The Billionaires Regret The Blank Check by Jeannette Winters

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An original work of Jeannette Winters, 2019.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the
writer’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, events, business establishments or
locales is entirely coincidental.

This book is dedicated to my all my family and friends. I am blessed to be

surrounded by such wonderful supportive people. I love you all.

And also thank you to Jade Webb at for

another amazing cover!

And to my readers. You continue to challenge me and I love it. Please keep
those emails coming!

Jeannette Winters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Also by Jeannette Winters
By Jeannette Winters & Lena Lane
Jeannette Winters
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Author Jeannette Winters
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Seth Lawson spent long hours monitoring the direction Lawson Steel was
taking. It was consuming all his time, and he wasn’t sure he liked where
they were headed. There was only one way to stay ahead of the competition
and that was to crush them. The only problem? They were now family. That
changed everything.

Charlene Kittredge is quick witted, which at times made it hard for others to
take her seriously. When the chance of a lifetime lands in her lap she’s
going to do anything she needs to prove she is the right candidate for the
job, even if it means adding a little fluff on her resume.

When Seth learns who his brothers hired as the new PR person for Lawson
Steel, he almost quit on the spot. Had they all lost their minds? Charlene
definitely could talk, but representing their company was another story.
Seth opts to work closely with Charlene, to avoid doing damage control

Can Seth step out of his own way long enough to see who Charlene really
is, or will he be left with nothing but regret for pushing the only woman he
ever loved away?

Charlene Kittredge needed this time away, just not for the same reason her
best friend Sofia Lawson did. Sofia loved being a wife and new mother, but
a long walk on the beach, uninterrupted, was hard to come by. It seemed
like Sofia spent the first hour just talking about her little girl Liliana.
Charlene was so happy, and slightly jealous, for her friend. She’s living a
real life fairy tale. I’m happy for her. Really I am.
She continued to remind herself the entire way. But Charlene was torn
up inside. For years she’d been chasing after Salvatore Marciano, but he
never even noticed her, at least not in the way she wanted. He was perfect in
just about every way. And what was Charlene stuck doing? Not sitting back
and watching Sal fall in love, but actually helping Rori snag her Prince
Charming too. And Rori was just the sweetest person. Who wouldn’t want
to see her happy too? Obviously I did.
At this rate, maybe I should consider becoming a matchmaker, because
I’m two for two. It wasn’t the first time she’d thought about it. Heck,
Charlene even knew what she’d call it too. Prince Charms in Your Arms. It
sounded corny, but it was catchy. The only issue she could foresee was her
own lack of personal experience in finding her own prince.
Prince Charming. Ha! Most of the guys she’d dated over the years were
all toads, and some even worse. She hadn’t even fully recovered from the
last guy she’d dated more than a year ago. That slimy, lying piece of crap
had tried to take advantage of her. Thankfully, she was a quick thinker and
got away. And thank God I have Sofia as my best friend. One who would
drive anywhere to save me.
But that was the problem, she didn’t want people thinking she needed
saving. Charlene had a good head on her shoulders, at least she thought so.
Yes she’d made some poor choices in life, mostly when it came to men.
Who hadn’t? They were sweet talkers and she fell for their bullshit. It was
like Charlene wore the wrong pheromone, one that only attracted losers.
Maybe I need to read the labels for the one that says, attracts decent guys.
Ones that don’t still live with their mamas at thirty-five.
Charlene giggled and Sofia asked, “Are you even listening to me?”
“Yes I am. You were talking about Liliana,” she stated.
Sofia snorted. “I bet you can’t tell me what I said.” Charlene had no
idea. “Exactly! I thought you were a million miles away. So maybe it’s time
for me to listen for a while. Want to tell me what’s on your mind?”
What better time than now to bounce ideas off her BFF? She tried to
determine where to start. Was it her long list of dumb ideas, or the fact she
was lonely and missed spending time with her friend? As they walked
Sunset Beach Charlene decided to combine them both. “Sofia, I know I’ve
done some stupid shit over the years, but I’ve changed.”
“We all have,” Sofia answered.
Yeah? I can’t recall any of yours. Charlene didn’t want to compete with
Sofia. She seemed to be perfect in every way, at least right now. “Well my
mistakes seem to be following me.” Sofia stopped and turned around.
Charlene rolled her eyes. “Not literally.” At least not that I know of.
“Good, because I was about to pull out my pepper spray.”
“You still carrying that thing?” Charlene had gotten her one that looked
like a lipstick years ago. Of course Sofia never seemed to be in a situation
which she’d need it. “I’d have thought Dylan would’ve had bodyguards
following you everywhere.”
“If he ever suggested it, he’d be the one who’d need protection. That is
not the life I want to lead,” Sofia said firmly. “But then again, with Sal
heading up security at Lawson Steel now, it might give me time with my
brother. It seems like I don’t see him much anymore. Well not since I had…
hey, we were supposed to be talking about you.”
I’m trying. “Guess I’m not the only chatterbox anymore.”
“I know. I’m always whispering so I don’t wake the baby, but being out
on the beach, even when we’re freezing our butts off, is refreshing. But I
promise, I’m all ears now. What were we talking about?”
Me being a fuck up. “My life.”
“Ah yes. That’s right. You were telling me that you made a mistake. A
new one or are we talking about something in the past?”
That wasn’t helping at all. “Is it really that long of a list?” Charlene
asked, half filled with panic.
“Well there was the time you left the milk out overnight and we had to
toss it. And then you used the last of the coffee creamer and didn’t tell me.
Oh there was also…”
Charlene jumped in to stop her friend from going over the long list of
her screw ups. “I get it. I’m…”
“Over thinking stuff like usual. Charlene, what has you worried?”
“That I’m stagnant. It seems like everyone we went to school with
either has a family or a career. I have…neither,” she sadly admitted.
“You’re twenty-seven, not one-hundred.”
“In case you don’t recall, I’m a few months older than you,” Charlene
stated. And look at you.
“Don’t worry. I know. Your birthday is next week. Thank you for the
subtle reminder,” she teased.
“Good. Then I know exactly what I want for my birthday,” Charlene
“A husband?” Sofia chuckled.
“A job,” she replied flatly.
Sofia looked at her puzzled. “I thought you had one. Don’t tell me they
let you go.”
“No. But it is a dead end job. I want someplace that I can grow. A place
that they will take me seriously.”
“I’ll talk to Dylan. They are always hiring. The place is booming with
“I don’t know anything about building skyscrapers,” Charlene stated
“Obviously your sense of humor is still intact.”
“It better be. I’ve needed it lately. Seems like the universe is laughing at
me every chance it gets.”
“Well then I agree with you. It’s time for a change. When I get back I’ll
ask Dylan to give you a job.”
Charlene stopped dead in her tracks. “No. I don’t want anyone giving
me anything.” Then she felt horrible about snapping at Sofia. She really
was only trying to help. The problem was it made Charlene feel even worse
about herself. “Sofia, I really appreciate the offer, but I can get a job on my
own merit.”
“I know you can. It’s just that I…I…”
“Think I need help?” she asked.
“Not at all. I was going to say, that I miss you and having you in
Manhattan would be nice.”
“I miss you too Sofia. And I’ll start submitting my resume in places
closer to you, I promise.”
Sofia beamed with joy before changing the subject. “Is it me or is this
thing further than what they said it was?”
Charlene really hadn’t paid much attention to what the sign had said.
“I’m not sure, but it surely feels like more than a mile.”
“Definitely more like two, maybe even three. Goodness, is this what
having a baby has done to me? A walk on the beach has me huffing.”
“Ha. I was about to ask if you’d carry me,” Charlene teased. “Come on,
I’ll race you to the mailbox. I see it just up ahead.”
Charlene bolted up the beach, Sofia close behind. But when they finally
sat and started reading all the messages people had written in the notepads,
she said, “I can’t believe this. They come from all over the country to write
messages. Why?”
“Why not? I mean what better thing than to put a thought, a hope or
dream down where no one knows you.”
“But you put your name at the bottom,” she said wearily.
Sofia chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m sure there is more than one Charlene
from our town in there.”
“Ha. I don’t think so. Guess this is just another reason why I need to
move out of that town. I’m tired of being the only Charlene. I’m sure in the
city I wouldn’t even be noticed.” She didn’t want to become invisible, but
at least a place where no one knew her track record. A fresh start is exactly
what I need. Pulling out her pen she started jotting down her hopes. At first
she felt foolish and thought there might only be a few words. Before she
knew it, Charlene was flipping the page to continue writing. Guess I’m a
chatterbox even on paper. Charlene was tempted to read what she’d written,
but if she did, she might chicken out and tear the sheets of paper out of the
notepad. Charlene talked a lot, but this was different. She’d poured her
thoughts onto the paper where strangers were going to eventually read it. If
she wasn’t fast, Sofia was going to want to be the first. Sorry my friend. If
you want to read it, you’ll have to walk this again all by yourself. Closing
the notepad she said, “Not that this wasn’t fun, but let’s get our butts
heading back. The sun sets early right now and I don’t want to be walking
the beach in the dark.”
“I’m not about to argue because I’m freezing. Whose idea was it to do
this in November?”
Charlene laughed, “Guess I was wrong.”
“About what?” Sofia asked.
Laughing Charlene said, “You make bad choices too.”
As they scurried back Sofia said, “Just wait till you’re a mother
someday. You’ll find it’s easier to track the wise ones instead. It’s a much
shorter list.”
Oh great. It can get worse than this. Good thing parenthood wasn’t in
her future.

Seth looked across the conference room desk and thought his brothers had
lost their minds. It had to be a joke. They never would’ve hired her. But
what was the purpose of pulling such a prank, because Seth didn’t find it
funny at all.
“I take it you have all decided to have a liquid lunch, because if you
think I’m falling for this bull, you must be drunk,” he grumbled. Some of us
have real work to do.
Charles was straight faced when he said, “I never joke about business.
You should know this.”
“Right now, I’m not sure I know any of you. This is Charlene Kittredge
we’re talking about. Have you seen her at parties? She is not in any way
what Lawson Steel needs as a spokesperson,” Seth snapped.
Gareth laughed. “She sure can speak. For hours and hours.”
Seth growled out, “Then bring her to Tabiq and let her run your damn
company. Leave Lawson Steel the hell alone. She could ruin our
“Or improve it,” Dylan said. “Seth, you need to cut her some slack.
Give her a shot before you tell us what she is capable of.”
“I take it your wife asked you to hire her?” Seth accused.
Dylan snarled. “Sofia doesn’t talk to me about business, good or bad. If
you haven’t noticed, she’s preoccupied with our daughter. And for the
record, don’t ever drag her into any conversation unless you have
something nice to say.”
Seth knew Dylan was overprotective of his new family. But Dylan and
the others should be just as concerned about the company. Looking around
the table, there was only one person whom he felt might be on his side in
this matter. “Sal, you’re very quiet. Being head of security, I’d like to hear
what you have to say about Charlene. If I recall properly, you spent a lot of
time avoiding her at Gareth’s wedding.”
Gareth cocked a brow. “Funny. I wouldn’t have thought you’d have
noticed, since you were the one conversing with her the entire time.”
Charles interjected. “I don’t care who talked to Charlene and who
didn’t. The facts are that I hired her as our PR person.”
“And when the hell did we decide we needed one?” Seth asked, his tone
riddled with anger. This was the first time he’d actually questioned his
brother’s ability as CEO.
“There was no need for a vote. With my being married to the owner of
our competition, I thought it was best we have someone…impartial,”
Charles declared.
Dylan added, “Although I enjoy watching Seth’s blood pressure rise, I
have to side with him on this. Of all the people you could’ve hired, why
Charles asked, “I thought she was Sofia’s best friend?”
“She is. Which really adds another question. Why am I only learning of
this at our board meeting?” Dylan said, looking puzzled. “Did Sofia ask you
to hire Charlene?”
Charles shook his head. “This was strictly a business decision. Her
resume had been submitted in through the proper channels just like any
other candidate. I found her to be the best fit for our organization.”
Seth laughed. “Talking someone’s ear off isn’t a skill, or at least not one
that we need here.”
“If you recall Seth, it isn’t what she says, as much as how she is able to
captivate an audience.”
Yeah. Feels like you’re in prison and no way out.
“Who is she reporting to? I mean you can’t give someone like Charlene
free reign,” Seth declared.
“Since you seem to have voiced the most concerns, I suggest you take
on that roll,” Charles stated. “Not that I believe it is needed, but is there
anyone else who’d like that task instead of Seth?” Charles looked around
the room and when no one volunteered he added, “Don’t worry Seth. If she
doesn’t work out, then I’ll fire her.”
There was a problem with that. Charlene was like family to Sofia.
Firing her wasn’t as simple as Charles made it out to be. Hell, he’ll
probably have me do that too. This is what Seth gets for opening his mouth.
Usually he just sat back and let the others do the bickering. It wasn’t that he
didn’t have an opinion, it was just that he knew flying under the radar
meant he learned more and never had to get his hands dirty. Not so lucky
this time. But Seth excelled at something besides the details. He was great
at getting his brothers to step up. “I don’t have the time to play babysitter,”
he replied.
“You’re always busy,” Jordan said, not even looking up from his cell
“Then you agree, that I’m not the person for this,” Seth stated.
“No. I agree that you’re busy,” Jordan corrected.
“Since you don’t want to supervise Charlene, how about staying late
and helping me with the audit from a few of our plants.” It was something
that they were required to do at the end of each year, but Seth was anal
when it came to numbers matching exactly. If you didn’t keep your eyes
open at all times, then you had no right to flip out later when you find
someone had been embezzling. If he had his way, this would be handled
each month. Seth trusted no one, outside of his brothers, completely.
“Hell no! I have a date tonight,” Jordan said getting up from the table.
“Actually, it’s an early dinner. So I vote for this meeting to adjourn.”
“Jordan, you need to take this seriously,” Seth snarled.
Gareth chuckled. “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to not being the one
screwing off.” He got up and added, “But I agree with Jordan. It’s getting
late and I have better things to do.”
Nothing was resolved and his brothers were leaving the conference
room. Dylan was the last one out the door, but stopped and turned back to
Seth and said, “If you really need some help with the audit, I can come back
after Liliana is in bed.”
It wasn’t exactly the help Seth was looking for, but he appreciated the
offer. “Not tonight, but I’ll take you up on that soon.”
Once again, he picked up the copy of Charlene’s resume. If he didn’t
know who she was, he might have agreed with Charles and hired her. But
she was going to bring nothing but trouble to Lawson Steel.
I don’t know how the hell I’m going to pull it off. But I’m not going to
let Miss Chatterbox be what takes Lawson Steel down.

“I can’t believe I had to hear it from Dylan. We’re supposed to be best

friends. Why didn’t you tell me you applied for a job here?” Sofia snapped.
Charlene knew eventually she’d be getting this call. Actually she
expected it before now. How had she gone through the interview process
and it not slipped out then? The explanation was simple and honest.
“Sofia, if I had told you, then you’d have told Dylan and he’d have
pulled strings to help me get the job.” Or stand in my way. Not really sure.
“What’s wrong with that? Friends help friends,” Sofia stated firmly.
“Really, it’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done for me over the
Charlene didn’t keep score, and if she did, she’d probably owe Sofia.
“Making you laugh or setting you up on a few blind dates doesn’t qualify.”
“That’s for sure. Your taste in men is severely lacking. I can’t believe I
ever wanted to date again after.”
“Hey, it wasn’t all my fault. You begged me to fix you up with them,”
she tried defending herself.
“Beg might be an exaggeration,” Sofia replied. “And stop trying to
change the subject. We are discussing the job.”
Charlene should’ve known Sofia wasn’t going to give up. “Sofia, I
wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings by not telling you. If I had, I’d never
know if I got the job on my own.”
“I get it. You want to prove something to them.”
“No. Prove it to myself. I’m...not as confident as I used to be.”
Sofia said softly, “Does this have to do with Sal marrying Rori instead
of you?”
Charlene laughed. “Are you kidding me? Sal had shot down my
affections most of my life. That didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy flirting and
teasing him, but I’d given up on him long ago. Besides, it’s not like I had a
dress picked out or anything.” That didn’t mean she still wasn’t shocked by
the change in Sal. The childhood crush had made her wish it had been her,
but the woman inside knew they weren’t a match.
“I vaguely remember you saying it would be a big puffy princess dress
that you’d…”
“I was ten. I still played with dolls then too. Trust me Sofia, I’m not all
torn up inside about Sal.”
“Then what is wrong?” Sofia asked.
“I’d like to think positive. Nothing is wrong. Things are going right,”
Charlene said.
“For the both of us,” Sofia said. “So what do you say about meeting me
and Liliana for lunch?”
“I’d love to, but I can’t. I don’t want my boss to think I’m not serious.”
Sofia laughed. “Oh whatever you do, please don’t become as serious as
Charlene got it. The interview was one of the driest she’d ever been on.
At no point did she even try to lighten things up, mostly for fear that once
she started gabbing, she wouldn’t be able to stop. “He’s not so bad. Now if
you don’t mind, I have to go into the building before security thinks I’m
loitering and has me removed.”
“Okay. But now since I know you’re in Manhattan, I expect you to be
stopping by when you’re not working.”
“You bet. And I’ll expect some home cooked meals too,” she teased
before ending the call.
Before she could even walk through the door, she heard a familiar voice
from behind her.
“Having second thoughts about working for us?” Seth said.
Charlene forced a smile and turned to greet him. “Good morning Mr.
“No need for such formalities here,” he said as he held the door open for
her. “Seth is fine. If you are speaking to any members of the press, which I
hope you don’t, then strictly refer to us as Lawson.”
It struck her odd at first, and then she quickly put the pieces together.
“Keep the target off any specific brother. Got it.”
She noticed his jaw tense and his eyes darkened as he fought to control
his building anger. That wasn’t about to discourage her.
“Let’s get this straight. You’re not running interference. Your job will be
to work with the community and answering any…simple, straight forward
questions. Everything else will be handled by us. Is that understood?”
As they walked towards the elevator she lost the battle, and the words
flowed out. “I take it you weren’t in favor of my being hired.”
“That’s an understatement,” he snarled.
Her positive attitude just vanished. There was no point in trying to
change his mind. When she’d spoken to him at Gareth’s wedding, he made
Charles look like a standup comedian. Thank God I don’t report to him, or
this job would be hell.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to get to my office. I have a meeting to
prepare for,” she said brushing past him.
He didn’t attempt to stop her or apologize. Charlene didn’t expect one
either. She’d made the mistake of thinking that getting the job was the hard
part. Obviously being allowed to actually do the job was going to prove
even more difficult.
She wasn’t going to let Seth’s comment set her up for failure. The last
thing she wanted was for Seth to be right. Charlene knew she was out of her
league, but she also knew she wanted this badly. Her own drive had gotten
her this far. Would it be enough?
I sure hope so.
She knew where her office was, because Charles had the security guard
show her around after offering her the job. It was small and far enough
away from the executives so she wouldn’t be in their way. With her not so
warm welcome from Seth, that probably was going to be a good thing.
Charlene hoped that Dylan didn’t feel the same as Seth, but she barely
could remember the other three brothers.
As she made her way down the hall she racked her brain trying to recall
their names. They were the owners for goodness sake. Why was she
drawing a blank? Maybe if she tried putting them in order by age? I’d need
to know their age first dumbass.
Charlene was mumbling them to herself when she noticed Sal
approaching her. No smile on his face either, but that wasn’t uncommon.
Instead of her bouncy cheery tone, she opted for her business one that she’d
been practicing for weeks.
“Good morning Sal. How are you today?” she asked.
“I saw you on the camera. Thought I’d escort you to your office.”
“Thanks,” she said.
“You looked like you were in deep thought. Nervous?” he asked.
Who wouldn’t be? “I’m having a brain freeze. I hate to ask, and it is
really embarrassing but…”
“You’ve got me scared if you’re embarrassed,” Sal grinned.
She forgot herself for a moment and shot him a warning look. It was too
easy to fall back into her playful banter with him. Of course he never
seemed to have enjoyed it. “Sal, that was the old me. The new one is…
professional.” Sal shot her a look like he didn’t believe her. Charlene bit her
lip and responded in a serious tone. “Mr. Lawson is counting on me. I won’t
disappoint him.”
Sal looked at her long and hard before asking, “What do you need.
Maybe I can help.”
“I can rattle off the full history of Lawson Steel, but I can’t recall all
their names.”
“The founders?”
“That wouldn’t be as bad. I mean the current owners,” she sighed.
“I can see how that could be embarrassing. For the record, I have to
catch myself and not call Charles, Charlie. But you’ll get it. So you know
Charles, he’s the eldest.”
“Yes, he interviewed me. And of course I know Dylan, the baby of the
“Don’t let him hear you refer to him as that,” he warned.
“Okay. Good point. I also know Seth.” The not so friendly one.
“He’s the second to oldest.”
“Seth is…tough to read.”
“He’s not as bad as he comes off. But somehow he feels the need to pick
up the slack around here instead of sharing in the work load. It doesn’t all
fall on his shoulders, but he seems to put it there.”
“Maybe he’s trying to show Charles he’s just as capable of running the
company as he is. It’s not easy living in someone else’s shadow you know.”
Like me with Sofia and we’re not even sisters.
“That’s a possibility. Never really gave it much thought. So who else is
there? Oh yeah. Jordan is number three. If you think Seth is hard to figure
out, wait till you get to know him. He’s a blend of Charles and Gareth.”
“Oh yes. Gareth is wonderful. Great sense of humor,” she said smiling.
“It figures you’d appreciate that about him. But actually he’s one tough
ass guy.”
“Gareth? Why do you say that? He’s so…sweet.”
“He runs his own business in a foreign country known for…conflict. If
he was sweet, they’d crush him, or worse.”
Guess there was still so much to learn about them, besides their names.
“Okay, Gareth, badass. Who am I missing?”
“Ethan. He flies under the radar. Hell, twenty years on the police force
and I still can’t figure Ethan out.”
“Maybe I will,” she joked.
“Just concentrate on doing your job.”
“Sal will you answer me honestly?” He nodded. “Do you think I’m in
over my head with this job?”
Sal stopped and looked down at her. “Charlene, Charles hired you. He
wouldn’t have done so if he didn’t think you were up to the task.”
“Even if I’m friends with his sister-in-law?” she asked.
“That probably worked against you. But he hired you anyway. So
whatever it is he sees in you, you need to find that within yourself too.”
That was the confident booster she needed. This new type of
relationship she had. “Thanks Sal. Oh, I didn’t ask, how is Rori? Has she
settled into living in Manhattan?”
“Her business is booming. I’m not sure she has slowed down long
enough to do anything except pass out when she gets home.”
“Sounds like the move was a good choice.”
Sal shrugged. “Rori is out to prove to everyone she can do it.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Charlene asked. She was doing the same
“She has nothing to prove to me and I worry about her burning herself
Charlene could see the concern in him. “Then maybe you should tell
her. Because the woman who I got to know back home only wanted to
impress you.”
Sal smiled and said, “That she does, without even trying.”
“She’s good for you Sal. You seem so much more…”
“Happy?” he stated.
“That too, but I was going to say, settled.”
“I guess I am. But I’m also going to be late for a meeting with Charles if
I stay here talking to you any longer.”
“Thanks again Sal.” He turned and headed in the opposite direction
leaving her standing in front of her office. Her heart started to race as she
saw her name on the glass door. Lifting her hand she let her fingers glide
over it. Charlene Kittredge. Public Relations.
She thought about Sal’s words about not needing to prove anything to
anyone. That was great for Rori. She had Sal who loved her just the way
she was. But Charlene was single. No one was there to back her up if she
failed. Charles had given her this opportunity and she was going to do
everything in her power to do it right.
Opening the door she walked into her office and sat behind the desk. No
better time than the present.
First thing on her list was to email each brother with an introduction of
who she was and how she looked forward to working with them and how
her door was always open for any questions or concerns they may have.
When she hit send, she looked up and noticed her door was actually closed.
Although she loved seeing her name on it, she decided it best to prop it
open. With any luck, someone would stop in. First days were always tough,
and she surely didn’t want to spend hers sitting there alone.
Before she had the chance to even consider what her next step would
be, her office line rang.
“Hello. This is Charlene Kittredge. How may I help you?”
“Hi. My toilet is blocked and it’s coming up through my tub. I need you
to send someone right away to fix this.”
Toilet? This definitely wasn’t the type of call she was expecting to deal
with. Then again there were parts of the company Charlene hadn’t been
brought up to date with yet. “I’m sorry to hear that. Let me take your
information and I’ll have someone call you right back.”
“Did you hear me!? Coming up through my bathtub. This is urgent. I
can’t be waiting all day for one of your lackey’s to decide to show up, if
they ever do.”
It sounded horrendous and she could understand why the woman was
irate. She’d be flipping out as well. “I promise I’ll have someone call you
back very shortly.”
“You better. I have your name and number and I’ll be calling you if I
don’t hear from someone within the hour.”
The woman hung up and Charlene sat there trying to figure out who she
was supposed to call regarding plumbing issues. She opened the laptop and
searched the company directory. There didn’t seem to be anyone who fit
that description.
“Damn it!”
“Doesn’t sound like you’re off to a good start. It’s not too late to
reconsider,” Seth said standing in her doorway.
Grrr. He was the last person she wanted to deal with right now. She had
this. Of course she wasn’t sure exactly what this was. “Is there something I
can help you with?”
“We have a meeting scheduled,” he replied flatly.
She had an orientation, but she figured that would be with someone
from HR. “Oh, I was expecting someone else.”
“Well it’s your lucky day. You get me,” he said gruffly. “I figured this
would be brief, but it seems like you’re already in a panic. Maybe we
should start with that problem.”
She so badly wanted to tell him she could manage without his
assistance. “I received a call this morning. The woman was irate, and I
don’t blame her. I promised I’d have someone return her call immediately,
but I have no idea who handles sewage problems.”
Seth raised a brow and repeated, “Sewage?” She nodded. He walked
over and took a seat across from her. “Maybe you better start from the
beginning.” Charlene told him exactly what the woman said and his eyes
just got wider. “And you really believe that Lawson Steel would handle
such issues?”
Charlene shrugged. “I know there are many things about the company
that I’m not aware of.”
“Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get onto our meeting.”
“Wait. That hasn’t addressed her problem,” Charlene stated.
“You said it correctly. Her problem, not ours,” Seth said firmly.
He was right. Lawson Steel wasn’t responsible for her issue, but that
didn’t mean she didn’t need them. “It sounds like her landlord didn’t give a
rat’s…” Keep it professional, “doesn’t care about her living conditions. You
hired me as PR. I think helping her would be great.”
“What do you suggest? Want me to show up at her house with a
plunger? Because I can tell you right now, hell will freeze over before that
happens. I have too much work to go playing plumber for someone who
called the wrong number. Just drop it. She’ll figure it out when she calls her
Letting it go was the easy way. Nothing Charlene ever did was easy. It
was her way, take the hard path. “You’re not looking at this correctly. When
she called, I answered with my name and where I work. When she doesn’t
get a call back, how do you think she’ll feel about Lawson Steel?”
“Maybe upset with herself for not paying attention and calling the
wrong number?”
She huffed. “I’m calling her back.”
“And stopping at the hardware store for a plunger on the way to her
apartment?” he said sarcastically.
“If I must, then yes. My job is to ensure the public has a positive
opinion of Lawson Steel. I’m not about to have my first negative comment
on my first day.”
“Do what you want, but when this backfires, don’t ask for my help,” he
said shaking his head. He got up and said, “I guess we can finish this
meeting tomorrow morning when you’re not quite so…busy.”
She wasn’t about to stop him from leaving. That last thing she needed
was for Seth to sit there when she made the phone call. Charlene didn’t
even have the foggiest idea of what she was about to say. Picking up the
phone, she dialed the woman’s number.
“Hello, this is Charlene. We spoke a little while ago about your toilet.”
“Yes. It’s still broken. I need someone to fix this and the right way this
time,” she demanded.
“So this has happened before?” Charlene inquired.
“Twice this month, not that you care.”
But I do.
“I can only imagine how frustrating this has been for you. Can you
please give me your full address and I’ll have someone there today to
rectify that.”
“I already gave you my name. You cash my check each month but you
don’t know where I live? How many of these slums do you own?”
Slum sounded like the right word. Charlene felt confident that wherever
this woman lived, the Lawsons had nothing to do with it. Yet she couldn’t
bring herself to share that information. If she wasn’t careful, her first day,
might be her last.
Taking a deep breath she said, “I’m new. Actually, this is my first day. I
want to help, but I’m going to need you to work with me. I’m sure together
we can get this resolved.” Charlene was hoping she wasn’t making a
promise that she couldn’t keep.
“I’ve heard a lot of promises and no one ever comes through. No one
“I care. And I don’t make promises lightly. I’m not sure what the
problem is, but I can tell you that I’ll have someone there today to find out
what needs to be done. Is it a simple fix or something that might take more
time? We won’t know till the professionals looks at it. Can you please give
me a few hours to get the answer?”
“I have no bathroom. What am I to do until then? And I won’t even tell
you how horrible my apartment smells right now.”
Charlene almost gagged just thinking about it. Poor woman. “I can send
a car to pick you up and bring you to a hotel for the night. Would that work
for you?”
“I can’t afford a hotel,” she barked.
“We will cover that expense.” Charlene knew she’d need to pass this all
by the Lawsons, but she couldn’t see why they wouldn’t agree. This is great
PR work.
“Okay. But if I get a bill…”
“You won’t. I will call you and give you the information once the car
and hotel are booked.”
The woman sighed. “Okay. I’ll be waiting.”
As soon as she got off the phone Charlene headed right for Charles
office. She needed to update him on what she’d just done. She also needed a
way to schedule and pay for this too. It was day one and she already needed
an expense account.
There was a hall of executive offices, with Charles being the last in line.
When she went past Seth’s, she stopped. He already knew the situation.
Although he might not agree with how she was handling it, at least she
didn’t need to start from the beginning. God knows he doesn’t want to hear
that story twice. She turned around and opted to knock on his door.
“Come in,” he called out.
Charlene opened the door and unfortunately Seth wasn’t alone. Dylan
and Charles were there too. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were in a
meeting.” Actually she’d forgotten because he had mentioned one earlier.
“That’s fine. Did you need me for something?” he asked.
Of course she did, why else would she be there? “We can talk later.”
“We were just about done,” Charles said. “How is your first day going?”
Not like I expected. “I’m surviving.”
“Seth was telling us that you received an unusual call. Is that what you
needed to talk about?”
Great. It hadn’t even been an hour and Seth was already sharing his
doubt in her ability. He might be right, but she still wanted to pitch her ideas
“It is. So I don’t waste your time, has he given you all details?” They
nodded. “Okay, well let me give you the update. This woman has a slum
lord who has made promises and never followed through. Her living
conditions sound horrendous.”
“And you suggest what?” Charles asked.
“That we put her up in a hotel for the night and send over a plumber to
assess the issue.” It sounded very simple to her.
Dylan cocked a brow. “Why would we want to get involved with
something that obviously is none of our business?”
“Because she needs our…I mean your help.”
Charles said, “You should’ve had her call her landlord.”
“She’s done that. It’s kind of lucky that she dialed my number by
mistake,” she said.
Seth huffed, “Not lucky for us.”
“I’m not so sure about that. We do a lot in the community, but usually
through organizations. What is the difference from helping one person
directly?” Charles asked.
Charlene felt hopeful until Seth added, “The potential of every person in
New York with an issue calling us instead of handling it themselves.”
“Seth has a good point. We are not social workers Charlene,” Charles
“If I promise this is a one-time thing, can we please help her?” Charlene
Charles crossed his arms and was staring at her. Dylan seemed okay
with what she presented. Seth didn’t look pleased at all. No matter what
Charles said, day one was definitely a rough start.
“I’ll approve it, but I’m holding you to your word. This does not fall
under the PR role.”
“Understood. Thank you Charles,” she said, finally able to breathe
“Seth. I want to you to assist Charlene with this,” Charles directed.
“I don’t have.”
“Time. I know. That’s why I’m having Dylan help you with your audit.
Any questions?” Charles asked.
Charlene knew she wasn’t very popular right now, at least not with Seth
and Dylan. She was sure Sofia would be calling her tonight after Dylan told
Sofia what she just did.
“No. Thank you Charles,” she said.
“Don’t thank me yet. If you’re wrong and Lawson Steel is affected by
this in a negative way, then it will be on your head.”
Fired. I know. “I won’t let you down.”
Charles and Dylan left the office and Charlene was stuck alone with the
very disgruntled Seth. There was no amount of smiles or cheer that was
going to work on Seth. Fine. All business all the time. Works for me. Not
really, but she was going to keep telling herself until she could get used to
working with someone like him.
“Let’s get to it,” she said.
“Sounds good. The quicker this is resolved, the faster I return to my
So you won’t need to deal with me.
Charlene had no idea why Seth disliked her so much. Hopefully that
would subside. At the rate their contact is going, it might get a lot worse
before better.

