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1. Aries : Fiery, Masculinity, Self , Child Like, Pioneering attitude , Go getter ,

2. Taurus : Relaxed, Materialistic, Sensitive yet deceiving expression, Jovial,
Hardworking , Patient
3. Gemini : Spontaneous, Adaptable, Good Communication Skills, Jack of all
trades, Ferocious when dividing
4. Cancer : Sensitive, Loyal, Family Oriented , Stubborn, Defensive and Aggressive
5. Leo : Egoistic, Hierarchical, Self-Serving though Generous, Regal , Family
Oriented, Dramatic
6. Virgo : Innocent, Meticulous, Serving , Shy, Healing, Orderly
7. Libra : Comparative, Balance Seekers, Justice Lovers, Good Friends
8. Scorpio : Private People, Defensive, Stubborn, Observant, Naturally Intrinsic
9. Sagittarius : Idealistic, Adventurous, Free Spirited, Athletic
10. Capricorn : Traditional, Observant, Distant, Mysterious
11. Aquarius : Individualistic, Eccentric, Pioneer, Rebels
12. Pisces : Humanitarian, Self-Sacrificing, Mysterious, Angel Like, Intuitive

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