb; Belg.jlierboord; ;,. w a111 : Cafa11b."
Teut. jlewerb(!Td·; (e:<trum navigii .l atus, quod STATE: I1«~.,;flatio ; afiatior., place, or po.ft
nauclerus, fcu gubernator occupat: Skinn."-~his of honor: . " orig<> ab k "l4'> ;1atuo, eo-!loto: Jun."
(ccms to be but an unfailor-like reafon ; becaufo · STII.TI-IE for jhippi11g; I1.. G;<•<, .flatio; a fla-
the pilot, or 11ccrfman occupies the left,. as well lion, fta 11diJ1g, or plate ffr jhips, w bil1 they art
a_s the right fide a lhip :-but, however, the Dr. unloading their goods.
goes on; " il Sax. rce.opao ; Belg. ftieren ; STA'fJ.CS ; '"'f""'j vel Ii'n;<•• quod interdum
Teut. fltwere" ; f.1<ben:are ; et bard ; datur et atpe11do, iilwo, po11dero ;' l:"l.:q,...,,, fia1Jo, .111e11fut'a ;.
codem fenfu F r. Gail. .ejlribort; fed Ger1nanicre ~1"1'x", .ftatiu, por.1ler011di ars; tbt>llrt of weigh-
proculdubio originis :" - the Dr. is generally i11g : Adr. Jun. ait Graecos·pro tnttinac. etia1n di-
mifiaken i.n his _profuld11hios, and. unlucky 111 ccrc :i:7,.1•e~ ..

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·s T From G&, and LATIN. S T
Sl'ATIONERSl all . thc.fe coming from the der the art. uatim-li4/l, has very properly ihewn 1
STATUE foregoing root, require no for there be ~ys, "Ltadp,· h411, <md Stul-yarJ
STA TUTE • farther explanation ; ex- Londinenlibus unam eandemq.u e aul.a m, vel do-
} cept the company of flo- mum publicam frgnifi<iant: " and then he proceeds
tiontrs, "qui forte licdieli," to the true deriv. ·o f the word Stttf..y11t:d.1 "&!-
fays Skino. " quod olim in gis nimirum flaelan, vel fttllm eft merces vena-
Sl"EADY J uni cert3.flotio11t, fcu certo les txpo1urt, Gall. quoque tjla~ muruati funt i
vico, omnes limul oflicinas habebant; nunc autem Belg. ftelltn; txpo1tert, et explfrare mer.tt1 nnph-
fparlim habi.tant: certe bibliopolz cre1neterii rum ocu/is:" and therefore, inllead of Sttel-y•rd,
D . Pauli Lond. tot li1nul contiguas a:dcs incolcn- it ought to be written· S~alJ-yfJ1'J; viz. tha.t ydi'ti;
ces prifci hujus moris aliquid eciammun retinent. or place, where formerly the wootlen-cloth mer-
• STA VE; perhaps, likewife, from the fame chants kept their flolls, or booths ; and confe•
root; viz. I?.-91'•<, jlotio; fla1io11, portion, .p11rt: q.uently derived, as Jun. very juftty obfervfs ii·
to ling a ./}ave of a pfalm: or elfe it is Sax. flail; ftatio. ; locus ubi, res vwalcs proponuntur ;
. S'fAWED; various dialect for bljlbWed: fee ctiam !?•IV·" expo'nitur injlruo, <Xomo ; to jet'
STO\'V, or' lay 11p : Gr. goods out to view: ·Belgis 11d hoc StMkn ha ltrlu1<,
STEAL ; " 'i1•e•.,,_privo, f:trori; g in l mutato: p/.umbare, vCI pl11111/Jeo /igillo munire-p3llnOm probe
to. rob, or p./111<der: Cafaub.!' quafi 1:111<1... tinfrum ; and lo we fee our broad clo1lfcs fta1npc
STEALTH; . " nihil occurrit opportunius, with.. that leaden feal, or 1nark, to this day;
quilm UC dicas dle a r~1lle, rr1ll1ce; tatitus, ta- and Slotl{Qoti cft ligillum plumbeum pannis tc-
dtt; ob rationem . per. fe n1anifeftam : Jun."- lifve fine ul!a fraudc el·a boratis tincfrifve appen-
true ; but he himfdf h:is adopted the opinion of furn ·; et StMibof, locus ubi panni ligittantbr.
Cafaub. under the arr, STI LL ; viz. a :!:?•'->-"" STEEP, prone: Skion. imagines. it is d'e·
comprinurt·; as we !hall fee prefently. rived.i1 Jltp ;. quia fc. in loco acclivi grt.J!us mll'-
STEAM'; « e.;l"'"I""• fu.ffitus, fuffimenlt<m ex g is firmaru et figere cogimur : he then reft•l'S tl>
aromatibus; @ol'·~.. fuffire; by. prefixing s: Upt."; which, he l~s, Jun. dt.ri'ves "ii ri~.,.cof­
-perfume, or ful'1ig4lic11 :~j/.eam fecms rat her to rart, mnbulare :"-chis, .howeve.r, is nor a fair'
be derived ab 1'!,..., vel A1,uo~, by tranfpoficioo quotation.; for Jun. gives 1he reafon why he
T""•"• and rhen prefixing .I, is fo.rn1ed '£7.~,.., made choice of that deriv. " q uod· non 1nodo .
vapor,. J11mus i vapor, jmclu. ' caltart, V(run1 etiam fullohis i"Jlar ,aJ1or.e figni-
. 51-EE l" Sax. rL1;san; afctndtrt : Verft." ficat: nociffimum nempe eft quanto cutn labore
STEE&EN S -but deriv.ed a I1"X"" ire-; to · in ardua montium cnicantur homin~s, i1nmo ,t
go !'P ; to .11Jct1lll :.,-fee STAIRS : Gr. in turrium · edira :" - to llep like ·a f'ltller at
. Sl~EED ; " Sax. rLeba; cqma atiiniffari11s,. work, who treads as if be Wils altunyJ ~ittg,
iten1 bellator; rcob; admiJ!ariu.s, ii Gr. ·rlvw, in. up flairs.
veiurem. prurio : vel forte il l,at. et Gr. ftadium ; S'FEER, /111 ox, " T"'°f"• taur1t1; a /,11//':
equus fc. nobilis, qui ftadi~n> dcc~rrit: q.uo~ : U'j)t."-we might rather foppofe, with Cafaub:
fi, verum ety1non non fie, quod mer1to dub1can and Jun . that it was called afl~tr, a 'rJ.,e,., fleri-
pptell:, faltem· allulio: Sk.inn."-and yet, /is ; f3•f I1"e"' apud H-0m. ob cnftrotiontm fleri!fr,
ina: to Spehn. "jlot ligmfies equus ad1n1fiarms,. fc. et tauro oppo{kus : fee STBRK: Sa·ll!.
caballus, J:'Cob e11j 1n jtalion4rium lignificat :"- SJ"EFR a jbip }Skinn. wtic~s it ft.tor, and·
cpnfeq~ent:ly· Gr.: fee STAllt.E, or. S'I'ALl, :. S'fEER's-mnn. ack nowledg es, rh<i~ all his
Gr. Northern wo rds" alludont Gr. 'l:1'f'" ffrm11s; q~iia
STEEL, i 1•e••<... fo!idu1 ,, firmus ;. iron fc. navem }iN11at: ec Tr.e'"'• <juia nave1n rot!frr-
refmrd ; and by that 1neans rendered more Jclid, vat :"- and yet. under the nc~r imrnediate arr.
fir111, compafl :-Skinn. deri~ ic a r.?oy."f'"• ftr· ·which he wr·ites /tean:, he fays, "hrec omnia Fr.
rum durum:. vel allollit. I1•>-·J3"', Jplendt•; becaufe Jun, tee Cafau b.) foo n1ore deflectit a Gr. :i'1"("•
it takes. a high polijb. vel I1~"'1'~, navis c.ori"" :"-t he only point now
STEEL-YARD: any perfon would narura-lly is to dete rn1ii1e, whet'her ~1"f'" did not fignify
fuppoti:, from our manner of- writ ing ·rl1is .word,. 11ovis cari11a at the time of die A'fgonautic ex•
du1t tbe SJ(e/-yard . was a place; whe1e b11rs of pedition., and whether that expedition was nbt
irad0 or flu! . were> f0rnierly .. foq;ed ; and confu- performed ·ge nerations before ft<:aJln, or fliri',
quently~ that it ~vas ·derived· frP.Jn che-1amc ro~t .<>r jlittra fig ni·!ied .P"PfiJ J1t1fJi~ . in any of-tho(e-
wJth die foregolllg arc; b.u~•o6 that, Jt .1 langoages quoted f>y the Dr. with fo much com-
has no connexion with iron, and flee/; as; Jun. un.; pl·aceney· : ei,rher this· ·mull: · be · gTantcd, or it

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·s T From GR l EK, and L" T 1 )I. S T
m\1ft be granted that the argo had no flern, and STEP ; " I1"i3"'• calcare, ambulart ; !.1•f3•(,
. that lhe was notfletred. :vid, vtfligium: Cafaub.~' a pace, jlride; le t reat!,

. STEGHERS : " now flairs : Sax. : Verft." -
; but STAIRS ;Lre .Gr. . . ·
. STEICKl" T cut. and Belg.flttkcn; 10 tbruft,
or w alk.
S'I'EP· child
Sax. rc:eop; vitricus, et no-
verca :" and Jun. obferves, thot
ST EKE . put, or flake : R~y :" - p erhaps STEP-father " Gor. Becanus vu\t novt1·-
he meant pufo a ftake, or pin into the ftaple, in • STEP-motht r cai11 Belg. jlief-moder, difram,
. order to faften the door:-confequently derived a quoniam lit dura, immitis, ri_(ida, j.eva ; ajliif ;
.l:'/1("'• pu11f.'O; .Jo.flab,-or drive a fl ake into any thing . ¢11rus, rigidu; :" and in th is fenfe ic is underllood
< STELLAR. { Arn(, ex Arnf~• J!-ella; Latini in Virgi l;
STELLlON S e l)i1n ab obliqu1s G rrecorurn, Efr m ibi namque don1i pater, efr injujla n( •
:recros foos formar<: folenc: 1\r.e vcro, juxca Eu~ verca: Eel. ii i. 33.
O:ath. lit ab A», vel Auw, fplendeo ; lo be .bright fed Sax . p:eop," continues J un: "Ahnan. jliuf ;
.and rtjpltndenl; vel fie/la dcducicur a r.>.~r. tu- et Angl. ftep in hac compolitione Jonge alia111
.men; light: vel ii. Tt>».w, fio, orior. habcnt lignificationcm, atque originem : quam·
STEM vf a p!ai1t : " l:1"""• flamen, caulis : vis enim fpeciofa Becani origioatio pr.ima frontc
Cafaub." Jbe .flem , flock, or trunk of a trtt, or videri po!lit locum habere ip Belgicii, acque
pla111 : alfo the lineage of a family: I~"I''• jla1110, etian1 Danica 11tJVerc1t denominatione, prorfus
flo; to fl a11d; lo jupport; on which the whole camen al iena eft a rc:eop-f abep, ac n1agis eciam
'fuperft ruchirc is raifcd. , ab illo rc:eop-beapo, et rc:eop-c1lb, qua! orpba-
STEM of a jhip Zfrom chc· foregoing root, 11um denoianc; neque ' enin1 facile q u is affirma-
STE.i'\1 tbe tide J I~•."'• jlo,; the bead, veric defo!acillimre orphanorum forci nomen quo-
·or fore-part cf the jhip, which oppofes, or re- que i111policum a pervicaci, d ifficilique moro!i-
jijls the llood :-Jun . has ex plained it by ro- tate, cum cos <lu ra lex orbitat is. jubeac· quidvis
flrum 11avis; and had he fil)pped :hert', it 111 ight et fac~re, Ct pati : forcafi'c font a 2':1v~"> ea no-
_J1 ave been' right ; b!J t he adds, " prora, vd tione accepto, qui\ r.1v>J-a1, cc '"~.rvtl-a., I1e(vchio
puppis :" the(e two words, indeed, arc often p ro- expont1ntt1r };'] i..' 'J'~a:~a:,, 1;10/cftiuJ vinci, Jrij}uri;
.rn1 fcuous; bu t there is a 1nanifeft di fl inetion be- adeo UC arcept:e vidcri poflinc Iibcri a parenti-
t ween ·them in our langu ag<' ; for prora is the prow, bus.Joco ceden tibus in hi~redi tace relicb :'"-thus
or the head; and puppis, the poop, or t he jler11: as has chis great and j udicious critic fettled the pro-
for Dr. Skin11 . if \1c had been no be teer a phy!ician d ifi inaion .between th~ Bdg. D u11. and Sax.
ihan a navigato!, and ecymol. his p atients mun id eas cf t his word :...-Yer.ft . fuppofes ic intire-
have fufl~recl mor~ t hi n h is readers : (<•r tbe Dr. Iy Sax:
tells us, tbac " the fl¢m .o f a .f]) ip is the r•flrum, STEPHEN, !1i~a»r, Stephanus; corona, cu-
n1eani ng not che beak, b ut the forecajlic ; nefcio rolffljert um ;, wreath, or garland: R. :r1'~"•
an a Belg. flam; Teu c. j/qnim; (t1t1dex, 1r111u1u; CrJYOli-o , or110, ci11go; lo c1·ow11, ado..rn, f urrcund.
Cjllon iam (c. ab ilia extremitate in alterafl), fc. in STER CO RATION., r.7'f'>'""' ' • ,•we><, H efych.
gubernacuh1.n1, ec .. p r<efercin:i ipjj fuperlhullum fl ercus, flerq11ilini11m; a dung-hill, muc.k·heap, mud i
navis Juggeflum, (roflr11111; /be pulpit) the J~ruaflle any compojl to enrich land .
d ictum; t.a11quarri 11 .ealldic,e ; ad cac«_men 11avis STERILE ; "r:'l"f"•flerilis: R . l:1"r~. pri':10,
fcn!im afrurgit:"-all which would hav~ been.more crbo : Nug."-barrtm1ifs, infec11ndity.
a ppJicaqlc tO thefl.er11, t.h;ui the jfc111 o f the lhip : STERLING-mo1111:" ii n atiooe Efterlh1g1, vd
buc ic fee11)S that che D r. never heard of fle;i1mi11g, Oefl;rlingbers, i. c. orientalibus dia a accolis maris
Or refilting the tide; (or he JlaS kft it Olli. Balthici, ut BoruOis, l,)on1eranis, &c. qui arcem
. STENO-GR/I.PHY; l:'l"''Y'af'"-•}ie11cgrapbia'; Aand i, cc fcriundi auri et argenti opci1ne pro
t h e arc of writing Jhorl· ha11d : R.
r.1,,.r, cantrac- ilia retate calluerunr, et cam Anglos magrui. ex
' 1u:; Jhc>:t, and a~brroiateJ. . . pane d ocuerunt : jlerling camen olin1 c:ciam nunl-
STEN1"0REAN; 1.'1t>1"'f• 81u11cr , ; qu.i murn qucndnin fignificavit: Skinn.'"-chis may,
~~ntui:n vocifcrabat µ,r,.quancui;i1 al ii q~1 i nqpagi nra; perhaps, be the proper d~riv.; but Jun . h~'~
a herald memiqned by Homer for having a re- g iven· us another, wh ich d cferves co be menrion-
111arkably loud voice ; . e<\ : ,." jter/it;g, p rQba . 1noneca. A nglire ; v identur
. E,..9,;i ·r;,,· 'r.ii.a-c tz.z h1;;x~·A1~(1(' He.11, ne1npe Angli pecuniao1 f11an1 hac voce di(lingucre
. . ..
k1::i1G'~~ fjlI'~f"•>'!l f'!/:i:.>-111oe} x,a.AiC..fO~W ..~·
.. . qvoluiffc
() ) 'r~'i''li ;.\i/Q?'1:'1XC'X 1 o~' V (X.1,1, , 1 '.lftl'/Y.XC~I~ ,
ab in1proba multarum .g en riu1n moneti,
uain cocudum1m pleriq ue . yocan f : forcalli: vero
. lliad. f{.. iS4. voc~bulu1n fltrling ( addira folummodo termina-
.. · 3 M · q c nc

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S T From G ll z i: k, &nd LA T1 ,N,
tione in comp1uribus Angli_s., Teutonicifque ·VO- m.anne'r, " omnino tamcn ( moniti,
cibus receptiffi.n;ia) _fecer.unt Angli ex L1•e"r., quod proximam confcquitur etymol~iam, intii-
prout jolidus, integer, ti ptrftllu~: alteru.m ver~ i-t.u') malim flews deri.vJ1re a !1""1""'• lrijlititi, vef
genu!, .cccodum .q11od v~t, v1d.etur ~1Ct~1m a 111o:rore nffi<ior ; quad animllm ad l1pa11aria, ac
KoK,>>, mijttrt; proptcr :ens atqpe argenti nuxtu- · l"Pas ind,ucentem i1i«rim «1iorror ex {ac-
ran1 :"-the oppofition, therefore, between :the~e to, et tJ1111f!11s, et t.edi11.111, ac i!ttt)atio Jui, cu1n
two fpecies of coin, alma.It overthrows .the op1- falf;e, tallac1fque voluptatis errorem veris mox
nion of Skinn:s. F.fterlings; unlefs he could have . detrimentis eitpia~dum inteHig!t:"-wc may cvi'.·
found out another fet of people to have anfwer- ' dently fee the goo/lnefs of heart, which every
cd the '0<1t41111i ; - however, even the word where direeted the pcn:of rhis rcruly worthy writer;
Efterlings is Gr. i. e. if they derived their name : and for the fake of the meral fmtiments whidi
fram ·their Ea.frerly lit~ation. . . he . has here give~ us, ·it ta be wifhcd his
STERN, mcroft; " Plato 1n Ph:cdo, fpeilk- <lenv. had been JUft 1 but 1t feems moll: pro-
ing .of Socrates, T:x.•e•Jo .i..c(3>.<..j,~ ; Socratic bable, that our word ji4'JJS (by being written as.
expreffion, Arill:oph. in Ron. 816, applies to , ic were in the plural number) ·is derived a 1"!•.,,;,
1Efch¥lus: Virgil, Geo. III. 51, .upti1111J torv~ ·pc•·tic"'; thofe portictn, piazz,.s, or pious, where-
jor11Ja /;wis : Upt.''-tbere was a much more chafe really pitiable and miferable girls ufed to
happy quotation; which this gentleman might ' expofe themfelvcs, and where even now they to.
h.ave taken from Virgil, viz. in the Sixth lEn. this day exrote ~hemfelves co public view :-and
467 i where llineas meets f)ido in the Elylian yet, as good, and as religious as this interpr~ta-.
fields, and endeavours to footh.e her woe, while tioo may appear, ic has n.ot probably reached
lhe 11ll the time is defcribe-0 ardent.em, el torva the true deriv. which, according to Spelm. in.
t.11ent<m; looking at himfltr11/y :-Cleland, \'Vay. 1, the art . fl11bt1 , fee1ns to be "di&a a Gcnn.fiuba;.
would derive it from exltrmu: - confcquent- Gall. eftu/1, vel tjluve; et Ital. fiefa. ; on1oia
ly Gr. a verbo to flue, i. e. lenit•r coquere, judare, cale-
STERN of o. /hi/; Skinn. writes it jlear.1, fn cere; unde Ang l. ajt11e, v.el ho1,-bo11je appella-
and fays, . 'f hrec om11ia F r. J un .. (et Cafaub.) (uo cur; hinc lupm111ria diCl::i funt flues : "-coofc-
more deAeltit il I1"e"• vel I.1"{"1""'• 114viJ cari11a ~ q~ently , derived as in 'the foregoing arx. or·
puco elfe a I.7•e'"'• ait ~ artinius in gubernacu- STOVE: Gr.
lum :"-but cbe Dr. hirnfelf, tJndcr the art. jlear STICK ~lefe i :£11/l"f"• deef1u, folidu1., rob11.ftu1;.
(as he writes it) fays, alludunt I1'f'·"• firmus ; STICKLE S co render an]' thing cloJ.e, rliick ;.
quia fc. nave.m jirmat; et 'f•t~•fervo, &,01!}eruo ; to make ii b.eco111~ ff/id,_ fir.m, compall.; to ad-
quia navem coJ1jervat. . bere, unite. ·
STERNUT:A:TiON i. n1a.e••14•, n1"f'""• ft er- S'fICK, or jJa~; "r;:;~.,, P,ttng.q, c.e;Jo: ·C afaub•.
1'Jto ; tafiue:ze:· R. n?'"'f"'• flernufo. ,and Upr.'.'· .
STE\¥ mpu. ; " :i:1..e,,.,, fov eo,, STICK to walk witb;. perhaps fron1 r1~13.,,.
lt_1110 ig1;e 'lffe.; lo jmmer over a gt11tle fire: ambu!o ;. a fi.iclc'. or flaff, to wallc wilh :: or clfe,.
Cafaub." flick 1nay be deri ved ab In f"•• a t7'""" ::S1w, }Jo 1,
SJ;EW-pbi:4, feems to be derived from tbe lo ftand, . or tof"pport the iTJjjrm.
foregoing; art.; but Jun, ~.hinks it is. more probably STIFF ; " ,;,,. To 2:.1u~"" ajlringere; vel I1i{lo:~
d erived fro1n the fame rooc with STO,W dofa: eor, deefiu, Jolidus, robufl:is: Nug.!'-" vel a,
Gr. ; becaufe t)le .6th,. <o»Jinrd in a. frnall- Il•;>f•<• firmus, validru, rigid.111: Cafaub."
er coinpafs, are. not only n1ore readily come at,, SI'Il'.F, flarchtd; prim;, " Ars14~•r, immotus,.
b u t like wife feed better,. havjng le.fa room co ajper, gra11is : Cafaub." '
range in. . .. STIFLE ;. " l;.J.,.,, ftit,o; adjlringo; t.o friffo(a/t;,
" ST E·w AHD· ;. " t7•'\•, portl(:JS ; ct de var11s or c.hokr·: Cafaub." · .
locis uforpab~tur :· An~J. vett. flow alt lo<us.; STIGHEL !· " no~. of vs 11ronounced Jb'le. ::
jloadga, pah1111mi . 1·econd1tu111-; fed ad aha f:epe, Verfr."-but Sfll~E is Gr-. ·
q ua;, re,opdila for.vantur, nansfertur : Jleward STJ.QMA,TIZE ; " I'l•'l'f'".I'• a· mar.Ii.: fot "£~#,
forralfe, q pa!iJloward ;. difflenfator, cuJ1qs; a [liar- OHJ bpdy .' R·. t1•~.,,. pu11go : Nug: •· . ·
dial!, warder, ·!tetptr:. C~1faub." f~e likcwif~ in STILE to. climb o'iler; "J({1/a, ·a.g;r.'tjlis.-; parum.
t he Sax. Alph. '·deflexo fenfu a Sax. f:'t"•6de ; Beclg. .friegheli; a·.
STEWS ) " Z.7•"• l eyHgj1Ie la!oro· ;, llnde l:,7u- :r-c1\5an; afctndere :.· F.r. Jc'.?·· more foo delleCtic a
I""•· I.7u7mor, C·t A<u?or: A11glis ;~ews; lupaNar: · I?"X"» Sk1.nn. and Ve,11:. - but 1( f"C16'.'°• and,
Cafaub." and J.un •.1n :\truly .r~i.\gcous. aGd moral .jlugb(IJ figmfy nfcrndere;.. aQd I1"X!" lign1fies.tho·
· · · fame ;,.

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F~om G ll•E I.JC, and LA T r w. s· T •
fame ; slien it is pl-ai.o. tl\:at. the Greeks bo•rowcd: STITCH in 1b.1' jide "f. ~•{w,pu11go ;• aitJ /harp
from rhe SallOM, or the Saxons from thirGl-. STITCH; orJo-w. S pain; alfo Mn pingere ;·
. STILETTO; " pugionis geitus, .lr:rlis nimis to wo..!< with' " netdTr. •
ufiratum ;· credo a ftJ·lor11m Romanoruar ~the STITHE; " Sax. J'.'Cibh ; ftiff, hard, flro11g;
:E>r., would not fay Gra!corum) fimilicudinc frc die- itbc ehttft ; ftro11$ chetje : Ray·:" ~ tfiis Sax.
tum· ~ fl:Jli ttti• itrj/>'flT,. ver(us cxtremitatctn, tc- ,word mull be apphca&le to tnjle, as well as 1t»-
nuan>t ~ skinn;" apoignard,.or dagger;·confequcrn- lure; and· if fo, then there can be no irnpropriecy
lj! .derivcd from the. t@regoing arr. but one: Gr. in d~ri.ving i~citlier from r;7,~.,,. :i:1•r•;! pui•go,. from
· STILL, or drop gently ;, r:1..x«?,., .fti/lo, to the pungency of ics· tajle ; or elfc from .:f'N/3arfe<,,
1Htl:l'e·d0w11 foftly. dtnfr,,,. folidus ;. from thefirnmef> and hard11cjs of
STlU..·; quiet ; " poffem declinare it t'lo.?!1111\• ics: texture.
&mJf>rimere, quicjcere: J un. and Skinn."---Ve:rft. . STI THY, or, as it i's fometimes·c:tlltd,..fthldy,
and Lye fuppo~ it to be-Sn.: fee HJS'f : Gr. ·a. 2:7'f"'f• tlurus,.firmuJ; validut'; 1¥ /)fa&ijmith's
. STl,MUbATE.; " I 1•"tl'-"•ftim11/11J', nota,. quw op, where all ftrong work is done-.
quis .compunffus: Bi. li1•?"'• pu11g~ ; to ftalt, goaJ,. STIVE, .or flow· t:kfa-; l1f,.13.,, flipo'; to t:fa'lli,
or ;hng. • or lay cleft: '.
ST1NG ;• :i.:1.e.., pU11p ;. to· goad', or "rg.t to STJVE, or fu11111rer du.ft; a contrad:io'n of.,ej/i-
tbt-'l."iclr.:: Cafaub. denives it ii 1'11yf<"'• :i;J;"ll'-"-· vus,. which may · be derived. either from A•rut,
7,e.,: whicli fignifiell',thc fame. qaod ver'balc lit ab ?.roo\, perfcfto verbi &16'w,'
STINK; " T<>')'"f«,. rantidus; by prefixing s ' art:~11'!14· ; 1~ !turn, to J••Y•/J : or from zi-f,,;, et'
Upt."-Vcdl~ fupp.ofos irSax. · lEol. :i:1.,.,, Zt>•;, ec E...t.r, d'ftt1$ ; hea/•:f11mmtr•·
STINT 1 lr"'"'•flare, eoefiflert ; lo flop,. hinder, dujJ, b!IJ'wn .by /ht wind, or raifed by travdler~.
fix bou11ds Jo., STOCK of 11.J!11ranu " fane eleganti mera•
· STIPA:TE; !:7u{3.,,. JliJio, cal(o; Jo jlllff,.rhwaclr~. STOCK of bees · . phom' ab- arboris enu-
or· cram : or elfc a I1uF»; ftip'fl; ·in the fame fenfe. STOCK, or capital 'dice fumpt~ ; quia ·fc. u(
SJ: IP.END·; I?v~cf,, "'ef•;, Iiefy,ch. flipa,. tu- STOCK, or origin rami, et fruct(1s a cau~
ct:mll'; ajalmy. s·rocK of a tree dice . trahenrrs, alfur•
STIPULA'fION ; '' I1v,••<> jlipticus,.ftipu- !gunt ;· itafamus et foct.u1n, .quo morcatore foftert·-
/atio: R. I7u~u, aflringo; to, bind by actick:s of ·tar, ii forte originci11 et incrernentum trahunr'~
agreement ;.a 11'eaty binding to ·each party·:· Nug." Skinnt"- tbe Dr's. obfervario11 is j un ; but' it' is•
• STl·R ; I1v~'..'S'" j)imulo; a rlut"E, " ifpis : co be hoped he did· not intend' eithe r raudic>e,-
hajl,c. ; the point of a fpear ! Cafaubi derives it ·or for'<t•, as che origin of oor word jlo~k :· now;
ab O«eot, fb111«/1tS;. int:it11re,. irritar'r ;: or. perhaps : lra:d he matle ufc of 11ipe~ in1h:ad·of ta11dex, he'
it may be Iceland • tm·igh'c h:iv'e found, that jlipes- def-ccHikd fron1·.
s1·1R-ROP,. fomecimes written. jltrrop; 'but• I 1v ...:,. and I1u,,.•;, quafi I7••o<, may have g ive n
that is not the [enfe of rhc word; which oughr· origin co flock.
more prope.rly ro be ·written fti•rop, ic· being ST0CK-dove ; from the forc:going·art, « ·forte
compounded of fli; i.e. rc•3an; ajcer.tkt·<; Jo fie ditta quia inter arbores; . feii ltun<os arbotmn
&limb ;, and rap; funis; a rope; m<:ilning.a ·ropt habitat': S~inn."-and fometim·es in th-e cavities
to &limb; or mounr the horfe's fideir by: jull:.Jike of ro-cks, ..
HuJibr.1s's, tho' indeed he had but one; Qua'lis fpdunca fubiro cornmota·co1umba;
For having but one jbrrup tied Cui demos, et dukes lal!brofo i11 pumice nidi,
T' his· Caddle on the fu rther.fide; Fcrtur in ·arva vo!:ins·: ./En, V. 213-.
Part I. Cant. i. +07, STOCK-:li/b; perhaps (ro~ the fan)e root;·" lie ·
·~ which, by the way, is the ·wrong tide for 1nount- diftus quia duru.< ell:, infl!ar jlcci, i, e. <trunt:i,
ing; bccaufe all c<im<non riders ftnnd on tht 1ftar; .feu eai1diris ~ Skion.''---(fcu fapitfs) · ,
i. e. 1be left fide of- the horfe to 1nount; but · s·toCKs·: Skinn. derives it " ii 'Sax. (roccei
J;ludibras., . an ancomn1on htro, and an Belg: et Dan'. :Jloclr; .1r1111r11s 1 quia JC, eK ligms ·
uncommon rider, mounts op the f11rtbtr jidt : - ptrf•ratis fit ;" which is a very weak reafon ; be-
this point being iettlcd, Ice us confider the etym. caufc the pillory happens to be made of. che Carne ·
of the word ftirop: Verft. J un. and Skirr11. derive ma~erials, and e.~ litnis perforalis, "'nd· for the
it as above from the Saic. ) but ' We' ha\fe a-I ready fam1! v urpofc, viz. 'to •expofe. olfenders l only. the·
fren, under. t!te·art. STAIRS. and.STILE, , chat' one confines. the neck an(! :wri-!ls; and the other · . is evidently derived 'ii. ·:r.1"!1'.'''> rifce11dert': the ankles : or, as· Bueler' li~s h'tJmourotifly cx-
aod we have likewife fecnJ ·under rhc arlio ~OPE, ·preffed rhe unforc\!'llare fitua1ion in which his
that that word., -of, Gr. orii:Jk.. hero is difaovcrcd by rhc widow, who, on pay- •
. -... JM :i ing

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s 1' From GREEK, iUld L A T J N ~ • S T '.
ing him a vifir, and finding him fat in tbt flodu, to which he adds, from Camden; that '" tfle over- ·
condoks hin1 farca!licaUy thus; thwart pieces do bear and reft crofs-wife · with:
And chofc uneafy bruifes make finall tenons, and· mortifcs, fo as the whole frame
My hen re for company to ·ake ; fecmeth to bang :"-thefe crofs pieces, Ciel. very '
T o fee fo worfhipful a ·friend p roperly calls rhe ligaptn, or altar 1 and the.
l ' th' pillory fet at the = ·ong 'tnd. whole edifice feems now to have taken its nartlel
Part 11. Cant. i. 179. from cbefe pieces, which, from their pofrrion;
STqIC ; " I7oi'x,., (I'J,_;,,.) philofophers, who fecm to bang ·in tbe air; confequently ought to.
":'ere "T' I1oio, in. porticu : we generally in Eng- ·
ltrh underftand by rhe word ftoic, a man of a
have been rnore p roperly called fl•nt -ba#g, or
banxi11g·J1011es, being high txolted in the ait: and:
fevcre morofc difpo!ition, or of fome very odd if fo, the deri v. is pu rel y Gr. : - by our com-
h ~1mor, or 'temper : Nug." monly writing it flone-h<nge, we have totally at-
STOLE, or robe ; I1o>,,, jlola; Gr:i:cis efl: vi- tercd both the found and .fignifii:ation of tbae
ri'is <Jtj?is ; Latinis, muliebris ; ii !1t>.>.,,,, quod wonderful frrucrure; for by writing. bente, we
i11ter alia figr1ificat '"''-'"~' ?rte,{3:cAAh:i, a vefl, or pr.o nounce it foft ; whereas it ouglrt to be · pro-•
robe, worn by our kings, and fro1n which tbe nounced l~a·rd, as is plain from the deriv.; -then as.
groom of the ft ole takt:s his dcnominatjon. 10 the figllifica~n, it would be n6 eafy mauer
STOLIDITY, 0AA>.or, p!anla 'IJirens; vel Ilo- co tdl us what . ll\ngt fignifies; but when we are
>.oe, a I1o,;.,.., 111i110 l quia emillitur e radici- told that _Rone-hen& means, what Spclm. has fo.
bus ; quippe jlolo yocatur proprie id, quod c very dcganrly ca_Ll~d Jaxi1"P<nfilia; ht1ntJng jJontS,
radicibus circum arbores cnafcitur; (a fucker) or rocks, the fignificarion becornes eviilent, nnd:
metaphorice acc ipitur p ro fto!itl•, i. e. jJu{tg : \he deriv. eafi' ; meaning, as the fame g reat cri-
Aufonius, tic tells us in the art. 11rrtbus, " ingentia ilia
- - -- Ja1n pates, 0 flolo, doccri: faxa quo iri planicie Sal ilburienfi confi>iciuntur,
nempe homo imprude11s, plane inutilis eft : in H ert hi re1nplum judicare . arbitrenn1r :" buc-
l'hiloxeni Gloffis fcribitor jJulo, per 11 ; hinc Clel. Voe. 38, fuppores this ftruD.ure to be · of
homo impro'UidttJ, a ·jlofOJ!t fit dictus jltiflus ; unde for greater antiquity, " and coev•l, . probably,"
JJolidus J fcolijb, i111prvvitl111t, incoll.fidtrate :-Ciel. fays he, " to the pyrainids of Egy pt :"-let their
\Vay. 86, g ives t.ts quite a different id~a; for he · antiquiq'. however, be coev·al with· the "Fower of
tells us, that ·" the antieot Celts annexed to an Babel, it is t heir etym. alone that we are concerne<L
uncivilized, wild, or wood-man, the idea of mnd- for, and this is purely Gr.; for both STO.NE,
nefs ; and ex pre Ired that idea by the word fol, and HANG, are Gr. ·
or (ofu/) from tbe wood: the French retain it to STOOL ~ Cafaub. derives it a Slu>-•r,. columna,
1his day, in the feofe o f wi!dnefs :"-confequent- cui :rdificium, aliudve innititur :-it is not, bow--
l y the whole power of this w<>rd depends on tbe ever, a confor1niry of lercers alone wiH jufiify fuch
fyllahles ol, and ul; which arc evidently dcfcend- 3 deriv. :-Oil the COnrrar)', it is porJ.ibJe, 35 WC'
ed fr.?m ~,...,,,. {yl-va.~ ·w cod, w ild, or fi1vage. have feen .in many in!l:ances, that our E nglif1>-
51 OM;\CH~ " Il~·.u:>·x.•r, and pi:r aph:ercfin words. are deri \led to us fron1 che Gr. thro' fo
11111w : Nug,"-or, perhaps, it may be derived many d ifferent .languages, and chofe the Notrhom
l>y COllt raCtion fro.111 .I1111~!1 .'-'11xos, according ro o nes, that at" lafl: we have not retained a finale'
Vo!T. ; but •the forme1 is more applicable 'to our letter of the original Greek • anot'her and ~c­
orrhogr. markabk in!l:ance of whrch happens in rhis vt·ry
STON,E, I 1io-, vel :I?'", lnpil/u;, ca!e11lUJ ;.gra- word STOOL, whi ch it may fcem ftrange to
•vc!, grit. Jerive from Es•I''"• and ye t it is highly probabk,
S1'0 N F;.HENGE: it would exceed the office tha-t it originates fiont tller1ce ; t·ti111s E~Gr«i·, ·
of an ctyrnol. to Cntfr into an hifiorical account '' Ed,r, E3-wA1011 .• ftde.c, fede-.s ; ftat, fat', fttt lo-t:t
of . this wonderful firuetvrc,. \••hich feerns to ha·v e non incommode qttoque ex fattk, ftttl, vel u t ·
been raifed b y t he P hceniciaRs, or Druid s: let apuct Bedam fcribiturreo'Col, cootracru•11 ftatue-
rne 1hen ollly confide r its ecym. which (cen1s 1nus jl<I, ffotl; fl•ol : Jun.~· • ·
to be this : " upon the pl ains, about fix miies $'. fOQ.P--t/ov;n i K.u1"10>, CUm!Ja, (U/Jo l /~. rrclint, .
frorn ifbu.ry,.'' fays S'1mtnes, 395, " !tands bend, lit down. •
and for many ages has flood, a !lniClure, the ar- STOOP, or " ft•wp ·; a pef/ fafltmd· i:n th<'
chitrn\•es whereof are .fo. firangely and artifici- ta•I&; fron1 t he La~. ftupa : Ray:"-but flup:s
ally fee upon the he-ads of the uprighc !tones,. apd jJ11ppa happen to be L ac. for 1ow , not fiowp ~ ·
that they ha11g, as it were in the air; from now it has been already obferved; that a frmih-
'Whence, n~t improperly tenned j1ont·h111ge :"::- rity of letters., .or even. a..fimilarity of fuund, will-:

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! T F f?m Ga!11t, and LATIN. S T
not con!Hrute true erym. ; therefore, when two q. d. locus ubi fupellex, rt rcliqua omnia bona
words lignify 1wo abfolurely different thi ngs, a!Tcrvantur : vel a Bdg. fth/ltrt ; borr1um, gra•a-
t ho' rhey found ever fo nearly, can hardlv be rlum ; vel forte quafi jlr.z;er, · vd JI.wry, i Sax.
derived from ?ne 3nd the fame rooc: thus a fteDJJ, rcop; lotu1 :"-io Chort, the Or. would have
or jlewp, lign1fics a pofl faflttud i11 lht tarlh 1 and ranfacked every quarter of the globe (except
jttpa lig nifit'S llXlJ, hemp, flar, and •aft:am ; rhcfc Greece) for a.dtriv. of this word; which fo .ealily,
two words therefore, can have no connexion to - and fo naturally comes from I7•e""'• flr110, and
ge1hcr 1 but j/oop, or fl«~p. ought' rather to by cranfpoli cion fiery ; tu raifa, or rtar a fupcrior
h3VC bee n deri ved a !]v,,..,, j/rpn, caudt.<, lrtJll• bg/fdi>·g on an inferior; and fo to mount to a.
t els ; /1 flock, or po}I faj/t nt d in tbt gro1111d ; and firft, lccond, or third jlor)"
fornerimes called /1 j/1tlp. STORY ;,, writing, " is only n concra€tiCln of
STOOP •/"wine: Wa~hterus has very juftly 'irof•" • bijloria; bijl~ry· : Upc." ·
derived this cxprcffion a Ji••P of wine from A,,,.,.,, STOT : " Sax. rt:ob, rccba ; a flallion, or·
poc11lu111 ; a c11p; pra:pofico fibilo, quafi J;/.,,,.1, jlud; n young bulktk, or j/ttr ; or yc1111x horfa:
".ft••P· Ray :"-but it is poffible t hat S'f ALLION, and
STOP·d•ft ; I1u,,...., :i:7.,.,,, vel :i:7orH•V, Jlupo; STEED may be Gr.
ut fl•P up dofa nihil aliud fir, quam i1nplcrc er STOVE, o r fur11aa: if j/IJ'IJt takes the fan)e.
infcrcirc flupl ; to fill, or cram up with low, rorft:, origin with flew, ic may be derived, wich C:ifaub.
or any other 1naterials :--or clfe from I:1H[3w, flip•, ~ J;7,.9,.,.., fO'Ueo, cakfacio: or elfc, with Nug. ic
jlipart,jlltpart; unde Germ. jlapffen ; Gall. tjlwp- may originate a T u;., aa t njio: R. Tv9.,, to b1trn,.
pn-; Ital. fl~part; lo cleft up. to fmot t: - inficad of T•?•• it would hJ\'e been
ST OP, or •Mrut1; perhaps from the fame root, much becccr, if che Dr. had faid 1'~, f1mu11.
p arun\ deflcxo fenfu; for, whoever hinders, or pre- STOV~R: " vox f~ri ~ Gall. ef/o.j'tr; p~ifc!s"
ve nts another, docs either literally, or figuratively eflouvcr, 1. e. maltritm 1nh1berc, coptanl rtt ah -
jlop 11p, or har up his pa!Tage, p urpofe, or ddign. cujus mininrare : q uibufdan1 11/ert, fovtr1 ; hi ric·
ST O RAX; l"'loe"E• florax ; a fiueet grtm. Angli pabulum, q uod · pecori re ponitur, ccian,,
STOR E-ho~(t l r.1'f"'" flruo ; fin11u111, fl lit/11111· 1111nc flover; maleriem ad rem om ncm compara-
~flt rtddo; lo build, o r ht<1p up l t o raifa, or lay up um, ipf.1mque fupcllcc1:ilem, fluff, appellamus :~
'"' high : Litt. and Ainfw. feduced by a limilaricy Spelm."-and yec all feem co be bu t vari ous dia-
of lette rs, fuppofc th~t flr_uo origjnatcs frorn £1e~..,, lclh of fovco ; fovt re :-and confcqucntly Gr.: fee!
vcl 'E.'l•e•w,flrr110; which ts very fi:range ; for then FODDER, and FOOD : Gr. .
the L1t. and G r. words would conrradictcachothcr; Sl "OUND, amazt: ic is very rcrnarkable,-
for 'flr111, as we have fecn, lignifics to build ; and that moll o f thofe gentlemen, who have written
l:'l•ff~• jltr#o, is to p ull d~uw: as for :r7~"'" as on the ctym. of the Englilh Jang. 01ould have
.'\.infw. writes it, it muft be an c.rror of the prcfs. done it in L•tin, and leem to have lixt thei r
STORK; ' ' ••• T~~ L1·rr~;, natura/iJ amQr J1u- thoug hts intircly on the Northern or Gothic
jus avis crga parcn1cs j•m fcnio confcttos, eft tongues for the radi:c, or h.efis of o.ur own; where-
p ictacis emblem•; to tcl:t <art of lbtir parn1ts in as C:oofe very N orthern or Gochie words thern-
lhtir old 11gt is a fingular infbnce o f the nncurnl fdvcs, may be traced up co chc Gr. or Lot. lJng-
:if!'e&io n of thefe birds; uc jam multis obferva · or even fomet imes O\lC o wn word~ 111.1)" be clcdu•·qd
tu m: Cafaub. and U pt." immediately fro m the Gr. w;th<'.>Ot" t./ic irrrrrven- •
. S1"0 RKE N ; " v1dctur non minimam hnbcre tion of any Janguagc \Vb<tt-evcr :· tht>$, in 1l1is ~11-:
affinirntcn1 ~u m Gothico il lo gaflourkny, E•ea. .. /la.1, flnoce before us, I-Iickes wo<il,I have l\S 1krivc•
non artjttre folu mmodo, fed et gelu co11j lringi cle - Ollr wordJl•tn1d ab· lcelnnd. jiy•11 . deice ; j!IJ?dt ; .
notare ~ it fe<ms t o me 10 be derived from dolui: and Lye would have u~ c!cri vc flo1111J f rnn1"
Sl"Al~K: Ray :"-confequently Gr. Jlun; nnd jlr111 ii. Sa~. rcunao ; ob111•11/(r4 IU.rtJ ,,1;.
STORM: " Germ. j/111m, ii fl••r11 ; lurbare l r11)us l objlttpt(nccre; and tlwn rtf'ers us to afio ··
uncle· IO florm a rity allegorice dicitur irrmnpcre nijhul; but i( afto11i;.~rd, 2nd /lu•, a11dfla11ntl h:ovc.
;,. oppidu1n, lt11>JNJl11li$ in modum : Bcnfon in an~ connexion \~ith each orher, then, "·ichouc
Sax. rcypm3n ttmptjlatibus concutere : Wacht." having rccourfr: to the N<>rrhern ton11u<>, we·
-<:onfcquendy Gr.; for all fe.em now to ~ dc- rnay go immcdiarety to the Gr. •nd t here we ha,•e
fcendcd from the fame root wirh STIR: Gr. varict-v enough; for- jloNnd.. n1a7 ht: dr,n\'<d cich•r
STORM 11/011d l " I.'lf<..,P.r, qu3fi :r1•f14·1J.r, fi·o1n 1:1.1:r1'-', 11tpD, tunth.. cbtund;; or fro:n l.'!11,.•R;,...
$TORM , 1tmplj1 J lurbo;a b«rricar.•: Cafaub." v;t111tb11ndus, 1rijlis, Jefpiric/'" ; >ccordini; to lJ; t.:
STORY in bu1/di"g ; Skinn. fUppores it is dc- or, pcrfta p~, bctc~r Ctill a Tc):1r, T~~•:.:, Jonq., h t to ..·
zivcd "a Teuc.jttwtr 1/q/uqm; v.el a noftroj/ort; 11itus; cjlonijptd,jloundtd.
• STOU:>:D;

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s · T' Ftoln· G11. r s~, and L.AT l· N·. S; ..,..
S'[QUNE>~ OI' J!Dp i " aJland. : Rar, :"-con, I STR.AlTW,'\:Y ; . Belg•. flr«k. fllllitiJ ; quali
f cq\1cntl.y ab fr•I"'• :i:1...,, jlo, ft.are, J!a11d11. ljiralim.,,. vel Jtrack1i111 ; " ab. r...,.., ft11 : unde fl•
STOUT-beart,ed: hgre our etymol~. widt:ly JU. dlo: Volf." preft111ly, immeJiolt/y.
dilfu~ : Jun. derives it. " ab, Alman. jlol:ur; STRANGER 1. Ex, ex t vel ll£1<; lJtlt'll~ 1Jtlt:t1-
Dan. ct Belg. jl~ut i aud11x, ferox :"_;," maUcm," 11ew, txtrinfeuu 1. 11 foreigner.
fays Skinn. " rni<,. rt:ob horr; Pan. j/otf STRAN.G.LE. l :&1e"n"'"• :&1e"?!Y-•1'..,,. vd
.J;cjl; tquus admiffaril!J 1 tales enim, nil.i ubi venere 1 STRANGUA.RY S l:.1t"'Y'1.">.'~*•flringo,­
<exhaufu, 1111i111Pji, et pug11aces Cunt :"-and Cafaub. gulo : R. :i:7e"'Y'l''" t~rtuof1u; 1wif11d, <anlrat1td;.
dcri.v,es it. «a :..l1v1"'• minalur; quo bo1ninem au- ch~ked, or fujfccalld..
.dd~em, ti pr.ejida1t<m indicant :"-bu t perhaps it "s1:RA.T-A.GJ_!:M: Nug."l :&1f"1"""1'4• :&~r"""
1n1gh~ no.c; be altogether foreign to derive j/0111 Sl RA f-EGEM 5 7•Y'"" Jtrategt-
ii :i:1re•« , duriu, firmltl~ 'l/qlidus; bra'llt, jlro11g, •111a;, r.xtt·,i1um~duco i to !tad, Of: co11d118 an ar"'J:
.&ec11raxe((l(1.. R. :i:1e!'1o;,. ex11r<i11u,. er: A"f'i, d11co ·: "'hen Cl1m-.
STOU-i:;, aod flrong ;, from this !aft der.iv. pounded· :i:1e..1•r«., dux.
SJ;-OW• </oft ;, !7-.f3w, J!iP.o ~ unde %J.,,.,., C< · STRA TO-CRACY : rfe,.1•<, t.<trdlus; "" arnoy 1
·::t1u.-.-., flupa ; oakam, or tow, to CJJ//c jhip,s tvitb, and. Ke,.1••Y."''' rtgpr ; . to ruk, 'Or f?Otl'n . ;. trnCUy
by dri ving i~ iil b11r.d· and.cleft. w.ord-law.
ST0\11/, or lny ttp; " ri•..,, fun t portiC11s; fed et STRATUl\.I ;. I.1•e•..•••fltr110.[trt1fJi,.fl1<aJ-·:
-de variis //Jcis u{urpabatur; liquidem Sj.,.,, dice- lo fprtad; or lay proftraJi: alfo the diff<:rent lay,tN.
·bnnt ur etian1 , loco, in quibus. frumenlutn recon- of. e.atth, foils, &c.
<lebanrur ; ,;. T"'I"""• ,. .;, o..,1", inq.uic Arill:o- J S'rRA vV ; from tbe fa1ne root 1 becaufe flrtP..oed'
J>hani~ fclioliaftcs: Anglis vatullioribus.ftow c.rac on the ground foF tiner. .
ftntio, a11t. /ccut; ~t ft1JWi11g, 1 col!DCa1io ; ho<\ic to S1 'RAW-berry ;. Lye. fays, " r.ede S,kinnerus,
mftow eftco//otan; he hath btfUWtd his daug.h ter ,qui ica difuim vult, qu(>d infrar flra11tiniJ hum~
well : de te.nporis, atque ocii collotntiGnt ; he linfterni.Lur :" - but this would be as a~\plicable
'knows how to h.eftcw, or empll))· his time: et !ro tli.e <ucuml>tr, &c. - howevCJ", lliould it be
ftewa~d forta.lfe quafi fl'tr.JJard dictus ell: difpe11Ja- 1true-, i~ would then orig inate from cl1c Gr. as·in
Jor, cuftos, vtl: prDCura~or peni, T.«f'••x«; a . but- •the f?regoiog arc,
/tr: Cafaub. and Jun.' - Verlt. (uppofes It co S1 R-AY ~een)s to be contratled from e.~lra-'Vi-.
.be. Sax. art, errart; r. e. ab o,.., v ia; 11 wax·: to wandcr
STRAIT; " Iceland. arftraffa; cbj11rgart, in· ·out of the w ay.
<f#Part,: Ray:" -10 fcolil, ratt, or chide ; which . STUE A.KS; rle•f, 'l''h ftrig/1111 ftriga, col11mn<b-
might lead us to foppofe that it originated froin ca11alicul11s i rbt channtl, or guJur of " ' pillar; the·
,tJie fame root with s·rRIFE, variance, ani111eftty. 'j/uttd part of it, which appears tampbt rtd; and:
.STRAGGLE; " quafi ftraJt;k; ii verbo lo hence ufed· to fignify the iron hoop which bor-
firay: Skinn."- which che Dr. has derived " ab ' ders the whet!, and makes the_tracks, . or marks
lrnl: jiraviart; errare; q. d, txlra-'lliart : "-but ·in the e3rth. ·
would not, on any account, derive it ab 01a, via; • STRE AM, !.7r•f'f3"• vertigo, gyru; 1 a wbirf-
4,rand, or patb; lo be 0111 of the way. ·pool, eddy; for a ftream may flow· in a direction
· STR.AIGHl' : from t he Gothic appearance of 1tireular, as well as rellilinear :-or clfe it may
this word, we may eafily dif€ern the channel be Sax.
thro' which it ha~ been deri ved to us, as all .our S'fREET·1 'l:1•t'"'• I1•f'"""J unde 'Z1.•:.1o>, a
«ymoJ. agree: but little have they imagined, I.1e~"""'• jt<l'flO, jtravi, jtraluitt; /d flrow, Of fP!'tdJ,
that all the barbarous words tbey have produced over wilh p.tbbles, lo form .a ft•"J pavemttll.
were nothing more than lo many horrid, rugged, STRENG } Vcrlt. fuppofcs them an to be
rough dillorcions of either Oe~•f, rttJ11s • orOf''Y"'' STRENG RA Sax. : and.indeed. they have
~rrigo; ftr11tb1 inl• a ftr~igb1 line; co fignify any STRENGTH that . b:uba~ous appearance 1
Jbing Mn• immtdiattfy, ftra1tway, w11bouJ delay. but are all evidently. de.rived caber a. l:9c••<; r.c•
STRAIN, or bind; r.1e"'»''""'• rle'"'Y'Y'' "" bur ; vela I7'f"I> I.11pht,jirmru, d.Jirus,. rollllftuJ;
ftringo ; 10 hard, firm, folid. ftrong.
STRAIN, flrtuh tbt 11oict-; " · I1:..•» afp1r, STRENUOUS, :&1e..•t, j..x•e•t: flu~
11cu111s : .r1e"'" (J.~., afpere tlamart; to .ca/111/olld: nu11s ; lmift., aftivt, li<Jtfy.
Cafaub.'' . STREPER<?US, Te'~"•f1ridto, ftr1po ;flreptr11s;
STR.<\IT,11arrow; :i:1e"'Y'Y'""'• r.1f""'rY'?"'•flrmgo; loud, noify, ;arrn•g.
vel fonalfe ·a Il'•'Y'l'"'• firing•; flrii1111 ; flrail, STRESS; I.1rwn•f, }:;1ef-'Y'Y'""• flringo; flril1¥J;
1onfin<d. flraittnrd; drawn iHlo a flr1Jit1.di(trtfs, or tr011~/l. ·

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S 'T
'STRET<;:H, either from Z.~'"" fl,f""""" ·llf-"y.:;, there is another ~r. wi:>rd ·I:'le•~•<, )ropp'ti1, 4'1Jt•
/rabo ; to draw to the ut1t10.fl; or dfe, m·i th Cafaeb. ~f"t'I"'''*< ).we•<• Hefych . .a fillet, thong, jlr-ing.
from frf'Y'» porrigo; 10-reach1>u1. S'l'ROW ; "' l:1f""'• "f"''"'• re'"'"• jlramtn;
STR1ATED; l:1e•E, r•<• jlriga, jlriat111; " flritw: Upt.'' - but there is no fuch verb as.
gutter, groove, ·o r channel. · E7f"'"• bur Jexitons give us ~7f"'""I"''• and rl•e•w,.
STRICT; l:1e"'Y'Y'"'"jlrfogo, Jlriflus; t'o fir.air.., . ftcrno .
or draw dofc; unde I7e"''l"Y'<• l or'tus s 1wijled, like STRUCTURE; 'I1•e••.,,flruo; to baild:-.L itc.'
a jlring, or cord. - and ·Ainfw. feduced by a fi mi larity of lc:ccer§,.
STRIFE; ,·el a l:1e••'Y~I'"''- t11rdo, affo ; vela fuppoleflruo, xi, t'lu111, to be derived a l:?f""" vd
:t1e•f•, verfura, }lexu1 ; 1. e. a I1e•!'.,, torq11to, I:1oe'"» j krno; which is very Hrange; for then·
•011Jorqur11d0Juxg; t9flop, .bend, tbtcar-t. (as we obferved under the arr . jfore-/>Qrljt) the·
STRl.KE a blow; "l:'le"''Y'Y'""' vel I1f"''Y'Y'~"'' Lat. ·a nd Gr. words would directly conrraditl:
ftri11go .; unde l:1e•E, flri)(, .ftriga; ·a ridge, or ra- each other ; for jlruo, · as they admit, Jignilics lo'
-thet dint, caufed by a jliclc., &c. VofT."--or, bNild; and !;'loer.,,jlfrt10, i~ to pull down; to that ·a
perhaps, our word ftrilce may come from the jlr11tlure, according to them, lhould fignify an:
Celtic z'id< ; according ro Cle.I. Voe. 1 40, n ; edifice pulled down: as for I:1e«.,, as Ainfw.
as that likewife fcems to come from che Gr. : fee writes it, it mull: be an error of che prcfs.
HIT: Gr. STRUGGLE with a diforder: "Cafaub. deflec-
STRIKE of torn lfto1n the fame roor, parum tic il 2:1f'"'Y'I"'~'• vel ·I:le"'Y'Y'"•I"'"'' gu;1atim (it fhould
STRIKLE S dcfiexo fcnfu, nempe men- have been guff11tim in Skinn. edit.) deficio, ta-
furam hoftorio ratlere, feu co£qttare, compla11are; befco, confumor. Skinn1"-and then the Dr. ought:
to makeJmootb, or level the. corn lo the top ef the to have quoted ·Homer, as Cafaub. bas done;
111eefure. B1A1re'" ,, 4'W'"A'~g~, f11" ~eoY.aY, "' (3,;:;.,a•,,
STRIKE jail; from the. fame root, parum . · R J'"9" 2:'1e'"'Y'..e,. ,, ""~ J,;.1,1.·
defie.xo fenfu, nempe velum remiftere, rc!a.Yare, Bet~er to ptrijh 011ce, ·or lo /;e Javed,
tftponere ; to drop tbt Jail lower: Gr. 9"ha11 wajle by piece-meal i11 a /ii1g'rin'g war.
Sl' RIP •f cloth; :£1e"r1o;, fiexi/is ; a lt>ng, jle-n- II. Q,, 51n . . •
Jer .piece. · $TRUl'v10US; "vel aflruendo (i.e.:, .i:7,f,..,,~
S1' RlPLl'NG: the reader, probably, may not ·quia flrutlim nffurgit; vcl ii. I:1•e•«; ob duritittlt:
cbufe co admit of the firft deriv.•. of Jun. who vd. ii. ruma, cum pra.'Cipue <ollu111 infc(let' VofT.'1
fuppofcs a youth receives the appellation of flrip- -a wen, or Jwe//ing i11 1be neck ; a fcr~hulous.
ling, either becaure he refufes any longer to fub- tult/or.
mit to Sl.' RIPES; qui, parun1 avirili ftatura, nee · STRUMPET; "M~'f'"'r, Cafa ub. M"'f"'..'ri·
r.amen adhuc nates virgis, auc manum ferulre, Upc."-for both fignify le110, vel le11a ; by. tranf-
fubdui<ic; but r.ather his latter, as being one pofition Nl«<e•..•;, qunfi A;e•,'!"'•» a jlr11mpt1, d.
who outjtrippeth his fellows: only now he fbould ·pimp, or bawd.
h ave traced it up co the Gr. ; for, fincc he allov.'s STRlJSHINGS ; " crts; fro1n · dijlr11tliiJ11, 1:
cl1atflripling bas a connexion with gr"'vth, let it fuppofe,"' fays.- Ray :-then 1. lbould fuppofo it.
fir ft be· derived from the Teut.ftruetzen, fi!rutzen, would be Gr..
v.el jpritze11; w.hich Skinn. under the art. outjlrip, • Sl'RU'f.: hoc · certunr ell: (fays· Cafiiub. )
fliys, lignifies projj!irt , inctar aqure fiphone pro- qµre major.a · folitis ellenc I lr•G.. a 1 nunc upata :·
j etbc ; or,. perhaps, as he fhould rather have faid, · und~ l:1e•&;,,. ,.."""'; !. e. 1naj or:a ;. iffjiari,' ttt1'gtrt :'"
t.o jhoot forth, like J.P.routs in the.fpring; . and then to fwrll. w·ith infolen<!e and· priile : or· cife it may,
ic would naturally rake the fame ongm wtth :be Szx-..
SPRING, or !tap fortb, i. e; Gt.; for jlripling STUB. 1I1uror; jlipn1 trrm(ttS'; tbt trm1lt; .
is no more tb110 a concrall:ion, and cr•nfiiolition STUBBLES or bollf/111. p(lr/ of 1be livmk •fa•
of that Tettt .. word fprJtztn; thus, flrip-, and tru~ "j/ip!'la,'.' fays Volt' ' diminucivun1 ab iri- ·

the termination ztn, changed into the diminu- ufit: jfipa quia.caulis·eft frumenc·i ;'" the jlalk;.or
tive ling.:· 1o that,, at Jail:, a jfrip/i11g figniftes· jlem of torn. . •
either a11 overgrown youth;. or a youth buc juft , STU B-BORN ; ." E1·~;.f''• de11J1u; ffe1nus': Jli.ff,.
undc,r full. growth, i. e. nearly arrived. ot man- :and tmlratlablt : Gafa.ub.'. '
br;od; and feems to take the fan1e origin . witb · STUD of horft1" and br«ding mores·: fee'.
fproul, or rather SPRI~G f~rtb. . ·STEED·: Gr. i
STROP; Cafaub. wntcs u, according to the STUDY; I:,.•Jo; q!ia!i r;j,J,,., jllldi11m J eager~
common ortliogr. firap:; and derives it a r.1r""~ 11efs, t•rntj11ujs, and ardor:
1"• jf~xili! ; :t1:ur1" armill.e._ [1111iruN; and y_et· STUEE ; . maleridls :. "Gall . tjfojf.a ; 1':aur;ii,,
• ttl t riti • :

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.s T From GP.EE it, and LA T ·r 11~ S U
'11•ttttriu ; ejlojfcr; • 11ecejfa1·ia fi1ppeditart ; p_ri(ci• made ufe of by the Greeks and Romans :-this
ejhttver; i. e. mpuriem e.<bibere, copian1 rei alicujus infl:rument, Ciel. ''Vay. 30; and Voe. J 98, n,
1ninifl:rare; quibufdam alert, /O'IJere; hinc Angli derives fron1 "itbt's-Ji!, or yj/il; 1he tool (Je/um)
pabui:1111, quo<l pecori rcponitur, etiam nunc for iurili11g, or jlriking Jbe ltlltr :"-but both
,;1cuei· ; 1110/triein ad rem omnc1n comparatam, icbt, and ti/, and loo!, and . tclum, are Gr.: fee
ipfamqueiupdlettikm,ftuff, appellamus: Spehn." HIT; and TOOL: Gr.
-and yec all !<-em co be but various dialclls of STYLI T E ; " .l:1v>..1•<· enc who is 011 a pillar:
, fovec, fa<H•'t ; and confequently Gr. : fee FOO- R. :i:7o>.or, vd .l:?o>.1<, coli111111a: this denomination
DER, and FOOD : Gr. was given to SJ. Simton, who lived a long t ime
s·ru FF, or aam (" l"i·~~. jlipo ; to fill, or <ram on ch~ top of a pillar ; Nug." .
STl}FFfNG S doje : Cafaub." STYPTIC; . .i:1vf>», vd r.1..(3w,jlipo; lo ./laun'b
STUM ; " vox <rnopo.lis facis nota : S11ecice blood.
]/um dotnie><:aturn volunr eK L at. mu!lum: Lye:" STYX ; rloE, fly.¥; fluvius infernal is; horror,
.·- hut '1l11jl·u11i, ;ts we have already feen under t.he odium : al) iQft:rna) river mentioned by the poeu: MUST (which, by tbe way, happens to form R . .l:1"'Y'"'• odio pro/equor; to petjue witb hatred:
S' f'UM b y tranfpofi tion) is of Gr. extraCl:. a,
vel ...... ,.;; I'lor•e•, triflitia; caufmg forrow,
STUMBLE, "Tv?7•• (3*"" tiJubo; parum to; and wor.
. to walk w;lfeadily : Voff."-unlefs we1nay derive it SU AGE ; commonly written ajf.;;age, but de-
a n1wp.a, cefus: n a,..-1w, t adtJ i to fa!/. rived ei tht'r fronl '' Etu.r, Evt~. j1t{0 1 affitifc·r;,
STUMP: "Cafaub. derivat ab illo l.1 ol'"• 1nt1rj11ef<o : If. V off."-10 .be aaujlomc_d, /rained I•
,quo<l H cfych. «xponit !1f),i x•;, x•ll'''• <au/is, the ha11d : or elfe f1111gt m1y be derived ab Hk r,
t1·u,11t1tJ ; Jhr.· t1·z11~k, or part of' tht 11·u11-k of a tret : J£oi. F,,J'v\, .fit.a*Uf.s; Jw,t el ; '' qliafi f!dfuaviart,
Ju r,: • . fl111ivC1n· r tdfit:re ; i. e. etlttlcorart, mitigart : Skinn.
STUNT,fli.f!; "vc·l aflu/1us,Ja1111ts; forte quiJ and Minfh."-and yet nei ther of th e1n would
llulti prd!f'1·oa s fu11t : vd a verbo 10 fta1ul ; ut acknowkdge, that ft/r. v is was derived ab HJ'vr,
.1·ejly (or radlfr reftive) a njhmdo; 01etaphora 'the>' th e tranfmutation was fu natural.
ab equis concurnacibus fo111pca: Ver!l-. Skinn. SUASORY, Al,,,, Juadt o, plauo, ' dtlu7o ; to
.and Ray:" - bur then thefe gentlemen lh ould plcaft, dd igh:, prtvait wi1b : vet ab 'Hlur, f11a<1Ji1;
have traced thei1· deriv. up co che Gr.; as under jwut; undc /uadeo, blande f,,q uor; to t alk jwut
t he art. STOLIDITY, and STAND; Gr. : to w•rds w;rb jco1hing btm1difhme111.
ft.and OH tht rrJer·'.;t. SUA Vl- LOQYY, 'HJv-h•.>...y, Juavi•W'f.llMS ;
ST UPID, ®'"1-'P"'· 0~1'f3•.~ ,flupor : vel it Vi""•;, Jwea lJ'-tf1lki11g.
jlipcs, trtlJ!(llS; qui a jlupidus, /lipit;s, vel !nmci SU A' ' l'fY; 'Hl>1.;,fuaviJas; fwutnifs.
inftar fit: aliquaoumi <.""tiam convcnit cu1n 0 , ,,..,, SUB··ACTION: fee ACTION; Gr.- - vV<
j}upel), ad11zirqr ; lo lie i11 an1aze, le.ft iJJ aflo;;ijhn1e111. ha\re n1any orher worli s in <>\tr lanf;L•age-, begin-
STUPRATION, ! 7v.,, vd Ll"'I-'" '' fluprum, oing with the prepofition SUB, which will be
Je111igi11e /11boro ,; to ir,flignte /:'.fl, c.wite dfjire. more properly found under their refpefrive arri-
. ST URDY, " ;i;/ril•<, v d .!:11/3.xe•;, d111·11s, fir" cles ; unlcfs when the primitives chc1nfelvcs are
11111s; flout, obftillau : Caf:tub." not in ufe; as in the followi,1g words, when
· STURGEON, 1u1jio, qu a!i "fl·urgio, " vulgo compounded.
dici tt;r jliu·io: J un ." a F. fh fa.called. S!JB-ALTE RN, AJ..•1r//•r, .lEol. pro AJ..>.o1.,,;,
STY; "Sax. rc130; Bel~. fwiinjl·ige : ipfuro nltet-, a!tenuu, jub-alttr1111s" ; caking turns 11ndtr-
v.ero rcJ;;e quarn proximc accedi t ad .!:1''l''' a11other ; an inferior officer .
.odium ; unde Il•7t"'' borridus, grav is, odieftu ; SUB- DITITlOUS; "f.,..0-/1; .,/'-'• fub-do, /ub-
:vix e11im ,jnc.idat n'liquis in Jocu111, odio dig11 io- di1iti1ts; given i11.11Jead of aJJfitbtr ; a co1tnterfeiJ;
fem, qua111 harm11, /;tile ; ubi animolium im- f.1!filJ'> f orgery.
n1undilfimj confpeCtus oculos, graveolentia nares, SUB-DOLOUS, ~>.•<, doltu,f11bdolus; fit!! of
g runnicus a.u r~s, pariter uffendunc : J un."-a decci.u, 1ricks,fr.1uds. · · .
.hog-fly ; than .-1hich there cannot be a more nafiy SUB-DUE; '1·.,,,.J,t"'I''• j11b-do; to put undtr
.p lace,·where -chc filthy fight of the animals them- Jubjefiio11. · ·
felves offends our eyes, their linell our nofrrils, SUB-JECT, i..,, hf:, 111illo; undejatio ;j115-
a11d their grunting noife our ears. .. jefls; F•fl dow11, or fi1 bdued; re11dtrcd obtdient,
STYLE in. writing : l:1v>.,,, graphium 1.fln1Elurn !oyd/. •
.q1:ationis, ad dice11di ·modus; the- conjlr11fli'11 cf a SUB-ITANEO(!S, .,...,,._,.,, "I''• ...e<••f'-«» tf,
Jentenu, <hoice of words, manner of w riting, m•de fubeo,j11bi1ant1u; baj.y,fuddc11.
of exprtffion: alfo llll iron injlru111e111 lo write with, SOl:l-LIM E, At1.v.·~;, limus,J11blimis; bigb, a11d
i . li;ftJ;

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s u From G It 1 ll "• and LAT 1 N. s u
1,,f1y ; above all earthly 1bi11gs : if we may de- ex his planum fit cum ur!Ji nomen inditum vo-
pend on Litt. and Ainfw's. ctym. tho' with Voll: luerit Varro, fc. ab ur/Jo, vcl aroo :-the intro-
we might rather derive it ii. 1\114••• li111(11; quia duction, and ufc of the plaw, being thus ac•
quod jubli~ cft, id, inftarjublimi!tis, cfl. ele1111lum. counted for, let us no iv trace the deriv. of\
SUB-ORN, ne"• 1Jtn11flas l ne,...., orn4men- urbus, . vel Ur1!us, which are evidently derived a
:tum; 01·110; jub-omo 1 to prepare, itiflrufl any one <Ur1Jus; and that is as evidently derived ii: Koe1.,..-,
pr.ivily to bear falfc witnelS, or any other 1nif- curtJUs, (on1!txus ; btnt, bqwed, or erooktd; mean-
Ghievws practice. ing tbe plow-tail, or handle; as Virgil bas de-
SUB-PCENA, 'T..' rr•.,., Jub-p111na; a writ to fcribed the /Juris: Geo. I. 169;
call a· man into Chancery, -to bear witnefs in a Continuo in fylvis magna vi flexa domatur
trial, under punijbtntnl in cafe of non-artendence. In bu.rim, et <llr'T)i formam accipit ulmus aratri:
SUB-SIDENCElE~•I""'• jtdeo, Jubjideo,J11hfi- this mention of the buris, or plow-tail, fuggefts
. SUB-SIDIA_RY , _dior,j11bjidi11m; to fink to the to 1ne another deriv.; viz. buris, a B••r-•f'"•
SUB-SIDY bottom; to fia11d by in time bovis-cauda; the ox-tail; and tbe ox, or /Jul!, Ile~
of ne,J; 10jupporl,11111ltr-prop: alfo a national tax. ing anticntly made ufe of in agriculture, they
SUB-STANCE 1. a Jt1bj1a11do; quod per fe called /be handle of tbe ploW, tbe plow-tail, or
SUB-STANTIVES Jubflat; whatever can jub- rnore properly the ox tail: and Boor-•e" was tranl:
fifl ·o f itftlf; and is able to S1.AND b its own lated lmris; and /,uris was rrao~ormed into urbs,
power: confequently Gr. urbis ;, "l'.hic~ indeed is buris tranf~fed.
SUB-TIL, T1>-«, vel potius 1111>.<1<, pt111ht mo/- SUC-=CEDANEUMTI"?"• ""'~"• cedo,futt~-
ks.; Jigbt fetllbers, ]oft as down; and hen~ ufed SUC-CEDE . do; lo Jo.low, tp come,,.
to fignify a"J njined cu11ni11g, clojt laid ·argu11u111: SUC-CESS tht p~ace. of another; 10
or elfe we may, with Ca:f. Seal. derive it rather . _;land 111 h11jlead.
« a filis tenuioribus qua: in telti bene texta ocu- SUCCfNUM; Afu~u,jugo ;fuccas; any j11ict to
lorum aciem pene fallunt :"--only now we mull fuck.
t race tela; and Voff. tells us, prius fuit uxtura il SUC· COUR; 'P•w,jluo, ruo, (Orruo, eurro, fu(-
texo ; and texo he derives a T«£.,, hoc eft ordint turro; to run to the timely aid and affiftance of
quo fili artificiofe junguntur. any perfon.
- SUB-TRACTION, fometimes written fu/Js- SUCH; derived to us from the Greek, thro'
traf/ion; but both originate ii. ilf".-.-", lf'"Y;;, the Northern languages ; thus, " Belg. Jule ft;
Jraho 1 to draw from, to dedut1. Sax. 1111Jc; Alman. Julib; q. d. Jo lie, vel Ju lie;
SUB-URBS, "Kuef3.. ra1, et Xuef3•«r«•: Volt"- i.e. i1aji111ile; Jo belifte: Verlt. Jun. and Skinn."
but Hefych. explains thofe words by Ix•e1""" -now, both Jo, and !1xt, are G~. ·
Jal/are: then what connexion thofe words can SUCK, Mu(,.,j11go; 10 j11clc, or draw; like a
have with jub11rb1, is not eafy at firfl. light to pump, or a Ii phon.
difcern: however, let me give his words, under the SUDORl-FIC, Il•e• vel lit"'• judor; jwtat,
art. urlu, a lecend reading: quod autem Romani · perjpiration.
aratri curvaturan1 «r1!um vocarunt, id eo factum SUDDEN; " magnam videtur allini1aren1
quia uro•m generatim diccrcnt To A>«<>14•" hoc habere cum illo :tu.t.,, quod Hefych. exp. ,."'X'"'•
cft, quod ica jfex11m, ut redeat furfum verfos : ;e14•11xwr, aleriur, imteluoje : Jun."-buc this ap-
hinc urv{lrt, K"f13,...,.,, et.Xuef3•""'": fince then pears of modern conftruetion; we might chere-
thefc words may have fome connexion with the fore, wich Skinn. rather fuppofe, that j11ddtn w&s
fuape, or e11rva1ur1 of the plow, let us now fee only a contraetion of fubitaittuJ; and then 'trace
what connexion the plaw can have with the word the Greek etym. as we have feen under that
ur/ls, and confcquently with our wordj11burbs :- art.: Gr.
VoO: tells us, in the beginning of his art. chat SUDS: Skinn. and Lye have derived this
Jtrbem dici quafi orbem, ut ait Varro, quia in word from the Sax. r co1San ; co~utrt; and
orbem fiertt: vel ab 11rbo, five 11r·vo, hoc elt burls, ;serc'ben, coB11s: and then Lye refers us to
five aratri <11roa1ura; nimirum 11rbcm condituri j eetbe; which 11nfottunatcly ·is Gr.
taurum ac vaccam -jungerc folebant, et arn/rg · SUE for a fa'!lo.r l feem to be but a contraflion
fulcum defignabant, intra quern, vel in quo, fun- SUE at law J .of perjue; to foHow it ·tleft '.
damina ponerent: elt hac de re illufiris quoquc without in1trcejjio11; and therefore may be derived
locµs apud Ovid: Faft. 1~; either fro1n E""I""''• quafi tfJUOmai, ftqum-, ptrft-
Apta dies legitur, qua 1na:nia fignec aratro; cutus: or elfc the former may be derived ii z,7,.,,
and Virgil, lEn. V. 755 1 qu<fro 1 to fetk, !Zfa, or intrtat with great im-
lntvea JEoeas ur~tl!I dcfignat aratr~ ~ portunity.

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Ftoh1 ·G l\Ei: 1', ~nd ·L '" 'r 111.

s u
SU~': trmijpir.e ;, a . c~ntraai_?~ of fuhr ; i.
0 c: ' SUITE ·of ott41<duits ; "' Gall. j11itt; unde
of l Joo vcl lit"''• f wcaf, or pe(jpirat:on, or rather jJ\1tgl 1ca vox dofumpta e~; ·nemo non d'educit a

now the trm1j1ufa1jcn of trus; as gunis, &re. :;-11J<irt,jeq11i: Jun. ·irnde r th'c nrt. /wi111 :"-but
SUET; commonly written f t:iltl ; I ur, l:·Jt ~, unde J11i<Jrt; j(fHi !-~b B"',"'"'• vel tqMemai, ft-
Ju.r, po1·cu1: vel a '±1'"'f• Jtbum, vcl jevum, vd 'f'IDr l . IO fofftxu I alfeclte, grcgcs :affecJarum mra,
jipum i f rll ; afttt; q ua!i fi1t"JllJn, quod plus pu1- et pnvacu1n. 1n?'1um fop~rgrc(ili magnifictntia:
g11idi1ii1 hoc animal habet : ch e far.~ of bacon. pompa confp1cu1 : pagu, or a great number of
SUFFER, <l>tf"'• fero, Juffei·o; ro bear, c11tf11re, t1111n_d11111; a noblcmnn's, o'. an. ambalfaclor'sf1ti/' ·
ptrmil. of jel'i'nlits. · ·
· SUF-FICIENT , ~""" fio, j uffiritns; jui111~le, SULLEN; r.,,;.A•" wxo,Jotigr;; 11 6-t 'fJtxtd
anjwcrable. gri~<11d,jo11rtd. :-" q. ~· Jol~11t11! ; i, e: qni/oli:
SU F-FLATION, n,,.,, n,.,,jlo,Jufl/amtn; 1na- t11d11us qurerit: allud1t Gr. l:n?.1'w, Skinn.
chinre genus, quo in defcenfu, vet procurfu nimio, \Vachccrus :"-but SOLE, and SOLITUDE,
rl)ta folet JuiJJari; a machine a.Pplj~d to the are Gr.
,..heel of a carriage, when the delccnt would be sOLPlIUR: if we wanted any other argu•
too violent and rapid : we commonly c:tll it me?ts to prove, thac tht Cdtic language was
" /rigger. · · dtnved from the Gr. no t the Gr. from the Celt.
SUF-FOCA.T E, Jl.,.,,, n""""• i\ Be"'"'• vo<o; we might be con,•inccd from this 6ng lC' in!bancc
&E, · 'iJ(IX; unde fi1uus ; fl1b fauus J11}f11t11; Jo alone; for, according to Cid. Voe. 166," we arc'
flrm1gle ; any flri!J11rt 11111/er the jaflls, or1oblhuc- to derive J11.lffb:1r from t he Cd tic, thus;
1io n i11 tbt tbroal, or laiyl1x. ' • . . z; the pr~politive artida·1 "Z·Nlpl1i1r; mattria
SUf-fR.\GAN l inllt'ad o f following the deijv. ttl; 111attr1t1 • 1g11t a; 1111 igtttOllJ
SU F-fRi\GE S of fiiffrag~, fliffragor, and pbt1r ; fire f • bftanre :" - now
fu /Traga11eus, which lecm to cbnltcy n very forced 'T>--• in Greek lignifics mattria, mot~ries ; it can-
idCD, when applied 10 o ur word. fi'1fra1m1, 3nd not therefore be an 'orig inal cxprcffion in both
y;hich lht"n IVOtild origin3tC a'f'.~c,,.,,'(o.·1"• quafi languag C's; the one rhc rcfurc rnan be derived
;'"'Y'» frango ; to hrenk ; an lde:1 far cryouglt from the other, or both languages mull: be the
dillant from the idea of 11 bijbop : but jiijfr11go fame; the priority 1nult. be determined fome-
Jignifics I• aj/ifl, or btfp; nnd in that fenfc it may where: the fame obfervatio~ likewife may be:
be aprlicabl e to a11 11/f:J1i1;g bijb!Fp: let. 1he lig - made o n .the l~tter half of this co1npo und; viz.
nific:tion of :1 word howeve r be whatever it 1nay, phur, which 1s ev1dently defccnded from floe .
and let whatever be chc fcnte given to that igni!; /irt; or il1t) thi11g wry i11fla-aolt. '
y.>ord, frill it is the root ancl fo~1rcc alone chat SUM-1ota/l'T.-re, f11per, f11prem111, conrraClcd
ccym . is concerned abou'c ; and t herefore in!lead SUMMITS tojut111fft1s; ·~ I v!<-"""'> fbt t otal
of following the dill:ant deriv. o f tl1c Latin word, am•11111; bightjl, btjl :-with regard to the <'X·
let U3 racher a ttend to th~ fo r rnorc nucurnl, and prtffion f11l!:ft1mm.e~, S~inn. very p roperly re•
conlcquently far 1norc fatisfaCl:o.ry deriv. of Ciel. marks, " vox accip1tr:1norum propri a; fie d ici-
Voe. 45, where. he tells us, that" the inferior tur auipiur, c11i omnes pennll! jam ju&;"reTJtr1t11t·
or fubord.inatc dig nitaries to the high barons, or i. e. cui nihil def'.1m111d pcnnnrum deeft :"-bu~
bi fhops, were called fuf-fragmu, orfub -bar-nichins, then rhc Dr. 0\1ght to have derived it as nbovc. of a dijlriO :"--only now all thofe SUlVIMER: there nrc -two de-riv. of th is
words are Gr. w~rd ; . Ma:r~ni~s dici putnt quafi fun -mtr;
SUG.{l. R: "l a"""t• o r !a.x•"e••» fnuar11m: fa/~J-p!its,; .q uot! ilia rt'mpell:as nnni plus habent
N ug."- what a pity it is, the Dr. did not confult Jolts : _chis 1s no~ ~o good as the following, Petro
his lexicon and dit!ionnry, before he ventured to N annio ]() d1cttur quafiftm-httr; f(J/is J(J111;,,11, .
give os fuch falfc orthogr.-he lhould have wri t· quemndmodun1 hytm.1 quiburd11m putnt11r wi11 J.;.
ten ~cxx«e, and fn<<harum ; Jugar; a fpecies of di&us, q uali wint-beer; "~tnti do111i11u1 :-rhefe gen-
honey fo und in reeds, or cants, of a gummy tlemen therefore look on there words as purely
fubnance at fi rfl:, b ut refined by boili ng, and con- Sax.; but they an; all Greek; fo r/w;, o r far., os we
folidattd by ba)iing; which httcr optJation is a fh3Jl fee prcfcntly, is Gr.; and 111ei-, or trnrt is
mote tl\odcrn invention . of chc fa1ne orig. ; a nd wi111 is no more than
SUG-GEST ION ; X••f • X.•f•r, i<."f'~"' ge1·0; W1ND; confcquently Gr. ; and beer is evidently
f 11ggef/io; prompti11g, rcmi!:di11g. ' · derived ab hcr111 : fee HE IR; Gr.-fo that
SUl -CI DE, 0•-•"1°1i"• Jui, vel fa-<,edit; 111 kill J11m-11>er, and J11mmer-111011Jhs, are n1onrhs in which
};i".'fdf ; j ilf-1111<rt1,,. : 1br m•fl 11mMt1lral of all the jMn pru!omi11afts.
'f.Tllll(l.. SUM MER·SET: fron1 the C<?m111011 appt u-
J :u:cc

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s·· u pr~n1 : ~ R ~ a ic, .a,nd •1,..A' :r.1.11:. S .U
• .. • r •' • • "'

.11nae 'Of " word, • nobody. ~vould fuf£ell:· that it -:-If. V.Qlf;.. •"{O\l!d:..d~rivc fup~rc~lilim a X">.'"' :
;va! fi~ll: dllI!ved· fr?.lll th~ F r. ~a\!· faubrefauft ; but Xt.>.,., a~~ ~ai}1er 'the lip1, than 1/,e eyc-brflWJ,
~~!J.1ch was b~ll: ·Q~riYctd. from .t11e· bat. fl.pra,. vel ~\.cye./ids ,l as locte~IJ· they ap.i:,)rO~Ch nearer it to
:f-,,,nrt11t;1s, · vel fl\mllf«J, foltus; and· then, tliat .all 111 found: · · • ·\ • · > • •• • • • •
. o~~lll . A~e :de~~~,ed .ab "r-:•ec~A.J· 0~1fh /~er-faii~, · SUPER-FlC,lliS/T'f.•e:f.""~fup,rjio,ftper',Jicies;
.unde f~ltus, tbe b1gbeft beun'der, or flipper , the, be/I the f ur/au, 1/u ouhvarii pqr't, 'fQibing internal.
Ermeb1111111' SUPERiOR •y • . • · • ·
.SUM-MON 1·M'"~' M'"'I'"''• commonefa.eio; to fit"erior fi. '" " '. ""fh·4'•th"' fil~~er.jberor, fuptr-!01111,
•SUM MONS · · . . · r • «rer1111s, 011 rg , a 01 1, a ove.
• . - g1ve 11011u, or '11u11 111Jtg Jo a/lend SUDER"SED•" . .E' . fi, _
a tflol. . · . ,_, . :µ' ~·l"'I''• ~ato-, f~perfedeo; 10
· SUMPTE.Rcborft'; l:ayl'"• Gall. famlfle ; Belg, /i.I nb((IJl.; lo fllfi"'.'d aJJal/t;:· fr•m ·~i~ cliift . ,
foDm; Sax. ream; Armor. Jam; Fr•. Gall. fam- SUPE~-~T~l 10~ ; ·.. r 1J1<;11f'..•, f11perfi1111 '. fup;r-
111ier ; Ital. famro; }11menlum clilellarium; a-bealt of flo ; fuperflitto; t1mo~ 1nan~ deonun ; 1n '/Jt1t11 d~eod
burden, that carries a pack-fadd!e. " 01 the derJy.: qw : tot?s d.1es p~e_cabant_ur; . et 1111-
SUMPTUOUS, vel ab Ai"i: 9teJ{"' : vcl ab molab.~~t, ut hben fu.~· fib1 .fupei:Jlites .e~ent,
- A'"'I"!"" f«"'4r fumpllu; belonging, to exptnteJ; pre- fii:J>er./ltlrofi funt . appella~ ~. Ok1,ro : fu;rrf/ttto ~ft.
digal, cojlly. . · . 'T"•e·;«~•r: ~t ftperftrt;rifru, qu~ ub1que fitlfif41, ,
SUN • { '.' 1111 od videri poteft ab' 'H>.ior, et h~rec:: .ettam non .r11nen.cla t_t(nens ~ afr11itlefs
SUN-DAY 5 defluxiffe; afpiratione in fibilun1 fear ·;-Ciel. ~Vay. 6, n ; and Voe~ 8, 1, · tells ll! •
, tranfeunte; uode f ol ; poftca quoque, mu ta to I that fiperjl111~n .was the :f.xt14/'e of the party ar-
in n, fafru1n fueri t Belg. fqn, faniu ;, deinde Sax. .~efted, ~nd their conu~umg to·jla11d oo ·1he.JPo.r,
runric ; . cJeinde. .Alma11. /Ull; Jun. and L ye; from ~nclofcd by lbe.ray, or ~1rclc, fonncd by. !ht. wa111l
"VoO::'..,...tho.. Cic;ero d,e N ~t. Deor. derives . it il of ~he moge, or 111og;a, the ancient uumtler 9f
falu1 ;. and Mi Icon, in. the beginni ng of his fourth 1ull:ice· :"-:--conf~qucndy Gr. as above,
bool< of Paradife Loll', 33, · fccms to hav~ S:UPER-VAC~NEOUS ; Eu;<"'f.'1.- 'l!a<uru, #
adopted the fame deriv. where i.n Satan's addrefs ptrvaca.neus ; al leifure; ~oork done abo,,e lbe or4f-
' t'o rhe Jim, he fay$, . . nary hours. . .
0 thou, that with furpafJing 1glory crpw~'d, I . S'l.!PIN.f;,;;.fub{\:• .fi'f~n11111; CUJUS etym~>'magna:
.'. Lo6k'ft·fron1 ·thy .fole. d,0111ilijo11; 1 like ·the.god i {•l~s. mter1~~in1na.c1c~s ( f;b( jupi11e ttf a verb ; or• .

Of this new world; .a t whofe.!ight afl t.hc Jl:ars l as fome call 1t, ": part1c1ple: .
Hide their din)inifh'd heads: co thee ·1'call " · ' · .SUPINE'i' aC11ell: •.''f,,.11•t, 'CJCCl:o 1, quail :i:u..1or,
But wi~h no friendly· voice, and add thy na1~~ f 11pin111, •·efupima; in dor/um 'Zltrfu• ; turned .on tbt
0 (tin, to tell thee how l h~te ·thy pe.ams.. . back 1 face up~varaJ, like q~e ....jleep.
SlJPER-ABLE:fee ABLE; Gr. We h3ve SUP-PEDITATE, ." ~"f.,,...,er1.,, fwppedito, mi11if-
n1~ny · ot her words in ;our )_anguag~, begi.nfiiog '1to;. for.tafle /g.itur primu1n. ea v.ox "'.inijlri~ con-

w1th the prepofitton SUPER, . whic!1 will he lv~111t, qui _d?1n,i no cqmta11t1 p;d1btts tpfi iur /"ti·
more properly .found under theirrcfpechve articles, entes, omni a pr:Ebere cogerentur : vel f11ppeditt1re
unlefs wben ·the primitives . thcmfelves are not in proprie ·lie peditem ad 1nilitiam pr.rebere: Voll:"
ufe; as in the following words, when cpn1 - ,'?m either of thefe definit ions it is evident we
- p-0unded. . mull: look for the etym. of t his word in n.,,
SUPER-~; ~ barbarous contraCl:io.n o.f 'y,,,e- P!! ; pe1fes ; ~gnifying o ne who, while his mailer
~'"'• ·vcJ..poc1u.s ·c~·~-(3,.r, fuper:buJ; proprie notar ...ndcs on hor.cback, runs on fool all the way by
fliolentunr; ab . ·r .. ,e. fuptr ; ec {310:, viJ, rubur ; 'his"fide : or t he fupplying a fool faldj~r for the
p'ro11d, haughty, i1zfale111 :- but If. Volf. derives war : and hence ufcd to lignify lo firpp!y, or ad-
f.tperb11s ab •y.,,,e-f3..,,:y,,,e·f3o..., 'T.,,.,e·f3"'""'p f.uper· minijler, in general.
ep; lo go /Jeyo11d due bo11nds, to carry one's feif :zbc'/Je SUPPER; "r...1..,, ejell:o 1, reji1pintts; it being
cur equals. _ the l:;lt meal loward bed-time :-tho' with J un.
SUPER-ClLLlOUSNESS; "T,.-re·•w•r, ii K""" and Skinn. we rnighc rather derive it a ·r.p,..,,
· 11107.ltre; unde cinuJ, cilfus, ci/leo, m•veo ; qu ia per- quafi I?f9'"' forbio ; 10 Jitp, o r fa11p up ; quia n1a-
. petuo ci/ :-bur Hidorus imagines, that . the jores noihi unico libt'r>.li, et folenni paftu, fr.
· tJ':ltrowJ, or rather the ')'t-lidJ, were called cilia, pra11dio uteban cur; noau aurem, vel vefperi, loco
qu1a funt u:gmtna, .qu1bus co 0optriu11lur oculi, <;cenre, cantu1n . jur, au t pm:tm j111·e macernlum,
quia ceknt oc11/os (ceat up the Jhip boy's e;·es) con1cd~b~nt :-'fhould chis be the t rue inrerpre-
ceganrque tl!ta cultodia ;-tb~uld this be the tatiou, it may 'originate ab '"rr.a:, fopbr, flljlilus ;
t rue denv. it n1ay ongmatc a Ko<>,ow, celo, obf }l<'q>'d' ia liquor, as in !leep: u11ltfS we 1nay
c.iJ11do, occu/10 ; to c~11-cenl, to hide, to clofa, or jb11t up : derive futpef ab O'"""• <JEol. pro Oy.110 : o,......;,,,
• • ·3 N 2 e,.,....J.,,

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s u From GR It! 1:, and LAT r ir. s u
lup..:/•, ""t'l' ..., ,..,,._if, l1l1u/"<>•: Hcfych. offa ·1 " plus, is the fame as jupuplt1s; jomething tf!'1't,.
fop, or folud br~ad, grutl, porrage, &c. tbat remains over and abDTJt; a rtjidue,
su·P-PL:E; n.i-••,,, puro'; ID 1'111d; or fold C'IJtr; SUR-PRISE, (( Fr. Gall. f11rpreNire; Ital.fa-·
11ny thing plianJ. · . prnpre11dere; inopi11ato invadtt't, trjft'[ILi ; onde-
' SUP-PLEMENT; fiAw, obfoletum ; unde particip. f1Lrpris, J11rpri111; ec verbali-a fo"1'i•fe ;.
""•9"1, impleo: R. 11>.sor, plemis ; full; fomething q. d. fnprapreb111dere: Skion."-and fo far is YC"f'
11dded, in order 10 fill "fl, and rniplete, whnc was well ; but now the Dr. ought to n ave told us,.
deficient. where to find the root of j11praprehtNitrt; wfiich
SUP-PLICATE, DI\••"'• plfro, fuppli<o ; /up· has been already given under the art. AP-PR.E-
pkJt; to bend dP"..Dll, prof/rate, or bcw !fJW; lo en- HEND: Gr.
treat, or make interu.lfion; SUR-REPTITIOUS, 'Ar"'"'E• rapax, rapi,,,.
SUP-PLY, fi>-•e<"'• vel. ll>-•9.., impuo, Juppleo; furripio; to fttal away, to do any thing in a 1la11-
unde fi>-w, obfolecu1n; as above in fitfrplement. de.ftine mlZl!ncr.
SUP-PORT, 4'1e•» <Poe'"• ct <lloe1•r.1, porto; to SUR-REy, as Ciel. Voe. 7, very juftly ob-
/Je11r, tarry, or f11fiai,, any great we.ighc; alfo 10 ferves, "' is only a contr11aion firft of S6J<th-
aj/ift, or relieve any weight; i . c. hear a part of it. w11rk :" and then of S111thtrit :--confcquend)"
SUP.-POSE, e,,, P•110; ut a lw, 4110: f11ppo110, Gr.: fee SOUTH-WARK.
fuppofitus; tojubflitute; to imagine. SUR-VEY, a contra"l!tiol! 'from f"Ptr-viito ::
SUP-PURA1'ION; either from· e,....,,,, jup- fee VISION : Gr.
puro, p111 exfareo; to fefter; to ripen, at a pufl11.le ; SUS-CITATION, Itu.,, dt11J d1t1,.rtjujdta#fJ,:.
or elle from nl!f, ignis; undc puro, purus; ·to a raijing 11p : or elfe with the otltcr ccymoh we
, f'f>!d" pure, and t!tan, by puifyillf, a wound. may derive it fro1n K1w, to; vcl a K"'"• omitro,.
SUPREME, •r..,e. juper, juperrim.111, con- SU-SPEE:T, a conuaetion of j11per-fpia11 : ·
traacd to juprt1111Js; the higheft, tbiifeft, . and fee A-SPECT: Gr. .
J11blimeft office. SUS-PENSE, peniko, fafpmJ10, fafP.111/ta. ;: 111
SUR-CINGLE, Z''"""'• quafi zi1ego, eingo; bang d=n; R. po11ths; a wti/ht ;. and· hence
· lo .~irt,jurround. : .. ufed co exprcfs a pcrfon's rcmaimng in a dou'bcful
SURD-num/Jers: fee ABSURD ~·~~.-with re- ftatc; poijtd between hope and fear.
gard to the fignification of jurd, when applied to SU-SURRATION: 't19ue•w,fuj11rro; v...1 Iue1{11;.
·.numbers, it means any nu.1nber, or quantity, in- 1bilo ; lo wbifper, or make a bij/ing iuife-.
commenfurate with unity. SU1'LER : though all our ccymol. agree in,
SURDITY; plainly borrowed from the Lac. defining chis word; yet they cannot agree in dc-
j11rJ111; and that is as plainly borrowed from the riving it: Skinn. would deduce it ajubtili11.,.;111 ;
Gr. " I•e'""I"•<, ford.ts, pro Jurdus; · 111uti enim et but orthography is againft him : Jun. refers us.
jurdi femper confu nduntur: Vo1T." rci foil, or Jizu!J; and rherc he fays, " Anglls
SlJR-FEIT, ',(\>.,,, Jatif; >- in t converfo: ex quoque Jut/tr; Dan. Jut/ere; Belg. foettlatr, eft
Jatis, {atur, faturitas; fitl11efs, Jatitty, and Juper- caupo militaris, mediaftinus forJida pr~flans i»i-
abunJana. niftma ; fervus "!_linariu-1, ad ipe ac fuligi11-. per-
. SURGE; EyHf"•furgo; to rift; properly the unctus: nsfi malls peterc ex Dao. joeJ; and
fome that fwim s on tbt top of tbt waves. Belg. Joel, quod utrifque rami11i /11/iginem de-
SUR-l.YlISE ; Aft6u11•1, mitto, juper111iuo; to notac :"-buc then it ought co"have been written
imagine, fuppofe: vel a Nol"'{.,, mJ/umo, arbitror; faotfu; and referred to chat art.: Gr.-howC'\-er
lo 1bi>1I:, eo11;ea ure. L ye rather approves of the former of thcfe
SUR-PLlCE, n~,..,, plito, fuptrplito; q. d. deriv. which Jun. hl!s produced; " undc," fays
. j1Jper"pliti11ns; in pliras enim oti magnam latitu- he, "fattefen, fardida et -vilia olficia obire; ver-
dinem convolvitur; a large rovering, or veft, fari in jordidii ct tcnui artc: ex quo liunc Belg.
which, by means of a vaft number of pleats, is worn faeteler, et noftrum fut/ft" :"-but then, not quite
by the pricft over all his other robes :-Spelm. in fotisficd with this, he fays, " arCl:iffim.a1n video-
" pelliaa, peltictuin, gives us a different, and un- tur habere necefficud inern cum Hibern. Jc 1
{loubtedly the proper dcriv.; viz. tunica, vel fcoria ; :fa!a(~bim; polluere, i'1q1'i11are, , e01tjp11r-
indumentum pt/liceum; Angl. a pifch; hinc fii- cart :"-all thefe latter qeriv. feCn;i ito point out
perpellici"'"; a .furplice; q. d. a jurpikh :"-but the jtJrdidnejs of the office; and therefore it might
ttill it i~ Gr. a 11>1>->-•r, ptllis; unde pt/lira, et be better to derive it from SOOT; Gr.
pel!ireum; a vtft, •r gar.1ne11/ that covers all. SUTURE; :i:u.,, antiq ..fuo; unde Ka. .~""'• pro
SD R-PL)JS : IIA1w, c?nverfo, in s, pleos, p lus; K"1"'""'' ' Atticc ~·ll'luw, quod 1-Iefych. exp. ;"~"'•
fl!Ore :-/111· 1s a conr-raction of fupcr; fo tbat fi1r- · flLo; to faw, pat&#, or·darn; alfo, f11lura; a f..n.g
" . together;
. '
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S' w Frotn Ga! t k, and LAT 1 H. s w
fogtthtr ; meaning tharfint cqnntxim of the bones quotiefcunque ex alvearibus prorumpir, at
-of the lkull. grandc aliquod uber, fufpendens fe imiratur :"-
. · • SWAIN: " Dan. futnd 1 p11tr, minijler; Sax. but this is the defcription of a flight of bees:
rrem ; Belg. jwtnt ; jll'IJmis ; jwentt ; jlJ'1Jmcula ; fince then it is called a /warm "Of bees, not fo
flllll: Anglis wtub: Jun."-but if /wain, and much fron1 the murmuring noifa they make while
wtttrb, may be deduced from the fame origin ; flying, as tbt manntr in which they ton111tl, and
their de1i... wiH be more properly conlid,ered join tbemftlves together at that rcmarltable time of
unde ~ the art. WENCH: Gr.-Cld. gives us a /warming, it feems but reafonable to fuppofe, that
Celtic deriv. wh ich will be produced in the the word [warm 1nay be more naturally derived
Sax. Alph. · ab"A:,.,.,,,compages1 commiffera; a 111ixing, uniti11g,
SWALLOW, or bird: under the prefent or- or joining togetbtr :-if this deriv. ihould not be
rhogr. it would be impoffible to guefs at the ad1nitted, we muft then refer to the Sax. Alph.
deriv. ; but after having traced it thro' all the a SWARTI-I ; "lbt gbofl of a dying man; forte ·.
Northern languages, it !eems to originate at laft a Sax. rpeap't'; blaclc, darlt, pale, wan : Ray:"-
from tH""''" fa/; tbe fan; for if, inllead of fwa/. this no doubt is a proper deriv. tho' it would
kw, it had been written foliar, i. e. falar, the appear fornewhac odd ip our language to ·fay as
deriv. might have been more vilible: what may black as a gh<}I : and yet it is certainly derived
co.nvince us of the propriety of this deriv. is, from the fame root with SV\I AR'fHY: and
that all the Northern words lignify ocundtre, in- ·confequently Gr. as in the next art.
jlafMlltn't, 1qrriJ111, t11liduf, .ej/us ; " mull fwallow SWART1iY: " olim fufpicabar," fays Jun .
vide.tur nQmen aecepiffe a· n>alo'lS, prQf)Cerea " Alman. furz ; lefrum, per quandarn tranfpofi-
quOd calms ,jiwi nunria lit : ipfum V'llro rpalo'lS, tionem literanun fafrum ex z,,,e•r, quali Zore11nr,
ell:~· rp:clan, Urtf't: J un.:'-and .if rra:lan does tnubrojus, caliginofu1, obfturus ; nunc tamen dr-
not derive from··m...,, t~re is no dependence fpicio numquid commodiu~ offeratur, u11cle de-
en etym.; but rlie tn.nfition is fo eafy, there is .rivem.''
no· need of conviction : fee likewife SWEAL: Gr. SWATHE; "c11f111: Ray·:"-perhaps it is ·
SW AMP ; " locus JP011gio{u1, feu fu•gofus : only another dialea: for SOO'fHE, af!uagt,
Lye:"-who then produces (even different lan- fof1t11, make ca/>11, or pacify: and if fo, ic is Gr.
guages, all Northern ; but at Iaft concludes with, SWAY a fteplrt: " Belga: faftuofe inccdentes
R- alludit Gr. l:o,Cf;f•f, rar111, ina!JiS, f1111gofus :''- fwatye11 "' draeym, quando cunicarum fuarum la~ ·
but if tliis be only an allufion, what are all t.he cinias in imos talos effufas baud alitcr vioran1, .
N orrhern words ? they cannot all be originals : .ac Ii aura levi fubcunte jlllilartnl, J11cr11ttrtnz11rq11e-::
-Skinn. likewife will admit of no n:iore than unde quoque fwaeye11 iftud, J·:antummodo pra:-
feliciffi1ne alludit Gr. -r.,...,,, ;-fiill the Gr. is fixo, videri pofi'unt Belg:e feciffi; ex tvatytn ; ven-
onlr an allulion ; it cannot poffibly be the origi- tif/are; lo /way a /word, or fw"J a f itptre; vilirare ·
nal of all thofe barbarous Northern words, tho' -glodiurn, vibrart fctptrum : J un."-and from this ·
it .lignified' (u,,goj11s, jpongioft" ; numberlefs gene- very atl:ion of vibroling, and· Wll·~ing backwards •
rations bc(ore thofc languages had any being, and forwatds, . it feems · more· natural to derive
mat we know of:-" Germ. [umpe; palus: [um- our word /way ab ·A•')'H, T~ ""l"a'!..,,. I·lefych .. undc ·
flg; palu~ofus; quod _depravarum. put~t ~a;,hterus F~•')'tr'(et hinc .mare /EgeMm, i. e: 1narc vexalum) '
e Franc1co Junfl, Cjufdem fignificanon1s : '-but the waves of' the foa ; and. Jo.· wave .; Ulldulart,
llill it may be Gr. as above. . vibr11re.
• SW ARM ; " Er.,.., properly tbe ki11g of the SWEA b :·· " Sax. rra:Jan; t1rtre; · none d icrom '
.Jnu, according to the ecymologift; from whence dicitur de cand ela in:equaliter eliquefcentc: Skinn.·
alfo·comes Erl"''• t1tame11 : tho' fome derive it ab and Lye:"-true; but nioft pr.obably .rrrelan is •
n.., 111illo: wherefore 'E.,p.or is fometimes written no original word, buc derived .ab 'H.>.- .. r, fa!,
with a rough breathing, and fometimcs with a fo!aris; tbe f1in, or .fO!ar bi ams; which'1melt down •
fmooth one: Nug."-let us not difpute the pro- every . chi1¥g with fervent heat :-and.. . i& is ;
priety, or impropriety of the Dr's. lti11g of the obfervable; cha~ this · word f wea/ is' madc ;ufe .of ·
bets; but his deriv. is certainly not fo good a one to figoify tbt fhade; to retire undCr •tbe fwt11./ 1 '
as the following from Jun. " examen, glob us i. e. under-fome ·lhelier·from the fcorching beams '
apum in ramo arboris, uvre inftar, fufpcnfus : of tbe fttfl. . ·
nefcio an hujufmodi uva apum primo farm, ac SW.EAR·; · I•l3•1'~•, .v111,,or ; l:•f3•e•r,: ft'Ver11s;
poftea [warm, ditl:a lit voce det!'tlncatii ab ·affevtrt>; quafi .fwta':ltro; unde Sax. fPCJ'l3n; Belg.
'Ae,..-•..•• conuntus 1 proptcr gr.ave 11l11d, cano- fwetren; Teut. ftbwertn; )wart; grtJ'Vittr, feriO,
iunlquc. murm.ur, quo perftrepit apum populus, et fr-.;er( aliquid dicere, vel affirmare; 10 pron~u;

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From GRl:l'!K, and L ATIN'. s Y. .
:-Of d1tlart 4"J. ·tbing .fale111nly,; to t1jfirm with p1r- nnfus : R ay :"-then we might fu)>pofe this·grell'll';
• favrrance. and g1·af!11, was nothing more than a barbarous
: SWEAT, " 'TJ'we, '1J.,, 'Tui?« ; fuJor: Voll:"- d,i!tortion of ' p.,, 11af 1u ; the n~Je,, ,o r f11011t of a
r111;ij1, fJJtt; or r.ather ab Ile«<, fador; fweat. fwine ; commonly called the gn1Jmy. quafi grin:19'.
S\VEE.l' ;· " I'x.x.-1w, f cnbo; undc ftop,e; quafi SW INK : " SaK. r pinc, labor; fP111can, /11-
j'JJJetpdl, quia iis pav!':11tntt1n1 fcabi111r, ac !.lt.a"'711a ,, borart ; t~ labor, toil : Lye:"-ic leems to defcend
· f oditur, nc f11/ent1tT : VofT."-a brufh, or broom to ii Nix.~, by trnnfpoCiciotl I11x.t4.• vfnto; unde J'p1nc,
. fer ape, or {i:rt1Uh the floor with, &c. lo labor, lo be fat igurJ, lo be wearied, or ovtr&0111e
SWEE''f; " H.l'u;, F•lv<,fuaviJ, dulcis; by pre- with work.
.fi xi1.ig s, and cha1>ging I into t: Caf.~ub. and SWITC H ; l:•o10<, fc11tha; a toblp, lajl.i, or
U pt."- Jbe jln-.io1' moft ngreeab/r to t be palaie. gbaJ. ,
SWEE NE 1" Sax. r per:en ; unde arpei:1an ; • St. S\VIT H IN, fcenu to have defccnded to
, SvVE VEN J fupire ; b.ei·ueve-c; f t1poratus ; pa- us fro1n t he Celtic " Swytb ; as A lfwytb, a
n1n1 cerre abe!t, quin id Grreca~ origioi ad - pl ace in London, fonncrl y called A lface, or
fcribam, tanquan1 ab •y.,,.,,,
( aijJero nimiru1n Alfatia ; lignifying the f eat of a co/iegt: Ciel .
fpi ritu in r. et " in F comrnucaco) prius fuit V.oc. 179 :"- con foqueo tly Gr.; for both fwy1h,
l:uq>.,,, acque inde rpuui:n, et r PeFn : Scaliger and fant, arc cvidc.ntly derived i'\ fades ; and fcdu
in vcrboru1n ety1n olog iis, pari modo cenfec ex is derived ab E?•,.. ~., Jed1a ; unde fades, 11 fear,
•r,,,ar, primo fuilfe fap1111s, ac deinde fom111u: quaft fWJ•tt1t, or fioyth. •
Lye:"-Yerll:. fuppotes them to be Sax. SWIVE; " plane referre malin1ad 1'uf.., 1Eol.
SWIG : " vd ab Iceland. fiuga; farbtre; fenfl1 I:uf3f.•, fubare; et I:u{3aE, vel l:u(3,.,, quod fignili-
,paulun1 otutato : vel excrito l, a Sa.x. fP•l3an; cat fuil/is moribr!s pr~ditum ; pcrrique if)jJar l# idi-
.ur. idcm fere lignificet quad /will: Lyc:"-but nofi"n: Voll'. and Jun ." a ·brimmi1ig fbW :-chis
-both thcfe ·dcriv. are Gr.; for the Iceland • .fiuga is the vulgar and coinnton acceptation of the
is no more than a different d ialeet of Jugo; i. c. word; but it niay wear a 1norc decent appear-
.Mu~.,, to furk Jown: and the Sax. rp1l3an will be ance, by giving it only another dcriv. ; viz. tu
,conlidcrcd in die art. S\-V IL L. . W I VE, to marry a \-VI FE : Gr.
.ta SWILKER w 1r ; "to d11fb vver: Ray:"- to S\VlZZE.N ; " ' to fi11ge : R a.y:" -pe.rhaps
tperhaps it is only a various d ialeet of /wiggle, or the fame with W IZ: Gr. ·
?WAGGLE, or fhake MJtr; i, c. to /pill: Gr. SW ORD: ., 1:1J'•e•r, Grrecis, ut ferFum, Lati-
• SW ILL : "Sax. rp1l;yin, et fpel3an;, nis, metonymice baud raro . e11fom lignificat :
. frbwelgen; perpotare, p~pmari, he/luori : Jun. Skinn. Anglis folita cootra&ionc a /word ; per metatb•
.aad Lye:"-but if we toke only the firll: fyllablc et contra~Honcm : Cafa\ib. and U pt."-or ratb.e r
.of thefe Nort h.ern words, nnl , rrel, f ".!Jel, and I ab A•e• e1!Jis ; any weapon made of iron, or fl~tl ;
fcbwel- we !hall immediately fee that they all as Burler has, in the beginni ng of the T hiFd
are but barbarous di fiortions of fuit-lus; i. e. Can to, part i. v. 1 , very ju!tly faid,
foi!t; i. c. of J11s; i. e. of l:vr, vcl c'rt, porm1 ; l& Ay n1e ! what perils do environ
·hog, or whatever · belongs to.fw.ine; and here The man that tneddles wich culd ircn.
"Ufed to lignify their voracious manner of feed- re S'iVORL; "or /Harl, as a deg: R.ay:"....;
.jog; perpatnnfts, pcpinanlts, helluantts ; and for perhaps only a cont raetion of f ..vear, a11J gr.wl:
this very reafon the food given to t l1ofe creatures and if fo, it is Gr.
is by our farmers properly called their [will; not • SYCO-MORE L l:u>..p.•f"<• .tu••,r.<•f'"'• fytomrr
:from their only /wall.wing it (for. all creatures rus ; tbt fycomort tree: R. 2:uxo>, ficiµ ; the Jig
fwall~o their food) but fron1 their greedy and tree ; and Moe•<, morus; tbt mulberry 1ru.
.voracious manner of f wallowi11g it; fa truly SYCO-PHANT, ".tu•<., ...1"', Jjcopba11t1J: Jege
f ..vinijh. · oli1n apud Athenienft·s caotum crat, ne•t
. * SWH\.1: " Iceland. fvimma ; Sax. rpinunan ; · 11.thr nis cxportaret; q ui deferrbant advcrfus
:Belg. fwemm111; ·forr.1fie funt ab illo r;,y_.,., quod · legen1 ealn pecc:antes, ex re diCti, "Iv~~,:i~ci1 :
'.l-Jefycb. exp. "''Y'"'/..''• lillu1, ora maritima : Ju 11." fokcque hoc hominu m genus delatiollibus fibi
.- this deriv. may rather be doubted, bccaufe parare vifrun1; atque adco frepe et fiCta crim ina
;bod\ :I'I'-'"; and A•r«».•r, fignify p!a,e,. not a&7wn; intendeb11t ; eA.que de cauJli tol1t11111iatorib11; id
-but any thing 1nay be found fwimmi~g at fca, nomen tri bunun fuit: Voll:"-to expo rt .figs from
11uodreds ·of leagues fron1 . all jhc1·e :-the der·iv. _l\., heos was protiibited by Jaw; and therefore
.of this art. che.refore is naher referred to the . t hofe i11/ol'm¢rJ acquired th~ n31ne of Jycqphar.IJ ;
Sax. Alph. from l:vY-or, fi(ll.S; a fig ; and tl>o%11>w, pro ty-<«Aa,
SWJNE-GREUN ~ "Dan. an lcdand.graun; acc11fa; fo illfvrm.:-:-but ~n ou_c language, .Jjttpbants

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s y From GREEK,
-and L-.1.TrN. S Y·
are · rather jlalltrcrs, than inf1JY111ers; and fignify verfa; alfo che crilis c f a d iforder, di fcovercd by
thofe, who by calimi:1i11ti11g others, would infi upatc fome cenai n fi..g11s; and '.JftEfs.
themfel ves i[ltO favo r. SYN-AGOGUE ; " Io'"''Y~Y", f;•nogt;ga : R.
. SY.IT.H ; " Hi be rn. fitbim ; pl11care, ruo11d- Ay.,, to lead : Nug." the p lace of worll1ip, where
liare : hinc ct iam voces forcnfcs 11.lfith, af}ith1nent ; the. Jews of!emble, and 111ee1 together. ·
c ompenfatio per u1uletmn pecun iariain: Lye:"- SYN-ALCEPHE, :i:o'""''~"' jj11a/tJtpba ; e!ijio
lo ·appertje, to r4'01ui{e ; alfo ro n1ake con1penfa- vocalis in ane diltionis a nte alteran1 in inicio
tion by a pecunia ry li1\e :-from all which, and fequentis; uc vit'ejt; .,,;,; hodie ; pro vila, et vive;
panicularly in the fcnf.- of appt1i/ing, it fecms as the calling off a . vowel in lc an fion, at che end of '
if jjith was only a va rious diafeEt o f SOOTI-lE, a 'wrd, when t he next word likcwiii:: begins with
or / ofte1t: an.d if fo, i~ m oy be Gr. one : I~. I o., and A1'"f"'·• deleo, oblittro.
SYL-LABLE; " 'I.v>V...13,, f;•llabr1; from SYN -C HR ON ISM ; .i::uyxe' "a-1'•< ,jjnchr~11if11111s,
l:vM:xyf3"'"' compreb!ndo ; a Jyllnble is an affen1- co11vtnio11tia ltmpllris, live ea, qure in idem Umpus
blage of letters: R . 11.<>p.(3"-""'' capia: N ug."- ' conc11rrun1 ; two events happeni ng al /be fame
this is rather too 1nuch ; for a ~uord is nn ti 11t.e. ; R. ~v,, and X.eo~:;~., l t J11p11.r ; time. :
afi'e1nblage of letters ; but rbere are feveral word s SYN -COPE ; " .i::ur""'"' jjncopa ; R. K,,,1.,,
that conlifl: of many fyllables : a fjlfnb!• therefore Jo cut : Nug."-it lhould have been pri nted Jjn-
c:iug hc to· be: defined fuch a portion of any wo rd cope ; figura grarnmatica, qua lyllaba c n1cclio
as 01ay be comprtbended and pro1io1mced at one abjicicur: a. fig ure, by which a fyll able is cut ejj '
utccra11ce. in the 1niddle of a word; as amaffe, pro amaviffe :·
SYLLABUS i l:v1'.7'af3•» l:11V.v[3.,, l:o11vl3•r, in phylic it ligni fies a d ifeafe occafioncd by a
fJl!ab11s; an i11dt:< of rhe words, or thief beads of a ludden decay of chc fpirirs.
hoolt, &c. a Jable of conunts; ar. a.bridge111e111, or SYN-DIC; " :i:.,;,.,,, jjwdic111; one 1vho has
the charge of the affnirs of a co1111111111i1y : R. All<•, .
Ju111mary. j1u, jufti1ia, caufa : N ug."
SYI..:-LOGISM, " 'I.v~.1'.cy11rl"''' argumtnl, co11-
SYN-EK-DOCI-IE, Iunxl•x•, jj11udo<ht; 6-
tl:ifio11 : I:v1..1.-•re•I""''' 10 co11d11de by ,1rg11me111: R. gura gram m. comprehuifio, perce-ptio : R . .i::vv-<K, et
Atyw, d1co . : N \Jg. ..
. ; ,1,\-c;yc~, rtJlto
i>'X'I""'' capio ; a ag. in gram1n, which exprefles
SYLVAN lvidenrur di fri quafi xylh•a, a o.nly ,, part for 1he whole ; thus <arilta., Jhe keel
SYLVES'fER J· S o>-•» li1[1111111 ; qu ia in ea of a jbip, is ufed in L atin to cxprcfs 1be <vbolejbip,
lig11a c:edantur : fed ell; ab '!';.,, JyhJa ; a w ood, 0

SYN-OD; " .l:u>0•>r, Jjnodus, ce11.v e111us ; a public

1r grove ;-Clel. W ay. 71, fuppol~s the Celt ic affimbly, co which the people refort fro111 all parts:
.. ul, or ii, 10 be radical to o>.·r., to {rt--va, to bill, R. Olor, v ia : Nug.'' -there canno t be, furely, &·
to boll, and many other words lignifying a wood, n1ore flat, lpi riclefs, and iolig nificant
or J!rovt :"-but c an we fup pofe, chat the Greeks cion, than what die Dr•. has here · exhi.bited ; i11·
had not the word """' till they borrowed it from wh ich he has given us rather the idea of a.
the Ccks? country fair, to wbi<b ptr,pft rtjorl from oil partJ,
SYM~BOL; " °l:uf'.~•/..01, 11ota, jig11111n; froin than of a m£t1i11g, or 11.lfembly of dJvints, co11\lcn~d
:Zv/"{3c.M.,, conjicio, confero: R. Ba M'>, j ado ; -tb.e on fo1ne fokm n occafion,. 10 a.genrral co1111ci!, or.·
fjmbol, or <rud, has been fo c alled, either becaufo 11 co>1grefs of ft11otor1.
i.t is a dijlingui/hing mark, and ch'1rat7erijlic of true SYN- ON Yi.VIOUS, " '£.o'"'"i""> cf tbei fame
Catho1ics :; or bec.:aufe it is as it \Vere a co!s't,'fioJ1, 1:111i1t, or.jiznifica1io11 :· }\. ,O~c14:i, . 1Jon1en; a· 1:a1nt :..
and abridgemtnl cf 0111· fai1h : Nug." Nug.''
SYM-METR.Y; " I vl'1"1f"'' p1·~01·tio11, j11jl- : SYN-OPSIS, ~••o/",fy11opjis ; (011/peElus; &}li"
ne.ft: R. M•1e;v, menfura, mcd11s: Nu~."-a bar- matio ; an i11vmt.<ry ; a brief, or fm11mary Mjcripritm.
mony of par/J. SYN -T AXlS; tu•1"'YI""; fy111agma, ct. " :i;",~
SYM-PHONY; "°£•f'1'W•"': N ug." -a (on-· 1~E•\, co11flr:1f!i~,.ct'1i°i1U1tiq: ll .. 1"aa-g&J, to ra1:ge, or
cord of fwat fa111JdJ : R. Iw, cum ; •with; and p :il ;;, order: N ug.''- a ·trer;tifa al large: alfo Jhd.
<!>"''"' vox; a farwd: in 1nufic it is uoderJ~ood us a order. and gram11ia1ieal co11jl.i:11flion •f words ...
pre!udt, or" rtpea1i11g par/ : fomctimes an etbo. S:YN-TERESIS, printed in N.u gent's -editio!l!
SYM-POSIAST ; Iv,""'~'"' compotatio, co11- Jyndertfis; tilo' properly. derived by the D r . .from
v ivium; /be 111afi er of /be faa;1 . '' Iv~1JJ-:l1<1'•~, obfarvatio ; a re111qrft of' &Dnftie11ce: R ..
SYM-PTOM; "'£op.,,.1<,>y.« : Nu g."- quod ac- '!'"('"'• (ervo, obfen;o : Nug." .
}:ipit, cafus, adfen111 prrercr naturam morburn SYN -' J'l-IESIS ; ::;.,,&.,,.,<, fln1br:fis: fig. gmmm,
fequens: an qccidtnf, or fickneft, a((OtliJ'llJl)'ing any · a g~a1nm. fig. when a .noun collell:ive fingub r is
&iforder ; as the ague does tho be11d-arb ; and vice joined ,t o 11 ycrb p!ural.

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T A From G~l!K, and LATtw. :T A
SYRINGE, !ve•rt• ""t''Y'Y"• flrin:i, fiftula, et liifp. t1111111bw 1 iilem iignan~ ; fed vulgathis
quicquid fiftulorum ell: ftpbo11is inftar; an inftru- 1ympa11um 1 et non tnultaCD intereft," fay Jun. and
ment like a jipbon, n1ade ufe of to injed: any Skinn.-but 1ympan11m is 1tndoubtedly derived a
liquid. . Toi'''"""'• Jympanutn; a.arum; .of which the·/a60J"
SYR-OP, fomctimes written jirrup, and /yr- is a linaller fpecies.
rup ; but derived frorn 'Evf'*' o,,..,, Syi11s f11c- TACHU-GRAPHY; T":>C"'Y'""'"• T'"X"'Yt"'-
cus, quo Syri impenfe dclettarentur; Jbt Syrian ' ~•f, glli velociltr fcri6i1; a fwifl writn-, a wriltr of
juire, fo much admired. jbor1-ba11d : R. 'I'"X"'" u kr 1 fwift ; and re"~"•
SY-S1'EM; 'Evn11•"'• fyjtema , comp•ies; the com- fmbo; to write.
p leat body of a fciencc : R. 1:1•1'"'• ab !n1141, ftamm 1 •~ ACIT; .~'. ".'"'"• <jUidem in uf~ non di:,_ fed
1be flem, flack, or as it were the fouttd41icn of obunet part1c1p1um e3us A••"'• qllltlu1, l«~lus ;
that fcience. , przm1Jfo T, quali T,..,.,., tauo, taurrs, ·t acitus ;
-SY-STOLE, 'r.uroA•, fyftak; contraflio; tbt tvn· ut ab ·•t•• ltrJJ'. live ttrra: fane Aa•>, ~efym~
frttllion of tbe beart at evtry p11lfatio11 of tbt blood: exp • .per accufat!vum H.-u~··~· hoc ell: f•ttl•m., . i:c·
R. !uv, ct l:117'7'.,, eontraba; tbt preffiffl, or eon- ji/pzltU#I: fed fa:prus adverb1altter cxponttur taott;
traflint together; being_oppolite to the DIA- J!knily, q11ietly, wi1bo111 any noifa: Volf."-or clfe
STOLE: Gr. tt fccms to be cornpounded ex A, no11; ct x...,.,,
SY-ZYGY, l:v(uy•o., jjzygia; eonjun!lio; the bio, hifeo. · .
eo11j1'11llio11·of. fun #nd fll()l71': R. Zoyor, jul'""; a TACK together; "Tavvw, T•E.,, T&EH, 1. e. ordin4,
jQini111. ' quo ' fila artificiof: junguntur: /t/(0 ea f?~~ ell: ii:
ttgo, qui ell: 'IJtl<o a 'IJtho; ·t "o it tago; quta 1n opere
T. quod ttritur filum filo tegitur: VotI:"-according
to this explanation, any one might fuppofc, that
'T"\ABBY; "1t:d. tabi, tabina; ferici confetti ttx• and tego were derived from the fame root ;
.J. genus: forte Barbarz Indic:e, feu Perlicz which they certainly arc not; and perhaps were
originis.: nifi malis a tapes dcflettcre i quia fc. ad placed together here, only to lhew their clofe
magnatum "'flits adhibetur : Sk inn." - but connexion to each other, not as to etym. but.
TAPESTRY 1s Gr. lignification ; for ltxa fignifies oril.o, and is un-
TABE-f"ACTION; T ...,., Dor. pro T•x.,, doubtedly derived a -r......., : but tego, in weav-
liquo, liqutfario ; quia ut ca/or ignis metalla, lie ing, ma~ lignify tbt """'""{• or i11tmmxi11t of one
morbus corporis loliditatem liqutfacit, et Jol'llit ; thread witb another, which is undoubtedly derived
itaque tabes, ct tabidus, nibil aliud quam T•E•r, a };1,.,,.., abjed:o :i:, quomodo al:p..AM>, [a!lo :-
li:u liqutfa&Ji4 ; a eo11fumptio11, or any other dif- but it lecms more natural to deriYe tacit. a T .. r.-.,,
ordcr, waftint and tonfuming the body ; and texo : to weave, )mil, or join logttber.
as it wete me/ti"! it away, like metals .in a TACTICS; from the fame root, Ta.-.-i., 1rdo;
crucible. ordino ; and now ufed to lignify the art ttJilitary,
'I' A BERN; a cellar; from"the following art. Gr. or drawing up foldiers in ra11~1, &c.
·TABE RNACLE; T,.?.,, ide1n quod T'""' ex- TACTION ; e,.,,.,, e''Y'Y'"'"• tango, taftum; t1
tmdo, taba, obfoletum; unde diminutivum 1a6ultt, touch,tontamiMatt,by being brought into to111al1 with
ct tabtrna, " titerarum fubdutlionc i': ta6ultrns· ; any tbing that may defile: ii T•n•• rantedo ; a
nam ct Verrius Flaccus, acque ex -co Feltus in. ranridnejs of tnfle :-we ufe the words 1ai111, or
1ilber11atulum, 1ai>er111t~ {ic d iccas ait, qu<)d ex la- a/taint; and auainder, in .the fenfc of accufiog any
~ulis olim 6cbant: Volf."-o lifll< flMp,_ 1t11t, or perfon of high crimes and mifdemeanors, when
pa'IJilion, ntn up with board1.; o booth. his fidelity and loyalty arc ilntaminated, and
TABLE ; " T!'-e"· idem quod T ....., t1<lt11d1 I torr11pl.
/a);o, obfol.etu1n ; unde diminutivum 1o);uU., n.on TAD-POLE; lialf Sax. half Gr..; t he former
t~m argume niis, .qua1n <: voe is fono cognofcimus," is only a tontracrion of lead, which is Sax. but
fay,s Voff. a table, or d'.fo to write on: in archi- pole is evidenrly Gr. ii n.,~·''• pull11s; which lia-
tctlure it is .called 1111 entab/111ur1, and lignilies nifies lht young of any creature i fo that a tad-p~le
that part which is cempofod of the architrave, is a youHg toad, or frog.
frieze, .and cornice of a pillar ; being i11 effect TAG of o.laet: Ciel. Way. 52, moft concifdy,
the excremity of tb.e jluring, which is either fup- •.nd moll: judicioufly tells us, that " tag is de-
pcrted by pillars, or by,.die wall, if 1bere arc no rived from " tbe-ag, or the point :"-if he had
pillar!. · but now as faithfully derived this Celtic word· •K
TABOR, snd fife ; " .G:Ill. 111/Jourin, tambaur ; from """"• JJt-its; ae-111 ; a{-uftus; s nttdle, 1""'1,
Jtal. t11mb11"•· tamburri111; nc:1g.J.imi11r, 1.iflllwrii11; or O'!)I foarp poiltlttl t//inz;.
.. '

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TAG of. ir fo-qe ; ·.« 1/H. '/atcbel: Ray :"-this, TALL ; '.' 91i>.A.,, t1irto, jl1rto'; ·1.'. grM:U•.
probably, is the fame .w ith a Ing, -of ,!ace.: con- florifh : 0aA>-o:; rdmus vir1n1 ,; a Joung 'jlrong
fequently "G/; :-lliid wlien 'it ·· fignifies ·a child's jho.r : T"~""°'• tant111; qe corporea proprie ,1n ag.i.
1.>anging-}lmfes, it may perlia:ps b_e 1he fame 'with nitudine : ·cafaub:" -befides". the orher feafes of ·
the above; becaufe tliey arc ~Ill 'llnd n4f'row, ·like toll (or height, 'it conveyed the idea of valor ;
• fut, or a utcbeh • . tall-man was a · valiant mait ; It is precifcly · the
·r AG-&AG; firft of a.JI contmll:ed frQm n.1- 0~A•f« of Homer :-and is prccifely che very
1.,....., piltaci!tm i a patch \' ·and then joined to fenfe that Butler has ufed it, in Part JI. Cane. ii. 601;
its t ranOation a rag ; meaning-. a mo~ of 11111cr- where, in dcfcribing a Weft country ridi1_1g,, h.c
Jtmalions, whofe clothes are· but' rags, or CO\' ered fays they were •
with patches. ,., · - - - followed by a world of tall lads,
TAIL ; " vcl a. e.,,. ,.,,r, (1(1//llS I qui a in OC/t•
· tum delinit : vel potius a e..v»'"• _quod Befych.
Vvho merry ditties troll'd, and ballads.
l'ALL O W; "0o:A•~"'• in f~!iginem tvaporart ;
exp•.,Ovf"'• !(•ex•<, ca11da ; the tail. · lo l'fiapff'ate ill fmoke : qu~ vox 'llUfqu·a:T! occur-
·rAILOR, 9«>-A..-, -vd ®""'"'"• ram111 vir111s, ric, · nifi in vetero lexico, Hen. Stephani: Oh '!
la/14; a chip of. wood c"I elf: uncle Fr. Gall . ill.urn beatu1n!" cries Skinn.- vel 0 ..1'v1<S,.,, quod
tail/.tr ; faindtrt, refaindere, amputart-; ·,~ /nip, or Hefych. exp. .<l>A•r•~a ..,, 11ri; IO be bur11t up, co11-
&11t t!o1h. fu.m1d: becaufe_it continually, .and inftll}ibfy jlwael
TAKE ; " T«£w, (it thould !\'a ve bee!I Ta.,, awn:rin a btfrning taper. .
vel T~.~.. ) prehe11do, capio; ·T"Y"''> T11"'Y"': Horn. TALLY: Jun . Skinn. Lite. and Ainfw. derive'
II. A. 591 :-or fronl A'X'i""'• <1uafi ·r,,,_.,...,,, by ot1r wor9 tall;·, fron1 0«>-ff«, e . . h,~, vcl 0~A>.~c;
a a
changing.A T, A••1.,, be 111olc: Honr.-Il. II. +~o: . riz1nu.s VirtnS j 0«AA4', vireo ; ·t1nde1a/ea, 1a:i iirni-
Cafaub. and Upt." ' litudiile·; from ic.s likenefs to a grttfl bough:-,but
TALC ; "1a!C11-, L9t. Barb. lapis contl'a ign is this is rather too diftant .an idea; cfpccially as·
virn contumaciffimus ; ni fallor, ait Skinn. afotjli, we have one much nearer; · viz.' that 1
two tallies,
.amialfti, feu aluminis plumefi fpecies :" - a fint or rarher 1alits, are two pieces of thin wood,
1ran/pt1re111 /petits ·•f jlont of the Oate tribe ; which which agree·lo exall:ly in fize to9t ther, t hat they
fplits and feparat<'s . into very thin diaphanous m ay both be n1arked alike ; and therefore, we.
l aminre, to very thin, that they are 1nade ufc · might rather fuppofe chat a taly might be more
Qf to inclofe objetl:s to be viewed by the 1ni- properly derived aT "A•zor, .lEol. pro T,;.,.,or, ta!;s;'
cro!i:ope. like ; they b_e iog exatl:ly file ea~h other; like tli
TALENT ; Te<>.1'1w, tak111u1n ; a ta!enl, or ./ikt.
/um cf -money.; not al ways of· the fame an1ounr, T A LONS; " Ta>-.~., talus; quod eft ferre,'
being difrerenr, in dillerent places. · tolerare; liam 1ali geflant corp111 aflimali11m: Volf."
. TA.LISMAN; ·n vox Arabica, fed a Grreco - or rather, as Skinn. fays, " talus, forte quia
fonte, fc. a Ti1'1u14.., delleita : Skinn."-what a pra:cipuum iftarum avium rapacium robur in ta!o/
condefcenfion ! " '.l'•l"~I'"• ve!Jiga/, ptl!filaHo, tri- feu &11/coneo, conr.ftit :" the jlrong puunas, or·
i>ulum; irein funtlio; ii T,,.,.,, perjiiio: Hederic :" flatos of eagles, hawks, &c. ·
-bot the Dr. explains it by " ejfigirs.aliqua fub T Atv1ARIN D, 'Iamarindus ; a fruit likt greut
ce rta a.llrorum corifiguratione, cunt magicis ver- damafctitts. ·
bis, et cerernoniis . confecrata, ad mirabiles ali- TAL'vlARISK; Mu~'""• myri(a., 'liiburno, ge11ifta ;.
qu<is effoll:us·edendos; fi cretlcre fas fie :"-'a od, a /~,~ forub ; ns Virgil calls ir, in his Fourth
according t,o this latter. in_tcrprc,tation! we under- E:cl. z; .
ft:and a. talifnmr·to be an ·a(hological •Charm, N~11 omnu arbuftajuvant, humilefque myrica!:. .
i1uage, or figure, of wonderful ~tlicacy and po":'er, , · 1 'AMBOUR; "Gall. tambour ; Ital: tambttrro;
if we .may bel ieve .thofe who tmke•them : .....this · lamburrinq; Belg. tamboer, ta1t1borii11; Hifp. atam-:
word, Clel. Voe. 1~4, n, d_erivts from the Cdtic fbor ; ide1n fignante, vel vulgatius tympdm/tn ; et
words" 111/.wift-mtyn, or, perhaps, t'a/-wij/-mtyn, . non multu1n intereft," fays Skinn.'-as we have
1he-a/l-wift-flone, being a fpccies of jlont bearing jull now feen in tbe art. 1' ABOR; .and yet nei-'
fooic JIrange marks, or jignat11res 1"- or, perhaps, ther he, ,n or Jun. nor Lye have admitted chis
1:11/-wijl-mtyn, 1nay be interpreted tbt wifa-fcho- word ; which looks ·as if it had been adoj>ied"into'
lar's jlont; being a kind •f philofvpbtr's flone, that . our lang11age fince tht'ir times; ' tho' i~ 1s obJerv-'
'\Oas to do .fome mighty · wonders : but WISE, able, th~t Lye's ·· Oxonian edit ion of }llh. was'
SCHOLAR, and MEYN, arc all Gr. printed in 1743, about forty year~ ago :-1am/Joi1r'
TALK.; " "'"Y"'• mukeo, de!inio ;-to/Oflb, fafte11, ' is a fpecies of 'ernbroidei'y; which, becaufe the
flaJttr : Cafaub." ~ ,. ladies· work at· i~-on·'a . framc that 'refon1blcs 'a'
J 0 drum,

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From Gai11t, and .- l.d\'T r lf-. .. .T
lr11111, hu received the app,el~tion ~f .J4mftour- pofition from ll11-ar~, .1,111fa, fp~o; lo ./lrattfefi~i
wor,t ; and confeq11cndy derived ~ TO(H,..,.,.., l)m- , fee PAT: G;r. . .... . .
panum ; a drum. .. ·. .· 1'APEf{, or lai#p ;, " T,..,,. vc.l· T..,,., /11111.
TAME " bou!e; or pipt pf · '!Vil!'; '.' )Menagiui . ebr~m, fepul,tura.; q\19d pra;ci~u11.s olin1 fuerit ce.
ab E,7.,,.,;., E•1•14ti• ddlcctit.: .v el ii n.,.. .. t, TO reo.rum ufus in funeribus ; Jun.•'.\~/u11<roJ torcb 1
T•f"•• enim feu promi comu eft utrem 41trire, t X• or lamp that conll:andy burw, in . th.e . anticnt
p/orare : Fr. Gafl. 'entamer primum incidtr.t <ar- ftp11.lcbrt1. . . . .
nes, fcu aliquid aliud primum deg11ftare, feu TAPER, lo11g, . 11td. jJaider; fr01n the fame
explorare; undc tranfiato ab efc;ulentis, ad po- root, .' to l-,ye: , '! .hin¢ (a T-..r,.vd
tul"enta fenfu, nobis gull:u, ucrein, feu cadum T"'4>•) tralatitio feqfu pyramidatus, .ad cer.ei for-
vini eitplorart, defignat ~ Skinn."-but tho' the mam fatlus :" becaufe a taper i1 taper.
Dr. has 1nencioned explorare three times iri this . T APESTRYJT'"'"''' a A.,,,,,;.,, lopes 1 quafi
art. wiih ocher fynonyn1ous terms, ~ ape;fre, and T APIS 0a/\1UJ<, 0111.\"'""'' f01Jt1, colef,.
dtg11ftare, yet he has not obferved, that T"l''"f cio ; tapes, and 1ape1um ; loptjlry ba11gi11gs lo };up
rdaces more to tbe .b11tler than to tbt cafk, .or ro'1ns warm; and-.alfo to ,cover the tJ.bles ·6f
6011/e. • · •. , cpun,cil cha1nb~rs ;· and ·hcinoe an affair :is faid r.
TAME; fubdue ; " to tame; A ..,.;., dom4re,. by b;_ brotJgbt en tbt tapis, when a ftate of it is drawn
changing A into 'T: Upt." up, and laid before the council on their table.
TAMPER with: 'I'"'"• .IEol. T"'"•, T ·A PISE t T"'°";,,•.,, bumilem r6tiJo, tkmit11, Ji.
lento ; lo all<mpt, lo make a!f a/lac/:: 011 4 perfan's prjmo 1 .to fi11}; down ; lo Jqut '4w, as game docs
virtue, inttgrit)', &c. . in hun~ing. . . .
T ANER 1 comn1only writ.t en l ann, and 1a11ner ; T AR.(\"l'i!TULA; toeant"/"; a. large fpccics of
but "videntur effe T"'""• vel T"'"I''• t"f>ando, venomous fpiders.
tKPlico, dif1t11do : folcnt enim pelles, larg o un - T~\RDY; Bf"l•r, quafi llooelvr, /ardus; j/M:;,
guine imbutre, facile txlendi, Ii nahantur: ab cretping, tr1Y".J:li11g. .
hac openl. alotariorum, maceratum corium colore 1.' ARES 1: " Belg. tere11, 1urt11 ; Teut. ztbren ;
bztico imbucntiun1, nomen accepit color ille abfamere ; quod fo. fr11me111um abfumit; tun•
bzticJJS, ravus, caftaneus, .q ui Danis Jan<tt bru11 ; au1cm pa~um d.efiexo fcnfu a Lat. Jtro, ttrcrt or·
Belg. la11tyl, vel lamttyt ; Ital. ta11t/6; Gall. lani, t um ducit: Skinn.'"-we have .coo often f~n that
nubcupatur: Jun." to dyt any thing, particularly . the Lat. is the fanhell: of tbe Dr's.· ctym.; and
leather, af a darlc brown <olor. · now mull: obferve, that the Lat. tero is derived l.
TAN·G, tafie; "Tooyyii, ran<or; To.yyor, ra11· ·Gr. -r..~.,, Tre•.,, T•e'"; ind.c Te•/3.,, and that is ·the
tidus·: Cafaub. and . Upc.'''-muft.l', fu/ly, najly. , ~eafon \\'hy, cbe Lat. lero forms trivi, lritu111; 1~
TANGENT ; e.,_.,, e,,_,_,.,,.,, 1a11go; 10 loucb. »rub, wafit,. &onfa1111. . ,
TANKARD ;- " K«•i<>eor, cantbarus; per 1ne- T ARGE.T ; Skinn. fiiys, " vel, quod Me-
tath. ; and hence a can: Upt.'"-.i cup, or ""Y , nagio v.erHinliliu s, fit a Lat. ltrg1u I .qui.a. (c.
vtffel lo drink cut of. olim dype\ ex lignis, corii1, feu tergoribus bt lllO
1"ANSY ; A9"'"..''"• 1a114cetut11, immorlalitas ; tooperlis, conficiebantur: ct huic Cane etymo
011 arom;itit berb 1 t bt in1mortal p!m1t. prorfus acquiefco :"-and we might have done fo
TANT.ALIZE; -r,.1,.,;, T0t>.0t•1•e•1, T•:>.<o1"1•s. 1.00, if ttrgw bad been the original word :--but
miftrri11111.1 i quafi ttliantat~{t ; unde 'l"an1atri1, a , Volf. tells us, that " 1ergu1 et 1ergt11JZ diffcrupt
king of Corinth, or of P brygia, who for his ' (as ·to ligqifi~ation, b11t oot as to etym.) illo
' cri1nes was fuppofed ·co be puni01cd by ftanding .d•rfum fignificatur, hoc Iota peltis ~ - er ltrgru auccm
in water t o the chin; and plea.font fruits jult ab -lEol. T'f"''' pro "t1•e4>•;, quod l onicum, • C
at his lips, without having the p ower to queoch idem. eft ac Bue .."' l•el'" :"-1be fti11 or hide of any
iiis thirft, or fatiate his hunger. ·be atl: ; with which ihey ufed to c.o vcr 111rg11s, or
TANT-AMOUNT; " lcal. 101110 mo11/a; foitlM. , . .
tanti va!tt; ad tantum ; i. e. ad idem affurgil; T i\RNISH, "nefcio an hoc Lat. ltrllltJ, a
vide t11ou11t : Skinn.'' -but MOU,NT is Gr. ver1nici:lus quidam : Skinn. as qucred by Lye•"
T .A:NTI-V.Y , ''.1a~11d 'IJi, quantil. potes currere, - but why this latter gentleman lhould implicitly
equit~re : vel a Until 'Iii; · q. d. ltnti~, in(e11tis, :tdopt a 1nill:ake of d ie Dr's. without any forthtr
1£11ltntis, omllibus viribus, LI 11•rvis ll{liilart' S.kjqn. inquiry, is a point he could bell have accounied
and Ly.c :"-then all d~rived .T ....., te11do ;. Ct for :-but Vo tr. informs us, that termes, et tar1111,·
Ji, vis; lo .ftrtlfh lo tbt 111111ojl, lo gall~/11!1 JPttd. are very different; · at .Jonge aliud. cft '""!a•
TAP, or ge111le blw.; ei ther from T.,,.1.,, v~er· nempe ver!llie11/i.. g111u1, eJJfth11s cartt11JZ, ut fcnb1c
itro; lo jlri};1 ge11~1] ; or ,by contraCl:ion, and tranf- . Fell:u~, five ligna r~delfS, c t idem Bt•<I-, J>11!
10 qu~

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From GRE·! P:, and
T A . .
qu! fentcntia facit i1!~~ ·V!t ruvri_;_fail ea :(de abier~· _:;. rr:>>.,..;, to '!Jibratt : 3nd that is a very natural
fermo tft)'q11qd h11bet1"fepl11s ealoriI, procreat, tf \deriv .. fi[l~e, as Lye obferves, tajft(li ful)t glar.des,
ti{il termirem, all · ioq'ue' ii1iat1ir: ac putabac five' nodi, ex aoro, ec .ferico multiplici confe-~i~
Jof. Seal.·· fimi.litii tlfom · Plautum: . Moftcll. . dependences ( ac v ibranus) ·de veftium an~lis.
ate iii. fc. t 1 i TASTE; a.II our etyrnol. allow, that this word
Ambopojles ab i11f:mo tarmes fatal ! · ~ originates .ii, tar.go; unde qua!l ·1at10, taxi~. tafto '.
ih vult;tatis ·Pla~ti c_od,icibu~~ •. ~ro tarmes ·leg itur ii. c. l~vi_tcr tangt!~; accor~ing to ,Mena_gius : -
framls: fo th~t·to larmfl» 1igniti.~s to totrup1, fiotf, , but that great critic, and hts foll<?we_rs, o~ght to,
or any ways · deflroy the· ·beauty . or ftrengtn of . have confi~ered', that tango, according to Voll'.
things r' a mecapho1- takeri frqm_this iil~c~.: . · :~s de·riveq 1'. €>1r.i..._ au~ e,.y'l'."'"'• tango i tafte be-·
· TAR· Phi.LING ; commonlr. . ~ntten, and .mg of the fame import Wlth fang; tho' gcnc-
pronounced tar-p'awling; ·an -expreffidn half Sax. ·rally the latter is underftood 'in a deficient fenfe.
half Gr.; for tar is Sax.. or Belg. ;indpallin.r:, or , TAT1'ERS: " .S~x. 'Crettecan,'' fays Skinn.
pawling; is derived a p'allium; .'q~ d • .paj/ium pice '-bi1f perhaps iCffi.~ula .h~vc b'~cn· printed eei::-;
liquidli illitum ; .. p11lliu!'! vcl il'Lat .'pulam ;' vel ab j'CC)tan ~ I~y( ~C{iVts {after "ab Ar!11~r. fatri ; fag-'
Hebrreo: ·v off."-btit 'h pall._o~ ~overin;, ,is Gr. ". j"!i11a,; .:inti !hen .r.e fcfs co loitered; wliic~ he de.!
TARR bun on; e"'ff"" confido10 /Jono ammo eJfo; rives a Sax. tot:repan; dirupl1u, ' laurat us :"- .
10 chear him 11p, to bearttn him on. · : P~~haps rh~Y'.. ar¢. all but_varjous dialell:s of ,;,,.;._
· 'f ARRAGON> .Ae"""1";• tizrr:agona, quafi e~11.,, latero ; . to /tar in pieces.
Jragona; tbt name of "" her/;. ' : , · i. T A '\'.E : "vett. Belg: d,oO"~en l infanirt, Jelirare:
TARRY ; loiter; Be~""" ·by tranfpt>fition·B"f: ; Lye :''- bllt Skinn. writ<;s it, "Belg. tobben, tappen,
.tilr, ·tardus; flow: vel ii Tr.f'"'• expettb., /Jbftrvo ; 'davtn; Te.u t. To!Jin ; furert .' a11udunt Tu,,.1,.., ver-
l o wait for_, flay /fir, hokjc1·. · :bero ; Ic(3"» abigo, cxpdlo, info/enter inudo; 'f°'H••
TART, acid ; "A1•e1"e''' I-Jorn. 11. A, zz3 . fano, jlrtpo :" - but what connex.ioo thefe two
from the 01iddle of tht word·; which is noun- !all Gr. words can have' with' infanire, vel furtre.
ufual thing: Cafa!lb. and Uj>t.''-acerb111, _afper; .is not eafy to fuppofe; unkfs it be to rave aloud. ·
Jharp, rough, four; and a'ci¢. . 1' AUG.f!T ; pa!t cenfe, al)d ·parcicip. of
· 1'-ART, or f')'t .; A:1•1-T"f"• panir, ct c11ftus; '1"EACI-I: Gr. .
bread and cbeeft ·; or as . we fometimes call· it a 1"PJUNT, " ilicrtpore : Cafa11b. derivat a
cbujt-cake. or any fuch light edible. Tw9a?«» mordadbus inaffere ditln·iis: Jun.'"-
.. TARTAR, " tartar11m ; tartat ; the hart! " Skinnerus autem," fays L'ye: " a Galt. tan/tr;,
crujl, or gravelly ji1bjlanu , chat fticketh to the reprebe11d1rt, increpare 1 ec ·hoc a Lat. tmtare :
in!idc of wine veffels < I.:.icr. and Ainfw.''-but vel a 1ai111, pro oltaint: cur non ~ Belg. tanden 1
give no reafon why it received that appelhtion, ·prof erre J;111ts, dentire, i111pe1tre; quod ii land 1
rather than any other :-fee the Sax. Alph. · -dens ?-hanc a Minfcvio originationem, etiamfi
T l\RT:\R US ; Tae1"e•i, 'I'artarus, profundiffi· Skinncro repudiacam,. priori prll!ferendam cen-
mus inferorum loc'us; a pit in the infernal regio11s ; feo :"-and fo will every one 1 but th.en we
fo called " ..... '1-•xe•1•1•r, ••• T~ e''Y"'1"' ,,..,>,7,.,9,., ought noc to ftop there; for n~ichcr che Belg•.
xo" •f'I"'": 'J'arfarus a frigore appeilat\Js eft ; et tandr11, nor even the Lat. de11tu, arc originals ;
'l"i borrore cancutiur.tul', oc 1re_m11nr; Jolt tl!im cartt, but both are derived ab Ol•r, Olor1«, dt11J, dtntis;
s~rvius, L a8:2ndus : vel CUJll Maninio ltatue per a tooth l to fhew the ltlfh, to fnarl, to fiuer. '
reduplicacionen1 fieri a T1i"e1••, quia illic impii TAURUS; T""f'" taurus; a bNll ; alfo che
T•"'1"'• hoc eft cu;iodiar.tur: Volf. " conftellation fo called.
TASK, T ...-~-.., ordino ; an ordered work; laid . T.AU'I'O-LOGY; T .. v1o·1'•)'•!<, la1Jtologia, vi-
cttf i11 due f orm. · tiu1n fermonis ; quando res eadcm pluribus, ct
T ASSE LS; Skinn. d~rives thcin "a Lat. text a ; plane eaqcm fignificantibus, verbis rcdditur; 11
allexta ; eft enim veftis 11ddi1ame11tum ; et quali . rtpealld rtpetitio11 of one and lht falf·Jame thing the
appendi., :"-then they . n1ay originate ii. Tz7J.,, falf·fmre way, w er and D'!Jer, again and again.
'r"E"', taxo ; to wea'!Je; as if . they were orna· 1'AW; " Sax. t:ap1a.n; toria fubigere, depfare; ·
tncnt$ woven to the piece ;- t his feems to be a Belg. t~we11; prt111tre, macerare: Skinn.'' -" Belg.
more natural fuppofition than that of Volf. " ita lur·touwcr, " leather-drtf[tr : Jun.'' - fince then
\nagis mihi verifimile elt uc a rr~u•":>.qr, palus; all thcfe w9rds r~latc to pulling, dragging, amt
ita :axill•s, a t ago,_ pro la11go; fit taxi_; unde tugging· about, as the tanner does the hides, in
1ax:tS, a quo taxu!11s ; unde taxillus :"-but· ftill order to render them fofc, aod pliant, they fcem
t ango derives a0•r"'·-J.f. VolT. thinks it is derived to be but variou$ dialeets of T"'"• te"du, trotu 1
., !' J 0 :i -econ,

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T E From Gll .I! .I! K, and LAT 1 N.· T E'
..:eop, ltoft, tpft, Jtd'fl• tow, towft, law, . !'Pd . tween a· team of horjtJ anp a Item of d1tch, or· to
TUG :-confeqtiently Gr. . ., '. lttm, or pour out; but etypi. knows of no fucit
· TAWNY; -ra:..,,,, vel T"'"I"'• .'ixpanJo ; to di!tin«~tion ·in .orthogr.; for' is .they both lignify
6/1'~· e"pand, and j/reub ~ as tanners· do their lea~ : che. ~aine .thing, ancf as l:~ey -~oth convey the
ther, before they colo;ir tt :-fee TAN: Gr. fame idea, fo they both ongmate from the fam.e
TAX, or accufa; E>·y~, ®>')">'"'"" tango, ta!111m;. '. root; viz . ." .-S:.1>.p.>1•,.iu140;, lemo.! tbt pole ef a coacb;,
io attajnt. · . alfo b.orfts drawing in a JI.rail lint . ; .dicitur
, TAX, or trib111t; T«••w, T ..£.,, ordino,fla.tuo; ergo qu.~fi ~eno, ~ i-;..":'; ·exltndo; quia i9 jugo
T"E•r. ordin~ti~ 1 a!f opP,ointing 'o• orilrring a tri-· : Ar.o1•o•1~•, txu11Jit11r ; Jfrttcbt . Of11: hinc forte
but4, ful>fidy, &c. ; alfo two officers annually Ang!. ·a he~ w1tfi btr l<em, .d1c1cur anas l~ngam
chofen at Cambrid~e; to regulai;c the .true gage puUoruni '/iiua111 paft fc trahe11s 1 ct quoniam hi
of weights and i:nf·afures 1 they firll: origiaaccd. p.ulli 1n.atrem fuam profequuntur fingula.t im na-
fro!Jl the taxing, or rating the rents of houfes. tantes, et jull:um aliquod interll:itium fervantes
· TEACH; i un. ~eriv~s it a ti."""• pro A"~'.".~ · fe, for~afic prolixa fc~ies equorum_jugali_u1n
y.1, o14t11do, 111oilj/1·0 1 nam dountes mgnj/r4nf : ~111 ufde~ Angh.s ab fim1~1tudme fobolis anatmi'=
,referunt ~d A,.,.,·, unde ~·Y."'"1"°, dtcrda' : Cafaub. a Uam of horfts nuncu.p~tur : Ju~." -and from.
derivat a A1f"'"~"•• 0.are: aod. Skinn. derives it hence likewi!C feem· to have-fprung the ideas of
"a Sax. t:recan, doctre:"-it is true, all thefe wocds Iteming Cf(/ wat!r in :l long ihcatn ; and a /et-
.fignify toteacb:-butCafaub. above, feemsto have i11g woman, who has a nun1crous offspring walk-
gi-:en.thc .i:!cll: deriv. viz. a ;i..1.,,• .,, dcuo; whence 1 ing after her in a long co111ely 1rai1t. • .
teach, ,and taught ; for the' Northern nations con-· . TJ;:ENS, ·a contrachon of tbir:un, four um.
tinually changed A into T ; as il"f'"'"'• domo ; .fifteen; &c. and confequcntly derived a il'""'•
lo Tame, &c. &c. · Juens; ten. ·
TEAL 1 " Belg. H oll. tulingb ; q11erqurdu!11, TEGUtl<tENT 1 " :i:7,,_.,, abjefro I:, ttgo; ta
bofaas minor i hoc forte a v'erbo teden ; gignen, coo..;er, conceal ; ut a·t:.~iv..,, fa//q: Voir."
protrtart; ob numerofam quam ed it prolc1n : TEIL-tree; T,,;..,, T•A•, five T•>-091, procul;
Skinn." the wild dude, and drake, called teal, 011 unde telum; tela proprie dici videntur ea, qu~
accoi1nt of t heir numerous progeny : - but if mij}ilia funt ·: vel a B•A•<, telurn, '"" -rii B•.1'-
the Dr!s. definition amounts to any thing, this i.ia9"': ac telia dicitur, quod lignum ejus ad
word is in~irely Gr. and derived as in the art. telorurn ufum fii ut ile, ob levitatcm ejus :-there
TEEM; of whic.h it feems to be but a various is, however, another deriv. by M artinius, viz.
dialefr. a n1,;,,., quafi Ti-""• penn11 ; ne1npe ob foliola
TEAR in pitas; :i;..,.e»1'1«>, locerq; /q pull afundtr. albicantia, pemras referentia ; et T1~''"" '"''l'"f•"
'I'EAR and roar; " a tt11ri11g voice; feliciili1ne populus, a/nus ; a fpecie; of poplar, or altler-1r.t e:
allud it T•e" 961y,""'• ii 'f•f'"" terebro, perforo; Hefych.
i . e. 'UQ){ aert111 Urtbr11n1: Skinn." (J p ent/rating TELE- SCOPE; Ti>.0<, fi11is; et r ....,... video;
,,~ice, that peirtts the air. an optical inll:rument, Jo difanJCr obje!ls at tJ difla11u.
TEARS ; " <l"'xeuw, lacrym-e : by cbanging il T ELL ; or number ; " To""'• ptlido, 1tumtro;
i'nto 'I'; and then by contraa. Upt." Cafaub." to reekon, 1111mfer.
'fEAT; "T•1!:'• mamma ~a breaj/, or nifplc: TELL, to ta/kl" TtiV"".• _E•1i>.1'.., fll!J.ndo, fiui-
C afaub. and Upt. TELL-tale J endurn in;ungo: Cafaub."-" 111
TEAZE; il•~"' d11bito, ambigo ; lo doubt, ery'oin,comm111td,re/111t:"V'crfi. fuppofes it robeSax.
puzzle, ptrplex: or dfe from I:1•?.,, p1mgo; to urge, 'I'EMER !TY; To>.l"'e~;, vel A&tf'•;"''• temtre,
gall, or ~oad. . temiritas, audafltr ; 60/dly, rajhly: vel a Mt~•, per
T.ECHNICAL; T•x,••, ars ltcb11ica; an art,. metatb. temtlum, lt111u(e11tum 1 intoxicated ; ht11d·
t ailing, or trade. . j/rong, violent,
T ECHY; commonly written lttcby; "ht took T EMPER 'l_Tufx.1, fumigo : vc:I a ®<>A"'"'•
a tetcb, fcems co be only a various diaket for TEMPERANCES fovto 1 unde 9,.-",,.•r, ttp.r;
touch ; inclinable to be touched with wharever is unde tcmptrantia ; moderatt htol, and warmth.
faid, or done 2 Ray:" in the art. m~1tcbt :-but . TEl\1PEST; T"I""•. lune, te111P_11s, 1e111p1fla1;
TOU CH 1s Gr. t1me,feafon, wtatbtr; allo ftorm, wmd, hurricane.
TEDIOUS ; A,.r,.,, t.edio afficior 1 I am weary; 1'EMPLE; Tw.(3«v, et T'l"I""" honorare; unde
t.edtt; ii grieves me: R. Hlv,, fuavis, infuavis ;_ T'I""''' T'I"'"" temp/0111 ; a place ef public w~­
. 11nfleafant. /hip : " ochers derive it a T'I"""• f«o I T . ..,,.7,7.
TEEM: all our diet. make a difiinClion be- !'•I''""• x"' "'"f'~I"'"' •l•f' X."'f'~' : ct generntim

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. '.I' B From G R £ 1 x, and L A T 1 1r, .'T .E
. fumit'Ur pro portio11e agri a!J :a/iiJ rtfttli; camen c
gant ufpiani, vel locis fuperioribus decidaht r
pturimun1 dicitur de agro, qui deo alicui, vd Volf."-and this may, perhaps, account for that
heroi, fit facratus ; arque -ab ea T1141.. nocione terror which is generally apprehended at being
temp/Nlfl vocatur; a ccrcain portion of ground fat alone in the dark ; not arifing from any real ter-
apart, Jeparated, and tonftcrated _Jo religio11J p11r- ror in Jarlcnefs itfelf, but as ir deprives us of fo
pojes : ttinplum enim veteres vocabant locum, mucJ1 light to guide,. and proceCt ourfdves from
qui · ab omni parte adfpi~i ; vel e.x quo ornnis the danger of running again ft any oppofttc. body,
pars vidcri !'Ote.ft: Voff."-fo juftly applicable o: ?ffal.ling over it, or tumbling clown fo1nc pre-
is that line in Pope's Univerfal Prayer; c1p1ce, if we acjvancc a ftep or two ; and there-
' To Thee, whofe temple is all/pact : fore we are, as it were, btld, j/ope, and reftrained
-Cle!. Voe. 67, n, ~ivcs us this Celtic d~iv. of' from going any farther, till the . light comes 1
temple; viz. " t' imp-11/.; any given fpace fup- and then a)I our fears are over :-Ciel. Voe. 169,..
pofed, full of a divine Jpirit :"-but imp is moft and 1.91, n, derives ttn(hr,r from the Celt. thus;
probably .G r. . /tin; fire; light, or the fli11J" ten-eb.r-41";
TEMPI.,ES of the bead; " ttmpus vero cu1.n ebb ; privaticn dark.ntjs ; or
JCeo'l<>f,.,·p~rum capitis notat, a I'!tf"» et T114f3•0 11r; t imt; or lh<bour the hour of
dicitur: If. \ 7off:'' vel a Tlf'f''•Y, 'T'f"-~1'- bonorart j te; idiornatic; 39 i11 bor1C ev ening :''- •
Hefych. becaufe the ttmpks of the bead are the to trace_ the word farther, we lhall find, that every·
feat of honor, being furrounde.d by crowns, dia- one of rts. component parts <1rc Gr. ; thus, tti11>,
dems, and all the oroamencs of regal dignity. tan, or l ine (tine the Oant lightning, fays Mit-
'l'EMPORAL; "To140~,1u11c,tempus;time: Voff." roo) originates from T .. -9..>.ror, cal/jdtts, f ervidus ;
TEMPT ; T ..,.,, .IEol. 1''""' te11do, unto; at- to kindle ; for ebb, fee EVE ; for ur,. fee· '
_tempt, af!ai!, · aj]aillt. H O UR: Gr.
TEMULENCY; M19v, per metath. 0114v, te- TEN.NIS; " accipe quod Ctltz, omnium in,
111et11m, temultnlum; intoxi&aled with j/ro11g wine. hac ane peritiffimi," fays Skinn. " dicere (olent,.
TEN, A,..,, decem, dnti; ten. cum pila1n percu1iunc, ttnez : vcl a .Fr. Gall.
TEN-ABLE; T ....,, .IEol. T, ..,,, 1tndo; vctcres ltnte; tentorium ; quia JC. fub lentoriis plerumque·
pro lento dixerc leno ; unde tetini, pro tmui : luditur:"-from both which explanations rhe :Or.
unde te1111,~, acis; to hold, otcupy, poffeft. ought to ha1<e found that it was Gn. ;, fee T-E-
.TENCH, tin&a; the fijh Jo &ailed. NAClOUS, and 1' ENT : both Gr..
TEND ; T"'"'• te11do ; an t1tdta'tlo111-, a leaning TENOR; T,,,.,, tendo ; vetercs pro teno11 dixere
toward ; a11mti.11, i11di11atio11. tonor, qtiafi ~ 'l•c;.,o{, ffi>ius ; an ordtr, tonti11ua11'e~.
TENDER, or proffer; TH•w, To;;, te11do, pro- conflanl ccurfa ; alfo tbc t on1, or accent of a word.
tmdo; lo hold forth; lo offer, to make nd'tlantes.
TENDER; n /mall /hip, that AT-TENDS
all a greater : G~-,
TENSE, T"I'-"• lune, tcmpus rtbe time of al/ion.
1'ENSlON Tavw, tendu, lento, /en/are.; IP
'fENDER, ;oft; " T'f"" by tranfp. T""f•
tener; mild, ![tntle, etify: Upt." TEN'r-wint ; " Hifp. vino ltnto,. vinu111-
T ENDON; T"'"'' 'undo, tendints; mu/des, tin fiu111 ; fie dictum vinua1 e Gallzcia Hifpaniz-
ntr'Uts, or jibrts. nobis ad·vectu1n a rubidine valde faturfi, et in-
TF.N.D RIL; " Fr. Gall. tendril/on; (apreolus jig1Ji : Skinn., as· quoted by Lye :"-but neither
'IJitiJ: Minlh. ddlcclit atenendo, quia uvas tenet: of them would uace it to, t he Gr. tho' the
maUem," fays Skinn. " ii tendendo :"-then the deriv. was fo tafy ; viz. O""' Tiyx1.,, vin11m tint-·
Dr's. maJ/em amounts to juft nothing; for both . JJ.c1>1 t 1e11l-tuine, or ratlter lt11tJ-w ine ; :1.S if it wa.s
t e11e11do and tendendo, originate ii T"'"'• le11eo,, et artificially tinged of a deep red color.
tendo ; 'not for the reafon here given by Min(h. 1 'EN'f for a wound; " videri poteft tenli!
guia w:;as te11et; but becaufe th~tendrils. of ~vine nomen a tentando defu1nptun1 ;, quod pr.ioous po~
exte11d to, a/lli lay bold on all tbmgs •. tiorque cjus ufus olin' fuerit vulneris modum.
, TENEBROUS,_" c...~·~•r, quaft denifri!; tent~ profunditatemque perteRtarc :. :"':"'"but this.
/;r41 ; dark, gloomy : vel q1,Jod "'">.''Y"'1'f'"> ut ii is not going far enough; for we have fecn· tha!:l
. 11erto vertebrd!; ajalio,jakbrd! ; a /a/to, /atebr,e; ttnlo originatc-s 3. Tflrw, tendo, Jtnto .
et :t' jtat~o, Jcatebr.41 ;. 1ta
. qµoque a' Ienco, ltnt- TEN Ul·TY ; 'T111<,.,,_:1 T"'"'• tendo; uncle u-
br41 ; non quidem quod umbras 1t11ea11t, quatn n11is, 1&11ui1as; jlim, taper., jiendtr·; u if. j/rtubt,
· nominis. rationen1 afferct llidor. fed pocius quod out into length without breadth.
. homines in lt11ebris. quafi tt11tanJur,. nee liberc TEPID; Tuf»,. 1epeo, futnigo· :: vel a a .......,,.
{i; commovcre audeant ; met11entes ne impin- fo'l!eo, calefario ;, to.w.arm1 ,J;rr.ijb. 'omfort.

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From G 11. 1 z ic:,. and LA T r n·~ T .E
'T.ER£BRATION; 1'•t"" i T"e"• ttro, tere- ab Ef•» quomodo Grzcis vocatur ; unde fortalfe
/Jr.o ; to bor1 lbrougb. . Ee•f3o<, Ereb11s, quiajubttrranros; nili n1alis E(llln,
. TER-GEMINI; Te•,·•f'I"''°'• ter-grmini, trr- elfe ab Et'f"• 1tgo: Volf. ..-tbt tarth, ground, or
<tmj11ntli ; tbru juined in a birth: R. A,,.7.,, jungo; foil :-wich regard to the !aft word of this art.
/O joill., 1111itt. viz. ltrritary, it fe'ems to be a con1pound ; for
'fERGI-VERSA1'ION : "T'f'"' lEol. pro the former part of which, this deriv. will only
%7'f."°'' qood lonicunl, ct id~m cft ac f3ve""• eorium account : the latter is thus explained by Volf.
p DLis, ti6rf11"' : et Tf..,."• quafi fire7•i, fltrto, ver- de P ermuc. lie. " tm:itarium dicrun1 el? quafi
fat~ : Votl'."-tergutn-verfllrt; ID flfnl tbe bade, tritoritmf, feu potius Ee"·Te•f3,;., lerra-Jrita bubils
/ii:•·n euwarJ hi tbt day of /J4t1/e. et aratro : condiruri en.irn civitates, taurum in
TERM; T•fl'"• T1e14••«• Urminus, meta; tln d(xtra, vaccam in liniftra~jungebant'; ' et cioe!i
md, /iou11dary, or goal. ritu Gabino, i. e. too:e parte eaput velati, pane
1'E RM·time: Ciel. Voe. 13, n, tells us, that fuccincli, tc-nebant ftivao1 obliquam, ut gleb:t
" ltrm- fitn< is- only a -contraction of ligliearn-time; or"!!nes intrinft:cus caderent ; ,et ita . liilco dullo,
exprefling the ceremony of crowning the Druidi- loca delignabant murorum, · atatrum ·fufpendemcs
cal May-pole with the garland ; as a fymbol of circa loca p9rtarum: Scrvi ~s, ad j£n; Y . 755:-
<Clpc:-ning the feflions ; wKich ceremony was al- Clel. Voe. t 28, would denve " earth; or tme·
ways perfofmcd by the lheri!f, who was antiently ftrial, frorn che Celtic ·l ir: or, p. 162, fer (for
called 1h1tirean1 (che c converting into g, and t'er) the 1ar1h :"-which, furely, came from Ei.,
then afplratiog, by a g(neral rule) forms t ig• ttrra ; the ear1b.
JJear11. : "-and this, he foppofes to be t he cti- 1'ERROR; T«;oc~«•, perierrefacio, ttrribilis;
rno!kofTve«•"'•; which being granted, ftruek toilh fear ; alfo flrii:ing f ear into n!IJ or.e:
we need not difpuce the priority. Volf. derives it "a Te''" trttno, t errro; to 1n111ik,
T ER -MAGANT l" quidani, · iique non i.n - or bt in fl f right :"-bur perhaps it might be bet-
T ER-MEGANT S doe1i viri, fal:h im volunt ter to dcr.ivc it ii 'l'"'i'l3"'-••<, terribilis; dntul/ HI,
.fX Jtr-mng1111s : Lye :"-and why this gentlem an horrible.
lhould reject that dcriv. would not be fo <:afy to 'rERSE : Tne"'' Tie"" 'l're'" unde Te;f3., ttro,
.fay, Jince he has gained no odvantage by it:- trrfus ; worn, feouretf, brighte11ed; alfo the w1ar
·b ut " n1ihi videtur, continues he, elfe purum and /ear of all)' thing.
putum Saxonicum, a pnrticula tjp ; qure od- TERTIAN ; Tf'"• Te•1o:, ltrlitts ; the tbir,f
Jel!iv)s prrepo!ita fignificacioncm intendir, quoCi day, &c.
, ,ad ttrtium gradum ; ct ma;i;a, vd m'1;i;a·n, pota1s, TESSELLATED, T ..·~'f"• t1fa!ln, hoc eft
compoGtu m; prorfos, ut ab t.'-;lb1;s, buuus; happy, 911atttor, 911adra/a; f aur; al!O faur-fquare; cbu-
·fit t:yjl· tab13, beatij/imus; moft happy, (or rather ker-work, mo/aic, wrought with fmall pieces of
Jbriu-bappy} lie 2 ma;i;an fie tjp-ma0an, polen-· ma1·ble, cut f our-[qu11re. ·
ti.ffimus; moft powerful (or thri<t·po1cerf11l) h;cc TEST ACEOUS, T" f"'• qu a norac E•e•""• tor-
prima foa fignificatio; nunc vero niirifice mutata rro, toflus, 1.-j !11, quail tojla ; a burnt brid, tile,
-transfrrrur ad denotandan111111/irrrm ri.tef.'lm; eam, &c. : alfo /he /hell of a Ji.fh.
qu:?: cuique fibi obviam facto ftrepitu, pugnaque TES.T ; " 0 ..,..,, lex : unde· 01~"f• tcfiiI, quaG
·verborum parata eft ad conccrtandum :"-a per- thd/is, according Cfl Scaliger ; wllich was ufed in
fetl /brew: all this obfervation is vety juft; and, the anticot tongue co exprefs wi1n1fas; and came
had the etym. been as juft, we might have ac- from e,..9,.,, p•ntrt, Jcp6·ntrr: N ug," - " non
quiefoed in it; but it fcems rnanifrtl, chat boch dubitandum, .. fays Voll'. "quin trjfis V(niat i
ier· tnagnus, and 't:yp-ma3•, ore derived a 're'" f'" ®"""f• quoniodo anciqua lingua dicitur o M«fi" •
?'"''• l t r : -afccr wh ich, all is plain; for nempe a e ...e..., quia diccbant Mur1"e" 9,~9..,, U(
·; c will undoubtedly be granted, chat magn·us apud Hcfiud. Ee'I'· A. 368 ;
·and polrns, that m11g11ares and potertltS, are the fa1ne. Jt:t, Tt ><a1r1'Yt'n1~ '}'tA«11eir :
t'l':'i p.«~1ce• Si~&.,
TERMS, or eourfas (T•I'' '• 11111<, trmpJJs; lime, 0c.-9a1 undoubtedly conjugat~s vet T1&0J"1 a e.,,
• TERMS in law ~ ./fated, and periodical. pono ; undc aor. ~. rned. infin. 0 ..9.., : aod no
TERN ARY; 1'f"~' tre:, tcrnarius; tbru, or · doubt but from hence, in all our law courts, trit--
. /;c/011ging to three. , ntffes are called deponents, who, by cheir attef11-
·11on, depojite their evidence on, to the btft
·r~ ERRA-/i1:mn \" vel a T"f"'> i. e. E•e"'""''
1 ERR ACE · fiao ; quomodo Hefyt+ of their knowiedgc, the truch, che whole trotl1,
T ERRlE-.flius ;-'P· lEoL 'l'!f~'7"' '! E•f"''~'?". and not hina but the truth; fo help them God:
TERRl-1 ORY o.-o ''""• nempe a jicatau which depojitiqn is fometimcs rtccived on afftr11a·
id terra: nomen ·datum : vcl potius terra fuerit. ticn only.