Seth hated having to be pulled away from work, but he had to admit, the
woman’s apartment was a shit hole. Plumbing was only one of the issues.
He couldn’t imagine anyone having to live in such an ill kept building.
“So what is the suggestion?” Charlene asked after Seth spoke to the
A match. “She can’t go back in there.”
“I figured that when I saw the bathroom.”
“Not just that. Did you see the black spots on the ceiling?” he asked.
She nodded. “Mold.”
“Oh that’s not good. What is the cause of that?” she asked.
“The plumber said pipes are leaking throughout the damn building.
Besides those pipes, there are electrical outlets which have scorch marks on
them. She was lucky that this place didn’t catch on fire while she was
“Seth, how am I going to tell her that? From what it sounded like, she
has no place else to go,” her voice filled with concern.
“Charlene, I have no choice but to turn this place in for unfit living
conditions. Once I do, the odds are it’s going to be condemned.”
“You mean they are going to tear it down?” Charlene asked.
He nodded. “If it doesn’t fall down on its own. Did you feel the
stairwell? The boards felt like they were going to snap.” Seth hated the fact
Charlene had accompanied him up there. It was too late once he was up in
the apartment. Although the thought had crossed his mind to call the fire
department and have a ladder truck sent to get them down. Charlene might
get on his nerves with her constant chatter, but damn, that wasn’t a place for
her to be. And he wasn’t about to let her enter that building a second time.
Not to help any of the tenants. “I’m having Sal look into who the landlord is
right now. This guy or agency is going to see some hefty fines.”
“From the sound of it, the landlord doesn’t care about the building or its
tenants,” Charlene stated, her voice seemed to echo her dismay.
“Dylan mentioned a woman who runs a homeless shelter. Maybe he?”
“No way! I promised her that I would help. Sending her to a homeless
shelter is not helping her. It’s actually making things worse.”
He should’ve anticipated Charlene cutting him off. Why would she let
him finish explaining things to her? Probably because she assumes I’m a
cold hearted bastard. At times, she’d be right. Just not this time.
The anger was all over her face. He added calmly, “I wasn’t suggesting
we send her or the other tenants to the homeless shelter. But they would be
best to assist in finding them suitable quarters.”
“Lawson Steel could put them up in a hotel,” she suggested.
“That is short term. They need a place they can live, afford and maintain
after we step out of the picture.” Seth had no idea when he started talking,
we. This was supposed to be a quick evaluation and then back to his normal
routine. He wasn’t a cold hearted bastard, at least not to the core. Once he
witnessed the neglect and inhumane treatment, he couldn’t walk away and
do nothing. His decision to stay actively involved had nothing to do with
her suggesting it. It was just the right thing to do.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped. It’s just…
heartbreaking seeing this.” Charlene said as they drove back to the office.
“It is.” Seth never had to face such adversities growing up. One thing
about being a Lawson, was the never going without. But they were the first
generation who hadn’t been raised to flaunt what they had. Seth knew it was
because of their mother. She had made sure they didn’t get everything they
wanted, while still ensuring they had everything they needed. Heck, she
even insisted they work a part-time job when they were in high school. A
valuable lesson that he’d never forgotten. Not everyone is born with a silver
spoon. Some are born and live always wanting and never having. Seth
didn’t know what the story was with the tenants, or how they ended up
where they were. It didn’t matter right now. In a softer tone he said, “You
were right. Blowing this off and having her go to her landlord would’ve
been the wrong thing to do. I’m glad you pursued it.” Even when I told you
“I’m glad you came with me.”
“You mean that Charles sent me,” he replied.
“My mother always used to say, it’s not how you get there, just that you
do,” Charlene said.
Seth gripped the steering wheel tighter. He hated the fact that it took
Charles practically ordering him, to get him to do it. He’d spent more hours
than he could count in the office, and he was losing touch with what was
going on with the rest of the world. There’s more than balancing books in
the company. Maybe I need a change.
But just because Charlene had been correct on her assumption this time,
didn’t mean Seth thought she was the right person for the job. If she’d been
left on her own, she’d probably have purchased them each their own home
at the company’s expense. She had heart, and drive, but if not monitored,
her do-good attitude could be their downfall.
If Charles wasn’t going to do it, then it was going to be up to him,
because this was her first day on the job, and she was already shaking
things up.
“Why don’t we get you back to the office and I’ll finish this up,” he
She shot him a puzzled look. “You don’t want my help?”
No. “There is no need for both of us to do what can be managed by one.
Besides, I think your time would be best spent if you review Lawson Steel’s
policies and procedures. It will help you better prepare in case any further…
unusual calls come in.”
“But I can help you with…”
“You’ve done your part. If I need you, I know where to find you.” He
wasn’t planning on seeking her out. At least not for assistance. “However, if
you have any questions about your job, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email
or ring my office phone.”
That seemed to have done the trick, because Charlene didn’t do much
talking for the rest of the ride back to the office. Seth easily could’ve
changed the subject to something else, but he knew the quiet wouldn’t last
long. Yet it didn’t take long before he realized her silence was worse than
the chatter.
“Did you want to grab lunch on our way back?” he offered.
She shook her head. “You’re a very busy man. I don’t want to take up
any more of your valuable time.”
He didn’t miss the sarcasm in her tone. But he’d made the effort. It was
her choice to decline. Seth wasn’t about to offer again.

“What do you mean he wouldn’t let you help?” Sofia asked.

“Guess he didn’t need it.” More like didn’t want it. She couldn’t believe
that Seth had been so…stubborn. He knew she’d done a great job, but his
own pride got in the way and couldn’t let her finish what she’d started. Was
he afraid to admit he was wrong and she was perfect for the job after all?
“And then to ask me to lunch after, well that was…”
“Wait. Seth asked you out?” Sofia said quickly. “And you are just
telling me now? How did it go?”
“It didn’t. I said no. And for the record, he didn’t ask me out, he asked
me to lunch,” Charlene clarified.
“He might be my brother-in-law, but Seth doesn’t just do lunch.”
“Sofia, the man eats, just like everyone else.” Although there were
times he seemed more like a machine than a human.
“You’re right. He eats, but in his office. Nothing drags him out of there
unless it’s a meeting.”
And you’re just proving my point even more. Machine. But when he saw
how those people were living, the compassion slipped through, even though
briefly. That’s why she wanted to help him. What if he flipped and changed
his mind at the last minute and everyone ended up homeless? Seth had been
reluctant in the first place. The thought of him reverting back to his original
belief worried her.
“We were working. I’m surprised Dylan didn’t tell you,” Charlene said
trying to get the focus off her. Of course, Dylan might not appreciate her
throwing him under the bus either. That wasn’t wise, because as far as she
knew, Dylan wasn’t opposed to her working for the company.
“I guess Dylan is trying not to bring work talk home with him. You
know so we can just enjoy family time.”
“That’s good,” she replied.
Sofia crossed her arms and said, “That was your cue to tell me what’s
going on.”
“It was only my first day Sofia. How much do you think I have to say?”
Sofia didn’t say a word. Just sat there staring at Charlene. “Guess we’ve
been friends too long to be able to hide anything.”
“Exactly,” Sofia stated.
“Well someone called my office phone today. Obviously, it was a
mistake because Lawson Steel had nothing to do with it. However…”
“In the Charlene way, you took it as fate and didn’t walk away.”
Charlene rolled her eyes before nodding. “And then I made promises
without even having the authority to do so.”
“You didn’t?” Sofia gave her that look like she wanted to help her, but
once again, it was too late. The damage was done.
Yup. Some things never change. I react first, think later.
“I did. Then I had to go and deliver the wonderful news to Charles. By
the way, Dylan was there and so was Seth.”
“Maybe I’m glad he’s not talking about work with me. But you might as
well tell me what happened,” Sofia said. “And make it quick too before
Liliana wakes up from her nap. Eat, sleep and those lovely dirty diapers
seems to be her life. At least for now. Like everything else, there is
something new every day. A smile or a look and someday she’ll be walking
and talking.”
Charlene saw Sofia drifting off into happy thoughts of the future. She
was tempted to let her keep on that topic. But they could talk about Liliana
anytime. Before the little angel woke, and needed her mama, Charlene
wanted to get out as much as possible. Usually Liliana woke up just when
things started getting good. But there wasn’t much good about this
conversation. So Charlene rattled off the facts, leaving out the details on
just how horrendous the woman’s place smelled.
“To me, it sounds like you just proved Charles was right about hiring
you,” Sofia said. “Of course I knew you would do great.”
“I’m not so sure Dylan did. I don’t think he ever recovered from the
time you two had to rescue me in Massachusetts.” Charlene hadn’t
forgotten that ordeal, why should anyone else?
“Are you kidding me? That seemed mild compared to him thinking I
was a beggar on the street and taking his money.”
Charlene laughed. “Oh yeah. Like that is supposed to make me feel
“Well it should. Look at me. Married with a baby now.”
“You’re welcome,” Charlene said holding her chin up.
“Don’t tell me you’re still trying to take credit for Dylan and I?”
“Yup. I am. If it wasn’t for me you’d have chickened out on going for
the part in that play.”
“I thought you told me it was all fate that he and I met?” Sofia asked.
Charlene said smugly, “That’s what I wanted you to believe.”
Sofia chuckled. “Is this how you worked Charles to get the job too?”
With a shrug she replied, “Maybe. But I’d like to think it was more than
just my charm.” She still really wasn’t sure what she’d done correctly, but
whatever it was, she’d better figure it out quickly. She might need it again
to keep her job. “If he didn’t hire me, I had a backup plan.”
“And what was that?” she asked.
“Match making.”
Sofia fell back against the couch laughing so hard she was holding her
sides. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
Charlene didn’t know what was so funny. “No I wasn’t.” Sofia laughed
even harder and Charlene asked. “Is it really that hard to believe?”
“I think…’ve been talking to my mother too much,” Sofia
said, barely choking out the words.
“I am nothing like your mother,” Charlene said firmly. Not that it was
meant to be an insult, but Maria Marciano was…Damn it. She’s right.
“Okay. Point taken. I’m not a match maker. So I better make sure I don’t
blow it at Lawson Steel. Any advice?” She knew Sofia always had some.
“Yes I do.”
“And what is it?” She prepared herself for a long, complicated list.
“Believe in yourself,” Sofia said reaching over and taking hold of
Charlene’s hand. “You wouldn’t have gotten the job if you weren’t
That probably was the hardest thing for Charlene to do. She could build
up others, but when it came to herself, she had insecurities. For damn good
reasons too. Horrible at picking the right guys, and when it came to work
she wasn’t any better. Her resume proved there wasn’t any longevity at any
of them. That made her still question how the heck she nailed this job. And
how am I going to keep it.
She forced a smile and said, “Got it. Believe in myself. Now I believe
that is your daughter saying she’s hungry.”
“Or wet, or worse.” Sofia said with a sigh getting up from the couch.
“I better get going. Dylan will be getting home soon and I don’t want
“You’re not in the way,” Sofia said. “We love having you over.”
“I know. But Dylan now has to see me at work too,” she replied.
“It’s not like you’re working with him every minute. Besides, that’s him
now. Too late to sneak out,” Sofia said as the door opened.
Charlene turned around to find Dylan wasn’t alone. Seth was with him.
Awkward. Now she really regretted not leaving earlier. Getting up she said,
“Hi guys. I was just leaving.”
“No she wasn’t,” Sofia called out as she headed out the room for
“Avoiding me or Seth?” Dylan asked teasingly.
Both. “Ha. That’s hard to do since we work together.”
“Ouch. That’s bad and it’s only your first day. Seth can be a bit…dry to
be around. Give him time, he’ll loosen up,” Dylan said.
Don’t count on it. “I really was just about to leave.”
“Might as well stay since you didn’t get to eat lunch earlier,” Sofia said
as she returned with her daughter. Charlene could feel Seth’s eyes on her
and she forced herself to look away. Oh Sofia, I’m going to get you back for
this. “Seth can give you a ride home after dinner,” Sofia continued.
Charlene turned around and gave Sofia a warning look, and Sofia had to
know what it meant. They had been friends too long for her not to. But
Sofia just grinned and added, “What? You rather take the bus than a ride
from Seth?”
“Sofia, it’s not that. He’s a very busy man,” Charlene stated. Words he’d
said too often to her earlier.
Sofia looked at Seth and said, “You better be nice. She’s my best
Charlene wanted to crawl under the couch and stay there. Sofia wasn’t
making this any better. “Sofia, I really need to go.”
“Stay. I can update you on the situation from this morning,” Seth said.
“You know the rules Seth. No talking about work,” Sofia said firmly.
It was funny, because earlier Sofia had no problem discussing it. Was
the rule only for the guys? That was possible, but Charlene wasn’t buying
it. Sofia was acting peculiar. It could just be her wanting company. Adult
conversation must be nice after being stuck home all day with a baby.
Charlene wasn’t going to get out of having dinner. And it looked like
Seth felt equally trapped. If this was any other time, Charlene wouldn’t care
who was there, she’d settle herself down on that large couch and find some
outrageous topic to lighten the mood. But she didn’t want Seth to see that
side of her, at least not any more than he already had.
Who the heck am I kidding? The damage is already done.
This was her free time. Charlene didn’t want to start monitoring ever
single word she said 24/7. It wasn’t like she was at Seth’s home. If that was
the case, maybe she’d hold back. But Sofia loved her just like she was. Who
cared what Seth thought?
Charlene walked over to the couch and kicked off her shoes. “Then let’s
get this dinner party started.” She pulled out her cell phone and searched for
pizza places. “What toppings?”
“Excuse me?” Seth questioned.
“Pepperoni. Mushrooms. Meat lovers.” She looked him over and said,
“I bet you’re an anchovies’ guy. There’s always one,” she teased.
“It’s buffalo chicken if you must know, but I don’t recall us saying what
we were eating,” Seth stated.
“It’s tradition. At least with Sofia and I. That is unless you want to
break it and order something else?” she offered.
Seth waved his hand for her to continue. “Whatever the ladies want is
fine with me.”
I want to get out of here, but that was shot down.
“Okay, I got it. Order is placed and will be delivered in thirty minutes,”
she said proudly slipping her phone back in her purse. “What should we do
while waiting? I have this game on my phone that we could play.”
“I know what I’m doing. Changing and feeding Liliana. Charlene,
you’ll need to entertain these two until I return.” Sofia left Charlene to fend
for herself.
“Okay, so she’s not here. Want to update me now?” Charlene asked.
Sofia’s voice boomed over a baby monitor sitting beside the couch. “I
can hear you. Don’t make me come back in there or you’ll be changing the
That was enough of a warning. “Or we can talk about the weather.
Looks like snow,” Charlene said dryly.
“You can do better than that,” Sofia said over the speaker.
Charlene shook her head. “Dylan, you can tell us, is she always this bad
or just since the baby?”
Dylan raised his hands and said, “You’re not getting me in the middle of
this.” In a low voice, practically a whisper he added, “I have to live with
her, remember?” Dylan turned to his older brother for help.
Seth said, “Yes. It does look like snow.”
Charlene laughed. “I can’t believe it. Two grown ass men afraid of one
lactating woman.”
Seth look stunned and she swore he shuddered at the word. It took
everything in her not to burst out laughing. Dylan wasn’t fazed one bit. Of
course he was living it. So, in true hubby fashion, Dylan defending his wife,
kind of. “She’s a Marciano. Or have you forgotten?”
“You say that like being a strong woman is a bad thing,” Charlene
defended, but glad Dylan recognized Sofia as being one.
“If I thought that, I wouldn’t have married one,” he replied. “Seth, what
are your feelings on this?”
Seth shot Dylan a look and said, “Simple. Remain single and you won’t
ever have to argue about such things.”
“You don’t want to get married and have children?” she asked. It wasn’t
her business, but he was the one who opened the line of questioning.
“Damn. Can we go back to the weather?” Seth asked.
Sofia entered the room again with Liliana in her arms. “I want to know
too. I mean, for Liliana’s sake of course.”
“What does my status have to do with my niece?” Seth inquired.
“Everything. Your children will be playing with her. It’d be nice if they
were a bit closer in age.”
“Hey, I’m not even dating anyone. Let’s not start planning when I’m
having kids,” Seth said firmly.
She couldn’t believe he wasn’t seeing anyone. He was extremely
handsome. His only flaw that she noticed was his hundred percent focus on
work. No one can live like that. Work was great, but all it was at the end of
the day was a job. It couldn’t love you back. Everyone, even Seth, deserved
I know there is someone out there for him.
Sofia might have told her match making wasn’t her thing, but Charlene
wasn’t about to give up on it. If she could find someone for Seth, the
almighty confirmed bachelor, then that would prove to Sofia that this
wasn’t a foolish dream. She really had the gift, just like Maria Marciano,
just less pushy.
Sofia had a family now and Charlene couldn’t be hanging around all the
time. This would give her something to do when she wasn’t working. It was
going to be a lot harder to pull it off without Seth catching on. Charlene
looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
Challenge accepted. Prince Charms in Your Arms, here I come.

Seth couldn’t remember a time he was so relaxed at Dylan’s home. He’d

thought they would eat and take off immediately after. Somehow Charlene
had talked them into playing a game. It was a cross between twenty
questions and charades. He had assumed Charlene was going to ask him to
be her partner. Shockingly, she snagged Sofia instead, girls against guys. At
first it sounded ideal, until the game commenced. Then he realized they
were no match for those ladies.
Losing wasn’t something Seth was used to, not in business or his
personal life. This might have just been a friendly game, but they didn’t just
lose, they got their asses beat. He was sure this trouncing would be brought
up again, and he was going to regret ever playing. He’d let her enjoy this
win. Not that he wanted a rematch. He just hoped this was the only game
she was trying to play with him. Because anything else, wasn’t going to end
well for her.
She wanted to prove herself to him. He was fine with that. It only meant
that she was going to work harder. He appreciated that in an employee. Of
course, he didn’t normally give them a ride home.
He looked over at her, and she was still staring out the passenger
window. It was a miracle, because she appeared to be all talked out.
Or am I getting the silent treatment again? Damn!
He didn’t have the energy for games. If she wanted to ignore him the
entire way to her apartment, that worked for him.
A car ran a red light and pulled out in front of his Koenigsegg CCXR
Trevita. The good news about a precision vehicle, was its ability to respond
to emergencies like this. Seth stretched an arm out in front of Charlene and
slammed on the brakes. The screeching of the tires was drowned out by her
scream as her body jolted forward. He was glad his arm was there to brace
“Asshole!” he growled out. Then turned to her and asked, “Are you
Charlene looked around and seemed stunned as though trying to get her
bearings. “Where…what…what happened?” she asked.
“Someone ran the light. But we’re okay,” he said. She still seemed
dazed. “At least I think we are. Are you okay? You seem kind of out of it?”
“You could say that’s not the most calming way to be woken up,”
Charlene said rubbing her eyes. “I can’t believe I even fell asleep.”
That explained why she was quiet. But did she find him that boring that
she’d rather sleep? Who cares as long as she’s okay.
“If you’re sure you’re alright, we’ll continue. If not, I’ll bring you to the
hospital,” Seth stated.
“Seth, your arm provided the perfect barrier to the dashboard. However,
I will tell you, all those hours in the gym doesn’t exactly make your arm
any softer.” He watched as she ran her hands over her chest. “I wouldn’t be
surprised if my ribs are sore in the morning.”
The expression on her face said she wasn’t joking. “That’s it. We’re
going to the hospital.”
Charlene grabbed he arm to stop him from putting the car back in gear.
“Absolutely not. This wasn’t a car accident. Heck, I’ve gotten more bruises
from falling down a flight of stairs.”
“That’s not the point. You could be hurt, broken ribs, I need to make
sure you’re okay,” he declared.
She smiled at him and said, “Don’t worry Seth. It’s not like I’m going to
sue you. Actually, I should be thanking you.” Her hand lingered on his arm
and she gave him a gentle squeeze. “Just one request.”
“Get me home before anything else happens. I don’t want my boss
thinking I’m a slacker when he catches me sleeping at my desk.”
He knew she was talking about Charles. Did she realize that he was her
boss as well? Since she didn’t remove her hand, he assumed she’d forgotten
that part. He gave her the reminder. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”
He saw the smile that was in her eyes vanish with his cold reminder.
Then she slipped her hand off his arm and rested back on her lap. “How
much further?” Her tone now void of any emotion.
“Just a few minutes. It’d be easier if you lived closer to the office.”
Charlene laughed. “You’d have to pay me a lot more for that to happen.
The rent even on the outskirts is triple what I was paying back home. I can
only imagine what you guys pay. But by the looks of this car, I don’t think
that’s something you worry about, do you?”
She made a sound like it was a bad thing to own such a car. His
Koenigsegg was pretty much the only thing he splurged on besides his
penthouse. It was his baby. As he pulled back onto the roadway, he replied,
“You’re correct. There are certain benefits to being a Lawson.”
“Well I would never buy anything like this. It’s not practical at all. Just
think you probably could buy a house…” Charlene looked over at him and
said, “You could buy that apartment building and fix it all up. No one would
need to be displaced.”
He could hear the excitement in her tone, but it wasn’t practical. And
definitely not about to happen. “That building will be rubble by the end of
the week.”
“You can’t be serious. That was their home.”
“I don’t joke about work. Ever! And for the record, that place wasn’t a
“What about their possessions?”
“They can buy new ones,” he said. He didn’t see anything worth
keeping in there.
“Seth, some things can’t be replaced. They don’t have a monetary value.
Like photos of their loved ones. Didn’t you see them hanging on the walls?
And there was a Christmas tree still up. The decorations looked homemade.
You cannot let those things be destroyed.”
He hadn’t given any of that any thought. It was all about shutting that
place down. Which it was. Thanks to his connections in the city, the
inspector showed up early afternoon and notified the landlord it was being
condemned. That meant the legal system worked in the favor of the tenants.
Kind of.
“I think it is too late for them at this point,” he said.
“It can’t be. Lawson Steel has so much pull in this city. Heck, everyone
knows who you are. Say the word and I’m sure you can arrange something
so they can go inside one last time. Just long enough to retrieve what is
“Their lives are important. That place is a death trap. No way can they
go back inside,” he said firmly.
“Seth, please,” she begged. “You can build the tallest skyscrapers.
Surely you can figure something out.”
Damn she was good. How did she make him feel guilty for doing what
he felt was the right thing? He made sure that each person was going to
have a place to live, have clothes on their backs and food to eat. Hell, that
was more than many others would’ve done. Yet now it all seemed so
mechanical, like filling an order, just meeting their basic needs. Charlene
might be starry eyed, but she noticed things that he didn’t. They were things
that his mother would’ve noticed too, and he liked that about Charlene. At
least right now. Other times, it was inconvenient and really was only going
to slow things down.
“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll make a call first thing in the
morning.” That was going to have to suffice. Even what he’d pulled off
today had practically been a miracle. Calling in more favors so soon wasn’t
smart. And it was going to draw unwanted attention to Lawson Steel.
Charlene reached over and touched his hand again. In a soft gentle
genuine tone, she said, “Thank you. Your trying means a lot to me.”
She took this very personal, and Seth never got personally involved in
anything. Hiring Charlene was a mistake for a reason he hadn’t even seen
coming. She’s good at talking me into what I never thought I’d do. That’s
dangerous. Maybe not to the company, but definitely to him. There was
another thing he needed to address in the morning. Charles needed Charlene
to report directly to him so Seth could remain focused. He pulled his hand
out from beneath hers and gripped the stirring wheel. She was a distraction
he wasn’t going to allow to continue.

“Seth, we discussed this already. You’re the one who doesn’t trust her, so it
becomes your responsibility to monitor her,” Charles stated.
Her stomach dropped. Charlene hadn’t expected to overhear that when
she approached Charles’ office. She really thought she’d made some
headway with him last night. Guess she was wrong. He was just as difficult
as she originally thought he was.
She had two choices, walk away and never let him know she’d
overheard them, or knock on the door jamb of the open door. Charlene had
told herself she was ready for a challenge and it was just getting bigger,
that’s all. Nothing else had changed.
Before she knew it, her fingers curled and she tapped, the sound filling
the office. “I hope I’m not interrupting,” she said her gaze meeting Seth’s.
“Not at all. We were just discussing you,” Charles said.
“Perfect. Is there anything I should know?” she asked. Beyond what I
“I have suggested you report directly to Seth.”
“That is fine. I really enjoy working so closely with him. I believe I’ll
learn a lot from him. Actually I was going to see if I could sit in on a few of
his meetings in order to learn even more.” She could see Seth cringe at the
thought. That only made her enjoy this even more. How dare he tell
Charles not to trust me?
“There is no need to go to that extreme. I’ll check on you throughout the
day. If you have any questions or issues, you can save them for me at those
times,” Seth stated barely making eye contact with her.
“Oh, I have one now. Or should I wait until you come to my office?”
“Might as well ask while you’re here,” Charles stated.
She really didn’t have one for Seth, but she was a quick thinker. “Did
you want me to do a PR announcement?”
“No. I made sure that Lawson Steel wasn’t connected to what took
place yesterday. As far as the residents of that apartment complex know, the
city stepped in to help them. We’re just footing the bill,” Seth stated.
“Okay, but I’m telling you now, it will get out.”
“Charlene, I appreciate your concern, but we have been able to
maneuver situations before and never been publicly linked to them,”
Charles stated.
“Hopefully Charles confirming this is enough for you,” Seth stated.
She didn’t miss the snide tone. What was his problem? Charlene didn’t
recall pissing him off. Surely it wasn’t just her working here that was doing
it. “I don’t make those decisions, I just give my recommendations.” That
was all the answer she was going to give. Hopefully she wasn’t going to be
proven correct. Because for Lawson Steel that wouldn’t be a good thing. “I
guess I’ll head down to my office. Let me know if either of you need
Charlene walked back out of the office. This time she didn’t linger.
Whatever was going to be said about her, she didn’t want to know. When
she arrived back in her office, she noticed her desk line was blinking there
was a message. She picked up her fist voicemail and it was Sofia.
She’d return Sofia’s call later. The last thing she needed was to get
caught chatting about Seth. Of course he did owe her for eavesdropping
already. God I hope Charles doesn’t know.
Moving along she listened to the second one.
Really Sofia? She didn’t move to Manhattan just to be closer to Sofia.
That just happened to be one of the perks. There were still more messages
and she really hoped they weren’t all from Sofia.
When she listened to the third one, she almost dropped the receiver. No
way. She backed it up to listen again.
Okay, yesterday was a fluke. Today? What the heck was going on? How
did this person get her number? She took down all the information and
moved onto the fourth message.
At least this one didn’t demand a call back. But once again, she was
puzzled. Seth had taken over for her yesterday. She couldn’t let that happen
again today. She dialed the first gentleman back. This time very cautious
not to mention where she was calling from.
“Hello Mr. Potter. I received your voicemail this morning. I believe you
may have called the incorrect number.”
“The hell I did,” the man snapped angrily over the phone. “I’m looking
at the business card right now and it matches the caller ID. Now you better
send someone down immediately or I’m going to call the public housing
and the news station and tell them how you’re treating your tenants. Do you
hear me?!”
“Sir I can assure you that…”
“Don’t sir me. I want it fixed. Understand?” he said angrily.
Seth was going to be pissed, but there was no time to ask his advice.
She’d pay the price if it was the wrong call to make. “If you’d be so kind as
to give me your address and the time we can have a repairman come today,
I’d be happy to send one over.”
“Today right? Not tomorrow or next week, but today?”
“Yes, I promise, someone will be there today,’ Charlene stated. Looking
up she noticed Seth was standing in the doorway, arms crossed. He
obviously was very interested in what she was committing to. She raised
her finger letting him know she’d be with him in a moment. “Okay, I have
your address and I’ll call back with the details once I have the repairman
“I sure as hell hope so. Because you guys aren’t known for keeping your
word. But you can count on the fact that I am. I’ll go straight to”
“Yes sir. I understand. I’ll call you back shortly.” When she ended the
call, she looked back at Seth.
“What the hell did you get us into now?” Seth asked accusingly.
“Seth, you’re making it sound like I’m out looking for issues. Somehow
they are coming to me. I would think you would want to find out why and
how they are all getting my office number,” she said firmly, not backing
down. It was out of character for her to be this way.
“I’ll have Sal look into that very thing. But this needs to stop. I don’t
care if that means you don’t answer another call, you can’t continue getting
us involved in these circumstances.”
“You don’t even know what the issue is this time,” she stated. “It’s not a
major issue at all. Just a leaking refrigerator.”
Seth shook his head. “I assume your years as a repairman has prepared
you to diagnose it over the phone?”
Smart ass. “How bad can it be? Maybe it just needs to be defrosted? Or
it got unplugged. Or maybe…” She really had no clue, but it seemed a lot
simpler before Seth asked.
“Or maybe it has leaked so much that it has damaged the floor. Or even
worse, the ceiling of the people below them,” Seth stated.
“Oh. I hadn’t thought about that. Guess it’s time for me to hope for the
best. Now, who do you suggest I call to get it repaired?”
“No one. Call him and tell him to call his landlord,” Seth ordered.
“He threatened to go to public housing and the news station.”
“Let him. We don’t own it,” Seth snarled.
“I assumed that from our conversation yesterday. But what if someone
was intentionally giving them the number here just so they can ruin your
Seth laughed. “You’re serious aren’t you? You really think someone is
going to take down Lawson Steel with a broken refrigerator and plumbing
Charlene hadn’t actually thought like that until now. Seth was laughing,
but he might actually be right. And the only thing that was interfering with
their plans was her inability to say no to the people calling.
“I think it’s something you need to consider. Not that it’s my business
“You’re right. It’s not,” Seth said in a more serious tone. “Why can’t
you just”
“Do what I was hired to do?” she asked. Seth nodded. “I’m not your
average cookie cutter employee. Everyone else would go right and I’m the
one standing there saying, take a chance, do something…different. I
thought that is why I was hired. Because you wanted someone not so…
“What makes you think I don’t enjoy…predictable?” he asked.
She arched her brows and tried to hold back her reply. But it slipped out
anyway. “Because you’re not boring, even though you try like hell to
appear to be.”
Seth stood there staring at her. The anger and frustration that once was
there had vanished. Had she said something wrong? Or maybe she finally
said something right. Charlene walked around her desk to stand directly in
front of him. With her four inch heals she met his six foot two stature.
Although they were eye to eye, his muscular build still made her feel…
Don’t back down now Charlene.
Charlene said, “Seth, why don’t you like me?”
In a husky voice he said, “I don’t believe I ever said those words.” His
eyes never left hers.
“Seth, I heard you talking to Charles.” It was hard to admit, but if she
wanted him to trust her, she had to be honest.
“I’ll have to make sure I close the door next time.”
“I’m not joking Seth.” She wanted… no needed to know. It was
bothering her in a way she didn’t understand. This was just a job. How he
felt shouldn’t matter. So why does it?
“So I can see. But you misunderstood,” he said seriously. “You didn’t
hear the entire conversation. I updated him on everything that transpired
yesterday. He agreed with the course of action.”
“Seth, those are facts. None of that has anything to do with…with…”
“My feelings,” he said. She nodded. He finally gets it. Seth added, “I
don’t dislike you Charlene. You just…aren’t…like anyone else I know.”
If I had a dollar every time I’ve heard that. “Different doesn’t mean…
“Never said it was. But if it gets in the way of work, then it could be.”
“Trust me Seth, it won’t. Give me a chance to show you I can do what I
was hired for. You won’t be disappointed if you do.”
He looked at her and said, “You’re telling me all this because of that
She shrugged. “I believe in fate. And before you tell me you don’t,
that’s okay. I really believe that whatever happened to get these people to
call my number, I need to explore it.”
“I already told you I’m going to have Sal look into it.”
“I know, but that will be the facts, but what about the fate?” she asked.
Seth raised a brow. “I’m tempted to ask what the hell that means, but I
have a meeting and I don’t think I have time to wrap my head around trying
to figure it out. Maybe we can talk about it at lunch.”
Charlene almost said no, but then remembered Sofia telling her Seth
doesn’t do lunch. “Okay. In the meantime, can I please send over a
repairman to take a look at the refrigerator?”
He raised a finger. “This one last time Charlene. I mean it. Do NOT
answer that phone again until we figure out what is going on. Understood?”
She saluted him saying “Yes sir!” Smiling she turned back to her desk.
As Seth was leaving her office he said, “Charlene, I expect the short
version.” She wrinkled her nose, totally puzzled and he added, “At lunch.
You only get an hour, and I’ve heard you give a brief recap.”
Was she seeing things or were his lips curling slightly. Mark that down
for two victories and it’s not even ten in the morning.

