Jesuit Studies Final Review Part 1

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Rainwater, SJ Name ____________________

Jesuit Studies AMDG Period _______

Final Exam Review Part 1 – Please type

List the part of Mass (Introductory Rite, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist) & a brief
description of the part.

Penitential Act– Part of Mass: Introductory Rite

Description: Saying that you’re ready to say sorry to God

Gloria– Part of Mass Introductory Rite

Description: Sings hymn to workshop God

The Collect – Part of Mass: Introductory Rite

Description: When people pray in silence for a couple of seconds.

First Reading – Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Word.

Description: Reading the first reading out of the Bible.

Responsorial Psalm– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Word

Description: Singing Alleluia before the Gospel.

Gospel– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Word.

Description: When we read the new testament of the Bible in chapters, Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and John.

Homily– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Word

Description: Priest explains the gospel.

Profession of Faith– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Description: Pray the Nicene Creed.

General Intercessions– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Description: Pray the petitions during the mass.

Eucharist Prayer– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Description: Praying before we receive the Eucharist.

Lord’s Prayer– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Description: Saying the Our Father

Sign of Peace– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Description: Shake hands before communion.

Reception of Communion– Part of Mass: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Description: Going to get communion.

What year and where (city, country) is Ignatius born?

Mr. Rainwater, SJ Name ____________________
Jesuit Studies AMDG Period _______
When: 1491
Where: Azpeitia, Spain
Event/Person Date Event/Person Date
King Henry VIII 1516- Avignon Papacy 1300-1515
Twelve Apostles 5-99 Printing press speeds up publishing 1300-1515
Birth of Papal States 591-1073 Jerusalem falls & Temple destroyed 5-99
Great Schism – Roman 591-1073 Widespread Christian Persecution 100-324
Catholic & Orthodox
Council of Nicaea 325-590 Enlightenment 1780-1965
Pope Benedict XVI 1966- Crusades begin & end 1074-1299
First South American 1966- St. Jerome translates the Bible to 325-590
elected pope 2020 Latin
Martin Luther King, Jr. 1966- 95 Thesis of Martin Luther 1516-1648
Saul of Tarsus/St. Paul 5-99
Constantine legalizes 325-590 Franciscan & Dominican Order 1074-1299
Christianity founded

What is discernment? Name two specific times when discernment would be important.
Definition: Using prayer to look at one’s inferior feelings and desires to better serve God.
Example 1: When you decide whether or not to be honest or to lie

Example 2: When you decide whether or not to marry the woman you love.

What is CONSOLATION? Name at least an example of times when someone could be in

Definition: Sense of whats good/ peace
Example 1: When I play video games I feel happy.

What is DESOLATION? Name at least an example of times when someone could be in

Definition: Sense of uneasiness or restlessness.
Example 1: When you steal or feel guilty.

Describe the Battle of Pamplona – who was fighting, how Ignatius was injured, what was
the result - in three sentences
Ignatius was fighting for the Spanish against the French. He was fighting and he was holding
them off for a little bit then he got hit by a cannonball and broke/ hurt his leg very Bag. They
ended up letting him go for his bravery.

Describe the two different types of daydreams that Ignatius had while he was recovering.
How did he feel after each daydream?
Mr. Rainwater, SJ Name ____________________
Jesuit Studies AMDG Period _______

A. One daydream he was serving God and he felt happy.

B. One daydream he was rich and famous and he felt unsatisfied.
University of Detroit Jesuit started in what year? When did it move to its current location?
Start: 1877
Moved: 1931
What happened beside the Cardoner River that forever changed Ignatius’ perspective?
Answer in two sentences.
He stayed in a cave near the river. God came o him and told Ignatius he’d be favored in Rome.

Who were Ignatius’ roommates while at the University of Paris?

A. St. Francis Xavier
B. Peter Faber

What does AMDG stand for in English & in Latin

Latin: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
English For the Greater Glory of God

Describe in two sentences the mystical experience Ignatius has in a chapel by La Storta.

God came to him at River Cardoner. He said he’d be favored in Rome.

What pope approved the Society of Jesus? What was the date?
Pope: Pope Paul III
Date: September 27th, 1546

What is the original purpose of the Society of Jesus?

To be at the service of the pope.

Where and when does the Society of Jesus open its first school?
Where: Sicily, Italy
When: 1548

Where did Ignatius die? Give the date (month, date, year) he died?
Location: Rome
Death date: July 31st, 1556

What are the two major divisions in Islam? What was their original disagreement over?
1. Shia
2. Sunni
Who would be considered the next leader of Islam.

Why does Jainism focus so much on non-violence?

They believe that all life is sacred and important, all equal.
Mr. Rainwater, SJ Name ____________________
Jesuit Studies AMDG Period _______

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