2024 Final Game Project

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David Catholic Secondary School

ICS 3UI Final Culminating Game Project
Due Date: Tuesday January 23, 2024 @ Midnight

Overall Learning Goals:

The student can:
● develop appropriate algorithms in text or diagram form to solve problems and verify
solutions (input-process-output model)
● use constants, variables, expressions, and assignment statements to store and
manipulate numeric, character, and logical data in programs
● use selection structures, counted and conditional loops, and nested selection
and loop structures
● manipulate numbers and text using built-in subroutines
● write methods that pass parameters and use local and global variables
● incorporate one-dimensional arrays into computer programs
● produce user-friendly input and output forms
● incorporate and maintain internal documentation to a specific set of standards,
including author, date, file name, purpose, and explanatory comments of major
statement groups
● adhere to defined programming style, including naming conventions for variables
and subroutines, indentation, and spacing

The Challenge:
Each student will take on the role of a private software company specialising in edutainment
software. Edutainment is a term used to describe games that educate as well as entertain. Your
goal is to implement as many as possible of the above learning goals into your project! In
addition, make sure to include your game's title and rules.

Project Ideas:
Some possible games may include: Mario, Pacman, Flappy Bird, Pong or your own designed

Written Reflection:
Now that you have created your own edutainment software. Answer the following questions in
full sentences/ paragraphs.
1. What is the purpose of user interface (UI) design in video games?
2. How does edutainment benefit learners?
3. What skills are important for an edutainment software developer?
4. From the Overall Learning Goals stated above describe how you implemented them into
your game design. Give specific examples from your game in your answer.
5. Now that you have reached the end of the semester what has been your favourite thing
you learned and why?

Project Checklist:
● Game ideas and game plan are due by Monday Jan 15, 2024
● Final Culminating Game Project are due by Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
● Final Written Culminating Reflection are due by Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

ICS3U Final Evaluation Rubric Student: ________________________________

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