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~T ~ ,From G \ s..1t it, and LAT 1.N. ·T H
TETHER·; "j1H11t11tl illfliflitlllis r11i11at11l' ;· Jun. lias givrn 'u t ftill another , ·vjz •. <Jfei<T.i1;f"'~·
forte a Lat . t111tor; quia fc, jumentum te1111, v ...przt, med. a Toen•, lignifican.te ~·4 'ltk lir.g, .
rttinet, ne e_vagetur: Skinn.''-confequcntly Gr. p/:,,,tro; quod f"ccda licca: fquaqlln1<1reqpe· f~'llbid
-Lye fays, " 01nnino pe1c ab Iceland. ti11er; illuvics iotam ·cutcm ptrjtJral :" it·is in Latin gt-
j1Jnis, quo equos, vcl pecora, liga11i: quod nullus ncrally called impetigo, and is a cutaneous difor-
du!!ito, quin faetum lit ab Hib. tead; f"ms,' dcr of the ltprous cribe; fo finely defcribcd l)y
junicu!ils, re}iis :"-but, lince this rqpe, or tttbtr, Shakcfpear, in his Ha111/e1 1 act i. fc. 8 1 where
or 1cdd1r, or tt~tber, or lt«d, is made ufc of to tie his father's ghoft givcs ·this account of his having.
the .catde with,tetbtr is very probab.l y only another, been poifon~d; '
dialeCl: for tied together; confcqucntly Gr.; fee. llceping within mine orchard,
'TIE: Gr.. My cuftom always in an afternoon,
. TETRA-CHORD: T'""e•-x•el•, contraCl:ed Upon my fecret hour thine uncle fiole,. :
to ·r,1e"X!el01, fudl111Jr conflrutlus cborJis, ttlrd· W ith juice of curfed Hebcnon in a vial,.
tbordum ; a four-flri11ged i11flrummt. And in the porches of mine ears did pour
TETRA-G.O N, T11e"-'1'"'"1• Jt1ra-go1111s i a ma- The leperous dillilhnent, whofc effea:
thematic al 6gui:e exacUy four-fq11are: R. T11e•, Holds fu_ch an en!"lity wit~ b!ood 'Of man, ·.
'Jlldluor; ct r ...,,., angulus; an angle. That, fw1ft as quickfilvcr· 1t courfcs t·hrougli·
TETRA-GRAMr.1ATON, T11e"'l'f"l'l'"1'., The nat'ral lanes and allies of the body,
teJragrammaJon, ex quatuor iiteris tonfta111; the in- And with a fuddcn vigor it doth p~lfct
cffablc naine of G~ in Hebrew, confifiing of And curd, like cager droppings into milk,
thcfe four klltrs, i'11n' which the Jews held it un- The thin, and wholefome blood : fo ~id _le·
lawful to pronounce. mine,
TETRA-Pl'OTE, T17e"·•1..7oi, tetra-ptolon ; And a molt inftant TETTER batll'd abour.,.
a noun declined with only fo1Jr ca/es: R. Tr7f"'• . M oft lazar like, with vile: and loathforne cruft
q1Ja/11or; Ct rrlwf'•<• ca/us. All my fmooth. body.-- . ·
TEJR-ARCH; T11e"ex•<,lltrarcbes, exT111"f"'• TEXT lT..17w, T«fw, ordino 1 quo fila.
· ~t AfX"': Litt. and Ainfw. very. jufily explain TEXTURES artiticiofe junguntur; imdc Jexo,
11 ltlrarcb qy a gO'IJtrnor of 011/y a fo11r1b part of a Jo Wtll'Vt ; ltX/tiS; the fubjtfl of a Jifcourft: ".
&OWllYJ: and Volf. obferves_, that, Hen. Stephens · THANE; " Sax, 'l5Cbn, '&-;;en 1 'Vir f1Jrtt1,
in Ling. Gr. Thefaur. fufpicatur lt1rarcbt11 dici, nobilis, gtntro/111; mi11ijltr, ftr'Vus, fatrt1pa i. hoc il
qui qur.l111Jr prO'Vincios adminijlral 1 fed on1nino verbo 'lSeman ; · ftrvire, ~bflqui; quia fc. t ales·
fallitur, fays he, narp fie vocatu~ qui T•1e"'"• regis beneficiarii fervi ct fatellites erant: Run.
five quadrtJnlem regionis pleno jure' regit: exempli Dan. lhtgn; 'Vir1 i.e. regis vir, vel homo:
gratia; ';rbelfa.lia divifa erat in 9aatuor T11e"'"• Cafaubon ddlcltit a Ehr, ftr1111s: Skinn."-and
fc. e'""'""'7", n.~....y,.,7,., ~9,..7,., 'H.,..,..,1., : his we may fuppofe, that the Dr. on no account,.and·
fingulis contlitue~at Phjlippus Macedo dynaftam, on no confitleration· w.hatever, would admi~ that
a quo pleno regerentur jure; erant igitur Ulrar· his barbarous and Got hic words· above quoted,
cbi.e : -and thus we !ind in Luke iii. r, that in were deri~ed from the Greek, though they all.
the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius C~far, fignified the fame thing : the"re is however- an-
Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod ocher deriv. from the Gr. which. may. d11ferve·
tetrarch of Galilee; his brother Philip lt/rarch of mentioning; viz. that ISe:!)n, ·'cSe:!)en, and ibtg11,
lturea, and of the region of Trachoniris ; and may originate a a,..... quali 01•••« '6e6n,,Jignus i
Lyfanias was at the faine time/tlrarcb of Abilene. idem quod il.1x1or, '°'''YI'""• gral«s, act~pius·; il
'fETRA-STlCH, T•1e"nx•;, ltlraflicus, feu 11•;:(•1""-'• capio 1 worthy, bonourable, rtttivtd i11lo
tx quatuor <•nflans 'Vtrjibus; an epigram of four fiJVIJr, highly acapltd; alfo ~lory acqui1·ed: and !yet
'lltr/ts: R. T11f"• qualuor; ct I71x,or, 'OtrfllJ. the former deriv. ought to be preferred '; be-·
. 'fETRA-SYL-LABLE, T•7e«,.vAA..(3or tetrafy/. caufe, as_Verfr: obferves, "the -pr.incc<of \.'.Vales;
/4~us, q11a1uor b4ht11s jj//11b11s.; a word conlifting of the kyng of England's eld.eft fo.nile, is wont ro ·
four ft/lab/es. vfe for his poefy (>fter our ancient Englifh fpeech)'
T ETTER-worm 1 .A"I'"• quafi 'I'""''"'• t,etlio the woords It dit11, for· /(b thia11; i. e-• ./ fai'IJt<:'
11.fficior; t~det, ltter, undc et J,eltr fcribendu111 where the reader is to remember, tha( d and tb
nonnulli putant: Skinn. has gone no farther was in our ancient language ind ifferently vfed :'1- ·
than It/rum 1 uplefs .it be to hint · at another ; nay, it might notbeamifstojoin bochrhefl!deriv.·
dcriv. " vel ii tartaNJ cbymicoruin, quod .Fr• • and"c;ompole the word /bane, of Eil~11nd 'a•y14'••f• ·
Gall. lilrJrt appcllarur; quia fc. hie morbus a :contraltcd ioto 9''YI+• or ~he Run. Dan. tbexn: iln<i'
'"''"'' exuflo cutcm cxcdcnte -ortu• crcditur :" : then converted inco./bont: fee lCH THlEN.

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T H From Ga 111 K, and LAT 1 N. T H
THANKS.; " Alman. tbankan ; Belg. dancken ; THEIST; e ..~. Deus; God; one who acknow4
gratias agere ; v.i derur ell'e a Sax. '6encean; cogi- : ledges the being of a God; but rejeas Revelation.
./are, mn11jniffe•: Jun."-then it is a wonder that THEME; " e,,.,., tbema ; a fubjtfl, ·o r argu--
1his great cty1nol. did not derive it fror:1 tbinl-, YMllt: R. T.9"1"'• pono : Nug." lo lay tiofl»l a !'#Ji:.
which h e himfolf acknowledges, after Calaub. to lion ; to give ii JubjtB to wrilt on.
·be Gr.; n1eaning by than/ts to th.i nk of a favor '.fliEN ; " OJ,.,, per apb:er. Belg. tian 1 Alm.
with a grateful remembrance; to call to mind, to than ; /1111c, 111111, CllllJ: Jun." whe11, afterwards •
.,-ecof/ a favor done :' and therefore to return our after that.
t hnnk1, is co renew our tbo11gbts of a favor paft: THENCE; " Minlhew dictum putat quafi
fee THINK: .Gr. there bttut; fays Skinn." without giving any dcriv.
THANUM-FOORTH, "tbente-foortb: Verfi." and therefore it is probable he relted in th is 1 but
-but both arc Gr. it feems co be derived from the foregoing arr.
T HAT: "Sax. '6ret; Belg. dat; i}le, ij111d; when it relates to time; as when we fay 1be1rie
illud: Skinh. and L ye:"-it feems to originate ab for'JJard ; after, or from that lime.
-0.-.,, Or, is, ea, id; quafi ad; by tra11fpofition 'fHEO-CRITlJS i e,.Kf•l•r, 'l'btotrit111; " ,a
tlat ;, that. proper name," fays Nug .." which fignifies tht j11dge:..
T I-IATCH; " ltflum culmis conClcrnere, vel mtnl of God: R. 01"• De11s; and "'1'"'• dico •
ftramine contegtrt: Jun."-to which L ye. adds, . /\~yor, -ftrmo :"-here mu ft certainly be fome
" Sax. l5ecc1an, be'lieccan ; Suec. ttulta ; eft a millake, either in the original, or · the copy, o;
Sax. '6ac, et 'lSrec; tefJum :"-but, arc not all the compoliror, or in fomobody ; for we cannot
·.thcfc, Northern words e vidently deri ved from the fuppofe, that the Dr. hi1nfelf could poffibly de-
firft fyllable of tee-tum? and is no t ttflum derived rive <[heo-critus ii. 01<r-»1rw:-he mu ft undoubte~ly
a tego ! and is not ttgo derived a 2:111'"'• tego ; have intended CO fay, li!Jl•<~•f>VW,judfro; 'Tbto-eritllS;
abjccto l: ?-all fignifying to co-.;er with any rna- i\ Xfl~~, Uncle Xfi'111;, jwfe>:; Ct x:i~Jf> juJitiUl/I .•
terials; the pnly point is 10 <letern1inc in which judgement.
language it fignificd lo co-.ier firft : however here THEO-DORE 10,.s~eor, 'l'beodorr1s; the gift
,i t fignifies to c..utr JJJitb Jlraw, Jedf.e, rujbes, rud ; THEO-DORIC of God : R. 0,,,, Deus; e t
fo grandly exprefied by Virgil in his admirable ti.we•'> tlcm1m; a !!.iJI: Verfr. p. 251, under the
,defcription of lEneas' ftiield: Mn.VIII. 6 54 ; art. dtwght-rit, fays, " it is now vulgarly in the
Romuleoque recens horrebat regia crt!mo. Netherlands written dierit ; and in Latin, and
THAW ; "Belg. daM~ue, d~11w; Tcut. taw; after the Latin, I know not with what reafon,
ros: Belg. dDytn ; dtg'elare, rtf.tlare 1 1'eut. lawtn; n1ade 'I'heodor11J, and "(beodoric :"-but here che
rorare : vide dew: alludit Gr. 9,.,: Skinn."- good old gentlema11 is evidently m.iitakcn; for
properly fpcakiog, ®'" lignifies curro ; a nd thus "lhtodoruJ is Of~t L>tin, but Gr. as we have
we fomecimes foy . of ice, when it begins , to teen abov•. · .
lht;w; ~nd of metals, when they begin lo melt, 'fl-JEO-D.O SIUS; 0ro/oq"'• 'I'beodoji111; the
that chey ru11 :- if we are to refer thaw co dew, gift cf God: R . 0 t H, Dms ; et Jl.•~•r, donum ; a
the Dr. cells us, u hder chat art. chat alludit Gr. gift: R. t!uJ~I''· •
Afv:.:, rigo ; Jo water, or to ,11,oifle11 ; as ice, anll THE O-LOGY; 0 101'•')'•"• tbeologia; divinity:
fnow, when t he y begin to n1elc :-Ciel. Way. 52, R. e ..,, Deus; et A•y«, farmo; ~ diftourft,fy11rm,
would ,derive " tbaw from tb(-t1W, q. d. tbe waler or trtaiifa.
returns ; or tbe ia, and foow, liquifies :"-but aw, l'Hl!,0 -PH ILUS; " 0 .. q11>.or, '1btophi/11s; 6e-
.t au, and thaw, do all originate ab ·r-t'"f• aqua ; k-r;ed cf God: R. 01", De11s ; et 911."'" amo; l •
wattr. · Ntig.''
[v,Jt: ·
. THE ; " Belg. de; Teuc. dit; articulus ; ut 1'HEOREM ; " 01we'"• conle111pla1io11, confidt-
u, Fr. Gall. et ~. ii, T~; Gr.: Fran. Jun. de ratian, fptculalia11 : R. 0£pr.o.'·"t&~, video : Nug. 11

~leflcdit a ti.'"": Skinn;" . TflERAPEUTIC; e'f"'"•1•••r, tbtrapeutita ;,

THEA'f 1 "frrm, flamub; fpoken of. barrels, officio/as, obfaqui~J11s ; cfficioufnifs, obfaquioufnifs :•
when they do noG run : Ray :''- had this gcntle- Il... E>re«1l'1v~1 ftrvio ; Jo he fitbftroient.
1nan .but wnfi\lered, . chat .i heat was ~e more chan THERIACAL; e.e....~. thtriaca; treacle; an-
a different otthogr. of tbi~ht 1 and that they both tidotus adverfus vcnenum ; a remedy againft
of chem .wefe only a various d ialect of T IGHT, poifon. .
h.1; tl\ight 'have feen chat they were all Gr. · THERMO-METRE!. 01el'•r, term-e; hot; et
l"HEA.TR.E ;,..,'. 9,,.7~,,, Jbtatrum.; the .place. M•lf'" mtnfura; meaf11rt: 1nft'rumentmn philofo-
.'ltfiqre plays :ll'e aeted ; R. e"''I'""• video ; .. to phicu~ ae~is tempt1'amtnl11tt1 oltendens ; a phi-
fte ~ Nu~." . . .. lofophical 1nftrumcn1, mt11fm1rg the pegrce of·
.... , . ' beat

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T. H Frbn'I G 1t r l "• and L ,\ T r N. T H
. .
lnat ill the air, and all other bodi~; a btal- fyllablcs, 1be-en-ak, i. e. in a paraphralive l:l'antlr-
111tafurer-. · tion, I do make Jht wing out ro be fo : ok is ra-
.1'flESSALO-NJC_I\; I' e.......~.... ., a ciry of dical to mdkt, of ago:"'-but if ak gives origin
·Macedonia, which rook ·its name from a jignal to ag-o, it is Gr.: fee AGENT, and MAKE:
vitlory obtained there liiy Philip king of Macedon; and t11, as, in the foregoing arr. is Gr. likewife .
. as '!'uch as to fay, vil1oria J 'I'beffi1/is rtpfJf'talfl: TI-IIRD, Te•1•<, tertiru; the third: R. Tt"'• tbrtt.
ll. N,.., vitlgria: 'fbejfaly before was called Ho/in, THIRST; "0't"'• fu.r. 0,e:;, lEol. e,e .."'•
i. e. a fta-.port or nJariJime low11; ab ·-.4._A f, «>.."~' 0:ec:-r;y.ttor, califa<,io ; cattfa jitis ejJ 1jlas, calorque :
mart; lbe-/ea. · U pr."-bc/ twd dry.
THEY; "Sax. ht; ilfi; '.f~ut. }it; Sax. au- THIRTE.EN '/Te·~•o:1J,.~, lrederim1Belg. Jcr- .
tcn1 lit, a Lat. bi, vel ii, faris manifefl-e onum TI·llRT'Y 5Te'''""1", trigi11ta Jig.
ducit : Skinn."-and- yet tire Dr. could nor, or THIS, Oor.i, o,, is ; that.
would nor, fee that the Lat. bi as fa tis manifefic Tl-IIS-TLE, .i.~9«1'•;, infe/icitrr vire11r; ill.
-0rtum ducit a-Gr. o:, bi; 1bife. growing 'l.Pud.:-" a Germ . . dijlel: vide, inquir ·
THICK }" " ""'" n v.i•o;, /piffia; denfas ; Wachtcrus, annon carduus fie ditlus cit, quoa
THICKET unde Sax< ~tc'ce, tt ~tccet:·cu; rangentes pungat; ii 'Sax. 'liyban, pungert; ut
.Joea·ft.inis to~denfa, dumetum; a place 1hitl:-fe1 with primo fuerit 1hydfel, i medio dcrivandi ftl, et
thorns : Ski no." pofl:ea rranfpofiro Ii bi lo tbyflel :"-this feems as
THI EF; " Sni<. ':Sci•r:; Belg . die/; Teur. if thiftle was compounde'1 of <l.vr, male; and I'J,y.,,
ditb; fur: Skinn."-and ye1 the Dr. in his own prm.ea ; to fig nify the ill-fli11p11g planr.
l anguage, tho' ao etymol. "writes it 1heef:~but 'f H OLE; "lol•rare, perftrrt: L ye :" f~e TO·
there is fon1erhiog more material ro add from L ERA'fE: Gr.
Jun. viz. ,, Omnia fing11larem. hab.enc affinitarcm 1 ' HOl.'vlAS, " e"'•""'' 'l'hcmas, a 0..""""h mi-
CUl)l A11fiv, quod l'ieJych. exp. ?>;7«v, .),.>."ti'> rtrbi/iJ ; admirab/,•: }{, @«vi'"?"'• ntiror l to WOii•
- q11terert, ' p~r·"
•ett1l'~1', tier: N .1. ug." '
1 trulari, in-vejlig art;
unde n1x;w· l•~·1~e. idem quod n1x;i>·e•x•r, rffrnl101· THORN, " origo vocis vidctur petcnda i
paritt1im, fu1· >1ol111rnu1 :••-an;• 6ne u ho '1reak1 tbrtJ'
ToeQ~. ptnetrans, at;1mi>u futJ ptrJranjiens: alii
·Walls; a nightly houfe-brenktr, <I thief tanien potius habent deduccrc a T Vff<>, quod
T l-llM BLE; "digi1nle; quafi pol/i(t;re: idem efi cum T"e"" molejliti efftcert, erudore,
-<lietum purat quafi tbumb-bell, in fonna campanre ·v exore: lie T rf" accepit is, qui arguinentun'I
fimili; et citat vocem Belg. duym-belle, idem fig- fcripfir Oedipodis tyranni Sophoclci, ranquarn
-nancem; Ced apuo Kilianurn non invenio: Skinn." ex eo deri• arum lit Tvf""'"f: .diClus eft T•e«n•r,
- bur under t he arc. Jbumb, 1he Dr. either did inquit, ""1" ~~ i1vl-''" quali Tuf"' '""' ~~.,, ""'
find it, or borrowed it without recollc:oCtiog the '"'"' '"'' 'f"" to priree, gall, or go.{d the peop)e ':
author's name ; for t here he fays, " thumb, ii Jdyc."
Belg. duym :"-let n1e only obferve, that thi s TI·IORN.'EY-nbby : Ciel. Voe. 67 , n, plairly
dcriv, appears odd, that it fhould be called a and evidentiy fhe,vs, that "two fuch minfiers ..
thumb-bell, becaufc worn on tbt finger : -TE-lU M13 as Wejlminjler, and Ely. c.uulrl not poffibly ha,•e
.however is Gr. agreed to r~ct·ive the name of 'Tb<t·ney from the
THIN, "T""'" lendere, ftnuis; ut proprie fit weak fuppolicion of their having a .fe w, or ever\ ·
i r,lcn\ quod T17.,,.r, t:ttentus, pl;rretius; nam q ua: a number of 1bar11-bufhes growing round them:"
ex/e11du111ur, ea a/len11an/11r; ut liquct in panni s, he therefore, with much greater reafon, derives
laminis, atquc aliis: Volf. " fine, j/ender, fiim; the name of'I'boriuy as "a variation of earney, or
flretcbl out. . carn-ry; the church, which alfo inch:ded a place
TH INE; " I:••, Dor. T•••• lu1t111: l J pt." - of jujlitt :"-and in p. t ~9• he fays, " in Bri-
JOllrs, bt /01r!(i11g to y()IJ. · rnny, in France, at a place called, there
THING; "Ti, 'f,..,., <Jliquid; by changing ']' eKifi 10 this day the ruins of an ancient carncy,
inro. TH : U pt."-fomething, a11y-1hi11g, no-Jhing: or plate cf judicature, whence it takes its· name;
-Ciel. \Vay. 5~, gives a much better d eriv. as Weflminflt1'-trbby was once calk<l the thornry
from the Celtic particle tbt, and the old word tn (tbt tnr11-ey) obby, fron1 th at circ umftance: and
(quali the.en) which tignifics tnlity :"-confe- l ~epeat this with plcafure, as ic may fatisfy fomc
quently.Gr. .from 1:\ui, che participle of which i·s readers t6 find, tha_t the very lpot ip which (or
.,., "'"• ov, tns; unde en :; bting, t111ity. v_e ry near which) the law is at this infiant a<l-
THINK; " a.~"" vidfti.; q.uafl din/:; .a.••., mini.fiti"td (in' We!tminfl-cr-ball) was in all fiu-
f'•» metbinkttb: Cafau b."-Clel. Way. 52, fay" n1an probability the very fpot in which th<:' .
that "· Jhink is con1po!ed of no lefs than ·three anticnt Britons, or Celts, he ld their courts · of
J P jufticc.

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·'r H From G!lE ·E~, an9 LATI. N. T Ii
jull:ice, for 3ges before the ·Roman invaGon, or ad gregum et armentorum cuftodiam. fub dio
'brfore 'the Saxon re-vind ication of the territories excubare folitum: Skinn."-to which· let me add
0£. tlieir Brititb ancefrors ; t h:it is to fay, if they from Jun. E>ve"v>.or, an.It januam tX(Uons, Joris
were the .IE;1ii, or a b'rarlch' of the Ai,/lii, as ptrnof/ant: liefych.. Certe 0uecn>.o'> exp. Tor
there are great re_afons for hciieviog they were:" 1J'o114i1tWv o: °'1r·oxG1101> illi inter paftores> qui cxcra
-but ftill the etym. is Gr. ; for if '"'"• furn, :cdes focubant; unde mox fequitur 0•f0<•>-•<i, •1,
kirn, and kirk, be the fame, then they al l origi- 0veW., dt'7;1e•/3.,tt•, ec 0u~v~v, 'E{¢ 9veW,. ""'>.'{''~:
.Jute ii K•e"cr, cirtus; a tirdt , the form of t he one who iike a fiave was forced to keep watch
ilruchtre in which the ancient car11s were raifed : in upen air, and flu p without doors, abroad, ••I
and <)' we have feen is Gr. tbt boufa.
· Tl-IOROUGH-/are: both Verlt. and Lye de- TI-I RASH, " in the \"Ieftern dialeCl: lo Jrafo,
rive this word a Sax. '6upuh, vcl '6uph; ptr; et ..,,.. T;; ae"'l'l'!•ff>, manip11/~s eo/l~~er· : Ae•rl"'•
fUJlall; irt; lo go through, a paffege, through wbi<h mar.ipulus; abufivc pro ipjii fageu: II. A. 69; .~
:wt may go : Verft. indeed writes it " dure, and It Ae"'l'l""1" T.xe~·· ,,.,,1.,, mimipuli <tJero crrltri t11-
Jurb-fare, or tborow-pajfagt :"- their. interpreta- du111: Upt.''-this is fcarce appli,(:able to our idea
tions are proper, but their etym. dubious; for of tbrujhing out torn ; belides, Homer is there
'6u)luh, and dure, like our word door, are evi- ' defcribing tbt rtaptr, not 1be tbrajber; and there·
dently derived a 0ve"'• ja11ua; a way, or pa.f!oge . fore, with Jun. we might derive 1hr11jb i ee"'•,
through. • 0f«VO'x4', ftrib, frango ; lo heal, or brtak t fNn11t11J#ll
'fH-ORPE: " Sax. '6oppe; Belg. dorp ; fpitis t>UU/tre, txc11/trt gram1M flagellis:-Skinn . de·
Alman. thDTf; pagus, oppidum: Verft. Jun. and rive·s it '' i. Teux,"1 Teu:.1, tero, a .tlero 'i 1·' but this
Skinn."-but Ciel. \Nay. ·52, f~llowing the g<l'- belongs rat.her to treadi.g out tbt cor•, than tbrllfb·
r.ius of our language (and indeed t~e genius of all ing it 1 a.s the orthogr. itfelf points out.
the Northern tongues, which del ight in contrac- T HRASON ICAL, ®ea.-oc, a11dax; a 0•rn<,
tions, and tranfpo litious) cells us, that " tborpe fero.< ; 'fbra/o ; a bragadocio.
is only a contraCl:ion of /.be urb; the l&w11 ; fig· THRAVE : Skinn. and Lye tell us, that
nifying a final/ Cct(Ftlry village near fame .great /brave fignifies t1rger1 ; and would derive ic a
1ow11:"-only now this g reat etymol. has not Sax. ~Jl•F•an, or bprepan ; to dri'!Jt :-which
_gone lar enough ; for ur/is is Gr. : fee SUB- is Gr. ·
URBS: Gr. THREAD:-" Germ. dral; filum 1 Wachte-
'fHORRUKE, "' fortalTe non incomn1ode re,, rus; refer ad drtbt11; torqutrt; qui.a fi/11111 .e colo
'{eras ad illud T•f'"I''" quod H efych. exp. {3aeu 1orqut11do ducitur :"-if dreben, and drat, fignify
"~' l',...,1•., gra11e, et odiofum: Jun."-a fink, abfolutely /or'luere, unc.O'noectedly and indepen·
which always fmells flrong, and odious. dtndy of trabert, the follolVing muft be given
THOSE, Ou1,. bos, eos, quoJ; whom. up : but both drthen, and drat, frem to convey
THOU; Iv, tu ; you ; and Ir, It l tbet. the fame idea :is draw; and are very proprrly ap-
THOUGHT, the fubft. p•ift tenfi:, and par- plied to thread, which is drawn, as well as l<oifttd
ticip. of THINK: Gr. from the wheel ; a nd therefore feems to be de-
'THOUSAND, " A'""'• duem ; I&; et ;. ..1.., rived ii Aea·yw, lrabo; to draw, or be drawr 01/ ;
t111tum ; a bundrtd: U pt." unde drat, quafi tbral 1 thread.
" Tl-IO\VLS: Johnfon quotes Ainfw. for calling Tl-lREA.fEN : Verft. and. Skinn. could only
the tboivls, piuts of timber; at which every cap- find that it came from the Sax. Belg. and Teut.
.ta in in the navy would fmile : whereas both L ier. tongues; but Jun. fays, " fortaJTe funt a 01•">
and Ainfw. very properly call them flalmi; round vel ®e"I''"'' tumult11afe vuiferor 1 I• fpealt with
.p ieces of wood, whereat the oars hung by a loop vebemenu, or /Jaw/ aluud : nifi malis ab Al1.i,
of leather :-in ·fhorr, they are two little fticks, «ri1A-¥' ar.:i;M"t•C", Hefych. mine, ti iH/u"rt~
!luck up in the lides o f the boat, for the oars to tiones ad'litrfi1i aliquem :"-I~ .Ulltr dt1tU11ciatiW
play in : " ni fallor," fays Skinn. · " n1ale cor- againft 0117 one. ·
rupn1m a Lat. Ct Gr. tho/us:" but. what . con- THREE 1 ·
nexion there may ,be between them, 1s not very THRI CE STe." '• Ires; thru.
difcernible; for rhof11s, fays Lin. proprie eft um- THREN-ODY, ®e••wd'1~, threnodia ; fv[uini
bilicus tefiud inis in ;emplis, ex quo donaria can/us, la111~nl11m ; a dirgi: R. @1"'''
fufpendi (olebant. . p/m1fittS ; l'l !lJ•, can/MI ; a tlJOUTJljitNdt.
THRll.L l" Sox. ~~I ; D an. ~r,.J; 'ff-IRESH OLD: "Cafaob. arbitrntur compofi·
THRALDOM ~ far'!Jus, mantipium; a Gr. 0 v- cum ex 0 'Jea, j 1111ua; et . 011J~r, ltira, f'tJVi"'!r;ltl~ t
t••>-"» ut olim f~.. lignaverit 7Jiliffimum ma11dpiu111, q. d. pavimilJIPm janu.e.; cit enim pars inferior

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T H From G ll EEK, and LAT 1 N. T H
ja1111.e, ct/olo _proxima; fu:ptrl!mina.-i opp'c.fi_ta:" or pickings, may b, here ufed to fignify theft
-but chis dcnv. p leafed neither Jun. nor; end1, qr /<'raps of rifrife yarn, whicl\ are picked put
their opinion·s t'hcrefore are referr_ed co the Sax. from t he loom, fpinning wheel, &c.
Alph.' whi~h however terminate at laft in the Gr. THRUSH, a dijeafe: Ciel. Way. 51, fars, '
· ' rHRIF'f, '-' frugalitas; ita fortalI'e nuncu- the " ~brujh is a 1nungrel cortupcion of cwo words
parunt bane ·vircucem, quod fit .p ra:ter ca:teras • co:ilited,.1he and rouge :"-but ROUGE is Gr.
0f•"1•••, alt11di, ac ·nutriendi 11i pra:dita; fiquidem , THRUS1", Te••» tero, trudo; d inferto ;" ut a
Oihil ,unqt1am deeffe pOtCft lioqtinibUS frugi, TtWI." ftJJdO; i\ T<f"H'> /O/ldtO J fO jh0'1Jt, pujh, Or
a tque inftruetis · 1nagno parcimonia: veltigali : croud : 'Skinn. derives it i\ ef"'""'' 0eao;'"'• contundo.
R . Te1~<1, nutria; to nourijh, grow, i11creafe : Jun." 'I'HllUTCH; " various dialell: for tbru;?, or
· THROAT, Teax;•>-•r, cot/um, tervix; the neck. 'croud down; as heap, and thrutcb; Maxfield nua-
THROll, 0oe-.(3""'' tumultuor, perturbo; t o beat f;,re: Ray:"-then. it may be derived from ' the
·quitl:; like 1he pulfe. foregoing roo t, in the fenfe of " good meaCure,
THRODDEN : Lye ·derives · it ab Jceland. prefltd do'lpn, and lhaken together, and runnini;
<thr.ea; crtffo, augeo; th1·oafl; i1ivalefecr(, i11cre- ovc) :" L uke vi. 38.
·menta capere :...l...fro1n all which it fee1p·s to be' only THtJ.M B; " -l'v1artinius," as quoted by Jun.
':inother dialect- lor' lhe particip. tbriven; con fe- " derivat .a t:.«f":i-" do111are; quod ejus ro~ort dd-
·quently-Gr.': fee THRIFT: Gr. · · mam111 ea, IJll"' nos a!iq11ti ptrficie11di!tate
'fHRONE; " ®$'"'• thronu1: Nug."- a re- cruciant: unde et «•1•;r.;He d icjtur Gr:ecis, quod
gal feat ; the /hair_.o/ ,:oyally:. R . 0e"'"'• fa_deo; 10 . Jehu. ta11fi"~ .P.o~leat, qu~.ncum reliqua man11s c.u1n
fit d~wn : verbum ra.nfiim.ui.n , [ays Iiedc~1c; oc- . omni~us d1~1t1s : J~tn- -th~ ftro11gtfl of the five.
·curnt ®e•~•"~'"" apud A.cKeo~uJn, ex l'l)•leta: - fingers, and called tbt thumb, . becaufe by 1c:.~
'Ciel. Way. 75, n; acid '\ro·c. 24, n, with all his ' prevalenc~ we are able to managt, govern, and
ufual fagacicy, "tell s us, that .. tbro11e is but a. Ji1bdue rpe greateft weights i and by its eo'wer
'conrratl:ion of fir-hone; h;gh-ground; it anfwers · are able ro do 1nore, than with . all ·the o ther fin- .
·ro thefuggtfl11m of the Romans :"-this is indee d ; gcrs togethe r. . · ·
giving its a very pri1'Qiti've i'd~a both of tfie Cel-1 Tf-JUMP; "t:i.•,,•r: Hom. II. t:i.. 45S; ; ....,.,
' ric anil L atin words; for both the tir-hone, an.d 1 onuit: vel a To1h, percuflio: Hom: IJ. F.. 887;
the fuggtflun:, were not hing more than mounds, T""~"'' i flibui : ·R. Tv,,-1,., verbero : Cafaub. and
or hillocks of earth, fomecimcs formed natural- Upt."
ly, ·but oftener thrown up by hand' otca}ioiially, in · T r lUNDER: " Sax. '15uobcp; Belg. aru:I
'.o rder to elevate the general' while haranguing 'feut. d~nder; to11itru: omnia a Lat. to'!art; er
his army: this mighr lead us to fuppofe, 1hat hoc a nomine 1111111 : Skinn. "-firaoge ! that ·the
"Jir, or fer, orlgimiccd . ab Ef"• lt rra; the ttlrtb,i D r. would not derive IOnllI a Tc..,, Jo111u; any
or gi-01/nd; and chat hone was but a con traction of loud nuifi : vel a T'-9•f"• mur11111r; 11 deep rumb-
c iiher heightened, or elfo of boven, i: e_. HEAPED} ling noije.
or H EAVED-up: G 1'. · • _ · 1'HUNN Y; ew ..;, thy11nu1; a fifo Jo ea/led:
· T I-IRONG; " ®e••;, Ele•<, clamor, tumultus: H <:deric Is fo very profute on chis word, as co
Cafaub. and Upt." · g ive us. no lefs chan fifteen articles rclat.i ng <o
THROW ES: Skinn. and Lye t hink this word chis fil1:1. ·"
· is pure Sal!. " '15popian ;jaure, p aii; q . d . m ulie ris THURIBULUM, ®""• vel e.,., thus, thuris,
'pn./Jionu, !11boreJ puerperre:"-b ut Cafa~ b. de- thuribufum; an aromatic gum, calledfra11ki11unfa;
•JlcCtit 'a 0oe1•:,f11!io; to exprefs the jlarts,fpr_ings, ""• ,;; ~Vft>, i.e. 0"'"• rebus odorat;s fuffio; 4
and co11/~1ftc11J of a 1v t1Jta n i11 labor: veJ ~, 0xetir, fiveet ftn c!li11g favou r.
impcttrofus ; to exprefs the i11terfe11cj1, and jharp- TI-IURS-day: it is fomething fo uncommbn to
nif1 of her pa;n1. · . find Skinn. adva ncing beyond cheSax. lang. t hat it
l"HRU tvlS ; " Sax. t:Jlum, 3 et:p t1m ; 11od11s: really appears a ph:enomenon; however thefeare the
vel -:1 Teut. tr1111ckt11, truderc, premt re : alludunt' Dr's. words: " 'l'h1t1fd">'• S<lK . DunJlrrb:e;i; (quafi
0e•,u/3•r, et 0e•,"~"" fruftmn re i in unam maffam £Junbeprtire;s) Belg Do11derda.~l'.; ~·eut. ~ondcr[­
' ontret,e: Sk tnn. '-but furely t brum.r are as much! tag ; Dan. ']'borjdag; dies Jovu, 1. e. '1 onnntJ!,
tbrums whe n t hey arefcatt ered, and t hrcwn about, feu ''l'c11i1t·ui: Verll:. a 'Thor, pr:l"!cipuo . SaxonlH\1
as when they are in un am rnalfam concret,e: th is' E chllicoruin dco, defleCtit; que111 ex ll:acore
is chert'fore buc a puerite d eriv.-we 1nighr rathe r fom\a ~undcm cu1n Jove (tonm1te) !Cu rege ere.Ii
•fuppofe, 1ht·um1 \VCre derived a 0e"o'"l""1.x, which ,. fuilfc conftat: ab code.m · 'Thor, oriantur l D>n .
tho' He fych. applies to ,,.;.~!-'"'?"' T;;· «ii¥• may 1'1rdc11; 1011itr11; et 'tor-vt11•r ; 10110 : Ii Grrec>s
lignify x1'«v1"•1"' bf any k ind ; and 't hen lhrrims1 lidei-cni" (b ut ftill u·ou blcd with (cruples <?f
' · 3 P 2 con!i:i~n rr·)

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T I . .,
from G-.111t, and LATIN· T
.c:onfrieocc) hunc . Gothorum deum 'Thor dcdu- Skinn."-but .they happen to be both Gr.~
!=Crem '1 0•.e•<• impttuo/11.s i eui feliciter criam " vel potius," adds the Dr. "quoni.a m vox lev·i
confunat T eut. _Thor; injlfnw; impetuous, violr111, difcrl!nine etlam qallica, e~ ltalica ell-; a frre-
r,,ging :"-to which let n1e 9nly add from Lye~ piru, quern viltoris larnmculus edit, dum vi&i
" in libcllo M.S ; fie frribitur de 'Ibor, Othoni folitarium latrunculun1 ferit, et quafi vi Cede fui
filio; menfis Martius ab eo vocatur 'l'bormatmer, dimovet :"-ftil! it may be Gr.
n1en!is 'fh•roNis; et d ies Jovis ('I'brJrjday) 't!CKET; an itbbre viation of T11>-or, tit11lus;

'l'borjdag, five dies 'fboronis :''-fo that the ap- tbt tit/~ lixt to any thing.
pell at ion properly fignifks the 'l'bu11dtrer's .day, or T ICKING : " quandam. tranfpoli tionem
'<Ibitrfd"Y· fa&a ex K••1•, rubilt ; cf Gall. fine ulli metath.
TH US; n,_ , quali :i:.,,: unde Fr. Thcotifc. coitt dixerunt: Glolfatoris t;unen verba, quz hoc:
ftiS; Sax. 'lSur ;fie ; /o; in thh, or the like 111a1111er. in loco de vocc tua fubjungit, propemodum me
1'HUU.F; 11exilli genus: fee TUFT; Gr. docent, ut credam cum cenfuilfe. :r.iuba dcdutlum
TH\.VACK, feems to be only an abbreviation elle .ex 0'""• . 1bua; ut :r.iecb~ prima ollnl ac-
of ll•'"-1f•» b3c-culus, aut bac-illus; a flick, qr ccptione noo tam .cukitra1n l pfanl denot.averic,
.ftajf to ftrikt <intb. . quam exrerius illud reccptatrdum., >ui ~omen ta
TH\llf A R1" ; " t..we•" quali '1u1e7-•• : unde , infar~iebant : Lye, ·under likt :"-properly fpeak-
Bclg. dwtrs; Dan. hur; Sax. 'Bpyp; advzrj11J, ' ing, the co-Juing, w~ich contains the down of a
Jranf• trfu.r, obliquus : t..uie•• Suidre exp. 13,,.:!3•e•» , feather .bed. · .
11r1(31'm{3ir, . 11oxium: 11efychio quoque ~v•e•' eft , TICKL E, ·may l:>e derived either from 0,,.~
.........,,tr faboriofUJ j a f1v•, lua.1ux1o;, Ta.1.<>t,(<'efQ;J ta11go, ta'[/UJ, q\iafi, fatk{t: Or tlfC quafi tittl e,
infort1111ium, 111ifaria: J uq." any·i11.-ide11t Iba/ bap- from T ITI'LL•.o\TION: G~.
pens.'<•ntrary. TII)Y : under the arr. til, Upton, being
T l-IYl'vlE; " 0 •1'•<, thymum, lhymt; the herb: miOed by a fiinilar ity of found, has derived our
Nug ." called timt, or lymt ; a jweel ·ex preffion a 1ydie girl from T11?e,., parvus , li11/e:
J111elling herb, both wild, a11d (U{tivattd. -but tydie, or rather tidy, carri<s no fuch ide~
TIAR; T'"f"• tiara; fapitis gejlamen ap11d : 'in our la'ng. ; for with us it feems to lignify
·P erja s; a Ptrfian diadem : " pileus aurem erat ' neat, clean, dtvtr : as' therefore it ) as · np rela-
acuminatus; Clarif. Relandus," fays 1-lutchinfon tion to lize, for a {all woman may lie neat, anp <l
in his fir!); Index to Xenophon's Cyropaideia, "a link girl may be a jlut; i't would .be better ro
/ir; Jagi11a.; .ob figuram 1ir1r~j agittijol"nutn, five fuppofe, that tidy is only a concra&ion of ni-tida;
ac11minat11m, ti no1111unq11am 11pitibu1 difti11llam, neat-tidy; and confcquently derived aN•?w, N,,..7.,,
poffe derivari conjicit :"-Dionyf. mentions thefe lavo; "n:un Iota 11itt1ll; ct lau/11111 pro nitido.
11pi<es in' the fccond book of his Roman Anriq .. atque eleganti accipitur : Voll:"-J un. :ind Skjnn •
.• , fee. 70; ind Virgil mentions them, &n. IT. 683; Jikewife g ive \IS rhe idea of neat, and titan; b ur
and lEn. VIII. 664 :-"if ever this word liar," then t hey derive t idy from the Sax. ; whereat. it
fays Clt l. Voe. 44, n, "penetrated into Perfia, or feems rather co be Gr. through the Lat. Jang.
was known in their ancient Pehlav i tongu•, it TI~; " 11,.,, qua Ci Ti.. , ligo; to bind, . or fajl.~11
undoubtedly perv.aded fo far by means of the toith a co1·J, j!riNg, &c.: Cafaub. and U pt." -
'Northern conquefts :"-but unlefs · we could liK Ciel. V:oc. 1z 1, n, would derive our word tie
~he dace of thofe conquefis, it would be im- from " rhe Celtic ee, or i, wirh the I, or 1, pfe-
poffible to fay any thing on the antiquity of t his pofitive l'ee, or t'ie :"-but ir foe1ns rather t<>
word; which will fcarce be found to have cxified d efcend either from .i.,,., as above i or fro1n
':lbov'e · 2000 years before Chrilt, the period A•-r"'• ligo; to bind, or fajle11.
kno~n for the founding the kingdom of Sicyon 'f'IE R l commonly written ti,-e, and at-
'in Greece; whatever language thofe founders TI ER-woman S tire ; but Cid. Voe. 44, 5,
(poke. derives it, ~nd wri tes it muc.h better lfrr, or liar ,
TIBI AL 1" Tv..?w, percutio ; unde from the Grreco -P erfico Tu•e.., or frotn the Ccltic
T IBICINAT ION S T'"""• 11tjiigium, quod reli- liar : " if this word," fays he, " ever penetrated
,~it T u.j.av: a To.-cr, fttb111 l a lubus ;. tibia ; into Per!ia, or was known in their antient Pehl a vi
·p roprie in animali os fruris' fura: oppofitmn; ita tongue, ir undoubtedly pervaded fo far by means
dietum ft Papiam audimus, Cj,«•fi tubia, quia of the Northern conqucfts :"~but, as we j uft
111bam referat: a tibia, tibiqn: Vpfr."-tbt fine now obfer~ed, in the art. TIAR, unlefs we could
j one of the leg, formed like a: fmall tube. fix the date of rhofe conquefts, it would be im-
TlCK-T ACK: " Fr. Gall. Irita" ; Ital. lriuht · poffible to fay any thing ·o n the antiquity of . this-
1T11"bt ; forte a Jc:gc lufus,, ·lo11cb. a11d take ~ word. ~ and thcr.e(ore perhaps it n1ight be better

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~··· •
T I From C I. E ! it, and LA T •·H. T 1.
to 'adopt the former opini-0.n of that gencleman petite caiffc ou layette cmboitee dans ·une ta~J,c,.
in W-ay. 80' ; where be fuppofcs, that " tier, a/- une armoire, &c. which teems to be but another
tire, and tier woman, arc expreffive o( what is derivation, and contraction of trahitur>, i, e.
ti~d around on:; me'aoing any garb, roqe, &c.''- IZ drawer, or fmall box, which- is pulled or dra.w n
:ind then ar, and tr, would ori"inarc il Ute•• in 011t from 11ndc( a counter, and into which fhop-
.i:he ftnfe of ..... ~•, tircum; around :- and TIE, as kecpers drop their current cafh :- c.onfequently
we have j uft now feen, is Gr. like wife :-lee me Gr. ilAf""': fee DRAWER : Gr.
only add that remarkable paffagc in fcripcurc, TILL the ground; ll•>-•r, T 1>.f''" tel/us ; the
l2 Kings ix. 30, where Jezebel is dcfcribcd as earth, lo phw tbt foil.
••having tired (or rather tiered) her head, and TILLER ; " nefcio an a Belg. tiff.,,; levart,
. looking out at a window :"-where by the way, to//ert, movere loco; a mo/Jilitatt fcilicet, fays.
what has been rendered in Englilh by tired brr Skinn.''-and yer did nor fee that it might have
head, is exprelfed in rhe Septuagint only by been very eafiJy derived a T1>.>.w, vtllo, velli&o; I•
"'1'"9"" ,.;, ··~"i."' ,..,7.,, caput compfit ; fhe combed pli1C!t, or f"" out of its plact; tbe tiller being the
ber hair, i . e.jhe derktd, foe graud, jhe. ornammttd handle o the rudder, by which the lhip is
ber·btad. mtnJed and turneJ, by plU<J:i11g or pulling the rud;-
TIERS, or worfe ftill TIERCE; tranfpofcd der out of its former dircCl:ion. ·
b y the modern French, with a deftgn of giving TIL1', or coveri11g of boaJs, waggsits, &c.
, this word the air of originality; but evidently " Sax. 0et:cl~; Alman. g•ztlt ; origo nan in-
borrowed, perverted, and tranfpofcd from Te"'• conimode videtur peti polfc il Z1>.>...v, q uod
Jres ; three. Hefych. er etymol. cxl . e ...i.>...., j""'e ; nihil
TIFF, take mnifs 1Tu~r, faflus, f11per/Jia; to cnim d i1<eris 1t11toria, ve ta/Jtrnacula, quam vda,
TIFF, or dreft out 5 lhew a refentmcnr- at any vel afferu operc tuit1ultuario in perticas ad hoc
t hing, faid, o r do ne: alfo to dt<J:, or drifs out . ipfum adaptatas injeeti : hanc. palos folo ' in6.
f11perbly. gendi, et vela fuperinjiciendi rationcm videntur
TIFEEN Y; " fcricum tenuiffimum, et mol- aptiffimo loquendi 1nodo delignare Sax.oni~a mo-
liffimum ; nebula bombycina, a Fr. Gall. ti/tr , nu1nenta, quoticfcunque de jigt11dis ttntoriis, &c:.
tijfer; or11are: q. d. fericum orna1nentis et pom~ incidit Jun.'' a kind of tent, or c1,-i-erillg
·idoneu1n: aUudir faltem Gr. Tv,or, /aj/uJ, fuptr- fro1n the wc.a ther, &c.
bia : Skinn."-10 dccJ: and drifs out in tbe jiluft, 'fIL-T, to rnifa a ve.J!ef: " Belg. ti!lt11; tollert~
rbimtefl jilks, to difplay all the pride of beauty. Skinn, ''-but toilo originates i T«>..:t~. tcl/r;J,
, TIGER; T•'l"f"• tigris; a 11oblc wild beajJ, of juflineo; lo lift, or r11ifa up the hind·e r pan of the
.;be lion, kopard, and" panther fpccies; broughD cafk, in order ro !lope rbe velli:I, and the lit~uor in it-
from Africa. Tll\1BREL, 'rl'f"""''o•, 1)•111pa1111m ; a dyt1m.
TI GI-IT , ntat, and fprua; as a tight girl; TIME ; 'I'11t"c,~ 1e.1np11.J, ;1u11c, t1t11c, 1u1li: year~~,.
perhaps only another dialetl: for digbt 1 deckt, O T( months, dn ys, &c. '
dreffod out neat and clever : fee D ECK, or TIMOi{O.US, il.n,u.e, A"f'"• timor; fia~.Jr~atf",.
11dorn: Gr. _appt#N:rjiol!. • ,. .
TIGH'f, jlopt-dofe; "'feot. Jirhr; ·rTcy~v;., TU'v10-CRACY, T'l''"e~t•«, dpmznatus, 111 q~io
fnrtum ttElum ; ut Opponitur formninule1110, vd a <en/11 1nagiflr~tllS ,creantt1r.; " l[O'VcTl/ll1t111 in-
f11tili; quod liquorcm rransfundit; 11· leak : utrum- JNbich tbe wta./tbitjl rule : R. T•f'•• bonol', ct
que ni faltor a L•1t. te.'111111: Skinn."-but teflum, K•.:/•(, poltnfia. . .
whether fubftantive, or particip. is derived ii };11yw, ' 'flN, !;1:.?w,ftitl!i; undejlt1m1um; tin;
Jego ; to (O'Utr ; l&ndc ii1r~"o"", as above ; _to. fig.. TINCTURE, T•rr-·. T1y•1o(. l iJ1g9,. {i11811i ;.
nify any thing CIY'Jer1d, or jlflpt up clofe. jlained, co!&u1-ed. "
'fl.KE, commonly calkd ,, tick ; " vidc~ur cffe . 1:1~DER1" T ..·9~i. ..;, ~t1lidu1, ft1'~•i:iur _•· bot,,
a T"x:<ot, nlttn110, 1nac(.rO; riri11u1, ver1nis (or ra.. . 1 !NE glowmg ~ Milton <C- 1.07 s~ tme sbe
rher pediculus) caninas (and ~'llilldS) atires,. &c. fiant ligfatning: Upt."
infrftaos ; quod hi venncs (or peditu!i.) ovibus TINES of a ;<.-k; 01.,., •l•w•r, dt 114', dent!s :·
(caoibufque) macie;n inciucant, n~ft opporrunis '' b$>--,·ow.- liJ1tS,, cct df dc11ltJ, Suec. h11rwoti1JJ1e~
medicamentis tempeftivc coHantur: Jun.''- ari fun~ ab ·k~land. ti.miu, d i1n inuciv111n ~ 1"11>; duu ;.
intolerable fit1hy cr~ature. like a bug, in- ad quod non tjt1bj to,:' fars Lye, " referrc tbe
fcrts lhecp, d?g~, &c. ti~u of bo'1'J! apud Skinn. et pro iPCSI t~·mu; quod'
'l' ILE, ri•'l'"'• /ego, lo ttnJer; unde tegu/:4-, quild e1 ·Comenio afri:rn, l~gerce ir01s IJJies,. fe1'rti jlyli,
t tgtl ~des; the coveri~g of a boufe: reu· tft11tt~ :"-chis Jult correCl:ioo is roade on ~he
TILL,. or drawer; per haps dcr1v.e<I ii tiroir, D.r's. latr article,. under rhc lec1e1· 'J' ; but it. i,..
· fotnething:

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T I From G 11. B !" it, and LAT 1 N, T I
fomething remarkable, that Lye fhould not have veteran• : malim tamcn," continues Vo.n: " tiro,
taken notice of the extraordinary manner in quia le primilm ltrit., i. e. txercet,:"-a yo1mi
which the Dr. has ex plained thefe iron tymes, or pratlitio11er, a ~adet, a fr<fh-man; ooc who is but
r ather iron 1y11t1, which he himfelf, or Comenius, juft beginning to learn the iodiments of anyfcience.
has properly< called "flJli ferrei ; nefcio an," fays 'flSSU E : " H ickefius dcrivat ab Angl.-Nor-
the D~. '"a Sax. l:ynan ; ncctndere ; quia fortalfe man. io, tis; UXO; quod tis fieri Videtur ii /(X9,
jly!i, q uos ille innuit, in ufum foci cumparati textut'<L opus : Lye:" -but texo originates ii Ta11,,.,
funt : interim me vocem nee aodiffe unquam, T ..., .,, T<>Ew, ltxo; I• weave :-which feeins to
nee legifli: proficeor :"-but that t he D r. thou Id be too general a deriv.
never have heard, or read , of tht tines of a forlt: , or 'l'lT i " T~901, parvus; lillle : Cafaub. and
t he tines •fa b.1rrow, is wonderful indeed . Upt." who <1uotes H om. II. z. (:t;iz)-,.., 1•: fl,
'rINGE, " T 1ryw, tingo; to ti11ge: Nug."- n1~;., "'1": (there ought to have been no comma
to dye,jlain, or colour. afrer ,.,19,.) mt adhuc parvulum exijl111tem : a tit
1'1N KER l To>01, vel To•H , .-1..,., Hcfych. to ride on; T•1901 iir...•r, equus paruulus; ·a tittk
'fJN K:L.ES lhmio, t innitus ; to n1ake a finall dapper nag. ·
;jhl'ill found, like the clear ringiJ1g of a filvcr bell. Tll'- Brr ; from che foregoing root: Gr.
TJNSE L; "pan11us, feu ferieum metalli aurei, TI'f-M0USE: why this bird lhould have
feu argencei coloris concextum : credo a Gall. ! acquired the name of tit-mo11ft, is not eafy to
efti11ltlle ; fci11tilla ; eflintiller; fainti/lare; (if there fay; for fince this name relates either to its
~ ahy filch 1nodern French words; they feem dimiJ1uti'IJt jizt, or to 1he jma!lntfs of itr 118te, w'e
·to be rather Fr. Gall.) q. d . pannus Jdntillans, might fuppofC chat tit alone would have aa-
feu micmu: Skinn. as quoted by Lye :"-but fwercd either of thofe p urpofcs; particul arly
·neither of them would give us the true original fince we find him fometimes called /ht tom-lit": -
·-w ord :-let us then hear Von:; fdntitla, quafi when therefore Upton, in bis art. tit, calls th'e
fpiittilla, a :i: ....e.e. quod idem : a jj>ark ff fire; tit-mouft T•1~•-' I'- :;,, we muft not fuppofe that he
·and here ufed to fignify a Jparkling, glilltring ma- intended to give us the proper name of chis bird
·nufallurt of Jilk. in Gr. ; for the proper name in Gr. is A•y•Ga"-• <,
TINY moefe, T .. ,.,., te11dere; ut p roprie fi e and .in Latin parus, perhaps a concrafrioh o f
idnn quod T17¢>0<, txltnl1u, txporrtElus; nam qure par'lltll: or elfe, fays he, it was called tit-moufa
exttnduntur, ea attenuantur; the little,jlim,jlender <>ir• .,.;; Til•{"•• a voce quatn edunt :-but this
mo1ift: unlefs we may derive it from Tw9or, relates only to I ii ; and leaves the poor mouft to
pm"ljllJ :-tho' Lye fays, " nullus dubito quin fie expla in itfelf :-Willoughby fays, che Germans,
·a T o>o;, vel To""• quod idem notat : Hefyc~ .'' as well as we Englilh, call them mict; becaufc,,
TIP : perhaps but a v arious dialell: for. like miu, they creep into the holes of trees : and
·TOP: Gr. fomedmes chey are called tbe mu.fain; or little
TIPPLE, "A•.i...1, A•>Ji.,l•r, fitic11loj111, ·jirim birds as /mall as miu. ·
fl1am avide atqut i11conjul1e fedare (upiens : Jun.''. TIT for TAT, only a various dialect ofTE-IIS
-one who is always tbirfty, and confequencly for 'fHA T; confequently Gr.
always drinki11g. 1'IT AN; "T,.9¢>.&or, caliduJ,fen;iduJ; titan, i. C'.
TIRE, fa1igttt; "Te""'• attero, vtxo; A1ev1w..,,, dom11s ignis 1 Seneca, ardtns 'J'i/1111 laxavil fer'Ui.dum
i11domita; M incn•:e epithet. apud H om. Upt." diem: Upc.'' under the art. tint :-Ciel. Voe. 95,
- that Te""" fignifics to l ire ; and that A1eo1,...,, admits of this !ignilication, but tells us, that it
!ignifics untired, unwearied, 11nj11/Jdued, eve ry one is derived from ti, manfion; and tan, or ttin, fire
wi ll allow; but it may be very much doubted (lint tbt flan/ lightning, fays Milton) and in his
whether Teo"' gives origin to tire i and rherefore . note, Cleland fays, that " Ian li kewife llgnifics
ic might be better with Cafaub. to derive tire a the earth ; thus Britannia, I.ufitatria, Mauritania,
'l'Hfw 1 iiifeflo, molefl.iti afficio; to · be t11rr,1oiled, or &c.''- i t is indeed very rrmarkable, that /all in
fa1igued: alf<> lo /tazt, illfefl, molejl : vel i Te•f3w, the Celcic fhould llg ni(y two elements fo tocaJly
tero,- lo Wtiir; orwt ary•. oppollce, as tar/b an_d firt: buc then ir takes two
TIRO; ":r"f"'• lero: vel ii 'I'1e1.,, 1ar110 : ergo different ruots: when it fig nifies earth it origi-
non per y , tyro; fed per i, 1iro ; 1.1t eft in nates a TH¥{!), l•Yle11.da, porrigo i as when \\'C fay,
P andeetis F lorent . imo et antiq. infcripr. in 'quo extc11/ of cou11/ry: brot when it fignifies fire, it
·perperam fen1entia1n mutavit Manutius, folffi originates a ·1·1.-- 8~>.f~~, (a/id1ts, ftr11idits i b11t,
· infcripcione dcceptus : elt vero tiro, Nt».1><1•r, glowing.
_ fO)f"'11u1o;, (li cltur ex Becmanni m(nte a T1e11,.,
N TITHES, A•••, dectm, '411i; ten, ten1h, tit'bt,
quia etiamnum lfner, ac r11dis; nam 'opponitur tbt l tnlb part.

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T 0 From .G ll I!£ K, and LA T 1 K. T 0
TITILLATIO.N" , T1)..)..,,.vel!ic9; to pull gt11tly, TOES : " derivata vidcntur ab illo.· -r...,.,.
ID titkfe. txttndo, quod. pleraque tempora mutuatur ab
TITLE; "T11>.or, tilulus; which we .noc only inufit. T ..w.:-rario derivacioois fuerir forte, quOd
rn.e et(wi.t h) in Sc. John, ch. xix; but alfo in digiti pedis ipfum pedem quafi producant : vel po-
Hefych. ; and which, according co Seal, comes tius quod brcviorc acque huroili pr9cl.iti ii)
from T1.,, bonoro; whereof chey firft made T11o<, extremos pedum digi tos ajfitrgtrt fok°'nr, ut (p.c -
and afterwards Tll>-•<, titul:u: omnino vero titu- ciem aliquam addaot corpufculo, ac fta;urall)
/us d~ a T•1o;, quod ""'' ,;; T'"'" unde T'f<"• fays qualicunquc rarione exltndant: Juo."-it is verJ
Volf.: and he inoreover obferves, chac chis ecym. feldom chat this great er it ic produces fo weak ~
has been followed by the two Seal. to whom we reafon for any of bis etymologies •
•aJfo join H. Stephen: Nug."-it is true, Voll: 1-oGE:TE-lER, means no more ~han ~s w~
acknowledges, that tituliu is derived from T'"" but fometimes repeat. it, to gather togetbtr i and there-
then he aftecwards adds, "nee carnen tam ii T•w elfe fore ~afaub. has very juftly derived it ab A'l'"f"i
arbitror, quan1 a T;J,.,, quod per reduplicationem colligo ; lo col/ell, or unitt in a body :-chis denv.
a priori factum: fane H efychio, TiJ,.,, Tl,.:;." was evident enough to Skion. ; - but he c.hofe to
1'ITTLE; Tu19•<, par''-'"S ;.lilllt tittle,orfinall dot. fly to ~he Sax, z;a'l5epian ; colligtre; and Jhove
TITiY, Tu19o,, paM!,ulus g"idem : Odylf. the Gr. etym .. on Cafaub. in hopes co get rid of
xv. 380. it ; and yet he writes to;i;~bepe ; Bdg. gader 1<
·r1T U- B1\T I 0 N, T u11••-f3""'• parum-eo, tit ubo; gader : all which are evidently derived fro1n ga-
to walk unjteadily, lo fiumble, to totter. ther; and confequently from A'l'"f"':
'fMESIS ; Tf<"~''• lmefis ;, j e(Jio ; divi/ing a TOIL, or labor; "Cf/J..o,, a T"'""'• patior,j11fii-
qiorJ into two parts, by the iotcrpolition of nto; l o btar, tJtduu: CafalJb. and Upt."-rho'
othcrS,; as aTo·JC.>.v1a T.vXt~ ..Jr11r:i1 , pro <&11'0-ltva-a•1 Cafaub. has added another; viz. TuJ..", callus,
I"- indytis armis -uere; pro tltfitre.: R. T,,.,.,, qualis ex multo labore (olet provenirc; tqc . f!'i~
pro T,,_-.Jeto; 10 '"'•or dividt. louJ Jubflance produced by bard labor.
TO : Cafaub. p. 197, 8, has very jufrly ob- TOIL, or net; " ttla quod et in ACl:io fcriplic
ferved, thac "jam infinitivorum Gra:coru1n cer- Pontanus, et ex eo Erychra:us in l ndice Virgi-
1niilatio inter alia, et prre aliis ulicatiffi1na eft in liano prius fuic le,,tura, ii texo : Volf."- buc It.<~
, ;., ut Tuir1-iir : - Saxonicorum, ut hodicque be hirnfelf derives "ii T ..11.,, T ...-...,, T ..E:.:, T«Eo,
· Belgarum ct Gerrnanorum, in an, vel . en, uc ordi11t, quo fila arti.ficiofe junguncur :"-a web,,
f tX·'Cao, pontre; fyll-tn, dart:"-but it is purely lltl, or toil; to weave, knit, or join.
the charafrcriftic of the Eoglifh tongue alone T-OILET; ".,.6E1>.1or, invo/11crum; fro.Ill whence
to make ufc of the particle TO for the lign of the alfo comes the Latin word ttla : R. E.J..1w, volvo :.
infinitive mood ; in the very fame manner as the Nug."- this is another inflance. in whiph rhc
Greeks thernfclvcs : for thus Cafaub. proceeds ; Gr. anicle is united with the fub(lantive; a cir~
"et ut Grreci infinitivis vu,Jgo prreponunc arti- cumllanci: which feldom happens in Englilh, tho'
culum neutruln "'i, ut .,.J Ea-911t)', -r~ rI'¥""~ ita often in Gr. : 1oilc1 quali ...6 E>>.11, im;a/ucrum,
Angli vulgo 10 eat, to drink : fi hoc ~am .no- meaning a lady's clreOiog table, which is gene""
raliile omtfilfem, non unus fortalfe ofc1tant1un1 rally croered over with Come fine lifft!' cloth, &c.
reprehendilfot :"-and indeed the conforinity. is TOKEN, '°'""'f''• efle11do; lo jhew; unde Sax.
very re1narkable. tacn1an; Teµt. do)•tbene, indicia; maria, jigns,
TOD of woof: " Minfevius declinat a Flandr. figwifications :-Clel. Way . 53, derives tokc.n more
todderen; ntt1ere:~polfem,"...:.fays Skinn. "et non li1nply froin "lo ken, to kenow, or lo know, i.e. any
minus fpcciofe deAefrere a Lat. tondere :"-polfem ching fent, b.y which ta k11ow the truth of a mcf-
quoque non minus fpeciofa dcffeCl:ere il Lat. 1011deo, fage; a tndentiai:"-but co KEN is Gr. .
aGr. T.,.,...,jtco, inferco l, quali T.,.J,..,, londto; lo TOLERATF. ; T.,J....,.,, T a>..., tollo, Juffero;
clip, tul, or Jhear the wool; unde rod," as rbe Dr. to bear, fuj1fl in, ftpport : vel .ii T t.>'""'• fujli11eo ;
obfcrves, ·" eJifo 11, londto,. quali todeo; a tod of unde letlus, q1,1ia oempe omnia juflintl; ac ab
11140/ being,"continucs he," quantum lanretondtndo eadern voce dicuntur, ttlamones, qui A1>.c<>1•<•
a duobus ovio1u paribus, i. e. quatuor ovjbus icidem 1r:i~I» T~ 'I'>.11 ..a,, /() fi1ppor1, per11Jit: vel a
auferri potcft. Ti>.>.w.
TODRIFENE: Vcrfl. h•s given Co frrange TOLL iht bdl; perhaps only another dialect
an appearance to this word, that ic is no. wondi:r for kndl : -.coqfeqt1ently·Gr.
he took it for Sax.; but fince be tells us 11 fig ni- TOLL, or ta" ; " Tr>.~, T1>-•Hw, ':Jtf/igal ; unde
fies dri'Jtn away, or difperfed, it certainly n1eans Tr>..,, cenfa~r: Cafaub."
no more than TO DlllV.E:-coQfequeocly Gr. T0f)-1B ; "Tul'f3.» b11ft11m, fojfa, f~(ulcbrum:
.. J fron1

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T O· From G R t t K, and L /1 T 1 11. 1· 0
(ro1n hence 3Ji(» comes the word cnlal•mbs, cata- it llf> to the Gr. VIZ. a
T.>.,, five T.>.;, five
1umb.e, taken fro•n K"1~, or Koii"• infra, which T,>., 91, profNI ; proper))' fignifyi ng all mijjive
Is aful1/trt·a11rot1s place, wh ither it is ll1ppoled the weapo7ts; but here uf<d to ligaify all forts of
pri1nitive Chriflians retired , during ·rhe per le - iro1> inj/runJt nl.< for workmen of every tribe: or,
tution, and where they bu ried the niarryrs: but p~rhaps, a K"~''> but il:ill in tht frnfe of-either a
now ic is cufl:ornary to fay catacombs: ·N ug."- Ja-vl·ii11, or 11 tcol.
thc reafon wby Tu,"j3°', trt1111dus, was made choice ·roOTl-l 1 "Sax. t:olS; Bdg. land; Iceland .
of to expre fs t1 bury;,1g g1·o·vt, is quia ell tntill(lt· f<C11H; origine111 v-1tienti_1r (u11'1pfilfc ex T,a;Jw, vi:l
tier terrl, live terrre ogeftmn ; rijing , or /welling T,l<eec, cotnedrJ: J..... ve :1'-10 ear, to cbtf.u
enrtb, as ail graves fetm to be; over which, at ·rot>, to play· witb: SJ.;inn. afcer giving us
latl, monuments were eretted : a Tul"f3or dl t/i- all the l\' orthcrn words for t h is well- known play·
meo : to rife, to.fwel!: tho' Voff. de P<rmut. lit. thing, fays ; " nefcio an liceat nof\rum top, ec
i1' of opinion, that lumeo originntes ii <l>v/•"• fu - cognatas Germanica.s voces dcftotkrc: ab nntiq.
mor :-and fo it may in fome inn·ances. L,t. toptr, celtriter :"-that there was fuch an
T0!'.1-BOY ·, Verlt. · under the art. 111111t,, ar.tique L•t. word a.s toper, Volf. bas !hewn from
j>. Z.74, bas -given fo curious a definition of this Cref. Seal. thus ; " femptr fuit fem iopere ; lieut
word, as no doubt will pleat<: the reader : " tumbe; toper, loto O'ptrt; nuptr, n3'llO o,prr~ : {ig i1ifica.t
lo dnnre 1 t11mbad 1 dmue;/; hccrof wee ycc call a en_im toper ci1~, et expedite; ita ut opera abfo-
. wenehe that foippeth, and lenf!,tb lyke a boy, a luta fit :" and then he adds, "quemadn1odu1n
tomboy : our riame allo of t11mbliHg cometh heer- Gr:t:cis T"X"• ita ·Ct l"f>ptr Lutinis, et ci11> no-
hence :"-fo far he is rif{ht ; but then we !hall fee rat, et for1affe :"-fo rh:H toptr, or topper, fecnu that tumble is Gr.; and BOY is the fanw. to relate more to 1lijpnub uf bufintft, than to
TOME;'' ·rop.ttc, IGJJJ!IJ t and tllis fro111 T,,_.,,,w, bt3r any c.o nnexion with the Jpur1, and paj/it;r~
perf. med. T•1•f'«'> l!J cut, to pnrl: Nug." -.1s of boys :-lee rne then offer another deriv. wloich
when the works of an author are di·::ided into fo- has a reference rnore in1mediately to that darl ing
veral volumes, any orie of thole vol umes -is calJed amulement; anti is taken fron1 the wdl -known
a tome, or 11. divijion, or a port of thofa wtrks ; limile in Virgil :
i. t;_ ·ro;~ )!, je-fiio ~ it Trp.r~. Ceu quonda1n torto volitans fuZ. iltrbere t11rb1;,
· TON E 1 "To.o(, fo1111s; and this frorn ,.,.,.,, ~e111 pu~ri 1nagno in gyro vact1a atria circu1n
undo : Nug."-10 flreub 1 becaufe, when a firing, lntenti ludt1 cxen:cnc ; ille a.'lus habrml
or wire isftret<hed, it utters a fo Nnd. Curvatis fertur fpatiis; ftupet in fcia fupra
· 1-oNGS; " Sax. ton;s; Belg.. 1011gbe; Dan. lrnpubefque ma'n us, miraca volubile buxum 1
ttmg; forceps : onrnia fort< ab I tal . ungo, lt mo; D.<11c unimos plag~: --'- lEn. Vll. 378:
qui a fc. per illos quid vis unemus : Skinn . "-but from hence ic is plain thar thcfc: young gentlemen
we l1a\'e alrcaci}· fecn, thar lt11eo origirtaces a 'T'tlll"{o:) were ainuung thtmf<lv<'S with whac their fuc-
t e11do; unde uneo; to bold, or grafp a11y 1bing. ~effors at this day call the fwelpi11g lop ; and as
TONGUE; " <l>&•rr•(• /onus ; viz. fax i in- tt 1s well known that that lop LS ~chipt into life
ftrumeotum, et caufa : R. <1>9<rr•I'"'• . kiquor; to by a lafo, or thong, it fee1ns buc reafooable co
Jprak : Cafaub. and U pr. "-1be grmuf organ of derive that lop a To.--7.,, Vtrbero; to beal, wbip,
jpeech. or lajh into motion. ·
' 1'0NSILS, To».a», to/lo; undc to11fat, ./onfrl/,,,; _'fOP, o~ fum'?'i' : Cl~l. \ 'Vay. 5<:1; tells us,
the to11jils of tbe 11e<k ; being certain kernels at rhat " top is d~nved from the _Celt. the-up(-per
the root of the tongue, which are che fent of part) or fummt/ : "- but UP is Gr. ab 'T<r-•f,
rhat difordcr called the rnumps in children, or juper; 1tpo11, .or above al/.
glanders in hor{es, TOPAZ; T'""?"', topaziu1 lapis; a preciousjftnu.
TONSOR {T•I'"'• tondl re; d inferto, quar. TOPER, by tranfpofition from llo7r.r, potor,
TONSURES 1·,I'~"": ut ab lEol. T,.,~, n ndo: polntor ; a, drinker; a bibber, or licerally a tefs-pot.
il. tondeo ell: 101ifus, tfJ1tjor; a barber, or cutter of TOPIC; T ......, Tori.or, ars to-pica, o!lendens
hair, a jha'l.Jtr. e
To...¥<, five /cco1, quibus argument.a dcfumenda
·rooL ·, by tr• nft.>ofitinn from 01>.o;, vel Cfl>.•- font, ad aliquid ~el probandu.m, vd a1uplifican-
f'«• iabor ; quafi 'f•'"' :-" ltinc etiam Anglis,''. dum: an an, fhewmgtbtheads, orcbiifplaces, from
fays Jua. tools dicuntur infhmnenta cuique 6pi- whence the argumencs are to be d rawn, citficr
ficio dcbica, potilli murn t•men ferrea :" and yet, for proving, or amplifying any fubjctt.
perha1}s, it mig ht be bl'ttcr, if we were to de- TOPO-GRAPHY; Tworf"~"'" topogi·apbia;
• rive t ool, according co .C iel. Voe. 198, n, from locorum dcjcriptio; the map of any partfrular plact:
Jt/i'1n: only then, with Voa: IV~ ·Ought tO trace R. T•,,.•r, locus; and re"~"" fcribq, .
' s ' TOPPLE-

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·T ·o •. ••
f'rbm. d-R' z I! ll,
11nd· LAT, H. 'It o
TOPPLE-do·um 1from· the fam·e origin wi°tl> ·TORPID 1 " forte i: T'f"'" obi1lla:i µt pro.
TOPst~TURvY S· ,·t• :isi
·or'juil:mit ;_''fo far .pri~ de iis· dkatur, , qui ·v~uptatibus i~di
relates to the words topple, and topfy; but ;lS ror fagntftun/, a~ lorptn't: .Voff'. '"""'bUC Ifaao dcl'J'Yes
the other pare of that la tter C(/mpotmcl: turvy, ic it ·" forte e11 ..r."ef3•r, fou- T'e•14"< :"-whicll
:·is thus derived by Lye: " l cdand. 'tyrva; ob-' fy· rath~·r· ftar, and trr.mbling~ .than. 111t111011eft;
rucre; tyrva ltftl fteint11i1, obru'e'ri! lapidibus : Sax- and .f/1ipifa!lip11 :-neither of thefe dedv,. 1Ce1n
ones . di'\'e~e xorF•~r; ~!b ~ariu[l'I ; unde re-1 !iitisfattbry; an~ all the other eryruol. Je(r
frrvaffe .· v ldencur Angh ?'or,eal? fuum rorfet ;, 1t out :-now, ltnce the Gr. name for the torpetfq_
_,,;o'.'i ::'....... thefe. are, either of rli'cm,,, bctter than~ is N"ex:, 'vel 'Na~""• it mighc: lead ti~ td fitppbfr,
Skmn s. fupponng that turvy ·tome's a turf, " the1 chat chat word was only a tranfpofition of N'°••¥•
plural of which is tur'IJel' ; and tbpfy-turvy, ·faysi vef Nwx~e• ID1'poi· : or. 'elfe the word torpor rs
11e, ngni6es, "vertices, Ceo capita in cefpite, ca- : purely Latin : Nw••e ilfelf, Hederic cells us, is
11ita humi ·Rrata :"'-but thjs.they might be, if a: compounded of N,., in compofltione priva.tivum,
man was to lit along on th~ gromrli; which Wqttl<l et intenfi'!Jttm ; et K~.,r,jopor, cum g ravcdrne ; •
' not eic.ptcfs topjj-furvy ;· for that prbperly is hav- deep, or heavy .fl~ep, 'nu11ib111f1, or ftupidity.
ing the bead. dlXQnwar.d,_.and tb~. kee/J upward; 'fORQ..UATED ; :rae"""'• torqueo, 111rq«es,
•l ike a tumblct' lhorr, all otlr etymo!. and torquatus ; a ch11i11 ; which ac 6rft was twifled;
di&ion. can explain this expreffion, and tell us · and afterwards compofed of links, o r ri11gr.
what it lignifies, but none ba'ile g iven a fatisfac- · TORRENT; '"rue"• qua notac E•e"'""• quoc!
tory deriv. of it,' which, perhaps, is nothing more · unda ra,P.ido irnpctu "'.f/utt: Litr.andAinfw."-but
'than a coiltrattion of top turned .deorfurn, veifu1 ; it feemsTather to defoe.nd aT•e"""• torquto 1 unde
IOJ: t11rn'd vtrfus, or top/J verjj; then top.ff /flr' 'OJ : ~orrens qua fr /!lrfjl<tnS; .tearing, . whirling, bl4rry•
- confequcnrly Gr. · mg every thing along with 1t ; m the fame m&n-
TOR; a contraction of lower;· Tue~''• turri1; ner as Virgil has fo poetically defcribed it in
'! turrtJ, lower, or fortified place; hence Gloj- die Second lEn. 30.~:
to!fbury t or. Jn fegccem vduti cum 6amma furentibus auftric
, TORCH, "T•e"""" torq11to, tortum;· qtiidam lncidit; aut rapidus .n10ntano 6t1mine 1orr111s .
i:lici pucant," fays Jun. "quod ex inf'ortis, £1~~' Ster11it agros,flmtit fata lreta, boumque laboresj
rdinaque 11ibutis junibus conficiatur: pott'll:eriam Pra:cipitefque trizbit fylvas. .
videri defum pt um ex T..ex•w, vel T"f'"""' jtpdio, 1'0RRID ; T"f"'• qua notat . ~"''"' ,,rrto1
( xtquiizs faclo; quod facum, tredaru1nque prreci- artfacio ; lo faor<h, parch, burn: vd a. e,~: vel
puus olirn iq extquiis ufus :"-the former foems r.o potius Ttf~"• enltfaeio.
be the more natural; becaufe the lacter is bur an TO RSI.ON ; Toe><•'/• torquto, urf•m; lfDijiel,
accidental ufc of them: forneti1nes they are made wrcfted, diflortetf. · ·
with wax, and then they are calledjlambta11s. TORTOISE; T"f"• qua notat E•e"'""'• torrto,
TOR_CUL:ARIOU.S, T•:>0r, T•f''""• torqttt~, toft.u~; und~ tefla. et tejlJJtf~; a tortoift, an am.
Jorcularium; 1pfun1 aucem tor<ttfar, h non cochleiS phtbtous anunal, invcloped 1n a very bardjhe//.
torquetur, &c.- " 1orc11lar, quia co uv:i:, ct oliva: TORVITY, T~•e•h tauruJ l unde /or"()llJ J
lorqurolur, ac premuntttr: Volf."-the j&rtW-prifs /;u/!-likt, jltnr, and fierce.
for grapes, olivu, app!t.r, &c. . · · TORY-RORY ; "Teut. '/'bor; in/anus,; nifi
1·0RMENT; T•in••» l orquto, tor/um, ·1or:- quod fufpicor," fiys Skinn. " Hibernicz fit
me11tum : " fane qure nunc in -mentum deGnunt, ea o rigin:s :"-but 'Ibof, Gorhorum deus, he· had
vetercs ·per men exrulere; uc augme11; pro a11g- deduced "a 0•e•r, impttuo/Ns ; cui feliciter ~tiam
111tntum; do<ume11, pro <kc11me11tu111 : \'off." - a confonat Teur. '/'her; injanus :"--<>nt who .aets
/ prturt, pai11. . like a mad man,- and roars like a bttllamitt : or
TOROSITY: ; Tue"» cujus pr:t:rc~it. med. , elfe, 1jerhaps, it 1nay be dc'rivcd i T•e" ~9'rl'••
T•1·e·.., undc T•e•;, ur gei1e ratim fie dicatur qu ic- · a Tre•~, · 1.,·cbro, perfot o; i. e. vox aercm, vel
quid rotrmdum cl\: tori quoq11c dicuntur 'in ani- au res ter(branJ ; a voic~, or noifc, that peir"s
111ali panes cxcances carn(lfa: ; nenipe vcl ob the air, and the ears t hro' and thro': tht tar-ptir,.
1:01u11dila1tm; quia 1nufcul<>f.'l! ilia: pa rtes nervis, i11g fift.
_quafi t•ris, (eu f1111ibus fint coinpaCtre; brawni- 1·oss : "Cafa11b. purat defi1mptt11n ex 81 ..v•i,
nefs, f11!ln1.fa of jltjlJ i panicularly thofe 1wo fiud · cretus ·B;cchanti'unt, et ent:hufiaflicA corporurn
Jinr;s; w.bicn· are always obf~rved at the chclls o~ ja!latione Baccho \ipntium ; 01.iv<>1, choreas
' ho;frs ; , thus dtfc1ibed by Virgil, . ducer~, et corp'orlt .crun· q1.tada1n! tripudiandi ~ ve-
. Luxuriacqu~ !•,-is anin1ofum pctlus : - - . hemeritia,_· rirn, varie jatlart : Jun."
, Geo. fll.'8 t. -but this 1s apphcable to only o ne mode of
.... • ·· 3 Q_ aetion i

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T 0 Fronl G ll I 'E "• and LAT 1 If• •T R
aaion ; it 'would fca~cdy be proper when the TOWN ; Cafaub., derives tow11 · ab A,.;, quali
w9t'd tefs is applied to bttrl, <a.fl, or tbrow. a .fl11ff11, unde- a 'toVJn : , but U pt. wich more
· TOST, commonly written, and pronounced feeming p!aufibiliiy, pcrives /own "ii e .., col/is;
l6ajl; like boajl, toajt, and roajl ; but derived a a bill; 11am oppid:i · munita olim in <ollibus, ct
T11e•i, qua notat E•t"'""• jiuo ; torrto, .toftus ; /otis editioribus ftruaa : apud 1'acitum mows'[.,,,.
partht, roaft"'• half burnt. 11111 mcmoratur:"~becaufc anciently tOflJ11s were
· TOl'AL; 'O.>.or, lotus, Iota/is; tht wb./11 intirt built on hil/J, and emilWl<es.
fufll'. • TOYS: " quum 'vcro (fays Jun. under his
TOTTER; T,;n,.-13,..,, 1111r"1n-eo, titubo 1 to art. Joits) ex · antcccdcntibus Jjqueat Dan. flJ
-wallt: u11jleadily, to ft11mb!e. idem fignifii:arc quod Teut. fUJtb; nullus quo-
' TOUCH, .fabft. l" e 1yw, El•»"''"' tango, lat- que dubito quin toy faltum fit ex IUJ<b: anti-
' 'fOUCH, verb. S tus : N ug." &o!Jjoi1ud, 11t1il- quitatcm tuych pro armatura, mirificc -finnat no-
td, in dojt eon1afl: hence toaeht to the quick ; tabilis aflinitas, quam habet cum T•ux•s, arsa :"
eafily prD'llo!teJ : -Ciel. Voe. 10,. 1 1 , derives to11th -all kinds of tri11J:e1J.
·from"· ith, ickt : "- which vifibly originates from TRABAL ; Te"f'~E, ~tr4/J1s, vel 1rabs, tr•>•·
if/us ;- confequently Gr.: fee HIT' Gr. lit; a /Jeam.
'fO-VE'T i " fomecime• written to/ct ; ii Sax. TRACE for b.rftt to tlratu by : ~,...,.,, lit•,,;,
t;u, duo ; et Fa't', mt1ifuram, qua: duos peccos, lrabo ; lo draw, drag, or pull. ·
feu congios continet: R ay :' '-confequcndy Gr. : TRACE 1a path; ab A1e"w-•r, via trit11; ex A,
fee T\¥0, and VAT: Gr. TRACKS intcnfiva; et Te",.'"• ta/co; uodc
· 'fOU GH: " l:'lv9•>-•<, darus, a/per: Cafaub." tramu, callis, fcmita ; a wtll-tvorll patB, or trsti; ·
- but Skinn. w:u fo much difpleafod with this, ·and hence the fportfmen very properly call ir
Lhat he could nor help being witty upon it : iracing a hart; i. e, as Virgil c;ills · it a11ritef!J11t
" l:lu,1.>.o<, tl1irus, a/per ; ct fanc fatis durum, et ftqui lepo,-u; to follow lhe print of' btr jlep1 in
ajperum ell ecy111on :"-let us then hear the Dr. the fi1ow : or clfe our words tract, alld iratk,
" tough;" · fays lie, " a Sax. 't'oh ; credo a 't'eon ; may be, according to Cafaub. defufnpta_cx Te•x•r,
trabtre, . ducert ; qui a fc. lcnta omni3, duflilia rot• ; the impreliion wh.ich is lefr by. l~c wbtel.
funt.:"-from very definicion rhen, we might TRACT-ABLE; '1fl""'"" ·~"'l'"• traho, 1rac-
be induced to fuppofe, that both 'toh, and 'teon, latus; any fubjeet, or argument handkd; 9r Jif
originated a-Ti""'' lt1u"1, UllCO; unde 't'COD : ll· <ourft treated; a lrtalift.
111111( ; ttnacious, or /qugb. 'fRADE ; " Minth. delleCtit • a traJ(nJo I
TOW along; " Sax. 'tCOn, Juart, p_rotrabert : but, mallem," 'fays Skinn. " ii 1ra'fl.a11do :"--buc
Skinn."~probabl_y Gr. : fee TUG. 16en it would originate frocn the fame root
TO\V, or flax; " Sall. 'top ; Belg. loll'ID ; with t he preceding arc. to fignify allJ. art; ,,,,_
uttumq)le credo arl"""•fl"pa-: Skinn.'' -it feems nufatlurt, handicraft, or 1rad1 :-trade, however,
rather to be only an abbreviation of. 10-m111tu111 ; frc:n15 more naturally to be derived aTe~•1"', 1iur-
i. e. a Gvt-'Of) T:ijl-{!o~, 11111110: , •. ver11m JomeRli <alor; II mtrcba11t, or dealer in 'VIZriouJ arlitlt.s.
ccymo11; de quo plane adfentio l6cloro,'' fays TRA-DITION 1 .11lw141, do; l rad,o, traditio ;, a
Voff. : " qui puu1· eife a 111mto ; nempe qui a eo delivtri11g dow11 to polterity by word of mout~,,
. J:im'eat culci'ta; UC a fltO'IJtO .e{l; 111{;111111/Um ; fie a or ora/ lratliti411;
1.umto dl: lu•n:lu1'1, vel to111111tum :"-uncle tow, l'RA-DUCE; A""""'• d1u11, 'tratkco; to diti-
. flax, b11np, or •ny fuch light and fofc fubflaace to ver ll'llt1' to thame, flandcr,, &c.
jiu.ff •ul ma11rt.ffes, and make them/we!/, and rift up . 'fRAFFICK;. " quidam fufpicancur ab Arabi:
T0.-1,VEL, or as it is fomc:timcs more pro· . bus cnutuacum,'. ' fays !lin. "fed cum 1ra10, ct trotto,.
perly called towlt, a Tw-,, ca/cila, lodix ;., a pi/- idem fine Hifpanis, ·et: ltalls, quod 1raffi.r ;, videri
u1!J, jbut, o r. 1J11y lhing_ like " naplcin.: or, per- . potcft iode.faet_u m vcrbum lrAlijitare:,, ct concrafle
haps, it m;1y be o nly a cootr.aCl:ion of ma111ile, · tr<.fi<are.: qure fcntentia·cft propihq,uini mei :: If.
derived a M<t1·1·:>-•, a Meil-'!.., 14a•.' '" ide111 quod Volf." - thcn lee me hope to meet·wich p,ardon, 1f,
mappa : vel a M"''·"""• mapP."'• 11111nJ1/J"-; and fron1 after- chefc great critics,_, I: were to fiippofe, . that
hence Mav!uh"" manttfium-; as if it wos-ddigncd .fra10, et tr11110, or-iginared a trall1t1-; et 1raP1t11S·;.
for an abbreviation of manu-uria111 ; . ubi 11111- i. ll.e~~'"'• .Ae"r'"• traho, tra!Jo·; as we have.jut!.
,,,,,, cerg_uncur.;, an1 pieu of cJa1b_ IP wip,t the now feen, _vii,; all.kind of' tn4rcba11dift, and ' lftr•·
:.bands•"·- · ca11tile war~s,. made,. bought,, or fold by: hand.
'fO.W :ER, or.r.acher., as lJ pt. writes- it, " lour ; 'l?RAG-ACAN'I:H ; Te:>r.x•••9", 1ragat1wtb1,.
' T"('<•r; IJJN'is.; a turret; l ower, or fqr/ifi.ed pJafc : bircinaJpi11.a; ·a lhruh,:which produces gum dragat,.
· hence ter·; Glaffinburv- /qr:. Upt .'~ cominonly_called gu1n•n, or. more P.roperly.
• •
. lt"X:.,..

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T ll · · G ll z 1 k, and LAT r "···
h;uk-1-hortt l but why it obtain~ this Iat~r appel· lrt1/;a ; a>fled; q. d. olcu.m '.v.ilius, quo fc: Jr4_-.
lation is fomcwbat>lc:, ~tym. !hews harum rotas inuiigufft :'~the derivation now wa~.
ic is derived a .Te..y•;, birtra 1a goat; and A,..-.9,., evident errough.; and. lignifies 1hqt oil, and_grt aft,
jpfoil; a. t"9.rn; and confequently ought to have which are 1nade ufe of together for the grealing.
been called goa1-1born, injtead of b11dc-tborn. filrt -wbee/J .
. TRAGEDY; Tf"'Y~''"• lrag111dta ;. a /l'agetly.; TRAITOR ~ this word is either detived fro1n
quia pr:cmium c:ius, q ui tr,agtJ!dia vicilfet, bir,us tl1l1.Jy.•, .Jo; unde tranjJo;. conrraaed to trado~.
~!Tct ; f1Uen1 ille .Baccho facrificabat r undc: Hora- hinc traditor, traditiq; a. dcli'Vering up, or fun;en-.
tius, i9 Art~ Pqetica, . · • tiering by treachery : or elfo, lince Ciel. Yoe. 119,
. Carmine qui 11·agie,o vilem ccnavj~ ob hirc1'm: does not adrnit of this deriv. it has be~n craccq
according to n1oder11 ideas, a tragtdy is a mourn· up to the Gr. t)iro' his own interpretation, in the
fiJ fubjefJ ; but it was very far fron1 being fuch., ar~. BE.· TRAY : Gr.
according to the original infticutiqn; for 'l'b.efpis, TR1\-JECTION , 1,.,, 1.,.,, l'Jlilto, j1uio, traji-.
i t feemo, was che inventor Qf trllgtdy; and !001c cio ; lo caft tbro'.
think Te"rlf3'"' dici, quali Tf''Y<;>I'"" a Te•ysr, 1'RAMEL, quali dramtl; Aeo:...-•» A('"'Y;;;, trabo ~
/diets : nondum cnim ufu pttjonarum invenco, / q dr11w, adrag-ntt; alfo "'lJ en1a:ngltmt nl, or.tether,
attores f.ece vini faci.e1n perungebant, vafis, feu 1'RA·MONTANE , II<f•>-B••'f, lratµ-m~ns,
~ad is f.cce tenus cpotatis; quod idetn Horntius tr111ss ·11Jonta1111s; a pcrfon who l ived beyond 1b,,
docec, ?.7 5; 11Jountai111, mea11ing the Alps; a term of reproacb
Ignocu1n tragic.e genus invcnifle t!Zllltn.r given by the Ron1ans to. any foreigner.
Dicitur, ct plauflris vexi.ffe pocmata 'l"bejpiJ, TRAMP 011 foot, ft:cms to be a contraCl:io11 of
<l!/a: canerenr, agerentqu:e, perunfli f.etibus ora: ten·a-ambulo, quali fer.,ambulf, lr-amb-1110, tQ
for it is but reafonable to fuppofe, that 'J'befpis, tramp, or wall; on la11d, or rather walk on f••J. ~
having been the inventor of lr"grdy, n1ul1: have -confequently Gr. : or dfe i.f ma,y be derive4
lived before the introduction of the tragic mafa i from rhe following art •
.and accordingly we here find, that bis attors T RAMPLE ; Te" ..'"• tal&o, fpeciatim uvas in
n iadc ufe of tbt lets ,f wine, inftea<l of mafas: lacu; to tread 011~ tbt grapes : alfo lo wal~ "I.
which makes it the .more extraon;linary ~hat Voll". and down•
.who_ has quo.tcd. tins very pa!Tagc from I-Iorace, . . TRANCE l " Fr. Gall. tra11fa; · aoimi dilir
Jhould fay, " ahi Tf"Y~ct,,.. dici aiunt, quod fee~ quium i A•un-9oy.•r: a L.1t. ·1r11nji1·e i q. d. lra117
nici or pcrlincrent /.ea, ante ufum perfa11arum a jilus in alium 111u11d11111: Skinn."-now the Dr.
"Ihtfpidt i11ve11tar11m ;" whereas .f-Jorace fays di- lhould have p~oduccd the Gr. etym. as in the art.
,r eltly the contrary; that Tbrjpis made 11fa of tbt 1'RANS-IEN·r: Gr.
/us; but docs not fay, that 'fbejpis invenud tbt TRAN-QJ,JILLITY; "mallcm priorcm par-
nzajl:; nay, Ho.race's very next words are, tern vocis tra110, qua m tr41ifio, fian,iere: ct quo4
Po!l: hunc, (nempe Thefpidcm) ad pofteriore1n partcm, qon fatis liquct ; fitne
Perfo11,r, Pallreque repertor honefi:e ex co, quod /rants quittt; an quia trmzari qllit.;
JEfchylos, et modicis. inftravit pulpita tignis, fed non aliundc hoc colligi poteft : VolT."-aco '
Et docuit 1nagnumquc loqui, nitique cothurno: cording to·this ctym. it would derive either frot\\
Fro:n cbcmanncr in which 'I.btfpis (as in the for· n'{"..""'• no, 11are, 1ra11are; ct K"I''"'• vcl K...,
.Jncr quotation fro1n,- Horace) is deJcribed, as 'jll•o, quieJUJ: or from II1e«•·""• tranart; et
having carried his aaors abou~ in a waggon, and q11to 1 meaning tJ calm Jen, which may, be failed
·perhaps . alting fro1n thence, C!et. Voe. 1~5, over quietly , and hi:rc ufed to lignify a plti<id1urs,
l1as b~n induced to derive " lrt1gedy a trabea, and 1'1Jl llllrjs of ttmptr.
an old Italian word for a waggo11, o.r t11»1bril, a TRANS-ACTION: Ice ACTION: Gr.--
part of the Tf"'Yri'"'• a jo11gfrom a cart, or u1ag· \Ve have tnany other words ju 011r language, be-
&011 : "-but trahea cert.1inly is derived a ae"'"""• ginning with chis prepolitio n 'fRA,NS, which wilJ
"~f".)'~• tra/xJ, unde- !rabea; to Jn1g, or draw in a be more properly (ouod under their refpcaiv.c ar-
·cart, or waggon. tides ; unle!S when 'he prin)ltives ~h~mfcl,•es arl: '
'fRAlL l ae..vrw, llea~, l rabo; to drat11, drng, not in ufe ; as in the following ·' words, wbc11
T :RAINS· or pull. . compounded. .
TR.A IN-oi/: it may appear odd to ·deduce 1'RANS-IENT {fi<f.......& foW, E.., lraef-t!!; I~
this article: fr-0m the foregoing; and yet Ski no. , 1' RANS· ITION S gq, or pajs wtr 1 lo p'!fs
has poin.ted out the way, tho' he has not avai led away, or be of foort durat~11.
bi1nfelf of the opportunity; for he has faid onl y, 1 'RANS 7 MO-GRAPHY ; plainly derived
" J.1'1ii.11-oil, Q/tJ/111 ~tUl&r11~; i a Fr. Gal.I. t; 1 from Il•e•• ·1-«e~~-'Yf"'t"'• me~ning tii change_ 1~
' J Q.2 Jor•

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1; R From G i -E £ K, . and LAT 111. T R
form of any thing; to mtl11-111orpb!Jt ii l or rather TRA·VERSE; ll•e•"·Te•....,, traef-vtrto, tr11nj-
11u1amorpboje ii. verfus; athwart. .
TRANS-OM, abbreviated from D'f"'""I''• "fRA-VEST:Y; " Fr. Gall. tra'lltjli; Ital.
tra11feo ; unde tra11]1r11m, quafi tr11nfi11·um; i. e. fravef/.ito; vejlibtls m11tnti1t ab f!t ulis hominM• ab-
J:rabtI traefvtrj.c; beams tbat go ac-rojs, run a1bw1w1. fcondi1111 : q. d . Lat. lra>ifveflitus ; i.e. Gr. Mil ·
TRAP-ball; " Tf•.-«, lufiis puerilis genus, •149"~1""' : Skin n."-( it lhould Jiave' bttn M11,,..
quad Stephanus deli:ribic· 1 coi npn abfimilis, ~"~I""") fince the Dr. has been pleafed 10 give
quem "trap vocant Anglici pueri : Cafaub." us the Gr. fignifu:ation of this word, it wt're to
.· 1lRAP, orjnare; N ug. would derive our word be wilhed he had likewife given us the Gr. etym.
frap, " aTfr.-.,, quafi rlit1"', '!!CrlO; becaufe traps of it i tiut ·t here he has failed US ; for he ccr-
/urn abo11t when they are opened ; from whenq:: ta inly gave us Mll•y.111;,uru; . only as a fynony- .
1rapa, and ad trapare :"-thefe two lall are un- mous 1er1l't, not as a derivation of tranj-vtjlit.s: ·
intelfigible: Jun. indeed, fays, " fuit et tncdii -Volf. then ' will derive that word for us, cit.her
f:eculi vocabulum trappa : Johannes Nicotus vi- from ErO•;,.v ljiis : vel it Laconico B•r•>, quod 'Otil•s,
detur GaUicmn trope voluilfe deducere il Tr«.. ,~... ct. /a11am notat : -fo that the works of an amhor .
mt nja·: fortalfe quod ad intidiofam machinam in- being lrli~t,/1itd, fignifies thejcnfaor-meaning of that
confulta animalcula, veluti ad menjam i11jlr11tli.ffi- tuthor being put into Jo jlrangt and ridicu!C!ls a
fll<im, accurrantct illaqucantur:"-Skinn. is fo far tl•tbing, drtjs, or g11rb, as "abfolutdy to pervert
difplcafcd wiih Cafaub. who has given the fame de- his detign and intention; and has the fame ridi-
riv. as to fay," 11efdo r11am.obrtm deftca:ic a 're«,..<· ·aepc·arance in print, as the drcffing up the
~-,. !"-the qua11106rem 1s evident and plain 1 becaufc llattlcs ofH0Ti1cr, br Virgif, in· a n1erry Acndrcw's
rrapiare for the n'ioll part made with ajlllt pitct •f jacket, would have ainong an ignoranr rabble;
board, called tht table, on which is laid, or faftencd it might raife a contemptuous laughter in them,
fome k ind-offood, 10 ten1pttherne1ny into 1he fnare. but indignation mnong the judicious.
TRAPE up and dawn; F.le" .."" ve1jt1s /um; IC TRAY, or lrougb: "Minlh. defletHt ~ Tcut.
Walk forwards in the llreets for fon1e way, and then trageii ; •Belg. dr11tght11; ftrre, port art: mallem,"
'tdrnbatlt again: R. Tei.-w, quatin1e?,.,'t1t,./o; IO t11rn. fays Skmn. " p:irum detlexo fenfu, a Fr. Gall •
. TRAPES; either from the foregoing root, c-r ·tra)'!iir, trayer; 'lltrumqoe •ii trtrire unt VtJ(bt;
· from the fame origin with our word DRAB, or ' vauam mulg?re; hoc a Lat. trizbere: q. a. lac
·common woman. vacc:e trabere, feu exlrtibere : " - but even
· TRAPEZI.UM, Tf""'?"" trapezium ; menjula, then it would be Gr. as we ha-vc already fcen in
·ahacu/us; a, or any little fquare figure, the art. DRAG: Gr. :-'-but Jun. and Lye give
like a tab/e: R. Te<urr?«, me'!fa ; a table. us another, and a ~etter ety1n. viz. tray, a truffa;
• TRAPPINGS : " quali fer:bappings, or gtr· ; which they would tlerive a'Cymrreis tr;•cb11; tr111J-
bt1pping1, i. e. ' gn·-hap, contra.:lr<J. to garb : ('fol'. · care ; lht "body •fa Ira hollowed out; quod a/'l!d,
'11/ay. 80 :''-only now gi•r is Gr. : fee GYR-A- • ac lintres olim nihil fucrint al iud quam arboru
TION : ·Gr. dij{tfl.e, atque extavat;e; M•••Euil«, wbolt piuu of
TRASl-J, ·reuE,f.ex,fccria Jerri ; fees,fatrli11gs, wood f''-but then here again, as the Dr. has
or 11;ry refufa. done in •the foregoing arr. they have given Ufa
TRAVEL; " 0»•f3..,, pruno: or from Tf'"" only a fynonymous Gr. word, inftead of a Gr.
rero, perfcro : fron1 whence alfo comes terif,nu, dcriv. which will, however, be found under rhc
in rhe antienr l~nguage for bavn; qui a folum art. TROUGH: Gr. :-tl\ough perhaps it would
•taunt : tbe ox is rm animal made J~r labor: Nug.'' be better frill, to derive " tray, ·according co
-perhaps jc n1ight be becrer to derive tero, and \Vachterus, a trua ; i. e. tero, trivi :"-but flill
/trlontJ, t1ncle 1r;Oill'S1 cc fip!e1: ... 1rionts, l)OC from . it is Gr. viz. a ..reV :.>l tero, altero; to wtar, ru6, or
T cow, perforo·; but from T··f3~, ter• ; neither are jtcop boliow. ·
ox'cn called IN'ionts, quia folum, fed >ream, ttrunt, TRE.A CHERY ; "ridiculum eft illud Min·
perfora11f; as in the fenfc of that palfage ·in fcvi erymon a Tf'"' ·x"e"'•" fays Skinn.-and
l)eut. xxv. 4; bovi trifl1ranti os 11e obtb11rato; · he fays true ; but then the Dr. has not much
A< thou lhalt not muzzle the ox that treadtth Diii i1nprovcd upon him ; for he tells us, that lrea-
tbt corn :"-Ciel. Way. 35, derives our word chery is derived " parum defte:to fenfu 1t Fr.
"1rd'l!d1 as a conttaltion fro1n ttrr-amblu, con- Gall. tricbtrit ; impojl11ra, dec~ptio; hoc 3 verbo
trallffi firll to trambles, then to trablts, and at tritber; imponere, /ai!ere, utrmnque a Lat. trit.e :"
.Jail to travels, or joumies by land :"-bot, would -but this is being trick;', not·treachn·o11s; which
he have us fuppofe tbofc two words to be Celtic? undoubtedly is derived from the fame root with
-they are both Gr. TRAITOR, or BETR1\.Y: Gr.

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T li From· G ~ E ! x:, :ind''!.,.. T 1 It•

. .
TREACLE; "0r.e•~••• thlriaca ; antidotus ad-
TREPAN, in fufget)', , ,. ':PpV>ra•=· 't1=""e..,
verfus venenum; confcll:io alexipharmica nobilif- perforo: Nug." - none of my lexicons .give me·
lima er anciquiffima:; lie dicla;" fays Skinn. "av!- Tt""'"'""'• but all write it T porY.,;,, the infini tive· ·
perre pulvere · pr"a!cipuo ejus ingredienti :" - we mood of which fo rming, perfornre; it is-
mu ft not prefume to doubt the Dr's. prefcription ; a wonder the Dr. did not make choice of it.
however, his fol lowing obfervation may be right; TREPIDATION; "Tf'"'"• q uafi ll'•p1.,, Vtrlo,
'~ '7Jiperli aute1n Gr:e•~.. , i.e. /era, Y.::t1' rE,·x.1111 di ci- in fugom vertere; to lt1r11, or put to flir;ht: Ft'ft.
t ur :"- J un. ·writes it triode ; but com111011 pro- Lin. :tnd Ainfw.''-ic may ratlier be derived ••a
nunciation is againft him. Tprw, Tpll'•» uncle trepido, quad nee multum abi!
TREAD ; Te""'• Te•f3..,, tero, trit11m; to tread, ii T"pf31c,, f r e1110: Voll:"-to tremble, or jhnkt.
or trample on. . 'IRES-PASS, compounded of trans, and
•TREASU R E; 0.~.. 'e°'• tbejaurut, quaG trefa11- pajfiu·;· i.e. trnns-greflits; and confequenrly will.
ru1; Tctf« "6 ffS' A11f •o11 TJ~f)l.¥t, a place /(J lay ''P tnoney take the farnc deriv. with PASS: Gr. to pnfa rrver
ii1 ti// to-morrow: vel potius, ec quad vcri us puto, the due bound!, or tranr-grefs agai11fl the jutt ntlC·S·
fays VoO: ''*<'rit 01111t:t:.;,;or, ex E>na-:..i, fcu Ti9tir62-1, et of relig ion and morality.
pri fco A'f"• vcl Ave•» unde L atinorum aurum :" i·. e. TRESSEL lT,,...,, tripu; a tri'f!od, or triv et;·
r"~'ipu>.v.xao.,g11z11phi!aci11m; a pince to lodge money in. TRESTLES Ital. 'trefpido ; a thrtt - footell:
TREAT }t>e'""'"'• t>e"Y"" traho, traElatus ; jloo!; or rife a Tt"'"'e"' tabula; a table, with any·
'fREATISE to bandit a fu/ljrEl ; to writt number o( feet ; or 011y flat board.
'IREATY on any argument. TRESSES; E!Jp;t, ··e•X."• tapil!us, cirrus capil-·
TREBL E; Te"<• Ires; three, tbrice. lorum ;' c11rled, or crifped locks ; or what Milton•
TREE; " i!.evr, querc11t ; vel qu.-evis arbor ; ' has fo linrly called the tangles of N.eira's bair :.
~1y changing I!. into 'I; quaG Tev<, ·Teu, /rte: 1 Lycidas, 69,
·cafaub. and Upt."-11n oak, or a11y other tree. 1'RE.T; " vox mcrcatoria," , fays Skino. " fi.
TREEN -wart; " tart hen vtjfels : Roy :" - bco~ memini illud quad ad conipenfandum mer.
without any deriv. tho' it was only a Northern cium dt1ri1nent11111 affignarur; forte aLat. tritus, .
contratl:ion of trun, from terrene ; and yet it is vel attritus :"-forte i Tp1(3.., tero; unde trit11s.
poffible this gentleman looked upon trtt11 as· an TRIAL; either from Tf""• uro; or fro1n Tp1f3~,.
original $ax. word ; as, no doub t, feveral other ltro, trivi, tritum; to wear, or ruh to tbt quick; to
etymol. have io many other inftances : - but be brought to the tefl, and proved by the to11chjlone
TERRENE is Gr. of tr11tb, and jujliu. •
TRE·FOIL; Te•-fuM,., trifo/ium; an herb or TRI-ANGLE; Tp•-'"Y""»", triangulus; a tri- -
·g,rajs, Jo ta!le(J f rom its leaver beiltg divided into a11gle ; a figure with th1·ee angles : the proper Gr•.
tbrtt parts. word is Tf'Y""f·
, TRELLIS; " Fr. Gall. trei!lis; tancel!i, cla- TRI-ARCHY; Tf'"fi(.'"'• triarchia; a triart:by ;,
throm ; a vcrbo trei!ltr; cancel!are, ftptum ca11cel- a g()'l)ernment of tbree ptr/011.f: pro perly rhcre are
Jatum 1 quod Menagius deflell:it a Lat. trichila, no fuch Gr. or Lat. words, tho' they have M""'f"
idem lignante : et hoc ii Gr. Se•E, tried!: Skinn." X."'• oi"'l'"'FX."'• &c. .
TREMBLE l "Te'I'"'• tremere, aTew; to jhake, TRIBE ; "Tp11~, live 1'p•1'lur, undc T iijupx,•r, :
TREMOR .J or quakffor fear: Nug." "'IX."'' T;;< Tp.1,., : lie, ut fufpiccr, facic;· fays Volf.
T RENCH l thefe two words convey two " quod leviculii tan tum immutationc lit opus, li-
TRENCI-IER S different ideas; and yet both terre 1, in b; Tp11~, tribut; qure in aliis quoque
originate from the fame root; either fro111 ll1- occurrit; ut cum a T1p11e•• dicitur ltrebra, et tere-
r::x~~C£xw, transj'tco; or from r.x1~r..J- quaft l:x...ct~, brum ; ii A•1f"> libra : fumma quoque eft ligni-
.Jci11do, tr~ns-Jtindcrt, contratl:cd to trenth; bci?g licationis affinitas, live fequamur Polluce111, Eull:a-
a line, qut trans campum hgone facalur, vcl fcm- thimn, ct Ariftophanis fcholioftem, qui aiunc .
ditur; and a 11·encher being a flat piece of Tp•1v< idc111 elTe quad E&,.r, ac <l>po<1p•«• : live
-wood, either round, or fquare, on wh ich our Harpocrationem, Sllidam et ecymologum, qui
nieat cultello trans-Juatu1-, aut tra11s-fti11ditur : elfe docent T,.1., l'•'P"'' ,;,, p~m ; ct Varro dicit,
any thing tut acrofs. ager Romanus primum divifus in parers tres, a.
TREND LE; a mill-wbttl, fpinning· wheel, &c.; quo tribu1 appellata:; a tribe, or ward; being 4
fee TRUNDLE: Gr. third divi!ion of the Roman ftate; tho' after-
TREO l" a tree: Sax, Verft." - cerrain- wards increafed to thirty-five : R. Tt"'• tru;
TREOW S ly Gr. 1brce : Tp11or, tertilfs , the t hird.
TREPAN, or bt1ra1; Tf,,,,."'°" vnerator, .v a- :IRI BULATION, T1•f3.., uro 1 to rub, or tread
ftr; an artful tiueiver. 0111 tllt'n; hence trib11!a, tribula; ·to tbrtjh, or btat
9 OU~

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T ·re- Fiont .G !li1i:, ~nd LATI N. T g,
'CUI eor11 w ish a fla il ; and with us it is meta- bort a hole with: hence uied in mufic, to figoiiy
phorically ufed t o fignify ajf/i flio11, opprtjfio11, -..itJ1- " vividus ille ct penettabilis voccm vibraffantiunt.
atio11, wbicb f rets, galls, and w ears aw11y the ftout- fonus, quia aures fubinde, fc. quando in altunl
CJ1 ca11j/i1u1io11. alTurgir, ptrforal, ct ptrterebral : Skinn." - any
TRICE; " forte a Dan. re;ft, j11rgtrt, fa eri- jbriltjo1111ding notu , when t hey are fhakcn caufe
~~t1..t, auollere : q. d. ta11ti!fo cemporis quanto the greater trilliinuy, or ptntlrabifity ; or as
qu1s f\' ntlollere potell:: Skinn."-but as the Dr. Sbakefpcar, in his Otbtllo, Att ill. fc. 8, has fo
favs, under the arc. ROCK tbt cradit, 1niror ho- properly called it the tar-ptircing fift.
n1incm Ang.I. (et phyfic .) a tcira Danica ufque TRli\.1, neat, fpruet ; " Sax. iet:pymmc]:> ;
arcclTcrc, quod in Gra:ciii invenire pocuic ; for perf eEl111; vel ;i;c-crympt:um: J un. and Skinn." -
f l< II trice originates plainly, and fi1nply a Te"'• we 1night rather fuppoti:, with Cafaub. that ~,.,.as
t 1·t.s ; tbrce ; n1eaning tO q11itk1 and fttddt1:1 that only an abbrev. o( Tr-1p•/l'-,u:c1, the pr.rt. pei;f.
you !hall not count three before it is d one. paff. of Te•f3.,, ltro, 1ri1um ; rubbed fmoQth, pvlifh-
'fRICK, (011juri11g;" Ev?ptX""• Jaierlia, ca!lidi- td; or rendertd anyways neat, fine ,
.tas: Cafaub."- any flight, nrt, or /kill. 'fRINITY; Te10.;, Tf'"'J"•s. 'I'i·initas: R. T:a.-,
1'RICK, or drefs 0111 ; probably nothing more Ires; three, tbt 'I'rinity. •
-than a differect dialeCl: of 10 rig, concraCl:cd to TRIO, from the fame root ; being a·piece of
-trig, and then changed to trh;k :-confcquently muCic performed in thrtt parts.
Gr.: fee R IGGING: Gr. 'fR IP; " Te11rol1{"» (tripnlio, in Hederic,
TRICKLE-do<vn lTP•X'•'t CllN'O, decurro ; to lhould have bten tripudio ;) and Te•r•I•«{-,
TRICKLE a boP;p S run dow» di·op ofter drop; (there is no fuch verb) tripudiart: Horace,
.a'.lfo 10 ru11, '" a boy does ofter bis h•op. Gaudet invifam pe.pulilfe folfor
'['RI-DENT; Tp•;-•;.,, Tp'"'"'"• tri-dt11s; tbrtt- 'I'tr peiit tcrram : - - - -
1001.bed, or tbrte-lined fork. and tdp the pert fairies: Milton: Vpt."-tada.11,1,
'fRIFLE. ; <t».u..,.,., 11ug,e ; arguti.e ; Jubti! faip, or bound; alfo to jlumole, or makt a ' fa/fa
ticeties : vel a 'l'pu~""'" de!iratus ; de!iciis dtditits; jltp; unkrs we 01ay d erive ir, in chis latter fenfo,
.a Joft, delicate, infig11ificaJ1t fe/fgw: or, laftly, it a n, ..7.,, quafi Te...1.., eado ; tc fa!!, or nearly
n1ay be derived a 0p1f, 'l'P'X"• unde Tp•x•;, crt''1es; to fall. •
,hairs, .ftraws; things of 110 moment. TRIPE ; " Gall. tripes; Ital. et Hi(p. tripas-;
. TRIG, probably nothing more than a contrac- Bdg. trip1111 :-"non defuere," fars Jun: " qui
tion of to rig ; like a thip in all her finery : fee deducerent a Tf"""'"• perforo; omaj1m1 ccenin1, at-
RIGGING: Gr. :-tho' would have que alia inttjlina videntutquodatnmodo f><rforata :"'
JJS derive our ex.prellion to be trig " ab E•1p•xJ•, - lxcaufe tripe, and all in/rails fl'e1n to be hol/,,.v,
i1;c·11rrit) convtnit, 9uadrat, ap111m tfl :''i.e. aTtix.t~, perforated, and, as it werr, borttl tbro'.

.•urr.o :-perhaps ch.e fonncr may be preferred. TRI-POD; Tf"'"'• tripu; a trivet, or tbree-
TRIGGER of a gun l "}. 0p1E,Te•x•;, a hair; fo•ted jlool.
TRIGGER for a.wheel S unde tric.e; whic h, TRI-REME; Te••t•;, 're•r, et Eer114•r, rtm1tS ;
as Nonnius obferv~s, funt impedimenta, imp/lea · an oar; a11 11111ie111 vtjftt, with thret ranks, or tirrs
1·ip11e; ; (hinc i11tr,icare, i1#pedire, morari) diCta! of oar1.
·Guafi teric.e; q i;od pulios gallinaceos in•Jol"Uant, et 1'RfST-FlJL; "T<'''"'· quod HeCycb . exp.
jmptdiaJll c11pilla, pen.~.e. &c. pedibus implicat.c :" AflfA~;, tin1~d1t.S; Jt,empe ?i Ttt~> lrt'INIJ'J for;;1ifh: ccfi
- au4 now ured to figoify ch at little iron flop, nee abfurde deduxeris Ji G>fa~.-.,, hoc ell: T'"f"""''""
. ~vhich prevents the gun g0ing off, till rhe fatal /1J1·bo; uc apud M aront""tn, 16jli lurhalll! te11rpora
. i ouch i~ given : and hence likewili: uftd to fig· .be/lo: vd, q uod non difplicec," continues VorJ:
. 11ify the fujjiamen, or fl~ (in fo:ne plac~~ caUed '' 3- Tp1ew, fl1·ida .t und.e Tp'~!Mr ~Jo;7;;, <1·epi111s
th~ nape) which tlltrmglet, or canfi1us the w.hccl dtntium; lit proprie triflis dicatur, q11i pr.c m1>1ror;1
. of aoy carriage, from ruibing down ~ hill, or borrtt t o/us, etjlridtl dt11tib111 :"-but g•uzfhing tb~
.n1iy !!eep place, coo precipit:uely. Jtetb is as much r.n aetion of a11gcr as of g"itf o
'. TRI -GON; Tf.•i'~» Te'i'""f• i rig1m11;, tria11g11- -;-betides, a pcdon may be trijlful, or fori·owfui,
J11s ; of a fl·iangular fprm. without <'xprclling any ourward ligns of p nffiorL;
. 'fRl~GONO- ME'fRY ; " Tf '"l"'fol'•1P'"• trigo- and therefore, we might rather prefer either of
·.v •metria, trigc11011Jt1~y ; /be or/ Rf ·me.af11ri11g .tri- rhe two firR ckri v. .
. c11gles ,:-,.tho' n.onc of our l.ex. or ditiion. give · 1'R1TE; 1'11(3<.:, (tro; . to wear, or rub : a wt!l-
· us either -0£ cbefe words, yet chc <leriv . .of the1n wo,.11 path; a common, or proverbial txprtfli•n,
. j.s ev ident 11nd plain. TRITON ; . J'pi?"" .T riton ; the fo11 Pf Neptune 1
·rrpLL; T;•,Gw, tero, urebd iuill, a <.<:i1JJble 10 whocYer that gcndetnan wa:;.
-., TR ITU-

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·T It From- .G ll 1·1 .1t,. arid L .A T 1 w:. T R
TRITURA1'E ;. T,"30>, ltro, tr.ih1Tat11J; to 111i1bmitita, gto11utria, et 11.flro!tomia,. norninantt11'·
tbrejh, /Jtat, or. J~eaJ 0111.tbt torn; alfo.10 grind, lo quadrivium :"- tliis may be true, witli regard ro
Jigeft 1be food. . . the Lat. word trivia/is; but our own word trivial.
TRIUMPH; "0e•"'l43•c,tri111npbus: Upt."- feems rather to defcend from TRIFLE: Gr.
" a folc1nn pomp, or proceffion, granted by the TROCHAIC ; 1°f•x""••c, TP':it"'''• troth.11u ; :
fcnate at tile return ·of a general.from the wan, pes mctricus, conftans priore longa, et pofteriore·
for a co.nfidcrable victory gained over ~n enemy brevi 1 a poetfr me'afµre; of which. the·firft fyi'..
.not before conquered; .wherein he, in a golden !able is long, the next lhort.
. chariot, wearing a golden crown on his h.ead, TRO~HES ; . Tf'X'"• ro1.1 vtjligium; orb'ita;
preceded by the conquered captives, with their rotunJus : R . Tpox,«, a Tp•X"> eurro ; any thing,
fpoils, afcended the capitol, to return thanks, and rolled round, like a pill, or a loztt1ge•
. make his oblations to JupirerCapitolinus: Ainfw." TROCHLEA; Tp•x,•At,., x,o.A1c, eftq~e i Tpo-·
.- it is remarkable, that Dionyf. of flalicam. X"A•r, rottmJus, volu/Jilis : troeblta eft machina:
in bis Rom. Antiq. Book VII. 274, gives us the trafroria, contincns rotu/'am .1nea111, lig1uamvt, .
. following dcfcription of an ancient Roman tri- (cui proprie trocble.1 nomen comperit)_ axiculum
#1'1pb; where he fays, " tlie b·iumpbal proujionJ per earn ro1ult11n trajeaun1, et funem, qui Circa
alfo lhew, that railery and fatyrjcal jokes were an rotulam turril; a pully, er.ant, wi11dlilft, or any·
. ancient and national cnterrainmenr among the fucb rolling. maebi11t. . '',
. Romans ; for the foldiers who attended' the tri- 1'ROLL for fifti; from· tlie foregoing root 1 •
umpbs, are allowed to fatyfifct, and ridicule the becaufe the perfon who praftifes tllat art· makes .
. moll: • niW',. withou~ fparing even ufe of a wbeeli. and fame run1ti11g tackli'; ·
their .g enerals; in ·the fame manner as the Ache- TROLLOP; fre T.RULI. : a contrafrion- of'
·nians, who rode in procel!ions in carts former-· MalpvMn, lena; Mdfpvh'·"•" lup,nnar ;.a dirty Jrab ;.
ly, were permitted co rally every one they met: : a common· girl, that walks the firuts. · ' .
now they Jing excen1porary verfes.:"-there is (o TROOP ';. "@•pvi3•<> turb.a :· Upt."- a tom-
i\umbrous, and at the fame ti1ne fo. witty a bur- p'ally, or tonfufad. er~ud.
· kfque · o~ ihe R.1J11u111· triumphs in Butler, , TROPE •· Tp.•ll'•fi tropus; in verbis, dtjle!lio 'a·
P art U·.. Cant, ii .. 59.5 , that I muft dcfire co . eommuni ufu ; a figure in .rhetoric, by · wl)ich
. tranfcribc fome part of it; which. properlf.. begins · words are dtjltlled, or turned froin.their common.
thirty lines befo1e the fQllowing,. . acceptation: R. T.p.t""' 'IJtrlo ::
For as the aldermen of Rome,. . he could 'not ope
, Their foes at training overcome,.. H'is.mouth,. but out"therc flew a trqpt.
And not enlarging te•ricory,. Hod: Part I. Cant i. 81 ..
(As fame, miA:alt.en.., wdte the ftory)" . TROPPIY ;· "T;........., trop.eu111: R. 'Tp''""'
Being mounted, .in their bell: array, : ve1·10 : Nug,"-thc Dr. meant Tf"'"> verto 1 for
Upon a car,. and who b111.tbey? , Tp~f"' is 11utrii> :,-befides, cv1m this dcriv. is dif-
And follow'd by a. world.of tall lads,. puted by Ciel. Way .. 45, ;. bccaufe, as. he very
'I'hat mftry ditties troll:d, and .ballads, .JUftly. obferves,. tf«phits were eqf)ally ereo!l~d, if.
D id· ride witb many a good-morrow,· 'the·cnemy did 11or turn, and ru11 aw.1y ;' b utf~11gh1·
Crying, Hyt for our tow11,.chro' the borougli'>- till they. wer~ either killed, . or taken priloners: ·
So when,. &c. ·in tlie Ceftic, Ti>•'""'" fignifies armclir bu"g 011 a,
and thus he goes on to <lcfcribc a Weft "'untry POST :. " is not this," fays he, " rather a more
t:iding;. in fo full, and fo la4ghablc a 1nanner, as jull definition .?".:....doubtlefs ; . but this is not giv-
is only too long for a quotation.. ing us· t he Celtic word; without which we cannot ·
. 'l:RI UM-VlRA·T E; Te"• 'l'P"'• .tru•; ct 1,, judge of the propriety of the.derivation.
,', vim, vi; unde vir; a [DVLn1m1nl of tbret men. , · TROPIC, Tnr•; verto; to /Ul'n ; occauf<',
TRf~ V.lAL :·Jun. has given. us fo inti rely a . when. the fun ilrrives at the Southern l1:op,ic of
•new fonfe to this .word in·our l.a nguagc, that his .Caprieorn, . b't 1ur1u og1Jin Northward .to the cqua-
.own: words defervc qµ.ocatioil : " trivia/is, vi/is, , tor; and having. crolfcd that line, proceeds ft ill
atquc in omni tri'IJio proftans 1 Gall. trivial; 1nore N-0rthward,.til1 he arrives at che Northern tro-
Ital .. tri'"; hinc Anglis a trivial febool; eft 'pi«ofCaneer; ,after which he rifesno fortlie• to the
dlpbabetaria; quo'd in omni propemodum trivio, N·orth, . but· turm again Southward to the equa-
puerull prima liurarum rudimenta doceantor: tor; and'hav·ing croO(d 'chat line again, proceeds .
.appof1t~ auclor· Ge rm. tri'IJiitm eft 'ubi tres. vi.1 :ftill: more to the Southward; till lie arrives again
-conveniunt : unde gramm111iu1, logico, rbetorita, ·at the. Soucbern trtpie of Capricorn.; which corn·
fuot; unum 1r1;ui11111.;, et.. alia: quatuor mujjca, '. pleats.. one.annual.revolution;, or a y,ear: ·
· ' l . . 'l~OPo:...

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T R from G 1t B'Jr it, and LA 'll 1 If. ...
"TllOPO-LOGICAL ; Tp•.. •"•'Y"'• /ropol~gia, · TRUCE 1 " ititl•ti.e; i. c. jdts Jtmp1~,,;,
·1ropicus, ti figural11sferma ; ct fenno· ad emend a- . bofti data :· Jun. Skinn.. .md Lye.:" - who the;
'Honem monun direttus; (peaking bv tropes, and mention their different deriv. J but from what,.
figures. · . · ' ever fourees thofc may be drawn, our word· trou
' 'fROUB'LE, {ub,!l'. ~n.d verb. Tvp~•. et -r:ell"~"'• fcems to origin ate from t he fame root with lrJt,
quod ..~pa. • • &.puf3~ d!cttur: Voll. · who ltkew1fe truth, and lrolb; for, as we fay ·o n anotbtr
iidds, vd potius a Top~o:, ltrrtn, mtlu pttt:trJo .; occafion, the parties have gi'Uell, llJUl pltdgedtbeir
t? ajf,.;gm~, put i11 f et1r. · .:, · troth tithtr I~ •1/JJtr, fo, when. two contending
'f.ROVER ; Ter·w<.>, i'erlo; to controvert ; an powers, whd !\ave .Jong ·been ap- ·wai"with cacl;
afri<in oi ttovtr. other, forin at Jan- a t-rut~, tbey thereby enter
. ·rl,lOUGI·~ to eat out of ; Jun. Ski no. and into· a folcrnn league and cov.enan1; and plcdgi:
l~ye have ranfacked ~II the Northern lang. they their mutu~I fail'b and tr11tb to each other, tbat
could poffi~ly pick up, viz. the Cyn1rxan;lccland., thev will abtl:ain from all farther .afrs of hofrili",
:lllman . Dan. Belg. Sued. Sax. Fr. Tbcod fc: and for' a limited tiqtt. . · .. ·
T eut. 'not one of which fcems to 'be the original. · TRUCK a ball, at billiardsi M infu. derives it
. word i ·fof, trot~~b, and /raj may be more na- " :i Tprx,w, curro, vel TpO)S•r., rata :" but Skinn.
turallr deri'ved a lrua,· and trul/a; i. e. a T'P"'"'" with greater probability, "a trutkndo pita•:" if
qtta! "-t)!•1~ TJ x'~1po.., vel x•v,,i>Jp10~, a !arg,: /.:.i11d he had but then told us, th·a t trud• was dcfccnd.
•f pot, 'llowl, or bafon, or any 'Vejfal, as tbt trunk, ed ii Tf' "• trudo \· to tbruft, pujb, or drhie the
or body of a tree, Jplit and faooptd 01a, Jo hold. boll into the pocket.
'U.Jater, &c. in. · 1
• 'fRUCK, traffic}" Tp...1•r. mircator, nundillA·
' TROUNCE him l" primario, truflt:ts ; frc un- 1'RUCKSTER tor, negctintor: Cafaub."-
TROUNCE-hv/e S dario, fuftis; q. d . Jufte, and lometi1nes tranrlated veterator, i11rmief1JJ; a
vel trun&0, etun probe dedobbo : Skinn. an'd tritkjier, a barterer, a cheat, or one wbo will che1111
L) e: '-bltt tYuncus origirlaces ''a Tprx,.. crr, r,>.rx~,, if b' can.

.,:J.Jos, ,vr,., {3A"'"I""' ' Hefych." tbe bodj qf" TRUCKLE-bed; Tp•x•i..«, lroch/ea: R. Tpl)(••
tree, when the branches art !opt off: R. .'''i>uX"• ct.trro ; to ru11 1 meaning a bed, whitb ""J bt
carpo; tropt, or 'ut off; but here ufed to fignily tritkfrd undtr another, or jho,ved to 4llJ part of tbt
a tudgel, or }Jaff; alfo a ball, or Jhorl flick. chamber ; a tru11dk /Jed ; fuch as Ralpho is dc-
TROU'f: Nug. has given a wonderful deriv. lcribed as lying o n by the fid", or at 1hc fett
of this word; v.iz. "Tf"'Y""• paflinaca 0a jijh with, of his good knight : P art II. Cant. ii. 39;
a poifonolis jli11g ; itetn 'turtur, whith fignilks tbe But fir(t, wi~h knocking loud, and bawling,
fgmt; a 'J~rvi"""· fi1furrb; ••vcl Tpi?~, }Jrido :''-lot I-le rouz'd the fquirc: in < truckle Lolling.
·make a mlirmuring noife'; whereas fi!h happen TRUCULEN'f: "quid Ifdicamus corruptum
to make no r.oifa : and therefore, we ·might rather' etW ii l:xoll:•<, quod H eiych. exp. X<&>.1"'' 'I'"•
a.dopt his frcond deriv. bec.aufc both Jun. and '"-'Y"' n•; "f"': vd ex Tp ..xvr, a/per; rough, and
Skinn. had given the fan1e before hi111 ; viz. fierce : vel, quid fi ·d erivemus a Tf'X"• /tro, f!txc,
Ttr..'Y.1til, trofla, trut;a ; a Tp~-, co11;(Jq:, llJ dtvtittr ; ajfogo: frd maxi me omnium placer, ut ab aJr1x
the trout being \•ery v oradous. fiat l rt1X, lrt!(U/tnt11s: Voff."-he had derived air>•
. TROW; ' " Cafauh. derives it a 0 p'''" cla1110, : ~ Tp'<IA, faucio, '/Ju Intro ; to lignify. a.fieru, c111el,/•·
lcqr11Jr; 0eQo,, fa1tuJ, ftr1110; i. c. puto, cretlo; 11an1 vagt difpojition, 'or one who ddighu in notbing
p111m·e, Ct foq ui, ailinia naturi\ :" - but it feems but wounds, and blaod.
riuher to take the fame de.riv. with 'fRUE, and 1.'R'UDGE ; Tpr;c», '11r;o; to trot ttp and ®w..;
'IR UST : Gr. • to be a!wt1)'S 011 foot .
TROWEL (.; Tof"'"' ii T 'P"'''" 111rno; t'o form TRUE-PENNY: what this exprcffion lbould
any thing with a tn1wt/J, as a /11r11tr forms witb poffibl y mean under its prefent appcar3nce, thcP:
his whul : the Lac. word for " trowdf is trulla; is no conception can account for ; and confe·
properly a ladlt, from its th ape i tru/la is only a quently its etym. muft be loft, till we can b<
diminutive of /rt/a ; which, as we have feen bold enough to write it TRUPANY ; "ii.Tf""
u nder' the art. TROUGl.i, originates ii Toe,.,;, " ""'" v afer, v etcratvr: Cafaub."-this word would
as above. · fcarcc have defervcd any notic~, it being v~ry
TROWSERS lftem to be only a contraCtion (dtlom ufod in our lungua!?''• had not ShokefJX"'
' TROWSES J of trunk-hoje: confequendy introduced ic in his flam/et, Alt!. fc. 9; where
would pe half Gr. half Sax. he has made chat prince unfoafunnbly jocular wich
TRUANT , Tp u• , tero, 111tt1·0; lo wear, and his father's ghoft : for, the very firft cjmc th•~0e
'tt/aflt aw19 tbt 1i11ze; a loi1c1·tr, a /i11gtJ·e1·. • ghofi cries under the ltage, S'llllar; !iamh:t,repl1es,
' [{4111.

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T R From GRll·K, · and LATIN: T a
Ham. Ah ha, boy ; fay'ft ·thou fo? .art thou ftrumcntum, diglto agitata; perflrepit: viae.tur:au- ·
there, 'True-pen117 r . tern vocabulum trump defumptum '!t K(•i43"""~'
i. e. art thou ·there, m7 dtar 'lilllt trijitr 1-therc I ·(quafi Te.,..13.,.,..•., changed '• to trump) freq liens
is, however, another deriv. equally applicab1e etenin1 ell: literan1m K ct f' per1nutatio: J um"-
·co this eKpreffion, and· perhaps what Shakefpcar ' than whon1 none could have given a more: elegant,
·might have alluded to ; ·viz. a Tf""""~• ttrebra ; or-jufl: defrriptiol'l of tha_t droll in!hument. ·
an augre, 'Wimble, or gim/Jlet ; and then it· may be 1'RUMPET i here Jun. very c.andidly ac.-
interpreted thus; · knowledges a forn1cr mift·ake which he had adopt-
• Ht!"'· Ah · ha, boy; fay'fl: thou fo? a'rt thou ed concerning the deriv. of this word: he had
there, 'True·pt111ry? fuppofcd it was derived a Te•~, Te'Y.-"• vcl Te•I"'"•
i.e. art thou there, ·old Bort-apact ?-which will lrtmo, formido, trtpido ; proptcrea quOd homi-
be conformable to what be himfclf makes the nibus, ad dangorem 111b,,,, et rauco~. fratlofque
prince repeat a little farther on ; for, when, reris canori fremitus, capillus. ipfe furrigi, a~­
Hamlct, Horatio, and M arcdlus have fhifred quc animus tacito quodarn horrore perfund t,
their ground, and Hamlet would have them/wtar folcat: qua: ne quidem mihi ipfi olim difplicc-
iJ bis /word, not co reveal wha~ they had f«n, bane : at nunc . aliud videcur: fiquidem conftat
the Ghoft replies, rudioribus eciamnum freculis nihil aliud. fuiffe
Gb. S.wear by his (word. tulnu, quam tubos ex offibtu, cor11ubus, aut Jig•
then Hamlet ·breaks out again ; excavates ; tandem tamcn tuba's ex :,u1 faccre
Ham. Well faid, Old Mole ; can'ft 'll/Ork i'tb' ~perunt; et tubas quii:!em exinde fecerunt ~x
gro•nd fo faft ? · a:re recto, ficuci cornua ex a:re llexo, atq ue tn
TRt1FLES; I ' Gall. tr11ffes videtur· ortu m fr, cornuum inftar, recurvato ; itaque liqueat
immedi11tc il tuber, per cpenth. Tit r: Lye ; for t11bas priinicus fuille· t•/Jos· perfor11tos; facile in-
wbich he quotes Skinn's. vegetables :" -and lince ducor ut credam trumba dcfumptum ex Teur;•i
both the J)r. and this gentle1nan have obferved, ptrforar1, inferto m; uode Tt"'"I"""' eft p1rfo-
that thefe tru/ies are " Gailis ct pra:cipue Ital is, rat11s: minime vero novam atque infolcntem· effe
maxime in deliciis," it is the greater wonder; that hujus licerz m infcrtioncm; probant, vel mon~
iieither of them would derive lrwj/es immediately fhant, damo ex K>....., pro ' KA«ow': colu:nna ex
i Te•••· dtlicidl ; delicacits ; like mu/brooms, ca- KoAw>o : lambo ex A«ir1w: limbus ex Ao{30< : ·r11.J.
ptrs, &c. ;.11articularly fince the French call 1hem mor a ;,.,, vcl t""': et rumpo a f'"'" :-1herc; is·
t.rujfes, not 1r11fles; per epenthefin ~; I, no! ~• r: great ingcnuoufnefs and candor in retracting
- it is .an almofi fubterraneous vegetable pro- a former error; and lhews the worthirid s of the
duccion, very frequent in Italy. mind that n1ade it.
TRULL; '" M~1evJ>),"• lttta : Cafaub.''- " M"- TRUNCATED }Te•;ic,.r, n),•x.•r, KJ<«Jor, f>•-
1t•A>.""' Japm1ar :. Upt."- it lhould have been 'fRUNCf-l 7.,, (3>."""14"'' Hefych:rrun~
· lupanar; a dirty drab; a flrett-·wallur. 1' RUNCHEON cus, truntatus; the body ..,
10 TRULL; to trundle; " per conttatlionem : a tree, wbtn the brancbts are /opt off: R. Teux.v,
Ray :"-confequently Gr. · carpo; tropl fbort.
TR ULLA; from the fame root with a truJI; 'fRUNDLE-.btd: fee TRUCKLE-bed: Gr.;
or, as Wacht. fays, " a trua l i. e. a Tt"''" l'tro, unlefs this word lru11dlt may come from 'Po91w,.
4/ltro; unde a tray :'' how happily has Butler rota; to roll along; becaufe it runs ·upon round
perpetuated this ~ord trulla, by making it the things, like wht1/s, called callers : or perhaps from
name .of the beloved miftrefs of brave Mag- 'p,,, , vel 'p,.,., j/11trt ; becaufe it flows, or runs
a41U ! for, alo11g, or 1mdtr 11•0/her bed.
He 'l'r11lla loved; 'Trwlla more bright, '!'RU NK cf an eltppan/; "Gall. trompe J·u~
1 'han burnilh'd armour of her knigh~: 1kpba111; Bel~. /romp va• den. olif~n~-~ ra.tionem
Hud. P art I. Cant. 11. 365. deno1nmatton1s d1fcas ex verb1~ Plt ntr, (ltb. XI.
TRUMP al cards; "' 0~•¥f3•r, triumpbUJ; a cap. 5 t) elephas dtr:i narcs, ore ipfo fternuta-
1ri11mpb 1 chart a tri11mpbatrix; the trumpb car.Ii, mento limile1n elidit fonum ; per ~ares. a~tcm,
or triumph card; viz. that card which bears ~he t11barum raucicati : Jun."-fo that it orig1natt"S•
villory over all the others : Upt." from the faine root with TRUMPET, both ·~s
· T RUMP, or b11rp; as a_7etu»s-trMfltp, or Jrw's- to lhapc and found :-tho' the Romans gave. 1t
b•p; "1rembalum,.hve lud1crum p11erorum inftru- a much more proper name, from tts ufe ; calltng.
~ntum, quod labris (dentibus) compre!fum, it ma/Jlls tfepbantis, becaufe tb1 trunk really fervcs
qualemcunquc modulaminis mufici fonitu1n imi- him for a band,- by means of a fmall hooli, or
tatur, dum lingula inllexa, qua: medium dividit· in- grijlli, at the end !'f it ; with which he takes u_p ·
.. 3 R h11·

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T tJ from Ga 11.:, and :t.•.T1 H.
Jin food,. tnd even very m.i nutc bodies :-oonfc- c ial dialeft for /Jar-Jpy, or
th~t 'day ~f the ~

· TR·l:JN·K , or box }ftt

quently·wiU take the fame origin with HAND; Gr. which was molt likely fet ~art for rite Commoo
TRUNCATS.D: Gr. Pleas ~J tbe judge or the pai;ilh: io co116rmaliqn
t'R UNK of,. trtt the !aft indeed of thcfe of which, our word 'lt<eft/tzy 1s but 'I ·Va<iation ~f
'l"RUNK-l;!OSE three art. is half G r. half t'ty's-dtJy, or d41 ofjujlit:t :"-but ·frill it may be
Sax. and fignifies a large pair of breeches, not Gr. as under tholC art. : or cJfe we mult refer to
clofe, but fo full, that· they made the man ap- the Sax. Alph.
pear like a ·Dutch fkipper, or tbt body of tJ lrtt l'TJF"f: " Fr. Gall. t•ttffet, loit.fft; Teut.
.walking, or rather wabbling, and waddling along. zopff; ci11ci11111t1, cirrus capif/•,._: ii) ~o-
. TRUSS of hay; :re""'' truM; 10 jquazt, o.r Romano imperio T~f>•, tum"'"!" '1'ij1am gak11,
prtfs tkjt. tum famamula• fignabat: Skinn.''-a p<1ff, · It
TRUSS a poi11t, feems to be the fame with plu11U of feathers, & c. .
thruft a poi11t, fatwer, or bod/tin, into the waift- T.UG: " S~x. t:eo0an, 0ct:Oj5an; tl(lr•DllS 1
.band ofthe ·breeches, to falten them up :-confe- part1c1p. verb1 -c:eon; • trabere, d"'"i'• ·vtOa't;
que·nt1y Gr.: fee THR·U ST; Gr. · 'C0;5un;,i;; vuifura, co1Jv11{/io: S~inn."-but we
. TRUST lperhaps fro1n El•e~""'• 'olf}idtns, have · afready feen, under the ,art. TOUGH, that
TRUTH> iH fpem erttltn; placing our 1r11fl, 't:con is very probably derived aT ....., 1mJJ,
our, our confide11cc in any tbi11g; what we may ttneo; unde 'l:eon 1 Jo bo/4 f9j1, pit/I,, or drag ahng:
faithfully rtly 011 : Cafaub. derives " truth ab Verlt. fop. Sax.
.A1f'~"'' '1Jtr111; A1e'"""' 'l!.eriJos; qtiafi A1e.. r. im· .1' Ul1'.ION, " :proprie autcm, ac primo nout
,p'avia11J; prodenda: fiquidrm ut vtriraJis, ica et vu/ere; ht a 01:.1""' contralt. ex e"''I'"'• '"'"•
fiJ1/it11ti1 inter caufas pra!dpuus 1i11101· :"-ll1ould jpefJo; t~ behold, 10 jtt . to; or, as we foimcimcs
t his be ~he true Cl}'m. then, as we obferved un- fay., 1,0 ovtrftt: vel ii El•"lf'"• e_,~;Jpetlo: Voff."
der tile art. DARK, by our ha,•ing cut off the "l"ULIP; "Fr. Gall. 1ulipp1, llllipan; ftos Hie
negative particle A, (for both A1f""'• and A'Je•"'• pulcherrimus, cujus radix bµ lpofa eft, inftar
feem to be negative ce1npounds) we have given Satyrii; lil.iu1n SolomoniJ ; · fie dict us.a Ctmili1u-
our word 1(11/h the ftrange appearance of being cline fulipa•i, feu turbani; i. e. piki· 'l11rti1i:
de.rived from a Gr. verb ·re'"• which lignifies to Skinn." - to which let 1ne add fron1 Jun •. " ficuci
1r1111/Jle, to fear; whereas truth is always on .rhe vero jios, i fiinilitudine ejus piki ; ita· pilt11s 'l~r~
contrary rcprcfented as bold, and dau)1J/tjs, and tit11s fie vocatus videcur,. qure re-
baving 11othi11g lo fear . fore To>.u...., lanam purg•(al!IO in,globos compoft/1•,
TUB; " e,13., a.rea fdrpea, proprie; fed fa. ut colo adaptatur :"-lht tulip, a very bcauciful
tius interdum pro loculo quo vis, aut repolitorio : Bower co look at; fo called fro1n its rcfcmbling
Cafaub.'!.-.;« Exod. ii.J. LXX. vide etHcfychium : a 'l'urlt's turban, which bears fome refembl¥1ce 10
Upt." a ball of pure eo110~, o r wool, ready dceft for
'rUBE, " T u>ror, v tfligium, quod rdiquit ~~ che difialf.
Tu,j,..., a T•111~, ·vtr'111•0; unde 1wbus : Scaliger; TUMULE, "avl"'~"' locus editior in fct1i•
and Voff." what we call a dint, or briti(t, o•alt11 undc ja/1a1ionib11s, et geflieulationibu, falt•tores,
in 111tt1J/; hence a tube, whid1 is formed by any ec ·geltkulatorcs populum deleCl:abaot : C:ifaub."

boltow jubjlanu. -vel a 01.,l'a, qu.all T"!,.{31)", epj1u, ftJpj111.; a fa!/,.
'llUCK., ·or pointed in.ftr11menl: " Fr. Gall. or a prettnded fail: R . D1r7"!> '"aP; toflumik.
tjlot.; lcal. flo«o; ttifis longior, :;;frutum, ai/1rum: 'fU'M BR EL; " tumbtrtllum; intlr.umentull),
Skinn.''-which migh t lead -us to fuppofc, that quo fren~inz vicini4m turhantcs in .ca:no-
both the Gall. and Jc,1). words were not origi- Cum fiagnum dtturba11/11r; atque ita bene ma·
nllls., but. derived a l."'l•?"• pur.go; Jo flick, or flab. d ida:, ac luto, crenoque coopercie, domum
• 1' UCK-up; " t•mplfrart, ti tonvolvere pan- remitt\lntur: Jun.''-propcrly a d1uki•g-Ji.,/;
1111m.;'."fays"Skinn. "a: f·cu1. lrutken; F r. Thcotifc. whfoh Skjnn. li l~wife has very properly defcribed
1hru<ltt11 ~ prc-•1crt, co111primere: vej ii tutlcm; ft by "jeUtJ uriu;toria, feu demtrforia, clamofarum
dtmit:Urt, abfro11Jcr1 : "'- buc all of 1befe feein 10 apud nos 1nulierum fupplicium i"-if the Dr.
originaLe from c.hc f.-imc root wi cb THRUST :·Gr. h~d but 3.S prc:lpcrly derived it; but, he fays only,
.-• :r.UBS-Jay: Cit!. Vo.c. S, n, will not al- "a Fr. Gall. 1omber1, cad1re,.duider:e : vide 111111-
low chi! word co be derived·e.icher from the Gr. bit :"-for mad~m feems as it · were to 1111.611
A,f"• or the L a1in Mar.s, tho' bot b the Latin and · uttdtr wattr :- but Jumb/( is Gr.. as above. .
the f'~ench name for 'fuefday, is· dies Martis, and· :rUMlD (_eu"'°~' qu.o . anj111ut«~ i(a, Ggni6ca-
MArd1: nor yet fr0<n the Saxon god 'Tutjco, or fUMO~ j tur; ·q111a ira.ti /titJWIJ ;. 11/flJlll,
. $11ijco; b.ut·fays, that " :lY!ardi is but a .provin· .to b1 enraged: Tu~f3&h 1111!#1/iu.;, quia, di::
. • . 1t11Uwili1r


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'1' .' U ..' From G'a i z 1t, anci L ATt 1<, 'l'. :tJ·
.,;,,u,,,,;1w·.1m-11 i frve.1~·'"' "iltfliiil."; .uhdc tu11uo; T11fi3•1:•u .pt'opric porii.p'ro· 114>-•• "f'furH•,·'litt1i•
t•fibtll, !Jr.b1//l'IJI' ,,p;. wiil'h piile, 'fl"l", rmJ rt- com-rt, lunilorll9 lmro .,,,jlalo. lttr/Jart ; BJJ<>.11
.f~t. . . . . . .. ' nemo non videt optime quai:lratc in ill as, cQir.i•
, . T.UMULT, ;from tlic;foregoi?g rooc; " qi.1ia bufl:iles telf.ellas,, . j, /Z. bituminofos· Batnvottl.111
res t11mta11t.; vel malum ali9uod ['4i<ttlrir-4 vidcan- e.e fpitfl.-CX inio aquarum fiindo eiluCl:<>S.:''-;-the
tur: facit pro. bac·ctymOlogia qilcique locus .ille objeaion •gainft thofe dcriy. i~ thi:it ~i)Jg ~
M aronis ; · · , learned;- (or it -is very probable tliai the'Du.t~b
- - It le (jtl) -etiam <2cos intl:are t11111u/~u.s had .tJITj. Jong before tl1cy unded.lood Gi:e~:;
Szpe:·mo'net, fraudcm<jue et operta tu111efc ut unlefs 1bey buror.twf in·Spain, and brought
. . . bell.a. .Geo. I.· 464: Voll:" name froin thence. · ..
TUN, ·<l.1>•r·, liu ; a lart,t -wine-vejfol. TURGID., " Of'Y"-• t11rgeo ; ljbidiwt Jll!'gtrt·.;
TUNF.., ToHr, tonus; 0 1"owo; .,.;;, fW:ttJf, . tJatis vcl ab 1frK••; qu ia qu:E ;ffffg(11t,· urgent.; / pr;i:.
i11ttnfio; ·lbe llUd.Uatib'll ef the voict; ..... T; T"'*» mifi'o .; ut ab .....~. cau•.1· ab '~"· terr"'' Vc;i'ff:'.'
1e11dere ; . to Jlr.1tcb to the 14/mo.ft pitch. . ..... but this is nor quite facisfaC"tory; u» -ba.~
TUNE, " /1 ID'Vv11; tlfl<ls, 1ovfJ11es: Verft.: fixed the ·deriv. of 111'gto : -which· indeed be d~$
Sa.x.!'-but TOWN is Gr. afrcl'wards; by celling us, tha~ " 1trgere e(l: f~n~
. TU·NGAN l" .,. .toU11g ;. Verft.: Sax." - but 'f'Y''"""7• eoquc videcur elfe ab ~e"Y"• Ut .quoci
TUN GUNS TONGUE is Gr. nihil fit aliud, quam ad op111 extito, .aut jl.it11Jtlo :•;
T tJNtC, x.1..., qu afi T"""' live. Ion. K·&~,, :--this perhaps may be true; but 1he former
quafi e.,.,., tll11ie11, veflis; a garment ; we haye- dcri v. ab Of"Y'" feems the proper; at!
trlllljpcjed and 1111iud betli ~hefe Latin words, 'and it agrees better with our acccptatipn ,of !ihe wordi
called it,.a v e.ft and tt111ic. vi2. to [well, rift, heave ; in the fenfe that Virg.iJ
TUNNEL: if there be ftich a word in· our has ufed it in the Seventh Eclog. 48 ; ...
language co frgnify an inflrumaht to convey li - --jam l2c-0 111rge11t in palmite gcmlll,Z:
quor into .a ba~rel, or tun, it mull: be derived - - now ·gems fwtll on thcjoyfu,J vine,. ,
fro1n TUN : but it is more p roper to call it a TURI\: " 'Iurc.e, Gochi, cot:itr!'cto voc,.~ulo
FUNNEL, and deri,ve it as under that art.: Gr. quafi 'l'auric<t, a 1nonte 'Iauro, ad cuj11s radic~
T!JRBAN; "piltus Ori411tali11m ge111ium, titzra, fedebanr, dicti funt, fays Sheringham, ,s1 :"-
tidaris I vox Turcica, et Arabica, a Gr. "•ei3«v•o, bur now, is 'P'"•e•r Greek? •
tiara ; fi Salmafio in Sol. tides fit: Covarr. er TURKES, or torqius; a T~~"•"• torqNto; ff
Mi111h. dellcCl:. a turbo: credo pocius," fays wreath, 1wij), or gripe; f•~ceps; a pair of longs,
Skinn. " contraCl:urn et corruptum a tulipa11 i or p tnctrs. .
vide 111!ip :"-a Turkilh covering for the head, 1' URKEY ; " 11v is 'Ittr<ica, vel Afra : Skinn.'.'
already derived and defcribed as under the art. -the fowl brought frotn "furltey ; confcquentlr
T ULIP: Gr. Gr. : fee 1'lJRK.
TtJ RBID, @oe.f3wl.,,, turbidus'; a troubled, muddy TU R-MOIL, is either an augmentative of O\!r
jlrtam. word MOIL; or moil is a d.iminutive of turmoil i
TURBIN A 'rED·l 0oeif3•<· vel T ..[3., ""'f" ~· the former feems ·the more probable; bccauf~
TURBULENT S 0•e..+3w dicitur: 'hi ncT"fi3"~"'• MOIL, as we have already ICef!, is cvi!lcnt)y .de-
tur"/Jo: ct ii' lurbanilo, turbo, inis; qui Grreci T°'"": rived from M ..~.,, or M•»•<; and c:onfequcntly
Lucr.erio vtnlus vtrfabundus; a violent blrtjlerin,~ turmoil is trollble in a grtaJer degree. .
(Vbir/wiKd. TURN 1" lince thcfc words are cv.idently
1'URBOT: Jul. C. Scaligcr def\eCl:i t a 'P•!'-f3•c, l'IJRN E-RJ derived a Tor"'• et To:••"• I017'tts,
rhombus pifais; quafi 1rombo1, convened to tur- et ron1•; and fince . Ben. J ohnfoo, fpeaking of
bot ; a very delicate filh, of the bull tribe ; which Shakefpear, fays, /by wdl iorn'd lints; /Jt111
1night racher lead us ro. anorher deriv. if this .tor;;atos v•r[Ns: Upt."-it were to be wi(bed w~
lhould happen to be a co1npound. had not departed· from that orchogr.--'howcver iA
TURF : " ft Grzcus c1lem," favs Skinn. "dc- either cafe, it fignifies lo for111, or fojbio1f anj
OeCl:ercni ii. Tvtw, fumo; quia fc. plerique_cefpites thing by " wbut, or rolling pi<vot.
(-nifi in fuo generc optimi, i.e. multo bitumine ·ruRN·•·01md; either from the
pncgnantes fint, quales apud nos oppido rari root; or fro111 T.,., •.,, tor110; which fignilica
funt ; ) fi igni admoveantur mullum ct moldlum the fame. ,
f11mum emittunt :"-Jun. has given us another TURNAMENT: " Fr. Gall. lottrMr 1 lt~.
d'criv. " hujus vocabuli Belgici denominationen1 tornare; Hifp. tor11ar 1 Lat. lor11amentum; to. "'"
aliquando putavi petcndam ex illis veceris fcho- 11.t tilts : funt ab Iceland. 1"'1<4; toll'fltrttrt, jltc-
liafta:: vtrbis in · Ariftophanis e9ui1ts; ubi tradit lert, circ11111ag(rl; 11'dus t9uejlris, vcl ttr/11-
3R 2 'f•tflr1

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. T. W From G ll i• K, ·and L.a Tt w. TW
'1filrflr1 ·/111li'1'flll': Lye:"-but· now it is Gr: fee 'FWAT1'LE, "Ti..-.,,_,.l;,, prout Tl~•• ..-
TURN; above.:-however fpecious this deriv. "'" •W• ,.,,_,. : i.Je. atpt itita, iterum iterllrll-
may· appear, it cer~ainly is not fo natuial a one, que dicue: Hefych. Cafaub. and Jun."-toprut,
as the following from Ciel. Voe. 13, n; where he lo pra11k, and rtpal lbtJ-t 1bi111 over atld l'lllr,
fays, "tff111-1i111t is a contraltion of tigbtar11-lime; ag11i111111sJ,ag4in.
upreffing the ceremony ·of the theriff's op.ening TWEEZERS 1 " a Fr. Gall. eft"J; pl. efl.U·;
the feffions, by placing tile garland, or crown, on tbe<a, pra:fcrtim cultraria; hoc ni fallor, 1 Su.
the Druidical fy1nbol, or column of joftice, now y-cop ; W'11S : Skinn.''-but even then it would
ca.lied tlH '1fay· polt: it is this moft antient cere- be Gr" kc STOW; Gr. : however, it is more
mony that gives the true origin of the word lur- probable, that the French ttlli, ewe/opt p...- co,..
"""enl, a' corruption of tigb1ar11·mol/; as parlia- jerutr qutlque ebefe, is derived not from t.he Su.
•ml is of par-lty-~11; at their teirn-mclls, or J"O'P• but from the Latin verb tutor ; i. e. from
11./fius, not only the greateft folemnity of the 9,.,,...,, vel 9,..,,,.,, tutor; lo defend, protttl, ptt·
previous mafs, of rdigiou~ fongs, ofjoyous dan.ccs jtrvt; it being a' cafe to inclofe knives, fciffars,
round 1he may-pole, was obferved, bu~ all the &c. in order to guard them from hurting the
{dlivity, of whjch thofe early ages were fufcep- wearer; leaft, as Shakefpear has fo finely exprcfi'ed
t lble, as mock-battles, under rhe name of tilts, it, li/ce an ill-jbtatbtsl lcnift thofe things might brrl
chariot-races, hlppodro1nes, exercifcs, with every tbtir majltr.
'ki nd of fport then in vogue ; all which were ce- TWENTY, .,;ginti: twice ''"' " Sax.
1ebraied on occafton of sbt tigbtar11-mot1, or 't'POC6ent:1;r;, twice ten : Jun.''-but TEN is Gr.
toiJ1"1ft1flle11t, or ttrm-mttting :"-when the gre-Jteft TvVl-BH.L; Auw·T11\-1xur, tl110-Jtari1; a tilr-
number of ~ople were affemblcd togecher on ble-baubet, which has two ttlges; al lbt b"*•
account of' the affizes : -but 1igbtar11 may be """ btfort -
only · another . expr•ffion of ttrtfl-timt: and if fo, T\V ICE; "A>c, iis: Upt.''-two titlUS rt-
it would be Gr. : fee TERM-limt: Gr. peattd, or t><prtjfed, by infuu1nenr, or voice.
• ' TURNIP; ·p....,,, rapa, vd rap1111t; tbe rapt, l ' Wl·LIGl:-IT: Verlt. cells us, thar "dfJJIS•
or na'Otw. licbs is what wee othcrwife call tbt foolijh-fyrt :"
TURPENTINE; Trr•ll•.t", ttrebinth"'• et -meaning perhaps tbt If/ill witb a wijp; but it
ltrtbintbina, concraacd to '"rpentint l tbt gum,., feems rather to mean lwi· ligbi; which Jun. and
rtjin' 'of tbt pi1u,j1111iptr, and other trttf, Lye woutd derive fro1n " Belg, twu-litbt, or
.· TURPITUI)E; " Trpr". obltflo; ut proprie Sax. t:peon, J11/Jitare, t:peone-leoht:, t/1'bia Uix,
de iis dicacur, qui 'Voluptatibus imrnerfi torpe111 1 trepuj,11/u111; a,,.hig11011s ligbt :"-ic might be ra-
unde 111rpis, et 1"rpi111d•: Voff." bafantfs, }ilthi- ther fuppoled, that both slwas, and r.peon, were
·,,ef!, qr any wit aOion: or by tranfpofition ·ii only a contraaioo of tie wta, n1eaning.1be !irtk,.
l:a~eor, quafi 'I'ar-ror1 JurpiJ, p utris, mt1cidus; wrak,fai11t ligh1, which juft appears at the dau'11
'dirty, f1•I, nofty . an<l cloje of day : and if fo, would be Gr. : (ce
·TUR R EL T.,..., a T ..,.,. ttro, Urtbro; a
l WES1", and l IGHT : Gr.
1ooptr'1 injlruma1t, like an ·11ugrt, to bore wi1b. TVv'ILL; "a Jpoa/,; from quill: in rhe South
TURRE'f, T"f"''' turris; a tower J uearing they call it winding of quills; becaufe antirnrly 1
IOWtrS. fuppofc, they wound the yarn upon quills for the
TURTLE, TP"Y"" Tf"'t"P• by tranfp. T"fl'"'f• weavers, tho' now they ufc ruJs: or clfe thofe
t'urticr; a ftodt. Jrn;t. reeds were called quill!, i L ac. ca!a111i; forquilb,
·TUSK, Tp•"'"• •P"X"• adjliflo; Tp")(.•1"• torpi- or !hafts of birds feat hers, _a re now called calami,
111r: Ju,n. explains the word tlljlu, by denies mo- becaufc they are en1ployed for the fame ufc oi
.Jares; but they are she grinders, or double l etth ; writing, which of old reeds only were, and to
"they ought rncher co have been called denies /011- this duy arc in fome parts of chc world : the word
t;iorts, pro/<Eliorts, q11os aduncos frequenter aruunt pt11, now ufcd for the inftrument we write with,
11pri '; ·tbr ·large txttrior phongs of a bear. is no o rher than che Lat. pe1111a, which fignifies
TUT-neftd; T;/9o;. parvus; lit1le,Jhort,jnubbtd. the quill, or hard frather of any bird; and is a
TUTl' Y, tu/in; sutry ; known ai'nong che- very prope r word fo r it; bccaufe our pem arc no•
mi!ls by the name of fi•l"t•lwE, ''Y"• bu/111, fa'llil/4 1nade of fuch q11ills, which, as I faid, were an·
eis: bein(l fpa;lc les of melttJ brofs, flicking to tbt 1iently made of reeds: Ray :"-but both pm, and
foles •f tht f•1·11au. quill, are Gr. . .
· TWAIN; a Northern dialetl for T\'VO: Gr. TWINE, cord 1A..,, du6, quafi dflino, vd Jii-
·• TWANG, more properly written, and pro- TW INErro11wd 5 nu"'; and theucc 1wi11•• 1 If
'aouriccd TANG; Gr. reti"plfrau, 9r twijt two, or fl!ir.I tbt:.eatls togr1J;tr.

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•r 1'WJNKLE, Ml~:/cf11ti/ld, q uali tvmltilld; IHaJ, or lt.i11g of tbl laatl :"-but tw, or In-, is Gr.
• jpdrlt./1 •f fir•. ab E_
e'" t trra; and can, in, i:mi11z, and KING,
TWINS, 6w_, J11;1 ; quali tlllilu ; lfDO or rMrt at arc Gr. likcwifc.
"iirth. • :
'l"WJST, Toe""'" torlJMlo l lo wrtfl, ftl1'tatb, v.
fl!1'i1tg r~1111d.
TWIT; " ·t..&..?.,, di!ltriis i11rrifo; to tbtclt, ACANT, x...., lEol. XJ..,, 'V4t, 1 Mo; ''
taunt, or Jtoff: C:ifalib. and U pt."- Clel. Way.
53, tells us, that "twit is but a contrat'tion of 10
V ~'"; yawn, or gape; alfo any wit/ jp11c1,
or limt; ltijttrt f rc111 /Jttfintfs; &c.
1#1 :"- which frt:ms to~ but another cnntraltion, VACCARY, B•on1, b11b«I•; nam BtJ••r, varri-
and t ranfpo!ition · of icbl :-confcqucntly Gr. : tuts: interim nee ifrud probarim, fays Votr: very
fee lo HIT : Gr. !ngcnuouOy: L'tini, adds hr, fzpe mutant I
TWITTER ; either from 6,./.,, li11uo, tremo; In //; quomodo a 81w, vi'fJo' Bew, Voto; Bt1ac.11.
according to Skinn.-or elfr from Till••·f3 ...., vau11; a cow, or place where cows are kept; ;any
titN6o; lo loll", trmoblt; ID cba11er like the (wal- thing relating to <fJWs.
low, whofe tongue is always wagging, and VACILLATION ; Ba•1p•" b11c11/u111, atque ha-
1re111bli11r. · · cillum; converfo p in t; quomodu ab «••p•r'f
T WO ' "6u01. tlNo; the number two: U pc." dq11ifo: 9..,.1,.. autem dicitllr ""f'" T~ 8'">11>, a ·
TWY-fealtf, in Ver!t. is no more than two- ftaff to walk with, to J•pport tolltri~g fttps; ' '
f o/11 ;-confcquently not Sax. but .Gr. wagglt, to ftaggv.
T WYL ING, lignifies only l wi11t; confe- VA DE-MECUM, B"'" ,,,7.,I';; vaJt • t'*-;
qucntly Gr. • g• with 1111 ; meaning dfl7 porta6/t vol••t ; .-
TWYN-OD; "dO'Vbttd: Verft''- miOed by podut t#mpamo11.
the Gothic appt'.arancc of 1his word, he fuppo!es VADIMONY, s.a.r. quod a a ...., B•i-1, a,.,....
ic to~ Sax.-but it is evidcncly Gr.; ~ing com- to, 'IJado 1 undc vas, '!Jadis; 11 f Mrtly; ncmpe quf.
pounded of a.,., two; aod olor, via ; drawn t wo vadit in difcrimcn pro altero 1 one wbo goes i11
different ways; i. c. IO bt in do11b1: or, if not haz ard, or iia1tgtr..for a11otber. •
compounded, it may 1n~an tnfwintd, tntanglul VA-FROUS, B~·>.10r"''P"; wftr· dicatur cff'e'
in doubt, and pcrpkxicy 1 llill Gr. : fee ex variftr contracrum; qualr quia varia fcmper
TWI NE.; Gr. ojferrt norit, quibus et fe, et alios, poITTt .cxtri -
TYM PANY ; T"I'""'"'"' tJ"'f!d"""'; vet T,.,,.,.,.,, carc; 11 fortwii, rM11J1illJ, cr11flJ ftl!ow, who · tar•
a T.,.1.,, f. trbtrs, quia p1ilft1111' I II dr111r11 becaufe
rits biflfftlf a tbo:ifanti WOJS; and is able to I.,,,.
i tnlt11: alfo 1J.e dropjy; bec2ufe t he body, when bimfalf to a tboefa11J fhift1, in order to avoid bit
bloatro, rcfcmblcs a Jninr. ·own dan~rs, or ward off thofe nf othen.
· TYPE . iTurcr, aT ...1~, trota, pul- VAGR AN T, Ar.,, agor, 1111gor•1 r: t : futkk~
TYPO-GRAPHER 5 f11ndo impr1fn; 1Jpus; " ager, live but ti illu' ftror; ID' /J~ tarrittl· 11J
lypt, fig11rt, form, 1r1adt by imprejjio11; a printer's drivtn a~out; one·who is 1111jltml) i11 of/ his wayr;
'Jpt, or figure of a lener ; alfii che arc of printing 011d·aflio111; a wandering lrijftr.
itti:I(, becaufc it feems to make • fat -fimilt topy : VAGINATION; "Xar.1, ./Eol. X"1'11, vt1to;·
ef a manufcript, by taking off !O 1nany im- 7,1ae11u11 v11&ir.a antiqui dixcrunt pro vogit111; l
Jrtjio111, which is done by a jlroltt or blow of lbt vatando; ncmpc """"""" illud in quod gladiu..
prtjs, or f"tw· ' rcconditur: Voff."-a foeatb, or fi·abbard. ·
TYRANT; "T•e•.,,.f, 11ra11n1u: Nug."-c VA IN, ••or, ~%.r•f, et fmls1'1~, qure t:t '(,J•ttttm,
tyro111; meaning anurndy o good king, bur now et v11nit11tnn n~lalft; tntpty, <Joid, and ill}if;llifiia11t :-
in the 'ommon acceptation of the word, ic !ig- vd a Ku•;, 'f)llnrts: vel a <Jt, hoc en vll/.tk, et·
nifics o bad lti•g, one who rules ovrr his fubjtfts i111111is; 9.uod ipfum ab I.11, vacuo.
with arbitrary and defpotic l'way ; and in th is VA LE, "l!llJ.>..,, Jeji<io, dcmillo; vol/is eA: enirn-·
latter fcnfe, which is perhaps ns antient ~· the locus dtflrtJ!ia, ct quafi dmiffes, 1~u dtjtl1•s; • ·
former, it is ufed (fays L ye, under rh c art. 1bcr11) ;low dalr, or pbt·e funk as it were btlwetn , _
by the author of the Argument co the Oedipus 'Ty · .hi/11 1 qu3d hinc atquc him: .,,,,1/la111 lie : Voff..._ .
r•'lll : ' ' dilt:t1s c1t Ti.:f•'••r; inquir, ••1~ .,.. 1'Nf'o•, 'but there is ano1her <leriv. ns to the Latin Jang•.
qtJari Tuet.ii; TllC' J..4ar, ·~' • ••«c w'"'t~"', lo ptirct, ,t ho' the root il-thc fame for both in Gr. : 11e1npe·
• :111J, gall his ptcple, and grind tbtflf w itb{o-JtrlJ, 'B..>Vlw, i:iu ia v • lli aggcr ja!J11, aut "![tfti..t tcrre-
""" WPt1I :"-Ciel. Vf'C. 13, n, f~ys, " racher !itrct: vet dcniquc ab A•""" -~ '11111/i.s (inter-

~onceivc 1iJ-11111<MJ to be from tir· tlln (the c afpi· jeAo I) ab A,,.,, 1(1a ln-i1 t11per1 ; IJ":f hllllv /lllu:
rating by a general rule) tir·lion, or tir-tbali, void of jubfla~tt.

