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Texting Comunication vs.

Face to face interacting

Communication is by definition a process by which information is exchanged between

individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. The transmission of the

message from the sender to the recipient can be affected by a huge range of things. It includes

the emotions of the people involved, the cultural situation, the environment used to

communicate, and even the location. The complexity of the entire process is why

communication skills are so valued: accurate, efficient and unambiguous information transfer

is, in fact, extremely difficult to achieve.

This means that the role of communication is more than simply transmitting information.

This art requires certain skills in transmitting or receiving a message, whether it's simple News,

ideas or emotions.

In relationships, communication allows you to explain to the other what you are

experiencing and what your needs are, being a very important element. In this case, the act of

sharing information

Communication is used daily in almost any environment. Whether you shake your head or

verbally present information to a large group, communication is absolutely necessary when

building relationships, sharing ideas, sharing responsibilities, managing a team, and more.

Learning and developing communication skills can help you succeed in your career, be a

competitive job candidate, and make friends. Perfection takes time and requires a lot of

practice so that communication and interpersonal skills are fully mastered.

While the elements of communication are: the sender, the receiver, the context, the

message and the interpretations that each participant gives, it is divided into four categories.

There are four types of communication that you use every day:

Verbal / oral communication: language is used to transfer information through speech/signs

and is one of the most effective means of communication.

Nonverbal communication: it involves the use of body language, gestures and facial

expressions to convey information. It can be used both intentionally and without realizing it.

Written communication: it is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols such as letters and

numbers, to send information. Emails, messages and chats are a common form of written


Visual communication: uses photographs, drawings, sketches, graphs or diagrams to

exchange information. This type of communication is often used during presentations to

provide useful context alongside verbal communication.

! One of the barriers to effective communication is technology. Most of your interactions are

in the form of digital conversations, and that consumes most of your day, doesn't it? Most

people do the same thing. I use chat windows at home, on the way to work, at work, practically

everywhere. It can happen even when the talking partner is next to you.

Using smartphones gives you some convenience, but experts say choosing digital

conversations can be a barrier to communication. For example, your writing style may
unintentionally demonstrate an incorrect tone that will cause misunderstanding. It can make

your partner feel confused, anxious, worried, and misunderstood.

Unlike direct communication, in virtual interactions, the message receiver can no longer read

body language, which is a crucial element in a healthy conversation.

SMS is a form of adaptation to the increasingly accelerated pace of life, in which any kind of

message must be quickly transmitted and assimilated. It represents a compression from all

points of view: a small number of words, most of the time crippled, a dry content and an

emotional state suggested by two punctuation marks.

Compared to the “eye to eye” discussion, the phone stripped communication of the sight of

the speaker and the expression possibilities of the body language. SMS returns communication

to the realm of the visible, but impoverishes it to the maximum. The tone and inflections of the

voice are gone, only the skeleton of a conversation remains. It's like at the Louvre replacing the

Gioconda with a smiley face and pretending there's no difference, because, after all, they both

play a smile.

The actions we take repeatedly, however, can influence how we relate to the environment.

Using more and more communication through remnants of dry words and messages, it is quite

possible that it will become the only language we master. Especially in the case of a child,

language limitation – as a narrowing of the spectrum of themes and sensations described, but

also of vocabulary – slows mental development.

For now, it is said that SMS is only the abbreviation of a language. Will it still be like this in

10 years? If an individual does not master that developed language, but only the
communication from the navel of the fingers, will it still be possible to speak of an


Currently, communication through written messages (SMS, messenger, chat) is used

excessively. This type of communication makes it easier for partners to relate, for example,

when they miss each other or when they need to quickly exchange useful information, such as

the meeting place. But the reality of today is different. Contradictory discussions or reproaches

through written messages, avoiding the direct expression of emotions, gradually turn a healthy

relationship into a shaky one.

Nonverbal information is missing in virtual communication, it is naturally present when two

people look at each other and talk face to face, through the characteristics of voice, body

posture and gestures. So distortions are much more common, and realism and responsibility

are much less. In addition, communication through short and fast messages is something still

new, without collective rules, known and accepted by most people. Is it okay to start the

conversation abruptly, without greeting, to go straight to serious topics, or to miss the

conversation for an hour? Where there are no clear rules, everyone draws their own

conclusions, and reason is not very helpful. A lot of confusion arises, you get upset or

disappointed when it's not the case. For example, there is a tendency to regard the absence of

a written response as a form of rejection.

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