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) What organ cannot be found inferior to the

WHAHHAHHAH, THANKS <3) diaphragm?
= Thymus gland
1.) A patient with bleeding ulcer had an elevated
heart rate but his blood pressure was very low and 10.) A person is standing erect facing forward and
dropping. After the bleeding was put to stop and has his hands facing his hips. What movement does
the blood transfusion was given, blood pressure he need to make it anatomical position?
increases. Which of these statements are = The body is erect with feet parallel, arms at the
consistent in the observation? sides with palms facing forward
= Both negative feedback mechanisms are
11.) Which of the following abdominopelvic region
occasionally inadequate w/o medical intervention,
contains portion of the stomach?
and the transfusion interrupted the positive
= Hypochondriac region and Epigastric region
feedback mechanism is correct.
12.) A patient arrives at an emergency room w/ a
2.) The scientific discipline that deals with the
traumatic pneumothorax after a car accident. In the
processes or functions of living organisms
course of the accident, the patient suffered a
= Physiology
penetration wound which allowed air to fill the
3.) Which of the following examples is the positive space around one of his lungs causing it to collapse.
feedback system? Which cavity must the doctor remove the air from?
= Increased stretch of the uterus causes it to = Pleural cavity
contract which further increases stretch
13.) The kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, and
4.) Which of the following is not true about serous urinary bladder are
membrane? = retroperitoneal
= All of the above (secrete lubricating fluid and
14.) A patient arrives at an emergency room with a
contains three types: pleura, peritoneum, and
traumatic pneumothorax after a car accident. In the
course of the accident, the patient suffered a
5.) Which of these statements are true about penetration wound which allowed air to fill the
serous membrane? space around one of his lungs causing it to collapse.
= Visceral serous membranes are in contact with Which serous membrane were likely damaged
internal organs to protect assuming that the lung itself was not punctured?
= parietal pleura
6.) This pertains to a descriptive science that deals
with anatomical features that can be studied by 15.) Arrange the structures in the correct order
sight w/o dissecting organs from smallest to largest.
= Surface Anatomy = 3) chemical, 1) cell, 6) tissue, 2) organ, 4) organ
system, 5) organism
7.) The study of the body’s organization that
considers the heart, blood, and all of the associated 16.) The basic structural and functional units of an
blood vessels as a unit organism such as plant and animal, is the
= Systemic Anatomy = cell
8.) What cavity contains the urinary bladder and 17.) Which of the following statements are TRUE?
large intestine = All of the above
= Pelvic Cavity a) Coordinated activity of the organ systems is
necessary for normal function
b) Because organ system are so interrelated,
dysfunction in one organ system can have 25.) Which of the following causes aging?
profound effects on other systems = All of these causes aging
c) An organism is any living thing considered as a a) Death genes are turned on later in life causing
whole whether composed of one cell such as cells to deteriorate
bacteria or trillion of cells such as humans b) Free radicals damage the DNA of a cell past the
d) Living things are highly organized and point where successful accurate replication can
disruption of this organized state can lead to loss occur
of function and death c) Mitochondrial DNA damage results in the loss
of proteins and therefore, energy production
18.) In which quadrant of the abdomen would the
pain of acute appendicitis be felt?
d) After a certain number of cell divisions, a cell
= right lower quadrant
line is pre-programmed to stop dividing and dies
19.) In which quadrant of the abdomen is most of
26.) It includes the changes an organism undergoes
the liver usually located?
through time beginning w/ fertilization and ending
= right upper quadrant
at death.
20.) If you make a Jell-O mold that has strawberries = Development
suspended in it and whipped cream on top, the
27.) The nucleotide that is required to protein
strawberries are ____ while the whipped cream is
= All of the above (tRNA, mRNA, rRNA)
= deep; superficial
28.) If all the peroxisomes in a cell where suddenly
21.) Which of the sections below separates the
removed, how would this affect its immediate
body into dorsal (posterior) and ventral (anterior)
activity and function?
= The cell would no longer be able to breakdown
= frontal (coronal) section
fatty acids, hydrogen peroxide, and amino acids
22.) The guillotine, a medieval instrument for
29.) Which of the following statements concerning
beheading criminal, could be described as passing
facilitated diffusion is correct?
along a _____ plane through the neck.
