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Kid, Teen, Tot 1 2022 QUESTIONS


1. What are Duolingo lessons like?
2. What more do you get by paying a Duolingo subscription?
3. What is Duolingo good for, what is it not so good for?
4. What do you learn with Mimo, how can it help your career?
5. What can you achieve with speed reading?
6. What do you get with the official NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration) app?
7. Which separate nations make up the United Kingdom?
8. Why is English language so diverse in its formation and pronunciation?
9. Celebrities: 2 singers, 2 actors, 3 famous bands
10. 6 famous sights of London, describe one
11. 4 National parks, what can you do there?
12. Enumerate 6 symbols of England
13. How many people live in England/ London, immigrants


14. What do you know about Mother Teresa (NPP 1979)?
15. What do you know about Mohandás Karamčand Gándhi (Mahatma Gandhi)?
16. Describe the peace sign:
17. Describe the UN, what does it do? (4 aspects of security)
18. Enumerate four international peace organisations:
19. Describe one Nobel Peace Prize winner:


20. What is a super reserve? (what habitats are there, what will be achieved?)
21. What is an NNR?
22. Enumerate four ways how to make space for nature?
23. What causes the imbalance between space for nature and us?
24. Describe an animal that was brought back from extinction
25. What other animals will change of attitude also help?
26. Enumerate two examples of how we cleaned our mess?

27. Enumerate symbols of Scotland:
28. Enumerate/ describe sights of Scotland
29. People in Scotland, origin, immigrants
30. What is tartan, a kilt, loch, thistle
31. Enumerate some Scottish celebrities

32. Name, nicknames, location, special
33. 3 reasons why NO is in danger of being hit by a hurricane
34. Fun facts about NO
35. Describe two famous districts in NO
Kid, Teen, Tot 1 2022 QUESTIONS

36. Describe the origin of jazz music

37. Describe local food in NO – what is gumbo, what is jambalaya?
38. What would you like to visit in NO and why?


39. Name, nicknames, location, special
40. Fun facts about SLC
41. What can you see in the Natural History Museum of Utah in SLC?
42. Describe the Festival of trees
43. Describe the greatest snow on Earth:
44. What would you like to visit in SLC and why?

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