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V A V A ·
·VA~. Oul\ot, ..,,.,,., 'll•lt~ fa•a.s.fu111 i ·9 acurrit yis~ A""f'-"' .idem ell: ac fi fimple~ ~lli>li; rquotttll
b inc 1ailw1nOv>.1 icr,im~ativo,btntliGijit,jiJ f efix; triluro, ltro, 'contundo, etilimftagr1s '""' 1 1• iul,
6u>.t ...,, Xe.¥• "'Y" xaip1: 01.oi I! """ o,.p,. locu• •. wi~~·ridf• whi,P{r.falllll"ges, , . •. _, . ,
b dyO: ri. 401 • .. VARY, B«AIOf, vari11s : Suiaas B..>..p1o, ~"
Salveque, et valde gaude, Dii tibi profpera dent: ~~...-. ""'. ~"1~r•"1" : at w..-i..rnilt< idem eft quod
there is a finall miftake iii 'the folio cdirion ofVoff. '"'"'""• prout interprctatur H efych. !}~·· n•iq>.•~
1Jiere~h(s. palfage is quoted as.fro1n the !aft lliad, fit autem B&>..ur; varitu, converfo >. in r, quQm:odo
1nfteac1, or the Jail: Odylfey. ~ t •"f• ell: ; apa/1s, pal ilia, '1J•rili11 ; IP.•lltJ;
VALERIAN, oaltrilin11 ;· tht htr"b Jo c11lkJ : marked ft!ilh_ diffti't/I~ colors·;. ·a.ncf hel)CC thef~I/
iJ (rom. va.1!'• .i t is . Gr. as i;i the (allowing an. pox is, c¥led '>Ja~iol.e, froon /polti11g I~ fti• .; and
. VALESCENCE 1Ou>-w, •""'"• valto, v"- ·therefore might . rather l;le derive"d fro1n A.,.>.,s,
YALETUDIN ARIA~J iefco, val1tudiMri11J; 'varius ; partj-&olortd. · .
t,o~. ~frcn !ht imagin~ fie/!. "!""· ; VARLE'I 1 " a dimin<trive of 1l4r,, • #fi'11;
. VAL'i1 ~, A1/3ar>.~, 9up&, liefych. vaJde acccdit unde v11r/11, contracred to 'IJ11ltl: Cid. Wty. 491
tialv.e alf B,.>-13,,, quomodo,.ut CJ; Gloffis conftat, •and Voe. 180 :"-but vnr,
a lfla1f, feems. t9 Ji.av~
yoGabatur e.,.. .;,,,.,KV,
TO Ja("ld tquitatliJ, fcp po- come from vir, botM; l"h.i ch is G r.! fee VJ.RILE1
tius cdrcere~ : fed ~'I el£ r<!_agulum ; a bar, 'a Gr. - tbis derivation however may l?e rather
dfot, a folding door; alfo membranu, prcv.c nting doubted, ~aufc ·the m'after i's ccr~inly as ·much
the.reflux of any fluid by the fame paffage. 11 ma11, .as . the fervant, in the fc:nfe of 'Dir, or
VAN , ,t,7., ab A•1•, tlfram, ante 1 ab-antt 1 unde homo: and therefore GUT WGFd ~It, When it fig;
'! Gall. avant, awanf,gardt; Ital. an1ig1Jardia; nifics a f~o/,man, a ·&oatb-r11a11,. &:~, feentt ro,~bc
q:ercinis frons, acies prim11: .L ye:"- the 'troop dc!rived fron1 the Gr. thro' another fourte: kc
which marches in J/;t fort-front of an army. ,MAN·Jmiallt: Gr.
. VANl-1.0Q!JENCE; c....,.,_...._,.,, 'Vt111rnn- VAR VELS 1 " vox falconariorum ,propria,"
/Of/lf•r 1 I~ Jpea!c '>JaniJy, a '1Jai11 b•aj/tr. fays Skinn. " funt autem annuli a~g.cQtei .pedibus
· ,Vml!>H. lC>~of, 'll01tUJ, '11011')~0 i ~ t°'"',."'• accipitrum circ1Jndati, quibus domini oomen in-
VANITY J unde Af4•0<, A~'''"?"'' t'>Ja11tfco; to fculpttun cit ; il Fr. Gajl. ·vervtllu; hoc forrt ii
. 'IJPjjh,.difapptar, mere v a11i1r. .. '1Jtrlendo; idem eni111 F r. Gall. etiam fcribitur
. VANN, or, as it is fomecimes written, farm: ,'IJtrtrodles :"- the ~11all filver rings, thro' which
l•M..,jario,jaflo ; und~ vannus facrum ex vallUJ: . the jefles are put, bound t'o t he legs of hawks,
Johannes P ierius ccftatur Geo. I. in optimo illo 1
and iofcribed "fith tbt ir mafter's name; confc-
R omano cod ice 'lcgi \qucntly Gr.: fee VE.RSr'\TILE: -Gr.
, cc niuflita '>Jal/us Iacchi ; l VASS AL : th is is another inll:aoce, arno.ig
pro quo in vulgatis myjlica vannus: valiuJ dicitllr .many, how onuch rhe .fenfe of words dcgene.
a 11~.. ; ob jatlationem .ctjucc1tj/i.01um valli :. a ·rates from their O,r iginal tneaning: Vlljfo/ pn·
~a1111 to willllow corn with: alfo a lady's fan; be- . donbtedly dtrivcs fro1n the vaff;r, w~o, as Ciel.
caufc of its coo~inual motion a11d 11gi1a1ion; '! informs us, Voe. 44, and 84, were the aotient
VANQYISH, N,• .,, by tranfp. i..,,,
vinco; nobles; and d erived their na.m e, or t itle, lfom
Io c0119.ut r, 'fi'!Nr" mt, ju bdMe. !the Celtic mace, or vafs 1 fignifying ./be bo•gb,
/ VAPJD l i;:.,,,..,, K,.,,..,,, vapor, fumus 1 K in v ·or jceplre of j1tjfict 1-'' hence," fays be, p. 43,.
, V APOR J coovcrfo : vel CK e,......,,, e ..>....p, " ' vef1 is the e.tynion of r.he Gr. s ...., ......~. ri;.;
'll•por, quaf1 v11lpor, v11pidus ; ~ quo 111alevaltnttJ, or Icing :"- perhaps the etymon might bcjuft the
v,apide fe haberc, Auguftus dicebat, tefte Tr~n­ contrary; viz. the Cd tic from t he Gr-e·c k: it now
q_u.illo ; jltam; exha/a1io11 ; to be troubled with fignifies a jlave.
'Vppor1 : " Ced magis tam en placec (fays Voa:) VAST, A • .,,..1.,, 'lla;1111, vnj}atus, ...r "' "'f'"'"
qooo et Jof. Scalig ero iµonirum, 2Eoles, q uem- ;; .., ,,, .....,, ct prrmifto digamtn. 1nore lEol. nam
a~1nodom pro •/',"'"• di.x erunt , ;...,,.,., fie etiam A•-"s-;.-~,
eft vajlart, t"'Vtrttre; Jo ltiy w4jJ:e,~ cf/Jtr-
p;o B"l'I'"• dixiffe B""""'• indcque facrun1 ell: · turn: allo large, ·bugt, wide, and broad.
vapp11 :"- and confequently if fo, we ought to VA:r; vel ab AG••r, uttr, 111riJ, pe/liJ; undevas,
write it fJ'Oppid :- and yet there is one dcriv. more, v'!fis : vel a !!..,.,..,, pafco, 'llejco 1 unde vas,;
given likewife by Voa: de Permut. lit. which any vtjfel to ta.I off 1n, or for any other ufe : · alio
bids very fair for being the right one ; viz. vapor ia wint-va·1, or tub,.in which' the grapes arc trod.
ah:;.,...,_,,.; t1<ba/atio ; iZ'fl ·t1<ba.latio11, or P'r'tathinr;. VATICINATION; 4>•1"'• more Dormn ti\•/"•
VAPULA TION, n.....a>J...,-~,,. .., g11a1ic, con- for, f11ris, fatus r undc Latini ~ in 11 "°n~erfo.
tMlio 1 to quivu:, a11d 911&/ct: v~I forlican ab pbates, vel Vates · fccerc; JO. propbttJ.> jr;rtJID,•,
Jura>.•"• vapulo; prremilfo fl . conf.ono; u t ab''• re':leql :-Ciel. Yoe. I 5, d«iY.C,$. ' '..Val($ aflliilNs.;·
z preachers

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U ~ .<f'l'Qm Gil.I~"• aact l.AT-£

w. • .'If . t!: of. tbtf.aitb ;" or, as io p. 84, be wrircs· it focms ro be uodcrfiood only in our· ·l anguage1.
'b~m, " vaidb;; '1J4f#S; p<intipal ¢~ologtrs, or. viz. fr11i1flllrufs, aod fer-liJily of fail.
Jivinu :"-but fhll they are Gr, : fee FJ\ITH: Gr.• U:B IQUlTY; •1 o..., vd Oiur1e, t<Oi; whtrt 1.
VA-V.&SS.OR ; " fignified," fays Ciel. Voe. ab u6i, inferro cell fic11bi; ne{Tlpc ad ficmandam
44• n, "one ·o f an inferio( >lafs of n.o bility; quafi vocem, u1i quoq~ic in aJicuDi, cc eccu6i , ab 1<bi
bas-vajs-fir :"-but all tho~e are Gr.: fee VAS- ccian1 e!l ubi9ut; every wher:t: Voff.."
SAL: Gr. -" dictun1 n1ihi videtur," fays Spelm., UDDER, "Ouf"t• uber : Cafaub." JEoles f il'I'
" in 'valveforts, a Sax. pal, qua.Ii walef.or.u, pro f mutant, QuB«e· Ouf"e• ec Romani pro , utun~
f!11tJ1imi11e, aggere. vallo, quali val/a.fares ; vel quod .t1,1r ·b ·• unde .1tber; nos 9 in ti, vel ti ti, mutamus;-
'lla7vas et i11lroi1us regni contra ho!le$ ~uerentur :" . unde udder .; Jhe ·Or.tafl, t~at, or d11g.
-but in bo.lh ca[es ~bq are Gr. : fee \'Vil.LL, VEAL;\or, · Jaur11s, bos, vit11lits : bos in
and ' VOLV.ULAR : Gr. r;ecuaria., pnt:fcr.tim in Italia, qure ii /J11hu1 nomen
V AUL'r, or arth;f1r11ix1 ar&us, t,a111era : "q. d· habc~e. fit cxifrimaca : Gra:cia e nirn anciqui, uc
Lat. <Oll'!lol~ta, ec i11 fa rtdit•s,jufljlrutliD : S!cinn.'" fcnbH T!mreus, ta14ro1 .voc~bant J1tc11•1, ii quoru 11'.l
~if 1hi~ be true, th.en it originates ab E.>. .. , tnulucudinc, et pulchr11ud1ne, et f~ru vitulon1111,
vol'IJo, 'volutum_; ·to roll i1110 a curve, !i{u an arcb, /J11/it1J1J dixerunt :..-io which let me add from
VAUL T 0nhorje5ack: J un . and .Lye' fuppofc · Vo(f. a very remarkable fenfc of the derivati·vc~
if origillates fr~ll} t~e fame. ~oot with. the forme~,; of this. word-!f)illtf1<s; viz. " ·vitula, vit11/atio, and
, r11ey migh t"be rnduc~d 10 chink fo frp m the lim1- vitulor: M y II us, libro ·.qucm de Di is compofuit
laricy in orch 0 g r.; but tho' both words, are ait v,i~ulam voca~i qu:c Laitic.ia: pr"'fuit~
w ritten a1i~e, that i~ no reafon why chey fhould et P jfo air vitlllam:7ifloria111 nominari; cujus rei
be d eri ved alik e ; particularly lince chey (ignify hoc argumentum profert ; quod po!lridie Nonas
ablolutdy 'd iffeien c things ; when therefore vaiJ// Julia,s, re bcne gefta, cum pridie populus ii
figoifies fl1I arcJ;ed roof; perhaps it ought ro be Tufcis in fugam verfus lit ( undepopulif11gia \'O•
derived as above ;· but when it !ignifies to bp11nd, canrur) poft v i&o<ian1 certis facrificiis fiat vitu-
ltap, or flip on horjtbfulc, we might with Sk inn. latio, .q uidam oomen c;ius a nim3dverfum putan!'}
r~cher f~p,.pofe it lhould b~ ~erived a volitare; quoo potens. fir vit1< ,tolnan41<: et, vit11la111u vc-
tho' ·even chis he feems to doubt, for he has teres gauJentes dixerunr, dictum a IH11.e vit_;
mentioned .voiutare likewife; but '!Jault never Jig- commodo; et in pontitic ii Juris libro, apud
mfies vol11to, or vo!vo; . and therefore it would be P1dore1n verbum hoc pofitum eft vit11lari; de
better to abide by n..J.>..,, volo, volito; to vault, cuj \Js verbi fignificatu Ticius ira retulit s vitulari
bou,,d, or fly . tft voce /;t/ari :"--here it fignifies a <alf, ot
VAUNT : all ou·r ecymol. allow that this word yoa11g .ftett·; alfo to /rift, and ..ftip lilce a talf, ;,.
fignifies '1101/l oflentarc, qua!i 'Vtllltnr t ; vaunt: if . lolctn flf jey and gladntfs: and it is obtcrvable,
this be righr, ir originates " "''"'~· ~"~'" vel that the .P.falmift hµ rakcn notice of this adion,.
'"''1""'"• qure ~1a11um, et vanilaltm n.o tant; vain, · in PfaLn xx ix. 6; ht 111al:ttb them alfa to lk·ip like a
or empty: vel; ut fagadter pro folito clivinat , calf; Liba1111s alfo, a11d Siri~n, /i~t a y11ing uni<orn.
doer. Th. I-lenfhaw, quail av1111ter; <omt qui · V£...CORDITY, x,•e• concractum ex K1ae, <or ;
prize /ts aflions avant a/Jes des autres: qood 'CO ,u nde e11:<ors, tJtl-orl; dull,}Juggijh, and flow of heart.
magis -co1)firmatur, quod ·Chaucer frmp_er avaunt VEER-aboMI: " Nicotus (fays Jun. under th.c
fGribit : Skinn."-but chen tnf Dr. or his learned arL viu) putat vis dt prtjfoir dcfumptum ex
friend, or Mr. Lye, who has quoccd this paf- virtr, pro lour/Ur; 'Vtrltrt: ipfum vero v irn·
fage, ought to have craced chat French word , refert ad· gyran :!'-confcquencly Gr. ii rueor,
(for it is no original) up to its Gr. origin; viz. l.Jt:11s" <irtulus ; to tu1'11 a6•ut in a tir<le to every ·
A.1.. ab A.'11, ante, (Oram ; a/J-anlt; unde Gall. ,t>oi111 in tht t~mpafa :-tho~gh pe rhaps it might be
a'fJa,,1; bego11e, go befort; and · here ufed for above, '.beuer to derive "vu r, with Cid. Way. 79, from .
or befort; that is, Jo imagilu that bis ""'"' aflions ~h~ fame Fr~nc.h v1rtr, in ,the fenfe of. v".hia~t in·
or- worlcs are above, or before all others, e:"'ttn; figmfymg alfo Je!srart :" only fttll rt is
USERTY; primo, proprieque uber <le mam- pr. ; for v~hiarc!s n~ cnore chan '!Jagare, or ra-

ab•OuQ,.f• & in b converfo, mo•e iEolum; q uo-

m'odo •e•&eo1, live lEol. •e•••e· rubor ; ,..11. 9.r,
mi;. did per(uafmn habeo, fays Veff. venirrque thcr vager1; which 1s undoubtedly Gr.: fee
AGRAN'l' :, Gr..
·V'.EGE'F-ABLE, 1.."-""'• B1r1tuw, 11egeo, vcl vigtd;
pltbes; quod ipfum etiam fit in ejus 't c'nui 7; ut lo florifo,. t0>grow.
/\•'If•» /ibrt1' °"~"f eft·ub~r, '!'amma, propne &el- j VEl-IE-1.\..lENT; ' \ 1.1... ,, mt111 ; ut A~ "'"'•
)uarum; itein 11berlaJ,fera<ilas, pars agri lnax~me .ftlU l CXtrito O: Ct .Vtbe·m<nS! _d~ucitur a Vt,
f ir,11nJ11; ,.,.;e•r;' t opt'ofru :-and in this .!aft fenfe I"'" v4/th, et "'kru.; 1nftrto · fp.1ntu ht, vt .fonu1

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V E. From Ga 111t, 111d L .a,. 1 w. V E
lit finnier, vegruorque: VoO:"--a"J /h'••t• 1r eith er by places, or pcnfions :-Cid. Voe. l 14> n;
'l!i1/t111 tjffrt, eilkr of 111illll, or bo;/y. and '10J, fays, th•t " ttlljto, and ptllfrr, arc rht
,V EHIC LE, "~"" ~·· pra:mifTo digam.! fame words:"-becaufo they both lign1fr to
F•x11, 'f/IH; ct X motatur in b; quomodo a• lbi1Jk; therefore dcriv~ from the fame root;
X••, bio; Ct a X...,...., /.11,,,i: Vo(f." II tdf"171 a viz. km, pm, tJnr, the radicals of 'l!tndo, l!ld
torriagt; ot ""7 mtthod of tor.<tJtyalfct. 'fltneo; alluding, p. '1tO, " to the V<ry antien:
VEIL l A,,.,,r, by tranfpo!ition 'flt· Celtic cullom of carrying on trade chiefty by
V E LI-VOLENT J /~,,.; any 'flt), robt, or to- · htads of rallle :"-there is always fo much pro-
'l!trilfg, ro to/JtttJ/ tbt f aa, ptrfatf, &c.-VolT. ' babiliry and rationality in this ~ndcman's de.
however, under t he art. 'IJtho, cells us, that the 1 rivacions, as would almofi tempt one to adopt
collateral branches of that verb arc vtbicu(um, 1 t hem, without examining any farther 1 but here
'l!e/11br•111, 'Vt/um, 'IJtX11m, cc 'fltxil/11111 ; becaufe it we might doubt, whether ktlf, pm, and M,
Is i1r11t up "" bigb by the 1naft, like a ftandard : are radicals to '1Jt11Jo, and 'IJtlfto, and nQt rather
i( this cty1n. be admitted, we mu·ft then derive concraCl:ions from thofc verbs, as 'above.
it, u in the foregoing art. a P.x., :.""'"with regard : VENE.FJ C; Bu,,.,.,., B•>.o"" 6tlt11•'11J, undc
to the latter of tbefc words, Virgil, ...£n. I. ~'18, 1Je11tn11111 ; qucmadm~dum toxit11111 dixcrunt i
b.u defcribcd J upiter, . , u(.. : hyofry• mus (or rather icj901111u: fee HEN-
. Dtjpicit111 "'"'' vclivolum BANE; Gr.) H ilp•nis ,,,11114, voce convcnienti
Pitwi11g 1/x fail-l!own octo11- cum Gra:co Bi>.tno, cui c:x co nomen, qui.a di«
which conveys a moll elegant idea of the ocean l•r ~;;;, B1>.Z., by tranfpo!ition B•>.Zr I•r : nun
coo!tantly tra•·crfcd by fuips u11J1r /111/ jMi(, and Perf~ 'Vttuno tj111 cufpidcs fagi1tar11• imbuebant:
covering as it were the face of the deep. poifalf; whether animal, mineral, or vegetable:
VElN 1 Ir, •ter, jbro, UMJMJ, 'tlt• a I a flirt, hrrc it fec·ms to be of the lafi fdrt.
tUrW, 1r 11rltr:J. VENER-ABLE, 'p,., quod idem ac Eer•, dito,
VELLICATE, E1>.w, feu E1>.>..,, quod idcn1 AC 'fltrtor; ex 'Vt, cc rttr, i. c. 'fla!Jt rtor ; unde
:a,.>.,.., vello, 'IJtl/ico; lo plucl:, pull, or twitrb. 'Vlllrror: worli:t rtgarJ tJnJ rejptl1.
VELLUM; ·M,;..,, oviJ; Dor. M...>..,, undc VENE.RY(B~""• v111io, into 1 ab ea '1Jt11it11Ji
'111/ort ; indequoqucMaM_?r• ~t veflus; flt~rt:- 11 VENUS S notione, qua vt11irt dicitur~iu
in our language, 'l>tliMm hgnifies the bell lort of ad amacorem T;;< ""l"l·"E'"r X."t": fed quid Ji vnnre
pdr(hl#t'nl, which is nude of fliecp-lkins :-un- idem fit ac i11irt, 'roirt, 11fctt11itrt, de animantibus
lcfs we chufc to derive 1ultum, ab E•.>.w, feu Ei>.>.w, dicitur '1Je1ttrtm exercicantibus 1- Jbt goJJrjs if
'Ot//o ; undc 'fltll11s; q uod prius lao:ie vdlcrcncur, bta1tty; alfo tbt 110io11 of lu'IJt.
non 1011Jrrmtu; ut fcribunc J!idorus, Varro, ct VENGEANCE, "Ir,,.,,, convcrfo tcnui fpi·
Plinius: Scaligcro tamcn n1agis pl acct '1Jtl!tr11 diei, ritu in "' ; quomodo ab ,,..., vomo; ab ••t• vtr;
q uia iis vtlt111u ovcs; Mmi,ic quom~do Gr. "tllrra nempc JEole!, quos Latini fequuotur, vocah .
fcu lan:ie dicuntur 'EJrp,.. ..1• • •r• T• Elr~.... quod przn1ittUOt F, vcl B, itaque pro Ir fcribunt r ...
ell 11111birt, r1Ji111irt :-fed argumentum hoc (faya aut B•r, unde vis, vim, vi; undc vinJtx, vi•Jit1·
Vulf.) porum firmum ;- and theref~rc it is lxttcr ti• quali vi• J;oa., quia et 'fli fit, ct advcrfos
1 1
to abide by either of the former deriv. vim 1 10 tal:.t rrot,.g t, rtfift witb violt1ut : VoU:''
VELOCl'I'Y; " MarxaA•, axil/a, ab a(a; ut -or perhaps ve111ea11ce may be derived ab E•l1>1J1,
d icatur quali a/art, vol•rt; 'unde vtlox, vtlotjliu; ,./,.,,, vindtx; tJ dtftndtr: and then the root
fwiftnrjt, 11imbltntjs : VolT.''-there is however would be'°''""• j11s; Jo tltftnd Olft's right, or pr1-
anothcr dcriv. ; viz. " vtlcK proprie de navibus ptrly Jo o1tt's jtlf jll,/litl.
1 10
dicitur Ii relta e(t Prifciani fentcntia, nam air, VENIAL B"""'• 'IJCIJio unde 'lltnifl; quia
qucmadmodum a 'IJO&C, 'tJOX i fie a "'"'"'• 'IJ6lOK."' d I1 . 1 . d of'. J.
- which may be derived as under t he art. f~pplt.Y a a iquein 'fltml : '" 1110 o P".J<t tcs 11<'.·

"0•e~·· (>~r~.. ¢>··~·

111om 1 ait Virg. t o aft ltavt, prrmi./Jio1J,partlow.
v1t!k{v'ti- ; "'"'"'• ptllis; unde et piltus, Ct VENISON; quafi
und< 9 .>"1"!• 'IJnrator: vd potius, uc a K- .,....,
J t bt nap o, c:ct , or _;tll: ur rat l•r, ~c- Grzci K••~"' dixcre; ica Latini 1 '"'"• vd '""•
.r ; b r1 I
c.:ordl. ng to Voff. a·"'•'··, -·i:s,· undc vt!/1111 from ' . r.
.., ~- v•
whence 'Vtlvtt; being faf1 a1 a /ltttt. 'IJ(lfOri dixerunt; K, abeuntc '" 'IJ con1onum;
0: UC
VENAL, n.~.prtJiuw, quOd quid 'IJtllil1 'flllfto, a ""'I· VO/fUJ; a ........ VIJ/IJJ: Vo ."-11
wt1ii, w 11111111 10 buy, 111Uf fr/I :-quain fententiam witb bo11111is :- permit me however to obfcrvt,
rtiam Nunne{. fcquitur in gram .natiRice: imo t hat 'Onsi[Oll may be derived A ""ii•• t•r1; verum
11nt1J d.1catur a b a:.o ~
,,, I• ''"'"• pro ""''• ••• "••,,.. ,, I ;ec; fi res caufam nominis priiebuit, ·--.. mA<>iJ •r•
"""'• ,,,~ i to fat 10 /ak; bribtry and "'"'/tio11, limilc lit, quod Fcftus tr:idit, " ".' •"• L t•1-., 1c1
' 7 ttrWI,

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V E Frpm, ~E!X, ans! · LAT· I 11. V E.
ttrf/Os, . qu~fi.!!!.,.... ; pr~fertin.l· cum Homerus eo. VE R-Pl.CT, quafi . ver11111-di(ll(m :··.f~ NJ!.. ,
epichcto utatur, Iliad r. 24, H.ACITY: Gr.· '. ', . 1~, · , --, ·,
. .
· VERDI<7RIS(F•-f• JEol. pro He, 'q11od.-cx Jtiie•.
Ru~W)f " i,>..U4'JO'¥ Krfi:t•,,., t: wreiO• a.1'Y2 ·
Virgil has likewife dillinguifhed the flag for tlie VER.DURE s
'IJ(T' ; / ht jpf'ing·, ·when an D.a- .
ture is g reen and gay ; uncle v,erdigriJ, · '!ltrdtt·is, :
Ltrgends of his bor1ts;
. - ' tres licore cervos quali viridi.r, .erug~ .eris; .Jbe:rtl}l of' /lri!fi;
Profpicir erranres -- -~-'--·­ always grtt,i : or· cl Cc from 1,,.
7.•is, '{Jjf't/; v,1r eq; 7
- - - - - c a p i ta a!ta ferentes 'viridi.r ; green_. · ··
Comibru 'ar bords. · - - JEn. J. t 88. : VE RECU-NDITY; llf'"" dico ; unde ·rts ; unde
rtor t unde vertflY, i. e. -v11/Je rtor; .a !Uertor, cft
VENOL'vf, .Bfi,'.""" vrl B.•>-•,.••, bde1111m, vtrecrmdia; bafhfuhrrjs, '"odejly, btujhing; · Volt . ·
uncle v&1u111un; as we obferl'ed under the art.
'\l'ENE-FIC :· Gr. ' . has 1nade a j·ufl difrinccion, berween .v{re<u.r.dia,
nnd pudor ; pudor cnim di: mali fa&i ; · _vtrt··;
VENTE R (F~'1'f"• JEol. pro F.,lre•» ;,,. eundia rctl:i, et hoodh : a nd we hove as ]U·ft: a
VENTRl-loq11ij1) tt}limrm ; ne1npe qu1a ell: diflinction in our own language, bccweeo bajhful-
inteflinorum locus : il>1re•> vero, ab E•r•i, i>ltus ; neft and jba111e; jhame belongs properly to a
i nternal, within ; the bd!;" which contains tbe di01oneft: action ; and bajhfulnrjs to a confoio11J
inwards :-this orthog r. alld etym . plainly !hews timidi.r y, and fear of offending, or.bring ojf..Jed.
the impropriety 9f an t·xpreC!ion we fometimes VERGE, or border; "margo, a Mv••o,jlutrt;
meet with ; . viz. he was defccnded by a f•'tond unde mart, 1111de 111argo: Ii credimus ilidor. fays '
venturt, which undoubted ly ought to be wrincn Voff." tbt bri>tk, or bordtr of any tbing: or per-
a fecond ~·t"11!tr, rne~ning a f cco11d u.i-ijl', a Jt cond haps our expreffion within the verge of the tollf'I;
marriagt :-with regard to the latter word, 'Vcn - may have ori'g inated from the following art. fig-
lriloqui;1, it alludes to chat crick, or art, which nifyiog a precintl: 1narked out by the rod, o~
h~s been already explained under the arc .
'!band; Gr, ' · ·
G.'\STRI-MYTH : Gr. VERGER ( l'~f· He, l'"e• ver; vd ;ab k, vis,
VENTILAT.O R, A"'• Ao1", <;entcu: quod ab VJRGER S v ires; vireo, virefao ; virga; a
"""''' jlo,jpiro; to bl.ow, to breathe; any tbi11g r e- rod, or wand; a virger being a perfon who at-
lating to w ind, or air. tends in a cathedral, or abbey ; and is generally
. \'EN1~·uRE, Ba:if!d., ~;/cnic> ve11t11r :11n ; to come, li.rp!)lied with a wn11d.
llbout to come ; to r1111 the ba:.ard of <1;Lva may VE RGING to the wtft ; Ee'"• urra; five Ee«{r,
b11ppt11, or com' to pafi. terra;n 'Vtrjus, deotfutJJ; Ct a-yw, vel "'l"'f'.c11, ago,
. VERACITY,, Et«•, quali F'f'"" 'Vtr11111 diur.e; feror ; to te11d m11r,uard; lo the tarlb, like the
qui a quod dicitur, tfl ; quodquc rjl, hoc'dicitur ; fun fro•n his meridian height : or dfo from the
hrec duo enim font <<>J•re•~.,1.., nempc in fcrmone fame root with v erge, above; being the liordtr, or
t;ali, qualem elfe convenic : imo apud Homerun1 cx tnmi1y of che horizo n. ·
Er•f pro re ipffi accipitur : ec pucac Sc<1l. rts elle VER-J UICE; "•e,He,E"e• ver ; 1befpri11g;·
a rifts, vcl r.efis; et h,oc a
p,,.,..,, ditlum i "".Y and jus ; brctb, or g1·url; undc juice: our word
thing prrmouneed, or 11.ffirmcd.w itb tf11tb, 'l:erjuiu n1e:<ns part icularly the bitcdi11g of vints in
· VERB, "P1ew,fa<io, rtJ ago; J;>ecaufe the verb the Jpritlg, when rhey a re pruned too lace, and
cxprdles the atlt.11: vel ab Ef'"• E1ew, di<o; uncle t he lap begins to flow; ."hic h fap or juiet .is of a
•p'1f"1Z-, l~ft11u.01, 'Ulrbum; na1n Jp;ritus crcbrO n1 u - fine acid fbvor; but t!'ns method always kills the
ratur ~n ~ C<)nfor1t11n; ll t in 'Ir, vi; :-a tiiord, or vine, or ot kaft t hat b nnch, by bleeding as it
found 11/ter.·d, and pror.ounred: Vofl:" . were ro d"at h ; chere ar: other mechods of mak-
VERB E.RA1'1:'., "ll'f""~· vel n,e1•e• JEol. pro ing 'l.'~1juite of t h<" grapes bt•fore they are ripe.
~1.e1ue.' 1Ep1cs eni1n 1ntJtar1t il i11 B, qt1os L:ttini VfJ~ - l'vll LION ; 1\ f,;.1", minium: cho' Volf.
io1irn11tur ?Jerber : Salmalius, as q uoted by V ofI" fays, n·m dubirnndtrn1 quin, ci'.1m Diofcorides
-bltt frotn \1J he11ce t l1e 1Tioiia1)s gairltd ·e ichcr di c~t 1;11'1i1c1n ex Hi rva1)ia ap11ort ari, una curn re
B'f""f• or il.i~1·e· would be di fficult to fay; as vox fit accepta; t antum in , dubio rcl inqlJitur ,
for 'Vtrbcr, wben once we have acq uired the root 11truro 1'tfioi"s 1-iifpnni;e Ouvius.coJori minii nomco
of char, thcr·c can be no dilliculcy : kc me chcn dederit ; :i n contr;i, color h ie nomen dedcrit
oner 31l0tller (icriv.; Viz.. f{3ue) rz;jbeX j Jf3vB, T!lir1 tr, flltv~o : pril1S cenfet . \ 7iirl1v iu"S; -miniu1n, i11quit,
I-icfych. a 'Vibe.., , viberi i. e. 'Verber, 'VCYberQ: , IQ et l11dic1m1 nominibus ipfis indicant, quibus,
'IJ_iberau, or bu1t back;p~rds and f orwm·ds, like the ' in !ecis µ rocree·•1tur : ct'rnm ex· "\1.i/10; K"eor
pendulum· of a clock, or the balance of a watch; t"'i•"'~A1!.<f-i"fJt : a ,111c/J beatttif;~/ rtd c~lor, like cimta- ·
hence rru.erb!rate,_ 11nd 'lfifrat-r, • bar: but chis accoµnts.for only the latter part of,
... •
J S ' ' our

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v :£ v. E '

ellt ebrftptlulld i for a all u ~...,,,;1*1 ; •hich them a ·is able t•·t,,,,. his .bodr in any
(cems to originitc "a tbe,.,.11, Fr. Gall. <berllU.; direttion.
aatil:f. l!t. GrJI. ·g tt-s 1 a Lat. fl<f!t#ts: Sk.inn." VERTICAL; £~m tlie foregoing coot: Gr.
-fl> that now we muft trlC'C the origin of that H JlCJllpc f1Jtr/e:t a flHrfmdtJ : V oJi"."
word, as in .el1-e .ixitt.llTt • VERTIGO, a Jiz%inefs, ziddiltifr, lllrllillf
•VERMfllh """""''• pro l!~"f' ftve E>q,&•~· •rood : from tbe fame root : Gr•
<f)lr'llfN, /1U11brilW·1 ,,._ -#artbw#,,., -OI' .any rr«pi11g . VERVEIN, Ire.. /3•1""11> vtrJt,w 1 tbe plant
tbi11g that crttpttb on lbt t4rtb i this atti·o n there- fo called.
fore might lead U$ to 'derive vumi• ab ·~.... VERY, £e•• valdc,; .particula .augclldi; an
j~,, repo-, undc flel'Ct 'E-fl"f'o" i vt'l ab ~t~ a~mentativc particle; 'Iii very good, &c. ·
1rvi'ho 1 tin-de Bt"I"'"• ·irallus ; that Jn•ws Jtfdf VESANOUS; I"''• f411UJ; cc flt particula
111Mit 1111 ·tlie grormtl: but neuttum tamen :fatisfacit, intenliva; t1ajl, mighty;jJrong; and fometimes w
fays V-01T. and then he proceeds a-s above. cfi pariicula neg. fulcJy, weak,, aitd f"'illt.
V£R~NACULAR-; " Ee•'"·r••••... ·111r)-1111ti, VESICLE, ~..,x., vtfua; i#N.bladJw; lJJiw....,
unlk 'Vtrfld, •qoi ex anciliis oivium R om. titre Jujfio; blown il'p·
nili:font: Vofr.'' a bo11d man, or wo1114n ·~e4l/y-bol?I VESPERS l" 'l!n:te•~, vtfpt1'111: here rhe
in Oire'S •houfe : alfo lbt 4111/tirll/ idiom of Ill!)' p11r- VES'PILLONE S !IJ confonant fu,pplies the
tiellit1r 'Fla«; rhe native dialtll, •eommoll ".ft. place of a bR:athing: Nug."-the veJpillone is
· ViE'RNAL; 1'"(', vd l!~t• JEol. pro Nf'1 E"f• the pcrfon who carries out dead bodies ;,, ibt
'IJtr '; 1be jpring; uti hoc tx F..,, i.,...,-mitro; 'i"ia night, during the time of a plague i "a 'll~[per ,;
ttrhJ v'erno 1tlllp0rt om11UI 1111itl411 1he general tm11- quia vejptrlino ttmpore n1ortuos elfcrt: primum
i11g 1ime of "nivdfal >r4111re. vtjpero11u; deinde vtjpillcnes: Voft"-Clel.'Voe.
VSRiNfS~J; the gum of the juniper-tree, G'1, wou kl derive " vtjperus from we1~ibb-11r-111,
c;iHed 'il!1'1fflt, quOd ver110 tompore ftuere folct ligni(ying dimi1111tio11-prh;atio11-lit11t :"- but '!IJU,
Jacryma j uniperi: fee VERNAL, above: Gr. wee, and u , feem to be derived ab E-:o....--,
· \ilERREL; 'i:.11r;.,., durum, f~lidu,,,; ftrr•"' ; minor; dimi11utio11 : ifb originates ab EVE ;
amrultt• ftn-euJ ; ·an ·iron or /Jrafs hoop, or ,,;11g ; Gr. : and "" from "'f""' :bor-a; rbe bow of
:ilfo called l:~·.J•)<•~, ver-tfri/111,,,; the ro1U1d t'llt11i11g, when che fun declines: and us is ooly·a
11111, ~bal ·u Jajlt11td a./ the end •f the fpindle: it termination.
feems however more probable, chat, according VESSEL; Aaicc,, ultr, vas, ·vafis ; llllJ utmfil to
te Volf. verrel is derived not from f crrum, but hold waler, &c. : or ·pcrhaps ab EJ.,, tdo, 'i f""';
f..O:n chis vet y 'verJfrillum; il •Hrto; i.e. a Te".."" unde tfca; unde vef<o; unde "'"'' vafis; vel ,i
quail n1e1"• 'ilerlo ; a vertendo di{tre funt v~r1i~lll.e ; »•"""'• pa/co, vifco; "unde '1Ja1, vafi1, 'IJafau!lllll,
fp-o>rdyli fph1.e ; icen~ ver1ic~1/um, et verrit i/111111 ; , vefci<ulum : t111y veffel to eat •off. ·
beca.u~ the Jpi11dlt is conunually t11mtd abo111 VEST l" 'E•9•r. vtjlis: R. E.i, mu•:
~ if. . VES1'AL.f Nug."-chere is ho1vcvcr another
V'F:RSATJ1L E,l Te1w"', qua·fi ll1e1w, verto, 'IJ!r- deriv. in ·Voll". -viz. ·a •Laconico lhrn, quod 'Ut/1111,
V:E'RSE • f1H11, verfu1, &c. tbnt may bt et lanam notat~ 81-ro.-, ,,.~ :,..a11ov, ~U-,,f Aa•"'~,. _i
V·ERSfC>N ~o.fily turned; a pliable geniuJ: I-Iefych. : and under the art. btjlh~, 'V'O'B: a<lds,-
" nee dubirari·debt:t, quin lingul i fcripcurre fulci, ac Grrecis pofterioribus, ut Codino, atque :lliis,
~ eo v<rjuum non1en acceperi nr, quod ut agricola llln4f"' eft q ui Latinis 'lltjliarius, hoc eft qui
vomere fulcmn, fie frriptor fii lo arr.m ver/a/: . imperatoris ve.ftes, et pretiofiffima qua:que ad-
dim auten1 id non minus in proffi fiar, q uiim in fervaret :-yet there is no doubt, bur tmt ·the
c-:ir1nine, paret verjt1J nomen nacurii fua non firft deriv. is befi; ·and Voll'. has gi'Vcn us the
mimrs 'folum:, quam ligatre' orationi convenire : fame, under his art. vtjfis :-it is very remark-
fed, quill poec·re vtrjiil fuos cerco abfolvunt pe- able, that the Norc bern Celts, fays Ciel. Way. s,
dur'n numero, hinc faCtum ~fi, ut hi fibi "IJ(rjit1 . preferved an unexftinguilhable fire : did not
nomen propc fectrint peculiare: VofT."-chis Rome take her Veftal fire from thence ?-certainly
obfervlltion was fo ver-y jufi, it would have been not ; for it is far inure probable that Rome rook
incXctifatile to 'hnvc denied the reader the fatis- it from Greece ; and the Greeks from 1ne
fa<9ion of hearing it from Voll'. himfolf. Egyptians ; ·whofe obdifcs were oedicared co
Vf,R1'EBRJE; Te1.-w, qu"fi nrf1w, verto ; a the fun .
vert?11do diela: vtr1ebr"'; the 6t1<k-bo11t, compofed VESTiBULE ; from the foregoing root : Gr.
of fc> many jornts, and thofc united, and con- " ncmpc quo:! ig11is qui eft in //tfl,c poccllm, iq
o("'Cted in fo wonderful ·a manner, as to be n6r vtfli/Ju!o ant-iquitus accenileretlll"' : Voll!"
only 'lirong, ·but pliable; fo ·that by the help of VEST-IGES; " t1t·pmrticula·•r•1il1u111, ·et lllltltj.
9 . -,Jig•,

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v J. Frem Gt z i s;, and L • V I
. Y 1 "··

.ftifo, quod 1 rl•{.., f!'I'{' ; ita "9'iri•• pro·pric enr«ing on any prtmilfet by/#:'' of ..,...,> l. c.
cr1c illuftrc lignum aJjcu1 rci imprcftum, uc bcnc violttUI] :-SP<;lin. quott1 ' '. Su1d u ~or ~ wori
deprcbcnd.i poffit; a 'IJijjb/1 -rl:, or i11<pt:t./Jio" : 81«1~" to lign1fy aBio tit 'Ill faflo i . 10 ~ ~
~·orr. proceeds, " fed mibi in mentcm venit, fi · quavis vioiLNli<t dii:itur :"-accor1:!1•g to dua
placcat elfc a Vt •iriW··~· Ct :t1~·'· vcl tl•P•u .., · dcriv. 1hc root is a ..., 'Iii! 1 violnsct. .
tcftc 1-lcfych. ,j To ll(;••f e•l•nt, quod ad vcrbum VIANDS l" eadem rationc fit 'Ilia ab Olll1,.
Latine lit inwftig111w; uti I'l>/3cv"•• i1<vtjligar1: VIATJCUMJ qua quod Gntci Olm, Latin<
a\iud ctiam ctymon addamus, ct fortalfc verifi- dixrre 'fliJtu•: lane o ..., ~•ais, cfr ku pagv:
milius : olim non fa:n1ioz modo, fed viri ctiam, >'el & r ...., •'-•· ,..,_,.,,., Hciych. e' idem r ...e.
l ongis utebantur 'IJtjJib11s; eilquc non modo pe- ,.., : foru!fe fimplicius deducu ab 1., tlli; pre.
dum, fed otflis ctiam iiulitwm rclinquebarur polite A!ol. digamm.; qaafi p..,, W.: Voff." "
ab inocdencibus: bzc caufa cur, ctfi imprimis ro1tl, l"lb, or rrul::; alfo 111'} trovi.fta colicaed
pedum rclinqucretur .fig1111• , rci tamrn ~ ot.ftibtJS for 11 joar1r~, whether edibles, money, appa"
non1en darcrur; eritquc vtftigi11• vcl co1npofirum rd, &c.
ex 'Uefiis, ct ago, u• fignat qua 'IJt/ 11Bt1, pro- VICAR, A1w1r, 'lli<el; a vilt I inulittt<l >'OX; buc
traflaque; vcl -ig~11111, in vtjl-igi11m, erit vocis · in the oblique cafes vi1is, vitt1'1, 'llitt 1 u?de ~i&i.ffeir:.
prQdufliQ; ut - oi11i.11m in pa1ro-(imu111 ti1'1-dni1'tll; pro quo vit1 1'1utrt4; ab codcm cit 111t11ri11s, qui
fato-tini11111 :"-this !aft dcriv. however \V>ill ter- 11itt• ttlterius obtinct; a pcrfon who acts as "
minate in 'l!ro•, r tjla ; undc 'Utjlis. · fr1ofti11111to 011oJhw, ;,, hispl•11, i•bi~)••"·
VETATION; ex Ou, 11011 ; tt 'I!I.., quafi 0.,,7.,, VICE; when ufcd in compofition, as '>Ji•t-t~a~­
1Jtli1"• ; ffrhidth•. ttll#T, 'Vfrt -gtrt11t, &c. it takes the fame ongin
VETCHES, 1,.,.,, B1x1a, ""'"' ; l<g1111li•is with the foregoing arc.
ft'UIS ; a le.ind •f puls, called a tare: or perhaps VICE 10 bold /aft wilb, ~s ofa!itb'3 vict; M1v,
a~-·· (11111, l~•tic11/a: tho' the former fcems tbc 'llintio · 10 bintl. ccnjint: this dcnv. however ex-
more probable. preffc; only the.power of this infl-rumcnt; but if
VETER,'l.N; " s ..1.r, a n. 1.-17~1··~· et E7or, we conlider the aaion of it, there may be an-
01111111; i. c. valdt annofus : vcl vr111s diciiur quafi other root found ; " for Nicotus putat," fay1
'llitl•s, hoc eftjint vi 1 ~I/is, /a11g11idus: VoU:"- Jun. " .,;1 dt preffeir dcfumpcum ex virtr pro
a pcrfo.n become 'IJUY aged, f u 6k, wtak, and tcurHtr; vtrtert; ipfum vcro' virtr referc ad
ill}ir•. · gyrart :"-and ipfum gyrart ref~rt ad IVeor,gyru1,
VETERNOUS; from the foregoing root: tirc11!11s; tz circular, or rnthcrJpira/ tbrtod, wo~nd
" quOcl aNllOjis ct fmiblls morbus hie contingit ; round a cylinder, which caufes it to aa lrke
ncmpc '11f/tr11of1" djcitur, qui gravi pre1nitur a f<rtw, and by which tbt finillls vitt ;ilb moll:
fomno : Volf."- a drowfy difenje, o lttbargy, i11ti~ powerfully; being l11rlftd by a /tr~- . .
.Uni 11 agtd peopk. VICE, or wick.ulntfs; An••••. "''''""' l. qu!a VJ-
VEX; " • •,....., 'IJtbo; wxo; ut ii /110, IJOto, et tand11111 credi tur, ut fie qu1cqu1d reprchcnd1, vel
a Iago, lalfgo, laxar-e ! non cnim fui potens d~, incufari pocefi:; a fa11/1intjs, or pravil/, confifting
qui vtbilur ; nam .qu1f~r/11r, e~ rap11u:1r1 ~r. hue in 11;e rxccfs, or deficiency of any acbon.
arquc illuc dijtralu111r., is vtxari propne d1c1tur: VICE-VERSA, Ai.l(·Te""' : 'Uirts-vtrltrl; lo
voa:" lo frtl, 1u.fa, loNNtnl. cbaJtgt 1urn1, all ccnlrary.
VEXlLLARY; fro1n the foregoing root; ii
'flthl, 'IJtbiadlltti, vt/11111, 'lltxu•, ct vtriUum; a VICINITY; " F""''• vcl a ....,, lEoL pro
O•••t, vicus; ut ab I<, vis; ab Ei-.., 'Uomo : quod
4o•tlord,jlag, or 01.fign, hornt aloft.
UGLY: Skinn. as we obfcrvcd under the art. nifi putarem vcriffinn1m cO:c• crcdercm, q~ern­
OGRESSES, was fo pleafcd with the ruggednefs admodum ex vtba faflum """' 1 ex wb1//4, 'Iii/lo ;
of that word, and now with the rougbncfs of lie et vicus prius fuiffe vtbic11s 1 ut id ~omen
omnibus iis Cit ab rebus ex agro 11d'Vtbtr1d~s 1 ab
T.his, that he could derive thc1n both from the
fr. Ga)I. ogr.iffes; . and 1h7 .Sax. o;r,a (o~pa)
ox1w Ox•» vebo: a vittts ell: virinu·s, qui in eo-
dcn1 ''!Jico habitat : Vo ff." - o ntigbbour, or 0111
terror ; " fem per cmn1. •trtfJes, f111 p•fa: beU1cre,
tolort 11igro pinguntur ; qui <'olor trifiitian1, et who lives in 1be fame 11i/!agt, 1ou;n, Jlrttl, &i;;.
horrorem notat :"-and yet could not, or would VICTIM JN'""'' by tranfpolirion r...., vi1uo,
VICTORY v i'1111, villima, qua: ob boftci
nor, fee that nis Northern words were but horrid
'Uifl~s \1111noletur ;
dialects of Ox;": fee OCHRE: Gr.
V l 11 .ARMIS; h, 'llil; violt/Kt, and fora; ViOiiea quz dexua cccidit 'IJif!ri'! v_ocatur :
I•aft1. lib. I. 33S;
and Of,._• undc Aft..'• ex Af"• ap11; arms, jiud
.,. : the cxi:rc(!ion t1i ct 41111is, Jignmes, J.he 'lliBim~ enim facrificia., qu11: poft 11iO.U• nunt •
3 S2 ct

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·~ r· v f
et ell immolatio major, ut v itulus: bqflilr minor, ·vILLAGElF•'"'' • vel B,..,,', JEol. pro o .. or,
ut agnus: a ~1i8im offered in facrifice for a vic- VILLAIN S vicus, ·tfomru; uc pro o,,.,, ..,;.
tory gained. . . nunJ ; a j}rttt, r~tv t>_f ho1i_fa1, or a counlry town ;
• V1ICTUaLS i s..1,, per fyncop. o, vita, vitttlia; and a '!Ji!lain in our anuent law books fignificd
unde 'IJilJUJ, '1Jillualia ; food or n~u,.ijbmt11/ of every no more than a villa1;er-, or ·one who inhabited
kind. • only a fmall country rowo, and was a •client, or
VIE: . " vide an non fit a Gall. vur," fays Jon. valfal to his patron, who lived at the metropolis.
" ·quoniam :mgendo pret ium prohibe111us ne VIMlN AL; l!,.,, lEol. pro M'"'• vieo, vineic,
alios depofitos nunimos accipiat :"-co which let J~~t; a vitb, clt vio e-c vime11 , any fOrt of ti;.oigs,
me add from Skinn. " quod, qui fie provoca- wieker, or f mt1ll boughs _la bhtd wi1h. ·
tur, pecuniam de .novo deponere obligatur; ni VJNC- IBLE, Noxw, by tra!lfpoficion I.xa1, 'l!ir.-
faci'at; quod prius depofuit perditurus :"- both to; ffJ conq11tr,. vanquijl,, or Jtthdut.
whiclt aofwet exatUy to what we call a /Jrag at VIN-DEMIAL ; " o...., t1inu111 ; et E,~•r,
cards; and it is from fuch an idea that our word nitt'J; unde emo, demo; t'indt1nia a dtmrndo 'tlill1;
'!Ji• has drawn its origin, rho' none of our etymol. quod cl~ '1Ji11i du11ia, vel viii! dtmia : VoCI: "-1h:
have given ch~ proper French cenn for it, which ga1beri,1g of grapes ; tbt vintage.
feems .to be envi, or a fcnvi; ce qu'on 1uet VINDICATON; ll•I'••~• propri'c dici de J,.
fur une carte par delfus la prem iere couche; avec minio, quod emptione nobis acquirimus ; 10· fa'J
b11ulation., a qui mieux mieux ; as Boyer has ex- r!aim to o•y 1bi11g by rigbl ofpurebaft; al fo I• jufli/J,
plain~d ic : wh ich migh t lead us co fuppofe that or avenge.
our word vie is only an abbrev iation of rnvi ; VINNY; " Belg. vunflig, -,u111ig ; mutidUJ,
and confequently 111ay be d~rived from the Gr. as jitum ruipiens : Damnonii panem, ·cafeum, &c.
in •he
( . art.
, . ENV.Y: G r. · 1nucore, ie t1 fit1' cofrt1ptos a111an't vocare ~ ·Lye :••
. VIE\V, or ratl1er VEI \l'v ; E1J':.:; video; ro fee, :iny rl1ing ra•1tid, mor1!dy, fitfly ; as meac, bread,
to h;ve a .Pro/pet1: lee us jufr look at the pretcy cheefe, &c. ; and therefore, <•inny feems co be
French word vue. derived from the fame root with FENNY, or
VJG.IIJ }" juxta Becn11nnu111," fays mou/Jy :-confequentl)' Gr.
VIGILANCE . Jun. "ab A')'">.?.or,u11tlcA·1""· VINE all thcl~words areev idendyde-
. V~GILANT 7''""'• ogilis /um, rxfulto: vel i VIN -EAGRE rived fro111 o.,,., vinum; wir.t:
*Vigeo ; i. <" •• vi ago ;'' Jo be al/iv~, nimble, lively : V I NOUS theword which deferves more
i11 tho latter ca!e, however, it would llill be VIN.fAGE particular confideration is che
Gr._; for vigto, being compounded of vis 3nd VI NTN ER fecund of the1n ; the orchogr.
ago, it is cyidcnt ly derived ab l<, -:;is, vim, of which is not yet fettled; for commonly ic is writ-
.,,; ; et A')'•» ago ; unde vigro, vigilis ; wa1Cbf11l, ten 'Ui11cgar, forl1et imes vinea:.rar, or 'fJineager:; but is
"U/ akf/11!. evidently c91npouncled of o..,., '!Jinum; and Atf·
VIGOR: 14'x,~w, Bitr~uw, vrgttt, ri·igco; Jo j!f)rijb, 'Y'"' iegtr, vel tt'groto; i. c. t1inr.ln1 t£:rorum; qure vox
.~r= '; bt in fu ll jlri11gtb, a11d ppwer. proprie notac priva.tio11tm oper is, clliciorumque;
· VILE }<Pav1'«.• viiis, pravus ; baft, w icked: fane «ft ritudo, live 111orb11s, dcfinitur /.t!fio, aut ab·
VIL.L AIN "poflis et dcducerc a <!J''A'-•r,pel- la:io officiorlt.01, tJ111ntr11111.qut : vin.eagre in our
lis; \1ndc /'lil1r.t, ::iuc ~ij//il!; natll qt1re viii peru~i!11us 1 language tignifics properly eager, or jick-'1Jint,
e a 17.:/;, atlt i1i/li loco <.lt1ci1nl1S; q uil r<ttionc dicit11us i. e. fa11r 1;;int; o r any ki nd of acid, as verj11i(t,
fecri ·p!J.'do ; traJa tio11e i1l:tne gein intL : Jl1n.' 1 &c. : -Upt. derives it a.,,;,,,,,,. acre ;-if fo, chrn
1nta11, c'h~cp, ef 110 7Ja /11 e :-N llg.- has give-n us a \\'t: 1null: trace its origin to Ax1;-, 11rits., acer, ati·
difforent dcri v. of the word villain; " whic h dus; jharp, (o11r, ~,;,/ :. ree foniething remarkable
fte ms ,.. fays h(·, " co come fro1n BMw•:, f•rdid1u, 1n the arc. :fl.A TC HE I : G r.
jtJrditl: t1nlcfs \\;~ cl1ufe,·· conrinl1es hr, '' to dc- VIOL; a !hange transformation of "N•P'-"•
ri,"e · it: fro1t1 -:.;//is; vile ;. for villait1, in its ori- hi nc F r. Gall . viul!t ; I co I. ·viola, et violin•; p~r\'lllll.
ginal fig nification, implies no tnorc than a mta11 nabliu1n dicitttr 'l..1iOla ,d11 art!J; et maxin1u1n t 1ic/:1
countr)' ftllow :"-but. the Dr. oug ht ro have con- di gamba : Skinn." afiddte.
Jidered,''that when the word v"il!abz implies no VIOL.ENT ; I;, 1;is; B1:.:l), vicfq, 'OiQ/entia ;
more ··th an· tt met111 co1111/r)' fellow, it nkes q \litc a b11rt, fora, injury.
differe nr root ; as· we lh all fee ill the i.cxt. art . ; VIO LE T; i.,, vi•/11; a fwut fmtlli11g flc1Ur,
b<lides, if vil/ai11 dcfccnds from vi/is, he ought well k 11<YW1J. • ••
ro l\av~ ccnJidered Jikcwifc, th3t viiis is no Gr. VIPE R; Fir•e, &~":• ct E:.:;•f· 1'Eol. pro E;r:•r,
"iortl ; ·011lefs · he had 01cw11 us in what 1nanocr et O~''• viptra ; a repti!e, of tbe ftrptnt tribe:
it· w:is fo, by- deriving it as above. other$ deri1•e .viptra a viva-para, quia fola

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..Prom G ll E z and V I
. K; LATIN •

.c fcrfl(ntimn gencre (quanquam idem de cernjJir we h~ve feen a diffetcnt dcriv: given liy Ciel. of
·.rcribat Brodreus) viv~m pariat animal : but . it thofe words .
feen1s not to be a compound ; at lealt if the
above dcriv. fro111 -lC Voffi be rjg~.t.
VISION J, , .d :r. fi
~.1•w, "'' eo, v1;us; ro "; go to
, . VIR-G -P'1"- AL~: ,th,e ing~niou~ 111anncr in VJ SIT Ju,_ 1obat n'.ay be fatn.
·which Ciel. Way. 7-:., has developed this word, VISl -GOTI-IS; " vis ltands here for IVefl,
.defervcs the highclt co1nn1endadons: he has qna- meaning the r//efl1ri1 Goths," fays Ciel. Voe. 19zc:
l yfed it thus; " virginals, vir-ic-b-iJJ-als; wir"i- -bu~ vis is the fame as Wts, (>r wus, or ee ;
flTurk-i11·"-'ood >''.7.t lp,t is, wires 1noved by jacks, confequently derived ab E->."' '"'•• minor, lefs :
.furnifbed with quills ; . and che ,whole co1n~ined meani~g ;be W~P, or /im-fe11i11g. , . •
in a woodel} oJe : the definition is jull, if the VIS r A; from the lame root with VISION; be-
'de'rivations \Vere fo too' bu c v ir , o~ WJirl, is Gr. ; ing'' view from :;1 noble1nan's feat, thro' a \VOod,
icb, the fotne as icl:t, illus, is Gr. likewifo; fee or clump of trees.
·r.:i11·' : and al, or 111, evidently derive ab .;;..., • , \,1TA.L S; " ll••<, vita; the v confonant fre-
Jy!· v a ; woad. . . quently (upplies the place of a B: Nug."-ihis
. VIRAGO Ir,, vi; ,; tpir, v ireo, virago, v ir- is borrowed from Voff. who fays, " v ita dt om-
VIRGIN I . go~ 'l>'if!fu, ec pirus; of wh ich nino ii B..1., per fyncop. unius vocal is o; et B in
VIR.1.. UF. >- it will be nece flary ~o rake v abire infolens non eCl: :"-any rhing relating
VIRTUOSO I notice only of o ne, and that to lif•·
VIRULENCE is 'Vir; which VolT. hns very VJTATION; A·1"" vi1i11111; unde vito; to
VIRUS J juO:ly. deduced a vi; non Jh11n, or av oid. ·
q uod 'lli .agat fcrn:inam, fe.d, qu~d 1_na~or i,n et> vis VITELLI NE; s,.,, or rather, as Voll: fays,
(-ft q i>iit1 frernJnJS ; UOdC. ;J. Vlrb , r.JIT/ItS flO ll)eO a n ..1., vita ; unde vi1dli11us, vitdlus; tbe yoli.:
accepit i ila Latiilis . .U. 1.{;.r_o dicta virc; unde virte of an ''I: ;,~ vita, ,quod ex en vivat pullus. .
·qu11·q11el!1/ar.~: eft:que a 11iro,, 1Jircgo t t:X l1oc ' VITI .J• ERO US; Brw, JEol. pro Mio:, vttv,
ao1e1n per fyncop. faCl:u m "'"go ; unde Germ.· quod infl,8•re, vi11cire, et ligare fok t: a Vito, cft
<ctr . cujus freminirn11n wtro; ec per contradio- vin1e11, vitis, ec viii/tr; vi11e·btaring, or \\1 l1atcvtr
nCJn 'vro, 'Vr(}"'w ., s el /row; to figillfjr a woma11,,, belon~s co the culture of vines.
-Mrs. or ftlfadam. . Vfl IOUS ; " Ai1"" vitium, 'quia vita11Jum ;
VISAGE ; f..t.,, v.idto, vif«s ; tbe lo<k, . or coun-i fie didum cred icur; et v ito format t'Vito, non in."
/ tll(J!J(t • • vito: Voll:" all kinds of vice, and wiciudr.efs,
VIS-a-VIS : Gallic diCl:ortion, and contradion.• which ough c perpernally to be avoided. ·
in transforining a word in fuch a manner, r.hac VI TRI· FY 1A<lvf•» u..>..., 1:-Iefych. <rJitr,._m, quia
nobod)' could fuppofe ic was ever defcended from VITRIOL J perfpicuum a vidtndo 1 110 E,J.,,
:1be Gr. viz. ab llr/.,, quafi E1J''"• y,.J,;., 'Video, vidto; nomtn a_ccepit : ultima fyliaba e{lim fupi"
'Vijlls ·; · unde 'Vijagt, contraCted ro 'Vis-; literally nl prioris* 1nut;.lri in trt11;1; ut ab aro..,. aralu1a,
'Vijage t!> 'IJij~ge, t.ransformed into vis-a-- vis, or 11rt1tr111n; :l. I'll(), r11ilu11t, rU/Tttl» ; ita 3. 'tlidtc, VijNm,
phyz to ph)'Z; i. c. Jae~ to ja.-e, or •PPiftte lo each; 'llilru111, Ct Vilrio/um, ii ?Jilri fi1nil!tud·i nc; O»J
and now ufed to !ignify a carriage, which holds bri:~ht, or tltar fubjlana; whence vilriol, fro1n its
only rwo pcrfdns, who fie face co face, and noc likenefs to glaft, frtuifParent, to be fem tbrougb.
fide by .fide, as iil a coach, or chariot~ , VITUPERA'fE; Ailio.-.-~..'J'I.,, vitium-paro ;
VISCID 1F1•xof, feu B1~x«, lEol. pro IE"' uncle vitupero ; 10 blanu, or uijJ any otiium, or
VISCOUS . vifaus, gluten ; a kind of g«tnm)', ofptrfio11.
~lammv fubjlar.ce ; as bird· lime, glue, &c. · VIVACITY lBicl•, vita, vivo,' vividus ; /if,,
VIS-COUNT }according to che abfurd VIV A-VOCE S lively.
VIS .COU NTESS French onhogr. vicomte ; VIVES : fee VIPER : Gr. : vivts feu viv.,,
and then, tc) complete th~ abfurdity, we n.10Cl: crcfocntcs carunculre ; a dillemper among horfes,
, 11 ronouncc it 'Vi-count ; b.ur t!Je deriv. ought to like the !lrangles.
VIXEN i •p,~fD1 unde 'f'~w, P1~a;.i1\, f1A~-;1H­

have t aught our learned French . teachers, chat

it fbould ha\'c been written vice· comu, like viu" x"~'"11r, H d ych. uncle rixa ; rho' Vofi: feems ra-
rtille. 'lii<t- roi., &c. &c. : vifcoz!nt, tl\erefore, js ther incl inablc to 'Pr.•a-.,, vd 'p•'Y'"I"• frango;
only. ·a barbarous dcri vation fro1n vite· ccmts ; unde 'Pac«, uti hoc ab Ae'"~""" qnod ell:' c•nflit·
and derivei:l ab 1\1x.t:,, victJ ; a vi>.·, inufitata vox; tari ; UC a()l.>d Sophoc;le111,, o,~sltrJ1 ~ett.~trfi;,, tOIJ-
but in chc oblique cafts vicis, vicem, 'Vice : and vitiiJ it!rpelen ,· lo / told, rate, or ralllt.
~vffl(A-'; ccm-to; lJ11de cenits; a tcnpanion, 9r k111:r,b 1 : VIZ ; a .contraction of viddice:, as chat is hue
- tho'. in the art. COUNT, and COUNTESS, another contrad:ion of '!lid,re-liut, E1J,,r-.>.1~":
· namely ;

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U ·'N F.rom G ll & 11 ~. U N
rwstly 1 I bat » I~ liJJ':.<.Or• a& we filld it in tb4' old art. unlefs when the primitives theml'elve~· are n~
Jaw-books, to wit. in ufe; as in the following words, when toll)·
ULCER; £>-••>. >U/au, ukuaiuf; 11 blotth, fore, pounded.
or blain. UN-ANIMITY,' 'B.,, ,,,,.,,, ; vel O•Of, ~­
'lJLlGENG>US i 'l'J'"f• undc ''l'loc1 11d1tt, udi- pra M0>ot, u11u1; one ; et A..,,..,, qllimiu; /bt
/igo, uligo; tnoiflur.e, ooze. mind ; ef one mi11d, one ·•pil1in.
ULPH-ER }Verll.271,allowsthatall rh~fe UN-BE REND~" barrt•,fltrrit : Verll:.''-wbo
.lJ.I,P.f.l-RIC · fignify " beiptf', help- rich, has given fo uncouth an appearance to this word,
U.LPH-RID 111Djl helpful; for flan is only that he miftook it for Sax. ; but Cafaub. could
ULPH-ST1\N the Sa><. termination of rhc fee fomething farther; "11btr111"1 .~i ex Gr.rxo
fuperlative degree :"-but we have already feen ~'f"" ( u1t-beariwg) prima origo; unde "''t'!•
.rhac F!ELP is. intircly Gr. ...
....,,~>. 1., : Hefych. : fee BARREN : Gr.
ULSTER, in Ireland ; " or, to found it more UNCLE ; A...., A1F01r, .e11am, a11t11, ovuncul~;
:J!ritilh-likc, Ciel. Voe. 178, 1he \VILT-jhirt ot unde ; a father's, or 11101htr1 brother : our word
-.hat country :"-confequently Gr. u11dt .feenlS to be taken &om the n1iddle o[
ULTERIOR 1M•1v>-•c, ~ l~x"1''' Arcad. et a11uncul•s; a fitnilar inllance "of which b~s- been
'U L1'1M1\ TES l-Iefych. conrratlcd ro ""''• likewife o9ferved under the art. BISJ{OP :. Gr.
atque inde 11/J, quo u fus Cato, et Pomponius de UNCTION, Eyx••» tffuJU(o; 1111go; vel i11~1g1,
-0rigine Juris ; ufs 'Iiberi111, pro ultra 'Iibuim; 1mguentu1t1 ; lo anoint witb ptrf•IJ't, or II.II) prt1im
.ub. vcro prius fuit ultiJ; unde 11/tl'a ; ut ~ ds, oim mtnl.
-<itis, citra : ab ulttr, vel ulterus, eft ulttrior, ct UNDUi,ATION; "t:lor, 'Tl"'e' quafi 'r~J"{,
.ultim1u; the /aft, farthejJ, cclrtrntft. · unda, undus; a f:n-g.t, or wave of the fta : a!Jo 4ltJ
ULTRA-marine ; Milu>-•r-,.ue«>. ultra-111ar~nu1; waltred tabby, &c. vel ab O•l//'ir., ••Ii-» unda,. 111a-
.any thing bro11ght from beyo11d-faa. ltr; or a wave :-Ciel·. Voe. r i6, n, tells us, that
Ul~TRA-mundane ; M•1v:>.•<-1''"'" ultra-'1it1nda- " unda is derived fro1n 111!, in the feqfe of water:"
fllts; beyo11d 1be li111i1s of this world ; whether we - bot furcly both 1111, and undq, ace derived ab
.c onfider it in refpeCl: of the earth alone; or even ·r-3.'e• quafi 'T•-l"f• u11da; as above. ·
.of our folar fyllem collectively. . UN-EA TH; dijfidl: Verft.-w.ho fuppofes it
ULULATION; O>.o>.v{... 11fttlo, tjulo; 1ohowl, to be Sax. ; but u11eath fe~ms to be only anothe.
./Jaw!, hoot. dialeCl: for ttn~afJ :-conf~quendy· G~•
UMB.!LtCALl01'1""'"'• u,.hili&.us; tbe navel; !JNl-CORN ; o........e«r, ll/!U"1-(11TllU ta11tua
UMBLES alfo. the bojil of a ring ·:-froin 'hah1111 ; a crealur.t bpvi11g 011/y one·h.orn: if tht~
this word o,.,.. i.oc, umbilicum, the French have be any fuch creature; at leall fuch a one as is
wonderfully formed their word 11.ombks d'u11 urf, gcnerall,r reprefented : this creature is fometimes
fignifying i111eflilta urv i ; tbe inwards of o dur: C<11lcd in Gr. Muo·J!'f""• montt-ctros; as ·may be
v~ciofe ut plurimun1 fcribitur bumbln. . found under its proper :i1·t.
UMBRAGEOUS loel'•'•• umbr~, te1tehr~;fhade, UNI-GE:N1TUS, o ..,, 1{1tus; et T•y••J'"" vel
UMBRELLA darkntfa, obf«urity : there r"•I'"'• gig,no ; the 011/.J·btgolltl(: there W3S a fa,
·arc feveral other deriv. li kewife p•oduced by mo11s Pope's bull under this title, whether Chrift
Volf. :ind among the rdl:, that of Siponrinus, was tht Only begotten. Son. ·
who derives umbra ·ab Ol'~f•r, i.e. imber; ldque UNION}O"'• ve] E1r, £,.,, UlllJJ; ont: un<k
tum quia umbr~ imprimis fiant 11•bh1111 obltnt11 ; UNIT E••~, unio, aduno; to make ont:
tum quod umbr~ omntJ humid« fun/ : -were it not with regard co the firft of chefe -words u11ic11, ic.
for this latl rcafon, we n1ight have adopted his !ignifics not only unanimity, and eo11for111i1y, but
opini<lll ; but as this is abfolut ely unphiiofophi- likew~ifc n pruious flan<, jewrl, or pearl, 6f tht
cal, it ought to be rejeCl:ed ; for there arc cer- higbejJ value ; as 1nentio1ied by Shakefoear, in
tainly foodes, or JbadO"JJs wilh•ul moijlur1. his .Ham/11, Acr V. fc. 5, whcr<", jut't before
UM-PIRE; " one who is cbofon by' two, the fencing~match between Hamlel and Larr/ts,
four, or any even number of arbitrators (on their the king fays, .
being equally divided oi\ their award} to give his Set me the ftoups of wine u pon t-h11t ublc;
catting vote : 'it is a variation of i11tfJar, for odd : If Harnlct gives the firft, or fecond hit,
Clel. Voe. 156 :" - but is i111par Celt. Lat. or Or quit in anfwe r of the third exchange--
Gr, ? fee PA.IR : G r. The king fhall drink to l-Jamlct's bet1er breat6;
UN :--\Ve have many words in our language, And in the cup an union lh'l,H he throw,
beginning with the prepofition UN; which will Richer chan that, wh ich four fueeeffive ~in~s
b~ more properly found under their . rcfpective In Denmark's· crown have worn ·~ --- - •

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an"d 1cl::Ol.'dingly a ,) ittJi: lowe~,the king fay:s, after "1111Jy111i11g to ~ Sax. and to tigrrify u11-riam•
Hamler has gi.ven the 'firft hit; ill[,, ,,,,..frttitf•I; i. e. b11rr1-,, :"-....but we have klen,
'Stay, give me drink.; Ha1nlet, rhisptarlis thine; that TEEM ,is Gr.
H 'c re's ro thy health. - - · -----
UN-4V'ERSE lClel. Voe. 75,_obferves, that
:YJ" B..;, '!Ifft l 11'1 Witt:' R .,
a-.., dMno: Nug."- fhts
UN-IVERSITY S " rJ11rotrfity, in the fenfe of VOCI-FEROUS deriv. is undoubtedly juft~
colieg~. bas, in its deriv~cion from the Lat!n ,wo~d VOICE but rhe Dr. might haye
•""'1trfllt , hardly a fansfa&ry fignifica~1on : 1n rendered rt more compleac ti:o1n Voll'. who, un-
the Larin itfclf «lfi'lltrfi11u never bore this appli- der the 3'C. 'fJO<O, and ':/OX, refers US to f11UctS ; an(f:
cation; either in the word, or in the thing:. !hip t here he fays, B"'••<, Bo«•«, a Bo:», onde ct 'fl~,
#llivtrfus of its terminative: Latinifm, it will be &.E: and then quotes Virg. 'IJDi< .faucibus
omwr, or u11-i-'Vtr, which wiH naturally enough VOGUE: "Gall. t/rt en 'Vogue; i11'f111lrfatrt, o/JIJ•.
refolve iffelf thuS>, u11, fuin; ;, a ; and vtr, bur, 11rre, inerebrtfatrt 1 btnt altdirt i' lcal. '!loga; e>'i,Jlima"'
or bury : i. e. u11ivtr, qui11abur, or head-colltgiatt- lio, fama : ucrumque 1l Gall. vog11t; libtra 11at4lio>
fttein!I :•• - buc qttin originates fron1 the fame feu »a'fligatio : omnia ni fal'lor, a Lat. v11g11ri:-hzc·
root with KING ; ;, a, aw, am, al, ha!, from Skinnerus; cujus conjetl:uracn firmat quod vc-
HALL: Gr. and 'lltr, bur, or BURY, is Gr. teres Galli pro vog11tr fcribebant 'fJa11;:utr: Lye:'"
I'ikewifc. -bu t we have already feen, unoler the art. VA-
UN~LEA'9; "no111e11 opp'robrii; quid Ii ab u11, GARY, VAGRANT, and VOYAGE, t'hac they'
particula privandi ; et lre'Oan, legem ferrt; adeo are Gr. ; fo that to be in i•og11t, fignifies famr
ut voic umead proprie fie ex/ex; Goth. unkds; gone abroad, di'!lulgtd lhrougbc#I lht wcrld.
nuiidiC1u, pa.per: .Ray :''-fuch is the difadvan· VOID, feems to be derived ab Ail•••!""''• uinri-
cage of any Gr. wor~'s travelling thro' a North~rn 11or, accufa ~ 11nde (rime11, vi1iu111 , undc 11i10 ;
dialetl: (and chcre JS no method o{ preventing what ought lo bt av1idtd; hence ufed to fignify-
ir, but by endeavouring to fix the orchogr. of having efaaptd or jh1'1111ed fame im111i11111t danger ; as-
nil words, as near as poffible to the original, · ac- when we fay, ht has 'IJoided a jlont 1 alfo lo q11i1, oF·
cording co their erym.) for, whenever any word ltll'Vt empty ; as, 'Void the room; btgont.
deviates from its original, IO as to put on a dif- VOID, or 'Vacanl : Cafaub. 170, has ver:y pro-
ferent ·appearance from the common acceptation perly derived chis word a viduus; unde Gall.,
of that word, our etymol. are as much at a lofs to vuide ; unde void ; trnply, dtjli1111r.
find out the t·ruc deriv. as if they had never heard VOLANT (.n""""• vol•, volito; to fly, or j/ttf· ·
of the original, and ci~hcr give us a falfe deriv. VOLAl 'ILJ ur tbt wings: vel l M'"rX'""''"
or clfe ftop fuo•t of the true :-thus has ~his learn- apt/a, ala ; quafi 11/art, 'IJolare ; to fly:
ed gencleman ftoppcd fuort of the original, by .VOLITION, B•-"•f'""• volo, 'llolili•; to 6t :wil-·
only telling us, that 1111/tad was derived fron1 the ling, dt)iroru: " B""'°'""'• putatur elfe a Bv, valdt,.
Sax. rm, :tnd la!'ban; but lreban, he acknowledges parcicula intenflva, ct Aw, ql1od per aphzr. ~'
to fignify ltgtm-fwre ;', confequentl y /tad and l~ban 0r>.w, uc hoc ab E9'""• qure tria idem ac w/o>
are no more than law : and 11n/rad proprie eft ,,,. fignificant : Vofi'."
/tx an o11t-law; one who is 1111-lt11d, 0111-l11wed; as . VOLLEY, figoifying a flight •f/mall ar1111, l!rc.,
he 'himfelf acknowledges likewife :-c:onfequently ls no more than a deviation or 'VOLANT:-
it ought to have been derived, not fro~ the Sax. confcquenrly Gr.
ultimately; but from the fame root with LAW; VOL,UBLE l £,,...,, 'IJolvi , vo/umtn; lo roll, or to,
i. c. Gr. 'VOLUME 5 r~l! up, like the recordS< in. /hf'
·UN-SE-L ;• " nomen item opprobriofum; 'l'ower and Rolls tbapdt.
Goth. fall eft bonus ; et un-ftl, mo/us : Sax. un- . VOLUPTUOUS; from the fame root with'
rz1'6, infelii< : ,Chaucero, falint[s 'c,ft /.elidto~ : 'Volilion, viz. B&\•f'«•, volo ; to will, wijh, or ,,,,_
Ray :''-again this gentleman 1s unfucc11fa_fo.l in 11rjlly dt}irt.
his deriv. ; for y-reh;s can never be an original VO;LVULAR; E1>.w, "Jok:o, 'flolu/11111; I• roll,
Sax, word ; it is no more ~han •. Northern bar- loft , and uim/llt.
barifm,of f.e~i"; an~ f.ef" 1r~elf 1s no m.o~< tha~ V OMI:f ; " Ill"", vo1110 : the v, f; arid ui.
a 'Lac. variation of ·HA•~· et H>...,.., fe/1x, fd1tt- have fometimes the force of the lEol. digamma : :
tt1s; as we have fcen und~r the art. SEL: Gr. Upt."
'UN-TY M<f'N·G : lf a word does but put on VORACIOUS}" «>•&<-, p11fao ; unde !3•f"'•
th~ le:ift rugg«i ~ppcarancc, all our ccy1nol. V.ORTEX . pabul11m, tibus, efca ; ,.,,..,
imrotd1atcly fe1z<: 1t for Saic.: thus .V erll. fup- B•ecr, eft propric bdtiarum; ut """'' primi., pro-

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• ti R. From G .ll I! i c, and I, AT r :r.

prlaque notat ferillo more comtdtre : . URGE; Ove«.Y''" 1Uf'to,;tiJrtmlfm ·tigm1a J1t•i
Boeo{ ergo ql1afi voros, unde voro; ut a ·DvAta11 to bring up tbt rtar, ID preft 11po11, provbkt, txaf:
'&o!o : Voll:"-10 dtvour, eat greedily. peraJe : R. Oo~"· rauda ;. ·tb• tail 1 ancl· A;•,
VOTE ; 8113" ..'• VO'Vto; to pray, wijb for, ftp· duco ; I• lead, or briHg : or rather " ab Ofy~.
p litate, and ojftr up petitio»s: vel ab F.ux•'> Evf"•'> apptto imp•ftr.ttr; ·becaufe whatever 11rgt1 thews
'llOVJi(J. tdgtrnt(J: or h!lly, urgtrt eft ab Ef')''l•.,•1•, 3b
VOlJCI-:I-SAFE ; n,., et B••w, voco; " fer- Ee1~-. 1on. pro;, arc'tO.:. to dritJe, fqrce, i•
mon~ fore11J1 cfi vocare ad warrantia1n; i. e. ad pd.- ut quod nibil aHud fit quilrn ad op•1 extil•,
pr<t:flationem rti 'Jtndil<t:: undc advocator, 11dvo- aut jliltm!o : Vo.!1: de, l'ermut. lir."
ca1u1 : Jon."-10 bear witr.tft, o r givt al/tflation URI NATOR·: "11rino, ab urvo, i.e. '""'"
to tht gcodnefs of :any thing; Jo warrant it good : t11ra oralri, qt1·am urinntores ltnitari vidcntur:
aJfo to 1rrar.t ptrmij}icn, or ltave. Lin . and Ainfw."~thetc foems to be fom~ pro·
VO\V, borh. fubfi. and verb, take 1he fame babil i1y in rhis dcriv. i f, like n1oll other ctymol.
o_r.igin wi1h VOTE : Gr. . they h ad not ftopped foort ; for 11r;1.10, ·and tUf'l}-
VOWEL ; B»:, vex, wralis ; tht v•ice ; an atL1ra, or cu,.vus are . not origioa..I . v1orPs, but
u/lerance, or found of itft!f. derived a Kvr-1·~· curv us : this curoed atlion, or
• VOYAGE; lw, ro; unde O'"'• i ·ia; a <Vay, pr./fage, hendfng poflure ofdrous is thus dcfCribed by Homtr,
or journf!Y; generall y lign i6es /ravelii>rg by fta . whe re he has made Pt!lroc!us deride the fall of
· U P ; '' 'T7:'f, T'll'"(t1o~: Upt.''-fuvtml1s, jitpre111us; Cebrion out of his chariot thus, when he killed
the . highe[f, cbiiftjl, and fuprnne. tti 1n, , .
UP-ON; .£.--"-'"" a contraCtion of E:ri, and 1
1'1 #'O'l'NI} 1t p.«i>. f),,.zVJf~( O:''Jtf> l.I>( i11.a. xr;/3trf·
a~:.>, f:1p er, fupra ; ti1orewer-, Pt}idts thiJ, i1J cc1;ft- E1 d.., -;;os1o/ ,., ix.Sut;t11' .-ytvo11c,
'n'lf >:.·x1
- quence of any thing ·: ·Or elfe fro1n 'l'"'f-'"'"'• above. llo>..>.8~ «, '<0~!'1'f,ft a .. ))e r.Jc . 'rJ'iel~ ,,,~,J
UPBR,'\.10 ; ne·~·e'I""•» exprobral?t>fl, bpf)TO· Nt;r;; ~.,.,,9{~Q"J(.(o}~, ft JC.«-1 l v<r?rt/.l'"Ptho( ,.r.·
bratum ; objtEl•d. 1•eproved : tee REPROAC.E-l, !lr .,u,. ' " ir1J'.,::; If i.,,..,," P1'ier. xuJ31r~·
and PROVE .: Gr. H fa. JC~,, f!; T~4'S-#'ITI x.u{31p;1;f'-f f.Z.O"llll,
UPl·JOLSTJ:';RER ; " docr. 1'h. Henlh. dic- Iliad n. 745.
tum putat quafi bolflertr :" and Min!h. hints al- VRITI-1 ; " t1herings, or willdings of hedges; te-
. J,Tiofi the fame thing , ~ailing it " ein poljler neri rami coryli, <Juibus i11jk,,is fepes colliganr,
ma.1ker : Skinn."- o ne who furni!hes apartmenrs et fiabiliunt; Sax. pp1't>han, lorqu<re; ppibha,
with beds. &c. : - but we have already feen, that loru.111 ; pp1belF, fafcio ; quia fc. hi rami cowJorti,
BOLSTER is Gr. . inft:ar lori, et f afii1, fepes colligant : Skinn. and,
UP-SHOT : Spelm. in Scot. fays, " proprie Ray :"-it is the ad ion, and formation of 1helc.
id quod 1nediornrn feculorum authores tor.j;lJum branches, which given -Origin to this word ;
\ 10Ca0('; quia a p!uri rrliS Canji<f(btlltll" fn tltitlm ; 1 ' and therefore it is the more to be wondered ar, chic
-fo rbat, I.he up':[hot lignifits the fi1m l•lal of any n~ither of thele gentlemen lho.uld have derived,
~ccounr, when raft up, and added l•ttther :- con- it fron1 wreotb, or rather W!{ING, 1wift, or
f<quently G r.: fee sco1· and 1"1: .Gr. A dd. <ntwint ugethtr: G r.
, URCHIN, .E.X""• tehimu ; tri nau11s, vd rri- UR N, O•r•~•, comb11ro; to /iurn, kindfe, flt
.-ius ';.. 11 fad,ur~bi!r, nr b•'d.~'-b~~· wloich is a fpe~ on fire: R. llue, ignis ; .fir. ; a 'vefii:I made ufe of
cics of crab, having Ornrp fpikts inttead of feet:- to contain the allies, after t he body was burnt :
this. is ' thl' g enera l explanatio n of EXJ>C<, a X,e, Ut there is, howeve r, another deriv. prod uced by
b.erts, ab b<t:t-endu ; but perhaps this is noc 1he •Tut L ire. and Ainfw. fro1n Varro; viz . "urna di8•
etym. :-for t1 r1h111 fcem s 111 be 1norc narurally quod in aqua h:1uricnda urir.a1 :" - fee URl-
d'efivcd it K.::ie~J1·~~, t tJtt(.tr; a era/> ; it bc:: iog of N ATGR: Gr.
that fpccies : K.Ae?.•~o;, <1uafi 11rki11as, converted in- . URSA-mc:J°•r 1" Aex1•<, 11r(~s, 11rfa ; difo •, ~t
co urrhin. URSA -111111or5 converfo 1 111 >, qme murauo
. URE does not, it fccm~ to do, take its
:i$ frequens ell : Vo[l': "- 1l•tgrca1er, and 11farbtars;
origin from 11ro ; but from u/or, i. c. ab Eb,,, two confiellacions fo called.
11t&r, ufus ; prat]fce, ttft, tufiov1 ; tlllJS \\'e fily · US : Ski nn. and Lye have given t.15 no Ids
r1111rtd ro any thing. t han eight d illerenr, harlh, liard dialetls p ( this
URETER ; O•e•1•e, tl>'tltr, mta:us 11rinariu1; little word, whic h at laft they acknowledge,
the 1ipe, ccrrd:tii, or pa!Tage for the 11rine from comes fro1n 11os: t he only pt>ipt now is co dctr%-
c:ie k idnies to t he bladder: R. · Que""• u1;i11am 1ni ne wh ether nos be q,n origi nal word :-fo far.
~:ddo ; to n:akt ·uril!'- fron1 ir, it is Gr. : fee l'/OS1-RUtvl : Gr. ,
• . . USE';

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l't; ;·'(' ·· Fromlak!'! 'i t; ' and • LA T1°"lf. V';U ~ ·
:.lJSE..; ''iEf11; :iltor't uf11i.; ··alr~9.,· f!("IEt.9"/ pr : lowing lnt e'rptetation, .. but no i ~&it.: : «"f~U ,.
. , quo"Atc-.: J¥Aa;:convnuniter Eu.fa, dl&mos 'f'ilild ii Drllid!bus · pto~9ta- ·ell:; qui, ut .CZiar ··ref'ett,
. ·: £.~":'. ·ergo ab~ce.. 'fit ."iii~w, •et•·#i}iu ;' pro. ~u
Bell.:~all,}ib:,vil ~e.r.e· de:omnibu~.--con~t'~~er~is
...pofter1ore~ •#Jor,· eq. 11f.-r,d1.xere : · Volf." 7"10 t
,. ploy1 ·rtirdtr ferviie, /le "Df:Nhefit. · · · J11bhcrs pnvat>fquc coolhtuunt i ct ti qu,1d eQ
·11amilfu1.ri. faCinus, Ii ciedes fa8-a, fi' de hl~~edi­
·.USHER :" none ·-.>f.- the" etym'Ol."!·'fa'tisfa , · t ate,' de firtilfus, · ~oiltrove~li.a cit, 'iiCJcm ·•ac~'tr-
. cory on this·arr. : -Jun. fays, « fottdfu ' quoq~ nunt, pamafque co'n'll:ituunt-li quis aut prrvatl\s,
non· inc<!mmode "noll)en atrie-nfis ' tiujus · minilhii aut poputus, eorun'i decretb 'noll. A'ct.i t,' f11irificiis
.-defumptum .,di<:as ·ex illo.'bl(/h .f jifp11~um /fl¥i'eitt~ · i'1ttrlh'um1-hzc ·pO:ria· apud· eos:i:A:~ gr&yifflma•:''.
·S pelm; -and Skinri. fay, " '11.fbtr.&Fr. Gall, •hdij/frr't, 'haCtefius' · Czfa~·:~uibus' ita e.l f'i'nferdi&Jm;· ii
It.a l. ufalitrt f'ja11i111r;--apfarilOI'; hll!c \\ l'.r~"Galt. .·numcro impiorum, ac fc2JC'ratoruni halientur r.1ab
lnlis 1 . h~.'. 11frio i ojl/11111 :" - and Cafaub.: ·17 :J:, iis omncs dccedunt, 'aditum • eorum, fermontm
would derive " httis l cof11 1· ex· quo, mutata pro ·defugiu'nt, ne (!uid ex contagionc jncommodi !!C-
. niorc · prim& 'confonante in afpirationem, 'fac;ilc cipiant; neque ·iis petcntibus jus rcdili1iir, neci.uc
emerg;i.t buis,' vel bollfe :"-but 'even «a/11 is Gr. honos ullus com1nunicatur , .. _.this ls what we
. fee l-IOUSE, and COT :-"q11anqua~1(nequid commonly call Otlt·fa.w.r y I the punilhmcnt or
. ;lcia:orcm.· ilelcm) ·continues , Cafaub. " '-q Goties thofe who, having been•called to law, e ither rc-
folc1nnc illud Romanoru.1n fo.res domor'um pul- fuJe to appca~. or refufe fubmifilon and obedie.n ce
. ttri~u_m,' bnu; ~· apbd _c omlcos le!Io, . f~bi,t CO the .detcn!linati?n of' t he 1court I .and confe.
fufptc10 ex hac 1pll pultanuum formula-do•16u.s quently forfe1t ..thc1r goods, ·&c: ~ -but fr~m
~pfis. ~qU:ia"multa contingunt,) apud'·A·nglos· v~- when~efocvcr the tbftom .may'·b e dcdu~ed, it is
_. t Cl'C81•aj>peHariotrrm tt1nanllffe :"::......and yei: it evide'nt th'at the deriv:·is Gr: ' · ' ·
fecrns· probable, · at leaft, : that · the ·F r: ~all. bai}, UVEOUS; 6/ArO:E, ·\.°eJ ·tr;.~~>.;,, U-v~ i ·a gPf?fe~
and the Ital. u(do, fignify_ing j1111u11,. may, fie no or ·b1111th ·ef grapn. .
' more ' than different ·dialeets of 'ef/i'u111, which V·U LCAN ; '11>-•r••" /11/geo, fulg11nus; .u ntie
·Volf. tr-accs:in tbi' tn'allncr :-:-" funt qui Gra:cam Pul~a' 1 the fon of Jupiter and Ju·no 1. foppofed
· hab.crc otiginei:ii· arbitrentar ;- fedlom~ino Latinurn . to . be . the god of fire ' and hence 'any'. burnr'ng
.:ft vbcabolum., ·five•:ib" Oft: dlt'iu!ur, q ula 'O;fium Ii~ mountain js called a 'ucltan'b, aC'cordiug to the
1os ·dom\ls.r fi'(C '(j<iafl obflii~bil\licaturi::ib"olijfalido' :I' Gr.; or vflkaito, according to t'he Lat, ortho~r.
- it is vi:ry feJaom I dare 'difltnt·ft'om:·this great fuch as £111!', Pcfu'11itu, mount llcikla, .&c.
authority; but now nitift venture. niorc boldly; VULGAR; 0%1'"• l'•;<:"?'• JEnl. ~nde ua-
becaufe'*ie may be;co1nbated;with',his own' words,: jeflis li'teris F<>,X,•f, ex quo volgus, ·unile -11u\g"l(s ;
he adn:iiu, ~tiat •f!ium is . ~er>ve~I ' ar;i. OS l and lbf folk., the (0"!11!011 ~tvplt. • . ;:"' ·" .
' :trferts· tt .to. oe•·°"'"'n•··La/Nlulll' voca!Jil!um 1 ·:mil · ·VULNERAR:Y .; Il>.o.,r, ·~~or, • .t,,,.,, ma-
· yet he.hjmfelf~lrall· 01! '.'dri'f,.a1:fie...
l-~, ~"ex): •/al;'rfb"tlis ;"llad;"i~'rj:ijte,i ;ve1~b ?·A·,,i.._<; ·~·­
and lf. ·Volf. ab o-J;, 'fn'&tl's, vultus~ fo "tnat trus 9eio<,' ab O>'o~: ' f!trdtl; t x11ta!1s, lefbalts ; deaiily,
wortl' ojliitm is'" c<infoffedly Gr. ; arl11 aS' for 'e$jU111~ •mortal': vef ab OuX~,-·'cfi:~j,.f.~ ;··,,.,a 'Vt1(11er~; fonaii ;
·do, we..need not fay any thing fariher, · after what :ib •A•r, ja11us r !J: f&iri" b~ 'lpound heal~J :-;U pt.
hi.ween faid,· in the art. OBS·T ACh.E:.!.La1~ 11jher · lias· g iven · .~s.. ?nothe(-<l"~ti~. '.<if. " ' _ 71i1ly1is; ·ai\ d
~boo is. ptoperir:a·doo~k~,,,,:, or o'ne:Wh~ i.~ !-e~dt · ~~hier1i; }lb~ o.ti~.;., :v~(.;iAo \ "rr~ut(o ,~:-.~ b~ r

·a•t: Joor, 1i!froduoe' alL •t llofc whtr i'liily 1be ttfns 1 'frem~ 'th be .. o nfy ." ;I f.r.llotiym6us word" n
. idelkous,ofadmiffion intO: a.fdio.dJ. :! - . ·'·'. ~ · 9r.:7~1.~1. v:&.~ -~h t~1 1l.ti~; !\i.~t .:~thf_ priva­

USURPAT!ON 11111 .uf:1rptr1s one-wlio p$iffd~ t1vc m was foinenm~s ·.placed · at tne end of a
·usQRPER ! fes ibr11fa ofl any tb·jng by ' word, as in bart in, of 1
liarriii; 1101 ~eh_ri11g \ wol-in,
fotce ·nnd .11nrulion; -'''etian:i ab 11far11; ufiirfpo, effe~ 'v/i/n111 ; fl_df wbote·!: -. DI.(~ 'f~ re'y both. tup!, and
pro quo per fyncoP.. diclm'us ufi1rpo: '\!'qff"'·....:c:.onfol< w~o/e are"(!er!vcd~ff!>lrt ·o~-.;<ij ' i!~~t.. ,i1fltt,~r;"!!;bolt,
., nt..y,c e ,, ve ·1·ro:n t 1e ."'-'m.:·~~ot w~t ;o- ,.,. :.. .r l!'b/{J19-, f1Jffrt1• • •• ·• ; 7 ~ :·~ : 11. . . . . ·:-·:.r... ,..~J ••• · ·-:1~,
' I l •'1· "d" • ' t·•• Ii
' "''SL' G ·11
P-··· ·" r 1 " "'' "' ... \ ··' · ·v· ··'

1: ".·l!.11 ERlN E· ; 'Ul1:•~i ufif'lif ; 1'.arli~, ' 'Vtn~ero; · · ·VUtPl~E· l ~., ...E, lhpl. F .u,.,,..E, undc. ·'f"·
, ·"'er. utr-11· ; a g•t11':Jl:in, or · leather ~01tle, to carry ". · ;Vµ LPON'ES "fop!t, · ~.t p-orl;ea 'vb!PiJ , de1utle
"''ine •in : ab tl1tr fit 111tr11s ~ f!ltr vtnum, oleu1n~ vulpes \, a fox ;;_vie fe~n\ cq h~vc ret~med· the 011-
uq uam, u/eru1 fret um c6nti riec: u(trin~f~41~u, 'q qi rient 'Ort'llogr •• of volpes iii o lir 'lfOrd yvo L .f : l.?{ .
.. 't~ '~'f111· "ultr'•'•pro(~i~nint; :.bro~he:s ;hav!h'g .t he 1 . Yl~I,.;TM~~.;; ll>-•,.~!l _,.{£?~;:'1't;·1~1;.,: ';;1dtiu 1
fanic 'rllother,. 'but d1'!f~rent'fat)1ers-, <as ·by ;a fc;- • (Jn~e·vu~i(r;/ c{U~d .'11.ultu , lz>a/~qf 1 }jii!P.P;;/ltfJP.1! a-
. cond· br1'fband:: :. . . • ..". ·" . , rfj/tlii~ ..'Vifti~t}I ) "a ' ~avr11otl~"!irlca1 rel.! .(J • 'vultur.
U'f-LARY ? o&rw->.•y~, expel/11 ltge .: gripe, 'Or griffin; endued:, . t ltcy- fay, ' With' a ' :,'.•fl
· vT-LEGJl..1 '10N 1 Spdm. gives us the· fut~ pr11ttt aling fight; Volt gives us another der1v.
• 3 1· " el'

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I w. A -from Glli ?&, and, LA.T rir.
;': ~ (c:111entia llidori~ ·~1.r, qui et w11lturi11s lie omnia tlWllel, ac '"'""'• nihilquc rintentatuin rt·
dic.i,tur·a tardo v.0'4111, quafi voli•tarJMJ, 'Vll/IMTi111, linquic, quo aliorum animos llf'•/ ; r«lius for.
"vu/1111' :.''~but as this bird is . Q'IOrc rcn:ia.rka!.lle ,t~e VOJt petatur a.b Ang!. 1 ,.,,,,,,,.,, ,..;...
.. for .'l)fraci111.f11,tfs, than either for his 'Uifi'!" . or iere, lobifacere.; fcmpcr aliquid, agcns, er- irrequi-
flight, pcrh•ps 'IJU/tur may be only .a dcv1auon eta lcviffimi animi importllnitate, continuo aliis
of wrlllor ; a tkvovw 1 and then might . be de-. ·ncgotium fas:clfcos:"-confequcndy derived~ in
rived as in VORACIOUS: Gr. the art.WA.B.BLE;·to fignifyontwho is
UVULA_, Of'fl!e. v~l I144'U~·· "'"' I Ul)dC . pcrpccually lt4jing, v1xi11g., and intrtapling other
ll'Vt1l• ; i fimilitudinc .11.'li~ ; a piece of ftdh in the people wj th bis.filly, i•perline1fl, jo~u.
: roof of t.he mo4th, or rat~cr .at tire. cptran~~ °if. WAGON ;_Ox•<, lEo!. F"xo;, T~ titrrUS, v1/;i.
. . the throar, called ,the uvula, from iu banging c11f/t111 ; " ca~, or ""' : - th~' probably w.1go.
oown like 0 bunth •f gropes. . j II\aY. be d.l'r~ved ab A,,.,.., lEol. E..,...., diiu rr,
UXORIO{}S; Ew""'f• vd " "" ..f"• Auice pro trahert ; 10 draw, o r drag alo11g.
! v-'1110fi;f, cqnJ:u~, llXOi; nam Oftf, Ct fle~1 ')'~ta1lt{) \VALL, 0>..>.,~1>. "T>.""'• tt/11/o,, tj11Jo: vel ab
tignificant; a wife, or tobabitanl. . • 1">i•·l"Of• ./alJf<n/11111 ; /a111e111atio1t, b=ling, ot lllJ
111911r11fu./ ·ll~ift. : . : "
•v. • WAIN.; perhaps only a co.ncra&ion of \¥A·
GON: Gr.
ABBLE · la different dialect of B..l,?.i, WAil', tarry}" Belg. waehun; S~ pachtcn,,
• W \V LIDDLE I v adii; quafi w.ado, waddle;
lo hat't "" aukw11rd gait, lo walk un/Jtadily: ot,
W AlTER n1agnam ¥idcocur · aflinitatcm cum.Ax•;, doJor, mPltjJia ; quad •buriwios
perllaps w11/,b/t, and waddle, li~e wag. and wag~ animos gcavifii.T\C· fcmper tarflll41• ~iofum tx
, g[(, may .be dtdved a B.. ~1f'» /111tuluP1, b'!til/um I diuc.ina mqri t~dium:.Jun,"-tit;,<tdi"'s irlfa•·
tmdc vaciflo ; auc vaui//o; to jbakt, and lolftr ntfs, and wtarifa111111Js 11/ at'4y. •
.• .Poul ; as if wanting a flick to fupport hi1n. WAITS; from the fame root ; viz. A-x,«, ab
• '\'V ADE 1 either from the foregoing root ]I,.. Ax•w, vel A'JG'""'' dJilep, ~grt fu11 ; quia .noll:u n-
I•?"; Bal•;, ittr; gradus, vel grtjfas; tbe going, or cubias agunt ; ,11flkt]y wat,fbitig Jlllificians: -or, per-
walking iroft a riv:r., where it is J~rdabie : or elte haps from thef3Jlle root.,'V'itb ¥1.G l I:.AN'f: frill
a Bo:1Glf; vad11m; i.. e. Ba1ii·~; to~ Jg go,. . . . . . Gr. :-,wh_a ~.v~:caufc; may l.lavi: ·given 'origin to
W AESTIN l" fr11te, or &he lykc, wtJXing,
· '\VAE STINES or 1.rowing out of the earth ;
the infri~ucion .l wheche; , with Dugdale, p. 515,
we imagine they. were called fo fro1n the lhep·
Vcrfr."-but we lball fee that \VAX:, or increafe, herds in Scrlp,ture, fe~ding tbcir flocks ly 1right;
is Gr. a pafr~rib'!S f(i~i/ias 110!1is fupc.r grcges fuo1
"'vYAFER,to 1a111~. 'llel\l"· wa/e~ i . fcitamentt~1n fervan~1bu~ : or whetjicr, w ith· Clcl. ·Way. 99,
'\VAFER-ltlltr ..granffimum,. atque obm we fuppc>.fe, " ..the. fummons 'to· the waJ:ts of the
· 'l~1odamn1odo i:eculiare 'F! an,1ri~,' 9ui ~pulantes ancient yule were giv.c!O by 1nufiir; going the
v 1dentur hunc t1bum cccms adh:budfe 10 locum rounds of invitation to the mirth, or fcftivals,
paois verubus_tofri, qu~ : oliii, ~iceball~r 0~1>."'! which were awaiting men in a warm bed, and •r'
i0~1o<,: uc . c,x 1110 Ol3•1'.u>< pn~o fecermt, <vofd; . a latt hour, .,vhc:n the (jrearin<-f~ . of the weather,
.~f .!!!de :JJajel, deiode,_~f'/er : )un.:· ,.whicl\ and thc.,lcngtb of the nigl11s woyjd .require 'wt·
kc . n1.e add from S1;<1nn. '. ' (ortGAfi lj\ltcri .t1:111'1 thiog e~\rac!d.iniry to .w9~e. and Foufe chem.from
' noll:rum ·'wafer, cum. 'F r. Gall. g111rjfr.1, orta font lleep :" - fli}J it is. Gr. : fee, \VAKE,. and' VI·
~ vcrbo to wa>:1e; elroare,_ et /u'!Jlatu/Jl ~u~ illu~ GILS.:.. Gr.
• 111a1m mbvere : facrat;>ci;itum entm Euchan~.1re ho~ •VAKE ; . AX'"' vel 1'\;IG••w, tlolio, .egi-1 fore:
, pane celebrator, quod cora~.populo eltvar.1 foJe~ 1 ycl ab ,F.xx••f<'> tx11gito, totmlfl1"1Jto, t"f!Pltfll!it; I•
1dtoque hi pan4s ob i;andc,m:Jac ionem Ital. hoflit m~'Vf, .r'o/'ft,,fo.akt ef1 fl4iP.· · . •
' :appellantur ,~ - but now '[ he Dr. lbpi.ild' .har e · 1WA~~~ -0r/tJjrc<:l £rom, tbc;fame .root;" 'pro
traced them to the Gr. under. the ar.1 : ~r.'E; v!g·lfus,, fcu tn~4'1liiJ. Jt!/'fJ'.l•r-111n, .in. quibas n•tJ'•
' " VATION, or WA.VE 11p :ind down.': Gr.. :-r ,farpe ;Por.eis pervigi/~,,,..trahy,nt BaccaQte.s: a verbo
i hefc wafers being made.round, thin, and fi.a,t, have to wakt :. Skinn." - the •iocous fcafts. of .Bar-
given name likewifc, t.?. ~hof~ ~afvs .:"'itQ ,wl;jc~ chus,. held all 11igh1 long-, ,,. , , .
. letters are fi:aled. : , . ." , d r 1 • 1 . , .\VALA-LICc;)NDl: \\'.h~n Sornncr ll!(t with
'.. WAG•. an a~if:> fel!D<o:i: '! ~iii'))' ,A11gF~.w<1g~ vel . th}s. wt>r.d, .a119, ki;iew ~hat •it fig,nificd 6mtp/4cilt.;
·: waxg," faysJun:" DOil t~infi~ plan,us,'atquii[itp~j'o,, hoc nobis well-liking; a Sax. pel!tcun3 ; it 15
'. quilm pe1ulonltr p.roftl''VUJ, 'ac. n,tq1'iler; laf.civuJ ar- afionifhing he could find it was compounded
.. -Jtlio, quj importun5. quofva irrita(Jdi .a wd/; htne; and Jicun 0 , placitum; and yet not
.. fot
. .•

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'V _,._ Fr-om G it r ! 1t, and ·LA T 'I " w A
' fee t hat both thofe words were Gr. : fee LiKE,
. N".
,. . ', , ..
from the ·So~th:.eallern.J>irts by the Rom3ns ! .<o
or •PPfir.IJ!Vt. • · that Wales 1s derived in the · fame manne r ~1cp· •
W ALD 1·" ••
.whether fingly, or jointly in the
W E ALD -names of 'places, fignines a p!ain.
ALPS : Gr. ·
W 1'LK ' 1K«£,
·· · ' · ·
quali F">.~; 'ca/it; 1bt
- Wll.D ~n co11ntry ; from the Sax: JKllb, WALKER faller bee/; uhde ca/co i to· fread, ·
WOLD a plain, and a pla<t without wood : WALKING-mil/ or trample.; '' and fro·n;
Johnfon :"-fo greatly ha~ th is word degenerated hence," fays Ray; who quotes Sk_inn. "i's ~cr'ivcd: "
from its originaJ .ligni fication : for¥ erft. tells us, a wa/J:er, or fuller; · a.nd likcwife ·a· wallc-m!ll, ' or
that " all thefe woords, dilf<cring in vowel, do fulling:mill; a Belg: walcker; /11/lo ; l tal : g11alca're;
yet 6gnify one rl1ing; co wir, a fOl'tfl, or ivood: pa1111os prmure, c1Zlcare·1 Teut. wakktn· i panno!
of the firlt .PYaldbam fortft (mbre 'rightely then potirt : omni a credo a . Lat. ca/care :'! - confe- '
1¥altba1,,J retayneth yet that name : bf the lt:- quendy ·Gr. :-but with regard 10 wallc, w!'Jeri 'it
cond, the wt11/J, or as they are fonicymes called fignifies limply tht atl of walking, Skinn. very
tbt wilds ·of K~nr, that is, l ft fortjl partc of juftly ·derives it, o'r, ·according to his m.anrter of
Kent : of the third, or ta!het fourth, which is c'Xprcffion, " alhldit ·o·x.•/i-2i, .abto, profitif11$r; to
wold, the /, and the bigbnes of the found of the go forth, ta/rt 4 wallc abroad :-unlefs it· is ~nly '
tJ being omitted, is become in the Ne~herlands a different dialect of vaJo; quafi waldo, walk;
'fl)Otil; and ·in England wood: and whereas rorks· and yhen it would origin~.te a B,.1,~.,, vado, to y ta
wold, and Cots-wold, .do yet retayne thofe names, go a'broad. · - . · ·
1J1td 4rt not forifts, { .am fully of opinion, !hat WALL: "Sax. pall, peall; Belg. wallt; 'Valium;
they have · hecnofore bin woodit places :"-bl}t nomen hoc vallo, -feu fof!ato inditom' a G~ci
nai to depend on "\' erft. •alone, Cafaub. and phrafl B"'MH•, ~ "'e'f3a.>.H• To• X."'f"""'• prorfus ut
Ciel. have .adopted this fame opinion; the for- Romani dicebant jaure val/um : J un.'-:.....10 raft ~p
me·r of whom derives thefe. words from 'T>.•, a lrtncb, motmd, or fortificalitn.
j;hHi; and the latter from the Celt. ul; which, WALL-eyed : Skinn. calls this, morbus tq1ur11m,
he fays, is radical to 'T»- •, fJl<Ja: but Lye, un- ni fallor : -then, perhaps, the Dr. (tho' a pity- .
der the art. wood, derives rhcn1 from the Alman. fician, not a horfo-leach ) was millaken ; for /1
ault, Ja1a!d, quod manifeftc· prremilfo v ow, ·vcl wall-eye is rMher a blcniilh; thao a difaaft : nei-
'W\ cft·ab...£01. A'Alor, pro A>. ..<, fa/1u1, lticu1, jjlva, ther is •it derived; as t he Dr. (uppofes, fro,m the
11"emu1; Sax·~ paid, vel peald, cft 11tm1u, fyfva ; " Sax. hpale, hprel; Cd'//IJ, ba/,etta ; fc. a fimi-
Belg. wour; vCI woud' 1 and" Skinn. adds lotUJ l irudine oculon1m · balren:t: :" - becaufe then ic
jjftu,,,. e;xpers, monies, feu rollu, !\u>." : -fo t hat lhould have been written. wbdle·tytd; but this
.whatever thofe places may be at prdi:nt, they derivation, as I' have never yet heard what .co-
undoubtedly rook rheir .ita1nes from bei ng n1oods, lor tbt w hale's -tytJ arc of, may he rather fufpi- •
and fortj/J. c.ious : - it· feems n1orc natu ral co fuppofe it
:WALE ;,, ft11.ffs; " nefcio an· bene, procnl- means what Butler fays of his hero's horle,
dubio ii D an. well, ~aut vtll; ttla ; hoc a Lat. The bea!t was !turdy, large, and rall,,
vtlhu: Skino.'' .and there the Dr. llicks !:_.but '\Vi th mouth of meal, and cyts of •wall.- ,
'Ile/ills is Gr.: fee WOOL :-wale feems more Part I. Cant. i. 4z3;
n:iturally ro 0c 4cri_ycd: frorn 'lhe' fame root · wirh i.I e-. as his mouth was 1vhitt anp mealy, fo were
"VEAL, or jlript : Gr. . his eyes too; for as tuttlls are generally repre-
WALEN }" A>.•.,,e..., errart, vagari: Cafaub.'' fented 10 bewbitt (tbou wbited wol!! Ach xxi ii.3.) '
"VALOON a wanderlr, or .flra11gtr ; ont who fo a 'i!:bilt-tytd crentr1re may be very naturally
tomtsfrtl111abroad,from fqre~~n,ountries :-or perhaps called '• <v'all-tytd creature, bo•fe, &c.
it may rachcr be deri-ved, as in the following arr. · W.>\LL-WORT ; " tbNius, quod ciri:a ·m~ros
WALES : " our Wales, or Gallia, or Wallia, radices ·fiire; ac_facillime foccrcf~e~e fole~t: Sax.
1n~s lirerally nothing more i-han a motmlai11ou~ pal-pyp"C . Jun.'-dwarf tfdtr , •which gen('rally
"ountry: Od. Voe. 206 :"-fo 'that Walts will grows about old w11fls, or near ruins : but both
take tbe fame deriv . with the Celu and Gauls, who '\VALL, and '-VORT are Gr.
undoubtedly were t he iohabitants of this country WAL-N UT, cotnmonly written wall-nut, as
when die Romans lan~led und~r Crefar·:-'-and if, like the little wall:fl9wer,. the. wall-mil Ira
con~qucndy. · a Weljbman: .is a mot1ntt1inttr in a grew on the tops-, or out of the fidts of w alls ;
dwble 1fenfc.; botb from his being conneetcd which no man ever faw; and therefore, fome
with· the.Gauls, before' he.came over hither; and other interpretation muft, be givtn ; and it ia
fr<llll. the appearance of his country, wild and ctyn:i. alone will beth fix the orthogr. · and give
rr.01111/ainous, to which he rctrcaced, '!beg driven us the. true meaning of ·this .word i for it ccr- ••
•• • ••
• • l) 3T ~ tainly

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\~ :A·: From GaEBK, and .. LA 'l;,I~.; W A
t~ip1y ,F,an-,l.1"'"~ . no,.50.pQ:Cxio.n '!iti} . a yia(f .;; ~ut . W.4~~~R ;:_ Atti•. ag~ 1, urnte: '11.tgoi: ;; .quali
fcl.!11.~ ~o: ,be,, dcp~'v.~~fF?"'. 'he Ja~~ . ~oot wi¥1 'llfUt,~or, vel vandor; valli tJgor, fivo hu.c•e.t iUuc.
Wdts ; and fignifies no nlore than .~1th~r! ·thc. fer.or; to be farru4. .or.dr-iytJ, f/;
W'!lfi~-,l'u~ ?r / //t[t!>· '!f'I,!:or ,nux pertgri,11111 ; ,tht ; WA~E pf tl1e .!.'I•~• Verll.:1.ackno:&'lcdges,
f•rtig•:I!."'·· or .~rt.h~.;11101111/tJifl~ll.ut: fee W.AL'ES: th~t th~'!"""' of Jb~,-0•.0.lignitics wa111, or J,.
-0'1:-an_<,! )'..ct, p~r~aps, !t '\),e 1~1ght b,ctr,cr1,bccaufc fiti~nCJ.i ~~ Jµn,. fays '.'. An.g)i>.-!?aiconibus.panian.
·a l}l</fC fimple qerh., ~c~.ordi,ng, to ~a{~b~ to P.~- eft. t!Jin,lff, .tk+Ji11a,io,/1111e.:,'t -the11 it .,is a wonder
dui;e ~~ wa!~1111t a e..>.~...•r,, t/.'!es~ ve\jug/a,llf ;.•'!" th~y f\l~yl~. otit4er of .thcro.difcovcr th~c WANT
11c~r11,. nu~. C?r !f?al11~I.). ~t ii . bal:;"flllf;li". 'q'~g_{e..~.~ . ··• was ({r, ,
.W~J:t~T r,irorn, the for,eg!?if!g, r?O.t~,.'.' not1us , W.(1.N,G~(tqt~ ,: tbi~ · expr,ffion ,ap~arcd1 fo ·
nim.i.~urn.tft;'.'. faysJ.ul): i,n ~a//~.t,.'~ qulm,yt .fl?O- truly ,GQ1ltl,c, .tha;,,VerJ}:, ~ thought it :was .S•.x.
nci;i ,,i!eh$:af, . quod ~af1,, ct wa,1,_v.-r.t. Be(g. ,dice: bu~ . he, has , gi'l!c11 _us ,fo , cur ious ... a &ircum-.,
bap,i1.alit11.ig~l1{1,,pt~tgrin11s; wak 'IJ.11'fd ;pertgrinptio; !\'aqce.,,, ~hat I lliail.. pe(irc Jcaive ,,t.o .. t;ranfqibe .
wa!fn,.,~t .-;pa{!~tf..,perfg;i1farj ,; ab /IA~':'... AA'f•l!"-1>. 1r I. par~~ularly. fingi: Som11cr 1µ11 ICOnfinned, it :
vel i}><'!fl,•, vag~~· '"~ ; . quc'ld pli;rum111.1~ '' w4ng;, lte~rq(,tbt,(Yd.11.eth <,.call~@ang-ua.b·; :
eri.f{nfku{ . ~i'bc.rc!\\UL, . qui cx ~r:i. fol um, patnum •. and the ..vie . of Was<>Jn England,
alil» f.c con(creb,nt ~ " undc. Sax. pealJ~an; et diue~s wriongs, .IJad . lhe .$ ax bitten..with the
T~pt; .wa/t!!,;; '!'a11ticg_, Jun ..'' a b,udg_11, Jacbtl, or w~ng-,1octh of hit~ diat'. palfcd 1hem; whi.c h·was
pouch, to travel with :-Skinn. derives ~al/ti a allo. 1hcc~m m~uont;d ,ui· tyme; thus;
pt!Jis ·; buf P.tllj~ . originates ii. ~t.>.>.or, quia ,c.11. And. ~n witneJl'e..~~is. i$ fooch,
pe!fibus .qonfif;},tU~ :-l!nd t~ere is folne probab1hty. l e bit~ the wax ~<h my·,wa•g. tooth:J!
in this deriv. which ma~cs ~ t .thc:, .i;note remarkable,. that.nci- ,
\V ALLdP:..10 boil l A~""'• vd E1>..,, 'Volvo, thee of thefe Sax. i:r-itics lhotdd fee that.·thc ex- .
\ VALLO\V, 111111ble 5 voluto; to roll, and tum- prcffipn,.i~ pure Gr.; partic.ularly after.SomnCJT·
'bit about ; the atl'ion of "{•ter, when boiling. had told us " .Ii re&a fi:riptuqa. •airgo11 ; nos. wan- ,
• .W Al"{,: " Sax,. pan, pallidus; Cymrreis, g--.oan; :"-there is l)o·de>ubt. but .this latter is a dia-
debi/i~,' hifirm!!s: Sk in.n. and Lyi; :'' - but they leCl: qf the formt.r; which, '.is evidently derived .
ought n,oc to have fiopt there ; for won feems to fren;i .t he · fat'l1e root . with .. MANCHET, . or
come from the fame root with WANE, or MUNCH : Gr,: or perhaps wa11~ may take .the
WANT, whi<;h arc Gr. fame origin with FA.NG: Gr. . •
\VAN,A; "vvant, 4ifetJ, or lac : Sax.'' WAN-H.~EL; " ~11111i11g-.IN/1i>, i1tfirme,. or
-bur it is Gr. maymtd: Verfr. Sax." - but both WAN-<l ', and
W1\ND.feems to derive ~'llimen; i.e. a vito 1' BEAL'f H, are Gr.
which, according to Voff. originates a B,.,, ./Eol. W.'\.N-HOPE, ." difpoire; it growctjl rhrough
prq Moi., ligo; to tic, or bind; being a jle11der, want of hope :' Vcrll:."-it groweth from the Gr;
pliant twig, or o}itr :-thus much as to the wand WANKl.E; " Belg. wancklt; Sax. pancol;
itfelf; hut if we intencj to exprcfs its power, i11fta/Jilis, lrois, ji11tl111ZJSS : Lye:" - ~t feems to
we mull: then follow the opinion of Ciel. Way. b.e only a differctnt dialect of W.o\BBLE, oP
12, who obferves.that" the wand was one of the \l.'AGGLE: Gr.
Druidical infignia of office; b11t as the Druids- WAN-T.RJJST, "diflr.11jJ, /1tfpitio11.;, Verfr."
p aired alfo for magicians and foochfayers, it like- -:-again Gr. . ·
wire was taken for a conjurer's llaff, or wal}d: . W,\Nl'., at/ell : "quod vcro attinet ad dc-
che, Gr. M"'.;f••r (it lbould have been printed either f~chvum illud Alman. µua11, et 1ma11a, .vix. puto
11,.;;i...., or M.u7•r) implies divi11ation, or 1ua- quenquam elfe," fays Ly~, " qui non manifcf· ·
gic by the wa11(1 :"-let 1ne then, it dffi(i1um in eo deprebendat vefl:igium A""• .fint;
feen1s 111or~ probable ·that t he won~ wa11d is witb~111 ; . for, . wher. we . arc with11ut any thing,
derived ii M«~1-1r, quafi ~oan.t-is, undc¢ 'Z!alts .; WC are l~id to be in want.of it I prrefortim aiim
lor, we tiften . find m and w interchanging, as JEol. digamma recep~iffima tonfuetudine prz6-
.well as the 1 and d: Co· that M~·1 1nigh1 ·eafily_ gatur vocabulis a vocali, vcl . diphthongo incho-
corivert into want, or wa11d. alitibus ; ira ab A"» eJ1: waytn,; ab A"h
\V4NDED-thair ~ . "' catbcdra femicircularis waje, lim1u.; ab l!f-"•·•Wtr.rt, dij/idiwn :~\-a tit- ..
<oimf>1,t11; forte," fays , Skin11 . ."a Teut. '!{land.;. ftt1, or dtfititllty-1 nttd. or. neceflity 1:-mani~ as · 1 · quia fc. infty pa.rirti.s \Olutn. ferc corpus th't: wftigi11111 Qetwe~n.walft and A>iu;might .ipptar '
circundat: vcl, quod ,eodeR'! red it, a verbo we11- rel this gendcmau; .y et .Cafaub. foun<ta, fa• greater
Jm 1 vtrltr:1 :"-but it i~ r~markab)e.- ;that the affinity bet1Vcen,wa11t, aAdoli.-..., '"X"1•«,,11J..... :.IWll
1)r...could ngt filid .tbat.WAND wu.Gr. U. a.l>CJY.~• • dlg~!ll1na .p ra:popto_.iv..w fit.F<1~a•,.u11dc ,wa•t. ..
~ . /1 \VAPPJ..E.

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'\Vi A l From:·G ~· tE'K,~ arill " L 'l\'Trtt. · '\V.. A '
11 :WAFPLE-JVay i " 11 borje patb : · Ray!".._ W ARNI',"' erep.:r-. .tafiti111; 'hot; hente 'tl:erht.e.
perhaps·only.'a Northcrn rG!i3:lect for .whipple•way ;• bot ·b11tb1 ; · the o ld Latins uCedforv1us: Cafaub.
1n eaning the. fame as wcldo· by. a brfi/{e' 1vay, or ~nd' Upr." · .. · .
ll jpur~wtJJ ,. i. e; a nartrow. 'l'Oad· fop :4 hbrftllitZ# t Wt\~N;· ""nonnullam videtor al!iiiitate1n ha-
tO ride. in r and-. not .. fol"' coaches, carriagi s; or· !>ere ·cum 'Aentl'"'> ntgo, recufo: Jun. and Lye."
carts • to pafs .through- :-confoquently Gr. : fee · WARR'.ANT, or·nffirm; Ee"•• Jfro; undi: ver111;,
WHIP·:· Gr. . · q . d . verijfrare'; as we obferved j ull: now under
'V,\R, battle: "Ae•» Mars, deus ·eelli ·; pro 1hc arr. W ARES'; and hence a JOCkey 'warrants
.ipfo1bdlo, curn. JE<>l :.•d igan1-1· · · liis•lrorfc to be found . · . .
.Nu>.1' 1ex,..8'.. ,,.., ./,;.,,.,,.,. ....: fv•'1'Y"/'"' Ae~"'" • ''1'.'A~RANT.,. 'flerin[f/ioii : Jun: under· the- ar~:
." lliad "B. 3 81 :"' granl, fay~, "garantiz;are medio feculo dicebant
both. . Cafwb. ,hav.e- given this, d eriv.; pro warar.tizare, quod ·reu rnni ca: origin is 'cffe .
but the former has . .likewjle 'Offered anot-her; · liqoet :"-bureven· he hiinfdf. has acknowledged,
p i.ior: to chis·;:' ''.·i11. o.:e, et ...~ ,..uxor ;- ·q'!~d ~'lo-. 1h~c '".wan:'?"'" comes fro1TI_ rh.e. Ital.. gu!'rJart:
merus1cu1n ahb~ toto ,fuo·~mate,- tum ·lus 11uel" wtli'J l1kew1le," fays he, " comes fro1n die fame
alia :.v:e~biS> p aue'is. d<JG'e<; .. I . . ' . Itali an w<int:'~-:ther;i, :is we fiave a.lready : eccn,.
A.~.,..., l'"e.,'14""• '••"'('"'~ in•<> "~'1'f""'"· · underche"~rt. GUARD, rbat Italian word cainc: r
• • · Iliad I. 327; frci1rr fhe ·G r'. :-Ciel: Voe. 24, n, tells us; t hat
rapi· quoque·· ~lim .folic«t' :· and · Horace " 't•atraitt originates Ctom''bar•wa11d; 1he judge's
likew·ife ..1Jiat•••they have ·· long'·' been w a"tJnt; bi1 flaff ; called alfo his. wa11d .-"-..but
1et1rri111a1ctJ11fa·illli< quid <quoci otilli'fl'.·:efurA•(i>~ the· whole cornpoJJnd ·r~eins:to be G~: ·
cxponunlllr uHefychlo.? •jw1rds ,' the " mftruincrits· W 1\:RREN, B1w, u.,7,, vittJ, vivus,· cifittrium ;
of war:. or laftly, we may, wit;h 'lly'e,. undtr\~e · wa"tn, qu~fi 'Wi-wa·" '"; hrijk~'lively, q.Ut!t; as ii.
arr. WtJ11t, derive " war; or 'Wtf'.re, · ab ·Ee•r; ·dif- . place ·appea~s ' to be, when ftocked wi!h rabbets.
jidi11m, 1b'illum11:L lo1Jf~ittil>ti,. ftrife, diffe111ion. Vv A'RT, 'Of;;, Of""~ ·ruo, tJ1Jtrr11n10, :verruca;
WARBLE, feems to be but·ll cont raCtiort of " tuberculum cutis; ex bilofo n1ulto 't'nafcen~
varitJbfe ~.. tO :µ(i('( ,a'' viZrio11s •tont{ 'Or ·n dte':• and J\u1J1oi'e; ab antiquo : verru11to vidett1r nomen
j f (o, then it will· t?ke>· that deriv. · Gr. :.:.-:tho' it fumli'ffe; ell: cnin1 ingra til1n, ac 1noleftum quid ;
mightrbe better to·d.:rivewtJrb'le,with{fafaub, 169, t!nde bpera dat6r; 'ttt i)e!iotropio, zacyntha, aliiive
a vibrtJre ; to vibrtJtt ; bccaure in wtJrbli11g, the herbd verrutariil avtrrunufur, h.oc eft 11".Jerlatsr:
fouRd frequently 1Vibrt1111- on lthe ear : only fiill Voff."-'tJ bard, callous protuberance on ·tl\e Oelh,
it is Gr. : f~e VIBRATION':· G n or fkiii, like· k not s iii the barks of trees; wkich
.w ARD, when ufed >in ('Ornpo!ition; ~( yoti- ought to tie plutlt'td Olli', or eradicated, llnd f f llltr.1- ,
b us polt poficum ell:·;' ut Eajl-wa~d; Wef/"ward, td; rhey oeing not only d ifagreeable to the !igbc>
b.111e-wa~d, Jo<~n-ward ; i. ..e, Oricnrem, Occi- but une:ify to fhe touch.
dentemve-verf111: Jun."-'true; ' but cheri it . WARY ; ca,:.tful ; " Ovfot• vox I·Jomero fa-
originates from the Gr.; for vetjt1s derives fro1n n1!liaris, pro qua pofteriores ff•fo> maluerunr,
'l.lerto; and vtrto ·defccnds from Te""'" quali rI1e71i>, cpj/., : .!lf'"• quoque (ex alia tlmen hoc origine) ,
1J<t'ID ; to turn·t.Wnrds. ' - cura,re, cuflodirt: Cafaub. an~ Jun.''-1• g1111r/,
WARD, or pupil~" 01>e•r, cuftos ;• a guard, or w11lch, /;~ ttJt'ejul ;'-rhough perhaps .i t rpight be
\VARD-ROB E S guardian : Cafaub. ':tnd qe tter· tti de rive wary, according to . Cofaub. ·
U pt.'!-here it may be proper to obfervc again, f;om Oue•~, quali Fou~•r, <ujlcs; a g1tardi1111, or
as we ba\'e hi nted unde-r the art. GU ARD; that kuper: in i he fame t>1anner as GUARD, and ,
t hofe words which the Greeks wrote · with the WARD : Gr. '
diphthong Ou, the La.t ins wrote w~th v~, oigua, . W A's me; '.only . a variou~ cli afect for >u•.e; is
and• the Notthern nations wrote with "Ulll ; th us mt! Gr.
o,,,,., 'tf.e ; "'~·•', v aleo .; Gualttru1; IYt1/t e:r'i Gu- ' 'WASH , '." Sa~. p:rfcaii; Bdg. waffebu:; .puto
!idm11J-, William. ' · · pauC'illimos dfe, qui bus non fiatim OC'currat
'W ARf) and watch: either from the foregoing llutJfaan,.ct uuazkan, nam u tramque· fcripturam
-toot, o r from WARr : Gr. habe t Kero, fath1m CJ! uuazzir, "'f"!': Jun.''~ ·
\V:&RE.·1Jo11ftl l!:er,;.~ dfro;. µnde fl(YllS; q . d . ana we 'nlig ht \vith equal p roy,ricty !'ffirm, that '.
W A'-RF..S S verifieare ; 1. e.. 'l/trll!J ctfin«riZs there are as few~ to who.m the word water wo\]ld
dfe merces ·pollittri; ft; verify, and 11ffert tbt rt11! not as iriln111<Hately ~cur ·,~~o.nfcque.l)ily Gr.
goodneft of mlJ or tide /6 bt fold. · ·wASHES; or n1ilrfoJ' plnttJ ; ",,.,,~, ca:nJlllf,
W A·RK, .pain 1 ooly ·a v~rious di'alc&. for limuJ'; ncud, dirt: Hom. II. '<!>. 32 r.
'\VORKt: Gr, - · T•tt•• .r A~" ""'~"'"eil '">.uf.r.'

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\V i\. Froi.n: ~ '!l. ZE1t, and LAT·r.N. \V S
_.,,, r.,_,.,;, fim~fu: fee .t-lom. II. B. 46.I . lt)d W /L'<, or grDW ·g~ial; Av£·«•"• .qu:ili '"·"E-"'"•
the com.mentators: Upt-."-in tbe formtr of dtcfc 11ugto, "'fao; 10 grow,.intr.eaft, lofweU. ' .•
qt1otations A;,., undoubtedly fignifies· li111J11, et . WAX.: -~, Gerrn. wadu, a wtitben; ud"e:
iimoj11.1 :~but that A..,, i..n the !ccond,. which this quia cera traetan1i.ctdi4" ·fays \Vachteros, " et
genilcnian has already produced under 'the art. , lie diela eft a 1111/litie :"~th~n we may naturallr
AS HES, A1oul,J ~ignlfy muddy, 11111rjby grou11d, is fuppof~, that .wax is derivc;d. frotn tlie fa_ 1nc root
~ point'Whic'h ·\v11l fcarce be aarni n cd; for the rea- with W EAK, quafi wcatk>, feebk, Jo/I, and p'Jiilnl:
foos given under that art. copfequ~ntly Gr; - . · · · ·
\VASP, "l:~•E· ·:t~"''"• by tranf13orttion "'""""• WAY : Verft. fuppgfes th i's word co be derived
vejpa ; -a wafp : the La.tin v bejng changed inro from the Sax. PC6ar; but the .folll>wing ·deriv.
. '11! ·: Upt." . by Voa: is · far more natural: "nempe ea ra-
, ·w ASTE;' " vela 'rl:nn,, ·vaflu1 ; quod il. "'"""• tion.c fit v ia ab o ,.., qua quod Gra:ci o ...., Latini
ctffere facio ; ncmpc quia in locis vaflis celfat cul- dixerc 1>#Jum :" a 'road, paffegt, o r patb.
tllfa, et converfacio humana: vel potius dU.en- WAY-bit, commonly pronounced bro:id
.du1n wnjle ex A•,.r<>1•.<, v afla1ui ; · per aphrer. vc( wa-bif; but rather wbe-bit 1 " wbt enim ell:
fyhcop. ·c:t prre1ni1fo d igarn . . more lEol. nam parvus, t"ig111ts ; fortalfe;·: fays Ly.e, " abfciifum
Alltt;~~~' eft 1111fla·r e, t11tr!trt: Ger. Voff'~"-buc fucrit a SalF. hpene ; a quo Belg. weynig :"-fee
Ifaac would rather derive va1?11 a .:i.,';(.,,•<» WHUNE; Gr. : but Ciel, Voe. 45, tells u$,
>1d potitis ab A>r•<• unde ;\ir".-"'' va;1are; Jo lay "that in the Ce\tic; >iett fignifies little,fmall :!'-
' i11 rui111, difolation. and this fcems co be only ·an abb<cviation of
'-VATCH; " Sax. precca, vigilia, '1Jigilart; lo E-,,.......,.,
minpr ; fiflll/ltr ; ' and tb,trefore way:bif\
·waken : ]\In', · Skinn. and Lye :"-confcquently or wbt-hit, thould rather: b~ · written utt·6it'•
(ir. ·, fee W Al1'S, and WAKE : Gr. i. e. a Jmall bit "'4rt. . . ·· · ·
.w ATER i " 'Tl··e, FuJ.,., . with the lEoJ. WAY-BREAD; O•~e"1°'' to fignify p'4neai• ,
digam. ; aqua: Cafaub. and Upt."-Verft. writes which grows every · where, in ftretts and ways:
it wu:ttr, and fuppofrs it Sax.-and Jun. feems Ray (uppofes it Sax. . .
to -Oe of the fam: opinion; for after proiJucing WA:Y-FARlN~-MAN: . "· p~-Fa)laQ-nun;
tl1e Gr. dcriv. above, he fays, '. ' difpice tamen Te.u t. :"'f"': .Skinn.''-;l>uc thi$ whole
:annon fatius fit ab anciquo Sax. f:l!'Ci, humor, compound is Qr. as we havj:' alrcad)' f~cn under
liq11or :"- but furely he has not gamed any ad- each feparatc art.
vantage by this; for the Sax. pa:-ca, and our . \ V.EA-wortb yo1t•; Anglis Borealibus : fee
word ·wet, are evidently derived ab 'T11•r, pluvia; "VOE-worlh )Of.I.: Gr. . ..
'r1710~, plll'vioft1s ; ab 'Tw, pluo; Jo. rain; as that \VE.AK ;, " Sax. pac" e~ prq; ·Belg. w_ttl;
verb likewife undoubtedly originates ab 'Tl"e• Iceland: wiltttr, detrun9afac 'l!i9.entµr ex Ei>t•"r;
"'f"a; waitr :-Cid: likewife, Way. 7 1, admits, prout E,.,.,.., H~f)'ch. ·ec. Suid. exp. ••wf•l»•r,
that ow in Celtic fignifies wat<'r ·:-&ut' ow, and fA-«.1s1Q.-, P.f'YG~t fA'WfCf 1 itlMJi/t,, r'f)all.ll.'11, t"gndtJU.111', j!().
ea#, are no 1nore than Norrhern dialects of'T-lwe 1 lidur.1: Jun." uft!ifs, vain, fteole, foolifo. .
converted into w a, aw, ow, eau-ltr: confequcntly · WEAL }O•><w, O o1i1w, uoleo; btAUb ; r.cJtj1i·
Gr. as above-. · WEALTH //tlio~; "lfo -wealrby, :-likewife the
·WATH; " vaduni; Sax. ·pab, quod a paban, co1nmon wta.f, or co!n1non,wtaltb; i•.c. rbc pub-
-tralrjire; a ford, or place where a river may lie lic good, or p1~bl ic welfare:· .
\VADED : Ray :-confrquently Gr. · WEAN ; " Sal<~ apeneb; ablalla/uJ ; Belg.
W J\ TT LES, or cock's gi/!1; " Tcur. wapeln ; we11nen; offetfactrt: Skinn."-but in the- an.
ca11dam mo~trr; Belg. Wfughc/01, wa1.ghtfen; ogi- won~, the . l)r. "!rites the 'Belg. word wa•r.•lf 1
tart, 'Vatillare ; hart a.1 feu palenr galli gall inacei ; ojfuefcttre: now. they hardly wrote both <v11111t3,
qula valde mcbilif eft: Skinn."-and yet the Dr. and woone.n., to· fig11.ify the farpe thing : blrt in
.cou.ld not fee that hi:;. barbaro~s i:euf. and 13'.ell§. ci~her cafe it is Gr. as in. \'(-ONT, .tignjfying
words mull: ~ave the fame origin w1th \ V.'\.G, an<;! permant•cy, d>ralion ; lo accuflom Jb,t child from tbt
\V AGGLE; coofeq uently Gr: · brenjl ; ka~n him /~ ton}fllli~ fqr.a lo~g time with-
W1\VE- up,'and d~w11; .".iyt:,·<ct'••,. :..1.., H efych. out the nipple.
l'""l''<' h'inc mart kgeljnl, i. c .' mar( flu{lit1q /tm- · . ;\-VE1\R-~~"Y ·1", Sax. prepen, g<r-n:t,; pep1an
pejluojis V<xatum: 1he 1ojji111,1 OJ, rbe Jta in .aJlor111. · . 'v'i_,EAR ,do1heJ hJt!".3> g~ere :f "'n':'.lum ~ acque
· WAUL; " A;;_,,, lEol. F~v~.'d'!{o, ulul~, clamo, ,W EAR a ri~g . ad~<> fao1le 111 us agnorc:is
cum quodan1 boatu r't-fonb ; 'acritcr atnue' inco1i~ Grrec.orum tl>i~H.- /a;x1:>>.iov,g.trere 011n.uJ.uJP: quonJ:lll 1
-Oice vocifcrari ·: J un." 10 Jqu'au bgrrid!y d11d dif- vcro_ <.J.U~!.idianp ul\.!. (on}lri_ l°Qkn~ i:;~• -9"re aflidue
.a.zruab!y. ' " · -f fTJ.lil:fi,_

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WE wt
g tri1t111S, hine Anglis ct iamnum /4 wiar, or waftt dflJ: it m~y fcem ftrangeto derivf the name of :r
awa.r. ell: labt[ure: atquc ~co qu·o que . ab b.a~ Saxon · deity from the Greek tongue i but if the-
·ipoftremi vcrb1 accepttonc, lo wtary, crep1t acc1p1 intcrpretitti<>'? of all ·our tcymoL be right, that
•pro falig-11rt 1 quOd lnjfitudo corpora noltra max_in1c Wedntfdµy is 'the day appro11riatcd to- the worJhij>-
fr1111ga1, atquc ipfos quoquo fpiritus v icales valde of the Saxon Wodtn ; and if, as they fa)", Wodt,.
jmminuat : Jun.'' . · rigniffes Gode11, or God's Jo,,. ; therr it has been.
WEAR, or jluiu: " Gotbis warg1111 ;' probibtrt, fbewn, that GOD is Gr. · ·
•rtert: Sax. pep1a11, pCJ1'16an, liquido faris de: ·WEED in the field; ai:ifwers ro wood, and wiltf:·
pr~hendas in E•~'l"'" (lrrtrt, prohibtri: Jun."..;.... Ciel. W ay. 86 : l>y wood however is meant not·
to 1''tjlrai11, pr1bibil, rtflr•ft ~he paffage of wa·ccrs : lignum, b ut fy!11a, jjlveflris, fcru1; and· confe-.
Vcrft. wri~cs it :w1rlb. ·or -•rd, and fuppofes it quently. will · ·dcfcend from ·~-.•, .v>.-wJ.,, ftruJt·
to be Sax. an<) explains· it' by "a.kynd of penin- .fyl-v'11ris ; whaJt-.;er gows wtld m woods.,. aneli
fula, or bnd cnuy roncd bhnoft about wich wa- hedges.
t~r, not in the;fea, bur in .fome river, or bc~ween . WEEDS. of t11ouf'ni.~g ; Sax. pa:ba ; Gocli-
t\\'O rivers : it is in modern Teur. written •otrt: wnflga ; veflis, h11bilus, !ingularem vidctur affini-
. re .feems cbat -0ur ·weru ,'.or. 'W(lltr·j1tp1, do heerof rncem haberc cu1n Ji..o.;.,, vd ~:..9.,, v1flii: Jun.
· alfo take their name ;'!-thlJ ·they' .may all very ar1d Lye :"~the particular drifs of mourning ae-
properly be derived as ~hove, _ . . propriated to a widow.. ·
WEAT, " feeins to d ilfer from wit and wot • \l\TEEK : Cid. Voe. 107, n, gives us a rs-.
only ;n dialect: ·Rar~"....:.thcn we fbaU fee p ccfently markabll! dcriv. and definition of a wuJ:; which,.
~at it .is G.r~ · , ; : · · : · , he fays, · is decivcd ii " WJlb-no1; from wyth·-.
WEATHERi, t lifliat/ ;:" A•he, 4'1l>er: Cafaub." eigbi ; 'a nd n01; 11igh1 ; or fo n1any days as are in-
lh« beaverq, i be faiey i>iflut11tts :-'CI.el. Voe. io7; cluded within eight-nigbt1 :" - now 'lhJlh fecms.
n, fuppoli:s ." w tatbli to l>e deriv~ from the to be.· a violent deviation from Ox1w,, otlo, 011*•
Celtic ttlder; which,'' he fays, "fignifil's a wing ; ocbt , WJlh ; tight :-but . be ha! taken no notic-c:
and .the genii' of ihe winds were in their •temple of · tbe wonderful connexion and conformi cy·
~1t Athens reprefented with uii11gi :"-then we between »101, and Nv£, nox; n~~bJ :-it mig!1t
might imagine, th,1t tdder ·belong~(! more pro.: howe'ler · be better to r.efer rl1e word \V EEK ti>.
p(:rly ~o feathlfl.; ·f or tho' Jht wiwds niight be re! the Sax. Alph.
prefentcd with wing:s, yet.1h1 wea'llm- could hardly
._ \VEEL 10 caub fijh; ~'""• fr.Ii.~;. 1b1 will~w- ;
'1ave been fo reprefinted :· the' winds 'fly, and pafs
. along with rapidity, arid fo,far their wings
of which this fpecies of net is n1adc •
- ai:e pcoper1.:but . th'e >wilJtlJ" may be clilm and
WEEI,., or a whirlpool; "Sax.. p:t:l ; Ray :''-
i~rene;. without ·a . of wind ftirring·; in
" pa:cl; Johnfon :"-we. might rather. fuppoii:·
. wllich. .£afe .wiwgi would·:be vei;y qneharatleriftic. they w,e re :i.U Jefcended ab . E•>..,, voh10·; to. rel/,.
.. WEA.YEl" .'T-"', ',;-94.;, vcl· .'T9...,.,, 1l:xo: to turn rc1111J in any dirttli111.. ·
.. ·WEB. .. J .Cafaub, -to .work 111 a loom. · WEEL, or will; '" Genn' wtlt n·; Belg ..wne}0 ;..
\VED, •: E.t..., fP•»falia '•U11tra 1 bridal gifts; Dan. hodi.ernis 1111al 1 tltllio :: Ray :"-they fcrm.
, 'doJ ;' bwtr;.or por1ion: Jon.'"-to which he adds, rather to be derived fr.01n the fame root with tvill,.
: Sax. peb-. alii defiimptum . putant ex .v adium, ct' or cbciu; i. e. ii L at. vo!o; \\·hich undoubu:dly.-
•;v1Jdar1.:.;...but the fonner of thefo words is ilot origi·nates a l!V.•· 1•>1-
• to be fo.u nd ~ and the 'latter lignifies 10 wade wer 'WEEN, to fi1pp•ft ; So1nner imugines it to·
. a riwr :.'Ciel.. Way. s:i, .tells us, that «<d, and 'be deiiv.ed " ii p.cnan; uncle noftcum le u•ttn,
«weddi11g, are the fa.'lle as bed, and · /Jeddi11g: con- eopfe fenfu, ut. ct1i:n . dicimus I t~ttn 1. tgo
. fe.qll!lntly_G n ; . · 1xijlimo ; ct <'!'" fu1 1pli'!s opin1oni. n11n1mn.
.. WE'DGE : " D;in. ·wtggt; Belg. witg• dicitur fidit, nobis d icicur Jo tr.Jrrw.t~n; OfCJl·pen-
'cu11tu1, L e. ligneum illud , feircumve 1nftru111en- nyrrc :''-and fo. far may be nghr : but 110,., •
•til.m,. quad ;i1>. arbor.cs ·difcindcndas totis viribus we ought to confider-, whether penan. d id · not
·ad.igun~ Jignator.e.s, q uo .fiffura magis magifq.ue originate ab o •.,., qua!i FOl>H» ab Oio~.., .P111D ;,
.aperiatur, .atque· arbor .Iliac indc diffiliat in partes: to fuppoft; lo fOnjellurt ; as, wdl I tvun:. .
fcir~affc. ei:z1niffo digam. JEol. non niah: fie · "VEEP: if. we follow Somner, this word 1s.
«li.a um • putabirous ab. o"Y"" q.uafi wo~rti11, intirely Sa.x. :. pop, .. po plur; popmb1, piepon,
aptr,ire;; pror.fus ut ex •'"'f' wiwt ; •~Kt~., fll;ikt : · popcob1, popan, and. pcope nb ; jluu" lugeo; pl!,.,,.:
1J11n.:'.,-1b111 wootk11, Di< irotl i11ft1'1W1111t; by wbitb if we follow J un. it · is Gr .. ab ;\•><Vf, gra'Vit ;
.foNJ bodits ore riTJm fljimt!er. _ a;1.,.41, ,..'"~' lllbrw Ji}Jirl/iJ ; "'11~t· c>.'~f~.>' gro..vt
. \VEDNE.S-DAY,. cot'.l trafled Wciien's- exitiur.i :. ·any. weigh~ of wo~.
.. 1 .,,
\V,E ESEI:..;.

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·'J!l '. E Fi;<lll\ q ~ l f Kp anil ~ b A 1;.-r N>". 'AV ·.·1.i'.
• . '\VEJ;:SEI.,.; " A•~v>.p~•J/iif.JUls~nef.ati~s ;.,!1m.Jin.~ t .Sax.-.l>u~. tb9; rW.~ ,~I; rporq_"P.JP~}y d~ti¥ed
-;erte po\ell: 1gnorn: efi'c .1p(iole$, ~llJUS aiyn1al¢ul r from tht;.Gr. • . . . . . . . ,
.v'\1,dc 11011ii i JuQ. 1'~o $/tey.llo"W.s.Jitt/;. .. .WliRD ..}all .(ig~1f>'!l.lg·' OJ~·;l,ll.d! the
tJmtnal. . ...\.VEY-,JQ:ARD~ , fame . tkll)g1 · ·ll~z. •>{..ontfll,
·· WEE.VIL; Ev~·· ~~trmes ; fiuall jnfafls in :Wlri.ROES · : 1ar.,e;•1,.:abAl1n~ 1'"Y"d:; fa;
curn, t11a1t, flour, &c. WY RDS tum, fors ·r ,SaJ!?l)i-l?u.s ..y.yp.b,
· \VEI.GH-ancbcr feems to take i.ts dcriv. not{'.dum • dic.e batur· t~111m,.. aHa' · .v cr9 for:nma;
fro1n beiog weighty, . or ht~; but fron1 .the utru!J}q1.1c occorrit a}.iquotiJ;s i n JS~tb.ial\a par~­
l:ver, ot bar, whi ch is commonly sailed the· .phra!i • r~gia: inini'}!e©,!quin
boird-fpike, and by which the wind-lafs .is put: ba:c fali !jgni(icatio, li c,.4ptiqµior ; ~quum ·eniQ.1
' into 2B:ion ;: this bar.)n Latin might be rendered popo,,.v.el pypb, .pro.pri.e 'fit..,fllt'bwn.,··fff:lllO :'•nia-
.by 'Ute· Iis, which (!riginates a Y.tbo, l<i, Elum ; ,1J. nifefium q~1oqµc<l>N}c~i;ttki, ~1 ;ftr-111011ir appel- .
w eigh, or bunJt up: confequc ntly Gr. : fee VE; . lationc111 x"1' ·•E•:ic•r · ufllr.patam de ifilioc Ji06,
t:J!CLE: .G r. vcl .J ureto,.qµqd D~o.. v ifum ~ de •Un<i>qUqqllC
· a WEIGli of wtol, cbtife, &c. "quod Cowel ooft.rum.1.lf11.ri, "Vel 'onflituue ; .qyocfquc Latini
· J~s numcra~,'' fays Spelin. " in 'Waga, ad 2 5 ,dixe,ce.fptwn, 3.fa~: J.u~·."-fter. this,.. we may
hbras grand1ores ;-Varrone i1eia plauftrum no 1lla1<:it....:nnc. and·.ctymol, lh6tlld
· tat ; · inde vcga, onus p/a11jlri :"- then they .al · not trace the dcriv. of ·t:his word up to"tc~e
feem to originate from the fame root. with. \VA Gr. ;··inJlcad of Y(bicb .!tc .proceeds 'ta nothing
GGN: Gr. ·• , b4t quota~ipn :-what U.Ct'Cfo1~dhal.l· bc fiu:'tbcr
' WEIGHT; " AyJ«, pond:u, , qu~fi' F~;.;~·~ offered on this fubjeB:, will be rd'err.ed mqrc
• Cafaub. an.d . Up t."-any btaVJ · b~i:ly ; : alf~. op ' Pr.~lr. to'» the,~.~· W.ORD: .in •the·mea~; <ilY!o
pr~!}ion, ajf/rfl101J. ·l~t. me , onlf 1oblei;v~ .~hat · ··1n ·. his
· WEL-COM E : Skinn. would derive thefc M11rke1b, -ad: i. fc. 3. makes tbc \'Vitcbes in·wind-
' word s a bat. · bdft ;-but we have alreaay fcenJ ing up a char.m,· f~y.. •
u nder the art. ·BE LLE, that it j s Gr. : f~I :1111•.Th~ :wtJfDllrd lifters. hand .in. hand,
all .the compounds, they nJay. be found un~er the1 •·Poll:crs·oP J.hc fea!and. ·l and, ·
refpetlive articles; unlefa when their primicive . '{;hr» .do:<gQ aboll:t, about; . ·
themlelvcs are not in ufe: ' ·Thri¢c:;to.\hi11e<,1 and 1b, icc:to:mine, .
\VELKIN; " Sax. pelen; ~ ·v erbo peakan~ .·And tbri.ce.again:to make up:nine:--·
. 'IJolwre: Sk inn."-" i'pfum vero pcak1~·11 vider~ :Peace! the· cha~m's;'Wound· up; · .
poteft traB:mn ex E~"~~,.,,, vcl E;.117..., ·'Volvere;, on . which ·c.xpr.effion, ·:the ·wtywa•d jijl.err, •MT•
.. natn b:ec . non male quoque in nubr § W.arbunon 1obfcrvcs; . that "' · w~ard. ;had
.qu;idrat, .qure ferri fole~t E>-•••~"' . "1Jo/u1a1i111 .J ciendy : ~)le .vi:iy. fame fcnle as ;wtrrJ, 1and ·was
• Lye.:",-lbe atmojpbrre, which feen1s t a·rcfl r ound,'. i,nd«~A tbc: ver.))' l)unc •woi:dudifferently: ipelt~'!.....
or lo /Je rolled round tht tartb: or perhaps wtlhn . the ·laner,b·o\vev.u , llein!j to the'ofiginal,
. may more properly · be derived ab 'E>.•••, thCJuglr ought· to be vrcferred,- for .ibc.rcafons which1wilil
it fignilies only /rabere, et trabi, lo be drawn bc g i-:en undcr tho;in. \o\[ORD:,Gr .
• round tbe earth :-lhould neither of chefe be ad - \ VER E,. or· 111.1w :.rit .•is« no~ · to 'l~•woru:lere'd,
.mitted, .we mo ft reftr it to the an. \V OLC: Gr. that .gpod . old · Ver!l:~·whqn he looked :it :this
WELL, to.flow out}" " .... ~;; A>>." ' : John wercl., dren::t1µ ·in this,mannec,:.Jhouki·: millake
WELL of w ater iv. •+ "'•')'• u3"1" A>.>.' I'"" ·it <llf SaxQ{li~r.owilr;!fdr, !' eunao'ceccrs,"
" 5 ~""'' "''~"9" R . A>.i.o/M••., falio: Cafuub. and fays ,he, ".Yred li:Hnt.yroe.w.tre ·in.ftetd of m11n ; .._
U pt ." -. to fpring, l~ap, or /pout f •rth. .qut he c.ould nevtr '; 1or,'Per.h3ps
.. WELT.le&, E,;,.,, voivo ; lo r•ll, or t11y1b/e would l)Cver have grarited, that akre . •was tic:.
nbout. riv<:d frorn ··the'Grcek ·word•il.; .; 'rhos.I,, vis, vim,
.\VENCH: Jun. u nder the arc. jwai/I, fors,- vi .; u•H.le·vir ; unde wen>4 "man.. ·, . •
" .Dan. f11ard·eft. puer, minijler; Sax. n >em; Belg.' . \VERE- \ VOL F; for. " ·man>'wolf; .the Greeks
) went .eft. j uvenis 1 f wenJe, j uvcnatla, yure . •'\.nglis. e xprdli ng t he ve rr lyke ir!'/y.&~11111br41J.ill: Yerfi."
tventb :"-it fc.ems mofi probable, . rhac w 111rb -he mig ht rather have infcrrttd t~e .dire& con- ·
is (ormed .b.y Ct.l(tailillg: the ·word j 11-VENC-11ia ;• (rary ; ,vi z .. that what .>th~ .Greeks exp,rcfred by
a you11z .w4man.: bo t' then ive have a.l r~ady. £ecn i;-c-mztbr•P-'J, the .Sax.oos .e x.preil"ed :by chis«wu.,..
t.h~t JUVENlLE is.Gr. · , • ; ·wolf ;-,.perhaps he n1~ant> fo1; ·ba t · if ,n ot, 'it
\ V.E;ORTHIGE } 'IJ'lloartby } VerO:. fup- j w9.1:1l<l· fcarGe b.e .• orth.:while to.difpute ·wit:li him
\ 'VEORT.H-SC.YP vvoortl,..jhip pofes ·the1J1 bout ir, or to repent the' long 'llnd 'ridicul ous
WURTH-SCYP .WDfr -fhip all to be · fl'ory Ue itdls us, of~'. 111tn .tonvcrting them-
. '. · 6 fclvt s
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. . •
From GA 1 1 JC, and L A T 1 ".

(elves into wolveJ, by annoyncing their bodyes appears in rhar q11ten-fu.t:al, was ufii<l for a ;,' "·
· with an oyntment made by the inftin& of the or f emale fowl: Ray :"-but QYEEN,
·devil, and the putting on a certaine inchanted Q!JEAN, are Gr. ,
girdel:" fee likewife L YC-AN'l'HROPY: Gr. WHEASE: Skinn. and Lye . explain chis
WERN, Af../'"'> Yt(ufa, 11tgo ; to rtfuft, deny. word by "fpiritum jlreperum, ti inlerruplum; fibi-
WERTI-J, " orthog raph ia cantum dilferre lare; i11Jer fpirnndum ob/h'l"ftre :"-which · is un -
videtur a wirde, et werd; quod vide : Lye:"- doubtedly right, with regard to . one effect of
confequently Gr. : fee WORD. this diforder; viz. that.all pcrfons, who wbeaft,
WERYG 1 •• 'fJ'iJery; Verft. Sax."-perhaps he make a 11oifa in their breaching; but then 10
meanr weary 1 if fo, it is Gr. :-or perhaps whea.fa does nor relate wholly lo noift, as thefe
he meant wherry, or boat 1 but if fo, ftill it is gentlemen fupp~f~, notwichl\anding . they h~vc
Gr.; as· we lhall fee prefently. followed che opinion of Somner, who cxpl~ms
WEST ; " Sax. Yerc; Alman. Uuefl; Bdg. hp1'1S, hp1'1Sa, by flatus ftnis, attra I Omnia. a fono
Weft, funt ab 'E..,..'f''' O(cide11J; rnutato ,,. in I; fitla: but our word wbeafa fecms rather ro lie
ut a '3>......1.., blotla; ,.,....... /if/a ; ..... jf11dium ; derived ab A1i'., quali A?•'•• wayen, quali wayftn ;
'""'°'• uf!ar11: Jun."-1be poi111 which is qppo}itt Jl>irare ; if char will carry the idea of breathing
· 10 the Eaft :-Ciel. Voe. 191, fays, chat " Weft hard, as in an affhma :-or perhaps wbeoft may
gives only the · fenfc of diminution:" and in be only another dialcel- for QYEASY; which
ocher parts of his work he tdh us, that " weeJ, would be Gr. ltill, thro' a different rour. ·
·wu, and u, lignify lef :"-confequently Gr. : WHEA1'; "A·I~, F"xl•,fruges; Hqm. II. (N.)
fee WAY -bil : Gr. 322. A•l'•1•e•r 1&x1•• : Schol. T~• 6~" : ~. 76. ubi
W EST-MJNSTE.R: " ·1 lincerely believe," · Schol. .1, "f1' " "'e''f"r'""': Upt."-but Jun.
fays Ciel. Voe. 54, "that in the Wt.JI of London ' is of opinion, that borh our words wbe~t, &nd
. there exifted, in the very fpot where the· abby rye, are derived from the Sax. arid take .rheir
now ftands, fuch a 111ey11, mtin, (fnnt) or minjler; names from their color; wheat fignifying white.,
and was called Wrjhninfter, for ages before that and r)'t lignifying red :-and yet even thcfe. rwo
Grreco-barbarifin monaftery was fo much as in 1 names may be doubted ; becaufe we have now a
exiftence :"-buc bocb WEST, MINSTER, fpecics of rtd·whea1; though they might ·not
are Gr. have it formerly: however Wl-IITE is Gr.
· WEST- l\o10RE· L AND: all Gr. as under · WH EEDLE : none of opr erymol. will help
t heir feveral arc, us to che deriv. of chis word; for they have all
WESY: " 'l!ijitare, oculiJ fujlrare; fcribicur left it our, except Blount, who rclls us, that
ctiam vifj, et vizie : Lye :"-buc they all origi - " wbtadle is. a late word of fancy; and fignifies
nate ab E111'.,, ·video, "'-ifu"' ; i'ifio; uncle ~1ifito; to lo draw 011e i11 hy fair words, or fubtile iefi1111aliot1J,
fte , to go lo flt, lo <Rfil. · . lo 11{1 ""J thing of difad'fJa111agt, or rtproof :"-
WET; " 'T•1•r, pluvia; 'T11"'• plu'llicfus; ab chis may anfwer the purpofe of a diCl:ionary-
-'' f.,, pluo ; to rain; Upt." · · wricer ; bur this docs not fatisfy an etymol; :
WHALE; " B"A.z""• by changing B into w; . ir is a very expeditious mecli<><i of getting rid o.f
"/;al111a; ult: Upt."-tbe largefl: of all fea ani- any difficu.lty 1 and lhcws us how much caller it
nials, called- the grampus, or whale. is to define, tha.n co dtri'fle :-wheadlt, as he
· WHAT: " Belg. wat ; Sax. hp~; Goth. writes ir, fecms co come ab l!&lm, quail Ftd«,
·w as: quis, quid;. what: Lye :"-conlequently de- demu!/i: pcrf. ind. IT!ed; Att. pro Iiloc, ab Mt.,
J r.ivl!d a T ir, quiJ, 'fUid; quali q11at, wbat. vcl A.J,.,.,, placto; 10 pleoft, faotbe, jfauer, or
WHE-ADY ; ." Anglis Boreal. 1nilarium effe eajolt: tho' perhaps it ought rather co be written
dicitur,' quod j ufto long'ius : ccrtt-," fays Lye, tvbudlt; and then it n1ay be more naturally
'" a Sax. pr'oe, •/011gus, lat11i, .fPotioflU :"-and then derived .ab HI.,, quali F•/.,, f11a'fJitalt, ti j11cu1tdi-
. he rerers us to witlt, ·which he derives from the tate adfitio, JeltElo, ohleE/o: R. HJu,, f~a'flis :; ,fwe:1,
Gr.; bur rejefts it; ~becher properly, or nor, ·mild, e11g11ging ; or, as we tnay fay, lo fwute11, o r
will be ken prefendy-: •rri the ·mean time, le~ me f11gar one D'Vtt, with dulceate, bo11ie4. wortb. ·
only offi:r· a conjeCl:ure ; that perhaps according WHEEL, " E•M"• p.,,_.,, vol~,.; lo roll, or
· ro the Northern dialetf, ic ·may fignify either lut11 rou1ii: Cafaub."-Clel. Way. 81, would
. " o dldJ 11JJe/J'; •or a /i11le more added to the common derive "· whttl from obull; a circle of w~od, or
.. : way ·of re'cko!"ing; a wbi-adtltd ~ &nd if fo, it wqqJm 0; this obull," be fays, " is radical reo
" : may be Gr. thll, rhrot anor.her fource. , 'flol'flo:"-but 'flohio originates ab E11'.,, as above;
tJ WHE:AN-«t/ ; " cal11J f1tmirttJ : that gute11 and if from ohull,. ftill Ill, ul<.·•· jjl-va .; tJ 'fl10<Jtl,
, 11f¢.by th,e ·Saxom to fignify the female fex, or wPJin eird1, are. Gr. , •. .
~ • . • • ! • •

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· "WHEJNT-/ad; afi111 laJ; ironice dictum ;i hcl\di nib.ii opus clTe, qr ·ii· Gr~is an;elT~IJllll;
q. d . q"tinl ; Ray :." - but qMei1111 or rathi:r cum )):J!c, ?<tque h is limili.a, comtnod.ius ,ex i~
Q_UAINT, is Gr. T cutonica : -a.nd this, and (c,vt1~
· ' ·W I·JEI..;M; ·£~~,.v.,.operimt11.l111»; ab Ea, •.,, i.e. others .of .the like .n:>.ture, .bciiig matt1u of vtry
J!,i.,'!, invo/'!Jo, /ego; lo cover, bidt, C01trta/. ' little i:onfequel'ce, ffi!'-Y perhaps be yie-Jdcd ~p :
WHELP, " vide.tur dfe a Xsi-«f311>. -q.uod . l/u.t we niay obfcrve, that many pf di.ofe !frut.
Hofych. exp. fo{J"" ••e•f3,.., ct proprie o.lim in· Sax. and o.ther Northern 'langu~ges, whiGh 'b'e-
ullectum lit verbum de c411ib11J, 'IJ11lpib11fqu.t i.n gin with WH, \'f,!:I!! l}WO\lbMdJ.y of (;;. .origin
me111, dolorr, 3\lt vchemen.tior,c ani.m.orutn ""'· at .fidt, h~WC".Cf cl\.cy may .haye. degel)t~att4 af-
motiont acriter vocifcrantibus: Jun. u11d.i:r the terwar.ds; as j_n the art. W liILK, · &.c . ; G,r.
·art . yawlp:"-but.herc it fcems as if this great .WHJCKE.T fpr Wl:J4C~ET; '·' .Qr ~I/ii!#
e cyrnol. · miftak.eo o.ur word wbtlp, fu.r yelp ; for q11at1tt, i. c. ~.u;J p~o qup: Ray :"-y,'ithour
~caufe his .definitio.n .is more applicabl.e to any dcriv. ; but It feems ~o bi: only a V'lfious
gr.o wn' up dog$, .than to puppies; bdi<;lc~, ou r' dialetl of tJMid -pro ·q"o 1 qua Ii qui!l.d:I fo1 fuoddt1 1
wpul .wbelp i.s .e~prel}i;v.e poly of tbe y91111g .of' fo flllltb fo.r fa m1tcb; or 1bjs for 1ba/ ; tiJ !Pl 141;
creatures 1 thus we fay, a lion's whelp, 11 bear'J · provc.rb.ial i::icpr.efl.ions; and all Gr.
·'aibtlp; for which .reafon it fcems inure natural \ VHIGS and 'foriu: ainoog th.e. vaniollS i11.·
t.O fuppofe, with Skinn. an ii Lat. v4/ptJ, (!!rprctations, ~np derivations of this term, .tht
y 11ipuula; a wbtlp 1 111eaniog the young of aoy mo.i t fa,i;isfatlory, and at ~he f~me time .the -moll:
.crea111tt, particularly of the vpracious tribe:- , r_a.tipnal, bccaufe molt conformable i o the o•·
J>.nly ~e mt1ft not llop here; for v11iptJ, and · cure and genius of our own iOaod, ,is .t be fQ")fo.w·
tJ1tlpte11/tt, are G.r.; as will be found UJldc.r the . ipg, gi1•eo by Clol. Way. ~7· n; (anp is ~ere
-ars. WOLF: Gr. again repeated with .p leafure fr.urn the 11r.t.
· WHEN, qwifi ·.qum, i. e. g11anao 1 Ill wb11I · PIG.TS :) where he (ays, that " .th i: Br.icil]i Pills,
Jiat. p1, fo called, nt ver took ~h~ir ntunc fr.<1m
WHEN.CE, .qua!i 1 uo-bence; from wb111 plat1. tht circumllaoce of painli~f .1b1 fli11 ; b.µ.t from
· WHERE, ·qu-a'f~ -fUO.btrt 1 in .w hat platt. ' ihcir profeffion of 11crms ; !ro1TJ th~i-r Prff!tlU~l
WHERRY· ; ~' ,ii. <l>ieu, po-rlo; 10 carry, or &ate of war; co d_ 1(hngo1lh 11be1n from thok,
ferry #IJtT : yd a ,Cllwitate; ;,, a hurry; vcl aLar. who pacifically aC(]Uiefce<l in the Roma.n ufur-
'Ptbtr.1: vela :Sax. fa.Jlan ; irt,prefjcifti: Skinn." . pation: driven fron1 cbeir po.!fdlio.os, they fdl
•none of which fcem -to anfwcr the idea fo back on the borders, (to t he Nort~, ~d i~
.nearly as · "' horit1; according to Lye :"-but · ·w eft) anp became a fep1rai.e .body, or people,
;t hen di at g~deman lhould have cold us, what I under ch.e nan-ie of .f' ifls., or P.;ll~,; .(he !houljl
V.-c:;lf. .rells us, '! quare boria PPtius lit a Grrecis; i bave added llox1~r. e t fiv•1•~»,pNgil,pt1gn~·>·• ~-"·
-Mir.pc ut fie ~f'" ....,..,, litoralis cy111b.a; quod ab ' wrtj//er, cbampitm; and thc_cdprc wc!J ;ipplicil
~t°'• ltrm_inus i. e., or!'; .Jbe toafl, or Jhort; . tp thpfe <0mbatanls
f.•r., Jbe lib(rl)' ef thfir •w1,Jry~
mem~ .qtna ea h t us 1cg11nus : a .ftfoermar/• bo111, : they were alfo calleo ,' a<lds ht, " l"llh a .d!a.l;r·
p r .airy fmalL:pin11i1<t tbat'J •iu oking jh.,.t. · ti~al di.f]'erenc() 'W;J;hls,. 'iligl, or u·big4 ;"~d
W:~ f.1'-fl•••; " A•o(ii., f••.••f., <1<.at11are ; , c9nf~quc;o_~1y Gr. as ~boy.c. ·.
.&x.11, aciu< Upi::'-\\:e migbt 'rather · fup.pofr, · WJ-JILE, ·~ q!im ; a cQntr•Clil>!I' of i/lo IPl!-
•Cbat A•••~• o~iginated ·ab .A•"•• cos; a .bo11t ; or , pPrt; Voff."-/~r~;c~ly, ~·tW.hil~,. in titnt ·Jwfl: ::tifo
~rry jlont lo foaopen..1J11 td_r:ed tool 011. , ti!lfe prtft11/, a•tf Jo come; cp.n~e.qu~n_i,ly. /Jr,
·, 11.l~Ei~R; ·P,erhap~ only :1 l>arbar.ou.s ' \ VH lLK, the fame a~. -:;;Wtb_ ; ' ! i11-.rbe Npnji
.Gorh ic d1fi11r~on oJ uttr; a.n d " uttr puto elle of. Eogl~nd. t (i~y. . yec f~y. fhu:{f; }'~r.,fl;~';-;wbo
,ab '<>':l•t•~ per fyncopea fatto ex Z:.•1rfH quof,I e.r: ' copJd ooc fi:i: .c~ac; lhCy, _arf ~11 <JerbJ~d."1 ,gw"il ;-;-:
.ipfu11i uter !igoi6cat : VolJ."-bit'b of tbe two. : bu't quid is onJy ·!<he .11:0µ1,efc"'Jf :V"i~1:·~'l~ f!li,l'i•
· • WHEY, ~·the finer parJ ,of millt:," ai:i:ord- .u·oqpubie~l.1¥ !l.eJ~V(Q il.'l;<r, as_}vc r/i;1v,c ,j~l5;11Qft
:ing .to Ciel. Voe. 166, " ' is derived. from µiee ·; feen ii) the fori:goi11g art. -W .SlCH: Cir. • . 1
litllt ; ics fubfiantiy,c lhatt'b (y«~•. lac) 111illt: be- W11 ll.)IE: ~~- p;i_n1a11 i:leriv.ari pqO:c: aP ,-i...,
"'1g underOood: analogically co t.his is fo.rn1ed !"i:r~i:. Jrifli!ia; - unde -~., ....q.,_, ~-fl:;1, ,Cf g~ql(i·
~:tb:e Ftench word -u1bey, fi<tit Tait :"-b.ut wu, .ur. ftrr1 ; to grltv,t, fr fl, . ~r;Y, 1/jetp, f¥pil;-~~­
:/i1tk, is ~r. : .fee WAY-0t; . Gr. : .or c.lfe _it~ , ·cor.di!!gtoLi11. wiiJv( ·f~·iJ1:,;.~v,eq!' .a~"'~·K•E·
' Glit lt tefcr wbry '10 ~he·:Sax . .Ailph. ·: , •11ir e.; IP rey, as a d<!g, ..w,bc11. ,his .!J'laqer co.p•f·'
1 MTHt.C H ; · w,~, •q11is, qu~, qllia 1 .fJJbo, wbt# :- . home; alfp, ,to wif!!P,~r.·. -pr b,<~f~I! ·bifll:feif,: f.hPP
!hut .Jun. Jair.1·y 11ck.11i>wledges, olim dcdµxt (an1; .bi:atep :":-:b.111 $-h<n· i.t ;f~em~ r.11t.h« t?. PF sjcqycd,
ex "H111••s, rJUa/is, q11anl11S.; ·poftca..~amcn ~ri:•! .aJ abPJu:, · . . · , ··· r 1...:.1
• 1 « '.~ . ;,- WHJNJ-ARD,1

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. WftlNl-'A:~I) ;: ·:• 'Saiq-. pY'nbp.1ap ;. w•ti11f11:e·;, WHI>-TE,. or ,rtpay • " Gbd wbitt .y911+ <;04
~ qci hu\! illuc vih~atUS· aer~m '0(11~i!111: .vet. twiift you. ;1 vari.o us dia!etl: for quiit. per" oY?l1rei:..
potius.. ~ pm nan; acquir:rt .>. ct ~,J.Je• . honor., qui PfO req,,jt~ : Rax :"-if t his be 11ie c"rue· eicpJan'\:
fc. g/.,.jam .domino ftll!I acquirat :. Slcinn,"-buc 90.~ it .flefcends ~ . .Kl'~"''• jaceo; 9:efeflo,.;. unJe
~~e· pr. ought t(J have. confiderecj, in. the' q,wts~ ljlltt(lll; lo grant a qui11ai!a , or releaft; ·tQ
f<>rrner cafo, it origil)ates·, frogi the fame rOot permit a perfon to tplilt : fee QUIET .: .Gr.
wirh WIND, whi¢h is Gr. ; and that in the , \VHITHJ!.R .are_you.g•ing ;· quafi 91'itber i fllo-,'
Ja[[et c;1fe,. bot~ WlN, and. ape, or ARD, ar~ lo 'ltlh~I p{#t 1-:-La~.. , . . .
Gr. Jlkewii<:: . . . . ._ , •· . Wrlll\LOW: Sl01n. and 'ly_e h;.ve given
\VHINNY; ·~'"'• r!."'.'• ~quukw.:t9""'1 P_at·. 1us t"'.o . ;d~ffe.ient ~epv.. of tl.1is w!)r~;. ~ki'~ll·
V1'J; iJ li<Jc!y,!y, h111t b!Jrfe-, alwafr .11ugb. calls. It < v.ox hylirid"a a S:ui.. . Ct fr. _flieonfc..
i ng : vtl a >:z.., bio, biJMio, b~nnitus. ,; lq fttl!./ikc a. :rrcc:; dolor~ Ct Ft.. ~all. loup; fllJus ;. ~· d:. l•J.!11.
borft : or perhaps whinny may be ~r1~ed ii dolor~(us :"-Ly_c g1".es us the {rune d1v1fion, . ~u!
~'!'""~.,, ~achin1t1Jr .; ro l.tug} ;. becaufe: 1c ,founds :a. d!ffere.n t fign16cat1? n; for he, fup!?ole~ the,M>r-
hkt ln11~hwg.•, · . · . : ~er. par.t ...t<>. ~ derived ii· " ..Sa~L ..lillJ'I:: ; WJ.d .ro,
W 1:-1 l·P, abbrev.iated from A,.-a.)...,, vapidp<J> lo' ; hgn1fy, w~t/e: and the latter_ a ~'1l<. !"6'•"A~n.
eo~relt, cl;a11i7-t, / loitrgt. . · . · :la.u ga; Belg. laeyt, and to lign1fy, ff)'UJ 1 fl~-d ~
WHIRL l rueor, . rue•"'• rues» gyrare, paronycbia 1 ita dicta,'' fays he, " ut n1iht qui-
.. WHlRLl-GlGG S. quafi gyrlare·; lo whirl, or dem videtur ob eolor'tm ukeris, et fll!Cvitiam ig,
hurl rou•d: the lateer of cllefe words, a w' jr/i-gigg, neam dolori.s. qµam fa~it :"- cliis perhaps may
tak~s, f •r.'l'u?o.•r in · it~ compoqcion; vel ~e•rr,, .be rigbc ; . but chen WHlTE we have feen is Gt~
rot1'nd"1, ures; a_ny •lllt /Jody put .inlo a. cirn1lar · •WHIT -SUN-DAY: "Teut. Wei.ffentag,, i. ·i:.
motion. . . Dominica 4 1/Ja; q uia fc. recens baptizati a. Paf,
Wl:-HSK·awa.1; "B~"'' ,9,, fJadt, agt, aecdera: chate' ad Pencccollcn in 1cn1plo a/his vettici com-
l'lom.. I!. B. 8. U pt."-bafle away, bt[~ne, fJanijh. parucrun.t : Skjnn.''-but then ~ere again;· as.4·n
. WHISKERS,. Mu; .. E, quali wbuft~; converte!i the former art, WHITE,. ir may be dcri.v.ed ·
into whijlu rs \ fupei;ius labr11m1 et j,,. eo nati pili; from ~~ Gr,-Verlt ho)Vever ha.i;. gi¥en u~
tbt Uf!" lip, and h~irs gro'!fin[' Pll-il. . a~other deriv. which. mull: be referred to ,the
WrJlSPER; 'f.'19ve•<· JufarrUJ, 'f.'.e,e•e... fa/11"0; Sax.. Alph. . . . . • .
to/peak foftly. · • . WHITTLE; "S~.hptt:el: SkinQ."-"hp~toH.
WH.fSTLE ;• <1>""""• j alu dijlendo 1 fiftµl~; Lye :" pa/la candida, .fagum_ candidum; 11,,:whitc
4>u.-.:0"4, fijl~Ja; a boll..:~ pipt, or reed, lo bt blown cloalt, or gown :-but fince ils dcno111ination
into : Verft". foppofes it to be Sax. arifes. from ics color, it is Gr. .
\'VHJ T; ·~ Sil<. apahi::, aliquid ; famttf:.i11g, . WHIZ; I•e•» fibilo; to bifs 1· CO• Qlake allf
evtry artid< : Skin.n."-nuc; fo far as. it g(ies; bij/ing 111;ifa, like a ftone from a lling, or wa
buc it has. bee(! thcwn, under chc art. AU GHT, gunpowder. . .
that this word is of Gr. c~trallion. WHIZGIGG fee1ns to be derived from the
WH11'1£ ; " S<>x. hprt:; Belg. wit; S11ec. foregoing ari.; buc, ac.cord ing tG Spc!m. in
h<oi1 ; Dan. b"1d; omni um origo vidccur rnihi,':. 'fJJiftardi, it takes quite a different root: " flli.{-
f.1ys Jun . '. '. peci polfc ex 1Jav, 'IJidtre ; nam quod lardi," fays he, " errants: undc ,d raconcs )IO ·
'fJau, vel°lEol. digam. pr:efigi foleat verbis il vo- !antes pyrio pulvcre in fpeftaculum circl\maftos
c:ali, vd diphthongo inchoantibus, tocics moni- wb!feartlos Iceni vocamus: pcrinde res maximf)
t 41TI cft, ut ultra inculcari non debeat :. Cym- imp<luofas, cc rapidas: duClum a nomi·nc tru-
rreorum quoque lana, et cannaid, alb111, videri culentiffimi ducis R.o/Jtrli Wifaard, qui paucis
polfunt pari" mod~ dcrivata ex caefod; adfpictrf, ante accelfum \Villiehni .Vi.Cl:oris in Angli'!m
vider1 :" -but ·1hefe Cymr. words, cana, and annis, rdia:a (cyjus crat) Normann ii, Apuliam
' (/J#naid, (eem pl~nly to be different dialell:s of cum 15 tantiun militibus fortun;r fociis ingreJfus
ca11didus; and confequcntly Gr. ell:: brcvi autem in ea orbis partc tot tancaquc .
WHITE-C.l-lU RCrJ; " t he firft church," belli velut miracula cdid.erac, ut fubjugatis Apu-
fa:vs Ciel. Vex:. 6 7, n, " built in Britain of free- !is, Calabris, Siculis, Afris, fufi(que tandcin
ftone, !>y ~iP1op Nmyas; and was, according Papa, Venecis,, ipfoque Alexio i.Jperatore, fa.
co Btcla, called Jf7bi1e-cb11rcb, Jf'bit-cbMrcb, or tiffi1nas libi ditiones crcxit, mu.ndiquc terror
Wbilt'11, ·i. e. Wbiu-kern·; in which word we habitus ell:: n~n igitur m.iru1n fi Diix ipfe Nor-
may obfer•"t:, that che Ii is difm!Oed, or afpirat· manaicus, inftrulhllimo exercitu, ftuCluantem .
ed ; and chat /e'er,,, a cir4e, was anciently fynomy· tuni Angliam opprimcrct; cum c fubditis fujs
mous to ~burd?,;-..conf~fl.!JCtltly Gr. . .... pr_ivatus. hie quidcm, i:ncrli_ocris, ct
•. 3U ~ Terorn

