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The title of the article is «Why is it important to read books?».

The author of the article is unknown.

The article was published on March 23, 2023 in Vinnytsia City Palace of Children
and Youth website.

The main idea of the article is that reading books has many useful benefits for a

The article emphasizes that in today's world, when people spend a lot of time
watching news, social networks and blogs on the Internet, reading books remains
an unrivaled form of activity.

The author of the article quotes expert Jordyn Cormier, who identifies four main
advantages of reading books:

Stimulating thinking and creativity: Reading books can inspire new ideas,
stimulate creativity and improve memory.

Development of intellectual skills: Through reading, a person enriches his

vocabulary, increases the level of understanding of various issues and feels more

Development of social skills: Immersing in book characters and situations, a

person expands his boundaries of understanding and empathy for other people.

Relaxation and stress management: Reading books is a way to relax, unwind and
find psychological comfort in a world that can be busy and stressful.

So, the article focuses on the importance of reading books as a visual source of
knowledge, development and psychological well-being.

I think this is an important topic that highlights the importance of reading in

today's world.

Even now, when people have access to a wealth of information through the
Internet and other media, reading books remains a valuable means of development.

It is important to understand that books can inspire, expand the worldview,

develop thinking and a sense of empathy for other people.

The article provides concrete arguments about the benefits of reading that can
encourage people to engage in this activity.
She emphasizes that reading books is not only a means of entertainment, but also a
tool for self-development and relaxation, which can be useful for everyone.

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