“I’m glad you came to me. One time is a fluke. Charlene is right, something
is going on here,” Sal said.
“Let’s shut her phone line down until you know what the hell is going
on,” Seth said.
“Actually I suggest doing the opposite. So far the two people who have
called her have nothing to do with each other. The apartment buildings
aren’t owned by the same companies. Until we have a link, shutting the line
down wouldn’t be beneficial to Lawson Steel.”
“So you want her to keep answering them?” That really concerned Seth.
“I think that’s a bad idea.”
“I didn’t say it had to be her, but we want that line open. Would you like
me to answer them going forward?”
Seth was concerned Sal was going to suggest that he do it. Recently
Seth seemed to get a lot of things dumped on him that no one else wanted.
He got it. His brothers were getting married, having kids, living their lives.
He had one himself, although maybe not as exciting as he’d like. Since his
father retired several years ago, Seth took over the bookkeeping aspect.
There had been many discrepancies in the beginning. That’s when Seth
learned, nothing gets done better than you can do it yourself.
Shit. He knew what that meant.
“I’ll take the calls. You just find out who is trying to fuck with us. And
until we know for sure who that someone is, let’s not tell the others. I don’t
want a panic running through the family if we can avoid it.”
“For the moment, I will abide by your request. If I feel at any time that
anyone might be in danger, I won’t stop to ask your permission.
Understood?” Sal stated firmly.
“I don’t expect anything less. Charles made it clear when he brought
you on. You do what you need to and ask questions later.” The issue seemed
to be that Charlene acted in the same manner, however without the
experience required.
“Did you want me to deliver the news to Charlene for you?” Sal asked.
“Don’t think I can handle that?” Seth asked.
Sal grinned. “She can be…a handful. I’ve known her since she was a
kid. Spunky and more energy than most people. Tell her she can’t do
something and you might as well have pulled on a bucking bronco’s tail.”
“That bad? Really?” He had to be exaggerating. Yes Charlene was
strong headed, but the worst she could do was talk someone’s ears off.
“Hey, it’s just a friendly warning. You might want to think about how to
phrase it first.”
“I’m her boss. I have every right to make any changes I wish,” Seth
stated firmly.
Sal grinned. “You do. Just have ear plugs and a catcher’s mitt ready if
you don’t heed my advice.”
Seth wasn’t about to start dancing around how to handle the staff based
on their moods. If she couldn’t handle being told what to do, then it once
again just proved his point on her not being a fit. “Let me worry about…the
staff.” He intentionally didn’t say her name. “How long before you have
any answers?”
“Guess that depends on who is messing with the Lawsons. If it’s a
simple clerical error or something more. I’ll reach out, once I know.”
Seth got up and left Sal’s office. He didn’t want to suspect his new
found cousins, the Hendersons, but they were people he never would’ve
associated with in the past. The rest of the family might welcome them with
open arms, but for Seth, trust wasn’t given, it was earned. And the
Hendersons hadn’t earned his yet.
Seth was positive that Charles would’ve updated Sal on the family
connection, even though it wasn’t public knowledge. Hopefully Sal was
open minded enough to consider the Hendersons as a potential threat, even
if no one else did. But Sal had been exposed to the Hendersons several
times since Gareth’s wedding. Heck, it seemed like the Lawsons hardly had
a function where the Hendersons didn’t show. Even his mailbox had been
overflowing with Christmas cards with family photos of them all inside.
Had it all been a smokescreen? Could they be behind this?
God I hope not. Our family can’t take another deceitful blow.
For now, Seth was trying not to make any assumptions. The only other
person, not related to him, that he was willing to take off the suspect list,
was Charlene. There was a lot he could say about Charlene, but he didn’t
think she had an evil bone in her body. But she also was clueless to the
severity of this. He hated doing this, but she needed to be kept in the dark as
much as possible. Whatever she knew, mostly she’d share with Sofia. That
would start a chain reaction and if the Hendersons were involved, they’d
pull back and cover their tracks.
“Are you going to just stand in the doorway or come in?” Charlene said
from behind her desk.
Seth looked at Charlene. Best way to keep her out of trouble today was
to keep her out of her office.
“Actually I was thinking you should grab your coat and let’s head out
for lunch. After that, if you want to accompany me, I need to stop and see a
He loved how her eyes widened in surprise. She’d be a horrible poker
player. At least she wasn’t questioning as to his motive for the invitation.
As she slipped on her coat and grabbed her purse she asked, “Should I
bring a notepad?”
“I’ll be doing the talking, you’ll be…”
“I know, I’ll be quietly just listening.”
Like I believe for a second that’s going to happen.
“I’ll tell you what, you can do all the talking at lunch, and I’ll do the
talking with the client,” he said as they made their way down the elevator.
Charlene snickered. “You’ll regret that. I’ve mastered the art of gab.”
“Really. I hadn’t notice,” he teased.
She gave him a light jab in the ribs and said, “If the conversation was up
to you, we’d be eating in silence.”
Yes we would.
He chose not to reply. One thing he’d already learned, it was damn hard
to get the last word when she was around. God help the man who marries

When they were seated Charlene felt uncomfortable right away. This wasn’t
her type of place at all. She didn’t want to worry if she was using the
correct fork or ordering something that sounded good and found out it was
snails or something like that. She couldn’t help it. Fancy places like this
were expensive and their meals…small.
Definitely not Mama’s Place.
“Is there something special you’re hoping to see on the menu?” Seth
asked her.
A steak bomb sounds great. “Something…simple.” What she meant was
normal, but didn’t want to sound as though she didn’t appreciate his choice
of restaurant.
“You don’t strike me as the salad type of woman,” he stated.
She blinked. No he didn’t. Charlene put the menu down and said, “I’m
sure I didn’t hear you correctly.” Anyone else would’ve picked up on their
slip and corrected it. Not Seth.
“I said that you don’t seem like someone who enjoys salads.”
She rolled her eyes. “I heard you the first time.”
“Then I’m right,” he stated.
“Yes you are,” she said reluctantly. If this was how he spoke to a
woman out on a date, she got why he was single. Work all the time and
definitely didn’t waste time turning on the charm. “So what would you
He looked over the menu one more time before placing it down. “That
we leave.”
“Excuse me? I thought we were going to have lunch.”
Seth nodded. “We are. Just not here.” He got up, tossed a fifty dollar bill
on the table, then extended his hand to her.
Charlene looked at his hand then to his eyes. “Seth, what’s going on?”
“I made a mistake,” he stated. “I’ll explain in the car.”
That was fair. Better then telling her it was none of her business.
Charlene took his hand, and let him escort her to the door. The hostess came
over and asked, “Is everything okay Mr. Lawson?”
“Yes, it was fine. I just remembered something and we cannot stay.”
The hostess nodded. “Enjoy your day Mr. Lawson.”
“Thank you,” he said, holding the door for Charlene.
She stepped back out into the cold and only then did she turn back to
Seth. “What did you forget?” she asked.
“What you enjoy,” he said, waving for the valet to bring his car.
There were a lot of things she liked but most of them she doubted he
knew anything about. Some, unfortunately, he’d never know either, since he
could barely stand her.
“That doesn’t provide much to go on,” she said.
“Then I guess you’ll just have to trust me,” Seth said, holding open the
passenger door for her.
She slipped inside and she said jokingly, “Is this your way of getting out
of letting me talk during lunch?”
As he pulled onto the road he replied, “Funny, because the only time
you were quiet was in the restaurant.”
That was true. “Oh, so what you’re saying is you missed hearing my
voice,” she teased.
“I wouldn’t go that far, but it did bring something to my attention.”
“And what was that?” she asked.
“That you weren’t…comfortable there.”
Her heart skipped a beat. Did Seth actually just notice her? Really
notice her? Not only did he, but he opted to leave a place he enjoyed,
because she wasn’t enjoying it. Maybe she was the one being too harsh on
him. Of course, how would she know him and his likes, when she was the
one always running her lips. You can’t hear if you’re talking.
There was only one thing she could do. She reached over and touched
his hand gently. “Thank you, Seth.”
“You’re welcome. But now I hope you don’t mind a brief change in
“I’m all yours for the afternoon.”
That comment might have been a bit too much because Seth removed
his hand from hers and once again gripped the steering wheel. That’s okay.
He was her boss and she did spend part of her day yesterday reviewing
policy. Although they weren’t in the office, she didn’t want to be accused of
sexual harassment.
Get over it Charlene. He held your hand first.
“So what is the new plan?” she asked, trying to get out of her own head.
“Let’s stop at the client’s first. Then we can make it an early dinner. If
that is okay with you?”
“Sounds good, but Seth, I haven’t had anything to eat yet today. My
cheery disposition might dwindle if I don’t eat something.” That was
putting it lightly. She might become an outright bitch. She might not eat
breakfast, but by lunch, she was famished.
“Guess you’re about to learn a secret about me,” Seth declared. “Open
the glove box.”
That scared her a bit. There were a few items in her glove box which
she never would want him to see. There even was a personal vibrator that
looked like a lip stick. No way would Seth have her opening it if there was
anything that interesting inside. Slowly she pressed the button and her eyes
widened at the sight. “Well, well, Mr. Lawson. You have a…sweet tooth.”
She reached in and pulled out several individually wrapped truffles. “But I
do believe this will hold me over.”
She was about to close the glove box when Seth said, “Hey, not so fast.
You’re forgetting mine.”
Charlene giggled. He was kind of cute when he was relaxed and playful.
And knowing his dirty little secret made him kind of adorable. “Do you
have a preference?” she asked.
“I’ll take a caramel. And a fudge. Oh, a mint too.” She pulled out the
three and then he asked, “Is there a raspberry in there too?”
“Are you sure you don’t want me just to take them all out?” she teased.
“No. We might need more after the meeting,” he said seriously as she
handed him the first truffle.
Charlene sat back in her seat and took a bite of the heavenly creation. A
moan escaped her lips and she closed her eyes savoring each morsel. When
that one was finished, she moved onto the next, and repeated, until all three
were nothing but a sweet memory.
Moaning again and sinking even more into her seat she said softly,
“That was…” Even with her eyes half closed she saw Seth shaking his
head. “What?” she asked.
“No need to talk. Your moans say enough,” Seth teased.
Charlene blushed. She couldn’t recall the last time anyone made her
blush. She adjusted herself in her seat, now sitting upright. “It wasn’t that
“I’m not sure I’ve enjoyed them quite so much before,” Seth grinned.
They finally arrived at his meeting and they pulled into the parking lot.
Part of her hated this ride coming to an end. He seemed so different when in
his car. It was weird, like they were two different people. Then again, it
wasn’t the car, because she enjoyed her time last night at Dylan and Sofia’s
too. It was only when it came to work that he became…an ass.
Unfortunately, they were about to enter a client’s office building. The stern,
unwavering businessman was about to return.
But they weren’t inside yet. “I was starving and they were…
unbelievable. They melted in my mouth, so creamy, so sweet, and I…” she
licked her lips slowly, knowing damn well what she was doing and added,
“I can’t help…but want…more.”
Seth had been watching her closely, and she swore his eyes darkened. “I
think we’ll pass on eating anymore in the car.”
“What a shame. I was really looking forward to the ride to the restaurant
after the meeting.”
Seth leaned over, now only inches from her and in a husky voice he
warned, “If you don’t stop talking about the chocolate, you’re not even
coming inside.”
She grinned and said softly, “Not another word.”
“Good,” he said, and got out of the car. When he came around to her
side, she knew by his expression, he was back to his old self.
It was nice while it lasted.

Seth knew taking Charlene with him was a mistake. At first he thought it
would be her lack of control during the meeting but that wasn’t the case.
She honored his request, and for the most part she let him do the talking.
The questions she did bring up to the client needed some translation
because she spoke in layman’s terms, but they were appropriate.
What he found disturbing was how his client reacted to Charlene. Seth
was trying to present the data Mr. Sheen had requested, but his client wasn’t
giving Seth his full attention. Charlene could be flirty, but not once did he
notice that behavior during the meeting. It was Mr. Sheen who didn’t even
try to be discreet when checking her out. He could tell by Charlene’s
demeanor that Mr. Sheen was making her uncomfortable, as it should. He
was looking at her as though she was there to give him a lap dance. Seth
wanted to grab the asshole by his collar and pound him in the face. That
would make a point, but Seth opted to hurt him in another way.
Closing his laptop, Seth announced, “Mr. Sheen, Lawson Steel is not the
vendor for you.”
That got the man’s attention. Mr. Sheen turned to him and said, “I don’t
understand. I thought you said your steel was top of the line, and that you
can’t get anything better.”
“It is.” Seth stated standing up and waving for Charlene to do the same.
Mr. Sheen looked baffled and asked, “I don’t understand. I’ve agreed to
your pricing.”
Seth put his hand on the curve of Charlene’s back and escorted her out
of the conference room. “Mr. Sheen, face it. Lawson Steel is not interested
in doing any business with you.”
As they walked down the hallway and past security, he could tell
Charlene was completely stunned. Yet she must’ve sensed how pissed off
he was right now, because she didn’t utter a word. Not even when they got
back inside his car. If anything, she even seemed to avoid looking at him.
He peeled out of the parking lot and he noticed Charlene grip the handle
on the door. “Sorry.” She nodded but didn’t let go. He slowed his speed. “I
don’t believe I’m going to have time for that lunch I promised you.”
“That’s fine,” she replied softly.
Seth needed to tell her something, but he didn’t want her to think this
was her fault in any way. Hell, he still couldn’t believe he just walked out of
a major deal without giving it a second thought. All because he couldn’t
stand the way the guy was looking at Charlene. He’d been in many
meetings, all over the world, and seen women treated with even more
disrespect than what Sheen had done.
But they weren’t Charlene.
“Not every meeting goes like this one,” he said.
“I figured as much. If they did, Lawson Steel wouldn’t be in business.
Mr. Sheen seemed quite upset with your decision.”
He’d have been a lot more upset if told him what I thought of him.
“That’s his problem, not mine.”
Charlene turned to him and asked, “Did I do…something to…
something wrong? You seem…angry with me.”
“No. ” He tried to cover his anger, but obviously it had been too late.
“You did fine.”
“May I ask what happened?”
“I don’t want to do business with him. It’s that simple.” Of course,
explaining that to his brothers wasn’t going to be simple. Dylan had worked
long hours getting Mr. Sheen to even meet with them. And then Ethan had
negotiated pricing that was in Lawson Steel’s best interest. This could’ve
been a long-term, lucrative business relationship.
Charlene sighed. “I guess I better get back to the office then. And
hopefully my voice mail doesn’t contain any more weird messages.”
Damn it. He hadn’t even told her that her phone line was being auto
transferred to his office. Of course those were all going to a newly set up
general voicemail which he’d deal with later.
“If you recall, I told you not to answer the phone until we sorted out
what was wrong.”
“Oh yes, that’s right. So if I can’t answer the phone and I have no
meetings, what exactly is it I can do for the rest of the day?”
“Take it off,” he said.
“You mean go home?” she asked.
“Yes. Or go shopping or visit Sofia. Whatever you like.”
Charlene glared at him. “Why don’t you want me at the office Seth?”
“It’s not that,” he replied. But of course he wasn’t exactly sure why he’d
suggest that in the first place. Maybe it was because he needed his space to
think and that wasn’t so easy with her around.
“I’m just adding up all the facts. You’re angry. You cancel our lunch.
And now you don’t want me to return to work. You can tell me this has
nothing to do with me, but I seem to be the one common denominator in it
He pulled the car over to the side of the road and said, “Charlene, I am
angry, but not at you. Cancelling lunch was so I can handle an issue that has
come up at work. And giving you the afternoon off, well that was my way
of making it up to you for cancelling our lunch. But if you rather go sit in
that office and read more policies, I’ll be happy to bring you.”
“No. That’s fine. But under one condition,” she said.
He couldn’t even guess what that was going to be. “Not making any
promises, but what is it?”
“I can’t keep interrupting Sofia and Dylan. So why don’t you come by
my place and I’ll cook dinner for you. I mean with the afternoon off, I’ll
need something to do. What do you say? Does a half-way decent home
cooked meal sound appealing?”
He almost said no. There were a million reasons he could easily give as
to why he couldn’t make it. Instead he said, “Half-way decent?”
She nodded. “Trust me, that is the best I can do. I’m no fancy chef but
ketchup can fix almost anything.”
He grinned. “I’ll be late.”
“That’s fine. How about eight?” she suggested.
“I’ll be there. Now let’s get you home so we can both do what we need
to this afternoon.” He turned the car around and headed to her apartment.
Seth couldn’t believe he’d not just agreed, but was actually looking forward
to it, even though he hated ketchup.
When he arrived back at the office, he went directly to Dylan. “We need
to talk.”
“You’re telling me. Want to guess who just called me?”
“Yeah. I was going to call from the car, but I had Charlene with me. I
thought it best not to discuss with her there.”
“You do know I worked on getting this far with Mr. Sheen for more than
a year. One meeting with you and the entire fucking thing blows up. What
the fuck happened?” Dylan snapped.
“He’s not someone we want to do business with,” Seth replied.
“I’m not sure why not. He had the money to purchase our steel and
guess what, we have steel to sell. Doesn’t sound like any issues as far as I
can see.”
You weren’t there. “Sheen isn’t from here. He…he…has different ideals
than we do.”
“And what does that have to do with selling steel?” Dylan inquired.
He was just going to say it straight out. Then they could move past the
fact that Seth just walked away from one of Dylan’s largest deals.
“I had Charlene accompany me to the meeting. To give her some
exposure to another part of the business.”
“That’s a great idea. Did she talk his ear off or say something she
“Actually, she was very professional. That’s a hell of a lot more than I
can say about Sheen. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.”
“She is beautiful,” Dylan replied.
“But she’s not for sale. The way he was looking at her,” Seth made a
fist, “was cheap. Like you see at a strip club. I almost knocked his ass out.”
Dylan didn’t say anything at first. Then leaned back in his seat and just
continued staring at him. “So the deal is off. End of it. So let’s move on.”
“A multi-million-dollar deal gone because someone looked at
“Not just looked. Ogle, from head to toe. He…fuck! You’re right. I have
no idea what came over me.”
“I do. It’s called being a man of character and not standing by while
some asshole treats someone we care about like shit,” Dylan stated.
“Yeah. She works for us and deserves respect,” he said.
“I said care for. Not that we don’t care for our employees, but I have a
feeling this is different.”
Seth didn’t want Dylan making this into more than it was. “You were
right the first time. I couldn’t deal with anyone who treats a woman like an
“And we don’t want their business either. Mr. Sheen can find someone
else,” Dylan stated. “How is Charlene by the way?”
“Good. I gave her the afternoon off.”
“You don’t think it wouldn’t have been better for her to keep busy
instead of pondering what just transpired?”
“No. She’s cooking me dinner. That will keep her mind off things.”
Dylan cocked a brow. “Dinner? Really?”
“It’s nothing,’ Seth said.
“I doubt that. But can I give you a suggestion?” Dylan asked.
“I don’t need any lecture about not mixing business with pleasure. Or
that she is Sofia’s friend so not to hurt her. Or let’s see what else. Oh that
I’m almost ten years older than her and how we’ve got nothing in common.
I already know all that.”
“Funny, I was going to say bring antacids. She’s a horrible cook,” Dylan
grinned. “But I’m glad to see you’re not putting much thought into any of
Fuck you.
The last thing Seth needed was his kid brother busting his balls. Not
after the day he just had. Of course, it was far from over, and antacids were
the last thing he was worried about.
“Do me a favor. Don’t tell the others.”
“About Sheen or Charlene?”
“How about neither. Now if you don’t mind, I think we both have a lot
of work to do.”
“Yeah. I need to land another contract to replace Sheen.”
“Hey, I’m really sorry about this,” Seth said. He knew contracts like that
took a lot of time and energy to pull together. Dylan was backing him, but it
still sucked that it was all lost. But I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
“Seth, go back a few generations, and our great granddad wouldn’t have
blinked an eye. Hell, he was probably doing the same thing Sheen was, and
worse. I’m glad we’re nothing like them. And I’m sure our brothers would
all agree with how you handled it today. We’re so much better than that.”
“I sure as hell hope so,” Seth said as he left the office.
Seth had tried blocking out everything they had learned about their
families so called legacy. It sickened him. Maybe that’s why Sheen had set
him off. Dylan nailed it. The thought of anyone they cared about being
mistreated, was now magnified by the hatred they carried about the past.
Charlene wasn’t innocent, but she sure in hell was sweet, and in many
ways, naïve. Seth never wanted her to know anything about what had
transpired years earlier between the Lawsons and the Hendersons. She’d
never look at any of them in the same way. He knew that to be true, because
he couldn’t look at himself at times.
So keeping his distance with Charlene wasn’t strictly due to their
business association, but more about his personal life as well. His brother’s
might have been able to move past what they learned, or maybe they were
all just better at acting like they had. Seth dealt with it like everything else
in his life. Bury himself in his work
Just before he turned into his office Ethan shouted out, “How did the
meeting go?”
Seth wasn’t getting into it again. “You’ll hear the update in the morning.
I have a few things to attend to first.”
“Saw you leave earlier with Charlene, but she’s not here now. Tell me
you didn’t fire her,” Ethan said.
“Not today,” he replied. There might come a time when he did. It’d only
make things more complicated than they already were if they became too
friendly. He was going to need to remember that tonight at Charlene’s.
If cancelling was an option, Seth would take it right now. She’s already
dealt with one asshole today. No need to make it two.

“What do you mean, you’re not at work? Did Seth fire you?” Sofia asked.
“No. Why would he? I haven’t done anything wrong.” Haven’t done any
right either. “We left a meeting with a client and he offered me the rest of
the day off.”
“That’s so…strange. Guess that means you’re free to come and spend
some time with me today. Just girl time.”
“Although that sounds wonderful, I can’t. I’m trying to clean my
apartment and cook.” She hadn’t lived there very long, actually only two
weeks, but somehow things still looked messy. And now with just about
every pan she owned out and dirty, it looked a lot worse.
“If you came over, you wouldn’t need to do either. Sounds like a win to
me,” Sofia said, still trying to lure her over.
“Can’t. Sorry.”
“Charlene, please don’t tell me that you’re tired of hanging out with me
just because I’m not fun anymore.”
Charlene knew Sofia wasn’t joking. She needed to reassure her friend
that wasn’t the case, without letting on what her true plans were for this
evening. It wasn’t like it was a date or anything. They needed to eat, and
she was cooking for him. Nothing out of the ordinary there.
“You know better than that. I love you guys. But I can’t be there every
night. And if you forgot, you just saw me yesterday.”
“Ha. Back home we saw each other just about every day,” Sofia added.
“Well it was hard not to. We lived in the same apartment building. And
besides, you bribed me with your mother’s cheesecake. Do you have her
cheesecake?” Not that she was about to cancel her plans with Seth, but
Mama Marciano had the best cheesecake in the world.
“You’re horrible. You won’t come see me and Liliana, but you’d come
for cheesecake.”
“No. But I had you believing I would, and that is almost as good. How
about if I promise to come by and see you guys over the weekend?”
Charlene offered.
“I’d love that, but Rosslyn and Charles are coming over so Penny can
play. Actually I think I’m babysitting and they haven’t broken the news to
me yet. I wish you’d have a baby so Liliana and…hey what are you going
to name your baby?” Sofia asked.
Charlene burst out laughing. “You need to get out more Sofia.”
“Because I’m not even dating anyone, never mind pregnant. Why on
earth am I supposed to be picking out baby names?”
“You need to be prepared for these types of things.”
“So you’re telling me you had picked out Liliana’s name even before
you met Dylan?” There was no way Charlene was going to buy that crap.
She knew Sofia too long for that.
“Well no.”
“How did you come up with the name? Someone in your family or
maybe Dylan’s?” she asked.
“Do you remember the part in the play I was trying out for when I met
“Vaguely,” she replied. Sofia had tried out for so many that they were
all a blur to Charlene.
“Well the character’s name was Liliana.”
“You named your daughter after a role you played in the theater?”
Charlene chuckled. “Why am I just learning about this now?”
“I would guess because you never asked before,” Sofia stated.
“Good point.” She was just about ask what else she didn’t know when a
loud blaring alarm sounded. “Damn it. Look at what you made me do. I’ve
got to go.”
She ended the call and rushed over to the oven. Black smoke was
coming out from inside. She turned off the oven, then grabbed a towel and
started waving it at the smoke detector trying to get it to stop buzzing. Her
cell phone rang and she knew it was Sofia, probably in a panic.
Quickly she answered and put it on speakerphone. “It’s okay. That’s just
the smoke alarm going off. You’re never going to believe this. Well yes you
will because you know I’m a horrible cook. But when I put the oven on
preheat, I forgot to look inside first. I have a pizza box in there from two
days ago. God I hope no one calls the fire department. I’d die if the other
tenants knew what I did.” Finally the buzzing stopped and she added,
“Okay, you have to promise never to tell Dylan or anyone else about this.”
“I won’t.”
It was impossible. She was hearing things. Charlene snatched up the
phone off the counter and looked at the caller ID. Seth. This really wasn’t
her day.
“I…I thought you were…”
“Sofia?” he said.
“Yes. So, do you remember my saying I can fix anything with
“I hope a cardboard pizza box wasn’t on the menu,” he teased.
“Not what you’re used to?” she joked back.
“I’m trying to cut back,” he laughed. “Should I just bring a bag of the
truffles and we can have that for dinner, or would you prefer I pick
something up?”
“No way. I promised you I’d cook and I’m going to,” she said firmly.
“Trust me. It gets better than the pizza box.”
“I’m not sure it could get worse. Before you say anything Charlene, that
wasn’t a challenge.”
“Thank goodness. Because I’m sure I could win without even trying.” It
dawned on her that she had no idea why Seth was calling in the first place.
“You weren’t calling to cancel were you?”
“No. I wanted to let you know the issue with the refrigerator has been
resolved. It was simple.”
“Really? What was it?” she asked.
“They had blown a breaker and needed it to be reset. There actually
wasn’t anything wrong. If they’d have looked, they’d have noticed other
things were out as well.”
Charlene laughed. “I even know that. He must’ve felt ridiculous for
making such a fuss.”
“Actually he cussed out the repair guy for taking so long to fix it. You
will learn Charlene, that even when you give them what they want, you still
can’t make everyone happy. Some people just enjoy being miserable and
taking others with them.”
“Isn’t that the truth? I believe in surrounding yourself with positive,
happy people because that is infectious. Even when you’re feeling down,
one call from those friends and you’re back to being joyful.” She and Sofia
had been that for each other since they were kids.
“You definitely have that effect on me,” Seth stated.
All that had gone wrong today, Seth’s sweet words just made it all
better. But did he really mean it? This was a phone conversation. That’s
only one step up from a text message and a lot can be misread.
“If that’s the case, then maybe I’ll allow you to bring truffles for
dessert,” she said, trying not to let him hear how it had affected her.
“Deal. I’ll see you at eight,” Seth said before ending the call.
Charlene held the phone for a moment longer, as though trying to
contain the feelings. He made her laugh and also frustrated the hell out of
her. Seth was like being on a rollercoaster. Normally she enjoyed the ride.
This time, not so much. Something inside her warned that one wrong move
and this warm fuzzy feeling was going to vanish.
She put the phone back on the counter and went back to cleaning. If she
spent any more time worrying about tonight, then nothing would get done.
Obviously, Seth was no longer expecting anything fabulous for dinner, but
she wanted to at least give him something edible.
God I hope he brings those truffles. He’s going to need something with
taste after my cooking.

