Unveiling Truths Through Methods

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The Methods of Philosophy

Learning Goals:
At the end of this lesson, I can:
✔Realize that the method of Philosophy lead to wisdom and
truth; and
✔Learners evaluate opinions as an attendant at doing
•SPECULATION is derived from the Latin word
specula, which means “watch tower”. It implies a
vision above that of an ordinary person.
•Sometimes considered as “detached”
•It is what helps you to take the broadest possible
perspective on a subject or inquiry.
What is hermeneutics?
•Is the theory and methodology of interpretation,
especially the interpretation of biblical texts, wisdom
literature, and philosophical texts.
•Its etymology is traced to the mythical god Hermes
•A philosopher by the nature of his responsibility to communicate
ideas that are hallmarks of wisdom, must make sure his message is
understood well.

•is understood beyond words and graphics sent in

your mobile phone.
•Anything observed (like nodding) for a certain
discourse, which means we are able to derive and
argue meaning from it.
The bible is a text that is interpreted using
•EXPLANATION: When Christ comes
within us , we turn into a new person .
The old things fade away . Do not worry
asking yourself ''when will my old life &
old habits change ? '' Your hope will not
cut off'' [ Proverbs 23: 18]. The Lord's
mighty hand & out stretched arm will
come into our midst & turn us into new
beings. Let us wait expecting miracles.
This proverb explains how we
should not befriend people who
are driven by anger. It’s good
advice to avoid hot-tempered
people; rational and spiritual
awareness are not at the forefront
of their conduct. Befriending such
people can eventually bring you
heartache or worse.
''On Hermeneutics' Claim to Universality"
1. Hermeneutics is about one's capability for making linguistic
communication understandable;
2. Hermeneutics is at work more in the trying to make a
decision or practical questions; and
3. Philosophical hermeneutics is a hermeneutical reflection
which is in the service of: skilful understanding and
explication; and convincing and persuading.
Communicative action

• a critical project which reconstructs a concept of
reason which is not grounded in instrumental or objectivistic terms, but
rather in an emancipatory communicative act.
• This reconstruction proposes "human action and understanding can be
fruitfully analysed as having a linguistic structure", and each utterance
relies upon the anticipation of freedom from unnecessary domination.
• These linguistic structures of communication can be used to establish a
normative understanding of society. This conception of society is used "to
make possible a conceptualization of the social-life context that is tailored
to the paradoxes of modernity."
•At different times in the twentieth century, different authors
have used it to mean different things.
•What is to be analyzed (e.g., words and sentences vs. concepts
and propositions), what counts as a successful analysis, and
what philosophical fruits come from analysis are questions
that have been vigorously debated since the dawn of analysis
as a self-conscious philosophical approach.
•Analytic philosophy is based on the idea that
philosophical problems can be solved through an analysis
of their terms, and pure, systematic logic. Many
traditional philosophical problems are dismissed because
their terms are too vague, while those that remain are
subjected to a rigorous logical analysis.
•For example, a traditional philosophical problem is “Does
God exist?”
•Various philosophical schools have proposed answers to
this question, but analytic philosophy approaches it by
saying, “What do you mean by God?” Different religions
have wildly different ideas about what the word “God”
means, so before you can approach the question of God’s
existence you have to define your terms more clearly.
•Often, different views of analysis have been linked to
different views of the nature of philosophy:
✔the sources of philosophical knowledge
✔the role of language in thought
✔the relationship between language and the world
✔the nature of meaning
As well as to more focused questions about necessary
and a priori, truth.
• Philosophy as critical thinking or
analysis, questions, judges, and Consider the following premises:
evaluates any and all principle and ❑ Premise 1: non-renewable
premises that may be gained through
speculation. resources do not exist in infinite
• Through critical analysis, insights are
validated as well. ❑ Premise 2: coal is a
• One mode of critical analysis is non-renewable resource.
logical. From these two premises, only
• in logical analysis, a statement is one logical conclusion is
reduced into its simplest form, called available.
elementary sentence.
❑ Conclusion: coal does not exist
in infinite supply
Example 2.
It can often take several premises to reach a
❑Premise 1: All monkeys are primates.
❑Premise 2:All primates are mammals.
❑Premise 3: All mammals are vertebrate animals.
✔Monkeys are vertebrate animals.
Another mode of critical analysis is linguistic.
•The meanings of words are analyzed for their clarity
and consistency.
•Linguistic analysis requires a clear definition of words
to avoid ambiguity vagueness and therefore ensures
clarity of claims.
Plato defined man thus: “Man is a two-footed, featherless animal,”
and was much praised for the definition; so Diogenes plucked a
cock and brought it to school, and said “ This is Plato’s man.”

On which account this addition was made to the definition, “With

broad flat nails.”
In getting a better and broader perspective of
something, one has to have the ability to do critical

Through speculation, insights begin and are formed.

Insights become clearer if they are subjected to critical
analysis or evaluation.
1. Epoche- suspend usual ideas
2. Do the reduction proper- look for the essence of ideas

❑ The steps are taken more as “moments”. They are done in relation
to one another.
❑ all about human experience.
✔It taught us to experience and see our world in a much more
profound way.
✔Emotions are one of the biggest factor.
✔If you are doing existential phenomenology, you have to fit in to
your original experience of how it is to feel a strong feeling.
✔Emotions makes us navigate the kind of world that we believe it to
Existential-phenomenology seeks to develop an in-depth,
embodied understanding of human existence. It engages with
and appreciates the wisdom accumulated by the rich traditions
of reflection on the human condition in the social sciences and
humanities. It deepens our understanding of the
experiences and perspectives of others through its focus
upon the meanings that we make in our lives and the choices
that are reflected in our understandings and actions.

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