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Neurocrit Care (2022) 36:164–170


Desmopressin Administration and Impact

on Hypertonic Saline Effectiveness
in Intracranial Hemorrhage
Emily Bowers1* , Eric Shaw2,3, William Bromberg4 and Audrey Johnson1

© 2021 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature and Neurocritical Care Society

Introduction: Desmopressin improves hemostasis through the release of factor VIII, von Willebrand factor, and tis-
sue plasminogen activator, and increases platelet adhesion. Neurocritical Care guidelines recommend consideration
of desmopressin in antiplatelet-associated intracranial hemorrhage. Studies supporting its use have not evaluated
the potential impact of desmopressin on serum sodium levels in patients receiving hypertonic saline therapy. The
purpose of this study was to assess the impact of desmopressin on sodium levels and hypertonic saline effectiveness
in intracranial hemorrhage.
Methods: This was a single center retrospective observational chart review. Patients were included in the desmo-
pressin group if they were diagnosed with intracranial hemorrhage, administered desmopressin, and received
hypertonic saline infusion. Patients in the hypertonic saline alone group were then matched 1:1 to the patients
in the desmopressin group. The primary end point was the effect of desmopressin on reaching a sodium goal of
145–155 mEq/L. The secondary end points included intensive care unit and hospital length of stay, change in sodium,
time to reach sodium goal, thrombotic events, mortality, and a composite of increased cerebral edema, hematoma
expansion, midline shift, herniation, need for neurosurgical intervention, and neurologic decompensation.
Results: Of 112 patients screened, 25 patients met inclusion criteria for the desmopressin group, and 25 patients
were matched with patients in the hypertonic saline alone group. The percentage of patients who reached goal
sodium in the desmopressin group compared with hypertonic saline alone was similar (80% vs. 88%, respectively).
There were no differences in the secondary end points. In the subgroup analysis, patients in the hypertonic saline
group met the predefined sodium goal of 150–155 mEq/L within 48 h more often than those in the desmopressin
group (82% vs. 60%, respectively, p = 0.042).
Conclusions: The use of desmopressin in intracranial hemorrhage does not appear to negatively impact the ability
for patients to reach goal sodium of 145–155 mEq/L. However, in patients with higher sodium goals, desmopressin
may decrease hypertonic saline effectiveness.
Keywords: Intracranial hemorrhage, Antiplatelet, Aspirin, Desmopressin, Hypertonic saline

Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a cerebrovascular
condition associated with a number of adverse neuro-
logic events that lead to long-term morbidity and mor-
*Correspondence: tality. The management strategies used to treat ICH are
Department of Pharmacy, Memorial Health University Medical Center, directed toward reducing these adverse events by mini-
4700 Waters Avenue, Savannah, GA 31404, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article mizing hematoma expansion and limiting cerebral edema