Showing up with truffles was the easy part. But somehow he found himself
carrying up a winter bouquet of flowers. This was going to send the wrong
message. He knew it. But there he was knocking on her door, holding them
anyway. What was it about her? The logical thing would not to be here at
all. And then again, he couldn’t stop thinking about it since she’d invited
When she opened the door, she wasn’t dressed as he’d expected. Most
women would put on some fancy dress, and have their hair and makeup all
done. Charlene was in a pair of jeans, that hugged those slender hips of
hers, and an oversized t-shirt tied at her waist.
“Just in time. The timer is buzzing on the oven,” she said.
“Then I suggest taking it out,” he teased in reference to her earlier
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. I only burn one thing a day.” Charlene stood at the
door and asked, “Do you plan on standing there all night or are you going to
give them to me?”
Seth grinned and handed them to her. “I’m assuming you’re talking
about the flowers, but then again, you might mean these.” He held up the
bag of truffles.
“Oh. Do I need to choose?” she asked.
“No. But you are required to share one of them.”
She smiled and pulled a red flower from the bouquet and tucked it in his
coat pocket. “Hope you like red,” she winked.
He pulled it out of his pocket, brushed back her hair on one side and
placed the flower to rest over one ear. “I do, but much better on you. Now
can I come in, or are we going to eat in the hallway?”
Charlene stepped aside. “Enter. And take a seat in the kitchen. I meant it
when I said it was ready.”
“Whatever it is, it smells good,” he said. Seth didn’t eat at home much
and when he did, it was delivered. He could cook and very well too, but it
was such a waste of time doing it for one. Besides, cooking meant dishes
and he hated doing dishes, even if it was putting them in the dishwasher.
Maybe having to wash them by hand for a year as a child had scarred him
for life. But that was his punishment for cussing in the house. Even now, he
never would swear in front of his mother.
“It’s stuffed peppers.”
“I’m not sure I’ve even had those,” he said.
She turned and said, “You’re kidding me right?”
“No.” When she placed the dish in the center of the table he added,
“Please don’t tell me that’s ketchup.”
“No. It’s pasta sauce. Not as good as if it was made from scratch, but at
least it’s a good jar of sauce.”
“I thought Italians called it gravy?” Seth asked.
“Kittredge. Does that sound Italian to you?”
“Good point. I guess I thought because you grew up with Sofia and Sal
that you were.” She also had the dark hair and features too. And that
beautiful golden kissed skin.
“Most people in that part of town were Italian. Funny, that you would
think growing up around them that I’d have learned how to speak it. The
only thing I know is when Mama, that’s Sofia’s mother, is mad. She starts
yelling words that you don’t want to know. And if your name is spoken at
any time during that rant, your butt is in deep trouble.”
Seth laughed. “Only English spoken in my house growing up, but the
same happened.
“I bet you were Mr. Goody Two Shoes back then.”
“Why do you think that?” he asked. She wasn’t that far off, but goody
two shoes? Never.
“Because you’re practically that now,” she explained.
“You are mistaken, trust me. And furthermore, the original meaning of
the phrase was from a children’s story back in 1765. There was a little
orphan girl who had only one shoe. A rich man takes pity on her and gives
her a pair of shoes. She runs around town telling everyone she meets she
has two shoes.”
“Okay. Now you’re scaring me.” Charlene stated.
“Why is that?” he asked.
“Because I was only teasing you and you actually know the origin
behind the joke.”
“Let’s just say that is because I had been called it a few times when I
was very young. I did my research to learn if it was a compliment or not.”
“My next research was boxing. The name calling ceased shortly after
that,” he said.
Charlene grinned. “Oh, some bad boy stories. Guess tonight you can do
the talking and I’ll do the listening.”
“Wait a minute. I never agreed to tell you all about my childhood,” he
said. His family was one thing he didn’t want to talk about. That would lead
to more questions and he didn’t want to talk about them.
“Okay, one story from you and one from me. How does that sound?”
she asked.
“That’s fair. Let’s hear yours?” he said.
“No you go first,” she suggested.
Seth stuck his fork and scooped up some of the rice and meat and said,
“I did. My boxing story counts as one. Your turn.”
Charlene sighed but he saw she wasn’t upset about it one bit. If
anything, once she started talking, the Charlene he’d come to know was
back. She talked all throughout dinner. He was surprised she got to eat
anything. Then again, her cooking wasn’t as bad as she made it out to be,
and he actually had seconds.
It was getting late, and he needed to go. If they ended up sitting on the
couch watching a movie or even talking any more, it risked something
greater happening. He wanted to kiss her. And damn it was killing him not
“Thank you for dinner Charlene.”
“You’re welcome. It was nice having someone to cook for. Maybe we
can do this again,” she said.
“I’d like that, but I still owe you dinner out.”
“I’m free this weekend if you want to pay that debt,” she said.
She definitely was a woman who said what she wanted. He had so much
to do, but he needed a break. It was just dinner. “The weekend starts
tomorrow night. Want to join me after work?”
“Can we go someplace…more…laid back?” she asked.
“I’ve changed my mind,” he said.
“About dinner tomorrow night?”
“Yes. I’m thinking more of a day trip Saturday? What do you say?”
“To where?” she asked.
“It’s a surprise. A sweet one,” he said. Seth leaned over and kissed her
on the cheek, then added, “Have a good night Charlene.”
“Goodnight Seth,” she replied closing the door behind him.
As he walked to his car the cold night air felt refreshing. It wasn’t as
though her apartment had been overly hot. But being with her alone in there
definitely raised his temp. And now he was taking her on an excursion.
I must be losing my mind. The more I tell myself to stay away, the more I
create reasons to see her.
He was grateful that tomorrow he’d be in business meetings all day.
Unless all hell broke out, there wasn’t any time to see her. Maybe a day of
no Charlene was what it would take for him to stop thinking of her.
With my luck, I won’t be able to think of anything else.

She was glad the week was over. It had started off leaving her feeling as
though everything she touched just fell apart. But Seth made sure she didn’t
have to face it alone. He was always there. She wasn’t foolish enough to
believe he was there just out of the goodness of his heart. Charlene hadn’t
forgotten what she’d overheard Seth and Charles arguing about. It was her.
But after all the time they’d spent together, she believed Seth no longer held
such doubts in her ability. Or at least he now had some faith in it. It was a
As she left the office building, she looked back one last time, hoping to
spot Seth. It was Friday night and everyone was hustling to get off work,
and get home to relax. But not one of them was Seth. He obviously had
been busy, because he didn’t call or stop in to check on her, not even once.
That should’ve boosted her confidence, but she actually missed it.
Turning and walking away, she left the building and waved down a taxi.
One thing about leaving Lawson Steel, taxis practically fought to give you a
ride. It was so expensive, but so was taking her car to work. Paying for a
parking spot each day would cost more than her salary. Charlene was used
to watching her spending. She might have a better job now, but old habits
die hard. Besides, she had no idea how long she’d be at Lawson Steel. She
appreciated Charles giving her a chance, but she didn’t need to be there for
years to know it wasn’t the place for her.
Charlene missed working with the public. God, so many people would
consider her crazy, but she met so many unique individuals that way.
Granted some were losers, and others, well, probably should be locked up
behind bars, but for the most part, they were regular people. At Lawson
Steel, it was like everyone was cut from the same cloth. Or at least
pretending to be. That wasn’t her style at all.
When she entered the taxi, it was the first time all day she felt at ease.
The woman driving looked like she could be a truck driver. She asked
Charlene for the address and pulled out into the road, as though there wasn’t
another car to be seen for miles.
“Have you lived in the city long?” Charlene asked.
“Do I look like I live in Manhattan?” she answered. Her voice matched
her appearance.
“I just relocated a couple of weeks ago. It takes some time to get used to
I guess.”
“You either like it or you don’t.”
Charlene wasn’t sure yet. Then again, she lived on the outskirts so it
was a bit different. “There are things I like, and of course a lot of things I
miss from home too. Like this restaurant that was close by. It’s called
Mama’s Place. You could just walk in and you felt like you were family.
Well I kind of am. Not that I’m actually related or anything, but their
daughter is my best friend. So it’s like being related in a way.”
“Why don’t you call her now?” the driver suggested.
“I would but the baby usually sleeps at this time and I’d hate to wake
her. She had a newborn. Well actually she’s a few months now. I don’t have
any kids, but who knows what the future holds right? I mean I’m in New
York City. If you can’t get lucky in love here, where can you?”
“Ah huh.”
“How about yourself? Married?”
“Kids?” she asked.
“Are you looking, because I’m thinking of opening my own business
and I really think I could…”
“Listen lady. I’m not interested,” she stated.
“In dating?” Charlene asked.
“In anything you’ve been saying. Why don’t you play on your phone or
read a book. It will make this ride”
“Sorry. I’ll be quiet,” she said and did just that. This isn’t going to make
me like the city very much if people keep biting my head off.
It wasn’t like this was the first person to basically tell her to shut the
hell up. Sadly it happened more times than Charlene would like to think.
But when you’re stuck in an office looking at the same four walls all day,
you want to chat up a storm when you finally see life. Obviously, Charlene
had picked the wrong taxi to take home when she was bored. And that is
exactly what she was.
It was Friday night and her big plans were look out the window on her
ride home. Granted, Charlene had wanted to make some changes in her life,
tone things down a bit, but this was too much. Before she knew it she’d be
playing pinochle or canasta at the senior center for excitement.
Maybe something on the way home would catch her eye. She was after
all, in the city that never sleeps. People travelled from all over the world to
visit Manhattan and it wasn’t to look at it through the window of a taxi
“Pull over please,” Charlene said quickly.
The drive got over to the curb and said, “I hope you’re not going to get
sick in my taxi.”
Gee, thanks for caring.
“No. I don’t need your services any longer.” Charlene saw the amount
on the meter, and pulled out the exact amount handing it over to the driver.
Then she grabbed her purse and got out without giving her a tip or saying
goodbye. She was tired of being treated rudely and still being the bigger
person by being polite.
As she stepped onto the curb, a gust of cold air enveloped her. This
might not have been the smartest thing to do. It wasn’t like she could walk
to her apartment, but she couldn’t stand sitting in that vehicle one second
The city was still decorated for Christmas, even though it had passed.
She’d take a stroll and window shop for a bit, then decide what she wanted
to do from there. Before she even made her way through the crowd, a limo
pulled up, and paced her. The window rolled down and a man’s voice called
out. “Miss Kittredge. Come here.”
She tried to place the man’s voice, but couldn’t. Could it be one of
Seth’s brothers? If so, why would they bark orders at her like that? There
was only one way to find out who it was. She approached the open window
and peered into the dark vehicle.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“Get inside,” he ordered.
Charlene might not be new to living in the city, but she didn’t just crawl
out from under a rock. No way in hell was she getting in any vehicle, not
even a limo, just because someone used a demanding tone. She almost
turned and walked away, but then remembered how the taxi driver spoke to
her. She was so done with it all today.
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, but you’ve lost your
mind if you think I’m getting inside.”
“Listen you bitch. This was not a request,” he growled out.
Charlene adjusted her angle and finally she saw the face that went along
with the voice. Mr. Sheen. Her legs trembled knowing he not only spotted
her but actually pulled over. Why?
“Mr. Sheen, I am not going anywhere with you,” she turned to walk
away when she heard the door opening.
Her heart raced and Charlene didn’t want her back to him. How could
she protect herself if she couldn’t see what was coming? When she spun
around, she lost her footing on a small piece of ice. She tried to steady
herself, but her ankle went one way and her foot the other. Pain instantly
shot up her right leg and down she went, landing hard on the cold cement.
Thankfully she didn’t hit her head, but her backside was going to be
sore for days. People continued to walk around her, which in a way, she was
thankful for. At least they weren’t stepping on her. But she needed a hand
up. Her ankle was throbbing. The person who stood in front of her wasn’t
someone she wanted any help from.
“You cost me a lot of money. I don’t forget. Remember that Miss
Kittredge,” he said before turning and heading back to his limo.
He never offered his assistance. It only proved her initial feelings about
him. He was a vile man. Seth never said why he severed their business
relationship, but Charlene was glad he had.
Trying again to get up, she found she couldn’t put any weight on her
foot. She needed to get to the hospital. Charlene didn’t think it was broken,
but definitely sprained. She needed help. The one person she knew she
could call was Sofia. But she couldn’t ask Sofia to come out in this cold
weather with the baby. No way was she calling Seth either. He’d told her he
was busy all day Friday. She couldn’t call him now. It’d look like she was
trying to see him tonight even though he’d told her no.
Another pedestrian was kind enough to help her to her feet, but she
wasn’t going to be walking anywhere on this foot. There was one person
she knew she could call. Someone who would come.
Pulling out her cell she dialed his number.
“Hi Charlene, what’s up?”
“Sal, I need your help. Please come.”
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
She explained about her ankle but left out the part about Mr. Sheen.
Charlene needed to watch what she said. Sal wouldn’t keep something like
that to himself and she wasn’t ready for it to get back to Seth. It wasn’t like
Mr. Sheen had threatened Lawson Steel, but it sure felt like he had
threatened her.
Sal had told her he was on the road and would be there in ten minutes.
When standing, more like leaning, against a pole, ten minutes felt like an
eternity. But it sure was better than her other option. Walking on it.
When Sal pulled up, she noticed he wasn’t alone. Damn it. She knew
Seth had plans, she never thought they were with Sal. They both leapt from
the car and started assessing her. Seth had dropped to one knee looking over
her ankle.
“It’s not broken,” she said.
“Didn’t know you were a doctor,” he replied. Then Seth said, “Sal, I’m
going to get in first, then I want you to put her on my lap.”
“I’m not sitting on you Seth. I just need a ride to the hospital.”
“And we’re it,” Seth said.
It figured that Sal had shown up in a two seat sports car. But that
wouldn’t have been such an issue if he’d been alone.
“You can just stay with me until I can get a taxi.” Someplace that I can
sit in.
“We’re not waiting. Sal, help me get her in.”
Sal didn’t even bother waiting to see what Charlene wanted. In one
movement he scooped her into his arms and deposited her on Seth’s lap.
“You guys have to be kidding. It’s just a sprain. I don’t need to be
carried around,” she said.
“Charlene, you know you’re wasting your time arguing with Seth,
right?” Sal asked.
She knew that, but she still needed to voice her opinion. “And you
should’ve told me you weren’t alone,” she shot back.
Seth asked, “I have several questions, but we’ll discuss them after I
know you’re okay.”
It was only then did she realize there was more than just concern going
on in Seth. He was upset. And she understood why too. He was working
and Charlene called Sal and pulled him away from their meeting. It seemed
like disrupting Seth’s work schedule was something she excelled at. And
something she needed to avoid doing in the future.
“I’m telling you, it’s not that bad,” she stated. “Probably the worst thing
hurt is my pride.”
“You wouldn’t have called Sal if that was the case,” Seth said.
He was right. Hopefully he was wrong about her ankle. They pulled up
to the emergency room and Sal went to get her a wheel chair while she
waited on Seth’s lap. The silence was killing her. Without looking at him
she said, “I’m really sorry about ruining your meeting today.” First the one
with Mr. Sheen. Now the one with Sal. I’m on a roll.
“The meeting is not what’s on my mind,” he said firmly.
And I’m not sure I want to know what is.
Thankfully Sal arrived with the wheelchair and inside they went.
Whatever was upsetting Seth would need to wait. And right now that was
okay with her. Her ankle had started to swell and turn colors. Charlene had
her own things to think about too. Like how the hell am I going to go to
work when I can’t even walk?

Seth sat in the waiting room with Sal. “What the hell is taking so long?”
Calmly Sal answered. “I’m going to guess they are waiting on x-ray
results. It’s only been an hour. This is an emergency room. Her foot might
not be the biggest thing they’re dealing with.”
Seth knew that. He’d seen the ambulances coming in, one after another.
But he wanted to know how she was doing. “She should’ve let me go in
with her.” Sal chuckled and Seth asked, “Did I say something funny?”
“I think she was in enough pain. Didn’t need you adding to it,” Sal
“What the hell does that mean?”
“I told you before, that Charlene isn’t one who you can bark orders to.”
He remembered, but this was different. She was hurt and not listening to
what he was telling her. And he wasn’t barking, just strongly making his
point. While ignoring what she was saying. That explained why she didn’t
want him around at the moment. “I guess I’m going to need to explain to
her why I was”
“Such an ass?” Sal suggested. Seth turned to him about to cuss him out,
and opted not to. “And I’d skip the explanation and go directly for the
“Sal, you’re head of security. You can keep your advice to yourself,”
Seth stated. He already felt like shit, he didn’t need Sal adding to it.
“I am doing my job. Because if you go back there and start ‘explaining’
your actions, she’s probably going to throw something at you. Have you
ever heard the saying, sometimes less is more?”
“You’re getting on my nerves Sal. Why don’t you do something useful
like go home to Rori? I’ll have the limo come and retrieve us when she’s
finished,” Seth snarled.
“I’m not leaving. There’s something she’s not saying. I want to know
what it is.”
“I don’t know. She said a lot on the way over here.” Mostly about how
stupid it was for them to all be crammed in the car and how she should’ve
just called a cab.
“When she called and I asked what happen, she never really answered.”
“Obviously she fell,” Seth stated.
“If that was the case, she’d have made a joke about her being clumsy
and how she once again needed to be rescued.”
Again? “You mean she’s accident prone?”
“No. Not exactly. But things happen, and usually she calls my sister.
Sofia has been bailing her out most of her life.”
“Of jail?” Seth asked shocked.
Sal laughed. “No. Not that bad. But somehow she can find herself
caught up in trouble. Like a magnet, it’s attracted to her. And for the most
part, she’s always been an innocent party.”
“And that makes you think there’s more than a stumble to this story. I
guess I’ll need to ask,” he said.
“By ask, do you mean brow beat her into telling you? Because I’m
warning you, that won’t work. One thing about Charlene is she will talk, but
when she’s ready. Your job is to make sure you shut up and listen when she
does. Otherwise you might just miss what she’s trying to say.”
Seth never has been good at deciphering what a woman is trying to say
when she’s not saying it. That’s probably because he never cared enough.
Charlene was different. He did care. Maybe more than he should. Definitely
more than he’d expected he would.
“Got it. And I’ll stay with her until I’m sure she’s okay,” Seth replied.
“Okay. You know how to find me if you need me.” Sal got up and
headed out of the emergency waiting room.
Now alone, he could do what he wanted, and didn’t need to hear Sal’s
unwanted lecture. Getting up, he walked over to the nurses’ station. “I’d
like to see Charlene Kittredge.”
The nurse keyed into the computer and said, “She’s in room thirteen.
Just go down that hall and it’s on the left.”
That was a lot easier than he anticipated. Of course the hard part was
facing Charlene again. Was she still going to be pissed at him? There was
only one way to find out. He followed the nurse’s directions. The curtain
was closed and he listened outside in case the doctor was inside talking to
her. He definitely could hear her voice.
“I’m telling you Sofia, the guy is a complete asshole. The way he spoke
to me. God, I wanted pop him in the face. Of course, he’s probably the type
of guy who hits women.” It was like a knife hearing her speak about him
like that. Seth would never strike a woman under any circumstance, and
definitely not Charlene. As far as him being an asshole, well, she was right
about that. But he could work on that, at least with her. Yet how could he
show her that he wasn’t a brute? It didn’t sound like she was scared of him,
just…hates me. “No. I’m not going to call the police,” Charlene continued.
“I’m not sure exactly what I’m going to do. Maybe I’ll talk to Charles about
it. It’s his company. It’s his decision on how to handle it. And remember,
don’t tell Dylan about this.” Another pause before he heard Charlene say,
“You’re right. Maybe I should talk to Sal first. He’ll know what to do. I
mean that is what his job is, right? Protecting Lawson Steel. Thanks for
listening. And don’t worry. My ankle is fine. Just a small sprain. Trust me,
he’d have been hurting a lot more than me if I didn’t value my job so
Seth was glad to hear she wasn’t injured, but that was the only thing he
was glad he heard. He opted not to enter her room. Seth was the last person
she wanted to see. He walked back down the hallway, and pulled out his
“Sal, I need you to come back to the hospital,” he ordered.
“Is Charlene okay?” Sal asked.
“Yes. I just have…something to do and I think it’d be better if you
brought her home. How long till you return?”
“I haven’t left. I met up with an old buddy in the parking lot. I’ll come
back in now.”
“Okay. She’s in room thirteen.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay? A few minutes ago, I practically
had to hold you down from demanding to see her.”
Seth wanted to see her, but this wasn’t about him. He needed to give her
space. Whatever he’d done to make her speak about him with such…
disgust in her voice, he needed to figure it out. Sal was right. There was no
explaining it away, but Seth also didn’t feel like an apology was enough
either. Sorry only goes so far.
“I’m sure she’ll feel more comfortable with you. But message me once
you have her home and let me know how she’s doing.” She might want him
out of her life, but he didn’t want her out of his.
“You got it.”
Seth ended the call. It was going to be a long night and he wasn’t going
to rest until he knew Charlene was home. He was supposed to pick
Charlene up tomorrow for a surprise outing. Instead, he planned on
surprising her in a different way.
It’s time I take Gareth up on the trip to Tabiq. It was the only thing he
could think of doing that would make Charlene feel at ease returning to
work. Maybe with a little time, she might realize that he wasn’t a threat to
The timing of this trip couldn’t be worse and he’d avoided going to
Tabiq ever since he’d learned what had taken place there. Their family ties
there weren’t good. At least they hadn’t been. Gareth and the Hendersons
were working on changing that. Maybe he could check himself while there,
do some soul searching, and fix whatever in him that had scared Charlene.
Of course, he might not need to look too far, depending on what
Charlene shared with Charles and Sal.
Right now, the only person whose opinion he gave a damn about was
the one person he couldn’t see.
Fuck. I knew I should’ve kept my distance with her. But I never thought
I’d hurt her. Not in this way at least.

Charlene had been too tired and sore to talk to Sal last night when he
brought her home. But no matter how much discomfort she’d been in, she
wasn’t so out of it not to have been disappointed that Seth hadn’t stayed.
Granted she hadn’t known him for long, but she never expected him to just
leave like that, without even saying goodbye.
But he was supposed to come by today and take her out. Not that she
really felt like doing any walking on that foot right now, but she’d figure
something out. Hopefully whatever surprise he had planned didn’t include
anything which would require her to be steady on her feet for any length of
time, like ice skating.
It was almost ten and she hadn’t heard from Seth. They hadn’t set a
time, and it was very possible he assumed she was trying to rest and recover
a bit this morning, but she’d still like an idea as to when to be ready because
she was still lounging around in her pajamas. If he showed up
unannounced, she was sure he’d be scared off. Charlene looked a bit rough
this morning. Even her long, straight, silky, baby fine hair seemed reluctant
to get into place. It was one of those mornings that she didn’t want to get
off the couch. But she couldn’t help herself. She was looking forward to
seeing Seth.
As though he knew she was thinking of him, her cell phone rang. Before
she made a fool out of herself, she confirmed the caller ID first.
“Good morning. I was worried you’d forgotten our date,” she said. She
wished she could take back that last word. It was an outing. No one ever
said date. But a girl can hope can’t she?
“I thought I’d check on how you’re feeling.” Seth said, his voice
Could he still be upset with her for not wanting to sit on his lap? That
would be ridiculous. Yet his tone was so…formal. This wasn’t a business
call. Or was it?
“I’m fine. Don’t worry Seth, I didn’t get injured on Lawson property if
that’s what you’re worried about.” Two could play at that game and she
intentionally left out any warmth in her voice.
“We’re insured if you had. I wanted to let you know I’m traveling on
Charlene couldn’t believe she was hearing him correctly. Had he totally
forgotten that he’d asked her to spend the day with him? If so, her opening
line should’ve been like a red flag, reminding him.
Fine Seth. Be that way. I don’t care. Not one bit.
“Traveling? My, I guess you’ve finally come to realize I don’t need a
babysitter.” She was capable of doing her job. And maybe with him gone,
she actually could do it.
“I have notified my brothers of my status. If you have any questions or
concerns, you might want to direct them to either Jordan or Ethan. I believe
Charles is also busy this week. But once again, we are asking that you
refrain from answering your office line. There still seems to be an issue.”
Yes there is and it’s you.
“No problem. I’ll bring a few different colors of nail polish. You know,
so I have something to do instead of looking at the walls.” So many other
snippy remarks were waiting to flow past her lips, but she held back. This
wasn’t a boyfriend whom she was irritated with. It was her boss. Although
she didn’t believe he’d fire her, she needed to remember where her
paycheck came from. A nice hefty one at that. Removing her sarcastic tone,
she stated. “Safe travels.”
“Thank you. And I’m glad your injuries weren’t…severe.”
“Me too. Thank you for calling,” she said. So I know you’re not taking
me out any longer. She ended the call before she couldn’t hold back the
bitterness and disappointment any longer. Charlene didn’t even get to put
the phone down before it rang once more. “I’m sorry. I thought we were
through. Is there something else you needed to tell me?”
“Guess you were expecting this to be someone else,” Sofia said. “And
whoever it is might be in the dog house.”
“And why do you say that?” she asked.
“Because I know that tone. It’s the one you use when you’re trying to be
nice, but what you mean is that they’re close to getting their head bit off.”
Charlene sighed. “You know it’s getting very annoying that you know
me so well.”
“Probably just as well as you know me. So tell me, did you talk to Sal
last night?”
“You mean about Mr. Sheen?”
“Of course that’s what I mean. Or did you decide to tell Seth?” Sofia
“No to both questions.” Even if she wanted to tell Seth, it was too late.
He had brushed her off to his brothers. And I’d rather just sit in my office
and be alone.
“Well I didn’t think you would tell Seth. You seemed quite adamant
about that last night. But why haven’t you talked to Sal?”
“I was still contemplating what to do.”
“Simple. You tell them what that piece of crap said to you. And if you
don’t, I will!”
“No! Please Sofia. You promised me you wouldn’t.” That would make
things so much worse than what they were. And if anything it’d prove, even
to herself, that she wasn’t qualified for the job.
“Fine, but you better have a damn good reason why you didn’t talk to
“I do. If you recall, I was leaving a hospital. I was in pain and tired. All
I wanted was to get home and rest. This morning, I feel much better.”
“That’s good to hear. So why are you talking to me and not to Sal?”
Sofia inquired.
“I said I’m feeling better, but not perfect. So go easy on the nagging,”
Charlene half joked.
Sofia didn’t even snicker. “Charlene, this is important. What you told
me could be very serious. Sal needs to know. I actually think you should
also talk to Seth about it.”
It sounded as though Sofia didn’t know Seth wasn’t around. Then again,
it wasn’t like Sofia worked at Lawson Steel. And there wasn’t any reason
why Dylan would need to update Sofia either. It was normal business
practices to travel all over the world on business. Maybe everyday practice
to blow me off too.
“I’m going to call Sal as soon as we are off the phone. How does that
work for you?”
“Reasonable I guess. But I expect a call back after you speak to him. I
want to know everything Sal says.”
“Don’t Sofia me. If you don’t, I’m going to call him and pull the sister
card on him. Do you want me to do that?” Sofia asked.
“I want you to trust me to handle this. Is that too much to ask?”
Charlene asked a bit snippy. “Sorry. I guess I’m a bit sensitive right now.”
“Is Seth still watching you like a hawk? I can have Dylan talk to him if
you want, or better yet, I can go to Rosslyn and have Charles talk to him,”
Sofia offered.
“Seth isn’t even around. He’s…on a business trip.” At least that’s what
he told her. For all she knew, he was still in New York City and just
avoiding her. He wouldn’t be the first person who she drove crazy with her
chatter. Oddly enough, he’d done plenty of talking on the night he’d come
over for dinner. Oh, my cooking sure as hell could’ve done it.
“Seth is gone? When?”
“I’m not sure,” Charlene answered.
“That’s odd. I thought Dylan said there was a big meeting taking place
on Monday and they all needed to be in attendance. Maybe I’m wrong. So
many other things on my mind,” Sofia stated.
Or you’re right.
Charlene could call Seth back and ask, but it didn’t matter. He could be
gone. He could be in the city. The only place she knew he wasn’t, was with
her. “I know the feeling, Sofia. So, while I’m thinking of it, why don’t I
hang up and call Sal?” At least with Sal, they didn’t discuss Seth.
“Sounds good. Besides, you know who is awake and you know what
that means,” Sofia chuckled.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” Charlene said.
“No. You’ll call me after you talk to Sal. Bye for now.”
Sofia ended the call before Charlene could say another word. Probably
better that way, because Charlene would be wasting her breath. But she
knew Sofia was right about her needing to call Sal. Mr. Sheen might have
just made an idle threat, but what if it wasn’t? What if it was something so
much more?
She shuddered with the thought and dialed Sal.
“You’re up. I figured you’d be sleeping late,” Sal said.
“Do you know what time it is?” she asked.
“I do. But I also know you’re not a morning person,” he replied.
That was true. But she’d been up in anticipation of her date. I should’ve
stayed in bed. “Well I have different hours now, as you know.”
“You do. And I also am wondering why you’re calling me on a
Saturday. Do you need me to take you back to the hospital?”
“No. It’s still sore and swollen, but better than it was.” Not really, but it
wasn’t any worse, and to her that was a good sign.
“So what do you need?” he asked.
“To talk.”
There was a pause and Sal said, “Did you mean you need me to come
and see you or are you just thinking about what to say?”
“I don’t want to take you away from Rori. But I’m not sure how to
“How about from the beginning. You just keep talking and I’ll stop you
when I have a question.”
“Okay. So last night when I called you for a ride. Well I didn’t just
stumble. I was afraid.”
“Did someone attack you?” Sal asked. She could hear the former
policeman coming out in him.
“No. Well not really. Maybe I should back up a bit. Did Seth talk to you
about the meeting we had the other day with Mr. Sheen?”
That made it harder. “Okay. Seth brought me to a meeting with him.
The guy was…well not very respectful to me.”
“He said something?”
“No Sal. It was the way he looked at me. You know, like…like”
“I get it. You don’t have to say it. Okay. What about that meeting?”
“Something changed and Seth got up and told Mr. Sheen he didn’t want
his business. Then we walked out. Mr. Sheen was livid, but Seth didn’t
seem to be phased at all.”
“I can see why. Lawson Steel can afford to be choosey on who they take
on as clients. Sounds like a good decision. But what does this have to do
with your ankle?”
“He must’ve recognized me walking, because he pulled over and called
me to his car. He…he demanded that I get inside.”
“You didn’t, did you?” Sal snapped.
“Of course not. I’m not that stupid,” she defended.
“Sorry Charlene. It’s just…I was worried.”
“Thanks. Just because I’m not a city girl doesn’t mean I have a small
town way of thinking. Besides, that guy made me nervous. And when I
walked away, he got out and tried to follow me. I turned suddenly, not
wanting my back to him. That’s when I fell.”
“He was following you? You’re sure about that?”
“Damn sure. Because he stopped and…threatened me.”
She heard the low growl over the phone. “What exactly did he say
Charlene. Don’t leave anything out. From the moment the car pulled up to
you, until the car left.”
Charlene recalled as much as she could and provided Sal all the details
he’d requested. She hoped it was enough, because there was some that was
a blur.
“Did you tell Seth this?” he asked.
“Did you tell anyone?”
“I told your sister, but not everything. Actually, just the basics and what
a piece of crap the guy is.”
“When did you tell Sofia?”
“Last night while I was in the emergency room. She wanted me to tell
you last night, but I just needed to get home and rest. I guess I was hoping
that it wouldn’t seem so bad today.”
“Charlene, I’m not saying that this guy will follow through with his
threat, but I can’t be sure he won’t. I don’t want you staying by yourself.
You can either come and stay with Rori and I, or you I can call Sofia and
you go stay with her and Dylan.”
Now it was Sal making too much out of this. “Sal, it’s not like the guy
knows where I live. And even if he did, what’s he going to do?”
“I’m not going to wait to find out. Until we have an idea of what this
guy is capable of, you’re not staying alone. And before you say another
word, I just texted Sofia while we’re talking. She wants you at her
penthouse. Pack a bag. I’m coming to get you.”
“Wait. I don’t want to go and stay with her. If Mr. Sheen is a…danger,
then I’m not going anywhere that has children.” She’d never be able to
forgive herself if anything happened to Liliana, or Sofia.
“Agreed. So you’re staying with us.”
“No. Rori can’t be thrown into the middle of this either.”
“Charlene, you’re not staying there alone. And although it is a good
neighborhood, it’s not as secure of a building as what the Lawsons live in.
Why don’t I call Seth and see…”
“He’s not there.”
“I know. Let’s see if we can use his place.”
“I’m not going to his place either. I’d rather quit and go back home
before involving anyone else.”
“You can’t be serious Charlene,” Sal asked.
“I am. Maybe I don’t belong here.”
“It’s only been one week. And from what Seth said, you’ve made some
good judgment calls. You can’t give up because some asshole crossed the
“But I don’t want to bring this type of crap into Lawson Steel. It’s not
their problem, it’s mine,” she said firmly.
“That’s where you’re wrong. This threat is based on you being an
employee of Lawson Steel. Therefore, it is their business. And I know for a
fact Charles will do everything in his power to protect you as he would his
family. And so would I.”
But Sal never mentioned Seth. Of course, he left without even coming
to visit her, so she already knew where she stood with him. Her head was
spinning and she didn’t know what to do. “Sal, maybe you can come and
just stay with me today until you figure this out?”
“If I’m sitting in your apartment, then I can’t go and do what I need to.
Charlene, do you trust me?” he asked.
There was no question. He was like a big protective brother. “I do.”
“Then pack a bag. And if that is too much, wait for me and I’ll help you.
But you’re not staying there. It might be just a day or two. But until I know
for sure that you’re safe, you’re not going anywhere, not even to work,
alone. Understood?”
“Yes sir!” She knew Sal wouldn’t be doing this if he actually wasn’t
concerned. “I’ll be ready when you get here.”
“See you in a half hour. And don’t open that door for anyone except for
“Okay Sal. And Sal?”
“Thanks. I appreciate all of this,” she said softly. Deep inside, she had
been very concerned. The only difference was she’d been lying to herself,
hoping that the fear would fade. It hadn’t. And maybe it shouldn’t have

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Seth demanded.

