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Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur

Department of Anatomy
MBBS First Professional PUC Examination, October 2023
Paper - I

Multiple Choice Questions

Duration: 30.00 Mins. Max. Marks: 1 X 20 = 20

 All questions are compulsory.
 Each question has one best response.
 Mark the correct answer on the OMR sheet with black / blue pen.
 Each question carries ONE mark.

1. A patient presents with a loss of abduction and weakness of lateral rotation of arm.
This is due to an injury to a nerve in the fracture of humerus at:
a. Anatomical neck
b. Surgical neck
c. Midshaft
d. Medial epicondyle

2. The safety muscle of the tongue is:

a. Geniohyoid
b. Hyoglossus
c. Genioglossus
d. Styloglossus

3. Urothelium is:
a. Simple cuboidal epithelium
b. Stratified squamous epithelium
c. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
d. Transitional epithelium

4. Which is the critical period of organogenesis in an embryo?

a. 1 – 3 weeks
b. 2 – 3 months
c. 4 – 8 weeks
d. 12 – 16 weeks
5. All the followings are the branches of external carotid artery Except:
a. Superior thyroid artery
b. Inferior thyroid artery
c. Lingual artery
d. Occipital artery

6. Corpus callosum is an example for:

a. Association fibres
b. Commissural fibres
c. Projection fibres
d. Pyramidal fibres

7. The axon of which of the following cell of the retina constitutes optic nerve?
a. Ganglionic cells
b. Bipolar cells
c. Horizontal cells
d. Amacrine cells

8. A patient was scheduled for a cardiac bypass surgery. Preparatory to the

operation, a vein was cannulated in the anatomical snuff box. The vein used for
the cannulation in the patient is:
a. Basilic vein
b. Cephalic vein
c. Median cubital vein
d. Dorsal venous arch

9. Anterior division of mandibular nerve supplies all of the following muscles

a. Temporalis
b. Medial pterygoid
c. Lateral pterygoid
d. Masseter

10. Hassal’s corpuscles are seen in:

a. Thymus
b. Spleen
c. Lymph node
d. Tonsil
11. The neuroglial cells that form myelin sheath in the central nervous system are:
a. Astrocytes
b. Schwann cells
c. Microglial cells
d. Oligodendrocytes

12. A 10 years old girl underwent bilateral tonsillectomy on account of recurrent

tonsillitis. On fourth post-operative day, the ENT surgeon found on examination
that the girl had loss of touch sensations on the posterior one third of the tongue
and there was absence of gag reflex. The nerve damaged in this patient is:
a. Facial nerve
b. Vagus nerve
c. Glossopharyngeal nerve
d. Hypoglossal nerve

13. The visual area in the cerebral cortex is supplied by:

a. Anterior cerebral artery
b. Posterior cerebral artery
c. Middle cerebral artery
d. External carotid artery

14. A 59 year old lady with left sided breast cancer develops swelling of the left
arm following a radical mastectomy. The most probable cause for the same is:
a. Deep vein thrombosis
b. Lymphedema
c. Necrotizing fasciitis
d. Accumulation of fat

15. The part of the long bone that develops from secondary center of ossification is
a. Epiphysis
b. Diaphysis
c. Metaphysis
d. None of the above
16. The human placenta belongs to the following type?
a. Hemoendothelial
b. Endotheliochorial
c. Epitheliochorial
d. Hemochorial

17. Anencephaly occurs due to the failure in closure of:

a. Spinous process
b. Anterior neuropore
c. Posterior neuropore
d. Entire neural tube

18. Ape thumb deformity occurs due to the lesion of:

a. Ulnar nerve
b. Median nerve
c. Radial nerve
d. Axillary nerve

19. A four year old girl is reported to have a considerable conduction deficit in one
year during a routine hearing exam. A CT scan of the tympanic cavity reveals a
complete agenesis of the stapes. Abnormal development of which of the following
structure could lead to these findings:
a. First pharyngeal arch
b. Second pharyngeal arch
c. Third pharyngeal arch
d. Fourth pharyngeal arch

20. Which of the following is not a layer of cerebellar cortex.

a. Granular layer
b. Purkinje cell layer
c. Pyramidal cell layer
d. Molecular layer


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