[1, 2]. Antiplatelet and other antithrombotic therapies on serum sodium in patients receiving hypertonic saline
are major contributors to hematoma expansion during infusion therapy. The purpose of this study was to assess
ICH and are associated with poor functional outcomes the impact of desmopressin on serum sodium levels and
and increased mortality. Efforts to reverse these agents hypertonic saline infusion effectiveness in ICH.
and other bleeding disorders contributing to hematoma
expansion remain an important component of initial Methods
therapy [3–5]. Study Design, Setting, Data Sources, Participants, Variables
Desmopressin (DDAVP) is a synthetic analog of vaso- This study was a single center retrospective observational
pressin that improves hemostasis through the release of chart review conducted at a 612-bed level I trauma, aca-
factor VIII, von Willebrand factor, and tissue plasmino- demic medical center. The study was approved by the
gen activator as well as increases platelet adhesion [6]. institutional review board. Data were collected through
DDAVP has historically been used to promote hemosta- the electronic medical record. Patients were identified
sis in multiple bleeding disorders, including von Wille- using International Classification of Diseases, Tenth
brand, uremic bleeding, and thrombocytopenia [7–9]. Revision codes for any ICH (including subarachnoid
More recently, the use of DDAVP has also extended to hemorrhage, subdural hematoma, intraparenchymal
ICH associated with antiplatelet use [10]. The 2016 Neu- hemorrhage, and intraventricular hemorrhage) and
rocritical Care guidelines for “Reversal of Antithrom- medication identification numbers for desmopres-
botics in Intracranial Hemorrhage” recommend the sin and hypertonic saline. All adult patients admitted
consideration of a single dose of desmopressin 0.4 μg/kg to MHUMC between July 1, 2015, through March 31,
in ICH associated with aspirin, adenosine diphosphate 2020, were screened for inclusion. Patients were eligible
receptor inhibitors, ­P2Y12 inhibitors, and uremia to limit for inclusion into the desmopressin plus 3% hypertonic
hematoma expansion [11]. saline infusion group if they were diagnosed with an ICH,
The management of intracranial pressure (ICP) and received desmopressin for antiplatelet reversal, and were
cerebral edema is also a mainstay of therapy for ICH. This administered 3% hypertonic saline infusion within 12 h of
is commonly achieved through the administration of a the DDAVP dose. Patients were excluded if they were less
hypertonic saline (HTS) infusion aimed at raising sodium than 18 years old, pregnant, incarcerated, hyponatremic
levels to 145–155 mEq/L [12]. HTS provides decreases at baseline defined as a serum sodium < 130 mEq/L, brain
in ICP and cerebral edema by causing an osmotic gradi- death was determined within 24 h, or if they received
ent. DDAVP, in addition to its ability to cause hemosta- oral/intranasal desmopressin. Patients in the hypertonic
sis, binds to the ­V2 receptor in the collecting ducts of saline infusion alone group were then matched in a 1:1
the kidney, increases water reabsorption, and is com- fashion to patients in the desmopressin plus hypertonic
monly used to treat hypernatremia. The duration of anti- saline infusion based on age, weight, and sex.
diuretic action of DDAVP is approximately 12 h (with
much smaller doses than used for reversal) and has been Primary End Point
reported to last for up to 24 h [13]. Because of this mech- The primary end point was reaching goal serum sodium
anism of action, DDAVP can cause potential interactions within 145–155 mEq/L, as predetermined by the medi-
that diminish the effect of hypertonic saline when used in cal team, in patients who received DDAVP, compared
conjunction for management of ICH. This could be detri- with patients who did not receive DDAVP in ICH. Serum
mental to the neurologic outcomes in this patient popu- sodium was trended every 6 h for a total of 48 h after the
lation [14]. dose of DDAVP was administered and the start of the
Overall, there are limited data assessing the use of hypertonic saline infusion, as the initial 48 h are critical
desmopressin in ICH. Studies that support the use of for clinically significant cerebral edema. Patients were
DDAVP for hemostasis in ICH did not evaluate hyper- considered to have met goal sodium if they reached the
tonic saline use and change in serum sodium levels with specific predefined sodium goal set by the medical team.
its administration [15–17]. The use of low dose DDAVP
and its effects on serum sodium in traumatic brain injury Secondary End Points
was evaluated in a 2019 study by Harrois and colleagues The secondary end points of this study included a com-
[18]. This study, however, focused on patients with posite of neurologic outcomes including any increase in
hypernatremia associated with diabetes insipidus. They cerebral edema on imaging, worsening hematoma expan-
found that the use of DDAVP did not lead to a significant sion, midline shift, herniation, need for unplanned neu-
decrease in sodium. To our knowledge, there have been rosurgical intervention (defined as emergent ICP monitor
no studies published specifically evaluating high dose placement or emergent decompressive craniotomy), and
DDAVP (0.4 μg/kg) used for reversal in ICH and impact neurologic decompensation (defined as any decrease in