“Guess he saw her walking and felt she was to blame for whatever went
down at that meeting. Was he correct? Is that why you refused his
business?” Sal asked.
“It sure in hell is. If you saw how he…looked at her, you’d have done
the same,” he half growled. Even now he felt his body tense with anger.
Seth hadn’t allowed himself to do what he’d actually wanted. For one
reason only, he was there representing the entire family and Lawson Steel.
But even now, he wished he’d knocked Sheen’s ass out.
“It appears he’s putting the blame on Charlene and not his own actions.
I haven’t been able to confirm whether or not they are just empty threats,
but I’m taking them as though they’re not.
Threats? “Sal, I need you to tell me everything.”
“I planned on it. By the way, are you in Tabiq yet?”
“No. We’re still in the air.” Right now he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t be
having the pilot turn the jet around. If she was in fact in any danger, he
needed to be there.”
Sal updated Seth with everything he had been told from Charlene. So
he’s the guy she was talking about. Seth wanted to be relieved, but he’d
rather Charlene detest him, if it meant she was safe. “Damn it Sal. You
don’t need to question whether Sheen’s threat is valid. I’m telling you, he’s
an asshole. He meant it. And I’m counting on you to keep her safe until I
“And when will that be?” Sal asked.
“I’ll be back in New York by tonight. And Sal, I want her to be at my
place. It’s got top of the line security.”
“I suggested that to her. She refused.”
“I’ll call her. She’ll go. And Sal, nothing better happen to her, do you
understand?” Seth warned.
“Seth, I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for Charlene. She’s like
family to me, to my sister,” Sal replied firmly. “I have no idea what made
you take off like you had, but don’t think for a minute that I didn’t notice
how it affected Charlene.”
“What are you talking about?” Seth asked. He’d spoken to her earlier,
and she didn’t sound bothered by it at all.
“She became quiet when I mentioned your name. And last night, when I
told her you had business to attend to I saw it in her eyes. Charlene
expected you to be there. And Seth, you should’ve been. And I’m not
saying that because she works for you either.”
Seth wanted to be wrong and there be something more there. He had felt
it that night at her house for dinner. She made him feel…relaxed. It’s not
something he normally felt. Usually his mind was running constantly on
business. If not what he was working on, then what was coming next. When
he was with Charlene, he actually got lost in the moment and had to force
himself to think about tomorrow.
“I fucked up. When I return, I’ll explain to Charlene. But I don’t owe
you an explanation,” Seth stated firmly.
“I’m on my way to pick her up now. If you’re going to talk her into
staying at your place, I suggest you do so now.” Sal said before ending the
Sal overstepped his position too many times, but right now, Seth needed
him. Charlene trusted Sal and that might be more than what Seth could say
for himself. He was so fucking foolish thinking Charlene had been talking
about him. It was his own guilt for they way he’d talked to her that had
made him jump to that conclusion. Either way, he owed her an apology.
Sorry definitely wasn’t going to cut it either. But whether or not she forgave
him wasn’t important, at least not at the moment.
Seth notified the pilot to turn the jet around. He was going back. There
was no doubt this situation had made him want to know more about Tabiq,
but that would need to wait. Dialing Charlene’s number, he hoped she’d
Thankfully she did pick up his call. “Hello again Seth. Let me guess.
You just spoke to Sal.”
“I did.” He wanted to ask her why she hadn’t told him. But right now he
was just grateful she’d told someone. Sheen was a piece of crap and if he
was willing to threaten Charlene in public, he could only imagine what he’d
do to her if he got her alone. It sickened and angered him beyond words.
“Sal should be there shortly. He’s bringing you to my home. You’ll be safe
“Seth, I told him I didn’t want to go there,” she sighed. “I’m capable of
taking care of myself.”
“I’m sure you are. But Sheen is someone we’re not sure what he’s
capable of. I’m not going to risk finding out what the men on his payroll are
willing to do for him, and you shouldn’t either.” That was as clear as he
could make it. Sheen wasn’t about to show up at her apartment, at least not
“Are you trying to scare me?” Charlene asked, her voice high pitched.
Yes. “I’m being honest Charlene. If you don’t believe me, then ask Sal.
Ask Sofia. Ask anyone who you do trust.” He waited for her to say
something. She didn’t. “Charlene, please,” he begged.
“Seth, why didn’t you wait for me at the hospital?”
“That’s not important right now Charlene.” It also wasn’t something he
wanted to talk about.
“It is to me,” she said softly.
Fuck! Sal was going to be there anytime, and Charlene wasn’t going to
be ready or willing to abide by his suggestion. How was it that someone
like her could put his back up against the wall? “If I tell you will you go?”
“Depends on what you say,” she replied.
He wanted her to trust someone, but most of all, he wanted her to trust
him. Honesty might be the best thing here. Of course no matter what, he
was going to look like a piece of crap. Fitting, since he felt like one too.
“I went to check on you, you know while you were in the room. I heard
you talking to someone and I thought at first it was the doctor, so I waited
“Okay. So why did you leave?”
“It wasn’t the doctor you were talking to. It was Sofia. You were
discussing someone who had treated you…badly and what an asshole he
was. Then you mentioned going to Charles or Sal and I…”
“Thought I was talking about you?” she asked.
“I may have spoken a bit harshly to you when we arrived and I found
you injured,” he stated. “Which by the way, I’m sorry about. I shouldn’t
have…” So many adjectives came to mind, most shouldn’t be spoken to a
“Bossed me around?” she suggested.
“That too.” He heard Charlene laugh so he added, “Charlene, I’m trying
to be serious here.”
“I know. It’s just kind of funny and sweet in a hilarious way,” she
giggled more.
“There is nothing funny about any of it.” Seth didn’t understand
women. He just admitted to being an ass, and she was blowing it off like it
was nothing. He’d be cussing someone out for acting so stupidly.
“It is. I thought you left because you didn’t care. Actually you left
because you did. How much sweeter can you get?”
Seth wasn’t trying to be sweet. He was trying to get her to go to his
place where he could watch over her 24/7. If Sheen wanted her, Sheen was
going to come through him first. At least Charlene seemed in a better mood,
which meant she might be more receptive to his suggestion this time.
“You’re right. I do. Which is why I’m asking you this again. Please
agree to go with Sal and stay at my place. You’ll be safe there until we get
this Sheen thing all sorted out.” He wasn’t one to get riled up, but he found
himself holding his breath waiting for her reply. He heard the buzzer of her
door. “Charlene, don’t answer that until…”
“Until I know it is Sal. I heard that lecture from him already. Open the
door to no one except him. Is this what it is going to be like? A prison?”
If it meant she wouldn’t get hurt, then yes. “Consider it doing me a
favor as well.”
“My home is…lacking. Maybe while you’re there, you can come up
with some suggestions.”
“I’m not an interior decorator. And for the record, I know for a fact our
tastes aren’t the same. Hey, I’ve got to go. Sal is still waiting at the door.”
“Let him wait. I need to know you’re going to my place,” he said, trying
not to sound forceful.
With a huff she said, “I’m not going anywhere as long as I’m on the
phone. But if it will get you off my back, then yes. I’ll go. But only because
you’re not going to be there. Are you satisfied now?”
He should tell her he was on his way back to New York. That would be
a surprise. And once again, an apology. Seth seemed to be doing a lot of
them lately.
“Okay. Go answer the door. And Charlene, do everything Sal tells you
to. He’s just watching out for you.” Just like me.
“Yes I know. Seems everyone is watching out for me. When are you all
going to learn that I’m not a child?”
Oh I know you’re not. You’re anything but one. And that makes this all
the more difficult.
Not wanting to admit his feelings, not even to himself, he replied,
“We’d be doing the same thing for any employee.”
“Oh. Okay. Now I have to go and let Sal in before he breaks down my
door. I’ll talk to you later,” she said as she ended the call.
No. You’ll be seeing me soon.

It was kind of weird sitting on Seth’s couch with a stranger in the

apartment. Sal had said he was going to make sure she was safe. Somehow
she’d missed the part about Sal bringing others to watch over her.
There was no way she was going to be able to relax here. Connor, her
bodyguard, looked in her direction every time she moved. And if she
winced, because of her ankle, he asked if she was okay. Charlene wanted to
tell him she wasn’t. She felt like she was being suffocated.
Pulling out her cell phone, she called the one person who she knew
could distract her. “Hi Sofia. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
“Is everything okay?” Sofia asked.
“Yes. Just…dandy.” Just bored out of my skull.
“You don’t sound it. What’s the matter Charlene? And don’t waste my
time by saying nothing.”
“Have you been to Seth’s home?” she asked.
Sofia chuckled. “I wouldn’t refer to it as a home. More like a
showplace,” Sofia snickered. “I don’t think we will be able to visit once
Liliana is older. I’d be too afraid she’d break something.”
“I know. I’ve been sitting on the couch afraid to move. Can you picture
being the person he hires to dust this place? She must be petrified every
time she touches anything.”
“Funny thing is, Seth doesn’t seem to be attached to any of it. I think it
is just there because he didn’t want to put any effort into designing the way
he likes it.”
“Maybe he likes it like this?” Stuffy and boring.
“Possibly, but I doubt it. The Lawson men are…hard to understand. But
when you do, you find there is so much more to them than you imagined.
There is only one way to learn about them, too,” Sofia said.
“And how is that?”
Sofia chuckled. “Ask.”
“I just did,” Charlene said.
“Not me. Ask Seth,” Sofia stated.
“That is a lot harder. See, Seth isn’t here. He’s traveling on business.
And you have…”
“A baby to put to bed. Why don’t you give him a call?” Sofia suggested.
“And say what? Hi Seth. I’m sitting on your couch and bored to death.
Want to talk? I’m sure that conversation will be short.”
Sofia sighed. “Charlene, what’s going on? This isn’t like you. You never
have a problem talking to strangers, never mind someone you know.”
“This is different. He’s my boss.”
“So is Dylan, but you don’t seem to have the same issue. Do you…like
“Of course I do. I work for him,” she stated.
“Okay, so you like him. Got it. And now you’re at his home and
bored… or wishing he was there with you?” Sofia asked.
God I hate you sometimes.
“Maybe a bit of both,” she admitted.
“So you called me because you don’t have the guts to call him?”
“I’m not afraid to call him. Just there is no reason to. He’s working,
remember. I don’t even know where he is. If I call he’ll think something is
wrong and…”
“He’ll answer the call. Which is what you want.”
Charlene rolled her eyes. “You do know you’re horrible at this.”
“I don’t know. I think I give great advice,” Sofia stated proudly. “And
unless you have a better idea, I suggest you take mine.”
Charlene said, “In case you don’t know already, there are company
policies in place at Lawson Steel about dating within the organization.”
“It’s just a phone call. Is there anything against that? And if there is, the
rule is stupid and I’ll talk to Dylan about altering it.”
“Sometimes I wonder why I call you,” Charlene sighed, giving up.
“Because I tell you what you don’t want to hear, but what you know you
should do. So hang up with me and do it for goodness sake. Trust me,
you’re in his home. If that doesn’t say he wants to hear from you, I don’t
know what does.”
“Fine. Good night Sofia,” she huffed.
“Go get him,” Sofia teased before ending the call.
When she looked around the room again, she noticed Connor hadn’t
budged. It was like he was one of the many statues in the place. Of course,
he wasn’t deaf and surely he’d overheard her conversation with Sofia. No
way was she about to call Seth while Connor was listening. It wasn’t like
there would be anything juicy to hear, but that wasn’t the point. Charlene
regretted calling Sofia where Connor could hear. Lawsons like their privacy
and her big mouth was not easy to block out. It was another thing she was
going to need to work on.
Not even sure duct tape can seal these lips.
She chuckled to herself as she got up off the couch.
“Do you need anything?” Connor asked.
“Nope,” she replied.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
She turned around and said, “I get it. You’re supposed to keep an eye on
me at all times. But I’m going to the bathroom and there is no way you’re
coming with me. I don’t want you even standing by the door. Because if
you do… I’m leaving. Understood?”
I wish I was back home.
Charlene hated the fact she needed to explain every move to someone.
Lawsons might like their privacy, but so did she and right now she had very
little. As she made her way out of the room, she noticed out of the corner of
her eye Connor raising his hand to his side. She stopped in her tracks. Was
he reaching for his holstered gun? What did he know that she didn’t?
“Connor? ”
He raised a finger to his lips and she became quiet and still. Then she
heard the door opening and she held her breath. Please be Sal.
It wasn’t. Instead it was Seth.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
Connor holstered his gun again and stepped aside.
Seth said, “I live here.”
“You know what I mean. You’re supposed to be…well I’m not sure
where you’re supposed to be, but it’s not here.”
He smiled at her. “Not the welcome home I was expecting. Would you
be happier to see me if you saw what I have in the bag?”
She put her hands on her hips and said, “I’m not a child that you can
“What a shame. Because these are amazing.” She watched Seth reach
inside the bag and pull out a truffle. “I wonder which flavor this one is. Are
you sure you don’t want one?” he said holding it up.
“I haven’t had any dinner yet,” she responded.
The smile faded. “Are you serious?” She nodded. Seth turned to Connor
and said, “What the hell Connor. You’re going to starve her while
protecting her?”
Connor didn’t even blink. Charlene added quickly, “I was joking Seth.
Of course I’ve eaten. I’d offer you some pizza, but I guess I was hungry.”
She pointed to the empty pizza box on the coffee table. “I guess I should’ve
eaten in the dining room, but I was more comfortable here. Hope that is
“Of course it is. I told you, make yourself at home while you’re here.”
Charlene limped her way closer to him. “I thought you had a meeting.”
“Nothing that I need to do now. I know Sal had things he needed to
address in person. And I wanted to be here in case you needed me. Or
these,” he held the truffle out to her again.
This time she took one. “I guess this will need to suffice.” Charlene
really wanted to know if there was any update regarding Mr. Sheen. She
was stuck at Seth’s until Sal confirmed there was no risk. Yet Charlene
couldn’t bring herself to broach the subject. Talking about Sheen isn’t going
to help me get to know Seth any better. Giving him a wicked grin she added,
“This doesn’t let you off the hook. You promised me an adventure today.
The only excitement I’ve had is looking at the walls.”
“I did, didn’t I?”
“Yup. But don’t worry, I’ll let you make it up to me.”
He smiled. “Very sweet of you.”
“You say that, but you don’t know what you’ll need to do yet.”
“If it means keeping that smile on your beautiful face, count me in,”
Seth stated.
Beautiful? It felt nice hearing him say that to her. If the circumstances
were different, maybe she’d believe him. Right now, he might say just
about anything to keep her from asking to leave. For some crazy, unknown
reason, Seth insisted this is where she needed to be. Besides Connor, it
didn’t appear to be any more secure than her place. She hooked arms with
him and said, “Then please show me where you hide your TV. And
whatever you do, don’t tell me you don’t have one, because I’m going
through Hallmark withdrawals.”
Seth raised a brow and asked, “You’re joking right?”
One of the things they had discussed during dinner at her house had
been how much he hated sitting and watching the television. Even though
her ankle was still a bit sore, she’d be thrilled if he suggested they go out. It
didn’t even matter where. Charlene wasn’t the type of person to sit still for
long and for the past twenty-four hours, it was about all she’d done. “Unless
there’s something better you can think of,” she said. Seth looked into her
eyes and for a moment she was sure he was about to say something. Instead
he shook his head. “Then a romance it is. Lead the way,” she said, feeling
both victorious and let down at the same time.
At least he’s here. Why, I’m not sure. But he’s here.

Seth didn’t really care what they did. If she wanted to watch chick flicks all
night, then he’d suffer through it. Although not where one would ever
suspect, but he did have a television.
“I never would’ve found this,” Charlene said picking up her cup of hot
chocolate and taking another sip. “Why don’t you have one in your living
room? I mean most people sit and watch TV on the couch.”
“The only time I turn it on is when I’m making coffee before work. And
that is only to watch the national news. For me, the kitchen was the one
place it made sense.” Of course he planned his home based off of
convenience for him, not others. Now seeing Charlene sitting on the pub
height chairs while watching a movie, it didn’t seem fitting. “You don’t
“I was for the first half hour. Now my legs are asleep,” she chuckled
and wiggled her feet out in front of her. “Doctor said to keep the foot up. I
don’t think this is working.”
Shit! How could he have forgotten about that? He walked over and
scooped her up into his arms.
“What are you doing?” Charlene asked.
“Getting your foot up,” he said walking out of the kitchen and back into
the living room.
Charlene wrapped her arms around his neck and said while wiggling her
feet again, “Although I am enjoying this, I hate to break it to you, but my
feet aren’t any higher.”
“I was tempted to flip you over my shoulder, but I didn’t think you’d
appreciate my carrying you that way,” he teased. “But if you like, there’s
still time…”
“No! This is perfect,” she grinned. “Now where are you taking me?”
“To the couch.” He heard her sigh so he added, “You’ll be more
comfortable there.”
“No. I just spent hours sitting on that thing. Where did you buy it
anyway? It’s so…hard.”
“It’s good for your back,” he stated.
“I don’t have any problems with my back,” she replied.
Seth set her down and then sat on the other side. He bent over and
picked up her feet so they rested on his lap. “If you did, you’d appreciate
this couch.”
“Do you have a bad back?” she asked.
“Okay so you suffer now with this rock in case some day you need it.
I’m not sure about you, but that doesn’t make any sense to me. The hospital
sent me home with some crutches. Would you like those too?”
Seth ran his fingers up the bottom of her sock covered foot and she
pulled back. He hoped he hadn’t hurt her. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. Just very…ticklish. And before you do it again, I’m warning you.
Connor is hired to protect me. I can’t be held responsible for what he does if
I start screaming,” she giggled, shaking her finger in the air.
“I don’t think this would be considered putting you in any danger,” he
said running his finger up her foot again.
She giggled again and added, “I’m warning you Seth. It won’t end well
for you.”
“I’m not afraid of Connor,” he said raising his hand a third time.
Charlene pulled her feet off him and quickly tucked them beneath her as
she lunged at him. Her fingers ran up the sides of his ribs. He wasn’t
ticklish but no way was he about to tell her that. She straddled him and
continued her attack.
“I warned you Mr. Lawson. You were messing with the wrong person,”
Charlene laughed.
He grabbed hold of her hands and said in a husky voice, “My turn to
warn you, you’re not getting the reaction you might have thought you
She stopped and looked at him, wide-eyed, as though she just realized
what he was saying. All that grinding on his lap, made things…hard.
Charlene moved to get off him, but the hands that rested on her hips,
held her in place. “Are you sure I’ve been punished enough?” he teased. “If
not, I think I might need to have Connor wait outside.”
Charlene looked around the room and was blushing when she turned
back to him. “You can let go now.”
“Can I expect this type of reaction every time I tickle you?” I can only
“No. I went gentle on you this time. You won’t get off so lucky next
time,” she said sliding back onto her side of the couch. She put her feet
back up onto his lap. “And I’m trusting you not to tickle me again.”
“You have my word. I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Even if it kills me.
“Since we’re finished with TV and tickle time, is there anything else you’d
like to do?”
Charlene asked, “Yes. Tell me about this place.”
“You mean my home?” he asked. She nodded. “What do you want to
“It doesn’t seem to represent you. I mean, unless you’re old and boring,
which I highly doubt.”
“Pushing forty, and I would like to think I’m not boring. I can see how
my décor might not reflect that. But each piece represents a different
“You mean your family’s history?” she asked.
“Yes. I’m the keeper of what was once important.” It wasn’t any longer.
At least not in the way it used to be.
“Tell me more.”
At one time, he’d have walked proudly through this room explaining
each painting or statue. Now all he wanted was to box them up and put
them in storage. But not saying anything would only pique her interest
He pointed to the largest painting. “That is the first sky scrapper my
family built in the early 1800’s. Still standing by the way. And over there,”
he pointed to a bridge, “that was the first time Lawson Steel was used to
make a lift bridge for trains. My family worked very closely with the
designer on that one.”
“Very impressive. And what about the statue? Unless you tell me
Lawson Steel was used in her corset, I can’t picture what she represents.”
Seth loved how she could bring humor into everything. “That was my
great-grandmother. She was known throughout New York City for her
volunteer work during the war. She would gather all the women up and
have them cook and bring food to the wounded soldiers who had returned
from the war.”
“The Lawson name really is rooted deeply in New York. I can see why
you never left.”
“That was a long time ago. Things change,” he said.
“From what I see, you’re still very much involved in the community.
Maybe not in the same way, and definitely not so…publicly either.”
He looked down at her. “I didn’t realize you were so interested in the
“Only one,” she replied softly.
If he thought her grinding on him was torture, this was even worse.
Sitting there alone in the apartment was going to be hell. They needed to do
something, anything, but what was coming to mind.
“It’s getting late. Why don’t we turn in, and tomorrow I will take you
out like I had promised.” Seth needed to distance himself before he pulled
her back onto his lap.
“Really?” she asked. Her eyes shined and her smile returned. “What are
we going to do?”
“How about a carriage ride in the park?” It was something which
wouldn’t require her walking much.
“It’s snowing right now. And I know for a fact, they give them almost
all night long.”
“You’re saying you want to go now?” he asked.
“Are you really that tired?” He shook his head. Charlene said, “If you’d
rather go back and finish the movie, we can do that instead.”
Seth laughed. “Carriage ride it is.” He turned and called out to Connor.
“Looks like we’re going out. You know what to do.”
“Yes sir,” Connor replied and left the room again.
“You mean he’s coming with us?” Charlene asked.
“Until Sal says all clear, Connor goes anywhere you go.”
Charlene flopped back against the couch. He noticed her bottom lip
stuck out slightly. “Actually, I am tired. Maybe we can do the carriage ride
another time.”
Although he could easily convince her to change her mind, it was for
the best. The snow was coming down, it was cold and the last thing she
needed was to slip on ice and reinjure herself.
“I promise, we’ll do it soon.”
Charlene got up and hobbled off towards the spare room. He heard her
say softly, “I’ll add it to the list.”
He didn’t follow her, because he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from
kissing her goodnight. What came after, was what he needed to stay clear
of. Seth needed to keep focused and he was anything but when he was
around Charlene.
One sweet distraction after another.
Connor came back into the room and looked around. “Change of
Seth nodded. “I’m going to my room, but if you hear anything from Sal,
wake me,” he ordered.
“Sal is supposed to meet with Sheen tomorrow.”
Seth cocked a brow. “And I’m just learning of this?”
“I thought it best not to discuss it in front of Miss Kittredge.”
Wise choice. Seth didn’t need her to be stressed over something she had
no control over. “Good. Why don’t we go to the kitchen, get some coffee
and you can tell me everything.”
They spent the next half hour reviewing Sheen. Most of it Seth could
tell himself, but others not. “Married eight times?”
“Yes. And each wife said the same thing. He was a violent man.”
His gut twisted in a knot. If he could hurt women that he supposedly
loved, Seth knew Sheen’s threat wasn’t something just to scare Charlene.
The bastard would act on it. Unless we stop him first.
“I want to be at that meeting,” Seth stated.
“I thought you had plans with Miss Kittredge?” Connor asked.
“They’re off.” It wasn’t like he hadn’t changed plans on her before. Not
that this was a habit he wanted to start, but surely she’d understand. I’m
doing this for her.

If she thought she couldn’t sleep in her own apartment, it was pure hell
trying to do so in his. The entire place smelled like Seth. She had no idea
what cologne he wore, but it lingered long after he was gone.
Charlene took a hot shower, and dressed for the day. She had no idea
what the plan was, but she was just looking forward to doing anything. The
weekend was half over and all she’d done was lay around or sit on her butt.
Granted, it was basically what the doctor had ordered, but that didn’t mean
she enjoyed it.
When she came out of her room, it wasn’t Seth’s cologne that greeted
her. Bacon? Where most people ran out to work with just a cup of coffee,
Charlene loved breakfast. It was probably her favorite meal. She could
make one mean mushroom and Swiss omelet. She didn’t expect to see that,
but bacon was also on the top of her list of things she loved.
Seth was standing at the stove, a grey apron tied around his waist. He
hadn’t even gotten dressed yet and was still wearing a pair of flannel
pajama bottoms, with a t-shirt. She liked the relaxed look on him. Thus far
she’d seen him in various business suits. Even the night he came to dinner,
the only thing he’d done was take his suit jacket off. Taking another
moment, she admired his backside. Even in PJ bottoms, she could tell he
had a nice ass. Bet he looks real hot in jeans. Obviously he didn’t spend all
of his time sitting behind a desk because their little tickle fest last night had
revealed what she already suspected. Hidden beneath those stuffy suits, was
one well-built man. And I wouldn’t mind running my hands over those abs
again either.
The clanking of the pan snapped her out of her sweet morning
daydream. “Good morning. Tell me what I can do to help,” she offered.
He shot her a quick wave with the spatula over his shoulder and said,
“Orange juice is in the refrigerator, if you can pour us some. The rest is just
about done.”
Charlene passed the table and her mouth watered. “You did all this?”
There were eggs, toast, sausage and hash browns already on the table.
“I enjoy cooking.”
Great. Sexy as hell and can cook too. How was it someone like Seth
was still single? Then she remembered, he was married to his job. “I guess
so,” she said totally impressed. Then a bit mortified. When she cooked for
him, it was practically a disaster. “But I know one thing, that won’t happen
“What is that?” he asked.
“I’m not ever cooking for you again. You must’ve had to take a bottle of
antacids after my meal.” She grabbed the juice and filled their glasses.
Seth brought the bacon to the table and said, “You’re not a horrible
“Nor am I a good one. I fall somewhere in the middle.” A step above
tossing it in the trash.
“I’m not dead, so quit beating yourself up,” he teased. “But if you want,
we can cook the next meal together.”
As they sat down she asked, “Are you serious? You want to teach me
how to cook?”
“I never said anything about lessons. But I find cooking…relaxing.”
Charlene laughed. “I find it a necessity. You know when I’m hungry and
want to eat.”
“I taught myself because I hated eating out.”
“Really? With all your money, I’d thought you’d have just hired a
cook,” she stated.
“I could’ve done that. But then I need to tell someone else what I want,
when I can just walk in the kitchen and make what I want. Eliminate the
middle person.”
Sounded very logical, but if she hadn’t seen it for herself, she’d never
have believed it. “Well it all looks delicious.”
“Then I suggest we eat before it gets cold.”
As she scooped up some eggs she asked, “How did you sleep last
night?” Hopefully better than me.
“I couldn’t.”
Probably not for the same reason as me. “A lot on your mind?” she
asked. Charlene couldn’t stop thinking about him. Yes his touching her feet
was slightly annoying, but also playfully fun too. Seth seemed to always
watch what he said and did. It was so nice seeing Seth let loose, even with
something as ridiculous as a tickle fight. Which of course, she won.
“This hasn’t been what I’d call a normal week.”
“That’s true. You never told me what happened regarding my phone
line. Did Sal find out what the issue was?” Of course right now Sal seemed
to be very busy, all things seemed to have one common denominator, her.
Was she like a bad luck penny for Lawson Steel? She hoped not, because if
so, they might want to give her a pink slip and send her on her way.
“It’s still being looked into. And actually right now, not my major
concern,” Seth answered gruffly.
Was Seth noticing the pattern as well? He definitely didn’t seem to want
to discuss it. That wasn’t going to make it go away. “I wish there was
something I could do to help,” she stated.
“You are by staying here.”
She raised a brow. “Being waited on hand and foot doesn’t seem like
I’m much help. But I’ll do the dishes, so at least I feel as though what you
said is true.”
Seth looked at her and said, “Trust me, if you weren’t here, I’d be
pacing the floor worried that something might have happened.”
He does care. “I…I’m glad I’m here too. Not that I understand why this
place is better than mine, at least as far as security is concerned. Connor
easily could’ve stood just as stone cold silent at my place.”
“He is just what you see. There is much more you don’t.”
She looked around as though she was being watched on a hidden
camera. And if she was, where were they?
“Is there something wrong?” he asked, obviously noticing her change in
Not wanting it to ruin what so far was a lovely morning, she smiled and
joked, “I was just hoping the cameras get my good side.”
Seth smiled. “First of all, there are no cameras.”
That eased her mind, not that she was doing anything that would be too
embarrassing if there were. “Is there a second of all?”
He nodded. “If there was, the cameras would find it difficult to find a
bad side.”
Charlene blushed. Seth seemed to say the sweetest things, at the
strangest time. She took another bite of bacon and decided to change the
subject. She didn’t want to be the focus. It was so much more enjoyable
listening to him talk. Who would’ve thought? I rather listen to someone
than talk. Sofia would have a ball hearing about this, but Charlene probably
wasn’t going to tell her. She didn’t want it made into something bigger than
it was. An attraction. One growing stronger each day, damn it. But she had
to remind herself who he was. A Lawson. One of her bosses. That’s all.
Going in for seconds on eggs, she asked, “What are the big plans for
today? I mean, I’m dressed, but can easily change.”
Seth looked at her and he wasn’t smiling. Now what? “About that. I’ve
been called into a meeting.”
“You’re cancelling again?” She didn’t mean for it to come out as though
she was disappointed, but the fact was, she was.
“Delaying might be a better word. But we are going out today,” he
responded in a firm tone.
Was he trying to convince her, or himself? From the looks of it, he
hadn’t even made a plan yet. “No issue. I’m sure Connor will be thrilled to
listen to me again today.”
“I’m not sure he’s the listening type,” Seth said.
“Oh and you are?” she teased.
Seth laughed. “I’m working on it. But if you talk too much, I know how
to distract you.”
Kiss me senseless? That would be wonderful.
“And how is that?” she asked.
“My secret weapon. Truffles,” he smiled.
Although they were heavenly, she bet his lips were even sweeter. She
sighed. I’ll take what I can get.
Seth reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I’m serious
Charlene. I’m taking you out tonight. It’s just…something has come up that
needs my personal attention.”
He must’ve heard her sigh, but he was misunderstanding what was
behind it. Charlene looked into his eyes, and was about to tell him but
changed her mind. Seth was hiding something from her. “Does this have to
do with Mr. Sheen?” He winced as though he’d been avoiding talking about
it. “Seth, I have the right to know. It was me, after all, that he threatened.”
“Yes. I’m going with Sal to meet with him,” Seth stated.
Her heart raced. “Seth, be careful. I honestly believe he threatened me
just to get even with you. I’m not even sure why he put me in the middle.”
“Because he can’t have you,” Seth said simply.
Me? Mr. Sheen was telling the truth. She was the reason why Seth
walked out of the meeting. He might not be saying it, but all this was her
fault. “Seth, I didn’t mean…I never thought that…I’m sorry. I wish I could
take that day back,” she said softly.
“You mean the day of the meeting?” he asked. She nodded, not trusting
herself to speak. “Charlene, you didn’t do anything wrong. I actually was
impressed on how you handled yourself that day. I even spoke to Dylan
about it. Sheen, on the other hand, was a piece of shit. That is not the type
of person Lawson Steel wants to associate themselves with. If anything,
your being there may have prevented us from entering into a contract which
would’ve cost us a lot of money to break. And trust me, we would’ve.”
“You’re not lying about this are you?”
“No. I take my responsibility at Lawson Steel very seriously. My
personal feelings, although he makes me sick, were only one part of the
That made her feel a little better. “So are you meeting with him today to
discuss fixing things and maybe still taking him on?”
“Hell no! Nothing is changing my mind. I just want him to understand
that walking away without any further contact is what is best for him. We
won’t tolerate anyone coming in and thinking they can…force our hand.”
“And this has nothing to do with…me?” she asked.
His phone rang and Seth pulled it out of his pocket. After he looked at
the caller ID he said, “Sorry, I need to get this.” He got up and placed a kiss
on top of her head as he passed by.
Is that a yes or a no?
It seemed as though it wasn’t something he was going to answer
anyway. Seth didn’t return so she finished her breakfast and cleaned up the
dishes as she’d promised. Now let’s see if he keeps his and we still go out
Seth hated leaving Charlene. He had seen the concern written all over her
face. It wasn’t like if he had stayed longer he could’ve convinced her he
wasn’t in any danger. If anything, the more they had talked about it, the
more nervous she’d gotten. At one point, he swore her hands were
trembling. It hurt him seeing her that way. The only way to stop it, was by
being here with Sal, and confronting Sheen.
“I’m telling you Seth, you’ll need to watch yourself with Sheen. He is
not from this country and his way of dealing with conflict isn’t the same as
“You mean he doesn’t follow the laws of this country?” Seth asked.
“And neither do the men who work for him. I’m working with someone
in Homeland Security right now to see if we can get his visa revoked. It’s
not as easy as you might think. He’s very careful not to get his hands dirty.
All we have is suspicion.”
“And what Charlene has told us.”
Sal nodded. “I wanted to talk to you about that. They’d like to speak to
“Homeland Security?” he asked.
“Yeah. But I’m not sure it’s wise. I think they’ll involve her more than
you’d want.”
“You mean use her to trap Sheen?” Sal nodded. That wasn’t something
Seth was going to allow. “Hell no. Keep her out of this. Actually keep DHS
out of it as well. Let’s handle it ourselves.”
“I know I’m not on the force any longer, but I’m not sure I’m prepared
to go down the path of illegal activity either,” Sal stated. “But I did put my
feelers out there and came up with the name of someone who might have
had dealings with Sheen in the past.”
“Who is that?” Seth asked.
“Bennett Stone. Married to your cousin Zoey.”
It figured the Hendersons would’ve someone been connected to Sheen.
“And what dealings are we talking about?”
“Guess before Stone married your cousin, he’d crossed paths with
Sheen. Guess years back he’d been suspected of running illegal guns in his
country. Stone was still in the Marine Corps back then.”
“You mean the US military crossed paths with him?” That was news to
Seth. If any of them had knowledge about Sheen’s shady past, they never
would’ve even met with him regarding a contract in the first place.
“They could never find the proof needed to act. I’m telling you, Sheen
is one son-of-a-bitch that we need to be watchful of.”
Seth wasn’t worried for himself, however this was getting bigger than
just him. Sal and Connor couldn’t be there to protect all of the Lawson clan.
“Are you suggesting we don’t meet with him?”
“I’m saying that you shouldn’t be there. I’ve asked Stone to come. And
before you ask, we will have people watching our backs.”
Armed men. Got it. Seth wouldn’t hesitate pulling the trigger if it meant
preventing Sheen from hurting someone he cared about. But whatever Sal
had planned for Sheen, obviously wasn’t something Sal thought he could
handle. That was because Sal didn’t really know Seth. He wasn’t just all
numbers and business. He was a Lawson, and they didn’t get where they
were by sitting back and getting walked on.
“I’ll let you go in, but I want to know everything that is going on. This
is my family we’re talking about Sal,” Seth stated.
“Don’t forget Seth, my sister is your family as well. This has become
very personal to us both. I’m not about to let him fuck with any of us.”
“And bringing in Stone was the only way you thought that could
happen?” Seth asked.
“Let’s just say it’s not me or Stone they are going to care about. We will
be approaching this as we represent the Henderson and Lawson families,
which are willing to join forces if Sheen does not back down and back out.
And before you ask, Stone has some men back in Sheen’s country, that will
send a live feed of what can happen if Sheen doesn’t agree.”
Seth shook his head. “What was that line you were talking about
earlier? Because I think you’re crossing it. Not that I mind, but damn Sal,
I’m glad you’re on our side.”
“And I’m glad your cousins have your back as well,” Sal replied.
That was one thing he wished he could’ve changed. The last thing Seth
wanted was to feel indebted to the Hendersons. Because he could only
imagine what shit they’d be drawn into when it came to returning the favor.
“Yeah. Let’s deal with one problem at a time.” Seth stayed in the limo
while Sal got out and hopped in a black SUV. He knew that had to be Stone
that had been behind them. But when the SUV passed by, it wasn’t alone. It
looked like a convoy. The final two stayed with the limo, one parked in
front, and one behind. Really Sal, I don’t need protection.
He hated the fact there was nothing he could do but sit in the damn limo
and wait, but that didn’t stay that way for long. The door opened up and in
climbed a Henderson.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
Dean answered, “I was with Bennett when he received the call from Sal.
Figured if they were going to be slinging our names around, we might as
well have a Henderson on hand if they need it.”
Seth heard that Dean had stepped in the line of fire in the past. Rumor
had it he took three bullets for the woman he loved. It was hard to not
respect a man who’d do that.
“Do you really think they’ll call us if they get in trouble?” Seth asked.
He already knew Sal wouldn’t.
“No. But if something goes wrong I figured it’d be better for both of our
families if we were together. You know, to answer the questions that surely
will come.”
“I thought we’d decided our families should keep a low profile, not let
anyone know we are related.” Of course it seemed like the more they tried,
the closer they all got. He knew who to blame for that too. The women
insisted they all get together for the holidays. First it was Thanksgiving, and
then Christmas. How they made it through New Years without seeing any of
them still surprised Seth. Of course, here was Dean now.
“I’m not touching that. My wife Tessa has already put me in my place
more than once. I think the ladies are already planning a huge barbecue for
this summer. Might as well throw in the towel. We’ve been overruled,”
Dean stated.
“I don’t have a wife, so don’t include me in that category. I still make
my own decisions.”
Dean laughed. “Watch it. That’s what we all say right before”
“If you say cupid, I think I’m going to hit you.”
Dean shook his head. “No. It feels more like a cast iron frying pan on
the back of the head. But the results are the same.”
“Yeah. And I want that why?”
“Can’t explain it. But when it happens, you’ll know. Or she’ll tell you,
because let’s be real…when it comes to that stuff, we suck. If it wasn’t for
Tessa, hell, I’d still be running all over the world taking on one company
after another.”
“I thought you still were?” Last Seth had heard, Dean was building his
very own empire.
“Yes and no. Now I buy and rebuild. Before I crushed and took.”
“I see the difference.” Lawson Steel dealt with competitors who were
much like that. There were a few times when they needed to take off the
gloves too. “Business can get…messy at times.”
“Yes. Let’s just hope Sheen is in the mood for keeping this clean and
simple. If not, I know the Hendersons are willing to do whatever it takes to
bring him down.”
“I haven’t spoken to my brothers yet, but I would have to agree. Sheen
needs to be stopped.”
Seth had a feeling they were going to be there a while. Although he’d
rather be waiting alone, where he could think, he might as well take this
time and get to know Dean better. He wasn’t sure he trusted his cousins, but
until they gave him reason not to, he’d at least give them the benefit of
Fuck up and you’ll be in the same boat as Sheen.