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rerunT anguftils Jaborans, in rantum Euro~,
Africzqllc potentiam t riumphavit : hoc autem
O•••r, when O•••r figni6es buitatio, d1H11111,
fio 1-it was Gr. not Sax.1 chat's all :-bur it
nominis per invidiam ei a Saracenis inditum ' gives me particular fatisfaaion to find the con-
eft ; quorum lingua G11ijtartl; ut me admoliuit ,jet'ture of Jun. confirmed by Spelm. who fays,
Falcandus"Siculus, in pr:rfationc Hbri fui, errwm, :"1 Grreco O•••r, porius quam Romano vitus, . wit
ct per terras vagum fignificat. nofltum petetc1n : quoo SaKonic:r diel:iones frc- .
· WHO: " Sax. hpa; Bdg. wit; 911is, q11i; qucnrius Gr:ecis refpondeant, quam Romanis:
omnia credo," fays Skinn. " a 1110, ablativo :''- ·SaKonibus · enim in n1ore fult o, diphthongum
6ut that would be very ungrammttical, to derive in pt, or wi, mucare ; fie o,..,, vin,.., pyn ; ct
a nominative 'from an ablative ; which would be o...r, v ic11s, pie, or wicb. .
full as bad, as the ·Eronian and Weftminflcr me- WICK, o r ojfitt ; " ell: terminatio nominum,
thod of deriving a future from an aorift; i. e. fllU11UJ, o.ffi'i""', et ditiD1't111 denotans ; a Sax. ptc,
deriving an original tcnfe from its derivative. quod m ihi videtur faaum a Goth. wfro, cui con-
·· WHOLE; " 'O>.•r, tit11i; inttger, 11nivtrf111; fonum ·Lat. vitir: Lye's Add."-wc- might ra-
till, i111irt; alfo bealtlful,faund : Cafaub." ther have fuppofcd the dire4 contrary; that the
·'WHOOP; "Iceland. cpa; (/a,,,are: Lye:" Northern and Latin words were all of them
" ii. Cimbr:ris qp: Skinn."- but Jun. dit'tum cp derived from t he fame root with VICAR, i. e.
tleAcCtit ab •r•r, quad Hefych . exp. +...., vox; from the Gr. 1 as when we fay, jbtrijffllit k,
dny /cud vo<iftratio11. · bailywitl:, or oai/iffwitll, meaning tbt o.ffiet of
\YHORE ; " O"'t• o..e•r, ct per contrat'tio- jbtriff, bailiff, &c. ·.
neni .Oe•<, muliert s ; (womrn of ill /amt:) Upt." WICKED ·; "Sax: p1cca; incantat•r, 'Vtntfi-
- " vel a K•f•• put/la, filia; Anglis olim hurt, :,111 :"- but then ic would <firiginate from the
nunc whdrt; mtrnrix: Cafaub. and Upt." a girl, .fame . root with. WISDOll.1, and WISE, which
wmdr, qr kepi miflrefs. · .would have a ftrange appearance 1 and yet ad-
"-• WHORTLE-Ptrr itt; "fcu ut Somncr fcri- .miffible, if we underfland it in the fenfe of
bit ·b irilt-/Jtrrin; a Sax. hco1rc-bep1an ; q. d. facer, in Latin ; meaning thofe who are faid to
btdrt-berrfrs·; · nobis vauinia, feu ba((.e' viris be !t•fr~edly-wift, 'and Ji11fully-l:11DWi11g ; but fuch :
Id.e11, quod male Somner' mqra exponit: figuri .figurative interpretations ought to be avoided,
10~ referre viderentur ; quod tamen mihi non ;as much as poffible, in ctym. : and there-
videtur: vel quod peculiariter <ordi prodeffe cre- fore it might be better to derive " wiclud fim- :
derenrur: Skinn."-which, if thry d id, thr.y pliclus," fays Skinn. "a Lat. 'IJitiotus:"- but
would be Gr. ; viz. a K'"f• "'; quali ktortle- even rhen it would be Gr. : fee VICE, o r wick- ·
btrrits :-but perhaps ir would be better to re- ,ed11rJi. : Gr.
fe'r them ro the Sax. Alph. ' \VICKER : it is rather' a bold aff'ertion in
"WHUNE. ;"'~ Anglis Boreal. delignat t.•iguum, S1'inn. to fay, •chat the "Dan. vigrt; and the
parvum, parcum: Sax. hp:rne, hpon ; o!iqur.11/u- Lat. 'l•i111ur, arc utrumque it Teur. wicke'11; oh-
/um, pau/u/11111: Lye from tlicks:"-but ne 'Vol vtrt, glomerart; q uia fc. ex intertexro, rt
fttms to be onlv the Sax. tenninat!on added to quali glomera10 vitili conficitur :"-it is inuch
byre, or wf;c, o~ wee, or te; all which are but more natural to !Uppofe, that 'Vimen was derived
abbreviations 'of E-Ju<.... mir.or ; Jmaller, 1<.ffer. a Vito; and that 'flieo W3S derived ab !1.,, Vtj/io,
\:Vtl'Y; ' " Sax. hp1 ; F r. Gall. q"•Y; nefcio .fungo; 10 jm11, wfa·ve, or Z,i11d together.
an ii: Lar. quei , : Skinn."-wberifore; for WICKET ; " F r. GJll. g11icht1; B'dg. witlut,
what rt'afq11, wl:nt caujr. . kh•ckri; parva jan1111: Skinn." -trjmtJ!/ doi>r, or
· WJCl-l; "undc tot terminationes nominum rather peepi11g-holt: but if winektl has any con-
oppidornm, rt pago ru<n; ( ll! iVor -wich, lpj-wir h, nexion wirh WINK with 1bt ey•e, or pt!p 1bro', it
Sh1:d-,,•ici1) ?t Sax. p1: ; Belg. wiiclc ; Dan. viiek; is Gr.
jinru, ripa, frn litus fin:1oj11m; vd urftdium; pro· WIDE: " in diff'cCl_is Bdgicarurn erymol~i­
phgnnculum, viclf.<: Skinn."-afcer which, the caru.m fcbcd1s rctult w1d• ab o,J,.,, 111111<0; quod
I:Yr. acknowledges, that his Sax. Belg . and D an. inlumtf<rotia laxari, ac dilacari fol~nt : Jun."-
words, .. no n incommode decl inari poffcnr a i hi~ may perhaps be the original; at leafl there
Lat. *Vic1t1: F r. J l;n. t a1ne11 rnore fuo ded uc! t does not appear any tolerable reafo-n, why it
ab o,~°' :"-lnit the Dr. had a little bef<>rc ad.- lhotJ ld be reje8:ed.
n1itted, t hat the Fr. Thcoi: fviitk, lignifics WIDOW; " ll•r / w,,, unde F-1etrufcum iduo; e:i:
man.fio, ''d.ftMio ; and th'ot t!i~ · Sax. p1c1an lig- qnibus v idua contlatum videtur, quia' a marito
nilie• ·b,,bitart, m.11Jere :-then whar objection
Jejtmfl.• , ftparataq111: Voff."-a wo111anj'epara1td,
coirld' bc now 'poJlibly ' h:ivc to Jun's: dcriv. ab :ind divided from her hufband by his death ; be-
• , I

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fore which lhe was acco1111~ at ont with him ; pears to be derived i Sax. ptht:; or Fr. Thwrifc,
but now they are becoine two i the dead huf- uuigbt; <rtalura, animal i ac1=ording to Skinn,
ban.d, and the living . wife: ....:... but If. Volt ··~ : yet it is of .G r. exrracl:. :" f9r :Jun. refers us to
r>f opinion, that " vii111a is derived from 11••,, wiJ, or nt'Vtr a wid ; i. e. as we now 'write ic,
11,., propria, J.11a, privata :."-this feems to ' be whit; which we ·have already fhewn to be Gr. ;
ari uonatural lenfe of the word ; becaufe then (or wh among the Sax. anfwers to 'I." among
the woman would have been as much a U;;JWJ the Latins : and therefore, whe.n Bueler fays Of
before her marriage, as after the death of her his hero, tbat
hufband; which would contradiCl: the idea we A wight he was, whofe very 6g,h t wou'd
have of a widow. . En title him mirror of ltnigh1bood;
WIEGH, " or waagb; 11 leaver, or . wedge; be meant that he was a jotrµbol.y, a11 a/i'l.uis ; ~
Sax. pieoe, pond11s majfa, libra: Ray:"-by this perfan of great eminence, and figure.
.:leriv. and explanacion we .might i1nagine, that WILD l" to be bewilder:ed, A.>.•'"!.
this word originated from the fame root with WILDERNESS J Fa>.""" ani"'o tjft a11Xio, et
WEIGE·JT, or WEDGE; in eitbercafo 'tis Gr. inquieto, in/a11irt: Cafaub. and Upt."-to b~
• WIEL.D {" E•7-.., verto, volvo : Cafaub. ptrp!txed ~" mind ; and hence, fays U pt. the old
• WIELDY J and Jun."·-to /way, or wave; expreffion, lo be in a wood: i.e. 111ad: o,ne whofe
to give a fceptr~, trunchion, &c. a11J ,gra"/11/ feofes ase as much bewildered,. as if he· himfelt
motion, ~r . agitation; t~.e caufe of which fee~s were literally loll: in a wood.: Verft. fuppofes i~
~o be a relief of the hand that bears 1t, which to be Sax. :-but with Jun. and Ciel-. ir 1nig~r be
would other wife be'' cired, and fatig~d, if it better to derive •viM,. ab ' T.i.- o, unde 'Ti..-¥lot,
were always held in one pofture and attitude : ferus,jyl-veflris; a wood, gt:o'Vt, or /01:.ejl.. . . • ,
fome etymol. fuppofe, that ·wield is derived fro1n WILES, cwming, rraft: "A>•/\~•· vel Afolf•/"•1•r,
pealban ; lo uf! any thing with full <ommand, 11s a aftutus, ca/lidus: Cafaub.'.' -.11 jubtilt, ..<,,nning,
thing not too hta'VJ: a.nd this dcriv. might have <rafty ftlltJw. .
-been admitted, if we did not ufe the expreffion, \VJLK, or wbillt ;. " Sax.. pealk; cocbka ma!
to jway ~ 'fccptre ; which fecms to convey motion, rina, qua olio1 ad buccinandum . utebantur :. hocc
i. c:. to t(!O'Vt it about with facility: and in this a verbo peal.can;. v1lvtrt, rt'Volvere; q.~1ia fc •. eju'
fenfc: ·even the Sa.x. pcaiban may be gerived ab ttfta in orbem,. fpir.1! moduql, tontorqptlur ;
EiJi.w, verlo, volvo; as abO\'C : -there is however Skinn,.and .Ray :'. '-and yet '!either of rhefe ger.-
.another deriv. in the SaJC. Alph . tle1nen have difcovere~. that it mull: then origi•
. WIFE : Verll:. writes it wif, or vvyf; uxflT; fanJe root with WELKIN: Gr .
and fuppofes it to be Sax. but ic is undoubtedly . \11/JLLIAM: Verll:. 212,. 3, ai;knowl~dg<!$,
derived from "O•taw, fcu O·~'"'• coco: Upt."- that all rhcfc Gochie words, " Guld.btlme, Gild::
to co11.Jom, unite t ogethtr in wedlock. htlmt, Gui/heaume, ~nd Guillt1•me, when,d
WIGGER; "validNs, rob11jl11s, acer: .ll:nglis ioto ucin, Guilielm11s, or GulitlnUJs, do· all fig::
Jloreal.; Iceland . vigur ell: 'V_tgetus,, agili1, ni(y gold-helmet, or ga!tkn-btlm :"-but then he
be/lo nptus; ii. vig; ca:des, /Jdlum ; quocl a Goth. little thought, that .both GOLD, and HELM,.
v igan; be/lum gtrtrt: Lye :"-and if there .had Ol HELMET, n1ight be Gr.. _
been a hundred more Northern words, he wo.u ld WILLING-; B•.A•I"-'' •• VDlo,; volentia ;. a rta•
have gone t.hro' then1 all, rather than haye ttied di;;cjs of difpojitia11; ·a dejirt of Biea}ing.
if it might not be defcem\ed from the f~me· root \ VlLT-jhirt 1 "will, o r bill, is probably,'.' fays
with WAGE wa':; or whether o r no wigger Clcl. Voe. 38, 9, " the ctimon o f the Gr. B•"••
might not be only a Northern dialef.t for and \:Crtainly fo of the Papal word bull; for his
VIGOR > both Gr. edit'I!, or laws: it alfo gives the true origin of
. WIG: it is almoft impoffible to get at the the na1l)e of IYilt-foirt ;.which was unquoll:iunablJ
true dcriv. of this imporant word: for our ety(nol. the.feac of r-he Grand Britifh alf(mbly, or meec-
~ave either lefc it out, or g iven us circumlocu- ingof the nation on Salifbury plains, and chofen
tion, inll:ead qf deriv. ; and explanation, inftcad by the Britons, as being the moll: rneditcrranean
of etym.: being therefore in a 1nanner iorirdy de- lhire, in the ver.y heart of their country :"-
krted, let me only offer the following conjc."ture ; confequently G.r. .
viz. that wit may be nothing more than an abbre- · \ VIMBLE ; " Gall. g11imbelt1; Belg. w•nu,
viation, and tranaformation of ri<a, thus·; fra, v.el wimptl, vidcntur clle ex F./"{3~1...., immlt1ere,
wica, wfcu1, wig ; confequent.l y Gr. as unger mtntdtrt ; terebcllannn enim proprium ellE1"13•7-n,
the art. PER-RU KE: Gr. . five imP.ref!io: 'Jun:: (whence wu11pale, or wimb/,l
• WIGHT, or ptefon; though thi1 word · ap- , - a gimblet, whicl~. working · by a fmall fcrew,
.. i11jim1altl·

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\V I FrG!'ll '1 R i aK, and r;,. T~lf. Vf l
1.;,;;,111au; 11(cff intO' the' wc>od &y ehe a:el:ion of fealhers ~ fo~ jirJJ: aildi f-'til&itS<, aflt 'r.Cany th
•;or~ing. • . . WiRvf> oe
thC·1TI bOl~. ·
rq, \WMM·E, "' or winnow ·corn: Ray:"- . *INOOY\'; " : melius. etfenrrrt bfnc.. agri
perhaps iris only arrotlrer dialec1: of WfNN~'V: ineolre windore, vel 'fJJ11tdoor ; q . d . ja1111•· 'Vt•li,
confeq·u ently Gr. i. e. feneftra: fi tamcn Lo11clineAfem· prenQll('ia.;
\VIMPER; "Teut. wimmenn·; cl'amirare pr~ ti<inem windWJ defrndere l·i be·rer, pollcin i~­
dolore0 vef gaudio, inreritn· corpru 'IJarie moli- diate dcflell:ere ii Dan. vindue ; /<71tftra: Skinn,
tantfo; Belg. wrimpe11, wrtmpen; os dijfofquert : and L ye:.'' who ad'd s, " manild\'e profluxit a
Skinn.''-all whicl\ 1night lead us· to f11ppofe, Cymc<e~ vocis origi lie,.a '1Jt1tto· delumptll; pr-0rfu1
that this word originated from the fame root with ut Hifpanis ve1ttan.1 eft feneflr11-. vurtt111i!la, ft·
'rimpfe~ rumple, R:c;FFLE: Gr. ntfletla·; Vttrlancr•, et '1Jetr/11n.ra, 'qui, vel qua:
WJl\.fPLE; ."Fr. Gall. g.11impft '; Belg. wim- , admodum regre iife1reftr-i1 poteft..a·~t'lli, quo mi-
pd ;_ •Jfl 11111, 'De/amen: M enagius a Lat. vinc•fum nus-liceac· ds totos dies C: fcneflr.1 in p tlbiicbm
d'el'lectit; maHcm· ab um'bella; qui a fc. /1>eiem ob- · profpi·c ere :"-accord ing_ to bot!l thefe gc~tl'emtn
l egif, et' obul!fbrat·: Skinn."-then furely the Dr. clieteforej we ough t tO fcck for the true deriv. of
m ight' have found that it was Gr. : fee Ul'1f- this word' in the foregoing art. Gr.
.BRELLA: Gr; Wl'NE; " 0<>•<: Upt."-'IJi,,,1111-; 1he juiu cf
WIN, Nix.,, by tranfpolition r,..,, unde vi11<0; t6e grape; Jhe fr11;t of tbe vint .
.-to 'IJanquijh, ·or overcome, · WING:; "mallem defletlere a L3t. pi!i1ttt :
.WIN'-licria11 l" vvyn-btrries, grapes: Verft." Skinri."- mallem defletl:ere a Gr. n7ov•r, pinn•;
" W'f.N.~berian' S who, as a Saxon, 1night tri- pe1t11a ; tr f(t1/her to fly with •
. UQlpb in this cotnpound :-but'dien his r'riumph · WJ.NK "With the eye; ll>•rr•r, tux; oculos <Dn•
would be fhort; for both \VINE, and BERRIES, lrabcre, f<inrillart, mitare; to jhut q11icl<, f1111p, or
.·UC" Gr.: f<'e GRA:PES·: Gr. fpMkk tbe eye : or d ie fee T\VINKLE: Gr.
WIN-CHE.STER : Cid. Voe. 67, would de- Wl-NNOW; B2>-.>...1ja-cio,jaEJq; u11de · va/ls>,
.rive ·" ·Winchejler from Min ·kifler :"- Mitr is the antique pro· valinus•; rEt fan, or- van, to t11itr11wi
,fame with mein, mey11, Jane; conlequently Gr.: corn.: from whence 1ikewife i~ derived· a- U.dy!~
.a nd fijJ, or c8tft, fignified keeping ;-confequently fan 1 as we have already leen, becaufe i~ conci-
' Gr. roo, untefs Cht}ler be only a d.iffererit·dialefl nual motion, and flutter•
. for CASTER; and then. it would- be Gr. · ftill, WIN·SE 1 this frems to bear a different fenfe
' but thro' a diff~rent roor; from WINCE; and would therefore be derived
WIN•gtard; " a 1;11yn-garik11 ; i. e. a vitre- by Lye, from " Sax.' pinpan, txcultare, tripu·
yard: V crft."-herc again the former obferva- diart; al iquando lie acceptu1n fuilfe liquido pate!
tion might be repeated; for both WINE, and ex Chauccri vcrbis;
jard, or 'GARDEN, are Gr. WiJ!fing fhe was, as is a jolly cok,
\¥INCE; " this word fee1ns to derive fron1 Tall a·s a m aft, and upright as a bolt:
l"I"'• millo, thus; p~ter. E1x .., vcl E•«><<>, unde p1nr1an au tern eft a p1r11, ga11dium; joy, and
ico, and by rhe ·incerpofition of the.letter 11, fo gladtrif1 :"-then we n1ight fuppofe, pu~n came
frequent in other words, inco, from thence comes fron1 h•or, eq11ultu1 ; a jolt, which is always/ri/Iy,
'Wince, tg ftart ajide, and throw out his heels, as a · and fro!itlifomt : fee WI-UNNY : Gr.
horfe does, when. touch.e d in a galled place:- WINTER: Nannius and Skirrn •. derive our
~t che gall'd jade winch, fays H a1nler, aa iii. word wi11ter a vtn111s; and the forrocr quotes
!c. 7. in J ohnfon's edit.: but what language is Ovid, .
that ?-fee likewife WINSE in another fenfe. Impcrium f<rvis byb,·n;o tcmpotc vttrlis:
· WIND, A•1•r. pro A•1•>. ab A.,, fpiro; I• but Jun. rejects this Cl)•rn. and fays, " ac mihi
hrtarbe, to 'blow: vel ab A..r, Ao1•~, tJenrus; wind, origo vocabuli lnferto •• videtur elfe ab ·r,1..r,
'Or air ill motion :-Cle!. Voe. 107, n, fays, "by quafi 'To1"r, winter, wintry; plavius, pluvioj•J:
a remarkable analogy,,611, and eddtr, both fignify" pro rliis u~eadem anni pars Gr:l!cis d icitur x~!'-•i
ing a wing, are refpe~'Cively original to wi11d, and vel x ..,.,,~., i\ x u7., funde,-e :"-there is generally
to weather :"-the analogy would have been great depth of rea(oniog in the deriv. of thi$'ju-
more remarkable, and the deriv. more jufi, if dicious critic; it muft· however be confdl, that
this gentleman had applied both fin· and t ddtr with regard to tlie genius of our language, which'
to our words ft" and feather ; fince both of the1n is undoubtedly deriv~d to · lls in many inttancei
lignify wing; and filh may with c-qual. propriety thro' the Northern tongues, as they likcwife ill'
be (aid 10 move·with· thtir fins, as bird~· their . 1n;1ny inftanccs arc derived from the Grtek ;
·.• ·· an4

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w J F.rpQl' GA·! ix, ~~ .~,A'! J:Jf• •

w l
!!Ad ~:v:.c.i~.ul;uly ~I! t,his ~a.a;iple .¥ore ,u~, ·it if ~"guail\_t a .dcd:v. t<19 .oil/ of WJP't, for
,.bl•t reafonable .to fuppofe, t.bat win.ttr is. dfrive4 the fi1nplic!ty of ·thole antient omcs, in which
f;,Clln chc v ~ax . . p1n~e.ri1 omnino pro~uldub~o ~ . the. w,o r9 pbyjiti4R w~s u(ed.i you ha\•c it in the
f ).!l'o ; et o.mpia a )' vu:t;u ; .. as Skinn. v.ery very old F[-ei;ich f'a.rc:e of l'ateli11; W]f-a'lct , (or
).\l.fil.y ,obfervt;s; if ~e .hf,d like)Yife but a~ juftly phys-.atht) figitifyiug ope ftil/td in pc/us, ;aillJ,
.,obferycd, ~bat i•tnlus y.-as Gr. : .fee WIND. .dij!empers :"-bu.t fiiU it js Gr.: fee W ISE, and
:WIPE; "Sax. :p1p1an, vtrrert, llPjhrgtrt ; ACl-IE: fo that a ph:xfiria11 is literally a wys-a'lct.
;vi,cle .a.n a.fine fit ,ifti s·w}!.EP, -qcrrtrt, tvtrrert; or wife·atbtr; 'i. e. a wi/t·ll&tr, ' ·
A,IJ.Od fuit fuo l,oco: Juo."-Gr. WISH: "Cafaub. d erives wijh ab EuX,1, pre-
" WlRE: wbeo eiymo). have the <,lcrjv. of catio, votum; unde Evx•,,.,.!, precor, 'VO'J)to :"-
~ w~rd before ·them, whkh they muft have but Jun. with greater probability, fays, "Sax. !"as. Gr. and yet would not trac.e that p•rcan, deduci potefl ab 1..~.. ,.,, vel l.'X'"'"'""
word up t o that langiiage, but ftop fuort at the tupio, defidero; to rtqueft, dt/17't." ·
J,at. or any of tbe Northern tong!'es, the omif· WI,S'.I ', Ip know; wt!! I wijl; " eft ipfiffimuoi.
. flon is : thus both Skinn. and Lye p.ra:teric. Sa~. prcan: l,.)'e, and Skinn." 9nly the
tell us, that "wh-t is d,erived a Belg. wiertl1 ; Dr. writes it p•rt'an, which perhaps is wrong;
gyra~e l quafi wyrar~, "1Jicr.t n :"- but gyr~rt is bccaufe in the very .n (Xt arc. wi/, he acknow-
undoubtedly d.crive~ j rve·•r, unde rvr·•i>, jn lodges that the Sax. p1t'an is derived ab !1.1.,,
.s;yri;m coj{igo~ ip o:bem ,fltrlo; as Jun. has .very video 1 Jo Ju, to know: 'tis true I wijJ, i.e. 'tis
properly denvnl H, .under the arc, ~'HIRI,.; frut 10 my lmo'lpledge: fee WJSE: Gr.
Gr.: :Pe.caufe fJ?irt is/Pl!" off, and ¥1l~td up in a WIST, a game l fee HIST; Gr. :-or perhaps
c•r,c,1~lar fprir1: whereas neither of the other gen - \IYIS1', jiltnct f the game of w.ij} ·m ay be i:le-
tloincn '!'Puld take 9:llY .P.Ot.i~e qf the Gr. though riv.ed frof'.I' wife; being the Wifefi, or mofl f'lflil
-Jhey m.ull: have kno'!'n a, ~swell as Jun. gam1:01111Je tards, at the tune _lVhcn t ha.t game
WISE Ji:J tl)~r £ron1 •·• Ff<.1•1rr, ab ·f-1/.,, was invented :~confequ.rntly Gr. tl\o' the inv.eQ-
'lrVIT frio .i 10 .~now, to 1.ndtrjla11d; a.c - tion of cards is not ab.ove ~o y.e.a~s .old. .
\Vl1'CH cpr.i;ljng to C~faub. and µpt. " \'.'!STLE Jl,AS: Jbis · word .app.eared fo very •
WIZARD or d(c 1• .ab 1,..,...,, frio; quafi pleafing ~nd pretty in the ei•es of Vcrfl:. ~j 8, th.a t
f•a-'11"'• to be •w;j~ ; ac,c.o~.ding to Jun."-unlefs he tot;Uly millook it for Sax. wj1ercas it happCIJS
)Ve may d.e-riv.e thcni all Jib E1J!w, Ff!lrw, vidl~, to be tot;tlly Gr. i forfJJJCC been fo 'oblig-
,;ifus; wife; to ju; Jo loolt iJltO fuftir-ity; l!S ing as to eJ<plaiq it by whifllers, pr pyptr;, we
when ,~c r,:ad of David't fetr; for p11,vitl's pr.o- have C!nly to refer to \VHISTLE: Gr.
pbe1: which la~ interpret•tion might ip,Jµce µs \V JTE ,; " Belg. 1fiilen; Suec. fon/Jita; Sax.
.r;o d<:rive JtJiJrb, ~ci,J&btr,aft., and UJi%Aref, from, p1t'an; t1fp1·obr art; triwinaii: l.y.e 's Add. t o re-
.:tl!Othi<r fo~rce1 betatlfe thf ~~·ic. p1cc~, (or -ra~ proacb, /ipbrazd, Ip TWIT :"-1hel\ they bo~ of
ther p!!rh<1p~ p•~t'a) Frifijs, ct 'Cicampris d icit!Jr thcll) are Gr.
j)Jit~.v.rou~e, witi/<t·'fliif(; faga, Vfl!efica, i11ca11~ wrrEGA l" a p,ro11bet, OT foreteller of.Jbings
J<1trix; q . d. 111j/lier fe10.!a; propttr profu11d.e ''i'YT~GA S 10 rome : :Verft."-,,.buf this 11n-
/ cit11li<f' fp~citim, quatn appd rerun\ ignaros. dopbt~dly d~ri vcs fro1n the fame FOOt with WISE,
.i:.aptat: J,u ~."-~o which kt 1ne add fro<n $kinn.i 'VIT, &c.: Gr. .
· rh!ft "f'!Cl\l.ln lign·il;<;s hcrrio!qri, -pa[ici11ar,i. ;":! WITEGODE; "protbr.Ji.u/,foretold: Vcrtl."-
,tpis nu_g)lt lead us to ,d erive wjt fb ~ ~ales; vi~., confcflucntly from tpc-lame FOOt: Gr. '
.u.t a 'll'#!~'I."' fit '!'?P.~n1•f, lie a ~~~i, f!10rs: Por-uin 'VITH; Sax. p1'6, quafi pill .; a· Belg. vel
~ !a " converfo, ti~ ~1>1'<, .11nde pba:ei, ~\Inc. ~~r01. ;~vidently de icendcd i M.11~.. , 1,111ii,
'!('(tJ i.atini t.<;cert ; aos! frprp 'J!ala, a!\d iiatj~i-! uv<! ~um ; "!J,itb, tog.Uber 1i:iJ.b: in ~omp.ofition it
~a•1df,. ~e ~~Ill !Q ~avf: fo~1'{l~c;I ~~·~ ~ \Tl~!!!\·: ligniiies contra; ,,;is to witb-dra;w; ic•ilp· hpld 1
U]g . ~n olcj }'OO) ap, ·in.d.11e!l wi!h the pow~r, wi1h-fland. ·
of forete/li11g future ev~nts; according to i~e'. WITHER, Jatk,forink,foriv1l: ·~puro eJTe 'a
·fo,q)j!h 1?Pio1011. and fqocl fuperftitiol\ pf, form-· w.talbtr; ltmpe/hzs; ut illa pr~prie dica.ntur IP
.e ; cjmes. wither, qua: poll exaaum Qor~~ndi t1mpejiatem, •·
' '\VJS~-ACE~, or fq!h~r, wift.·Qtb,tr.: d\er~ ~s· paufati_~ jiacceilt !f ~laHll!lHt :. j 1Jn.''-:-but It•
}'o j~cµljU' a. de.riv.. ~n):i: ~-'P!•u;i , of tbis Wor.i\ in; pljfa~ iq this feofe \lo~s npt fi811ify'f~e ~.(albtr, 'Jr
Ciel. Way. 84, . that it deferves t~ ~c tr~n(c.ribe,!l! 1& air, or tb~ft.iey i11/f.ut11tts; ~uJ time, or ftajoi,,
~ain fr~.m t~e ;•'!· · P~H,YfSICIAN, whic~; ' he; riP_t111fa., l)t '!1fl.l11rity: however, iliou_ld tb5 word
tiys, '' d?~i n~t QllflVC JI t•~!r, n,atu,r.11 ; .wl:u~h 1~ w1tbtr .lign1fy ajftfltd I,, tb1 "''flll>tr, u rn,ay
j rhea

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From . G ~11ic, and LATIN. w ;o
·1hcn originate from the fame root with 'vVEA~ WOE; °""'• fl.e /. mifer•bki! wot is mtll01iu1!
'fHER:;' which is Gr. WOGH ; " Lancafrrienfibus · eft . pariei 1
WI'I'HERS of a borjt ; " arlie11lq1i9 humeri J Iceland. 'lltttur; ~ax. pah, ct pa;s :. ·Lye;::'-but
nefi;io an a Bdg. wiide, wiede; Teut, wtidt ; let who-will ufe It; and let the1n· turn it, and
JaltJt, vittnn; fortaffe a '1Jimi11td hujus articuli twift it, and write it, and fi:><:ak ir a· thoufand
faxibilitate : Skinn."-the Dr...(beiog pt"rhaps no dill'erent ways, it feems to be derived from the
furgeon) as an ctyrnol. at lcaft, qught to have, fame origin wi th WALL ;-confequently Gr.
known, that in this frnfe, his Belg. and l 'eut.' \VOI K; " Belg. wiieJ:e; Succ. wilta; .Almm.
words are but d.ifferent dialeCl:.s' of WIT.1-lY ; uuitcbtn, u11icha11; Iceland. vii/ta ; vogaba111r:
nod confeqoently Gr. as in the following arc..: - Lye's Add."-pcrhaps this word woiJ:, and· all
let the gall'd jade wince, our wi1btrs are. unwrung; the other Northern hadh words, may be -de-
. fays Hamlet, pct iii. fc. 7. i. e. let tbc gall'd fcended fro1n the fame origin with WALK; and
horfe ftart at the touch, our fho11IJers are unhurt, if fo, they a~ Gr. .
and therefore we need not fear th~ handling. 'vVOKER ; "quafi dicas uf11ra improbis fr11tJi.
~ WI1"HY i 11,,., 11.1.,., falix; a fallow, or· bus; liquet igitur ex allatis ~vos noftros unum ·
~oillfJ'W. idemque nomen tribuiffe · f..-nori, et fr11'tli6us e
. WITNESS; £,J.,, v idto,jcio; tofu, to lcnow; te.rra enatis : Sax. okep, pokep, ab t!, vcl
co ~ar tefiimony to the truth, according tq tht btjl 1can, .vel auchon i qum: 1nanifetl:e exprimunt
of our fcwwledgt. Gra:corum Av£10, A•t"'• ,a11.gert, a((lllllJ1lor1:
Wl'rTENA·G EMOT: it is amazing that all Lye :"-to increaft, 11cC11t1111l~Jt.
our ety1nol, lhould have tlept over this venerable WOLC; " a do'U'Ud; welfce11; do'l,rvdes ;. wee
, rclique of Sax. antiquity; for neither Spdm. Vtrj}. yet vfe the woord we/fcin; but take it for 1bt aire :
Min/Ji. Ski1111. J1111. nor Lye, take any notice of Vcrft. :"-but WELKIN !~ probably Gr. ·..
·it; and yet it is a word they muft have fomc- WOLF; fume of our etymol. derive 'IJXJlj 'a
times met with in our Saxon records; fincc it vulp- es; a fox: if fo, it would be Gr.; ·for v~!pu
fignified tht Saxon parliament, their gtmot, affim· is derived n F.-x•.,r•r, ab A;>...,...£: but llill· jt is
/Jlj; or mee~ing, witttna, or rather wiltna, of wife 11 ftl:!c, not a wolf J for wliii:h the'. Gr. name .:,.,.,
'.mm·;· i.- c.. their fa11ators, ·or eldtrs: Co rhat rhis· Au••r, lupus ; a wolf: it woµld be better therefore
word, wfuch truly wears fo n1ucli the appearance to derive the 'vord "'wofh with Ciel. Way. ·36,
of Saxon origin, .is really compounded of two as a gencrical name, to cx11refs·>Z wild animal, \
Gr. words, E1t0>1tc-1"•1"1"' ; for wi1t11a takes the' beaft of the wood :"-ccinfequendy derived a~
fame deriv. with V\' ISE, •\.VIT, &c. and gemot is "rA-·· jylva, fylvrftris I wlf. a wild animal of,
·no more than mot, or meet tognher, in · order 101 the wood, · ., .• ·
confult for rhe public fafcty : -But Ciel. Voe. 3'7; " WO-MAN: tho' Verfl~ and Cafaub, would
fays, " as to rhe word wiuena-gtmott,_ I am not derive ~oman, quail womrimat~ : and tho' Jun:
perfeCtly dear, chat 1t bears· tJie fenlc generally · and Skrnn. fay "woma11 ohm fmt flFman, et cor•
. a~g~cd 1.0 it~ of. the gemolt,, or "'et ting of the rupte'p1~man ; ~nde poll<~,feccr~nt' ~ngli fuun1
w1t11ng, or w!Jt; It does not fee1n to h•ve gene- woman: yet neither of thefe deriv. teem robe
. rnlity enough to cxprefs a great national a!fem- proper, tho' they arc both xery applicable, very
bly, and.has more the air of \jgnifying ajtlefl, or: ~ngenious, and both Gr.: wpman then fccms co
pri'lly cnincil: I am rather incl to think it a: be •an appellation of ditl:inftion between • alt,
.mongrel "'ord, fornied by a coalefccncc ; of1 and ·female; and we ~ ave already feco, in the
which the firtl: rnodern part wi11e11 explains tl\c' arc-, FE~MALE, that the fyllable FE, like the
l aft anticnt one .gemott; quali wuten-gemcte; i. c.' fyllable WO- may bear the t'Cnfe of we, or wtt,
•;,uuing-gtmote; . the m -convening as ufual wichl i. c. little, ltjs: fo that wo-man lhou)d fignify 1ht
!~s irico aw :»- Jee t his be the truer deriv: llill itj ltffi;, •veaktr-man _; the ~oker-ma~; t"! weaJ:-
) S .Gr. .as .'I), the an •. ll/lEET: Gr. · · , er-vtjfil: --' and confequently Gr.- ftrll: fre
' Wll"TOL ; "Sax. p:rr:an,jcire : Anglis dicitur FAIRY~ Gr. 1 •
· rna'ricus, ciui ]cit uiforem n1rechari, nee tamen: WOl.\1B; \.Vache. has very properly derived
' indignatur; yri;-col cftjciens, 'oeft iu1: J un. and t his \1j'Ord f~om "El"~"':'~ inge11tro; pr~ofico W;
,Lye :"-a. tfinte11ted ct«fco/d :-but then, as we: quafi W•,<'I'·••» injio ; quia per uler11111, omr>t'S
·have alreadY. fecn under the art. WISDOM, and! intelli.g unt locum cqnceplio11is ':" - the wqnt/uf1I
WISE, &c.' chis ·art. likcwife is Gr. . . · · fi;fd of genera1ion. ·· .
WLAF:FJ!:RING, fecms to be only anoch·e r WONT: Ciel. Voe. 52, fays, that " 'II/On,
dialeel foe +;·A:UG'li;IN{J : ·Gr. · • - mun;· or ..,;,., ~re the fame ; ~he 1 being only rhe
.. ' ~ Celtic

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w 0 From Gi i z,l t, : and LAT 1 w'. w 0

C eltic 'paragogic J and fignify · •11aefron, or ·-,.tji- dilte'rent mean ing, ani1 ·3 <iifferenc' deriv. 35 will. be
Jenee; Cw!~ere. a perfo11. h~s bee~ long a&e~;1om'ed feen in the Sal<. ·A lph.· ·· ·
lo &we/(1 J ~ conf-equendy Gr. ~ Mo.,, n<1a11eo, '\VORM; 'Re""''Jerpo,' r"}o ; uncle' Eel'-1'"; 'Vtr-
mdnfum, ma111io; 11 ma11fion; or .habirarion : add m,is: vd' ab Ee••>, tYaho ; ' unde Beuf'->.i, trat/.tu' a
'hence the expreffion where w4n you? i. ~· wh!"t orarJJling rtplil<, that dra'l/is itf<lf atong : or per-
'<lwell you! wbtr< ar<- you. accuftomed !• lifu? . haps· worm 1nay be derived a F1>.,..,~, <1trm11;
wht rt is your ufual place of abodt ? wbtrt is yo1ir vtrmin, a wom. .
wonted babiiatiqn f : . ' :W:ORM- WOOD·: "aG.fi11~hfu11t, q uail vtrmi-
WOO·D , 'or forefl : " S:i.x~ pubu: J Cin." .....:.r 'flJtf-lignum. ; quoJ necet ver111u •i'nteftina; depa-
" yube, .pealb-; 1"eut. wald: Skinn."'-" Alman . . fcenres ;' Sax. pef•n-Ob; Belg. wtrm, ofd, c:~
t11UZld, manifefte pr:!:·milfo vato, vel "" · efl: ab • werm-oedt·v idtntur corrupt~ ex Ang!. worm-wood:
JEol. F..>.lt<, proA).t-.r, l11t11S: Lye:"-a grll'iJt, or Ju·n ."-it is much more reafonable to fuppofe the_
for<'ft cf trees:. vcl ab 'T).wbir,feriu;fyhlt./fris': ab ' C<5fltl'ary; beca\ife' We' aannot fuppofe that wcoii
'T).•, fylvo: fee WALD : Gr. . . licre has any connexion -with lig11um, as this g~eat
WOOD, i11j11nf1j ; . " •Sax: yo'o, i11Jantls, furio- 1!. if!iagines ; ~ for f11or1t1-wood ·is" &: planr,
f"s; uade Belg. ·woedtn ; 'Sllx. peban l' furt'rt, in- ; or. an herb, not ; a '. tree 1 and·thtreforc the •Sax.
fa,,ire: videntor• peti1a. cx i O•l"""" 'iiltltmtjctrd and Belg. •feem to 1Je.xfetivcd ffom CM Lar. ver-
ird : Jun. "-to fwell with dnger, rage, and fury: mium-4diu111; as that l'i ktwife fecnis to bG ·derivec\
-Ciel. Way. 86, is of opinion, that "wood, ·in ·ab Efl-',."• 'tJtrmu, et Oluw, odi ;·to fignify the·pla~
the fenfe of fool and mad, originates from ·11/, or fo 11oxio111, fo hatif.11!, fo dead/j to wormn or from
'Wu/; .uncle ftult1u, ftolidus :"'-but· then they all r1s v.i rtue 10 Id/I worllls br~d in tbe ht1man body·: -
e vidently dcfcend ab u>--•,/ylva; wood, wild; mad, : it mighr ' however lie ·much · bett<tr .to fuppofe,
andfoql: ' · · with Ciel, Voe. !69, tha.c "wood here is u'fed for
. WOOD-BIND land all the otherconlpounds: wud, or wild:"-but ftill it is Gr.
WOOD-COCK fee_their prilnirives: Gr. WORRY·: 'Vettl:. fuppofes this word to ·conie
WOOD-WANTS; ·'"bolts in a po.ft, or pita fro1n the Sax. " ayyp;sub; ac<Nrjed; alfo jlrang-
.of 1i111/Jer; q. d. placu wa11ti11g wood-: R ay :"- ltd, or tbro/fled; wheerof' w~ haue yet the -woord
rhen it is q. d " Gr. .. · .._ , 'IJVurried•:" -"-Skinn. and Lye fuppofe it to be
\VOQE; "nomen videtur'defumptOrii ab ilia . derivtd· " fr~tn" the Sax, pep1;_i;ean '; laujftr.e,
dolendi particuJ'a wot iJ me! quam perdite al'nan- 1110/<'ftare: vel pop1;_i;enbe; d.pop11lari :" - and
· res ad furda lirnina deleltarum ·fine fine ingemi- ·Ray tells us, it " comes. from the Sax. poppian,
nan!: Jun."-10 court, toJolli"tit with all Jh~ ten- to dtjlroy, or cboalt :"- but it feems to be de~
·Jertjf exprtffio1u of lov e, by jighs, vow.I, /tars, ·&c. rived more naturally, and more cafily, from the
&c. &c:: fee \VOE is me'! Gr. fame root with DEVOUR, and VORACt-
W'O OF; ·r,.., textwa, tt>t/us ;"weaping; the · OUS: Gr. . . ,
.threads that crofs the warp. · , • WORS-TEO, "Jobnfon, fays Ciel. Voe. 50,
\YOOL; b~or, ou).•<, pr{ma ltJ1111go ex puberum -derives this wore! fron1 Worfted, a town in Nor-
·gems effiorefcens; [oft dotvn, that firft rifes on folk, famou~ for t l\is woollt11 manufatl:ure: bur 1s
· the cheeks :-Ciel. Voe. 172, would der-ive wool, riot tvorjled rather a. corruption of wodfs-tbrtod l"
fell, 'fltlllls, and P"t, ' "ii poll, lignifying the btad :" .-and ate not '"iOOL, and THREAD, as
-which, however, is ~Gr. -. .:..... but It might be evidcnrly Gr.?
· better ·t o· derive an· thofe words, with Volt a ·· WORT,. or ye.ft : none o( our etymol. tho'
MAAA•f : nam MllA•» I;>or. M«>.o>, etl: ..Uis; a they allow that wort fignifies rtrtv ifia m11.flta,
fhcep; . undc W1Jof.; 'f11r, 1111) ki11d of hair, or qu"' continu• eff<rvtjeit ; b•er in tbt vat, which is.
'ovtring. . . . <0Jtti11ua{ly working, and fermt11ti11g; and tho' they
· \.V0RCH"BR;ACCp; <. c: "worlt, brittl~; dili- ~ould 311 of them find, that it might come from
·gelff> or ~ar1141· at 'Work ·: · Ray:"'-buc \VORK the Sax. pyjlt, mu]Jum; yet n<lne of th~m could
at ll'aJl: ·is · we lhall fee p•t'fc-ntly. find, that wort originated ab Ee?"" opus ; 'tuorli ;
\VORD 1 En.-.,, u1q1ilo, inquit; • quoth be: i. e. ,the working; andfermiit:i11g of beer, or ale 1n
qu1J1¥\ quord, w'crd; a11 ulltranee, pro11u1fdalio11. the vat. ·
\.VORK, " ·Jltyo>, op111: C~faub::-tabor, toil. WORT-WALE of a 11ail: "' Gouldmarrno,
. W.ORL.D·; ,Ot•r, · or.bis 1· qt1ai'"r P•e•i~ wor~d, or apu~ quern fol u;M !>CC\trrir." fa)'s Skinn_. . " ex-
any ro1111d>glolJt ; •as when we .fay.,. th'e n ihab1tarirs ponttur rtdivum, fi modo exponerc fit 1gnotun1
.-0f Ibis' world~ b ut whtn we apply· 1h~w,r/i/ to timt, per _ignotius int~q)retari ' q ttlhdocunque conti-
and .fay,. -rld wil~11/ . 11Jd, it ·;frcnu 10 .carry a gerit voccn1 vel Latinain,. ~I Anglitam, intelli-
• ·• ' ' 3X gere

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gttt ctymon tcntabo :"-thus bu the·Dr. fairly , ·F••1,;r, w.lnirdrt J lo t111, or 1Ni1 i11tliaA
given up this art. as dcfpcratc on both fidcs : let Ca!au.b." ,
me then endeavour to remove all chis obfcuticy ' WRACK, Cir .10Ni...t, .fu-'fDttll 1· " (orulfc &
.and diJlic.ulty, chac ~much perplexed him: here ; 'P-•1.. tril_, vUt '1J4i11U11t11111 : quihufdam Ao·
kem1 .plainly to be an ettor of che prds, both io , .glis dicitur •'Ka : JU11..:'-fta-fJllttJ:J, -or ••J cu
t he Lat. and Eng. •ords 1 for, in the lirft pl11ec, ef fl11Mis, """ J.eggaf], r"'1.1d, or b•rrowtJ If
inftead or rttlio-. it lhould have been princed tht ltt11J,. .
tichcrrttli11i-1;·whichVoff.cxplains , .\~RAC K of a jbip; or, a~ it u commonly
by " r,tJm..., quail rtUtfli...,1 quia.f~ rthUI, IC"~ written, fhit-wreck .; ." a 't...rr.., 'p,,'l''"'I"» fr#/lg~,
jolvit cucia ciroa ungues :"-confequcntly· this il(ido 1 to. break, or Jlljb U. puus,; CafaOlb."
Lat. word it derived from. the Gt. v.i z. a Avi., • WRACK, "'~"l'''"': '-' vide an aBinitacem
/olvo, Ill#, rtlllo, unde rtlttvi.1, ~ l not aliquam ha~at Q\lm 'p""'''""'• quod l;ac(){lcs,
rtdifl.,,. :-having thu1·cleued away one difficul·· authore Hc(ych. ponont pro Orr•~•/"•'> A...;,..~
q, let us try co remove ·Che Qther 1 what Gould- irafaor, tiolore torpeor.: Jun." - to be .,,:ry
man· has here written wort-wok, woul<i have . with ,l#IJ "': - . Vcrll. · writes. 1t wrtt, or
hem far more intdligiblc, if it had been print• · wrealtt 1 re-~ntgt 1 and Juppofos . it to be Su,
ed w•rt-weal; ·vi-z. Jbe rijit1g of warfJ, o r roMgb -fincc now, ~aclt. icfolf ligni6ca rt'Otugt aml
fain, that grows abouc the nails 1 and vcr1 often V"'l~•1ut, wbcnevcr we mecc with the expreffion
fplitsJ and divides, and thereby cauks·gr~at paih ; I• Wl'iult bis {)t11g1a11te · '011 -any ant, it fun:n
-and is commonly called a balfg-11ail, or mo~, CO · be ·a. plconafm of the original, and iu cr-
properly fpeaking an AllJ-nail, that ca11fCS> ,g reat' plana.ciOI) 1 whith "e o ften meet with in our
""l"ifb about tbt nail 1 ,and, ,,. we have feto, is1 lariS'!age, ..
Gr. likcwife. . WRANGLE; " Ee•'IG•>.,.r, ttroillari, fa-
WORTH 1 " fortalfe ·rcfcrri poccft ad ·illud !Nit iU.dere, IJIJific• ri, 11ug•ri: Cafault." 10 tbidt,
•E•e1•r, qtlod Hefych. C·Kp. Ae•nr.w•r, ' xlZ'>-•1, gra- ' lo faoff. Jo rail: J un. and Skinn. dcri'vc wra11glt
tu, pultbras, preliefas : Lye :"-dig•ilJ, TJalor, . ii. tt>r111.g, q, d. wr11f.glt; i. c. « ut iajutiz culp3lll
IH1111t-. · · a fe; hiJtc iode amoventes:; atquc in alios confcrcn-
WORTS, or·,@bageJ ; as when we fay col~J; · tes, primum dicti lune wranglers;. ac poftea per
Vetft. 'Somn. a.nd Ski.n o. and ·a ll our-oeher Saxon- uRutiffim:sm pallimquc obviam liccrarum 1 in /1
'moiigcn, ·can eagerly catch hold of thi~ word, and pennutaciooem wranJkrs: Jwi ."-but eyen then
derive it from the Sax. pYj'\t:; unde horlus.eis py~-· .i t would be Gr. as "le lhall lee pn:fently, under
.~n"l but none of thc1n beuay the lcaft fufpi:- the art. WRONG ·: Gr.
·clon· tha t all their bard, ha.t1h Northern wo rds· WRAP : wbc:,n .it ligni6cs only /~ illdoft, Of
wcrt but 'fo many contrafrions, diftortions, and to11tai11 any 1hi11g; ma.y be derived a •ear..,,
disfigurements of 11iridis; quafi vert; gr«11: con- ff"'rl"' ftpio, ·m11nio ; lo drfmd, or proteR f:Jy cicing
{cquentlr derive~ eichc.r from Ir, 'Ois, virts; vireo, any thing round anot.hcr :--but wlim • w"apptr "is
11iridis : o.r fro1n E-e, {)er; quOd tum vil'ui in. , ufed to .fJgnify what is -.:0tn1nonly caUed .a IHujt·

· · WOST l"
cipiun~ Yirgulta,. &c. L it-t. wif1, it may then be derived. a 'p,..,,1,., fuo, '"'/"';
Sax. p1t:an·; f&irt; Belg. ,wtlm ;. 111 faw with a Mtdlt; 1ncaning ..tliat filkcn, or
·, WOT ·. · 'feu.c. wiffe.11 ;/<ire: Gafault. deflcetit1 lihen covering, in wh'ich ·a' )'~Png!lady keeps her
WOTE ab E1lw,JC1•: mallem fatcem «/4•""',; 11ittllts, '1,hrtatl, ;&c. ~ ice RAPBE.R·: . Gr. ·
p~ferttm· Sax • .ptt:an, ii Lat. <Vitlto: Ski'n ."-' WRA-STLE , or ·r ather wrafslt .; commollly
the Dr. has not given Cafaub. a fair quotatian; wriccen, and .pronovn.ced wrtft'/<, but clerind
·for hls words are." 1'..Jw, "''"• lfll'Vi,· fdo; " a 'p'"'""• 111/iJo, dtji1i11: Jun."~ lo ,,ft, or
· Angl. wot~-; ••.,"l"'• I wott not:" -now it would /brow down. ·
· have given the .reader 111uch greater facisfaaion, WRATH ·: Cafayb.. i1 .v~r;y: p.rofound. on this
' if the Dr. could h:i,vr difcov~red from whence·the art. whi~h .he w,ouJd ,c\«ivc &. ·p~, ·a.,.!;rwa ;
Lat. {)idto was derived,; he would not perhaps' qua:vi~ pa.vs ·oolppris i •fed,pcculiuiter .-a "'r-'"
have allowed that vidt1 canie fromJ!1/,.,, ..;.,, .,.,.., fa<ieJ, vllilus: et- bi11c credib.itc clt.Angl1cum
{)iJeo,jcio; bccau'fe chen it. would be Gr. wrath pro ir4 m~, ut ct H e.brzis. "JM ~r
- WOULD ; ·" Belg. w011d r J'eut, wofte; vtl-. 'plurali ,1)!81t' t·~ -vu/1#111> llfo...,.•.,, tum ire
km: S.kinn."-:-hc then ,er~rs w to· will; and ac- ligni691J!~:".,a.nd ifl(lecd 1111 faee,,,or. t:IJtUl/-.U-
k11owledges, that w_iil is· derived a v1/#1 and wlo . is thc ·feat .pf tpr;dlb. r but ftill rbis; may be too
a ll•~..,.a.,,,.,...,; 10 will, or be willi•(· · diftan~ a dcr.iy~;.· llnd c~i:efore, it might be btt-
WOUND, . or '111 i ". Ov1aw, •Wf'., 'IJ14lntro; ter, with Skmn.:t0 ·0env.c:.thc . word =~ii. Uniply llr

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From Ga <Ii 1.C, a;d L ,A1 t:lf•

:al) !!:~,...., luljfo, irrito, I ,, f#'19oU 0111 '!••""'· 11el ,:, ..~" ~. flb/i'{tl,/D, trlfVl lfS •
to ·flJl"11th, ·I# ""l'• or #lllfJI n gn<; , twiftu!, ainJu,. :or . beaJ foot11 tile : r.,Qj/Ug411
.W·R'E.N. ''[111111, 1rol'bi/RS: J' NoellP, J'Jl2lll Cl[.o : pojitio•. . '. . ... . .. . •
ponitur li~idinefus : Ju~."-thi1 might le4li- '"' WR:INKLE.; f ' Su. f!J\lftcie4 B.clg-<•infflA•'
co &riv~ the narne of tnis Jitde bird, which is wri11,kelt11; r11gare; at Cymra:ls r~li.. er.:.r/ligpl;­
(o very libidinous, a •p,.,, jf110; undc r111, rt11i1 1 qul!D :abfcilfa volunt Q:'P,wr..,, ..vcl ;p,'"°'' fti#f};jtb;
t~ rli111.. . ucrum vcriua, peritiorc• ,dij11dl.cavuint: L;y~::-
W RETCH:" fentit Cafaubonus vocahulum Vo.~ dcrivcs "~ :,,._,•. 1,:11u7•r, ut r11g,, ,cr. ~..;
.Wr.etth .non ipcommodc polfe · dcdu..ei . a 'p,.x_lfor, cft c.r ,Lati.num, ct Gra:cum, :i. ;p..,., hoc db~.
vd · ·'P"Y.•l'>K, {!J~rumq\le ·cnim ih:abet fchpliaftes lr,llho ~ ,rag• "mim aliudlnihil ...ell,, q11am 11ucis. hJ·
Soph·o d isl a/aftw, lnagnonm1 maJor1un .Ur.fior. plicas, ct ·quali fa/4.0I ·<'!-..Jhlg dcri¥ar
Hefycliio' quoque, 'P'"x•r•e dt <).~•-, f4"1<a>.• .... tion ufl(joub!Mly. fu.ira,i:pe 4 ac-in·word ~.ra,~;
x•eY~.. : ac mi hi," fays Jun. ".nunc No1;abulum 1;>111
'Vliitcb longe 1impl·id us '.v.i~tur polre· '1 sax.
'"K""' .ia « .u 'fl»:i!tile ; ·die· ditf.cr111~,, .js not nauchi~··lince both..rhe.:Gr. 'Words

· pflZCC&,. e;rfl]:; piorfu~ '.Ut Angli fuum 'lfl;a/cb l e- lignify to draw "P lbt fain into wriid:lt1,. p;
cerunc ex precca ; vigilia ; et mat<b .ex mecca, .et ro11gb11e.f!is.
6t"m:rcca, par, <ollj11x (both • ~hich OWOl'dS -are WRIST I " Sax. Y.YI'~ I Cil,-PUJ: vcl verbo a
Gr.~ .-.u:q ue ica w r1:ch;·'fJim·a · fll_l llgnifica:cioll<!, to wrfjl; quia fc. 11la, qua res 1x1orq1um11J, in
1J<11kttl 1 fecundi v.oro ,erR11t11ojullf., ac .tttfjer;",.., t4rp# pm!c\puc lita cft : .fui priµs pue(etp :
dcnotaverit :!'-....4>ut both ypecca, and ~P..~•;•r; Skinn.''...,..ul\(Joubte,ily .; bcc;aufc. wr1J. .is .dcrivcfl
1nay. ' pcrhap~ ·• , d,du <ied · <thei_r- orisin from froin the .G t •.and is not Sax. ;.....nGl!l, the ionly
,,., Wrltus ; .ovd l dlJC"i-/P•tr.t1 ·quali x ..7..,,7...,..,, poinr, to .know rhc true force and f.,he
rwi'kd, and /pitted .0111· an Helxew ·word: ex- Sax. word •J'Yprc; ·aod -whether it be an.original.
prcffing contempt. · WRITE: Clcl•.W.ay. 90, tells us, th~t I ' dllirill
WR-1GliT ; " when ufed in c:ompolition, Ilg- ia ·derived fcom w-icbt 1 WMrc the er .is H~·
nifies 4 workman; optrar-itls; as .a -)bip-Wrigb1,; .and the power 0£ rhc .117ord i.s·in ~},hJ :\:'
·mill-wright, wheel-wright: :Vcdt.''- this is true, -c~, as .we mar fay, tbe.jfr.o~e, or tbt ~rk ef.
but- not farisfael:orr ; be.caufc i c g ives us -no ·~a- pt11 .-and co Qfequcndy ..Gr• • .fee HIT . Gr. ..
fon, .,.hy w r-igbt fbould lign ify ', any •'IMRONG :.'' Sax, pp;an~; """9"'r.t1 d~torfllD';l'.1
more than able, fllonger, jhip, or any other t~r- u ndc: ppin~an; Belg. wri1'gl:e11 ; ftnngn-t; unde
1ninatiGn : let US fee then, if we can g ain any parttctp . ;5eppun0 en ; Belg. gmurongnt i / OT/II.I:
~tter information from the other ctymol. : Skin n. Skinn." .w ning, or trwifted fr01n the right pach; and
and Lye derive it from '" S a:it. J>YJlht:a 1 opero- Co far1t hc fir<.c. dcriv. :111ay :be~ ull:·. and 'prope.r:
ri11s :"-and be ic (o ; b ut ft-111 it i& <very much to but ,then he oug ht Ito have< con.fidered;· whcdie~
be doubted wechcr py)lht:a' bc an :Ori!(inai-wor-d .; both ppmian, wringhm, andjfringn'1,.mighr not
for both pyjlh'Ca, and wright, feem to dcfccnd be dcri:vcd a rle•rr•vw, I1t«-<w, }Jra11pl•~
from the fame root .w ith ·wrd1tgh1; and wroughl as unde ftringo ;' lb ftrain, .or tiijJ/n·i:from 'the path
ondo ubtedly dcfccnds fro111 work.; and work as of t r.u th· ~ .j. e. 10 ;,~ ,wreag :, ,..,,. .tho~, lVith
undoubtedly defccods from l:fy-... opus-: J o.that, Cafaub. ·~44, ·w.e might. ra,cher, perive ! ".wrong
~[ !aft, a jbip-wrigbt, mill-wrigbt, <fifbtt/-w,.i(bt, -ab Afa, ~. ,uxa, 4-111 ; '' :·h.C. hUi d1111 1111
&c. means no more, [ban ·Btr-"'1"'• a ·Werk-er on wrong; i, c. an inj11ry; nili propior ex Ycrbo.W..i"l:
'fh ips, mills, w.bceis, &c. , ...:but CV1:n then .would 6c.yr. '' l.bov.e . ,
W RING, or twijl ro1t11d: "' quod attin~r ad ' ' -VRO'.fH ·: cit,bcr {~ the .fame- roqr with
verbi origincm," .fays J un. "quoniam omnis vio- l WRA.l'H : .Gr.: :or -perhaps m~may be.a di-
·lenta contorfio r11gis opplct .res, hac racione con- i ftinttion bctw«~.lih~m, according to J9n• .~la!>
torras, atquc adeo ipfo: quoque rug.e, v t'luti -ab , .fays, .cc· Sax. ..Jlli~ ,ir;idcrur ..cff'c a : J!....t.., ;,,,.;,,_,
hoc iplO aau contorqucndi. wrbJclts dieta: pu- . '"'iffe :1•at . pqe'<Sc :or.i'gincm fortalfi: ..traxent .ca:
r-cntur; minimc q uoquc mirum .v ideri potcft, Ii· "J>.So~, U.ptti'Js 1 .undc:'Pot, .., .cxponirur •ti'4W••i -
·rcs quodammodo infeparabilcs ab uni cademque pttuoje irruo ;" to ru/h with /R'} 11•d .violtiltt '11
origine deducamus; nimirum 9. 'p,.,.,, rugojtu .:'" a"Y ow.. · · ..
·- to twill: any thing by -contor'lion inro wrinklu : .W!tG.tlGI-J.T,; -the. paft tcnfe, and panic!~•
.as in the following art. :-tho' i nclced -~ur-word of WORK: Gr. 1
·, . • · ,
-w rill[, or twi.ft, may be derived a flri•go, con.l · · W:liJR'l\RUM, •' '.onu:l'rh'Jl•J; "I/Olli : V.ctft....
·ftriwgo ; i. e. a I1t•rr•u.., I1e•n•l.,, to ftra;11, or. -'!l'ho neter fufpcd:cd- they• might . .be dcriv.ql
Jraw Ilardi ·i• .c. IWfft 11z~1ker: or clfe .from th~ {~ origin with WORTS: Gr.

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Y A From G 1..11111:, and LAT t x. ·• y E'
'WYDMEAR 1 "J-1, ttpwte, fpred wydc, or i11teUeaum fit verbum de canibus, vulpi~ufque iri
far abroad: .Verft."~ut .WII!>»Gr. .,.. . mttll, dol•re, tt 'Utbemmtiort '·anirMrum· commiliow
WYN-BERIAN, or wi11-beri•11, being n0thing, acrittt' TJ~tiftrantibus.: Jui1."•.-:.1b1 loud hDf.llli•z,
more than wilu-/Jmi11, is evidently Gr. : fee like- jbr:iil yelling, and conftant harking of dogs; &c. ·
wife GR'APES: Gr. YAWN ; " x.,.,.,,. bif<0, bio ; "to' ·gape. 'witlt :
WYNSO.M .1 •• aceording to out .now orthogr. Upt." , · : .
'Vf1i11-/01M;..i. e. ti H W.llM, or#111y.ned~ .Verft." YEA ; Niu, ita, · etiam, Jane; yu, inl!J,
-but he ought to have kno!fll rh<at S111nn1, vryn, vn:ily., ..l • • • I :

and ,,;;,. '1e alt denvcd i 11i11t<t1 ~·· ~ifb, or YEABLEef.r; " vox y1'ilhk manifefte oi'ta eft·
win I and th&t 'fJiluo is derived Nox.,, by ttanf- a Sax. 0cable ; pottns.; .er proin<ie yta6"-fa fonar
pofidon z...,, 'fJi"'' 1 11 ''"f""· ad vcrbUm pott)J ita j e babtre : Scotis. ahlt-Ja; ii
. WYTE; " ala1M, rttr•cbt: ·V erft." - this m11y bt fa: Ray :"-but ABLE, or ABILITY,
fccms to be nothing morf!:than. an abbreviation, and SO, are Gr. "
or rathtr a dilfere1u dialca fair TW i:r ' and if YEAN; Q/1,.,, ' " Ptt"'" do/to, parltis dolori#IU
foi it.ii Gr. cr,,.ior, pauurio; Jo 'bring forth JOWlg> to
luor, or .tra'IJ,al/, . .
•c ;..
Y. YEA.R1 "~'"f> '"f"• 'IJtr, annus ;· quod a fltrt"
.... annut[f -lti alljpit_prilll«r; et pars pro toro:
ACf:iT ;. " Au10<, gtnas nafJigii ufluarii: Cafaub•.and Upt."-tke fpri11g; or ptri111e Ii;.. of
Y Skinn." /1 light, ltimbh pinlflltt, or jlyboat: /)H-ytar : ~iti. fu.ppofos the to be dc-
.._the Dr. allows- this to only. an .allufion, nof! ab '"'" " :--.!wt even then it would be Gr,
a derivat·ion; .becaufe it is Gr..:-..·th.en let.-us ·hear, , YEA'.RN 'v" Of""I"'• 1'Wllt• :, Skinn."·-1~ k;
the Sax. : ." yacht," fa,,s.he; ' ! a Teut. jagt; il llllJ'IJtd·with .tompajjjo11: his bowels Jtttn11d ·o n his
.,..erbo jagtn l 'fltnari ; q. d. navicula ':lmAloria, brother: Gen. xiii. 30.
prcpttr u/eritattm :".....,.,.. h1'11tit1t•"""• OK at.taJtlli YEATHER,; "'rli1M1t 1 Sar. eob<>Jl-bpyiie i
of 'iti-Jwiftrujs :-but, i( it .was called a ya.,bt, ftpit fratiio : WC iri the South:,'' fays Ray:: "ufC
becaufc iG.frgnified hllflting ;.. -a'od , if1 buntmg has this 7 word in repairing of hedges:., tatbff:ing of
any .connexion with:jpied; and •if fpud e•prcll'es htdgts being the bindiog ·of the .tops with fnull
only.. jwiftnefa, then th.e De's. etym. is a more fticks,; as it were woven oo the ltake , ..-rbis
violent . allufion the Gr·. dcr~Y. might lead us to fuppofe ~hat it ought to be deriv-
,.. YARD, . or mttifure : " hue forte facit illud ed from thc .fanlC root with '1'EDDE, or teathir.,
1-lefych:' fuys Lye; rae·"'*v, ;,.p1.., M<.,.,1..ic, et ealbtr, J'tather; meaning no more than TIED.
p·a ulo poll:· f11e•e•;. vfrga; a rod, twig, or wand: rogetber, ;. ·if' fo, · it is Gn
:.....thefe words however· fecm to be but modern YEL-AMBER; on ly ·a conrr:iG'don of YEL-
Gr, : it might be better therefore .to derive the LOW -AMBER: Gr. and·L at.
word yard immediately a'IJirg•, quafiyir1a,y11rJ: YELD; " v.cteribut joh:e£t ; Belg. gdd,tn.;
and 'llirga-_irtt-lf: is·Gr.: fee VERGER : G_r. Alman. gt/Jen; Iceland. gel/do, eft folvtrt dtbitilt11•i
" YARRISH; =·~•;, ·ariti11s; tlTJ~ r:ough to Sax.. ;;1lban, ;i;el'Oa,~ ;i;yl'Qan : omri ia '.unt a
·the ·raft• : .or.perhaps it may be only another Go1h. gild.a,,.: Lye; -and. thus would .th1s geri-
di'1tea . fot · barjJ, quali ba,rif/I, conuaacd to d«t>aa, · and many otbCI' ctymol. run thro' 6fcy
·HARSH .: Gr. .. thoufa-nd Northcr.n languages, r-athe r than •C-
Y.ASPEN, or yttfptn ; " as much as can be ta- knowledge that they were all defcended from the
<ken up in both.hands joined.together: Gouldman Gr.·~ for al~ t-hefc · molt cv?dentl.y de.rive from
'?'Coders it vola, feu tJNJnip1tlw t .f-0rtean i..noftro GOLD. i, e. 11Jonry :-confequenily Gr.
fr•fpmg ., illi!a. propter ~uphoniam licera anina YE.LK, common~y;. but en:oneoufly. pronounc~
'"'f· it gin y facillilna fane, et vulgatiffima ·noftr~ ed the yalk o( an egg; hut evidently · d•cived
:lingu:ie. murationo. tranfounte 1 q. d . •quantum fro1n YELLO\V : Gi . ;is in the rtex1 art .
' ·qu is. voliJ comprehendere · potell ' Skino."-but YELLOW ,; Mi>.o, "'''• mcllew, quafi ytlkKs;
·GRASP is Gr. . . . • h•ney, or any fubftance of tbe calor, and 'colljlf teea
YAWL, /J•wl; "la>..11..,, J"l"f''?"" I0111entari, of lto11ey·; as the y,tlk. of an tgg, ·& c. -
. .fl~tt,""!tuhris <{tllt~tnn· ; '! tlll)llTJ//111, bowling noifi :· . . YEO- MA,N ; " ~lg. gaw, J!''.'l t"U:. efr pag11~;
Car..uo. and U pt. , ·' . ,et gaeman f;.1fi1s ell: nuola·i!j11fdtm pag1· ; gaif~J•I ;
" . ''¥ AWfJL>..;: either. another ·dialelt.for, the for"-' ,.J~!ej.-ens eu11dem..p(lgllr» babitans; ad q.u~ AJ;gl.
i i;:ajog · :r~t. .or " ,videtur.,elfe· ex. x..>.a~~., quod! )"(0/#41J quam · p; ox itne videtur nacc;deic ; arque
· J-Iefych. cxponic 4!o(l11»; e.~.p,.,~ ut pco.pric oJi~ a~cp frif. ggt, ,e~ g<Je!!1e11 n.1aqif~ftc: o~iginem fo•!li
, I'.........
. , .. •
.I rr.:

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y 0 From Ga1111t, and LA ~ 111. y u

pnie (e fcrunt ; tanquam qt.iod lint a r ...., r., on· a Gr. fubftantive, viz. 0 1,. 1, via.; a road, patb,
quod non ·modo terram in genef!:, ·vcrum ctiam or pajfage. ·
quandoque' ingentem aliqucm tcrrarum tracrum YOKE; " Ztoyor, jug11m: PJat. .,...,., {vy..
ugniJicat: Lye:" - a 'fJi!lagi, or large tountry .,..Q,. •1• '"''I'°" •• ,...,,,.,.., 1xaiJ..••" Upt."-a yokt,
t/lwll 1 alfo an inhabitant of thofe places :- it wbith unjtes as it were .Jwo in one.
feems rather bet.tcr to derivc ·yeoman, with good YOON; various dialect for OVEN: Gr.
old. Vcrfr. 2z1, and 331, fro1n the Sax. ";;e- YOR.E : " day1 of yore; ·on6eap-'ore;;um, oli•,
men, by tu~ing the 6C into· JI; for in modern q11ondam : Skinn."-.who fecms ~o rcit it there,
Tcut. it is written gnney11 ; and is afmuch to wi1h complacenoy, as·if it was purely, Sax.:
fay as tfflOll ; and then varyed into yeoman ; -but on tracing the Dr, a · little . backward, h~
which, rightly vnderftood, lignifycth a comnron- acknowledges, that 0casi lignifies year ; and tha'
1r:"--but now; according to the _genius of his Cafaub. derives year " ·ab ·E ae :. mdius,:" fays
fa-roritc language, gt fcems to be no more than the Dr. " deducere pofi"um a Lat._ Jiar.ia 1 q . d_
t1J.c Sax. prepolitive article, which is placed be- ditrum /""'- ·"'-how melius!
fore an infinite number of words: gt-t#tll, there- -for di11ria is Gr. likcwile :- 1her.e is, .however,
fate, will properly tignify ./ht """• the folk, the another deriv. that defcfves ' t c;>. be mentioned,
PHIU; i.e. on1 of lbt t-11101111lzy: but· 'M AN from Ray's preface, viz. ·yore fecms to be but a
ia Gr. various dialca: of before, or e're-while ; i. e. 'days
· YES.; N••, tlia/'11; yea, 'fJtrily, i11 lrulb: fc,c pajl lo11g before 11ow: only now again, t his gcn-
01'S I 0 JtS ! Gr. . . tkman is unlucky ;.;fo,}J1-jgr1 i$ only, a S~. aug,-
' YESTER-d~; xe...., Att. i;>ro Xlrr, htfi, anti- ment-arive· of F.O.llE ~ G~. _ r
qtllJ!ll•pro 'her1; ii beji, htfltrnlis; tbt day btfor1 Y'-OR-K,.foir.~ ; . Cler. ·'\f.oi;. 7, te)ls us, "tl\jl'~
lo•dllJ l the day la.ft pajl. . ." rtn'k is but a contralt;ion of r-bQ1'-1'ticb.; lhe-.
YE.T, nroertbeltfs ; " E.?o:, tamm; 11otwitb- Nortbt1'11.. region:" and in p. 193,. he fays; 1bat
jla11Jing : .U pc." · • · « C8r, or Hor, is the ctymon·of Corns; the Nortb·
YET, fl.ill, bitherJO'; "'£1,, aJhui; t'IJtll It> tbis wind :"-bur, under the· arr .. ORK-NEYS, we
prtftnt time: Cafaub. and-Jun ." · have fren that Cor, Flor, and Carzts, are Gr.:. and
· YEW; 'T,.,, ululo; to bowl, to 1ry, 10 •vail; as for REICH, th;it is Gr. likcwife.1 . . .
l he ytW lree, planted antiendy in <bur<b )'ards, YOU, both fing\<lar and pl.!-irai.; .2::., ;tu. ; .lhou.;
.ind the boughs made ufe of in funeral rites. : /U'<• ,,os ;. yt, oi:tyo~ · ·
YIELD; Spelm. in the arc. wtrgeldus, tells YOUTH: "Sax.. jon8 ~ Bdg. jonck; Tcuc..
.\Js, that " ·yield is derived fro1n 0c1l'o,. vel 'l,el'O, jeung; je1t11gtf' ;, juve11is : Skinn."-but. we have
:fol11tio : - Ut foler; in y, trarifeunte :"-what-- already ken,, in t bc. art •. J,U.1'{10R, and JUVE.
-ever is rmdtred,.or;paid·:-,.-but ~ill itn1ay be·Gr: NILE, that _both thofe · w.Qrds are G r. t , and .all
fee GOLO: Gr. thcfe N Qrthcrn-w<>.l'ds f~em to• be but collatera.1
YIPPER.;: A•r•e.r, ajjidllus, ftduJ1u, qui i11flan- branches t>f the firll; great ftock ~ · tho' inc!eed,
J'tr a liquid fatit ; nim!Je, .11Elivt. · yo111b, and 14u1bful,. may per.haps be mote proper;..
Y LC l" t be Ja•t : fomerymes it is ta.ken ly deri,ved, with -:Cafaub. ab · Hi&.01, jUtJ111is.;, a
. YLCANJ for e11tb: Verft. Sax."-but be has y1u"g inan, advanctog.towar<ls manhood.. . ..
already. told us, that '.whil~,, or wbylc, fignifies Y-ULE·ga111ts ~ · if 'WC! ·WCtf \P u1it!erftand. d1!s·
wbfrb,; and that" in .the .N.ou h of .England they word in. 1he fen(c ·qf. jpbilee,.·tt ought to have
yet fay qbuilk :"-but WHILK we have lhewn to been wriHcn yeole,, as deri~e,d- fro~ th~ };Jebi:ew
be Gr.. . . · i,:ll' and th~refore, as we have alrc:'apy · obfcr.v~.d
YLD l oldnu l Verft. Sax. ·- ..but in the ast. 'JUBILEE., Jofcplll~ hellenifed, when
YLDRENA fjl1f't-thkrs:S OLD, ELD/lllnd ; he wrote it L.j'.l""'°'• (which ought' rather co ·have-
ELDERS, arc Gr. · . · · ·· been written Iuj'.l•A••or) if VoJT. be right in traof-
YOD; "wt11t; ytwing-; goi.g·;c it Sax. eo'oe,' latingitjobi/, ; butjofephushasexplainedjubi/t,
i'fJil, ittr fait, concejjil; he went: Chaucero yi d, I very properly by E>.•v8te••· to lignify a11nusliber1a-
'.Jttit11, y•dt; eodc:'m fen(u: Spenfer. alfo, in- his: iii, rtT11ij/io11is; and:therefore applied ·ro. rhe.Clirift.-
Fairy ~een, lib. i; c. io, fays, . · · ITT'Js<fcafon :-but if we attend to Ciel. Voe. 104,.
IIe thar tbc blood-red 'billows, lilc'e a wait~ if-' fee·rtls reafonable ro fuppo[e,. ~h:>t 'We· wen:-
On either fide difpartcd wirh his- rod , ! in p(iff:effion of: rhis.'Wor<.t loog:b~fqre. ·the inh~
. 1·ill.all his army dry foor. tllr-0' therriyod·: bitarns ·of this' ifland- undcrll:ood1 an)' ihing of
fpeaking of Mofes: Ray :''-from · all chis. it is the 1-lebrew tongue : t his gei'llknun.·then rdis
cvitlenr,. that the word } f a Sax. verb, formed, . us, " it is a Druidical inll:i.tutioa, ~ but <>O· tla:
1 fanetificat(on

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11'11\t'tifitation t;f it to (Olt!'nhife the birth of Jef11s o r (~: tbert is. bown'CI, -bet dnW,
Chrilt, the old ,_,,,, being abolilhcd, . receittd which feans to point out at. lu~; viz. -~
the natne of nov·y-'tt1t ; IN """·:!· 1<k, and by .....u, J11111ili• ; • · hMrf, • 4-tiipr•t, 11 / - ' :
contr~n 110-tl in French 1 a l~s • iolent ccym. 1CCOrdtng to· thi. 1 -r dctiv. it lhollld be -a.
th Jn from natalis, as fomc make it: and if my tcD~lf!1•
1n~moty d°" not play tne falfe in my quotation ZEAL ; " z.t.-., ul•s 1 t•11l•tio11 : Nug."._
tlf the learned Mr. Hyde1 fo v~ bttly as un- we do not uli: it in this fcofc ooly; but u ,yoe
det his own obfervation ·in 5hropfhire 1 the y•llk obli:rves, " Uor, a z,.,, f tn1t1 J ·proprie arim
logs, and the y· ufe•fires for Cllrifl:mas cheer, arc eft /'"'" ille ani1n i, qui in remul.uione ocroinx;
hot ·M this day unkno'tra ti> the inhabitlnu there, hillc :z..Ko~, 1%tlo 1"re#ffes ; · qoi>,quia.<lic :alfec.
ah(! many other lhircs ; at 'leafl: as to the name :" tus "~: ut ~.ivnlem in amorc ~ctuat, nee' :pati
-H:t u5 now· cotifider its e"ty1n.-in his former po1!'it1: ,....a 7e.t.ttfy, not only ~ n ·love, rbut•rcii-
trt•tifc, W ay. 40 , and 96, he fays, .. In the y-11k, gio.n ; which, when C•,..,icd to csccfs, brealis Ollt
or bole, or bo/i-days of December, the word ,,,,,, into violt:ncc · and pcrfocution: from the 11171#
or bofi, is purely a barbarifm of ,.11/, or the IHI and f'1"'.fn9 whioh is gc:nr...Uy lhewn in mlllalcca
days, the days of the - " :"-nd in p. 95, ht twil, Ciel. W ay. s6,. fcans to think 1that.-oor
fays, " nor cYen to this ~nt arc fome o f wotd .. ual coma from the fame fource-wich me
t he culloms of tht r<liti•• •I IN rr.w aboliihed : Dutch word zit!, which fignifies th< fotd; .1/ie
l>n the firfl: o f May, or the beginning of the an- fpiri111aJ 1[..'11«, tbl li/1, th< Wffr •/ a - , or
t ient ttlttr#J ( btl ft!IU) of the Druids, which 1111ilul :" - but we have al11:aly f«o -diu
Jafl:ed eight d.ays, t he cerefnony o f ""'Yhff was SOUL is Gr. ,
then, and is ftill obferved among fome o f the ZECCHlN " ligni6ta • #116 jrwlr. ; ucu, tlit
lower c:lalres of people : in Frant<', and efpeci- ,,,;,.,, or place ofjlrilci11z • •tJ: Ciel. Voc. ·157 :"
illly in Britany, the • -trii-l',,,,_,_/ , or cufl::om o( -this d criv. migbt ha....: pallCd for Celt. if he
gathering 1he11rijk111 is not abfOlutdy abolilhed :" had n~t told us, .~n p. r+o, n, that z'i'lc figni1ied
-.. ha• in1rnow gained d!us much, that1•11/1 fig- to ftnlu; now % rtft, and '"' an: fc> much alik:,
nifles ·th' wood, we may eafily frc ~hat the de- that they mu ft have J>oth a fimilar origin"; i. c.
riva~ion ~s Gr: ab 'T>.~,fylva 1 • - " ' ; or e,oing a ab ii111s, ab ""· a f1f1;, ii e,,..., la,,go.; lo l411tb,
INJ'"l• 1. e. mto the wood-to gather me nnlletoe; or ftrilct : vel ab F....., ab Ill/''• 111i110.
o ne of the highetl: holidays <>f antiqu ity : and this ZELO-TYPY; " Z•>-•1""'* in Gloffis Cyr. ex-
111ord bttfe ('T>-•) y-11/e, or bofi, as Cleland him- pooi~r pe/Jie• t"-1, pdlicatio ; fed non tam pUi-
fclf acknowled~s, applied to the Druidical ,,..,_ c•tru •pfa, ..qu~ a ptllicat.11 ulofJpU. proficiG:i-
i"l • became at length to be kpplicable to any tur: Volf. - • 1uio11jj, anfing from the fufpi-
feafon of joy ; and thus, ~cO\ O.rlltianity fuc- cion of adul tery in either a married nun or
cecded to Druid ifm, t he ftfti9iry of •M.y was woman.
tnnsferred to Dumkr ; for <he Oriftmas feafon ZEt'lllTH ; :2:11fitb ; that point i o t he heaYens
being the highetl: fdtiviiy among us Chriftians direa!y o verhead : A rabic.
(for then was CHRIST ·out Rcdemier born ) ZEPHYR; " z.,"t''• upb]nts, as much as
~onfequently that feafon is very proptrly called to fay z ..•,.r•<, which brjngs the .fine weather,
1n many parts of Englal:!d ·l ht J • flfl (eilfon ; and and with i t, life and health to mankind: Nug.•
every thing relati-"g to ·t hat f~aft is dc<no1ninated · -Ciel. Voe. 169, :uid 190, would derive ·this
' by the epithet y •11/e; as the J·1<fe l/og (or t he fire ; word thus,
t he ) ' "'' die, the y-iJt rbeeft, the 1-11/t rau; % ; the prtpofitive} z '-tpb-yr·11s 1 th1 Wt;1-witti,
the J•llft every thing. tbb ; pri'IJ•ti•• or Wqlmt air :"- it might
ir 1 .ir be better to derive it "from
"s; idio•dtit z'tbhir or z 'tpb;r-us; i. r.
z. ab Ap'"'f""• Oflftrd'I figoifying l /H Wttti•g, whrn
the fun is declined .in tht Wt~.
ANNY ; " ut>&<, vel ~. f•hlu, )wl- ZEST ; Zwt.r, a z..,, ftnJU ; 11 f tr•nt : and
Z tiu ; puto me," fays{:afaub. " legifTc, nl
audiYilfe apud Anglos, a usii1, pro f~u :"-
fometimes ufed for wit, or ftrithtlUtefl of «K-
11rrf•tin; that is wont to fct the table in a roar.
this etym. poi.nta out his ollitt ; • UlltlJ being ZET; "Alman. tin:uJ1; Sax. 6eonn ; Belg.
o ne who wu antiend y cnttnained ~co in courts tittni ; Goth. filtl•" ; f •JU/trt, ef{UJtrt: Lye:"
as a jefl:er, in order to raife mirth and laughter -it fecms to be nothi~ more than a hard, hutl
in the company;, either by h ia getlurCI, looks, Nonhcm dialca for iJETI', ·or chrowiDg l1Jl
s wacc:r

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Z o From Ga 11 x, and LA T 1 "· Z T'
Wattr Into the aif j and if fo, - have reco it ZOO-PHYTE I z......-11... ~h,,t• 1 '"'/111• Gr. . . . . jati.'IJ.I. plmu. which partak« both of 4•i•41. and
ZODIAC; " z..1,..,.or, :uditlnu; a circle iil 'l1tgtta6lt11al11rt1: R.z.,•., 4'illllll;et._,1.,,p/an141
tl:efplm:e divided into tweltt 6gns,.,,ftidlfllte ·,ji,, typtt. · ·
their dcnomin11tion5 from dilFcrent animals:·z-, ZOO-TOMY; z.,,7,I''"' a Jijftflion of a11ittl4!1•
. in ani•aJ: R. z...,, .,,;.,,,: Nug." ·· R. z...., a11imal; et T.1/"•w,/tCu·; tu e11111p•
.. ZONE ; " z.., Wt.gtdlua: R.. .z......,... rittgo : Z.YGlENA, z~.,........ ZJK4114; the filh.. whofo
Nug."-or rather z;.,...fM, ti•go; to girJ ; 4 zirdlt, head is fo iemarkable as to have the appearance
or·btlt. · ·, · - ·of /1 btam, or 611/ance; an.d therefore is fometimcs
ZOO-GRAPHY l z .... ,:e..,••, zo•-gr"Pbia 1 called tbt /,al4flct-fijh: R. Zvr..,jugum; tht bt11m,..
ZOO-LOGY : J zoograpby, a biflory of or /Jala•rt of a pair efj(a/tS.
lllliJuJI : R. z-, tl.llilllll/ ; et '>'~ /w1.

... ...

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~..~A .S P ~ C l M E N .of tl1e differept A L ·P H A B E T S.


t• •• ,,.;• -·~.J··· ,• .. •f ~

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Thofe Words printed with an All:crifc, are of doubtful Origin. ·

sA x o .w, A L
.. ...
A E· Froln &".
•A - . ,
BETT ,f11ppor/: this word is of doubt-
fui origin; it may be derived either
AETHRYNE : " wc.c vfe for this chc French
woo rd :ouche : Verft." ·
from the Gr. as we have feen in the AETYWD: "appured: Vcrll:."
f!>rm~r Alph. or clfe, according , t!> L ye, it may AGAIN; S:ix. ~ 0en; ittr~m, r11rfu1, a(H/Jt }
b'e deduced ab Iceland. beita; i11,citare; 10 e11co11- a repetition. . .
rag;, .u1cit-e, affi.ft. . . AGIJ~ -r;
" rt'to111pe11je : Verft."
A -BOU T: "Sax. i'lbut:an, Ymbut:an 1 cir- ALFRED, or AI...U RED, lignifies ptatt. :
' ""' : vcl a13elg. b111t11, quod idem fonat; quicqu id Vcrft.
enim aliu.d a1nbir, panes ejus exteriores, .i.e. ex- . ALLE- MAGNE {Ciel. Voe. •i3• fays, " the.
cimam fuperficitn1 attingir, et obvolvit: Skinn.'! . ALLE-MANS S Gauls, the F rench, and.
-whatever furrounds, encompa.Ue1, or enclefes an-. 'neighbquring countries, and they alone, gave ·to
Qther. . . . Germany the name of dlltmag11t, froin rhe ri ver'
ADELGUND} {ET HEL-,} Maynt, or M,tbaigne ; which lignifies che middle
A DELsTAN fee GUND, .Verft. water, or boundary ; thence they called the.
. A DELULPI} . &c. . . inhabiiants Alla Meyns, or people btyolfd 1b1-
l \ DLE: "Sax•.r'Eblcan; 111trce1, pr41n;u111; vox Mtyn.''
Linc<?! nicnli agro tt!itatiffima, quod iplis /alarium, ' ALLEMAIN, modulus Allcmannicus ; a term·
';'el p1:.emi11111 mcreri, d,clignat_; ex pra:pofitione lo- in 1nulic; but fec,ns to be deri~cd fro1n the fore- .
q uelari Sax. 6d; rurfus, ittrum, dtnu.o; et lea11 ;
· going arr.. · ;
.Jiipe11di11m, mer&es; Skinn.'' - a reward, folary, ALL-ODIAL : Judge Ulackftone obfervcs,,
or rtfumpt1!fe. . " that accor.ding ro Pontopp!da!', i~ his Hift~ry o(
. 1\ETA, tbta, or egbt a; i·nbtrilanc~s, or O'U-'lltd Norway, p. 290, rhe word odb hgnifies propr:t/41 ,
.Puffe./Jions: Verft. . and aµ, totu111 (which, however, c;lefcends fro1n
AE'[ HEL -:UO!l E N-111an, or" t1hr/-/;orm-111an; '01\o~, .talus ;) hence be derives tl>.e od~:all right;
·a 11oblt-borne-ma11; a 11obk-ma11 bornt; alfo a in 1bofc countries 1 and hence too .perhaps is de-
gn11/ema11 by birth': Verft_"-but the lac.rer part rived the, udal right in Finland, &c ..: now t he
of this compound is not Sax.; for ~oth born, and trantpotirion of theCe Norchcrn fyllables odb-all
t11a11, are Gr. into al/, odb, will g ive trS the true erym. of a/lo-·
3y Jium,

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A R From S A lt o II) &c. A W.
li11111, or abfoluce property of the fe11difts: fee ARNULPH, helper of honor: Verll:.
· f'E;lJ;l~.~· &~- ·· ~ ·. ·,;- :;:..~ ·: -.:=-=-· :-~F-A . . ;;B:t:1S1t1-.:;c;ttr~e llomp'O'Un<t:lif Gr~
AMPLFR ! "'Sax: itmP'f!C; Ompjic i 'lltJrtx :·ver and Belg. i"orqili is derived' trcim K<fK· or, . t1rrii1,
a 1 'eut. tmpor; tmpor htbtlt; elt'lltJrt; q. d. cul is tJrtus; et b11fium, vu Igo foramtn ; unde " arckl·
tlwatio ; a tumor, pujlult: Skinn, and Ray." !J1iyfe, vel hauk-buyfa ; i . e. artus b11fius; qui, ip-
• ~N!)Cl-15RET l Ciel; '{~ 67, - n,~. fll.ysr 'iju lt' 'Pol. Vitgilius, appe"llatur a ftrtfmilit, quo
• ANC HORET J "-aii·kN'·1gh t ti Celuc- fig-· ignis · in pulvereti1 fiftula concentutTl·immtcritur;
nifies one who wi1bdraws himf•lf from tht commu- . arcum ne1npe vocant, quoo pugnantibus fir, inllar
ni1y: an, privative; kir, community; 'and igb, arcti;,: Jun."-co which Skinn . adds, " fdope-
frequenl er, or haunter: this word a11-kfr-ig~bas ~um; feu tormencum n1anuarium majus ; ex bauk;
been al fo hellcnifed into A•"x."'r"1", a11acbor1ta; 11n<us(theDr. would not fay Oyx_•, u11&1u ; a b.ok,
~very happil_y ~t~ as- to fenle and roan•.! ) /1 or 1{rRtk') ' cc· ·6 ujfe ;' fijl11/11, -c1111alitr ; quorifarn in
faceder :"- ll:ill . th.t .r e il a pl'ii.babiiltY.~ .Of its recc'lltion' milit ia_., inllah. ar'tus ,efl: ; vd polius
being Gr. ; even according co his own <leriv.; arcui fucctlli t :"-a fp~cies of large mttjkrt, or
for an is evidently a contrat'tion of A'" : blunderbttji: an invention chat fuccccded to, and
ltir is as evidently concrat'ted a K•e-xor, 1li:cH ; fiipPJicll the ufc of the bow; and which at firft
a cirtlt, eircuit, /birt, or <ommunity : and igh might have been c:illcd, the jhooting-bow; not
may be only a dilfer,cnt d ialect. foF ith, ..i<;/11, ielu, from ittlha!X'> b~•t it:t u fo,l , ·
or dri'lltn away: t ohfeq\1encly Gr.5'- fo 1hat ,;,,. · AR VE'L -hread': " ·Sax. AJlFVH; pius, rt!igia-
ltir-igh is any perfon dri'llm fro1n fociety; f•rad jus; _ica ut proprie denocet panen•· folennicer ma-
lo live alont , at a diflance /rom iz/J cominunil ; .;;,!~~t rtligj_o/e. 50!127.~:!m _; .the e~~n"!t~'!f•n·b~ead :
-.fli'ltli"liulfcrify foine ·gloomy i1iinaea zeal ots nave 1<.ay. '
alfet'tcd volu11tqrl/1; :a'_ndr ..ftjll: h~vt: bren ca.lfod : • · £UMBRYitif rio~ a<iriv<rd :ftom the Gr. as
anaeborttt, or ancborets; as if dri7Jtll aw11y by • AU M E RY S 'in the fonner Alph. it may
f oru. · - ... .. • · ·-· · · -· · ..... ~l5?ffe " ab afitTiffi ; a ?iij)Uiiara:· '13rtti'lli ':' ac·
, ANDE DE, con/effed 1y ft cording to the proverb,
AND EDING; co~ftf!ing S er · '. . , , '. 1-leigh ho, you are n9 ;foo)l_er u p,
• AJ"1D9RN; "Sax. Un"<:ern,-1net: ; pra11di11111, l;luc the head in th~ au111bry, n.'?fe,in the cup :
flltflii;r,, 1 Ital. ec Goth. imdaur11iii1al, tr11dor11; · · ·· ' ' · R'ay :"
dinner, or afttr111Jo_1t·mcal: Ray." tile wo rd frc1ns to be rather of N ormap eX·
ANEW ST; "Sox. On-ncarer't'e ; pr~e; j11.w a: · craB:iol) .
11n1 'prep: and neape)'t:e; 'llitinia 1 n&igbbiurbf;oJ, A-WARPEN, or tr.011rpn1; thrown, or cij/":
near at band: Ray." · " wee C..11 in ·:fonie pans· of E ng l•nd a ·m•llt,
ANT LER$ ; Fr, Gall . and~ui]ler ; chevillcs, a mo11/d-vv11rp, . which is afm~1ch t o fay as ·a
ou pe'tices:cot.nes,• q ui .forrenc dil 1narrcin d'un et•. /l•tArl.b ;, ar1d· when plilncks, ·o r boords are awry,
ce~f ; 'the linall horn~, chat firf!: grow, and zre w i: fay c!iey e.1ft, o r rhey wafp : Verfl:."-but we
~alledtbe brow ·a11tlers of a d,err; or perhaps chofe !hall hereafter fee, thllt ' to •u:arp; or C'ajf, and tbt
two Jb'arp fn11gs of the buck's horns, wh·i ch g row mould-warp, are derived fr,001 iJlffercnt roots,
~ointing over ~is. eye-brows. · · . rho' bo.rh ·Sax. . . . • .
A~WEALp,- autbo,-itit , povver: Verft.. ' A \V.E ; Belg. Y<:l T cut. aeht, aebte ; obfirv.1·
. :A:P'.1;; : tho' Jun. and Skitin. have hilntecl' this· •tio, 1·ejpe{lus, • fttra _; achlttt,_ Jj}i,,,are; 10 j~e::
wo rd, chro' al.! · rhe varier( of fliapes they could : a rtgard, refpet:l, or ifteem. for ~n)' one. ·
poffibly·find in the Sax: Dan. Belg. T eut . Cambro A-WELD l" welded, or mtfldged by .ftrtr.gth:
Brir . .lcehn<J . Germ .. anc) Pucch. )anguages, yet· · A-WYLD S Verf!:." - perhaps from hence,
the Dr. at 11\'ff.' iitgenuot.iOy o\vns; that he be-. comes the expreffion to wdd irot1 togctlier, i.e. rn
lievcs, it· i's not·ckfcended frorn iin'y ohc .of thofe . beat two pieces of•iron ftrongly cogetber, and
tonf].u~s. : '' fl1fpicor .enitl),''. (ays .hc, ('·ijtiOoia1n ti1ak·e . th,cm·t1nite.
,, ·
~ni mal ilt\•d 'oli!ll ex r'\'.fricu, ct India, nunc etiam A·W YRGUD,.. "' aie11rfad, · b r :fti'angleJ, or
ex Aufl:ri li Ani erica, nobis adved um elt, nee tbrotled; wheerof -re have )'Cl, the :woorn •wur·
Europreo a cre, u tpoce frigidiori, g audec, VOC!-'lll ried: Verll:'. " _:_ and from hence likewife may
linhc aJiafq)1e sognatas .Ce,manicas, cum re ip'fii have arifcn th":t c xpreffi9 n in GnFac. iii. 13,
bnrb3ra! Afriear1re, feu ~~ icre o rig inis e!Te. . « Cliriff hacli reJ ce'rriod us from the c11rfa of the
· -~· RE.lib1Sax; ~1:tbn~ ;_ :'o~jetfare; corijltltrt~ ~~'~· o;i~1(r,nade • f«rf! for'us_; for it is·wr:r;;n,
.. A.7REB,J;: ! fto~rure, d(urnere r t o coi!Jet1ure; utrftd· 1s evC'rY, one t li :\t h~ngec.h on .1 tree: -
f•rmift, Jefpet1. . . : " }ief," fays Sc. P aul, i Cor. xii. Ji." I g ive you CD
· MNOLD~ or E1i f 110/il;' llJiho1Jir iJf J!onor: VerlH underftand, that no man fpc.aking by the fpirir of

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!: ~ Fr!!P.} , ~ J:'Q ".> ~· ; B :,A
God, ca)ieJti J.~fl\i ,11f~flrfirl,;'l Sh;9' :~c, w~ fT.'!fir ;\ t:<#f?: ~~i.Ci !f1Jcit, CJ!-}m .p,r~n:i~JJ}JC ,A,.J18li~· in
fied f9r our fins. · . . . ·: if~1f~Jil!n .Jd.-Y~<?S ,;.l)e h•IJ!16J)prl! p,,a.n\\Ps;: ,':"""
• ;. '···· . ., . ; t.11~1. t,~1~ ·&1 ll;~r111g .u~. l?!'P.k·.'lg~tQ ..to_-.~N: ,form~r
• .B, · :• : .:·, ; , •. ,qer;v:.Erftfll..5~~:G~,; ,o./!;f'ggy,J1~P.J>l• rp(!ee1J,'ffqlj,,,
, . .. . • . :·. BM.."\:-RAG: , ".::tb Jc.~1..ind . }at, ;~ol ; :ma~u-,n,
ACK: '.' Sax. ba,, Ui£f,' /,.~ie ; .4orkm; -ll!e Jl.~rnfrie1_; 6o!ua11; dir"'; .?c -.b~flf!I.; !lJ~lc1#c(rt,
B loins, ·or ebine : Skinn." · '
- .B4CK-BiI:):i.: hal£.S~., ~~,If qr.__" ..~lggans
· ip;p1·.e(ari; Th' :':-~nc1 ' "-rpg; .oppr.ohriu,mgr~·
11,{J:f, .f..,,vjilitl~s.proteJqre; :ib :l<tcl'an~ ..f?igi.a,;:<fr·
fane\l?·" f~ys Skinp.; .a,na .;wi.t!1 ~ .~n,1ly, f~rre: Lye :"~!P·//J1;owef!t.rrprpar/ge1,.o~ !arints.
e.t.ycnqlqgic..zea.l, ,he .a,a~s1 ''. S\\ivi,s 9f!l!!~~ co~- ..*.:\i/\.~P-!<ED : ha.If .Gr. h~!f,, S~x .,!! PAltJ i~
pofaioni c;onferen~~m .; (\gnific;u: autc;m f!.bfa!f.ttm kp,IJ (cpnfequently G r.}.apd. reaef, o(rathi;r, reJ,,
c@lumni.ari i abjenlis fan_1.e detrahere_; 4C~1 dero- t or dill:in.;l:!oo, -Ogn.ifi~s cou11fel, or ;f'd'1/i'fe : ,i•.e.
gare; a noftro back, ·and b;te; ·q ..d. dorfu1n ahc\li /Jo/tf eou11ceiior : Verjl:." . •
.4timordtrt, i ..e. ,ubi f.acie,m a.:t~ a.-:ertit, _1ergum :BA).J\:••F,U,L: "·S~*· ./J.p,I, a\iasJlielr f:YJl.; rr~
ob"Jt rtil, convitiis ·pro(cindere ~·:...... w revile a per- gus, · pyra, ftr.!'..e;fu11er1a ·1. ·-l~i11c/e9qnduiu ~pdj;,P
fon behiiid (\i.s ·b~ck :"~that bp,k •in~eed is qax. i;lc,g~11t~ffi m~~ph9r;<1i;n Jlril~i ;!>~Jt.Ql'!t\ ~~!i'F1a11:;
.Qiull: be a;llowed,; .but .tjiat.b:/t isfo, ''rill fc;irce · et nos . 10, ,~if&C; .Jrjjljs,_ m~us, t~nf}l;u;, ~a.­
be.admitted, after . Jun. bas faid 1 mihi ta· · menfa~ilis :·Skinn."-whatc.v er expri:lfes, qr-(apfo,s
men omnia hrec ded\lci polfe videntur. a B1•1•1,. grief, forr0$Jl, woe :-,this is .the:D.r's, .d,cr!v._r but
'O)E1us, a11nona,,quicquid v'ita1n fuftent(lt,_m~rd<11d~, Lye, with great~r. probab1ltty .deduce,s 1t ab
mar.du1a11do.; bit/en, chewed. ,Jc~l1nd; bal. bo/0 !Tlll.iw,11, pt11,11i~ies-; .. ifl, iJ;flruJ-
, B,i\DGE ;·",i 11~ene ~u ique _pro,p;ipm, ac prima tion; the"caufa of woe. ..
forte fignificatione Jpinther olim denotave,rit : u1 .Jo '!JALK a1.iy 011e ;- ··a.. <;19~11. /<ilitikgrP: (cc:
a vet. Teut~bqde, .prwbqde; ·nu111iu1 fucritbadage; BILK: Sax. , ,
,nu11li"'11> cadem termioatione, qua nunc mejjiigt
dicunt Angli; vero ex illo ba,dage, con-
B.AN J'" ba11• ,appears to me," f~)'S
."'3AN-DITTI . Cid: Voe. 16, "a P:?'1!raction
u.aCl:e ba4ge, nunc11paverint .monile i!lucl, quod ,BAN-!Sf-l . o(·bt,1(4n, (rt)µcJ1 in>t.h i, fa!nt:
.in petl:ore gerunt tabelJarii ; quo co11ft;et eos, au- BANNS . . ma11ner .as J.11re is. of fuureJ
tboritate publica inftruCl:os, i~er capclfere' :\d ex- fignifying be it Jwo;w11 ; 11~verint;, a.nd . fr,o.m hcn~e
.equenda negotia, et dcfere1idas ~abellas publicas,: the word ban·ifh, or ijhed, to figaify ·one .who' JS
: pri'!'atas, ~c. : Jun.".- thofe who bear fpm~) expellc4 the jbire, or t he ch11r,h, by .puqlie. b411; .a
mark, or token, that they ate fupported by pub-: ceremony necelfary to exile, or outlaw a o:ian :
.l ie alimony, c~arity, &c. ; , lbe ftan •f the (n1pire is a-k.ind of civil ·~xcq11\mll·
BADGER, taxus, me/es.; ~n.imal cibi ~vidum,? . i:iication :"-but' ijh. at Jeall: is Gr. : · aud 1. froi)1
~t efculea1a in longunf tempVs ·recond~ns; unde\ hence 'likewi(e comes the expreU.on o( pt\h·
~ngl ice, a 6adg~: :of corn, cll:/r11111r11t,arj1f_~, fiyel .Hlhili$ . 1he ·!Jq11.1fs 'o/• 111arri~'t_t-, i.e. il1~~iilg. the::
.rnercaior ll)~g!)anus, fruges ~nd1i1ua.que coe1nens,! :ntent~on of die parnes publicly *nown; or de.·ltlt,-
atque in un.u1n compottans : ..Jun."-diis,, how..l .ing ii publi'ly ,in tbe <bureb.
..ever, is : ~mly exp,lain\pg t be..w!>.rd b9¢ger, . i ~ , , aAR, ·9r .bPlt ; "Gall. bat-re·; .l-Iifp. ba1·11,
. n.ot, giv~ng .us the etyn1. ef it : . we nluft_. t.h~re(or~ barra ; Bdg. barre; 1·tp@gulum, pbeit, ·'IJtflis, cf4·

.cived a .f r. Gal.I.- be.dpii.f. ; .q., d. beiJ.9uer, tC)rm .

now attend to, Ski(ln. ,wJlo tells us, ~h~l-it is ~e-1 t,/>~11,m ' ' J,Lin."-a19'. b~tt. ,or.. of11qd•. ,
B-~Rl)r01;.Pr11" afmuch to.fay, as a kelptr,
..eni111 ;Ct •major·i bus n'ofiris fexum ootavit :"-this! B1\:R:T-ULP,11 or ajfiflllJJl.'OKlo .ad11ifeme~1.:·cxp!•!latron :, fo that. at laft we 1nuft have, BE:R1~-Ul.i,Pli · Ver!l."-confe14u.crtt!y half
reco,urfe co bi~ forta~~ ; ·,m.aJa, '!'flJfil/a i , Sa,•" half Gr • .r. • .
fl· d • .b..:,t}tfr ;. 1. e; .v<1l1clis ·111;/lxill.IS· prmd1cus; , ;ec: J;l.ARKEN; . '"ye! a Genn~ bergen.; aij;•fftUrt ;
, :~ft . fan~. ani· !"°r44ei.ffim11111.: :,?!Id ~yen . ve! }\·Sax, B/!op:.z;ao ; m1mire; q ._ d. b 'us daefu~ i
ccym. 1s as applicable t<> any other ~aft, a.s• •4{r.s11JJ•: Sk111n." ·a·court-yard, .o r any enelifure.
the badger :'fee . GRAY~bppf!d, ) h t.lle former .,BARLEY : , ,.Sax. Bepe; bordeuin; a .J."'aini
Al p,h. · ! quail burlegb: Verft." · '
• BAIZE, or fi1Jt fr~e-;u ;,,if not -derived.from
::B.'\RM : " ' Salt. Bcoprn ; jlc1, . vclfp111na eert-
::th,e Gr. 4.$ in• t~e ( a!pfl, !O.}Ofr npw:1be re- ' .vijj.t' f•,.;,,tfl/1{111 ;-.the yefl.,. or. ;ujl .of .liter, when -.ti)e "' .Be)~. R_a9·; .Ti:yt. qey 1: ~ifp. ; ftt ,OJI '.WOT.k.; "Jun.''. - • •
Pay•ta, 'IJayeta; Fr. <,all. bayeue; ·l1nJ. ~a~elJa, ! . ·J3AR:N·: ':':Sax. Bepn; horrttmi.; a..Jkpe; hor.-
,,.b u rbc ,:Bo1jis, ,µbi }>rirria-in ,fatk~ ,~ft :·:Skfon. , dr11m .;. et;; , ·/a(us :. a_pl1ui , to ~re ~11rlry· ;
.CQyiut\IY!!liJIU,t~m .!fell1:cb~.l;i1f1¥11l1C\IJn J.p1111a, 1 ·tl1at.1s,. all.fort$ of grain=~ ,Skino. · ...
.· . ~ 3Y a BARNACLES

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:a A From s .\ x 6 ..i, &c.~ , B i'
iiARNACLES for borjts; " paftomis, vel pojlo- : either of which 'cafes it wo'u ld be derived froil\
mis ; ferrum qood eqoino rictui injicitur, ad the Gr.
frilngendam · ejus duritiem, forcipi fimile, quo BE : "prrepolitio omnibus dialeetis Germani·
fabri ferrarii cquis calcicronM>us narcs lhingunt : cis, prrefcrtim Sax. Teut. Be~g. co1nmunis : bt·
vidctur defumptum ex Gall . btrntr 1 (omprimtrt gottm, btlovrd ;· exponicur aucem modo ''"'' J~,
con/umactm alicujus pttulantiam, acquc co patitn- Jttptr, juxta, propltr, Jtcu11d11m, per: in compo-
ti.e ptrdu<tre: Jun."-this is a very jull: delini- · ficione frepe cir<um lignificat: Skinn."
tion, and perhaps as jull: a deriv. ; but the fol- · . BEACON, "Sax. Rtacon, Bea'11 ;.fignum, vel
lowing from Skinn. is f~ extraordinary, that it is · Jy11;zbolum: hinc res omnis," fays Jun . " in fpec-
'neithcr jull: as a definition, nor right as a deriv. : caculum edita, urpotc tropb.t:11m, pbaru1, v exi!lum,
" credo," fays the Dr. " a bear, and neck ; qui a ipfum q uoque regium /obarum, quod jlanda1·dum
fc. urvlci injicitur :" perhaps may be rhe vocaoc, beactn, ec buun appellatur : any thing
ti rel time the reader was ever informed, by a made uf~ of as a fignal.
"Pliyfician, that a pair of barnadrs were fall:en- BECKON, /q 111okt.figns lo any one : fee BEA-
'cd about a-horfe's neck: perhaps rhe Dr. might, CON: Sax. above mentioned.
in fome particular cafcs, have found the benefit BEELD : " quid Ii :\Sax. Bcla'b1an; e.vc11fare,
-of fuch .an application on fome of his patients; liberare; proprie mu11imentum a frigoris injuria :
h ut a common farrier could have inforn1ed us mry Jbtllcr, or priferoati·ve againfl cold, &c. Ray. "
··better ; that :1 pair of bm·nacles were a pair of BEER: " Sa.'<. Bepe ; bordeum : Skinn." -
·pincers, tongs, or forceps, applied to the upper barley: bur 1nuy very properly be called bnr-
·lip of unruly horfes, in order to m ake them ley-wiJ1e.
q_uiet. . BEFIET, or hebegbt; promis : Verll:. to paft
" BARRET-OUR.; "Fr. Gal l. baratter, barater; 011ts credit.
/all~e, i111pc11ere, cir<umvenire; tq 4udve, cheat, BE-fIOOVE; " Sax. Behere ;. ltu~u"!; gailt':
Jnd inopofe on : Skcnn." Behoran ; dtctrt ; Behorap ; oportef, mtereft : ·
BARTER ; "Fr. Gall. baratler; Ital. baral· Skinn." it ought, ii bebcuvetb.
tare; '-111utart, commulart 111erces ; to mal:e an ex- BELCE-1: " Sax. Bealca11, Bealcetta'li: rue-
.rba1ige 'of gilods by, truck, or traffic : Skinn." tart : Jun."-but Sk inn. writes it Ba lcc'!:"t:'an :-
'BASHAW, or rather BA'.SCJtA; " Jatrap" utrumque a fono fiClum; lo expet lorate wind.
l/'11rci((~s :· Spelman invenit in LL. Al~an. bajfos,' BE LIEF l Sax. I:idear-an : ·Belg. gt!oovCJr;
·et v11J1u, pro vajfallo, vel duce :-which would BELIE VE R J rredert, jidere, <oufelert; lo·pi:lt
· t.heri otig inace a {3«0"1>.tor :-Leucnclavius autcm lrujl, or confide11ce in ; t~ ba~·e faith.
· dicit caput Turcis fignarc; ct Martini us a Turci co BELO .N G ; Tcut. belaiig$11., nflla11gen; .fPet!at·e,.
· #efth 1 t<•pl1/ delleftit: a <.rurki}h n•blema11, or gt- prrti11ire·; to apprrtai1r-.
nero/: Skinn." BE-S'FO\V a re:wm·d·; l:iorh· Jun-. und<r the·
BAS"f.E with a nudlt; "/Jejlen, nryt11 ; Frifiis, art. jli..,,,, and· Skinn" likewi fe,. would have ™"
· Sicambris, et ·reutoniltis, uforpator pro levfler dcrive·th·is word be)h•u from the- Sax. particle be,.
;onj}ure, f arrire: Jun."-to jow }lightly~ to run and flow; i •. e. /i}(1is ; but then; as· we have feen,
"the ww!t ov&r baftily t1.1ith a nuiile 011d 1bru1d, it would be· Gr. and fignify a plau·l qfttiu, or·
· ) ejo(e thty begin lo /ow. · lay up tJTrj thing iii : but• now it bears the fenk ·
" .• ,BA VEN; fogon of britfh<vo6d; " Belg. of: giving,• io11ferri11g:; and wich Jun. under the·
, ~afl<Vet•; ·T.eur. J.awtn ; .t:dificare ; cum fiat ex ·'ar~. beftow·; and· with· M-mth'.. as·· quoted by
.' reliquls arbarom pro :e<lificiis fUcGif,~tlm·: ucrum- ' Skin n. we· might- 'rather flippofc, that it came·
que ·etimo}l rue judice incP.turrr," •fays Skinn.; . now from· the Belg . ' b~{fetlin·i q~1ali· he}Jtxt!den·:·
but gives us 1.10 better :-ir lcems, .however, to :for we-often h~ar the-exprellion, b1 I/as· 6efletidttl'
1tt<!fcendJ:•o1l'i lhe. fam<> root with BQUGHS, or : ~re'; for !;e bas:givtn me,.or done me.Jucb a favor ·;.,

" · ·
ing . to t heir. wrotched , ~li lc.rable. cot.c.a ges and ' B£-S-\.\t'Y G, Jet;fat ·: dectil
hovels :-but then JC would -~,<' Gr.. . BE-SWYGEN,, dat autd Ve111:';.
· ' J}:ti:.Ut, ll,ye;. in h<s."'4.dd; ·fuppofus this ' Blj'.-S\VYGBR,_dueouer · ,
,fthall b"aiub(I o f" tr.ees, which 'might i<l che oar- ' he. Ire has ccnfirr~d che benefit,: and m}'. wan1 is.
l ieil ages hav<e bee.r• cu~ down- co. fcrvc f0r cover- fupp!itd.· ' · '

., UA WT~ f \\"Ord 10 b~ dc•l"ed fiom chc·Succ.. . BE· TYNED ; b1Jged'ol>Uit1·; " wee ·vfe yetr
iqef'a-; ~ti k eland . .~~ul ; mu,~iru~ :." "-to kw,,. or: -i'o fome· panes of Eng] and co.fay "ty_ili11g; for· htiiK·
·6t/Jti.w; lille-an· ox : i:-nd indeed, our :word /Jaw/· ilig·: Ve-rft·.'" ; .. · ·
'li:_omi. to be either a ·contraCl:ion of cbat> word , ll.IGGBN}'"Ft. · Gall: beguin·;· 'rtal. bttbi1101
t(/.low. '· or a. diffe~cn.t dialc~. of.u// 4/~ud-;_ in · · · BlGQIN· ...,(lft11ttfr11·infr.11tili1.·;-fortc •fic dil1:;7"
' • • , '1!10dl

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B L From s Ax 0 N,
&c. . B o·
·q uod o!1m !es ·btguinu, quiedam quafi monialcs, timidus; a toom purfe mattes a b~tat merchant~
qu:E· inftar re.ligjofarurn, fed fine voto, vixerunt, Lye's Add."-or perhaps it 01ay be Gr.: fee·
'hoc oapiiis 1egurnento, difrinctionis ergo, uf:E: BLEIT: Gr. ·
· (an under cap:) (ed undc inquies, F r. Gall . illud BLEND : " Sax. Blenban; mifurt; to mix,.
/es beguinu ?-Menagius diCl:as putat a Sancta or rmngle together : Skinn." .
Begga, S anCl:a:: Gertrudis forore, Anfogifi uxore, BLIN; "Sax.11:bhnnan,. et Bhnnari; ctjfore; t~
qua!. prima hunc ordinem inftituit: Skinn."- ctafa: Ray."
Shakefpear has elegantly introduced this word BLINK- beer; from the foregoing root; i. e~
in his Second P art of Hen. IV. act iv. fc. 10, " cerevifiam 1nuftearn tam diu in vafe rdi11quere,
· where. the king is defcribed aOeep, with the donec aliquem acidi1a1is grad uni acquirat : Skinn."
crown on his pillow, and the prince watching_ - to let beer remain, or continue fo l'ong on clie
by him; who, on obferving the crown, ad'.. mafh, or the grains, that it acquir.cs a cer.tain<
·clrellcs it thus ; degree of acidi1y. · •
0 polifh'd perturbation I golden care! BL!SSO!Vl; "cene ab Iceland. 8lrjina ;fa/ax:
'!' hat keep'lt the ports of llu1nber open wide fnlccious: Lye's Add'."
To many a watchful night:- Sleep with it . " BLOCK <• Bcl'g. 6fock; lru11c11s,flipt't,.
now:- • Bl,OCKADE caudex : Fr. Gall, bloq1ur ;.
Yet not fo found, and h alf fi> deeply fwee t, • BLOCI<;-he11d co1·01ui cingert; circumjidtr.r
As be, whofe ·brow; with homtfy biggen bound, • BLOCK-boiife u~bc111: forte an q,uia oli1n >
Snores out the wateh of nig ht : • BLOCK.-up rudioribu·s h'\,culis cre!is ec
i. e. bound wit h a homely night cnp, or coarfe aggdlis arborib.u s, vel fal'te1n macbinis lig11tis'
. under-cap. urbinm ob!idione1n m·ol iebantur :· vet' a. Sax ..
BIGGENfNG : '' I wifh y•u a. good biggt11i11g; Beluccan; ctaudtre: Ski1}n.u-but now it loo~s.
i. c. a good gttting up again; vocum pro puer- · as if it came from che Gr.: f~e LOCK-up:, Gr.
BODE; Sax. Bobe; 11u11ci:u ;. a me.J!engrr. ; tY

pera: Ray :'.' - it ti:ems to be d erived from the
· forcgning arr. and ro mean a good getting en tydings brfng,r. ·
your night cap agai11; i. e.. to be able to drtfs BODI GE, prcacli
yourfelf again. . BODIUNG,preachi11g VerlF..
BIGOT ("Fr. Gall.. bigot·;J11perfli1iofu/uJ : llODUD, preached .
Bh3U fRY.) Ski nn."-perhaps int(nded for ' BODKI N l'' Sax. B?b1 0e;jfatua, trw1'ur, ji'nr
Juptr.ftiti~ft/S· ; a very f11p<1jfitiquJ zealot. BODY S capul: rnterdum et corpus 111/e-
Bl L1DA J .
Bi LITHE an rmag.e: er....
V n. .; a body : unde badki11, qua(i bodyki1~;'. acu,»
criJ1a!is, corp¢11/J1Jn, prop ter tenu1tatc:n: Sk1nn."
BILK; Goth. bilai.lmn, quod. propric llgnili- -any little body ; a bair pin. .
cat injultandu i!l11d'1·e, alique1n dolis fal!ere, de- BOG; "Belg. vcf Teut: bodtn; J1111du11i; vel ab>
&ipcrt, a/i(tn -uerba dart : 10 cbeat, or impoje upo11. H ibern. bog; mo!lis, fe11tr ; lllcus. paiujiris, li111oj11,
BILL of a bird; " Sax. Bile; rofln1m; the ca·1,,Ja v01·ago : :" -a muddy, quaw, mfry1
/Jealc of (1' bfrd•:·Skinn."-to wlrich he has b old ly place. . . . .'
ventured to add ; "allud it Gr. llv1'"' janua; quia , BOGGLE, or doubr; from the foreg~mg;
avls roftroi tanquarn jm1u,r, cibos infcrt ct ac- root; '° quafi ut /1110, feu lacuna, bd'rt1'e; frufha
.:ipit :"-and fo d oes every othe r anirr1al : this nicente1n lit te. expedias: Skinn." to duubt, . to·be
Gr. deriv. therefore is by much too forced .· ' in dijficul1itJ.
BINN; ' " Belg. Jteima; quod ling. Gall. genus ' BOLE l o/ a tree : "' Iceland. b&!; arboris t1·un ·
eorbi~, dftdJ ; item "rta panaria ; Speln1:":.....a BOLL.S ""; tbe body of a 1ret: Lye's Ada :~
J.reaJ:baftet : and now ufed for any place co· de- -tho' perlraps generally· undtrftood onlY. o f the:
polite things in·. · bark of che. tree., . . .
• BISl'v1ER, or byfa1n- .• "m•r; or m~ar, i's our BOLLED: " o r1go 1•oc1s pe~endn .efi' ab ant1q,.
ancient Eng lifu woo rd for falJle, fo as bifmer is ill Brit. boll ; f ollicu!us; linun1 foll1cu losgermilfabat.:
famti or: blafphemy : ·VerR ." But the !niter part of . Exod. ix. 3 i.: L ye 's Ad~:"-in.tbtbod, or feed, .
6hi~ compound bij-mer 1s evidently Gr. and d~- . • BOOR: 1f .n?t derived from . the;.Gr: as, 10>
f:cendtd' 'l-M•e-•~; 11erb11m,fer1110; a w~rd, jptec/J; the forrner A·l ph . 1t n1ay ·coo1e from' bo; Goth ..
or~ <!,S he calls· it, fame . ~p-pid11m,, l}~e vii/am·_li,gnifica~1e," fay~ Shering.
• Bl'!Cf.l; " 'Sax" Btcce, vel poti us B1c e ; p. ?.7·1 ;. " in-de Gotloic1~ genubus· boel'; vd boor,.
1anie11la, 'C.anirf<•miiur : JunY- a f(IJ1a/e dog.:'- o.r ' ill ruflicus; vi!licus, q iu vii/am li~bitac :"-~ rou11-
pcrhaps it may be Gr.' as in the former Alph. try doum; who never was beyond his own 'Ulllage..
BLEA.D ; ' " frute ' ' V trft.'" . . • BOOT,. <ompenja11011; " Bot:; Bot"c-; eom-·
. :• • BLEAT; fearful; : " /lla1uh1r 'l cclaodis t'f1: penja1io11js gralid, f!1tisfa{lio.; jomtlbing' givt n as•
~ iml

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{'rom S 4 l! o "• &c. ;s ·<R
o" at!Jitionn1 .va!ue in txt1.t11!lt: Skinn:"-" it iJ, fe-vere is the Dr. at ptcicnt on tha.t ·ttui.y learned
a yieldilrg of "a1llendu: Verll."-it feems however ety1nologift. . ,
to be Gr. : foe BOOT, or profit. _ BRIG.ADE l'"Fr. Gall. briga,,J; .pl. -kti-
BORRO\.V; " Sax. Boii;i;1an ;, ~elg. bo1;gbtn •; BRIGA~TIN"EI ganJ; latrt>neJ; -,quia. .pira~
111r111f1/m 'tl"art; to 'l~11d, ~o ajfijT : 'Skinn." • his navigiis, urpote levioribus, -<:oque raagis·ex-
B01' S: " ncfcio an a Fr. Gall. bate; f afcis; peditis, in latrociniis u ti fokbant : ·M eoagius
in 'equis frlm'brici; quia fa: pc confortini toll(~afi, ct deducit brigand ii B(iga11tibus, oli1n :Bfitllnnia:
1nutuo im-pie.<i; excernuncur: vel forte ii Sax. Septcntrionalis incolis" la1roci11iiJ inii1111ibµs: our
'l31t:in; mor1iere ;' quia fc . l111nbrici morfi ci1ti0Qis Northern gencry . would n~t be greatly plea.fed
-rcnti.un exhibent : Skinn."-chis latter quia feems wi th chis compliment of the .Dr. on ;tbe.jr an-
to be but a !hange reafon; becaufe all worms, in- cefl:ors : " fed quoniam voce1n hanc brigtms olim
Cldcnt to animals, caufc the like fenfation. milius frmplicicer figna!fe alliri~at, ·mallt.m for-
BOUGHT: the · pall: cenfe, and particip. of mare a Fr. Gall. brigade; cobrof, 111rma, agm.m
BUY: Sax. - milit11m : et fanc inter graJ!rzlor;ts ct ntilita parurn
'B0U'N ; " ' forte a'Belg. bouwe11 ; to build, or intereit :"-nod chc gentlemen of·the.f.word Woll Id
rnal).ttre; hence ufed to Jignify drefs, and undrefs: fcarce thin k themfclvcs obliged .~o Mr. Skinner
· i:lnd'fomccimes it is of.,d"fubitancivcly for awo111a11'1 for this compliment .
· gnrmeilt': Ray." BRIGHT ; " Sax. Beopht; iticid11s; :Alman.
· BOUT; " lirft bout, fecond 'bout; prim,e victs, btrbt; daritaJ; el~arnefs: Jun."
·;u1111d"1 vices, &c. fufpicor ·hunc modu1n lo- BRlNDEl) ear; " ii Fr. Gall. brin; v irga ;
. quendi 1nutuatum ab animofis aleatoribus, c;iui, 'Uaritg.1111J: Menag. :·-~ny mixture of colo•s ;; ,.
· cum· perdiderint, nt>n ce!Tant perderc ; dmn lu- firta>.J . Shakefpcar, 1n his Macberh, acr. iv. fc. a,,
'dcndi calorcm alunt, vana fpe refarcicnd i amiffa; has given us this word ; · where he has be...un hi s
--ac ·rubiride repetunt ill ud 'fuum, yet one bout
"more; I'll have another bout wit h you ; quo fig-
WirC·hes' fcenc~ 'vi tl1.. °
1. Witc'/J. 'f hrice tbt brinded cal hath mew'd.
11\ficanc, 11nu1n adhuc jal111111 ad reftituendlm BRISTLE ; " Sax . . BJUf'ti ; Teut. b.11tr/Jtl;
rem renc~ndum cfft : nimi rucn Gall. boutt r ; Belg. b'rjiel ; f eta j:iilla: ·Skion." - the ftroog
Ital. bu/fare; I'Iolland . . botar c!c j acert, proji- hairs, g rowing uprig hc on the back, and mane
eere; Belg . verb 'bot ten, non modo eficert, vel of a wild boar.
projicere, fignificat; fed et aleas pr:ecompoficas B.R OACH, or pcirct l" F r. G a.ll. brocbe; IcaJ.
fi·aud11/e11/er exlrttdtre ; to ccg, or load the ditt: BRO.I\ CH, a fpit S brouin ; 'Vt rtl ; brueber;
1uh.', vtru tran;figcre; hinc 111t111·e e11 brcchrJ; v a.s re-
BOUTE-FEU: " Fr. Gall. bo11ter le /tu; li•ere ; 110l'.>is l o broach a tt 1fel ; or, as \Ve feme-

ignei11 immittere; qui fc. ig11em Jubdit; inttndia- t'i,mes fay, /Q peirce it; . n1ctaphora e culina in
;riuJ : Sk inn ." - an i11ce11diary : half Gall. cellam tranfumpdi: Skinn."-chere is another
'half Gr. fonfe atcributed ro this word .by Jun. viz . dwir-
BR .'\.JD r 'Belg. breyden; co11te.<4re, 11etlere; 10 ginart; 10 deffi;wer.
'• J,ii1d, tq- /it. BROCK, tbe animal: " laxuJ, •meltJ·; Sax.
BRA.;"1GLE; Teut. brangen, pr1unge11 ;j11p•r- · Bpoc; a badger: 5krno."
·11ire, j t 'ojl'e11tare ; t o talk baugbti(y,Jpcak proudly i BROGUE of tbt l~ng,ue; " videtur.rni·h.i," fa)'s
licajl, brag, quarrel. , Lye in · hjs A.dd. " formatum effe -ab Hiberil.
• BREA'JH lif 1iot derived from the Gr. '15 brooch; r!gicnis finis'. . ~eu te1·~imu.:"-1neani.og
• BREA.fHE S in the former Alph. it may the uncouth pronunc1auon, which >IS fpok"Co on
. c·ome a Sax. Bpa'cSe; oder, /piritus; jleam, ot Jhe uutfairls, bo11ndarits, or b•rders- cf a tom1tzy,
"vapor: Milton · has applied ·t his word in a very where no doubt tbe prfJ'IJincial dialell pl'eva'ils.
· particular manner co' rivers ; · ~ROJl, over the fire; " Gal!- bruk-r; torr~rt:
'(h' animal fpirits, that fro1n pure blood arile, · Jun.". to roajl, or. parch on a g.,-idiron.
L ike gentle breatbJ from rivers pure. - BRUSLE ; " French D1'uj/er; lo /eqrcb, ·;Or
· P ar. Lo!C." Book IV. 805 . - bu1·n : the fun /Jrufies che hay; /;r.,uj/td ptas,
l3RIDGE.; " Sax. Br1c;s; lldg. ft Alman . parched peas : R ay ."
oruggc; p~11s : Skinn.'"-any pa!fage conftructed BRUSTLE-up, qua!i br.ift!t.up,. feJas erigerc,
over a river : " Cafaub. defle..:lit,'' continues ut foknr irari porci, erin.acei; ~c· hyftr,i ces; to fet
the Dr. " a Gr. r,~"f" : nolle1n dictum ; ·quis up, or erect the. BRISTLES: · Sax.-therc feems
enim' p.bns duas tam diffi1as voct·s, Ut Y<"'f"'• Ct to be great probability io rhis d~riv.; and ye~ it
''J,fidg_e, conjunxerit 1 ~imis brevis ille X esxis, n;iight not be· altp.gether foreign'. to- fµppofe -that
qui Europa1n' A fifl·mifcuit :··-Jo elegant, and fo hr11j1lt 11p was but ~-N,ori~~tl) dta\.«lfo{, /mtaj/k

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B· u' From . s A lt 0 N j &c.. B u
f1Ji; '-·e. to .make. up 'to' ·a pcrf6n with a bjgh, . of the fong, which fee1ns to C'!rry the v.iholC:_
trtfled·breaft, as if" he· wo11lcl pufh him down.: - . poigna11.q of the fianza. .
onlr. now· it \l:ould be .G r.:. f~e BRJ;:ASl' in the BUREAU; Gall: efpece J.e t4bfe q plfl./i.e~rs.
formerA;tph. · . tiroirs et tabftflu; a. cj;ejJ of drawer1, a far11t•re:
BUCK of a tart; ·Sax.·buck; tb,e btlly, or body there is fcarcc an): 'yord h<\s deviated more frnJ11..
of 11, cart, • . . its ori,g.inal in.tention, than now befo~e us ·; ..
B~C~-bo/}et . " T eut. $.tUUtbe, baeuthtll; which fcem• to be deduced a b11rat; ~ cot1rf! kind
BVCK, or wafo· · labJ·'f", li,-<ivium, lolorium, of wco//en fluff, of a du!kilh colQr, ~ith which
. tfOCK·E 1' · ft1e!lt1,fll'u{a : Jul).:i_ndSkinn." they 1night originally have co,vcred tlie tables o.f
BU.CR:.tNG-tub - a. leather PtJ.i/ ; or ai>y /sub council 'cbarnb~rs, and boards o( ju.ftice; whr nce
1'effel; ufed in wafhing: · · t!ie e1<pre!l'ion bureau_, parrie des juges de Ja
BU.CKRAM' ; " Fr. Gal! . botirgram, bougr.f111 ': g ran{! cha111bre de$ parle1nepts de Franci:; Jl)Ca n -
olim inquit Fl urius pro lineo pa~IJ.~ fu.btiliffimo, iog tbe Jab/.e, at which they mtec, cQveced now.
fbTtafil: et l11neo, ufurpata dl ; ec rum potu it de- .with fl enrptt; fro111 whence ihe expr.eaiop takes
Aefri a F r. G... 11. bbifn·e ; vil/111,. feu f/•ctu,s .its o rigin, of an affair being b1·0,l!gb1 on Mie carpet,
fan~: Skinn:'.'- this latrer fpecies is now v~ry 011 rbe rapiI; i. e. b'eiAg l•id before the judges:
foldom ufed; our pref.:nt b11ckram is' made and now a bureau commonl y fignifies a table, or
of lin~n. drjl:, which has a pitc.e of d qtb fafiened in . ih.e
B.UD, or blojfom ; !' ~tlg. botte; Fr. Gall. 'l>o/1- top 1<i wnte on. . .
1pn ; a bulfon,gem, ?~germ: ~kinn." BURGEN l both Jun. and Skinn. deriv.e ,
·BUDGE; " Fr• .Gall. .ba11§•r; Jt movei:e ; to BURGEON J tlieJe words it Fr. .G.1ll. ltour-
movt, ro/Nr. :. Skinn.'' ·gcc11; germe11, germi'nntio, gt111ma :-' bu t the Dr. is.
• BUF-FE'f', or lmfet : "S• x. Beob; 111e11Ja; willing to trace it a li1tle fart her, .a nd would de-
ci fret:, . f at:.; vas: L ye:"-but under t he art, rive baurgtcn·a. bourre; la1111g.P mollis, vill1u ; ple-
Doard, Jun. tells us, that the .Sax. word for raq ue enin1 genviu11 mo//i_a, et /qnugiJ!.ef.a Jun/ :
menja ia .Bopb; no w it would be very remark - but Jun. favs, "defpicc tai:oen annon poffl.l referri
.abk, if botll Bc,..b, ~nd l,lOf.b, we·r< the. l'lln<: : ad ill ud /,arg11s, quo.d a::ili inedii l~riptori- ·
this deriv. of buffet. therefore ap pear.s rather bus diceb~tur ramus :"-.a ba14g4, bran{!.>, bud, ,
hard; yet it is the ·heft I have 'fo und : unkfs- -/Jfqjfam.
Bcob is a tni!1-ake <>f rhe pre ls for Beopb; i. e. : BURL; " vox lanificum propria; fie autc1n.,
Bopb; but BOARD is Gr. vigorniie., fi rell:e memini," fays Skinn~" dicitur '
BUFFET-jlco/: " F r. Gall. buffet; mt1!fa, ijfo((of la11,e recens fall:a: extaotes pccb nc fcrr~o
aba(u~; menf.-e enim vicetn f~tis comn1ode fup .. ' evcllere : a Fr. Gall. bo11rre; fiocci, (omentupi, poteft: Skinn."-who is never over del icate villi :" -cine would be alauo11 tempted to fl1p-
in his .ideas: "fed unde inquies,, buffet? ·neJcio pofe, that Jun. and Skinn. meant the fame thing
an ii Sax. Buran; j11per, above, or 11pon 1 q. (], by t hi s word b11rl ; and yet fcarce 3ny. 1hing can •
1nenfa, ft1ftr q uam vafa ponuotur i rtpr;jiforium :" be mQre di!lant than the i n(erpreration~ they bave
..._t his might do very well for another dcnv . of given 10 it: we have focn the Dr's. 1 let us now ·
bujfet in t he forn1er art. bur ic can fcarce be ap- hear Jun.: burle clorb, 011odare pa11num, refer ad
plicablc to 11' b11jfet-ftool. " lnlr, Lappa ; et bur, vet· burre diet um, quod
·BU[';1MEL- KITES ; "fometi!1ie~ called b11m - burrot faciat capillos: fee the following ariick ,.
blc-kiru: Sax, Beam-cy'6, vd c1'6; rub«m, vat- BU RR, a weed ; " Fr. Gall. b~urk; jloai,
cinia, tribulu1; b!ack:btrrin, br•mblt-berrits: tome11t11111, /amigo; re. ii feo1ipe. mo/Ii, /e11i,
Ray." . et la11uginefo, il)~ar f~m:nuu1 x•c~re m~~
10 nip ·-a BUNG; ." in myfiica fr. erronum vento d illl:.tur: Skinn.''-but Jun .. quQtes Mar~
li ngua; cr11mer.tm1 fuare: Sax. et D an. p1111g ,; ptra, 1inius, .q~1i fufpi-<:atur bur, vel burrt, lap,pam ideo ·
marj11piuh1, vidulus, (rt1me11a, h culi,jaccuius; Fdto, Anglis b!lrr dic'bm, quod burro1 f>c~at ~api/~01; .
ma111iC11Jar.iu1 ; et Plauto, zonarius ·faE/or,. tt·11- uncle cc Gr. £,.,9,., d iCl:a efi. a rtifa11di1 cap]l hs.
menifeca : Skinn.'' -licer;;lly a t1t1-p111je, or piclc- BUSY; " forte a ,Sax. B)-n 1an; B.elg. bejicb 1
puc!ctt. · · Fr. Gall. befr.gner; lr31. bifigor(; otcupare, ouu-
BURDEN of a j ong: Cle!. W~y. '25, fays, paltu; 'mployed, engaged, ouupied: S lci nn."
<I the burthen of a Jong is .the c<>n~ludiog v·crfe of BUT; Sax. But:e ; pr.eter, nifi; excep(, bt•
a"fianza chorulfed by the company; it 1night be fide1.
written more intell igibly bordo11e, as in Spanifh :" B.UT 1" a cajk; Sax. Bun:e ; doli11111 ; Fr.
or perhaps more intelligibl y fiill fron1 che F r. . RUTT j Gall. box/ i a_b,arrel o.r '"J'A of _beer:
Gall. bourde; a bam, or jt.ft; n1eaping tba~ pare Skino;"
10 BUTT,
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C A Fro1n $Ax o 11, &c. C. H·
BUTT, or m~rk ; Fr. Gall. b111; f t1>pus ; an h;ibct al!initatem cum Hibcm. co//ttb#; jur.i.; faY-1. ·
.o1JtB to }hoot at. Lye :"-tbt/welling protub:ra11a in t~( bind par~
BUTCHER, " Fr. Gall . boucber ; Jani• ; a cf Jbt leg.
}laughter-man: Skinn." CAM-MOCK'; '" Sax. Cammoc, Cammt c, Ca•-
BUT1"0N; " Fr. Gall. bouton; Jpharrula muc l peuudanum, vel potius refJa bwis 1 herba :
·vefliaria; a lilllt lutob: Skinn." Skinn." -reft-harrow.
• BUTT-RESS; "Sax. But:e; foriJ, extra; et CA POT; " F'r. Gall. etiam capol ; terminus'
11e1ra; trigtrt; nihil en im aliud ell: qua1n quod cbartis pidis, prreferti1n picquero ludentibus,
,IJ(/t'hifecus erigit11r,fiiffulcitt1di tau/a : L ye's Add." frcquens ; forte a Ga.II. cappot; li ifp. capol:t ;
.-fomething raijtd e.Yttrnalfy, by way of prop, pa/limn pa.ftoritium : (ed qua illquies analogii.,"
fhore, or fupporc: only now rnife is Gr. fays Skinn. " is, qui alium tanro intervallo in
·• ·BUXOM, "Sax. Bocrum; Belg. bocgfatm; hoc ludo fuperat, ipli pallium dare dicitur? ana-
10btdien1, tra flabilis; ita ii veceribus accipitur; logii credo, ct me taphora a pugna et id:itius
nunc vero ut plurimum ufu rpa1ur de pudM bilari, funipta, qua qui aliun1 probe credit, aut fuftibus
.a!acri, I.eta: a romping girl: Jun. a nd Lye :" dcdolar, idibufque quafi onerar, arcendo frigo.ri
Vcrfl:. fuppofes it ought co be written bubfomneffi·, ind11ert dici potcft (pallium) Skinn. :"-we l1ave
.or ; and' explains it likewife by" ply- almoft a fimilar expreffion among the gentlemen
ttblarejJ, o r bcwfanmifs ; to wit, humbly fiooping , of the turf; viz. he gave hi1n a handforn.e
.or bowing dow n in figne of obed ience : Chaucer drej/iug. .
wrytes it buxjommjfe : "-the only point now is to CAP-ST AN : " forte defteai polfer," f.ays
determine, whether Chaucer ufcs jc in the fame Skinn. " a Sax. ccp.; caput; ct St:ren6, 'lltliis: " ·
fenfe :-very probably not: ac leafl:, if rbac -confequendr. half G r. half Sax. co lignify an
fuould be the original fenfe, the deriv. would be engine, called a wiode-beam, which is wrought ·
undoubtedly Gr. with a b ar, or lever.
BUY; "Sax. Byc6ean ; <mere, '1Je11dcrt: aboht:, CARLOCK, and fomerimcs charlock; "rapum
bohi::e ; e111p1tts; to p1trcb.1ft, to pay for : what is fylv;jlre; Sax. I:ephce; a rank w eed amo11g c1>r11:
/;ought, and fold : Skinn." Jun." ·
BY, near aJ bo11d; " Sax. B1, B13; juxla; clqfe " CATER lif chefc two words are not of Gr.
Jo, 11/;:b, next to: Skinn." • CATES S cxcrall:. as we have hinted io the
BY-BY, and good by, contractions only of God forme r _Alph. we muft adn1ic with Jun. chat they
/;e witb JOU; Sax. Prove rb. arc derived from the Belg. katcr; q uo nomine
BY-r.atnt } "Sax. B1p0Jtb; prcverbi11111, ag- opfonaror ille maj.o ris famili<E 1ninill:cr nundina-
BY the BY nomt11, feu jen110, quern fe1nper li~ appellarur, <Jui coempcos ill macello c i.bos
BY·"'?•rd in vicino, .i. e. famper promptum, tradit coq110 :"-tbt p erfan, who in large fam ilies'
e.t in fu mmis labris habemus: Skinn." a prcvtr- fupplics the kitchen.
Pirrl exprtj/iDll in cor.flmu llje. • CAVIA RE_; "ab Ital. cavjaro; ova acipen-.
BY GEN, and j}lit11 ; various dialect for bu;•ing ferum, feu 'ftcrmonun1 fale condita, a Volga, feu
a.ndfe!ling: Verlt. Rhil, Sarmatire, fcu Mufcovire, ltuvio advell:a :
func qui a Gr. r"''" gar1tm, dedinanc: fed credo
c. potius vocem cum re ipla a Sarn1aciis, feu l\1ufro-
vitis, ad nos tranfmi!I'a m effe: Skirin."-r"'e•»
i\DET; "Fr. Gall. cadet; nobi lis familire and gm·11m, is r~ cher the fickle of any fa!c filh,
C filius junior, quiq ue a filio nncu maximo,
atque ex a(fc hrercde, d.efunao pacre, al itur: J un."
rhan t he fi(h, o r fpawn itfd .
}commonly written and ·
• CAD-UC-EUS : Ciel. Voe. 147, n, is of opi- Cl·IAGRIN, v txation .pronounced jhagrun:
nio n, ~hat " this word is 41ot of ·Gr. or 1~at. · none of our erymol. rake the leaft notice of this
origin ; but deri.,es unfprccd ly," fays he, ".froin word, except Jun. who writes itjea-r;run Pin .
"'d; battle : ttk, (uc) ceffetion: and fl)' ; parlo· : but froin whence he would have \IS derive Ir, o;
{ o t hat the who le compound very naturall y forms why It was fo called, be leaves us intirely un-
6~"d-eek·ay, unde a1d11cc11.r; to !ignify a lrraty of certain ; he only quotes Menag. for calling it
11rmiflict, or cef!atfo11 of bojlilitfrs." chag,-in; becaufe it is f orte. dt eui~ d'uJJ P•iffaa
CAl:..F tbi leg; " ira Belg. de kalf 'Van bet amfi nppeilt par le 'l"urts: fo that th is feem~ to be
lJout, ali•s tft flllf/S '111111 -bet bout, eft pu!pa 11rboriJ: a 'I'urkdb word ; but what the erym: of it im-
Juo," -but what co nnexion there rnay be be· ports, I have nor as yet bc~n able to trace: ·
tween chc ety1n. and the interpretat ion, mu.ft rhere is however another fenfe of this word
bt kft to m~re fag aciou.s crick s ; " · magnam cbagl'ill ; viz. 1rc11blt, vexa1ic11, grief, lfltl(ln{bcfy;

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c. . ..
and ·in this feAfe it fe"tms to be purely ·of Gallic word core 1 " Devooienfibus eel f7Vi 11111 morbus ;..
C.'Ctract.. fignifylng trifle.ffe:; in'{Uitt11d1 i e1111i 1J, or 'ab Iceland . kaur; morcor, 11Jgrit11do morbi}ic11 :"- '·
Tather emiui. a Jpecics of /ubargy : which fec1n~ (o be a different .
· CHARK; "Sax. 7\cyripan; Tcut. lr.ebrtn; :diftemper fro1n co11thy. · .·
Belg. lcetren; vtrttrt, at1t verreri:: ut dicimus ubi COKERS; " Sax. l:ocep; Belg. koker; tbeca;
potus"coaccfcit, it turns : Skinn." ·q. d. thcca crurum, magrt.e ocre,c rujlico>"um, et
. CHARL.ES: Verft. a49, has thcwa that "this pijtotorum :"- o ·fi/htrm a11's large boots: Mirith .
name is 1'eur. in. which Car, or gar, ligni6es all; · and Skinn. . - '
and ea/, or ubt!; noble; fo that Corea/, which in CON, "vasied into coon; jloute, and vallla11t : •
Lat. is written Carolzu, is afmuch to fay as Verft."
all-noble." coo·r; " Belg. lcocl'; macr kott; Fr. G:11l. ·
CHARM aloud, pronounced foft, like foarm; rolet; fulica; a moor htn; ·or a mprJh fowl:
"Sax. l:yrim; clamor, ftrepitlis ;' quod defcendiffe ' Skinn." . · ·. : ·
videtur ab Armor. garm; clamor: a jbrieking CORDU ANER : any Englifuman at firtt
/11'(/ noife : Lye." fight (efpecially if he was unacquainted wich th\!
CI-IESLIPS ; " Sax. I:erchb, ct I:eorol; etym. of this word) w9uld naturally fuppofe,
D11ijc11s, aje!Jus, ty/us; ':Jt rmes m•ltipes, locis uligi- that <ordwai11er, as it is generally written, was a
114.fis pe<•tiariJ; poti/fimum tamen, Jub b)•driis, et compound, of cord, and· ·waiiur, whateve~ he ·
fordidd /opidum, p111refa111iumq11t lignorum congerie niight underftand by that termination : but it '
tblittjcenJ: inde Ji prorepat, ad primum ltvemque certainly is no compound, and therefore has not
to11tal/11m in orbem fa contraben1, pi/11/.e inflar the leaft connexion with the word cord ; or.
convol'Vilur, ac rotttndalur: f.epius tamen -.>ocatur, any thing like it : but by a firange perverfion of
pi.ffe-btdde: Jun."-from this ju.ft defcription, we writing, is derived and degenerated from Cor-
rnight fuppofe he 1neant that finall infett · we du/Ja, a city of Spain ; uode Belg. kordewaen;
caU a /ow, ·Or wood-louft, or rather a bog-loufe; Fr. Gall. corduan ; Ital. Cordouano; 1-Iifp. rcr-
as Skinn. has properly called it ·; -fron1· its hav- dou11111 fron1 whence comes our cordw11in·cr ; .
ing a back like a hog's. Coriu11t llifpani<um; i. ~. Cordubcnje; a corduantr,
CI-IIMB of o ct!/k; "Belg. kime; txlremum or 1vorlar in lratber; the finefi fort of .which was.
Jo/ii, vet ,ad;: Lye :"-but that exprelfes the Tormerly made at f:orduba: now a cordwainer fig-·
head of the calk; whereas the cbimh, properly ni6es a common jhoemaktt· :-" and if my feet are
fpeaking, is the crtaje or crevice in which the not adorned with pinkt d jhots of Cordovnn /ea-
head is fafiened. thtr, they !hall not want coarfe fa.ndals of cord,
CI:·I IZZLE }" T •-.r. 11 ji" or ruthes," fays Sancho, when he is about to '
or b ,fteut.,__ tCttJe R; 1t1qua; g 1ttma; qu ·:c h'
, 1s government; b . ·iv. c. 1.
CHIZZLY ''.J•J, wall: ay ." CORNUB; "I cornubbed bi111; Belg. luere11 ;
ClJOPPING·boy : " Sax. I:aF; 11gilis, celer, proputfart ; et knoop, lwobbel; nodus; i.e. <0ndylis,
fl.re11uus; q . d. l:af'"o: Skinn ."-aflrcmg lively teu internodiis digitorum pu!fare, .feu 11mdn·e:
&bild. Skinn."-/ knuckled bi111; i.e. beat hin1 with my
CLAMPS; " trabe1 na.vales ; llelg. klampe, doub!edfifls.
ct klt1mn1t, funt ~ Sax, I:lommar; 1mguu, bar- COS1'- ARD-monger : " ·Belg. et Teut. kojl;
paginu, rtlinacula, vincula: ·Lye.'' Iceland. kojlr; ,;bus, ef,;a: et aerd; nalttra!is:
CL1CK-up, or jleol ;· " Sax. uela!cean ; 11rr1- monger ell: .'mtr,ator: primi icaque fua fignifica-
pere; 10 Jnaub 11p, and begone: Lye.'' · cione· denotaffe videtur, qui ed11lia cujufcunque
• CLOD, if not derived from K•>-•f,,., g!obus; generis venalia habebat: Lye:"-.~ dtaler in
11 lump; as we obferved in the for:ner A lph. it ma//. edibles. ,
n1ay come from the" Sax. I:lub; rupu, t11m11/us, COSTED l SCOSTNING l
col/is; quia fanguinis grumus in quendan1 quali COSTUD Stempttd l COSTNUNG S tempta·
turnore1n am.1rgit; vel potius a Belg. kluytt, !dot; 1ia11: Verll:.
g!.ba, mnffa: Skinn." • CO W }Jun. as we have fcen in the ·
COAT fIE; "Sax. I:o'6e, ))eori'!: co'<Sa, animo • COW-btrd former Alph. ·ad1nits, that
/iJ1.711i, dljirere: Somnero Cardialgia (·perhaps that • CO'\V-leacb this art. n13y be derived froin
is only the beart-bllr1t) . crediderirn," cont inues· the Gr.; but with Skinn. we niigbt rather fup-
Skinn. " ')'pothymia, Jyntope: ejufaeni '1:irpis dl: pofe, that cow originared i Sax. "' ; Teut. A:11b ;:
·reut. llotz;n ; '1Jomtt·e: qui enim vomunt, magna Dan. ko; or-the Belg. koe; v accn : as to t he tcr- ·
ventriculi anxietate laboranc : Skinn." a difcrder minations I~ERD, and LEACI-1, the former it'
iJuident tq )beep : -Lye, in his Add. gives us the Sax. and chc laEtcr Gr. . . . . · - · ,,

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C R From S >. ii;'O "• &c. Q ~
CO.W SHOT ; " Su. turco~ l piWl!llbMJ : manico fub C~ militawor, hoc collarm gocnua
ltay :" a wood pigUlf. ufurparunt; q·. d. (o/Jflt:1 Crfflit#m: ~1 fcc:undO,
• COWS.- lip; ''Sax. r.ur-loppe: Jun."-t:ur- ded uci potcll a Fr. Gall. rabat; collatt ~
l1ppc: Skinn."-jfqres,, feu IHrba paralyj'n 1 lie feu ikcidJIJI•·• a faJ/illf '1""4; the ends: of which
ditti, quooiam iii vaccz dcled;anrur ; vcl ab falli ng dowo under. the .;h,t~ op:pQnttur cal.l!trf
odorc fuavi anima: vaccarum iem11lo • cojus. fc. rigitlo, protubtranti, nobis .. ,..ff. di&>.. hoc
odor talis eft
qualcm 'I/ace~ ore et labii• fpi rant : Vcrbo · f'(IPif/AJ"#; rtt!lilltr~, k.ilttrt.: poftttmO,
Skinn."-only cow may be Gr. a nd lip qndoubt- potdt Ct dcfletl:i a Fr. Ga.11. C1'abb41 ; iUMTn,
cdly is. ajpeElu Ji¢untl1U, lopidMS, gr4'tu, ,_Ju.s; quia
COZEN, or cheat; " Belg. /u;ojm, litf-koofllf; k. hoc gcnu• collart p~ reliquis dtctre vi(um
blandi orationc inlidi3' facerc auribus eorum, ell : fed primo etymo 1naximc fido.
qll0$ follicitando, p'ollicitandQquc in fraudcm CRAVE; l:JlaF!AB'; ;11)nt(I'. ~tere,-'41itlfre;
alliciunt : Jun."-to fo•tlu witb faft in/ulio!JJ to e11tre,11ct, or defvt tP'M)IJ, .
/ptt<bts. · · CRICKET ; a ganJ.<, " Sax. kJUCCe ; ba.ubt.s,
CRACK, or boa.Jl l "Ictland. l:rt/Ua ; ja!lart: (eu litu11s, quo l11tlitur; a bat, or bat11011, to.)rilu's Add."-to brag. . tbt IMll with. .
CRAG-llfd 1 "Belg. l:~ahegll4 ;j11g11l"1 i Tcut. CROME of iro,, 1 «Belg. krom; T c ut. h:UA1 •
·iragtn; Skinn.''-tha.t 111J of a 11ed: of <1Jrvus, ""'";• atl1111•u;: Minlh.",...,a prong of
mutton, which is nearell' t~ head, lhe fo:naUe~ end. iron, '1"•oiuJ ar one end, like a b iJens.
CRANK: Ski11n. who on all OCClllions, !hews CRO P of a f-l; "B<!lg.. .+.·op; Teuc. i.r~off;
great knowledge -0f the Sa.x. ~Jg. and 1'e4t. i·11g/,,,,.;es ll'l:is; tbt cra.u i, viuw, QJ' gorge of a bird:
co0 guC$, h..s now cororoitt«l a g re't error, in Sk inn." that rr1111Jr. lignifies f41111s, il}Jtgtr; CR UNE ; " Sax. r1a111Jn; fefurrart , muj/itare,
and endeavou" to. ti.Jpp0r~ his o,pinio.n by nllud- mugil't; lo lo~u : R~y."
ing ~o the Gr. word Ke;..1.,, P"f•tl"s ; ii Ke'"'~• C UD: " Sax. I:ub'; r, · r"""'"; h il)c rtt-
ptrficio: Ke"""" indeed fignifies per}icio; hue there mi11art: Skion."-10 (biJ1lt doftly; to give a
is no fuch word_as "e•"'lo". yielding 11-0wever th is t hought as it were a j econ4 digeftiow., his c.e nfure is by much too heavy on ~hofe, • CUE RPO; if not dorived from th11 Gr. a s
" q:ui der iv4nt per anr.iph.rali.n il Belg. et Teut. in tbe former AJph. i' 1noty coine, fay.s Spclm. "a
kran&J: ; quod prorfus c.ontrarium, Cc. J1gr11~• fig· gurpire, et guerpfrt 1 abjic~re, Jeponert, diftrtrt;
'llificat : . ab i!hs autero antiphra!ib us totus abhor- a Gall. .gurpir; fc<l radici.tus a Sax. yuppan:
reo:"-and others may abhor them a~mucli as the notat e x Pitha!o Bigonius in vercribus Gall.
Dr. ; but here happens to be no antiphrafis at all ; fcri ptis, v iduam dic.i la g:urpio, quafi rdii1a11J:"-
11ay, he hirnfclf aln:1oil: allows 311 mur.h in the con- ·and from hence may have come our word ci1trpo,
clufioo:. " rnaHem igitur d~«!vccre ab u11, vel 011- or 1uerpo; viz. omnibus vdlibus 11bjt flis; to be
krttuck, i. e. nou "'l ''; that is,.1111-jic/1:; omiffii per in- flript quite 11alud; lo bt tltjhlutt of all dothi11t.
juriam re1npo ri!i41iriali fyllabfi:"-thisfuppofition CUR R; Belg. korre; canis villaticus; .Teur:
ought co be more abhorred than the anciphrafis; kirrcn ; [rend.ere ; to j11arl.
for 110 critic will allo w, chat <rank, and 1m, or CU RST, fu1·ious; "' Be.lg. korfd.;
OIJ •·knw&k, • are the fame, ch~o· any iujury of •110rof us, tont umax: Skinn."~a Jcolding IJlll01t, 11
ti11lC : on the co11 crary1 t ra;1k, a11d ,,,,, or ()H- 'Vize11.
krandc, a,e po ocive, and negative, and here is
no ..ntiphrafis < in fl1on crank, or, as 'I'hwaices D.
writes it, gra11k, lignifi~s .rger ; aiid not Janus,
ABBLE i11 th• dirt; " Belg. dabbtn, tl11b/;e-
or i11ttger; and u11, or 011-krm1tlt, as the Dr. him-
ll:l f allows, fignities non .egcr, or un-jitk, i. e.
wd!: fCe UN-CRAN K, S ax. where all this will
D le11 ; 111t1nib11J, vtl ptdibus lutu111 fubiger1; iw
camo ac !uto verjari : Jun.
be confir1ned by a proverbial exprellion, in ufe DACE, " in agro L incolnienli appcUantur
among ch.e Germans co this day. dare; mallem," fays Skinn. " c~ponere baltctJa,
CRAVAT: Skinn. under the art. crabbat, (eu m111as fi"viatiles ; ob manifellam fc. ha!tcum
vd pntius (1'abat, Calls it juJariulll /inttNm com- jimj/;1.utli11em ; fortean dact contratlu1n eft a
p/iuttum, viatoribus et 111ili1ibu1 ufitafum; vox, cum nofrro darts; hoc a Sax. Dape; woxa; quia fc.
re ipla nuper civitace nofira donata ; vel quod i11jt1lubris v iflUJ ~jJimatur :"- the Dr. as a phyfi-
rnihi verifiillillimum ell, Fr. Gall. et. Angl. cian, lhould have given us t.hc rcafon.
t t;<W41, CroaJa', feu ~ Cr#alid, oriundus ; quia fc. DACKER; "Belg. datckerm; ., .otari, motitari,
wrcc Cro41.e, qui in nupero bcllo Bohcmo-Ger- <rJ.o!itar1; hoc i4 nomiuc datci.; 11t;u/4.; va.po:es

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l> l fj {)
enim #IHI~ ·hYC iliac vt'I 1nlni1ne \•eoti dlatu Jill; 11mor: L ye's Add."-!we, " Ir.Hr; l nd 't.'iis
.impelluntur: Skinn." fee STAGGER: Su. . tnight induc.e us to think it m3y be derived froa\
DAIRY ; " i tlf11 quod majoribus nolh-<s llifll•- DALLY, Yo play ftitb, lo toy wit/I; as ltiVtr~ do
ria., dehotab:lt ·1 fed unde hoc," fays, "for- with their fwectheam: if fo, it would he Gr.
talTe ab Jcel1nd. dttK/4 1 lac Jlrldbtr~ : "-thc.l'g aid DIM; "Sax. Dun, Dtmhc 1 tNttbrofus ; Jl:b11.n -
.fervanr, who manage~ tht mil~. · · m1an ; obf1J1tr11rt; uodc D3n. o; nt nl1 d1tm'bed;
. DAM-111; "Sax. bem1nan 1 oblwal't, llijJT<IUl'l: cculorll• raiigo,. {~ be/!rtaJo~ hinc 4!'t Tcut, di!m-
Skinn."-10 ol!jlrutJ, b/4clc-up. · """""K; •ollis ttnebr.e, <Nf111ft1tlul/I 'fltf>tr1iltum:
· DARE; " Sax. Dapc t bwrt, i.,.; it tines Skinn."-1.U di.11•efs or <;bfturiiy of mMning ans!
me no d111't; i:e. •o b411#: Jt Jttr.ts fOI:, it '1.rls cvcning ·twilight •
. Ilic ~ .Rty." . ' • DINGlif not deri~d from the Greek, as
DA.R N; " Sax. Dyjtn&n ; ou11/t11rt, "if'""tire, • DINTS in 'the formc.r Alpb. it may come
r1fiurt 1 filo ·~"'" acum tr11je&o d ifoilfu vcltcs ab " Hibem. l.ingis ; inym, ptllmt; 10 bNI, or
. iconfucrc: Lye:" who writes it #tw11. Jriw, or l:DOtic ;..."
DARNEL, " fortalre nomcn t~al<it e Sax. DIRT, or "d!trJ, vel ab Iceland. Jrit; fltr-
Dcrtan; Iden, Plllrtr't; l1li11111, zi:umi11, no: Jun." c111, mtrd11 ; quod a dryta; cat11rt: Sax. liebprrao ; .
Virgil in his Fifth Eel. fays, ilk in fignilicat: Jun."
Grandi a licpe quibus mabdavi1nus hordeafulcis, DIZZY 1 " Sax. Ii>jtp, D~r•o; jliJtus, i11tp·
l nfclix lolium -ec .fteri~es dominantur avenae. 1us 1 forte di:a%tlrd componirur ·t"x Dtr•; et ·llitrd;
DASH ••I ef co1111t1nantt 1 " Belg. J"Yfalm; 1'11111"•• i ll/kin, i'llgmittm ; nempc homo frrvi, •cl
11•ittto ptrlurbnri, 11ll•11ilut11 fitri; Sax. Dprer ; fl1tlti i11t411ii: Lye :"-ant wb1 is half o f#l.
ft11Pid11s, 11111.filii i111tJls pr.t limort: Skinn." DOBBY ; " Sax. Do~enb, ftM11 iktr'liil.111,
DAST-AR(); " Sax. 'Jl:baft:p•i an; tltlt'IT.trt; Jehrtlns, jla//111, f•ltt111; "" o/J dol4rJ, fl t/rk;'l/kr>:
1 DpalJ" 1 ftllf!iJus , ct Belg. tHrU l 111J1urt1 ; 11 f4i111 Ray."
bt11r1til ptr/011 : et decorto parum fenfu cit 11ulu DOCK; 'Or 'WttJ; ' "Sox. 'Docd 1 lt11atl,,,m:
objlupifo!lus: Skinn." J un."- thc herb '111b11l's rbubttr/J.
DA1,V, tbrh·t; " Teut. da11wtn, 'lltr'4'11Wtn; DORN IX, " ' ab 11rbc ·B~lgii cel'e bti, Door'ltitk;
t1n(Ofll fYt: vel potius a dqtn,gedqtn; 1111gtjctrt,in· Fr. Gall. 'four11ay : L ilt. Barb. <ror111uum di&a; ubi
trifurt: Skinn. and Ray :"-10 pr~fil, lbrivt,j/orifh: concinn3ntur p3nni quid3m; q. d. '£or1U1cmft1; a
bt ntitbtr Jus, ••r daws; he neither dies, nor Belgio advcch : Skinn:•· .
tbrivts :- be •l'lltr daw"d ofttr 1 hn'tr f/frijbdJ lf/ler.
'DOT ARD ; Belg. J1111m, Jotm1 unde Fr. Gan.
DEFT ; " Sa>«- D~, Iicba:rc; 11J111ttlus, er-
tlcl/tr, radoter; dtlfr11rt; It> loft mis fmft1, gro;;i,
""'"': Jun."-111.01, c/e1111, prrlly. . feolifh, ltm1 filly, and cf.i/Jijb.
DELVE; " S ax. Ddf an I fetln·t ; ta ilig :
. Bebclfan ; ftpt/il"e; to bin': Sk1n11." DOUG lI1 " Sax. Dab ; lkl:,t. Jugb; farint1
DEMAN, 11 tlepttlit ; a fuojlitM:t: Vc rft. DOW 5 f 1batla, paflo ; ct ha:e vcl a vcrbo
• DERNIER rtfort; borrowed undou btedly D)·bcn, nut Dt;•m ; crifcert, aure(ttrt ; farin:r:
l'.Tom the French dtr#itr; 1b1 lt1JI; but it is nor cnim 1na0:1 maccrando, et fuhigen<'lo t11rgtl, et
al~ogethcr .:crtain ·that ·they have not borrowed cref.-it: vcl potius a Sax. Dea3an; 1ingtr1, im·
it fro1n fome otlrcr language 1 and then trans- butrt : q. d. farina ti1tBa, ct aq111t mixta, feu
figured it in fuch ·a manner, as to make it pafs imbuta: Skinn."-flour mixt with leaven, or ycft,
for t heir own. which cauks it lo fwtll.
D El,VHT-RIC, "tlngbl]-ri~ 1 i. c. (ltrl•t-ritb; DO UGrIT Y; " Sax. D?ht:•o• . .Hili1, j/rl·
and they yet fay in the North of England, when 1U11U, f'rli1; ct hoc ex mon bus pnfcorum Ger-
a thing is nought, 1btJ1 it d11Wt1 •01, it bu loft 1nanorum, qui ciim clrcnt bcllicofiffimi, folam
its (ltrt1111 and in fomc of our Englilh poctric, far1i111Ji• tm pro 'Oirlstlt habuerunt; nam dntchl
wee fomtym-ea fy:nd 1/xv:11 vfrd for "'"'""• or apud Bclgos, et J11ei111J, apud 'feutoncs, flirtus.
.x()(JJ fJMllS: VePlt.'~ . ct 'IJakrt fonat: Skmn."-fcc DtlGUDi Sax.:
. DJ.BBl:E, lo flt btt·bs with ; p11jli11J1111 : rd~r and Tl"IE \.VES: Sax. . .
ad illud DABBLE; Sax. frquidcm hoc infiru- DO WLAS-tiotb; " nefcio an," fays Skinn.
mento utimur vrce manOs, q~ alloqui cogcre- " a D~Jloj/io, aliqu? Scoto, qui primu,s iftiufmo?i
t ur fol um humidum f11Jittr1, et f uff4'krt, ll<l 1n- linto3mcn laborav1t; q. d. Jn11glas -tlo1h: nL!i
fe~nd» plantas, ·& c. Jun." quod longc verilimilius ell, i De11rltn11, ~orino­
• DILLING ; " Scrcnius puut affine l ceJ:utd. rum, fcu P icaEdiz, urbc olim hoc opific10 ccle-
Jiliur, ct; ~ lal1m11 tt f1Uling kintb: bri, vocabulwn fortitum fit :"- iiarft fperiu ;/
~arum llbcft quin form:amm diam ex Hibcrn. lilltJI ,,,,••
3 z 2 DREARY

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D U From s " x o N, &cc. £ l
DREARY1 " Sax.. DpcoJtt6; •· fadliorem etymologi ie in.,cftigationem Dre~
Belg. lrt«rig, (which Skinn. writes D inC6) finuu di~barur;
DREERY trDTig; 1111Zj1w; f aJ,zloo111J: J un."
et Dmi1un~; jitr<WoJio : J un."
OREE; Sax. Xbpco3an; pa1i, 11rJuar1; D\'V ARF : " Sas. D~ph 1 lBlfrico Dpmp;i;;
11 t1tdll1't, /1t.ffer p•tUt.llJ: Ra)'." Dan. d1ttrg l Belg. a{IJ1rgb I lllJllllJ, /•.;Ji• :
• DRENCH: if not deriv«l from the Gr. as Skinn."-Clcl. Way. 47, has more juftly dcri•ed
in the fonncr Alph. we muft have rccourfe with tifJJnrf, ii Ji-arf; not gr~um 1 o#t of tlittri1t111iw fi4·
Skinn. to " Dpencan; bibtrt, """"" 1 de bn11is lure 1 a db11e gr1JWi1tf; lbi#f :-Shcring, 295, fays,
ani1nalibus propric dicitur : 7\:bpencan 1 adaq11or1, " Gothis 110111t1, five p11,,,ili1 vocacur dttergb;
tltgurgilare :"-but fince drtncb,.drinlc, dr1111Jc, and Sax. DpeJ16> et Dpcoph.
drown, foem all to bi: but 'fynonymous terms for DWINDLE l" Sax. Dpman 1 Teut. fthwitr41,i;
1110/jltntd, faaktd, or any way wtlltd, or jluptti in DWINGE J Belg. dwyne11; tabeJure, t"J11Nf
liq11or, they may be only to niany dialects of ttrt, txflittg11ert, perirt': Skinn."-but L ye, after
Ael•H" by tranfpofition Alf'H" contracted to mentioning thefe dcriv. fays, fun< ab Iceland.
i>t"'" and ·then to drt11<b, dri11Jt, dr1111Jc, &c. as du1na ; ctffere, Jtfi<trt.
in rhe formcr Alph.
l" rakcn for the name of the
·Lord, was by our ancctcrsonly
DWOLMA, a g111f 1 othcrwife in Tcur. u
inbnm : Verft. .
DWYNED, and f•r-thtr,11td; 'tla#ijheJ &TUJ:
DRIHTEN :ittribuu:d to G1d; as Drib11,, Vcrft. it fecms to be the (ame with D\VINGE,
Cod, for !Ard God; which lignifying as ir lhould
focm ll>t Rigbttout God, was vnto Al111igblJ God,
who is moft rigbte..,J, rightly appropriat«i : the
I furn, and farrrfie: Vcrfl:.
title otherwifc of Lord, having with our anccccrs DYHLE-NESSE
been 'Laford; contracted to urd: Verft." DYSEGA}afool 1Vcrtf.-this fecms to be no
DROVY; " Chaucero eft fardidiu 1 il Sax. DYSIGE f••lifo S n1orc than a various dia-
DpoE; quod a Dp1epn; 111rbare: Lye." leCl: of DIZZY: Sax.
. ·• DRUDGE; if not derived from the Gr. 1s
,in the former Alph. ic may COlllC a " Sax.
. Ppeccan 1 vt~are, •PP~i111tre 1 <Juia f~: fordidim- E.
1nis, ct maiume ferv1hbus m1nil!cri1s vtx•l1tr:
.vd a1'eoc. lrqgen; Belg. drt;gbt• I porlart I quafi A THEL 1 n•blt, gu11l1: Vcrft:'
haj11lu1: Skinn."-but this looks as if ic was
derived u ~eiqa.,, a:~"' lrab'; IO Jraw ;' which
l tltrnof l y ft ,.
ECNESS Stltrlfity S er •
is but another fpecies of carryi11g. EDDY; " ni faller," fays Sidon. " npidr,
DRURY-l1111t ; " Drurit Ch•uccro dcnotat ni ~ciprocantis aqu:z: YOrtcx, t#rip111; a Sax. Qi;
(J))or; • fays J uo. £~ amititio1H. amorta: veter. i1era111, rtlro; er €a ; 11911a 1 9. d. alterwus
Gall. Jruerit ell 11mici1i11: d111t; amiu1, fpo1ifn ; Ct maris jl11X1J1, ct rtf/•1t11t: but this is a definition
undc: hoc, nili ab Alman. dru1, cxccrminato t, of the tides, and is ratht r too regula r a motiob,
di/,tlut, cb1:ru1: Lye :"-;-it is a wonder this gen- and may be atundcd wi th no tdtl] ; but on 'f.JJ
tle1nan d id not apply th is appellation to that is generally underftood to be a circ umroration oi
noted fear of l•ofe amours in our gr~at metropolis. waters, Iikc a whirl-pool ; and therefore with
Dl~U.VY; " Sax. uebpx:Fcb pret'CJl; aqua Lye, io his Add. it might be better to deri1e
lttrhnt.• : Ray :"-muddy, lfoubltd wattr. . eddy ab lcdand. iJa 1 -uorltx;g11rg1J.
· DUG UD, or " dcutbi ; 1'trlut: wee yet fom. ED-MUND, " mund, mNtb;' mcu/b ~J Jrulb :
tymes call a man •f flrcnt th, and volor, a danghlit Verft."-half Sax. half Gr.
tlM ll: it is alfo writren tbugud, whereof wee vfr EG-BERT, " antitntly written Earhrihl, :nd
' in fume panes c,f Engl and the woord Jbewgbu, by abreuiation Eag/,regbl; nbreuiated co Eg6trt:
or 1l•1wu, ro wit verluts ; goad q1111/i1its, e r parfn Et1b fignifieth law: (but that we have fccn is Gr.
of 1he 1,•y11J t they fay yet in the N orth, when under rhc art. EY, in the former Alph.) and
any thing ha• loll: his foru, o r '1Jert1u, that it fltrl ; atWif td, unto tqllilJ: Ycrll."
' WJtJ not: Vcrft." E G-FRID, "P'"" according co tgllilJ: VcrR."
OUN, <okr; " du Cymr~is cft altr, ttigtr; confequently half Gr. half s~x.
duo; i:igrtfare ; undc Sa:<. D1111n; Almon. d#tt; ELD ; fortaffc ex Annor. ril 1 ftt•11dtn; q. d.
f:c bnigrr,fuf<us,fu/Joq11ilus <01.r : Jun."-a darlt <ol•r~ fatwuiits pii!tr, f«er; fte1,11Ja moJtr, fatr•t, •vrer·
DUNG-rar/1" veter. frifii s, if•n.i: 1 f/tr'{~lini· az; "f111ber, or 11101bn:·in·/aflJ; a jltp·111lliir. ·
DUNG -bill "':'; Sax. quod fonalTc fac1at ncl ELTHEODISC ·nr.rn ; ~~ alit1111J; "" alit•, ••

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E ·R ·· S A ·x.o.!'r, &c. F . £ ..