Glasgow Coma Score, need for intubation, or increase infusion (DDAVP + HTS) group. Twenty-five patients
in ICPs above 20 mm Hg). These end points were moni- were then matched to be included in the hypertonic
tored for a total of 5 days after the initial ICH. Addi- saline infusion alone (HTS) group (Fig. 1). Baseline char-
tional secondary end points included intensive care unit acteristics were similar between the two groups (Table 1).
(ICU) length of stay, hospital length of stay, net change in The average age was 65 years, 80% of patients were men,
sodium within 48 h from desmopressin administration, and baseline serum sodium were similar between the
time to goal serum sodium range, thrombotic events, and groups. Type of ICH, location, and volume were similar
mortality. A predefined subgroup analysis was completed between the two groups. The average dose of DDAVP in
for patients who had a goal sodium of 145–150 mEq/L or the DDAVP + HTS group was 31 μg (0.34 μg/kg), and the
150–155 mEq/L, as specified by the medical team. These average time to initiation of HTS infusion from DDAVP
subgroups were investigated to evaluate if patients who administration was 4 h. There were no significant differ-
had higher sodium goals set by the medical team were ences between the two groups regarding net fluid balance
more impacted by DDAVP administration. over 48 h after desmopressin administration, as well as
normal saline and dextrose 5% in water use. HTS infu-
Statistics sion rates were similar between the two groups. The
Data were analyzed by the Memorial Health University mean HTS infusion rate in the DDAVP + HTS group was
Medical Center research team and statistician using sta- 37 mL/h (± 14), compared with the HTS alone group
tistical software SPSS (Released 2016. IBM SPSS Statistics at 47 mL/h (± 10), p = 0.13. Anticoagulant use was also
for Windows, version 24.0; IBM Corporation, Armonk, reported, and there were no major differences in use
NY). Categorical variables were summarized using fre- between the two groups. All anticoagulants were appro-
quencies and percentages, whereas descriptive statistics priately reversed in our study population. The use of con-
for continuous variables included mean, median, stand- comitant agents effecting sodium was also evaluated, and
ard deviation, and minimum and maximum values. For there were no significant differences between the two
the primary and secondary outcomes, comparative analy- groups.
ses were performed using the t-test and Fischer’s exact
test as appropriate (depending on the type of variable Primary and Secondary Outcomes
and normality of the data). All inferential statistical tests The primary outcome reaching goal sodium within
were two-tailed and used a tolerance for nominal type 1 145–155 mEq/L was achieved in 80% of patients in the
error (α) of 0.05. p values produced by descriptive statis- DDAVP + HTS group, compared with 88% in the HTS
tics for all measured variables were reported. Significance alone group (p = 0.7) (Table 2). The secondary outcomes
was set at a p value less than 0.05. The sample size was a are displayed in Table 4. There were no major differ-
convenience sample. ences between the two groups in time to goal sodium,
net change in sodium, ICU length of stay, hospital length
Results of stay, thrombotic events, or mortality (Table 3). For
Patient Demographics the composite outcome, there were no major differences
There was a total of 112 patients screened, and 25 patients between the two groups (Table 4). When looking at the
were included in the desmopressin plus hypertonic saline individual components of the composite outcome, the

25 paents
112 paents 87 paents met
included in DDAVP Exclusions
screened exclusions criteria
+ HTS group 50: DDAVP for DI not ICH
23: No HTS administered
8: HTS administered > 12
hrs from DDAVP dose
6: Brain death within 24
25 paents hours
matched in HTS

Definions: DDAVP = desmopressin, HTS = hypertonic saline infusion, DI = diabetes insipidus,

ICH = intracranial hemorrhage
Fig. 1 Patient inclusion and exclusion. DDAVP, desmopressin, DI, diabetes insipidus, HTS, hypertonic saline infusion, ICH, intracranial hemorrhage

Table 1 Baseline demographics Table 3 Secondary outcomes

DDAVP + HTS HTS alone (n = 25) p value DDAVP + HTS HTS alone (n = 25) p value
(n = 25) (n = 25)