This was killing her. Why did I ever agree to this? Before Seth had left to
meet up with Sal, he asked her to be strong, and to have some faith that
everything would be okay. Not to worry and not to call him. That once
everything was over with, he’d return and take her out like he’d promised.
But it had been hours since he’d left. And as far as being strong, she was.
Strong enough to kick Mr. Sheen’s ass if anything happens to Seth.
Charlene got up off the couch and walked around room for what seemed
like the millionth time. There was nothing here to distract her. If anything, it
only made her think more about Seth. Calling Sofia was out of the question
because she’d need to explain what Sal was up to as well. That would cause
a chain reaction, and soon everyone would know what Seth and Sal were up
to. And Seth would never trust me again.
She wasn’t even sure when Seth started trusting her. It would’ve been so
easy for him to come up with some excuse, or lie, about where he really
was going today. Seth was known for working, even on a Sunday. But
instead, he was honest with her. The only way to ensure he continued to feel
that way was to honor his request.
That didn’t mean she couldn’t nag her so call bodyguard. “Are you sure
you haven’t heard anything?” Charlene asked Connor for the third time.
“Miss, I told you that I’d let you know if I had. Maybe you can…”
“Watching TV in the kitchen isn’t helping.” Charlene plopped back onto
the couch. “I can’t believe Seth went with him. What if Mr. Sheen flips
“They will handle it,” Connor stated.
She shot him a doubtful look. “Handle it? What exactly does that mean?
Because I don’t think they are prepared for…” Charlene wasn’t even sure
what that might be. A brawl? A shoot out? Her heart raced again. Don’t
think about it.
“Miss, Seth isn’t alone.”
“I know. Sal is with him.”
Connor added, “Sal has dealt with many criminals in the past. He can
handle whatever Sheen throws at him.”
But what about Seth? He wasn’t a cop. “So you’re not worried at all?”
“My job is here, protecting you,” Connor replied flatly.
“Not that I need it.” Connor didn’t respond, so she continued. “Okay so
you’re not worried, but you can’t tell me you’re never worry.” Still nothing.
“How about if someone you care about goes off to war? You must worry
about them right? Because if not, then maybe there’s something wrong with
For the first time, Connor’s stone cold demeanor changed and he shot
her a warning look. “Are you trying to push my buttons?”
“What makes you ask that?” She actually was hoping that if she kept
talking, he’d eventually tell her something just to shut her up.
“Let’s just say Sal and I have known each other for a long time. He may
have mentioned you in the past.”
“What does that mean?” she asked sternly.
Connor grinned briefly. “You’re wasting your time.”
“I have nothing else to do,” she declared.
“Why don’t you go get ready for your date,” Connor suggested.
Her eyes widened. “Does that mean he’s okay and he’s on his way
Connor rolled his eyes and walked away. She could sit there and ponder
if that was Connor throwing her a hint, or actually get up and hope that he
had. Fine. You win Connor. I’ll leave you alone.
Getting up she walked back to the guest room and went through her
suitcase. She had packed quickly, but since Charlene had no idea how long
she’d be gone, she had also filled it with a variety of clothing. Picking the
right outfit for tonight would be so much easier if she had a clue what Seth
had planned. With everything else going on, what made him think she
wanted a surprise of any kind?
But hopefully focusing on what to wear was going to help alleviate
some of the tension in her. Her head was pounding, and all because of
stress. It didn’t matter what she did. Until she heard from Seth, it wasn’t
going to cease. The only positive out of it all, Charlene hadn’t given her
ankle a second thought.
Her cell phone rang and she dashed to pick up the call. The excitement
quickly faded as she saw the caller ID. It was her mother.
“Hi Mom. How are you?”
“Charlene. I thought for sure you’d have called us and let your father
and I know how your first week went. Should we be concerned?”
“No Mom. I’m fine. The job is great.”
“Now I’m worried,” her mother said.
“Charlene, you’re not saying anything. Fine. Great. Those are not your
normal responses. I’m usually waiting to get a word in. Tell me Charlene,
what’s the matter? Home sick?”
That was definitely the easiest answer to give. But she prided herself on
always telling the truth. “I do like it here. But it’s not really what I
“The job or New York City?”
“Mom, I’ve been to the city before. But I guess it will take some time to
get used to working for a huge corporation.” Charlene wasn’t sure she ever
would get used to it. Everyone there seemed to look the same, either a
black, brown, navy or grey suit. She was the only one who stood out,
wearing dresses with more than just a pop of color.
“All jobs come with a learning curve. One thing I know about you
Charlene, is you don’t give up. If you want something, you’re going to do
whatever you need to in order to get it.”
Does that include my wanting Seth to get back here safe and sound?
She wished it was that easy. “Thanks Mom. I needed to hear that.”
“You know your father and I are always here for you.”
“I know Mom.” But her mother knew that for the most part, Charlene
liked to be independent. And when she needed someone to talk to, it was
Sofia that she turned to.
“Have you seen Sofia?”
“Of course. Had dinner there a few days ago.”
“That’s good. And are you making any friends? Or maybe meeting any
eligible bachelors?” her mother asked.
“Mom, I’ve been here just over a week. I’m here to work, not to meet
someone.” Of course, it just so happened that she did, and if things worked
out, she wasn’t opposed to it.
“A mother can always hope. I thought when Sofia got married and
settled down, that you might follow suit.”
“Mom, you’re not going to start on the grandmother thing again are
“Well I did see Mrs. Marciano this week and she was showing me
pictures of her granddaughter. Liliana is adorable. I want to brag about my
grandchild someday too.”
“And you will. Just not anytime soon. I’m not looking to start a family
right now. I’ve barely gotten my feet wet with starting a career.”
“Charlene, are you telling me you’d rather have a career over love?” her
mother asked.
She had been hoping for a distraction, but this was more like an added
frustration. Any other day and she’d let her mother go on, because Charlene
had inherited her gift for gab from her mother. But right now, it wasn’t
doing anything to help her headache.
“Mom, I don’t mean to cut this conversation short, but I was just about
to lie down for a bit.”
“Nap? You? Now I know something is wrong,” her mother said, her
tone said she was concerned.
“I have a headache. Not enough sleep lately. And tomorrow is Monday.
I want to be fresh and ready for another week.” Once again, all true.
“Okay. I hope that’s all it is. Because I worry about you.”
Charlene knew all about worrying. But at least her mother didn’t have a
reason to. “I’m okay Mom. I’ll call you during the week.”
“Okay, but if you don’t call me, “I’m calling Sofia,” she threatened.
Charlene laughed. “Okay Mom, I promise, you’ll hear from me by
“Better. I love you.”
“I love you too Mom,” Charlene said and ended the call.
Even though part of it was a conversation she didn’t want to have,
Charlene actually did feel a bit better. She stripped off her clothes and
decided a hot shower might actually take the last remnants of the headache
away. Sure enough, once inside, the tension diminished. “Why didn’t I
think of this earlier?” She let the hot water beat down on her back and
shoulders until she was totally relaxed. Only then did she step out of the
shower and wrap herself in a large white bath sheet.
She actually had been in the shower longer than she had wanted to.
Before even getting dressed she walked over and checked her cell phone.
Damn it. There was a missed call from Seth, but no voicemail. Hitting
return call she held her breath waiting for him to answer.
“Hello,” his voice sounded like an echo.
He’s home? She opened the bedroom door and found him standing in
the living room with Sal, Connor and one of the Hendersons, but she
couldn’t recall which one. It didn’t matter right now. She rushed right over
to where they stood talking and threw her arms around Seth, squeezing him
tightly. Then she stepped back to look him over. He looked just as he had
when he’d left that morning.
“Seth, you’re okay. God, I’ve been so worried. Please tell me, what
happened.” Charlene blurted out, her hand still on his arm, not yet willing
to break contact with him. If she had her way, she wouldn’t let him go at all.
Seth looked at her and said, “Charlene, please go back in your room. We
can talk about it later.”
Later? It was bad enough that she had to wait this long. She dropped her
hand to her side, half hurt, and said, “Just because I’m a woman, doesn’t
mean I shouldn’t be able to hear what transpired. I’m not a child. And
besides, it was me Mr. Sheen had threatened after all,” she huffed. “You
said to trust you. I did. Now you should trust me enough to tell me what
Sal grinned and Connor cleared his throat. Seth shook his head and said,
“Charlene, I do trust you. I just don’t trust that towel.”
“What?” Towel? She looked down at herself and swore she blushed
from head to toe. “Oh my God!” Charlene ran barefoot back into the
bedroom and slammed the door behind her. She was so embarrassed.
Charlene grabbed some clothes off the pile that was on the bed. She
didn’t even bother looking to see if they matched. Bra, panties, sweater and
jeans. The necessities were there. Then she slowly opened the door again,
this time, walked casually back to the men who were still talking.
“Better,” Seth said, giving her a wink.
Charlene blushed again, and ignored his comment. “I’m glad to see
you’re back in one piece.”
“Me too?” Sal asked teasingly. She shot a warning look and he raised
his hands adding, “Okay, I got it. Not the time to joke.” Then he turned to
Seth and said, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Seth nodded. “Thanks again Sal.”
“That’s what you pay me for,” Sal replied. “Connor, it looks like you’re
free to go as well.”
He nodded. “Miss Kittredge, you take care of yourself.”
“Thank you for…listening to me,” Charlene said. Really it was more
like putting up with her. Hopefully Connor wasn’t going to tell Sal what a
pain in the ass she had been.
“My pleasure.” Then Connor turned and asked, “Dean, do you need a
lift to the airport?”
Dean shook his head. “I’m actually going to stay the night in the city.
But I’ll take a ride to the hotel if you don’t mind. Besides, Sal mentioned to
me you might be looking for work. Bennett was talking about bringing
someone else on.”
“Then we can discuss it on the way,” Connor said as he and Dean left.
Sal followed them out.
Charlene couldn’t believe how quiet it was with just the two of them
there. “I’m…I’m sorry about earlier. When I heard your voice, I guess I
forgot everything else.”
“Like your clothes,” he teased.
She chuckled. “Just be glad I had on a towel.”
Seth raised a brow. “I am, but only for one, now three reasons.”
“And what are they?” she asked puzzled.
“Sal, Connor and Dean,” he laughed. “Otherwise, your warm
welcoming would’ve been reciprocated.”
She couldn’t believe how she’d just thrown her arms around him as
though he had been coming home to her. This was his place, and she had
only been there because of the supposed danger she was in. If Connor was
free to go, she guessed that meant so was she. Although she liked her
apartment, she really enjoyed being here with Seth.
“I can hug you again if that would make it better,” she offered.
Seth reached his arm around her and pulled her close. “Even dressed,
this feels good,” he said holding her. “And I’d be willing to do this all night,
but we have a date. Or have you forgotten?”
Hell no, I haven’t. “Are you sure you want to go? I’m sure you’ve had a
stressful day.” I know I sure as hell have.
“It was at certain times, but now it’s over.”
“Did you want to talk about it?” She knew she did.
Seth shook his head. “Not tonight. Right now I just want to do what I
promised to yesterday.”
“And what is that?” she asked.
“I’m letting you in on my secret,” he whispered.
That sounded intriguing. “And it requires us to leave or can you tell me
He smiled down at her. “Sorry Charlene, but we’re going out for this.
Now go get some shoes on and a coat. Our appointment is waiting.”
“You’re really not going to tell me where we are going are you?”
Charlene asked.
“No. But I promise you, you’ll like it.”
She smiled up at him. “I guess if I can trust you this far, I can trust you a
bit longer. Give me a minute, and I’ll be ready.” Reluctantly, she slipped
from his arms and went to finish getting dressed. Charlene slipped on a pair
of black leather boots and a matching leather jacket. Hopefully she was
dressed for whatever he had planned. She’d already embarrassed herself
enough for one day that she didn’t need to do the same to him by being

Seth had never taken anyone here before. It was something he hadn’t even
shared with his family. But he knew Charlene had a week from hell, and
thought this would be something that would bring a smile to her lovely
face. It appeared he was correct.
“This is amazing Seth. I…I never would’ve guessed. Why on earth
aren’t you marketing these?” Charlene asked.
“I’m in the steel business, not chocolates,” he replied. “It’s just a hobby
I have.”
“If I had a hobby like this, I’d be the size of a house.”
He laughed. “And now you know why I go to the gym every day.”
“Have you ever thought about leaving Lawson Steel and doing this full
time?” she asked.
Never. “No. I actually enjoy my job. I guess we were all raised to have a
role in the business. For me, it is the finance side. I’m good with numbers,
probably the best in the family. Could they run the place without me? Yes.
But I am there because I want to be.” There were plenty of things he wasn’t
proud of from the Lawson’s past, but Seth was determined to make the
Lawson name something to be proud of. If he left now, he’d regret not
being part of all the positive things they were doing, and so many more
things in the works. None of which he could discuss with anyone. Not even
with Charlene.
“I guess that’s good. I mean you loving your job and everything. It’s just
a shame you keep this talent of yours all to yourself. I can picture it, people
all over the world ordering your truffles.” Charlene sighed.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
“I can’t believe Sofia never told me about this,” Charlene added.
“She doesn’t know. No one does.”
“No one?” she echoed.
Just you. Seth couldn’t believe that he had even brought her here. But
then again, he never even opened the glove box and let anyone try his
chocolates either. Charlene could get under his skin with all her talking, but
she also seemed to…to pique his interest. There was more to her than he’d
thought. More he wanted to know. Somehow bringing her here had
backfired. Charlene seemed to be the one learning more about him instead.
“I come here to relax. You do remember my telling you cooking helps
me relax?” She nodded. “When I’m having a really rough week, I come
here and focus on something else. Oddly enough, the more stressful of a
week, the better my chocolates are.”
“Then I’d say you should make a batch right now. They’d probably be
the best ever,” she teased.
“I would, but somehow you greeting me in nothing but a towel removed
a lot of stress.” Replaced it with a hell of a lot of frustration. He loved how
easily Charlene blushed.
“Seth, you can’t go around talking like that to a woman. She might get
the idea that you’re…interested in her.”
Maybe I am. He reached out and tipped her chin up to meet his gaze.
“And what if I was?” Charlene didn’t say anything, only stood there wide
eyed, as though she hoped he’d kiss her. Seth wasn’t about to deny her
request. Leaning over, he gently let his lips brush hers. Then pulled away
and looked down at her. “If you don’t stop looking at me like that, we’re not
going to make it to dinner.”
“You just fed me a bunch of the most delicious chocolates. Who wants
dinner?” she asked, stepping closer to him.
He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulled her high into his arms,
claiming her lips. He wanted to go slow, kiss her and stop, but the instant
his lips made contact with her, his entire body reacted, like feeling his blood
rushing through his veins and his want for her so damn insanely strong.
But she didn’t pull away, not that he expected her to. Charlene had a
confidence that he wasn’t used to. It wasn’t that she claimed to be perfect,
but she was confident in what she could do. And right now, that was driving
him wild. She was returning his kisses feverishly. With his tongue, he urged
her to open her mouth. He wanted to taste her. When she did he found she
tasted sweeter than any of his chocolates. As their tongues entwined, her
moan filled his mouth, and seemed to rumble through them both.
His heart was racing. This was crazy. He wasn’t a teenager experiencing
his first kiss. Hell, he couldn’t even count how many women he’d kissed.
So why was this so…different? Thinking of her, kissing her, built a hunger
in him like he’d never felt before.
Seth was tempted to scoop her up into his arms and sit her on the
counter. But it was covered with an assortment of his chocolates. He’d toss
them onto the floor, but Charlene deserved better. She deserved someone
who would be there for her tomorrow. Seth wasn’t looking for a
commitment. Hell, he wasn’t looking for anything. So why am I doing this?
Slowing his kisses until they stopped, he said, “Maybe we should…
slow down.” He couldn’t believe those words were coming out of his
mouth. His body was hard and his need great. But he couldn’t just have sex
with her. Not like this.
“When you mean slow, you actually mean stop,” Charlene said, her
breath labored.
Damn she was so in tune to what he was avoiding saying. “Yes,” he
replied. “I didn’t bring you here for that reason.”
“I didn’t think so. Sometimes, things kind of just happen,” Charlene
“Charlene, it’d be so simple, but there are a few reasons why we
shouldn’t… why we can’t. Most of all, I don’t have any protection.” He
wasn’t a risk taker. At least not when it came to something like sex.
“Neither do I. And it also might make things…awkward between us and
I don’t want that. I mean, we will be seeing each other tomorrow in the
office and the last thing I need to be doing is fantasizing about you as you
walk down the hall.
Seth laughed softly and kissed the tip of her nose. “Charlene, you have a
way of making it so I won’t ever be able to look at you and not…think
about what could be.”
Charlene smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Then let me
give you one more thing to think about before you take me home.” This
time her lips found his. Not as wild as they had before, but this time, she
nipped and teased him, her tongue tracing his lips, before pulling away. She
smiled up at him wickedly and said, “Your chocolates might be wonderful,
but your kisses are fantastic.”
“Should I market those?” he teased.
Charlene gave him a playful slap on the bicep. “Not until I become a
billionaire so I can buy them all.”
He took her by the hand and said, “I guess I’ll just have to keep giving
you free samples until you can. Now let’s get out of here, before I change
my mind.”
It sucked bringing her back to her apartment. He almost missed the
excuse for her needing to stay with him. He was used to living by himself,
but he had a feeling tonight, his home was going to feel very…empty.

Charlene wasn’t sure which she missed more, Seth or his breakfast, but she
couldn’t leave her apartment fast enough and get to work. That was unusual
for being a Monday morning. But it wasn’t like she had gotten much sleep.
She tossed and turned, haunted by Seth’s sweet kisses and what could’ve
been. There was a point she thought for sure they were going to make love.
But as quickly as the fire started, he snuffed it out. It was better that way or
at least she told herself that over and over again last night as she laid on her
bed, alone.
Either way, Charlene was at work bright and early, sitting at her desk
once again, with nothing to do. With the phone still off limits how was she
going to keep her mind from wandering in directions that it shouldn’t? She
hadn’t been joking when she told Seth she might fantasize about him. But if
she had things to keep her busy it would make it a lot easier.
So she did the only thing she could and called Sofia. “Good morning.
Am I waking you?”
Sofia laughed. “I wish. No. I’m up and about to take Liliana to the
doctors for a checkup. She won’t be a happy girl tonight, because she is also
getting a few shots. I hate this part. I thought I could handle anything, but
seeing her cry…well it just breaks my heart.”
“Do you need company?” Charlene offered.
“I thought you were working?” Sofia asked.
“I am. But I’m sure I can get the morning off if you need me. Besides,
it’s not like the phone is ringing off the hook.” Or at all.
“Thanks. But Dylan is coming with me. Don’t tell him I said anything,
but his eyes tear up too when she cries.”
Charlene snickered. “I’d pay to see that. He always comes off like a
tough guy.”
“Don’t they all? But when you get to know them, you see more than
they let others see. I’m sure you’re finding things out about Seth that I don’t
even know.”
That was the truth. Seth pretends like he has no interest in anything
except work, yet he enjoys art and cooking and she knew there was even
more. She was enjoying learning all these little secrets Seth had. Each one
seemed more exciting than the last. Charlene couldn’t imagine what she’d
learn next.
“I guess I am,” she replied.
Sofia huffed. “This is when you spill them.”
Another time, Charlene would have. But she was enjoying the trust Seth
had in her. If she started blabbing, even to Sofia, then Seth might pull away.
She wasn’t going to risk that. Not even for her bestie.
“I thought you’d be asking me about what happened with Mr. Sheen.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe I forgot that. What is wrong with me?”
Sofia sighed.
“I think it’s called being a mom. But don’t worry. Everything worked
out and I’m back to staying at my apartment. Mr. Sheen is no longer an
issue.” At least that is what she was told. No way would any of those guys
let her leave if it wasn’t safe.
“Well that’s great. What did they do?”
Funny thing was she still didn’t know. Did it matter? Part of her said
yes, she needed to know, but then again, the only important thing was she
was safe. “They met with him and told him to leave me alone.”
She knew it wasn’t that simple. Sofia wasn’t going to buy that either.
“In other words, they aren’t talking. I’d offer to call Sal, but he definitely
won’t tell me anything. You should try working on Seth. I have a feeling
you could get him to talk.”
“Why is that?” she asked.
“Because the guy is crazy about you. Although I don’t think he realizes
it yet. Sometimes they are the last to know,” Sofia laughed. “Then again, I
don’t think you realize how much you like Seth either. For the first time,
you’re not chasing the guy and I’m thinking that’s because he’s the right
“Yes Mama Marciano,” Charlene teased.
“I am not my mother. But you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about
it. And if you do, then you’d be lying.”
“Of course I’ve thought about it. He’s a handsome, intelligent man. I’d
worry if I was dead if I didn’t notice those things,” she stated. He’s also
funny and sensitive and caring but let’s not forget, he’s also my boss.
“Well when you quit lying to yourself, you might realize that you’re
attracted to Seth.”
“Sofia, I work for Lawson Steel. We’ve been through this before. I’m
not risking my job over some guy. That was the old Charlene. This new one
is…responsible and…driven, and…”
“Crazy about Seth. Which doesn’t go away just because you wish it.
Why don’t you sit down and talk to him. Tell him how you feel and see
what he says?”
Because I don’t know how I feel. That was the truth. Charlene did like
him, maybe a bit more than she should. Seth did occupy much of her
thoughts already, but that was easy to explain. They worked together and
she’d spent the weekend at his home. It made sense that she couldn’t stop
thinking about him. But today was a new day. They had no plans of seeing
each other outside of work.
“Sofia, I’m happy for you and Dylan. But it makes you see things that
aren’t there. And before you tell me I’m wrong, just remember, I know you
better than you know yourself sometimes. You just want for me to have
what you have. I will. Just not right now. It’s your time, not mine.”
“You’re probably right. When did you become the logical thinking one,
and me the hopeful romantic?” Sofia asked.
“You always were. You just hid it better. Now I better get to work,
before I’m on the unemployment line for screwing off on the job.”
“Ha. They wouldn’t.”
“You say that, but Lawson Steel takes work very seriously. So I need to
as well. Love you. I’ll touch base later this week. Good luck at the doctors.”
“Love you too, and thank you,” Sofia said, ending the call.
Charlene sat at her desk trying not to think about what Sofia said about
Seth. He couldn’t be crazy about her. Did he like her? Yes. Attracted to her?
Yes again. That was evident when he kissed her. She wasn’t ignorant to the
hardening bulge in his pants. But there was a vast difference between desire
“You look like you’re in deep thought? Should I come back?” Sal said
from the doorway.
Charlene was grateful for the interruption. She couldn’t afford for her
thoughts to go down that path. And she sure as hell didn’t want Sal picking
up on it either. “I’m hoping to be able to do my job sometime soon. Did you
know that my phone line is no longer working?”
“Oh, let me guess. You agree with Seth, that I can’t handle the calls,”
she said, leaning back in her chair.
Sal entered her office and shut the door behind him. Then he took the
seat across from her. “I don’t recall Seth saying such a thing. Maybe it is
you who doubts yourself?”
She crossed her arms. “I’m not the one who has my calls going to some
other employee.”
“They are redirected to Seth,” he said.
“Seth? Why? Doesn’t he have enough to do already without taking a
bunch of wrong numbers?” None of this made any sense. Not the wrong
numbers and not what happened with Mr. Sheen. Could it be? She looked at
Sal and said, “Did you ever consider that this might not be a coincidence?”
“The calls to your office line?” Sal asked. She nodded and he added,
“One call wouldn’t have flagged it as an issue. Multiple, definitely.”
“No I mean, a link between the calls and…and Mr. Sheen. Do you think
that he could be behind them?” she asked.
Sal shook his head. “There is no reason for him to act in such a manner.
Besides, the calls started prior to him learning the business relationship
wasn’t taking place.”
“Oh, that’s right. How could I forget that?”
“Charlene, stop thinking about it. Let me do my job and you do yours.”
She laughed. “My job? And how can I do that without a phone line? I
sit in this office and twiddle my thumbs or if I’m lucky, someone stops by
and says hello.”
“That explains why you’re so grumpy this morning. I’d have thought
maybe after your date last night you’d be in a better mood.”
“Don’t you start too,” Charlene warned.
“Yes. I just hung up with Sofia. She has the misplaced idea that Seth
is…” Charlene realized she actually was going to add fuel to that if she
voiced it again. “Well, let’s just say she is wrong.”
“I’m not used to the two of you not being on the same side. But I have a
feeling Sofia and I might be in agreement, for once.”
“Yes. That’s what I’m afraid of. If you don’t mind, neither one of us
should be talking about our boss like this.”
“I don’t remember telling you what I was thinking. However, if you
would like to discuss Seth, I have a few minutes,” he grinned.
“No I don’t. Why don’t we talk about something else?”
“What would you like to talk about?” he asked.
There wasn’t anything. Her freaking thoughts were consumed with Seth
and it was pissing her off. So she changed the topic. “Connor doesn’t work
for you?”
“But you had him watching over me. I would’ve liked to think he
wasn’t some guy you hired off the street,” she teased.
“He’s not. I went undercover a few years back and I worked with him
then. He’s someone I knew I could trust, that would not be on anyone’s
payroll. You should know by now that you’re like family to me. I would
never let anything happen to you,” Sal stated.
“I know that. I guess you’re right.”
“About what?” he asked.
“I’m grumpy.” Frustrated was more like it, but not the word she was
about to use with Sal or anyone else.
“You’re not the only one,” he said.
“You too?” she asked.
“No. Seth. I just came from his office and he was barking orders at one
of his staff. Not like him. Want to talk about it?”
“About what?”
“Your date. I take it that it didn’t go well.”
She shrugged. “It was good. Just…ended too quickly.”
Sal looked at her and said, “Maybe I don’t want to know after all.” He
got up and headed for the door but turned back to her. “Charlene, I’m glad
you’re here.”
“At Lawson Steel?”
“In Manhattan. It’s good for Sofia and I actually think it’s going to be
good for you too.”
When he was gone, she smiled. I think you’re right.
Charlene felt her cell phone vibrate. At least she still had a form of
communication. When she saw who was calling, her heart skipped a beat.
“Good morning Seth. How can I help you?” Charlene didn’t know if he
was calling on business or pleasure.
“Do you remember that cooking lesson I spoke about?”
“I thought it wasn’t a lesson,” she teased.
He laughed. “I stand corrected.”
“Yes I do remember it,” she fought back her giggle.
“How about tonight?”
If it meant seeing him, she was for it. “What do I need to pick up?” she
“I’ll have everything at my home. If you want, we can go directly after
“Sounds great. Call my cell when you want me to meet you in the
lobby.” She wasn’t going to assume he was leaving at five with the others.
“Perfect. Have a wonderful day Charlene,” he said.
“You too,” she replied and ended the call.
This at least gave her something to look forward to. And something to
think about all day.
She sighed, smiled and put her cell phone back on her desk. It’s going to
be a long day.