·outlti1t<kr; ont borne 1,, 1111otbtr cou111ri1: Vent!'..,.. · - ETHEL,.·nobll. . ·'
if we might guefs at the ecym. of this word, it · ltTHEL-ba/d, no!Jlt and bold
ieelJIS t o be co1npoun~cd 10( ti, · 1!"~~ 'Ibfotifaan ; ET;HEL-btrl, n~blt:11dvifad
i. e. elft where bprn; tban in ,G~rmany : half Gr. EJ:HEL-bi/J, 110/Jlt image
halfBdg-. ETHEL-bu,.g, noble fortrtft
· EMcBARRASS ; "Fr. Gall. tmbarajftr ;. Ital. ET!CIEL-/rid, no~lt pta" ·. Vcrli. Sn.
•itJ.ibr11zzare1 i•ptdire, i11triu1rt: :credo, fays Skinn. '. ETiiEL-gund, noblefavor bearing
a pra:pofitione ill ; . et barr; q . d. obium, fcu . ETHEL-flan, nobuj}
rtp,igillum oppqnere: :fee .BARR·: Sax. · E.THEL-1dph, noble btlp
EM-BEZZLE: Jun. wr\te.s : i.t .erf!.btij/t ;_and '. E:rHEL-wald, upholder of bo!'or.
derives it ab lcelai1<t. bti}J ; fr<111um_; i1it~rr;c1'- . ETHEl,"ward, i 911ftrvtrof nobility
ltre ; puulari ; to divert, or perr;ert the public • . ETI-lEL-wi11, wi1111er ·o f nobility
n1oney fro1n its proper courfe ; rtftr•ining, or • 'EVIL; if not derived fro1n the Gr,. as iil,
curbing it from its intended p.urpofe; driving it the former Alph. it may come frqm Sax. S~r;
as it were from its regular ch~nnel. Belg. wt!; ma!us; bad, ·wickui :· S~inn.
EMET ·l" ·ab Alman. 11111eizza; ·Teut. aym-
EMM~T S p/cbe, eemP,t e; u.n4c Sa~ . ~1£.n1e'Ce,:
lE1nei:'Ce : propter lh1pemja)ll animalcuh ~iligen-
· ti am, videri potdl: derivatun1: Lye :"-" uncle
fufpicor," fays Jun. in llnt, " ab hoc primo fui!fc - . ..
1Em-c, ct po(l:ea iEn'C; formic a :"-to, wh ich we AG-t11d; "txtremitas f.oj/1rior;, volC ni fallor,"
n1ay add fron1 Skinn. "lEme'C liceat deflectere
. ab JEmbeh'C ; •111i11ifteri111n, •fficiu!" ;a
F ·fays Skinn. " l macello 'tranfu11:ipta; fi.c cnim
cclcbraca lanii dunes animajis_cum adjunctis offibus, facr9,
r,_ uninrakuli hujus indufrria ;" 1be lifllt ill~ et coii:endicis, app~llicant ; a Sax. Froan ; 11t-
dujlrious in/ell. · tommol4re, et rranffate coarticulart; q. d. exfremi;·
an EMPS-pfrrt; " Sax, lEmycc ; egregius; et pollici arciculi :"-tht hindermofl-joi/lls,
fi gnifi~at auten1 portionem cibi tximiam, ec 11011 FAIK, to gripe fafl; " a Belg. faditn; 11ppr1·-
vulgarep1 .: Skin_n.'.'-a 1i1-eit. be11dtrt; Sax. Facan : Lye :"-to hold.
!'. £~GEL-BERT ;,a'l$'/ical aduifu11t11t: Vern; FAIN;" Sax. F:i:;;n; l cdand. ·feigin ;. l.etari,.
-but ANGEL at leall 1s Gr. ga11dtrt; to rtjoice, to be glad: L ye." ·
ENG-LANDI" i11g, or Eng:" fays Cleli . FAMBLE ; "a Dan . Jam/tr; b.:ojitatt"inf•r·
ENGL lSI-I S Voe J 8 5, and 189, n, "ligni- mo111; lo ftaml8lr: Skinn."
fies a plai11, or levtl tract of country ;"-now the FANG-AST: "perhaps," fays Ray, "a Sax•.
Saxons might naturally pref<r 'this word Ing, or Faa 0 an, or Fe'n 3an; l o take, or catch; and '
Eng, as being 1n9re. Northern, more •? tic.nt, anc! ~ar-c; lov e; ns 1nuch as to .fay, a marriageable·
n1ore fan1iliar to themfelves : and forely thii maid taken witb lovt :"-but F i\'NGS' ar leaft·
deriv. ·will appear- the n1ore- natural, Eng!amf. arc Gr.
b6ng a lwel land (tho' with a few bills incer- FATHOM ; " Sax. Fa'<Sm; Belg~ vadem ;:
• .fperfed) in cotnparifo~ of the Nonh and· Weft lo11gitudo; ul11a, orgyia, five fpatium, · quod ·utri-
of Scotland, or Wales ; nay, fhould it be even ufque brachii exten!ionecomplecur: J un."- a 111u1-
ftill arferted, that our E11glifb anceltors were de- j11rt tomprthnuled i11 the exulljii;n of both"arms • •
rived frpm the Angli· of. ']ullanJ, !Ir the Anglo- • FAWN, or jlatur: if not Gr: as in the ·
Sa.xons, (l:ill what Cid. advances i~ Vpc: 189, n, former Alph. ; it may come fi:om " Sax. Fanb1an, .
may be mo(l: frriflly true ; " that Germany had F:e6en1an ; blm1diri, ltlftart; lo faotbt : Skinn."
its A11gli-S1uvi, the. inhabitants of the dale._ ot FEAL,. to bide; " a Borealibus efr ouultart,
_ plai11s, at che foot of the hills in \Vellphalia: abfcomure; uc proverbium q \tod "vulgo d ici_foler,
Eng )ikewife in Swc.jilh is a plain: Ing is the fame apertc'dcclarat ; . be that. teal s, can /.lldi be 1ha1.
· in Danifi1; and in Erle a pl~in-.<01111try :'I . hides, can fii1d : pece ab lcel~nd ; /el" ; ocrullari :
-and thereforo the dcriv. in the forn1er Alph. L}'<'.'~ . .
of t he //11gli from Ay•u>.•r, ' may be here rc- • FEE, or wiimow tor1r; perh-aps the fa1ne
trafled . . . with FEY, 10 deanje, orjtour a p~11J; tho' the
.ERSH ; " the fame as tddijh; thi: flubb!t , afur aflio n be totally different: or pfrhaps it may be
tor11 is cul : gra(s of tb' Jecond crop : Sax. €b1rc; o nly a contra(ti.o n of puri7FY :. but in this latn:r
rou~bings, or aftermaths : R•Y·'.' . infhnce it would " .be Gr.
. . . . · '.
ERUE; bn·iragc, inheritance .... : Vedt: · ," F E:l;:L; '!forte iiS:u:.fcl~n, !ieFelan; f1111ge:e,
• .,1f 11.'~
; I Ift,
9 •

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'F c; : From s ~"·'X ·di?, '&c: ~ rr L , ·
fa 11ire, tenhire ; Skinn." to Jo;)(b, ta -ptrt'tive by ite'rfol that tt\e tkfiv. 'i'.>f this wor'1 O\cdl'd b-.
cor.taEl : or perhaps i't may be Gr. ' • both Gr. ':Ina Got.ft. f&o: t e. ff f11!d1ts be derived
FELD -FARE; " Sax. Feli-i:op., Feall•· ftp ; · from 'the Gt. and if ·it ·l'ignl6C's a -rolle1111111, ~lim­
col!urio.; Ct fea/, j ea/a; ln11/l11in; 'C t )" ~ ire: -pfftl, 'Or 11grmnl'n'f i:lltcred ii\ro betwee'n tWb
q. d. avis, qu~ mu~ti11n jpatli volahdo.•pri'!1feat, pa_r,ties., ·- • • • '
.a vis veldx, . ptrnj.~: Skinn." a bird 'fo coiled, on 'FEY a p~n!; '' jldgtlflm 1 vcl p'ifai11Mil i ejiteizre;
account of ~s long flig hts; aboot tht liz{", and i Bdg. 'llegbtn; lcl:hmd. f;-egi~ ; p11tgar1, /!J111rt:
color of a thrulh: it is a bird of paffage, \Ind , Lye :"-i~ clt-nKJt a J>i>11//. ·
found here only in wihter. • FlPOL'E•FAIJOL-E: " ·a T'eut. fttiel; lyr11,
F E LLY of a w'hefl; " fcr.ibitur quoque.Jel!oe; ·t~the Dt'. would no't rncntio'n eitl~t 'the G.-. o r
Belg. fel~t; Al!n':lfi .. ~1~lge; Sax. Fel~a i ad 'oJ'.igi- l :rt. ~·ords~ e't flldrn 1 JilumI ~· e. ·(J·~diJ~e-flr.i11t ;
nc1n voc1s -..,elge Jlfdicaverunt, quoil vett. Bclg1s: nos'et1atn, dtnn conrernnnn 110ftrun1 1nd1cart vo-
'vclgeli era't "vetjti1't; apjis ·rot.t; ta11tb1u : Lye's ·1eunu·s , 'd'i timus 11b"ft:t1fe, " jilldle-ftick , or fidd/'t-
Add :'"- tbc ti11g, rilf1, <!r <ircl< of a tb11riot wheel;. }ln ng: Skinn:''-To ·t hat this e1<,prcfljoll is at ltaft
the cirt111nferli1et 'of a cdrt whet/. half Gr. half Sax. .
• f'E~NE, "day; day is alfo of our ancient .., F1ENE>; "' btt}li1, -ofor; Silx. Feoob1 Fynb,
languag~: Verft."-perjiaps he is wrong in both ~e~an, 'Pean, F1an .l Alman . fi~, [''.'? t:ct!ifft...:
rhefe articles; for both FEN, and CLAY feem creccrmn ·ur Feonb, Sax. qucmv1s mt1'11Cllffl \n
to be Gr. .genere dc:not:tt, ita. fiepe 1Jia!toi111, ob i'llllgnc
. ~ FEUDAl.,._: Dr. Robcrtfon, in his Hitl:O!Y' tnrmani ·generi's oliu,,., ~euliaritet Feonb voca- ·
ofScotl.and, yo!. I. 13, fuppofes theword fn11Ja/ tur: Jun._ ·ani:l-Verft." 1nd yet perhaps it may
fignified bentjicia; and obfervcs, that " the ge- be Gr.
11eral of the Northern nations, ·after any 'Cbn-' FlLE.-13ER'.1', or Pbileber1; ~· fil is h~· mo:re
queft made, flill cont'inucd to be the hcsd · ~'f the' rrght)y f,,f; and Filebtrt, ·weU ot fully 'a1i1tyfi·d:
·colony; p:irt of the co.nquered lanas were aHorrcct Vedt." -but .full. is Gr . .
to him ; and the remainder, ond·et the rral'tic of • FINCH, if not derived !Tom~""'"• ·a:s in
'benr)&i'a, or fiefs, was divided amongtl: his_ prin- the fbrmcr A:lph. it 1nay ·c ome fro1n the " :Alinan.
cipal officers ; who bound tbemfclves to take the :vi11&0; or BeJg. vi1ttk-e ~ ~t. fi11Jt ; gulll fu·nt a
'field, ivhen calld.I, and to fe1-Ve him '"ith a m1m~ fono :v );,k, ~i11k,-CJ\1am ·edit ·avicula: Lye:"-
her of men tn lfro'p-Ortion to the clcrent or their " . omnin.o a,,fono· Ya~uin : ~o-ff."
ierritoi-y: thelC great offictrs. 'again p:trcdkd FIR~trre: Skinn. derives it" -ii .fire-. bot t hen
out -thei.r lands among their followe'rs, and ·an: it would be Gr. ; wb·e'fe3's it feems r<ither te be
ncxed ·the fame condition to the gr:int·: a feudal derived a Cymr. fyrr; D:m. jYr; Belg. vuere11,
lcing/Jom was properly the t11campn1el1t of a great vc! .1·uyYe11-buom ; ·nilit1: Jun.'
ar~y; milita~y ideas ·Eredomlnated, 1nilic\lry fob• ~IVE; " Sax. F•F; Germ. fllt11f; ·1umqll'e :
ordmat1on W3S dtabh!ht'd, a-nd cite voCl'effion of Skmn." .
land was the-pay, wbich foldiers received'tor rh~ir FL·EAK ·; '' Belg. v!ecbte; Iceland. jlctke;
pcrfonal fcrvice :"-the wordfer1da! t hen, confi;- rrat.s, te;1fldo, 'vme;e : Lye." .
quentially, includes the idea of a to~·e1m111, Cir t o11- FLECKED; « "rcut. fleck; So~c. }f11tci:.ot ~
Ji 1io11 (a Jrrdus) enteretl in co between lhe be- Al ma·n. )le'l<ke; tfuuu/n, mac11liltns: Rny ;" pied,.
fiower, and .the 'receiver, to give, and to acce·p r, Jporred,jtrtttked.
o'f Cuch and fuch land~, oh fucl1 and fuch ternlS: '"FLINT; if'not dcriv-cd from the Gl'. as in the
· and Judge Blackftone obfctves, t hat" the "lvotd forincr i\Jpb. we mu'ft go ro·thc Sax. Flm't i Fr.i-
ftt in the Northern languages ·fignilies a tondi- fiis, vlint, 'IJliiwtt; 'Dan. }li!ll,·fttene ; jilex ; -F r.
l frinal jlipe11d, or 're-,,,ard; and by Ci)tnbination Gall . jlin ; Mpis trrau71fus: Skinn.'' - a 1b11.' l-
with the Northern odb, odbal, or tidal, which der-:ftone; o r what in 'feut. is calledfnvr-ftei11 ;
(ignifies propri~tas, will be foi-med f ee-odb, o_r (bcfi1:e-ff.011t l .b'ecanfe fire is n:uck from it. .
fotdu111, t o denote a feeodba!, o r ftudal, o·r JJ1pe11d1. 'FLI'rCH of batlJIJ; "fuc<rdfa, tt: 1erg11m pt>r-t:,
ary proprrty :" - or properry of lands, acquited by quod :mt hlu.riii praofcrvatur, auc falirun1 in car-
entering into t11e pofie11ion of them on fome cer- nario fufpenditu'r ad ufus nccdfarios : A~man .
t aio terms, &or.dition1, and tGvtnanls: thus, by the jliui; et Sax. Fhcce dicebarur ,per1111: fufj>icor
help of thefe t\Vo learned gentlemen, we are a~- tl1nen," continues J on. '" vocabulum ho~ pri ina
r ived at the true inter.t afid meaning of this f,~-l figniticatione ·quondam denotalre Hj/itmttilNll<,
ancient Northern intl:it'ution 1 but however Go- i.e. partem panni laceram, live frgrnenn1m a~i­
thic the intl:itution i'tfelf niay 'be, it rs very won- unde f11mptum, atqnc alibi alTutum, Sax-. F lyin::e .
5 ' ' diccbatur :

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F R ·. ¥l'9im S ·A .: 0 11, r &c,
<licebuw i m'axlmQ' intti!llJl ' Mk facrr~ · -4tul>d· f' fl.AkxaGdtr.i whlah I !hall dc.ftrtilne ·re'i\We
ltd.and. JJ.k cit' la&ua . vejtJJ. t Belgi• quoq,ug rom the tranftation; for I 'have: not th,: origi~ ·
flick< dicitur 'Jffi-mtMllf, .1-if!Wa /4111fi, :·quod · ime·: "A~~ancler Magnus dicitur col11iffe mag-
Helviglus ~criY~t an.~"'""! ...'J:"*"'''IC(I", 1111-re_ ;. ~ ificc J?~os. a pu~ri~!i: cum aliquando f~ci~na fa~
Tc1it. ·v cro 111tenm 'IJ/iult., 1den1 quo.O)'Nlt J;t4'~ ; rum, 1nJe¢11li;l l)'lan1bus a&l\babus 7'Jiura·1n 1gnem,
et 'Vlii'4./n, vet wiJltni; ftc•N, Jlffi#Jt1't- l '':-0-i11'as:pz<fagogul cj1is,."'1i/4oiJ, inquit.,fic, a •
lhis lat~r deriv. It (~ms to ·figriiff d 'rllfbn· 'iJ/' rf;tbBze)'i''!! Yl!giones (as, .thi 'Thura 11ajt"flhnt; ""'""
Ddtan, 'which i1 0111y•e·i but a Ji11b is t~· ~t~. par4'e 1"4ftnl.i•M 1' poftca Ale1<andcr, Ara •
whole ~Ide. · '. · '""'; lbi5, regionc 'l'b11ri tr:d; ~adi in dirionem fu:im..
FLI fE; «·Sax. F11nt:an 1 to ,~,,1~Jd,j'e1fll, or 1neo1or ~epr<iherii\:m,s ohm facbr: a Leoo1da,
D1'1WJI: Ray." . !!'1Ul1 ei f£/turil t1111(Ji, odoi:efque alio~, admo~u-
Fl..OOR 1 "Sax. Flop; Belg. 'O/o:I~ 1· lc<dand-.. 1 nq~, nt ·v~llet polthac dl'c pttrt111· llf bo•or1Mu-
~; ar11Z, folll•, pavit11etuut11: Jun. _ and Ly~:·
1Dior11111, . . " . ,
FOB, or ft11t1ll pocl:t1 1 " 111ar/up1<Jlu.., "'!!""· ' FREAK; "T.eur. fr1c~ ~ pro1uv11s, Prof""•"""..
11ula; Tcut. fuppt, vcl /up[tui:; Jatc11!1U: Skmn." Jax, pe1ula11s; 1. e. facimu pttula11J: vel Sax.
• /illlt ftt>'tl f"'6t~. · Fprec, Fpre6enia ; pref11gus, fogiti'Vus ; q. d.
• FbLD /-or feep; "Sax. Falzb, F-alb; jlab•- faci.nus quod 'Vagam, ct txorbitanum fhantafiam,
~um ovflt; bovi~ fr.. illud, in..quo c~rat.icum peous animumque alfe<fl:ibus clifba6tum, arguit: Skin11.~··
11Wofv1tw, tondit•r : Skmn. ._ this " what we : a vagary, f'"''Y ; fonlC ;,,onl.IJ.·Pranlc.
generally call • po1111Jl for ftroy t•t1l1 ·; and looks , FREATEO, '' 1111111; alfo JeUl>ln'ttl: Vcrft.
very much as if it was derived ab E1>.1w, .,,.,.,.,, iSax:." . · · ·
'IJol-.:o; to roll, or fold tip; 10 lllrll 1b, Joor Mpon ; FREDE]" our woord friJ; frtdt, or wed, for
enc/oft, t'Vtlopt. ' FRID all is oiic, beeiog long 6ncc loft,..
FOOR-days; ~· $ax. Fop'S-ba¢tf, ct Fop'!i- or wtt ·vfe in fteed t hereof our h?r..:
n1h1'<f; du dtd1nant~, -et 110!1t lo~ge ptovoaa: VREp rowed Fn!nch woor~ peace, · which
Ray :"-tbt d11y dedmrng, alfli Jbt 1i1gb1 Jar-fµ111. the Fr~ch rooke from the Laun woord pas.:·
FOR. LORN; "Sax. Foplopcn 1 uncle con. Verft.'' ~ and which · the Latins toolte from
t raau1n for/or"; Belg. v crlort11; Teut. vtrlohrt11; the Gr•. woord rr.,.••,.., : as we have feen in the-
ptrdi1us, ·Jeploratus, derc/itha, itjlitMllJJ: Skif!n,· fi:irmer Alph. .
and Lye." · FRE.MD } " far off, or ftr1111tt, at tnl#ilJ f •
• J:ORM, or bt"'b ; if .not derl~d from die FREMIT fre1n the Sax. and Dutch jr,,,,JJJ f ·
Gr. as in the f onncr Alph. W!! mpft hear Skinn's. . Fit EMT ' advttffl, ti.terus, alit11igttta ; 4'
deriv. "ma!tcm a Sax. F)'ptn~a; mtnf,.,,je/!,e; et ftrtmgeri or a/i(H ·;· from the prcpofirion Fpam;.
hoc cum Sonu>ero il. V<rbo Fropm1an; p".fttrl ; or Fpa; fr-01t1: Ray."
quia conviviis idonc~ funt," · F RESI-1, or ne-w 1 " ·Sax. Fpcrch I· Bd g;.
FCR-M ATl" Jo &efptttk any th ing; fromf~rt; frifcb; primaFio fonfo rums, nO'Vus: Skinn.''-
FOR-M EL S (but fore is ·Gr.) and nra/, fig- new_, rtlftwed, . do11t ovtr agai11 Jr~m tbt htgi1mi•g;
nifying in the ancient P~n.. ftr"'o; a word: allo alfo rece11i; !file.
_1:·01uu:d, or Fop1'nal, ftgnilies bor$ain, treaty, FRI-day ; "Sax. Fp1;se-b156; Dan. Friga-dag 1•
Teut. Frri-tng; Belg. 'J/ry-t/agb 1 dies Ytiuris; a
.ogramc111, covenaJJJ: R ay."
· 1:RANC f-I1SE
J" '
Fr. G:all. fr•11c; a~d frig11 dta,_ antiquoruon Saxonum Yttt(r• ; ho_c
Ital. fra11co ; figmfy a Goth. Frtg•11 1 amar1; q. d. dmor, feu .dmoris
FRANK, pr frtt liber ; and hence we dta : Marrinius autem 'hanc deam appellat F refl,
F RANK-INCENSE fay · franlc and fret , et de8e.ilir a 'I'eut. Fraw, (unde Germ. Vl'ow)
which are l}·n9nymous t~rms for bcu111iful, lilt ral; ffP!lilla, q. d. dta fa:mi1111, vet Jea ftt111i11arum ril-
unde force Angli_s etiam franlr. pro fagi11•rt ; quOd tri11t: Skinn." ·
anim~lia ft!gi•alt4ro1 opor.teat libtrt, atque ai1111- FRIM·folks ; jlrtJngers : fee FREMIT: Sax..
Jan/tr cibos iis fuggerere: ac fortalfe quoque above.
iifdem A ngl is fra11i.iiut11ft dictum eft tbJU: quod FRIM, " h•11dfom1, tbrifl:J, in good to11Ji1ion ;
Jhura lllrg4 1t1a111t lint offerenda, 'Y"( lo1•• a frit11 t=, a tbrivi1tg tree : forte l Sax. fpc.
,,,_,.,.~ o e...-: Jun."-rhis interpre~ation of the mian; 'Vat er1, prOtkffe ;· healthy, flrong: Ray."
word fra11lc-in<t11fa ( the lacier part of which colli- FRIST 1 " Holl. frijt•; Sax. F yprcao; I•
pound has been already conftdered in the former gi'llt rtfpill, 11111111 a lrMte ; lo lr•ft for a ti1111 1
Alph.) brings to my mind an incideot, which Ray.''
happened bcrwocn Alexander, and 'hi& preocpror FROM; " Sax. Fpain 1 Dan. fra; il, ab, dPJ t
Leonidas ; u ·mcntioncd ·b f P~uiar~h in hi6 Life fr"111 ; Sic.inn;'' ·

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"~•WJARD1 fhi111·thl: fa'1lll:l'oot- Voir.. l'~'l ~~Jil~110/~.:J ~h~thii q,io.tation might ·be;·
P.puinipe:tpb ;- .ll'WrjNI,! mwojUI; oallk-ward.~· op-.' t.<>;foqte bCJ)Cf aft.•· ·in:th<: Dr'_., manufctjpt,
p0f rtum· T~ 10.•witi,, . ·10'!"41f"dir ~ Skin.n.''~ly .:l!llf put in ·h~re.. l>)".miltak-e of. th.e prefs.
WARD' is·:Gr. · · " . , '. 1 • G&LJ.<; of wind: "Galmtt Gailis i:ft Stptt.• ·
• FUMBLE..;· ~· t>an; fat#lt; Belg. 'fom111tlen, vi- ltrio; at · Ga/iga, Hifpanis ell: Ft1'1Joni111, Ztp!rJ·
dciut'.nimis . fiimiliar'em agcndi 1no.dunl llgni6-.; 1111ra t>itit~l(or 1. •11jo.r ':I/is· venti ; Jun.'~- .
care; ct propric dicii.ur d~ iis, qui re!l' ·aliquain •" nefcio an. a 'Fctit...Gecbli11x, .GJhli11g; Jt1bitt1,
infcit~, infabr.c rra&uit, vel aggrcdi~ntur: Jun .. f(/tlll~~u1; q.• d. ; ';'l'n/111 ~" imptfwifa, ti de rt·•
aad Lye :"-lo himdle.dll1rljil). . , 'Pmlt 111grue11s: Skinn."-tt looks very mucli a1
. FllNK; "' "ox academicis .Oxon. familiuis; 'if it was derived a r../..n•• : only with this diJl'c-
t o ·be ~n a f1mi:., .v~tt. Flandri.s /; turb"'.ptr· (e~c~, th~t the moderns ha~e rocally ~hanged the
turbatto: Lyc .:'-lroqb/t., coJ1f11fio11, ptrplex11y. "Of1g1nal ' 1dca.~ the Utc:ek~ 1·0(ed t ltt1r word r •.
FURBELO\VS; "Gall. /alba/a: Ray :" ·the :,.,.,.. in the fenfe of •&:«al,,. ; whereas the mo-
.tatbtrings, · or pltit~ i11. o g11rmt11f. ,derns · ba.Ye mad~ their· ~alt' ~pplicable both to a
!geo.tli:.; -aolt-:a,h!f.( ;b/qwmg wmd. · .
G. • GALL'D-place; "Ribera-. Gaillim.; l.:dru,
no&trt·; i; :c~ c11ticull1."m tJt./erere, tXf'orjart: Lye :0
·• ·G A:BBER 1 if .11ot'derived as in the for- •to wt11r,.•or r.t1b tbt fk.i11. .a.way b:J h11rd labor.
• GAllBLE} me~. Alpb. it may come · ,.1' GALLERY. ;..' !'Gall. gailtrit; li.ifp. et Ital.
from .the '.' Sax·, Ii ab.ban; dtrjdtrt, 1111g17ri, jgcari g1Z/feria ; ab a//(fi~. -alltt ; ire, ambu!are : Skino."
jmnone confufo, 11tmi11i inttlletlo: Jun. and Lye:" a &()'1Jtrtd plate to •walk in :-from hence we might
Jo talk a mere jargon. · be apt to think that ic was of Gr. origin: fee
• GABwE t11d of :A·holljt ; tho' boih Jun, apd AMBULATION: Gr.
Skinn. as we obfcrvcd in the former Alph". -M<ould GAl.LOWS : " Sax. Iieal~a; Alman.galge ;
derive this wo(d from. K<f'l7'..,,, cap111 ;~yet i t-f~en" a:b. Hebr. gabel; terminus; quod in terminis via-
morc reafonable 19:derive it with. Lye, ~b lcela~d. · rum ftabant; und~ vox lu.bentis imperii ga~alu1,
gabl.i which lignifies tti'mi1111s; the tnd, not t/>e q1;1i '"""" notat<, patibnlum, fi:rrcam ·: Jun.''-
l1t11d or roof of . a boufc: it fecms rath.e r to be a gibbtl, which was generally erected oh /ht ends
of Eicbr. origin. of roads,. or wherever any crofs-ways met.
; GAD .aoatJt ; " fortalfe a Cimrreis gadatl, • GANT-I.OPE ; " Gandav o, urbe inclyta
!adaw :; li11q11tre, diftrere, tbji11t re; i. e. omiffis Flandrire, q\JZ Fr. Gall. Gairt, forte Gbe111, dici-
.reb11s·ncc i;(fariis, frigida atque inania otiofe fee- tur; et Belg.· loop, !opt, or .leap ; fupplicium mi-
tari: Jun.''-or as Virgil, in E el. vii. t 7 1 fays, litarc, lie ditl:urn quia primo Gm1davi inv~mtllll
Pofthabui ramen illorum mta feria ludo. ell:: Skinn."-fo that at lea!l: it is half Gr. ; for
Gl\.D of fled, or iro11 ;. " 1naffa ca/;'bis, vcl LOPE, or LEAP is Gr.
ferri; fortalfe," fays Lye, " ab Iceland. gaddur ; GARN-windlu; " Sax. Iieapn-puibel; quod
clav111 ingtlll ;"-an iron club. a gtarn; ptnfa,fl11me11. ; et pmban; torqutre; la
G AFFLES, " pletlra, calcaria f alli1i1ia gallo- wind round a bottom; as yarn, lilk, &c.: Ray.''
rum cruribus allixa, durn inter fe pognant, haud GARR, make ; " Dan. gior ; fanq ; Id f•rm,
dubie funt a Sax. Iiarelucar; bnftilia ; q uod ab or fajhion: Skinn.'' .
Iceland. gajlalc ; teli gt11111 ; ct hoc fortaffc ab GATT.L E-h•ad ; " Sax. Of'cp-icotol; obli·
obfoleto Hibern . gabblt1; ttlum, haji11, lancea: viofiu, im11U111or ; a forgetful pt1jo11 : Ray."
Lye :"- the weapons of a 6ghting cock . 9AVELOCK ,; " Sax. Iiaveloc; catapulfd,
• GAGE to meafurt with ; " Fr. Gall. jaugt ; bal/ij/11; an i.ro11 crow: Ray :"
•;irga hygromilrfra: Skinn. "-fo far is incdligiblc 1 GAUI..E; " Sax. weaFle; p11la11ga, 'i/ellis ; ,
but what follows, is 10 me unerly unintelligible ; bar, or !.:"J.-r : Ray.''
neitl1er .can I !i.nd iA Minihcw a fyllable cf what GAULIC-bnnd; · " tbt lef1-ba11d; I foppofc
t he Dr. quotes; viz. "fecund um Minfevu m a Fr. fr<lm gaucbt : R ay.''
Gall. ga.11cbir; in (1rum vtrur<, dttarqurr;t; quod GE; " the p1•cpolition . was of our ancetcrs
fanc .valde verilimile ell: : hoc ~IJ!Otn onuni ere- much vfed, and i~' is .yet exiie.cdingly vfed in ti\e
do a Sax, Pealcan; <.Jclvere, rt''JD!vert; hoc ..,.,. h.ow-tlllitlh; where, !lccordirrg [0 their ufoal1'1Ull·
'""'' ab Ital. <.JP/gtr&; mediate il Lat. volvc·e :" uc( of pronouncing with afplrat ion, they vfe ro put
-but then it would be Gr. :-here m,uft there- an b co it, and fo make i·t ghe: wee hauc lincc
.fore be fome mifl:ake; for there ·certainly' can be altered ·ic froni ge, or gbe, toy ;· which ycc wee
no co.nnexion, n or ~ven chc• leafl: allufion,. be- lildome vfe io pro fc; but fQmty.1nes in poeiric
.&ween an excifeman's gaging-J1ilk, ·~i<\:\ ;t!1e l,at. (Qr. ih.e .ei\Cr~~iing ·p( aJill_a.bk..;:a.s.when..'wee fay,
• ~-ttt'ri/f(11 ;

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. .. .
G I Frpm S .t. x o·w, &e. • G 0
1-wrilltH; y~tleptJ) y cftlU'lttJ, y-b'rokin 1 'and the GI<;;, .Of j ir;: " Teut_.. geigt ; Dan. gig4 ;· pt1.11-
lyke: Verft:"-:-h.e .~en gi~es us a ·hmg of d11ra, fiditula: Skinn." -a It.ill. . '.I : , ; .·,.,
wo:ds,. ~innmg wnh this prepofit1on ; all of. GIG-along; " Ahnan. gabon, gi~ho11 ;., p,rap•r .
wh1c.h. he 1.uppofes. to be Sax, but numbers .of. :rare, ftfti11ar• : Lye's 4dd." ID haflen, to kobb].(,
-theql .~duld be found to be Gr.; as the twelve 10 fhl{fftt a!o,g.. . ." · ,
follow1ng may lbew. • GLAFFER ; " /Q jlalltr : Ray : " perhaps
• · " · Gt-b!tljud, for blef!ld the fame wiih GL AVERING.• ,. · ~
: Ge-bort11, .for born • GLAVE RING-/ellow; " Sa~ .. J:iltpq 1e ;-PtJ..-
.Gt-clyped, for called- all which rajitllJ; a_I:ihpan; j~urram agere; 4 par11ji1t, bef.-
: Gt-cynd1 for kindred words are foo11, or jlat~erer : .Lye :". - a fn1ili11g,, laugh ink
. Ge-healud~ for healed Gr. as may JJtophant : and really glaffer, and glavti;lng; "l'PCaf,
• Gt-mang, for among ( be .found and found fo very much likr; wlaffering,or./augbing,
• Ge-t11olt, for t11ttliwg . under their .in the fl>rmer Alph . . that they. alf feem
• Gt-r.{ihtrttd, for nttb1rt1toft proper arr. derived fron1 one and the fa1ne roor. . ,
• Ge-rifa, for /htrijf
• Ge:f<eaf; for jhape
• G't-trywe,. for trill
I in 't he for- GLOOMY; "a Bore.a libus dt vuhu f~veripr\;
mer Alph: Sax. I:ilomun6 ; trtpufculu"! ; noChacibus, · /be
gloot11ing : ita ut to g/00111 apie refp.o ndeac Lar.
• Gt -Wtf!ld, for wild J • J fronl"" obnubi!are ; hinc. gloomy; te/riCus, f.luln
<;">ED-.ftaff; "pertita, vel <Ontu1, quo ex !alt- trijli : Lye:" vulgarly pronounc~d,_to look.glum,
bris, Jiu fittj/iblCi t xdtantur ltitii ·; conft.a tur ex or fad. · . .· :
Scoiico, five H ibcJ-nico, gtad11J; lucius pifiis: GLOY; ." t u/mus ; Belg. g!uye; fajd s ftra·
. Lye.:"-a pike-pole~ I? drive t~c pike out of their mentorum ; ftramtn ar.undillaceum: L ye." .:
lurk1ng holes. · GNASH; "Bclg. /cnajfahet1; /rend.ere ; ID gruul
G E R-ARD ; " anciently and rightly it is tbt teeth: Jun.'' · '
Gar-bar/: gar is all; i.e. A/I-heart : Vt rft." - · GOAD;" Sax-. I:ia, Iiab, I:ia'o1ren ; ~t Icclal)~.
but btart at l caft is Gr. gadda; ftimufare, pungtrt: Lye." .
GER-1'R UDE; "All-tr111b: Verft.''- confe- GOAL, or pole : "Gal!, gau!t; eonlU! ; con~
quently half Sax. half Gr. 1us enim humi defixus oli1n pro meta fui~: Skinn:"
GIBBET; "Fr. Gall. gibbet; v-el gibet; Ital. -Virgil fays, .
g iu/Jtlla ; q. d . .gabalet; a Lat, voce laQentis im- . Hie viridet11 .lEneas jror.d1n1r 111 ilia meta"!
perii gabalus: Skinn.'' as in the arc. GAL - Conllituit fignutn nautis pacer; unlle rcverti ·.
LOWS : Sax. · Sci rent, et longos ubi circumftecrerc curfus.
GIBLE TS ; MinCh. fuppofes gibl•ts quafi go/J- JEn. V. ~29.
be11 :-perhaps gobltts would ha·ve been nearer, GOD-FREY; " Good-ptact: Vcrft." - half
.and gimb/.ets nearer !till :- Jun. deri ves th~1n "a Gr. half Sax.
t;i'Dier ; q ure appellanrur galljs vclatilia au~upio GOOSE fccms to be of .ncith~r Gr. no; J:.,ar:·
-capta: inde forte r in l tranfe untc, aoacum, an!C- excraclion, as Upt. i1nag incs; for tho' x...,
-rumque acrocolia, A nglis giblets nuncupata: Me- x•., in Gr. and ax.fer, vel ganza, in L at. •.re ap-
nagius aueem 'gibitr iltud fachlill putat ex fc1ni- plicable bo1h to goofa and gandtr ; yet ":hen we
barb3ro tibarium: <licebantur et gigt:ria1" Sk inn. come to llrict etym. goofa can hardly . proceed
thinks it fullicicnt to adopt Minlhew's dcriv: from either of them ; it feems more na1ural
and refers llS to gobbet; which he fays, '"non 1herefore to derive our wordgcefe "a Sax. Gori
a bfurd'um dfet Fr. Gall. gob defteltere a vcrbo Dan. ct Iceland. gaas, gaajz, ct girffi; Belg. got{ ;
tottptr ; f cindere, .q. d . fegmenlum urnis: (it lhould aeftr; a do111ef/i< f rr.i:J!: Jun." ~nd gander front
have been 'arni1)-none of thefe are fatisfa&ory : ga11zt1; anfir ;
-perhaps it might be better to derive giblets
x.... ..·
GOR -bd!itd}" Sax. I:iop; cttnotm; dirt ; ct
from the foreg<>ing word gibbet; not fro1n any GORE, t11ud bieh6 i venter, ventriofus, c~j\is
nini larity of letters ; but becaufe the .H ebr. fc. .fefquipedak abdomen mulco janguine, (no~
word '>J.l gabd lignifies /erminus ; 1bt uuls, or tx- it feems 10 take another origin, like GORE-
t,r~mitieJ of lands, ·&c. and giblets are only 1be blood, which is Gr.) et ut c1iam loquuntur ine-
tnds, o r extremi1ies of fowls; viz. th• head, .and dicl crenofo adipe, inftar farciminis, leu lucanic:r,
nttk, 1b1 tips of the fJ!ings, or pinions, and the ditl:enditur: Skinn.'' -however, even now it is
fut: the. gizzard, fover., and . heart were added half Sax. half Gr. ;' for belly,. and m11d arc
Jikewifo; that bo wafte might be made ; but the .both Gr,
former articles fecm to have given origin to the GORS l " Sax. I:ieoJirt:, I:loJtfi; trira : Ski~." ' .
d.i:nominatioo of the word. in qudtion. GOSS J ling, o r htalb. · ' · · '
+A • GOSS·

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'G it ' F+ofn ~ i. s ti fl, '&c. G U
•.aoS:S-·baiJi; "Sax. ·n0r-1'aFOi: 1 i . .c. Iidr, letim: -Lye's Arl4."'.....but t)lis ~11e "'l'Ould'IOt
n/}r.; ct ~af<!c ! 1Jccipiter; qu~a fc. anferes .iii- bc/uffi~ie0;1, u~lds ,it cai;cies. '11i~h it dt/~4'V.ii;,
. r~aatur; vc quod, ut -vult Minlh. q. d.. gr'Ofs· 1·li,re dijlor110 !WfS, as he h1rilfclf Jia.s -exp1aioed•·1t
~-~l mtii11us auipiter; ied prius ·lohgc prz(tro': ·ih the beg.i nning of .that.II.rt, .
~kinn."-bcciwfc othcrwifc it woullf be ii!firc.l .G'RI.blD-fton••l '"Shx. LJfunblin; ·• dih:t: Iipmr-
'1y Gr. : ' . GRIST I ban mtb ro'Sbrn hcQJ\&1frei-
qoSS-IP, i~dd(11g about; ~rop~rly_ 'fP.e~ki·ng, der:unt dentihiu fuis i i'o .'grmil llJ:Vn .,,11; or Ir
a btt!"t.-btH~: 1T we may credit M_utfb . 1t 1s de- grind the teeth together: Jun."
nved ttom a diffcrch.t fource with gojftp, or GRJS:kins ; "fruft,, &or.Kit,'' fays Lye," lllU'
god-fi~, in t~e. fo~~e'r Atfl b. ~ild ·i~ to fully dff- -illle . 'f!br'fin.e., (arboni'},'fl t4j1J ,; ~:ti~rri: grifgi•
'ferent'from tt 1.n fenfe, and meahing, !lio' Jun. 1ign1ficat 'arnem ajfatam ., quoo ~11:Wfe i griJ 1
.'f~~pofcs them bot~ to bi: ·o~c, and fhe r'1nlC; far !thiJ :"-.c~i.~, howcv~r! jg v.eny .fa:~·~OID abfwer•
1i1s words are1 " fed quoniam vul"go ftif,tplrtus mg, or giv1n-g a defimtton of. a l'ifiin; for there
frequencct fuf:, fpirittialis hujtis cognationls ob- a~~ mo're applicable.Jo a 'f'~rk-ftetil:,· or a m•llD•·
'teritu, ad fabulas, compotatione'fque perlli:pe con- chop, th·an tq a pork·if"tftin, which is a ftJrl •!
vtniunt ; · hinc ortum extraxerunt.·Aii'glica .to :go a 1/Jf ntt k of a 110.r, and is genailly roatkd .
.zo1fiping ; icem a gaddi1f! 'gojjip :"-th'st. a reli- GRIT; " Sax. ripycc..; l5JleO'I:'; f&rn, pa/-
gious inllitution may be abufcd, and iri ti1'ne ·be- vis Jerr.i!, gfarta : Lyl: :" du}I, 'or.f-11'.fitil fa114,
'come degerreratc!, no doubc c.i-n be made ; buc ·or .gravel. .
'l\'.htn. there is no abf9lutcoccalion for hav}ng.'re- &ROIN ; "'ab ltelacnd. ~tin; 'iliftmllio; J;jfi-
co urfc to fui:l\ 3 ful>'poficion, ic would be better 'r111tia.; . ob rat·ioncm, per ife fa'ti~ m'anifeftam ~
,t.o admj~ of anocher deriv. : fuppoling,, ·however, ·Lye :" .
that goffips at a chriil:cning may 'not pcfform all GROVEL 011 tbt po11nd; "ab lccfatidis ptte;
(be libations and. ci;remooics due to their oi>iia dta quibtJS 'frufdt tft t rolftis 1 ·a gr11va·; froHtisjJttrt i'
wich that decency and fobriety as 1nlght be ex- ·to lit projlratt on tht ·g¥01111d : Lye·:"
.pe{tecl; ftill we : !!1:iy p~rfut tbt tattliffg, 'gntlding . GROU1" 1..". ~ax. tipu'I: 1, BC!g. grolt; or·
·(oJJip thro' ;ill the 'labynnths of her profeffion; gorl~; Tcut. gr1t%t; far, poknfa, .' fari11a p'til111t11-
ind t hen we may fo1cf, that, ·according to M inlb . taris; UJl•r'I:, and Gpuiban ; flou, 'gr•rauJ .,,.
fhc; inay, ,have caken her origin a Tcm. gnjs; meal~"-ir lignifies alfo "'on'dimrntu111 ter/'Dlfi.t;
p fatea ! t!Je jlrttl: the freq,uent place of her re· mrt;1um 'tre'CJifi..e; ak, btfort'ir 111 /11/ly brt'1itJ,.
fore, either to ga-rhcr, or d1fperfe her news ; or joddt11' Slctnn. and Ray."
Tam ficti, pravique tenax, quam nuncia veri; GRUEL; "Sax. Gput:; fr. Gall . grus·;/.,,
·,J:1.;!c"tu1n ml)ltiplici populos fermone rcplcbat, ·pu/111enliml,far.l1111 aven,e rraJJior; oatineaJ: Skinn."
· "Gaudens; et parircr faeta, atque infelta eancbat. GUESS; " Belg. gi.ffe11; DaA. ptJte; .c1J11j«·
lEn. IV. -i SS. turam Jaure; ql3od fortalfe referendum ad -Su.
C0UN0 i " !-JUO nomine gramire >.nl'•• i. e. U'fr;.an ;' <ogn4fttrt, intt//;gtrt: Jun."-nonne inc··
lordcs oculoru1n condenfatre vulgatiffim(: appcl- lius arcelfas ab Hibcrh. gtafa• ; JivilUlrt, <18-
ia'ntur; proculdubio ii Sax~ Gunb; pu1> tabum, 'jttlart: Lye."
Jani es : Skinn,"-/.bt gum of l!ltar-eytr. GUS.S ET: when ctyn1ol. undertake to give
· GRAM 1angrylv · ft the detiv. an'cl 'fi~nilkation of a word, 1her,
GRAM-fayp Janger J C1' • • ought to be carcfo1 of running into· a'Bfurdity and
G.R_A'N,K;. "contrallum ex .ticcprancan; 9ut· ·contra~tlion ; but rhus it h~pp:ns •wjch _Mlnfu•.
.)us,;_ f.pan:5an, ·•'1""?"" gtm1111 do!oru, . mortis and Sktllil. ; the forll!er. derives tiuffit· ~ GaU.
11u1t11os, te.ftari : Iceland .· liranlr, et "l:rarik-fttr 1 couffen; the French mtglit .have wr1t.1cn It fo ur
-~ger ; ficlc., faint, dyiKg: Thwaites :"'- we might his time i but now they write cou/fitt; let the
.iher~fore r'ad\er prefer the othogr. of <rank: fee word, however, be written in what 1nanoer it
CRANK, and UNCRANK; : Sax. ·1night, gtr]fef' ocrtainly cannot be ·derived from
•. * .GREAVES, armotir·; "Gall. greves; F-Jff173n. ·coujjin; beca!Jfe a gujfet .is no more a e•,
,gr.e:vas.; 4nftriir.cruris pars, tibia; vcl ~Lat. gravis 1• than a ttljlard.<-Skinn. ·hl\s vefy properly de-
_1iui~ artus g;av~t, i. c.' on,,:at : Skinn."-" Bel- ' ri_ved guifet a·Fr. Gall. gon..ffet ;_.but fheo h; has
,gre , pe.r d1mtnu,t:onem ilom1nant grefkuts: Lye:" given 1t the fame explanation with G0hR JO d:e
-but then it would b~ Gr.: fee GRAVITY: Gr. former Alph. and calls ir ora, .fimln:hz; but asa
• GRIMA'.CE; if riot derived fro1n the Gr. glfjfil is not tr goar; fo it ls neither a b.orrier, nbr
•~ in the (<1rmer Alph. it may come "a Belg. a frin,{e; and if any f.oung lady at a boardir.g
grim'iigie; G:ill. grimau 1 lulxns ad Iceland . lchool t<>·have h~ard h~m expl~in a guftt by
.fl'ima, quod Vetelio eliponitur t11lis fariei, rtru, 4 6urtlrr, or.11 fri11ge, -l bdlevi: lhc w'ould immC.-
7 · • diaitlJ

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. Ft~l)l> s.~ ~ .o tt,,' &c> i J ':.~
4i!l!!ll¥ ~~Y.C~QqJ<:cd~ b.~gye~f,yi~~·~~·am,,, .d_c~µcit a 'f~t• .ktJ41 P!~~e(g, ~e;of1 '['if fHJ/f i ,~
?1ear 1he Dr. !-m j}iort, g_~t m Fr. 1s p1;.e.1 tk bard; fact1rzs. . . ·.
·toile _qu'1n llllf M. U.'[t. cbe,,Ufa..ii '/'uliriiJ .llJ !'aiJJi]le ; HANS- TO~VNS •. <fcrrn. Ef~nfi: ~elg._ f!a'tl;j
aod· tn ·E.i:tgl11h figmlie~ " .fit.J'IZl't pitct ef el#th, ff_'1_us, [od11l11 ; 1. e. c1v1tates feet4 , feu f4f~'a/.i! ';
farptt at 1bt 11/(Per tnd of a jhirl, or foif1.:fluve, ~bt 4//itJ ltrJJ/IS, conftderale-cilits :-but 'e've_n now
..Jire.Ctly under 1"1 ~111-jil; faijfaUe. towns at leaO: :ire Gr. '
<;TYfE l act • Verft HAR-BINGER; " pr0/r o1J1us; a- J;!c,lg. bf"-
GYFU Jt" · · , berger; i.e.. ber; hue, vel l?h ; et btrgt'n; ab};
~'¥"VES; "ab ailtiquo Brit. gt>t;Yw; vcl Hibcrn., ,condrr4, '1tgere ;, lo hidi,, or pro/ell: R;iy :1•
,g,tili.hiolJ ; <,ottipttks ; uode gi111bkaeb ; <ontptdibus ' alfo to 11.fotr in, to introduce. . . .
wi11l1us·: Lye :"-fall b~t#td in mif(ry and: ir'1m : - HAR-BO.UR •f rt.fl 1 Ir . ~ l!~lg. 'h1rberghe';
but 1norc parcic.ularly confiru; felltrs, : .Tcut. hrrbrrg; diverfari~'!'· pofpi1i1p11: ]t!ri."-.
1 ~nd therefore m~r. be derivt~ fro1n the .forego.-
H. : mg a~t. ro ligmfy a place pf riftige, " p}ace ef
} pnd protttliort.
• HAB~-DASliER; " Minfcvus vult a HA"RDS; '" Sax. beopban ; jlupp~: 'Lr.~ :1•.
· T eut·. babl irhr dos.? habef1u hoc ? will yo11. low, ./Jax, hemp. .
i>atie,or bll.:f Ibis.? quod.frequcns in ou:.ettempturi- • I-lARP: if not deriv~d from its folljt, a.s i11
cntibus :"-to which Skinn. a~ds, " vel Ii 9crm. the former Alph, it may have receiv~i:l .1ts nacne:
originero ma vis, A Belg. koep,e1t; ef!IP't, mercari, according to Cid. Way. 72, "fron1 its ionftrutlio11 ;
.,,,,,,Jinari; ct dae,s, vel dwats rf111l~11S< q. d. lcooptr· ar in Celtic lignifying a 111r1al flriQg; and rib t
.JAe/tr ; a trifle-ftlltr; i. e. rer,11m vilium, ahfurJa. parlitio11, Of' 11u1nb1r :":__it being a mul}cal i11ttru-
"'""• et qure jlul1is •tantum grata funt; 11J1,g11rut11 meot, .confifting of " number pf 111e1al firings, or
'Vt11.iitor, n11givendul111; .tale.s enim mcrcatorcs tan- wires ; qua(i th' ar-rib 1 cqntrattcd to 1b' bizrp.
.tum minutiores recul,as vcnum cxponunt .:"-fc- BARR; " tt1t1ptj/as. a mari ingrucn$·; Sax•
vere 11s this rcflettion is, there 1nay be fome bepn .; jluflrum, 1f1111: SRinn," a ~io{e111 g.pfl of
'truth in it: the only difficulty wouJd be to fbew, wind fr•m fea :-here mutt; however, be fo1nc
how either baber, or da/her can be derived a Belg. fmall error of the prefs; fpr the Ur. could ne,,.
ltoaptr: but even npw·kooptr is Gr.: fee COPE: Gr. ver have written it jlu)/rum, <£jlus, as i1 appcara
HA-BERGEON; "ba_ljlwg,1, bal)Perg.¢; y.~x p .)!is wo(k; -but he undoubtedly ~~otcfilltl•llM
temporc l(iaroli 1nagni reccptiOima crat, dcnota- .ej/111. •
batque lboratem f<rr.e11m, jive _llrJtlal11ral(f c~lli, et HASP, or jpi11dlt; " Fr. Gall. bnffit 1 Teut,
pttJo~is ; ab ba/s ; collt1m ; ct l11r1,e11, vel pergen ; baJPel; alabrum, feu inflrumcotuin textprium, in
Jtgtrt, m1111irt : Lye.'' cpiod filum fllji involvitur : S~inn.''-p .Jpilldli.
HACKl" Sa.x. be&S~• vd breca.; Belg. btek; or bobbin, to winde lilk, thread, or yarn oo. ·
HECKS pefluli11, rtpagulum, vel locus repay;u- 'HAV'OtK, wafl'e : " vtijlare, Cambr. B.rir.
./;s, feu ca11uUir da11fm : · n!>!lis, p~rum de- htbog ; accipiltr; a b,JJ.w} ' ipfuo1 vei:o btilot fc•
Sexo fen(u, fooni co11ditorium, fou pr:£fepc caw- cerunt Cymia!i ex ·haftg ; ikvaflamenlflm-; unde.
u/lotu• figQat: S.kin.n. and Ray :''.~11· b91f-do~r. or ad hue remanfit An~lorum, · lo mdKe ba'iJotc;
.what'is commonly called a b.tJlch; which Jun. bas vajlare : 'Jun. and Skinn.•" t~J/.y wajle, '1/llkt fpOil•
IO juftly dcfcribcd by" in magnatmn quoque a:di- HAUSE i " Sax. )>air; rolllf!11 ; tht neck, 9r
bus, et paulo numero6oribus familiis foramen in lbroal : Ray.'' . ·-
.prompt11arii ja.nua vocatur tlo! bu1.1ery hmcb; .re· HA UST, or bojle ; " a d'J roug_h; Low Dutch; .·
pagu!um, vel dimidial11m ojliolum patenti janua: in borjltn, and boe}le ; a cough: Sax. l;oprt:an;. tuf-
veftibulum ardium objcdu1n; ne qujs temere: in jire, to c•ugb: Ray." ·
.redes· in;umpat:"-but when \t fignifies a-rack and 1:-1.AW, 'Ir cl.ft: " Sax. J)a;;a, feu Pa:;;; agtlluJ111;
•..,nger, it ieems to be a contraeli9n of bay-rack; fcu &DrJ, JUXl3 domum ; noc a Sax. !>.~an i .
.,.ad.then would be Gr. ftpire; a htd~t, or "llJ 111clefure : Ray."
HAL-B>ARDl" yocabulum eJfe Teur .. origin is f!A\V-1'HORN: half Sax. half Gr.
HAL-BERT!. fatentur omnes; reCl:ius tamen • I·IAW K, or bird: as lark is acknowledged
J111Ue-b11rdt, vel lulle-barJt, putatur dici corrupta to 1?c only .• contrall;ion of lavr.oc, fo we might
.ex bt/fti,/7ar:lh, quod ca galet1s pdverfariorum dif- fuppofe that hawk was only a contractioo o(
·~;in:nt-1 ex belm,.«.b.a~lh, quod ,T )leot. aftia cit; hawoc; if. there were any fuch . word; l:\ut. qei-'
Qade et btl•-ackn-rdida ell'.: Jun.''- " 'ipt1111is," Juo. nor Skinn. derive it i.n 1h•t .•nawi~~ :
liysSkinn. w.ho tathcr follows V.crll:. "q11i .
. tbey tell us, tl~t bawlc is d~rivcd a S•x..l>?fOe;.
.;. A t vcl

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H :£ From S A x o if, &c. H E
vel bcaieoe; unde Cymra::i hafag; dt'Vajl111111111um; port of the Dt's. deriv. the foll!)wing palTage
uride adhuc remanlit Aoglorum to "'4kt ba'fJod: ; from Virgil's dCfcription of .a co:w •. •
'fla)lare :"-as we obferved above. - omma magna;
; •HAWKER ; "mercator circumforaneus; ab Pes etiam, etcamuris hirt:e fub cornibus ·aures; ; a<iipiter, · quia (verba funt Skinneri) inftar Nee mibi difpliceat maculis infignis ct albo ;
auipilris hue illuc crrans, lucrum fru pnedam, Aut juga dctrcfrans; interdumque afpcra cornu;
quaq_uavcrfon1. venatur: Ly.e :"-it fcems more Et faciem tauro propi9r, qua:que arthta Iola,
'p robably ?cri'vcd i as in th~ former ,'\Jph. El gradit11s. ima vcrrit veftigia cauda.
HA \VS ; whatever grows 11\ tbe htdgts : fee Geo. III. S+-
lIAYS : Sax.. HELJ\f cf a 'Jhip ; " 5ax. J;lelma : Jun.•
I"IAY, or ntl; "Gall. baler; ftpirt: Jun." J>a:lmc : Skinn. pars fumma clavi, lltlflis guber~
.-r s·ax. !Ja6a eft ftpu, jtplum; b:>::;!:tan; ftpirt : 11acuk1m ; properly the hanc'Jc of the NldJer to
.Lye :"-y;ho now 1night have quoted Skinn. very bold by; and therefore might rather be derived ii:
fufely ; for the Dr. has ufed almoft the fame Tcut. btlm; ma11ubri11m, capul11s fu11ris,what we call
.words, and explained them by 1·t11, quo cuniculos the HELVE of a hatcbtt.
iiltercipere folent :-lo t11clofa, or be'dge in. HELTER·SKEL TER; commonly fuppofed
. HAY ; lo danrt the htry, or bays ; from the fore- to be derived from bilariltr·uleriltr :-but that is
'going, or following root; meaning 10 dana ;,, a only catching at found: it feems more probably
'circle; or lo danc; round any pcrfon, by which derived either from the Sax. J?eoly-ce]l· Sceabo ;
incan~ they tnt!ofc, or keep hi1n furrounded. chaos-tentbr.e, boc cft umbra.-inftr11i, fcu Kthmn.e ;
• . HAYS; or hedgt: Sax. bre;sian; fepirt; lo confulio enim revera inftr11i-•mbra cft: Skinn."-
},,JJ(t ro1111d, tndoft, t11compaft. but now it is half Sax. half Gr.; for Sceabo uo-
. · ~ HAY.PUC}" in! Germanico pedites doubtedly originates a i ..,., umbra :-vel fecund~
· · or Hunganc1 haydua appellan· btlltr-.fl:tlter fortalTc etiam commodius de8eCl:i
• HEYDUC tur, ut cquitcs buffers : hoc ab potdl a Belg. bu/; prorfu,, omni110; ttr; ad; e t
Hungarico vocabulo bayduc; '1.ldrs, milu txptdi· ftbtlltrt11 ; JPargere, dijl>trgert lt1m fanilu ; q. d.
t1a : illud a.b buj[ar_\ tques, milts ; ut me docet be,1-ler-Jcbtlttr: Skinn."-ftill it would be. half
Menagius tn vocibus: Lye's Add."-fee likewife Sax. half Gr. ; but now from a different root ; for
HOYDUC : Gr. fcbetler lignifies.the fan1e as ftatur; c.ohfequcn~Iy
' • HAZY tveatb(r ; H ncfcio an a T eut. ba.ffen, Gr. ; - there ••• however, another deriv. VIZ.
vcl bafz; odi.ffe, odium ; q, d. nrri s faciu turpis, Iceland. bdle, bcltrt; fundert ; ct Dan. •pki/ler;
/urida, odicfa ; i. e.· aer ntbu!ofi1s, ca!iginofus : fuuingo ; as the Dr. himfclf acknowledges, under
~kinn."~rhis might. alrnoft induFe us ro derive the art. krlttr, or kilter; frame, or order: fo rbat
It ab A?.; odium ; unde bafz, boffin ; hazy : tho' bdtcr-jlulter lhould fignify order diff•fed, pr;uret!
there ·has been another deriv. offered in the for- 0111, or f<nllercd abroad : fee likewife HEE'L, or
mer Alph. incline : Sax.
· HE; " Sax. Pe ; Alman. bit; Belg. by; is, HELV'E ; though the Teut. htlm.; mattubrium,
iflt, ipfi, illt: Lye." lignifies a handle ; yet we muft not derive hth:Je
• HEAl-" LING, a capti' : Verft. Sax. from btlm; but from the Sax." be!Fe, or be.i!Fa,.
· HEDGE; "Sax. l>re;y bC;!;f, b:e00e 1 ftpes, which originates from Pealban; Unert: Jun."
ftpirt': ·Skinn."-to rncloft, furrormd. · to bold by ; qyia Jc. mediante cnpulo gladi us ,,,,.._
.HEEL, i11dint; "ortum traxit ab Iceland. lur; the handle of a ba1cbt1, the hilt of a /word, &c.
I.el/a; inc/inart: :"- Ray writes ·it bta!d; to HEM, or JPil out; "Be.lg. bemmen; fonori
pour or11. ftrtnrt: ·Lye :" lo hawk alof!d·
HEl-FE R: the orthogr. of tlii$ word is far HEM, pro 1bem 1 ut et btr pr'o tbtir., apud
frim being fettled : Jun. and Skinn. write it vetuftiores noftros fcriptores nulquam non le-
laifer; and yec derive it a Sax. J)eahppe; which guntur: hem et.ber font Sax. beom,. bim, bto]la.,
t hey interpret two different ways: " credo," fays ))epe, bep; qui bus refpondent Franc. bim, her.o,
J un. ' '. J)eahFOJl olim peculiari1cr denotatfe vit11- bir; et Goth. im, cc bim : quod ad them et tb1ir
lam faginatam; q. d. PeahFobpeb; fummt paflam :" atrinet, nullus duoito quin ab ·Iceland.. btim,
and Skinn. fays," PeaFOJIC dl: ab Peah; nlts11, et btirra, proficifcantur: Lye."
f OJlc:; grtjfus ; ·uipote q~re a/111m gradilur :"-but HENCH-man; " malk1n- deducer..-," fars
iiow.1t· 15 half Gr. half Sax. and ought, according Skinn. " Sax. })me; fant1tl11s, ftrvUJ; et """' ~
to his ow.n denv. to be written btafor: Minlh. is q. d. Pme-man, vc.l J;l1ner-man ;. o ftrving·1111111:
not ')'Orth quoting: Ice me then only add, in fup- fee HIND: Sax. Spelm. ded~1at aSax. JX.n0 rt:.;
:2 tfU"S :

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'H '. [ From s A·x o 11, &c, H J
' 'finn~ et . "''"' l q.· d: . ben\;rc'~liran i i. e. eq'iiu; ' H e was Come hi/jing felffJ'W; that h'ad' fb:>l'1t -.
-vd· tqili-&"1'11tor i l1 groom, "mr'boftltr, or a jlab!t- The horfe he rode on: ·
·.6oy.:"-Only let 1ne,obfefve, that,,,an, in the f~nfc and again; fien. V. ·Aa iv. fc. 7, -
of a f'"11Znt, as a. coub.,,,~n., a-. fool-man, &c. is Ourfuperfluous lacqueys,and our pe:lfant•~ •
-.Gr.:. f~e ~'.!'AN • ,Gr. :_,Shalcclpear, in his Mid- vVho in unnccclfary· afrion fwarm·
fun1mer Night a Dream, Aet II. fc, 2, ha.s made
About our fquares of. battle, were enow· .
:ulC of this 'void . i·n che ·fenfe of fa11111lus, vd /er- 'fo clear this field of fuch a bildi•g·fot ; ,- .....;.
. <r111s; where he makC$ · Oberon king of the fairies bild, and hi/dint, therefore, mull: mean fie1t'flopuli:,
fay, -. . she rifuft and ruhbifh cf man/cind, the mc~e fcum of
t 06: 1Why lhould' Titania· crofs her Oberon? the ear1b : - even ·Ray, among h is · Provincial
1 do .buc·beg ;i little changling boy · . : words, or proverbs, has taken no notice of. it ;
T o be my htnthman: but with the people of Nor/al.+, bild lignifics , U/e
'that ·is my page of bontr; which oilice w3s abo- fat1/in[s of beer after fermentation ; the ··b:inn.
'lilhed by Q El'izabeth. . or yell: Hoa ts atop, and lht bi/d fettles down [o the
HEORD.llt is remarkable, that both Jun. and bottom of the vetlel : this mi~ht Jead us to' fup-
RER.D S' Skinn. lhould write, and ,refer us pofc, that what Pqpe fays on the former of thofc
to btari/; and then derive it from words which two palfages may be right; "famtbifdint fellow--
have no a in 'them ; or elfe from the Gall. word for binder/in![, i. e. bafa, dtgtntrall :" as .will be
httrde; which conveys quite a diff'crent fenfe ; obferved under that art. :-there isr, a;
'but·an the words quoted liy them fignify gre.~, word in good old VcrR:. that may perhaps have
aut multitudo cervoruin; (it were .to be wilhed given origin to this exprellion; viz. abild; hiddeN.;
'Jun. bad faid armenrum, vel agmen) grcgatim in· and ufed here to fignify obfa1re, unkN.wn, C()'!)trl'4
eedcntiuni, pafcentiumciue.
· · I-JERE ; an arrr.y
HEREBERGA; 1he !odgingplaa
l . and conttaktl; meaning, a perfon, whofc birth is
mean, or obfturt; but then it would be Gr.: fee
HEILE : Gr. •
of lb~ army . HILT; " Sax. belt:; capufflt; quia CC. me-
I-IEREBERT; a fti!fulgtntral of~ Ver!l:.
• an army
· HERE1'0GA; a ltader, or <en-
·j' dian11 cap11lo gladius lmtrur; forte q. d .. hold 11
an/a: Skinn."-the handle by which any thing'.
is btld. ·
'iluttor of an 12rmy · HJNDlor down; "Sax. Dine;. famu/111, fir~
, HERE, in Ibis platt; « Belg. bitr; Sax. HINES 'VllS ; lline-man; agritcla, cc/onus, 1.1il-
I l d b L lieus:. Skinn."-perhaps from hence might come:
'l':>eri; cc an · tr; hie : ye." the exprel!ion bench-man.
HERE-T O-FORE; " l'cut. '1Jtr-z11vor i an/ea; HIN·D - berrits ; Sax. b1nb - beruan ;. Teut. ·
otjore now: Skinn." beitkl-bur i btUf4 rubi Jd,,i, 'Vaccinia ; forte tic·
l'IERRING ; " Sax. Pa!ptn;i; : Skinn.'' (it dicta; quia inter bin11alos, et cervos, i.e. in (yl'Vif,.
.lhould have been printed b:epm;i;) ; Belg. he- ct.Ja!tibus inveniuntur : Skinn."-fec HEURT5;'.
rindr: ; Teut. baerint ; halec; a wtll·lc!W",,;n fifo. or WHORTLE·berri<s.~ Sax. •.
HICKUP ; " · Belg. bitlr:fa ;. bt"lr:up; Sax. HIND-ER l "S<ixc ·'b1nban; Belg~
Iicoxa; a:vi medii vocabulum, bofutta; Mar- HIND-ER-MOST J et 1·eu1.. bindt11, bin-
.t inius putat factum a fono: vide quoque qure dtr 1 poft, pvne; Sax. J)ynan;. rttr o: Lye:" hack·
infra annotavimus in YEX; Jinzultire: Jun.''- ward; /aft of all :-He fmotc his enemies in.the.
co.fab, gafp, and duck all at- once. · bindtr parts, and pu~ them to a perpetual' lhame ~.
. l'I!GHT; '!Sax. bat:an; vocare; B~lg. huten ; Pf. lxxviii. 67.
lceland. heila; Goth. bail~n : Lye:'' -Jo tall; "and HINDER, prwent : " Sax .. bmbptan ;; Belg •.
7'ometimes it fignifies to promift, and vow ; for bihderen 1 Dan. forbi111/re~ ;. imptdirt :- Skinn.'' -
fo Chaucer ufes it ; and fo it feems to be ufed in u obflrutl, ,,.0 141, impuk. · .·
the Englilb metre of Pfal. cxvi. 14>. · I-IINDERLING ; perhaps tliis may be·.t he·
r to the Lord will pay my vows, origin of the word· bi/ding-, as 1nenrioned, in . thaa
\Vhicb I co him bebi[hl: Ray.» att. lince ~hey both• lig11iff ~· digeiun; vox adhua
• . H ILD ltherc is v~~y 1.itt!e fatisfacti?n agr-0 Devon. famil iaris/' fays S~inn. and. · then
· . • · HlbDING' S ean from any o( our adds; "Spell'l'11 dellecbt SaY.. P.ynbep; rt11101111.,
,ctyrool. as .to the orrhogr. OF deriv. of this word:: .Poft habi111s :" or, as we may f.~y, p~puli' and
·· ·-:S.baktf~ar has ufcd it rwice to fignify bafa, thus by contraction. and tranfpofnion .hiwdtrli~~
· :/..,,, mtati. and 'Vttlgar. ; 6rfr, iu the Second Part · has been converted into bi/Jing·: and what wu.
"Qf H~n-. IV. Act i1. fc. 2~ faid in the foregoing an. concerning tbc word

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H 0
. l"rom S. "' ir. • ", • · 1 • :A
bi/J, 1tr jii!lfiJmll, found at the• bottom of bter, HOJ:1SEL1 « 8P¥Httetbs.freq11-,:8'.cbari,fi;
ok, &c. ~ ftill be jufl. Deiaini C(IJ'p"1s ,;,,,,,,;,,,,;.., ·nub11rifti41r1W-~~
HIPS, a.o d b4ws ; " $aJ1• . !Jcop-bJ1yrllel : nt· Sa11. l>vr,I, l>\funt,~Got°' ""'fl+:/amftn-
has: Jun.''--thf thorn-/Jrljh, or. father bra•lllt, or Lyc :''-1/H n«bmft. or fArJ's f"/'Ptr•
whatever grow.$ ·wild in the htdttS• I:{QW 1 '' .Sa. l>u'i' llelg. iw, ;. .-;,~
HITHE ; " Sax. P1'l>; pvJv, 111wi11111 jlati~ ; Skinn1,,-in w.bal t11tJ••tr~
hiM Angli ~1111-bi1b1. Lat#lt-bitli~, contratle HURTLE-.berrits 1 ".Er. Gall. -bew.lls·;'g'Wa-
f.-ft/b: Lye." fi. cterulti; fTJ1EJiu .'!Jitis .!tL&e; f:4l:&iaia1 n9'>isI.r-
· WTHER i " Belg. bifr; Su:. bi'ocJl; Goth, tl1-berries, wsrJk-berries, vcl bilberries : Sk.inn.''-+
ii#i; lnte; 11.1bi1 pla&1: 1..;y,e." but, under. ~h~ ailt' WHOlit!Il.$-6errie1, 'he gives
, HOIDEN; " ·reut. beyde.; erict111•, lo<us'· us a different deriv.. viz, " a Sax. b~o.p:c~bc111an;
fo; q. d. agr.1jlis r1gillllis btcola 1 r11jlicus, i'1fuili- q . d. bear.1.Jm:W,.nobi1<v..-cilfia1"-and tllenadds,
Jtu,: Skinn." " hzc 9pcc51!i<ii(po:w he fcems to be «aroiJ)g,roun4
· HOITY-TOil'Y; " de priori partc voca- again) videntur caaem ·cJre, qu11: •nofl;i i ·fa!ci'!l~
)luli," fays Lye, in hi• Add. " nihil habeo quod bt11r11 ; Galli btutu appcllitant·:'"-what JS heap
iicam : ('perhaps· it may originate from the fore- of cop.fulion !- in the lirft place, he sells us
going art·.) poftcrior ab Iceland. llJl•tr ;, Fr. ,G all. beur.tu :fign.ify globuli uerulti: in the
011/tans, lilfriviens, ftuxiff'e vide.t ur :" fo that nc.xc plac~ thefe bur.tle-berri_es arc .no.t derived
}#ilJ·IDUJ means only a rudt,· uumton; /11ftivioas from bt/IT.IU, but from l>eop'C, ('l"hich by th~
ltoiim ; and is written i.n confo;1nity to that way is Gr.) then in the next pJace, whether
.~iJplica:tion of cxpreffion whic'h .the provccbial dcdved fro1n the Ft:. Gall or the Sax. they fignify
manner of writing fecms to t;ikc delight in ; v1udnia : and in tbc Iaft ,place, 1hefe vac<itlia.are
.thus we have bab-Mb .; bip-bop ; bodge-~dge ; the fame with what the Galli, or the Fr. Gall;
tid-tacli., &c. &c. call .be•rlts 1 but t he · modern Fr. have no fuch
HOKER l" vox dl: pura puta Sax. vidctur word; for the.y call them vadtt, which is a
HO.KF.S j mi hi," fays Lye, in his·Add." JlOO· , miti:rable, wretched, paltry Gallic contr1tllon
,aullam babcre affini<atem cum "Puc1<, buci;e ; .iro- of vatein.i ll•. ·
llia, irrifi• :"-a mot/ting, jefling., dtrifion. • AU'S'T4NGS, if not .derived ·intir-cly front
• HOLD-Jaji: i'f. not derived as in the former the .G r. as in the former Alph. it is, .at lcaft
A-lph. it may come from the Sax. beai'ban; lldg. half Gr. half Sax. or Iceland. " Pur'C1n,'5e dt
ltoudelt') 'Ieut. balun; lcel"nd. ballda; Dan. kc/de; co11cili11111, curia; quoit deAuxit ib Jcdand ..b~/{bi"g;
Inert, ftr'!Jll¥f, probibert.: Jun. and . Skinn.." 10 con·i.•e1:!."lS: ab httf ;.d~1n11s; et.thing ; ..judiCifll/1,..for;tmi
gripe, ftift, apprebelid. _ . ubi civium lites fecund um 1eges. deciduntpr;
. HOLD, conlnin. }"Sax. lJeolrt'Jla ;-la- 1 q. d. xii' i~"X•'> fa dicii domli~ ; jumma apud Len-
.HOLD cfi a·/bip. . ttbra : IJcolrce11 ' dine~fes curia : :'. ' - the liigheft court of
HOI:.DS11ER/•r a piflol rceaP<J .; a great mayoralty, or judicature a1nong the citizens of
,Jftttlowy da~kncfs· : N·a6•n pc pzr t.>eolrqicy ; London :-but bus, bows, or HOl':JSE, .are moft
tun babemus /a1ibulum: Jun."-we have 110 plact : probably Gr.
.Jo bide i11 : and a boldj!tr is a ea.fa to l~Jg.1 tbe " flO'fCH ; " Sax, bp:Ccca, Fr. Gall.
ti.fl•' ;"· b11cbe; Hifp. buch.r; area pr.Efertim fr11111t11tt11'ia:
- HOPS : " Belg. ·bapp,·l:rcuyd; ab bnppm ; nefcio an 01nnia corrupta a Lat. arta, vel 41'C4;
umpribendert, avidt corripere; quod p_roxi1na qure- Skinn "-but then it·would be Gr.
quc eomprebt11d1Tt, ac le11eat; .eten1m ut verb1s rIYRDE, "an JCJERD's·man: Ver.ft. Sax.''
<Dodonzi ucar," fays Ju n. " l11p11/us 1101pl•xu v ivit, HYRSE ; " milium ; Alman. berfe, · birft;
crperticas, aliaque:3d'm inicula circu1n ligando{e, Dan. birfz; Il?lg. birs, beers, gurs; a finall ·srai»
fcaridit.:"-tbe tii11ging, domberint, clim!ing..hop. cillle<i•millet : L ye."
H .OSE l" Sax. J)ora; tnlig~; Belg. ei Dan. H·¥RSUM- {.obedimt } ,
H0SEN J bof1, .J:o11f}i,; .Anti.q. Brit. bofan; Fr. HY RSU MNESSE fobalienu "erJI:.
Gall. tbauffe: Hifp. ealeas ; lial. t~l'zi 1 T:eut.
ltoftn: omnia ii Lat~ taiga,, pro ._calig.~· ;: ho~ 1~­ I·.. J.
cundum SahnaJiurn a K••x,•. pe/111.: Sk•nn. -1t
is lOmcthing rci;narkable, that· the-Dr.· fhould fay. .ADE; "lcelaod:}•Dr; cc:-Bclg. l!."-'4
om·nia. il. ~t. calga : but 1t would be rather- too J -r11s, er flrijofils • 11t·ex'}oor, mutito (quid
lllUCh to fay, chat' J)Ofa; •h•ft• bofan, atld'tbar'.f!t, fiepe u.fu venit) ·r in d, primo fucrit:jo°pd 1 acque
111erc:.derived· from c11lgo, pro talic•· 'ind:e j<W; nl jJJM: J.un.''- " apud· Iceland. ro:lc
- ltlickdle

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] 0 Froih S: ... ir o ir, i&r. . .K l
Hick~ Jalklh ~ft tqiius "'1fi/ldm alntiw.idt aut Sn. Iibjt; fftrtul;'tt 'ben; ufJi/1; .«ft tundari<l
tftra1 ftflt>I : .'J..)11!1. feu )•lid. ; Jtirifilllll4'• J.,.. q_uoovis ·recept~olum; 9'\ d. _..r.Jlot•""••: Skinn.~
tl•m; hirtcja.ltta 1 ; Jif1111N MDrt m41tllttwri; et Ebo• JSiN ·GLASS,; .accor<ling; to the .prefent •
rico~liu":i )ti~J.~ Jqe,:"-.......·w eam't. _;.,rd ~irtJ ·"!'· orthogr. any perfon might fuppofe this word
. fAG(!:ED; Cy1nr. pgrni fa:11t r1m.e,fiffer;t"1,. was compounded of ift'll and glafs ; and Skinn.
iifune: J~m.'.._,•lttlbed. . · . has given it this fcnfe ; " lapis)Puularis, /pteul""'
, '.J'.l'tl:IE ; " orig'<>· vocil· petenda cft ab Amiot. efiili, ffe«1lo 'Vflrto~ crt!do put1us, however," fays
qµibus ;ilaJI cft irtifi• ; 'et 'g~tll ~ lutitrt, il/1<. he, " iliilum quali Writlff glaciale, quia a 'giMia-
/fert 1 umte '<q)lb'q_ue pcrcndum Ft. Gall. >giJIJir : li~s regio#iJ111 . alf«rur, ~ tlaein1<, ·~ctfpicui~ate,
Lye :" ·tile fame f11l>fe· a:s iVUtgil ufts tl\re v<irb · ~lr1111> tum •eaik1Tl'perfp1cumite, ttlrri J>Cltnnit-ttte
i/lu/Jo 1 ,,£11. •11. ·63; · tliitro pnc.;gllfl"it p'roprii rekrt :"-it fttrns rather
.Cndiqlfc vifi:ndi «ftudio T.roj·ana 3unrnu1 to •be a p~fln·1 .f<>r gl11ft here 'hu ·no co~
C i\ocub1t<lfa 'ruh, ce1t11ntqua illKJltre ·~o. ncction with fpuulu111, vi1ru•, or what we call
J.lf1JN1'S·6/ a wlke/'; '~Pr.:Gall.jalltti ; "riltlfi,1 · gllifs I (but lfetms :to be' on1y a tranflation o(
feu iilp}s rifilii•: •Skinn.''=-whtt we tall 1/it ftllJ·lf ffott, ~r >riirl\er ·itiwg, :from frt I ana g{ll<i'ts; itt•
11 ttrb'u l; ·ctlr'v'1t'hlro•"fdt;,,, · . degemat'ed ~ntl> .glf'ft : - rneanlrtg, th«t t'hi'1
·IC·E ·1 " Sax. 'If'• •J'a-; Btlg,. ' !/ii Teut. C<>nrpdfltlon ,ll{)led Jji11g1efs, it 'is',c1ear 1IS a lump
JCfCL'E <_f •ip;t, ·eyj'x :; glicits : Sktnn.'' ·nmr- ~f. i(t.
nih\'I vllhm~o·r 'liab~e:affih'iulfi.s <tllm <Ioebn<l. !lfllki.; qU M.PS<; "' Fr.«Gill.farft-1Belg•.tt Teut.
'frogmriilil 'lliajdrh glaciii ;. •Lye :~''""'-it may be cur.i· Ital. giubba ; 11m1''" f"Perior, feu 1/Hrax: . ~ .' .i,:
-ous to the ·rca<l1lt <Inly to !lave a :view of dl'e -"a 'PJlir•offt111s• · · .
cli.lfer.cnt ·mtdtotls~·ae<:art! in·g ito ]Un. '!·hilt 10lfr .
jllOd okl ancefi-0T's wrote rhc 'Word iit(llJ,1.·viz.
ii_foi ftils, 'K•

iftft boklllir,-
j 'K' 1A1B>AGE' ; •t;y wi'icing •this <Word ·ta~7'1ttf
. like the c<:»nmon plartt, ·we ·have re1!dere(I
·aild ,ict octePly ·in·exp.lici!llle; but•by fd llowing·rhc true
iftfcbll!"illis.. {Cr:thegr.. and'#no-Wing·thllt ·it ·is ilerivro Trom t he
. JILT ; " "fcelanll .•giHa; t1m•rib11J tircum•1rtJ1ireo; Teut. kabaf[p1 .;· f11rari ; a ka'l!as ; '}Jtilla ; a· /i11/i
!{iriliiira, qv« 4man1em lafl~1, 11 vani1)Ju pr1dftdl .: 'b'tljk~t ;. we' may eerily arrive! it ·th~ meaning of
l ,ye.''- a folfi fair one: that tri te but crue proverb, thhi Jitjlars will krt-
lM~·BA:RGO' ; " :Wiip. ~mbargo, ab-tlllbiirgc.r ; :"lmtt, i. e. Jay/ors toil/ 'flea!, will p;,;/om pllrl of
dttinere, rtt!htrt ; ucruir.que •ex prrep. en, vel tha1·e!o1b 'wbiib is '(>lil'into lhiir}JandJ': it-is rrue ·t he
<It 1 et otirra; obn<, re-pagulum ; q . d. •birt, vcl 'j Teut. words- kab(J/Ttn, and 4'abas, :uia our kabal(t,
""fagulo ~l;j~tfo ntiv tm reli"''.'": Sk~nn.''--ro de- ' have riot the ·)eaif connexi_on ·with t.he aaion Qf
·tam a .. lb !Jl in port, by putting as a . werc ' a boll, f jtMl11tg ;·but under ·the art.· GULL,.m the · form~ .
or a 'bar, in die harbour's mourh. · ' ·A:lph. w·e have. fei:n -that:Cafuub. has ·produce8
l'NFANT RY-, " Gall. f.infalfltrit; 'Iml. in- I tcveTal cxpreffions in other Jang. of a fi'rriilar
ofonltria; ab Iial . f ante; fer.vm, ftfva; oinnia ·a! nature-w ith rliis· no:w before us~whi·ch, if we ~pply
Scandico fonNtr; fattllu, fnmul1u : 1-lrck·s :~' ii fer- ; liter:illy, means, taylors will p,ut part of yottr
"'1anl, a11:n11ende111; as the·horfe may be calttd 1be; cloth·into their bnfte1, ·ana 'ar1y It off; -i.e. jlelll
•llendmls of•!' army, becaufe a 1tfs numerous, ilfw•fbcirowfl rtft. · · ··
:liody;, but, tho' tbe ·lefs numerous, yet·not the'lefs , ·KEL-TElR, or kilter; "fromt, 11rtltr; proculdu·
~onor:ible-. bio a· Dan •.opkilltr; fu<ci1110 : ·/d/trr ; ·cingo; Te'ut,
ING ; "Dan._ ing \ pratum, pa/mum publitililr, kelter ;, 1or,11/ar: , Skmo . ao.d Ray."
'(~u agrnm tompnfouum: · Sill on: and R-:ty ·:'"--a! · • 'K'ER'.F 1 " ·t:eopr.rn ; ·faM-1 ; hinc 'l'eut.
• iO,,,,,.a~ pajltirt. · . l ~trrle ; ertna, itriifto; vox- llgnatorum._prqpria. pro
. ~ JO~E-N@L, cdm:m~nly --••» ;Hen, ·and pro-. i•iiflira ·ufu~tur: Ski~n:_"...._# tui, .o~ t bbf! ; and
: ~o.unced /oliber~p~ult ; but \Stl~nved a Belg. Jl'J and.r. ·from .hcn"cc . probably may ~a~e o~~matc:d 'ot!r
;'oblle; ·11ij11/fitJ, . 1gn~vits, ootuf1;.s, 'ftu/1111; \et ·Sax. . cxpreffion 10 tlZf"Vt MtatT ·1f that cxprcffion ts
J)nol; vertex, "!P"': ,Sk.inn."-jalt-heBd,"1bick- . i\'ot derlvcd ·froin•the Gr. as in·d\e 'forriier Alph :
·yPl/I': on'ly ~5e Dr. ou'ght to <h11ve t r-aqcd- h is-Sax. ' KID of ·W1Jed.i ego, 'fiys Lye, detrunc:num
lino! 'lip ~o ihe G r. · puto lib :Ant. Bcir. ·ri'lifoc1n ; fa[cis 1 a fagdt, 1r
· jOR:-1.JEN ; ' "non, tit pr~nii fron-te ·-vitleri .oun'dlt: but Sk inn •· and Ray; in t'hc former 1\.lpb.
,poflir/ irj'ffdar.o:fft1vio; q ! d.-uri111-akit111 :· fed i have derived it from the Gr.

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L A From S "so M, &c. . L E
KlND, and co11TJ'61(J ; " non i fcopo forcaffc LAST •/ tor111 Sai. blezrcan, Be~n :.
aberrabo, Ji ortum traxitfe dioun ab Annor. ,a,.; LASTAGE . S, 011trart: J un. has iPvcn m
v.d Hibcn1. <4'1in ; ojfa!Ji/i.s, cnru, blalllills: Lye. " no lcfs t han three ditrercnt dcriv. of th1• word:.
6rft, undct: .the art. 6al-J!e, he derives it from
L. ~.,.,.•., .vcl A,,,~,7,., i. e. rtjit11lam: then,
• under the art. l allajl, he fays, gcnuinum, ct,
· L ADLE; "Sax. l>lzblc; a vcrbo blaban ; prima: origini magis confentancum videcur;
baurirt, hauflru111, quo aquan1, vel jus c qucm.admodum eni1n parribus noltris Bat: dice-
lebetc ba11ritHus: Skinn."-but under the arr. batur 11aviJ, larc vero oNts, ita minimc dubitan-
load, the Dr. cells us, it is derived from rhc Sax. dum quill ex Bat:l:irc fallum fucrit #al/aft: and
Lab.e, or bla'Qc ; 011tr{lrt: but o/lfrart, and baurio, yet now, under d11s prefcnc art. he fays, vid<;
are two dilfercnt ideas : foe LADLE, in the Gr. interim numquid hue faciat, quod A«•r., Suida:
!Alph. cxponitur «x,6""' :- but Skinn. will by no mca111
LAKE, /1 play; "Belg. lacbt11 1 vcl a Dan . ltt- admit pf this Jact deriv. " mallem e contra hoc
1'' 1 l11do 1 idco aucem hzc vox in <cptentrionali A••r" a di.lta Germ. orig. dcri varc : conftat
.Ang~i:C regionc, no!! ·in . aliis, invaluit 1 quia cnim, ct inter omncs criticos convcnit, paulo
Dani 1llai.n partcm primam tnvafetunt, ct pcn1cus ante, cc poft occafum impcrii occidcntalis, ob
o ccupirunt, uno vel ilcero fcculo, priufquam ingcntcs Gothorum, Longobardorum, ct aliorum
rcliquam Angliam fubjugirunt: Skinn. and Germ. populorum copias, quos oricntis impcn·
LAM l" Tait. iab;,,111; Belg. ltmtm ; c.1-
LAMB-pyt Jue, p,,-(Jlftrt, ifli6111 ptrmoltrt:
tores ftipcndiis fuis alucrunt, ct quibus fere !Olis
cxerdcus Romani confiiterunt, magnam Germani·
carom vocum vim in ling. Gr. irrcpftJTc; quaks
Skinn:'-to 6tat, flritt, cuff. ap11d fiefych . qui fub Analtafio Augulto fforuit,
LAM-11tl; "quo utuntur pifcatorcs 1 Armor. er hunc Suidam, ipfo multis f:i:culis reccnfiorem,
/iama 1 vincirt, ligart ; quod pi fees, qui reti im- utpore Alexio Comncno, impcratori ..u•xe•""
plicantur, quali villi, cxpedire fc ncqucant: paaim occurrunt, er multre in hodicrnum criillll
Lye :"-to tit. bind, 1011fint. ufum pcrcnnanr :''.-this being very prob•blc,
• LAMB-ETH, a co1npound of Gr. nnd Sax. we need nor dilpute with the Dr. for a word, or
.and contraltcd from lamb, and bitbt; the former, rwo, tho' he is plcafcd to call thcni 1nany ' for
Gr. : the latter, Sax. it would not be reafonablc to fuppofc, thar ~
LANO, 11rin<; " Sax. Lanb, Lln'C; 11uire: tbofe tranfmitted .l>y rlcyfch. and Suid. arc of
Lye ..:"-10 •Gke w•ftr. that nature.
• LARE; " hccrof wee hauc our woord '4rt; LATE, faartb; "Cumbrien!ibus eft qal1"trt;
which is afinuch to fay as /1nrMi11g, or d•tlrint: ltiJa [cclaodis idem figni6cat: Lye."
Vcrfi."- yct poffibly it may be Gr. LATELY," Sax. I..a:t:e, Lat:c; /erus, Jart/"1;
LARE-OVER/or ~rs, lhould be written 1111pu: J un." fate, Jla<t, ,,,q,J,,.11.
Jart·(fl)U for ne/J{ers; &d i' deri\'cd frotn the farnc LATHING : " Sax. La'6ao, La'61an; Alman.
r oot with the foregoing. or following Qrt. mcan - latbon ; '"JDtart, .adfa in"Vilarr, pruari: Lye."
j ng a ma}ltr, or J«ui/<r, to be placed !Wtr thofe l:ATIEN ; " Belg. /allD<n; Gcrn1. ltll•• ;
who arc .continually m1dd!int with things they aurica/e1'111, fritalt11111, <L'S ; IJfi}Ji efl tq/fris tx a11r1,
..ought not. ti .ert: Jun."
• LARE-0\V: " our ancient woord lartow is LAVROC; " Sax. LaFepc, Laucpc; alouda;
'.as y( it were tO 'fay, l;arne-yov'll 1 i'. c. a majler, 11 .larlc : Ray."
.thBt tcachcth you fome arce, or fcicncc: Verlt." LA \VN in a. park; " Pr. Gall .. la11dt; Hiti•·
- confoquently is .of doubtful origin; for it ma.y /anda; inculca planities inter arbores lita: Skinn.!'
be Gr. . 1 an open p!ai11 among trus.
LARK; " Sax. Lafepc, Laucpc, Lapepc, L.AZAR-houfe; " fr. Gall. /11drerit, ct /azortt;
Javrot ; .contrallcd to /arJ:: Ray_" Belg. la/eriit cct elcphantialis i Ital. /112zartll~;
• LAST for a /bot ; ".Sax. Laree ; ••dulw1 locus ubi lazari, fcu lfj>rP}i cura11tur;. \Jnde qui·
~a/cti, 1111if/rinl/a: Skinn." tbt mould for o Jbot•aktr dam putant diltun1 i u:z:aro, mcndico Ev:ingc·
1• worlr.qn :-" Germ. la.i;1; for111a ptdis, vcl talcti; Jico: Jun.''-.. bo1tft of rruptiolf for fi<t ar.d iJJP!-
i vcrbo A/11U111• .quainvis pridcm e.x1inlto, ltiffelf; ltlfl folk.
imiJari: "iVacluerus :"- then it is probably de- LEA."1, t• bide; •: Iceland. lti"4, l•11u; «ltrt,
fccnded fro1n -the Gr.; for /nlfen (ecms to be no oltuftart; they will give a thing wo lta•i•g; 111i"!]fl
more than .a Germ. dialctt for likm ; a /aft bdng r1i 0<callati1mm 11411 polirµtMr ; t hey will nOt foffrr
LIKE the foot: Gr. the kaft ~mli:;tuit,· Lye: :"- Su." /tan11t: Ray."
·- . I.UP,

D1qlt1zed by Googlj

L ~- • ~.: From S..A>.oc..o. N, &c.~ l r. U'
1.:,EAP, o.r lib; b~lf a hu/J1t; in. 1riany, .pl.aces LlNCl-1,.'~· 4gpr-li11.1ita11111r ;. par.rc£i11s, :velpri-
a'"juil-ltp; or lib, is ·a bofttt, 'or tray, to. carry 'vatos ago1 dividnu; ..Sax. . bhnc: Jun. and
ft!d·(orn in while,. fowing: $ax. Secb~ !9i' 8reb- Somn~r." . . .. "
k,tP; 11 fted-bafatt. . . · · J,.U~i;> }" Sax. Ltnb.; lcelaiid.- /,,,4; t1lt11;
' • LEAR l" if not derived as in t'he former LINDEN 1b1 ttil-trtt: Lye."
• • LEARN Alph.)t may come Sax. !A!jtan;a . LJNG, OT furze; H dl: punun putum Icelaad . .
Alman. ltrtn; Belg. lttrn; 'feut. ltprfn.1 .J ourt; _fin( ; trica; fern: Lye."
Leopman; difipli11a; Leop_nepe ;, diftipultp: · LIVE . 1" Sax. Leora.n; T711t. kbt11; .
Jun. and Lye :' a fcbolar, difapk. • . ., • LIYEL".Y t Belg. ltve11.; 111vere; Saic. Ltrhc:
I:.EE, or lawn ; S~. Lea6, /tab, It~ 1 <at#pfl.S, : ·skinn.''. liv ely, JPrigbtly :-and yet it may be Gr. ·
campor11m ,equora (c in latum eicpandentia : fe.c as we have feen in the fonner Alph.
LAWN : Sax. . · LOBBY'; " Teut. la•be; pqrtitus, feu umbra-
.LEER; " Sax. Leape l fades, fro111, vu//JtJ .l tulum . ,edi;,m: Skinn :" a porch, or pla<t ti ,
D an. /ur;; tofi11ile, Jaugb; lin1isi11ruc91em walk in.
nC:quitcr ft1bddere: Jun. and Ly~ :". lo /PIJC; afi{l.e LOE,:" a Iii/It round bill, or btap of flones;
wiili Jmilei:, . Sal!' Lepe; agger, acer.;us, cum•l1u ; " law, !bW,
· • L EET i Icdana; leita ; inquirere; .a <&llTl-lttt, · loo, •; bigb ground, not fuddenly, but gently
'!r ,court of inqtfiry':- but we have feen a Gr..deriv. 'riling, being no othe~ .t han. Co much congefted
11'1 t11e 'tormer Alp~. , earth, brought by way of burial, an11endy throwQ
~Jf-ET~N ;, '! radic~m - r~tinucrtjnt ,lcclandi, !Jpon the, b.C?dies o( the .dead: Somner.''
q~ibus laJia_e~ ji'tiiulart: Lye." · .. I LOZ::L out tbe tongue; "Belg. le/le·; klleim 'II- .
' LEQ; " Iceland. leggur; Dan. leg; <r11J,f11r4, de ·tongbt; allltrtorem parltt# /111g111 1111r1tder1:
1ib!tt 1' 1bejba11k-bo11c: Jun.'' :Skinn."-t~ pttt•. orpMjb out the lo11grtt.
!!,END ; " Sax. Lrenan, blrenan 1 ummodare, ! LOLLARDS, or rather L olbari/J ; " Trithe-
WIUfuum, ftu mutuo dare: Skinn :" fee LYNN. Sax. mius in Chron. oftentat eos nomen hoc acrepia'e·
• ,LER, fo1netimes writccn ''leer; 11"'~"'. I Sax. 'f Germano quodam · G1111.ltbero Lo/bard, qui flu.
0 el:eJt: Lye :"-idle ta_la ;· mere f~~les....-,Jt fccll'!s. :ruit circa a.n num MCCCY; .Jun.''
to be onl y another d1aleet of Liar; and CO)lfc- · LO~-BA}U>, . a contraet1on of lmtgo~ardus,
qucndy Gr: fee LIE. 'Gr.. 1• ., " fw~ich is but a vitiated compound of Lingones, a ·
L'ETHER; " Sax. bleo'6.r1•n; 1011are; nof- p!!Oplc of Germany, and Bardi, a people of Gaul,
trates de cquis curfitantibus; 1biy ltt'htr it; lieut . LOOM, " le;ttrina q11.eviJ injlrumenta : Lye: ·
auftraliores, they it along: Ray.:• . Lp111e :"-it . figni~es .alfo any 111tnfil, pr boMftbolJ
LETT, or binder; '.' 'Sax. lz-can, ' ~'I:;· 'jlujf:-and from hence the exprcffion 11relltmt1;
Belg. /etlen 1 impedirt, fll.orari: Skino."-10 pre- i. e. Jrtir-!Mm,s 1. to lignify fame pieus of fur11itMrt, ·
'IJtnl, molejl, obflrlftl. · , . • tbot go with tbe bouft.
· 1-E1'TlCE, conimonly . written lallfrt, but . LOPPER-'D-m/k; "Tcut. lak11 ; toogtdatl#fl:
deiived from the Sax. " Lc-c-c; inrpedi1111; as in Skinn.''-faured mi~, turned 10 <urJs.
the forrgoing an. <oneelli f<rrei ; Lc-c-c-1pen; LOREL}" Sa.x... Leop~n, et ·I.or1an; ptrirt,
bind1ri11g irons, i. e.' iro11-gr111ts ; datbrum ferrtMm ,. LOSEL perdtr1: Ly,c :" bo1111 ptrditi "'4/IU ;
quod non pati~ur qucmquam introrumpere in.Joca a wortblefa, forlor11 wrttcb, totally 11/Jondorud.
tali fepto mun ita: J un."-to which he migi1t • ' LOW, like an ox; if no~ deri-ved from the
have added, nee etumpere c locis talibus; for ,G r. as in 1he former f\IP.h. it may come from the
it is certain, 1ha1 whatever ferves to keep, 1he1n " Sax'. o lepan; Belg. loeyt11; mugire: Jun.''-1•
olil, will likewife fervc' to keep thc1n in. }oar aloud. · ·· .
LEVIN ; vcl .i\.ngJ. fulgur 1 Sax. bltr1an; r11- • LOWE, " burn; <;Jernt. lobe; fiamma .1 tbt jir1
ti/are; hinc Spencerianun:i lroi11-bro11d:. fulmen' : kuriis : Ray.' 1 ' , 1 • . , . _ · :"-lbe tbundtr-bDll, or Jigbtnin;('sfiajb. · · f •LUKE-\V ARM: if not derived from t.he Gr.
U MBER; " . T eut. 'lt1:cke11 ; Jieilere ; q. d . as in the former Alph. we muft attend to Jun. who; flexibiliJ: Skinn."-jkxible, pliable: Jun. fays," forta.O'e hue pcrtinct· illud Theotifcum /11ti-
derivcs it a " Dan. lnnper; co11fir111are, et tJ<«m· /em; pau!otim; lucil 1111ega111i; par'!li pondtris: quam-
modare ft ad alicujuJ a,.bitrium :"-it ought cer- yis enim Francis litcra: z in 'permutarione l11til
t~inly to have been printed conformare 1 meaniog iltrobiquc ponatur pr<) l11zil 1 fortatrc tamen ex
a ·pcrfon very conformabl< to the hun1ors of an- lflhac orthogr. prolluxit, ur Anglis l•~t-wana di-
otl1er ; one of a flexible, limber dij}>ojilion. citur rttniffi ,a/iJum, quafi par""' 11dlntc tali'-.
LIMP; " Sax. Ltmpt11, ct Limptn; clauditart: ye) paulaJim calefufls ,-hitherto lulu fecms to·bcar
Lye:" /g bait in onl's gait. a negative, or a diminu.tivc fenfe, to fignif)· any ·.
· • ' -+ B liquid

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MA ·
liqliid ·1101 violrn'tly bo1, bur- a · 11111,,· C, gt11ily cundis catilicb)i~ : Jun. and. S~nn,"'7'"" p/a;,1 ilftJ
Va) atd : cc notandum tam~n;• ·conti·nuts Rt,. bydytrJ. ' . . ........~ . . '
" quod Danis luntken dt upidu,s; {utl(k~r; fuJ- ,. MAFFLF:; "Belg. ,,,..ffe/e~; b~lbutirt ,· 'im.
j(NJtj<trt; unde forte, difo·"• eft lukt-warm : Sco!is ,pedite loq.~i, atque inter . _loqu,endu,m · dlag6~·
ltw-1;;armt tft l(pidus : in hoc .Scotico 'kw-tcarmt ·conatu,· et ·111conc1nne bucca·s movcre; Jon,"-
videor 1nihi depreben'clere manifelli ffimum itefti" '10 j/11111-r, 1111d jlammtr :...:iperh'apsit may be only
giUtn Sax. b leo\S ; 1tp cr :"-then he pro<:~ds to .a variots~ diale&•for ""!ffet ;' if fo' l t would be Gr'.
endlefs Sax. <1uoiations; and .at , !aft concludes 1
· M AGE 'l:"a coo/ini mag~;i caojins, or J:imf•I!; ·
with, " .r eliqui• lklgis latw, lit~o, et ~ . ~AGI·f~5 magafryp ·;_ ~m,dred, or ~•cfa10gt; ·
]DflJ, •elt ie~
pidus ; latwigbtyd; ltpor ; qua: omni a quam prox- the' woord 1s fond I)·, arid· improperly now of lat~
ime . vidt'n.tur acce<lt;rc nd X>.•Af''"> ttpidU! :>-•- 'Vfed for dut)'t: :Verlt ." · ,
fo rhar now at la~ we hav~ got another Gr. root; , • MAL-ANDERS; " Fr. Gall: m11fanJrtJ;
and '"*•· warm feems to be a pl•oHafm; for lukt is 'Ital. mnl"llm(n<e ; i.e. mr.le i!rcedti·e; quia hie .
l tpidr1.i ~ -:uarm; anti warm is wa1.,n. 'rnorbus, dum cquui pr:<.>fr.rtim ire incepit, grcf-
LUSKlSI--I ;'.<•.fr, G'all. /..fibe ; i~IM'!Juj : Mihfb . fum · valde' · iniped ir, cumquc d onec incalefcat,,
and ' Skinn."-"-9rnri!no pete ab 'icr!and. lo/Kr ; 1uculenter chudicare cogit : occurri.t ct Gr. rec.'
ignavus : Lye :"- dn idle lubber; a m11·t j kucb. M~"'"• codem frnfu ; q t1a: VOK apud H cfy,h.
LUVE ; '' titnrreis, lut1a11a ; 110111! manuum ~ jnvtnitL1t: Ski-nn.''-truC; di'e \\'Ord Ma>.itt is to'°
Ooth •. k/0111 jt10L'lln . i11a ; 11/apis• c,edtba111 t~m : be .foupd .i n Hcfych. but not in ~odeQl fenfu, lS ·
Ra)' :"-1bty fmat him wiils the palms pf. tl.ltir "'!•'-••; .. ..
t he ·Dr. affc'.r u : · H·~tych: · fayg, · ~ ,t, r•
b11;,Jj, • ' : l, ( s.,n.;
Pr.~?·r·~ .''.-.e,,, <71 wt'lich is l'ar enough_froolll''
• L YFE 1lift 1mtans t• '"1t1in1;,1,,(• \ ire · D~ s. pjora_ qua:dam, {eu fi·abin ji~fa, cirt~ 1
• LYF LY-badeJ1i't1t!f:booa'S lift: Vcrlt-.. Sax. fulfragsncs (A1nlw. .calls It tuber rn ge1111) equt
-t:>ui it may !le Gr. ·' · ·. · 'cusn p ilis· duris ct rigiilis, inllar. (~ta rum porcl,
· LYNN ; " lion ut opinatur CJ1mdenus nofkr, , ~ t fuccedeoubus non raro ·uJccribus :" -let me
(fay's Spehn.) i LbJ.n, voct Britannica, 4q11a, ut nly ~b'ferve, the · attention which rh.e 1).r, . ·
a it, diff.ufii; ,q ualcs nee ibi rtperiuhtur; Jighi6'~
as lhew.n to th1s,art. tli at be would have mad~
cante: frd· a G~rm. JJ,,; Sax.' I;.a:nan-, vel plil;- s 'cxc'dl~iif a· hork-leac~, as a 11hyfi~[an:' ' · .
nan, pra:dium, vel potius freclum ; velut hoc, quod • _• MALMESEY; " vinum Cr~ticum ; Fr.
ad tempo! conuditur, proprietate penes conccCirn - G•ll .' ,,,..fvoi}ie :. ' ftal. '11aluofia 1 Lat . .fccundum
tt'm rcman'c11rt", ·a,rommrdt1tj1m; lie ~nim r.os ·ho- M·infcvum, ·,,;1111m arvijium ; i proononto rio Cl•ii '
die, lo L END, dicimus, pro t1f <1t11m0Jqre: hinc ~nful:t>, , quod' Mar'IJijia, vd . ft1al'i'Jfi11 . J Mafvqfia, ·
ctlebre illud oppidum i1t patria mtac n 0 m~n Ln1 · 1Amf,v.) appdla\ ur : vel potius" i J11011"tinb•Ji•,.
a£ctpit; ciu()d olim pr.edi11m tpifrrpgrum iHius tra'c-- .Portu olin1 Epidauro; \.1rbe archiepifcopali Pdo-
tu5; id~oqut· Lai l;:fifao-pi appd la tum: llodie vtro, pon9efi, ftu Morcre, undc opt imum · advrhirnr; .
;;~; ab retare Hen . V Ill. qui inftar Diomeclis cu1n 'I· J. .Vinum l'vf•nt11fboji1ts; i . e. vinu1u ex Epi-
Gla~co, pennu tstiones p;;..dii epifrtpa111s in tifcu1n dauro, non Dalmafia:, 'fed Laconia:, urbc ad-
tr3nftrlpfit, et nunc R ty:fs , appel)at.ur :"-a vetlom: Skinn.''-a c,.u k wind and confequenily
large fra-pon 'l•>wn in: N orfolk, ·which was c>.llcd molt h•.Ve had f61ne'Greek name. · ·
Bijbtp·s Lymr; but io r'he time of Hen. V IIl. w;as · M ·AJ\-ltJIOCKS; '' nefrio an ab antiq. Brit,
drnorninated King's Ly•m : - and confcqucnrly ,,a..,, i pnrv:i1, q. d. tnt:nndck!: c"ck e11in1 cft tan-
will take the fan1e deriv. with the :irt. L END: tum vocis produltio, vel terminatio diminuriva, ,
Sax. . ut bill-«i<, humm-oc/c; & c. a11y hrol:m mt•l :
• LYS;\N. : • brulr, (i . . c. bruit) or / amt : Sklnn.'' '
Vtr'IJ;. Sall< ."-unlds we may fi1ppote it me~ns '. ~1ARE; " Sax.; 'Bel~. · m11rit; Tcur.
kafi111 :-but t,hen it .w ould be.Gr•. . matrt ; tqu'a,_: Sk!nn." "fcmn!t ~orfa.
MARMELADE1 after quoung,the fame word
in variotrs languages; Jun. fays, " omnia ab illo
M. rnir1111lla, quod Lufitanis eft m11lu111 Cydor.iuu; :"
the quinrt, which is 01ade into C'onferves.
AI>; ·~an earth- w~m; from the High l if ' tl\e deriv: offered
M Durch"'""'"' Ray."
• MAR ·SCHAL-fao ! in the former Alpb.
·MADDER; "Sair. CPreobpe; Belg. mu, mud; lhould not be admitted, we n1uft then have recourTe
l c;tl" ""'""'•; r11bia 1iTrBc111m; fortaffc G rias ilia to the Gt rm. antiq. matr, nuric mn<rt ; eq••, vd
.qua:· miximt i.-. L t1cJt1i:i J)afci tlrr ; l1"l'et cqu1111 ctfth1tlc/c (or rathcrfealt) ftrous; q, cl.Ju-
marmoris eulorocn; ct· ornata di quatuor rlilbi- . 'l!UI, g11i egu•s rural, cajlrorum pr,cfetlus, 1r.agi/il1'
S. ' t9•il"//l. I '

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·M '. 1 Fr0m -'S ·" ·1«o't1, <'&:c: M · O'
. tfllitum·1 l11 @'ni!eo~R!ilntrrnO i~1p-erlb-'fto:Ta~Jl"di~ who· :fats; "!. S'a~. d~itu~ G>1ft.1i-'t:On-;: i'>ani$
. qui p~- wulque -tyfanbli' cel\lbe1ui!ii\'lingua~ «mpc : et ·lkJg. mJjltl eit vifri1m: ·Danis 1rem
· dOmina, iii 'ialuir ; ut" quod'olim firoq;,1 ·vil!ffe!'t11m1 tit1111 Belg. tttn ; et· SaJC. · 'E'an ·1 • ~ft. 1t1/ti1,. fu•«•-
' tfu1r11• tltjlrigil/tJtor~m 'l igiiawt ';• nenl: c1*1erc;itinllll /us, vi111t11: hoc '1Jifro, (fi anodo in. robore g igna-
i1npe.r atottm, et proximarri' a· ptlclo'rfo tur) nihil habenc Druid;e facrat!us :" - the
· fou .comitc .(labuli flib rege, digriitatem 'noter reafon of which migh'r perhaps have been, be-
' Skinn."- following · perhaps ·Vcrft. p. J'24· ~ caufe there feemed to be fomething· myflcri~ys
"primitive omniatnani fontc! rimor;fays·Spdm.) iri the produtlion of dris plant; which· c;t.lfn~t
•giJfqium fignificant; hO'c cit, qui·tquos ruriroit, 'rt>; ·be cultivated in the ea,rth, and yet· will grow·to
lt~/Jf" p46>u(~ . diwabat : .~""'·: 'l't:ut. 'tqmis·!. 'ct .at .ina'tu~ty·on other" trees.;" being conyeyed thither
·· Anglts pottus tqua : e r fthnlc; ftr'Vus, ffll'llijltr : by brrds, as fotne ftippofr, or rather blow11
fed, ut c· tugurlo capitolium, et exig\Jis fa:pc foi- thither in the feed, :w'hrch being furrounded -by
t iis res oriuntur ·augulliffima: ;. lie, e·fla~li/i mi,,;, . a 'iiifaotu ft1btl~nce,• has given · denomination to
·Jtri1 ad ampl iffimos rt'gni magillratus irrepfit rhis pbnt ; as if we lhould call it the gumnry; gt11-
. Martftb•lti- app~llafio."· · • : 1tinotts, or the gluey plant. ' . . · "· .
· MASK ; " Fr'. G.alh mofqo:t; Belg : '11111/cbt; : . MITTENS i· " Fr. Gall. miti?i11.11 ~"6nr,11_tb1-
·Ital. maf<btra ; lar'IJ4i ptrfonll, a '1Jifiir-m8ft ! (.e; glo·i ·es: Jun.'" ·. · ' . ·· " . " · ··
·· Skinn.'' · · · . 1 • "' ·MoAM, vd · "'"um, - .. in agro Oxonicnli
· • MAUNDAY-'Tht1r/a'ay:" t!te enallage of m lapidem inveniesfriabilem, c tfrigoris impa1imt1m;
: for ~,'' fays CJd, Voe. 8 5, n, "' has probab ly quern maum vocant intligena:: Ray :w-by this
· occafioned a falfc attribution of origin to the; defoription- we ·might fu ppofe it is a fpccies of
aame of Maun'da1-'Tburfday; it has been attri- m11rl, broadly pronounced maumt and if·fo, It
• bUteP to our Saviour's tom1111mding liis· difcipks would be Lar. as in the former Alph . MARL.
to walh one another's feet: I only doubt," con- • · MOH~IR," a .Fr. Gall. m~iiait't ; as that again
. tinues he, " whether it is not rather more forced,· is derived ab orientali voce moja<ar, quod f~ciem
· iu being thence termrd Dits Ma1rdati, tharrfrom -Camel<iti ddig"at: Skinn :" a tamtl-lJair ti/Jijl.
what I app_rehend to be the .orilitin of the ~ord • MOLD·w11rplcommonly wri tten m?11!1/";
· M4und47: tn t he remoteft ant1qu11y, there ex1llcd· • MOL£ · S ·but doa. Th. H enlh. 1nge-
. a cullom, on a certain day, of excommunicating niofe pro folito dedocit l Sas. (l)olbe ; terra; et
perfons, obnoxious to that punilhroent: this Yeoppan ; jattrt, projittrt; to raft up th~· t1:rtb;
day was calltd Ban·daJ, from whence !ttlan-d''J• undt Bdg. mo/; as our rullics commonly pro:.
or M auh-day, or the day of rurjing, or txcfJ1'1mu. nounce it, irillead of molt ; like pole, hole, &c.
· nitdtion 1 and its occurring in the laft week of and yet it may be Gr. ·
· the Druidical Lent, made it a part of the fokm-! • MOOR a Jhip : ~f not derived as in the
• nity of t hat week. : I formtr Alph. it 1n>1y come from COopa ; radi>t 1
MEAGTl-IA, a lribt, 6r Jamil]: Verft. per tranllationem fortalfe, to mo:ir a Jhip, IUJ'IJtllJ
MIEN ; " Gall. mint; aris fptcits ,' vu/nu : <1nchorit, (quafi radicibus) in fundo maris fta-
. 'Va(·hterus eryinol. r.unqua1n facis lauilandus; ti1ere: L ye, in art. mart :- this is rather too
clerivat a Francis, quibin meino, quodcunque 'vio.fenc an expreffion; for lhi'ps do not anchor olft
· lig num denotat; et mtinan, fig11ifi.<11rt: (pcrh:ips "' faa; or ih fundo maris; ' vhich ought rather to
· rat her fig•art ;) .mi~i vidctur," con1inues Lye, ·tra:v~ been iH funilo porllis.
" dfe purum putum Iceland. mynd ; jimi/;zudo, MORT, mt1ny; " ab Iceland . margl; mu/tum;
' «rtl1us :"-according to this dcriv. itoughc to be vd mt,.gd; rn11/1il11d•: Lye."
· writ ten ~itl\el"'1nein .. <.ir 1nyne. r· MUG; '' abtn:1/111;;, abtn11"1 mi11:1J ·; ncfcio an>''
IVllN-STR ·EI,; Spelm. under the art . " nunt- ·fays Skinn. " a Cambr. Brit. mwyglo; ttptfa<rre,
· tu111," tdls us, if fig'nifies " coriu lig>itrtm: ipf<' forcalfe et califactrt: m·wjgl, ttpidus, feu calidus;
·ccrte opinor fuifie hoc jij/11/.e genus, quo ~iblcines· q. d: · vns cal<faflorium :"-lilcnlly d warming-
·nlim uli funt ; atque ind<:' noinen reportafi'e·; pc1 1 p'erhaps the Dr. lqved his ale a !inle warm:
·Gallis ·cnim hodie ipfi mtnt/lrds, Anglis minjlrtls, but, according to his own method 'of deriving
quafi mtne~Prtls, appellantur :"~this however 'the wordjvg, ill fhe fonncr Alph .'from the name
·accounu for only. the former part of t he com- . of his favO'rite miffrefs, dear Jomr, it· is a won-
pound : the latter we 1nu(t . n:,acc, according to' der h~ did not derive! his mu,c too from that of his
·Acid. Gt. · ·· '. · : · . " lovdy chdnner, 4e3r ll·toglJ ; · but then 'the hulfy
. MIST'EL-T~'\:N l the fatter·· of tliefc· wortls; .would been Gr.
MISTLE-TOE"S would puzzle iu\ Oedipus;· MUNS; ·or ttfU•ilts ; " Iceland'. ·,,,.unWlll' i 'tbe
but we are Hi· a grelit' ·imri;i~r~rcfe'd by· jun.. mcutf;>, ·1ht cliop1: ·Ray/' · ·
·• ·- • · '4- B 2 Mt1,RCUN1

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· 'MU~CUN, f!!.16•itri11t, g"*'!gi11g : V~~- .... now fee what fucccfs we lhall m«ll with from a
lv1UST , · " Teut'. 11111tffe11; opotltrt; to bt- Danilh etym. The exprcffion old Ni<~ then,
Mt; ii btb~tib rae: ' Lye.'' .. fcems to come from the name of a Danilh fea-
. . god, calkd /Voua, who is thus defcrilxd by
! Shcringhain, 331 ; " fuit Nof'" deus trt•rinus;
.N •. 1 nofrrat.cs in mari imperium obtinerc N °''a• crc-
debant, inftar Nepcuni ; u ndc aquis fuffocacos,
APPY-alt; " ccrcvifta tm"ofior, c t pi11• a.N-ocea abrcptos, fpar~bant: quib.ufdam in locii
. guis ; vcl quOd k11i1 efr, inftar 'llilloft! Dania:, hunc ,Vo"am, Nidun vooant,.!Ct non in
wfliJ ; vd quM infii r tomenti talfatit ; vel quod .mari folum, fed et in ,ftuviis, et amnibu~ pto-
[om•- conciliac: ha: . funt variz Skinneri con-i fundioribus ioterdum apparere perbibenr, infiar
.1cttunc: (all which however would be Gr.) qui- monftri marini, c~put b umanum halxntis, pr~­
• bus liceat n1ihi," fays Lye, " adderc alteram, fcrtim mift ris ill is, q ui bus ja1njam prrefentilfunum
qua: haud fcio annon ad rem illullrandam perinde fubmerllonis pc:riculum,. imminet : fcruot cciam
faciat: nap Iceland. cft poculum, /typhus, quod fobmerfos, ex aq ua fubla,tos, naribus fuilfe r11·
Sax. Napp•; lit primitus forcaffc defignarit cere- bentibus invcntos, tanqµam ;i!iquis comprcfio
vHiam dignilT1mam, q ure in pcnilu• infundatur :" ore fanguincm exfoxilfet : unde illud vulgarc,
·- or, ·aa we fay, the only ale that dcferves a Ni<k:en baffuer jugit b11nno111 ; old Ni<ken h11J j11tktJ
g la{s. . bim :"- this, no doubt, ac.councs much· hencr
NARRO\V; " Sax. Ncapu cfr artlus : for that terror, which the expr~llioo, Old Niel
· Nyppan; toanglljlart : Jun."-10 jlrtighttn, Jo will ht1'1t you, has generally b~cn fuppoled to
(Dn{ratl i n10 a /mall compafs. . convey wi th ir, than what is commonly recciycd,
• N'ASl-J, or" lvcjh; wajhy, ler.dtr, W<'al< : Sax. NIGH: " Sax. N,ah; B~lg. 11abe ; prope,
Ncrc; faft, delicate ; hence our R£j<o;k, a t endtr- ju...:ta: Skinn.''-11ta·1·, ne>.·t to. .
/ing: Sornotr :"- which may probably be Gr. ~IG.HT -MARE.: havipg in the for111er Alph.
NEAR, nigb ; " Sax. N q 1, Neah ; Belg. Tufficicntly lhewn that this exprdlion can baye no; prope ; 11igb un10: Skinn." c9 nnexion with the idea qf a horft, or 11 ·mare;
NEAT-ca//let'IJaua mot'lua ; "Sax. N eat: ; and h aving Jikewife obferved, that lince mv hav-
• NEAT-brrd j11111e11t11m ; N eat:hypb, blibttl· ing wrlctcn . that an. l had m et wicb another
· NEAT's·fetl '"'; Dan. nod; bos; aJJ ox, folution more fatisfatlory; let me now produce
b11ll, or cow ; Skinn." che following q uocatio1! from Sheringh.a1n, 33 t ;
NEB; " Sax. Nebbt11; 1Jultus, naflfs, rojlrum : " Jlllara (fro1n whence no doubt our nigbt-mare
Jun." Jbt bill, or brak of a bird. is deriveil) fpechum erat im1nane, 110!1" pra:ci-
. NEIF ; !' Iceland . 11efi ; Anglo-borcales neive; pue vi res ~xercens, qui doro1ie11res aggredi, arquc
pugnus ! Lye :"-1he fift : Shakefpcar has made opprimere folebae< nos CPap, Saxonice morblllil
that odd fanrafiic charatter Pijlol ( who is always in genere, ~t in fpccie Ephial1en1 lignificare· (u.
talk ing .in a high-llow n, bomball m anner, and in pra diximus; (but this fecms to come from
obfolete p.hrafe•) ufc t his word, in the Second m.nor : Gr. ). vocabulum ab hoc fpctl:ro fump·
J>arc of Hen. I V. att ii. fc. 10 , where he is in- cum videcur; cc force pcculiaren1 hunc morbum
troduced in a fq uabbling fccne between Doll d untaxat notare :"-chi s appellation therefore
'femfoeet and bim ; cowards 1hc clofc o f whicl\., bas arifcn .incirdy from the anrient Gothic fo.
Fa/flajf fay;, -' perfiition; for we here fi nd, that th is mara was
- - Pillo!, I would be quie t. reckoned among t he moll: dreadful of their
P. Sweet knight, I kifs thy neif:- fpclhes, from its affiitl:ing people i11 1be Higiu,
which Pupe h:is derived from nativa (i t bears while they were aj/trp,
that fenfe inc!cetl in che old faw. Latin); i. c. a • .N INNY: if N«,.,, jn the former ·Alph. be
woman jlavt, who is born in 011e'1 bouje ; as if ic not t.b e .<?rigi nal word to fi.gnify a dwarf, or a
meant that Piftol would kifs Fa~l/11jf1 domrftic fool, let us fee the incerpreca tion of Cid. \'lay.
piijlrifs Deft: but .'Ibeoba!d has very p roperly ex- +7• "nain, in French a dwarf; fro1n ni; nega-
plained it by, I kifs 1hy fift; i. ·e. I J:ijs your band, ci ve; and ain, ·g rowing :" -as .we may fay, a
I aj} your pardo11, for making this difiurbance, ii11/t, diminutive, donf growbig thing :- it fccms
~nd will h•ncefon h be quiet. howevc·r rat her co be Gr, ·
.. NEx·r.; '. ' S~"': Ne~ ; proximus: Jun."- 1be NIPPER-ltI N'; A lman. nap, nappekin.;. Sax.-
ntarej}. Nappe, -k:n.ep; Belg. nap,· 11appt; Gali. ba•ap ;
.. Old N ICK> in ·t be .forrner Alph. we actemptcd Ital.· nappo; "Jalbus, poc11!11m; 11 lillle cup, •r
. .
at two or three Gr. d eri •i, of chis- worfl : l>t u~ fi11all 1a11lr.ard: Lyc:'s .\dd ."-but Jr..'n is Gr.

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·o 1t From S A s o If, &c. p L
NOCK : ftt NOTCH; Sax.- Butler has for- ORTS; " Hibcm. n-'4 ; fr•pu111•: Lye:"
tunarely prtferved this word; for in Part I. h11t11 pitas of t11t41, htllll, &c. .
Canto I. i81, he fays, OUR; "Sax. Pe; 1101; iu; quali wur, "''•
So, learned 'l'ali11<1ti111 from , Vor', opf.C; our; nofttr: Lye:" l1tlo11gi11g to""·
The brawny part of porter's bu,,, OUSEL: Jobnjo11 Jnone of which onhogra-
Cut fupple1ncntal 11ofet, which OUZEL: Ski1111. -phies are proper, if ?e
Would !all as long, as parent breech; 0 WSELL : Ju11. · attend to etym. ; for the
But when the date of 11oci: was our, Saxons wrote Orie ; and therefore oujlt, or de,
Olf dropt the fympathetic fnout. would be much nearer the original : however le~
NOG l " Teut. •ot.lfo/~ t11yla, fro bt.U11a the orthogr. be whatever it may, it fignilies
NOGGrN J 'l.ui: Skinn."-aj111al/ 19eaj11rt of 111n-11l• 1 lht 6/aci:-birJ: Shakefpcar in his MJ4-
w i11t, .,. flro11g alt. f11mmtr Night's Drtlltlf, act ii i. {c. ~. bu mcn-
NOLT-HIRD, a wonderfully firange dialect tioned this tinging bird, among fome others;
for 11tal-h"tl; the gradation of which has been The oufle-coclt:, fo bl11tl: of hue;
thus traced our by Lye: " 110/1-bird hodic fcri· With tffa11ge-1aw11y 6111 ;- ·•
bimus 11owtbtarJ, 11tat-bt11rJ, ntat-btrJ :" - a The tbroftlt with his note fo true;
kuptr of oxtn, a btrdfman. 1'he wrn1 with lictle quill.
NOT Jpolltd, or j/Hrn; "Sax. 1'no• 1 ID ou~:\'VAILE}" raiqttid!, rttrim~Jlltl,,,; pro-
NOlTEDJ top a tru: Ray." OU l \'VEAL pr:e dcfignat qu1cquid, bono
NOTCH; " Belg. 11ocie ; Ital. 1toct4, 110- cxccrpco, fupcreft; ab a111; ct w111/; •Pin-•: '
rbia; crttut, imfflr•. Jagi11.1, fiffur•; inde per Lye's. Add."-the ref11fa, when the choitt./I part;..
tranO acioncm IUIJts appcllanrur 1t0Jth,· vel ·n«l, •Ml I 1, e. lttl:t11 aa>'!)'.
as in a fonncr art. qua6 ilu ifrrra, vel fiffera:
Skinn."-a gap, crtajt, or chink. P.
NOTE, to p11flJ, or jlrilte ; " Sax. bm•an,
to go•r with tht born : Somner." p ADDOCJC; " Belg. patltk I .>Mjo l " · IHI:
NOTE·htrd; various dialeek for NEAT-btrd: Minlh."
Snx. . • PEWTER : if not derived from the Gr. ·~·
NOWT-gtl1;" tributum pro pecore folurum: in the fonncr Alph. we m•y fiappofe, with Ciel.·
R•y :"- conlequenrly holf Saic. half Gr. ; for Voe. 121, n, that" prwter was made ufe of at lirll:
110(1)! is no more than a diff<rcnt dialca for nut, ~nlY_ for ptls, or lpoons; thence ptl-t'ar; the /
meaning call{!; w!iich is Sax. and gtlt is no laqu afyang as ufual make$ it found pewter .....;_ 4 -
n1orc than a ciiff"renc diolca for GOLD, or •tlallic fJ>oo11. •
• •11tJ ; wbicb is Gr. . • Pleil : if not derived as in the f0011e1 Alph.
•t may corne fro~ the Sax. Pep 1 pi/a, pes ponds;
the foot, /0111fda11on, or 011/lrtft, of a bridge or
O. building. '.
PINK, a /hip; "Dan. p;neke; pbafaltts, J11tt1i-
'Q DD. 11umber; " par(11n deRcxo l~nfu," fays c11/a I Belg. denotnt navtm pij<aloritim, vel Jpccu-·
Skinn. " il Belg. otd, ood l Tcut. ode, cd; latoriam: Jun. " ajmalljhip, or v tffel. .
tltfert1u, 'ila, • 111; cui fc . aliquid dceft ad nu- • PITH: if not derived from the Gr. as in'
!"Crum compkndum:"- this, admitting the pun, ~c former Alph. it may C0!1lC "a Belg. pit, vel
is but a very odd etym . bcraufe it would be P•llt, quod mcdolla arl:rons cft, item nucleus
cquolly as 2pplicab!c, if the number wanting to fruCluum duriori• conicis: J un. and Skinn."-
comp:etc t he furn, wtrc ,.,,,,,, tb~ f116}111ntt of a trtt, like rhe inarrow of an ·
OF'f }"Sax. Op:; Dan. off1t 1 :reut. offi; animal.
OFTE N f"pt, iler11111, dt11110: Skinn."-again • PLAY: if not derived from rhc Gr. as-i,1
•114 agai11 1 rtpeatedly. the former Alph._it may, according to Spelm. in
OKER > "otherwifc woktr 1 vfurie: Verft." pit a, be derived a "Sax, Pleo, 'Pltoh, Ple;.i;an;
ONFELM l" to rtt111ue ought: V erft!'-to l~dtrti q. J~cerJ~rt, etptriditari, quis ludi bra·
ONFENGE.f reuive any thing. bi~m! ~cu v1ctorue palmam rcporcnvcrir :"- but
ONGEN, ""t•ilifl: Ver ft.'' t!us JS an the fcnfe of playing at cards 1 a~d cou-
OR F; "S,ix. Opf; pu111 ; ta/lft: Lye." fcq~ently mun~ lbt wager, jlal:.t, or plcdgt, for
ORGE wluch the panics contend: a11d thc,.,,fo.-c will
L .. LLOUS; "Sax. OJ1'[,eU1cc; fvperbe: take the fame dcriv. with PLEDGE, in 1J;c
ye: pro11d, baagffJ. former Alpb.
PL!? .... D ; •

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., P "R Ftom S ~ x o N, &c: •R ·A
·: ~·PLEA:D.1 . '" fr. 'G all. tl"'4w; pldidoyer 1 in ii may be Celtic, uultft dt'r~c9 from '!ll~d-•;
ju1 wocarf ; cauj11,,. agtrt: Skinn :" I•. cite '1A a11d. then that would be .Gr. likewifc• .
'1ltw,. · • PRONG; "Belg. pra11J;be.n; "Tf'''• pr~SAU,1;
. PLe:DGE iii ?ri.,,ki11g ·i "non, ut faioll volun1,. m,rga ; a pi1tb-f•ri·: Skinn."
qui a D.a11orum te1npore unu1 econfortio ti: tJadtm' · PUNK; " il Sax. ct Dao. P""f; .pl'.11, marf• ·
ltet~~ 'l:Uf11, .qui bibir, inter bi~ndum, noo 'dfe, pium; eodtm fe~e f~of1.1, quo proJlibulum ttiL~m
.«ctdenduf'n•:-'f~cf a Belg. pleghen ; 1'euc. pjfe~en; · Lat. fcort\Jm dicitur; q. d. '"''"' inftar corii ad
·P"~<'flr-are, •ur4tt, 11dmi11lllr<trt ; q. d. huju$ poc,uli ' ign( tU ficcati, llrida, cc.e1fucc>.: Skio.n." a lhri·
:n\unus in me recipio : Skinn.'' ; veiled old bawd, whole lkin is rumpled up, like
. :•PLIGHT, or tonJitioft; "Belg. pltebte11; plitbt; · parcrumnt, ICocchc at th~ fire.
Tc:Ut. pjligbt; offi,i11m; in hbno bfli<i,, vcl prr.;i11- .
Oii ronftitul#s 1 i. e. bent babtf, 11ullb vitio /ab11rat:
Skinn."~be hllf a good ri'b ojfi", is in a g•od . .
fl ate; labors ulliltr no i11firm ities. ·o ul!NCI.f, " Sax. Cpencan, 7\ttp_encan; tx-
PLUG 1 "' lklg, p!t1gght; Suec. pluggt ; fli11g11ere: Skinn."-tb tJ(/lingui}h.
Iceland;jdgtn'; "'""''• i111plfgts, clav1u lig11eu1 : :" a wo•dt11 boll; bar, ~r u•tdgt.
Q!JERN ; " Sax. Cpcorn ; "'°'• 1rufa1i/i1,
verja tiliJ ; a ba11d-mi/I :. J'"!.·" .
• PRANCE l" l'eut. pronlun; et Dan. Q!JJD bf l•baaa ; &-lg. k11Jdm; ma11dert,-Mn·
•: · • PRANCING S prangt; tq1111s animefus, ct 1ibu1 mo/er< : Lye :"-not altogether in a literal
z~· grtf{in glbmerare Juptrhbs; fptlla11.d11'!' ft fenje·;· •!'Y n1or~, than when it is ·called /1 tbtw
prl/;W;,.t, iilf"'1'tft magnifict, lotumfa ad •ftt11latiGntni »f tob11&" ; which. is not ~&ually comprc.ffcc<i by
'-t•nrrt: fed quoniam oflentatores in lptciem the ueth,. buc only kept in ·the-mouth, t.ill 1he
dclicat~ moroficatis, qua 1ninores fail:idiunt, fc. lhcngth of i.t ii <.Jttcrly exhaulled.
veriorcm folent induere frontem; hinc faClum ut, Q!JOTTED ; ' " cloyed, gU.11td f R ay :"-but
1111bi'4 frons1 ~clg.. pronl:ind qpjicbt diceret~r; ct it feems to be no more than a dilfr-rent diale~ of
tJitr'..flCbi/iusq ~l:tfld wedtr; pro quo er m•fflttndt . q11aa1bed1• or r~ther ·roatbtd: Sax.
wider; Angli pra~ldng w•ather: Jun. "-but w1len
it. fa·u ~· in•the former fenfe, it fecms to origi-
nate from ·the fame root with PRANKS, or R.
tridu: Gr.
· P'RA WM, "ponto; Iceland. pram: L ye:" a l
kind of boat. .
1 •

or rep,r4Mb; " Iceland. raigia; vel
r.eigia; de/trrt, oppr1;briis m•rdrrt, maleditlis ·'I

• PREBEND; if noc derived from the Gr. ; vexan; undc vt rbum p,lcb~CL>lre ulit ati Uimum lo
ais· iii 't~ former Alph •. Cle!. Voe. 7'9· leaves any · balarag : Lye :" - to 1hrf1'ill •ut any reJ>r•a<hfu(
one to Ju<lge, whether 1c dO<'s not appear a forced 1 w•rd1. ·
deriv. to deduce this word apr.ebe1rdo, allufivdy· . • RAIL, or bar i " 1'eut, rieg·d ; lignum:
co the e~~ibition, or penfio11, which it irn plies Skinn."-regi/; Lye: 'Vtllis, •bt.Y.
from the ~hurch: '.' in the n)on ·early ages, both • R AKE, or loofe f t/lbw ; "Hibern. racba ;
Druidical, and Chriftian, there •vas a cuftom of ire; cc ·raik; gritdlu cila/u; ; a long rnllt'; ilfr
· purchafing from the fpiritual communities, an- , /011guin ; a<0tletoto gradu do11111111 abirc : hue non
nuities for life: latterly it was a praCtice among incommode rcferri potcft nofhum "''" ; bo111D
Lay Chriftians, to fettle a competent fum, or a dijfo/111111 : Lye :"- one who cannot !lay at home,
parcel of land, on a monaftery, with agreement bot is continually ntfbing 0111 •f hi1 bc1ye, i11 qvtft
to ~eceive a jlipttlaitd mai11te1ia1tet for life; be- bf flt'lfJ atfwentures :-but in his Add. he fays,
fides being entitled to the prayers of the coni - , " Succis ct wr11tk ell: bomb txtcrabiiil; i .Goth.
11)\lnicy; tho.fewer~ callep por·ay-be11d, cq1>ttat1:cd . wHcltan; txurari; hoc fortalfc ccynion illi quod
co·prtbtr.d, endbwtd for lifr : in procl-fs of rime, ' Cupra attuli pra:ferendum putabis ;"-chi.s latter
fuch annuities brcame ecclefiaftical fettlements, deriv. te ems to originate from tbe fame roo1 with.
on pcrfons cmploy-ed jn t he di vine fervice ; as \VRE'f C.1-1 in_both Alph. · .
they continue to this day :"-thus ha.~ chis great RAl\1PANT: of all the firange deri.v. which
&ntiquary li:ctkd the true fignification of this have been given by fome of our ctyrnol. fcar~e
word ; if he had but 3S j uftly fcttled ihc true any have appeared tnorc renlatkably fo, than tb.1.1
ctym.: but, even now two- thirds of chis corn- now .before .us ; for both Skion, and Nug. as an
pound a~e Gr. ; for p•r is no more than FOR ; the. former Alph. have fuppoted that our word
• confcquently Gr.' :ind ay, in the fenf.:. of ever, rnmpanl defccnda from rtpo; lo trup ; (like •
•!ways, for lifr, &c. is Gr. likcwife: as. for bnul, . rampant / nail:) but both thcfc: Dr$. n1ight have
. abided

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apidc.d >'ery fafdy by. the· Fr. -C-all . .,._p11111 1 let·me ol>fei:vt, ·that 111'11 be dcrived.. By
I cal. rampart, . rd111picart, .,el rat11ptgdrt 1 jta•dtrt, traofpo6tion ab Ae11-~, 'li;,-_tus, 1t0'l!ilos; meanipg
intfdtre: ,or dfe might liavd a<lopted the wit, and t1<nlling; ; . . · . ··
Sax:. Rcropcnb, pr.eups1 lt1Mrori1t1 1 rt1Jb, p r"t<i- • RERE-motift; bait ·. ~x. half ·Gr• J'-JfeJle::
pi1n1.e, alU! furioiu i :is all r11.;a11t creatures are . mur; vtfptr1il/io ; the. · 6;:1 :-bJ ' thi1 dcriv. w,s:
repn:re.nrcd in high attitudes. might fuppofc, it fignified c~e fame as ppepe in
RAND ; . " Teut. et · Belg. rand 1 margo, ora, th.e arr. rttr·tgg: if fo, it high. tecominen·
trtpido, 'li1111bus: Skinn i" tbt 1Jgt, bordtr, rim. dation of the b111's c.haraller. ..
&ANGE, lo jift, or bo/J nual; ••&lg. ra11gtn; RE-TR I EVE; " Fr. Gall. rflrOU'litr 1 lcaI.
r'JOVtrt,' quajfart, ttrntrt, feu tribratt : .Skirin." ritrO'VtJI'(; ittr8f/J ilf'lltnire I lrotnJt aUt(m~ft par!.
to flparate the flour from lht bra11. · ticip. verb: lroll'l!tr 1 ilt't1e11fr1 ; quod ni fallor,''
RANT ;. " Belg. ra11J111, r11ndtm; Jelirar1, fays Skinn. "a Tcu!. trtjfni; . lmtgtrt, 1111i11gtre,
injanire: Skinn."-t• r•a1', like a 11111d111a1t. ortum ducir ;_ quod co •erilimilius fie, quod ·an.
R.'\. VEL; " Bel"'. ra-oelt11; intritart, /o bin- tiqui fcmpcr trtuver fcripferunr." ·
<!tr~ binc unravel eft rii•lvtre, txlritare, eJtptdirt: R lB, " Sax. and Belg. riJ,be 1 Teut, rlppe 1
Skinn ."-10 diftnlnng!c. . Dan. iiffeeeit; -<•Jltt: Skinn."
REAM; " lc~la:nd. hrtlll1Nt; unguib11s nipio, RIFE; " Sax. R)'Fe; /1.'1911_<111; 'frtqutnt, '°"'"
tna1111111 ad aliquid ;apiendum t"forrig•: Ray:"- ,,,.,, :: Skinn." ·
to jlre1'1r out 1l" l>and, in order to talce &r /eizt Rirv1; · " Sax. R ima ; margo, ·o ra; tit marti1i~
any ·1h.i•!K· /J~rln:, or 1dg1 •! tbe tilp: Skinr1."
REAPLING ; " RJJ injul'rellion, or tumu!Juoiu • RINE; "Sax. P1u nan; tangtrt ; I• to~tbi i ~"
d!fard,r: Vcrfi."-he'nce tht ripp/ili,ls, or fhallows, ·/ et/: ~ay." · · · l.· ·
where the wa'i>cs beat lhorc and •tmnul ftlous. . .Rl·t'/G.tbt. /;.1/I; '.' Sa-x. pp1'n~an ;':Billi{. ,.;,..:
.-.REBECK; -" Armpr. reb(I i- .fiditula, pandura: .gn:; ti1111ir1, ptrfonart 1 I• tin/cit, to 11111/t,, .tf Yrt-
Lye :" a r"flic mufica! llljtrlhfttlff. · :mukus found: Jun.''
. R j!BUKE ;· l~c Gall. r.tlo1tt/m-.; ab Armor. re- · RIPE 1 "Sax. pJi1pan; arlig1111ius i11quirer1,
>tcb; objurga~•. 1<tp_rtbt11'"!'t: Lye :"- lo f<oltl, invtJ!.igart; to /earth. di/~tnily, (o, makF 'l.fl.rifl
rrprO'll~. .: : · 111qu1ry after: Ray." · . . · · ,. )
.REDE · · 7" ~e1 . • Angl. 1011.filium 1 Sax. ROBERT:· V'erft.,~68, fays,- tfla'.t 1.-ahcienf-Ly:
REDE's-'?'tnJ Ap:>:ban; e.t 'XJl~bban; trutre,' it was written RulJ1rib1, and Roilflilig/Jt: ihl! b)r·
f>1Ptdir1, dturntrt, Jefinire, j 'udifart 1 Jun."-to abbrculation, became. Roitrt ; l;Vhidt is 19" bi:e'
j11i/ge, Jettr111ine, counftl, · an ad'Vife: hue refer pronounced as Re1btrl; as is 6ur ancient ":'oord·
illud proverbi• le apud Chaucerun\; for rt.ft: Ro/;trt t~cn fignineth· .d!/Peftd .Unto
. M en may rhe old 0111-run; but not 1u/-reilt: 9uitt11es ~nd peaa:"-but Camden, 75, with ·
i. e. ei1cccd inf'"1ift11efJ, not in counjd, not in wijd&tn. greater probabiliiy, fays, ·" it is a Germanic word, ·
• REEKING-bot: Somncr, under th.e art. llgni fying/Amdus ·in countil; for it is wrltterl moll:'!
ru1c,oul, fays, " roe&, rticho11, rec, and rt6'an antienily Rod--bcrt, Rad, or Rtd-btrt; •hicli do
(fo various is the orthogr.) all fignify fumus, et ;fignifie ce1111ftll: :Ind bert, he his !hewn in other art i unde no!trum reek; and rttki11g-hot: jplaces, to·be only a tra~fpo!iiion fo rolrtt, !Jrttb!,
i~hinc etiam forre nubium ex vent() moium, nos or b1"igbt ; glcrfous-, famous : fee. R EDE: $a.x. ·
~pcJ:e dicimus :"- becaufe, by the continual fl.o31' · : ROCI-:I E GO(" Sax. rou t; Belg. et· Totir.
10g' of the clouds from one quarter, the whole ; ROCHE'f ·r·
ro<J:; lunica; a Sax.. .Ppeoil ;
Hey has the appearance of a retlcing taldrtn: and 1tgcrt : q. cl. 17peoc; i . e. ltgumt1tlum: Skinn.''- '
t~is very idea might lead us to fuppofe, t hat this a robe, or veft: fee FROCK : Sax. · ·
whole art. ought 10 have been rcfrrred to •RODE-RIC : good old Vern-. 267, obftrvcs,
~OAKY, in the former Alph. that "Roderigt by trauailing into Spain, bec•me
REE1'1, to ct) : Sax. ppreman; p!orart, tla- 'Rodrigo; and lighting into Latin, was m•dc;
mart, tj11lare : pp:cm; tjula1u1; wetplng, and R~dtrlrus; ii lignifyeth pltlllijul, ' or rich in. eot111-
waili11g. , /ti; for ratS, 9r rode, · i's •ll one with rta:l :".,..- .
• R E.ER ·<gg; "o-oum lrtmllltJm; Su. Pfl<JlC l but the latter part, rit, or rye, ia .. undoubiedly ,
1r11d1u:<" <1jl<1te ,egg _:-;the deriv. Gr. : fee RlCH in the former Alph. ·
and ex plan. ftem to be at variance: fee 1he ·for- ~OE.-huclc; Sax; ra ; rah•bco]'t ; Teu't. ri!l·e- '
~r· Alj>h. bo€J: ;_D an. raq-_budr; caprtolus; Be)~;. .'.'(\ rn;• ·
REN-ARD; Tt11r. r"ndt.; di/uJ, dollijuJ 1 et v11s 1 a flag, hurk, er dttr. · ' ·. " ' ' .
111rJ 1 ind1/u, mJtilt'tf; a irtalv~ of a very tun- • RO-GER·: '' ir wa > at fi'r{t R11•gfi•d. . R <µ- . •
ning, <r(;fl)" fi'ttiJ natur<; tbt wily ·/6Jt :-='here gard, and aftetward~ .R•gar, and. with ·vs- ·lu!Ny •
Ruger :

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-S C From S A x o l!:, r<&c~ :S .C
Rogtr: rou, or·r11, as ia aforefaid in Robtrt, is · ut pecora ceftro, 'i'cl tab:ino pcrclta: L ye:"- 1•
·reJ1, or.q11iet11ts; and.gard, to 'lt:ttp,• or conjerut; feud away, likf c.a~fkftung by tbt gad. •
fo 35 Rugard, now R.oger, is a ktepn-, or ton.•· SCARLET;. ·prop1nquus meas, If. Voll'.
ftl'lttr,1of ptiue;lor ·f"itlnet: Ver.ft. :168 :"-but (f'IJ's Jun.) conJeaabat onum traxiffe ~ ~alma­
g11rJ, or GUARD, 1s Gr. . · 11co tfarl)'tll s quod rubrum denorat: -111.0rr~
• ROUNCEVAL-pt11s; commonly called roun- couitui coloris :-a 1'rigb1 red co/ur.
cifa/J, and rouncifers; " grandius illud, et fua- SCAW; Sax. Seo; ficus; a fig: Ray."
vius piforu1n genus, a loco Ro11U'/Jal in confiniis SCONA; " /Jtt11Jtif11l, faire: Verft."
.Hifpaniz, ad ~dem Pyrenad montis; oli1n cladc • .SCOOP: if no~ derived, as in the former
Caroli magni cxerdtu.i a SaTacenis illata ; .Ro-. Alph. it m~y come from.'-' Belg. ftbotpt,fab"Ppt ;
Jandi ncce, et ubcrc ijlius' provcnru haujl·rum, pa/a, r111</11<111; Teut, fcbotpjfen; P/J.ll·
nobilis: Skinn." tbt large Spanifh pea. . , rirt ; Alman. Jcepbt11: Skinn. and Lye's Ad'd."
., RO(!P; '' Alman. ruofe11, et reopen; Suec. ct -.a ladlt, b11tJu1, or . any thing to bale out w•ltr
Iceland. ropa; · damart, vociferart: Lye :" -a w1tb. .
r/;ettmalfr Jifardtr in po11l11:y ; a cho•gh. SCC?T '. or ftbot; "Gall. ej&Dt i vttligal I r.ra!.
RU NT; " Belg. rind, ru1td; /Joi: A lman. faollo; H1fp. tf"olt i Belg. ftbot; cmj1a, tnbtt·
,.;,.tb i' c.c Iceland. rind; vitula: lie a ppcUantur tum; item fJmbola, vel 'Jymb'ol1f1li; i. e. porlic,
boves Scutici, qui noftris longe minores funt : 9uam lin~uli con~eru11t in. fu.n:iprus, qui publicc
)!..yc-:"-a Sfolcb bull, or tow, which are rnuch in hanc 11lamve rem fac1ench font: Jun. ~r~
/mailer rhan ours~ hence the word is generally Sbol :"- a. common contributio1i, or clubbing, lo pOJ
applied to a perfon of dimi1111tive.JJ1llurt. • a tavern bill. . .
. RUZE; "ab/Jlandiri: Danis rotjgltdt ;jiltf_m.'- . · ~CR.A.PE, or "411gtr; "Su~~· farap 1 J;aga ri
ti.,.: .RJly•:"-chcfe two interpn~taaons carry iltf- 1111 ftratper ; lo Jraw anJ one 11110 dijficulhts, anJ
fercnt fen!cs. • · · di.ftrefs ; rtr11111 a11g11jlii1, ptrit1Jlis :." Ly~ :"-11
intict into hazard, 1111d peril. •. ·
s. ~ SCRIP, or pDIJ<hi if, according to Minlh,

' .
A'BLE · i"
our ~orp ftrip_ originiites fr~m feirp!''• becaufe
Fr. Gall.Ja6u; pelle~ murium, purfts were often made of 1hofe rufbe1, chen it
SABLES J' .feu muftdarum Ponticaruoo, qui- . would undoubtedly I><: Gr.: and " vix arbitror,"
bUs ffii!gno e mptis ad fuffulcie.ndas, fcu dupl i- fays. Jun. " quei;iquam inveniri, qu i non ag·
candas hibernas. veft~s \Jtuntur diciores : hzc nofcat Angl. fcrip, per frequentatiffinlam lltern;.r
animalia Fr. Gall. martts ftbtJlinu; Ital. :r.ibtllim , metath. fatlum ex fcirpus :"-he then ,,,fers to
:\ppellantur: Skinn."-rhe Dr. however pught to _Volf. who very julUy derives that word from rhc ·
have informed us, that thcfe valuable lkins are ' Gr. :"-but notwirhllanding the plaufabilitJ of t~is
of :i 1noll ~autiful black, and 1hc blaclufl bear 1he appearance, it may ,be ver.y m1,1ch doubted if
liighell: price; and therefore the Ruffians in that deriv. be juft; bccaufe, among the di·fftrent
Siberi~ have found out a method of ftaining the ,lignificatioos, which Volf. has given ofjcirp111, he
brurvn fable black : but len1on-juice will difcharge has never once mentioned either ptra, 1nan1ica, or
the artificial color, and by that means difcovcr tlfarfupium; which he cen.ainly would have done,
the fraud. if ic had born~ any futh fcnfe: we n1ay rather
SACK-.B UT ;- " f~jfp. Jaca/Juck; Juba d11tti- foppofe therefore, .with Skinn. that it comes from
l!s; hoc ab 1-Iifp. Jaca dtl btubt; i. t• ab .t.:1ra- the Sax. BCJtrepe ; aaommoJus, eongrws, qu.1·
ht11do i. ftomaebo, vtl vrntriculo 11/vut ; qui• fc. dr1111s; q. d. tbeca comtlfoda; a co>rotnie'!I P"l(b,
qui hoc tu~ geflere utuntur, 1nagna vi fpiritum or pouch lo carry c.11vtnunces in: or elfe IYith
trahunt, ct vehcmcn.t cr proflant: Skinn."--con- Lye .we m411: go more Northerly frill, and de-
fequently half Spanilh, ~alf Gr . rive it" ab lcelaad ._ftr.otppa; mendicorum perain,'
. SACK-LESS; " in11ccent,. faultlejs; a pure feu faaul1'm :"-noc altoget her fo tanered a one
Saxon word; Sac, Saca; a caiife, flr;ife, .f11i1, •t:· as Homer defcri~s thac of lrus to have Ix-en:
quarrel; and !ear 1 without : Ray." · H e«, x~ ~r-~~ Wf-''~1~ "-"x'~ (3«-A»l1Ci :Tlf ll ..,
SASH; Ital../~; gaujapina, cujus involucris n ..x~:t ;wyo.>i.11r,.) llf I! 't'9P~ ,,,)' aoe1Y>e·
Turcre pilcos fuos adornant :-but our officers Odylf. I. x VI II. IOi ·
·wear .it crofs the lboulder, or, t ied round the . • SCUT of a b111·e: if not derived; as in the
~~ . 'former Alph. it may come " ab Icdan'd. j}6!1
SCA'MPER away 1 " Belg. .ftha1npe11; Gall . quod denotat <auJam: nefcio an fit3 Goth.fa11~/J;
eftamper; I ta!. Jca111Jlart ; Suec. fcumpa fi11 waeg ; fimbria":' Lye:"- tbt tail, fringe, brim, or bcidtr
Iceland. ftumpa; tffitfl ~urrere, &itif}imt fugert; of any thing. . . . , . .
.s . • SE;

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Fron1 S A xo 111, &c. s fl
SE ; ·bee : Verll:. llH mtttj"re of tk hnml ~ith ih1111Jb fat 11p ':
SEAL; or fife; "S:ix. Seo! 1 ll!lfrico, ScoTh; Ray :" i. e. abottt Ju· incba.
Dan. fel, ec jdb.,,d; pboca, .vitrtlas 11u1ri11us: ·SHAGGY ; " Sax. 8ceac3a ;· eo11tt1, villus :
Skinn."-1b1Jto-calf. Skinn."-" affine ,hu ic viderur Dan. ft11ggt d;
SEAL l" time, or Jt'!/QtJ;. it is a fair fcal for barbalur ; Jl:ag; barba: Jun.''- ' ' lcela11di5'}keg::
SEEL S you, a fair fa".fon, a proper time ; Sax. ell> barba: Lye ;" rough, and hairy, like a water
S~l ; ttmpru ; lime : Wbat Ceal of 1be daJ ? What do~.
boqr? Ray." · SHALL ; " Sax. Sceal; futuri temporis fig-
• SE W-ltap l if not derived, as in the former num : Skinn."-the fi&" of ful!lrt l ime.
• SEED-lib S Alph. it may come " a Sax. SHALLOW; " Skinnerus plures adfcrt ori-
Sccb, ' vcl Sreb-ltap, or lib; a bajku, trough, or ginationcs, qu~ 1nihi falisfacere nequeunt 1" fays
bod, to carry jetd in, while fowing: Ray :"- L ye ; " nee tibi, leaor, fortalTc fatisfeccro,"
the forn1cr part of this compound, Jud, is very fays he, " fi vocabufum ab· Armor. ifel ; vcl
probably Gr. l'l ibern. iflol; humitis, petcrem :"-and I mull:
SEGG'D ; " S&x. Sec0 ; callus, u1!10 obd11l7us; own myfolf as much diff.1tisfied, .as this grear-
hard, cnllouJ : Ray." ecy1nol. and yet am unable to give the reader
SEL-DOM; " Sax. Selbun, Sdbon; a Seib ; better facisfaftion ; unlefs we may derive it ii.
raro ; and do11e ; fa.711111 ; 'I: d. rar1111' /11£111111 ; Sax. ScylF ; abacus, a.ffer; • jhtlf; Anglis inte-
vel fati1111s raro fatlum: Skinn." a{l not frt- rim, fays Jun. ·under the art. Shelf, ab hac ttbaci
qumt?J ptrform_cd :-but DONE is Gr. 6militudine faeift s, feu fbelves 1 appellantur etiain
SE.LI:'; ''Sax. SilF, 81IF-p1lkn; fpo11tt: Skinn." pul'IJiHi; i. e. c11m11/i arenacei, qui .litori maris
felf-wilf; Jponlantous. obtenduntur; which therefore caufe thofe fooalf
SELL ·, " Sax. Syllan; dar.t, vhu/er,; Iceland. or foallow wattrs.
[ti, ftla; -:undo: Jun." to vend, or traffi<. · SHE; " Norman. fahe; Sax. S~, Seo;
SENE-SCAL; " Vollius priorem compofiti Alman. ft; ilia, ea, ipja: Lye :"-a female ap·
partem deri..-andam cenfcr de Alman.Jon,fa1'nt)t, pdlacion.
vet ftnte ; qure armn1111m lignificare dicit ; de SHEAD l" Sax. Sce3ban; Belg. fcbtyam;
altera parte, nempe faal<us, ncmo jam dubitat SHED ! fcbtedt11 ; dijlingttere ; II diftin&11ifo,
quin a Fr. Theotifco, faalc; quod miniflrum, vel make a difftrt11ce; lo·Jtparatt, and Jivide : Ray." .
Jerv11m fignificat, dcrivanda cit·; ac fi Jmrjuzlcus SHEER ; "Sax. Sec)'\; purtu, &tarus, hlliitu:··
prin1itus armentorum cuftodtm, et martjcalt11s, Lye :'.'-it alfo !ignifies clean, quilt, ptrftl1, a!Jfa-
t qu11r11m, fignificaret : frultra vero ha::c ;". fays /11/e ; and in this fenfe it is ufed by M ilton ill·
Jun. and then he proceeds to give his own ccym. his Pa.radifc Loll: ; Book I. 7+r ;
" ego vero jamdudum opinatus furn }itu in.fine- -- tbrown by. angry Jove
Jcnlcu1 arctlfcndmn clTe vel a veteri fcptentrionali Shur o'er the bacdemenrs.
. .fi11n, quod vicrm, vel 'l:i<fJ: vd a pronomine SHELD·drake, accordin~ to Ray, " Jignifics
fin, ·quod Jui, et fu11s, T,. ,;,,., fignificat ; fccun- fluked, or party-calourt d; mde jbdd-pralu, and .
dtrm priorem notationcm, ftiufcalcus idem cit ac jbcld-fowlt :"'-without giving us any deriv.: let
1ni11ijltr , don1i;1i '1.Jicariu.<, vel minifter in aliquo n1i1- me however obferve, that l ) RAKE at lcalt
Hert, vcl officio; domini v ices gtrc1fJ, vel {qcum is Gr. ·
./tnms; fecundum quam quidcm cxplicationem SHELF; " Sax. ScylF; abatus, offer, cui
Ct aulis, et fi{cis, et rocnlis, Ct curiis, a rcgibus aliquid imponitur, ct qui fcamni, jcabellive pr.elq
ct principibus, eandem ob ruioocm )intjcalci t1jum : '] un ." a /;oard to lay any 1b;ng 011. .
vocantur :"-and in this larier fcnf~, Milton has SI-JEL VES, or}boa/, andjballowwaln:; "Anglis
introduced them, in the beginning of the Ninth interiln ab hac abaci,Jcam11if!t Jimilitudine foilfes,
Book of Paradife Loll, v. j1, where however he feu jbelvu. appellantur etiam puroini; .i. c. cumuli
has given us a different orthogr.: arenaai, qui litori 1naris obtenduntur, reciproco
. · · then marfhal'd feaft, flu&um :rftu, ct recurfu iftiufmodi tUJJfulos fenlim
Serv'd ap in• hall with fewcrs, and/nujh;ih. denfant~, arque induranre: Jun."
(perhapsjt11tfthai4) SHERRY, " ab urbc Xtrts, olim Ej'1tri1,·
SEN-SINE; ·u various dialelt for jince 1bt11: dicta, ln Andalufia Hifpanire B~tica: provincia,
Su:: Ray." · ad ofria Ana: fluvii 6ta, uncle adv~h.itur iftud vi-
SHACKLES; " lElfrlco ScacuJ.; ma'ttit.e fer- num notiflimum : Skinn.''
rt.e; catena; Belg. jbauktlt1f; inwhJere, drcum- SHIP, when ufed as a termination, as in fcl-.
,,olvtrt: Skinn." -ftllt1't, Jo tflfaNgk Jbt fut. low"jbip, horfcman:foip, fteward-jbip, &c. fcems
SHAFMENT 1 " Sax. Sc~f'tmun'b ; ft111ipt1 ; to be purtly Sax. : and, as Jun. obfcrves, under
~ C die

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S I From S A xo N, &c. S L.
the art. Skipp, videnir denoure proprittartm, dig- SIE· d4wn : " Sax. S10an 1 Alman-•. gifti111 ;•
1tiJa1cm , jlatu111, conditiontm, q11al:'Jalt11J pcrfona;,. Belg. fiigt11 ; cadtre, deorj11111 Jerri ; hue forulfe
vd rei ; q. d. rern aliquam pcculiarirer ad hoc referendum Gall. jfrr en arr:icrt: Ly,e:'·' to.Ja/J
illud ve natam , creatamque vidcri. . a}Jtrn.
SHOALS; a concraetion of SHALLO,VS : SIGE ( ., . · •
Sax • SIGH.E Sv1&Jarie: Verll.
. • SicJOE-WANG; " Sax. S~co-'6pan3; .t or- SIK.E,..; "Sax. S1ch, .. /11kus, vcl potius /~UJ114 ::
rigia ; a foo(-/ho11g, !atcbet, or jJl'ing: Ray :''~the Somncr: - a water·JttrrO"'W, a gutter.
former c>ar< however is Gr. : fee SHO'E : Gr. SILLl-BUB; « Be.lg. fille; ju/It; eanalis, ir.-
S H OULD; " Sax. Sccolban ; dc!Jere ; l'eut. cile, f.l'J!Jagiu111 ; et buytl: ; al·uui, 11e11.ter: ct fane
J cbuld; Belg.ftbud; d~bit·um : Skinn." 011gb1. in agro Lane. filli-ba:uk appellatur : va.s autem
· SHROUD; Sax. Scpub ~ veflis; Scpyban; ex quo hur1c i>oturn bibirnu.s, cft 1:entriofam1..
iirdui. ; mniculum ferale: Jun. " a funcrnl ve}J of cum epiltomio liphunculo, feu tubulo: . doa.
line wrought woolen, lo ew er, or hide the dead Th. l-lenn1."
bod ;-v.. . . • SINCE;. if not derived, as i.rt the former
SHRUB, /1 li~uor ; " maxime placcc," fays Alph. we mun have rixourfe, wi th Lye, !O the
]ltfl . c : nOO"ll'll :lb oriente petit1.1m; five fie aSyr. "Sax. SilSISan; dti1ld<, txinde, poflea·: Suec. ftd•n ;.
f nreb; five ab A rab.fi1·ab :"-" redc J un." fays Beig. find; et vec: Angl. jiJbe, }itb, font ab
L yi', " nam jharab dtno tat j yrupum; ec jbor/J, eodcrn fonce: Ly)'."
(es ipfa, qu~ bi birur; unde nofhumjhrub, potus SINK 1mfier water ; " Sax. 8encat1 ;. Belg. <C
ex vi;10 a<luftoJ rn alis uu reis, et f::accJ,aro co1n- Tcut. fincklu; mergert , drmergei:t.: Skinn:' to
mirlis, confel'tus :":_a v<ry plcafant liquor, made J11bjide, or plunge under waltl'.
generally wi rh rum, or brandy. SIZE l" lral.. jiftl; glutiµum piOotium: Fr..
SHRUB, or,pla1111· " Sax. Scpobbe, Sqiybe; SIZEY 5 Gall. ajfis; collvcatus.firma1t1J; glu•
SI-IR:U BERY / rut ex : Skinn ." a jioWt'r· ten ex C:Or}js coaum, quo parjett'S' lllinu·n l, nc·
ing plant, and 'place where they grow, and are crera vcfiibu s adhrereac: Skinn:" a glury juhj/lllltt,.
kept. · · co prevent whitening from coming off.
' SHRUG; " Teut. fchrtclun; t imor ; vel Belg. SKAILE l" ab Arrnof. fruilln; et 1-libern.
fcbrct'IJln; 'Vtrler<, Jeu forqutre cochleam ; fcapul:e SK ALE ! jcnoilim,; fundt rl, Jifptrget~ : Lye:" '
·enim dum elevantur, inltar cochlea! in :tcecabu lo to po11r out, to fqut111der away.
fu1>"at~rabuntur: Sk\nn ."- to roift, or tij; up the . SKALK; " Belg. fthall Ggni6cat proprie ho•
. ' S r l UT chft 7_ " Belg. fthuttt111 '· daud<re, · ob- in minem, qui deber,. qui obncxius lj{: ii faa!, qucd·
omnibus vecerum diale€tis debt/;
SH UTTERS jtrare: Skinn." to ;nrl•fe, Goth. fta/; Sax. Seal: nan1 definieore dominor
lock up. , · Servus is cit qui debet faccrc, quod facit; qui
,SI-JUT cf a thing : " Sax . Sceabnn; 'feut. facit id, quod alter. vulc: cui definitioni confcnric
jcheydo;; fepnrare, ditjui:gtre: vel ~ jcbutllen; defcriprio ce.ncurionis: Ji di.<l>·o je1:-;;o meo, f"'
prbjifire; ft expedi1·, ~ re aliqua: Skinn." to dij- bqc1 tt fatit; vale,_ ti 'l.!,1dit; '1.1e11i, ti "tJtni! :
e11tnng/rJ ~i::ifeif ftb>n ar;' pt1J'Jlexily; to get rid of Wach te.rus :'' a Jerva111, a jlavt ..
any tb.!Jirully. SKIN.KER: " Sax. Scencan; Alman. fcu1cbtN,.
, S IDE ; " Sax. S1be: 8 10 ; Dan. fide, figni.fying font a T cuc. fthe11ktr.; /argi1·,, do;ult'e, offm-e, p•-
lq11g: 11'1.~ tQa / iJ verJ1 (1{.ie, i. e. v ery Ieng : Jlay.' 1 tum i11funderf, mifare; quoniam non alium in·
SlDE by SJ DE ; " Sa~ . S1'oc ; A lmon . fit a; finctll amicis n1iJCemus pc)tun1, quam ut .:t1m in
Icelanti. ji,/a ; B{· lg. fii:it; qt1ernadmodum vero benevoknti:e fignu1n propinemus : Skion."- 1..
~acini& latu j proprie cft a1.irplus> / patioflis, 111a!Ju1iJ •~ix, a11d.pcur out wilu, tJJ atte>1d at a ba1tke1 1 • S
utrimq11e txte'!ft15 ; arque i.ndc lat-era iis appellan- Vulcan is defi:ribed to travc done · at a banker 0£
tur huin at)j c:orporis e xi:ren1itarcs . £1s lntu»J t.~ · the 'gods, in the clofe of the Firll: Iliad. 584,
' t f1:f.q; uncle vcro Sax. £1b, ,;el Sibe ; f p atiefui, .Cl; ~e· '~'J> xii.~ °"'-«~~a.,, l1rra.r... «~~1>ev·1l"t.\Ji.01· ..
or.tum rraxerir, null1 . ad hue conj eftu ra potui' ' · ~1~1ef ~IA, ,., xieua 'T16a, Jt<l:I Tf--!.l.f!Hrl.
. .
a0equ1: . ye. L " . SKl RT ; « Suec. Jl.idrte; limbw, fimbria :
.~1 D~; l ong
fr!>m t he for~going root;. "Sax. Lye :" a,.:fri11ge, or edging.
Sidr/111~11 fie d iccus, quia ~ccld1a: SLJ\D E ; " Sax. Slreb ; via iii mo11ti1<m <Ott-
SI D.c. s-man . cufrod 1bus, feu ilulrd 1an1s, g,uali v aili!J..u!,: Ii:clang .,fl.ed eft vaOis : Lye:" a ,,.J
il !attre ~ffiitit : $!:..inn~•· u.:t ajf;fiartt to tbe fltttrc/J .. bet,~een two JJ1o:pJ1ai111 ,
wc-ra(11 • . a.
SLANT; / ' "ncfcio. an Belg.. j}d"gbt; .Teut.
.. . -. . . falj/•ng•;

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'S From S· A x ·o
.. &c.
. ~ .. ,.. ..,..· .· . ..,,
frbi&11ge ·; ferpens; .q. ·~. 1&111of11i, inftar ferpentis explon . are ratf:ier parri;il ; bec•ufc .even' ~ (fraJt
finOQfis tkxi bu~'corp_as· promovcntis; h~c (~rt~ line may.jlope, i. e. be. dr,1wfi .djlaitl, .-or out of'~
a verb'o jlingqpr;.'{'(:tit : jth/illj(tn ; · f.imdirntt, f!111ila · perpendicular dire6tion ; I · have not 1i.owcvcr 'as
jtJ.Gere·; q'iiia :Uiqui. fal~(i\ fetpetires, pra':Jiirtim yet fo•in'd a bet ter: " · . · . · · · · · · ." ,
:Aeon tire, fe inllar: lapid}s, vel jaculi c. (undo ..• SLOT .the dbor; " Belg. ffio:te!i.; , Tent.
prorfum vibrant : Skinn.';-Miltqn, in his Tenth j 1hlidfe11 1 '&/au'dere, ocdmfi re, oefcr.1ire ;• a.' Belg .
Book of Pnradife Left, I/. i o7 5, has ufecl- this word Jlo.1 ; jera, ti w<k, bal1, or bat; 10 Jl;ut t he door :
very happily : . · . · ' ' . Ray: his Gloffa,ri11.m l'(c~1ba11i7':'p,:i'.!';n cp~J~ "

-.- -=-:as bt~ t~c e_lciu&s ,[lho_c k; 1s ;anothe,r. mte.~preration d 1_re<;tli; .~?r.""·'r . c~
· .- · .J~IH111g, or pu_01 d -~•11!1 wmds. rudc •U) ·thc1r t his r, fo;~there be ,fay.s, ' '. in ill; ~ot1t~ w.e ) 1,1ve
1 'I 111~ the jlant hghunng .- - ;.__ - fomc foodteps of• tlns,'word / clot ; fora; for w~
SLEET; llelg .. jleggbe ;' 'Pl11v ia gldciali.<, aut fay, to flit a (qck ; chat is, to tbnrjf blick th~· bol/
nivefa; ft11alt rain with hail tzfld fi1iiW ,,,;,,,, and wiJho111 a. key,:""'-but now it f~em~ co o d g inate
falling to•ttber. .. fromjlfp -f>ack the bolt; and jf' tP; it would J1a-
SLEEVE : Jun. and, Skinll; · agree,. that <mr t!J raliy qetive froin rhe Gr. .. ..
word j/tl!"Jt Is dcriv~d it Sax. Sly:r :; 'ma1Jict1 ;_Shep;. · SLOT; '.' vox veoatica ; lcel.~ hd. /lo,•l; . quo.{
81}1'a,. SIYJ=e ; . a veft:rcacbing di>wll ro the hands. flgni lktit· "'inm :in nivt ccmp'lanaiani; ' vel iJejligi<1.'
SLEE~E-LESS eJT~nd; " Chaucero jle<frclcsi fet,·aT1m~l11, 11ivi i111ngata~u11i : L)'e :"~t.b<_printj
forte ·q uah· d1Ctum a h veltjs, or "/ifelejf erraud : or. trac.~ of game m 1be jn..,JJ, or fur; act ot tht
S.kinn.''- ~his will fcarce be admiHed 1 for though ground. 1 ..': '·.
a fleri;elefi t rrnnd ma.y in effcCi: lre·a lifelefa trrmul; Sfy!i').CK, or kift_; " 'I'e~1c. jchma1.,.; bafidm
yet; , j f ic really meant itothing more, :ir would prtjfiim ;, eftuliim jigere: Ski11n.''-10 impr;nt ll!
certainly.have been writceil :Ind called a ·lifdefs kift; ur Ovidius ait,
trra11d; th erefore a · )/eevelefa errand muft•mean Ofcula per /01rgas pungere prtjfa morns, .. .
fomething cllt" ; perhaps, as a. coal Wi1hotlt j/ttvts • Sl\1.1\Cl_(, or)hjp; "Sax. Snace~; na'!Ji~olum;
·i s a fruitlefs and infignilicant thing; ·fo t111·erra1Jd "in mverfo; i!l:hoc autcm ab Iccland.jnuki4 i
•ui1bout an intent, .without fo'm·e ddrgri and pur- fotfan ·a11guifor111e genus navigii : fiickcs :, Belg.
pofe, may · be "very. prope~ly c~lled· a j{eevilef.s jinacke~ ell: gcrius navis oblonga: : Lye :"-aii
errand; and rben may. be der.ived fro1n-' ~lleforc- oli/Okg vcffel: but SNAKE may be Gr. .
going root : Sall. · ' · '-SM-A LL 1 " Sax. Sma:I; Teut . . fchmal; po~
• SLING: . if no~ derived, as in the former 01~1;· a1Jg11)Jtu, tmu;s : Skinn."
Alph . we mull: have recourfe wirh Skinn. to the ·'SM EAD; a difpitte, an argub1g, a mo'l.ling of~
Belg. jlinghe; Teut. fehlihghe .; Dan.jly~gt; funda; que)/-fon: ·Verll:: "
Tcur. fahli!tgell; fund<i jacere, to burl, <•fl.- or SMOCK; ' · Slik. Smoc; inttru!a; 11l:1/.uhi
lbr.Gw. · ~: • · . . : indtifiH."!: Ju ~l:'t..::...,a1 1;vompn_".s /hif.1. " : .... ' .',"
• SLINK away: 1f nor derived, as in· the for- SN~l\CK of a door; " nefcio an 1 Bdg1co
mer Alph .- we may follow Jun. who,. after rneh- Jnnpptn ·;- eorripere : qui a fc. cum janua aperiend;a
t.ioni ng the deriv. of.' Cafaub. fays, reltius tamen ell', fe1:nper attipilur: -Skinn. and Ray :"~tbi
deducas:i\ S ax.. Slmcan; rtptr•; 10 creep and fneak lattb•of 1he ·ao~r,' by ·which che bolt, pr bar, ,i&
out of batclc; quod pugnam tleclin~ntes, oc- lifred ur.· by -j>lukt11glt:-this might l~ad :µs ' td
colic tlrrm~ca qureranr; ec. falcuofa, atque a via tforive it·'fro1n che fame root wiih. SN.I\,i
perr~p;art tolennt : to rreop mco a bu!h. ... Sax. · _ . .. _ ., . . ,
. SLI VE; ''.' Dan. fld!"!'r; .(erpere; Teut, : " SN.~RLE- hrrd/e: 1f· nor ~f <:;~. , ongin,_.~f
fi:hitiffen; bum1 ti·abtrt; l11nc et Lincoln. ajlivory m the former Alph. Juo. deri ves 1t fro~n JJi.e.
~".1.; roo~ wich SN AP, qua~ fnappl~-.b.-i11t -J:iuc

/el/ow ; vir f«bdo/us; erjlive11; idle! lazy: Ray'."