= Facilitated diffusion involves carrier molecules in
= frontal (coronal); if anatomical, transverse
the plasma membrane
(ipaglalaban ko ‘to bwhahahahah)
30.) In ____, molecules sow a net movement from
23.) A cavity containing the heart but not the lungs
greater to lesser concentration due to random
= pericardial cavity
motion of the molecules.
24.) Which of the statements is true about = simple diffusion
31.) Which of the following statements concerning
= All of the statements are true
lipids is NOT true?
a) takes place in the nucleus
= A fatty acid that contains only single covalent
b) occurs when double strands of DNA separate,
bonds bet. the carbon atoms is called unsaturated.
and RNA nucleotides pair w/ DNA nucleotides
c) produces mRNA 32.) A red blood cell placed in distilled water would
d) determines the sequence of codons on a be expected to
particular mRNA molecule = swell and lyse
33.) The type of membrane transport that uses 42.) Fungal infection of the skin
carrier molecules to move substances with the = Psoriasis
concentration gradient for that substance is
43.) The shaft is a structural component found
= facilitated diffusion
associated with
34.) A selective poison that blocked the function of = hair (hair follicle)
the mitochondria was used in the group of cells.
44.) The lunula is part of the
Which of the following processes would be most
= nail matrix
likely to be interrupted by the presence of the
poison? 45.) Which of the following is true about malignant
= active transport melanoma?
= usually arises from melanocytes in a preexisting
35.) The process called diffusion
= is both a) the tendency for solute molecules to
move from an area of high concentration to an 46.) Which of the following statements is FALSE?
area of low concentration and = In partial thickness burns, the dermis and
b) is the product of random movement of all epidermis are completely destroyed.
atoms, molecules, and ions in a solution are
47.) When exposed to cold, the ears and nose may
appear red. This is because _____.
36.) Transitional epithelium is pseudostratified = blood vessels dilate to prevent tissue damage
= False from the cold
37.) When you come home, the smell of whatever 48.) You would normally expect to find ______ in
your mother is cooking makes you salivate. What the outer layer of skin
gland does your saliva make? = stratified squamous epithelium
= Exocrine gland
49.) Heavy smoking destroys pseudostratified
38.) Which of these are not characteristics of ciliated epithelium in the trachea (“windpipe”).
cardiac muscle? Which of these conditions might occur in the
= multinucleated trachea if replacement epithelial cells were not
39.) Fingerprint and footprints are produced by
= All of these would be expected
dermal projections to the epidermis by?
a) Accumulation of mucus in the trachea
= Papillae
b) Accumulation of foreign particles in the trachea
40.) Paul is on the newest diet craze. After a couple c) Increased coughing
of weeks of eating only carrots and carrot-based d) Both accumulation of foreign particles in the
products, he begins to notice that his skin has a trachea and increased coughing
decidedly yellowish tint. This is because ____.
50.) One of the most immediately life-threatening
= Excess carotene from his diet accumulated in the
results of burns to large areas of the body is
lipids of the stratum corneum
= decreased systemic blood pressure and
41.) Which of the following is not the development of cardiovascular shock
characteristics of aging in integumentary systems?
51.) The neuroglial cells that form a myelin sheath
= Increased activity of sweat glands and
around axons are
sebaceous glands
= both the Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes
52.) Which of the statements concerning 61.) Which statements is true about axons?
membrane-bound receptors is TRUE? = have all these characteristics
= Chemical signals that are large water-soluble a) may branch to form collateral axons
molecules normally bind to mebrane-bound b) have an axon hillock w/c is devoid of Nissl
receptors bodies
c) are often surrounded by a myelin sheath
53.) Which of these is NOT a component of the
d) carry action potentials away from the cell body
= Pons 62.) The most inferior portion of the diencephalon,
which is very important in control of body
54.) Which statement(s) is/are true about
temperature, hunger, and thirst, and also controls
the pituitary gland
= is involved in balance, maintenance of muscle
= Hypothalamus
tone, and coordination of fine motor movement
63.) The ___ consists of the brain and spinal cord.
