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Name : ______________________________

Year/Class : __________________________
Subject : ____Geography ____
Teacher : Mr. J. Preston

LI 1 : Identify and explain plate tectonic processes Total marks: /50

LI 2 : Identify and explain seismic processes
LI 3 : Identify and explain volcanic processes

Plate Tectonics End of Unit Assessment

Study Sheet
Use the following table to direct your review of the plate tectonics processes studied

Unit of Topic Concepts Learned Page Value on the

Study references Assessment
Structure of the Earth
Why does where (crust, mantle, core) 73-74 6 marks (12%)
2.1.1 you live make a Tectonic plates +
difference? Theory of Plate Tectonics
Oceanic vs Continental Crust
Active vs Dormant vs Extinct
2.1.2 Shield volcanoes 74-75 8 marks (16%)
Types of Volcano
Stratovolcanoes vs
Cinder Cone Volcanoes
4 types of plate
2.1.3 What happens at boundaries 75-76 14 marks (28%)
plate boundaries? (destructive, collision,
constructive, transform)
What do we know Earthquake terminology
2.1.4 about Earthquake Causes 76-79 12 marks (24%)
earthquakes? Earthquake case studies +
Preparing for a
Can people manage Natural Disaster
risks living in
2.1.5 disaster zones?
Earthquake resistant - 6 marks (12%)
Tsunami Protection
Can people manage Why live near volcanoes?
2.1.6 risk living near a Benefits & drawbacks 79-81 4 marks (8%)
volcano? Prediction, planning and

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