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Equipped Title: Gun Jesus [1/10th chance crafted weapons are of Legendary quality] Titles

Perk points- 0 The Gamer [No Benefits]

Attribute points- 0 Mr Clean [Increase Cleaning skill gains]
Exp- 440/4000 Biggus Dickus [No Benefits]
Stats: Body- 35 The Boogeyman [Increases Reflex and Cool skill gain]
Level- 3 Reflex- 35 The Sex Guru [Increases Sex skil gain]
Tech- 35 The Recycler [%50 Increase in Scrapping gains]
Int- 35 The Butcher [Blade skill gains %50]
Cool- 35 Gun Jesus [1/10th chance crafted weapons are of Legendary quality]
General Sexual Body Reflex Intelligence Cool Tech
Academia [MAXED] Sex [MAXED] Athletics [MAXED] Handguns [MAXED] Breach Protocol 50 [500/5000] Ninjutsu 50 [700/5000] Engineering [MAXED]
Driving [MAXED] Oral [MAXED] Annihilation 50 [500/5000] Assault [MAXED] Quickhacks 50 [60/5000] Cold Blooded 50 [300/5000] Crafting [MAXED]
Accounting [MAXED] Kissing [MAXED] Street Brawling [MAXED] Blades 30 [0/3000] Diagnose [0/100] Assassination 15 [[0/1500] Prototyping [MAXED]
Cleaning [MAXED] Massage [MAXED] Stoic Assassin [MAXED]
Chiroparctic [MAXED] Aftercare [MAXED]
Culinary skill [MAXED]
Quick Learner- You're a smart cookie, you're no genius by any stretch but you can figure things out with some effort. The rate you learn skills is doubled compared to the average gonk.
Cyberware Affinity- Whether due to genetics or your health you have an affinity for Cyberware that is not commonly seen. However don't get it in your head you're special, too much chrome is still bad for you!
Iron Will- You're a punk, at the bottom of the ladder, and in the eyes of the Corpos you're a waste of flesh, chrome, and oxygen. Increases tolerance for Cyberware and gives a flat %25 resistance to succumbing to Cyberpsychosis and a %75 chance of coming back if you do go psycho! But don't go psycho you gonk!
Sorta Psycho- You can't just come back to life after dying the way you did, and not be carrying some baggage. Going Cyberpsycho left its mark on you, now violence and death doesn't phase you… if you don't know the person getting zeroed. Gives Cold Blood five (5) free levels.
Sexual Affinity- So, you're wanting to get your dick and/or slot plugged huh? But you don't want to leave your girl (or guy) disappointed? Well this is the perk for you! This perk will unlock the Sexual skills early and from there all you need to do is grind! However further skills like giving sensual massages or oral sex is entire up to you to learn!
Giant Dick and Little Holes- Normally being a well-endowed freak of nature isn't a good thing, yeah you've got a dick that makes Pornstarted both green with envy and makes women terrified for their soon-to-be ruined lady parts. But with this those worries are a thing of the past! You now emit a passive field that fucks with physics, though only as long as your intimate with someone. So now you can stuff the most undersized holes and the receiver of your bitch breaker will never feel anything remotely
Ambidextrous- Now instead of having a single dominant hand you can use either hand with the same capability! What? Did you expect something witty or snarky? It does what it says on the tin, choom.
Scrapper [3/3]- Now you automatically scrap all junk that appears in your Inventory as long as you don't want to look through it first. Now you can tag items you want to auto scrap so you don’t have to manually scrap. Now valuable junk items are not auto scrapped
Mechanic- Something of a sister to the Scrapper perk, ensures everything you scrap you get back %50 more components than you would normally.
Bad Luck [Cars/Trunks]- You can’t drive gonk, well. Not things with more than three wheels. Maybe you should try something with less than four wheels choom? Like a bike or something?
Netrunner affinity- Either because you found yourself a teacher, you decided to dabble, or you cheated and got a perk you’ve found yourself with an affinity for Netrunning. That’s all, what? Not all perks come with benefits! So take it as a lesson ya gonk and actually read the descriptions!
Sandetsivan Savant- You are built differently, but the one thing above all other chrome you took to was the military-grade Sadetsivan that replaced your spine. You could say you were always meant to use this fine piece of tech! And what better way to show your mastery of the Sandetsivan with a perk! Once at any time you can overclock your Sandetsivan to an insane degree, so much so is seems as if the world has come to a complete standstill, even Ad
Field Scrapper [2/2]- Sort of the Older Brother of Scrapper. Allows you to scrap things in the field that are too big for you to put into your Inventory. Such as AVs, bots, trashed turrets, other vehicles, large piles of debris, and so on. Doesn’t however scrap biological material. Increases the yeild of scrap by %15.
Waste Disposal [2/2]- The perfect perk when you’ve got a pile of bodies that you need gone! Allow the Scrap mechanic to work on biological materials no matter how much chrome a gonk has on them! Renders organics into bio-sludge that can be used in the creation of Bioware. Any Cyberware is stored away in the Inventory. Increases yeild by %15.
Wild West- You have become One with your handguns, removing any pentalties for long distance shooting.
Long Shot- Why not just reach out and touch some one? Rifles hit harder the more distince between you and your target.
Waste Not, Want Not- Normally when you install mods there's no take backs, now if you scrap them you can take mods back!
Superconductor- Fuck the wall you're hiding behind, fuck your armor, and fuck you particularly!
Compression- Reduces the lengths of the sequences required to upload daemons by 1. Cannot be reduced below 2.
Bartmoss Legacy [achevied for reaching 50 in Breach Protocall and Quick hacking]- "So you think you can code, prove it!" This perk allows the user to decompile RABIDS, and even write lesser RABIDS of their own. All deployed Lesser RABIDS have a deployment life of 10-seconds maximum, with random effects, with a 30-second cooldown.
Machine Intergration- The line between man and machine starts to blur and fade away, your cybernetics start feeling more natural than they use to. You're starting to wonder where you begin and the machine ends.
Mad Scientist- What is a box and why would I think inside of it? You approach problems from a different angle and tend to find unorthadox methods to resolve problems. Unlocks the Prototyping skill.
Stoic Assassin- An apology and a gift from System Adminitrator Lucy. You are stone cold, you don't give away your thoughts or tells, and when the time to kill comes no amount of bribery or begging will break through!
Mother’s Love- Mother is the Name of God, on the Lips and Hearts of Children. Your mother loved you more than you will ever know, she would’ve gladly died to keep you safe. And even in death she still loves you. Possessors of this perk have a rechargeable ‘Get Out Of Jail’ card of sorts, however, on the downside, the park takes a year to fully recharge so don’t get big-headed!

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