Age (year) 65 (10) 65 (11) 1 Time to goal Na (h) 19.7 (12) 17.5 (10) 0.52
Weight (kg) 88 (20) 91.7 (18) 0.5 Net change in Na 12 (6) 12 (5) 1
Male sex, n (%) 20 (80) 20 (80) 1 (mEq/L)
Baseline serum Na, 138 (3.2) 139 (4) 0.33 ICU (d) 8 (6) 10 (7) 0.28
(mEq/L) Hospital (d) 15 (12) 14 (9) 0.74
DDAVP (μg) 31 (9) – – Mortality 12 (48) 10 (44) 0.78
DDAVP (μg/kg) 0.34 (0.05) – – Thrombotic events 0 (0) 2 (8) 0.49
Net fluid balance (L) 4.5 (1.9) 4.1 (1.6) 0.42 All values presented as n%
HTS infusion (mL/h) 37 (14) 43 (10) 0.13 There were no major differences between the two groups in time to goal
HTS boluses 4 (3) 5 (3) 0.24 sodium, net change in sodium, ICU length of stay, hospital length of stay,
mortality, or thrombotic events
Baseline GCS 10 (4.3) 10 (4.1) 1
DDAVP desmopressin, HTS hypertonic saline infusion, ICU intensive care unit, Na
Na goal, n (%) (mEq/L) sodium
145–155 10 (40) 5 (20) 0.22
145–150 5 (20) 3 (12) 0.70
150–155 10 (40) 17 (68) 0.09 need for neurosurgical intervention was lower in the
Anticoagulant use, n (%) HTS alone group at 10% of patients, compared with the
Rivaroxaban 1 (4) 2 (8) 1 DDAVP + HTS group at 33%; however, this was not sta-
Apixaban 1 (4) 1 (4) 1 tistically significant (p = 0.2). The net change in sodium
Warfarin 1 (4) 1 (4) 1 between the two groups is displayed in Fig. 2. Although
Type of ICH, n (%) not statistically significant, patients in the HTS alone
SAH 5 (20) 4 (16) 0.42 group were able to consistently maintain higher sodium
SDH 4 (16) 2 (8) 0.67 levels throughout the 48 h serum sodium was trended.
IPH 8 (32) 12 (48) 0.39
IVH 1 (4) 0 (0) 1
Subgroup Analysis
Combined 7 (28) 7 (28) 1
In the subgroup analysis of patients with a goal sodium
Concomitant medications effecting Na, n (%)
of 145–150 mEq/L, no difference was found in the abil-
0.9% sodium chloride 20 (80) 17 (70) 0.52
ity to meet the goal or net change in sodium between
Dextrose 5% in water 9 (40) 7 (30) 0.76
the two groups (Table 5). However, there was a trend
SSRIs 1 (4) 1 (4) 1
toward patients in the HTS alone group reaching their
Furosemide 2 (8) 3 (12) 1
sodium goal faster at 18 h, compared with 32 h in the
Thiazides 0 (0) 1 (4) 1
DDAVP + HTS group (p = 0.2).
All values presented as mean (± SD), unless otherwise noted In the subgroup analysis of patients with a goal sodium
DDAVP desmopressin, GSC Glasgow Coma Score, HTS hypertonic saline infusion, of 150–155 mEq/L, there was a significant difference
IPH intraparenchymal hemorrhage, IVH intraventricular hemorrhage ,
Na sodium, SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage, SD standard deviation, in patients who reached goal sodium in the HTS alone
SDH subdural hematoma, SSRIs selectiveserotoninreuptake inhibitors group at 82%, compared with the DDAVP + HTS group
at 60% (p = 0.042) (Table 6). No difference was found in
time to goal sodium or net change in sodium.

Table 2 Primary outcome In this retrospective study, we aimed to evaluate the
impact of desmopressin administration on serum
DDAVP + HTS HTS alone (n = 25) p value
(n = 25) sodium levels and hypertonic saline infusion effective-
ness in ICH. Moreover, we aimed to assess this impact
Sodium 145–155 20 (80) 22 (88) 0.7 in relation to not only serum sodium levels but impor-
tant patient-centered clinical outcomes, including
All values presented as n (%)
neurologic deterioration and need for emergent inter-
The primary outcome of reaching a sodium of 145–155 mEq/mL was achieved in
88% of patients in the HTS alone group, compared with only 80% of patients in
ventions. We found that desmopressin administration
the DDAVP + HTS group did not significantly impact the ability for patients to
DDAVP desmopressin, HTS hypertonic saline infusion reach goal sodium of 145–155 mEq/L. However, there