He needed to see her again and not at work. Actually he’d spent most of the
day avoiding any place she might be. Yet every meeting seemed to bring
her name up.
“Seems she has a way of leaving an impression with everyone she
meets,” Charles said.
“I guess so,” Seth replied. “Now back to the audit we were discussing.”
“Are you really here to rattle off numbers or was there something else
you wanted to talk about?”
“This is what we do. I bring you the information, you pretend like
you’re listening and I go about my day,” Seth said sarcastically.
“Pretend? Why would I do that?” he asked.
“I assume because you know that I triple check everything prior to
submitting my findings.”
“Then why are you here if that is the case?” Charles asked.
He got up and said, “I guess that’s my cue to leave.”
“Or you can sit and we can talk about Charlene.”
“I already gave you my report.”
“I’m talking as your brother, not as the CEO,” Charles clarified. “I
heard she stayed at your home this weekend.”
“Not that it is any of your business, but yes she did. Nothing happened,”
he stated.
“I’m not asking for details. I want to remind you that she is like a sister
to Sofia.”
“Once again, I’m aware of this.”
“Good. Because I wouldn’t want to see this become a problem between
my brothers,” Charles stated.
“What do you think I’m going to do? Never mind, don’t answer that,”
Seth said firmly. “Are you telling me I can’t see her? Because you don’t
have that authority.” No one does except for Charlene.
“Just making sure this isn’t some casual fling.”
Seth laughed. “I’m not the brother you need to worry about.”
Charles didn’t laugh. “I’m not worried about you. It’s Charlene that I’m
concerned about.”
God, does she have this effect on everyone? Even his brothers seemed to
be protecting her. But he wasn’t a threat. “I’m not out to break her heart or
anything like that. We are just enjoying each other’s company. That’s it.”
Seth wasn’t going to explain himself any further.
“That’s a shame.”
Seth was puzzled. “Are you drunk? Because you’re not making any
sense. You warn me off her and then you are disappointed we’re not
“I’d like to see you happy. And from what I’ve heard, that’s what
you’ve been lately.”
“I’m not sure how you know this,” Seth stated.
“You’re not living in the office 24/7. That’s a dead giveaway. At least it
was when I met Rosslyn.”
“I didn’t expect this lecture coming from you,” Seth said.
“Me either. Then again, I never would’ve put you and Charlene
“We’re not together Charles. We’re just…”
“I know. Enjoying each other’s company. Save it for someone who
believes it.”
“If you’re done wasting my time, I’ve got things to do.”
“As do I. I’m going to have dinner with my family.” Charles said,
getting up from his desk. “Enjoy your night Seth.”
Seth followed suit. “I plan on it.” He didn’t even bother stopping in his
office on the way out. Instead, he rang Charlene’s cell. “Meet me in five.”
“You got it,” she replied.
He knew this was going to add to the rumors, but he didn’t care. Let
them talk. He knew there wasn’t anything going on between them. They
were just two adults who were going to cook dinner together. People had to
Charlene was in the lobby waiting for him. It wasn’t like she had much
else to do. He was going to need to rectify that. Of course there still was the
matter of what was going on with the calls. Before joining her, he stopped
and sent Sal a quick message.
Sal responded. WANT TO MEET NOW?
Although he was anxious to hear what Sal had learned, it would need to
Whatever it was, it couldn’t be critical. Seth walked up to Charlene and
asked, “Hungry?”
“Starving. But since we’re cooking, I hope you have some of your
truffles in the car.”
“I don’t leave home without them,” he said as they walked outside. His
car had been brought to the front of the building and was already covered
with a light dusting of snow. “Looks like we’re in for a storm.”
“Maybe I should go home instead,” she suggested.
“And miss out on a great hot meal?” he asked. “You don’t even know
what we’re cooking.
Charlene smiled. “Since it’s we, then it would hopefully be fast and
Nothing he wanted to do with Charlene was fast. What he’d planned for
tonight would require some prep, but after that, it’d be baking in the oven.
She was right; the timing for such things was a bad idea. Yet he had a
feeling the cooking was the only thing she wasn’t looking forward to. As
they got into the car he confirmed, “You don’t seem enthusiastic about
“Oh I am. Well at least part of it. The cooking might be better on the
weekend. You know so when it all goes to crap, we still have time to go out
and eat,” she laughed.
“You think I’d let it burn?” he asked as he pulled onto the roadway.
“I think you have more faith in my cooking ability than you should.
Besides, look at it. The snow is really coming down. We can do this any
He didn’t want her bailing on him. A little snow sure as hell wasn’t
going to stand in his way either. But she definitely wasn’t in the mood for
cooking with him. Was there more to it than that? One way to find out.
“How about Friday night?”
“That sounds better.”
“But we both still need to eat tonight. How do you feel about dinner?”
he asked.
Charlene said, “I am craving Chinese.”
It wasn’t food that he was craving. It was her company, and more. The
moment he saw her waiting for him in the lobby, he wanted to pick up
where they had left off last night. It wasn’t helping any watching her as she
popped another one of his truffles in her mouth, and listening to her moan
with each bite. All it did was make him want her even more.
He reached over and turned down the heater. Things were already
getting too hot in here for him. He wanted to be alone with her. Tonight, he
didn’t want any interruptions, or thoughts of work. I just want to enjoy
holding her. That thought should have him dropping her off at her
apartment, alone. Instead he asked, “Crab Rangoon?”
“They’re okay, but so you know, I like it spicy,” Charlene said.
I bet you do.
“Then how about Thai?”
“Now that sounds perfect. Where should we go?”
“It is snowing, so how about delivery?”
“My place is very familiar with take-out,” she laughed.
“I was thinking more in the lines of my place.”
“Oh,” she said softly.
“Any issue with that?” he asked, hoping there wasn’t.
“It’s just that…that…I hate for you to have to go back out to bring me
“Let me worry about that.” Seth called in an order and requested it be
delivered at his home. It wasn’t exactly what he’d scripted in his head
earlier, but then again, nothing with Charlene ever seemed to follow his
It didn’t take long for them to arrive and get settled in. Seth walked over
and started a fire in the fireplace. It wasn’t cold in there, but it was the
perfect night for it. Charlene stood looking out the window.
“It’s really coming down Seth. Maybe you should’ve let me take the bus
“No way in hell would I let you do that on a night like this.” He walked
up behind her, placed his hands on her shoulders, and enjoyed the feel of
her as she leaned back against him.
“It’s beautiful to watch though.”
“Yes,” he said letting his hands run down her arms, and wrap around
her, his fingers interlocking across her stomach. “Beautiful.”
“I could stand here and watch it fall all night,” Charlene said.
“Maybe we should kick off our shoes and get comfortable,” he
She didn’t move. “I don’t know. I’m kind of enjoying this right now,”
she said, snuggling closer to him.
So am I.
The buzzer from the lobby announced a visitor. “Excuse me. I believe
that’s our dinner.” Reluctantly he released his hold and walked over to the
door. He picked up the phone.
Security said, “Mr. Lawson, you have a delivery. Would you like me to
bring it up?”
“Yeah. Thank you.” Right now he was wishing he’d picked it up at
restaurant himself. He didn’t want any disruptions, but at least this should
be the last.
As soon as the food arrived, he said, “If you’d like, we can eat on the
“No. The kitchen is fine.” She walked over and grabbed one of the bags
from him. “I can’t believe how much food you ordered.”
“You said you were starving.”
She giggled. “I was. I am. But I think you bought enough for a party,
not for two.”
“We can have leftovers tomorrow,” he said as he put his bag on the
“Tomorrow? I didn’t know you invited me to dinner tomorrow too,” she
I was thinking breakfast.
“It’d be a shame to let it go to waste.”
“You obviously have no idea how hungry I am,” she laughed.
As they ate, Seth realized Charlene wasn’t joking. She had been hungry.
“I’d offer you dessert, but I didn’t order any.”
“I’m so full that I couldn’t even eat one of your truffles.”
“That’s a first. But a good thing too, because they are in the car.”
“You mean the ones that were in your glove box?” she asked. “Because
there might be a problem.”
“And what would that be?”
“I ate the last one,” she said softly. “They are worse than potato chips.
Once you start, you can’t stop.”
“I have no idea how someone who eats like you is so skinny.”
Charlene put her hands on her hips and said, “I am not skinny. Look at
my hips.” Then she turned around and said, “And my butt isn’t that small
Seth was taking in the view. “I see nothing wrong with either,” he
declared. Actually they’re perfect.
“You’re just being nice,” she said.
Seth walked over to her and said, “Trust me Charlene, there isn’t
anything nice going through my head right now.”
“Really? Care to share what those thoughts are?”
Pulling her into his arms he said, “If you don’t mind, I’d much rather
show you.”
Charlene placed her hands on his shoulders and said, “I hope you have a
lot to say.” Her lips parted as if she wanted to say something more, but
instead her tongue traced her lips and he was lost.
He wanted to devour her, but instead he placed a light and playful kiss
upon her lips, as his tongue teased, before pulling away.
In a deep, husky voice he said, “I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you
in the lobby.”
“Was…there…anything you wanted to tell me?” she asked in a very
sexy tone.
“You’re playing with fire Charlene. I want you, and holding back isn’t
easy,” Actually very uncomfortable. “If I tell you any more…”
“Seth, has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?” Charlene said,
pulling herself up higher in his arms. “Now are you going to kiss me again,
or bring me home?”
He brushed his lips against hers, not wanting to rush anything, but
definitely wanted to let her know, he wasn’t ready to bring her home either.
Seth continued to place feather-light kisses on each corner of her mouth. He
wanted to savor every moment.
Yet when he felt a shiver run through her body and Charlene moan
against his lips, he needed to pull away. She was teasing him, telling him
she wanted this, but was she sure? He didn’t want her to have any regrets in
the morning.
He cupped her chin with both hands, lifting her face so their eyes met
again. “Charlene, do you know how beautiful you are?” She only smiled up
at him, but her eyes darkened with hunger. One I hope to satisfy. “I could
kiss you all night, and if I don’t stop now, I just might.”
“Seth, why don’t we take this conversation someplace…more
She had a point. Although his table was the right height for certain
things, he sure as hell didn’t want to sit her on top of it. Maybe one day, but
not tonight.
“Charlene, are you sure? Because if you want, we can go and sit by the
fire and watch the snow fall through the window instead.” He couldn’t
believe he was once again giving her an out. Charles had gotten into his
head. All that warning about hurting her was now making him second guess
his advances. If Charlene even gave him the slightest hint she didn’t want
this as much as he did, he’d back off completely. Even though my cock
won’t like me, at least she still would.
She leaned in close, nipped his earlobe, then said, “I’m not cold. And
I’ve seen plenty of snow over the years.”
Slipping an arm beneath her legs, he scooped her into his arms and
carried her to the living room. He knew she said she wasn’t cold, but he
wanted to see her naked body by the light of the fire. When he stopped by
the thick lush white rug, he loosened his grip, but only slightly. Her feet still
not touching the floor required to her cling to him.
“You have no idea how hard it’s been keeping my hands off you.”
She replied, “I feel the same way.” She raised a hand to his cheek and
added, “But we don’t need to fight it any longer.”
No we don’t.
This time he had protection in his wallet. But he was glad they had
waited, even just one day. When his lips found hers this time, there was no
holding back. The raw passion that had filled him now was being
unleashed. She must’ve felt it as a moan escaped her lips and she clung to
him as though he was sucking the strength right out of her.
Wait baby. Your world is about to rock.
But she wasn’t the only one shocked by the intensity of the heat that
was building. He should slow things down, but instead, over and over, he
kissed her, until they were both gasping for breath. He traced her lips with
his tongue until they parted, giving him access. His tongue swept through
her mouth briefly, needing not just to taste but also to tease. He pulled back
so only the tips of their tongues danced with each other, then ceased for a
brief second.
She opened her eyes and said breathlessly, “Damn you can kiss.”
You’re not so bad either baby.
“Should I continue?” he asks nipping her bottom lip. She moaned her
answer and then began exploring again.
He couldn’t stop himself and kissed his way down her neck. The dress
she wore was business appropriate, but damn, it wasn’t blocking his access.
He set her down so she could stand while he unbuttoned the front. Slipping
his hand inside, he cupped one breast, and even through her bra, he could
feel her nipples harden, aching for attention.
Charlene arched her back. “Seth, I… I…” Charlene said as his hand
caressed her.
His other hand continued unbuttoning her dress. Convenient that her
dress opened all the way down the front. When it was completely open he
brought his hand back up to rest just below her breasts. She sucked in her
breath and he moved his hand lower over her hip and across her stomach.
“Seth,” she pleaded to him.
His fingers slowly inched lower, yet he never broke eye contact with
her. Seth knew her body was on fire. His hands continued to caress her
through the thin barrier. But he wanted nothing between them. Before he
could reach around her back and remove her bra, Charlene began doing
some of her own exploring. She reached out and tugged his dress shirt out
of his slacks, and tried to unbutton them as well. He could feel her hands
trembling and she wasn’t making any headway, at least not fast enough for
Seth gripped both sides of his shirt and ripped it open, the buttons flying
in all directions. Before his hands returned to her, she brushed his shirt off
his shoulders letting it drop to the floor. Charlene didn’t miss a beat and her
hands ran up his arms, and his body tensed at her touch.
“Charlene, I—” His voice was deep and husky.
“I want to touch you too.”
“You are, but…” he couldn’t finish as her hands moved across his chest,
then down over his abs, stopping at his belt buckle. Her fingertips slipped
beneath, and his cock throbbed to be released.
“Fuck,” he groaned.
“Did you…want me to…stop?” she asked breathlessly.
Fuck no. “Please, Charlene I…” He wanted to brush her hands away
because he was used to being in control. Yet there was someone preventing
him from doing so. He didn’t want control with her. He wanted to lose it.
“You’re so…hard,” she said.
“Yes…I am.” He wasn’t talking about his biceps either. Seth couldn’t
wait any longer. He brushed her dress off her shoulders. Although he loved
the feel of his fingers brushing against her bare skin, and it wouldn’t take
much for his body to explode, he wasn’t going to stop until he satisfied the
ache he knew was building between her legs.
Seth stepped back to appreciate how the fire made her skin glow. Of
course, he was a bit surprised to see her choice of underwear. Not lace or
something sexy like he’d expected. But instead she had on a pair of blue
cotton briefs with pink hearts on them, with the matching bra. Cute, but he
preferred black or red.
But right now, it didn’t matter what they looked like. He wanted to
remove all barriers. He reached behind her back and unhooked her bra,
letting it slip from her shoulders before quickly removing her panties.
Now, with her standing naked in front of him, he couldn’t help but let
his eyes roam all over her. Charlene raised her hands as though to cover
herself, but he took her hands in his and said, “Don’t. You’re…beautiful. I
want to see you.”
Charlene nodded, and said, “I want to see you too.” She reached out and
stripped off the remainder of his clothes. He didn’t bother trying to hide his
desire for her, and by the look in her eyes as she stared at his cock, she was
enjoying the view as much as he was.
Seth scooped her up and laid her down on the thick rug before lying
down beside her. He ran a hand down from her cheek, over her collarbone,
then across her breast and lower. Her skin was as smooth as silk, and even
though they were by the fire, it was cool to his touch. That was soon going
to change. His hand crossed her abdomen and then lower until she opened
her legs to him. Seth slipped his fingers through her wet folds and over her
swollen clit. She shuddered against his hand. Oh damn.
He loved how responsive she was to his touch, and it only made him
want to give more of that sweet torture. Of course it was giving him
immense pleasure watching her as well. He continued moving his finger
over her clit. She lifted her hips to meet his hand, demanding more. And he
was going to give it.
Charlene gripped at the rug before reaching out to him and practically
digging her nails into his arm as she fought for control yet opened her legs
“Yes baby, enjoy it. Let go.” He increased the strokes over her clit,
slipping a finger inside of her, each time faster than the one before. She was
so wet and ready for him. But he needed to bring her over the edge before
having his own.
“Seth,” she cried, “I need you.”
“You’ll have me, baby. But first, I want to watch you lose yourself.”
As he stroked her feverishly, Seth’s body ached for his own, demanding
to enter her. He needed to push his own desires out of his mind. But her
cries of passion echoed through the room, and she called out his name over
and over again. Finally he felt her body become rigid, and her core clenched
around his finger. Yes baby, give me all you have. Her body trembled as her
first orgasm rippled through her. He planned on giving her many more as
the night continued.
Seth didn’t let her come down from the heavenly place she was. Instead
he entered her with a second finger, and she screamed his name and shook
violently with a second orgasm. Before she could come down from her
high, he left her briefly to pull the condom out of his wallet. Once he
sheathed himself, he returned, settling himself between her legs
“Please Seth. I need to feel you. All of you,” she said, running a hand
down his broad chest, over his abs, and finally wrapped her hand around his
cock. He sucked in his breath as she slowly began to stroke him while
looking directly into his eyes. He loved how bold and confident she was. It
only excited him all the more.
“If you don’t stop, I won’t be able to either,” Seth growled out, barely
able to hold control.
She seemed reluctant, but she released him.
Woman you are driving me crazy. I don’t think I could stop if I wanted
He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to feel her wrapped around his
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Seth said, his voice hoarse with need.
“You won’t,” Charlene said, as she pulled him down to kiss him.
As he placed the head of his cock between her wet folds, he could feel
how ready for him she was. Hot. Wet. It took all his control not to enter her
in one thrust. Slowly he entered her until he was completely inside her. Oh
my God, Charlene, I could explode right now.
He needed to stop and wait a second. If not, it’d be over before either of
them could enjoy it. And there was so much to enjoy. Long slow strokes, in
and out. Each movement deliberate. Yet Charlene didn’t seem to be in the
mood for slowing things down. She lifted her hips to him as though
encouraging him to give her more. He gladly did.
He plunged deep inside and cried out. “Oh, you feel so damn good.”
He’d positioned himself so he stroked her G-spot each time he entered her.
Charlene moaned loudly, crying out, “Yes, oh yes Seth.”
She was so close, and so was he. Holding back was almost painful. He
thrust harder, gripping her ass and grinding her to him. Only when Seth
could feel her clenching her core around him, and her body quiver with
another release, did he let go of his own.
His body tensed, and a deep growl escaped him as his own hot release
joined hers. “Oh…fuck…ya!” Seth growled out.
Collapsing beside her, his body still tingled, and he was spent. That was
fucking mind blowing. He’d been with many women, but felt nothing like
what he’d just experienced. He had no word to define it. Did it need one?
Charlene rolled over onto her side, laying a leg over his and resting her
head on his chest. There were things his heart wanted to say, but his head
told him not to. How could he clearly know what was real or not after what
they had just shared? Things were not so clear. Seth wasn’t one to speak
without thinking things through thoroughly.
“I should get up and get us a blanket,” he said. “I don’t want you to get
Charlene snuggled up closer to him. “If I do, I’m sure you can come up
with something better to warm me.”
He kissed her forehead. “Then you better not get a chill for at least
twenty minutes,” he said. She ran her hand down his chest and rested it just
above his cock. “Okay, maybe ten,” he chuckled and pulled her closer.
Seth wasn’t about to waste any of tonight on something as useless as
sleep. Morning would come soon enough.

She couldn’t believe this. Seth had to bring her home before going into
work. Both of them were late. This was so…embarrassing. Last night was
amazing and she could picture waking every morning like that, lying in
Seth’s arms. But the reality was this could not happen again.
It was a horrible feeling knowing that she wouldn’t get spoken to about
her tardiness for one reason. She slept with her boss. Charlene never
thought she’d feel like this, but she did. Guilt riddled her. She had broken
policy and couldn’t face herself. If she tried to talk to Seth about it, he’d tell
her it wasn’t a big issue. But it was. She didn’t want to feel like a hypocrite.
Of course, sitting in her quiet office gave her plenty of time to feel
horrible. Well that wasn’t totally accurate. It was a mixed feeling. She’d
never felt so alive and wonderful before. The connection she had with Seth
left her…speechless. Normally one would consider that to be a good thing.
But there are things they should’ve discussed, and she couldn’t bring herself
to do so.
And of course, she felt as though she’d been trusted to do the job and
follow the company policies, and she let Lawson Steel down on both
counts. It didn’t matter if no one knew what had transpired. She did and that
was enough for her.
She dialed the number and waited for him to answer. “Hello Mr.
Lawson. I was wondering if I could speak to you for a few minutes.”
“Should I be worried, because you usually call me Charles?”
She was trying to keep things as professional as she could. It might have
been wise to be a bit more professional last night. Instead she was…a vixen.
I couldn’t get enough of him. Probably never would either.
Charlene needed to keep thoughts like that out of her head. It was going
to make the meeting with Charles all the more awkward if she didn’t.
“Just a few things I would like to discuss with you,” she said. But it
really wasn’t up for discussion. She was going to turn in her resignation.
One thing she had learned since starting at Lawson Steel, was that she
wasn’t needed. The position of PR was created for one reason. Because no
one wanted to tell me I wasn’t capable of getting one on my own.
“If you don’t mind waiting until the end of the day, I believe that would
work best for me,” Charles stated.
“That will be fine. Thank you.”
She ended the call and went back to doing what she normally did. Look
at the walls and wish there was something constructive for her to do.
Charlene was so tired, and actually thought about closing her office
door, locking it, and taking a nap. Her eyes burned from the little sleep she
had. Not that she was complaining, but this was going to be an
exceptionally long day.
Oh hell. She got up and closed the door. Locking it was a bit too much.
But as soon as she sat down, there was a knock on her door. Please don’t be
Seth. Her heart couldn’t take seeing him at work today. Not after she
decided what she needed to do. The knock came again and she called out.
“Come in.”
Sal opened the door and asked, “Am I disturbing you?”
“Not at all. What can I do for you?” she asked.
Sal closed the door behind him and took a seat. “I have some questions
for you. They might seem…odd, but I need to know.”
God, don’t ask. Please, don’t ask.
“I’m not sure I can answer them.” Or willing to. No way was she going
to discuss anything that happened last night. She may have shared some
kiss and tell stories with Sofia when they were young, but this was
different. Everything about what happened with Seth was.
Sal looked at her long and hard and it was driving her nuts. If it was that
difficult for Sal to ask, she could only imagine what it was going to be like
for her to answer.
Finally Sal started, “Do you know someone named Larry?”
“I know a few. Why?”
“How about any of them that might hold a grudge?”
Charlene wasn’t in the mood for one of Sal’s games. “How about you
narrow it down for me a bit? And what business is it of yours who I know
and don’t?”
“Why don’t I tell you what I know and you can fill in the blanks. Does
that sound fair?” he asked.
“It sounds better.” She still wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk to Sal about
her personal life right now. She wanted a distraction, but not one like this.
“When you were in high school, there was a guy Larry Halls that had
asked you out.”
Charlene burst out laughing, raised her hand and said. “Larry Halls?
High school? Do you really expect me to remember if someone from high
school has a grudge? I bet you can’t remember everyone from your school
days either.”
“Why don’t you let me finish,” Sal said firmly. “Do you remember
“No. I don’t think so. Why?”
“Because you seemed to have left a lasting impression on him. One that
is very…unhealthy.”
“So this guy Larry had a crush on me over ten years ago. What does this
have to do with me now?”
“More than you’d think. He works in the city now at a print shop. When
Lawson Steel placed an order for business cards for you, with your business
phone line on it, I guess Larry decided it was time for pay back.”
“Wait. Back up. What did I do to Larry for him to hold such a grudge?”
“Freshman year. He asked you to the prom, but you went with a senior
on the football team.”
“That’s it? I said no for a date?” Charlene shook her head. “And he
never forgave me for that?”
“I spoke to him this morning. It appears that Larry never asked anyone
out before or after you.”
“Well it sounds like I made a smart choice by declining him back then.
The guy sounds like he has some…issues.” Charlene wasn’t some movie
star or famous person who anyone would stalk or love from a distance. She
was just like everyone else in school, just a bit more chatty.
“I would agree with that. But when he saw your name again, he decided
to make you miserable.”
“Larry said you were the one who always smiled no matter what. He
wanted to see if you could through this. I guess he thought it would cause
you to get fired.”
“What did he do?” Charlene still couldn’t put all the pieces together.
“When your business cards were sent he decided to take some of his
other clients and put your number on their communications. As you can
guess, he chose people who own rundown apartment buildings. Your
number is on flyers, letters and who knows what else. Good news is, that
it’s an easy fix. Your office line number will be changed. You’ll have new
business cards printed, not by Larry, and you should be all set going
That was great, if she was staying. But she’d already made up her mind.
She didn’t belong here. What did she have to bring to them besides her
smile? But she wasn’t going to tell Sal any of this. Charles hired her and she
was going to meet with him later and deliver the news. No one else needed
to be involved.
“Thank you for letting me know. I can’t believe that someone would go
through all this trouble because I said no to a prom.”
“Obviously Larry has other issues, and it just happened to be your name
that he fixated on. I guess you should consider yourself lucky that his
revenge was done in this way and not something…more direct.”
Charlene shuddered with the thought of what could’ve happened. “I
guess you’re right. But Sal, I honestly don’t even remember who he is, or
what he looks like. That’s what is so scary.”
“I know. But none of this was your fault. Larry needs help and Lawson
Steel will be making sure he gets it.”
“I guess that’s good for him.”
“It is. I thought I’d stop here and talk to you before updating Seth.”
“Maybe you can wait on that. I mean, there is no rush right?”
Sal cocked a brow. “I would’ve thought you’d want Seth to know. Is
there a problem between the two of you?”
“No. It’s just that he’s very busy today and why trouble him with
something like this?”
“I would think he would want to know. You’re not embarrassed about
this are you? I told you that you didn’t do anything to bring this on.”
“I know, but…but can’t it wait one day? Please? It won’t make any
difference. Not at this point,” she pleaded. Not to anyone but me.
Sal sat there staring at her. “I have no idea why you’re asking me to do
“Maybe I just need a day to soak in what you just told me. After all, it’s
been a bumpy ride since I started. First Mr. Sheen, and now Larry. Things
like this don’t happen back home.”
“Actually they do.”
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” It’s not working.
“I would know since I was on the police department. Many things
happened that you’re not aware of.”
“I guess you’re right.” Charlene knew there was no stopping Sal from
talking to Seth about his findings. After all, Sal did work for Seth and she
really shouldn’t ask him to keep information from his boss. “You do what
you need to.”
“Don’t worry Charlene. I’m not telling anyone about the connection
between you and Larry. No one needs to know you broke the guys heart
when you were just a kid.”
As Sal got up Charlene said, “I thought you said it wasn’t my fault.”
“I’m teasing Charlene.” He had his hand on the door but didn’t open it.
Instead he asked, “Is there anything you want to talk to me about?” She
shook her head. “Are you sure? Because I’m here to listen if you need me.”
“No. I’m just…tired.” That was true.
“Okay. Get some rest tonight. You really look like you’re…stressed.”
Oh I am.
“Thanks Sal. I will. Tomorrow everything will be back to normal.” My
He left her alone and shut the door behind him. Charlene slumped over,
resting her head on her hands on the desk. She was on an emotional roller
coaster and she got on the ride herself. She knew she was going to get hurt
by getting involved with Seth. Day one he had her read the policies. But she
did it anyway. He didn’t coax her or trick her or anything. All he had done
was to be himself and that was more than she could handle.
It would be one thing if they had discussed anything this morning on the
way into work. But instead Seth was on business calls the entire time. When
they had arrived at the office, the affection that had been there last night had
disappeared. Seth, the businessman, had returned.
He had told her before that he was at Lawson Steel because he loved
what he did. She had only seen what she wanted, a funny, sweet, passionate
man. But that was not who Seth really was. Not if you asked anyone else.
He hadn’t said anything to her, but even this morning she could see the
internal battle taking place within him. Seth probably hadn’t planned on all
this happening either. He was most likely facing the issue of how to tell her
this cannot happen again. He was probably trying to figure out how to let
her down gently. But she couldn’t stand the thought of him telling her it was
a mistake. It was going to feel like a knife to her heart. Her time with Seth
was something she never wanted to forget, even though it needed to end.
That’s why she was doing this. Quitting. Going back home. It was easier
for her to end it and hold onto the memory of one of the sweetest times
she’d ever known.
Damn you Seth for stealing my heart.
The tears rolled down her cheeks and onto the desk. How was she going
to do this when she was already crying? That’s why she was telling Charles
instead. If she did this face to face with Seth, she probably wouldn’t be able
to get a word out between sobs.
Her cell phone rang and she lifted her head, wiped away the tears and
looked at the caller ID. It was Sofia. She was another person Charlene
couldn’t talk to right now. It would be okay if they were only going to talk
about Liliana, but she had a feeling Seth was going to come up in the
conversation. Sofia always tried to wiggle his name in there. Not today.
She ignored the call and let it go to voicemail. Even before she put the
phone down, it rang again. If it was Sofia, she would need to answer, in
case it was an emergency. But this time it was Charlene’s mother. Great.
Another person I can’t talk to right now.
Her phone beeped announcing they both left voicemails. She’d listen to
them tonight, or maybe tomorrow. When she was in the mood and ready to
talk. Sure enough her phone rang again and it was her pharmacy. Probably
calling to inform her that her prescription for birth control was ready for
pick up. Ha. Like I’m going to need that any time soon.
She couldn’t imagine being with anyone after Seth. Not just because of
the sex either. Their connection was unlike any she’d experienced before.
And the more she got to know him, the stronger it became. Cutting it off
now definitely was going to be easier than later.
Her phone rang once again. Really! Is everyone out to taunt me today?
She didn’t even bother looking at her phone. Instead she turned the
volume off. That might not have been a wise decision, because shortly
afterwards, she had a knock on her door.
Charlene took out her pocket mirror and gave a quick check to make
sure her mascara hadn’t run all down her face. Thankfully it was
“Come in,” she called out.
Dylan popped his head in. “Just checking on you.”
“I’m fine. Why? Is there something wrong?” Charlene asked.
“No. Sofia called you and you didn’t answer. And I guess your mother
called and you didn’t pick up either.”
“And my mother called Sofia, who called you. Doesn’t anyone realize
that I’m at work?”
Dylan chuckled. “Since my wife sent me down to check on you, I don’t
think they believe I work either. Should I report back or will you?” he
“I’ll do it. Sorry to have made you come all this way for nothing.”
“Trust me, it’s not for nothing. If I didn’t, I’d never hear the end of it.
While I’m here, I’m supposed to ask if you’d like to join us for dinner
Charlene smiled. “Boy she really has you doing all her dirty work for
her today.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Unfortunately it’s a no. But I’ll let her know. She might as well bite my
head off instead of yours.”
“Thanks. I’m already in the dog house.”
“What for?” Charlene asked, hoping it had nothing to do with her.
Seems everything does lately.
“Liliana said Dada today. Well not clearly, but it was close enough. Oh
Sofia wasn’t happy.” Dylan said, beaming from ear to ear.
“Oh boy. I’m sure that’s why she was calling me. You might want to
order out tonight. And oh, bring home flowers too,” she joked.
“I can’t help it.”
“I know you can’t, but that won’t make a difference. I’ll give her a call
in a few minutes. Good luck Dada,” she teased.
Dylan smiled even brighter. “Thanks Charlene.”
She was happy for him, but she knew how much Sofia wanted to hear
Mama. As a good loving friend, she’d need to tell her that it was going to
come, and how Dylan probably was only hearing what he wanted to. It most
likely was just babble. Of course, nothing was going to make it any better
for Sofia.
With her door open she called Sofia. “Good morning.”
“Ha. What’s good about it? Did he tell you? Of course he did. He’s
probably bragging to everyone. Can you believe it? I do everything for her
and what does she do? She says, Dada.”
Charlene bit her lip not to laugh. “I know. I was hoping she’d say my
name first,” she teased.
“This is not funny! Just wait until you have a baby and she won’t say
Charlene was trying not to think about the future. It was hard enough
for her to get through today. But she could picture herself holding a little
one. Maybe not right now, but someday. The problem was she would want
the father to be someone like Seth. No. I’d want it to be Seth.
That kind of thought was only going to make it more painful to say
goodbye. So she did like she normally did and changed the subject. “Dylan
said you invited me to dinner. Thanks, but I cannot make it.”
“Plans with Seth?”
“No. I have things I need to do myself.” Already people were linking
her and Seth together as a couple. She hoped they weren’t doing that when
speaking to him. She could only imagine how irate he’d get. Seth liked to
be taken seriously, and all this teasing and joking about them wouldn’t go
over well.
“Well you sound a bit grumpy this morning.”
“That’s funny. I think you’re the one who almost chomped my head off
when I called. Which by the way, I’m at work. So I don’t have time to call
my mother back right now. How about you be a dear friend and you call
her. Tell her I’m fine and I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”
“Why me?” Sofia asked.
“Because my mother would love to hear all about Liliana.”
“You think so? I hate to bother her,” Sofia said.
But you’ll bother me? “No. She’s not working and I’m sure she’ll be
“Okay, if you think so. Maybe I’ll invite her up for dinner this weekend
too. She hasn’t seen Liliana since she was born.”
“I’m sure she’ll love that too. Now if you don’t mind, I have to get back
to work.”
“Love you Charlene.”
“Love you to Sofia.” She ended the call before it went on forever. When
she looked up, she noticed Seth was standing in the doorway.
“I take it you heard?”
She’s heard a lot and the day was far from over. “About?”
“Liliana saying Dada. Dylan couldn’t stop talking about it in the
morning meeting.”
“Yes I heard. Sofia was a bit less overjoyed than Dylan,” she smiled.
“I bet. If Dylan was anything like he was in the meeting, she probably
wanted to choke him.”
“I’m glad he’s happy. Some men wouldn’t even mention it.”
“I never would’ve thought Dylan would be like this. I guess that’s what
happens when you’re…”
“In love?” Charlene couldn’t believe Seth couldn’t even say the word.
Was he that against it or just afraid of it? Or maybe he didn’t believe in it.
“Yeah. It definitely changes a person. A few years ago he was the one I
thought would never even want kids. Now he’s the family man.”
“Charles has a family too,” she stated.
“Yes, and he’s a good father, but the change isn’t so drastic like with
Dylan. It makes me wonder what I’d be like if it was me,” he said leaning
against the door jamb.
“You never mentioned wanting children,” Charlene said, and wished she
could take back.
“I didn’t.”
“You do now?” she asked.
He looked at her. “I’m not sure. Really never gave it much thought until
Was it seeing how happy Dylan was that had him thinking this way? He
hadn’t said he wanted a family, but thinking about it. Those thoughts might
not ever lead to anything. Charlene knew she wanted one, even though she
knew she didn’t want one right now.
“I’m sure you’ll analyze it and figure out what you want.”
He laughed. “I think you know me too well. Should I be worried?”
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.” Because I won’t be here to tell
Seth pulled out his cell phone. “It’s Sal. I probably should answer it.”
“I think so too. Have a good day Seth,” she said. I’m going to miss you.
She just hoped her heart could take leaving.
As soon as Seth left the office, Charles called. “Hello Charlene. I was
wondering if you had time to come to my office and talk now?”
“Yes I do. I’ll come up now.” She was glad to be getting this over now.
It was weighing heavily on her.
She grabbed her purse and coat and brought it with her. She didn’t want
an excuse to stay in the building a moment longer after her meeting. When
she got up to his office she asked his personal assistant if she could leave
them with her.
“Of course. And Mr. Lawson is ready for you. You may go right in.”
Charlene took a deep breath and opened the door. This is what she
wanted. There was no reason why she should be so nervous.
She closed the door behind her and walked over to his desk. “Thank you
for meeting with me,” she said as she took a seat. “I won’t keep you long as
I know you’re very busy.”
“I am, but I will always make time for you. What’s on your mind?”
Charles asked.
She folded her hands on her lap, not knowing what else to do with them.
And even then her fingers trembled. “I wanted…to talk to you about my
position here.”
“Is there a problem with it?” he asked.
From the moment I started there has been. “May I be honest with you
“I’d prefer that,” he replied.
“It’s not needed. The position I mean. And I have the feeling you know
that.” She looked him square in the eyes and he didn’t deny it. “Not that I
don’t appreciate you making a position for me, but I’m…I’m not happy in it
either. It’s…not fulfilling.”
“Charlene, what are you trying to say?”
“That I’m leaving.”
“Lawson Steel?” he asked.
“Manhattan. I’m going back home. Not that it’s where I want to be
either, but I don’t feel as though I could sit in an office all day.” The walls
were going to cave in on her and eventually she’d hate it there.
“I had a feeling this was going to happen.”
“So you knew I wasn’t capable of doing the job but hired me anyway?”
Charles shook his head. “I know you could do it, but I knew you
wouldn’t be happy. It’s not…you. You’re…more like Sofia.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she stated. Charlene always admired
Sofia. She was focused and driven.
“It was meant to be one. You’re both very creative. I wish I had
something here that would appeal to you, because I truly believe you’d be
an asset to the company.”
She smiled. “You don’t know how much that means to me. Thank you,
Charles. I was worried you’d be…disappointed or upset.”
“I’m only upset in myself for setting you up to feel like you failed. If
you’d like, I’ll be more than happy to write you a letter of recommendation
to wherever you apply next. I’ll even call them directly if you have
something in mind.”
Her eyes welled up but she fought back the tears. “I’m not sure yet. The
first thing was acknowledging this wasn’t for me.”
“It’s a standing offer. Just call me any time. And Charlene, you should
be very proud of yourself for what you have done. Seth told me how you
handled the calls that came in. Most people would’ve said wrong number
and hung up. You didn’t. And those people should be grateful to you for
They had no idea how lucky they were that Larry had decided to mess
with her then. It might have actually saved their lives because some of those
places were barely standing.
“Maybe I’ll look for something in that field.”
“I think you’ll be very successful at whatever you decide to do.”
She got up and said, “Can I ask for one favor?”
“Of course.”
“Don’t tell anyone I’m gone until the end of the day. I don’t want to
make it awkward for anyone.”
“Are you referring to anyone in particular?”
Just the one man I think I could love. “No. Just want to make a graceful
Charles got up and walked around his desk. Unexpectedly, he gave her a
hug. “Don’t be a stranger. You’re like family to us. You’re always
She almost lost it then. Choking back the tears she gave him a quick
squeeze before leaving his office. Then she grabbed her coat and purse and
headed to the elevator. It wouldn’t be long before she was on her way home.
There were just a few suitcases to grab at her apartment, and that was it.
The only thing I’m leaving behind is my heart.

