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Capstone School Dhaka

Bangladesh Studies(Class 4)

Selected Q/A from chapter 4(The rights of Citizens)

Social Rights


Q) How do you show responsibility to your country ?

Ans: As a responsible citizen of a country ,we must practise all the fundamental
rights( social,political,economic).Besides having the right live,right to practise religion,right to get
educated,right to move around freely;we should also abide by all the laws and orders of the country
and protect the country from corruption.

Q) How will the government ensure the security of each citizen ?

Ans: Security is one of the basic human rights of a citizen like food,clothing,home,healthcare etc .To
make sure that human rights are safeguarded ,government must promote transperancy and
accountability within judicial system and necessary measures should be taken against discrimination or
abuse so that citizens can practise their rights to live,practise own religion,practise own language and
culture,move freely within the country.

Fill in the blanks

1) We enjoy mainly ____ kinds of rights.

2) Right to live is ________of all rights.
3) It is fundamental right of a citizen to speak in ____________.
4) Every citizen should be __________for the development of the state.

Political Rights
Q) What is election?
Ans: Election is a process in which every citizen has a right to vote from the age 18 and above.Citizens
can participate in elections at the age of 25 .

Q) Who are eligible for voting ?

Ans: Citizens who are 18 years old and above,eligible to vote in Bangladesh.

Q) When does election take place?

Ans: In Bangladesh,general elections usually take place every five years.

Political rights and examples : (start each sentence with your point of view-‘My family can……’)

Rights Example

The right to take part in elections I can vote when I’m 18

The right to freedom of expressions Labourers earn wages for their services.

The right to equality in the eyes of law I have the right to seek legal protection if face any
sort discrimination regarding religion,race,gender
The right to receive security I can move freely within the country because
government provides security .
The right to individual freedom I have the right to do whatever I want as long as it
doesn’t make any harm to anyone.

Economic Rights

Q) Why it’s important to work ?

Ans: It’s important to work as every citizen has the right to earn from employment,business and other

Q) What does a fair wage mean?

Ans: Fair payment from an employer that is just and equitable for the labour,work or services by an
employee is known as fair wage.

Q) Why do we need vacation and work holiday ?

Ans: Because every citizen has the right to get some time-off,enjoy vacation and leave wherever they

Selected Q/A from chapter 5 (Values and Behaviour)

Fill in the blanks
1)_____________are core human qualities.
2)_______________make a better society.
3)Our thinking and ____________are guided by __________.
4)We learn __________from our __________,our _________ and our _______.

Q)Write some examples of good things you can do at home .

Ans: At home,we should be respectable to older people and look after who are younger than us. We
should behave well and abide by rules. We can help our parents by doing small tasks like:keeping the
room tidy,smoothing bedding and pillows in the right place etc. We should possess good values like
honesty,discipline,sense of justice,politeness to be respected by others.

Q)Give examples for good behaviour for each of the mentioned values.
Honesty—Always telling the truth is important so people can trust each other.
Sense of Justice—We should behave fair with our friends.
Discipline--- We must behave well and abide by rules.
Politeness----Always saying ‘Thank You’ and ‘Please’ is the best example of politeness.Everyone loves to
be appreciated and this way we can be respected by each other.

Selected Q/A from chapter 6 (Tolerance)

1)________ is a major social quality.
2)We all must have_________.
3)Different people may have different views of particular issue.However ,we can follow the opinions of
majority.This is what we call ____________.

Q)What is democracy?
Ans: Different people may have different views of particular issue.However ,we can follow the opinions
of majority.This is what we call democracy.There are 3 stages to this process:expressing

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