Table 4 Composite secondary outcome

DDAVP + HTS (n = 25) HTS alone (n = 25) p value

Total, n (%) 18 (60) 20 (76) 0.74

Hematoma expansion 4 (26) 4 (21) 1
Cerebral edema 4 (26) 7 (36) 0.7
Midline shift 8 (32) 8 (32) 1
Herniation 2 (8) 2 (8) 1
Emergent neurosurgical intervention 5 (33) 2 (10) 0.2
  EVD 3 (20) 1 (5) 0.3
  Craniotomy 2 (13) 1 (5) 0.6
Neurologic decompensation 8 (53) 9 (47) 1
  Decreased GCS 5 (33) 7 (36) 0.8
  Increased ICP 3 (20) 2 (19) 0.6
All values presented as mean (± SD), unless otherwise noted
The composite of neurologic outcomes were defined as follows: any increase in cerebral edema on imaging, worsening hematoma expansion, midline shift,
herniation, need for emergent neurosurgical intervention (defined as emergent ICP monitor placement or emergent decompressive craniotomy), and neurologic
decompensation (defined as any decrease GCS, need for intubation, or increase in ICPs above 20 mm Hg)
There was a total of 18 patients in the DDAVP + HTS group that met the composite secondary outcome compared with 20 patients in the HTS alone group. When
looking at the individual components of the composite outcome, the need for neurosurgical intervention was lower in the HTS alone group at 10% of patients,
compared with the DDAVP + HTS group at 33%; however, this was not statistically significant (p = 0.2)
DDAVP desmopressin, EVD external ventricular drain, GCS Glasgow Coma Score, HTS hypertonic saline infusion, ICP intracranial pressure, SD standard deviation



Sodium, mEq/L

150 HTS alone




6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Time, hours
Fig. 2 Net change in serum sodium over time. The net change in sodium between the two groups is displayed in Fig. 2. Although not statisti-
cally significant, it is demonstrated that patients in the HTS alone group (dotted blue line) were able to consistently maintain higher sodium levels
throughout the 48 h serum sodium was trended. DDAVP, desmopressin, HTS, hypertonic saline infusion

was a trend toward greater need for neurosurgical a larger sample size is needed to appropriately address
intervention in the DDAVP + HTS group (10% vs. 33%, this comparison. It is also important to note there was a
p = 0.2). This result was not statistically significant, and trend toward patients in the HTS alone group reaching