SLOE; "Sax. Sia; Belg . flee ;· feut. fchlegbt; Skinn. w.ah· g~eater probab:liry derlv~s 1t,l Bdg,
·t runumfyJve;lre'.; <l wild plum: Skino.'! growing faavtl; .vf'I Teur.J~~na_vtl ;· rrjlr11m; qu!a fc: 'equi /?I "'{1111.' j
111 the hedges. • - · rollro, 1. e. orr, ct nanbus obd':cur. ~ f / '/.
~LOOMY; " Be.I~. lomt; lardus'. piger _:
Skinn.'' flow, andjluggijb.
SNAG; " S~x. Sn1can; . reper«.; limax; a
/natl : J un.'' as in the following article. .
' f'
~ Tll·
SI.,OPE ; \' ~oliqa?; porom de8exo fenfu," SNA.IL; Sax. Soican; reper.e; to crup tinJ <If'. ~ IC'('·'
fays S kinn. ''. a.Belg. Jla.f ; la'xus,_r~n1if!111; Tun·is rra·'?l along th' g_rounif, . . • J1.-,1 ,;:./,~ ·;:
cnim quando m!.e rnus cit, et ng1dus, • SN AKE; 1f not dcnvcd from the Gr, as 111 ~ ..;
fecundum linearn rciftam einenditur; quando the· former Alph. · it may b,e deduced from the
autem rtfllillitur, Ct Aaccd!lr, fccundum lincam foregoing root.
,bliiU""' pendcat ncceJT: eft :"-this deriv, and SNi\RL ; "Tcut. fnurren 1· ringi, inftar ca-
4c 2

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, S N From S A·lt o-N, &c. .S P
·lflllli.: Skinn."-" Belg. j1111rres ell: obfa11ro - - . not literally our pn:fent{lllMjf, whidl ·w as un~,
·tnurt indig11ationem teflari: Jun.'' lo t"lrtfs mu in Shakcfpcat's time; but rook it ia difdain, and:
i11dignotia11 by a hoarfa grow/, : i1Ulignatio11; ~I) lbort, hls nofc was aff..-tm1el.. .ftt-~~,. ,,:ii ;J
SNATCH; " Jnotdun ;
~kion." ID tatth up, 11111J bt g1111t.
""'I"'"''• tlbrip#1 : ' SNUFF of ea,,,Jul"
SNUFF, a poV>Mr
T~ut. -fa'"''' fiiiJ.llS ;;.fl-:'
qu1a cxu a, ct g raVItef ·
SNEAK 1 " Sax. Sm.c an; t/an(lt/- ft prori- , SNUFF-up · ,olcns ellyclinii pan:
ptre: Skion."- Jo fleal away priva11Jy. SNU FFLE - · Jun."-becau{c it is tht
SNECK ef 11 aO(JT, accor<ling co SkiAn.• is 'the burnt and tbong fmclling part cl the cand~'""
fu.i ng which draws up the latch; and perhaps, which is ro yery olfc:nli've··tO· IN IU}lriJs.
fays he, may be derived from SNATCl:I : Sax. SOD, or 1111"/; " Belg. fotd, fntf.1 ; ufpts :-
S!'fBL~; "Gall. ifoel; hal. ifm/14, j'IUl/a; Lye :"- tu pari•g of the nrth: perhaps only a.
~ax. Sncl; Belg. fnell; uler, pmlix, a/acer, '1Jtl11X; conuaction of SWERD: Sax.
fwi/'• nimble, atJi'IJe, lively: Lye." SOLD; the paft tenfe and participle of
SNIPE lif not derived from the Gr. as in SELL : Sax.
• SNJTES the former Alph. we may rather, SONK; " Sue<:.fllt1tf'; Dan./111g; andlccland-
with Lye, fay, " refrius a f"-'b.b.t; vel Sax. w!J... jng 1 kl/us : Lye :"-o ;,J, or """"'·
~'"; '<!u/tus, najuJ; i. c. rojlrura; ob notabikm SOON ; " Sax. Sona; ftalilll 1 furltf.enlj, f*Ul -
roflri pro<erilaltlfl :"--on account of its grc.a t ly: Skin.a ."
~ength of bill ; longer than even that of the SOUND,. or frith l thefe words-bear fo u~com·
woodc<Xilc, in proportion to the fize and bulk of SOUNDING-line f mon a fcnfe,. both m the·
the two birds. . modern Lat. and Eng. tongues, that it will-rcqui"'
: SNl'fE 11ofa } " Belg.fmtl/111; Sax. Snj-t:an; fomc patience to trace thc:m: the former however
SNIVEL nares n11mgert: Skinn. and will foon be difpatc.h cd, bc:caufc afootf., orfritb,
SNOT Lye :" - I• bl..,,, ,,- wipe mean& ooly a norrow, or rather " fhal11JW fca,,
l~t •oft· • whole bottom is calily jtarthtrl, or fatbortJtd with.
: . SNOUT l " Belg. Jnuyte; Dan. f11dlk; Tcut. a lbort l ine.; fo that the ctym- of this·
f e1maut!«; roftrUJn fuis, vcl avis : Skinn." 1bt pends on that of a jormdittg-liru, whicli. nonrith..
~ft of .i f'!'ine, or t.Jx bill of a bird. . ftanding what has bc:en in the former Mph>
' SNUB ;"' Belg.J11ot' ;}ingult11J; Teut.fclmait- feems rather of Gothic c:xtraCl:.1 f.or Spelm.
QCIJ; IJ/lht/are, ira C>IC{lndejctre; iras prDjlare : under the art, fano; as, fays, that " J:.:.indenbr•.
Skinn.~-chough we m ight rarhe,r fuppofe, with GloE: V"-tt.f1narr ell: inqttirtr.t ~ Galli_s Dclphina-
L yc, " func pura P'!ta . lcelandica; f•11bba enim tis fo>t4r1 el1: 'fl1Jcar1 ; fed c< Gailis ahJS fader tft
Ift; Juri.s verbis oliq.uem incrcpart ('~tQ &bide, 1r ttntart, pro/Jare, ilfquirtrt, exa111i1Jllte fotuiiml, .u~i
t;l/Tl:'.Jt any one.w1Ch !i:ver<\ w<;>~ds. , 1 maris, vcl 'lqll;Je; a quo Ang!.. ,,.. fow11d d1c1-·
" SNUDE ; , " .:Sax., Snob.; _ iiilla,; Ci1nra:i.s 1nus; hinc forte xo~ noftra tifcaHs SOWNE,.
:tfnatk11; J of tia, :1;c11ia; Iccland is J.11udur defrgnat q uod vide." ·
}!11111, vel 11trvun1, quo tralutur: Lye:'!- SOWL by tbe ears;" ut prima fua ftgnificatione·
f'"!Y ~lier, ribb.mul, ~~ thwg., , , ufurpatum fit pro fu1rem trahere ; Iceland. atf.Jtila·
.' SNU DGE . o!o1ig; "Jceland. f~ggitr; ul;r; dt loris aliqttid attra.bere ; ajtiJ.; fl#lis .- L ye:"-
f!udgf,t; S•:,c•• Snupe; (~!~ite~, jwifily, ,ni'f"'ly: to pull, or drag with a rope.
Lye: -rlo. tnp along . wuh a qu.1ck am! n101ble . SO-WNE, as Spelm.. obfcrves, ••eft vox 6fco·
pace, and the head a little reclined. ~gio peculiaris, id fignificanl , quod ull.igi., rxigi.
. SNO FF; -dif'Pleajftf,., " Sax, Snol"f.a; tJaujea : (roari poteft: ideo, rum de c:xtraCl:is vice conu--
Jun."--difgujl, diflike: Shakcfptar, lJ) his . Firll: tum dicatur, it jofJJ11J not, idem eft,. q.uod 11on tft
' 'Part of Hen. JV. ACl: i-. fc. 4, has pr<}fervcd this lwttbilt ; et quum .dicitur to jow11, ca funt· quz.
word in its orig inal meaning; where,. in making tolligipojf11111: forte. ii. Lati:no-~arbaro_f••~r<, q~od
l-lotrp11r,drfcnbe the manitcr, io ._w.hich the foppilh in L egg. ·Longo.bard. 11gnificac 111quzrtr<·:'.-
·i:ourricr c;a1ne. to him, and· unfcafo114bl,y de· meanin<> whatever can be fou11tf. on the pnm1ffes.
manded hts pnfoncrs, he fays, after Jt'ris Jearcb:..,-.chis is· a moll: excraordinaiy
· l-lc was perfumed like a· milliner 1 fenfe of the verb fono, f•nar~ I and as excr.aotdi•
• , ,l\nd 'twixc his finger and' his. tnun1b be-he-Id nary in· .Englifh :: fee SOUND, and SOUND,
.. A pouncet-box, which- ever- aad anon· . ING-line:. Sa."!. above_ ·1 · .
"' ..Ii e .g ave. hi~;10~e ; all.d took\ a)l'ay ag"in ; SOWSE tf.ow1t;. " 'Ecut. faufon : ftrtpilNIJ
..· Who,. thcrewi tb. .an.gry, when it 11e1<t CaiJie t dere ; Dan.Juftr·;.jlrepo; utrumque &,fono fiClum>
there Sk.inn.''-112 tlffll<t a n!Jija;J/JftJll.. ·
To<?1' it i111}111j': SP.AI.I..S," forte a. T-<:;ai~faaJlt11;.fiadtrt1

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s p FrOin . .s·IL !I' I> •• &c. s 1"
•Jfa/4., •il1t, feg.U1111,. que •inter (eulpcndum defi- in aliquot familiu~ quibus ,,,b/ttlr' quotidiano
liunt: Skinn." · fermone gape-ft•tk· dicebarur :"-nd among our
SPAR. tlie tUaT; . ,.. Sax, Spa)lflan ; · Teur. own rutlics a fpH11, i. e. a fJfJOotlt11:fpoo11, is often
!Perr•11·1 •bdtre, tf11tultr1; to jhilt, bolt, or ~ar tbt
called a gape-jlidr. to this day.
J1or : Skinn." -SPRAT; :•Belg. et O.n.Jprot; Suec.Jproll;
SPA.R, ro&iy f11b)nct; " t•rltJt mttalli nii1, larJ11: Lye >' a 'IJtry Jmall fifo. ·
·Jeu mintr.e ; lapia mincram ·i n fcaptcnfuli t1'11bitns, • SPRAY }if not dcri•ed u in tl,c former
et olrvolve111 ; forte A Sax. Spap·p an ; el••tltrt ; •. SPRIG Alph. it may come '' i Sax.
qui a fc. m el4adit11r : · Skmn." tbt rovtr-SpJUC l ramtrhts; j11r.,mt-, ft1rtlll1ts: Skinn." II
ilog, or n"wloptat11t •f •ttal, or Tather that cry- ]1111111, jlmJtr twig, ,,,. #ra11tb ef a tru, jbr1tb, or-·
ftalline fubftance which is nul•ftti ·o r jlmt np in ap/11111.
rocky, froney, &0'1Jtrit1g, SPRING a leak l" Iceland. jpringa; ntflltrt;.
,. S:P'ARKI.,ING-a>i11t ;/ " · fortaffe il Teut. SPR1NG a mafi j 11ra/:1m tliffi11Jtrt, ri-s agtrt:
jparJel11; -v.tkmmu.- f • m4l•r• 1· et agitart: Skinn." Lye :"-to· M-eai, eraC'k, or fllil. •
-to 1. 110'JJ1, and flir~i~felf bMlkly :-it feems rather • SPRlNKLE, " Belg. fprin!ulen, Jjrtt1!t1lt., .
prmgefm; frequentativa a /prmgm l quod et
to be c.tllcii fo from tht bri[bt11tj1 ana tle11r11tj1 of
~s· ~or; and coRfequcntly Gr. nunc; et olim, pro jalt conjptrgtrt, vel conJiry.
SPAR'RE }'• aft, i111fllirt, try aJ a ntariet : accipiebatur; et quoniam atlfptrjia. tali9,. quibuf-
SPEIR : Sax. Sppt an ; ·to ftt1r.eb o•t 0, the
dam veluti macufi9 rtm conjprrj11m.inficit,J)r:nikt--
SPURRE trade, to tr11et 011t;. tu ntaie di/i- . Im , . et Jpri11ult11 ~tiam ai:ceptu~. pro 'Oartttart :-
i"'' Je.ardl for. . · atque adeo Dantt quoqµe JprmcileJ etl. fUllll•
SJ?AWN of fijh; ·~ Bclg.jpnu,jpm11t,fpm>rt; tus, vllritl}lt•s: Jun." - now,. rhe only, pomt is<
Sax. Spana; lceland.jpe11; papilla,~ma111111a, 11/J.r,
•to detennine,. whether thcfe arc not derived\
f11uu.r, I«: pifcium narnque mafculorom fp~ma from• the fat= root. with •
SPRil'io. thc farmer;
t.Jli plcruniqlJ¢ Gmillimum :. Skinn. and" . Alph ..
SP.EEN" or jputt; " cow'1 Uat; dvg; or pap; : SPURLIN, " ' ortum eft,:" Gys SJ(inm "'l.Fr•.
'! Spant 1· ,..,,,,_a, 11ber11; tbt I tal : Ray:"Gall efp'trla11·; 'fJiola p,ijtis f'" a fmtl/.
-and confcqucndy is but a various dialed of the • SQYAL. alo11J.; either from· the Gr. as in•
f.or(going word. · the fonner A'.lph .. or- clfc froin ·t he Belg •. Jeh.11 ;'
. SPELCK ; " Sax. Spdc; Kiliano, jpalcke 1 : rla11gor, /onMJ 1i,.,,11!111. •
fafaio ; a Jwatb, band; or. r,()lltr :· Ray." . • SQYANDER ,. if. no~ derived fr~m the Gr~
.sPELLING-liook; Bclg.jpeil, andfpeil·haujt ; as· in the former A'.lph. Skinn. fuppofes• it may'
/Jtd1u ; slay, and play- ho11fa; and · hence our ex - come from·the Tcut. 'IJtrjdxDtndt11; dijfipart; pro"·
p reUion a p/11-y-Jcbool, token·- from · the Latin .digtrt ; -·10 dijfip'au; or lavifh llWOJ. :· Jee,
/1ttl11~-littrari111, and lutii-•agiftri : to intimate
. DWINDI:.E :· Sax.
mat the rud iments of all. learni ng;. and the be- • SQYEESE ; if nor derived·from tire Gr. u •
ginnings of all fcitnce, ought to. be made as in the- former Alph. ir may,. as Skinn. fuppofts,.
tofy and delightful to children, •• their fp.orts and come froin the '"Sax. Cpi'fe ; unde 1c l:O cpyre'
tlieir pajlimes.. cioponitur qnajfa :" and indeed it fecn1s· to be buc·
·sPERL !NG; ': Bdg. Jpi";i"~ vel fpierli"K;. another dialeel· of q,11ajfa; and confequcntly is·
rolgo- hodtc Anghs J•elr, ob odorcm vocatur: tlill Gr. ; only ·n ow it does not pcrftttly anlwer.
Jun. "~a delicate,fau f11.1dli11g fijb. our idea of the word ft111u/e; unlcfs we may un~•
SPILL;" Suecis, ct lcelaod .Jpi//a cftfulltilr:e: derftand it in the fCnfe of :nod mtajurt, P.rtffetlt
l:.ya :" -lo P•*" 0111, or jheii. · dl1".un, and'lhaken together, and nmning o'fJtr._ ,
SP.OOL; " Bdg..froeli; Ital- fpola : hinc the SQYIBS ;. " Teut. fthitbt11-; lradtrc, protnt.._·,
]pooling wl;u/. lign•are forcalfc dicitur a m<itcria Jere, provq/'fJtrr, projictre: Skinn." becauli: theft
ex qua ..lit; na1n vett. Gcnnanis, Kilrano teller flirt andjump, andjkip about. ,
Jpode·eft '"""·'• ar1mdo: [,ye." STAGGER; " · Belg. jlaggert11 ; 'llacillare ::
• SPOON : if not derived as in the former Skinn."-to Iotttr, to reel to and fro, and jlagger
Alph. it may e.o me " a Belg. fpaen; Iceland. li!tt a tlr1111ktn man;. allli bt at Jbnr wit's end.
fpoo11n .: pertinet . ad origiocm vocabufi, quud STALE, urint; " Belg. ftalt11; 1'eur. ft.allh ;.
Si:ion, Sax. olitn· denorabat rude cujufvis /igni mingtrt, in equorun1 gcnerc ~ Skinn."-to 111ake-
f~cntum ;. unde &1ccan funt totbltMia ;" only wa1er ; a ·term appli~ablc to horfos pucicu•
pofterity · lisve 1nade them offil'Uer: u ipfe quo- larly.
q.oe,:• fays Jun, ' ! in illo· uadu H ollandire ub~ • STAMMER: if not derived from the Gr..
ccfpitc" bituminofo$ ad focum dfiidiunt,_ in,idi ll$·ill che former .\lph. we muft go to•thc ... Sax •.
Sl:aroo11 ; .

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s· T· .F~om s. ~ "' o >.1, lice. : ..

8'can1~; .D;in. jfa11•J· 61.tjus, .balb11ti1:a, lir.g11a whjcb is _evid~ne)y,. def«gndecJ ·fro1n-this Icelandic
b.efit'!rt :-,-_nifi •naljs a Jl.ando, i, c. b,cji/a;,~q : ' wordjleggt; ·a mnlegoefe. .':ll .
Skirn1'."-but then ,again it_;woul<t be Gr. _.,• p T E\VAR,P:.: ~Jl,ouretymol. lookl:On'•this
S1'A't-.' G ; " Sax_. S'lj:}'Dii;•n 1 } t rir• ; fudes , : wp,rd as de~i,;od. JrQ!,ll1t~e ."SIU(. .~c.oj>~papb, ei
f11/l)s, .ftipt~ : Jun ." a &lub, 'bat, or-pr.011g :~J~·ay St:ep•rb; quon1am rn~umcra of'.p•il~rum; ~o­
;;1for1'"!s us, that in his time ( 1_67.4) •1 this -11<01'<! ~urn, .y1llarur11qu~11pm11!! .p.c:r. univerfamAngliam
was '1111 ufed in fomc college~ m .Caipbridgc ; to 111 jlow tcnn1naoqa, .farts. liefl.1nnJl;rant · hi fcc OP·
jl~ng f~holars in Chriqmas._.being'to . ca~fe thtm pidis,, µagis,,•.:ol:nn '(]ttoq.ue .ab bo.c
to rid,.:. on !l:.cqlt '1'\6',.~1· .•wk, for 111illjng1· o~ 'jlqw noruo.n inu i!.111111 \'idgri:ps:>OiHJt, locup!etiores
' cJl,aep~l-:."-bta .let u.s, . h9pc. p ur . aitt}p 1114/er ~e~Mr!lfl;l· ypr.ffellit. ·"1,e) ,q11~ftor:ib1u; quo$
has abolinied this· nd1culous cuflom 1n all .her 1fbufmop 1.lq!'.;1!t pra:gpel:>al\~;no1uen it;op-'}'apb,
cqlle,ges. . , ... et S'C'<:papb, a locoru1n c1tJ.iodi<i. indidiff'e: Jun..
STA.R"I'; "Belgis vctuflioribus }lttrten ~rat unde r the ~ft. Stqw<"-bu·t · this ;aofwcrs only ,0
fugtf4 ; aftur1, jlerl, vcljiirt ; eauda; ;'ltqu,e,it..ilf tl!e,,latt!'~Ji~.if q( .t he.,d, viz, or :g;utrJ;,
jl(Jr-1, ,u ,jlur{e11, ..nihil ali,ud - d~noc,ave~in~;.. quah1 , '~hu:h t.y.~~~ war. :is.,~n..'-'o.;f;;yc,. ac~ording ro 'hi$·
taud{llll ob-,;t~!erc us, gm4u s. <urn .nob1s, fes. ...e~.« r:i;ii:th,oc.l., .deri.ves- :·IJ al,>.. 'lqll4od .- /fs'!Jar.dun, . quo<l
Jun." toflart .afid(, like a.b!'oken 90~.1-literaJly. 1conil'a rnr ex flia i. op1v; et var.dun, vel !Jordiir.;
to Ju1:n Jail. .. ~ . . ! c.z11'1 DJ,. -pfgi/ ;·..qt1a~ p~dlfetlus JJPtJ_'il' :''-nn "o,vtrfctr
.S1 ART; Su. b'ccort:; , ortuf, editus,; .oo_YIJ; · of .WQrk; :-<-b11c Jb~J 1t,looks as 1f thl: larte• half of
;i.nd . /Jred,; .thus 6as-;l11r.1, or }H/Jl"rd, figl}ifi~. the \ OITIPC?,UQQ \""~,Gr ... ,. ,
/Jafe-"r11,,or :born out of law(l1l .w~djo~l< ; . i'~d \ STIGHTANl" t• f<'I up, to .tr~o. •or edift:
t1p}Jart fignities ope ofJ udde1,horigi11, ;·. ~ .cl)ild ,Pf. · , ,..5;r.lHT AN S Yc•ft.'' · . .
fortune. . . , . : .•s1;n.:rs; · " 1:euc, fie/tu; Belg. j!t/113;
• S.TAVE;i11•pietes.; if .nof derived froni.the •grall.e : credo," fays Skinn. "a Sax• Bt:elcan,
·G r. as in the formt r Alph. we niull: rather .have : grai~~rt ; .vel potius "I"'~"''• .a nom. Soele, hujus'
r,eq>Y,rfe ~o the " .Bclg.ftOJ1W1n,; ag~e.,prqpellve; i verb1 p~rente, quod. g1·a/la~ tilirn !ignavic, Jicec
dicitur," fays,Skinn. "de nave vi 6ultuum ropi, . apud ·S9mnerum non oq;urrat.: ".,-what one of
~O Jirori;-;sllij4,· ccind~Jo/u!ji, et Jl~i.tu• dJ.lfr11tla ; · qu~ poccs has very properly called .crurn atffci-·
- i ..e. broken int~many:portions.,piu1s, or,.parM: • litia; _addi1io11al legs; tho' not'ftriCtly and abfo-
.and hence .to fiQg a ,ftav(, _por1io11, or _part .of.a luce!y ,1ull; .bei:aq(c they do not add to J/;e number,
.pfalrn. but only to •tbt length of our leg~. .
STEAK}" :Jcclanil._ ]ltik.; ajfamtnlum ; Dan. • .ST·IR; undc:r the art. StOJ1rt, fignifying
.STEIK , ft"gtr i torrtrt, !'J!a~t; Sax: 6-c1cce.' btl/11111, pugna,,pr.di111p., Lye_derives it a~ Iceland.
STEKE, Tcut._}luuk; -fr11-ftltlf1, .pjfa ; nobis /hr.; bellum: but under .th,is arc. which /ignifies
.autem p arum·.dellexo fenfu frujla earn is fariaginc tumultus, p11g11q, .pi:.,fi11m, he iJ;akes no notice cif.
fri~a dclignat: .:fltal:! >nGn taotmn fu~t c.arnis the Icelandic wor~, . though it fuited his purpofe.
ovin~ . offul.e, fed .ena1n bubul:c, ac .v1cultn:e.; fo w.cll ·: .anµ yet rt•• poffiblc .t hat Stir may be.
nee mint!S in craticulam cofix, quam in fartagine de-r~v.ed from the Gr. as in the former Alph.
frix.e : Jun .. Skinn. and Lr.e :"~jlic1J.J. of mutton,, STOCK lNGS ; " cn!ig,.,; Min.lhew deftrcrit
· '11" btif, &t .. br,oiltd .ovtr tbe fire: . a T_e•!t.,fteckt11; i';:1111rt_; funt-enim ~uibus peJu
.STEAL, or handle of any 1b111g; "w1111ultrwm, ~l ·11111~ '."d'!u11/w: . -ch is appea.•s a ftrange dc:riv.
'ptdi.cuhl1.; . tbt1oohjiqlk; .Belg._ftteJ, ftele; :rcut. bccaulc tt is as funable to. a 11ig_h1 cap, as a pair,
fiid; . plliolus: ..Ray." of fiocki11gs.:-" mallcm ramcn," fays Skinn. "i
ST EEP., or .foak; "Frifiis, jhpptn ell: in1i11- Bdg .;1tike11, veljlek<n1 b,ertr1 ; q11ia immediate
•gere, mactrnrt, immergert : . et ./Hppe ; qfa; i. e. pcdi .c_t cruribus.i11c11111btt.N/, et quafi b.er1nl ;"-
panis _,jefculo, 'Uti. .condimtnl• i11tinllus: Ju.n." a but .this would be. as appli:cab.Je co t ht' Dr'sgle~"'•
j 6p. . "h1~9 no dnub~ 11t<N111l>u111, et ·quafi,b..-r.m/ m11ni·
STEEPt.E; " ' Sax. St:ypcl; a high tou1r:e ; bu;:- however he attemp~.s once 1nn~c : "nili

:ltcereof we.e yet retaine che na1nc of.fluple :" W"er!l:." ma!is a _Belg. e1 T~uc. flock; &atukx, truncus;
STEFN •l V 11: . tibia enim cum reliquo corpori fuppofitre fint
;s:rEFNES""' lu: er ·0 ""!'ditis vjce1n pr:;eb~nt; q. d. caMJi<a/ia, i. t .
. STEG.; " ica oon;iinant .anciq. ~oreales an- · tibialia :"-fo that pow he h'l$ 1nended the m•c·
frr.e11; 111areo1.; ab Icel:tnd. flegg~, quod 11ofucrem tc r prod igio(J~Y I-there furely ri~vcr were thr~.
t1tpote .anatum, et an!crun1, denotat:
111arttn, 11~<>rc 1nfign1h~ant, or ~norc t.r161ng. de.riv. ever
Lye :"..-the reader 1nay perhaps h ave wooder~d g iven by any ccy111ol. nor have I as yet b«n' able
t.o -hear the good.woma!l c'111 her gm1dcr, af111g; ·co trace a beu~r.
. . 1 STOTli

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s 'l' From s·A x 0 N, &r. s w
S'l:OTE l"Belg. floct; !celand.fteyia; Goth. STURE, "inge1ts, tt'11jf1u; Belg.ftrttri fQNJllS,
STO'fER J floulan; a/lidfrt, ltmder(., percu-• tr.ux, nuflerus, [ erox; Sax. S'COJl ; mogmis l Suec.
U'rt : L ye :"-lo beat, ftrike, knock, thump. · • ·et Icehnd .jlw : Lye.'" · . .
· ·*· ST0URE.; . " "1et. Ang!. odlt1m, p11g1ta ;• • "STURK; "Sax. St:ypk, bucul:u : Ray:.''. a
Jcdaod. Jlir cl~ bdlum,.pugnlf, pr.elium : L y'e :"- y ou!lodc, or btiftr : petbaps only a various
battle, war, 1<Jmmctiv11: it " fecrns ro ' be only a . dialect of STEER: if fo, it' may be Gr. '
v arious dialet~ of STIR, and may perhaps be STUT · l" Sax. 8t"ut:, · cultx: Ray:"-a
G r. · ·· · STUTE 1 gllot. .. .
STRADDLE; "Sax< Stprebe; P"ifus; ·Belg. . ST OTTER; "Belg. fl1qt th, vcl flt1tte11, im-
ftbriiden ; variu:re, crura operire: Ski on.'' - to pedire, demorori; veluci obftaculo quodam objcllo;
w alk wi1b the. legs· wide, Jike mariy in Falftaff's atque ita j/llt!er, nih\l fueric aliud, quam imp/-
tcgiment; lo j/rut, like ·a bully, or bravo. di!e loqui: J un."-to hejitale in fpe.ecl\ ; . h'ave an ·
STRAN·D , " Sax. ec 1'eut. j/r1J11d; Bdg. . obftiule in '1tterance. . ,
jlra11J1; riP_a, li1111s; Lon<l~ni . nornen hoc ind_i- · ~U~DER 1" Sax. Si1pbep; ·r~~~-/011derli&h.;
tum cel ubn platere ad R 1pam Tacndis fluvu: SUNDRY 5 ·fd1ulern·; .faparar(, dijlmtlus, dr-
.Jun·."-a noble lhcec in London; · fo called, be- vr1j11s,fingularis;jeparatt , Jijlinfl, divrrs: Verft.''
caufe· ir is built on the baitks, or the·jhore'of the . SW A DS· of ptas ; " ·s:ix. Spe~an; fafciart;
'fh arnes : and · thus likewife a lhip is faid I• be q uia fc. fo!lfrulis, tanq\rnm fojciis pifa ob<Jol'Vun-
jirm:ded, when lhe is 'run aground; r11n ofoore. tdr: Skinn.":._becau(e' tl>e foell, hujk, 9r ppd in-
~ ~:i: R·~AM f or1h. V' S_ax. 8t:peam; jiu· '"~lupu o~ ·e11clofu. the pea.' li,ke a.Jwa;hi~g, bantl,
· · " S1 RF.AM, or rrvulet S vzus ; St:peam1an. ; . or fwodf:r.g ·dotlies: . : . . . . .
1'.11dare; to fl•w :_ Sldn_n:" uolefs they may b.e· de- . SVv-AG . down ;. «Sax: 816~0· ; : Belg., Jiig~11;
rJved from the Gr. as· m the- former A'lph. · 11ulinart : ' L')'e :" to ·be11d aii<on. .
ST REEK;" Sax. !it"pecaa ; exp,andert :-Ray:" SWAGGER' ; ' " Belg. jwadd~r~n; · Jlrepert; .
-to ope11· wide, vel ii Sax> Spej!;an; faJtare ; ut rumque ·;;. fono ·
STROUP; " Alinan. ruofen, re~m; Suec. fi'dun1 : ·Skinn." td·111akc·a .bi:ljlei'/11g.noife i vain · a
et tr..l,i nd: t op.a; -damare; voclferari: l .ye :"- tmpty·"/Jonjler.· '. ' . . •.
t» call 11/i;ud,. o,r··make 1111:; loud noifi-: ic is n><ta- • SW'1\'IN : ·i(' noc· dcrive<l .froln ',tlie Gr. as ·
phorical1y· raken from tlie word ROUP, a dijorder · in"tht• (6rmer · Alph . . we nray · follow '.Clcl . Voe•.
incident to po11!1ry; a cougo, or co/d. · 175; where- he · fay s, ' " from · ch-JJean, in Jee!.·
STRUNT; ' " Belg. ftront»; Fr;· Gall: !fi.ro1t; faota,n; .a ~vouth, or ··jlripling; we ha:c ou'r ·~wont :
I~al. flronzo.; ftenus.; per· me-tonym. adJun&. : J:.i;r.111.· • · . •
Skinn. and Ray :"-rbe tail,' or rump:. " SWAEeow; or gulp. d!iw11; "Sa~. Spel:Sarlj .
.. • STRt;JT: if' nut derived ' as· in the· former ·Belg.Jivtlga1i; ''l!lfrart', deglu.1if e, a'bfarb~r~ : J un:''
Alph it m~y come" lf.Teut. firttlzen ;·f11perbire, ./d devour, t at, ordrb1.~ :11p 'inth·ely:-p,robably but •
Je ofttr.tore,juperbt i11cedcre ; to ftalk al~ng haughti- a various' d iatec1 · of S\'Vl'LL ; if' fo, it woul~ ·
/j; w f.tb a:· militnry - jlrp: · vel ii. Sax. s.. eopt:, be· Gr. . .
&ep.. ; Belg . }ltrt ; Teut .. jfer1::.; caudn ; i . c. SWAN ~ " ' Sax:. Span ; Belg. jwam; 1'eu.~. .
<n11dam erigere :· Skinn." ta eretl, or to<k his tail, fcbwan :1 cyg11111~ cl•r·: · Jun.'' '
•lfd looi. big. • S\.VA NK; ' " idem· pa:nc" lignificare videtur ·
STUD, or 51tl!o11; " 6ulla, vel d av111 in cingu- q1,1od fivcyngeour·; defidicj1a, intl's, pigrr ·: L ye:"- ·
lls; balceis,.clypeis, &c. qui da'tli, quoniam cin- lazy; idlt,jlothfuf;
gula pariter-ornabant,firmabanlque, fortaffc nomen S\VAP the door;" I celand . fi1ippn ·f mol//s / 11b1":.
. accept-runt, ·n fubfequenci proxim~ STUD, or 111s, cita raptofio; ab ad fuipa ; cito agtre, r~p.­
prop: Lye." · tart: L ye :"-to do any thing wich a quick a11J
STUD, or· '{!rop ; " Sax. 8<.ub u ; Alman. nimble mstio'n ;' td flop the ~aor loo u·itk a 1;io1hu1 i
ftudil .; Belg .. fll11te; fulcir'e, · firm br't : J un." - to make it 'bounce. · .
qaoniam vero ·ex . ifiiulmodi fruticrbus, qui ex · • SvVARM of l>ees ;_ i( nor· derived from the
pull\1l<!tione tlolontml foccrcfcente~, nondmn ad G r. as iri -che former Al ph. we ·mu ft wi th Skinn.
juftatn arboris 1i1agnitmlinem af!Urrexerunr, 't ibi- cake the following N ort hern wo rrls; Sax.
<i11es, vel tig1ta molcm ruinofam fl!lt incnt ia 6eri Sf.eapm; Bdg. jwern; T eut. jdnuarm; Dan.
fo1 enr; l1 inc Belgis ftr1Jte eft: pertico tn,l1ros la~ hrifv trm; exa1n!1t ; JIJ fl.v b)' ca;1tpo,'1i1..·s . •

bcfcrruis redificii fuff11!citns; j1ufft n; fulcire; ~c SWAS f-J ; "TttJ<. fcbwacifn1; abflreptre ;"m11.(-
qt1011ia1n ft1nciamcnro prrec·i~1ue i11itit1tr 11nivC"rfa nus, (' t ct1tl'1 1!1.ilg110 i11;pe1:r rr:ens, aquaru111 rurrrns ;
fl ruchirre moles, ftudan q uoque, e£t krftutlan, erac le. ii flrtpi111, quern edit: Skin\l·"- ;b, i:cife' cf
Jtmdore: Lye :',' ·· · • f alling waters, · .-

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9 W Prom S • x o N, ··&l:. T A
SW ~SH w.i1b. the fwbrd ; " Belg. j'lldJJuen ;
j1repert; lhrafa, Pyrgopolynifes i .q ..d .. q ui mina-
SWINGER l" ·b11g1.' Belg. furimfigl 1111111111,
SWING1NG nuzg11us' Lye~" gruu; large, or
«:iter ja<lu"1 gladio ftrit; i. c. 'armis cn;repat: any .thing to '"'tft· ..
Skinn."-:-one wbo elal/erJ bisjword Pll bis b11cltler; SWIPE, 1o draw wa/1r.1 Belg. ofp;pe 1 Germ.
a mtrt Captain Flajb, or Drawcn11fir. brunnen jcbwtnlul I laliu<a, .&ico!<ia; i. e. machi11t
SWATHE; '' Hollandis vulgo nominancur ad aqwun .e putco t'Xtraheodan-., q.uQd huj111
Jwacbtels, jujthtlon; injiilis: Sax. Spoe~lc, font iullrun\eo[i libramento aquam baµriamus: J un."
injlit.;: Jun. and Lye :"-a girt, or bdnidgt. . -an iron .cran!t, ufed in drawing water .
. SW ATI-IE of grllj1; " Ang li s eft feries, vel ' S\'VIPPER.; " Sn. 8p1pppc; ~raj17,_ju01i~
re f/a liJua grarnims defelti ; quad loogo traCtu cu111.1nrg : Ray."
·referat injfitam, vd t~niam in longum porrcll:am: SW IT.H E; " Sax. Spt'&; wlJt, VJebt111t111,
Jun."~thc Ion~ trad of grafa, left by the mower, promplt:: Lye:" v.iolmJ. ..
which appear& hkc afwarbing,or f o1ladling band. SWlV~-gunl" vidctur peT' '<iimiou~i_onrm
S\.VE LL; "Sax. Spcllan; Bdg./wd/e111 Ttut. SWIVEL·k6y fa8.uo1 ct< lccland •.fud/; 111-
j chwd!m; lllrgtjurt, tum!fcert: Jun."-10 heave, ftrumcntum, quo aliquid tiNUmrotalw; undc J
or rife. up. .. f.Wjia; raptare, rat are.; Ct nom. f11tifoo; raptatia,
; • SWELT ; er Matl; it fcemecb to 'bee mcnt wlutatio: Lye :" a turning, or whirling ro11sd~
of beeing dead by violtnce ; wee fay yet, when a fmall cannon, tbat ·1ur111 on a t11oveabk pi'llot.
one taketh exceffivc payncs, that hce wil fwtlt ouc · · SWOON 1 " Sax. Afpunan; nni1t10 dejfrtre ;
his hert : Verft:''-to _fo1loo11 ; " Sax. JrfJlClt:an; : B¢lg. jwii11111; Tcut.Jthtvint/111; t116ef,ere: Skinn."
1niirs ; Goth. juiillan : Chaucero,fwtlt; ·dtfi&itllJ; " Suec. f""imma; Iceland . .f1Jima ; Jeliqui11111:
fai11fi11g: .Ray :"-and .y~t. it . is poffiblc. !his Lye :" a fainJi5g or.fi11ki11g of tbtJpirils• .
.word may take the fame or~1n.wuh SWELTER. SWYNC ; " labor; wee fay yet fvvmc and
and if fa, it may be Gr. . jwtat: Verft."
·sWEllQ. '" corrupte Jword, orJard tJj bactn1; SWYTHRAN ; "the right ba#ll, or right Jjdt;
:fiint ab !Iceland• .fuadr, quocl, teftc Verelio, de- tkxttra: Vcrft. "
not at .1 trratl(, aut ~Idem, quoufquc radices $ra- SYLE, or ftah, ." to pay, or ghJt ;fyle it bithtr;
minis, .vel./i/i, dcfcendunt: Lye~"-b.ut Skonn. gi ve .it Jo ,,, :, wee now vfe the woordjtlling, for
·vnder the att. Swo~!l, fays, "Sax. Sycapb.; Belg. ought that is giutn or dcliue;cd for t he wluc
Ja;atrilt.; Tcu~ ftbwartt :"-and this. induced thereof: Verft. :"- fee SF.LL: Sax. _
. him. to:fuppof~, that it <1riginatcs " a Belg.jioart, SYl\.1LE, aiwayJ Uttnptr ) Verft ...,..which looks
.Jwtrt; 'J:eut •.ftbwartz (a pretty word this) as if he intcode.d to dcrivejymlt fromftllfJer ;-
aigtr; q. d. pars porci 1naxime •ifra: Skinn."- but if ro, it would be Gr. .
how far this may be applicable to a grem,.fwerJ, SYNDERLlC; afrer our orthogr. f11ndtr-
muft be left to better judges. ly; portic11lanly : Verft.: fee likcwife ·SUNDRY-{
·swERVE1 "Belg. fwtrotn; errar.: Skinn." Sax.
- to dtilia/1 from tbe right path. SY'I'HAN, jitb'11ct, finu that tymt : Vcrft.
SWEYNGEOUR1 " mihi videtur," fays L ye, Sax.: fee SlNCE: Sax.
"exprimerc Sax. 8pon 0 Jl; dejidfofus, iner1,.piger ;
.~pon;i;o~~~r 1 lorpor :"-jlotb, idknejs, i11dak 11u. T.
SW 1 • .; " Sax. Sptf:l= ; a/er ; hoc fone i
·Fr. Theotifc. j11roe11 ; jlui1ar1; 1"eut. Jebuebtn ; ABERT; "anciently aJl»ri gix1me 1 now dti:
1111vtrt: Skinn." to f!'o1Jt •i•b/y •.
SWJK ; " Sax. Sp1can; Iceland. f11yki.a ; qua:
T name only of a m•ltf1 cott: Vcrft."
'l'ACKLE; "Belg. t4ulttl ; Dan. 1111'11; r11-
fa!lerc lignificant: Lye :"-good old Verft. writes dt111es : J un." tht ropes 1u1J f11rttit11rt of a jhip.
it JWJca, ind /wycda111e 1 a h11guykr, a fa/fa /ri(lt.. ·r i\J)-polt; half Sax. half Gr. : 111d is derived
.SWIM ; " Sax. Sp1rnman; Belg. fwin>JJU•; a Sax. Tabe; a toad; aod ptlt it deriY~ •·n"""'
Teut.jcbwimflltll; r.at11r1; und~Jeh-dlilllkln (ano· p111J'ui; .the :JOM"[ of "1!1 <realurt; fo that 11 t•J.-
ther pretty word this) vertigine labor01·e : Skinn." pok 6g nifies a yo1'11g toad, or frig.
to float ; alfo a giddineji in lbt bead. TAPE; " Sax. Ta:ppan i tnci.r, ligat,,.im:
SWING; " Sax. Spcn 0 an ; Belg. jtvlngbe11; Jun." a l411g 0 11/ Jk•.Ur fiip of 01l:J tbiflg; like•
Teut. Jcbwi11gt11 ; quarere, fJibrarr, vatillare : ..-ihband, latt, or /Jallliage.
Lye:"-to vi/,ra1e, like a ptndul11m. T APS'fER ; "Belg. tap, tappe.11; St1te. t•pt•:
SWJNGE ; " Sax. Spm0 an; f!agdlare; Belg. Sax. Treppe; "'11/Q· ; Joliu,. rtli11er1: Lye:" /4
• fwi11gbe, /wingle; jlagBllum linarium, a.ffer, fcu hroacb a ea.JR, ptirct • pipt•
611&1'/MJ Jinariiu : J un.'' :a .&ord, rop~, or tbo11g. TAR1 "Sax. Tape i Dan. tiert';

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T E From S·A x.·o: 11, &c. T: H
piit liqultla: Skinn." ·the deritJation may be ju(t, •11ift!o; <ribrare; to jift: omnia a S~x. T eme(tan 1
but the definili•n i:ertainly is not fo; yet Litt. and cribrt1m; n jit-;e: ·L ye." • · . ,
AinCw. have given us rhe fame; but pix liq"ida is no- TESTER of a bed i foineti\ues ..,ritten tejlmt;
thing more than melttdpitcb; now pitch, whether '.' Ital. tej/iera; i.e. capul, fcu. fl1111111j1a1 lttli;
melted, or cold, is not tar; they are bo.t h the hoc a tefl~ ; caput: Skinn."-perhaps rhis deriv.
refin of the pine-tree, extracted by fire, but may be r:ght; tho', (triltly fpeaking, the ' trfltr.
manufaC\;ured in a different manner. is the ·cover of •the bed ; tbt btt1d being ftriaJy.
1'ARN ; " Iceland, ticrn; jlagnuftl, palu1: that pan which ftaods next the wall; and tbe
Lye :" a·1alu, pool, or pond. ttjler next die cieling. : . ,
TARTAR; " /ex vini Ji«ata ; vox, TESTER, or Ji»pence; ·~ ftfllijolidus; balf a
cum mutatione, omnibus fere rcccntioribus Jin- '/hilling; 11urnmus fex affibus noftris conftans;
guis comm11nis ; ncfCio," fays Skinn. " an ii. tar· a Fr. Qall. tefle ; <aput; a .fapi1t, . fc. ragio in
ttfan; agitare; quia fc. fa~x vinum tOf#ftlO'Vtl, et ipfo cxpreffo: Skinn."'-this can fcarce be the
ftrmenlat :"-the Dr. might have been a very true deriv. becaofe the cap111 regi11m is impreffcd
good phy!ician, but he certainly could not have likewife. on all other coins; and therefore cannot
been a good chemifl, or a good wine-cooper, to be applicable to the tefler alone: and yet there is
{uppore that tartar was in any degr~c the caufe no ~tter to fub(titute in the room.
of fenn1r.latio11 : on the contrary, iartar is formed TESTY; " Fr. Gall. ttjlu; Ital. teflardo;
i?y incru(tation on cbe bottom and [ides of caiks <ontumax, ftlorefus; mecaphori fc. ab equis coocu-
and bottles, months, nay, we 1nay fay years, macibus, fra:no non parcntibus (llU babtn/JJ au-
after all fermtntation is over: we 1nay therefore ditntillu1) fumpta: Skinn."-" nobis autem,"
rather attend ro Lye's learned friend, cl. Thomas adds he, " parum deBexo fenfu, iratu11dut#, ad.
H uot, lingua: .Arahil,. apud Oxonienfcs profclror iraftl pr.etipittm· dcnotat :" - a m1roft, peroifh,
iligniffimus, qui in oratione pcrdcganti de anti· old ma1<.
quicatc, deganti~, . ~til~tate iftius . Hngure, n.on TEWM l Ray, with greater propriety, wr•tes.
ita pridem pubhc1 JUns facbl, ong1nem huJUS TIU MM J it TOOM: Sax. .
vocabuli ex Arabica accit: .i•.,.,t me viri ami- THARME, "inttj/inum; Belg. darm,.derm 1
ciffimi vcrha hue transferre: " nee aliam, inquit Suec. farm; Dan. tarmen; Sax. E>eaJlm: Lye:";
ille, qua:liverim originem vocis tartari, quam -the bowels, or inltjlintt.
q-u1'! fuggeritur. a verbo tartara, agitavit, btu THEARF }diflrtjs 1·v ft
ilti<c con,~Jlit (Co near was Skinn. to the truth! TH EARFNESSE diflr1fal.11t.ffe S er. ·
ff he had not added fermenlat) aut etiam ii gc- THEAW; a manner, or fajhion: Verft.
t)linato tar, quod ejul{lem fere ell: foni, fignificat· THEEH, " in later Englifh, thu; but more
·que to1Jrpellere, ec ex' diverfis partibus fimuf rightly for diftinllion, tbub ; becaufe by Ollt
togtre ; irem per latus, oramve inudert, nee non woord Jbte we fpeak to the fecond perfon; but
/uto obiluurt :"-this indeed feems to be the true tbtrb is afmuch to fay. as lo thrive, or f1J profptr; ,
definition of the word tartar, which is only a and fo is alfo llubud, and ut1hied, (ot lnuti11g
fubGdeuce, and adhelion of a calculous fob(tance profptrtd: Verft." .
in the wine 1 and confequently the Dr's. ftt·11tt11· THEIR}" Suec. Jeras; ct .dtm: Lye:"-
tation is inti rely over, and at an end. THEM who then refers to btftl; but under
TATE; " indubie," fays Lye, under the art. that art. ·he tells us, that bet10 and btr, for tbtm
'Fett; " a Sax. Toi::on; proferrt, emintrt :"-10 and their, arc Sax.
t;<alt, or raijt up; a lady's btad-drejs, which is THEOD, or 'Ibiad 1P.flra11gt nation}\Terft
" genera~ly. raijed very, very J.igb, wit_h wins, wool,
b4 ir, rtbbands, gauze,ftatbtrs, &,. d,.
TAWDRY-late; '' a(trigmenta, fimbrire; feu
THEODOM, jtMJit11dt
THEOW, farvant
TI-IEODA, or 'Ibiada Sflr"71gt t:ations


·(afciola:, empt1'! nundinis fano Sanlta: Etheldrtde TH E:O\VJNE, a maidjtr'Va11t

celebratis; ut recte monec dofr. Th. l1enJh.'
• 'fHEO~BO: Ciel. Way. 52, and 72, tells
Ski nn.''-if this be the true dcriv. it is a cu- us, that " tbeor/lo is only a contcattion of the
1ious one. Italians f9r tbt harp;"-ftt HARP: Gr. and $az.
• TEEN; "Sax. Tynan: Ray :"-to prlYllolre,. THERE; "Belg. -datr'; Sax. Da:p1 ibi: Jun." .
malt~' angry, irritate: and yet perhaps it rnay -in tba/ plate.
come from the fame root witll TINE, or l:i11dle 1 THEREFORE; " Minlbcw dcftc~Ht Belg. a
as when Milton fays, tint tbt jiant lightning:- tiatMJoor; igitur : Skinn."-/or tb•t rtafm 1 .,,
only then it would be Gr. that attount.
TEMS ; " Belg. 111111; Gall. taftl~s 1 Ital. ta- THERF -br111d; " vet. A~gli Borcal.• tin/-
+D · ir1tlt;

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'11 H From S ;.. x o If, &c. t ·i
lrole,I 'Sa1i. Drepp, vel Deopr 1 panis azymus; far be·trer t'han Skih'n's. 'ma11em h ·D percan; }!a-
Lye :" - 1111/tavtned-bread. gd!ort, trittirtfr'e ; cc Y'eall , fc(1 wall ; \..;o/lum;
·· T 'HESE; " Belg. defti Sax.. £»r; Iceland. q. d. va!fum triicrium, i.e. ill <j!JOfr,,ge; tefu111ur,
tliiffir; l>i: Lye." e't ex<1tt!u11tiir :-but it h highly pro babTe char,
. ':ffll:.'IN 1 " .vet, Angl. mer, ritus, -confirttudo eve·n accordii:ig to both their interp~taci6ns, it
folt7r;'llis; Sax. Denp; ·hinc Angli Boreal. thcwtd ; is Gr.; for Dp~rcan, 15 \ ondoul.\l'edly derived a
dt'ci!iJ, •bona .i11dok fr.JiJilur: L ye." 0f""'"- 0·~··•-:. as Juh. himf<:lf ·1tas defJved the
·rHE'vVED; " 1ofuordly: Ray :"-perhaps the word TrtRASfl, ill the f9rm<:r i\lph. : however,

'k'HE WES J"

fame with THEWS : Sax. in rhe next a'rticle. admining their deriv. it fig'nifies the Jo,ver oaft
w:riun, good q11ali1iu , or of rhi: cloor- ftall, 'oppoli ie 'rhe liiirel; and is
THE\VGHES partes of 1h< myna: it is alfo c:11led t fe.e 1hrejhold, from its b~ing conftaotly
wrirten 1b1igud, and lignifies the fome as dugud, wor~, .o r froildch 011.
~r: dough!; 11ertut, 'llalc':'r, ftrength of body, as . THRfSTE; " Sax. D/l(rtc; audax; Dp1r-
iiell as mynd : Verft." t:1an; a:ulrn : Lye :'' lo l!e 'bold, to
" T HlBEL, OT file.~ lo jh'r i bc p oi 'Wit'h : . T J·fROST LE; " 'pt1run1 putum S:ixonicu1n
R t1y :"- perhaps it may take the fame tkl'lv. with f:>poft:lc ; miru/<1: Lye :" -'- thi s fweer- finging
DI BB.LE: Sax. b irtl is mentioned, w11h od1crs, by Sh akefpear; '\
T'f-ll'G G; " mt11dicart, implo'rilrt; Slfec. 11gh1; as we have fcen under rile art. OUS EL: let me
Dan. l(rgt ; font ab Alman. tbiggeh ; p uert, p;1u- onlr obfe~ve, rlmr l\.f r. Lye was 1nifiakt·n, when
flirt:· L ye:"-to btg, hnplore, (111rea1. ke fuppolcd th at 1her11/.: \v:ls the proper 1-atin
TH•I GH; " Sax. Deoh ; Bel g. di!ge 1 fe1!111r, · rr:tn'fe for the lhrojlle, or tbriifb; fo r 111tr11/a Is tbi
8:.n: Skinn." frorl1 ib~ hip, 10 t /Je kitet. . blt!tli-bird ; and lurilus,, flie thrujh, o'r tbrcftlt.
TH ILK ; "' 'Sax. D'1lhc, !:)Jlc ; ta/is: i:.y"e :".fycb. "fFIROVvStER ; " S~ic . Djiapan ; j wu re, 'pro-
·:r r:fl LL }Sax. Dille ; Jhe fh.~fls of a j iar• ; '.l'\'6 poyani; --prcjel!;u: _Sk inn."-:fo l oft,
1.r+I.LL· borfa · :u"ggc11 ; ~nd Jbe /Jcifc ~dJicb IJitrl, o·r cajf :-arfo " lo tcork w l1b n wba 7, or
T,1-llLl,ER draw; il11bem. · 1hill .: l~ay.': .._
T l-1'1THE R: " S>x. D1beJi ; li/11t: Lyt :"- THil'USH; " Saic. !Yp1rc; Ahrior. 'i.i·nf9 ;
iQ tbt1'rpl1tce. Fr. Gall. ·1c11rrl/e; lurdu/1,, ; and merula :'' favs
• 1'HONF,. 7" tbawn; t!f1mp, Ji1oi}!; lill!t*ti1 ; Skinn.-'-h ut 'tlie l:1lt might have lietn o mitted. '
• Tl-ION~- S moc.-ran, intinger•: .Skinn. and 1"ffUD ; " ·S.LX. Do'oen ; /u}·bo : Lye's Add.''
Ray. ::'-lo f op, f o«k , or drt11th: arrd yet it is -'-11 whirl-t1Ji1lJ, <ir burr.fra11t. . ·
pollib!e thefc words ni ay be derived a·0 .•ii, 0,.1,...,,, T l-] \.VJTE ; " di p1.1r11111 put um Sa'x 6nku'in,"
J,;Jfio; lo •n.tii a Wlp<r ; a~ all lnoij/, damp, a'tid 'fl!et fays L ye, " Dplcan; cu/1elfo rifecare :"-to cur
f litces d•. • and hac"k wifh 11 fi.iiife: fee vVHlTTLE: Sax.
. Tl'JO~G ; " S.. l! . .Opan3, vel Dpon3; eorrigia T.1'1 Y,STR UM ; dr.r~11Ji: . Verll:.
c.iJ!ce,oru,;, : J 1111."- t1 ;hoe-la f'Cbet. , 1"1DE ; "ldnpus, hara; Iceland. tHd; Belg.
°ftiO UGf'3' ; for ·com:ifrnef! t bo': " Sax . ·et Dan. tiill; Sax. T1b; ./be noontide 'h•ur:
D eafi ; B~lg. e t :reut. twh, vel dbih ; tarne11, ttji, ' ·, r,a(um cl<!flcxo fenfu, inquit Skinh. 1ide;
<jffmrh;is : S-k'inn." r.t'lxri'bd~jJ 3;1d 1Mrwl1hfror1d- ;-<ftus f1fa ri'nus: 1Jye :" and hence, os the Dr. has
iilg. farcher obrer've::l, comes thi! expreffioi1, tbe t ider
• ..r1'f RA'\IF:: ·a 'ftrock of, 'cbrn, :con'.aini·ng ' you.; o, th~ cider )'~u come; quo 1~mp/(f4s difcea;~,.
twent y· four lheaves ; " _SoJ< . I..-jteaF; inmupulus : ,. temp<!rlf1s ru ed1s; th• fooner you go, the fooncr
~~y .:"- a l1n1Fdf!!f, h1mt!le, or hcttle: and yet per- yoit'l!_rettlr11.
haps it 1s Gr. : '{.,. l ' l-11\USl' : G r. T ID!t\'GS ; from tlic foine 'root ; 1' 1'o; i em-
TB REr\P; " Sax. 'Djie~1 '1~11 ; rlJrlrg1ure;· vcl pus, hcra; w'!iacever liappeps; whateve r coines
l>paf. mn ;. utgere, :'11tt·rpar e; tb c?i1!e, rebuk1, rt- 't6 pafs iJ1 th>;"e; tf1e evei:I of tl1ifigs; .t lle Jii;ji11g1 -
... 4~e ; J;, thre~ped ,;,~ ·ifevm: R~y. " of them; 't h~ aaions of the 1i11us.
' ' T f;IRE1\.VE; from. the foregoing reiot : Sax. TIE ft·of gll11~; " Belg. 11qer; /cries, crJo :·
· · · • 'Tf'lRESHO'l.J).; rcymologi~ vtr~. ·nili Skir. r. ."·-il1 rows, an11 ri11ila.
m~viJd~ 61tfo falflt, c'!utet j,, 'Saxoniea llmi nis TILL; "locu!'11s; P erGs tul; , /Jqrfa fartorum,
deitomiriadmie, .'qu•m ·dup!ic~in 'in vcrtlo : :O'Jki<- fru pera, in qui dlgitafia, a ciiin, fila, . cond unt:
J'olo, et Dper«f.oi':::i.; primmn. h~l:ic:ot G loff. · L)'.e'~Add."- what i,s.com11ionl'y called a boitfiw1f'· .
.l.Elfriti : · origQ pi:i!l'reml ma~if~fte p'C'rita oft TILL,. ubtil: · 1' Sax ..'f11 ;. ao11u; lo f.uih time , .
flJl• J"cnn<; f tdre, petcu!ere ; et )'• ltl ; !ig11um ; q <Jo- L )!e."' · . ·
niarn i ntroeun•ium, cxeuntiun1q ue peclibus lii11en · T ILT'-up ;. " Iceland. fyh"Jl; faltare, imjl~llL frl•-
.allidtJc f rtifa11r. at'i?C. d.ll(l'.a111r : J tln. ""-'th rs. ·is ili1ll orilif e: 1.;yi:·;'.'~lo fpf'ing up, with " boui1d:

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"f :o ..Eiom ~ .\ Ji Q.CN, ~c; 'f ll

'fH!...T~NGl~<o.W<~airun)i : "Sax.T~al't'JUan; ;: TOAUt ~~ · ~axr T~l:><11 ·r~Yf· ~t; f/'PT.J.
TILTS } 'V•~illm·e; lil<lt1rt; quia fc. q ui fr . 'Vroe111Jll' "l•riif.fl'~'I!' i ~k.i9,~" 'tJµi4ly.ppfj•n,; t~e>'
hail is mutuo imp<'..tunc; in epl~ippi~ Tuis Vt2'illa111,, p~r.J1~ps \be; \9~!1 I~ ~\'.It ~lt~&etl\~r [9 '1'e11om-
ut vix le equo continere poflint: Skinn."-be- ous. · · , ..
caufe thofe, who encounter, when they take ·aim, i ·rppA·L. 1de1t.ifio1J lft ..I! .fi T4teil· V¢rft
vibrate 'in cheir faddl.c : .;i military exercifa, now : 'fODEi\~l:,lq..) 4.~11yd.e1 ~ 'J~. "P'. ·. ; ·
obfolete. TOO ,. " Sat. ,T o., tn con1po!it1! ex~c(fu~n-
Tl!'vlBER of ermins · " efl: ipfi_ffim_u1.'!1 Suec. del)ot~t ;, 11\mi{, itimi!fm: ~ye :" t~o11•1J(l:z. ·
th!!ktr.; et fcelancl: timk, fajd~u/11.s quadragima 10.0 1\-f 1 " . ta11u .71,1.(1111~ il1a.11i.1; 111: emptJ
p,eilium: :1 " bu"J/4 of forty jldns: . eurf•·: R ay."
· 'l'Th1BER-<food ; " · Sax. ' f11nbp1an ; 111ateria, 1' \).QT; " Bel~. t11;.ie1; ; i (l()'tt , /c~t. ; (OTlf.K•
li.g1111m.; wo.od : Jun. and Skinn." 1i111a; Jceland. tt11//a: Lye:" '
·r1NE tbe do•r; ~·. Sax.. 'fyn,10; tlaudert fores: T-ORFET 1 ! ' Sax. 'fOJtF1a:i ; mo1·i; !lil'I:
L ye :~'-:-tc /h"!. tbe door. ' rt:anuro t:OjlF!•ll; n4 ffi<lrtCln lrtp[dare:; to dit.i
\' I INGLE, .Sktnn. foppofos -_to be derived to Qone to deatb; to put 10 dt11t~, : Ray. '
" 4 L .i t. 1imuo.; et utrumque a fono :'' -but • TOUR," qu,~•l\ accedere ad Flibetll.
(innio is ·derived ii '.I'c.or, a(ld fignifies lo ti11k/, 4 . 111r,. turu_i, 1 gu_od. iter:' fignific~t, QC;no infici~s
b.ell, nox ID tingle wilb pain; and . yet we fay, ' ibit: Lye :" tQ n1~ke {h~ "10111: of Europe, to make
·b.oth hi~ ears !hall tingle; .i. c. ring a.t 1be found; q journey thro• Europe: and yet it fee111s fO 111ea!1
how.ever. we fay likewife,111y Jin'{;tn tingle with <aid; no more than to take a 'I'U,RN: Gr.
it might ~her~forc be .l>etter, 'wich Jun. to explain TO-\VAl~D; half Sax. ~alf G r. ~ Sa". 1"o ;
tingle by " acres frigoris compu~tlirmculas, atque 4J; 10 l and ward ; vetf«s i / urned; ii 1'f"'"'I•
ar.ii iines pail:" and Jc:rivc ic a Belg. tinge/en, vd quafi nie1.,, vcrlo; lo tur11 to any perfon~ l/J l.'
1i111dell idem lignificantia :-or perhaps it may tow~rJs him. ·
be onl¥ a various d ialetl o( tick/• ; for, as Jich/i11g TRAVES; " I-~ifp. {ravas de bc.ftia; ptdic~,
is buc; fo ling:liwg ~s but a difagteeable prreforcint ~uibus cq.ui ad gradarium incefTuin
k in9. o{:~i,rk/into1 •(\!!.'t'.t.b•Q/i<&ie.i.i Qr.) a~ w~efi' inll:rv.;n?\fl:•; hoc <Lb 1'i(p. (rav"; copgmpitum,
we f~y, "'!J'IQters ti11glc ~•ilii c-Old ;' iliat i's, /mart compagd, "Junl~a· ; quod iii effet; fufpicarer H if-
with. ccld; and e-xcice ~ difagreeable fenfation ; panos prioren1 vocetl) a nobis dedicilfe : ccrtU"1
;is tickliog is <ather. a pleafing one. efl: eni:n Anglos nofl:ros artis cdomancji, et cn.t-
• TI P-end ; Belg . .Jip, 1iplu11; jummita•, apex, clienq i a~l ToJutan<lum cquos, flll'ra omncs to-
1x~re111itaJ ; the. ends of the fingers :- uolefs we rius orbis terranun gen tes, pcri tiffimo! effc :
may fup pofo dp. to b.e only a '{arious dialetl for Skion."-1rilmme/s lo trait1 borjeJ.
top; and then it would be Gr. 1'1UNKETS; " armamrnta, inftru111;tnlit, ·ICU
Tl'I' HIN·G of a <•Jmty; '' 1il·hi11g Is t he num- Jupdle.<; pra:ie rtim vilior; parum de!Iexo ferfo,"
ber or company of ten 11wn, with their fa1nilies, fays Skinn. " it Fr. Gall. 1rinq1" t; hoc ab !tah
knit together in a focie[y; all of thc1n being tri;uhtlto ; a toffail; j111111HNm in navi vt/11m :"-
bound ro the k ing for the peaceable and good chis appears an odd dcriv .. and yet perhaps it
behaviour of each of th.cir fociety ; of thefc may be right ; meaning a lit1le, infig11ijica11/ trifle:
cbmpanies t-here was one. chief perfon, who, frotn Jun. and- Lye hnve left it out.
his o.ffic<, cal.led tbt ti1bi11g-ma11; C'owel:'·- TR-O T; "Gall. /roller; Ira!. trottart ; H ifp.
this feems' t'o be b ut a par~al explanation; for trolar; Bd g. Jr•ll•n; juuu_fa..tem inc<de;;,. Jun.''
it is not eafy to fay, what thcfe 1e11 men, and -a· nimole walk, or iacher the nearefl: altion to
their un families, fhould have done, to be bound ambling; tbe fume..pace, as we. may fup..
~ve.r to the king for the peaceable and good pofe, Hudibras ·and Ralpho w.erc riding 1 · '..
b ehaviour of each of ch_eir focie~y ; or why they . , , : ;· but authors having n.o t,
lhol\ld .be bound to tbc king, only becaufe they Dc1e}(llin'p 'Yhcthcr p,ac~, ~r 11;9~ •
were ~~11, any 1nore rha11 their nine next-door (~!~hat is to fay, ,vf1etl1er 10/!r1tlltio11,,.:.
neighbours :-Hthiug, in fhoot, when. it Jigni fi~s ,._A~ they do term:r, qr flfctu.f[atjprp,;,). •
a .divifio11, or diAri?l, !1as no rel~tion to tithes,
or l e>is, .or wich ;· but feem' to be . o'!IY
,,~Ve leqve ir, ~ncl ge op, a~ now
Suppofc they did, no marter, b~w, ; .
another dialel\ for rh~ .Saxon v.;ord Dp1hm3; Xct fomc from f11b~lc hints b,ve1Qq~ ·
cor.Hnital(IS, ; a dh;ifio•!> or part!ti~~ ~fa 1 \\1fflerious lig~~· it .'<faS o·t~o.{~ .. .
county ; or, as 1t 1s fomeumcs called, /1 rtdmg ; Part ) , Canro n. :45• .
which is· gerived from a d)ffercnt fourc~. TROY,w.eigbt 1.' " non, Ut ridicule . ajiq1.1i au!
TO· J '' Sax. To J :&lg. te, 101; ad : Skinn." curnant, a Troj a Phrygire; fed a dvit)lre T ri·
· 4 D ·i ' caffiuiu

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T W From S A :i: o "• &c. U T
caffium pra:cipui, P1olcmzo Ailpfttm11JT1J, nunc TWYREDNESS, "l~".fo.Ji11g,
'fr•Jts "' Ca"'Pagirt, difu : Skinn. and L ye." Vern."
TRUMPERY, written by Jun. tromptrits ;_a TYNING; bdgi11g: Verft.
Gall. trcmpn-; Fr. Gall. tro•1perit; cirt1tm'Vtll1rt
aliq,,tm ; os alfr11i /11/J/int~e ; fal!atia, fra1u: any
deceitful llufr~ produced by impojlors for good u. v.
TUCKER; " Teut. tutb; pamius; vel potius
aTeut. tr:ukt11; prtmert, tomprimtre; Dan. trytktr;
prtm~, ca!to: Skinn."-/11//0; a /11/kr,_ who prtf[ts,
V ALENCES, or '110/11111 of • !Jed; "Ital. t14·
ltnzam ; lelli ar•11•1111a; fortaffc fie dilb,
quOd eorum ufus in provincia Hifpaniz //4.kntii;
trrat!.s,jquttzts, and nips the clo1hcs, in 1be afbon vel illi urbc Italia:, vd alccri urbc Provinciz
. of cleaning 1hrm. Galli= //akntifi prime> increbuit: Skinn."-1bt
• TVES-daJ ; if not derived from the Gr. :u ONIOt11rnt1 of • lied.
in the former Alph. we mun have rccourfc 10 VAl\o1P; " lubcns arcclTcrini ab Armor. 1•1•-
:>aonmes, 449, who plainly lhews,_ that 'l'utjdftJ pt11 ; accom•D'tinrt, aptare, to11cinnart; rt.fittrt, re·
·cannot be derived from Verne 'l'uifco; hut iclls fa1·ti1·~, inttrpolart: Lyc:"-to mend, or patch •P·
us diu' 'fbifa or Dfja, was the wife of 'fbor, VANG; " be vang'd ,me al tbt van/; in
·and godde[s oi· jujlice; (which_. by the way, adds bapcilterio pro me fufcepi1 ; be anjwtredfor 1111 al
great authority 10 Cldand's op1111on rn the former the font; i. c. ht was "'J t•dfatber; Sax. Fen6an,
Alph.) and frocn her it is probably thought 1ha1 to undertake for another, f in ti verfo, pro more
o ur 'Iutjday took name; as n1ucb as to fay, loci; Somerfct: Ray."
''I'hijfdaJ; 1he Swedes and Danes call it 'I'ifjzdat, UN-CRANK, and GRUNTZEN'; half Su.
and DUjdag. . half Gr. fomrcimes pronounctd •nking ond tr••i:-
. TURN, or good office;" fmre un 11Ja11V~11 tour; ing: chis cxprcaion, Skinn. under chc art. tra1k,
cl conira,faire u111our tl'amy: Jun."-an 1ll turn; acknowledges co be Tcut. and Belg. ; k:r11ntA: fig-
a good friendly tt1r11. n ifying ,egrum; and confequcntly 11n, or onlcr11nclc,
TUSH; " nefcio an a Belrr. 1wijltw; dijcor- figuifies u11jick, i. c. well: but gru11tzt11, evi-
dare ; q, d. illud a/Jfan~m c.!t 'c~ abj11rdum: . i111tr· dently originates a rfu(ti1, J''euu1?,.,, gru11nio; ti
jtflio to11!e»me11d1 ! Sk inn. - an inter;ef/1011 of grunt, or groan: fo 1ha1 u1ura11lc, and gr111Jtz111,
/(or11, and canlt1i1pl. is a proverbial cxpreffion among chc Germans 10
TWEAG 7" Tcul. zwackt11; fwnmis digitis chis day, fignifyiflg a perfon who · is wtU, yet
T\VEAKJ prcn1crt, comprimcrc, vellicarc: always c~mp/,,;ni11g ; i. c. 1411.ficA:,Jel grotmil:t• and
Skinn." -as Ralpbo is d_cfcribe_d to have P:Cr· wbini1tg.
funned chat office to liud1bras, 1n endeavouring UNDER; "Sax. Unbep; Belg. ondu; Tcut.
to re~over 1he good knight from his trance J
. - he gently _rais"d the ~ighr,
And fct him on his bum uprcgbt; -
Ult/tr; Ju61tr : Skion." l1t1uatb.
UNDER-ftngt }""tkrtalce,
UNDER -fit:ngud t111acr111"'n •1 :r., Vern.
c11ftrpr;ta: n.

To rou!A: him from lethargic dump, ·uN DER-held l f11pported, held up 11ndtr•
H e twenlt'd biJ nofa :-with gc.ntle thump UNDER-ho/Jm S 1u111h: Vern. ,
Knock'<l on his brcaft; as if 't had been UNDERLING l · · "
To raifc the fpiriu, lodg'd within. UNDER:ftt'"' Svaf!allts, jt1b;tl11 :
• , Part I. C:lllto ii. 97'1. UND E R-tb•ad, J116tlurd perrp!1. .
• U N DERN-lide; 11>< afitrn••R, lll'l.CllYds wt.-
TWELVE ;- " Succ. tolf; Iceland. t<0/f; duo·
ltd•: Lye :" -UJI> a11J tw1. ing: Vern.: fee ANDORN: Sax.
UNKW ARD i " 2liquanrum dc6cxo frnfu i
1·w1G. or fmn/I 6011gb 1 "5.,., TpJ36"• Tf•6• T cut. ,,,.gebewer ; • •11Jlr11t11, h•rribile, ut cit
J11rculK1, gtr•rn, 'IJirl": Jun." 11 fooiil, bough, or falitudo: Skinn."-ttrriule, horrible, as a defcrc.
~rn11rh. ·
UN-SCYLD·IGl-J, 1111/allltit 1 alfo unilliebl·
l'WINGE; "Tcut. zwi11ge11; Oan, twinge 1 ed: Verll-.
prtmtrt, torquere, 'Vdlfrare: Skinn.'' - to prejs, UN-SCYRDED, "nc/01tbtd : V crll:. : fc~
1wi1cb, 'pliuk. SKIRT: Sax.
TWITCl-I ; " S~x. Tpcccan, Tp1cc1an1 'Vtl· UN-TRU M l ili.fir111 l Verft
fert, 'Vtllfra~t: Skinn.''-to pull, pliu~, or tlraw UN-TRUMNESSE5in.fiN11iti1J '
1<11il]. . UT-A\VURRE.N; 0111cajl : Vcrll.-i1fttm1
: C;111biJu '""""' 1:clli1 rJ 4dm;Wt: Eel. VI. J• t4> be derived from WARP, or taft: Sax.

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W A From s " x o w, -&e:: W A
UTTER 1Sax. U'C'C'e.Jt ; ex intimis cor- · is proa/JuJio derived from the fame fource wit~
UTTER ANCE dis receffibus i'n txttriora, the art. WEAL: Sax.
UTTERMOST' r. e" in aptrlt1111 proftt're: WANT, mole; "Sai. ·Yanb;<falpa:· Ray:"-
to fpeak out : frc OUT > Sax. a molt.
• \VANTON; Min!h. and Jun. fuppofc it
may be dictum quali ht, or Jh1, that wantttb
w. 0111: "fatis ingcniofc, ncfcio an vcre ;"fays Skinn.
-but the Dr. would not tell us, rhar'then it would>
AAR; " Sas. Yaap; alga; futus mdri· , be Gr.-" mallem tamen," continues he, " quo-
W nus: Somo(r and Ray :"-foa-wetd; -or
any mojfy f11/Jfta11tt, thrown on jhlJf't by the waves.
niam illiufmodi compofiiiones valde infrequen-
ces, imo; quod fciam, line cxcmplo font, de-
WAD of a gun}" Iceland. vaJ, vod; pannus ducere a Belg. W4tlltll; opi1111ri, imagi11ari ; qui
WADDING proprie rudis, ad togas fuffar- fc •. multa libi imagina111r, mul/a lt'1.Jilt1' eupit:
ciendas : hinc Belg. ghevotdert; fuffeltus: Lye:" vel a Wtndtr/en; 'IJO/'Vtrt, tircumagtrt1 'fitrjart i
--'-any rh'ing crammed, or fluffed in; as tow, &c. qui fc. pra: lafcivia fe hue illuc tircumagit :" or,
ioto a canno1) . according to Lye, " a Dan. <:Jaa11dm ; tklitam;
WAD, a mineral; " Sax. Yab ; Ja11dyx; ni· ,,tamptrtd :"-only 1hen it looks as if it was de-
grica falwilis : Ray:" black-lead. rived from the fame fource wi1h VIANDS~ Gr.~
\VAD of ftraw ; w heiher th is in Skinn. means as in the funner Alph.
the fan1e as JVaJ •/a gun in the preceding art. I am W APEN . 1·~ Sa.~. .i;l'repen-Aet:ace ; :
unable to fay ; but the Dr. has derived this from • W APEN-TAKE ccnturia ; vox Torenfis;:
feob ;; and explained it by fafdsjlrami11is, non ab arm0rum ajfim:p1lon1,: uti Hovcd(no · pla- ·
.aliquantun1 detorio fenfu. cet ; fed, uc Somner· ing<niofe pro·lolito·divinat;:
WAIN-SCOT; "Andr. Jun. et M inft1. de- ab armor11m·redditi'o111, quam domino in fubjec-
fle&unt a Bdg. wandjthot N11, waegben:fcholltn ; tioni~ lignum pricftabant ; fc. il Su, Yzpen I·
c~11tt1bulare; wandjcbou ; cor.ta/Julatio; ha?c force ""'"";. weapons; et I:iet:zcen ; trizder~: Skmn."
a 1'cu1. et Belg. wand; p aritJ ; et jcbo11t11; dt- . to' thli<:Jtr np : - but TAKE, at leaft., is Gr. :--·
ftndere, tueri, q. d. pari,tem· tabKli;s- 11111ni'l't : · Spelm. in 1.Vaptntachium, deduces the origin" of:
Skinn." -to line, or ht11Jg the walls of a room with this expreffion from a very higfi fource; whiclv.
w~ode" pan11els, in(t:.:ad of fi lk, tapellry, paper, &c. proves it to be half Snx. half Gr. vir. '"Sax•.
· " W AJS·r ; h1pocbondria ; molliore1n lat~rum frepen; arma; et t:ac; 1at111s ; quafi conc11f/i11 ar-·
partem, ubi dc~nr cofhe nocha:: Somnerus oli- morum : Germani cntm vctC'res, nee concilium·
cubi, Ii b<:ne memini," fays Jun. " ex fententio inibant, nee judicia cxercebant, ni6 armati :- quz
niedici cujufda1n C:intuarienfis tradit wa/1', (vd difplicuit fenientia, frtmitu afpernarc 1 quz pla,,.;
'fDaijle) diltam ab Angl. to w afte; confumere; quod cuit, co11tt1j/is frameis laudare folebane·: patrios•
plurimi fempcr 1norbi humanum corpus vajlanles, hos ricus a Macedonibus acceptos in Britanni'ltlr
proveniant ex illi\ corporis part~, ubi fedem fuam noftram polleri fui Saxones trajccere :"- and their
habenc fp!cn, jecur, &c." -and wajic; dttri111e1ttum, more pr.udent pofterity have wifely banilhed the·
ptrdirio, he has derived a Sax. L orepert: ; jatlu- favage cullom :- " confue1udo fuit. Maccdoni-
ra ; i'i Goth. vi;1galJ; :ferdere; to dtjlroy :-but, bus (but they aeled quite contrary; for) cum in,
if· this be a proper deriv. it fcems to be Gr. as publicii confulratione quidpian1' improbarent,.
under the '3rt. 'vVASTE: Gr. haftis fouta quaticntes obftrepcbant, et avcrfa-
\oVJ\.ITH; "Sax. fretian ;·venari, trrans, trra- bantur :"-immediate!;< afttr which he mentions'
lJ1ndus: Lye:" lo bunt about. the two deriv. above.
WAlWARD ; "Teu1: wtigern; rtcufare; fc. WAR; various dialefl for WORSE':· Sax.
· qui ad omnia difficilis dt; et omnia, qua:cun- WARF ; " Succ. war/; Alman. war/an 1.
que fuaferis, recufar: Skinn."-one wlw rifu/<1 all pleriquc Belgarum pro Anglic. warJ. fcribunc:
requefts, who rtjefls all applications. wtrf; jacn·t, projittrt;. moles, ultra nat~v,am.,
\VAK: " Belg. wadt.; Iceland. vocua ;. h1:1mi- ripre littorifv~ crepidincm i"' •<jua pNjtSa;, ne·
d11s, uvidus, madtfaOus: Angli Boreal •. di'xerunt . naves httorahum vadorum brcv.1bus pr-0hib-un-
weakj: Lye:" moifl, we/. . cur appellere: J un."-a molt; or "''"'"~ ta.ft 11p•
WALE in ji~ffs; " nefcio· an bene, procul- agai~ft the lhore, to prevent the fhipping, from'
J11~i.o aDan. well, aut veil; tela ; hoc aL<1t. v 1/lru: coming too near.
Skin n.''-nothing of which is r.ight; for rt would WARP, or !lt11d ; Sax... YcoJtpan ; iirrur'tJtjitrt : ·
as properly be derived· in this 1nanner, if it was videtur brec ve rbi fignificatio dcfumpu ab ill<I,
a -f•pcrline clotb, intkad of a ri6l1td j111ff; w.hicll q,ua fignificat mutar.i,. v.el in niclius, vcl in ·p ejus,

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w ~- "
}1.t11.. llrW ¥'~~0:<.''.,.-..10; qf#il; l)J! l/ll!tl1'lfiA~ ~o, .~.~Cf· · l. .Ii~ 9 f of .{""'!<( ft,tt/.J)11 . "ff !(rd, tbe ~ing :-ry~ut
good, or evil. · . · I '~ 9/)!!.Q.~ WY Ji~l¥fr., 'l'IJJi,. ¥ •, ·J.,y~,. u dr;tp1ce
.V'{~.*P, _QI! t(Zft. fW(~ ;, " ;G.<ti.ti.: ;zqqV;Jlqn ; t~~. ~n~ 7ff!,,(a~ h.~ . Yfr1J;~ it) {e~iqius, ~r­
"'.'llere, propcere:. Lye:' - to lay "'' egg ; :~J'IR /IJ; lcdu. poffint ab ' ?~<(/jf! ¥7,ll "?WJJ'i-;; ~n­
tt>raSJJ, 'f:P. IOttk, hke tbC 1'tolil4·tti4~ IQ.'\hQ fu). ! 'llJ'VIW!l ; q . d . pams tOnV1V:i1/1S : - and, that
lowing art. bJJt o.n,e. - , che words waifel, and waffel!age, and waifelli11g, do
. W·ARJ?., Vi ~/r;(/J,; " S~J.· Peaw; ,, ' rdace to oar.queuing ar;'<).. f eajli11g, we have t he;.JitJmen: S~pJl>'"-;;th. t/il;cqd,i ip, t« I
lqplllJ.IJ1 authority of Shakelpear, who, in his 1-!tunltt,
b" ct;pifed .l!,y, IP,4 WAqfi. .... • .' tA;.4 ~" 1 G;,.,' 7 ~ l~~~e~ •fd.;.\l,at).!>., ·on . Ut~rffig ~b~
Wj.\.Rl!, or 111p11f.rf..~ar,p i " ''P-~l~~n, ; ·1'AF.,-. f9.111\(l q{• J.\lwic, Y(bile b~ w-~J< glli1.1g·hi$ oig)u\y
Ju:e ; v.;l QQ~~ _W.Pir.fll!I i Pf1Jjic4r-4 \. . C\ ~~~ ;; ' roitt}~ 'l'ith ~Vi\l~Ji: ll<1.1t1./(J;- . (iy,. ~Q. hilll.1
.1err,t1 i mlp11;; SJ<1on::...,,1~ 11.4q{;;..:or 11~l11 l:\IJtcll • ki.qf .,. ~Mt \.\o.!ll th1% O'l.();in;, 1tw lor.d ?·
aoilu.:U. thu Ii v~s. i:oplt<ipd,y u1\ljtrir(lt;n4;, an(! ~{!,If!. 'I; !wJ\sing' dot!\ 'f(ll.~C tq-nigbt, aitc;I takes
' ¥"n.s "!' '"-" (4rJ.·b w "'~'Jl4 i~ ftn~H hill9c~3,. · · - : bis ~P.u(C,
1:¥>th ' i·n. the fiel~. ga1dens, l\Dd c.oni111011A :-m . l. . , uKe~fJS;W11Jf'1.·.: and the. fw:l!gs_<:ri ng u.p-
S;h~pear, '"ll(C have o\l(erve\I \!.fl~r thil as~.. fpnng reels:-
S~lMBLE-.S.KAM.BLE, in tbe fo< AlpJ\. i.~ 1\11~ higl;.fqiftwf;> if !lbt.i<1:0t.> • ·
hal.11\l'oti911e4. ~hi,t little w.i.irtal, ood oalled hi1l} W ATCf-1 ET ~(<>fer.: " Sa11. J7;ece'o, I:i.ep;i:ccb.;
1be mould-warp. dtki!if.#fll~ d~bilis; q. d. (O[qr langNiJuJ: ~cl'pJJ.tius,
Wall-TH, II f1J.1:i; « pax. 17ap\S; (Pt fkoar: .<l"h .w,00,qtkf!<, \l<i 'IJJ.t;_dciie1·; i. e. c.o/Qr •f wo_qJ:
Ray,'1. : ' · "Ski.mi." f~c WO.AD: S~l<.
~ARY:; ••Sa¥. YaJUa.n ; cxecrar.i, dii·is. dt"vP, W'~'l''.f.LED- WALL l" parum dcflcxo fi:nfu
.'fl.tilt: Ray :''~l• ct(J'jJ, d_e-;ol·t . · W AT T LES S ii Sax. J7.~-cl. ; feftia,
WAR°Y\ t b.e fame wi.t~ <qaxp; "Sax. Y.~JlP. :. ""4J's ; l(e\ ~t· doJl:. Th. Henlh. auguracur, aSax.
aa.y,:_Gi>th. w4JrpAn: Lye:" .,,.-to lay. an qgg. ¥att:el; /eg" ; ii. fla( :" - to which Ray. and
.W ASE; ·~ lcel•i;i;d. °".<!fi; quo lig11i.flcatt1f /ef· L,y.e ads}. "¥a-c~lar; "Jirg11/a<, ex qu,i bus. &r.ateJ
.ciut/111 t¥. }.Wl.t.a,, fairj.a, vd fif.~1Jt• cot.liga.t11J> 'at~~xqntl!f :"-r.1,1alj1 tfitul.e 9j bio:dfu, and. cl~)', or
q'Uem fenli~ O!lCra pllrtitUra: unponUll~ l'tnici : lined!i tnqllJ; alfo 'lfi:r, <>r bo,:r)e IWi[J> fo.nn~
ju~. and- .Lye ,.,._,,.,,, t!of» o_r. bnjfaclc of, eq in the fal)lio": 9f gates,· Yloith Yjhich the lhcp.•
w,h1~.h the WOITl!:ll p.u~ on their heads, when they herds fold their llocks.
«::arty. 'l"'l' t hing lteav.}'.; a. p.ot~v·s knot. \VA VE QJl 111-gun(w t ; " ab aotiq. Brit. wai"Jfo;
' · WASSEL . !''·' apud Hoved.eoum, citaore dereti11q.110, ai;,1Jtit{o: L y.e's Add." .
· WASSEkbrt.a.d .! Sp.e.lma.nno,"fay$Skinp . "qui -lo d(jer, put ojf; rdbl!Jr<ifh a difpuu .
·in ~palitionc i ·to fafl ddleClit: ver(\m \oV'EAK Y. ; " Anglis B.oreal. Belg. wack 1•
cum a\> .au.tJU>.ce dlca11tur wa;1eh,_ drm1i1Ji(i ; et Jcel~nd. 1.10.k lia; lf\ad1fori. ; 1JUkur.; b1tmcr; mojj-
·,C\Jm ji1111111!i.i co.pulentu1·, non viliorco1 et jt:iu- t grt ; b;<111jd11J, 1i;JJl#d11s : Lye :"-rnoifl, we{.
,niis. deftinarum, fed iautior,em Pt!ltem ligniiic.1(fa \VEALS, j/ ; "Flandris, wevel, weffd;
.exiftimo" mal·lcn' ig itur ddktll:ere :. Fr. Gall. S~x . flalan ; vihtx; tumidi tivtJ(Js. : Rax :"-the
_gajJ.e&.u.; /j/J11111., }'lttcenta :"-it is a wonder the bl<ick a!Jd blue ridges, that ,-ye~ in the lk,in rif-
Br. did l\Ot d~rrve it from hi s ow.o nrt. " wnjfoil; H:r bi;:iting . ·
.cnrinen f c;(;vum, circa E piphania de doino in \oV.l:'.o\ PON i "...sax. Y:epen ; Bdg . w11pe12,
do.lllum celfbr.ati folitum ; a Sax. l?-a:r -h..el ; vVE ,\PU N 5 I cut. tuapfu;, ; arm.1 : Sk in11. "
fa:falv11.s : ' .,.,-w,hiol• looks is if the ~· filcntly ~ 11J(X ki~d of o./feit}iv e an4. deft itjive wenpo11,
:borrowed thisderiv. from Vedt ~ho, UI P' 126., or i11;11·u111e111. •
tells us, th'\~ \'. Htngift, tho S:a..wn, liaving in .. W£ A~END ; '.' Sax. f'ap:nb; gm:gulio, r11-
"1iitc<l king lfor,tigten to foppt.r ~t the 1\eW-b.uHt mt/:: J un. ,1nd Sk1rrn."-1J,e t br•al, o.r windpipe.·
1catlle ( of,'(btJng·.cllfiJe, no.w Do11ca;1er.) t he L11dy Vl'EA1' l·l ER-, foecrp ; " Sax. Pe~rjl ; i l.lmn.11.
Rowena came into. prefcn.ce, and drinking to t he ~order; ari<s ; origo vqcabuli petit3 e!t e x Belg .
king, i-o our ancient language, Paes-ha:al, J~la- wtderai ; vel Sax. f'1'Sep1an; quo:! fi t animal
pop'o. I:yomi,, h/,ifcrd cyning; healib, mirifice refr.11tJ01;i11111, et in obr,ittndo. ter11;i<1f1'-
10· my .Jord, 1b& king: the king, oqt underllr\lcing f andoque modum non fervnns : Jun."-011 ·ob/H- ·
what Qic .faid, demanded .of · l1is charob¢rhiin, 11aie, /ft(bftor.n, jeif -wiiltd creafUrc ; a.11 old ram,
who was hfs interpreter, what . file had faid :" ge11erally '<.cry 1nifchie-vous; as V.irgiJ obfe~vcs'
-and this is fuppofcd to bav.e given origin . to in his NinLI> Ed. 25, of the he;goac likcwife 1
t he wor.d wajfol ; ·waes being u(ed in th.e ilnpe- Otturfare, conm ill<, cavttu.
rative mood, ;\nd. figni€yjo,g to grew, bu, /J~(ome,. ~ \WEl;,K; if .no.t duiv.ed· as ill the foi:o,ier
5 Alph.

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Fl'om ·s A x oN, &c.
·A lph . it m·ay conic from ·tlelg. tv~!~; Sax. Yu'Cu; · Skinn."'-'-bt1t \h~ri it would be Cr. ~-Litt. anU
hebdomns; :J'tve1r •days ti'nu : Jun." . Ainfw. differ widely from the Dr. in th'tir fenfe
\VBER; " Sa;<. .rrup '; 11 .pool; or po11il 'of wa- of the " ord tpomii, 'i:alling it ..; 'hood, fuch as
't6r; · ·alfo ai: tilglw.:' 1~ tilt/:h, 'linil 'finp jijh ilz : . · g1·adnatcs and livery-men we'ar ; a 1nournin_g
Rar.'' · hood (unlefs they 'llle'afn 11 lllOMihg ·hood) to lie
W £ LiJ; S~lc. ·Yo lb, ot fi'yl'O; to 1ht1Mge by worn as an unclrefs ~'-however, h is •moft proba-
fi:re11grb; to'bell'~ tivl> •ptea-s of i'ron ftrongly to- ·b!y no 'hood at all; at. 1'eaft oar word wbijk lig-
-get!1er io ordcrtc lh1>kc ·c~e:m unit<.'. . · n1firs a frnall pitce of·otk, ·or liden, 'of any color·
\V·ELE i « Belg: 'llJ»lle ; SnX>. ·J7:l:l1 ·gui'g~s, -(not :.oh'ite <alone.) w<1r.n on. tile·ncek llnil ·fuouldets ,
flut'ltts, 'u?Rh : Lye's Adtl:"-'"-il "&Jbirpai;l, t!lli'<'~>6r of chil\iren, like a.handkerch ief.
6il!v-..tJ. . .. ._ ~t.HI.T-Juildaj 1 « which more rightly,"faya
\~:E'.·LL~a d1?' 1" ~nx : Valnp?, ;, heu ; nlt1s ! ab Ver!l:. " lh?lild. be writt.e~. Wi~fNnd'oy ·; . i: e.
VI I•t,L-d <tiny! ~u· ! Skmn. , Srured-jimilay : w1id li<>nifying in our 2nc1ent
WEIVI; ' '. Sax. J7.em; Ray :"-:'a blot, }pcrlt, language, flurid·; and fo ·called liy relfoh of the ·
<Jr /ile!l!_ij?J·:. : . ' • . 1 • • '_ • d.i:'!Cending d11\li ri of nh1: Fl11'!y 'Ghcfte :"-'-tbe goo'd '
\VEN ; "Sa,,.! Yenfl/ Hoflan~hs 'W..nirt; ftrulna, old ge1itlemiin's dcri v. nnd ihterp. fafubrs more ·
YJ1rfl/ijcli/i11n ·; ·tftb!T •'tJ/f>rft'ii; hini6r in quo ljlla'fi ' of 'piei;•, tnan ·ei'Ui!iiio n; for '(t#: g enerality of
-glandt1l2'! du·~· O.ri unrur 'in cervice, cc- 1~11.'' , commenrnt<irs hnvk ailoptl:d tlfc cr:yin, given in
-mt extnjcence i11 1be neck, _&c. ·· , ~he fdnil~r f\lp'll.
WENDF'.DT a<inij '. tu:~,~~ fr~h' .' yerfi,.,_ .. .; '?fH!T~L~, "qi.iall ·r.bWitile, tft J:iil~m· ~u­
\~ES1 .E,N l:' dl.jfrt, oi w;'.rl, wociltt plaa - , .t.u!D Sa~1ncb1n,"1>lys Lyc-, 'under th'~ ah._ifb'w1tt ,.
\'i U~.EN~ Ve I'll: . _ - . • . . ... ! "a 'Dprcan, vel jl)eot:a)1; cult~!lo'Yeflcnre i:'....,'to mt
• \ \'.:I-'IE:i' : ~ f :it<>t .<rcriw;:1 ··~ 1.n '.~ .f~r'.ner ·br hlll'k <v i.rh a trtcrnt, br !il(f!t krrifc; as~alcas .
~rph . ·tt 1na)' co11fe froin Sa~ . ·b~re3; Belg, l in l hc Third .!!.cl. 1·1 is Hfp'.pcrll:d to ·h:tve<ddi!c:
wiJe; ftr~11it 1~;1!s; Jt:n~:-~.:1b~.'rhl11-p11:: ~( flii'.h l to i\1ycon's Virlcs, ' _ .
. ~VMJ_f F; .~.~·~ti._ B11_t. ,~'hieft~~ ~"'i!~~'..r1 ;~s 111
Arque "!alil viccs·ilrciaei'e Ja!ce 'nove)!~§.
ti1lfftlfs, tc vt.41cm!:ns . Jitin. rl ·fuiidb., }I1011g puff
ilf 'Wind. • ' . .
'"I'-'0 •\VE. "'
.• ., ci . , ·.1 ,.
s. 1"~ I.\.. I'.. 1· . .... "'
ax. J"ro..,., ~,pa F . .Kay. -:--
W~IFLER • . !ji" .. t ·lfo .. '« lte"'- .;;;·-.¥>"/!;- ·I• r;<perw!Jc.m. .
.,· . ... , !. ~.,;~.,. 111!.11''· ~~ ,,.,. ~·~';-, 1 · : .: I .• WfJOf{TI:..E-tei-riis; ·if. not deri\·cii"frofu ,
'Wt)fr 111; 'Vt1g~n, p••l'll2N, nee•;•'·'''"' t,ge: : , ·1· r: d·
a 'vain, in/igirijicd!il, iil<bnflant ma11.
- I I" .
I ;~e " ' · ~ 1 1~ tie ,?'$"er 1(.1
\VHf(); "S•x. )7~, J)jifu~e;Jer1lm : 1>k itin." ! S "''°·J,w o . ay.~, d ohmn~r-.,cn .'' tr/ ~:a . ""
'.;.e b'u
Al I .- " 'ft ·
l ~::::. t~ ·
- an<l I hat ·~ ·• r 1l < 1 'V
, . i " I .• -~1· . . '--h I\ ·" ' , . 1 · d ' ?X. , cOJl'l: ; q. . · rnrt-••trrits ; quo camc11 ·
S, w 0 · "rtalll Y C- ' h' '' J'l ' " f1 ft h' ....
f0 tn" h''m! mdt h r
e 't dHltr ' r.0 ·u ' 011 I 1101\ V!(l"!\lr, 3l ( s me r.
" J
fi a:c vaccmu1...
l e-rve~ etli ., 01 . ' c, .e<:au .-'. ( "s ''1·1 vici& ldrere ·viden<ur. cailcrn elr.-, ~· u:e 'ntill:ri ·r:r::..
<dlly rrorn t t co nmon ·acccp1at1m1 0 tne wort ; . . 1·es he l/T IJ , G'~ JI.. IJ<llT
• • I ts, apoc. ltant
: ;, 'i-'1
< hb w '-'-» ';,>, b . • • . era t -VII•
110" t ~ ort. rn;;1 a o ve. 'b · bl k h · I · ' h f · · f 'L"
WHIMSY, !' 'f t'u't. 1j1iinte e11 k-q.'{f; Fr. 'Gall. ' '!1d·usb; . t1( • trrus •' pet'i'~P~ 1 e,., r~it ._q 1..e ·
· · - · ·1 • ,f, • " ) '/ Wl 1 • ntr, COlllnlOO 1y Ca ea vTOmv,t•v<r'TUS.
e tlanl qUtU 1t; UC. atU.OC, I tl j ( 'Jftf! f j I
'{ ,'./I -
f.J• t11 1 , • £••• (f s·· p . '" •
quiil'le de fa ire ct!t1; agrt-ificat au tern 1"<refitanm, . W H RE,AK '.; . ax. P·r,•ca; led.and. hrn(.;,
vel 'Jfforcfsmi, (!! imomilli1m ·ifli11tf1i1i. aliquid fa. j fplftttm , tujJiJ, pztu:ta ' · L ye : - a '~''ftb.; . or.Jpit,.
eft'i!di-; inct:>pliorll ii t hArtis·, v61- mtrficii pdi'tti: tiklegm ; .J:::r•a:: according ~o ·Ray: _ . ·
Sk inn.''-'-a va•dry,fa•<'.J'- • . WHYE·; Dan. h~drcrnih C-t S.cous• IJltte•;.
\Vf-ll~-b1ift; "Antlq. 'llri!. thwyil ; 'rbai}fii/JJ ; ' Jlt'IJtil~a; 11 t ow, or brifar: Ray ='. ';::-'this t.h~re­
noxi·a her bi\ fua fi1or\re foccrefc~iis : Jun."-'· ,; fore kems co be no !"ore than a d:ffcr.ent d1afe&
riiugb t1>driiy Ji/d111, or fo1·tib, ]J,'rowilfg olr (01m11oils. for CO\V, or KJ NE; both Sax. .
W'HIP 'wway, an<l- 0!!6'ltr; C< D:iri. eg hi1ifpff ..' VIC*:. of._ ,, umdk I .. •Y cdc;. Belg ..
fra ~ :abjillo_: J,rn.'·' -'-t'o J.tiitip, or fkil> nwaj.' W!eclu ; t;".amer.tum ; ac •prQ.pne. qt11de01 °/mamen•
\VtllS!t, 'llr '!Jrujl> 1 " -Dail. !Hft,,,.; tergo, 11/;j- /um 111rplu1tum m l~ogum, . ·ex lmteorum <!arptfr;
f trgc; TeilL wijditn ; •d!llrgen; wijch ;' p<i;/ci/.. ".~~lfii1 .r.• lave . l~ntigme l~v1ccr c:onto~etlril : .hinc
Jttwi, cefti<illu~, fcdp:r/11: , S~in?." /J Jlrinll ki~d of E1lychniu111 d.rcicur ~ghs tbe wtd< •/.,. &ttn'tlle i
broom or bhrfo, hke a rod; to clean clothes Jun. under.the·'1.rt. lfluk, as he Writes 11.
+ticil, '&c. ' . · '~GEbN: Sklnn. "'rites it widgiir'g (tlferihe ·
\~HI.SM, to ':''.' r'; ~· ·ep;,:_r.11 _li>iea f 1111lii! iiili ; ooght·t.o ha"'.e wtinen;idgil!,,ulr) "' .S>l~ . .l'i~Nib,
fit fcio an qtrali 1JJ~efje ;. .H.oc a·Sali. :bp1'~'> -Pl11t'h ; vel ·f<1f.,<rfo;.pugna:; .i q, d •. 4".;1s p:/f;~1 ; <j'u~b'Uf­
allius; q. <!. vejlu ca'il'dtdo·; et eelte <le hu1vs dam Pt11tlops.; •><- :i,natum-g~nere : R\rdUo, ~liiu-­
tf,omidis <t1W01:t, . mulieres 'valtle ;follilllffi: 'fuitc·:. ctlz :"=--a ll>ecids of the 'tluoS. .tribt'>; :fuppo~d ·u»
l ~q :

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Frl>m S .\' X>.o : N, &c. ' w 0
' have received their denomination' from their per- . \nto a bottom' al(o that machine, rcttnd whid1
perually fighting. I the c•ble is wound in weighing anchor.
WIED; "Jaerid: Verft." WINDLE, " appcHatur corbis, jpl!'f'ta : Sn.
·• W !ELD; " ancicnlly weald, according 10 YJ11'bcl,_ a J7m'ban; pl<ll"t: Lye:" a- j<i'Vt, or
VerfC. ( an. Earto11Wald) ligni6ts to jtt}Jain: and ba.Jket :-this feems to be a forced dcriv.
according to this fenfe, it may be •pi>licable to \VINDLE:ftray: " Ym'bel-rcfLeop ; pinbcl
.t h<: cxpreffion witld a fuptrt; lo bold, lo fufl11i11, denotat corbem, ut fupra; unde p~ope1nodum in-
· to /11ppor.t it in -tb.t hand: if fo. then rhe iorerpre- du_cor," fays. Lye, " ut ~redam w'.11dle-flraw pro-
cacion gi.vcn in the fo.rmc:r .t\lph. inult he -r e- _pne ufurpan de calan11~, ex qu1b;t.1s eorbicullt
tralted. c oii6cieban.t :"-flraw., of which fol1\c kind of
· \VIGl-IT-i/Jt; Vcrft·. fuppofes i1:"was fo called ftivts, or ha/kels, were made: and we often hear
from .the Yiu~, or Jutts ; and chere fcems to 'be our ·Norfol~ farmers pronounce firaw, as if ic
fome prohabiliry .in the f\jppofition, but thac is all was written.flray :-let inc only obferve, that
that can be. faid .in; fof Shering. p. 39, STRAW is Gr.
far niore reafonably affirms, that "infulan1 Yeflim \<\"lNSlNG, very probably o ught to be writ•
non a Yitis i1oc nomen acccpilfe; fed langi': ante ren w11nfing; Jince Shering. 305, tells us, that
· eorum ;idl(entum in Bricannian1 hujus memineric " wu11fae fignificat G pthice opto:"-which in a
,Pcole1na:us.(.1#l after Chrift) et ante Pcolem:?:um particular fenfc may lignify wanton and /14·
Plinius (79 afcer Chrift') hue acccdar, quod ante liifomt.
.dng1Pr11m accefTum in .Britannia1n nomcn gcntis WIPP a hem_: ." G~thi vcrb~n1 wippgan ejuf.
.Yitarum inauditum .e rat : guarc nomen hoc iplis dem Jigmficauonis 011111 habu;ffe, teftari mihi
ab · in(ula ,acorc.vilfe par ell: opinari :"- and in videntur wippga; corona; et waipJ; limbus;
p". 42, he adds, " nomeo enim hoc infulre ab u~de J?ouglaffiana wyppi~ ; &orond{ ; et wyppet;
ilnJiquis .BritatJJfiJ multis ante f:eculis, quim GEIA, nrntm/1gatMs; et Suec. w1ppa: Lye : " -J ohnfon
five Yiu (.fi lubea-t lie vocarc} illuc aca:fferinr writes it whip; and explains it by jewi11g jligl>t/y;
datum .ell• .qui .illarn Guyth norninarunt, quod but a wippt MM, is properly a round, not aftat,
ai'J)ortium Jignificat; quia ex m aris cruptionc i or broad hem, and is fewn ~ clofe and .as . finn as
continente Jivu!fa fit :"-fo that at laft it is a any or her hem : indeed, frrifrly fpcaking, a wipp
Britilh name ; unlefs we could t tace the word is a hem, or bortkr; buc we µfe it rather as a verb,
Gujth up· to the Gr. ·Jang. which I have not as yec or parciciple, and fay lo wipp, or a w.'pp1 bem.
:been able to i)o. \.VJSP round l" Suec. w{/pa ;' Bd •.
·W J[;L with a wifp; an ignis fatutts, or faint, WISP of ftraw, or bay J wijp d iceba1ur ajlitd-
glimmering ~apor, kindled in moill: places, and lus, ptniculus; i. e. ftramen in circuh tm contor-
:running along the ground ; but why it fuould rum, ut onera bajulantium capitibu s imponar.ur:
nave acquired the name of Wilt, any 1nore than etiam ftrarninis manipulus leviter concorrus, ad
''f"opi, 1 have not as yet learnt, unlefs it began with aliquic! ab£lergendum: Jun."-a h~11dful of }/raw
a W; it feerns to mean the fudden, quick ap- baflily t1111gb1 up, and jligbtly twifted togetbtr, 11
p earance of a fprite, or goblin, with a lighted wipe dow11 borfts "'ith, &c.
·wifp of ll:raw in his hand, which is feen, and WITfJERWIN; "an aduerfarie: Verfr."
-i's prefcndy out again : fometimes he is called WOAD; "Sax. Yab; Ahnan. Yodc; JanJix,.
Jack with a lanthorn : - for the deriv. fee ijatis, tl4fium, vitrmn ; the famous p lane, with
WILLIJ\M; Gr.: and WISP of hay: Sax. which our good old an.ceftors are foid to ha~e
• W.JLLOW; ."·forraffe non mal~ toilfow; ringed thcmfelves of a /Jlueifb tolor: Skinn. fays,
~t Belg. 'willigt, et wilg< diltam quod m ioime " qua Brita1111., "'111itrti totum corpus in quibus
gravate torquentis lleltentifquc vol11n1a1,·m ftqua- Sacris. oblcverunt :" for which he quotes Salmafius
tur ;' ab ·illo Sax. Y1lan; tont:t llert: Jun."-:he in Sol. p. 2.54: but Ca::far tell,s 'u•, that rt.e tnl1I
former interpretation, voluntalt'm Jtqua/ur, looks anointfd t hemfelves with the juice · of t his pfanr,
3" if ·i.t lhould be derived from the willi11gneji in order to look 1nore fierce and te.rri ble in bl t·
tompliablentjs of ils nature :-but then it would tie : " ornncs vero fe Bri1a1111i vitro in6ciunt, quod
be Gr.: the Jauer befpeaks Sax. if Ytbn lignifics C1rrule111n ·tjficil <PMtm, atquc hoc horribiliorc

to join, touplt, rwijl togrrhtr, to entwine.
Sax. frn'ban, 7\pm'ban;
. funt in pugni afp~fyi :.Bell. Gall. lib. v. cap. 14-
WODMEL; " pluribus An<>lia: rratlibus i:a
\VINDING-jbeet Belg. and "feut. wi11de11; vocatur panni genus ii nautis ab Icelandiii depor·
IWlNDLAS . tor911<r.t, impficart, gl011Jt- tatun1 (and their language foems to be o( 1hc
WlNDLE rart: J un: Skinn. and fame texture) Ice<~. 'IJadmal; Suec. wail11111/;
'Lye:" tp roll up, DI rounJ. as thrcai/. or yarn, pannus (t1/i.-J.mjis, ti . 'lliljor; q1:1od VereliUJ
compofitun'i 1

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·W U From SA x o 11, &c. Y 'E
compo!irum vult l vad; ttx/llJll; ct 1#41; meilf"~ by Lye:" and from h ence we have undoubtedly
rallilll: Lye_:'' a vtry t'IJarjt tloth. taken our common words fun, and ftill"J; ga111t•
WONDER l" Sax. .Punbpaan; mirari : f•mt,froliclrfomc . ·
WONDERLYC J Jun." -Marcinius Belg. WYNSTERAN, " .finijltr ; 1b1 lift fide: Vcrrt,M
1110111itrt11 dcduxit a wtndtn 1 v11·1ert, mu/art ; WYllSE; "vvoors: Verfi."-only a various
1nirabundi .etenim, inquic illc, mirandi ftudio di:alell for WORSE: Sax.
1nentem hue ·illuc vtr/11111: addo et, fays Lye, \.VYTEN; "Goth. witan 1 t#j/odire 1 lo W,tt11
q uod co redigat homi nes admiralio, arque in it from fnllixg ; cujlodirt, obfarvart nt ud111: Lye!"
llatuam veluti commutato onimis repenrino aliquo to pl'tjtr'Vt, or keep ii from falli11g, i. c. lo f Mpport it.
n1olo fulminaris ; oculis inopini fpcllaculi no·
v icace caligancibus; maoibus lluporc devinflis; Y.
pedibus in mioiftcrium fufOncndi corporis vix
fufficicntibus; voce denique faucibus ha:renre,
" auferunt nobis voccm, qme ficri polfe non Y " particula pra:pofttiva, plcrifque Anglis
occidcntalibus etia'mnum in quoti~iano
c~imus, ct fileo tium ell: admiratio fubita m i- ufo ect ante p articipia paffiv3; y~ttllr

fcrorum :" Q\!in tilian. yd•11t: y quoque pro : ufurpatum fuitTc ii fcrip-
coribus' noffris paulo veterioribus, nen10 igqorat,
W ONG : "vet. Ang!. eamp1J1, plt1Niiies; Sax.
fan~, Von;i;; Iceland. vang, va11gur : Lye:"- qu~ pri.moribus, ut dicitur diGitis r ormn f~ripra
a fitTd, er ivide extend•d plain. • anag~ric; u t yott, p ro gait; yaf ctyll'Vt, pro gavt;
W O RLD without t11d, according to Somncr, y tfl, pro ~ift: J un."
originates a " w•r•lf; j.ea1lum ; ct werildi, Y ARE; " T cut.gtahtr, jtartn; f<r<1Jid111, tl'llidtiS:
werildis; j.eo1lum, f-4<1tli: Sax. Yeopul~, unde Skinn."-tager, li-vtly :-" when fpokrn of graft,
n o!l:rum world; quad Bdg. wtrtld; Teut. or pajl11rn, it fignifies frqa, and grtt" : Ray." .
wtrld :"-but if he incant the world .wc iohabir, YARN; " Sax. Iicapn; Tcuc. ganr ; .fi/11111,
be was probably wrong; for that fcems to be lana: Ski nn."-a <coo/en tbrrad.
G r. as we have feen in the former Alph. YA UD, only a various dialca of JADE, or
\VORSE l" s .ax. Yypr'. J71cf'rc; Fr. Theotifc. Jorry boift .
WORSTS wurfero; pgor; Goah. wmrs; ma- YEENDE.R: " Sax. unbej1111 vcl unbepni::1b 1
/us: J11n. and Skinn."-bad, naught, dtfttJive. hor:i dici ltrlin," fays J un . 111 the art. 11ndr111-
• WORSTED: if not derived from the Gr. l imt; " qua: nobis nu 0 c d~ 1101ia i qua hor3.
as in the former Alph. it may !ignify "Jana quoniam prondere folebant, e tiarn prandium nun-
qu:Eclon1 cextilis; it Worjltd, oppido· in agro cuparunt unbepnme'C :"-it would appear v~
"Norfolcienfi, ejus opificio olim nobili: !ego extranrdinory to modern policcncfs, to invite a
• Utcm 11 • fays Skinn. '' in grammatic:i Anglo- ~rncleman to dint with you at 11i11t in the morn-
G allici, Ojladt pro codcm 1 ltd nollr:e credo ori - ing : but Ray, in the arc. Andorn, cells us, it
ginis :"-a fpecies of yarn, fir!l:. n1anufa&ured, was 1111 aftcrnoo11"1 meal; viz. rlM 11i111b hour from
or principally manufac:tured, at a town in Nor- ! the morning, which is thl"tt i11 tbt afterno•n.
folk, cnllcd Worjled. ' YEME; " Sax. Iiymcn; eura,jludium : Lye:"
WORTH ; w et w•rtb you; Angl is Boreal. - care, bud, caution. '
tuta worth yo11; Belg. werdt11; Sax. Veoppan; YEX IN G; " Sax. Iirocrun:5 1 Brig. bitk,
effe,fitri; W$t bttide J•11, or btfall you. bitkfa; ji11gul1us: J un." lo Job, gtijp, and tltult a!J
W OUND ; the pall tenli:, and participle of at 011te; i. e. hirkup :-Shakcfpcar, in his Mid-
\.VI NOE: Sax. fummcr Night's Dream, has very p robably p re-
WRECK; "res e naufragio adafl,e in terram; fcrved this word, t ho' in J ohnfon's edition it ap-
e t id quod mare tjirir : Spdm."-it feems to pears under a different form : for among 1hc
have been formed by tranfpolition fron1 Yepp; various pranks which F airy Putlr: relates 11f his
qua(i /ta up ·•~trp, or wrtp; undc w ru/r;; what performance, he fays,
the fea 11.p, or cajls 011jbon. A nd fometin1es lurk I in the goffip's bowl ,
\.VULDOR l · . (of lamb's wool]
\V ULDRE J gloru: Verct. In very likencfs of a roa!l:ed crab,- [apple)
\ 'l'U N } " vc tc. Anglis gaudium ; And when 1he drinks, againct her li ps I bob,
WUN NE Alman. 111111a; Sax. Yynn; And on her withcr'd dewlap pour the ale:-
'VUNN-SOME hinc fcptencrionalium An- The wifell: aunt, telling the Caddell tole,
glorum w11nfom ; comptur,jut1111d111; ct eorundem Sometime for three-foot ctool miftaketh me ;
11 w11n to ju; 'lliju j11<1111Jum : N icolfon, as quoted T hen Oip I from her bum :-down topples fhe,
~ E A nd

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y R From S A a o ir; Ire. y .-u
-'"nd 'l'IJUr cri~, and falls into a cough, YUCKl" Belg. jtd1111 Teut. jnuin; pa·
Then the whole quire hold their bipJ~ and lolfc, YUKES rirt: SkiD11."-atld "Jt11lu: Lye:"
And wa11en in their mirth, . (la11gb] (4 itrb, titkh, or tt".fe.
(Andyl.MI in their mirth,) and neeze,andfwear,
A merrier ho-qr WU never waited there : - - " Thus," as go.od old Vertl:egan obferva, " [
on which the learned editor obfcrvcs, that "wa11e11 could hecrin haue enlarged myfelf very much, and
. ligni~s 111crtaft1; as the moon waxes :"-but peraduenture haue much plcafured fome of our
motl: probably Shakefpcar wrote, or at leaft meant, Englilh poets with great choifc of our own
· ' '"'" in their mirth; that is, bo/J tbeir fitlu, and. ancij!nt woords, which as occafion requyred rhey
ia1tgh, and bic/1 "P• and jneez.t, and prolejl they m.ight with more rcafon renew and wing in
·never paired a merrier hour in their lives. vfe ~in (by fo01-what faeillitating, yf need
YMB. or ombt ; ab6uJ : Verft. wer¢. the ortograpbie) t&n to Moome the bor. ·
1" Su. Iieonb; Belg. pmtltr;
illi<, ptr, uitr11: Lye :"-/ar-
rowers, and perpetual delxers of fuch languag<!9
as wil not bee beholding to vs for fo much as a
YONDER tber off. woord ; and when wee gotten from them as
YRFE, "" beritrsge 1v .n. h . many woords as wee wil, they can neuer carry a
YRFE-WEARD, a• beyreS en•.-11• nr. true corcfpoodcncc voto ours, they beeing o£
YRTHLING, a byreling Ivcrlt o.t her n.i.turc, and original!."
Yi.T~NGAS, b]r.tlill(.s . •

A D D E N D As

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ARTICLES, whjch have been addeJ,' or altered, fintc the Copy went
to Prefs ; and to which References may be eafily made with a· Pen;
thus-Add. for the ne\v Artitles ; and a. fot the additio11al ones, to bq
added at the End of the former.

A L ·
this may have g iven origin to Milton's ex-
A. preffion of fame gretJt ammirtJI, or rather amiral i
I. 294:) quafi prinups, vel pr.efell1ts.marinus J

CCOUTRE~ENTS; t!1is pretty mo- a ruler, or cbiif commander al fea l placetque co
dern French word is fo n1uch diltorced magis quod ' AA•or Homero kgltur pro r1aior1
and d isfigured from its Gr. original, that maris, i pfoque Ntptuno.
no one at firtl: fight could poffibly imagine it was ADULTERER 1 at the end, add ;-l~t me
derived K.,,.7., : fcarce any two words can be however produce another deriv. from Blount 1
more difiant in appearance, found, fenfe, and which, if it does nor appear too much like a
figniflcation-, than accoutrtnunls, and K.,.7.,, and yet . play on words, 1nay bid as fair as the former;
it will be found, that they are abfolutely one and , viz, " ad«lt.>rium ab ad-alttrius-t:rum; the going
the fame : thus, K•r.7» is the root of Ko17w, unde to another man's hed, which the nd•lltrtr and ai/11/~
KoTI"f• culttr, ( quali culler ) culu/lum; the Jong l tereft always aim at;" tho'' indeed madam may '
iron knife, which is p laced before the plow-lharc, • take the opportunity of either adinicting him to
and which fir'1: c111s the earth, while the !hare turns her own, or of going to his 1 or of meeting ac
it u p : from culttr comes the French word coutre; a third place: only !till it is Gr. i-for alitriiu..
t he coulttr, or plow-jhart : from coutrt con1es fee ALTERATION : and Litr. and Ainfw,,
accoutre; to fignify drcffed, or adcr11J1d ; i. c. cu/ti- de rive /Or UJ a l"Elf.,; Tlf;;> '!"{/.:"'; Ut fit quicquid.
-voled, and i111pro11ed, as to h is outward drtfs, r~1und1tm, prrecipue gra1nen, vel culmus torttU in
11pptara11ce, and hnhillimen/s; and here ufed to fig- funicululn, fupel' quern antiqui ll:ragula ll:erncbanr.
n ify a foldier dr1ftd out in all his rtgimentnls, ·A GE; at t he end, add ;-""the gradation of
fur"ilure, and equipage. this ' word fce111s to have been formed in this.
ADDLE; at the end', adCI ;-or rather with manner;, A11 1 A1wt, AJf.,,, evam, tdViftJ$, teltU·•"
Cafaob. we may derive addle all Al'~"'' 11'•'<1''' at~itage, oyagt, n..~t. ,
ma/us : Hefych. · · AL-SAT IA: begin with ;-The differ~ncc be-
AD MIR-AL; at the end, add ;-Spelm. under tween Alfatia, and H~lfatia, may be ealily. d if-
ailmiralius, utterly rejects 1his latter deri\•, " ii covered by their different deriv; ; but it is not fo
Gr. A>.-1'-ve« inquiunt plerjqur i a fnlf11gi11t, in eafy to fix chc deriv. of Alfn1ilr: Sheringharn,
/alo ,mari limm exercet imperium : inlu!fc procul- p. 18, is of opinion, that Aifa1i11 might have
dub10 :"-and then he proceeds to derive tulm1ral been the habitation of the Old-Saxons ; for he
thus; " in aula orientalis imperii vor.cs multa! fays, " his addi potelt Chronologia Saxonica.
o ccurronr bilinguis hujuftnodi compo.lltionis (ex qure maj ores noll:ros €alb-Saxen, i. c. Vtlerts-
A rabo er Grreco connubio;) fc, amir, vd t mir ; Saxmes vacant :"-rhis ealb-Saxcn fecms to' have.
rtx, pri11ups, tp,arcb11s, pr,eftflus; er 'A111or, mari- been converted· into Al-S4tia, or 011-Satia; ·Germ.
nus; Ut fit odmir-a/ius i veJ porius ao1ir-afit1S (and 0 /1-Saxtn, i, e, All, Aid, Eald, or O!d·SaXP#~;
4 E :z and

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and confequently Gr.: fee OLD, 3nd SEAX: atttilft; Lat. al/11!1111; i.e. ajfettllUJ, dtprtbl11/1£1:
-and yet, i11 p. 31, he h:is given U$ .another vcl ,.llatlm. ut arbores lat/as dicimua; i . .c,
. dcriv . \•iz. "Alfi11ia nomen hoc i Sa.xonibus trax- it/as, et Jt111rpatas :" -but atti11t1"1, and-ait11.J'/rr;
ilfe videtur; na1n €bd-Sarpan olim nominacim arc two different words; confequently take dif-
elfe conftat; quz hodie dctruncata vocc Elfatia, · ferent roots; and therefore it is t.hc more ...,.
five Alfatia dicitur; eft autem Edel-Saj/ia,,Nobilis- lrfI1&rkable, that this great. Glolfarift ihould add,
Saxonia 1 juxta n.ominis et.yn1ologiam :·:-but ftill " liint et qui i 1i11,ft11do ducunc, ut '.fit allinflrs,
it is. Gr. ;. for ebd i$ t he fame as e'ticf; which ' quali difc•l•raltt1, <Di11qui11a111s :"-'-and this with-
may be derived ab H9.,, intmium, pr,,pri<tas, out doubt is the only true deriv. ; for though
•obilitas .-lhould neither of thefe etym. be ad- la.go in compofition make$ fllli11go, yet both
mittcd, we mult then attend to Ciel. who chofe verbs make their fupincs and participles
fays,-&c. _ • laBus, . and allal:lus ; not KJllir.l11u; and confo-
. AM-PUl'ATION; at the erid, add ;:.....vel a qi.tently at1in811s muft, and can de rive 'only from
Ilv•9"'"1'-'\'• n.. t-0,.01, audio, puto; which la.ft verb li•t•• not 1a11g-• 1 both of which· are . Gr: : fee
has been made to fignify either Jbillk, mtditate, T A CTION, and TINGE: - our word ar:ainl
confider; <>r /~ pr11ne, ftparolt, and cul off. however may be derived fro1n either of thofc
ANCIENT, or enjign, feen1s to be a violent vwbs; only it takrs a .d ifferont root, according
diftortion of anttjignanus, according to Litt.-· to th·e different verb we make choice ot:
'.end confequently G r.:' fee SfGN; Gr.: even A VER-DU -POTS : Fr. Galt : a'IJofr-du-poix 1
the French have done b~tter, for they write ir babere jujlum, ftu dtbilum p•r.d11.r; to ba'IJI juji,
•nftig11t: but this orthogr. is not proper; for and due wcigbl: conCequcntly half G r. and half
this looks as if thev intended to derive it from Lat. : fee 1-iAVE, Gr.: and POUND, Lat. only
tnjis; a [word; whereas it ought to hove been it mny be doubted, whether DU here figni/ic$
written either anjign, or a11tjign. drtt, or juj/: if it does, it is Gr.
ANXI E'fY l both Li tt. and Ainfw. derive AUMBREY; at the end, add ;-and yet it
ANXIOUS S a11.vius ab ango ; and 1111g• from feems probable, that oumbrey 1nay be derived
Arx.w, . jlrangulo 1 I• j/ijlt ; to be d~qreffed, or " ab awbra, vel ambrum, according to .Spehn.
tliflurbtd in thought : only A infw's. 4co. wrires ic i. e. a Lat.· amphora ; a Gr. AJL~?•eivr, quod cad1<m
Ay7" : which is certainly wrong. fignificat; proprie vero 'IJas gejlorium :"-and here
APRI-COCK ; after Upt.'' aJd ;-or perhaps uied to fignify the place, where flfcb 'Vefftl~
it may be compounded of aprilus, and t el/us; arc kept .
...-if fo, it would be derived from the foregoing
arr. and COOK; i. e. G r. !lill.
,\RI), or •aert; both Ve.rft. and Skinn . allow, B.
that the terminations ord, acr:, and art, a$ in
Rayn-ard, R itb·ard, . lignify 11at11re, genius, dif
rafition; and fuppoCe thc1n co be Sax. : but they B ADGER, or dealer in corn ; by our having
written this word in the fame manner as
feem to be no more than Snx. contraCtions, and the name of the animal, we have render~d the
ti'an(pofitions of Ae•1-., quaff A•e1·•, undc atrt, etym. of it the more obfcure; bur, whatever
contrafle-d to ard; #£Jlrt:ts, 11atur11, ind.oles, ingeni- may be the deriv. of the animal , it is fcarcc
um; virl ur, n1JIUrt . dijpq/ition, gelfi:14. probable that they lhould b oth of them be de·
ARF; perhaps only a cont raCtion and tranf- rived from the fame fource; at leaft a badgtr of
pofirion of affright, or afraid; and confequently Gr. corr. is a merchant, who b uys corn, falt, and
· AR:M; at the end, add ;-or perhap$ ab !l.f'-or, other- articles, in one place, in order co fell.
ttrmus; tbt Jho11/der. · them in another; and thcfc articles formerly were
· AS-SUl\1E; at the end, add ; -let me how- conveyed in BAGS : confcquently Gr.
ever obCervc from Li tt . that" ft1mo may very BA-LANCE; quali bi-lanu; a double t tcm,
proba.bly be de rived afum-mihi, quod proprie eft or bafo»; commonly-&c.
t!fultum, et quafi nimi111n 1rib!10 ; ta take Joo BALLAST; commonly called " la;1age, ltfi,
much uprm oneftlf :"-and we u fe it likewife in arid ltjlage," fays Spdm . " Gailis prreterca dici·
the fame CcnCe, j oined wirh another prepoficion ;. tur pro f •bul• navibu$ injclto, ut ftabiliorel
tlHis, pre-fume, prt-fomption, pre-fumptuous: navigrnt :"-or as Virgil obfcrves of the bees,
con(equently frill it is Gr. ; for [11111 originates ab Geo. IV. 1 94, ·
E•I"-• : and mibi ab Eyw. - -- - - - - - - ct fa:pc lapillo$,
· -A'f-TA)NDER l Spdm. would derive " at- Ut cymbre inftabiles, fiu&u jaltante, fabNrr•IJJ
. AT -'fAIN-'f l tir.fl:n a G >ll . llllai"t, five Tollunt; his fcfe per inania nubila JiiirlJJll :

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B E A D D E N D A; p- l
• •
/ht fJ1llJ.I, or n.thcr ~4ltz#tt of tbe fuip: confe- womb; dfc it may dcfcend from the fame root
q ucotly Gr.: fee BA-LANCE: Gr. ' with FLUTTER: Gr.
BAN-DORE1 after trJJtjiazl i11jlr11111'nt, add;- BED of jujlitt ; at the cod, add ; -the ambi-
callcd "' rt6ttlc: from the name n,.,/•f"'• we guity of the dcriv. is evident; u evident u the
might fuppofc it ought to be wriuen lh>l'"'f'"• 111ilblke of Anchifes, in the Third /f.n. 180 ;
and compounded of n ..,, Pa11; tbt t 0tl of Jbtf" Agnovit prolem ambiguan1, gcminofquc pa-
htrds; •and b.~f'" do1111m ; a gift ; being the pipe, , rcntes ;
con Ii fling of feven reeds, or ftops ; and fuppofcd Scque ·novo vetcrum decepmm crrore locorum:
t o have been invented by him; as Virgil men- che deception took its rife fron1 the double con-
tions, Eel. JI. 33, n·ruetion of the Greek verb A•'Y"• nnd the Latin
· Pan primum calamos cera conjungere plures word ltElus 1 A1yw, dico, gives origin to ltgo,
Inltituit: Pan ~urat oves, oviumquc mngiltros. legf~t; 11nde ux, ltgis; qu ia lex legi folec; d~e
BARD: if 'the word Druid be G'r. as all our l~pincs of /ego are ltElum, ltllu; .and t~c ~artl·
etymol. allow, then there can be no hcfitation in c1ple paJJ: tetJ11s: but /t!J11s lignifics likcw1fc a
:idmicting, tb3t the word bard may be Gr. like- btd; from Ar')'"'• (ltlJlbo,jauo; unde A•x•t, lttltu ;
w ife ; and Litt. tells us, th at " bard lignifics a bed, or ccucb : from whence the barbarous
Tt:atrd, or word; wiiich, like E...,, lignilics ct plconafm, and hideous 3mbiguity, arc fufficicntly
'IJ<rb11m, et carmm :"- now tbt Bards were molt manifcft and plain.
certainly the Britilh p$els, harpers, or }ingtrs; BEEF-taters: can aoy word have degenerated
:ind of equal antiquity with the Dr11ids: there- more from the original idea, than this now befo~e
fore the dcriv. of Jf t B&rth will be cafily found us I-the king's buf·t41trs ! and why not bis
tinder the articles WEIRD, or \'VORD: Gr. 111111/011-111/trs too ?-did our kings at firft appoint
BARNE; after tbt Ct/tic bairn, add ;-bur, chem only to ta!·bttf ar their public c.ntert3in-
according to Volf. 'IJtrna feems to come " ab menu, merely for the cliverlion nnd :imufcment
Ee~•-i""«"'• 'IJtrt·nnti, contrattcd to VtTIUJ ; q ui of their queen>, and r.heir courtiers 1-hiltory
ex ancillis civi11m Rom. 'IJtrt-nati font :"-a bond informs us, that when the jcaloulics between the
mnn, or woman, rtal/y·b~rn in one's houle: Ice houfcs of York and L ancal!er were fcarcely fub-
V ERNACULJ\R i Gr.: let me however ju rt lided at the union of the two Rofcs, under
obfcrve, that probably our word bnrnt is not Iitnry VII. that fuCpicious monarch inllicuccd'
d erived from v1r110 ; but perhaps only nnothcr this company of buf-tattrs, as his own botly
dialcet for born; and may then be derived a guard, to attend him both abrood, and at board 1
~·t•• as above, quali ~·•e» born; bar11t; mean- like the anticnt dapif.>rs; i. c. to go with hi1n
1ng any youn,t rbild, or one newly BORN: Gr. abroad, whcnc,•er he went fro1n the palace; anct
BAR·RACKS for falditrs, feem to be only 3 to deck his table, and adorn his /loarJ, whenever
Yarious dialect of./,arrti<hs, compound~d of /Jar, he {laid at home: and even to this day, in their·
J ar, or 1114r contraCl:ed from 11111jar, a M•y..r: and warrants cbcy arc called 1ablr-dtcl:trs; i. e. werc-
rti<b, another contuCl:ion of rtg-num, a rrgo; to place alf tbt .,tfft/1 belonging to the king's
ab AfX"• qu3fi ·r..x.,; rtgo: fo drat che whole 6011Td; or were to be his btr>-f,,.uurs, degcneratro
compound may lignify tbt btad-quarurs for into ltttf-taltrs, by a tranfpofition of the letter f 1
foldicrs; which might perhaps at firft have and a limilarity of found ih the two l3ft fyllables ;-
been cnlled barrarlts from their refcmblancc to to ITgnify men who wrre to lerve at the royal
P AR·ISH ES, which take the fame deriv. /Jufet : confequently Gr. as will be fecn under
BARRO'vVS, or hills; afcer r.othi11g mort, ad1l; the art. BU-fE'f: Gr.
-antiently they were the burying places of thofl• BEET; after wbiu fptcieJ, ndd ;-notwith- ·
killed in bnttlc; numbers of which arc to be !landing L ittkrnn, ll:infworth, N ugent, and-
fuund on Salilbury plain, about 'St•>u-btngt; and BID, or command; at rhe end, add ;-vd a
n'lany other pl3ccs, where battles have bec·n R~~. t ·is ; unde B•%?•:•% •, .IEol. JJ•"/•.,,....,, ccgo ;
fought. to romptll, to rommand anothlr.
BAU -BLES; at the end, add ;- Spdm. de- lll E R; ar the end, add ; - that futtrum
rives them rather " a Gall. beau, ct btlle; q. d. originates a 4>1~"· there can be no doubt; but
fplt11didt1, ct [Puiofa :"- but llill they a~ Gr. : that our word bitr originates from thence:, \Viii
fee BEAU, and BE U..E: Gr. li:arcc be admitted: it feems rather, according
BEAT ING <»itb cbi!d; ar t he end; add ;- to Litt. to come from B<>~«: and both Herodot.
being derived citht'I' from the foregoing root 11nd Suid. tell us, that B2f" was 11n E.1t1Pti111 ·
BEAT, or 6ang; i. c. tb"b; like the pulfe, anti b1at, wherein chcy carried the dead bodies t<V
tk ltapi•g; or fpringing o( 1hc child in the burying.
• BINN 1

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B- It A 0. 0.' E· N· D· A;
. . 'B .U•
• ~INN 1 at th~ end, add ; - i t 911glit .rather b!1Dtl; becaufe lbt blogd is the life. o£ man·1· aa4
to be referred to the Sax. Ali>h. brtad is the l\:~lf of life. - .
·B~ABBE~·/ipt; at th~ ·ena, add ;-tO that · :QRJDE-cakt takes it origin from- the anticnt
/,/4bbtr-lip1 fecms to be a repetition of the fame Roman cultom of Confarrtatio-. a 111arriage ccrc.-
tcrms, quafi labtr-lipt, or Ii/ of lips; i. e.-&c. mony in token of the moft firm alliance between
B.Li\..~C-MANGER, commonly written, and man ao.d wife, in t4e common. participation.of a
pronounced blt111111angt, or blammangee ; but de- cake of wheat, or barley : " this ceremonY,," fays
rived a B~ae, ct M'""""• jl-a<rJ.,, uncle mando ; Blount,'," is l\:iU retained in part with us, by th;it,
which thofe comn1on pcrvcrters of lanliluagc, which we call tbe britlt-ta.k t, ufcd at many wr.d-
the Frenth, have converted and diftorttd into dings :"-but whatever were the ingredients o£
manger ; to fignify lo ta/: ~nd cpnfe'quendy the antient briik-takts, the modern are made
blan~-tt•a!•gtr is a wbitt-tdib!e1 made of almonds, of fuch coltly articles, tpat the wealthy now-a-
and Jellies, &c. : fee likcw11c MANCHET, and days feem to vie with each 0th.e r, more in the
MUNCH : Gr. extravagance of 1he compalition, than in a koow.
BLOW-milk; "flat mill.: Ray :"-it feems to ledge of the infritution.
have Seen derived from i1s color; and confe- BROGUES: this is another inftance hoW'
quet\tly is defcended, according to Spi:lm. " i. flrangcly the fenfe of words will alter .in a courfe
blautlius, blotlius, vd blav1a ; a Germ. blaiw :"- of time; thus. all our dictionaries tell us, ~
then all feem to be only fo many different dialects broguu lignify lrijb UJ(Jod1n }hoer: but Shcring.
of r>... v•or, glat1ct'S, ca:jius, ca'T11leuJ 1 bl11e, or a p. 3$0, tells us, tbe~e was & Danifh king who,
faint bhu color : frc BLUE; Gr. : or FLAT· acquired the furoame of " Lr.1b-br1ciu, ita Reg-
• mi/i: Gr. nerus, a vtflilt11s h1rf11tis, quibus indurus, do~
BLUE; at the end, add ;-or perhaps blu• inufitat;e magnitudims fcrpen1es occidit, ut Suo
may be only a different dialect of r>. ..v·••" thus, refcrt, agnominatus eft; nominis vero ratiol)ml,
glaut11s, lzlaudius, bla'tlius, · blav111; unde Germ. ita r l!plicat Stephanius; ab birfalu Bratd.s diChis
blaiw; whence our blut; cyant11s, ra:jius. , cit Lod-brog, quafi Lodt11-brog; (i. e. he was for-
BO A'f-Jwain: Spelm. writes .it " bal-futins named Lotb-bro<us, on account of lht ltatlHr-
proprie qui in fcaphis ec minoribus navigiis brucbes his majdly wor~) brog enim br1utdJ,
operam 'navant; rtmiganlts, potius quam velifi- Gve ftmarali1r, noll:ri lingua denotat.:" -and.
tantes : ex Bat: ; ftapha; a boat; et J1'an0 , Sammes, 436, calls chem his fUT-ltat brul)ts;.
qperariunt I fpan 0an, vel fptncan, /aborart :"- becaufe perhaps drelJ'cd wich tbe.fur, Or bair •• :,
thofe who la,bourttl at the oar, not who managed -brog 1herefore, fignifyins ftf1Jora/i11, fecms 10,
tbe fai_ls: fuch was' the original idea :-however have been cencra€ted fronl /Jracea, quafi br•g·g•·I
b.oth BOAT, and SWINK, are Ge. but now, brog, and brogue, appear fo very much
BOB, or fob off; afier fabula, add ;-quali alike, that the.y fr:em to be one and the fame ;, and.
fi.b-ula; a jib; a flory; unde fob; uncle bob; to if fo, then they. are undoubtedly Gr. as we have
put a nun off with mere words,jitiitious tales. feen in t he ut. BREECI-iES: Gr.
· • BOOR; at the end, add ;-or, !hould this BROW of a hilt; at the end, add 1~there ii
not be admitted, we muft then have recourfe to however one thing mor~, which the Dr. if ht,
tbe Sax. Alph. pkafcd, n1ighc have taken notice of, fincc be
·BOOTH; after ~kinn." add; -thus would has quoted Cafaubon; and tbar is, the clole con·
the Dr. run through all the Northern tong ues, if formity of eitpreffion between the Englilh and·
there were a thoufand 1n ore, rather than look at Greek languages; cu1n cc de 111onte quoque di-
the Greek word B..1..,, villus; et B""• vivo; le cant Angli, tht brew of a hill; ut Off'•
live, 10 any place for a long, or a lhorc ~;; 'e•r. .
time:. and here ufcd to fignify an edifice erected BRUSH ; at the end, add ;-or pcrhap,s; ac-
to abide in only for a fhort duration; lo (Ol!limtt in cording to Litt. bruf!!. may 'be derived ii Bf""
only for a lhort time : fee likcwi(e Bl DANCE; br)'O; a /iule Jhrub, like the twigs of birch ;,
o.r BIDE; meaning a11 obod,, or a boo1h. whereof they make brufhts, and brooms.
BOUNDS; at the end, add ;-or rather, ac- BUCK-wheal; at the end, add;- MinlhtW·
cording to Spelm. " ii ll•"r• (quafi ll••••<) eel/is, tells us, it wa~ called hircj trilit11m, "quad hir.-i
1umu!w; cuj ufmodi foknt elfe agrorum mct<e :" dcleckntur ea planta :"-now buck properly fig·
-fmall billoeks, generally raifed, as tht limits of nified a he-go41; a11d mi~ht be drrived citb<r
any d ittrict from ne"'E, hinnitlus ; or trom the fazne root with
. BREAI>; afcer Upt." add ;-Br"7"• or rather BUCK, and .doe; Gr.
Be•1.., Beo1•f"'l'" : or ~lfe perhaps ii Beo1°',fang_11iJ; BUCKLE of .a fo:oe.; " B•id\•»· a. B•<•. hs,
1o b~;;:cvk.,

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l1J1Jit!IU, contraaed to b11cu/a l fi/11,/a : L itt.'"-a call a ealf"s ehaldro", which they tranllat~ E-x..-or,
1'Mltoa, or any thing to tie or fafren the !hoe e-chin-llS vi11tli11us; lht #di,, or rough tripe of a
·with; and at lirll: made of "" ox-tb8"g, which bta.ft tbat chewetb tbt cud; perhaps they meant
:was called the W.btt. the &a/fs ebillerii•gs 1 but whether they arc the
BUCKLER 1 from the foregoing root; be- fame with Jbt ea/f's gin; I am not !killed _enough
c.aufc .P11cklers, or·fi)cidds, were lirll: of all made, in cookery to know :-Jbe talf's .~i• however
,or at leaft covered, with ox-bidts. feems 10 be d erived rather a r ...7.., b1ttfli1161,
BU-FET, in modern French, bujftt ; but, vifara; tbe entrai/J, or inwards of any creature. ·
according ·t o Hkkts, is compounded of cwo Sax . CA LKING a borft's j!ices; commonly prn-
w.wda, Bcob' (or perhaps Beo.Jl'b, ·contracted co nounced corking a bor/e's fh•ts 1 but derived aA«E,
:l10; aad then changed to bta11, !Ir to bu,) W1e11fa; <al•; the bee/ ; undc <ale&, ea/cans ; ·ea/king ; to
II tahle; and pet:, or fat:, vas; a vejfel :"-now, bend the hii:ider part of ~ bo.rfe's Jhot: down-
.ir is the i:nore extraordinary, that this lear-ned wards, in order to make htm tread furt tn frofry
g~odeman lhould oot bave feen, .that this whole weather, when the r-oads are covered with ice
com.pouJid is GI-.; for Beob, (or racher' lkopb) and fnow.
is no mor<i than . a board; which is itfelf but a CALOYERS; at the end, .add ;-however it
.rranlpobtiOll o( ~r-oad, as every me11fa, or table, might not be abfurd to fuppofe, that <a/oylr was
.muft . be r and coofequently is evidently only a dilfercnt dialeCl: of caller, fcbo lar, or ftald-.
de~ivcd a Il1'a1•r, la111s; bread; unde beard, or meaning thl clergy, or meh of letters 1 and confe--
lilPlt ;, whence the word boarder, or one who is quemly Gr.: fee SCHOLA R, or SKILL : Gr. •
admitced at our board: and as for the latter part CAMELO-DUNUM, at the end, add ;-the-
of the. coinpo.und, fa:"!::, or pt:, they are eviden t antien.i'-n?me of Doncaj/tr in Yorklhire; Camden·:·
,d·i.llortions of vas ; d 'flejfel, or <"P ; and confe- -but Cafaub. 227, fays, it is now MaldttJ in
ct~ntly G.r . likewifc; as we !hall fee under the Elfex.
arts. VAT, and VESSEL: fo that a b11-fet fit:;ni- CAMELO-PARO 1 at the end, add ·;-wi·dt:
fu.:s " board to fee 'Vejfe/J, cups, glafs, cluna, regard to the anitnal here. called_ a c~mekpard,
& c. on. naturalifrs inform us, that tn the interior platns
BURRO:W for rilbbets 1 Spelm. under the art. of Africa, this animal is bred ; under whofe belly
hrgtum, fays, " collcs illi antiquorum plerurnque a man on horfoback may ride eafily enough with-
func · tumuli.1 ciim ne adhuc b}'p;-sej"t"opa, i. c. out ltoopiog; his fore-legs being near twice u
c<emeteria in ufu efi'ent : hinc deniquc cunicu- long as his hinder ones,
lorum OClltamenra ct habitacula, berries, feu CAPOT; at the end, add ;-after all it looks.
;urrowts dicimus : if this be righr, they will as if the whole cxpreffion was Gr. : for if .ct1Pclt
cake die fanle origin wjth cirher B.>\RROWS, or anq tapott fignify pal!ium pajlorititt,,., ic fcen1s t<>
BURY tbe dead: Gr. have derived its na1ne from the h••d; or cap.,
·BY-LAWS, according to Spclm. are derived which might have been ma& large enough to
a " btllagines, pro bilaganu, qua: Cunt jura muni- have covered the whole h!ad ; and confequently
cipalia Gothorum: by cnim Sax. habilalio; et is pure Gr.: fee C1\PE of a cloak : Gr.
byan; babitare; and la;se, Gothis lagtn 1 law; CAR-FAX, at the end, add ;-Cleland liow-
fuat au.t em legts, quas villarum incohr: !ibi con- ever, Way. 3J• gives us quite a different idea,
fricuerint obfervandas :"-but frill they are Gr. : and confequentl y quite a different dcriv. of this
(ee BIDE, or i11babi1 ; and LAW ; Gr. : i . e. word ;. for l\e there cells us, that " the French
lows made by the iltbabitanJs of any p!aCI among word carrefour (of which carfr.>< is but a dilfercnt
rJicmk:lves.• dialefl) anfwers to our market-place, r&1111d the
crofs or may-pole :"and in the preceding page he
had told us, that " the bough, which was the
emblem of t he fovereignty of cbe grove, gives

C ALAMITY ; at me end, add ;-and there·

fore fince, according to lord .Bacon, <alamitas
is lirll: derivc:d from ealamus; wh.ich • lignifies
the root of p•, or pos-fom ; p.u'Vir; power;" and.
here he tells us, that" Jou-fer fignifi<:s the b~ugb.
b<artr 1 and tbat from Jou-fer comes pow·er :"-·
jJraw; and fince- ealamilas is in the nnt place according to thi s interpretation, ear-f•Jt, or carre-·
ufed·to fignify that difo•der, by which corn can. fo11r, fignifies round the bough, crofs, or rnay-pok;
not g~t out of sbt jlallr ; it might · be better to and cortfeq.uently may be· derived a car, carrt,
derive our word <alamiJy immediately. from cir, circum.; i. e..a K1e. . iu~, circus, circum; arn"d:·
~"!'-'fl <alamUJ ; a flraw, pipe, ar rud,. and 'BOUG.H , as we have feen, is Gr. likewife:

CiUFs"gjn·; perhaps what Litt. and. Aillfw. f<> that the whole· compound. !hould fignify a

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place, or diflri&, raunJ the fpot where the bough nious tyrant called Euilmerodach, ki ng of Babi.
or may-pole was · fixed, and where the n1arkec Jun; aboute rhe )'tare before •Chrille's byrth,
was anciently kept. 6 14 :"-i. e. near 2400 years ago.. .
CARGO; at the end, add ;-or, according to CI-llSEL ; at the cnu, add ;-we n.1.ight rather
L itt. may be derived ii <r.ri<o ; and co:.ifcquencly fuppo(e with Litt . that cbijel, or cbiffe!, was de-
•Gr.: fee ,CA R ACK : or rntber may take the fame rived ab ajfula, vel aftia ; 1. e. ab A£m•, •fcia ; an
d eriv. with CARRY, quafi carrixnre, contracted ax, batrhu, or any fuch like td.?;td to•I to cut
to <nrtart, undc cargo: fee CART: Gr. with.
CAUSEY; at the end, add i-Blou nt tells us, CHO-P IN; "a x..,, f1111do; ec n ...,, Dibo ;"
he has been informed, thnt " cam: in o ld French fays Litt. " cbeopir.a ; a 1i1taf14re ufad in Fra11Ct;
fig\)ificd a flin l ; now caillou :"·-then we tnay .the half pint •f Paris; or our pi111; · viz. 16
venture to affi rm, that the old French uiu., , and qunces.'~
the new French tail/au, were noth ing 01ore than CLA N of lentnts has been very properly de-
G.a llic difiortions of either Ax.•r,, qua f1 acos, unde rived by Liu.. a d itr.ttla; and clientela, as prop<rlY,
cc.s, (Olis ; a jl~n: ; or of t i lU/tJ, fa111 is ; a roclr. ; ii ditns; and cliens, as properly . a K.>.H.., 'rtkbro ;
which perhaps originates from the fome root : as we fbaJl fee in the art. CLIENT : Gr.
.this deriv. is certainly preferable co rhat gi .. en by CLEAR ; at the end, add ;-and yet there •re
,Spelm. who would derive " ealctata, via ftrata, two other deriv. produced by Lit t. which lttm
.non ii calcando, led ii caluanda; quod vcl lapidi - better than either of the former; viz . dtor, i
b11s, vel dura alia m aieria, qu au caluo, munitur r>.a•e•r, fpfendidm; vel ab A"fA°'''• rlar11s; bright,
contra injuriam pbufironun et itinerantiu1n:"...:.. ;jfulgmt. .
but even Hill it would be Gr. for both ralcando, CL,EFT1in l!; a KAH;, c/Qt,'fs ; a KtJ;
.and ca/ceanda, i. e. calceus, are derived fro1n Aaf, CLIFF meaning the kt) nirt, which leads
talx ; t1nde ta!ce11s.; lbe bee/, JrG(Jf, or fbae. into the principal ground· work, or cornpoficion
CHAPELL; ac the eod, add ;-there feems of the piece.
.to be a betcer dcriv. given by Spelm. viz. CLOTH; af!cr th.real/ of lift, add ;-or rather
" capt/la pro ci;1a, ftri11i6, feu rtpofitoria, quo wi"de !be thread of lift an a bottom.
alfcrvan\ur marryrun1 rclqui:e; et perinde pro COAL lo b11r11; at the end, add ; -the reafon
.quovis faccllo, vel oratorio:"-only !lill it is Gr. perhaps may be, becaufe it is nearer ro the Gr.
}i. K ...j,., cnpfa ; et f ejeeto, cap.•; unde capcl!a , a ,1han any i>ther language ; for the Greeks wrote
chapel!; fo that our b here is purely Gothic ; for Ka>.o«>, and we have firft tranfpofed it to
)t has made us pronounce the word fofr, like chap, Kc«>-.,, and then changed ~he K into a C; thus,
cbnpltr, and cbaptnan; whereas both Gr. and Rom. -&. .
pronounced it hard, like c.<p, cat, capa11. COA.X : begin with " ii Sax. coMe peMt Kcn-
CHARACAl'URA: Spclm. derives the arr. nettus," fays L ye; " (non .ira pridcm epifcopu1
c' cbaroxare, and cbara.Yfl/ura, 3. Xfi!f!&11w, X,~fti:£r.t, Petriburgcnfis) L . .Barb. cogtioneJ; cogge, Ii rret<
[cu/po, ftriba, pj11go ; lo engrave, fcratch, or fcrapt ; conjicio, ab bodiernis 1nutat11rn cft in tokts, feu
and now generally underftood co mean the draw- coax, quod ejufdci11 e!Te originis vulc idem doc-
ing of the outlines of any figure in a ludicrous, .tillimus pr~ful : naur:t: eoim iftiufmodi pet vicos
.d iilorced ftyle. . vagantes, fitJis, j!ebi!ibufque de naufragiis narr•·
CHAR1'E.· bl,1n!'bt; many of our tinatterers in . tio11ib11s populo credulo imponere foknr,
French may perhaps admire this French ex.- ac pecunia emung~re :":-and fron1 this cuflom
preffion, and preltntly cry out that it is pure of failors in:pofing on the too credplous vulgar,
French, and that we borrowed it from the French : has been derived our word coax or wbudk mtll
- true; liut the French borcowed it firfi from out of their n1oney by falfe pretences of !hip·
the Gr. : fee CHARTER; and BLANK, e r wreck, &c. :- •nd thecefore fo far as relates to
BLEACH, i. e. wl~'ttn; and meaning here a the explanation o( the word <ftlX, this gc~tlc·
p.1pe1· r1nwri11en on; and conft:quently on wh ich a man ·s interpretation may be · right; bur, . 'f he
p erfon may write his own tern1s, or whatever he imagined .that the Sa)C. co3 0e wa.s an ·orig10.JJ
p leafes. word, he 1s molt probably \Vrong ; for tC will
CHESS ; after ptrfta1/td DruidJ, add ;-Stowe, prefently be found, under the art. CO<!:K·b<al,
p . 23,· t ells us, that " John de Vigney, in hys to be Gr. ; in the mean t ime perhaps it may no:
booke named the Moralization of the Cbeffe, be improper to derive cor.x, according co Spdm.
(ayth, that the fame game was de1,1ifed by ·x erxes, cc a coctjo; niendicorllm genus, qu-i tj11/a:JiQ1riJ;1,
t he philofophcr, otherwife named Philometre, ro lacrytnis, Ct bujufinodi impoj!uris, eleemofynam tx· ·
rcprouc, and cor.reA th~ cruel! n1yndc . of a fa- torquebant i a '"f
K., ••.,, lugtl), ·plord. ; to ·make

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-. . .. . .
ijii11rnfu,J, piieoiu,c lamenra!Jle 1roift, ·in "order co CON-NOISEU RS; a pretty Frendi dil1ortion
excite benevolence and c0 mpaffion. of cognofco, i. e, cognoftentes; tbe knowiiig oner;.
COCK- boat: Spelm. under the art. rqq11a, who arc either ignoran~ly fuppofecl to k~O<D, or
derives a cock-boat " a Gall. coq:u 1 i. c. concha, prcfu1nptuouny take upon themfelves to k111YW all
lef/a 1 meaning a boat that is (haped like a jhell ; things : fee KNO\V : Gr.
·and"theu refers us co· cogo11es, whi«h he explains CONTRA-Sl '; from the foregoing root, and
by 1111vigii gtmts, and mentions otlo cogonts 1,..,,~,, :£7a.,, jlo; &ontra·j/o ; 'to jland againjl, <ifilh;:
Hifpanicas, et nonnullas bargias ; eight Spanilh fland, oppofi1io11, O'Oer again.fl eacb other.
cog1, and Come b'..r!;es : etymolog. K iliani "koggbt, COP PET; Ray explains it hy /aucy, m~laperr;
kcgh; 11 jbip :"-1t 1s the more remarkable there- but gives us no deriv. :....:it feems to come ii
fore, that thefc great critics, and particularly . coput ; meaning one who holds up his bt11d in .a
Spelm. when he pronounced thcfe harlh w·ords, proud, baugbtf, /aucy ma;111er : confequently Gr. :
~nd· acknowledged chat our cock-boat came from fee CAPITAL: Gr.
the .Gall. 'C?1,11e, or the Sax. · co&;e, kogghe, and CORIER ; at the end, add;-or pcrhaps corier
•kogb, all which he allows !ignified concba ; it is m•y be derived, according to L itt. a K"e"•
the more remarkable, I fay, that he lhoold not lond<o ;' perf. med. K1<•ea, quod deglubi foleat;
immediately perceive that all chofe Northern to }/rip off lbe jki11. '
words were but fo many barbarous dillortions of CORONER ; at the end, add ;-let me how-
&or.cha, quaJi a co11<b-boa1, transformed inco CQCb, ever only obferve farther, that our common
or cotk-bo,;I, by leaving ·out tli~ 11 1 thus corha; people generally contr:ia coroner to crowner\
unde coque; or m<>re barbarou!ly frill co;l);se, and ·thoug h, 'as we have already fron above, and in
lr.oggb1, and kogb: let me now only obterve far- the Preface, it has no connexion with a (rown;
,thcr, that Shakefpear, &c. · · . but o corpft. ·
COG, or flat/tr; after coax, add ;-<"onfequently COTTAGE"; at the end, add ;-Wacbteri,is
Gr. as we have already feen under that an. and would. derive " cottage a Ger1n. kot ; jp.tm11ctl,
found that there is great fJTobability in this deriv. r:ubilt ferorum ; a kullen l tegtrt 1":--but this m ay
. ' COL'l'ER ; " a K.,.1,,, fci11do I unde Ko11•e· be derivrd either from K,u&..., ltgtre, ou:t!ert; t~
unde cult tr, mltel!um: If. Vo ft"-the lon" iron bidt , lo <O'IJer, ID jetrtlt tht111fa/·v u in : or, accord•
knife, which is placed before the plow'.."lhare, ing to Spelm. a K•tl•, cubile; a den r as above.
and which fir![ tuts the earth, while the fuare COULIS·; another pretty Fre nch dill:orcion,·
turns 1t up. and contratlion ofJefculum, a d iminucive ofjur;
COMELY; ric the end, add ;- or rather wi ch Jui&!, gl"a"try; confeq11ently Gr.: fee JUICE ' Gr• .
Caf~ub. we m ay derive comeJ;·, when it relates to COUNTER-PANE; ac the end, add ;- and
(lrtfs and a·ppeara11cc, a '' Kcf-'p.O~, ornatns nimii11, yet· there is another interpretation, and confe•
mtidu1, eltgans :".:.....Or even from K•~I'°'• !ignify- quently another deriv. given by Speln1. in
·ing the fame. pantila, which he firll writes in this manner, the
COMING-wt11<b: Skinn. would derive it from co1111ter-pain of an indenture; and chen explain~
~he " Sax. J:peman, plaurt om11ino; p1ulfa lepia'a, it by conlraria pagina: and therefore frill Gr. :
ingtnio· ala&ri1, ti lt£ta :''-it m'ay be fo; bt1t it fee PAGE: Gr.
fee1ns more natural to derive ir, either imniedi- tbe COURTESY of England; " qui uxore:n
ately from COME; meaning a girl, who is duxeri t," fays Spelm. " (in ju1 · curia!itati.s,) ha:
forward in her behaviour; and confc<1uently bentcm prredia, in quibus ha.'feditarii: fuccedai:
is always toming into view : or elfe it 1nay be onl y a proles ex ill is nuptiis oriunda; nafciturque ali~
difTerenc dialed: of COMEL Y; or BECOMING quando cj ulinodi prates, qure ~julando intelliga-
in her perfon ~ i. e. weal, and dreffed oul ·in' all ber tl1r vivere; · niaritlJS, moricr1te uxore, pr~diis
finery : ancl confcquently is Gr. ftill. gaudebit, quoufque hie vixcrit, tx grntia legts
COMl~f-y ; Ksuf'o~, vel pocius{, Grnatu.;t A11gli,e; ec dicitur ifla gratia, (Urialita1 Ar.glid! ;
modeflu.r ; unde <orni1, comitas; mild1:efs, gen1lt11efs, maritus ipfc tmenJ ptr curialital'111 ; by the cc11rtefr
polire11rft of behr.vio11r. · cf England :"- contequently Gr. as in the fore~
COiMRADE, feems at firll: light to he derived going art. COURTIER: Gr. · .
from the fa1ne root wi1h COl.'..fPANION ; but, CRIPPLE, at the . end, add ;-Somner is· o(
if the French orchogr. be right · (a thing fcarce opi nion, chat" vox illa nobis claudi-ptdtm nocans,
po/.lible to fuppofc) .viz . camarnde (for wmerede) cripple, q ui rtptrt, potius quam ire vidc1ur:"-
then it feerns co be derived from the fame root then confequcntly will take the fan1"C root wiili
with CHAMBER ·; meaning a -cba111ber-friend: CREEP: Gr.
but in both ioftance.s it is undoubtedly Gr. . C lUSPED ludcs ; at the end, add ;-me~ni ng
.• . '· .. 4 I• in

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_in- the{e ~o p0cts, riqip/etl, or _wri11AieJ by ftow.. and may in our language 'be not irnproperl.7
in~ over the pebbles. . . 1 called Jht grtt11try.
CROUD, or fiddle; at the encl, add ·; -" num- \
quid," fays " a ndibus,' 1-Iifpao. cuerda: D.
vel ·G r. ki•1•A.>?r.:, jlr_tpo, pla11do ?"-to make a
creaking, 'fqueaking 11oif.-. ·n AN-DRAFF }after the Sax. '<!an, add;-
CUBE; at die end, add ;-this is but verv '. DAN-DRIFF let us next trace outbJl?I'•
poor definition; for a pyramid · m.ay be a fa/id , DAN-DRUFF or rather Jr11i f. which
eq'!aaura/' figtJrt; but a . pyrami.d is not a (IWt: · feems to be but a various dialed of ·TevE, Jn 1
. tl\e Dr. lhould have fa1d, a cub1 is a folid qua· the Jregs, or refuft of ""' tbing ; fo that dtJn-drrff
ilrawgular figure, havingjix tq11aljides, like a dye. very properly fignifies /M'dit furfurace"' tapi/J#.
CUCKOLD, at .the end, add ; -there is how- rum 1 tbt dtanjings of hair, &c.
ever another' interpretation, produced by_Spefm. : . .DE ARY; "ull'.t : Ray:" perhaps only a di-
in drga, which gives a different idea of this word, mmunve of dtllr ; 1. e. "'J lifllt DEAR .: Gr.
and which he very juftly derives a" rucurbita; DE-FACE does oot fignify to fpoil tbt f«t
nam hoc Galli co11rourd vacant; et Angli nos or looks of any thing; ·b ut as Sp,elrn. in the arc
tancu m r in · I mina'mus :" - after wbicb, he Dijfacert plainly lhcws, it is derived a Jis-f•tl•
' quotes the following curious palfage; " fi quis . ell:; Jeffattr obfoletum Gall. Jefaitl hodiemum 1
.fidelis cucurbita'/J~ril dominu1n; i. e. cum uxore (fo much are they improved !) Angli adhut
cjus c.nrubutrit, vel co11cumbtrt fc exercuic, &c. :" lo t!ifau dicimus :" (fo much are we improved!)
-but ftill it is Gr. and now cakes its origin ~o that it is evidently derived from the follow-
.either ffo'!I Kvr1.,, c11rv11s; (It from Kvw1w, N1mbo; , 1ng art . .
lo lie down; unde CON -CUBINE : Gr. DEJ\1EAN, at . the end, add ;-or perhaps.
CUERPO; at the end, add;- a better dtmtan may be denved f(om the fame root wirh
deriv. given in the Sax. Alph. M ANN~RS: Gr.
CULINARY; at the end, add ;-and in this DE!vtEANS; at the end, add ;-or perhaps.
latter fenfe, it is evidently derived from t he G r. demtMtS, or demains, may be derived from tbe.
l\S we lball fee prefontly in the art. CUL~ fam<> root with MANSION: Gr.
l'URE: Gr. DE- PLORABLE; .at the. end, add ;-unldl
. CULTURE; at the end, add ;-quafi t<//o 1 the reader chufes to aci:ept of the followincr from.
und~ culler, culttllum, <11/tus, and cul111ra, to till, Litt. "pioro, quafi pla11go crt; Feft. ii ID•f">
pf/x1,1,. or improVl /a11d Dy Jil/t;ge i in which foQfe it p/enUI fam, (c. lacrymis ; Ut a y1,.,,.,, gemo, pun•s·
is ev.ident)y derived a Ko.-?.,, Ko?1.,, unde Ko11••, /um; et a /""'' m11tj/111, ple11us Ji1111; J a111 /11!~ T
&ulter, cuittllmn; the long iron kn ife, which ls am big w.ith furrow ; bis big r•tmd /tars.
ph~ed before the plow- lhare, and which firfl: cuts D ICKENS take it, according to Blount, i$
.&he carrh, while the lbarc turns it up : and in only " an · abbre viation of droi/-kins, or /iJ1/1.
this pbce means any method of education, any de:yils :"-confcquently Gr.
'11el!t~I i\nprovements. DIS-~LAY; at the end, add .> -Vel a n~,·~~
CURT IL./ \GE; at the end, add;-" curtila- plico, dijplico ; Jo 11nfold, la.J •ptn,jpread 4hroad.
gium, et rur1illum; diCl:url) .;enfco," fays Spelm. Dl-S'rAFF; after "Viz. add ;- that Ii.nee the
"ii Gall. rourlil; quod cit area fob averfi redium word jlaff is undoubtedly dcri11ed ab r,.,f''• i
par_te; vir/darium, bar/us; cui ap,po!ite refpondet tl...,, jlo ; lo fta11d, or wa/.t with;" difloff is oniy
Sa~ ..J'eop.'Ot: ; q •. d . olitorium ; peofl't: cnim olus : • jlidt, or Jla.ff,-&c.
s:c M. S. q uidam codex ,prifcus bortulanos inter- DOJ,.fISH}Sh,ering. 110, tells us,. tbot the
l'retatur turtiltrs :"-all this m.ay pafs; but DOl..T Cambro- ~ritannic word for jiull•s
.peop'6t , or rather yeopt:, is not the original of is dtljf, deriv~d a dali'll"i,: but Litt. very judi-
courti!; but is on]y a miferable Sax. di!tortion cioully traces dalivus a .:..v....., 1itt1idus 1 which is.
!Jf viridis, v iride; v irid, vu-1, peo.)lt:, wart, w or1s, likc"'.ife derived a 4,.-,,~, timid1t1, itnawu, d•bi/ii >
p r gru11s: apd ~s for the French co1~rtil, it is fearful, filly , foo~ijb 1 cowards and f•o/J being al·
nothing more t han anotht:r m iferable Fr. Gall. woys afr~id: Co that our words feem to have
·Jaw Latin difiortion of Xo~1or, b•t tus, quari 1nade this progrefs Alfi.or, <l.Ef"""'• dalivRs.; tl<iff,
bortilagi um, eorti/agium (or r1!the r chcrti/ag ium) delpbifh, dolpijh, tkilti/h, dell.
hill.'!lon: ignorantly currniled , transfigured, and DRAB, O'r '°"""o" womate.; at the end, add;-
rransformecl inro t(!Llrtil \ to flg~i fy a final/ pi"e kt me however ju!t ob.ferve, that a dr4b being
of gr•t111d, '"'~efed /Jebind a boufe; .in which are of the Jowell: kind· of proftitutes, may not be
planteq all forts of gtttns, and kitchen herbs; improp erly derived a Te,.E, f<t·x (populi;) ti:•
10 · •tawtj

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EM .A D D E N D A. E U ..
_,tu.fl fpecil't of women of the town, tbt Jngs, where i lord e-nters, as f~rn huntirig, and" ot•
'11def-ftollri1tgs of brothds: quafi TtaE, Jra:t,drao. den his hurltfman· to
. DRAFF-jbtip 1 at the end;add;- and ytt, fincc ·------tend~ well my bounds
t hcfe lheep are Jra11gbuJ off, not for their bei ng Brach, Merriman, the poor cur ia htlbt./I :
the beft, but tlN w orft pan of the flock, it feems which Slr T. fun. fays, implies the poor cur hu
but natural to fuppofe, that a draff-Jbtt! is de- .. bh jli#ts jfJOtlfd :"-but fiill it is Gr.: fee BOSS
rived a Tev£, f~x, (gregis ;) 1bt drtgs, or rtf11ft of of a jbit/J :-how widely authors differ I
the !lock. ENG-LAND}'afr~r land's t#d, add1 - land lince
DRAlJGHT, ji11k, or fawer: Gothic as this ENG.- LISH J Shering. allows, that"" A•glo!
word may appear, it is pure Gr. ~nd derived a rum no1nen adoptivum erat ab An1ulo ubi confe!
TevE, f,q11, (domOs i)'drtts, ordraff1 or the place clerint, tranfiatum ;" and fince, in p. 36, bf
of the houfl: where ojf-ftourings of every thing likewife allows, that Ethelwerdus
are colleeted. (now take away the parenthelis, and na111-)
DRF..AM i at the end, add ;-after all, I muft ESSOIN; at the end, add;-" tffonitr Gallis, 4

defirc leave jufl: to produc;e :inot~cr dcriv..from according to Spelm. " et txonitr, cft t.~t11j11rt ;, a~
Cafaub. in " Ae"I"'• hinc opinor Angl1curn anguft.ii1, r•r4, vel /abort lion:art:'"• privat1vufn efti
drt1111111 fam~ium :"-and indeed 'fo far as it relates ct fa111g eft tttrd: fed et aluus nmontur fontem a&
.t o works of fa11g may be applicable enough 1 but £E'I''"••••, quod non foJum eft nuufart, fed ioter-
can fcarcc be applied in a literal fcnfe. pofito j urtj11r1111io hoc f.ictte; ab ££. a 1 et '>'""·""
DULCEATlat the end, add ;- though J11/tt1, j1tro; ct foro cquidcm bene convcnit ifla deduc-
DULCET and Jutcis, fec1n more naturally tio, ubi fine jurama:to non adminitur cxcufacio:
to be derived ab H:O.,, t!ulcis , f ,,a'Ui.s; fwttt. - all thi' lacter interpretation n1ight have been·
DU LES, or Doolts; Spelm. in Def-r, obferves, (pared 1 for furely this great critic would nevor
that the " Sax. brel, pars, pcrtio ; a b't::lan, 11itJi- have us altius rin1ari fontem of tjfain in ee.,. ....t"'·
Jer1, Jijlribtl(rt, may have given origin to Jules, EUR-OPE; Eoe<:.....,, En,.pa, the daughter
vcl Joolu ; hinc in Jocis paluftribus (undipcrti•nt1, cif Agenor, king of Phcrnicia i J upiter in the
qua: vi ritin1 dij/ri/Ju1111/11r, de/es appellant, et pr..i:- form of a bull is faid to have carried . t)li~
d'iorum m•l•s ; Jaohs ; q. d. porlionts :"-confc- lndy from Phcrnicia into Crete ; and from
qutntly Gr.: foe DEAL, or tlijlributt, or portion this incident, (which has nff'ordcd 'ii noble
?U t into p1rttls : Gr. fobjccc both to poets, and painters) fome have
imagined th at this quarter of the gl~be has re-
ceived its denon1ination; but then it would feem
E. fo1n<thing firange, that Crtlt itfclf, which alone
ought to have been called E11ropt , from Europa;
has incircly loft that appellation, or rather indeed·
ARNESTLY l at the end, add ;-or rather
E with Cafaub. in ~"'I'"'" we may derive
t11r11eflly ab At,..t••, pro jllllliosi aliquid profcqui;
never had it to Joie; and that :ill the rcft o(
Europt, which had no connexion with that cvenr,
(it being confined to Crttt alone) lhould have
oli1n line dubio vulgarc ; cujus apud H omcrum retained ir, tho', as we obferved, it had not the
veltigia Jignilicationis in iltis, quz dotliffimu1 leaf!: connexion with thac curious incident: th\s
Stephanus ex illo profcrt, Odylf. A. 51 therefore feems to be but a very vague defini-
Ae~v/-'•~•r .,,.,7, .J.1.1"~,., x:c• :.·ort11 !1:i'e;~.
tion :-Clef. Way. 26; and Voe. 206, h.a1 given
Mag•li tur4 fervans animam fuam, ct reddi- 111 a for more rational explanation, if he had but
tlJO' fociorum.
at the fame t ime given us a more regular clcriv.;
EMBASSADORS; at the end, add ;-ii ls re· hut, he fays, " E11rgpe itfelf ugnifics a land
markable that J uflin, lib, ii. tells us, thar "prin1us fnri"t or oppoftte 10 the Eoj/': ' Eueu<, and ·n.i,,, at
s,ythis helium indixic Vexores, rcx lEgyptius, length prevailed, and continues in lorcc to this
miflis primo lt11onih1ts, (kgatis) qui boftibtJs pa- day :"-here are two or thr~c little rniftakes i
rcndi lcgem diccrcnn-legati enim rcgurn olirn two moll: evidently of the ·prers; (or it ought to
l111onts appclbti font." · have been E•t •» noc E•t•<: and inltcad of n.j.(,
Ef\11-BOST, as " when any animal foams ot it fhould have . been printed n.i,: thef~ arc only
tb: JOo:itb, nnd lfanp. • out lbt tong1": tks t•ll•t t1T ; trivial faults; but k t us hope t hat this gentle-
S pan. to taj/ OM/ >f 1l·• m•utb: Blount :"-confc- man, or the 6rft impofers of this appellation,
qucntly Gr. : fee DIS-EM· BOGUE- Shakc- did not intend
. ~ ,, and n-..,.1 , :is
£t.1e;;•, or even E~oof,
fpcar has given us this word, tho' pcrhaps not in Greek for cppefi1e t he E•fl; we might as well
tl1i1 fenfe, in his 'faming the Shrew, aet i. (c, ::1, fuppofe, that E11rc-falie10 was Latin for f 11<iNJ
4 F "2 l bt

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.A I> D 'E N D A.
-tbt,EajJ: a.'ld .on the othe,r-hand, Eve•< .n.J,·would f11j/tllo l al it er faflio, pro- ligo111/1u; et afafc~~ hree
be 1icerally broad-faud; as in that expreffion of are, Lat. ct lea!. undc nos Jaji, and fajltn diet-
.Hop,ier• .fi~e•;•"'" . 2'"'' the br•11,d-eyttl jo•;e :- in mus :"-only · !lill it is Gr. as under the arc •
lhort then~ j~ . fecms.. ~ore probable 10 fuppofe, FASCINES: Gr.
that 1;::ir.op,e .1s. not. denved ab Eveor and·O.j., but FEAS'l'; at the end, add ;-this !aft dcriv.
i~-oriif a'c~nt~a{tion o( terra E•ro-oppojita ; from might lead us to fuppofe, chat /ta.ft was dc-
Eve•<• Earus-; the Eo}J ; and ·e.,, P•1to, •PPDfitus; fcencled a ~l')'Of'SI> tdO l quafi fagajl, foftened,
~p,pf!!it<,or facing the Ea.ft; .i. e, tbe lf/ejltrrr <•¥n- into ftafl. · •
lry ; or 1be Wtfltrn q11arltr of the then known fEG, accor,dipg to Ray's orthogr. foems to be-
world. · · . • the fame ,with FAG; particularly Ii.nee he has
~";EY_i -~f~ei tht"z;trb, add ;~E- «.,, fi110; lo fiffer, explained Ji by flag, or tirt; eonfi:qi1ently Gr.
to plr1ni1, 'or make lawful: or rather a A•y.,, dico ; FE-MP~LE; at the end, add ; -tho' perhaps
j 11s Jiart ; unde ltx, kgis, without the prepofitive ic might be better to fuppofe, t!iat female was
A 1 thus e, ~e, ty, l'cy, le.v ; law ; according 10 compounded of fe, and mcle, in oppolition to
)us .O\Yn d"linition of the word par-l'•)~mot .:­ malt ; as mon, ~.nd wo-man: lh uuld this be right,
an\I wltat may con:oborate this coujech1re, is the then fe would bea~· the fcnfe of wt, or wu ; i . e.
~utnority , o.f Spclrn. who, in Ei,i, has thcfe .re- /itlle, or lrjfar; the wtaktr-1~ale ; the f!!taktr, 'Vrjfal:
markable words, '.' 6• uc folet, ·in y , vel i, - confcqucntly Gr. frill: fee F.'\IRIES : (,r.
tranfcu~.te.; . fi_e /"! pro. 11:6; 'l!'n! pro po3 ; Jay FERRIER; commonly written and pronouncet)
pro bre;s; ct rnfiocta bUJUfil)Oth :' -fo chat tuy-« f 1>rritr, but evidently derived a rl•f"'• quafi
(eems to !iavc giveo origin to lex, ltgis ; uodc I1!Pftor, I.11ffr~.,) d11rum, fo!id//111 : i. (". /errum;
fty, ey, tt, and e, as above; a.ll. fignifying law. meaning che fmith, who Oiocs the hod<s; bl.ll
EY in ter111ina1ions, is very judiciouOy ex- now u red to lig nify chiefly ~be borfa-ltach, or
plained by Spelm. in Eia, in the fcnfe of ir.J11la ; bcrfe-dof.lor. .
imd is' derived, as he fays, " ab ea~e, oculsu, et . F ERRUGJNOUS; artcr particlrs of iron, add;
guu111(only1hofe two words take ditferenc deriv. -tbo' inderd f errum feems to be deiccnded im-
in Gr.) nomenque hinc concraxic in(ula, quOd mediately ii Il•r"" quali I11ii"" durum, folidum ;._
inftar oc11li, vel fYVi, fe in mari cxh ibet ; lie i: e. ff-rr11111 : our \VOrd ftrr11gi11qu1 is compouncJ<:>d
ZU,mf~y, Sbeep·ey, Htrlf-cy, exponuncor 'in(ula o f ftrr11m and rubigo ; meaning the color of ir.on.-
f ' it1_11m, ovium, arvoru'!' :"-confcquently Gr. as riifl : fee FERRIER t 6r.
In either of the following arr. FESCUE, at t.h e end, :idd ;-or perhaps, ac~
, EYRE; at .chc end, add ;-Spelm. likewifc cording to Lin . /tfou may be derived a :l:x,•~...
~onflrms - the above deriv. '' ittr, vel i1intra1io, jindo, fiJ!us; unde feftuca,-afi.f!ion t ; u t fie aliquid
majoribus noftris idem fult, quod bodie circuitus cenuc ex ligno J.jfi1111, • cjuali feftum ; any fmall
jujliti{lriorum, defignatos fibi co1nitaios ad ju!li- fplinte r, ,.;.,,,,,, or.f cpnraJtd from a largcc pi.e.ce
tian1 ~x·equeodan1 itintrantium ; alias tier (ab it tr) of wood.
I pro more Gall. clifo :"-and therefore rhe office FINGE R; ~t the end, add ;-Spclm.. fUppoffs
Jlefpeaks t~e man, and c!labli01es 1he propriety fiilf!trJ may cake their denomination " quaCl
tif the denv. fangc1·s; ;. e. <t:pl~res ·; )' _:...., 1b r g ripers, faiz trt,
, .. .. F. 'bo1dtrs ;-but 11ill th ey .re G r. acc.o rding to the
firfi d«riv. in this arr. : ft e likewife FANG: Gr:
AD.GE,..'!)'lay FINICAL, or chc bei ng •.,,,,._fine,' ncal, or tl1-
F be derived either as an abbre-
viac\on of FATIGUE; Gr. : or rather, ac- litate ; confequently· will cake che fame d criv•
cording to Litt. fro1n/ado (i . e. a <:>u-.,,fio,facio;) with FINE, that is,higbryFINISI-lED; Gr . .
10 J!• to w~rk, lo makt any thing fie aryd adapt. F JR;T H, according to the Gr.; andfrilb, ac-
· FAq, either from .the fame root with FLAG, cording 10 the l;.ac. l~ng. ; but both firth, and
and tiri ; · or perhaps may be only a concraalon of frith, originate a @1e•'> by tranfpo!ition re@...,
FATIGUE : but ftill in either cafo it is Gr, . quafi FrfG~; vel a ;:.,.13.,, f'1'veo, ftr-:;i; ftrJum, by
' . FALCON'; at the end, add ;-this (cems co be tranfpolicinn. frttum; ' 10 boil, or fttbt ; bccaufc in
it probable deriv. and yet perh~ps not the right narrow !traits, or firtbJ, t he fea, on account c;f
·o ni:; for vy :i chterus would derive " rolt-ou the !hallows, forms perpetual breakers, whid1
'from the J7akh-haFoc, q ua: proprie accip[crern roll and tumble obour, like water boiling in a chat:.
P:<rttrinum denofat :"-chen ftill it ma.y be ,Gr.: d'ron, i. e, are in continual working and agi1a1io1n
fee W ,/\L-n111 : Gr. · or> as Virgil obferves, • '
· FASTEN; at the end, add;-Spelm. rnFijltlL1, · - - fcrvccque frttis fpirantibus requor.
"lei fafldla, gives us ano.t.hcr d.eriy. yiz._ "ab Ital.. .. Geo, l : ·J2'f. ;
.. . .. . l\1ilto4

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F ~· i . D"D & N 6 A; • @
Milton has- adopted th'e L<itili' o~thogt. and fays, not have us dtrive v11lg111 from the So. when it
-----'- ·n'O· narrow Jritb is fo evidently Gr. as we havejull now fecn, under
Hl.! 11ad .to:crofs. ,.. , '.'''' · '' ~ '· ·.. the art. FOLK: Gr.
· •. . . Par. Loft. II. 99. FOOD ; at the end, add ;-but perhaps food
FIST ; :tt ·the end, add ;- " pug1111s ; ex L atino may be more properly derived a il>1~(3.,,fervto; unde
fu.fli.s .orrum eBe non improbabi)<," fays Cafaub. foveo, fo'IJi, jot-um ; food : as in FODDER:' Gr.
"in K0>.tvAor :" Littleton derives fujlis apoflis, i. e. FORD; at the end, add ;-tho' Cafaub. 16 9~
P«•1r••• a ffitk, ~lub, or cudgtl. would derive fcrd rather a vad1tm, quali vorilum ;
. · FLACKE1'· ; " a bottlt, made. li.~e a barre!: a ford, or paJ!ngt, through a. river on foot, or
Ray ·:"..-thcn· perhaps it is only a "diminutive horfeback.
of jlaj}el; which is again but a diminutive of · FORE-ST ALL; " Sax . Fope , pr~, vel ante/'
FLASK:Gr. . ,.,. · · ' f.1ys Spelm. " feu a r-ape, ~·ia; (both which Sax:
FLAMEN, according to Blount, originates words arc Gr.) et real, flab11!tm1,flatio; (which
from lljfamtn, or the .fil!ct they wore:" -confc- Gr.. . likewife) hinc. forflallat
queotlv. Gr. : fee FILLET: Gr. . .
. .
or .is dicitur, qui
1r1 ':.IJa ren1 an11onar1a01 1ncerc1p1ens merca.cur;
. FLAT. milt i . at the end,. add ;-and yet ,per- i:oque impedit; ut ad forum vennlium addull:a
haps i.t may poffibly be deriv~d ;\ r~avY." : thus publicre exponarnr vendirio11i !"-,vhoever flop;,
rA"v'°I• b/aucus, b/auJiuJ, ,b/aviu.s, bktt•11t,.bfat/115, or obftrutls any articles coming to market, and
bfaJtbin, et blallin ; idem quod bltiltti; u nde buys them •up, in order to fell the1n dearer to
flat/a; 1. e. p1irpurt1; a blue; or rather pale b/uifo the public :-confequendy t'hc whole compound
co/qr; as · tobey, or flat .milk lo-0ks. is Gr. : fee FORE, or before; FARE, or thOTougb-
!''LA~ ; ·at the end, add ;-which may per- fare ;· and "STALL :-unlefs we m~y foppofe:
haps be more eafily derived i\ B~a£, jlattus, jlac- that fort here is ufed only as a contrafrio11 of
cidus; long, lank, and pliable; or elfe from ro... ~ •• FORUM : Gr. ~ .
jlotfus ; a l.otk of woo!,joJt and dowity. a FOUT -NART; "a jilchet; according ro
I•L~ wilh wings; at the end, add 0- though Rav :"-but it feems to be onlv an error of 'the
11erhaps, according to»Cafoub. 169, it 1night be prefs for FOU, or FOW-MA'ltT:-confcquent-
better to derive fly from .._.o/o; qua Ii f olo: only lv Gr.
n ow volo Is Gr.: fee VOLANT: Gr. · · FOWL of tbt air; ar the end, <add;-" fo"n1~
· FOCUS; at the end, add •-there is however times written Jug/as;" fays Verft. " ·and in th'C
another interpretation in the art. ALT-AR, that Netherlands they call thtm vogbels :"-a1)d bot!\
might induce us to derive f ocus from quite a '.f un. and Skinn. have fuflicie'ntly !hewn, that our
different .roo.t.; viz. ~' altnre diis flrperis; ara, ·word fowl is ·derived fron1 the " Sax. fu3ef,
ter~eftribus; Ct foctts, ,five j&robjc1i/us, infcris :"- fu3I, F"I ; Alman. fogal; Iceland. Jug/ ; Belg.
now jcrobicu/11s looks as if "·c oug ht to derive fetus 'IJ6ga!' omnia funt· a j/eoft; fu.~tre, volare , .._
iitfotiitndo; uodcfoJ!I/$ ;' u ndefotus; lht bem·th i be- t hen we may ~eafonably fuppore; that a·JI thore ·
ing antiently a trcni:h dug in the g rollnd,.totcceive barfh Northern words were but fo many differeot
che lire dedicate;! to the infernal gods : but dialects of volarc ;- particularly the Belg. fJogat";
when.foois fignifies th at P?int in which rhe raxs which •foems ' to be only a contratlion of voga/are,
of· light conver. ge rhrp' a coovcx lens, 9r from a "for"!Jtilare; · 10 fly: fee VOLANT, or FLY with
cooc;w¢ fpc~ulum, ir11nay then originate a <!>wr, " : Gr.
vel if>""""'• by cranfpofition ll>w• w<, fotu;; as above. FRO\'JN; at the end, add;-" O~evr,Jtiptr•
. FODDER Jor ·<"ait!e; .<!l•fi3"21 a·<l>·~J3w, fetvco; iili11m; Cafaub. -ra::.r o~ev~ fT'J)'l.ZfH"' fuperciiia ccn.1.
u.Ade JrQ'VtfJ ; a/q, r.uJrio ~ to .,ft4d~ 11ourijh, cberijlJ. ' trabert; to nip, or tontra!J the brO".JJS ;" or, as he
F.OJ)DER a ·garmt11/, at the end, add ;-or obferves, "' Angl i uno verbo, to frow nr: fed et
foddtf ·m•y perhaps be 'father derived a 4'e•e• ... brC"d); f f1Jns,jupercilium; ab eadcm origine; cum
'muni1;un111m, pr,,.fidium; not for the. reafon given ct de monte quoque dicant A~gli, tbt brow of'a·
by Jun. under che arc.• FURR; bu[ becaufe a bill; ut Grreci, ·~f"'" T;; 'j"'· ·
foddtred g4rme111 is a garment li11ed, or only guard- FURIOUS lat the en<, a~d ;-or dfc a <l>0>«x:·
ed, or bordered wrth furr. FURY , tranftunre in r ; a <1>0...,, tladu;
FOLLO\'V, ; at the end, ·add ; - i t fe'e ms u.- vel ol>o"""• tdJdem ptrpetro ; to perpetrate a11y kind
ther to cake a diffrcent de~iv. according to Spelm. of miJthitf.
jn " Folgare, alitcr /11/gart, a· J"J13an ; Jerr<Jirt., FOR-LONG; at thc ·end~ adi:I ;-Spclrn. calls
jtqu.i, J eflari; unde vox noilra vernacula, to fol- it" fladi1'm, vel ~ttarertlina dicicur, non ucCowellus
low: hue refpicic Lat. vu(~uJ, pro quo veteres exiftimar, qua Ii ftrlingiu ttrrd1; fed qw•fi a f 11,..
'lltt{g,u dixcre :" - bitt furely tbis.grcjlt cri~ic woulq· r1r..u·long i .i. c. quod uno progrclfu ararru1Yl
.. . ' .. ' .. defcribir,.

