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1st House: Virgo with MOON

Physical body is quite sensitive and neat, attitude towards everything is very healing
and caretaking. Doesn’t not talk much, yet emotionally intelligent. Aspect of Rahu
which is conjoined with various planets makes things tricky and challenging mentally,
yet planet being strong here makes things alright. Food shouldn’t be a problem for him
and so would not be mothers love.
2nd House: Libra
Resources can be derived from having partnership from people and having justice and
peace loving mind set. Face would be quite Venusian like so should be their voice, but
conjunction of Venus with Mars makes these traits intense and fun.
3rd House: Scorpio with KETU
Speech is likely to be kept discrete by him until necessary and courage is intense and
known to people once they get to see their anger, Ketu being present here makes their
speech go all over the place and makes the individual fearless speaker, and have that
fearless courage in him. Mars being VG and aspecting this house by 7th aspect makes
their writing and speech special for potential partners. Little to no short travels and
have private friends.
*4th House: Sagittarius
Home environment should have prominent spiritual space since the zodiac’s lord is
having 7th aspect on it, Person can derive mental peace from spiritual practices and
personal shall acquire vast property and should consume satvik food only.
5th House: Capricorn
His work ranks shall be of person doing service with hard work mentality, their
creativity will be quite unorthodox so should be their expression. Mysterious place in
the chart.
*6th House: Aquarius
Person should complete their chores smartly and shall deal with the enemies in a
cunning way. Their debt, disease and enemy would be quite deceiving.
7th House: Pisces
Longs for a partnership where there should be fun alongside with an ideal self-
sacrificing angel like person, Should do a charitable business and Marriage would be
fun for him.
8th House: Aries with SUN
Will have quick fiery transformation throughout their life that shall change them at
their core, will be possessive over their ancestral property. Person will be fond of
aggressive sexual pleasure. These aspects of person’s life will be significant through
their life as it will shape their ego since the SUN is in the House as well.
THIS HOUSE is going to play major role in person’s life, patience is going to be key of
success in the individual’s life regarding spirituality, Mercury which represents the
individual itself, Rahu which represents enemies and diseases, Saturn which holds the
significant place in individual’s chart along with Venus and Mars representing his Fiery
attitude shall get shaped up the god itself, Surrender is the key.
10th House: Gemini with JUPITER
Career and Ultimate means of finance shall be governed by the individual itself, since
the ascendant lord and 10th lord are the same. Career should resemble spontaneous
communication skills regarding Wisdom and Spirituality.
11th House: Cancer
Gains shall be acquired by being loyal and making home like scene in regards to
12th House: Leo
Oneness shall be acquired by undoing the ego and self-serving attitude.

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