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1. What does “personal power” mean to me?

Personal power to me, is in absolute congruence with the surroundings.

2. As a child what was I taught about power and autonomy?
Study makes you a Powerful and Achieving individual.
3. In what areas of my life do I feel disempowered? Why?
I feel disempowered around certain and numerous strangers, as I cannot speak
my precise mind to them because, I am unable to be thoughtful for the most part
because I feel it would be too much truth for them and they might retaliate and
create havoc and most importantly they do not consider me a family, as I often
do from my part.
4. Define who you are in ten words or less.
Emotional being with resilience and surprisingly enduring mind.
5. What makes you feel “weak” in life? Why?
Not able to defend what feels right to me makes me feel that way. That’s all.
6. Explore areas of life where you carry a victim mentality.
Victim mentality would be around my upbringing as it had a huge potential to
shape me up a warrior like individual, like I need to be. Only if they could have
understood the weak and curious eyes I had. They mistook it as dumb.
7. Explore ways you can individuate more.
That’s easy, I have that sort of energy only, but more would be, me speaking my
mind from a powerful and righteous position in which I can say things and they
would have to respect it either out of courtesy or something else.
8. List three ways you can strengthen your self-worth.
By being closer to what they call “Atman”. I guess. That would be all.

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