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G• A• D' - E ~: I;> ~ (i . o:
defcribit 1 antequam regredicur ;- et continet' ple- GARRET; after both fl)bfrh are Gr. add; -
ni'mque '49 RCrticas, feu 9clavam p arcem 1niliaris Wachterus likewife would derive '! .g""'' a Genn.
Anglici." wa-rte, quaf1 gwarr.el-; munitip : vd .warttii; ob-
• FYE a pond; per!,iaps nothing rnorc than a el..,ar.t;"-!>ut ;fl:ill it fcems to con1e from the
contrathon of pttri-FY, or ·cfea11fa: if fo 0 it is fan1e roor ;· viz. · arid WARD'; "qua(i
Gr.: · fee PURI· FY : or elfe. we muft refer to wn.rdret ; or GUAR:D, quafi g1iardt1.: Gr•...._
the Sax. Alph. · l\.1mlbew, &c.
G AV-EL-KlND.i at the end,. add 1.-Spdm~
G. tho' his Glolll!ry-was partiGularly ·i ntendea to tx-
plain tue JTIJ,>Cl: difficult poinis in · the · ·liht~oi
AFFER; o nl y a contra&ion of GOOD- records, fuppo(c.s gpve/lcind to be · derived ~
G F ATHER : confequently Gr. " I:i arel, feu ;!;•Fol, debitum, vcl tri/1111-; et
GAIN, or haJJdy: though both Liu. and cyn, ·vel kynl:i, joboli, pttiri1, gtlllTI :"-confe-
Ainfw. have produe<:d the negative con1pound of . qucntly "(Ould be G~. ftill; as in GABEL, "
t his word, viz. 1m-gai11, which rhey have very tribute: but his own interpretation feems to ~
properly defined by ineptu.<, i11babi/i1; yet neirher againft: him; for h.e begins his an. ·with thefe very
-0f them have g iven us the word gai11, in rhe fenfc words; " Prifca Anglorum-Saxonon1 c.oofuctud<i
of hand], or trnflablt ; neith~r have any of our e Germania ddat11, qua 1Jm11ts filii ex requis por:
etymol . taken che Jeact notice of it; for they tionibus, &c. :"- but there is nothing in his
l1ave all left it out ; and yet, like our lexicogr. compound to anfwer all the childrm, in which
they have got the negative compound, UR-gai11; words thi: whole power of the compofit ion is
· which Skinn . would derive from the" Sax. J7me ; included ; and therefore the forrncr interpretation
.charus, gratus ,,, aud Lye, from Uan~an t i1·1; ought rather to be preferred.
Jo go ; q . d. is, " qui quicqu"td aggred1tur inepte, GE\VGA \VS; •t the end, acid ;-this is the
atque incallide facil :"-in both which inftances common acceptation of the word, into which.
it would b~ Gr. :-but gain fcems rather to take < erymol. fc:em to have been miO~d oy fup-
its origirl, either fro1n rav!lf, /,cfitia, 'UtJ!uplflJ; co poling that' it comes from the fame root with
do any ching with eafe, nnd plcafure: or clle j<"JJe/11, and }•J• : but it m ight rather be written
from Koi:111&;, 1101..!JIS; q·uafi>'Ol, to do it in <}Ui ce gugatoJ, and derived ii fuy.,, Gygn, Craft proavus 1
a new and txptditious method; · not in the o/d. Ov /At' p.1>.M ru-'Yll~J
faJhicntd, clumjy, aukward ttumner. fay.s J\nacreon in rhc beginning of his 15th Ode 1
GALLIG.i\:fti11s ; at the end, add ;-a fpecies Gyges was king of Sardis, and renowned for the
· of /eatber-brerthes, made in a loofe form, like profulion of his wealth ; and hence his name
failors' t rowfers. might have been given to every txp1111jive toy, of
GANDER; afcer ·cajaub. and Up1." d;/e all gugaw.
the remainder. GL.A NCE; at the end, add ;-and yet per-
GAOL ; various are the method s of writing haps it might be better to derive glmtct a A<>l'lflfi
t his word; fomet imes we find it written goal; q uali f),,.l',j.•r, fulgor, Jplendor; converted into
fometimes gaol; and fomecimes JAIL; in which gl'11tCt; meaning a fuddeo curn of the eye, whicli
l aft lo rm it wi ll be conf1dered under its proper always gives a bright, Jpltndid, tho' at the
art. : in the 1nean cime, let us confider it under fa1n e time an indictin{l: vition : fee Jikcwife
· its prcfent appearance ; and we fl1all 6nd, tbar, GLI~A PSE: Gr.
according to Jacob's Law d i{l:ionary, " gaol is GLASS ; at the end, add ;-Litt. fuppofes
d erived it gMlo; Fr. gtole; i.e. gav10/11; a cagr that glaft is the original of " gfitJ-tum, quod
f 0 r birds; is ufed metaphorically for 11 prifo11:" - vitreo colore tingeret aglafs diftun1 ell :"-but
1hould this be the true dcriv. as it undoubtedly though both gla)Mm and vitrum u.goi(.y woad;.
is a very proper definition ; we need only ob- or that plant with which our BritHh anceftor3
ferve, that even this deriv. is Gr. for gaol, gcola, Cl:ained t.h eir bodies b/Jtc, yet I never heard thar
geolf, and gavrola, are all vilihly and. evide.ntly chat plant entered at all into the fafritious com·.
derived a ct1t •11J, ttl'l/ta, ca•vecltl ; Whtdi are <IS po!ition of glajs.
~vidently derived a K••<, KoFo~, ravuJ; bol!ow; GLUTTON i at . the end, add; - quafi
;i ny cai·ity, bole, · or place of confine1nent : fo gulul/011, contraaed co ·glutto11.
that, even accord ing to this comm<ln· orthogr. GOBLET; at the end, add ;-tho' wic.h Spe1m.
aod com1non accepration, it is Gr. ; nay, thar it in j&ala, we might rather fuppolc, that goblet
' is derived from ·that language Cl:ill, cho' we lhould was but a tranfpofition of " glc/Julel a glilbus,
write itjAJL; as we haveju!t now obfervcd. fph~ra; quod porationis vafculaglobtJ/01 imiunrur

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•fimilitudine orb!culari !"-and hence dchff/a·lnniJl: fays Sj>e'lm. " qure 0ort'i'funt In Icaliam, (ul) anl)·
' • '. "' •• - I' •, '. ' ' • • '

,i..;wqnly. .ftilJ it is Gr. ,: fe<> GLOBE : Gr. ' ·123'8, ·et per 260 fore annos g.r av illime faivir." .
; :• GOGGL.E-.,-ciL; after cquam quis'maxim~,'" add:; "· GYPSY; at the end, add ;- tho' Spch11. quotes
'-tocks feoms to be deriveil a Kv.A.,<J., Cyclqps; o Muofte rus, who fays, " apparucre primum in
monjfer wi1b 011/y one br1ad t)'t in bisfortbead; but Gern1ania, ann. 1417, nigredine deformes, ex-
•the Sax. rc~l fcems to be ~crived a Ex"'"'• quaft .cofti folc, irnmundi vefte, in ufu rerum omniulJl
·lik•r'-•;, ftraho; o jquinter : or perhaps goggle foodi:; furtis in primis dediti, pr:t!fertim foeminz,.
1'1'lay be more ftmply derived ab Oxxo;, quali qua! viris inde viftum perhibent." . ·
l'oi x>vir,ocu/111 ; tht ·t yt; meaning a p~rfon who has · '
14rge,pro•i8t11lt)'t -ba!/.s >"-"(now-Skinn. has,&c.} · · H. · ·
• · GOOSE; after Upt." add ;-it n11y at firfr . ,
light appear fomething extraordinary, that both · HAB- NAB; at the end, add i-Ic't me bow•
Cafaub. and this gencleman lhould derive our ever only obferve, that hab-nab feenlS tc»
<word goefe from x~., or x ... : which looks as if be but a d iminutive of hap, or takt; and conf~­
'thcy had nuftaken their goof< for 11 gando't' ; but quencly may be Gr. ftill, through another chan-
herc is no. mifrake in ' their conjefture; for, nel: fee HAP, or Jake: Gr. .
{different as thefe words may ·appcar} both goof<, HACK NEY; at the end, add ;-this however
and gander, may be d erived from the lime feems to be but a partial deriv. and applicable
.fouree; thus, luicording to· Lit. x•., Dor. X«>, ooly ro a hotje; but when applied to a totJth, to·
,g en. X•n•;: unde Germ. gans (whence gander) t1 pro/fituu, to t1 writer, &c. ic fcems to take a.
ec amiffo 11, gas; or g.aas ; undc goeft :-"lhould t his · different root, which has· nor yet occurred : as to
nol: be admitted, we muft refer ti> the Sax. A lph. , the prefent word, W achterus would derive nag
. '•GOWN; at t he end, add;-yer Spelm. in Gttna, " a Sax. IJn::e;i;an; bhmire ; lo ntigb; ficut hinnus,
'Contends for this dcriv. " fed li,c et inter Gr=o- et binnulus, ab binniendo ; quin ec a Sax. J:ln::e;i;an,
'barbaras voccm rcjicit Meurftus, a Gra:co tamen traufpoftris literis, fit bac11ai :"-but, to NEIGH
-.r .,.. pro 1....1.., i.e. gtt111a non male dicatur, is undoubtedly derived ~ J:>nre;i;an; as that likewife
quafi vdhs qua:: genii'! cegit; ut b1t111t rale, qua: I 'fecms to. have been formed by a con.traccion of
,b11meros; podera, qure pedu. ; •bin -NlO; it will rhercfore be evidently Jhewn
GRA-MERCY; at the end, add;~ but 'per- I under the art. \VI":JlNNY, t hat cacb of thofe·
<haps it might be better' to fuppofr, tha~ g,.amercy words is Gr.
was con1pounded of grant }'OU mercy, lirer;rlli• ; fiAFT; at the end, add ;-tho' we might
-and confequently derived fro1n two different rather, with Cafaub. 170, derive haftimmcdiattly-
words; but both Gr. · ' from " c-apulus, quali bafulus r quia ea partc
. GRAVE, or ru!tr; nt the end, add ;-Spelm. I t opi11r.1s enfem; &c." -only capiin11s. is Gr ..: fee
'is of opinion, that grave is derived a " . I:icper• ; C,'\PTIVE: Gr.
<per contractione111 UJl<Fa; Belg. grtl'IJe; fimplex , HAND ; at the end, add ;-as to- die word
1gitur vox et\.R:ef·~l ~t pro hac nos hodie rtve uti- ha11di rfdf, Cafaub. 289, would.derive it ax.,.lv1.~;,
mur :" -but 11:11 ll 1s Gr. : fee REEVE: Gr. p11g11us ; 1be fifl; but as that 1s Jbt hand only 10,
GREAT: (begin with} " Cimbri, ·qure juxta one circumQancc, \\'.hen clenched, it m iglic perhaps
Ptolc1nreum," fays Shering . 58, " ad pane; be better t O abide by the former deriv . above.
maxi me feptentrionalcs ·C herfonefi fedebam , ·HAPP-AR LET; or '' bap-bar!fJt,'"fays W ach-
p>fte·a fynonymo vocabulo Gel.e vocati fon t: terus , " . a doje CO'lltring; anlo, /e{li jlrngulum
lizt: enim Sax. giga..1e111·ftgnificat :" -now tire'C:, crn.ffeus; q. d. r. harlot by bap, to keep one warm;.
and great, appear fo very rnuch alike, both in fi defit 1neretri.x, detur aliquid forte for111nd ad;
fuund, and lig,nification, that they fccm to come ' .fover1dos arius, vice meretricis; vox ludicra:"-
'from one and the fame origin·:-and therefore, but whatever jocularity there may be in the ex-
'-&c. preffion, eve n according to bis own intcrpretationr
GROATS;"' ~a1m1al: Ray:"-pcrhaps it is it feems to be Gr. ; for, fince this tlrlft cwmng.
enly a contra&ion of GROUND, and· OATS, or is laid en ad fovendos artus, it is b ut nacural to'
"'ls groun4 fip.all : i( fo. it is half Sax. half G r. foppofe, that bap here tneans n? more than.
"' GROUND, or foil; at tbe· end~ add ;-cho' to heap on the da1bu; and confrqµe otly Gr.:
:perhaps· we might rather with . Cafaub. derive : fee 1-IEAP, and HA~LO_T; Gr.: o r dfc hap·
'!'°'"'Jab A·re•r, ager; a fidd of pww<d. land.·.. m•y cake the fame de riv. with HAPPEN: Gr ..
G R O\V; "J. am troubled: Ray :"-it feems I-JAHP.OON; (begin with) 'Af. .9-?o:, rapio ; .
to be only a contraetion, and. a d ifferent diale8: ot undc "f""'Y'r" 'barpago11u, contrafted co harpoons,.
GRI EVE.: Gr. · ' ·or-grappling ircnr; 'Iii~. fucb barbed irons as they
. GUELPliS ~begin witJ\>;,_" Dua: fall:ion.e s," commoo ly llrik.ewhalcs.with: .hen~likewifc-&c.
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H A RT, ·or fl4g; ·~ lhnilc efr,''. fays C;afaub. rather to be $ax. · becau(e. /ooms; or J/dlltJ; inay
· !106, ~· quod etiam ex Latino ctrvus feccrunt mean h~re ~ny articles .o f )\o,ulhold goods; .and
.Angli bear/ ; (he means bar/) T• ' • vel · Ji:, in ' par.1icu larly ·'." thofe ftanding,pieces of f11"1.V1•re,
· afpirationem emoili'to :"-'-it is '!-; \ionder this left in a t>ouft, that g o by. way o.f· i11htt:ila11&10:
' great critic lhould imagine' that cervus was .a Ray ;"-fee LOOM : Sax. . .
· Latin word ; whereas it' is G~. : for as' Li tr. very · I-JELEN ; at the en'd, add ·; -and y~~ it . ~
juftly obferves, that the flag, being fo remark" poffibk, after all, t.hat Helt11 may have l:?ttn d e;-
' able for his large · branching horn.t, was.. callcp rivcd from a dilfercn.c fo\irce; if wJ1ati' this laner
tervus, quOd magna tornrta gcrat; a Kie"'' (OYnif ; gc1itle1nan ,fays in "is, P ref11ce ~e·; right ; .,iz;
unde Kcr«ov, quod apud H om . 1>-.~~"' cer1;.ii 1 " Hc!e11, .li ve Htlaium, quia no1nen fr~q11_en.s. ·inter
cpithcton eft. Ge.tas fuit, ct q uia 1-lr lmo., Priam~ filio, ~· Geris
HA T CHE1'; after paj}ing over the Alps by datum dl; aGetico vocab ulolie/a11; Gern1. !f9/,,i'1
· vinegar, add ;-tho' t'he jocular D<an of St. Pa- q uod !ignificat ·fanare, . nomenclaturaq) fua·r)t
. trick's atr11rcs us, in his v<>yage toLaputa, or rather habuille :"- then they all fe~l'l' .ti'> or'igiqate from
· Glubilubdrib, that Hannibal himtelf 1old him, " he the fame root with,H~AL; or.he'l'lth ;, which, we
· had · not a drop of vinegar in his camp ;"- but have ju!l now (ee11, is G r. . : , . .: •.
,.gi,vcs us no folution of the di fficuk y : for this, •H EL VE ; rho' ic mean$ che fame·.a$, ba/r~
we are obliged to Ciel. who, in the paffage above yet it take$ a dilfer.ent del'iv. ; for Wachter\!$
q uoted fron1 him, Voe. fa)'s-" I would not, &c. d~riv~ the ." Germ. he/·ve, man11,hrium, it A.'!Jl~,
HATE; after Upt." add ; -we mig ht !'uppo(e a~1fa, capulus: R. A"f"{3"'~·"'• capio, ac'(ipjo :'.'-:-:9r:.
with Spdm. that bate was derived " ab alia, lhould t his nor be admiueef, we mull. ~hen r~(er
·otya, vd hatya; vox fori, qure nunquam quod t9 the Sax . A lph. . . · .. , . '" ·
· fcio, fe 'elfert, fi non In obfoleto brevi rcgio, H EM, or: b•rder 7Spelm. in !-Jam, fays, "forte
quod de udio et alia infcrib itur ; atia dl malicia· . HEM in S ab Ai"i""-• faftia; inde orll1"
acida ; a jhnrp, and cruel mal ice :"- which looks vejli11u111i eciam hodic the hfm appeBamus :"- tht
as if Jie intended to derive it from ACID ; Gr. : 'l/trge, or border that fun9m,1ds, e11comp · aj[t'S, or
but perhaps the deriv. from A?• above ought ra- e11defes any thing. .. . ,
ther co be preferred ; t he poets having· made her HIDE of la11d; after Upt. in, tb<: art 1 }iilD,E,
· the reputed goddefs of reveng~ <ll\d mifchicf. or conceal, add ;-'-HI DE ofJand; "non,'~ fays
.Fi!E.ARTI-i ; afrer bab1<trint, add ;-and th is Spehn. in /-Iida, " ut Polydorus iorelligi t prq
. opinion may be (:on firmed by Spetm'. in Flerth11s, (Orio bubulo ; fed hyb ab hyben, pro tegtre ; con-
" mallem vero dere nonicn tl<rtham fcribi, quam r.inet eoim hrec terr:e port,io, ( ut etian1 !J"llifum,
[{er /hum ; etiam. fine afpiratione inca:pt ivii; quafi ma11rrium, ct <;jufmodi) non folu.1n ipjam domu111
Erth111n ; namSaiwncs noflri, et no; hodie eaf1h, pro in qua habitatur, fed afcriptos. paritcr fundos,
terra'; ab Ee": hearth enim dicimus pro fccali ." quos diftiqguens alias vctu~ Be,da! in~etprc~
HEI R ; at the end, add ; -if the deriv. of Saxonicus, hybc-lanber, quafi lerras ad l));bam,
' Liu . and A infw. be right, we m uft rather derive feu 1tl111m perti11e11/ts appellavi t :"-then it i~
" hd!ru ab b,creo; · <Juod, qui bo£rts cft, h£r<t; undoubredly derived from the Gr. as in the. for~7
i. e. proximus en e1, Cl~US h.<rts efr; Sipont. going art.•
b.eres Jplld antiquos pro dcmino ponebacur ; ergo H IRE; at the c1,1d, add ; -al\d yec it might
:ib hera; q uod hei·us fi at; dom inio ad fe tranOa- be even better frill, to derive it with Spelm. in
to: Fell:•:_;this latter interp retat ion. feems the , herd and here, from the S~x. htpt'o, fafl'ilia _;
more probable : but in both cafcs it is deri ved and here, (or rather hter) eriam Germanis idem
from the fame fource; and confequently Gr. frill: quod Latinis herus, et d•111inus :" and under
fee AD-HERE: G r. Hurdi:rt-fefl, he fays, " 011 byred, jrrya11t, qu~fi
HEI R-LOOMS .l" omne utenfile rubuftius," fa mili.e ajcrip1us ;" or.e who: i's come . under th~
HEIR-LUM ES J fays Spdm. "quod a:dibus power and protcCl:ion of his ford, and mafle~;
' non facile revcllitur ; ideoque e>< more qu.o ron· i. e. become one of !>is /amiry•:- con(eq uently
dam )6coru1n a'i hlf'>·tde1n cranftt, tar1q~a:n m c1;1- G r. ltill; but now takes the fame <kriv-' wit(l
br11;1, IJ-£redi~11-~i1 ; n;i1n J?<;lep eft br.:1·tJ ; C[ leoma ; MYN-HEER : G r. ,
me111/Jr11m :''-then \'' le 1nay venture to affi rt)1> chat ' ,,H O B, or clown ( Bor.~r very properly obf~rves,
the whole tXJlrcffion is Gr. ; fo'r )Je1tf1 ·is viliblj" HOB-11ai/" H•li c'eft auOi dimioutif
'a 'Northern · transfor1nation of b.crts; which is de Robi>;; d_in1i~utif de. f{?bert .; ma is ni l'un,
Gt. : fee H EIR ; ab9ve >. and /tqma is n<;>thing , oi l'au!re . re fe difent _qp'en ftile familier : "~
'more than another transfonnation of LIMB; 'flob he~e means only a g1·ea1, thick-headed fellow,:
Gr.: tho', according to ~ur orthogr. 1t fetQ'IS· 1. e. a clown; confequcntly Gr; : and hob-nail
. '
: , \iterally

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literally lignifics thofc lfll'lt-btadtd nails, which w3s not abfolutely capitnl ; and exilled in Gtr-
fomc country clowns wear in their !hoes; and m•ny rill very lately: there arc traces of tbi1 ,
figur~tivcly lignifics tbt clw:!lt bimftlf; un pailin, culto1n even to this day in P oland :"-thus h a1
qui portc lcs foulicrs garnis de clou: confequcntly tl1is le•rncd antiquary helped us co the 11ue fig-
Gr. likcwifc; for bab is only a boorilh dialcCt o( ni6cation and origin of Jn11u; only now che word
bead, bro/, baff, kopb, kepb, a .Krp·aA•, taput; Lo1111tl, as we ~all fee prefcotly, is Gr. :-let me
tbt btatl: and NAIL we lhall fee is Gr. likcwifc. however obfcrvc, that chis is my own application
H OGAN-MOGAN feems to be buc a various of his words; and that in p. 35, he h11nfelf has
dialc& of HIG -b and MIG-b1y; confequcntly given us quite a different fenfc co the word
• Gr. as under thofc articles. boni; or, as he writes ir, .ho,,11/': which docs no.t
HOMAGE; at the end, add; - Spelm. in ftcm to be fo applicable • • what h as been here
lio1Hagium, <lifapproves of chis deriv. and fays it givt•n.- The .llf'><t word SO lT is only a different
is " dutl:a ab homo, pro vaJJallo :-non ut curiofi dialctt of fit, bt, or /tt it ht 1 which comes from
quidam volunc, ab Ol':mw (•14••e-_•) j •ro ; in .bo111a,(io fum ; which comes fro1n s,,..,, fum: QY I is
enim priellando 11011 ;ural vaJlallus, fed 1n fide· only a grammatical variation of guis l which is de•
licacc acccptus: Lacine vero quali bo111inu1·agium:" rived a T•<, q1ri1; who: M to the word MAL,
-co ncna«I co bo111agium; b1tmagt: but flill Gr.: it is no more than a cootraltion of male, or
ice 1-lUMAN: Gr. 11111/um 1 roil; and confcqucntly Gr. as we ll1all
HOME; at the end, add ;- Spclm. in Ham, find under the articles Maltttfy, a ad Malrfit :-
,.ould derive bot• t, " Sax. Pain, tlomus babitatio, now, as to the lafi word PENSE, it is not in-
forte ab A/A,..., f ajcia ; fignificanc cni1n radiciti:ls d«d llri&.ly Gr. but is pure L at. and derived
ba• Ct btim, ftp imu11;;m, ct tiro1itu111 :" a bomt from the verb pt11d1•; I• wtigb,' or 1bi11k; as we
being a place but1mttl in and fuurtd for our own lhall fee in the arcid<s .Mttl-prtpt11ft, and Ptl!five:
p roper hobitation: and therefore now will take fo that at length this whole cxpreffion, li#ni Joit
the fame deriv. wi th H EM i11: Gr. 'I"; 11111/ J ptnje, is generally tranOaccd, wil
I-ION I SO lT lthefc words being the motto be to hi1n who roil thinks, ought to be mpre
q11i mtrl y penfe J to cite blue velvet gartt~, worn properly rendered, Jb4111r, or tlifKratt be to hiu1
by the kn ights of chat order, ic may be proper who evil thinks.
to fay Comething more fully on them; particu- HOST, or :Waftr; at the end, add 1-•nd yet
larly lincc they will all o( t hem be found to be Sk inn. under the arc. yrAFER, f•el'ns !() have
G r. excepting only the bft: as to the manner of given• better dcriv. than either of the foregoin<> ;
their having been adopted by Edward lll. and for, fpcaking of the confccratcd bread, or wat;,..,
the occar.on which gave rife ro chis cxprcffion, he fays, " hi panes cpram populo tltvari folenc.,
our Englilh hiflorians are fufficiently clear 1 but ct ob candc1n r_acionem Ital. bofli< •ppcllantur ,~
. :u chey have nrithec rranOaccd chem properly, nor - if then the Ital. ho/fit was fo called fro1n its
attrmpted co give us anr deriv. of them, Ice me being tlt'".:tJJtd, we 1nay not in the lcaft doubt of
endeavour co do it in the following manner:- its being dcriv~d from the fainc root with HOISE,
Cleland will enable us to rrace the firft word o r HOIST; i.e. lifud up on bigb: Gr.
liON l up to the highcfr antiquity; for, in l:-IUDDLE; at the end, add i-W•cluerus
\Vay. 19, he tells us, rhat " on the inditlion of would rathc_r derive huddle ab n~..., •u_(al agtre ;
the M.ollom-11101, or Sl,irt-gernDI (it lhould have -but 1h~! 1s to trifle :-whc.reas to h11tltllt up a
been Sbire-gcmol) ic was t he cufiom to facrificr, 1bi11g fignifics doing it in a Juret, priva11, and
without mercy, th<: perfon who appeared a t it yet hur1)'i11g 1naµner.
t he bit l which was done as a terror to the l ·IUNOR,ED; Cafau~. 1 70, very jud iciouOy
t ardy, and a warning co obey the fummons: derives bmulrcd ei;. cent111•; c licera in a(pirationem
this ftvericy was however at length foft encd to vrrm I un<lc ttnf11m qu.ali pt/I/fin; uncle L1mlru111,
a diftin11t1ory p11nifhmen1; which w~ 10 rarry " ht11uf•·u1tt, h~ndrtd. .
,Jcg, and to kifs his polterio rs: this foamt was liUSSY, fays Cafaub. ~~6. is 011ly a contrac- •
held little inferior to death itfelf; hence the tion of "/J(mft·wyf• ;, qua: familiariffimn, ct uli-
D utch cenn of <011111,,,dy, h•1111d'1-feo1, or wurthy caciffima compdlaiio :"-fo very fa1nili ar and
only of being the f••tJJ••I to • dog (L111nd :) frequent, that now ic is applied to 011 i111P11U.1,
thence the French have their word untt 6oltl b11ggagt,
(hound) to exprefs jbamt: and thence-the Italian HUSTINGS; at the end, add; - Spclm.
word v trgog11a; (frr-tag11a; i.e. ftrrt ta11t111) lo however, by fuppoling this word co bC con1-
tarry 11 dog: chis cultom of carrying the dog was poundcd of HOUSE, and TH INGS, hu given
.cfpccially infiiltcd on traitors, whofe crime us.another chance for a Gr. dcriv. ab t>ur,,ao1n111;
°" G 4 /;ocuft ;

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1 M
. A D D E N D A. K N
ii :b#11ft i et ~m6, earifa, ~es; lh,j11diciuw1: ~ua~ ready 10 to11form, an d willi ng to comply with all
Jomus caujarum; vel ubi cauf.'I! aguntur :'-it the injunetions of its fuperior. ·
muft be confe(fed, this i.oterpretation fuits very IM-PREST mo11ey :' not from the verb lo
well with a eourt of hujlings; but it is very much prifs; but, as Blount obforves, "from che Fr.
to be feorcd that fucil an etym. can oo1y be p~ejl ; ready; it. being a ki1~d of earneft money,
fupJJO•ted by the great name of its author. given to a foldier when · he 1s commanded to br
ready to frrve in war ,"-only now he lhould
i. J. have told us it was Gr. : fee PRESTO.: Gr.
INGLE; after Lat. ig11is, add ;-quali igni-

I CJ-1 DIE N } " epigraphc," fays Spclm.
ICH T HEIN " qui principes Wallia:, fub
ICl-J THIEN einbkmate trium pcnnan:m,
cu fus ; con tractep to i11t le.
IN-UR E ; at the end, ad<l ;-or it fecms. ra-
ther to be deri ved ah E9w, uror; ujilS; rife, <"tt/lam;
t1tuntur : fatta a Sax. Jc, vel Jch; 'et f hen : u bi for the being i1111rcd to any thing, i$ the bcino- 0
!>, cum trajeccione in creeta pane, non D, fed accuflomrd to the ufa and praflice of it .
Tf-J, cxprimit : lignilicat ego ftr·vus, vel ipje ftr- JUGGLER; at the end, add ;-Spelm. in
-.;us jtm• :"-this is not all the · inforinntion this Goliardrrfis, would rather derive " juggler; ab
learned antiquary could have g iven us : he could ~)'•l;,>.1 2{1}, t:r11i1~, g_eflio; buf~nes, jcculatores, qui
Jiave informed us likewile, that the words in idem funt ac ;ocu1trs :" - this lail word ·miu hc
qucftion. were the motto of J ohn de Luxemburg, likcwife point out another deriv. •s in JOCU-
t.he old, blind king of Bohemia, who was killed LAR: Gr.
at the ever memorable batde of Crecy ; and who ., IVORY; at the end, add ;- qu >li ebory,. vet
wore three oftri<h feathers for his creft ; and tOOT)' i 11.J(lry._
Jlnce he aetttd only in the capacity of a volunteer •
in that· battle~ took the motto !ch tbit11; Ijerv•:
Uiis device E d ward the Black Prince of Wales K.
alfu1ncd· as his arms, in men1ory of that glo-
iious vittory he . had won.: and thtfe arms, : K EEN appetite; this exprdlion may perliaps·
and · this. motto, ha\<e been adopted by all be derived from the foregoing art .. as when:
the fucoeeding princes·of \Vales ever fince : the we_ fay, a_fharp ;1omaeh ; but this is only a ligu-
motto ·itfelf is· totally Gr ..; for Jc, or !ch, is no ranve fenfc; 1t mig ht be better to derive our
n1ore th>n a Saxon, or rather G erm>n diftortion . word kee11, when it tignifies brmger, with Cafaub;·
Qf ~)~-"'> eg-o; I: and tliffl, rhein, or 1bic11, is a (C *r~G~J 'U4(1tl/.fJ ilJtlniS i X fl>1J XG1h1~, 'Vtn/er 'lJO -:
Gr. likewite; as we !hull fee under t!:ie an. cuus ; mt empty belly ; H ippocrati fames, inrdia,
THANE: Gr. . )(t>t«if•~, i!t11«rr1~,
v 1orUn1 vacuitas; mip1i11ifr
JE\VEt.; at the end, add ;- vVachterus woukt of tlu v~f!els ; which 1s al wars attended with a·
rather derive j~wtl ii K"f"I"" Japellex prttiofa, Jhtirp, griping pain.
uctJ11dit-11· : R: Kt1f1.111, jace(), repolfo; any thing KID-NAPPER : if what Cid : Voe. ~09, fays,.
bearded 11p, a'nd f!Y<liouj/y dipsfited : I' in w rn u- be true, that hap, or take, is radical to cap-io ;,
mto, q~1afi E,w•t>-· : and then by cra.,nfpolition · and from thence, fays h~, "Jwai1-happing , for
h w,>., or in Engliib charaClers, jewel : - but jwon-coppii'JJ, or calrbinz; or rarher p<rhaps .
Spelm. has rather adopted the former dcriv. above. .ftealing C)f iwaos :"-then it feems ~s if napper;.
l i.'v1.'PLE¥!LN.T S:; "El"-,,..~, •. comparo, ac- and happtr, or 11ab, and hab, were all of the
q11iro, !ucror," fays Cafaub. z66, " •y.,,.•>-?', Hefych. fo1ne import; and confequently chat kid-napper
'"·f ~'Yf-A""1t1.117~•, w'f''fX'1fL~, 11ego1ia1ur,, &ir( Jft11it : does literally lignify a ca:cber, or jltaltr of
ctia111 1t1oir~AJJ, 1r;c,.·x, f"~1'1;;": uude fortaffe intple· c-hildrc;;, in order to ftrip them, o r fell them ;
1JJe111s ; nifi Lltinum implemtnta ( qu\><I t amen and is derived from the fame root with [-JAP,
ve rbum La:ina lingua,.quocl fciarn, non agnofcit) .or take: Gr. ·
vetaret : feel . nee illud implemtat> forta!fe vetus, KNO.\'I; at the end, add ;-and yet it feems
et gcnuimu11 : Belg. tamcn i111·boeJ, i11bod, f11pel- probable, "that kno<o. rriay taRe a more fi01ple
!t.v; apud N ilia11um·:''.:-but furely neither he dcriv.; viz.. a NHw, jcio, illteNigo; to 1tnderfta11d ;
l<imfelf, nor Kiliaous,. woul~ ha\'c· us fuppofo,_ and now the root feems to· be Nocr, ,;;,, mrns; the,
that the Btlg. imbotl. was an original word, when .mi11d,, i;tte/Hgcnu, .lm0<v/tdgt.
l~7C'IAJ; .. is cor1frot1 ced \
IM--PLEX ; ac the end, add ;-this fatter word,
i.>11plid1, bears. 1ikewifc the · fcnfe of jubmij/ive, ..

11ijp/11Jr vJ!<diliu{ ' · meaning_aJl. obedience that i:;;.

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ftammering apd !Vapdy )Jr11ggling from a j uft~pro­
nunciation, by an alfeeted man ner of fpcaking:
. LIST of cloth; (begin wich) " Sax. lir r, et
. LADDER; at the · CIJd, add ·, - \l\Tachterus hrran; fafaia, limbus, margo: Spclm."-tbt rim,
, fays, " Celtici lingua lktbr eft cli'Ous, locus borJ,,,., •r vtrge of allJ thing. .
acclivis; unde nofl:ris fit qlet1tr11, kltllerH; Jean- L!TJ"EN; a(ter ,leading Id tbt church, add; -
. dt:rt; prorfus Ut .Gall!s a 111011! fit 111011/er; a Somner like wife explains "L1cr11ne, and Legtrfluh,
Jc/e1ttr11 rurfus fi~ lcleller, bleller 1 gradus, per as he writes ir, by t fllmeurio; compolirn ex
. quos ad(eendi1ur.:"-this latter deriv. ought ra- h63'.n; jatere; Ct rtebe, locuJ; q ualj loc11s j!'-
ther to have been referred 10 the Sax. Alph . temii :"-(o that, in both fenfes, it is Gr. : fee
L'\SK is only a tranfpofition of ltiks, i. e. LlGGEH, and STEAD : Gr.
. la~· ; as 'we fometimcs hear aclu pronounctd for LIVER Y -)Jablu; after Jet ,out, add; -;- they
aft : and np w /aft deri ve~ a ..'\v!o>, AVff.o1, ·laxo ; fee1n rather to have received t heir fignific•tion
' loefc,»ativ e. from a various fenfe of the French word livrie;
· LEAGUE, or mtaj11re; at the end, atkl ; -as which, according to Boyer, fometirncs bears the
for the Dr's. a/bi~ et candidis lapidibus, what fenre of " fubllance et entreti.en de certains olli- .
.Spdnl. in L•uca, .•fays, i~ very true; "de lopi- ciers chez le roi : board wages, or allowanc~ :":..:..
.dibus bcne fum confcius; de candore nequaquam;" and here. ufed to !ignify the flip111d, or fum , agreed
·-and therefore he would rather derive " l~uca Qn for the maintenance oi thofe horfes, whteh
:a Juub; quad ' Britan~ice ./apidem notat:"-Qnly belong to any gentleman, who· has not the con-
· now we may venmre to affirm, that l{ach is no venience of keeping tliem in large -towns;· and
nlore than a Northern depravat\on of A ... ~, lapis; therefore puts chem O\lt lo board, as we may
qu•fi laach, lapis; a ,Oo1!t ; o~ a mile-jfone. fay, for which he pays a ctrlain fum: , and con-
LEET; at the . end, add ;-unl~fs we may lequemly livery may now be derived ii li'IJrt;
fuppofc with Spelm: in Ltfa, that it takes its libra ; i. e. a .<\o 1e"• pa11d:u, obolus ;. ony fart of
name from its inftriority; " proveniat igitur it money (now. (trike out thoMgh perl;aps-&c.. )
facto nomen ; oam /rt Saxon ice partem, et par- LOAM; at the end, add ; -or perhaps fro:n
vum, fignificac ~ unde Chaucer9 lit, et dim\nu · the fame root wi1h LlME: Gr. .
tivum /i11/e:"-1hen ftill it is Gr.: fee LITTLE; LODGE, or retreat; as Wil!dfcr-Lodge: Sptl1n.
.Gr. : it ·being ,,- ftjf.,· court of law. in Logium, fays, " item (perhaps itur) a <!omo in
L EGE. R-de-l\.1AIN .; after manus, add ;-i.e. lcgi11m; q uod bene oomen· acccpir ; ibi cni1n
.l\.itt~o~, vc) M11~v:..i, indico.; Ul)lie ma111ts. . tcdcre in ddiciis fokban; ad collo1:ini,lu1a : a
L!:.ITli-VJ AKE; " Sax. L1'tipac; traflabilis; logos, quad eft Jermo , derivatum :" - then this
,et unh'<Spac, intrallabilis; a L1'8; Goth. litha; logo1 ougbc to bave appeared in Gr. chara61:ers,
111e1nbru11~ ; ec pace ; /ttitus, j!txilis: Cl1al1cer.o ih'l'"• an<\ all wC)uid have been well , ·in order to
lithi, et lethJ; 111a1tfuel11s : I lhould rather take IC exprefs 3 deligh!fol r~trear, . built on purpofc
. 10 come fron1 Iii ht; limbtr, pliable ; and v;ake; to enjoy 1he fweers of to)n;erjati~n; folloquy divir.e.
,a termination: Ray :"-'-and fo far is admi01ble; J;..QM-BARD~flrtet ; this word, wl>ich is con1"
:but then we muft not ftop here; for LITHER, monly b ut crroneoutly pronounced L.umb•r.JJrur,
or LITliY, is Gr. : and WAK E perlups i:. or LuJJibad-fireet, is fo wonderfully changed,
vVEA.K : Gr. that it would be. impuffible to. conceive its -de.riv.
. LIMB ; at the end, add ;-then perhaps the were ·we not to t r3ce it up to the moll: early ac-
Dr. would not have been pleafed to have derived counts : Lomb11r1ljl-rut then, witho.u t doubr,
Ji111b ab fifc,i:t, quafi A"'1u.r;r, vel Awy.[j,r, a1·mr1J ; · .~cceived its name frC\m tbe Lo111bar{is ' f.o that
Jbe arm; jhouldtr, &c. vd potius a J\•f3•» quafi no,w we mull trace out tQ.eir origin; aod Slicring.
,J,.,1u.f:,G(, per epen~ "; 111. • • p. 3 51, tells us, that '.' pr:eter majores noflros
LIR·IPOOP; very properly explained, ac- p~tipui German:a, populi in Scychi:irognomipes
cording to Lite. by " cler-i-tphipp~um ; quafi , genres habuere: Langobardarum, tilm in Scythia,
leri-ippipium; ci1tt,11lumJaardo1ate; a tippet, which quiim in Germania, li1tis cekbris elt men1oria;
c haplains wear with their gowns ;"-;-conrequently cofdem Strabo in Cimmeriil. circa Syndicanl col-
Gr.: fee CLE RGY, and EQYIPAGE: Gr. locac., et Grzco vocabulQ . 1'.1:¥~ec;rl>?'w~ir vocat ;
: J,..lSP; at the end, add ;-Wachtcrus wo·uld hos 'Po(i1n11m comitatos ~ffc in Gern1ania,m,
.derive" lifp ii bf41Jus i ptr metath."-but then he maxim~ crcdibile ell: 1 quia propc ,Sinclil'am, u'>i
ou~)lt to have added, et b/,ejiu a BA<>•<or, Vfl/gu1, Wademu in Afpurgiani$ imper~tTe tradjtur, fcdes
.d;/ort.a babe11s <r.ura ;. and here applied !O a tongue · conftirueran.t :-ct Lrmgobardo.r partc1n Germania:
:which .is npf faithful to its uttcr~J)CC; but is .alway~ ' occupaJfc, Tacitus ct Ptoli:m"'us r,ltu1n faciunt:"
.. . . . ~ G i - Co

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; that the' I:.ong0bar.Ji wer~ undoubtedly a . MEATH, choice; " I gnve lhtt the meath ef
Scyrhian peoele, who . migrated firll: into Ger- the p11r<haje; i. e. tibi optionem, et plenariam
many, and from thence in after-times fettled i11 pottjlatem cmptionis facio: Sax. C'Orebh, CPeht:;
London, as binkers; and were remarkable for :poltnlia, potefta1' ; hoc a verbo ma¢an l poffi :
ch,i,r lawg-btards; for M"•f•"'.,'l""<r is only a Skinn. and Ray :"-and thus would rhefe two
fvnony.mous term; and their tr.ue deriv.. mutt be: g•ntlemen have us look on this word meatb
lbught for in LONG, and BEARD, cont•aC\ed . becaufe it wears an .auk~rd oudide, and is · un~
l'nto Lombard :- let me however jun obf~rve here, doubtedly dtrived from the Sax: CO~h, ffiehi::,
t hl t C afau b. 396, oppofes this explanation- ; (or, and CPa;,l;all, to be therefore of Sax. orig.-
he fays. <.\ Longobardi, ex /011gis, no~ borbis, fedl but the point now is to confider, whether the
ha;1is :"-but the M""f<'".,'Y""r of 'Scrabo cnnno1 Sn. itfolf be an original word; m.oll: probably
bear the fenfe' of long.e·baft.e; fince ""'""' fig- not ; for all thofe three· words feem to bear the
nifies only barba; a heard. fcnfe of MIGHT, power, choice; opti011em, et
plenariam potejlal<m, et potentiam; a verbo <Da¢an,.
M. poffe : then we may venture to affirm, t hat
Clla6an is no · original word, but evidently de,..
ACERATE; at the end, add ;-or per- rivtd a M1y<><, magntts; mighty, powerful, great·:
M haps rather, according to Litt. a Mn•.,, having it in his powrr to choofe, or 10 refufe:
inurtt. f. 2. ,.....;;, I""'"'"• ma«o, ma<er; lo11.~if<0, fee like wife M EDE: Add. Gr. or MIGHTY: Gr.
uti folea11t attcnuari t11ocie; co be rtndercd long, MEDE, or piXVer; a M1/.,, imprro, impmum
·and lonJi., and lean, and boney. tento; a t11on ef mickle mede; a ma11 of great i11-
M·AGAZINE ; at the end, add ;-a magazine. flut,nce and·power.
·lieihg a treaf11ry of confufed knowledge. l\.1EET together ; at the end, add ; -the for- .
· MAN-ijle; after b11ilt upon it, add;-being the ·mer deriv. however may. be con5nncd from·
a.ntient feat, or refidence of the Druids. Cafaub. who, in p •. 302, fays, '·' ex hac prre-
MARRO\V, at the encl, add; - or perhaps 'pofitione M·,7.. fecerunc; Angli verbum 10 mut;
marrow may be deri.ved a moile, vitiated by the c1»1venire."
}'rench ii mollis 1 quafi t11orris, converted into MENIAL; at- toe end, add ;-or perhaps
turrow; Jignifying fubftancc 1nollc conienue menial may rather· be derived a M~'"• vel .M1.. r;
·dans la concavitc des os; co11fequently Gr. ll:ill: famulr11; a jtr'!ltJnf: fee · MAN:ferva11t; Gr.:
foe MOLLlfY: Gr. though indeed our Sax. cxprcffion .menie, and
MARSHY·; at the encl, add ;-it might how- genuini, according to 5omner, fcems to convey
ever be better to derive morjhy, with W achtcrus, the idea of n111nbtrs, or many; for, as he fays,
fro1n the fame root with mire; quali mirejhy; " hinc etiam pali:uum <ommrme, ·Cantianis noftris
..,,iz." ab Iceland. 111yra; pal1u; Germ. mer ; lotus m<nys, ct minis, quafi J:iema:nnyr, i. e. <ommu- ·
p11ludojus.; Belg. m"1'ig; idem :"'-only now all nilatis ; vulgo the malf)'eS :"-or, in -Other words,
fcc1n to be derived a M•"'e•r, inq11i11atu1.; j/'ained, tht CD1'1tnens, or places of public paflurage, were
niuddied', dirtied: C.e MIRE, or MORE: Gr. · called 1he manyn, either becaufe numbers of peo-
MASS ;, after dif.111iffod, add ; -Ciel. \Vay. 14, , ;j>te were polTelTtd of that privilege; or, becaufe
utterly rejeCts the above deriv .. and foys,, that 'ma11J cattle from many owners were fent thither
., the ceremony of crowning the holy rood, or to feed: confcquently Gr.: fee MANY.
""'Y• with. the m[}Jlecoe,. gave birth to the R'omilh MICKLE; at· the end, add ;-though Somner
adoption OP che word majs, or rattier mact : is fo profufe as to mention no frwer than eleven.
t11if[a is not fo much as a Latin worn: mijfa, t)i different· harlh Sall:: words, all bearing the fame.
is 'n onfenfo :"-true ,, but mijfus.,. or. dlniijfu1 eft, lignificntion with this now before us; yet he
is not :--however there is gr.<at probability in his likewife fuppofes rhem all to be of SllX. origin;
interpretation 1 bl.le ftill: it· i~ Gr. as in any of and never once thinks of the Gr.
thofe an. ~ and in \!'oc.. 15•. he filrthcr, MID, is no n1ore ·than a Saxon diftortioll of,
chat-&c. · · Mil·.z, · ~..., euof; with; or togetbero with.
MEAR';. after p,.,,J jja ; add ,,....q_uod i:nfbr MINION; a Fr. mignon; which, according to'
111/gui maris fe prrebet. · · Boyer, bears the 'fenfe of " ii fe dit ·auffi dans.
MEASLES; after JWt. a11d'Ski11m add ;-'but un fens obfcene et deceftable: ii fo prend'qpclque-
neither of·rhcfe dt'riv, ftems fo proper, as with fois en tres-mauvaife part~. con1me pour us·
Wachterus, to -clcrive " IMnjltJ a M1id'J'"· inqui· mignon ere coucheue, Ufl catamite :""-buto!Hll he·
111J111mtMm: Jll. M1"11", jo/1111; lo Jtjil1, polluu ;"- is no ·crymol·. ; odierwife, a~cording· to t!ie fenfe.
\O wbich-&Do. · - ·· ·he. h~s here attributed to 111ignq11, he 1night calily
•· '
1 hav..c·

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M' 0 A D· D ' E N I> A.. N 0
!rave feen' it wu derived'. i' M•'l':•"f"'• mifceo; in a
lljci'1iWJ Jeefe. N. '
MIN-STR-EL 1 we are told by Spdm. under
the art. mtlltllml, that' it fignifies &ornu lign•-:
ipfe certe opinor fuiffe hoc fijhJ.e genus, quo
N A.G; at the end, adcl ;-there feems how-
ever' to be a much more lin1ple rtiethod of
i,leriving nag, according co . Wachterus,. in· rbe
tibicines olim uli funt; atque inde nomen re- art. 1-IACKNEY, from the Sax. bJlre¢an, bi11-
portaffc; Gailis enim hodie ipli m<11<jlrtu; Anglis nirt; lo neigh; UJ1de nag; ficut binnns, et bi1rn11lus,
111injlrel1, quali mt11tljtrtl1, appellancur :"-not to a_b bjnnitndo : qui_n et a Sax. J)n:le6an~ ·tranfpofitis .
contro\'C>t the authority of this great antiquary, litens, 6t badmat :"-however alf ft1U feems t<T
concern·i ng the name of this antienc tru111pt1, or be Gr. ; for Dna:;;an may be no more than 3 ,
woodt11 barn ; ft ill this accounts for on! y the for- Northern contraction of bi11-NIO ; and biJlnio.
mer part of the compound 111in: the latte• we (tho' Ainfw. 4to. bas no fuch verb) is. undoubtedly
mult trace according to Ciel. Voe. 110; where derived ab 'T»•<, tquuftus, manmts; a Iililt, lively,,
he obfcrves, that " min was one of the antient fprigbl/y ho1je , wbo· is always \VHINNYING, .
words for !IJ'Ve : thi$ word min, with ihe ad- or NEIGlilNG :· Gr.
fcititious .word eajltr, becomes. mi11-t1Jjltr, or f•efal NEIGM': the Gothic appearance of cllis-word;
banquet; (literally a lovt'-f.<ajl) at ~hich the bartl.i ha.s induced Jun. Skinn. and Wachterus to. derive
always attended, or were 1nv1ted., 1n the character it i Sax. bnre;san ; binnir,t :-and fo far they are
of mi11-ji11ge_r1; and lbt mi11flrtls, or mi11-1afterulJ, right; bot bna!6an, li:cms to be no. more tha.n a-.
were the player1 011 injlrumenfJ at f eaft1: chefe Nort11cr.n· contraction of .biN-NIO; (tho' Ainfw.
latter fubli~ed long after the bards, or min-}illgers 4ro .. has no fuch verb ; ) and· confeqµcmdy 1ftigb•
were in difufe; for the 111inftre!fy remains co this is Gr. : fee· WH.~NNYING: Gr. .
day ; fignifying a player on joint injlru1111nt of NOON : ic may foem tlrangc to•hcai- that thet
mujic :"-but now tbe whole com.pound fee1ns to R·omans fupptd at NOO.N ; but it is thus.. pro-
be Gr.; and if tbt DruidJ, and Bards, are Greek perly explained by Spelm. in Nan4: " in.,an,iquis;•
appellations, there can be no difficulty in ad- maoeriorum. 1ncmbranis nor.a crcbo ufu venit pro•
mitting that tbe mi11jlrtl1 may be fo. likewifc ; mtridit,.. qure inde Anglice . appellatur 111nt, ct·
for if min be an ancient wo•d for lo·ut, then it no1u-tidz ; q uod Saxonicc tamen cxprcffe- fona~
may be Gr. 'as in that Alph. ; and if eajler fig-· bora111 na11ma ; i. e. pomcridiaoam ltrti•m; DOili•
nified a feaft, then it undoubtedl y takes the fame merictiem: ratio Romanorurn ce11a dutl:a. cfr,..
origin with EAT, which is Gr. ; and lafU.y, if quz bora diei m11a fuit {reckoning from £tx in t
tis, or uls, fig nifics an i11flrumc11t of muji<, then the morning,. which makes the ninth hour fronl!:
there is no difficulty in deriving it ab oA·•, lig- thence to be lbru in the afternoon; and e.ven:.that i$>-
num ; wood; or the materials, of which the in- . a very. early hour- for /upper;) nee folcnniter ante~
ftrument was tnade. comedcbant: q\lod enim prandiu,,.·dicitur, levius..
MOKES, " or mafhu· of "n!f: Ray :"-mok.n · parciufque fumcbatur circa m.eriditm; cc quocb
ke1n to be only a C<>ntraCl:ion of M••·""'• poftea jen1a'culum dicrum ell,_ olia1 P!'a11iiu111 ap-;-
mac-u/,e;, lht majhu of a 11e1. pcllabatur·:"-fo that at !aft chis ~ama was. theil"·
· MOOR, or f en; ac the end, add ;-or per- di11Mr ; . aod their dining at neon is, according tc»
haps moor m;1y be better a Germ. mor; .: chcir reckoning, the 11i111b hour;. anfwerable to.·
lotus paludoj~J : vel ab Iceland. myra: both which ·our 1brte in the af.ternoon:-only now it is·Gl't: {cc·
are evidently defcended a M•"f''' inq11i11a1us.; any .NINE: · Gr..
1-11 REY place. NORRQY';. •

art all Gr .. add ;-thouah 0

MOOT a· point; at the end, add ;-and yet lincc Spelm. 1n Htraldiu, bas cxprcfsly call ed ·t his:.
there is another explanation, given by Blount, officer Nwrti1u rtx; i~ is- molt probable,. thao
which pe•haps is the rnoft proper r for he fays, . NllN'oy here is not a co1npound, but onlr a,,
" moo/ (cems co be derived from the French word ·Gallic, or Norman attempt to ·prcfcrve. the ter, .
mot; .,,er/lu1t1; quali 'Vtrba Jaure :"-fo that it r'nination of.that barbarous l:.atin adjctl:ive ; which~.
ough t to be written a murb point~ inftead of by being tran!lated :('/1Jrroy, inftead of N•rtbtr11, ,
moot: to fignify. a Jowllrigbt ·9kjbbftr, a batterer bas· induced man)<: to fuppofe it: was:a compou11d.1 ,
'of wora'.i :"-but now he doits not betray the , bccaufc it ended in r•y: with .regard-&c. ,
lcaft fti fpicion that mot•is Gr.: fee MOT'fO. NOTE, ujt.: '"Sax. Not:.tao: Gimbri.. niutt l ·
llt10UNDS; after p.r.,.Jiqrutfl munimina, add; Belg>""""';. Chaucero Ml«; iif!'s~ utr; to rip:
-and th~refore inay be derived '" in the art. Ray :''-"-it feems· to be only. a.Northern, addition,•
AM.:MUtilTlON 1 Gr, of the article rzN:ote; meaning a· N!f/0111; mamu1>.
:llj!; and •onftq):ltlltly, Gr ..~ . fcc USE;. Gr.
O ... Sf:_

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'P E lt o· o: E' N D J;. p 0
· 1· P.HANE, or wttzJbtr·cotlt; at' the end, addi-
o: tho' Spelm. in Fano, writes the weather-cock with
. • an f likewife; arid would derive it a " Sax.
St. Mary OVERY; .afcer a «n~rat11011 •f Fane, r an; btm, pa11 ; vcxi/111111 :"-but llilJ ii ;5
-(.)vt'r-ttee, add ;-or rry, ol1rn flJ1:mtn, a Ptw, f/tw; <lerived from tJ1e fame root; viz. +a.,.~, 9.,, 11;;,
fays Cafaub. 330. quafi ~,.,;,., pm1do; to expand, or difp!ny : fee
P!GrITLE is only a miferably barbarous word
AIN ; at the end, add ;-or perhaps pain to lignify, according to Spelm. " txigua fund i
P tnay originate a ll'-s-r~!lf"'' pttngo; to caufc 1111J portio, fa-pimento conclufa ; quod Cowellus ab
pu11gt11t, /harp je11fation. lt:il. pitcolo dlicic; i. e. pnrt.1UJ, 111.f11111u1 ;''-a
· PANG; at the end, add ;- or perhaps derived ·fitt!t, jmall enclo!Ure ; -confequendy derived a
from the fa1ne root \vith PA IN : Gr·. m1Ao;, quaG 1111<>.-<r, parvus; liflle, fmall.
PANN EL, or parchment Ii.ft ; ac the cod, add; PIN-FOLD ; at che end, add ;-chougb with
-this btter deriv. may be confirmed from Spelm. Spelm. in Pnrttis, we might rather foppofe, that
in P.an1//n: "fchcd11/a, vd P"gina, propric pa- pin-fold n1eans pom1d-foid ; or one who folds, or
ge/la 1 atque inde deduda ; gin n tranfeunte; fie faller.sup the pound, or place where !hay cattle
pngel!a, pant/!" :"-tlill it frcros ro be derived are impounded : - confequently ftill Gr.: fee
a n.,,,.,...., as above : fee PAGE : G r. POUND fa r catt/,,
PARJAL 111 ca~ds; after cards, add;-perhaps PlT:i'ANCE; at the enrl, add ;-it is
a contr;1Ction of pair-royal; meaning- &c. fvre the more. extraordinary, that Spclm. fbou!d
l ' ENCIL; at the end, add ;-or rather pencil, fa)', "pillllliu"' oriri videtur ii barbaro pitta11a ;
'Cl/hen it ugniAcs a painter's brufb, may be derived 9uod hodie (unde acccptum nefcio) Angl i nos
:i pi11ge11do; and p mitilltu quail pinxi/1111; accord · fa:pe dicimus pro rt rncdit'd, vd exiguii :""'7"h~d
ing to Minlh. ; only llill it is Gr.; and derived 01•~•( occurred to tbis great critic, he would
from the fame root with PAINT: Gr. cau ly have fcen, that it had firfl b~cn fofteoccl
· PE'NSIVE; at the end, add ;-and yecpenfive into n.1.;.", and then cha.nged into pitilana, or
feems to bear fome affinity to grief aod ve.•alicn; pi11a11ce : fee PETTY: Gr.
in wltic'h .fen'fe pen.five would originate a n,.&,.,, · • PLA y'; at the end, add ;--Spelm . in P/c,,,
daleo; to griev e, v ex, or frtt: ree PET: Gr. gives us a different deriv. which mull: be referred
PERIL; at the end, add'; - and yet l;itt. tQ the Sax. 1'.lph.
feems to have derived peritulu111 with g reater pro- PLEVIN; " idem quad pleg/11111, vel pltgia-
babil ity from pcreo; and prreo, from pe11itu; to:" tio ;" fays Spelm. " hoc elt,.jid,juj/io, Jpo1<fia ; ~
-to fignify ul/erly tmdont, or ru nning the hazard verbo Gall. plN.'ir, auc ple-ver; quod id<lll ell: ac
ef being ulterly u11dme : -but llill it is Gr.; for pleger; g in v mutat<>; plevir, p"1vi11n·: plevi11;
pe,1itus originates a n".-1~,, om11ino; altogether i et Julie plt'Vit; pramifad in marring• :"-then it is
and to, from E•f-'•, Ett, eo ; to go. evidently derived from tbe -fame root with
· PET lat che end, add ;-Cafaub. 3 c9, zo, PLEDGE; Gr.
PETISH S derives it a 11""'"'• n,11.,, coquo, PLlGliT, or promife : Gothic a.s this word
tDXCOIJll() j rti}.!l!• T"'11t Of')'l'Jt', COIJ!'Ofjlttre ,.,.,,,,, ; ipfi appears (it being undoubtedly defcenderl to os
qui recum, quicquid int aut duloris efl., intus from our Gothic or fu>l<on anoeflors) it is pure
taciti vcrl:int, et voranr. Gr. ; for, as fure)y as they tranfinitted it to u ur-
PETTl-'FOGGER; " dtlator, rabultt ;" f:ivs lelves, fo furely did they thcmfdves a·d opt it
Ski nn. "a Fr. Gall. pe1i1, (which by the ""Y.i s from 1he Greeks ; the originai having been al-
Gr.) et Sax. Fo;;epe, proc111; hoc force a 6"F"3an., ready traced in the art. PLEDGE; Gr.
11ccG1111nodart, coapta1'l; qt.1ia. fc. q•.•i a.Jt('rit.1s gra- P0Ml\1EL of a Jaddle, ·fwcrd, &c. by the
tiam ambit, ill1us nioribus fe a.ccommi>dnt :"- French 'vriting this word pon1111ea11, it looks as .lf
thus can che. Dr. mofl accuracely explain, and it fhould be derived from the fame root with their
point out a deriv. witho\1t feeing the orig tna l; pommt; a11 apple; becaufe i.t riles intQ a Jiu le
buc if 6eF':6an lignifies at(ommodarr, caaptart, · knob, like an ~pple: i( fo, it is Gr. : fee
&c. then it·evidently takes the fa1ne rooc with POME-GRAN ATE ; Gr. , ..
FADGE in the .Gr. Aild. and confequentl y a POMPE'l". ba/lt, ·according to Blou oc, are de-
pelli -fcgger is a Jittle, mean, Jootbi11g, flattering; rived " a Fr. pomptllt; co lignify. the balJs,
t'ajoli11g ntturnry, who .aaommcdates bimfelf co the wherewith cbe p rinters bear, or Jay ink · op the
opinion of his client, ~nltead ·of fupplyin5 him form of letters :"-then they li:em to be Gr.; but
with wholefon1e .adv~cc. ., · not derived as that gentleman and his good
• friends

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friends t he French· · fee1n to imagine, from <1 PUMMEL with the fift; nuy14•,· pugn111; quali
p11111p ; as if they p~mped, or fucked up the ink l pugnel, foftened inco· p11111tntl; to beat, or jlrikt ·
but pompets ~ B1t+fl,., j o111JJ; from the 1b11111ping, with the hand cle11cbtd.
pujfi11g nuift cbey make when in aCtion. PUPPY 1 a t 'the.end, add ;-unlefs, with Litt.
POOR ;· at the. cod, add ;~or, according co we ch ufe to derive puppy ii s•.-~ ... valdt pucr; a :
Spelm. we m~y rather derive " a-porian, poor, ab mighty bay; a ' BOOBY: Gr.
A-1rofEHl"1 bJ!rtrt, du~iJare, f l>l.'triii laborart ; qui
oofiris_exaCl:ioni bu~ labora111, auc fiunt paup<re-s :"
-ab A·""•/•{, p auper, i!Japs, egen11s; perplex1.1s, du-
• bius : and originates ab . A, t1fJ11; ec 1r"!lf"'' vir1, U EEN; at tbe . add ; - tl:io' Somner lias<
/ranji!us ; meatmn no11 habcn.s ; per q11e1n tranfi tus
non patet ; qui in diifi"11/1a.tibus con'llitucus, md-
Q very properly fbewn rhe diil:inCti_?n,betwcen ·
. ~""'h and q11ea11.. yet he affirms'. that "orcu'
lum e«it11111 iovcnire potell; one who is thro' et on gme vo x. una et eadem ; quen fc1ltcec q uod
penury reduced to i1uxtrica.ble dijfic11/1i~; through 11.,·ort•1t1, fi ve '1)111/r'erem · Ji gnat; u.t c."albcpene-, ani-
which he can find no p.ijfagt: foe likcwifc culam: quan1vis enim confue cudine quea11e in ·
P ORE : G r. . . . • malam parteo1 tranuerit apud ncot~ricos ; oli1n ·
POU SE; x·;;,. p1ilvis; J11}1, finr, &c . . chat ga-. _cainen focus :!'--chen,.fince be has acknowledged
thers between che lining and the coac. , · that q11u1 figni fied u.«~re111, live mlllitrem, if he
P RE-PENSE; as when we fay, m.alice prt- had. buc feen. it wri tten gue11, or rather g1111e,.
pttif•; i. e. maliu afore-thought ; malice prtmtdi-. he would immediately have acknowledged like.-
1a1td: conrequentl.y Lac. ex pr"', et ptndto, wife, wirh Lye, t hat they were all dcfcendtd frotn•
,pepo1di, penfum ; pr~ptnft, 1veightd, po11d<rtd, Pu~11, p xcr, muiitr; as above. 1

co1!fiikred. QYORUM, figni rying one,. two, or "more of'

a PR ESS·ga11g • }not frorn the foregoing. thofe who a1c appointed j udges in . fome lpcciali
PREST into ftT"llice .root prifs; but, as Spdrn .. caufe ; and wichouc-. the prefence of whom. no-
in Prq'lv.J, al.ia~ Prt.fl1u, has very properly ob- . thing of imporranco can be done.:-confequently ·
ferved, " rnalle1n ta1ne11 ,prtfl ii Gall. pr~11dtr, ,Gr. ;. for 911or1t111, heing only an oblique ca(e of '
i . e. <aptre; cujus parcicipium eft pre.fl : "-let .q11i, or quis, is . evidcndy. defcended . a. T•$o-
,it; yet ftill the ,original is Gr. ; for pret1der is quis'.; who.
certainly derived ab apprehtndo; 11pprt'bl'lifus, con-
craCl:ed to prt1!f1u, unde pref/:" and conlequentl y ~ K.
Gr.: fee AP-PRE-I-IE.ND ; to fignify the cruel . .
.and un~atural 1n.anner._ in which a foan1an is 1.orn • R ACE-borft ; ~t the. end, ..a~d 1-Spelm. i it~
from Ins wife, his family, and fnent'l;, by bemg : Rafta, gives us quite a d1ffcrcnc idea ; and
ap-prdnnd~d, or j eiz ed into the k ing's fervice, in f confeq uently quite a different deri v.; vii .. " raftn,.
time (>f \\ l milJiare Gern1a11icum, leucas duas, cria n1illiaria, .
PRIOR; at the encl, add ; -or rather, ac- i contineos: to fort4 fenfo ditlum , quo hodie i11
cording co Lice. a fit •• "f'11e•,, r.~w1'''': undc : eod-;n1 idio:ifi_n.o ra1?t,. el~. q:~its, pe11f «»1: oc Ii
pr,e, prior, pri111111; the f.rjJ, chief, principal, or fp~timn hoc IJl vchcmennon equorum curfo •
f•rmer. · qui!f;enrfi vcniarn poltularct, ct rcfociilandi : cqll i
P RO TO-NO'fA RY; "quafi primus 110/arius," , decurrcntis penfum, . vel .(l'alio :";...he t hen 1nen-
fays Spdm. " vel princep~ 11otari<rum; lle•1•"1"e"'• • ·1ions.the fladium, and g ives rhe fame origin of
a Grl\!CO, et Lacino :"-true; No?.~.., i• no Greek. that word, as. will be found u~dcr .tliac ~rticle:
word·; nei ther is 110/arius in Latin the original, fince chen, with regard co the prefcnt word, he
buc evidently derived a 11010 , no/art; i. e. ii acknowlcclges. that. a ract·horfa receives~1is .deno­
r1 ..r.:c<:<~) <ag 11Df'O ; 110/UJ, nGl41·ju.s. ! a.;1 o/Jftr'l,,'n', a ' lllinatiOrl from f})S bein~ able to .rUtl fuch a fj.>ac¢
r.emarker; or one who cokes particular cogr.iz41ue .of ground, and then beiag pernutted · co. nfi.,.and
,o f any thing ; a principal officer in the bilhop's breathe awhil~ ; it un~oubcedly will now take .~11.t·
court ; a cbi•f-11•/ary. ' fame dcnv. .w1tb R.EST , or repoft :· Gr.
• PUDDER; at the end, add ;-it feems how- Ri\.1"1-FY l begin with- derived by Liu .." :r.
ever more probable, tblJ ljCCOrding CO 1.itt. 'P•<1(, unde l"U-; unde rttJr, , TIZfllS; u nde ratijico, .
p_uddtr is clc~ivcd. a fi•A•f , pu/vis ; dufl ;' n1eaoing vel rnt«m fado.; l~. :on(irm, : or- ef!a!;!ijb :"-there-,
the du.ft which IS ra1fed by a pcrfon s g11•ini .feems greac probab1l11y 1n t his derr v. and ycc~ &c,
hirnfelf any unnecdfary trbub!c ; and forms thus: R AVE ; at the end, add ;-though ptrh~ps it
fiJ>A•f , p11lvis, puivtr, pufder,.pouder, pudiiel': fre might be better co derive our word' 1·a•,e; ac -
£0UD£R; Gr.. . 'ording .to Litt, "il..rabiD 11vaffrs ;)_. c. a rapio: ·~·
· · · ·· · :-wluc~

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--which he himfelf afrerwards derives ab 'Ar"''"• \•d a Xa>f•tw, quafi •p.,x-·~ .., ftpato, fej111tgd, ft-
' from 'A•.-aE, rapa.<; ravc11011s, greedy; and here grego; to .ftparate, difanitt, disjoin l b«aufe all
lignifyi~g lo be hurri_ed away by any outragious fttam, or 'IJopor, rifts, faparatts, and di'Vides itfelf
· fiercencfs i like a mid-man. from the rnain body of the 8uid. ·
"REA-R -W ARD; fomerin1rs ·wriricn rereward, RO-BERT; a t the end, add ;-this interpr.
as we frequently find it in our old l':nglilh l!ibles; and dcriv. of the Dr. may be very much doubted;
fince Verft. 268, derives " Robert a Roo, Ji!!ni-

particularly in Ifaiah; lviii. 8. T hy righteoufnefs

lhall go bifore thtt ; tJ1e glory of the Lord {hall fying rrft, rtpcfa, or qflitlnts :" and in 250~ he
h e thy rere•ward: which fome readers fuppofc to had told us, that " ber~ was only an abreuiatioh
1 pc a 1niitake for rtward; though it i·s cvii:lently of berfrhl, or berigbt; i1 e .. rightly 1 alfo ftttltd,
• oppofed to go before l bU ; and Compounded of or difpojed :"-fo that Robert jbould lignify di.f-
rear and ward ; as forward, /tr<lJard, &c.-the' for- pofed- to rr/1, ptau, 211d quietncjs: the forcner
n>et pare of the compound we have feen in the part of this compound feems to be only a con-
foregoing art. and the latter we lhall fee in traction of ROOST; which is Gr. ; and the
·W ARD: Gr. latter is de.fcend~d ..ab Or9•r, rtt}us ; rtcht, ricbt;
R£-CAJ~CITRATE; a A ..~, (a/:11; t a fro, ,al• 'tght, _bn·ight; bright, brtt,; and by franfpoll·
. iitro, reca/dti;o; lo ki<J. baek-.vard; and throw out . non btrl. · ·
tl1c bu!J, like • vicious horfe; and here ufed to ROSA-MUND; afrcr fmtlt fa }Wut, add;'"'-
.fig nify ./be rifing, or rej11mb!ing of any food on the but according ro Verflegan's in terpretation it
:fiomach, owing to indigeftion. might not be imprope.rly rranOated· ibus : '
REEKlNG-wt; at tbe end, add ,_._or perhaps 1-Ierc lies ft1ir- R ojj-lip1;
it may be derived fro1n the fanie root with or rather more clofdy ftiU, according to llis own
~OAKY-weathtr; Gr. derivation, ·
. · REIT, or weed1; the roou of lhrubs, &c. that Here lies fair R~fy-tno111h, &c.
· .cho-ak up rivers; " und~ reto, and rttare. jimlOi- ROUT; after the arr. ROUNDELAY, infert
na ;'' fays Lir:t. i . e. '' p11rgnre; r~tie e_niin :ir- ROUT, 6r nJ!tmbly, feem• to come, according
bores funt, <JU>e aut ex ripis fluminum ·eminent, tO Speltn. in " Roula, il Germ . ran.I; rota, glo·
:&Ut in aJ:veiS eorum C,Xt3nt; a retibus; quod pr:e. b1ts1 tur1J1n, (ohor1 :''-a coJ11pan} or nun1bc:r of

·tcret1ntes naves 1rrtJ1an1, . er r eI art1,e1:1 .: " - co111e-
r people garheted together ·in 11 body, in a · cirile:
•quently derived fro1n the fame root with or _rarhc~ perhaps rout .1nay ~e derived a 'P01?•1,
RETINA t G r. jlndor, 1mpttl/J: vel pot1us ii r.9.,,1111dar:rm /lre-
RIFF-RAFF ; at the end, add ;-by the D r's. pitus, 1u11111/tus, impet'IJJ; fro1n the cont1nt1al
-cltpreffio11 of qt,anlttm'rJis vi!ia, \\'e 1ni·g hc .ratl\Cr da11ering noift, occafioned ·by fucli a meeting.
fuppofe, that riff-raff· was but a tranfpo!iti<in of
J11r-fur, whi ch would be rr1f- r!Jff, converted into s.
riff-.-afl; and what might lead us ro . admit of
fuch a conj e&ur., is the conformity of fignifica-
tion between them ; frtr'fur lignifying· /;rr111,
jcurf; ref11fe, j wupir.gJ 1 1.""Jtlttmvis viiiti; and
S CARCE, rare; at the end, add ;-'-" car111 ;
lral . j tarjo, cnritas; jcarjef!a, ftatfita; Jcar-
city'! Wachtcru.s :"...,but !till all are Gr. as above.
tonfeqoently Gr. !till : frc DAN-P RUF : Gr.. SCEA VES ; "rrtfhes: Ray :"-perhaps onlv a
· 'RIPE, at the end; add ;-and Somner like- diffrrcnt dialca of CHIVES, brcaufe t hey grow
wife is of the .fame opinion; for his words are, · like rNjbeJ ; or, rather rzl./htJ ltke them : confc-
!.' Sax. p1pun;sa; ma·111ritas; is the fame as pip ; quemly Gr.
mtffis , or p1pan; 111etb-t; unde ·nob is n tiping, .SCO.T .and LO-' t: there is no arrivi ng at the
·pro mtffio11e :''~chrn confequenrly Gr. ; as w~ . deriv. of this expre fliqn by con fulcing any of our
iiavc teen in REAP: Gr. En_g lilh ditti<>naries·; they can- all tell us the fig-
.to RIPPLE flax ; " t~ wipe off ibeJe~d vef!ris: 111ficauoa of 1r, but not the etyn1. : Spelman is
R;iy :''~had this gentleman but fa id, 1o STRIP the only author who has. given any tolerable fo-
•ff /~e/etd v'.ffels, he would probably· have fcen · lution; anct, he ·fars, "feat, Sax. rccat; peC/utia,
that it was Gr. a11Jus, _p ars, ct Jjm/;•/um ; pr'opric id, quod me•
ROAKY wtatber, fi·ems co clefC'end a 'p•,.•r, dioru 111 fxct1lort111l a\1thores voraJ1t,
flltidus, fluxrfs; ·a 'l'tw, jfttfJ ; to fl~w ; not i1nmc- quia U pJurirnis .c·olij.itrieha/111· i1t ttntt111; a fC'COt:e,
dia{ely like Water, or any fluid; but riling gent ly, j otio; u nde rceot:an, jaeulart; et A11glicu1n to
like a }Jtf1m, or vapor -: or perhaps ·ronky m:oy SHOOT- :" -fo that, /cot here f~ems to carry .the
be derived by t rantpolition from -X~f'"• quaG idea of that porcion, . or part, whiC'h 'i1 roji i~to
·°l'~x•"'• eedo., ·l'VlidiJ; to--rifa i.nto 'l/Of<>r,.and .v m1ijb: the comtnon con tribution; and ..the paying /cot

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-..J lot, i.s the paying 9\ir ~r.t to the ~ommon .
e11pcnce, which is all 1:6t·oWJ< into one heap: and
1·. ,. t ·..~,.~· T.,.,,11f"l""~,.•.• ,~,v"r .
n,.q,,q..,.•.,, ~· 1"'1"'1e•"'•f', .J ""''Y'?"' '
the e'Xprcffion.. c0Mi11g off /(ot-free., or foo1-free1 Elr' '"'' /;f1' 'f4~• ""foif .ti~ -r'-ii.\,•• 1'r, · ·•
i~ the . not t11Jlrib11li1Jg· «IW~rd~ th)! reckoning : . F.(J' ,..• "f"'t"' ,..,,,,, n11 { • ·, . . "'f";r":
confequently Gr.: fee SHOOT: Gf. now it is evident, that if the ffight of the jlirib
SCRlt.1BRE; at tho end, ·ijc!d ;-Somne.r like· to lbe.rigbt, was to the Ea:ft, and 9f thole /1 tbl
wife i$ fo invcloped in Sa:iton, that he could not, left, w~$ to the W <fl, the obfe•ver muJl ~ fuP"
o• rather iodeed would n9 t fee, that the original pofecl to have fiood with his face tO ~ Nort1':
of thi.s word ms Gr. 1 for fhefe are his words, how then could the bcft ftat ion for thoft, whd
" f cri/11br<ipr.ottllor; an af,birmen? anjcbrijmC11! \yere 'to make any augural obfervatlons be thatj
nonne hinc noftrumftri11e'(perhapsfareenJ diat~y- which looks towards the Eafrl for if tilt au~Uf
rum (c. itc1n wnbrlla! .Saxonibus autem hoc fenfu looked towards the Enj!, accord iog to Dionyfiu1,
Scjumbpc fc, pro prote.'1ore , .._then they are all the flight of the bjrds t o the right could not b~
but b.arbuou&, fav4gc, Northern dictorcions of ta tbe jrmte qu11r1~r, according to Ho~ : id
~., .., 11mlr11; und~ :!:xi~?"' .um bro, p r.otego ; Jo 01orc, the hil1uria11, and the poet, arc at varian!'C• ·
jhadt, .forem, pro/etJ. SJR; at the end, add ;--or ·rather we .;nsy
SERA-VA Di\.: whon gendcnicn and fch9lars, fuppofe, that Sir was derived to us, from ou r
who are well acquainted with the Gr. lang. can Gallic neighbours, who rnake· ufe of the tide
be fo partial co the Saxon, or to any other Mo11.fieur , which they feern to have borrowed
Northern tongue, .as to derive moll: o f our Ian- and d isfigured fron1 their Italian neighbours, who
guagc fro1n thence, and avoicl a Gr. derivation entitle themfoh•es Sig11ior; which is C\•idenrly de:-
os much, 3s if they had never heard of any iuch rived from the L.atin St11ior: and confcq ucntly
language, is a pha:nomenon in letters too llrange Gr.: fee SENIOR; Gr.: and it is ve-ry re-
f or me to account fot: thus Somner fuppofc.s markable, thar che Latin Se11i~r; the · Italian.
that thi~ compound jera-'IJada is pure Sax. 1 for Sig,Uor; the Spanilh Don; the French Mor.jieMr;
he fays, " jera-vada; ctemium: huic retl>ondct the Dutch M)wbur i and che Englilh Sjr, lhoulq
noftratium fear< -wood, _pro xremio, vel ral'llale, a all, and each of them, be Gr.
Sax. rea1tan,...ire/.11urt ; et/ubu, Jjlva! lip"."' ; SLANDER; at tire end, add ;-"vel CJI Aoilpt••,
vulgo w~od: - thus woul .be fuppoje, ,t hat be ut quibufdam placet," fays Cafauh. p. 257. · ,
·hos given U$ the origi~ of /era, or, as he calls it, SL'l.Pl-GRAVA; ~c 'the end, add ;- " Vcrfle~
iioftratium/eare ; a Sax. reapan, artfattrt ~-but gano," fays Somncr, p. 57, "jlap_igra1la> q. d.
furely the Saxons cook their reapan from the Gr. }kep'gravt 1 quia inquit fapultus unqua171 Jorinitns
E•-t"-'""'• arif.ieio; a ~"f°'• ariths, fi.c&111; dr,y, or habendus cft : conjetl:uram probo; cum dQr'tltire
jere-wcud: as in the next arc. , nobis fit Jo ./kep; ,a Sax. rlopan: jipu/cbrum h,inc
SEXTON ; at the end, add ;-Spclm. like- . vocatur dor1hiicriu111 :"-jJup however may be
wife in Sacrifla, has ~iven us the fame d..-riv. Gr. as we lhall fee prcfently: and grave, wi: have
though indeed in a d ifferent manner; foJ he has · alreaJy feeo, is undqubtedly fo. .
fai\I, "Jacr.iftai1tt, majoribus noftris Jtg1rjlan11 SOLLAR; by Spelm. i11 Sclarium, wri tten !-
atque inde bodicjt xim, vclfag/lt11; nuncfexl#f'· fol/tr, and explai11t:d by '"•"" 1. but eviden tly
. SHARP 1 at the end, add ;-or rather with derived ab H>-••r, foJ 1 uncle falari'"" ; miaoing •d
C :Uaub. 2~6, by tranfpofi1ion fron1 a/per; r011gh, upper room in a church ftccple, where the. bells.
cr11d, fitre< in difprlfiti~tJ :-but ! is Gr.; fee 1U'e hung. _ .
ASPERITY: ·Gr. . S .PADEtoJigwiJbf at the end, add;-"Gcnn.
SIGN }at the cnd, add ;-thoµgh perhaps JPt1du1; f•dere : W achterus 1"--but fl:.ill it m1:r
SIGNAL it might be better ftiJI co,derivt: be Gr. as above. · •
Jlg_n, and jign,atitrt, with L itt. " a!i•ri41t. quati : SPELLING-book1 ~~e end, ad~ ;-Somne11
fi1gmut11, cxc110 t, .jigmu111, acque mde jig1111m.;, that "limpbC111er ct propr1e · rpel (uc
vel potius ~Jtco :"-but/uo is G.1'. Veritegano jam obfervatum)/mno myfti~ut, crf!<I{~
SILL; alter," add ;-and Somner like.- (11111,pa1·abola: qua:. qujdem CJtplapare, !ive (xpo~
_wife, p. 60, derives it frorn. the Slll<. : nen: (faltem metaphorice) Saxon; Belg'.
SlNISTEU.; at the end, add ;--;-haying, fiocel fptllm: q \li qui ca) let arrc Sp<llman merit6 di~
I w1ore -tl>!s, rccolkcted a palfagc in J:Iomer,~ cendus :" -he then pays a handfomc compliment
aad c9nlidercd it .more clofcly, I find it utterly• ' to the name of Sptlmau., the great ;tntiquary, lb
fubvercs what DionyGus has Jlere advanced: the ,often ·men'tioned in this W'ork; and . my former
pi1fi'age is in the 'Twelfth Iliad, 237, whore connexion with a. very, learned gentlcn1an,. wqo
H.ellor, addrcfilng himfelf Ul ,Polydamas, fo,ys, · wa~ a_ ~efceodeot .of ,that familY.• i;j v~ me an
, · · .., H • opportunity

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opp<lrtunity of tranfcribing the remainder of furpilcb ; tranfpofed into Jurpliu :"- but ftill if
Somner's article, with plcafure; for as foon as he is Gr. ; and derived' now from a different root :
mentioos the name of Spelniaff, he fays, " cogno- fee FELT: Gr.
.!Jlen aute1n hoc Gloffographo nolho, f. in. viro, SUR-RENDER: ju~fum reddtrii Jl. A<lw,i..1 ·,
d~ his. literis optime merito, oon tam proprium, do; reddo; render.
quam conveniens, ,et debitum." SUR-REY ; at the end, add ;- and ycr, fpe-
· SPl}R{Q QS ; at the end, add ;-it is remark- cious as this dcriv. may appear, it does n·ot feem
a~l.e, that 'T:.oth Lire. and A infw. write it :i;,..,f"• co be fo good a one .as ' that pointed out by
g1.1afi :i:..'f".l'ov, conccp111s :- but fo likcwifc .is the Cafaub. 330; for Southwark; :ind Su1'1'ty, are two
woll: leglti1nate offspring. different chillgs ; the forme( ~eing pare of 1b1
•.. ST ALE, or jlaJki11g horft; at the end, add ; fuburbs of London 1 and"the latter a counly; anel
- Spelm. however has given the moll: proper therefore we might rather fuppofe it carried a
<\eriv. of our wordjlalc, ab "aftalliuI, q u i de- different dcriv.: that of Southwark we have alr.,ady
f~endi~ ab ajl11; i. e . dolo :" and L itt. would feen: and this of Surr!.J' feems to be derived ii Soll~h,
derive qftu, aod 11ftu111s, immediately from Arv, and rey; olim jl11mtn; a river: me\lning the dif-
oppidum; in quo qui converfati alTtdue funr, tauti, trich, or county, that lies on the So11tb-fidt of the
atque acuti eCfe videntur : and meaning here tbt rivtr Than1es, with refpett to London: (ee
fubtil, fly, crafty, aod inftdious man11rr, in which likewifo St. Mary OVERY: Gr. .
the fowler creers toward.s the birds. SWEET -benrt: " quid aliud," fays Cafaub.
. ST ERLING-mon')I.; at the end, add ;- Spelm. zo5, "quam Grrec2 loquunc11r;.;J',... x«eJ',,.? narn
feems co hefitace; " adigit n1e camen in dubium
O derici locus, ubi fub iogrelfu Normannotum,
r• jwul eft ipfiRirna vox Gr.eca :" as above.~ ·· ·
jltrilurjis legitur, non fltrlillgus: ulterius igicur T.
difquirendu1n vi dctur.
STRAIN tbrcugb a colander: (after 't he art . f'T'ACTION; afcer ra11cid11tfs •f tajle, dele the
STRAIN, or bind:) Cafaub. 333, would derive J. remainder; and let it be added to the end
it " ex Gall . t}lraindre, vel tjlrai11ger; qure ex of the an. T INGE: Gr.
L atino ftringere :"- it is a wonder he /lopped at · TOKEN; at the end, add ;- or perhaps token
that deriv. when it might have been fo ealily de-- may be derived from the 'fame root with 'l'AKE;
duced from the foregoing art. ; not indeed in the Gr. : whatever may be taken notice of.
fenfe of bindi11g bard, but of &oJJfi11ing · and re- THRF.SM out cor11; fomecimcs wrircen tbrajh;
jirai11ing the larger parts, and letting the linaller but._ according to L ite. ought to be written wich
one's pafs through. an e, riot an 11·; fincc it is deri ved :\TH-: '-', T1~1w,
STREET ; at che cnil, add ;-Somncr, 59, Tlfr:., incle Tfif3w, trro; to rub, b~ui_fe,_or beat out tDrll.
would derive our word ftritt a Sax. J<:pret:, e't THRONE; afrer harang11111g hrs arm;-, add;-
J"'C)'3':b, from their rcpepeb,jlra1um; ec ft:pep1an ; as meot ion;d by Virgil,
;1er.n rrt: .fuch partia.lity c9uld he l11ew for the .· - - - tumulique ex aggert fatus :
S;1xon, as to fuppofe· that the Saxon was the ori- lEn. V. 44 .
ginal; when 2:1ewwvw, and :r.1fw'"I"'• fignified .THUNDER ; after S'kir.n." add ;-the (leriv.
jlernere, ;1rf11pm, and jlrowul, ,generations before is evident; for if wc do but co'ncraa, and t ranfpofe
the Saxons ever cxi!l:ed. ' · tonilru into tontur, we !hall immediately )>ear the
, . STRENUOUS ; at th~ .e nd, add ;- or rather, Teut. dander : or, if we do but convert che ' I'eut.
according to Litt, jlrtnupiu m ay be derived a do11der into dD11ider, and then cranfpofe it '.into
I:1•e••"•folido, firmo; unde I'l1~10,,-'l.lalidus, valiant, donidre, we !hall prcfently perceive the Lat.
ji,-nl, j}out, and hear.ty .·i.n. any caufc. io11itru': fo that they arc evidently but various
STRlP off clothes : ' ~ a 'Gall, eftropier; i. c. _d ialelts of cacti other; but they are neither of
fllll.lilare, obtr1111care, ut ·quida1n volunt," fays them the ·original word ; for 1011itru, as the Dr.
.Spelm. " fed ut mihi videtur ii. Lac. exjlirpar<, himfclf obferves, is evidently derived a 10111u : -
quod per trinllationem occurri t pro de/ere; quafi · then it is really ftrange, &c.
:rxftirpamentum;" o r rather by tranfpofition, as . 'flMOROUS; at the end, add;-or perhaps
he fai.<1 .quali ex;1ripamrn1um :'only now this great 1imor, i. e. timto, may_, according co Litt. be
ctymol. has kd us no farther than the Lat.-but: derived a T'I""'" bonaro; f •ar bciog a certain
we have fee11 that EX-STIRPATlON is Gr. degree of rtjpetl, and jubmij/ior.; quOd quos
SUR-PLICE; at the -end, add ;-Spelm. in timtmus._ honorr profequim~r. '
PellitttJ, explains furplict by "t1111ica, vel indu- TOO THY; "pe11'Vifb, crabbed_ : Ray:"-per-
tll'!fllllfl ptlliuum ; a pihb: hinc/uperpe/Jfrium ; a haps it is derived (rom TOOTH, as above : or may

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· ~ only a various di:iletc: of TOUCHY, ill-11a- or even Gr. frill, through another char1nel; as we
lured: both Gr. lhall fee under the arr. W ;\LLET : Gr. ·
\'VALL-wort ; Jun. fuppofes this word is de-
v. rived " a Sax. fal-pypt:, (01/UtS; the dwa1f t!der;
quod circa m11ro1 rad ices ligere, ac facillime (uc-
EIL; begio with: Litt. derives v£1um ab crefcerc foleat :''-bucbothWALL,and \.VORT,
V E1>.vl'"•invo/ll(rum; which orig4nates ab E1>.u.., are Gr.
a derivative of E1lw<>, volvo; lo roll up; lo 'IY"vtr, lo \VAY; at the encl, add ;-Litt. after quoting
invtlop : and this may be perhaps better t~an .to the former deriv. fays, quid fi a B"'"• i. e. B"'""•
derive it ii .~,"~"• &c. ' : quali 81«; unde via; a road or path to go in!-
VENISON:; after Poff." add ;-Litt. der_ives there can be no obje!l:ion t o fuch a deriv.
" venijo11 a veuatiO; i. e. ii v cnor; and this' verb WHIT-lt<1thtr; a conlra!l:ion of wbite-leatber;
he derives a 'tJen,io', indag ar.i. fc[as,. et quafi.<ir- being a fpecies of ll:rong, to11gh leather, dreft and
cumvenire :''-lhould this . be . right, it would .tanoed in a particular manner, to make hedgiog-
de.fcend ii a~ ...,, venio; unde- tircumvenio·; · to . gloves, falconer's-gloves, &c. and is always of /1
jurrc1111d with coils) or, &~,: . . . Whitt color: cqnfequently Gr. : fee WHITE, and
a VESSEL of paper; the etym. of this worcl LE'ATHER: Gr.
does not at lirlt fight appear very.evident; but a . 'VINCI-I ; M,.,, quafi vio; vico; unde vindo;
deriv. has · bee11 lately fuggdled to me, which lo bind, co11ji11e; the winch being an engine lo
feems to carry fome prop~bil.ity with it; '\'iz. drata barges againft ftrcam: alfo the bandit of a
chat a veffel of paper may have dC,rived its appel- jack; or any \uch inftrument that puts a fcrew
lation fron1 Jafticulus, or fbfciola 1 quafi vaj/iola; into motion 1 fee VICE to bold /aft with: Gr.
a veffel, or /moll, flip of ; n little winding \VORD ; at the end, add ;-or perhaps word
band, or jwa1bi11g-dvth ;_a. garttr: a f'!fcia i a' may be more properly d~rived ab 1'-f'"'• dieo; 10
/mp/I r.arrrYw binding : -.the root is undoubtedly /peak; and then, by placing the digamma before
fafcis; a bu.ndle, or any thing litd up ; alfo ·the it, we might f!)r1n F'f'"'• which may have given
fillet with which it is bo~rnd ·:-ceinfequcntly Gr. origin to wt/rd, quafi wereo; or, as it is fom~­
as under the art. F J).SClNES : Gr: . ' : tim~s written, weyward; but it would be very
VITI-LITIG.ATOR, according to
Litt•. is difficult. to trace the dcriv. offuch orthography.
compound~ of " 'Viliqfa, and litig•; a bot't'<lt r,
a q«arreifo111c lma.1Jt In ldw_:·:-and. confequently ALPS '1 if what Cid. has advanced •
is derived as .in the ' following art. and L ITI- 'BUILDING in Voe; it 1, be true, that
GIOUS : Gr. C.ELTS " the pojVer of the root in
EXCELLENCE tbefe words is in the fylla-
... . ..~ I-JILL • bles 11/, ti, ii, ol, or 1.t, the
. . . KNOLL of a bittJ vowel being, in fatt, in-
ALES ; at the eJ>d, add ; - or perhaps different ;''-then the reader is defired to alter
W fince the Weljh were not natives of Bri- the d eriv. given in thofe art.: viz.
tain, though far more anri.ent tha11 the Romans co/I-is; a bill, or any high tmintntt: far all thefo
a Ko1'·>1•~•

on this iOand, it mort probable to fuppofe, ivords, 1ogether ~ith _every other. clcpreffion in
that they were fome colonies from Gaul; and that author, and 1n this work, which bears the
received the denomination of Tf/eljh, ·and - chat fenfe of beigl>t, feem rather to have' deduced
part of tbt illand, where they fettled, Wala, their' origin, not frorn K,,.. .,,., but from AJ./• .,,
from their being foreigntrs and aliens to the extrito I, alo, n?ui, al/um : uncle 11//111 ; lo nt!<rifo,
nativr, or original Britilh; fince the very names inrrtllje, grew to any 6ulli, fize, m11.rnit11.ile :-as
of Waln, and Wt/jb, befpeak fuch a deriv. ; we have obferved in the art. ALBION, ALTAR,
v iz. either mo1111tai11ous, or mgun1ai11trs,. as above 1 ALT-ITUDE, and HIGH: Gr.

' . '• 4 H 11 ERRATA.

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• I


E R R, A T A•
Ja IM aniclt ABJECT, &c.
A,DULTERATB -- r.. ..,;;. z.a.a -
HA.,.~ -
!'(;. e.~
II >.J.,. •
- ......... -- -
Oj>poAllQ.t .
_._ -
q""'l•e -
- b1nc•.
ma a cla~.
BR Ei\CM -- -- '""'C'.' - -- ,.,...,........ "'7•
~,.,.~. ~-

-- -
CHA PF.Ell. ftc HAPPER - fct COPE, ar

- - -- - --
CHIN' ki_m chick.
. . CH.URN [oum q•"'I"" ( 1um ifca.qrJe.
.. C OAX wttdle - wbtecl •

- - --
upon - -- r'•r;;"'
- •. · igo.

-- - - -
llip&y Gipary.
- - -- P"-ki..P


~CK., orjl•.,,_
HYADES - ....
vet bi

- - ....r.a.. - - - -
.... ft•

- - ....... --
upper, or lower -
b e.
upper, or qhu;

- -- ..... - - --
• ,
LION A•*"•
• 'LUNCHION ,, • lady
MENDIC ANT ' ' ror •
llILITIA - - p ritiaora - - pritlliua.
- - ."".. -- --
l'ANTEJl•.., oaaU.
PRUDENT -- , omnie

,,,,.. - ~·C··
RIV.ET -- -- - . ---
- ;,,.

ROUND i• w1 •••
STOCK, or co;i1.J
-- p11ma.a
- - --
i .••.,,
J"lll 1'111d 0
r ....,.
rwercator ft~
- - - -
-- lwae1
lril>1'Alas - - weftee.
uiC.lll&t ut.


Dig1t1zed by Coogll"
• •' •





&r0tt -Art., Bd'o n Al\u

A. Chrift hri.ft. Chrlft.. Clu:il!.

BRAHAM goes.into Egypt - 1920 -

A Adijifon, J ofcph_, Oor~JhCd . , -
Adfi~, ~mpcroT, arrives in Br1ta1n, 2nd
ANN, queen, d2ugh1tr to James l l. and
youngqr lifttr to Mary
-diesin ' - - -
builds a waif between Newcaftle •nd Car· Anfon, admiral, performs his voyage round
lille, to reft:rain the Pifu ,.nd Scou - - 124 the world, and iake9 the rich Manilla ihip
JEneas, after the dellruGlion of Troy, fettl~ Ii-om AC2pulco - - 1744 ·
in July - n77 Anti pater defeats Brennus. Livy 321
.iEfchylus, the lirll Greek tragic poet 486 450 Antony ( Mark ) and Cleopatra, are de-
./Efop, the fabulifl-, born - 64r feated by OClaviu• c.,rar, af«rward•
- - - is at the. court of Crccfus, king of Auguftus, in the (ea engagement <>IfAClrum 31
Lydia, tog<0ther with Solon, and oth<r Arburhno1, Dr. - 1 73.f.
G~cian fages 562 Arcadius ana Ro11orius - - 395
- - - at the age of 8o years is putto duth Archimedes, the famous G reek geomct.ric:ian
by the Dep~ians --:-- -:--- 56 t of Syracufe - - 208
.A grico]a, Julius, fatber-1n~law of !~ctt~s, Arc hons eftablilbed ot Athens - 1088
~ppointed governor o( South Br1ta1n, 1n Argonautic exped.irion ; according to
order to protea the inhabit~nts from the Ulber - 1263 1226
incurfio11G of the Scots, builds a wall fro1n Arr;os in Groece, founded by Inachus - 1856
:F orth to Clyde; dcfcats the Scots under Ariftophanes, the Greek comic poel - 43 40?
on the Gra1npian hills ; and /\rillotlc; the Gre<lc philofophtr, p~ceptor
fir-fl (Jils round Britain, which he then to Alexander - 3•5 384
difcovers to be an iRand 86 84 Arius, • prieft of Alexandria, founder of the
Alaric, kina of the Vifi Goths, takes and • Arian fe8: :J,•6
plunders 'komc -
Alc:rus, the Grciek poet, contemporary with
+o6 410 Armada, Spanilb, dellroyed - ,58s
Arrian, the Roman hiflorian and pbilofopber ><> 1
Ale•andcr born
- - befiegcs Tyre
- -
Arthur king of Britain.•
- - 5011
- - dies at Babylon, at 33 years of Arundel Marbles - - 158~ 263
- age, in AffaJlination plot againlllting William Jll. - 1696
Allred t~ Grnt fnbdues the D•nes in 56 AfTyrian empire founded loy Ninu• - >t2'<
batttcs ; :and founds the univcrftty of Athens founded by Cecrops, an Egy}><ian 1571
Oxford Speed 872, 895 896 or, accordiog to orhtrs 1556
- -- and dies in - 897 l)ot At1ica ftttled in !Jy Ogyg.., faid to h ave
Ambrofo, bi!hop of Milan - 397 founded Thcbe. in Bceo<ia - 1855
Am~rica difcovc!'erl by f..:'olumbus, a Genoefe, Attila, with his Huns, ravages the Roman
in tl1c fcrvicc of empire - · - - . <1+T
Amcricao 13 colonies revolt fron1 England AU£;ullus, C:erar Oltavius1 fo n•med, after •
Anacreon bon1 at ·reos, in Greece - Julius Ciefor had been Jlabbtd ill rhe ftnat• · ~9
- - is llranglcd by a g rape- flone, at 85 1+
years of·~ -
Rollin 490 e-,urclian
- -
- - 272

Dig1t1zed by Google
-- .itt..Britain,
.Auflin, St. :i.rrivcs _ ··-' and.·-.
~. -· ...-.. - .. ""'_
.... __
·- ...... -·~· ,,_ -
Before AJt
. C: "-- ,_
Cb r1ft. brill.
......... ·--:·Boyn~, 1~;j=::.,.:rS:ii~
......... ' '~

', ChriO.

i' :-~i·;¥ ~ e!' ·

c:onVerts Battles ·
E thelbert i<ing of Kent, to Chrifiianity s97 Jia1n III. defeated J•mes II. J u ly 1fl: -'- -
Crecf, in France, Augu!l 2'6,

B. f, - or
E~~· rd 1J . h~d 4,e,lec.CS C"JliOn)f; ''h*~ ~
Ig~i!).ed.him t~e'_vi<.!_org ~ \.1 · ....,,.... iJ
~\ ,
'.ABEL; tower-'l l>.tHt by Nfmrod, thg ?. ·4z .....
2 13T 6
B Babylon, city I fon of Culh, •od grcot ~~4
grandfon of Noah - -
2 Dtirh;am, pci:-: 17,; n whicfi >av:id
king of Sc.o ts was made p,rifo~e_r - - •

I 3"46
2 0
1\1' ')S1 l 1~ +". . ! liaft1J1g•\ QA· l;'h in which Harold
Babylon mkcn by Ciorus
- - - by Darius Ochus
· "
538 •
516 "
w'~s .k!lled ).'/ Wilffam the C on.q ueror ·-
Malplacqu<t, s•• ~!'. 11, w~n by
'- 1066 ·

Bab¥1anilh c•, • ; ,, : - •. · v. v; • 599.1 ., . ·. Eugene •nd .Mar)bo~~ujt~ · _ . ,.. . ;----· · - [7P<1

Bacon, Roj!;cr, the greatJnatural ph1l6(opticr ~ - 12 91 --
' Olterbour8~l~~~n . Ho\(pitrla'ha S. .i. •
Bacon, lord chancellor Verulam , ~ ~M • r- . .l9~6 .earl Douglas • - . I'! .--.J - 1388
llajazct, emperor of the Turks;'ihRquili!cll .J '· . .' Oudenard'.P,~11~30',l~rf'by Matl- ' f
by Tamerlane - ~- - r401 boro ugh . - ·" ~ - . 1708
Bank of Eng land cllablilbed - 16?~ Pharfol1a, between Czfar and Pom'pey 48 · •
llaptill, John, beheaded - -=
·*' "'"2 I . Poi<!Hers, or Mauporruri, ' Sept. 19,
Barbadocs 6dl !Cttlcd - - l6 25 \VOn by Edward the Dl•ck P1ince ov~r
. llardar, Rebert, author of tbe Apology .for Jobo king ofFunce· - 1 • · -'-- · - r3s6
the Q!lakers - - I
169d ' ' Pultowa, June 27, bCl'eecn Czar
Barqnets fidl appointed by Jame• I. - 16 Ii
Peter and Charles Xll. - ,·· - r709
Bath, city, if W~ rnay C?redit Stowe:s ·~~ro..- .,
n icle, p. 21, was founded bf Bl•d\ld; Ii Ramillic•, \\[:~iffunaay.,..-..wi!lft ..~Yi .It~ (\
lVh rl borough r
· ~·,", ,(fo;,. ,tu'!f. "'" ' ri_e6
.. fon of Rudhudibra(•, in which he buil/ Ii W orccJlcr, Si pt" 3, :won~l>y;.C"'1!!!;· .11r.~ :,
wel o v\!r C harlca·.rr: ·'·~.. ~ .•,;;-tor1:-;-!·f'!;~ ·~I ·1651
t]ic tempJe_s of MirtCrv;4 Ui~t1~ and
Apollo : " this Bladud, " fays Milto»;
is reputed to h:ive been a man of ·g rea' ...
Bcaumont nnd Flctch'e r· "l""\"r·:'' •,!· · · ~ . ..7 .. t615
llede, Vcner:ible, a p.riefl: of .l.'l<>.!\4i " . _, .,:f.
inven t ion, a1td fiUdied pecromanc.y ;' at who wrote the hi(!ory the Saxos1s, Scots,, ha~i•lg m:i.dei h-itnfcJ·f ..wiogs, he ~r­ &c. aged 70 . / ·· ~ • t · ·; · ~' :-r- · P97 1 ri '! ·7'3S
tcmpted to ·Sy, but fcll.ffi>m the. top. of t h• Bells I nve ntcd by. b101op Pau!rnus_of. :C•iit· .: ... ··Jo.
. . --._; . ~ ·.,.· - ....... -,.r .. -:-- - . 1-!. 0 o
temple Of ApolJo, in ...r rinqv.-n r, , now ·
London : ''-this feen1s to be 3 mifl~kc
_ , beU , at Mofc!lw · beilJg· •.n ·,,. '·
with. regard to the name of t he city; for I nn1az.heingg reat init:inc:C of hunia11 va11it,y, °.the ~: /
ic " r;is not the te.mP.le..Qf ApoJlo io T,rlnn~ foliowl11g partjcul11rs from Hallway, vp). i. · ._ ..
vant, or Wctlminifrr in LoJtdon • but the p. 61 , n:,ay be ~urious: ·. ·.-" ~.. • ·
temple of Apollo;,. Bot!>;· for St9we 's ac- •' • '• feet.· ii'lc"li. . .1 "~
' • its b'cig11i : ; ... 1.1 4J-
c.ou11t is; '' t.h;it t his kii1g Bladud ·dcckeil
11ln1felf ju feathers, and prl'(umcd · to flie; N . B. Smollet 1be.bead : • · • 3 1
but by fo iling on hi1 re1nple of Apollo, fays, t hat the diarnctcr - .. • 22 4~ .,
(in Ba,th) be brake his necke, when he had clappe r alone thecrack occafio_i\• - :
raioncd cwcn.t y yeares.'' - - 863 weigh ed ed by the fall • 7 '-t
Bath: order of k11ights inilitatcd ac the co· 10,coolb. ors welght i11 tons, 2l'2, · ' • •
ronation .of Henry IV , -
Battle&, o&" AG!ium, in which Antony and
- 1399 tons; and tliat
it I ook JOO
or 443,;;zlb. weight,
\vhich; varu,_ed at 3 s. per
Cleopatn ><•defeated by Auguftu• 31 n,e11 t o ring it. pound, is • £ .65,6.8T. '
Aginc~urr, 0 8.?bcr 25, in which
Henry V . doleat$. the F rcnclt . . 14·15 Bereni cc - - - 1 · 67
- - - Afcaion, ill J udea, 1n vo·h1ch Bilhops, (even, Sonccoft u.chbifhop of Can- ,.
Richard J. {urtlamed.Cceur ~e Leon, de.- tcrhu ry, Lloyd bilhop of St •.A-fapl\, K<c
feat1 Saladin, cmp-cro r o f the Tul'Jc:s, ac of B ath, Turner of. Ely, Lake of' ~bi_-
the beod of 300,000 lighting men - 11 92 chef! er, W bite of Peccrb'oro.u!l'h, and . ,. . r·
- -- Bannockbourn, June 25 - - 1314 Trcl·awny of llrift'11, ~II fcqt to 1te tow•• '· 1
B lenheim, or Hochftadt, Augull ~d, by James II. - - , · ..,.; , -1687
won by the duke o f Marlborough, in wl11ch Bladud. Sr<: Bath.
10,000 F1CJ1ch and Bao;arians o;•..-ere killed Diced makes an :Attempt to t1c:il the cro~n "
on the (por, the greater eart of 30 rqua- out o f tl1c to\~Cr - · · '' - ·- 1671
dro111 dro\yne<i It, the D .t11\.lbc i 13,000 Bo>dic~a, the Britilb {qµcen, d~fcats tbe. ; · . . ·
• made prifoners. i11ciuding 1,2.0 0 <>ffic:crs ; Romans, but is foon :ifrcr:.' defeated b, , 1 r •
100 pieces of car111011~ \vith 1 4 n1ort ar s i S'uct01titJs, the Ro1nan gover1lo~ i.a.l.lfil)ita'i11 ..;;..~,.. i6J
129 colours ; r7 J ilandards ; 17 pair o f: Boeri us, the Roman poct; "·:and Platonjc .P.fti. . ., • ..
kctt-lc -drums: ; 3)(;00 tents; aud 34 ce:~ches - '7 04 lofopher - , ..: •. 'r~IJ;'ti!"rf" - - • s2+
- - Bo(worth , in which R icbord I II . Boleyn • Ann, beheaded ~y.Hcnry Vi'lI . ~r.o! _.
. wa$ ·ki.lleJ, Au~ull 22d - - I'! gs
jc.Uoufy · - - - 1536
10 Bolingb1oke,

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C H R. 0 N 0 t O G I C A L · E· V E N T S.
lkf.on Af\rr

Bolingbroke, lord •ifcount St.·John>•vd 73 -

ObriA. Cliril,

6nce it is (aid ti> have been founded by

Boyle, hon. R obert. natural and cxpccimco- Ogyga ; as may b<: fe<n under the uticlc philo(opher - - Anica • - - 1+9+
Brcnn1u J. a Bririfb king, joins the C.. uls, Cafar, Julius, inYadcs Britain - SS
who~ with unircd forces, ra~agcthe Roma.n - -- ;again a fecond time - - 52
empire 1 but at laft ar< defeated I>• vanquilhcs Pompey at Pbufalia - +B
Antipater - . :...._. - -- perfues him into Egypt - +8
- - - II. inyad•sGrtec• (Rollinv:ii . 229) i:r-___. is captivated by the charms of
- - - attempts to plunder t~·t•mple at I: Cl•op•rra - - 47
r. .,.....
.Del phi -
is defeated by Snfihcnes
Britain, under the d1rcetio n and :ulminifira·
tion of the Druids, a11J CeJtic Gauls,
from time in1memorial ;-is rtdu~ .:Undct, ·i ·
l ~l\l"i"-
</las a fon by her, nom•d Ca:(arion
r,ccur111 t o It01ly -


Oilavius, "defeats Antony and C lco- ++


;; ftibbcd in th• feoate on the ldes of

t he power of tho Romans by: JMi u1 Ca:(ar,

and his fucccfiors - - 5:t ~ ;t p~tr1 off Aaium -
is declared Auguftus -
- 31
- - - and at !all evacuated , by the R.o-
" - - and dies - -
mans +31 •P3 c,IUmac.hus, the Grcclt <legiac poet - :t++
+'l:t Cambridge, univer61y, foundcJ aboutthe ye>r -
- - but nill •Rifted
- -- and again -
and for 1be Jail time . .-
- - 414 Camillus n:lievcs Marcus t.1an.l ius, belie~
426 in tl!f!.Capitol by tlM> Gaul• -
- - is relieved by the Saxons • - +so Ca.nda~e 1 - -
- - who at 1.0. drive the: inhabitants into Candids, tallow, fu:Jl inven1<d
\ Valet - • - 685 Cann;t', battle of, in wh ich H:inr1ibal kills
is inftl\<d by the D • nes 867 80,0<>0 R omans :n+
- - iJ invaded by the ~orn1ans 1066 Cannons ond gunpowder invented, by Roger
The Driti01 Mu(eum crcClcd .at Mont•gue- B n_ - - 1~16 13+0·
hou(t •- 1953 u(cd by E,
d ward III. 2t the battle of
D ritons driven by the Saxons into \Vales - • f"l' u 1r685 1346·
.. . ,y - -
!lrutus, the (on of Sylvi ou, the fon,of "Afc•' ·• t"' 'P!,,Jll P•n~t~, the Dane, kilJg of England - 1017
Aius, the fou of IEncas, is 'fo ppofod .. b)' ~ape df Good H ope, failed round by the
our carlieft writers to have landed on tb19 PortL1,..:Ce - _ - 1497
illnnd ; and to have cal led it BrMtoin :after Cuacalla - - 198
his own name ~ be, and the colon)' of Cara8acus the Briti!b k ing • - - - so
1 .. ro;aas whon1 he brought \ him, are -.,--1- his noble defence before Claudius
tt<koned to be the lirll inhabir>nis of thi>
iOand : however tha_t may be, it wu ce.r-
Cards i1l\•cntcd ror the amuftmcnt of Charles
- S'
ainly known by the mmc of .t/l};i;11, even VI. a .,...It Freocb king - - t19 1.
hcforc the time of Br11tu1; 1h.o~ hi1 eolony 869
.. i~bt have httn the fuft fettlers ~n it: Cutbag•, in Africa, built by queen D ido or
w hich 'ltry natunlly and eafi:ly 2.:;:coun1s
• B+s
fot our having (omuc::b Greek intbc com.. i;:-::- i1f!ormedand burnt by the Romon•
pofition of our l::anguag:c; fincc the Tro- ~ulinc's confpirac~ - - 63 't~
jan• fpnke Grrck, ond the Druids un- C•to flabs himfelf, Feb. s; aged 48 - +s
do,ibtcdly wrote in the fame tongue. tf0 8 C•rullu• - II
Iluch:u1nan, George, Dumbartonlhjre; a Cecrop• m igrates from Egypt, •nd elh-
Scotch hifloria11 - - l 582 blilh<1 the lr.i11~dom of Athens 1556
Bu rne!, Gilbert, · bilhop of Salitbury, a nd Celful, the Roman philofophc1 and phyfician 20•
hiAoria11 - .. ";"' - 171+ Cham. Sec H•m·
Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, a burlcfquc.poem
Byng, admiral, Ibo!• '.rvlaicb 14 ';· . ..--
:By,.antium, now Conl\ant<nople, .bll!lt, by
Paufaoiu-, a Spartan Icing
1680 ,C hulcmago•
1757 - . begins
CH .. JILIS !.
th~ empire
78+ -
- - • · - goes to the boufc, and demands
- - 1625,

the five mclllbers - - 1642_.

c. - - - is beheaded, J an. 30; aged 48 - - 1649
CH,.ALU II. r<Ji•red hy gtueral Monk,
.A BOT, a Veneti•n, uils to North du~e of Albcrm21lc, at the R')ltr•ti•• - , - 1660
C America for Honry VIL
t:admus, brings the Greek lctten out of
- •499 Cb.rlt1 XlL of Sweden - -
dcf<ucd by Czar Peter, at Ruhowa
•- 1700
Pha:1,ici1 into Grtttt ; and is Cuppaftd tu Charta lvhgna. See Magn-.
h•vc b«o rhe founder of Tbeb.<s in Charter of London - - 11o8
Bceoti• ; of .,.bich he could only have Chaucer, Gcolfcry, the fatbu of :Englilh
lle<n the rollorcr, (•+SS•. R.olliA ii. 303} POC\IX. - - I +oo.

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C li :R·, 0 N 0 L 0 G I C A L
'" ' ~ D<fore Al'tt-r 1<>- I- J,~,;· ! s~rore .l fttr
.J. Cbxi ft:. Cbtidl• 1.011~-'-.di.!tj-.,l Chtift. Cbrj"l
• .•
· - ·· - --\ . ·-~I -
ChimnlM_ were not known in Errg_l~dl j.t.;l,. ~:..:.. ·~oo .;ttl .~11· (~d~s'~rOJl•.>iin~arkinlf!!oiji 0 •llt1 ·.~!~:­
CHRIS1 bcrn - .. o.l VW :.: ; · ,·01 . I' Ath, os . !-u•nr......., .1111 1.:-.u,r,<1 ,.nd~ 't-S fi "'-' .,
--. -': c:euoi6c.d . -
C hnll'.•ns ree<!ft that appcllat1~~ollidh-.
• ~'"" ....; .c. f", l•~: }-t!~3 1 C~qn.o( t~.. wOrld '
11!1 t
. ~-- . ·. .
.-;ii·: g roll)w:J . de_d,ifc:d ~ •r ·~•·'4
I ~'
,0o, ;,
~ ..J.. ' · 65~ :
A.nt.1oc.h - : . ~· ~'. ~G. ft"' -4-pi.~ t~'4t.ei~.,,·--B-~ .. 1-r-o1")1,~ ~ -'-s8
Ch riJhp!'"Y firfl prof'dl'ed by Lu~1usis·:irll:rJ~ _n"<r ~ ~!uJ'i.d~.¥..~nJ '"·"""b "'" t...1. · ' " .: . .,..,, ~69S
t1lh king ·- -~'"' ,.,.,;...,,; 1...-..i ~yru,s [ti.lceireat-bo_rn .. - , ;- '.":"''t :-i99: ;;.-.,...
C "
1, ' rfl
bo.,\. 107r. f.~,'l'I•
Or!l 1ion -
. 6 •-f Ch · !'"\ · · 1' --'lCi j·IT· "'I\~
t~J!abyloJt noui>.'i' ~,.l>.)<IQ<j: 11 <HS '"-·
··1 - ...-",t h .a... n11fq -
WC$ j>V'C •· U l1!'li' Jo _, , .. , <U ;..r.J
$2'9 - • "
;, r anilbed - · o! .,,~ > :»5? .... _._ ... $ail ~~r, ;emperor of Ru;{lia . ,, .. ~ ~ >J..7t:&
- -.-. ~nd rtcalJed _ . - •1,~:?! ~ ?J:'S6 -·11 / .-; •:'
-:~ l~1,~lf.,., .. _,i,.·~": 1lJ·>• --~
Chrifh 11a, ~·-· 0 1 Sw•den, refi~ ~!ti• :ii•• >.., ••..; f •
cro\Yq - - -........ - 1· 16f4 · •
, I""·
" ~. ti<i:,u«·""'" ""' ,. lr• · 1•-?i':
t"),,if.t:· ·-.11t·1~ ins ..,1biu~{t ·it t-.l n-;4!
Civil 'f"S b~tWUI\ the )Joufe• of.l:l'loH·, •~. :tlO · ~T"', 1
, . AJNES ln(~flJEhg~altch ~-- !"i'IQ1:1•••: , _ l t-lh9
Lannfte; • · · · ,· ··- · ...., .1".19)) ! T"7" 1""•·"•!l!~di·Jb¥1'Alftt.L~dic ,,.,.,, ! "'"·
- - 1n· Chorles I. ume -~· !. ·. ._.. ·6' . G1ea~tn ~:bat<lcs ~ ,•·"""""" ' "'""· 8¢
C lor<nUon; Joni chancellor Hydel the gre11· ~... : , '. driv'" o'ut .oll E(riglaJtdv 0>·,,. ' ~ :..,. ·I O;j:c>-
hift.ori~ri - ...... JI· ~ ·:~. 116j4 r.aniicl9 the p rc;.phet-- - - - . 555 111'f".'r'
':l•rl<~ Samuel , Revd. f.rm~n•. : , ,,~ .,. :. ·. ,~ . '~2!)' ~ar,~Jus fo•=d• his feth•r :rcucer:"'t1'ro¥ t+'80 .
CJaud1tJs, Cot(ar, arr1ves 1n Hrlta1!\4 t•.~ ; ~ l~t !1.~ b1r'i.u~ Jofe,:tbe-b3rtlc of liut-
1 ~ f~3~·l - ~
C leop:ltta, qµ~rn of E~pt~ ~-<l J,1 6 -. ..41 jt 1•. l)ay;iQ, -- I ~- - ~.r it ~ i ,,io+S lo83' ·-·
- - - - l'l as a fon by Julius C refa r--- - . 47 t•~·• D.e~9rib - .. : -· ·1t.:·":-.ce 1 :5-t ·.,·; ~ a;a.fts ~
~~ ~is defca·tcd with Mark A·n t_ on-J . , 1l.;! • ;:i, ,,: ~el~,&~ ~n Np:ab.'s:>-tlme. :i:.~ .. _.. . . . ..·, 1 ~ .2948 - :·..-
A.81um - 1;1 ,· ···'~· JI< .. · . i)ccnpqr1tus , - - - 36.r. ;·,,
.....___ ll inll' herfclf to do.ath with anll{j> .• , . l . D~01?llh•n<1\, the Ath<nian oritor. o 33i l "3
, a~ 39 years. of age -:-- • '""? • •30 • b~1ica!ion's !loo~ ,- ;.....,.. ,~ij-16
~oc~• and d1'1ls fir(\ fct up .'° church•~ .. , , - . •1'61~ Q1do, ~'luec~ b'luld•C&tth~R"' .1; • .......,. t80, 1 ..
\;J~..vrs? _k1~g o f_ F rartce., 111 wboCe reign .,-,::; ~· - " _p~~icpan; ~pe~r , .. -:-::- . ., . - - · )~48l,.
·Chrifttan•ty w .. dh<bl11bcd · -·- - -:- ·1 '496 P~od'o~s Sit Ohl5 · " c ~ , ~ ~··I,..., ' # •; ... ·
Ceaehcs fir!\ introduced !"'" E• .•~ >oW '589; ,D.~~qes, ot\ Bab_Jlon, the Stq1~'Pb1lofophe~ "''SS ,,· ·-
- -- · had~oey, 1,ooo·m·Londor\ ,, ;~ · U.. . 11770· P•og~~.. Lacn1us; tb;e; Greek b1og'j',pb.<r"" ._, .•:z:QO
Coal~firltbroui;l1110London(fromNeweallle) ·"- i '.JS? P,ion Cailius, of •Oree<:e; . th., Romui...bif· , .· .
Cod~us - - -' - -1085 t<>rla;n "·. 1 .: · - -i ; ,,i 2r29
Coke, lord chief juflie« - · · • ....._ -... 634 , l)ionyGus, of• HdicamaJl'us, the : : ,,, .;r'
Coloni~s ft1dcd. j·n ·Amerk•· - "" ~ ..~ , 616 · !. hift<fian ' - ' •' ...-! . ~ .,\·
~~ ·rerolr - - - - - .,~7 15 Dom1trat) ' ... · · · · · , ~, 1 ~•• ;. • ;82
Columbus, tl1e great -navigotor, a Gl;n<>c!fe) ' · I}oomfday-b001o, ~ing a. Curvey of al'1 1hc ··:I , . ,,;.[
tii..the fervice of Sp:iin, dif-cov_crS·,~mc.riCa· ~.-.. 1·49'2 : cA.;ltcs in Englaud;con1pile.d. by ord,ct .ol :·. · ,. ,r,J.~
Coa1modu:s 181 William the i:oO<JUetor - - . ··:...· rfo86
C om mons h rll {u1nmoncd t9 ' 1>arliime1)i ·hy .;:, ., li>rake~ Sir francis, f-ails ,1:ouz1d .rbc world ( - · is8o
Henry Ht. . - . - 1264 Ji>rydcn, John --:- ...-. " - . •701
· C ompa(s, ·rnarlncrs. 1nvcfltt:~, o• ·tinproved, ~· Jl)utch!co1rut)onwealth begins\ ·· ,.-.,.,.. -., ·1·5¢g
by G ivia of N ap1C1 - · "-' - 13~ ;1 ' ,, · ; '•
Confurills, the.~far.noll& Cb'.i.ncft:,p11ilofophtr· • 406 1 ,, · •• .. • • { • 1' :-

Congreve, \ V il lia:m, dramatic pieces - -r~ 11 2<} J, E. - .... ... ·; ,.,. ·1 • l• .~.
Conqueft, Rom•n, ·by Julios Go:. fir 155 · ' ·• • • •· · •· •
~--Saxon ~ . 685 '.E DGA-R /t1hding, gr.ndfoll of Edmund
""" ·-
- - ·J)~1liCb * • • - 86 7· · l ronC1dt, bef:i~ :i W<."'.l~ pr·i11cc-., is re"I · ...
- ---Norman, by W illiam the Baftar-0,, '""'°d by .Harold II. - · - - 1·o 66 .
dQke or NomJandy· - ,_ 1066 dies '- ·. ;... · - , 'JMo:
C onfla ns ~ttd C o-ntla 1)tit'e ~ ··-. - 407 .E.d \varJ ·the ~·nfcffot - . ~ • r. ,~ ;....J..."; ~re14-·t!
Conllanti hc - - .~ . 3"" EoWARD I. defeau-lJeW.Uyn 1:"'inceofWales . ·- · · .1 .z8:1~
. rtmovcs.- the (eat of•C'mjlirc· fro1n' --..--i- .caufcs · bis quee n ,Bleartor~ &:9~ be; ;: .. J .. !"
R 'Omc to EJZa nlium, front he11ce cal)ed bro\lght to bed in' Carnarvon- c.aClle ;, and
Confi-3nti:noplc ~28 1he bcit1g de-livered of :a pri OC'('1 he.tis named
C onftau tius . ~, 3-+3 Edwar<l ; l and was t bt: firfi r:nglifh prirt1c1
Cooper, A11tony,Alhli:y, earl of Sbaftcfbury·;·' af If/oles; "nd < finCc, 'the.~•hci'r ~p, I ;~! "· ~
ch~•-raCl·r:rfrics · - · · ---..... ., - '- 17·1 3·. p:arcut ·to t·he.. Engl1fh ClroWn ·has bUr11e' ,,1 • 1
Co(ittt)1·founck·J lJy·S.ifyphus,fo n· of·Jeolus ·14 10 · that title "\ ' . 1 ~- 1 ---(', 12. 4'
b urnt by l'vlummius ' - • · - 1·46 · 1 '.E vwAftt> JI. ~ ·; - · · 1307
Cornelius l\l~p()S ~- · · --. 43 · - - cruelly -p11t to death Ln Berk;lc}·~ •.
Co'.vlcy, Ab1".l h~m f"mi(cel l>tncous ·poetry - 1'618
1 - c :afllc · · •.;! '' ~ ,_ , 1327
·Cr"'fos, the rich king of L ydia · - 56~ · -EDw Af,O Ul. - >!"'-.; ..;,. -i3~6
E o Vi' " · tt o

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~fM A rru
S.rcre Al'tu

! DlfAllD Ill. bad four pkus of cannon at

- -
Ci.rJI. Cbr,Jt

• G, :.
- -,..,
coriA. ci.. "'.

the battle of Crccy 1 by which be gained
the villory ·-
Edward tbe Black Prince, bis fon, defeats
'- 1346 1:;¥, and Otko
G AGalen, the G reek
philofo1>"1 and
John king of France, ~nd takes b im pri- pbyfician - • 193
tOner, ar Poj8:jcrs - - - 1356 G ali!eo of F lottnc:e firft difco..u the fa·
Eow ., ao IV . - 146o tel Iitn of Jupiter and S.turn, b7 the te..
E o w ARD V. an4 h i• brother R ichard duke lefcopc, then jull invented ill Holland - - 16o8
of York, arc fmorhered in the T ower - 1483 Garter, ordu of knights, inlli tutcd by
EowAllD VI. fon of H enry Vlll. by Jane Ed ward 111. ,.,- -
Seymour, bis third wife, 11 born - IS37 G a uls ~ge and burn Romc-1 againll whom
- - d ies at t he age of 16 - - 1553 Mm Jiu• ckfonds the capitol , wbcn Ca-
Egbert , ki ng of WelTeir, unites the Hcprar- mill u.s comes and defeats tbem
c by under 1h c name o f E ngland - 828 in wade Greece
F.gypt firll iohabikd by M ifraim, or l\fe nu, ~~ 8
Delp hi
attempt to plunder the temple o
~ 277
the fon of Ham - -
Egyp<ians, about rhe rime of Abrah•m, f<nd
2288 - - are-dcfrorcd by Sollhencs
ag.tin by An.tiocbus Soter -
a colony i n to Greece, and clhblifh the and. again by ~11rceltu1 2a1
kin;:dom of Sicyon - - 20 79 Jul1u1t Cdar conquen G aid, or
- - another u11dt'r J11achus, who found- Fron,cc 56
ed Argos - - 1856 Gaul divided into 1,6 provinces a.a
- - onothcr under Ct crops, who found- 'S1 1 Gay, J obtl, .o f Excler i pc>ettJs, fablCJ, and
e<l the kingdom of Athens - 1
~~ 6 . IJ d ramat ic ip1oces
(:j.101. G E 'I . •o f the boufeof Hanover
- ....,
17 1+
E li, t he J cwifh high J>riell -
ELISABET ll, que<n, dau~htcr of Henry V 11 L
II S7 1
, 212 - d ies -
G•o• o • 11. afocodcd ,the throne
' - 'dies -- - \ 17•7

.,.. ' 176o

by Aon Doleyn -
- - being the !all of t)1c 'I"udor
Jine, dies -


. 'l'"""'"
1 Sl+
G•o• C• ~![.came to the cr""l'n
G•t•. ·
- - I 1760
,- ' 198
.England,. See Drit•in.
.Epia etus, 1he Greek S<oic phil~fopbcr - -
Gibral tar taken from the Spa11iards
Gin11s Kat~, at the head o f the T artars, •

.Epic urus, founder of the Epiouru11 feel in i 11ew race of ravaoers from the N orth~rn
part~ of Afia, overruns ill the · nrace11
' 0
G reece - - 270 '
Efiher - 5 10 CJflP~ r.~, and in imitation of tho{e barb1'!
Evaodcr n1igralcs fron1 Are;1.J•a 1 iri Crc:ccc, 'r;ans,, carries dratb ;i.nd defolatio1i where· 't 1~
to l<llly - 124+ ever he match.ea t-- .. - ..,-. t.:l.a1
Euclid, of Alex•ndri• in Egypt, the 11rut Glafs brought into England bt,Benhalt, or
matl~c:matici;:i.1l 277 Benet, a roQ!1k, a:nd mdC:r~f ..Veocr~bli: '
...., 166+
'• .
,Eugen e, prince of Savoy, joins the dwke or lied e. _ .. -
M arlborough - - 170 4 this however could not have been the fid~ ll
Euripidc" 1h1,Grcck tragic foct - ++"' +o? invt n tion of. that u(c-ful and curiuu! com..
l::ufebius, the cccJer.aUica bifiorian and poli1ion> fince P l in·y- jnfotms vs, tlP.t
ch ronologcr - - 341 N oro put an ingenious •niCl. '10 death (or
.E utropius, the :Roman hifloriao - - 4 28 h;iyjn.g invented a me thod of ma.kin: glaft "(" •
E x <idus of the l fr• elitcs from l::crpt - 1491 nia!Ieable ~ .t • - ...,..
• and yet even this it no~ .the fidl invention
o f gJafs ;- for the E~fptians w<n: in po<. v -" •
F. fc!f.o a of 1hat art •bove a huDdml yous

AR~UHAR, George, tight comedies
Fire of London burns down 13,000
- 1;07
b<fo re Nero' s time; for Stn:bo, lib.. "I·
infonn5 us, 1bn C yobifa&s, wh<7' lwl
m.atti~ Bertnicet queen of,£~ was •
pr1ncc of fo meu, and (udt. bdid i ncli- .~
"boufcs, ot 408 drccts - -
f lacc11S, V ol<riu s, t he Roman epic poet -
10 4 na1i on•, that be caufed the body of
F lamlled , 'Revd. John, aflronomy and ma· Al<• ander- t-he Great, who h ad bee.a b•rird
ar A lex:andria in Egypt, ·to be p:ut _int o • ~
•' t
thcma,irs - -
F letcher and Bnumo.nt, dram~:ic authoM <offill •f tkft, (<" '"'."~ ~~) ~n <Oide< to ' J
F lood in the lime of Noah - lJf8 fin.c th.::lt of gQ'ld; ·t n 2wh1«;h 1t h.-d lain 1.t
Florus, L ucius, of Spain, the R oaian till ' br r) - ' L. I < 1, ...t ' ~5 I
G!afs windows 6rll ufed in Engl•nd • .._ ....- ' l ito
,f roft, a great one

another ; in wl1ith a lair wa6 kept on

- Gold6 d\ coin~ in Eogbnd b1 Edward Hr, '. fI:,• 1~~+
Good ,Hope,· C ape,· firft ' faikd r ound btti11o! ,J
the Thames - Port Ug¥<fc - • - - }_ ,_ I ;U,
+I Oot~l'i

Diqlt1zed by <:ooglt>
Rc(cn Afi er
Sc(e« A lb-r
Cot~s; their firll irruptiori
CJatil!. Clu 1 I

I[. fon of G eofrey Planta.g enet, by
aine. cbi\a.

- - - - frcond
- 2
the cmprefs l'vlaud, daughter of H cncy L
- conquers lrc)2nd
u ;;i
~--'- r~urth, . now joined by the II!. comes to the crown - ~116
Vandals , - - I IV. de pofes Richard II. - 1399
- - - fifth ; they overrun Capp. Cil. V. conquers France - 1+ 1.a
Pont. •nd Galatia - ~ V I. begins his reign - - 14zi
Gower, Sir J ohn, a Wdlh poet - 2 V il. earl ofRidomondt having lcilled
Crati:an - - 5 Rich ard III. at the battle ot Bofworth, is
•Greece planted firi by a colony from Egypt cho~e.n king, and is the firlt of the Tudor
at Sicyon - - 1"79 li1tc
- · · - by lnachus, at Argos - 1856 . VIII. bis fon, manitt his bl'Otbcr
- - by Ogygn, at Thebes 1855 Arth ur"s wido'-'~, who was Katharine of
- - - -' by Cccrop• from Egypt, Arragnn, in Spain - - -
>< Athens 1582 · receives the title of Dtf'•''r '.( tb1 1

- - - rcce1Ycs letters by Cadmus from Faitb from Pope Adrian VI. for writing a
Pbo:nicia 1450 boo k. ag~in!l L uther the Reformer, in
- - fends a colony into Italy under Gorall211f - 151:1.

Oenotrus · -
- - anothcr intoitalyunder Evondcr 12#
- 1470 • · is divorc· cd (ro1n his queen,
rinr o f Arragon, a[ter 24' ycirt cohabin-

- - - anotlacr into Italy u11der iEneas 1191

Gregory N uicnzen, bilhopofConflantinople 389
tion, :and having haci thttc children by her
· marries Ann Boleyn, by means of
- 1533

Guildhall built in Henry ! V's rdgn - - 141 0 Card io al W olf<y - 1533

G uns and gunpowder invented by Schwartz,
2 Gcrmait c hcmi.Jt, acco rding to Baker, in
- - beheads her thro• jedoufy
. and the very next day marries Jane
s~So, tho' l'olydorc Vergi l, and others, Seymour •536
fay, 1380; ·however that m~y be, there who dies in child-bed of EdW2rd VI. 1537
are fome of our hifiorians, who affirm, that ·
,Edward 111. bad four pioces of cannon at
• he then marries Ann of C l eves
is divorced from her in about fix
- 1538
•he b.,tle of Crccy - - 1 34 6 mon t.h s __..:.
. and marries Kathirine How:ard
- 1 53~
• and be head's her in
then marries K atharine Parre - 1541.
• and dies in 1547
8 H epta rthy, Saxon , after continuing about
ABEAS corpus alt - -
U..llcy~ Edmund ; natural philofophy - two hundred and fifty ycan, ccnten at lo.fl '
en, ot Cbtm, tM fecond fon of Noa.b, fettles in E~rt 8oo
in Africa -
H :i.n!ilton,dukc, aad lord' Mob"'1, botlt killed
- 2357 Herild
• college
in!htutecl. - - -
- · 7?.
in a duel
ffannibal,.at 9 years old, vows p<rpetuaien-
t 7I l -
m1dc king of J erufalem
Herod ian,of Alcx3ndria, the Roman hifiorian -
- · 49
mity againfl the R omans - 1.37 Herodotus, the famoYs Greek hiflorian 445 +8+
- - forms lhe ttcge of - 219 HeC.od , :iccording to the Arundel Marbles,
- - defeats the .Romana >t tbc battle of lived 27 before Homer - - 907
Canll2! - z16 2 14 H icro, tyrant of Syracurc - - · 21 0
- - - - killszoo,ooo R.ornano, u kcs 50,000 Hippoc rates, the Greek phyflcian - · 361
prtroners, and ttduces, 8rutiu.m, Hoo.di ey, Benjamin, bifhop of \Vinchellcr - - 1761
Lucan.ia, a.a.d Cam~ ia - - 214 Home r Arundd l.1arblcs q61 907
- - - - 12kcsC1pya - z1 3 from the taking of T roy to
- - isn:callcdrothedcfcnccofCanhagc 196 Homer - - 277 223
- -- - retitts to the COUft of 195 from Hom.r to the birth of
- - - -- --from thence to Prulias, ki11g Alexander - 551 605
of BithJni•, a nd poifon1 hinifclf. - 189 from the birth of Alcx•ndrr to
H 1rvey, Dr. WiJliant,difcovcred the circu~a-
tiou of rhc blood -
Rt len, th~ wife of M l'nclaus, king of Sparta,
- 57
Cbrift -

the year T roy was token - u84 1184

- 35 3 56 .

ttaving made ::i.ra clc>pc:mc:nt wtt11 P:l.ti!i, out of \vbich, if we drduB: the •
tbe fon o t· Pt-;am, k.i ng of Troy, is the . y••rs from Troy to H ornor, 277 · 223
occ.U.oQ o f the T roj:.n \\':J.t - - 1198
H<l iopbalus - 19 thrre will remain ft om Homer
H cngafr, or Hor!a, at the locad of tbc S;ixons
lands in Kcnc
Hltt&Y I . -
- • - ~ 50
- - ''<XI Hono rius
to Chrift -
- 907 96 1

- -:- . 395
81(orr Afttr

H one<, th< R.o man lyric, aruf fatyric poet

Horfa, perhaps th• Came with H13rif1, which
• 8
C~,la .Cbri•

Keil, John, af\ronomcr i nd tnathcaaa&icisn

Knives 6rft made io Engb.nd -
i••h"fa - - - +so Knox, Re•d. John, a &cotch r<:fotm« - - \ 1572
H uns -
- 376 Kouli K an ufurps- the PerGan tbrOll,C ...., 173:t
- ravage the Roman empire under Attila

- 395 -
- makes &I\ irruption into d1e Mogul
dominions , ,., ·--- -
an-d, ~ccording -to l.itnw~y, .vo1 •. ir •
• p. ls 3, £a1ri~s off the follow1n& 1m·
::- - 1731

I. and J. menfi: plunder :

J cwchtakcn from the Great £.
ACOll invi1ed i nt:o Egypt ·1706
J J•maica taken by Cromwcl from the
Sp•niards - - - 1655
Mogul . - .
The Peacock throne, with
ni11c others -
- 31 ,250,()j)Q

JAMES 1. unites England and S$0otland, now Gold a nd Silverplate,mdted 37,500,000
Great Brirain 16o2 R ich m;nufaau·r es - 2,500,000
- -- II . is forced to abdicit:c the tb ronc, Cannon, and warl ike ilorcs 5,000,000
whic1' brin·'S on 1hC Revolution -
J anus'.$ tcn1pfc fhut, and univcrfal peace -
1688 ----
J enkins, H enry, of Yorldbir<:, •g<d 169 -
l•ph1h• -
Jerufalem city and temple utterly ddhoycd

11 67

- ·---·
Total amount£. 87,500, 000

by l ' . V c(p1foan - - 78
I lium built by llus 1331
J nachus, founde r of Argos, in Grccce - 1856
l nocula1ion introduced by lady l\.1iry ~Vort-
L•ertius, Diogenes, the Greek
gnpher -
- 310

ly M ontague - - 7 L aomedon fuceccds llus at Troy ..,...... 1:i60 ,
John, Baptilt, beheaded - - Laud, archbilbop, bcbcad.ed - ,,_ ·- 16&S
)oHH, kine - - Lee, N athanicl .;,..clcvcn t:ragcdict - - . .1699
- - - forced to fogn the l\.fagna Chart• •_,eland, Rc,rd. John - ~ J 761
ohnfo11, Bc:n, the dra1natic p<>Ct
ortin, Revd. Dr. Life of Erafmus
ofcph fold into Egypt -
- l.eoJlidas, Icing ·of Sp2rta, killed at Ther- ,
onopyl:e - . - .+9' 480
Letters invented by Mcmnon the Egyj>l••n 1822

oC.phus, the Jewitb ilillori>11

oOiua - '
- 1455
- -- brought froot Phccnicia into Grccct,
by Cudn)u.S - -
0\11&.n - Linc-0ln's i11n eG.abJiihcd -
Jreland conquered by Hen. U.(and 6rll of the Linen m1nufatloty <r<<tcd >.t \Vindfor
Plant·agcnct.s ) has bttn govern~d cve-r lincc I.in111 and Orpheus - - 1:i81
b)• an E11g!ilh viceroy, or a lord licutcntnt - 11 72 Lilbon almon dcflroytd by an carthqu~ - -
Jrifh maJracrc or '°"o,ooo EogliJb ptorcfl<lnt~ - 1640 T,ivy, the Roman hiflorian - -
Jfocra.tcs, lhc G rttk orator 336 Locko, John, the great philofopbu -
ubilee, the lall gnnd one bdd at Rome -
j udas 1'1acnblcus
udgcs of l fr1cl -
- -
- - - ilincra.nt, appointed by H en. 11. in
1759 London, renowned in the time of B oadiett
II - - - obt2i!1s a c ba.rtct in the reign of
John - - - ~108
Longinus, the Grcc:k orator, put to de~th by
6 circuits Aurclii n - - 27J
J ugurth'• confpincy
ulio&JI• the OlJ)Olt-atc
- I II 113 Lottc:ry, the firfi dra,,·n i1,1 Engliind
355 Lucan t he Roman epic poet, put 10 ~f~h by , , 1 •
- - 1 1Qg3
ulius A gricola. See Agrico!3. N c:-ro. . . . ., 1 ~ 1- , 65
ulius C1tfo r. See C :x:far. Lucian>the Roman pbj lo)pgcr r- t • • - 1 - 18.a
uric~ fir(\ inllitutcd 1 -iucitlS, the .fir:_() CbriJliaQ king.. of Dri(a.i11• '
ul\iccs of the peace fi rll appoin1cd on
who f011ndcd St . . Peter's, Co,tJlhlll, which
Englond - was then made the archbi!ho9 1$ (Cc, till ,
Juftin, the Roman hiflorian - - removed :ifcerw;irds to C:111tcrbury 200
JuOin or S:a.n1:ari:a, tbc olden Chriftlan author Lucretius, rtae Romao poet - " S4-
after the apofllcs - - Lurhcr, Martin, begins the R efo:mition in
Ju!l inian - Germany . I ' 1517
Juvenal, the Roman fltyric poc:t - - - Hoorr Vil!. of England
w rirci a~02inft him. ""d r«eiws chr
K. ti tle of Difmur if 1h1 F,;itb - - U>J
Lycurgus, the SP,Utan lJ.'«giv.;r 875, 92 88+

K - -- P arre
ATHAR TNE of Arragon 1
-- How•rd
5 ,..
Hen, V 11 l. I 1
" 4 I 2 1\.1. Ml\CllF:Ttl ,

Diq1llzed by Google
.. .. ••
. Sc-fore: Afttt

. .M••
Chull. Chril.

Medin•, the Right or l\lahomct Tn>m Mtt<!a ..._

Middlcton!l. Revd. Dr. Conyers, \'orklhirc 1
-- 6~i

AeBETH, tho ufdtph, Gain by Mal· J.,ito of 1.;icero, &o. - -

M e<>lm kinf of Stots -
Maccabzus, J u u , the J cwilh ,_,neral -
Milc•llond, by Trajan, in Britain
Miltiades, the Athenian _ge11_eral
J <le'

Macedon, klngdom, fo<1nded bJ Caranu1 - !\.lilton, John 1 l'aradife Lolt, &c<. "- ~ 16
Maclcn1ie, SirGcbrge, ofDllndct - Minorca, taken by the F rench
Mifnim, or Menes, the fon of Harn, the ft-
- - 17~
Maclawri rt, Cblin, of Argylclbirc, math"t·
m•tician - cohd fon of Noah, leads acolonr into Egypt 2288
Mactobius; the Roman ~mintrii.ft .- Miflilippi &ubble - - - t71g.
Mag~lbn 1dl'fco'ttf1 hos tlraics in Sou'm Mithrldal'C\ I. the third king of Pontui - 265
Adierica ~ .· ::-' ~ 1518 Monl>.Rcrics diffolved by Henry VIJI. 15;1
Magi>a Ch~!& cfo'hlplllfivc!y figned by J t>hn -"- 1215 Monmouth, d<Jke, beheaded - - 168s
Mahl.met 6om • ~ - - 578 Montoc, Dr. Alcbncler; abuolny - - 1751
-~·-- Ki'H hh flight from M ecca to Mofcs
born 1571.
M~in~ fn tbe #lb yca'r of bis "I"• whcn - dies 1451• 1,0
bc~llabhfhcd the Saracco empire - Munlmius takco and bums 'C orinth I
- ' ·*"d dlco .....:....... - 632 Mu lieus, a\:cording to the Arundel Marbles,
ftorilhed .._ . - 15
+- -
drloanr, or J1>an of Arc -
is executed for. a witch at
~ - 1+31
- - - bu't, =ording to tho Univcrfal Hif·
tory, aijout .~ · time ·of tHe ·Arg'onautic
~uftlr~ ~~"cic~: Scots, vanquilhcs t~ '
expedition - - 1281

M anJius ad°mds the opitol avinft 1hc diKercmx ..i.

· G iulS', till Camillus arrivcs with his army,

ana cfcfdts them . _:_ -
M.an6cm-houfc built by Sir John Vanbrugh · N.
\{iM and fea charts brooght to El>gland by
Co'hrmbt, -
Maf'\\hpn nrc, ih which Milti~dos, with
only Jo, oO men, defeats Datis, the t•crlian
ASEBY battle ..._
Ne_. river brought from Wllre to'
London by Sir Hugh Middlewn
- t6+$
gd1cral, at me head rif roo,ooo foot, and Newton, Sirifaac; optics and aftronomy - - 1727
sO:ooo llorfe - - 490 Nimrod, the fon of Cufh, and gre•tr,a:n~fon
-,..,an!dlu• dmat1 the Gauls - 221 of N.,.h, begins the kingdom of 'abylon,
)!arcus Aardi11t - and io.:orof Babel, in A1!'yria - 1:1.47
f;luiners compal\ invented or improvod by N ineveh built by Ni nus, the fon of N imrod,
G1via of Nap)cs - - - · 1302 or Alhur, the fon ·of Shem, who had beon
Marius and Sylla - 92 driven out of Babylo1' by Nimrod - 1122
Mar~ Anymy •nJ Cleopatra defcAt<d off Noah born, being the 10th in dcfccnt :from
Aaiirm, by Augullns - - Ad>m - 294-8
~· llabs hirorelf - - in his time is the general deluge - 2348
Marlborough, duke, defc•ts 'the French in Numa, (ucccffor to Romulus - · 708
inany b.itles - - 1700
.Mar!cilles founded by the Phocccans - 6oo 0.
Ma.rtial, of Spain, the cpigramatic pott
1.1artinico nkcn from 1hc French 'ENOTRUS Ind• a colony out of
M.A11v, bloody , quccn, eldcll daughter of
Henry V llt. by Katharine of Arr•gon -
O Greece into Italy
1553 Ogygcs fettled in Attic• -
.__ _ in her bloody reign were burnt _...;.·- founded Thebes in Boeotia 1855
5 bilhops; 21 clergymen; 8 gentlemen; Oil p•in1ing firll ufcd by John Vaneck . - - 1340
8+, tradefmcn ; 100 huJbandmcn, fcrv:anu, Olympiads ctlablilhed - - 176 .
an~ laborer-1 ; s women; and 4 children : - - and yet the Univcrfal Hillory ••·
l•ft fhc hcrfelf dies of a dropfy
at knowledges, 1hat lphitus began to com·
Mary, 'quttn of Scots, beheaded after 18 pute tim< by OIJ11rpiaJ1, 108 years before
_ _Jc·art- imprifonmtnt - - - 1587 the fir!l O!Jmpiad - 884
Mary, elder daughter of James II. and mar- Olympic games intlituted by Pclops 1453 1307
•icd to o/illiani piince of Orang< - - t688 Origcn, a Chrifiian fathtr, of Alt'Xandria - -
Maffacre ofEngli01 bythcDutch atAniboyn• Orleans, n1aid of, or Joan de Arc ·
- - of Englilb. protcllants in Ireland - 1740 ·Orpheus, about the ri1nc of the Argonautic
- - OfprowAtlntt jn P.aris - ·- '157~ · cxpcditibn - - 1281
Macntiu• - - 312 "Otho and Galba - - - 69
M...I, Or. Richard, un poifons,.&c. - ·- 1754 Ouacnan!e, battle, won \y Marlbo ... ugh - •- '17~
Mcdcs,IUogdom, fouodocl - - 825 Ovid, tbe &mOfOUS Roma1> poct, b.aoifhrd, - - 9
7 Ovid
C H R 0 N 0 t. 0 . G I· C A ·L
.11110«. Aftet Bflo.• All ~ '

Ovid dies In banilhmcnt - -

C.briA. Cb1il\

17 Plutarch, ~e G reel:: biogroph• r _,,

- --
Chric'I Cl:rift.

Otw•y, T~omas 1 10 tragcdiu and comedi01 - 16Bs Poillitrs. or Maup<rtui•, - n b y Edward

tht Bt•d: .Prince, dddl fon of Edward III.
P. one John Icing of F n .n cc - - - 1356
Poly~i us. tbe Greek and Ro111an h if.
.l:TUS pet t• by N ero for hi• torta.n · · _- 16,4 ~

f lingu?;ar vinuc
nting ia oil ,,,. •Mic
Van«k -
u~ -of
by J obn

1, "'
1 the

o r



p irstts
onth• t ime, by taking or dellrorio~


J>.aleologus, M ichael - - ~•SS t heir men; taking 1'20 of tbC"ir towns

Pap<r at lirfl made of eo11on - 1000 an d llrong bolds; and 2bout 20,000 ol
- at,laft o( lin«1 - - 11 70 them priionei's - -
Pui" th< mllfl"Kre of protdlanu - 1572 conquert M ithridaru king of Pontus
Parlit a>tn•, t he Conrmon• llrfl (wmmoned afpi res to the fovc:reign _p owcr -
10,· by 'Ed word I. - - - 1264 Bies to .Egypt, afu:r lo6og the t.ittk
P-arr, Tholllao, of Shropll>ire, ogtd 151. - - 1634 of p h~rfa.lia
Pa1u'c:ulus, the Romon hiflorian - - +s i• penu•d by c ..r.,. w ho Rl>ds h irn
St. Paul converwd t o Clsrilliani1y - - 35 putt o death -
Pontiu s ..Pilatc {ucct:~-ds Gratus, in Jud:ea
plods before F<IJ•
(uflC-n martyrdo1n at R ome
Sr. Paul's, in London,.rcbuilt bv Sir Cbrilto-'
- 67
- - - .delivers Chrifr to be crucified -
Pope!, A.kxandcr i poems, lc.:tters., tranOarion
pher Wren, i n :i; yrars ..:... - 1 17 10 of Homer
P avlus :/Emiliut, coaful, kill.clot th< bottle Porrugok lira failed round the Cape ol
of ~anne - - t .r14 G ood Hoee - - ''497
P aufani:rs, ki"t of·Sparta, builds ByitarltiNm, Porus defeated by .Ale• andcr - 311 '
•or Conlhnt1nople - 4~4' Poll-oJlice fitll.e rcC:\cd in England - ~ 1635
Ptnn, tire fa))1ouo qu•ker, ftttltt ll'<nfylvanl•
- -
69.0 -
-- - infiituted ·b y Cyrus
Powde r plot aga·inll Jame• 1.
' - - ' ' 560 ·· •
A•y Trajan, in '8ritain ' - "·t OO ·
~ .._ · 1tjos_
P crfiiu, the Roman '(atytic pact - - - Priam, ki1Jg .:of T roy,, Whc11 t•k~n 'by tht> ·1
l'crtihaX: Gt«lks - , · - ·rt8+
P.crcr the Crut, Czl'r of l'vlufcovy, dc:fcau' Print'in g in,·cnt<>d by 1,, ·K oller, a folHier, ·1
Charle< XII. at Pultowa - - - 1709 at<fi orlacm, in Holland - - 1440
arrivc-s in England - brouglrt into England by \Villiam
. Phzdrut , the Roman fabulitl - - 31 c•• ton., a mercer of London, a nd tht "
Phccnicians - - J<SI nrft office w&i cicaed in Wcllminller-abbY ...:. 1~7'
Pharaoh Amenophis, king of Egypt 1510 Prior_, l.l atrbew; poems> and 1>01 itics - r7i l
Scfolh is, pcrfun the lfraelit<'I, it Prcx:op i.u s, of Ca:(arca,. tbc Romall lliflorian 5 2f)
drowned in the Red Se& - - 1490 Prophetl, F rench, prc(umt: to, thar
Pharfalia; Pompey defeated by C:.far - 48 tbe:ir famous Dr. Emms would, on a fix-l
Philip of Ma~on, father of Al<>••nder the day, rife out or his grave - - r7o6
G ttat 382 Protdlor, Cron1wcJ afi"um« th~t title r65+
- - - i• lbbb<d by Paufaniu 336 Pro ten ants take their name (or protc:fling
P.ias, a Scythian p«>plc, 6rft k nowo in 3ga1·nil the ~burch of Rome, •• tho di<:t
Bribin - of S pirtt - - '$29
P indar, the Gttek lyric poet -
P in• fufl ufed in England -
- 1543
- - mruacred .in, 40,000 - - t<>+o
· - - - - at Paris - - 1572
Pi!iflnru• - 518 Ptolttn y Pbiladdphus, h aving in tbe year
Plague u London (weeps of 168,ooo pe1fon1 - 1665 28. obt2iocd by means of Demetri us
- - at ~hrfeilln - - - 1721 Poalc_reu,., i nd magnlfice.nt prc(eJ>tS, :a copy
P lant.igcnet, nrl of Aojou , fecond halbond o f t he Old T cllament, c&ufcs t ho(e f•·
to the emprcfs M aud, daughter to Henry I. - 11 23 cred boolts -to be JranOued into G rttk by ••
PJafo, the Greek pbilofopber, and di(ciple of 72 Iearned interprc:te-Ci of thei r nacio11
Socraret - 389 348 (from when« rha.t vc.r6on i11 commoolf
P laut\l,s , the Roman comic poet - 184 callW the Mpruaginr. or tbt /ewntJ tro•J·
P liny, eld<r, thro' a fatol and ill-timed cu- /.ot;r1) and dep<>lited in h1.s celebr>l<d
riofity, in a·ttcmpting to fail thro' Olowcrt libra ry at Alexandria, in ·Egypt '77 •
of nones, cinders, calcined, and P-tolcm y, the fon of Prnlen1y Aulotn, and •·
alhes, that fell u o 11nd himlduring a.moll brotbc.r to the i fimous Cleopatra, cauftt 1
violent eruption of Mount Vefuvius, is at Pom f'Y to be fia bb<d the moment ht
lei1gt b fufroc•ted by fulphureoo• vapors - - 79 land • in >Egypt - - 4~
- the younger, nephew to \he fora1er; PuJtow a, Cur Peter d!f<>ts Cbarles XU. , ; ,
hillotical lcucra - - - u6 of 5 wcd1n. - - - i 709
P ynhus

Digillze<J by ( rOO~k·
C Ii R 0 N C> L ·O G I C. A. L £ V ·E N T S,

I~--'.' I
Gctorc A(cu Ylclotc A(,,..
P yrrhus makes war on the Romans -·

s. --
Cbrifl. Cllrift.

ldlled at 1he fiege of Argos · 272
P1thagoras - ·' ~

S AC llEVER EL, Dr. his fcd itious fcrmon
~t St. Paul's, Nor. 5. -
Sagun1um bdiegcd and taken by Ifann1bal
, - -

U INTILI AN, the R..,on orator ,,__

' 95
Salad1n defe•ttd,at the htad of JOO,ooo men,

Q Q,intus Cunius, a Roman hifiorian - 64

at •be battle of Afcaloo, in Jud3':1, by
Ri~bard I, fj1[1W11ed C<rur de Leon
Sallull,. the Roman hiJlori•n -
- -
t 19i
R. Samfoo- - - 1136 1166
Samuel-· - - 1166
EFORJl~ATION h<gins in England Sappho,-the Greek lyric poetcfs, born 200
under Henry V Ill. who wrote ag•infl ycars...afte.r .Homer 62.0
the reformer, i n Gtrnuny -
Regifters, parochial, lirfl •ppoiotcd ro b< kept
-- 1534
pcriibq in- (?.king the lovers' lc2.p,
at 28 years.of •11• 610
R evolution a.t the abdication of J•mCJ ll. -
R rcHAkD I. furn•med Ca:ur de Leon -
- 16 8
11 89
Saracens 6rll .ment1<>ncd
~-- overrun E g1pt -
- defeats S•ladin, at 1he g reat - - fu bducd by G iog• Kan, head of th<
battle of A fc•lon -
- - II. fon of Edward the Bl•ck
- 1192 Tartars
s. ul 1093
Prince, is crow11cd - - 1377 Saxons, jnvited into E ngland by Vorti..
- - - is dcpofed and murdered in
Pomfret-canlc -
Ill. after a lhort reign of only
two years, is killed a1 the b•itlc of Bof-
- 1399 -
gern •
- - drive
b e Britons into W
the H<ptarchy united u nder Egbert
king of \Velfox, l/y the name of England
455 -

- 800
worth, by Henry Tudor, c•rl of Rich- - - - driven out by the Danes - 867
n1ond; this event pul1 31\ c:nd to the l i11c .....___ rcllored under .Edward the Con fofior - 1041
.of the Pbnu~cnett, which h•d lafltd 350 - - - and >I !all arc fubdued by the •
. year~; and J1lccwifc ends the c[vil war·s N orman• ~ 1066
brtwcen the two houfus of Yorlc and L1n- SC:i.ma11der, from Crete, begins the'ki11gdom
cafler, which had lafled 30 years
Richard, fon of Oliver Cromwcl, abdicates
- ·
- 1485 of Troy _ -
Scipio, PubJius, dcfc-ats Han nibal at the:
- 1546
, the gover111ncnt -
R ichardfon, Somucl 1 Grandifon, Clarltra,
- 1659 battle of Zama , . -
- - - ./Emilia.nus t>kcs and burns Carth•ge
Rive r, Ne w, brought (ro1n W are to Lo11dou
- 1761 Scots a~1d P..ills invade England
Scotland and England unitcrl wider J ames I.
- 446
by Sir H ugh Jl·l tJdleton - - 1614 Sejanus ---:- - 11
.Ronl:ttl e1nha1Ty to G rct cc
- -- civil wa rs -
••s54 Selden, John , SuJrex 1 • ntiquitic• •nd Jaws
Seneca, of\, moral phi Jo(upher, put to
- 1654

Rn111e founded by Ro:nu lus - - 748 death by N ero - - 64

- belitgcJ , •nd burn1 by the Gauls 378 Scfollris, Pharaoh, drowned in the Red Se• 1490
- bcfie,ed, plundered, and burnt by Severus, Septimius
1 93
Alaric king of the Goths - +to 20 9
Romulus, four.dee of Rome - 753 1+8 Seymour, lildy Jane, wife to Henry VIII.
- - is killed 711 dies in child- bed of Edwanl VI. - - 1537
Rowe, Nichol:u 1 Luci o's Pharfalia, and SbakerJ>C"r, \Villi• m ; 1,2 cngcdies and
S21lufl 1718 comedies
Roy•I Exchange lirll built by Sir Thom.. Sherlock, T bom:s, bilbop of London -
G rclham - - 1564 Shillings fir!\ coined in Entland by
- - -- - being burnt down in rhc Henry VI!f. (Edward ill.13.n) -
great fire of 1666, '4'U rebuil t, with a Siq·on kingdom, in: Gre«:c, d W)hthed under
gn(shoppcr on the top, alludini; 10 Sir JEgi;,kus 2079 2100
T hom1s Cr11h:im - - Sici!iat1 ve.fpcrs - - 1282
~oyal Socie ty inftitutcd - 1662 Sigc<tn io(criplion - SS~
lt ufus, \Vill1:1.m, (ccond (on of \o\'illi:an1 chr Sigifmund - s•1
• Conqueror• came co the crown 108i Silk 6rfl brou• ht fro:n India 17+
killed in the New Forcfl by • - the man:f.o.dory of it iot.roduccd ii•to
ranJ01n arro'v from Sir \.V:1ltcr "'l 'yrrcl 1100 E urope by fome Monks - - 55 1
Ruffio, •t liril only a dukedom, i> crcll<J - broad fdk manufatlory i11trod uced 1b20
iuro :i.1t cn1pirc - - - rj29 - - throwing m:J.cl1i11c., invented b)· Lombc,
conta.ining 26, 586 \Yhecls, erc·Cled at D2rhy,
•• tak<:' up 011e-:t1g~th .o f ;,t mile; Ojl C w :itt 1
\\'l)t:<:l n"'IO\'CS the refl ; and. in 2 + hours it
3 . works

• Digilize<i by ( ;oogle
lc.fon: After
Chri.6. Ch.rill.

werks of 318, 504,96o yards of organ~inc Tell)plcofJcrufalcm hurnt byTitusVcfp>fi>n - 70

folk thrclod - - ...: 1719 Solomon dedicated - - 1004
Silk-tlockings nrll worn inEngbnctby quC<n Temple, Sir \Villiam - - 1;30
Tcronc~, of Carthage, the L•tin comic
Elifabeth - - poet 166 159
- a ftttl (iame inv<otcd by the Revd.
Mr. Lee, of St. John's-colleg<, Cambrid'c - 158<] Tcucer, the founder of Troy, and fon of
Simonidcs - - 56o Scamandcr - 1502
Socrat.. put IO dc1lh unjunly by the A1he· l'h•lcs, the l\1ilefian, prince of Ionic pbi·
nians, at 7<> 400, +29 395 lorophers, ~rn at Milctus - 638
Solomon - 1014 dies, aged 90 - 548
Solon, the wife: lawgiver, is :ircho11 at Thc6critu1, the Greek palloral poet - 285
Theodore LaCcaris 12os
Athc"' - - 620 594 Theodofius defeat~ the Pill< and Scots
Sophocles, the Greek 1rai;ic poet - 400 367
South-rea bubble -
Spanilb armada dcfotcd, confiliing of 132
- 1]20 Thcophnllus, the Greek philofopher, and
fcbolar of A rinotle - - 288
l :.irge-men of war, of which ;9 were dt- Tbcrmopylz defended by Leonidas ag.iinJl
tl<oy«I by tempclis, >nd the .Englilh Xerxes - - .Sc
admir>Is 1588 Thefeu1, king of Attica 1157
Sparta built by L a:li" - 1516 Thc(pis, the inventor or improver of
- th<o Univcrfal HiOory fays, by Lacc- tragedy 560
Thomfon, James, Roxhorough; Scafons,
Spencer, Edm und ; Fairy Q.!1ec1> and other poems - 1748
Statius, the Roo13n epic poet - Thucydidei, the Gtcek hillorian - +16 391
Steele, Sir R iebard, Dublin; four comcdic11 Tibullus, a Roman poet - - 11
Tillotfon, John, archbi lb op of Canterbury,
Tatlers, Spell.tors - -
S T&PHt!I, king, fonof Stephen cul of Blois, Hal ifax ; 254 Cermons - - ;- 169+
Tobacco fir!I brougb1 from Virginia to Eng-
ufurps the CTO\YO - - 1135
land by Sir \'I alter Raleigh -
Sterne, Revd. Lawrcnc.e
Stilicho- - - 1768
Tower of London built by William the
Conqueror - - 1080
Storm of wind. Nov. 26'

Nov. 1
Pee. 31
- 1703
Trajan defeats the Dac:c
Troy founded a.nd governed by Scom>nder,
front Crete IS¢

Strfbo, the Greek geographer

Suetonius, the Romvi h1ftorian
Surnames beJt&n to be ufcd -
- 29
- taken and bumt by the Grcclto, after
a ten yc2r's liege, on the ntgbt between
the 11th and 1'2!h of June, being the
Sweden, C::barlu XII. defC3ted by Czar
23d or 2.4th of the month Thargclion;
Peter, at Pultowa
Swift, Revd. D r Jon>than, dew of St. P•· accoiding to the Arundel ~1arbles; 1nd
the +081h before 1hc cOabli01mcnc of the
trick's; Dubli1t - - 1745
Swi[s c•ntons b•g•n co.b< clhblilhed. - tJ07 Olympiads in 776 before Chrili - t 18+
Sydcnham, Dr. Tho1T\:l~, DorfctChlre; bifiory Tudor, Owen, a \Vclfh gcnclcma11, married
to Katharine qu~n doy.·agcr offlc11ry V.;
of phyfic 1689
from 1his Tudor was defccnckd Henry
Sylla and M arius - 92 'J"udor, ~rl of Richmond, :i(tctW3.rds
Syracu[e bc~d and uk<n by the Rom•ns 207
Henry VII. with whom bcg•n the
Tudor line, which ends with qUttn
T. Elifabcth
Turks begin their empire in llith}•niJ, under
l\CITUS, the Romon hillorian 99 Ottomon - - ·- 1198
T a kinrm11n attd na1nc's r;ikc:,
docJ.,.,d· emp<ror - -- 275
uke Conliantinople
Tyre built by the Sidoniaus
- 1711

is. cu t off in r... months 275

T allow candles invented 12g8
U. and V.
Tamulane nnquilhu, the T urkilb
emperor.. - AJ,ENTJN!AN -
Tar-water fir!l recommended by bilhop
Tartars , . under Gings K in, over.. run the
1 744 V poet
V:.lerius Flacc~_,,, the Roman
1227 V:andalr:, Al:int>, ~nd Sucvi, fpread into
S:i.raccn empire - +06
Tea fir!l bro11ght co England 1666 France ond Spain -
160& b(:gi11 tbc1r "ingdom iu Sp:lin 4 tc +l:l
" TeleCcoPc invented 1r\ Ir:ily, or Holland - ,- 1u6
'I'eo>p.l e of Janu" !!.ut, ;.nd unive1fal p<•« 8 Vatican library foWld<d at Roai.c . -

D1g1 y (,dogie
C H ·R 0 N 0 L 0 G 1 C A l. E ·: V!N T S.
BeJo~ A '1n- 9J(ltt AfUt

V oriiaGan, at the hJ,ad of 6o,ooo men, enters

Chrlft. Ch.tilt,

( ,- -
CN14. Cliritt.