Table 5 Subgroup analysis for goal sodium 145– to treat patients at risk for herniation in the setting of
150 mEq/L ICH; however, this patient population has not been eval-
DDAVP + HTS HTS alone (n = 3) p value uated in the current available desmopressin studies.
(n = 5) In one particular study evaluating high dose DDAVP
(0.4 μg/kg) use in ICH associated with known aspirin
Met goal sodium 3 (60) 3 (100) 0.46
145–150, n (%) (mEq/L) use or reduced platelet activity, DDAVP improved meas-
Time to goal Na (h) 32 (12) 18 (14) 0.2 ures of platelet activity, increased von Willebrand factor,
Net change in Na (mEq/L) 8 (4.4) 8 (3.8) 1 and decreased hematoma volume. This study reported a
mean serum sodium change from baseline to follow-up
All values presented as mean (± SD), unless otherwise noted
at 12 to 24 h of 0.6 mEq/L; however, they did not assess
In the subgroup analysis of patients with a goal sodium of 145–150 mEq/L
(defined by medical team), no difference was found in the ability to meet goal this outcome in patients requiring HTS therapy [20]. In
or net change in sodium between the two groups. However, patients in the HTS contrast, our study sought out to establish this relation-
alone group did reach goal sodium faster at 18 h, compared with 32 h in the
DDAVP + HTS group ship and assess the impact of impeding HTS therapy.
DDAVP desmopressin, HTS hypertonic saline infusion, Na sodium, SD standard We found that the average change in serum sodium was
deviation 12 mEq/L in both groups, which is much higher than
the previous study mentioned but was expected because
patients were receiving HTS infusions. Although our
Table 6 Subgroup analysis for goal sodium 150– study did not find a significant difference in our primary
155 mEq/L outcome, we were able to find an association of DDAVP
DDAVP + HTS HTS alone (n = 17) p value hindering HTS therapy effectiveness in patients who had
(n = 10) higher sodium goals.
Met goal sodium 6 (60) 14 (82) 0.042 Another study published by Feldman and colleagues
150–155, n (%) (mEq/L) [19] examined high dose DDAVP (average dose 0.34 μg/
Time to goal Na (h) 28 (12) 23 (14) 0.33 kg) effectiveness and safety in antiplatelet-associated
Net change in Na 15 (2) 12 (5) 0.08 intracranial hemorrhage. The safety outcomes evaluated
(mEq/L) were the largest absolute decrease from baseline serum
All values presented as mean (± SD), unless otherwise noted sodium during the first 3 days of therapy and throm-
In the subgroup analysis of patients with a goal sodium of 150–155 mEq/L botic events. They found that DDAVP administration
(as defined by medical team), there was a significant difference in patients
who reached goal sodium in the HTS alone group at 82%, compared with the did not significantly affect serum sodium and throm-
DDAVP + HTS group at 60%. No difference was found in time to goal sodium or botic events, with the largest decrease in serum sodium
net change in sodium
being 0.0 mEq/L (interquartile range 0.0–5.0 mEq/L).
DDAVP desmopressin, HTS hypertonic saline infusion, Na sodium, SD standard
This study did report HTS use in 35.2% of patients who
received DDAVP [19]. Unlike our study, they did not
report HTS therapy goal sodium levels or assess DDAVP’s
goal sodium faster at 18 h, compared with 32 h in the direct impact on achieving higher sodium goals.
DDAVP + HTS group (p = 0.2). Even though this result Our findings imply that, overall, high dose DDAVP was
was not statistically significant, it is still clinically sig- safe to use with HTS infusions and did not affect reach-
nificant, as it could delay the benefit of HTS therapy. ing general sodium goals of 145–155 mEq/L. However,
Finally, in the subgroup analysis of patients with a in patients who receive DDAVP and require HTS ther-
higher sodium goal (150–155 mEq/L), there was a sig- apy with a higher sodium goal, clinicians could consider
nificant difference in patients who reached goal sodium increasing HTS infusion rates and decreasing adjunctive
in the HTS alone group at 82%, compared with the intravenous fluids.
DDAVP + HTS group at 60% (p = 0.042). This suggests Our study has several strengths. The study was the
that DDAVP administration does impact HTS therapy first to this date to look directly at desmopressin use for
effectiveness and the need for more aggressive meas- reversal in ICH and impact on HTS infusion therapy. It
ures to raise sodium in this specific patient population. assessed clinically relevant data on important outcomes,
DDAVP administration in ICH has been evaluated in such as hematoma expansion, cerebral edema, and neu-
several studies and is recommended to be considered rologic deterioration. Finally, the results do have clinical
for reversal in current guidelines [15–17, 19]. Although implications.
the use of DDAVP in this setting has been validated, the There were several limitations to this study. The study
effects on serum sodium has not been thoroughly evalu- design was retrospective in nature and there was a small
ated. HTS therapy to attain higher sodium levels is a sample size, which could limit the external validity and
mainstay of therapy for cerebral edema and is often used generalizability of the results. Though treatment arms

were matched by demographics and clinical presentation, Received: 3 August 2020 Accepted: 11 May 2021
Published online: 7 July 2021
there was potential for selection bias because this method
may have failed to capture all clinical parameters that a
truly randomized allocation might. Concomitant fluid
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provided as a supplemental material. pressin effectiveness and safety in patients with antiplatelet-associated
intracranial hemorrhage. Crit Care Med. 2019;47(12):1759–65.
20. Naidech AM, Maas MB, Levasseur-franklin KE, et al. Desmopressin
Publisher’s Note improves platelet activity in acute intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke.
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