“What the fuck do you mean she quit?” Seth snapped at Charles.
“Exactly what I said. She came to my office earlier and resigned.”
He was livid. “And you just let her walk out of here? You didn’t think
you should call me first so I could talk her out of it?”
“Seth, there was nothing you could’ve said that would have made her
like working here. Lawson Steel wasn’t for her. She knew it. I hope she
finds something that she can be happy with. She’s a bright woman with an
even brighter future.”
Seth was too pissed off right now to even sit there discussing this with
Charles. Even though Charles might be right, that didn’t explain why
Charlene up and left without even talking to him. Why didn’t she tell me
when I saw her earlier?
He still wasn’t sure her quitting didn’t have something to do with him.
Last night, things seemed great, this morning, not so much. It was very
possible she had regrets. Seth had been worried about that, about them
moving too quickly, but he really thought what they shared was mutual.
“Where are you going?” Charles asked as he got up to leave.
“I need to talk to her,” he said.
“Sit!” Charles ordered.
Seth shot him a warning look. “Watch yourself Charles. You’re
forgetting who you’re talking to.”
“No I’m not. You’re the brother who might just make the biggest
mistake of his life. Now I suggest you sit and listen to what I have to say.”
Seth debated popping Charles in the jaw, or walking out. Somehow he
found himself doing as Charles asked. “This better be important.”
“If you care about Charlene, then it is,” Charles replied. “I don’t want to
know what happened between the two of you, because it’s none of my
business. But I want to give you my observation.”
“Don’t need your opinion Charles.”
Charles ignored him and continued anyway. “You’ve changed. She’s
over the top in many ways, but I will tell you, she’s good for you.”
“You know this how?” he asked.
“Simple. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you laughing and joking.
And I can’t even remember the last time you were out of here at five.”
“Are you questioning if my work is getting done, because I can tell you,
nothing is slipping.”
Charles laughed. “I’m saying that it’s nice to see you living. There is
more than Lawson Steel you know. This might be the company that was
handed down generations, but we both know it’s only a company. It doesn’t
define who we are. I’m a husband and father before I’m CEO.”
“That’s great. Nice to know. What does this have to do with me?”
“Seth, do you care about Charlene? I mean really care?” he asked.
He was tempted to tell Charles it was none of his business. Instead he
answered as honestly as he could. “She’s…special to me if that’s what you
want to know.”
“Then before you go off and start barking at her about quitting, why
don’t you think about what it would take to make her stay.”
“At Lawson Steel?” Seth asked.
Charles rolled his eyes. “In words that Gareth would’ve used, don’t be
such a dumb ass. If you want her to stay in Manhattan, you better tell her,
otherwise you might only be left with regret. I’m talking from experience. I
almost lost Rosslyn. I don’t want that to happen to you.”
Seth hadn’t thought past what they had shared. Then again he thought
they had plenty of time to talk about it later. Funny, he didn’t treat business
in this manner. He addressed things immediately. So why was he holding
back with Charlene?
Charles was right. Rushing right over to her without knowing exactly
what he wanted to say would’ve been wrong. Seth wasn’t a person to react,
he thought things through thoroughly first. The only thing he knew for sure
was Charlene meant a lot to him. He was comfortable with her in a way he
wasn’t with anyone else. But obviously she wasn’t because she didn’t come
talk to him about this sudden change. Maybe it wasn’t just the job that she
wanted out of.
Seth got up again, this time, his temper a bit more under control. “I got
it. Thanks.”
“So what are you going to do?” Charles asked.
“I honestly don’t know.” He walked out of the office and back down the
hall to his, shutting the door behind him. Then he opened the right bottom
drawer of his desk and pulled out a bottle that he hadn’t opened in a long
time. Pouring himself a glass of scotch, he leaned back in his chair and took
a sip.
She had asked him about kids earlier. Had that been a deal breaker when
he didn’t have an answer? Had it been something else? Seth didn’t believe
it was as cut and dry as Charles had made it out to be. Charlene leaving just
because the job wasn’t to her liking? It was something he’d said or done.
He knew it. But what? How could he fix what he didn’t know was broken?
Seth finished his scotch, and then poured another. He didn’t care if he
had to drink the entire bottle. He wasn’t leaving this office until he knew
what to do. Of course, he probably was going to need to take a taxi home.
One thing about Charlene, she brought out feelings in him, feelings that he
didn’t understand.
He pulled out his cell phone and sent her a text.
He waited and no response. It probably was better this way. Sober Seth
was one thing, drunk Seth might say shit he’d regret later.
He poured yet another glass and got up and went to lay on the leather
Damn it Charlene. Why didn’t you just talk to me?

Charlene felt horrible not responding to Seth’s text, but it was so cold and
unfeeling that she had nothing to say. We need to talk. Ha. The heck we do.
Charles had been warmer than that when they spoke.
But she couldn’t avoid talking to everyone. No one had seen this
coming. Her phone rang again and it was the fifth time Sofia called. She
had to answer. “Hello Sofia. Yes I quit and no I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You have to talk about it. I mean, I need to know if I have to go kick
my brother-in-laws ass or not,” Sofia snapped. “I mean it. If he hurt you,
he’ll be sorry.”
“Seth didn’t hurt me. Actually, he’s…he’s a really good guy. It’s just…
“Maybe it wouldn’t be if you talked to me. So, what the hell happened
that you up and left? Just so you know, I even went to your apartment last
night and you were already gone. I can’t believe you were leaving without
coming to say goodbye,” Sofia said, sounding hurt.
“First of all, it’s not like I was leaving for good. We see each other a lot.
And secondly, I didn’t run away, I just went home.”
“Ha. Of course you ran away. What else would you call it? You quit,
packed up and left.”
“Well when you say it like that, it sounds like running, but it isn’t. The
job just wasn’t for me,” she said hoping to leave it at that. She knew better.
They were best friends for a reason, and sometimes it was annoying. Like
“Who gives a shit about the stupid job? Definitely not me. Tell me what
happened with Seth. I thought things were going good between the two of
you. I mean, you looked happy.”
“I was. I mean I am. This doesn’t have anything to do with Seth,” she
“Wow. Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?” Sofia asked. “All
I know is Seth isn’t in great shape.”
“What do you mean? Did something happen?” she asked. Please let him
be okay.
“Dylan found him passed out drunk last night at the office. I am sure he
is nursing one hell of a headache.”
That didn’t sound like Seth at all. But then again, what did she know? It
was possible he drank all the time and that was his normal. It didn’t matter
either way. She only planned on seeing him on special occasions that all the
Lawsons attended.
“Doesn’t sound too serious to me,” Charlene said.
“Well he doesn’t drink much or often. So I would say your leaving hit
him even harder than it did me. I wonder why that is? Maybe you should
give him a call and see if he’s okay. Or maybe you should come back to
Manhattan and talk to him in person. Or maybe…”
“Maybe you should mind your business. I made my decision. I’m not
working at Lawson Steel anymore.”
“I’m not talking about the company. God, when did you get so dense? I
told you before that Seth is crazy about you. His getting drunk only
confirmed what I already knew. But my question to you is, why did you
run? Don’t you feel the same way about him?” Sofia asked.
She sighed. I’m falling in love with him, but…but…she was running out
of excuses, even for herself.
“Sofia, I made a mistake. I should’ve stayed. But it’s too late now. I quit
my job, one that I don’t want back, and came home. I never should’ve left
without talking to him, but I did. It’s too late to take it back.” And he must
hate me for it. He’d asked her to trust him. But what did she do? Instead she
gave him a reason not to trust her.
“So you’re not going to talk to him because of pride?” Sofia asked.
“No. That’s not it. It’s just…complicated.”
“So you said before. Charlene, I’m only going to say things once, and
because I’m your best friend, I hope you forgive me. But damn it, you’re an
idiot. If you don’t reach out to him and at least try, then you deserve to be
alone. Because you’re walking out on the one man that seems to make you
Ouch. It was all true which made it even harder to hear. The tears
started burning her cheeks as they flowed uncontrollably. “I’m…I’m
“Stop it Charlene. You don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself. You
have to pull it together and get your ass back to Manhattan before it’s too
late. Now are you coming?”
Sobbing she said, “Yes. I’m…coming. Please…don’t tell anyone. I…I
just want to… talk to…Seth.” She owed it to him and to herself as well. If
he chose not to forgive her, then she’d have to live with it. Hopefully they
could at least be friends. With any luck, more than that.
“I won’t tell anyone. But you better not back out. Because I know you’ll
regret it forever if you do,” Sofia said.
I’m filled with regret now.
She ended the call and decided to take a quick shower before getting in
the car. She needed a clear head and right now it was anything but.
Hopefully on the drive she would think of what to say. Sorry didn’t feel like
it was going to be enough, but it was something she definitely needed to

Seth only knew where to find Charlene because of Sal. Her car was parked
in front of the building, so hopefully that meant she was home. He still
wasn’t sure going up without calling first was a good idea, but he was more
afraid that she might not take his call. Whatever happened to scare her off,
he needed to know. If he could fix it, he would. If not, then he was going to
need to accept it and move on.
His head still throbbed slightly, not so much from the scotch as from the
stress. Never before had he cared enough to worry what a woman would
say. Stay or go, it usually didn’t bother him either way. That wasn’t the case
with Charlene, not at all.
He shut off the car and walked up to her third floor apartment.
Knocking, he waited and hoped she would answer, and be alone. The last
thing he wanted was to walk in and find out she left for some other guy.
As the door opened he held his breath until he saw her face. “Seth, what
are you doing here?”
“I…thought we could talk. Can I come in?” He definitely didn’t want to
have the conversation in the hall.
“Sure,” she opened the door wider. “I was actually about to come see
That was promising, so he hoped. “Should I go first or did you want
to?” he asked.
“Please take a seat, and I guess I should, since I’m the one who needs to
apologize.” Seth sat down and she continued. “I never should’ve left like
that yesterday. I panicked and didn’t know what else to do. It was wrong.
I’m sorry.”
“Why didn’t you talk to me first? I had to hear from Charles that you
quit.” It wasn’t the job that he really was concerned about, but he didn’t
want to pressure her any more than he might have already.
“This isn’t easy for me to say, but I guess it might have been if I said it
yesterday,” she sighed. “I never would’ve stayed at Lawson Steel. It wasn’t
for me. I would’ve stayed a bit longer, with the same eventual result. But I
freaked out after I spent the night at your home. It was…”
“Too soon?” he asked.
She shook her head. “Too amazing. It was more than I ever imagined it
could be. And then the thought that…that you regretted it. You were so…
quiet the next morning. I…thought it best if I just…faded out of the
God he felt like shit. She had run because of him. His lack of being able
to deal with his own emotions had sent a whirlwind of incorrect signals in
her direction. Damn it Charles. You were right again.
Seth wanted to pull her into his arms, and tell her what a jerk he’d been.
But once again, that was going to flood her with more emotions and no
answers. He needed to keep control of his own thoughts and feelings so he
could actually express them the way he wanted.
“Charlene, I didn’t regret anything about the night we spent together.
But there are times my brain functions in a way I can’t explain. When I
have something, a problem I need to sort out, I shut down and close off
“And I was your problem,” she said softly.
Fuck! He wasn’t explaining this very well. “No. I was. For a long time I
didn’t allow myself to get attached to anything or anyone. When I found
myself getting lost in thoughts of you, I pulled back. Not because of you,
but because I wasn’t sure what this feeling was. It wasn’t like anything I’ve
experienced before.” He reached out and touched her hand. Her fingers
were cold and she was trembling. Surprisingly, so was he. Nothing scared
him. Yet the thought of losing her did. “Charlene, I found myself thinking
about my brothers. The lives they have made for themselves. And for the
first time ever, I was jealous of it. I started to wonder if I could be so…
“You’re just as successful as they are Seth,” she stated.
“I’m not talking about money or prestige. I’m talking about love and
family. Two things I never wanted before. Yet the more I got to know you,
the more that changed, or maybe the more I changed.”
“I think I was changing too.”
“I know we’ve known each other for more than a year, but I didn’t
really get to know who you really were until recently.”
“You mean more than just a chatterbox?” she asked.
“Even now I realize that your chatter isn’t just words. They mean
something when someone takes the time to listen. And when I finally
stopped long enough to hear you, I was…”
“Please don’t say shocked,” she begged.
“Amazed. You’re right. You don’t belong at Lawson Steel. You’re
capable of so much more.”
Charlene blushed. “Thank you. Is that what you came here to tell me?
Charles already offered me a letter of recommendation. I don’t think I need
Was it his imagination or was there a slight curl to her lovely lips? “I’m
sure mine would be much more impressive, yet probably not something you
could share.”
She raised a brow. “Really? And what would yours say?”
He walked right into that one. “That you’re not only beautiful on the
outside, but on the inside as well, and sweet down to the core. You speak
your mind and have no issue putting someone in their place. You’re not one
that needs rescuing, but will be the first to save others, me included. You
can brighten up a room with your smile and your laughter is infectious. And
only a fool wouldn’t fall in love with you.” He pulled her hand up to his lips
and said, “And I don’t consider myself a fool.”
Charlene’s eyes widened. “What are you saying?”
“That I’m falling in love with you. You ran because I was scared of
what I was feeling. I’m not any longer.”
“I’m falling in love with you too. But…I quit. My life isn’t in
Manhattan any more. It’s here.”
“That’s just a location, not a feeling. I don’t care where we are, I’d just
like us to be together. There is still so much more I want to get to know
about you.”
“Like what?”
He grinned. Like do all your underwear have hearts on them.
“Everything Charlene. And I want you to get to know me too.”
“I’d like that.”
“Good, because I have a proposition for you.”
“I already told you, I quit my job.”
“Good. But there is another one that I think you’d be perfect at. One
that I wouldn’t trust another person with.”
She asked warily, “Does it require me moving back to Manhattan?”
“Yes it does. And working there too.”
“Are you going to make up some job that I’m going to hate?”
“I hope not.” He hadn’t thought about doing this until the night he
brought Charlene to his little candy factory. “I know you love my truffles.”
She smiled. “Bribing me? It might work. What about them?”
“I was thinking that you’d be a great spokesperson for spreading the
word. Maybe do the marketing for me.”
“What are you talking about Seth? You don’t sell them remember?” she
“I was thinking that with the right partner, I would. You’re not meant to
be behind the scenes, and I do better there. We complement each other.
How would you feel about opening up a chocolate store with me? Of course
I make them, you do the rest.” She sat there looking stunned. Her mouth
wide open. “I’m serious Charlene. I think we could do this.”
“Seth, you want to go into business with me? I mean that is one heck of
a commitment.”
It was nothing compared to what he hoped the future would bring. He
wasn’t ready for marriage and children just yet, but he could picture that
with her, someday. “It is. What do you say? Want to pack those suitcases
one last time and come back to Manhattan with me?” He could tell she was
tempted, but yet she didn’t leap at the chance. What was she waiting for?
What did she need? For me not to hold back. “But if you don’t want to, I
understand. The chocolates are just a dream, you are my reality. You’re all
the sweet I need.”
Charlene smiled, and then giggled. “Seth that is corny as hell, but I love
you. You can make me laugh and smile when no one else can.”
“I’m glad,” he said. I want you to always be happy.
“To answer your question, yes, I’d love to go back and work for you in
your shop. Partners? No. I’m not a business woman, and I already know
that. But I am willing to taste test each batch. And I’m pretty good at sales
as well.”
He pulled her into his arms and said, “I know you are baby, because you
sold me on love, and that’s not something I was shopping for.”
She giggled again. “Good. But keep in mind, there’s no returns. Once
you got it, it’s yours for life.”
That was something he was looking forward to.
“Are you in any rush to get back home tonight?” she asked.
“No why?”
She placed a light kiss on his lips and said, “I got hungry all of a
“Really. For anything special?” he asked.
She gave him a wicked playful grin. “Let’s start with this.” She kissed
him again, and he knew, once again, they were eating in.

Charlene didn’t expect to see Connor at the grand opening. “What a

surprise,” she said.
“I was in the neighborhood on business and I figured I’d stop in. It’s a
nice shop you have here.”
“Not mine. It’s Seth’s,” she corrected.
“That’s not what he says, but I’ll believe you. What do you suggest I
take back to the Henderson office?” Connor asked.
“Oh yeah. You’re working for them now. How’s it going?” she asked.
That was short and brief. In many ways, Connor reminded her of Sal.
Neither really said much. She should’ve known better than to ask. “If you
stay a bit longer, I’m sure you will see the others. Sal said he was stopping
by on the way home. Rori is addicted to the raspberry truffles.”
“I can’t stay. But I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon. The
Hendersons are hosting a family reunion.”
As far as Charlene knew the Lawsons weren’t related to the
Hendersons, but then again, they did seem to attend a lot of functions
together. There seemed to be something there that no one wanted to talk
about. She tried asking once, and it only caused Seth to shut down.
Whatever the relationship was between them, it wasn’t worth arguing about.
Someday Seth would feel comfortable talking about it. Maybe it would
happen when Seth was more comfortable with the Hendersons.
Charlene boxed up some truffles for Connor and said, “Enjoy. And
thanks for stopping by.”
As he left Charlene could see Seth’s car pulling up in front of the shop.
She watched the two of them talking for a few minutes before Seth finally
entered. Of course Seth had his usual stone cold unreadable expression that
he always had when he talked business. She was so glad he wasn’t that way
with her.
When he walked in he leaned over the counter and said, “I’ve missed
She gave him a quick kiss and said, “I’ve missed you too. What a day
I’ve had. I can’t believe you weren’t here for the grand opening.”
“Charlene, how many times do I need to tell you? I just make the
chocolates, you make the rest work. Without you, this would still just be the
small bakery I showed you on one of our first dates.”
She laughed and said, “It will always be my favorite date.”
Seth raised a brow and said, “Because you could eat all the truffles you
She shook her head. “No. Because that was the day I fell in love with
He said, “It took that long? I fell in love with you when you kicked my
butt at the game the first night. I knew you were a challenge. And some day,
I’m actually going to win.”
Charlene smiled. “Winning isn’t everything you know.”
“You’re right. I lost my heart to you, and haven’t regretted it yet.”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m keeping it safe, close to mine.”
What was nice was they had all the time in the world to express their
love. She was no longer scared of what tomorrow held. If anything, she
looked forward to whatever adventure it brought. As long as it came with
the one thing she needed, Seth by her side.
The door opened again, and more customers entered. It was time for her
to share Seth’s sweet creations. Giving her customers a bright smile, she
said, “Welcome to Sweet on You. What can I get you?”
Seth stepped aside, but she could see him watching and as she told the
customers about every single item they offered. To her, they weren’t just
chocolates; they were what brought them together first. Now she was
addicted to something so much sweeter. He gave her a wink before
disappearing into the back room. Yes Seth. I’ll always be sweet on you.
The End

When Sparks Fly Series:

Drive Me Wild
Plug Me In
Turn Me On


The Blank Check Series:

Book 1: The Billionaire’s Rival
Book 2: The Billionaire’s Charade
Book 3: The Billionaire’s Scandal
Book 4: The Billionaire’s Regret
Book 5: The Billionaire’s Deception
Book 6: The Billionaire’s Revenge

The Billionaire’s Rival

Charles Lawson carries the weight of the entire family’s future on his shoulders. As CEO of Lawson
Steel it is his responsibility to ensure their legacy continued for the next generation. First on his
agenda is to clean up loose ends from the past. Doing so is risky and if he fails, the price could be
great. It’s a risk he’s willing to take.

Rosslyn Clark loves her life as is, but family is everything to her. When her parents find themselves
in a crisis, all she loves is at risk. Whether she likes it or not, sometimes change is inevitable.

As Charles prepares to seal the deal, he finds one beautiful blonde stands in his way, and things
become complicated. Can he continue with his original plan and look at her as collateral damage or
has Rosslyn become something more to him?

Rosslyn finds herself caught between two powerful men, one she works for, the other, his rival. Will
she do what is expected of her, or will she walk away from everything and follow her heart?


Barrington Billionaires Series:

Book 1: One White Lie (FREE!)
Book 2: Table For Two
Book 3: You & Me Make Three
Book 4: Virgin For The Fourth Time
Book 5: His For Five Nights
Book 5.5: New Beginning Holiday Novella
Book 6: After Six
Book 7: Seven Guilty Pleasures
Book 7.5: At the Sight of Holly
Book 8: Eight Reasons Why
Book 9: Nine Rules of Engagement
Book 10: Ten Broken Promises

One White Lie

Brice Henderson traded everything for power and success. His company was closing a deal that
would cement his spot at the top. The last thing he needed was a distraction from the past.

Lena Razzi had spent years trying to forget Brice Henderson. When offered the opportunity of a
lifetime, would she take the risk even if the price would be another broken heart?

Do you love reading from this world? Continue with Always Mine from my sister, Ruth Cardello,
Her series will mirror my time line. It isn’t necessary to read hers to enjoy mine, but it sure will
enhance the fun!


Betting on You Series:

Book 1: The Billionaire’s Secret (FREE!)
Book 2: The Billionaire’s Masquerade
Book 3: The Billionaire’s Longshot
Book 4: The Billionaire’s Jackpot
Book 5: All Bets Off
Book 6: A Rose For The Billionaire
Book 7: The Billionaire’s Treat Novella

The Billionaire’s Secret

Billionaire Jon Vinchi is a man with one passion: work. His friends decide to shake him up by
entering him as a prize at a charity event.

Accountant Lizette Burke is dressed to the nines and covering for her boss at a charity event. She’s
hoping to land a donor for the struggling non-profit agency that employs her.

She never expected to win a date with a billionaire.

He never thought one night could turn his life upside down.
One lie stands between them and their happily ever after. Too bad it’s a big one!


Southern Desires Series:

Book 1: Southern Spice (FREE!)
Book 2: Southern Exposure
Book 3: Southern Delight
Book 4: Southern Regions
Book 5: Southern Charm
Book 6: Southern Sass
Novella: Southern Hearts

Southern Spice

Derrick Nash knows the pain of loss. But is he seeking justice or revenge? He doesn’t care as long as
someone pays the price.

It is Casey Collin’s duty at FEMA to help those in need when a natural disaster strikes. After a
tornado hits Honeywell, she finds there are more problems than just storm damage. Will she follow
company procedures or her heart?

Can Derrick move forward without the answers he’s been searching for? Can Casey teach him how to
trust again? Or will she need to face the fact that not every story has a happy ending?


Turchetta’s Promise Series:

Book 1: For Honor (FREE!)
Book 2: For Hope
Book 3: For Justice
Book 4: For Truth
Book 5: For Passion
Book 6: For Love
Book 7: For Keeps

For Honor

Looking for a new Romantic Intrigue? Then you will love the Turchetta’s. You met them in both the
Betting On You Series as well as Barrington Billionaires Series. Now it is time for an up close look
into their lives.

Rafe Turchetta may have retired from the Air Force, but his life was still dedicated to fighting the
injustice of the world. There was one offense that went so wrong, and it will haunt him, as it
continues to destroy him on the inside.

Deanna Glenn was being tortured by a tragedy, one that she couldn’t share with anyone. Time was
running out and she needed the lies to cease before she started to believe them herself.

Healing meant returning to where it all went horribly wrong years ago. For Deanna she needed to
take on a new identity. For Rafe, that meant doing whatever he needed to in order to get her to speak
the truth.

When danger rears its ugly head will Rafe follow his heart and protect Deanna even if it means never
learning the truth? Or will Deanna sacrifice her happiness and expose it all?


Books by Ruth Cardello
Books by Danielle Stewart
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