Galilee -
is declared cmeeror, and in the fame \V, .
ye~r ukcs and butns ) eru(alem for the !all
AI,ES united to England ' by Ed-
V c(pers, Sicilian
V cfuvius; a 'moll: dreadful eruption., in- the

midll of which Pliny the eldor is fulfocated -

W ward I. -
- --- prince of, the, tit,le given to the
· - - 128a
79 hejr •pparent '- " .._ - 128+
Vigo; h'IO-and-twenty rich Spani!h gal- W al er, Edmund, Bu du; poems, fpocchn,
leons, under conYoy of thirty F·rench n\en letters . ·- - 16&,
of •war, .valued at abo\•e a mil lion fierl ing, Walpole, Sir R obert, (ent to-the Tower - - 171 2
are tal:m or dcAroycd by Sir Georg• Rooke 1702 - - inaJe earl of Orford - - 17.f.I
Virgil, the Roman ~pie.poet - 19 Watch<$ 6rll b rought from G<rm1ny - •- 1597
\ itellius · - · 69 Weaving 6r!t introduced into . En1:land .by
Vitruvius, the·famou1 .Roman architea - 44" two Brabant weavers, who (cttl'cd r at '
Union bctwc.e n England and Scotl•nd e!b- "fork · - - - 1336
blifbod - 1706 of linen nrn eretled in London. ·- r386
Univcrlities.of .Abordten - 1493 We!tmlnller-abby and hall enlarged - 1399
.St. Andrews by.James IV . of - - - - lirll printing-officeeio&cd
Scotlaed - 1.p2 there -
'.C ambridge - 915 Wicklilf•, John, an Englilbman, lir!t be-
'Edinburgh I have not found gins to reform the erroneous do6ti:i»es ol
1 4-57 th~ church of Rome - 136a
Gla(gow, by bi!hop Turnbull ·
1554 W 1Ll1A.M I. duke of Normandy, k ills
·Oxford, founded. by Alfred H.,.old at the battle of Halling•, 1n
t he Great - 886' Suff'ex - - - 1o66
but Stamford far exec•J s all - - introduce> the foodal law - 1070
t"lthcrs in anti'\uity, if we n1ay credit Wt'i.i.rA"M 11. his (econd foir, farnamed
.Stov.•e's ,Chron1Clc, who tells us, p. 21, •J " R JfllS· - -
!' that Bladud, th• founder of Bath, ~· ......;...;...,.-.. ls k illed in the N ew Forell,
Aorilbcd 863 ye•rs before Chrill, had long - ·bt' a random arrow, from Sir Walter
lluditd at Athens, and brought with him Tyrr•I - - I I O:l.
from thcnc• four phi\ofophcrs, to keep W11LJ Al\t III. prince of Orange,· married
(chool in Britain ; for the which he to Mary, elder daughter to James II. -
bu ildcd Sta1nfflrd, and made it an uni- - - land; at T orbay on the 5th Nov.
vcrfity; wl1crcin he had great nu1nbcr o f - - defeats hii father-in-law Jam" JI.
fchol>rs, ·lludying in all the fcven liberal at the Boyne - 1(.90
(c:iences: which univcrficy dured to t he \·V indows 6 tt1 gla.,cd in England 11 ·8 0
coming of Sc. Aufli11 : 1 •- nay, according Windfor-c&file; built by Edward Ill. - 1386
t o oLher hiflorians, it mufl have durcd Wine fold at firll by apothecaries as a
much looser; for, in Ed\vard Ill's time, cordial
e n .a fcccffion at Oxford, ma11y of the De Wits, brothers, · affaffinated at the
.fcholars retired ,from the11<:c to Sta1n- Hanouc - -
Jord'"7'let thi• be confidered . by othe'.s : Wo~~s half· p•nce ordered to be coipc.d.
there 1s howo·v cr another arr1cle, Ylh1ct\ for I reland and America; but utterly
claims as much coofidcracio11; viz. rcje&ed -
.that at the end of his chro1,lcles, Stowe:: Wren, Sir Chrillopher, rebuilds St, Paul's
obferves, that ·'" Canlbridge (as fOn1c in 37 yeors 1710
l e;i.rned writers .do affirm ) y,•as firfi fre-
quented with philofophers from Athe ns,
procured fro1n thence by Ca11t1har, a x.
• Spanyard., in the time of Gurg11rttiu1, who
was king of :Hricainl before the birth o f
Cbrill 375 yea" :"- if Co, then 1hc }:NO, or rat" her'Zeno, founder of 1he
fame of Ca.mbridge, as ::in univ<:rfity, muJl
have remained very inaltive for the (pace
X S1oic philofophy i? Greeco
Xenophon, the Greek pliilofophcr and hif-
- 264

• of above 1600 ytars; f1n cc in the ve r)' tori:in 359

nc•t article be me111ions Peter· houfc, ( fu p · - - joins the arn1y ~ of Cyrus·; ·and
pured to be the oldoll college) as fo unded
in 1256 after Cbrill.
after t h:it prince is killed, makes the fa-
mous retreat of the to,ooo ~
.V ort.igcrn, ki o& of ~c Britons, invites the Xerxes, king of ·Pc rfia, prepares for his
l>•xw•• ovft - - 445 449 expcditi<>n ~ainfl·Orttce·' ~ . - 48 - .
· ~crxes

D1gi11zed by Google

JCcncet Wtet • vi.W or hit arair aM lect,

which are faid to ho.vo amounted co -
- --
throe millions, bdidcs llOrnnu, 'fat- I J z.
lert, &e. - - 480 ..' '7iNO, Coandcr of the Stoic fc.!l
- - io Corced
- make • 0.-ful
- 479

~ ' Zopjras. the Pcrfian nobleman, and
- 26

OUNG, Rnd. Ednrd 1 Night
Thoughto. aAd odler poems
. ' . "T ~ '?

. -' " '

. 1
general wcr D ariw, by whoft violent
~tt~~~ ~ ~ll

... _
. .· -

. ·-

I - ..

• • '.




».LI S T.

Digitized by CooglC'
• "" Y'
t •

• l • f
. '
.. .. ... l

I! · ....... ,~. .••••
.• ••• . •• • ••• • • '
A L J ST OF E N GL Is a·· x.1N G 'S;
• •
,r·: . .

·•· .
. .
.. .. • ,. -··1.
. . I ~ . .
· : ·W.1LLIAM TBf Collti..1' E Rba. : 'l' o fH1 ~ P l!.ES'E H T MA) ESTY.
. •.
i ' . .l' . l . • '
• .
Ji c.... Yt1t~

' loll>< 'her The it

. . l Crown. nig:1cd. Age1 •

. -.... z: -- -
'Ea{l!; lb.ort reigns. 1 William I.
-- •• 1o66 . 21 64'
illi'am II. -
Joh ii
-- ,, 13 }
2 William II.
3 Henry I.
+ Stephen - - - -- - - -so -
~- llQO
1 135
1087 13

- Henry II.
M odern lhort
William and ary 1+
A 1111 - 13
l ~ Richard
- -
- -
us+ 35 ,;
~ 1189

' - ,• ~
George I . - 13 01. ~

- -
Henry • 1216 56 68
Glorious lojf reigns.
Edward 11 • - 51
l 9 Edword
JO Edwara II.
n Ed wa~d I-II. . ' •
. lg
·~ 12 ; ~
. 51

Q., Elif.Mth - 65
G eorge U. - 33 11 ;R·'~~rd
13 H<1!.fr1 IV.
. ·. , ' ~-; ..

-· 1377
Jn~orio111 long reigns.
enry Ill . - 56 }
14 Henry Y;, ..• J,.'11caJlcr
15 Henry V'I.: •
• 14 12 9 36
H enry VI. - 39 1b Edward IV.} !' 141.2
22 +2.
•s •

Cha rles II. - 17 Ed ward V.

•s Richard Ill.
York ~
-" ..- -- 1483 I m. 12d. '4·
Glorious lhort reigns.
· Richard I. - 10 l -19 Henry V JI.- U- nited - - - 1483 2 3+

-- '*
Henry V. -
Oliver Cromwcl 11
2 0 Henry VIII. . ~ 3
21 Edward VI. ~ 1546 6 16
in~orious lhort reigns.
l 22 Phil ip and M•ry
23 Elifabetb
-- · •~ 155g
I- s
" 155
ichard In. -
Philip and Mary
James II. -
24 Jorn« I . -- - --- - - - 1602

Charles I . - •• 1625
Remarluble puiods of 60
William I. 1c661

26 Cromwel
Charles II.
-- z E
•s SS

Henry II. - 1160 28 {V.mcs II. - - e•

4 . 1684 b8
Henry Ill. - 1260 29 · illiam and Mary - 14 51. 1688
Edward II I. - 1360 } 3o Ann .- - - - - -- 13 50 • 70 J
Edward lV . - 1+60J
Q., Elifabe1h 1560
-31 George I.
-- -.. 171+'13
.;:;. ~
Charles II. - 1660 32 G eorge !I. !!:- Q
George III. - J 760 33 . George III. - ~~ 1760 33 71

'• . .... ·" N .

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"' . ~" • ' .
·1 . ~· .. .:. . \
• ' 1 • ' t·
' 4
"\ •• ~ ' .. ' .....
' "ftr'( '.' •
.~ ' . .' .
' ~

I " ... •
Of thofe Words which, being but . Duplicates or Collaterals to fome-
Ra~x, are omitted in the Work itfelf,.and here referred t:O their proper
Originals, in the refpeCl:ive Alphabet~ to whicl.i they t,elorig : thofe
\Vith an Aflerifc, arc -0f doubtful Origin; and t hofc in ITAL JC
CAPITA LS arc explained, but their Derivations have not as yet..
been found :-for Add. and a. fee Addenda.

A D A ' I, ' Ai N A R
. .
Adj•ration} ..,..... ' Gr All• "1•gn'e} Aot. E...n - SU:,,
A. ·, AdJoft· J - i . '· - • Alle mw•· - Sar. Antra>ci. .41'11iJi - d~;
1-'\d'l c - __:. sax;. \Autmain . "-- Sax.!crs - su.
BBllE'l'l•ATION. 11,,... Adllliral - a~Gr. ~ nin Allr.. -
A .,,,,, - - Gr. Ad01iftibh!» Miffi•• -

°"""""' -
Gr. Allodial - Sax.
Or. Anweald • • -
Al\xitty -
Add. Gt.
Ah<f"'"· B"J, or Jl•i
A bj ..!ic:ate. J•<fg<' -
Ablaaaiioe. L•ll'"J
Ablation. L«#n
Ahoeg•tioo. D,.J -
G r.
Gr.· dorn.
IA dv&trie·
1 •
Gr. 'Allum.

Ah<rc11ion l ,J.~

r,.t•re-Gr. A lur.d-. /.lfntl -

.Hftitit/•,,. Gr. Alforia ..._ · ~ Add-. Gr.
Alterft-ati~e· f
ltr - '·
Apilb. .Aµ
Appennage A•• J. 1 L t
- Su:. ...
-"j'I"'"''' -
r rllf. "' •
Applaud. Plnfi/J/1 -
G r.
Abode. /Nat • - Gr. 'Ad•enrifiour · "' 1Alyfcd. ,t//,,,.,.,,/ - G 1'! • · P_liJmt . - Gr;
About - Sax. Advc:nttri'I: · · 1Alyfed" R1lrafta - Gr. Appnf<r. ·Prifa' - Gu.
Abroad- - - a. Elr. .\dulrerer - - a. &.: 111az<llf$D!o /lfatra, fub- Approbation. p ,..,,, Gt,
Abrog.t•• R•g•t;•• Gr. Aoker. -"''" - Gr , dued - Gr. Appropo. -"1•'/N - Gt.
AolOlutt l M"'"'' _ ·· Gr. 1Aert - - Add. Gr. iA·mb~~Jlllor, E•lnffeJor Gr. t\p~roptfate. A!fr•li.,...
AhCol1.uon j :1· \Aer.a - - Sax. jAm_b 1tJon.•r•t - Gr. tin - - Gr.
/,bfill.'laocc. s~untl - Gr. 1AetheJbos:en-· m_an -.; Sax. Ambrofia. d•ltYef- G r. Approximation.. .Af1HlltS a,;._
A~Jb,beftt. A6far6 a. Gr. · 1h.iop. Efap ·- Gr. 'Amell. Pell·•>ll - Gr. Appurtenanc... -"II'"'"" Or• .
Acc-eJdTate. l 'Hwi!J - GJ'. ethr.yne - Sd. !Amicable. A1tiiA6/r - Gr. Apri'cock - a. G•~ ··
.Acc!aJRation. Cf• JWI Gr. ety-w d - Sax. '.A mort: · Afcfl•I - Gr. A RCH; or h· ,
Arcommoclate: C-.1111tJUiM 6r. fiiante - a. Gt-. 'i\mpcr - - Sar. AJd - · · • - ·Adl. Gt.
.tceompr. e,.,,.,.,,,. Gr. 111·aenco: Ff,,., - 6'. .Amputation - a. Gr. J.RDZRS; f•l'-i"I'· .
Acc:t" •1:f••ienu . - Add. !;;r . ,..~id-. FroJ, or mghten- Gr. Anc~or. 4itFo; •- Gr. Aread l ·..::_ _ s.x;· ·
Acacaon . c,.¢1a1 Gr. u\gatn _. ·\ - Sa:t. -1AnctenT. A•tt'l•t - Gr. Ande f ·
Atctile. CnftlM - •Gr . \ge - - '" Gr. Ancicnr, or cnfign Add. Gr. AN.,ed!• . Rnl/t - (1,,,
Acbi!:tt. .4tth'IRl1. - Gr' 'Agglomerate. ·Gl.h Gr. \Anue. Jlflk - Gt. Arel...,. Bd•- Ad4. Gt
ilcqw~cft:e. il_.Ui - Gr. Ytigturinatc. C,lw - Gr. f\n dede . } · . _ Su. Arf - . ~· A4ll•. Or.~
Ac,uuc. .lltf • <,q" - Gt< !Ag~ute: Gruf. ·- Gr. ~nd~ding · .. ·. Ill.GO/. ; Ul/Uil, . . /Iii 'f'
Aa""1 i ilb Gr- !Agi>ft. Gb..f; - Ill'.. jAndorn -: - ·Sar. . ""'"'· ..
Atluate f "• ·. gilt - .- Su . ;Anecdote. A•l-J•tt Gr. Arm - - a. C..
Acaa ..4. Atult - ·G r- ·glft.,,....t. 'l•~ - Gr. t •ewll - . - Su~ ,Arnold - - Sto<':
'Adapt. A/t '· - 611. 'J-.l;S ; &,...f,·'.fwl>la1.• 1An,ificif111. • Englan~. •Su. Arnulpli ... .... S•x. •
Addia. -DiOi•••'J'· - Gr. LilN'l'OM; "'• itfr.- • , ·· and-Gr. JA.QIJ'fll' iffr0. I!)' ,.w 1.-.
,,_. • L G r; . ·JIM'~ 161~ - Saw. An~ihl)11tioo. Nil . 7" Gr. Ar~aeb.He Sa•: • .'
Add.le' - - · • ··-
Adequate- Epo.l". - Gr. AW.ap;. ¥111ig•,. Gr. nnota t10ll'. N'1ta~l1 to- Gr. ArfGnat * t tfl'1 . - , G~ -·· AJ/Jn¥ ,._, . E:d. Al&~d - . IMilli ~-~ nntlli.r. · A....!'· - · Gr. A~i6c!'" ~· ~..1. -(~~,·· t
Ad,,.4ic....... .J-t•· Cd. Al&ic! ~ -.• Gr. noumorate. NMH• Gr. An:iiciiol" Art. - GI-.
Mlj...a~ ]•i• · - (id. Alledp .Alkg1 - Gr. ilnoamtiori. - . , . , Gr. Artif4& • .: . ,~...
,. K. • .. Ariel·

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B A 'B E D o 'B u
Afcaoct'. Slew
11,,n1ofr; • b1{11 w.'J
Bark<"h S ax.
l!<y011d. y,.,,, - · l •X· Da/il -
Gr. Borage. Serr•t'
a. Gr,
A(ciaos. Ajl;ittt:I Ba.rl.t)' -
( j r. Sax. Bid, COJnmand, ot l-nv•tie a. a .... Born, Borcte• . DtarJ or brio_g .
Aii le. AJJ'l:..m Gr.8arm Sax. Bitr - a Gr. forth - ·- G:-•
.Afinine. .ilji <."Jr.
Barn for cora Su:. Bifureous. Ft1rl - Gr. Boroagh. B1..,.g'1 - Gr.
i.1.11 ASKER; .a 111:!.Nt• BarnacJcs for bor(c1 Su.. !J.JGGE • Jut• or tr•t Borrow - Sax.
Affume - · - 1. Gr .Barnt. or child - a. G·r. Big.geo - Sa.x. 8o(pboru1. Bif11r1t1 Gr.
A ifwage. Suag1 Gr.B:irrntks for {oJdiers Add. Gr. Bia:geniug Su. HOSi AL ; tt rMi, or j41b "1
Aftite. Fritlt - Sa.... Barretoor - Sax. · Btgotry. Big~t Sax. a bill
Atl-o i:indcd A,/ lMij/.nal'ht Gr. Bar rjcadc} B S·• Billda Sax. Uo tJ - - Sax.
r\ll.ride. S1rodt1(~ - Sax. 8arrler · u - -.. Bi•in guiJl . La"l""l' - G r. Botolph. Boto!;b - Gr.
Aftring~nt. Srrill - Gr.
Bl-rf'Ows, .or hjllt - a. Gr. Bilicbe. J)l/il a - Stx. · JJOUDS; o r ~i/1 illl fUit
Al\y red. Stir - G r.
Barter .- - Sa.JC. Bifk - Sa,x. Bought, purcha.ftd Sax.
A (ynde,. SMnJtr ..- Sax. D•.i/R'i'H• 6 <u·orm 1111<1 /trr" .Bill.of a bird - Sax. Bo un - - Sax.
Ate. £ 41 - ...:.. G r. ltut6 Binn - - a. Gr. Bound. 1Ji1tJ - C r•
.A.At1• !ode< l - A.dd. Gr. narlhrulph. 0.,h,/,lfh s.,, BIRDk if/Jtb•b!J'; 1b11•1 il 8ouo<kdn duty. B;• a - G'?'·
tt•'l~r f 0 ;1. aw. , 8 •ft " - 5 ~x. 8 lr . ire - 5ax. 8oun • - "· r.
AtteJlat.ion. ~tj1 G r. Salle with a needle - Sax. .BIR ffl; • -wcr• 1l11<1 j'n- tt- Boord. B11rl111 of & fong Su:.
Attin. 'fi·,,. - G r. BA'l' ; tb111_11imal · , !U16 - Bbut - - Six.
Attorney. 41111rn9 - · Cir. Baub)c1 - a. Gr. Bilmer - - Sn.x. Bout, or 'b e Ollt - Si x.
i\tts-ibu!e. 'f'ri61 - Gr • iavcn bf fagot.J • ,S_ax. Biffon. BY.• -:- . G-r, Soule fcu - · Sax.
Avcngtr. Y ragta.11(1 - G;. BAWRY; li~(j-r:."'~¥.-lf.1 Bla.bbtr-1.ipt • - a. G r. BO/Jt'E fl,.; li1!.lj--111Hbj
Averdupois - , Add. Lat. Be. i• '"'/efiti•• - Six. 8laoc,..1J1JaDger - Add. Gr. Bo wfcr. Bwrj'" - Gr..
Avcrmrnt• •.tlffi•utr•tion Gr. Beacob - Su. HJaoch. Bltatb - Gr. Br.adiloquy. Pl11Mi4f11J Gr.
A.ve11. .L'f/t".fi111 - G r. Be21.ting with child - · a. Gr. Blcad - - Sax; Braid - - Six.
Jlur. · O•f - - G <. Beckon -:- - S.x. B LED'· or 6./iflw llrangle - - Sax.
Aum. film - Cr. Bt·d of juAicc - a : Gr. BLEEDS llMll t Ji1ll1 <tCJ1ll BRAtVK i 6u,l wht4t 0

Aumbrey - a. Gr. Bc:dr:.wlcd . DrivJ - Gr. Blend - - Six. BR_AN1; or /frt/ hill
Aumclct. O•tltt - Gr. Beef-e.-.ters - Add. Gr. B!et(ud. Bliji - Gr. • Brawl aloud Sax. and G r.
AP,nder. A,,;,,.,, - Su:. s~eld · - · - sa-x. Btin - - Sa-r . Bread - a. G'r. m. 0 1'it bo.IN1111 Gr. Beer. to d rink - Sax. B1inkt-bec-r - Sax. a,.ea.dtb. BrN~ - Gr.
Auilin. .Auz:'.flinr - Gr. PEER; for<1, or llllfght 81lifom - - Su-. I • BREE; t•fti./f.''*
Award. R H vdrJ ._ Gr. 8eei - ·- •· Gr. Bloach t n'ijl G BRENT'-BROI i ' •fl.,pb;J/
A~· ff/urJ' - Gr. Btgcond. r 1.J1r - S&x. Bloat J I.I er - r. ,. BRIAN •• r"JNI; IO/•
AJV.a,rpen. Sax. Bchcr - - Si<.x. HJotch. Rlijrl" - O r. •I tin ... wb ef it
Awe - Sax. BehjnJ. Hi•" - Su:. BL01'£ f1l; fi• J; ., ,J,;JJ,.,. Brick-brae le. llri<l~6111 Gr.
Awt !d } ~ ~ _ ; Sax. .! Btholdcn. • HalJ. Snx. and. 8Jow-1nilk Add. Gr, t• B R ICKEN ; · tfl 6riilt •I t/J1
AJNyld _. • G r. Blue -, - a, Gr. h.44
AWlV S; '1earJ1 o/"'4•ht41. Behoove - , - Sax.. Blubl>er- lipt~ BI.~Hr Gr. Brjck.Je. llri11/1 - Gr.
A11ry. ll'ri•g . Gr. f!EH()UNClfeJ); trickul •J. BLUFF ; 6/i•lf•li; 6/JoJ - ; Bride.we - . Add. Ge.
Awyrgud - Sax. 11tiult fittt li/lljj' Bridge - ...,..., Su:.·
Bel(h · - Six. lo BLUSH ll• •fbtr; I• Iii liU Briga.ndioe. .8 riz11l1 Sax.

- Sax.
Believe. )11/iif
B.E Lll',E. ; 011D-11
Sa;c. hi• 8rigbtaefs. Brizll1
Board• fhip. B1,-J11Jhip Gr. Brimmer.. Ri111 -
Si x.
BJladge -
BKk-bitc -
Su. BclJ...(a._yage. 81/k _:_ Gr Boat(waio
Sax. Br Jl, follar. S1ll11r - Gr. Bob, or (ob ofF . -
- Add. Gr. Br-i:aded cat. -
a.. Gr. Brioe it hither . B' i•g
Add. Sa1:.
,&adger, &be animal - Si x.. Be.Jong - - Sax. Boc~ft.twe. B-.i, ud 6#l..j19"1Jt Br!ftk: - , - Su.
nlldger, . or . dcalc.r in corn Beneath. Nt•t• . - Gr. . 4 •• G_r. 8 r1llOlV, Brij11/ G ·r.
· Add. G1• Bencfallor} F 0 G Bod,.og. JJ,J, Sa:r. to BRlrE; 0.1 11r• -wh1• rtttr
• B J! •
BdlN; 44•illi•z;
' '•'·
••J i•Jj 1 1 en~nt
" or -
. .
BencvQ.1ence,. Yoli1i H1
r. .
Bod1uog J Bt1:·
G ·r. Rt>dud
Brizc, fi,.jp;, - G·r.
B> _ - . 2 .Gr. BF.JtiSt:L; 10 /J1.11 Bodkin. Body Sax. Broach, or (pit - Sax:.
Bala.rag . - Saz. Bcque,a th. !:l:f~rb - G1 Bog - - Sa.x:. Srock. Ehe a nimal Sa%.
B,1Jdred - ;_ . Six. Ber•r · Ar-r.47,or tlothing G r. BOCGEE.; . 6.JJ fi,.ogoc of the to~goc Sax.
B3 1cfuJ - - Sa.x_. Brrgcna • . Jl,-rgN• - Gr. Boggle, or do\lbt - Sax. BrogoC-.J, ilJOCJ, o r breechet
Balk, or bilk - Sax. Bcrtulph. lJ'"nlJb .Su. Doke. Dul - Gr. Add. Gr.
BnlfaDce. B 11 /ur1 - Gr. Bcfan t. B,Ju.111 ·- G r. BOK£; or /argtf~ty ~ Broil o ver the lire - Su.
ll.>Jlaft ,_ Add, Gr. Befet. Sifi•• - Gr. a BO/.L '.[fa/1; """b•fof/'1 B ROOK NJ; a1 ' ' '""' gahm•g
Baa ; dt.c1atatioo - Sax. BtJide,. Sid11 - Sa2. 8oll, or Bole of a tr-cc Sax. 8room.ftalk t P/1Utttiz1•11 } G
.B;t. . d. to " ' B4.,,.,,.~ Gr.· Bt:fm irch. S111-11:r - Gr. 6oJI.. JWu.J - Gr 8room.ftick SBrH• r.. B••·~dccl1.ra;Jon.. Sax. Ce(putt~r. ''Spit Ill - Gr. Bolled • . - Sai. Brow ef • hi-U - a. Gr.
, J andore - a. Gr. Bcneddcd, B.;lrw . s... Bondage. 8 1.J Gr. JJRUd.~'fS; 1h1 j,,;,,., if a""'
BJ.oiOi. /J.,, - Su. Beftow • rn.ard s.,., BONDY; faot/,,f.,/;_fo BRUCKLED ; /•1<1116
B~nniller . . 8•,'i~Jir.1J1 ' Gr. Bef~·yc } SaJ' Boom. ~ B t dlllf - G r. Brun. Br•11 - G r.
lJANl'f'OCk.~ "" ""' ,.,, BeCwycer : • BOOR ; • ;orh11r, or 6ti· Bru.'11 cJeaa - a. Gr.
B4oa•. Ba,,, dCcluation . Sa..x. Betide. <ri"!' - Gr. 1Ha &w Bro:fie - - Sax.
Ba_n q•et . ... .B""''' - G r. Betroth~ 'l"rM .fl , • - G r. • Boorilh. JU.r, o r clown . • 8rotle ·99 - Sax.
B~. ·Oc .bolt • ~ Su.,d ~ Su. ~ • Sax. ui_d .a ..Gr.· be&4tS: ·, - · Sax.
Barberries. D1rl1r,.iu • Gr. Bcw•nd. 1Pt11<,'1 ·- . Su . Boofc, "Caroufc. ll•<t11fi . Gr. 81t( k of-a a.rt Sax.
FJ)lrd - ,__ Add~ Bc1"re. ll'ar:t G r. • ·Boos, compealatio.o. ! Sax . BoQk, or w·alh - Sax.
Jh cdolph - Sax. Bcwit<~. ll'iji - Gr. • • . lllld. Gr. Buck-w~cat - • · ()r,
.. . ·- 10 • , llocltlo

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C H C L c 0
l 0<kle of a lhoc - Add. O r. a CtlDMA1 tbt /,.) Jlt </ tht Chui" - - Sax. CLODClR ; or t_, if• IHI
Buckl~r - - Add. G r. f..ttt" CharJO(k, Ct:.r/,ccl Su. Clok~. Cl#11,A - Gr.
Bi.ckr-aGl Sa-r . Calami:y - • · Cr. Charm alot:d Su. Clomt . L••fll - Cr.
Bod, or b?olTom} _ Sax. Calcography.Ch.!111,./"·Gr. Char« ·bi• ocbe - Adel. Gr. • Clot. • Clttl. Su. aod •Gr.
Jl\ld, 0t 1!ttt CJ.le. c.J, ...,,.,., - Gr. Chanul~.ries. Cha tw Gr. Cloth. - - a . Gr.
B udjtc - Su. l..'altndar, x.1,.1., - G r. CHt1'1"$; rl:e l '171 ef•a-11J "''' Clothaire. llif}H1t - Gr.
• BUER 1 or t-• C>lf'• gin - Add. Gr CHAY/ $11; d•ftt-ri•z• • C louterl1 fellow. • Clu .
Bofet - Add . Gr. Calf of tbe !~ - Sa~. zd h/;•z . . Sax. a od • Gr.
Jlulfct·ftool - Sax. Callcing hor{" lhoc• Add. Gt . Chrapen. Ch•ffer - Gr. CL UM Sr; • • WiarJ, ••£
•BUG i or iafiO ' " CilLlEr; t• fi1/i Cheer l Cb G ""J."i"
B1.1limy. /J1t;fi1eJ - Gr. ~aloycrl -:- . - •• Gr. Cke~.lh J ''" r. ClUSSUM 'D1 c1...g i l~OVC
JJULLEN ; ~.., //•lit Cambro Briton•. X; ...6" Cht dtps · - Sa7. CLU•f'Cli ; or b,..;J 'f tb,,lt.,
JJULUA10 NG i Mlt, f'ttu, •11tl Britons - - O r. ( hcfs - .;_ a. Gr. Cnight. K1ttlht - Gr•
.u1tb11, •ixt Cametodnnam • · G r. Chew. Chn11 - Gr. CoaJ to b1.1rn a. Gr.
B11llic.1•ucc. JJ11//41,..trt1 Gr. Camclopard. - •· Gr. Cht.wtt, or Chough. C11.-:v Gr. Coan of mutton.· Coj/1 Gr.
Jlollulftl•• a.Hu Gr. Cammoclc: - Sax. Chile. ChJI< - Gr. Coathy - S•x.
]J.ully· trce• .D•llMt - Gr. Camomil. CJ:a,.-.;/ Gr. Chilperic. Hilfn-ie - Gr. C.'osr - - a. Gr..
]lu111ba~ioe. B1• h 1>J., Gr. • CJl}.'8Ell.ED /tl/.,v 1 • • Ill· Chimb of a ca& - Sax. •COBBLE; or /16h/1
Bumb1e-\>to. D1..6U-A11 Gr. U111rt,0111 C'hip. Ch~/ - Gr. COBOY;fl1111, ••ilH•f1J
BUM8LE·l i111 ; Sr••l/1.l;,r- Ca.ncrour, C•M• Gr. Chirog·raphy. CbtirtJg,.•phJ.Gr. Cock. boat "- a. Gr.
,.;.11 / 4 CANT ~ 11 1b,OtW Chife' - - •· Gr. Co6ion. Cr•.f - Gr.
JJUMBYl or ,,.;'.} 1•1'.J/1 ,_ CJN1; t• rt!K.,.,. Chi, alry. C~A:Jin- - G r. Cog.• Ot Rt tt«r - a. G r.
8.:toki.a. B••li• - Gr. CA!t~"; fi"•Z •U.l••I Chi• tocc.t wir!l.C6iji/. a.Gr. Cofl rs. C1bwt - Cr.
JlumlDtl· k ito - Su . Caatoom<aL c- u - G r. Chinly - Sar . COI L 1 O< .,_ "'I
941oc.b. .8"M9 - Gr Capo: - - a.. Sas. Cholie. C,/;, - G r. Cokttt - - Sar.
Boodl•· .Bi.J - C,. Cap!!Aa - Su. Chopio Add. Gr. Cote. Cu/i..,_,. - Gr.
co nip a Bung, or p1rfe. Su. CAR·krri1.1 ; p ./rS.rritr Chopping boy - Su. CoJlirte. L'l&t•Tt - Gr .
.BUltT lR i .or /;,.,, ,.,1,, !?.:"'? Cr. Chorpr. Csb.rt G r. Colly-flowtr. C11•li-J.u.w Cr.
Booy. 819
B.ardcn o( a {oag
Gr. Can.ways. Ku11•1
Carbine. C.r11'1iw
Gr. Cboofe. CN11: b
Gr. Chrayoo1. Chra••-' -
- Gr. Coloier.
Gr. Cohtr
c.,,,.,,. - 1 , Gr.
- Add . Gr.
B1.1rea" - Ssx. Cart-t:o. c.,.;", G r. Chri(m. CHR.lST - G r. Comrly - •· Gr.
tJurg<"n } S Career. C•rrttr - G r. CHUCK } 1 . /J.1 Com6tt. Ctttj'tlli••tr Gr.
9"rfeon - - a;ic. Car.fax - - •·Gr. CH'.lflfP • ""X'' 1 . Comical. C111N9 - C;r,
Bu.r - - S11.x~ Cargo - - a . Gr. Churl. Cerl - Ur. Cosninr wt:nch - Add. Gr.
• BURR·trtl; 0111/l1r 1r11 Carlock - Sax. Cho(e. Cb1i<t - : Gr. Con1ity - Add. G r.
Q1.1rr, a weed - Sax.. Ca.en.Cy. 'l'/J8rtrg G r. Chy1niA. Ch1111ijl G r. Commerce. M1rth••t Gr.
Burrage. B1,.ro11 - Gr. Caro~ch. C11r - G r. Cidrr. s,·J,, Gr. Corumit. C1,,..;.J&'J G r.
'Burrowfa,.rohbtt1 Add. Gr. Car~flooe. !/.!•'.rJ - G r. Cieliriz. Ctili1:g Gr. Communicate. c,,.,,.,. Gr.
• BUR!J'LE i •fwuti11z Carry. Ct1~ Cr. Cilinder. CJ/111.tltr Gr. C~mpall, aaretmcnt. P~lll1•.
llulllc. h J/1 - Gr. CARSICK; tb1 l t ..d C imbri. K; •·&., Britons Gr. Gr.
ll•ftropH. 8 ,., t,.1i. G r. Caftle. C• - Gr. Cipher. Si/btr - L><. Compia. elo(e. P.,1 Gr.
Bufy - - Sar. CaJuift. C•lffi Gr. Civic l c· G Comp11ifoo: l'•ir Gr.
Due - - Sa,:. Catherine. Ka1h11ri•1 Gr. Ci•ilis.c: S ' IJ r. Compartr1:ent. p.,., G r ..
Butcl:er - - Su. Cat's·cradlc.C1a11Hradle Cr. Clack. D 1t-tl G r. Comprlt11icn. .J1;11J Gr..
ButlC"r. llNtl1 of &la.6 Gr. Ca•tat. c~11ri1• - Gr. Clsd. Cl•tb G r. Comp<1it-ioa. C••1«111t1 Gr.
Buct. or - Sax. CaoW.-oe. C•.Jtkn G r. Claim. Ci flJU Gr Co1r1p! Pl111fo Gr.
Bute or ma.1k - Su.. C2.clktt. C,Ji a Chip G :. Cl•mber. Ct;. i G r Complain. P!•i•tif Gr.
B•tt;r·bQmp. ll•tt•I - Gr. Cao!kiog a M>rfc•a Choe,. Cl11np1 ~ Su. Completion. Ct•1ka Gr..
Hutton - - S•s:. C.Ui•g - Add. Gr. Claa or tcecntt - AC:J, Gt . Complic.ate. l•)l1K Gr..
Bulttef1 - Sas , Ca.:ifey. C•efrt.t.'•J Add. Gr. Ct•rC'C. -Ckt:.r G r, ComplicC'. 'C1a;ltxi•• Gr.
Buxom - Sa.x. C.autclou1. C11 at1'111 - Gr. CJ1rhe. C!ttb - Gr. Comp17. l'li••t - Cr.
Buy - Su. Caliltcrj1c. c•..,/ll't - Gr. Claver. CUvtr - G r. Compontnt. C••>tfi Gr.
By, nta.r at htnd - Sax. Cede, Of yield. c,.,p G r. CIC'lm. -c1••,., - Gr. Comportmeot. l'N'I, or beha,.
lsy, By i /a1cwcl Sax. CelcJliaJ. C•lq/i•I - Or. Clear - - a Gr. viour - - Gr.
Jly ihc By - S•:x. Celiba<y. Cafi~•'J .- Gr. <.:Le DGr; jliffl••" CompoC.tloo Jc ••·"
By-law - Add. Gr. Ccmtt<"1y. Ct11M11try - Gr. Cltff' } 10· Add C Compof\tre •·y './I Gr..
·By· ntme - Six. Cenobi1e. Ca11.6itt - Gr. Cliff' mu 6ic: - • r. Con1pttcacion. Pr9 - Gr.
Jiy .. wo:d Sax. Cea try. S1111i11H G r. Cle(t. Cit•~ 11fo11h G r. Compri(t. C1n}r1bt"' Gr•
•Byccn - Su. Chace. CJt•fi Or: Clemd. Cla•t11J - Gr. Compt. C ••l•t•tit11 Gr.
Chag-ria.. ikio } Sa.i Clench. Cl••t Gr. Compu16on. Ct• ftll Gr..
Chagri.n. vex1cioa ' Cleric} Cl. G Coa1r·ade - Add. Gr.
<:. CBJtlDRON if ,..i, Clcsk "ZJ '· Coo, to kn00t. g,. - Gr.

·c lt•~•l• -
Chamtra obrci:ir·a .Cb.-6,,.Gr.
A 1111 AG B, w f.ul. Cbuge, R01al. Ll<""t' G r.
Sar. Chap-maa. Cb.fw - Gr.
Cle.ricordt. CIA'Vic&rJ1 Gr.
CLE'l'CH; or ~r.Uifc.itlrot
Clcp. CIJU,1 - G r.
Con. floa t

Co.cul: C1l/.r

Co1c11u11e. C•tta.nila G r.
Caddit. C••<ffNfr• C r. Chapell - L C r. Click ap, or ataJ Su~ C00<eiYe. Cnw:,,,,i • G r..
Caddow. C•6rr.• - G r. Cbapt. Cb.11 - G r. Climax. CliU - Gr. CoDC:retC'. Crtfi1•r - G r.
<:•de, °' ell&. K•H - Gr. Cbancatura - Add. Gr. Clinch- Cl• "l - G r. Coecuntnce. C..rfi - G r.
Cad•·l11J:>b. C11.fa•• Gr. CHARE·tw . r... ; ,t•/.... Cloatb. • C /11b - Gr. COlldenfc. Dt•/i'J - Cl<.
Ca.dtt - - Su. Cha.riot. c,,,. - Gr. • CLOCK-; "Ht.1!1. or tb•/n- COt1dimrott. C••IJ - G r.
,; CADGE 1 11 ,.,.,., Cbark - - Sax. 11H CLOCK if •)«lhtt CollAdcacc, Fi/1/;'J - · Gr.

Diqlt11ed by Google
c;· 0 C Y' D E· I) l
C oofi••· Fi..J - a.. CMll!\ot - Su . e>qororal>le - o. Gr'.
Conflation. Flu•ln<t Gr. Cow&iP . \Saa. D<pooca.t. l'f/fl itt. 'rt.I Gr~
CooRa<oce. Ft.w - Gr. Cox..,.,b. c.,,., c-0 Gr. D.,, l'r17 - Gr.
Con/ront. ,,,,., Gr. ~ ....c~.orcltut.S.u. Drpttd11ioo. p,#7 - Gr.
C.:icgeoia.1. Gni•I - Gr. c~&ek. Of bod - Su. D AULE .. U.ed.irt S..n. Ocprctiat(. - Gr.
CQDgn1alati.... <;,,.,;, Gr. Cnft. cnclQf.,o. C~ Gr. Dau - Sax. Dcpwrv.rioti. P.rifj C..
Co•~rc1tatioo .
Cuoj unl\vrt
J. J.c,,,_,;,,.,,
• 1• 1 -
Gr. Crag <nd
G Crank -
- Sax. Dadorr -
r. CRAN1VY; lwi~ • .-.ikwlJ
- Sa-..
- S.u.
' ' DAFFE ; t• Ja:.I
Dcpoty. 11_,.,..,i.,,
Dcrilioa.. lflli~•/1 -
• DAFFOCI{; • #win.°' Dcrivatin. Rlwr -
Conjure1 • ,.;.,.~ti•• Gr. CRJJP; J.n.11, or l111i~~- jJMttr• Dernier re(ort - Sar.
Co.,.. /{,. Gr. CR.4SSANl'LT1 --'l.J DAF'I"; .#MJi l Od cead. "firo/ ' - Gr.
Co,noe!lioo. CM1tU11'• • Gr. CraYat - Su . Dair1 - -,. Suo 01:fcrt, tntrit. $1r•1 Gr...
Connivance. Ctui1H• t1 G_r Cra9e - . - Stx. D1• \Lf - - Sas.. Ddidioat. 8it11 - G,..
Co9aoiR"t11n Add. Gr. CR.J/1YLY.AtAWLTii•li.Ji,.,.t Da•, and ller yong.9"'1 .,. Or. Di:fi'>lation. S1/it•I,.. - Gr.
Coein1Jbial. NNl ll11/1 - G r. <tJUll Dudrufl' • - a. (;-r. lHfpif'c. D.;)11/iM - Or.'
Coo.ftcratc. ~·.,,• .,., tr. C r•yoos. Cb,..,,., ,- Gr. Otllk. D..,,,or moii 0 'r . D£$S.4.BL1"'; ""-'•,.ilJ l
<:ocfi:l\toeout. StO•ry Gr. CRE4~f; or """"'";,, 1# 1l•fi Dare a har• - s·u. Dellroy. $1,,,,,, - Gr•.
Con(t.-quto~. Sept/
Con(olalory. S1l• t• -
l.:o0(piCl\Olll• S/ rtit1'J
Qr. Crcance. Cr1li1
Gr. Cre~(c. c~1~ic1
G r.
Gt . t• CREE ""but; t• Hi/ 11 fij1
Du1cl -
Darn1it. D~llix -
0;1rn~ng nredle. D~• Su.
Su. 0.'1:il1MJ. Ax.Ji.,;. Gr.
Dt~rgl'at. 11/,Jr"I"""
.Deuode. / ,,1,,11111 -
Coo.ftraj.a t. S1~/11 - Gr. CREEfl.1.i l i•I• •.J / :ti It••"; OaJh out of <MDtt.n a.ote Sa.:<. D<vaftatiOD. H'•!1 - Gr.
Cootc1laU04 · V't,J Gr. it i•J!1t, o..a ard - - Sax.. De:ve1 it1. C1.w1i!7 Gr.
Coiitort. </Hfoa - Gr. CREIL i • J.w• / ' • DAW; t • .-.·.U. ' Dc riatfoo. II'-, - Gr..
Contoor. r.,. Gr. CREll'El;. or .1• • D•w : or tbril'e - Su. 'le~"-· l'•t..11.t - Gr.
Co•crtll. f",,,., ,.Jt.
Coecndid.. Di4MK -
Gr. Cri!:J<ct, a came -
Gr. CO.Ide u • oklo.
D ATl'GOS } 1 _,
DlllP..t.V .,,...,,,,.
• o...... r.
y.,.,,;,., -
- Sa~.
Coacnqjai.alo•.,•;,I> • Add. G r. DAZED,,_, , "-•1' ' ohJ D•win. D.-ja - Gr.
G" Cnpple - Gr. /'I DAZ ED; r .. ,.u D1bbk - - Su .
Coetrd - Add. Gr. Crifom!. C'1n'/HU - Gt Dtt,I•· Di u.J - s ...a. l>Kkins t•I • it - Add. Gr.
Coetrib~ioa. 'rrih - Gr. 1Crifpc-d l«h - a. Or. Oc1b¢Jlarioa. F1rcfl Gr. Die. D;t - Gr.
c.. 1wo"' } ~ O Cricch. C'""' · - Gr. DEAFLr; ln•IJ. D itroc•hy. F...;lir;, ia FJri"
c..1u111clr _,, - r. Croft, C7;1 - Or. o..ry - - a. Or. Gr.
Coat okf. 1'111Jhtl - Gr. 1 rome ot iron ~ S,x. Debar. ,.,,. - Su. Diffidence. FiltlllJ - Gr..
Ceot - . - Su. C tOJrtlcc.hs. L 1tl11 - Gr Deception. D1rriw - G r. Dilfll11on. Fl•J11J/1,.t1 - G r.
Copptt . - Add. Gr. Croay. C6r..7 - Gr. l)ociphcr. Si; lnr Lat. Dift'u(e. Fofo• Gr.
Copplc·c(Owne.t . Cr•#Jk G r 1Crop o.f a fowl - S•11: 0 l)ecc~n. C•ol Gr. Dighr. Ott#, or 1dnrn Gr.
Cogulace. C1y k - Gr .C - d, a fiddle - a. Gr. Oe<oll.u1on . C.J/.r Gr. Dignitary. Dlt•if) - Gr.
CMdw•io.c.r. c,,.41a.,,.. Su. Cro.-nc"' c,,,.,r - Gt. Decc:.r11rn. D'''"9 Gr. Dike. Ditr/J - Gr.
Cori«r - - a. Gr. CROW S£: •ri.11, u J jJ{J · Oec:reiaf.., Cr1fi1•r Gr. D ilate. L111J1•rl1 - Gr.
Cc>tkin1 a hor<e'• tliiOC!. c.1,. CrW(e. Crilfa - Or. Dccrcc:t.1. D..:''' G r. Dilucidttiott. Lwcifw Gr.
~ . - Add. Gr. t:'ruoc - - S&x. l>dd:ign~&ion. Dh'z• Gr. D1lu1e. L1tH• - Gr..
Coroab - - Su. Cruti;,hed.friars. Cr••tlt-J-f,./111 DcfaC'e - Add. G·r. Dim<oi.on. /.f111/1W1 - Gr. ·
Coroacr - - a. Gr. G r. Defalcation. Fo1'i~• Gt. Oimlnifh. Mi11ia111,1 Gr.
Corpol<lll. W.-JN•I/,. G r. Cube a. Gr. OefHlt } D !. . , G O ;miJrory. J,Jiffe.• - Gt.
Cortohoratt. R''"'f t - G r. Cuck:iog·iooL ·JIHI D<(:tlio• ':.-'''~{.'I r. • Dimpk. • DIM. Six. aad
Conva•tc.. ll'ru.Jlt - G r. Gr. t't".(c-a~antt.. Difto1 - Gt. Gr.
Co<npr. JJr.,. -
Co&t·ll"1b. C.r-WJ G r. Cud
Gr. Cuclcold -
a. G r. D<I'«.,;.,,,. F ~-,,,
Sas oJ. Frcr•
Gr. • DLVGLE 1 or •.U.,
G r. Oirt - - Su.
CO$l'ARD; rl# kc/ CUE; .° '-V-' De~•!~ } Fi·•I Gr Dif•blc, Al>ili' 7 - Gr.
Coi\ard mo•z•r - Sax.. Ccael'po - - a. Cr l>tr.ruuon .. • D1fard. D 1u.J - S11: .
CoAt:d, C cflwl - Su. Culioary - - a. Gr . t)t ftuxt0a. F/,,W> Gt. Di (dait1, Dr~• - Gr.
Co.ftni•a· C.,h••I· s.... CuJlandu. C1U.tukr - Gr. o,r, - - Su<. DilllcrilOn. · Htlr - Gr.
Cot· bcd. CN, or pilJow G r. CuJprit. C111J"bl" - Gr. Dtfanll. F1111ll io• Gr. Oifpar2ce. P11;, - Gr.
Cotc1npor• ry. CMl••l •,..?Gt· Ca>Jlcr. Whir - a. (It. l) G,,,,.f"lJ Gr. Difpen(i1ion. 8".fl""'· Ltt.
Cottage - - a. Gr Cultiwa1ion. C41h""' ai. G1. J)c~l utitK>n. GJMJt• 11 - G r. Difplay - ' - a. Gt.
0 CO--:f'l~ll.EL ; • 1r- 1 . 11 C ulture - - .t.. Or. D<'~r:idation~ CraJ,.,nJ G r Difp lode. Pl•11Jl'lt - O r.
H '!t 'IN I'''" Com~. !"' vall~y. c~,,. Or. Dl;J~Cli~it· .Alij r/1: - G r. D~fpu~•t!nn . c,,,,111r111i•• Gr.
Co~ 11 -.... Add. Gr. Cu_oegctica.. 1'..111111r11c1 <.7r. Dt:Jerac..Ofl. J "d,(4 - Or. D1fq1,111Jt1011: !'f!..!!'}1;'1111 Gr.
CHJ:ter. C1/11r - Add. Gr. Curr - - S•x. Oclcs!la.l>k. D.·li<aq Gr. OitT••nbk:. s;,,,,;J(I, - G r.
COCJNTERFEJ!/'~' ; fa11ur,, Curn.ats... Cwa111J • - Gr Dtl1blc. D1i1 Gr. Diiftnting. S1,,1111rr - Gr.
••"l"'ilfltr.J. ~urccnt. C.11rj1 - (..;t. Deliver. L i/ttrJ Gr. Dill't rt'ltion. Sfw (ced Gr.
Coeoccr-paia. C'"'""I"*· ~·iJrtier }C : O fkl~dc. Lef.,-..J Gr. Oifro1ut io,,. - Gr.
Ad.&. Gr Cra;rr-comb ' '·'' - r lXI•~ - - Su. Oiftaf - - a. Gr.
Cnpe. C.µ - G.r . c:ft.. ft.1rio1U - Su. lkm:ao - - Su . Oit t ftct . S1•..l o~ - Gr.
Cowaat. C•.rfl - Ge C iint lds. C11.1J4., - G.r Ot-maodi"" J/~ - <.;,., Difti)I. S1i/I - Gr.
c.,.m1. c_.µ - Gt. Cunn.o. C...,1t/ •• - G1. Ocqun - a. G<. Dittin& /JJtfioiw> - Gt-.
Cowtc!yol EA11nd Add. Gr CartUag< - - Add. Gr. 0.uicao• - a. Gr. Diftort. '• - Gr.
Coa6a. C,P. - Gr Coilo• ro:ulaJum. C;,/l•q Cr. Deoud.,ien . • NUi17 Gr. Oiitcfr. 11/.jtr.O - <ff.
COll'BL,IKE$; <".fo-1 • t:.ti.. c;,. ,h - Dcob81<1<ot. Sr~,,;;,,,, Ge. Diari bu1t. 'l"rih - Gr.
Cowl. C,./ G.1. C•y.1110 ~"r• - Su. Oepil211ioo. Pirl. or n.ap of D iwctft. Y~'lol Gr.
• COWJ. J or t-' Cynegttia. K..tttltUN Gt. d at.!l - - G,. Dirulgc. , ,,,,., - Or.

Diqlt11ed by Google
E·· M E T I' L
DJ?E)l; 11 /"' ""1 ,. "'1 Dnet. D-111 - Gr. Elftl!GiO., 'IU-"'la Gi. •Ii>' I •
' ";.i)if:. i, •· ft
Jrcf,i ir • · Danglllll - Su. Emet ~ - Su. ... '~
·"'·· ,::
t>O;libin. DobiJ ~ Su. • D.CJNGEON4BLB h.f! 1 • Emps-piece - Su: . ; '· - • :P. ..>J,»'i
l>'fif!i11 a w~ed - Sac. fhr"""' 1<r/i • Ewodt- H-rh.IJ1 G r. . I:. ' .>i'.'1. ,.,., '""~{
~umenr. D.Oor - G(· Dute. [)Hr , G l\
· .,... Enerea!<. Crtfi,.t - G1. FAGETlOOlS.1'lui/i']. '1tl
• DODD£R1>fo"I' ·~ 'l!fltlt· Darft- Du1 '· -
G f; l\ofraochife. F-.1", or free. Fadge - i\dd. Gr.
'"'"''"I . . .... . --. /)CJRZ'D 11r• 1 foMttr"j ~w. Su. Fag.cad '- . ._ ·S as. •
to. Dodg~· ~t - Gr. Ou6n. IMt/11# - Gr. Engagement, fure1y. G•g<.Gr. Fag,or work hard Add. ·G'rJ
Do&'l D rf, NM . ·0 Da1d!eft .- .D•1hfi - Gr. Enge!bot1 · - Sat. Faik - .._ Saft, •
Don f I ' .. - r·
D~ - - s-~. .England. • Sair ...nd a. GT. l,f4ia, glad.. :'ti .. - ·S•K,;
th1DOGE of /la iu Dwiadle. J>.v,,·.,, Su. Baod--.lon. Jl/~d.011 - lir. Falcon· - -.. •·Gr..
A -P O.(£; t;1Jdtfj .Jij11 Dwol.11a - - .S ar... \ Enovation·. N1.t~ Gr. Pa_mble~ "." -·'. -..: Soi.
DoU7-. -1 prope.r n~war. P"f«h1 Dw.yntd - .S..r: _Enqttirc. ~rry () r. fo';r.o. 1"111' ·- - ·- G'r-.
Dolpllh. D•/J - AdL G1, Dy)lle.
. Gr. D _rgle ·i- -
5.,., . Enlire. 1.,;.,
l"lf/il'."Z -- O r. FJ1natie '} ·
Or. Faotafm ·witlt a PH - .o;,
i .u .. ··"'· ..
Donaought. Do ""lht ~r. Dyhlece'.(1 · EDtity• fin~ Gr. Fant.a(y · I/.••~· i r
Doo!s. ,D•lr1 - Add. Gr. 0,{cga,}'D* Enuttition-. iV~t1r-i;;tb - Gr. Paogall - · ~" Sd'~ ;'
~ail: :-:- - Saa,. ,Dyfeie ic-zy Sax. Bqui oo.t. lloB"""'" Gr. FARJ~VTLr; h1111"ff!IM- ~ ·•
• JJOSO.Afl H'.11; tM. «!Iii I . .. K-quiYalcnt. Palifc-11ftt G r. Pa,.. Far,.•:w - Gr.
••t h f t/Ji!fo.6,, ~M'li1•l-.v1 Eradic~te. RaJ/fo . - Gr. F'arrict. Par;,,. Add. Gr:
(!•'fli•g; ""6 1111 ##I .,..,. ·
·E. E-re.pti nn. Rlf{,)ijb a-i~n)' C r. FafccJ.,. Ph•fil• - Gt..
tSriw ERJ'1/FUL -; /41'1f.t111M/1 Fa.Ren - ..._ a. Or.·
Doi'•. l),,,.j.,. - Gr. ~ACH.BONE. /fth·~,., Erofioo. l!aj i . - Or. Fa.t. , /1111 - Gt,
D ol'1 'Nith &he horris. 7'~ Gr. Gr. Ero1.1c. ErIJ1 - Sax. f~thom - Sax-. ..
l>ou.rd - - . S.tK-· aid. O/J - - . Gr. Erl'h - - Sax. Faotct.ion. Ft1IN• - .G r;
• lJOUBLb"R; 411J1111w ' j}!ane. .tia."' - Gt.·bckency. R1'.~ita•J Gt. fa u.n1tr-kio. .Pltfil'1rJI• Gr. - . - · S1:i. EA'RN,, 11 .ri,·t1i11tot11rJ1 ·&fcliar. s;.,. ,_. Gr. ,F .EtlBES; t#fi~r,·,,. •. ~: ·
.. ,,_ J
'· - Su. Earnraly
- - • · Gr. Skua••
.. -E ' • "b·
} $ "
e•rc•1011 -
Gr F .. J.
FE. or hide _,., -
Sat. t
DOU~lft$o •
n ll-allr• • ~)( .
~ar11. · Zrfl ~ - (;Ir. ICt.:ICC ion • A 6'iY i t°"Jl1ilrMt l •• 'A

D-°"'· ~Do"gb - S• .:• .fiAS'l'BI.; tb1,lti••'J/I«• ESHlNi opAil, or Ali Peal\ - - •·Or;..
Dowlas.. clolb. - .Sa•- ·E ATHEf. . I ·- Su. . EfpialJ. S/)' . - Gr. f «:uJrot. F"''' . - or;
DO.ll'Lr ;.11Ul11•,IJ111J,~ ••Jfa- £.ee. z,,.,/i - i ar. E(poufals. Sp,ufar G r. .. Fc-e. or .,.jnnow cora Sas-. ·
'Do~o. D.fa. -, G~. •E CXLE; ' • •i•, lrfig11, i1111-.J Efqaire. £fi,,ir1 - Gr. FEF:f'i !Wfa•U·. · ~'"''
Drab--qctb . J)rpj1r - G. f. cot:f1 - - .Sa-x. .EJ!oiD - - 1. Gr. FEG: f•ir, or huQ.ilN
l;lrab, or com91Dn
Ecftacy. Ex/I"'}
• •• G ·. f.,ddiCb. £,Jijh
Gr. £1htl - -
Gr• .Bvagirion. f'tfJ_TR•., -
Sax. Feg -
'!1'- ·feg.try.
F6gr~111 ... _
Ad,. Or•.
Drifi'. lhctp .:•- ••Ge . Eddy - - Sax:. 'E vancfcc. · J'•Mifo - G ·r. f eWfare . ..- - Sv.~
D ram. Drarbm - G , Ed~·boae. lfdt·l1111 Gr.. 11!.vene. Or. p,,.,,,,, -· Fcl•y of• wh«J - S-..X. ·
Dn:pe•Blecp. Drt1J'..}bt11 ... Gr. Hd16c ~tioo. F.tU'fo-1 .- Qr. E wctfJon. · Y1r;f111i/1 - Gr. Fe-snaJt ~. a. Gt.
Drau.cbt. DY"l - G.r. Edmvnd . - Sa:.c. Evi6ce. r.lllJtdfb - G·r. Feuder. Ft fl(t - ••. o r;;
D1awr,ht, Uck, or . k•.-r.. E~cJti.boM. lfib·l:.r11,l GI'. E"ropeali. Eur1/I .Ad·d . G r. Ferrier__ - Ad.4. Gr.
Add. Gr'. l;:ck, aJ{o. E•.f.. alfo - Gr. E.xcif~ .. ·E:rfir'•il - Gr. fi'erruginou.1 - a . Gti
Dnwcr,..orbox.Dr...uit.1ut.,.. G r. to;ekcd, £ ,btJ _. G.r. £xc.o1i1tion. Coriw - Gr. f"e(Gue - - o ·r ..'.*·
Dr-ay. M.Dr•w. O• ~rag EEM; J o.. '""*'
ccm; l H"Vl #0. Excre-~rioo . s~,.,.., Gr. - FESSING.; ti .luN1""' ''"'"
DJLJllJL .; A tilr1JJ!N1 l1ifar1 Exher«latHtti. //,,;,...- Gr. Fctcbc1. Y111/N1 - Gr.
DrcMJi - - a. G:. EBY.ER f 1h, . 9••rtrr of tl.v Expe:cdit1Jrr. Ex;111fa. La!. 11 F!-cr'TlE; ' Jl''.fj, tw> 1"'1¥" ,
D1aT)' - . ~ S•x.. ..,.,,,, . . . Expiable. .Pi11,1 Gr. 11 F£1Y; t• cb111111 ': 1:..:-. -
Drcc - Sa¥. Efi"c•iaat.. · F ,JiMk '- . G r. Expire. S;i,.atU G,. Fey, otcltanfe 1 pon·ct, Sax,, 1 ...
D reocfl ' -. &..r. aad: Gr. E ftlpre(«nc-.. }'Jori.fa- Gr-. li.J:plicati&n• PlilVlll - Gr. Jl'igorattw:. •i1't-1ct. · · Gr.;·
Dribble . .!),~/ - Qr, BffQJt. - F.-.e1 ... - (Jr. Bxptoclt• .PJ1111fi~l-1 - Gt. Fileberc - - SaJt.t.•-t'
a,D'RIC/ILE; ,j;J;gnttfir<,inN Eg~r< - ·• .. . - Su. j;xprol>rocion. Rt/lwub • G•. /!ill• de joye. Final aod 1'!·
Qr!fs. ui.defi~n: · D,.,N, ac G r. EJft1~ - : ~ S1J". Expung~ erak. PuiJ11,._1 Gr 1 · •· : .Gr;..
Drighttn. /j,,/I(,• Su. EJ•lii<m- .il~;tS - Gr. l!x.u mpere. 'T-1•r.I G r. FIMBLE ,. ,.,fl
riµ l""''
• 0)ink_•. Drt•cb. Sax.. a-Ad G r. Eke, or add.. £'"' -
Gr. ~xtcouation. '1'• - GT. Pindy.· F;•".1 ·- ba'r.. ·
Drove::. DriW - Gt. E14~fatbu. . - Sa~. ExtlnA-. E.v_,1Ji11z•ifll Gr. ii:s Fine. Fit:•I - Gr.
Drought. D,, - G~.. ELD~R' '°'"'"~"' Extort. ~wf.'t• ., - Gr. F~nier· - ·• ,._ · 1. Cr..
D•Q•y - - Sill!. l\leCluaiy. &ltg• - .GT. f!xrraa .tl6fl•.O • - Gr. F101cal · - · Jldd .. G r.>
•,Dw~.. o,,,..,j,.·S,p", and Gr /iJUit - Gr.:. !xtJ"1t.nt<>G1. EKtwUr· Gr. Fiooow. -P1119 · ~ ·G r.:f
Dr11~iil. <Tr~ ~ Q-r. Eligible. Ell!JiM. Gt. E.xrraohiicary. Q,.J,,. Gt. fir-uu - - S:tx.'. •. .;
Dr~al<•ard. Vmub ..Su.aodGr. Elifi.on. Eli#. - Gt. llxtrapa,...;,;..i. P,,,.;j!J . Gr. l'irtli, or Frith - Ad.f. Gr;i
Drutv...bne... -.... Su. B·Jo:cocjoa.i UJllMil:I Gr-. iu:n va;Mi-t. Y4gr•Jtt G:r. Fiil · ..._ ·•·· Gr:i
Druvy . - Sa.x. la- 6Lj"; I• '-*I - f.xtr.avatac~d. P.-_jil - Gr. Pirz-. F1'/hl -' . . - · GrJ:
Dubit'fY· D•uH - Gr. E.lthc.oclikm• - Sa¥. Extrcarity l E . - G- FiYe - • - .Slx:. ..
Duc.e take it, /)iu1 tAke it. Gr. Eluci@re ... ..Lt1,if1r - fu. Er ui1;fic :f- xttr''' 7 · r. Flaccid. Fla/J"7 .--.. 6~
Ouf• . v..,. ,,... Gr Elude.'J i - ·G<.. f.k.,ufion , i'mft' - Gr. Flacket - ""'." · jdd..O<.;
Dugud - , ,._,..,..,
Dul.~at f.D·l
••<l ., f.m.U>k·· 111.,-..
. _, '· Embwtlf......,. -
....,-·Gt. )i.rubeuo.-, '{,;,.,,.
·S a.1... ~;•t'u~ra•ce. U'""
Gr. Fl~ktioa.
Gr. :FJagitioas.
.:G>J '"t '
. -
lhl<ift .
Dt.:1luta_te . ,
D•k• -
v:/'.1 1 1~
• 1 a. Gr, bbaff-.wai •• · ,_
~mbe·~de .
Add . .G.r. Em.boll .. ·-
- , SaJt.
Add. G I.
a. Gr. E.y·.
Eyre -
.- · ·-
.· • .
Gr. .FL.41'1'; •.lntb> ,.,. ·I".'.,.;
a. Gr. ;FJ.ame~ · · ...:.. . Add. -\'}rJ
Flac mtll · - ·a. G·r~
1l1111> tolQ: - Su.. J!.ni«g•. Mirfa..o - Gr. .- ,Flea, .,. R•ip. - F~•J - Gn.

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1. R G E G () H A
Fleak FRORLY-MOIJLY; i•J;_ff'trtal
S••· 'G<al• • G.Jt, or fret •. Sox." G<>o.k. o ..i, .. - G f:
Flc:,atn. P b!tat - Gr.
q;j,·1/l • And• Gr. Goand -
flecked - - Sax. Frock. '/l.Hh11 - Sax. ~EA.ZON; fi.rct; l>•rtl I • Gewn - · a. Gr.
61 g~t

I · "'
Fleet milk. F l•1 milk Gr. Froife. }'ri<alfu - Gr. GOrSTER; I• r1-;. ani! t..1/t
l1log1ri: Pbltt• - . Gr. Fl'om • - - Sax. Ged-lbK - S••· . ,.,,,.
~t!ckt-t l:rofu. Frog . - GT. Gclt, mopey. CJJ - Gr. GRAIN; tltdt, or tb,.111/ 1
.F hggtr FJ.11tr G r. l·row.. Yi,.agt1 - Gr. Gentile. Ge•ti!t - Gr.Gram. Cr.,./9/ - Sax.
Fliggurl · FROUGIJ; /oeft, 11•'J>v"t.J Geofry. GIJ/r'J - Sax.. Gr&mcrcy •• • - a. Gr.
Flirt. }fut - . <.;r. Frowa1d S~x. Gc:r:ird - - S.x. Grank __ - Sax.
F litch ofb:i.con - Sax. Frown - Add. Gr. Gerki n. G11rl i" · ·- Gr.GrAnulate. Grt1ill1 - Gr•
.Fliu= ~ - Sax. Fru{tiferolls. Fr11i1 - ' G r. Germao 1~".fi11. Gtrt11t•1tfit1.Gr.GRAYH • 11~fiJrn1 •114 '(/ill
Flitfe, F.J,,. wjsh \viog11 G r. FUKES ; lt1l1 if h11ir Gertrude-- - Sax. G ratitude. Gr1J1i1 - Gt.
1Joor • - Sa.x. Fumble - - Sax. G etl:ie:uJation. Gifl~r• G ·r GRAf'Y'ON ; n-fo, 1t!ifo, .,.
Ffot(on. Fl(l'11 - Gr. Fumfga,ion. F•J111 - Gr. G ew-gawa - a . Gr. Jl,.~IJ/1
FLOl~JSH i lithl ia C(l1'J11ll; Fuo. SJ,,.1.n.1 - S:i.x. Ghihelin1. Cu lpb1 - Gr. Grav~. or r11ler - a. Gr..
<cNaMlt• ~'und. F~~:1Sd11,tirJ11 - G r. GIB·jlaff; 9u11.rt1,...Jl•f • GRAYY, efNM
FIQftu•t.e . • F!v:.u - Gr. Fua lit - - Sa)C. • Gibbt-riO~} • GaUer. Sax. Gra2ier. <;r•ft .- Gr.
FLU(l-CH; • f11t1.rl lfJ ef' ""J Furbelo1.1;•s - Sn~. • ~ibt:t aad •Gr. Grte, , ~r l(tge - a. Gt.
1J,,ng •t r;bt rt FURED J'o11 ; "U:b11/;1r GJbhet - - Sax. GREK; lv.""I• or'?
' f ly wit h wing.s a. Gt. -wrn1.r~il ? GI BBOA'; a • rtt Hol GRE d·" l'HLY; h.11'fa1111f; ~
Fnccfe. S111tj; """:'" Gr. F nriouJ: - Adtl . G r. • G abJttt: Sax. or Htbr. Greavet, or umour Sax::
Fo.-1. FtJ1 - Gr. Fu 1tor.g - - 11.. Gr.- G ift. Civt - Gr. O rey. Gr•J - Gr.
Grllf. ·
Foam. - FoNI

f ocus -


f ob, or fma.11 pocktt Sa x. ·

a . Gr.
f nrnl ity. }'r•wilJ
11 1
' ...''J

Gig, or jig
Gig along
G irg. Wbirl
Si x.
G rind
Grife. Grtt1
- · Gr.

~odder for ·cattlc: Add. Gr. Fu~zcn-. Foifi• - Gr. Gifdett. Gui}lrrt - Gr. Gr;Qr.ins - - Su.
Fccd~ral. C."•eft.i1r•1J Gr. • Fye:. Fit a pond. $;1.x. and a Glf. L ; a &rt, or ri'llMlt t GriOe. Gr9 · - Gr..
JccA.igteek. F11.igr~·-d tJr. Add. Gr. 11 CJlL ; or Jrag QrlJl. Gri11J - Sax~
Foifty. F11h " - Gr. Girkin. G•tki• ~ Gr. G ritty - - Six.
Follow - - a . (.;r. Gi,tar. Gitar - Gr. Groa11, oat.,•f Add. Gr.
Food - a . Gr. G. Gives. Grv11 Sax. Gt(IC~r. Craffn- - · Gr.
}"<>Qr day.• Sax. Glaffcr - - Sax. Groin Sax.
ForeKal }• /tdb, l1t1ii1rg fi•1111 •GABLE end ofa houfc . Glance - a. Gr. Grovel oo the ~ond Sa_x .
Follal · 11H rHJ 11 a t ' tal ' . • Sax. and Gr. Gla6C'r. Gl11fi - a. Gr. Gtou nd (mall . Gri11' Sa.x.
· 1'tuji· GAd •boot - S:ix. Gl iI'iGN;, #/Ttleb.Jl••tl Gro~tid, or fail a. Gr-.
F-ord .- ....,.. a. G r. GaJ,.Ay. GMi - Sax. Glave-ring fellow - Sax. Grout .Sax.
l'o(c-lhll<hemarket Add. Gr. Gad ofarel - Sax. Glead. Gl,J, - Gt. GROU'T; """''"""
forlorn - Sax. G•lf<r - - Add. Gt. Giifter. C'1Jltr - Gr. GROVZE ; 1hU/
Format}· . s.. · GaSlc1 - - Sax. GLOB'D ; if f••' Grow, u ooblc - Add. Gr.
FormeJ . - · Ga~c to mcafvre - Sax. Gloomy - ·- Sax. G ruel - - Sax.
Fonitode l F 1 G Gain, o• hanjy - Add. Gr. Giolry. Gllf.ts - Gr. GruAfc.l . Gr..•'fill - Gr.
Fotrr~Ca j . "' - r. Gait, G.,,g. ~' G• - . G .r. GL()_'rTEN D • .ft41'tlti , •/· G runt. G~11.•/Jil - Gr.
Forro11oiu. F~''"-"' . Gr. • Ga_le of w1cd - • Sax. ft'1gbt11i~ G ru:p. Gr;1_ - Gr•.
FOS'TAL; • µ,~ t1cJi•g l# a • Gall,oruet.Sax. and 'Gr. Gloy - Su. Grypbon. CriJi• - Gr.
gt1t11.IH•fi _ • Gallcr-y - - Sax. Glum . GIHfllJ - Su. Guelph• - 1, Gr.
Foughte,n ..---1"ii.b1 - Gr. GalJig11kia.1 - 1. Gr. Gla tinous. CJ,.. - Gr. Gcaefs - - Su.
a fa>lt-nart Add. Gr. G •llow• - Sax. Glutton· - - a. Gr. rlH GU1LE.J'>; tin 1-JIJ>
~·ol\IJ of 1)0 air - Add. Gr. G,ILlY-IJAUK; • ,,.,.,,../ Gnarl. Surl - Sa.x. tlH GUILE-f41} i · ·
f)'agi le. Fr"'1u1 - Gr. GaadtJ' - - a. Gr. GnaO. - - Sax. i4# GU/ ll..1.J ;.•,. 'wffrl
F rampard. Fr11.111pifo - Gr, G:i_ntlope - Sax. Goad - - Sax. to GU/f,L ; 10 ~J,
, £ranee. Fr1111h • - Gr. Gaol . 'Jail - G r. GOJF ;" ~ ef b117, " ,.,.. G-.irlartd. C.~
J!'r.aachifc. f,.., and free. Sax. G.ariih. Gairijh - G ·r. Goa!. JM.I· - - Gt. Guitar. GittW
Frangible. J.' r •IJ.r1 Garment. a. ,,&. - Gr. Goal, OT pole - Six. GU/ZEND; /,.A__,
Jlr:'IP\ic.. Pb.-tefj Gr. Garo-windlcs - Sax. GOAAI·; ' ' l'"ii• or el•h Golf. Cr1/pb - · Gr ..
l'~- l!brof Gr. Garnilb. G.,.6 - Gr. Goble• - - a. Gr. • CULLY; or lo.•g1loift
t'raoght. Frtight G_r. Gai:r - - Six. Godfrey - ·- Sa.x. •GUN; or fozo.
}'.-.ak - Sar. Gatt<t - - a. Gr. Gojf, GOAF; above Gyfe. · C,f• - Sax.
;Freai'td .- - Sax. Garrh. G,,,.,,. - Gr. Goggle·ey<d - a . Gr. Gyld. G#i/J - - Gr•
.Frede - · S1¥. GARZIL 1•g <wHJ COLE1 M1,fsll,forill GYPSIES 1 fi•i"I' if"""'"
FrtDld• Fr,.;1 SaJ<. G aule bead - Sax. Gooden} c..J ,..,. } G G ypfy - - a Gr.
Frcach. L••A1 - Gr. G.a•el~kiod a. Gr. Goody GuJ -wift r. Gyves - · - Sax·..
fr<••Y· . Pbr'lf! - Gr. G&Ycl0<k - - Six. • Goof• - Su. and a. Gr. ,
F re<><1d. E<it•il - Gr. G aolc - Sax. GOP/NG f•ll; a b•uful
f<eth, llCW S•.. G-.uJic haod - Su. Gor· bcllicd ·Su.
( 'tid.Ay - - Sax.
GAUllL ;-.10 l11l. ••'Jl11r1 a /H,.1 G.ors. GifJ - Sax. R AB.NAB - •· Gr.
frice in auhitt6.. F'r11K1. G.a_o ntlet. Gam!tt - Gr. GoJJin. G~ - Sax. Haberd&Jhcr · Sax,.
Gr. G4UNvRY 1 aftill.g1 G of1-bawk - Sax. Habttgcon - · Su.
Prim f<>llt1. Frr•J Sn. GAUKISON; .... • •'''""' G ollip at a chrifttaing. Gu· Habiliment. ll•bit - G r• .
Frim ; haodComc Sax, Jt'.fo,11 f.h - - Gr. Hack. Htlt• - Si x.
frill - Sax. Gazebo. G""' - G r. Goffip, orga<ldingabou1· S11><. Hack, or Hay-rack. lf•J fo r
frii.urc. .lri&lt - Or. Ge - Sa~. GO'l-Cff; orfat b.,rf., - - Gr.
Hack •.

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I-I E H 0 I ·M J u
Hack, Ot half door Sax. Heir ·- - a. ' Gr. to I/OS£; hug, Ot tarry ;,, 1.h1 rrnpief't. moocy Add. Gr.
l i'ick.ncy co.acl1 a. Gr. Heirlo.oms Add. Gr. .,,., rmpultC. lmptll Or.
llJDDER; b111.rb, or littg fJElD.tlR; ' "t/;ir, /,tf~rt, ;,, Hofcu - - Sa.'<'. lm;un ity. Pµ#fifo Gr.
liaft - - a. .G r. l"tfir~1111 I-loft, or w:tfcr - a. G r. ln1put:ition. l'rr1ari v1 Gr.
H.4.GEST£R.; a •"'~rP._.11 Hc:Jtn - . - a. Gr. H<llli~. llo/!, or :irmy Gr. ln1ptft~c(ccnce. P"1ritl G r.
H llgglc. l l.11il, or froft Gr. HcUc . /{11/. or incl ine S:i.x . flOT AGO£ ; to "'ll'Vt 11i111b{J Cnct:pt1ve. f ttripit!fl - .Gr.
l·l2ggJc. HttcAlt Gr. Htl!uo. Hc/11• - Gr. H():ch-poich. Huteb·p~t Or. l ncidenr. A~1id1nt (~ r.
Ha$ he1. Hilqj,•1 - Sax. H<'lm of a ll1ip - Sax. Hotel. ll'.f>i1~/ - Gr. lncitc-mc:tit-. c·,,~ Gr.
H'a1d uc:. Hoyrl::.r - G r. Heltt'r·ficclter - Sa.'\'.. 1-'Joug h. u~,J. G r. !otC)g. C~gnir.a11oe Or.
1-Jajr~lip. llart·li/f t'i Or. ' t<leJ,•c S a.x. and • a. Gr. liourel - Slx. fr:c.rt'mcnr. c ,,'.f'i1111 G r.
H t1K.E ; /1Ud, or l~i11,. Hem, or ~rdcrJ How - S~x. fo cubadon. l 11c11611; G r.
}-l::cibcrt - .- S•x. lien' in Add. Gr. Hr)\vl. Ho::! - Gr. rocurnbcnt. C:;t116t~:u C r.
" Fl.1l Ei er tram•l, 1~b1T11g Hem,or(pitout - Sa~. HU1J; o r.fd11 iftb1 ,him"'J' i ucorlio:i . C.0J11rfi G r.
ti:t pot 01r ~felll, {Of' thc1u - Sa~. (fudd le - • - a . Gr. f1,de:.noi(y. Daa11t - G r.
H_att. fle-IJ Sl\x. and ' G r. Hel'l chmao Sa.~.· H uge. Hitb - G 1. Indenture. D t_n t - C r.
!·lamper. or b:ttkc1. H.nap, ,. c;-r. HEN:i JJlG ; II ,/,'1.un ,.,, &t·· bee. o~m/,/1.J,,_, Cr. . ndicale. lntlt'x G r.
Hirnd - - ·a, Gr . ba'IJl~.-1~ . Hunlblcs ofad<:t:t U1116/11 Gr. fndigo. f1tJicc Gr.
l'lang·li::til. Ang·noil G r. Hcord. Jl1rJ Sa.x . f•lumed::ttioo . "flt111itiir;; G r. r.di!li>lub!e. So!*t.J~ Gr.
1-ian.s towns - S1.'(. Lic:re, in rhis pl?.ce Sax. Huoch. l 1 1111cb holes G r. fndi>f:d of <i: c:-inle. /11,/i8 1JG T.
JJ-A:V9.~J"; waJJtc11 HC"rc, an army} Sa.'\'. 11uncb- l.tac.k 'd. Bt~nny Gr. nd ueliot). C-sotl:Jf! - Gr.
Hap, chan9c. HaJ/ttt Gr. Bcrcbe.rga Hulld rcd - Add . Gr. lnc:-:Oriii.b le. ild.;rt - G r.
H:\Jlpa1 lct - Add. G·r. lierctoforc - Sax. Hure. fl air - - 0 1. in fu n\ry - - Sax.
H :ippirtg. Ha}, Qr t.._!:-e G r. Hcretoga . • Hwt S:i.x. J·Iurtle-bi:rries. JY/;ortl~·/ul'rir1. 1 0·6C1 itude. Fitr.a! G r.·t.r Sa..~. Herjta.gc. H 1rr - Gr. Sax. 1l8uen1.a . }"f• w - Gr.
Ii arbour of rc:!l ~x. Hermit. E rtn:il1 - Gr. 1'1 ufl'y - - Add. Gt. f nj!; - .- Sax.
Hard.a . Sax. Herrin~ - - S!lx, •· Hullings Sa.x: and a. G t. log le . - -a. G r.
Jii/Rl ; 111~'1, orjUg 8E1.~·T£R; tn,ttr Ji.aflle. llv.ttb·/$/ - ( i r. fnhj bit. ExhiAit Gr.
Joiar pooo} G .. H t urclc- b!!rries. • l?b~r1!1. liutch - Sa.~. ~t1 hutnilne: lfrt•a• - Gr.
Sax. and ~Gr.
H arpy '. r. /.11·1·it1 - liylling. lltil - G :. Lnhu m::. Pqlh11mDu1 - G r.
1-iarr Sa.'t. H~y· oc:t. Ha.:1· 1111 Soi>.:. flrl'E 11t •11e;jl¥11l at~,,, fLtj<:ttion. Ahj1!1 - G r.
!=Jarry . . Hatnfi - G r. Hickup - - Sax. liyrde - - Sax. triirn ical. E111my Gr.
HARRY.-G AUi) ; a ro. vilJ girl Hide of land - Atld . Cit. I·lyffe Sax. fn iquitous. Eqa~ (; r.
Hart, or ft~g - ;\dd . G r. Higgle. Ht1cl!1 - Gr. Hyr{umoc(('e Sax. lnji.1ry. Ju lge Cr.
H.afp. cl11(p. Elap1 - G r. i-1.ighc - - Sax . lol!lthu d. l1t1blng - s~x.
Ha(p, c;r fpind lc - S3x. Hillirig . Hei/1, to CO\' t r Gr. J. ln·nau:. }l~t:t,.t - G c.
IIASP.l R" } H ilt i Sa.'<. inqueil. fl.JtrJ Gt.
BASf'EN.1LD f '.l''"'b Hiod, ordowo S11J<. J ABBER. G•hh,, Sax. !ofert. S•w Gr.
Hatc.h. Oi half ~oor } flacl H~nde·bi:rrict ~ll.'(. : J.ici ntb. li.J-.ciutb G t. lu(o!ubJe. s~1..,,, Gr.
J"1'~tcbesQf a O;,p $ 11.x. 1·11nd eroloil Sax . ] .ide - Sa.'(.la fpctl. Sp£ti4/ Or.
l~ att.h tncut. ,J1chi1•v1•1•t Gt. Hinder , prevent Sax. Jagged - Sa.t. l_r.fpi'1°<Lte. Spi§itttf/1 (i r.
J·l>ttt - - a. G r. f<lii:;dcr ling Sax. J ape - - Sax . loft itute.,. S1.J1111 Gr.
H;_-/·T-!~LE; wil.J, or fl i1:ijh H :o~, or clnoNn. Hi"'" Sax. 011JARRE; 1he tl~r pa1•1{J ~11.11 (ateger. J,,,,,,.;IJ Gr.
HA'fOCK; twtl·~.1-fo1•<v11 of foi iog le!: .... }/i11g' - G r. Jaunts Of a wbt'tl Sa,' (. !ntermina;e. [ 1rt,M G;.
,~,." tJIJ>l'JA•G.f i AUD ; a J, iltrin,f fee - - Sa.x. lo:errcgr.u m. Ri-g~l • G i:,.
1-laulm . Ha/111 - G r. pla,,. · Ith dirn. le tbit• r-\dd . (,;r. Interr ogatory. R~zarivn G t •
.l-favoc:k - Sa:ic. Hips :and b3.w, fconoc la!lc!. £iloa,tlaflt1 G r. Inrcrva.J. Y ta!r G r.
1-f;.t.\'fotk. BA1-Clt Sax. I-fir ed i . G r. JcfFtr)'· Gt;Jfrt,J - Sax. ln terver.e. lnr.11111 Gr.
H-au(c Sa,t . f-Jithe Sax. Jeopardy. Jccpt,.t/J - Gr. fo tell.ate. t/'¢ - Gr.
Haofl Sax. fiithtr Sax. Jcrfa lcon. Gr.rfalr1n Gr. lNt:f'£S1J,\tES. l 11w3rJ
Hau t-goilc a. Gr. HOB 5 1h1 rhi111Jt9 bati , and Jerk. J lrl, o r rather Girl ·G r. [nthrooe. £,11bro111 - G;.
Haw, or clofe Sa,'<. fil t1 Je$famin. - G r. (oveigh . ··Lr'llu1iv~ - G t.
Ha.wk. or CO\tgb. Jiu91te Gr. Hoh..nail .'\dd. Gr. Jct ci'e:au. Jct! o(,vat"(r Gr. Inure - - a. G r.
I-laws - Sax. HoboyJ. Hauth;li-1 Gr. Je\\'el - ·- :\.G r. to JOO b:lt1; '' ,.~_c, b~!u
l ·lawtho.rn - Sax . HODDY ;. in g~s; b:tl'Jf"'" lgoif(:rou, . l z 11is /41111111 Gr. « JOB if <tu¢r,f
Hay, or att - Sa;(. l:lodgt·podge. H vrtb·Jct G r. Jig. Gig - Sax. Joblx11ol - S3x.
Hlly r3ck. HtJy ft>r horrcs G r. liod mandcd. Dctfma" G r. Jilt - Sa."<. Joe:.ind. Jo'eft - Gr.
Hay, :1.-danct Sax. tJoro· Haut-1•'1 - G1. Jingle. C ir:gl1 - G r. Joins. 'J~l,, - Gr.
Hayt, or hedge ~ax. Ho~den .:7 - St1.'<. J irk. GirJ; .- - Gr. 10 JOll hM.11 ; 10 mak~ ~!Jiu
He - Sax. lio1ty toity - 51'.x. llct· ho1e. Oriti - .Gr. ordcn - - ~~.'<.
H caAing Sax. Hokcrs - - Sa,"<. • 111. "• ' £ '1.lil. • Sa.Y'. ~od G r. Jolllc. J•./!1 - G r.
l-feart of oak.. Hn,.t Gr . .Hokus.pokus. H«u1~J~tJ11 Gr. lmb~rgo - - S a.'1'.. Jowl. J~f, - Gr.
Hearth - a. Gr. Hold, or cootain - Sa>:. lmbe2z.le. Em6r=lt Sax. ' Ireland. /,,.:t~ .- Ct.
Jicbctude. Htav.1 - Gr. liold fa ll . - - Sax. lrr1broe. Eo:/Jr,::.u Gr. fti ng lafa - - Sa:<.
1-icck, or h3tch door. fiM,~ Sax. 1-lold of ;i £hi p } S fmn1ure. Mttral - G r. Juci1ndity. J«.fi - G r.
· H e-ckr o: rack. JJo1y fo r hor(e! Ho ld Ocrs for pi lloJs :i.x . ! mpa.nnel. J>onnli a j ury O r. Jug_gltr'.; ..- - a. Gr.
. . Gr. (-lom:.gc - - a. G r. lotpcri:il. J.,1,ritiu1 .- Gr. Juntp:s - - Sax..
1-{cdg.c .. - Sax. Horne . - a. G r. lo1p!cment' - Ada. Gr. juu.Elure. 'Joi•I - (;r.
l·Iccl, er intlinc Sax. l~ontily. ff-g111Jr - G r. ln1plex - - 3. ~r. Ivory - a. Gr.
Hitggle. H11cil1 ~ Gt . 1'1oop. Co~}'" - Gr. l:ilplicit. lmpltx - a . G r. fU!!-71!11~ ; a• 14rtb·•:11
1'Jci ft r - Sax. 4 HOOP; "/ttl •eafar1 Implore. D1plora6lt - Gr. JurlCa1ll1on l y. J G
Htinous. Jhf• ;J.1 - Gr, liop$ - - Sa.x. ln1prt caticn. p,.".J'" - Gr. J ufti6ca\.ion 5 • 'I~. - r~
4L K. KAll.~G!i,

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I. A L I M It 0·
Lat~iag - - ·s ax. LMm - • · 'Gr.' JfA~"rLING-.,;;.,.1 , ..&r.ri11g
Lii.ttcn - Sa:ir. Loan. L,.,J Sax. . l i•i'.1
It. L~vatory. Llw" - Gt. Loath. LHbiltf - · Gr. Mar. l/G, ,. - Gr.
La'lc-. Ltc'f.111 or Ufa Gr. Lobby. . - - Sax. March·a pt. 1'fw<b1,t#t Gr.

K Al!AGE, or lleal Sax.

Kailcs. Kr1/1 -
Xale. C 1lt'tWYI -
Lavroc -
Gr. Law\\ .io a park -
G r. l~tza.r-houfe
Loch. l -4•.. or pond - G r. Mare, or ftlll:ilc hor(e Sn.x.
Lode-none. l.Ni-fle• Gt. Mar~ra\'e. 1'1crrwi1 -
Lodge. or retreat Add. Gr. Mt JJth. M•r.JhJ ' -
K arl. e.,.J - G r. Ltach 1 chc a.oimal. L,,,}J Gr. f.odAum. L.61111""' - Gr. 'Mark, or 6g4. Mc,.r1J11 Gr.
X ca.l. · C~!t<V:ot:t - G r. Leag ue, o r mcafUrc a. Gr. t .oe, a fmnll hiJI - Sa». M~rm. ef;dc - Sax.
J(J;'DGE; hrift, ••" llw!f Lean, co hi-de - S ix. l,oJ! out 'chc congue S!'lx, Marrow - a. G r.
- KED(iE; or.g f,;tlllf Le;ip, o r Jib - Sax. l .ollard ; - S.;.x. Mar(chal - S 3 x,
Keen appe1i1e- · Add . G r. Leafe. L,_Jfo,. - Gr. l.omb:.Jd· l1rret Add. Gr. Merfhy --. 1. G t.
to KE.'£Y£ • t-11r1; 10 Jttr# Lea(ure-. l tifar1 - G r. Lome. L t1c M Gr; M•.!Jc - Sax.
it vp Leaver. lt1J1r - G r. Looby. Lab - Gr. M1(s a. Gr.
• KEEYE ; or "1•1, 10 -u:orl Lte; or lawn - Sa~. Loom - - Sax. t\.i:iftcr. ,,~1, - Gr.
htrr ;,, Lee to wan, with. Ly • Gr 4 LOOP; or lh'11z• ef a,,,,,. l\1atador. Alttt-14 21 pJay G r.
11 K EJL; or tctl ef' h".1 Lrer - - Sax. Loppcr'd mi lk - ~ax. Mauk in. Mall in - G r.
Lc:e(c. L.jl Gt. Le>re~ L r• r• Su . M ' \9] , M•ll -
"K elter -
K<'mb. Cv• '1

10 KEPPJ:."1V ; or bc1t/;iviw!
Gr. Lc:tc
Lteccn -
- ;i. Gr. Larel.

- Sax. M;ize, or la.byriath.
'' LOSSE'T; .•f/M, -uwh• t#fo fo~~ced - -
,f. Gr.
G r:
.J (crchit<f. H:J11.l..i1r<hitf Gr. Leeve. Liif - G r . l.otb. Lo1b11tz - G r. AIA Z Z .l/RDS; 'l• rl h,rriti
"J{.£.RL if"veal '; o r lci11 Leg - - Sax. Loogh. Lid1 - G r. j\f£A(;} ~ ,
Ket•fey. K4YJ9 Gr. L~gcr de main- - a. G r. l..o we - - Six. ME:JK "/tllJ- HI(
Ket of f!llr11on. Ktg - G •. Lcithwakc ·- Add. Gr. Lo"1.-n. L,,,. 9r· Mf'tgtim. ,\fririm1 - Gr.
Kettle pins. K11t1 G r. Lend - - Sa;<. L·ubber. l-fl• G r. Mcftgt ha - Sax.
• K 89"?'Y'Y1Jr; a 11.'.flyf1l/~qlJ Leng th . Lo"t _;. <!r. L iatl.1,ion. /~orb Gr. rvt~ar•hallts. A1n'r-lt,1/J.1 Gr.
• KJDCROW; 01 far 11 Lcohr. L il ·bt ofbcaven U r. l. ude folk. L'*" Gr. Mcar of Wltfr - a. G r
rolf Ler - Sax. Ludibrious. L Ntliff'clll Gr. Mc210e-• - 0

- a. Gr~
Kid-napper Add . Gr. Letch. L;t·leu~ - Gr. 1/x lUFE ; tb,.µo "'"' Me"h - Add. Gr.
--Ai)lc-r. K11kr - Gr. Letch. LttbtrouJ - Q , Luggage. L;:g1 G r. m;t )1E..JUGFJ; ·•y fi/ltr";1_
K ILJ>S; /¢t·lxoi_t Lether -... - Sax_, Lut1ar. £11710<;) G r . b11fla.trd
Ki1nbo. K1•61 - <•r. Lett, or hinder - S .ix. Lurid. LtJ"? Gr. Mt"dc 1 or power A.d d. G-r .
• KltdJIEl; o r 1ouJ1,.i111 :.i./; f,,ett o u:. Lrffir - G r. Lufl(ifll - Sax. l'tftde, OT tt-ward. MtrJ Gr.
Kind, or cou·rceout Sax. Letticc-wo1k - Sax. t.ull. lljfwill, or p'leafutt Gr. Mediery. M,JicTrity - Gr •
.o KiVACK, 11tfi111/J1di1t,t Ltvigatt. Lw1!, even G r. L.u,eltr-ing. L ll11rihg Gr. k1£EDLES$ ; ""'":;{J
.Knacker. J\'111J1,. Gr . [,c\'iQ - - S:i.~. Luvc - - Sax. ~1eoial - - a. Gr.
J{f\'/ Gfi·T Ll:-a41'1; 1111 11lliv1 Lewd"· hireling.s. L ,:;J <;Ir. Luyd folk-. Lt1tf - Gr Meer. Mtr1 - Gr.
m1J11 [,iberate. LiA1ral - ( 7r., an UT1trt11h. Li1 Gr. Mee-t - a. G r.
J{_}lOLLES ; hntti/ J Lie. to \\·:t.fh .with: G r. a L~'"~r(;HE'r; a z r1n 6a!J, '' ,11EN_SEFUL; ba1Y{f011tt,z,.atrfwl
Knor. X•JW Gr . • J,.1fe. - L:v~ Sax. and• G r. tlrv1~' /~:11.1/1 Men lt s. lt1Htt Gt'.
Knot i-n wood. Kn,/, (;r. L~ft. L f'V_fT - G r. Lynn Sax. Mcnful'atfon. ftl1Afar1 G r.
K t1ow - a. Gr. Llg; or l~e down G r. Ly(an - Si:x. Meny . Mt•ial - Gr.
• 1(0.~Y 1ji•z; • prtlf.J thi"g Ligget'. L ;1. au uoc rllth Gr. M:crCC'nary. /,_f,,,J,41rr G r ..
K-)'rt d. ..4grr<J - G r. Lil l)'. Lilj - - G r. Mermaid. },JJrm11i ,J Gr.
4 L/l,l1"'l 0fl' ; a . <hra.ifki M. Merrily. Mirtb - Gr.
hlau MBRRY. iJAULKS; r.J6 ; <ffet
. L. L!;::: b - - a. G r. Af"AB lJla1r11111, wh() Mclhes. };1(1jht1 - <;.,.
L-i nlbec. A!t!lfhl~ - G r. ft1ARS f drtficarrlC"f.sly~ McOin. ~1.aJ!i• - Gr.
ACK.EV. Lo.·r11~1 Gr. l..in1ber - frorn hc'nce conies a i\•l ecer. ~'fttr'
L L1dder
L11kc to pl~y -
- • ·Gr. Llmp
Sax. Lioch -
- -
womt n's tM'1, ·o r u-uClrrfsfor ~1e\lt!, M1;1,' for hawks Gr.
the head ~<'fickle -
- G! .

a . Gf.
J.r1am, or net - SL\'.. Linch-pin. li11Ji i11 - G r. A·l:i.J , ~n earth·worm Sl\x. Mid ; wit}\ - Add. Gr.
Lamb·pye. • l1t1* - Su. Linden ~ - $ ;ix. - a. Gr. Mien - - Sa2 •
Lambt'k incet. L a#J•f"' " ' ' G r. Linen. /,;"' - Gr. f\1;tdd"tr - - Sax . ''1!ll-llOLAfS; ~e1a11ryp/c,11
Lambl"t h - SJx., a 601. Lv11g G r. Mt1dt'.. A111J~ - Gr. ~'l~ n~~I. lf1ir.1, t1nderg·round-
LA1\f/'00N ; 11/aty,.i(a/ p$t-1t1- Lil!J!; f urz - S~x. Mlllffle - Silx. ~11<11k1a. Mlrlidliirt - G-r.
:Lantl o urine - Sax. Ll'/\'G·F.Y i Jim/Jrr rY1t1gazit1e - - a. G r .. M~ni4'n - Add. Gr..
G r. Link· b~y. Lfttrh ·boy .G r. ~age } _ Minnow. Af;,,~,.
Land-grave. l*l.1w 1 -
Lanrhorn. La11ttr'lf -
' " Po ( cue
~• ' ear. L $171" L -
G r. Litttlock L · .
. G r. L'1r:t
f ,,,,. . • -
G Af:.g!ie
,_ M alandc:rs
sax, ... t\tJinf\-rel -
il·•~TC· ba lk's . Ml':'r•balks
- Gr.
A'd d. Gr.
J..:tre.ov·e r for mtdd!.11r$ Sax. '" LlPPEN; 11 r1ij o.w A-1-.llL L ; to w•ll :'·11 M10ey. Afijl - Cr.
I.ark - - Sax. Liqoorilh. Litorijl - Gr. l\<Ja-lr.i1.fcy Sax. Mis-noin~t. }.f0 1111 · - Gr.
Ll!k - - Add. Gr. 1,.itipoop - ,' \dd . G r. Miommoclo Sax. M~!Jcl·tan - S 9x.
L&ft of corn - Sax.. Llfp - a . Gr. A1dtl1S1PORN·; foif':»O r• ~11tten!'I - - Sax.
• Laft of .a Choe ·. .- S:ix. ~ Lift of t!11h a . G r . M2n-iflc a. Gr. ti' MIZ'Zr; or pafl"lnir1
Lafiag-e. B•llaft. .Add. G r., a Liter., or g•rden. L;1rtn M1nac!e1. M1111irlr1 G r. Moam - ...._ Sax.
L ate.. L;1ft of all - Gr. a, Or. M.a.ndilion. A·fa11t !1 - Gr. Moani ng . Af'-"'• - Gr.
Lare, or fcarch ' - Sax. Lirhe. Liftt11 you - Gr. Maud-u tation. /,1a1tC'ht1 G r . .\.tone ct wac~r. M , 11 G.r.
Lately - SiLx. Ljthc:r, litb.1~ pii.. nt; Gr. Manor. lrlarrjio. Gr. • f.10B; or ~''""'"~' ::;.,,J,...,fi
Lath. LubJ G r. Ll•THJNG ; 1b;,,, .,,ing ~1anRybt. A·/ ott)la11gh1..-, Gr. f"' ,1;, 1,;,.,
Lalhc . L 1111b - Gr. • Liv<l')'·ft•bl.. Sa.<. ua .. Gr. M•ntiger. 1Jta1ifltora Gr. Modula«. M1IO<IJ - Gr ..

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N E O.N p A p I
J:foggy. P1w Gr. Nephew. N1ht - G " Only. o., - Gr. Pa uac'h. Pn.,/, Gr.
Mohair - Sax, Nelber. J\ '1«J.4,, - Gr. OOS1; d iiht Pauper. PHr - Gr.
~oket.,. or maOtta Q:( & oec JVl!'THER'D i}•'arv'J 1vi lh told Opera. Op1ra ti11' - G r. l1:i.vef.itlion. P1WiJlf,J Gr.
Add. G·r. N£::rtrJ.VG i 1b•1116trl1:1 Opplei~d . C""'1l111 - Gr. P.AX-Jf/·t JX 1 1/J1 l"'l' ''"'"•
'Mokey wtathcr. M"rh.1 Gr. Newt . ,£.,,,, - G r. Oppofi te. O/'p11u1 - Gr. if 1bt1t.rcl
Mold.warp - ~µ. Nex-t ._ - S:1.x . Oppl'Obtium. Rt;r~t1cb Gi:-. Pc:ice, P•1tt!l~lf Gt.
Mone. J..1.~rt1 - Gr. Nib·. }lib. or ~iJl Sa,;. . Oppugn. R111ig nn•I Gr. PEAL I/Ji 10:; (.(iJ ; ,
Moor, or fc.11 - •~ Gr. Nibble... Goibl>lt - G ·. Op1ati\'C. Opriu Gr. Pcarcb, th~ f.Ch. • p,,.,J, ·o""
to Moor a fh ip S~x. a~d • G r. N!~k. ~rd1.eb - S:tx. Or, iu '11.r•lo'ry• .Aar Gr . Pc;ircb to ro(ln on; Pn-C"b Gr.
to J;'Joot a point - a. Gr. Nigh. or t1e:i; - Sa:x. O.rangc. -Attrll"l' - G r. Pcaien. Pta - Gi\
Mos afs. Mar/!>J - G r. Nigri(y. 1'ltt"O - G:" O rbicular. Or'6 - (ir. PEAT. or t•if
?.1otriccc daocc·. Aforifc (I r. Nipperkin - Sax. O ri;ariou l , PE.CK; or t111a/11r 1
1'-1ort, n1a.ay - Sax. N'itcb~ls. J\'igil1 - G r. O rbit y ! Orpt1-a Gr. Peccadillo} p
Mortify l M. C Nitches. Nicb - G t. Orf - Sax. Pec.cavi trlAl!t - G r.
Mortuary { •rtgczf r. ,\ 1/·1.Hl1VG ;j ) ari•t ifhi; pt1ia1 O_rgcilous Sax. Pedagogue. p ,.eJ g D,f ,tll Ct.
Mofcbito. fl'lef<lttl# Gr. Nock - - Snr. O rodorn. h <IM-11. Sai . Pedii:le. - O c.
Mote-hiJJ, . •111ttt tegetber G r. N(~gging~ ~"1og - Sax . O rpittten!. 1fu.rpilaf1t/ Gr. PE ED ; '-ll•,J if ,6111 'J'
Motclcd. li1etf,, Q'lixture Cr. Nolt· htcd - Silx. Orts - Sa:it". Peck. Pr:al:. G r.
Mo11Jd·w:\lp.• Al..114·tt~p. Sar: Nwnblc$. U1116lt,s - G r. 0 .0 ifia.gc. Of!.r•J - G·r. Pe(p-~. D•~}ttfl - G::.
~1ouldiacf:s. l~f,,_J, o r 1~1~&.tQ· Noo.u - AJ,d. G r. ORJt.E. ll')ff, ,. - Gr. PEEYISH; .qcitry, (111.t)R~tiJ
Gr• .~\10R I 1h11.11: lffOI'( ,;or 1 i m tre a~cr..... h~tt. q-'h.U...1rt Gr. Peg; co:i;r, aio& 0 Pe,_~,r1y Or.
MQ.\ltKh. l.l"nt'1 - Gr tbau I St. ?\ O v<.ry - a. Cr. PcJlucid. L 11tij(,. - Gr.
J...!ounda - a . Gr. Norroy - - a. O r. O ught. .Augbt - Gr. f'el t · ro-1. P1ll1 - G·r .
M;ou~t-aio - .t. O r. Nofcl. ."l~li - Gr. O ur - Sax. Pen, o.r h ead.. Yt11al G:.
Mow•. M"°w.i•r .. Gt. Not; poll'd, or !born Sax. Q qfel Sax. P.ENDAUK i "61.i:i a,.'1 ta.or,,.
·t .10YVliR'D; iift11101.J .Notch Sax, (l,:(c-n. bz1n Sax. Pencil - ~ a. G r.
,M.acil:ag:e. M,.d - G ; . Noie ;· puR1. OJ! !\rikc Sax,. Oui\vGil - $3x. Pcndulo'us } P. , .
'1UFF / Jr;
"" ., ; J.ll oat ca,..e;
•· pe-r Note; UlC , Sax. 0 yite(t, 0 ijltrs C'tr, pennant ·t••t•t l~at.
l'l~pl from l·hc make_r's naJnt- Not$:·h~rd Sax~ O:t-ic:r. Ofi1r - Gr. P( Pt• co writ.:
J4.•g - .- S~. Notl.on . K.t:~w Gr with .- - Gr.
M uggy weather,. M11rhy Gr·. Nougbc. N•u1lr: Gr. Penny. P111c_1 - I.t't.
M·ULLOCK t· Jjr( . _.,_; t:tt_! bl/h Novel } " ., Pi. Pen6vc ..,_ -
Multi-ply. PlitdJ:tre - Gr. No\•iciatc i t 1,1 - (;r. Ptoplt. P~;,./itc_t Gr.
~~~~~!~:. •i't~:i•• G·r. ~·~:!~g:t'••ut/ - Sa;!'· pr\;~~~'ION } P t:Jlier.Gr. ~:~~~;:ib 1::c. c~:~;~~;,, g;:

MunitioA. M•11ifi/al G.-. Ni>xinu$. /\'c(1111 - Gr. l'addc><:k , or coad - S:t.x. Percipient. Ct"tt-i'llt (-fr,
Mun~ - S.a x. K•116/J1, or G~11i66lr
Nvbble.. Paiglc:. Pragle , - Gr. Pcrcol:llc. Cc/""''"" - Gr.
Mu.rcuo - - Sn.x. G r. Pain - - a. Or. Pcr6dy. Fi JtlllJ G·r ,
~1.\lrgcoa. Mer,rU. Li.t . Nullic~ ~·ii - · G r. Pali{adc. P11!1, or nake Gr. Pcr{or-atc. f,,,,,,;,,c•1 G r.
Mur'ry. Muri~ Gr. NllOlC~al. }.'u11f6t,. o~. ?aJ~etave. P"1xr4'VI - Gt l)erfunll.ory. Fu,,EJi,. G r.
Murthcr. 1!1:.rl tr - G r. N umpa.rtl. A't11p11ritl- G r. PAN, t#1'faliltJ11; rlHtartJ., p11111 Pt.thaps. fi.4/Jfl"- - . Or.
Mufu. ~!:dfitt1-tiD11 - G t. Nu1niku). ll1U116 - ·or Paodour. Pa_,,Ju - ·G r. Pc1iloo,,. Ptril - a. 01'.
Mun; ought - S·ax. N..:tfc. ~V.rorifo - Gr. Pane of glafi:. P•t:,lttl of wood Perk. - - Gr.
lw'J ytlagogt.1e. ~\{'l/."Jr Gr. N ufancc. 1V11ifo,.,., - Gr. Or. Permeable. M.1.01111 - Gr.
NUSHED ; j!;,lfttdi• 1ht6ri11g · Pang - - a. Gr. Perpendicular. P1tttl1•l Lat .
i11g •I : ·J>:annr1, or parcb .-lift a. Gt. l'crplcxity. /,,,pJ'" - Gr. •
N. NucrimC'nt, l\1flrtri,fo - Cr. Papacy. P6p 1 - G 1'. Pcrriwjg. P1ri®ig - Gr•
J>;u{aJ ut c;..ardi - a . G r. Perry. Un-y G r.
AB. H~·••6 'G1·, • Parm.:i'city. 1'ar111~rti" Or. S""fi"Y Gr.
Nag's hC"ad
Na.b, or fci_zc Add. Gr.
- a:. G ·r.·
0. Paro'1hia.I. P-rifo
Pulim~•J· f•rclmfl•J
<.~r. l'~rtioaciout . G'Gnt.U~
Gr. Pcr\!"agation. Y111 r1»1t
O r.
4 NAIL #f buf; titbt pM11ti Q BEVSANC8. OOc11'in.-t Parta ke~ Perukt" Ptrrffi t - Gt.
a iV4'P•E ~ or tri:gt.r far " Gr l'arontr Parl - G.r. ~ P£9"./41a/,; .a tt1•/1U116
'V.·bitl O bjcCli.on_. 4/J,j1ll - G1. Party ' ft>;1ifogg-cr ~ SO'JX.
N apper.. H111>. QT (ei2e Gt Ob1igacion. L1i,11t~rr Gr. Pa.rtu rient. PaN11t - Gr. PettJe. P11 - Add. Gt.
N~ppiog. Na;., oi: fiet.P Gr Oblit~r-utc. L t111r G r. i'afquil. P11.Jr."i• Cir. P~tty•pa.Q. Paty·/~A Gr.
Nappy ale· - Sax. O b6diaaal. O/;/l./Jio4 G r ranOver } p .tr.. Pha11e - - a . Gr.
Naproo. b ./Jr1• - Gr.' O btai n. A6)1li11 G r. l'a l:S- por-E a,vagi - OJ". Phar".unond . · Fual#tlll~· Gr.
Narrow- - - Sax. ' Obftrua. $1ra!J.,., - Gr. P.iRoral } p 11 .Phenix. Phu•ix Gr.
Nafh - Su. Occurreocc. Co11r)i - Gr. ?.al\ort I'":, or Gr~ ;Pb \la!lcry . P.h,1l-al1n; Gr. ,
N.atal. N4l11rt - Gr. OcuJ.ill. 0.JL1tl12r - G r. P.J;r°! ' ; brotk._or6.iig1,. Philtrate. Bi /t,''2ti•• - G_r.
Nc-:if. Nt1f '""" Sax. Odd number Sax. Patcfa&ioo. Pat1111 - Or,, !'h r.antic.. P~".Q Gr.
Ne.a:, nigh
Ne2c cattle
N eb, or· bill

Neddtr. JJJ,,

OrJpriog. Stri"l -
Okcr. Ot 4rt
Nrcro_roan<:r . .NLb-oM.Jlft,1 Gr. Qk(r. U; "'rJ

G r. P:iternaJ. P•r1111
Sax. Pathos. P.Jtht:i'
G r. P~trician
O r. Qleo:;s. O f.cagi1101,1s _..;, Gr. Pat1•i-c>t
1 P11rt•I.
Gr. P icksx. Pttl, and A1t Gr.
Or. Picked. or fh•rp, P1aJ Gr.
1•ickcrooo&. Pili, or fpear Gr.
P:_crct . Ptirtt -
Gr. a f/(;Gf,\r ; • lirt/, 1116, wi1•

Neece. Nci.c1 - Gr. O~fr; ,,.r./lfJW La11tl• Patron tU 11/rigbt l-._

v .l,
Ncezc. S1:tlZI - G r. Qocdcr. .Js6or11 S:..x. P:~ttouymic :t Pighcle - Adel.• G r.
Nci( - Su Oofefm. Or.fi11g1 Sax. Pattin. P1J.l t11 - G r. f'igmy. · PJ-l.,, - Gr-.
Neigh - a. Gr. Oe~D ~ ., - Sax. Paultry. P:sltry - Lat. PilaP."r~ p,;/.,.. - GI.
'I L • l'ilcla.

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- .......

p R u
Pitch. S•r1li,, - Gr. P:cdellination. Dlj1.i11y
Pill, or rind. P~I, or Rrip _o ff Predominate. Do111tjlic
Cr. Por~1tory
Gr. Pon:<"tn
l R A
P1tl'ih -
Gr. Rapine
l R.
R E'

S '"''0 " 1
. Gr. P rejodicacr. J••z• - G r. P .1rity Raprody. Rb•pfadJ - · C:;rc
PJllory - - Add. Gr. PrcJudt'. luiirr~t11 - Gr. P urpure01n. Parp/1 Gr. Rarify. Jl.4ri1J - Gr.
Pimple - Add. C r. Premife. • /,1iffio11 - Gr. P urfer. 1Jr1rfir Gr. RASH; corn 1ba1jh1lli ofil/tlf'
P /JVK; orj!=-wtr
- a. Gr. Prentice. *.tJJ prcH11tl
P:epenfe -
G r. Purfuc. Ptrj:11
Add. Gr. Purfo ivant. p,rfaivawl
Gr. Ralhtrl
Gr. Rafor R !f.1 G
P~nk, .a fh ip Sax. i'reponderatc. Pon3" {,!lt. (1 &1r1cnt1r.ce. AJ/trti,,,11rt Cr. Rafp " - r.~
I"•?· P i111p/11 - G r. Prc roga.cive. Rogo1i~11 G r. Pl.17'9jO(.'K-(Mdk ; o r 111t1lc- Rafure '
PIPPERJJ)GES; /J4r />trri'1 l'rt{~ge. S•1 au'1y - (~r. 'Wlitbt Ra.tify - - a. G -r;
Pirate Add. Gr. Prefepc,or g1(c l f . r. G Pyt·b:J)d . Pit - Gr. R3ttl~ or {cold. R1111 Gr.
11 it1a oc.e - - a . Gr. Prefen1~tion { r'.Jtl1<t t. Rntccx:k-. · R,J,011~~1 - Gr•.
PiK. PJX - Gt" Prcfl iato fcrvicc Add. G r. kat1e a. O r.
P lae-har t4 Plot4rt - G r. P<cfon>c. Affe111' - Gt. Cl.:, Ra\•cl - Sax.
Placid. Plt ift - G t. Pretend er. · P rtl,•t c - Gr. Ra" en, the bird - a. G !',
l'lane-cree. P/41a11 - Gr. Preven1-ion. _p,.,'fltn1 Gr. Q UAN'"fUM. ~a11J,.tyGr. Ra\11t. R~t11· - Gr-
Pl:tfh a hedge. Plt11tb, o r fold P1-ict . Pr11i'"'' Q r. ~artan, gzyar-1 Gr. R.a~e. Rafi - Gr.
. Gr. Primordial. Ort1.1r - Gr. ~afracion. f<.!!•jJ> lJ r. Roiz.or.. R11far - Gr ..
Pl:lt'ted. Pla1 - G r. Primum mobile. M¢ti11tt Gr. ~·r· K9, or warf Gr. Read, coun f1:I. Rtlk Sax . ·
l' !attc:r. Pl11t1~ Qr d,ilb G:. Pt ior - - 1 . Gr. <l!>ee-n - a. G r. Rcao1. Cr.,11•· - Gr~ PIJ. or boil - . . G r. Piincipal. Pril{t' - Gr . ~tiling. Kill - G r- R('.am, or ttrClth. oat S~x.
* PJay - S:!x. ao.d Gr. P rithee. l' rythtt Gr. ~encl) - - Sax.' Reapling - - Sax.
P lead - - Sax. Probability ~crifier. Cblrijl,,. - Gr. Rea.r- up: Rai}i - Gr...
P ledge in drinking S,;,x, Probable ~crn - - Sax. Rear,,: ward> - Add. Gr.
PJenipo 1 pt t <1.o • G Probate Pr-·t O • ~crpo. • Cu1rµ 53¥. and lteafon . R11t-i~1t11I - Gr.
P l.eonafm f .tnir,..ttnliary r. Probatjon•l · ... r. Gr Rebeck - . - Slx.
Plc:vin - - Add. Gr. I•robatum rft ~erry. E9awr1 - Gr. it;ebellion. .Btlligrr,Nt G r.
J•!icaturc. J>/ia111 - Gt. Probity <.l!t.rulous. fl.:.1u-i•~.iOM1 G r. Rebuke - - Sa.(.
Pl~ght, or cond~t!on Sax. Proccfiton.. Prouie Gr. rb1 f!._UES(f'; ?r jitl,s cf. 1ui Ree-a!citra tc - • Add~ G~··
P light, or prom1le Add. Gr. Procla.mat1on. l'la•~r G r. e.q;.om; aod pies are fa1 d to Rtccptatlt". Rt<,i/ I Gr.
P lug - - Stix. Proclivity. De,Ji'rJilJ G r. be 'l"'rfi1d, when their fid es Rccefs .. C1afi G r.
Pocket of a coat . Pelt, or.bag Prolt.or. P r•eur1 Gr. arc c.r111hcd,. a.nd {o joirird Rcch lcfs. R tri•n <."Jr.
Gr. l' rocumbc:nt. l'umh1raK<' G r. as to !Je Jc(s h;;.kc-d Rec-iproei1y. R1rtprNal Gr•
.Pod er. P11JJtr - Gr. Profcfs. Coef')i G t . ~id of tOb~cc:o - Sax. Recilfory. .Abfii.J - G r •.
f>oJitics. P~lig. cunning Gr. P:og r.oflic3te. (;JJJofli< Gr. Q.uie(ccor } (.) , . G Recital. Citt - G-r.
Policycf infuranc.t . P11llig Gr. Pr-0grc:(s, Di.~rr.jfi~,. - G r. ~ictus ~''1 - r. REC.'K.4NS;~ 1~1- bro.f1
Poligon1• Pq'.Jg11n G r. Prohibition. E.i.·h ih,.t G r. ~in, or h~ad. ~i1rJ~NeGr. J{cclufc. Co11rlf1(1,J' G r.;.
Poll:ittd l p 1 Gr ProjcC\ion. AJ;jt:1 G·r. ~ln(y. S911ir:a1:ry - G r . Recogniz.t. K1:'1-W - Gr.
Pollen f 6'~11 • P1oio. Pr1m1 G r. ~i ntal. f:l.5i11,r111,'.:r - G r. Rccomp-cnfc:. S11j p,,y, L~c.
J>oo-i:t..ndcr. Pr;"'""""' Gr. ,I>rolo~uc. E/ifbgu - Gr. ~i 1e fo a chu rch . Cbcir Gr. Reconcifiacion. C111rili11.11 Gr.
Po1nmel ofa faddlc Add. O r. Pro m1nencc. 1:;,,,;.,,,,, G r. ~orum - A<ld. G r. Reconditt . .;tbft~nJ G r• .
P omp.Ct · b:tlls - Add . Gr. l>ro mifc uous. Atix - Gr. Q ao ta. §'zytti1a1 - G r. Re<:reation. Rscrwil Gr •.
P(lnderare. f o11i1,,. La.t. P roJnontOf)'• ft1; 11111ai11 Gr. ~oticd - Sax. Rell.Or)'· Rtllt'111ti1 G:..
1,o;i:oon. Po111ij' - Prou1ote. ,'rJ,,v, Gr. R~dna rt. Sax...
Poor - a. Gr. Ptomptcr l 0 1\ eddi:ion. &1trltr - G r.
P oppet· 01ew. p ,,.f Jtf Gr. Prompcu :try S • ,.g,,,J!· - Gr. R. Rede. R rJifm,a4 - ~a.X'.
P n1•pua. PcrfJ6ifi - Gr. Proag - Sax. Rc-do uod . . n,a11,,tf111r' ' G·r.
PORR; a g/c.'lf,i,,'1/ al111:11111drr n;nou~. No•• Gr RACE o f gingc.r. Ra~ Cr. R(!d uce. Rta'refs - Gr.
Portico. p,,.,b - O r. ProllO\tncc. NN,,,,.., - Gr. R ACE } Reck, o r Rt'<l o f corn G i-.
Portrccve . Gr11·v1. o r ruler Gr. Proportion., £1>r1,.1;11 - Gr. R ACEY ruhN(/ 1G REE}(; r;i;aj!t, o r pint•·VJQ.J
POSE ; " rill in th' htaJ li'ropric-tor. Pt~f'"•· right Gr. Race horfr - a. Gr. • Reeking· bot Sax. ind a. Gr.
P o!lcrity} PVJ . G t>roi1cr11:ition} S G Rack, or h"e-cd. R,tA•n Gr. to R.een1; to cry - S:tx.
l'oflcrn ~ '"' 0 r ,-, l~('(1llratc '. Jr(J(ll! - ' · R:adic• I l R G ;i. • Rc~r t:gg - Sax-.
Potable-. Pr•ri.,,, G r. P1otbonotl\t}'. PrG"!01tli!ary R~dix ~ c.~I r. Re-fr:1a ory; fr4/lur1 G r ••
l'nthcr. P11JJ1r G I'. Add. G r. H.;id ius. Rtatliar.I Gr. Rc.fteCh. Rlj(.ii11r7 - · Gr.
'Pottle. 0 111/1 G r. Proud\ Pritlt - Or. R. tf/jl JNGS i 161 II} R eft1gc. F11xi1i"!¥ - Or.
P-ot1Jlcn:. P$r G r. t>ro vid e. PROVJD!!N CE G r. a r..i;afl Rtg-alc ;· rtftclh ; to .ctttert3in
., POUD ; "~¢i!, or ,,/,~r Pi'o• oke. J.'r;tal,.5h - G r. Raflie - a. C r. ,.~,.fb·· Rtgoi - Or .
.Pou!! icc. Pd1ic1 Gr. c"Uf!B~E! /'2t andfa~I . .. R3; , er rep~:icb - Sax . Re~~··d. (;;1~rd G r.
r o.. c1iy. P11or
G r. Put1 l~l)IO\lty. Pll}il lmor.:IJ' (-,r. R a1llcr-y. Rail, o r fcofi" G r. RelCJ•!:· Rtj!t:11 Gr •.
Poufe - A cid. Gr. PUCKE<I'S; 11rfi1ef, atrrplllar-1 Jl aimcnt • .Arri.J)-t or cJocbi11g Reit - - - . Add. Gr.
Pos. l'Dfiti"'' Gr. Pudtler - - a. G r. G r. Rcj.eelion. A bjt!I, - Gr.
P-0tvdcr. P~"'"" - Gr. Pullulatc. P:,;//tt - G r. ro RA/ 11,.o:hr ; 1~ .foak it it: Relick,. P.1li<J:tlJ £ - Gr • .
Praitcl". p,.ifi,. - Gr. eolroeat3rious. P u/1 Cr. <qtJd/ I Y Re lieve. }{t/,.v~ - G r•
. P RiJ'fi.T'l l 'l: ; fifr/.J Pua1rncl ,vi th the #ill$ Add.Gr. R2 mc. R1a.11:, or :lrt t(-h ou1 l~ c- l uil2 nce. l ar~ing Gt.
P ra,vm - - Sax. P1.1mpet-balls. J.1e'¥tt1 G r. . Su . llely. L11y., Pr Lirdo·.1,. n 011 Gr.
Prect>ptor. P,-e<tJf - Gr . .Pompion .. PC111p,.1n - G r. Rand - Sax. l\ cm ar k:ib l~. /Jfo.r.i, Ot .ilfartbrs
l'recinfl t . Ci110 .' it'r - 6 r. Pumps. P~/lfJI· - Gr. Ran~e, or fift 1ueal S:ix. G r.
P :cciOll$. · Pre1ior11 G r. Pu nk - - Sax.. Ran~, firo ng ftnell. Ra11riJ G r. Rtmblc. R11shl1 - G r.
l,!"ecipit.i tc. Pr1,iji<1 Gr. l'u pp)' - ~.Gr. R llnt, a11tl. ro,;;r - Sax. Rcinigat!on. Rel:ff~o'1l1 Gr.
PlcJatory. /Ir.~ G t. Pgr. blind. Bor1·bljnd. Gr . Rape:, R1rt1ij~ \Vith.vjolcru;cGr. Rcuti.itif«ncy. J.111111;~.1 Cu .
• R.einocillrauco.

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S E~ S I
ll'emonftrance. D<•~wJlhrtis,; Roger - - Sax. Sc2ro~r away - Sax. St{,. Cf.ffm111t - GI'.
G r. Rogitation. R1g•ti'111 G r. Scarborough. ~•r-ry, or St11rr1 Sett·e e l S1111 G
lt..cmoVe. lt.fotioJrJ - Gr. Rooky weather. R(JJry G r. G r. Sc:ttle { '·
Re11ard - - Sar. R:>op. Ro11J - S ax. Scarlet - Sa:\:. Settiemenr. Stj/i.~tt Gr~
R ennet. RA111lf1" Gr. Ro(amoo.d - a . Gr. Scarce:, ra re - a. Gr. Set•c:r afundt-r. Sr-11cr•l G r.
R l!NtVISH i f uriDJll Rofi o. Rrji11 Gr. Scaw - Sux. ,, g(J s;;W', or dry ; DI a (lf'W •
Rem fe •. Rt'11.ft' Gr. Rofi IJor;fi- - G r. Scrnves - Add . G r. s~w . .~,w with thread Gr.
Jlent:iJ . R111t of a hou(c G-r. Rofion. Corr-Ji~n - Gr. Scefecon . Sk1/r1on Gr. Se\\-et. S111r - G t.
RE,1'/1r; a ba11ifi11tt, wt//. l.{o unct'Yal pe:..s - Sax . Seep for bets. Slip - O r. Se.tcon - a. G r.
fo"/ ttf IMrfi Rouod. Rtt!111td - G 1•. Scbirrour. Stirr~"' - G r. Shabby. Sta~6J - Gr.
Rcp:in - - Add. Gr. Roup - - S:t.-< . $'ilical. Sci1~c1 - G r. Shack leS; - S ax.
Rtpent. P1lfi1t11t lir. Rou(c, Rifi .,..... G r. Sci m ble~ Ski1116lt-Sl (IJ!f/;/e Gr. Sha(1ncnt - Sax.
Reply. Plia111 G r. Rouc, or ojjtm6fy Add. Gr. Sciography. Stiagrnphy Gr. Shaft of a mine. SchAft Gr~
R:cprefcnt . Prtfi"'' G r. Rown ·; raa.l '",." S<:o~:' - - S ax. .S haggy - · - Sax.
R"prifal. Prizt Gr. Royller. Roijf" nr. SCONCE fo,. tawd!rs Shngrccn l Cb . S
R·cpute. P11ruti'llt G r. Rozi·nante. Hct:fi (Yr. SCO PP£RlOJ?" ; play timt S hagrin { ag ri• aJC.
Jtcquitm. !0.ft! G1·. Rubiginous. R116ic1111.' G r. Scot and fot - Add . Gr. Shale: She!/ - Gr •.
R'c-q uidrc. ~try - · Gr. Ruddle } R J _ G Scocch~-collops. Srotcb1d-c<;l/o,..,s S hall - - Sax.
Requitt'. ~ii, or ~i11 G r. Rt:ddy e ;, G r. Shallow - - Sax.
Rrremoufe - s~x. 11J RUE; t•Jift Scrabble. S:r01tb , or S rri/Jhir Shambli ng .' Ska11tbli11g·g11it Gr.
l~cfemblancc. Simil•r G r. R umm"er. R1;m1r G r. , (! r. Shamois. Char.tift·• - Gr.
Refident. S1at Gr. Rumple.. R 11f f.t G r. Scraoncl pipt 1. S1,.111n1 G r. Sh" n. Sb1t111t - C·r.
Relidue. SuhjiJe G r-. RUs\ 1Cll ES; ir,J cal'lotk Ser-ape, or danger Sax. SHd1\r/)y l .
R eiolotc. R1fo/.v1 - .. G t . a RlJNGE; or fiajktt Scrat:ch.cr1.dJe. Crattb trntl!t Sf/.'/N,Vr { wi14
Re(pire. Sj>irarlt Or. Runt - - Sax. G r. Sharp - · a . G r:
Rtftora~i\'t' . Rtjlanrati~1' Gr. lt uptu,rc . A/,r11jt - G r. Screatioo." Ser111m Ci r. Shatter. Sb" ' ' - G r.
Reitringenr. S1r4i11, or Strill Runic.. R• ra/ - G r. Scre,en. SA'r1111 , Gr. Shn""''· ShfnJ1/ · - G r.
G-r. R.uce, n1akc a noi(e. R f;.t>.A.:t Gr. Scri1n'bre . - AdJ. G r. $he - Sax.
Retain. A'/;j!ai11 G r. Rutting t:imr. Ru - G r. S' r.i i>:'or po~uch - · Sa.x. Shead. $ /,1J, divide Sax.
Rttic(l !:ittd. R ctin• G r. Ru2e - - Sax. SCN.OGS; h/a(k t btJr• to S HE Al 111ill ; to c::,.Jlt it
R etort. <f'crj i:Jn Gr. RrN'I' 'l'JIEE. Llrflit1l j by 'Scrooby-g ra_fs. StJ«'flJ·g,.afi :ihtd, 4ivldc: - Sax.
RctraCt. f /&flra8 Gr. yo~r )<~ve Gr. Sheer.. Shi111 - Gr.··
Retrench. ll.rtrt111 . Gr Scrubbing br1>fh. Rib G r. S heer - s~x.
Rcc,rjbutioo. 'liibt Gr. · $crt!t<ire. £firitor1 Gr. Shelf - · - Sax .
Retrieve - S:lx. s.. Sc.olk. Slull - G r. Shelter. Sbi1/,/ - Gr.
lle\'C-· R11~1 Gr. Scoll.- bone. Sl11// Gr. Shtlvr! ,or fho:ifs - Sax.
Gr. s .4. BLR -
R e,·ela1ion. Pr:'/
R everend . R.l'Vt T# -
G r. S:.ic:kbut
s:.c kle11' - -
Sox .
$:ax. Scurage
S- ax. scutiJerou.s•• l
Scurvy. s ,Q,.butie -
S ·•1 b' .
Gr. Sbent. Sbo,,,, -
G . Sherry -
!, s '
• •g Gr.
- G t.
1 (JI!. ,,,,
' i"
Rt,·iv11cenct. rU 1:n.1
• T
- ('
~ r. - · , h1n1pcr. Sh111111Ur1rr
Re,•okr. Y ,t4tifln - Gr. Sticred Se Sax. Shinttlt:s, tiling. ShinJ/,, Gr.
Sea of a blOtop. S11 of a bi{hop Ship, i• 1umir.01i~.,
Revolt ·
Rt \' O utton ·
} " , ,
' '"""'a' -
G Sucri6cc
r. " ·1
::i:acr1 eg e
REYO ARD ; a.r1iJA'y cbt1•1111a'!c1 Sacr!~g bel!
j S4rrtu11t•I
G r.
Seoll-lkin - · Sax.
. G .h. . h ,,_
Sh!ttlc.~ck. Sth utei-c-ock
. b
r. ~ 1pWrJg r: ,, ri'g 1 -
G. r.
Rc\•uJ6on. C11:1-r.•utJ;q,11 Gr. S:'tct1Jt Seal-tinlc Sax. Shtverw1th cold. Sh:iider (; r.
R EUL ; r ude, ,,,:-.'fn11nt rfy $<)ghe-. Saw - G r. Sean. S1Jtn1 · Gr. Shiver, or {pliotcr. Shi•t1t G r. •
R EUZ /f ; tf/ 1x1fJI, o r ccm1r.1tftl Saline. Salt - Gr. Sear. Strt - Gr Shoala o( fitb. Srul11 G 1••
Rib - Sax. SAiubrious ts· /. . G Sear.cloth. c,.,.,..,/Nh O r. Shoo;.Js. Sha/l(}<L•J - Sax.
R ibband . .Band to tic with G r. Salute- $ " Vat ID'!_ r. Secnn t. Stll~r G r. S he ar. ,'fh11rt - G r.
Ri(e - - S:;x. t <; SA!l f itll:.' milk; to p 111 r11a11c1 Seduce. $1.Jl(l/i~• Gr. S Sb11gv S:tx.
Ri fr'- r~fi - - b. G r. to it Seer, or propbec. Stt Gr. Shoe-,vang - Sax.
R igorous. Ri: ii - Gr. Santlvary } S4n0il.J Seeth. S111R - - Gr. $1/00 DS; •ol h~JJs •
R i1n - - Sax. San~lu·in Sanaorum • G r. Segg'd - - Sax. Shor, or pare . . Stat Aad. c;.
Ri me. Rby•1h111 - G r. Sane. ~'a1nt • - Gr. Segment. SttliDn - (;t . -Should - - Sa..x.
R!mple-. Cr,,..1111fl1 - G r. ~apirl~ry· l Sa,. of trees 0 ,, Se~regatt. Gr1 ga1ic111s Gr.. Sllf.!W.EL,; _a /;lfnJ, 1r oj":tvca.d
R1nc t tOlith, or feel Sax. ::>~por16c 5 r Seine. Satn1 - - Gr Shrift. S11r1-v& - G r:
Ring the bell Sax. Sark . S1r•l, - G r. Sc:Jdoi:n - Sax. Shrond - · - Sax.
R ipe. itfa1ur 1 - a. Gr. S:.i.lh - Sax. Self - - Saxi Shrubbery - Si~'(·
R ipe ; to fea.rch·for S ax. Satcht l. Sathtl G r. Sell - Sax. Sbr11g • ·- - Sax.
"RIPPER ; or tl~rfi.,. . S3t-iatc. $ 1111:1 G r. Sclr . Silly Gr.. Shod'. . Shei fO t a cart Gr.
ttt R.ipp.lcfl~ - 1\.dd. Gr. Sitin. Sar-tin Cr. 9embl1nce. Simi/(lr - Gr.. Shug . Shake · - - Gr. Rta/liwg Sax. Satisfy l S ti G Semioarr . ..,C:ted <.1 r. Shunt", SbtJuf &111 ( f!'·.
Rifibility. R itli<ult - G r. Sll.tvratc J "'' r. SE1l1~111; llm/;(r" Shut of 3 thin., 0
- S3x.
Ri.taal. Ritt1 - G r. Sa' S1111f i G r. Semp!ircfs·. Sra1• Gr. Shutter - · - S:lx.
R o:iky - · - n. G ,. Savin . Sabi• - Lat .. Senefchal - - Sax. Shottle·cock. Srb;/Jt/ Gr-. ·
R o:\lt - - n. G r·. Saunter. Sa1r1" 11l>Qflt G r. Seniority. S(·ttr.l t - Gr. Sickerly.· ·S,tfft {J - G 1.,
Robert - - a. Gr. Saor·p:io1. StrJiJ G r, Senhne - · - s~;Y. S idr:' lepgth - Sax . .
Roch :.lutn. R~dth Alum Gr. Say. Samplt, or ta!lc . Gt, -Sentimental l S G Side by,jide S!:< .
Rochclo. Ro,hct - s~x. S( 'JJ[)_l)Lf. ; jkitt ifo Sen tr)' {. ,,,,, nc.1 r. 'S idelong l
R oderic - - Sax.- SCAFE; -u•il, , a•tlJToli<Afamt Scqueilratiaa. St11!t l - G r. Sidc fnlan ~ So\r ,
.Ree.buck - Sax. ~c3te :l .\vall, Sralt1f.• ~r. . Add. <:!r. ~!iJr';' /vr!;•. meedJ
Ro: of tilh. R'••· - Gr. Scasn.bJir.g. $J•111611"c. G r. :Serrtc:d. Stnt4 - l•r. S:cd·own - - · Sitx.
• Sieve

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S L s 0 s Q_ S T
Sie•e l ,,;fl/, _ G LfFERY;. i ilt,. .,.J ICJ - Gr. SofF. S•/b • ._ Squ..a.aiO... ~•l•IJ& Gr•
Sift { t. S/11_U .or SlMU. - - Gr. Sotd
Su. Sq.nibs -
5;.,. $,;,.. G r. Siqc;lu<. Sl•zzu4 - Gr So!emo. s.11...,, - Gr. Sqaj1ohlc SqOA111blt . S~v
SIG: "'""' S!oe.tttt - - Su. Soll"' - - Add. Gr. • C •.
Srg•. SiJ.IH - S•x. · 1oom7 - - M• · ~la~le 1 $,/.,, _ G r. Sf!YIRM;,. - iu l• I.Ji ..
S1gt1.t, S11 - Gr. Slope - - Su. Solt ct004' ,,/ •
Sige - -a .• G ... .:ilory. Sl.11r - Cr. :.CMnt-r(ct-ftcp. s••
.,,.fi1 Gr. ST4 DDLE i .,, i•/"fi'" ; al(o
Sikc. $ 11th - Gr. Slot the door Sax. ~oak - - Sax. ,.,, efrlH;,.ll/Nt •
S iker. s,,,,,, - Gr. 3loc:,. or princ of the foot Sa:c. Sooott. Si•.K - O r. • SrAFFB -f •/oiref '''''t
Sile, mud, or 6ltb. s,;J Gt. tht ~'L._QTB ef . 144#/tf' J Of Sol\OtnU.l. s• 0°r noire Gr. t•:l s .,.J. I
Si 11lbub - - Su. 6r~11.dJl11 :S ooo, or f.a.lnc. S-u.~ Sa~. Sr:ag. ocs•nJu. S111 Sax.
Sill a. Gr. Slot.Ji. Sl•t Cr. SOOfl , prr(cntly - S.tx. Sta.ggt'.J' - - Sax.
Sinifler - a. Or. "loutb• .SW11 - Cr. Soop. So"p - Gr. ot' bctt: $111' Si1x.
Siok down. ~ax. .Sloy.r. Sk.g - Cir. opt. Sitt/ - Gr. $1aJc-. or •1.~coy. - a. O r.
S in uout. l"fi1t•RI;,,. Gr. SLUA!P ;,. i , or Jllp ;,. Snrd·pool. SorJiJ - Gr. Stale; . l,Ll'ioo - ~:.x.
Sipptt•. sf, - Ge. SJw:-ry. Slwr Or. soss l ••"""' 1h:'( k U '9Hr sr~1,L.twuJ ~ ,.~.,,Jl.6",_J IA/
Sir - a. Gr. S0>><k. or k' ti - S•x. >OSS-IUNCJ, J;" ; .• 4•ttki ~••· s,.,g -
Sirrup. SJ''' - Gr. ·S mat k., or fklp :iai:, 111i/'J Wt11th s,•• k.. Still~ - Cr.
Sit. S'.ffi•• - Gr. SQJ.~ll - ~aic. ' Sounding.line - StJ1t, or ori~io. - Su.
• Sitb t • Si« t Su• .and Smead Sax. Sowl by tbc'<".I-'• - Su:. St:\.rt. or ta.ii. Rti·.P•"' Gr.
• Sithcnc.e f
Sitbc. SfJtllt
Sic-a• tion. Sitt
Gr. Sm\tteo l S
Gr. Smitt1e ! ~r
Gr. Smock - Sax.
Cr .So w(c J own
' :Spi.Jc to dig with -
Sp.aio. Hl,/µ4i•
St,rtl(.. ~1•r1 ~fide Sa.x.
a.. Gr.
- Gr. Statr;iuy
J St'1Ju ....,_ (.;r.
SIZE i or /,11U SMOPPLE i /ic 1rf!!; Sbo,c, ·S o~ll• - - Sa.z. S•Jl~
Sii.t . llt.;e - Six. fu $1'.l~'CEL;• f'#/t I•,;, ,._,.QI s.~.1c the doo.r. &.,, Gr.
S//. E T; . ,·, ,, l'••J, •-' ''' Soac,it cl a doos Su . ...,,, Steak_ °' ra.Chtr - Su.
Sk•ddlc. s,.,t, - Gr. ••g
~ S.Jt. - • SPdKE; or - • ,bi!J SU"•I. °' b•a<llt - Su.
Skii:e - Su. S.V.AGGE • or fa •il Spv ,,, ~., - S3~· Sced(caRncs. Sr•t*' Gr.
SI.alt. SA.,l!1 - Sa_~. Soail - Su. Sp:.r, or ,,,,f)fa/,,J.M<i Sa_x.. Sctjk. S11•l - S,¥.
x,,_, '° STEEM; o.r Hfi1••••J lln'•t I
Sk.aJk -
Ska the S hI
Ska.riot ' "'
- Sax . Sn.ap io lwa.ia.
"· Snap·fack. K,..a;-r:ack
Sp;a.rr• ; 1nGui1e.
Sp:atiou1. Sp•ct
Gr. Spatclc. S1a1hal•
S:ctp, or foko
Sctrplc -
- S 1M.
" SKEET.. ;. or·r1//014 tir.arl - ~ Sax. Sp:lwn of fifh - Sax. Stcfn } S
SJ:.l!.£L l 1\'G 1 ..,_,. i}lt. or l(t.J o/ ~N4S.f/'£; or ""i'A of 111 l'•.lfo//, , ,, SPEA/,, ; or fpli111tr S1t:fnt - u .
n 6n1•11 Snarch - - S -1x. ~ptci6c. ~·flrci.i/ Or. Stt;g, 01 ga.ader - Sa:x.
SK6liil. 1h1 'ffi; jlir '~'•JI:" N t!'TH£ ; 1/,, h••411 '.f • S~<tbcle Sttitk t _ S
10 SK/J) " -i11b11/; t•/•Jlt• tlH fo.11/:1. Spct\acl(t Stekc S ix.
tr1lJ1r Sna1hc. S11.itl1 - C·r. Spt'tl.ttar S G S1t'le. S110/, or lundlc Sa.'<.
SXllLdRD; fW.,.Jt.or ""Hlti Soaw. 81t.o:::u - Gr. Spc:ilr« /tcio:1t ·r. Sttll(h.. &,"J - Gr.
10 SX /J'tf.J!.; or'"'' fJ/f•iM Snrak ~ - Sa~. SpecuJatr Stcrlir.g moacy - a. Gr.
S\ iukcr - - Sax. WEU; or f••}t Spcc.vluU\ ST'El"E/\' . ,,, 1bi•z; u .1-. .. •
S1.11t - - Sax. So.~ck of a door S:ir. Spoco s Of. dug Sa. )}10.i it
• Skr•f· S«•t Gr. SNEE; "'.fwar• Speir. ,,.,,, s.,.. S1iddy. S1irh.1 - Cr.
Sknal< l S.rto.f l .G . ~··~I - - Su. Spclc.k - S.u. S<!ch~ao :--;- - Sa.x. •
Sknam f S1r111111 r r )N~Y£.R-SP4ff'Y; "}lu..MT Spell1•1-book - .... Gr. Si1le \ft Wf•U• f · SI)!• Gr.
SKROIY 1 /.,.&, l.zz1J /ln/lU.g S1'£LL, .- Sl'EAL; •Jili"'" Still-yord. Stt1l".1• •J Cr.
Sk urry. y.,,,,i._Att"J ...Or. Soib. or S&:1.I Sa.1. SPELL; or,.,.. Srilt1 - - Sa~.
SlAR; Ot •lfl/ /lul Sniff. s.;.;;,/ Sax. Spcrag~. Ahar•p1 - Gr. srJNGY; tMNI~. u,tl ,,,_
Slabb<r. ~l•wr
Sl.adc - -
Gr. $NIGG.ER; or
Sa:c:. Soit~ the 11ofe
Su. S pill
l••1• -
" '"''"
StirTUJ>t• $tir•11 - Gr.
Sl<tm (cltow. Sk'• - Gr. ~r.i.,·cl. Sll!it# - Sax. Spok1(m:i..n. S;10.~ - Gr. Sti•t:~; fl1r".,"~'Jirff Or.
SJ:.ndcr - - a. G1. ::ioock the door - Sax. S11001 ...,. - s. .:c:. Srock1ng1 - Sa.x.
~1aot - - 511.x. S1\'0 G ••!I; fmH1h, q1.1i1M:.1 ~po-are. Spo71f4,. - Gt. a S10Lr .O•ttJ't I~ litttr'J, t#'rl'
SJ~.tlPPBt. i • ,,,,,.,, nr fo ·titll <l'-llUS S pr$1d le. s;~o-':-11/ ...,.... G r. ~11/i •
Sl:1pigr:i.11c - A<;1d. Gr. :ioo:. _. S11ix.
S1r,.11- S11r:itn. S1r11i11. er n.rctc.h Gr. srooD; ''•}t jJ1fr1
S 111.Ltcrn, Slfll - G t. Snout -= S11.x. S pr:1t - - Sa~ . a ,Sfotc - - S,;ilC. .
$ 1. EAK; t•lof/011111H1011g111. Snub - Sax. Sp1·tght. Sp;,,;, - Gr-. Sto,urt ...., - ~~x.
' SL J;'CK ; / mall1r'1•.t Hl SnuJc ·- - Sa•. Spring a leak} S. Stowage. $10,.., c:lofo G"·
Sled. Sl1tl.g1 - Gr. Snudge along - S•x:. Sprini a ruaft - ax.. Scowk. S1a/J, Or handJe Gt.
Sl£ECL1 ;101Ml1 11/ 'W11t,, Ss1off, di(plra( - S~x. ' Sprinkle - • S.a x. S-fOIPR.£; 1h111111ttl/f-11t1tt a
S!cck . Sli1A - G,, .:iouf C1f. a ~ilnd lc} Sprirc. St irtt - Gr. fq''''
Sleet; fcow and rJio DliXt ~ ..x .. 3n uff, a powder Sprout } S • l G Strctddle - - Sax:.
SLEN a "11; I• t•rr IUw •• >e off' up Sas. Sproutt }'r1:z, or cap ' Stnaint.brO'aco1tadfr Add Gr.
Sfe"vc - - Sax. Snu~n. Sroo ..c. St••z1 Gr. s,n.k.c. S1rrl1 - Cr.
Slcc•clc:f• erraad - Sa• . i::dt: ~p-a·gc. Par1.1 G 1. Stnkc of a whecJ. Srrul Gr.
, ~lidc. '-'"J1J1 G r ... S,VURL; or ,,14
i• 1# t,.J Sp11riou• - a. Gt. Srraad, or lhorc: - Sas.
Slip:.iry } $1' G $,\.UP.LES• rh1 .,..,.,.,/, !:IJU!n-e t icqulre - Su. .a s:l'R"''' D • 0tfi•zl.1 '.u'•' t/
b lippcr 'I - - r ... SOI!. or } 4 1;;/> u11• tv• Sputter. Stit., Gr c 'e/~
s1,c I f" l s ,. G SOE lllTI .)quo1droa. S4:.u .t - Gr S·T RAADY; rl)f.lfM, and •u;!J
Slive · /''" or , ,,.,,,. r. So3k. s,J, - Gr. Sqotak. • S1.._a/ ;ilocd • Su. Stnp. S1r•1 - Gr.
Sli~'c o'ocg - .S1_x . Sod, 01 turf - Sax.. Gr. Str.a1aa~a1, S1rat1zr,,,, G r.
i • Slrcam,

Diqitize<J by Google
. I . ..

~·' ~. ..
• Strum,orriv11J.t}'Sinaoci Sorttnder
Add. Gr. 'l'AN'/'RllS; ii,,;11 if ., Tliibd -
- - S1~.'
T 0

1: • StTeamcr • •Gr. Sur•ive. Yi1tJ - Gr. t"'lk7"''"' Thievj!h. 'ibiif - Gr.

~. Streck. -
St1'Cet -
Sax. Sufccpcible. .4'«/t••rt Gr. Tape, or
a. Gr. ' . urrey - - a. Gr. l ' :1p1lcr -
...:.. Six. T hlgg ~
- Su. Th-ight. 'light

Strtnuoas - · a. Gr. SufiaiQ l Ah . C Tar - - Sax. Tbilk - - SaL
Stride. Sr'rUJfi - S.a_ic, Sul\.ena.nce S ~·'~ - r. Tarag'?n, the herb lh11go11 Gr. T-hill. horfe 1'lbill Sax
1ht S'1'</l!G·; ot./alA iffr.;r Swab . ls G Taro - - Sax. Thill<r J •
String·, 1:· ' !I _ Gr. Swabbe~ J ~t/tr - r. 'T1te. - • ...-· Sa.-. l'~irl. Dn'll - Gr.
String<nt {' 8"'

.~ .'
a SIP'ACHE, or t•ll.J T actltPg. <Jw1111ft Gr. T'1cher - - Sax.
Strip oif - Add. Gr. Sw•ddie l Sw•lht T.avtrn. '14""-.,/1 - Gr. 1HOK/Sfi 1 )41bfal
I S-t rlpt,..or blc»l'} S1riJ~ a blow Swaddling c[othe.s 5 S•k. Ta1.1gh t. {f;11,cb - "G r. Thong - - Sax.
S triprd l\u&· Gr·. SwaJ.:s - - S•x. 'l'awdry lAec - Sax.. f'hpny - - Sa.JC.
S-TROA1; tht ;_.j1r:1,,,,.,,1t1 l."t1 Swag dolto n 1
S ax. t• T.ilfl'M; orfwtt:• 'f.ho1.:-gh - - Sat.

: t_.
Stroog. Str111g1h
Stroop -
~trunt -
S waggtr
rht 111•/1 iA 1/H qtat; 11rbttp'
Swal~. S w 1a.I

Swan -
Sax. SIPANG; 11
"SYUCKLl}'lG i •• •J)ft fdJlJ ron1tl

- . Sax.
G r. • SwaJlow. or gulp down • SL'\'..

a!(o . o,.jhy
·reach -

'f edder. 7"111J1,. -

a. Gr. 1'hr1ve -
'I'c:-am a bottle of wine. \Ta•t lhreap -...
. Or. T breave
Or. Threfh '"' ,~,.•
to 'TED.E tht grefi; or/; 1'hrC"fhofd -
·to tbtfin
""'- Sax.
Add. Gr.
• Sm-r.
·rhrill. 'rrill, or Drill Gr• •
a Stud , or button Sax. Swank - ·- Sax. 1'ccn. Tl111, or k indle Or. ·r hringe. r;,,.~wg - Or.
a Stud, Of' pfop - Sa·:r. Swap the door Sax. T«n, or provoke • S.ix. and /'// 'f'HRIPPA 1&1; hat,"
S-YUFlVEV; "j1:;f/r1 Sward. S-w"I - Sa.1t, Gr. cuJg,f;o•
Stulp. SttH/, or poll G·r. Swafh - - Sax. Teeth. 7'ootb - Gr. Thrill, f"hntjl - G ·r.
11 St/'Uf.l.; or lar11 l••rit~JJ of Swath with a fword Sax. Teinc.s. 'li•I' - Gr. T -hrifte - - SftJ:.
""'"' Swathe - Sax. Tcms, or 'f1mfi - Sar. T hrittt. 'Tbrift - Gr•
Srufp. Stoo/ - Gt; Swarbeofgra(s · - Sa,,-. 1"C'.oc-ot-. <Tm.6/r -Gr. Tbron-e - - a. G r.
Stun. S1ouJ1J, a.mazt d Gr. SwtamiOt. ~alaijh - Gr. T C'ndrcl. 'rtlfiril O r. Thtopple. 1'1nt41 - Gr.
S'unt. Sti•t Gr. SIYE.8; /ii.'rMA T~oeriry. 'r,11t1,,., roft Gr. Throlte - - • Sax.
s ,upc· Sltt!il - Gr. Swcet-hetrt - 1\JJ, Gr. 1"'cnt, to Jook to, 'Tmtl Gr. ··r hrough. 9'horoNgb - Qi-:;
St-11rc - Sa~. Swell - S1¥. 'l 't'nttr grouod. Tt_itt1r1 Gr. Throw at. 'Ihrfl"ll?l/tr Sax.
•Sturk - • Ss.x. Sll'ElPiNG ta/ T enore. 'l'~a.•l>/1 - Gr. Thrulh. a bird - Sax.
SiURKE·N ; 1b-rivnr
Sturr-y, SturJ;. rigid
S tutc - - s~~.
• Swelt
Gr. Swelrer f S 1 J
S..·elt ry f ""'' "
- • Sa:r.
T ern ion. 'T't rur;1 -
G Terren~
. r. Tcr1'tltial </'trr•r·J
Gr, Tb,1d -
"l'hondeT -
' -
G r. f bund·e r·bolt. Bolt, or arrow
a. Gr• .

·S tu1ter - - Six-. Swefne. Swtvcn Gr. T trrier Gr.

Stygi'lt1.. StJX - Gr. S wcrd - Sax. Ttlt·a.menc l fi..O G Tf,uof; 'T'!ft - Gr.
St yp«. Sttrplt - Six. 'Sl#ervi: . -1.. S:u. Ttilator S ~· - r. 'l"hwite - · - Sax.
Su.1.600. Suafi 7 Gr. S""•eyngeour - Sar. Tcflcr of a bed - Sax-. Thy. V'hi•t - Gr.
Subjc·~. A bjril - G ·r, S\vift - Sax. TeA~r. or fixpcncc Sa·x. Thyft.rum - Sax.
S.ubvt titioo . C1J11~e•.itttrt Gr. Swik Sax: ~etl~cle • l'[",.A _ Gr. g:/CHIA'G; /111;,,I "I t ftr::Jll
St:bve·rfion l JI'. .l G SWJLl ; (lr l'ltltr '" tM:ojh t• 1 etl1mon1al I ~·
SGbvcrt 5 tr/alt' - r •. Swine. s~vil/ - Gr. Teltudinco.s. y-,,,,,(tflfi.J Gr. r ick, rhe animal.
lo ,,., ·
'!,.,, Gt.
S\1ccory. Cirh,ry Gr. Swing - - Sax. ·r t fty - - 'Sa-x. 'fide. or rime - S• x.
"Su·c cubu,. lr.t1t6:u Gr. Swinge - Sax. ·rc-w. J'arw, or tug - 0('. 'TIDES' ; chl:i11gs, 11J1tl,1lir&L··i11t1
s .. c-culcot . S11tcfn:r111 - Gr. Swi~ger. S·wtpgro,,,. Sa:t. 'l'ETl"LJ.-; tAitr,ficl!J aJ'1b1fia
S11d11tOr}~• S1ti orif.c - Gr. Swipt"t'Odr:iww.-terwith Sax . Tcwm - - Sax. Tidiog--s - ·· - Sa~.
SU /7" ; "rlo/t Swippcr - - Sitk. ·r··h arkc·y. Dart - Gr. ·r:cr of guns - Sa,'(,
" 'SUIT ef tl:;1h1s ; S with·e - - 8J1.X. Thatme - - 811.x. ·r!FLE; r-•fi tretioln •~t':'lf
tncy fit us · S-..i"cl •.,..... Sax. 'fHEAPES ; gfXl}t!,r;. ritr Till~ Cft hcafcwife - Sa·x.
S uit i· • , f G ·SW(IOQ ......, - Sax. 'l'ht-arf - - Sax. T ill ; !,.J:Ji/ - Sa.~ •
., .t:o r '' "'~or· a aver
~ll c........ hran
r. ..,.....,, - · SU ·. • ~H ., EAPE; or rwi. o.f · 1bt T'tit up · - '
- • Salf.
SULKr; gf,vty, 1~11!J Syle - S~x. fir/I Jt"r Tilts. or tou:namcou Sux.

S r>lly. Soil, o' (pot G r. ·Syllabub. Sill;h,.,/, Sax. 'l 'hc3W ·- S ax. Timbtt of crmin! Sax . ·
Sultry. $ <;J.·tltcr - .~ Gr. • Symle ' - • Sa". ']'bee. 7'ln:t - G r. Ti1nbtt-"°'obd Sax. '
Sun1mary S)'tnpathy. P•tbttic Gt. 1·tireh - Sax. Timid. 1im~rt;NJ :r. Or.
Surntaam Sum to t~ Gr. Syoderefis. Sj nl1rifi1 Gr. Their Sax. TinC' the door S:L'!.
b on\lm Syndcrlic. - Sax . . Them - $:\x. T•-ingle: - ·- • Sux.
Surnpto:.ry. Sum}IWNI. G r. Synt•gtna. S11axi 1 - Gf. '£°bcoda - Sax. T inJ.."1:'r. <J/11A f1 • - G·r.
Sur.dry. S:1trdrr - Sax. SythJ.n - · Su:. T·h.eodom •- Sax. Til)t!l. <J·;11~1 - -Gr.
~:>pup . . s~vp, -or Sip G r. •"fh.eo~. • Hor; Sax-. an~•Gr. v:~PP'l!R'D'~ JrifJ ccrrltfi'l. '
Supercargo. Carg• - Gr. Thcow1r.c - S:1:>:, l1re, or l1ead-dr~f1... <J'i1r Gr.
$uperlici!l.J. Svpttfitit1 Gr, T. T bere - - S>t'X. 1·iihingr or cou.nt,y Sax.
.. S uperlati\•C. S;1.rriof' Gr. 1"hcrcforc Sa.x. 'fi tter. c-f'Wit!t,.. - G r.
S11pt:rvifcw. Pijio11 - Gr. TAJ)U.RT - Sax. 'fherf..brc2d ·Sax.· I "ftittlc.•1a1tJe. 'l'wa11!1 o;.
S upfCfititious. Sappo/t Gr. 1"abid. <Toibif11!1Jo,, (~r. Thcfe - 'Sa·:<. • ·r i b t.'Jtn. -<J':~m Sax. •
sQ.te l Gr. TTa c~!e -
8 ~ S;.-"jG , lT'hbefis. 'I'k_mJe • - 0-r. !ro,d1bt pr11¢.fi"rie11 Sat".
5 ut tt9 1 . :t 100 - a . - r. e\!tates. ltptlt'f" - 0i r. oa - - Sa.x .
Su rf~c;e. St1;1r),iti G r . .:rAG; "#m!·of 1b,firjl .!~"r 1-be~q - Sax. 1'0::1.fl-. 'T"Jji - G r.
'Su ~on . Chrir"r:gt~• Or. T aint . '?'ing1 - Gr. 'fhcwcd - · - Sax.. 'l'odeatud · - s~x.
Surely. So"r ·Gr. "fa te. r-r.11 c:::r. i · tie\\let l - T ofct. 'l'cvet - G·r.
Surp lice - a. ·G·r. Tcncc:. tfa11« · - - Gr._ 'l'hcwght.! j • - Sax. T-ok.'11 - a. Gr .
, Too

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T y v 1 v 0 W A
T oo Sir. T 711inc - S;tt. Vincg'? Urbani!)'. s.1.,11 -
T oo.a - Six. 1·yro. 7·,,, Gt. v;ne)-ard Urinal l •
q·ookC.~n:; 'MM•'''""' ''inot~ngo . • J U rinary S· y,.,,,, - Cr.
, Tooiby
·1:001ing -
Add. Gr.
Si.c. U. \'.
: • \'inqu1
,.iJ I V.intogc .
y;., Oy f./R/, IJO
I URL/NG. •,/.war/
'l'orfet - - Sax. •· Vil'Jttrtr .,.. Uro(,opy.. 011r•11o/<1/1 Or.
l'./, 0"1tb Viol•lion l r.·,
<ruRIES, ••' wi11
TortoouJ l r.
</',,~ r1a•li
Gr. \i:..cation Ir.,,...,
·B .A C If.

Or. Violatar { tHl• t
\'iolinccllo. PU/
C Vro"W. Yir11z•
G;~ g~:::e l Clji
- -

G \'' G r. Virility. Jl'irti• - G r. Uftioa
1'onurc i
1'ofe woottL
,,,.,. 1
• 1 'oor of l&od • Su. \' .ig.iry
r. Va.cuu»
Gr. Vag~bood f Po1r•rrt -
Gr. Virtunfo
t aJ

P'irz i11
Cr. U(ual
C1W•'.ft1'• I• CA.

Tournament. ~,.,..,.,.,, Gr. V~g,uc \ ' irulcn cc . Ufi.icaprioo

1'o.,.·ard - . .- S.lJ'. Valcncct - $;1x. Viru1 U(u(ru!tBar-y
To"•ghcr. D1w 1r
·1·owze. '1'1 •u -
G r. Valtt. l-'111·/rt
Gr. Val ia"r
• 9"'R Ai1f JfEL·h•d 1; I• /11111z thf \'alidity
- Gr. Vif11rd.
\ 16t
f '1/ogt Or. U f1.1rer
Uf..r iOds
Ufarpitioa I
Ufo r/tf' Gr.

, f#t •• V.tlor Y.,Jifr,11<t G r. \ ' ifitan t l"ifib/1 - G r. Ufary

1~t•nfport~ tian. p.,,, or h1r- V•J11J1b le Vi6tatioq UunJil J
bour - - G r. Value V. (1111 Uu.wonea - s....
T r-a!!fYcrfe. l'rr/111i !1 Gr. \falJty. YAlf Gr. Yitilitigator - Add. Gr. Utility. Ufi - Gr.
. ~RANIJ'";fiTw"'' c/,i/,,.,. , Vamp - Sax. \ 1i:riol. YirrifJ - Gr. Utterance l
or pc.Wp1 rAthcr fro4tl.tfl1'4 Vane. Pho•t - Gr. Viv1. voce0 U tttono!l f - Su.
,fh1lir111 \' ing _._ '"'7 Sax. \'~v~d Yi~Jtlti'J Cr.
•rrav..aii, _. <rrk'tltl - G r. \fautaie·~round. f #ntl<lrt Gr. \1 1 v1p~ro"' .. ~ w.
1'r.ivt1 -
rJ REd F; /tt<r1ijb, /tll1"fo
'J~rca!on. rr,..,,,,. -
.SJX. V apid. P"}~r •
G r. Varnifb. Y rr•iJP
- Gr
UuJC\riJ. Strtit, 01:' Stt~IJ!r
Unct:ank, aad Gruati.e " ~ · •·
WAAR - Sax.
W a.d. l/'1a.J Sax.
TrcQ.\ccdou1. Y r1a.ll1 Gr. Vtil ~.Gr. Under Sax.. \Vad o( a gun Sax.
~RE1Y£TS; µ.111•1/•r "4"&M.t• YELL/4\'G; /lr.i.-i•z •/ i v Underftc~nd Sax. Wad. a rni.oc'f'21 S•.r.
Tribet~• • 'Tri61 - Gr. 1~ &.,. UndtrMld Su .
Wa.d of firaw - S.lx-.
Triol:eu . - s.x. Vt:odible. r,.11/ - G r. Undt1ling Saic. \Vat!ding. 11,..a Jor :it gun
• V'RIP-fjl.;1r1 s • fawfott} Vcnifcin - OJ. UnJcrrtrsn S;11x. \\'Jddle~ .ll-'(1'1&/1 - G·r..
·rriple, f'/iont
. . .
• 1 r1p tote. D1p1111 -
- G r.
G r.
VC"nC •
\I 'd n.
en11 u~1
I" "
r t t:lt1410f'
U nJc1chri\d
U11dcrn .. 1idc
wart. EJ,.~mi~n; or JP""'
op and down - G1 •
.-1.rivtc. V'ri;1J
1 'rotb. <rr11jl
'l'rotting hard. "'''' Sa.x.
T1owl for 6th. V'r1ll

Ventricle l y,

YcQCri loq11y { ' " ' '"

u'.~ain. Cain
Sax. and G r. \Vag, or fnaltc. l t ..6Jl1 G r.

u, llEER ; i11Jpati111:t
Unifor:ni1r . Fort1 .
- Gr. \Val!C
Cr. Wages
l; .. f '
- Gr,

T roy "--tiglic - Su. Verify } Uni(on. s••,,,J Cr. \V;Jf• lc. u·.: ~1 11 G ••
•fl"R£;'G; or 1r9fw • iU Vtrily Y. . Unit ~ \Vaic (t•ot - Six.
Truccpcr.y - Su. VcriCisnilitodc ira(!IJ G t . U n itarian u.;,. G r. W2ir. .:·1Fr - S°'x.
T ruacatcd
T runch A
rr h',., ,,
-,•r••( \ ' ermicular
. l '' ..
Gt Uuk,~·:itd - - Sax.
• \l/ :ti!1 -
. b ·- -
• Sa,, and
G r.

..fruok, Ot cht11 G \ fc1m1patOui · Un lead - Gt. \V ~ 1\li·:ard - S:1.x .
'l 'ruok-h..o fe · r. \1trnalit}' • Yrr11A111lv G r. U /1,'/.. f.' Ef); a 'llt11Mn1111 rt/lllt \V:.k - S.\X• .
T riiok of a tree Vcrrc U n(cytdigh - S:ix. IPllLCH ; illfiJld, 'W•lt rljb

'l'rutb. 'Tri!}/ - Gr. Verlic>a Ytr/aJi/1 Gr. Un(cyrdcd - Sax. \Vall1og l . L 0 • 1 u, l" G
T d cker - - .s~x-. \·c11l Ul\trum - - Sax WJ.llop f .o " ' • """ ' ' " ' r.
CJ"U.\1; t• •ix~ ifa:ui~ \' ere. 11tr~,.,., Gt. Untr111f1 s point. 'Trllji Gr. ll'AllOUlSH; •••/-'-•'
,,4,, Vefco?tl'1. Rfi11lr1JI Gr. Voubulary IPAI LJ" ; 1~ r~•r•1r. l1tl• /i1 9"°'"4&1• .G r. \'eJic-atory. 111fi1k Gr. Vcxat \V.::i1~1blc. 11",.,,,6 - G r.
Tuoocy. 'ihrll1'.J - G:. \ 1cfpiJlor>c. Yt)}1r1 Ct, \ioc.aii•c P'« •ti,• Cr. \Vant; tbt r.;,J, - Six.
Turbultnt, <r'111·6ll - G r. \'~lliturc: } \'ncifer:it-inn • \ Vantoo • S:ix. 1111d G r.
"f1.1rgcfccnt. V'u,.~iJ Or. \1c:fl1ot111 i r, nQ / G \ foicc \Vanzc, 1Ya'1t; or ~'9t1111'fder
Turn, o r Mood. o ll1ce Sax. \' t llry '.I' r. \' o lant . J/qfntil Or. Gr.
T11fh ! S!l.X. 'v' ellorc • \'olc:ar.o. Pu1(.cn Gr. W 11pt{lta ke - Sax.
'Tutel.1gt 1 \'c!iig:lliOP. P1fi111 O r. \fullo1v, Fnllcor;~ Ja.nd Gr. Wr.r, c~rt. II"•''• or
T gtclary 'i•jli•• - Gr. Via.I. Phrol Gr. Volan1e. 1·,1~hl1 Cr. 11·"'' - Gr.
T~g } _
T\;.·elvc - Sax.
Vi:a;icum. V1cllll1
\ ' ibratc: l J'n-'1.<ralt
V1br.1l 0f')' S Gr.
Viciffitudc.. 11ltt;'CJ'1'fa .G r.
Gr \· oluntary ·1 Y. /, .
Volunif'C't . e ' ••
Volv1-.1ion. P'1l-f.l11Lu
Von1ic n1.1t l Yi .
C \\r;ir, worfe
r. \Varden
Gr. \Vardc:r
J -

G \\111.1 dmotc \Vard , or .. upil ~

Twig - S.i.x. Vietor;•. P1:/l,. G r. Von1i1ory 1 i.m.;t ' · \.Vardrobe Gr.
'l'wingc -
1'wirl • .JP,bir.
!}'witch .....- -

Vid ua1ie1n. /l '1t1~ttv
G r. \" ig.i ls. J'/ii/,.,n1
Villain. Yilt
AJd . (.'"'.; •.
- l~r
'' Y()OR; oftrraw
\ 'or tcx
\V"a1ehour~. J.1'11'' ' -
Or \V~rf - SaJC,

'Tw)'tt-docf• - Sax. Vin(turt. / '1mi•.-.I - ( ir. Vu1•tic11.I /fl ..-JRJS/11>; -u.·1ll-Jl•rttl1' '/,;,..
!TydiC". :r'irlJ G1" VinJifii,•c. p,,,Ji(t:Ji•• Gr. Votivt". /'"' ' (1r. •iJht'
T1c. %;, - - Gr. YI Nl:. i<OUS t '11irtl 11;/14ft \ 'ol.chu. J'...,_b j"fi C r. \\'.vp, OI bead - Sa.-.
\V J \V y • Z E
'\) larp, or call up Sax. \Vliiles } lf 'JJ'1li _ G r. \-Vic l
Wi~ch ~ TPift Y.
' V.a ry ln cloch · -
Wa_rp, or Jt1olc
'''~rth, a ford
Whil'n. Jf'bi•/9 -

1-Y it t fna
Gr .
G r.
y 1.11 (e..,,p'.fi1ie1t Sax.
"°'laty ; dcvt>tc Sax. 4f/'11/NNOCK~ 1b1/11r."1l¢p~f ; \Vitherwi n - S 1 x. ' \-'~jJ, J•1l - Gr.
\ V,,.ry -wa.rp Sa.J. • l(o • ,,.i{J fail \Vithin. / 8 Cr Y.•pr . Capt - G r.
\ Va!I"t l - - Sax. \Vhip away - Sa..Y. \\' ii:hour. O#.t Gr. Yard. GarJ 11r - G r.
\'1:'<', defer:. ll'r;1t• Sat . Whip a hc:m. Jl'i pp Sax. \VitlioJ.. 1-;·y; G r. Y.;,,rc ·- - Sax.
\\'at<hrt (Clor
\Vattlc.d '102111
\ Va"c, or pur off' -
Wbirlbat !
Whifkennrd. !!.!Mi1111tl Gr.

W hirlpool /Yhirl - Gr.

\Vittica(r.r.. f.Pift
\Vit~. JY'.fi •
\Vi•·cr. Yi;1:r
Gr. 1ARE; /M.ltl•• I
Gr. Yarn -
Gt. ~at"j· c.,,r.
- S11.J',
\ \' a.\'C:r } l/,.. ,wupacd \Vhirlwiad \Viurd. /J"ifi C r. aw 1ng. •~1;./, or Y1// O r.
WaYuofrbe(c:a f down Gr. WhiGc.: 1 orbrofh - Si x. 'A'i~z_ing. Whi~ G r. Yclad, Clad; Clt1'1t G r.
Wav-ward. 1Y1,,/ - Gr. Whir.t, a g1m<. Trrft - Gt. IPIZZlE; ,. gn "".I ib;Az YYcdl<red . Cl111J C.r.
V/~.. tvonh; IY., worth you WhiOc: to wear - Sax. jl:f:J rtad. Drc1J Cr.
Sat. &ad Gr. • ll'HISKET: o~ &.~rt \\'cad Sar Ye. 1;.. - G r.
\Vcal:.y - - Su. Whir1try. IP/,i}:t 11 1w:.'/ Gr. \\'od. /l'~U, infaoe Gr. Yel:ndtr. Ji .Ar - Sax.
\\le.aid. 11r. 1J - Gr. "Tf/Jf / SKltV ; o hl•1 /; rt \\'cdmtl Sax. YEARD~J"; #fltf'J ,.'l;,/J
Weal thy. IP1•l1 - G r. \Vhift, 1 gamt'. Hijl G r. \Vold. lfQ/i _ Gr Yea.A. Z tjl - Cr.
\\' cals, flriptt Su. \Yhit·ltalhtr - Add. Gr. \Vondc:rlyc:. ll'&~Scr Su. · Yc:tndcr - - Sax.
\Vcapoa. - - Su. • Whitfuotidc • IPb:"tfifl:Ja.J \\'on& - _ Yctr. Jur Or.
IPEAR tht / 61; ,,f/ it • Sax. and Gr. \Von&t::iothed. IY11,,KtMtbrJ(; 1• ~e(. I/. .. - ( ,r.
\Vcafon - ...,.. Sit. \.\'hittle, to cut - Sax. \Vonne:. Wvl'I, joy Sax. \,.clp. 1 a:i.•11, 1111;. / Gr.
\Vtathc:. JPi1h,1 - G r. \ - Sa.x. \Voor. l//41lr 1 El'I S; JC1101 /•wt, hr.fort
W eather, lheep - Sat. ~rholc(omt. Whtlr - Gr. \Voofe. Oi:u _ G r. llNJ bn"l.:11brirfir;JI/" '''"'
• Vlcek - • Sa.x. and Gr. IPIJOOK?" M.V? j 1ia1 ; jhf~J \Vo1c . H"tzar _ S1.x. Yl'nic - - Sax.
W eer - - Sat. • \Vhor1lc bt'rricl Sax. aC'ld"Gr. Worn. W1-u - Gr. Y~mp l c;,,,1
IP£E7'; ,,;,,,&/11/wifl " ' ho(c:. IPh~ - Gr. \Vorld witbr;ut ,,,4 Sax. Y 1n1 p ! Cr.
Vlcct. llltr - Gr. Whrc2kc - Sax. \Vorfllip. ff"#rrb _ Cr. Yeolc ~amcs. 1..;;ft G r.
\Vc(t. 1Ytav1 - Gr. Wbyt, /1 t~w - Sax. \\>'orll. W~fi - Sax. Yer. .Br1. - Gr.
\Vclr, J//at1r .._ Sax. Whylc:. J/lbitb - G r. • - • S.,..,. • d G Ycrk. G1 ,.J - Gr.
~ n
Weird. W1rli - · Cr. Wickl or
a cat1dlc Sax. \Vort,or cabbage. Cclt·~rtGr. r,K,, , 'J•'"
r. y "'·
t,ptt Or.
Weld - - Sax. 11'/DJ>J.E. r.f,.., Worth; woe worth you S•x. ~enll } Zif/ c;
W elc Sa.#. Width. ll' iJt - Gr. Wound rouod. /Yi11olt Sax. t 'I . r.
1PELK; to 1.u;thtr, as new Wied - - Sax. • Wr-ack, or fc& weed Sax. YYClt l Zit - Six.
, tno1vn g-raf1
Well :I
W ell away
dA)' l
- Sax.
• '\ \'!cld l
Wicrdcs. JP1rJ
SA-"· acd • C
- Gr.
r. \\.'rapper. Rajjtr -
l//REASEL; a -wia;;/1
and • Gr. , retedn ! ' . ,
G r. v' C.\\: • 1 " "
cxir1g - -
- Gr.
Si x.
Gr. Yn1b

Welfare . IJl'1lt1mt - Gr. \Vig, and 'l'o,-y. 1Yhis G r. Wreath, J//ri11g _ - Sax.
\ VtJth. fY4/11 - Cr. Wigeon - - S11.~. \\'reek. ca!t on Jbo:e Sa,.. Yolk. r ill Or.
\Ven>, n b lcn.,i(h - Sax. \Viggle~wagglc. 11',,661~ Gr. \Vrcnch l YQn
\,Ven•· JY,l!I /; - Cr. Wig6c-ifie - S1x.. \Vrttl - J IYr i.11g G r. Yond - - Sax.
IPIKES ; or 1~1111,.1 ef 1h1 Wrtfilc. 1~·,.111111
Wen, or (,vtlling-
Wended :t1vay -
Jf".EN-rED ; /Jlt•ll t:.t11r1
Sax. • 1u1b
\Vild optn country. rr .IJ Gr.
\Vriggfc, 1/?a/;6/~
IPRl.'VCLE-:,/!rtaJ : /;1,,1 1
G '' ondcr
Yowliog. Ya-ii;/
Yeung. (
- Gt.

\Vl'll.c11 - - Sax. \Vild. IYil/1,.111ji -... Gr. \\'riJi ba.nd. TPrift Gr. Yy oungilh .
ll1 ES'f1·' ; liaJ, zill.J Willcra. IY,/li•z - Or \Vritheu. 1Pri 11z Gr o un g.1ing •
\Vcy. w:ardJ.. IP1rJ - Cr. IPtllwil/J• wffl - Si.~. Wrought. Jlui G r Ycunily ~l•:ttb - <.ir.
\ Vhaog of a Choe. '1l1eg Sax. •Willow • SJ.'t'. and Gr. \\' l . You ogficr
\•;ha1(. IY"1'/ - Six. 111 /L'r; the f&mc :u \Veit \Vry J TYr1:.1 G r. YooQk cr
WH.tlRR E; ' ' "" •11111
\Vbct.d?e. IP~11llt -
W heal. w,.lt Su.
Wictb -
G r. Windc: -
H'HEAAJOl f ' ; ai• /:f,, •81~t Wiodl:a:s

IFi11I, Su.
Wuldre -
\Vuo. 1Y• 1:t
\Vua l

Wunfome) G11•~4-1 Sax.

Sax. Ycath(ul
Gr. \~o-wl. 1"'11ul
1 OIPS'TE!I ; to ftft<r
, .,fc t
- Cr.

\ \Ocr:1·"rigbt. Jl''ri,i•t Gr. \Viodlc \Voribft)'P' 1fi 4 rtleftyl G r. Yrfc'~C4'rd f ·- SaY•

• ll' llEE; 11 l1if1r Windle, or fii'Clt Sai. \\l'dta. IPcJ!c• - Su . ~rth ! i' l
1 0
• WIJEEDEN; • fi• I/, l<if.. Wi odlc·llmy Su. Wye. IPfrJ, io compoGtion Gr. \ nllhng&J i u.
IYHEE~I; 1l1•/ u1, tttt11nir~ Tl'J,VLYi t•itt'J Wyl. 11"1//ofwatcr Gr. Yyuckk l S
\\rbcint. CJ.,.;,., - Gr. \Vipp a hem Sa.x. Wyaftcran - s.x. o cI aA.
W helk. 1Yt~1" - Sax. \Vipped'• firer. l;1~i'1 fart \t' yrds. lf'irJ - Gr z.
• \\'hey -
Whiff -
Whiflcr -
Sax. and • Gr. in the Preface

W hig, to ¥.'t ar. IP1J

Sax. \Vire. 111.rt
Su . Wilk, or bruC1. ll'bi,I: Sax.
G r. \\' ifp round I.

Wyrfc -
\Vytc-ga. ll'it 1ga
Wytcn - -
Z ·c,.louJ
Z caloo(ncrs
Z Gr.
\ Vhig. TY«.1 - Sax. Wifp of hay I - ""· :tr.ft. Z<jl - - Gr .

.F .l N I s.




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