55.) The ____ is the efferent subdivision that
= central nervous system (CNS)
transmits impulses from CNS to smooth muscle,
cardiac muscle, and glands through thoracic spinal 64.) The posterior (dorsal) horns of the spinal cord
nerves. contain
= sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous = sensory neuron
65.) Which of the following is NOT an essential
56.) The parasympathetic division of the autonomic component of a reflex arc?
nervous system = spinal pathway
= stimulates involuntary activities such as
66.) What are intercellular chemical signals,
digestion, defecation, and urination
secreted by the nerve cells and are important in
57.) Which type of cell has a single process that functions of the nervous system
functions as an axon and dendrite? Most sensory = Neurotransmitters
neurons fit into this classification.
67.) Which type of cell has several dendrites and
= Unipolar
one axon? Most motor neurons fir into this
58.) You are walking down the street when a classification.
strange dog begins to chase you. You manage to = multipolar neurons
duck into a store and notice in a nearby hanging
68.) Jhonas, a baseball pitcher, was struck on the
mirror that your pupils are very dilated. Which of
head by a line drive hit by Prince. Fortunately,
the following most likely accounts for this?
Jhonas was not seriously injured, he could not
= The sympathetic nervous system was stimulated
remember how many balls and strikes the batter
by the scare and it, in turn, stimulated the radial
had. This was because
smooth muscles of the iris to contract.
= he lost both sensory and short-term memory
59.) Voluntary motor function, motivation,
69.) This vital centers for the control of visceral
aggression, and mood are all associated with
activities such as heart rate, breathing, blood
= the frontal lobes of cerebral cortex
pressure, swallowing, and vomiting are located in
60.) Which statement is true about the white the
matter of the CNS? = medulla oblongata
= formed by bundles of parallel axons with their
myelin sheaths
70.) Andrew has a brain injury; she knows what she 83.) Which bone in the body does not articulate w/
wants to say but cannot vocalize the words. The any other bone?
part of her brain that deals with the ability to speak = hyoid
= Cerebrum
84.) Jill broke her cheekbone in an ice-skating
71.) Which of these cells are not a type of neuroglia accident. Which bone did she break?
in the CNS. = zygomatic bone
= Schwann Cells
85.) How many vertebrae are there?
72.) The function of the olfactory nerves = 33
= smell 86.) The thoracic vertebrae are associated with the
73.) The olfactory area is found w/in the
= True
= temporal lobe
87.) All pairs of ribs connect directly to the thoracic
74.) The neuron processes that normally receive vertebrae in the back and the sternum at the front
incoming stimuli are called = False
= dendrites
88.) Due to the compression of her intervertebral
75.) Preparing the body for the “fight-or-flight” disks, Rhevie had several of her lumbar vertebrae
response during threatening situations is the role of fused together. How does this affect Rhevie?
= sympathetic nervous system = She will have limited movement in that area

76.) Which of the skeleton do the rib cage, 89.) Which of the following bones is not part of the
vertebral column and skull represent pectoral girdle and attached limbs?
= protect soft body parts = sternum

77.) Where, besides adipose tissue, is fat stored? 90.) Which of the following is not part of the coxal
= yellow bone marrow bone?
= patella
78.) I. Only certain bones in the fetus produce
91.) It is not possible to tell whether skeletal
blood cells
remains are male or female
II. All the bones in the adult produce blood cells
= False
= Both statements are false
92.) Bryan hits his elbow in armchairs as he stands
79.) What type of cartilage is found at the end of up and feels the tingling effects. When he hits the
long bones? “funny bone”. What Bryan he’s been hitting?
= hyaline cartilage = olecranon process
93.) A ligament connects ____
80.) Jackie broke his finger playing football, while
= bone to bone
Khia tore the cartilage in his knee playing
94.) Term used to describe bone cells
basketball. Which one will heal faster?
= osteocytes
= Jackie, bones have blood supply and heal faster
95.) If a tumor secretes high levels of osteoclast-
81.) How are osteocytes and osteoblasts related? activating factor, which of the following would you
= Osteoblasts become osteocytes as the bone expect to occur as a result of this condition?
matures = all of the above
a) decreased bone density
82.) Which of the following is not part of the axial
b) increased calcium levels in blood
c) bone fragility
= clavicle

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